I don’t have much to say tonight, on the “current events” front. It’s about 1 PM here in Colorado and it’s pretty quiet at the moment–and I might not have the opportunity to update this if something big does break.
Let’s see. Sullivan still being an ass, exculpatory information still coming out in fairly large buckets (I can see why some think he’s drawing this out with the knowledge and approval of people on our side). Still got Leftists of various different types running around loose in our urban areas.
And rumors that Durham is simply going to drop his work. I sure hope not.
Reminder of the Most Important Thing about the MAGA Movement
Yes, I am going to harp on this, because it is the most important thing President Donald J. Trump has to do, and he hasn’t really gotten started on it yet.
Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People...Our campaign represents a true existential threat, like they’ve never seen before.
Then-Candidate Donald J. Trump
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. The gun is always loaded.
4a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
5. Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
6. Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
7. Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Mandatory Coin
Now it wouldn’t be one of my posts without a coin, would it?
What we have here is one of the rarest coins on Earth, and it’s a “legit” coin. It was intended to be used as money, was released as money, was issued legally, isn’t a pattern, a restrike or a fantasy piece. Many of the more famous rarities (1804 dollars, 1913 Liberty Head Nickels, for instance) fall into one of these later categories–they weren’t made to be used, and may have been illegally produced.
To my knowledge the lowest legitimate mintage for a coin was 24 dimes made in San Francisco in 1894. Ten are still known to exist. In this case, though, 17,796 half eagles (i.e., five dollar gold pieces) were made in 1822. But unless someone kicks over a rock and finds a stash of these things (not impossible), there are three of them today. And the Smithsonian has two of the three. So that leaves one in private hands. Apparently it sold in 1982 for $600,000, and was up for sale in 2016 in an auction but I can’t find any indication as to whether it sold and for how much, so I assume it did NOT sell–the owner was asking too much. (Surely there are people who would pay well into seven figures.)
Why so rare? I don’t know the complete answer to that, but any gold from before 1834 is tough to find. (There are relatively common dates, for instance this particular design, if you do find one for sale, will most likely be an 1813, which at least costs less than a new car even in the lower uncirculated grades.)
But I do know a large part of the reason for this is that although our original laws specified that gold and silver were to be minted at a 15:1 ratio, this had become out of date. What does that mean? That means if you took a pound of silver to the mint, you’d get a certain amount of coins back in return (this was a free service by the US mint, provided you were willing to wait for them to actually make the coins from your silver; if you wanted your coins immediately, there was a 1% charge). If you took a pound of gold in, you’d get back coins worth fifteen times as much. A pound of gold was legally worth fifteen pounds of silver. The problem was, this ratio had been slowly dropping since ancient times. In ancient Egypt, silver was actually worth more than gold; in the mid 1700s the ratio had shifted from 14:1 to 14.5:1. It was pretty much an unbroken trend, and lately the ratio is near 100:1 (sometimes over depending on the specific day).
[Note: as of 13:13 Colorado time, gold is at $1799/ozt, silver is at $18.75/ozt, for a ratio of 95.946666…:1.]
What happened when silver dropped relative to gold? The gold became over-valued. One could accumulate ten dollars of silver coinage, exchange it for ten dollars in gold (as two half eagles, most likely, as eagles weren’t being made then)…and the gold would actually be worth more. So you could melt it and sell it for more than ten dollars’ worth of silver.
So most of that old gold coinage is long gone, much of it now likely in Fort Knox or the gold “eagles” being produced today. Or in your wedding band.
Some people hung onto some pieces, and sometimes the mint or treasury had retained a small group in a vault somewhere, often all of the same date, which is why some dates are still obtainable, and others aren’t. Apparently no one happened to hang onto a stash of 1822 half eagles.
This page: https://www.pcgs.com/coinfacts/coin/1822-5/8130 discusses this coin, and has a picture of the two Smithsonian specimens as well. So now you’ve seen them all. They show prices below, but those can only be educated guesses when the coin, and I do mean the coin, as there’s only one outside of museums, hasn’t appeared on the market in 38 years.
The weight of gold was reduced in mid-1834, with a design change to go with it so you could tell the coins apart, and the problem was solved, for a while.
In the early 1850s, with the economy being flooded by gold coming out of California, the shoe was on the other foot for a change and silver became scarce. The problem was solved by deliberately reducing the silver in coinage (other than silver dollars) so much that now the silver in a coin was worth considerably less than face value, and that was the end of free coinage of silver. (This was in 1853, and the change was denoted by placing little arrowheads on either side of the date.) No more dropping your silver off at the mint to be made into coins, because they could only issue as much silver as there was gold to back it. For the rest of the century, whether or not silver should be freely coined was a huge political issue, and a large part of William Jennings Bryan’s support was from people who wanted free coinage of silver (and then, probably would have complained about the resulting inflation).
This sort of thing is why I don’t believe that we should switch to a bi-metallic monetary system…the ratios of values of the coins shift constant. Unless we set up two different, parallel denominations (silver dollars and gold ducats for instance) and let them float against each other, we’d have all sorts of problems. But there’s no reason we couldn’t go to a single-metallic system.
For some reason, my comment about you getting to look at all of the 1822 half eagles reminded me of a very old joke…from about 1980. You can update it as needed. Pedro and Luis run into each other in Mexico City. They hadn’t seen each other in a couple of years. After getting caught up on happenings in their lives, Pedro says, “Did you know that the US debt is now up to a trillion dollars?” Luis, thinking that sounds like a big number, asks, “How much is that in pesos?” Pedro answers, “All of them.”
And yes, that joke is woefully out of date, especially since our previous two presidents each doubled the national debt. Another advertisement for either a gold or a silver standard, but not both.
Disclaimer: Neither this, nor any other coin I post, is mine. [In this case: DUH!!!] With older coins, I’m going to find the best pic of one on the internet, so even if I happen to have one, it’s not the nicest one on earth…and some coins are worth more than my net worth so I certainly won’t have those!
Important Reminder
Just one more thing, my standard Public Service Announcement. We don’t want to forget this!!!
Remember Hong Kong!!!
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
Another big boom!?
He’s a good dancer.
I bet the best PAHTY tonight is a Roger STONE pahty!!!!
Q said it would be a hot summer!
I’ve been saving this one for you. Just imagine the word bubble with “TANJ!!!”
This is a VERY effective question.
The law mandating that minted coin be issued 15:1 is a great example of why the Constitution should have had a thick appendix of “Congress shall make no law…..”
Instead, we got the Constitution, as written, which says that the Feds should do about 68 different things and no others. and a short list of 10 things saying, “specifically, they should keep their clumsy mitts off of…..”
Yes, and some of the founders warned having that list of ten would imply that what was in between was gray area, maybe the government could do it and maybe not. They were right.
Can you tell me, Steve, about the coin shortage and what is going on?
The current one?
I have no idea.
Coins these days are basically tokens, intrinsically worth much less than face value (with the exception of the cent); if there’s some sort of shortage, then it’s an issue of industrial capacity and distribution. It’s not a real economic problem like the situation I described in the post.
Thank you for your explanation of free coinage of silver. I never really understood it in US History class. Now I do.
It’s one of those things where, for some reason, the writer assumes you know about it already. Certainly in 1873-1896 everyone DID know about it.
Even very modern books (such as today’s “Guide Book To United States Coinage” (a/k/a the “Red Book”) in the article at the beginning on the history of US coinage, that I sometimes suspect I am the only person who has ever read) don’t explain the issue; they somehow figure the reader will understand the background.
Yes, that’s how it was in my history class.
If only my teacher, whom I much admired, had said, ‘In those days, you could bring in your own silver to be melted and turned into coin.’ All of us would have understood — and thought that was pretty doggoned amazing.
Instead, we got a long lecture about William Jennings Bryan. Happily, its contents were not in an exam or asked for in an essay. As the lecture was all about topics that were relevant in his time, I’m afraid that, as studious as I was, I was confused — much as I was about free coinage.
cthulu, but you mean the federal government, not the fed. And if the Constitution is specific where in the federal government things stem from, that needs to be followed, too.
An oldie but goodie:
… y’know I could watch that all day … LOL …

And here’s one for Apple users
Ty Steve for the coin and metals lesson. Maybe Ill turn over the right rock one day!
“rumors that Durham is simply going to drop his work”
I certainly do hope it’s bullshit.
I do believe Durham dropping anything is wishful thinking out loud. There was a thread yesterday from Dawson that couched a thread from somebody else with documentation that Durham has been at this since before June of 2017, and was in contact with someone on Mueller’s team from the beginning. If this is true, nothing is getting dropped other than indictments on the heads of a whole lot of swamp creatures.
Huh, so starting on June 11, 2017, Mueller was feeding information to Durham to investigate #Spygate because it was in Durham’s purview, not Muellers! #ButNothingsHappening
Great thread
Quote Tweet
ThunderStrzok (Real Thunder; not really Strzok)
· 13h
1. I’ve argued that John Durham has been investigating SpyGate matters since July 2017 at the latest
I’m revising that. Durham has been on-board no later than June 11, 2017. Durham was working with Mueller the whole time, too @traceybeanz @15poundstogo
Show this thread
5:58 PM · Jul 10, 2020·
That is the dumbest thing I have heard to date – as dumb as waiting for his ‘report’!
Ignorance IS Bliss – I guess!!! SMH
What in the h e hockey sticks is this?
DACA was illegal as much as the people. No citizenship, no rewards. Maybe they can earn a permanent greenxard but no oandering fir the election.
Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) Tweeted:
BREAKING: President Trump tells Telemundo’s @jdbalart he will sign an executive order on immigration that will include DACA in the coming weeks. #mtpdaily
Trump: “One of the aspects of the bill is going to be DACA. We are going to have a road to citizenship.” https://t.co/M926cty8A1
He didn’t say it wouldn’t be an arduous, uphill, steep road, Gil.
And it’s an election year.
Yup. We have no idea how hard the road will be.
Like Wolf said yesterday…
Also showing he’s doing work that congress isn’t doing.
And yes it’s a bumpy road. Maybe by the time DACA peps hit the road we might have it down to 10 people
I’m guessing it’s a long list
Question: “What would it take to not only destroy the DACA issue for Pelosi, but have it on one’s own terms, and STEAL IT?”
I strongly suspect that the VSG is going to unleash an unending string of nukes on the left from here until the election.
Oh, I agree wholeheartedly, and he will be brutally honest!!! You reap what you sow – and they have sown garbage in and garbage out – may the bird of paradise have a field day pooping on them!
He’s not supposed to be a politician in the old vein. I dont want to see that playbook.
But a very steep hill at the minimum.
I recall him talking about this at rallies. He said he’s not going to throw all under the bus. Every case will be looked at. I do think it’s going to be a hard road and for most not possible.
If he throws out most of them they will yell at the dems for not saving them.
He knows most people are pissed off about DACA
Let’s say, for the purposes of argument, that we put $10,000 of actual educational value into a K-12 student every year and not just indoctrination and babysitting (errrrrrrr…..). And we had someone illegally in the country that has 10 years of such education and is under 18. Deporting them now would be discarding $100,000.
It would be reasonable to try to salvage this value for the benefit of the nation after taxpayer dollars have been systematically directed this way.
The problems start with allowing any value for any level of public schooling. It may have been true 20 years ago and more true 50 years ago, but it’s blown, busted, and bulls**t now.
(NB, my sister is an elementary school teacher.)
Where do you start counting in, all of the other benefits (must include relatives that came with them) received including but not limited to: medical, dental, vision, food stamps, welfare checks, educating relatives so they can be in the workforce (language) legally and pay taxes. Unpaid taxes.
Once they receive citizenship what stops them from creating “safe houses” to continue the rotation of bringing people in. A house in my (previous) neighborhood had a guy and wife living in 3 br twnhse. Everyone in the neighborhood knew it was a “safe” house and rotated 1k’s of illegals through it. It wasn’t until the house burned down (utilities turned off, guy was using propane heater in br) that it was learned that the guy was not the owner. Owner had been pronounced dead in fire (wife died a year before).
The real owner was a doctor living in NJ and he was finally found out. I lived in the neighborhood for 30 yrs and was going on when I got there. In all those years HOA dues had not been paid, the house was always in bad repair (deck fell off back of house), fence fell down, etc. There were many houses in that neighborhood alone where this was a constant problem. Gaithersburg Maryland, blue state that allows sanctuary.
He has talked about this since before 2016. Part of the conversation involved getting the border under control and, I think, stopping the flow of people who would qualify to receive DACA benefits (but I’m not fully informed on this).
I found this article from 7/7/2020. It has some information that might be true, but Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are two of the founders, so take it for what it’s worth. My point in posting it is that dents have been made in DACA and I have no doubt Pres. Trump knows what he’s doing. If there is a path to citizenship, it will be demanding and there will be far fewer people who could take advantage of it than there were previously.
Nearly 6,000 DACA recipients will lose benefits every week
“The Supreme Court recently determined that the Trump Administration’s attempt to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy was unlawful, and ordered the Administration to reinstate the original policy. Despite this, the Administration has yet to act, and has instead publicly committed to attempt yet again to strip DACA recipients of protections and work authorization. The graphs below illustrate the negative consequences if the DACA policy is fully rescinded and renewals halted in July, the soonest the Administration could attempt another rescission.
“We’ve assumed a scenario where the Administration halts renewals immediately following a new recission, but allows those DACA recipients who have already renewed their benefits to retain them until they expire, as was the policy when DACA was originally ended in September 2017. If the Administration takes longer, more DACA recipients will have time to apply to renew, which may allow them to keep protections for longer after a decision; however, closures and delays caused by the COVID-19 crisis, as well as the possibility of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) furloughing thousands of employees because of budget issues, have made renewing harder than ever, and more DACA recipients will likely fall out of status even while renewals remain technically open.
“On average, more than 25,000 additional DACA recipients will lose work authorization and protection from deportation each month for two years following an end to renewals; that’s an average of about 5,800 each week, or 1,000 each business day. By the time a new presidential term starts in January 2021, nearly 100,000 people will have lost DACA protections, with the total climbing to nearly 468,000, a large majority of DACA recipients, by the end of 2021.”
Hah…hit the ROAD and become a CITIZEN of some other country.
The White House is walking this back at least somewhat, I heard.
like the updated avatar!!
Thanks pat! amwick did it for me!
Agree with Pat — the new avatar is ‘looking good’, Sylvia!
Thanks CM! Good to see you!
Thank you!
And you, Sylvia!
Let it contain:
* A total permanent moratorium on future amnesties
* Multiple Leftist “poison pills” that make them scream to challenge in court
* Extraordinary pro-hispanic provisions that will pit Hispanics against the Left who tear it down
* An unlimited supply of delicious popcorn salted with thousands of genuine liberal tears
You’ve got the same list as I’m thinkin’….that’s where I think this goes.
Lots of Popcorn
it’s not amnesty–
But it will be presented that way by MSM to try to weaken PDJT’s base at the edges.
true…but he was clear about that
When have the media ever respected PDJT’s words? Never, AFAIK.
Melissa Tate
BREAKING: Warrant Served On St. Louis Couple Who Defended Private Property just had Soros supported D.A. raid house and seize their guns. This is tyranny. The Democrat Party is the enemy within this country faces. Lord help us defeat these people!
11:33 PM · Jul 10, 2020
And this couple are both lawyers.
I hope they sue this DA up one side and down the other!
More info
Yeah here’s the thing Kim Gardner was put in place by soros. She needs to go for sure
Yes, definitely.
Love your new avatar Miss Sylvia!

Thank you, bfly!!!!

So was the county prosecutor.
Now we know why local elections tend to be on the non-presidential election years. The other side will actually show up and vote.
More to the point, many of us do not.
It’s even worse when the doggone election is held in April instead of November.
It was only a matter of time for the McCloskeys. Hope their new lawyer gets an appointment with Kim Gardner quickly.
Staged theatre.
Change my mind.
Yup. STAGED. No tears here.
I”m not going to be able to convince you, but word on the ground here says it’s not, and their neighbors are PI$$ED.
Does not surprise me in St Louise.
Does the mayor live in that same neighborhood, and was the pretext actually that the march was to HER house? Or is that BS too?
She lives on a connected street within that specific set of gates, yes. Those streets, it’s a number of square blocks, are gated off at the main arteries of Kingshighway to the east, Delmar to the north, and Union to the west. There is ONE open street from Lindell to the south, but if you don’t know what you’re looking for you might not find it.
The story is that is where they were going and where they eventually went. But the incident on the corner went viral before the other staging could happen.
I have not seen footage of this march apart from the McCloskey’s. Is there any? Like them acting out in front of the mayor’s house?
Not that I’ve seen. Apparently, there was an incident last night, and the police defied their stand down orders to defend the McCloskeys.
That I will believe.
Terrible. Just terrible.
A real reporter would doxx the judge and get into that judge’s history. What’s the probable cause? They won get their guns back. And the money spent will be $$$$.
What are the odds that another “protest” will now show up on their lawn with full knowledge that their guns are not there?
Assuming they don’t have spares, that is. Or that someone didn’t “loan” them some weapons.
Yep, I’d say the odds of the Demoncrat thugsters showing up again are good.
The couple managed to hire some security, though.
I wonder if they are armed.
Hope so.
Yes, they were.
From the wayback machine…
Regarding the SCOTUS case recognizing half of Oklahoma as Indian Territory…..I hope that they looked verrrrrrry carefully into the period from the July 19, 1866 Treaty to the November 16, 1907 grant of statehood.
I would be very skeptical of things written prior to the Civil War that are interpreted according to “common usage” subsequent to the Civil War. A lot of words and concepts were redefined and their new usage sealed in blood. We lament many of these changes to this day, but they are what we inherited from the conflagration.
The Treaty of 1866, however, is clearly after the Civil War, and should reflect the modified words and concepts. It is my understanding that both the Oklahoma Territories and Indian Territories petitioned to become the State of Oklahoma, which would then become the state — but I certainly wasn’t there and don’t hail from the state.
Yeah, it’s a mess.
It doesn’t affect land ownership titles, though.
It affects the Jurisdiction of local/state law enforcement.
Federal charges can still be made…statewide.
The problem is that things like rape, murder, arson, and assault are not supposed to be Federal crimes. Remember the expression, “don’t make a Federal case out of it?” It’s only supposed to become Federal when it crosses state lines.
Mind you, there are probably Tribal laws against rape, murder, arson, and assault….but they’ve sat by while the State of Oklahoma handled things for over a hundred years.
That’s why that window between 1866 and 1907 is so important. If there is some obscure record dumping jurisdiction onto the State, that would clear up a lot.
SCOTUS has ruled that 1866 stands, and good for them. Now let’s see the State do better than “because I said so” for later.
No, this is like the third part of that Chinese Curse…’Be careful what you wish for’.
The Tribal zones are going to be overwhelmed with crime, since criminals will now view them as ‘safe havens’.
Most of the Tribes have relied on state/local law enforcement to deal with general criminal activity.
Their councils have mostly been used to settle squabbles between tribal members.
But now they’re going to have to add more police officers…and devote money to setting up courts.
wheatie, watched this link I found on thedonald.win last night, if anyone’s interested:
ab 15 minutes.
That link took me to the Main Page with a list of all the topic posts.
I scrolled and scrolled, looking for that one…but couldn’t find it, Piper.
Anyone else been following the revelations about Wayfair and Child Trafficking?

Tommy G on twitter has been posting a lot about it.
Here is his latest thread about it, which gives an overview:
Basically, it looks like pedos have been trafficking ‘missing kids’ on the Wayfair site.
There will be an overpriced item that makes no sense…but the name of a missing kid is featured on the item.
For example:
“Caitlynne” is the name of a missing kid.
More examples:
The JackBoots at twitter have been messing with Tommy G, as a result this…so he may get banned over this.
Here is a link to one of his tweets, so that you can click on it, then on his name, and read what he’s posted:
Link to his twitter account:
Tweets by TommyG
That is shocking….out in the open for all to see.
There is no rational explanation other than “trafficking code”. None. And the bogus excuses are laughable.
So are the bogus prices!
Thanks Wheatie. It seemed just too unbelievable, but when FOX posted an article where Wayfair denied this my ears pricked up. And then when the CEO resigned????? Whoa……………this is too “coincidental.” Wow!!!!
Yes, the hashtag #Wayfair was trending on twitter for awhile…

So all the usual leftist entities shifted into emergency response…and proclaimed that it was all “false” and “had been debunked”…when it hadn’t!
Snopes responded in record time, too.
They proclaimed it was “false”, of course.
And now, people are finding similar ‘overpriced’ items on Amazon and Ebay, with names on the items that make no sense.
Oh dear heavens.
That’s the first i had heard of it. It’s sickening to see the faces of the children being sold; just horrific. Someone at Wayfair had to be in on this because users of the site can’t set prices, if I understand correctly. Great digging by Tommy G and anons. This is real journalism.
Yes, it is some good digging.
It’s like the pedo traffickers are trying to ‘unload’ their inventory as fast as they can.
Let us hope, in their haste, they leave “footprints”….
Saw a little of thisxand peolexare fighting ove authentic conspiracy vs you been on lockdown too long. Its very weird . Walmart app has walmart and other sellers on there. I see strange prices a lot. Never looked at details in names.
Oh the leftist bots have been swarming on this…trying to dismiss it.
Their panic just shows that this has hit a nerve.
Well all those wierd Instagram people, links, etc. Plus the missing item listings on clithing websites that turn up wierd inappropriate things for sale, I couldnt not believe they are creative with trafficking. They love “runaways”
Splaining to do.
Where pathetic excuses for “fact checks” won’t work.
Yikes…I didn’t know that last link to Tommy G’s twitter acct would post the whole thing.

I hope it doesn’t mess with page-loading.
I’m glad it all posted. I would not have been convinced by one or two tweets, but the whole thing is utterly convincing.
It’s not displaying all his tweets now…at least, not to me.
I thought that maybe you had disabled it somehow.
Hmm…that’s odd.
Wheatie, Good thing it all posted…it all needs to come out.
“In 2010, Jung received the Clinton Global Citizen Award for her visionary leadership in solving pressing global issues.”
The Jung and the Ruthless…
Oh wow…does he work at Wayfair now?
He’s one of their current executives. The woman I linked above in on their Board of Directors.
Thanks, Sadie!

Great catch…on both!
Are you on Parler, Sadie?
If you are…then I’ll bet that Tommy G would love to know about this CLINTON CONNECTION that you’ve found.
I’m not on Twitter, but I did open a Parler account.
If you don’t want to parley it to him…then I could do it, if that’s okay.
The Wayfair-Clinton stuff is all over /qresearch/ right now. Credit goes to them.
I will make note of that then, and parley Tommy G with what info on Kim and Jung.
The BOOKCASE HIDDEN DOOR is his favorite item? LMAO. These people are TOAST.
Bookcase hidden door sounds like something in an Epstein Island or Comet Pizza passage with stairways… cf those photos with stairs, rooms, and underground hallways, etc.
“Put the Candle Back !!!”…
Exactly. It’s so BLUNT that IMO it’s almost a joke. So the question is, is this silly thing a “pedo/trafficker defense joke” (which pedos do) or is it a “hoax joke” where they pushed a blatancy in a HOAX just a bit too far?
Undecided, and I don’t have to decide now.
Wait, wasn’t Bain where Mitt Romney made his fortune?
Sounds like a familiar connection for Mitten. Seems like Bain was commonly mention while Mittens was running for president.
There’s multiple connections to Bain found. And, yes, Romney made his fortune there.
#SaveTheChildren #WWG1WGA #GodWins
What a coincidence that all of this Wayfair stuff is coming out right after they arrested Ghiz.
Yes…yes, it is.

Did you know that Ghiz has been a bigtime Reddit poster, for 15 years?
Apparently she has even been a moderator.
This is a good read about it:
“Queen of Reddit”
OMG – and then CHAIRMAN PAO swoops in. Yeah, right.
Nuts. Pao’s denial of her sounds like we’re getting TWO MORE BEFORE SUNRISE.
This is also very…interesting:
There are no coincidences.
Prepping the public. And the left is doing it’s best to sabotage it, as usual.
$10,000+ pillow on Amazon with bizarre reviews.
And…there was that strange reference by Podesta, to “pillows”, in that WikiLeaks email where he talked about a “handkerchief”.
So maybe ‘pillow’ is another code that pedos use.
That preview is now unavailable.
Whatchya wanna bet the online army on the other side was up all night guzzling Red Bull while they pulled as many ads and reviews offline as they could.
Not that it ever completely goes away.
Oh, no. Like a diamond, what gets posted is forever.
And don’t tell me Trump’s intelligence people haven’t got all this in hard copy.
Those people are beyond SICK!
Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7702081/Two-Jeffrey-Epstein-prison-guards-arrested-failing-check-him.html
What happened to those two guards? Not a peep about not from them…are they still even in the country or retired to a tropical island with a fat bank account?
Most likely a fat bank account and a tropical island hideout, since Epstein isn’t dead.
Fat bank account, on a tropical island, now Epstein’s body guards
Yep…Snopes shifted into emergency damage control mode on this one.
They did this proclamation while hashtag #Wayfair was trending on twitter.
The JackBoots on twitter took #Wayfair off the trending list, of course…as part of the damage control.
Tommy G’s thread must have triggered some flashing lights and sirens, because it’s been an all-hands-on-deck response from the Left.
I saw the MSM headlines “debunking” it before I actually saw the Wayfair dig itself. They were on this one FAST.
Let’s see how fast “Dodge and Fib” (DOJ/FBI) locks down Wayfair and saves the evidence.
“Now” might be a good answer.
Not necessarily.
Ads are generally provided by a third party, that then pays the web site for the “commercial time”.
Those third parties are the ones who track what you search on, and if you did a search on Wayfair, that third party may have assumed you’re interested in buying from them so it’s presenting you ads.
Pedo symbol spotted on Wayfair. What are the odds that so many unbelievably priced items share the names of missing children and pedo symbols, AND are being sold by a company with multiple Clinton connections?
It’s all just a ‘coincidence’, I’m sure.

Another great catch.
Thanks, Sadie!
Also…Soros owns a huge chunk of Wayfair stock.
The rabbit hole just gets deeper.
I saw a lot about it yesterday, but haven’t made a concerted effort to follow.
This one is pretty difficult to ignore. You really have to be willfully ignoring it to deny it, that’s for sure.
Amazon and eBay are doing this also.the SKU # brings you to a Russian search engine that shows hundreds of images of children and also many pics of Tom Hanx. It’s very sickening.
Tom hanx? Just regular pics? This is all very wierd.
Re-elect Trump campaign ad wish list:
What do Iranian islamic extremists, Chinese communists, and the US democrat party all have in common?
A: They all want Trump to lose in 2020.
And actively working together to make it happen.
Enemies of the Republic, foreign and domestic.
So, still reading Sleight of Mind — regarding the illusion of choice…..and I’m going to deliberately tell it out of sequence as a gag instead of as a study or a magic trick.
Two neuropsychologists from Sweden, at Lund University, decided to run a somewhat non-traditional study. They took a bunch of photographs of young ladies and made pairs, roughly matched by attractiveness. They then printed each of the photographs onto cards with red and black backs, one each. With a table that was covered to match the black backs, they did the following.
For each of a set of volunteers, they would sit down on the opposite side of a table from the volunteer and show them the pictures of the young ladies. In each hand, they’d hold the black card of one in front of the red card of the other. The volunteer was asked to decide which was more attractive.
After indicating a choice, the stacks were put on the table, face down. And the red card of the selected stack was slid over to the volunteer with the instruction: “Here, take a closer look and tell us why you chose it!” The rest of the cards were swept off the table.
Less than a third of the volunteers detected the swap, and the others often went into rather elaborate discussions of why they had preferred the one in hand.
This is where professional magicians lean back and think, “why should I make any special effort to lie to you when you are doing so well at lying to yourself?”
Stole this from Gab:
Romans knew fools would try to topple statues & rewrite history:
To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life, unless it be woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?
– Cicero 106-43 BC
American students were already ignorant wrt their history… before destroying statues…
which is why they toppled statues that represented heroes of oppression
dumbed down they are……………..
Up your alley Steve. Whatcha think???


Silence Dogood, MBA (@familyman20181) Tweeted:
1/ I had to share this for Gold/Silver, NESARA/GESARA followers.
So I ordered a 1oz. Gold Eagle in March & another one recently.
Both are 2020 with the box.
Silence Dogood, MBA (@familyman20181) Tweeted:
2/ Why would they change this in the middle of a year during Coronavirus?
Maybe a lot changed that people didn’t realize.
Remember when the podium emblem was changed?
Patriots that are in the know can start to see that Gold & Silver will take down the Fed in a 1-2 K.O. punch! .https://twitter.com/familyman20181/status/1281685074849812480?s=20
Silence Dogood, MBA (@familyman20181) Tweeted:
3/ Treasury even went out of their way to put a stamp on the back where there was none before!
They also added a circle with a flag in the middle on the front and added e pluribus unum with a ® (registered) symbol
Can you say goodnight Deep State!
Holy cow. Now I want some 2020 Gold Eagles – pending Steve’s confirmation. How do I buy?
My son saw the Disme Coins ad on RSBN and was super excited by it… of course he’s 10 so he thinks they are awesome. My thought is if I was going to get him something it would be something proper.
Disme coins? Is someone marketing a reproduction? If so, it’s almost certainly a ripoff (guess who’s paying for the ads–ultimately the customer).
As for the gold eagle bullion coins, I’m going to cry bullshit here.
The gold eagles come in three grades: bullion, uncirculated, and proof. The latter two are made specifically for collectors and must be bought directly from the mint (usmint.gov) or in the “aftermarket’ at coin shops (and generally the price drops from what the mint charges, though some dates are rarer than others and will command a premium). They will come in fancy packaging.
The bullion grade can ONLY be had from coin dealers (the mint does not sell them directly), and does not come in a fancy box. They come in plastic tubes of 20 each; the dealer opens the tubes, puts the coins in plastic flips (usually, depends on the dealer’s personal style), and sells them over the counter.
So I don’t know what this guy is showing in his tweets with a fancy box that says bullion gold. Much less changing out the design.
OK…so as for buying: The bullion coins are interchangeable, pretty much, gold is gold, and it doesn’t much matter what date is on them. Go to your local coin shop (or online) and order them and don’t worry about what year it is.
DO expect to pay a lot more than the “spot” price of gold which is near $1800. Spot prices are an artifact of the futures market. There’s normally a premium for actual physical gold, but today, I am told, it’s a very substantial premium because physical gold demand is very high. One would think the spot price would rise to reflect this, but sometimes it doesn’t.
I’m going to repeat the latter part of this as a reply to the first post by gil00.
Something here smells like bullshit, to be honest.
The gold eagles come in three grades: bullion, uncirculated, and proof. The latter two are made specifically for collectors and must be bought directly from the mint (usmint.gov) or in the “aftermarket’ at coin shops (and generally the price drops from what the mint charges, though some dates are rarer than others and will command a premium). They will come in fancy packaging.
The bullion grade can ONLY be had from coin dealers (the mint does not sell them directly), and does not come in a fancy box. They come in plastic tubes of 20 each; the dealer opens the tubes, puts the coins in plastic flips (usually, depends on the dealer’s personal style), and sells them over the counter.
So I don’t know what this guy is showing in his tweets with a fancy box that says bullion gold. Much less changing out the design.
OK…so as for buying: The bullion coins are interchangeable, pretty much, gold is gold, and it doesn’t much matter what date is on them. Go to your local coin shop (or online) and order them and don’t worry about what year it is.
DO expect to pay a lot more than the “spot” price of gold which is near $1800. Spot prices are an artifact of the futures market. There’s normally a premium for actual physical gold, but today, I am told, it’s a very substantial premium because physical gold demand is very high. One would think the spot price would rise to reflect this, but sometimes it doesn’t.
(This is a repeat of what I posted to michaelh, to ensure you see it.)
Ty. Well its wierd if you dont believe it too. So, thats why I ask!
Sweet Niece (
) came home today!!! She got a friend with a very low to the ground vehicle to transport her cuz mine is a climb. I got to play nurse! 
Nerve blocks for pain holding up, but she can’t stand straight yet. I’m staying on her to walk frequently to fix that, keep the heart pumping and blood flow up for quicker healing. She will need another tune up surgery in 3mos to adjust all things that don’t settle properly.
Hubby’s home for 3 days, then I’m back on duty next week. We got to gently elbow bump, Closest thing to a hug in months!! 

Praise God!!
So happy to hear!!!!
I hope she knows how much LOVE and HEALING your friends are sending her way, along with everything the LORD may provide!
I told her I had an army praying for her. Didn’t disclose it was a Treehouse Army!!

So thankful God hears and answers our prayers. TYSM everyone!!

thank you for keeping us updated and delighted she is on track to recover.
TY Maga Mom!
Thanks for the update, Butterfly!

I’m so glad the surgery went well and that she’s doing good!
Me too Miss Wheatie!
We are Children of God, Cancer has no place in us!!
Amen to that, sweet Butterfly.

Thats good. Gotta get her upright. Deep breathing and coughing helps. Up and moving a little more each day.
When I had back surgery they had me up immediately. At least one walk around the nurse’s station every hour. It was hell in the beginning, but I pushed myself to increase the laps. Appendix out – walk the halls. It really is good for you. And yes, she has one of those breathing thingies.
Ain’t it grand??
Miss Pat
happy dancin!!!!
Great news !

GOD’S Blessings for strength, recovery, healing, and perseverance for your niece and your family (and you too!)…
Thread Reader App “host error” according to CloudFlare
LINK I was looking for… https://threadreaderapp.com/user/drawandstrike
MESSAGE I was given…
Error 502
Ray ID: …………….4951 • 2020-07-11 ..:50:47 UTC
Bad gateway
You : Browser : Working
St. Louis : Cloudflare : Working
threadreaderapp.com : Host : Error
Cloudflare is a part of the Big Tech Tyrant cabal.

That is who deplatformed 8chan and the Qresearch board, last year.
This Thread Reader from Brian Cates is pretty good.

So the memo Sidney Powell has been asking for for a YEAR AND A HALF finally was unsealed today after US Attorney Jeffrey Jensen found it in the FBI HQ and handed it over.
And now Trump commutes Roger Stone’s sentence.
This summer is gonna be LIT.
Just wait until the Flynn case is dismissed.
THAT’S when the REAL fun starts…
All those anonymous sources **HOPING** Durham is punting to **AFTER THE ELECTION** are desperately wishcasting.
Me: Yes, please! The sooner the better.
Trying to identify the person to the left of Ratcliff…?
You mean the woman?
I was wondering that too.
That’s the woman they said Gen. Flynn had a fling with. She lives in London, but has a Russian name.
That’s Svetlana @RealSLokhova, the lady they falsely accused Flynn of having affair with to tie him to Russia. Who is the man on her left?
Wow. Flynn was accused of having an affair with that gal? Either she had a better day, many years ago, or the lights were out. Ooops. Sorry. Not, sorry. Wasn’t nice of me. But at least they could accuse Flynn of having an affair with a “looker” of sorts.
The picture where it all started, from the dinner with her and Flynn, and I think Putin, was years ago, and she was younger, with makeup, and looks much nicer than that.
I believe it is Attorney Jeffrey Jensen.
From Gateway Pundit:
“Breaking: YouTube Takes Down Tucker Carlson’s Video Connecting Terrorist Susan Rosenberg to BLM“
…………From the article:
We reported on the connection between a terrorist pardoned by Bill Clinton his last day in office and Black Lives Matter. Tucker Carlson then reported on this but for some reason the video of Tucker’s comments has been taken down by YouTube.
………….More at link.
Here’s an informative thread on the Wayfair child trafficking stuff…
Here he references a tool some of you probably know of (new to me) to check for photo manipulations…
from the comments on the dino pics…
more…connecting Tom Hanks/Hanx…
So much chatter about Tom Hanks with all the unsavory connections, but he certain seems to skate around any serious investigations.
Hmmm. Hanx/Hanks/ Handkerchiefs…? and maps?
Yeah like how pedo Michael Jackson could pay off victims’ families millions but escape criminal culpability. Sick
This one goes into a possible link to organ harvesting…
I would guess that twit world might try to disappear this stuff soon…maybe by re-tweeting in my small potatoes’ universe some aspects will survive?
This clip was eye-opening! I do remember seeing outrageous prices for books in previous years and wondered what the heck. Sometimes I wonder how I made it this far being so naive!
Will be interesting to see if Q has anything to say about this.
He ends with a classic Breitbart clip that about brings tears to my eyes…
Here’s a threadreader for this epic find…
Just wow.
We’ve been hearing stories about this NYC priest for years. He was finally going to start talking, but apparently someone didn’t want to hear what he had to say. Yikes!
Oh that’s not suspicious at all.
He was “found dead” in his home…
So they haven’t declared it a ‘suicide’ yet?
Dora, I swear, when I heard that Egan had fired NY’s exorcists….
We may have to go back to having hidden chambers in people’s houses to hide good priests.
Egan did that? I didn’t even know it. I wish we could go back to the days of Cardinal O’Connor. (Sigh)
O’Connor left the place in the red, I understand, but he was sound otherwise.
Yes, Egan did that.
Kroger just banned cash change at their stores. My local news this week was pushing the cashless agenda, too. Seems like a memo went out that this is next on the agenda.
We don’t have any Kroger stores here.
And now I am glad we don’t!
I like to use cash…it’s more private.
Hmm, I wonder if the credit card companies are giving retailers ‘incentives’ to go cashless.
Surprised they can legally refuse to accept cash.
Me too, Zoe.
It doesn’t seem right.
I hope Kroger loses a lot of business because of this.
They cant here. This is one of those things that actually affects poor people who dont have debit or credit cards.
They’re not refusing to accept cash. (Read the sign in the tweet.)
They’re saying they won’t give out the fractional part of the change as coins.
The sign doesn’t say they will refuse to accept cash, only that they won’t give out change (coins), and will either give the difference to some charity or put it on your loyalty card.
So I can hand them a $20 for a purchase of $11.49 and get back $8 in change. They won’t give back the $.51 as coins.
My dad was talking about that yesterday, that were headed for electronic currency. And then I told him about Bitcoin stock dropping like it did when Ghislaine Maxwell’s arrest was announced.
It’s being pushed, that’s for sure, but I don’t think it’s going to happen.
It strikes me as…discriminatory.
What about the people who don’t have a plastic card to use?
It discriminates against them.
The message is, “If you don’t have plastic, you’re not welcome here.”
They are using the virus as an excuse to make changes legally? Normally Kroger or whoever is behind this could not get away with this. Many older people have no credit card.
Some of us like to pay cash as much as possible.
My husband was at Kroger yesterday did not say a thing to me about Kroger not accepting coins.
Good thing I deposited $208 in coins a few weeks ago. Always eager to help the Fed
So the change can be applied to a “loyalty card”.
And for those without Loyalty cards.
Smith’s, locally an affiliate of Kroger’s will hear from folks out this way.
This was pretty obvious for a while. Stick to tradition, both Sacred and in practice, and wait it out.
I have been thinking for a while that the church is destroyed from within. Francis is the tool to do it.
They are building a wold church to put all religions under one umbrella. Good luck.
The power of Christ is underestimated and the war is on.
Also noticed on different boards spent much time concerning mask and I wondered why a mask is so distracting taking away from topics that are very important? The way I see mask one wears one or not .
This is like being stuck going around and around.
The powers know how to divert us take us off topic into the weeds over and over.
The pictures make this one…..
Been reading through the hashtag #WayfairGate…it seems to be pretty active.
Found this:
Uh…a “Peach Skin Cushion Cover” for $35,200.00 ?
Item location: ZHEJIANG, China.
Check out what it says for ‘delivery time’.
Ooops…that should be $45,200.00.
And now…Twitter has completely disappeared the #Wayfair hashtags off the trending list.
All gone now.
Thanks to that John S. Kim, and his face-palmy secret door, I can now say that, by TWO THEORIES, the Clintons are in trouble here.
(1) This is all REAL, and people are “trafficking juveniles in code” using WayFair. The guy Kim in charge of pricing came out of the Clintons. Kim knows what is going on. He is there to LET THE ABUSE SLIDE.
(2) The Clintons created a TRAFFICKING HOAX using John S Kim and potentially others, designed to discredit the Q movement. Kim knows what is going on. He is there to LET THE HOAX SLIDE.
I don’t have to decide which one it is, either.
From what I saw this morning, the retailers used are Wayfair and Amazon. I doubt that’s all of them.
Anyone check AliBaba?? There all kinds of smaller sites, many foreign, who sell a multitude of online products. This is probably worldwide.
A coronavirus-or-not medical mystery:
Dr Joseph Fair appeared on NBC several weeks ago describing his horrible time with coronavirus but now admits he never had it:
Your thoughts? (I don’t have any opinion on this.)
He probably had the nasty flu virus that several of us have had this year.
Somebody made a Wayfair compilation. Let Snopes deny this.
So, I’m watching this video and thinking somebody on the other side read Claire Asquith’s “Shadowplay” about Shakespeare and all the symbolism he put in his plays. You have to have the keys to unlock it – which the anons do have – and the evidence is overwhelming.
Be still my heart. He’s a Jameson drinker. Good man.

The NH MAGA RALLY had to be cancelled – so President Trump is going to Walter Reed to visit the wounded soldiers. Maybe to award some Purple Hearts in person?
5:00PM ET, THE PRESIDENT departs the White House en route to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD.
Found on Parler.
No date was given…but I’m guessing mid 80’s on when this was taken?
Sorry to need help, again, but who is with President Trump in this picture?
Roger Stone
Roger Stone.

Looks like Roger Stone’s wedding?
POTUS with his signature tie
Well, that’s settled. I will not be using Wayfair as I redecorate my bedroom. Nope.
If Bed, Bath & Beyond is part of all of this, I might be in trouble, though.
Maybe check out local stores?
A lot of them have gone to online shopping during the ‘shutdown’…and will deliver…or if it is small stuff, you can pick it up.
Then there are the Made-In-USA companies that have online shopping.
This is a listing for ‘Furniture’:
This is their main list:
I just need pillow shams and bed skirts right now.
I have furniture coming out of my ears. Most of it are family pieces, so they’re not going anywhere.
Ah, well there are headings for textiles, bedding and such.

Might be something you like.
Here’s another:
Good luck.
Thanks for the two links, wheatie.
I still have stimulus funds to spend, and am prioritizing with ‘made in America’. Making it count. Also paid property taxes with it this last week.
You’re very welcome, Itswoot.

There are several Lists out there now, of Made in America goods.
Those are just two of them.
You can do a search on DuckDuckGo and see others to peruse as well.
I’m getting the idea that when Q goes quiet, it’s the cue to the helper accounts to get us all to review what came out toward the beginning. This thread, IMO, is basically a crib sheet for study. Please consider what this account has to say.

See new Tweets
Let’s do a Test
If you are ***allowed to***
He’s the Future Leader of Persia
Are you being unfollowed?
BE LOUD about it!
6:55 PM · Jul 10, 2020
The whole thing is graphics heavy with a couple videos and ends with this.
Have to disagree with who is running NK. Americans wouldn’t riot, reject, revolt if they knew that. A lot of Americans already think that. There was an awful lot of discussion and evidence that the CIA is running NK.
Cashless society … said to be by Dave Ramsey but I could not find an original link. Probably is but IDK 100%/not confirmed. Either way, food for thought.
Dave Ramsey repost
A cashless society means no cash. Zero. It doesn’t mean mostly cashless and you can still use a ‘wee bit of cash here & there’. Cashless means fully digital, fully traceable, fully controlled. I think those who support a cashless society aren’t fully aware of what they are asking for. A cashless society means:
* If you are struggling with your mortgage on a particular month, you can’t do an odd job to get you through.
* Your child can’t go & help the local farmer to earn a bit of summer cash.
* No more cash slipped into the hands of a child as a good luck charm or from their grandparent when going on holidays.
* No more money in birthday cards.
* No more piggy banks for your child to collect pocket money & to learn about the value of earning.
* No more cash for a rainy day fund or for that something special you have been putting $20 a week away for.
* No more little jobs on the side because your wages barely cover the bills or put food on the table.
* No more charity collections.
* No more selling bits & pieces from your home that you no longer want/need for a bit of cash in return.
* No more cash gifts from relatives or loved ones.
What a cashless society does guarantee:
* Banks have full control of every single penny you own.
* Every transaction you make is recorded.
* All your movements & actions are traceable.
* Access to your money can be blocked at the click of a button when/if banks need ‘clarification’ from you which will take about 3 weeks, a thousand questions answered & five thousand passwords.
* You will have no choice but to declare & be taxed on every dollar in your possession.
* The government WILL decide what you can & cannot purchase.
* If your transactions are deemed in any way questionable, by those who create the questions, your money will be frozen, ‘for your own good’.
Forget about cash being dirty. Stop being so easily led. Cash has been around for a very, very, very long time & it gives you control over how you trade with the world. It gives you independence. I heard a story where a man supposedly contracted Covid because of a $20 bill he had handled. There is the same chance of Covid being on a card as being on cash. If you cannot see how utterly ridiculous this assumption is then there is little hope.
If you are a customer, pay with cash. If you are a shop owner, remove those ridiculous signs that ask people to pay by card. Cash is a legal tender, it is our right to pay with cash. Banks are making it increasingly difficult to lodge cash & that has nothing to do with a virus, nor has this ‘dirty money’ trend.
Please open your eyes. Please stop believing everything you are being told. Almost every single topic in today’s world is tainted with corruption & hidden agendas. Please stop telling me & others like me that we are what’s wrong with the world when you hail the most corrupt members of society as your heroes. Politics & greed is what is wrong with the world; not those who are trying to alert you to the reality in which you are blindly floating along whilst being immobilised by irrational fear. Fear created to keep you doing & believing in exactly what you are complacently doing.
Pay with cash & please say no to a cashless society while you still have the choice.
Copied and pasted. Share if you like
^^This!^^ …This right here!

Hear. Hear!
That is excellent, MAGA Mom.
Thank you!
Margamon, I love this article but would bet a small wager Ramsey didn’t write it. It uses “whilst,” a Britishism.
You sure “see” very well.
I was just copy/pasting from facebook.
Actually asked the person who shared it with me for a link and looked on Dave’s facebook & couldn’t find it. Agree
Quick prayer for phyiscal stamina, confidence and wisdom if anyone has extra time. Heading to a conservative conference to learn and esp. to network to bring back knowledge and guest speakers to my county’s GOP.
I also need inspiration & wisdom to grow our GOP. When we cede this territory the GOPe/Uniparty win. In our rural county the “moderates” come to the meetings faithful, are therefore involved in leadership and vote during leadership and during regular meetings for the moderate course. This does not reflect the voters in the county … but too many voters stay home instead of come to the meetings … staying home and complaining about the GOP v. being involved and Being the GOP isn’t being effective and helping MAGA. Doing what I know to do to grow the GOP, in part, so our county GOP will become more conservative and reflect the voters. Too many stay away because they don’t like the GOP v. letting that dislike motivate to become involved and impact what htey don’t like.
LONG day for me – normal day but for me Long day of driving, sitting in uncomfortable chairs, etc., + Way out of my confort zone to speak to strangers and network, etc. So nervcious and uncomfortable!
Thank you for doing this, MAGA Mom!

I’m not very good at composing prayers.
But I pray that the good Lord will grant you the strength and stamina that you’ll need, to do the work you are so generously taking on.
You can do all things through Christ, You are strong in the Lord and the power of His might, You do not have the spirit of fear, but POWER, LOVE, and A STRONG MIND. Thank you Lord for giving Maga Mom courage, strength, stamina, and wisdom to be all that you have called her to be, that she is blessed, highly favored, and everything she sets her hand to is prosperous, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Sometimes he sounds like a nut, but sometimes he is right.
Uh. Not buying it. Yea, didn’t click on it either. Jones, YSM and D-Rats can say what they wish for…
Imagine, if the military or anyone “removed President Trump”. Oh my. Guessing there’d be trouble in the streets.
Rhetorically. How many hundreds of guns are in American citizens control? Unregistered? Ghost guns? (Whatever the latter are
Verse of the Day for Saturday, July 11, 2020
“Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.”
Psalms 98:4 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Saturday Musical Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
* Butterflies – Musical Notes – Prayers *
God Bless You Real Good, Butterfly!!! Hugs!!!
What I like about Tuba Skinny is they all, and this is especially true of their singer Erika Lewis, give the impression of having only recently teleported in from about 1910 or so . . .
Tuba Skinny – “Goin Back Home” Spotted Cat 4/10/12 – MORE at
And they really be dancin’!!!
Absotutalutely, Carl!!!
Enjoyed that Duchess. Thank you.
Most welcome, Kal!
“With Or Without You” (U2) performed by
2CELLOS (Stjepan Hauser & Luke Sulic)
Live at Arena di Verona, May 2016
2CELLOS – With Or Without You [Live at Arena di Verona]
Traffic – Glad

Profile picture
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army!
Profile picture
36 minutes ago, 4 tweets, 1 min read
Everybody knows what’s coming next, right? After the FBI memo was unsealed yesterday? The one that showed
1) Flynn wasn’t a Russian agent or colluding with the Russians
2) FBI concluded he didn’t lie during the Strzok/Pientka interview.
What **document** did the FBI Crossfire Hurricane team & the Mueller Special Counsel’s Office **cite** in the charging statement to “prove” Flynn had deliberately told falsehoods to the interviewing federal agents?
Anybody remember?
Brandon Van Grack: “We’ve lost it. We just have no idea where it is. Besides, Ms. Powell, you don’t need to see it anyway! Your client pleaded guilty!”
Judge Sullivan: “Lost, you say? Ah well, that happens. Move on, Ms. Powell. You’re wasting the Court’s time.”
Good luck hiding it from this guy.
Sullivan just gave him two more weeks to “find” it.
And he will.
These people are sick. I found this in the comments on a helper account tweet.
The chance that this was a hoax is going down VERY fast.
There was a request for a dedicated post. https://wqth.wordpress.com/2020/07/11/instead-of-a-trump-rally-we-get-wayfairgate/
Very cool!
The McCloskey situation. Now, they’ve been on Hannity. posting full tweets for the videos.
Long and short, city police have been ordered to stand down and not defend these people, the neighborhood association is NOT backing them, and I have that from the grapevine on the ground as well.
If this was a psy-op set up, and these people are BLM supporters, they’re playing a good portion of America.
Yup. They are LEADING the opposition.
Think they’ll get on the NRA board of directors within the next 5 years? I’m betting they will.
Watch NRA suffer an unmitigated string of losses, as if the other side knows everything the NRA is doing, once they’re on the board.
Hadn’t seen this, found it interesting, predates the Wayfare reveal, seems to be a deep critical look into the pedo stuff. I havnt finished it yet
Yeah Minnesota you pay for your own mess.
Rep. Jeff Duncan (@RepJeffDuncan) Tweeted:
Great news! @realDonaldTrump has DENIED Minnesota’s disaster request to repair half a billion dollars in damage from the riots. Governors and Mayors who ordered police to stand down and watch their cities burn shouldn’t get a penny in taxpayer aid! https://t.co/8WAgm7AFa7
Found on the twitters:

I’m seeing this reflected in a lot of my friends’ postings. These people are gaslit on the edge of abuse. They really don’t want to have to put their lives on the line, it seems. And they think they are going to if school goes back into session.
1. Teachers are organizing into a national movement to demand schools stay closed until strict safety measures are in place or the virus is under control.
They say they do not feel safe or listened to. And Trump’s intervention has deepened their anger.
‘I Don’t Want to Go Back’: Many Teachers Are Fearful and Angry Over Pressure to Return
Teachers say crucial questions about how schools will stay clean, keep students physically distanced and prevent further spread of the virus have not been answered.
9:26 AM · Jul 11, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
2. With some district surveys showing more than half of parents need or want their children back in classrooms — and administrators forging ahead with reopening — this movement may be less popular than other big teacher protests of recent years….
3. But the movement also has the opportunity to force real policy change around the virus, given the absolute necessity of schools to a functioning society, economy and to children’s wellbeing.
and I report:
‘I Don’t Want to Go Back’: Many Teachers Are Fearful and Angry Over Pressure to Return
Yea, well …. OK.
Oh, did I mention that your pay will be discontinued until you report for work?
And your health insurance will be suspended.
Medical personnel have a far greater chance of being “infected” than teachers will….with proven very low percentages of Virus in the young….what valid argument do they really have. It’s being used as a political tool…after all, the teachers’ Unions are 100% Democrats. I do not think they will get much support if this is the Hill they choose to die on.
I agree, here’s the deal…take it or leave it…pay, insurance, tenure.
Maybe parents should form small groups form a tiny one room school house and educate the kids themselves. I am sure there have to be brave teachers who would love to teach.
Is that not what farmers used to do before big schools?
Daughter that teaches (private school) is not concerned for herself or students, but is concerned for some of the teachers there that are older, a couple are “retired” but teaching there because they want to, and are very good at working with the type of clientele the school has.
That being said, a lot of the teachers that teach K – 8/9 th grades have literally no stem backgrounds, and it is easier to gaslight them. I figure at least 1/2, probably a lot more, of the high school teachers and almost all administrators have no stem background and again are easily gaslit.
There really needs to be an overhaul of the programs that produce teachers as well as eliminating at least half of the administrative positions in public schools.
Interesting conversation.
Paw printsMilSpecOpsMonkeyPaw prints
He’s spot on with this one.
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Vincent Kennedy
· 9h
They are looking for the bloodline with all this testing and all. 23&me wasn’t fast enough. Times running out.
Know [they] fail.
It’s in a book.
10:01 AM · Jul 11, 2020·Twitter Web App
Replying to
I don’t understand. Where are they looking? The University of Va has made their own tests. They test, check, discard. There is no data base that info is stored into. Long story but know how the samples mapping etc works. Are there certain areas/people that they are targenting?
I work in research at good ‘ole UVA. “Data” is never destroyed.
Thank you for clarifying this. I was told different.I have worked with Matt Thomas, the genetic counseor along with the human genome project folks.
I have family history of aortic aneurysm and after my open heart I got very involved with genetics etc.
Replying to
Ding! They are looking for not only bloodline but acceptable genetics to keep transhumanism alive once they wipe us all out.
Cloning is big business. Been going on since 19(33).
Why keep genetics alive with hereditary disfunction if you can create your own.
I can buy this thinking. The secrecy around sterilization vaccines means eugenics. They’re going to create a socialism-supporting eugenic feedback loop in medicine. They need DNA to create “genetic credit scores”.
Behavioral [i.e., supporting socialism – in their terms “not antisocial[ist]”] credit scores will impact genetic/survival/reproductive credit scores.
And families like mine with high IQs and a handful of minor genetic anomalies that make a person less perfect will be targeted for extinction, I’m sure.
“And families like mine with high IQs and a handful of minor genetic anomalies that make a person less perfect will be targeted for extinction, I’m sure.”
Unless we extinct them first, yes.
But nobody wants to talk about that.
So wake me up when enough people have had enough, and they want to do something about it.
I don’t think Bill Gates LIKED “GATTACA”!!!
Code words from an outsider candidate … just worked in WWG – all go didn’t say it full out. But because I am here I kneww what he meant whne he paused after working the way he said it into his answer
This Wayfair thing is a rabbit apartment complex, not just a hole.

Justice is ComingMedium starMedium starMedium star
Police cars revolving lightWow!
Look what Nightshift on the Frog faceboard found
Former Execs w/ #BainAndCompany and #Mittens
now working for #Wayfair Face with monocle
Do u believe in coincidences?Thinking face
Right pointing backhand indexBut there is moar!!
Right pointing backhand indexThread
6:58 AM · Jul 11, 2020
Crazy. I don’t shop Wayfair much but for about the last month at Amazon I’ve seen the same thing. Checked out a random listing today.. a folding deck chair………..$28,972.43 & FREE Shipping
They’re all over the place..above ground pool..blow up deal.. $12,100.60
FREE Shipping..another one over $ 9,000
Wonder if its on overstock as well..
So they pay for it via CC or paypal which runs via CA…. paper trail?
Some people can live for a year on that.
I’ve also seen that Etsy is involved. One of the local businesses with products I LOVE uses Etsy for its online sales. Thankfully, they will be at one of the farmers markets this week. I’m about out of a couple things, and I refuse to use Etsy.
Just tossing an idea in here, but were any of these folks involved with NXIVM ???
Or the Bronfmans?
Other than the Maxwells?
I feel a Q post coming now that the Wayfair thing is being dug up and dismantled. Maybe not today, but this unraveled so fast, I can’t be coincidence.
l E T 17
Re: E-commerce human TRAFFlCKlNG
Translate Tweet
11:11 AM · Jul 11, 2020
And thats one big one. Now expand that into shoes and how retail stores csn be a front for “special orders.”
Really? Do share….a total Mary Poppins here…do no evil, see no evil. La la la!
Think about how expensive shoes are, kuds, men’s, womens. They always have human names and range up from generic to custom and designer. If you go to an exclusive pkace they shut down the stores for you and have special vip rooms. They can easily charge 10k for something “exclusive ” which is only available at certain stores on appointment.
Yikes…well, never having had my foot in the door in such an establishment, so to speak, I was unaware of such places.
I havent either, but I know about a few things.
Me: “I’m not a conspiracy theorist..”
Also me after looking at the #Wayfair tag: https://t.co/jLzqsmCpSG
I always wonder what federal investigators know. Is this something they’ve been looking into for a while, or have anons discovered something that has tipped off the authorities?
Somewhere I saw a quick twitter discussion this morning that talked about the Q team seeding anons and pointing in the right direction. This may well have been one of those cases. Get the anons to dig the rabbit hole, and then confirm it later.
After I posted I remembered that Q says “we have it all.”
TimeTellsAll (@Patriotforu2020) Tweeted:
Did Maxwell provide this tip? #Wayfair https://t.co/AsSUEx6lYh
Whatever and whenever it happened..it was recent. I’m a mass consumer at times and definitely an internet window shopper..I noticed this phenomenon happening for sure in the last month and maybe even back in May but never saw it it before that
That flood of all of this needs to be huge. And expose people who are public figures.
shipwreckedcrew Retweeted
President Trump commuting Roger Stone means he has absolutely zero doubt he’s going to win re-election.
He just dragged his Johnson across the forehead of every deranged Democrat in America with impunity.
You don’t make this move if you think it’s an even slightly close race.
Harold has a THREAD at his place, The Library… wrt Nazi Germany and what’s going on here in US
I don’t know how to post it here…
If you’re interested, click this link https://t.me/s/The_Library_II/20631
and follow through 7 tweets
Wojciech Pawelczyk Retweeted
Wojciech Pawelczyk
WinningSmiling face with sunglassesVictory hand
vid clip of Roger Stone dancing w/ friends (he’s got some good moves!)
Hmmm maybe this wayfair thing links to why soros was buying and pushing attorneys around the USA.
Buying them so they look the other way when it comes to sex trafficking? There was a map showing kids coming in via St. Louis yet nothing in the news?
Zoe, a really great meme…
split screen so to speak,
on one side we see Donald Trump STANDING at a podium, in front of a sign “BUY America”
on other side we see Biden wearing a mask and KNEELING beside XI, saying BYE, America…
Oh, PR, I love it. Thank you.
You’re most welcome Zoe…………
Ace of Spades had article on her yesterday
Convicted Terrorist Susan Rosenberg Raising Funds for “Marxist” Black Lives Matter
—J.J. Sefton
“Tucker Carlson did a major piece exposing Rosenberg and her connections to Burn Loot Murder Inc. But it would not be surprising if most people had not seen it. YouTube has censored it.”
Here’s link to Sefton’s piece… have you told your friends/family about her?
Brian’s brother has a THREAD on Antifa and Fed Marshals, no Reader as yet
try this link, remove ‘splat’ (h/t Butterfly!)
or click on this tweet link
FYI #wayfairgate is trending on twitter!!!!!!
^^^ nice.
Teagan, Molly…
have y’all seen this? I did not know she is in South Carolina…
Tracy Beanz@tracybeanz
If you are interested in helping in SC or in any state to stop these leftists groups in their tracks go here:
Engage The Right
A conservative, grassroots movement committed to informing, educating, and motivating American citizens to become active in local politics.
Tracy Beanz@tracybeanz
I’m telling you right now – liberals coming down to SC – you are going to be met with a wall of Red and I’m standing right there in the middle of it. I’ll do it myself if I have to. You aren’t ruining this state. I won’t allow it.
Tom Adsit@TomAdsit
Replying to
To many liberals moving to Myrtle beach, that place has turned into a shit hole.
Lowcountry Carolina Girl here, so never had an interest in Myrtle Beach are… too many Tar Heels used to vacay there… apparently they moved ‘cross the border.
Baby Sis lives there and she moved from being Rep to DIM (husband’s influence)… I can hardly carry on a phone conversation now without telling her “got to go, yardman here” in order to maintain a relationship.
Greenville has gone insane. They signed on with UN’s ICSEI
My sil was asking if I knew of any group to fight the insanity here..I’ll definitely share with her too.
Yeah, I had a very unfortunate 4th of July experience..my neighbors are relocated Northerners..full tilt Dem which has always been a running joke between us..they say their thing , I say mine but..wow, some alcohol opened the floodgates on the wife’s part.
You cannot have a dialog with them. They cannot concede any point..nothing. It was like talking to a brick wall with a Karen face on it
Know thy neighbor if will come in handy one day.
Lookie here…..
MOAR! Now that the anons are actively looking, a lot is going to be revealed, I’m guessing.

See new Tweets
l E T 17
Time to better organize
To all, esp those under 10k:
If you have any threads/finds that you think people need to see about the recent habbenings drop them in the comments
Others: RT/like the drops in the comments with good info
I’ll RT and expand the # of eyes that see it
l E T 17 Retweeted
Replying to
A company on ebay looks to have some suspicions items for sale:
1:52 PM · Jul 11, 2020
There is another market that is unspeakably dark and depraved – $nuFf films and hum4n hunt1ng expeditions.
Now lets look at all the hollywood peps who sell on the site aka ellen degeneres
Are they using stolen credit cards to pay for this stuff? Or real cards? OR is Paypal in on this to cover it up? Paypal in in CA?
Bitcoin. And other similar anonymous money schemes.
l E T 17
Quote Tweet
· 20h
If you think the Wayfair Child Trafficking scandal is just an honest mistake on pricing and that SKU #’s coincidentally bring up photos of underage kids…
You probably are also the kind of person that thinks masks protect you from the China virus.
God help, America.
The thing is, the outrageous pricing wasn’t happening until recently. So we are to believe that all of a sudden computer glitches making extreme prices are happening on multiple sites?
(FYI, I just signed up for a WordPress account but didn’t post using that account, and that comment went into moderation.)
If you believe the Snake Oil Hustlers, yes……….
That right there!!!!!
“Rather than allow myself to be drawn into unhealthy toxic anger; allow me to shift the focus for a moment to drive home the point that up to the moment that Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election, all national politics was controlled club activity.
Once you see the strings on the marionettes you can never go back to a time when you did not see them.“
The Senate republican wing of the uniparty is dangerous:
McConnell (who controls them all)
I saw an article stating that Ann Coulter is supporting a Dem over McConnell. Yes, a lot of Repubs are RINOs, but they will vote correctly enough of the time that most of them are at least better than Dems would be in their positions. So until we are sure we can get true patriots to replace them, we need those RINO votes on issues like judges and not convicting the president in an impeachment trial (!).
Ann Coulter is a nutcase.
Both sides have them. \_
Ann Coulter Is a Shill Who’s Loyalty Can Be Bought
20 Feb 2019 – 9:44:43 PM
History of “flip-flopping”?
What *made* her flop this time?
Wire transfers are an effective way at swaying opinions.
Shills come in many different forms.
Race to build a base (followers) to build worth to draw funds.
Common these days?
We had 4 years to do it, I am so pissed that there have been no MAGA candidates go against any of these Rinos up for reelection…
Last minute surprise just before the November election is gonna be Cocaine Mitch is gonna retire, I just have a bad gut feeling because it’s anything to get Trump…
China can not survive another 8 years of Trump ( they owe us 4 years for reparations)
Looks like we need a dedicated thread on #WayfairGate
Give me a few and I’ll get something up. At this point, there are enough different retailers being outed, this one is taking on a life of its own.
Thank you.
Headline: Pelosi plans legislation to limit pardons, commutations after Roger Stone move
Tell Pelosi to stuff it.
Total clemency petitions granted:
Trump: 11
Obama: 1,715
Nothing she can do.
It’s one of the powers the Constitution gave to POTUS without any check from anyone else.
Moreover, this would be seen as one branch of gov’t seeking to take away power from another branch.
Just more hot halitosis from the lipstick wearing pig.
FG&C Pelosi has tried to dominate the executive branch POTUS from the beginning. Sh sees herself above the President. Wonder where she got that from?
Heyyy, Piglosi, does the name Marc Rich ring a bell???
I knew it would…
Oh, wait, you were thinking Seth Rich…
Three First NBC Executives Indicted For Fraud against Failed $5 Billion Bank
NEW ORLEANS – The United States Attorney’s Office announced that a grand jury indicted ASHTON J. RYAN, age 72, of Kenner; WILLIAM BURNELL, age 70, of Kenner; ROBERT BRAD CALLOWAY, age 60, of Metairie; and FRANK J. ADOLPH, age 60, of Kenner, for defrauding First NBC Bank, the New Orleans-based bank that failed in April 2017.
According to the 46-count Indictment, from 2006 through April 2017, RYAN, BURNELL, CALLOWAY, and ADOLPH conspired to defraud First NBC Bank (the “Bank”) through a variety of schemes. RYAN was the President and CEO of the Bank for most of its existence. BURNELL was the Chief Credit Officer. CALLOWAY was an Executive Vice President. ADOLPH was a borrower at the Bank who was charged with conspiring with the three Bank executives to obtain loans based on false statements and forged documents.
more at link
They need to go do 2007-2009
l E T 17 Retweeted
l E T 17
That is correct.
The real question is : did they already do it and this is just being played out in a controlled manner?
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· 17h
Replying to @Sun_Q_Tzu and @LisaMei62
You guys should realize something REALLY BIG here I think.
Under the executive order at the end of 2017, this now means that Trump and the federal government can seize ALL OF AMAZONS ASSETS if it turns out they are involved with human trafficking.
Am I right?
This is correct.
Trump can seize all assets of any individual AND/OR organization involved with human trafficking.
This would be effected through the DOJ (and the US Treasury).
Hmmm. Time to cancel Prime, methinks
Jordan Sather@Jordan_Sather_
I’m about as confident in Wayfair’s $10,000 cabinets being “accurately priced” as I am about Jeffrey Epstein’s island temple being a “gym”.
The lying sack Romney ignorers that POTUS had don nothing illegal that Roger Stone could tell the Mueller criminal operation.
Two things
1) Romney is very stupid
2) He is very corrupted
What was Stone hiding that all the investigations did not find? Russian gate was an invention by the same people who want to put Stone in jail. Same cabal of unethical corrupt club and POTUS and Stone are not in it.
The same criminals in Government who want Flynn silenced and put away in jail. The same Judges who are so corrupted that they should be tarred and feathers and drummed out of DC.
We see over and over the evil that slithers in DC and Romney is one of the worse because he covers it up with his religiosity and piety.
Romney is not stupid.
That dog don’t hunt.
This dog does, Trump points and says target I am on it…..
Makes one wonder what the ds has on mittens. Never liked him.
Those that yell the loudest
not just d’s….r’s too
He seems desperate
Yes his son
Could be that he’s been ordering (or transporting, or financing) some, erm, very expensive furniture…..
He may meet Hera to go with his Bane, as it were…..
He is in trouble one way or another
Feels like this almost
What if I CREDIBLY told you that Planned Parenthood didn’t just sell dead baby parts, but live children, too??
Remember PDJT’s EO…..they can seize ALL assets.
They have no moral compass. How can people live with themselves?
I need a meme of Sidney Powell superimposed on General Sherman
Instead of “War is All Hell” it needs to say “Lawfare is All Hell” & “No Quarter for Prosecutorial Overreach”
coming up….
lol I said that vaguely and someone get to work on it … but it’s still true. Need to deliver PAIN.
May you “virtually” slay a regiment of the enemy with it.
Ford to Continue Making Police Cars Amid Pressure Campaign: CEO
Ford will keep making vehicles called Police Interceptors that are used by law enforcement agencies across the nation, CEO Jim Hackett said.
If Ford were to stop making the cars, law enforcement would not be as safe and would not be able to do their jobs as well, Hackett argued in a memo sent to employees.
They just straight up LIE and GET AWAY WITH IT…
“Phoenix and the rest of the state have been asked to implement their emergency plans to prepare for possible COVID-19 overloads.”
In other words, the States and officials that are demanding masks, mandating the reclosure of businesses & events…are implementing their emergency plans…Just testing them out? Is this what VP Pence is travelling the country for, to request we be used as guinea pigs in a national level preparedness training event??
Disgusting if so….
[…] spotted. As new information comes available, please post it below. This topic was taking over the Saturday daily thread and some very valuable information was being […]
Just a quick word on Goya. See’s from a lot of conservative sites that people are so enthralled with Goya guy’s talk in support of the country and our president which is all good. But then sees cancel culture is rearing its head and our response is go out and buy all the Goya up. Internet is already showing empty shelves.
Just saying. Not smart. Goya is a specialized brand for a certain type of people (Caribbean and I’m aware some of you have noted that) . We can’t be going and taking their food. They don’t have an alternative and Goya usually only shows up once a week to stalk shelves.
Usually Goya sections are always full. If you see some one with a full cart of Goya you might want to explain that to them if they don’t look like their from the Caribbean (Cuba, Puerto Rico etc… ).
I understand this and its good info but really just let people buy what they want to buy. I myself will be trying one or two of there items.
Plus You don’t know who they are buying for in this crazy masked world. Sit back and let people shop IMO
Only mentions it because Goya only comes in once a week to fill shelves and those people really do not have an alternate brand. They don’t eat mexican food for the most part.
I fully understand but https://www.goya.com/en/goya-gives

If you do see the shelf full by all means buy. Normally the shelf is always full. If it looks like it’s running out we’ve gone too far.
Racial profiling is such a great idea – I can’t believe we criticize the left for doing it.
Van Grack was gatekeeping, that’s why Jensen had to be brought in.
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Catherine Herridge@CBS_Herridge
· 1h
during the time of the Flynn investigation. The FBI has been, and will continue to be, fully cooperative and transparent with U.S. Attorneys Durham and Jensen. The decision whether to turn over documents to defense counsel as part of discovery in a pending criminal…
Show this thread
New, dedicated thread up for all #WayfairGate related posts.
Thanks DP!
ANOTHER interesting THREAD from Brian… no reader yet…

Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army!
Everybody read this thread from
and fully bathe in the implications of what’s said here.
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Catherine Herridge
· 1h
NEW #FLYNN Attributable to FBI: “The materials recently produced to Michael Flynn’s counsel include two pages of handwritten notes taken by Peter Strzok in early 2017, prior to his termination from the FBI in August 2018. The FBI previously made Mr. Strzok’s notes available to..
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Catherine Herridge@CBS_Herridge
· 1h
NEW #FLYNN Attributable to FBI: “The materials recently produced to Michael Flynn’s counsel include two pages of handwritten notes taken by Peter Strzok in early 2017, prior to his termination from the FBI in August 2018. The FBI previously made Mr. Strzok’s notes available to..
Show this thread
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army!@drawandstrike
The FBI just **clearly** said it was the decision of the **Mueller Special Counsel prosecutors** NOT to give all these exculpatory documents Jensen has been finding to the Court & Flynn defense team.
As I have long maintained…
The Flynn case is going to prove the democrat prosecutors inside & controlling the Mueller SC were thoroughly corrupt.
Durham is going to prove the establishment of the Mueller SC was corrupt.
Taken together, they will be proof that the democrat party, as led by Barry Soetoro, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton was and is guilty of sedition and treason against the people of the USA and the Republic itself.
I had a flat Thursday evening that ruined my OEM tire w/7,400 miles on it. Spent yesterday pricing, found the best deal, and then called because it was not in stock. Tired guy said there is NO inventory. COVID shut down the plants and all the warehouse supply has dwindled. Since I’m in a big city they were able to get me one today so I’m safely rolling again.
Same thing w/RV business. My nephew sells them, they’ve been going like hotcakes, inventory depleted. June Salesman of the month, pocketed $4K in a slow week. People are ditching planes/hotels and driving.
So much inventory to replenish, the economy is gonna BOOM 3rd quarter just like POTUS said.
Newton’s 3rd law in action
Artificially shut down the economy —————-> Economy booms!
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army! Retweeted
Richard Grenell@RichardGrenell
The Obama-Biden team undermined the peaceful transition of power at the end of their tenure.
They unmasked and leaked partial information to a dutiful media when @realDonaldTrump’s team was preparing to take over.
We must ensure it never happens again.
Quote Tweet
· 7h
Between last election day and inauguration day, Joe Biden was “looking for information, and manipulating intelligence,” @RichardGrenell told Newsmax TV. http://nws.mx/tv
Minor thing next. Came across this short 4 min clip. It’s good and in line with what were seeing, nothing overly special that way but it also features Musk in it saying a few things concerning technology and what’s coming. For me this puts Musk’s approach to this puts him in a better light and perhaps makes him a good partner for POTUS.
When it comes to the bigger picture of what’s going on the way I see it, we have three choices. Go the way of Borg and accept total tyranny which we will not, or do what this guy wanted to: Ted Kaczynski/Uni bomber which we will not, though its hard to argue with the guy, or third maintain and develop Parity through competition & openness. If you choose 3 we need to lock up the people on high who invented Russian Collusion, the lab bat virus and Flyod’s murder. Their puppets in the media, entertainment, edu, pvt business, gov bureaucracy from mil to civ from federal to local and all the people in other institutions that have bought on to this need to be rooted out as well since they can’t see they’re herding all of humanity into a trap thinking all will be for the best, which of course it won’t. No WEF, no SDG’s, no Agenda 2030 no rushing ahead like fools which is exactly what the cabal wants. The world needs a more deliberative approach to progress not a rushed one where the jackals are manipulating all for their benefit.
Most of you have likely seen this vid by now.
In it the narrator encourages you to see the vid (11 mins), put out by WEF. It’s a wonderful view of the future, the one no doubt that has all these very smart people enthralled to the point that they want it, and they want it now and they can see its possible too, but at about the 9:30 mark comes the sting where at this point you have no choice but to allow your thoughts to be no longer your thoughts and we enter into a hive state. Devolution complete as man becomes insect.
Note on Musk. Making the assumption that Musk is sincere. Of course he may not be, but they are the right words.
Oh Portland
Soros drops charges.
Free gun to St. Louis couple
This is PART of the correct response to this.
Oh man.

I want court martials. NOW!!
“Exclusive–Read the Army’s ‘Operation Inclusion’ Email: Flyer Decries ‘Weaponized Whiteness,’ ‘Exceptionalism’”

I don’t know what they mean by ‘weaponized whiteness’, but white people are DEFINITELY exceptional.
And there’s nothing wrong with that.
White Lives Really Do Matter! (WLRDM)
Without white lives, most of the other lives wouldn’t even be in a position to complain all the time.
They wouldn’t have any right to complain, to start with. If they tried, they’d get a boot in their face and a gulag for their new home.
We should make a list of all the great things white people have accomplished, all the inventions, all the medicines, all the things that have made EVERYONE’S lives better, and then simply ask others to compare their list to ours.
And then smile… really BIG… because sometimes size really does matter
Wictor has a very prescient and humorous take on BLM demands…
Thanks FG&C, that was a good one

It’s the perfect answer to every racist attack on white people.

A list of accomplishments and achievements which speaks for itself and cannot be denied.
An argument which makes itself, and which cannot be defeated.
Talk to the hand.
Read ’em and weep.
Whattaya got there?
Oh, a pair of two’s?
That’s really nice for you…
But it’s not gonna beat a Royal Flush… times a thousand…
Here’s a BLM meeting caught on undercover video, where they ask the equivalent of “what have white people ever done for us?”

That’s a classic, as was the scene with Brian painting “Romans Go Home” that came before it.
Major Patriot@MajorPatriot
I don’t know if the Mayfair thing is real or not, but what I do know is just like that, millions of normies are talking about missing children.
Major Patriot@MajorPatriot
Interesting exchange between the US Navy and US Army re: Tom Hanks.
Re-read when you think about him being detained in Australia for “Coronavirus” in what appeared to be a military facility.
Quote Tweet
U.S. Navy@USNavy
· Jul 10
Sorry @USArmy, @tomhanks is finally one of ours now.
Out now, head to sea Water wave #GreyhoundMovie on @AppleTV.
Speaking of the new Hanks film…

Goya can’t keep it in stock!
Have to try them out.
Other than Walmart, I’m not sure where you can get it.
They normally keep a separate section for Goya. Example if you want beans you go to the bean aisle. If you want Goya beans you go to the Goya section. Not sure that all areas would have Goya products though.
Moar McCloskey news. This is getting good. Although, it would be nice if one of the shooting ranges offered them target practice sessions. BTW, St. Charles is the next county west, across the Missouri River.

Dixie Antebellum Wolf Moon / #BronzeLivesMatter Retweeted
Neal Houston, Ph.D.
BREAKING: Local St. Charles Gun Store, Alien Armory Tactical announced they will donate a free AR15 to the McCloskeys after Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner sent police to their house to confiscate their rifle.
BREAKING: Local St. Charles Gun Store Announces Free AR15 to McCloskeys After Police Confiscate…
On Friday night St. Louis Police served homeowners Mark and Patricia McCloskey with a search warrant and confiscated their rifle. The McCloskeys made national headlines when they defended their home…
5:21 PM · Jul 11, 2020
One, these people are LOADED. They could afford to buy the store.
Two, I’m sure those are not the only firearms this pair owns.
Three, they really do need to go to the range.
“One, these people are LOADED. They could afford to buy the store.”

Of course, the gun store isn’t doing it because the McCloskey’s are in need.
They’re doing it because now everyone who is paying attention to this story now knows the name of Alien Armory Tactical.
It would cost them millions of dollars in advertising to get this much exposure.
Which they just ‘bought’ for the price of a single AR-15, probably a cheap one too, around $400.
Whoever Alien Armory Tactical’s advertising guy is, he should get a promotion…
I know a lot of Republican animals who would love to vote.
Lisa Mei Crowley
has launched a great news aggregator site with links to current news events. Got it bookmarked!
Quote Tweet
Q Research Notables
· 1h
Today I’m releasing http://thebias.org, a news aggregator to make searching the news all the easier. The Bias prioritizes quality (relevant) + quantity (comprehensive) + chronology (efficient) and will feature more stories than appear on this timeline, so check it out!
Wow full headlines that tell you everything you need to know. Thanks for posting
I could not go to this site which I was told is unsafe or it may be under attack, something about problem with certificate.
THX! Bookmarked
My local supermarket just banned coin change. If you pay with cash and don’t have exact change, you don’t get coins back. It was literally 12 hours ago when I first read headlines about stores doing this, and now it has already started in my area. It’s frightening how it happened so quickly. The alleged reason is that Federal Reserve is limiting the amount of coins to gives to banks because of an alleged coin shortage caused by the pandemic. The real reason is because they are social engineering us into their Mark of the Beast cashless system.
July 2020: They are forcing our children into masks while our cities burn, our monuments vandalized, our police forces disbanded, our cash system taken away, all while they traffick children openly on publicly-traded corporate websites. But Roger Stone’s sentence was commuted and the NASDAQ is at all-time high so victory!!1one
And the Trump rally was cancelled due to a very suspicious hurricane and the media hyenas are having a field day with the pictures of POTUS in a mask.
Here’s what Trump said about masks upon his departure to Walter Reed today:
You only need to look at the media reaction to all of our politicians in masks to know that they care more about the symbolism than if they have an appropriate reason for wearing it. My local news, for example, shows pictures of Mitch McConnell in a mask even in articles where it’s completely irrelevant. The masks were never about public safety.
the symbolism will be their downfall.
POTUS is a wise man
Most people would shrug but enough people giving up change adds up
Why aren’t the Lefties and BLM howling over this? Poor communities and immigrants generally don’t have access to banks and credit cards. It’s going to disproportionately affect the poor.
That is a good point.
I also don’t buy this coin shortage. Do you know how many coins I find while shopping?! A lot.
“My local supermarket just banned coin change. If you pay with cash and don’t have exact change, you don’t get coins back. It was literally 12 hours ago when I first read headlines about stores doing this, and now it has already started in my area.”
I would call the police on them for theft.
It’s MONEY (not really, not since they removed the silver content, but it is treated as ‘money’ by law), and they can’t STEAL your MONEY.
And that money is LEGAL TENDER for all debts, public and private.
And ‘stores’ don’t have the authority or right to CHANGE that.
But they DO have an obligation to give you CHANGE for whatever they owe you!
I would call the police and report a theft. They’re stealing your money, simple as that.
It’s no different from the ancient concept of unjust weights and measures.
You provided legal tender, they have an obligation to give you what you paid for, and return any overage / remainder / change.
Or they’re thieves.
“The alleged reason is that Federal Reserve is limiting the amount of coins to gives to banks because of an alleged coin shortage caused by the pandemic. ”
And the obvious answer to that problem is to STOP taking older coins out of circulation until the plannedemic is over.
The slightly worn coins will work just fine, for DECADES if needed. We know that because we still find coins occasionally that are DECADES old when we get change, and they work just fine.
So if there is a shortage of NEW COIN manufacturing capacity, just stop removing the OLD COINS from circulation.
Problem solved.
It would take a government employee a thousand years to figure that out, and they still couldn’t do it.
Keep the change? Oh heck to the no!
I’m skeptical that there’s a coin shortage at all. My local media was running propaganda last week about how going cashless is “safer” in the pandemic. All part of the social engineering!
Withhold coinage, claim shortage…
System just needs a little “push”
How could there be a coin shortage with so many people using credit cards, and fewer people shopping because of WuFlu? I don’t “buy” it.
You imagine the banks are removing old serviceble coins?
I really doubt it.
More likely is that millions of people just dump their change in a shoebox when they get home, they don’t want to carry it with them the next day to the store.
So it has to be replaced.
“You imagine the banks are removing old serviceble coins?”
I didn’t say banks, but someone must be, or with a relatively stable population, it would seem that we should have reached a state of relative equilibrium long ago.
Sure people hoard, put change into a jar, etc., but most people eventually haul the accumulated amount to a bank or coin sorter machine to exchange it for paper currency. And since everyone doesn’t do this at the same time, but randomly as their accumulation reaches the capacity of their receptacle (or they need it), this too should ‘stabilize’ across the population.
I tried to find a quick and definitive answer, without luck.
This was the most informative:
“I just asked the bank teller in my family. She says the Feds do not remove the coins (Ikes or SBAs) from circulation at least from the bank branch she works at. However, I was watching a tech show on the History Channel earlier this summer and they were going on about the coin sorting machines in this particular episode.
Apparently after the armored truck companies pick up the coins from the coin sorter machines – which are found at many supermarkets and megastores – they take the coins to their secure sorting facilities. The coins that are damaged physically or are outside of an error range for their weight are rejected from the sorting process. After the first reject the coins that are not physically damaged are put through a much smaller and slower sorting machine.
IF the coins fail the second sorting process they are combined with the physically damaged coins and sent back to the mint for exchange on face value – as robbudo stated above. I freaking love the History Channel for stuff like this! (Cited from: https://www.cointalk.com/threads/removing-coins-from-circulation.121375/) ”
This article mentions that both currency and coins are destroyed, but only focuses on the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (paper currency), not on destruction by the U.S. Mint (coins):
The mints produce literally billions of cent coins a year. Unless you’ve personally seen a significant number become unusable–they’re going into a sink somewhere (I don’t mean a literal kitchen sink; I mean a place they just don’t come back from), not wearing out.
I don’t see in your excerpt the *percentage* of coins that are rejected by these companies. It would have to be very high (remember most of what they get is coins from the last couple of years) for this explanation to make sense.
Total mintages for 2016: nine billion (!) cents, 1.5 billion nickels, almost 3 billion dimes, 2.3 billion quarters. (I basically did rough estimate adds of coins from two different mints; for the quarters, of course, I had to do that with ten numbers, not just five, as the five different designs x 2 mints are each listed separately).
That implies that many of each of those disappeared from circulation that year and needed to be replaced. And thus on average, for each American about 25 “pennies” vanished from circulation. I can’t believe that many were redeemed by coinstar, et. al.
And yet most people are using less and less cash every year, as both online shopping and the use of credit and debit cards steadily increases.
It would be interesting to know where all these coins are actually going.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the Deep State has devised some scam to suck up billions of dollars in coins each year that goes ‘unnoticed’… I wouldn’t be surprised at all… it’s going somewhere…
How bout you demand to give $1 less and they eat the change????
I’d be calculating my total purchases to be something.98 so they’d lose each time.
I’m not losing a dollar, they’re gonna lose it.
Now pushing an old TB vaccine for corona
President Trump Preparing New Executive Order to Rescind DACA Amnesty After SCOTUS Decision
SCOTUS threw out the last one on procedural grounds.
From ABC….This is good news…Hopefully they can get to the truth. Houston/Harris County has 143 hospitals. TMC is a drop in the bucket. Web says 21 hospitals, but a lot of those are specialty, teaching, cancer, children’s, women’s, etc., that would not be taking in COVID patients. There’s about 4-5 general all purpose hospitals that do.
Here’s a view of the current ICU status of those 4-5 hospitals. 105% means they’ve started their 1st surge plan, 49% are COVID.
5:28 a.m.: Army medical task force heading to Houston as hospitals fill up
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced late Friday night that the United States Army is sending a medical task force to Houston to help with the city’s COVID-19 battle.
The additional resources, Abbott said, include an Urban Area Medical Task Force from the U.S. Department of Defense that will arrive on Monday and a Disaster Medical Assistance Team from U.S. Health and Human Services that has just been deployed.
“Texas is grateful to the federal government as well as the President and Vice President for working swiftly to provide additional resources to the state as we work to mitigate COVID-19 and care for our fellow Texans,” Abbott said in a statement Friday. “We will continue to work with our local and federal partners to ensure all resources and needs are met throughout the state.”
Houston has seen a significant rise in coronavirus cases in recent weeks, which caused many public health officials and hospitals to issue warnings that ICU bed availability is running low. Houston’s Texas Medical Center is at 105% capacity.
The city reported 670 new diagnosed COVID-19 cases Friday, bringing Houston’s total to at least 26,682. The coronavirus death toll for the city increased by nine to 259.
Numbers are just as jarring throughout the Lone Star State. Texas’ statewide COVID-19 death toll reached a single-day high of 105 Friday. The state had a 15.56% positivity test rate, according to an internal Federal Emergency Management Agency memo obtained by ABC News.
Nearly 14% of all new U.S. coronavirus cases in the past seven days have been identified in Texas, the memo said.
The rise in cases also led to Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner to cancel the in-person Republican Party convention in the city, prompting a lawsuit by the state GOP.
Something is just not right with all of this BS! We know that UV light and humidity kills COVID…BUT somehow in RED states with lots of UV light and humidity COVID is supposedly making a great comeback???
We the People are being brainwashed and manipulated on a MASSIVE level! The Communists NEED mail in voting, and they are attempting to create enough FEAR that enough people DEMAND it!
It’s the Mexican surge. Began mid may and peaked at the end of June with numbers still high. It’s coming across the border but information is anecdotal because no system is tracking it thus Texas wont defend it and progressives take advantage of the numbers.
✭ Wayne Dupree ✭
Why would you vote for someone other than Trump in 2020? His business track record defines knowing how to get the job done and knowing what is before him and handling it
Biden? He’s probably having sniffing and touching withdraws while banished to that basement #wdshow
That is why they are all in on forcing mail in voting. They know they cannot not win a fair election.
Karli Q Medium starMedium starMedium star
Still the Boss!
Donald J. Trump
What an INCREDIBLE opening by
. I will put it up later for everyone to see!
Devolution. Final stop for humanity is to become insects in someones sick world. No really.
Supernatural Saturday June 11, 2020 How God Speaks Through Dreams
And it shall come to pass afterward,
that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh;
and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
your old men shall dream dreams,
your young men shall see visions:
29 and also upon the servants and upon the handmaids
in those days will I pour out my spirit.
Donald J. Trump
Does anyone notice that the real Polls, as opposed to the Fake Suppression Polls also used in 2016, are starting to define Sleepy Joe Biden as someone totally I’ll-equipped to control the Radical Left, Crime, Cancel Culture, or to even come close to me on REBUILDING THE ECONOMY?
Donald J. Trump
Sorry, but we need this
That was better than a Trump campaign ad or speech – well, it almost is one!
Wondering IF Texas ever straightened out its counting “positive Covid. Last week it was the person positive PLUS anyone that positive person was in contact with. The latter are simply in contact with, a possible Covid. NOT a positive or one with symptoms.
Something IS IMO way wrong in Texas these days. Now this article and video below.
FTA emphasis added
Four months ago in March we were told to shelter-in-place for a couple weeks: ’15 days to slow the spread’ of COVID.
Now it’s July and government officials are telling American citizens to stay home and wear a mask over a virus with a 99%+ survival rate.
Fellow QTree folks, what are your thoughts…?
^^^ Corrected.
^^^ Fellow QTree folks in TEXAS, what are your thoughts…?
They’re cooking the books with the numbers…
Something’s up with Abbot………..
Usually Abbott and his number two, Patrick I believe are ALWAYS spot on. Something is hugely amiss in Texas.
That said, they unscrew it. Soon. I hope.
Prayers up Kal !
I’m monitoring Houston area like a hawk. On last page I posted about Army coming to Houston Med Ctr. and other stats. I expect to see numbers decrease. Both Med Ctr and TX Dept of Health websites not matching all the hype being reported. Keep in mind when you hear Med Ctr ICU at 105% ICU capacity that’s only 5 out of 143 area hospitals. And 49% are COVID patients, that’s up from 27% 2 weeks ago. They still have another 700+ ICU surge capacity. TX did around 37k total tests last week, 53k this week…case numbers would rise. Everyone wants to be tested. Employers mandating? Scared protesters? People that partied on the Rivers or at bars? My niece waited in test line for 2hrs on Monday. (She actually took 3 before surgery, 2 were inconclusive?) Found out Tuesday that many of the area hospitals will not give HCQ. Researched to find out who the FEDS sent HCQ to, around 10 tops, out of 143. Some are using the dex (pill) steroid, they need to switch to nebulized butonide(sp?), it’s having success. 80 out of 254 counties refusing to enforce mask mandate. Bottom line, majority of our extra cases here are from GF funeral and protests, IMO, and disease is milder. TX maybe has a few hotspots. I hope they send the Feds in to all the places that are claiming that the sky is falling.
Thanks Butterfly.
Great info. Did see your previous post.
Seems as though a more positive, accurate PR campaign is needed.
Not happening with Big cities run by Dems. Our County Judge is THE WORST!!
Link to above post…
That dude is insane!
When you’re pushing something insane, you have to push it all the way through.
All of the things they’re doing appear to be straight out of the Alinsky playbook, which can’t be surprising, because Alinsky’s Rules are the Bible of the Clinton / Hussein syndicated crime Mafia.
Alinsky RULE 3: “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.”
Quote: “Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty. (This happens all the time. Watch how many organizations under attack are blind-sided by seemingly irrelevant arguments that they are then forced to address.)”
We the People are their ‘enemy’. Everything ‘medical’ is outside the expertise of We the People, generally speaking.
Alinsky RULE 6: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.”
Quote: “They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones. (Radical activists, in this sense, are no different that any other human being. We all avoid “un-fun” activities, and but we revel at and enjoy the ones that work and bring results.)”
Karens love to boss people around.
Alinsky RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.”
“Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. (Attack, attack, attack from all sides, never giving the reeling organization a chance to rest, regroup, recover and re-strategize.)”
This particular ‘pressure’ has been going on since when, February? And they intend to keep the ‘pressure’ on this whole country, all the way until November 3rd. There is no precedent, it’s off the charts, full-Nazi.
Alinsky RULE 9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”
Quote: “Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist. (Perception is reality. Large organizations always prepare a worst-case scenario, something that may be furthest from the activists’ minds. The upshot is that the organization will expend enormous time and energy, creating in its own collective mind the direst of conclusions. The possibilities can easily poison the mind and result in demoralization.)”
Any of this starting to ring a bell yet? The threat from Covid-Stupid is roughly the same as seasonal flu, but they are pretending like the threat is more dangerous then Ebola.
Alinsky RULE 11: “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.”
Quote: “Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem. (Old saw: If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. Activist organizations have an agenda, and their strategy is to hold a place at the table, to be given a forum to wield their power. So, they have to have a compromise solution.)”
Alinsky RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”
Quote: “Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)”
I meant to post Rule 10, not Rule 11.
Alinsky Rule 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.”
Quote: “Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog. (Unions used this tactic. Peaceful [albeit loud] demonstrations during the heyday of unions in the early to mid-20th Century incurred management’s wrath, often in the form of violence that eventually brought public sympathy to their side.)”
They are constantly trying to provoke us to violence, because they know the media will only report on the reaction to their provocation, and never focus on the provocateurs.
WTH is going on in Texas with your gov? What’s up with Abbot?!?!?!
You are watching a movie.
We are watching a once strong Governor cave to the Dems. He needs to learn how to fight.
Appearances can be deceiving.
how do you know he’s not setting a trap?
Hope so. The Army is a good move. Threatening to shut the state down because people aren’t wearing masks is not.
“You are watching a movie.”
We should get better movies, because these movies really suck
FGandC, it is sometimes hard not to get caught up in all of the hype and gloom and doom…even for those of us who should know better, including myself. I was reading all of the comments and started to feel the anxiety and stress.
Then I read your post. Damned right! We are watching a movie!
I have said it long before Q came along. No way in Hell that the US Military does not know what has been happening under the Obama administration and prior decades. They have been watching these communists for a long time. You cannot even take a government job without being asked if you have ever been a communist.
We are expected to believe that the Marxists going all the way back nearly a century…Frankfurt school and all…can devise a plan that unfolds over many decades—BUT somehow a well planned counterinsurgency is beyond the skills and capabilities of the most powerful military the world has ever known?
BULLSHIT! Get the popcorn!

case in point (to your point):
All the gunmen who were in CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle.
They disappeared. Like, off the face of the planet. POOF! Gone.
What happened??
Thomas Wictor….the man who actually analyzes videos and has more insight than most of the well-known, well-intentioned twatter opinionators ….tells us.
People need to understand……..
The exact same folks behind the Q phenomena are precisely the exact same folks who spent the past several decades fighting in the sands of the Middle East against REAL terrorists. Hunting REAL bad guys who were EXPERIENCED killers.
Do you think those guys who were Navy SEALs and went on to become Delta team members just hung it up? Decided to call it quits? Stopped being patriots? Ended their participation in special operations?? Walked away from their sacrifices and said to hell with it all??
Ummmm….no. uh huh.
Anyone who thinks that is more stupid and idiotic than the worst drooling leftist chanting “kill all cops”. Anyone who thinks that doesn’t know the first thing about the people who become navy seals and Delta force operators, much less about the patriots behind Q.
Funny how no one mentions these people. Except Wictor.
99% of twitter misses the real action.
And that includes me and everyone in this forum.
Plus wictor pointed out that lots of retired Leo’s took on the jobs of evidence collection freeing up gunslingers to …..sling guns.
I came across a video of this actually happening yesterday. The unit that took down the “protester” was definitely military, or highly a trained tactical unit. The video said U.S. Marshals, but that looked more like special forces with all the equipment.
I continue to believe Abbott is getting bad information and worse, inaccurate information. Incomplete. Details missing.
Here’s link to Texas Department of Health Stats. Surely Abbott has access to this.

), I went to a fairly new Laundromat on May 3rd during state lockdown. Full of Hispanics, both Americans and Illegals(spoke no English). None of them wore masks, and they were crowding, none had any concept of social distancing whatsoever. I used a lot of hand sanitizer that day, and showered when I got home!
Another note…..Hispanics account for almost 40% of active cases. Yes, we have a large population of Hispanics statewide, but I also think this number includes illegals…..When I though my dryer was broken (which it’s not
I smell diversion.
Look at the pretty laser dot kitties
Part of this is we are being peppered by the Mexican surge. We don’t have a system in place to capture this so information is anecdotal. That doesn’t change the fact that it is true.
20/20 had a special on Epstein last night.
At the very end. .
Ghislaine Maxwell will have a bail hearing early next week.
A compensation fund has been established by Epstein’s estate – more than 70 of his alleged victims have said they will participate.
Hadn’t heard this. Is his brother in charge of the estate?
Steve, Thanks for the thread. Always enjoy reading about the coin of the week and all the other information about coins. This Lady Liberty looks a bit Napoleonic…I bet she has a Greek bloodline too, with that profile. Her hat looks like something a French Revolution maiden would wear.
It is supposed to be a Phrygian cap, but to be honest, it really doesn’t look like one.
Interesting, it goes all the way back to King Midas and even earlier still back to ancient Troy unless that was dressing up old ancestors the way they thought they might be.
It symbolized a slave being given freedom, as far as the Founders were concerned.
there’s actually a rather good wiki page on the caps. Read it when I saw the word Phrygians knowing them to be rather old. Had meant to post the link but forgot.
Cool stuff there.
I actually had looked up pileus the other day and read about it. I did not know that the Phrygian cap didn’t (also) have that meaning in ancient times, though if this article is accurate, it picked up the meaning some time immediately before the American Revolution.
Yep. Finds that things that one had one meaning get changed to a new meaning. Some of it for damn right devious reasons too. Think were safe with this cap story though, other things not so safe.
Yep – French Revolution gear!
It was our gear and symbol before they used it.
Mueller Lashes Out at Roger Stone in WaPo Op-Ed: ‘Stone Remains a Convicted Felon’
Yeah no this guy needs to shut up and be in jail
He didn’t write that.
Just ask him which paragraph he likes best. Guaranteed he says it’s not his area of expertise.
Not his purview.
Maximo Alvarez, President of Sunshine Gasoline, Praises Trump, Calls Out Radical Leftists Destroying America, “You’re Communist!”
Roger Stone Provides Exclusive Response to TGP – Fires Back at Corrupt Robert Mueller and Nancy Pelosi
Feds deny Walz’s request for aid to rebuild after riots
“Feds deny Walz’s request for aid to rebuild after riots”

You broke it, you bought it!
His last comment about if you vote in a dem this is what you can expect. No matter if you like Trump or not a dem must not win.
I love Officer Tatum!
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!
“An analysis of data released by the Florida Department of Health appears to indicate that coronavirus case numbers have been inflated as much as 30 percent by Florida health officials.
Deaths linked to COVID-19 have remained flat in Florida despite the spike in cases. While that may be partially explained by the fact that younger people are the ones largely being exposed to the virus in recent weeks, it is also possible that backlogged cases are being added and treated as new cases when, in fact, they are not.”
Oh BBW these are the people you hire.
This is the first I’ve heard of this case
We need to get this case and GoFundMe trending on twitter.
Also get Hannity, Rush, and Tucker to cover this story and continue to follow up on it.
Black Lives Matter (BLM) murderers.