This QTH of JULY FRIDAY open thread is OPEN – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG!).
Note which video from last week is NOW GONE.
If you recall, this was Dr. Kelly Victory’s video about COVID-19. More on the story below.
You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.
Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.
Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.
Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the OLD January 1st , 2019 open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.


Our movement
Is about replacing
A failed
Political establishment
With a new government controlled
By you, the American People.
Candidate Donald J. Trump
Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Medical Socialism Means Censorship
Medical socialism MUST censor what it does not want you to hear.
Remember Dr. Kelly Victory’s YouTube video from just last Friday? Here it is now:
And here it is, re-posted by somebody, and removed AGAIN:
Well, somebody named “Sam Q Public” did the public service of re-posting it ONE MOAR TIME, and here it is (for now):
Susan Wocommie, familial Menshevik, is relentless, but WE ARE MOAR RELENTLESS.
And if you want to find Dr. Kelly on YouTube, well, here she is.
That one is from HER ACCOUNT, which you are free to FOLLOW.

Euthanasia to Eugenics to Eugenocide
Where does Stalinist medical socialism lead? Where does it WANT to go?
It is my contention that medical socialism leads to CONTROL OF HUMANITY at a biological level. It will control who lives and who dies, and who (that lives) gets which organs of who (that dies).
Now, I’m not the biggest watcher of eugenics around, but certain things TRIGGER me into action, and Melinda Gates going “blacks first” on coronavirus vaccines was one of those things. To me, it was a SLIP – a careless “tell” that gave up the game.
Bill is much slicker. He is NEVER not in 100% cover-up mode. Melinda – well, shes’s simply not as good of a LIAR. So – as you can tell – I do NOT trust her motivation here.
So let’s talk about “emergency” coronavirus vaccines, but not too loudly, lest people in the media engage in their role of suppressing some thoughts, instilling others, and basically controlling what we think.

I was BORN just a FEW YEARS – a child’s lifetime – a few gray hairs – after somebody tried to *LITERALLY* wipe Jews off the face of the Earth. AND MORE. Black people were way up there on Hitler’s list. Trust me – if Hitler would have won, sterilization vaccines – NOW WORKING – is how he would have gotten rid of Africans, and made Africa a “white utopia”.
Do you believe me? That Hitler would have used modern science for genocide? Of course he would have.
And it’s not a one-time deal. GENOCIDE dressed up as EUGENICS dressed up as PUBLIC HEALTH is bound to happen again. It’s TOO EASY. People are TOO TRUSTING.
My mother, who SAW IT, told me all about it. And my father filled in the technical details.
Hitler’s eugenics movement had ONE GROUP of higher priority for “improving humanity” than Jews and communists, and almost NOBODY stood up for them – the disabled, the retarded, the infirm, and the bedridden. Yeah, I said “RETARD” – so you would REMEMBER. They change the LANGUAGE so you will FORGET HISTORY.
The “medical socialism” of Nazi Germany – their “death panels” – encountered little opposition to the elimination of those deemed “medically unfit”, so that is where it started.
Hitler and his bunch of psychopathic “national” socialists WARMED UP German society to genocide with the easy pickin’s.
That’s not much different from nursing homes, is it? First they keep you out – THEN they kill them.

MANY people get this – the anti-abortion people – the anti-euthanasia people – and many black people who are labeled “conspiracy theorists” – even the execrable Farrakhan. Not enough Jews get this nowadays, but they used to. When ELIMINATION OF JEWS was a recent historical FACT, Jews actually believed that re-creating the conditions needed to pull it off again might be a bad thing.
I am going to be very blunt, because I understand the science, but most people do not.
I am less disturbed by Iranian nukes, which CANNOT KILL ALL JEWS, than I am by American socialists, and beyond them the global socialists, who seem absolutely determined to GIVE the power to accomplish genocide “medically” to the STATE.
99% of the POWER of genocide is SECRECY – just like it was in Hitler’s Germany.
I repeat, for the benefit of EVERYBODY on our side.
99% of the POWER of genocide is SECRECY.
Well, what SECRET do we have HERE?

Is ANY GROUP understanding the danger here? A lot of blacks do. Thank GOD for that. Even the HORRIBLE FARRAKHAN has his saving grace, of realizing that “eugenocide” of blacks is something a LOT of people would NOT risk their LIVES to fight.
I’ll just say it right here. If you’re not watching out for the genocide of OTHERS, you’re not going to be there for genocide against YOU.
The Nazis used a SLICK combination of two things:
(1) OPENLY making the public moderately comfortable with genocide, by selling EUGENOCIDE – the allegedly morally, ethically, and socially acceptable elimination of some group – such as those who exist only by the charity of others, and who are often in some discomfort or pain, and who have a “low quality of life” by the standards of others.
(2) SECRETLY enacting REAL genocide, using bureaucracy as both a COVER and an enabler.
Once every individual is “speech-separated” from every other individual in a socialist society, people are AFRAID TO DISCUSS delicate topics, like “what is Hitler really doing with the Jews?“
Under those circumstances, everybody is IN FEAR OF THE STATE. People do NOT talk about what might get THEMSELVES – as an individual – in trouble.
We cannot allow this SILENCING to happen in America. If we do, then GENOCIDE – starting off with EUGENOCIDE – is not far behind.
Eugenocide will not look like this:

Nor will it look like this (from Cloud Atlas):

It will look like this:

Now this picture is actually very innocent. There is a FAKE NEWS item that says this is Obama, Fauci, and Melinda Gates in the Wuhan lab.
It is at NIH, during the Ebola crisis. AND there are very similar pictures of TRUMP and Fauci at NIH, during the COVID-19 epidemic.

Both are innocent. AND THAT IS MY POINT.
What follows MAY be innocent, too. But nevertheless, based on exactly how Hitler DECEIVED Jews with a “nice story” about where they were ALL going, EUGENOCIDE will look more like this:

I ain’t sayin’ Melinda Gates wants to kill Blacks and Injuns. But I’m saying – very clearly – that when somebody DOES try to kill Blacks and Injuns, it’s gonna look JUST LIKE THAT – if not even more charitable. It will be NICE, and it will be RACIALLY, RELIGIOUSLY, or otherwise SELECTIVE based on a potentially EUGENIC division.
I’ll explain how it would be done in another post. When you realize how easy it is – RIGHT NOW – to carry out secret genocide, and LOOK like you’re doing the opposite – it will scare the #### out of you.
Are y’all starting to see why ORIGINAL AMERICAN RACE-FREE is the BRAND YOU CAN TRUST?
Next item.

The Logical Triviality of X Matters
The evil genius of “Black Lives Matter” is that it is three things at once.
- Trivially True
- Incomplete
- Almost Meaningless
Saying “Black Lives Matter” is like saying all of the following.
- White Lives Matter
- Pencils Matter
- Slaves Matter
- Heroes Matter
- Villains Matter
- Ted Bundy Matters
- American Flag Matters
- Trump Matters
- Pedophiles Matter
- Books Matter
- Matter Matters
- Mass Matters
- Something Matters
- Nothing Matters
- Things Matter
- X =
The temptation is to make it MORE MEANINGFUL – by saying something like – I don’t know – maybe “All Lives Matter”. That is a TRICK – to bait you into the appearance of negating or disagreeing with a trivially true statement – one which moreover has an IMPLIED GOOD MESSAGE FOR BLACK PEOPLE.
Democrats are saying “X equals”. If you say in response that X equals ANYTHING, or add some condition, build some theorem, or draw some corollary, you have fallen for the trick.
Let’s be honest. Throw away all your preconceptions about the phrase BLM, and who is behind it.
Do black lives matter? Just answer THAT question, with no BUH BUH BUH about what comes next.
Of course they matter. Here is the logic:
IF {All Lives Matter}
AND {Black Lives Is A Subset Of All Lives}
THEN {Black Lives Matter} = TRUE
Ignore the organization. Ignore the Marxists. Ignore the riots. Ignore the violence.
The statement {Black Lives Matter} is TRIVIALLY TRUE.
The phrase “black lives matter” is actually not very comforting, but people presume that it is. Note that people who think black lives are worth only 3/5 of a white life, can AGREE with the statement “black lives matter”. People who think black lives are worth nothing more than the cost of a CREMATORY RIDE can agree with the statement. People who think black lives are a NEGATIVE, and need to be eliminated with sterility vaccine components snuck into specific lots of a coronavirus vaccine, can agree with that statement.
Yup. Here is a NAZI agreeing with “Black Lives Matter”:
“Black lives matter. We had better do something about them before they overpopulate.”
The incomplete statement “black lives matter” is actually very insidious. Sometimes I think the biggest racists in America – perhaps some secret Nazi grandchildren left over from WWII and Operation Paperclip, came up with this gimmick.
Here is what Wolf Moon says – a much more meaningful statement.
“Black lives matter as much as white lives. Will you agree, Democrats?”
This puts the Democrats back on the spot. “All Lives Matter” does not. If the Democrats try to say that black lives matter in any way not equal to white lives – either MORE or LESS – they are TOAST. But they don’t. They RACE-BAIT unassailably with the safely meaningless phrase “black lives matter”.
Democrats are doing what they have done since slavery – teaching SOME blacks, by horrible example and evil psychology born of the master-slave relationship, how to be tricky and deceitful like them.
Democrats are teaching blacks to play a MIND GAME that turns them against Trump voters, who will predictably try to “de-race-ify” “Black Lives Matter” into “All Lives Matter” – a noble gesture which plays the weakest card in the white hand, and psychologically tells black people on behalf of Democrats “these guys are not really your friends – WE ARE – because we say ‘black lives matter’ without questioning it.“
A nasty trick.
SO – don’t be afraid to admit the Truth.
Black lives matter.
Or – if you really want to get their goat – black lives matter as much as white lives.
You don’t disagree with that, Democrats – do you?
Yeah. Watch the commies stutter, stumble, trip and fall.
Happy Birthday, Gil’s Kiddo!
Today is Gil’s Kiddo’s B-Day. AND I QUOTE….
Hi everyone here! I an going to ask for a very nice favor from everyone. Kiddo’ 7th birthday is Friday, on Q day. 7/17 how nice is that? Summer birthdays are hard with friends scattered on vacation(I know bc my birthday was today/yesterday) but this year he has had no friends to do anything with.
Would you all individually take a moment and post a message, poem, worldly 7 year old appropriate joke or gif, or good advice for his future?
This is only if Wolf or mods are ok with it.
I will print out what I can and save everything else. He knows about the site so getting told Happy Birthday by other people will make him extremely happy.
Thanks in advance.
Have a great Thursday!
Liked by you and 3 other people
OK – I’ll say it – in the BIGGEST LETTERS HERE.
OK – That’s it. LET ‘ER RIP!!!

Back on 11 May, the Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS) issued a comprehensive critical care COVID-19 management protocol.
This protocol included hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as an optional potential therapy for both symptomatic patients (at home) and for mildly symptomatic patients (at the hospital).
“Mildly” may not be our definition of mild as the next step in the hospital is ICU.
The 11 May EVMS protocol also included Ivermectin (you know, the Australian horse wormer) as an optional potential therapy for both symptomatic patients (at home) and for mildly symptomatic patients (at the hospital).
Included also was Remdesivir (kinda early, huh?) for mildly symptomatic patients (at the hospital).
Well, the EVMS protocol has been updated – 17 June 2020.
HCQ is now specifically “Not recommended: chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine. The use of these agents is extremely controversial. Notwithstanding the retraction of the Lancet paper, there is a paucity of data to support the use of these drugs. It is possible that the efficacy of these drugs requires the co-administration of zinc.”
How about that?
But, of course, Remdesivir is still included for mildly symptomatic patients (at the hospital).
Here’s a kicker for me.
Ivermectin is still included as an optional potential therapy for both symptomatic patients (at home) and for mildly symptomatic patients (at the hospital).
But wait. Isn’t there far, far less data available for Ivermectin (which, by the way, seems to work very well) than for the thousands of cases of WuFlu that have been significantly helped by HCQ? A number of countries list an HCQ protocol as their first line of (successful) defense, and a majority of MDs say HCQ is their “go to” drug.
Yet, HCQ is specifically NOT RECOMMENDED!
To me, it looks like someone “got to” EVMS and convinced them to change their mind on HCQ.
Yeah, EVMS had it then “lost” it. Fancy that… I was actively sending that original EVMS protocol to others to demonstrate efficacy of HCQ…
Oh well, the sunrise will be delayed once again.
When America or parts of America do not use a drug that other countries use and that is known to work, it takes us down a notch on the world stage. It’s part of the overarching goal to knock America down instead of the USA being the leader. I hope this gets addressed ASAP. Our medical organizations have been infiltrated just as the government has.
Someone got to them? Like … nice business you got going; be a shame if HCQ caused problems for you.
I can’t believe that medical people would do anything but care about our well-being.
In a revolution, doctors are generally part of the revolutionaries — they’re used to feeling superior and treating other people like cattle. Thus, “Dr. Zhivago” and Jean-Paul Marat. And, like every other institution, the profession of Medicine has been touched by leftism:×203.jpg
Pgroup, it does cause cognitive dissonance, but I can tell you that here in my little local town, the medical personnel and politicians are tighter than tight.
They are in lockstep, in fact. This frightens me more than anything. The leaders are being led by the nose by the CDC and state health organizations. They will not listen to anything else, partly for political reasons, and partly because they actively disdain their constituents.
Wolf, thank you for this post.
FACT: SARS-COV-2 is genetically 80% identical to SARS-COV-1
FACT: A detailed study published in 2005 concluded “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread”
FACT: Hydroxychloroquine is just a milder form of Chloroquine
FACT: Virology Journal is an open-access peer-reviewed medical journal published by BioMed Central.
Yes, quite likely someone got to EVMS. Was surprised that they had even been out front with HCQ.
I do note that they say the efficacy of HCQ requires zinc, so a good practitioner should recognize the adjunct supplements required.
Eventually, the truth will come out about what went down regarding this virus. It’s a matter of making sure we “win” in order to write the books…
“Eventually, the truth will come out about what went down regarding this virus. It’s a matter of making sure we “win” in order to write the books…”
Wolfie!!! You!!! Bring it!!!!!! I always smile… When I get to come here!!!!
Rumor TX shutdown announcement tomorrow…
Abbott better not. I’ve had it. I’ve left messages over and over at his office voicing my disappointment in him. Maybe we need a class action law suit in Texas…
County GOPs are censuring
Michael Flag of United States Medium starMedium starMedium star Truth Bomber for Gen Flynn
Replying to
Sheriffs and LEOs are promising to NOT enforce mask orders
Texans are FURIOUS
AntiAbbott hashtags trending
SA removes 3k ‘probable’ CV cases from count due to errors
Ivette Lozano is a household name w/ HCQ treatments…
Hopefully @GovAbbott has gotten the memo & doesn’t backslide
TX is safe to open
Look at Hospital Capacity not “cases”
We knew all along “cases” would “surge”
Plenty of Capacity
TX Dr’s are treating CV w/ success!
If need more Redeploy the surge capacity!…
Texas has the most COVID recoveries in the U.S.
Texas has the lowest COVID fatality rate of the most affected states.
Texas is tied for 16th lowest COVID Fatality rate in the U.S.
Texas has the 33rd lowest COVID case rate in the U.S.…
Over 91% of confirmed COVID cases are not hospitalized.
The COVID hospitalization rate is at its lowest point in over a month.
22% of Texas’ hospital beds are available.
58.9% of Texas’ ventilators are available.…
98.8% of Travis County residents don’t have the virus.
98.9% of Harris County residents don’t have the virus.
98.9% of Bexar County residents don’t have the virus.
98.6% of Dallas County residents don’t have the virus.
99.1% of Tarrant County residents don’t have the virus.…
18% of beds & 58% of vents available in Dallas County.
17% of beds & 50% of vents available in Harris County.
22% of beds & 65% of vents available in Travis County.
13% of beds & 50% of vents available in Bexar County.
18% of beds & 58% of vents available in Tarrant County.…
“While many seem to suggest that Texas is in bad shape, they aren’t telling the whole story. The fact is Texas is one of the safest places to be during the pandemic. ……
“We should all be cautious, but we are not in the desperate crisis and overburdening hospital beds like many in the media and officials claim.”
Mexico Surge II
It’s been posted about several times since the very start of the month.
Pull up your world o meters site, scroll down to mexico. At mexico open mexico’s data or use this link.
You can see that Mexico started it’s first CV surge in mid may. It spiked to the numbers we still see now on 27-29 June just as we were getting first reports of hospitalizations numbers going up in Texas and California just a little before that. Mexico’s outbreak is rather large and residual numbers are coming into the US with the same effect that the New York area effected the rest of the country.
We have Ex pats and duel citizens in Mexico that have US pass ports and are allowed to travel here for treatment. Guess what. They are and have been since at least 27 June. We also have Migrant workers who are allowed to travel across the border. Guess what, they are coming too. Also based on someone’s reporting here, I guess you can add US travelers to the list.
Concerning the Mexican migrant workers. One could assume they caught it here and brought it to Mexico. Now they are returning back here for treatment. Seems fair to me. I think it’s fair to the president as well. Their first time flare up is rather big, but with all the President’s been dealing with, I’m willing to bet he sees this as a minor problem and helping to take some pressure off Mexico to help them deal with this is likely intended to be a courtesy.
Your also going to have to add in other South American countries into this mix when it comes to people with pass ports and money. They have also likely flown in for treatment. Most people coming in for treatment are usually in and out quickly, however your going to have some with cormobidities that need to stay longer, thus filling up bed space and in some cases die while in treatment.
Of those that die here, we get the stories of morgue space running out. Why would morgue space run out? Most likely these are people who came from south of the border and their families can not come and take them away for burial Other than that there is no reason for morgues to be filling up as their are no restrictions on sending bodies to funeral homes.
Also of note are the run up in Covid is happening in Southern States and particularly along the border. Reason of course is the proximity to the border as well as the relative safety of Southern States as an option for treatment when compared to Northern States.
Now why don’t we hear this in the news? Answer is it’s in the news but its not front and center for the left or the right. All stories are the type you have to stumble upon or search for. Meanwhile the left is not going to say we are helping Mexico by letting these people be treated here when the better story for them is that Trump is loosing control of the battle with CV. Meanwhile the right is not going to make much of this because many will demand the border to be shut. I think the President’s view is we can handle this, which we can. Just lets not make an issue out of it. This might also explain Gov. Abbott’s strange behavior.
Meanwhile exact data on all this is hard to come by. Sanctuary states, counties, cities and towns as well as hospitals are not likely to keep statistics on people from out of the country and if they have them they are not going to release them to the Feds. Thus all reporting on this has been anecdotal but is easily found by dong a search for US Mexico border COVID 19.
Now with all that you add in protests to our new spike numbers and that’s whats happening and why IMHO.
Additionally someone posted this last night. “State of TX reports 40% hispanic cases as the highest concentration of cases. Data for Harris County website says they have 13.5K Hispanic cases, which is almost double whites at 7.3K, but still the highest of all with the exception of….23.5K cases of UNKNOWN ethnicity.” calling out why 23.5K are unknown. Answer is of course sanctuary city policies as mentioned above.
Thank you! Makes BIG sense.
“While many seem to suggest that Texas is in bad shape, they aren’t telling the whole story. The fact is Texas is one of the safest places to be during the pandemic. …
^^^ This.
Michael, thank you for this info. Abbott has been getting his butt chewed. He’s backed off a bit, but even yesterday said that staying open required 100% mask compliance.
I do believe, based on his behavior, that he is one of the governors compromised by China.
Glad I can help! Abbott is definitely in a pickle.
^ bin pls
Sorry – I got knocked offline in a weird way that took a while to recover.
Maybe this is to prevent a “false flag” incident. All the Trump states seem to be targeted by the Left. If there is a mass shooting or something like that planned, Maybe at the Republican convention. Abbott and Trump will look bad if something like this happens. Maybe they know something we don’t and can’t be shared. Maybe the info will be shared as the Trump October surprise. Notice which states are being targeted.
Don’t let the enemy destabilize We the People with their tweets. Trust nothing from people you don’t know that tweet discouraging info. while pretending to be a We the People supporter. Keep your eye on the prize. The backlash against the blue politicians will happen after the election.
Excellent. Please post more often.
Thank you to Wolf for allowing the birthday messages and your own wishes. Thank you to every person who took time to wish him Happy Birthday.
Ive made a print copy for him and he will receive it in the morning. He is having a hybrid Scooby Doo and Spongebob day. Swimming, pizza, cake, and presents. I am currently putting up Spongebob decor and wrapping gifts.
Its kinda awesome he is going to be 7 on 7-17 on Q day in the most significant election year of all our lives.
Heres wishing for the resurgence of the Republic!
Just so you know he is all about the right cake. This is his this year. Have some cake!
Happy happy Birthday to the young un!

What do you call a fly without wings?
What did the snail say while it was riding on the turtle’s back?
What a great cake and a fun day you have planned! Happy birthday to him!
Happy Birthday Kiddo!
I missed the request from yesterday, but went back and looked at all the remarks, fun things and advice that were posted. Many good nuggets to enjoy now and reflect on as you get older!
Have a fun birthday, Kiddo.
Happy Birthday!!!!!
Loves that scooby!

eat lots of cake !
Have a great day
Yes he’s planning on 2 pieces at least. Somewhere in there I’ll squeeze in dinner. Lol.
What a great cake! What a great Mom you have!
Hope your day is filled with fun Kiddo….
Seven is a wonderful year…
Love the cake!
Happy Scooby Doo Birthday, Kiddo
Happy Birthday (and Hippo Birdie) to Kiddo! One could even say, “and many Hippo Returns”…
In any case, have a blessed, fun, happy, and cake-filled birthday!!!
(Hope this posts correctly – from the same artist as “wee fish you a mare egrets moose panda hippo gnu deer):
Lol. Hes very smart. Love this.
Fellow Tennesseans:
Who are you voting for in the US Senate race GOP Primary?
Being now in leadership in a county GOP I can’t really talk about with anyone. (after all, fair primaries were one of my main motivations for getting involved and if I as a GOP county party leader/public face talk about pros/cons and one over the other then I am doing what I got involved to not do!)
I keep going back and forth on Hagerty & Sethi, although if I thought he had a chance I would vote for Jon Henry. He and his wife are have made a great impression on me and seem true blue, down home, Mr. Smith goes to Washington, all American types.
Anyway … Dr. Sethi has no record, hired many of the same people behind Lee, and was not very involved (time or donations) prior to deciding to run for office several yrs ago. Met his campaign manager while working with him on a mission trip to Haiti. Posted about that the other day. the campaign manager worked for Lee’s campaign and then Lee’s transition and stayed with Lee while in office until leaving to work with Dr. Sethi. Was our TN GOP chairman before that and worked for Corker before that.
Dr. Sethi has worked hard on the campaign trail and has come to any and everywhere he has been invited. His rhetoric has become more conservative over time. He didn’t seem to “get” 2A originally but was always a supporter and now has better answers. IDK – outsider but no track record and similar staff to Lee … but then how many winning consultants/campaign managers live here in TN? If involved in politics, probably associated with similar people is common.
He was a blank slate, similar to Lee, and has developed a very conservative campaign over time.Trust him to stay conservative after the election? True outsider?
As a doctor he will have an larger credibility on healthcare and not sure he will take us in the right direction.
Hagerty – been involved with politics for a long time. Been GOP for a long time so has associations with Romney and many others like Corker, Alexandar & Haslam …. but didn’t all GOP voters vote for and work for Romney’s election back in 2012? Hagerty didn’t support President Trump in ’16 until he won … and then he did support him and then was appointed to Japan. Hagerty is at least a known entity. But do I like what I know?
President Trump endorsed him. That is the key and what makes me really stop and think about Hagerty. Without that endorsement, Hagerty would not stand a chance.
We want to support who President Trump endorses as that directly supports President Trump, empowering him so that he can make deals in DC with the GOP who want his magic touch, his endorsement which almost always promises a win.
Many Tennesseans feel fooled by Lee right now. I don’t want to be fooled by Dr. Sethi. But President Trump endorsed Romney … and has now apologized. And yet I want to support President Trump’s deal making abilities/power/political leverage….
Really not sure which way I will go on this….would love input.
And I really like Jon Henry – hope he stays involved in politics and runs for something again. He got involved late so no time to build momentum and widespread name recognition. He seems like a great guy. Love his passion and so down to earth. Really looking forward to what the futue holds for him.
But for this election it will be close between Hagerty and Dr. Sethi … not sure what I will do yet.
BTW, not a fan of Cope, Bush or Flinn. All nice in their own way and determined and passionate about what is best for our country. But none of the 3 ready for leadership and I have serious drawbacks to each as a candidate.
Very important for Trump’s endorsements to win.
Absolutely critical, in fact.
Support Trump’s pick 100%. They know more about the candidates than we do.
That is the very fact that has me torn and the only reason I will vote for Hagerty. I want POTUS to have the political leverage that possessing a powerful endorsement brings.
It is a competitive race – MUCH support for Dr. Sethi. He had Worked hard and Hagerty has not. I am Not impressed with Hagerty at all and don’t want to vote for him … but loyalty to POTUS is pulling on me.
A late addition for gil00kiddo — you can walk right up to a professional and say, “when I look at that, I see a blank concrete wall. When you look at that, you see more. What do you see that I don’t?”
My father was involved in building the Donald C. Tillman Water Reclamation plant and I visited him at work one time, so he took me on a walk around the project. At one point, we were walking past a blank concrete wall, and he exclaimed, “those b******s! The spec for this is 1:2:4, and this is no better than one in six!” Then he shoved his fingers into the wall, tore out a chunk, and threw it on the ground in disgust.
The numbers 1:2:4 are the proportions of standard concrete — one part cement ($$$$$), two parts sand ($$), and four parts “aggregate”, which are small rocks ($). By looking at the surface of the wall, and the way it slumped after it was placed, he could tell the contractor had tried to get by with far less cement than was needed — essentially the wall was a large sandcastle instead of being true concrete.
But it really shows how much more you can see with knowledge when your dad turns around and rips a handful of “concrete” out of a “solid wall.”
“Black lives matter as much as white lives.” Brilliant! It makes people agree that white lives matter too, it shows that the person making the statement agrees that black lives matter, and it affirms equality between the two “lives” — whereas “BLM” obviously devalues white lives. Race wars must be maintained, and that is the goal of BLM. It is revealed in their hatred of America’s history and founders and the current war on white people.
“BLM” the statement is very careful not to say HOW MUCH black lives matter, because it let’s everybody set their own value – it makes no promises HOW MUCH.
Very Democrat!!!
It also leaves out “how” they matter, as you wrote.
If you are a racist abortionist, it might REALLY matter to you that most of the lives you TAKE are BLACK.
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Good work there Wolf…
The length & breadth of their evil is a synergy that could only be orchestrated by the father of lies.
They think they’re untouchable… I pray that as God’s servant, PDJT has their measure.
They would do well to read up on King Cyrus.
I thought Sen. Marsha Blackburn had a good comeback the other day. she said, “All African American lives matter” & that BLM is a radical socialist organization.
Black Americans who were born in the USA are Americans who happen to be black.
African Americans are naturalized citizens who were originally born in Africa. They are the rare exception in the US by size of demographic as compared to black Americans.
Seen thru the lens of what Wolf articulated, though inaccurate in its lack of specificity, the message Is still a good foil for the BLM evil.
Tonight I heard Seb Gorka on re-play get highly testy with a caller who brought up Gen Flynn Q oath and that Q was going after the pedophile ring of elites. Her question was ill phrased, but he shut her down roughly, saying he was with the president, and that Q was a scam and there is no elite pedo ring.
He was nasty in his response to her. Like a 5 year old stomping his feet protesting he did not have his hand in the cookie jar. Weird response. Any thoughts?
I suspect Gorka is not highly placed enough to be at the level that knows about Q, and that he has always thought it was nonsense. Pres. Trump probably knows this and has him in his position for specific reasons that have nothing to do with Q.
I hope. Gorka p*$$ed me off, so I turned off the radio.
Jane, I don’t blame you–that’s upsetting.
I think you nailed it.
I’ll agree with this. There are few who know what Q really is about, and Flynn would have been in a position to know about it being an honorable military man.
That was his stance on Q last year.

He tweeted out that…”Q is garbage.”…and lost a lot of followers because of it.
I was hoping that he had come around, but apparently Not.
Sounds like he is being kept out of the loop on things.
And it’s easy to see why!
It was Gorka’s outbursts like this that caused him to get booted before.
Saying cringeworthy things like…”I am happy to be Pres Trump’s pit bull.”…made his mouth a liability more than an asset.
Pres Trump could have put a stop to the whole Q movement at any time.
But he hasn’t.
Instead, PDJT has done Air Q’s at rallies and pointed to people with Q-shirts and signs.
Let me know if he says something besides “Q is garbage”.
The fact that he keeps repeating the same exact phrase rather than, I dunno, getting a little animated is just a little (or a lot) weird to me.
Thanks Wheattietoo. I didn’t know he did that before. He was so stinky to the woman, he basically called her a dumF in his usual sophisticated language.
I wish people wouldn’t ask the question, especially not to peripheral players like Gorka. We don’t need theirr opinions. Some of them might not be able to give their true opinion anyway.
Good point. He went on attack. The phrasing of the question was clumsy.
There was a time or two when I got the distinct impression that Gorka denies Q precisely b/c it’s a deniable op, and hams it up just a bit too much. Thus, I don’t worry too much about it.
Thanks Wolfie. He really got me angry.
I’m more troubled by his denial of an elite pedo ring… especially in light of Epstein & Maxwell.
Independent of Seb Gorka, and separate from any discussion about “Q” – IMO, there is definitely a significant issue about pedophilia in this country/the world. I’ve seen enough reveals to confirm that. POTUS himself tweeted about it way back in 2012/2012. Epstein and his high up mucky mucks obviously were involved with underage sexual exploitation of minors.
Hollywood trash, Chrissy Tiegan has just deleted thousands of tweets, some of which did get out there on social media. That’s one sick woman. Mel Gibson talked about this issue 10 yrs ago.
So the pedophila story isn’t a conspiracy…
I don’t like Seb Gorka – he’s abrasive and I believe he got into trouble previously with the POTUS/administration. He doesn’t make friends very easily.
The word for Gorka is POMPOUS. And pompous people irritate the hell out of me.
I listen to him for his interviews, but not very fond of him. He has a good radio voice but he sounds full of himself, pompous.
Wolf…have you seen this?
I’ve posted it before because I think it’s important to see the Programming here:
These testimonial-affirmations are dated back in June.
These LARPing cosplay zombies have been programmed to launch into violence, whenever they hear someone say…”All Lives Matter”.
Last week, a young mother was killed for saying it.
Was that a result of this Programming?
This is the same “justified violence by dweebs” programming as ANTIFA – designed to infringe on free speech. Soviet Antifa “criminologist” Vysotsky even tried to push this thinking on LEOs!!!
Notice the similarity to that dweeby guy on a street corner who just hit or kicked that girl with a camera. We’ve all seen the clip – it was a long time ago. They’ve been working on this for a long time.
I’ll tell you what, I am 55 years old, in good shape, and could kick the shit out of any one of the females in that video. And I will, too, if they try me.
If it’s a man, I won’t confront them unless the DH is behind me, in which case I will say “All Lives Matter” and then duck.
Stole this from MAGAmom’s thread +contributors
News roundup has been posted if interested.
Thank you, Fle!
Of course we’re interested!
First they came for the gays…
The #CURES are real. The attacks are fake.
Post 9982689 • from 8kun
HCQ inhibits HIV?
Effects of chloroquine on viral infections: an old drug against today’s diseases
Effects on HIV infection, Anti-HIV effects of chloroquine
“The anti-HIV activity of chloroquine has been shown not only in cell line models, but also in peripheral blood lymphocytes and monocytes —ie, cell culture models in which cellular uptake of chloroquine is closer to the conditions occurring in vivo. Under these conditions, it was possible to obtain levels of inhibition of viral replication above 90%.”
(I found a bunch of HCQ HIV studies)
Inhibition of HIV-1 replication by hydroxychloroquine: mechanism of action and comparison with zidovudine
“HCQ suppressed HIV-1 replication in a dose-dependent manner in both recently and chronically infected T-cell and monocytic cell lines.”
Inhibition of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Replication by Hydroxychloroquine in T Cells and Monocytes
“These data suggest that HCQ may be useful adjunctive therapy in the treatment of HIV-1 infection.”
Hydroxychloroquine Treatment of Patients With Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1
“The amount of recoverable HIV-1 RNA in plasma declined significantly in the HCQ group over the 8-week period (P = 0.022), while it increased in the placebo group.”
The Antiinflammatory and Antiviral Effects of Hydroxychloroquine in Two Patients With Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome and Active Inflammatory Arthritis
“HCQ may exert simultaneous anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects in patients with HIV infection and inflammatory arthritis. If larger studies confirm this observation, it may be the drug of choice in this population of patients.”
Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine as Inhibitors of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1) Activity
“Chloroquine and its analog hydroxychloroquine are two inexpensive agents that are widely used for the treatment of malaria and have been shown to achieve some level of anti-HIV activity.”
The anti-HIV-1 activity of chloroquine.
“Interestingly, CQ is capable of inhibiting HIV-1 replication at concentrations within the range reported in plasma of individuals chronically treated with doses of the drug which have well-known and limited toxicity.”
Hydroxychloroquine, hydroxycarbamide, and didanosine as economic treatment for HIV-1
“This new combination of drugs could be suitable for countries that have restricted resources”
Hydroxychloroquine, hydroxyurea and didanosine as initial therapy for HIV-infected patients with low viral load: safety, efficacy and resistance profile after 144 weeks
“This novel and well-tolerated combination controls viral replication during long-term follow up, with development of few resistance mutations. With careful monitoring it may be a useful strategy for delaying highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and associated toxicity in selected patients with low initial viral loads.”
Small sampling of studies
Imagine if HCQ was widely prescribed and suddenly HIV positive people began testing HIV negative.
Good research there.
It should be noted that Dr. Faux-i *spit* has been promising an imminent AIDS vaccine since 1984. How’d that work out?
Could that be the reason they’re fighting HCQ???
AIDS meds AFAIK are EXTREMELY expensive, and must be taken “forever”. Nothing like a great “revenue stream” being denied Big Pharma…
Wonder if Faux-Xi’s cloven hooves (along with Satan Soros’s) are tromping around in there, too…..
BTW, I posted an Update on Marica’s Prayer thread
Thank you for sharing your situation and your heart with us. I will continue to pray for your healing and for relief from symptoms and side effects. You are an example of courage and faith! May God bless you and your family.

Thank you These Truths. Prayer, the Miracle “drug.”
Prayer is actually quantum physics put into action.
Our prayers and love and support, PlainJane.
I know, I can feel all the prayers. Thank you SZ.
As the trope goes: “once more into the breach”. We cannot take your place, but can lend a shoulder to support you with prayer.
And that is sooo important and soothing.
May God bless you, Jane.

I’m sorry you’re having to go through this, and will pray for your healing.
TY Wheatietoo. The cancer doesn’t stress me as much as the Marxists and their sheeple. But then again, I’m weird.
Sweetheart you are in, and will remain in, my daily prayers!! Thanks for sharing your difficult situation and your tremendous courage!!!
Once again Thank you PF.
you have an inner strength I can only aspire to Jane! God Bless you!!
Not mine. Given to me by Him through all the prayers of the prayer warriors.
grace and humility. Jane you are beautiful!
One of the main ‘Q’ websites suddenly isn’t working with Firefox browser.
If you try to go to it says:
“Did Not Connect: Potential Security Issue
Firefox detected a potential security threat and did not continue to because this website requires a secure connection.
What can you do about it? has a security policy called HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), which means that Firefox can only connect to it securely. You can’t add an exception to visit this site.
The issue is most likely with the website, and there is nothing you can do to resolve it. You can notify the website’s administrator about the problem.”
Still works on the Dissenter browser though.
SSL Report: (
What Is HSTS and How Do I Implement It?
Some people on twitter were saying that any mention of was being censored & along with another q related site I can’t remember now…hmmm…
i use firefox and have bookmarked and it still works…
I just pulled it up in a different browser, and there’s a BIG notice at the top. “Twitter is blocking links to Q map.”
If it wasn’t real, there wouldn’t be such a concerted effort to keep people from seeing it.
The Fake News is not happy!
I hit my bookmark and the site comes up, with message that Twitter is blocking and use form to report to Twitter.
I’m not on Twitter and I will not be reporting.
I use Firefox, and it is working ok for me. Weird.
OK, another “the more you know” story.
I belong to a club whose purpose is to create replicas of an engine — for example, a “flathead Ford” V8 [ ] — at somewhat less than original size — maybe 1/4 the size. Then they make it run.
The more you think about this, the deeper it gets. You cannot go into Pep Boys and buy 1/4-sized sparkplugs, you have to make them. You’ll need a distributor, which you’ll also have to make. You have to grind your own camshafts — you’ll need to grind your own valves. You make your own crankshafts and pistons — one of the guys has a half-hour talk on piston rings that is just amazing (final step — oven at 1400 degrees for an hour, makes ’em the right “springiness”.)
Hanging out with these guys makes you see all sorts of things differently. Metal isn’t this hard stuff that you buy that stays the way you bought it. If you form steel into a shape, heat it until it glows cherry-red and a magnet won’t attract it, then drop it in a brick-lined metal bucket of used motor oil, it will come out black, and hard enough to carve the rest of the block you started with. Metal can be hardened, softened, cast, machined, ground, bent, polished, roughened…..
So, one day, a guy comes to a meeting with a bunch of chunks of metal he’s going to give to club members. A bunch of them rummage around the back of his pickup before the meeting. The meeting is called to order and people do presentations, club business is done, etc. etc. And it gets to the point where miscellaneous announcements happen, and this guy gets up and says he’s got a bunch of metal in his truck.
And someone asks, “what kind?”
And he says, “aluminum and stainless”. And someone else asks, “what kind of aluminum?” To which, he replies, “beats the heck out of me.” [ ] — and everyone looks at Dwight.
Dwight has been a professional machinist for a long, long time. He went through a formal apprenticeship at Mare Island, did his Federal stint, and just kept going. I tried to connect-the-dots on his timeline from several talks, and he may be 94. Or not. He still drives and was the only person not wearing a mask at a recent meeting. He built himself a plane and flew it around for a while, but he doesn’t do that any more. He has all of his fingers at full length and can feel discrepancies of less than 1/1000 of an inch. He has done molten metal castings on his driveway. The running gag is that everyone tries to do things a couple of times at their own facilities, then heads over to Dwight’s to learn how to really do it.
And Dwight casually observes, “bunch of 6061, some 3003.” Nobody really questions this, because there are well-known things that distinguish aluminum — whether it’s misty on the surface, shiny metallic, or blocky…..what it does if you try to scratch it with a key…. The fact that Dwight has handled more aluminum of every alloy than any of us have handled any alloy is enough.
But, sure enough, someone goes, “what kind of stainless?” and the donor shrugs and everyone turns to Dwight and he says, “bunch of 304, some 410”. Nobody wants to make a scene, but everyone’s mind is blown. Stainless all looks the same. It’s non-magnetic. It’s non-reactive. It’s all steel, so your key is going to bounce off of it. What did he do, smell it? [ ]
And then we move into the rest of the meeting. An hour later, the meeting is over, and the scavengers headed over to the donor’s pickup while a sizeable bunch of people head to Dwight — knowing how he could assess stainless was far more important than actually getting any.
We all knew that if you had a chunk of stainless and tried to stick a magnet to it, the magnet would fall off. But if you have a chunk of stainless and hold a magnet just over it and slide it back-and-forth, you can feel the eddy currents of induced magnetism. At least you can if you can feel 1/1000 of an inch discrepancies and have done this for a few decades. And different alloys of stainless exhibit different types of induced magnetism.
It isn’t magic. It isn’t extrasensory perception. He knows more about metal than we do, and when he looks at it, he sees things that we do not.
All the people that mobbed him after the meeting were amazed, to be sure. He pops off with these occasional wonders from 50 years ago and we’re all left feeling uneducated.
That is a great story, had me smiling all the way through

This is a very poor follow-on but your comment made me think of a little sketch we saw on a Michigan Out of Doors episode on PBS featuring a very skilled & award winning knife-maker/craftsman. He especially liked to make knives out of metal files that needed to be heated & tempered (I think) before they would no longer be too brittle to make a good knife. My husband was truly intrigued. It turns out the shop is about a half hour North of his hunting buddy’s place so perhaps a future trip will happen.
This place was Morris Knives in Yale, MI…I think…
Here is the owner/creator with his version of an historical 1700’s dual usage weapon for boarding ships…
I think the below knife started life as a metal file…hope it shows…
They’ve got a series of interesting pics that scroll at the top of this site:
There are lots of interesting images in their gallery page…
What a treasure you have in that old timer! It’s amazing what depths of knowledge & wisdom one person can carry & it’s inspiriting that you & your cronies/adventurers/creators still look up to him in awe! Thanks for sharing!!!
You are going to miss that when you relocate…hope you find another fun, challenging group in your new town….or, start one!
This is a great picture:

President Trump did this to illustrate how he is Lifting the Burden of regulations on our products and our lives.
Notice how the Red Truck is the one that the crane is lifting the weights off of.
We are getting our “old fashioned incandescent light bulbs” back!
Pres Trump: “I brought them back. They have two nice qualities: they’re cheaper and they’re better. They look better, they make you look so much better. That’s important to all of us.”
He also railed against regulations that were meant to reduce water consumption and said:
“We are bringing back consumer choice in home appliances so that you can buy washers and dryers, showerheads, and faucets.”
I hope this means that we will get to buy new heavy-duty top loading washers again!
Pics are from this article:
I need to watch that speech. Or read it. To be able to find regular light bulbs will be a blessing since I’m about out of my stash that I hoarded years ago.
Me too!
I hope they get right to work on producing them.
Lifting the weight of regulations and ending anti-suburb policies:
“They want to defund and abolish your police and law enforcement while at the same time destroying our great suburbs. The suburb destruction will end with us next week …And our plans to protect the suburbs from being obliterated…by people on the far left that want to see the suburbs destroyed, that don’t care,” Trump said.
Trump…said his administration is “bringing back consumer choice” in home appliances.
Regarding incandescent light bulbs: “I brought them back. They have two nice qualities: they’re cheaper and they’re better. They look better, they make you look so much better. That’s important to all of us,” Trump said.
Anti-suburb ideologies among the left have been the driver between the “shrinking middle class” lamented in the press over the past decade, a certain sneering condescension toward “the American Dream” by politicians that has the unjust effect of limiting prospects of people for a dignified rise out of multi-generational poverty.
+twatter RT…
Anti-suburb ideologies among the left have been the driver between the “shrinking middle class” lamented in the press over the past decade, a certain sneering condescension toward “the American Dream” by politicians preventing a dignified rise out of multi-generational poverty.…
Another thing about incandescents versus Compact Fluorescents (CFLs) or LEDs is that they can be tossed into the regular trash when they fail. CFLs and LEDs are hazardous waste, and, at least over here, have to go to a special waste-disposal site (as usually the stores don’t have the recycling process set up).
All the things the Greens, et. al. never think of…..
I did a “hamster-kauf” right when they started banning them here, so I have enough to last for 30-40 years, at least…
Trivia fact: 120-volt lightbubs produce around 50 percent more lumens per watt than 240-volt lightbulbs. Both Philips (and the lightbulb cartel) and Ohm’s law “contribute” to that. I almost thought of having a second set of wires run in our house for 120volts, but 35 years ago when we built our house, the greens hadn’t started ruining things, electricity was VASTLY cheaper, and nuclear power wasn’t an unforgiveable sin…..
I have never used the ‘new’ bulbs, I can’t stand the ‘color’ or ‘temperature’ (whatever the right term is) of the light. It’s either too blue or too white, makes everything seem ‘sterile’ and cold.

Whatever it is, it’s anti-human and — like always, it was done by compulsion, so Bush Jr. can stick it where the sun don’t shine.
I’ve been buying the old kind via Amazon or eBay, wherever I could find them.
Now I won’t have to hunt for obsolete bulbs anymore
edit / correction: I have used them before, lots of people have them obviously, but I haven’t bought any or used any for myself.
I must be weird – I love the Daylight LEDs – I can see and read much better. I have daylight fluorescents in the kitchen and bathrooms. The old yellow incandescents make me feel like I can’t see.
I have a Speed Queen top loading heavy duty washer and dryer that I bought when my Neptune set died. It’s great to be able to set my water level, to soak clothes a while or overnight if needed, to have a second rinse, etc.
Made in the USA!
“Pres Trump: “I brought them back. They have two nice qualities: they’re cheaper and they’re better. They look better, they make you look so much better. That’s important to all of us.””
And if you break them, you don’t create a MERCURY bio-hazard toxic waste problem… like you do with the ‘new’ bulbs… which the Pagan Earth Mother Envniro Religionist Gaia Druids never seemed to care about in the slightest…
Voter fraud promoter…
I get the print version of the WSJ. They’re now full out publicly globalist/Chinese Communist supporters. Except for a rare editorial, almost all of there articles are not in support of America.
The WSJ, and almost all other media sources are supportive of the election being stolen. They’re not interested in anything that doesn’t increase the power of the State, or forcing America into subservience to globalist control.
That’s how they’re rolling.
Thanks for the clarification. I was running my mouth off because they were promoting the mail in ballot aka fraud…
So you get the WSJ as oppo research?
I love print – books, newspapers. Cancelled our all-in-for Obama the day after he won in 2008. They had been Dem leaning all the time, but when Obama came along – that was the last draw. So we went to the WSJ – the business articles interest us. There was some reasonable pro-American on the editorial page – until DJT. The rest of the paper was left leaning bias too.
We get the Epoch Times now – comes weekly and is filled with lots of good information – not just politics. Gonna cancel WSJ when my newspaper lady of over 20 yrs retires – I keep the paper to support her.
It was a our local rag, the Virginian-Pilot who was all in for Obama. I still get it ’cause my newspaper lady leaves a free copy for us – we take good care of her at Christmas – but one would never know that 80% white population is the territory – almost every article and picture regards Blacks – and victimhood.
I love print too. I delivered newspapers for a couple years in my youth so never much liked newsprint because it “dirtied” my hands. Now so much of it dirties the mind!
The WSJ is owned by News Corp now…and has been for awhile.
News Corp is owned by Murdoch, which also owns Fox News.
Ever since Murdoch’s sons took over, the News Corp corporation has taken a noticeable left turn.
OANN one of the few places to get real news…
and don’t forget our Felice–he’s always got REAL NEWS!!!!!!
Yes, of course the Q Tree near daily news update…& mostly good news at that!!!
<3 <3
Historical heroism!!!
It might be fun to wear one of these…in places where they ‘mandate’ that a mask be worn.
I wouldn’t want Arnold’s mouth anywhere near mine…but POTUS should sell some!!!
Did we do this one yet. Caryola’s Back to School 5 pack for kids. This is sick. Kids should not be in masks at this age. No one should be in masks but especially kids.
NO masks for children or teachers – totally against them!!!
Yep.. and imagine a teacher trying to teach in a mask. You’d have to be superhuman to do that.
You’re spot on with your article, Woflie. We share similar thoughts about genocide, and the similarities between Nazi Germany and movements today.
I’ve written previously about the genocide of the unborn – and indeed, that’s how the abortion industry operates in this country/world. Secretly.
Rarely are pictures allowed out to the public that reveal the truth about what happens during an abortion – if the MSM printed the truth – we’d have an end to abortion almost immediately.
“99% of the POWER of genocide is SECRECY – just like it was in Hitler’s Germany.”
agreed…if you choose to have one, you should watch one on film to know what’s going to happen. when you have other surgery, there’s usually a pamphlet giving stark details about what happens, but not with abortion.
Yup. Planned Parenthood DEPENDS on secrecy to do its thing. Abortion is where eugenics starts, and it is VIGOROUSLY defended. Part of that defense – a BIG part – is defending the secrecy.
Branco nails it.

Amy Mek
Irish Politician @PhilipDwyerNP exposes pro-pedophilia books in Dublin public libraries being pushed on children.
Stay active parents, the same books being pushed in Ireland are being forced on children in all western countries.
Please report any suspicious books to my DM!
Looks like the title of the book is ‘Beyond Magenta’.
This article has the title’s of other books to be on the lookout for:
this is not surprising to me…they’re allowing drag queens to come into libraries to read stories…imagine the filth they peddle!
He’s saying that the term ‘pro-life’ is racist?

What a crock!
Notice how overtly ORWELLIAN these jokers are. Planned Parenthood is basically designed to cull blacks and other minorities. But if you support something that – OMG – SAVES black lives – you’re a “racist”.
Agreed what a CROCK.
I wish I could say this is unbelievable, but it’s what I expected. This is Comrade Wilhelm’s NYC!
Man accused of punching NYPD chief, cops on Brooklyn Bridge released without bail
de Blasio is horrifying. He needs to be ARRESTED.
Arrested? You are too kind.
Want to keep it all NICE AND LEGAL on his long trip to the NEEDLE.
Ajit Pai
The worst time to be alive? A good candidate: 536-543. Massive volcanic eruptions in 536 and 540 yielded “coldest decade in the past 2300 years.” No sunshine for 18 months; snow in summer; crop failure; mass starvation; and an outbreak of bubonic plague.…
Okay, that image didn’t display…let’s see if this works:
This is why the CABAL featuring anti-American CHICOMS is pushing BACKWARDS TECH during an approaching solar minimum – to WORSEN our preparation for GLOBAL COOLING.
Once you see how they constantly push the opposite of what we should be doing, their agenda becomes clear.
Plus, they’ve forced energy prices higher, and Higher, and HIGHER…
The elites are going to be making a killing, as it were, on energy profits…
Final link here:
WOW. Nasty Nan Nephew Newsom Is Nasty.
OK, ignore grewsome.
Churches don’t need a license from CA.
Folks gather at the church if they so wish to do so.
What is grewsome going to do? Arrest the folks? Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands…?
What is grewsome going to do, chain the church doors? Cut the chains.
Why is there no resolve to defy these idiotic edicts.
THERE IS NOTHING grewsome can EFFECTIVLY do to enforce his church bans, singing bans.
What am I missing? Call the pastor, priest… Contact the faithful….
Folks need to stop acting like sheep.
Verse of the Day for Friday, July 17, 2020
“O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.”
Psalms 95:1 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Friday’s Encouraging Word
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Morning Duchess!
have a Blessed and Happy day!!
HI, Patty – Hope and pray all is calm and quiet where you are – we got a soaking rain – much needed – but, will have to wait until it dries out a bit to plant my perennials – however – I could make a mud pie for my BD – lol
Pray for a Blessed and Happy Day for you, too!!! Hugs!!!
BD? birthday???????
Yup!!! I was gonna ask you to bake a cake – but, by the time it got here – it would be mush – lol
Thank You!!! Oh, Yummy – is it a chocolate cake – I am partial to chocolate cake with buttercream frosting.
it sure is!!
Oh, Goodie!!! Strawberries and Chocolate Cake – I can taste it right now – but, then again – I have a vivid imagination – LOL
go to the next page–holley has sang and we wanna taste the spread…giggle
Oh, ok – will check it out – Thanks!!!
Oh, I forgot – the RULZ – we have to bring enough for ALL! LOL
Bill Nye the science guy…lies.
This lady shows what a fraud he is:
I’ve seen this a number of times in the last few days. Bill Nye also has poor abdominal strength and lung capacity if he’s really blowing as hard as he can.
Heheh…yep, I thought the same thing.

Hey, great work this week on your three-in-a-row daily Open Threads!
Good content, loved the videos.
Like I keep saying…Wolfie isn’t paying you enough!
Thanks. Sometimes I wonder if people are really liking all of it. I hate doing the same thing over and over, but having a template on each day and changing out the artwork, for example, or the marches, etc., keeps it fresh, and at the same time relatively predictable.
But, there’s so little feedback, it’s hard to know.
Well, *I* notice…and I know how much time and effort you’re putting into them.
We’re lucky that you’ve taken on the job!
I love your reads DePat, they are superb and fun … love the music


… “reads” … no ..
.. open thread ..

Every bit of your efforts appreciated and looked forward to.
Sincerely, DP, Thank You!
Thank you
Your faithfulness to keeping the “trains running on time” during the week is very much enjoyed and appreciated by many of us.
I like how you are keeping to a theme but add new features for each open. I look forward to seeing what you have found to share with us. Thank you D.P.
Yep. From Vigilant Citizen:
He’s also full of B$ about climate, and just about any science. He’s as much of a fraud as Faux-Xi…
I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s spent some time on the Lolita Express, or Epstein Island, or both…..
Q Agnostic! Like Some of us here…
I can understand why. But really, Q confirmed so many things for me that I came across in other parts of the conspiracy world, and in my own work history, I’m compelled to stick with it. Especially the part about the Red Cross. I did some temp stints with them, and it’s a pseudo-government agency. That’s all there is to it. That it would be used as a piggy bank, and cover for money laundering and distribution is easily believable for me after what I saw.
Others have different life experiences, and exposure to different levels of life. It’s the beauty of what we all bring to the table.
I love this richness, breadth, & depth of perceptions & experiences around the Q-Tree. There’s such a wealth of knowledge & wisdom amongst the Q-Treepers &/or Wolf Pack it is Always a blessing to read & ride along!!!
Love this video… All I can say is There is absolutely no need to apologize for anything, America. I thank God that ‘leading from behind’ is over and PDJT is leading…not only America but the world!
Saving this one for when the red pills FINALLY start to take effect.
The more the vandalism and threats happen, the more we are going to see of this. Essentially, this is doing a local pilgrimage like the Saints did centuries ago, and so many do to various sites even today.
Michael – Please help – I loved your picture – but, I do not know how to post it – Thanks!
I’d love to help you but I don’t know which picture you found!
* Be My Voice * Psalms 127:3
Behold, Children are a Gift from the Lord
The Fruit of the Womb is a Reward.
Thanks, Michael, for any help you can provide.
Hmm let’s try these:
They are all beautiful, Michael – Thanks!
But alas – not the one you posted. * Sigh *
That is the one – YES!!! – Got it now!!!
Copied Image Address – Now I can post it!!! – Thanks!!!
Excellent Duchess! Glad I could help
Thanks so much, Michael!!!
when i clicked on the link, it took me to gmail sign in?
Oh, dear – I saved it in my mail to share – when I clicked on it – it gave me a loooong link – tried to shorten it – did not work
It is a beautiful picture of a baby with a Bible Verse – Michael posted it – but, I cannot find it – searched ‘Be My Voice’ – but, could not find it – * Sigh *
thanks for trying!
If I knew how to search for Michael’s Post – we could see it, again – maybe, he will see it and post it, again.
I’m sure he will!
I hope so – it is a beautiful picture with lovely sentiments – and on the lower left hand side – it says – ‘Be My Voice’ – gave me goosebumples!!!
Is this the plan? ‘Cause there’s any number of countries that want him, and will deliver swift, earthly justice.
Donald J. Trump
2:00 PM · Jul 16, 2020
you know how jets all over the world disappear sometimes? wouldn’t it be awful if HIS did while they were extraditing him? and all the crew members were found alive (but their memories wiped) and only Soros’ body was found?
So, admittedly I do need to get at least some sleep…but I ran across this interesting article that appears to have been based on some decent research, & perhaps speculation. I’d love Aubergine’s take for they deal heavily in Ellis Island info earlier on in the writing (I’m not done with it yet)…I’m sharing it here as an fyi, though it was written the end of 2018, so it’s not necessarily timely.
It does, at least to my thus far reading, touch on topics that seem to swirl in the Qniverse, Tesla, JFK, Federal Reserve, & the Bushes & New World Order & bankster machinations. Here’s a tweet that was my entry point:
The tweet above was riffing on something implying a Potential Epstein connection to GWB, as noted here:
Any thoughts on any of this? Blessings!
for Zoe, the picture is of Bush on the floor, playing with 2 paper airplanes in front of 2 collapsed Jenga towers…CREEPY!!!!!!!
Yes! Extremely creepy being in any type of Epstein collection too…
blackmail? the former Presidents in their most compromising situations? clues to the truth???
Bill in Monica’s dress…Bush with the airplanes/twin towers…
Interesting. Perhaps celebrating how they got away with “it” in plain/plane sight…
I started reading the article and when I got to Paul Warburg decided to do some research because I have access to the passenger lists referred to. The info for Warburg is not correct. He never claimed he was an American in 1903. In fact, it is crystal clear he claimed to be an alien at the time. What he said was that his permanent residence was America. The author claimed he was one of 30 to give his address. Actually it was more like 3 were possibly asked to give their address and he was the only one that did. Per the passenger list he resided in the US earlier in 1903 (start date unknown), went to Germany, then he returned to the US.
Granted this is not the primary emphasis of the article, but if the details are incorrect why believe anything.
Thank you for checking deeper. I went to the Ellis Island source to check against known info I’d found there previously some years ago…& now that info is no longer available, at least by searching for the people I knew were on a specific ship together…hmmm…
Keb Mo and a group of musicians in different countries around the world team up via the magic of the internet to play some delta blues. “Walkin’ Blues” was written by Son House and popularized by Robert Johnson. Here’s the description from the Youtube channel:
“We started our version in Patagonia, Argentina with Roberto Luti and Nico Bereciartua playing slide guitars in front of a 100-year-old fig tree and with that raw performance, we added friends as we traveled to create a blues jam around the world. Blues is always from the people for the people and this video creates a moment in time to come together and put all the darkness and division we face as a human race into the music so it can set us free. Turn it up and enjoy!”
Walking Blues (Robert Johnson) feat. Keb’ Mo’ | Playing For Change | Song Around The World
Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.
— From Psalm 51
Miserere mei, Deus – Allegri – Tenebrae
This was actually written for the Good Friday service. I’ll have to look it up to be sure, but I think it was written for the Sistine Chapel, and was not allowed to be sung outside of it until the 1960s. I will say it is a BEAR to nail. The pitch always sinks.
Oh, interesting, DP – Thanks for investigating – thought it was beautifully sung – looking forward to what you find! God Bless You!!!
Miserere (full title: Miserere mei, Deus, Latin for “Have mercy on me, O God”) is a setting of Psalm 51 by Italian composer Gregorio Allegri. It was composed during the reign of Pope Urban VIII, probably during the 1630s, for the exclusive use of the Sistine Chapel during the Tenebrae services of Holy Week, and its mystique was increased by unwritten performance traditions and ornamentation. It is written for two choirs, of five and four voices respectively, singing alternately and joining to sing the ending in 9-part polyphony.
WOW!!! That it fascinating!!! Thanks for doing the research – appreciate it!!!
The Air Force cancels its Open Skies recapitalization program after US pulls out from treaty
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Air Force on July 14 officially rescinded its solicitation to overhaul the OC-135 Open Skies aircraft, cancelling the program two months after President Donald Trump announced the United States’ withdrawal from the Open Skies treaty.
“On 22 May 2020, the United States provided formal notice of its intent to withdraw from the Treaty on Open Skies. As a result, this announcement is hereby cancelled,” the Air Force wrote in a statement on
The Open Skies Treaty permits its 34 signatory nations to conduct unarmed reconnaissance flights over the territory of other member-states for the purposes of monitoring military activity and controlling nuclear arms. The U.S. has relied upon two Boeing OC-135B aircraft flown by the 45th Reconnaissance Squadron out of Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., to carry out Open Skies missions since 1993.
As the aging OC-135s become increasingly difficult to maintain, the Air Force had planned to modify two modern business jets with a digital sensor, processing and control suite that would replace the wet-film cameras currently in use.
But although the service received $125 million from Congress in fiscal year 2019 for the first replacement aircraft and continued to survey industry about recapitalization options, it never moved past the request for information stage, with the final solicitation posed in December 2019.
unemployment benefit scheme steals millions in Maryland and other states…
Gov. Larry Hogan announced on Wednesday that the fraud involved over 47,500 falsified insurance claims.
According to Hogan, the scheme was discovered by unemployment insurance website employees who noticed an unusually high number of claims being submitted from outside of the state.
“This criminal enterprise seeking to take advantage of a global pandemic to steal hundreds of millions, perhaps billions, of dollars from taxpayers is despicable,” Hogan said Wednesday during a press conference.
Hogan noted that the scheme involved identity theft from previous security breaches and made it clear that the state’s labor department had not been compromised.
Maryland is not the only state to have been targeted — Maine, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Washington have all been victim to unemployment benefit theft.
You can take the people out of the Middle East, but you can’t take the Middle East out of the people.
We have the same thing here in Hamburg, Berlin, Duisburg, Essen, and Köln almost every week. Moslem “families”/clans and occasionally bikers/rockers (as they’re called here) get into gang fights. There are the Turks, the Turk-Germans, three or four different Lebanese mixes (part Syrian, who are in the driver’s seat over in Lebanon), Kurds, and yet other flavors of Mohammedanism.
So many that the police can’t handle them, and have to call for reinforcements from all around. Hundreds and HUNDREDS of them. But Merde-Kuh’s Kontrolled Kommie Media hushes it all up, and any mention of it is punished, either explicitly or implicitly. She has a 2 BILLION Euro budget for “media”. Guess what it goes for… nothing that would be of interest to Germans or Europeans of any stripe…
Religion of peace?????
Religion of Pieces. Animals all…..
Btw, London is run by a Paki Moslem, the Khan Artiste…
Back in the day, we had neighborhoods that were more like colonies: The Kerry Patch, The Hill (Italian), Carondelet (Spanish), South Town (German), there were Poles also, along with any number of other ethnic groups.
Amazingly, no one did much street fighting, but then, none of those groups were muslim, either.
Yep. I think Gail used to post a graph with killings by group. It looked like someone flipping the bird, with only one tall bar in the middle, all the rest VERY short, almost invisible.
Of course, “the finger” was the Moslems. Just as was said about Ishmael… he will be like a wild Donkey, and they are.
When I lived off-campus (when) at U$C, part of that was near the Silverlake area of LA, near Hollywood, and jokingly referred to as a Russian Ghetto. There were “Ghettos” of just about every nationality, yet street fighting was pretty much isolated southwest of there, with the Crips and Bloods bloodying up Watts and Inglewood. Oddly enough, the Crips and the Bloods are fighting MS-13 and AntiFa now… Whodathunkit… Strange “allies”…
More on this video, and really, I think the comments from a couple days ago that said it looks like an undercover extraction are most likely. They knew who they were after, there was no struggle, no handcuffs or zip ties.
one of the commenters thought it was an informant extraction…the other antifa were asking him his name but he never said-so they didn’t know who it was…
Asset extraction. No struggle is kind of the give away.
yeah i think so too
Cuomo the Clown goes national with “Mask Up America” propaganda campaign.
My message to him….
Sorry, Nursing Home Killer – these stupid masks mess up my breathing BADLY. I go into stores as little as possible because of masks. You spread that STUPID CRAP to beaches, walkways, open trails, neighborhood roads – that is BULLSHIT. The purpose of mask mandates is POLITICAL, so SCREW YOU, NURSING HOME KILLER. Keep your OBAMA MASKS – your BRENNAN MASKS – your HILLARY MASKS – the HELL AWAY.
Thank you.
Not just political, boss…worse than that.

The mask mandates are also a Psychological Assault.
Remember…prisons learned that making their prisoners wear masks and keeping them separated from each other — resulted in the prisoners becoming docile, depressed and easily led.
It was eventually considered too cruel…and they stopped doing it.
One of my hobbies is clearance rack shopping. I don’t usually buy much, but I love the hunt.
Yeah, haven’t done much of that. I go into the store(s) get what I need without browsing much, and leave.
The girl in the video yells…”NLG will get you out!”
NLG = National Lawyers Guild
According to Citizen Free Press, NLG is a network of leftist lawyers.
And with ties to communist orgs.
Quite a bit about it here:
AHHHHH!!!!! Thank you! I was wondering who that was. Oh, NLG is DEEPLY communist. This is making all kinds of sense now. PANTIFA is literally communist revolutionaries.
Yes! …Literally!
NLG apparently has 150 chapters across the country…plus 100 student chapters.
Hook ’em while they’re students! SICK!!!
NLG is the student group going after Legal Insurrection’s Prof. Jacobson
Prof. Jacobson’s latest article:
I made a comment about organizational development trainers putting additions on their personal properties on another thread, a couple days ago. These people populated the organization that is behind these performance related trainings. Small world.
Can you imagine what life will be like if the democrats win in November?
exactly–there are plenty of areas where there are few deaths–you quarantine the sick not the healthy!!
whatever happened to the whole my body my choice crowd???
Drive-by ChiSpy Di-Fi wants masks everywhere?
But of course. Her RED Chinese overlords have decreed that she shall make it so…
But, tough luck, buttercup. “Winnie” is about to feel the Pooh… and he’s gonna be in deep $#!t…..
Wonder if Dick Blum-der-buss has any money invested in mask companies? Or funeral homes?
disgusting…such damage without considering the whys and lasting effects
Abigail Shrier, author of Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, joined to Todd Herman Show to discuss what she learned researching and writing her book.
There has been a 5,000% increase in girls who want to take testosterone and have their breasts removed
Most of these girls had never questioned their gender until puberty hit
Internet influencers are causing teen girls who hate going through poverty to get on testosterone
In one meeting with a “therapist,” girls as young as thirteen can be told they are “boys ‘trapped’ in a ‘girl’s’ body,” and be handed prescriptions to inject themselves with massive doses of testosterone.
Professional organizations literally ban therapists from talking with girls about why they feel that way
It started with Kinsey, then the APA groups succumbed to LBGT using terrorist tactics invading their conventions in 1963 or 73…. took over and demanded their deviances be taken off the list of pathologies.
May have been the same year the Supreme Court legalized abortion.
Our supreme court isn’t very supreme sometimes.
Let’s all wish Duchess a Happy Birthday too!!!
Happy Birthday to You Happy Birthay to You Happy Birthday Dear Duchess Happy Birthday to You! And now we eat!
Thanks for singing, Holley!!! Appreciate the song!!! God Bless You today and always!!!
Happy birthday duchess, I hope you have a GREAT day!
Thanks, Scott!!! It has been a wonderful day thus far – and the Q Treepers have added so much more to it – I am Blessed for sure!!!
Have a Happy and Blessed Birthday, Duchess!
And two (or more) scoops of ice cream (or whipped cream, or both) for each slice of cake!
Oh, Thanks, Cuppa – Two Scoops – you say – just like President Trump – lol
Whipped Cream gets messy in the summer – so I will settle for the ice cream!!!
It has truly been Happy and Blessed, Cuppa – in more ways than I can count!!!
Happy Birthday duchess!!
Thanks, Kea! It has been a Fun Day!!!
Happy Birthday, Duchess!

Mmm…that looks yummy, Pat!
we have to wait for duchess to wander over here before we eat tho, right?
Too late.

Mmm…good cookies!
there’s more in the back…enjoy…I’ll post more later…
Thanks, Wheatie!!! ENJOY!!! God Bless you today and always!!!
Thanks, Patty – What a spread!!! I am sure everyone will enjoy!!!
God Bless You Real Good for being so accommodating!!! * Smiling Broadly *
hope you have an AWESOME DAY!!
Oh, it will be, Patty!!! You are started it off with a lovely pacesetting place setting!!!
God Bless You Real Good for starting off my day so spectacularly!!!
the balloons arrived!!!
should I cancel the strippers tho?
Oh, My!!! How lovely!!! If they are not ‘male’ strippers – then, yes, cancel – if they are – send them over – Are they Chippendales? WooHoo!!! But, I may have to repent for days from that experience, tho’, Patty – Geeee!!!
here’s his yellow pages photo
Who is that? Oh, YUK!!!
LOL…just a joke…
how ’bout this guy?
k, that guy was unavailable…lol…how bout him?
Oooooo – Excuse me – going to repent for this one!!! Thanks, Patty!!!
Every now and than a post calls for a thums-down button, LOL!
I searched ugly male strippers…this “guy” was top of his class….lol
Happy Birthday Duchess and Many Many More!
I will spare you the sound of my singing.
Thanks, Dora!!! Oh, you cannot sing? Well then, send me a beautiful ‘Art’ Picture! Mkay?
Wow, Pat – you really know how to lay out a gorgeous and delicious array of treats!
Happy Birthday Duchess!
Thanks, Gil!!! I know you will have a Blessed Day, too!!!
Happy Birthday Duchess! Hope your day is blessed.
Thanks San!!! Hope your day is Blessed, too!!!
Weird: Sundance is starting to sound like Q. Strange post he put up on CTH. No idea what it means, but echos of “dark to light” and “nothing can stop what’s coming”.???
I’ll go take a look!!!
his post about what’s it like in your area? is troubling…maybe I am being paranoid, but if posters start listing locations that are not covid hot spots and thereby safe to puddle-jump travel thru–aren’t they just opening themselves up to possible virus attack?
i’ve never been shy with where i am, but not sure about others on that site…and if there’s bad actors tracking his site, why would he want to expose those areas?
No, the post called ‘Angels On Our Shoulders’.
Before I left OT, I noticed that he engaged in a tremendous amount of “data mining” the comment section… credit never acknowledged of course…
I’m not surprised he has expanded that to include citizen journalists… and LARPS
It’s marketing. See Aubergine’s post, below.
Biden bags Angela Davis’ endorsement… Angela-fricking Davis
“Biden is very problematic in many ways, not only in terms of his past and the role that he played in pushing toward mass incarceration, but he has indicated that he is opposed to disbanding the police, and this is definitely what we need.” On the other hand, Joe Biden is “far more likely to take mass demands seriously,” and the November election will not be about the best candidate but “to vote for or against ourselves. And to vote for ourselves I think that means that we will have to campaign for and vote for Joe Biden.”
That was Angela Davis in a June 15 interview with Russia Today that recently came to light. In one report, Davis was described as a “famed Marxist intellectual and activist,” and she might be recognized as the keynote speaker at the “women’s march,” on January 21, 2017, one day after the inauguration of President Donald Trump. Those flaunting their pink pussy hats that day might not have known that Angela Davis boasts a long history in a deeper shade of red.
Like other African American Communists, Angela Davis supported the all-white, all-male Communist dictatorship of the Soviet Union, one of the most repressive regimes in history. Back in 1979, the USSR awarded Davis the International Lenin Peace Prize, and in a video of the ceremony Davis beams with joy, as though she just won an Oscar. The all-white Russian Communist Party bosses had big plans for their black rising star.
“From its founding in 1919 in the wake of the Russian Revolution until the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Communist Party of the United States of America was an instrument of Soviet foreign policy,” the New York Times noted. From the 1920s, the Russians ran their own candidates in American elections or supported proxies in other parties, such as Henry Wallace in 1948 and Vincent Hallinan of the Progressive Party in 1952.
In 1980 and 1984 Angela Davis was the vice-presidential candidate of the Communist Party USA, on the bottom of the ticket under white Stalinist Gus Hall. Davis and Hall twice lost to Ronald Reagan and George Bush, big time, but that defeat could not prevent Davis from becoming professor of the history of consciousness and feminist studies at UC Santa Cruz. Before that, Davis gained fame for supporting violent male convicts such as Black Panther George Jackson, who killed a guard at Soledad Prison.
As this article described it, Davis brought the “arsenal of weapons” to spring Jackson. On August 7, 1970, “George Jackson’s 17-year-old brother, Jonathan, charged into a Marin County courtroom and took several people hostage, including judge Harold Haley, the prosecuting assistant DA, and two jurors. The assailants taped a sawed-off shotgun to Haley’s chin. In the ensuing escape attempt, a shootout took place during which Haley’s head was blown off, and Jonathan Jackson was killed.”
Davis fled but was arrested in New York. At her 1972 trial, more than 20 witnesses implicated her in the plot to free Jackson but Davis gained acquittal. That made the Communist a national figure and helped launch her academic career and bid for vice president in 1980 and 1984.
If former vice president Joe Biden, 77, even remembers Angela Davis, he may not welcome her support. Millennials and boomers, on the other hand, can appreciate Davis’ educational services.
An African American supplies weapons for a courthouse gun battle that claims two lives and winds up getting acquitted. That’s how racist and repressive American courts had become.
For more than half a century, a foreign country, the USSR operates a political party in the USA and runs Communist Party candidates in American elections. By letting the voters decide, the United States shows how repressive it really is.
In the United States, an African American woman can twice run for vice president on the Communist Party ticket. Only the most oppressive regime would allow such a thing to happen. Only a racist, repressive institution such as UC Santa Cruz would hire such a person as professor of the history of consciousness and feminist studies.
The United States is so repressive and racist that such a person gets chosen as the keynote speaker for a rally against a duly elected president, one day after his inauguration. American journalists are so racially biased that they hail the two-time Communist loser as a sage.
For Angela Davis, winner of the International Lenin Peace Prize, Bolshevik lives matter. The former Communist candidate is not running for office but she favors the current Democrat nominee, a person of no color.
As Joe Biden said back in May, if you can’t tell the difference between him and Trump “you ain’t black.” Distinguished African Americans such as Robert Johnson, Tim Scott, Larry Elder, Herschel Walker, Deroy Murdock and countless others were duly surprised. Not so the two-time running mate of white Stalinist Gus Hall.
Angela Davis says a vote for Biden is “a vote for ourselves,” so she essentially agrees with the former vice president. Whoever Joe Biden picks for VP, any observer could believe, his head ventriloquist could be Angela Davis.
The election takes place on November 3. As President Trump says, we’ll have to wait and see what happens.
Another sign about the direction Placeholder Joe will take in choosing a running mate.
Yes Holley…
AD is a hard core communist like Øbastard.
well you know the rumor has not died that Moochelle will be his VP pick…so this makes sense
GA/FL, this old lady was in Bezerkely in the mid-60s. and personally heard Angela hawking her communist wares during the height of the “Free Speech Movement” at the U…ha! talk ab irony!
Almost everyone in attendance was gaga over her.
She has not wavered one bit over the decades, and from her perspective, her hour is at last come…she has lived this long…she has “name recognition”…and is what the L calls a dog-whistle. They KNOW she is known!
And her endorsement of Biden is a solidifying act. He is nothing but a tool, and their ideologues know it.
HE is a means to their end.
Great stuff – thank you. YUP – Joe Biden is the CORPSE – the human shield – that COMMUNISTS plan to use to get back in the White House.
Moochelle as VP? Could be.
I’m hopin’ peeps will see that Big Mike has too much garbage and won’t want zero back in WH
looking at this a second time, you misspelled garbage…
it’s P-A-C-K-A-G-E.
You’re right! Thanks for correction. Ya made me smile… again! you always do…
Oh, Pat – you are too much!!! Hahahaha!!!
And the address on it says “GITMO”…
From “Fed-Ex” to “Fed Pen”…
With postage due…..
(dancing around those puns, I know)…
l E T 17@Inevitable_ET
FLOATING PALACE Ghislaine Maxwell’s billionaire ‘ex’ Ted Waitt’s 240ft superyacht with helicopter and gym docks in CA for cleaning
Ghislaine Maxwell’s billionaire ‘ex’ Ted Waitt’s 240ft superyacht with helicopter and gym docks in…
GHISLAINE Maxwell’s billionaire “ex-boyfriend” Ted Waitt’s 240ft superyacht has been spotted in California for a cleaning. The Gateway computer co-founder’s massive ya…
Get that missing teen girl DNA out of there.
Wolfie, I have to have a procedure soon and am being required to be tested for COVID… I am wondering if this testing is ALSO another way for Globalists/Cabal to get our DNA…
phoenix, the same happened to me! REQUIRED!
I was also worried, but this is an impossible situation for us, as the surgery is also required.
These vermin increasingly monitor means to their ends…and set about implementing them…don’t miss a trick.
It is often discouraging.
yes Piper…
In our conversation at the bagel breakfast, it was mentioned a mutual friend is driving to Rhode Island and has to have a COVID 19 test and take papers with her to avoid going into quarantine for 2 weeks once she arrives.
“Cleaning?” Who is doing the cleaning? Will all luck it’s the FBI.
Have to wonder if the boat was a “gateway” to somewhere or something else… a 240-foot yacht can hold a lot of, people (overpriced cabinets, whatever) no matter how dinghy…
Californians say “NO!” to wearing a mask:
YAY!!! STAND UP TO THE DICTATOR, CA!!! * Doing a Happy Dance * from far away!!!
Happy Birthday Duchess!
Thanks, PR!!! God Bless You Real Good today and always!!!
Blessings on you and yours Duchess…
* Smiling * PR – Thanks!!!
Kiddo’s cake!
Duchess cake!
Many happy returns of the day to both our beloved friends!!!
*wheatie drools and paws at the screen*
That pink cake is gorgeous…and looks divine!
It’s made with fresh strawberries inside – I stayed up all night baking! Virtually speaking, that is. ;8->
well let’s cut it!!!!
cracking up. This place is sooo much fun
Thanks, Georgia! What a beautiful ‘pink’ cake!!! How did you know I love ROSES?
God Bless You Real Good for your thoughts and pictures!!!
What Duchess wouldn’t love roses!
Uh, is this a trick question, Georgia? /s
Oh my, the blush pink cake is breath-taking!
He said wow to that cake@
I bet he’s a cute as can be! There are some fantastic cakes out there for little boys! We made a ‘beach scene’ cake from Family Circle magazine for the grandson one time with blue jello water and had a ball doing it.
Thats neat. I remember those.
Here’s a LEGO one – there’s tons of them out there… Amazing how creative folks can be. And you can have a whole neighborhood or building complex, or, heck, a whole city – so there’s lots of cake for everyone
Oops, typo (sigh)… Here’s a LEGO one – there’s tons of them out there… Amazing how creative folks can be. And you can have a whole neighborhood or building complex, or, heck, a whole city – so there’s lots of cake for everyone
God Bless Mayor Hicks!
Mayor Calls on Mary
GRANTS, N.M. ( – An embattled mayor from a small town in New Mexico has consecrated his town to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
On Tuesday, Fr. Alberto Avella of St. Teresa Parish in Grants, New Mexico consecrated the town of Grants to the Blessed Virgin Mary — at the request of its mayor, Martin “Modey” Hicks.
Stonewall Jackson@1776Stonewall
3 men nabbed in drive-by shooting in the Bronx NY of man walking across street holding his daughters hand
Quote Tweet
Chief Rodney Harrison@NYPDDetectives
· 19h
Earlier this morning, members of the Bronx Violent Felony Squad with the assistance of Bronx Warrants, 44 Pct Squad, the Criminal Enterprise Investigations Section, and TARU apprehended & arrested Davon Delks, Laquan Heyward, and Devon Vines for the Homicide of Anthony Robinson.
Show this thread
Bill *DeBolshevik will probably “release with bail” (or, maybe without bail)
*h/t JJ Sefton, Ace of Spades has labeled the mayor ‘correctly’ imho
Bill “de Bolshevik” – Oh, that’s good!!!
de Bolshevik surely wants to let these three murderers off. Watch for TWO of them – the ones not pulling the trigger – to get bailed out.
The Library
This is tough to read. But you deserve to know the truth.
An Open Secret
There is an organization which live-streams customized rape, torture, and murder of small children Today, it was confirmed when 2 of their customers were caught The organization remains at large Why isn’t this bigger news?
Harold Wren
, edited
The Library
An Open Secret
2 Italian Teens Arrested For Paying Bitcoin To Watch Murder, Torture, and Sexual Abuse of Young Children on Livestream
Harold Wren
The Library
An Open Secret
We talked about Peter Scully 2 years ago, when he was caught
Harold Wren
Jenna Jameson@jennajameson
· Jul 15
If you think Epstein is somehow unique, you’re sadly mistaken… there are MANY Epstein’s, that make him look like an amateur. Child hunting games, sacrifice, torture of children as young as 2. The elite.
thanks for posting but i just cannot post a “like” for this.
totally understand…
an eye for an eye comes to mind for their punishment
Considering what he did, make him dig his own grave, and then cover him up…
But, no need to be that extreme. In the end, GOD will sort it out, and HIS Justice is Perfect and Eternal…
Matthew 18:6:
If I click “like” it is more like “acknowledged” or “retweeted”, or “thanks for sharing”
Same here, although if it’s likable, it often means “like” too!
Sick. Just sick. These people are sick.
I’m pretty certain that this kind of horrible video is the stuff that played in Epstein’s movie theater for guests – and presumably the guests were being FILMED, b/c we see shots of what appears to be an audience in movie theater seats in the fragment of monitor #3 in that Ray Chandler phone camera shot of Epstein’s security camera monitor footage.
It takes a while to pick out what is happening in that image, but it looks like somebody in the front row is getting up. Somebody in sunglasses (or movie glasses) in the row behind that is more clearly visible. Obviously the lights are still on enough for the camera footage to work – probably before the show started.
would they also be showing this stuff TO children to terrify them in order to collect the andrenochrome??
Wonder if stuff like that was on Wiener’s laptop…
With Hill-the-BEAST or Huma doing the driving…
The dirtbag, “sentenced to life in the Philippines”.
^^^ That sentence personifies, “hard time”. Those prisons are brutal. He’ll sure become someone’s bitch, daily. He’ll learn first hand about sexual abuse.
We’ve seen lots of unmerited HCQ bashing and I’ve kinda had HCQ/Az/z in my mind as the covid protocol of choice. I think I need to put Ivermectin and Doxycycline right up there on top with HCQ.
So, just as with HCQ, why don’t we see or hear of Ivermectin being widely used with covid-19 to keep people out or get them out of the hospital?
No secret. Same reasons as with HCQ.
A recent study conducted from May 2 to June 5, 2020 involving 116 patients who tested positive for COVID-19 has concluded that concerning treatment outcome, adverse effects, and safety, although both treatments regimes were effective in this study, the combination of Ivermectin with Doxycycline was superior to that of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin therapy for the use in cases of mild to moderate infections.
The study started with 181 patients, but 42 were excluded because of comorbid conditions that could have impacted recovery time, 14 were unwilling to participate in the study, and 9 failed to participate. The remaining 116 had mild to moderate degrees of illness with normal or near normal chest radiograph and oxygen saturation of over 95%, who were all treated as an outpatient protocol.
Participants were divided into 2 groups: group A receiving 200 ugm/kg single dose Ivermectin and 100 mg BID of Doxycycline for 10 days; and group B receiving 400 mg of Hydroxychloroquine on the first day followed by 200 mg for 9 days plus 500 mg of Azithromycin for 5 days. Both groups received standard care for any complaints such as fever, headache, cough, they were advised on proper nutrition, hydration, and to self isolate in sanitary conditions. Patients were evaluated every 2 days starting from the fifth day or the second non-symptomatic day from the first day of the treatment intake by PCR study or nasopharyngeal and throat swab.
Group A Ivermectin/ Doxycycline experienced a 100% recovery rate, with a mean symptomatic recovery of 5.93 days and a negative PCR on 8.93 days. 55.10% gained symptomatic recovery on day 5 with a mild degree of adverse effect in 31.67% with reports of lethargy in 14 patients, nausea in 11, and occasional vertigo in 7 patients.
Group B Hydroxychloroquine/Azithromycin experienced a 96.36% recovery rate, with a mean symptomatic recovery of 6.99 days and a negative PCR on 9.33 days with some degree of adverse effects with reports of mild types of blurry vision and headaches in 13 patients, increased lethargy and dizziness in 22 patients, occasional palpitation in 10, and nausea and vomiting in 9 patients.
I am leaning towards a theory that I’ve not seen anywhere. The reason that children/young adults don’t get real sick is because they never get a high viral load. Correspondingly, a low viral load means less ‘shedding’ – therefore less transmission to others.
Great stuff.
Note that Zinc was not used!
Zinc is VERY important for HCQ+Z… I think these studies are PURPOSELY leaving the zinc out…
Honesty in science and research in general no longer exists, for the most part…
I am fully aware that I am going to draw some heat for this comment, but I am commenting anyway.
Contrary to what some might think, I still look over CTH every day, before I read here. I can’t always finish what’s there; sometimes it’s repetitive, and sometimes it’s just really confusing. But I read. I don’t bear Sundance a grudge, I just don’t blindly trust what he writes anymore. I am much more discerning and careful than I was.
I have done marketing on and off for years. I am good at it, and I know great marketing when I see it. And Sundance is currently running one of the slickest marketing campaigns I have ever seen.
Sundance is publishing a BOOK. He isn’t admitting that; he is calling it “briefing material:”
“In the background there was one setback, the print company ran into a problem with the binding for the briefing material (72 hr delay); apparently it’s a little overwhelming. [Not a bad thing really]”
Binding and printing is a book. Period.
Whatever he is calling it, this is publishing. It won’t be free, it will be for profit. Which is fine. But it’s a book. That’s what it is. No different from any other book published by someone who wants to sell their point of view to the public.
Hat-tip to Sundance for the marketing, which as I said, is some of the slickest I have ever seen. But I don’t think I’ll buy it. The writers and commenters here seem to have most of the same information, and I don’t have to ask Wolfmoon to explain what they’re talking about.
Thanks to all of you who share your information here. It’s important, and much appreciated by me.
You and your comments are much appreciated by me, and I believe QTreepers here.
Thanks for the heads up wrt “book” and your opinion on marketing skills…
I still peruse that site every day too, but not first anymore, and certainly not without a grain a salt.
that being said, THANK YOU for saying the thing about the book–I thought it too–very spy vs spy thing–and I know there is a lot of pysops going on about obamagate etal , but this seemed a little dramatic–over the top–to me. it’s a dog eat dog world out there and publishers recognize the need for a hook to sell a book–need to create interest—that’s why i kind of side eyed the “intrigue” .
I wish SD no ill will…but he’s been wrong in some of his assumptions before…and i find it hard to believe he knows something or figured out something exclusively at this point.
Aubergine I agree with your discernment. People over at CTH have last week donated lots of money.
I am sure the book is not free because no one writes a book and gives it away. I have no interest in his book because there are no surprises what we do not know.
“I am sure the book is not free because no one writes a book and gives it away.”
Some of us fiction writers give away the first book in a series. It’s a way to hook readers.
DP I am away of it I have a friend who is a writer and mu daughter in law is also. Still people write to make money.
I do not disagree, but it doesn’t explain putting people “In place” and traveling the country ……he wouldn’t have to do that for a book.
Truthfully, I don’t any vested interest in any of it and therefore don’t particularly care if it’s a book, a plane or Superman! LOL fun to read the comments…and I do admire the loyalty and faith of the Citizen Soldiers he inspires. Hopefully, they aren’t just talk and no action.
Book tour.
This almost reminds me of ‘the girl with the dragon tattoo’
Publishing books and print, fighting a hidden gov, sex trafficking
Book tours are generally after publishing, as far as I know….his identity, that he has closely guarded for several years, would be exposed and therefore much of his effectiveness lost.
And, it still doesn’t explain the secrecy of his travels( setting up a book tour would be just the opposite) and usually done by agents not the author. And still doesn’t explain him writing about placing people.
Of course, I’m often wrong about these things…just very casual observations From the 30,000’ View.
I feel good inside just from seeing your names, you poster-thinkers of QTree.
My read is, Sundance said he is arranging in-person meetings or confrontations with various people, possibly MSM or political class nonTrumpers, and said meetings will be documented or filmed. He’s going to present proofs of wrongdoings to them and arrange public awareness of how they respond and act.
Of course, you know me, try so hard, but always going back on the hopium.
Just a note – I believe I’ve figured out what SD is doing. More like a dissertation than a book. He’s providing RESEARCH like a newsroom research department would. The difference is, he’s not favoring one party – he’s giving his research to MULTIPLES – presumably with an agreement on publication dates.
A book may (likely WILL) eventually follow, but SD is operating in a specific way preliminarily not to arrange something for himself, but to create a WIN for Trump and MAGA. I suspect the explosion here will seal the deal on SD’s opportunity to do a book after this breaks.
Sundance is dropping this long-running bombshell into the laps of some very prominent people. I already figured out one of them. This will be huge, b/c his big-name recipients are seeing things SD apparently didn’t, and are seeing value. I expect weeks of play, and permanent alteration of the battlefield.
SD cannot be stopped now. Anything happens to him, it will be clear why, and people like me will work tirelessly to put those responsible in prison or at the receiving end of cruise missiles.
My hope is that we can actually use this to completely scuttle special counsels. I believe this will demonstrate that they are not to be trusted – that they’re just dangerous HACKS of the Constitution.
his identity, that he has closely guarded for several years, —— Which is why I found it odd that he was posting about being in FL and posted photos of machines he had to rent to clean up his house.
Oh well.
Book tours are generally after publishing, as far as I know—- Yes but if this is self you have to do it all yourself.
Great three books, movies as well. And yeah its a bit like that on a smaller level.
Yup. Past week or so, after visiting CTH…Eeyore floppy ears transitioned to twitchy eyes, suspicions…have arrived at W T F ?
The blatant drive for $$$ is over-the-top. IMO.
On the flip side, I will apologize if Sum Dude can force DOJ to do their job and prosecute the soft coup criminals and supporting criminals in other cases.
As I looked for and fail to find any “heat” you believed your comment would cause, I took note of your predictions.
As for Sundance…who has done more in championing President Trump and the MAGA cause than all of us put together…and his critics…
Sundance…who has done more in championing President Trump and the MAGA cause than all of us put together
We’ll just have to agree to disagree on that one.
I’d love to see your blog and how you have personally been responsible for the awakening of hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people, and related off-shoots of same, like we here at Q Tree.
Please do share and don’t be shy.
SD did not awaken me, or probably most of the people at Q Tree, about Pres. Trump. He provided a Trump-friendly place for us to talk, until he didn’t. His blog is valuable, and he deserves a great deal of credit for what he has accomplished with it; but I don’t know of one person who was convinced to support Pres. Trump when they were against him before, from reading SD — although it has probably happened a lot. I’m sure he has awakened people to the corruption in our government and the forces against Pres. Trump and just how deep it goes.
It’s not about me or whether I have a blog, nor am I comparing myself to SD, which you seem to be doing, curiiously.
You were the heat I was expecting.
What do you think the “briefing document” means? That is an honest question, BTW. I know online sometimes things sound sarcastic or snarky that aren’t.
I appreciate the sentiment you share in Teddy’s quote. I make little to no effort to disguise myself online, and have posted stuff which could potentially piss off some very nasty people (Di-Fi the Chi-Spy comes to mind). I actually think my phone may be tapped (I saw this thing online, and if it works, my phone is tapped). I don’t care. I’m in the arena, as much as I can be, out in the open. Screw it, this is war.
I am not criticizing Sundance for publishing a book, if that is what he is doing. That’s what it looks like to me. And his marketing, if it is indeed marketing, is, as I said, some of the slickest I’ve ever seen.
I guess we will find out when it happens. Either way, I have no animosity or bad feelings.
You were the heat I was expecting.
Actually, I appreciate the attention it brings to CTH. As SD says, the more sunlight the better.
If his purposes are altruistic then the credit belongs to the man in the arena. If something other than that, then the sunlight will act as a disinfectant. As it should.
Paul Sperry does amazing research AND books. Jack Cahill does amazing research AND books. Bill O’Reilly…. all of them.
I think a book is “down the line”. Right now, this is RESEARCH – presented PROFESSIONALLY. Nothing unusual about that. Sundance needs a PRINTER because his research department (of one) doesn’t have a print room. I think he got good advice to get a professional print job.
This is gonna be big. Sundance got positive feedback from somebody I’m sure I know. Get your popcorn. This is gonna be a case of “can’t stop the signal”. It is ALREADY in the hands of one person who can set it off at an international level. More will just insure that multiple “takes” on it go off at once.
Thank you for your insight. I don’t read over there, so I only know what is reported by people here. The last thing I saw raised questions with me about the items being printed for dissemination, because that costs a lot of money, whether paper copies or thumb drives. I wondered who was financing the 3-part effort to get word out. Your post makes sense. I also saw some things within the language used that struck me as purposely persuasive — marketing, as you say. I felt that an audience was being marketed to. Not being part of that audience, I could see it. He is free to do that, of course. But there are few things that push my buttons more than being deceived and strung along.
This same kind of thing was done by those who wanted Congress to know and act on O’s birth certificate, but they were up front about what they were doing and the cost. You could order the materials and not donate, but they made it clear that it had cost money to publish them and that they would appreciate donations. And they said that up front, so everyone knew exactly what was going on.
Here’s what it looks like: True to form, he’s got a following of people who don’t question him and think whatever he says or does is A-number-1. He has those people in the palm of his hand. If it turns out to be a book that they have to pay for, they will be fine with that. Even if he has led them to believe otherwise, that they are soldiers who, if they will just get the materials and contact their congressmen, will be helping to force prosecutions before the election, they will be loyal and get the book or materials and (maybe) do the footwork. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. But I know that, anytime you have a print job big enough that you have to order it well in advance, and order enough to be given to many people, that costs $$$.
Having written, printed, marketed, and sold three books myself, I can tell you, it is NOT cheap. EVER.
Did you see my retweet today to WRITERS? A bunch of Hollywood conservatives are going to start up a conservative studio. Clearly NO CHINA MONEY – if they want to succeed. This has the potential to revive a lot of allied talent that can’t sell in a liberal-dominated entertainment and media industry.
Not sure what you worked on (I’m familiar with genealogical publishing – not cheap!), but I think all conservative media talent will benefit by an aggressive RE-TAKING of the media by BRUTE FORCE REPLACEMENT. Historical fiction and non-fiction that is not required to make old realities kowtow to modern sensibilities may be back in demand.
Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Real historical movies and shows that don’t have a trans-gay-throuple with trans children added in for “diversity?”
Yup. ZACKLY!!!
From the kids continue to give me hope file:
Yesterday I had lunch with my 24-year-old son. As we chatted, I told him about the lady I know who crocheted herself a mask, which she says she wears for “social reasons.”
My son immediately snapped into the Nazi salute, and droned, “I do this for social reasons.”
My hair stood on end.
They get it.
crochet has ‘holes’ … BIG ones… smart lady.
smart son…
sadly Alyssa Milano wears a crocheted one as well and no one would EVER call her a smart lady!
she bees a clone anyway… holes in the brain
Oh. Oooohhhhh. Thanks to Pat’s comment, I get it. I think
Need moar coffee.
This morning I went to a outdoor breakfast bagel gathering of about 8 women who were there to bid a bridge friend good-bye.
Now, we were under an outdoor open air pavilion…brought our own chairs that were the obligatory faux safety distance apart… as well as our own drinks.
I never did figure out who one lady was because she never took her face covering mask off the entire time, wouldn’t eat the freshly purchased bagel sandwich from the nearby coffee shop. She was the only one who wore a mask. Although I kept my mouth shut, I wanted to ask the masked mystery lady if she was so afraid of being outdoors among friends without a mask……why the heck was she even there?
One of the hostess, whom I’m told wipes down all their mail and leaves in the garage for 2 days…non-perishable groceries ditto….put on a mask to get the bagels, made a big production of sanitizing her hands before serving them to us in a bag she held as far away as she could. Bagels, BTW, wrapped and sealed.
Virtue signal saints…got to love them!
All youth sports here have been canceled as of today. The “spike” in cases has been blamed on youth sport gatherings and games…and the coaches report there are no cases among their players.
At this point, I’m beyond mad, but my friends who are moms are not happy. Maybe this will help wake a few of them up.
Get kids into home martial arts training.
I’m not kidding.
Krav Maga and KAG MAGA!
Best of both worlds…
Interesting article … some of the same issues with masks from decades ago
The Library
MSNBC & Joy Reid are incredibly bigoted. And they’re about to get wrecked in court.
Joy Reid loses in court as 2nd Circuit revives libel claim against her
“Since La Liberte was not a limited purpose public figure, the district court erred…”
Harold Wren
, edited
laughing so hard, I’m about to………………..
Joy Reid must be a ‘spiritual test’ for me, or, as Carlos would say, a Petty Tyrant
“Don Juan taught Carlos Castaneda how to live as a warrior. One of his main lessons was how one deals with others–petty tyrants–who cause us stress.
Carlos describes don Juan’s lesson in The Fire From Within:
“Don Juan had a beaming smile as he spoke to me. ‘A petty tyrant is a tormentor,’ he said. ‘Someone who either holds the power of life and death over warriors or simply annoys them to distraction.’”
Don Juan continued: “We know that nothing can temper the spirit of a warrior as much as the challenge of dealing with impossible people in positions of power. Only under those conditions can warriors acquire the sobriety and serenity to stand the pressure of the unknowable.
“My benefactor used to say that the warrior who stumbles on a petty tyrant is a lucky one. He meant that you’re fortunate if you come upon one in your path, because if you don’t, you have to go out and look for one.”
Carlos writes about his reaction: “I vociferously disagreed with him. I told him that in my opinion tyrants can only render their victims helpless or make them as brutal as they themselves are.” Then don Juan retorted: “The difference is in something you just said. They are victims, not warriors.” Our choice is always: do we react as victims or respond as warriors?”
Very interesting!!!
When I was in grad school I had to take a psychology class with a female professor that was very keen on the then current pop-psy fad of “self-realization” retreats. Remember, “you’re okay, I’m okay” or the several others coming out of California? As a class we were required to participate in one or more…quite, quite interesting! (During one session, the (Lesbian) prof declared in front of the 50 or so participants that she was sexually attracted to me…that was fun.).
But, I digress….there were actually a few nuggets that have stayed with me from those sessions. One was the concept of departmentalizing…POTUS is a master at this, as are most highly successful business people. POTUS could not endure all the lies, attacks and hate if he did not do this.
The other gem supports the article you shared, PR….about choice. Basically, once you grasp that no one “makes” you angry, sad, hurts your feelings, etc. and understand that it’s your choice to respond that way it helps you deal with the situation . Do you react as a victim to someone’s words or as a warrior…to paraphrase don Juan. Obviously, the police that are verbally abused, spit on, insulted, and threatened…and just stand there and take it have been schooled in this very concept of reaction.
Neither of the above …putting things into compartments and moving on… or choosing your reaction are easy to master, but something I am aware of and attempt to incorporate into my daily life. Mental well-being and less stress is your reward (Lower blood pressure, too !) …not to mention you are a better person to live with!
From the warrior’s perspective, it is much easier to think of emotional choices this way…
1. Every outward emotional expression is a choice. One may feel inwardly disgusted, afraid, angry, etc. as a emotional reaction to something seen and/or heard, but a warrior closely guards his OUTWARD, visible reaction to the stimulus.
2. This is because the warrior knows that emotions like fear and anger REDUCE his effectiveness as a warrior…his abilities to think clearly, to make the best choices, and to fight at his best.
3. A warrior has iron will control over his emotions, but will seek to manipulate the emotions of others lacking this knowledge and self-discipline.
4. Psychology in war is and has been a KEY aspect in a warrior’s training for thousands of years. Terms like “morale” are closely watched and guarded. A good general will go to extreme lengths in service to protecting the morale of his warriors while employing every means possible to destroy the morale of his enemy.
You CHOOSE to feel that way, whether or not you are aware that you are making that choice.
Good expansion of my point…thanks. I often do the Reader’s Digest type of comments because I don’t want to dominate conversation or posting space.
This topic does not get the discussion it deserves, either here or in the public at large.
Phil Kerpen
Reporter asks Orange Co Fla health official if the two COVID deaths listed as in their 20s had any underlying conditions. Reply:
“The first one didn’t have any. He died in a motorcycle accident.”
Happy Birthday, Gil’s Kiddo! ..

He loved it!

awww ..
Bless his sweet heart
Here’s an article that includes a good summary of the treatments being investigated for covid-19. Comprehensive, but could use some updating although this update is dated 14 July.
COVID-19: Prevention & Investigational Treatments
Have you seen this? ….This is brutal!
Love it! Everybody needs to see this. Watch it OVER and OVER to really GET IT.
Tweeting this all over!!!
Thank you Wolfie !!!!
Same. Left this comment when I do.
5 ingredients that are on the shelf now for total tyranny. A social credit system powered by 5G, a massive surveillance state coupled with a cashless society to make it work. Then your periodic vaccine to track, control your very thinking and keeps you weak. Welcome to 4th Wave Technology where 9/10th’s of us no longer contribute anything meaningful to our new masters. All courtesy of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Cabal that stands behind it. Seek parity or succumb to tyranny. Trump 2020!
It’s brilliant.
CREEPY, Wheatie!!! But, truthful!!!
This needs to go VIRAL………………………………………….
Shared on a gun blog I frequent.
What a contrast. 2A folks don’t want their 2A Rights infringed, period. Yet some, thankfully not many or most, are perfectly OK with masks, social distancing…
Wow,,,,just wow. Hope this goes viral around the world.
COVID-19: icddr,b begins clinical trial of Ivermectin-doxycycline (17 June 2020)
Ivermectin is a drug for parasitic infections which has been in use since 1980 and approved by the Food and Drug Administration, USA.
The drug has recently gained huge attention as a potential treatment for the new coronavirus, and a number of clinical trials are underway to see its efficacy in COVID-19.
The objective of the study is to understand the virological clearance rate and days required for remission of fever and cough by using Ivermectin with or without doxycycline.
Some of the heart worm medicine they give dogs is Ivermectin.
It’s a macrolide.
Similar to Azithromycin.
I read that one dose is enough to clear demodex mites that cause rocesea.
Used to treat scabies, hair lice.
Fights colds and flu.
Works for Dengue fever.
Vets have no problem taking it at the same time they deworm their pets.
Might clean up viruses acquired by contaminated vaxx jabs.
Shows activity against HIV, other retrovirals.
die off can be tough to endure.
Itching, swelling, gut stuff, brain stuff.
Some off label users are taking smaller amounts twice a week for a longer period and are reporting resolution of chronic symptoms of all kinds.
Thanks, Gil!!!
And – a * Happy Birth-Day * to you, too!!!
God Bless You and Kiddo Real Good today and always!!!
YW…have a sweet day today!
Thanks, Gil! So far – it has been VERY sweet!
In the replies:
Spanish word of the Day – Believing.
* Good One * !!!
Mt. Cook reflected in Lake Pukaki, South Island, New Zealand
I cannot more HIGHLY recommend the drive from Christchurch to Queenstown. Satisfaction 100% guaranteed.
That is such a beautiful picture, FG&C – will have to do some research in that area – Thanks for sharing!!!
Moderna COVID-19 vaccine tested on 50 participants who were subsequently exposed to high viral loads of covid-19. Two weeks after the exposure all 50 participants were tested. 48 of the 50 participants were found to have no live COVID-19 virus in their system.*
*Note – The post exposure testing on the 48 virus-free participants was conducted approximately 7 days after the death of each participant.
Oh, My!!!
LOL. “It’s just a mandatory vaccine!”
Well, don’t that beat all!
Hydroxychlorquine, over these past 60 years, hasn’t had severe adverse events to that level…ever!
Kevin Sorbo
In less than 5 months, government, and Main Street Media] has successfully divided the country into “obedient mask wearers” versus “selfish people that refuse to wear masks.”
“It’s just a mask, you guys.” It’s for “the greater good!”
Where have we heard this phrase before?
10:43 AM · Jul 17, 2020
If I get infected by WuFlu, after recovery, I’ll be making an active contribution to the Herd Immunity of society at large. By wearing a mask, and practicing social distancing and household sanitation, I’ll avoid getting infected by WuFlu and thereby will not be making my “for the good of society” contribution to Herd Immunity.
How selfish not to contribute to Herd Immunity!
The Library
After GOP Wins Landslide Special Election – New York Democrat Says He Refuses To Concede, Wants Absentees Counted
What’s Happening: To the shock of many NY Democrats, a Republican won a congressional seat by a large margin. Chris Jacobs beat Nate McMu…
Harold Wren
Bernard B. Kerik@BernardKerik
Missouri attorney general slams St. Louis prosecutor in McCloskey case for ‘politically motivated decisions’
Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt said the prosecutor in the case of Mark and Patricia McCloskey has “a record of making politically motivated decisions not based on the law.”
Jordan Schachtel@JordanSchachtel
The “science” mob has come for The Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, which is bravely standing behind their study showing there is no data supporting a cloth mask in prevent transmission of the coronavirus.
COMMENTARY: Masks-for-all for COVID-19 not based on sound data
The evidence does not favor using masks, whether homemade or surgical, to protect people against the disease.
Show this thread
Emerald Robinson
BREAKING: Sources inside Trump Administration confirm to me that CDC has been misreporting the data for coronavirus to inflate the numbers.
Major Patriot@MajorPatriot
Replying to
We know.
Quote Tweet
Major Patriot@MajorPatriot
· 20h
They are lying to us.
The COVID results are false. They are counting negatives as positives.
None of the numbers are true.
Cmon finally end this bs!!! Fire redfern.
Yes! We wanna see some firings, prosecutions or, at least, some personnel transfers to Adak island.
K-Mac sure had a good cover excuse for rerouting the CDC reporting yesterday.
I knew it was bunk when I typed it, LOL. 
Very well done study . . . readable.
Don’t know if this has been posted yet. “ It’s just a Mask”
Quite a synopsis!
This video is a real waker-upper.
Yes, it sure is.
No tweets from POTUS for the last day or so? Just retweets.
Feels like a part of me is….missing.

Boy the comments from the ignorant softy lefties are interesting. A lot of them think the unmarked unis and vehicles belong to Erik Prince’s company. I guess they don’t realize he sold that company. They are talking about people being kidnapped, but it looks like some people are being scooped up and rattled around to see if they know anything – not physically-, then turned loose. They’re not liking being scooped up, and they can’t file any complaint cause they have no way of identifying those who scooped them up.
They also don’t seem to understand that interfering with Federal property is different than state property. Some misunderstanding is purposeful I’m sure. I think Wictor is right about the Feds looking for and identifying the leaders, then scooping them up then or later after there’s enough evidence to legally go after them.
Agree… Feds are picking ’em up, no leftist judge to let them go again and again…
I think we take all the power away concerning masks if we ignore who wears them who does not.
When I am out and about I ignore people who have them on and who do not. I respect everyone choice and by respecting choices I take the power for control away.
No one can control the choices one makes when one respects the choices others make as long one abides the law.
Wearing a mask is not a law. I know the left wants to control but we can make our own choices.
To wear or not to wear is an individual choice
* Butterflies and Love *
God Bless You Real Good, Butterfly!!! Hugs!!!

Thanks, Butterfly!!! * Smiling *
sadly, it’s not a live and let live world out there…the virtue signaling Karens are trying to shame the maskless crowd into submission.
and the left made sure it wasn’t gonna be simple–it’s not my mask protects me and your mask protects you (thereby making it a personal choice) no, they were insidiously genius about their propaganda–YOUR mask protects ME and MINE protects YOU.
The Karens are no problem for me because I realize they have a problem and it is not mine to accept. I do not engage in argument I disarm.
Sure we all need to comfortable with what we do and what to accept and internalize.
You make some good points.
your confidence is inspiring!
“the virtue signaling Karens are trying to shame the maskless crowd into submission.”
Frankly they were given permission and empowered to do this.
singing, our church opened, yes!, with Singing!, on May 31.
wWhat you have posted ^^^ is exactly what our Pastor announced…Personal choice will not divide us.
personal choice, yes.
KTLA (@KTLA) Tweeted:
Three churches in Northern California have filed a federal lawsuit against Gov. Gavin Newsom, claiming a ban on singing in places of worship — implemented to help stem the spread of the coronavirus — violates their 1st Amendment rights
Ruthie can no longer hide her chemo. Pancreatic cancer is a bad bad muther!!
Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been undergoing chemotherapy to treat recurrence of cancer
did we know she was in the hospital in May?
why hide this?
We know why.
Cancer’s back, probably never left. Got worse enough to begin chemo in May, which can be done outpatient. Must not be working for the stent to clog and infection ensue.
Sadly, I don’t think she has much time left, 3 months tops, if that.
How many votes we need, 51? Can’t you just hear the demons screeching when POTUS replaces her before election??? If that happens, Bet House is back to work and COVID goes away in a flash!
McConnell did pledge to fill a SCOTUS seat if one becomes available before the election…
It’s a LONG time until November.
yes it is.
and add in the state funeral that will last for 3 weeks if they can stretch it out and we’re past the election…
IF RBG checks out, I think we, more correctly have until December to replace RBG. I think the Senate quits its session typically In December. Don’t know when the Senate has to adjourn. December 31st?
Hopefully Turtle will aggressively confirm whoever gets nominated, keeping the Senate on task. Barrett comes to mind?
No preference how RBG checks out. Just want RBG to check out soon. No apologies here.
Trying to hang on until the day after the election.
Rush said that Ruth G has now liver cancer . Seems the cancer is spreading. What an amazing woman to outlive cancer were most people sublime to it.
The cost must be enormous? Unless some people get special medical treatment we can just dream off.
I’m seeing it’s in the liver and fairly aggressive. Real or a cover story, we may never know.
Pancreas, lungs, liver…it’s metasticized.
Stage 4 pancreatic cancer means the cancer has spread to other organs, typically the liver or the lungs. Cancer can’t be cured at this point, but there are still treatment options. Treatment during this stage is focused on extending life and improving the quality of life.
deBolshevik is proud of empty jails… ? Jailbreak Liberalism? Yeah, we’ve been there, done that… where were you Bill? It doesn’t work. But you know that… you want a Banana Republic…
crime is up 600%…
I think the dems are having a competition to see who’s gonna be crowned King of the Shithole.
Using up some leftovers – making easy sausage*, spinach, peppers, onion tops, fresh basil, fresh and regular part skim mozzarella, pita bread pizzas for lunch. I put red wine in the pizza sauce and lots of herbs.
Using smoked sausage made in my longtime home town.
GA/FL Sounds good
“… The redacted document details seeming third hand information that the Russian government “had been seeking prominent members of the Donald Trump campaign in which to engage to prepare for potential post-election relations should Trump be elected U.S. President.” The document also alleges Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos, claimed to an unnamed party that “they (the Russians) could assist the Trump campaign with the anonymous release of information during the campaign that would be damaging to Hillary Clinton.”
The document notes, “It was unclear whether he [Papadopoulos] or the Russians were referring to material acquired publicly of [sic] through other means. It was unclear how Mr. Trump’s team reacted to the offer. We note the Trump team’s reaction could, in the end, have little bearing of what Russia decides to do, with or without Mr. Trump’s cooperation.”
The document is dated July 31, 2016. The text of the “electronic communication” is reprinted below:
continue at link
..”“No wonder the DOJ and FBI resisted the public release of this infamous ‘electronic communication’ that ‘opened’ Crossfire Hurricane – it shows there was no serious basis for the Obama administration to launch an unprecedented spy operation on the Trump campaign,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “We now have more proof that Crossfire Hurricane was a scam, based on absurd gossip and innuendo. This document is Exhibit A to Obamagate, the worst corruption scandal in American history. This document shows how Attorney General Barr and U.S. Attorney Durham are right to question the predicate of this spy operation.”
IMPORTANT ARTICLE: well worth time to read all /phoenix
July 17, 2020
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Announces She’s Again Undergoing Chemotherapy for Cancer, Also Says She’s Doing Great and Will Continue Judging Between Naps and Workouts and Workout Naps
Okay whatever.
I’m so sure she said all of that… farce
This was on Breitbart and now I don’t see it but Pompeo did a great speech yesterday.
I am proud to be an American.
The video of Pompeo runs from the 10 minute mark to the 39+ minute mark. It is wonderful.
“Go read the Hatch Act.”
Kayleigh McEnany Fires Back At Reporter’s Question On ‘Campaign’ Rose Garden Speech
video included
“Go read the Hatch Act”, dismissed the presstitute, as Kayleigh moved on to the next fool.
WH correspondents truly have no idea how inept they appear with Kayleigh slaying them daily.
wow. just wow! this guy believes that blacks are not killing blacks in Chicago–it’s white guys buying black silicon bodysuits and committing the murders…
Why are the shootings in Chicago primarily happening over the weekend?? I don’t believe it’s us killing us alone. Not with the full silicone body suits that White men can purchase, wear and EASILY be mistaken as a Black man! The White Nationalists will find a WAY to murder us.
— Rizza Islam (@IslamRizza) July 14, 2020
Somedays I actually think I’m going to wake up and see that this was all some bad dream…it gets more ridiculous by the day
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army! Retweeted
The Reckoning Collision symbol@sethjlevy
Quote Tweet
Steve Herman@W7VOA
· 32m
US government designates 5 #PRC nationals as narcotics kingpins.
Calling Aubergine!!! Is there any familial relationship here on Ciaramellas? Very curious. Part of this is that one of the almost-certain mob connections to CA3 cover-up was in and out of Big Pharma, and I’ve suspected that the MOB traded up to lab coats and is heavily involved in “Fake Science”.

Quote Tweet
· 2h
Wow! Many were under a year old!! These people are SICK!
Disney World employees among 16 men arrested in child pornography sting!
CJTRUTHMedium starMedium starMedium star@cjtruth
Why do you think @realDonaldTrump continues to rips Don Lemon? Trump knows….he always knows
Quote Tweet
Tommy G@TommyG
· 2h
This is the ONE VIDEO which mic drops the case that the left is trying to normalize this!…
those poor children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes – the same people who ‘normalized’ perversion – came up with the propaganda concepts – ‘gay’ ‘orientations’ ‘sexual identity’ ‘gender’ ‘transgender’ are hard at work to normalize ‘minor-orientation’ aka p3d0ph-lia.
There was a video on You Tube a couple of years ago where a female psychologist made the case for
pedophilia. She was speaking in front of a full auditorium. I thought to myself what is next murder is normal also because people are born that way?
She said people are born that way and aroused by children just as guys are aroused by same sex.
Having taken Anthropology classes I am aware that in different cultures are different sexual norms.
We are a different culture and abide by Judaeo Christian norms. Our culture has rejected pedophilia
According to Merriam- Webster
Pedophilia definition is – sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object; specifically : a psychiatric disorder in which an adult has sexual fantasies about or engages in sexual acts with a prepubescent child.
I can tell you it damages children as much as if they take a pick axe to them. The child buries/dissociates the confusion and sin/harm. It crosses/violates a sacred boundary. If it’s a father, uncle, brother, family member, it’s doubly/triply worse because it robs the child of a normal family relationship and a safe space to grow up normally. The child buries it where it festers, negatively affects their self image, identity development. It’s POISONOUS to their sense of self, family, life. They may bury it until they are 30-40 years old. I could write much more. It’s EVIL and always has been EVIL!!!
GA I agree with you that it is evil.
I find it upsetting that people want to normalize child abuse because that is what it is. Children should feel secure around adults.
That is absolutely true. Adults using children for their own gratification is evil. Jesus said so.
That speaker would be Mirjam Heine, at a TEXx talk about ‘Pedophilia is an unchangeable sexual orientation,’ ‘anyone’ could be born that way… at Uni Würzburg in 2018…
There’s an article about it at:
The talk itself (barf) is at: *
Note that YouTube has not taken the video down, despite its horrific, perverted, and disgusting point of view…
Couldn’t be that they agree with the viewpoint and the content, or?????
Well, it it’s unchangeable without God’s help, then let’s offer them a choice. (1) invite God into their lives in a way that leads to change or (2) death penalty.
who’s ready for more birthday treats??

The flower cupcakes are exquisite and the Scooby-doo (?) doggies are so cute! Pat you are so sweet to share your handiwork!
I hate to brag, but I can copy and paste like nobody’s business!
You have that cyber-chef thing down Pat!
haha…you coined a new term!
The internets are wonderful – we can all be virtual virtuosos!
i like it!
Your online window-shopping skills are excellent as well!
you’re making me blush…
but it’s a gift really…
Is that with a Paste-ry tube?
spit! that was unexpected and a good one!
I adore this guy!!!!
Richard Grenell
You knew how to stop a virus that started in China and didn’t yell up from the basement?
Joe Biden
· 17h
President Obama and I left a playbook for President Trump on how to fight pandemics. He flat-out ignored it. And we’re all paying the price every day.
Ric is so sharp that Slow Joe doesn’t even realize he’s been slashed until he sees his blood on the floor.
Stoopid Jack! I’m following this guy and twister will NOT pull his name up when I search. Not even if I type his whole handle! They really hate him!
sounds homophobic! twitter should be investigated for discriminating against gays!!!
So Ruth Buzzie has “announced” she has cancer … again. Per Rush’s show.
I think we need a RIP thread for RGB.
Great idea – give up more personal info to the enemy.
Hmmm. Wonder what an overlay of PantyFa, MS-13, illegal immigrant/sanctuary, and DEMONicRAT strongholds would look like?
The word “identical” comes to mind…..
this is UTTER incompetence!!!!! shifts of cops babysitting the blm mural outside Trump Tower while violent crime in NYC surges…wtf?????
Even as violent crime and deadly shootings in New York soar, Mayor Bill de Blasio has reportedly assigned no less than 27 cops working in shifts to protect a Black Lives Matter mural outside Trump Tower.
“Just heard that @NYCMayor has 1 & 8 securing the #BlackMindsMatter mural at Trump Tower,” tweeted former police commissioner Bernard Kerik. “That’s one sergeant and eight cops, x 3 tours a day! Violence, shootings, and murder is up in NYC and this clown has three sergeants and 24 cops guarding a mural! If true, #SICKENING.”
Just heard that @NYCMayor has 1 & 8 securing the #BlackMindsMatter mural at Trump Tower. That’s one sergeant and eight cops, x 3 tours a day! Violence, shootings, and murder is up in NYC and this clown has three sergeants and 24 cops guarding a mural! If true, #SICKENING
— Bernard B. Kerik (@BernardKerik) July 16, 2020
His claim was backed up by Derrick Gibson, who is running for governor of New York. Gibson said that he spoke to cops on the scene who said “they are getting paid to baby sit paint, and not happy about it.”
Show up carrying boxes of pizza and give ’em to the cops. While they are chowing down, the ‘kill’ team moves in and spray paints over the obscenity.
When the cops are done eating, they’ll turn around and see what happened. Then they can all say, in harmony, it’s a miracle.
good plan!!
Upthread was a comment/tweet about this incident:
Today, Rush had a caller who related that the corporation she works for is convening a commission to deal with the systemic racism that killed George Floyd. She said the CEO has pledged millions to donate to some org (can’t remember). Rush responded that it is all through the federal govt agencies doing the exact same thing.
Is that a Hatch Act violation? If so, why is DJT allowing it?
Well, that didn’t work out very well.
Quote from
And when he crashed 17 laps into the race, the crowd began cheering.
17 laps had to be a Q-incidence. LOL
Just wanted to extend B-Day wishes to Gil’s Kiddo and Duchess. Also a belated B-Day to Gil. Hope y’all have a great day and weekend! Go outside and enjoy the Lord’s creation!
Thanks, CM – it is a beautiful day today – not too hot – not too cold – just perfect for enjoying God’s Creation!
First item test
Second item test
First item test
Second item test
How to change text in WordPress
The ul or ol tag commands didn’t work.
[strike] with angle brackets works [/strike]
with angle brackets worksFGC
Thank you I printed it out for myself
Pic on the right explains why PLT – AOC needs to wear a mask
DJT has studied The Thirty-Six Strategems and The Art of War. Even after centuries, they still work.
These articles are hilarious to read.
“I was just out for a casual stroll at 2 AM and just happened to be wearing all black”, said protestor Dipchit.
These articles may as well be entitled, “Read This Because We Think You Are Stupid”
I nominate Dr. Kelly Victory as Fauci’s replacement.
She could keep Fauci on as an advisor that never gets consulted.
Or paid…
Everyday People feat. Jack Johnson, Jason Mraz, Keb’ Mo’ | Turnaround
Arts | Playing For Change
This is as fresh as mint leaf itself.
Meet Robert Randolph, master of sacred steel…
This one is fun and BB King loved him some RR…
What is “sacred steel”?
Simply put, it is a lap steel guitar used in worship services in place of the traditional organ.
I have a cyber friend in FL who loves Sacred Steel – Thanks for sharing, FG&C!!! Now, I can share some songs for him!!!
My pleasure.
I love RR because his #1 musical influence, in terms of style, is the inimitable Stevie Ray Vaughn.
In truth, RR’s recordings are pretty good, but it is his live performances that one must see to fully appreciate the man and his energy.
Robert Rudolph and the Family Band is an truly an experience.
He is very familiar with Stevie Ray Vaughn – and has taught me much about these guys and their contributions. He will love this.
Totally agree FG@C catching a live performance in some small venue or club is the best! Lots of talent out there that’s never seen, did the concerts when younger with all the big act’s, but now I really like to find the good ones doing the clubs. Even run into well known artists too by themselves once in awhile.
I have had the privilege of meeting and speaking with several world-renowned musical greats as well as many lesser known talents and one of my favorite questions is asking where they like performing the most.
Interestingly, the ones with the MOST talent are not always the one’s with the most fame. Regardless, the one’s with the purest musical talent always prefer a smaller venue. $$ is not their guiding light.
Speaking for myself, I have never enjoyed a concert in a huge arena as much as I have seeing the same performer in a small venue like Antone’s in Austin. You have probably noted that many of the newest venues are built specifically for audiences of just a few thousand. For example, the relatively new Austin City Limits venue at the Moody Theater here in Austin, an amazing venue with not a single bad seat in the entire place, only seats 2800. Also, in the past it was much easier to have a chance to meet a favorite artist outside such a venue after the show waiting by the tour bus, although that has changed a LOT as the insane and unstable in society at large have rapidly grown in numbers in the past decade or two.
The 90’s was, IMHO, the last great decade where well-known musicians were fairly easy to meet this way. Although I did run into Willie Nelson in a gate area a few years ago at IAH after a deadhead back into base. He was traveling alone and was waiting on a connecting flight, so I invited him to the pilot’s lounge to wait away from the gawkers. He graciously accepted, but it turned out I really did him no favor, as everyone in the crew room swarmed him! A case of the road to hell being paved with the best of intentions. Looking back, I suspect HE knew that would happen, but he went along because he had never been in a pilot’s lounge and wanted to see one. As the french say, c’est la vie!
SPAZ Tourism: Autonomous Zone Freedom Awaits (Limited Time Offer!)
Jul 17, 2020 3:59:00 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 7d9a05 No. 9989650
3m ago
8kun qresearch
Jul 17, 2020 4:01:10 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 7d9a05 No. 9989670
1m ago
8kun qresearch
thanks rayzorbak!
DICKtator Wolf yanks funding from rebellious county defying his renewed lockdown orders–but the “increasing” cases are in Philadelphia where DICKtator allowed rioting to occur…but the entire state must suffer.
Wolf has warned of increased viral spread and said the new restrictions are needed to help keep Pennsylvania’s numbers manageable, especially with schools planning to reopen for the fall. Disease modeling from PolicyLab at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia shows infections rising sharply in Philadelphia and the suburbs in coming weeks.
Oh, that is just ‘Bull-Pucky’, Pat!!! The man needs mental health intervention – I am calling AG Barr!!!
Jul 17, 2020 4:08:04 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 7d9a05 No. 9989783
What would be the primary purpose of inflating C19 numbers?
Who benefits the most?
Pro-America v Anti-America.
All assets deployed.
Election not virus.
2m ago
8kun qresearch
Jul 17, 2020 4:16:18 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 978edb No. 9989882
CDC C19 data [actually] lower than reported?
Why did select [D] govs [4] mandate nursing home C19 positive insert?
Election not virus.
Win by any means necessary.
1m ago
8kun qresearch
I keep asking the liberals in my circles about survival and death rates. They have no answers.
They have to pretend they don’t know the answers even if they do.
They don’t like being asked uncomfortable questions, either.
Criminals and their abettors never do.
ThreadReader link:
Texas Data Contextualization – Via Andrew Bostom MD:
Real data (again) comparing seasonal flu deaths in Texas in 2017-2018, & 2018-2019, to C19 deaths in 2020 (data from Texas Dept of Health):
2019 flu data
2018 flu data
2020 C19 data as of 7/14/20
CDC created the category in the Table which combines flu/pneumonia death b/c of their belief flu leading to subsequent bacterial “superinfections” & deaths, may be “under-counted”, true flu deaths. Those data are worth pondering b/c of the great latitude given to “C19 deaths”
Sourced to Texas Health Dept website Tables
+twatter RT…
+twatter reply
! Great Job and TY!
Set the DATA free – Truth will Defend itself!
CDC C19 data [actually] lower than reported?
Why did select [D] govs [4] mandate nursing home C19 positive insert?
Election not virus.
Win by any means necessary.…
Congrats & TY
the Data Honey Badger!!!…
The Whiners are Engaged…
TX nums disaggregated from US are “misleading” per ???
These are contextualized to TX!
Statistical data needs to be dis-aggregated to give the best localized insights!…
Jul 17, 2020 4:20:53 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 978edb No. 9989971
How do you provide cover for invalid ‘positive’ test results?
Think pawpaw.
1m ago
8kun qresearch
If the NYT is reporting it, they’re getting ahead of a scandal I would imagine.
What is pawpaw?
Growth Habit: The pawpaw is a deciduous, often narrowly conical tree growing from about 12 feet to around 20 feet. Pawpaw trees are prone to producing root suckers a few feet from the trunk. When these are permitted to grow, the single-clone pawpaw patch comes into being. The prevailing experiences of many individuals is that the pawpaw is a slow grower, particularly when it is young. However, under optimal greenhouse conditions, including photo-period extension light of approximately 16 hours, top growth of up to 5 feet can be attained in three months.
[“providing cover for invalid positive results” – root suckers]
What is Pawpaw? Here are 6 Fascinating Facts About This Trendy Fruit
This refers to the PawPaw “fruit” submitted by the A-Fricken president that returned the “Positive” result. Along with Positive results from various other things (Not people).
Pawpaws … is Q Southern!?
I would think that they are using number sets multiple times. Think how the private labs report positives, hospitals report positives and the then the state reports positives – are all different or some the same positive case? Also, most all positive cases are tested multiple times – each one a positive test but not a new case.
Or does this mean that many agencies & people seem seperate but are really one pawpaw patch, all connected underground?
Pawpaw is referring to a fruit in Africa where the President of the country had a COVID test swabbed into the fruit and it came back as a positive COVID. Evidently he was suspicious or had gotten a heads up the tests were rigged from the beginning.
Bingo, Tegan. I knew when I saw paw-paw.
Like that great song… (think Eddie Fisher)
Oh, my paw-paw,
To me he was
No! This refers to the PawPaw “fruit” submitted by the A-Fricken president that returned the “Positive” result. Along with Positive results from various other things (Not people).
Nick Cannon: White People Are Closer to Animals
This is a Prager University video. I really liked it. I think you will too.
I listened, Elizabeth – see what you mean!!!
We usually like the same things.
Enjoy your celebrations!!
Yes, we do, Elizabeth!!! Oh, I am – most fun I have had in a long time!!! Thanks!!!
* Smiling all Day * God Bless You, Liz!!!
God Bless You!!
Thanks, Liz – and God Bless You, too!!!
It looks to me that racism goes one way? Is ok to call white people animals but what would happen if white people say such thing? Racism has to stop.
I every one would unite.
“Respect diversity honor unity:
are all
in the
of Love
Lumen Christy Holy Wisdom by NanC. Merrill “
I think this is orchestrated every four (4) years to keep us angry and divided – but – you know what – I do not think it is working as well this year as it has in the past – I have a very strong sense – people are wise to this game – and are refusing to buy it.
PT is the least racist President ever – he leads from a unified front – always cognizant of the groups that will benefit from the initiatives and policies he proposes – we are – after all – Americans – if you are not proud to be an American – then – it is time for you to leave!!!
If you are unhappy here – then, we suggest you go elsewhere – you do not like the police – go somewhere the police do not exist – if you do not like our laws here – go lawless elsewhere – that is what most people do when they are unhappy with the government where they live – they do not riot, destroy businesses, and murder people because they are unhappy – they simply leave.
I think it is time for the disruptors – be they governors, mayors, and/or rioters – to be jailed for crimes against humanity.
And an almost immediate push back…something missing in previous years with former Presidents that somehow thought not responding to lies, attacks and threats was the “gentlemanly” thing to do. Trump has taught many to be warriors….or at least street fighters.
Non-violent Warriors – the Silent Majority will not be silent on Election Day!!!
And – they will not stand for any disruption of their celebration – so don’t even think about it – marauders and thugs!!!
We are taking our country back – and YOU are not in Our Club!!!
Lefty Loony Liberals Line Up on the Right Side of History – lest you find yourselves in less than appropriate accommodations.
Kiddo’s and Duchess’ birthday AND Q DROPS!!!!!!! What a great day!
* Giggling * After all, Jam – it is the 17th!!!
Happy Birthday Sweet Duchess!!!

Thanks, Butterfly! It was a Happy Day!!!
Happy birthday, Q gal!
Hope you had a great day! Many happy returns!
Thanks, Church! I sure did!!! Many made it so special – one I will remember for a long time!!!
Don’t be turned off by the name Michael Moore. This is a documentary worth watching.
Surprised he didn’t conclude with the Georgia Guide Stones.
Never went back to properly cover fossil fuel industry that if they were just left alone, rather than creating the hysterics of muscling in these alternative sources causes then maybe in the ensuing peace he could promote his message. He’s definitely a Malthusian and gave no room to counter arguments to such beliefs. But he certainly did nail the fact that big energy is behind the green movement and those at the top of the food chain are the ones that benefit the most. The place not looked at was the nano tech revolution. Scary place without parity. Must have parity which means openness and citizen dialogue or else it’s tyranny and there in is the cliff.
Jul 17, 2020 4:58:23 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: add5e8 No. 9990615
How important is FL re: 2020 election?
1 lab = possible human-error
‘Countless’ labs = deliberate [coordinated]
Largest coordinated mis[dis]information campaign ever to be pushed by controlled entities?
Who benefits the most?
2m ago
8kun qresearch
I just happened to see it.
Which is the 98% vs what it really was 9.8%
Which is WHY Trump is now going around the CDC for results.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: add5e8 No.9990615
Jul 17 2020 15:58:23 (EST) NEW
How important is FL re: 2020 election?
1 lab = possible human-error
‘Countless’ labs = deliberate [coordinated]
Largest coordinated mis[dis]information campaign ever to be pushed by controlled entities?
Who benefits the most?
As I (and others) said when this news broke, why haven’t all 33 labs been shut down by the State health department and the most massive state and FBI investigation ever launched, prior to arresting the owners and managers of all 33 labs?
Coordinated = Conspiracy
Involving massive fraud.
Regarding a supposed ‘pandemic’, during a declared national emergency.
Treason is only the tip of the iceberg.
Where is the FIB?!?
Where is the DoJ?!?!
Where are LOCAL police?!?!?
Is ANYONE in charge?
I discovered back in March that the bureaucrat in charge of my state’s government laboratories is a Chinese national who received his education from a Chinese military university.
Just unreal… you couldn’t even make that up for a ‘B’ movie script, it would be rejected by everyone involved as too over-the-top ridiculous — even for a ‘B’ movie!!!

Now that’s going to be most interesting, indeed, when the person that gave the order, coordinated the lab actions is exposed. And, I have no doubt whatsoever, if not known now it will be.
And I thought our East Terminal was less than hospitable at times.
Øbama’s daughters.
OMG – reading the comments – this is not their first fight of the day – they got into a fight then the flight was delayed.
They should be grounded on the no fly list for life – or until they are sent to anger/behavior management classes and are certified to possess civilized self-control and manners.
This incident, and specifically these airport workers, have now been reported to the TSA, FBI, and FAA for serious security violations and investigation.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
You are quite welcome.
Now that I’m this far into the video, it looks like the baggage pick up in Tampa.
Philadelphia, I believe.
Doesn’t matter where, really. The FBI will figure it out.
Personally, I’m not as concerned with the individuals involved with the fight as I am with the airport workers doing nothing to stop it or call for security. every employee working inside an airport is, by law, expected to act as part of the airport security force. “See something, say something” is very important and anyone working in an airport has special training on security guidelines and expectations.
These airport workers failed at the moment of testing and need to be removed for the public’s safety. This brawl could have spiraled out of control or worse, provided cover for a terrorist. You can’t look at it as just a altercation. you have to look at it as what it could have turned into.
In aviation, we are always looking at the worst case scenarios.
This is why these airport workers must be made an example of and terminated from their employment. If they see something…and DON’T say anything…it can easily cost lives.
Saying nothing cannot be tolerated.
Not to mention, the security people have an obligation to stop an attack on somebody… or stop pretending like they are ‘security’.
Those people weren’t any kind of ‘security’ to anybody.
They were just ‘watchers’.
They’re just animals, they’re not even people anymore… if they ever were.
Soft they are people at their worse. This is what happens when parents never put restrictions to their behavior. They still behave like 4 year olds instead as young adults. Bad behavior has been rewarded.
Parenting is a lost art. and its easier to give in at tantrums hand out consequences. I wonder how their kids turn out?
These are probably the daughters of the women we saw in the street fight last week – where the wigs and weaves were left all over the street afterward.
Wives and girlfriends of the Bloods and Crips.
Never mind no restrictions . . . this is the behavior that’s been modeled for them their entire lives. It’s literally universal.
Not all young people behave like that. I have 4 grandchildren from 20 to 16 and they would not behave like that. They are self controlled and have respect for themselves and therefore for others.
singing, yep, that’s the connection all right.
I understand. I was specifically referring to the abhorrent hot messes in the video, and remarking that the behavior is learned. I taught for 25 years in a district with this exact demographic.
Hard to believe that she got up and walked away from that.
Why are there so many young people at the airport during Covid 19 shutdown? Where are they going and where did they come from?
And look at how they dress in public! Houseshoes? What is wrong with these people!?!
You must not fly very much.
Sadly, airports are becoming more like Walmart with every passing day.
I remember when we dressed up in suits, dresses to fly – or to go downtown shopping. Ladies in our small town wore hose, dresses and hats downtown and to church.
Do y’all want me to update the DECLAS thread and post a new one, or just leave today’s documents here with the Q drops?
I don’t know which is better, or I’d pick one
New one, please.
We might need to pin it to the top for the coming week.
Okee dokey. Let me finish what I’m doing and get dinner going, and will get on it.
I gave it a shot and WP isn’t playing nice tonight.
Jul 17, 2020 5:47:13 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f4dc5f No. 9991332
C19 narrative kill date: Election Day +1
Prepare for zero-day [massive cyber-power] attacks [attempts] on 11.4.
2m ago
8kun qresearch
“C19 narrative kill date: Election Day +1”
November 4. Yep.
This isn’t “in my lane”.
Maybe at least dont fly that day.
Wolf, et al,
I’m about halfway through this video and so far it is a MUST WATCH on vaccines in relation to the topic laid out in the body of the daily thread today, and what to keep an eye out for when any untried, C19 is forced on the public. James Corbitt lays it out: there’s two SCOTUS cases that will be used as the groundwork to compel compulsory vaccines in this nation despite the 14th amendment. Unfortunately, the justice involved in both majority opinions is Oliver Wendell Holmes. His reputation in my eyes is significantly diminished with this report.
I’ll keep watching, but seriously, this is one heck of a history and sociological lesson in interference in the integrity of the human person.
C19 vaccine.
hey, that rhymes.
VICE, the online magazine, is owned by Disney? No kidding.
Derschowitz is illogical and propagandizing.
– Not everyone who is unvaccinated will get or carry the disease.
– There has never been a vaccine for coronavirus.
– Flu vaccines are only 40% or less successful in any given year.
– Some flu vaccines have increased susceptibility to coronavirus.
– Heck – they have been trying to come up with an AIDS vaccine for 40 years without success due to behaviors of carriers and the mutations of the viruses.
– During flu and virus outbreaks – sick people should stay home and vulnerable people should avoid crowds and isolate as much as possible.
– The C19 – or SARS-2 is no more deadly than the flu….it’s just been extremely dishonestly hyped.
“and what to keep an eye out for when any untried, C19 is forced on the public.”
It won’t be forced on me.
And if everyone adopts that perspective, if everyone makes that decision now when their heads are clear, you won’t have to think about it or decide what to do if/when the lawless ‘order’ comes.
They could force one person.
They can’t force 325 million, or even a tiny fraction thereof.
It doesn’t matter even a tiny bit what the corrupt supreme dufuses say.
Let corrupt Roberts and Sodamotor try to enforce their lawless BS.
Come to my home and try to force me.
Go ahead.
They’re out of their minds if they think they can force anybody to inject untried, unsafe, politically motivated poison into anyone’s body.
They can *&^% off so hard they wind up in another dimension.
Great video!!!
Wow. Yeah, this is RIGHT ON!!!
Is this great or what?
Pgroup – when posting these, 1. take out everything between the ? and jpg 2. put a dot in between so it’s .jpg 3. Take out everything after .jpg
An image has to end in .jpg or .png or .jpeg
Here ya go:
You are welcome. Happy Friday Night!
Donald J. Trump’s Tweets
Donald J. Trump
I am the ultimate member of The Book of the Month Club. First I have lowlife dummy John Bolton, a war mongering fool, violating the law (he released massive amounts of Classified Information) and an NDA in order to build badly needed credibility and make a few dollars, which
….will all end up going to the government anyway. Next up is Mary Trump, a seldom seen niece who knows little about me, says untruthful things about my wonderful parents (who couldn’t stand her!) and me, and violated her NDA. She also broke the Law by givng out my…
….Tax Returns. She’s a mess! Many books have been written about me, some good, some bad. Both happily and sadly, there will be more to come!
Was in a store and people were talking about how the dems were trying to turn us into China.
“This isn’t my Dad’s dem party. They’ve been hijacked by insane people. There’s no coming back from that.’
Also the masks were everywhere but on the face LOL
Question for the board:
Do you think Democrats who are planning on voting for Trump are telling pollsters that, or…
… is the greatest percentage of this group joining the Silent Majority?
My bet is the latter, and moreover…
…that there are massive numbers of leftists who are “speaking the company line” outwardly among social circles but inwardly are very much opposed to what their party has become.
They just aren’t saying so, for all the obvious reasons.
I think it wouldn’t matter if every single person polled said they were voting for Trump, the fake polling companies would still say Biden was leading.
And even if the polling companies didn’t say it, the corrupt fake news would report it that way anyway.
They are liars who are paid to lie by other liars, and there is literally nothing they won’t lie about.
In impromptu polls or interviews, D-Rats that say they’ll vote Trump, will do so. Many that are never asked, will vote Trump.
Have NOT heard anyone supporting the Sleepy Joe. Think I saw one Biden bumper sticker. May have been during a rare foray in CA. Or I read someone else’s comment that they saw a Sleepy sticker.
Positive comments on my Trump hat markedly increasing. Trump stickers and flags more common.
To a person, everyone I have spoken to here in NV, granted a bubble of sorts, support trump. Can’t believe Sleepy Joe will be D-Rat nominee.
More locally, folks are royally pissed off at our socialist guvner Sisolak. Again, my buble doesn’t include the only three counties Sisolak won – Clark, Washoe and Carson. Sisolak handily lost the other fourteen counties.
The only way the D-rats win 3 November is cheat. Mass mail voting, vote harvesting, dead folks vote,…
JUST IN: House Judiciary Chairman Rep. Jerrold Nadler has just announced that the committee will mark up two bills next week intended to rein in President Trump’s pardon powers
Is he changing the Constitution.??
this is going nowhere.
Nadler can’t even figure out how pants are supposed to work.
The (in)Human Wedgie…
The man seriously needs a new tailor.
That won’t pop. Suggestions?
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall….
That’s an insult to HD and eggs everywhere, isn’t it.
Never get a Senate committee hearing.
As meaningful as Paul Ryan getting the House to pass bills to cancel Obamacare. Worthless PR event.
John Solomon
For three years, I have flagged this blatantly erroneous story by the New York Times that pushed country into faux scandal. It never was true as Strzok’s analysis shows. But Dean Baquet hasn’t retracted it. Mr. Editor, tear down this story!
that link is bad and I’m sure this is the correct 1
Sundance has done several brilliant analysis detailing why media like the New York Times cannot possibly retract their stories at this point. They are fully invested and have no means for going back, now.
Going down with the ship, they are! And, gosh darn…life vests evidently are missing.
Alex Salvi
NEW: Senate Judiciary Chairman Graham releases unclassified documents related to the Steele dossier and Carter Page FISA applications:
(1) FBI interview with Steele sub-source;
(2) Strzok notes disagreeing with claims made in a New York Times article.
Mr. Salvi has a thread on this….worth a read
Sorry, didn’t realize it would show all those
OMG! In these parts, switching from Dem to Republican is BIG NEWS.
Normally I wouldn’t post anything from the Communist’s News Network, but this is too good…

White House portraits of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush moved from prominent space to rarely used room
WASHINGTON (CNN) – The official portraits of former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were removed from the Grand Foyer of the White House within the last week, aides told CNN, and replaced by those of two Republican presidents who served more than a century ago.
White House tradition calls for portraits of the most recent American presidents to be given the most prominent placement, in the entrance of the executive mansion, visible to guests during official events.
But in the days (following Mexican President Onbrador’s visit), the Clinton and Bush portraits were moved into the Old Family Dining Room, a small, rarely used room that is not seen by most visitors. Now, they hang in a space used mainly for storing unused tablecloths and furniture.
“White House portraits of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush moved from prominent space to rarely used room”
If they have a stand-up men’s urinal anywhere in the WH, both portraits would make an excellent liner.
Neither one would be as good as Hussein’s though.
Maybe they’re saving Hussein’s portrait for the crapper.
I, for one, would be distinctly uncomfortable baring my tuchis in a room with an Obama portrait.
“White House portraits of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush moved from prominent space to rarely used room”
They would both make excellent dart boards.
Or flamethrower practice targets.
Paint over it
Interesting how the media calls these people “vandals” instead of “activists”.
Donald J. Trump
Corrupt Joe Biden wants to defund our police. He may use different words, but when you look at his pact with Crazy Bernie, and other things, that’s what he wants to do. It would destroy America!
ANND add THIS to the GROWING list of evidence of the Covid spike FRAUD.
Yes we suspected it, yes it was rumored, NOW we have proof.
Then there is the “money shot” from Nicole Saphire “Health officials from numerous states have mistakenly included positive results from antibody tests when reporting new COVID-19 cases to the CDC, grossly inflating new cases. The scientific equivalent to “double dipping.”
There were also numerous reports, from GA, TX, FL, LA, TN, of people getting in line, and leaving due to the wait time, WITHOUT even being tested, and then later getting a POSITIVE test result.
Then there is the SEVEN WEEK lag time by the CDC in REPORTING tests.
Do you guys SEE what that means? The CORRUPT CDEC, used and SAVED pumped up and duplicate results, and THEN posted the results in BULK, like they JUST happened ALL AT ONCE.
Now think for a second. nearly 2 MONTHS (at least) of saved up and duplicate tests, smattered with false positives from people who did NOT even TAKE a test, mix in the serological results, so NOT report ANY negative test results, count the SAME people who took MULTIPLE tests, for their work, not as ONE test, and ONE individual, but as MULTIPLE tests and MULTIPLE individuals. Then as a “cherry” on top, include people who were around a “probable” positive covid case, but had ZERO symptoms, and ZERO tests, as ALL positive through “contact tracing”.
The ANATOMY of a coordinated, orchestrated, and fraudulent CONSPIRACY to fool the American public, fomented by the MSM and Dem pundits and Cabal “health experts”. ALL to enable an EXCUSE for dem Govs, and yes even some Reps (out of FEAR) to stifle the again BOOMING economy. All to try and destroy, or retard the economy enough so that Trump would lose in Nov. Then you have basement Biden and the various dem Cabal, seeding the public with dis info, blaming TRUMP and Rep Govs for being “reckless” and opening too soon.
Repeat after me, there is NO Covid 19 resurgence, it is yet a second MSM,., Cabal, and dem creation of HYPE. Using BOGUS statistics. Stats that will “mordaciously” be “revised” DOWN. should Biden win Nov 3rd. IF Biden were to win Nov 3rd, the Covid “Pandemic” will be OVER, finished, and NEVER AGAIN MENTIO)NED by Dec 1. Just in time for Biden to take the “credit”
It is a good scheme IF you can pull it off. One problem, they are NOT pulling it off, they are DAILY getting CAUGHT. So much so, that the Trump admin set NEW rules on reporting, BYPASSING entirely the “Centers for Disease Control” The ONLY thing the CDC controlled was the LIE! But, NO longer.
I will bet my gopher suit that there is an EXTENSIVE audit of the numbers going on AS WE SPEAK, and that within days, maybe a few weeks, but DEFINATELY before Aug 1, the REAL numbers will be put out, and the ENTIRE sordid scheme will be EXPOSED.
NO one will EVER trust the CDC, Fauci, Birx, the NIH, WHO, or NIAD EVER again. That is EXTREMELY dangerous, what IF we get a REAL and NOT manufactured disease. That is the absolute DANGER in all this crying of “wolf” by the Cabal. If and when a REAL wolf shows up, we will NEVER believe them again, and THAT will cost perhaps REAL millions to die.
For THAT reason alone, let alone all the DAMAGE cost to peoples lives, livelihoods, businesses, and all the needless DEATHS this time, ALL the people in “charge” of this scheme, first need to be outed, then FIRED, and then arrested and PROSECUTED for conspiracy to defraud the public, public ENDANGERMENT, and crimes against humanity. NO ONE in this gets a pass, not even the random data entry people, as they KNOW what has and IS going on, they not only had the ABILITY to blow the whistle on this FRAUD, but they have the RESPONSABILITY. Playing “dumb” and using the old “following orders” will NOT cut it this time. Even the “little people need to PAY, with their jobs, at least, and possibly their freedom.
There is REAL true HARM going on to Americans by this FRAUD. People are losing their jobs, their homes, their savings, their retirements, and sometimes their LIVES. People are AFRAID to go out, which includes people too afraid to go to the doctor who have LIFE THREATENING issues that NEED attention that they CANNOT get because of a LIE.
Then there is the ticking time bomb of mental illness, and the MAJOR retardation of the education system in elementary school- high school. That will be a “gift” that keeps on “giving” for YEARS after this FRUAD is over. REAL, lasting, and TANGIBLE harm. ALL by subversive, corrupt individuals that would rather see the country DIE than have Trump re elected, DESPITE all the GOOD that has and WILL come of it for MILLIONS, some that have never had it so good.
Do you STILL think they will get away with ALL they have done? NO, they CAN’T or not only the US is finished, the WORLD is. Once the US is destroyed, how long do you think it will take the Globalist elders, people bent on world domination, and the enslavement of the common man to a financial “master”, to take it ALL over, and institute THIER sick agendas? I submit it would only take months and ALL western civilization would be wiped out.
This is NOT a game folks, it is VERY real. I simply ask this, we KNOW that Trump is fighting them ALL, and has been for four years. What are WE prepared to do to HELP him help US? You had better NOT set this one out because you don’t like Trump’s methods, Tweets, or “tone”. You had better NOT protest vote or not show up, because NEXT time you may not get the CHANCE to express your vote.
Look at it like this, if they are willing and ABLE, as they have proven over and over the last four years, to lie, cheat, steal, propagandize, destroy, burn, MUDER< and even unleash a plague upon the WORLD to try and stop ONE man, what will they do to US if that man is NO LONGER there to protect us as their target.
VOTE. Make your family VOTE, make your friends VOTE, convince strangers to VOTE. Vote like your LIFE depends on it, because this time it DOES. The lying ravenous wolves are at the gates, better be prepared to FIGHT them.
All your stuff is good; this one deserves a weekend in one of wheatie’s treehouses.
A true shining gem.
Surely miss Wheatie’s tree houses. Got quite comfy in a few.
“I will bet my gopher suit that there is an EXTENSIVE audit of the numbers going on AS WE SPEAK, and that within days, maybe a few weeks, but DEFINATELY before Aug 1, the REAL numbers will be put out, and the ENTIRE sordid scheme will be EXPOSED.”
I certainly hope so! I’m encouraged that Pres. Trump is bypassing the CDC now. He must have people auditing the numbers. We need the truth, and we need it now. They are destroying the country.
BINGO! Akum’s Razor. the simplest answer is the correct one. Trump took over the data recording from the CDC to STOP and EXPOSE the FRAUD.
Aubergine’s Razor. Never assume incomitance on an action where malice or guile can be substituted,
P Rex’s axiom. Anytime the left have to change a narrative more than once, the original and all subsequent narratives are FALSE>
BTW, it’s Occam’s Razor.
Yes. autocorrect got me.
No worries.
Friday nights used to be fight night. Don’t think older guys can’t rumble!
Those were great FG&C!
Lisa Mei Crowley
Brad Parscale@parscale
The media is a criminal network that has very few honest people. They have zero intention to tell the truth. I have seen so many live in fear of a negative story.
I am happy I get to continue to fight with @realDonaldTrump against America’s biggest enemy, the media!
Read it again… got the part about “criminal network”??????????????????
YET, some are EXPECTING different results when the slime media engages, writes.
I’ve heard that’s the definition of ‘insanity’ or …
Happy Birthday to Ms. Gils “Kiddo” !

Have you been introduced to Aesop’s Fables ?
“The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf”
Regards to Mr. Gil !
Thank you kindly. I did Aesop in February. I have a Children’s encyclopedia from 1923 that has a ton of Aesop and other old stories. Need to do some Greek and Roman mythology. He likes mysteries. I read 3 Nancy Drew and a mouse detective series too.
New Q dops, and his last was a DOOZYY>

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f4dc5f No.9991332
Jul 17 2020 16:47:13 (EST) NEW
C19 narrative kill date: Election Day +1
Prepare for zero-day [massive cyber-power] attacks [attempts] on 11.4.
Do you KNOW what this means, and I am NOT talking about the Covid fraud, it is the LAST line that got my attention.
I see the game, Q is giving us, AGAIN both a heads up, and a WARNING. The Cabal, is aiming to have MASSIVE power/and or/ internet disruptions, hell, maybe even riots or “other” incidents of attack ON election day and the day after. This tells me two things, and I am here to let you see, what I see.
One, Biden is, despite ALL the gaslighting, and ALL the fake (+ 10 or more Dem) polls, getting his clock CLEANED, and it is NOT even close.
Two, the attempts or “attacks” will be meant to not PREVENT the results from happening, but to cast DOUBT (again) ON the results.
I can see it now, “yeah Trump ONLY won 325 electoral votes because X suppressed the Dem turnout.”
” We do not KNOW for sure thanks to X that Trump actually DID win, we will NEVER know, Trump is illegitimate.(again) resist resist, resist! ”
Q is WARNING us of what is coming. One to be vigilant OF a possible “attack” and two of the coming NARRATIVE. WATCH!
Yes. Completely agreed. And the Dems will have help from their foreign allies.
Yes. Good news, if Q is on to them and informing us, there are contingencies being put in place to stop them.
That’s hilarious!
I’ll bet it gets deleted, though…those actors will be directed to denounce it, then the twitter overlords will delete it.
Tyler perry…
Lol. And sandusky biden…
And Jason Alexander as Brian Stelter!
Did we cover this? Happened a couple days ago. Haven’t seen an update to this either yet. Happens as DeBlasio has cops watching the Black Lives Matter mural in front of Trump tower, which by the way GWP has another story showing it get defaced
Anyway. Not good here.
WANTED for ASSAULT: Have you seen Carlos Gonzalez? On 7/14/20 at approx 7:11 PM, in front of 3343 Sedgwick Ave in the Bronx, he placed the female victim who was pushing a baby carriage in a choke hold, dragged her to the ground, allowing the baby carriage to forcefully knocked over, then stabbed the victim multiple times on the open street in broad daylight.
Hasn’t seen an update to this story yet.
Dawson has ANOTHER fab THREAD … no Reader as yet… remember to remove *
Zoe, text of tweet above:
ComEd, largest utility in Illinois pleads guilty to bribing Public Official A from 2011-2019 in exchange for official acts of the Illinois legislature to help the company.
First glance says PO A is Illinois Speaker of the House Michael Madigan!
Quote Tweet
U.S. Attorney’s Office (NDIL)@NDILnews
· 11h
Commonwealth Edison Agrees to Pay $200 Million to Resolve Federal Criminal Investigation Into Bribery Scheme @FBIChicago @IRS_CI
So ComEd pleads guilty to bribery, and the guilty plea is accepted… but the person whom they bribed — who happens to be the Illinois Speaker of the House — hasn’t even been arrested?

As far as I can tell, in at least 49 states, the crime of ‘bribery’ requires TWO participants in order for a crime to be committed, which might otherwise be known as the ‘bribee’ and the ‘briber’.
Only in Illinois is bribery a ONE-PERSON crime…
Thanks for the Reader pgroup !
Justice Department Retweeted
Jul 16
High School Football Coach Sentenced to 270 Months in Federal Prison for Sexual Exploitation of 14- and 15-Year Old Girls
High School Football Coach Sentenced to 270 Months in Federal Prison
Wictor spotted a UFO at the White House (apologies if this was already posted):
Interesting. I wonder if it could be a drone, but he doesn’t mention that.
I’m thinking…bird.

There is the sound of birds chirping in a lot of those outdoor WH pressers.
He speculates about drones in the Twitter replies:
“No, if it isn’t a bird, it’s watching out for Trump.
An autonomous nanodrone that instantly takes care of business if necessary.” /COsweda/status/1284211970132983808
Secret Service. I have a theory, but it’s classified. LOL. It’s REALLY COOL, though. They deserve good stuff.
Washington Examiner:
Los Angeles County, the nation’s second-largest school district, announced this week that students will not be returning for in-person classes this fall and must instead continue to participate in the failed distance-learning experiment it initiated after the onset of COVID-19.
This decision was made not by the parents or the schools but by the teachers union, which has opposed all attempts to reopen the county’s schools.
+twatter RT…
Newsom did a lot of damage today with his mandates.
That guy is evil.
Please gobthe the bolg! POS kept his county open all this time and his kids school.

Gavin Newsom Bombshell – On the Eve of Shutting California Schools Down For Rest of 2020, The Exclusive School His Kids Attend Stays Open!
2020 Elections, Gavin Newsom Add comments
Gavin Newsom is expected to announce tomorrow morning 7-17-2020 that he is shutting California Schools Down for the rest of the year. Why? Orange County is styaing open for School and LA County is not.
Newsom already made several draconian moves to cover for his protege Eric Garcetti whose management of LA has been atrocious (over half the new COVID cases are from LA). Now, Newsom is being forced to double-down to cover for Los Angeles County.
Country Day is the $25,000 a year private School Gavin Newsom’s kids attend:
Isn’t that special – so Gavin’s Winery staying open while most others closed was no accident.
From an anonymous School Board member in Orange County – bottom line Gavin Newsom’s thugs in state government have threatened the funding of SoCal School Districts to compel them to shut down. This is in line with the 1-800-RATT-OUT-YOUR-NEIGHBOR hotlines he has set up. Communist police state tactics.
Man, that guy is a RAT. There are literal CRIMINALS running California.
Thank you, CHINA.
May there be JUSTICE.
Ive said its bad, but its really bad. Not like other states. We have 40 million people. They are evil. He doesnt do anything except a press conference with new dictats around noon, same with garcetti. CA state legislature keeps closing after a couple days open.
They dare not seed covid like illness into kids to kill them but the schools thing is permanent damage or varied degrees, emotionally and psychologically.
It would not surprise me if Pres. Trump takes some action about this.
He needs to.
Damaging children is a RED LINE. Action must be taken, words are not ok.
The whole civil war battle is not to be win at the expense of kids.
Covid story will need to end sooner.
“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” ~ Matthew 18:6 KJV
Congresscritter Lewis has bit the dust. No tears from me for the old racist.
Obviously Ruthie had access to better treatments for pancreatic cancer than Lewis did.
Do you mean John Lewis? I’m seeing headlines that it’s not true. With the awful state of the media, it’s hard to know what to believe.
He died on July 17 of pancreatic cancer.
His death trended on Twitter and there are numerous obituaries.