Dear KMAG: 20200724 Open Topic / Vaccine News / Vaccine Horse Race / Vaccine Evolution / Vaccine Conservatism

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Our movement

Is about replacing

A failed


Political establishment

With a new government controlled

By you, the American People.

Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Vaccine News

I started off above with THIS NEWS…..

For many of you, I can safely predict that this does NOT feel like “good news” to you. For others, it does feel like good news, but perhaps YOU are dreading being positive about vaccines in a movement which is largely skeptical of them.

MY MISSION is to make you ALL welcome this news, because you will FEAR NO TRUTHS.

To do this, I’m going to take you on a LONG JOURNEY to answer one question – Is Wolf going to take THIS VACCINE if it makes it to production?

Are you ready to go? Here is your first BRAVERY KICK. Repeat after me…..


Are you ready to go? GOOD!

The first thing I noticed is that Seb Gorka – Q DENIER – is using the same GENERIC COVID-19 VACCINE IMAGE that measly Q blogger Wolf Moon uses all the time.

I downloaded this sucker back in APRIL, and used the original web URL in a lot of comments.

JUST SAYIN’. Gorka ain’t GOD. He’s just a small human in MAGA, just like the rest of us. He has to scrape images just like the rest of us.

Feel that FEAR slipping away?


Now – remember – POTUS is ALL-IN on developing a vaccine – and QUICKLY.


Don’t fear it. UNDERSTAND IT.

By the time we are done here, you will be able to OPINE SMARTLY about what POTUS is doing here, no matter what your personal view of vaccines – either for yourself or for others.

Let’s look more deeply at Seb Gorka’s article:

BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Secures 100 Million Doses of Coronavirus Vaccine from Pfizer


The United States government has secured a $2 billion deal for 100 million doses of a promising experimental Coronavirus vaccine being developed by the U.S.-based pharmaceutical company Pfizer and the German company BioNTech.

The two companies, which are producing the vaccine together, said that the doses will be provided to America if they prove “safe and effective in humans.” The Department of Health and Human Services confirmed that as a result of the government’s purchase, the vaccines would come at “no cost” to Americans seeking the vaccine once it’s available.

This is the latest vaccine candidate to be secured for the United States as a result of President Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed,” aimed at expediting the possible cure and eventual eradication of the Chinese virus. Other companies developing possible vaccines that have been enlisted by the government include Novavax, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Emergent Biosolutions.

Sebastian Gorka,

Here are the KEY POINTS you want to remember as we DIG DEEPER…..

  • deal is for enough doses to use (at least in the short-term) on PART of American populace – NOT ALL – although eventually there will be more than enough (see below)
  • it’s considered promising according to the TRUMP administration
  • vaccine is by US and German companies – NOT a Chinese vaccine
  • the US company is Pfizer – a key identifier along with BioNTech
  • conditioned on the vaccine being safe and effective IN HUMANS
  • part of Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed”
  • staying on message – it’s the CHINESE virus
  • OTHER vaccines and makers have been enlisted by the government
    • Novavax
    • Johnson & Johnson
    • Moderna
    • AstraZeneca
    • Emergent Biosolutions

You will note that there is a LINK – and basically what we have here is RE-REPORTING of CNBC.


So let’s GO THERE! Here is CNBC:

U.S. agrees to pay Pfizer and BioNTech $2 billion for 100 million doses of coronavirus vaccine

7:16 AM EDT
Will Feuer @WILLFOIA

According to the author, there are 3 key points:

  • Under the agreement, the U.S. will get 100 million doses of the vaccine, if it works, and can acquire 500 million additional doses if needed.
  • German biotech firm BioNTech and U.S.-based Pfizer are jointly developing the vaccine.
  • HHS said Americans won’t have to pay for it. 

Now – here are MY additional key points:

  • Pfizer and BioNTech are actually running FOUR different vaccines – any of them that wins may be the one that “succeeds” in this deal
  • A 30K participant trial of the/a Pfizer vaccine is expected to begin later this month (July 2020)
  • The most advanced candidate is called BNT162b1
  • Candidate BNT162b1 has been demonstrated to produce neutralizing antibodies in clinical trials
  • The article EXPLAINS the logic behind the Trump-Pence (Pence is my addition here) “Operation Warp Speed
    • multiple companies pushed to increase the odds of a WINNER, SOONER
    • goal is ENOUGH VACCINE FOR ALL AMERICANS [not saying mandatory – just saying]
    • logistics assumes success and builds supply chains and SCALE while researching
    • note that this is kinda how the Manhattan Project worked
    • this is just the latest vaccine effort to get a federal green light
      • Novavax vaccine was similarly green-lighted at 1.6 billion dollars
      • Johnson & Johnson green-lighted at 0.456 billon
      • Moderna green-lighted at 0.486 billion
      • Astra-Zeneca / Oxford green-lighted at 1.2 billion
      • Emergent Biosolutions green-lighted at 0.628 billion

The explanation of “Operation Warp Speed” is useful, so you don’t have to be AFRAID of talking about it and being mocked by Democrats, should you use the somewhat corny name. It’s like many of Trump’s simple but extremely sound ideas. The names are almost like gatekeepers that turn away mockers, reflexive haters, and other people of “bad faith”, but those of good faith are invited in to get in early on the winning team.

Yeah, I smell PENCE all over that. A genius hire, to do exactly this strategy.

Here is Azar talking:

“This is what’s really unprecedented with President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed. We are literally making the commercial scale vaccine now as we’re going through the clinical trial,” Azar told CNBC. “We’re doing that at risk, using the full power of the U.S. government and our financial resources to do that. No one’s ever done this before.”

Vaccine manufacturers like Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and others have been ramping up manufacturing capacity before their vaccine’s have been proven to be safe and effective and before receiving regulatory approval. That will help shave months off the time it takes to ultimately distribute a vaccine across the globe.

“We’ve been committed to making the impossible possible by working tirelessly to develop and produce in record time a safe and effective vaccine to help bring an end to this global health crisis,” Dr. Albert Bourla, chairman and CEO of Pfizer, said in a statement. “We made the early decision to begin clinical work and large-scale manufacturing at our own risk to ensure that product would be available immediately if our clinical trials prove successful and an Emergency Use Authorization is granted.”

Developing a safe and effective vaccine is seen as crucial to curbing the spread of the coronavirus, which has infected more than 14.9 million people around the world and killed at least 617,200 people, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.

While the companies and government race to deliver a successful vaccine, regulators and company officials have assured the public and members of Congress that they will not sacrifice on safety. All that’s at risk, they say, is money. 

A very interesting concept – risk the money on any failed vaccines as far as premature commercialization, but END the “threat” sooner and win big on rebounding the ECONOMY.

THAT RIGHT THERE sounds like classic Trumpian “manage the downside to win” thinking.

NOW – let’s dig DEEPER STILL.

Why is Trump throwing the BIGGEST CHUNK OF CASH YET at this particular vaccine?

In my opinion, it is because this vaccine is showing itself to be SAFE AND EFFECTIVE already, despite being one of the “newer” technologies.

To see this, we need to go to a couple of LINKS in the last article.

First, some prior recent reporting by CNBC – clearly enough time (3 weeks) for the $2B to show up.


Pfizer stock jumps after it reports positive data in early stage coronavirus vaccine trial

9:05 AM EDT
3:52 PM EDT
Berkeley Lovelace Jr.

Here are the key points, per CNBC:

  • Pfizer shares jumped after it released positive results from its closely watched early stage human trial on a coronavirus vaccine. 
  • The trial evaluated 45 people. Each participant received 10, 30 or 100 microgram doses of the vaccine or a placebo. 
  • Pfizer said the vaccine was generally well tolerated, though the experimental vaccine also caused fever in some patients, especially for those who were in the 100 microgram group.

Here are my added key points:

  • ONE of the four candidates produced neutralizing antibodies. YES. Just one of them.
  • levels of neutralizing antibodies were 1.8 to 2.8 times higher than in recovered COVID-19 patients
  • after 28 days, all participants at the lower (and safer) 10 and 30 microgram dosages had significant levels of binding antibodies
  • all four candidates are based on mRNA technology
  • reactions to the vaccine were milder than, e.g., the Moderna vaccine (*my* reading)
  • reactions were primarily FEVER and injection site pain, with fever being more common in the 100 microgram group
  • MOST patients reported injection site pain, mild to moderate, but it was SEVERE in one case at 100 micrograms
  • looks to me that they will shoot for 10 or 30 micrograms, depending upon durability of immunity granted by those doses
  • 100 million doses could be ready by the end of 2020
  • 1.2 BILLION doses could be ready by the end of 2021

Next, we follow two PRESS RELEASES from Pfizer and BioNTech:




The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine development program is evaluating at least four experimental vaccines, each of which represents a unique combination of messenger RNA (mRNA) format and target antigen. On July 1st, Pfizer and BioNTech announced preliminary data from BNT162b1, the most advanced of the four mRNA formulations. The early data demonstrates that BNT162b1 is able to produce neutralizing antibodies in humans at or above the levels observed in the plasma from patients who have recovered from COVID-19, and this was shown at relatively low dose levels. Local reactions and systemic events were dose-dependent, generally mild to moderate, and transient. No serious adverse events were reported. On July 20th, the companies announced early positive update from German Phase 1/2 COVID-19 vaccine study, including first T Cell response data.

SO – we have an mRNA vaccine which appears to be – compared to other vaccines we’ve been hearing about – relatively safe and effective. NO SERIOUS ADVERSE EVENTS.

But YES – this vaccine is the NEW and somewhat unproven DNA/RNA vaccine tech.

So how do we JUDGE IT?

In my opinion, we first need to take a look at ALL the leading COVID-19 vaccines.

Vaccine Horse Race

The horrible China-Puppet WHO does have one redeeming feature – BUREAUCRATS KEEPING TRACK OF THINGS.

This URL is always a good place to go, to see where vaccines stand. Yeah, China and Bill Gates probably get to track the downloads, and maybe even infect the PDF file, but whatever.

That’s what I’m here for – to turn that nasty PDF into nice, safe, images.


Let’s look at the FIRST TWO PAGES of the document they produce, keeping track of COVID-19 vaccine candidates.

What can we GLEAN from this stuff?

We can’t FULLY understand this yet, but we WILL in a few minutes. For now, we can mostly understand the THIRD COLUMN – who is behind which particular vaccine.

The vaccines are ORDERED in terms of how advanced the RESEARCH is – in particular, how far along the CLINICAL TRIALS are. The TOP TWO DOZEN entries (#1 to #24) are all the vaccines in CLINICAL TRIALS. #1 is the most advanced – which right now means PHASE 3 trials. The least advanced (#24) will only be in initial PHASE 1 trials.

So GUESS WHO IS AT THE TOP? (Look in the 3rd column for the developer…)


Yeah, boy howdy, that sure is a surprise! The top three entries are all CHINA!


Then, number FOUR is the Astra-Zeneca / Oxford vaccine.

Then, numbers FIVE and SIX are CHYYYNNAA again!!! Think of that – the top 6 vaccines in terms of advancement, and CHYYYNNAA has FIVE of them. I guess that’s what happens when YOU RELEASE THE VIRUS.


The next two are Western – Moderna and Inovio. Both of these have gotten a lot of press, not all of it good.

Moderna (#7) made the news b/c it came out with glowing statements about trials, but the fine print uncovered in the next few days was lots of serious side effects. What followed was a journalist pile-on, with lots of talk that Moderna has no experience, is stiff-arming the feds on safety, and is hyping more than fixing stuff. Very “Obama”.

Inovio (#8) is a DNA vaccine, similar to the mRNA vaccines. Look in the FIRST COLUMN under “Platform” to see the type. You don’t have to understand the platform quite yet. The Inovio vaccine was one of the first COVID-19 vaccines to get a lot of public attention, and is backed by Bill Gates and CEPI, as are MANY of the others. Gates is behind most of the horses in the race, so that he CANNOT LOSE.

Ask WHY.

Numbers 9, 10 and 11 are also DNA vaccines, with #9 being a Japanese effort.

Then come two more standard vaccines, Indian (#12) and Chinese (#13), leading off on the SECOND image / second page above.

Finally, at #14, we get to Novavax, which is the vaccine I like for myself, provided that it’s ever proven safe and effective (and useful) in people who’ve already had the disease. WHY I like it for ME, however, requires some explanation, but not yet – let’s keep looking at the list.

Skip over #15, the Turtlehead vaccine (made you curious, didn’t I?), which is also a vaccine that I am PERSONALLY potentially favorable toward. Seriously, it’s just a KY company (Kentucky Bioprocessing), and KY is in USA. But it is also a technology I favor as likely to be SAFE.

FINALLY, at #16, we get to the Pfizer vaccine. This is the one in question. Am I going to take it?

Not going to answer that yet!

Of the remaining entries, I’m liking FOR MYSELF numbers 18, 19, and 20, which include the GSK effort (#18) and the University of Queensland vaccine (#20), both in the news occasionally.

Of the last 4 entries, 21-24, thereby rounding out the TWO DOZEN vaccines in CLINICAL TRIALS, #21 is the Imperial College vaccine often in the news, and #23 is the CHINESE ARMY (PLA) entry – an mRNA vaccine, which IMO is likely to be STOLEN TECH.


WELL – before we can really judge, it helps if we understand certain basics of vaccines.

Let me provide you with something VERY AWESOME that I found online.

Vaccine Evolution

Vaccines, like everything else in Creation, are EVOLVING INTELLIGENTLY.

We just have to make sure that they’re EVOLVING HONESTLY.

That’s where it gets tricky. But first, we have to understand the basics of how vaccines WORK – hopefully WITH the immune system, INTELLIGENTLY AND HONESTLY.

Vaccines as we now know them are designed to trigger the immune system into THINKING we have a disease, when we don’t really have it, so that when we would otherwise get the disease, we are already prepared for it, and fight it off. This is a very smart idea which has TRACKED human civilization.

Smallpox is the disease which taught us about vaccination. Before the term “vaccination” was generalized to its current state of “inducing immunity to a disease by prior and safer activation the immune system”, “vaccination” meant inoculation (intentional INFECTION) with cowpox or a relative, as a DEFENSE against smallpox. Vaccination was EXCLUSIVELY a smallpox therapy. Very interestingly, the OLDER, more dangerous practice of infection with heat-and-time-weakened smallpox virus was KNOWN by empirical observation, and dated back to at least the Middle Ages in China. That practice was called “variolation”.

Thus, cowpox cross-immunity to protect against smallpox was a LUCKY BREAK. Most diseases don’t HAVE a nearly harmless cowpox version of “whatever” to protect you from real “whatever”.

Thus, what “vaccines” are doing NOW is much more akin to the OLDER and MORE DANGEROUS practice of variolation – a form of inoculation – intentional infection with the very “something” you are afraid of – preferably something which has been tinkered with in some way so that it no longer kills you.

Inoculation is POWERFUL because it’s more generalizable, but it’s RISKY because it makes US responsible for SAFETY.

You know – if we were more honest, we’d call vaccines something else, like “variolines”, or maybe “inoculums”, or – OH YEAH – inoculations.

I know this is actually very simple, but I want to CHANGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE on “vaccines”.

I want you to be not just INFORMED, which can be DISINFORMED, but to have real and deep UNDERSTANDING, which CANNOT be disinformed as easily.

Read the last three sentences of the above Wikipedia entry for “Variolation” to understand “what cannot be said in science” right now.

The method is no longer used today. It was replaced by smallpox vaccine, a safer alternative. This in turn led to the development of the many vaccines now available against other diseases.

See the trick? It’s a kind of “circle of changed meanings”, so beloved by lying Democrats. The potentially dangerous and generally iffy WOLF/SHEEPDOG of “inoculation” borrowed the sheepskin of the “safer alternative” vaccination to claim false but reassuring safety for what is really the tricky business that could be called “generalized variolation”.

We got LUCKY on smallpox, and now pretend that the same luck-magic can be extended to all diseases. HA! GET REAL, SCIENCE.

The reality is that the term “vaccines” is historical euphemism.

Read the history of smallpox to GROUND YOURSELF in REALITY.




Well, vaccines are now a much BROADER science. They are, basically, “tinkering with the immune system to do stuff” – and that includes STERILIZING PEOPLE by induction of auto-immune attack on their reproductive platform. One person’s nasty side effect is another person’s depopulationist panacea.

Have you ever considered WHY we’re not supposed to think about vaccine side-effects? It’s because “SIDE” depends upon your perspective.


Yes, THAT is how big vaccines are, now. We can actually immunize people against PARENTHOOD.

SO – if you don’t understand vaccines, you are at the mercy of those who do. Be GLAD that the Hitler regime didn’t have sterilization vaccines.

Be CONCERNED that the CHINAZIS have them RIGHT NOW. They could sterilize ALL of the Uighurs and just move the HAN SUPREMACISTS right in.

Y’all see what I’m sayin’?

Why, with all the Uighur men gone, they could be sterilizing all the women – or all the men – right now – with just a SHOT OR TWO. Wait a minute. Somebody reported “medical experimentation” in those Uighur reeducation camps. Hmmmmmmm.

But let’s leave THAT for another time. My point is this – vaccines are a very BROAD topic. For now, let’s stick to “current ways to potentially fight coronaviruses by prior immunization”.

In that regard, I recently found a wonderful blog post which explains the different TYPES of vaccines being considered for COVID-19. This is an excellent article.


Classic and new technologies vying to be the first COVID-19 vaccine

Jeffrey Smoot
Information Scientist, CAS
Posted June 11, 2020

I could not have put together such a GREAT and SHORT summary of the different vaccine techs if I had spent years doing it.


Now let’s look at the critical TABLE 1, which I’m quoting “vertically” and editorializing somewhat, based on a “monster” metaphor.

The table entries are unmolested. The entry titles reflect – somewhat humorously – my relative levels of trust/distrust of the technologies involved, and their state of readiness for “prime time” – expressed as effectiveness against “theoretical” pathogens.

Table 1. Vaccine Classification

Header Definitions (How to Read Table)

Type — What basic kind of vaccine

Active Component — may be abbreviation or acronym – GOOGLE IT!!!

Advantage — why you might trust this platform

Disadvantage — why you might NOT trust this platform

Vaccine Example — actual uses in existing vaccines you may or may not like

Bitten By Chocula

Type — Live, attenuated

Active Component — Pathogen capable of replication

Advantage — Strong and long-lasting immune response, usually lifetime protection

Disadvantage — Risk of disease

Vaccine Example — Tuberculosis, MMR, smallpox, chickenpox, yellow fever

Carry A Wooden Stake

Type — Inactivated (or killed)

Active Component — Pathogen chemical or heat treated to prevent replication

Advantage — No risk of disease

Disadvantage — Lesser immune response;  booster shots may be needed

Vaccine Example — Flu, hepatitis A, polio, rabies

Silver Bullets

Type — Subunit (protein, polysaccharide, conjugate, toxoid)

Active Component — Portions of a pathogen

Advantage — No risk of disease

Disadvantage — Booster shot often needed

Vaccine Example — Hepatitis B, HPV, whooping cough, shingles, meningococcal disease, pneumococcal disease, diphtheria, tetanus

Shiny Silver Bullets

Type — VLP

Active Component — Outer coat of virus

Advantage — No risk of disease

Disadvantage — [none mentioned – surely there are some – W]

Vaccine Example — Hepatitis B, cervical cancer, malaria

Bitten By Frankenberry

Type — Recombinant vector vaccine

Active Component — Non-pathogenic virus or bacteria as carrier of immunogen of interest

Advantage — Reusable for diverse antigens; no risk of disease

Disadvantage — Pre-existing or development of immunity to vector

Vaccine Example — No approved vaccine available

Chocula Goes Back In Time And Marries Your Mom

Type — DNA vaccine

Active Component — Plasmid or other expression vector

Advantage — Fast to produce; no risk of disease; reusable technology

Disadvantage — Lack of data

Vaccine Example — Veterinary medicine (canine melanoma, infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus of fish, equine West Nile virus)

Chocula Commits Identity Theft On Your Mom

Type — mRNA vaccine

Active Component — RNA that encodes a disease-specific pathogen protein

Advantage — Fast to produce; no risk of disease; reusable technology

Disadvantage — Effectiveness and side effects are unknown

Vaccine Example — No approved vaccine available

This is a great chart because it orders things from “oldest” to newest in terms of general technology.

First live virus (weakened smallpox, cowpox, vaccinia), then dead virus, then specific fragments, then fake Frankenstein live virus, and finally the new fake “like a virus” DNA and RNA mucking around science.

READ THE LINK – each type is explained.

Let me review the different PLATFORMS (column 1) in the pages of the WHO document. These correspond to most of the types in the linked blog post.

  • Inactivated
  • Non-Replicating Viral Vector
  • Protein Subunit
  • RNA
  • DNA
  • VLP

These methods can basically be broken into two different sets of two categories each:


Old-school methods are “old biology” – no recombinants, no gene sequencing, no plasmids, no fancy tricks.

New-school methods use our advanced knowledge of biochemistry to MAKE STUFF at the molecular and biochemical level, either before injection or after injection.

Immunogen methods inject the stuff that triggers the immune reaction.

Instruction methods inject DNA or RNA – pretty much like a VIRUS does – maybe even USING a virus, or an artificial virus-like construct – to get those instructions into your cells.

So now let me apply those labels to the platforms, including one that’s missing (live /attenuated).

  • Live / Attenuated – OLD-SCHOOL INSTRUCTIONS
  • Inactivated – OLD-SCHOOL IMMUNOGEN
  • Non-Replicating Viral Vector – NEW SCHOOL INSTRUCTIONS
  • Protein Subunit – NEW-SCHOOL IMMUNOGEN

You see? There’s actually a lot of choice.

So – what should you trust?

THAT is for you to decide. I can only tell you what *I* trust. And WHY.

Vaccine Conservatism

I am generally – PERSONALLY – favorable toward vaccines, despite being 100% opposed to mandatory vaccinations. Vaccines ave always been good for me. Even the occasional minor aggravation of very mild arthritis in my injection shoulder is not really enough of a negative for me to skip the flu shot.

Nevertheless, I am careful to note that vaccines give me just as many and just as strong minor, negative side effects as any drug – and MOST drugs have minor side-effects that I can observe and report.

The new shingles vaccine, in my case, had stronger side effects than almost ANY drug I had ever taken. Nevertheless, a BARGAIN next to the HORROR OF SHINGLES.

Wolf’s Hot Date With Retrosynthetic Dinopox

Wolf’s Chill Second Date With Retrosynthetic Dinopox

So I’m no fool – vaccines are REAL medicine – with real side effects. AND – if you’ve gotten the new shingles vaccine, then you know that vaccines are getting STRONGER so they can work STRONGER and LONGER.


The entire CHINA VIRUS psy-op and election interference program has done nothing to make me any less suspicious of vaccines. Indeed, it has made me MORE suspicious, if not an actual skeptic. Too many agendas. Too many lies. Too many “whoops”. Too many cute abuses of science. Too many media hit jobs. Too much Bill Gates near any and all of the above.

And CHYYYNNAA through and through the whole nasty affair. China, the home of CCP ChiNazis who love to BLAME THE VICTIM.

And which CHINAZIS could easily be STERILIZING UIGHURS with STOLEN GSK vaccine technology RIGHT NOW.

Suspicious? HELL YES!

On the bright side, I would not have been made aware of mankind’s current capabilities for eugenocide, had I not been “awakened” on vaccines, so I consider my new suspicions a stroke of good luck for any and all groups which HAVE BEEN, ARE BEING, or WILL EVER BE slated for GENOCIDE.

Uighurs! WATCH YOUR SIX!!!

One of the reasons Epstein was schmoozing all the big brains in science was – I am convinced – keeping track of the infinite bad possibilities that led to “Never Again”. SO *** DING DING DING *** I sure hope THAT particular baby didn’t get thrown out with the dirty pedophile’s bathwater. How the “this time we won’t fail” time-bomb of sterilization vaccines could have proceeded to where it is without being disarmed tells me somebody was fooling somebody. TSK-TSK. Shame on EVERYBODY.

ANYWAY – back to topic.

I think you could call me a VACCINE CONSERVATIVE.

I am not necessarily averse to any class of vaccine as I categorize them, or as others categorize them. I could take a new-school vaccine. I could take an old-school vaccine. I might take ANY of them, including the Pfizer mRNA vaccine, provided the following:

  • vaccine has been found safe and effective to TRUMP’S satisfaction
  • vaccine has been TESTED and found safe and effective for people who have already had either COVID-19 or any other weak coronavirus
  • vanishingly small number of cases of super-serious side effects
  • basic technology has no critical theoretical weaknesses
  • proven to NOT result in immune enhancement phenomenon
  • basic technology must show LIFETIME SAFETY in individuals and their children, or be able to rule out dangers – INCLUDING STERILITY in both generations – to my satisfaction

The LAST requirement is the one which, right now, makes several of the “new-school” technologies very likely NO-GO ZONES for THE WOLF. Much SHADE is thus cast on DNA, RNA, and viral vector types.

And as for the Pfizer vaccine (mRNA), I am much likelier to pick a DIFFERENT vaccine, particularly a NEW-SCHOOL recombinant protein subunit, neo-classical vaccine – much like the shingles vaccine I just took. Novavax is one of those vaccines. If it can be proven NOT to produce immune enhancement, AND it can be proven to be safe for symptomatic COVID-19 recoverees with lung damage, then I’m very likely to take it.

DNA vaccines, mRNA vaccines, and adenovirus vectors are ALL too new and unproven for me to trust. Some of these – maybe all of them – are relying on retreaded edge tech from earlier gene therapy failures.

These platforms MIGHT NOT cause cancer 50 years down the road, or cause sterility, or cause disease in CHILDREN of recipients. But the fact is simple – WE DON’T KNOW YET.

Remember DES?

Now – if I was 70 years old, I would probably take the very first safe and effective DNA or mRNA vaccine to come to market, not expecting to live to 120, or to have any more kids. But that’s not the case. I’d love a few more decades. If I had a choice – AND I DO HAVE ONE – I’d prefer a more time-trusted technology like protein subunits. Most of all, I would trust a vaccine that got green-lighted by Dr. Peter Hotez of Baylor University, an expert on immune enhancement in coronaviruses.

Adenovirus vectors? They already have “issues” of several kinds, including recipients either having or developing immunity to the platform itself. Perhaps not insurmountable, but there are other problems. For instance, we know that viruses have LIFELONG SIDE-EFFECTS. We’ve had decades to discover most of the important natural ones. AND – very disturbingly – we have a government health bureaucracy prominently led for years by a guy (Fauci) who not only forgot about HCQ and chloroquine – very economically conveniently for his vaccine and new therapeutic interests – he figured that the best way to deal with the inconvenient class of “slow, obscure, cancer-causing viruses” was to KICK THE PRIMARY RESEARCHER OF THEM OUT OF NIH.

Sorry – I would like to try these fascinating but risky modern vaccine platforms AFTER they have been checked and re-checked by a POST-FAUCI NIH/CDC/ETC.

And that doesn’t even begin to address this very important question. WHO IS MONITORING VACCINES to make sure that nobody is sneaking in sterility vaccine components? Components that were likely ALREADY TESTED IN AFRICA?

Is the Catholic Church even AWARE of the danger? WHERE is Pope Epstein-Guevara on this one? WITH the depopulationists? Happy to see humanity sterilized by the United Nations, as long as the “grave danger” of climate change is badly addressed?

Sorry. I’m not ready for any “mandatory” vaccine. Just on principle.

SO – you have a lot of choices in future COVID-19 vaccines, ranging from “none” to “any”.

I’m not going to tell you what to think or do.

But I hope that by addressing this issue for myself, I’ve given you some things to think about – so that your chosen position on vaccines will not merely be INFORMED, but FILLED WITH UNDERSTANDING.

And with that, I bid you GOOD HEALTH!


Remember when we could trust vaccines? We’re ONE election from heading back there.

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Thanks Wolf for the discussion and news on vaccines!!!
Vaccine development IS good news – when we have ethical vaccines and ethical options!
But like every technology, great power can be used for good, or it can be used for evil.
Developing good technology is something to celebrate for its own good.
We must also be on guard for how technology is used for evil.
Human fetuses should never be used for the development of vaccines.


In Landmark Speech, Pompeo Says China is World’s Biggest Threat
Pompeo seeks to build international coalition to combat Communist vision image
Adam Kredo – JULY 23, 2020 4:45 PM
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday identified China as the world’s greatest threat and called on Western nations to unite against Beijing as part of a global effort to eradicate the Communist Party’s growing control of the international order.
+WP wqth sideporch *
+LIFELOG share x3 *

Via Eric Metaxas:
Eric Metaxas
7h ·
Communism is evil.
+twatter RT story author @Kredo0


Via Allison: Transcript
All-American Alison
Communist China and the Free World’s Future – United States Department of State
Communist China and the Free World’s Future
JULY 23, 2020
Via X22 Report: Pompeo Speech Youtube Link
X22 Report
Secretary Pompeo Delivers a Speech at the Richard Nixon Presidential Lib…

Secretary Pompeo Delivers a Speech at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library – 4:40 p.m.


Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo delivers a speech on “Communist China and the Free World’s Future” at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library in Yorba Linda, California.
Pompeo’s Remarks begin at 2:22:40


So basically Pompeo wants a NATO org without the military part.


So glad we have Pompeo


Excellent run down on the various types of vaccines. There are definite pros and cons to different forms of vaccines, and what I’m most familiar with are live vs killed forms of vaccines. Thanks for all the break down of the different aspects of the vaccines being developed, was an easy to read and understand chart for me, at least!
I will probably pass on the shingles vaccine merely because as far as I know nobody in my family has had shingles. DH got the vaccine, which was appropriate as his mother had shingles. Personal tolerance as well as family history concerning natural immunity are also things to take into consideration when contemplating vaccines as I’m sure you know.


I have Shingles right now. Weirdly they’re on my upper arm. I’m so very lucky that was the only breakout area


Sorry to hear. Glad it is not in a worse location. Wish you the best in your recovery.


I had a family member get it on their forehead right along the eyebrows. Took quite a while to get the right diagnosiis.
Note. All viruses, in a human with compromised immunity, can migrate into nervous system, presenting as meningitis. Measles, Epstein Barr, Corona-viruses, Polio, Rubella, any virus. We will never have a vaccine for all of them. And it appears that all of them can, in a human with a preconditioned immune system, can cause the same symptoms.
Keeping the immune system strong is the protection that blows away the competition and makes ALL the vaccines look like science-gone-horror-show.
After reading online since January of ALL the natural ways to support a strong immune system I am now, more than ever, convinced that Medicine as we know it is the worst case of “shiny object” distraction ever visited on the human race. There are medicine men who have more compassion for their patients, better powers of observation, and ability to make use of both to effect healing.
Zinc picolinate is #1 on my list right now.
Ginger, tumeric, foods high in Quercetin and fermented foods are up there.
Avoidance of toxins, bad fats, gmos, round-up.
Old school macrolides.
Rest, destress, warmth, chicken soup.


At age 60 I took the old vaccine for Shingles, Zostavax. The new vaccine was not yet on the market. At age 65 I got the shingles. They were on my side, hip and heading toward the family jewels. Absolutely miserable despite going to the doc and getting the antivirals started within 36 hours of the initial outbreak. The meds helped stop the external skin sores/lesions rather quickly, However, for 60-90 days afterwards there would be random twitches and pinches inside my body. Trying to sleep was ridiculous. I was really surprised at my loss of stamina as at that point as I was in good physical condition with fitness walking, golf, on no other meds except Xyzal allergy pills, etc. Still not 100% with stamina over a year later.
Will be taking the new Shingrex vaccine next week. If possible, I never want to get that again.
Thanks for all of the work on this, wolf. Excellent information. Will use it to monitor the situation. Anything out of China is no-go zone for us.


I appreciate your experience. Sounds terrible. I thought that I had poison ivy but it never itched, only hurt so I went to the cvs minute clinic. Thankfully the PA recognized what is was and put me on the antiviral. The rest is along your the line of yours..the rash is healing but zaps, tingles and sleep is terrible. I look like a zombie with dark under eye circles.
I’m wiped out almost all day, tired.
I’m afraid to even think about a vaccine. I don’t want even a tinge of the virus in me through the shot


Molly, make sure you’re taking your Vitamin D and Zinc. Zinc very important for all aspects of the immune system, along with Vitamin D.


Thanks..will do. At the onset I started a VitC and zinc regimen but then slacked off. Will get back to it


Wow, Molly…I’m so sorry you’re having to go through such misery.


Much thanks Wheatie. Mine are nothing compared to others like TradeBait.


I am in a club with an older retired physician often termed “Dr. Bob”. He missed nearly a year’s worth of meetings due to shingles in his eye. It sounded horrific.


Sounds brutal, TradeBait.
Sorry you’ve been going through it!


Shingles (Herpes Zoster) comes from having had the Chicken Pox (Varicella Zoster) virus. Reasons for flares are not exactly known but the older one is (over 60) increases the possibility for an outbreak. The outbreaks are along one of your dermatomes (Google this) which are nerve pathways in your body. Getting the shingles once along a dermatone, does not preclude from getting another outbreak on another dermatome. The most dangerous is the dermatome around your eye, must consult an ophthalmologist. Very dangerous is on the optic nerve or auditory nerve. Pain is managed by gabapentin or pregabalin not an opiate med. Get the vaccine at age 50 or younger if you have had an outbreak. The Zostavax wears off and you can still get a mild case of shingles, so get the Shingrix, 2 vaccinations 60 days apart is recommended.
From the Mayo Clinic:,virus%20may%20reactivate%20as%20shingles.


Sorry, forgot to add, if you had the Chicken Pox vaccine, you won’t get the shingles so no need for the vaccine. If you don’t know if you have had Chicken Pox or not sure, get the lab test for the Varicella titer which will indicate if you have had the Chicken Pox. If it’s negative get the Chicken Pox vaccine pronto. I had a patient that acquired the Chicken Pox from their child at age 38. It’s a very miserable experience for an adult to get the Chicken Pox.


Neice got shingles and it was up by one of her eyes. She was going out of country and got a bunch of vaccines all at one time. I always wondered if getting all the vaccines at once weakened her immune system, allowing for shingles to appear.


comment image


… brilliant .. 😂👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️

Sadie Slays

When POTUS uses the terms “the virus” or “China Virus,” I believe his words have double-meaning with this alternate definition:
Virus – Something that poisons the mind or soul
Going by that definition, I suspect his use of the word “vaccine” is code for eradicating the cabal elements (“the virus”) that are currently infecting America. Notice how all of his tweets about vaccines started days before Operation Legend and the Chinese consulate getting evicted from Houston.


🧐 … scary spice … 😳😑😖🤚


Wow. Good point, Sadie.


Thats a heck of a vaccine post. Although it gets a bit more technical than I am used to, I still want to have an organized place to reference . Et voila.


I been workin’ on my skilz. What should the caption be?comment image


I didn’t know that Old Rambler’s road apples had a face!


“Joe Biden, leading from behind.”
“Joe Biden finds a new place to hide.”


The top two winners!


Why did ForwardTN change their website after my last video?

Gary w/ Recall Williamson
So, apparently, the video I released yesterday about the connections via the money trail between our TN “medical experts,” ProtectMyCare, ForwardTN, ActBlue, and the Democratic Party has made a bit of a stir. So much so, that in less than 24 hours, ForwardTN has pulled down almost everything that existed on their website and erased connections to ActBlue. Wonder why they are covering their tracks? Hmmm.
ForwardTN has almost completely taken down their entire website on “Protect my Care” – supposed pool of 2000 medical experts.
More digging. IRS records.
President of ForwardTN was in 2009-2014 TN State Director and S. Regional Directory for “Organizing for America” – Barack Obama’s organization founded 2009, eventually became an organizational piece of the National Democratic Party.
So there you have it!
Now the good guys…
Gary’s org:
Website: *


And what connections to this does Dr. Manny Sethi have? I have seen reports but each video I have watched has not shown him supporting Obamacare or other Dem policies but just operating within them as a professional.
Do I “support” obamacare just because we buy insurance that is in accordance or I go to doctors who observe/implement obamacare or my husband works for healthcare systems that operate within Obamacare regulations? Of course not! It was the law and we have to all work within. That does not mean we actively support it.
To me, same with Dr. Manny (still not sure that is who I am voting for though).
Is he actually involved in what you posted? Is he a wolf in sheep’s clothing?
Side note:
TN is in a Tough & Heated Senatorial race. Part of what makes it so tough is that both have connections to the swamp and may not be what they seem to be.
Makes me say hmmmm…..if both sides have connections to the swamp – are Tennesseans really being offered a choice or are the two leading candidates 2 sides to the same coin? Are they the Uni – GOPe (similar to the Uniparty, to the GOP & dems not really being that different in many cases)? Are they both swamp, just one presenting a conservative platform with the right phrases to get elected?
I just want to vote for Jon Henry and be done with it! But the race is so close that I feel like my vote will really matter …. President Trump’s endorsement is all Hagerty has going for him as he is long time associates with the TN Lamar Alexander/Corker/Haslam/Boyd, etc. group. Dr. Sethi just has never seemed truly geniune to me although maybe that was just nerves in being out of his element? Both have been endorsed by people I respect and people who have spent much more time with each candidate that I.
I like Jon Henry – so genuine, real and trustworthy … but no voting record, no large scale political experence, a long shot who did not even start running until early March & has no $ and no big name recognition.
Anyway, connection to your deep dig that may lead to Dr. Manny may be helpful and interesting and Timely!



Coronavirus Update 7/24/2020 – Bee Venom
So today at the time of this writing there are 69,116 new cases and deaths are at 1,150. That is another very high number of new cases for one day. Nationwide cases are still way up over the past month, going from 26k to now over 65k per day .
Locally, in Texas cases are still very high. We had 8,380 new cases which is a little lower than previously.. In addition we had a high 168 new deaths today. With a steady fatality rate of 1.2%. Like we said earlier deaths tend to follow about 3 weeks behind so unfortunately the high number of deaths over the past week appear to be related to the spike in cases over the past month. Even though deaths have spiked recently the fatality rate is steady.
There are 162,627 active cases in Texas. This is actually down from 163,938 so the first time we have actually gone down in the number of active cases. So this is good news, more are recovering now than being diagnosed. In addition Covid-19 hospitalizations have risen sharply over the past three weeks but have slowed down some the past few days and actually went down for the first time from 10,893 to 8,858 today. So this is a landmark day with new cases, active cases, and hospitalizations all going down. This is extremely good news. Since mask were mandated a few weeks ago more anecdotal evidence that yes masks work!
In addition in Texas we have 204,838 recovered now.
Today in Dallas county with 648 new cases and 12 new deaths. Harris county with 1,510 new cases and 21 new deaths. Collin county with 134 new cases and 6 new deaths being reported. Denton county with 431 new cases and one new death. Tarrant county with 871 new cases and 9 new deaths. Brazos county with 80 new cases and no new deaths. Travis county with 304 new cases and 4 new deaths. Fort Bend county with 113 new cases and 7 new deaths. Bexar county with nothing new reported.
For the newbies we have been predicting an overall fatality rate somewhere in the 0.3 to 0.7 range when we finally correct the denominator.
Bee Venom and SARS-COV2
This article discusses the possibility of bee venom inducing some form of immunity to SARS-COV2. In China they followed 5115 beekeepers from Feb 23 to March 8th including 723 in Wuhan. None of these beekeepers developed any symptoms of Covid-19. Then they went to five apitherapists which is someone who uses bee venom to treat certain illnesses. They followed 121 of their patients and none of them or any of the 5 apitherapists even though they had close exposures to Covid-19 patients did not develop Covid-19.
So what is potentially happening? Well remember that a bee sting can cause a severe allergic reaction even death so don’t go out and try to get stung to protect yourself. But this allergic reaction is a severe response by our own immune system. This stimulation of the immune system could potentially provide some type of protective mechanism against SARS-COV2. The authors state the purpose of the article is to stimulate research in animals to see if there actually is any protective mechanism against SARS-COV2. It is an interesting observation but certainly does not mean it is protective as correlation does not always lead to causation.
Here is a repost of the supplements we have discussed to have potential benefits.
Quercetin from 250mg up to 1g twice per day Remember this is a Zinc ionophore.
Vitamin D3 Take this for sure if you are deficient and I now recommend taking it as long as your values are not too high. Remember too much vitamin D can cause issues. However, if you are diagnosed with Covid-19 take 50,000IU immediately as this appears to have significant benefits.
Sleep greater than 8 hours per night
CoQ10 100-300mg per day: a potent antioxidant that potentially helps balance oxidative stress, increase vasodilation, prevent clot formation and decrease vasoconstriction.
Zinc any amount is probably good but take what you can tolerate without making you feel bad up to 40mg. You do not want to be Zinc deficient as it is how many drugs like HCQ work.
Melatonin 0.1mg to 10mg at night. Take what you can tolerate and what helps you sleep without making you feel drugged or tired in the morning. If you are diabetic watch your sugars.
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) – 600mg twice per day shown to decrease severity of influenza, improve lung functions in COPD, antioxidant properties, potentially helps prevent clotting and with mental disorders. Caution for asthmatics as there is potential for bronchospasm but this is rare.
Vitamin C 250mg to 500mg twice per day. Effects debatable in oral form but IV did help in China. But is proven to strengthen immune system
Green Tea either drink some or 1 pill per day alternate zinc ionophore if you don’t have or don’t take Quercetin
As always the information and understanding of COVID-19 is changing rapidly. This information is for education purposes only and you should never make changes to your health without consulting your personal physician. Make a virtual appointment with your physician and discuss your health and the best possible treatment plan for you. It is also important to reiterate that there are no clinically evidence-based integrative prevention or treatment strategies for COVID-19 infection.
Let’s all keep praying for all that are ill with this virus in the world.

Gail Combs

1/4 lb Cheese burger with red lettuce, red onion and tomato for lunch and a 1/4 + lb steak & salad for dinner! (tea as beverage)

Food sources and dosage
Quercetin is found naturally in many plant-based foods, particularly in the outer layer or peel (36).
Good food sources include (36, 37Trusted Source):
peppers — yellow and green
onions — red and white
asparagus — cooked
red apples
red grapes
red leaf lettuce
berries — all types, such as cranberries, blueberries, and raspberries
tea — green and black
Note that the amount of quercetin in foods may depend on the conditions in which the food was grown.
For example, in one study, organic tomatoes appear to have up to 79% more quercetin than conventionally grown ones (38Trusted Source).
However, other studies point out differences between the quercetin content in various species of tomatoes regardless of the farming method. There was no difference in bell peppers, conventionally or organically grown (39Trusted Source).

Zinc in beef:


I still think there’s something to the Legionnaires Disease on this. The CV weakens immune response (which they tried to hide!) and the bacteria get out of control. Pneumonia is only ONE symptom of LD, and all together the symptoms of LD read identical to the lists of CV. “But CV is viral” so they don’t treat the bacterial. Trump knew this and his Drs said “Zpack”. What did medical cabal do? “Zpack doens’t work on viral!!!” These people.

Gail Combs

Some Doctors call it a virus birth control pill.

…..Selenium acts on the genetic material of viruses (its RNA or DNA) and has three highly valuable effects:
* Inhibits the ability of the virus to multiply (replicate)
* Reduces the ability of the virus to mutate into a more aggressive (virulent) form
* Increases the chances that the virus will stay inactive or less active and not harm you
A normally harmless (or low-pathogenic) virus can become much more destructive (virulent) in a person who is selenium deficient. Selenium-deficient mice infected with a mild strain of influenza virus developed much more severe and protracted inflammation of their lungs, compared to selenium-plentiful mice infected with the same virus.
A lack of selenium causes a decrease in the production of selenium dependent proteins that keep viruses under control. This is serious and can result in worse outcomes for people infected with many types of nasty viruses including hepatitis A and B viruses, Ebola, polio, AIDS, influenza and the human papilloma virus (which causes cervical and oral cancer)….

Scientific paper: Selenium, Selenoproteins and Viral Infection

….Another important parameter for viral replication and pathogenicity is the nutritional status of the host. Viral infection simultaneously increases the demand for micronutrients and causes their loss, which leads to a deficiency that can be compensated by micronutrient supplementation. Among the nutrients implicated in viral infection, selenium (Se) has an important role in antioxidant defense, redox signaling and redox homeostasis. Most of biological activities of selenium is performed through its incorporation as a rare amino acid selenocysteine in the essential family of selenoproteins. Selenium deficiency, which is the main regulator of selenoprotein expression, has been associated with the pathogenicity of several viruses. In addition, several selenoprotein members, including glutathione peroxidases (GPX), thioredoxin reductases (TXNRD) seemed important in different models of viral replication. Finally, the formal identification of viral selenoproteins in the genome of molluscum contagiosum and fowlpox viruses demonstrated the importance of selenoproteins in viral cycle….

I started taking Vit E, C and selenium in 1980 and have not had the flu in forty years. I started doing kids parties thirty years ago and ‘handle’ 40 to 100+ different children a weekend including up to 100 kids at a Mexican flea market a couple sundays a month. So it is not like I am avoiding flu/cold virus carriers!

Deplorable Patriot

Mushrooms and most fish are loaded with selenium.
I knew a retired nurse some years back, God rest her soul (it was a rough funeral to sing), who worked in one of the local cancer hospitals back in her early career. She told me that one of the big named specialists used to give his patients selenium all the time.


Also, brazil nuts have so much that you only need a couple a day. 🙂


Wow! Great job on this deep dive into the Vaccine world, Wolfie!
This is excellent.
I wonder what the deal is with Robert F Kennedy, Jr being involved in the President’s “Operation Warp Speed”?
Is RFK, Jr still involved?
I hope so.
He would be a good watchdog…and Globalist Ghoul Gates hates him.


Well RFKjr was mentioned early on, as heading up Pres Trump’s “Vaccine Safety Commission”.
This is from February:
Trump Vaccine Commission Still a Go, says Kennedy
……….From the article:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr, who believes the vaccine preservative thimerosal has led to an uptick in neurodevelopmental and other disorders in children, says the Trump administration still plans to assemble a vaccine safety commission to explore potential links between vaccinations and a host of disorders, including autism.
Kennedy said he was first approached by the Trump transition team in early December and met with President-elect Donald Trump in New York City in mid-January. He told the press he was being considered as chair of the potential commission, but that at that time, the administration said it was merely exploring the idea.
More recently, President Trump said he “knew that the pharmaceutical industry was going to cause an uproar about this,” but he promised he would not back down, said Kennedy. “We need a debate on this,” said Kennedy, who has campaigned against mercury in vaccines for at least a decade. “I don’t see how anyone has a legitimate objection to having another set of eyes on the vaccine program,” he said.
He also said the CDC should not be trusted, calling it “a vaccine company,” and he accused its top decision makers of having ties to the pharmaceutical industry — an industry he said had undue influence over broadcast networks owing to the size of its advertising expenditures on those networks.
“What CDC says is not science. What your doctor says is not science. What the NIH [National Institutes of Health] says is not science. Science is what appears on PubMed,” Kennedy said.
…………….End quote, more at link.
I haven’t been able to turn up anything more recent than this, though.
Which is why I was wondering if RFKjr was still involved in the ongoing Vaccine push.


From February 2017…I should add.


Yeah, I saw those too.
Considering the source…two leftist nozzles…I took them with a grain of salt.

Gail Combs

Robert Kennedy Jr could be part of an ‘unofficial’ Trump Watchdog group.
I doubt that a sleaze like Gates could have convinced POTUS but an unknown ‘unofficial’ would placate Fauci, Gates & the Obama Senior Executive Service embeds in the CDC and let them think they won…. While still getting the job done.


Vaccines are given in well-baby check-ups.
Not as many with shut-down.
And SIDS rates have dropped.
Perhaps babies lives are being saved by this shut-down?


Good find!
Thanks, boss.
Doesn’t mention his being involved in the President’s ‘Vaccine Safety Commission’, though.
Which doesn’t mean that he isn’t…it is just not mentioned.
I think RFKjr is smart enough to know that *right now* there is a psychological effect of giving people the hope of a vaccine coming.
So maybe he’s holding fire until the vaccines come out?
I dunno.
Just a guess.


I’m thinking that he may be working on the QT for Pres Trump…just laying in waiting and gathering intel.
PDJT was close friends with RFKjr’s cousin, JFKjr.
So I would imagine that he is keeping RFKjr in the loop.


Anybody else see that “touch your nose” video clip, with RFK Jr? 🤔


I did!


Via Eric Metaxas:
We have NEVER had a video get nearly 40K views in 18 hours! Staggering. If you have not seen it or shared it, please do both immediately. This woman is a hero for our time. #viral #JesusMatters
Eric Metaxas Interview:

YouTube: *


Nicely done!
One slight detail that I’d like to contribute to the pile — regarding the name “vaccine.”
Per Wikipoo: “The terms vaccine and vaccination are derived from Variolae vaccinae (smallpox of the cow), the term devised by Edward Jenner to denote cowpox.”
This is from the popular narrative that people were merely jabbed with cowpox to get lifelong immunity to smallpox. Vaca is Spanish for cow; in French it is vache; in Latin (uninflected), vacca.
As it turns out, however…..what people actually got jabbed with was horsepox. That means that vaccinations should probably be called equinations. (For fans of Spanish, Latin occasionally used “caballa” for horse — if the horse was of inferior quality, suitable only for hauling packs — a “nag”…..guess which type of horse got shipped to Rome and what kind of horse was used on the Iberian frontier…..)
So, it’s not enough that so many varieties of bovine secretions are trying to pass under the harmless guise of “vaccinations”, they’re also participating in a 200-year-old fraud of an “origin story.”
Wikipoo sorts out pretty much the same categories using slightly different language at . If you think Wolf’s language is opaque, pop on over there for slightly different descriptions (be sure to spring another tab, though, ’cause you’ll probably be back soon.)


Yes G— Dammit I DO remember DES!
My mother was administered DES for “spotting” during pregnancy.
That pregnancy was my older sister. Sister passed on from cervical cancer leaving two little boys and a husband. This cancer was directly attributable to the DES during mother’s pregnancy, which relationship was only discovered years later.
Ask me why I distrust big Pharma…Oh, but this is just one person’s experience…not.


A time when “safe and effective” took a back seat to politically correct and enriching political donors.”


So sad about your loss. My mother also took DES when pregnant with me. I was born three months too early in 1952. Wonder if being born early saved me from cervical cancer.


Tucker has been doing ongoing reportage on the UFO declass subject.
So it will be interesting to see what he gives us tonight.
I’ve always figured that the main Reason why the Pentagon has kept the subject of ‘UFO recovery’ under strict raps…is because other countries would probably demand that we share the technology.
Which has to still be a real concern.
I mean…wars have started over less.
But if we have already gleaned what could be gotten from the UFO tech…then I guess there is no harm in releasing the information now?
I dunno.
It will be interesting.


Wow…very cool!
That looks like a portal or a Stargate like on the Stargate SG1 show.
Thanks, Butterfly!


Found this in the replies:comment image


Jordan Sather
“Apparently just recovered, are off world vehicles not made on this Earth”
We must be careful as to WHO will be declassifying supposed info and WHAT exactly they will be saying. Remember, these UFO narratives are being headed by the fake news/CIA. We’ll see what Tucker says tmrw
0:45 / 0:47
Jordan Sather
Define “Limited Hangout” Psy-Op
Could they be purposefully disclosing certain UFO programs (while keeping the deeper, more advanced projects secret) in order to distract the public at the moment when the Deep State is on the brink of exposure?
UFO Disclosure is being weaponized
9:47 PM · Jul 23, 2020·Twitter Web App


… /cough … 🤫 .. 😒😳 …. 🕵🏻‍♂️

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Worse, on top of that, there’s a Virus Alert 🙂



Hoping he’s clearly seeing 30, and hoping to whittle it to 22 by throwing others under the bus.

Concerned Virginian

Hoping STRZOK is updating his life insurance policies, arranging to be put in the Witness Protection Program, and getting the necessary things taken care of to “disappear” to, say, Argentina.
Because of the CLINTONMACHINE.



Heh. Ad rem is currently flooded with peeps coming out of the woodwork wondering why they’re in moderation…..
Seems like a good time to see if they bothered to actually write down a reason for having banned someone or if they did it casually with no documentation…..


It’s like Coney Island over there.



Karli Flag of United States@KarluskaP
· 8h
Look at the Green lights and the lightening over the White House! 5:5 Sir!


Hat Tip:
You may want to follow Mr. Botus… he’s an ol’ fren


Green Castle?


White House was lit in green last night
Who was recently banned from twitter and IS BACK as Mr. Botus?


You tell her Christine!


But, but, IF Yoho said it, it was true. Charitably, PLT, AOC is a fucking bitch.
All the vile things D-Rats say and accuse people of, and they get their panties in a wad over such goofy stuff.
F’m. But not PLT. Stanky, PLT is.


Hey Wheatie ~ Check out this story about 23and Me claiming the legacy of the slave trade can be seen in today’s genetics. Reparations!


ah another sneaky way to get your DNA! ramp up talk about reparations–FREE MONEY–and then present a way to “prove” you’ve got some slave blood in your genetic makeup.


And it shows these companies are using people’s DNA for their own agendas. Bait and switch operation. Learn about your family history….


yup…and people fall for it!!


Thanks, Holley!
Hmm…that explains ‘one’ of the reasons why [They] are so interested in getting our DNA.
Or maybe it’s just a cover story?
Interesting how the Daily Mail talks of slave trade from 1515 to 1865…and refers to it as “US slave trade”.
But most of that time was *before* the US was a country!
Most of that time, it was the British slave trade!
The Daily Mail goes to great length to make no mention of the UK’s role in the slave trade for all those years.


The Daily Fail. I scroll through the headlines to look for the psych ops and trial balloon stories. Not sure where this one is headed, but seems like it’s laying the groundwork for US reparations.

Gail Combs

I am ALL FOR Reparations. A one way no return flight to AFRICA with loss of US citizenship and all right to set foot in the country again.
Slaver took your ancestors from Africa? Fine. We will RETURN you to Africa!

Cuppa Covfefe

Liberia is probably a good place….
And the Moose-Slimes were (and still are) at the front of the slave trade. I think they still have around 21 MILLION slaves in circulation…
People don’t seem to know/remember that slavery has been around almost as long as people have. Also, that indentured servitude was an alternative to debtor’s prison, or worse. No credit cards or lines of credit back in those days (except for the fabulously wealthy, who didn’t need them, anyway)…..
Let the DEMONicRATS pay the reparations, for they are the party of Slavery, the Civil War, “the Plantation”, and the “victim economy” of perpetual dependence…


Here’s Don Cheadle finding out who owned his ancestors. Chickasaw.


I had no idea that Native American owned slaves. Wonder how they acquired them.


They traded wampum.



Appreciate the post wolf. Bookmarked to help me figure out what to do should a vaccine become mandatory. I am not anti vaccine, but my immune system doesn’t appreciate being poked and prodded.

Deplorable Patriot

I don’t think it’s going to make it that far.
POTUS has something up his sleeve, I’m sure.


Carlos has a Thread con’t at link
I’ve been forced to do something I’ve never done before:
Let me explain why.


Thanks for the dig on forthcoming vaccine… lots of time and energy there. We will get through this time in our Country’s history… we’re all good ol’ peasant stock!

Tommy G@TommyG
Jul 20
Quote Tweet
Karli Flag of United States@KarluskaP
· Jul 20
Got to do something about all these clones replacing people


Disturbing, but not shocking.
God, Christ or Church not mentioned once in 4,000-word meditation
VATICAN CITY ( – A new 4,000-word Vatican document on the Wuhan virus pandemic is being slammed for not mentioning God, Jesus Christ, Church, gospel, Bible or sacraments even once.
Totally devoid of any explicitly Catholic teaching, the Pontifical Academy for Life’s coronavirus brief, published Wednesday, is titled: “Humana Communitas in the Age of Pandemic: Untimely Meditations on Life’s Rebirth.”


God, Christ or Church not mentioned once in 4,000-word meditation
^^^ Appease muzzies or ChiComs?


Verse of the Day for Friday, July 24, 2020

“For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.”
Romans 5:17 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Friday Butterfly Blessingscomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


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comment image


Good Morning!
have a Blessed Day Duchess!


Hey, Patty!!! Hope all is well with you!
God watered the trees, bushes, grass, and flowers last night – Gloriously Green with Colorful Flowers everywhere – even my Snowball Bush is lush with blooms – thought it had died – God is Good!!!
Hope your day is Blessed as well – Hugs!!!


good for you…the rain has been a short shower here and there for too long–everything is still green, but the pond is down a good 5 inches. we water the garden, but it’s not looking good…we need a good long soaking rain…
hubby and I will have to try a rain dance on the deck! lol
HUGS back to you!!


I do not think it rained last night – it is cool – more like ‘dew’ than rain – would be glad to ‘dance’ with you – we need a good soaking rain, too – Spring was too dry – think that is why I lost so many flowers.
Ponds are dry here, too – and the August heat will not help – Gee – God has been inundated with prayers of all kind – bugs – rain -from flooding to drought healing – our nation – our President – riots – hatred – destruction – you name it – He has heard it all since January!
When I was little I apologized to God for bugging him so much – until a minister told me – not to worry – He can handle it – I really felt bad – lol


I remember talking with my Priest about things I bring to God and he told me not to bring a thimble, but a bathtub! these days there are a lot of petitions about friends, but the farmers need the rain too!


True – they took the first harvest in June – if we get a steady rain – they could get (4) from the field behind my house – praying – with all of this nonsense – there are shortages everywhere – order something – it will take at least a week – no matter how much you pay for shipping it sooner.
Stores are still not stocked with essentials – forget about cleaning supplies and Lysol – just not there – sometimes, simple things are out of stock – but – the home improvement stores are making a killing!
God is busy for sure – but, He is thrilled many are coming to Him for help!!!




* Beautiful, Butterfly * Wheeee!!!
God Bless You Real Good!!!






Cue has posted this image of peeps flying the American flag… more than once.
Last night Dave at X22 Report suggested one way to show we, the Silent Majority, support POTUS is to fly the flag at home… also, to put images of the flag out on social media everywhere… from now until the election. Get family and neighbors to do so also.
Sounds like a winner to me…


oops, slow brain forgot to post image! here ya go
Proclamation on Law Day, U.S.A., 2020
30 Apr 2020 – 3:37:28 PM
NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, in accordance with Public Law 87–20, as amended, do hereby proclaim May 1, 2020, as Law Day, U.S.A. I urge all Americans, including government officials, to observe this day by reflecting upon the importance of the rule of law in our Nation and displaying the flag of the United States in support of this national observance; and I especially urge the legal profession, the press, and the radio, television, and media industries to promote and to participate in the observance of this day.


3rd time’s the charm?comment image



Justice Department@TheJusticeDept
Forsyth Man Sentenced for Attempted Attack on the White House
Forsyth Man Sentenced for Attempted Attack on the White House
Hasher Jallal Taheb, 23, of Cumming, Georiga, has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for attempting an attack upon the White House. Taheb also planned attacks on the Statue of Liberty, Washington


“Taheb planned to conduct a terrorist attack on the White House as part of what he claimed was his obligation to engage in jihad,” FTA. Surprise, surprise…..


BrunoBarking Retweeted
Kathy Bovenschen 🌻🇺🇸🗽❤️@kasubo
In th US, only 36 children under the age of 15 have died of any COVID-affiliated cause (Source: CDC). Not one example, worldwide, of a child spreading the virus to an adult, yet school teachers are fighting the opening of schools. Why are we being lied to?




YUP!!! Liar…Liar – Pants on Fire!!!


Today at Bannon War Room they showed a picture of Fauci sitting in the stand at the base ball game with two people and he was wearing the mask on his chin. Two other people had their mask on. The man is a fraught but we know that already.


Widespread knowledge, yes, Sing!!!


Rep. Louie Gohmert introduces House Resolution to ban Democrat party.


The truth will rankle their scales!
“Gohmert released the following statement:
“As outlined in the resolution, a great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan. As the country watches violent leftists burn our cities, tear down our statues and call upon every school, military base and city street to be renamed, it is important to note that past atrocities these radicals claim to be so violently offensive were largely committed by members in good standing of the Democratic Party. Whether it be supporting the most vile forms of racism or actively working against Civil Rights legislation, Democrats in this country perpetuated these abhorrent forms of discrimination and violence practically since their party’s inception. To avoid triggering innocent bystanders by the racist past of the Democratic Party, I would suggest they change their name. That is the standard to which they are holding everyone else, so the name change needs to occur.”


This was so brilliant of Gomert. Love it.


Me, too, Zoe!!! Good for him!!!


Ryan Saavedra@RealSaavedra
Congressman Introduces Bill That Would Have Democrat Party Change Name Or ‘Be Barred From Participation In The House’ Due To Past Support Of Slavery, Confederacy
Congressman Introduces Bill That Would Have Democratic Party Change Name Or ‘Be Barred From…
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) introduced a bill Thursday on the floor of the House of Representatives that would ban the Democratic Party due to their history of having supported slavery and the Confed…


Love Louie Gohmert!
He used to be a Judge, btw…and I’ll bet he was a good one!


Asleep At The Wheel – Route 66 (Live in Studio 1A)






the Squad calling for cancellation of student debt may sound like it benefits the poor, but that may not be the case.
So in canceling student debt, progressives legislators would be helping a disproportionately well-off segment of society at the average taxpayer’s expense. The injustice here lies not just in the fact that this policy provides relief to the well-off and not the working class. It’s also wildly unfair—and not at all “progressive”—that even lower and middle-class taxpayers who didn’t go to college would have to pay for the bailout via increased taxation or the long-term consequences of more government debt.
That’s right: Lena the hairdresser would have to pay more taxes so Jake the corporate lawyer doesn’t have to pay off his undergraduate loans. How does that promote “social justice” or the interests of the working class?
It’s particularly perplexing that these self-described socialists are pushing this bailout for the affluent in the middle of a pandemic that, as the pair regularly points out, is overwhelmingly hurting society’s most disadvantaged. Think about it: Layoffs and job losses due to COVID-19 lockdowns are largely hitting service industries, retail, and other forms of blue-collar work. Meanwhile, many college graduates—aka student debt holders—work in white-collar jobs that don’t just pay more, but also lend themselves more easily to remote work during a pandemic.


It’s also pandering…to all those little pukes out there rioting in the streets, who have worthless degrees in ‘womens studies’ or ‘underwater basket weaving’.
They’ve student loan debt and can’t get jobs with the degrees that they went in debt to get.
This problem would be solved…if colleges were required to cosign on the govt student loans!
Make colleges share in the debt that they so eagerly had a hand in creating — and they will have to come up with degrees that will result in employment, rather than unemployment.


oh…it’s not just women’s studies–it’s lesbian dance interpretation…the degrees these days are focused on the pointless (imo) and their only possible function would be to serve as a teacher in that subject–which i can’t see as lucrative. but agreed! if they have to share in the liability, then maybe students would learn useful things.


I’ve got an idea.
Let’s turn Universities into Marxist indoctrination centers
and then have the federal government fund them with our taxes!


that’s already been done sadly!!


Forgot the /s


JJ Sefton’s Morning Report at Ace of Spades


KaalFlag of IndiaFlag of IndiaFlag of India
With so much of outflow continously for last so many days, the danger of damage to the dam from cavitation can’t be denied. A big chunk of concrete was spotted from Spillway during live streaming of the dam.
6:13 AM · Jul 24, 2020comment image



Gail Combs

As I mentioned before Chinese construction is CRAP! their cement is CRAP!

From the comments:
3 weeks ago
If The Three Gorges Dam is of the same quality, God Help Us!

Douglas Brannon
2 weeks ago
It is they used bad cement. It had 81 cracks in it when the reservoir was first filled . Now it is literally warped in several places.

Damns DON’T warp if constructed correctly.
Don’t miss Daughn’s Deep dig:


thanks Gail!


So greatful for that fantastic write up on vaccines!
Their type, platform, method – all important. Is the company trustworthy – critical question! Is everything that is in the vaccine on the label – critical question!
I am also concerned about additional ingredients such as the perservatives and adjuvants –>> good vaccine ruined by choice of perservatives and adjuvants. Good vaccine in a single does with one “recipe”/list of additional ingredient can be a very bad vaccine in large does which are less expensive because they have a different recipe/list of additional ingredients.
Sometimes those “recipes” are changed and the slightly modified but “new” vaccine is not tested as it is assumed the various ingredients do not make a difference. But working together they do have a different effect and affects.
Long term effects won’t be known for some time, obviously, but best guess and pros/cons based on the age and health of the person – good points.


Mr Wear a Mask Cuomo in Georgia–no social distancing, no mask, and no 14 day quarantine when he gets back cuz he’s an “essential” worker…HYPOCRITE!!!!!comment imagecomment imagecomment image


Masks and travel quarantines for thee but not for me.


yeah really starting to piss me off!
I doing my part for you guys, but you don’t have to do it for me?????


Yesterday Albany Andy told NY’ers they can only drink a beer outside at a restaurant if they have a meal with it.


saw that…and wings don’t count as a meal…HIS HIGHNESS has decreed…
power is going to these tyrants’ heads!!


Is this…Notable?
I think maybe it is.
From Citizen Free Press:comment image
Dave Portnoy of Barstool Sports, interviewed Pres Trump yesterday.
Dave Portnoy has been a very vocal critic of Dr. Fauci and the shutdown.
He did an epic rant on Twitter about it.
And Tucker Carlson had him on his show to rant some more:

So…here is our VSG President, having this guy to the White House for an interview.
Is this our VSG’s way of telegraphing us that he shares our consternation with the whole mess?
I’m thinking…yes.


Meant to add this one, too:comment image
Dave Portnoy seems to be liking what he’s hearing from our VSG.


comment image


James Woods
Ironic.comment image

Description of image:
It’s a split screen…one side shows protestors in Hong Kong carrying lots of US Flags, most of those hand-made…clamoring for their Freedom from the communists.
The other side shows protestor-rioters in the US, carrying communist flags.


can we suggest a trade?


I don’t know about y’all, but I am getting really sick of our government (whether it be state or federal) making rules and laws that control us and exempt them!
in DC –you have to wear mask, unless you’re a federal worker.
in NY– you have to wear a mask, social distance and self quarantine when you return from half the country. unless you’re the GOVERNOR
in PA your loved ones in nursing homes are free game for covid-19 unless you’re the health director.
in US you had to have Obamacare, unless you’re a Congressperson or their staff…
in US , insider trader is illegal, unless you’re a Congressperson.
and on and on it goes.


Was talking to my cyber friend in Maryland – and we both agreed – people are on edge – mean and nasty – appear to be at the end of their ropes – frustrated, stressed out, and annoyed.
Only God can fix this – we need more fasting and prayer!!! * Big Sigh *




You know where the rat lines run…comment image


Wolf – This is scary!!!
Be aware of this!! This will change us from how we evolve #DrRashidAButtar #AdvancedMedicine#RNA


Brings to mind Prince Philip’s quote….“In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.”


UGH, Holley! I remember that one – that man is pure evil – and has many in his company!

Gail Combs

Fist President of the WWF was NAZI HRH Prince Bernhard. Prince Philip was involved as was a lot of the people from Shell Oil. The USA gives WWF billions BTW.
Well worth reading a view of WWF from Africa:
Another view:

Eduardo Ferreyra says:
The WWF made several projects that resulted in the killing (or culling, as they call it) of many thousands of elephants, rhinoceros and hippopotamuses. One was done by a former Rhodesian mercenary by the name of Clem Coetze in 1986, that “culled” 44.000 elephants and got a medal from DeHaes, a WWF director. In 1986 the WWf launched its campaign “Sae Nell, the elephant” and set up a camp in the border with Rwanda and sent there huge amounts of paramilitary equipment: machineguns, bazookas, non recoil cannons, hand grenades, assault rifles for “saving the elephant”. However, the elephants to be saved were in Murchison Park, 1000 miles from the WWF camp. The area where the WWF had taken so much armament was the refuge of the Rwanda Patriotic Front, the rebels that launched the worse and more horrible mass killing of human beings known by mankind.
Back in 1975, the African Wildlife Leadership Foundation, create by WWF U.S. president Russel Train, (later nominated as chief of the EPA!) hired Ian Parker, a licensed white hunter to kill practically all elephants in Rwanda.The argument was that Rwandans could not protect simultaneously the mountain gorillas and the elephants, so the elephants “had to go”. One of Diane Fossey’s assistants told the press that the reason was that the land where the elephants lived was ideal for pyrethrum growing, from where the “non polluting” insecticide piretrin was taken. A few years later much cheaper synthetic piretrin was discovered and the pyrethrum crops stopped to be profitable.
A similar fate suffered the rhinoceros in Zimbabwe. During its Operation Stronghold in 1986, the WWF paid mercenaries to kill the last herd of black rhinoceros in the world for making room for cattle ranches in the Valley of Zimbabwe under a plan by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that was restructuring Zimbabwe’s economy. The plan was provide meat for the European Economic Community. After thousands of rhinoceros and elephants, along with 5000 buffalos were killed, in 1989 in the cattle fair in Bulawayo the cattle was discovered to be infected with foot and mouth disease and the entire program was cancelled. Zimbabwe was left without elephants and rhinoceros, a heavy burden on its shoulders, and a dictator that still rules there.
Mr Savory surely knew about all this, as everybody else in Africa.


Gee Whiz, Gail! That is just horrible – these people are all evil – nothing better to do than to destroy God’s Creation.


Someone posted this one yesterday. If Vaccines have your attention now, this one should not be skipped by. Adds aspects not reviewed above.
Gives a bit of an impassioned plea at the end.
Vaccine Information on Covid19, nanotechnology, smart phone health apps, rDNA, rRNA, patenting people & GMO and she gives lots of links under ‘more’
Dr. Carrie Madej Internal Medicine, Osteopath trained.


Thanks, Para!!! Appreciate the info!!!


copied from OT
H/T wtdcomment image
it’s a picture of 3 people sitting side by side in the stands of a baseball game. Fauci in the middle in his “uniform” his mask around his neck, not face. man on his right wears a mask. woman on Fauci’s left has mask in her hand…


privilege must be nice.


The woman is his wife.
Now who is the other man? I found a tweet saying that he is their boyfriend. Now uh what? No others. Sitting awful close tho. No social distancing among those WHO LIVE TOGETHER. So now I wonder.


HUH??????? BOYFRIEND??????
yes I can understand the wife. totally…but the third person?


I know….but have to see if anyone says who the person is and if it was sarcadm or truth.


Just like in the House of Cards.


what is the House of Cards?


Does his mask say this?comment image


the left has already begun it’s assault using Gorsuch’s opinion trying to force a Catholic hospital to remove a woman’s healthy uterus as part of her transgender surgery.
When Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch redefined “sex” in federal law, twisting federal bans on sex discrimination to include discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and transgender identity, his colleague Samuel Alito rightly warned that the decision would wreak havoc on the health care industry. Almost exactly one month later, the ACLU filed a lawsuit to force a Roman Catholic hospital to perform transgender surgery in violation of the Hippocratic Oath, citing none other than Gorsuch’s opinion.
In Hammons v. University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS), a biological female who identifies as a transgender man, Jesse Hammons, claims St. Joseph Medical Center, a hospital operated by UMMS, unlawfully discriminated against her by refusing to perform a hysterectomy to remove a healthy uterus. The lawsuit would force Catholic hospitals to violate the Hippocratic Oath by removing a fully-functional organ and permanently sterilizing patients.


Trish Regan
If unions don’t want schools open and they want teachers to hand out worksheets over email instead, shouldn’t people have the right to reallocate their tax dollars to private tutors? Seems to me people are otherwise being forced to pay for a service they are not receiving.

Me: Yes! I agree with Trish!


oh me too!!!!!
my daughter the teacher told me she wasn’t allow to fail anyone this past year for failure to do assignments. she had 3 students who do not turn in one assignment at all and she was not allowed to fail those kids. and they weren’t mediocre students–these were her “A” students–just didn’t want to do assignments and knew they wouldn’t be failed, so they just bailed.
and she loved her extra free time to do whatever she wanted during the day–made sure she was available for her video chats but then worked on her tan…and did some work grading on line later at night. she thought it was awesome…so why would they want to come back? she was still getting paid, getting her tan early, and got “her work done” at night.


Wow. She needs a kick in her ass mom. Im certain thats happened nationwide. Ill tell you, kuddos private school wasnt much better. We did more because they gave us more and I made him do it.


sigh…we’ve been down this road and she has this disconnect–like she was complaining that their taxes were going up and in the same conversation, she mentions the teacher’s union got them a raise…I said gee, I hope you thank all your neighbors when you see them. She was puzzled and I said, you do know THEIR taxes (and yours) pay for your salary, right?????
went right over her head.


Wow. Sometimes you gotta wonder if this is her ingrained rebellion against all things mom. Lots of that among libs.


i’m her step mom actually.
but college changed both my kids…sigh




Private tutors are essentially illegal here due to AB5.
That is the law that states you cannot be an independent contractor. You have to be an employee.
If you are to hire someone then the state will send you a bill for all the employment taxes you are to pay.


Yes. Only defer to the state. Newsom was a happy jack ass over it.


Since retirement my husband still teaches 2 classes in a semester at the University. When he was ask again this year he said ” he will only teach per Internet because of his health and age. The University had no problems him doing so. I am not sure if the University will open this fall or if all classes will be taught per Internet. Funny though the University has cut secretaries and other low paying staff but kept 6 psychologists used to be 2 only couple of years ago. They kept administration. Overtime will be taught by adjunct. With my husband it’s ok since he taught for almost 35 years and is still very active in professional societies .
Not all students are coming back this fall and the affect on the Universities will be a problem for Universities to survive.


Getting juicy!
More on McCarrick’s Notorious Beach House
Lawsuit alleges ‘the boss’ ran a sex ring
SEA GIRT, N.J. ( – A once high-ranking, now defrocked homosexual predator ran a sex ring from his infamous beach house, according to a lawsuit filed recently in New Jersey.


Think there were more than one large “retreat” houses right on the beach along the Jersey Shore…Atlantic City, for another.


Jason Campbell
Stephen Miller is calling Democratic mayors and governors secessionists

And Stephen Miller is right!


I spruced up the comment section 🙂 30 memes can do that!

Gail Combs

All that Twitter shows is Lincoln Project tweets and such. You now have to log in to get the full thread. —


Did you catch this Gail?
Greenpeace Founder: ‘There is No Climate Catastrophe – It’s a Lie’
Watch this highly informative interview:
Post 10056981

Incredibly, Moore completely eviscerates the concept of “climate catastrophism,”and dismantles the claim that man-made CO2 levels are warming the planet beyond a tipping point of human survival. Moore makes a number of strong arguments which debunk the IPCC’s increasingly problematic pseudo-scientific and anti-human narrative which is being parroted by climate change activists and the likes of Greta Thunberg. He explains:
Why Moore left Greenpeace.
The beginnings of the climate catastrophe movement.
Why Moore believes human beings would not only survive but survive better at far higher average temperatures (which would be concentrated toward the poles).
Why Moore believes that contrary to being in a Sixth Extinction, we are actually at an unprecedented time of biodiversity with no end in sight. – Why Moore believes “ocean acidification” claims are totally meritless.
The commonality among opposition to plastics, GMOs, nuclear energy, and fossil fuels. – Moore’s unrefuted theory that human beings actually saved life on Earth from terminal decline in CO2 levels.


a brief excerpt from our reps newsletter…note: the bill was unanimously passed by both house and senate in PA–both parties! and our governor will veto it.
from the newsletter
Openness, Transparency Needed Now More Than Ever
Pennsylvanians deserve to know what their government is doing and why. The state’s Right-to-Know (RTK) law was created to ensure access to that information, but as Gov. Tom Wolf shut down state government in mid-March due to the COVID-19 pandemic, he also gave agencies a pass on handling RTK requests from legislators, the media and the public.
Now is the time for government to be MORE transparent, not less. That’s why every single House member and every single senator, regardless of party affiliation, voted unanimously in support of House Bill 2463 to ensure state agencies respond to RTK requests during active emergency declarations. The bill is now awaiting the governor’s signature to become law, but he has indicated he will veto it.
What does it say to our citizens and business owners when the state’s top executive is taking drastic measures that are negatively impacting lives and livelihoods across the Commonwealth but he refuses to share the information that led to those decisions? The governor must be accountable to our citizens at all times and especially in times of emergency.


After Wolf vetoes the bill, can’t the legislators over ride the veto?


hopefully they will…in the past, the dems have not sided with the repubs in a veto proof way…ie repealing the governor’s emergency powers. but this does have bipartisan unanimous suppport.


Cuppa Covfefe

What took them so long?????
White, straight, conservative Christian Republican, perhaps?


Thread on LIFELOG in response to the Uyghur article:
. . .
You can’t claim the Amrican companies are 100% or maybe even mostly to blaim for using China’s slave labor. It has been know for sole time now this was going on. Yet the consumers have sone little if anything to stop using Chinese products.
Apple would move their manufacturing plants next week if consumers refused to purchase their products.
. . .
My Reply #1
Economic laws say the market will seek the most efficient path to solve its problems. That usually means the lowest price to solve a problem.
Most people DO NOT have adequate information as consumers about the supply chain to make purchasing decisions to eliminate slave labor from their consumption. How many people have an iPhone? Would you expect a notice put on the box at the Apple store that says “Warning: This product was manufactured in part using slave labor”?
There is plenty of blame to go around on this. The direct blame lies with politicians who for years have chosen to emphasis trade policy that allowed a free-for-all for Chinese products without holding them to standards on labor, environmental protection, product quality, IP theft, etc. This has been going on for decades.
But the biggest direct blame lies w/ the US Chamber of Commerce who has been the biggest lobbyist (the largest registered lobbyist in DC in terms of $$$) in favor of lax China trade policy. They in turn are tied in with the Wall Street interests – the ones that are more concerned with multinational trade regimes where they can play localities to engage in legalized forms of fixing markets and monopolization. Very few politicians are willing to stand against the CoC. They have power, influence, and money that has fixed the game for decades.
The current China trade situation is an urgent and overdue reset that eliminates this wild west where Chinese products don’t have to play by the same rules as American products. This applies in many areas – but I think everyone here agrees that China’s slave labor practices are morally evil. While the consumers share in the blame, we cannot expect them to have adequate information to make informed buying decisions. The government has a responsibility to regulate international trade, and prevent products fail to meet ethical labor standards from entering the American market.
. . .
My Reply #2
BTW, the Australian study above has some good information on the Uyghurs, which I wanted to share. Some of their conclusions and prescriptions I consider suspect or inadequate. But even though it is imperfect it does have points worth considering.


Another reply to my comment:
I wouldn’t let the consumer off the hook so lightly. The coffee Fair Trade scandal in years past resulted in many leaving Starbucks and moving to smaller private coffee shops for their morning fix. While it did little to change Starbucks, it opened up a fair number of private coffee shops where people could choose.
As for Apple….I retired from the tech industry and gave up on Apple many years ago because of their corporate world view. In my opinion Apple has always pushed a profit fist and redial social agenda from the beginning, making them undesirable for me. Unfortunately, for the same reason I do not support Apple, many people support them for just those same reasons.
Apple supports the LGBTQ+ and the abortion movements withing the USA. Each of these movements are grounded in a culture of death. Therefor, why would I expect Apple or those who support Apple to worry about slave labor?
My Reply:
Exactly. Consumers make their own decisions, and that includes the ethics of their decision making. Worldview matter – someone who has no problem with Apple’s corporate policies on one hand are likely to boycott Chick-fil-A on the other.
It’s like the situation with the Whigs and the Democrats in the early 1800s. Two parties, one was pro-slavery and the other was status-quo and didn’t want to disrupt the norms. It took a new party with moral clarity to finally push through – consumer actions were helpful but did not do enough by themselves to achieve outcomes.
The situation today is more complicated as increasingly the professional left uses their clout to engage in economic manipulation of American business. People who oppose this agenda may want to do the right thing, but their knowledge (battlefield intelligence) and capabilities (economic ammunition) are extremely limited. Few consumers know of sites like 2nd Vote that can help them sort through the complex ethical ties that these companies have for their own purposes worked to keep hidden.
In the end, the U.S. government has proper authority to regulate international trade, and enforce standards to prevent trade where it empowers human rights abuses and violate ethical trade practices. This is something that should have been exercised with China decades ago.

Concerned Virginian

Thank you so much for the article about the CCP Virus vaccine race. And I hope Shingrex works well for you. Shingles are awful. My violin/viola teacher had a bad case many years ago before there was any vaccine for Shingles. The virus attacked his torso, front and back. He had to wear a kind of “medicated corset” for 3 months, take a round of chicken pox vaccines, and had to take a sabbatical from his symphony job and from teaching.
I do have a question: what about the vaccines in the race that apparently have MRC-5 in them, culled from the cells of aborted fetuses? This would also include almost all the vaccines in development that have a DNA, RNA, or mRNA component in them.
From the list in the article today, the labs that DO NOT use MRC-5 or DNA, RNA, or mRNA are:
Zhifei Longcom
And the rest of the listed labs are either using MRC-5 or DNA, RNA, or mRNA, OR are suspect, especially if they are connected with Communist China. This includes:
Johnson & Johnson
Searching for enlightenment here. Thank you.


good question!

Concerned Virginian

References for the above: (the complete list) (partial list) (partial list)
It is also ** interesting ** to note that OTHER vaccines, like the one for chicken pox, ALSO apparently use aborted fetal tissue or cells.
My opinion: This whole using aborted fetal tissue or cells in ANY vaccine situation is NOT confined only to practicing Catholics. If one believes that HUMAN life matters, irrespective of a religious belief, one would be opposed to ANY vaccine that uses aborted fetal tissue or cells.
Maybe PROJECT VERITAS can do an expose on any ties that PLANNED PARENTHOOD have to ANY of the labs listed on the cogforlife vaccine development list above.
And one hopes that POTUS knows which CCP Virus vaccines now in trials are being MORALLY produced. He may, hence the money being granted to PFIZER.

Concerned Virginian

Thank you. I agree that there are bio-medical and ethical issues in the CCP Virus vaccine matter. things have truly “evolved” from the day when I was in high school and we all lined up to get the Salk vaccine that was being used for the first time in the U.S.
But this brings up another question for me — having to do with the reports on an “ID and information chip” added to the CCP Virus vaccine. This was reported and commented on here at the Q Tree. The chip, apparently pushed by BILL GATES, would embed in the skin and contain the “date stamp” of the vaccine plus other data.
It is good that you don’t have to wear the “medicated corset” that my music teacher had to use 50 years ago when he had Shingles — it was basically a mustard-plaster poultice!


Remembering from the last time this was discussed. Are the DNA from the human fetal tissue part of the burdening gender confusion problems in our kids?


Sounds like you’re the one we should look to for answers. 🙂

Concerned Virginian

Well. maybe not really.
There appears to be a real, and understandable, rush to get as much information and remedies possible for the CCP Virus.
But some of this rush is engendering a collision between medical science, bio-ethics, and emerging (and disturbing) information about just how vaccines are developed.
Plus, there’s the “Big Pharma” and “Big Money” angles coming into play. The first company that actually gets the approval to produce a CCP Virus vaccine will see its profits go up into the stratosphere.
Other therapies / potential cures, like Dr. Zelenko’s Hydroxychloroquine cocktail, may be shoved to the sidelines, if not outright forbidden to be used.
And mixed up in the whole scenario is the growing acceptance that Planned Parenthood is a well-funded machine to kill the unborn — with their body parts being sold to be used in VACCINE development.
Then one adds in the growing suspicion that Globalists / megalomaniacs like BILL GATES are going to try to turn a CCP Virus vaccine into a toxic combo of “universal ID + universal embedded data chip” plus control over millions of people as a result.


comment image


if only!



They’re not even pretending it’s about race anymore.


Someone here said that democrats are a cancer on our society. I wholeheartedly agree.
24 Dem AGs Oppose Biological Definition of Sex
NEW YORK ( – Two dozen Democratic attorneys general are suing the Trump administration to block its rule removing nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people in health care and health insurance.


comment image


Nick Sandman turned 18 today, and the Washington Post settled their lawsuit with him. He says that’s 2 down and 6 to go.


should’ve refreshed…


go get ’em Nick!!!!
Nicholas Sandmann
We have settled with WAPO and CNN.
The fight isn’t over. 2 down. 6 to go.
Don’t hold your breath @jack


Of course she did. Is there a lesbian who isnt crazy or mentally ill that holds a position of leadership? D.c., seattle, chicago are all total wrecks.
Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) Tweeted:
Days after 19 Chicago police officers were hospitalized after defending a statue of Christopher Columbus in Grant Park, Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot made the unilateral decision to topple it herself in the middle of the night.


power hungry tyrants!!!
it will consume them


Shes vile too. Had a kid or adopted with her lesbian partner too.

Cuppa Covfefe

They are indeed tools of Satan.
We all need to pray for change; pray to confound their evil and change them, and pray to protect, strengthen, and cover those who are injured or persecuted by them.


As if there weren’t enough to worry about, some hand sanitizers containing ethanol actually contain methanol, which is toxic when absorbed through the skin and can cause blindness or death if ingested (which apparently some people do, as alcohol‼️) Apparently the FDA published a warning in June, but I didn’t see it. A list of products to avoid is in the article.
Dozens of hand sanitizers are potentially toxic, FDA warns

Cuppa Covfefe

Plain soap and water is enough to kill the Corona Virus without killing the useful bacteria and “flora” on one’s skin.
A HUGE problem with all of this excess “sanitization” is that only the most agressive/dangerous bacteria, etc. are left behind after all the incessant scrubbing. Micro-organisms that would normally be held in check by the other, milder ones.
Anything that will dissolve the double-lipid ring holding the virus together will work. Probably even hand cream or cooking oil… but soap and water will do the trick.
Big Pharma is double- and triple-dipping here. They’re selling all sorts of disinfectants (for newly-inflated prices, no less) that people, in general, really don’t need, and, in most cases, shouldn’t use. Over here, for instance, Sterillium, a pre-surgical scrub, is now available in many normal stores, at double the price it used to be in the Apotheken (Chemists) where they normally would be sold.
Greedy bastiges…


I’m very glad I have alternative sources of information and conservative analysis than the never-Trump and anti-Trump conservatives.
I realized I needed to coin the phrase “Professional Never-Trumper” and “Professional Anti-Trumper” to describe these people.
They aren’t opposed to Trump for principled ideological reasons.
They are opposed to Trump precisely because they are chasing the money.
They are paid to have anti-Trump opinions and that’s what they do.
There is no reasoning with these people because their reasons are all about the Benjamins.
That includes selling books, BTW.
More importantly it communicates clearly why we – and why other conservatives I am talking with – have no reason to listen to what they say or give them the benefit of the doubt.
Their reasons are not principled but financed.


Thanks for that comment – very much appreciated. I really did not have SD in mind when I posted that but you are correct that 100% applies to him.
I like Hanlon’s razor. Stupidity is a huge driver.
But it is not the only driver. Enough stupid people will do stupid things. But one bad actor can manipulate an entire stupid system. It only take 1%.
How much more so when the merely stupid to the maliciously corrupt ratio is higher – 20%, 40%, 80%, 99%?
Remember the FBI upper eschelon was 100% corrupt. At that point it doesn’t matter what the FBI ratio is – 1% or 99% it’s still BAD and CANCEROUS.
And the STUPID that go along are just as much a problem as the malicious actors. No one should be so stupid that they get played and just play along.


The tale of the prodigal son comes to mind. Father Sundance and son Sundance.


fyi I read his post today and either the man is a genius or a fool.
he writes that NO ONE…repeating that…NO ONE has assembled the facts and figured this out in the way he has.
NO ONE…not even Durham or PRESIDENT TRUMP.
HE ALONE KNOWS and has proof.
and the people who have seen his proof and writings, AGREE he is right and he is the only one who saw it that way.
I am withholding opinion because I don’t know what I don’t know, but he has big balls and an ego to match apparently.


okay…I accept and value your opinion. so we wait and see.


You are correct that we don’t know what we don’t know, and I’m interested to see his information. I do know what I’ve seen in the past, however.
What you wrote is exactly the scenario I predicted, of his riding in on a white horse, proclaiming himself the only one who can save the Trump administration and the country, and taking credit for decades of work done behind the scenes that we might never be made aware of.
For his idea to work, Q and the plan had to be discredited. The powers-that-be can’t be smart enough to get the job done. There can only be one hero in this tale. To keep his audience, he has to praise Pres. Trump, but who knew that Pres. Trump needed him to save his presidency? It’s similar to what got Bannon kicked out of the WH.
It is the same narrative as always, but on steroids, as are his comments yesterday in the “Information Without Action” thread: “Is Durham clueless about this? The consensus answer is yes; USAO John Durham likely has no idea.”
Consensus by whom? We are to believe there is a group of people who agree that Durham likely knows nothing about what SD has? So even those “consensus” people aren’t close enough to Durham to really know what’s going on.
Not being blinded by hero-worship, I see self-aggrandizement on an alarmingly increasing scale, and an apparent lack of self-awareness that could bring down an entire operation.


I appreciate your perspective. His trying to determine if anyone is coming out with *the* story and if going forward is prudent is a different matter than his knowing things that even Durham doesn’t know. His couching it in those terms, placing his awareness level above the level of knowledge of the top investigator, strikes me as playing to an audience and rubs me entirely the wrong way. I will believe Durham and the rest of the team didn’t know something when they give a press conference and give SD credit for bringing them up to speed. 😀
I hope that the fact there have been no leaks from Durham means there are things that no one outside of the investigation knows — although I do believe there are journalists like Hannity, Carter, and Solomon who can keep a secret.


A.J. Kay
Any statements supporting keeping schools closed should be rephrased as, “Harming children is justified because…”
See today’s CDC statement on the importance of reopening schools:
“Extended school closure is harmful to children.”
+twatter RT
See today’s CDC statement on the importance of reopening schools:
“Extended school closure is harmful to children.”


While biting the pillow, they have to say “thank you for loving me”.

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if CCP is threatening to hold the pillow over their face?????

Cuppa Covfefe

Chinese Communist Pillow…


Daniel Horowitz detailed analysis on Texas’ relationship w/ the pandemic case spike in Mexico:
America is unique in its experience of coronavirus in that it appears it will have to undergo both its own epidemiological curve and Mexico’s, because the two countries are evidently more closely tied together than even individual U.S. states are to each other.
Daniel Horowitz
Horowitz: Texas border counties hospitalization rate is 5 times the national average via
+twatter rt


anyone else experiencing difficulties connecting to parler?



I love this dog … 😍🥰😘❤️‼️‼️‼️

Valerie Curren

Hey Q-Treepers, thank you for your many prayers on behalf of Josiah & me. We really appreciate it!
I wish I had typical internet access here at the hospital, but the CV insanity has closed off most of our usual access pathways, so I haven’t been able to read along anywhere nor keep up with Any happenings…sorry.
Here’s where we are so far. Josiah was given a private room so I am able to stay with him!!! Sleeping in that fold out chair is not comfy ;( & neither of us got great sleep last night.
He just finished his liver biopsy, a “core” puncture, & the doctor invited me to be in the room to observe the procedure. Josiah did great!!!
He’s currently in the post-op/procedure area & hopefully at least tolerating fluids for he’s had nothing since midnight. He should be done in post-op in less than an hour & then we should be back in his room…
They are currently calling what’s going on “Liver Injury” & they presume it is likely rejection but labs from blood & the biopsy will confirm. They may up his dose of his current anti-rejection med, Prograf, & they may put him back on Prednisone &/or Cellcept (both of which he had 7 years ago in the early post-transplant course). Everything depends on how the labs are doing & I’ve not heard yet what the trends of J’s numbers are. They have our Wednesday morning “standing order” lab data as a current baseline & numerous blood draws since we’ve been here. Hopefully we’ll get some details when back in his room later.
Josiah is developmentally disabled & on the autism spectrum, among other things, & he can struggle with anxiety. He was discussing the “worst case scenario” last night. I asked him to clarify & he said Death. We are Very Far away from that being on the horizon but we had a frank & faithful discussion of what Could happen. He is strong in the Lord & knows where he’ll go. He also desires to live, to marry his fiance Rose, & to “take care of her”. We prayed several times, he sang some worship songs, & he listened to some scripture, interspersing it with old footage of classic Detroit Pistons Bad Boys era play! He’s a complex mixed bag of a person (aren’t we all to some degree) & is taking this situation in stride & doing so quite well overall, all things considered.
Thanks again for all your prayers & for your encouraging words! God Bless You ALL…in Jesus’ Love, Valerie


thanks for checking in…please tell Josiah hi from me and I will keep you both in my prayers!!!

Valerie Curren

Thanks Pat…blessings!


Thank you for the update Valerie — I’m really glad Josiah got a private room so you can stay in the room with him. Just to let you know, even when you are having life trials, your posts are just so uplifting! Continued Prayers for you both!

Valerie Curren

ThaksDD…blush. They May be making me leave soon due to CV craziness here in MI 🙁



Valerie Curren

I did get sent home last night around 10pm so am heading back soon to see how J’s doing…Thanks for praying!


A plus about livers is that they regenerate if a portion is removed. Hopefully , the malfunction in J’s liver is in a discrete area so that surgery is an option.

Valerie Curren

Of even No surgery just calming things with meds…


💖 Prayers up, Valerie 💖

Valerie Curren

Thanks Alison…blessings!


Prayers continue Valerie. Josiah seems like quite a character 🙂 Best wishes.

Valerie Curren

Thanks…& That insight is quite the understatement!




Donald Trump Jr.@DonaldJTrumpJr
Yup. Why would parents pay for services they aren’t fully getting?
Quote Tweet
Corey A. DeAngelis@DeAngelisCorey
· 18h
Trump just said “if schools do not reopen the funding should go to parents.”
Show this thread
Note from phoenix: Corey’s tweet is part of a long and thorough THREAD with NO Reader as yet…
Remove the *


If these ideas get traction … it could mean a revolution in education for our children


ushering in school choice

Deplorable Patriot

It would be a courtesy to ask the private and parochial schools if they would be willing to take some of the students and funds with strings.
Frankly, there are reasons such schools exist.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, and worry to death about my nephews. My brother and the boys’ mother ARE NOT suited for home schooling. Their personalities just are not right for it, plus my SIL has some health issues that are a real issue right now. My mom has been pinch hitting, but she’s going to be 80 this year.
As for school choice with the funds, sorry, but as a private/parochial school product, all government funds come with strings, strings that we don’t always want. As it is, state mandated credit systems are in place that have to be worked with for graduation.
Frankly, if all of this just sparks discussion if nothing else of what has become of the education system, life will be good.


TY Wolf for the Gorka link!
+twatter RT
Via Dr. Gorka – Great News on the Vaccine front:
The United States government has secured a $2 billion deal for 100 million doses of a promising experimental Coronavirus vaccine being developed by the U.S.-based pharmaceutical company Pfizer and the German company BioNTech.
…This is the latest vaccine candidate to be secured for the United States as a result of President Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed,” aimed at expediting the possible cure and eventual eradication of the Chinese virus.
~ ~ ~
Wolf I LOVE how this triggers leftists … the cognitive dissonance is delicious!!!
It’d be worth reposting this stuff for that effect alone, regardless of one’s position pro/anti vax!
I love that Trump is using the D Party disinfo war AGAINST THEM!!! BOOM!!!
All this time Adam Schiff has put himself on the record as hyper-pro-vax to position against POTUS . . .
And POTUS has just made Schiff OWN his position, AND AGREE with him!!!!!!!
~ ~ ~
Trump says “Great News on Vaccines!”
Leftist Dillemma:
* Hate Vaccines B/C Orange Man Bad
* Love Trump’s Vaccine News B/C “trust the scienceness”comment image
~ ~ ~


SOME vaccines are not successful because the virus mutates so fast….due to patient behaviors or the innate characteristics of that type of virus.
Flu shots have to be re-designed, re-calibrated to try to hit the right target – BEFORE the flu season when that year’s particular virus appears.
As we have seen – the big Dept. of Defense study (using military personnel as guinea pigs) showed the 2018 flu shot made patients more susceptible/vulnerable to coronavirus.
HECK – they have thrown billions upon billions at such people as Fauci and Birx – and there still isn’t an HIV/AIDS vaccine. Part of it is the undisciplined, driven, addictive sexual behaviors of the typical HIV/AIDS patient.


I read somewhere that they still aren’t sure that HIV causes AIDS.


Whoa! That’s an eye-opener.


PCR – Polymerase Chain Reaction?


they can’t even cure the common cold.
and there’s a worse disease that has spread like the plague …liberalism, although I heard they were making great strides with lead ball therapy…giggle


ga/fl, as usual, very apt observations.


Thanks, Zoe! I was not clear enough on second thought – it is patient non-compliance that doctors and researchers dread – it makes medications ineffective, particularly antibiotics and immunizations/vaccines, and it allows/facilitates mutation – making the diseases victorious, and cancels out the hard work developing treatments.


I was typing in the little boxes under the reply Bell on the right and that doesn’t lead to good editing or writing – so I need to rephrase the first part: “SOME vaccines are not successful because the virus mutates so fast due to the innate characteristics of the virus that by the time the vaccine is developed, it doesn’t hit the new mutation effectively. Some- times patient behaviors and patient non-compliance taking the medication generates or facilitates the mutation before a vaccine or treatment can be developed. Super-Gonorrhea and HIV are two examples of this.

Gail Combs

Would you be surprised to learn that coronavirus vaccines have a tendency to kill the patient?
Not at all. I warned about that early on.

IF, the CCP virus is some thing like Dengue Fever with ADE – Antibody Dependant Enhancement, then the 2nd go round with this virus destroys the immune cells first…
As E.M. Explained, “One of the factors in ADE is a mutated serotype. Changed just enough to not be an exact kill for the immune system, but close enough to still bind to the antibody…. said antibody then binding to an immune cell, infecting it, and reducing the immune cell count.”
The Complexity of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of Dengue Virus Infection
A paper out of China:
Published: 14 March 2018
Evaluation of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of SARS-CoV Infection in Rhesus Macaques Immunized with an Inactivated SARS-CoV Vaccine


Me too. Wish we could get some…

Gail Combs

There are alternatives:
Quercetin or Epigallocatechin-gallate (EGEC) both found in Green tea BTW.
(Actually Abstracts of several papers)
Specific to CCP virus


Thank you. I remember Dr. Zelenko talking about Quercetin. I picked some up.



comment image


… bwahahahahahah … snort 💦🤭 .. 😷 .. 👀‼️ …. ❤️

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Just like the Faux $cientists, the Climastrologists, he has a wishy-washy follow-through that gets him in trouble when he’s faking results… Looking at the pic, just from where his right foot is, and his arm, there’s no way the ball could have come close to the catcher, let alone be on target…
What the heck was he trying to do? Throw a curveball? Or maybe a screwball…


Every thing this man does goes LEFT.


who exactly is a “legal observer” of a violent protest where arson is being committed? and are these journalists required to show their press credentials? I say arrest them all and then sort out whether or not those credentials are real or forged.
Simon had previously ruled that journalists and legal observers are exempt from police orders requiring protesters to disperse once an unlawful assembly has been declared. Federal lawyers intervened, saying journalists should have to leave when ordered.


Legal observer/U.N./community organizer?


purposely vague so they can enter in any one and say THAT’S what we meant?


bizarre death in Michigan…poker player found burned to death
The charred body of professional poker player Susie Zhao was found in a remote Michigan park last week — and police are asking for the public’s help to solve the “mysterious death.”
Zhao, 33, was last seen alive by her mother at 5:30 p.m. July 12, according to the White Lake Township Police Department.
Her badly burned body was found around 8:30 a.m. the next day in a parking lot near the Pontiac Lake Recreation Area, on the outskirts of Detroit.


Violent death by the hands of a violent person.
What people group trains all their children to hate those not in their group and to treat those others as expendable playthings to be destroyed once your pleasure has been taken?


Louie Gohmert trolling DemoKKKrats:
Asks Nanzi to remove any item of any institution or party who ever supported slavery or the confederacy from any area within the House wing of the Capitol and that any party, who supported the above, who had members in Congress, be ask to change its name or be barred to participate in the House of Representatives:


GOP reps push resolution to ban Democratic Party over past slavery ties
It’s a response to the body’s vote this week to remove Confederate statues


2 BEAR ARMS!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Via Ace of Spades:
I do believe the progs have overplayed their hand. Again. They must think that all of America supports the Marxist BLM organization, and with the hair-on-fire MSM ignoring and even suppressing dissenting opinions, you can see why they might believe this. And why they might be surprised when Bevelyn Beatty decides that the BLACK LIVES MATTER street graffiti is too much to tolerate and, as I mentioned last time, does a little guerrilla theater of her own.

217 “A conservative women’s group has already submitted a request to do their own organization’s tagline as a mural, and included specifications that it must be similar in size and prominent placement as the #BLM murals. They have lawyers all set to sue when/if de Blasio denies the request.”
Posted by: Lizzy at July 22, 2020 11:52 AM (bDqIh)
“This is good news. I think these propagandistic graffiti displays need to be counterpunched everywhere they appear.”
The same thing happened in the San Francisco suburb of Redwood City:
con’t at link


~ ~ ~


Eric Metaxas via LIFELOG: *

Eric Metaxas
3h ·
Black Lives Matter: The QAnon for Cool People

By JOHN ZMIRAK Published on July 23, 2020 • 9 Comments
John Zmirak
It’s harder to ruin people these days than it used to be.
That’s a good thing in some ways, of course. We don’t want to go back to the days when rumors of homosexuality were enough to destroy a public figure, to the point where those actually tempted to that sin contracted marriages of convenience. Especially since the women involved didn’t always know what they were getting in for.
Nor was it exactly fair to persecute Hollywood stars who’d joined some “progressive” organization during the Depression or opposed racial segregation—not knowing they’d signed on to a Communist front group. (I’m not talking here of hardcore Stalinists like the Hollywood Ten, of course. They deserved what they got, and more.)
We’re Running Out of Taboos
We’re long decades past the time when real hatred of homosexuals, or overheated anti-Communism, operates in our culture. In fact, we’ve blown through a long series of realer, more legitimate taboos, too. Politicians can cheat on their wives. Macho actors can shrug and admit that their “polyamorous” spouses habitually cuckold them. Sports figures can surgically mutilate their genitals, and the Supreme Court insist that the Civil Rights Act demands that we call them “Caitlyn.” You can mock Christianity, patriotism, and the institution of marriage, and everybody just shrugs.
We’ve come a long way, baby. The West is running short of behaviors that everyone can agree are really disgraceful. I think we’re down to just two: pedophilia and racism. And it’s interesting that widespread, cult-like movements are weaponizing each of them.

~ ~ ~
Former USAF comment:
I read through that article and I’m still unsure what QAnon is.
My Reply:
It’s hard to define it clearly, and Facebook is a TERRIBLE place to get info on what it’s about 😉
I know a lot of ppl who are big into it. The general belief is that it is a military intelligence dissemination program being used by the administration to bypass the MSM to give the public insight into current events and unlawful actors.
Does that sound crazy? LOL maybe it is 😉 But FWIW I know several former military folks who swear its the real deal.
OTOH, it has been deemed by most as a fringe theory, with twatter and fakespace blocking it and censoring content.
For me the challenge is having friends and family who are huge followers and trying not to allow us to become divided. (FWIW I’m sure Metaxas is in the same boat.)


People getting angry with the goons.
Guy strides up to a group blocking the street and starts swinging.
Angry driver punches #ANTIFA blocking streets in Seattle
Stay out of the streets kids!


The line of cars was huge. People need to gather in groups and pick these oeople off the street until the cars pass then let them go. Cops do nothing, it is illegal, so time for people to step in.


Agreed, cars with double occupants can be encouraged to volunteer persons to get the traffic moving. If you get a few out of the car, more will join in, and a hasty plan can be formed before action is taken.


Absolutely stay out of the streets. That is not protesting; it is blocking people’s lawful right of way to businesses, to appointments, to doctors, to their getting back home, etc. They need to stop being self-centered, and get off the streets! 😡


Snowplows can be very effective. Just say’n.


We might just have to opt for one of those freakingly loud train horns until winter roles around. Plows being a bit suspicious this time of the year.

Gail Combs

Cow catchers….comment imagecomment image?1316752759&sig=0958d33d635816db&s=800x600g

Logical Thinking Retweeted
Renée 🌟🌟🌟@ReneeCarrollAZ
Jul 23
Civil rights attorney Leo Terrell will be voting republican for the first time in his life!
“Let me be clear to every Democrat on the planet, Donald J Trump has done more for black Americans in three years than the Biden/Obama admin… Biden is a racist”


in the replies to that videocomment image


screw China


From ZH:
As the US and China engage in unprecedented tit-for-tat closures of diplomatic missions, destabilizing financial markets and sending a chill through the international community, a DOJ official has confirmed that a Chinese researcher who was reportedly “hiding out” at the Chinese consulate in San Francisco has been taken into custody.
The Chinese researcher, Juan Tang, had been affiliated with the University of California at Davis, and was to be charged with lying about her military service, when she sought shelter at the Chinese consulate in San Francisco.
FBI agents interviewed her last month, and prosecutors had filed a criminal complaint with a federal court seeking a warrant to arrest Tang for visa fraud. Tang was charged along with three other Chinese researchers suspected of lying about their affiliation with the PLA on visa applications. Officials who briefed reporters on Friday declined to discuss the circumstances of the arrest in detail.
It’s still not exactly clear how the researcher/student was apprehended, but the headlines are rolling in:


Finally picked her up! Figured it was just a matter of time.


Jul 23
I wonder what other Covington clients might be behind the records that they refuse to turn over to @GenFlynn
& Judge Sullivan. Do you think it might be ByteDance the company behind TikTok that was a spyware app for the Chinese govt.


Yes, it’s old news that Wacompost setteled with Nick Sandmann, but the amount has just been released
Margot Cleveland@ProfMJCleveland
Called it! @FDRLST
Quote Tweet
Jack Posobiec Flag of United States
· 3h
BREAKING: Nick Sandmann has settled his $250M lawsuit with the Washington Post


so how much? the link just goes to the story in 2019…


oops, I misread Jack’s tweet… states “settled” 250M NOT granted 250M
brain is having a slow day Pat… 😉


nah, it’s fine…I was curious to see how much they settled for…because he’s going after twitter next, right? Jack Dorsey? and there’s an article about twitter revenue being down so much compared to last year at this time, he’s thinking about making it a subscription plan…thought maybe he was trying to raise some cash since Nick is coming for him next…lol
So one of the options Twitter is looking at — apparently this is not a joke — is making their service, or at least some aspects of it, available by paid subscription.
Yes, someone at Twitter seems to imagine users will pay money for the privilege of being arbitrarily silenced by a woke mob of content monitors.


Margot Cleveland@ProfMJCleveland
Just renewed my membership for @HSLDA because I fully expect the teachers’ unions and bureaucrats to use the stampede to homeschooling b/c of schools refusing to open as an excuse to institute draconian regulations.


Newsom and the state legislature cut off charter schools here. 2 things: they cannot enroll more students this year than last year and those students had to have been already signed up for this year during the first part of spring initial enrollment. No one does that. If you move, have issues during the final quarter/semester prior, etc. Newsom knows exactly what he did and doesnt care.
The federal response has not cut off any money. They talk but havent done anything.


Ridiculous @WillSommer wrote a total hit piece on @TommyG and defends himself this morning and Twitter suspends Tommy. Truly incredible how evil Will Sommer & The Daily Beast truly is. Catch Tommy on We will continue to fight on!
Will has skeletons in his closet. He is very scared they will come out. Just a matter of time. This is from a article. Will can’t deny it.


Julian’s Rum Tumbler glass@JuliansRum
Apart from a few voices, Fox News is just like CNN.
I always laugh when Lefties accuse me of peddling Fox News propaganda.
Haven’t watched in years.
Quote Tweet
Lisa Mei Crowley 🇺🇲@LisaMei62
· 1h
WTH?! Fox News just pulled away from @PressSec’s briefing after she showed a video of the violence in Portland. They said Fox management told them to!! Unbelievable! They just returned to the brief but why would they NOT want us to see the video showing what was happening there?!
Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸@JackPosobiec
Can confirm that @OANN did not censor today’s @PressSec briefing, played it in full, and that we will never censor the White House


Cuck news. I would like to see if those few change their view in order to keep earning the $$$.


Caught tail end where Harris was apologizing for video, now I know what she was talking about. Apologizing for showing the truth, sorry state of affairs.

Jack Posobiec Flag of United States Retweeted
Jewish Deplorable (Parler: TrumpJew)@TrumpJew
De Blasio quotes Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto in radio interview:


Its only famous among communists like him who are believers, and those who learn to prevent it.


This is way above my pay grade, but I thought the sharper minds here might find it interesting.
As they race to devise a vaccine, researchers are trying to ensure that their candidates don’t spur a counterproductive, even dangerous, immune system reaction known as immune enhancement.


That’s good.


When it comes to enhancements, anything from the Isle of Dr. Moreau to Neo from the Matrix could thoughtfully be envisioned, though I’m sure they are not shooting for either extreme and are just focused on just a vaccine as the somewhat technical article posted says they are. However Elon Musk has other ideas with his Neuralink company, which is a neurotechnology company focused on developing brain–computer interfaces. However that’s not a vaccine. Yet some of these vaccines are to use nano tech in their development and will come out of companies that are members of the World Economic Forum (Bill Gates being one) who are interested in these sort of things that use nano tech for coaxing and enhancing thinking among other things. Keep in mind nano tech is already a huge industry were most of us haven’t heard of the things nor can likely fathom the things they are working on. Not that they will slip any of that into a vaccine or one of the updates, but they are already talking about adding trackers. What’s a few more thousand self replicating nano particles from one of a thousand shelves begging for some human subjects to experiment upon. No one would ever notice right? Only half kidding.
All this sounds exciting and I’m sure its a big draw for the collage crowd as they always want what they want now and each likely has a vision of what this new technology can bring as they are wooed and awed by thoughts of becoming immortal x-men, but as some one else pointed out earlier all this new technology while nice can be used for good or evil and more people should get involved in talking about all this before we end up mucking up the human race or let someone attempt to fulfill what’s written on those stone obelisks in Georgia which call for 9 tenths of the human population to go by the wayside.
While the President wants to move at warp speed and Wolf gave us a great start today, there’s still more to be gleaned. If we can’t have a go slow approach then maybe we need to start reading and studying faster. 😁 The article is a good step in the right direction, th🤔ough i noticed it didn’t mention nano tech which is a feature of some of these vaccines.
Anyway, second time posting vid here of Dr. Carrie Madej Internal Medicine, Osteopath trained as she touches on some of the above with vaccine Information on Covid19, nanotechnology, smart phone health apps, rDNA, rRNA, patenting people & GMO and she gives lots of links under ‘more’ before giving a rather impassioned plea for all of us to slow down and evaluate what were about to do (SLOW DOWN??? WERE ABOUT TO ENTER INTO A FrEAKiN CIVIL WAR YOU IDOIT!…, whoops.. ignore that guy) . So if you haven’t watched it yet make sure you book mark this even though we’ll likely see more of this type of vid in the near future.


I’m aware many of you are already aware of this. I believe I’ve seen stories about Biden’s plan to reinstate Obama’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule (AFFHR) here. The President tweeted out this story today,
saying suburban moms should be aware of this. Indeed it’s good red pilling material and I’d encourage you to use it, but in no way should it be restricted to just moms. It’s for all property owners.
The first time I became of this AFFHR was before Trump was elected, after getting a notice in the mail from our small cities zoning and planning board. In the letter they said they were notifying me about a gas station & food mart that would be going up kitty corner to our property and if I had objections I had X number of days to protest. Looking to do just that I started to dig and discovered that the gas station and food mart plan was an early attempt to be next to an entire new compact city one third the size of ours with over 12 large modern multi storied apartment buildings laid out like a large collage campus, complete with shops, right next to an industrial park where the new residences (think refuge relocation) would likely work and connected by light rail to SA and Austin which they hoped to attract upon getting their dream city in place. All that was going to go up across the street from me.
Long story short, (and I’ve told it here before) because of the letter I received we ended up getting the whole city involved and fought it and made them scrap their plan which was developed by a few collage professors from the University of Texas, San Antonio. If we hadn’t, just like in the story above, they’d of used our city for a cash cow and would easily have diluted our conservative vote. Worse case, and I did think about it at the time, is if they ended up reviving their light rail dream and had their train station built, I have no doubt ANTIFA types would be traveling here on the train to protest our small residential city trying to extort us for more money. That and the huge clock tower they had planned would of turned into a minaret before it was completed and I’d be listening to sounds only Obama thought beautiful.
Okay, last time I tell that story, promise. But the article is good red pilling material for anyone on the fence, or those you enjoy having pleasant arguments with.


GOOD FOR YOU for standing up for what’s yours though!!!!


The city residents are just lucky I chose that week to pick up my mail, as its’ not something I do with any sort of regularity. 🙂


Para, and luck for them and for you that you were paying close attention to what you read. Many would have just glossed over it, which is what the evil-doers were counting on.


I don’t remember seeing the story before, and I think it is useful for us to see it from time to time. It shows that we can make a difference.


I’m glad you said that, I didn’t remember reading it before either and thought I was just getting older…


I have a tendency of posting late because I’m so slowwww, so it would of been easy to miss. Also it was likely well over a year ago. 😎


well it’s an awesome story!


I remember.
Worthy of a retelling from time to time.

Concerned Virginian

What they’re doing in Virginia is to get “sustainable developments” approved that include “mixed housing” (translation: low-income multifamily buildings embedded among the middle- and upper-level income single family houses in the plan).
Bonus for the UN Globalists that are ALSO involved: office and retail buildings are included in these planned areas.
And, of course, everything is “walkable and bike-able”.
Total two-fer.


They always make these things appear to be attractive to yuppie types, but they are designed to bleed tax payers dry while diluting their vote by bringing people in who are not going to vote like the people already there. That has an effect not just on taxes but it effects whether a congressional area tends toward republican or democrat. They also tell you about fancy ways that they will pay for these fancy developments called TIFs, tax incentive financing, which has been outlawed in some parts of the country like in the Chicago and Detroit area after years of use when its learned someone always get left holding the bag as investments fail. Mind you though CA is just bashing people in the head and shoving these zoning changes down the throat in some areas. Apparently little can be done to stop the out of control legislatures there, other than hold them up in court.

Deplorable Patriot

A much as I love light rail and public transportation, it does have its pitfalls. The mall closest to me had an incident recently that involved people traveling there via light rail. The original owners of the mall fought a station there for years, and sold it when that line went in. Frankly, that’s the closest mall to the city, and TBH, until the ghetto people are civilized one way or another, it will be the closest mall. The downtown retailers are gone, as are three of the closer places to shop that were department store level. The ghetto people have no one to blame but themselves for that.
And they wonder why the streets are blocked off all over the south side, and why the gated communities keep the gates closed. I saw some person who was most likely following some sort of a map that doesn’t have the gates on it almost slam into the one on the cross street in my subdivision this morning. Whoever it was was driving WAY too fast, too.


The San Antonio to Austin rail project has been a dream of the chamber of commerce and liberals for decades, putting it in over existing freight track, but it keeps dying. They were going to use us as just another excuse to to revive it.
Meanwhile I’m not a fan of gated communities though we have one (though the gate only goes along the front of the neighborhood). I’m always afraid it isn’t going to work when I need to be somewhere. And yeah we’ve had a drunk neighbor break the gate, but she’s since moved away.

Deplorable Patriot

Our original light rail line was built on old track beds that were no longer being used, for the most part. Through the city and closer to my house, it was the Wabash line. The second line was new, for the most part, and involved digging tunnels, and laying track out to Scott Air Force Base. Honestly, for some things, like going to games downtown, and the airport if no one is around to make a run, it’s great. I can walk to three-four stations pretty easily. But, it’s public transportation and comes with a number of pathologies that people from the suburbs really don’t know how to deal with.
As for gated communities…I’ve lived in one since before I was two. Well…it’s private and the gates are where we hook up with one artery. When the gates are open, street traffic picks up as there are no stop lights. That’s the big reason the gates are always closed. The ONLY downfall is the lack of cut through streets, which is the point of the gates.


I’ve seen those buildings with housing above and retail below. But the retail space rent is too high so they remain unoccupied and the residental space is so expensive that only people rich enough to commute areas with real jobs live there. Stupid stupid stupid.

Concerned Virginian

Unless proved otherwise, this likely was a BLM / Antifa hit.


Last tweet that wasn’t a retweet.
“Hold a church service. Call it a protest against Satan.”
This one was good. Summing up what politics has become in the last couple of years.

He recently retweeted this from Rush’s show back in Aug 2013

And couldn’t get the above link from usatoday to open, so here’s another.


Apparently Professor Adams was the only conservative collage professor at this university.


Interesting. They did a thermometer forehead check on me when I went with my mother to her doctor’s appointment. It read 92.4. When I told the nurse how impossible that was, she just shrugged, so I guess that happens a lot. This is an interesting thread:

Deplorable Patriot

My family thinks I’m insane, but I buy bottled water that’s on the no fluoride list, and use Tom’s toothpaste which also has no fluoride.
I’ll tell you what, since I started doing that, I’m much more assertive than I used to be.


Just as an aside, the actual pineal gland is about the size of a grain of rice and is nestled right into your brainstem. The “third eye” schtick is because there are nerves that run from there to a particular area of your forehead, in the same way as nerves from your actual eyes go to the visual cortex at the very back of your brain (switching sides in the process). It is sometimes thought that the area has extremely rudimentary light-detection abilities, e.g. to enable one to “wake up” with light even if one’s eyes are closed.


so this mask mandate must have been in the holster for some time…companies are now INSTALLING mask detecting robotics on the walls in businesses, studios, etc in Hollywood. they expect it to move nationwide…so how long have the robotic companies been working on this stuff to roll it out now?
and they can monitor my ass as I moon them and snub their businesses!
As ROSA gains popularity in Hollywood, a much wider release of the wall robot is expected, due mostly because half of the country is now under mask requirement orders as virus cases and deaths soar.
Corporations and local authorities cannot dedicate their time to mask-wearing enforcement as hot pockets of social unrest continue around the country. That is why elites will resort to AI technology to monitor Americans, and in some cases, make sure they’re wearing masks.
The press release didn’t state if there were any consequences for mask offenders at the studio.

Deplorable Patriot

I think it was in the works for quite a while. Some of the signage popping up the way it did leads me to believe that they were waiting for GO!
Monitoring…I’ll tell you what, there’s apps to take the place of Basal thermometer charts. I do know women who use them to track fertility, and a couple who have a precious daughter because she forgot to check her app (they added a fourth child, a boy, earlier this year. No word on app involvement on that one). I am not one. The government does not need to know the peaks in any woman’s cycle.

Sadie Slays

If you want to know how Americans really feel about the masks, take a look at all of the corporations that caved on their mandatory mask policies. The mask mandates didn’t even last a week! And not only did they walk back the mandates, they made sure the media lapdogs pushed some headlines about it to let people know they can come back and shop without masks.

Or was it because the President came out in support of masks? “Oh crap, if Trump is supporting it, we don’t want to be associated with it!”
I’m laughing at so hard at this. Corporate Communists finally got a dose of reality.

Sadie Slays

comment image


LOL awesome!!!
Rephrased slightly and reposted on LIFELOG:
If you want to know how the majority of Americans really feel about mask mandates, consider the corporations that caved on their mandatory mask policies. The mask mandates didn’t even last a week.
Not only did the these corporations walk back the mandates, they made sure some headlines got pushed out to let people know they can come back and shop without masks.
Was it because the President came out in support of masks? “Oh no, if Trump is supporting it, we don’t want to be associated with it!”
Sadly, sometimes it seems that decision makers really are this childish.
It is hard to encourage people to voluntarily follow mask wearing guidance when these overreaches and walk-backs reinforce the public’s opinion that mask mandates are more theatrical than in the interest of public health.
comment image
^^^ Very nice trigger for cognitive dissonance there 😉

Sadie Slays

Thank you! This is the most optimistic I’ve felt in awhile. Last week’s mandatory mask push felt completely coordinated with one corporation after another mandating them. It must have been disastrous if they’re backtracking already and in such a public way.


davealvord164 Retweeted
Far Left Watch
Jul 23
The Black Nationalist militia, whose leader was recently recorded confronting motorists while armed and demanding reparations, has announced they will be having another armed march in Louisville, KY on Saturday.
Black Nationalist Militia planning armed march in Louisville – Far Left Watch
In a recent video update to his followers he outlined the planned formation in Louisville, detailing the time, location, and what weapons to bring. He also encouraged them to bring body armor and to…


Demanding TEXAS as their own nation as well as funding/reparations.
Hah – fat chance.


yeah… right!

davealvord164 Retweeted
Cassandra Fairbanks@CassandraRules
‘Women For America First’ Sue Bill de Blasio Over Request to Paint BLM-Style Street Mural in NYC Being Denied
‘Women For America First’ Sue Bill de Blasio Over Request to Paint BLM-Style Street Mural in NYC…
The pro-Trump organization Women for America First has filed a lawsuit against New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio for denying them a permit to paint a street mural similar to the Black Lives Matter…


davealvord164 Retweeted
Gentleman Jon Flag of United States@GentlemanJonD
Replying to @CassandraRules
Actually, when a state entity prohibits or allows speech based on content, its a 1st Amendment violation. By definition, that is a ‘federal issue’.
NYC can choose to allow no one paints murals or anyone can paint a mural. That is state’s rights. But they must be content neutral.


The Library

Abigail Marone
Seeing a lot of journos more outraged @kayleighmcenany showed videos of violent riots than they are that riots are happening. The violence & Dems refusal to address it deserves coverage.
Harold Wren


So Tucker and Sean were putting the moves on cute Cathy Areu, huh?
(by the way, she looks 25 but is 49!)

Deplorable Patriot

Enough cholesterol in the diet and don’t smoke, and looking 20 years younger than you are is pretty easy. People say I can pass for 30-35, and…I was 29 for a couple decades. I turned 30 last year. I guess. I don’t know. I still get carded.

Deplorable Patriot

Thread from Wictor, oops, Carlos Osweda:
Carlos Osweda
This is an amazing era. Virtually nobody understands the strategy that @realDonaldTrump is using.
It’s straight out of Sun Tzu’s The Art of Warcomment image
4:33 AM · Jul 24, 2020·
Let’s start with poor Bellingcat.
The guy misuses the word “bellwether.”
A bellwether is an indicator of a coming trend.
Bellingcat is trying to say “pilot study.”
Thread reader for the rest:


They deserve it!!!!!! I hope they go belly up and fire all their executives.
“Ratings for A&E Network have plummeted since it canceled the hit police reality show “Live PD” on June 10, a sign of how much the network relies on law-enforcement programming.
Average prime-time viewership for A&E between June 11 and July 19 was 498,000 people, down 49% from the same period last year, according to data from Nielsen. In the key demographics of adults 18-49 and 25-54, the declines are 55% and 53%, respectively.
The show, which follows police on their rounds in multiple cities simultaneously, averaged about 1.9 million viewers for its Friday and Saturday night episodes, repeatedly re-aired on other days. It spawned several successful spinoff shows, also canceled.”


Ryan Fournier
It’s ironic how Chicago’s mayor now wants to work with Trump only after the rioters came to her house.


Not in my Backyard…
applies to mayors also… it seems


Charging a cop with murder over a suspect having a heart attack during an arrest is not bad enough.


Another benefit of smoking – it makes solving crimes easier.


TECHNICALLY, I shared this earlier, but it was inside a long post and may have been missed.
This video talks about why tests that are OVERSENSITIVE are not giving us actionable information, and that 50% sensitive tests are better for determining risk (like the Abbott test).
This is important insight into those “test” numbers…
Coronavirus Pandemic Update 98: At Home COVID-19 Testing – A Possible Breakthrough

People are thinking a lot about whether it is safe for kids to get back to school. One way we can get a better picture of whether it is safe is through accurate testing that indicates whether a person has COVID-19 at levels that are transmissible.
MedCram does good job explaining how test sensitivity is measured – and how some tests are over-sensitive (high Ct values), returning positives for COVID-19 patients that are past their infectivity. This results in some confusion about sensitivity: Having a sensitivity of 50% doesn’t mean that it is a random 50%; it is a smaller area under the curve meaning that it just needs a higher viral load to detect the virus. Since the virus replicates at a tremendous rate, if you actually have the virus and test negative it will only be a matter of hours before the paper test will be able to detect the virus.
Good insight to have before rushing to draw conclusions about the findings of COVID-19 test results: The real question is not viral positivity, but whether you are infective. This may be a way potentially to get out and get kids back to school, which is obviously the ideal situation.


Great, glad I reposted that, didn’t want to miss it




CBS 12 News – West Palm Beach County Florida:
These are some of the deaths in Palm Beach County recently, and incorrectly, attributed to COVID-19 in medical examiner records. The CBS12 News I-Team uncovered several examples in Medical Examiner reports of people counted as a COVID death who did not die of COVID.
In Palm Beach county FL only 169 cases out of 581 deaths listed were _directly_ related to COVID.

+twatter RT


Thanks for the video link, Michael.
You posted it the other day? I watched it then.
A must-see.


Here’s their trial run for screwing up the presidential election:


Did you know that Beethoven’s Fifth symphony makes the Morse Code sound for V as in Victory?
It’s True! It goes like this…
dot dot dot BARR


This guy is going to rue the day that our #VSG put him in the lime light.comment image


Donald J. Trump
96% Approval Rating in the Republican Party. Thank you!


I know that violent thugs in demoncratic cities is so last week, but this says it all.
“Life comes at you fast, antifa”comment image


Rogan O’Handley Flag of United States
When you support the #BlackLivesMatter organization, it’s not just the good parts
It means you also support:
-aborting thousands of black babies
-destroying the nuclear family
-riots, looting, arson & murder
-cop killers
-anti-white racism
Still taking that knee?


Department of Justice
U.S. Attorney’s Office
District of Oregon
Friday, July 24, 2020
18 Arrested, Facing Federal Charges After Weeknight Protests at Federal Courthouse in Portland
Charges include assaulting federal officers, arson, and damaging government property
PORTLAND, Ore.—U.S. Attorney Billy J. Williams announced today that 18 people have been arrested and are facing federal charges this week for their roles in recent weeknight protests at the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse in Portland.
According to court documents, since May 26, 2020, protests in downtown Portland have been followed by nightly criminal activity including assaults on law enforcement officers, destruction of property, looting, arson, and vandalism. The Hatfield Federal Courthouse has been a nightly target of vandalism during evening protests and riots, sustaining extensive damage.
U.S. Marshals Service deputies and officers from the Federal Protective Service, Homeland Security Investigations, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection working to protect the courthouse have been subjected to nightly threats and assaults from demonstrators while performing their duties.
Five people have been charged for alleged criminal conduct during a protest beginning July 20, 2020 and continuing into the early morning hours of July 21, 2020. Jennifer Kristiansen, 37, is charged with assaulting a federal officer; Zachary Duffly, 45, is charged with creating a disturbance; Wyatt Ash-Milby, 18, is charged with trespassing on federal property; and Caleb Ehlers, 23, and Paul Furst, 22, are charged with failing to comply with a lawful order.
Much more at link (photos a bottom are worth a look)


Those arrested are local apparently. The charges appear to me to be light… but then…


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States@JackPosobiec
BREAKING: Trump campaign taps @TaylorRMarshall critic of Pope Francis to help lead Catholic outreach
Trump campaign taps provocateur and critic of Pope Francis to help lead Catholic outreach
The Trump campaign on Friday announced the addition of Taylor Marshall, a traditionalist Catholic provocateur, to the advisory board of its coalition focused on grabbing the Catholic vote.


Donald J. Trump
So Obama and his team of lowlifes spied on my campaign, and got caught – Open and shut case! More papers released today which are devastating to them. Will they ever pay the price? The political Crime of the Century!


“Open and shut case!”
^^^^^ VERY IMPORTANT ! ^^^^^



Yashar Ali Elephant@yashar
Washington Post has now joined CNN in settling a lawsuit filed against them by Covington High School student Nick Sandmann
Details of the settlements are not public
Sandmann has also sued ABC News, CBS News, the New York Times, Gannett, & Rolling Stone
Those remain outstanding
Quote Tweet
Nicholas Sandmann@N1ckSandmann
· 8h
On 2/19/19, I filed $250M defamation lawsuit against Washington Post. Today, I turned 18 & WaPo settled my lawsuit. Thanks to @ToddMcMurtry & @LLinWood for their advocacy. Thanks to my family & millions of you who have stood your ground by supporting me. I still have more to do.


Multi-millionaire at 18.
And all he did was stand his ground and smile.


Well, at 18 he was clearly a badass.


Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Jul 23
Invoked, 60-32: Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #643 William Scott Hardy to be U.S. District Judge for the Western District of Pennsylvania.
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Jul 23
Vote Scheduled: at 5:30 pm on Monday, July 27th, the Senate will proceed to a vote on confirmation of Executive Calendar #643 William Scott Hardy to be U.S. District Judge for the Western District of Pennsylvania.
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Jul 23
Leader McConnell has filed cloture on Executive Calendar #647 David Cleveland Joseph to be U.S. District Judge for the Western District of Louisiana.


Mitch is so passive-aggressive…
everytime he resists POTUS’ agenda, he follows through with a couple of confirmations for nominees to judgeships… [ Did not LEAD Republican senators to support payroll tax cut, allowed change of name of military facilities amendment to get into Military expenditure bill]


Some more crumbs from Mitch:
Senate Cloakroom
Jul 23
Confirmed by voice vote: Executive Calendar #629 Scott J. Laurer to be a Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims.
Senate Cloakroom
Jul 23
Confirmed by voice vote: Executive Calendar #567 Grant C. Jaquith to be a Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims.
Senate Cloakroom
Jul 23
Leader McConnell has filed cloture on Executive Calendar #707 Lauren McGarity McFerran to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board for the term of five years expiring December 16, 2024. (Reappointment)
Senate Cloakroom
Jul 23
Leader McConnell has filed cloture on Executive Calendar #705 Marvin Kaplan to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board for the term of five years expiring August 27, 2025. (Reappointment)
Senate Cloakroom
Jul 23
Leader McConnell has filed cloture on Executive Calendar #641 Dana T. Wade to be an Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.


WATCH: Team Trump Online with Corey Lewandowski


President Donald J. Trump Is Working to Give Students and Parents Flexibility and Schools the Support They Need to Reopen This Fall
EDUCATION Issued on: July 23, 2020
I would like to see the schools open — open 100 percent. And we’ll do it safely; we’ll do it carefully.
President Donald J. Trump
ENCOURAGING SCHOOLS TO REOPEN SAFELY: President Donald J. Trump is taking action to ensure schools safely reopen in the fall and empower parents to make decisions about their children’s education.
President Trump is calling for legislation to ensure that schools have the funding and incentives they need to safely reopen this fall and to empower families with school choice.
To encourage schools to make in-person classes available this fall, the President is requesting $105 billion in education funding as part of the next coronavirus relief bill—$70 billion of which will directly support K-12 education.
Approximately $35 billion of the $70 billion will be reserved for schools that reopen.*
Con’t at link
*emphasis added /phoenix


For as the soil makes the sprout come up
and a garden causes seeds to grow,
so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness
and praise spring up before all nations.
Isaiah 61:11comment image


Beautiful … scripture and flower 😉 Thank you T3


I (Paul) planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.




I think somebody thinks vaccines are a threat to the election of their chosen candidates.comment image


And I guess some people still hold debates with words instead of riot gear.
Post 10057076 • View on 8kun
Heated Vaccine Debate — Robert F. Kennedy Jr. vs Alan Dershowitz
About the Guests:
(Anti Vaccine) Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. serves as President of Waterkeeper Alliance, as well as Founder, Chairman of the Board, and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense, and of counsel to Morgan & Morgan, a nationwide personal injury practice.
Mr. Kennedy is an esteemed author, with a long list of published books including the New York Times’ bestseller, Crimes Against Nature. Mr. Kennedy was named one of Time magazine’s “Heroes for the Planet” for his success helping Riverkeeper lead the fight to restore the Hudson River. His reputation as a resolute defender of the environment and children’s health stems from a litany of successful legal actions. He received recognition for his role in the landmark victory against Monsanto last year, as well as in the DuPont Case that inspired the movie “Dark Waters” (2019).
Order his latest book: American Values
(Pro Vaccine) Professor Alan M. Dershowitz is Brooklyn native who has been called “the nation’s most peripatetic civil liberties lawyer” and one of its “most distinguished defenders of individual rights,” “the best-known criminal lawyer in the world,” “the top lawyer of last resort,” “America’s most public Jewish defender” and “Israel’s single most visible defender – the Jewish state’s lead attorney in the court of public opinion.” He is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. Dershowitz, a graduate of Brooklyn College and Yale Law School, joined the Harvard Law School faculty at age 25 after clerking for Judge David Bazelon and Justice Arthur Goldberg.
Order his Latest Book: Guilt by Accusation
– – – – –
(Moderator) Patrick Bet-David – During the Iranian Revolution of 1978, Patrick’s family had to escape to survive and ended up living at a refugee camp in Erlangen, Germany. At 12 years old Patrick found himself collecting cans & beer bottles to raise money that could help his family and get him a Nintendo. These childhood experiences had a major impact on his perspective of freedom, hard work and entrepreneurship. Today, he is CEO of PHP Agency, Inc. a financial services company with over 15,000 agents in 49 states and Puerto Rico and an active YouTube creator commonly known for his investigative journalistic approach to interviews and unorthodox business teachings.
– – – –
(Channel) Valuetainment is an emerging media network for entrepreneurs and people from all walks of life created by Serial Entrepreneur, Patrick Bet-David. Valuetainment is referred to as the best channel for entrepreneurs with weekly How To’s, Motivation, current events and interviews consisting of unique individuals from all walks of life.


Comprehensive article debunking face masks from 2016 was yanked
Post 10068029 2 hours ago • View on 8kun
According to the Internet Archive (*/, we get a rough timeline of how the page changed:
– The article was up on June 18th.
– The webpage was not found on July 2nd.
– The article was scrubbed by July 10th.
Working web link:
The article has been replaced with the following content:
“If you are looking for “Why Face Masks Don’t Work: A Revealing Review” by John Hardie, BDS, MSc, PhD, FRCDC, it has been removed. The content was published in 2016 and is no longer relevant in our current climate.
Please note that the content from Oral Health Group is primarily intended to educate and inform dental professionals.”
Cap of the now-scrubbed article is attached.
..comment image


Sterilization of the women.
Post 10067238 3 hours ago • View on 8kun
Two recent disturbing events may finally awaken the world to the scale and horror of the atrocities being committed against the Uighurs, a mostly secular Muslim ethnic minority, in Xinjiang, China. One is an authoritative report documenting the systematic sterilization of Uighur women. The other was the seizure by U.S. Customs and Border Protection of 13 tons of products made from human hair suspected of being forcibly removed from Uighurs imprisoned in concentration camps. Both events evoke chilling parallels to past atrocities elsewhere, forced sterilization of minorities, disabled, and Indigenous people, and the image of the glass display of mountains of hair preserved at Auschwitz.
The Genocide Convention, to which China is a signatory, defines genocide as specific acts against members of a group with the intent to destroy that group in whole or in part. These acts include (a) killing; (b) causing serious bodily or mental harm; (c) deliberately inflicting conditions of life to bring about the group’s physical destruction; (d) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; and (e) forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. Any one of these categories constitutes genocide. The overwhelming evidence of the Chinese government’s deliberate and systematic campaign to destroy the Uighur people clearly meets each of these categories.
Over a million Turkic Uighurs are detained in concentration camps, prisons, and forced labor factories in China. Detainees are subject to military-style discipline, thought transformation, and forced confessions. They are abused, tortured, raped, and even killed. Survivors report being subjected to electrocution, waterboarding, repeated beatings, stress positions, and injections of unknown substances. These mass detention camps are designed to cause serious physical, psychological harm and mentally break the Uighur people. The repeated government orders to “break their lineage, break their roots, break their connections, and break their origins”; “round up everyone who should be rounded up”; and systematically prevent Uighur births demonstrate a clear intent to eradicate the Uighur people as a whole. image


+twatter RT
+LIFELOG share x4 *

The overwhelming evidence of the Chinese government’s deliberate and systematic campaign to destroy the Uighur people clearly meets conventional definitions of genocide, Yonah Diamond and Rayhan Asat write.


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States
My dad just texted that if they change the name to Washington Team Football their initials would be WTF


…. awesome … do it .. 🤨🤚‼️
.. bwahahahahahah 😂👍


Wonder how this impacts the pantifa selfie pod people?
Post 10065621 • View on 8kun
Judge rules Seattle media companies must hand over unpublished protest images to police
Five news outlets, including The Seattle Times, will have to comply with a subpoena and give the Seattle Police Department unpublished video and photos from a May 30 racial justice protest that turned violent, a judge ruled Thursday.
King County Superior Court Judge Nelson Lee sided with the Police Department in a morning hearing, ruling that its subpoena was enforceable. He found that the photos and video were critical for an investigation into the alleged arson of SPD vehicles and theft of police guns.
Lee said the news organizations were not protected by a Washington state shield law that under many circumstances prevents authorities from obtaining reporters’ unpublished materials.
The judge placed some limits on the subpoena. He said police could use the images to identify suspects only in the arson and gun theft investigations. Detectives could not use the photos or video to pursue suspects in vandalism or other lesser crimes — even if police found such evidence.
The subpoena would also be limited to professional camera equipment and would exclude reporters’ cell phone photos and videos.
The Seattle Times and TV stations KIRO 7, KING 5, KOMO 4 and KCPQ 13 were all subpoenaed.
Lee ruled that the SPD had met its burden to overcome the shield law: that the images were “highly material and relevant” and “critical or necessary” to prove an issue that has a compelling public interest for its disclosure. Getting the stolen weapons off the street was one compelling public interest, Lee found.
The law also required the police to demonstrate that all “reasonable and available means” to obtain the information has been exhausted.
Seattle Times Executive Editor Michele Matassa Flores said the paper strongly opposes the subpoena and “believes it puts our independence, and even our staff’s physical safety, at risk.”
“The media exist in large part to hold governments, including law enforcement agencies, accountable to the public,” said Matassa Flores. “We don’t work in concert with government, and it’s important to our credibility and effectiveness to retain our independence from those we cover.”
The lawyer representing the media companies, Eric Stahl, argued Thursday that the police were casting too wide a net and couldn’t show that the images would identify the suspects.
“You have to have a strong reason to believe there is actually going to be critical evidence” in the images, Stahl said after the hearing. “We think there was too much speculation going on.”
The media companies have not yet decided if they will appeal the case, Stahl said.
In a statement, the ACLU of Washington said the ruling “threatens the independence of the media. A free and independent media is a cornerstone of our democracy, and at a time when our basic freedoms are under attack, the City of Seattle should be doing everything possible to protect those foundational freedoms.”
Brian Esler, a Seattle attorney hired to represent the Seattle police, did not respond to an interview request.
SPD detective Michael Magan testified at the telephonic hearing Thursday morning that the department was at a dead end in its investigations. Police have arrested two suspects stemming from the thefts and arson, and have partially identified others based on other images.
The May 30 protests included a large-scale nonviolent demonstration sparked by the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police earlier that week.
During the protests, vandals heavily damaged six police vehicles. They smashed windows, removed ballistic helmets, uniforms, emergency medical equipment and fire extinguishers, and used an accelerant to start fires in five vehicles, according to a police affidavit and other documents.
A loaded Glock 43 semi-automatic pistol and a loaded Colt M4 carbine rifle with a suppressor remain missing, according to the SPD affidavit.
The SPD subpoena seeks media images taken during a 90-minute span in a four-block area between Fourth and Sixth Avenue and Olive Way to Pike Street that day.
Lee set a hearing for July 30 at 9 a.m. to enter a final order. In the meantime, the parties are discussing how long it would take to produce the unpublished materials. image

Gail Combs

SO the law is the Media can be Co-conspirators in crimes…. Got it!


Reposting here for viz . . . I think it deserves some attn
Daughn’s piece on Tibet – additional information
Daughn I got the following back from an expert in hydrology with the understanding that it be shared only without attribution.
The current flooding in China is behind a veil. I have had trouble finding data. Some of the dams rumored to be in trouble borrow design elements from dams in my region. Sometime in 1970s, the state department had a monograph published for the Chinese on inland navigation based on the MKARNS (McClellan Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System). A team mate turned up some articles. Some links broke very quickly. Here are a couple that are still up.
“Vinayak told Taiwan News that based on his estimation, all the flood gates were at least partially open with at least five large gates fully open. He said that given that the dam had the structural integrity to withstand much higher water levels in the past, there was no need to open the floodgates as soon as June 24.
“He then alleged that the purpose of opening the floodgates so early was ‘so that all evidence is washed away before the WHO representatives visit the Wuhan hospitals and lab.’ Two World Health Organization (WHO) experts went to Beijing over the weekend to discuss their plans to visit Wuhan to investigate the origins of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
“The latest satellite images come from open-source imagery provider Sentinel, while the older maps are sourced from Google Earth, according to Vinayak.”
The source of the theory is Indian intelligence, which has reason to see China in a bad light. However, photos from Wuhan are interesting.



Not likely. Thats peanuts and would take far longer. Besides that place doesnt hold the equipment for it. They were burning their paperwork, legal and illegal.


were they printing ballots for 2020 election? Some anons think so…


But what do we DO about it?


They’re gone! Saw videos of them evacuating. Law enforcement is now guarding the empty building. High level China Asshoe said they weren’t gonna leave, HA HA HA!!!




If no citizens will stand up, the business community will not, then all Portland cops can sit and collect a paycheck but do nothing.
This has been the line of thinking from the geginning of blm.
You either show support forvrule of law and get community business folk and regular folk to stand up or the cops will leave.
Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) Tweeted:
A source in the Portland Police: “Some are thinking we just need to give the vocal minority and the politicians what they want: We go away and let the city burn.”
We’re now at 7 weeks of rioting in Portland. What will it take to end it? Read my latest:


One thing is clear. The game is “peaceful protesters” want that interaction with LE so that the propaganda ministry and the MarxistDems can -play victims. It would soon become CHAZ with murders and infighting.
Why have they set their sights on the Federal Courthouse? They want the interaction.Honestly they’re probably hoping for one of them to be killed and another martyr will be created.


Yes. Exactly they do. Thats the only reason I can see the federal hands off. And these are cities run by sympathetic politicians or steaight up commies..deblasio

Gail Combs

Brent Cates: Brian’s brother???
Three thread culled to show a cohesive story line.

…..But it’s also clear the lion’s share of his response is going to be CLANDESTINE.
Antifa Leaders are being arrested at their HOMES.
The US Marshals have been “pushing” Antifa for a week now as UNSEEN eyes watch & study everything to identify actionable crimes & leaders.
Neither side knows what the hell they’re looking at.
This is NOT an illegal arrest/detainment.
This is NOT an Antifa High Value Target being grabbed.
Watch the clip again.
Who knows what triggered that extraction.
Who knows what that Agent/Informant was doing.
I’d love to have sat in on that debrief!
Oh the things he must have WITNESSED!
I wonder what EVIDENCE he might have gathered.

The following thread seems to indicate that the asset have VALUABLE information on WHO and WHERE ANTIFA kept information

….Tonight about 40 US Marshals in 2 groups moved on foot & in vehicles to push & roust Antifa from their usual nightly antics.
Their street barricades set up from anything they can grab were cleared & the Material comprising it thrown off an embankment…
Group #2 did this as Group #1 confronted the Mob.
The Marshals calmly take incredible levels of hate & venom from the Antifa punks who are, after YEARS of Antifa activity & never being held accountable, utterly fearless….
Around 3:30 AM the Marshals suddenly returned.
Again, 2 Groups.
This time they don’t bother with barricades.
They confront & PUSH Antifa away from the Park & Justice Complex.
They use Tear Gas & Pepper Balls to force Antifa over a full Block.
Antifa SCREAMS enraged…..
I saw no arrests but this was only one group.
The Marshals then retired to the Courthouse….
After the Doors shut I heard several Antifa (including the Cameraman) laugh & say “well, that was pointless!”
They’re IDIOTS…..
Antifa is playing STUPID GAMES with US Federal Marshals.
Who are preparing for the day they get to hand these spoiled, violent Punks their STUPID PRIZES.
While the Idiot Antifa were confronting 1 team, the other went to SPECIFIC Tents in the Park to collect EVIDENCE.

You can sort of see the 2nd team of Feds in the picture among the tents.comment image

Thread: ANTIFA’S GREATEST WEAKNESS is what it THINKS is it’s greatest strength

For weeks I’ve watched these Live streamers…
Federal Teams have been arresting Agitators & Repeat Offenders for MONTHS already
Now Trump’s going to STEP IT UP
Violent repeat offenders are going away
56 Joint Terrorism Task Force Offices?
Hardcore Antifa’s going away too, when Trump no longer NEEDS them to distract the MSM….


just as Wictor has been saying all along.
In fact, one wonders if they’ve been reading Wictor.


Thanks, that’s a great thread.


Fed judge just ruled that Gov “Idiot” Inslee CANNOT enforce his proclamations and edicts relating to shutdowns and masks.


Restore Washington is the group that sued the guv. I think it’s on their Fakebook page.


Probably will be appealed . . . and the appeal will lose. So, hopefully the decision will spread across the states . . . maybe taking more lawsuits and rulings.


Not the normal win. They asked for an injunction. In the response to the motion, Inslee’s AG argued that there was no jurisdiction over Inslee because his office cannot enforce the proclamations. The judge agreed and set a hearing why the case should not be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction.
The state officially admitted that the proclamations and orders cannot be enforced. That’s a great victory, even if it’s hidden inside a legal document.



Haaaa. 😄🤣
Love Babylon Bee!


paulmuaddib611 Retweeted
Thomas Paine@Thomas1774Paine
ICYMI – EXCLUSIVE: Robert F Kennedy Jr. Drops Bombshells on Dr. Fauci For Medical Cover Ups and Fraud; Fauci “Poisoned an Entire Generation of Americans”
EXCLUSIVE: Robert F Kennedy Jr. Drops Bombshells on Dr. Fauci For Medical Cover Ups and Fraud;…
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. revealed disturbing information about Dr. Anthony Fauci’s medical career in the government, calling out the celebrated physician for a history of disturbing practices ranging…


There it is.
I was wondering if RFKjr was going to weigh in on all this.



Looks like she’s sourcing this from a Healthranger article from Natural News. It does not mention Houston. The article has truths mixed with fantasies, IMO. Insert suspicious cat.


Newsome is stockpiling gold and weapons in Sacramento to aid and assist in the BLM war?? Obama’s Fast and Furious Narco squad, along w/MX Cartels, and imported Chinese soldiers to join BLM war and attack America from within?? That’s gonna happen and we won’t know about it or shut it down?? Side eye, Suspicious Cat.


A CHAZ for Cankles? 😆 She’ll be oh so comfortable there….she’ll be begging for GITMO!! 😂😂


OMG! A MUST READ, excellent article. Brookings is the nexus, Fiona Hill, Strobe Talbot, Cody Shearer, Steele, drunken sub source Panchenko, w/a criminal record previously prosecuted by Rosenstein!!! They’ve also found a lower level FIB analyst Brian Auten to blame for not flagging all the dossier inconsistencies.


They’re not going to be able to scrape this off onto a low level scapegoat.




“A public health emergency does not give governors and other public officials carte blanche to disregard the Constitution for as long as the medical problem persists,” Justice Alito wrote.
+twatter RT @TomFitton
+LIFELOG share x4 *

“But a public health emergency does not give Governors
and other public officials carte blanche to disregard the
Constitution for as long as the medical problem persists.” Justice Alito #ConstitutionOverCoronavirus


Is this part of a SC decision?


Yes, sadly today’s decision. Alito was on the dissent.


😭 But he’s right.


Very consistent.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve been thinking they’ve been told “Do this, or you don’t get paid.”
Our players, well, a lot of them, are the hunting and fishing sorts. They’re good, American boys. This is not their idea, and I would imagine is coming from New York. MLB keeps this up, and we’re gonna do 1994-95 all over again. It took the year with a perfect game, Cal Ripkin breaking the Iron Man record, and the McGwire-Sosa homerun competition to bring it back.
This will end up being the same.


That was my thought as well DP.


HCQ killed by the competition?comment image


I’ve heard some very negative things about our patent system. Another example of an excellent concept by our founding fathers co-opted by the body snatchers.


How TN is managing their data.
Good news – each case is not a positive test but a confirmed person. Testing rates reflect all tests, including multiple tests for the same person. However, confirmed cases are of individuals, period, not dependent on how many positives that indivdual has received.
My question: hospitalizations are those only hospitalized *because* of wuflu or include those hospitalized *with* wuflu? ie – are heart attack or car accident patients admitted and found to also test positive for Covid 19, even if symptomless, counted as Covid 19 hospitalizations?