Dear KMAG: 20200719

This Superlative Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.

It is also a place to read, post and discuss news that is worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you use as sources or quote from.

In the QTree, we’re a friendly and civil lot. We encourage free speech and the open exchange and civil discussion of different ideas. Topics aren’t constrained, and sound logic is highly encouraged, all built on a solid foundation of truth and established facts.

We have a policy of mutual respect, shown by civility. Civility encourages discussions, promotes objectivity and rational thought in discourse, and camaraderie in the participants – characteristics we strive toward in our Q Tree community.

Please show respect and consideration for your fellow QTreepers. Before hitting the “post” button, please proofread your post and make sure you’re addressing the issue only, and not trying to confront the poster. Keep to the topic – avoid “you” and “your”. Here in The Q Tree, personal attacks, name calling, ridicule, insults, baiting and other conduct for which a penalty flag would be thrown are VERBOTEN.

In The Q Tree, we’re compatriots, sitting around the campfire, roasting hot dogs, making s’mores and discussing, agreeing, and disagreeing about whatever interests us. This board will remain a home for those who seek respectful conversations.

Please also consider the Guidelines for posting and discussion , outlined here

Let’s not give the Internet Censors a reason to shut down this intellectual haven that Wolf has created for us.

The Storm is upon us.
Please remember to Pray for our President.


Our movement is about replacing
a failed and CORRUPT political establishment
with a new government
controlled by you, the American People.
~ Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


On this day and every day –

God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, you can find something here that will build you up a little . . . give you a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.

“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”


I’m having a bad day . . . after the bad week I just had . . . just like the month before. Nobody appreciates all the hard work I’m doing. No approval, no commendations, nothing. I’m getting nowhere. I just can’t do this any more. My self-esteem has tanked.

Well, instead of eating worms, I think I’ll just wallow in my personal mud pit of self-pity for a while.

But, how am I going to get out of this rut? I need some encouragement. I need others to tell me that I’ve got a whole ton of self-worth that I’m not seeing right now . . . that I’ve got amazing value as the human being that I am. I need to be able to think more highly of myself!

That’s just what I need! Or is it?

The world says it’s all about ME. The big I. How do I feel? Do I feel fulfilled? How does that affect ME? Am I offended? Is my ego or self-esteem damaged? What can be done to rectify this horrible wrong? My friends and coworkers must put a healing salve on these terrible wounds!

But what does God say?

God spoke to Moses from the burning bush “I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt. ” But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”

So, did God say “Moses, you are a trained and educated prince of Egypt. You grew up with the Pharoah, the Queen, and the princes and princesses of the royal family. You’ve dealt successfully with viziers, scribes, nomarchs and priests. In forty years you’ve learned how to do everything I want you to do. You’ve got the goods, Moses! You’ve got this!”

Ummm, no. “And God said, “I will be with you””

God didn’t give Moses a pep talk, stroke his ego, and massage his self-esteem to build up Moses’ inner strength and confidence. Very simply, God told Moses he didn’t have to look to himself but to look to God as He will be with him.

The Lord turned to him [Gideon] and said, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?”

Pardon me, my lord,” Gideon replied, “but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.

So, did God say “Gideon, you’re from a military family. You, your father and brothers have been our best defenders for years. You’ve trained since you were ten years old. You’re one of the best left-handed sling warriors, you use your bow well and are even better with your short sword. You’ve commanded fighting groups for over 25 years now. Gideon, you’re an experienced warrior. You’re just the guy I need to lead,”

Nope. The Lord answered, “I will be with you, . . .”

God’s response was very similar to the response He gave Moses. “Gideon, look to Me. I’m all you need.”

The third example is David. Now David didn’t need a pep talk or his self-esteem built up by anyone. David had already seen God’s hand in his life . . . “The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.”

. . . and David looked to God in this situation: “All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.”

David looked to God and “Then David put his hand in his bag and took out a stone; and he slung it and struck the Philistine in his forehead, so that the stone sank into his forehead, and he fell on his face to the earth.”

Frankly, instead of trying to build up our image of our own self-worth, we should remember what we are inside . . . our human inside – we are all fallen, wretched sinners, desperately in need of God’s grace and mercy every hour of every day (Romans 3:23). We are completely incapable of doing anything good whatsoever (Romans 3:10-12), apart from the enabling of His Holy Spirit.

Instead of elevating ourselves, we should be recognizing and honoring the only one to whom glory and praise is due. Honor Him, not ourselves. Rest secure in His love, in His grace, in His mercy, in His presence, in His power, in His ability, in His promises . . . not in the need for approval and encouragement from a hostile and fallen world. Christ is the answer to all self-worth issues that may arise in our lives.

So, here I am. I’m walking, sometimes crawling, down a path that’s muddy, filled with potholes and strewn with rocks. I really don’t know how I’m going to make it through that mess and I’m losing confidence that I can. Now, what am I to do?

Well, like Moses, Gideon and David, I should turn to God. He’s always at my side and ready to help if only I’d recognize Him and ask.

Isaiah 41:10 Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

Psalm 34:3-7 Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together. I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles. The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.

So, then, God will dry up the mud, fill the potholes and push all those rocks over to the side? Well, maybe and maybe not. God may have something very specific planned for me on this particular difficult path . . . or He may have another totally different path in mind. Either way, He wants me to recognize Him in all that I do, and in all that I’m confronted with.

This world teaches us to focus on self and that’s a problem, because we weren’t created for what this world has to offer, including the world’s advice. As Christians we shouldn’t love the world or the things that are in the world.

Then why are we here?

Well, we’ve got two big goals to focus on during our time on earth . . . to love God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our strength, and with all our mind, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. 

While we go about learning and growing into that task, the Holy Spirit is working in us so that we learn to realize the benefits of and develop the character traits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. 

And, finally, we do all this while doing good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do.

As a side note, so life doesn’t look like a long list of tasks that will never be satisfactorily completed, there is a manner with which we should approach life as a whole. As stated by Paul,

“Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Let your graciousness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

If my life is focused on those goals and tasks, and a few others as specifically called out in God’s Word, I don’t think that self is going to need or get much attention.

I remind myself, rather frequently, that life on earth is not the main event. The main event, life for eternity, with a perfected mind and body, starts when the Lord descends from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God.

Even so, come Lord Jesus . . . Maranatha!

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Elizabeth Carter

bakocarl, Well said. It is always a pleasure to be guided by the Lord as we go through our life. I have been taken through so many situations that were very dangerous. As I walk with Him and follow His instructions, I find his yoke is easy. When He brings me through it, He starts showing me just how dangerous it was. I had no real sense of present danger because I walked with Him and He is God. I could never be safer than that.
Hebrews 11:6 KJV
6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.


Amen. I love Sundays here.


This made me think of you, Carl…..Q Tree’s resident and most excellent poet.
Thank you for today’s message.
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FOX 11 Los Angeles (@FOXLA) Tweeted:
AMAZING! New face coverings are designed to help a community that feels silenced.


they’re trying to make them more acceptable to get more people to shut up and wear them. my teacher/daughter has been instructed to start telling my grandchild that the masks are like new “cool sneakers” kids got for school. so now you can show how cool you are by the mask you wear…it’s still a mask and still hurting the child.
I guess if felons’ handcuffs were cool, they wouldn’t mind wearing them right?


Instructed by whom? That, alone, is frightening….. a teacher is told to indoctrinate her pupils. Instruction…aka brain-washing.


oh no worse than that…the school district sent out pamphlets to parents about how to deal with the possibility of masks if schools reopen.
they want the parents to indoctrinate their own children.


Whatever parents chose to tell their their Children about most things is their business, but NOT in the classroom and that needs to be made very clear, IMO.


well this pamphlet encourages parents to normalize the masks–yes even make them “cool” so children will be more likely to accept wearing them.


The line in The Lord’s Prayer: “Thy Will Be Done”…..even if by His Will we are a spectacular failure to put some spine in those who would hide behind us……not that we should wake up in the morning seeking to fail.
We should do what is right to the best of our ability — and God certainly knows what that is — and praise the Lord for our opportunity, painful though the results may be. We should not seek glory for ourselves, but only to be worthy in His all-knowing assessment.


A very astute observation.


Im glad I found it, for now! POTUS AD.
Machiavelli (@TheRISEofROD) Tweeted:
Soon, they will be asking themselves…
“Why didn’t I take the red pill?”
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming


I RT’d a few posts with it.


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SPIT!!!!! dang FG&C…coffee all over the keyboard with that one!!


I’m very disappointed that one of my favorite long-standing gags – responding to every malady ailment and illness with “do you think I have the swine flu?” – is effectively dead.comment image


Quite demented. And funny.


Here’s one for you…comment image


Via Plain Jane from yesterday’s thread:
Think Legionnaires Disease. Heard this first on Rush but I have been thinking how unsanitary the crap cloth masks are, and that they are spreading disease.
“Bacterial infections from masks have the same symptoms as covid.”
~ ~ ~
Masks, bacterial infections, and Legionnaires Disease?
QUOTE: “You can get a bacteria infection from masks. It has the same symptoms as covid. You can have covid antibodies and they will diagnose you with covid but you are suffering from a bacterial infection from your mask…
…Someone called in to Rush today and said this is what happened to his wife. They thought she was on the verge of death from covid. He insisted they test her for more than just covid and they found she had Legionnaires Disease…
..She was treated for that and fine the next day.
How much of this surge is actually bacterial infections caused by masks? I suspect a lot of it is just that.”
14 Early Signs of Legionnaires Disease
14 Early Signs of Legionnaires Disease:
>Difficulty Breathing
>Appetite Changes
>Low Heart Rate
>Muscle Pain
>Shortness of Breath
>Changes in Mucus
>Chest Pain

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

Uranium One goes radioactive…after too long radio silence 😉

Valerie Curren

& The Usurper got a piece of that radioactive pie!


It will be interesting to learn when this payout occurred….surely he was street smart enough to delay until after he left office,
Remember when he disappeared for several weeks almost immediately after the Trump inauguration…supposedly to write his memoirs (that yet are to be seen)? I have always felt he was collecting and dealing in that period. If only the SS could tell who came to his uber-expensive hide away to see him, it would be very revealing.


The SS can tell (and must tell) … to a grand jury. And the neat thing about that is that once having testified, the SS can keep a secret (no blabbing to the press).


This is interesting…I thought they had to sign a confidentiality agreement regarding that. You could very well be correct…in court-like conditions but sealed. Trouble is, how would their testimony be acted upon?
Interesting topic that I’ve yet to see written about, and I imagine the public would like to know the parameters of SS obligations.

Valerie Curren

Yes, very good points as he kept solidifying the shadow government & plotting & executing components of the “soft” coup…


SBC Al Mohler’s duplicity is showing. People are pointing it out.
Albert Mohler
Rep John Lewis’s story is integral to telling the American story. His courage and suffering in the Civil Rights movement are inspirational to all Americans. He will be honored in the American memory. We dare not extend honor only to those with whom we are in political agreement.
Jon Harris
I just want to make sure I understand.
Someone is still worthy of honor even if they defended the deaths of 41 million babies.
Someone is NOT worthy of honor if they defended their home in the Civil War.


Proverbs 11:10


Exactly. The same blathering people who talk all about how we should “love the cities” are the same ones pushing Anti-Nationalism and picking sides with Team Biden and the D Party.
I don’t have a problem with the concept of vocational stewardship. But it seems to me they are pushing this not because they want people to worship God, but because they want people to “work harder” so that when the economy tanks under the D leadership all the good Christian worker bees will just keep working hard (rather than, I dunno, exercising the gospel) and keep things afloat enough for them to get re-elected.


Michaelh…probably the very same people that love the Sweden example of Socialism yet now that Sweden and other Socialist.countries are sending their (unmasked) children back to the classroom…now that’s NOT the example we need to follow.


Should we honor a guy who flat-out lied to the press & the world? A guy who said he was called n*gg*r by tea partiers and also spit on by tea partiers (otherwise known as patriots) deserves honor?
My question is: How much crap & hypocrisy can the glory days cover? All of it?
I say when someone lies and slanders an entire group with that lie (and NEVER repents of that lie), he/she forfeits all his/her glory days honor.


Firing on all fronts.
#WARcomment image




Word of the day:
adjective: sublime; comparative adjective: sublimer; superlative adjective: sublimest
of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe.
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I grew up in a STEM household. For me, sublime is to go from solid to gas without melting to a liquid first.
Alternatively, it could be certain documents if you have a citrus paperweight.




Freedom fears no fire.
Green Beret Designs First-Ever Fireproof American Flag Made of Kevlar to Withstand Rioters


At first I was all…”cool idea!”
But unfortunately it won’t stop humanoid filth from buying and burning cheap cloth US flags.
What we really need to do is start burning communist and democrat party flags together out in public, esp. at Trump rallies and elsewhere.
Up the ante. See their provocative bet and raise it.
How are they gonna respond? By burning the US and GOP flags together??
Great!! Perfect! 😎
They are going to equate the US flag as being synonymous with the GOP?
Please…by all means, do it! Be our guest.
Damned if they do, and damned if they won’t.
Narrative battle
Tuckfards 0

Valerie Curren

Dr. Sowell Truth Bomb!


Ignorance of teachers? or purposeful “education” of our children for their cause?
“creating artificial stupidity” … good description


Many of us saw that coming when ‘Education’ became a major back in the 60s.

Cuppa Covfefe

The (commie) history and actions of “Columbia Teachers’ College” is an interesting rabbit hole to reseaerch… Dewey, Mann, Rockefeller, Fosdick, et. al., back to the 1930s if not before… LSE, Frankfurt School, etc.

Cuppa Covfefe

Or to research…. sigh…


Their path toward Devolution will eventually slip past the least of man’s accomplishments as their want for humanity is that we all become the hive like Borg. In essence no different than insects. After which the technocrats think that they will finally be able to live in peace.

Valerie Curren

Frightening dystopian “utopia” of the elites..


Found on Parler:comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


Amy Mek on Parler:
Amy Mek
12 minutes ago
A 39yr-old Rwandan ‘REFUGEE’ responsible for closing Nantes Cathedral the day before the fire has been taken into custody.
In recent days, the Rwandan national has complained vehemently about his situation as a migrant and being denied renewal of his residence permit

Valerie Curren

Israelis bailing out the world again?

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Hmm…things Might be heating up…or maybe this is just tin-foil hat territory. I’m guessing a mixed bag…

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll entertain the gold standard points. There’s a lot of stuff swirling around that seems to support that we’re headed that way.
The rest…we’ll see. This is the first time I’ve seen some of that. Bill Clinton being a Rockefeller has been out there for a while. He even looks like one. The others, I have my doubts, but wouldn’t put it past these people.

Deplorable Patriot

Operation Paint Drop. It even has its own hashtag. Love it.

Deplorable Patriot

Love it!
I hope this catches on…a line of cars dumping paint, would have that thing covered in no time.


Battery powered paint sprayers!

Cuppa Covfefe

Would be great if someone modified a street-sweeper truck to dump paint instead of soap, with the brush mechanism then used to spread the paint…
Or maybe a fertilizer sprayer, but that would be out of place in NYC (despite all the cr@p being spewed by Commiomo and deBolshevik)…


Giving them nothimg but trouble over their subversive street mural is exactly the way to fight!

Deplorable Patriot


Civil Disobedience + Thank you sir for doing your job


Found more on Parler:comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


all good ones!!!


Yes…excellent ones!

Deplorable Patriot

cutie pies!!

Deplorable Patriot

Remember we talked about the various plants that were sabotaged around the world that were producing product to make HCQ. Mexico had one which we knew. Now Mexico ranks 7th in CV and they are a major factor in what is driving up CV cases in Southern States. We knew it was sabotage then and now we are seeing the results.
Worse is Mexico does not use HCQ to treat CV.



“Average of three churches in France set ablaze daily”…?
Wow. That’s outrageous!
I’m thinking that’s probably because of all that ‘cultural enrichment’ from the muslim fake refugees.


Organ completely gone.


Homophobia Bill Sparks Protests in Italy
ROME ( – Thousands of protestors across Italy are demonstrating against a draconian “homotransphobia” bill which threatens to criminalize the Catholic Church’s teaching on homosexuality and transgenderism.
Prominent parliamentarians Matteo Salvini and Vito Comencini from the Lega party joined hundreds of Catholics and evangelicals in the Rome protest at Piazza Montecitorio Thursday, but the bishops were conspicuous by their absence.


I love this.comment image
“Baby Lives Matter” Painted Outside Planned Parenthood
…………From the article:
“Baby Lives Matter” was painted in large letters overnight outside of a Salt Lake City Planned Parenthood.
The art was no doubt inspired by the “Black Lives Matter” painted outside the White House last month.
Benny Johnson, a man-on-the-street political commentary with Turning Point USA posted the images to his Facebook page and identified the artist as “pro-life” and a “true patriot.”
The masterpiece caught the eye of Donald Trump Jr. who reposted Benny’s post saying “This is amazing.”
The images appear to be taken from a drone, given the height and angles they’re taken from.
………………..End quote, more at link.


Very nice Carl. On my morning walkabout, I was thinking along similar lines how narcissim manifests in people and the destruction it causes.


Designer babies are here. God Help Us!


Surrogacy, and international surrogacy, MUST END!!!
Important to follow:
Jennifer Lahl, The Center for Bioethics and Culture

& Join email list


There’s also a woman that witnessed the entire transaction. Need to identify her and question. Second woman appears to be aware, as well.
Very damning to Bolton…has a lot of explaining to do…under oath …after shown video.


Looks like both men handed him cash.



Verse of the Day for Sunday, July 19, 2020

“O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker.”
Psalms 95:6 (KJV)


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Sunday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


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I like the new one–is that michael’s you were talking about?
Have a Blessed day Duchess!


YES!!! He sent a whole bunch of them – and saved the best for last!!! * SMILING *
You Have a Happy, Blessed Day, too!!! Hugs!!!


Hugs back to you!!


* Smiling * * Received *




Indians gaming the asylum racket…POTUS slowing it.
Most of the migrants face no “credible fear” threat of persecution, which is the first hurdle for U.S. asylum officers to permit then to proceed with claims.
One Sikh migrant, Sevak Singh, described how he decided to lie to U.S. asylum officers that he had been persecuted based on his religion even though he had suffered no such thing. Singh told NPR he has not been persecuted in India and was merely poor and dreamed of “improving my family’s finances”. He recalled how, along the migration trail, “fellow Sikhs would rehearse fake backstories about Sikh separatism and persecution. The stories were untrue but were rooted in decades-old strife,” NPR reported.
Frayer interviewed four other deported migrants in India who “called themselves economic migrants — not asylum-seekers”.
After years of prior administrations ignoring known fraud by Indians, the Trump administration in April 2019 ordered new India-specific training for asylum officers responsible for “credible fear” decisions. In the six months prior to that training, credible fear was found in 89 percent of Indian nationals evaluated by asylum officers. After the new training, the rate dropped to 17 percent through February 2020. (Very few asylum claims are being permitted at the southern border right now because of Covid-related public health rules, but that’s a temporary situation.)
The Trump administration is now starting to deport significant numbers of Indians rejected for asylum claims and Mexico is doing so as well, for the first time in memory. As a predictable result, Indians are trying for asylum in Europe and Canada instead of the United States.


show of hands…who’s shocked?? most of CDC employees’ political donations go to democrats.
Donors who list the CDC as their employer have made more than 8,000 contributions totaling over $285,000 to various political campaigns or organizations. An analysis by the Daily Caller News Foundation found only five contributions were sent to a Republican political action committee or candidate, totaling just over $1,000. Only three people donated to President Trump’s 2016 campaign.


That’s certainly memeable. And no doubt it extends down into state, county and city health systems. The entire health system should be examined but for we already know what we’d find.


Ricky Skaggs & Vince Gill – The Old Crossroads

Cuppa Covfefe

Ricky Skaggs, Patty Loveless, and Carmella Ramsey (the brunette on the fiddle, from WV! ) performing “Daniel Prayed”…

Cuppa Covfefe

RIcky does a quick break around 1:00 and someone from the audience does a Rebel Yell…great…


Thanks, Cuppa!!!


H/T CITIZEN817comment image
Best Videos Of The Year (So Far!) 2020 | People Are Awesome


And you’ll never get that good wearing a mask!
Kinda like how a teacher can’t really teach wearing a mask,
Like how the older generation is not going to bother sharing their wisdom from behind a mask.


This is all insane, Para!!! People should be free to make a choice – as far as the children are concerned – it will not go well – you know – this is not about health; it is about control.


H/T LUCILLEcomment imagecomment image
Top 10 Perennials for Sunny Gardens




I thought you would enjoy this post – I love perennials – they come back year after year – sounding in the Spring, Summer, and Fall – I try to plant perennials that will bloom in each season – makes winter more bearable, too – keeps me smiling watching the seasons change – and the flowers making their appearance –
Happy you are enjoying them, too!!!


i did, thanks!


Most welcome, Patty!!!




really tired of congresspeople selling out our country. Senator Carper, Delaware, is helping Gulftainer (a Middle Eastern owned company) in taking over US seaports!
Governors Wolf and Murphy wrote a May 28, 2020 letter to key leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives that conspicuously omits the name Gulftainer, urging them to reject Senator Carper’s shipping bill that favors a “foreign-owned entity” over American-owned port operators.
Senator Carper’s lousy proposed deal not only has Middle-Eastern-owned Gulftainer taking over America’s international shipping along the Delaware River, cutting out American competitors in Philadelphia and New Jersey, but also has the American taxpayers picking up the tab, paying Gulftainer’s bills.
Exactly who does Senator Carper work for? Because it does not appear to be the American people.
U.S. Representative Brendan Boyle of Pennsylvania, a Democrat, and U.S. Representative Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, a Republican, also wrote a letter to Members of Congress strenuously objecting to Senator Carper’s efforts to assist Middle Eastern ports company Gulftainer.
Representative Fitzpatrick was formerly a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney with the Department of Justice and was an FBI Supervisory Special Agent. Fitzpatrick, as an FBI special agent, served as an al-Qaeda interrogator embedded with U.S. troops in Mosul, Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom.


Laugh, Laugh Beau Brummels FULL Song HiQ Hybrid
JARichardsFilm 720p

CJTRUTHMedium starMedium starMedium star
Twitter killed the Scavino video so here is the YouTube version. Get it while you can.
Quote Tweet
CJTRUTHMedium starMedium starMedium star
· 14h
If anyone is looking to share the new POTUS video and they are not on Twitter, here is a YouTube link of it:
President Trump – In The End Remix via @YouTube Flag of United StatesFlag of United States

CJTRUTHMedium starMedium starMedium star@cjtruth
Quote Tweet
The Hill
· 14h
JUST IN: Trump administration seeking to block funding for CDC, contact tracing and testing in new relief bill: report


BrunoBarking Retweeted
Sara A. Carter@SaraCarterDC
This is big….
Quote Tweet
Lacy Johnson@LacyJohnsonMN
· Jul 16
I’m pleased to announce that my campaign to defeat Ilhan Omar raised $2,035,278 from 63,232 donors last qtr.
Ilhan raised $471K.
A leadership change in Minnesota’s CD5 is coming. Thank you @realDonaldTrump
Please RT & contribute below. Let’s win!


Sunday Service With Pastor Jentezen Franklin | 9AM

Gail Combs

I am trying to catch-up. You guys write A LOT!
I saw these Brian Cates threads and wanted to make sure people read them. — Think Ann Coulter, Cernovich, Steve Bannon and his ‘War Room’ and maybe SD with his ‘The DOJ needs to do something NOW!”
Earlier thread:

“Conservative Influencers” are gearing up to try to split the base & lead a significant chunk of it away from Trump over “amnesty to DACA recipients” that isn’t even happening.
Dishonest bastards….
Let me make this clear:
AMNESTY is when people don’t do ANYTHING, you just wave your magic wand over them & say the words “Presto-chang-o, you are now a full American citizen!”
Anybody who tells you that’s what TRUMP is going to do is lying to you…..

Latest Thread:

Every patriot must expend all their efforts into re-electing this man.
Let no one lead you away from supporting Trump.
Right now a bunch of supposed “Conservative influencers”, when they’re not trying to get the Trump base to massively reduce it’s cultural footprint just just before the election by moving much of it to less visible social media platforms….

THINK PARLER the CONservative Ghetto that OUTSIDERS CAN NOT READ and where information CAN NOT BE easily EXPORTED.
Also there are X number of hours in the day and you can not be on all the different social media options.
Note how Parler became the buzz word a few weeks ago and NOW Twatter has a ‘Hack’ — ‘DESIGNED TO SCARE AWAY PEOPLE???’comment image
Back to Brian Cates:

….they’re trying something else.
They’re doing what I call the “Trump betrayal” dance.
“If Trump does DACA amnesty, he has betrayed us, and we cannot vote for him.”
Some try a variation: “If indictments haven’t come by Election Day, we MUST not vote for Trump.”

Read the rest:


btw I make THAT face all the time!


Bannon lost my trust at the beginning of Pres. Trump’s presidency. He brings some information and has some good ideas, but you have to be careful when he pulls things like this. Coulter, I’m done. She can’t be trusted, wants attention, and might be paid off (per Q). I have learned to watch people’s behavior and act accordingly. If they are not consistent, if they seem to be leading you away from even their stated goals, if they do not treat fellow conservatives well, then beware, because you never know what they will do. They can’t be trusted under wartime conditions.


reading headlines that Iran says it’s got the most wuflu cases or something like that–but I’m puzzled…maybe I just need more coffee…
don’t they wear burkhas there? masks on steroids? shouldn’t they be golden? the fewest cases if being masked up helps at all?

Cuppa Covfefe

I was in LIDL the other day here, and the Burka Brigade were “voll verschleiert” (fully covered), but no masks. And, of course, only their noses and mouths were NOT COVERED…..
Because some pigs (Kulturelle Bereicherun) are more equal than others.

Cuppa Covfefe

Kulturelle Bereicherung…
geesh… as in ggggggggggggs…




I am awe struck…cannot believe the delicacy of the work in MARBLE!


Truly amazing!

Gail Combs

That is incredible work.


comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


LOVE the last one!


I think their theme song should be Send in the Clowns…lol


How about Stuck in the Middle With You?


another good one!

Cuppa Covfefe

For people who are hard-of-hearing, remote learning is an abject failure, when conferencing or group projects are involved.
My son has two microphones and potentially his iPhone as a third when he’s physically at his Uni doing group work, or listening to lectures. Because of the FaKorona shutdown (Universities still down until probably next year), he’s lost this whole past year because they won’t let him meet with his project group in person, and the project is basically the grade for this WHOLE YEAR.
Angry beyond words…
He’s getting a CI (Cochlear Implant) next month, so I hope and pray that things will be better. It takes a while to relearn things, but they’re supposed to really help (I’ve heard maybe 60 or more dB improvement)…
If only they spent even a fraction as much on hearing research as they’re blowing right now on Corona…sigh…


i hope the implant helps your son!

Cuppa Covfefe

Thank you! It’s getting to be a more common procedure, but it’s still an invasive one. If only they could regrow the hair cells (still in the experimental stage) or, better yet, like in Star Trek, just run the Tricorder (or whatever it was) over the ears and they’d be healed.
He’s musical, and talented with speech and language, so that’s supposed to help adjustment and recovery…


cuppa, you do know that Rush has the implants, no?
Took him a short while to adjust, but he has done very well w/them.


“Choosing Contentment Over Comparison” | July 19, 2020

Deplorable Patriot

Another man teaching us about the dignity of living life.
Dr. Zev Zelenko
I believe in power of prayer/positive thinking. I’m alive due to love of God and his followers. My doctors think its recurrent sarcoma of the heart valve. There is concern about my hip bone. It doesn’t matter how you die. It matters how you live. Let’s win war against tyranny.
10:06 AM · Jul 19, 2020


Wow thats bad news. Hope they figure it out and he gets an extension. if rbg can live this long, surely a good person should get a bit more time.


He’s living with one lung already, from a previous rare cancer two years ago. Not lung cancer, a pulmonary thing where they had to remove a lung.

Deplorable Patriot

And it looks like it has returned.

Gail Combs

The man deserves a metal of honor and a place in the history books.
I think God placed him on earth and kept him alive for this moment in time.


He has been threatening a total lickdiwn for about a week. He will do it, then Gruesome will apply it and it will be “select” counties.
Make L.A Great Again 🇺🇸 (@GuiltyHonkey) Tweeted:
Wow what a POS. He’s blaming Trump for the failures of Newsom and him. The he throws in a comment about “secret agents” in Portland at the end…wtf? He’s such a pathetic hack.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Eric Garcetti, the ChiCom Toadie.

Cuppa Covfefe

Bring back Sam Yorty…


Dang! Those were the days!
Sam Yorty — a blast from the past. Thanks for that.


Hey, mom & dad.
Your baby boy gets more people at his events than a Joe Biden rally
& I’m just a dog walker turned trash collector.

WOW! A packed, energized, excited group of freedom-fighters in Sacramento.
There is hope for California!
Consider this your loving warning that we’re voting this November.

Deplorable Patriot

So, will Sigourney Weaver be around to kill off the aliens that hatch out?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I expect her to be shilling for the new masks!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This was just archived by somebody two hours before I could archive it:
This is extremely important, because it shows what I’ve been contending all along – that framing Trump with “Muh Russia” was not merely PHONY – it was actually REVERSO – that the Soviet STOOGES (Hillary, Kerry, Obama, etc.) are still working overtime for Russian interests (not just Russian Communist interests), which have been DENUCLEARIZATION of the West from the very moment that Stalin learned of the Manhattan project.


Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time






Beautiful! My Montana fix for the day. 🙂
Thank You.


Most welcome, Dora – and – Thank you for your contributions as well! God Bless You!!!


Qanon July 19, 2020 – Prepare for Zero Day Attacks


PORTLAND IS A MESS!!! More than just a naked protester – Street Preacher attacked – Antifa runs away!!!
UPDATED WITH NEW VIDEO — Female Marxist strips NAKED in front of Portland police line (photos)…
Posted by Kane on July 19, 2020 1:57 am


Possessed. How else do you explain this?


Professional stripper looking to “up” her social media score?


Nope. Hirsute stripper isn’t a good look. 🙄


Sean (Parler: Cordicon) Medium starMedium starMedium star
It’s only a mask.
Couple under house arrest after testing positive for COVID-19
Saturday, July 18, 2020 9:50PM image

LOUISVILLE, Kentucky — A Kentucky couple is under house arrest after one of them tested positive for coronavirus and refused to sign self-quarantine papers.
Elizabeth Linscott got tested for COVID-19 because she was planning to go visit her parents.
“My grandparents wanted to see me, too, so, just to make sure that, you know, if I tested negative, that they would be okay, everything would be fine,” Linscott said.
After testing positive but without showing any symptoms, Linscott said the health department contacted her, requesting she sign documents.
“I agreed to comply to call the Health Department if I was to go. I was to call the Health Department if I was to leave my house for any reason,” she said.
But, she chose not to sign.
“I had gotten a message from them, a text message that stated, because of your refusal to sign, this is going to be escalated, and law enforcement will be involved,” she said.
Later that week, the county sheriff greeted Linscott’s husband, Isaiah, at their front door.
“I open up the door, and there’s like eight different people, five different cars, and I’m like ‘what the heck’s going on?’ This guy’s in a suit with a mask. It’s the Health Department guy, and they have three papers for us. For me, her and my daughter,” he said.
The couple was ordered to wear ankle monitors. If they travel more than 200 feet, law enforcement will be notified.
“We didn’t rob a store. We didn’t steal something. We didn’t hit and run. We didn’t do anything wrong,” Linscott said.
The couple said they never denied self-quarantining. They just didn’t agree with the wording of the documents.
And, that’s exactly what the Director of the Public Health Department told the judge, that I was refusing to self-quarantine because of this, and I’m like, ‘that’s not the case at all. I never said that,'” she said.
Linscott said even without the ankle monitor, she had planned to be cautious, and if she had needed medical care, she would have let healthcare workers know she was infected with the virus.

+twatter RT *




There have been so many false positives – maybe they should have had another test.


Refusal to sign documents now = home arrest??
🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬comment image

Deplorable Patriot

I saw that one the other day.
Sense is certainly not common anymore if people are falling for all the crap.


Its a clear false arrest. What she needs is a good attorney.


A lawsuit should have been filed immediateliy.


comment image


The Army to big cities last week, the Navy to smaller ones tomorrow…
Beginning July 19, one U.S. Navy Acute Care Team will provide support at the Valley Baptist Medical Center in Harlingen and four U.S. Navy Rural Rapid Response Teams will support hospitals in Del Rio, Eagle Pass, and Rio Grande City.
The teams consist of medical and support professionals being deployed to help meet medical needs in hospitals throughout the state of Texas.


They need to bring the HCQ stuff because apparently Mexico is one of those countries that don’t treat with it and we know they are showing up to treat Mexican migrant workers who’ve shown up for care.


POTUS actually CRUSHED Miss Chrissy in his interview today. Waiting for full video. Of course lib spin machine is bass ackwards. No way Sleepy Joe could’ve done this. Fi has amazing accuracy in her predictions.

Rodney Short

Thank you for transcripts


“So what we know is this, COVID-19 is extremely limited in its lethality in children.  In fact, on the list of the 10 most common causes of death in the 5 – 24 year old population, COVID doesn’t even make the top 50.”


Jul 19, 2020 1:12:15 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f02354 No. 10009877


George Papadopoulos
Two years ago I was one of four witnesses who testified behind close doors about FISA abuse to the house oversight committee in front of Mark Meadows and John Ratcliff. Very sensitive testimony. It’s time
Feb 14, 2017 tweet:
Yamiche Alcindor
Wow. Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence, via
Arthur Schwartz
This garbage was first reported by the New York Times and then amplified by countless other frauds in the media. It was just completely debunked and they’re all silent.
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army!
Replying to
Might be time to do an update on this one…
Michael Flag of United States Medium starMedium starMedium star Truth Bomber for Gen Flynn
Replying to
Yep that sure didn’t age well!
Meadows signals imminent indictments in Durham probe: ‘It’s time for people to go to jail’
The Justice Department’s watchdog has identified critical errors in every FBI wiretap application
+twatter RT via @GrrrGraphics
GrrrGraphics Cartoons
Soon I hope- The American people want justice! We can’t let the radial left marxists and Fake Noose Media steal the election!


Jul 19, 2020 1:14:30 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f02354 No. 10009902comment image

v2_change we can believe in


Is purple-tie Wray asleep or is he a sleeper?
v2_change we can believe in
Qcomment image


Can’t figure out what the v2_ means in the Q post.


Maybe Version #2?
Who used the “change we can believe in” motto?


Praying Medic writes that v2 means version 2, as well. Makes perfect sense!


I’m thinking it means
FBI v2
FBI Directory v2
Or possible
WRAY v2.0
I’d love to see “WRAY ACTIVATED” and turn into the Terminator.
(doubt it will happen, but I would still be impressed)


Christopher Wray
Greatest FBI Bench Warmer in History!comment image


Wow, not very smart optics….Wray, you just don’t go there.
Doesn’t anyone get the feeling he’s just begging to be fired? Then he can write his book, of course!


Does this mean we can finally stop pretending like Chrissy is a white hat?
Q said “Trust Wray” directly three times:
Q post # 433, 787 and 1122.


Jul 19, 2020 1:15:24 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f02354 No. 10009912
Jul 19, 2020 1:14:19 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: b92a09 No. 10009900
Mark Meadows on Spygate: “It’s All Starting to Unravel
It’s Time for People to Go to Jail”
279 views•Jul 19, 2020



Mark Meadows on Spygate: “It’s All Starting to Unravel – It’s Time for People to Go to Jail”

+twatter rt via @John_F_Kennnedy
John F. Kennedy Jr.
Mark Meadows on Spygate: “It’s All Starting to Unravel
It’s Time for People to Go to Jail”
279 views•Jul 19, 2020


Jul 19, 2020 1:38:53 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 0a25d1 No. 10010219
Jul 19, 2020 1:32:49 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: f2ea36 No. 10010141
Jul 19, 2020 1:38:53 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 0a25d1 No. 10010219
Jul 19, 2020 1:32:49 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: f2ea36 No. 10010141comment imagecomment image
>>10010141comment image


The Occult Symbolism Found on the Bank of America Murals
Prominently displayed in the lobby of the Bank of America’s Corporate Center are “creepy” frescoes, filled with occult symbols. Even more unsettling is the fact that those images seem to predict events of a radical world change in the not-so-distant future. Are those murals predicting the coming of an occult New World Order? We will look at the occult meaning of the symbols found on the Bank of America frescoes.


Petition asks Trader Joe’s to change its ‘racist’ food packaging
You people are so upset about a food packaging? That’s your big worry?


All to exert power and shake down for blm or associate groups. But TJoes is fairly lefty so anyone who caters to tge frowd can suck it really.


Its a shame since I like Trader joes. I think Aldi owns them in a way….


two brothers… one owns TJ’s, the other Aldi’s


Aldi doesnt own. They are from the same family.

Cuppa Covfefe

ALDI was originally split between the two Albrecht brothers, Karl and Theodore, with Theo running ALDI Süd (south) (who run ALDI stores in the USA) and Karl running ALDI Nord (who own and run TJ’s in the USA). Both of the groups are run by family foundations since 1993, but, now that Karl and Theo have both passed, there is a slight move to unify the two groups (to simplify things and save money).
In some countries (e.g. Austria) ALDI is called Hofer; in other contries Hofer is one of the “house brands”…
The main competitor is probably LIDL, itself a group with a few different chains under one umbrella.
Both ALDI and LIDL have taken to selling name brands as well as their house brands, which are usually re-badged name brands. In some cases, there are the name brand, the second-line of the name brand, and the ALDI or LIDL house brand on the same shelf, side-by-side, with no-one the wiser that they’re (usually) the exact same product. BUT, there are websites and books that reveal these secrets. Nothing like combining a little detective work with shopping 🙂 (except for wearing the stupid §$%&() masks…


They just opened an aldi in my city. People dont like the check out at all. Unload, pay, throw in the cart, move to the wall, bag yourself. Plus you pay for a cart. However, obviously people are shopping there if they still are expanding.

Cuppa Covfefe

In Germany, and most of Europe, there are no baggers; folks have to bag groceries themselves. Often people bring their plastic fold-up heavy bags or cartons, and place their groceries in there. It was a shock to me when I moved over here in the early 1980s, but, on the other hand, it saved money, and didn’t take much time to do. Plus, I got to load the bags/boxes/etc. the way I wanted it done. Here you can use a token for the cart; I have a number of plastic ones, so if they get stuck in the cart, no problem. Haven’t ever had it happen, though. Otherwise it’s a 50 Euro-cent piece or a Euro piece as a VERY small deposit on the cart.


Yep. A deposit just like the airport!

Gail Combs

You do not pay for the cart. You put a quarter in, use the cart and then return it to the que and lock it in and you quarter is returned.
Same principal as the deposit on bottles and cans. It make people more ‘tidy’ and costs the store a lot less in cart handling and cart damage.


Ah well here in CA, we are required to oay fir many varieties of deposits, but do not get them back. We even are required to pay a mattress disposal fee at time of purchase, no refund at any time is given, no one to call to pick it up and if you leave the state you dont get the money back.





Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Future Nancy-Face!!!


When procedures change the appearance of the natural bone structure of a person’s face, it is not a good outcome. I can’t imagine having to deal with a decision she made that turned out so poorly, and that the public is ruthlessly commenting on — in addition to being a public figure and having to be seen. It makes me uncomfortable, when it has nothing to do with me. Ouch!
I wonder is this just scuttled her chances at being VP. Everyone would be talking about his senility and her face [shaking my head].



the surgeon deserves a medal!


the surgeon deserves a medal!”
Yep, he got her good.
No way to fix it now.
It would take a funhouse mirror to make that look normal.


MAGA doc….Many Adjustments Gone Awry






comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

She looks like the “happy” theatre mask… or maybe Munch’s “The Scream”…comment image


” I can’t imagine having to deal with a decision she made that turned out so poorly, and that the public is ruthlessly commenting on — in addition to being a public figure and having to be seen.”
The public wouldn’t be so ruthless if she wasn’t such a vicious, nasty, ruthless psychopath herself.


“I wonder is this just scuttled her chances at being VP. Everyone would be talking about his senility and her face [shaking my head].”
If Hitlery is going to be the candidate (and who will stop her?), then the person formerly known as ‘Kamala’ wasn’t going to be the VP pick anyway. Hitlery hates black people.
On the other hand, Hitlery also says publicly that black people all look the same to her, so Hitlery wouldn’t even notice the new hatchet-job Kamala just did to her face.


I thought that surely this was photo shopped. Looked up her own youtube channel … this is really what she looked like! YIKES


I didn’t even recognize her!
She went full-freak job.
At least half of her face doesn’t even move… and the rest of it doesn’t even look like her anymore.
Man… like she went to the Cat-Woman plastic surgeon.
And the BS she’s spewing about Lewis… the interviewer should ask her how many times she put her heels high for Lewis.
Her surprise at the question might actually be enough to break her frozen face 😂🤣😂


If her objective for plastic surgery was to go into the Witness Protection Program and nobody would ever recognize her again, then the surgery was a total success… good job, Kamala 👍
Er… I mean, ‘Kathy’ 😉 😂


It’s perfect, really.
Now the fraud on the outside matches the fraud on the inside. 👍😂😂😂


I am in tears.




Even Willie Brown would run away from that.


There is no way that is KH. The eyes, body language and intonations are wrong. We’ve seen them insert a body double for Hillary during the 2016 campaign. WTH is going on?

Deplorable Patriot

I’m with you on the KH thing. I don’t think it’s her either.


Hopefully this tweet will post

Clonemala Harris— Tommy G (@TommyG) July 20, 2020


John Ward July 19, 2020 Uncategorized

Why do hacks never ask the questions real people want answers to?
When a balanced history of Contrick19 is finally written, it remains my expectation that the social, broadcast and press media will be the recipients of the most almighty drubbing in communications history….if, that is, the freedom to publish via internet and print books still exists.
This is not exactly breaking news for those who are awake and still firmly fixed by gravity onto the real world of Planet Earth. But the best form of providing foundations for an opinion will always be exemplification by the use of unanswered questions about the mismatch between ‘official’ narratives and the objective data.
This post offers a primer – for all those ideologue “reporters” in contemporary Western media sets – about what Robin Day and Ed Murrow used to do, and Tucker Carlson at Fox News still does.
Albeit set largely in an Anglo-American-Gallic context – I am a great believer in ‘write what you know’ – there follow ten perfectly reasonable and yet puzzling questions that not many citizens across the world care about these days….but enough do to make it worth my while showing what might be achieved if lightweight media activists stopped scoring infantile political points, and started doing their job – viz: calling State power to account.
A question for President Trump: It is clear you have little or no faith in Dr Fauci, Mr President. It is equally clear that he (and the CDC he controls) have strong Pharma links, and he has suppressed the use of effective management drug cocktails to reduce the death rate for Covid19 victims. Can you explain to us therefore why he hasn’t been fired in favour of somebody like Robert F Kennedy Jr?
A question for President Macron: Would you like to explain to us why your long and unhealthy copainisme relationship with the drugs giant Sanofi has helped that Big Pharma cowboy outfit to avoid both prosecutions for malpractice and huge tax bills since 2010? Also why you let them slag off the distinguised Professor Didier Raoult whose HCQ cocktails could’ve saved the French State millions of euros in Covid19 victim recovery management….and tens of thousands of lives?
A question for UK Prime Sinister Mark Sedwill: Given that Neil Ferguson had already cost the British State £18 billion in needless livestock slaughter on the basis of wildly alarmist predictions about BSE et al, why did you wheel out this 3-time loser as a credible adviser on Covid19? Did you note that his research & cod-science modelling claptrap is entirely funded by Pharmaceutical and billionaire vaccination interests?
A question for Prime Minister Boris Johnson and President Macron: Why did you agree to your economy being subjected to 100% Lockdown when only circa 1 in 6 of your populations are defined as ‘vulnerable’ to death from Covid19….and 90% of them aren’t economically active? All of this data was available to both of you….why didn’t you overrule the idiot modellers? As achievers of the highest Office in the land, The People have the right to expect, at the very least, your competence in such matters.
Another question for Prime Minister Boris Johnson and President Macron: Both your countries lost in the region of $3trillion US in gdp as a result of Lockdown….this is (for both of you) roughly 12 times the cost of defending your NHS and Assurance Maladie respectively: so why did you opt to screw up the economy rather than invest in the national insurance infrastructure? Please bear in mind that this is an ethical as well as economic question: use both sides of the paper, and avoid woffle, as examples of same will be deducted from your scores.
A question for all three examinees: Given that firm quantitative data from India via Saudi Arabia to Australia has now demonstrated conclusively that Covid19 is far less able to spread under conditions of high temperature and humidity (as is the case with Coronavirus generally) why do your Health “authorities” cling to the idea that this is untrue?
A question for Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron: one of the few things all virologists can agree upon is that single-layer face masks are 98% ineffective in controlling the spread of C19. So why as of Monday are we all legally required to wear these abominations while in shops?
A question for Boris Johnson: who appointed Professor Peter Horby to carry out Covid19 drugs trials under the auspices of Oxford Recovery…..trials that flagrantly misused the recommended administration of HCQ in order to find in favour of Remdesivir – a drug 63% less effective than HCQ cocktails – and probably resulted in the needless death of some 35 patients?
And yet another question for Boris Johnson: would you like to explain to us please why numerous medical professionals have testified to the falsification of death certificates – and casual assumptions that Covid19 was the cause of death among other pathogens – and yet the UK’s biggest funereal provider (the Cooperative Movement) reports “no significant rise in demand”?
And one final question for all three contestants: why is it that none of the statistics at bear any relationship at all to the illiberal measures being considered to contain a virus that yesterday killed 946 people in the US, 114 in the UK, and 14 citizens of the French 5th Republic?
These questions go unanswered for all kind of reasons: the media have now kept the public in the dark for so long on Contrick19, even to ask them would leave some people baffled; and all three men are careful to avoid contrarian interviewers.
But that they add up to a pattern is undeniable. For example, to reject the relevance of such questions is to suggest that our politico-bureaucratic élites are mathematically dyslexic, economically illiterate, and incapable of reading engagingly expressed medical opinion condemning Lockdown, extolling herd immunity, and raising doubts about the possibility of a viable Coronavirus vaccine in the first place. Or even, taking on board that an inevitable reduction in the global population of 0.0064% represents a cull of the old and ill that is almost homoaeopathic in its nature…and most certainly not a “reason” to plunge the global economy into a slump of unparalleled severity.
The very least the open-minded among us ask is that people ponder the question “cui bono”, and then follow the money. This is not a case of conspiranoia, but detection: of motives (and there are many) of pre-Covid dirty linen, of political opportunism, of engorged medical researcher egos, of plans to destabilise elected governments, of new excuses for Brussels to cry foul on Brexit, and of the US hegemonist desire to add a Chinese demon to the Russian one.
At base, Covid19 is a developing demonstration of Nineteen Eighty-Four incarnate: Hate rallies, invisible threats, bogey men, ‘permanent war’ – and above all, yet more rationales for surveillance and control.
Enjoy your Sunday lunch.


+twatter RT

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Awesome polemic!!!


Save for the part about China (ie. “adding a Chinese demon to the Russian one”).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“….and of the US hegemonist desire to add a Chinese demon to the Russian one.”

(1) Dude clearly hasn’t figured out the whole “Muh Russia” thing, and
(2) bet he’s in “rescue HK mode” – which is going to load the UK with more ChiCom spies than it will know what to do with!


Keep reading John Ward, Michael.
He’s brilliant. I don’t always agree with what he says, but he offers cogent arguments.
Thanks very much for the link.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Scott Adams is being worn down on masks! Will he support Biden, eventually? 😉


+twatter RT Wolf
The question isn’t whether masks “work”. They “work” for shielding the face from being seen.
The question is whether masks are effective for preventing the spread of Coronavirus.
The answer to that question is unambiguously “no”.
So the ruse becomes to change the question.


Looks as if Adams is on a power trip wanting to control his fellow Americans? Is his progressive depressed child coming out?

Cuppa Covfefe

Actually sounds like he’s being leaned on. HARD.
He’s a syndicated cartoonist and author, and the powers that be can shut that down.
Have to wonder why masks are so important to them.
I rather expect that it’s a deep, dark, Satanic reason (look up the background of masquerade parties, for instance, VigilantCitizen has some good articles on that)…
I think Scott Adams should be especially cognizant of the symbolism surrounding masks, as he is an expert on “influence” and influencers…


I heard he was worth about $75 million so he has no human master.


He did this in 2016, too.
Not worried. Just another mindplay.


I blocked Scott Adams a long time ago. He is and had been dead to me.


Jenny Tolman – Where We Go One, We Go All (Original Song)


More number manipulation…….Did they die today…… or 1,2, 3 months ago????


I don’t trust any of the numbers anymore, and I don’t think I’m alone in that.
This article was linked on that same page:
One month after statewide mask mandate, California’s daily COVID case average has increased by 162%</b
It appears that masks don't work, but are the numbers accurate? Is the reporting accurate? Who knows. I hope the Trump admin can straighten it out before the consequences become too dire.


Had it been rep after a dem it woukd have been taken care of.
Guns save lives
Had enough yet?


Isn’t that trespassing?


OANN reporting that Missouri guv has promised to pardon the gun wielding couple if indicted.



+twatter RT
Antonio Vivaldi Second Season, “Summer” and who doesn’t like summer?

My wife loves Vivaldi’s seasons, it’s one of our favorites. We used it in our wedding.


You and your Bride have good taste in music. 🙂


Q 4598
0 13:34:18 (EST) NEW
Moves_and_Countermoves_07192020_1_Herridge_twts_FISA_lindsey_steele_dossier_Paege_Russua_contacts.png ⬇ image
Important to fully digest and understand.
Follow for days ahead [DECLAS].
[note the pen]
You have more than you know.


The Herridge tweets (hope this posts):comment image


It would be really convenient if we could actually READ the parts the pen points out.


If you click on the link it takes you to the tweet. From there you can click on the pics and enlarge them.


Was going to ditto that….trying to enlarge only blurs it.


Prison is Coming!
The Scheme Team Can’t Protect Themselves Anymore!
Important to fully digest and understand.
Follow for days ahead [DECLAS].
[note the pen]
You have more than you know.
Qcomment image


Look where the pen is pointing.
2nd the pen is pointing at Sept 19, 2016 as a crucial date.
MERCER pen? MERCER is an HR consulting firm. Someone to be fired?


Mercers owned BB, Bannon’s friends?, Backed POTUS

Deplorable Patriot

Robert Mercer owns one of the big hedge funds. Cambridge Analytica as well, I believe. He was Cruz’s big backer, IIRC. Each of the Republican candidates had a billionaire behind them in 2016.

Gail Combs

Herridge tweet images. (hopefully readable)comment imagecomment image


Jul 19, 2020 3:38:23 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e91d4f No. 10011517comment image


I kind of think of all that happened pre 2015 under Obama and then even much farther back as a couple of needed Prequals to explain to the masses


There is also evidence that bacteria builds up on inside of mask, causing wearer to test POSITIVE for COVID-19
HOAX… HOAX… all in effort to defeat POTUS…
They will attempt to destroy us and the country in order to maintain power…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Carl – there is a very interesting study you need to look at, in this tweet.
Look at my tweets with this guy on Scott Adams’ timeline. I go into detail about why the Hanoi study means cloth masks are no good – PROVEN – and only real medical masks work on helping the WEARER keep from getting ILIs – when used properly by trained medical personnel. This is big stuff. And, like the old chloroquine study, it’s been around for a while, but people don’t want to look at the implications.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The REVIEW in that tweet is excellent, too.


What’s this! Back the blue on the Brooklyn Bridge? I never saw this on the news! Not even FOX!


🇺🇸 Pismo 🇺🇸
“I bled for this city and I’d do it again tomorrow.”
Powerful words from Lieutenant Richard Mack as he left the hospital today after being viciously attacked on the Brooklyn Bridge.


The Library
I constantly hear Leftwing extremists say President Trump is cold, callous & isn’t capable of Empathy.
That’s a lie they perpetuate to justify their own hate & obsession.
This is the reality:

Foster Friess
When former Miss Wisconsin Melissa Young was in the hospital with an incurable illness, Trump sent her a handwritten letter calling her “the bravest woman I know” and provided her son with a full ride to college.
Harold Wren


This makes these terrorist acts federal offenses even if NOT committed against Federal property or employees. Its an interstate crime, making it the jurisdiction of FBI & DHS. It also demonstrates *coordination & planning* across state lines- thats conspiracy to commit terrorism, a Federal Crime.
Harold Wren
Justin Roberts@Crawnchee
After trying to burn down the PPA building, they’re throwing weapons back at police. #PortlandRiots #PortlandUnderSiege #AntifaTerrorist #BlackLivesMatter


Jemele Hill
If you vote for Donald Trump, you are a racist. You have no wiggle room.
Jenna Ellis
Plainly absurd comments like this only create more resolve among reasonable people that leftists should never be in charge of anything.
We’ll vote Trump proudly regardless of your silly little threats to call us names.
Catturd ™
Replying to
I can’t keep up – you get fired so often – do you still have a job somewhere?


cc: Chris Wallace
Jenna Ellis
But let’s be honest… no one is confident Joe Biden could actually recognize an elephant.


Wow the one couple who had a Joe Biden flag took it down. LOL

Deplorable Patriot

Now, why does this remind me of Yang, our almost 13 year old 26 pound Havanese, when he finds a pillow.


Oh please. No money for you…besides closed Post offices means no mail in ballots
Schumer: Post offices at risk to close without $25M in COVID aid


Bah, let Amazon bail them out.


Jenna Ellis
editorialized their own interview with President
Instead of just playing it and letting Americans decide for themselves, Chris Wallace has to defend himself by cutting away and explaining himself.
Not a good look and embarrassing for him.


Concerned Virginian

And it appears to me from this video clip that the “Kamala Harris” on the right has a slightly wider nose and eyes; eyebrows slightly wider apart; neck dynamics look different. Hmmm.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Definitely the SAME person using WOLF’S EXTREME NEURAL NET FACIAL FORENSICS. However, she has very likely gotten BOTOX in huge amounts.


But how do you explain the gap in the teeth. I doubt anyone would do that on purpose.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

First thing first – DO NOT allow the assertion of a gap to act as a hypnotic suggestion. I approached this skeptically and saw no gap.
Then, I stepped through the frames carefully to observe small dental features, ALL of which are to some extent either magnified or diminished by pixel effects, but are nevertheless diagnostic because those same effects occur in BOTH videos, and in almost exactly the same way. VERY fine details.
She has several areas of gum recession, which under certain conditions of exposure and lighting look dark. In some cases, the shadow “brightwashes” out, and the teeth look fully capped, but in other cases the dark spot expands by pixel effects and looks “gappy”.
Step through enough of the frames where she bares her teeth, and it’s QUITE CLEAR it’s the same person, exactly – no significant tooth work that I can tell.


The peaceful protesters are at it again…..


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Sadie Slays

Given who tweeted this, I suspect it might a very subtle message to China regarding the Three Gorges Dam situation.


Look out XiCP!!!


Can you imagine the ANXIETY of actually living on the dry side of a dam, like in the drawing above?
I would never do it.
I would never even be able to sleep.
You would have to trust not just the engineers and the contractors and the builders and the inspectors, but also everybody who maintains the dam, and the people responsible for warning people if there is a problem.
That’s thousands of people, and your life is in their hands.
And I don’t even know a single one of them… much less trust them 😂🤣😂


I couldn’t/wouldn’t live there. Won’t live close to a Hurricane coast or in an Earthquake state either.


I used to live in what is now Santa Clarita.


I guess the moral of this story is that you just can’t trust somebody who embezzled more than $89,999 from you.
Which is good to know, because somebody had to test that limit… and you don’t want to be ‘that’ guy. 👍

Cuppa Covfefe

Frankthe Tank asks:
I wonder if the “death to Bezos” graffiti on the Amazon Go window will get his attention.
This sequence is classic:
(Knuckles Deep Biden)
Waiting to see my Soyboy nephew on the news, living at home age 38, been to 4 different colleges around the world just to drop out, hair in a bun, only worked for 6 months until his injury now SSI for life? What a Ta Wat. Sent him a 12 pack of yellow vest for Xmas so he could start his own movement.
(spectral 69)
Bernie Sanders would be proud, he is following in his footsteps.Your nephew could run for congress and be a millionaire at 65.
With three houses, one a beachfront
and from Papa Blue Stars:
BLM and Antifa–the military arm of the Democrat Party.
The MSM–the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party
Ralph – Msg Ret says:
If that black pickup truck load does not look like something right out of a third world newscast of terrorists traveling through the streets I do not know what does.

Seattle and Portland are vying for the title of Wokeadishu



Gail Combs

TWEET put up by Praying Medic:

Andrew Bostom
Jul 15
Real data (again) comparing seasonal flu deaths in Texas in 2017-2018, & 2018-2019, to C19 deaths in 2020 (data from Texas Dept of Health): 2019 flu data ; 2018 flu data 2020 C19 data as of 7/14/20;

comment image
Print that on your masks…


“Print that on your masks…”

Elizabeth Carter
Elizabeth Carter

Psalm 16:8 KJV
8 I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.


Jul 19, 2020 9:36:30 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b6ffc0 No. 10015028

Sunlight kills.


What’s v2?


Version 2? Volume 2? I’m wondering if there was a v1 regarding “Sunlight kills.” It seems that the phrase was used earlier, but I haven’t been able to find it.


Jul 19, 2020 9:39:01 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b6ffc0 No. 10015079

Sunlight kills.


Jul 19, 2020 10:01:02 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b6ffc0 No. 10015372comment image
News | socials = propaganda
News | socials = bias
News | socials = political tool
News | socials = weapon
News | socials = camouflage
We are one of many vehicles traveling on the information superhighway.
The choice [of information] has always been yours.
“Free thought” is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.
Information warfare.


Jul 19, 2020 10:24:57 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 94847b No. 10015756
How many [R] 2016 candidates were illegally surv?
How many journalists were illegally surv?
How many House members were illegally surv?
How many Senate members were illegally surv?
Upstream collection. [umbrella]
spy_insert_campaign[s] 1&2
a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.
fifth columnist


Jul 19, 2020 10:33:13 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 94847b No. 10015906
Batten down the hatches.


One of the most effective ground support platforms in the entire world. No one else has anything like it, a
though the Russians are in development of their own version.
Most often deployed at night, it sounds like passing air traffic…common over a battlefield…so it doesn’t reveal itself until it fires. And by then, it’s too late.
Want a demo of what a flight crew sees on a combat mission?
Youtube search: “AC-130 Gunship Mission”


Yep, I have seen it called ‘Puff the Magic Dragon’ too.
I tried to get one for my neighborhood watch, but the city council wouldn’t approve the zoning variance to remodel and expand my garage to be big enough to hold it.


One of the most effective ground support platforms in the entire world. No one else has anything like it, a
though the Russians are in development of their own version.
Most often deployed at night, it sounds like passing air traffic…common over a battlefield…so it doesn’t reveal itself until it fires. And by then, it’s too late.
Want a demo of what a flight crew sees on a combat mission?
Youtube search: “AC-130 Gunship Mission”




Q 4605
s1Jq13jV6 ID: 57187e No.10016273 📁
Jul 19 2020 21:55:35 (EST) NEW
Chris_Wray.jpg ⬇comment image




Q 4606
2020 21:56:56 (EST) NEW
Untitled.png ⬇comment image


So Q is agreeing with the anon who posted the pic of Wray with an X on his face. Ominous!


He’s a POS. Been aiding, abetting, and covering up for the human scum for a while now. Just brought in another RR/Yates Deep Stated to replace Boente.


Q 4607
Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b4fff0 No.10016468 📁
Jul 19 2020 22:06:56 (EST) NEW
Are you ready to serve once again?


Yes we are more than ready for Flynn to serve again. Admiral Rodgers, too.


Either of those men as FBI director, or even acting director, would put the Left in a tailspin. 🍿


One popcorn bucket will hardly be enough. Just saying.


I just wanted to pop in and give y’all a bit of a COVID-19 ground report from here in Montana.
So our POS Democrat Governor decreed masks be worn everywhere by everybody. I have been out to eat a few times, to the feed store, the local Habitat for Humanity, and to the grocery store. I have still not worn a mask. I can’t. PTSD issues from childhood trauma. It just isn’t happening.
Many local restaurants and businesses are refusing to make employees or customers wear masks.
Our local Sheriff sent out a notice that they will not enforce mask rules. They will enforce trespassing and disorderly conduct if you won’t leave a store that asks you to, but that’s it.
Then, most of the Sheriffs in the whole state signed a similar letter.
Montana is not like a lot of places. Lots of people will NOT follow edicts. It’s getting interesting, because the “mask bullies” are making Facebook pages to report restaurants. A lot of my friends are slamming them pretty hard. One person on there was my primary care nurse practitioner! She got a direct message from me, I was pretty hot. I was not nice, and shamed her. I will not be going back to her, obviously.
I can’t wait for Election Day +1 so this stupid virus becomes just a stupid virus.


it’s a real pity how liberals have invaded Montana over the past 20 years. Beautiful Bozeman has been thoroughly trashed by the invasion. i’m grateful I got to know it and see it very well before it was defaced by liberals fleeing the shithole they had/have created in California.


I find that mask-Nazis respond better to the term mask-Nazi, as in “Don’t be a mask-Nazi” 😁
And remember, if you get a citation or anything else for not caving in to the mask-Nazis, there is an attorney who has set up a nationwide network of attorneys who will represent you for free:
Mike Yoder
If you’re arrested or fined for opening your business, not wearing a mask, or going to church, DM me.
I’ll represent you for free.
2:23 AM · Jul 4, 2020


Yup. No mask for this guy. When asked by the doore sentry, as I continue walking, I look at them and firmly say, “I can’t safely wear a mask”.
Have only been challenged a few time? Do I have a medical. A curt, “yes” ends it.
No idea what the Walmart black shirt “medical somebody” will be like. Don’t plan to take their shit either.
Gotta go to Home Depot tomorrow.


This is Texas flu and C19 comparison – and it’s probably true everywhere – Flu claims more lives than Covid-19.

If they had made a big deal – hyping up H1N1 with a big old Johns Hopkins style map with big red circles – and tested the heck out of H1N1 Flu – posting the totals every damned day during and after the Øbastard regime – it would have surpassed the Coronavirus statistics BY FAR!!!


FLORIDA dishonest reporting – !

TOO MUCH WINNING!! – GOP Wins Court Case, Keeping Florida Ballot Harvesting Ban in Place
GOP Wins Court Case, Keeping Florida Ballot Harvesting Ban in Place
The RNC, the NRCC, and the Florida GOP won a federal court victory upholding Florida’s ban on ballot harvesting.


Q 4608
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b4fff0 No.10016912 📁
Jul 19 2020 22:24:56 (EST) NEW
God Bless America.


Flynn said yes??? Glory be!


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 14fba8 No.10017199 📁
Jul 19 2020 22:40:01 (EST) NEW📁
Anons take note.
You have a rival.


Q 4610 is posted on tomorrow’s open thread.


Sooo, today was shopping day since Sam’s mask policy set to start tomorrow and Kroger on 7/22 – checked both websites.
Sams no mask sign, I was the only one not wearing a mask, lots of people. Shopping done, Headed towards front, stopped by refrigerated produce, contemplating salad. Some figure whizzed behind me, I heard ‘ma’am’. I turned looking, again ‘ma’am’, located the tall Sams produce Ken. He pointed to his face, said you need to wear a mask. I looked at him, shook my head, said tomorrow, turned and walked off. Checked Out and done.
On to Kroger, of course they had a sign up days before the effective date.🙄 Put mask on, went in, pulled it down either under my nose, or under my chin the whole time. Heck, even the Kroger shopping lady who pulls the pickup orders had hers on her chin too. The whole time the announcements played reminding to wash hands, social distance, and follow the mask ‘local ordinance’. There is no flippin ordinance!!! That would require legislation. Thank God I’m stocked up for the next 3-4 weeks. Praying for the Army/Navy to straighten out Texas, while POTUS fixes the CDC.


“Put mask on, went in, pulled it down either under my nose, or under my chin the whole time. Heck, even the Kroger shopping lady who pulls the pickup orders had hers on her chin too.”
That will work perfectly.
If you have to wear it at all, wear it on your chin.
If anybody says anything to you, keep a straight face, and tell them that the chin is the most vulnerable entry point for the virus.
That’s why President Trump always calls it “Chin-a Virus”.
And then just walk away…