20200903: MAGA Rally, Latrobe, Pennsylvania, 7 pm EDT

For his second rally of the 2020 Presidential Campaign re-start, President Donald J. Trump and his team have chosen to stick to small town America, and have chosen…Latrobe, Pennsylvania?

Uhh, where is this place? (Thanks to an anon @Jack’s place, we have a map.)

More to the point, tonight’s rally is in a swing state where the officials have been known to play the precinct waiting game on election night.

Looks like the savvy 4D chess player is going to try to head that off at the pass.

Main Street, Latrobe, Pennsylvania

So, aside from being in what appears to be the fabled steel country of western Pennsylvania, what info is there out there on Latrobe? From wiki:

In 1852, Oliver Barnes (a civil engineer for the Pennsylvania Railroad) laid out the plans for the community that was incorporated in 1854 as the Borough of Latrobe. Barnes named the town for his best friend and college classmate, Benjamin Latrobe, who was a civil engineer for the B&O Railroad. (His father, Benjamin Henry Latrobe, was the architect who rebuilt the United States Capitol in Washington, DC, after the War of 1812.)

Its location along the route of the Pennsylvania Railroad helped Latrobe develop into a significant industrial hub. Latrobe was also served by the Ligonier Valley Railroad from 1877 to 1952.

In 1904, the banana split was invented in Latrobe by David Evans Strickler at the pharmacy that later became named Strickler’s Drug Store.[4]

Two interurban (long-distance trolley) lines served Latrobe:

The Westmoreland County Railway Company connected Latrobe to Derry and operated from 1904 to 1932.[5]
The Latrobe Street Railway Company connected Latrobe to Kingston and began operations in 1900.[6] This line was purchased by West Penn Railways, which eventually linked it with its network running through Youngstown, Pleasant Unity, and eventually to Greensburg and Uniontown. Service ceased in 1952.[6]
Latrobe has two sites on the National Register of Historic Places within its city boundaries:

Pennsylvania Railroad Station at Latrobe (325 McKinley Avenue): This station was built by the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1903.[7]
Citizens National Bank of Latrobe (816 Ligonier Street, at Main Street): This was previously known as the Mellon Bank Building. This six-story, 1926 structure was designed by the Greensburg firm of Batholomew and Smith.[8]
The former Fort Sloan, a small fortress established by the British settlers in the 1700s, is now a private residence, situated on the corner of Cedar St. and Raymond Ave.

So, it’s a rail town. Got it.

And has become standard operating procedure with these rallies, the crowds started turning up early.

I’ll add live links to this post during the late afternoon as they become available.


In the meantime, please post tweets and videos below of what’s going on in Pennsylvania, and any travel stories you may have of the place.

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CM in TN

The original home of Rolling Rock beer.


And Arnold Palmer. ⛳️

Deplorable Patriot

Such a gentleman. At his funeral/memorial, the persuasion was not mentioned, but the Stations of the Cross in the background gave it away.


I heart rallies. Hope he rips the dimm mayors.


And Frdo’s bro, nips man. Yea, eewwwww.




Now try and get that image out of your head


Nasty white polo shirt. Ugh.

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

Scott Preslar is “accidentally” at this rally! He had a car accident today, totaled his car, but he is unscathed. He didn’t have a ride, so he ended up at the rally. I hope, since it is all over Twitter, that President Trump will call him up on stage! He so deserves it.


Was it one of THOSE “accidents?”


Imma becoming paranoid


I don’t know any details, but I sure hope not!

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, good Lord, they’re playing Laura Brannigan. I got my fill of that song when the Blues won the Stanley Cup.

Deplorable Patriot

Oops. The audio died.


Do you have secret powers?

Deplorable Patriot

Yes…I’m a secret Jedi warrior.


So you hit the remote kill switch on that song
Tip. Don’t let your light sabre where your dog can get it

Deplorable Patriot

AF1 wheels up from JBA, but there’s weather. He’ll be a bit late.

Deplorable Patriot

Rumors of a Las Vegas date coming up per RSBN.


Just over 400 miles…should be able to make it. 🙂


Landing soon!

Deplorable Patriot

Fox and C-Span added above.
AF1 on final approach.
Will need to feed the dogs here in a minute.

Deplorable Patriot

Excuse me. The Hill. C-Span didn’t come up when I searched.

Deplorable Patriot

Just landed.


Tues – Sept 8 – Winston-Salem NC – 7pm EDT
Wed – Sept 9 – Duluth, MN – 5pm CDT


Oops – the Sept 9 MN rally is with Don Jr.


President Trump has LANDED – taxiing and will turn around – never get tired of the plane landing!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Wow. They’re going to park behind the podium.

Deplorable Patriot

Have to feed the dogs and get the meat in the oven. Will be back.


Beautiful close-up shot of the open door of the plane!!!


I’m Proud to be an American
And all our beloved Qtreepers!!!❤❤❤


61days from now we’re going to win the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and have


Joe’s dropping like a rock in water😁



Sylvia Avery

His tie is a pretty color.


Gorgeous span of crowd – lots of people – any estimates?

Sylvia Avery

Going to have an incredible economic year next year………


We LOVE our Law Enforcement!


Thousands of people behind us, I thought that was the crowd. LET EM IN! they can go to the ends of the runway, LET EM IN!

Sylvia Avery

Holy CRAP that’s a lot of people!!!!


Thousands of people behind the hangar – this is an airport – let them in – on the runway!!!
He just loves the people – does not want to leave anyone out!!! Goosebumples here!!!


Fake New Media BOOO With their Fake Polls
We’re leading everywhere, way ahead than 4yrs ago, far more enthusiasm

Deplorable Patriot

A lot of boilermakers…I have a cousin who is a boilermaker. He was an intelligence officer during Vietnam.


Biden went to Kenosha today and there was nobody there!😂

Deplorable Patriot

We could end it in Portland in half an hour.


We are holding back funds from cities that don’t know what they are doing – LOL


Rioters shouting Death to America
These people are Crazy!
Take down a statue, 10yrs in prison. THE END.

Deplorable Patriot

Mmm… pork tenderloin smelling up the place…honeym soy sauce and garlic marinade…Mmmmm.


See rules
Wheres mine


Ive been gone all day.
Apparently Ive missed A LOT.


They want to end cash bail
Portland will not prosecute under any circumstances
Philadelphia is worse
Joe lied about fracking
Manifesto says no guns, no 2A

Deplorable Patriot

End cash bail? What will they now take, internal organs?


What’s available. No brains in antifa


We could clean up Portland in 1/2 hour!
They chased Wheeler out of his home
Biden’s plan is to appease
My plan is to arrest and prosecute. YAY!!

Sylvia Avery

Did you see this radical left wing mayor Wheeler……..they chased him! They chased him out of his home. Unbelievable. Biden’s plan is to appease the domestic terrorists and mind is to arrest them and prosecute them.
(Wow, that was a great line!!!)


Biden’s plan is to appease the domestic terrorists – my plan is to arrest them!!!

Sylvia Avery

Boilermakers endorsement………….
Remember when the labor unions were all solidly dem?


Boilermaker’s Union endorsing POTUS

Sylvia Avery

Joe Biden spent forty years send jobs to China. Ive spent four bringing them home……
(Or something like that)😁




Next year will be greatest year not only for PA, but for entire country!


How can people forget all of the jobs lost and shipped overseas? The closed factories – the devastation?


Thanking guy from TV today that said he was great Christian & great Christian Leader

Sylvia Avery

He did say I wasn’t perfect…………..

Deplorable Patriot

(“… but I thanked him anyway.”)

Sylvia Avery

He is so funny……….!!!


(sounded like somethin’ I’d say!)

Sylvia Avery

(((You Queens boys crack me up!))) 😘😘😘




WIthdrew from Paris Climate Accord, a way to take advantage of US

Deplorable Patriot

❤️ .. perfect .. ❤️

Sylvia Avery

Look at all lthese handsome cops here.
And a beautiful cop!


Hiden is totally against fracking, now saying it’s ok


Look at all of these handsome cops – Biden is reversing on fracking – and law enforcement! Too little; too late!

Sylvia Avery

You know they want to blow up Mount Rushmore………….

Deplorable Patriot

Somebody cut the fuse line.


Since Mt. Rushmore speech, our numbers have been Up Up Up
You know they wanna blow it up?
Heroes of our country, they want to blow up Mt. Rushmore!?!

Sylvia Avery

They want to change the name of the Washington monument or perhaps change its name.

Sylvia Avery

Oops I meant to say take it down.


Mayor BowWow wanted to take all DC monuments down. POTUS told her to pound sand.


LOL – Mayor Bow Wow!!! You funny, BFlY!!!


They’re letting in the overflow crowd. Marica’s Twitter daughter, K_ovfefe, has been there standing in the rain all day. Hope she got in.


He’s so funny – ah – Christopher Columbus is in trouble – but, the Italians came to his rescue.


I am standing between them and your 2nd Ammendment. And they know it.
Joe wants Beto in charge, He was on Magazine cover, I was born to be President, cratered his run. LOL


Kennedy in MA, lost because he’s not Radical Left.

Deplorable Patriot

Paper straws aren’t working too good.
That’s an understatement.

Sylvia Avery

I’m DYING 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 listening him talk about the paper straws. Does any body carry around plastic straws? Never used to have to do that. I DO!!!!!! I carry my own frickin’ straws!!!!!!!


They wanna ban straws!! the paper ones aren’t working so good.
I’ve had a couple of those meals thru the years. I have friends, Wendy’s, Burger King. 😁
Does anybody walk around with a plastic straw, boom, boom? (pretends to pull one out of his jacket & put it back)😂

Sylvia Avery

That’s me! LOL!

Deplorable Patriot

The tie would have no chance.
Try having a rack the size of the Adirondacks. It serves as a shelf.

Sylvia Avery

The masks!!!! Ohhhhh…………🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Have you ever seen a man who likes to wear a mask as much as Joe? He has it hanging down off one ear. Gives him a sense of security. Congressman can I have your mask? I don’t want your damn mask! 😂😂 He’s a card tonight!

Sylvia Avery

So funny…….I’m gasping for air here………


If I were a Psychiatrist – this guy’s got some big issues – LOL – the ‘mask thing’ – he is killing Biden – never saw a guy who is so attached to his mask – he is having fun!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Yesterday he read he had stokes. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Deplorable Patriot

Even TIAs, the patient knows. 24 years ago my dad knew.


THen I heard I had strokes!🥴


I’ve answered more questions from these maniacs in all of history!

Sylvia Avery

They’re just trying to put me down at the same physical level as Biden.

Sylvia Avery

Do we lilke our First Lady?
Cheers erupt!

Deplorable Patriot

Do we like our first lady?
Do we like breathing?


Do you like our First Lady? YAY!! (she had a good addiction recovery roundtable today, btw)


Do we love our First Lady? Crowd Overwhelmingly Cheers!!! THEY LOVE HER!!!


Darling, I heard you had a heart attack today.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m dying…a neighbor actually was having a heart attack while driving and called his wife and she’s like, go to the XYZ fire department, they’ll know what to do, and he said, Where do I park?
True story.


Then I heard I had mini strokes. I don’t know much about them, but I assume Mr. Congressman you wouldn’t be going back to the WH. These people are so bad for our country. American people not falling for it.

Sylvia Avery

PDJT has great timing. He could have been a comedian I think…….. He makes me laugh, anyway.

Deplorable Patriot

Crazy Nancy….booo.
These small crowds know their cues that’s for sure.


Romney couldn’t be elected dog catcher in Utah right now.
Out there walking with BLM. 🤮

Sylvia Avery

He’s better looking. But that doesn’t matter. After #MeToo I don’t talk about looks any more. But he’s better looking. Sean Parnell.

Deplorable Patriot

Note the Air Force guys back by AF1 are maskless.


America is soooo over it. 6%!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Rick Perry in the house.
Still the sexiest mug shot I’ve ever seen.


Rick Perry 👏👏

Deplorable Patriot

Yang needs his meds. I’ll be back.

Sylvia Avery

Bwahahah! The guy with the shaved head, what was his name? He was gonna win Utah! McMuffin, wasn’t it? Even Hillary beat him……


Guy w/shaved head, he was gonna win Utah, McMuffin? or something like that. I beat him, Crooked even beat him.



Sylvia Avery

Wow, it sure is!

Sylvia Avery

Stopping steel imports from Brazil and Mexico through the end of the year…despite USMCA they got a little carried away and we have to do a little tariff action………


Reversing decades of Biden betrayals that took PA jobs. NAFTA, China WTO as a developing nation. They’re are developed and have to pay what everyone else has to pay!


BIden’s agenda is Made in China
Mine is Made in America!


I like that a lot…

Sylvia Avery

After years of rebuilding other countries now we’re rebuilding ours. It’s called America First.


The Best is Yet to Come.


Most secured border in American history.
Thank you ICE and Border Patrol.


300 miles of wall, 10 miles/week
Mexico is paying for the wall, 27,000 soldiers guarding us

Sylvia Avery

We’ve built 300 miles of wall and we build ten new every week. And Mexico will be paying for the wall. I say that respectfully. They will, they know it. They don’t like to write it. They’ll pay.


🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀SPACE FORCE🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I love you, Thank You, I love you too. I bet that was K_ovfefe, she tells him she loves him on almost every one of his tweets. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


Sylvia Avery

BTW………doesn’t he look fabulous? I cannot get over how he hasn’t aged in four years as President. They all look so haggard and worn after the first term. He looks great! And they don’t have the orange filter on him.


I detect some white hair around his temples, that’s all. Maybe it’s the light?


The lighting… Watch when he turns his head…


Ok, good.




Biden cannot remember what state he is in – and President Trump rattles off in detail what has transpired under his administration for the past (4) years. Never misses a trick – easily contrasts his accomplishments with Biden’s –
I realize he has help from the TelePrompTers – but, there are probably only ‘buzz’ words on them – he knows the whole story – no one could possibly compare with his sharp mind – and so cleverly sprinkled with humor.


Schifty Schiff
Getting along with countries is a good thing, not a bad thing.
If we ever do get into war, WE WILL KNOCK THE HELL OUT OF THEM!


Dems left out Under God twice from their convention. THey lied about it.


Shows WHO they are – and who their god is!!!


They wanna send out 80MILLION BALLOTS!!!
If you mail it in, do it early. Then go to polls and see if they have it. If not, vote right then and there. If mail in ever gets there, they’ll check again & strike it because they see you voted in person. TRUMP STRATEGY
I hope we have a Landslide like we’ve never seen. IMO, that solves the cheating problem. Nothing they do can change his majority. If they try, it exposes they’re cheating. Can’t have more than 100% of registered voters. All he needs is 51% and done.


I didn’t even think about it. You’re in a Shutdown. You have a Governor that has you. Shut. Down. BOOOOOOOOOO

Sylvia Avery

These shut downs are causing much greater problems. You have to open up the commonwealth.
Oh, now he’s talking about Cuomo (aka Tinsel Tits) the convention center hospital, the hospital ships…..it’s so sad what’s happening in NY. If you kill someone they don’t prosecute, but they will if it’s a political issue.

Sylvia Avery

(That’s Marica’s name for Cuomo.)




Tinsel Tits. 😄 That gives Party Tits a run for their money.

Sylvia Avery



Yay, Marica!

Deplorable Patriot

States with Dem governors still closed. All political. It’ll be over November 4.


Talking about Cuomo, I built him a hospital, and a convention center, and sent him a ship. And he didn’t even use it. What a shame!
On Nov 4th, everything will be open. They’re doing this for political reasons.
It’s a disgrace, Dem Govs & Mayors.

Deplorable Patriot

That sheen on his face in a suit with a tie…flashbacks to performance conditions on stage. You gotta be in shape to maintain that kind of stage presence in those conditions.


People see what the Democrat Governors have done to their states – all will end November 4th – this is pure insanity – cutting their noses to spite their faces – other states are prospering – carrying the economy forward.
He said it outright – this is all political – do people who have lost their businesses – living on close to nothing – hanging on for what – their livelihood has been lost – their lives forever changed. I know this hurts PT.

Deplorable Patriot

More vaccine talk?
Oh, come on. Enough with the cognitive dissonance.

Deplorable Patriot

End our reliance on China once and for all.
Now we’re cooking with gas.

Sylvia Avery

Over the next four years we will become the manufacturing superpower of the world. We will end our reliance on China forever. If they hadn’t wasted half a year of my life on a perfect phone call we would have had this all done by now! These are bad people. I really don’t believe they love our country.

Sylvia Avery

Ha! Pelosi. She must have treated the salon pretty bad. They turned her in!




If she was set up she shouldn’t be leading the House.
I want the salon owner to lead the House.
CRAZY NANCY – Highly overrated person, Look they turned off the camera! BOOO


In her defence nancy thought the sign said saloon

Sylvia Avery

ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!! You kill, ozzy!!!


Over next 4yrs we will be Mfg Superpower of World and end reliance on Chyna once and for all.
If they didn’t waste a year and a half of my life on Impeachment, this would’ve all been done.
Fake RUSHA, Fake Ukraine
These are BAD people. They don’t love our Country.

Sylvia Avery

Pelosi. She’s a highly overrated person. Look! They turned off the camera! They don’t want me to say that.


LOL – He doesn’t miss a thing!!!


We will uphold religious liberty, free speech, and the right to keep and bear arms!!
(Insert MichaelH bear here…Where is he??)


He’s laying out his LAW AND ORDER platform!!!


Big Pharma wants to negotiate. I say NO, just cut, they been stealing from us for too long!




Pennsylvania needs to declare its independence from their errant governor!!!


And that man in a dress.


Oh, yes – the Health Commissioner, Mom!


PA Patriots, PA where our Founding Fathers declared our Independence


Coal miners, RR builders, we’re making it greater than ever before


Every speech is positive and uplifting!!! THIS IS IT, FOLKS!!! The Rallies have begun – and it is going to be great!!!

Sylvia Avery

He’s a better candidate than last time. He’s a more polished speaker. He’s been through the fires, that’s for sure. Tested. He’s done so much for us. Only if they succeed in stealing the election will he lose.


I sooo LOVE HIM!!! ❤❤❤

Sylvia Avery



“Together, we will make America wealthy again,
We will make America strong again
We will make America proud again
We will make America safe again
And we will make America great again,
Thank you, Pennsylvania!


We are going to keep on WINNING WINNING WINNING!!!comment image


Stroke? I don’t think so,,,
Man on fire for AMERICA more like it!


Does anyone know where the NC Rally will be – another hangar? Wherever it is – I have a strong feeling the crowds will get larger – he wanted to let everyone in this time – said there was plenty of room – all inclusive!!!


President Donald J. Trump to deliver remarks live from North Carolina
Join President Donald J. Trump in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Register now!
Event Details
Tue, September 08, 2020
07:00 pm (EDT)
Doors Open: 04:00 pm
Make America Great Again Event with Donald Trump Jr. – Duluth, MN
Join Donald Trump Jr. for a Make America Great Again Event in Duluth, MN. Register now!
Event Details
Wed, September 09, 2020
05:00 pm (CDT)


Thanks, BFLY – was wondering about the venues – the size – capacity – looking for larger and larger crowds as we progress – know what I mean?

Sylvia Avery

Thanks bfly!!!!




Off topic
These are iv cannula sites on Biden’s hands
Question. Wtf not insert more discreetly


I thought so too.


Latrobe, PA = Rolling Rock
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolling_Rockcomment image


Great job on the Rally Thread, DePat!
Thank you!
You’ve been totally rocking it on all your threads.
Thank you for doing so many of them!


thanks DePat for the rally thread–awesome as usual!!!
what will they be taking? internal organs??
tinsel tits?
OMG you guys had me honestly rolling on the floor with this thread!!!
so appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!