2020·07·25 KMAG Daily Thread

Vaccine? No vaccine?

I imagine that our anti-vaccine folks are starting to feel as confused as a chameleon in a bag of Skittles, just as the Left (which would be opposed to oxygen if Trump were to explicitly endorse it) is. Because PDJT is obviously pushing hard for a vaccine. And similarly for the very anti-mask amongst us, as Trump appears to have endorsed face masks as well, at least in certain contexts.

I think it’s all part of the effort to ensure we are able to physically (and safely) go to the polls in November, an effort to force the Left to concede that it’s safe to do so–after all, the Left claims masks work and the Left loves vaccines uncritically.

It does matter, greatly, what sort of vaccine it is too, as Wolfm00n pointed out yesterday. The Gates vaccine? No fricking way, and I am by no means anti-vaccine as a general rule. But those who approve of any vaccine, qua vaccine, will be forced to accept the Trump-approved vaccine or admit that sometimes a vaccine is a bad idea. Unless they truly can engage in Orwellian doublethink: the ability to simultaneously accept two obviously contradictory ideas as true.

Orwell was very good, not just at pointing out the value to a dictatorship of having a monopoly on the media and the historic record, but also the sorts of thought processes such a dictatorship would want its mid-level people to have. Doublethink is essential for the low-level people to remain loyal to the movement, otherwise they could be redpilled if the media monopoly cracks.

Reminder of the Most Important Thing about the MAGA Movement

Yes, I am going to harp on this, because it is the most important thing President Donald J. Trump has to do, and he hasn’t really gotten started on it yet.

Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People...Our campaign represents a true existential threat, like they’ve never seen before.

Then-Candidate Donald J. Trump

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. The gun is always loaded.
4a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
5. Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
6. Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
7. Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

Mandatory Coin

Now it wouldn’t be one of my posts without a coin, would it?

In honor of the fact that gold has been skyrocketing…well, let me point out that silver has been skyrocketing even more. It was in the eighteen dollar range while gold was in the upper $1700s, and now it is in the twenty two dollar range now that gold has just poked over $1900. In other words, silver is climbing relative to gold, and gold is climbing against the dollar.

The Krugerrand, which was a thing before bullion coins were fashionable.
For some reason, Krugerrands tend to look browner, even a dull bronze color, than most gold coins, which tend to be an orangish-yellow.

There was a time, not too long ago, that if you wanted gold in a coin form, and didn’t want to pay extra for collector value, the South African Krugerrand was it. Actually, it wasn’t all that long before that, when it was illegal for US citizens to hold gold bullion at all. Exceptions were made for coins with collector value, because their primary value wasn’t the gold in them.

(Much of our then-common gold went overseas to Europe after FDR tried to confiscate it, and has been gradually repatriating to the US market ever since it became legal again in the 1970s.)

Once gold became re-legalized here, bars and Krugerrands were the main options; then other countries got into the act, including Canada, Austrilia, the then-Soviet Union, Red China, and of course the USA. At this point, apparently, the USA is the market leader! (My avatar is a picture of the reverse of the US series.)

The US coinage actually has favorable tax treatment (unless something changed in the Trump tax cuts). Coins and coin collections are always taxed at the sort term capital gains rate of 28% even if you’ve held onto them for more than two years…except for the US silver, gold, platinum and palladium eagles, which drop to the long term rate after two years.

Should one run off and buy gold, since it’s going up so quickly? Not so fast. It’s going up too quickly. This shows the signs of being a speculative spike or bubble, and therefore, only if you have nerves of steel and are willing and able to cut out just when it seems as if you should stay in, can you go in and hope to get out before it collapses. For the rest of us mortals (including me), it’s too likely you’ll be burned. More likely it’s a good time to sell.

But people who bought gold twenty or so years ago when it was under $300 an ounce are sitting pretty.

Disclaimer: Neither this, nor any other coin I post, is mine. With older coins, I’m going to find the best pic of one on the internet, so even if I happen to have one, it’s not the nicest one on earth…and some coins are worth more than my net worth so I certainly won’t have those! As far as Krugerrands go, I’d rather own the US gold eagles, if nothing else because of the favorable tax treatment, and besides the brown color of the Krugerrand is ugly.

Important Reminder

Just one more thing, my standard Public Service Announcement. We don’t want to forget this!!!

Remember Hong Kong!!!

I hope this guy isn’t rotting in the laogai somewhere!

中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

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^^^ Better everyday.


Two more to go.


Funny week.
DJT gets commie mayor of Seattle to agree to fed teams coming in THREE WEEKS AGO and tells no one. Talk about LoL funny; I can’t stop laughing. What a putz she is.


Something’s going on, There’s a change in POTUS. You’ve got Ari Fleischer daily saying he won’t win unless he gets control over and defeats COVID. Kelly Anne (and Ed Rollins) saying (don’t listen to Jared and Parscale anymore) and get back to the daily COVID briefs. Endorsement of and setting Patriotic example of wearing a mask(although he did say face coverings were ok back on March 31)(this could also be a concessional tradeoff for opening the economy, along w/eliminating need for mail in voting). Oh and NO mention of HCQ as he lists therapeutics in the briefings, what’s up with that??? A calmer, less harsh (a 1st time ever admission regretting retweets). Did they get some bad internal polling? Or is he covering all bases? I dunno, but there’s definitely been a few changes in our leader. WHATEVER IT TAKES, WE HAVE AN ELECTION TO WIN!!!


If you’re a little confused about what’s up, imagine the whirlwind duststorm of bafflement that the leftists are experiencing.


I’m not confused, just observant. 😉


I’m not the sharpest knife on the Christmas tree, but I’m smart enough to know that Donald J Trump has more intelligence in his left earlobe than I have in all three of my brain cells put together. Trust Trump.


As long as Trump wins!
I think the masks are being pushed to stop mail in ballots. OR he knows China is going to release something.
HCQ must be a reason…is there a change. Was the left fighting to hard on those? Who knows. Is it going to be otc?
I agree the left is confused. Good.
Also don’t listen to the polls that say he wins and have people stay home on Election Day.


It’s like he’s not giving them any reason at all whatsoever to argue, he’s actually pleasing them. It’s weird…for him. And yes, definitely confusing them too.🙃🙃🙃




I’m never sure exactly what’s up with Pres. Trump, but this is the most interesting political ride ever. And I trust that he knows what he’s doing. I also believe that John Q. Public needs to see leadership on the China virus, to counter Pelosi’s falsely blaming POTUS for everything and to instill confidence that we will conquer it.
Whatever he says or endorses, the Left wants the opposite, so it he wants vaccines, Remdesivir, and masks, what are they going to do? It’s like a real-life troll on the national stage.


Wolfie Rollercoaster!!!! 🐺🐺🎢🎢🎢


I was visiting with a good friend yesterday. In 2016, he hated the Hildabeast but could not bring himself to vote for Trump, because Trumpcrazy. Yesterday he was confidently and cheerfully predicting Trump’s reelection.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My thoughts. Much of this is just me GUESSING.
Trump in not going to allow the left to “win” a culture war on masks. The leftists created, drive, and exacerbate social conflict on masks to control the maskies with FEAR, to weaken R governors, and to pin Trump where they originally hoped he would go – NOT ENGAGING the disease. Trump is going to seize control of the maskies by seizing control of the disease narrative. This is something I argued for recently, and I think others were as well.
We had Republicans attacking DeWine in Ohio – it’s not right. We were being CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. Trump is putting a kibosh on that stuff.
I think Trump regrets not having a convention, but it’s SMART to back off on it, IMO. Dropping it helps the WARTIME narrative that not only beats the DEMS, but beats the VIRUS and the CHICOMS. The money can be better used for a completely different kind of campaign. Trump will come up with something brilliant to replace the convention.
HCQ is stable, and is now the standard of care, along with steroids – it doesn’t need help. Dr. Zelenko was able to get needed surgery – Didier is taking a break, it seems – HCQ is OLD NEWS. We won that bloody fight – anybody who attacks HCQ now seems like a petty doufus. BUT THIS – HCQ is OLD NEWS. We need PROGRESS, and that is where Trump is now.
The early vaccine(s) that take care of the critical elderly will be a great thing for Trump, for America, and for reducing the societal risks. China has the 3 most advanced (in terms of trial phase) vaccines, but they’re NOT advanced in terms of tech. They’re old school and potentially very dangerous, IMO. We need OUR vaccines FAST.
Early, fast vaccines CANNOT ethically be made mandatory. See how that works? WIN, WIN, WIN.
New treatments are also going to help – ANTIBODIES and DRUGS – these will help out HCQ, both in the medical war AND in the narrative control war.
Here is my final and BIGGEST thought. The left pushed TESTING to control the very idea, and THAT is why our testing is ALL WRONG – it was designed to set up Trump. But NOW we have a fix, that will ensure schools can open.
The scientists who came up with the idea of altering testing to PAPER, CHEAP, DAILY, NO LONGER “TOO SENSITIVE”, MASS-PROVIDED BUT SELF-ADMINISTERED, etc. – this has the potential to change everything. What it does is allows us to keep sick kids OUT OF SCHOOLS ENTIRELY. The scientists are right – it will drop transmission overnight in key places like meatpacking plants, etc. Leftist sabs are gonna SCREAM IN RAGE.
Everybody needs to watch this: (Thank you, michaelh!!!) I will include my tweets below.


“We had Republicans attacking DeWine in Ohio – it’s not right. We were being CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. Trump is putting a kibosh on that stuff.”
What if DeWine — a career RINO if there ever was one — deserves to be attacked?
What if DeWine’s Director of Health (of whatever the title is) was an Obama embed (she was).
How long do we keep making excuses for these people, as if they don’t know who their own inner circle is, but we do?
You can’t BE that incompetent and ‘fall into’ the governorship of one of the 50 states.
It’s never Chauncey Gardiner.
It’s always Lex Luthor.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

DeWine? Lex Luthor? I’d say he’s not even Eddie Haskell! 😀


Just meant he’s corrupt, not inept. 👍


“They’re old school and potentially very dangerous, IMO. We need OUR vaccines FAST.”
If you think the ‘social pressure’ to wear a worthless mask was strong, wait until you see the ‘social pressure’ AND medical establishment full court press AND political-establishment lawfare to jam a needle in your arm with Poison by Gates & Fauxi Inc.
“Early, fast vaccines CANNOT ethically be made mandatory.”
Neither can masks.
Look how that’s turning out.
The Left doesn’t care about ‘ethics’.
For the Left, the more unethical or immoral the conduct, the more subversive it is, the better it is.
“Early, fast vaccines CANNOT ethically be made mandatory.”
Neither can late, slow vaccines be made mandatory.
But if we don’t stand on the principle that NO vaccines can be made mandatory, we’re just setting ourselves up for incremental defeat down the road.
If we say “early, fast vaccines CANNOT ethically be made mandatory”, the obvious implication is that late, slow vaccines CAN be.
That’s the set-up.
It’s how the Left always wins.
We give in on the little things, but the Left plays the long game, and the little things now become BIG things later.


“You’ve got Ari Fleischer daily saying he won’t win unless he gets control over and defeats COVID.”
I don’t trust Ari Fleischer as far as I could spit.
And Ari is creating an impossible scenario for DJT, because who decides when or whether ‘COVID’ is ‘controlled’ or ‘defeated’?
It’s already defeated and has been from the start, because it was blown infinitely out of proportion from the start.
The fact that it’s a topic of discussion at all only proves that the media can sustain a pure hoax for as along as they want to.
Just like they did with the Russia hoax.
Just like they did with the Mueller hoax.
Just like they did with the Impeachment scam hoax.
So if Ari is creating a ‘condition’ of victory such that DJT can’t win unless ‘COVID’ is ‘defeated’, then Ari is just another Never-Trump traitor sleeper who has been activated.
Which surprises me not at all.


Have no use for Ari. Just another pundit and not much use to POTUS.
Interesting point about the media being able to sustain a pure hoax. Definitely agree that COVID was never what they said it was – otherwise every other person we know would have been seriously ill, and dropping like flies. Some of more susceptible to the virus, just as the flu. In fact, some are less susceptible to the virus vs the flu – children and young people.

Gail Combs

“… the media being able to sustain a pure hoax….”
Gore bullSchiff Warming is the prime example of a media sustained PURE HOAX.
At this point the earth’s climate is bi-stable. Global warming is NOT an option. The only two options are glaciation OR bumping along in transition territory aka Madhouse
As the Authors, Neuman and Hearty, said “The lesson from the last interglacial “greenhouse” in the Bahamas is that the closing of that interval brought sea-level changes that were rapid and extreme. This has prompted the remark that between the greenhouse and the icehouse lies a climatic “madhouse”!
SOURCE: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/249518169_Rapid_sea-level_changes_at_the_close_of_the_last_interglacial_%28substage_5e%29_recorded_in_Bahamian_island_geology/file/9c96051c6e66749912.pdf
A fall 2012 paper Can we predict the duration of an interglacial? says…
“…although it has been unclear whether the subdued current summer insolation minimum (479 W m−2 ), the lowest of the last 800 kyr, would be sufficient to lead to glaciation (e.g. Crucifix, 2011). Comparison with MIS 19c, a close astronomical analogue characterized by an equally weak summer insolation minimum (474 W m−2 ) and a smaller overall decrease from maximum summer solstice insolation values, suggests that glacial inception is possible despite the subdued insolation forcing, if CO2 concentrations were 240 ± 5 ppmv (Tzedakis et al., 2012). …..”
The paper goes on to say
” … thus, the first major reactivation of the bipolar seesaw would probably constitute an indication that the transition to a glacial state had already taken place. …”
The bipolar seesaw is the melting of the arctic and the ice building in the Antarctica that we have been seeing for the last couple of decades just in case you did not know.
To give you a feel for just how close to glaciation we are you can look at the calculations from that fall 2012 paper The paper gives the calculated solar insolation values in June @ 65°N of several glacial inceptions:
Current value – insolation = 479W m−2 (from that paper)
MIS 7e – insolation = 463 W m−2,
MIS 11c – insolation = 466 W m−2,
MIS 13a – insolation = 500 W m−2,
MIS 15a – insolation = 480 W m−2,
MIS 17 – insolation = 477 W m−2
And don’t count on CO2 to ‘save us’

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is kinda huge, b/c it means “they” are trying to get us to see the alternatives BACKWARDS, and push the planet into an ICE AGE.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Take a look at Figure 6 on page 1478 of the Tzedakis paper. Those interglacials may look somewhat random in length, but to me the longer ones look like multiples of the shorter ones – so that the lengths are periodic by one or two different waves. What this means is that the longer interglacials are basically MISSING some periodically accumulated set of conditions that re-drives periodic reglaciation.
What is potentially happening now is that “they” are trying to make sure we re-enter glaciation – that we MISS a potential skip within readings of one of the larger wavelengths – that the proper conditions to RE-ENTER glaciation accumulate – and then perhaps are helped in some way to finish the job.
The bogus “fake science” that was trying to get us to “Mount Pinatubo” our own atmosphere with particulates and other chemicals DURING A SOLAR MINIMUM has always struck me as having caught them in the act. Trying to get us to LOWER temperatures during a solar minimum is a huge tell to me – and seems like a good candidate for what might be needed to provoke a reglaciation.
Making us think BACKWARDS on multiple aspects of climate is key to faking us into doing the wrong thing.

Gail Combs

You got it!
Some one at the feed store a 1/2 hr ago told me they are saying this is the hottest summer on record!
BULL SCHIFF!!! It has been darn cool up until the last couple of weeks.

They have KNOWN since the early 1970s we were headed into a glaciation. That is why the big push to ‘depopulate’ the earth started then and now we have sterilize women via vaccines. It is also why they WANT Australia, Africa & South America AND the USA. Russia, China and Europe are S.O.L.
This site has super Ice Age maps.
More detailed map:comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks!!! love those maps.


Trump: judo moves. Dims: pushing on a rope.


Hear hear.


“Oh and NO mention of HCQ as he lists therapeutics in the briefings, what’s up with that???”
And promoting useless and expensive Remdesivir.
Which sounds like it’s an anagram for something evil.
And then there’s this:
Peter Navarro: ““Remdesivir…it’s $3,000. It’s crazy. Big pharma likes to sell that. They don’t like to sell $11 medicine. And there’s some politics involved in some of that.”

Gail Combs

<i<"“Oh and NO mention of HCQ as he lists therapeutics in the briefings, what’s up with that???”
Probably very accurate POLLS.
As a ‘lightening rod’ POTUS is stepping away from HCQ as doctors and people like us are spreading the information.
As a bit of reverse psych, POTUS is directing the leftist lightening at Remdesivir since WE ALREADY KNOW the stuff is crap.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL – oh my! Playing movable lightning rod to draw leftist fire back at cabal resources. “Sun Franklin – please leave your kite at home.” -Dems


Wouldn’t listen to anything Ed Rollins says, or Ari Fleischer. Can’t say about KellyAnne because I don’t watch her clips.
Masks are a non-issue. No way can he say not to wear them. At this point, it costs nothing for him to encourage wearing them – otherwise he can’t get the Lefty governors to open up.
What was that about regretting retweets? As regards his demeanor, I thought folks were saying he appears calm and confident.


What was that about regretting retweets?
Not sure…but PDJT mentions ‘regretting retweets’ sometimes, in that interview with Dave Portnoy.
I posted it below 👇 — it’s in 3 parts.


Thank you.


Yes Ari is a snake. And Ed has been saying to get rid of Parscale for weeks. KA ran his campaign last year. I mentioned them because it sounds like he’s collectively taken all their advice. See the interview w/Portnoy of Barstool Sports. He admitted he sometimes regrets sending tweets, especially retweets, a rare ‘apology?’ from him. Yes, he is calm and confident, while he sublty addresses/corrects criticisms of the left, thus taking away their power.

Gail Combs

“He admitted he sometimes regrets sending tweets, especially retweets…”
Remember who ever he retweets becomes a target of the left and they attack that person viciously.


The big gripe against Trump among people who are smart enough to know better is that he’s “mean”, “rude”, “aggressive”. Now, let them ‘reconcile’!


I will just say this. Does Trump NEED to convince US, his base? NO. Does he need to woo and calm the normies? YES. Does THIS phrase tall you anything. ” keep your plans hidden and as dark as night” “when you are near make the enemy think you are far away, when you are far away make the enemy think you are near.” Tsun Tzu. Now WHO is a Tsun Tzu scholar again?
Trump is simply playing the game, and BEATING the left while DOING it. WHAT ammo do they have to throw at him that does NOT reveal the covid scam now? NOTHING.
I THINK the object is to WIN in Nov, and to KEEP the economy and everything else going until then, and once he wins, both barrels on the FRAUD, and the FRAUDSTERS.
The calmer and LESS afraid Trump appear, the CALMER and less afraid the NORMIES will be, and that means they can live life, and VOTE. It will STYMIE the left, and Trump can ALWAYS appear as ONE thing, while in SECRET doing another, like removing Antifa in Portland and elsewhere.




Oh, and for the record, AOC is a lying F’n B. Martha interviewed Yoho today. According to him, he never said any of the things she’s claiming. He approached her to talk about policy, specifically to address her telling people to shoplift if they were hungry. He tried to talk reason and tell her about resources available to hungry people and she didn’t want to hear it, so he walked away. She made up the name calling, the exaggerated assault on all women claim, and is fundraising off the identity politics scam.


I was kinda hoping he did say it. 🙂


I bet he is now…to his wife! Well maybe not, he’s a very Godly man. He went out of his way not to malign AOC (when he rightly should have, IMO) while he was describing what happened.


“He tried to talk reason and tell her about resources available to hungry people and she didn’t want to hear it,”
It is not possible to ‘talk reason’ to a dishonest heart.
She doesn’t care about helping hungry people, she only cares about the narrative de jour.


“she only cares about CREATING the narrative de jour”…there, fixed it for you, Scott. 😉


I don’t think she could create an extra dry Martini.


Gee, sound FAMILIAR, but in REVERSE? WHAT just happened for REAL to Kaleigh McEnany? Lies, and PROJECTION, that is ALL the left have


Good trouble protest? Because of Lewis? Get off the fking road!


There’s a call across the nation for Antifa uprisings this weekend. Head on a swivel folks.


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Is Gail Combs on 8kun?
Post 10065282 • View on 8kun
All of the quarantine and mask ‘orders’ and ‘mandates’ by governors are in violation of the United States Constitution and therefore are invalid under Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242:
‘Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
For the purpose of Section 242, acts under “color of law” include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official’s lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim . . .’
Call the DOJ Civil Rights Division @ 202-514-3847 to report this BULLSHIT and END THE ILLEGAL MANDATES NOW.
https://www.justice.gov/crt/deprivation-rights-under-color-lawcomment image


They have to damage you first. It’s called injury-in-fact. No injury; no violation.
I posted on yesterday’s thread about Inslee arguing that he cannot be sued because he has no power to enforce the directives/orders/edicts. If a cop violates your civil rights, you don’t sue the governor – you sue the cop. Same here.
Simple truth – most people are too ignorant to realize that they are being coerced into obeying unenforceable crap.


If I put the mask on, then faint due to lack of oxygen and fall down, I then have an injury. Can I sue Kroger’s along with the County Judge who forced the business to mandate the mask??


They will have you arrested for damaging the merchandise as you keel over.


Can’t speak for your area. TX?
Perhaps one in five stores ask me about masks. Including Smith’s (Kroger”s).
NV – Mask goof at the door asks if “do I need a mask as they are required.” I reply, I can’t safely wear a mask”
^^^ Usually ends it.
Mask goof may follow up with, “do I have a medical”? I reply, “YES”.
They can’t inquire ANY details of my medical.
Sadly, most folks are wearing a mask. Of course incorrectly. Wholly stoopid, IMO.


“They have to damage you first. It’s called injury-in-fact. No injury; no violation.”
So they could psy-op you all day long, encouraging you to put a gun to your head and pull the trigger, but you can’t sue them until after you blow your brains out?
Isn’t the ‘injury’ attempted coercion against your own will, under color of law?
If a mayor or a governor or a police officer gives you a command “in the name of the law” that violates your free will, and does so in the name of his authority and capacity as an officer of the court or a member of the government, when he in fact has no lawful authority to issue such a command, the harm (damage) is the abuse of power.
The ‘damage’ is being the victim of an unlawful psychological attack on your person.
If there has to be physical ‘damage’ to the victim, how is that not tantamount to saying you have to wait until someone already becomes Hitler before you can stop him?
As history has shown, once someone becomes Hitler, it’s too late.


Look at the damage (and harm) to businesses, to children who are being deprived of an education, all of it due to a bogus psy-op (China Virus) and associated edicts, decrees and diktats, perpetrated by government officials under the color of law.
The ‘damage’ is incalculable.
Global in scale.

Gail Combs

Every small business that has lost TONS of revenue.
Every person who could not work,
Every person who could not give their kid a birthday party blast….
LOTS of harm.
We have lost over 1/2 of our years revenue so far…. I wonder what horse meat tastes like…. because at this point I am not sure we will have the money to buy all the hay we need this winter.
And no I am not on 8Kun. 🤣

Steve in Lewes

I’m not a lawyer, but forcing businesses to close for the ‘good’ of the general public;
How is that any different than govt seizing your land for a public project and paying you less than fair market value?
Our small business has lost revenue on par with yours; that’s lost forever how can we recover our ‘lost’ fair market value especially when that revenue is used to determine the value of our business if/when we decide to sell the business?


There has been great ‘red pill’ value. I live in a brain-dead Dim city in a brain-dead Dim state. I was just down at my tiny little 7-11 buying beer. Big sign on the door requiring masks be worn. Went in without a mask, paid for my beer to a cashier who was also not wearing a mask. Vive la Red Pill!


Went out in the countryside to a peach orchard yesterday that has a nice fresh produce stand as well as their famous peaches. Lots of people buying…all ages. The only masks were worn by 2 black ladies, out of about a dozen people there.
It was outside, breezy and definitely not a “high risk” environment…but the virtue signaling was loud and clear! I’d like to think the rest of us also gave a loud and clear signal, as well! LOL


OAN reporter
Has attention of some anons.comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Leftists are triggered. Just wait until charges are public.


I’m convinced they’re going to bring out this so-called ufo stuff to take focus off what’s coming. Totally calculated.


Let them. Everyone will be in their yards scanning the sky for the aliens. After a while, they’ll figure it out.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I agree that any kind of disclosure serves as a potential “lifeboat” for the DNC, because it’s “bigger than the hoax”. They need some event – nuclear incident, new 9/11, pandemic, or “alien whatever” to act as a distraction.
HOWEVER, “alien whatever” – being a huge object, can spin badly or roll wrong and CRUSH the DNC.
I think it’s extremely likely that the Clintons and Obama let a lot of cats out of the bag ILLEGALLY. Likewise, they may have pulled off crap that was illegitimate at best, or downright treasonous at worst. If so, and if that becomes apparent, then things may ensue. Alternatively, they may be banking on released information to justify things that were done.
Most stuff at that level has been withheld from us. How much and what in particular comes out, can strongly affect the outcome.
I trust TRUMP (and whoever HE trusts) on this issue!!!


I was hoping they would BOTH get crushed.
Anybody that stupid doesn’t deserve to make it to the inevitable sequel.
Run left or right.
The one dummy, after she fell down, was able to ROLL far enough to one side to survive, so it couldn’t been more than a few feet.
But dumb and dumber ran a hundred yards in a straight line, exactly in the pathway of the giant rolling disc.
It’s stuff like that which absolutely destroys the ‘suspension of disbelief’ and wrecks a movie.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Somebody was sleeping in “Physics for Screenplay Writers” – if such a thing ever existed!


“I agree that any kind of disclosure serves as a potential “lifeboat” for the DNC, because it’s “bigger than the hoax”. They need some event – nuclear incident, ”
How many nuclear reactors will be destroyed if when the Three Gorges Dam in China busts?
It’s all set to go, so whenever the time is ‘just right’, a small explosive charge will be enough to bust it wide open on cue.

Cuppa Covfefe

Interesting. The link mediamatters.org might just as well be SatanSoros.hell …..
His cloven hoofprints (and money) are all over that group…


All this for a LARP??


“I think it’s all part of the effort to ensure we are able to physically (and safely) go to the polls in November, an effort to force the Left to concede that it’s safe to do so–after all, the Left claims masks work and the Left loves vaccines uncritically.”
Except it never works out the way we (somehow) expect it to when we play along with Leftists, because they are never really after the thing they claim they want, they are after something else, and the substitute ‘thing’ (whatever it is, in this case masks) is just a means to an end.
So if you ‘play along’ and give them the ‘thing’ they want (e.g., give in to wearing the mask), and think we can then claim we don’t need ‘mail in voting’ because we’re all wearing masks now, does anyone really think the Left is going to say “oh no, you tricked us! Okay, you win!” 🙄, and give up on ‘mail in voting’?
Mail-in voting is a means to an objective (winning the election), and that objective hasn’t changed.
So whether we give in on wearing masks, or we don’t, the Left is going to insist on mail-in voting, because that’s their objective.
Worse, by giving in, by ‘acknowledging’ (agreeing) that wearing a mask helps anything at all when we know it doesn’t, we have conceded the debate on that subject and created a false foundation, a false premise, from which they will now build, and if we question what they build on it, they will point out that WE opened the door, WE accepted the false premise of wearing a mask to begin with, so that’s SETTLED — and they’ll win that confrontation every time, because we were in the wrong so we’re the hypocrites if we say otherwise now, and because they control the media (therefore the narrative), and because we were stupid enough to put ourselves in that losing position in the first place.
This is how the Left ALWAYS wins, it’s how they always march the ball down the field and score, because we give in on things we think don’t matter, but that creates a false ‘reality’ we can’t later back away from — it boxes us in later on.
I see it coming from a hundred miles away, every *&^%ing time we do it, and it always comes back to bite us in the ass.
If we accept a false premise, how is our side ever going to gather good fruit from that corrupt tree?
We’re not.
But you know who will?
The enemy.
Because they knew it was a corrupt tree, and corrupt fruit is what they wanted.
The fight is for reality, for truth.
If we accept a lie, if we accept their false construct, then we are not playing in the light, we are playing in the dark, we are playing their game and we are playing on their turf, and they know their game and their turf better than we ever will.
So does that sound smart?
Has it ever worked out in our favor, even once, in the lifetime of anyone here?
If the answer to that question is ‘no’, then what the &^%$ are we doing?


Everything you just wrote is the bait DJT is using to entice the greedy bastards. There’s a whole ‘nother level of plot that we can’t see but it is the key; not this level.


“Everything you just wrote is the bait DJT is using to entice the greedy bastards.”
Entice them to what?
They wanted POTUS to endorse masks, they wanted to validate the very essence of every Karen on the planet, so he did.
They were victorious.
The false construct was embraced.
It’s now part of the public record, by no less an Authority figure than Donald John Trump.
The false reality was validated, not just by a member of our team, but by the Leader of our team, and in the process, throwing all of us who rightly refused the false construct under the bus.
What’s left to entice?
DJT has an ‘out’ of course, he can ‘discover’ later on that he was ‘misled’ by the traitors in the medical establishment he was relying on for expert advice, but that’s pretty shaky…


“There’s a whole ‘nother level of plot that we can’t see but it is the key; not this level.”
Then he has his mission (and I wish him success, of course), and I have mine.
Mine doesn’t include embracing false constructs, things which I know to be untrue. I have seen the danger of going down that rabbit hole.
People who do, don’t come back the same.
(And some don’t come back at all).
The (or at least one) problem with accepting false constructs is that they don’t exist in isolation, they become a foundation on which other things are built. Pretty soon we are invested in those other things, level upon level. In time, we can become willing to defend that false premise, that false foundation, even to our dying breath — rather than acknowledge it, and see everything built upon it collapse.
We may not be personally invested in any particular false premise foundation. We may not have even really given it much thought, it might be something we have just accepted as a matter of ‘tradition’ — which is common. It’s all the things built on top of it which, with time, become important to us to defend.
Because in order to preserve the ‘present’ (about which we likely care very much), we must defend the ‘past’ upon which it was built.
And if that ‘past’, if that foundation was a false construct, a false premise — and we acknowledge it — then what are the implications for the ‘present’? Many people won’t even look at the foundations. It’s human nature to look the other way when the truth is merely inconvenient. How much more so, if the truth is catastrophic?
Someone might say “It’s just a false construct about wearing a mask, we all know it’s not true, and I’m not going to build anything on that.”
Fair enough, but how much easier will it be to accept the next false construct, after having accepted this one? Where does it stop? Where do we draw the line — and based on what reason, if that reason wasn’t good enough to stop the first one? This is where expressions like ‘slippery slope’ and the camel getting his nose under the tent come from.
It always seems like a small thing at first.
If it seemed like a big thing at first, no one would ever do it. It’s easy to resist the big things. It’s the small things that find their way in.
That’s why the little things are important.
The little things are big things.
We just don’t usually perceive them that way, until it’s too late.
I realize DJT is not actually embracing the false construct, i.e., he doesn’t believe the ‘mask’ thing personally, it’s a ruse, it’s part of the game he’s playing.
But we have to swim in the propeller wash of his ruse.


“This is not just another four-year election”. Trust in Trump (2d), God (1st).


Good points. I agree with pgroup that the X factor is Pres. Trump and that he is playing on a different level.
does anyone really think the Left is going to say “oh no, you tricked us! Okay, you win!” 🙄, and give up on ‘mail in voting’?
No one thinks the Left will capitulate. The idea is that the Right will use the Left’s own argument against them. The Right will be on offense, not the Left.
by ‘acknowledging’ (agreeing) that wearing a mask helps anything at all when we know it doesn’t, we have conceded the debate on that subject
I don’t think the debate is about masks, and I think that is where Pres. Trump is coming from, too. Masks are just a tool, and the Right is using them just as much as the Left is. It is not a zero sum game. Scientific consensus has changed constantly regarding the China virus, and I fully expect it to show that masks aren’t effective — once the Left no longer needs the issue, once the election is over, and once the public gets over some of its fear and realizes that things were not nearly as bad as projected. I believe the mask issue can completely turn around. I also
know that millions of people will not tolerate this going on for much longer.
if we accept their false construct, then we are not playing in the light, we are playing in the dark, we are playing their game
We’re not accepting their construct; we’re using masks in our own way for our own ends, and the reason this can work is because we have a master strategist at the helm who is always steps ahead.
Has it [playing on their turf] ever worked out in our favor, even once, in the lifetime of anyone here?
IMO, it has worked out with DACA. During the last campaign, candidate Trump said that was a tough one, and he reiterated how difficult it would be to send people who grew up here out of the country. As president, he tried to negotiate with Congress on DACA, causing some conservatives a lot of angst, but the Dems refused, just as he knew they would. There have been more events relating to DACA, but it has not been a losing issue for Pres. Trump even though he has at times appeared to be “playing in their sandbox.”
I believe it’s about game theory, as Q has pointed out — interdependent and fluid decision-making that at times might appear to be cooperation when it is really strategic use of the enemy’s own arsenal against them.


I said early on (to anyone who would listen) that if the corona was as bad as we were being told, we should see people dropping dead in the streets en masse. So far, I don’t know of anyone who actually contracted it, or even knows of someone who contracted it.


Scott, bingo. Lost a friend yesterday who suddenly said she couldn’t breath. Do not knowyet if she had been wearing a mask or had covid. Sad.


Ni Ni All. 🦋 😴
Love and Prayers for Valerie and Josiah.💞🙏 May his body accept his liver and all complications disappear and complete healing commence forthwith, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Sylvia Avery


Cuppa Covfefe





Amen .. 🙏🏼❤️ ..


Great Post… love ya Steve!!!


Anyone who likes Rod Stewart’s version of Forever Young would probably like this stripped down piano version too. Sounds more like his classic early 70s era music:


One last thing. Devin Nunes on OANN, confirms that Strzok/Pientka defensive briefing aka trap of Flynn and POTUS were some of the 14 criminal referrals his Committee sent to DOJ, for Conspiracy against Candidate Trump. 😁 😴😴

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There are days that I think it’s Barr and Kupec vs. the rest of DOJ – and Kupec is only in it for a future modeling career. 😉
More seriously, I see Kupec as a very good sign – tip of the iceberg of real justice returning – although we are still forced into the state of having to run WOMEN ONLY (preferably attractive ones, too) as press flacks, because men will be demonized to resignation faster. But without 4 more years of Trump, all Barr’s work goes back underwater to vanish.
So yes – DOJ is still jaw-droppingly bad.


On Friday’s X22 Report, Dave said that John Solomon was on Hannity’s program, and that he said Durham will have only a small number of indictments, but that they will send shockwaves through the political world. He also said it should happen around Labor Day.
My observation has been that, no matter what is done, it is never enough for people and they (we) are never satisfied. So I expect disappointment. The only indictments that would shock me would be the untouchables — O and Hillary. I’ll be happy to see any indictments, but I will not be shocked unless it happens to one or both of them.


Hannity’s radio program, not TV.


The ‘shockwaves’ will be happening on the Leftist side of the ‘political world’.
John Solomon knows this…but he can’t say it that way.
Solomon knows that anyone who has been following his reporting will not be shocked.
Indictments of, oh say…Brennan, Comey or Loretta Lynch…would definitely cause some splodey heads with the DNC and their Enemedia nozzles.


“he said Durham will have only a small number of indictments, but that they will send shockwaves through the political world.”
If this proves true, then Q will be proven a liar.
“There will be no deals.”
Because the evidence against Hillary, for example, is absolutely overwhelming.
And then there is all the evidence on Weiner’s laptop.


Can’t speak to the rest, but I consider Weiner’s laptop a separate investigation, so there may still be hope of outcome on what was found on the laptop.
As credible as John (and others) are, I tend to be cautious about whatever they say they “know.” Everyone of the pundits, investigative journalists et al from out side have a desire/need for clicks and readers. Yes, they have some access to credible information – but they don’t have total access. Durham isn’t going to be leaking… No more than Barr is, and Barr has said enough that indicates he is aware of the vastness of some extraordinary criminal event. Something that big isn’t going to be small when it breaks.

Gail Combs

“Because the evidence against Hillary, for example, is absolutely overwhelming.”
Remember there are other STEALTH AGs out there working on other projects. Huber for instance.
Also it is not just Hitlary, OH!Bummer & SorryA$$ bur the people behind them pulling their strings. Those unidentified people are the one I want taken down.

Remember President Trump keeps using the word TREASON.
From the Legal Dictionary:

The betrayal of one’s own country by waging war against it or by consciously or purposely acting to aid its enemies.

The Treason Clause traces its roots back to an English statute enacted during the reign of Edward III (1327–1377). This statute prohibited levying war against the king, adhering to his enemies, or contemplating his death. Although this law defined treason to include disloyal and subversive thoughts, it effectively circumscribed the crime as it existed under the Common Law….
Under Article III, Section 3, of the Constitution, any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to its enemies by giving them Aid and Comfort has committed treason within the meaning of the Constitution. The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of allegiance to the United States, such as furnishing enemies with arms, troops, transportation, shelter, or classified information. If a subversive act has any tendency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist its enemies, aid and comfort has been given.
The Treason Clause applies only to disloyal acts committed during times of war. Acts of dis-loyalty during peacetime are not considered treasonous under the Constitution. Nor do acts of Espionage committed on behalf of an ally constitute treason. For example, julius and ethel rosenberg were convicted of espionage, in 1951, for helping the Soviet Union steal atomic secrets from the United States during World War II. The Rosenbergs were not tried for treason because the United States and the Soviet Union were allies during World War II.
Under Article III a person can levy war against the United States without the use of arms, weapons, or military equipment. Persons who play only a peripheral role in a conspiracy to levy war are still considered traitors under the Constitution if an armed rebellion against the United States results.….

First Question:
Are we at war?
Congress Declared War on Sept. 14, 2001

On Sept. 14, 2001, the U.S. Congress in effect declared war when it passed the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) as a joint resolution. The vote was overwhelmingly….
One may argue about the constitutionality of the resolution, but if it were ever tested the odds are overwhelming that the resolution’s constitutionality would be upheld. It is inconceivable that a Supreme Court would overturn the power to declare war that is vested in the Congress.
The American public is stuck with this war or even approves of it until large numbers of voters decide that the results don’t justify the costs.
Congress funds the war…..
This resolution exists legally because Congress has the power to declare war… Congress has the power to declare war, however ill-defined it may be and however ill-defined the enemy is. That’s the fact that will not go away, no matter what debates concerning the war’s conduct occur. Specifically, the substitution of drones for ground forces is not disallowed under the AUMF. If the President identifies Americans as terrorists, the AUMF suspends their rights. They can be assassinated.
Let’s explore that further. The AUMF states
“That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons.”
The President has been given a free hand in identifying the “enemy” or “enemies”. All he has to do is tie a person to an “organization” such as al-Qaeda. There is no exception made for American citizens. There is no distinction between persons on American soil or in other countries…..
The phrase “necessary and appropriate force” does not constrain the President. There is nothing in the AUMF that suggests that killing an American on American soil cannot be regarded by the President as “necessary and appropriate”. In this situation, any President will use his discretion, conditioned on how he thinks such a killing will affect public opinion about his conduct of the war.
There is nothing unusual in Eric Holder or other administration spokespersons trying to keep their death-dealing options open. They have been authorized by the Congress to use lethal force if they so choose.…..

“If designated as a terrorist group, Antifa would join international groups like Al Qaeda and Hezbollah, as well as domestic organizations like the Aryan Nations and Black Liberation Army, on the government’s blacklist.” — *https://www.rt.com/usa/490330-trump-vows-declare-antifa-terrorist/
We have heard nothing more about the designation.
May 18, 2019 China Declares War On The United States

….Last week, on May 13th and 14th , Communist China declared war on the United States. Nobody noticed.
On those days, China’s state-controlled Global Times ran a series of articles and opeds that urged a boycott of American goods and products and stated, “The trade war in the US is the creation of one person and one administration, but it affects that country’s entire population. In China, the entire country and all its people are being threatened. For us, this is a real people’s war,” and called for targeting the United States with “precision.” The specific products to be boycotted were not identified.
The Global Times also accused the Trump administration of “greed and arrogance,” and added that China will fight back to defend its “legitimate interests.” ….

Gail Combs

I should have added, I think the China virus and ANTIFA’s attacks on our cities could be considered levying “…. war against the United States without the use of arms, weapons, or military equipment. Persons who play only a peripheral role in a conspiracy to levy war are still considered traitors under the Constitution if an armed rebellion against the United States results.….”
And what is going on with ANTIFA and CHOP (a REAL OOPS! on their part) is certainly looking like “an armed rebellion against the United States”


…. B I N G O … ‼️‼️‼️ …. TREASON …

… let the beatings begin …
.. ❤️🇺🇸❤️ ..
(Referencing the bad guy .. 🤨)


Well said.
Found this Meme on Gab…comment image


There exists a thing called “time”, it is very convenient because it prevents everything from happening at once. Ponder this and cheer up.


Wolf, reposting this with my notes so it gets a little viz . . .
Annoying thing about podcasts is there is not written text so it gets ignored . . .
You must love the Christian Right even when they drive you crazy
Why we have to love Christian Conservatives, but it is hard to love them sometimes. Why they can get on your nerves for petty reasons that are a problem because we are annoyed, but sometimes for legitimate reasons that reflect upon some problems with Conservative Christianity.
There is no way that we can make a re-entry into the left. It would take years and massive shifts in the left to even make them thinkable as a political home for believing Christians. They are in a bubble, when it comes to politics they don’t get it, they don’t see how the left has gone off the rails, they get news from very stilted news sources though they believe that right wing people don’t have any real news, but the truth is you talk to people on the left they all say the same things about different political issues and it is clear they are getting very limited news from very limited sources. Blame Trump for COVID, don’t believe in rioting it’s all doctored old footage being repackaged, all a right wing conspiracy, all George Floyd protests were peaceful, there’s no cancel culture, no bias at Universities, Donald Trump is a thoroughly evil man, they have to get rid of him no matter what, and that he is racist, and everyone who votes for him is racist and white-supremacist. You can’t change their minds on any of it. Very comfortable w/ being punitive, extremely authoritarian, comfortable with punishing people for saying or thinking the wrong things, does not have much appetite for a marketplace of ideas, or for free speech. They’re into there being a right or wrong answer, and if you are wrong then you are bad and you have to be punished, humiliated, crushed, and banished. Die hard committed to anti-Christian policies in abortion, sexuality, and a million other things, they are just untouchable, you can’t go near them.
Where does that leave believing Christians? You can try to be independent and not go on the side of conservatives, but you need fellow travelers, you need allies. You need to deal w/ conservative Christians and come to peace with them, no matter how hard that will be.
Let’s do some unloading on what we see, hear, think about why Conservative Christians are so hard to deal with. It’s not just you – they can be difficult to deal with.
So many are just LAZY. They have beliefs but think that as long as they believe in an ideal they don’t have to fight for it or do anything about it and it will just happen. Which is exactly the opposite of what the Bible teaches. Trials and tribulations.
Many just think the Gospel says you just have to be nice. The left can get people to show up for months on end. But we can’t get anyone out to events or protests like the left, even for drag queen story hours. Lazy about organizing stuff.
They’re cheap – they don’t really donate major money the way the left does, and the little bit of money that’s out there gets eaten up by the phonies.
They have a history of falling for phony snake oil salesman – who write books, go to conferences, and tell them they’re going to fight for their values, and really just about making lots of money and hanging out with important people, becoming prestigious, and crowding out the competition.
Cancel Culture is big among Conservative Christians – they do a lot of it. Blacklist people, get you removed from your speaking gig, get you fired. They’re big on cancel culture because they’re underhanded and nasty, the ambitious ones not the lazy ones, that really want a big name for themselves, get interviews on TV and FOX, they can be very competitive and vindictive if there is anybody who stands in their way.
The blacklisting is terrible amount Conservative Christians – We only have so many publications, and if you irritate the wrong person that person may be on the board of any number of other publications, there’s a circle of friends on all the conservative media, very frustrating. They claim they are for free speech but they are not – at least the left is honest about it who just comes out and says it. I worked at a Baptist college, at first there was a good amount of free speech, but with the new administration they were trying to control everything that the professors said on Facebook, on Twitter, interviews on the radio, everything had to be approved and controlled, and you were constantly threatened with reprisal, very censorious.
They’re Prudish – they get really hung up on stupid things, like if you tone is off, or you make a reference to a woman wearing a bikini, comment on the attractiveness of somebody here or three – whatever it is you can be labeled “bad” – all these conservative Christian women that are really feminists hiding out in Bible studies and women’s groups and women’s conferences – persnickity and trying to get men in trouble, the stereotypical “church lady” from Saturday Night Live. A lot of men are the same way. Conservative Christians can be very uptight – a stereotype that is absolutely deserved. It is a terrible thing dealing with Conserviate Christians seeing how they shun and banish people over silly things like that. A guy’s pants are too tight and his masculinity is in question. All of that is annoying.
The Common denominator – They can just be very annoying, while the left is untouchable. There are reasons with the right you will feel frustration. But you have to love them and you have to sort of work with them because they are your allies.
Fake Bible Quoting – in an argument especially. Trying to make it Biblical when it’s not. Cowardly Christians that just want to keep their head down – love to quote “gentle”, Phil 4:8, etc etc. Applicable to interpersonal issues but not so much when contending for the faith or in the public square.
Really what it is they don’t want to anger their donors and so they’re trying to protect their funding and they’ve gotta get rid of someone from their conference line up that is “controversial”. Don’t quote James – just tell me I’m canceled b/c you have a donor you need to protect, own the fact that you’re a coward, or that you’re doing something b/c there some practical crass economic reason for it – don’t do fake bible quoting
People are bringing to light things that have been done wrong – mismangement, crimes – people who don’t want to be criticized and don’t want to be challenged, pull out all of these fake quotes to justify the fact that they were acting like a JERK. They always bring up Matthew 18 – you needed to come to me privately and try to settle this with me privately, if that doesn’t work then you have to bring somebody else, and then you have to try to settle it privately before you bring this to the public, b/c we have to make sure Christians look good… always brought up by people who ignore your attempts to settle things privately, and who blow off your private messages, and who don’t really do anything about it, and people who refuse to even talk to the third party you bring – people who basically blow off the whole Matthew 18 reconciliation procedure are the ones who once you bring this to the public, and that you are part of the problem, all of the sudden they say “you didn’t follow Matthew 18” b/c really when they say that, more often than not, they just want you to shut up and be quiet, and you to send them some private email that they can blow off, because they don’t want to deal with it. That’s annoying, and you’ll come up against that a lot.
They love to bring up the commandment – don’t bear false witness against your brother. When someone who is asking questions about the public consequences of somebody’s mismanagement in some church matter or the effect of somebody’s policy proposal or something very public where the public has an interest in it, and they’re posing this and they’re using whatever evidence they have, and of course they don’t have all the evidence because people who do bad things tend to hide their evidence, so they have to pose it as a question or a concern or they have to say “Can we please look into this?” The person who has been engaged in wrongdoing says “You can’t bear false witness against me” – very annoying. Especially when it is a matter of disagreeing with them on something they’ve done publicly.
Obedience scriptures when people in management to get people under them to be quiet. Using Romans 13 to tell people you have to lie b/c they have a position of authority over you. You’ll be pleased to know I told them to take a hike. I’m not going to follow that. That’s not what that text means. It doesn’t mean you get to do lousy things and push around people under you to do what you want. But many in the Conservative Christian world who are very passive aggressive and who do these things, and quote the Bible in these very fake ways.
Sometimes they’re just not real critical thinkers. They want things to be very simple – goes with the laziness, don’t want to delve too deeply into things, and want to go with whatever they were doing before. Wanted to continue the same kinds of political strategies from the Bush era into the Obama and Trump era. Like the marriage debate, a lot of big names, maybe we need to move away from the arguments you were using because they aren’t working. The wedding cakes, a baker being forced to bake a wedding cake. There were a lot of people that were trying to bring that up, and it worked in the past so they wanted to keep using it. I told them it’s not working, it was bad optics, it’s not compelling, especially to young people, and all they are thinking of is their gay friend and how insulted they would feel if they went to a baker’s shop and the person never said anything about their sexual orientation and on the day they got married they wouldn’t bake them a cake. I would tell people in the movement, can we think of a different approach? And they’ve done things a certain way for the last 20 years, they’re the big name, and they’re not going to change.
Nepotism. They have a strong belief that loyalty is important, they want to remain a strong voice in the movement by showing that they loyal to them personally, but what that translates to is very often is not putting the best person in the job or putting the best work forward, they put forward the people that they themselves have mentored. Classic example, Robert George mentoring his people, and his people were put forward as the spokespeople. People who had no experience and weren’t even married who could not deliver. Very hard to know how to break in – very often to get into these circles where you will be tapped to give a speech, or your book will be seriously considered by the few conservative presses that are there, or that you will be considered for a job at the few conservative colleges that exist, so often it is based on personal relationships, and it can feel very much like they are shutting out people who aren’t part of it. So many talented people who couldn’t get an inroad in and that was sad.
Done venting. There are other problems, but if you have encountered these things in the conservative Christian world, you’re not crazy. Those things happen, and they are difficult, and it’s frustrating, but you are going to have to work with them, and you’re going to have to love them, because you’re going to need somebody to stand with you, and everybody on the left doesn’t want you, if they are going to stand next to you they’re going to bleed acid on you – they’re just untouchable. I’m friends with a lot of people on the left but politically it is impossible to talk with them about political or faith matters.


I’ve seen much of this from the periphery.
The church of Laodicea.


Image in blockquote didn’t make it.
Here you go.
John’s revelations.comment image


T3 Check Gab Chat – sent you a PM


I’ve not got onto chat for a while successfully. Will try now.


What’s the link?
Missing off the sidebar…


Researchers Say Prolonged Mask Use Causes Psychological Discomfort, Physical Fatigue
https://nationalfile.com/researchers-say-prolonged-mask-use-causes-psychological-discomfort-physical-fatigue/comment image
…………..From the article:
Those who wear masks for prolonged periods of time, whether they are N95 respirators or common disposable surgical masks, are found to experience higher levels of discomfort and a decreased capacity to exercise, according to research by a German research team.
Researchers in Germany published their research, finding that prolonged use of face masks, especially the N95 respirators considered to be among the most effective for limiting the spread of COVID-19, impairs the cardiopulmonary capacity, increases fatigue, and causes psychological discomfort when used for prolonged periods. […]
“Medical face masks have a marked negative impact on cardiopulmonary capacity that significantly impairs strenuous physical and occupational activities,” the researchers learned. “In addition, medical masks significantly impair the quality of life of their wearer. These effects have to be considered versus the potential protective effects of face masks on viral transmissions.”
……………..End quote, more at link.
Well we already figured this out…but it’s good that it’s being said in published articles.
Face Mask Fatigue <— It's a thing now.
Hmm…so how can these governors mandate that "Thou shalt wear a mask!", when it is harmful to people when they do?


““Researchers Say Prolonged Mask Use Causes Psychological Discomfort, Physical Fatigue””
Not to mention the cognitive dissonance that comes from knowing that wearing a mask is exactly as effective at stopping China Virus as wearing a propeller beanie.comment image


comment image
For Zoe, the photo is of a product warning label on a box of surgical masks, which says:
“This product is an ear loop mask. This product is not a respirator and will not provide any protection against Covid-19(Coronavirus) or other viruses or contaminants.
Wearing an ear loop mask does not reduce the risk of contracting any disease or infection. User is solely responsible for the selection of appropriate personal protective equipment for the setting and application. Change immediately if contaminated.”
The photo was circulating on the Internet, but I couldn’t find it anywhere besides “snopes” when I went to look for it.
Snopes says the photo is real, but that the very clear language of the warning doesn’t mean what it plainly says 😂🤣😂👍
From Snopes: “This photograph (and others like it) reflects accurate disclaimers on the packaging of face masks that caution users, “THIS PRODUCT IS NOT A RESPIRATOR AND WILL NOT PROVIDE ANY PROTECTION AGAINST COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS) OR OTHER VIRUSES OR CONTAMINANTS.”
Such disclaimers do not mean that wearing masks is ineffective at limiting the spread of COVID-19, however, but rather that viewers are misunderstanding the function and purpose of different types of face masks.”
Big Brother couldn’t have expressed that more hilariously.
According to Tokyo Rose over at Snopes, it says exactly what you think it says, it just doesn’t mean what you think it means, and doesn’t mean anything at all about ear loop masks. The warning on the box of ear loop masks actually means you “are misunderstanding the function and purpose of different types of face masks.”
That fault is yours.
The warning means the opposite of what you think it means.
The white zone is for loading and unloading only.
Pay no attention to that bush, moving around over there by that tree, it’s just a bush. Nothing to look twice at. Nothing to be alarmed about… 😂🤣😂




And the gym that now says you must wear one while exercising? That seems suicidal to me. Bet they get ambulances showing up, lawsuits…those events might change their stupid policy real quick.


There was a photo in our local paper yesterday showing fall sports training at one of our high schools. The 3 student athletes were doing high-steps running….very challenging in the best of circumstances. But, it was in the mid-90’s, high humidity, AND they were all wearing masks!
Insanity! I’m hoping, but doubtful, a local medical doctor would make people a phone call to a sports decision-maker and warn of the danger, the possible death and law suit to continue that practice.

Gail Combs

“…. in the mid-90’s, high humidity, AND they were all wearing masks!…”
Very much insanity!
We tried western bandannas in mid-90’s & high humidity just WALKING ponies and Hubby passed out. That mask raises the ‘effective’ heat to at least 5 degrees higher and that doesn’t even get into the lack of O2 and increase in pathogens. Even the increase in heat from the bandanna around the neck was very noticeable.

Do You Lose Most of Your Body Heat Through Your Head?
Body heat is lost through whatever part of the body is uncovered. We lose about the same amount of heat per square inch of exposed skin anywhere on the body. That said, we certainly feel cold more where blood vessels are densely packed (like the head and chest), and less where they aren’t like the legs…

Then the sleight of hand:

…Why Did We Believe This Myth to be True?
Our heads and upper chest are five times more sensitive to temperature changes than other areas of our bodies.[4] These areas are densely packed with blood vessels and nerves. There is far less subcutaneous fat on the head to act as an insulator than in the rest of the body.[1] The head and chest are sensitive areas, so we may feel cold or warmth more in our heads than our legs, but that does not mean that we lose even twice as much heat through the surface of the head than the surface of the leg. [FALSE!!! >>>] We lose about the same amount of heat per square inch of exposed skin anywhere on the body.

Why do I call that false?
densely packed with blood vessels + far less subcutaneous fat
The densely packed blood vessels brings a LOT of the body heat to the skin surface in those areas and less fat allows that heat to escape faster.
Why do scientists always miss this? One of my College thesis dealt with the phenomena and it was considered ‘revolutionary’ (That is why I immediately spotted the fallacy.)
All you have to do is look at the thermographic photo to see the lie. (Red is losing more heat)
Also the hotter a part of the body the faster the heat is loss due to the temperature differential between the heat at the skin surface and the environment.
Why the push to get rid of the ‘fallacy’ the head loses more heat then other parts of the body? Think masks and August heat.


Ryan Fournier
The highest paid person at the Washington Post and CNN?
Nick Sandmann

Heheh…from the replies:comment image


I am SO glad he got paid and will continue to be – and in a timely fashion. But that kid in the middle looks like a bully from Christmas Story. 😂


Dave Portnoy’s interview with our VSG President:


In Part 2 above…they talk about Twitter and his tweets.
It starts at about the 1:44 mark.
Pres Trump says that he loves it for the most part, that it’s a way to instantly communicate to the people…without the Fake News.
Portnoy asks him if there are ever times when he later thinks “boy I wish I hadn’t sent that one”.
Pres Trump says at the 3:01 mark, that he’s found “It’s not the tweets, it’s the retweets that get you in trouble.”
And he explains why.


Veronica MAGA2020
#PortlandPTAMoms line up for another “BakeSale”
night of rock hurling, fire bombing, police bashing, destruction…Sweet Portland Moms..

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Aren’t they lovely?

Sylvia Avery


Cuppa Covfefe

Looks like they dredged the depths of Hell to get that lot!!!!
Hey “transister admin”: I can’t STANYA… geddit?
Nah, didn’t think so. You leftards don’t get anything, except whining…
And to the gal(?) with the baseball bat: better be careful you don’t get struck out. The real Pros (who you won’t even notice coming) will turn that bat into a million toothpicks, make you sweep them up, and haul you off to whine about it…
I’d say get help, but a lot of what poses for “help” these days is as messed up as you are, cupcake…


the second one looks like the brother to our health director here in PA and i the third one they are ALREADY WEARING BURKHAS!!!!


Yeppurs, LOL! 😂


… gender neutral fug ugly .. P U N K S ..
They could turn a funeral up an alley, … of course though they’re likely the reason for the funeral .. 😣🤚‼️


Just to bring this over here —
So, I’m going to try to put this into quick perspective. A strand of human DNA is about 2.5 nanometers in diameter. A single hemoglobin molecule is about 5 nanometers across. A human hair is roughly 75,000 nanometers. The big costs in making semiconductors are things like the wafer and the chemical overlays you’re going to deposit on it — these do not vary by process geometry. So if you have a 128 nm process and can deploy a 64 nm process, you get 4x the number of devices for the same wafer/chemical cost. If you can go to a 32 nm process, you’ll get 4x the devices as the 64 nm, and 16x the devices as the 128 nm. If you get to a 16 nm process, you’ll get 64x the devices per wafer that you used to get from the 128 nm. Mind you, your slicing, bonding, and packaging costs will be per package at each step, but your silicon costs will plummet.
We are now creating silicon where the “wires” between regions are 7 nm wide — barely wider than some molecules. Patterning is driven entirely by design rules — there is no human input to the final layout, just to the rules that programs use to determine this layout.
And Intel is having difficulty hitting these targets. They’re still having difficulties at 14 nm. It may not have been such a brilliant idea to move all fabrication out of Silicon Valley…..


It may not have been such a brilliant idea to move all fabrication out of Silicon Valley…..
Leftists fleeing from the leftist policies that they support.
They have no shame…and they think we don’t notice their hypocrisy.
When BJ Clinton was trumpeting “Going Global”, I thought it was madness.
He made it seem like offshoring our manufacturing was something ‘cool’.
It was in fact, a betrayal of the ‘little people’ who had voted for him.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yet TSMC doesn’t seem to have too many problems (that have reached the public’s ears). Methinks Intel got a wee bit too confident, and, unfortunately, took some risks that didn’t pan out. They’d hoped the 7nm node wouldn’t share the problems of the 10nm node (being a different group), but apparently that’s having big problems too. Also wonder if their internal confrontational style has a part to play in this…
Most of all, where is Jim Keller in all of this? Even the best plants founder on rocky soil… maybe he’s leading the 5nm team… and their choices in architecture (e.g. gigantic monolitich chips rather than “chiplets”) and lithography (evolutionary vs. revolutionary changes) might have gone sour, too…
Kalifornistan is probably hitting them with envirocrap, unstable power, and who knows what all. That’s already driven a lot of companies away.
Stilll need to have competition, otherwise up go the prices, again… Though I’d love to see a $400.00 (or €) Threadripper (relatively current edition), I won’t hold my breath 🙂
[Global Foundries has some catching up to do, too… more foundling than foundries right now… I’d like to see Dresden get some action… then again, the Greens will try to kill that…]


Q Treepers – Be aware – today has been designated J25 – Retribution Day by Antifa – for the quelling of the riots in Portland:
“Antifa splinter cells are planning a day of terrorism across the country in retaliation for the feds doing the job that Portland police won’t do after they took control of the rioting mobs. Tomorrow, Saturday, July 25th, is being dubbed J25, and actions are planned in several cities.”

“Bring a friend.
Show up.
-PNW Youth Liberation Front.
-Marin Youth Liberation Front.
​​​​​​​-Tennessee Youth Liberation Front.
​​​​​​​-Direct Action Alliance.
-Maryland Youth Liberation Front.
-Olympia Youth Liberation Front
•Oakland action: 7:30pm, Grant Oscar Plaza.
•Tacoma action: July 24th, 2pm, tollefson plaza.
•Seattle: July 25th, 1pm, Pine and Broadway.
•Portland: July 25th, 8pm, Alberta Park.
•Salem: 6pm, Oregon State Capitol.
•New Jersey: at Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 12, 6pm.
•Washington DC: DuPoint circle, 6pm.
•Eugene, OR: 8:00pm, federal courthouse.
•Los Angeles: 4:30pm, LA city hall.
•Richmond, VA: July, 25th, location TBD.
•Las Vegas: Bellagio fountains, 7pm.

This youth Antifa movement is also called the Sunrise youth movement and was covered by Millie on OANN, as I recall. The video was removed by YouTube – which now only allows positive promotional videos about the Sunrise organization.
The Antifa and Sunrise youth organizations are run by communists who are recruiting, brainwashing and training kids as young as middle school – turning them into organized, obedient, violent mobs.


Here is one of Millie’s videos about the Sunrise/Antifa movement that has survived:


Thanks, GA/FL.
Looks like all Demoncrat-controlled cities…except maybe Las Vegas, not sure about LV.
Since Las Vegas survives by tourism, I can’t imagine them welcoming violence on the streets.


Surely President Trump is aware of all this – and the various agency riot control teams are prepared.


Oh yeah, I’m sure he’s aware of it.
Not much he can do though, unless they are attacking a federal property.
The Governor has to be the one to request federal help.
Looks like one of those locations on the list is a federal one…in Eugene, OR.


At the last press briefing, Kayleigh said the President is no longer waiting for the leftist governors/mayors to ask and she listed the laws that allow federal intervention when federal buildings, officers are threatened and the peace, law and order breaks down in US cities.
There’s a post at chiefio’s about the command and control structure of AntiFa field operations. The comments are enlightening.
AntiFa may be said to be a nebulous organization, but organized it indeed is, as Soros and his minions require.


When does the head of the ssssssnake get cut off? 🤬🤚


I think it’s got 3 heads – Ø, Ayers and $0r0$. It’s their last big fling….hopefully, it will land them in the slammer forever and ever amen – and all their assets seized for the true victims – families of those killed by their insurrection.


Okay … in the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit …. I’ll go with this hat trick and raise you all the angel in Heaven the evil burn in hell for eternity. The slammer isn’t good enough, devolve them in acid .. 🥺🤚
The horrors they commit are far beyond any incarceration …
… sorry … I’m scorched 🔥 earth 🌍 with these miserable depraved evil scum … ☹️ 😞😢😣🤬🤜 ….
… need a flower picture …comment image
Rose of Sharon, white chiffon .. ❤️


I do wonder if the Antifa criminals have set in motion rogue teams to hit neighborhoods, that are off the beaten path. Neighborhoods that would not expect anything.


Vegas is the arm pit of NV.
Nearly all CA transplants that embrace socialist BS.
NV tourism is mostly dead, thanks to asshoe Sisolak.
At the hands of asshoe Sisolak, NV state has leapt to #1 in unemployment. 28%. 🙁


Andy Ngo has been posting video updates on the violence in Portland:
Andy Ngô
Rioters hiding behind shields to carry out an attack take off running when hit with impact munitions. #antifa #PortlandRiots

Andy Ngô
War-like scenes again as federal officers stand guard outside the Portland federal courthouse and are hit with projectiles thrown by rioters. #antifa

Andy Ngô
Rioters are still trying to break down the barrier. #antifa #PortlandRiots

Andy Ngô
Unable to break down the barrier, rioters throw explosive fireworks at the Portland federal courthouse. #PortlandRiots #antifa

This shows how stupid these dimwits are…
They were using a small power grinder to try and cut a hole in the chain-link barrier fence.
But they could’ve just cut the fasteners which hold the chain-link panel to the framing!
Andy Ngô
Rioters are using a circle saw to cut apart the fence protecting the federal courthouse. Video by


Military helicopters … huge ones carrying a container size load of quick drying cement …
Presto 😜 … Change-o …. brand NEW statues in your city …. what? Where oh where did the dirty punk traitors go … why there they are‼️‼️ .. they don’t get around like they USED TO … 🤨🤚‼️‼️‼️


Antifa thugs never learned, security is ONLY as good as the WEAKEST link. Find the weakest link and target it.


I’ve arrived at a point in my life where I often reflect back on events that have shaped, and brought me, to where I am now.
“Each day has its always,
A look down life’s hallways, doorways,
To lead you there.”
– M. Pinder (Moody Blues)
To tie it in with the QTree, I also think on how those past influences affect my current efforts at helping to make America great again with whatever contributions I make. Also, as a nod of appreciation for everyone who posts here to share their insights and the latest news, I offer this quote:
“Keep on sowing your seed, for you never know which will grow – perhaps it all will.”
– Albert Einstein


Remembrance has a Rear and Front –
‘Tis something like a House –
It has a Garret also
For Refuse and the Mouse.
Besides the deepest Cellar
That ever Mason hewed –
Look to it by its Fathoms
Ourselves be not pursued –
Emily Dickinson


Apparently the governor doesn’t like ‘Cuomo Chips’.
37 NY Bars, Restaurants Cited For Violating Coronavirus Protocols
New York bars and restaurants must serve alcohol with “substantive” food, not just what some call “Cuomo chips,” the governor said.


Changes his “definitions of food and his rules” every hour! LOL think the opposition rents his little, bitty brain?

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, I love “Cuomo chips.” Do they come with malt vinegar on the side?


It’s very discouraging to see the vets out there with the mob.

Gail Combs

Are they actually military Vets? Or are they plating dress up.
Either way, I would LOVE to see the Feds round them all up and ARREST and COURT MARTIAL them.

….The military can, and does, still court-martial retirees if the charges are serious enough
Contempt Toward Officials
Article 88 of the UCMJ states, “Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Homeland Security, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.”
Our recent history with retired generals making political statements for and against politicians and political causes shows that the military and courts generally give retirees a lot of leeway. However, a retired officer calling for the violent overthrow of the government would probably be treated differently.
Protesting in Uniform
What about active-duty members or veterans who attend a political rally or protest in their military uniform? Do different rules apply to them? These rules are a bit stricter.
DoD Instruction 1344.01 — Wearing of the Uniform prohibits active-duty members, prior service members and retirees from wearing their uniform “when participating in activities such as unofficial public speeches, interviews, picket lines, marches, rallies or any public demonstration” that might imply military support for the cause.
Further, they may not wear their uniform even if it doesn’t imply military support for their cause at any meeting or demonstration that is organized by a group that the U.S. attorney general has designated as “totalitarian, fascist, communist, or subversive.”
That’s the rules for active-duty members and retirees, what about veterans? They’re not covered under the UCMJ.
They are, however, covered by Federal law, and may face civilian penalties. According to Federal law, veterans with an honorable discharge may wear their uniform when “authorized by the President.” The penalty for unauthorized wearing of the uniform by a civilian is a fine and up to six months in jail.
So, no, you probably shouldn’t wear your uniform if you are attending a protest march.


i think you’re on to something there. it pysops…use women (from the pictures wheatie posted above that’s a loose interpretation of “women”), children, vets–all things the right wants to protect…so use those images–moms, children, vets-and form a protective shield and then use them to commit the assault.
I’ve said this before…watching American Sniper…I cannot fathom what it took to shoot at the nun figure or the child, but the enemy was using the clothes of a nun and a child as weapons. they are diabolical.


Dressed up to make us believe our treasured ‘mothers’ and ‘vets’ are going leftist bonkers!
This is NOT real at all!!!


nope not believing that vets who fought for our American freedoms would tolerate and support fascism/communism/anarchy here at home.


* Not at all REAL * – * Deceivers *

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. If they are committing Seditious or Treasonous acts, I’d suspect they’re putting their retirements, benefits, and freedom in play, or?
They take an oath to protect and defend the constitution (and by extension, the USA). Acts like this would seem to be a violation of that oath. Any mil or ex-mil insight on this??? (and thanks in advance, and for your service!)…


There are a lot of tweets out there about antifa going to military surplus stores all over the country so I’m sure they’ve procured uniforms too.
Look at the current service member gal that confronted the MAGA people…ones like her would gladly contribute uniforms.
FedEx used to have a policy to have old uniform shirts dumped in some room at the stations to prevent asshoes picking them up at thrift stores and wearing them to commit crimes…but that’s gone by the wayside.


How do we “know” they are real veterans? Veterans with a DD-214 reflecting an Honorable Discharge?
If they are real vets, they have forsaken their Oath. SPIT!


Downtown Seattle Businesses are boarding up in anticipation for tomorrow’s “peaceful” protests. – #seattleprotests #seattleriots
Video – https://twitter.com/KatieDaviscourt/status/1286864643890147328.


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he would hands down win the most smackable face contest!


I love it when he protests he only slipped his mask down to take a sip of water….do any of us SEE ANY WATER? And, he continues, he was with a close friend…the emphasis being on “close”…as in 1 foot away, not 6feet. I guess not being allowed to see your “close” family member in the hospital or facility, or your dead family member at a funeral somehow isn’t the same as sitting next to someone at a ball game. Silly me.

Concerned Virginian

Show the photo if you’re being called out for NOT wearing a MASK.
Archive this PRICELESS image of Dr. “FAUSTUS” before it’s scrubbed off the internet.


Verse of the Day for Saturday, July 25, 2020

“For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.”
Romans 6:14 (KJV)


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Saturday Butterfly Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


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Morning Duchess!
Have a Blessed Saturday!


Morning, Patty! Hope all is sunny and peaceful there – beautiful sunshine – after dew-watered grass, trees, bushes, and flowers – God’s Creation in full array here!!!
Have a Blessed Saturday, too! Hugs!!!


HUGS back to you!!!


* Warmly Received * Thanks!!!




* Beautiful Butterflies – Flowers – Love *
God Bless You Real Good, Butterfly! Hugs!!!


GBYRG2SD!! 🥰🤗😘💐


* Happily Smiling *



Dad Level 10
Video description:
On a snow-covered hillside, two small children take off running up the hill just as another small child is sliding down the hill on a plastic raft.
They are on a collision course.
Then Dad bolts out towards the two runners, picks them up and jumps over the sliding child…all in one continuous movement.


very impressive!



Once again, the Washington Examiner gets the side eye from me.comment image

Gail Combs

More like truth teller.

Deplorable Patriot

Marshall would not have been my choice, but he’s better than the vast majority of the clergy in that role.


Yugoslavian Issues Warning To All Americans
She compares the situation in America now to Yugoslawia and its break up during the 1990’s.


Deplorable Patriot

Santiago. The only Apostle to witness the Blessed Mother’s be-location.

Deplorable Patriot

bi-location. Our Lady of the Pillar.


Legal Basis for Federal Intervention without asking permission from Governors/Mayors who can’t or won’t control violence in their streets – http://djhjmedia.com/rich/federal-agents-do-not-need-permission-to-go-into-cities-to-enforce-federal-laws-heres-why/




Domenico Cimarosa «The 62 Piano Sonatas» – Sonata 11


Yes…I believe Putin started saying that a bit earlier than 2017, though.
That video looks like one that I saw that was from 2013 or 2014, can’t remember for sure.
But it was well before Pres Trump was elected.
The Dems used to just lo-o-o-v-e Putin before he started speaking out against Pedos, Homosexuals and Political Correctness.
After that, they demonized him.

Gail Combs

Putin is a Christian and he loves his country. He is also SMART and deliberate!
Paul Craig Roberts (He is VERY anti Israel BTW) has several articles
Putin Said That Liberalism Is A Failed Ideology That Has Undermined The West
Putin Speaks
Putin says: “If only I could hack your elections. I could have saved you from Obama.” 🤣
DRAT! I can not find the much earlier speech by Putin that Paul Craig Roberts had up. It was excellent.


Another Twitter user who can’t read dates. This is from 2017, three years old on July 28.


My American friends, I posted here a piece of very emotional and beautiful art from Israel. A special story with a special woman. Shalom.
“Got talent Israel” with Ilana Yahav


^^^ Incredible story. Worth the eight minutes.


Agree, Kal!!! Glad you enjoyed it!




I wish it was true. I’d love to see them wearing those hats. 🙂


Don’t care one way or another, Dora – they are an embarrassment to America – so I just ignore them.


My 1st time😭….3 days!!!😭… I’m in TWITMO!!! 😭😭😭
For following MAGAs!!😏😖😠
😛 @Jackazz!! 🤬
Parler time!! 🥳🥳🥳


Don’t forget …
https://gab.com/groups/595 (group: Hardcore Conservative Patriots for Trump)
And …
https://gab.com/groups/30 (group: Meme Warfare)
https://gab.com/groups/4077 (group: WuFlu Biowarfare)


Woah…I never knew this:
The original “Matrix” movie was released in 1999.
It’s an interesting coincidence that the character Neo had a passport which expired on 11 September 2001 (9/11).
.https://twitter.com/BeachMilk/status/1286952194839728131?s=20comment image


never seen the movie…but that’s creepy

Deplorable Patriot

when I saw the movie for the first time, all the Illuminati-conspiracy symbolism was pretty obvious.


Photoshop IMO.


Dr.Darrell Scott
I’m bout sick of fake conservative Judge John Roberts.

Me too, Dr. Scott!
Even Barron Trump gave him the side eye:comment image


That looks more like a Clint Eastwood “cruisin fer a brusin” glare.


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got the name wrong in this one…lolcomment image


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for Stevecomment image

Gail Combs

Who are they?
(The worst insult is not to even recognize who the heck they are.)

Gail Combs

What our traitorous education system teaches vs reality.comment image
May the left suffer from a plague of frogs…comment image


Here’s one for you.comment image


Tropical Storm ‘Hanna’ is bearing down on the South Texas coast.comment imagecomment image


A good friend who has been stuck overseas because of the corona is at last on a plane heading home. Prayers for safe travel will be greatly and humbly appreciated.
Thank you, folks.


will definitely add your friend to my prayers!!


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The Inigo Montoya one…😂🤣😂

Cuppa Covfefe

As usual, the Grauniad has it wrong.
Many groups (not just orchestras) have had “behind the screen” auditions, for at least the last 50 years, that I’m aware of. It has NOTHING to do with the composition of the orchestra, rather, it has to do with being fair and impartial, in the case that one (or more) of the jurors knows or has some connection with the applicant.
Having said that, most musicians at that level have a particular “signature” in their playing, and I know for a fact that for the SFSO, one or more of the jurors knew who the applicant was, due to that (I was in another group where they were talking about it – they still took pains to be impartial, as the goal is to create the best orchestra possible under the circumstances.
They’d probably have a fit looking at some of the orchestras in Austria. The main question should be (and usually is) “How do they play??? “…..
Further to that, I wonder if the Grauniad would have problems with some of the all-women orchestras out there?
Nah, didn’t think so…..
The biggest problem of all is that orchestras are dying off left and right, and have been for the last few decades…

Deplorable Patriot

Over here they are staying alive by doing live to projection performances. The movie plays on a screen above the orchestra, and the orchestra plays the score. The concept is a HUGE hit, and fills halls to capacity all the time.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll tell you what, there’s nothing like a beer bottle hitting the floor during a quiet moment in the movie.

Cuppa Covfefe

That would be the brass section… in particular the Tubaist, wearing Lederhosen and Tract, with the brush in the hat 🙂 (OK, just kidding about the tubaist)…
Or a triangle…
“Click tracking” is also fun…

Deplorable Patriot

Trombones, actually.


T R U M P/ WOW “What happen to The News” ? You Puppets 7.25.2020


Italian Americans are not happy!
Italian Americans say Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot is ‘giving in to violence and socialist cancel culture’ by removing statues of Christopher Columbus and slam her for ‘siding with a destructive minority’

Deplorable Patriot

Because, technically, even if he was working for the Spanish Crown, Columbus was Italian. Italians take pride in their past very seriously.
And, really “America” was discovered by Amerigo Vespucci, another Italian.


Found this on Parler…I dunno if it’s all true or not:comment image
But if it *is* true, then…wow.
I read on 8chan/Qresearch a couple of years ago, where the Anons had done a deep dive on the islands around Pedo Island…
And they discovered that the island next to Epstein Island was a former US sub base.
But all this other stuff is new to me.


Big grain of salt here….especially about Biden.


Now we know where Biden’s been hidin’.

Cuppa Covfefe

Biden off more than he can Chu…..

Gail Combs

Actually I heard it was Biden’s brother who owned it.


I’ve posted on this island before, “Water Island” I believe it is named, and indeed Biden does own… and it is a former US sub base… George Webb has done extensive research on it…


Some interesting connections to the Biden family, but does not seem like a solid line to Joe Biden. Looks like water island property is owned by Joe’s brother James Biden, who sold some of his property to Scott Green. Scott Green seems to be a lobbyist who has close ties to Joe Biden..
Lobbyist bought tropical land from Biden’s brother!
Draw your own conclusions!
Scott Green, a lobbyist with close ties to Joe Biden, purchased Virgin Islands property from James Biden and then extended him a private mortgage.


Oh my!


Wangjia Dam
YouTube Video: *

+twatter RT
+email share
+WP *https://daughnworks247.wordpress.com/2020/07/22/20200722/comment-page-1/#comment-3489


Posted by Catturd on Parler:comment image


feels just like that!


A Legacy of Hope || President Trump and America’s Heroes || Jon McNaughton


Very powerful…hope it gets widely seen.


Me, too, Tea!!! Share as much as you can!!!


His new painting…”Legacy of Hope”:comment image


comment image


comment image


Here’s Rev 1 –comment image


* Beautiful * Thanks for posting, Wheatie!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow! I love that! <3


THANK YOU !! shared


Most welcome, K!!!




Qanon July 24 2020 – Next: More Acts of Violence Frameups


Stressed Out? Calming Troubled Waters With Dr. Glidden


I’m just going to post this for people who may be confused about current reports from Solomon and others that arrests may be limited. IMO, they will be limited only if PDT is not re-elected. AG Barr stated as much in a recent interview. He indicated that the fate of the on-going investigations after the election would probably hinge on the election results. So many of the players in this movie are not the primary actors. They are there to do aspects and then are replaced for others to step in. Grenell would be a good example. He may reappear at a later date as Flynn prepares to step onto the stage.
PDT has to win and the Senate has to stay in GOP control, along with, preferably, gaining control in the House. Ruthie is dying. Senate confirmation of the next Constitutionalist judge is critical. Roberts is compromised as we know. He may have to step down for “health” reasons as well. It’s about the judges as PDT told us during his first campaign. He has since reiterated that. Does he act worried? Nope. He speaks boldly about the treason and sedition. If anybody on the planet knows the truth, he does.
The key spygate criminals that can be locked down now, will be. So Q has posted the truth. It’s just going to take longer than we want to get more of them. To get there We the People have work to do up to and through 11-3-20.
We have more than we know.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, I’m not worried, either. Barr is moving as fast as he can move without compromising justice. RESPECT!!!
The role and GUILT of some people will become clear immediately – THOSE are the people we will start seeing prosecuted. Others cannot be prosecuted until there is sufficient clarity. Many of the plotters will not sing FULLY until charged. Trump has to win, or Kamala’s dirty A.G. (Biden will be tossed during the transition, IMO) will stop the prosecution chain reaction.


Well said! Important points about Ginsberg and Roberts…not to mention Soto’s serious diabetics issues, and just plain age with others.


There have been some indictments, but probably not what you’re talking about. I’m going to list five links in two separate posts because I don’t know how many links WP will allow.
1. Bill Barr Indicts 8 Including Mueller Top Witness for Funneling Millions in Foreign Donations to Schiff, Hillary Clinton and Democrats — New Data Shows Bill and Hillary Involved
2. FBI Analyst Going To Jail For Hacking Email Of Political Enemy To Protect Mueller


3. Ex-Treasury Staffer with Links to Andrew Weissmann and Bruce Ohr Pleads Guilty in Court for Leaking Classified Info to Liberal Hack Reporters
4. Far Left Defense Official Pleads Guilty to Leaking Classified Information to Journalists – Faces Up to 10 Years in Prison
h5. ttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/02/far-left-defense-official-pleads-guilty-to-leaking-classified-information-to-journalists-faces-up-to-10-years-in-prison/
5. Mueller’s Star Witness George Nader Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison on Child Sex Crime Charges


You make good points. What I’m writing is not in disagreement with you. I just want to point out that someone — I think it was AG Barr — said the Justice Department will not bring charges against someone unless they are sure they have sufficient provable evidence that they committed a crime and could be convicted of such. I expect some of the people we’d like in handcuffs to “skate” because there is not enough evidence to prove they committed crimes. They get demoted, get fired, have their reputations sullied, etc.
No, I don’t like it, but it is reality. And it doesn’t mean Barr et al. are not doing their jobs. It means we are dealing with the law, and it’s similar to TV shows where everyone knows who did it but the D.A. says there is not enough evidence to indict.
I’m just asking people to be prepared for this kind of thing.


Guess I just don’t understand the change on the mask stance.
Reason I came out of hibernation to try and understand that and then Trump’s comment wishing Maxwell well. The comment to Maxwell has many on the right confused besides me.


Look at it like ‘President Xi and I have a good relationship’ or ‘I get along well with KJU’.

Valerie Curren

Hey Q-Tree Peeps (I Really need more sleep)…
Being back at the hospital where I am Extremely familiar with in-patient scenarios for nearly 2 1/2 decades is fairly surreal during this still being perpetuated fake “pandemic”. They are making Everyone wear some type of face covering. They forced a CV test on Josiah, one of those longer Q-tip looking things though this one was like 6″ long & plastic. I examined the stick in its packaging before they used it on J & couldn’t see anything other than the white plastic-looking bristly tip (as in no obvious tech that could be being transferred across the very porous bone, as I’d read about on Twitter). We couldn’t opt out of this CV test & J was upset to have to take it but handled it like a champ. It didn’t end up being uncomfortable to him so maybe they didn’t actually get up under his eye socket like POTUS described. The results are presumed negative because staff said if it had been positive they’d have to gown up to be in J’s room…so at least J & I could be sans face diaper in his room, even if staff couldn’t.
The hospital has more of a ghost town feel compared to our usual experiences. Having not been out & about much during this “plannedemic/shamdemic/damnedemic” I’m not as conditioned as some are to these perpetually covered faces & it is unsettling & very dehumanizing. Both at checking in at the hospital & at the lab on Wed I went as long as possible w/out the mask (I never put one one at the lab but did step out into the airlock entrance when called on it after more than a 1/2 hour in the waiting room uncovered. Every other person in & out of the lab, even kids, but me were covered & even in the parking lot it felt like people waiting in cars were staring at my naked face & contemplating calling authorities–or maybe I’m just being imaginative in a paranoid way!).
Anyway, being in a hospital situation inpatient & not being really able to see people’s facial expressions is very dehumanizing. We’re down the hall from where we were in the SICU (Surgical ICU) when J was post-transplant 7 years ago this week. The 2 family waiting areas that we liberally used & some people even slept in w/ loved ones in SICU were closed down & their computers were removed (I’d used them liberally to update people on J’s situation then in 2013). Granted most people have “devices” themselves now so maybe no computer access isn’t a big deal for most people, but it’s a big pain for me in the hospital scenario. There is nothing currently directly accessible, including the mini-kitchenettes that formerly had been reasonably stocked with drinks & some light snacks that families could use at will. NOTHING at the hospital is welcoming & says we’re here to make your stay more comfortable & assist the family to assist the patient…
Basically, compared to things even a few weeks ago, I’m supposed to be grateful that I was even allowed to be staying bedside during the 9am-9pm visiting hours–& I am thankful that I can be there even for limited hours. For those people w/ someone in SICU I don’t think they can even stay round the clock, unless they make some type of exceptions, bedside, nor have a place where other supportive people can be there to help take turns being with the SICU patient &/or support people. I cannot even state how much more horrifying our Transplant experience of 7 years ago would have been had we been facing it with the current UofM Hospital conditions. & not being able to see most of other people’s faces it’s much more difficult to provide the fleeting comfort of eye-contact & compassionate expressions which can be a mainstay with strangers in a strange & surreal land of medical crisis. It’s like no one wants to even look in anyone else’s eyes & very few “outside” people are around & the patients are just stuck in their rooms with masked phantoms lurking about. It is incredibly dispiriting & I would expect overwhelming in the SICU arena when a family is usually facing some level of a medical crisis situation…Now I’m usually “alone” at the hospital handling J’s crises over the years but Most other people have others with them in surgical & in-patient scenarios so this limit of just One Visitor in any 24 hour period is likely brutal to those medical situation people who are used to having a supportive & social team (I guess that means I’m actually more prepared than many to face the enforced isolation of “pandemic” lunacy, so my extremely isolated “lifestyle” has not been for naught 😉 )…
Anyway, I figured you guys might appreciate some of these insights on the noticed differences from a hospital veteran. In fact I dropped by spiritual care, where there Used to be an open door policy with some pamphlets & literature (I was hoping to grab another “Our Daily Bread” or similar & Maybe touch base w/ a chaplain I’d spoken with before)…& the door was literally locked without the usual sign & phone number to speak w/ someone on the team. This means drop-in people, like me, aren’t getting any support in that arena At All. I guess for the in-patient you could ask the patient’s team to bring in spiritual care but in a hospital closing down some of these avenues seems practically criminal. But should I really be surprised given the near shuttering of all churches in Michigan???
Sorry to leave this on a more “downer” note, but I do need to gear up & get back to Josiah’s bedside & see where things stand. I miss being here to see at least some of what’s going on w/ everybody. Blessings to All!
this is a copy/paste from elsewhere…
Here’s a quick update on Josiah. They only let me stay with him the first night so he spent last night alone. He did great on the biopsy yesterday but the results are still pending. By blood work labs the liver is stable but not yet improving so they upped his Prograf, added steroids, & also Magnesium because that was low. At least the itchiness has calmed down.
I should be back at the hospital shortly to see where things are & how he did on “his own” overnight. He’s in good spirits & learning to speak up more for himself, because he has to when I’m not there to back him up…& we’ve both been Very Tired & dozed off several times with fatigue…Anyway thanks for praying & thinking of us. God Bless!


Val – we are with you in prayer – so is Jesus – He wants to hear from you – from your heart – not your words.
Ask Him to hold you and Josiah in His Loving Arms – I am asking for Angels of all types – to provide whatever you need – God has sent them – of that I am certain.
You are both ‘fighters’ and God is taking care of all of the rest – Be at Peace – God is with you!!!
In the name of Jesus – I pray – for strength, perseverance, and love – Amen.



Valerie Curren

Thanks for this Duchess! We got a call from J a bit ago & he’s doing well! I hope to leave soon & find out in person what’s Really happening…


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!

Valerie Curren





thanks for checking in!
please tell Josiah we are with him in spirit (and you too!!) and ask about him!
please make sure to take care of yourself as well Valerie!!!!

Valerie Curren

Thanks Pat. I passed your other message along & will try to remember this one to share too (I make no promises because I’m too scattered now a days). Blessings 😉


sometimes it helps to know others, even perfect strangers, are pulling for you!

Valerie Curren

Yes! Nowadays “perfect strangers” (except for family) are all I’ve got! Funny how those perfect strangers can so often be kindred spirits…Blessings!


and to you and yours Valerie!!

Valerie Curren

You too 🙂

Valerie Curren

I actually remember ed to mention your encourag ment! Yay me & yay you…I must still need sleep…sorry cortypos…tablets…Blessings!


Blessings back to you!!

Valerie Curren

Big teeth grinning emoji! 🙂



Valerie Curren

That’ll do just fine–Thanks!

Concerned Virginian

Valerie Curren
Thanks so much for the update. Please take care of yourself too. Hang in there!
Sending all the best and Good Energy to you and to Josiah.
Very similar in-patient hospital situation down here in North Carolina — I would assume it’s similar all over the country.
I can’t imagine what it must be like for an elderly person to be hospitalized at this time. It’s difficult enough for younger people.
I can’t imagine what it must be for any hospitalized person to be at end-of-life at this time.

Valerie Curren

Yes! It’s literally criminal level abuse that is being inflicted on the world. It’s incomprehensible the mass delusion that is so pervasive…grrr…

Valerie Curren

Oh CV, if I recall correctly you actually faced that end of life scenario with your beloved elderly husband not all that long ago. I’m sorry if my remarks were wounding in any way. Having walked the way of suffering you have so much insight & compassion for others who might be facing similar trials. Those insights can be so painfully earned & yet this means we can be better able to comfort others, as scripture says. Thanks for so magnificently displaying that heart of compassion for those going through desperate times of late. God Bless & continue to heal you as you brush up against grief (again) when just even considering others’ difficult journeys…You are a shining example of the wondrous wounded warrior!

Gail Combs

Glad to hear Josiah’s liver is stable and he is in good spirits. I hope the increase in the medications does the trick and he can go home shortly.

Valerie Curren

Thanks Gail…me too!


Pinned Tweet
Senator Ted Cruz@SenTedCruz
Jul 23
Too many Dem politicians are turning a blind eye to Antifa’s violent hijacking of peaceful protests. Next Wednesday, I’m chairing a hearing on how Antifa and other anti-American anarchists engage in riots – and how we can hold them accountable.


Ted Cruz@tedcruz
John Roberts has abandoned his oath.
But, on the upside, maybe Nevada churches should set up craps tables? Then they could open?
Quote Tweet
Phil Kerpen@kerpen
· 13h
Gorsuch dissent is one paragraph long and it’s a dandy


that’s the key word right there…ACCOUNTABLE


Found on Parler:comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image
Oldies but goodies:comment imagecomment image


GREAT ones!

Gail Combs

Brian Cates has a really good thread on election, voters per county, ballot harvesting… Well worth the read.


A new piece by Dr. Robert Lopez:
[T]he left’s power consists mostly of power over the English language. The left has sway over education, the media, law, arts, and entertainment, especially in English-speaking countries: the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand. Liberal-dominated industries shape the understanding and use of words. Since the English-speaking world defines discourse for the whole world and the English-speaking left defines English words, the left now has global hegemony. [T]he history of Spanish, French, and German shows that language communities reach their downfall when one party’s prevalence distorts communication.
July 25, 2020
The Implosion of the Left’s Language Circus
By Robert Oscar Lopez
Need to do some more sharing later

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, this is an extremely interesting idea. And notice how in the case of German, the philosophers who drove it all crazy gave rise to crazy political parties (including both the KPD and the Nazis) which were filled with hypocrisy.


+twatter https://twitter.com/mhtx76/status/1287111162010664962


Hi guys, let me enlighten you on something. Since Fox news decided, along with the Tampa Bay Rays to highlight Beonna Taylor, and all the “protests” in Louisville KY. Let me tell you what REALLY happened. The Left and BLM, their surrogate, would have you think that Louisville Law enforcement came out at 4 in the morning, guns blazing, and gunned down this “innocent woman, who was in no way involved, it was her boyfriend they were after.
WRONG. Breonna Taylor was a DRUG DEALER. The no knock LEGAL warrant, was served by Louisville Police at 5 ish in the morning. The warrant was FOR Breonna Taylor, NOT her boyfriend. The Police busted the door down, and did inform them “Police, we have a search warrant!” BUT, the boyfriend opened FIRE on the Police, claiming he “didn’t know” who was busting in the door, DESPITE the FACT that the police clearly and loudly announced their presence, AND that the had a SEARCH WARRANT.
The Police, were FIRED upon by Breonna’s boyfriend, they returned fire, and Breonna was killed in the CROSSFIRE. We are NOT even sure yet if it was the police OR her boyfriends round that killed her, but she was shot multiple times.
THIS case was MEANT to be the “George Floyd” to START the BLM and Antifa riots. It happened several weeks BEFORE the George Floyd incident. BUT, they had ONE small problem, there IS bodycam video, which we have NOT yet seen, It PROVES that this was a LEGIT and LEGAL action taken against a criminal DRUG dealer. They will NOT tell you this in the MSM. Breanna was a DRUG DEALER, to KIDS. But, she was just ” an innocent bystander” shot by “evil” police, WHITE police, accept there were African American officers involved TOO. The Louisville DA, has so far DECLINED to press charges against the officers, RIGHTLY SO.
This is an attempt to restart the failed riot’s elsewhere, based upon FALSE and misleading MSM reporting. The LOCAL stations are ALL over this, but THEY do NOT make the national news.
This PROVES the LIES the MSM tell for an AGENDA. It is my belief that Breonna Taylor was meant to be the original “spark” to set off the riot and race agenda, but it FAILED because of too much evidence locally. So, they used the NMEXT incident to come along, George Floyd. When his PAST came out, along with the TRANSCRIPTS of what ACTUALLY happened, as well as the FACT that the DA is SUPPRESSING the VIDEO, they moved on to another case, Rayshard Brooks. This too had too much EVIDENCE, despite an over reaching Mayor, DA, and Police Admin, the case fizzled, and WILL result in an office acquittal.
See, it is my belief that when the ORIGINAL covid fear and narrative fizzled because of exposure of the FRAUD, they put the race war contingency into play as a DISTRACTION, and made IT the new narrative. When it fizzled with Floyd and Brooks, and Taylor, they moved BACK to covid fraud, as the DISTRACTION gave them TIME to reformulate the LIES, and use puffed up FALSE cases, and then OLD deaths, and more pumped up deaths to restart the FEAR to try and stop the economic revival, get people to stay in, and NOT vote.
Now, we are AGAIN exposing the FRAUD of the Covid lie on THIS new narrative. So what do the left do? Go BACK to the original distraction plan, race wars, and Breonna Taylor. IT IS ALL THEY HAVE folks, lies, distractions, race baiting, fear, deception, propaganda. They have NO agenda for America, at least not one that is GOOD for America or Americans, only themselves.
The left ALWAYS rehash OLD narratives, after all they put good money into pumping up their lies, they MUST use them. They go back and recycle over and over, hoping to fool us after they overload us with bs again and again. Look at how many times in four years, despite MOUNTAINS of evidence to the contrary, they have tried to prop up Russia hoax. It will NEVER stop until full SULIGHT kills the undead.
DO NOT be fooled, EVERYTHING we have been sold and told for the past four years is a LIE. The ONLY thing stopping peace and prosperity is the LEFT. They THINK they want a new revolution. They just need to realize ONE thing. Gun and ammo sales set a new DOUBLING record EACH subsequent month. It is not THEM that are buying, it is US. Yamamoto said it best “you cannot invade the US, there will be a gun behind every blade of grass”
Try us at your PERIL leftists. Be CAREFUL what you wish for, you just might GET IT. We are SICK of the LIES, and YOUR agendas and narratives and beliefs SHOVED down our throats. You soon will see JUST how tired of it we ARE>

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great post!!!


There isn’t body cam footage to my knowledge … have you seen news reports that confirm body cam footage?
“LMPD Police Chief Steve Conrad said there is no body-cam footage because the officers executing the search warrant were not wearing any.”


Additional info … this looks like actual investigative journalism! rare find!
there may be body cam footage from other officers


I think I came across some orignal reporting, some actual journalism!
There may be body cam footage from other officers involved.
The officers were NOT at her apartment by “mistake” … there was a no knock warrent for her apartment that a known drug dealer had used to receive packages and had visited on a regular basis and with which she was affiliated/associated.
They were executing multiple warrents at the same time to catch the drug dealer
She was not shot in the bed nor was the boyfriend in the bed


ALL Louisville police wear body cams. Have for YEARS.

Gail Combs

I was out (2 feed stores, big lots & Food Lion) I do not wear a mask. No hassles desite signs on door. Also about 1/3 to 1/2 did not have masks. The parking lots were PACKED and this is mid afternoon, (92 F)
I saw a really great Tee shirt a big guy was wearing:comment image


Amen on both counts.


Black Trump supporter Murdered in the middle of the day.
“Bernell Trammell, a well-known Black supporter of Donald Trump who was a community fixture known for his publishing company and long conversations on religion and politics, often delivered from street corners while holding pro Trump and other signs, was shot to death in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Trammell, 60, was gunned down on July 23 near the very spot where he gave a video interview a few hours before explaining why he supported Trump. Milwaukee police are seeking what they described as “unknown suspects.” The motive is not clear, including whether or not the slaying was tied into Trammell’s political beliefs or Trump support. Some news outlets gave the victim’s name as Bernell Tremmell, but he goes by Trammell on social media.”


no words… absolutely so sad…
Cabal wants war in the streets so bad…


don’t hold your breath for riots from blm on this death tho


Exactly Pat…


Call not just to dox, but implied death threats to family after the election.
Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) Tweeted:
An open call to dox and endanger the lives of police officers and federal law enforcement, who are tasked to handling dangerous narcoterrorists on the US southern border.


and no twitter suspension, right?


Oh of course not. Shes a blue check lib journalist.


interesting story if it can be believed. Black Portland man goes to riots to see what’s what. his eyes get opened WIDE.
“When I woke up in the morning,” Johnson said, “it was clear as day, almost like it was just planted in my head. This is what you’re going to do. Hopefully we can start a conversation. Here we are now we are starting this conversation. But I can tell you the experience was eye-opening. I did not believe what I used to call the rhetoric about antifa. I was thinking that maybe they’re just, you know, some punk kids or whatever it was, some righteous anger in there. I quickly found out that that’s not the case.”
Having worked for the State Department after an eight-year career in the Marines, Johnson has done a lot of duty overseas. He says the antifa rioters in Portland use the same tactics he’s witnessed from terrorists. “They’re utilizing the same tactics that any other terrorist organization would,” Johnson said. “They’ve got spotters with cameras that will follow you around, and they’ve got their thugs. Those are the guys with the baseball bats. They have people that will intimidate you in Black Lives Matter attire.”
Johnson says his goal was to try to convince Portland protesters to stop tearing America apart, and to start bringing it together. “What is more patriotic than our flag?” he said. “What will really just be in your face, America? This is America, right? I wanted to have a conversation so that they would understand that what they’re doing is tearing the country apart and not bringing it back together, and hopefully by telling this community that we live in it’s time to start a conversation and it’s time to unite America. Because the Black Lives Matter movement has turned into something else. Antifa has attached itself to this movement now and it’s taken it over.”


And then Antifa followed him home.


did they?????



72 SECONDS Retweeted
Laura Ingraham@IngrahamAngle
Where’s Rev. Al? Where’s BLM? “Black Trump supporter Bernell Trammell shot dead in Milwaukee”
Murder of black Trump supporter Bernell Trammell spurs call for federal investigation
The shooting death of a black Trump supporter in Milwaukee has state Republicans calling for a federal investigation. Bernell Trammell, 60, a dreadlocked activist known for carrying handmade signs


This didn’t get nearly enough attention yesterday and it should have. This was a campaign promise.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wonderful! SAVED FOR POSTERITY AS A MEME!!!comment image


[DS] Readies Their Next Move, Countermeasures In Place, The Truth Will Prevail:Chef Pete Evans


One of Sol’s best…

SolSecClapper board@Solmemes1
You have just crossed over to the…
Democrat zone……


First thing we do………………………………
is close down ALL the local Chambers of Commerce…
(They’re the ones forcing local gov’ts to mandate masks! Prove me wrong…)

Gail Combs

Chambers of Commerce Chambers of Communist China

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep! Chambers of Commies…
They should be chambers of OUR COMMERCE, the USA’S Commerce…
Same problem over here. Merde-Kuh doesn’t protect strategic and/or traditional/family businesses over here, so with the financial fallout from the Fakorona virus, the RED ChiComs are snapping them up left and right, and there’s no effort to save or protect them…
GRRRRRRR… $limeball globalists…Gore Bullists…


Yes Gail…

Linda K Harrison

I saw a meme today that said: People are so upset at stores with signs that say “masks only”, imagine what it was like to see signs that said: “Whites Only”.
Think they are trying to teach us something?


I don’t think our black brothers and sisters need to learn a lesson…

Linda K Harrison

I agree but if you think about it most of the BLM and Antifa people are white not black, and that is who maybe pushing the meme.


Oh yes Linda… imagine the arrogance of a white woman in the face of a black man, telling him he’s not black enough because he doesn’t agree with her… I’ve seen it in video clips far too often…

Linda K Harrison

Sorry I said anything – I will be sure not to post anything every again. Happy now!


I don’t understand…


Pr…do you think that’s what happened in our neck of the woods?


Yes indeed I do Tea… iirc, one has to join the CoC in order to open a business downtown… always thought that a bit Fascist … and when I think about how everything was so nice until just a few days ago, when City mandated masks, even though it’s hot as Hades here and the numbers certainly have NOT gone up…
Gov McMasters has not mandated for the state and neither has the County mandated… (I think the mandate is as illegal as Hades… )


Questions the fake news journalists don’t ask!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



MTA warns of fare increases and service cuts


Charlie knows.


True, Steve – * Giggle *




via Ace of Spades
“Last night, I heard Mark Levin on the radio talking about the federal regulation of how suburbs are created and managed. This issue has been followed closely by Stanley Kurtz. From this week:
The suburbs hold the swing vote in this election. . .
Toward the end of his administration, President Obama promulgated a sweeping new rule called Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH). President Trump suspended enforcement of AFFH and is now in the process of entirely ending the rule. Biden, in contrast, has promised to vigorously enforce AFFH. So, what does the rule do?
AFFH is designed to put an end to single family zoning, while also pressing suburbs to build high-density low-income housing that would be occupied by residents of nearby cities. AFFH will also press suburbs into “transit oriented development,” construction of dense apartments and business districts around transportation hubs, with limited parking. . .
There is more. The details are frightening. It is really quite the insidious federal takeover of local government. Some of these rules also apply to more urbanized neighborhoods. They could affect you on a personal level.
The Virus complicates this issue for the Democrats this election season. Makes mass transit and crowded conditions less attractive. But they still put these goals in writing, if not on TV.
Although none of this has been much debated by the public, Democratic lawmakers and allied urban policy experts and activists have long cherished the goals of AFFH. A whole battery of additional laws and regulations to achieve them are likely if the Democrats take power. . .

more at link http://ace.mu.nu/archives/389316.php

Cuppa Covfefe

Agenda 2030, writ large.
Put everyone in huge cities where they can be monitored and controlled 24×7. Limit their mobility and range, either by public transit, or electric cars with only a 200-300 mile range… CC cameras everywhere, facial recognition, social credit scores, etc., etc., etc.
Keep the sheeple in pens…


They are evil, aren’t they Cuppa…


ACLU already suing Trump administration over the EO about not counting illegals for Congressional apportionment.
On Friday, the ACLU dropped a lawsuit against the Trump administration on behalf of a number of open borders lobbying groups — including New York Immigration Coalition, Make the Road New York, CASA, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, ADC Research Institute, and FIEL Houston — demanding that illegal aliens be counted in congressional apportionment.
This week, Trump signed a memorandum to exclude illegal aliens from being counted when the federal government apportions congressional representation to the states — a reversal of existing policy that allows states with large illegal populations to soak up more political power by counting all residents rather than legal residents.
The ACLU lawsuit claims not counting illegal aliens in congressional apportionment is unconstitutional.

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s why the conservative appointments to the higher courts are so important.
The left might find themselves at the wrong end of a precedent.
(Not the first time that’s happened, for sure…)….


We knew it would devolve to this…………………………..
Mr. SwelFartwell is the perfect idiot to espouse this joke of a defense……………………. kinda of like sayin’ “well, so what if I killed my wife, she (he in his case) was a mean ol’ hag, deserved to die.”
Sun_Q_Tzu ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Retweeted
Wow, it was just yesterday that I said this would happen. Dems are flipping from “no spying occurred” to “it was morally justified”. Orange Man Bad Defense👉
Rep. Swalwell on new information showing FBI spied on Trump: ‘They were right to do it’
Rep. Swalwell on new information showing FBI spied on Trump: ‘They were right to do it’
Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., reacted to the revelation that an FBI agent involved in the “Crossfire Hurricane” Russia investigation “actively listened” for certain topics during a defensive briefing…


comment image


hee hee


Sun_Q_Tzu Medium starMedium starMedium star Retweeted
Matt Whitaker Flag of United States@MattWhitaker46
My appearance this morning on @foxandfriends@FoxNews
Matt Whitaker on DOJ announcing first federal arrests in Chicago
Matt Whitaker on DOJ announcing first federal arrests in Chicago
Former Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker joins ‘Fox & Friends Weekend.’


link to video clip


Justice Department@TheJusticeDept
Six Former NFL Players Charged in Superseding Indictment Alleging Nationwide Fraud on Health Care Benefit Program for Retired NFL Players
Six Former NFL Players Charged in Superseding Indictment Alleging
Six former National Football League (NFL) players have been charged in a superseding indictment in the Eastern District of Kentucky for their alleged roles in a nationwide fraud on a health care
A superseding indictment is just like any other indictment, and it must be obtained the same way as the original indictment—through a grand jury. … Once the grand jury returns a superseding indictment, the superseding indictment replaces (supersedes) the original indictment.


Word in the THREAD is that this comes from Israel…
Time for USA to start using a little water to cool Antifa down, doncha think?


can I drive it????????????????????????


I was waiting with bated breath to read your reply… !
You never disappoint 😉 more than a smile, you got a laugh
When POTUS makes his daily call to me to ask for advice on saving the world, I’ll put in a word for you!


you might add that I’ve never gotten any tickets at all ever, my aim is true and I hate anarchy!
a full resume is available on request…lol


will do… 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

And in the background, the soft strains of the Beatles singing “Baby You Can Drive My Tank” alternating with “She’s Got A Ticket To Drive”, “The Fools On The Hill”, and “Hey Blue” waft through the increasingly damp (and blue) air as the fauxtestors search for a Yellow Submarine in which to escape…




BOOM! gotta get me one of those!!!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

That would kind of, erm, dampen the enthusiasm of the PantyFa/BLM perps laying down blocking roads, methinks 😀
Driving miss crazy 🙂




Think this dye was used by the CCP in Hong Kong, wasn’t it?
Not a bad idea, IMO. Of course, I’m also one that thinks dipping your finger In semi-permanent dye when you vote is a good thing! 😉


I’m with you Tea !


Just a reminder – show the flag at home and online!
Show our support for POTUS and America…comment image


Dave of the X22 Report is promoting this idea too. 🇺🇸

Gail Combs

On my trip to town, I saw several American Flags displayed.


We have two in our front yard, but sadly I don’t see many others in our community.


been trying to find any updates on Wilbur Ross and Dr Zelenko…anyone heard anything???


Wilbur’s tweeting the past few days, nothing from Z.


thanks butterfly!!!


ICE Says New Foreign Students Can’t Enter US for Online-Only Course Loads
International students will not be allowed to enter the United States for online-only course loads in the fall semester unless they were enrolled on or before March 9, immigration officials said. […]


wonder how confident any of these people would feel about allowing a med student who hasn’t been tested and licensed properly with performing their heart surgery? but just skip the bar exam and let students be licensed to practice law?? the first case lost by any of these law students would generate law suits against the school and the Bar Association.
Harvard Law School students joined peers from law schools across the state in a letter urging the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court to replace the 2020 bar exam with an automatic admission option — a request the court subsequently denied.
The students’ July 10 letter asked the court to consider an “emergency diploma privilege plus” strategy, which would license law school graduates without requiring the bar examination. Currently, the court plans to administer a delayed online exam on October 5 and 6 due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.


… an online exam is RIDICULOUS! anyone can take the exam for the law school graduates…
do you know how many in the past fail the exam at least once? It’s not supposed to be EASY or QUICKLY available…
who reared these children…? Instant gratification in everything!


COVID has left minorities unable to study and prepare for the bar exam…so it’s RACIST!


ohhh… I see… 🙂


the proposed exam date is now October–and these students want to be able to practice law regardless in the meantime…saying they can’t afford their rents and stuff until October. that’s presuming they all pass–what if they don’t pass? lots don’t pass the bar exam the first time; lots don’t pass medical exams or CPA exams first try either…these students PRESUME TOO MUCH.


They can find work… lots of law firms would hire them to research, etc. until they pass the Bar.


imagine having one of these “participation trophy” lawyers try your case and botch it royalty…can you imagine the fallout???

Cuppa Covfefe

And doing reseaerch, as a sort of “Praktikum” would do them a lot of good, and maybe they’d get some mentoring along the way that would help them on their bar exam…
Win-Win, except for the showflake leftards, for whom everything is whine-whine…..


Yes Cuppa…


😢. So sad….can’t get those big bucks jobs immediately…back to parents’ basement.


no word on the en banc decision yet either…good or bad??


start at 45:19 Dave is telling us what he thinks is happening and what else comes…


Eric Trump@EricTrump
We are 100 Days out from election! It is time to show @JoeBiden and the Democrats how strong your support is for
Volunteer to help this weekend!!!
100 Days Out!
Volunteer with the Trump Victory team THIS weekend!




This one’s for Giloo…………………………….

Pinned Tweet
Replying to @realDonaldTrump
This is from Sacramento.
Hundreds of Trump supporters learning how to register new voters.
A sleeping beast has been awakened in California.


Gail Combs

Also Dr Art Robinson’s home schooling Curriculum
It is a self-teaching approach. Once the child learns to read THEY take it from there.
It is $200 (ALL 12 grades) and you have to buy the Saxon Math books.
We bought it to help tutor the local kids. It has been around for YEARS.
Art’s wife died suddenly so his scientist friends and he organized the material she had for home schooling. Since Art also owned a lab, he could not do the teaching so it was up to the kids. They tested out of the first two years of college…
(Rated #1 in Seven Curriculum Categories)

Concerned Virginian

Another alternative is the Calvert Homeschool Program. It’s been used for over 100 years.


RIP Regis Philbin…88 yrs old, natural causes


Okay, here’s my Regis Philbin story.
Hate to keep repeating, but most know that I worked with the National Miss America Pageant for many years. A couple of years Kathy Lee and Regis were the hosts for the non-televised preliminary nights as well as the live Saturday show.
Naturally, they came to AC for the week, rehearsing with the producers, going through the stage choreography, camera angles, etc. I think I was probably working with Press that particular time and was around them quite a bit.
Kathy was the typical diva…babies and nannies in tow and making lots of (ahem) “requests.” Busy with wardrobe, hair and make up sessions, interviews…..all the usual, so we didn’t see much of her. But you knew when she was in the Hall…she always made a Grand Entrance!
Regis, on the other hand, hung around eating and chatting with us…a truly down to earth, nice guy. It was a paid gig, of course, but he was very interested in the process.
One of the activities with the contestants was to show them how the on- stage interview questions worked for the finalists, Regis being the person asking the questions …so a role-playing session was set up. I played the part of one the top five finalists…the closest I EVER got to being a Miss A contestant! LOL
So, Regis asked me a few questions ..current events, social issues,…the usual. And, I in my best contestant persona (intelligently, nimbly and passionately!) answered. The producer was there to give some tips to the women about where to look while answering, how detailed etc.
It was actually somewhat of a bonding experience between us and we hit it off the remainder of the Pageant…just a nice, casual friendship for a brief time. I worked with dozens of celebrity hosts and have to say Regis was one of my favorites. RIP


such a great story!!!


thanks for sharing that story Tea… lovely experience for you… and for Regis 😉


💋 Steve….Only in my dreams! LOL 👑


2 armed black militants shoot themselves in Louisville…guess they didn’t train in proper gun safety…
Around 1 p.m. at least two people were shot at the NFAC Black Militia gathering. Preliminary reports suggest an accidental weapon fire, and two people were wheeled off my medics.
Seventy-six rioters in Louisville were arrested last night after police declared an unlawful assembly.

Cuppa Covfefe

The Gang(bangers) That Couldn’t Shoot Straight…


reading the comments to multiple articles about various topics and some anonymous poster makes this connection:
wasn’t Hillary supposed to be deposed in MARCH when covid hit like a hurricane? hmmmmm


yes, by JW


she’d rather revel in hell than do that


Pelosi and hubby cashing in on Amazon stock bought during closed door congressional meetings and just before other retailers shutdown…looking at $6 million in PROFIT alone–but Wray didn’t want to press the case…
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and her husband are cashing in already on $5 million of Amazon stock purchased during the time frame that closed-door coronavirus meetings were being conducted in Congress — making an additional $6 MILLION in stock profits on top of the original purchase.
As of Friday morning, the Pelosi stock purchase had already earned the couple $6 million after using insider trading Intel to purchase the stock. The Amazon share price climbed close to $3,000 on Friday. The Pelosi’s purchased the shares on Jan. 17, according to financial disclosure filings at $1,600 per share.
FBI insiders said the Bureau was interested in probing the more-than-suspicious $6 million in Amazon stock that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her husband grabbed just before the country was locked down and retailers shuttered due to the alleged coronavirus ‘pandemic.’
But William Barr would not give the FBI a green light to proceed. Thomas Paine details the sordid affair on the Thomas Paine Podcast and the details are frustratingly alarming for all law-abiding Americans. Pelosi has profited $6 million in weeks since the purchase. That is JUST profit. Why did Barr chicken out? The reasons are startling for any attorney general. Since the podcast aired, Paine said he learned FBI Director Christopher Wray did not press the case with the Justice Department on behalf of agents in the FBI’s public corruption and financial crimes task forces.

Deplorable Patriot

IMO, this is better for image issues given the gossip factor. I’d rather see her prosecuted for treason, and stories like this will help sway public opinion prior to that.
Remember, public opinion has to be behind the DoJ for it to work.


I bet Martha Stewart isn’t very happy about this!

Deplorable Patriot

Here’s a thread for refresher information on coding: Don’t ask how I found this. I couldn’t recreate it if I tried.
Q has said the following:
“It’s always been out in the open.”
“Symbolism will be their downfall.”
“Symbolism = END”
Why end? Because the elites use a language of symbolism: colours, poses, mythos, etc to hide from you in plain sight #Qanon
12:25 AM · Feb 2, 2019·Twitter Web Client
Feb 2, 2019
Replying to
It’s the end because when people learn this language we win. It’s like this clip from They Live (We Sleep)

To see the world like this requires learning hundreds of symbols. An entirely new language, and thinking in a new way, it’s not easy!
They Live Sunglasses
Sometimes feels like nobody has them and everything looks like the magazines, signs, and money in the movie..

Feb 2, 2019
Colour Coding System
Orange/Sunset = End
Red/Fire = Punish
Blue/Water = Info
Tiffany Blue = Secret Info
Green/Trees = Ally
Yellow/Sunshine = Reward
Brown Dirt = Nourish
Purple = Communication
Pink = Weak
Dark = Hidden
Light = Visible
e.g. Dark to Light = To Make Visible.


Angela Stanton-King running for Ga.’s 5th congressional district


comment image


davealvord164 Retweeted
The Daily Signal@DailySignal
The Citadel will require all cadets to complete a class on the U.S. Constitution and other founding documents beginning in the 2020-21 academic year.
Citadel Will Require All Cadets to Study Constitution
South Carolina’s public military college is now in compliance with a state law requiring a yearlong class on the Constitution.


“Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has pointed out three elements that have become what he calls the trademark of the deep Church: “heresy, sodomy, and corruption.”
“In a new wide-ranging interview with Vatican expert Marco Tosatti (read full interview below), the Vatican whistleblower speaks about the deeper significance of the case of former Cardinal McCarrick in relation to the “doctrinal crisis” the Church is facing.
“There is a very strict relationship between the doctrinal crisis of the Church and the immorality of the clergy, that scandalously reaches up to the highest levels of the hierarchy. But it is also apparent that this crisis is being used by the ultra-progressive wing not only to impose a false morality together with a false doctrine, but also to irremediably discredit the Holy Church and the Papacy before the faithful and the world, through the action of its own leaders,” stated the Archbishop. ”


As we say in the South: “The Guilty dogs bark.”


is that like “a fox smells its own hole”?


Mmmm – not sure. Never heard that one.


lol…redneck wisdom?


I cannot believe they were dumb enough to write this letter!
Is it because – if Biden does down – they all go down with him?
Is that why Biden is hiding in the basement?
Sorry – but, I still think Biden is acting to avoid prosecution – and they are backing him for the same reason.


Duchess, that’s what I said. I’m sure he could have gotten good coaching how to do it. Yes.


Well, Zoe – I am glad I am not the only one questioning this fiasco – I was wondering if there is a video somewhere of him speaking normally and making sense – a recent video.
I have ministered to people with dementia – it takes years to get to the stage he is pretending to be – I watched them decline gradually – until they were in another world completely – I had to learn to adjust with them – It was painful because these were people close to me – but, I can tell you they did not ‘act’ like Biden at all.


If Joe goes, so does Zero… and many others.


True – so he is definitely putting on this act to avoid prosecution – and taking the whole shebang with him! (including Romney)


me thinks this Biden is a clone… goodness only knows where the real one is, if he is even alive. (Yes I know you see my tin foil hat… but it’s an expensive one, and I’m attached to it.)


Well – that would make sense – a malfunctioning clone – (it is a pretty hat – I like it) – I wonder how many of them are still alive – we both know why they keep bringing Ruthie back – but, there is no reason to showcase any of the others – they are useless in the scheme of things – I cannot even imagine who would replace Biden as a candidate – I know people speculate the wicked witch and the oversized tranny might be a pair – however – I keep thinking about this video I saw a few weeks ago – it was a shocker – said many of these people are already gone – and it talked about the ‘fake videos’ that would keep them alive in the minds of those who followed them.
If it is true – we are watching a movie – then, none of the characters in this movie are real – they are ‘actors’ – after all.
During this plandemic – there could have been much activity behind the scenes – that removed the ‘bad actors’ for good – we suspect they are taking down the pedophile rings – and if these people were involved in this perverse activity – they would go down with them – however – the ‘coup group’ is still active – showing their hand frequently – and lately – Polygrip Pelosi has talked about ‘continuity of government’ – she called it ‘continuation of government’ – so they are still planning to take out # 1 and # 2 so she can be prez – what a fool! So yes – if BB is gone – then they think they can still go with Plan B.
Well, PT said the next 8 weeks are going to be busy – so we shall see – but, I do not think the American people are ready to see what has really happened behind the scenes – do you?


You must be my long lost twin Duchess!
No wonder you like my hat…
Sometimes I wonder if most of the talking heads on The Borg are clones… (I’ll be quiet now!)


That is a lovely thought, PR – but then, we would have to be the same age – and we are not – but, we could still be related – lol
We have seen some malfunctions – so that is quite possible – remember the reporters who got lost in their words or froze on-the-air?
Please do not be quiet – what would I do without your insight?
You know – I just thought of something – PT is used to this entertainment – and the drama – no wonder he is so calm – he knows how this movie is going to end.


Yes Duchess… I am at long last starting to believe it is a movie, and I might as well relax and watch! Popcorn?


Yes, please! Don’t forget to get enough for everyone – Michael must have that big bag somewhere – so we can pass it around – what shall we drink?


Where’s Kea? She mixes some really delicious drinks. I’m having some hot choc and then hugging a pillow. Sweet dreams Duchess.


Thanks – you off to beddy-bye? Don’t blame you – it has been a busy day – Sweet Dreams I pray for you, too, PR!!!


TY and God bless you Duchess.


Most welcome, PR – God Bless You, too!!!


ahh, our secret’s out! Duchess, we’ve been discovered. Steve is too clever…


Ahh Steve… what a kind thing to say. You’re a gentleman and a SCHOLAR!


B I N G O! ALL roads lead to Obama, and those that put him in power, AND furthered his agenda.


That’s what I think, too, prog.

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, like Wray is going to tell them, switch hat wearer or not.


It is getting to be like one big soap opera, DP – and you know what – I detest soap operas.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, it is, and I can understand. That’s part of the reason the movie “Soapdish” was such a fabulous movie.


Really, DP? LOL

Deplorable Patriot

If you’ve never seen it, and watched soaps in the past…my sister and I just DIED watching this.


Never saw it – did not watch soaps – bore me to tears – so this makes no sense to me, DP.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s a regular thing in the soaps to bring people back from the dead. In fact, at the soap opera awards, there’s a category known as “Best Death.” They make fun of themselves all the time.


Oh, I see – is that because these characters were popular, and people were upset they died? What a rouse! Stupid Soaps!!!


For Pat Frederick!comment image


thanks!!! this is great!


Be sure and put the Trump stickers over their Obama or Biden stickers.


I haven’t seen a single Biden sign or bumper sticker up here. not one


Actually did that in 2016 on cars I knew were for Hillary in my town, I swear some people never look at their cars bumpers LOL. It was fun to hear the stories or see the reactions and/or how long it took for some to finally realize they had a trump sticker on their car. Since majority of people here are conservative there were a couple of people who got congratulated for their good choice, and the looks were worth a million.


you’re my new hero!!


It was fun–LOL


Daily, More and more trump stickers on cars. More Trump hats. 🙂
Wherever folks are, IF it is safe, please wear a Trump hat and put a Trump sticker on your car.


My husband was out and about today and he saw Biden posters in from of the hard core democrats.
No Trump posters out there.
American flags are still out flying high 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

People are flying American flags instead of Trump signs. Very subtle.


Yes !


Lots more American Flags flying these days. Nice to see.


This has been on my mind all day….
Break package of oreos into chunks. Toss with 1/2 stick melted butter. Spread cookie chunks to cover bottom of rectangle pan – freeze.
Drop spoonfuls desired flavor/s of ice cream on top of cookies – vanilla, coffee, dulce de leche, butter pecan, chocolate. Can be smooth ice cream into flat layer, partly smooth or left in scoops.
Drizzle with your favorite caramel* and chocolate* sauce and salted toasted pecan pieces, heath bits – cover and freeze.
Optional – Double recipe to make two layers.
To serve – cut into squares – garnish top with whipped cream, nuts, heath bits and/or cherry.
*Chocolate sauce:
1 (16 oz.) can Hershey syrup
1 (15 oz.) can Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk
1/2 c. butter
1 tsp vanilla
Bring to a boil. (Be careful, mixture sticks to pan.) Stir frequently. Simmer 5 minutes. Cool. Add 1 teaspoon vanilla.
*Easy Caramel topping – or can use store bought ice cream topping or caramel apple topping.
1 cup packed brown sugar
½ cup butter
¼ cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Bring brown sugar, butter, and milk to a gentle boil and cook until thickened, 1 to 2 minutes. Remove from heat; add vanilla extract.
Note – Some recipes call for a Cool Whip top layer – but I can’t stand the stuff.


wow…i can feel my blood sugar rising just reading it!!!!
but i bet it’ll be a hit at my next family get together!!
thanks for sharing!!


I gained 10 pounds just reading this…:0)


I’ve never made it – someone gave us one years ago when the kids were still home. Now that it’s just me – I won’t dare make it – unless I’ve got company coming. But it was OH SO GOOD!


:0) It looks and sounds wonderful..however, I have zero will power and I gave up making desserts decades ago…if somebody offered me a piece, I’d be all over it, but to make if for myself….not gonna happen.

Concerned Virginian

My four favorite “food groups” — cookies, ice cream, chocolate, nuts.
Thank you for posting this!

Deplorable Patriot

I made Belgian Waffles for the fam this am. Here’s the ingredients as my mother claimed they were scrumdidlyumtious (this is a made up homestead word for YUMMY), better than the last time. Got this off the internet somewhere.
Belgian Waffles
2 cups cake flour
1TBSP baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt (I use sea salt)
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup buttermilk (today, we didn’t have any, so substituted 1/2 TBSP lemon juice in 1/2 cup whole milk. Let it sit until curdled. I think that was the difference)
1 cup milk (I ALWAYS use whole)
2 eggs
1/4 melted unsalted butter (no margarine in this house)
Mix together dry ingredients and then add wet ingredients. Mix with a whisk until JUST wet and be sure the egg yolks are mixed in. Ladle about a cup and a half of batter at a time into a Belgian waffle maker and watch for the “done” light, about 3 minutes.
Once out of the iron, butter and add syrup or honey to taste.


Oooo – THANK YOU!!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Not just honey, syrup and butter, but there are those in this house who decorate with whipped cream and berries of all sorts.


I’m a berries, cream and preserves on waffles gal!


I don’t have a belgian iron – just a regular round waffle iron – well used.


KDA: Kansans receiving unsolicited packages of seeds
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/kda-kansans-receiving-unsolicited-packages-of-seeds/ar-BB17bKtbcomment image
WICHITA, Kan. (KWCH) – Several Kansas residents have received unsolicited packages containing seeds “that appear to have originated from China,” according to the Kansas Department of Agriculture.
The department does not know what type of seeds are in the packages and is strongly advising not to plant them due to the possibility of the seeds coming from an invasive species.
Over the last several days, people have received these packages across other states.
Some of the packages have been labeled as jewelry and have “Chinese writing” on them, according to KDA. The department said if the seeds are in a sealed envelope to not open them and contact the department immediately.
The department can be contacted at 785-564-6698, via email at KDA.PPWC@ks.gov, or at the complaint reporting portion of the KDA website: report a seed complaint.


Via LIFELOG – from someone’s copy/paste, trying to locate source
In February, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) customs seized a package of tiny dead birds in a passenger’s baggage at Dulles International Airport.
According to officials, the traveler arrived on a flight from Beijing, China on Jan. 27, 2020 where the traveler’s final destination was to a residence in Prince George’s County, Maryland.
During a baggage examination, CBP specialists discovered a package with pictures of a cat and dog that the passenger said was ‘cat food.’ The package, according to officials, contained a bunch of unknown small birds, about 2.5 to 3.5 inches in length.
The birds from China, according to CBP officials, are prohibited for import due to the potential threat of highly pathogenic avian influenza.
The avian products were seized on behalf of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and destroyed by incineration, with USDA approval.


Virginia: You might get an unsolicited package of seeds from China, but don’t open it. Here’s why
The packages were sent by mail and may have Chinese characters written on them.
RICHMOND, Va. — Several Virginia residents have reported receiving unsolicited packages from China that contain seeds.
The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) sent out a news release Friday urging residents to not plant the seeds.
The type of seeds in the package – which appear to have originated from China – is unknown at this time and may be invasive plant species, officials said.
According to the VDACS, the packages were sent by mail and may have Chinese characters written on them.
“Taking steps to prevent their introduction is the most effective method of reducing both the risk of invasive species infestations and the cost to control and mitigate those infestations,” VDACS officials said in a release.
Officials said invasive species wreak havoc on the environment, displace or destroy native plants and insects and severely damage crops.
VDACS encourages anyone who has received unsolicited seeds in the mail that appears to have Chinese origin to contact the Office of Plant Industry Services (OPIS) at 804-786-3515 or email ReportAPest@vdacs.virginia.gov.
Public Asked To Report Receipt of any Unsolicited Packages of Seeds. Learn more: https://vdacs.virginia.gov/press-releases-200724-seeds.shtmlcomment imagecomment image
In February, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) customs seized a package of tiny dead birds in a passenger’s baggage at Dulles International Airport.
According to officials, the traveler arrived on a flight from Beijing, China on Jan. 27, 2020 where the traveler’s final destination was to a residence in Prince George’s County, Maryland.
During a baggage examination, CBP specialists discovered a package with pictures of a cat and dog that the passenger said was ‘cat food.’ The package, according to officials, contained a bunch of unknown small birds, about 2.5 to 3.5 inches in length.
The birds from China, according to CBP officials, are prohibited for import due to the potential threat of highly pathogenic avian influenza.
The avian products were seized on behalf of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and destroyed by incineration, with USDA approval.


Wife: How many fronts do they have planned for this war?
Me: Every one they can think of


Both Seattle and WA are making it more difficult and expensive to own firearms.


Really? I did not know that – well – that was one of the deterrents they proposed long ago – jacking up the price of ammo – and increasing the licensing fees, too – Bums!!!



Mysterious tweet from Adam Housley…
Posted by Kane on July 25, 2020 6:32 pm
https://www.citizenfreepress.com/breaking/mysterious-tweet-from-adam-housley/comment image


Durham is not leaking… How does sd know this?
I heard Comey, Clapper were interviewed by FBI a while back… no sauce for that either.


Dunno, but some people think they are smarter than everyone else – I guess – yes – long ago – ‘nobody’s homey’ and ‘clap on – clap off’ were requested to appear – as far as ‘Big Mouth Brenda’ is concerned – has not been attacking ‘Big Don’ lately – so I think they have him duck taped somewhere – or partying with ‘Ruthie’.
I think – even when they tweet – it is not them – odd isn’t it – no personal appearances from any of them.
Hmmm…wonder if they have all been fitted with orange jump suits – in padded cells.
Am still wondering what arrest is going to ‘shake the whole world’ – any ideas?

Deplorable Patriot

Any word on Michael Hayden? He’s the one I suspect is really guilty of some nefarious $#!+.




comment image


SD in DC … writes article about Tash G as though it is new, insider info he just learned over coffee by chance.
Weird since he has already posted about her here:
Already a known key player for those reading Q … examples:
Could have stayed home, read Q and researched v. going to DC
Interesting how positive he has gotten lately that work really is going on behind the scenes … almost like he wants us to trust him and trust that people are working for good in DC
“More work to be done; but optimism abounds.” from (https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/07/23/information-without-action-is-antithetical-to-its-purpose/)


Like I said, I am VERY skeptical of SD right now, as it seems he is positioning himself to try and take credit for much of what Q has been doing/revealing.


Good luck with that. Smackdown will come fast.


Yay – no masks – no social distancing!!!




Everyone that visits the President has to be tested first.
No need to distance.


That’s good – maybe he can get Brett to stop saying stupid shit.




New documents affirm charges of illicit FBI probe of Trump campaign


Video has been removed – due to terms of service – guess it was disturbing –
Members of the Oromo Liberation Front jacked up this guy in the streets of Seattle on Friday. One woman yells ‘look at the flag’ referring to her Ethopianian face-covering. The radical sect of Islam is basically the Ethiopian version of ISIS. Their supporters recently (three weeks ago) murdered 250 Christians across Ethiopia.


I pray the American Church has her eyes opened with compassion for the suffering of their brethren around the world.


Thank You! God Bless You, T3!



Power and control. S and M mr. Nipple rings.


Seems like every day he is complaining about something else – what did Q say – ‘those who scream the loudest have something to hide’?


Seattle has already been declared a riot zone.
Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) Tweeted:
I have shifted up to Seattle today to follow a large demonstration that’s in solidarity with Portland.
I’d estimate a crowd of 2,000 already. They just torched construction buildings at the site of a new youth detention center.
Meanwhile, feds are here https://t.co/rPuSTAuKkt https://t.co/jWvFqipRo4


KAREN strikes again…
Posted by Kane on July 25, 2020 5:37 pm
San Diego Woman Maces Couple For Not Wearing Masks
“So this happened today at dusty rhodes dog park today in ocean beach. This is my husband getting maced by a random old lady. We had our 3 month old pug with us. We were just sitting down eating lunch and minding our own business. We were not wearing masks because we were eating. You can’t wear a mask and eat at the same time. She kept calling us idiots and flipping me off. Then she started saying more stuff and I told her to leave the park and stop harassing us. She then came right up to our table wear we were eating, pointed the mace at me first and got a little on me, and then my husband stepped in and took the entire can. Thank god for the bystander that took this video because we are going to the police now to press charges. I am sharing this because people need to watch out for this lady in San Diego. Please share to spread awareness. That is me crying hysterically in the background because my innocent husband just got maced for no reason. We want justice.”


San Diego Woman Maces Couple For Not Wearing Masks
+twatter RT
Radical Mothering Flag of Vatican City Flag of United States
There was rumor of a gun pulled on someone here in MNat Costco today… for not wearing a mask.
People will be hurt or die over this.
We are watching it build.


SMH – getting worse, Michael!


Grossly inflated Covid death totals…
Posted by Kane on July 25, 2020 3:59 pm


Sun, Jul 26, 2020 page1
Chinese researcher in US custody over visa claims
A Chinese researcher accused of concealing her ties to the Chinese military on a visa application she submitted so that she could work in the US was on Friday booked into a northern California jail and is expected to appear in federal court tomorrow.
Sacramento County jail records show that Tang Juan (唐娟), 37, was being held on behalf of federal authorities after she was arrested by the US Marshals Service. It was unclear if she had an attorney who could comment on her behalf.
The US Department of Justice on Thursday announced charges against Tang and three other scientists living in the US, saying that they lied about their status as members of China’s People’s Liberation Army. All were charged with visa fraud.


Good for you Wisconsin.
No time 4 gamz @Conservative Kat (@KatherineWendt) Tweeted:
My cousin posted this on the door before they open for dinner tonight 👏👏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 https://t.co/FgWK8U8sJW


WATCH: War Room Weekly with Tim Murtaugh and Sen. Marsha Blackburn!


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https://rairfoundation.com/breaking-global-cohort-of-marxists-scheme-to-undermine-trump-and-empower-the-chinese-communist-party-through-no-to-the-new-cold-war-initiative/comment image
“No to the New Cold War” is a Marxist plot to undermine the Trump Administration’s national security strategy on China. Using an old and obvious leftist tactic, the brand new website “No to the New Cold War” features a petition with many of the same signatories as those who signed the petition recently promoted by the communist front group “Pivot to Peace.”
Communists across the globe claim to be for “peace” or “anti-war” in order to disguise their actual goal: global communism.
A sample of some the militant communists involved in the initiative include:
Vijay Prashad, Communist of India (Marxist) (CPI(M))
Kate Hudson, Longtime Marxist, ex-Communist Party of Great Britain
Martin Jacques, ex-Communist Party of Great Britain
Brian Becker, Party for Socialism and Liberation (Pro-Cuba, Venezuela, China, Iran and North Korea)
Medea Benjamin, Code Pink (Pro-Cuba, Venezuela, China)
Sara Flounders, Workers World Party (Pro-North Korea, Russia, China)
The “No to the Cold War” initiative is closely aligned with the communist activist groups Code Pink and the ANSWER Coalition, which is a front group for the self-described “revolutionary Marxist” organization, the Party for Socialism and Liberation.
According to the “No to the New Cold War” website, their “Organiser’s Statement” denigrates the United States, claiming that “increasingly aggressive statements and actions” toward China are “an obstacle to humanity successfully dealing with extremely serious common issues which confront it such as climate change, control of pandemics, racist discrimination and economic development.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Screw them! It’s not cold war – it’s HOT PEACE. STFU, COMMIES!!!


Oh yeah, they understand hybrid warfare, 4GW, cultural marxism, whatever you want to call it – they invented it!
They make their lies sound so beautiful and pure and true!


https://rairfoundation.com/erased-history-lessons-from-mao-zedongs-great-proletarian-cultural-revolution/comment image
“At the beginning of the Cultural Revolution in 1966, young Red Guards went from house to house, seeking to eradicate all vestiges of what they called “the four ‘olds’ “–old ideas, old customs, old culture and old habits. Nothing better exemplified the four olds than books.” – Jim Mann of the Los Angeles Times, 1985
There are unmistakable parallels from Mao Zedong’s “Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution” and Marxist movements today across the West. The Cultural Revolution started with book-burning and quickly turned into tearing down statues and changing the names of places and “especially street names.” Then, the Red Guards would drag “enemies” out of their homes and publicly shame them during “struggle sessions.” Finally, the Red Guards would go from house to house, confiscating property and sometimes torturing and killing the people they considered to be against the communist revolution.
The Cultural Revolution was about purging non-communists. The effort came after forced collectivization during the “Great Leap Forward” from 1958 – 1962 led to massive famine “that cost more than 40 million lives.” In the wake of the horrific Great Leap Forward, Mao Zedong had to destroy those who started to shift from communist thought. On August 8, 1966, the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) explained:
“Although the bourgeoisie has been overthrown, it is still trying to use the old ideas, culture, customs and habits of the exploiting classes to corrupt the masses, capture their minds and endeavor to stage a come-back.”
In order to cling to power, the CCP explained that their objective:
“…is to struggle against and crush those persons in authority who are taking the capitalist road, to criticize and repudiate the reactionary bourgeois academic ‘authorities’ and the ideology of the bourgeoisie and all other exploiting classes and to transform education, literature and art and all other parts of the superstructure that do not correspond to the socialist economic base, so as to facilitate the consolidation and development of the socialist system.”
Mao had to suppress opposition, as all communists must to keep power after it is made clear that their disastrous policies wreak havoc on citizens. Mao’s Cultural Revolution claimed the lives of 7.73 million innocent human beings and spanned from May 16, 1966 until Mao Zedong’s death on September 9, 1976. Mao “unleashed the [Cultural Revolution] movement by urging young people to rise up against their parents and teachers”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Notice how the CCP had to (hypocritically – without admitting it) “de-Mao” when he died – just like the USSR had to “de-Stalinize” when Stalin died. These creepy leaders see vestiges of pre-psychotic society trying to bring back sanity after the communist revolution, and they MERCILESSLY crack down, using stupid youth who know nothing else as one of their tools. It’s a VICIOUS system.


That’s how Solzhentisyn avoided death, almost entirely by accident. As a young man he was a Trotskyite and when he criticized Stalin off to prison. He met a priest that transformed his worldview. It was that experience that birthed “One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich”. Khrushchev found the book useful for his de-Stalinization and got it published widely in the Soviet Union. But of course they didn’t want any more books from Solzhenitsyn… eventually they had to get rid of him, but he was too well known in the West by that point, so exile it was…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks for that – I had FORGOTTEN that his writings first surfaced while he was still over there.
I am starting to think that OUR Marxists had a hand in hiding a lot of what happened in Russia – the take-over by *INTERNATIONAL* Bolsheviks – but also the REJECTION of the USSR by RUSSIAN base culture.
Starting to see the bigger picture of Soviet FAILURE and our Soviets rejecting even the idea of that failure.


Yes the western marxists would NEVER admit that Stalinism had failed and was a disaster. To them the narrative correctness could not allow any hint that the Soviet project had failed within earshot of western ears.


Amazing Polly (what a great youtube name 😂 ) has a recent video out that connects a lot of those points.
In a nutshell, going by memory, the German scientists new Germany was going to lose, so they struck a deal with the Soviets and the Americans.
Both sides took Nazi scientists, and both sides continued to develop Nazi technology (the one we know about being Werner Von Braun’s efforts making the Apollo Moon landings possible), and German WWII spies were the ‘go betweens’ for the U.S. and Soviets.
Both sides used the other to stoke fear in their own populations, as an excuse to continue the research, which both sides essentially agreed to, i.e., neither the Soviets or our side was ‘in the dark’ about what the other was doing and why.
These former Nazis (lots of them, and not just scientists) never stopped doing their Nazi thing, working toward Nazi goals, which is all tied in with Gates and WTO and Maxwell/Epstein and U.N. and Soros, the ‘globalists’, et al.
The eugenics, the mind control programs, using vaccines for sterilization, all of it has a kind of nexus with Nazis after WWII who never gave up their goals, they just joined the governments of the two victors (USA and USSR) and kept right on working toward their objectives.


edit / correction: “the German scientists new knew Germany was going to lose”
Wernher Von Braun (not Werner)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. History is WAY bigger than World War II, or any of the nations in it.
America was largely being “courted” by three main foreign powers prior to WWII – the British Empire, the German Reich, and the Soviets. Everybody wanted to tip the scales somehow, using the others, to be in the winning combination. All of them – ALL OF THEM – worked hard to control American culture and government. We tend to forget how much sympathy the Nazis had here, before they didn’t.
Our view of those times has been supremely distorted by American communists, through their stupid oversimplifications. We’re gonna have to GET SMART FAST to deal with all the crap that history has coming our way. But I think we will. I’m AMAZED at – well – people like AMAZING POLLY! 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

InfoWars! 😉


“The Cultural Revolution was about purging non-communists.”
Ours should be about purging Communists.
And Pedos.


That was our big mistake after the Cold War. We never demanded the total De-communization of former Soviet nations and territories like with did with Germany after WWII.


“We never demanded the total De-communization of former Soviet nations and territories like with did with Germany after WWII.”
Or Hollywood or the news media.
When I was a kid, we were taught how terrible Sen. Joe McCarthy was, and blacklisting, the ‘red scare’, etc.
With the fall of the Soviet Union, and the documents that were released, it turns out Sen. Joe McCarthy was RIGHT.
That has been known for YEARS now, but I have never seen it talked about on MSM, and I would be shocked if they were teaching anything different than I was taught in the public schools.


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https://rairfoundation.com/where-is-the-gop-dsa-member-marxist-agitator-marcela-mitaynes-unchallenged-for-new-york-assemblys-51st-district/comment image
Republicans – and democrats – appear to be unconcerned that socialists and Islamic supremacists are running as democrats and winning elections all over America. Marcela Mitaynes is the first in the RAIR Foundation USA series on subversives in office to reflect this sickening phenomenon. Mitaynes, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), just won her bid against Assistant Assembly Speaker Felix W. Ortiz in New York State Assembly’s 51st district.
Felix W. Ortiz is already a leftist partisan, but socialists are actively targeting democrats as well as republicans. As evidenced by her platform, Mitaynes is running on class war, emptying prisons, defunding police, amnesty for illegal aliens, single payer healthcare, a “true Green New Deal for New York” and free housing.
Interestingly, Mitaynes had a seven point deficit until the absentee votes were tallied, which put her in the lead. According to the Brooklyn Paper, the presumptive Assemblywoman-elect Mitaynes “may face third party opposition in the November 3 primary, although no opponents have announced their candidacy yet.”comment image
Readers will likely not be surprised that Mitaynes is a fan of the violent communist-created Black Lives Matter Movement…


Aoc, this one and another socialist have that area. Its all children of illegals or illegal s voting. Immigration had killed that area. Gop woukdnt win bc gop encourage md illegals to show up.
Trump had a big ground game here in CA for 2016. Theres NOTHING this year. Just NOTHING.


Yes I’m sure… and can I blame him? Not that CA is done for but why waste precious campaign resources in a state that is rigged? Midwest states are the battleground for the win now…


Someone needs to start challenging members of Congress, and potential members, on the oath to protect and defend the Constitution. Those who do not defend the Constituiton.should be removed from office.


100%! Make an example of Omar


He’s Nanzi’s nephew, right? Part of the Mafia, right?


Yes, he’s one of the Pelosi crime family. From cradle to grave corruption in that family



It’s over Stan, only 99.98% of us will remaincomment image



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Terry #SlavesNoMore Retweeted
Rising serpent Flag of United States
Dozens Of Public School Teachers Unmasked As Antifa.
Dozens Of Public School Teachers Unmasked As Antifa Members
Dozens of public school teachers have been unmasked as Antifa members who take part in violent rally’s across the country.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Uh, oh – Wolf is on the warpath!!! What you thinking, boss? Something got your ire up?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Somethin’ is messin’ wit’ da forest
Disturbin’ da Force – da Spirit of Truth
Da WOOF don’ lahk it, but da WOOF
Don’ know what it IS yet.
Don’ know what to DO yet.
But somethin’ is goin’ DOWN.comment image


Figured your sensory factors were in high gear – agree – it has been too quiet – something is in the offing for sure.


“Man of Constant Sorrow”
I’ve known Peter, Paul & Mary’s cover of that song since I was a baby 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Quite familiar. There was time when I thought their version was “cool” and would have thought the one I’m listening to now is “old-fashioned”.
Now? Now I can’t even look at them without seeing them as communist tools.
Quite happy to have lived long enough to see back in time, with my “They Live” glasses. 😎

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Now? Now I can’t even look at them without seeing them as communist tools.”
I know what you mean, I just never think about that stuff or look into it too deeply, because if I did and I let it bother me, it would probably wipe out the enjoyment of more than half the music I love and grew up with.
Maybe a LOT more than half, maybe almost all of it 😂
They were almost all idiots (or worse), and most of them still are.
I don’t like them for their politics though, most of my favorite groups I know very little about, because I realized early on that most of them were Lefty loons who I had nothing in common with.
I just love the music, and the happiness the music brings me 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I understand your viewpoint. To some extent, I practice it myself. But I have a GREAT story about this – something from when I was a kid – something another kid told me that FINALLY clicked after 50 years – and I need to do a post about it. You’ll like it!


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Harry lime

Who knew we would become a nation filled with so many Frank Burns’…


Perfect Harry… btw, we have missed you ! Good to see you…………………

Harry Lime

Thanks PR37.
My absence has had a purpose. For those who remember I mentioned some time back that I was having a lot of unexplained health issues…a lot of head to toe inflammation causing relentless chaos to my health and I came to suspect an environmental issue in my small apartment…possibly mold or some other toxin. Well, I took the advice of many here and several doctors that I remove myself from that location.
So, that’s what I’ve been doing. Moving in the heat of July has turned out to be a mammoth task and I’m finally in the home stretch…just several more days to go and I’ll be out of there forever. I suspect that my health will improve in the coming weeks and will be able to post here more often. I’ve been lurking all along but it will be a joy to be able to become more active here again. I love this place!


So glad to hear that you’re moving into a healthier environment… and pray that your health issues will quickly diminish. And we look forward to reading your posts again. I have missed your wit!




Good to see you, Harry! 👍 😁


Seems like the Black Militia needs more gun training..
3 wounded after weapon fired while NFAC demonstrators gathered in Baxter Park
Three people were wounded when a firearm was accidentally discharged Saturday afternoon as demonstrators gathered in Baxter Park.
The incident occurred just before 1 p.m. as members of a Black armed militia — the “No F***ing Around Coalition” — were getting ready for a march to downtown Louisville.
According to the Louisville Metro Police Department, the firearm was discharged by someone participating in the NFAC demonstration. It’s unclear what occurred that resulted in the firearm going off.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, that’s what they get for F’N AROUND WITH GUNS. 😉


You so bad and so am I — Good pun ROFL ROFL ROF

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Thanks!
I have another one, absolutely hilarious, but it requires a world where most people can accept levels of humor not allowed for decades.
But I’m saving it. Agin’ it like WINE.
Timing is everything.
I’m listening to banjo and steel guitar, and I’m patient.
Or I’M on TIME’S SIDE. 😎


MIxed news.
Certainly enjoy lower gas prices. Gas prices northern NV were rising slowly for a few weeks, probably a month.
Past week, some gas prices dropping a few cents. None are going up past week or so. Maybe they simply tried to get greedy and it didn’t work – not enough demand yet.
Guessing most of the problem is our idiot guvner doing everything he can to destroy NVfolks ability to work.
Hoping our gas prices are NOT indicative of the economy struggling across the States.
How are gas prices in your neck of the woods?


They’ve been between $1.85 and $1.97 depending on the station and location in North Texas.
They need to be higher, but meanwhile we’re planning our road trips 😉


Same here. All the road trips I can get together. Fuel prices are relatively low. Help the economy. Simply get out and enjoy…try to be normal.


I’m going to drop back to 50% time at work and take some PTO starting this week – planning a lot of small local trips w/ the kids… maybe something later out of state
(Out of State when state of origin is Texas is really a big deal…)


Hi everyone … is anyone familiar with this website? Is it legit/accurate? .. 🔽
USRIGHTLEFT latest,Breaking and exciting news from all over
Search domain usrightleft.comhttps://usrightleft.com
% Get latest,Breaking and exciting news from our reliable and unbiased news/media platform.we also deliver amazing video,world news and entertainment
My brother sent me an article from 12/27/2019 that Nancy Pelosi’s office was raided, staffe arrested and they took the old floozy away in handcuffs .. (bwahahahahahah regardless .. but ❓❓❓)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sounds pretty sketchy. IMO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But yes – BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!


Thank you very much Wolf 🐺 … I appreciate and respect your input, I’m trying to steer my brother away from those garbage sites but he loves them. I’ll give him credit though he hasn’t gotten PO’d at me yet, give it time though .. 😂🤚 … I diapered that boy so .. 🤨
He said he got it from YouTube, I’m going to ask him if he washed his hands afterwards …
and yes .. I’m petty with my baby brother who’s 6’1” and thinks he’s a tough guy/but a
teddy bear 🧸 .. lol … 🤫
Goodnight and God bless you abundantly always …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re welcome, and good night!
Yes, the fake news and the real news can be wicked hard to tell apart, sometimes. I was a young lad when I learned the difference between the National Enquirer and Weekly World News! 😀


Oh yes 🤭🤚🤨 … the National Enquirer was at times scary and … weird, it had a nightmare quality to it … 🥺😣🤚







Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Really starting to “get” vegetable wash concoctions.


It is getting annoying – cannot trust anything offered from outside one’s own garden – and even then, have to make sure the soil was not contaminated – they want to kill us one way or anther – why it is important to pray over food – and give thanks to God for what He has provided – not man.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Treat your food like a gift from God, and many problems are automagically solved! Even the “bad stuff” is a gift, through the gift of wisdom that it’s bad. Thus, eating pork and seafood (two of the primary sources of parasitic contagion) “against the old rules” is a reflection of the idea that it’s important to know the rules, so you know when you’re safely breaking them (e.g., by proper preparation).
I was just thinking about our mineral needs – the specific metal needs of our biochemistry – how wonderfully those needs are adapted to the mineral availabilities of the planet as it has been scoured by the specific weathering processes over time. Some might say “well, that’s just evolution”, but I would counter “What the heck is ‘just’ about evolution? Evolution is HUGE. It’s like the Java [programming language] of the universe itself. Appreciate the POWER of it.” The idea that LIFE can kick up and adapt on this planet so smoothly and reliably is PROFOUND, no matter the exact story behind it all. I’m not wed to any particular framework – a single “Earth” or many – or a single framework of “what is life and intelligence” – that’s not as important as the BIAS TOWARDS THEM – however it happened, and however it fully works.
We do our thing, but the whole story is WAY BIGGER, and appreciating the slow and deep intelligence of the “way bigger”, and what is gleaned from the “way to understanding”, is important.
“Call it what one will!”

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe in Me as well. In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into My presence, so that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”


We are either going to trust God will keep His promises to us or we are not.
Everything He put on this Earth has a purpose – including us – our job is to find that purpose – and make the best of it – as it is said Faith is the substance of the unseen – at some point in our lives we will be confronted with a question of ‘Faith’ – and it will be determined what that entails – what is required of us – and what God will do to manifest that ‘gift’.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Faith itself has been maligned in such a way as to present it as all-or-nothing, and subject to grave error because of this, but that is not the real story of faith, which can and does increase smoothly. Faith can be entered into with no strings attached, and no rule that one has to stay if it doesn’t work.
But I have faith that faith will work! 😉


If one has not experienced the ‘wonder’ of Faith – one cannot understand how it works – or the ramifications of having one’s faith tested – the outcome is always favorable – imho – however – most of us are too fearful to test it – guess that is why faith and fear are opposing forces.
The best thing about Faith is that it increases exponentially each time you use it – and when the biggest test of your life occurs – faith will see you through.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Tests of faith REFINE IT. Whether WE BEAT ON IT or somebody else! 😀
DAMASCUS STEEL!!!comment image




Remember this guy!?


(well time for me to say goodnight…! forgot the link!)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Keep an eye on Kanye – he’s in need of medical intervention, IMO.
Milo Yiannopoulos
Milo Yiannopoulos
Tip: Kanye is worth a lot more to the music industry dead than alive.
1 like 1 repost


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ted Wheeler deserves to be in jail when this is all over.


Along with the putz from Seattle, NY, Beetlejuice, Oakland, LA…
If vigilantes were active these days, they’d be an endangered species.
(And I am NOT suggesting violence 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I hear you.
PEACE is a weapon for the patient, but it works like crazy.


Agree – aiding and abetting – participating in unrest – standing and watching as they destroy federal property – thwarting police from doing their constitutional duty.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think he’s really deep in with the Comey Klan. Red Flag Poster Boy was set up to do his little schtick outside Wheeler’s home. That thread runs deep through JTTF – which is a total WTF without understanding the degree of take-over in FBI and DOJ.
China is up to NO GOOD. And our left is HELPING BACK.comment image


Unfortunately, yes!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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I’m guessing packet transfer at roughly 1100 fps from a hand-held, portable device….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sounds like something out of The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr.
“Neutron dance, tenderfoot!!!” 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



A glimmer of positive Covid news…
Stanford Professor of Biophysics Claims US COVID Will Be Done In 4 Weeks by Late August
Dr. Michael Levitt, a Stanford professor who also has a degree from Cambridge, claims that COVID-19 in the US will basically be over in 4 weeks.
Dr. Michael Levitt sends a message of hope to America and the world:
(A couple of his TWs in the article.)
US COVID19 will be done in 4 weeks with a total reported death below 170,000. How will we know it is over? Like for Europe, when all cause excess deaths are at normal level for week. Reported COVID19 deaths may continue after 25 Aug. & reported cases will, but it will be over.
Quote Tweet
Thanks so much. Total population and totally annual natural deaths very similar to EuroMOMO area. Right now there are overall 414 reported deaths/million in US. If same as Europe, US about 80% complete. Certainly hope this is true and US saturates at no more than 170,000 deaths. twitter.com/czr111/status/…


I’m tagging a lot of posts w/ #SeedFairy


Uh, slow is wondering is that a TW thing with the #? Certainly not seeds with Chinee asshoes mailing stuff.
Help me out Michael, please 🙂


Sorry – I should have said I’m ReTweeting a LOT of tweets about mystery seeds from China or Kyrgstan with the #SeedFairy hashtag


Got it. Thanks.
So, it was both TW AND Chinee asshoe seeds.
Laughing at it all.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Leaving this here for you Steve.
KEK! Libtard Denver weatherguy pisses away his cushy $300,000/yr gig with one woke tweet!
(same station as that QAnon-hating little bitch Kyle Clark)
Meteorologist Marty Coniglio leaves 9News after comparing federal troops to Nazis
Coniglio spent 16 years at the station
By Sam Tabachnik | stabachnik@denverpost.com | The Denver Post
July 25, 2020 at 4:19 p.m.
Meteorologist Marty Coniglio, a staple of Denver TV weather for three decades, left 9News Friday, a day after he compared, on social media, federal troops in U.S. cities to Nazis.
Coniglio, in a text message, confirmed his departure but said he would “not be able to talk about the situation for at least a week or so.”
Mark Cornetta, the station’s president and general manager, said in an email that “Marty is no longer employed by 9News.” He declined to comment on the circumstances surrounding his exit.
Thursday morning, Coniglio tweeted “Federal police in cities … now where have I seen that before?” with a picture of Nazi soldiers posing in front of a Swastika banner.
The tweet came the same day President Donald Trump announced he would be sending a surge of federal troops into Democratic cities to combat local crime.
Coniglio later deleted the tweet, but not before dozens of users screenshot it, including U.S. Rep. Ken Buck, Colorado’s Republican Party chairman.
“Comparing the brave men and women of our law enforcement community to Nazis is absolutely reprehensible,” Buck tweeted.
The Colorado Republican Party also responded on Twitter: “Republicans know that the press leans to the left, but are fellow reporters okay with this type of radical hate against law enforcement from employees at local news stations?”
Channel 9 appears to have taken Coniglio’s bio down from its website, and the meteorologist has removed any mention of the station from his Twitter page. Coniglio’s bio now promotes his skills as a forensic weather expert and expert witness in legal cases and insurance claims.
He told Westword last year that he intended to leave 9News at the end of 2019 as he dealt with various health issues, but he ended up staying with the station. Coniglio previously worked at Denver7 and CBS4 before spending the past 16 years with 9News.
https://www.denverpost.com/2020/07/25/9news-meteorologist-marty-coniglio-tweet-nazis/comment image