By request, here’s the live thread for Sally Yates’s turn on the hot seat in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. This is just a quick and dirty. Will be back later.
This is the only live link I can find at the moment. Please, add more in the comments as they surface.
New Post, on a dime…in a heartbeat!

So far scheduled on CSPAN1 cable and their website. Waiting to see IF and how many other Fake News channels will broadcast.
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Miss Lindsey starting NOW.
Oh Lord, he is praising Miss Yates.
Just like DJT does – praises everybody and trusts the American people to figure out whether he’s being sarcastic.
LOL, besides CSPAN, only OANN and FNC is carrying the hearing. Dems cannot dare let the people know the truth.
We’ve got a good lineup. Let’s see how Nasty Kamala will get today.
Chuck Grassley (IA)John Cornyn (TX)Michael S. Lee (UT)Ted Cruz (TX)Ben Sasse (NE)Joshua D. Hawley (MO)Thom Tillis (NC)Joni Ernst (IA)Mike Crapo (ID)John Kennedy (LA)Marsha Blackburn (TN)
Patrick Leahy (VT)Dick Durbin (IL)Sheldon Whitehouse (RI)Amy Klobuchar (MN)Christopher A. Coons (DE)Richard Blumenthal (CT)Mazie Hirono (HI)Cory Booker (NJ)Kamala Harris (CA)
Wonder if Hirono will get into a huff and walk out of this meeting, too.
That would be soooo nice!!

I’m curious to see how Kamala looks today.
Can she be the VP candidate without distracting from Joe’s dementia? Enquiring minds want to know.
Miss L – Everybody has violated the Logan Act. Used for a sham to get Flynn.
The Library
#spygate #flynn #FISAabuse
The Dirty Truth (@RealDirty on Parler)
.@SidneyPowell1 goes over some questions she would like to ask Sally Yates.
Harold Wren,
The Library
I wish Sidney *could* be there, grilling the odious skank Yates!
That would be epic.
I want her as the PROSECUTING ATTORNEY not part of the Uni-party’s the Dog & Pony show.
Lindsey Graham made a nice speech…but he didn’t ask any Yates any questions, did he?
Or are they just doing opening statements right now?
That was his Opening, they started a bit late.
Ah, okay. Thanks, Butterfly!

Oh Jeez…ChiDiFI sticking w/George Papa started the whole thing story. AND that Steele Dossier had NOTHING to do with the FISA warrants. RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA! continues!! Dems are so…..#$*%#*!!!!!

Flynn granted favorable treatment??? WTF?!? I want to punch her!!!!!
Did Flynn act on his own in talking to Russia, or did PE Trump know? new Dem BS
All Transittion team members have historically contacted their foreign counterparts in preparation for new administration.
Yeah, I had to mute it…I want to punch her too!

Liars gonna lie. It’s all D-Rats have, lies.
Sally is remote, she keeps breaking up, ChiDiFi can’t hear, lots of extra noise. What a zoo.
Yates is all lies, lies and more lies.
I’d like to go all Hulk smash on her.
Of course, she is.
According to Sally,

Russia used cyber attacks, media campaigns, to attack our Democracy and sabotage Crooked. Obummer sanctioned in retaliation. Russia threatened then backed off, we didn’t know why?? Then we realized what had happened, IT WAS FLYNN.
How did the find the answer so quick??? FBI had already been monitoring Flynn ILLEGALLY for a long time.
She’s really pissing me off.
Ooh, I wanna play!!!
Ask yourself, What would Jesus do??? Wheatie

What would Jesus do to the money changers (banksters) and their minions?
Give em all a good ol fashion Jesus whoopin, I tell Kimi all the time when she reminds me of WWJD that every once in a while Jesus would whoop some butt.
Five hundred words for her to finally admit she wouldn’t have signed the warrant if she had know it was false. Doesn’t remember Biden saying anything, doesn’t remember Logan Act being mentioned.

Yates maintains CI investigation was basis for Flynn interview, even though they had dropped the case the day before, not Logan Act.
Sally finally admits Comey went ROGUE!!!
How much room is there under that bus?
She’s not the first one to say that. The question is why.
Miss L is on fire!!! Taking Yates to the woodshed!!

Now they’re planning the crime of the century
Well what will it be?
Read all about their schemes and adventuring
Yes it’s well worth a fee
So roll up ! and see …….
And they rape the universe..
How they’ve gone from bad to worse.
Who are these men of lust, greed, and glory?
Rip off the masks and let see..
But that’s not right oh no, what’s the story?
But there’s you and there’s me …….
Now Yates is calling Flynn a liar. Insert Miss Wheaties’s punching video!!

Claims he was interfering in Obama foreign policy by talking to Kislyak, didn’t take notes and covered it up.
And don’t forget to carry one of Sylvia’s shovels!
and my pitchforks
Yates being remote is obnoxious as hell. Bitch needs to be in the hot seat, not hiding remotely.
Would be great if she was sitting in Gitmo… probably pretty hot there now, too…
Uh yeah…”classified”.
Why was it classified!
IMO, when Clapper pits his hand to his head, he’s lying.
If Clapper’s mouth is moving, he’s lying.
Glad you put this up DP, I didn’t know it was on. She’s spinnin and sqirmin like a toad tryin to save her arse ain’t she. The feed sucks! She totally threw Comey under the bus though

The spin is ridiculous. First it’s a lie. But 2nd, to believe her, it really makes that last administration look inept and stupid as hell, to believe just any rumors, not vet them, and act on them like they’re Gospel.
It’s so insane! Swampity swamp vile creatures

I sort of knew it was happening, but have a lot going on here this week. Should be more peaceful next week in these parts.
Oh good. Well here’s to next week!
If her lips are moving she is lying.
Charge her with perjury!
She just said there was no surveillance of General Flynn.
I don’t see how Flynn asking the Russians not to escalate by enacting sanctions on their part is in any way interfering with Obama policy!!! Was it O’s policy to insist on a tit for tat??? How Ludicrous!! BS!!

Obama policy was to START a WAR with Russia and LEAVE President Trump holding the bag. Remember this was ONLY THREE weeks before Trump was sworn in.
Ugh…DICK Durbin.
He’s got a punchable face too.
Duck Furbin!
Dis Turbin’
Grassly brought some serious WEAK sauce in his first round of questioning….no followup or rebuttal of the garbage Chynstein was peddling
So Unlike him.
Hats off to folks that can weather viewing, or should I say listening to Yates. Unwatchable, me thinks. Nothing good will come out of this. Hope I am wrong.
hmmm…Did Cornyn just hint about the possibility tha Cruz was also under investigation?
I know WE know about that, but I don’t thing any Repub has mentioned it publicly have they?
Under investigation for what?
Exhaling as a Republican.
I should of said being surveilled
Are we expected to belive that the CROSSFIRE RAZOR CI into Flynn did not surveil General Flynn??
Someone needs to ask her about CR!!
WP does not like this truth!!!
..Yet none of the GOP dolts thus far have bothered to rebutt that
Lets see if the Rookie can pull the GOP out of the shit…..
Comey was not a team player for the Obama-ites is what I’m getting.
I am ToRe Studio microphone
Dammit she’s back – claiming Russians hacked the DNC.
FACTS: DNC and RNC servers were imaged BY THE FBI.
They were then HACKED while they were STAGING the HACK.
Not Russian. I had portions of the DNC server.
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I am ToRe Studio microphone
· 8m
Is this a HEARING – or a casual chit chat? Why are they talking without YATES? Did she get raided?
12:05 PM · Aug 5, 2020·Twitter Web App
what guarantees does the Committee have that Yates is testifying alone? i mean remotely she could be in a room with Brennan feeding her bullshit lines and testimony…
meh….took the day off to work around the house, have fun pulling your hair out listening to this kabuki theater
It’s the kabukiest yet!!!
Hope that after the Kabuki comes the Nuk-ie at the DEMONicRATS…
After yesterday’s primary fiasco, please remember this man also represents the people of Missouri.
Good stuff. I almost think she was jiggling a loose connection to get out of that one!
Could be.
Bet she has some “IT contractors” from her law firm who set up her connection.
I am ToRe Studio microphone
For the LOVE OF GOD – SOMEONE ask #YATES if she knew about 702 overcollections used for CARTER PAGE and that they used STEELE DOSSIER as COVER. #yatesHearing
12:30 PM · Aug 5, 2020·
The awesomeness!!!
Sen. Kennedy always makes me think of the debates in the Second Continental Congress about the Declaration of Independence. I can just see him in that setting.
I am ToRe Studio microphone
OMG #Yates just admitted that THEY KNEW
was GOING to be part of TRUMP CAMPAIGN so that is why they got the FISA warrant on him. How did they know? 702 OVERCOLLECTIONS. <== The dossier and Russia is SMOKE.
12:49 PM · Aug 5, 2020
Carter Page told the FBI/DOJ in a March 2, 2016 meeting that he was going to go to work for the Trump campaign…..
* – clip of interview with Maria Bartoroma.
Mark 4:57 “At the end of that meeting I also mention, “well the other thing is I’ve recently volunteered for the trump campaign and I’m planning on being a volunteer support”
And she lied about this too…
LOVE the new twitter handle…hehe
“It’s BITTAH, but it’s GOOD BITTAH!”
Just add lemon or lime. I cut mine 50-50 with tart lemonade and add extra lemon juice til my lips pucker.
A little bit of Tanqueray works wonders

And ruin good bitter with horrible sour? NEVAH!!!
I can’t watch…
Now I can’t read the thread… thanks to all who are taking one for the team.
Thanks DPat for putting thread up
Conspiracy theories indeed… #MAGA #TRUMP #AGBarr #Durham #FLYNN #Obamagate #COVID #COVID19 #HCQ #ZINC
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Major Patriot
· 29m
Collision symbolWOAH! Cruz just asked Sally Yates if she was aware of any other candidate of the 2016 campaign being under surveillance INCLUDING HIMSELF!!!Collision symbol
QAnons have know for two years Cruz was spied on by Obama!
1:13 PM · Aug 5, 2020
I literally got a Lindsey Graham fundraising letter in the mail half an hour ago.
“Timing is everything.”
The Library
Flynn Interview Documents
Michael Flynn interview documents
Harold Wren
Drive-by poster here…. not reading Yates’ lies, just posting facts!
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
BIG NEWS! The Political Crime of the Century is unfolding. ObamaBiden illegally spied on the Trump Campaign, both before and after the election. Treason!
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Jonathan Turley
· 3h
Sally Yates just testified that she would not have signed off on the surveillance of Carter Page if she knew what she knows now. That follows Rod Rosenstein saying the same thing.
Show this thread
Sally is taking the Hillary defense of ignorance. “What do you mean wipe it….like with a rag?”
Good one James!
New York Times… The SAME paper that SUPPORTED STALIN and DENIED the HOLODOMOR!
Ninety years later and they are STILL covering for the murderous commies.
NYT also suppressed news of the Holocaust…
…strange for a paper owned by a family that claims to be Jewish.
Things are getting good. The Republicans are making sure Yates gets Comey’s cufflinks and nice leather shoes fully under that bus.
cufflinks and shoes…bwahahahahahaha
and take his coat too!
Sally Q Yates wrote a 56 page brief to try to keep the Inspector General from seeing what the National Security Division of the DOJ/FBI was doing!!!
It was not TRY, They DID deny the IG from seeing what the National Security Division of the DOJ/FBI was doing under Obama.
SD covered that early on.
Via Ace of Spades August 05, 2020
Sally Yates: Jim Comey Went “Rogue” In Setting Up the Pretext Interview With Michael Flynn and I Was Very Angry About That
Investigative reporter and Russia Hoax expert Lee Smith notes that this is the third time that Obama’s partisan staffers have shifted all blame for Russiagate to Comey:
Lee Smith@LeeSmithDC
They all “went rogue” — that’s what the unmasking list shows: it wasn’t just the FBI. Obama promoted a culture of espionage, targeting domestic opponents. They were all spies.
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Chaos Actual@actual_chaos
· 2h
Replying to @actual_chaos and @LeeSmithDC
Until Comey does produce such evidence or testimony, we’ll have to take Yates word for it that he went rogue.
Now Comey will strike back with some more memos. Time to pop some corn!!!
More likely coded tweets, but, yes, popcorn. All is not as anons have assumed for over three years, I’m quite sure of that. The Obama people do not consider him “one of them.”
Why is the question.
Go back to my comments from a year or two ago…or even further back pre-Q to FBI Anon. I was one of those that pushed the theory that Comey had flipped and was playing a role.
I think he’s been in on The Plan since before he took the FBI job. I think he was recruited with the opportunity to serve up some revenge. Look through his history. There’s reason to believe this is the case.
Riding the same wave. I don’t know if I can find it…but when FBI Anon first appeared on the scene, they explained a scenario that pretty much fits what you are saying…and seems to be making some more sense as time passes.
Way back then, many of us thought that Comey knew he was going to be thrown under the bus. That theory is gaining credibility.
FBI anon said Comey wanted Hillary’s blood. The word was he couldn’t stand her.
He’s playing a part, yes. In the last couple weeks I’ve come to the conclusion that he and a number of other role players who take it on the chin in public by design are amazingly strong people mentally. They’re also VERY smart. Just like what the Communists looked for in men to infiltrate the Church. Our side took a page out of their book, I’m thinking.
I like the way you’re thinking.
Time will tell if old theories bear fruit. I had received a bit of ridicule for hanging on to that one.
Not from me. There are a couple others here who are like minded.
But was Comey playing a role in the era when the 1st evidence of him being a Marxist dates from? Iirc, that was when he was in college.
Or did he become a Marxist as a youthful error, only to then (like free market economist Dr. Thomas Sowell) see the light, and sincerely reject Marxism?
If he is still a Marxist today, I don’t see him as a White Hat, or as any kind of a willing participant in the Plan. Though, of course, he may, in that case, be fulfilling the terms of some type of plea agreement, or other arrangement with the White Hats.
I agree…
JW in Germany
Agreed, but first Comey will go for a walk in the woods and ask the trees to tell him what to say (lie).
(From “Paint Your Wagon”):
I talk to the trees
But they don’t listen to me
I talk to the stars
But they never hear me
The breeze hasn’t time
To stop and hear what I say
I talk to them all in vain
“I Talk to the Trees” is full of beautiful and I think haunting, melody.
Telling that they want him to be labeled as the guilty party.
Lee and a few others suggest that they are using Comey as cover-up for ACTUAL bad guy OBAMA
I would imagine so.
What a fun time we live in… how blessed are we to actually see the dark come to light? There’s a lot of spiritual attack for sure and that’s why I’m so thankful for all of you because we can live in a different world then the wicked… we don’t have to go thru all this shit with them… we can remain confident, secure and joyful… letting their boomerangs go right back to them knocking them on their ass!

I love how it says in Psalms to be here (present) the King is wild for you since He is your Lord, adore Him. This is how I’ve been living and boy does it make people ask me what drugs I’m on!
Amen and Amen!
2 year delta. Sally Yates set to testify today. #ObamaGate booms inbound? Popcorn
FISA 3x Renewals – 20 Pages to be Unredacted by POTUS
5 Aug 2018 – 2:00:15 AM
There is a reason why we needed to go mainstream prior to the EVIDENCE being dropped.
You have more than you know.
Joseph J Flynn
Sally Yates
lied multiple times under oath today and she knows it … protecting #SleepyJoeBiden and #Obama … all Democratic talking points there was no chance in hell the Russians could have black mailed
and everyone knows it
[…] LIVE THREAD: Sally Q. Yates Gets Grilled […]