Saturday Again!
Well, it worked last time. I said there wasn’t much happening and the Wayfair story broke, bigtime.
So let’s see.
(Well, it’s worth a shot!)
Truth to tell, I’ve been so dang busy I haven’t been able to keep up here, so for all I know the entire Deep State (and its Derp State affiliate, for people like Maxine Waters) got arrested.
A Reminder Of Today’s Issues.
Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People...Our campaign represents a true existential threat, like they’ve never seen before.
Then-Candidate Donald J. Trump
Needs to happen, soon.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Political correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. The gun is always loaded.
4a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
5. Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
6. Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
7. Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Coin of The Day
Funny thing happened to me the other day.
I got a Susan B. Anthony dollar in my change. The high school/college age cashier mistook it for a quarter, but I saw that undecagonal inner edge, looked again, saw it was Susie B. with the Apollo 11 patch design on the reverse, and handed it back, telling her it was a dollar. She eventually believed me, I think, but was going to forget to give me the quarter she still owed me until I reminded her.
But no, I’m not going to tell the story of the “Carter Quarter” (which should be called the Carter/Clinton quarter as they were issued again in 1999). But I will show you a picture, just to remind you (and educate your kids/grandkids).
I’m going to tell the story of another failure, the worst.
You see, back in the 1870s someone thought we needed a twenty cent piece. Apparently, in the west, no one bothered with half dimes or nickels (and no, they’re not the same thing–the half dime was a silver coin half the weight of a dime; as you can imagine it was tiny). So if you bought a ten cent item, and paid a quarter for it, you got a dime back as change. Not fifteen cents, ten cents. (There was this old residual habit of thinking in terms of “bits” as in “two bits” being a quarter; a holdover from the Spanish milled “dollar” or piece of eight. Until the 1850s, those were still used when US coinage wasn’t available. Of course we didn’t have a twelve and a half cent piece, but until 1857 it was doable with dimes, half dimes, cents, and half cents.)
Someone with a large stake in the silver industry, still smarting from the 1873 coinage reform which many called “the crime of ’73” came up with the bright idea that putting twenty cent pieces into circulation would somehow solve the problem.
So we have the “double dime,” issued from 1875-1878. Like the Suzie B, a bunch were made in the first year. San Francisco made 1,155,000 of them in 1875, Philly made 38,500, and Carson City made 133,290, a sensible distribution for coins that were aimed at the Western United States. But then, the next year, Philly made 14,750 of them and Carson City made 10,000. San Francisco? ZERO. In 1877 and 1878, collector speciments, known as proof coins, were made in Philadelphia only, 1,110 pieces total for those two years. That sounds like a huge rarity, and it would be if they were business strike (“regular” coins), which would have been used, worn, and have a low survival rate, but proofs tend to have a relatively high survival rate since they are sold to people who save them not spend them, and these last two years’ coins can be had for four figures.
OK, these coins suffered from the get-go. Here’s a picture of a quarter from about that time:
All US silver at the time (other than the silver three cent piece, now that’s tiny) had this basic design. The dime and half dime (which had just been discontinued in 1873 since the nickel we know today had been invented in 1866, and it had circulated in the post civil war era while silver coinage was still being hoarded everywhere but in the West) had a wreath on the reverse, not an eagle, but the quarter, half dollar and dollar all had this eagle, and all five denominations had “Liberty Seated” on the obverse. The notion of different designs on different denominations was only beginning to dawn on people; our silver would finally get there in 1916.
So here’s the double dime:
The obverse is virtually identical–the word LIBERTY on the ribbon crossing the shield has raised letters, rather than recessed (incuse) letters; other than that, no real difference.
The eagle is at least a bit different; the eagle on the quarter, half, and dollar was basically the same design as was introduced in 1807 (!); this was something new–sort of. We had started creating a “Trade Dollar” in 1873, with extra silver in it, that had an eagle similar to this.
Now if you think about it, you’ll realize that not only is the design very similar, the coin has to have been nearly the same size; in fact, if the proportions were kept the same, it’d be only 7.2% smaller in diameter than a quarter. Not enough to notice.
Just as the Suzie B tried to look like it had 11 sizes (but it was the inside of the rim, not the shape of the coin itself), there was one other difference–this coin had a smooth edge, rather than reeding.
It wasn’t enough. This coin was a pain in the ass; and no one actually thought there was a point to the exercise other than silver lobbyists and their friends in Congress. Hence, the coin got canned the next year for all practical purposes, and the stake was completely driven through its heart at the end of 1878 when even proofs stopped being made.
Now if our coinage system had started with a twenty cent piece instead of a 25 cent piece, and someone had tried to introduce a quarter in 1875, the quarter would have flopped–there’s nothing God given about quarters versus double dimes. Only if the mint had said “we won’t make the old coin any more, you need to use the new denomination instead, from now on” and stuck to its guns, would the coin have succeeded–especially if banks were requested to send their old stock to the mint so that the mint could recoin it. But we were still a free country then, and that would have been too drastic a measure for no good reason.
So there’s nothing new under the sun; and we don’t learn from history. We’ll try to put out a new coin without thinking about it, and the same thing will happen as the last time.
Standard disclaimer: Neither these, nor any other coins I show here, are ones I own. In some cases I own a similar coin or coins, but by no means all or even most of them.
Obligatory PSA/Reminder
Just one more thing, my standard Public Service Announcement. We don’t want to forget this!!!
Remember Hong Kong!!! And remember the tens of millions who died under the “Great Helmsman” Chairman Mao.
中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!
For my money the Great Helmsman is Hikaru Sulu (even if the actor is a dingbat).
Congresscritter Lewis has bit the dust.
No tears from me for the old racist.
Ruthie had access to better treatments for pancreatic cancer than Lewis did.
RBG position is far more critical than Lewis. Lewis was expendable. Guessing a safe seat to keep under D-Rat control.
Sure bet, RBG checks out before the year ends. But not before it is impossible to replace her during trump’s first term.
Heh…”better treatments” is probably an understatement.

RBG is probably getting all the good stuff.
Money is no object when it comes to the Left preventing PDJT from appointing another SC justice.
I might have had a smidge of sympathy, before he was front-and-center in Nanzi’s “big gavel” parade with false claims of racist taunting. On that day, my attitude changed to “**** him and the horse he rode in on.” I’m glad he no longer pollutes the planet.
That matches my experience. Politics is one thing – outright lying is something else.
If the time cue doesn’t work right, @38 seconds.
I’ll be blunt – he was a criminal hiding behind race, and Satan helped him beat the hangman, screaming “they’re trying to lynch me” all the way to the grave.
“Congresscritter Lewis has bit the dust.”
One of my favorite lines from ‘Pancho and Lefty‘ uses that term, reworded slightly, “The dust that Pancho bit down south“. It was written by Townes Van Zandt (1972), but the version I know best is performed by Emmylou Harris (Luxury Liner LP, 1976), one of my favorite songs of hers.
I would love to hear an original 1st issue LP, of this song, played on giant floor-standing speakers, turned up to ’11’, through a pair of mono tube amplifiers… I can barely imagine how glorious it would be
Featuring Albert Lee (electric guitar, backing vocals), Glen D. Hardin (piano), Mickey Raphael (harmonica), Hank DeVito (pedal steel), Brian Ahern & Rick Cunha (acoustic guitar), Ricky Skaggs (mandolin), Emory Gordy (bass), John Ware (drums), Rodney Crowell (backing vocals)
Rodney Crowell still performs with Emmylou, all these years later.
(lyrics copied from the Interwebs, with several corrected mistakes, wrong words here and there can ruin the moment
Livin’ on the road my friend
Was gonna keep you free and clean
Now you wear skin like iron
Your breath’s as hard as kerosene
Weren’t your mama’s only boy
But her favorite one it seems
She began to cry when you said goodbye
And sank into your dreams
Pancho was a bandit, boys
His horse was fast as polished steel
He wore his gun outside his pants
For all the honest world to feel
Pancho met his match you know
In the deserts down in Mexico
And nobody heard his dyin’ words
Ah but that’s the way it goes…
All the Federales say
They could of had him any day
Only let him slip away
Out of kindness I suppose
Lefty, he can’t sing the blues
All night long like he used to
The dust that Pancho bit down south
Ended up in Lefty’s mouth
Day they laid poor Pancho low
Lefty split for Ohio
And where he got the bread to go
There ain’t nobody knows…
All the Federales say
They could of had him any day
We only let him slip away
Out of kindness I suppose
The poets tell how Pancho fell
And Lefty’s livin’ in a cheap hotel
The dessert’s quiet and Cleveland’s cold
And so the story end’s, we’re told
Pancho needs your prayer’s it’s true
But save a few for Lefty too
He only did what he had to do
And now he’s growin’ old
All the Federales say
Could’a had him any day
We only let him slip away
Out of kindness I suppose
A few gray Federales say
Could’a had him any day
We only let him go so long
Out of kindness I suppose…
And for anyone who might be curious, here is Townes Van Zandt, in a very stripped down performance:
And I still missed several mistakes in the lyrics (one missed word completely, and several punctuation errors)!

This is a song written by Leonard Cohen, who I mostly think of as a poet who figured out he had a better chance of success if he set his poems to music
This one is a little different. I heard it for the first time a few months ago, and I liked it right away. It is a cover (sort of) sung by Jennifer Warnes, one of Leonard’s long-time friends who often sang backing vocals for Leonard Cohen, in addition to her solo career.
There’s a story to the version that Jennifer sings, because Leonard changed it for her, at her request.
Leonard’s song is called Ballad of the Absent Mare (first recorded for his album Recent Songs, 1979), but the altered version, the one he changed for Jennifer, is titled Ballad of the Runaway Horse.
From the Song Facts website:
The Canadian’s longtime friend and guest singer, Jennifer Warnes, shared on her website how a radiant Cohen came over to her house to share this song with her after he’d been away on a silent retreat. She recalled sitting at her little rented piano, “as Leonard’s twelve elegant, spartan verses unfolded. I remember thinking… something miraculous is happening, right this minute, in my stupid little living room.”
“Leonard had found some old pictures somewhere,” Warnes continued. “They were called The Ten Bulls, old Japanese woodcuts symbolizing the stages of a monk’s life on the road to enlightenment. These carvings pictured a boy and a bull, the boy losing the bull, the bull hiding, the boy realizing that the bull was nearby all along. There is a struggle, and finally the boy rides the bull into his little village. ‘I thought this would make a great cowboy song,’ he joked.”
Warnes asked Cohen if he would bend the lyric in a couple of places, for a cowgirl, and he sent her a new version, titled “The Ballad of a Runaway Horse,” which can be found on the 20th anniversary reissue edition of Famous Blue Raincoat. Emmylou Harris also recorded this new version for her 1993 album Cowgirl’s Prayer.
Warnes: “I was recently asked to write something about ‘Ballad of the Runaway Horse.’ ‘Tell them it’s not about a horse,’ a friend advised, tongue in cheek. But Leonard was a member of a teenage band called The Buckskin Boys. Maybe his song is about a horse, I don’t exactly know. Best to ask Leonard.”
Artists are very reluctant to discuss the meaning of the songs they sing
Jennifer has at least two versions of this song, but this is the one I heard first. They’re similar, but the phrasing and nuance seems just right to me on this one. It is from an album by Rob Wasserman, called Duets (1986), where Rob Wasserman (bass player) played bass for various artists, one of whom was Jennifer Warnes, and she chose this song to sing, by Leonard Cohen.
As with most songs, this song should be played loud, if possible.
I hope you like this one… but if not, that’s okay, I’ll keep trying
It’s perfect for late evening, when everything is quiet, and the lights are out, and the music can just wash over you.
Say a prayer for the cowgirl her horse ran away
And she’ll walk till she finds him her darling her stray
But the river’s in flood and the roads are awash
And the bridges break up in the panic of loss
And there’s nothing to follow nowhere to go
He’s gone like the summer gone like the snow
And the crickets are breaking her heart with their song
As the day caves in and the night is all wrong
Did she dream, was it he, who went galloping past
And bent down the fern broke open the grass
And printed the mud with the well hammered shoes
That she nailed to his feet in the dreams of her youth
And although he goes grazing a minute away
She tracks him all night she tracks him all day
Blind to his presence except to compare
Her injury here with his punishment there
Then at home on a branch on the highest tree
A songbird sings out so suddenly
Ah the sun is warm and the soft winds ride
On a willow tree by the riverside
Ah, the world is sweet and the world is wide
And he’s there where the light and the darkness divide
And the steam’s comin’ off him he’s huge and he’s shy
And he steps on the moon when he paws at the sky
And he comes to her hand but he’s not really tame
He longs to be lost she longs for the same
And he’ll bolt and he’ll plunge through the first open pass
To roll and to feed in the sweet mountain grass
Or he’ll make a break for the high plateau
Where there’s nothing above oh nothing below
It’s time for their burden the whip and the spur
Will she ride with him or will he ride with her
So she binds herself to her galloping steed
And he binds himself to the woman in need
And there is no space just left and right
And there is no time but there’s day and night
And she leans on his neck and whispers low
Whither thou goest, I will go
And they turn as one and they head for the plain
No need for the whip oh no need for the rein
Now the clasp of this union, who fastens it tight
Who snaps it asunder the very next night
Some say it’s him, some say it’s her
Some say love’s like smoke, beyond all repair
So my darlin’, my darlin’ just let it go by
That old silhouette on the great western sky
And I’ll pick out a tune and they’ll move right along
And they’re gone like smoke and they’re gone like this song…
* The lyric “Whither thou goest, I will go” is taken from Scripture: “And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God:” (Ruth 1:16, KJV, boldface emphasis mine)
I hate to sound uncharitable…….but, um, I wish RBG had Lewis’ doctor.
Unabashedly, I simply want RBG to check out, now. Today would be fine. Couldn’t care less how. Have for a long time. RBG is long past her expiration date. RBG is evil, IMO.
I miss the late night tune posts… nobody posts at Utree anymore, and even when I did, a lot of times my posts went in the bin.
I like Emmylou’s cover of Townes Van Zandt’s Pancho and Lefty (above), but I like Townes Van Zandt’s live cover of the Rolling Stones’ Dead Flowers (1971, Sticky Fingers LP)
The Rolling Stones original is perfect the way it is, but Townes Van Zandt really nailed it with a country acoustic version. I never heard this cover until I saw The Big Lebowski for the first time, a year or two ago, in a scene near the end of the film (“The Dude Abides” scene, I think).
I liked it enough that I wanted to add it to my collection, but it wasn’t easy to find, until I located it on an apparently obscure Townes Van Zandt album called “Road Songs”.
It is listed at, released in 1992 in the Netherlands (and in 1994 in the U.S., and 1995 in Germany, and never again). I tracked down the 1992 first issue, because older is usually better for sound quality with CDs, less likelihood of computerized audio manipulation, compression, brick-wall filtering, etc.
Jimmie Gray (bass and backing vocals), Reuster Rowland (backing guitar), Townes Van Zandt (lead vocal, lead guitar)
And now when you’re sitting there
In your silk upholstered chair
Talkin’ to some rich folks that you know
Well, I hope you don’t see me
In my ragged company
Oh but you know I could never be alone
Take me down, little Susie, take me down
I know you think you’re the queen of the underground
Send me dead flowers every morning
Send me dead flower by the mail
Send me dead flowers to my wedding
And I won’t forget to put roses on your grave
Well now when you’re sittin’ back
In your rose pink Cadillac
Making bets on Kentucky Derby days
I’ll be in my basement room
With a needle and a spoon
And another girl to take my pain away
Take me down, little Susie, take me down
I know you think you’re the queen of the underground
Send me dead flowers every morning
Send me dead flowers by the mail
Send me dead flowers to my wedding
And I won’t forget to put roses on your grave
Take me down, little Susie, take me down
I know you think you’re the queen of the underground
Send me dead flowers every morning
Send me dead flowers by the mail
Send me dead flowers to my wedding
And I won’t forget to put roses on your grave
No, I won’t forget to put roses on your grave…
Scott465, what a wicked song. Yuck.
“Scott465, what a wicked song. Yuck.”
It faded out on side 1, and you had to flip it over to hear the rest of the song, because it was too long for one side, so they split the song in half, and faded back in on side 2.

), but I don’t think of it that way. I think of it like it’s an inside joke between two people who cared about each other once upon a time, and they made a bargain or sorts. You send me dead flowers (remember me), and I won’t forget to put roses on your grave (I will remember you). It’s beautiful in its own way.

Zoe, I’m sorry you didn’t like it
Like many songs, I have no idea what it’s actually about, I don’t generally think of music in that way. I mean, some songs are obvious, but many (most?) are not, and (usually) that’s by design.
Many times artists won’t explain what their song means, for the specific reason that it means so many different things to different people, and if the artist explains the meaning from the writer’s perspective, it might ruin it for people who had their own interpretation. And art by its nature is supposed to be interpreted by the hearer or viewer.
Joni Mitchell described it this way, in her classic 1971 song Blue:
Songs are like tattoos
You know I’ve been to sea before
Crown and anchor me
Or let me sail away
Hey, blue
There is a song for you
Ink on a pin
Underneath the skin
An empty space to fill in…
So in that second verse, is she talking about tattoos, or is she talking about how a song gets under your skin (or stuck in your head), but it’s an ’empty space to fill in’, i.e., you give the song meaning by what it means to you?
It’s not easy to explain because I never thought of myself as an artistic type, I just have a very strong affinity for certain types of music. When I was very little, I was sent to my room a lot, for long hours at a time. I was too young to read, and there were no video games yet, and the only TV in the house was in the living room. So there I am, in my room, staring at four walls…. and a little suitcase record player.
That record player was an escape. I didn’t understand why I was being punished all the time (I wasn’t doing anything wrong). I wasn’t old enough to understand time, so it felt like I was locked in that room forever. But with the music, I could go somewhere else, or just not think about the things I couldn’t do anything about. Music let me feel good, even if my situation wasn’t. Punishment didn’t feel like punishment, when the music started playing.
I had the new single by Don McLean, a little song called “American Pie”, and I played it until it was worn out… and then played it and played it some more
I had no idea what a ‘levy’ was. I knew what a ‘Chevy’ was, but I didn’t have any idea why they were taking their Chevy to a ‘levy’ (or why the ‘levy’ was dry, or why that was apparently a bad thing)
I was just singing my heart out, and happy.
I had Peter, Paul & Mary’s ‘Puff the Magic Dragon’, and the ‘A,B,C’ song (to learn the alphabet). And ‘Bloody Red Barron’ by the The Royal Guardsmen, with Snoopy in goggles and scarf, flying his dog house like a WWI pilot
And “I Want to Hold Your Hand” (Beatles, ‘B’ side “I Saw Her Standing There”). I traded a Hot Wheel to a friend of mine in Kindergarten for that one. I still have it too, I had to check it to make sure I remembered the ‘B’ side correctly
I had “Go Tell it on the Mountain”, Alvin and the Chipmunks singing the Christmas song, ‘House at Pooh Corner’ (Nitty Gritty Dirt Band cover), I can’t remember what else.
When I hear a song, even today, if the music doesn’t ‘move’ me somehow, then the lyrics aren’t going to make it better. But if the music “does it” (whatever ‘it’ is, I don’t know how to describe it, except I know it when I hear it), then the lyrics could be important, or not really relevant at all (to me), it just depends on the song.
For example, I have always liked the CSN&Y song “Ohio”, about the Kent State shooting. But it doesn’t have anything to do with a shooting (to me), I don’t even think of that when I listen to the song. I ‘know’ that’s what it’s supposed to be about, but I wasn’t aware of current events when that song was written, so to me it’s just a song, and I like the music and the voices of the singers, and the intensity, and the sound of the guitars, basically everything about it except the intended meaning of the words — which don’t have their intended ‘meaning’, for me.
So with ‘Dead Flowers’, what’s that song about?
I have no idea!
And that doesn’t bother me at all, because when I was very little, I had no idea what most songs were talking about, lol!
And that didn’t stop me one bit from singing along to them, like I wrote ’em myself
There is one line in ‘Dead Flowers’ about doing heroin apparently (needle and spoon reference), which (apparently) a lot of famous people were doing back in the late 60s and early 70s.
But I don’t fixate on that, it’s just an element of a specific time and place when the song was written, about a character, in a song.
Like Sherlock Holmes. I read all of the Sherlock Holmes stories when I was about 10 years old. My Uncle had the Time-Life Books collected stories edition, leather bound (maybe fake leather), about the size of a phone book if I remember correctly, and he let me borrow it. I read it all the way through and loved it. I liked all the Hardy Boys mystery books and borrowed most of them from the library, but Sherlock Holmes was a whole different level. Sherlock Holmes (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) taught me logic and deductive reasoning.
And inductive reasoning. I remember very clearly that Sherlock Holmes also used cocaine, and opium. I knew that drugs were bad. It was just an element of the story, an aspect of the lead character, it didn’t make me want to go out and try opium (or cocaine). Not that I could have found it, even if I had wanted to, which I didn’t.
I don’t understand the part about ‘dead flowers’ at all, but it seems sweet.
Maybe it’s meant to be a jab at each other (e.g., you gave me nothing but trash, but I’ll outlive you
And that’s probably not what the artist intended at all, maybe it means something sinister (I have no idea), but it doesn’t mean anything sinister to me. And if I look it up on the Song Facts or Song Meanings websites and learn that it does mean something sinister, it won’t change anything for me. Because songs are like tattoos… ink on a pin… underneath the skin… an empty place to fill in…
And I filled it in with my own meaning, like I always have
And the music… it’s just ‘right’, even (in the Townes Van Zandt cover) the back up singer singing a half-note behind on the chorus is perfect, it gives the song a lived-in feel, just a group of guys having fun, singing and playing together, not trying to be perfect or impress, which allows them to be free enough (or comfortable enough) to let the music shine through them, for lack of a better way to express it.
Music is amazing, or at least it can be. It can bring you up, or bring you down (in a good, soulful way), make you happy or sad or thoughtful or reminisce. There is incredible emotion available to be experienced in music, and for men, music is one of a very few acceptable outlets to experience ’emotion’ of all sorts, and it’s as easy as dropping the needle (carefully!) on a record
So I’m sorry you didn’t like “Dead Flowers”, but that’s okay, everybody likes different songs, because different songs affect people in different ways, depending on what they bring to it, or what their own life experiences have been, and often times, what their mood is, the first time they hear it.
Another special capacity that music has is to take you back to a specific time or place, usually wherever you were the first time you heard it, or when something special or important happened in your life, and a particular song was playing. And the memories of that time (or place, or event) immediately come flooding back to you, when the song plays.
Or it could just be a general thing, like the type of music you grew up listening to in your formative years, that music will always be special to you, like the soundtrack of your youth.
I will try to think of a different song, one you might like better.
I have a good one in mind, I’ve thought about posting it here a few times late at night when I was listening to it in the background while working on something else. It always makes me stop what I’m doing and pay attention to the song, and that’s usually a good sign
I’ll hit the ‘like’ button on your last post again, when it’s ready.
“levee” not ‘levy’… I always get the wrong,
I should know better, from Led Zeppelin:
If it keeps on raining,
Levee’s gonna break…
Is that anything like, “One on’t cross beams gone owt askew on treadle.”?
Well, Scott, the needle and spoon reference bugged me, and I know these artists did those drugs, which is one reason I could never like that muwmusic. I did like American Pie, though and those other old songs. Thanks for chatting and explaining.
You’re welcome
I just posted a song you might like better, written by Leonard Cohen, and sung by Jennifer Warnes.
I posted it a little higher up in the thread so the text and video wouldn’t be crunched.
Zoe, I posted this for you above with some background info, but if you missed it, here is the link to a song you might like better
I also included the lyrics in the post above
Wonder if he will have 5 funerals in 5 locations like George did? How can they not? A criminal more important than a Congressman?
Painted themselves into a corner, they did.
You’re an honest man, Steve.

A lesser man would’ve kept that Susie B dollar and not said a word.
Being honest can be a curse sometimes…but honesty is best and a clear conscience is the reward.
Amen! An admirable return!!!
I will correct clerks about mistakes in money or goods – and about mistakes in food if I catch them in time.
One of the things I’ve learned about fast food is that once you take a bag into your car, it’s not a sure thing that it can be taken back after you look in the bag – so I try to discern what’s in the bag while it’s still in the clerk’s hand, before I take it, or at worst, when I’ve taken the bag but am still holding it outside the vehicle.
Once you drive off, however, it’s yours. They don’t want it back, and may invite you to keep it, or will likely trash it if you don’t.
I know exactly what you mean!

It’s a bummer to get home and find someone else’s order in your bag…or bags.
The drive-thru workers hate it, but I’ve learned to quiz them a bit, before I accept the bag they are handing me.
I know I piss people off in the drive thru lane behind me, but being the plain food lover that I am, I order everything plain. and when I order, I say things like “just the meat and the bun” and sometimes they still get it wrong. so I get my bag, and open my sandwich up right there to check. takes an extra minute maybe, but I don’t have to make another trip inside most times.
Odd ball here. I check the bag(s) before leaving the parking lot.
“Saturday Again!”
Man, it seems like it was Saturday just a week ago.
Actually, it was.
— Q-tree dense commenter
Pgroup, are you calling Scott…dense?
That’s not very nice.
Scott is not dense…in fact, I think he is rather sharp-witted, unlike myself who can be dense at times, I know…but ‘dense’ is not a word that I would use to describe Scott.
Okay, I’ll shut up now — I am not one to keep blathering on long past when I should shut up; I know when I should just shut up and stop talking, because it can be annoying when someone talks too much, especially when they aren’t really saying anything of value…and just keeps jabbering away…that is sooo tiresome, which is why I don’t do that, like ever…which is why I’ll be shutting up now.
Nope. Was a fictional quote from somebody who thought it was unusual for there to have been a Saturday a week ago. Or it could have been referring to myself. Either way, just having fun.
Ah yes. Densa, the sister organization to Mensa. Only people who score in the bottom two percent can join.
Yes! That’s the ticket!
Most of the Congressional Democrats, sadly! Charter members. is down … again.
This one is still up:
So, I’m out looking for the comet. Mars is quite bright, but so far only the brightest stars are visible — and the comet is supposed to be a 3rd tier brightness object. Also, WNW is right into a stand of neighborhood trees….and we’re in a valley. By the time it climbs above to obstacles, it’ll likely be lost in the light pollution.
So you’re looking for something that is most likely hidden behind trees. Sounds very productive.
I look once I am clear of my own tree. That gives me little slices that are more NW and WWNW. Then I can cross the street and get NNW and pretty much W. Then I can walk further and get a new window into WNW (where it’s supposed to be), but it’s a bit narrow. And if I walk a bit further than that, I can look under one of the trees in approximately the right direction.
Is the roof an option?
If I could see a bunch of stars, maybe. But I’m seeing a haze that is too light really to be “overcast”, but is quite able to reflect the myriad lights of Silicon Valley back to the ground.
If you ever drive up 101 at night, you can see the glow in the sky above San Jose long before you get very close.
Drive up towards Mount Hamilton tomorrow evening? IIRC, not so far from your neck of the woods. Nice drive when I lived out your way
Mount Hamilton would help with the obstruction, but wouldn’t do anything for the light pollution — and I think we have some haze as well, as I’m not seeing constellations at all.
It’s a bad sign when you can clearly see the trees silhouetted against a starless sky.
I looked for three nights. Gave up. *sigh*
Sylvia, you’re OUR comet.
aw, pgroup! thanks!

Certainly some sort of heavenly body.
Oh now, Steve……… you’ll be wanting to show me your lizard!

Yep. He’s been hungry of late.
And dollars will get you doughnuts you have far less light pollution than we do. Still, it’s better than just waiting for the next pass — what was it, 6,348 years?
Yeah, I’m probably going to miss that one! But I bet RBG won’t!
We’ll probably still all be participating in politics at least on election day.
When we moved here 51 years ago the night sky was very visible, and DH had his telescope out often, that is, until the neighbors turned on their yard lights to walk over and take a look. LOLOL. He was even one of the charter members of the area’s astronomical society.
My Father was very interested in astronomy. I remember him saying one Sunday morning after Mass that we were closing the store for the day and driving into Chicago (in our old, old jalopy) to go to the Planetarium. He was so happy to explain the exhibits to Mama and us girls.
When DH and I were on our third date and drove the 25 miles south of my house to his neck of the woods, literally woods, he said there was a really good spot to see the night sky. I’m thinking, “ya, right, what a line.” We pulled into a seldom used rode, he slid the top down on his Ford Sunliner convertible, and proceeded to actually, really point out the sky. And that’s when I knew I was going to marry him.
Unfortunately now, the light pollution is horrible here in DH’s old neck of the woods. He even drove far south to see the comet to no avail.
Replying to
“You just violated their rights” -Anarchists.
How can you fight a racist system of oppression if you evoke “rights” invented by racist old white people.…
Off the wall here.
Up front, what part does Nancy Messonnier, CDC wench, Rotten Rod’s sister, play in Covid data tabulation, processing… If any.
Yea she got fired for massively screwing up testing in the beginning. But, what does Nancy Messonnier screw up these days?
Four to six weeks ago, IIRC, Dr Brix says CDC numbers may be 25% too high. Nothing seems to come of that.
Recently we read about:
– 33 FL labs sending in bogus positive numbers. Some reports few or no negatives.
– FL admits a guy that died in a motorcycle accident, was counted as a Covid death.
– Some who tested positive for antibodies, counted as positive Covid.
– Multiple states. Reports of folks in lines for testing. get fed up and leave – not tested. few days later they receive letters they tested positive. HUH?
– TX, probably other states counting “possible”, not probable in the positive numbers.
– Common cold or flu pop Covid positive.
Q comes online big today talking about bogus positive numbers.
^^^ No coincidences here, IMO.
Absolutely a cluster CDC managed Covid counts.
Bad data processes related to Nancy Messonnier?
Excellent theory. My thought has been that Radium Rod is, like Jussie K. Liu, nearly untouchable, due to slick criminality that poses almost perfectly as legality. Rod and Jussie both “committed lawfare” perfectly.
My guess is that Rod’s sister Neutron Nancy is just as good, and was planning most of the CDC’s role in trying to bring down Trump.
And it may well be suspected that Dr. Messonier is ALSO working behind the scenes with Dr. FAUCI to destroy POTUS’ re-election.
Since Dr. Fauci has been “dispossessed” of his access to the White House, notice how he’s on the “lecture circuit” with appearances with Zuckerberg and the Chamber of Commerce types.
And don’t forget that Dr. Fauci is ALSO working away behind the scenes with the American Medical Association.
I personally don’t think Dr. Fauci is evil. I do believe that he’s a bureaucrat from head to toe and he thinks that ONLY a medical establishment + federal government total partnership can “save ” America.
On the other hand, I suspect that Dr. Messonier has “DeepState DNA” in her, just like her brother has.
We are the storm
#WWG1WGA #DigitalSoldiers #GodWins…
I really like Gillian Welch and David Rawlings’ music, especially their live performances
If you have a turntable, they had two of their albums mastered from the original tapes and pressed on quality vinyl, and the sound quality is supposed to be outstanding. I haven’t opened Soul Journey yet, and I still need to get Harrow and the Harvest.
Harrow and the Harvest
Mastered from the original tapes using Ortofon amplifiers and a Neumann VMS-80 cutting system
Plated and pressed at Quality Record Pressings!
Grammy-nominated for Best Engineered Album (Non Classical) and Best Folk Album
“Skillfully played, sung and recorded, and suptuously packaged in a gatefold sleeve, this album sets a high bar for a vinyl release.” — Michael Fremer, Stereophile’s Records To Die For, February 2018
“If you’re a musician who cares passionately about the sonics of your first-ever vinyl release, what steps can you take to ensure that the record sounds as good as possible? Here’s one option: record the music to tape, buy your own cutting lathe, master directly from the original tapes, actually participate in the cutting process, and plate and press the vinyl at Quality Record Pressings.
Gillian Welch and musical partner David Rawlings took those steps, and the process, though fraught with delays and very expensive, ended up being worth it. On these duets that feature both Welch and Rawlings on guitar and vocals (with Welch singing lead), the songs resemble short stories where the singer is fully invested in the characters, and the unfiltered lyrics that cut close to the bone fit the stripped-down and intimate sound of this LP.
A black noise floor allows the detail and timbre to come through fully, and the delicate interplay between the guitars on what are mostly first or second takes gives the music an in-the-moment feel. Kudos to Welch and Rawlings for sticking their necks out and taking the DIY approach all the way.” — Music 4/5, Sonics 5/5 Jeff Wilson, The Absolute Sound, December 2017.
Soul Journey
Celebrated fourth album reissue from the critically-adored Americana/Bluegrass singer/songwriter
150-gram vinyl pressed at Quality Record Pressings!
Originally released in June 2003, wordwide sales of more than 250,000 copies!
Mastered from the original tapes through custom Ortofon amps to a Neumann VMS-80 cutting system
Deluxe Stoughton Printing gatefold jacket with complete lyrics
“It’s a performance that I swear only an AAA vinyl record can produce. … To my ears the recording is as perfect as the performances, so in my world this gets the rare 11 for music and sound. Maybe I’m wallowing. I guess I sure like wallow! Nice gatefold packaging and ‘Tip on’ jacket. A record you’ll treasure.” — Music = 11/11; Sound = 11/11 — Michael Fremer, Read the whole review here.
“I’ve known about this title on CD and have always enjoyed the music, but I had no idea the vinyl would be this much better. Unbelievable! I’m blown away by how great this record sounds on LP. I highly recommend it.” — Chad Kassem, CEO Acoustic Sounds, Inc.
“There’s no contemporary artist who performs American roots music with more authenticity than Welch.” — Associated Press
“We have been working and waiting 20 years to bring you our music on phonograph record. It took a while, because we wanted to do it the right way, the absolute best way humanly possible, and I believe that’s what we’ve done. No sonic stone was left unturned, no nuance let fall by the wayside. There is honestly nothing else I can imagine hoping to hear out of the original tapes. It is all there in the groove. As people whose lives were changed by the sound of music coming off turntables, we humbly invite you to include us in your record collection.” — Gillian Welch
In keeping with some of my favorite cover versions, here is Gillian Welch and David Rawlings performing a song called Black Star (originally by the group Radiohead, which I don’t really know about).

But I really like this version. Easy to find on youtube, but very hard to find on CD, because it was a promotional-only release from 2005, recorded live in MInneapolis, MN 9/24/04 (Acony Records – ACNY PRO5).
I think I had my eBay auto-search looking for this CD for at least two years, when it finally popped up late last month, and the notification appeared in my email in-box. It was listed as a ‘buy it now’, so I “bought it now!“, roughly 3 minutes or so after the listing went live
It cost more than I wanted to pay, but I hadn’t been able to find it anywhere. I’m playing it a lot, so I’m getting my money’s worth out of it
You might appreciate this review of Black Star as performed by G&R to go along with the recording….
And no less than Robert Plant is a big fan…
While I was searching for something mentioned in one of the articles, I stumbled across news that Gillian Welch and David Rawlings will be releasing two albums this month.
The first is a new album that is already sold out on their own website (both CD and LP):
The second is an archival release, part one of three that should all be released this year:
Gillian Welch has announced a new collection of previously unreleased material, titled Boots No. 2: The Lost Songs, Vol. 1. It’s out July 31 via Acony. Listen to the songs “Mighty Good Book” and “Strange Isabella” below.
Boots No. 2: The Lost Songs, Vol. 1 is the first of three installments, with Vol. 2 and Vol. 3 arriving later this year. The entire Boots No. 2 series will comprise 48 reel-to-reel demos that Welch made with David Rawlings between her 2001 album Time (The Revelator) and 2003’s Soul Journey.
Thank you scott457. The words around the star are from the 12 o’clock position:
Suceso= Success
Salud= Health
Poder Espiritual= Spiritual Power
Riqueza= Wealth
Amor= Love
I spent tonight listening to Confederate music on Youtube purely out of protest and this kept popping up in the sidebar. Not surprised it showed up here on the Q blog. It’s been a weird week.
Totally different song.
I shared it because I watched the movie “The Gentleman” for the first time tonight and was quite surprised because it opened with the song I posted. My initial reaction was, “Oh boy, this is gonna be great!”…after all it is a Guy Ritchie movie….but turned out the song had absolutely no connection to the movie plot, which itself was rather boring compared to Ritchie’s earlier work.
Gillian Welch is an American treasure. IMHO she should be a household name. In fact, Imposted yesterday that there are many musical artists out there whose fame does not match the level of their talents. Welch is most definitely one of these.
A hero puts life into perspective & honors freedom & POTUS–moving!
Thanks for that! What a heart of a true American Patriot! So glad he got to see Donald Trump defeat Hillary even though he passed on to his reward before DJT was sworn in…
Wow…thanks for the reminders of true heroes & Marines!
This actually is from several years ago.
I remember it because it was so damned awesome.
Yes I saw other tweets sharing the video that said he passed in Dec. 2016, I think. This man was a hero & a warrior to the very end! Amazingly inspiring…
I thought so too! couldn’t find the original but thought I remembered that.
Guess he is being effective in yet another battle years after his passing – that is a Marine for ya!
Once a Marine, Always a Marine!
[…] Posted By: SteveInCO 0 View 0 Comment KAG, MEGA, MIGA 3ViewsShareTweetMail […]
Corporate Lawyers trying to avoid lawsuits against Walmart…”I caught Covid at your store!”
Cutting payroll cost at a time when payroll costs have never been higher.
Using ‘faster checkout times’ as an excuse.
Using the ChiComVirus as an excuse.
Moving towards a cashless goal of credit-card-only purchases.
“Walmart looks to remove all cashiers from stores”
…………..From the article:
NEW YORK – Walmart is testing a store that will only offer self-checkout.
The retailer is removing cashiers and standard conveyor belt lines at one of its popular superstores in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Walmart says it is an attempt to see if checkout times are faster while limiting human interaction in the age of the coronavirus.
Workers will still be available to help customers who have trouble doing the checkout themselves.
Depending on the success of the test run, Walmart could expand the program to more stores.
The retailer recently launched a touch-free payment system also aimed at helping mitigate the spread of the coronavirus.
Health officials ordered the closure of a Walmart in suburban Denver in April after three people connected to the store died after being infected with the coronavirus and at least six employees tested positive.
……………..End quote.
I think there are multiple things going on here:
Walmart is trying to cut into Amazon’s domination of online sales, and is promoting their online and pickup type sales.
I can see it all now…
A world of big warehouses and shipping companies, with no more in-person shopping.
Do not want!
I will not participate.
I want a person at the check-out.
Does that get me a membership in Densa?
I want to be a Densa member!
“I want to be a Densa member!”
Well come on in!
It’s actually a reference to Max Headroom, where the landscape is populated by dozens of video screens all the time, and one ultraviolent techno-geek turns to another and says, “Luddite!!!” The original luddites would regard the entire MH world as a technological dystopia, so for one to label the other is amusing.
I mean, we’re all on our computers or tablets or phones interacting with each other in a cyberspace playground run by a nameless lupine host….it’s not like we’re knockin’ rocks together.
I think it was Bill Mitchell who recently learned people thought he resembled Max Headroom – and his response was:

“Who’s Max Headroom?”
Yep! And I want to be able to use Cash.
You can generally use cash (and get cash change) at the self checkout.
And I long since got tired of having to practically physically restrain the checker who wants to put one or two items in a bag. Heck, bottles I don’t even bother bagging, so I do use the self checkout.
Hmm…I’ve never seen a self checkout that would take Cash.
How would that work?
Do they have one of those machines where you can feed your dollars in through a slot?
Yep. And will recognize any denomination of coins or paper.
I keep telling them, “if I brought it to the checkout in a cart, put it back in the cart; if I brought it to the checkout in a basket, put it in a bag; if I brought it to the checkout in my hands, I don’t need a bag because I can carry it to my car in my hands.”
Yep. Can easily carry a couple items and do, in CA. For that matter, in CA, perfectly good with put it back in the cart, or more likely I pick up a box while in CA stores. I refuse to pay for their damn plastic bags.
Not drinking CA Kool Aid.
I’ve learned to bring cloth bags with me on those occasions when I have to visit the State Penitentiary; i.e., the state that IS a penitentiary, the People’s Respublik of Kalifornia.
The sole purpose of a grocery bag, in my mind, is to reduce the number of trips from my car to wherever I store the items. Putting two bottles in a bag is pointless, I can carry four bottles with or without bags. I actually snagged some of the cardboard box-bottoms that some items come in; I will use them to transport twelve at a time. Bags would just get in the way. For stuff that’s going to end up in the fridge, I will overstuff their damn bags (and treat them carefully); less trips, less juggling.
I actually had some respect for Andrew Yang for being the only politician in either party to call out the big elephant in the room that is automation. They’ve already got the technology to wipe out most jobs. The only reason they’re holding back at this point is because of the massive societal collapse it would cause (probably slated to occur if HRC was successfully installed).
“They’ve already got the technology to wipe out most jobs.”

Why don’t they wipe out all the CEO jobs?
The lure of Automation is due to corporations wanting to cut Costs.
They are told that robotics will allow them to cut payrolls.
They are told that the initial investment in automation will “pay for itself” by cutting their payroll costs.
One of the big components of payroll cost in the US, is the ’employer half’ of the Soc/Sec/Medicare taxes.
Employers here have to match every dollar that they withhold in S/S/M taxes.
If the US govt passed a law that taxes robotics to offset the loss of S/S/M taxes…then that would severely tarnish the lure of Automation.
And there has been talk of doing just that.
Manufacturers of robotics and automation machinery may think that they are safe from being sued in most product liability suits…when their robotics were employed in a factory/business that is being sued.
I don’t see how this will last.
All it will take is a few lawsuits that include the robotics/automation makers as defendants, to set new precedents in their liability.
Having to cover their robotics/automation equipment for ongoing liability for the life of their product, will add to the Cost that those manufacturers will have…and have to pass on to their customers.
So I think it’s too soon to know, how things are going to turn out for Automation.
Now, I am all for robotics/automation that do the hazardous jobs that are harmful to humans.
But using robotics to eliminate jobs is another thing…because it will hurt our economy by putting people out of work.
Even if they did tax the crap out of robots, many business owners would probably still find it worth simply to avoid unions and predatory lawsuits over affirmative action or sexual harassment or the latest Leftist grievance of the month. The self-checkout robot isn’t going to go on strike and then sue because you refused to pay for their sex reassignment surgery.
That’s true.

Ah well…it will be interesting to see how it goes.
There is no law against shooting a robot, is there?
The Leftists will find a way to blame it on racism one way or another.
That’s their magic word.
But until robots become self-aware and can take over their own manufacture/procreation…then they are not a ‘race’.
Simple vandalism.
A strong argument–that I don’t agree with–can be made that if robots are producing everything anyway, what need for jobs? Just give everyone subsistence, since no person has to produce it, and it wouldn’t be stealing the fruits of someone’s labor. It would then be possible for people to focus on creative activity.
Communism by any other name has always taken us to the same dead end and they frame the picture so nicely… “focus on creative activity” … #CCP anyone?
On the other hand, imagine if we did have robot slaves, to the point where you could have shelter, food and clothing for 50 cents a month…what would you do with yourself? What would you do for a sense of self worth? A lot of people today take great (and justifiable) pride in pulling their own weight; what would they do if there were no weight to pull?
This isn’t communism; communism was having everyone work for everyone (which in practice didn’t turn out that way of course–it ended up being slavery for 99+% of the population); this is literally no one having to work to support themselves or others.
We’re no where near that level of automation of course (so I’d certainly not advocate ANYTHING on this basis), and I strongly suspect we’ll never get completely away from scarcity of basic necessities, but it’s an interesting thought experiment. The sort of thing one might base a science fiction novel on. (And yes it has been done.)
All the “labor saving devices” of our lifetimes have become time sucking nightmares. Where do I store that fancy waffle maker? Where is the manual for my instapot? Why did my bluray player stop working due to a firmware embedded security certificate expiring? If my hard drive stops working do I have to smash it with a sledgehammer to wipe the contents? How does this power washer work again?
That’s one reason I don’t believe it will ever come to pass.
In fact there was a very good short SF story about a guy who realized he had an evening free, so he decided to play music, and found out he had to update his music software; so while that was going on he figured he’d play video games; same story something needed to be updated…about 3/4 of the way through he wasn’t actually DOING anything other than updates. THen there’s a blank line (section break), and now you’re with some alien space explorers investigating the long dead civilization of our world, and they announce that they know what killed us off–fatigue.
Clearly, if this utopia were ever to come to pass it would rely on self-directed robots who could repair and maintain themselves. which your wafflemaker, et. al., cannot do.
I love camping.
They’ve been moving away from cashiers for awhile now. I despise Walmart.
You mean there are cashiers in Walmart?.. ..who knew!
When they put the self checkouts in at the store, I told one of the gals (who was checking my receipt because of all the rise in theft due to the self checkout) that it was a mistake. She said no, that the cashiers would be reassigned to other jobs.
I never show my receipt when departing stores. COSTCO the exception, a private “club” of sorts they can enforce those rules.
Never breaking stride, I politely tell the nice person at the door, “I paid for everything”. Followed by, “Have a nice day”. Have never been challenged.
Yes it is a “loss prevention” tool. I just won’t play that game.
– If there cashier processed my purchase, their beef is with the cashier. And I do let the cashiers know when they screw up, be it in my favor or the store.
– If I have to scan, bag and manage payment myself, then they can trust me. Or take out the self scan aisles.
You just inspired me. Sick of it.
Simply walk out with confidence. “I paid for everything”.

Have done this at a Walmart in Pearland, Texas while visiting daughter. She was astonished at my behavior.
There is a local chain of stores, “Fry’s Electronics”, that used to be great for computers and computer parts. I was working for a company that had a branch near London, England, and when they had people come over for confabs or training, I’d sometimes take them out for a Fry’s run.
When I did, I would carefully instruct them that they should blow right past the receipt checkers, not meet their gaze or give ’em a “hello” or “good day”, and on NO ACCOUNT stop…..or we’d lose 10 minutes of valuable time to no good purpose.
And EVERY FREAKIN’ TIME we’d go, I’d lead (to show them how it was done), and blow right out the door after paying, then turn around and find them in conversation with the receipt checker. Whereupon I’d roll my eyes and mutter “Brits!” under my breath.
….which was especially funny because they were a mixed lot, like Portuguese by way of South Africa; or from the subcontinent two generations back and sounded as British as a CoE vicar. But when it came to standing in queues and showing their papers, they were British to the core.
McDonalds and several banks have /are already trying this, so far abject FAILURE>
Last year a used an Amazon Go convenience store. I liked it. Get app on phone and I had an Amazon credit card. Walk in with the app open on your phone, pick up what you want and leave. Immediately get an email of what you bought and the charge.
Of course, many WalMart shoppers don’t have credit cards (like the Spanish speakers paying with cash) so it wouldn’t work well.
I admit it, I am an Amazon patron for everything. I was thinking about what I like shopping with Amazaon and it hit me. Amazon is the most customer friendly place to shop online. They do all the work for you except paying the bill. Often they do the ordering for you with autoship. Amazon Prime returns are super easy. Print or show on your phone the return code to the shipping place and the item, DON’T EVEN PACK IT, the shipping place scans the return, will pack it, and ship it back, at no return cost.
I said Amazon Prime, as some other vendors aren’t that customer friendly on the Amazon website. I always check return policy & cost before buying.
Other businesses saddle you with work to deal with them, think about it, you have to do this and that, even to buy an item, then check it out yourself (I don’t because there is no discount for self check out) or find the item in the store. Now one has to wear a mask and sometimes stand in line to get into the store.
Not Amazon. I have no stock or vested interest in Amazon and Bezos is what happens when you stick your finger with a needle. But Amazon makes my life easy, especially now. Why doesn’t someone compete with them that has my values?
Looks like we are getting close.
I took a minute this am in so doing, to READ the 6 steps to be accomplished…
They are:
1 Ensure Safety of Population
2 Shift the Narrative
3 Resignation/Removal of those [corrupt] in DC
4 Defeat ISIS/MS13
5 Freezing Assets
6 Kill off CoC Chain of Command
1? Who knows.
2? Not even remotely–outside of our circles, that is.
3? Some progress, not nearly enough
4? Pretty good progress as far as I know.
5? Don’t know.
6? Don’t know.
But number 2 will NEVER happen.
Post 9993021
Beijing’s Revenge? Two Pro-China Communist Parties Coordinate Violent US Protests
Two pro-China communist parties—Freedom Road Socialist Organization and Liberation Road—are playing leading roles in coordinating the often-violent protests now occurring across the United States.
These groups openly state their desire to destroy the Trump presidency and bring down the Republican Party. The current protests and rioting should be viewed in that context. This is not about justice for George Floyd—this is about revolution.
Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) was founded in 1985 as an alliance of the remnants of the 1960s and ’70s Maoist revolutionary movements—Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), the Weathermen, Revolutionary Communist Party, League of Revolutionary Struggle, Communist Party USA (Marxist-Leninist), Communist Workers Party, and other groups.
Like most Maoist groups, FRSO heavily focuses on racial issues and organizing minority groups (Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Native Hawaiians, and Native Americans, etc.) for both electoral and revolutionary change.
In 1999, the FRSO split into competing organizations—but confusingly both kept the same name.
The smaller FRSO-FightBack! (FRSO-FB) (named after its newspaper FightBack!) is based in the Midwest. It’s strong in Chicago, Minneapolis, and several parts of Wisconsin. It also has a presence in New York; California; Salt Lake City, Utah; Tucson, Arizona; Dallas and Houston, Texas; and Tallahassee, Tampa, and Jacksonville, Florida. FRSO-FB works closely with the Workers World Party, several leftist Islamic groups, and sometimes the Democratic Socialists of America.
FRSO-FB openly supports China and North Korea and has ties to the State Department-designated terrorist groups the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Communist Party of the Philippines/New People’s Army. FRSO-FB has sent at least four delegations to Venezuela in the last year alone.
In September 2010, the FBI raided the homes of 23 FRSO-FB members and supporters in Minnesota, Illinois, and California looking for evidence of “material support for terrorism,” according to The Washington Post. “Search warrants, subpoenas and documents show that the FBI has been interested in links between the activists and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Hezbollah.”
Despite considerable documentation being seized and the first-person evidence of an FBI informant inside FRSO-FB, no prosecutions were carried out. The fact that several of the arrestees were tied to President Barack Obama through Chicago activist circles may have been a factor in that decision.
Today FRSO-FB is a classic Maoist activist party. It generally keeps out of electoral politics and does not usually cooperate with the Democratic Party.
The larger FRSO-Organizacion Socialista del Camino para la Libertad or FRSO/OSCL thankfully changed its name in April 2019 to Liberation Road. The organization is strong in the Bay Area, Los Angeles, New York, and Boston, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Missouri, Virginia, all across Tennessee, in Kentucky, North Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, and South Florida. It also has a smaller presence in several other states, including Washington, Oregon, Alabama, and Texas.
Liberation Road works closely with the Communist Party USA, Democratic Socialists of America, Solidarity, League of Revolutionaries for a New America, Socialist Party USA, and sometimes the Workers World Party.
Because Liberation Road is heavily involved in electoral politics and has heavily penetrated the Democratic Party in several states, they are not so open about their foreign communist connections as are their FRSO-FB cousins.
Several Liberation Road supporters live in China, and the party supports the Beijing line. Liberation Road also has ties to Palestinian radicals and foreign communist parties, including the formerly Pol Pot supporting Norwegian Left Party.
Liberation Road is so strong in Virginia that by signing up hundreds of thousands of minority voters for the Democrats they have flipped the state from red to blue. This was with the help of super-focused computer-generated electoral mapping done by Liberation Road comrade Steve McClure working out of Wuhan University in China.
Talk about foreign interference in elections!
This explains what’s going on. How China gets its “active measures” into the US.
Wonderful stuff!
His wiki is HERE:
They collect information on leftist radicals of all kind.
Can also follow on Twitter – pinned post:
Planned Parenthood is EVIL EVIL EVIL
How do you give funds improperly if some arse signs off on the funds to a business? Collusion with the gov employee???
Cal Thomas: To the Left, Patriotism Is ‘Divisive’
Interesting picture with the profile of VSGPDJT in front of Mount Rushmore. Almost as if they were measuring for hist place on the monument…
his place on the monument…geesh
Internet / CloudFlare DNS outage…

I missed it somehow.
Perhaps because my VPN doesn’t use their DNS?
An anon suggests this was payback.
Post 9994504
Cloudfare tried to take QResearch out through nefarious means. Looks like they just got paid back with interest…
DNS is a weird beastie. If you ask your computer to access a URL — that’s the thing like entering “”…..the https:// is the protocol, and the is the URL — your computer has no idea where to send its requests. If your computer acquired an identity on your own network using DHCP, it probably received a favored DNS server at the same time as it got an IP address. But you can override this.
If you’re getting internet through your cable company, it’s likely that the cable company equipment tries to tell your computer to use the cable company’s DNS server — and they may block certain entries (e.g. the competition). So you may want to use Google’s free DNS service at or — at least it’s probably complete. Or you can use CloudFlare’s free DNS at — they claim that they don’t datamine DNS requests.
Per T3’s graphic above, you could also use OpenDNS at or Level3’s DNS at If you’re running linux, you can set-up a computer on your local network to do DNS — e.g. “MyDNS” at
Anyway, if you try to refer to a computer by a human readable name, instead of “”, you need to do a DNS translation of the name. This involves sending the name to a distant computer using a particular protocol and on a particular port (port 53 — if you accidentally block it in your firewall, you black-out the entire internet). It’s like walking up to a stranger in a park, tipping your hat, and saying, “Good sir, would you have any idea where I could find”
The great majority of this stuff was first designed on UNIX, and in linux you can go through the guts in granular detail using obscure leftover tools. When I ask about cnn, I get
[This is using a tool called “dig”.]
If you use nslookup, you also get IP6 addresses:
Non-authoritative answer: canonical name =
Address: 2a04:4e42:400::323
Address: 2a04:4e42:600::323
Address: 2a04:4e42::323
Address: 2a04:4e42:200::323
To summarize — DNS is the system that turns human-readable URLS into data destinations.
Yep. Thank you. I had manually set system to use less likely to track DNS servers on the machine in question. And “something” broke under the hood. I could not rule out security breach, even if personal error was strongly in first place as a suspect. Therefore I wiped the drive and installed OS from near scratch. Spent a good amount of time researching before committing to a different stack for online work. Your comments along the way helped with some of those decisions.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: fb3989 No.9996171
Jul 18 2020 02:12:12 (EST) NEW
Do not give up the citizen investigation.
Public awareness important [bypass of controlled [approved] topics].
[General public steered by MSDNC like a dog steering sheep]
Have faith in Humanity.
I’ve been thinking about that exact story alot recently.
It’s all been there in plain sight.
Also, a line from the latest Star Wars movie:
They keep taking our children to use [as military for controllers].
Disney owns the Star Wars franchise now, and has been making the latest movies.
So that line is rather…ironic…coming from the pedo world of Disney.
And they are doing their best to wreck the franchise, too.
This meme is in the tweet you posted DePat, it’s a good one


… our President … and nuts to the evil scum .. 

The depraved evils ones …
#CCP are all your leaders…
Our great President has been rearranging portraits in the WH…
McKinley maintained the gold standard.
I knew there was something to it. He got assassinated, too.
And they TRIED to get Teddy. IMO commies using anarchists as a FRONT.
Yes! They soften the target. I never thought of that!
Indeed he did. Bimetallism/”Free Silver” was a profoundly bad idea then. They lost that argument but came back with completely fiat currency.
Yep. And he put the Bush and Clinton portraits into the Old Family Dining room, which is effectively serving as a storage closet in the Trump WH.
CNN is, of course, outraged…
…which naturally proves the soundness of the move.
True story, my father’s mother was a cousin to McKinley.
Lost my first reply…hope it doesn’t show up twice,
If Nancy can remove portraits of former House Speakers…well then, I guess POTUS can rearrange portraits of former Presidents in his House…..right Nancy?
Return serve.
Fall of 2007, as a tourist visitor at the White House, George W Bush was the President and I was shocked to see a huge portrait of Hilary Clinton at the entrance foyer of the West Wing. Her hand is on her book, It Takes a Village. Was it a foreshadowing of the Globalist Cabal? I hope President Trump has removed it.
Sorry, I don’t know how to post an image in Word Press.
Symbolism will be their downfall.
Jul 18, 2020 3:43:26 AM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: fb3989 No. 9996420
Do you all realize what this means? Epstein was the BAIT. and he got waxed. That’s the nature of BEING the bait. Maxwell has ties to the British royal family as well. This goes MUCH deeper than just Prince Andrew.
What IF the foreign intel agency using Epstein’s “services” as blackmail was not China, Russia , or even Mossad as SOME have suggested. What IF it was MI6.
That sure would explain a lot of the UK involvement in spygate, and the “resistance” to help Trump despite what they KNEW. What IF Assange knows WAY more than we think, besides Seth Rich, and THAT is why he was taken out of the loop. Seems like he COULD have been extradited here to the US, long ago, but for some reason has NOT.
The burning of churches continues apace.
A cathedral in Nantes, France…
In case you missed the significance of yesterday’s declass…
A good one!
i did see the link where he thanks Ratcliffe for the declass…
he is working quietly, no?
Does anyone have an idea of what Sundance is doing to expose everything by printing a mass of documents and traveling to meet with people? I don’t even know why the split between Sundance and the Q Tree, I was late coming to the party.
That Susan B Anthony dollar fooled me once too. It was in 1987, when I was a student in California. My dad came visiting, and we went to San Francisco, and bought tickets for a cable car ride at the machine at one of the termini there. The fare was $1, so I put in a $5 bill and got … what? 4 quarters? out as change.
What kind of cheating system was this?
Then we had a closer look at these coins, and first there wasn’t the usual profile of President Washington, but some woman instead. And on the other side, when we found the text «ONE DOLLAR» below the eagle, it was clear we hadn’t been cheated after all.
One of these were then spent for the other ticket, and we went on our cable car ride.
I have another $1 coin, that came out of a light rail ticket machine in Charlotte, NC sometime in 2014. This has a more golden sheen, and it shows President Garfield on one side and The Statue of Liberty on the other. But it doesn’t have a year stamp like the other coins — only year mentioned is in the text «20th PRESIDENT 1881».
The original impetus for a lot of this was that it cost something like three cents to make a dollar bill and six cents to make a dollar coin, but the dollar coin would last ten times longer. So the Feds rolled out the Sackie and the Susie (Sacajawea and Susan B. Anthony dollar coins). And people hated them and refused to use them.
So, the next step was to use them as change in Federal institutions (such as Post Offices) and vending machines. And people hated them and refused to use them.
So they dumped a metric s***-ton of them into military PX’s, particularly overseas, where you had no choice at all.
And they still had to give up before they got to the end of the Presidents.
The first and only time I encountered the dollar coins in the wild was when IHOP gave them to me as change. Beyond that, my father was obsessed with the dollar coins. He’d get them from the bank and use them regularly. He’d occasionally have store managers called on him because some cashiers didn’t know what they were.
I’ve done the same thing with half dollars–which are at least big enough people can’t mistake them for something else.
They did continue to make them, for collector sets. And you could buy them by the roll direct from the mint (for too much money).
The last president so honored was Ronald Reagan (they skipped over Carter), not because they “gave up” on even that, but because everyone after that (as well as Carter) is still alive.
I got rolls of Andrew Jackson dollars. I carry one in my wallet every day. And, every so often, I read the concluding paragraphs of his Bank Veto speech:
“It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes. Distinctions in society will always exist under every just government. Equality of talents, of education, or of wealth can not be produced by human institutions. In the full enjoyment of the gifts of Heaven and the fruits of superior industry, economy, and virtue, every man is equally entitled to protection by law; but when the laws undertake to add to these natural and just advantages artificial distinctions, to grant titles, gratuities, and exclusive privileges, to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful, the humble members of society–the farmers, mechanics, and laborers–who have neither the time nor the means of securing like favors to themselves, have a right to complain of the injustice of their Government. There are no necessary evils in government. Its evils exist only in its abuses. If it would confine itself to equal protection, and, as Heaven does its rains, shower its favors alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an unqualified blessing. In the act before me there seems to be a wide and unnecessary departure from these just principles.
Nor is our Government to be maintained or our Union preserved by invasions of the rights and powers of the several States. In thus attempting to make our General Government strong we make it weak. Its true strength consists in leaving individuals and States as much as possible to themselves–in making itself felt, not in its power, but in its beneficence; not in its control, but in its protection; not in binding the States more closely to the center, but leaving each to move unobstructed in its proper orbit.
Experience should teach us wisdom. Most of the difficulties our Government now encounters and most of the dangers which impend over our Union have sprung from an abandonment of the legitimate objects of Government by our national legislation, and the adoption of such principles as are embodied in this act. Many of our rich men have not been content with equal protection and equal benefits, but have besought us to make them richer by act of Congress. By attempting to gratify their desires we have in the results of our legislation arrayed section against section, interest against interest, and man against man, in a fearful commotion which threatens to shake the foundations of our Union. It is time to pause in our career to review our principles, and if possible revive that devoted patriotism and spirit of compromise which distinguished the sages of the Revolution and the fathers of our Union. If we can not at once, in justice to interests vested under improvident legislation, make our Government what it ought to be, we can at least take a stand against all new grants of monopolies and exclusive privileges, against any prostitution of our Government to the advancement of the few at the expense of the many, and in favor of compromise and gradual reform in our code of laws and system of political economy.
I have now done my duty to my country. If sustained by my fellow-citizens, I shall be grateful and happy; if not, I shall find in the motives which impel me ample grounds for contentment and peace. In the difficulties which surround us and the dangers which threaten our institutions there is cause for neither dismay nor alarm. For relief and deliverance let us firmly rely on that kind Providence which I am sure watches with peculiar care over the destinies of our Republic, and on the intelligence and wisdom of our countrymen. Through His abundant goodness and their patriotic devotion our liberty and Union will be preserved.”
Sometimes, I’ll grab a few out of my stash and go somewhere and have other people read that 1832 speech, and give ’em a dollar. Some might just spend it, and then there’d be another one out in the cloud, transacting….. A few might take those words to heart and keep it in their wallets for a while. And, maybe, out of the dozens I’ve handed out, someone else tells people about Andrew Jackson and asks them to read four paragraphs for a dollar.
We call them MetroLink tokens around here. That’s our light rail system.
There’s still hope in the USA…
We need more of this in the cities. i’d gladly join in.
Verse of the Day for Saturday, July 18, 2020
“For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”
1 Corinthians 14:33 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!
Saturday Butterfly Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Morning Duchess!
Have a Blessed Saturday!
Happy Saturday, Patty! Thanks for making my BD special – Hugs!!!
Hope your day is Blessed as well!!!
you’re more than welcome Duchess!
caught raccoon #6 last night! this morning I need to scrub the deck again to get the pee and poop off! this one was nasty and snarling…sigh
Did he get caught in the trap? Sorry about the mess – not fun awakening to a beautiful day – and have to clean the deck, again!
Hope and pray this plague will end soon!
yep…the trail cam shows him having fun before that tho–making a mess–then he got caught.
sigh…what a mess!
Soweee, Patty!!!
it is what it is…
Patience is a Virtue – A Virtue is a Grace –
Put ’em both together – You get a Happy Face!!!
thank you for that…
we have a wooden wishing well we put out the first year here–filled it with pansies! deer found it and munched them down in 5 minutes.
Oh, Dear!!! You have a lot of hungry critters there – Gee Whiz!!!
yep. and I get it…we’re in the middle of the woods. we don’t like to fence things in–just 2 small spots really–our garden and our grapevines…everything else is fair game.
We cannot put up a permanent fence without permission from the town – open spaces need to remain – so we have tree borders – and wire fencing – to keep the large animals out – the little ones get thru – steal bird seed – lol – put out corn cobs for the squirrels – keeps them from emptying feeders – ‘Chipper’ taught the kids – lol
wow…permission from the town?
our town won’t even come out here with the mail! lol trash pickup? no way! water/sewer lines? we’re on our own…
BUT we also have naked Saturdays and no one can complain
Shhh…don’t tell Steve – he will be right over – lol – the ‘town’ is huge – wide open spaces – farmland – just fencing for the livestock – and of course – the horses – the fencing ordinance is for residential areas – not zoned farmland – so even if your neighbors are a half mile away – you still need permission to put up a fence – snow fences are permitted in the winter, tho’ – and there is a hefty fine if you decide to use your neighbor’s yard as a turnaround – or worse yet – a parking lot for parties – lol
i won’t tell Steve…I posted that picture of a beauty in a bikini to keep him distracted…lol
Saw that – good for you!!! LOL
I’m learning the “look-squirrel!” technique POTUS uses!!
* Smiling * He is a great teacher – I think – lol
Wheee – More Butterflies!!! and Flowers and a Big Heart – * Smiling *
God Bless You Real Good, Butterfly!!! Hugs!!!

* Smiling *
As Princess Elizabeth of Hesse and by Rhine, she was the first love interest of Prince Wilhelm, who later became KAISER WILHELM II. He proposed to her, and Elizabeth rejected him; the prince then married Princess Augusta of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustenburg (apparently a woman who had less acumen than Elizabeth).
If I can untangle the Wiki on her, she was the wife of the cousin of Nicholas II, and also the sister to Nicholas’ wife Alexandra. Before reading the article itself, I had the impression she was Russian by birth–and a marriage to Kaiser Wilhelm would have changed history; no, she married into it.
(In Russia, a “Grand Duke” or “Grand Duchess” was any blood descendant of a tsar. However, the line would “break” at any female; a Grand Duchess’s children were not grand dukes and duchesses. Of course, one could become a grand duchess by marrying a grand duke. (The reverse was probably not true, but I haven’t checked. It would be logical for it to not be true; that way the rule could simply read that if your father wasn’t a grand duke [or the tsar himself], you weren’t a grand duke or duchess either.)
“In January of 2017, Conner’s daughter Abbey died while on vacation in Mexico after allegedly being slipped drugs in a drink.
She drowned within two hours of arriving at an upscale resort with her brother, mother and stepfather.
Her death triggered investigations into guest safety at hotels in Mexico.
Her death also ultimately sent Bill Conner out on his bike. In the summer of 2017, he rode more than 2,500 miles, from Madison to South Florida, referencing Abbey as his co-pilot in both the past and present tense.“
At about 1:12 in the video, Mr. Conner takes the stethoscope offered to him by Loumonth Jack, the recipient, and listens to the his daughter’s heart beating in Jack’s chest.
Not only did the tears start to flow as I watched but again as I told DH about it. Very bitter-sweet experience.,,just wish it had been more private.
Who the hell is cutting up onions here?
Anyone who is cooking dinner, Stever!!! LOL
Scary stuff! Here is the list of Biden’s proposals, a wicked brew of “No Borders, No Wall, No USA at all”, “Illegal Aliens & Refugees First”, “Defund the Police”, Green New World Order, Empty the Jails and Keep Them Empty and No School Choice (Government Schools ONLY).
1. Abolish immigration detention. No more detention. You come in here illegally, no more detention.
2. Stop all deportation.
3. End prosecution of illegal border crossers.
4. Support the deadly sanctuary cities.
5. Incentivize illegal-alien child smuggling.
6. Expand asylum for all new illegal aliens.
7. Cancel all asylum cooperation agreements with Honduras, Guatemala, with El Salvador.
8. Taxpayer-funded lawyers will be given to all illegal aliens.
9. Abolish immigration enforcement against illegal workers.
10. Restore Catch and Release policies for illegals.
11. Grant work permits for illegal aliens.
12. Provide taxpayer subsidies and welfare for illegal aliens and new immigrants.
13. Federal Student Aid and free community college for illegal aliens.
14. Sign new immigrants up for welfare immediately.
15. End requirement for immigrants’ self-sufficiency and maximize their welfare.
16. End all travel bans, including from jihadist regions.
17. Grant mass amnesty.
18. Vastly expand low-skilled immigration to the United States.
19. Increase refugee admissions by 700 percent.
20. Abolish law enforcement as we know it.
21. End cash bail.
22. Abolish completely the death penalty.
23. Appoint social justice prosecutors in order to free violent criminals.
24. End mandatory minimums.
25. Incentivize prison closure.
26. End solitary confinement.
27. Free federal housing for former inmates.
28. Rejoin Paris Climate Accord.
29. Mandate net-zero carbon emissions for homes, offices, and all new buildings by 2030.
30. Mandate zero carbon emissions from power plants by 2035.
31. Mandate net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
32. Mandate all 500,000 school buses and all 3 million government vehicles be changed to zero-emission vehicles within five years.
33. Install 500,000 taxpayer-funded charging stations nationwide.
34. End school choice.
35. End tax credit scholarships serving disadvantaged students in 26 states.
36. Oppose 14 million Americans with education savings accounts utilizing them for school choice.
37. Eliminate school choice in Washington, D.C.
38. Abolish all charter schools.
39. Ban funding for charter schools in poor neighborhoods.
40. Abolish educational standards.
41. Abolish the suburbs with AFFH regulations.
42. They’re going to tear down The Wall.
The rest of the Creepy, Corrupt, Clueless, Senile Dementia Joe & the Democratic Socialist / Leftist / Progressive Platform (Slogan: “No Borders, No Walls, No USA at All” or “Illegal Aliens & Refugees First!”)
1) Open Borders – Slogan, “No Borders, No Walls, No USA at All”
a. Refuse to pay for Building the Wall and fight any attempt by President Trump to declare an Emergency and/or reallocate money from other government departments to Build the Wall,
b. Need to “re-imagine mission” of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) & Border Patrol by Deemphasizing Controlling the Border and Deportation in favor of Increased Diversity (Our Strength) which will require hiring more Lawyers and Social Workers,
c. Decriminalizing (Not Deporting) Repeat Drunk Driving by Illegal Aliens,
d. Illegal Aliens immediately qualified for all types of Government Social Welfare programs (Medicaid, Food Stamps, Welfare, etc.)
e. Give Illegal Aliens COVID-19 Stimulus Money.
2) Sanctuary Cities & States
a. Releasing Criminal Illegal Aliens from Jail without notifying ICE,
b. Grant Driver Licenses to Illegal Aliens with Automatic Voter Registration,
c. Sanctuary Cities & States Remain Eligible for All Federal Government Grants, etc. No Federal discrimination permitted on basis of Sanctuary status.
3) The Dreamers
a. Legalize Continuously with Work Permits,
b. Push for Rapid Path to Citizenship.
4) Extend into Infinity Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Foreigners from Somalia, Yemen, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua, Sudan, South Sudan & Syria (Remember: Diversity is Our Strength!).
5) Abortion on Demand for Any Reason up to and immediately after Birth
a. Fight ANY Restrictions to Abortions On-Demand
b. Keep pushing for Federal Government Funding of Abortions,
c. Keep pushing for Funding Abortions Worldwide through Foreign Aid,
d. Keep pushing for Funding Planned Parenthood through any means necessary.
6) Elections – Stop “People of Color” Voter Suppression!
a. Eliminate the Electoral College. National Vote Wins (Crooked Hillary would have won),
b. No Identification Needed, you just say who you are,
c. Everybody allowed to vote by mail (Mail-In Voting with Harvesting)
d. Extend Early Voting period everywhere.
7) With 300-500 cable channels and NetFlix and myriad Streaming Services available, Fund National Public Radio (NPR) / Public Broadcasting System (PBS).
8) Heavily Fund Federal Government Social Justice Grants (Free Money) (e.g., National Endowment of the Arts and the Humanities, Peace Corps, State Department for “Migration and Refugee Assistance.”)
9) Outlaw All Guns, but call it “Common Sense Gun Violence Control”
a. Begin by outlawing “Assault Rifles” / “Assault Weapons” i.e. AR-15s, AK-47s and All “Scary Looking” Rifles,
b. Then Outlaw ANY Semi-Automatic Weapon (which includes virtually All Hand Guns),
c. For all remaining Guns (single shot pistols and shotguns) make Gun Registration Mandatory,
d. Then Confiscate All Registered Guns, making the 2nd Amendment Null & Void.
10) Green New Deal
a. End Oil and Natural Gas extraction and production in the USA
b. By 2030 – 100% Clean Energy produced by Wind & Solar
c. No diesel or gas combustion engine transport including airplanes, trains, trucks and cars
d. All of which will magically generate Millions of New High Paying Green Jobs ;-D
11) Free Stuff! (and More Free Stuff to come!)
a. Current Student Loan Debt Forgiven (should get the current college and recent graduate vote!)
b. Free attendance at four-year public colleges and universities for families earning up to $125,000 a year
c. Age to Qualify for Medicare reduced to 60
12) COVID-19 Tyranny Agenda
a. As Americans start to realize that the Coronavirus PANIC-demic is and was a Planned Hoax, keep the Fear Level as High as possible by frightening people about the Coming Second Wave or the number of New Cases, Probable Cases, Possible Cases or Potential Cases of COVID-19 – whatever it takes to continue to Scare the People.
b. Create Civilian Army of Public Health Workers to Test, Track & Trace, Isolate, Quarantine & Vaccinate Non-Compliant and Problematic Citizens.
c. Maintain the Destruction of the National Economy by Keeping Non-Essential Businesses Closed and Partially Closed as long as possible and for any quasi-probable reason.
d. Maintain the Lockdown / House Arrest of the American People as long as possible and for any quasi-probable reason. EXCEPTION: Peaceful George Floyd BLM Protests which devolve into Rioting, Looting, Arson and the Wanton Destruction of Public & Private Property do NOT need to follow these Lockdown / House Arrest Mandates.
e. Keep the elementary, middle and high schools Closed as long as possible or Partially Open them to continue to disrupt family life and the ability of parents to go to work.
f. If you want to harass your constituents, use Police to harass, threaten, arrest and jail people for violating Social Distancing or Mask Wearing recommendations. EXCEPTION: Peaceful George Floyd BLM Protests which devolve into Rioting, Looting, Arson and Wanton Destruction of Public & Private Property do NOT need to Comply with these Social Distancing & Mask Wearing Mandates.
g. Continue to Harshly Restrict the number of people allowed to congregate at Religious, Physical Fitness, Entertainment, and Recreation establishments (Churches, Gyms, Bowling Alleys, Skating Rinks, Beaches, Parks, Movie theaters, Family Entertainment Venues, Zoos and Museums, Recreation Areas & Destinations) as long as possible for any quasi-probable reason.
h. Demand that the Federal Government Pay for the consequences, including loss of Tax Revenue, of State and Local Government Decisions (Closing Non-Essential Businesses).
i. If you want to Terrorize your constituents, Mandate that COVIID-19 patients be transferred to Nursing Homes (Way to Go! Governors Cuomo, Whitmer, Wolf & Newsome!)
j. Due to COVID-19 fears, release criminals from prison to commit more crimes.
k. Mandate Mask Wearing whenever the people are out in public, except, of course, for Peaceful George Floyd BLM Protests which devolve into Rioting, Looting, Arson and Wanton Destruction of Public & Private Property.
13) Peaceful George Floyd BLM Protests which degenerate into Rioting, Mass Looting, Violence, Brick & Bottle Throwing, Thievery, Vandalism, Arson, Brutal Destruction of Public & Private Property and Anarchists creating Chaos.
a. Abandon Police Stations (Minneapolis, Seattle) to allow protestors to Capture, Loot and Set On Fire (Minneapolis) or Occupy (Seattle).
b. Refuse to call in National Guard to allow protestors to Loot, Pillage, and Set Businesses and Police Cars on Fire.
c. Ignore the deaths of current and retired Law Enforcement Officers and innocent civilians who are murdered during “Peaceful Protests”.
d. Demand that “militarized” National Guard forces and Federal Law Enforcement personnel be removed for “inciting violence”.
e. Paint Black Lives Matter on city streets (strategically placed to annoy President Trump) and place large BLM banners on municipal buildings.
f. Terrorize, threaten and intimidate Police Officers on the job and their families at their homes.
g. Ridicule President Trump’s efforts & messages to Restore Law & Order.
h. Unleash Cancel Culture to destroy lives & livelihood of anyone who deviates from BLM messaging.
14) Congressional Investigations of everything President Trump says and does and tweets hoping to Impeach President Trump Some More.
“Quarter moon in a ten-cent town. Time to lay my heartaches down . . .” —- Susanna Clark
Guy Clark and his wife Susanna were soulmates in a complex relationship that also included Townes Van Zant, who was both Guy’s best friend and a second soulmate with Susanna. Despite it’s complexities, it was a relationship that lasted for decades until first Townes and then Susanna’s death. At one point Susanna decided she needed to live alone for a while. Although she still saw Guy and apparently didn’t consider herself actually separated, she nonetheless wrote this heartfelt song about ending a relationship that might well have been her’s.
Easy from Now On
Pritzker: Madigan ‘must resign’ if allegations true
The Lord’s Prayer sung in Aramaic
Musical Aramaic rendition of the Our Father that moved the pope in
Good Morning Steve! missed you this week…you did say you were busy tho.
how’s Darwin?
He’s doing quite well. Just cleaned up his cage, fed him a large hornworm. After a couple of hours to let him bask (highly recommended to help digestion), I’ll bring him back out.
The Library
As if the Bubba Wallace race-baiting hoax wasn’t bad enough for NASCAR, things are about to get worse. Former driver & current fox announcer Brian Vicker’s wife, Sarah Kellen aka Sarah Kensington is about to be arrested.
She is Ghislaine Maxwell’s right hand person, & deeply involved in the sex trafficking of minors.
Harold Wren
there is talk about another racing competitive series starting next summer. CBS will run the 2 hour races–all the cars will be built by the same company so the focus will be driver skill. they are just getting started and looking for sponsors, but Tony Stewart and 3 other racing names (?) are the backers/owners. they will ve broadcast prime time Saturday nights.
The Library
I want you to watch this video. This *was* one of the most popular NASCAR tracks in the country. Look around at the stands. Does this look like a healthy sport fans are getting behind? It loos to me like it wont be long before tracks are bankrupt.
And listen to how they greeted race baiter Bubba Wallace.
Daily Caller
Bubba Wallace booed by NASCAR fans
Harold Wren
and yeah they not only booed Bubba–they cheered when he crashed…rough sport!
… don’t start nuffin … won’t be nuffin … stuff the Pud …
.. panty-waist sissy .. 

Sorry. This one posted by accident when I was posting the Timothy Gordon tweet below.
… Stan Lee … Deadpool, raunchy but definitely action filled …
Certainly wears the flag well
What? ONLY one like button?
I really gotta stop lingering…
that she does! enjoy!
Nice self-portrait, and I’ll be over next Saturday.
she’s supposed to be a distraction!
And you are instead an advertisement.
LOL…focus on the confederate flags!!
My focus is just fine where it is, TYVM. And I’m still coming over next Saturday.
Hit ‘em out of the park Pat … bwahahahahahah …

… four, I want one to drive in rush hour on I-696, & I-94 …. just .. because. … bwahahahahahah
No.’s three,
I wanna drive that bad boy!!!
Yeah … for sure, just don’t want to have to park it LOL …. although ..
… heh-heh
i think you make your own spot in that thing, am i right?
.. ohhhhhh
…why yes indeed you do ..


Techno_Fog has a new THREAD
when do you think we can expect the NYT to print its retraction??
About the same time Chris Wallace apologizes to POTUS.
Unless Chris Wallace has done something recently that I hadn’t heard of I’m actually willing to give him a pass. Yeah, he’s nasty to POTUS, but he was nasty to Hitlary, too, bringing up all sorts of her dirty laundry during the third debate.
(That could even have given Trump just enough votes to win those states he wasn’t expected to win.)
Equal opportunity nastiness is vastly preferable to selective nastiness.
POTUS said Biden wants to defund the police, Wallace said POTUS was wrong. Turns out, Wallace was wrong.
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army! Retweeted
J.E. Dyer@OptimisticCon
This is your state on #Democrat leadership.
Quote Tweet
Andy Ngô@MrAndyNgo
· 8h
Acting secretary of DHS Chad Wolf visited Portland to survey the extensive damage to the federal courthouse. Mayor @tedwheeler refused to meet. @OregonGovBrown told Wolf & DHS to leave.
Portland is entering its 7th week of violent antifa & BLM protests.
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army! Retweeted
Andy Ngô@MrAndyNgo
In a press conference today, Portland mayor @tedwheeler blames @realDonaldTrump & @DHSgov for the antifa riots in Portland. A reporter then points out the riots were already happening for 5 straight weeks before DHS came.
Brit Hume@brithume
Because, you see, it’s all about the kids’ education.
NC Teachers’ Union Demands Universal Health Care, Welfare for Illegal Immigrants to Reopen Schools…
A North Carolina teachers’ union is calling for the implementation of universal health care and welfare benefits for illegal immigrants in order to reopen schools in the fall.
it’s amazing, because my daughter is a teacher and I have to listen to her complain about her family healthcare deductible every year–for a family of 3 (teacher’s healthcare plan INCLUDES medical, dental AND eye care btw) is $750 for a family of 3! and she complains about this.
tell me why the teachers would be campaigning for universal healthcare when they already enjoy some of the best and cheapest heathcare around?
(this is a sore subject in the family…can you tell??)
Oh gee, it’s not $4000 deductible like the rest of us? Not to mention monthly premiums that are more than $750
I’ve always been better off paying cash for medical expenses. Insurance should also just be for catastrophic coverage imo.
they have NO monthly premiums and she’s angry about the $750 ( a year) family deduction!
yup…spoiled rotten and thinks she deserves more
It’s 6K deductible here for a regular no frills plan.
How’s that affordable? So ridiculous
Maybe it’s time to tell her about the lottery jackpot you won but kept secret. Warn her that if she doesn’t shut up about her health care policy, you won’t share it with her.
Which sort of reminds me of my dilemma.
The most logical person to put in my will is my socialist niece. And I don’t want her to get a damn thing.
Oh that’s music to me, Duchess.
For sure, Jane!!!
I’m fed up with Parler. They won’t let me make any changes to my profile. I have tried for weeks now, hoping they would get things straight.
Now I heard they are deleting accounts like Twitter.
So, I tried to delete my account and just like any profile changes, it won’t let me.
So, I made my account private and stopped following anyone. I tried deleting it on different browsers, too. Thinking it might have been something like that. I’m a tech idiot.
There is no excuse for that kind of crap on their part.
I made the account so I could have access to others in case something happened here, but i rarely use it. it’s not user friendly (imo).
If you Google how to delete the account, it says you have to fill out a form!!!
lol…seriously? what a joke!
Complain to Dan Bongino.
I was thinking about it.
I disagree. the stupidity is REAL
Indoctrination produces zombies who have no ability to think for themselves – yes?
yes and their stupidity is real–they’re REAL STUPID!
It is going to take years to re-program these kids into normalcy – sickening – what a waste of a life – this is what the liberals have done to our education system – it is badly in need of reform – first order of business – kick the liberals out!!!
so I’m assuming for the upcoming 2 week mourning/funerals everywhere for Lewis (RIP), masks are optional?
Guessing, mourning is also option.
Sorry. Not sorry.
Hope you had a marvelous birthday

Oh, how sweet, Nikki! You just topped it OFF!!! Yes, I did – Chocolate Cake and Ice Cream – and all!!!
God Bless You Real Good for your contribution!!! * Smiling *
… oh-oh … did you say CHOCOLATE cake and ice cream
…. boy oh boy now that an awesome birthday
God bless you abundantly duchess01 … always ..
Thanks, Nikki!!! He certainly has!!!

wouldn’t this be a hoot if THIS is his EO concerning DACA he promised? bwahahahaha
President Donald Trump is expected to issue an executive order that would ban illegals from being included in the 2020 census count of every person living in the United States, a source familiar with the matter said on Friday.
The source, speaking on condition of anonymity, had no details of the order. The timing of the order was unclear. It was possible it could be issued as early as Friday, the source said.
The government’s census count helps in determining where taxpayer money is spent for building public facilities like schools, hospitals and fire departments, as well as calculating states’ apportionment in the U.S. House of Representatives.
How would the Census know? Who’s legal & illegal?
not a clue
~ I Feel Pretty ~
I usually fly in a dress with no waist, so…no.
My broom is much cheaper… no mask needed.
Whomever is running this company is/are idiots.
No way I’d allow that on my airplane, and the feds, the company, and the union would back me up. As PIC (Pilot In Command), by federal law, every Captain is THE final and ultimate authority over who/what/where is or is not allowed on board the aircraft. Hell, a PIC can refuse the aircraft itself if he/she has reason to believe it is unsafe for the proposed flight (and this does happen).
This one is a no brainer. Clearly and unquestionably that thing is a safety hazard in an emergency egress situation where seconds count. And no, ya can’t “just take it off”, because it would inhibit someone else’s ability to get out quickly.
Even if they could get past TSA with that ridiculous thing, I’d give the person 2 options. Take it off and leave it behind, or take a bus.
One would naturally think that a company like this would have an aviation expert as a consultant before spending $$ creating such a monstrosity. But nope…. we are living in the age of stupid.
Whomever is running this company is/are idiots.
No way I’d allow that on my airplane, and the feds, the company, and the union would back me up. As PIC (Pilot In Command), by federal law, every Captain is THE final and ultimate authority over who/what/where is or is not allowed on board the aircraft. Hell, a PIC can refuse the aircraft itself if he/she has reason to believe it is unsafe for the proposed flight (and this does happen).
This one is a no brainer. Clearly and unquestionably that thing is a safety hazard in an emergency egress situation where seconds count. And no, ya can’t “just take it off”, because it would inhibit someone else’s ability to get out quickly.
Even if they could get past TSA with that ridiculous thing, I’d give the person 2 options. Take it off and leave it behind, or take a bus.
One would naturally think that a company like this would have an aviation expert as a consultant before spending $$ creating such a monstrosity. But nope…. we are living in the age of stupid.
Their purpose is to make money from suckers, not produce something that will actually be allowed on the aircraft.
Exactly what I thought
Jonathan T Gilliam@JGilliam_SEAL
These 5 govenors & their advisers are responsible for the deaths of over 60,000 elderly people, half the #COVID19 deaths since March, by mandating virus positive patients be placed in elderly clinics. Subtract 60,000 from total dead & the mortality rate plummets.


It goes much deeper with these treasonous Governors than just shutting down their own state’s economy. #Treason
Quote Tweet
Karli Q
· Feb 8
Communist China has a list and @SecPompeo has seen it! Busted! Holy Crap did your State take dirty Commie $ #TheMoreYouKnow #QAnon
Nursing Home deaths by State….

The Feds have closed down the airspace over downtown Portland, Oregon for SPECIAL SECURITY REASONS.
July 16 to August 16, 2020
Popcorn time in Oregon?
…. goes good with the … B. O. O. M. S ….


Portland in antifa hq. So maybe they will take them out.
Sniffed out missiles or bombs?
A 1 mile radius up to 1,000’ AGL.

* Still Laughing * – shows you just how stupid Pelosi is !!!
Tell ’em KayLeigh…
superficial brats they are!
Kayleigh McEnany@kayleighmcenany
For those commenting on the way my nails looked as I flip the briefing book: you’re lucky!
As a new mom, my nails are typically jaggedy, unpolished, and real!!
You caught me on a good day! Far more concerned with the Open book not the
And that’s not a professional manicure, either. Trust me. As a girly girl, I know a do it yourself job on nails when I see one.
Please explain to me why she would even take a nano-second to respond to this childish BS, which is clearly intended to distract and harass her.
This warrior just dropped her shield unnecessarily.
It’s a female thing.
It’s a weakness thing.
Actually, I think she was trolling over the nit-pickiness of the White House Press whores. They wouldn’t pay attention to anyone else’s nails.
weak sauce
[big sigh]
No, it’s not the way you would do it, but she’s pointing out how petty those people are. I’ve been on the receiving end of just such female crap. She’s not going to put up with the crap.
(big sigh)
That really doesn’t need pointing out, and worse she just told them “here is my button. Push as desired.”
She had nothing to be weak about her nails looked simple and elegant and refined.
On another hand she has a baby sure do not want to accidentally hurt the baby with nails. By the way I always recognize women who wont to impress concerning their nails. Women who are self confident and have nothing to proof keep nails short and never put red nail polish on their nails but use opaque.
Short nails are elegant and show refinement. Just my opinion.
FGC you are right she had nothing to be weak about. She might have played them or is self conscious .
Now she knows and will not fall for this crap again.
” Women who are self confident and have nothing to proof keep nails short and never put red nail polish on their nails but use opaque.”
I have nothing to prove, but have the ability to grow talons. That is why I am not a massage therapist. You have to cut them off for that profession even if I pretty good at it. I don’t care for my nails being short other than trying to type. My nails have been long, in general, since I was eleven years old when I broke the biting habit. I polish them every now and then, sometimes even in red, but on my hands I prefer a champagne shimmer. My toes usually are red, though.
And, really, I’ve heard more professional women talk about unkempt nails, especially if the polish is chipped, being the epitome of unprofessional. It’s just part of good grooming.
I get the idea that this is what the Q team is looking for on a mass scale.
Bill Mitchell
I have never before in my life had as low an opinion of another human being as I now have of Democrats.
11:18 AM · Jul 18, 2020
Bill is simply stating how I’ve felt since 1998.
They were then who they are now…people just didn’t want to believe it.
There’s many who not only don’t want to believe it, but refuse to entertain the idea that the Dems are using them.
“I have never before in my life had as low an opinion of another human being as I now have of Democrats.”
Leftist Democrats = cultured barbarians.
You can put lipstick
on a pig
…. cough ..
Whoa! I love this pastor’s rant:
Ooops. Wrong one.
Absolutely … AMEN ..

About time.
Have NEVER understood why pastors and the congregation hasn’t pushed back 100%.
What is the government going to do? Padlock the church? cut the lock. Fine the pastor? Don’t pay it. Fine the congregation? Don’t pay it.
The government hates the church, all churches.
It’s NOTHING to do with Covid!
I don’t get it. Our Church building has been open from the beginning of all of this, and by word of mouth, most of the parish knew that the doors were open during livestreamed Mass, so if you just happened to walk by….
No church here has been sealed up tight because of this. Well, at least not the Catholic ones. Can’t say about the others.
Thanks be to God for this pastor.
New Trump campaign ad.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. ~ Romans 12:12
State funeral?
No… Congressmen don’t qualify for a State Funeral… (NoName didn’t either!)
Last one to die in office was Elijah Cummings, October of 22019…
Lewis will probably lie in State at the Capitol… DIMs will make as much of his death as possible. Just search for Cummings’ funeral and ditto for Lewis. Lewis was a Civil Rights Leader, so who knows how long it will all be on TV.
One doesn’t have to watch The BORG… though. Life goes on.
Just thinking about what Q said.
No beer bug when they come together I’m sure…..
Will there be casket dancing?
Picture Nancy trying to do this…
Although, I loved when they hoisted Whitney Houston onto their shoulders on her way out of the church.
That is like a meme on steroids.
Think Legionnaires Disease. Heard this first on Rush but I have been thinking how unsanitary the crap cloth masks are, and that they are spreading disease.
“Bacterial infections from masks have the same symptoms as covid.”
Some doctor on You Tube said to put the mask after wearing it in the sun it kills the germs. One also should not wear a mask more than 8 times.
Masks, bacterial infections, and Legionnaires Disease?…
QUOTE: “You can get a bacteria infection from masks. It has the same symptoms as covid. You can have covid antibodies and they will diagnose you with covid but you are suffering from a bacterial infection from your mask……
…Someone called in to Rush today and said this is what happened to his wife. They thought she was on the verge of death from covid. He insisted they test her for more than just covid and they found she had Legionnaires Disease……
..She was treated for that and fine the next day.
How much of this surge is actually bacterial infections caused by masks? I suspect a lot of it is just that.”…
14 Early Signs of Legionnaires Disease
14 Early Signs of Legionnaires Disease:
>Difficulty Breathing
>Appetite Changes
>Low Heart Rate
>Muscle Pain
>Shortness of Breath
>Changes in Mucus
>Chest Pain
Aw TY for tweeting this Michaelh. Important info to get out to the masses.
Post 9998419 2 hours ago • View on 8kun
Good morning frens! Have we got a treat for us today!
★ ★ ★ Keyboard Warriors Meme Operation ★ ★ ★
Calling all Scouts, Tactical Assault, Flanks, Newbies, Normies, Meme Warriors or First-Timers:
We need your help with Operation Resist the Masks. Together we will drown out #FakeNews and their #FakeFacts about masks and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), and replace them with the light of truth.
How you can help
– Post messages on all social media about masks and HCQ
– Share videos explaining the truth about masks and HCQ
– Spread side-by-side facts about masks and HCQ
– Retweet messages by others on the subject
– #Mask
– #Masks
– #Covid19
– #FaceMask
– #Resist
– #Hydroxychloroquine
To avoid being shadow-banned, each tweet should be unique. Don’t copy and paste.
Every tweet should carry a meme! Our meme warehouse offers hundreds of memes on masks and HCQ:
* Resist the Masks –
* Hydroxychloroquine – HCQ – Hydroxychloroquine drug, abbreviated HCQ, potential therapy or prophylactic for COVID-19 & other illnesses. Safety, efficacy, research. Make HCQ available over the counter.
* MEME WAREHOUSE CATALOG – Your index to the entire meme warehouse
Did you (re)tweet at least one tweet on the subject? Congratulations, you have become a FLANK in the army of digital soldiers. Here’s your badge. You’ve earned it.
★ ★ ★
Sorry about the formatting. Second section from above lnk.
Post 9998460 2 hours ago • View on 8kun
Here’s an article written by multiple collaborating anons that supports the Resist the Masks op. Feel free to lift text from the article for your tweets and social media posts.
★ ★ ★
July 16, 2020
Why COVID-19 Statistics Aren’t Credible
by Anons
The entire lockdown/mask narrative hinges on a daily rising case count—a hammer to bludgeon the entire population. If we understand how this statistic is produced, we can decide for ourselves if the numbers are believable. I’ll call the novel Chinese coronavirus discovered in 2019 “COVID-19”. [9]
Garbage in—Garbage Out
The CDC’s April 5, 2020 Interim Case Definition combines confirmed and probable cases. [3] [4] A case is “probable” if it meets a range of subjective criteria without confirmatory lab testing. E.g.:
—You had a cough and had contact with someone else who tested positive (including on an antibody test).
—You had a headache and felt feverish without taking your temperature, in a community with “sustained ongoing community transmission.”
—You might be counted twice if you later got a positive test result.
—You got a positive antibody test in a community deemed to be infected (more on test accuracy coming up).
—A doctor wrote COVID-19 on your death certificate but you were not tested.
This is poor science. The CDC should break out two categories—confirmed and probable—and state the criteria for each. If someone is counted as probable and later receives a positive test, they should not be counted twice. Pennsylvania, Texas, Georgia, and Vermont blend their data the same way. Virginia and Maine were too, but began separating their data. Combining PCR and antibody tests into a single heap vastly inflates the number of cases.[2] The old computing axiom—garbage in, garbage out—applies here. Statistics based on bad data are inherently faulty.
[Image: Discrepancies_In_Data_Reporting]
False positives
Pathologists haven’t identified any antibodies specific to the hypothesized pathogen, SARS-CoV-2. Without monoclonal antibodies, no one really knows what caused the illnesses attributed to it, or whether a pathogen was even present. No one has proven there is an infectious agent “SARS-CoV-2” that causes the same discrete disease in all the victims. Nor has a virus been isolated, reproduced and then shown to cause this discrete illness. [1]
Thus, the tests themselves are suspect: what exactly are they testing? The PCR tests do amplify a specific RNA fragment, but no one has shown whether that RNA fragment causes illness or is present in healthy people.
Anecdotes of test kit anomalies and false positives abound. A testing lab employee, baffled by an uptick in positives, bought 200 test kits. He made the kits appear tested without actually testing anyone, and submitted them to a competing lab. Over 50% of these unused kits turned up positive. [6] President John Magufuli of Tanzania, desiring to sanity-check the accuracy of tests, had a pawpaw fruit, a goat, and a quail tested; all tested positive. [7]
Financial motivations
Doctors and hospitals stand to gain by diagnosing inpatients with COVID-19. Medicare pays for inpatient hospital care using a diagnosis-related group (DRG) system. Hospitals classify patients based on the main diagnosis and treatment given. Medicare reimburses a flat amount per DRG code. For comparable respiratory conditions, Kaiser estimated that Medicare payments average $13,297 for a less severe hospitalization, versus $40,218 for a hospitalization involving ventilator treatment for 96+ hours. Moreover, the March 27, 2020 CARES stimulus package adds 20% to the Medicare reimbursement for COVID-19. [8]
Political motivations
Many incumbent governors continue to resist Donald Trump’s presidency. Anything supporting fraud-laden vote-by-mail is pushed. Anything to prolong draconian social control is pushed. Is there a possible third motive? Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s February 8, 2020 speech informed us that China’s wooing of American elected officials has not gone unnoticed. Is it possible that some governors are beholden to the Chinese Communist Party, perhaps subject to bribe or blackmail? [5]
At first people wondered if China tried to slam us with a ferocious bioweapon. The virus alone turned out to be a dud. The true weapon was not merely a virus, but a binary weapon that became far more lethal when employed to justify ruthless, unconstitutional social controls. Draconian social measures issued by CDC and elaborated by certain governors continue. Americans are still facing social distancing, mandatory masks, and brutal closure guidelines that have caused many business failures. Governors pushing COVID patients into nursing homes against CDC guidelines, while refraining from using hospital ships and field hospitals that were provided at great expense, resulted in unconscionable—and avoidable—death rates among the elderly. Contrast state measures prohibiting church attendance and singing, mandating mask wearing in public with drastic fines, and requiring school closures, with these same governors taking no action to prevent large uncontrolled public gatherings when the crowds’ purpose was to protest, riot, and demonstrate.
Light at the end of the tunnel
President Trump has just ordered hospitals to bypass the CDC and report COVID-19 data directly to the White House. This courageous action, bypassing compromised CDC bureaucrats, should facilitate reopening America and rebuilding our economy to surpass prior levels. [10]
[1] Global Research, “No One Has Died from the Coronavirus: Important revelations from Dr Stoian Alexov, President of the Bulgarian Pathology Association,”
[2] No More Fake News Blog, “Huge COVID case-counting deception at the CDC,”
[3] Center for Disease Control, “2020 Interim Case Definition,”
[4] Center for Disease Control, “Cases in the U.S.,”
[5] U.S. State Department, “U.S. States and the China Competition,”
[7] N.Y. Post, “Faulty coronavirus kits suspected as goat and fruit test positive in Tanzania,”
[8] Politifact, “Fact-check: Do hospitals get paid more to list patients as having coronavirus?”
[9] “SARS-CoV-2 And COVID-19: What’s The Difference?,”–25264
[10] CBS News, “Trump administration orders hospitals to bypass CDC in reporting COVID data,”
That’s a GREAT one!
Pr….you mentioned an upcoming medical procedure. Hope all goes well and you get the answers/help you seek. Let us know how it goes for you.
Thank you Tea… end of the month.
A wealth of memes!
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army! Retweeted
Bill Mitchell@mitchellvii
BREAKING: Portland Antifa and BLM Launch Explosives at Federal Building While Barricading Agents Inside via
BREAKING: Portland Antifa and BLM Launch Explosives at Federal Building While Barricading Agents…
Portland Antifa and Black Lives Matter launched explosives at the Federal Courthouse and Justice Center while attempting to barricade agents inside on the 50th night of riots in the ultra liberal…
The #CCP needs a big win.
Putting a lot of effort into this one.
Where are the #PATRIOTS in Portland?
I asked that question months ago… was told they’re afraid.
Frankly, I’m not feeling very brave IRL right now either.
“Lord Jesus, we see ourselves as vulnerable and weak.
We fear harm and loss.
Our hearts without you are weak.
BUT you Father God, with the help of your Holy Spirit,
Can fill us with the wisdom to know how to fight,
The courage to step up which you say, ‘GO.’
And power to do what you ask.
Show us the way.
Moved away as my friend did last year.
Protesters: I only require you to kneel.
Patriots: See, that’s gonna be a problem.
The Greeks never did get into “proskinesis” (prostrating before the sovereign); even those city-states that had kings, people stood and looked them in the eye. In Persia, it was simply unthinkable not to do it. One of many cultural issues Alexander the Great had to deal with when he tried to unite Greece and the Persian Empire.
I finally saw this movie and get the reference
Portland Antifa are terrorists where have they trained? In Syria? I cannot believe that those people are Americans no way !
Harold Wren from The Library agrees with you SingingSoul…
The Library
This is accurate. #antifa & #BLM are funded by enemies outside the US as well as inside the US. They also get training from some of the most dangerous people in the world.
Quite Frankly
There’s a proxy war being fought inside of the United States. Agents of foreign ideology and foreign money have activated a small army of pre-programmed disaffected youth. Fellow travelers in media, State government, Congress will continue to make it impossible…
Harold Wren
I do believe they are being ’rounded up’
Jack Posobiec Flag of United States Retweeted
Malcolm FleXFlag of United States
Quote Tweet
maria viti
· 7h
Show this thread
Jack Posobiec Flag of United States Retweeted
Scott Adams
I’m glad I don’t live in the subjective reality in which law enforcement is stripping away rights instead of reclaiming them for residents.
Quote Tweet
David Statue of liberty
· 9h
Where’s the outrage from libertarians on the #PortlandKidnappings, which are stripping away people’s rights? Fucking crickets.
Cops must of waited till Ted Wheeler fell asleep.

Water cannons with indelible ORANGE dye
Make them all orange.
I second the emotion !
….. and glow in the dark ..
Brilliant !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Certainly nothing “End Daysesque about this……
Maybe not literally 666 FG&C, but does being marked by a bio substance named Luciferace qualify as the “mark”?
Speaking for myself, I think it is safe to say, given the totality of all we know as fact…
That said, the Lord does specify “in the right hand or forehead”.
I myself am not going to quibble over that, however.
Luciferase is the enzyme that causes fireflies to glow; it was named after that fact. (“Lucifer” = Latin for “light bringer.”)
“Lucifer” came to be applied to Satan because the Hebrew words for Satan and Venus (the planet, which had often been called the star of dawn) are nearly the same, and, frankly, the people who made the King James Version confused the two. More modern translations generally use something different in Isaiah 14:12 (“morning star” or “shining one” for example).
So there’s no real reason to apply the name “Lucifer” to Satan.
Funny to note that you are the only one who continues to make an issue out of this non-issue.
“Don’t call Satan that!”
You ok if I call him “Shitheel”?
“the people who made translated the bible into the King James Version confused the two”
Fixed it for you. No charge.
And no one cares. Really, they don’t.
It’s odd that you do, however. Especially given that you believe this is all made up BS.
Yeah, call him shitheel.
And yes, I should have said “translated the King James Version.” Very sloppy of me. Of course if you read what I had said, I was claiming “Lucifer=Satan” is not a part of the original Bible.
And no, I’m not the only one who points that out from time to time, you just don’t listen in the right places. You might accidentally learn something if you did.
If you find that excessively nasty coming from me, well, I’m returning your snark.
This is literally what happens in revolutions all around the world throughout history
Quote Tweet
Maximus Googliere@dphaw
· 3h
ANTIFA is fighting against the government because they want a more powerful government. Think about that for a hot minute.
Marxist logic…

Newsom had this guy released, no parole, not even registering as a sex offender and he intends to rape and murder little boys.
You hear New SCUM is releasing low offense people its a lie.
Hes already keft orange county and traveled to Riverside county. Hes looking for a place to hide. Riverside county challenged newscum openly, so he is sending at least 500 inmates with no finances to monitor them within the next few weeks.
Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) Tweeted:
This creep has admitted to fantasizing about raping and killing young boys. He claims he has killed 3, and molested over 200. The state of California allowed his release without having to register as a sex offender & he was spotted in Costa Mesa yesterday. BEWARE!!!! @FOXLA
I see nothing but trouble regarding this, meaning that some person who has had enough could do something drastic and end up in prison for life over this guy and the Left’s policies.
Once they release all the others, and we start seeing who they are choosing to let out, itll be an even higher possibility .
18,000 by the end of August, only way this shit ends is with Patriots ending it… Newscum is fearless because no one is challenging him…
Times change, they do.
Decades ago, I lived in the Santa Cruz Mtns. A Real Creep mutilated a teenage girl, and was eventually convicted and sent to Prison for, iirc 25 yrs.
When his sentence was completed, the prison system attempted to relocate him, in a good # of regional communities, but all of these communities REFUSED. There were big demonstrations; NO ONE would accept him into their neighborhoods.
Finally, the prison system bought him a trailer, and he lived in the trailer, on the Prison grounds, until he died.
People once were a bit different ab such evil in their midst…willing to act, willing to say, Oh, Hell No!
Yes when you do those crimes you are not welcome back. Our justice system has allowed criminals to see they dont have to worry.
gil, yep…lack of accountability covers a vast number of societal problems.
Ohh Gil…
Wictor has an excellent take on this…
+twatter RT……
Jul 18, 2020 12:18:04 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: d520c5 No. 9999604
“This marks the third Spacey accuser to die in 2019.”
At what point does it become painfully obvious?
Well that photo says it all.
Heck look at what hollywood pushes? A show like GoT. Huge hit. Why I will never know.
Heck I just got a book and the stuff that was in there… no just know. I’ll post about it in my blog but that a pushlishing house goes there. Nope.
These people are sick. They think we are stupid and they are trying to make this look like its all ok to do.
They think we are stupid
Not without cause.
We ( I ) have been stupid, and this for decades now.
First step towards wellness is to admit the problem.
Don’t forget until now we didn’t have a way to compare what they are doing. We were kept in the dark as well.
+twatter RT @Qanon76…
Jul 18, 2020 12:21:18 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: d520c5 No. 9999653
+twatter RT @intheMatrixxx…
Jul 18, 2020 12:43:12 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 1eef8a No. 10000076
When was the last time you witnessed a [D] party leader being Patriotic [exhibiting National Pride (love of Country)]?
When was the last time you witnessed a [D] party leader ‘speak out against’ the riots [violence in the streets]?
[MSDNC projecting ‘peaceful’ protests?]
When was the last time you witnessed a [D] party leader support those who took at oath to protect and defend?
When was the last time you witnessed a [D] party leader support and call for UNITY across our Nation?
Why do they want people divided?
Why do they want people categorized?
The Great [D]eceivers.
It has passed the point of their not being patriotic; they are actively supporting rioters who think America is bad in every way. They are anti-America, which is exactly what foreign influence would yield.
Heck someone said to me the other day this is the party of China. This isn’t my Dad’s Dem party. They’ve been hijacked and theres no turning back.
+twatter RT @John_F_Kennnedy…
The Library
Tammy Bruce
Pennsylvania Senate approves constitutional amendments to limit governor’s emergency powers
Harold Wren
Jul 18, 2020 12:52:47 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 1eef8a No. 10000273
When the news is no longer trustworthy it is up to each of us to use discernment.
Have faith and trust in yourself.
+twatter RT
+twatter reply:
American Patriots stand with our Deutschland brothers in Freedom!
We are United Forever!
When the news is no longer trustworthy it is up to each of us to use discernment.
Have faith and trust in yourself.
Rising serpent
State Troopers union threatens to pull officers from NYC: ‘Can’t have two sets of rules’ in one state. #FoxNews
]intheMatrixxx[ liked
BardsFM Flag of United States
The latest Q should wake every Patriot up…
This war is not going away anytime soon. And the Deep State already has plans to launch a cyber attack against the nation on Nov 4.
If you are expecting a savior moment, I would table those thoughts a prepare for long haul.
1:43 PM · Jul 18, 2020
This also seems to hint that they know they can’t stop Trump so its go time some more.
I can live with that, a Trump defeat would mean it was still “go time” with Trump no longer in their way.
Larry Schweikart: “Wray has been doing something, at least. Indeed, that “something” is nothing less than the most aggressive campaign in American history to nab rings of child exploitation and trafficking…”
+twatter RT @tracybeanz thread:………
Threadreader tweet:…
Thanks Michael…
JT Lewis@thejtlewis
Jul 17
We’ve had a flu vaccine for 80 years, but we still have the flu.
NO! that can’t be possible–vaccines are the panacea of treatments!!!
The problem is, it’s not “the” flu, it’s many, many different flus, and a vaccine can only protect against one or two of them. And if it’s the wrong one, you’re up the creek.
This Sharyl Attkisson article shows all the inaccurate reporting, point by point, of the NYTimes article “Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contact With Russian Intelligence.” Strzok’s own notes refute all the claims.
Example from the article:
Claim in NYT article: “Phone records and intercepted calls show that members of Donald J. Trump’s presidential campaign and other Trump associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election, according to four current and former American officials.”
Note by Strzok: “This statement is misleading and inaccurate as written. We have not seen evidence of any individuals in contact with Russians (both Governmental and non-Governmental)” and “There is no known intel affiliation, and little if any [government of Russia] affiliation[.] FBI investigation has shown past contact between [Trump campaign volunteer Carter] Page and the SVR [Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation], but not during his association with the Trump campaign.”
I don’t call it the NY Slimes for nothing.
l E T 17@Inevitable_ET
This article connects GM and her dad RM, to just about EVERYONE
There are SO many good connections in here. Very thorough.
This one article alone could open the biggest can of worms
MUST READ from vanity fair , written and archived back in >>>1992
THE SINKING OF CAPTAIN BOB | Vanity Fair | March 1992
Did the same furies that drove Holocaust refugee Robert Maxwell to build a high-stakes media empire play a role in his demise? EDWARD KLEIN reports in exclusive interviews with Maxwell’s widow and…
This is a good thread by Bruno Barking on the Pinnochio/Geppetto metaphor that Q used. No thread reader. Just click on the tweet to see the whole thread.
Warning: that thread is really hard to read. As in don’t eat before you read it.
That makes a good point, even though she could probably retire at home.
I was thinking about RBG today. While I can’t think of anything specific that I agree with her about (maybe a few SCOTUS decisions that I can’t name), she does provide an example of tenacity and fight that have served her side of the political spectrum well. She is the Energizer Bunny of the Left, and we all need to fight like that and never give up.
Evil has always been long-lived.
Hence the saying, “only the good die young”.
And make no mistake…that bateful hitch IS evil.
Long-lived, yes. The Left makes longterm plans and goals and has faithful minions that carry them out over generations of families and Congress and media empires. I saw a pic of Dianne Feinstein the other day, and she is looking ancient. Pelosi is 80. Years and years of undermining America, and getting more radical all the time.
“Bateful hitch” is a new one to me, LOL!
She needs to spend the time she’s got left to get right with G_D (I’m assuming she’s a Jew, or a lapsed Jew, if such a thing is possible)…
P L E A S E send RBG to a NY Nursing Home. Today, if possible. Not sorry
She can always stay in D.C.
National Center on Sexual Exploitation
1d ·
Recently the media and social media platforms have been flooded with claims that the popular furniture company, Wayfair, is participating in or complicit with child sex trafficking.
The Wayfair sex trafficking story is far from the first sensationalized sex trafficking-related theory to go viral and, if history is any guide, it won’t be the last. That can be a problem for victims of sex trafficking.
We have found that, to date, the accusations being leveled against Wayfair regarding sex trafficking are lacking credibility in significant ways.
However, the Wayfair theory does demonstrate that sex trafficking can be perpetrated using mediums that are otherwise relatively benign.
Sex trafficking happens in places that you—yes, YOU!—have likely visited in the past year, the past day, or even the past hour.
The fight against sex trafficking begins in your own home and extends to your community.
On Wayfair and Viral Conspiracy Theories About Sex Trafficking
Included are 3 images included with “Tangible ways you can be actively anti-trafficking” text here:
Note the emphasis on “invest”.
Do not give up the citizen investigation.
Public awareness important [bypass of controlled [approved] topics].
[General public steered by MSDNC like a dog steering sheep]
Have faith in Humanity.
That is telling
They have a huge presence in Washington D.C., a large building just off the National Mall.
IMO the not so hidden purpose of that is LOBBYING.
I’m sick of these people slandering people as “hoaxers”, “crazy”, or “conspiracy theorists” for exercising their proper concern. Calling people “irresponsible” for performing the yeoman’s work of voluntary citizen investigation.
They seem to be all up in arms b/c they want to CONTROL the information.
It doesn’t work that way.
Sharing information is the key to making big breaks – amplifies the intelligence and eyes on the problem, results in keen insights.
They want you to phone it in to law enforcement and walk away. Oh, and be sure to give them MONEY.
And I haven’t started to speculate about corruption within these organizations. I wonder if Ellen is on their donor list.
The truth is where’s there’s smoke there’s fire. Back in the 1930s, a thoracic surgeon at one of the medical schools here posited that smoking causes lung cancer since all of the lungs he was seeing that were black, and diseased were those of smokers. He was roundly criticized for it at the time. He later proved his hypothesis and we take it for granted now, but at the time he first made the observation, the notion was ludicrous to just about everyone.
This is more of the same. If there is any kind of monetary stake where losses would be extreme if the smoke was taken seriously and not shouted down and/or ignored, that is exactly what happens. And we don’t get good answers to the questions like do vaccines cause autism. There’s any number of other medical issues that are treated this way, and can be dealt with very simply without much expense to anyone other than the manufacturers pushing their products..
Actually, smoking does not cause lung cancer. It triggers it due to genetic pre-disposition to the disease. Lots of non-smokers have gotten lung cancer and less than 10% of 20+ years smokers get lung cancer.
IMO, the anti-smoking nazis needed to explain how non-smokers got lung cancer so they came up with second-hand smoke causes the same ill effects as smoking. Common sense says that makes no sense but who cares if they can con politicians into passing laws that give them power.
My retina specialist died at age 45 from lung cancer he never smoked. My great grandfather smoked all his life and he died at 98. My mother smoked and died not of lung cancer at 85.
I never smoked and my husband never smoked but his father did and he quit cold turkey when the doctor told him it was affecting his lungs. My brother smokes like a chimney and he is 80 no health problems.
I think there is a genetic disposition just like many other things.
Years ago oprah winfrey did a show on sex trafficing/filming young kids/babies. The officer was talking about all this stuff and oprah winfrey just kind of sat there and kept saying ‘terrible terrible’ and I recall thinking ‘that’s it’ That’s all she has to say. Gave me an odd vibe no wonder.
The article never really debunked the Wayfair accusations. It was more of look at them don’t look at us type article using real instances of real trafficking but not at the elite level that is being accused in the Wayfair affair.
Not answered are same cabinets or other items with different names and prices that correspond to recent missing persons who show up on different sites that can be linked to with information from the Wayfair sight, Although in a case or two persons were said to be fine, this then can go back to simply prostitution but those instances would not rule out everything. There’s simply too many multi use aspects of said products to track any of it down unless you involve law enforcement and I’ve not seen any of that happening. Likely because evidence that will lead to conviction can be removed.
Unless I missed a story that address’s those things above I’d consider the matter still open. Provable would be another question.
I still also find it funny that Biden would inject the statement “get our kids to market swiftly” right in the middle of Wayfair affair which sounded like a gaffe since it didn’t exactly fit the exact context of what he was speaking at the time. But again, was that a real gaffe or was he providing an answer to a powerful constituent group with a lot of clout. Was that something they needed to hear?
So if some one does have a link that satisfactorily debunks Wayfair please post as this was not it.
adds. What the article did manage to do was say is this kind of stuff happens (trafficking, for what ever reason) , just that rich people don’t do it? Or if they do they use the standard methods that less wealthy people use cause those are the only methods? Not sure I’m ready to buy that.
Don’t remember where I found this, but it about says it.…
Brent Bozell
Bank of America has pledged to give Marxist Black Lives Matter ONE BILLION DOLLARS.
Every conservative customer MUST CLOSE THEIR ACCOUNTS.
8:23 AM · Jul 17, 2020
Long, long ago.
When I lived in California, it was easier to deal with my Colorado-based Credit Union than it was to deal with Bank Of America. (And MUCH more than the credit union I had in California.) This was well before the internet was a “Thing.”
At the time they were basically forcing everyone to switch to a new type of checking account that cost more money, so I shitcanned them in favor of those two credit unions.
We dumped them long ago too. They wanted to charge for everything and had more rules that benefited them.
Me, too! Can’t imagine anyone being a B of A customer these days….and, BTW, isn’t that one of the banks the government bailed out because “too big to fail?”
Isn’t Bank of America based in Malaysia?
Bank of America gives BLM $1B?
No they aren’t just incredibly generous.
* Close Accounts
* Change Banks
* Switch to Credit Unions
* Transfer Debts and Mortgages to other Thrift Institutions
Consumers have the power to END THIS!…
BoA was also one of the banks that did a lot of gobbling up of smaller banks back in the 90s. That’s when they landed here.
I remember NCNB and Nations back going through merger happiness in Texas to eventually becomes BoA. They also soaked up Plano based CountryWide Home Loan as part of TARP in 2008. I told people “watch all these signs b/c they’re all going to change”. Boy howdy did they change fast, faster than I had anticipated.
My own local bank got merged and remerged into TEAM bank and then BankOne and finally into WaMu+Chase. I fired them and found another local bank, and advise everyone to do the same. So far the local bank has been through 1 merger, keeping an eye on them for any funny business.
We use a local bank. They’re headquartered elsewhere in the state, but it’s not one that is nation wide by any means.…
RunningTheRace Medium starMedium starMedium star Retweeted
RunningTheRace Medium starMedium starMedium star
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Maybe his intel is reminding him what they know!
Sigh and there is Pence………..mhhhhhhh
Yes’m …
Now this is funny…
Forgot to include, pic is of Elijah Cummings.
They look so much alike….seriously.
Bet it was Rubio’s staff who made the mistake.
You forgot their mentor:
Oh my. Please don’t ask me wo is who :-0
Why it wasn’t 10 years ago is a mystery.
Note also that the article is originally from Town Hall.
Got this one from Dr. Lopez today, punching back against the SBC cowards, and the ELRC that is intent on pushing the SBC to comply with authoritarianism.
Dr. Robert Lopez:
If Christians don’t believe God’s promise, then they shrink quickly before a threatening force such as an authoritarian secular government. The end result is, again, fear.
+twatter RT +comment…
Why the SBC are cowards & ELRC intent compliance w/ authoritarianism:
“If Christians don’t believe God’s promise, then they shrink quickly before a threatening force such as an authoritarian secular government. The end result is, again, fear.”…
Hot enough for you DP?
At least there’s a breeze today.
another teachers union trying to blackmail a state–North Carolina
A North Carolina teachers’ union is calling for the implementation of universal health care and welfare benefits for illegal immigrants in order to reopen schools in the fall.
Just days after the Durham Association of Educators (DAE) issued a statement railing against the school district’s reopening plan, Durham Public Schools voted unanimously to hold all classes virtually for at least the first nine weeks of the school year. Included in the DAE statement was a call to adopt a variety of far-left policy goals before holding in-person classes, including Medicare for All and “direct income support regardless of immigration status.”
“There are concrete policies that have permitted other countries to flatten the curve and return to public life: moratoriums on rent and mortgage, universal health care, direct income support regardless of immigration status,” the statement reads. “We must fight together, collectively, for changes that will permit our communities to thrive during this pandemic and beyond.”
The union’s statement also calls for a full shutdown of the state, saying “until that is done, remote learning should remain the default.”
Nothing but an election year strategy!
Public schools and teachers unions are a hot bed of communist indoctrination.
Teach civics, history and economics from a pro-American, pro-Constitution, pro-capitalism perspective!!!
Better yet, just shut them down and auction them off. Have volunteer parents’ groups figure out how they’ll get kids educated with all the money they’ll save from not being taxed for Communist Indoctrination.
This needs to go VIRAL
2,500 children EVERY day
I recall seeing that clip from Ellen a while back. You can tell she does not want to answer.
Not too sure about the black eyes on others but interesting
That is sick. If these women had taken care of their skin they would not have to do this. I am 75 and someone ask me last year because I made some comment that I was married almost 55 years. The person said “oh my God you have no wrinkles.”
People think I am late 50 early 60. All my life I used herbals and no make up and not sitting in the sun. I do not burn and brown still do not sit in the sun. I learned this from my grandmother from teenager on how to take care of my skin if one does one does not need this disgusting abuse of children.
Even if I wrinkled much I would not do it. This Bullock’s might look young but she is rotten on the insight so how good are her looks?
These people are sick.
This is a very long THREAD, good for redpilling… some of the info you may have already seen, some not…
Focus is on BLM and Planned Parenthood and DIMs exploitation of black Americans in general
remember to remove the *
Steve, HELP…………..
my post went in the bin!
Dredged out. Sorry for the delay.
No prob
Keep it up
Priceless!!! She did a good job!
Too bad one of the policemen slipped in the paint and hit his head.
here’s a good one
Heyyyyy, I remember that.
Duck, and Cover. And the Conelrad, then the Emergency Broadcast System (“This is a test. This is only a Test. If this had been an actual emergency, you would have been instructed to tune to one of the broadcast stations in your area” [or something to that effect])…
Weird Al’s “It’s Christmas At Ground Zero” has an interesting look back at that period, and these sort of “drills”…
The Emergency Broadcast system…the summer of 1993 in these parts, when we heard it go off, it was NOT a test. Levee breaches were the most common emergency broadcast, but there were others. You learned not to dismiss it.
Our worst sudden natural hazard is tornadoes here (and I know nothing like elsewhere) and what comes over the tube are loud beeps and text messages interrupting the programming (at least, as of the early 90s when I stopped watching). No EBS.
Did they actually *say* it was for the radiation, or did they just figure it would prevent falling rubble from crushing the students? (Even that would be dubious.)
Not sure, but this is reminiscent of the local tornado drills we used to do on a regular basis.
I suspect we’re both too young to remember those nuke drills (I know I am).
I have no idea how much good that would have done, but I’d really be appalled at someone’s stupidity if they actually sold that as an anti-nuclear radiation precaution. I suppose if the burst went off overhead it might block some of the flash (i.e., block some of the EM radiation, a very different thing from radioactivity), but milliseconds later it wouldn’t matter, an overhead burst would smoosh them.
Since I’m younger than you by a few years, yes.
Getting under a desk would not have done a darn bit of good in a nuclear blast, but at least people were “doing something.” We Americans have to “do something” or we go crazy no matter if the “doing something” is useful or not. It’s a cultural trait.
It would depend greatly on distance from the blast.
A near hit, and yeah, you’re toast, dust on the edge of a mushroom cloud.
A bit further away and you might survive as long as something doesn’t land on you. Which the desks may or may not help with.
No way are they a foolproof way to survive World War III but they might have helped in some few cases.
Plenty of people survived the blasts and other “prompt” effects at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, long enough to come down with cancer later on, or not, depending. One poor sap survived BOTH blasts; he was on a business trip to Hiroshima, managed to make his way home through the mess, just in time to stumble through his front door and tell his wife “there was a Big Blue Flash”. His home, of course was in Nagasaki, and there was right then a Big Blue Flash.
We had bomb shelters in the basement of our schools for air raid attacks, fully stocked with food water, radio’s etc. We used to do drills to make sure all students could get there in a timely fashion. For the public, bomb shelters were in places like banks and they had a yellow air raid sign on the outside so people would know where to go. Food was donated to the poor and was replenished regularly.
Under the desk was basically for ground attacks and was supposed to keep falling debris from falling on your head. There were also short movies about small blasting (caps – forgot the name) that could be dropped from planes and we were warned not to pick them up.
And then the fire drills that everyone is still familiar with.
In California, the same drill for earthquakes as for nuclear attacks. Stuff may be flying around and falling down, and under a sturdy piece of furniture (remember, these were multi-generational institutional desks and not IKEA) was seen as safer than standing in the open. When the shaking stopped, and we got clearance for structural safety, we’d be moved elsewhere.
I’m old enough to remember–the Cuban missile crisis and all, and even at age 11, I knew enough to realize getting under our desks or shielding our heads with our arms wasn’t going to protect us, that we would all probably die, that it was all for show, to make it seem like we were being protected. I knew. It was a scary time. Only good part was we had good patriotic teachers back then, and we were all united. zSomething to be said for that, at least.
God bless and protect this courageous woman.
Lord, send 10,000 of your angels to surround her, protect her, and encourage her!!
We need a GoFundMe yesterday to pay the legal expenses of God-loving, fearless patriots like this good woman.


This verse is close to my heart FG&C, ty
What I find appalling, aside from the BLM being on the street in the first place, is the number of photographers hanging around.
Vultures gonna vulture.
Unfortunately true.
And actual vultures are far more noble creatures. They have a legitimate job in the wild kingdom.
Yeah, but I’m talking about human vultures.
1. Rock salt

2. Double barrel shotgun
Pest control ..
I heard she was some kind of church minister – that is why she kept saying #JesusMatters…
Diamond and Silk posted this video
Not all Black Lives are down with Black Lives Matter. “Take A Look!”#JesusMatters
Soufski Verritson@soufski
· Jul 17
Some disturbing coincidence.
Waif means: a stray person or animal especially a homeless child
and Fare means: the price charged to transport a person
Waif Fare?
Symbology will be their downfall.
They make it look so easy, don’t they?
Charlie Kirk
Republicans want to defund Planned Parenthood—saving millions of lives.
Democrats want to defund police departments—endangering millions of lives.
Remember that in November.
Just in case anybody is starting to have a soft spot for our favorite petty tyrant from OT, check this out (and notice the total lack of effort to redeem the offender):
Rhi says:
July 15, 2020 at 6:10 pm
Hey Frey, as per Sundance:
“Stop giving the opposition power by positioning your outlook that they will do nothing…. just stop. Demand action. You are worth it. Do not give them an inch of room for obfuscation. Do not worry about being perceived as an a**hole about it.”
FreyFelipe says:
July 15, 2020 at 6:18 pm
Reality has positioned my outlook.
sundance says:
July 15, 2020 at 6:20 pm
Get the fuck out of our foxhole.
FreyFelipe says:
July 15, 2020 at 6:24 pm
Sounds like I am being canceled.
Ad rem says:
July 15, 2020 at 6:33 pm
Been canceled….
That didn’t take long.
I’m a bit afraid to ask you what that acronym means.
A variation of Same Old Same Old
Looks bad, doesn’t it?
But context matters, of course. And none is provided here.
Liberals love that game.
Is there a reason why you didn’t provide a link or did you just want to pour gas on the flames of division?
Also, why bother reading the comments over there?
Even I don’t do that, and haven’t for years.
Deviation from the prescribed ideology will not be tolerated.
Not surprised.
“Do not worry about being perceived as an a**hole about it” does not mean it’s ok to deliver friendly fire.
Hmmmm … it looks to me like ol’ Sunny has been transmorgrified …
Aw shucks …

Did I share this one the other day?
Not as a meme but yes
LMAO. The eternal issue in my house is the fight over the thermostat. Only…Dad is on MAJOR high blood pressure meds, so he likes the temps at “tropical” during the summer. In the winter, we ladies freeze.
Hmmm. Would that make it “Blue Wives Chatter” ???
… giggle/snort
… pardon me …
Looking at Texas Dash Board, Demographics.
Big Demographic change made.
‘Other’ has been moved into ‘Hispanic’ category and now stands at 40.5% of CV cases.
2 days ago Other was appox 22%.
Say Hello to your Mexican Surge!
Ackkk.. meant ‘Other’ as ‘Unknown’.
Anyway someone pointed that data out here a few days ago saying “how could Unknown be 22%?”
Now watch for a shift in narrative to try to blame this on Trump.
Meanwhile here’s the San Antonio Mayor using weasel words to imply that the surge is the result of opening up too soon.
Yes me…TX site has 40% Hispanic but Houston/Harris County has 13.5k Hispanic and 24.5k Unknown. They won’t record the truth.
“Unknown” or “Undocumented”???
Satan Soros Surge, methinks…
Watch the dems panic, of course!!!
Insert FGaC crying lib pic here.
Some on late night radio have suggested an attack on the grid.
l E T 17 Retweeted
George Papadopoulos@GeorgePapa19
I am currently abroad in Europe with my wife. No one is wearing masks. Everyone is enjoying their summer without restrictions. The “ban” on Americans traveling is political, just like about everything else regarding covid. Don’t politicize this anymore. People see through the bs.
Flag of United States
Cari Kelemen Retweeted
Art TakingBack Flag of United States@ArtValley818
Baby Lives Matter painted on the street in front of Planned parenthood overnight in Salt Lake City!
these are everywhere!
What was it??
POTUS’ latest ad…
We’ve built 250 miles of WALL to stop the flow of drugs and crime”
She’s on the side of the Democrats, not Governor De Santis.
I would love to get the full story about what’s been going on. We have all suspected the numbers were being cooked, but this is strong action by Pres. Trump. I want to know what he knows.
I read a little blurb elsewhere which said CDC admits to it…”it” being combining flu, pneumonia and Covid #s. i am SURE Trump knows this, which would account for his swift response.
Blurb said, at that time, cumulative #s went from something on the order of 60,000, to something like 11,000, iirc.
sorry, I did not save…Figured “it” would be everywhere.
Fauci’s cover shoot for InStyle and interview by O’Donnell was an apparent end-run around the Trump administration which is limiting Fauci’s TV interviews. O’Donnell, anchor of the CBS Evening News, told Fauci that requests to interview him on her show have been turned down over a dozen times.
NO: And how long do you see yourself at the NIAID?
A F: I don’t see any termination within the near future because I judge [my career] by my energy and my effectiveness. And right now, with all due modesty, I think I’m pretty effective. I certainly am energetic. And I think everybody thinks I’m doing more than an outstanding job. I have a wife with incredibly good judgment, who will probably give me the signal when it’s time to step down. But I don’t think we’re anywhere near that right now.
NO: And is that role determined by the president and the White House?
A F: No.
NO: You can’t be fired from that role?
A F: No….
“…with all due modesty,

I think I’m pretty effective. I certainly am energetic. And I think everybody thinks I’m doing more than an outstanding job.”
Ego, much?
…. cockroach all gussied up …

…this is strong action by Pres. Trump. I want to know what he knows.
Black, longhaired Scottish Fold (Highland Fold) cat . . . just like ours, ‘cept ours has light green eyes.
If you allow your mind to deblur under the text, it looks like it’s imminently going to take up smoking….
LOL my puppy gives me the best look.
Dear Q I NEVER liked the story of Pinocchio.
Nobody’s even gone the next step and observed that the boys at Pleasure Island are turned into asses, then sent to underground salt mines from which they never return.
What’s funny is that’s one of the reasons I never liked it when I was little. Now that is telling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author Larry Schweikart: Trump Should Pass Executive Order Demanding IDs to Vote in Federal Elections and IDs to Enter Polling Stations
Oh they would scream….. do it!!!!!
I’m not sure what to think of this but he brings up two actors. And he brings up Q. LOL