[I was a bit hesitant to post the following article, but did because the overall message is good and pertinent.
Most, perhaps all, of those of us who are Christians at The QTree have some doctrinal differences between us, but we can’t let minor doctrinal differences divide us.
In the essentials – Unity;
in the non-essentials – Liberty;
and in all things – Charity (agapé love).
The difficulty lies in the specifics of what a person considers to be the essentials and non-essentials of the Christian faith. I’ll certainly not even attempt to resolve that issue here, although I believe that a true statement of faith can be quite brief.
In the following article, this issue would be addressed in the specific definition of a “fellow with a pure heart,” a definition that is not provided.]
A Christian brother was upset with me. So upset that he was considering rescinding his invitation for me to speak to his group. Seems he’d heard I was pretty open about who I have fellowship with. He’d read the words I wrote: “If God calls a person his child, shouldn’t I call him my brother?” And, “If God accepts others with their errors and misinterpretations, shouldn’t we?”
He didn’t like that. “Carrying it a bit too far,” he told me. “Fences are necessary,” he explained. “Scriptures are clear on such matters.” He read me a few and then urged me to be careful to whom I give grace.
“I don’t give it,” I assured. “I only spotlight where God already has.”
I hope to see him today. If the subject resurfaces, I’ll give him a thought that came to me. But in case it doesn’t, I’ll say it to you. (It’s too good to waste.) Just one sentence:
I’ve never been surprised by God’s judgment,
but I’m still stunned by his grace.
God’s judgment has never been a problem for me. In fact, it always seemed right. Lightning bolts on Sodom. Fire on Gomorrah. Good job, God. Egyptians swallowed in the Red Sea. They had it coming. Forty years of wandering to loosen the stiff necks of the Israelites? Would’ve done it myself. Ananias and Sapphira? You bet.
Discipline is easy for me to swallow. Logical to assimilate. Manageable and appropriate. But God’s grace? Anything but. Examples? How much time do you have?
David the psalmist becomes David the voyeur [and adulterer and murderer], but by God’s grace becomes David the psalmist again.
Peter denied Christ before he preached Christ.
Zacchaeus, the crook. The cleanest part of his life was the money he’d laundered. But Jesus still had time for him.
The thief on the cross: hellbent and hung-out-to-die one minute, heaven-bound and smiling the next.
Story after story. Prayer after prayer. Surprise after surprise.
Seems that God is looking more for ways to get us home than for ways to keep us out. I challenge you to find one soul who came to God seeking grace and did not find it. Search the pages [of the Bible]. Read the stories. Envision the encounters. Find one person who came seeking a second chance and left with a stern lecture. I dare you. Search. You won’t find it.
You will find a strayed sheep on the other side of the creek. He’s lost. He knows it. He’s stuck and embarrassed. What will the other sheep say? What will the shepherd say?
You will find a shepherd who finds him. (Luke 15:3-7)
Oh boy. Duck down. Put hooves over the eyes. The belt is about to fly. But the belt is never felt. Just hands. Large, open hands reaching under his body and lifting the sheep up, up, up until he’s placed upon the shepherd’s shoulders. He’s carried back to the flock and given a party! “Cut the grass and comb the wool,” he announces. “We are going to have a celebration!”
The other sheep shake their heads in disbelief. Just like we will. At our party. When we get home. When we watch the Shepherd shoulder into our midst one unlikely soul after another.
Seems to me God gives a lot more grace than we’d ever imagine. We could do the same.
I’m not for watering down the truth or compromising the gospel. But if a fellow with a pure heart calls God Father, can’t I call that same man Brother? If God doesn’t make doctrinal perfection a requirement for family membership, should I?
And if we never agree, can’t we agree to disagree? If God can tolerate my mistakes, can’t I tolerate the mistakes of others? If God can overlook my errors, can’t I overlook the errors of others? If God allows me with my foibles and failures to call him Father, shouldn’t I extend the same grace to others?
One thing’s for sure. When we get to heaven, we’ll be surprised at some of the folks we see. And some of them will be surprised to see us.
Adapted from:

Good morning or good night, depending on your time zone.
This is a weird day for me……
I was born on the Island of Guam in 1962………
Since it is beyond the International date line……
My birth Certificate shows that I was born on Aug 30th…..
I also have a telegram received by my grandparents on August 29th…..
It stated that I was born today the 30th……
so…. am I 58?….. or 116 years old?
Since I seem to have 2 birthdays in the same year?
The telegram was received in California on the SAME day that I was born.
I seem to have 2 birthdays every year.
Hmmm…I’m just weeks younger. But as years go by, I seem to be developing the “two birthdays” thing — the first is the actual day, and the second is when I remember it and realize all the stuff that is expired. So far — knock on wood *raps head* — I haven’t had my driver’s license expire, but that’s getting less and less unthinkable. And now, I’m going to check the year it will expire…..
Dayum Dude, 2 Birthdays is the way to go!!

P.S., Happy belated and current Birthday!!

Well, double happy birthday, then, Rayzorbak. You can eat twice as much cake and expect double the presents, I’m thinking.
Not to mention double the retirement
Happy birthday!
I also thought that as we ripen with time we should have a birthday month, and not just a day.
The older we get, each day is a grace and a reprieve.
So many we knew are gone but not forgotten.
Happy Birthday!!
ooops…forgot the cake!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Happy Birthday Birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And many, many more!
(and be sure that you don’t get the candles that automatically re-light
Good morning, PGroup, and blessings.
ThanQ (thank you). Always glad to hear from the one person who doesn’t know if I’m still cute in my old age.
Ha ha.
Shooting in Portland. Being claimed its blm shot dead by a Trump supporter.
Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos) Tweeted:
A man has been shot, police and ambulance are attending https://t.co/GgkB6acetH
Andy Ngô
EXCLUSIVE: I can confirm it is a homicide. The person shot in downtown Portland is deceased.
Some witnesses are saying the suspect shooter is a black male. Police have not released an official suspect description.
Oh, whew!!! He can’t be a Trump supporter then. No black would support Trump, because if they do they’re not black.
(Sarcasm!!! Sarcasm!!!)
I was thinking that if he were to support Trump, his skin color would miraculously lighten….
Soundtrack to the End (@_WhatRiot) Tweeted:
Police and medica tend to a gunshot victim https://t.co/uDrHH6FKlP
Soundtrack to the End (@_WhatRiot) Tweeted:
This person was shot on SW 3rd and Alder. Protesters immediately started yelling at police that he was shot by the people they were protecting. It appeared he was hit twice in the chest.
Saying its a red mustang.. seen in video…black male shooter, white victim.
special agent viti (@selfdeclaredref) Tweeted:
Be ready because every stream is talking about Trump supporters came to Portland to cause violence and may have killed someone.
Lance | I STAND WITH KYLE RITTENHOUSE | (@LeezyWeezyUSA) Tweeted:
@selfdeclaredref I believe the victim was a Trump Supporter.
Source 4Chan:
https://t.co/KpT4BY5lV8 https://t.co/vdcmROEJIV
NYT reports he was wearing a Patriot Prayer hat, from a ‘far right’ group.
Red car arrived after shots. Hard to tell, but black guy on skate board could be shooter? He and another run away from scene.
Skateboard guy wasnt shooter but very calm. I see the red car after as you say. The Patriot prayer leader was attacked and tried to stay in a gas station but the mob attacked the station too. Wish i could understand what is said at the beginning.
Very nice!

I like the symmetry across the center, with the images of Him with His arm raised.
And thank you for another uplifting and inspirational Sunday Open Thread, Carl.
your skill is increasing Carl…it’s LOVELY!!!
And one for Duchess . . .
And me.

Where would I find some source imagery? I use images that people have posted themselves and are associated with . . . unless you’re shootin’ for the worlds biggest flock of blue butterflies.
LOL, I would search net? Duchess found the butterfly. Wolfie or DP knows better than me.
Find YOUR posted images out of this page and link them here!
I need some edumacation here . . . lots. What does this search drag up? I tried it on “bakocarl” and got a bunch of images that were familiar to me, but a whole bunch I don’t think I’d ever seen before. Then, when I tried to go to the source by clicking on the site, it timed out.
Do you have the time to lay a little info on me?
Sorry – just returned. These “site:” searches restrict to a single site. “somebody says” looks for a person having posted on that page in the comments. The “image” stuff returns only images on such pages.
Many of the images that come back are from other posters, but a few should have been posted by the user in “user says”.
It’s a crude way to dredge up images including some posted by that particular user.
Apparently the timeout issue was only temporary, but I’d still like to learn about what this search pulls up and why I don’t recognize many of the images produces by “bakocarl”.
So much blessing the whole year through!
Awww…Carl – Tears in my eyes right now – God Bless You Real Good for bringing the LOVE altogether!!!
For freedom we have been set free … in Christ, first.
No greater love than to lay down one’s life for a friend.
Good song.
I used to think that laying down one’s life for a friend meant to sacrifice your own life by dying to protect a friend. As I have grown in Christ, I understand it to mean that when someone needs me, I am to lay down my own life’s “needs” and give my time and attention to my friend’s needs even if that means “dying” to my own needs.
The decision was often difficult, but over the years I found that Jesus was using this method to help me keep my priorities straight. Is choosing to help a friend a better choice than seeking material gain? I learned to put people first and let Jesus guide me in the way He would have me to go. My material gains were greater than the ones I laid down and walked away from. This process often took years to happen. I would marvel at the way Jesus had used my trust in Him to help my friend and how He also used it for my good.
Hebrews 11:6 6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Ephesians 3:13-21
13 Wherefore I desire that ye faint not at my tribulations for you, which is your glory.
14 For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
15 Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named,
16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;
17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,
18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;
19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.
20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
Thank you.
Jesus is the AUTHOR and CREATOR of our “Faith”
(We don’t get our “Faith” by ANY other way)
Hebrews 12:2
fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
“when someone needs me, I am to lay down my own life’s “needs” and give my time and attention to my friend’s needs even if that means “dying” to my own needs”
Paul puts that thought into context here:
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” – Philippians 2:3-4
And I often reflect on the Blessed Mother setting off to be with and help her older cousin, Elizabeth, upon hearing from the Angel Gabriel that SHE TOO was with child and already in her sixth month, only moments after giving her own Fiat to the news that she would be the Mother of God! How INCREDIBLE IS she !?

Just HOW exceptional an example is the Blessed Mother, to put aside her own unexpected experience with the Angelic visit and proclamation to her, to tuck it in her heart to ponder, only to rush off to be of help to her much older cousin !?
Mary is my example of how to ‘lay down one’s life for a friend’, how to put others’ needs before my own, without grimacing and complaining about doing so. I’m in no way perfect at always doing so, but I can turn to Mary for strength to try really hard to be like her, for love of her Son.
Every single Mystery of the Holy Rosary offers immense insight into just how the pivotal moments in the lives of Jesus and Mary should speak to us to encourage us to enter deeper into the experiential acts of Faith in our lives. We’re all very blessed.
Thank You, God! Thank You, Jesus! Thank you, Blessed Mother.
Beautifully expressed, Liz!!! God Bless You as much, if not more, than you have blessed us!!!
This verse has repeatedly popped into my heart/soul for a few weeks now … beautiful gudthots, God bless you
POTUS tweeted this. I caught the very tail end. Larry Klayman talking about the riots they’re planning when Joe loses, and even if he were to win. Also talking about Adbusters using military terms, occupation and siege of the WH. Klayman says there’s 2 groups. Antifa is leftist Pro Joe and other group is Anti-Trump which is left of the left and the ones threatening to tear everything down. Hopefully they’ll rerun, I have DVR set. Good that POTUS is aware and prepping.
He also wants the thugs from Thursday night.
I knew he was still hot about this.
I believe that he considers every single person who attended the as his personal guest that evening, and being so he is deeply embarrassed upon learning what they were forced to endure.
Somebody(s) is going to be missing a large chunk of their ass before he lets go of this.
Bowser? …… Bowser?
Look up terrorist Susan Rosenberg, sentenced to 58 years and released by Pres. Clinton. People like her should not get “a second chance.”
Even SNOPES admits:
“Susan Rosenberg has served as vice chair of the board of directors for Thousand Currents, an organization that provides fundraising and fiscal sponsorship for the Black Lives Matter Global Movement. She was an active member of revolutionary left-wing movements whose illegal activities included bombing U.S. government buildings and committing armed robberies.”
Yes. Thank you, Gail. She’s very dangerous. This shows who the Clinton Clintons really are.
The two big reasons for moving all production/manufacturing from the US to China were:
1) labor costs, and
2) No EPA, EPA regulations/costs/legal liabilities, and assoc. lawsuits to deal with
This guy has done a TON of great stuff on bogus drug trials, biased studies, and industry manipulation.
A very quick intro to his work.
Thanks for bringing him to my attention. This is very good information and not easily found.
I have an amazing article that quotes the heck out of him, but I cannot find a digital source of it. I will try, though – it’s an amazing article that actually debunks multiple aspects of the plannedemic – and – GET THIS – it was published in early 2017 !!!
Dr Peter Gøtzsche exposes big pharma as organized crime
March 20, 2019 by Edward Morgan
So d.c. is going off tonight. Protesters are extra aggressive…but theyve got an influx directly from portkand. Flash bangs, tear gas, and rubber bullets. That antifa would just up and choose to go to d.c., maybe by way of kenosha, with what money absolutely says paid services.
Once upon a time I thought it would be ms13. I wonder if the deportations ended that merc deal and this is why antifa and blm were given the green light?
Antifa under all the banners from decades back prepping for their grand finale but needed the cloak of BLM ?
Remember when BLM was gearing up in Ferguson they weren’t all that happy with the white allies horning in but somewhere along the line they became partners for the overthrow.
My 2 cents
Well they all receive money from sauron. And if its true his son who is acting as his heir decided to choose kamala, these groups have no choice but to do as they say.
Remember, he has not one son, but FOUR, and a daughter (MAJOR patroness of Planned unParenthood) as well… all Satanist peas from the same [Tides]pod…
I thought only 2 sons. Ugh.
Yep. And I’ll bet that they’re not included in the SEVEN BILLION PLUS the elites want to wipe off the face of the earth…..
Oh no. That whole more equal thing.
Human shields.
A trans paraplegic antifa. Oh Lord.
Human minds under socialism are – sadly – like play-doh.
drugs are also involved.
ANYONE can buy a wheel chair…..
Any bets some of those people are ‘acting’
True but the one in front isnt. Hes got classic atrophy.
That is why I said ‘some’ I am sure they had some Commies in wheel chairs but I will bet they line was filled out with older commies from the 60s who could walk.
Brutal … but likely true.
Well, one way in which they’re better than the Muslim terrorists.
At least their shields are volunteering for the job.
Always looking for the bright side Steve.
Well, for me, it just removes any moral guilt I would have about having to go through a human shield (though it would still be legally dubious)–the person in the wheelchair would assault me if he could. The other case (an involuntary shield) would be harder, but I would recognize the person responsible for their death is their captor.
Bakocarl, perfectly beautiful thread. I have been pondering this exact concept for several days now. Throughout my cancer ordeal, God has shown me hearts of persons of so many denominations and even those who claim no faith or belief, that I giggle about being the most ecumenically prayed for sick person I know.
We know PT has to be the most ecumenically prayed for world leader, it’s apparent to those who love him.
God bless you and all the great treepers.
Here is my tweet of that great link I got from gudthots!!! Tweeters – help get this link out there – this is really going to help justify action on M.O.B. (mail-OUT ballots – Nancy Gambino’s scam!)
Wolife…. I did follower cleanup yesterday and got rid of 4 little Namibia? (CCP?) guys that I had missed. Immediately this morning I get a new follow by a different one.

Beautiful! We know their function now.
Some more prospective on Jacob Blakes father that your not hearing.
The deceased man in Portland is a Patriot Prayer member. His hat is visible in pix
New article on victim.
Breaking: Victim of Deadly Portland Shooting Wore Patriot Prayer Hat and Shirt, Blue Lives Matter Patch: Reports
By Kristinn Taylor
Published August 30, 2020 at 12:46am
Here is my post on Gab explaining Nancy Gambino’s sick mail-in-fraud scheme.
Wolf Moon
Wolf Moon
Here is how “mail-in” ballots work for cheating. They depend on both the “mail-out” and “mail-in” aspects to undermine almost all protections against voter impersonation – that is the KEY point in how they work.
First, valid ballots are mailed out to all registered voters (and maybe many who should NOT be registered) in a willy-nilly fashion. Not all are usable for cheating, but MANY are – enough to swing a close race.
The next step is knowing WHICH ballots are abusable. Many will be people who should not even be getting ballots, but the greater problem is real registered voters who rarely vote. If you know who they are (public records), and the only thing needed to impersonate them is to fake their publicly known signature, then – well – one just needs that person’s ballot, or a copy of it.
Since it appears that “mail-out” ballot efforts have been very out-of-control in actual practice, a second set of ballots is very likely to have been run in leftist states. Alternatively, counterfeits for the list of names and addresses on those states are EASILY generated, if steps are not taken to assure authenticity.
Note that ALL this research to identify the vulnerable voters and use their information could be done under the guise of “preventing” vote fraud. Yup. Sad, but true.
Lastly, just mail them in with faked signatures. If there is a duplication with a real voter, how is anybody going to catch the fakers? They’re not. It is by mail for a reason. No controls on impersonation.
Nancy Pelosi, originally Nancy d’Alesandro, daughter of a MOB MAYOR tied to the Lucchese and Gambino crime families, is simply a criminal, and this is a national criminal scheme.
Confessions of a voter fraud: I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots
A top Democratic operative says voter fraud, especially with mail-in ballots, is no myth. And he knows this because he’s been doing it, on a grand scale, for decades.…
What a mess.
I hope all the hype about drones and imbeds and top secret intel on these demons is real and they catch the killer.
From the joy that the crowds and leaders promoting on their bullhorns I don’t think that there will be any help for the investigation. Their mantra is “don’t know shit, didn’t see shit”
They are souless and callous freaks.
US NEWSDC Police Helicopter Hit With Lasers By Rioters Forced to Make Emergency Landing — Crew Member Hospitalized
One of the crew members had to be hospitalized due to vision loss in one eye.
I am just about done with these creeps.
Yep. They should be able to get a lock on the laser, and “return fryer”, as it were.
Lasers are NO TOY. I HATE laser pointers (especially since I worked at a MAJOR laser company, and got tons of cautionary information and tales from the engineers/labbies)…..
Fun for frustrating cats, but potentially extremely dangerous.
I agree it’s criminal.
We did the same in England, but still ended up with tens of thousands of deaths.
It was legit. Public Health England had no cutoff date on when a death could be from COVID. Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have a 28-day limit. After that, it’s not from or with COVID. England adopted the same rule, enabling it to retrospectively reduce the number of COVID deaths. In our case, it was by 5,000+.
Of the 9,210 COVID-19 deaths, how many were false positive tests?
Will HCQ get its own EUA?
We still don’t know if Remdesivir will pass the test of time.
It’s a new drug.
How many times have we seen a drug go on the market…then years later it is pulled and there are huge class-action lawsuits because of the harm it did.
But HCQ has passed the test of time.
Lots of time.
“RDV will surely do the same, but more expensive – whatever – big pharma needs its payday.” ~ Wolf.
The reason that drug companies charge so much for a new drug, is to build up a war-chest to settle future lawsuits.
Yes…there is product liability insurance.
But it has limits and is so expensive that many of the pharma companies just self-insure.
As you said, Wolf…whatever.
Let the drug companies do their dance with their new Remdesivir drug.
But give us our HCQ!
There is absolutely No Reason why Hydroxychloroquine cannot be OVER THE COUNTER.
It has been sold over the counter in other countries!
For decades!
Let the drug companies have their payday on manufacturing millions of doses of HCQ!
People will stockpile it and have it on hand for whatever ‘new’ bioweapons the ChiComs unleash on us.
Check out Zev Zelenko’s tweet below! He is raking RDV over the coals on side effects!
Cop’s comments are priceless!
Just fyi, that wasnt real but still funny.
Thanks Gil…we’re living in the midst of a satirical film noir & the line between reality & fantasy/delusion is blurring intermittently…hmmm…
Great tweet!
so I should just wear a t shirt or tag that says I identify as a mask wearer? I LOVE IT!
Hahahaha!!! * Giggle of the Day *
If you can pretend Basement Biden is a viable Presidential candidate, you can pretend I’m wearing a mask!
Andy Ngô
A Trump supporter who participated in the Portland caravan rally was shot & killed in downtown Portland. Antifa & BLM extremists physically blocked them on the road & threw projectiles. After the man’s death was known, antifa celebrated & danced.
Andy Ngô
It sounds like someone is shouting, “We got a Trumper right here” just before the shots are fired and the man is killed.
Andy Ngô
After finding out that it was a “blue lives matter” supporter who was killed, antifa in Portland are very happy. They’re dancing and chanting now. #PortlandRiots
The suspect fits the description of a Boogaloo boy to me – NOT a regular Antifa dweeb.
Whoever it was, it sounds like they had ‘spotters’ out…looking for “Trumpers” to target.
I share your suspicions about the Boogaloo Boys.
There might be a few who are just fed up patriots, but I think there are probably a lot of covert leftist operatives in that group…who are there to perform false flag ops.
They’re perfect for false flags.
This is ultimate LYAHF.
Yep…and for manufacturing optics.
[They] are desperate now to portray their street mob in a way that will make people sympathetic to them.
I think they passed the point of no return on that hope.
After THREE Months of riots
Cops murdered
Over thirty people killed including children
Women with children shot at
UNTOLD MILLIONS in property damage and bankruptcies,
If a bunch of US veterans ran ANTIFA’s butts down and had a shoot out with them, a LOT of people would be cheering.
As someone said. The cops are there to PROTECT the criminal FROM the good citizens who get fed-up and deal with it using a lynch mob. THIS BTW is why they had Jussie Smollett stage a ‘lynching’ to help push that Anti-lynching bill thru congress and the senate. It was in PREPARATION for the retaliation by good citizens.
*Note: I am not ADVOCATING for vigilante justice just pointing out what others may think esp. since most now go to social media to get the actual raw news. The fake news ‘views’ falling thru the floor backs this up.
Here’s hoping and praying they have FISA on Creamer, Rhodes, and crew…
Shooter had an Antifa skateboarder accomplice, possibly.
Just saying, the victim may of been Patriot Prayer but after looking at all the vids there’s no sign of the Portland Caravan in sight. So unless some people got dropped off for a night on the town promotion of this idea should cease.
Oh wow…yeah, no thanks.
All that, and it’s outrageously expensive too!
I noticed this a couple of days ago, Wolfie.
The ChiComs are trying to slime out of any responsibility for the virus.
They are pushing the false narrative of…”There were cases of it elsewhere, before it hit us.”
Indo-Pacific News
#China’s government’s top diplomat, State Councillor Wang Yi, said on Thursday it was unclear whether coronavirus had first originated in #China, trying to cast doubt on the views of health experts & foreign governments
Can try but nobody believes them
Text of two more tweets in that thread:
Speaking during a visit to Norway, Wang said that, while China was the first country to report the existence of the virus to the World Health Organisation, “it does not mean that the virus originated in China”.
“Actually, for the past months, we have seen reports … showing that the virus emerged in different parts of the world, and may have emerged earlier than in China,” Wang told reporters, speaking through an interpreter.
……………End of text.
I think they *seeded* the virus around the world…in advance of releasing on their own people.
They did this so that they could point to those earlier cases and say “It wasn’t us.”
This is just the kind of long-term diabolical perfidy that the ChiComs engage in, in other matters.
It also seems to me, what with the new stats of far fewer deaths, that they are attempting to shed the virus asap. The repercussions will hit them like a ton of bricks.
They won’t pin it on PT because he followed the experts to save lives. He outmanuvered them again.
Yep, our VSG did outmaneuver them.
He did everything right.
The ChiComs *created* a death toll in their own country.
They did this to create a fear level that would result in shutting down our economy.
If Pres Trump hadn’t called for a temporary shutdown…he would’ve been blamed for any fatalities.
Well, the Dems are trying to blame him anyway, but they are lying scumbags who have no credibility.
A must watch video in case it hasn’t already been posted. Robert Kennedy, Jr., lays out the globalist plan in 18 minutes. He was in Germany announcing that his organization is going global to fight the global organizations taking away our freedoms. This is a truly must watch…and pass along to friends on the left. They might listen to a Kennedy.
With the increase in mobility the next step in the Lemming Cycle will be for calls to everyone to go get tested, followed by the medical mob ginning up false positives, which will again drive up the numbers so the politicians can again demand for more masks and shut downs and calls for mail in voting.
ALSO the data shows the release of the virus could have been as early as October 2019 since the first ‘known’ case was mid November. That means PLENTY of time for the virus to spread across the world during the fall and winter holidays.
Nancy the Pig’s acrobatics with the Trump impeachment SHOWS she was WAITING on the world to finally SEE the Plandemic.
At this point there is just TOO much data showing the virus was bio-engineered and released from the Wuhan Lab. The Genie is out of the bottle and this time the TRUTH got it’s shoes on and ran before the fake news had a chance to get that 4:00 AM talking points call.
I have believed from the start that the ChiComs have been using their viruses in targeted ops. They needed cover for that, but it’s tricky.
I even suspect that SARS itself (the first one) was a tool that escaped from them in targeted ops, and they faked a release in China as a cover-up. That success made them cocky, and they tried the ame thing here, with SARS2.
Then why did they shutdown and barricade a 20 block radius around the lab early on?? We got pictures!
Daughn has a new post about Biden’s pro-China lobby team – that General James Mattis just joined. Much more at link: https://wordpress.com/read/feeds/47745795/posts/2884379888
This video was posted earlier…but on slow-motion play, it shows who the shooter was.
Mike Coudrey
Tonight in Portland BLM terrorists and Antifa murdered a Trump supporter in cold blood.
No altercation, no fight. He walked up behind him and assassinated him because of his political views.
Again no sign of Portland Caravan. Meanwhile Patriot Prayer has always had a presence in Portland. The two should not be linked.
Black Rebel (Andrew Duncomb) (@SpaceForceUSA_) Tweeted:
Just heard that the man killed is affiliated with my group. Just had drinks with him last Saturday.
Agreed. They are are targeting the next logical event and those who will push it. Much smarter than just protesting masks and lock downs. Besides you should be able to do both at the same time. But it’s a conspiracy dontcha know.
It can’t be duplicated here because BLM & Auntie Fah are terrorizing the streets.
They’re doing it there, too. The “Religion of Pieces” and PantyFa are busy in London and the rest of England and the UK, too.
Meanwhile, the criminals of Rotherham and their ilk (also R.O.P.) go, erm, unmolested…..
“Hotep Jesus” “must watch” hilarious stuff!
Heheh…yeah, I remember that.

This was in April 2018.
Wolfie is just testing out strategies to see which ones work on us.
Blue State Blues! LOL
If this is real…Wow!
OK, I can Never keep up…but did Abe actually resign or is this Chinese disinfo?
Yes…he resigned.
He is suffering from ulcerative colitis and he said that he was resigning for health reasons.
Bone broth several times a day. A pktent treatment that people just wont6tey until all else fails. Works like a charm. Flare-up? Just go back on the broth.
Have seen it work first hand.
Wth? Potent…won’t try…
How does bone broth (an excellent food) stop the immune system from attacking the intestines? Ulceration colitis is an autoimmune disease same as multiple sclerosis or rheumatoid arthritis or lupus or scleroderma or pulmonary fibrosis or psoriatic arthritis to name a few.
What bone broth does is coat the intestines, plugging the microscopic holes that allow wastes to bleed into our system
Whoops. That stops the immune response, allows the intestines to heal.
Read up on Sally Fallon…
And I have seen it suppress a diagnosed case of Chrohn’s disease to such an extent that it no longer manifests.
I keep bone broth in my fridge at all times.
I believe it. Amazing what bone broth can do. Stop a headache. Soothe raw nerves. Heal gut pain.
You probably already know this, but the gelatin in the bones is the ‘sealant’.
Lots of different recipes. Culinary school taught me that simmering for 4-6 hours is the best for balance between taste and nutrition (for chicken broth), 8-10 hours for beef broth.
If needed, simmer overnight. Always add a splash of cider vinegar to draw the nutrients out of the bones. If you can stand it, add chicken feet…they have gelatin in abundance.
Yes. Instapot makes short work of the project too. Last batch had lots of garlic/herbs and amazing amount of gelatin. (We save bones/etc. from roasted chickens in a bag in the freezer until ready to make broth.) Almost 20 years ago since we discovered the Nourishing Traditions cookbook.
Love that book! Have bought it for many people.
Thanks Wheatie. I’m sorry to hear that for he seemed like such a solid ally for POTUS & helped in counteracting that Belt & Road economic stranglehold China inflicted on the world!
Our President is on a Twitter Warpath.
One of his retweets:
DOJ speaking out about this is big.
So encouraging…
Has anyone ever seen a Republican riot?
This comes to mind…
by Rudyard Kipling
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
Not yet, but Bill Kristol is probably planning one with the other Never Trumpers.
they are not republican they are RHINOS aka the CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.
I know. I was making a joke. You would be surprised at the number of Republicans who think like they do, though.
Remember the Statute of Lenin was moved from the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic to Seattle WA.
Notice the statutes of Washington, Jefferson and even Jesus get defaced but NO ONE HAS TOUCHED the statute of Lenin.
Quite telling isn’t it?
Yes, disguised spiritual revival meetings, prayer marches, helping at disaster areas.
Verse of the Day for Sunday, August 30, 2020
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.
Proverbs 31:30 | KJV
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Sunday Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Morning Duchess!
Have a lovely, Blessed Sunday!
Morning, Patty!!! Finally, a Day of Rest!!!
God Bless Your Day, too!!! Hugs!!!
HUGS back to you Dearheart!
Thanks!!! We are going to come back BETTER!!!
* Smiling * God Bless You Real Good, BFLY!!!

Thanks, BFLY!!! * Still Smiling *
When in York many years ago, I visited the house where she and her family used to live. It has a plaque with the story of her martyrdom.
Methinks she doth protest too much.
And she intentionally left off ‘Looting’ – which we have her team on camera doing – with the aid of U Hauls, shopping bags and getaway vehicles.
BLM now stands for BURN, LOOT, MURDER – Joy Reid and you damn well know it!!!!
The tweet:
Reid is such a liar!

She is doing a Wrap Up Smear there.
She has taken the lying leftist articles from leftist media like WaPo…and is pointing to it as ‘truth’.
They’re trying to say that the white people who are rioting with BLM, are actually white supremists…and they are the ones doing all the fires and violence.
What a bunch of morons. You loot and murder first, THEN burn!!!
Just for clarification since I did not do it yesterday
==> Duane Cates ==> Brent Cates
“Duane Cates
Home of #AmericanaRISING & the #SoulWAR.. Brent Cates is a South Texas Writer who dabbles in Social Media & Political & Cultural Commentary, …..”
He has mentioned that Brian Cates (of Epoch Times) is his brother.
So…both Duane Cates and Brent Cates are brothers of Brian Cates?
Yes, they are.
No, Duane Cates IS Brent Cates. He may be using a middle name to avoid confusion. (Sorry I added to it.)
See bottom of this thread:
BOTH brothers are well worth following.
Thanks, Gail.
It was the way that he wrote about “Brent Cates” that made it seem like he was trying to make a distinction that Brent was a different person.
This is going to help Kyle Rittenhouse with his defense.
The scumbags are celebrating taking the life of someone they targeted.
Ian Miles Cheong
Black Lives Matter protesters and Antifa are cheering on the murder of a Trump supporter tonight in Portland.
“Our community held its own and took out the trash.”
CO has warned us over and over again – don’t confront or engage the insane, violent left!!!
Confronting the foot soldiers with a show of force while seemingly important is not the best things that can happen and is likely the least constructive. Example Portland Caravan could of split up once in the city and made stops along the way to deliver messages to the insulated provocateurs pulling the strings, just to let them know they are on radar.
What they should have done is to circled the city on the OUTSKIRTS and completely avoided confrontation.
If I was so STUPID as to get in one of these ‘caravans’ I would INSIST on FOUR PEOPLE per vehicle. Two, one on each side with shotguns and rock salt and the third with live ammo as a last resort. BEAR SPRAY and indelible ink spray would be good to have as well as several fire extinguishers and a cowcatcher for a front bumper. (ALL FOR DEFENSE ONLY)
On the other hand I will ACTIVELY DISCOURAGE Confrontation on THEIR TURF. Protect your own and demonstrate on YOUR TURF. Leave it to President Trump to handle the insane criminals. That is what we elected him to do.
What’s the story, Morning Glory??

You funny, Butterfly!!!
Prayer of Saint Ioannikios the Great (+ 846)
My hope is the Father, my refuge the Son, my protection the Holy Spirit. O Holy Trinity, glory to Thee.
An Orthodox Prayer for Enemies
The Beatitudes
Church Slavonic in znamenny chant with English subtitles from Valaam Monastery
Valaam Monastery – Beatitudes
Alison Krauss – Down To The River To Pray
Be not deceived God is not mocked. What a man soweth that also shall they reap.
The Almighty is not done with our nation, make no mistake.
The Lord’s timing is different than ours, something that we sometimes don’t understand. In my life as I am sure many of you have seen the rewards of evil/wicked people.
It may not always be fast enough, but it does come.
One day I was praying and the Lord spoke to me on the inside and said read again what you just read so I read it again. God is slow to anger. He said see I do get angry.
Until that time, we must pray for this president as God has raised him up for this time in history.
Father, I thank You that when we pray to You in the name of your precious Son, Jesus Christ, that You hear us and answer.
We lift up President Donald John Trump to You right now. We cover him and his family with the precious shed blood of Jesus over them, and we decree and declare Zachariah 2:5 over him that no witchcraft, no hex, no voodoo, no curses, no power, no principality and no demon in hell will succeed. Every plot and plan of the enemy will be brought down and destroyed totally. He will not be impeached, assassinated or harmed in any way.
Father, release Your legions of warring angelic hosts to destroy every plot from the pit of hell. Let the fire of Your presence surround him 24/7.
Father, we praise and worship You, and we glorify Your name.
We pray in the name above all names, Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Amen.
I beautiful prayer for our beloved President and our country.
Unceasingly, we pray for Our President and Our Country – in the mighty name of Jesus – we pray – Amen
Thank You Lord for answering our Prayers! We praise you in Jesus’ Name, Amen!
Have a wonderful Sunday, Treepers. Always trust that our Lord is with us and that we can always find his loving touch. All we have to do is reach out and he’ll be with us. Honest.
If Jesus calls your number . . .
If Jesus Comes Tomorrow cover | Angie Sutherland
Okay people, I am posting this link here and on Fleps news link, have been busy hope it is NOT a repost.
So get this, the CDC updated their BOGUS Covid data sheet this week. NO ONE reported it.
Their OWN chart, (VERIFIED ) states and I QUOTE “Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in CONJUNCTION with deaths involving Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid 19). For 6% of the deaths Covid 19 was the ONLY cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in ADDITION TO Covid 19 there were 2,6 ADDITIONAL conditions or CAUSES per death.” EMPHASIS MINE.
So let me get this STRAIGHT, the CDC JUST posted that covid ALONE ONLY killed 6% of the deaths. To be one of the OTHER NINETY FOUR PERCEENT of deaths COUNTED as Covid, you had to have TWO POINT SIX or nearly THREE OTHER contributing comorbidities.
SIX percent folks of @183000 EQUALS 10980. ALL the RESAT @172020 had to have MORE than TWO and sometimes MORE OTHER contributing factors including ADVANCED age, CANCER, Hypertension, D diabetes, or OTHER comorbidity (meaning something SERIOUS that MIGHT kill you ALONE)
That is IT.
This FARCE is OVER. EVERYONE email this to a friend, then you and ALL those friends email this DIRECTLY to the Whitehouse and President Trump, it will take you about 15 minutes to do 15 friends. IF we ALL do this, and flood the system, the President WILL get it. Then we need just ONE reporter in good faith to ask him, so that he CAN and WILL end this. Yep, a chain letter, but it IS the truth. Time to STOP the madness.
This is not some random “conspiracy thread” it ACTUALLY comes on the ACTUAL CDC site, they ADMIT IT.
we went and are STTILL going through ALL this HELL over a projected LIE, one they propped up for MONTHS with FALSE numbers, NOW they admit that we are and have locked down HEALTHY PEOPLE who LITERALLY had a MICROSCOPIC chance of dying from this farce.
The ONLY people that should and SHOULD HAVE been quarantined or made to wear a mask are people who are either very old, OR have MORE THAN TWO other serious diseases. PERIOD>
10980 is 10980 too many deaths, but it should NOT have been USED to impact 330000000. A number SO small my calculator cannot even list it.
MAKE someone EXPLAIN this. They CANNOT, which makes it a PROVEN farce. Time to STOP the scam, and JAIL the scammers.
Between yesterday and today, this has been been posted AT LEAST six times.
True, first posting Steve jumped in front and knocked it down a notch. Now it’s thump thump, thump thump, with every new posting.

. Sorry not making light of Steve, he is right, it just seems funny is all. Besides its still important information and important information usually gets repeated.
Sorry, like I said in my post, I have been VERY busy and did not check.
I want to add. The FLU ==> Pneumonia is often the killer of older people with other health problems. Covid is no different.
Yeah, and the seasonal flu deaths all but disappeared, conflation? You bet!
SNEERA TANDEN done got DA WOOF angry as a storm cloud.
JUSTICE did rain down.
Revival Sunday – Outdoor Service w/ Pastor Jentezen Franklin | 9AM
Thread related to a discussion yesterday:
Carlos Osweda
Here’s the thing, @realDonaldTrump supporters:
If you all VOTE IN PERSON, mail-in voting doesn’t matter.
They count in-person voting FIRST.
That will be enough to give Trump 270 electoral votes.
The Florida recount of 2000 was because the state vote count came down to a difference of 537 votes.
It won’t be that close in ANY state, except in Trump’s favor.
Tossups mean Trump wins.
Here’s what you need to do:
Vote on the first day.
Investigate every single possibility in order to avoid using the US Postal Service.
You’re looking for “Voter Service Centers.”
In California, in-person voting begins ten days before the election.
If there’s no early in-person voting, request an absentee ballot and put it in a state drop box.
You can do the same with a mail-in ballot.
Don’t open them unless you use them.
WE can make sure that the election is called on election night.
As long as there are lines, they can’t close the polling station.
And don’t tell me about fraud.
If you’re STILL worried about fraud, that means you can’t be mollified.
The Secretary of State can mess with in-person voting as easily as early voting and drop-box voting.
You said you were afraid of mail-in voting.
I’m telling you the 100 percent foolproof way to defeat mail-in voting fraud.
If you THEN switch to ANOTHER fraud, I can’t help you.
The Democrats DO want mail-in voting in order to claim that Trump’s election is illegitimate.
WE can defeat that ON ELECTION NIGHT.
And we will.
^^^ Worth reading TWICE.
And then once more, just to make sure it sticks.
Who is that in the last meme? Seriously I do not recognize She-He-It. On the other hand I tossed the TV habit in 1976.
haha…Ellen Degenerite
ThanQ Pat.
I am sure PDJT and the DOJ will be all over this assaination in Portland. Bet they already know who the shooter and his skateboard accomplise is. Expect to see their mug picture by the end of the week.
Asians are underrepresented in pro sports…sign the petition in CA…
“Asian Americans are the overwhelmingly [underrepresented minority] in pro sports,” the petition reads. “Therefore, we (the undersigned), DEMAND that Warriors, [San Francisco] Giants, [Oakland] A’s, SF 49ers, [San Jose] Earthquakes, Oakland Roots, [San Jose] Sharks allocate 15% roster spots for Asians (California Asian population) starting in 2020-2021 season, and guarantee no less than 15% of total game time.”
Although the petition is facetious in nature, it sheds light on some uncomfortable truths about the racial-preferences ballot measure. The justifications for racial preferences in college admissions and hiring are said to stem from the desire to increase “equity” and representation for so-called underrepresented minorities.
But in pro sports, those minorities—blacks, in this case—could be said to be overrepresented. The NBA is 75% black, while the NFL is 70% black. Asians of any nationality make up just 0.2% of the NBA players and just 1.9% of the NFL’s.
The petitioners have a point. After all, if the logic is that underrepresented minorities need a leg up, and Asians are underrepresented minorities in the NFL and NBA—two leagues that enthusiastically throw their support behind racial preferences—then shouldn’t Asians get that same treatment?
Not forgetting, of course, that the “vertically challenged” are WOEFULLY underrepresented in the NBA…
Local news is pushing the “second wave” narrative. A quick Google search reveals a lot of new “second wave” articles. Of course. The Dem panic was palpable last week, President Trump is spending more campaign time on the road, and they need excuses to keep Joe in the basement. Perfect time to deploy the “second wave” psy-op.
Yup. The “second wave”, or is it third is the new D-Rat mantra to keep everyone S K E E R E D !.
Maroons here in NV are now crying about folks catching covid a second time. They trotted out their first “second case”.
D-Rats are pathetic.
Covid tests are pathetic.
If I remember correctly, the first U.S. “second case” was detected at an airport. The individual was asymptomatic and his immune system ended up killing the bug. With several strains of C-19 around, it’s reasonable to expect attempts by the 2nd cousins of the bug to reinfect an individual . . . and then have that person’s immune system do its job and kill the bug.
Perhaps their publicity dept. could tell those of us too ignorant to know of such things, the exact day and where we should be to get the next wave? Which page in scientific or medical research is that info taken?
In highway travels I occasionally observed signposts that alert travellers that they were approaching a “high accident intersection”. It implied that drivers just hold on a bit longer before they could have their much desired accident. Pure and simple mind programming.
Nick Sandmann joins McConnell’s reelection team
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s reelection campaign has hired former Covington Catholic student Nick Sandmann as a grassroots director, Sandmann announced Friday on Twitter.
Sandmann broke onto the national scene following a viral filmed encounter between himself and Native American protesters which was widely misrepresented by the media. Sandmann delivered an address to the Republican National Convention earlier this week, and is currently litigating a number of lawsuits against news organizations that he says nearly ruined his life.
Is Mitch worthy? It does though raises Nick’s stature and his message is important.
as wondering about his choice myself…
Of course Mitch is worthy!
No matter what one thinks of him, McConnell’s work on the judiciary will outlive this, the next, and the next few administrations, as well as many of us.
The judiciary is the last resort. Without them, all is lost… cf SDNY, DC circuit (anything but straight, though), and the Ninth Circus, until recently (still “work in progress”)…..
In light of what is going on right now in DC, and the planned siege of the White House – I hope President Trump will call out the National Guard to protect these prayer warriors!
OH boy, that is asking for a whole lot of people to be badly hurt if not killed.
Plain and simple.
Should be dealt with as such.
Time for snowflakes and their Satanic master Satan Soros to learn that actions, in particular evil deeds, have consequences.
Spiritual battles are won in prayer. On our knees before an all powerful, all knowing God. And prayer warriors are mostly alone in their closets, pleading with God for His grace on behalf of a sinful Nation. It can change the person praying and can sweep the Country of God’s enemies. It may be His battle but our actions and attitudes count to honour Him. I think many will respond to Franklin’s call.
Memorandum on the Extension of the Use of the National Guard to Respond to COVID-19 and to Facilitate Economic Recovery (Louisiana)
HEALTHCARE Issued on: August 29, 2020
First Dallas Live Worship – “A Legacy Of Faith”
Brun0Barking Retweeted
Mike Coudrey@MichaelCoudrey
Tonight in Portland BLM terrorists and Antifa murdered a Trump supporter in cold blood.
No altercation, no fight. He walked up behind him and assassinated him because of his political views.
“I thought things were partisan and tough 30 years ago — nothing compared to today. Things have fundamentally changed… [the left] represents a revolutionary Rousseauian party that believes in tearing down the system… They’re interested in complete political victory. They’re not interested in compromise. They’re not interested in dialectic, exchange of views… It’s a substitute religion. They view their political opponents… as evil because we stand in the way of their progressive utopia that they’re trying to reach…” — US Attorney General William Barr, Fox News, August 9, 2020.
There is no indication that the shooter even knew the political views of the victim other than the hat that he was wearing. That is the definition of insane anarchy. Premeditated assassination.
Brun0Barking Retweeted
Shawnasaurus Rex@ShawnG927
Anti-Lockdown rally in London Flag of United Kingdom today! The “Wear a Mask Face with medical mask and Social distance“ crowd won’t enjoy THIS VIDEO! Smiling face with open mouthFace with tears of joyThumbs up
Wow good for them.
Its getting close.
Theyve got to find out quick.
an Miles Cheong (@stillgray) Tweeted:
This appears to be the man suspected of shooting the Trump supporter in Portland.
Who is this man? https://t.co/2L9v6s2Mgm
Its done.
Now someone must arrest and prosecute.
I have zero faith in the d.a. they are abetting and complicit.
ME (@MyNameMe99) Tweeted:
@OC_10_8 @stillgray https://t.co/QI96VcDsxB
His linkd in, before its gone.
DARN! I was hoping he was from out of state.
Yeah, he will get 3 months probation like the Bikelock Prof if that.
No. Bikelock didnt commit murder and it was California. However, the d.a. is complicit and has antifa connections. This must be prosecuted in another county.
Someone beat me to it.
Some idiot said:
Yep. Not a defense in any way, but they are crazily stupid.
I look at that guy’s twitter page and he is really brainwashed.
Just think HE or those like him will be on the jury for this PoS and for Kyle thanks to the computer technology the shadowgate film showed us.
Amazing what the anons can do as a group.
Remember they found this flag in the middle of a field…and replaced it with the US flag.
That was so fun watching capture the flag.
That was hilarious how they trolled La Beouf…
That was the 3rd time he had moved the flag.
He gave up after that.
Larry Schweikart@LarrySchweikart
1) Folks, I keep hearing concerns about a Torricelli “switchout” with Demented Perv Biteme.
2) Won’t happen. Cannot happen.
4) If they “switched out” Demented Perv Biteme with anyone–inc Harris–it would be a disaster.
10:09 AM · Aug 30, 2020·Twitter Web App
Larry Schweikart@LarrySchweikart
Replying to @LarrySchweikart
5) If you vote “Biden president Harris Vice President” & he isn’t on the ticket, SHE doesn’t automatically move to the top.
SHE is elected “vice president.”
6) So, you write in Harris. But then you can’t vote for “Biden/Harris” above b/c it would cancel your ballot.
Larry Schweikart
7) ANY attempt to switch out Biteme with ANYONE would at very minimum cost the DemoKKKrats a good 5 million votes simply in confusion, multiple disallowed ballots, etc.
8) No, they are stuck with Demented Perv Biteme.
9) They are stuck losing in what is now . . .
Larry Schweikart@LarrySchweikart
9) contd . . . starting to get as close to a landslide as possible without CA, IL, or NY.
well the dems WANT confusion. what better way to say voters were disenfranchised than discounting their votes because the dems caused confusion. would that be the voters fault? of course not, the dems would argue–we HAVE to count those votes or millions of voters will be disenfranchised! POTUS sues to exclude them…it goes to the courts…ends up in SCOTUS where you know who decides.
btw…does anyone know what the succession is in SCOTUS? if something happens to Roberts, who assumes the Chief Justice spot?
If Roberts is gone for whatever reason, the president nominates or appoints the new Chief Justice, (to be confirmed by Senate) if I remember correctly… the Appointments Clause is part of Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution,
well THAT’S interesting…
He can appoint a totally new person, or can appoint one of the sitting associate justices. Both have happened in my lifetime. Roberts was originally appointed to be an associate justice; when Rehnquist decided to step down, Bush simply withdrew that nomination and appointed Roberts to be Chief Justice, then picked someone else for the associate slot Roberts had previously been nominated for.
Rehnquist, in turn, was an associate justice whom Reagan appointed to Chief Justice when the previous chief justice died
True, but what if Biden quits/dies before the election? All ballots are printed and early voting cast? What then?
If POTUS wins, he wins.
I really despise his name calling. He would be taken more seriously and have more credibility if he quit that. A few times it may be humorous, but generally it’s hard to understand who he’s talking about without his legend. Juvenile comes to mind. Stop it Larry!
Freedom of speech
In my precinct, they print the ballot on the spot, so something’s fishy with this.
This is what the SHOOTER has on his facebook.
I am an ex pro snowboarder and mountain boarder. I work hard now to pay for all of the fun I had. I have 2 of the most wonderful children in all of the universe one boy and one girl. I’m starting my new life and I would love to meet new people that think like I do. I believe in being nice to people, I don’t want to walk around with a tough exterior. Good people should be surrounded by good people. Life is for us all to e
“Life is for us all to enjoy.”
Sure sounds like he is a PROFESSIONAL and knows that what he says on farcebook and Twatter could be used against him.
Someone needs to do a really deep dive on this dude. “ex pro snowboarder and mountain boarder.” So where in heck was he getting his REAL money from. WHO SPONSORED HIM??? (He looks like he is in his sixties maybe?)
No. He is 48. Graduated hs in 1990. I believe that. His new life is one of menial work bc he partied his whole life. I would not be surprised if he was kicked out of the military.
I read professional snowboarder and contractor
Shooters Instagram
Full of antifa, blm.
Appreciate the info giloo. Mountain boarder? How is that different than being a snowboarder?
More extreme.
GREAT News… Coca-Cola is toxic… so happy to hear peeps are drinking less…
Robert Barnes Retweeted
Coca-Cola will cut thousands of jobs and reduce its number of business units as it faces declining beverage sales in the pandemic
Coke will offer buyouts to 4,000 workers in the US and Canada
Coca-Cola will cut thousands of jobs and reduce its number of business units as it faces declining beverage sales in the pandemic.
A 2 liter of coke costs about 2.25. Mr Gil is a diet coke addict but I stopped buying the brand bc of cost. He drinks Sams choice, walmart brand, which is fairly decent for a generic, at about 95 cents a bottle. Even Diet Pepsi is cheaper. Coke has a pricing problem.
If Coca-Cola comes into our house, it’s imported from Mexico. They use real sugar.
Robert Barnes Retweeted
Zaid Jilani@ZaidJilani
Insurance company won’t pay to rebuild the business of Indian-American immigrant whose small business was torched in Kenosha, so they are trying to raise money on GoFundMe
Car Source in Kenosha, organized by Car Source
We, at Car Source, are a victim of Domestic Terrorism, here, in Kenosha, WI and lost 137 cars and our… Car Source needs your support for Car Source in Kenosha
If he was insured for Fire damage…then he should sue his insurance company.
Has the incident been officially declared “An act of Domestic Terrorism”?
I doubt it!
Then his coverage for Fire should cover it.
Of course, the insurance company will try to slime out of covering it.
But he should sue them.
Andy Ngô@MrAndyNgo
The group Harris helped fundraise for bails out those charged with violent felony crimes like murder, rape & more. The Minnesota Freedom Fund has pulled in more than $35m in donations with the help of mainstream Democrats & celebrities. https://fox9.com/news/minnesota-nonprofit-with-35m-bails-out-those-accused-of-violent-crimes
Quote Tweet
Kamala Harris@KamalaHarris
· Jun 1
If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.
That’s staggering. $35 million. The donations went from $ !000 a day to $100,000 a day since June.
When asked how many protesters were bailed out, Lewin responded, “probably a dozen in terms a direct bail actions.”
Then there’s all the corporate millions that have poured into BLM which flows directly to Actblue…
Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Worked on an ice machine in their kitchens one time…
At the Shrine, that is…
Beautiful Basilica, CM – Wow!!!
Worth visiting no matter what your religious faith, the parking is free, entrance is free, and ALL the artwork is mosaics, no paintings. Behind the altar is the most amazing mosaic of Jesus Christ, not the typical portrayal of Christ.
Thanks, Nurse!!! Nice to know!!!
Twitter was putting ‘Lucifer’ trending at #1 …
anyone know if that is still the case? They thing they’re funny…
The anons are asking for prayers for Punisher who is in hospital with cardiac problems… very ill… please pray.
Punisher had emergency heart surgery some time in the last 48 hours. On a weekend in an emergency, that’s never good.
Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) Tweeted:
The victim is also identified. I can confirm he was a participant in the pro-Trump caravan rally yesterday (though he was on foot when he was shot & killed). I won’t be naming him yet because I don’t know if his next of kin has been informed. #PortlandRiots
Btw, Ted Wheeler deleted his tweet about the letter he sent to POTUS. Too late, youre now liable.
Savage. And true.
might I add the word TOXIC to that?
My favorite website finally restored – had to find Verse of the Day elsewhere – odd they are both from Proverbs!
Verse of the Day for Sunday, August 30, 2020
“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.”
Proverbs 11:30 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Looks like the guy who was killed driving the SUV (same as the one in twitter posts earlier)
Darth Crypto – The Sith Jew (@ToolFree2point0) Tweeted:
Also, this is out there, but I won’t post any names. This is the victim from earlier in the day. Compare the clothing/equipment.
He is with Patriot Prayer in other content.
Notice the missing mace can. We know he used it when shot.
Very sad outcome. This has to fucking stop! https://t.co/mZ3Qoxc2wf
Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown had a big hand in Oakland’s demise, as did WillBrown™, SSHH (SuperSpreaderHorizontalHarris)’s , erm, support structure…
(just think of “Elections Have Consequences” pronounced in “Engrish”)…
Gee – did not know that, Cuppa! Of course – not too many people do not know about Heels Up – lol
THREAD re: Michael Flynn en banc mandamus
John M. Reeves@reeveslawstl
1) It is VERY likely that the DC Circuit will issue its en banc judgment and opinion on the Flynn mandamus case this upcoming Monday, August 31, due to Judge Thomas Griffith being set to leave the court effective Sept. 1.
2) There are two types of federal appellate judges: active duty and senior status. A judge who takes senior status takes a kind of semi-retirement whereby he or she can still fully work as a judge, but it opens a slot for a new appointment to the court.
3) Judge Griffith is NOT taking senior status. Rather, this upcoming Tuesday, September 1, he is leaving the bench entirely.
4) As I read the relevant rules and caselaw, the only way Judge Griffith can actually have a vote on the Flynn decision is if the Court hands down the decision BEFORE he officially leaves the court, despite his having participated in oral argument.
5) Under 28 USC Section 46(c) an en banc court “shall consist of all circuit judges in regular active service…..” It also provides for when senior status judges may participate in en banc decisions, but this is irrelevant here bc Judge Griffith is not taking senior status.
6) About a year-and-a-half ago, the SCOTUS clarified Section 46(c)’s meaning in a matter that, for practical purposes, is identical to Judge Griffith’s impending retirement. See Yovino v. Rizo, 139 S.Ct. 706 (2019).
7) In Rizo, the Ninth Circuit issued an en banc decision via an opinion written by Judge Stephen Reinhardt, the longtime liberal lion on that court (and the last remaining active-duty Judge appointed by Carter).
8) The only problem was that by the time the Ninth Circuit issued Judge Reinhardt’s opinion, he had been dead for 11 days. (cont)
9) To make things even worse, Judge Reinhardt was the swing vote in the case.
10) The Ninth Circuit’s opinion had a footnote stating, “Prior to his death, Judge Reinhardt fully participated in this case and authored this opinion. The majority opinion and all concurrences were final, and voting was completed by the en banc court prior to his death.”
11) SCOTUS unanimously vacated the Ninth Circuit’s decision, finding the Ninth Circuit’s footnote and justification to be “inconsistent with well-established judicial practice, federal statutory law, and judicial precedent.” Rizo, 139 S.Ct. at 708.
12) The Court noted how “a judge may change his or her position up to the very moment when a decision is released.” Id. at 709. Thus, it was irrelevant that at the time of Judge Reinhardt’s death, the votes appeared to be clear–they were not yet official.
13) The Court further intrepreted Section 46(c)’s reference to “active duty judges” as being those judges who are active duty at the time the en banc court issues its formal opinion and judgment, and not to before that time. Id.
14) “When the Ninth Circuit issued its opinion in this case, Judge Reinhardt was neither an active judge nor a senior judge. For that reason, by statute he was without power to participate in the en banc court’s decision at the time it was rendered.” Id.
15). “Because Judge Reinhardt was no longer a judge at the time when the en banc decision in this case was filed, the Ninth Circuit erred in counting him as a member of the majority.” Id.
16) Similar to Rizzo, Judge Griffith will no longer be a judge–active or senior–on the DC Circuit as of September 1. If the DC Circuit does not issue a decision on the Flynn matter before Sept. 1, Judge Griffith will have no vote on the matter.
17) Accordingly, it is highly probable that the DC Circuit issue its en banc ruling on the Flynn mandamus case this upcoming Monday, Aug. 31, to ensure Judge Griffith gets to vote on the matter.
In the end, the panel leans heavily DIM, so the vote will go heavily AGAINST the Writ, against Flynn… Griffith’s vote is simply a ‘courtesy’
When this went to the full panel – I did not have hope it would be over – do you think Powell will go to the Supreme Court – and put an end to this nonsense?
Too bad we do not have a Supreme Court Chief Justice who would sanction these little kiddie judges.
Margot Cleveland had a thread about the future… iirc it was she. Will have to look… bottom line is the DIMs will drag it out beyond the election. They don’t want Flynn free to testify as a witness against so many of them… ‘course if he’s pardoned, that simply negates his ever being a witness.
A pardon does not prevent testimony. It affects credibility, if anything. Of course, the judge in any case must rule on admissibility of testimony. Seems to me that arguments over the credibility of Flynn’s testimony would open the door to him explaining all the details of his case while at the same time showing how he was a threat to the defendant.
Pandora’s Box will not be opened and Durham doesn’t need Flynn’s testimony to prove anything. He has a security clearance equal to Flynn’s and therefore can see all the documents Flynn authored while he was a spook.
Thanks Pgroup…
They know that – that is why they are pushing PT to pardon him – they think this will protect them – not going to happen – Q said Flynn Free in 30 – what that means and how that happens – I do not know – but, I believe he will be freed – and they will not be able to stop what is coming!!!
Not a Pardon. A pardon results from guilt for which the person and penalty is being excused. He needs the charges dropped so there is no criminal record.
Exactly Hoofy…
MEDIA IS THE ENEMY… Tapper spreading Biden’s LIES
Undercover Huber Retweeted
Russia collusion co-conspirator Tapper amplifying an absolutely crazy-sounding tweet from Biden.
Quote Tweet
Jake Tapper@jaketapper
· 13h
Biden statement on ODNI story: “There can be only one conclusion: President Trump is hoping Vladimir Putin will once more boost his candidacy … And he does not want the American people to know the steps Vladimir Putin is taking…”
Amazing that he puts a blatant lie in boldface.
Biden is NOT the vice-president. He is a FORMER vice-president.
Come on Ratcliffe, Ric can work faster than this… get it in high gear!!!
Undercover Huber Retweeted
Chuck Ross@ChuckRossDC
Ratcliffe says he’s coordinating with John Durham on access to intel documents, plans more declassifications “soon.”
Ratcliffe Says He Is Coordinating With John Durham, Plans To Declassify More Trump-Russia Documents
John Ratcliffe has been coordinating with U.S. Attorney John Durham, and plans to soon declassify more documents related to the Trump-Russia probe.
That’s a parody account, for those who aren’t aware.

Thanks, Wheatie – I did not know – just noticed “reul” before his name – YUK!!!
Thanks, Wheatie. I didn’t even notice.
For Mr. Steve….
Butterfly, iirc this recent statement from CDC also said 90% of deaths were nursing home… am I correct?
Elderly are PRONE to pneumonia without COVID 19, a simple cold can rapidly lead to pneumonia (I know from experience). It’s very possible that pneumonia existed BEFORE many of them contracted Covid… and they would have died anyway.
Official Numbers from CDC website. Note1* They don’t disclose if any of the Inpatients came from a NH/LTCF.
Note2* All their numbers can contain 1-8wk lag time.
Total 164,280
Healthcare setting, inpatient 105,964
Healthcare setting, outpatient or emergency room 5,932
Healthcare setting, dead on arrival 165
Decedent’s home 8,820
Hospice facility 4,485
Nursing home/long term care facility 36,078
Other 2,778
Place of death unknown 58
Thanks… what I read was a ‘blanket’ statement… no breakdown…
I agree with the opinion that CDC was weaponized by Obama/Biden… as so many agencies were.
My opinion:
DR. FAUCI and DR. NANCY MESSONIER (Rod Rosey’s sister) are BOTH in the CDC counting scam up their eyes.
Question that must now be answered:
What communications did ANY of the DemCom state governors who forced nursing homes to accept CCP Virus positive patients with Fauci / Messonier before AND during the period when these patients were sent to their deaths in these facilities?
Fauci has been the mastermind in spreading false / misleading information about the CCP Virus from the start.
Messonier was the one who sent those tweets about “more than 1,000 deaths per day” from the virus back in February-early March.
Amen …. and why do you think Pelosi and company refused to return to work? It gave the virus chance to get a strong foothold in nursing homes.
The ruling came last Friday… here’s first para from press release:
“Attorney General William P. Barr issued the following statement on the Ninth Circuit’s stay in Index Newspapers LLC, et al v. United States Marshals Service, et al:
“Last night, the U.S. Court of Appeals for Ninth Circuit entered an order temporarily blocking an injunction entered by a federal district court in Portland that imposed extensive but vaguely defined constraints on federal law enforcement personnel striving to protect the federal courthouse and surrounding areas in Portland from destruction. In practical effect, the district court’s order prevented the federal government from effectively addressing violent mobs through the general crowd-control measures that are required, and it unacceptably increased the risk of serious injury to federal law enforcement officers. The Ninth Circuit’s decision is an important step that will allow federal officers to continue carrying out their important security responsibilities without being subject to untenable conditions.”
con’t at link https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/statement-attorney-general-william-p-barr-ninth-circuit-s-stay-case-concerning-federal
Remember when a group had to have a “permit” to protest, to simply MARCH. And that permission did not PERMIT anyone to take over the streets… or to roam the streets AT NIGHT…
There has never been anything resembling a “peaceful” protest with these terrorists.
Yes, PR – the problem is these Dim Mayors and Governors are complicit – and the Police are told to ‘stand down’ – think it is time for the ‘Insurrection Act’ – time to put boots on the ground – and arrest some terrorists – including the mayors and governors allowing this to happen – jmho
I know Duchess…
You realize that is what the MSM and the DIMs and the Deep State also want… the optics of POTUS dictating
True, PR!!! This has been going on far too long and now – another death!
Me TOO !!
This is good.
But…it is going to give Insurance Companies a reason to deny claims, IF the people didn’t take out “Terrorism Insurance” as additional coverage.
A lot of people don’t have that ‘additional’ coverage.
Most people are insured for Vandalism and Fire damage.
And if it’s not terrorism…then they can get their insurance to pay off on those.
This is going to suck for a lot of people who have suffered catastrophic damages to their businesses or property, at the hands of these Antifuh/BLM scumbags.
Pres Trump may have to issue an EO to make the Insurers pay these claims.
I do not think that will stop POTUS from acting…ways to get around the insurance stuff. Kind of like “pre-existing conditions” the insurance companies got away with for years to avoid paying medical bills.
I agree, POTUS has to act based on his mandate of protecting the entire Country and its citizens from enemies at home and abroad. In this area Insurance companies may attempt to recoup the cost of their payouts by suing a third party when they are able to show responsibility. Even our mandatory communist auto insurance company will sue out-of-area insurance companies if they think they can recover costs.
Agree – He will do something – to assist – this will not stand – He will do whatever he has to do to lift the people back up! It is what he does – he cares – and these loses were unexpected – He will fix it!!!
davealvord164 Retweeted
From a gun dealer in New Jersey: “You and everyone else in the country are going crazy for Glocks…. we had 58 people the other day on a wish list just for a Glock 19 only had 40 shipped in and they sold out within 2 hours!”
DH has been going to a fairly new, very small gun shop (Retired military Owner has been sole employee until recently). DH is doing puddly stuff…new holster to accommodate new laser attachment, ordering special ammunition for an older revolver, learning how to break down and clean a new gun, etc. he is blown away every time he goes in there…people of all ages, gender and race are 4 deep…and spending LOTS of $$$. One young woman cane in to pick up an order of 20 (!) guns!! Another young woman had a gun with a very high-power sight and laser…her husband told DH she paid $2000 for it; another woman was there shopping for a gun for her son, etc.
And this is not a high crime area (knock on wood!)
“One young woman came in to pick up an order for 20 (!) guns!!” ??? Antifa/BLM have been using a lot of guns recently. Of course they have 2A privileges too.
The owner mentioned “local gun group”, but naturally he wouldn’t go beyond that statement.
WOW… Thanks for the report Tea…
I wonder if they are able to get ammunition easily or is that a problem?
and the link
More like 1984, the year not the book. That was what a landslide looks like.
HMMM…is that Minnesota? and DC?
Yep. Mondale is/was from Minnesota. One of the great memories of American politics. Not saying how old I was, though.
Oh, yes – he was – did not pay much attention to him – I guess – will have to do some research.
I was downtown this morning, so I have a bit of a ground report.
First off, this is the first time I’ve done my face since March…I’m out of practice and need a bigger 5x.
I left with PLENTY of time to get where I was going ’cause downtown has been very active at night and some of the streets are blocked off. I had no idea what I was going to run into. In the interest of not doxxing myself too badly, I will say, other than that, and some construction I knew was going on, and one business being burned, there was more loitering in one spot than I remember being there previously. But that was about it. The place looks the same.
I got to talking to the administrator where I was – without masks – and we got to talking about how weird things are, how isolating…and how not hearing gun shots at night is just frightening for her. I guess we all have our white noises.
Anyway, where I was, there was little mask wearing if it wasn’t required. Like, all but a handful of people if that many were breathing like God meant for us to breathe. It was so refreshing.
On the way home…people are driving like maniacs. I got off the highway and took the streets at one point, ’cause it was nuts. Anyway, downtown may not have changed much, but the Central West End has, and not for the better. Modern architecture and Gilded Age elegance just don’t go together. There’s some high rises going up that are going to shatter if a tornado comes through.
It was kind of a let down to come home and take off a nice dress and the jewelry that doesn’t get worn these days. Glad I got out, though.
Getting out is what refreshes you even if its disappointing.
Other than one mishap when I didn’t quite hear the organ well enough, it wasn’t all that disappointing. The attendees were very gracious and thanked me for being there.
Good then…
2 cops were shot there last night, 1 in the head. Apparently there’s some guy barricaded in a standoff w/police.
2 more cops were shot in Chicago last night.
Pray for all.
My dad said he read it was south of Tower Grove. That’s southwest of downtown, south of the Missouri Botanical Garden. That’s a neighborhood working its way back to being functional.
The one shot in the head is at Saint Louis University Hospital. It does not sound good.
No it doesn’t.
Actually, when I saw the map of where the shooting happened, that spot is within walking distance of SLU’s med school. It’s right on the other side of I-44. Who knows, that might have saved his life.
Watch “Tore Says Show 28 AUG 20” on YouTube
Posted on August 29, 2020
Tore interviews, both, Bill Binney and Patrick ? The guy in Shadowgate.
Jonathan Turley@JonathanTurley
The Dana Bash interview with the FEMA Administrator Peter Gaynor is what is so frustrating for many. Many of us wanted to hear about efforts to deal with the devastation in Louisiana. Instead, Bash spent most of the interview trying to get Gaynor to denounce Trump .
. .
10:01 AM · Aug 30, 2020·Twitter Web App
Jonathan Turley@JonathanTurley
Replying to @JonathanTurley
…on the RNC event without requiring masks (she did not mention the even larger event at the March the next day where many were without masks).She then pushed him to denounce him on Trump’s past virus statements. Gaynor repeatedly tried to get back to the victims without success
Jonathan Turley@JonathanTurley
…I used to live in Louisiana and hoped to hear some details on the recovery, but instead watched as the head of FEMA was pushed to declare some emergency over the leadership of Trump. Gaynor looked honestly confused. He was not alone.
Woah…that’s a great article!
Linked article…
The communist Democrats and CCP need steet fighters. It was one of their coldest calculations. Keeping people out of work with the Plannedemic was key.
The PHONINESS of the Plannedemic was important. They couldn’t ACTUALLY have their street fighters locked up by a real “airborne Ebola”.
So these creeps are living on unemployment and stimulus checks and wonder what else. Trust funds? Soros money?
The Communist Democrats and the CCP need THIS:
Alice should shout it from the rooftops.
I’d like to see both Tucker and Lou Dobbs have her on their show.
OANN needs to pick this up as well.
I’m just amazed that they tried to play the code of silence card on her with so many witnesses.
Desperate gonna desperate.
Tells me all I need to know about who Van Jones really is. Scum. I knew he was.
Glenn Beck was the one that first exposed him as a Communist working in the WH.
Silencing people is one of the weapon communists use.
Maybe send this to TGP as well and maybe send it to OANN so they pick up on it.
Why would VanJ*nes expect her to care what he wanted her to do?
Because Van J thinks he owns her. He was part of the prison reform team but it was Kenny W and his wife who helped release Alice and POTUS made it happen.
Maybe he assumes she is a fellow traveler. Poor Alice.
I was actually asking, in part, out of ignorance. For all I know, Alice is some sort of leftist.
Bill Gates Gave Hundreds of Millions in Bribes to MSM, Newspapers, TV News Companies to Bury Negative Stories about Gates Foundation
I can’t believe he did that.
No whey.
After #LancetGATES, and the the murderous #LancetGATESEffect, where people actually DIED to keep HCQ from being used, I think he’s capable of any crime, even genocide.
I suspect that the silicon valley set has been guilty of the most heinous crimes…
….much like Hollywood.
Considering that BillyGhoul Gates Senior was one of the driving forces of Planned unParenthood, with its goal of eliminating blacks, the rotten apple BillyGhoul Gates Junior hasn’t fallen far from the tree…
[I want all the money I dumped into MSDN, TechNet, various trainings,etc. and M$ products BACK!!!]
As I said yesterday, it was a bad idea for Trump supporters to caravan through Portland.

Now people are all upset that a Trump supporter was murdered.
As I’ve said…we MUST be unemotional, self-disciplined, calm, and rational. THAT is who/what is going to win this fight.
Do the mucking fath!!
I’ve been thinking about this today and the thread comments from yesterday. I don’t know the whole story, but I never thought it wise to voluntarily infiltrate the area where the rioters are. Really bad idea; dumb, actually. And now someone is dead. We know those people are violent. I don’t know what they hoped to accomplish by going in there.
I’ve used this example many times, that it’s like the guy in the movies who can’t stop and think long enough to formulate a plan or to implement the existing plan, and has to take action, NOW. He isn’t thinking, he isn’t strategic, and he always gets killed. (I’m not blaming the victim; just commenting in general.)
Further to your point…
Dems have released thousands of convicts from prison and jail under the auspices of the WuFlu China virus.
That is who a significant percentage of these rioters are.
Respect the American No-Go Zones and they’ll disappear like they have in France, Sweden, Mexico cartel areas……….ok
This is a stupid post made in bad faith, and I’m only responding to point that out.
America is like Sweden, France, and Mexico? When voters have been steadily rejecting the left since 2010 and the left is so increasing panicked and desperate they’ve proven they believe moving FURTHER left is the answer??
Thanks for responding and pointing that out.
Too busy typing the next “proclamation” to sense your sarcasm.
molly, you done good; a back to back sarcasm MOAB’s! or MOAS!
I went to a sort of “no-go zone” this morning and drove home just fine.
Of course, it was in broad daylight. Most of the mayhem has been done under the cover of darkness.
My brother went to rescue my nephew whose tire went flat in a border area of a no-go zone in Memphis the other night. While nephew was putting air in..bro hears gun shots..a guy comes screaming across the street saying he needs a ride somebody shooting at him.
Bro says no..the guy literally jumped on the hood after bro yelled for the nephew to forget the tire..just drive.
The guy hung on for 2 blocks before he jumped off.
So strange we grew up in that part of town back in the day
Thats scary.
Yes – logical thinking for the win.
Don’t be like them – it is WHAT THEY NEED.
The math is so simple most thinking people get it.
What if…
The Portland crime scene started with “patriot prayer” v.s. “antifa” a long while ago. They know each other. Face recognition. Maybe even some infiltration between groups. Like big time wrestling. Actors.
What if …
This guy is one of those guys. Antifa acting in role of “PP” for the show. AND the “directors” decide to spice up the show by having one of their assassins take out mr. fake PP. AND the “directors” are all set up to spread the “Trumper killed rioter” info through crowd super fast (original word on street).
We need more data.
Don’t really know enough yet about the Patriot Prayer guy, but he does seem just a wee bit atypical, but maybe not for Portland area. Seems like he’s appropriately pacifist.
The Snowboarder is the one that seems different than most Antifa, who are generally taught to use a kind of dweeby stealth violence. This guy (Michael Reinoehl) has military training. I think he was in that second Antifa group – the ones who were trained to be more like operators – gunplay.
Reinoehl seems to have issues with impulsive acts. I think that’s the problem here. It looks like he wanted to mess with some Trumpies, and for some reason went all the way. I suspect they were FOLLOWING suspected Trump supporters after an earlier encounter period was broken up.
Totally reasonable train of thought too.
Probably more than one of these types all wound up and ready to let things fly and the events people know it.
Yup. I don’t think this guy pays any attention to anything outside his little world. Those people are probably NOT getting inhibitory signals to quell. And that is what Komrade Kamala wants. The Fake News hears sweet words on Sunday afternoon, but their FOOTSOLDIERS hear the orders – keep fighting!
Some speculation that Reinoehl may have been from same area as victim. More details on previous encounters with law here as well…
If true….this is jacked up!!!
Worse than useless, actually. it only muddies the water.
Which, of course, is intentional, planned, and desired.
Wow…we got 2 over here…straight up hit…
Videos exist of the actual shooting? I choose not to watch the guy get killed.
Me neither. It’s bad enough seeing it in movies and television…which was done on purpose basically to desensitize the audiences, I understand.
I mean, I fast forward through the ramming scene in Ben Hur just to avoid the gore. The chariot race is bad enough.
It has to be seen. To identify the shooter and the gang that orchestrated the execution. so they can be caught, and justice can repay in kind. The tactics must be studied so all can be aware not to succumb to their traps. KNOW THY ENEMY. Very sad, but it looks like the victim died almost instantly.
Almost comical that they are saying ‘self defense’ because he possibly maced at them…when their backpacks are full of bear spray and human waste, mallets, hammers and other potential lethal items that they use against police and others..now it’s okay to shoot to kill ?
It doesn’t show the shooting. But it does give a very clear audio…
“Hey…hey….we got a couple of ‘em right here!”
“Right here?” (ie. these people?)
Bang. Bang.
This was an execution.
Molly and I had the shooting and other videos on today’s 1st page.
It’s everywhere at wearethenews. Looks like they have the shooter ID’d as well.
Update on Punisher.
Praying Actress
The Punisher just opened his eyes!
Your prayers are working!
Don’t stop!
And say thank you to give praise to Jesus!
2:30 PM · Aug 30, 2020
I’m out of this loop. Who is this? Or if it can’t be said, that’s ok.
A keyboard warrior on Twitter. He was rushed to the hospital Thursday night with “heart issues,” and had emergency surgery pretty much immediately. He’s in ICU, and woke up today.
And another layer added:
Mary Walsh (@CBSWalsh) Tweeted:
Breaking News – @USNavy investigators now suspect arson may have caused the fire which ravaged the Bonhomme Richard last month in San Diego. At least one sailor has been identified as a possible suspect and is being questioned – @CBSDavidMartin reporting https://t.co/UEaeW0CHln
Of course it was arson.
Set in a way that would grow quickly to cause massive damage, and timed to take place when a minimal number of personnel and on-board systems could respond quickly to contain it.
It’s called “sabotage”, and the person(s) responsible is a traitor (assuming he/she/they are US citizens).
If proven and found guilty by court martial, the guilty will spend decades locked up in Leavenworth. As a convicted traitor? THAT is gonna be HARRRRD time, indeed. The number of beatings alone will be countless. May well have to be separated from Gen Pop for most of the time served…very hard on the mental and emotional psyche.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Even in a non-military prison a convicted traitor will have a hard time.
I dont know if there was more than 1 ignition point but 1 or more definitely needs to be public information.
Staged photo. But the sign is great.
Co-Sign? Tangent?
Someone asked her “What’s your sign?” and she answered…
I was born under the sign “Maternity Ward.”
The ‘How’ Will Be Hard to Understand for Most
13 Jun 2020 – 4:15:27 PM
The ‘how’ will be hard to understand for most.
Focus on the ‘why’.
The ‘when’ is now.
What does it take for the truth to come out? For the people with the microphones to be effected.
Mark R. Levin
1. We attended the RNC on the South Lawn of the White House Thursday night. And when we departed the Democrat Party mob and rioters were violent, crazed, and organized. There were no peaceful protesters whatsoever.
2. The police were trying to protect the attendees but they were outnumbered. We could also see and feel that this was deadly serious.
3. The police pushed the perimeter out in every direction. The mob was not spontaneous or organic. These are paramilitary-type forces, well-financed and networked,
4. and the only way to crush them is to Gather as much intel as possible, institute the Insurrection Act, go after the source, round up the violent perpetrators, charge them with federal crimes, and try to have bail set very high.
Building the demand.
Unfortunate it has to be this way, but the gaslighting of the last century or more was so thorough breaking through it is a monumental task.
There is a world of hurt coming for these people.
And the white hats know who they are.
They will be made an example of.
Watch and see.
This is going to be better than all of my birthdays combined.
The world knows. Too many have awoken.

This cat is wayyy to big to try and stuff back into the bag.
Q is grinning from ear to ear.
The “permission” for the demo has been going through the courts in Berlin for a week or so, finally the top court said the right to a demonstration is protected.
Then the slimeball leftard “gubmint” of the city of Berlin said, “no, the danger of Coronavirus is too high”.
Of course the libturds didn’t recognize (or acknowledge) that the lockdowns were the whole reason for the demonstrations. There have been others, too.
I can just see Merde-Kuh, hiding behind her Göbbels curtain, saying “Pay no attention to the Frau behind the curtain”… Here’s hoping that it’ll soon be curtains for her and the Deep State here. Pretty slim pickings in the potential Kanzler/in pool, as she’s gotten rid of all the good ones, in her party (CDU/CSU) or not (!).
But more demos like this (which the gubmint said only had 20K protestors) should make their hot seats all the hotter…
Terrific turnout Cuppa… HUGE!
THIS, my friends, is what winning sounds like.
The last night CSPAN changed the call in criteria and listed the numbers as
Trump Supporters
Biden Supporters
It actually worked to some degree. They had two people call in supporting Biden on the Biden line. Everyone else calling in the Biden line supported Trump though. Over all there were about 20 calls between the three categories.
The issue that will unite us. THIS is the tip of the iceberg, IMO, of exposing the child trafficking that even the most strident, but decent, leftists can’t explain away.
This is what is going to convict the MSM, too.
This county chair is married to the head chief of staff for the Oregon Governor.
100% corrupt, 100% unwilling to protect the citizens.
Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) Tweeted:
Multnomah county chair:
Kafoury… good, All-American name…NOT.
Guessing Lebanon (-ese), which is a satellite of Syria, i.e. Moslem/CAIR/ISIS/MB…..
I know this information has been posted here a number of times yesterday and today, BUT I’ve seen so many posts like this in the last hour on @Jack’s place, it’s starting to go viral. A couple posters have questioned the premise, but none of the medical people I follow have.
Word is getting out.
Kevin Sorbo
Wonder if it is true?
The CDC quietly updated the Covid number to admit that only 6% of all the 153,504 deaths recorded actually died from Covid. That’s 9,210 deaths.
The other 94% had 2 to 3 other serious illnesses and the overwhelming majority were of very advanced age.
3:29 PM · Aug 30, 2020
It really is going viral. Half of my timeline has tweets about this.
What if there was no China Virus at all?
What if the numbers of actual Covid-19 deaths are revised downwards so low that they correspond to seasonal flu?
What if it was just seasonal flu, and they used seasonal flu as a vehicle for their hoax, calling it Covid-19, and everything else was staged hype?
What if the whole thing was a Potemkin Village?
I went to the CDC site but, as expected, didn’t see anything there. I rremember, though, that in July the Trump administration had hospitals submit China virus info to HHS instead of the CDC. I don’t know whether that’s related.
They did that for Birx to get real time data, CDC was causing delays.
The Epoch Times@EpochTimes
“Put simply, Mr. Floyd could not breathe because he had ingested a lethal dose of fentanyl.”
The lawyers for #DerekChauvin, the former #Police officer charged with #GeorgeFloyd’s death, has asked a court to dismiss the charges against their client.
Former Officer Charged With George Floyd’s Death Files Motion to Dismiss Charges
The lawyers for the former police officer charged with George Floyd’s death has asked a court to dismiss the charges against their client.
From https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/06/just_like_that_gun_control_support_and_covid19_died_this_week.html :
[Begin excerpt]
The medical examiner, who was the only person to have conducted an autopsy, indicates Floyd was not asphyxiated. Here are the key findings in his report.
He had
1. Arteriosclerotic heart disease, multifocal, severe
2. Cardiomegaly (540 g) with mild biventricular dilatation
3. Clinical history of hypertension
There were
“No injuries of anterior muscles of neck or laryngeal structures” and “No facial, oral, mucosal, or conjunctival petechiae” (These are tiny red marks that are important signs of asphyxia caused by airway obstruction. If there had been any, it might indicate death by strangulation, hanging or smothering. )
He also tested positive for COVID-19.
Even more striking are the autopsy toxicology findings. In his system they found:
1.Fentanyl 11 ng/mL.
2.Norfentanyl 5.6 ng/mL
3.4-ANPP 0.65 ng/mL
4. Methamphetamine 19 ng/mL
5. 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC 1.2 ng/ml
6. Cotinine positive
7. Caffeine positive
In sum, he was high on drugs at the time of his death. The fentanyl itself was four times the level known to cause fatalities, reports Paul Sperry, and on top of that he had speed and marijuana in his system. The arresting officer said he was foaming at the mouth and a close look at the video indicates this was so.
Interestingly, none of the charges against any of the officers claim Floyd’s death was intentionally inflicted.
Given the huge drug load in Floyd’s system, we might also look at what is called “excited delirium” about which Officer Chauvin expressed concern when he restrained Floyd.
[End excerpt]
thanks Cuppa…
Well this is telling
Cloudflare Down: PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, Hulu, More Popular Services Suffer Outages
What they could really use is a PrayStation…..
Ugh someone in the neighborhood put up a Biden yard sign.
Really people? Really?
I have now about 5 Biden signs in the neighborhood. We also have some Trump signs and very large one and a big flag flying of a balcony.
I know the teachers and social workers living in the neighborhood are far left. The doctors and other professionals are Trump supporters.
That’s good to hear. I see lots of USA flags, a Trump bumper sicker and a Trump Flag.
Is your state more for Trump?
Sadly one person has a biden flag and now that sign. Trumps flag just looks nicer
I think your right in who puts those biden ones up.’
Did see someone with a Massive Trump flag driving by the other day. Gave him a Thumbs up.
OH is Trump but there are democrat pockets. Where I live was democrat for a while Strickland country. When the Evangelicals come out of the Hollows will turn Republican.
Wow. And yeah those democrat pockets sadly.
Any display of the flag is a Trump sign.
Yes !
Display of a fag and a “Black Lives Matter” sing.
Please, how does this work?
Prolly a prank by a neighbor.
LOL I hope so. Sadly when I see the person who owns the house well not so much.
Wyatt, Austere Deplorable@TXDeplorable45
I am convinced that the hardest language for some, is the “truth”.
Is anyone really going to believe this crap? Why would CNN even interview hims, as if he was someone reliable?
Fake News doesn’t want reliable.
He is just angry because he is not the ‘center of attention’ of late – and he is probably ‘skeert’, too!!!
Methinks he’s going to have a “Liddle” problem before long. It’s one thing to “let your fingers do the walking through the Yellow Pages”; it’s another thing entirely when it’s youngsters and not the phone book… The “Standard Hotel” probably will be looming large, too…..
Absotutalutely, Cuppa!!!
This must explain Nancy Pelosi declaring President Trump and Republicans as Enemies of the State. She must work for Russia!
So Flu shot or no Flu shot?!?!
Mom and I are gearing towards No flu shot.
Wife and I are taking an exemption as this year work is mandating them. Most of the people I work with are taking exemptions. HR is inundated with requests for the exemption forms…
Good to know. I think people are starting to wake up.
I just wanted everyone’s thoughts. Because I know the PCP is going to push them. But the more you hear no thanks.
There is some talk of Flu Shots making COVID-19 worse, if not fatal. Wolf has written about this, as have others. I can only say that of people I know, those who take the flu shot often end up worse off than those who don’t…
Don’t want any abortion cell lines, mouse/other DNA/RNA nor any mystery stuff in ANY vaccine…
Normally i have, but noting that both me and my son were getting very sick despite it the last 2 years we skipped it. My son is only 7 and im not a little girl, both with concerns, but the vaccine behaves as a placebo for us. You should factor in your climate, cleaning habits, and general health in too though.
Thanks. Yeah I think Mom and I are skipping it.
I recall one year getting sick back to back…
No flu shot for me.
Thanks for the feedback.
I haven’t gotten a flu shot since I was in the military – back in the 70s. It was required, or I would have skipped it since they always made me sick. In all that time since, I never had the flu until last December. But because of the symptoms, I really think it was Covid.
I never had the flu until last December. But because of the symptoms, I really think it was Covid.—– Oh my!!!!
Hope your all better now!
“So Flu shot or no Flu shot?!?!

Mom and I are gearing towards No flu shot.
I don’t get them.
I can’t even remember the last time I had one, must have been in high school, or younger. I don’t like needles, so I was never eager anyway.
Then over the last 8+ years, learning more about vaccines, I was glad I hadn’t been getting them. Now when I go to the pharmacy and some masked zombie tries to offer a ‘free flu shot’, I smile and say “no thanks, I never get those… nice mask by the way!”, just to enjoy the expression in their eyes
some masked zombie —–LOL True and thanks for that.
I’ve never had one.
Me either, and teaching public school seeing every kid in the building.
Me either and don’t plan on changing!
I only got one flu shot in the last 10 years and that year I got the flu…so pass.
Oh wow!!!!! Now that’s tell. I mean whats the point of a flu shot if you can get the flu.
Thanks everyone!
“Over a half century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of old people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: ‘Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.’ Since then I have spent well-nigh 50 years working on the history of our revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval. But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous revolution that swallowed up some 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: ‘Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.’”
— Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago
“The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956,” published 1973.
Speaking of Solzhenitsyn, has anyone heard from AngelsAtTheGatesOfWar (If I remember his handle correctly) ???
EP120 – Kenosha Burning
Aug 27, 2020
That’s why teachers can’t go back to work.
They’re obviously too busy, and up way too late.
It’s all very clear how their plan is supposed to work. Their bottom line is “revolution now”. China’s parting gift – to burn its dupes like so many secret documents.
That’s what Jacob gets for skipping band camp!
I see Bob (formerly known as Rebecca) has been doubling up on the male hormone therapy treatments, nice job. If one is good, two is better, amiright?
And poor Hannah… clearly a blind follower… she even copied Jacobs hair cut.
What a pathetic group!
The two, left to Center have already been arrested at least once before… I posted them 2 days ago…
Gee, PR – wondered why they looked familiar – Thanks for pointing that out – helps us keep track – they are all starting to look alike lately – is this a fashion statement? Like ‘required’ attire?
Just the fact that the initial video on this that captured the whole shooting is suspect.
The video starts before the incident filming nothing of importance from an elevated position just as if it was known something would be happening.
Likely a camera from a business.
Do those normally pick up sound?
Good ?
That’s interesting then. In the fist vid I saw that captured the whole shooting the (I was assuming it was the person taking the vid by now see’s I might be wrong from what you say) you could hear someone complaining about being maced. If what your saying is true then any of these store fronts could be recording what you say and from a fair distance. That’s a terrible thought if it is so.
I watched again, not a building video It was recorded by a person. It was jerky and moved around.
Yes, watched one again too (same camera but edited vid), however it looked joy stick controlled. Movements were too smooth to be human IMO.
Makes one wonder if whole thing was planned
California moves to consider reparations for slavery
Don’t forget the guy in the flood who climbed onto the roof of his house and prayed for God to save him.
A rescue boat came by when the waters reached the second floor, but he refused, saying he was praying for God to save him.
As the waters reached the roof, a second rescue boat came by, but he wouldn’t go, said he was waiting and praying for God to save him.
Finally, as the waters rose to the highest point on the roof, a helicopter came to rescue him, but he waved them off, shouting that he was praying for God to save him.
Then he drowned.
So then he asked God, “Why didn’t you save me?”
And God said “I sent you two boats and a helicopter, what were you waiting for?”
I always loved that gif.
Conrad Black is out with a post-RNC piece. Wonderful stuff!
Have a small taste of this gourmet buffet….
MAJOR miscalculations. Trump does long-term strategy like nobody’s business!!! They think they can out-think him – THINK AGAIN.
They aren’t even out-thinking amateurs at this point.
Here’s a pretty good analysis of the “viewership” stats from the conventions…
Pithy point!
He’s a great twitter snark-master
Draw up your battle plans.
EP121 – County By County, Part 1, Introduction
•Aug 29, 2020
Thanks, Liz – I was still looking for # 119 – found it – and got interrupted – so appreciate this post.
I love his videos – make so much sense – and are God-centered, too! God Bless You Real Good for helping!!!
Insurrection act, now.
There could have been children killed.
Emily Valdez KNX 1070 (@EmilyValdezKNX) Tweeted:
Breaking: SWAT Called out in Woodland Hills after someone from an apartment on #VenturaBoulevard shoots at pro-Trump caravan of cars. Tire on vehicle was shot out. No injuries. Suspect barricaded in apartment, per LAPD. @KNX1070 https://t.co/w5ait7kCqJ
Because a caravan rally made snowflakes melt.
Nancy Kremer (@KremerNancy) Tweeted:
Trump Parade in Los Angeles, Brad Sherman’s district. Miles long on Ventura Blvd. The tide is turning red. @realDonaldTrump @DanScavino @Crux41507251 https://t.co/7sQHyR8n8f
Unfortunately, the CA state government gets elected in odd years (unless something has changed since my exile in the late 80s). Whether this level of anger will still be there a year from now is a tough question. (Colorado is worse off–though our state house is up this year, and half of our senate, we can’t get rid of our governor, other state executives, or county executives until 2022. Can we maintain anger at the Left for that long as a society, especially with the media and culture most definitely not on our side?)
Some people here hold to the theory that we basically have to sit back and let it get bad before we’ll have the “normies” on our side, ready to condemn the left.
We’re rapidly approaching the point where that is not going to fly. Sitting back and allowing innocent people to lose their property and even their lives to demonstrate a point? God help us if people get the idea (correct or incorrect) that this was our strategy. (And as I don’t believe in God, that narrows the list of things that can help us if this happens, to zero.)
Yes. I asked over time for a long time into the abyss on this. I came to the conclusion that itll go right up to the election. But, that is very cynical as a strategy to allow murder and abuse and suffering to intentionally continue in order to “show us all”.
What isnt answered is the metric. How much is enough or are they going to do nothing unless POTUS is reelected?
My one worry is he won’t get re-elected unless he DOES do something. He’s way ahead right now but if enough people sit down and ask “why the f*** doesn’t Trump DO something about this?” then they might just decide he might as well be complicit.
I concur sir!
And that is the sort of perception that can turn on a dime, especially if one spectacular example occurs. “Why didn’t Trump stop this?”
I have heard that very expression a lot lately.
Our civil liberties are thrashed……….civil liberties
n. rights or freedoms given to the people by the First Amendment to the Constitution, by common law, or legislation, allowing the individual to be free to speak, think, assemble, organize, worship, or petition without government (or even private) interference or restraints. …………
can’t speak freely without fear of violence or censure and even ppl have lost jobs, bank accts, etc
can’t assemble without fear of violence toward us
can’t worship in many many places yet protesting is ok
Personal liberties are mangled.
The domestic terror being allowed in this country is mind blowing. It’s the KK K on steroids
“Suspect barricaded in apartment, per LAPD. ”

Sounds like a smart one.
Maybe if he stays in there long enough, they’ll get bored and go away.
Or maybe even forget he’s in there.
Sounds like a good strategy
Havent seen an update….maybe he made his own exit.
Something happening in Chicago too.
From Karli
One dead, 5 injured in shooting at Chicago restaurant
There are reportedly several casualties following the shooting at Lumes Pancake House in the 11600 block of Western Avenue.
Apparently just a drive by shooting targeting the outside dining area on a Sunday morning. Apparently getting up in peoples faces and shouting at them was a fail so the TDS squad are trying this new tactic out.
With Insurrection Act, POTUS can send in the FEDS… that’s who we want, not the NG…
National guard are unarmed or unloaded usually.
Remember Q has repeated stated, “DO YOU TRUST THE MILITARY?”
I wonder if he’s still addressing letters to Biden’s campaign as “Basement.”
War Nurse usually has good stuff, fyi
Good News…Patriots still a dominant force across the fruited plains!
They can’t stop ALL of us…the message keeps getting out. Frustrating as all get out. Face diapers are emblematic of what they are constantly trying to do to conservatives, patriots, & Christians…muzzle us & even put us down…Tree of Liberty is thirsty!
Hey! A Retweetable!!!
Praying Medic
Good Meme, TIM – Thanks for sharing!!!
Takin’ care of business!
Now here’s the bad news: That son will simply redouble his devotion to BLM, out of simple rebelliousness of nothing else.
Not that that wasn’t fun to watch.
I disagree Steve… first place, their was no ‘devotion’ to BLM.. if anything, he liked the money in his pocket.
Black Mamas have no respect for ‘Reverse Psychology’ …
By the time she gets finished with her lecture in words and deed, that boy won’t go anywhere near BLM.
I hope you’re right.
And it was still fun to watch.
She knocked him out of his shoes!!!
This is very moving & touches me in a personal way. My mother was adopted & unwilling to look into her birth parents most of her life. She eventually got her original birth certificate after her (adopted) mom had died to help me search. We discovered her birth mother was 15, 14 at conception, & her birth father was 17, 16 at conception.
I searched for Info on the birth family, never intending to generate contact, mostly to try to find medical (w/ all Josiah’s issues I hoped that info would help piece together Some of the puzzle of his existence) & cultural background info. Through a series of events we did end up having contact with the birth family & things went very well, better than I could have hoped.
One of the things that was encouraging to me was hearing about my mom’s birthmother discussing her birthfather as the “love of her life”. I had been afraid that my mom was conceived in some type of rape scenario (besides what was likely statutory rape). We did discover a tale of abuse & tragedy surrounding her birth mother’s early life, when she was molested by a farmhand who came to help work the farm after the sudden death of her beloved father. Likely that abuse lead to her being more promiscuous than was the cultural norm of the day…
We heard that the birth mom had wanted to keep the baby, my mom, but was forbidden to do so. In fact she knew of who had adopted my mom & sneaked by a time or two to see my mom in her early years….Anyway the birth story shared in the video represents heartache, joy, love, & the gift of life–always worthy of celebration!
Scott Adams@ScottAdamsSays
The best trick the Fake News every played is convincing the public it doesn’t exist.
Tricky. Show some blatant bias in certain “sacrificial” places, that way you, with your more subtle bias that at least initially was all ignoring stories that don’t fit the desired result, look unbiased to the unwary. (Ignoring a story is plausibly deniable; you can just claim it wasn’t “newsworthy”. An outright lie, on the other hand, is less plausibly deniable. Remember that Dan Rather had to resign when he got caught actually lying.)
Of course today those “safe” outfits are now outright lying, routinely, now that they have a reputation for firing people who did so in the past. “Oh, they couldn’t be lying now, after all they fired Dan Rather.”
I think the Soviets used this technique too. Ridiculous propaganda that was easy for the West to laugh at, contrasted with something that at least has the tone of serious objective news, with its sources better hidden or controlled “opposition.”
more good news…
Good-hearted Americans…
Awesome!!! I want one!!!
Here ya go . . .
Thanks Carl. I literally meant in the real (non digital) world! Can’t say if non-digital is more of my “real” life right now thought–hypocrite says I to meself
I know . . . I wuz jus’ pullin’ yer chain a bit!
I try to consider myself unchained, at least for meals. Believe me though I might have been barefoot (or slippered) & pregnant (from time to time), I was Never chained to the stove! We keep my husband loosely chained to the grill & smoker though
We’re There. You Need A Plan
Ground report. I ventured out to an upper class purple area today for the first time since the crisis started. By “purple,” I mean there have been hotly contested D vs. R undercard races there for the past few years. TRUMP SIGNS EVERYWHERE. And not just standard yard signs, but I spotted several Trump flags and at least one very large billboard-type sign. Did not see a single Biden sign, bumper sticker, or anything! I am confident that Trump and the rest of the undercard Rs are winning this district.
In case this hasn’t been shared/known yet at the Q-Tree…
It does work. And once you’ve done it, on this laptop as soon as I type a-n, it types in the rest and you can see joebiden.com luted as “top hit”. I just did it again.
listed as
I’ll be taking your word on that thanks!
Practical action point…
Wondering how long this tweet will be available?
As many times as I’ve seen the one of Queenpantifa..I never noticed that she said that they proved that they don’t need the police because they were able to gun down a man in cold blood…omg..aren’t they saying that cops are too trigger happy? Hey and what about the 2 teens shot by their citizen police force earlier in riot season?
Paraphrased of course^^
Young Latina reporter joining Biden for an interview. (yes likley a parody but a good one.)
Patriot perspective!!!
Punisher prayer update!
Interesting development in Trump family saga…
Uh-huh. Sure. Right.
Quite an organized attack. Hiring a professional voice/actor is not beyond what they are capable of.
I’m glad she came out in support of Pres. Trump and that she dissed the niece.
I would not put it past them.
All they would need to audio of her talking and cutting it together.
The editing software they have no a days lets you do that without issue.
Its great when you have someone who says ‘oohhh, ummmm, ahhh’ but yeah question any audio or video. All can be edited.
Uh, so she clears the air a week or two after the initial story.
Slow guy not buying any of this. But, nice to see the niece thrown under the bus.
Cultural appropriation needed here?
Oh, I’m good with shoving the vaccine up FauXi and Gates asses, sideways.
Ironically I had to read this priceless comment to my husband…& we’re listening to “Wanted, Dead or Alive”…serendipity
“Wanted Dead Or Alive”, we get that on “ME” TV I think it is. Like them old westerns.
We were listening to the Bon Jovi song followed on closely by Styx’ Renegade. Feeling in a bit of a rebel mood!
Really enjoyed that series. Steve McQueen as Josh Randal. Had a life size poster of him in costume leaning against an upright post. We had it attached to the wall of a ski hut on the very top of a mountain that we used to assemble equipment for ski patrol and for snow control. It had the only stove on the whole mtn and was popular for patrollers as Mr. Cool looked on.
I’m not familiar with that show/series. I always think of Steve McQueen in the Great Escape…
Were you in/on ski patrol somewhere? If so, any chance you might (at least slightly) enjoy Stallone’s movie Cliffhanger? Sounds like Josh Randal created an appropriate ambiance as Mr. Cool!
It was the TV series that gave traction to McQueen’s acting career when he was young.
He also raced motorcycles mainly in CA and was capt of an American team which competed in European trials. He was extraordinarily competitive. Against the wishes of the producers, he insisted on doing his own riding stunts incl jumping the fence on Great Escape. He rode Triumph motorcycles.
I snow skied for 25 yrs, 15 of which were on ski patrol, mtn rescue and some snow control (avalanche training) in the Pacific Northwest. Every weekend was spent skiing and took our 3 kids from ages of 2 or 3. I skied in remote areas accessible by helicopter and really enjoyed it. In the summer I water skied and flew a kite from the boat.
I have seen Cliffhanger and found it to be entertaining. We live on a small acreage on top of a minor mountain close to a city and I love it.
Love All of this–thanks for sharing! What a blessing to grow up, explore, & enjoy mountains!!! Being from the Mid-West mountains were only things I encountered on vacations…& art work–which I am always drawn to.
My family did Not ski, but I joined the “ski club” in HS & went numerous times to such skiing opportunities as could be had in SE MI (bunny hills from your perspective) & once in Northern MI at a facility that my dad had done work for in the Summer to help clear the trees (for free horseback riding) to make it able to be turned into a ski resort–eventually.
Sadly, my husband has never skied & we didn’t bring that culture to our kids (we never had the funds to attempt it). We did take them sledding (free!) many times when they were younger & our 2 oldest boys have discovered, & massively enjoy, snow boarding!
Sign of the times. I asked my hubby about augmenting our ammo & he said he can’t get any anywhere in SE MI, at least that he knows of…Wow!
Most on the right already own. It’s the undecided and the liberal agitators that want them now. I wouldn’t be surprised if this dry spell is on purpose.
Or at least for the better. While I’m sure supplies will continue to trickle in.
para, yeah, it’s beginning to happen already.
my shop gave me this tip (search engine): http://www.gunbot.net
Could be…remember when BHO wasn’t allowing used brass to be re-filled (not sure of the correct term, loaded perhaps?)…That UN subgroup on disarmament from 2013 & their agenda items, all dem wishlist crap, are quite telling in this arena too!
100% ammo manufactures are working overtime…maximum throughput. How do I know this? Capitalism. Great concept.
Ammo IS selling as fast as stores can get it in. Online sources the same. Guns getting harder and harder to locate. Guns are out there, but selection is terrible. Surely gun manufactures are manufacturing as quickly as they can.
Was in Scheel’s, they are like a Bass Pro, Gander… Very little 6.5 and some 12GA. NO .32, .380, 9MM, .40, .45… Maybe 30 handguns. Normally, a few hundred in display cases. A few ARs, no AKs.
Most likely a supply and demand issue. I’m just making a guess if we have information that Antifa and BLM are trying to get their hands on weapons, which they are as we can see that they’ve started to show up with them more frequently these last couple of months, that we might do something to slow that process down.
Can’t legally stop the sales if the weapon is available and the buyer is both legal and has the financial ability.
Nor would I suggest the asshoes 2A Rights be denied.
Along with your line about how surprised we’ll be at seeing certain others there, we better work out on this side of the veil that we will need our hearts to be sincerely glad and welcoming to them or we’re not going to be worthy of being there ourselves. I believe that’s what Purgatory is for, just in case we don’t figure that out until we get to the other side of the veil.
The Great Awakening is needed now, more than ever!
Kenosha Wisconsin Riot & Shooting: Breakdown and Lessons Learned
Kid reminds me of Audi Murphy.
In two long years after sneaking into the army Murphy went from Private to Company commander with each being a battle field promotion.
Wikipedia tries to dirty him up in first few paragraphs, but they couldn’t tarnish his service record which is the rest of the post.
This Mr. Guns n. Gear is GREAT!!! Very exemplary patriot! Calm, logical, analytical, honest.
I like him, too – Patriot Nurse recommended we listen to his analysis – glad I did.
I like her, too!
Recently, she did a great video entitled “We’re There. You Need a Plan” – very inspiring and helpful – she is at home with guns, too!!!
Donald J. Trump Retweeted
Donald J. Trump
Simple answer: gun shot victims.
The military sends its surgeons to the inner cities to learn how to deal with gunshot wounds.
True story for at least 30 years.
Donald J. Trump Retweeted
Donald J. Trump
The only way you will stop the violence in the high crime Democrat run cities is through strength!
Kinda like saying if you want your city back you need to stand up and take it back.
Now some might say that means by voting. A few might argue differently but surely there’s some middle ground there that will do the trick.
Citizens should let their politicians and councillors know of their priorities. For instance Portland Mayor Wheeler confirmed that he is batshit crazy during his presser today. He and his AG stated that their voices for social justice change would not stop and that was more important than bringing law and order to their city. While he chooses to ignore his own city, he seems to feel uniquely qualified to criticize POTUS and tell DJT how to do the work of the people of the US of A. He thinks he speaks for Demo Mayors and Governors across the country.
He claims to be open to dialogue but fails to open his mind to learn from any of the signs. His presser today had close to 2500 ppl for the peak time. Of those, more than half “disliked” his briefing, which was 5 times the number of “likes”. I’ve never seen that before. He could benefit from those who pay his salary (and others) bringing to his attention that he is completely delusional and needs to step aside immediately to let control be reestablished by someone who can.
The Police Chief seems like a decent guy but his hands are tied by reductions to resources and assets. Seems the Mayor feels it necessary to protect his own home with many of the reduced number of officers. IMO – Unless the National Guard move in it will now prompt a vigilante reaction to the assassination there last night. These lunatics are looking for any instance that they can twist to blame Trump. It’s a tough situation but it isn’t going to heal itself just b/c Mayor re-images change.
I love the “Closed Press”
Insurrection Act Planning?
I was wonderin ’bout that Butterfly!
Evers is pathetic…
Looks like Tony Evers just told Ted Wheeler to hold his beer.
What a jerky letter.
He even calls Kyle Rittenhouse an “out of state militant” in the letter. Hopefully the kids lawyers pick up on that and demand the case be moved out of state.
Best part is seeing that Evers didn’t learn about the visit until it was announced.
Piss on Evers.
“Piss on Evers.”

Unless he’s on fire…
“Biden even today still fails to stand up to the violent leftist mob.”

After Corn-Pop kicked his ass all those years ago, Biden never stood up to anybody
I still do not think Biden suffers from dementia – his gaffs could be written as easily as a speech – he knows he is a transition candidate – so guess he does not mind the insults and/or memes – I just cannot take him seriously – he is a sick man of a different kind but, not to the point of deserving our pity – imho
“I still do not think Biden suffers from dementia – his gaffs could be written as easily as a speech –”

Which would be even MORE humiliating, if he was exposed as faking dementia
Can you even imagine?
What kind of sick monster fakes an illness that afflicts millions of people, all for politics?
His goose is in a deep-fryer EITHER way
True, Scott! Fine by me – don’t know who is worse – Soy Boy or Biden-Bin-Hiden
Very insightful. I hadn’t thought of that, but he is pathetic enough that it may just be possible.
Biden doesn’t care about being humiliated–he only cares about staying out of prison
Please, pray for his soul.
So sad
I prayed for those of his family and friends who are alive and in need of support and hope and gaining some measure of understanding from this tragedy. Lord, let his life not be in vain but allow the entire community to get behind his family to show the hopelessness of this violence. Strengthen them and comfort them as you have gone ahead and prepared a place for all who know you as heavenly Father. Thank you Lord
I just had my FIRST Mask-Nazi experience… and it was hilarious!

If I knew how much fun it would be, I’d have figured out a way to bait people into confronting me
I was at the Stop ‘N Go and one of the regulars was behind the counter. They have a plexiglass ‘wall’ sitting on top of the counter, and then the guy behind the counter is wearing a full-face plexiglass shield, like a clear welder’s mask.
As I walk up to the counter he says something, but I can’t hear him clearly, so I said “What’s that?”
And he pointed to his face and said “Mask”.
And I said “What about it?”
He says “You’re not wearing your mask.”
I said “Oh, I never wear one. This whole thing’s a big hoax. I know you have to wear one because you work here, but this whole thing is bogus, you watch, the Covid-19 China Virus will miraculously end on November 4th, nobody will even talk about it, it will vanish down the media’s memory hole.”
Then the guy behind takes his mask off, and says “That’s what I think!”
So I’ve started a rebellion
The store clerk doesn’t know what to do, the other people waiting in line have that deer-in-the-headlights look in their eyes, while this guy and I talk about the CDC revised figures, and how 94% of the deaths also involved comorbitities.
Then he says some other organization just released data saying the death rate is even lower than what the CDC revised figures say.
We’re both talking plenty loud enough for everyone in the store to hear us, and the line can’t move anyway, because I’m still swiping my card and completing my transaction while this is all going on.
Then I say the masks are useless anyway, because viruses are much smaller than the filtration capability of even an N95 respirator, much less a cheap paper mask. Wearing a 50-cent surgical mask is like putting up a chain-link fence to stop mosquitoes.
The other laughs and said I KNOW, it’s all idiocy!
I said People are going to be so mad when everyone finds out this whole thing was a massive political fraud, and he agreed and says “I’m already mad!!!”
So there I was, making friends, having a good old time.
Here Scott… we need T-Shirts with this meme on ’em

Awesome story – made my day! <3
Very inspiring!
LOL…instead of trading a tuna fish sandwich for a p&j, now they can trade masks! Love it!
Epic messaging!
Didn’t know there were any Democrats who actually work

Hey did you see that video where they had to swing the bat 20 times and still couldn’t bust the car windshield?
That’ll raise a sweat, I tell you!!! Hard work!!!
“Hey did you see that video where they had to swing the bat 20 times and still couldn’t bust the car windshield?”
It’s all that soy in their diet, and the lack of playing any sports while growing up.
I noticed most of them run like sissies too. They actually ‘prance’.
Who does that?
Spindly legs on most of them too, like twigs, in tight black jeans.
They’re almost like these guys:
Hahahaha!!! You are so quick on the draw, Cuppa – Thanks for all the * giggles * you provide daily!
Moar good news on the Punisher! God bless this warrior for America & for the Lord!!!
“God whispers to us in our pleasure but shouts to us in our pain. Pain can be God’s way to rouse a deaf society”. CS Lewis
Thanks HH! C.S. Lewis is Always in order…& profoundly on point! Blessings
RIP another murdered victim by blm/antifa
How does this face compare to the pre-plannedemic/scamdemic/damnedemic face? Every time I see this video clip it makes me wonder. Has anyone got those side by side pics for comparison?
Another great sound-bite for the GOP to use against the party of terrorism, thanks Camel-a!
A little “inside baseball” regarding WordUnimpressed…..
Well so much for duckduckgo.
I searched for “Trump Campaign Ad” trying to find the one from a couple of days ago, and most of the returns were ANTI trump ads.
I use startpage.com. Here are the first results for that search. You can click on “Anonymous View” to keep a site from knowing you were tere. It doesn’t always work, but is a nice feature.
Aug 15, 2020 … The Trump campaign is launching an aggressive four-day digital advertising campaign that will take over some of the internet’s most conspicuous …
Trump Ads Attack Biden Through Deceptive Editing and Hyperbole …
Anonymous View
Aug 15, 2020 … President Trump’s re-election campaign has spent tens of millions of dollars on television ads attacking his Democratic opponent, Joseph R.
Best Trump Campaign Ad Ever? Deplorable | Donald Trump TV Ad …
Anonymous View
Trump campaign ad manipulates photos of Biden – The Washington …
Anonymous View
I wanted to find a particular actual ad. Instead I found YSM bullshit about the ads.
This looks important & insane–we are at War with China!
Was it the bioweapon they released that caused a global pandemic with the aim of crashing the US economy in an election year that gave it away?
Asking for CNN, since they won’t.
I think I may have mentioned recently that payback can be a bitch.
This is a guy who plots and plans YEARS in advance, loves revenge, and knows the Chinese game as well as the Chinese themselves.
If they aren’t scared, well….
Steve, I guess anything’s possible, but when I’ve heard her speak, she seems sincerely grateful to Pres. Trump. But that’s just my gut feeling, and I could be wrong. I hope not. I think not.
You ended up at the bottom, but I know what you’re talking about. Thanks!
There can be little doubt, if any, that the woman is a Trumpster, starting with her Christian faith.
Tennessee volunteers for 9/11 patriotic day!
More of these in red cities and states that have not defunded and/or neutered their police would be fabulous.
Uh oh LOL
Yeah, that’s IS funny…
…but is the payback worth it?
‘Cause something tells me this guy is gonna charge a steep interest on it.
It’s one thing to do that just between a couple in their home…
….but she put this out on the interwebs where his co-workers, etc. gonna see it.
That’s a dangerous escalation no matter how ya slice it.
Jus’ sayin’
On the other hand, if HE put put it there, well…

…that could be just to get her to drop her guard.
good point
Yea, but then they both win.
The Patriot Prayer leader. Sheltering in a gas station, crying bc his friend was murdered.
And antifi is saying itll get worse.
special agent viti (@selfdeclaredref) Tweeted:
These people are sick
Thanks. I’ll remember they said that.
Mr. President, I would suggest to you that there is no way Creepy Joe will lose the Super Liberal vote because they won’t vote for you no matter what.
Given this, there is absolutely ZERO downside for him to come out against Antifa.
So, the ONLY reason he hasn’t is because he actually supports them.
And you should say this to America….put him in a spotlight that he cannot duck from.
Joe’s in a bind. He needs the Bernie voters. If they’re for Antifa, Joe can’t denounce them. Some of them have walked away or will maybe vote for POTUS like last time. The rest are making demands, that’s why Joe has gone further left.
twit world still on censorship kick…
As a criminal himself, of course Biden is going to be weak on crime. He had the Ukrainian AG fired because the man was investigating Burisma.
POTUS should say so…
…and may well yet.
Oh, wouldn’t that be loverly, FG&C!!!
This is alarming–hope original tweet still shows…
Now that Chan. warning of a few days ago gains some clarity.
Not aware of that comment…I hope they get arrested before passing out weapons to the enemy combatants!
POTUS knows.
This is not going to end well for Antifa people….at all.
SOG is, by design and intention, a very smart and well trained Pit Bull that would be straining on it’s leash except for one thing…
…the leash is unnecessary because the Pit Bull is also highly disciplined, making the leash unnecessary.
See: the pit bull at the end of “Once Upon A Time In Hollywood”
Looking for an end to The Fascist Fantasy and the BLM BS!!!
Paying back a powerful pastor–pathetic!
passing along the good news of the Q-Tree
From @Marica
Oh come on MO!!!!!
Just a heads-up. Speakwithanmd is completely overwhelmed. I put in a consultation request last Saturday, 8/22 – and because I’m not sick, just looking to ask a few questions and get a new Rx, I have yet to hear back from them. I have called them and spoken to a customer service rep three times and they have no excuse apart from being swamped with calls.
This is the same telemed that Corsi is linked up with, that Zelenko advised, where I got my Rx at the end of April.
I got mine from Corcination also. They’ve changed their protocol a bit.
Did you get it recently?
I got mine about 2.5 months ago.
Wow now that is telling
He did it because:
1. He reveres and loves God AND America
2. of his character as a man, a patriot, a father, and a Christian
3. because it was the right thing to do
4. he knew he was the only man who could do it
He did it because….
BLM fool had a Negligent Discharge (ND) of an AK47 at a Carson City protest. The Sheriff, IMO, ignorantly said, “…guns have accidents…” No, not possible. guns can’t do anything on their own. The guy holding the gun negligently discharged a weapon within the city. Within a few feet of other BLM schmucks.
FTA emphasis added below.
The incident was streamed on Facebook Live by a This is Reno reporter, which can be viewed here. The gunshot can be heard in the video around 1:19:30.
“…guns have accidents…”
Said no firearms trainer in the world, ever…