Dear KAG: 20200729 Recovering From A Hearing Open Thread

Was that hearing yesterday about one of the worst ideas the institutional Democrats have had yet? Never mind Barr doing end runs around them, the lot of donkeys exposed themselves. A few of the low lights, and there were many more.

Attorney General William Barr really should press assault charges.

Democrats, these violins are playing just for you.

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

In addition, it is requested that there be no swinging from the chandeliers, celebratory gunfire, messing around with the nuclear weapons, and, please, everyone wash your hands.

Please, do not forget to apply sunscreen after a sensible amount of time in the sun so as to beef up the level of vitamin D in the system so we can all get our immune systems in shape to stop the Wuhan Flu thing sooner rather than later.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there.

A few other vital notes:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.

Ridiculing the other side, on the other hand…well….×630.jpg


MT 13:36-43

Jesus dismissed the crowds and went into the house.
His disciples approached him and said,
“Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field.”
He said in reply, “He who sows good seed is the Son of Man,
the field is the world, the good seed the children of the Kingdom.
The weeds are the children of the Evil One,
and the enemy who sows them is the Devil.
The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.
Just as weeds are collected and burned up with fire,
so will it be at the end of the age.
The Son of Man will send his angels,
and they will collect out of his Kingdom
all who cause others to sin and all evildoers.
They will throw them into the fiery furnace,
where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.
Then the righteous will shine like the sun
in the Kingdom of their Father.
Whoever has ears ought to hear.”

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, members of the Cabinet, first responders and those working behind the scenes.

Looks like it’s closing in on time with all the winning going on.

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There will be no recovery. Their pain will continue unabated, and will accelerate in intensity.
To hell with them all.


Q posts from the last thread:
Q 4614
s1Jq13jV6 ID: 496637 No.10110177 📁
Jul 28 2020 22:07:55 (EST) NEW📁
[0:00 – 10:00]


It must have been big because YouTube pulled the video.
What did he say?


The truth.
And Big Tech can’t have that.
It violates their terms of dictatorship.


Tucker Carlson’s show talking about Google and Face Book’s ability to control what you see and thus will have the ability to influence the election (whole show with guests to include Don Jr..)


Oh, it went much further than that.
Tucker correctly pointed out how leftists in Silicon Valley (ie. Facebook, Google, and Twitter) NEED to keep America in fear…using the Chicom virus…in order to give themselves what THEY feel is a chance at winning this election. He was correctly discussing how leftists are using the virus to sow fear and anxiety….even to the point of censoring doctors publicly praising HQC….for naked political power.
And because it is 100% true, naturally the left has to censor it….same as Nazis in the 1930’s did about the tactics THEY used to achieve power in Germany.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely outrageous.


Q 4615
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 496637 No.10110207 📁
Jul 28 2020 22:10:50 (EST) NEW
Q 4616
l 28 2020 22:11:28 (EST) NEW


I hope one of the things that is coming is the power of Big Tech being taken away forever from biased, leftist ideologues in the putrid place called Silicon Valley.


Exactly. I’d love to actually have things I post, I dunno, be seen by my friends for a change…



Today, Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller is urging Texans to take extreme precaution when receiving unsolicited seed packets from China. These packets have been mailed to multiple states, including Texas, falsely labeled as jewelry. Residents are advised not to plant the seeds as they could contain harmful invasive species or be otherwise unsafe.
“I am urging folks to take this matter seriously,” Commissioner Miller said. “An invasive plant species might not sound threatening, but these small invaders could destroy Texas agriculture. TDA has been working closely with USDA to analyze these unknown seeds so we can protect Texas residents.”
If you receive a foreign package containing seeds do not open it or plant the contents. Keep contents contained in their original sealed package.
An invasive species is an organism that is not native to a particular region. The introduction of this “alien species” can cause economic or environmental harm. In agriculture, an invasive species can destroy native crops, introduce disease to native plants and may be dangerous for livestock.
Please report unsolicited seed packages to
More information can be found here:


Commissioner Miller brings up a very good point. Invasive species can cause all kinds of harm. Someone once thought it was a great idea to bring Boston ivy to Oregon for landscaping purposes. Now it is growing wild in forests and destroying native species, as well as trees. I live next to a forest and it is full of the stuff, so thick it is hard to walk through it. It is constantly invading my back yard and I spend a lot of time getting rid of it. Grrrr.


At least it doesn’t have thorns like our Western Washington Himalayan blackberries.


One of many “vines” brought here to supposedly stop erosion or eat the bad stuff in the waterways…or, in the case of invasive trees in Florida and elsewhere…for wind barriers. Last time I drove north on I-95, both sides were choked with the vines.
Interesting it takes many steps and years for products, ie drugs, to pass following clinical trials…yet anyone seemingly can bring in Fish, snakes, plants, etc and turn them loose without any studies.


If the gates of biowarfare hell are fully opened, you will see dandelion seeds that spread human plagues, and worse. Think hay fever is bad now? Wait until it’s got a bioengineered bat virus.
Speaking of which, dandelions were intentionally brought to North America for salad greens and edible roots. There’s a Ray Bradbury book, “Dandelion Wine” whose title springs from one purpose for those roots. The name arises from standard English butchery of a French expression, “Dent de lyon” — lion’s teeth, referring to the pointy nature of the plant’s leaves. Oddly, all dandelions are self-fertile females. If they seem like they’re “born pregnant”, that is pretty much the case. In addition, if you pluck a flower that has closed and leave it, there may be sufficient energy left in the bloom and the stalk to open the seed pod and sow fertile seeds.
One of the many off-the-wall surprises of going to Saint Petersburg, Russia, was driving from the airport to the city. The countryside was lightly peppered with these lush plants — nearly three feet across and two feet high — sporting these bright yellow blossoms about two inches across. It wasn’t until we were nearly in the city before I realized these were dandelions. Evidently, the cold climate and short/fast/intense growing season produces plants that are gigantic.


Fascinating. Thank you.


Dandelion greens and roots are very good for you. The spring greens are a liver and pancreatic tonic, while the root helps control blood pressure. The greens also contain vitamins A, B, and C and beneficial minerals.


Aubergine, I have a French fren who cultivates the European variety which gave the plant it’s moniker.
Ate dinner one night w her, and the dandelion greens were the steamed vegetable, such like spinach or chard.
They were quite good!


Yahoo News: Putting the “YAHOO” in the news…
Trump’s New Favorite COVID Doctor Believes in Alien DNA, Demon Sperm, and Hydroxychloroquine
My response to this posted in one of the LIFELOG forums:
As best as I can tell, and the article does a poor job of explaining or exploring this, or of citing sources, but this doctor, like many educated people in Africa, comes from a charismatic Christian background. The realities of the worldviews in Africa are very different than the ones in the United States, often including a lot of spirit encounters and other events that seem extraordinarily bizarre to Americans but are fairly normative part of spiritual warfare in African nations.
With that in mind I am extremely hesitant to pass judgement on this doctor or her credibility on the basis of a single poorly sourced article. The writers making this claim should have taken much greater care to provide sources for this material. As it is, I suspect Dr. Immanuel may have a strong case for libel.


Notice that instead of addressing what the doctor said about HCQ – which they really can’t, because they know she’s right – they have to make her look like a total kook to discredit her. This is what leftism is. They can’t argue the facts, because the facts are against them, so they have to make it about something else.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Isn’t that the same trick they used on that lady who was running for Senate from Delaware some years ago?


The witch? Did they ever establish that she weighed the same as a duck?


They most certainly did!
They used Sir Bedevere‘s largest scales, in point of fact.
So… Ni. 😜


I wanted her to win that — not because it’s anywhere near me or I have anything to do with it or that it’s stategic — but because she could have gone trolling every night as an incumbent. *Ah, well!*


when my liberal son and I argue–we have a red cloth on the table between us. either one can “throw the flag” when the other uses what-aboutisms to argue their point OR they veer off the current topic. I have thrown it exponentially more times than he. but it had helped keep our discussions in focus.


Ha ha…you two are organized! My cousins’ family raise their hand when such things occur….and we have friends here that use the baseball “ he’s out!” signal when the “discussion” gets too heated.


my family has a long line of debaters in it–we love to argue–but there has to be boundaries or you en up arguing about xyz instead of ab or c…


The Bible talks about giants coming from ‘gods’ mating with human women creating ‘Nephalim’. Genesis 6:4 –
There are other giants in the Old Testament. I’m sure that’s what this is all about.


A good doctor who is or was practicing in Africa, will most likely be far more experienced then many doctors in the west, because they will come across and need to cure many tropical diseases, which are often not seen in western countries. In top of this they need to do this under very difficult circumstances and have to make many improvisations..


Not to mention that she had to take her medical boards here in order to open a practice. I used to tutor foreign doctors trying to prepare for the Boards….it was very, very difficult for them and not all were successful.
A few years ago, I met a female Russian doctor (who earned about $100 a month in Russia as a doctor) that ended up working in a lab here because of she was unable to get certified.
CNN, as usual, came very close to liable Describing her as a woman who “claimed to be a doctor.”


Africans look upon western Christians with a slight exasperation…since so many of us pooh-pooh the reality of demons.
Quite frankly, they could school us on the subject and we would be better off for it.
Missionaries know the deal, which is why so many who return from abroad often have a ministry dealing with spiritual oppression, etc.
Derek Prince comes to mind…

Deplorable Patriot

Africans are, in general, much better Catechized.




Hello, this is why God sent the flood!!! Lucifer’s fallen angels(demons) had slept with the daughter’s of men and HE needed to ensure Jesus’ blood line was clean. I believe some survived the flood….Goliath an example. Other giant skeletal remains have been found, 10ft men. Aliens/devil sperm, DNA, all the interchangeable in this context.


[…] Posted By: Deplorable Patriot 0 View 0 Comment KAG, MEGA, MIGA 6ViewsShareTweetMail […]


Thank you, DP, for all the work you put into these threads. I always love your camel pictures and your music. And I enjoy the scriptures which are so often very appropriate to what is going on right now.


But she never has pics of two-humped camels.


The Bactrian Liberation Front is registering a protest!


Crud. I should have done “Bactrian Liberation Movement” and gotten BLM.

Deplorable Patriot

Finding photos of two humps that will fit the pixel ratio…give it a try sometime.


I note that bakocarl managed, just to show off…..


Hear, hear.
Yes…Thank you, DePat!
Well done!

Deplorable Patriot

Unless otherwise noted, the Scripture passages are always from today’s Mass readings. The Lectionary is laid out to be sure that the entire Bible is read/heard by daily Mass goers over a three year period. I’ll give them the New Testament, but there’s parts of the Old that aren’t always familiar when you read them.
And today the tech people are supposed to appear before some committee on anti-trust issues. I may need another live thread. That about killed me yesterday. 😜 I think this one is going to be more consequential than yesterday’s three ring circus.
How to watch big tech’s CEOs tangle with Congress on antitrust issues and more
Taylor Hatmaker
Jeff Bezos, Tim Cook, Sundar Pichai and Mark Zuckerberg will defend their companies before the House Antitrust Subcommittee Wednesday in a hearing that will make tech industry history, no matter what happens.
Given that the tech giants are accustomed to answering to no one in particular, collecting four of them on a substantive topic is notable in its own right. Remarkably, Wednesday will mark the first time Amazon’s CEO has faced lawmakers in a public hearing — and they’re bound to have plenty of questions for the take-no-prisoners online retail behemoth.


Must be my cynicism…I see this SUB committee hearing, and the Congressional role players listed, as more theater and will accomplish zero.
Thanks to all that plan to take one for the team…I plan to clean bathrooms today! 😜


Expanding a spot on thought… 🙂
I see this SUB committee hearing, and the Congressional role players listed, as more theater and will accomplish zero.
Must be my cynicism.
^^^ Me thinks above applies to all Congressional hearings.


I didn’t read this article because the WSJ is behind a pay wall. But I find it amazing that anyone in the MSM is even allowed to write an editorial like this.


Use this to bypass paywall:
Works most of the time. If it fails, use this:


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What do you call it when the government shuts down the economy for an indefinite amount of time?
The Holodomor.


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Incidentally, this is a whole thread of pictures 4chan found of this guy to turn over to FBI.


Wow, the chans did some great work on ID-ing this little punk.
They practically wrapped him up with a bow, for the FBI.
I hope they arrest this little puke!
Federal charges!
Try him as an adult, too…no leniency for his being a minor!
One of the reasons why the commie Left likes to use kids, is because they can tell them:
“Don’t worry — if you get caught they won’t do anything to you, because you’re a minor!”
I think this should be changed, btw.
This experiment of coddling kids, sealing their criminal records and being lenient on them because they are minors…is a total failure!
It has only served to encourage kids to commit crimes.


It encourages kids to develop criminal habits in their youth to be professionalized in their maturity.


Another video of an Antifa leader targeted by feds.
This is why democrats are so angry. Their “street leaders” are getting ID’d and arrested. These people will be in prison for a loooong time.


Ooops….here is the video…

Deplorable Patriot

Interesting that the vehicles being used now for this are nondescript mini-vans. I guess the old time incognito sedan has been replaced. Blending in purposes and all that.


These are people who have been identified by some means ahead of the pickup. They are spotted in the crowd, and taken out. They are headed for a world of hurt. Under the Patriot Act, if they are identified as terrorists, they don’t even get an attorney.
Those guys in the van are straight-up pros. They are not dressed in uniform, but if they aren’t some kind of Special Forces or terrorist tactical team, I’ll eat my hat. That is not regular law enforcement or FBI.
That one guy who was part of the team, not one the cops, backing up the crowd while they loaded her up is a special kind of badass.
I especially love the impotent little pukes filming with their phones, like that’s going to do anything.


That’s really too bad. I’d prefer they were attached to cinderblocks and contributed to artificial reefs until their carbon was naturally recycled. All that prison stuff is so expensive and takes so much longer.


What was it some really smart old guy said about the tree of liberty and manure?
I believe it had something to do with the blood of patriots causing us to value hard won freedoms, and the blood of tyrants causing others to be afraid of messing with ‘em.
Dude’s name was George Jefferson, I think. Lived in a high rise and had his own TV show. Owned a dry cleaning business, if I recall.


Especially the teachers!


News roundup has been posted if interested.


Always interested, Fle!
Thank you!


The only news I trust!


Proof journalism isn’t completely dead.

Deplorable Patriot

No, it’s not dead, but as a profession, it is on life support.


Hey, I didn’t know you were a Two Steps From Hell fan, DePat.
That composition, ‘Heart of Courage’, is one of their best…and it was the first TSFH work that I ever heard.
Which led me to seek out more of their work.
Thomas Bergersen is a genius, IMO.
‘Victory’ is also a favorite of mine — and listening to it during 2016 was one of the things that got me through:


wheatie, Thanks for posting these!
I was not aware of this group, and they are really good.


You’re very welcome, Piper.
They started out doing trailer music and sound tracks for the film industry.
Then along the way, they started recording their own albums.
They have a Youtube channel where they post some of their work.
This should take you to it:


wheatie…Hey, Thanks!

Deplorable Patriot

I have no idea who/what that is. I went looking for drama music, and that was pretty good.


Bergersen is special, wheatie. Thanks for posting this. I enjoy his works and those of Future World Music. So inspiring and calming.


You are very welcome, TradeBait.
I’m so glad to know you’re a fan too!


I’m going to have to share this later.
I can’t listen to this without thinking of that AMAZING Trump motivational speech
Wow *goosebumps*!!!!


It’s one of my all-time favorites.
And yeah…*goosebumps*.


Thank you for this! ❤️


I will get one out today!
thanks kea!!


First stop today is getting a card. Then the post office. Thanks for posting Kea.
Second thought. Will pick up a few extra cards as these pop up at times.


No problem. I think its a cute idea


Another composition from TSFH…this one with more vocals:


Thanks Wheatie!!!!
Another amazing song that touches the soul.
In the pain, the agony, and the heroic endeavors of life, we pass through a refiner’s fire, and the insignificant and the unimportant in our lives can melt away like dross and make our faith bright, intact, and strong.



I’m so glad to know that you like it, Michael.
Was hoping that you would see this.


A healthy 19-year-old girl contracts PLEURISY from a lung infection caused by wearing a mask for 8 hours a day 5-6 days a week!
.comment image


There was another report of someone who was hospitalized and was on the full COVID track to death before someone figured out she’d gotten legionnaire’s from being masked.

Deplorable Patriot

We’re going to see more of this, and it’s going to be covered up.


Certainly by our local paper. I’ve sent several authentic articles to our editor and not a single anti=mask, pro-HCQ bit of news has been printed. And, BTW, today’s headlines…school opening has been “delayed.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


Nice. Fits with the bagpipes, too.


I wondered if AG Barr went home, had a stiff one and then played those bagpipes until all the stress was blown right out of him!

Deplorable Patriot

I saw that last night. Somebody is pretty good with Photoshop.

Sadie Slays

Yesterday’s press conference regarding American medical and pharmaceutical manufacturing has me thinking about other recent headlines. It’s almost as if they expect supply lines with China to be disrupted in the near future. Will the supply disruptions be caused by escalating tensions, the Three Gorges dam situation, or all of the above?
– Twitter announced mass censorship of #QAnon content
– POTUS announces Operation Legend will expand to Chicago (which has a Chinese consulate) and….Albuquerque?
– POTUS has first China Virus-related press conference in months. Says the crisis will “get worse before it gets better.”
– Chinese consulate in Houston is burning documents and about to be evicted.
– Three Gorges Dam is allegedly on brink of collapse.
– Two aircraft carriers are currently stationed in the South China Sea.
– Connected? There’s a Chinese consulate in Chicago, which just had a mass shooting.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

China is going to be massively implicated, methinks.


Yep, I think it all is.
Our guys are currently engaged in a joint military exercise with the navies of Japan and Australia, in the Indo-Pacific theatre.
It’s a huge show of force…with our two carrier groups + the assets of our allies’ navies.
I don’t think so.


Woah…are they planning on starting a war?


I said this months ago…. wouldn’t put it past them to distract from pandemic they caused. They’re definitely starting 💩 in pockets all around the world.


Yes they are, I’ve noticed some of that.


I think they will sound the alarm when the dam breaks, all of those poor people will go to the bunkers and drown together. They will seal the bunkers and not have to collect the bodies from all over the cities. No spread of disease. No muss, no fuss.
The Chinese Communist Party is in league with Satan.


No they won’t sound the alarm, THEY DON’T CARE. In video Wheatie posted, when they release water, they are NOT warning residents. That way they can pretend water is from nature, dismiss liability, then go in act as hero’s and the people thank them for help. Despicable!!
All that flooding and death and XiCP goes to other parts of the country to participate in ceremonies instead of focusing on disaster relief. PURE EVIL!!🤬


Well, I really didn’t mean they would sound the alarm to warn people. They would gather them together to die for the Party’s convenience.


Yup. My thought also. Neat and tidy. Gather the sheep, who will drown together. Seal the tomb. Yea, evil. ChiComs are evil.


Has anyone seen a health update on our cherished Wilburine?


cthulhu, yes, he’s home.


TY. He’s one of VSGPOTUSDJT’s “run silent, run deep” stars — and is impishly pleased to do so.

Sadie Slays

I have been informed by the Census that they will start sending people to my house soon because of my refusal to comply. I refuse to participate in the Census because the Democratic tyrants in my state and local governments do not deserve even a fraction of a cent they might receive from my family’s participation. In fact, I’m hoping to contribute to my state’s loss of a federal Congressional seat. Now THAT’S worth putting up with their harassment. Shouldn’t have forced me to wear a —-ing mask.

Sadie Slays

The local Democratic tyrant was begging for a federal bailout today. I contacted my federal representatives and the White House and requested that they withhold bailout funds until said tyrant takes a pay cut. I do not appreciate being part of a hostage situation.


And that’s exactly what it is!…A hostage situation!
The Dems have sent their mob out in the streets, too…to try to make us bow to their will.

Valerie Curren

This falls a little close to home. May we who are part of the Body of Christ lift this situation to the Throne of Grace!


May God grant one of his miracles, for the increase of his honor and glory, that she may live…and live well…such that her life serves as convincing, irrefutable proof of him and his loving grace for all with the eyes to see.
And let us not forget that God allows such things to happen, not only to act as a means of drawing us closer to him, but that he may demonstrate his love and kindness to us through such a miracle. I stand as witness to several myself.
Some may find this a very encouraging read…I STRONGLY recommend it. Incredible true story.comment image

Valerie Curren

Beautiful FG&C! So many rally around these little ones who suffer that their lives, trials, rallying/recoveries, & even deaths can bring great good to so many & glory to God!
This made me think of a family friend who was going through numerous challenges on the road to her own liver transplant some years ago. I think she was in her junior high years when she wrote this.
Here is Kara’s wisdom…
Below is the exact copy/paste of her posting…
If I could – I wouldn’t change it, because God’s plan is mighty!
Posted Apr 29, 2011 4:45pm
It’s me, Kara, again =] I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my liver disease and how it has become a part of my life. I thought I would share some of my thoughts with you all…
Before I had my liver disease and ulcerative colitis, I never ever would have wished for this situation in my life. But now I do have a liver disease and I do have ulcerative colitis. Over the years,of living with this,though, it has become a part of my life. Even though it’s hard, and I don’t always like it, God has shown me that this is all a part of His plan for me – every single detail – including the tests, IVs, and pokes. Not just the easy things in life are included in His plan, but also the hard things. I have met some really cool people through all of this and built relationships with others that wouldn’t be the same if none of this had happened. God has taught me so much through my disease, and I hope and pray that He will continue to do so. I ask that you would pray,too – that God would continue to work in my life and others through this situation, and that I would be a light for Christ even in the midst of this struggle. And now, I realize, that if I could change things and make it so that I never had a liver disease and I never had ulcerative colitis – that none of this had ever happened – I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t change it. That’s because God has shown me that this is part of His plan – His perfect plan, which is higher and better than anything we could know. God has a plan for you. All you need to do is trust Him and believe and live for Him, and know that Christ has carried your sin if you confess and repent. We may not always see the perfectness of His plan through the hard things we go through, but God has the bigger picture. I pray that you would trust in God’s plan for you – even when you can’t see it. That’s okay – you don’t need to always see it. You just need to trust in Him who does see it. God knows all things. Praise Him!
In Christ,
I don’t know what Kara’s status is now for I’m not on Facebook & the health message service both our families used ended…I do know that their family continues to need prayer as her mom, Beth, is now battling breast cancer.
I copied this from my blog here, & ironically tomorrow is the 7th anniversary of Josiah’s liver transplant so I am hoping to do another anniversary post (if I can muster the strength).
I guess Kara wrote that in 2011 when she was about 15 & I shared it on Josiah’s (then) CarePage as we were in the hospital in late July 2013 awaiting his pending transplant…her words are a tremendous comfort to me…Blessings!


Release the #CURES.
Hydroxycholoroquine (HCQ).
Post 10100517
Viral Video of Doctors Countering Coronavirus Narrative Being Deleted
July 28, 2020
Steve Alexander
A group of doctors stood in Washington DC and recorded a video countering the coronavirus narrative.
Their site motto says that “American life has fallen casualty to a massive disinformation campaign.”
There’s growing evidence to support expanded use of hydroxycholoroquine. A Henry Ford study showed that the therapeutic took the crude-mortality rate from 26.4% to 13.5%. Their study was published in the International Journal of Infections Diseases and President Trump even tweeted about it. The deep state media complex was quick to reply, publishing articles hours later that warn of dangers.
Study Details:
2,541 Patients Participated in the Study with an average hospital stay of 6 days.
26.4% crude mortality rate for those getting neither drug
22.4% crude mortality rate for those getting azithromycin alone
20.1% crude mortality rate for those getting hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin
18.1% crude mortality rate for the entire group
13.5% crude mortality rate for those getting hydroxychloroquine alone
Growing censorship of the effectiveness of certain treatments against coronavirus is alarming. The medical industry carries out the practice of medicine. There is a constant quest for improving results, quicker treatments, and more powerful cures.
It’s normal for scientific fields to question findings but the method of suppressing legitimate results has taken this dispute to full on propaganda.
The motive is certainly designed to suppress use of the therapeutic treatments for one reason or another. The victims unfortunately are wholly unaware of potential life-saving treatments being withheld.
Studies on the drugs effectiveness go back more than 50 years. The FDA first approved it in 1955 after one of it’s derivative of chemicals was discovered by Hans Andersag while he worked for Bayer in Germany.
The family of drugs is effective against lupus, tumors, and various kinds of viral infections.
The exact mechanism of the drug is not completely understood, but it’s presumed to somehow protect DNA by bonding with it.</b
Read more…
Source: image


Think about that…
“The exact mechanism of the drug is not completely understood, but it’s presumed to somehow protect DNA by bonding with it.”


This is why [They] are in such a panic to keep it from being widely used.
It’s also probably connected to Why there has been this push to get our DNA catalogued.
Someone is planning to use Med-Warfare on the masses, to control us.


And as Sadie reminded us within the past week, let us not forget that two facilities used to manufacture HQC were blown up. Literally blown up.


YUP….check out AncestryHealth….
“Ancestry launched AncestryHealth® last year to increase consumer access to personalized, preventive healthcare. Later this year, AncestryHealth will be powered by Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), an advanced testing technology that provides a more comprehensive analysis of inherited health risks than currently available to consumers through array-based genetic testing. As genomic science evolves, the ability to identify risks will expand and improve.”


Thanks, Holley.
If the Dems get power again, I’ll bet they will make this ‘genetic testing’ mandatory somehow.


It’s Afraid.comment image


Cates weighs in on HCQ cover-up and it’s good.
Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army! @drawandstrike Jul 28
The Democratic Party and their media mouthpieces will **never** recover from this.
Thousands of Americans were sacrificed in their insane strategy to get rid of Donald J. Trump as President by attacking a cheap drug that WORKS to combat the CCP Virus.

Deplorable Patriot

“The ‘expert’ class won’t recover from this either, thanks to the antics of the clown known as Dr. Anthony Fauci.”
Please, Lord, let it be so.


Think not too far down the road, Fauci will be among the ones that “won’t be able to walk the streets” ? Unfortunately for him, he’s very recognizable.


Teagan, bringing down this whole house of criminal enterprise seems to have been The Plan from day One.
I have wondered for quite a while what Trump’s motive was for playing along with these fiends, but as time goes on I am beginning to see the possibility of bringing down these vermin.
I do believe Fauci is the face of their demise.


Go RED.comment image


Get your Q Pack!comment image


Must have ZINC!!!!


Yup. Too commonly we hear one or two of the trifecta. Contributes to the faux news bad mouthing HCQ.
Unless I missed something.
HCQ preventive.
HCQ+Zpak+Zinc treatment.
– Some swap out Zpak for another antibiotic to fight infections. One was mentioned in Michael post on another page.


Clarithromycin, as I recall.


Doxyxycline is also used.


Doxycycline, that is.


NOBODY NEEDED TO DIE.comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is the FBI analyst who enabled the bogus dossier to go to the FISA court.


“I worked with intel analysts all the time working counterintelligence investigations,” said former FBI Special Agent Michael Biasello, a 25-year veteran of the FBI who spent 10 years in counterintelligence. “This analyst’s work product was shoddy, and inasmuch as these FISA affidavits concerned a presidential campaign, the information he provided [to agents] should have been pristine.”
He suspects Auten was “hand-picked” by Comey or McCabe to work on the sensitive Trump case, which was tightly controlled within FBI headquarters.

i’d say, after reading this article, there’s no doubt that this is true.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

EXACTLY. In a place where they should have had a TEAM of randos evaluating for safety against bias, they weighted things to get the answer they wanted. EXACTLY what started happening in “Shallow State”.




I had a conversation with the former head of US Army CYBERCOM in early 2015. He told me in no uncertain terms that the weak link in the entire process is the FISA Court, which would pass through a ham sandwich. If you wanted to reform the system you had to start there.

Valerie Curren

This is a pretty interesting Carlos Osweda thread:


I find all of Wictor’s threads to be interesting if not also entertaining.
his depth of knowledge is truly impressive.

Valerie Curren



Jim Jordan delivers a great rant…a few hours ago, on Shannon Bream’s show:


I recommend skipping the last part of this when the token liberal drooler offers jp the party line…


This is part of Tucker’s show last night…part of the video that Q posted, that GoogTube deleted:


Thread on HCQ.
A few years ago I discovered google scholar. It didn’t take long to figure out that this is where they hide older studies they don’t want us to know about. (Try to find this stuff on google)
Disclaimer: I am not an M.D.
These are conditions I found that are treated, studied, etc. with hydroxychloroquine as a therapeutic. (By itself and in combination with other drugs.) This list is by no means exhaustive as I stopped after approx. 25 pages.
More has to be out there. I’m going to start with the biggest impact diseases. Keep in mind the potential HIT big pharma will take if this info is well known!!!!
Let’s start with the big ones:
*systemic erythematous lupus (BIG!)* malaria*rheumatoid arthritis (BIG!)*juvenile rheumatoid arthritis*sjogren’s syndrome*connective tissue disease (BIG!)*HIV type 1 (BIG!)*dermatomyositis*cancer therapy-shown to mediate substantial antineoplastic effects in preclinical models (FNG BIG!)*dementia in Alzheimer’s (OMG BIG!)*melanoma (BIG)* breast cancer (OMG BIG!!)*schizophrenia -significant ameliorating effect (BIG!!)*B-chronic lymphocytic leukaemic cells (BIG)*severe chronic asthma- steroid sparing effect (BIG)*advanced non-small cell lung cancer (BIG)*improves insulin sensitivity in obese non-diabetics*Q fever (LOL!)*cutaneous sarcoidal granulomas*cholesterol lowering effects- reversal of deleterious effects of steroids on lipids (BIG)*prevention of post-op deep vein thrombosis (BIG)*decompensated treatment for refractory non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitis*oral lichen planus*urticarial vasulitis syndrome*Kikuch-fujimotos*sarcoidosis*discoid lupus profundus in children*lupus panniculitis*antiphospholipid syndrome*severe multicentric reticulohistiocytosis*chronic urticaris*relapsed/refractory myeloma*glioblastoma*immunomodulatory properties for bone marrow transplants*psoriatic arthritis*lichen planopilaris (frontal alopecia)*porphyria cutanea tarde*hypercalcemia*surfactant protein c deficiencyand finally:*cancer in dogs


If I weren’t flopping around on my kitchen floor disassembling my refrigerator, I might have been making a decoction of cinchona bark. Mind you, how pleased would I be doing so instead of having a tamed version of quinine in a standardized dose (HCQ 200)…..yeah. Instead, I get the raw adulterated version of no known dose. On the other hand, it’s more than our lovely State government wants me to have — quite simply, they wish I were dead.


Online they are still selling the apple flavored horse dewormer, Ivermectin. A 1,250 lb horse gets the whole tube for around $3. In Bangladesh they use one dose of Iver. + a week’s course of Doxycycline and had faster recoveries than HCQ + Zith (by one day). Nobody needed to die.


I have a tube in the cupboard, ready to go. I got mine at the local feed store.


This video is, unfortunately, not the video Q referenced. This is the Don Jr. part of Tucker’s show, whereas Q wanted us to see the opening 10 minutes of Tucker’s broadcast.
It was nice to see this segment, though.

Valerie Curren

When an esteemed scientist, a man that was awarded a Nobel Prize for discovering HIV was able to prove by experiments (replicated by others), that pathogens can be “created” out of nothing but WATER n one lab by using FREQUENCIES recorded from pathogens in ANOTHER LAB, it blew the science world up. Dr. Luc Montagnier had to be quietly pushed aside.comment image


Trying a quick search to find some good sauce on this…
DNA Sequence Reconstituted from Water Memory?
Water carrying only the electromagnetic signature of a DNA sequence can make a replica of the sequence out of simple building blocks, Nobel laureate HIV researcher shows. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho
When Noble laureate HIV researcher Luc Montagnier discovered that certain bacterial and viral DNA sequences dissolved in water causes electromagnetic signals to be emitted at high dilutions, that was bad enough (see [1, 2] ‘Homeopathic’ Signals from DNA and Electromagnetic Signals from HIV, SiS 48).
Now, new results from his lab appear to show that the DNA sequence itself could be reconstituted from the electromagnetic signal. That has so stunned the scientific community that one prominent supporter was nonetheless moved to remark: “Luc is either a genius or he is mad!”
But some quantum physicists are taking that very seriously, and are linking Montagnier’s findings to decades of research demonstrating the sensitivity of organisms to extremely weak electromagnetic fields.


Montagnier is also on public record stating his belief that COVID-19 was created in a laboratory and could not have occurred naturally in the wild before making the jump to human infection.


Yes, with his very deep experience in handling HIV in the lab, he proposes that it was an attempt at an HIV vaxx that escaped the lab. I have great respect for his experience and his intellect, but his theory doesn’t quite fit with all the DS behaviors before/after the event.

Valerie Curren

This is very mind blowing!


Imagine the awesome power of prayer in the light of this idea. The DNA in Josiah can be conformed to the original blueprint of Christ himself!


I’ve been reading Paul for some time now… “frequency is everything”

Elizabeth Carter

PR Thanks for the link. Great informaiton.


Most welcome Elizabeth… some of his followers are worth your time also… “Loaded with truth” is great, see the sidebar, one of three.

Valerie Curren

Wow! Great, & hopeful, thoughts! thanks 🙂


HCQ for reducing transplant rejection?

Valerie Curren

Thanks! This could be yuuuge in our household!




Remember, also that poor oxygen transport is part of the symptoms in SarsCov2.

Can 5G exposure alter the structure of hemoglobin by increasing its affinity toward other molecules which are not O2?
The real question in all this is best phrased as I have asked it above. I doubt that we are dealing with a phenomenon where 5G radiation exposures blocks the ability of hemoglobin to carry oxygen, but rather occupies the hemoglobin molecule with other elements that alter its structure and therefore its function, inhibiting its ability to bind with oxygen.
This is very likely happening all across the world wherever 5G is currently functioning, it’s just that the coronavirus is now exacerbating the symptoms and conditions to the point where mass death is occurring.
In other words, the coronavirus pandemic would likely not be nearly as bad if 5G exposure / radiation pollution wasn’t already compromising the structure and function of hemoglobin cells in the bodies of people who live in 5G cities.
This doesn’t mean the coronavirus isn’t real, of course; just that these two attacks on the human body have a synergistic effect of toxicity and mortality.

Valerie Curren

& much, if not most, of this is Deliberate on the part of Someone/many!


I know this is somewhat out there, but you’re going to see its downstream ripples for the next 18 months —

Cuppa Covfefe

Chipzilla’s had issues for some time now, and their contentious culture (which used to be an asset) is a problem now that the company is bloated and slow to change, similar to HP a while back (or DEC, for that matter).
Wow. So Jim Keller jumped (staying on, though, for six months for transition):
I wondered where he was, as I was under the impression that he was brought in to change Intel’s direction in the CPU space, and to create and nurture the newer (7nm, 5nm, and probably 3nm) architectures. Looks
like his boss (Murty) was more interested in empire building and power consolidation than turning around a lackluster, albeit still profitable CPU group… and this just a short while after Fortune did a deep dive on his work and expectations at Intel:
(that article reads a bit like Tracy Kidder’s intro about Tom West in “Soul of a New Machine”)
From the comments section at Anandtech (Kamen Rider Blade):
Dr. Murthy is responsible for Manufacturing, straight up.
He’s been playing a long term “Game of Thrones” like internal company political machinations to gun for the Top CEO position.
He unified 5 divisions to be under his direct control.
He said he’s responsible for getting manufacturing in-line.
He’s had many years to right the ship, the buck stops at him.
His political games are what caused a RockStar CPU Architecture guy like Jim Keller to leave.
He was working on ousting Raja Koduri since he saw Raja as a threat to his ascendency to the CEO position.
Luckily Bob Swan saw the poltical games and he ousted a problem child and preserved his seat of power.
There’s a lot of problems going on inside Intel.
It’s not going to be so easy to fix.
And rumor has it that 7nm is in WORSE shape than 10nm.
(end excerpt)
A few grains, or cups, perhaps, of salt needed here, but seems like a long-simmering problem has reached the boil. A weak Intel is just as bad for the industry as a weak AMD was. Curious to see where Keller will
pop up…

Cuppa Covfefe

The vid there (that won’t launch – typo in the comment at Anandtech) is an “Inside Intel” tell all, as it were. The link is (delete the “splat”) *


ARRESTED: Edward Schinzing faces 20 years in prison & a mandatory minimum of 5 years for federal arson inside Portland Justice Center. Schinzing was identified because he has his last name tattooed across his upper back.
.comment imagecomment imagecomment image
I hope the little punk gets the full 20 years!


Found in the replies:comment image


Also in the replies:
“Judge denies Oregon’s request to stop arrests of protesters in Portland by federal agents.”


I LOVE FEDERAL CHARGES!!! For these creeps, NO BAIL, MAXIMUM SENTENCES makes me HAPPY!! 🦋🦋🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🦋🦋


comment image


Go Dana!

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s a good summary of masks (and a TON of other neat infos here):
“Masks Are Neither Effective Nor Safe: A Summary Of The Science”


BROOKINGS!comment image
Post 10099584
Brookings Mountain West
Brookings Mountain West is a partnership between UNLV and the Washington, D.C.-based Brookings Institution. The purpose of Brookings Mountain West is to bring the Brookings tradition of high-quality, independent, and impactful research to the issues facing the dynamic and fast-growing Intermountain West region. Building upon work at Brookings and UNLV, our community engagement and research initiatives focus on helping metropolitan areas like Las Vegas grow in robust, inclusive, and sustainable ways. Brookings Mountain West provides a platform to bring ideas and expertise together to enhance public policy discussions at the local, state, and regional level.
Brian Greenspun ~ Roommates with [BC]
What Hillary Clinton’s $225,000 speaking fee buys you

Before beginning the Q&A portion of the event, moderator Brian Greenspun handed Clinton a pair of Nikes, which he made sure to point out were “running shoes.” Greenspun is the publisher of the Las Vegas Sun and a UNLV trustee, but before that he was Bill Clinton’s college roommate.comment image


Hey, Sick Hitlery is doing her Tilda Swinton impersonation from the movie Snowpiercer.
It’s a role Hitlery knows she was born to play.




It seems like the more pertinent question is… can anything START what is coming?
You know… asking for a friend, and all that jazz…


comment image


comment image


“By now, our message should be clear, vote democrat, or else.”
And by now, our message should be clear.
The only reason you traitors are even ALIVE right now is because the government protects you from us.
Let that sink in, betrayers.


“The only reason you traitors are even ALIVE right now is because the government protects you from us.”
I really LIKE that!!


WHO hates Trump because he’s withdrawing American funds. It’s no wonder, then, that WHO is as hostile to HDQ as Democrats are. Neither can afford to have Trump proven correct that HDQ can help defeat the virus. So it was that, in May, WHO leaped on a study purporting to show that HDQ was fatal. The article was bogus and had to be retracted.
more here


And don’t forget, the head of the WHO (Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus) is a dyed in the wool Marxist.
Who’s specialty happens to be treating Malaria.
But he knows nothing about HCQ… the primary treatment for Malaria for 60+ years…
His Wiki page used to be much more explicit about his specialty in Malaria, the first time I looked him up it was even in the ‘Wiki Brief’ in the upper right hand corner of the search results, without even clicking on the Wiki link.
Now you have to read the Wiki article to find out:
5 Disturbing Facts About Dr. Tedros Adhanom, Director-General Of World Health Organization
5 Shocking Facts About WHO Chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
And he’s not even a medical doctor.
Wiki: “Tedros was elected as Director-General of the World Health Organization by the World Health Assembly on 23 May 2017, becoming the first director-general who is not a medical doctor, with an overwhelming 133 votes out of 185.”
Apparently he’s a dam doctor:
Wiki: “…he earned a Doctor of Philosophy in community health from the University of Nottingham for research investigating the effects of dams on the transmission of malaria in the Tigray region of Ethiopia.”


The Library

White House Rapid Response
.@CommerceGov has filed a petition with the FCC on the loophole that allows social media companies to avoid any legal consequences for their censorship American consumers have a right to free speech and deserve transparency about big tech’s bias
Harold Wren
The Library

White House Rapid Response
President @realDonaldTrump is taking action to combat censorship and protect Americans’ free speech online No American should be silenced for their political beliefs
Harold Wren


WASHINGTON: During today’s House Judiciary Committee Meeting, Jerrold Nadler et. al. finally got their wish. Attorney General Barr took the time to attend their hearing, willing to answer their questions. Only they did not ask questions, they repeated Democrat talking points. Over and over. Watching AG Barr, it was hard to not see his frustration as, when he tried to answer, or clarify a question they would censor him. Petulantly repeating “I am reclaiming my time.” And cutting him off. It was painful, embarrassing and AG Barr should have pulled out his smartphone and played Toon Blast.
Because not one Democrat gave a damn about anything AG Barr had to say. It was a waste of the AG’s time. America’s time. And taxpayer dollars.

Deplorable Patriot

Gotta share this one.
G. K. Chesterton
Journalism possesses in itself the potentiality of becoming one of the most frightful monstrosities and delusions that have ever cursed mankind. This horrible transformation will occur at the exact instant at which journalists realize that they can become an aristocracy.
12:00 AM · Jul 29, 2020


The man was 100 years ahead of his time while being perfectly fit for the time he was in.
He was a household name in both the UK and America for most of his life.


Somebody should ask that human punching bag, Jim Acosta, about that.


“This horrible transformation will occur at the exact instant at which journalists realize that they can become an aristocracy.”
Or infiltrated and/or purchased by Communists.


+twatter RT


I found one that GoogTube hasn’t deleted yet.
This is Tucker’s opening monologue from last night’s show…part of the video that Q posted, that was deleted:

If you haven’t seen it…watch it quick, before this one is deleted too.

Deplorable Patriot

Tucker is wrong in the first minute. President Trump is down in the polls because Trump supporters generally don’t participate in them. That’s why they were so wrong in 2016, and why they will be proven wrong again.
Literally, the polls are manufactured news to persuade humans who want to be popular to a particular candidate. No one wants to be on a losing team. It’s all psy-ops.


Only a few others have discovered the above video…and it sounds like they’ve been looking for Tucker’s show too.
Comments below the video:
“This has been completely removed all over YouTube, including on the Fox Channel. AND Google has completely blocked traffic to Breitbart.”
“OMG I was just gonna ask if you have full episode!! Thank you for sharing, I knew they’d strip this from everywhere.”
“Tucker show has been erased on YouTube. Liberals hate America.”

Deplorable Patriot

I turned it off after five minutes because of his saying “the science on HCQ isn’t settled.”
Uh, it’s more settled than anything having to do with a vaccine. Study after study is backing the original findings from 15 years ago that the HCQ-zinc-antibiotic/steroid protocol is effective on SARS viruses, which is what COVID is above all else.
I’m sorry. I’m not a Tucker fan.


I know what you mean.
Sometimes I want to whop him upside the head.
He’s just one of the very few that we have on tv that dares to speak out about what the Dems are doing.


Yes, the very little I saw of the show included this and it was very disconcerting and almost disingenuous. My first thought…what games is he playing now?


Yes, and I was also disappointed in Dr. Mark Siegel, agreeing with him on HCQ being unsettled. Siegel, by far, has been one of the most common sensed voices during the whole scamdemic. Also, his own father took HCQ and recovered!! 🥴😠😕😵


Wonder if Dr Mark Siegel’s father feels HCQ benefits are unsettled science.


Marina Medvin 🇺🇸@MarinaMedvin
William Barr revoked the OLC memo re: DACA. Barr withdrew guidance Jeff Sessions had given on DACA’s legality, thereby giving @DHS_Wolf complete discretion to exercise his own judgement on whether and how to rescind DACA.


Deplorable Patriot

comment image


so true!



With all these public appearances, I think what Gates is actually doing is campaigning for the most punchable face in America.
This pseudo medical stuff is just his pretext to get on TV.
What he really wants is to be punched in the face repeatedly.


comment image

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll tell you what, at night, when that building, the Saint Louis Art Museum (SLAM) is lit up along with the statue, it’s a sight to see. That building was built for the 1904 World’s Fair, and is one of a number of structures still standing. The property is now Forest Park, but was once owned by an old STL family named Pappin which is misspelled. It was Papin. Some official a couple centuries back didn’t know French. That happened a lot.


Angela Stanton King
US House candidate, GA-5
What the hell is CloverGender, Transage, and Agefluid?
What in the pedophilia is going on?
Why are these things trending on twitter while the cure for COVID has been blocked?
This was in the replies:
😳😬comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Omega? The end. Now they’re co-opting Greek letters.

Cuppa Covfefe

Not just the end; the completion or fulfillment. The Omega supersedes everthing else.
So Paedo is their be all, end all.
Just like that Dutch Financier, Ronald Bernard, explained about the meetings he would have had to attend, complete with child sacrifices…
They’re beyond evil…




skimming OT, a poster states that yesterday SD met with the President. hmmmmmm


Over at Ace’s AoSHQ they would say:
“Pics or it didn’t happen.”

Deplorable Patriot



just I’m not sure how anybody gets to “meet” with the President like that. just trying to understand…you know…if I go to DC unexpectedly, can I just call and meet the Prez?


Oh hey, we could just tell ’em that we know something that n-o-o-body else has figured out yet — and they’ll let us right in!


yeah i don’t get it…shrugging…maybe it’s true and SD is the most respected and known person in the real world and he’s just the best at hiding it on line…

Deplorable Patriot

thanks so much for the extra threads DePat…I really appreciate them!!!

Deplorable Patriot


Deplorable Patriot

comment image


this one I LOVE!!


Verse of the Day for Wednesday, July 29, 2020

“O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me.”
Psalms 25:2 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!


Wednesday Day Lily Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


comment image


comment image


Good Morning Duchess!!
Have a Blessed day!
we will be trying to fix our trap today…we have photos of more raccoons on the deck, but they are not tripping the trap…sigh…


Hey, Patty – Eeeeek!!! Those raccoons are like Dims – they never quit making a mess of things – and refuse to go away!!!
Hope and pray you can repair those traps – make them even better – if PT can trap the DS – you can trap raccoons – Yes?
Have a Blessed and Peaceful Day, Dear Lady! Hugs for both of you!!!


HUGS back to you!!


This comes to mind:


Jerry Nadler pressured Clinton to pardon convicted Weather Underground (WU) terrorist Susan Rosenberg.
WU was involved in police killings, assaults, and bombings.
Her only remorse was not killing the police that arrested her.
She is now an important part of Black Lives Matter.
— Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) July 28, 2020


This chaos and destruction is aging Ayers, Øbastard and $or0$ last fling – with Hillrotten all in on it. They are hoping to destroy this nation as we know it – and substitute the communist totalitarian elitist regime of their dreams and our nightmares.


Granny paints a Tiger…and she does it quite well!




Wow wow wow .. 😮🤚‼️‼️‼️‼️ ….. I want one of those on the front of my house! …
This is totally awesome … 😎👍❤️‼️


I think she’s done that before… that’s not her first time throwing a bucket of paint at a wall.


The University of Minnesota study on hydroxychloriquine which concluded that “hydroxychloroquine has no benefit over placebo in preventing COVID-19” has some dubious funding sources
They include:
-Minnesota Chinese chamber of commerce
-Alliance of Minnesota Chinese organizations
— Mike Coudrey (@MichaelCoudrey) July 29, 2020


here’s the pic from the tweetcomment image


What could possibly go wrong?!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have been WARNING people about this stuff. Science is easily manipulated by MONEY and POLITICS, and communists are expert at doing this without being detected. They understand a concept almost nobody in America outside intelligence agencies understand….
They’ve been doing this for DECADES – over a century – and people here pretended “OH, this is AMERICA, this can never happen here”.
Sorry. ChiComs are experts on influencing everybody, and leaving very few if any fingerprints. So are the Russians, for that matter. But let’s not forget Big Pharma, manipulated by money and politics from government and investors, having its own influence needs.
Complicated business.


National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases … NIAID … Fauxi’s agency …

comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There are a lot of things I could say here, that are really more appropriate for a grand jury.


Would love to have you saying those things to a grand jury investigating the fraud #FAUXI


Anons gonna Anon.comment image






Darn tootin’ .. 😡👍‼️ .. ❤️🇺🇸❤️ ..


Me thinks, ChiComs are using HCQ widely with great success. AND funding studies to discredit HCQ.
– ALL to destroy America, along with President Trump.
Below, common folks observations…
Gun blog I frequent.
– The guy, married to a Chinee gal.
– She is in daily contact, email with family and friends in Chinee land.
– They ALL report Chinee are using HCQ widely with great success.
I BELIEVE, HCQ IS a huge step forward IF we can get government out of the way.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

THIS is *exactly* how the duplicitous ChiComs operate.
And our pwned “media” helps them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey – do you mind if I tweet this information as an image meme of your post?


Please keep “kalbo”, predecessor to kalbokalbs, out of it. Perhaps block over, kalbokalbs.
Don’t want to ruffle anyone that may link to the guy and his wife. His thoughts are within 24 hours.
The narrative is absolutely accurate and available. Please do, with the one caveat above. Thank you.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! Thanks – will make source 100% anonymous.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here it is, as an image (more secure than a link to Tvittah).comment image


^^^ Nice.


Hey, DP – how about some ‘Quarantine Coffee’? LOL






Heart – Stairway to Heaven Led Zeppelin – Kennedy Center Honors HD


Pelosi shooting for the moon, hoping Repubs are spineless and cave in. No new covid relief unless mail in voting and outright fraud are included.
Nancy Pelosi was asked yesterday during a press conference whether she would agree to pass a covid relief package that did not include funding for nationwide vote-by-mail. She shouted “NO” at the reporter 11 times…
Democrats are saying that their mail-in ballot amendments are non-negotiable. Here’s why.
Under the Democrats’ bill, all 50 states would be required to offer mail-in voting to whoever wants it. Currently, most states require that someone be absent on election day, disabled, or too sick to make it to the polls in order to qualify for an absentee ballot. The Democrats’ initiative would require that states automatically send out ballots in the mail to registered voters.
This will guarantee fraud. I just spoke to a friend who lived in California years ago. He unregistered to vote in California after he moved, but his parents just received a letter in the mail addressed to him saying that he would automatically receive a ballot in the mail. Studies have shown that California has MILLIONS of people on their voter rolls who are dead, moved away, or otherwise ineligible to vote (felons, illegal aliens, etc). Sending a ballot to every registered voter, whether or not they ask for one, guarantees fraud. Democrats have perfected this scheme in California, and now are trying to force the GOP to make it a nationwide practice…
But the Left isn’t stopping there. Pelosi is also demanding that all states extend their early voting. Even states that have two weeks of early voting days would be required to keep their polls open even longer. This is designed to try to increase Democrat turnout, plain and simple.
The bill Pelosi is demanding that the GOP pass also includes an amendment to outlaw voter ID. That is right: states that have voter ID requirements that have to be met before voters can get absentee or mail in ballots would not be allowed to enforce those voter ID laws. The Democrats also want to make it illegal to require that mail-in-ballots get notarized. Basically, the Left’s bill is designed to make it impossible for states to actually prove a voter’s identity…
And yes, it gets even worse. The bill would also require that states legalize “ballot harvesting.” This is the practice where paid political operatives go door-to-door, tell people how to fill out their ballots, and then turn the ballots in on the voters’ behalf. In California, ballot harvesters have been caught dumping hundreds, and even thousands of ballots at polling places just minutes before the polls close.


Pelosi can just go fish.
Even if the R’s in the Senate cave in and pass that outrageous bill…I seriously doubt that our VSG President would sign it.
Do the Dems really think that it will look good for them to hold a Relief Funds Bill hostage…during an election year?
Usually, I would say they aren’t that stupid.
But now…I dunno.


i think they’re gonna try to blame the repubs for it’s not passing actually…


Won’t work.
Pres Trump would make sure people knew what really happened.
But yeah, I’m sure the Dems would try to blame it on the R’s.
They always do.


I knew it, Patty – she would put some obnoxious additions into the Stimulus Bill – I thought anything non-CV related would guarantee Trump will not sign into law.
However – that is why they are pushing the 2nd Wave – and the danger of going out – children in school – the whole nine yards to push mail-in voting.
When are we going to ‘LOCK HER UP’ with her golden boy in CA?


I would seriously like to see her voted out of power…she’s a freaking mafia relic…
but you’re right…gotta get that mail in voting which is why POTUS is pushing the social distancing or a mask…if you can grocery shop, you can vote!!!


Yes, I agree – but, you know – I detest him saying that at the pressers – seems like he is walking on eggs until the election – OR – until CV is essentially gone – which – he believes will be the case – however – as long as people keep wearing masks and getting sick from wearing masks – this will never be over.


She can rot in hell … wait 😮😐 ….

Deplorable Patriot

So much of her any more isn’t going to rot given the amount of plastic surgery she’s had.


Oh my yes, plastic is forever!!! … bwahahahahaha … wait that mean she an environmental pollutant with all that plastic in her .. ahhhhhh bwahahahahaha … lol … poetic justice …
I think we should email Greta what’s-her-face 😂🤚 .. ❤️


she’s rotting from the inside which if I had to guess is just like hell


If only God would strike her mute 🤐🙏🏼




Father, we lift up our great nation that You have blessed us with being part of to You in the name of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior
We ask You to forgive us our sins, especially that of turning our backs on You and taking for granted the many great things you have placed here.
Father, Your word shows how merciful and loving You are despite what we do.
We cover this nation, President Donald John Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and every honorable and righteous man and woman that serve with them with the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.
We ask that Your Precious Holy Spirit sweeps across our nation and cleanses we Your people.
Father, we ask that You loose your warring angelic legions to destroy every plot and plan of the enemy that is manifesting in our nation for this is driven by satan to bring us down..
Father, we thank You for Your deliverance and restoration over our land. In Jesus Christ name, King of Kings, Lord of Lord, Messiah, Amen.


A Blessing Psalter
A list of circumstances and situations for each Psalm as used by Saint Arsenios of Cappadocia in Asia Minor.


Blessing by SEPP fell in the Dust Bin – Please Retrieve – Thanks, DP!

Deplorable Patriot

It should be out now.


Thanks, DP – you the best – on top of things – as usual – we appreciate all you do!!!
God Bless You Real Good today and always!!!

Deplorable Patriot

I’m losing it on this end today.


You are doing fine – Angels watching over you – we understand.

Deplorable Patriot

Last night when I was scooping gelato for my mother, I knocked the bowl on the floor and started to cry. It was just one thing after another.


I hear you – sometimes, we are just stressed to the max – but, God helps us to hang on a little bit longer until He finishes what he started – Have Faith, DP – this, too, shall pass.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, the kids go home in a couple weeks.


See – hang on a little while longer – not your cup of tea – I know – and kids can be a big problem – but, God knows you tried – and He will reward you for it – I know He will.

Deplorable Patriot

The kids on their own are fine. It’s the sheer number of adults competing to be the most effective aunt, uncle, grandparent, etc., that’s what I tend to not care for.


LOL – oh, it is the ‘big’ kids with whom you have the battle – Gee Whiz!!! What’s a peacemaker to do?

Deplorable Patriot

Slip out for a drink.


Good idea – anybody making margaritas today?

Deplorable Patriot

Not today. We have gin and whiskey, though.


Oh well – gin and tonic is refreshing – but, not sure what you mix with whiskey – unless one orders it straight up – packs a wallop – I hear – good for teething, too – LOL
Oh, yes – whiskey sour – YUK!

Deplorable Patriot

Jameson on the rocks has been my drink since I went to Dublin in 2004 and did the taste test at the distillery.


Nice – that will do it right there – a visit to the distillery – in wine country – they get hooked on anything grape – LOL


… awwwww 🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️




RE: The ongoing saga of ‘Will the Three Gorges Dam hold?’

State at #ThreeGorgesDam is precarious. If it releases more water, #Wuhan and #Shanghai will face flood horror. If it retains water, all counties and villages upstream drown. #CCPChina planners who forced this dam were all foolishly arrogant. #China has paying debt of #Xijinping

comment image


The Epoch Times
The owner of a #Florida moving company was arrested Monday and charged with using #Coronavirus relief funds to purchase personal items, including a $320,000 @Lamborghini.

This is not cool.👆
I’m glad they caught him.
Looks like Mnuchin’s trackers are doing a good job of making sure the relief funds aren’t abused.


But will they confiscate assets to repay and send him to prison? If they dont make the repayment immediately its not justice. It would be similar to paying for a death row inmate to live another 20-30 years on our dime.


Obviously this was bereavement.


Governor Kristi Noem
Our kids are going to be back in school in South Dakota. Every school district will make a decision that works for their facilities and kids as to what that looks like.
I’m not going to mandate masks. Kids tend to play with their masks and touch them frequently.


If only hoomans would apologize this nicely…
QT@Anon 🌟🌟🌟 (@QTAnon1) Tweeted:
How freaking cute is this?!




😛🤚 ..


I absolutely adore this, and I want a dog like Watson … he’s got a lot of heart ..


Very very sweet….


Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army! Retweeted
There are Black @GOP women running for Congress!
Quote Tweet
Black Enterprise@blackenterprise
· 16h
A Record Number Of Black Women Are Running For Congress


Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army! Retweeted
The Epoch Times@EpochTimes
“May cut off funding if not open!” Trump said.
#Schools that don’t plan to physically reopen, or at least offer some in-person #Learning in the fall, would lose ⅔ of the relief money set aside for K-12 #Education under Senate GOP’s #Relief bill.
GOP Relief Bill: Schools Would Lose Two-Thirds of Aid Money if They Don’t Physically Reopen
Schools that don’t plan to physically reopen would lose two-thirds of their relief money under Senate Republicans’ relief bill.


methinks Lin Wood is having fun ……………

Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army! Retweeted
Lin Wood@LLinWood
Good morning, Patrick. To start the day, I have decided to grant your wish & verbally kick you in your brain, Patrick. It will require a precise kick since the target is very small, Patrick. Then I will watch you run away to the World of the Blocked, Patrick. Goodbye, Patrick!
Quote Tweet
Patrick A. Stidham@PASUUSA65
· 11h
Replying to @LLinWood
The idea of you fighting back is the equivalent of kicking someone in the balls and running away.. Face with tears of joy


Who is the small brain jackass?


I don’t know… never heard of him 😉

The NFL Just Declared War On Church
The NFL Just Declared War On Church
Players can be fined for attending church services that surpass 25 percent capacity, while the NFL is celebrating their participation in protests.


NFL = No Fans Left.


very clever Ms Wheatie 😉


Oh, I can’t take credit for it.
It was being tweeted around last year…during all the kneeling mess.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. How long will they be able to survive, pulling stunts like this?
N ot
F or
L ong


no such thing as an original thought, right? well, you remembered it, that’s more than I could have done if I had seen it 😉


N… Felons League


Numbnut Felon League


Wtf?????? Theyre telling them who they can associate with and when? They have no right to do that.
If they say its in the contract, then thats a slave contract and should be tsken to court. A few million or your freedom!


… hmmmm … NFL who what? … stupid ..


Major Patriot Retweeted
TRUTHSERUM4ALL Medium starMedium starMedium starMedium star #GODISREAL@truthserum4all
Jul 27
Calling all Texas Patriots!
Join the Rolling Flag Parade
Caravans leaving from Houston, Dallas, Waco & San Antonio headed to Austin
Spread the word and get in touch if you want to participate!!
#FlagsOut #TexasStrong #MAGA


Trump rallies on wheels!!!!
Look for lots more of these!!!


Why they gonna do this when I have to be at work?!


CV Update Via LIFELOG:

So today at the time of this writing there are 64,729 new cases and deaths are at 1,245. The numbers are stabilizing now.
Locally, in Texas cases are still very high. We had 8,162 new cases which is up a little. In addition we had a high 201 new deaths today. With a stable fatality rate of 1.4%.
There are 158,131 active cases in Texas. This is now steady over the past few days and this is good news. In addition Covid-19 hospitalizations were rising sharply a month ago but have slowed down some the past few days and actually went down from 9,781 to 9,593 today. Hospitalizations have been relatively stable since 7/8/20. So this is really good news on that front.
In addition in Texas we have 244,449 recovered now.
Today in Dallas county with 789 new cases and 15 new deaths. Harris county with 1,465 new cases and 16 new deaths. Collin county with 149 new cases and 2 new deaths being reported. Denton county with 87 new cases and 4 new deaths. Tarrant county with 240 new cases and 5 new deaths. Brazos county with 23 new cases and no new deaths. Travis county with 240ne w cases and 5 new deaths. Fort Bend county with 93 new cases and 36 new deaths. Bexar county with no new cases and 17 new deaths reported. For anyone else bookmark the link below to find your numbers.
For the newbies we have been predicting an overall fatality rate somewhere in the 0.3 to 0.7 range when we finally correct the denominator.
I had something else prepared for tonight but since I have been inundated with emails and messages I will give you my comments. Now this will probably upset some people but so be it.
So what is my take on the frontline healthcare workers video?
First let’s make it clear that politics have NO PLACE in medicine. Doesn’t matter if you are a democrat or a republican you should be an AMERICAN first. You should be doing your part to help control this pandemic and make America a better and safer place to live, not promote your political agendas!
As for the report from “America’s Frontline Doctor’s”, here are some things I will say as a Frontline Doctor. First, the statement on masks not being effective is completely false. I have posted many studies here showing the effectiveness of masks on multiple occasions. You can go back and read them if you wish in my previous posts. But to summarize if you put only a surgical mask only on the healthy individual you reduce your risk by about 30%, only on the sick individual you have about a 66% reduction in contracting the virus. When both people wear a surgical mask the viral transmission is reduced by about 80%. The reduction will be much higher when an N95 mask is worn by either individual.
I was sent emails after that quoting some very irresponsible journalism by Fox news when Laura Ingram went off on masks not working per the “science”. Since she said she is following the science lets look at the science she used. She quoted a 2015 study of healthcare workers which is cloth masks vs medical masks. This study was designed to see if hospitals could save money by reusing cloth masks instead of using disposable surgical masks. These results are NOT surprising of course medical surgical masks are more effective than reusable cloth masks in preventing infections. Note there was no placebo group meaning no mask to compare to. Would cloth masks be better than nothing absolutely. Are they as good as surgical masks no. Her results “The study cautions against the use of cloth masks!” While technically true, this is compared to surgical masks not using no mask as she implied in her piece.
Next she quotes the WHO (World Health Organization) who she has criticized as messing up the whole pandemic many times over. She stated that they say “there is no evidence that masking of healthy individuals does not reduce the risk of transmission of respiratory viruses including Coivid-19”. So her second piece of science is not even a study but only a statement from the WHO! Well this is completely wrong see the hampster study I reviewed for just one quick piece of evidence. In addition Covid-19 is the name of a disease not the virus. The virus is actually called the SARS-COV2 virus. The WHO can’t even get the name of the virus right and you are quoting them. So I and a high percentage of the medical community have zero faith in the current WHO.
The study she quoted in Nature medicine about not the majority of patients not shedding the virus in aerosols. Once again true but she failed to mention the conclusions of that very same study! Since she left it out here it is “We also demonstrated the efficacy of surgical masks to reduce coronavirus detection and viral copies in large respiratory droplets and in aerosols. This has important implications for control of COVID-19, suggesting that surgical face masks could be used by ill people to reduce onward transmission.” Hmm don’t think you even have to be a doctor to understand that quote!
She also quoted the CDC and Fauci in the beginning of the pandemic. Not even going to go there as everyone knows that was a complete joke.
Still don’t believe in masks then just look at results. Texas implemented a mask mandatory about 3 weeks ago and now cases have leveled off and even going down. Look at the countries that mandated mask use and see how low their numbers are. Ask yourself how many people would be willing to have surgery and tell the surgical team no need for anyone to wear a mask. I don’t believe it will help prevent me from getting a post op infection. I guarantee no doctor would say this!
Now for the next topic that they brought up with hydroxycholoroquine. Once again we have discussed this many times before. The evidence is now mounting that when used early and with Zinc that is an effective treatment at reducing hospitalizations, intubations, and death.
There are now 65 published studies on use of HCQ with only 16 negative, about 10 inclusive and the rest positive. Here is a link to them all. * CNN and MsNBC lead the news with the Lancet and NEJM studies because it fit the narrative to make Trump look bad. They touted that not only did it not work but could harm you. Those studies were found to have fake data but even before that I mentioned here that using HCQ after admission to the hospital is not likely to show benefit as the viral load is way too high and inhibiting viral replication when you already have hundreds of millions of copies is likely futile. In addition when doctors discuss positive studies of HCQ on youtube, facebook etc they are taken down. Since when do we live in a country of censorship? Good chance this gets taken down if someone from facebook reads it.
Now we have many studies showing that early outpatient intervention with HCQ and Zinc can reduce the rate of hospitalization, intubations and death. The one linked below showing hospitalizations were reduced 84%, with only 1 death in treatment group vs 13 in control group. Positive studies like this one are almost never even mentioned on the air. Just like Fox coverage of the masks this is disgraceful and purposely misleads the public for their own agenda not what’s best for the people watching.
So I believe these doctors’ results? Absolutely I do! I personally have treated close to 100 Covid-19 patients with HCQ/Zinc and either Z-pak or doxycycline. Many republicans and many democrats, but I have yet to have a patient admitted to the hospital. Is it anctedocal? Absolutely! But I have not talked to a single doctor in the community that is not seeing good results. Is it a cure? Absolutely not, that is WAY overstating its effectiveness. But it certainly does appear to be an effective treatment when used early in the disease that reduces your risk of hospitalization.
Isn’t that what we are looking for anyway? Do we close the economy for colds? No, because while millions of people get them few get hospitalized and die so no one really cares. Lets focus on reducing Covid-19 to this level.
Still don’t believe in HCQ even with all these studies now that simply look at the deaths per millions of countries that are using it all the time. They are significantly lower than those that do not.
As for the safety of HCQ. We have been using this for 65 years and until mentioned by Trump the only safety issue was eye damage with long term use. Patients were required to get annual eye exams. Did we get EKG’s on patients needing it to go to Africa or another area with malaria? No we did not, we just prescribed it.
Do I agree with the frontline doctors mentioning it to be over the counter? Not sure I would go that far, but under medical supervision it is an extremely safe medication. Read those studies above or the reviews I did previously and you will see that the side effects are minimal. This QT prolongation has been completely overblown by CNN and MsNBC once again to promote their own agenda. Is it possible certainly, is it common absolutely not. Even more importantly how often is someone suffering an arrhythmia from it. The only studies bearing this out have been voluntarily withdrawn. Unfortunately, this has likely scared many high risk people away from using the medication. Remember, you are only taking it for 5 days and Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus patients take them for life. Your risk of a side effect in 5 days is very very low.
So STOP playing politics and start being an American that wants to help save lives and end this pandemic. Together we can control this pandemic but apart we are only making it worse.
Here is a repost of the supplements we have discussed to have potential benefits.
Quercetin from 250mg up to 1g twice per day Remember this is a Zinc ionophore.
Vitamin D3 Take this for sure if you are deficient and I now recommend taking it as long as your values are not too high. Remember too much vitamin D can cause issues. However, if you are diagnosed with Covid-19 take 50,000IU immediately as this appears to have significant benefits.
Sleep greater than 8 hours per night
CoQ10 100-300mg per day: a potent antioxidant that potentially helps balance oxidative stress, increase vasodilation, prevent clot formation and decrease vasoconstriction.
Zinc any amount is probably good but take what you can tolerate without making you feel bad up to 40mg. You do not want to be Zinc deficient as it is how many drugs like HCQ work.
Melatonin 0.1mg to 10mg at night. Take what you can tolerate and what helps you sleep without making you feel drugged or tired in the morning. If you are diabetic watch your sugars.
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) – 600mg twice per day shown to decrease severity of influenza, improve lung functions in COPD, antioxidant properties, potentially helps prevent clotting and with mental disorders. Caution for asthmatics as there is potential for bronchospasm but this is rare.
Vitamin C 250mg to 500mg twice per day. Effects debatable in oral form but IV did help in China. But is proven to strengthen immune system
Green Tea either drink some or 1 pill per day alternate zinc ionophore if you don’t have or don’t take Quercetin
As always the information and understanding of COVID-19 is changing rapidly. This information is for education purposes only and you should never make changes to your health without consulting your personal physician. Make a virtual appointment with your physician and discuss your health and the best possible treatment plan for you. It is also important to reiterate that there are no clinically evidence-based integrative prevention or treatment strategies for COVID-19 infection.
Let’s all keep praying for all that are ill with this virus in the world.


Michael, Appreciate these posts. Great information.


Trouble is regarding the statement about masks…it does not address the correct way to wear them. If, like Nadler, you are constantly touching, adjusting, pulling them onto your forehead….can you still say masks are effective? I think not! Precisely why the governor of North Dakota isn’t requiring children to wear them in school…children (and adults) constantly fiddle with them or wear/ store them entirely wrong.
It’s like saying it’s okay to smoke as long as you don’t inhale, or using chewing tobacco is better because it doesn’t go into your lungs. Lots of examples we can all think about in our daily lives…diet sodas, etc. we are all victims of slick advertising and this is just one more.
Nor, does the author address how long you can safely wear the same mask…the importance of sterilizing (or discarding) them frequently.
Not terribly impressed with the message although do heartily agree it should not be political…but that’s pie in the sky statement…”can’t we just all get along?”
Saw stats today about deaths from shootings in one city far exceeding Corona deaths…do they close down the city for that?


Looks like michaelh is giving us approval to treat these LIFELOG posts as chum for the masses.
I have read too many articles/papers on masks to fall for the percentages stated in the article.
I call propaganda.


Originally this came from my doctor. Actually, he used to be my doctor before the insurance change. Remember “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor”?
The problem stems from the usage of “effective” – which too many people equivocate on. Precision is lacking in the discourse.
“The fallacy of equivocation uses misleading terms of more than one meaning without clarifying which definition is intended in the scenario.”
“Come on, that’s just a semantic argument!”
Wearing a mask will not result in a 100% prevent the spread of CV. From the standpoint of airtight prevention they are 100% ineffective.
However, what if a mask is 30% effective at preventing the spread of CV. Well, by definition it IS effective at 30% rate.
Of course, the problem is that 30% is just scientific spitballing, and they know it.
30% sounds significant, but when we talk about viral load, we’re talking about ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE. If by breathing someone expelled 10 million viruses from their lungs, wearing a mask w/ 30% reduction means that 6 million viruses were still spread. Yes, I know my math is wrong and over-conservative, which is the point. We’re still talking about expressing 6 million viruses – which is significantly lower, but not when you are playing by orders of magnitude: 1.0×10^7 versus 6.0×10^6 is NOT much different. There is PLENTY of viral distribution to result in propagation.
So when my family doctor says “masks are effective” I’m not going to sit here and quibble with him. I don’t expect him to be an expert on logarithms. I doubt it even crossed his mind to consider the exponential quantities in mind.
N95 is a very LOW standard, but a 95% effectiveness (caveats aside) is an order of magnitude lower, which is something. In my industry we talk about “five nines” 99.999% and others have much higher requirements for that.
So is a mask effective? Yes it blocks a meager and frankly irrelevant amount of viral shedding, just the vector of spread that occurs through respiration but not other processes, the same viral shedding where the virus concentration decays due to temperature, UV, and diffusion as it travels over distances. It will not, on its own, have any preventative impact on the spread of CV.
A mask is like trying to defend your house by installing a picket fence. It’ll help keep the dogs and neighborhood kids off your lawn, and it may even look attractive, but it’s far from a comprehensive security strategy.

Cuppa Covfefe

I posted this on another page, but it bears repeating as there is a TON of information collated on that site (H/T to my son who found it):
Anything that gets it the way of “herd immunity” is going to significantly prolong the FaKorona farce… especially with multiple known and effective cures out there…


Aggies are famous for propaganda, esp. anything to do with their football team.

Cuppa Covfefe

And science, too, it appears 🙂
(from the interwebs):
Herp McDerp says:
July 10, 2014 at 3:09 am
No Aggie Joakes!
Heh …
Three engineers — one from Caltech, one from MIT, and one from Texas A&M — were having a friendly discussion in a bar when the subject turned to great inventions. The MIT grad opined that the greatest invention of all time was fire. “Fire transformed the world! It gave us light at night, it kept us warm in the cold, and it let us cook food, and smelt metals, and power engines … Yes, fire has to be the greatest invention in history.”
“I respectfully disagree,” the Caltech man said. “The greatest invention in history is the one that made history itself possible: writing. Writing let us record our very thoughts and transmit them through space and time, down the generations. It made civilization possible. Hard-won knowledge need never be lost — in a sense, writing enabled us to transcend death itself!”
“No …” the Aggie said thoughtfully, “I think the greatest invention of all time would have to be the Thermos.”
“The Thermos?!” the others exclaimed.
“Well, sure!” said the Aggie. “Look — it keeps hot things hot and it keeps cold things cold. … How does it know?!


It was reported that a small two seater airplane crashed in a cemetery near Texas A&M campus located in College Station Tx. early this morning. So far, the Aggie fire dept. has recovered 300 bodies and they’re still digging.


LOL …. BWAHAHAHAHAHA .. snicker, goggle, snort 💦💦😷 … pardon 😞



hopefully Gohmert recovers quickly!


You can bet he’s getting HCQ!


and I hope he talks all about it when he’s recovered!!!!


Guess what?
We’re all gonna get it, eventually.


The whole purpose of the masks was TO “FLATTEN THE CURVE”…not prevent people from getting it.
Sockmunching jackasses!!!


… Sockmunching jackasses …. good one and bears repeating .. 😬👍


Dems’ Destructive Election Strategy
DETROIT ( – A prominent Catholic leader is accusing the Democrats of condoning — even constructing — social chaos as a strategy to defeat President Trump.
Steven Mosher, an internationally recognized expert on China and head of the Population Research Institute (PRI), is bidding Americans to keep their eyes open to this reality. “Anyone who thinks that nationwide riots have spontaneously erupted because of a single case of police brutality in Minneapolis is naïve,” Mosher said.


It’s called “Algerian strategy”.
And we first spoke of this back in Feb/March here at Q tree.


Wise Man Once Say Algerian Strategy Works Both Ways

Cuppa Covfefe

Mosh was one of the first to expose the skulduggery, lying, and “John-Cooked books” of UEA and the rest of them at the root of the ClimateGate scandals, which are still causing problems more than 10 years later…


Chopper Presser🚁🚁🚁🚁🚁🚁🚁
POTUS – We’re not leaving Portland. They either clean up anarchists and agitators or we’ll do it for them.
Mnuchin – We are very far apart. Possible short term extension for UE and stop evictions??
POTUS – Dems aren’t taking care of the people. Payments are not enough, not high enough. We’ll work on payments and evictions and the rest of it….WE DON’T CARE. Pelosi only takes care of herself. Wants big bailouts for poorly run Dem cities. We want to take care of people. NYC, 400% increase in crime, MY CITY, THAT I LOVE!!
Kamala will be a fine choice.😂
Back to Russia paying Afghani’s to kill US soldiers – Colin Powell, others says it’s not true.
Germany is delinquent, no intention of paying NATO fees. They owe billions. (US removing 12,000 soldiers) We don’t wanna be suckers anymore. They take advantage of us on trade and military.
FBI needs new building. Where it is now, needed for 15-20yrs. MUST be near DOJ.
Looking at Tik Tok.
Very Impressed w/Dr. Immanuel & HCQ statement. CNN dishonest, MSDNC too. Let her have a voice.
All I want to do is save lives, whether its HCQ or anything else. A lot of good options on vaccines. I’m a BIG therapeutic person.
Putin, working on arms control, Russia 2nd. China is 3rd, we’ll talk to them eventually.
PORTLAND anarchists, radical crazy people, GOV & Mayor very weak people, Mayor would’ve been dead if he didn’t have 5 bodyguards. Either they clean it out soon or Fed Govt gonna do it for them!!


wonder if there are BUGS embedded in the FBI walls that can’t be cheaply removed or secretly removed…alerting the remaining embedded Obama holders into reinfecting the building.


That is what I am thinking. Deep state &/or foreign actors have compromised the current FBI building and/or it is vulnerable from the outside due to having been built prior to current spy tech.
I assume we need a new building … Mitch not withstanding.


He did mention cracked slabs….Those cause structural problems.


I don’t have the ability to listen to all the AMAZING NEWS these days.
Your review helps me to keep up.
We are living through one of the most fascinating and exciting times of our nation’s history.
I don’t want to miss it!



And after he died, he cut off his other ear.


so just got back from my weekly walmart banana run and I was asked at the door if i wanted a mask? I politely said no–Masks are making us SICK! she said oh! well have a nice day. I wished her the same and went into the store maskless. I. WAS. THE. ONLY. ONE.
I saw plenty of noses hanging out of masks, but everybody else had one on!
then, going down the tissue aisle in the correct direction (as per the lines on the floor)a lady glaring at me from the other end (coming down the aisle in CONFLICT with the arrows) had her wrist beep as she passed me. I’m guessing she had one of those 6 ft alarms go off. before she got out of earshot, I made sure to say loudly…gee if followed the lines on the floor, you’d be 6 ft away from me…
good times…


My hero


I really can’t understand this tbh. we were moving away from masks and now they’re everywhere again…smh


My favorite new line is:
“I’ll pretend your mask is effective and you pretend I’m wearing one. Hm’k?”


maybe I can print that on a t shirt for next week…LOL


Gee, Patty – I wanna go with you on your weekly banana run – and take pictures – with a sign on my back of some character sticking his/her tongue at them – 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

“I’m with her ➡


I think I will make a t shirt that says I’m allergic to masks…


LOL – Good – but, that other shirt idea from FG&C would be an eye-opener – don’t cha think?


dumbing down of America!


The Library

Remember this name: Lois Frankel. The Congresswoman was in deep with Ghislaine Maxwell
Harold Wren


that’s a really unfortunate choice of words…”…in deep…” with a sexual predator?


They claim the seeds China is sending is for Amazon reviews but here’s the problem with this. If you buy items via an Amazon gc it will no longer let you post a review. In the terms it says that you need to spend $50 or more on a cc in a year to be able to post reviews. Unless China has different rules.


It’s called Brushing.
When you start getting unsolicited “gifts” sent to you via Amazon marketplace it is nearly impossible to get it to stop.
The vendor gets your info from a legit order you place via AMZN (marketplace). They use your info to send you a “gift” of a product they want to promote via positive reviews. They ordered it, therefore they get to write the review.
Contacting Amazon EVEN BY PHONE might not stop the unethical vendor. One time a product was sent to our address and only one vendor was offering it. I was able to get them to make Amazon deal with the vendor, but only after threatening to close my account with them.
The other unethical trick these vendors use is to use the “skin” of a popular high review item to push a poor product. They keep the reviews for the previous product but replace it with something completely different.
Amazon has allowed these practices for the past few years and have lost much of their good reputation due to it. It’s like they’ve been taken over by alien idiots.


They use your info to send you a “gift” of a product they want to promote via positive reviews. —— I guess they mean if the person got it or not. Not the reviews.
This also reminds me of ebay. They’ll post a photo and you have to be careful if it comes from China or not.
Crazy times. What kind of item did you get?


All types before the call to Amazon last year. Knee braces, small electronics gizmos, things like that.


Remember, the one BUYING the gift gets to leave a “verified purchase” review on the garbage they sent as a “gift.”

“… Rachelle Dixon, vice chair of Portland’s Multnomah County Democrats, said the destruction was “disturbing.”
“To see people standing in Portland destroying property and not actually doing the work of advocating for black people was disturbing,” Dixon told the New York Times. “I think they’re a distraction from the everyday needs of people of color, especially black people. My life is not going to improve because you broke the glass at the Louis Vuitton store.”
Rioters have attacked the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse for two months, launching fireworks at the building and breaking windows. They’ve also targeted local police stations and businesses throughout the city. According to the Portland Business Alliance, 90 downtown businesses lost more than $22 million—$4 million in property damage and $18 million in lost revenue—in the first month of protests alone.
E.D. Mondainé, president of the Portland branch of the NAACP, called the city’s riots a “spectacle” in a recent Washington Post op-ed.”

more at link


She’s correct….George Floyd isn’t even a casual mention any more. He was a convenient excuse…and, of course, his loving family are going to become rich from his death.


Not with his coroner report they won’t.


about damn time! Brennan cannot access classified information any more.
Former CIA Director John Brennan, a vocal critic of President Trump, found out he had been blocked from accessing his classified notes and records while working on his new memoir.
He writes in his forthcoming book, Undaunted: My Fight Against America’s Enemies, at Home and Abroad, that after months of “haggling” he discovered the CIA was abiding by the directive Trump gave in August 2018 “that purportedly forbids anyone in the intelligence community from sharing classified information with me.”
The White House confirmed the directive was being enforced, which is news considering the New York Times reported in May of last year that the president never revoked Brennan’s security clearance.
“The President has constitutional authority to control access to classified information, which he exercised here in view of Mr. Brennan’s erratic behavior and the President’s belief that access to classified information should be solely for the benefit of the government and the American people,” White House spokesman Judd Deere said.
Brennan, who acknowledges he is in the “crosshairs” of the criminal inquiry into the Russia investigation led by U.S. Attorney John Durham, claimed he asked the CIA for his official records including his personal notes and any classified CIA documents that he had signed, but the agency denied his request.

Deplorable Patriot

“He writes in his forthcoming book, Undaunted: My Fight Against America’s Enemies, at Home and Abroad,”
Wait…he’s writing about fighting himself.
Glad he’s in the crosshairs.


Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Vote update: The previously scheduled roll call votes have been updated and the vote order has changed. The Senate will proceed to 5 votes during today’s session of the Senate and 1 vote on Thursday, July 30th.
11:44 AM · Jul 29, 2020·Twitter Web App
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Replying to @SenateCloakroom
At 11:45am today, the Senate will proceed to a vote on the motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #770 Derek Kan to be Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget.
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
At 2:45 pm today, the Senate will proceed to 2 votes on the following:
1. Motion to invoke cloture on Cal. #705 Kaplan to be a Member of the NLRB for the term of five years expiring August 27, 2025.
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
2. (If cloture is invoked) Confirmation of Cal. #705 Kaplan to be a Member of the NLRB for the term of five years expiring August 27, 2025.
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
At 4:45 pm today, the Senate will proceed to 2 votes on the following:
1. Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #707 Lauren McGarity McFerran to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board for the term of five years expiring December 16, 2024.
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
2. (If cloture is invoked) Confirmation of Executive Calendar #707 Lauren McGarity McFerran to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board for the term of five years expiring December 16, 2024.
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Further, at 1:30 pm, on Thursday, July 30th, the Senate will proceed to a vote on confirmation of Executive Calendar #770 Derek Kan to be Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget.


Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Invoked, 76-22: Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #770 Derek Kan to be Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget.


Well now,
it appears the order of voting changed yet again… 😉


Are all these appointments the ones Romney said he would vote against? Petty, vindictive little man.


I’m not sure Tea, they give a number of those voting yes and no, but I don’t have the names.
Your description of him still fits though 😉


ALL LIVES MATTER #AntiCom (@JamieTFox) Tweeted:
They just had a BLM protest there at Tempe Town Lake #Tempe

J (@Jaypher_) Tweeted:
Tempe Town Lake is closed from a MASSIVE train derailment.

Arizona DOT (@ArizonaDOT) Tweeted:
CLOSURE: Loop 101 ramps to Loop 202 WB are shut because because of a train derailment over Tempe Town Lake. PLAN for more closures soon. #phxtraffic

Deplorable Patriot

Today’s show hearing appears ready to begin. I put a link in the live thread.


thanks! you’re the best!


So the GOP convention is cancelled too?
What a disaster, a real dusaster. Thats the point though… leftists will celebrate.


Fox News Alert flashes and article states Oregon Governor announces Feds are leaving Portland on Thursday. (right after POTUS presser???)



Governor Kate Brown@OregonGovBrown
· 2h
After my discussions with VP Pence and others, the federal government has agreed to withdraw federal officers from Portland. They have acted as an occupying force & brought violence. Starting tomorrow, all Customs and Border Protection & ICE officers will leave downtown Portland.
Show this thread


SINCE WHEN DOES VP PENCE have a say over when Federal agents leave Portland?


oh yeah, forgot to mention…those 3 big kiosks of face masks were no longer greeting customers at the door in walmart.


Good. I had one bark at me to put mine on, and ny hands were full. He didnt offer ti help me and I saud as soon as I can put my things in a cart. They werent respecting ada with those oeople.

Valerie Curren

Dear Q Treepers,
Angelle REALLY needs our prayers! I believe he’s known as “Angelle at the Gates of War” here or “Angelle Staria”
I got this email from him today…
Angelle Staria
Valerie CURREN
Wed, Jul 29 at 12:20 PM
Psalm 18:17…
I will not survive the present onslaught without our God’s Help from the Sanctuary.
Simple fact.
Also, yesterday he asked if I could pass a prayer request for Lloyd Marcus’ wife/recent widow (LM died suddenly & unexpectedly a few days ago, he was a profound author at & a Personal Friend of Angelle) Mary over to the CTH prayer request thread. Unfortunately I’ve now been banned over there (after passing another prayer request for Angelle) so IF ANY OF YOU ARE WILLING TO PASS SUCH A REQUEST IT WOULD BE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED, & likely should be made without any reference to Angelle, me, or anyone else banned.
If anyone posts such a prayer request at CTH & hears from JOE BLOW Angelle Really would like to get in touch with him. Let me know in reply to this comment, or on my blog & maybe we can find a way to help Angelle & Joe to communicate directly. I could also be reached in a direct message on twitter  Valerie Curren I believe. I’m willing to communicate by email if need be if someone, even Joe Blow, is willing to do so & I can pass such an email along to Angelle….
Also Just Stevie, who I believe hangs out at Marica’s I think, is Angelle’s sister so going through her could likely work too.
This is the main frustration, at least to me, in the CTH banning, is the cutting off a crucial means of communication for those who lift each other in prayer, even anonymously, when they are in times of crisis & our hearts cry out but we cannot let them know directly of our love, prayers, & support…
God Bless & thanks for praying for Josiah, for Angelle, for Mary, & even for Joe Blow who expressed deep suffering in reply to my last CTH prayer request post & who neither Angelle nor I were able to directly support then or now…


I will send up prayers for all of you, but i cannot post there either…sorry!!

Valerie Curren

Thanks Pat! I wouldn’t have asked about CTH if I could have done it either…Your spirit is such a treasure!!! God Bless


and you as well Valerie!!

Valerie Curren





Thank you, Valerie. Will be praying for Angel and others, and glad to know about your blog. Have not known how to connect with people and would like to. Blessings.

Valerie Curren

Thanks Zoe…always appreciate prayers & connections. God IS good!


Don Jr., AZ Woman running for Congress, Q accounts…..


language and honesty warning
#AfterLife didn’t get nominated for an Emmy this year.
But this did. “Outstanding Live Variety Special: The 77th Annual Golden Globe Awards” That’s some conciliation, I guess. So, Thanks, Hollywood. Oh, and stop fucking kids. Cheers 🙏
— Ricky Gervais (@rickygervais) July 28, 2020


Before I get banned from FB, I want everyone to know I sincerely believe HCQ works. It has helped hundreds of patients conquer COVID not only in my clinic but all over the US. Things most people may not know:
—Tylenol is more dangerous than HCQ
— Brian C. Procter MD (@ProcterMd) July 28, 2020


McKinney Family Medicine: COVID STATS 7/28/2020comment image


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States Retweeted
John Kass@John_Kass
My latest column: I will not apologize for writing about #GeorgeSoros. I will not bow to those who’ve falsely and wrongly defamed me.
And I will not soil my name by groveling to anyone in this or any other newsroom.
Column: What happened to an America where you could freely speak your mind?
What happened to the place where you could speak your mind?


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States Retweeted
Far Left Watch@FarLeftWatch
NEW REPORT: This Antifa militia group is encouraging their Facebook followers to shoot Federal agents “in the face”. They are also claiming to have “vocal support” from the Mayor of Columbia, SC.
Antifa militia group encourages Facebook followers to shoot Federal agents “in the face” – Far Left…
This group does not stop at just recruiting armed anti-Trump extremists, they also actively use their social media accounts to coordinate offline harm.


and THAT doesn’t violate facebook standards??????????????????????






Posted on July 29, 2020


Oh, Dear, DP – Lost another one – in the DA BIN – Please – Thanks!

Deplorable Patriot

It’s out.


Thanks so much – appreciate it greatly!


Unbelievable NIAID (NIH) IT system run by Chinese nationals (citizens)
General Spalding
Just found out that NIAID has Chinese nationals running their IT systems. Unbelievable.



ok I read one of the dark emails…I don’t understand it…the references elude me.


Yeah, didn’t make any sense, someone playing around. Sure enough In the by line says. satire


ok then…lol

Deplorable Patriot Police cars revolving light
BREAKING – Federal task force takes down Darnell McMiller, aka “Murder,” the leader of the Chicago street gang the ‘Black Disciples’ involved in drug and weapons trafficking.
2:33 PM · Jul 29, 2020


wow…the feds haven’t been there that long…


Murder. If you’ve ever watched The First 48, it seems like half of these morons call themselves that.


They got 8 of em. Lots of guns, drugs, and cash. A National gang.
Thank You President Trump!!

(INTELLIHUB) — Online virtual classrooms in the State of Virginia are now requiring students who attend to be immunized against various illnesses despite the fact that the pupils will be taking classes from the comfort of their own home in what can only be considered a blatant push to inject poisonous toxins and metals into to bodies of schoolkids.
The unconstitutional order comes after a high number of parents have refused to take their children to get their standard yearly cocktail dose of vaccines which during a non-COVID school year would allow students to attend school physically.


If the kids are already going to be homeschooling, then take them out of pu lic school and do private


Agree, Gil – this is absolutely stupid!!!


Gov. Blackface strikes again, eh?
These people are psychotic.


Well – FG&C – it is either the HAARP machine or the men in the white coats we need here – yes – agree – they are psychotic – AND
Their little dictatorial proclamations – are going to backfire – parents are going to opt out of the public fool system in droves!!!

LoadedWithTRUTH Retweeted
The Punisher@PunishDem1776
Jul 27
Planned parenthood is not about being a parent
BLM is not about black lives
The federal reserve is not federal or a reserve
The Patriot act is not Patriotic
CPS is not about protecting children
Vaccines are not for your health
Notice a pattern…


Yes, I do notice a pattern.
And this list is merely a fraction of the full accounting.
– NAFTA wasn’t about free trade
– etc


That is a VERY good point


Antifa is not Anti-Fascist.


Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Invoked, 52-46: Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #705 Marvin Kaplan to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board for the term of five years expiring August 27, 2025


via zeroHedge
After Ending Police Contract, Minneapolis Schools Quietly Post Job Listings For Security Guards
“According to an online job posting, the MPS plans to pay between $65,695 to $85,790 for 11 “public safety support specialists (PSSS).”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Watch what kind of commies are hired into those spots.


Brian Cates //Flynn & Breitbart’s Army! Retweeted
The Epoch Times
“As of yesterday, the federal government owes us $192,000 and counting.”
#PortlandRiots: The federal gov’t will be fined up to $500 for every 15 minutes it maintains a fence around the federal courthouse, said #Portland officials.


the mayor is way above her pay grade……………………


Mayor is a “he” (Ted Wheeler), but point taken!) Governor is the nutty, bi-sexual female.


Thanks Tea… difficult to keep up! 😉


I can see Barr countersuing for the damage to the federal courthouse and injuries to federal officers that the city ALLOWED to happen…


I can see Barr sending her butt to GITMO for sedition


okay…that sounds better




She wont collect anything.


Deduct it from the damage Portland owes WE the People for condoning destruction of our buildings.




comment image


Can’t see that too many times… 😉


Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Confirmed, 52-46: Executive Calendar #705 Marvin Kaplan to be a Member of the National Labor Relations Board for the term of five years expiring August 27, 2025.


Too Big to Manage Poso 🇺🇸 Retweeted
theJewish Voice@JewishVoice
#lorilightfoot quietly allowed Feds to help deal with crime in Chicago- might be the best decision she ever made. Chicago has like 30,000 gang members living in the city and they are not The Jets and Sharks 🙂
Quote Tweet
Too Big to Manage Poso 🇺🇸@JackPosobiec
· 37m
Feds arrest alleged leader of violent Chicago ‘Black Disciples’ street gang, seize drugs and guns


Too Big to Manage Poso Flag of United States@JackPosobiec
Quote Tweet
Jason Meisner@jmetr22b
· 3h
///BREAKING/// Darnell McMiller, aka “Murder,” the reputed leader of the Black Disciples street gang, was among 23 arrested in a federal gang takedown involving drug and weapons trafficking in Chicago’s Englewood neighborhood. Details to come.
Show this thread


Ryan James Girdusky@RyanGirdusky
Thank you @realDonaldTrump and @SecretaryCarson for abolishing the AFFH
Trump Ends AFFH
This is set to be a major issue in the election.

Valerie Curren

This whole thread, short 2 minute-ish videos each, is interesting. He ends w/ a positive take on Donald Trump. Any thoughts on this “Secret Covenant” etc stuff?

Valerie Curren

Here’s a link to the secret covenant info, fyi…I haven’t read it just sharing…


He has been involved with scientology in the past. I don’t know if he still is. Remove asterisk and 2 periods at the end; Brave says the site is not secure, the site lists 46 “completions”, the last in 2014. The 8th item on the last page of the secret covenant also alludes to a small group of beings that are immortal.
I’ve only looked at him in a very casual manner before and have kept it that way. I did not realize he was involved with scientology, but thought he was odd. Just because someone/thing appears to be supportive of something good does not mean it is genuine.

Valerie Curren

Very good points & perspective. I had no idea who John Mappin was/is…just saw the other guy who’d come out recently with an “I was wrong about Trump” video that went “viral”…
There’s some bizarre stuff out there, perhaps bits of pieces of the puzzle, glimpses of things that might be helpful…but plenty of chaff to obscure the wheat!

Valerie Curren

Here is a version of the document alluded to before, I think I’ve seen this before. Is that a Q drop?


Thanks for the double duty today, DP….I think we are guilty of taking you and our other thread authors for granted and not giving you the deep appreciation you all richly deserve.
The opening photo of the camel caravan brought back Memories of one of the most thrilling sights in all my travels. We were going up the Nile, an incredible experience in itself, but one day I looked to the west and off in the distance saw an honest-to- gosh camel caravan…almost identical to the photo. It gave me goosebumps! I truly didn’t know they still existed. I felt as though I was in the middle of the Agatha Christie movie.

Deplorable Patriot

The live threads…when these hearings are over, I’ll be happy.


Male wins Title IX lawsuit appeal; pigs seen flying in formation.


That’s not quite correct, is it?
Yes, pigs were seen flying in formation, BUT at least one was inverted at the time as well.


comment image


Great message! And what a red pill. He knows exactly who is behind the suppression of HCQ and why.

Deplorable Patriot


pretty much.


Donald J. Trump
reported incorrectly what the Federal Government is doing with respect to Portland. We are demanding that the Governor & Mayor do their job or we will do it for them. To complicated to discuss in a Tweet, but bad reporting by Fox (possibly on purpose!).

Deplorable Patriot

No, just no. I mean, seriously, how are we supposed to be human with all this? It flattens hair, hides the eyes…I haven’t made up my face since March 5 due to being sick and then mask wearing. Lipstick has been it. It’s like they want us miserable and homely.
Oh, wait.


He can go stfu. Hes insane and happily so.
Not going to be satisfied until:comment image


If people ever think about physically beating Nazis to death, Fauci’s face would be a good face to envision.


Well, in fairness and theoretically speaking, a talking piece of mucus SHOULD know how to best protect the surfaces mucus coats.


Donald J. Trump
New York Mail-In voting is in a disastrous state of condition. Votes from many weeks ago are missing – a total mess. They have no idea what is going on. Rigged Election. I told you so. Same thing would happen, but on massive scale, with USA. Fake News refuses to report!

Valerie Curren

Josiah posted at one of his blogs today…this is so encouraging since he’s only recently home from the hospital, yet still doing battle on behalf of the True Kingdom! Further up & further in!!!
Here’s the gist, go to it for his graphics & if you care to interact directly with him. I know he’d love to hear from you!
“We shall Go On To the End. We shall Fight for Our principles, our values, our Flag and our Freedom. We shall Fight politically and spiritually, we shall Fight with Determination. We shall Defend our Great Nation, Our Constitution, and WE SHALL NEVER SURRENDER.
AMERICA Now is the Time to STAND up For Our Great Nation. Now is the Time for AMERICA TO Repent before the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
It’s Time to Take Back our Great Nation. USA USA USA USA USA”
VC note, he was saying this somewhat in the Winston Churchill voice from the Never Give Up Speech!


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
So good to hear Josiah is up and actively providing feedback from his experience – God is Great!!!
Thanks, Val, for sharing this new development with us – we have been praying for both of you – and it appears God has heard our pleas and answered our prayers!!!
So exciting!!! God Bless You Both Real Good!!!

Valerie Curren

Thanks so much for your prayers, Duchess. We are All still very fatigued but Josiah did get out for lab work today & get to eat brunch out with his fiance Rose & his sister Clarissa. He’s not planning to go to his job tomorrow for he’s still too tired, maybe Monday…


All in God’s timing, Val!!! I am just awed by what he has accomplished thus far – please tell him – we are so happy for all of you – this has been such a trial not only for him but also, for all who love him.
Now – on to the BLESSINGS!!! Wheeee!!!

Valerie Curren

Wow! Love your upbeat & godly view. Thanks! 😉 <3


Most welcome, Val! I know what God can do – He is Awesome!!! Look what He has already done!!!

Valerie Curren

Amen Duchess. I’m still grinning from a conversation w/ J’s twin Brandon who stopped by to help move J’s furniture from the basement to his freshly painted “new” room. B has a lady friend that just came on the scene & she’s quite the godly keeper. Interesting & Joyful times!!!


comment image


Great news !


That is wonderful news, Valerie — so great to hear that Josiah is committed to fighting politically and spiritually. May God continue to bless Josiah, you and your family!

Valerie Curren

Thanks DD! Blessings


Sydney on Lou – she’s still locked out of twixter
Big Tech stifling free speech, possible criminal charges could be filed against them?
People in Government must step up and help POTUS
POTUS will have to use EO’s to get anything done


Guessing we ought to hear about Sullivan’s En Banc request this week. Well, hoping.


Missed Sunday’s Message? Join us for the rebroadcast now…


What was the video q posted? It is removed.

Deplorable Patriot

As I understand it, Donald Trump. Jr. on Tucker last night.


I missed that part.


Q referred us to the first 10 minutes. That was a monologue by Tucker about big tech and how they are trying to influence the election and how they want to keep us scared with China virus, etc. I imagine it might be available through a FOX website, but I haven’t looked.


Ok. I saw most of that. Ty.

Deplorable Patriot

comment image

Deplorable Patriot
Donald J. Trump
New York Mail-In voting is in a disastrous state of condition. Votes from many weeks ago are missing – a total mess. They have no idea what is going on. Rigged Election. I told you so. Same thing would happen, but on massive scale, with USA. Fake News refuses to report!
6:28 PM · Jul 29, 2020·


TP and PT out again.
No TB cleaner at grocery store, WM is out, and Amazon wants $17 for a 24oz bottle!!!


Name didn’t show up in tweet.
Survivor of 2020 TP shortage


“TP and PT out again.”
/s … (sorta!)


Or shower mildew spray!!



Deplorable Patriot

White vinegar should take care of that.

Gudthots has household cleaners and as far as I know they aren’t in the truly evil club.


I buy from them occassionally. Use Rakutan for cash back + their sale. They just sent a 12% off alert.


Gotta love the discount codes!




James Woods
Israel’s “skunk spray” crowd control weapon




I still dont understand why they aren’t hitting rioters with water cannons containing dye…
…and skunk.

Deplorable Patriot

Good question.


Maybe it’s because it “can’t be washed off”…and the “odor lasts for up to 3 days”?
It would coat the area where the agents are having to stand guard over.
So those poor guys would have to be smelling it, for days.


My guess is that they’ve run the scenarios with their war gaming tools and the outcome wasn’t good for optics or some such.



Statement from the Press Secretary Regarding the Implementation of President Trump’s Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship
Issued on: July 29, 2020
On Monday, the Department of Commerce, as directed by President Donald J. Trump’s Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship, filed a petition to clarify the scope of Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act. The petition requests that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) clarify that Section 230 does not permit social media companies that alter or editorialize users’ speech to escape civil liability. The petition also requests that the FCC clarify when an online platform curates content in “good faith,” and requests transparency requirements on their moderation practices, similar to requirements imposed on broadband service providers under Title I of the Communications Act. President Trump will continue to fight back against unfair, un-American, and politically biased censorship of Americans online.


Kevin McCarthy
Exactly 100 days ago, I wrote to Speaker Pelosi calling for a clear, safe plan for re-opening Congress. She refused.
So Republicans and I released our own detailed plan—to include testing offered by the Trump Admin. She refused.
I ask again: Madam Speaker—where are the tests


What happened to Testing, Testing, Tracing, Tracking, and more Testing that she was promoting??? All for thee and none for me.


I can see clearly now😎comment image


Another one…


And another…



I know that Pres. Trump is against mail-in voting, and that his administration is working to make voting more secure, but I keep reading that there will be more mail-in voting than ever and that states are mailing out ballots for various elections. Maybe just not for the presidential election, yet? I’d like to know what is being done about this.


With an absentee ballot, in prior years at least, the county recorders office accepted the envelopes at a drive thru lane in their parking lot. Now, who knows if the nice person accepting the envelope sorts those by party affiliation and tosses the ones from the GOP or not ??? Who knows.


Donald J. Trump
Germany pays Russia billions of dollars a year for Energy, and we are supposed to protect Germany from Russia. What’s that all about? Also, Germany is very delinquent in their 2% fee to NATO. We are therefore moving some troops out of Germany!


RE: Header image of camels on desert sand dunes.
It reminded me of the American prairie version of that image from “Dances With Wolves”. On a journey, and looking ahead.
(1:29) Music by John Barry.


Over at, one of the subthreads is titled “Seth wants to reclaim his time.


His death isn’t going away.


comment image

Valerie Curren

Moar good news!



Valerie, soros DID say that by the 2020 election, there would be no conservative voices on social media…
looks like things are moving right along…


Sauron can burn in Hell where he belongs!! 🔥🔥🔥


butterfly, yeah, well, it’s just a matter of time.


Yeah they probably did an endoscopy with sedation to see how involved the stent problem has become. Bet shes not eating.

Deplorable Patriot

If she’s not eating….


I don’t really condone this but, just makes me wonder about her amazing recruited impunity to the inventible.comment image


Are tgere any photos of her from the last session? Anything in public?


Not that I know of


RBG’s expiration date won’t get here until RBG becomes an, October surprise. Deep State gonna Deep State.

Deplorable Patriot

I dont have an update on Newscum’s recall but this is the only oerson in the tiny number of Republicans in the state that seems consistent.
Maybe there are more, but a recall and red sweep will help.
Kevin Kiley (@KevinKileyCA) Tweeted:
As Vice Chairs of the Senate and Assembly Education Committees, @ScottWilkCA and I have formally requested a Joint Oversight Hearing on Gov. Newsom’s School Closure Order, which was imposed without any legislative process.


Kids are required to vaccinate with public home school also.
Shannon Thompson (@Shandiego216) Tweeted:
@KevinKileyCA @ScottWilkCA Non-classroom based instr. (EDC 47612.5(d)(1) includes “distance” learning. SB277 exempts pupils not receiving classroom based instr. (HSC 120325(f). Why are students unable to enroll in charters due to SB98 being denied distance learning at school due to immunizations? (1/2)

Article link:
Shannon Thompson (@Shandiego216) Tweeted:
@KevinKileyCA @ScottWilkCA (2/2)


Loreena McKennitt – Mummer’s Dance (Dance of wolves)

Deplorable Patriot

Ground report from the house of the antique Singer Sewing Machines….
So, Mom wrote an email to the most highly recommended service in town to get two of the three machines fixed. The owner wrote her back and said it would be a month or more before they could even look at the machines, and it is like that all over the country. It seems that with the shutdowns a whole lot of people got out the sewing machines to make masks, and made a mess of the machines.
Same with the plumber, actually. Our service can’t come for more than two weeks, and the tub drain that has a new fangled hair catcher needs to be snaked out.


One thing about YouTube is that they have numerous do it yourself fix-it videos for just about anything, including hair removal in a drain using an inexpensive hair removal tool.

A big money saver, and no waiting for a plumber to show up.


Liquid Plumr Hair is AMAZING!!!


James Woods
Brilliant and on point.comment image


Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) Tweeted:
BREAKING: Ex-Trump Mideast adviser Walid Phares–who was falsely targeted in the Russia “collusion” probe under a F.A.R.A. pretext & was the still-redacted fifth person in the Mueller scope member–is planning to sue Justice Dept for FBI case files & recover damages for “abuses”


Hmm. Whats the truth here?
Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) Tweeted:
“Lindsey Graham is the one that encouraged Sen. McCain to turn over the dossier in the first place to the FBI,” according to Obama consigliere Valerie Jarrett


I can believe this.
Graham is NOT an ally of PDJT and MAGA.
Proof: As chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, he hasn’t done CRAP since he assumed the post.
Graham is scum.


He was only helpful when mccain was gone, for a time.


Agreed. BUT we need him. He won his primary so a Republican MUST be re-elected for that Senate seat. Don’t know if it was bull but his Dem challenger was within 3% of him in the polls. Tight Race. KEEP IT RED IN 2020!!!


Of course MS Lindesy encouraged Mcstain to turn over the dossier.
That said, McStain, was 100% excited to turn over the dossier.



Nobody wants your rush job vaccines, sir. And nobody wants to one more word about ventilators. Stand up for (what people thought were) your convictions and do whatever needs to be done to get HCQ to your citizens.


wants to HEAR one more word, sorry. I’m beside myself over this.

Cuppa Covfefe

Word of the day is obfuscation…


The horse is out of the barn with this and it won’t be going away. Dr. Risch from Yale has now stated that Fauci is running a misinformation campaign against HCQ. There are several posts at this morning citing this and comparing our stats with countries that have used HCQ from the outset. The stats from India are beyond belief.
So TODAY HCQ is completely banned in Ohio. What do they have on Mike DeWine?
Trump better get on this, and now. As I’ve said before, there will come a point where the media turns on a dime and flips this against him. They know they can no longer control it. At some point you’ll begin to see a sprinkling of positive news reports, tv segments and interviews – you know, “revisiting” HCQ. Then it will morph into non-stop “he didn’t stand up for his convictions” – “he said he believed in HCQ” – “he’s taking it himself but didn’t make sure the American people had access to it”. And they would not be lying.
I’m at the point of waiting on hold for Rush Limbaugh over this.

Deplorable Patriot

I posted a thread from DeWine. He wants the recommendation reversed.
I think he got schooled.


Wasn’t it his recommendation? So get it done by the end of the day.


Above, the battle cry “Further up and further in!” was used.
For Valerie, and all here…
…may we all continue to move further up and further in! Home lies ahead of us, not behind.comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


timing of this post … I was just shopping for son’s bday and almost ordered some Turkish delights but couldn’t find any using organic ingredients. Thought he would get a real kick out of that because he has loved the Narnia series

Valerie Curren

& here I thought you were going to riff on “further up & further in” as those already in Aslan’s country head into its heart to know Him better! So glad you caught that Narnian allusion. Thank you for what you shared here. I Love Lewis’ Narnia Tales & learning more of how he expounded on some of the themes in other writings is fascinating. Someday I’d love to take a class on Lewis, or perhaps read “everything” he’s written in chronological order. At least the Chronicles don’t go over my head…too much 😉 Blessings!


Her entire reason for existence is political.


RBG expiration date is just beyond 63 days.


If she were to pass right before the election, Dems would scream to postpone it.


TGP is incorrect. Wasn’t heart, they replaced bile duct stent that was put in August 2019.


I thought that was the last hospital stay?


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I can’t keep up!


For those with trouble sourcing standard homecare items.comment image


Found on Gab by @betsytn
Hardcore Conservative Patriots for Donald Trump
via Sherry Cline/facebook
During the hearing, Rep. Jim Jordan exploded in anger when Dem Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon suggested that Jordon’s concern over tech censorship of conservatives was a “cringe conspiracy theory.”
Jordon lashed out, yelling, “Mr. Chairman we have the email, there is no conspiracy theory.”
That’s when the Dems went bonkers, screaming at Jordon that he didn’t have the “time,” but Jordan was undaunted, he continued on, declaring he had a right to respond to the allegation from Scanlon.
Dems kept yelling, getting crazier by the minute, then Dem Rep, Jamie Raskin made the cardinal mistake of screaming at Jordon to put his mask on.
Jordan shut him down with the best “mask” zinger ever. He demanded to know why Raskin’s wife Sarah, who is the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, unmasked General Flynn.
Absolutely savage. 💥💥💥


Jordan shut him down with the best “mask” zinger ever. He demanded to know why Raskin’s wife Sarah, who is the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, unmasked General Flynn.
Will be looking for that video 🙂


Thank you!


That was an amazing come back. Thank God Jim Jordan is on our side.


Dems have gone psychotic.
They are going to get annihilated at the polls in Nov.


Bam! 🧨 That’s the way to do it, and you have to be quick on your feet, as Jordan was. He didn’t allow the Dem to cotroll the narrative but turrned it into his own point. Way to go!













Maybe that’s what all those search patterns the plane fags were posting about was searching for. I did think they might have been looking for something like that and that just adds a bit more certainty to that supposition.




Donald J. Trump
Check out this Mail-In Voting experiment by a local news station!


+twatter RT
A CBS experiment with mail-in voting in Pennsylvania ends in disaster, with one citizen saying: “I just don’t trust the mail.” From a report by Tony Dokoupil aired on 7/27/2020.


Trump tells voters who live in suburbs they ‘will no longer be bothered’ by low-income housing
Donald J. Trump
I am happy to inform all of the people living their Suburban Lifestyle Dream that you will no longer be bothered or financially hurt by having low income housing built in your neighborhood…
Donald J. Trump
…Your housing prices will go up based on the market, and crime will go down. I have rescinded the Obama-Biden AFFH Rule. Enjoy!


I need help . . .
> Keeping an eye on @realDonaldTrump
> Keeping an eye on GenFlynn, Sidney Powell, and family – on both twatter and Parler
Thank you


Sydney is still suspended on JackRat’s platform. Gen. Flynn is silent until he gets his freedom, maybe this week.
I have a separate POTUS twister feed open at all times, check it frequentlly. Someone usually posts his tweets here.
I haven’t Parlered in a while. Probably should to keep up w/all the suspended peeps.
Multiple threads, other sits, it’s a lot of work. Don’t know how you’re staying on top of so many.
You’re a MIGHTY FINE DIGITAL WARRIOR MichaelH!!! 👏👏👏🤩🤩🤩💞💞💞


LOL Thanks Bfly! I needed to hear it!!!
So discouraging on LIFELOG. So much throttling. So many concern trolls.


Don’t remember if this was posted here or not. Good news deserves a repeat and cartwheels!😁😁😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Valerie Curren

Wow, DP, I finally read your intro for this thread. My husband & I were literally discussing that parable of the wheat & the tares tonight! Talk about perfect timing!!! Or is that synchronicity–or is that just the name of an album in our eclectic collection???