Cover image: Alfred Edward Mathews, 1868, American. “Exit of the Yellowstone from the Mountains,” Lithograph, from pencil sketches of Montana.
If you missed it, this is a MUST WATCH from Jesse Watters. The opening monologue is one of the best sets of questions on this mess asked so far.
Why is this happening? Rep. Matt Gaetz had something to say about that.
The American people are beginning to punch back. Not only are statues representing our past, as uncomfortable as it might be, being defended by the people, but backing the blue is getting traction.
A little mood music:
And a reminder to take the pledge:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

And now for the nitty gritty of the Q Tree 5 minute, stand up, Tuesday morning meeting version of the Daily Thread.
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
IS 7:1-9
In the days of Ahaz, king of Judah, son of Jotham, son of Uzziah,
Rezin, king of Aram,
and Pekah, king of Israel, son of Remaliah,
went up to attack Jerusalem,
but they were not able to conquer it.
When word came to the house of David that Aram
was encamped in Ephraim,
the heart of the king and the heart of the people trembled,
as the trees of the forest tremble in the wind.
Then the LORD said to Isaiah: Go out to meet Ahaz,
you and your son Shear-jashub,
at the end of the conduit of the upper pool,
on the highway of the fuller’s field, and say to him:
Take care you remain tranquil and do not fear;
let not your courage fail
before these two stumps of smoldering brands
the blazing anger of Rezin and the Arameans,
and of the son Remaliah,
because of the mischief that
Aram, Ephraim and the son of Remaliah,
plots against you, saying,
“Let us go up and tear Judah asunder, make it our own by force,
and appoint the son of Tabeel king there.”
Thus says the LORD:
This shall not stand, it shall not be!
Damascus is the capital of Aram,
and Rezin is the head of Damascus;
Samaria is the capital of Ephraim,
and Remaliah’s son the head of Samaria.
But within sixty years and five,
Ephraim shall be crushed, no longer a nation.
Unless your faith is firm
you shall not be firm!
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

Time’s End
The days once slowly made their way
As though their time would ever stay
But now the years move swiftly by
Scarce time to pause and wonder why
The spring and summer, not held fast
Forgotten mostly, now long past
The long fall, too, once here but gone
The harvest gathered – time moved on
The sun, nigh set, with golden glow
Well marks the path now lined with snow
As fallen leaves ne’er seen again
Speak to a time that once had been
Snow drifting down from high above
Delivering God’s peace and love
Covering all with blankets of white
Covering all without spot or blight
The fading sky comes blue and clear
As God’s Great Day draws ever near
The Last Trump sounds its final chord
Then changed we rise to meet our Lord
Now time itself is at its end
Eternity is ours to spend
In joy and peace and, yes, much more
With Christ and God forever more
Thank you, Carl.

Carl – I loved your poem – it gave me a feeling of peace in my heart tonight. Thank you!
I feel peace from it, too.
“The American people are beginning to punch back. Not only are statues representing our past, as uncomfortable as it might be, being defended by the people, but backing the blue is getting traction.”

I’m not sure when this happened, this whole ‘uncomfortable’ thing, with regard to historical reality.
It definitely didn’t exist in my parents’ time, not about our country or any other. It didn’t exist when I was a kid either. We learned all about Nazis for example, but there was nothing uncomfortable or comfortable about it, it was history.
Fascinating, tragic, almost unbelievable in some regards, but it was history. Teachers taught about it, and we learned it.
Some with American history.
There were no ‘feelings’ involved, no ’emotion’, no ‘comfortable’ or ‘uncomfortable’.
WTH happened to our country?
Where does all this manufactured ‘guilt and grievance’ industry come from?
I’m not uncomfortable about any of it.
You know why?
Because I didn’t DO any of it.
If I did, I would probably be uncomfortable about it, but I didn’t, so I’m not.
And I’m not ever gonna be.
I will never, EVER feel ‘guilty’ or ‘uncomfortable about things I didn’t do — because that would be insane.
I’m not sure what part of that the cultural Marxists don’t understand, but if they want to fight about it, that’s good, because I REALLY want to fight about it.
Like you wouldn’t believe!
That wasn’t directed toward you DP, I was just using your words to address the issue.
Take a look at the headlines for any day of the week, there are multiple tragedies, multiple murders, multiple accidents, terrible things happen.
We all might feel saddened, or angry, or exasperated… but does anybody feel GUILTY — ever — for things they had nothing to do with?
I don’t think it’s even possible…
So it’s beyond bizarre when the fascist Left attempts to make us feel ‘guilty’ about things we had nothing to do with.
It can’t possibly work, because there’s no ‘connection’ between the historical events of the past and the people living today.
Scott, unfortunately it is working with the weak minded fools that are being processed out of the propaganda machines called “institutions of higher learning.” These simpletons have no sense of who they are or what they stand for, so they meekly assume the position that the latest bully requires because they are, in all reality, cowards. I agree with your post, however, in that I feel no guilt about any of this baloney because I didn’t do any of it. I know who I am and what I have done and no one gets to tell me otherwise….
Where does all this manufactured ‘guilt and grievance’ industry come from?
Why the institutions of higher learning, of course.
Spend time in the rare archives of one of these institutions, and you’ll understand why. The research that’s persued in the name of progress is never questioned if it’s well funded.
Gain of function research, mice that are 4% human?
They scream climate change, while their own research laboratories, and the technology that they create, lead in the output of greenhouse gas.
You’ll also find institutional racism, sexism, and class-ism; very few women and minorities in actual positions of power, imo.
It’s all projection.
A top down restructuring of our universities is long over due, imo.
It’s obvious that something’s wrong, when the CFO of an ivy can stand before a room of 40 members of the organization and explain that it’s okay for the trainers to use university resources to build a training facility addition to their personal property, to provide a facility for the organizational development training contract for the entire administrative staff; not to mention the pool house addition for a training facilitator’s home.
Tavistock, anyone?
It’s more simple than that, but it’s not something that’s typed out loud. Although, being Catholic, I know a guilt trip when I’m sent on one.
“You’ll also find institutional racism, sexism, and class-ism; very few women and minorities in actual positions of power, imo.”
This is a critical point.
Why WOULD there be many women or minorities in actual positions of power?
I’m completely serious.
I was raised to respect women, and I have to start with somebody, so ladies go first.
In the history of mankind, women, generally speaking, are not leaders.
For one thing, it’s not natural, and nature is a very powerful force.
It’s not natural for men to follow female leaders, so whenever it happens, it is a distortion or a perversion of the natural order. Every time they show (for example) little tiny frail Mayor Lightfoot of Chicago — who would be blown over by a gust of wind — backed by big strong men in blue, the image is ridiculous. It’s ludicrous, and no amount of gaslighting or indoctrination can ever change it. You can’t have a Chihuahua lead a pack of Pit Bulls. It’s not reality, because in reality, that would never EVER happen.
Same with any profession where physical size and strength is a necessity. If a woman is the leader of that ‘pack’, it didn’t happen because she was physically dominant, and it didn’t happen because she was psychologically dominant, which are basically the only two ways that someone becomes a leader ‘naturally’. It only happened because because somebody decided it should happen, and when they realized it never would happen in nature — when they realized their fantasy wasn’t going to come true on its own — they decided to make it happen against nature. They social-engineered it.
It’s a fantasy. Mayor Lightfoot is a fantasy, a walking, talking anomaly. So is Governor Whitmer, for that matter, and for the same reasons. This one isn’t about race, it’s about sex (contrary to popular culture, the sexes are indeed different, having different strengths and weaknesses). And the only way these fantasies can occur in a real world is if enough people mentally assent to the fantasy.
And that’s exactly how you end up with bubble-people applauding the new outfit of a naked emperor who wears no clothes.
The cognitive dissonance, the gaslighting, the UNREALITY is off the charts. Children see it clearly, that’s why it was children who pointed out that the emperor was naked, instead of the (corrupted) adults, who were indoctrinated to believe the lie — any lie, so long as it was ‘approved’ by their ‘peers’.
I don’t believe the lie, and I never have, and I’m not going to start now.
Why should women lead men?
If there is an argument for it, what is that argument?
Is a submissive male the kind of man women want to be around? Or do women expect men to be dominant, masculine take-charge types everywhere except special artificial niches and carve-outs like boardrooms and executive offices? Maybe women (and effeminate Leftists of all their many sexes…) don’t know this about men, but men can’t turn that stuff on or off like a light switch.
So if women want to rule the world (which apparently many do), the only way that’s going to happen is if women (and Leftist girly men) turn men into submissive soy boys. And congratulations, they’re doing a bang-up job
So again, why should women lead? Why should men, or society generally, be forced to accept an artificial construct?
And what happens if you can only do it in your own backyard, but you can’t make it happen in China or Russia or any of our other adversaries and enemies — the same Marxists, coincidentally (I’m sure…), who have orchestrated all this cultural insanity in our backyard?
If I was Putin or Xi, I would be very interested in my No. 1 nation-state competitor being run by women — as many as possible — and turning all their men into submissive soy boys. Thousands of generations of conquerors must be kicking themselves for not thinking of this tactic, destroying their adversaries from the inside out via cultural subversion.
Where has it ever happened in nature or history, before a majority of the 60s generation decided to create the world in their own (Marxist teachers’ and professors’) image? If anyone can come up with an example or two, you will prove my point, that it is the rare exception to the rule.
And even people who believe in evolution know change can’t possibly happen in 50 or even 100 years.
There were practically no women leaders 50 years ago.
So how could there be so many today, without MASSIVE social engineering, picking winners and losers based on sex?
There couldn’t be.
Now let’s talk about race, one of my other favorite subjects.
And why not talk about blacks first, since they seem to insist on getting all the attention most of the time. No group has elevated being the ‘squeaky wheel’ to a high art better than the black race-hustlers.
Blacks are about 13% of the population.
So in a natural world — absent any kind of racism or protected-class affirmative-action social-engineering contrivances — why would there ever be more than 13% of the board members of any corporation who are black?
Why would more than 13% of the doctors be black?
Why would more than 13% of the CEOs be black?
They wouldn’t be, of course.
Now Hispanics.
Americans who identify as Hispanic are apparently about 14.5% of the population.
So in a natural, normal world, where political outcomes decided by social-engineering do not pick winners and losers, why would there ever be more than 14.5% of the board members of any corporation, or university faculty, or other positions of power and leadership, who are Hispanic?
They wouldn’t, of course. Not in any real world that wasn’t grotesquely distorted by cultural Marxists.
So back to the original question: “You’ll also find institutional racism, sexism, and class-ism; very few women and minorities in actual positions of power, imo.”
I won’t disagree at all about ‘class-ism’ (or cronyism), which is probably the biggest actual problem.
But are the others ‘problems’ really problems at all?
Is it ‘institutional racism’ that minorities are not OVER-represented as a percentage of their population numbers?
If we insist (for example) that every profession should be at least 50% black (or 40%, or even 20%), aren’t we going to need a CRAPLOAD more black people in order to make that happen, no matter how desperately the fantasy is desired?
There’s just not enough black people to go around, for every business to have 50% black employees and leaders. Or even 20%.
Back to women.
And I don’t know if people realize this or not — though I think a lot of women do eventually, just too late in life to do anything about it — but it’s not possible to be in two places at one time, doing two full-time jobs. There just aren’t enough hours in a day to be a full-time professional and be a full-time Mother, at least not in the way any Mother would like to be.
Many women struggle admirably to do both, but conflicts between the two roles are built-in, and only one of them is giving you a paycheck, so when you have to choose — and you always have to choose — which gets priority, and which doesn’t?
The cultural Marxists know all of this very well. After all, aren’t they the ones who planted all these seeds in women’s heads about being men and taking over all the male roles in society?
Did nobody think this through?
I realize that men hardly merit an afterthought in this brave new world, but still, just as a matter of curiosity if nothing else, what were the men supposed to do?
No longer be men?
Were they supposed to become women?
Grow a womb?
All of it is an impossible situation that cannot exist in reality, it can only exist in a fantasy world, and that fantasy world can only exist so long as enough people pretend to believe in it.
But reality doesn’t cease to exist, and the reality is that even if the Marxists distort and manipulate society to turn all the women into men, no matter what they do, the men cannot be turned into women, none of them, not a single one — because no matter how successful the brainwashing and soy diet might be, MEN CAN’T GROW A WOMB to REPRODUCE.
And if a society doesn’t reproduce — it dies.
That’s reality.
Somebody thought this out really well.
And a whole lot of other people, didn’t.
Guess who’s winning…
A couple of historical female leadership examples: Deborah the Judge in the Bible; Joan of Arc; Cleopatra; Nefertiti (I think she was the female pharaoh)…You are probably right that it is rare in history for a reason.
I think that naturally Most women used to desire marriage & family & would often sublimate their personal ambitions to raise their kids. I know that I set aside various dreams when I became pregnant. Both my husband & I thought it was important for the mom to raise the kids, at least when they were young. The thing is, though, once they get to school age there are still so many aspects to meeting kids’ needs that make trying to get back into a full time career would be quite challenging. PT work during school hours is possible but then what happens on Summer Break?
My homeschooling sister-in-law did the balancing act extremely well. She was so organized that she could get schooling done from 9am-noon M-F & that left plenty of hours for other activities. She ran a very successful cleaning business for several years to augment the family income while my brother was working on his master’s degree, but once he was back to full-time bread winner status she dropped her business even though many customers wanted her to continue.
With pandemic insanity in Michigan she managed to establish an online educational position (she’d been working with the online school for years as a homeschooler & taught a number of homeschool co-op classes) that was pretty lucrative. She also picked up some medical coding work through a friend. She is quite the dynamo!
Me, I’m still mostly “just” a stay-home mom who never homeschooled but got Very Beat Up in the process of advocating for my special needs son…Maybe I’ll get back out into the workforce again a bit after things settle down but that remains to be seen. Even though my special son is much more independent now he still needs a decent amount of support & the bulk of that falls to me…
As far as more recent women in leadership goes some pretty competent ones who might not have gotten to their positions through social engineering could be: Golda Meir, Margaret Thatcher, Sarah Palin, & Kristie Noem. Gretchen Whitmer (whose tyranny I’m forced to endure in Michigan) & many in parallel state offices are ideologues who surely never contemplated nor intended Any Loyalty to the Constitution whatever oaths they may have taken. They exhibit no shame for the march of tyranny they perpetuate here in Michigan & in other places across the land. However their disqualifications for higher office have nothing to do with sex organs & everything to do with ideology…like w/ Newsom & Cuomo etc…
“A couple of historical female leadership examples: Deborah the Judge in the Bible; Joan of Arc; Cleopatra; Nefertiti (I think she was the female pharaoh)…You are probably right that it is rare in history for a reason.”
The first two that occurred to me were Joan of Arc and the Queen of Sheba. I don’t know enough about either one to understand how each came to power, but I expect that the Queen of Sheba inherited power as part of a royal bloodline.
She certainly didn’t battle her way into leadership.
“I think that naturally Most women used to desire marriage & family & would often sublimate their personal ambitions to raise their kids.”
And no doubt many men sublimate their dreams and personal ambitions in order to put food on the table for their families. At least that’s how it used to be, for thousands and thousands of years, until the 60s generation fixed everything up. Nobody was getting a free ride in this world, at least not until the last 40 years or so with the Nanny State.
But everybody can’t lead.
Whether it’s two (or more) guys who are friends, or two (or more) women who are friends, or a man and a woman, or a husband and wife, somebody leads. Two (or more) people can’t lead.
People can pretend otherwise if they want, but I can’t. It’s all this fantasy and pretending that has caused all the insanity we’re dealing with, and it takes enough energy to fight the insanity as it is — so the last thing I want to do is contribute to it, by joining in.
For anyone who wants to go to the Bible, it’s a very simple thing.
God created Man, and called him Adam.
God decided it was not good for the Man that He created to be alone.
God created a help-meet for the Man, and she was called Woman, because she was taken out of Man (Genesis 2:23).
“And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.” (Genesis 3:20)
And the Serpent did not deceive the Man, but the Woman. (1 Timothy 2:14)
The Man chose to partake of the forbidden fruit after his wife did, and we can only speculate about why. I suspect that Adam understood that she would be cut off, and he loved her, so whatever was going to happen to her, he would go with her and whatever the punishment would be, it would happen to them both.
And in the New Testament:
“Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. [23] For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. [24] Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. [25] Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;” (Ephesians 5:22-25, KJV)
But lots of people don’t care what God thinks about it, or what God says about anything else, which leaves:
A) the natural order (i.e., God’s way, without formally recognizing it as God’s way)
B) contrivances of men, social-engineering against the natural order
And for those keeping score at home, we’re SOLIDLY in the ‘B’ category in the Year of Our Lord 2020.
“The thing is, though, once they get to school age there are still so many aspects to meeting kids’ needs that make trying to get back into a full time career would be quite challenging.”
At this point in time, it hard not to argue that turning one’s children over to the corrupt State for 8+ hours of God-hating, America-hating indoctrination every day is criminal child abuse.
“My homeschooling sister-in-law did the balancing act extremely well.”
There are always exceptions. But for every one like your sister-in-law, how many tens of thousands cannot do what she did?
Any viable ‘system’ has to work for the vast majority, or it is not a viable ‘system’.
“Me, I’m still mostly “just” a stay-home mom who never homeschooled but got Very Beat Up in the process of advocating for my special needs son…Maybe I’ll get back out into the workforce again a bit after things settle down but that remains to be seen.”
Managing a home (i.e., stay at home Mom) is a full time job, and a difficult one, and any woman who does it well should be very proud, and any man should be grateful to her (and for her).
There was a time in this country, for a very long time, when a man could earn enough to take care of his family so his wife would not have to work outside the home.
That model was very purposely disrupted, in the effort to disintegrate the family unit, and as Q has mentioned several times, to make it easier to deceive the public:
“How does the average person, who is under constant financial stress (by design), find time to research and discern fact v fiction?” [that original post, on 11/21/19, has been re-posted 4 more times so far]
“Do they count on the fact that w/ work, family, stresses of life, etc. that the typical person does not have enough time in the day to research topics for themselves and therefore would believe narratives projected in the echo chamber w/o the need to provide facts or substance other than opinion?“
I guess by that perspective I’ve been a truth-seeker & truth-teller for my whole family for some years now
It’s still important to be able to speak to the issues of the day with a biblical perspective & also to relate to one’s kids of a later generation…My version of “homemaking” & my mom’s were very different but we both can “boast” that All of our respective kids heartily follow the Lord, so I guess we each did something right!!!
God’s ways are Always higher than our ways & His thoughts higher than our thoughts–thankfully! That’s why scripture remains relevant, it’s the owners manual for life as recorded by our creator. We’ll never improve on His designs & purposes so we each need to find ways to surrender our wills to His! Blessings
And thank you very much for your thoughtful reply Valerie, I appreciate it.

I didn’t expect anyone would reply, because we have all been indoctrinated to avoid ever talking about subjects like these.
Which is exactly how things go on for so long and get so insane, because TPTB convince us never to talk about them!
What a scam they’ve run on us…
I regularly hear or see the admonition “never talk about politics or religion”, so that pretty much leaves the weather, and the weather gets boring pretty fast…
After weather and a few other general subjects are exhausted (family, job, sports), if you’re not going to talk about politics or religion (i.e., the things which have a huge impact on all of our lives, one way or another), all that’s left is mindless superficial chit-chat.
And I can only stand about 30 seconds of mindless chit-chat — and only then if I’m blindsided and don’t see it coming, otherwise I find a way to avoid it altogether
“And I can only stand about 30 seconds of mindless chit-chat — and only then if I’m blindsided and don’t see it coming, otherwise I find a way to avoid it altogether”
That’s me! If I ever find myself in some type of a party situation I’m inevitably in some corner having cornered some poor soul & expounding rather intensely on ‘real’ things. Some can’t wait to get away but occasionally there’s someone who’s not afraid to enter the fray & truly enjoys the iron sharpens iron aspect of human interactions…
It’s a reason that I rarely socialize with many females, who’ve been programmed, practically from birth, to fixate on externals & superficiality…I love digging into the meat of things & debating Truth but that’s not a sport many modern people prefer to play…
“That’s me! If I ever find myself in some type of a party situation I’m inevitably in some corner having cornered some poor soul & expounding rather intensely on ‘real’ things.”

“I love digging into the meat of things & debating Truth but that’s not a sport many modern people prefer to play…”
Valerie, I love that about you!
There are many people here at WQTH like that, a much higher percentage than I seem to find in most ‘in person’ situations, which is one of the things I love about so many of the people here
Yes!!! We’re a different breed than “typical” but thankfully have found a home, of sorts, here at the glorious Q Tree! Thank God for this place!!!
How many white people are in positions of power in India?
Or just about anywhere in Africa?
How many blacks OR whites are in positions of power in China?
Or Mexico?
It’s a silly game, until someone begins to take it seriously.
Then it becomes a dangerous game.
Oh my gosh!! Unreal….
You have a very strong sense of identity and of who you are.
Many people do not.
Large swaths of the population have a very weak sense of personal identity.
Their identity and worth is determined largely by their friends and relationships
Their values are determine by the music they listen to, the TV and movies they watch, and the news they consume.
There are many people who simply have no grounding in themselves to what is true. No worldview of consequence.
Their ideas and philosophy are total mush.
When people tell them they are at fault, they believe it, and they feel guilt.
It’s what they’ve been programmed to do.
Michael – my point exactly…I agree.
I can’t say when the guilt started, but I know that Obama went on an apology tour (maybe several), condemning this country’s history and actions. He didn’t start it, but he greatly intensified it, and that was the goal.
that apology tour pissed me off!
so we have some warts—we also saved the world how many times?
we are a smart, friendly for the most part, innovative people who can be loyal friends or fierce enemies. are we perfect? hell no! but we’re someone you want in your corner.
hussein too commonly said shit like, ” we are not like that”, “that is not the way we are”, “the is not us”…
Each and every time, I wondered, who the hell is hussein referring to? hussein was essentially chastising Americans for doing NOTHING WRONG.
hussein was IMO, trying to shame Americans to feel differently than what our values indicated we di feel, should feel…
The YSM promoted hussein then and now. Weak minded huseein worshippers further adopted hussein mindset…America is bad. Such BS.
Have never been so disconnected from a president as I was and continue to be disconnected with hussein, hussein goon administation, hussein followers and hussein YSM. S P I T !
… B I N G O …

“I’m not uncomfortable about any of it.
You know why?
Because I didn’t DO any of it.” …
Well said Scott … kudos’s you hit the nail on the head. It’s a dadgummed “sucker-punch” that’s all it is. I grew up in Detroit .. mixed schools, lower middle class/blue collar, we didn’t have or tolerate this bs … it’s all lawless punks using a narrative to commit heinous crimes
… squash the hateful vermin … they’re “pissants” ..
The culture war that started in the late 30s or early 40s:
I’ve had this on my iPad bookmarks for a very long time. I had done much study on Kinsey mainly via Dr. Judith Reisman, psych classes and reading, for decades. I didn’t even realize until today that I had bookmarked this video. The documentary is quite thorough.
(There is a short period in the documentary that repeats itself, unless I inadvertently backtracked.)
Subject matter is appalling, however it really shows the acceptance by some to practice child molestation and child sacrifice, and from the time this video was made until now, it is also probable that some segments of people have openly progressed to, not just molestation and sacrifice, but also child cannibalism and demonic abuse in our country, although that is not new to society.
It is a long documentary, 2 but it should open many eyes if people take the time to view. It is long, and unfortunately the last few minutes won’t play for me. Please watch and share before it disappears because of the political climate. Just when you think you’ve learned the crux of the video, it goes into more and more info surrounding the subject matter.
Aawwkk! So sorry for the two video links showing up in big screen.
How can we ever forgive you for such a grievous error?
LOLOL. Just tell me that you love me anyway.
Oh but we do. Over and over.
::-) LOLOL. TY.
We adore you Sweet Warrior Jane!
Still rooting for you to be completely healed and kick cancer’s butt!!! 

TY Butterfly for Jesus.
Actually, the culture war, I believe, started long before the 1930s. That’s about when it got organized. The late 19th century is full of the roots.
You are right. I was referring to the sexual inculcation in the country as accelerated via Kinsey’s phony, biased “studies.”
Well, there is that. But there was a push in the Victorian era to change fashion and chuck the unhealthy stuff, make the clothing cooler, etc. It may have contributed to the sex issue, but I think that was more of a propaganda push from the people who developed the methods. Something I read in Bernays’s books talked about birth control, specifically, and his books were copyrighted 1928 and 1929.
I’m sure it goes back further. Birth control and abortion was even an issue in the witch trials of midwives. The video is more than historical perspective on child sexual abuse.
If you watch this video with the sound off, it fits the mask people to a T. The guy with the binoculars? Sundance? Wolfmoon? Q?
Dave Sterrett presents an introduction to the concepts and problems with Critical Race Theory.
+twatter RT…
Great short video by
on the Problems with Critical Race Theory
If you are looking to understand this ideology at a basic level, and the fundamental problems with it, this is a great starting point!…
Thanks, Michael H – I never knew what critical race theory was until listening to Dave Sterrett’s video.
So, in regards to Americans fighting back, I have had my own little neighborhood war going on over the last few days. After the shooting and protests in downtown Provo two weeks ago, graffiti has started to show up on a large round-about structure near my home. Finally, after suffering in silence and making my ulcer worse and waking up Sunday morning to even more profane chalk drawings, etc., I marched out to the road with my bucket of water and my push broom and proceeded to scrub away as much of the offensive stuff as I could. Suddenly, a car pulled up next to me. A new friend was made – he said, “I am so sick of this crap. I am going home to get my power washer and I will be right back.” I said, “God Bless you and that will be great!” Between the two of us, we got most of it cleaned off before noon that day. Lot of cars whizzing by and not one of them harassed us. I called our local police dispatch today and reported it as vandalism of public property. The police officer in charge called me back immediately, told me they were on it and would be watching closely for any further occurrences. My point is, we can all fight back, no matter how small a gesture it may seem we MUST start somewhere or the real fascists will take over. My ulcer has calmed down as well, thank you very much….
Very cool, OW21…good for you!

good for you for standing up for what YOU believe in!
God bless y’all stand up citizens. Job well done.
OW21, thanks for this. Me and grandpa are getting active in our tiny town…we have one stoplight too. Irregularities going on in our town with the utilities. Ugh. The town officials have been running things for decades and don’t feel obliged to tell the citizens anything about anything.
Have already caught one of them lying through his teeth at a public meeting.
But that’s what we get for not paying attention all these years.
Our civic duty got buried under work and family…
Multiply this on a national scale and we’ve got the current situation.
grandma…your simple comment, “”Our civic duty got buried under work and family.”, is the best synopsis of what we are reaping in today’s times and actions that I have read for a while; so simple, so true.
While “we” have been enjoying what our unique and blessed Country has to offer, the marxists have been on an infiltration and destroying Mission for many decades.
I DO believe we are culpable, but it’s indeed regrettable when just being a good citizen, and tending to our business, is shown to be a liability.
I know. But I am determined to fight them to the death. I can’t sit back and watch this great country fall. All those in my family who came before, and my beloved grandchildren need me to fight like hell.
It occurred to me that all of us who have been open in our defense of our nation will have our heads on the chopping block anyway. They will come after us at their leisure.
grandma, yes, I believe you may be right.
Just last week, as I was reading through a section of Old Testament prophesy, I was reminded that The Remnant ALSO got hauled off to exile, right along with the idolaters and reprobates.
There are no guarantees.
Work, specifically, has been exploited to the advantage of the other side.
DP, oh,yes!
I mean, get up, maybe exercise, eat, commute, spend 8+ hours busy, commute, cook, eat…it can be a treadmill.
I chose to get off and do something else.
You, go Grandma! You will get a lot of personal satisfaction out of being more involved, believe me! By the way, how are you feeling about Gov. Abbott these days?
He has betrayed Texans.
No nuance at all. Openly commie new head of the LAUSD teachers union.
(@GuiltyHonkey) Tweeted:
Make L.A Great Again
Wow …
“We need to have a set of demand that dovetail with Black Lives Matter” ..
This is the President of L.A teacher’s union !
Open the schools…or give us our money back!
There are competing points on this. One Twitter account yesterday that with the kids not in school, they can’t be used for false flags. Hadn’t thought of that, but it is a consideration.
Defund ’em anyway. Well, the administrative offices. More funding for the arts would be nice.
the small community where I worked paid their Chief of Police $58,000 a year. the principal of the local high school’s secretary made $90,000 a year. the principal? $157,000 a year. NUTS!!!
If I told you what executive assistants to CEOs and presidents of companies make, you’d be shocked.
I’m sure…when this was made public, everyone was shocked…and no one, and I do mean no one, thought the salaries were justified. we truly are a small area–there’s one stoplight in town and you can travel 20 miles in either direction before hitting another.
I agree!
if they don’t work, they shouldn’t receive taxes!!!
go on unemployment like everyone else.
Roger Stone gave his first interview…with Hannity, a few hours ago:
viewToob is not wanting to display, but if you go direct to link it will play…
Uh oh…sorry about that.
Thanks, T3!
Wait…it’s still playing okay for me, but it’s not for you?
Not your fault… when I click play in the WQTH blog page Viewboob says “unavailable.” When I copied the URL into Brave browser then it played fine. Really a great interview. Sean talked right over Roger’s disclosure that Sean exhorted Roger to turn to Jesus which was an interesting choice by Sean. Roger is not ashamed to admit he humbled himself before God.
If I take the chart FG&C found at face value…
…it looks like that bullet that Wayfair’s name on it.
Disclosure Backpack (Parler: DisclosureBP)
I made this 2 years ago. Injustice isn’t defeated with violence, but by bringing #DarkToLight.……
I have thought all along that the pedo stuff would knock the Demoncrats back on their heels…and red pill a lot of clueless people.

Once people see what the elitists pedos have been doing…they will be more likely to believe the other crimes that they’ve done.
And also those who have been *covering* for them.
Instead of “Oh I don’t believe that.”
It would be…”Yeah, I can believe that. The guy’s a pedophile!”
So the Wayfair thing hitting right after Ghiz was arrested…
I’m hoping that this is leading up to even more coming out into the light.
And PizzaGate was never debunked.
The Enemedia just gaslighted the public by declaring that it had been “debunked”.
But it never was!
Exactly. If I ask people to show me the evidence they just ignore me or block me. Telling.
Interesting that we’re now in the “blackout necessary” week… can’t wait for next week…
Which came first — Yellowstone Park or Statehood?
Yellowstone National Park!
The Park was established in 1872…but Wyoming didn’t become a state until 1890, when it became our 44th state.
The Park also predates Montana, which borders on Yellowstone.
Montana became a state in 1889 when it became our 41st state.
Idaho borders Yellowstone on the west, and became our 43rd state when it became a state in 1890.
Vintage Documentary on Yellowstone:
One day we will go. Id like to live within 2 hrs of there once we escape.
Not that I expect anyone to actually care…..but I figure it might amuse….
I had noted yesterday about the cramped space behind the dryer where I was working. The reason it is so cramped is because the dryer’s space in the mudroom is only about eight inches from a step down for the door to outside. I could move the dryer forward about 20 inches by balancing it on the edge of this well.That meant that I was working in a space about 28″ wide (eight inches where the duct normally goes, eight more inches of floor, and about a foot over the edge of the step).
Got things appropriately vacuumed/blown out, and was reassembling the dryer, when I got to putting in the two bottom screws of the internal duct, which are about one inch into the frame of the dryer and two inches up from the floor. And my inherited nut driver was particularly long.
So I flopped down on my tuchis and started playing Twister to see if I could get the screw, the nutdriver, the dryer, and everything to cooperate….and, between my hip and pressure on the nutdriver, the dryer fell into the hole. Immediately after hitting the bottom of the hole, it then toppled forward into the wall.
I immediately checked to see if I had waked the Fiancee (at the far end of the house), then went back to survey the situation. I almost wish I’d done this [in a more controlled fashion] in the first place, as now there is plenty of room to work and everything is nicely accessible on top. As a bonus, I’m going to be able to mop the entire floor under the dryer and a good portion of floor under the washer.
I consider it extremely unlikely that there is any damage to the floor, and there may not even be any damage to the wall. The dryer is an ’80s Kenmore, built like it was for a laundromat — you could probably mount it to the front of a bulldozer and shove it through the entire house (and some cars) without damaging it.
Did you find the pen, Coothie?
And yeah, those old Kenmore washers & dryers were built like tanks.
I wish I still had mine!
I found the pen yesterday. And discovered that the duct-cleaning service I’d had done about five years ago was worthless because it only did the duct between the dryer and the wall…..which is only a little longer than the duct inside the dryer (and is much easier to get to).
Except for the contortionism, this is really a straightforward project. If I had this thing sitting on a two-foot platform in the middle of an empty shop, it’d be child’s play. But I was trying to do it while wedged behind the unit, which was dangling on the edge of a step, while under a shelf.
I’d actually considered taking a spare piece of plywood and stacking stuff in the well to support it as additional floor. That would have been safer and easier, knowing what I know now. Unfortunately, how I went into this was thinking it had been competently serviced a few years back and I should focus on merely retrieving the pen.
There have been other sagas that have been omitted along the way — like finding my air compressor crammed in the middle of my garage, under four other boxes of crud, digging it out and finding that it didn’t have the hose or the valve packaged in the box. Then finding the hose and spending 15 minutes excavating it and discovering I still didn’t have the valve. All told, it took me an hour of prep before I was able to start blowing out otherwise inaccessible crud that I could see.
Or labelling everything when I put it back together. The lint duct is held in by four 5/16″ hex-head sheet-metal screws from the back and two phillips screws from the top. The screw holes are now marked like *5/16″ 3/4* with Sharpie. I do this to back panels, inside panels, and power supplies all the time (if you’re marking on something black, they make a silver Sharpie). It’s hard-won knowledge that I had to figure out from nothing — if I have to do it again in five years, I’ll appreciate any hints. (BTW, most US appliances pre-China are held together by 1/4″ hex-head metal screws. Post-China, there’s a bunch of metric, a bunch of SAE, and a bunch of wonky stuff that appears to be based on the length of an Emperor’s manhood circa 922 AD.)
Well I’m glad you’ve got that ordeal behind you.
You probably have the cleanest dryer in town right now!
Except for the new ones in warehouses, that is.
This is an offshoot about “in the warehouses”..we’ve apparently got major shortages of appliances. They’re not in the warehouses.
I may have related my fridge and stove saga here but recap is..I ordered them from BestBuy in Dec. at first they said delivery in Jan..then it changed to Feb. I got mad, canceled and ordered through Costco because they the next week.. Didn’t happen. Finally in March they arrived.
Now my brother & SIL..different part of country. Their fridge completely went out. Went to several places and in 2 weeks. 2 weeks came and went. The 1st excuse was they couldn’t get delivery drivers…after demands of what’s going on they finally admitted that it might be available in Sept. “Might be”
Wow, that’s not good.
I haven’t heard of this going on here.
You’re in CA, right?
Have you checked in other cities…or in states nearby?
Maybe you could go pick them up, instead of having to wait?
My ordeal was in Cal…Bro is in South Carolina so it’s not regional. My theory is that production is down..due to CV or maybe can’t get parts made in China ? Something is going on…the guy at BB (the other day in SC) told him that the delays are killing them.
Sorry you’re having to wait so long, Molly.
Yeah, it sounds like something is going on.
Plant closures due to the CV? Yep, could be.
Wheatie, it took us weeks to get a simple little printer. We literally had to check almost daily at the Walmart. Finally asked a guy what was going on and he said they just weren’t coming. Had been on order for weeks but no deliveries.
Also, the shelves are emptying out again.
I think we are seeing the supply chain break down…
My fridge died two weeks ago… was a nightmare trying to find a black fridge that fit my measurement requirements….Home Depot had zero fridges on their showroom floors and appliance dealers who usually carry large inventories were down to one or two fridges on their showroom floors and a lot of dealers were telling me that they didn’t know when they’d get in another shipment.
I finally found one at a dealership located four hours from where I live that actually had one fridge on their floor that would work for me…so yeah, there is definitely an issue with appliance shortages….:0)
Friend of mine was at Lowe’s yesterday to purchase a small replacement countertop.
Staff told friend how fortunate she was…last one in stock..v low inventories…AND any further shipments from China (friends counter came, iirc, Viet Nam) CANCELLED.
Staff was upset bc of course this wreaks havoc with Customer Service, and when questioned, Staff said, It was a Government Edict.
So, things be filtering down…China can pound sand.
I suspect this will be very common and a “way of life” for us. I’m seriously wondering if I will get my GE Advantium repaired in a couple of days if a part needs to be ordered.
Several weeks ago, I went to our high-end kitchen store in town to buy a couple of very good saute pans to replace the “top of the line” pans I bought previously from a big chain store that warped so badly within 2 years only about half the surface directly touched the stove.
I took home the small pan I wanted but had to order the larger size…”should be here quickly.” That was at least 8+ weeks ago.
We’ve gotten “spoiled” in many aspects of our lives we’ve taken for granted all our lives.
BTW, our City Council did pass a mask mandate last night…not even a close vote, even though those in attendance against outnumbered those supporting it. Sigh….
I’m just looking for a 15″ Kohler toilet seat. Our local Home Depot doesn’t have any, although, the mask enforcement is a bit lax.
It’s never as simple as it seems, is it?
There are times and places where “classic American construction” is too valuable to let go. I intend to use our washer and dryer for the rest of my life, even if I have to construct replacement parts from bricks of metal with a mill and lathe, or replace mechanical timers with computerized relays.
One other little trivia bit. I don’t have a cite, but I remember well that there were a bunch of top-load washers and Consumer Reports was rating them very highly — with the venerable Kenmore design well rated……then the EPA went through a bunch of decrees and three years later the only units available for sale were on the bottom end of the ratings available three years prior.
Limitations on water usage are particularly idiotic in Eastern states along rivers. But to mandate water use as if the entire country were Phoenix, Las Vegas, or LA is asinine. It even jumped the shark in San Francisco — when they mandated low-flow toilets connected to their 1850’s plumbing systems, they ended up with blockages that could only be managed by periodically dumping millions of gallons of bleach into pipes feeding into San Francisco Bay. That’s healthier, more sustainable, and more eco-friendly?
I hope we see some US manufacturing of heavy-duty top-loading washing machines in the near future.
Bring back our heavy-duty top-loaders!
Manufacturers may be worried that if they tool up and start producing this type of washer…now, during the Trump years…that some future Dems may outlaw them, forcing the manufacturers to take a heavy loss.
But if HusseinO can issue a 30 yr Waiver to the bird-murdering wind generators, for killing our eagles…then maybe Pres Trump can issue a Waiver to washer manufacturers, to protect them from future Demoncrat nonsense.
At least I think Speedqueen still makes a toploading washer with metal parts.
Thanks, Zoe.
That’s good to know!
Or just contemplate the Federal ban on light bulbs…..good idea or not (and I’m seeing some neat things with LEDs), who the h*** thought that congress should be able to do that? Mind you, the history of regulation and light bulbs is pretty freaky — did you know that there was an international agreement to ensure they burned out regularly?
For those of us with Irlen Syndrome, a visual perception disorder where we get headaches, and misjudge space under fluorescent lighting, more or less banning the incandescent bulb was devastating. Reading comprehension is an issue as is page blur. And I get migraines with LED lights, it effects me so.
When the phase out was announced, I admit I hoarded light bulbs and still have some from that time, but others didn’t and have had to get work light bulbs from places like Home Depot just to be comfortable.
We have LOTS of the old-style bulbs stored away. Remember, there were off the wall “disposal” regulations with the new bulbs, not to mention the huge price difference.
I may have posted before about a single female friend making the decision to sell her home and buy into a life-care facility. It was super deluxe and provided a wide array of activities and services in addition to the comfort of the health care. She did extensive research on the financial stability, the extent of health care, etc. and personally visited 9 places in about 4 states before selecting this one.
After extensive remodeling to her unit, she moved in…for less than a week. The Led lighting throughout all the common areas was intolerable for her and the result is that she had to leave.
Who would have thought something so minor could become so major.
so where are we with my mismatched socks? find any???
There’s gonna be a ton of em in West Heaven, along w/Bic lighters according to George Carlin.
And, speaking of Bics, caps for an infinite number of Bic pens…
He had a list of stuff, basically all the missing things, I just remember those 2
“you could probably mount it to the front of a bulldozer and shove it through the entire house (and some cars) without damaging it.”
Sounds like a good (& pointless) Red Green project!
Post 9955568 (from 8koon)
FORCED Face Masks In Public? It Helps To Have A Sense Of Humor…
Note: Socialists Have NO Sense Of Humor…
But WE do – so let’s poke them…
Opinion by “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen
Here in California the local liberal news channels are teaching the vaccine-damaged-gender-challeged Millennials “the art of shaming” over face mask wearing. You can see an example almost everywhere you look. They have moved their ANTIFA thuglets off of the streets and into the local Trader Joes, CostCo, WinCo, Vons, Albertsons, you-name-it. Who is their target? YOU are…
At first it seems annoying, but, with a little preparation you can completely, and humorously, ruin their day and you don’t have to punch anyone in the mouth…
Or drive over them with your vehicle…
Here is their trick…
Keep in mind (insert laughter here) that ALL liberals are FULL of self-righteousness. THEY are always right – YOU are always wrong. We usually just verbally pat them on the head, and pour another cup of coffee, while they continue to seethe. But, in this case they have seriously stepped over the line into interfering with our shopping experience, and they need to be dealt with.
So, let’s do that…
Now, (laugh out loud once more) their trick is to accost someone NOT wearing a face mask in a store, screaming as loud as possible, so as to get surrounding people’s attention (the shaming part), lecturing in an equally loud voice about Covid-19, blah-blah, blah… While, of course, filming YOU, hoping to create justified outrage, so they can have you arrested, featured on the local liberal TV channel, or, at the very least, they will put the event on their local ANTIFA FaceBook page – ALL with YOU as the “bad guy.”
There is a FUN countermove from the world of “Street Theater.”
You just have to stay calm, let the audience close in for a little more entertainment, smile, and say “THANK YOU, I was distracted by the News Report that said that PRESIDENT Trump is going to win the 2020 election in a landslide…”
Then reach into your pocket and get out ONE of your three or four masks.
Now here is the hard part. Which mask should you choose for this occasion? After all – they ARE filming this for the evening news right?
Should you use the one we featured in the photo at the top? The black one that says: “This mask is as useless as our governor?” This action could “trigger them” you know. Their eyes could drop completely out of focus. Step back – for they could faint and fall right on the floor. Do not try to catch them, because you would have to touch them, and as we all know HYGIENE is an issue with these people.
Or perhaps the red one that says “Make America Great Again…” You have to be VERY, VERY careful with this one. Why? THIS ONE could send your confronters into a shrieking “I need a SAFE SPACE right now” mode. They could even begin to swallow their tongue, falling on the floor in asphyxiation. Note: DO NOT attempt resuscitation. Remember, these people are liberals and you have no idea where their mouths have been in the last months, or worse, during the last half hour. Leave this to health professionals. Just walk away.
Or perhaps if you, like me, sometimes have a REALLY EVIL sense of humor, you might want to go for the “Trump 2020 – Make Liberals Cry Again…” mask.
With this, however, you could get immediate heart seizure from your assailant. This would be the moment when all of their best laid plans came to nothing, and, in fact, backfired. It would be the VERY moment when realization came that it was THEY who were set up – and their own camera, and those of their friends broadcasting directly to their ANTIFA FaceBook page were all “ON.”
One thing to remember is that private enterprise can legally require people to *do* all sorts of crazy things to enter their store — wear plaid, facemasks, mismatched socks, or say “walla, walla, walla” while patting themselves on the head. If you do not meet their requirements and enter their store, you are performing criminal trespass.
They cannot require people to *be* a bunch of things to enter their store. You do not have to be straight, gay, Muslim, black, red, female, or have been born south of the Equator within the last 50 years. If they try to claim you are trespassing for a reason like this, they can be sued.
You are always free to walk away from their store, shaking your head sadly, and muttering “I’ll say “Ni!”, but I won’t say “Walla, walla, walla”…..
Also note that many stores (more here in California than in civilized places) are regulated by state and local governments. If they fail to Karen you about a mask, they may fail a health inspection. If they fail to chant allegiance to the County Health Commissioner, they might face a wage-and-hour audit. If they fail to post signs, they could fail a fire-safety occupancy permit. If an individual owner takes the authorities to court for not being realistic, he could lose his professional certification or even his drivers’ license (even while thousands of licenses are being given to illegal aliens).
We are getting detestable garbage from Governor Random Nuisance and his band of Happy Hoodlums* and feel like ignoring this and subsequent decrees — but businesses are getting a full-court press from the bureaucratic state — and they’ve already been shoved to the edge of catastrophe. Have pity on these businesses and be gentle.
It’s the same way in NY Cthulhu so many regulations on business to keep them in line with Dictator oh I mean governor Cuomo. Do as we say or we will shut you down. Saw this all the time while working, worked at the #1 food retailer. We constantly had the monthly/ yearly state inspection and we always meet the standards. Go into the competition and you knew they never did just from what you saw. The one with most to lose got the most intense inspection or should I say harassment from the state. Good ol Andy and his merry inspection teams keeping everyone in line. I am sure it’s worse now ya know because this virus is a health issue and all ………..
Thus far socialist have Nevada mask decree has a caveat for those with “medical” conditions. They “should” wear the ultra safe, face shield.
– This fool has a “medical” condition. Don’t have to say what the medical condition is. Face shield is “should” NOT shall or will.
IF a store demands masks, no exceptions on their own policy. OK. I won’t shop there.
Do hope folks wear their mask incorrectly. Mouth covered only, on their chin, around their neck. Or simply take it off after getting past the door checker.
Tucker had a good show Monday night.
Opening segment…he flays AOC and the ‘abolish the police’ crowd.
He has Mark McClosky of St. Louis on, to talk about how he is being persecuted for defending himself.
Former MO governor Eric Greitens joins him as well.
Planned Parenthood — Give back the money!
America Faces an Education Crisis if schools don’t reopen in the Fall.
Then at the 24:50 mark, Tucker starts a segment about the Attacks on Christianity across the country.
And now he’s going on vacation. Fox forced cuz he’s too truthful?? Fox shutting down their own NUMBER ONE SHOW!! SMDH

I dunno.
Tucker has been a trouper and hasn’t taken any time off in a long time…while others have taken off for weeks at a time.
So maybe it’s a for-real vacation?
I dunno either. Hope he enjoys. Ususally vacations are planned in advance, Most employers require advanced notice and approval, so they can plan for backfill. They did this to him before when things were heating up. Where’s that cat??
bfly, we shall see who they run in his spot.
Brian Kilmeade
yeah, no sooner than I wondered, I saw that too.
Tucker Carlson Announces “Long Planned” Vacation After CNN Report Takes Out Top Show Writer Over Racist Posts
Apparently a writer for Tucker’s show has made racists posts. I don’t know why Tucker should be forced to take a vacation over something someone else did, though.
Well, I hope he comes back next Monday, like he said.
Tucker is their best show, ratings wise.
Fox would be shooting themselves in the foot if they let him go.
You know they’ve exhausted any way to take HIM out personally. So this is merely plan B.
going to install a pod person in his place…then Tucker will contract covid while on vacation…and have to stay out longer…then his family will contract it–stay out longer…are we at the election yet???
He made a point of slipping in that the “trout fishing” is a planned trip. Something odd though – when he said he’ll be back Monday, he added “if not before”.
Tucker can always play the OAN card.
Posting from
★ ★ ★ Ongoing Meme Op ★ ★ ★
5 Democrat governors knowingly increased COVID death count by sending COVID-positive to nursing homes, against CDC/Federal guidelines
1. Andrew Cuomo NY
2. Gavin Newsom CA
3. Gretchen Whitmer MI
4. Phil Murphy NJ
5. Tom Wolf PA
PUSH: #KungFluFive
· #killercuomo · #cuomoknowingly
· #killernewsom · #newsomknowingly
· #killerwhitmer · #whitmerknowingly
· #killermurphy · #murphyknowingly
· #killerwolf · #wolfknowingly
#whitmerthepickler #pettytyrant #Pennsylvania #PA01 #BucksCountyPA #MontgomeryCountyPA #Philly #GovernorWolf #ScurvyMurphy #Michigan #recallgovwhitmer #recallwhitmer #gruesomnewsom #covidCuomo #cuomothegrannygreaser #FiveofDeath #NursingHomeSlaughter #Trump2020 #Qanon #SeniorLivesMatter #DoNothingDemocrats #DemocratGovernors CovidDeaths
and anything else related (you) can think of
Use the intel to construct your tweet text. Get more text ideas in Meme Campaign Thread #2 >>9765621 ob
· cuomo >>9720440
· newsom >>9758369
· whitmer >>9788169
· murphy >>9787692
· wolf >>9791255
· Gutfeld on Gov. Cuomo and the nursing home scandal
· Cuomo’s recent statements on nursing homes stun ‘The Five’
· Cuomo facing scrutiny over nursing home policies during pandemic
· Martha shreds Cuomo’s ‘negligence’, lack of accountability
· Reporter Roundup: LA Nursing Homes Become the new COVID-19 Hotspots
· Thousands sick with COVID-19 in California nursing homes
· Some nursing homes are seeking immunity from pandemic lawsuits
· Critics Say Newsom Needs To Do More To Protect Senior Care Facility Residents
· Michigan Gov. Whitmer defends placing COVID-19 patients in nursing homes with healthy residents
· Congressman sues Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer over handling of coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis
· Michigan lawmakers pass resolutions against Gov. Whitmer’s nursing home policy
· New Jersey to Investigate COVID-19 Deaths at Nursing Homes | NBC New York
· NJ Health Commissioner addresses 17 bodies found in Andover nursing home hit by coronavirus
· Long-term care facilities account for more than half of NJ’s COVID-19 death toll
· Former NJ Nursing Home Employees Reveal Dire Conditions Even Before COVID-19 | NBC New York
· Pennsylvania State Legislature Votes To Revoke Emergency Shutdown Order, Gov. Tom Wolf Says
· Gov. Tom Wolf orders all non-life-sustaining businesses closed in Pennsylvania
· Pennsylvania Under Fire For Nursing Home COVID-19 Cases, State To Roll Out More Data
· Pennsylvania Attorney General Opens Criminal Investigation Into Nursing Homes
#KungFluFive #KillerCuomo #KillerNewsom #KillerWhitmer #KillerMurphy #KillerWolf
497 memes:
*COVID Knowingly —
Governors sent COVID patients to nursing homes in violation of federal guidelines,
knowing deaths of vulnerable elderly would result
Also in Memes 58 >>9579253 and Meme Campaign Thread #2 >>9765621 ob
>If you’re unsure how to participate but you want to help, look for our #hashtags and retweet them.
>As always, refute supporters (of the MSM narrative), redpill, and report your local bots.
>reminder to tag your posts with Qanon
Thank you, Keyboard Warrior Patriots. You are the social media infantry that makes us proud!
★ ★ ★ Meme Op ★ ★ ★
If you haven’t read it yet this medium article is worth your time
I hope this posts. (I always preface, poor tech skills.
). From — labs and other facilities in Florida reporting 100% positives, and many more with positives above 80%. They REALLY don’t want that convention to happen.
Such ridiculous shenanigans. Hopefully DeSantis & the R’s aren’t fooled…
Praise the Lord & may He continue to protect the precious pre-born amongst us!!!
Very, very proud of my state and its GOP leadership. Most are true conservatives whose deeds match their public postures. Conservatives totally control the state legislature and governor role and win elections by large margins. Still have slaves on the plantations in Memphis and Nashville who have not yet figured out that the chains of the leftists will not bring them happiness and peace. We pray they do at some point.
No income tax state with a growing, strong manufacturing base along with a great quality of life. Anybody who wants to MAGA is invited.
You are So Blessed. In Michigan the House & Senate is in the control of R’s but Gretchen Whitmer, the dictator in the Gov’s residence, is acting like a tyrant & so far legislative moves to thwart her unconstitutional overreach have been largely unsuccessful. There is a Recall Petition for Whitmer that’s about to go live though! God help us & save us from “ourselves”….
Fed judge already flipped y’all the bird.
Well said of our wondrous warrior–POTUS!
More twit world shenanigans, involving Broward Co, FL…
more on that topic by the same tweeter…not currently hidden…
keeping it all in the family
me! me! me!
Young woman killed for saying “All Lives Matter”.
…is related to this:
I think that this
The idiot young zombies have been getting programmed to brutalize & attack anyone who says, “All Lives Matter”.
These younglings act like this is a game to them…just another role-playing game.
This is a LARP to them.
LARP = Live Action Role Playing.
But now, this has taken an evil, sinister direction…
These idiot zombie LARPers are being programmed to the dirty work that their communist organizers want done.
This is terrorism, textbook terrorism.
This is just like the jihadis who say “Death to the non-believers!”
so sad…
They are adults at this point. Once they cross the line from talk into action they do not deserve any mercy.
Uh, they don’t have to be 18 to lose “mercy”. IMO. Piss on all of these little terrorists.
I hope both tweets show here…NBA-holes…
Moar…Free Hong Kong!
still moar on NBA/Hong Kong
Clay can bust through the BS better than about anybody. Bulldog with skills.
Such a good boy.
Dog is beside the bed where his human has fallen asleep with an iPhone in his/her hand.
The dog carefully takes the phone and places it on the bed near the human…then he carefully grasps the covers in his mouth and pulls them up over the sleeping human.
There’s a lot of silly fun there in the comments
Some kids are still OK!
This young man will go far…that is, as long as he resists the leftist commie brainwashing.
….and other predators – esp. the down-lows and the loose women.
At least loose women provide some fun.
He’s got so much against him. He needs our prayers.
Democrats’ ominous turn toward a ‘solution’ that means the end of Israel
Then they’re attempting to go toe-to-toe with GOD.
Then the DEMONicRATS WILL be utterly vanquished.
They are the most Godless, Satanic, do-nothing, ne’er-do-well bunch of misanthropic losers that has ever been assembled this side of Hell…..
I love her!
She sounds like a New Yorker…and she uses some *very spicy language*.
But she does it well!
**Language Warning**
This is from last week, where she shares her thoughts about the St. Louis couple who defended themselves.
**Extra Spicy Language**
H/T to Citizen Free Press.
She’s awsome. I like
AND, she has more than one Trump hat.
The Hagia Sophia has now been captured.
It’s not safe for Christians in Turkey anymore.
Turkey was always on my bucket list for travel. Even more than parts of Greece. No more. Not safe to go anywhere…
Scriptures about the abomination of desolation in the holy place comes to mind.
Yep, but that will happen in the rebuilt temple (for which preparations have been going on for about five years now)…
The Moslems are like a bad infestation of pests, that takes on average 600 years to clear out. Time to clear them out for good…
And the trouble with Airheadman is, someone takes him out, he’ll be replaced by someone even crazier… just like the Bible says about Ismael, who will be like a donkey, causing trouble everywhere…
Several of my friends have been going. If I didn’t have a household schedule that involves feeding the rest of the house, I’d go. It was really pleasant last evening, too.
I’m wondering if this guy was MK’d…
An Alaska Airline flight had to make an emergency landing in Seattle, when a passenger became aggressive and started yelling:
“I will…kill everybody! I will kill everybody…unless they accept that Jesus was a black man!”
Sounds almost like a ff kind of incident, maybe they were going for a twofer, get people to hate “these violent Christians” and to plant the idea in peoples’ heads that Jesus was black.
Jesus was a JEW. Not Black. Nor yellow, green, fuschia, blue, or any other color.
What the DEMONicRATS are doing there is trying to bend the Bible, GOD’S Word, to their Satanic purposes. They will fail, and their miscreant efforts will return on them 100- and 1000-fold; they sowed the wind, they’ll reap the whirlwind…
He was NOT white. Closest match today would be a pure Persian. Or a “Palestinian”.
Definitely not Arab or African.
…, you’re thinking Freddie Mercury?!?!?
My kinda store…….
Been looking for this one for awhile. Ty.
Early use of HCQ…
Here’s that full image, since the bottom of it was cut off:
It’s outrageous that we don’t have easy and open access to HCQ!
HCQ should be over the counter.
I think it’s criminal. Was it France that yanked it from OTC? Proly To hoard for the elites. Shame!
Wow…France wins.

And I think you are right about France pulling HCQ off their OTC list.
Which is insane.
Marcon has his reasons. Anything to stop yellow vests.
100% agree. Please start a petition at the WH site. We can all get the word out and notify the friendly media.
2/3 of the trifecta for curing the COVID would then be OTC without a prescription when you add in the zinc sulfate. So as a prophylactic you’ve got it covered. If you catch it or something similar – personally I have been taking z-pacs for many years for sinus infections. Call or email your doc if they have a health portal and give them symptoms. They will call it into the pharmacy if they trust you and have your file/history to keep you from contaminating the office. If they will not, just schedule an appointment. Done – you then get well. I’m having my doc note my request for method of treatment in my file and have emailed it to the health portal so that they and I have a record of it.
I had a severe sinus infection over a month ago. The PA refused to give me a zpack. He said it was against practice to give it bc it was incorrect for the bacteria. I had previously had a zpac when the infection travelled into my gi too. So, I had to take antibiotics for 10 days longer instead of 3.
I do not understand why Trump doesn’t simply gather together a conference of regular front line docs, university docs who have conducted studies or who have stats, etc. — and put the information out there publicly. Overload the airwaves with rock solid, unbiased expertise and experience that cannot be questioned. Like a daily, week-long, televised thing – in place of the news conference no one watches. We’re at the point where he’ll NEVER be able to grab the reins again on this.
AGREE… BUT, it looks like old data. Was about to post on gun blog, but it is dated.
Dr. Zev deserves a Medal of Freedom!
Churches need armed security nowadays with so much evil afoot.
want a NY poster? Cuomo is selling them
Cuomo’s definition of ‘love’ includes killing off elders and nipple piercings.
see his little jab at POTUS? think he’s being roasted over the stupid posters…lol
Cuomo is a legend in his own mind.
he must have minions fawning over him constantly to believe his own hype…the man’s a douche
Sociopath. With party tits.
giggle…made me laugh!
S&M parties, maybe.
Somehow assholes like Cuomo, DeBlasio, Grewsome, bug eyes in Chicago, get elected.
Every Democrap stronghold is a disaster!!!!!
Hmmm. The power of “W”…
W is the trading symbol for WayFair…
Inquiring minds want to know….
Having a little bit of NY Pizza, Mario-nette?????
Or did you go for Chicken Delight and dogs???
my children are liberals. that being said, our visits have become almost absurd. my son and I are passionate people–and we have clashed in our opinions ever since he graduated college (yeah I NOTICED it.)
this visit started out amicably–always does–but then he tried to judge the extent of “my racism”. sigh…
I’ve learned a lot about him since college–he fabricates statistics at will to sound knowledgeable–he uses all the appropriate buzz words–and he tries the whole “…so we can agree that…” bullshit on me all the time. I am older and wiser and adeptly sidestep the traps he tries to lay.
but arguing with him this time was laughable—he was “fact checking” and providing “information” on his phone while we were arguing. picture it: I make a point, instead of arguing back with facts, he needs to first “fact check with snopes” (!#$%^&*^%$#@@!) and then search google to find “facts” to refute it.
now his fiancee agreed with me on ALL lives matter and so she was using HER phone to find “facts” to dispute him with. and both of them and hubby were drinking while this was happening…so I’m cracking up watching it and listening to them…
wonder what other families do for entertainment?
Sorry your son is like that, Pat.
Hugs. {{{{Pat}}}}
We’re grateful that our kids each dropped out of college, thought it was useless…then they got jobs, got married and started having kids.
Which made conservatives out of them real quick.
I hope your son snaps out of it soon!
thanks! he’s a BIG proponent of 2A, so there’s that…and he’s funny and creative…he just needs to outgrow his college indoctrination. he used to be able to baffle me with bullshit–but you guys taught me what to look for and how to diffuse it. I can see it on his face when i do it too…lol…
we do our arguing at the table–when we move to other places, it’s over–no hard feelings…he passionate like me in what he believes in…gotta at least respect that.
He is easily manipulated intellectually by the passion. Someone in college switched it on and did that. Im so probing I’d analyze the heck out of his need for approval back then. His fiancee may be more helpful.
What slow guy here really can’t grasp is, WHY, All Lives Matters, is offensive to anyone.
OR, Blue Lives Matter, Brown Lives Matter…
None of those thoughts infer anyone is secondary, inferior or inconsequential.
I talked to him about David Dorn–the retired black police captain that was shot and killed trying to help defend his friend’s store from looters. i cried relating the tale–he look so puzzled. I said i have a problem with the ORGANIZATION that BLM is–ALL lives matter to me…I related other stories–young black children being murdered daily–ALL those lives mattered–the abortions of black babies–those lives mattered, but his wall went up. somewhere along the way he developed white guilt and I can’t reach him thru that yet…but i haven’t stopped trying.
that’s why he’s imprisoned in the basement!!
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, July 14, 2020
“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.”
Ephesians 6:10 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Tuesday Musical Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Morning Duchess!
have a Blessed day!!
Hi, Patty!!! Hope and pray all is calm and peaceful on the Homefront!
Pray you have a Blessed Day, too! Hugs!!!
HUGS back to you!!
* Smiling * * Feeling the Warmth *
Wheee!!! * Butterflies – Music – Prayers *
God Bless You Real Good, Butterfly! Hugs!!!
Early this morning, SCOTUS ruled 5-4 executions to resume.
The TRUMP PAGE Flag of United States
Daniel Lewis Lee executed.
didn’t they already rule that??
I dunno, but there was a Sunday Judge proceed, Monday Judge block all, Tuesday SCOTUS says do it.
Confirmed, Today’s SCOTUS was in response to Monday’s stoppage.
k…he was executed this morning and confirmed dead a little after 8:00am…but this is the troubling part…the families of the victims were worried about being exposed to covid because they are POTENTIAL witnesses to the death–then don’t go! it doesn’t say the families of the accused-who might wanna say goodbye–this is the families of the victims? stay home if you’re worried!
Friday, an Indiana federal judge blocked Lee’s execution, citing the threat posed by the resurgent coronavirus. U.S. District Judge Jane Magnus-Stinson acted on a legal challenge brought by family members of the victims who asserted that the pandemic posed an unreasonable health risk to them as prospective witnesses.
This story will be updated.
seeing some headlines that Soros is directing millions (in this one story $220 million) towards achieving racial equality–why doesn’t he just put all the cash into black communities? that might actually do some good. instead he will use it to buy white lawyers to protect and white liberals to create and spread chaos. see it’s not about achieving anything…it’s all about destruction…of the US.
not sure what to make of this article. on the one hand it says that people infected with covid are seeing their antibodies DISAPPEAR within a few months and so people can be reinfected numerous times till the disease finally kills you. the 2 studies they site come out of China (really???) and Spain.
Now here’s the flip side–if all that’s true, then a vaccine will NOT prevent you from getting infected so why are they bothering?
Leftists go berserk at protest, surround and smash up car — and it turns out driver has cerebral palsy
‘I thought they were going to kill me’
And his car insurance will not pay for any repairs. Any damage by riots to your property via home or car is your responsibility, unless you have a huge insurance policy.
“No, the Parties Didn’t ‘Switch’”
……………From the article:
It’s time to debunk a popular myth about the Republican and Democrat Parties.
Is there any basis to the oft-repeated claim that the Republican Party essentially switched with the Democrats from the Old South? A brief look at the historical facts will show that this is an unsupported leftist theory. Racist Democrats who were in power as the Dixiecrat Party, founded in the 1940s, did not become today’s Republicans.
The split in the Democrat Party in 1948 was between supporters of President Harry S. Truman’s military integration and those who rejected minorities in America’s Armed Forces. The Dixiecrat Party resulted, largely comprised of Southern Democrats devoted to racial segregation and supporting Jim Crow laws to deny American blacks voting, educational, and accommodation rights. The Dixiecrat Party ran on the Democrat Platform with the added plank of legalizing racial segregation.
Contrast this divide with the 1948 Republican National Committee Platform, which stated, “Constant and effective insistence on the personal dignity of the individual, and his right to complete justice without regard to race, creed or color, is a fundamental American principle. We aim always to unite and to strengthen; never to weaken or divide. In such a brotherhood will we Americans get results. Thus, we will overcome all obstacles.”
In this document, member beliefs are clearly defined: “Lynching or any other form of mob violence anywhere is a disgrace to any civilized state, and we favor the prompt enactment of legislation to end this infamy. One of the basic principles of this Republic is the equality of all individuals in their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This principle is enunciated in the Declaration of Independence and embodied in the Constitution of the United States; it was vindicated on the field of battle and became the cornerstone of this Republic. This right of equal opportunity to work and to advance in life should never be limited in any individual because of race, religion, color, or country of origin. We favor the enactment and just enforcement of such Federal legislation as may be necessary to maintain this right at all times in every part of this Republic.”
………………..End quote, much more at link.
thanks for this!
a liberal I know REALLY well (aka son) just tried to make this argument…gonna print it out and send it to him in his birthday card later this year…bwahahahahahahahahaha
I hope it helps!
Emmylou Harris and her original Hot Band w/ Rodney Crowell and Albert Lee. If you like to watch really good guitar playing, Albert shows us some killer licks in his extended solo about half way into Emmylou’s song.
Emmylou Harris, Luxury liner forty tons of steel
Thank You Dutchess.
You are most welcome, Dora! I love your posts OT – and I miss my daily ‘Art’ fix, too!!!
Thank You!!! God Bless You today and always!!!
Alright, did anybody have ‘bubonic plague squirrels’ on their fearporn bingo card?
Quote Tweet
ABC News
· 2h
Public health officials have announced that a squirrel in Colorado has tested positive for the bubonic plague.
9:02 AM · Jul 14, 2020·Twitter Web App
Retweets and comments
So what? They got rats in AZ w/same. Remember that report from last year? I do.
Try again, CCP.

I actually used that BINGO card line on a friend’s FB this morning. Fortunately, we’re on the same side.
Another dead cop. This has got to stop!!
Suspect accused of killing Washington police officer, injuring a second, arrested ‘without incident’
Best frens.
Kitty…I miss my cat. Sweet. Reminds me of these cartoons.
wheatie, growing up where I did, we did not have fireflies. Each Summer we would travel to Illinois to vist Mother’s family.
I have a Down’s Syndrome Cousin, and she used to lead is on an evening group capture of fires flies in Mason jars.
After ab 20 minutes, we would gather and release them en masse, much to the delight of all involved.
Good times!
Thanks for the reminder.
OK, ya’ll, I’m having one the chronic pain episodes w/health issues for the last couple of days and today.
Today is the day of a Big event (for our rural county) and I have many of the GOP Primary candidates coming, 15 million things to do, and hope all goes smoothly tonight re local BLM (they have stated intention to come). Hoping for a good turnout and $ raised for our local GOP.
Prayers to get through it personally even if I wasn’t in pretty strong pain. 2016 get nervous picking up the phone to call for then Candidate Trump … and now this?!!!!!!!! How did this happen? Oh, yeah – learned that we conservatives had surrendered our GOP to the Uniparty/GOPe and the candidates that we got in Nov were the ones we deserved for not being involved to develop people to run, to get people aware of the primary and the need to vote and to demand fair primaries. Got involved a little and then more and more and more and now….yikes!
Prayerss re pain and stamina, mind clarity + the event, good turn out, all goes well …
Many, many thanks
Via LIFELOG – Eric Metaxas:
Here is the full clip of my time tonight on Tucker Carlson! I’ve never been so overwhelmed with positive feedback on a tv appearance. THANK YOU for your encouraging words and for sharing this!
+LIFELOG x3 – orig *
+twatter RT…
DAMNATION!! just out surveying our apple trees—raccoons have decimated our apple trees! ate almost ALL the growing apples AND broke many limbs in the process!! wow. gees louise!!!
first year our young trees were overflowing with young green apples and they ruined them…can 2020 be over now?
Oh no! After hearing how destructive they are, the cuteness factor dissipates.
it honestly feels like a small antifa band of rodents is here to bring destruction in any way they can…sounds dramatic i know, but dang it…flowers, feeders, apples, peeing on everything, pooping on everything…it’s raccoons gone wild!
I have a older friend…he’s got ‘coon hunting dogs–and he sells the pelts—I might have to see if he’s still doing it and let him hunt the property…
They are all masked up. Can you trap them like cats?
we have humane traps out, and 4 took the bait and hubby dispatched them. but these latest 2 (yup caught 2 on trailcam) aren’t interested in the bait we put out…)
Heres hoping they change their minds!
sigh…too late for the apple trees…dang!
Use marshmallows as bait!
we used the mouse bait because we don’t want to attract more vermin to the deck…and bears like marshmallows…lol
Pat I have a coonhound mix he could take care of the critters in no time
He might even climb the tree to get them. We adopted a boxer mix they told me and then I took a DNA test on him and found out we have a Coonhound – Staf mix. That in the city not large yard. We would not part with him for anything because he is ver intelligent and devoted pup and loves his Blue Heeler friend. The Blue Heeler has warped and spindled him to her liking and trained him to be a gentlemen dog 
Pat good luck with raccoons. We had problems before they eat our grapes but since we have Woodford I have not seen them.
gees–we also have grapevines–which we keep enclosed by fencing–because the deer would chomp them done. sigh–so if we don’t get them soon, the grapes will be toast too?
Yes the Raccoons eat them and spit out the seeds and skin. When you get up in the morning the skin and seeds will be everywhere. My grapes are climbing on an arbor and I have a table chairs underneath.
About 2 am my Woodford will wake us up run out and he makes a strange noise. He can jump without running on the table and stand on his legs. Those Raccoons take off.
gees…I know they’ve been eating my zucchini–as soon as they grow to the size of a dill pickle, they get in my fenced in garden and eat them!
You need to have a garden that is fenced even on top so there is no way.
Raccoons also can be dangerous to dogs. Best is to get two dogs .
you’re probably right on both accounts…
Oh no! The little devils!

just when i think they’ve moved on! (mainly cuz we removed everything they were destroying on the deck) they attack something else…
Unfortunately…once they have found food at a place, they feel entitled to anything else that they can find there.

are we talking antifa or the other animals…LOL
Heheh…the raccoons.
They are not an endangered species.
There is no shortage of them…so if y’all decide that you’ve had enough, then…you know.
yeah…mainly we live and let live, but THIS year? animals gone wild–it’s like they sense the insanity and are a part of it!

Miss PAT

Maybe you should rethink Live and Let multiply?
Sorry they got your apples.
we’ve lived here 14 years and NEVER have experienced anything like this before!!!
they’ve never been this relentlessly destructive.
Pat I know someone who has a little farm and a dog door to his house. One day in winter he comes home and next to his wood stove was a possum and raccoon with his dog.
I used to have a stray cat the adopted us in summer she stayed out because she was part wild. I look 4 am out of the window there is a raccoon family on the back porch and my cat sitting all together.
In winter she came into the house and like the basement under the steps were she had her place.
LOL…yeah a doggie door would be questionable way out here!
Many people have them even in the country.
only if we could wire it to the dog’s collar–otherwise everything and their brother will find it’s way in–even bears–
I pruned mine back so severely that one of my bigger trees only has 4 apples on it this year. Sigh. Learning curve is steep.
Hope you get those critters! I do keep several of my dogs out in the orchard, which keeps just about every critter away, except humans with pruning tools.
we have a small log home and have been debating getting a dog forever. so much wood for a younger dog to chew on. but i think it would help a lot!
The puppy stage is hell. My anatolians chewed the siding on our house. I kid you not.
grandmaintexas muy Blue Heeler got after Woodford when he was a puppy when he chewed anything but his bone. She truly trained him including house training. Even now when he wants to pull wile walking she nips him on the nose. If he did not listen when I called she used push him toward the house. He learned and when he was 18 months she stopped.
He loves her and has much respect for her but she is also kind to him and do not fight.
Wow! What a patient teacher.

That is why she is a heeler?
We had a Dottie who chewed the jarrah outdoor furniture. And the back step.
Get 2, they’ll keep one another company when you can’t.
LOL…our log home is SMALL…one dog would be a stretch–2 would require a major addition to the house…LOL
Build a BIG dog house OUTSIDE!! That’s where the hunters should reside, near thier prey.
My grandparents lived in the country for eons, always had 2 big dogs.. All country dogs lived outside. They’d go exploring when they wanted, but always returned home. They knew who loved and fed them.
we could never just have a dog–we’ve got coyotes here–they hunt in packs. they are very smart–one will draw your attention and keep it, snarling, lunging but not attacking exactly. then others will circle to your flanks and all will attack en masse…a single dog would not make it.
Cool, then get your own pack!! 4 Snarlin, Biguns!
LOL…and live where?
BIG OUTSIDE DOGHOUSE!! Full of blankets and old pillows. You got plywood? Dry dogfood, topped w/bacon grease, weekly can on top for desert. Grandpa was wise.
just not sure i could let a animal outside in the bad weather–rain, snow, etc…
Insulate the walls, cool in the summer, and warm in the warm. Add a door for humans, put a doggie door in it so they have free access. Dogs go in during the rain and snow. They’re tough and hot blooded, can take cold.
I have dogs for company and could not keep them outside. Mine fallow me from room to room so space is no problem I like the close and they like me to be close.
If I was on a farm I let them out to roam but still like them in the house.
Our dogs have always been indoor dogs. The miniature schnauzer and the Havanese are no-brainers. The shepherd mix and the yellow lab had a thing for sleeping on the bathroom floor in the summer.
It is also true that two dogs will do things that one dog won’t dare to do. They egg each other on.
I gave up on my apple trees years ago. I let the squirrels, deer, rabbits, groundhogs and puppy have at it.
I know we have opposum and raccoon so everyone has at it. Except us. Oh well…
pat, Don’t be so hard on the little fellas…………at least they are wearing masks!
LOL…but peeing all over the deck is NOT very hygienic!!!
Wrap the trunks in aluminium sheeting. You can also get anti climbing down pointing cage/spikes
we have the trunks wrapped with trunk guards so the buck don’t destroy them in the fall…wonder if we can combine that with those cage/spikes–that sounds promising!
The UK has banned Huawei.
Decision reversed: The UK just banned #Huawei from its 5G network.
7:16 AM · Jul 14, 2020…
hehe…take THAT dragon!
By 2027?
Well that leaves san Bernardino and Riverside counties to make a decision. San Diego and la said no, but we will take your money.
CBS Los Angeles (@CBSLA) Tweeted:
#BREAKING: The Orange County Board of Education has voted 4-1 to reopen schools next month with in-person instruction. Students and teachers can choose to attend classes without masks and no social distancing is required.
Morgan Ortagus
.@StateDept and @USTreasury announced sanctions on three Chinese Communist Party officials involved in gross human rights abuses in Xinjiang. The United States calls on all governments to hold CCP officials accountable for their actions there.…
Harold Wren
John Solomon@jsolomonReports
BREAKING: White supremacist who killed young girl put to death, first U.S. execution in 17 years | Just The News
Supreme Court clears the way for federal execution of Daniel Lewis Lee
The execution, scheduled to take place on Monday, was appealed to SCOTUS at the 11th hour
… I hope he surrendered to Jesus, if he did not ….
.. although what he did is heinous … is forgiveness possible? …
Peter Gammo
(@PeterGammo) Tweeted:
New Instagram button. Unbelievable.
I despised Social Media from the get-go… have never participated.
In my view it is the gasoline that inflames the dying embers of CABEL-controlled slime media…
peeps who NEVER before expressed their opinions to anyone can now do so as if the are on stage with a mic at the local town hall… doesn’t matter if what they say is word salad and/or illogical ramblings… they have the mic and they’re going to use it, over and over again…
(jes my 2 cents… an ol’ woman out of the loop!)
I agree with you, and I started my negative view once I saw my space.
Tim Young

The Goya boycott looks like it’s working well.…
Didnt Vote For Him. Come Up With A Better Insult
Replying to
I dropped this off at my local food pantry yesterday…
I went to ALDI yesterday and they still had Goya products in stock – if you wanted canned coconut milk! LOL… I bought three cans of beans and would’ve bought more but that was all I could find in the product that I wanted right that moment.
My wife read on one of the Tea Party groups that the son of one of the members, with his own money, went to the store and bought a cartload of Goya foods, then took them himself to the food pantry. He then asked his parents for money, which they gave him, and he bought another cartload of Goya foods and delivered those to the food pantry too!
Wonderful! I did my share yesterday at Publix…not a lot left on the shelves…a good thing. The silent majority puts their money where it sends a silent message!
Oh what the heck ..
…. ocd .. cough/cough ..
Islam: Conquer Rome After Constantinople
ROME ( – A distinguished Italian historian is warning that radical Islam’s goal is to conquer Rome now that it has reoccupied the ancient Byzantine basilica of Hagia Sophia.
“The goal of Islam is clear — after Saint Sophia, Saint Peter,” Professor Roberto de Mattei told Church Militant, following Pope Francis’ six word non-condemnation of Turkey’s inflammatory decision to turn Hagia Sophia into a mosque.
Peter Gammo
(@PeterGammo) Tweeted:
As a first-generation Middle Eastern-American, I spent my early adulthood as a Democrat. I disagreed with the @GOP. As years passed, I began to disagree with the Dems. I have been an independent for most of my adult life. Today, I’m officially all-in Republican. We need to #MAGA.
Sharia Law NOW in Minneapolis? THREAD…
Chuck Callesto@ChuckCallesto
BREAKING REPORT: Antifa and Muslim Groups Plan to ‘POLICE MINNEAPOLIS Under Muslim Rule’ says Minnesota State Rep. Steve Green…
Under muslim law…don’t they cut off the hands of thieves?
This might get interesting.
they also STONE adulterers…Omar better HIDE
….. hmmmm …. POPCORN

They throw gays off the rooftops!
Arm up! They have ZERO authority to interfere with your day-to-day. Reclaim our streets from this trash.
) on that crap
… jeeze louise … 

phoenixrising37 that is what happens all over the world where there is a majority muslim community.
This needs to tackled right away otherwise it begins to slowly spread.
The problem is Minnesota has a Muslim Attorney General and Omar no one rains in. They are making a deal with the devil. Muslims always use dumb communists to get what they want and the discard them.
Agree with you SingingSoul
That is not lawful to turn American laws into Sharia law. This needs to go through the courts and stoped.
The Library
Judge Amy Berman-Jackson is melting down with rage tonight. You know it. And you know what comes next? Roger Stone appeals his conviction on grounds of unfair trial due to the Jury forewoman & other obvious signs of bias by the Judge, & wins.…
Kyle Cheney
JUST IN: The Office of the Pardon attorney has posted the clemency order that Trump signed for Roger STONE. It voids all elements of his sentence, including a $20,000 fine and two years of supervised release.
Harold Wren
… Judge Amy Berman-Jackson … can officially stuff it ..

The Gateway Pundit
Black Lives Matter Sociopaths Raid Facebook Page of Young Mom Murdered for Saying ‘All Lives Matter,’ Torment Her Family
Black Lives Matter sociopaths are currently raiding the Facebook page of Jessica Doty Whitaker, the young mother who was murdered after saying “All Lives Matter,” celebrating her death and mocking her grieving relatives. Doty Whitaker was walking by the canal…
This is beyond ‘sick’ ……………….
From Harold….
The Library
There is going to come a time in America when good people have been pushed too far, and start *really* fighting back.
There is a seething rage boiling just below the surface that local & state governments are totally blind to. For them, its business as usual albeit much more frenetic.
They, as well as the Leftwing Terrorists openly attacking & murdering innocent people, have no idea just how angry people are. No insult is going unremembered; every day the rage among the victims, the rage at being endlessly attacked w/o justice, grows.
At some point, we will reach the point where its no longer possible to just hold back. When we get there, when good people have *finally* had enough, violence like America has never before dreamed of is going to break out.
Things like this will be why antifa & BLM terrorists are slaughtered by the 10’s of thousands.
Harold Wren
, edited
why do you think they are pushing and pushing? they want a civil war! they want to divide us. hard to not take the bait.
It’s why you don’t turn to the one throwing the rock, but the one that stands behind him and said throw rocks. Let them know that they will be the target should their apes continue to carry on.
good point!
They also are doing the same to the daughter of a slain policeman.
They’re feral animals that need to be put down
Black Lives Matter sociopaths are currently raiding the Facebook page of Jessica Doty Whitaker, the young mother who was murdered after saying “All Lives Matter,” celebrating her death and mocking her grieving relatives. Doty Whitaker was walking by the canal…
That tells it all who Black Lives Matter organization is.
This has nothing to do with African Americans who are good law abiding citizens.
Yes SingingSoul, ONCE AGAIN DIMs are USING black Americans to push their agenda… this time, for Marxism…
Yes and it is sad to see.
I’m happy to see that many are waking up to it… thanks to peeps like Candace, Dr. Sowell and so many individuals that are on camera speaking against it…
JJ Sefton is on fire this a.m. click the link to read his rant at Ace of Spades
Hmmmmmm ….

Ghislaine Maxwell – who’s facing six charges in New York over her alleged role in Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophile sex-trafficking ring, is also under investigation in the US Virgin Islands.
The revelation comes in a July 10 filing to intervene in a lawsuit Maxwell filed against Epstein’s estate seeking reimbursement for legal fees, and claiming that Epstein had repeatedly promised to support her financially, according to The Sun.
Propaganda from prince Andrew’s empire.
I was hesitating to critique this because, judging by what we see, I LITERALY thought that it was created through some competition at a mentally challenged school or something….
….come to read that it was created by the mentally challenged governor…, just wow
Jaw dropping….on a government website, funded by taxpayers. Pure Propaganda.

The wife calls it barbaric which it is but something tells me these were not French men.
Yep. They most assuredly weren’t Frenchmen.
They were peaceful demonstrators, from the religion of pieces, bringing Kulturelle Bereicherung to France, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Greece, Germany, and the rest of Europe…
And once you let the vermin it, it’s almost impossible to get rid of them…
That’s why the left started oh-so-long-ago to bring the concept of “racism” and “systemic racism” into the mainstream media. Once you’ve established multiple “victim” “race” “special interest” and other groups, they become implicitly protected, and any action against them, whether justified or not, can be characterized as “racist”…..
They’ve been working at this (and Satan/Alinsky’s playbook) for decades. It’s not easy undoiing it all, but with the right MAGA and Q team, in particular VSGPDJT, with GOD’S Help and Guidance, it can and Will be cleaned up and reversed…
Vermin IN, not it… sigh…
“The joy of the Lord is my strength” ~ Nehemiah 8:10
Though chosen, rescued, and promised, God’s people suffered through severe consequence for their continual rejection of Him and His covenant. Ezra read from God’s Word and recited His Law to the people, and they were shattered by the vast disobedience and rebellion.
Even still, God was willing to rebuild and restore His people. The joy of the Lord is found on the road to restoration. Once the people understood, they wept. God’s Word was opening their eyes to the way they had failed Him, but Nehemiah was quick to remind them of who the Lord is. They could delight in the joy of the Lord because he is a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate.
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army!
“Who cares if a couple sports teams change their names & logos?”
You are missing the point then.
This is about **complete cultural dominance** by the Marxists.
Nothing, not even a team sports name, can be left standing in their long march through our American institutions.
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army!
American culture **must** be destroyed and replaced with something ‘better’.
These people clamoring for these changes believe our historical American culture is too riddled with slavery, misogyny, capitalism, Christianity, etc. to be saved.
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army!
It’s folks like Karen Attiah, Ted Wheeler, Jenny Durkan, Jacob Frey, Bill DeBlasio, Keisha Bottoms & Muriel Bowser who are gonna DECIDE with the aid of their masked Marxist goon squads running amok in the big cities what our common American culture & heritage gets replaced with.
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army!
If you’re comfortable with what’s been going on these past few months, you **want** to see the evil American culture and heritage ripped up, torn down, smashed to pieces & replaced with something ‘better’, why then, your choice is clear.
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army!
You need to REWARD THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY for what it’s been doing to both your family and your community by voting to GIVE THEM MORE POWER OVER YOUR LIFE.
But…if you’re NOT happy with what you’ve been watching these past few months, I suggest an alternative.
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army!
I suggest you vote for the candidates that **don’t** want to tear up America’s culture or heritage and force all these lighting-speed changes on it.
Only one candidate running for President has said he will defend America’s historical culture & heritage.
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army!
And it’s not the babbling dementia patient who’s public appearances have to be tightly controlled and scripted.
There’s only one way to stop the insanity. That’s to send a message to these Democrats and their goon squads in the streets:
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army!
Remember the faces Democrats in Congress made when President Trump declared that at his State of the Union address two years ago?
Especially THIS loser:
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army!
Americans all over this country, many of who reflexively voted Democrat in the past, have been WOKEN UP watching the absolutely insane antics of the Democratic leaders in their Congress, their state & their city.
They now fully realize the danger of giving these people power.
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army!
They aren’t stopping at statues.
They aren’t stopping with sports team names and logos.
The purges will only grow and expand.
It’s their nature.
They grow and expand…until they are stopped.
They have no brakes and they’ll never stop on their own.
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army!
Understand: this is ALL about Trump.
These Democrats are so desperate to get Trump out of office they are literally holding their own states and cities HOSTAGE to violent mobs while deliberately standing down their police departments & refusing to send in the National Guard.
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army!
It’s insane, of course, but we’re watching it happen in real time.
Mayors and governors & city councils controlled by Democrats are **deliberately** standing down, defunding, voting to disband police departments while mobs run amok & violent crime skyrockets.
11:47 AM · Jul 14, 2020·Twitter Web App
…. awwwww nuts …
…. where’s the dad-blasted Pepto … 

… nope … slam 
… ahhhhhhh ….. here it is ….

Brian added more… you can read it at Reader link:
From Brian’s research, this byotch is one to watch for… real piece of work
Karen Attiah op ed writer at Wacompost…
BrunoBarking Retweeted
Quote Tweet
· 1h
Most definitely. #WayfairGate #wayfairchildtrafficking
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Would be so great if the Media would get the word out to the people in a “fair and balanced” way. We will win anyway, but they are a far more difficult adversary than their Radical Left Do Nothing Democrat Partner!
Zoe, in POTUS’ tweet above, the words “fair” and “way” are designated by An Opiner’s tweet to suggest POTUS is referring to “FAIRWAY”
Or, maybe “WAYFAIR”.
THANK YOU CARL… this mistake I made is what I am dealing with every day… “fried brain” !
Fried, boiled, grilled, or baked . . . we’re all there!
we have a winner!
You may not like the language, but that’s part of the problem, isn’t it?…
BrunoBarking Retweeted
QAnon UK
Everyone needs to watch this and share far and wide! I have no doubt this will be deleted very soon!
Zoe, it’s a vid clip from some program in UK where comments are made about politicians f***ing children…
Nothing new. We’ve known about it for ages. It’s been investigated. The guilty (not prosecuted) have been dead for years.
Thanks Churchmouse…
You’re welcome.
Oprah Joins Plot To Convince Americans Their Country Is Racist
This effort to extend the 1619 reeducation program into popular culture is particularly dangerous because stories have the power to change minds through emotion instead of reason.
Yes, look what we have as a result of Fauci being on TV so much…
peeps wearing masks everywhere, even in their cars and homes…
(if it comes from the BORG, it must be true, right?)
statistically that’s impossible, right???
It finally dawned on me (probably the last one to figure this out, but better late than never).
This whole Covid thing is a rabbit hole. I kept wondering why they are trying to shut down the country again and force us all into masks now. Why? The Covid is basically nothing now. Why all the false positives and false numbers, and contact tracing and all the hoopla over a seasonal virus? Why the escalation now in midsummer?
The Democrats and China are using the Covid and #BlackLivesMatter, #Antifa to overthrow the US government. I mean, they are going to really attempt it. I knew it…but I didn’t, if you understand what I mean. It is mind blowing, really. I guess I didn’t want to put it together.
They know they are going to lose in November. They’ve known it for a long time. Their plan is the height of evil. It’s all coming together in my mind.
1) Keeping us under house arrest so we are isolated, depressed, in fear, and no trouble
2) Masking everyone, not to protect from Covid, but so the revolutionaries cannot be identified and we won’t be suspicious of people in masks.
3) Shutting down our economy over Covid was to cause economic destruction and weaken our country’s ability to defend ourselves and our national interests
4) Letting prisoners out of jail, not to keep them safe from Covid, but to destabilize our communities
5) Defunding police all over the country to maximize their ability to wreak havoc in cities and upon the citizenry
6) Censorship of the truth by #FaceBook and #Twitter and #Google has become “fact checking”
7) “Freedom of Speech” has become destruction of public and private property at will
8) Mail-in ballots are being pushed not so they can cheat to win, but so they can throw the election into question and cause political chaos and have an excuse to rise up against the duly elected government
9) The blatant attacks on Christians and Jews and their places of worship is an attack on what they fear most
10) The sharia law we are seeing now implemented in various cities, is another attack on freedom of religion. The Democrats are using Islam to suppress Christianity and Judaism.
I’ve scratched the surface…
i think you’re right Grandma. what gives me hope is that if we can see it, POTUS HAS SEEN IT COMING and is preparing.
YOU have got it ALL right, Grandma in TX!
I’m copying this and sending it to my mom. She watches a lot of FOX, but still knows what’s really going on. This will help her connect all the dots. Excellent summary grandma.
It just coalesced in my mind.
So far Governor Abbott has said no lockdown in response to Houston Mayor and Harris County Judge demands. Praying he stays strong. Some Austin Dr. on F&F this morning all gloom and doom about Texas.
I wish they’d stop touting inflating Med Ctr numbers which aren’t really as bad as they sound, that is only 5 of 143 area hospitals. Even if they count all the MC specialty and teaching hospitals of which aren’t housing COVID paitents, that would be 21 of ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY THREE!!! Army showed up yesterday, I’m watching.
Thanks for ground report Butterfly…
Army showed up? Yikes, but in a good way.
I could be wrong, but I’m seeing this as a quiet, honorable and maybe contractual assist to Mexico to alleviate some of their first surge of CV . The Ex pats and duel citizens come over for treatment and you really can’t stop them since they are citizens. But the numbers are likely larger from migrant workers too who may or may not of caught the virus here and brought it back to Mexico so you give them the benefit of the doubt by treating the ones that can enter back legally with a work card.
Mexican surge started in mid may and grew to the height its at now between 27-29 June, the same time we started to hear about rising numbers in Texas hospitals.
Also these reports about morgues getting filled if true at all are likely caused by families too far away to pick up bodies. This is where I’d contribute some of the hospitalizations coming just from just Mexico but to other SA countries as well as the better off who can travel on passport would of likely chosen the US as good place for treatment and then would of chosen Southern States. Should they have died here picking up their bodies and sending them home would likely leave many left here.
It might also explain Abbott’s strange actions as well.
Mind you I’m not saying the surge is all from mexico, but that mexico is peppering our numbers. That said the newer rise in cases right along the border seem to be coming from there.
If anyone cares to look at this in detail I’ve been using the data from here.
That and odd news stories like this one by Daniel Horowitz · July 9, 2020 (seems Horowitiz is tuned in to this has previous stories also)
You can also do search term US Mexico Border COVID-19
Anyway, POTUS has been moving mountains this year and IMO likely thinks this doable for a neighbor / trading partner and might it even be in the scope of the trade agreement if not by words then by intent especially if their leaders offer something in the ways of thanks which I believe we just heard.
Imo you nailed it, and by the way you weren’t the last one to figure it out…I was behind you…

Antifa and Black lives Matter can roam the streets and tax payers need to stay home. See the picture they want us isolated so the two anarchist groups can control the streets.
I know sounds to simplistic but that is how it feels.
Keeping schools closed so only one parent can go to work and the one who does not have a husband or wife has to go on welfare to take care of the kids.
What about poor kids who have no access to computer for distant learning?
We need to one room school house back.
Yes. It is now very clear to me that the Covid plannedemic was their first big move in taking us down…the Invisible Enemy that is the globalists/China/Domestic enemies within.
What a time to be alive, and may God smite them down with the breath of His mouth!
The Chinese will do it again because they want to be top dog at any cost.
Reported earlier:
Adventhealth says 33K tests in FL are incorrect – inaccurate –
5 out of 5 pediatricians says they’ll send their kids back to school in fall.
When Torres asked the doctors if they would let their kids return, here’s what they said:
Dr. Yvonne Mondonado, California: “I would let my kids go back to school.”
Dr. Shilpa Patel, New Jersey: “I will, my kids are looking forward to it.”
Dr. William Raszka, Vermont: “Yes. Period. Absolutely.”
Dr. Jennifer Lighter, New York: “Absolutely, as much as I can. Without hesitation, yes.”
Dr. Buddy Creech, Tennessee: “I have no concerns about sending my child to school in the fall.”…
Eyes On Q@EyesOnQ
Ellen questioned for Wayfair partnership amid conspiracy theory #WayfairGate
Ellen DeGeneres was called out for a Wayfair collection that appears to be hawking $10,000 pillows amid a human trafficking conspiracy theory
Article: we can’t find high priced pillows most are marked down to $99. Missing kids names nope don’t see it.
Yeah your 5 days to late. Also look harder!
Lots of Hollywood people sell stuff on there….
Scoop on Tucker vacation. His top writer had an anonymous account which had made racists comments in the past. CNN found out and doxxed him. Fox let him go. Tucker made a brief statement, comments not condoned, cancel culture not cool, going on vacation trout fishing for a week unless I come back earlier.

I don’t see why Tucker should have to be gone because that writer did something wrong. It seems like weakness to me for FOX to do this. I know the official story is the vacation was planned anyway, but does anyone believe that? This way, it looks as if CNN has succeeded in taking a top FOX host down when he didn’t do anything wrong.
TheseTruths, might it also be the case that Tucker is exhausted by the evil machinations of the Cabal, and could use a few days fishing and reflecting?
Could be, but the timing seems suspicious.
CNN had to do some digging to figure out an anonymous account. Or someone tipped them off.
Serious question:
Why are there no biohazard bins in public places for used masks and gloves if COVID-19 is so contagious and deadly?
Nobody in the WHO or CDC or Dr Fauci or any other “expert” thought of this?
12:51 PM · Jul 14, 2020
There you go again… making an intelligent rational statement/question…
“Thinking out of the box” will be severely penalized”
In the comments, there are people saying that the biohazard containers are for items soaked with blood and needles, etc. I remember we had one for the stings used to flatten blisters after walks. They’re for a whole lot of things, and if this virus is that deadly, shouldn’t there be one?
When I have to work in labs, we throw our latex gloves in the bio trash cans. Contamination is contamination. Lots of different things in the fume hoods I have to work on, none of it you want to “bring home” with you…
For the same reason, there are NO standards for masks. Type, inspection, donning, wearing (how long, vary by environment…), removal, cleaning if reusable, disposal…
YSM, CDC, FauXi IGNORE the obvious BS in their narrative. NO ONE CALLS THEM ON IT.
And I just got lectured by someone I used to baby sit that the “experts” say we MUST wear them.
[big sigh]
Being on the non PC side, I’d have tried to engage them is a factual discussion. When that failed, laugh and walk away.
Done with the fools.
The comparison was to beekeepers not wearing a veil and suit when opening a hive box. One of the things I like to watch on YT is behive removal videos. No matter if they are in their own yards or on a job, those guys smoke the hive and then decide to suit up or not depending on how aggressive the bees are. i pointed that out, and got, The point is the experts say to wear a mask.
The bees don’t have a virus, they aren’t contagious. Apples/Oranges
The TRUMP PAGE Flag of United States
HEADS UP: President Trump news conference from The Rose Garden at 5pm EST. RT
Wow! What a crowd!
No questions either!
Interesting comments to this THREAD, so I’ll post actual link to first tweet……
Financial Bounty Hunters USA@LWDoyleUSA
(1/6) Get Dr. Fauci back in here. While, we’re at it, get Dr. Chris Elias of @gatesfoundation in here as well. Both Fauci and Elias are on the board of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board
In a September 2019 report, . . . STICK WITH ME THIS IS HUGE
10:46 AM · Jun 17, 2020·Twitter Web App
Retweets and comments
Financial Bounty Hunters USA@LWDoyleUSA
Jun 17
Replying to
(2/6) we read about plans that the GPMB is looking to implement. These plans are defined as Progress Indicators by 9/20 and are highlighted on pages 10, 39. This is a quote: “The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two system-wide training and simulation exercises,
Financial Bounty Hunters USA@LWDoyleUSA
Jun 17
(3/6) including one for covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.”
AYFKM . . . if that is not a lead worth pursuing in regard to potential crimes against humanity, then there are no leads. Dr. George Gao, Director-General Chinese CDC is also on the GPMB.
Financial Bounty Hunters USA@LWDoyleUSA
Jun 17
(4/6) In our interview last week, we highlighted the fact that we have developed a white board/flow chart that outlines the interconnectedness of a large number of orgs (public and private, foreign and domestic) in our #ClintonFoundation #Whistleblower
Quote Tweet
Financial Bounty Hunters USA@LWDoyleUSA
· Jun 10
This interview with @Thomas1774Paine is the first extensive public conversation my partner and I have had with anybody since undertaking our Clinton Foundation Whistleblower efforts in late 2015. (Doyle, Moynihan)
#ClintonFoundation #GatesFoundation
Show this thread
Financial Bounty Hunters USA@LWDoyleUSA
Jun 17
(5/6) efforts. We also highlighted how those exact same orgs are intricately involved w/our current global pandemic. We deal in facts. Given all that has transpired over last 6 months, these details in this GPMB report deserve aggressive line of inquiry by appropriate officials.
Financial Bounty Hunters USA@LWDoyleUSA
Jun 17
(6/6) As we pursue our case (Doyle, Moynihan v IRS) in US Tax Court ( rest assured we will leave no stone unturned in highlighting these relationships, the questions raised here and pursuing truth and justice for the American people and elsewhere. #WIN
My husband’s doctor told him not to listen to politicians and scientists.
Keep washing your hands
I know I’m posting more than my fair share today, but hey… it’s like walking the strand after a storm… there are shells everywhere and I know I can’t take them all home, but… (there’s treasure in the tweetersphere!)
Eyes On Q@EyesOnQ
Most-wanted paedophile mastermind behind darknet sites that served thousands across the globe is arrested via @MailOnline
Paedophile mastermind behind darknet sites is arrested
Police in France have arrested a man who is described as one of the top 10 most-wanted targets by authorities fighting sexual crimes. He is believed to have created paedophilia websites.
Eyes On Q
Rudy Giuliani Just Laid Out Game-Plan to Go to War Against George Soros via
[VIDEO] Rudy Giuliani Just Laid Out Game-Plan to Go to War Against George Soros
Here at we’ve been telling you about George Soros and his connections to the St. Louis “armed couple” and the BLM street mural “hate
Praying Medic
Ghislaine Maxwell Pleads Not Guilty.
Her trial is scheduled for July 12, 2021.
No word on bail yet. Her attorneys are using the COVID excuse.
Why are they waiting a year for a trial? That’s ridiculous.
Yeah we all know what’s going to happen before than….
Beer bug makes trials hard?!?!?
She better not get bail but this is NY so….
Discovery, if nothing else. That might be when there is an opening on a docket. It’s not as speedy as the Constitution claims it should be.
WARNING: Chrissy Teigen’s tweets are quite ‘telling’ … if you’re squeamish, avoid. However, that’s the problem isn’t it? Peeps want to AVOID hearing the truth about pedophilia and human flesh and …. meanwhile, our children are being TORTURED beyond our imagination. WAKE UP folks… this is real… it’s happening.…
l E T 17 Retweeted
l E T 17@Inevitable_ET
Replying to @TommyG @chrissyteigen and @ChrissieMayr
I found some part 1…
l E T 17 Retweeted
l E T 17@Inevitable_ET
Replying to @TommyG @chrissyteigen and @ChrissieMayr
I found some part 2
l E T 17@Inevitable_ET
Moar and moar
Quote Tweet
𝐃𝐫 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐲@CarrollQuigley1
· Aug 14, 2019
I think I figured out why Chrissy Teigen was so pissed about #PizzaGate.
Here she is at an event with her friend Rachel Chandler-Guinness.
Show this thread
l E T 17 Retweeted
Tommy G@TommyG
Hey @chrissyteigen, I’m here to help
STEP 1:delete 28,000 tweets about ped0philia being funny & eating human flesh White heavy check mark
STEP 2:stop harassing #Qanon for digging up things u said
STEP 3:explain why u kept going to Epstein island
STEP 4:don’t eat any babies til this dies down
Quote Tweet
chrissy teigen@chrissyteigen
· 1h
when pedo ghislaine sings like a canary (if she doesn’t die) and we have nothing to do eith this, I know for a fact it won’t go away. They’ll just think of another excuse. It is extremely disheartening. I don’t know how to stop this. i don’t think anyone quite gets it
l E T 17 Retweeted
Replying to @cjtruth and @chrissyteigen
Better question is who helped her delete 28,000!? Chrissy that’s a lot of tweets.…
l E T 17 Retweeted
Define Projection@SheepKnowMore
Replying to
There is no way out of this. The DOJ has it all. Maxwell is ours now. We are not going to stop until you and your ilk are brought into the light for all the world to see. You really need to start toying with the idea that the secret world you live in is about to blow wide open.
She’s been scrubbing her old tweets these past couple of days. Trying to cover up. They have it all!
yes they do…
does anyone remember this trash being arrested in April? or maybe I should say anyone see this reported in April??? BLM co-founder arrested for pimping out a 17 yr old girl—so BLM is involved in human SLAVERY–she gave al the money she made to him–WHO KNEW???
A prominent Black Lives Matter organizer and co-founder was arrested last month and charged with human trafficking and prostitution.
Charles Wade was busted at a Howard Johnson Inn in College Park, Maryland, on April 25. Wade was living at a motel room where he allegedly pimped a 17-year-old girl, police said, according to The Daily Caller.
Wade was charged with seven counts relating to felony human trafficking and prostitution, but he he posted a $25,000 bond shortly after his arrest, according to a statement he released on Twitter Wednesday. The charges carry sentences of up to 25 years in prison and a $15,000 fine.
Clickbait [or maybe the reporter is trying to out the connection between Chrissy Tiegen & BLM]
Mr. Eric Blair over at Gateway Pundit is reporting on a story that occurred in 2016…even the Daily Caller article linked in Blair’s report is from 2016……
CJTRUTHMedium starMedium starMedium star@cjtruth
Great thread…What a web they weave. A lot of dirty fingers
Quote Tweet
Cat Namus
· 3h
Mega Boom! #RobertMaxwell invested 1.666M+.333M in #Romney’s #BainCapital. Bain also has a partnership w/ #Branson’s #VirginVoyages who’s on the board of international center for missing & exploited children. #Biden also has a submarine accessible island Exploding head
Show this thread…
This is long THREAD, no reader as yet… apparently G Max “owns Romney, through Bain” and the info illustrates how important arresting G Max is… as SO MANY PEEPS will be implicated. Don’t fret about trial being a year from now… this will be RICO and will take TIME.
Well let’s hope they can keep her alive that long. Their track record isn’t so good.
She has to be in a black hole. Jeffrey Epstein was used as bait. She won’t be.
From OAN…Larry Klayman w/Judicial Watch asked DC Mayor to be able to paint their message on DC streets since BLM can. She won’t respond, so they’re suing her. Fair is Fair.
POTUS backtracks on his not letting foreign college students in if the colleges are only offering on line courses? WHAT THE HELL????
Dissapointing…we are infested with chicom “students” who take spots from our own kids because of higher tuitions and bribes. Unacceptable…
agreed…and how will the chicoms make money renting apartments to those students if they aren’t here? why they might have to sell their real estate investments back to Americans…
I think it had to do with all the lawsuits the colleges were going to toss at them.
I read that so far it looked like the colleges would win the suits that’s why it was pulled back.
I’m sad about it as well. Needs to stop asap
This Police cars revolving light
BREAKING – Trump administration ordered hospitals to bypass the CDC and going forward send key #COVID19 information to a “Washington database” instead Eyes
3:52 PM · Jul 14, 2020·Twitter Web App
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The Trump administration has ordered hospitals to bypass the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and, beginning on Wednesday, send all coronavirus patient information to a central database in Washington — a move that has alarmed public health experts (NYT).
Meanwhile, CDC Director Redfield says if all Americans wore a mask, the rise in #COVID19 cases could be under control in 4 to 8 weeks.
l E T 17
Replying to
This is YUGE
In the comments:
Replying to
This means they have a very compelling reason to make this move and I’m sure we will find out why in short order.
YUGE indeed!
Normally I would look askance at centralizing data collection in the hands of the federal government, but not in this case, and not with this administration. But the CDC is a federal agency as well, so I guess that was already happening. What do they have to hide?
a move that has alarmed public health experts —- Good stop playing with the fake numbers.
SHould read ‘ a move that has alarmed dems’
Ready for an interesting rabbit hole, boys?
>James Biden, bro of Joe Biden gets an amazing land deal for Water Island from a lobbyist while Joe was VP.
The land was in the Virgin Islands, and after some digging, we see it is barely a STONE’S THROW from Epsteins Island
THREAD Reader link
Anybody seen or heard from Wolf today?
Been watching for any activity on his twister account…
There are some retweets.
Seems to be pulled away by some other work IRL or research project………
Very interesting!
This may have limited interest to you Americans but it proves the longevity of the swamp
Everything to do with China is malicious
Q has been quiet for a while, but for good reason.
Since Q last posted:
-Wayfair was exposed by anons for potentially running a sex trafficking operation
-Iran nuclear facilities have been under attack
-Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested
I think the US Military is working
3:16 PM · Jul 14, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
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Sun_Q_Tzu Medium starMedium starMedium star
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with the Israeli Defense Force to dismantle any potential threats from Iran’s nuclear program before AG Barr instructs Durham to unseal indictments.
Iran of course is used by the Deep State to blackmail the Middle East. I believe the Deep State activated Iranian assets and
Sun_Q_Tzu Medium starMedium starMedium star
Told them to prepare to use whatever means necessary to start a war with the US or Israel as a means of distraction from the impending charges against certain Deep State players.
The US and Israeli are silently taking out any capacity Iran has to use nuclear weapons or WMDs.
Sun_Q_Tzu Medium starMedium starMedium star
Correction – Maxwell was arrested July 2…Q’s last post was that evening
Horrifying. This woman sound demonically possessed.
For the most well-meaning they have been convinced by handlers (at one level or another) that they are helping them by killing them. It has never occurred to them that there might be a path to health from the state people are in when they see them in the health “care” setting.
The press jackels just put on their jackets. Looks like POTUS is close.
I love how he always makes them wait. That guy in the center keeps looking at his watch. Now he’s taking off his jacket. Ha ha ha!
And now he puts it back on. Sit there in your little masks and stew press jerks!
Late afternoon sun in their eyes, too! Heh heh
Announcing EO removing Hong Kong from special status, now same as China. Under same sanctions. Now talking about 5G china company block, dropping WHO.
I’m headed for a snack. You watch he’ll come out while I’m up.
Focusing on getting out of bad trades deals, etc.
Called out WHO as a puppet of China.
Trashes #SlowJoe for 8 years of failure while in office and then trashes for poor response for WuFlu and previous Swine Flu response.
How I wish this was on the doors of all businesses!
Should be Tea, should be… soon, hopefully.
Omg really people?! Maybe people can’t wear masks or die not want too. Make the crazy stop!
Do not die. I hate being on WP on a tablet. Spell check is evil!!!
LOVING IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good idea, and good for him!
Oh, me, too, PR!!! Worked perfectly, too!!!…
No kidding.
Mike Scarcella
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalized — ‘resting comfortably’ — after seeking treatment for infection, US Supreme Court says. Full announcement:
5:20 PM · Jul 14, 2020
Cue the speculation, again.
I wish her no ill; I just want her to retire.
All assets deployed….
State funeral is one of them.
[hyperventilating] [fan, fan, fan]
Luckily the Mark IV model RBG is already on the assembly line for production…
hmmm second Supreme hospitalized in 2 months…
Die bitch
There was a med flight from gitmo I was going to link milspec tweet about but this is better
This is turning into a campaign speech against Joe Biden. Not that I have a problem with that.
They don’t want him to have rallies, so they can just deal with it!
I mean, if he decides to come out here to flyover country, can the other side conjure up tornadoes? I hope not.
It’s actually funny. Pres. Trump has the bully pulpit, so he can speak to the people whenever he wants. Biden’s optics are terrible with chairs six feet apart and very few people.

He will get blasted for “making it a campaign speech” instead of a news conference. Yawn….
And I suspect that was the intent. It’s a great way to force the media to talk about the issues.
As predicted, Jim Acosta is tweeting how POTUS is tainting the Rose Garden with his campaigning! LOL
So says the Earl of Taint…
It’ll give YSM something to whine about. Kayleigh will be ready for them tomorrow.
Bill Mitchell
SATAN: “Behold how I have corrupted the Democrats to destroy America!”
GOD: “I convinced them to nominate
SATAN: “Sh*t!”
5:40 PM · Jul 14, 2020
Can’t wait.
Looks like the message in the Bush funeral envelopes!
“They talk about cases, but they don’t talk about…” he didn’t finish the thought before going to ventilators. Great job, though.
This speech is interesting…it’s a series of soundbites. It seems like it’s rambling, BUT each little chunk can be excised for use in ads.
Operation warp speed to deliver the vaccine…and Fox breaks in on the RBG hospitalization.
Nothing happens, nobody cares….
VSGPDJT is a George Carlin fan.
I think he’s trying to draw Biden out. It’s a presidential election year but there has been very little interaction between the candidates, thanks to WuFlu and media hysteria. I like how Pres. Trump is just marching on.
Could be.
so she needed an andrenochrome infusion???
Yes. From the chidlren.
That means she is staying in the hospital to receive periodic infusions of vancomycin. This is a treatment protocol which is usually done on an in-home basis. I know because in 2014 I had to do it for three months to knock out a staph infection in my leg.
If they are keeping her in the hospital (a great source of various infections), then they are using vanco as a shotgun because they haven’t the foggiest idea what’s wrong with her.
And clean out? Clean what out?
her bile duct stent
I think people said the stent could cause issues down the road. Maybe this is one of the liabilities of having one. On the other hand if she had WuFlu or something, it would affect the entire SCOTUS. But I don’t think that’s the case.
She could have called Roto Rooter!
My sympathies that you have to use vancomycin. It can be a “rough customer”.
My suspicion is that RBG’s bile duct stent became infected or was “brewing” an infection, hence the chills and fever.
Vancomycin is a possible powerful antibiotic to use if this event occurs. There are couple of other drugs that can be used if the patient can’t tolerate vancomycin..
However, vancomycin is in some cases, a “last resort” drug because of its very powerful chemistry and more-limited clinical uses.
Vancomycin usage in the very elderly (people over 80 years old) is tricky at best. The drug is often used to combat RESISTANT bacterial infections, especially MRSA, in people 80+.
My knowledge of vancomycin comes from the time when my late husband had to have it. He was 90+ and had to be hospitalized. It took him months to recover.
IF Justice Ginsburg is receiving IV vancomycin or any of its similar drugs, you can bet the farm that she REALLY is ill.
That was EXACTLY my point. ThanQ for corroborating.
BTW, vanco was no big deal physically, for me. I was 66 yo.
At her age its going to be very bad. You know mrsa, vre, etc are possible too.
Pres. Trump: “Someday I’ll tell you why” countries are now taking people who entered our country illegally, whom we’ve sent back. Interesting.
Caught that one…a bit of a tease. Notice how he’s not talking to (or lecturing like Obama’s MO), but rather having a conversation. …”some day I’ll tell you…”
Remember: cases is different that deaths…and we have cases because we test.
Oh, my…he’s hot on that.
He said “illegal aliens.”
He’s going to sign something regarding DACA soon because the Dems wouldn’t do it, and his plan will be better, and he mentioned “merit-based.” No details, so it wasn’t clear.
W I N N I N G !
President Trump tried to work with corrupt D-Rats on DACA, 2017 IIRC. D-Rats are stoopid!!!
It’s a trap. He’ll sign an EO which will be challenged in the sc and the whole of DACA will be overthrown
ooooohhhhh I LIKE THAT!
Or it won’t. He can do what he wants, said the SC. He’ll be humane and give the DACA’S a merit based path, they’ll be grateful. He’ll be the only one to help them. The optics of the Dems challenging DACA is a disaster for them. POTUS is a VS GENIOUS!!! WINNING!!!
Yup. Brilliant move.
Chanel always asks great questions.
Sorry I missed it. Was working on tomorrow’s daily.
Addressed WH letter to Railroad Assoc(?) asking them to NOT invest retirement funds in Chinee Asshoe Defense companies.
I think that’s actually their incorporated name
You don’t even skip a beat Ms Pat… George Burns would have loved you !
if you smiled, my work is done!
I did indeed smile !
From Roosteron twister
JUST IN: President Trump has selected former White House official Sebastian Gorka to serve on a national security advisory board, marking the return of one of his most high-profile advisers.
I like him.
Hilarious! Wasn’t Gorka one of the bunch that got chased out of the NSC, along with Bannon and McFarland, by McDupester and his BFF Susan “Sing-Sing” Rice?
Beer mug𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞Flag of United StatesMedium starMedium starMedium star
There are no coincidences.
I’ve heard rumors that Baked Press Cur is good eatin’ with a little poke salad on the side.
James Woods
So funny that
is sitting there baking like a cow-flop cookie in the Texas sun. Meanwhile
is knocking this speech out of the park, and is cool as a cucumber. Life is superb.
My mom loves to say: cool as a cucumber.
Absolute BS.
JUST IN: The Pentagon has announced that the US has withdrawn from five bases in Afghanistan and reduced the size of its forces there as part of the agreement it entered into with the Taliban earlier this year
Promises Made, Promises Kept
“This fraudulent info was apparently from 360 tests sites that sent their info to these 33 Fl Labs and MASSIVE FRAUD ensued to HIGHLY INFLATE the #’s from there! There must be Full Prosecutions fr this as people are being lied to about their health! This is MEDICAL FRAUD!!”
The replies to Jessi Melton’s tweet are very interesting.
So whats Desantis going to do?
Governor Wolf Moon would start constructing gallows in shopping malls.
Be glad it’s Governor DeSantis.
Im am and i agree!!!!
Ahhh, yer too sowft, Guv’ner Wolf Moon
Governor Cuppa would have them swimming laps in an olympic-sized pool of lime (like they use in cement, and glass)… with Satan Soros along for the “dip”…
(You put the lime in the swimming pool and eat ’em all up…..)….
I said Doctor (Faux-Xi), ain’t there nothing I can take
I said, Doctor Faux-Xi), to relieve this Covid ache?
I said, Doctor Faux-Xi), ain’t there nothin’ I can take
I said, Doctor Faux-Xi), to relieve this Corona FAKE?
People are starting to see how we were PSY-OPPED with a new weak disease.
The real eye opener will be the new research showing anti-bodies don’t persist. HOW WILL A VACCINE PROTECT IF INFECTION ITSELF DOES NOT??? Can’t have it both ways guys.
Ammo dump…
Save and replay THAT ONE!!!
Alabama….Tuberville beat Sessions.
Dayum, he lost big!
W I N N I N G !
The COMMIES understood Sessions’ WEAKNESS and PLAYED IT.
Anyone remember “Detour” by Tex Ritter?
Sounds like the deep state wanted Jam Sessions:
Recuse, there’s a muddy road ahead, recuse
Paid no mind to what it said
Recuse, oh, these bitter things I find
Should have doubled back on that recuse sign
Sorry, Before my time Cuppa.
I asked about newsom recall signature numbers and it sounded like they are lagging. I will have to check around online.
Also, Kamala Harris is probably going to be the VP pick, and I wont doubt that Schiff will ve appointed the senator, just like harris was.
Kevin Kiley (@KevinKileyCA) Tweeted:
Politico reports “the parlor game is on” to replace Kamala Harris if she’s the VP pick (Becerra? Schiff? Willie Brown?). Note, “parlor game” does not mean “election.” I proposed that, but the Assembly opted to stick with the 19th century method of appointment by Gov. Newsom.
I do believ Heels Up Harris will be on Bite Me Biden’s ticket.
Asking. Schitty appointed senator if Heels Up is on ticket for VP? Or, more correctly, IMO, IF the unlikely event Bite Me Biden / Heels Up Harris win the election 3 November.
Yes. The state refuses to allow an election. Since it is a veto proof majority dimms in legislature theyre keeping the dick tator Gruesome happy and giving him sole discretion to appoint a replacement. Thats what happened w Harris, then she won reelection. Itll be the same here.
Guessing the lockdowns and constant fear mongering contributes to recall failing. Grewsome knows this. Keep the folks skeered. No gathering. Shutdown events, activities…
IIRC there was also a splutter strategy with two competing petitions circulating.
^^^ Looks like a recipe for failure. Wonder IF grewsome was behind one of the two. Knowing odds of failure increased.
Slow guy thinks they should have combined their efforts.
Agreed. Important to determine which group is the controlled oppo.
Yes. I see lots of people tslking to the gatherers , but I am not in an overtly liberal area, yet. But its happening. I dont know about other counties success.
If youre interested, this blog has insider info into ca gop.
one can’t believe anything one reads… Heels Up Harris?
believe it when I see it…
I don’t think it will be her. Too much baggage, and her personality is too grating.
She’s a Nasty woman.
What “woman of color” being considered…including the faux Indian, isn’t loaded with baggage and too grating?
Lol! All Democrat women are grating, IMO. But what do I know?
I just think Harris’s record on blacks as A.G. is disqualifying, if they are pandering to that group.
She’s way too ambitious…politically dangerous by proximity.
Could be interesting if Horizontal Harris and Hill-the-BEAST locked horns, as it were…
Well, there’s a visual! Yuck!
CHICAGO — Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said Tuesday that Americans should not be concerned that infectious disease specialist Dr. Anthony Fauci will leave the Trump administration, saying he remains a “trusted adviser” of himself and the administration.
Another one bites the dust.
Head of Major UFO Organization Arrested on Child Solicitation Charges
From the article:
“On July 3, detectives contacted a male by the name of Jan Harzan after Harzan solicited sexual activity from a detective he believed was a 13 year old girl,” the Huntington Beach PD wrote in a Facebook post. “The suspect solicited the minor to meet for the purpose of engaging in sexual activity, and when the suspect agreed to meet the supposed minor, detectives were there to take him into custody.”
Harzan was “arrested for multiple felonies and transported to the Huntington Beach Jail [and was] specifically targeting minor females online,” the police department wrote.
MUFON’s [Mutual UFO Network] role in the UFO world is massive.
It’s a two-fer for the DS.
Jordan Sather called them out as controlled oppo long time ago.
Now they have not only misguided genuine seekers (whether there is any there there or not) AND they’ve smeared the movement with the pedo brand they put in there in the first place.
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