Dear KMAG: 20200904 Open Topic / Q Drop 4634 – China and Pedo / Second GuginoGate Teaser / Letting Progzi Insanity Burn Itself Out / Mamet-Compliant Science

This FRIDAY THE [Q-13]TH of SEPTEMBER open thread is OPENVERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA / KAG! / KMAG world (KMAG being a bit of both MAGA and KAG!).

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the OLD January 1st , 2019 open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.


My old ask to PRAY FOR THE PRESIDENT was getting stale, so – important as it is to CONSTANTLY pray for President Trump, it’s…..


This time, I’m going to ask you to


We pray for a lot of things, but at this critical time, we need to add some focus on Commandments other than just the “Top Two“. We know what the top two are – Loving God and Loving Our Neighbor – but what Satan and Marxism have done to fool ALL monotheists is to make us not pay attention to the rest of the Commandments, and in particular a VERY, VERY fundamental one – Loving Truth. We have to be rigorous about this in a way that – in my opinion – rescues and unites all believers in God at a very fundamental level.

Loving Truth is not easy, and sometimes painful, and sometimes it even seems to threaten our Belief in God itself, but I say and firmly believe that TRUST IN GOD will carry us through those moments of doubt, to greater understanding, wisdom, and FAITH.

So I simply ask for us all to Pray for Truth, as an act of shoring up ALL AREAS where we are under attack.

Pay attention to the FUNDAMENTALS, and the COMPLEXITIES will all work out.
What’s wrong with being a fundamentalist on fundamentals?




Our movement

Is about replacing

A failed


Political establishment

With a new government controlled

By you, the American People.

Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Q Drop 4634 – China and Pedo

Take a look at this Q drop…..

Link to New Q Drop
2 Sep 2020 – 12:57:19 PM

Why did it take a political outsider to [finally] confront China?

Q Drop 4634

Note the placement of this Q drop – the FINAL DROP of a stream of drops – very tight in their timestamps, as follows (after the first one listed, for context):

  • 4629 – 11:46:30 AM
  • 4630 – 12:53:16 PM
  • 4631 – 12:53:46 PM
  • 4632 – 12:54:50 PM
  • 4633 – 12:55:11 PM
  • 4634 – 12:57:19 PM

And then they just stop.


In my opinion, the ANSWER to 4634 is very likely the drops 4630 through 4633.

What are those drops?


How is blackmail used?
Democratic Illinois State Representative, Keith Farnham, has resigned and was charged with possession of child pornography and has been accused of bragging at an online site about sexually molesting a 6-year-old girl.
Democratic spokesperson for the Arkansas Democratic Party, Harold Moody, Jr, was charged with distribution and possession of child pornography.
Democratic Radnor Township Board of Commissioners member, Philip Ahr, resigned from his position after being charged with possession of child pornography and abusing children between 2 and 6 years-old.
Democratic activist and BLM organizer, Charles Wade, was arrested and charged with human trafficking and underage prostitution.
Democratic Texas attorney and activist, Mark Benavides, was charged with having sex with a minor, inducing a child under 18 to have sex and compelling prostitution of at least nine legal clients and possession of child pornography. He was found guilty on six counts of sex trafficking.
Democratic Virginia Delegate, Joe Morrissey, was indicted on charges connected to his relationship with a 17-year-old girl and was charged with supervisory indecent liberties with a minor, electronic solicitation of a minor, possession of child pornography and distribution of child pornography.
Democratic Massachusetts Congressman, Gerry Studds, was censured by the House of Representatives after he admitted to an inappropriate relationship with a 17-year-old page.
Democratic Former Mayor of Stillwater, New York, Rick Nelson was plead guilty to five counts of possession of child pornography of children less than 16 years of age.
Democratic Former Mayor of Clayton, New York, Dale Kenyon, was indicted for sexual acts against a teenager.
Democratic Former Mayor of Hubbard, Ohio, Richard Keenan, was given a life sentence in jail for raping a 4-year-old girl.
Democratic Former Mayor of Winston, Oregeon, Kenneth Barrett, was arrested for setting up a meeting to have sex with a 14-year-old girl who turned out to be a police officer.
Democratic Former Mayor of Randolph, Nebraska, Dwayne L. Schutt, was arrested and charged with four counts of felony third-degree sexual assault of a child and one count of intentional child abuse.
Democratic Former Mayor of Dawson, Georgia, Christopher Wright, was indicted on the charges of aggravated child molestation, aggravated sodomy, rape, child molestation and statutory rape of an 11-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl.
Democratic Former Mayor of Stockton, California, Anthony Silva, was charged with providing alcohol to young adults during a game of strip poker that included a 16-year-old boy at a camp for underprivileged children run by the mayor.
Democratic Former Mayor of Millbrook, New York, Donald Briggs, was arrested and charged with inappropriate sexual contact with a person younger than 17.
Democratic party leader for Victoria County, Texas, Stephen Jabbour, plead guilty to possession and receiving over half a million child pornographic images.
Democratic activist and fundraiser, Terrence Bean, was arrested on charges of sodomy and sex abuse in a case involving a 15-year-old boy and when the alleged victim declined to testify, and the judge dismissed the case.
Democratic Party Chairman for Davidson County, Tennessee, Rodney Mullin, resigned amid child pornography allegations.
Democratic activist, Andrew Douglas Reed, pleaded guilty to a multiple counts of 2nd-degree sexual exploitation of a minor for producing child pornography.
Democratic official from Terre Haute, Indiana, David Roberts was sentenced to federal prison for producing and possessing child pornography including placing hidden cameras in the bedrooms and bathrooms at a home he shared with two minor female victims.
Democratic California Congressman, Tony Cárdenas, is being sued in LA County for allegedly sexually abused a 16-year-old girl.
Democratic aide to Senator Barbara Boxer, Jeff Rosato, plead guilty to charges of trading in child pornography.
Democratic Alaskan State Representative, Dean Westlake, resigned from his seat after the media published a report alleging he fathered a child with a 16-year-old girl when he was 28.
Democratic New Jersey State Assemblyman, Neil Cohen, was convicted of possession and distribution of child pornography.
Republican Tim Nolan, chairman of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in Kentucky, pled guilty to child sex trafficking and on February 11, 2018 he was sentenced to serve 20 years in prison.
Republican state Senator Ralph Shortey was indicted on four counts of human trafficking and child pornography. In November 2017, he pleaded guilty to one count of child sex trafficking in exchange for the dropping of the other charges.
Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida.
Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.
Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation.
Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor.
Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.
Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls.
Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl.
Republican Senator Strom Thurmond, a notable racist, had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child.
Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile.
Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl.
Republican Congressman Donald “Buz” Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail.
Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos.
Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children.
Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child.
Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page.
Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter.
Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar.
Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.
Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD.
Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography.
Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media.
Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.
Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl.Republican anti-gay activist Earl “Butch” Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting h er.
Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.
Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl.
Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.
Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children).
Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with sexual misconduct involving a 15-year old girl.
Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to molesting a male child.
Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl.Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters.
Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl.
Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy.
Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison.
Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000.
Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession.
Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet.
Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a “good military man” and “church goer,” was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison.
Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter.
Republican director of the “Young Republican Federation” Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison.
Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr., was charged with rape for allegedly paying a 15-year old girl for sex. Dasen, 62, who is married with grown children and several grandchildren, has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of young women.
Democratic donor and billionaire, Jeffrey Epstein, ran an underage child sex brothel and was convicted of soliciting underage girls for prostitution.
Democratic New York Congressman, Anthony Weiner, plead guilty to transferring obscene material to a minor as part of a plea agreement for sexted and sending Twitter DMs to underage girls as young as 15.
Democratic donor, activist, and Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein is being criminally prosecuted and civilly sued for years of sexual abuse (that was well known “secret” in Hollywood) including underage sexual activities with aspiring female actresses.
Democratic activist and #metoo proponent, Asia Argento, settled a lawsuit for sexual harassment stemming from sexual activities with an underage actor.
Democratic Mayor of Racine, Wisconsin, Gary Becker, was convicted of attempted child seduction, child pornography, and other child sex crimes.
Democratic Seattle Mayor Ed Murray resigned after multiple accusations of child sexual abuse were levied against him including by family members.
Democratic activist and aid to NYC Mayor De Blasio, Jacob Schwartz was arrested on possession of 3,000+ child pornographic images.
Democratic activist and actor, Russell Simmons, was sued based on an allegation of sexual assault where he coerced an underage model for sex.
Democratic Governor of Oregon, Neil Goldschmidt, after being caught by a newspaper, publicly admitted to having a past sexual relationship with a 13-year-old girl after the statute of limitations on the rape charges had expired.
Democratic Illinois Congressman, Mel Reynolds resigned from Congress after he was convicted of statutory rape of a 16-year-old campaign volunteer.
Democratic New York Congressman, Fred Richmond, was arrested in Washington D.C. for soliciting sex from a 16-year-old boy.
Democratic activist, donor, and director, Roman Polanski, fled the country after pleading guilty to statutory rape of a 13-year-old girl. Democrats and Hollywood actors still defend him to this day, including, Whoopi Goldberg, Martin Scorcese, Woody Allen, David Lynch, Wim Wenders, Pedro Almodovar, Tilda Swinton and Monica Bellucci.
Democratic State Senator from Alaska, George Jacko, was found guilty of sexual harassment of an underage legislative page.
Democratic State Representative candidate for Colorado, Andrew Myers, was convicted for possession of child pornography and enticing children.
Democratic Illinois Congressman, Gus Savage was investigated by the Democrat-controlled House Committee on Ethics for attempting to rape an underage female Peace Corps volunteer in Zaire. The Committee concluded that while the events did occur his apology was sufficient and took no further action.
Democratic activist, donor, and spokesperson for Subway, Jared Fogle, was convicted of distribution and receipt of child pornography and traveling to engage in illicit sexual conduct with a minor.
Democratic State Department official, Carl Carey, under Hillary Clinton’s state department, was arrested on ten counts of child porn possession.
Democratic Maine Assistant Attorney General, James Cameron, was sentenced to just over 15 years in federal prison for seven counts of child porn possession, receipt and transmission.
Democratic State Department official, Daniel Rosen, under Hillary Clinton’s state department, was arrested and charged with allegedly soliciting sex from a minor over the internet.
Democratic State Department official, James Cafferty, pleaded guilty to one count of transportation of child pornography.
Democratic radio host, Bernie Ward, plead guilty to one count of sending child pornography over the Internet.Democratic deputy attorney general from California, Raymond Liddy, was arrested for possession of child pornography.

It seems to me that Q is saying China manipulated everybody by BLACKMAIL – primarily PEDO.

I do not have any problem believing this. In fact, I believe that China or their American allies tried to set me up in some kind of phony pedo entrapment, which my MOTHER actually spotted.

It was very ingenious, too. And I believe that others who I worked with were entrapped by blackmail – or were subject to it, if “ever needed”. One of my coworkers believed that ONLY people with blackmail exposure were getting into management in their division. How does THAT happen?

Interesting times.

Second GuginoGate Teaser

Yes. It’s ALMOST HERE – my epic GuginoGate article. I had let it sit in my Drafts folder for over two months, and suddenly a NEW SHADOWGATE PIECE APPEARED.

How To Spot Crisis Actors And Other ShadowNet Intelligence Ops

This sucker covers an amazing Twitter thread, which really puts GuginoGate in a BROADER CONTEXT, namely as a ShadowNet #IIA operation….


Stay tuned for more. My article puts a very sharp point on what went on during the Gugino hoax.

Letting Progzi Insanity Burn Itself Out

Oh, don’t think that NOVEMBER FOURTH – FREEDOM DAY won’t be a HOLIDAY, because it WILL BE, as communist Democrats are voted out all over this land, despite every trick they have used or will use, to try to prevent it.

But how do we get there, and THWART the communist plan? The communist plan that NEEDS TRUMP to try to “rescue” Progzi creeps from their own mistakes?


A “must-read” column.

CLICK IT!!! —>

I cannot recommend this highly enough.

Mamet-Compliant Science

I just read a FASCINATING article, while looking for the latest “MSS” (mainstream science) positions on COVID-19. Normally, I get a lot of good “mainstream” vaccine information from Chemical and Engineering News, a.k.a. C&EN. It is almost all “industry position”, although SOME of the reporters are willing to “go there” on TOUCHY SUBJECTS, like publicly admitted vaccine downsides and difficulties. You want to know the science challenges and trial side-effects? THOSE are the reporters to trust. Other reporters are reliable shills for leftist or industry “most favorable” positions. You know what I mean – “Orange Man Drug (hydroxychloroquine) Bad” and “Fauci Drug (remdesivir) Good!”

So who says SCIENCE isn’t as much of a contact sport as POLITICS? Trust me – science – behind all the pretense of objectivity – is a swirling mass of variably checked BIASES and HIDDEN AGENDAS, now excruciatingly political because of socialist embeds. Science needs TRUTH, SUNSHINE and WORKAROUND COMMS (such as the internet) like a malaria patient needs ANTIMALARIALS.

So – I checked out the August 31 issue of this rag, and what did I find?


OMG, this is an awesome article. And I mean that in TWO WAYS.

First, it’s an awesome article in terms of educating the rubes about the way science SHOULD BE on viruses. If you want to know the way viruses NATURALLY move between species, and the “open science” [HA! Sounds quite “Soros”] phony version which “pretends not to know” about biological warfare, then this is your MAMET-COMPLIANT article. It pretends not to know all the bad stuff, and it pretends excruciatingly well.

But second, as a READABLE COVER-UP of all the ways science IS but SHOULD NOT BE, it’s even better.

This article reminds me of Kinzer’s book on MKULTRA, where Kinzer denigrates and discredits every aspect of Sidney Gottlieb’s FANTASTIC program of highly directed scientific investigation, but in the process manages to give away the fact that Sidney Gottlieb ran a FANTASTIC program of highly directed scientific investigation.

The bottom line is that you really need to know the ACCEPTED science before you can begin to talk about the HIDDEN science. For that reason, it’s very helpful to read this article, simply to learn about how viruses normally move – or TRY to move – between species.

However, it’s even BETTER to read this article with prior knowledge of what is being left out, already in your mind.

For me, reading this article CEMENTS everything that Judy Mikovits has been saying about viruses. Yes – the “crank lady” just gets major back-up from this article.

Now, the way that happens is subtle. But if you know Judy’s “conspiracy theory” bullet points, then the SOLID and AGREED foundation of mutually accepted science just makes them plausible as all hell. It is almost impossible for her points to NOT be true.

THESE “conspiracy theory bullet points”, in particular, get a lot of lift from this article.

  • laboratory-induced zoonotic jumps by forced evolution are a thing, and they work
  • virus “junk” is everywhere, and what it’s doing can be LONG, SLOW, and NOT VERY NICE

Let’s look at these.

This article mentions absolutely nothing about “viral domestication in human cells“, but it doesn’t have to. If you’ve ever read much of what Judy Mikovits has talked about, then you’ve run into the idea that…..

“testing really hard to make sure that human cells can’t be infected by a virus”,

….. and …..

“trying to make a virus take in human cells”

are basically THE SAME THING – thanks to evolution.

This is a critical idea – that there is little difference between investigating a potential zoonotic jump and helping it along. If we are not honest about what we are doing here, then we are doomed to a future of “designer disease as a geopolitical weapon, giving advantage to the most devious and back-stabbing players”.

The bottom line is that “playing with fire” is “playing with fire”, no matter how one dresses up the proposition. You can be honest about it, or you can lie by omission and Mamet-compliant blindness, in which case people will stop trusting you.

So – READ THIS ARTICLE with that thinking in mind. There is a kind of willful ignorance here which SERVES THE CCP.

Look for a familiar name – look how it is referenced – SEE THE BLINDNESS.

Now – the next point.

An extremely relevant point in this article is that viruses can INFECT but not necessarily reproduce. This begins to BREAK your likely binary thinking about what viruses do – that they either infect you or they don’t. And you need to break this thinking more broadly. Viruses are a continuum in many dimensions.

Combine all that with the next point – viruses are BAD XEROX COPIES – a kind of genetic SPAM – and they MUTATE RAPIDLY because of it. This article will help you understand not only this point, but an even bigger picture. VIRAL JUNK IS EVERYWHERE.

Viruses are self-reproducing genetic litter.

They’re the “tribbles” of DNA itself. They may reproduce, they may not, but they get their junk EVERYWHERE, and are fully capable of causing a variety of problems, penned in only by evolution itself – “does it work?” – “does it not work?” – which is a beautiful but “not always pleasant” proposition, shall we say.

And we’re just getting into the game of domesticating and breeding them, no matter how we cut it.

Once you see this, it’s very clear that Mikovits has a more correct “big-picture” viewpoint of viruses, and Fauci has a kind of tunnel-vision blindness on the fundamental problem of viruses. And, to be honest, this is Fauci’s basic problem. He has become a “hammer expert”, and he simply doesn’t get “tools” as a big picture. You see it in everything he does. Sadly, it’s clear that the Deep State encouraged the placement of such people, as an aid to compartmentalization.

[ Total aside: BARR is a big-picture thinker. Trump made a great hire there, IMO. ]

I’m not saying Mikovits is better than Fauci as a scientist – I’m just saying that we would have been better off with both of them still working, and duking it out, rather than one viewpoint “winning” and excluding the other, oblivious to its potential future relevance. Fauci may be righter on battle tactics in a certain, skeletal-thinking, vaccine-centric way – Mikovitz is righter on total war strategy, in my opinion. Viruses are a “bigger” and more diffuse problem than we have been allowed to think, and it’s time to fix that in MANY different ways.

HCQ and the like (e.g., ivermectin) is one of them.

Now, in my opinion, Mikovits may be “over-speculating” the badness of ALL long-term spectator viruses that don’t do much except – say – “pick your biological pocket” when you’re 84 years old. I think she may lean on that possible explanation of disease too reflexively – in some ways being an “anti-Fauci”. Nevertheless, we are now being confronted with a “known unknown”, and Fauci’s way of dealing with such things seems to have been to demand silence and/or “looking away” on them. Tsk-tsk.

SO – enter the MESS and read this article, KNOWING that it’s leaving so much out, but YOU are allowed – perfectly allowed – to think about those things. In that case, the article is extremely enlightening.

OK – back to work on the GUGINOGATE article!


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Mike Baker (@ByMikeBaker) Tweeted:
BREAKING: Sources tell us that Michael Reinoehl, the man being investigated for the killing of a right-wing activist in Portland, has been killed by authorities in Lacey, Wash.


He didnt get the trial some wanted, but he got the correct Justice.


Trials can create martyrs. Better that he took a guilty plea.
How’s that? He was shot to death.
He was shot to death because he pulled a gun on the cops. Pulling a gun means you admit guilt.


@wolf were you expecting that? You were talking about this in the other thread?


Or maybe MK’d to do it.
This was suicide-by-cop.


They didn’t need him to talk anyway.
Plenty of others they have and will arrest and get to talk….
…not they really need that, given all the SOG operators they have embedded inside of Anitfa and BLM.


A great start to Friday. 🙂 A bonus of sorts, as week seven is coming to a close in a couple days.
(Not sad. Not sorry. Yea, I’m like that with people that want to destroy America.)


Well that works.
Now we need to hit 29,000 on the Dow. I saw they tried to pull it down again. Oh MSM who still watches you.


He couldn’t be trusted to keep his lip zipped about kill teams. The interview where he tried to use “self-defense” as a “get out of jail free” card proved it…..and now he tells no tales. IMHO, opens new questions about how it was managed by law enforcement instead of the other four members of his kill team or the people who trained them.


Yeah, come to think of it, that’d be easy: “they’re coming for you in Lacey, WA, but won’t expect you to know. Fight your way out to the safehouse in Spokane and we’ll do an extract.”
“Hello, FBI — he’s currently at 123 Elm Street in Lacey, WA and will be attempting to move to 456 7th Street in Spokane.”
I still think the guy signed his own death warrant with the interview.


It’s bull. The article said the Pierce County sheriffs took him down but that is not accurate.


In the video below, Pierce county sheriff is at the scene. Maybe the other agency got him. U S. Marshals were there also.


I bet this will scare off a few Antifa groupies.


Maybe it’s not bull. Looks like the Marshals located him and called the local sheriff to do the pickup, or at least assist. Guy got into the car and left so they did a traffic stop or just rolled up and boxed him in. He pulled a weapon and they showed him the results of regular visits to the range.
Hope they tell us where his grave is so those of us that are so inclined can go take a wizz on it.


In point of fact, he’s not worth the time, nor the effort, nor the piss itself.


Point taken.

Gail Combs

Quotes from the article:

Brady confirmed that four officers fired their weapons. The officers were from the state Department of Corrections, Pierce County Sheriff’s Department and Lakewood Police Department. All officers on the scene were acting in U.S. Marshal capacity Thursday, according to Brady.

Suicide by Cop

Chad Smith and Chase Cutler, who were working on cars nearby Thursday, said an unmarked SUV had been parked on School Street for a while when that SUV and another converged on a man in a vehicle at the apartment complex. Smith and Cutler moved onto a grassy area about 50 yards away to watch what was happening.
The man got out of his vehicle and began to fire what they believe was an assault rifle at the SUVs. They said they heard 40 or 50 shots, then officers returned fire, hitting the man.
“It reminded me of a video game,” Cutler said….
This article will be updated.


Hey . . . action . . . excitement . . . let’s all hear it for Uncle Joe!comment image


Nice Carl 🙂


poor donkey with its head up it’s butt…snicker, snicker


Oh come on Wolf show the whole video!! 😉


Is that guy in the suit Dennis Kucinich?


I was thinking Rob Rosenstein but….why not


Heheh…innocent creatures are often a good judge of character.
The Klingons poisoned the grain, which would’ve killed a lot of people.
But the little Tribbles got into the grain bin…and died…which showed that the grain was poisoned.
I hope that poisoning-our-food-supply isn’t on the ChiCom list of dirty tricks!
And when do we get Tricorders!
Those would come in really handy.


We already have ’em — they’re just called “cellphones”.


Heheh…well we’re not quite there yet.
Those Tricorders could read DNA and medical conditions.


How do you know? They may be reading all sorts of things…..they’re just not telling us about it. Data may be accumulating at Google, or Apple, Huawei, AT&T…….


But do you think they could keep that secret?


Coming soon–from a vaccination very near you.


Yep… in one of the many updates. What ever they want.


What the???
6% DONNA WARREN ⭐️🌟⭐️ Parler: @DonnaWarrenUSA (@DonnaWR8) Tweeted:
Meanwhile as they were removing GOD from America THIS is what they were promoting on our bases.
‘In San Antonio there’s a WICCAN COVEN touting the largest weekly service for the study of witchcraft in the world and it was happening at Joint Base San Antonio | Lackland AFB.’


SALONGATE – Blowout Backlash
McEnany trolls Pelosi during press conference.comment image


Is she good or what? And damn good looking, too.


I have to admit that every time I see her, I’m staring at her chest — hoping for a glimpse of that shiny golden cross to hold the evil ghouls she deals with at bay while she punishes them. After I see that, I can relax and enjoy the K-Mac fireworks.
I probably read too much mythology and/or “swords and sorcery” when I was growing up, but there are quite a few tales where a guardian talisman disappears right before an overwhelming treacherous attack. I’m good with K-Mac as our nation’s Champion, but I want her appropriately girded.


A man should NEVER admit he’s looking at a female’s chest. Just saying. 🙂


While this may be a valid maxim for business settings, I’ve noted several exceptions over the years in more social or intimate settings. It is, however, a subject of some sensitivity where appropriate constraints must be observed scrupulously.
As a further note, I have long observed that a tremendous amount of PC and #MeToo and hardcore feminism ignores the fact that one must transgress boundaries to enter an intimate relationship. A lot of modern courting is essentially a bilateral gradual escalation of transgressions.


I did NOT say a man shouldn’t do it; I said he shouldn’t admit to doing it.


And I continue to maintain that it depends on to whom the admission is made and the purpose for such declaration.


A mythic meso-american precolumbian fierce monster able to inhabit other dimensions can look at a queen whenever it wants.


Not staring. Reading the t-shirt 🙂


I got a glimpse of her last night at the Latrobe event…those staff people put in the hours! No wonder they burn out after a couple of years. Not everyone has POTUS metabolism and only needs about 4 hours sleep!


She is our Champion, selected for us by our Lion. She faces the dark EVIL of the corrupted press and shines forth a light that illuminates, even in their darkness.


She chews liberal ass like a lab chews rawhide.


Yep, that too.


Feds start leveling rare civil disorder charges against demonstrators for alleged violence at Portland protests

Two men and a woman appeared before a federal judge Wednesday in Portland, becoming the first in Oregon to face the rare federal charge of civil disorder for alleged violence during this summer’s turbulent protests.
A Seattle man is accused of launching a ball bearing with a slingshot during a downtown demonstration in July and striking a Portland Fire Bureau medic.
A Portland woman is accused of throwing a helmet that struck a police sergeant in the head last week outside the Police Bureau’s North Precinct.
Another man is accused of repeatedly using a hammer to strike the glass above the front door of the Police Bureau’s East Precinct and elbowing an officer in the face in early August and then throwing frozen eggs and other objects at police three days later outside the Penumbra Kelly Building on East Burnside Street.
The felony cases against Jesse Herman Bates, 38, Michelle Peterson O’Connor, 31, and Krystopher Michael Donnelly, 27, mark a significant detour from past practice in Oregon — federal prosecutors here haven’t used the charge in recent memory.


.comment image


In the spirit of an “eye for an eye“…I think perhaps those who use slingshots with metal ball bearings, or baseballs, or ballon-filled feces, frozen eggs, etc, should be put into enclosed area and administered the same. Just to see what it feels like, you know….
Of course, I’ve harbored those same” tit for tat “ thoughts about rapists, for a long time.


The media was trying to gaslight that these acts were inconsequential and excusable because they were a part of “peaceful protests.” Well, guess again, MSM.

Deplorable Patriot

These aren’t children, or kids in college. These are adults, for the most part in their 30s and probably trained to be part of a larger force.
This is not at all what is being presented to the public.


Excellent point, DP. Think some of the college kids are there for their “what I did this summer” report when they finally go back to the classroom.


From @just stevie via marica’s site:

I said it before as long as Trump wins in the end.
The people want Trump but they want to steal it.
Anyone else think the people in the USA are going to stand for this? Or Trump for that matter.
Law and Order.
But I do I think Trump and Q know.
Also why they are against mail in votes.
TGP also brings it up.
With No Enthusiasm, Tiny Events and a Horrible Candidate, Democrats Appear to be Going for the Steal
Oh its SD…. ummm ok.
I don’t think I’ll be watching election night. Too worried they will get away with it.


Creezus H. Thrice
Muh Russia – FAIL
Muh Mueller – FAIL
Muh shampeachment – FAIL
Muh CCP WuFlu – FAIL
…and this isn’t even 20% of the full list…all ending in “FAIL”.
But the left is gonna be successful this time around and steal the election…when POTUS knows their game plan and strategy?!
Honest question:
What is it going to take for you (and others) to stop being afraid??
How many times in a row does PDJT need to beat the dims before people will CHOOSE to have unshakable confidence in him instead of choosing fear??comment image
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comment image


I oh I fully agree and needed the pep talk. I fully know Trump will kick ass again.
Cheers FG&C

Deplorable Patriot

Q had a drop that I don’t have time to look for right now that included an article from a military publication having to do with an election system. It was earlier this year.
Don’t fret. They’re not going to leave the election to chance. Right now, POTUS is setting the stage for getting rid of the crooked system which has been used for so long.


I recall the drop. 🙂
And Good!!!


SALONGATE – Blowout Backlash
McEnany trolls Pelosi during press conference.comment image


It was a delight to watch…I only wish I could have seen the reaction of the miserable WH zombies…especially the females as she was speaking. I only saw her opening statement and none of the questions afterwards.
BTW, Howard Kurtz had a good comment about how POTUS played the media on the “second vote” comment… now he has them covering the story. Kurtz thought it was masterful…and he’s not a big POTUS fan.


This will disappear.
special agent viti (@selfdeclaredref) Tweeted:
Lacey Washington Facebook live allegedly from the Michael Reinoehl shooting
🚨Graphic Footage Warning 🚨


Ok but the guy who filmed his comments are funny.
Thought it was fireworks. I laugh becauseI know people like that.


Yes. “He not gone make it. That n….. dead.”


Dr. Birx’s scarf (@BobLoblawesq1) Tweeted:
@selfdeclaredref It appears as though he wasn’t wearing a mask. Likely COVID death.

Brave and Free

So it looks like the perp was in the station wagon with the door open because of the way it’s boxed in by the other cars and the location of the spent shell casings on the ground. So if you notice there’s no bullet holes in the door or car, just goes to show you why range time is a good thing 🤗.


The News Roundup has been posted if interested.


Thank you, Fle! …Always interested!


And, yet, no comments besides mine……
Am I the last to remember “Green Acres”?


I’ll get there…but I’m still catching up on reading comments from yesterday.


Green Acres… In truth, no…but your question made me think. When I went to college I don’t think I watched a minute of TV. In fact, I can’t even recall if there were any in the places I lived. The first university I attended there was COMPULSORY study hall every night from 7-10 PM! Can you even fathom that today?!
Afterwards, I lived and worked overseas…same thing…TV was very rare, if at all. So, when I read about the music and the popular icon figures during those several years, it’s like reading about past history rather than something I experienced.


Dear Flepore: I am so grateful for your daily posts! They are my first “news” of the day! What a relief to read what is real.
For the last six weeks, I cannot open the comments nor comment myself. ( I can usually open and comment in the Open Thread, but not always.).
I don’t know what the problem is. I really do think it is WordPress. I’ve done everything I can to my devices to clear this problem.
So, for the time being, I am glad that I can still read your posts. Thank you for your time and effort.


“20/20 vision” has long been used to refer to ‘perfect vision’…right?
What better time to have the Great Awakening than in the year 2020.comment image
It’s kind of eerie, isn’t it.
And we’ve got a decade of the 2020’s, don’t we.

Sadie Slays

If you need anymore proof of that the Democrats are in total panic mode, then you need only look at their increasingly desperate and sensational smears against the President. Mini-strokes? Insulting the war dead?We’ll hit “Trump sexually assaults children and tortures puppies” by the end of the month. Oh, and bonus stock market crash as well. We haven’t even hit Labor Day yet, and they’re already throwing everything they can at him no matter how over-the-top ridiculous it is. As long as it slides the rioting and Pelosi’s screw-ups out of the news cycle, they don’t care. It will only get nastier and crazier from here until November.


Maybe not.
I wouldn’t bet against that, but they’re getting tired. VERY hard to keep up the tempo they have been trying to sustain. Very hard, indeed.


Yeah, about that “stock market crash”…..if you look at it vs. pre-pandemic it might look bad — but if you look at it vs. pre-Trump it looks fantastic. The only way they can crash things back to Obama levels in the markets is to elect Biden.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No, they can’t crash it to Obola levels that way.
They could crash it to levels not seen in the last 30 years, but not *just* down to Obola levels.
(Exactly like Trump had no path to 270, but 306 was feasible.)




New avatar, Steve?
That’s Darwin, right?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It is!


cute fellow! and the lizard isn’t bad either!

Sadie Slays

To put it in perspective, the S&P 500 is still higher right now than it was two weeks ago in August. Did that stop the media from running “WORST SELL-OFF SINCE JUNE” fear porn headlines? Of course not. It was all about sliding the newscycle, and doing everything they can to make it seem like the economy is crashing under President Trump. It was just one more stupid smear to add to the pile of smears they threw at the President this week.


“…they’re already throwing everything they can at him no matter how over-the-top ridiculous it is.”
I wonder what’s next?
“Trump pulls the wings off of butterflies!”
“Trump puts the empty milk carton back in the fridge!”


“Drumpf drinks out of the milk carton.”

Sadie Slays

No joke, the media actually claims that milk is a racist symbol. Wouldn’t shock me in the least if they ran a “Donald Trump is dog-whistling to racists by drinking milk” smear.


Oh that’s right!
I had forgotten that they declared milk “racist”.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I guess we should only drink chocolate milk?
Need to find brown cows I guess.


No wait…would that be ‘cultural appropriation’?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Racist to not do it, racist to do it because appropriation.
You were just born racist–the Leftist version of Original Sin.


I like cultured butter. Where does that leave us?


Chocolate milk? Uh-uh. That’s cultural appropriation . . . stealing a darker coloration that all whites secretly covet.


really? i missed that…why is milk racist? because of the color?
gees don’t tell the tissues and the toilet paper…




doesn’t everyone out milk on their Count Chocula? LOL


“Trump pees with the seat down and doesn’t flush”


😱🤭😱….realsauce. Actually not true because he hires someone to do that for him….I read it in the Washington Post so it has to be true.


Uh, how do you hire someone to pee for you?


Didn’t think I had to specify it was flushing and lowering the seat…sorry.


Random thoughts on the virus article:
It makes the point that it’s difficult for a virus to jump from animals to humans. “There are actually really effective barriers to zoonotic transmission.”
Since so much is known about this process, might it be possible to make it happen by design?
“Ebolaviruses, and many other viruses circulating in bats and other animals, ‘have that ability to spill over all the time,’ Goldstein says. “But they don’t spill over all the time.” Could some of the times when they do spill over be human-engineered?
The whole time I was reading, I was thinking: Then they can make this happen, or, if not cause actual animal-to-human transmission, they can make something in a lab to mimic it.

Cuppa Covfefe

This might be from way out in left field (OK, OK, the closest covfefe machine is over here), but IIRC viruses have been looked at, or even used as a means of delivering medication and/or treatments???
Sort of a pandora/pandemic box having been opened… can’t trust the labbies with their own creation(s)…


for every “miracle” discovered, there is a malevolent force waiting to use it for evil.


IIRC this is how GMOs are made. By using viruses to insert the genes.


A clip of this video was featured in a tweet that PhoenixR posted yesterday.
This video was made/posted by ‘Never Alone With Christ’.
It shows the encampment in Portland where a lot of the rioters are living.
Title: The City of Portland Houses #RoseCityAntifa (#TrumpetMan) – Portland’s #CHAZ/#CHOP??: 39
These still shots were also featured in a tweet that was attached to the one PhoenixR posted:comment imagecomment imagecomment image
What’s interesting as well…is the Mercedes cargo van 👆 in this one.
At the 0:38 mark in the above video, you can see two white vans parked in the distance.
It’s hard to tell…but I’m wondering if those are Mercedes cargo vans too?
That Antifuh/BLM Food Van was also a Mercedes cargo van.
Here is another video made by ‘Never Alone With Christ’…
He points out, that the encampment where the Antifuh people are living, is right across the Bridge from the area of downtown Portland where the mutants have been rioting.
According to that poster in the still shot above…that camp was set up to house “Homeless” people.
But the Antifuh mutants have obviously taken it over.


Sorry…here’s that first video that I was referring to:


Yep…I’m thinking that too!
There are probably some dots to be connected there…on Who is providing those Mercedes cargo vans.
Those things are not cheap.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m going to trust POTUS on this one and assume we may never have heard of the people really behind this. Soros is obvious, so is Tom Steyer, and probably Mercer, Singer, and a few other hedge fund managers, but they aren’t the only big money people out there who want politics as usual back.


Or maybe Federal surveillance vans gathering intelligence and evidence. These are white to throw them off the usual black surveillance vans.


Unlawful occupation by domestic terrorist/enemies of The United States of America 🇺🇸 traitors of the Constitutional Republic. = G I T M O
May they burn in hell for eternity .. 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸‼️



Wow, this is HUGE, if it comes out the city has been providing shelter and other services (food, health, etc). for the very people burning it down. (Wonder if WiFi is included? 🤣) I hope dozens and dozens of investigative reporters are on this. Surprised the LED hasn’t leaked it.
Talk about evidence to stop funding these cities!


Don’t forget cell phone accounts. Who’s paying for all that data used by the phones? It’s probably already being tracked by the Feds.


Wolf…I stumbled upon this video and I’m not sure what to make of it.
What caught my attention was, she is connecting the dots to the Antifuh/BLM operatives…to…the tactics used overseas, in the ME.

Video was posted on July 3, 2020.
She attributes it to “Zionists”.
And that’s the part I don’t know what to make of.
But we’ve learned that Brennan and his crew, were using operatives from the Middle East to train these Antifuh/BLM operatives *here*.


That armed Antifuh guy in her video looks like one of those “Boogaloo Boys”.
Wolf…I’m not sure if you saw this, but I posted about the Boogaloo Boys in DePat’s Crisis Actor thread yesterday:


But…Andy Ngo referred to that one guy as an “antifa boogaloo boy”.
So Andy apparently sees the Boogaloo Boys as a part of Antifuh.
And Andy lives there in Portland, right?
So I’m thinking he has seen things…things that make him think that.


Well – by their actions/MO – burning/rioting/etc. – the Yellow Vests were also Antifa/Islamists.
There is also a connection between BLM, Black Panthers, Nation of Islam and ISIS.

Cuppa Covfefe

More like Hezbollah… or PLO… Hamasholes…


USAMRIID has recently updated their newsroom/media section of their website with two new postings for August. They are updates on progress being made in research on COVID-19, and on the technical side.
New postings in the newsroom had flat-lined since last February, so this is good development to see.


I would add that I had checked for USAMRIID updates about a week ago, and nothing new from August had been posted in the newsroom. Very strange.


Have you seen this?👀
It looks like Biden has an IV puncture on his hand.
Starting to see the wisdom in @realDonaldTrump suggesting he & @JoeBiden be drug tested.
Check the needle holes in his hands. What cocktail are they pumping into Beijing Biden to keep him semi-coherent?




I wondered the same thing, Dora.


Good observation! I thought he seemed slightly more together as he spoke. They absolutely are putting things in him that we would question. And since generally he isnt all there, his WIFE is the one on board with it all.


Good ad!
Brad Parscale
Hypocrite Nancy Antoinette should step down! #NancyBlowOut #NancyAntoinette #NancyMustGo


… A W E S O M E … 🤨🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️

😛 Nancy Antoinette …


Okay, this is funny.😄
Michael Reinoehl
Holy fuck it is hot down here
Some of the replies are funny too:
I think he’s not going to find it very easy to snowboard down there, lmao.
And he was lying about being in the Army:comment image
“…Pentagon says it is ‘unable to locate’ any record of his service.”


Maybe he did, but not the US Army. Maybe ChiCom CCP army.



Hiden and Nanzi are specual peeps, doncha know?


Not Good!



When I heard that Msgr Pope had tested positive, I was concerned. I love this man. Well, he is back again and for that I thank God.
I Was Hit Hard By COVID-19 — And I’m Still Not Afraid
“In this world you shall have tribulation. But have confidence, for I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)


via Ace of Spades
The Morning Report – 9/4/20
—J.J. Sefton
Good morning kids. Scratch one terrorist! The cancer identified as Reinoehl who murdered Aaron J. Danielson in cold blood was taken down by US Marshals late last night.
“The Pierce County sheriff’s fugitive apprehension team, working in tandem with the U.S. Marshals team, was apparently in the area searching for Reinoehl when they saw him come out of an apartment armed with a weapon. Witnesses at the scene said he was armed with an “assault rifle.”
“The suspect came out to the car,” said Pierce County sheriff’s spokesman Ed Troyer. “They attempted to put him into custody and shots were fired.”
Thurston County sheriff’s Lt. Ray Brady confirmed that four officers fired their weapons on the suspect.
The antifa gunman had been arrested twice in recent months on multiple charges, including gun charges.
Reinoehl posted on Instagram, in June: “Every revolution needs people that are willing and ready to fight. There are many of us protesters that are just protesting without a clue of where that will lead. That’s just the beginning that’s where the fight starts. If that’s as far and you can take it thank you for your participation but please stand aside and support the ones that are willing to fight. I am 100% ANTIFA all the way! I am willing to fight for my brothers and sisters! Even if some of them are too ignorant to realize what antifa truly stands for.”

I don’t have the link but I did read in a post that the ventilated corpse in question was indeed armed. While it’s fun to laugh at the sniveling little maggot who was blubbering yesterday when he was arrested and in possession of a flamethrower (???), the evidence is quite clear that when the rest of his black-clad Brownshirts have been allowed to commit violence and mayhem essentially unmolested by the authorities, the cold-blooded assassination of an innocent civilian was bound to happen.
And Trump might just have pulled a brilliant move in that regard:
con’t at link


Verse of the Day for Friday, September 4, 2020

“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.”
Revelation 1:8 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


Friday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


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comment image


Hiya Duchess!
Have a Blessed Friday!


Hey, Patty!!! Beautiful day here – perfect temperature – Gorgeous Sunshine!!!
Hope all is calm and bright where you are – God Bless Your Day, too – Hugs!!!


HUGS back to you Sweetie!


Thanks!!! * Smiling Bigly *




This is nuts.
In 2009, a Secret Service agent was suspended for a week after shoving Biden…
After Biden allegedly cupped the agents girlfriend’s breast during a photo op.
Judicial Watch is now suing for the records.
— Ryan Fournier (@RyanAFournier) September 3, 2020


And all the records have magically disappeared.


if nothing happened…would there be a NEED for records…lol


stop the merry go round…these creeps need to get off!
The federal charges keep coming:
Joshua “Eva” Martin Warner, a transsexual woman who has been arrested at numerous Portland #antifa riots & quickly released, is now facing a federal felony charge instead. Read my new report w/@MiaCathell:
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) September 4, 2020


Soon please Rudy. We are running out of time!


yeah we’re running out of “later” Rudy!

Gail Combs

News Media and public confidence.
August 31, 2020

Once again, a major study reveals that the relationship between most news organizations and the public is complicated, emotional and rocky. A wide-ranging, yearlong study conducted by the Pew Research Center finds that Americans are skeptical about the quality of news they get, but more importantly, they fret about the “intentions behind it.” Three-fourths also say the news organizations fail to reveal where their money actually comes from.

The real ‘tell’ is “… A wide-ranging, yearlong study….” This means they are gaging how well their gaslighting is working.
This tells you Americans are WAKING UP “… but more importantly, they fret about the “intentions behind it.” Three-fourths also say the news organizations fail to reveal where their money actually comes from.….”
Do not forget that Bill Ivy in 2016 in an email to John Podesta complained that while the public was ignorant (as planned) they were no longer compliant. Looks like the ignorance is disappearing too.

A majority of U.S. adults — 54% — say the public does not have confidence in the news media while 52% say they do not personally have confidence in the media to act in the best interest of the public….
“The reasons for why Americans think these mistakes happen underscore the distrust that substantial portions of the public feel: Many say that careless reporting (55%) or even a desire to mislead the public (44%) are major factors behind significant mistakes in news stories, although other, less negligent or nefarious reasons such as the rapid pace of breaking news (53%) also are seen as responsible for mistakes,” said the analysis, which is based on the opinions of some 10,300 U.S. adults…..
More than half of U.S. adults say their news outlets do not particularly value them (57%) or that < organizations do not understand people like them (59%), and nearly two-thirds (63%) say they do not feel particularly loyal to the outlets they get their news from,” the Pew Research analysis said….

And MOAR good news from that article:

• 72% of U.S. adults say news organizations do not reveal “where their money comes from.”
• 60% say news organizations do not reveal whether their content presents “a conflict of interest.”
• 57% say the organizations do not reveal “how they choose their sources.”
• 55% say they do not reveal “whether a story is opinion or factual.”
• 51% say they do not reveal “how they produce their stories.”
• 48% say they do not reveal “when a correction has been made.”


when a medical “expert” gives their opinions in a news story–there’s usually some sort of qualifier–a PHD who graduated from wherever…with x number of years in his field…so that the audience can gauge the veracity or at least try to gauge the opinion or advice.
I suggest the same for news reporters or anchors…be honest…say this local guy graduated from community college with a degree in political science 2 years ago and still hasn’t made it out of mommie’s basement…OR …here’s the story live with our on the scene reporter Ima Idjot…who’s married to Senator Warren’s second cousin and has no marketable skills whatsoever…

Gail Combs



truth in reporting…what a novel idea!


Breaking: Gabriel Agard-Berryhill, the 18-year-old accused Portland bomber identified by his Trump-loving grandma, has been arrested again by U.S. Marshals. It appears he may have violated his release conditions by returning to BLM-antifa riots/protests.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) September 4, 2020


And poof! there goes his bail amount – to the moon.
Easy peasy.


Guessing it was Grandma’s money that went poof 🙂


A lesson to be learned from history?comment image


Tucker: Dems prepare to play dirty this November.

The Postal Union endorsed Biden.
That presents a Huge Conflict of Interest, if you ask me.


maybe the NRA should supply the poll workers


We beat expectations!! Way to go POTUS!! Moar jobs, less UE!!




Poco – Grand Junction


Poco – Crazy Eyes.wmv


Poco – What Do People Know.wmv


Lynyrd Skynyrd in the UK, 1976. This is a professionally produced performance video made to a higher standard than the band’s other videos. This production pays particular attention to the back-up singers, focusing especially on Jo Jo Billingsley who really finds her moment in this performance.
Hard to believe this was so long ago . . .
Sweet Home Alabama – Lynyrd Skynyrd Live 1976


Don’t let that flag touch the ground . . .
Lynyrd Skynyrd-T For Texas-1976




Fun on the “Tennessee River” (Florence Alabama)


The Legendary Jo Jo Billingsley of the original LYNYRD SKYNYRD


. . . but deliver us from the Evil One.
A little note about the phrase above for anyone not familiar with the whole story.
The translation into English from the Aramaic/Syriac, Greek, Church Slavonic, etc. in the Orthodox Christian practice is usually (or has been!) traditionally rendered as “from the Evil One” rather than just the words “from evil” for the ending of the Lord’s Prayer. (This has been handed down by our Forefathers in the Faith since the time of the Holy Apostles.)
The practice in the Orthodox Christian Church is that a Priest or Bishop (I can’t remember if this includes a Deacon) when present at a Service, will say this next part at the end of the Lord’s Prayer because these were our Savior’s words:
“For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.” (making the Sign of the Cross)
Followed by the Reader: “Amen”
If a Priest or Bishop is not present at the Service, then the layman who is praying at home or the tonsured Reader at a Reader’s Service will say the following:
“Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.”
I pray this as a layman.
Prayer of Saint Ioannikios the Great (+ 846)
My hope is the Father, my refuge the Son, my protection the Holy Spirit. O Holy Trinity, glory to Thee.
“Lord! Thou, Whose love to us infinitely surpasses the love of every father, of every mother, of the tenderest wife, have mercy upon us!”
From “My Life in Christ” by Saint John of Kronstadt




One of their 1st, and only w/Mick at lead vocals.


Oh, did not know that – Love Fleetwood Mac – I do


I also really like genre crossovers. Pour me another.
“An’ I catch ya comin’ roun’ my way I’m gonna serve it to you
And that ain’t whatcha wanna hear but that’s what I’ll do”
Sweet Dreams + White Stripes Mashup | Pomplamoose ft. Sarah Dugas

Seven Nation Army – Vintage New Orleans Dirge White Stripes Cover ft. Haley Reinhart




And they all hated abortion. But that isn’t engraved on the base of the statue.


This guy is fed up with living in San Francisco! He’s leaving and so are a lot of other people.
San Francisco’s Mass EXODUS | Over HALF of SF’s Storefronts CLOSED Forever Including My Wife’s

Date of video — August 30, 2020.


Ive watched his stuff on youtube…he’s a huge critic of SJW and woke culture in Pedoweird destroying the comicbook/movie industry and sci fi specifically all the new Marvel/Star Trek/Star Wars…
…did you know Marvel actually came out with superhero characters called Safespace and Snowflake?comment image
Honestly, that almost seems like they are trolling with those names but you never know


I didn’t know that.
*gag* 🤢
Leftists ruin everything.


ahhh…that explains the kneepads…what superhero needs kneepads?


I knew a couple of girls way back when …




Father, we thank you that your hand is upon our president mightily, we cover him with the precious shed blood of Jesus Christ, and decree and declare Zachariah 2;5 over him and his family.
Let the fire of Your glory surround them and that no witchcraft, no voodoo, no hex, no vex, no curse, no power, no principality, and no demon in hell shall prosper against them.
Father, we ask that You dispatch legions of Your warring angelic hosts to destroy every plot and plan of the enemy.
Father, let Your anointing rest strongly upon him at all times and our nation is brought totally back to you.
Father, we praise You, we glorify You in the name above all names, Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords and soon to return, Messiah. Amen.




haha…it probably will not go anywhere…but let’s keep Nanzi’s “lawlessness” in the public eye…let’s INVESTIGATE her!
The chairman of the Republican Policy Committee, Rep. Gary Palmer (R-Ala.), and the chairman of the Republican Study Committee, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) asked Barr in a letter Tuesday to comment on whether “Pelosi committed a criminal act by destroying an official copy of the State of the Union speech delivered to her” by the president.
The congressmen suspect the speaker may have violated U.S. Code 18 § 2071, which addresses the general mutilation of official federal records and reports. According to the law, the destruction of an official federal record could carry a sentence of up to three years in prison.
A spokesperson for the speaker, in addition to independent fact-checkers, say Pelosi did not violate the law and that her copy of the address was personal property and not a government record.
Palmer said in a statement, “Nancy Pelosi’s famous tantrum on the House floor was more than disgraceful; she violated her responsibility to preserve official documents delivered to the House of Representatives. We ask the Attorney General to review this scandalous outburst, not simply because it offended every American, but because it set a precedent for radical politicians to hijack state events for partisan performance art and possibly break the law with, thus far, no consequence.”


And in the process, let’s be careful not to assign “official document” status to documents that are merely copies of official documents.


it’s fun just to harass her for a change!


She deserves all the harassment that can be dished, whether warranted or not. But, of course, when quantities of documents are produced, there are normally only a very limited number that are filed as “official”.


decorated Veteran from Pearl Harbor, Floyd Welch, passes away peacefully at home at 99. rest in peace Sir!
“By using blueprints of the Oklahoma, so as not to burn into a fuel void, we began the long and extremely difficult process of cutting holes through the bottom steel plates,” Welch wrote of his experience. “When we could see the planes coming, we would try to find cover. We would cut near where we heard the trapped crewmen tapping. In all, I believe 33 men from the Oklahoma were rescued through these holes.”
Welch continued his service aboard the USS Maryland until World War II ended. By the time he came home, he had been awarded the American Defense Medal, the WWII Victory Medal, the American Campaign Medal, the Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal with three stars, the Good Conduct Medal, the United States Navy Constitution Medal.
After Hitler and the Third Reich were defeated, Welch continued to serve his fellow man. He was an officer in the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association, and in 2016, he was welcomed as a guest of honor at the 75th Pearl Harbor Survivors Memorial Ceremony in Hawaii.


Standing Firm While God Separates the Wheat From the Chaff
By Rev. Joseph M. Esper
When St. John the Baptist urged the sinners of his day to repent, he stated that the Lord “will clear his threshing floor and gather His wheat into His barn, but the chaff He will burn with unquenchable fire” (Mt. 3:12). This sorting-out process has been taking place, to one extent or another, throughout the Church’s history, but now it seems to be intensifying or approaching a climax. Not only do the tragic and degrading trends within our society and the larger world suggest that things cannot continue as they are for much longer; the various difficulties and divisions with the Church—most especially those involving the sexual abuse scandal—strongly suggest that a painful but necessary purification process is underway.


Per Goldberg’s hit job on DJT about veterans via the Atlantic.


Go LP!!! 🤩🤩🤩


I’ve never forgotten that picture, had it saved to my desktop. It’s just about my favorite of POTUS.


Although I knew he would win when I heard his declare speech, that pic sealed it in epoxy for me. Still makes me shake my head even now at how DJT is such a wonderful human being. He is such a strong man yet is so tender.


Indeed, unforgettable. Would love to know how the former soldier is doing…he had such a look of joy in his face.


Towards the end of this video…John Roberts, who was on that Paris trip with the President, recounts that the reason they didn’t go to Belleau Wood was because of weather.
And he has talked to others in the administration who were there…and they all say that what the Atlantic has said “is BS”.
That is at the 3:42 mark.


Even John Bolton confirms POTUS’ version in his nasty book!

Deplorable Patriot

This one is backfiring big time. And I mean big time. Too bad the baby boomer SJW types who can’t tie their shoes without a step by step manual will actually believe it happened rather than listen to the witnesses.


Like Nasty Nancy…I think the “journalist” owes an apology. Not holding my breath.

Gail Combs

Perhaps the amputee in Ladypenquin’s tweet should get Lin Wood to help him SUE the Atlantic.
It probably would not go anywhere but it would make a great push back!


My son was lucky to get out of California when he did. 1st part of June. It was about that time it dawned on folks that things were not going to get better in the rabid blue states. Up until then – there was hope.


It started in CA. And everyone mocked us. For us to leave, even selling big things, its going to cost many 1000s.



Gail Combs

Hopefully this will remove some of the fear we all have about the planned White House Siege on September 17th.
In theses threads, #SOULWAR ✝ Brent (Duane) Cates shows how President Trump and the Federal Marshals have been carefully collecting evidence to put ANTIFA (& BLM) in prison for a GOOD LONG TIME. Brent followed the videos that were made available every night. I am not sure how many of us have actually read them so here is a compilation of his most critical threads.
I am going to start with a recent thread and then jump back and forth in time.
(Do not forget Operation LeGend and that many ANTIFA are harden criminals with long rap sheets.)

Jul 24th 2020
Thread: ANTIFA’S GREATEST WEAKNESS is what it THINKS is it’s greatest strength
For weeks I’ve watched these Live streamers, almost all of them the Press Wing of Antifa…
Hardcore Antifa’s gear & clothing are chosen to provide them a UNIFORM/Camouflage from being identified specifically after committing crimes.
Almost all are masked and/or Helmeted & decked out in black for that reason.
Gas Masks also hide features.
It’s a futile exercise.
I could go there & try & explain this & they wouldn’t believe me.
Their nightly theatrics have to play out against the Federal response.
I already know who’s going to win.
The Feds have innumerable techniques & methods to ID Antifa.
After WEEKS of this, all the Hardcore Antifa, about THREE HUNDRED Marxist Zombie Foot Soldiers have been ID’d.
They can be swept up ANY TIME.
Portland is now being USED by President Trump as a distraction, turning a negative into a positive.
People don’t realize just how MINUSCULE the # of Antifa is that are actually committing 90% of the destruction & violence in those Cities.
It’s probably 2 to 3 HUNDRED per city.
All the rest just mill about chatting, filming & giving the Agitators cover….

(Remember they have had to IMPORT PORTLAND ANTIFA to Kenosha and then to DC. AND they got caught crossing state lines to RIOT. 😋 )
Description of the ANTIFA vs FEDS war:

Jul 20th 2020,
….I haven’t seen any arrests tonight so Antifa is emboldened.
(Feds will arrest specific Targets during the Day 😎)
The Feds have been pushing Antifa every night for 8 days now giving them, the Mayor & State government AND the Democrats in DC FITS.
By day Antifa’s most effective Leaders & most violent Agitators are being arrested AT HOME.
Make no mistake, this is devastating Antifa.
The Feds **pushed** Antifa & the DEMOCRATS came running to rescue them.
The “Gestapo” Style arrests have them in a frenzy.

Nancy Pelosi
Unidentified stormtroopers. Unmarked cars. Kidnapping protesters and causing severe injuries in response to graffiti.
These are not the actions of a democratic republic.
@DHSgov’s actions in Portland undermine its mission.
Trump & his stormtroopers must be stopped.
9:10 PM · Jul 17, 2020


The difference between the FEDS and the Portland police. ANTIFA works in pairs and will mob the police to free a comrade. The FEDS have tactics to counter that and get their ‘man.’ 😁

Jul 11th 2020,
….The Feds are watching EVERYTHING to such a level I don’t think anyone appreciates.
They clearly have “Eyes & Ears” among Antifa & dozens of cameras both seen & hidden on the Center…
[Do not forget Carlos mentions drones with cameras. –GC]
The Antifa Goon SWINGS THE HAMMER at the United States Federal Marshal’s Head & appears to make contact….
A SECOND Swing at another Marshal…..
Both Marshals appear unhurt thanks to protective gear & wrestle the hammer away.
A Female Antifa is shoved away & her mask is ripped off. [IDed anyone? -GC]
The Punk desperately fights to get away. Real Antifa kick, punch, bite & elbow & always seek to break free.
The Marshals stay on him as nearby Antifa blow Air Horns to ensure the Marshals cannot communicate as others rush to try & free their COMRADE.
When attacked the Marshals run INTO THE MOB & wrestle the Offender to the ground.
So far not one has gotten away.

Marshals arrested 7 on Thursday Night.
Last night it was 2 more.
Taking Leadership & the most violent out of circulation

FIRST they step up the action.

Jul 13th 2020
…On Saturday US Marshals stepped up their responses to Antifa BIG TIME.
After weeks of studying Antifa’s actions they are now going proactive.
Before they protected the Courthouse only.
Now they challenge have challenged Antifa 2 nights running…
Friday Night several Antifa were arrested for attacking the courthouse.
Saturday The Marshals put up yellow crime scene tape around the Courthouse & pushed back anyone who tried to remove it or go under it to gain proximity to the Building….
….Without warning that Saturday night the US Marshals suddenly sprang upon Antifa.
Everyone scatters as Fully Riot Geared Marshals single out specific HIGH VALUE TARGETS for arrest.

When Antifa try to rally to protect those being arrested, the Marshals deploy tear gas, flash bangs & pepper balls.
Antifa screams abuse & epithets nonstop….
President Trump has dispatched an UNKNOWN # of US Marshals to Portland. this group of 25 was ONE group out of 3 that exited the Federal Courthouse to pursue at least 1 High Value Arrestee….
Antifa now lacks focus. Last night several fights broke out as they quarreled among themselves.
Clearly most of their leadership is either in custody or AWOL.


Jul 15th 2020

…Antifa is used to having it’s way now.
WEEKS of being able to destroy & riot at will.
Anyone arrested is usually quickly released.
The Mayor & the City Council are COMPLICIT in the
chaos, since the # of rioters is actually small they release them fast to KEEP THE CHAOS GOING….
Mayor @tedwheeler is INCENSED the US Marshals AG Barr sent to Portland are now challenging the chaos & restoring order.
You read that right.
The Mayor is UPSET order is attempted.

Mayor Ted Wheeler
Replying to @tedwheeler
The best thing they can do is stay inside their building, or leave Portland altogether. Our goal is to end these violent demonstrations quickly and safely. And in the meantime, I asked him to clean up the graffiti on local federal facilities.
7:10 PM · Jul 14, 2020

Tonight about 40 US Marshals in 2 groups moved on foot & in vehicles to push & roust Antifa from their usual nightly antics.
Their street barricades set up from anything they can grab were cleared & the Material comprising it thrown off an embankment.
When the Mob realizes their barricades (which allows them to control traffic & harass motorists) had been cleared, they self righteously set about rebuilding them again.
All the while chanting slogans mindlessly.
They think they’re winning.
Around 3:30 AM the Marshals suddenly returned.
Again, 2 Groups.
This time they don’t bother with barricades.
They confront & PUSH Antifa away from the Park & Justice Complex.
They use Tear Gas & Pepper Balls to force Antifa over a full Block.
Antifa SCREAMS enraged
Antifa try to provoke the Marshals by kicking the sputtering Gas Grenades back at them.
The Marshals just wait for for the cloud to push Antifa back then move forward, calmly & in force.
I saw no arrests but this was only one group.
The Marshals then retired to the Courthouse.

Antifa is playing STUPID GAMES with US Federal Marshals.
Who are preparing for the day they get to hand these spoiled, violent Punks their STUPID PRIZES.
While the Idiot Antifa were confronting 1 team, the other went to SPECIFIC Tents in the Park to collect EVIDENCE.
comment image
And now The Federal Marshals have deputized LEOs and are going after the THUGS BEFORE September 17th.


Thanks…one of the most interesting posts I’ve read today!

Gail Combs

Here is some of Thomas Wictor’s analysis. I am adding this here to keep this information all together.
(Scroll to the top)
For Zoe the play by play.

Everybody must accept–MUST ACCEPT–that Trump is doing things behind the scenes.
Remember this?
Charlottesville. Antifa using a baton on a man.
In the background, a man shows a badge on his belt and makes a signal with his right hand.comment image
That’s an obsolete Special Agent badge for the Drug Enforcement Agency.
The Department of Justice asked retirees to come back on the job to conduct surveillance and collect evidence.
This freed up all the young gunslingers, and it didn’t cost us a penny except in travel and lodging.
We have tens if not hundreds of thousands of retirees.

In this video, military retirees ambush an Antifa leader, unmask him, and harvest his DNA.
Note the man signaling everyone to get in place and collect evidence.
He wanted that can of soda that Antifa threw.
The man in the green shirt runs up to the Antifa leader and puts a cellphone in his face.
When the Antifa attacks, the man in the green shirt unmasks him.
The bald man in the foreground then runs in and picks up Antifa’s helmet.
Another video shows that the man in the green shirt was texted as he followed Antifa.
He’s on the left, wearing elbow pads.
Ready for action.
Here’s the unmasking.
And here’s the guy they identified.
Clearly NOT your average Antifa dork.
Some kind of professional–a cop or soldier. He’s older, and he has very short hair.
[He does not look American either. -GC]

comment image


“The Mayor & the City Council are COMPLICIT in the
chaos, since the # of rioters is actually small they release them fast to KEEP THE CHAOS GOING….”
Then ARREST the mayor and the entire city council on FEDERAL domestic terrorism charges. Give them the Manafort / Stone treatment. Bankrupt them with legal fees. The Left WROTE the playbook, so turn around and use it on them.
That’s what would happen if any REPUBLICAN committed these acts.


Gail Thank you for all the description.

Gail Combs

Your welcome Zoe. I have been meaning to do this thread for a while but now seems the time since President Trump now has the Federal Marshals deputizing other Law Enforcement Official members in Oregon.
I did not mention it, but Carlos mentioned and showed pictures of a RETIRED DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) LEO participating in a sting. He had his OLD style badge on his belt hidden behind his shirt.
Carlos has dissected several videos showing the undercover FEDS in action as they gather evidence., Pictures, weapons, fingerprints. He shows how they work in teams. He also shows how ANTIFA works in teams.
Unfortunately It would take me hours to go through all of Carlos back threads to find these specific threads and he is MUCH more prolific writer than Brent.


Gail Combs

I am not Catholic or even much of a Christian, but even I could tell Pope Benedict’s Renunciation STUNK of coercion. ‘Francis’ has made it clear he is NOT much of a Catholic or Christian but instead is a full blown Marxist puppet.
Time to clean house again.

Gail Combs

Seems they figured out the FEDS raided their camp in the park so now (When it is too late) they are being more careful.
Of course all that chain link makes such a very nice CAGE. 😋


LOL – Interesting observation, Gail!!!


Don’t you wonder who paid for the privacy fence? Must be records….

Gail Combs

OR Rented it. Rental of privacy fence is a big business. Construction companies rent when needed.




Secret Service Admits To Destroying Records In Alleged Biden Breast-Grabbing Incident
by Tyler Durden
Fri, 09/04/2020 – 03:54

Gail Combs

Nancy Pelosi Details ‘Wrap-Up Smear’ Technique…
(Has the video)
And BOY has the FAKE NEWS been scrambling to bury that story as deep as they can ever since OR saying it is the tactic of the REPUBLICANS… 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 gasp 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Time to dig it out again.


I don’t see it.

Gail Combs

You have to watch the video. it is on the back of the hand holding the mic starting @ 10 seconds. More than one needle mark and a BIG purple bruise.
More than one nurse in the comments confirms it looks like IV needle marks.
My mother, when operated on for cancer, had one in this exact same place also in the left hand.comment image


left hand..purple blotch


Back of his middle finger – purple bump


I see the needle mark on his left hand. When I have to have laser surgery on my eye they used to put the die into a vain in my hand.
Biden looks as if they put a needle for intro venues in his hand. One can see how they aimed for the artery.
He seems to have a slight infection in it it looks not to good. Maybe he is on blood thinners that makes it look bad ?
I wonder why and for what ?


Correction: doctor put the die through my body through a vain in my hand.


Good Questions, Singing!!!




I had time to listen to the whole speech. Of great interest, when the President spoke of vote fraud and mail in ballots, he carefully explained that requesting a ballot is good but track it to make sure it’s counted. He said it twice. If your ballot can’t be tracked and counted as a vote, go vote in person. That’s President Trump’s message to the voters.
If possible, with all this remote working, people living in red districts, should change registration to a blue district. Use an address of employer or relative or friend or whatever in the blue district so one can vote there to change blue to red. DO NOT BREAK THE LAW and vote in both districts, just the blue district nearest you. You do not have to move there, just vote there. Be creative and shift your red vote to a blue district.
Of course this won’t work in places like California because of jungle primaries, only blue candidates are available.



Re-Tweeted by Elise Stefanik



“The Empire Center is appealing, noting how “implausible” the excuse is: DOH requires nursing homes to file fatality reports daily, including in-hospital deaths. How can it need two more months to come up with the data?”
Because he’s a criminal.
So escalate.
Start calling Cuomo a mass-murderer who committed atrocities and crimes against humanity, and make him prove you wrong by providing the records.
What is he hiding, and why?
And say it every day, at every press conference. Cuomo, Newsome, Northam and others are uninidcted mass-murderers, and we’ll see how long it takes for them to be prosecuted for atrocities and crimes against humanity. Next question?




Valerie Curren

Hey Q-Tree Peeps,
Josiah & I arrived safely Up North at my parents’ Cottage in Northern Michigan yesterday. Family members will be trickling in from this afternoon to Sunday, my parents arrived last night…we’re looking forward to seeing the extended clan for a few days.
We had some CoronaVirus craziness on our trip. First we stopped at a McD’s about 100 miles North of Detroit to get some lunch, bathroom break, & the Caramel Frappe I’d been craving. J wanted to put on a mask before we entered but I said let’s just go in & see what happens, ignoring whatever signage. There was a poster board sized declaration taped to the door about wearing masks per Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s recent order, but I didn’t fully read it–whatever, I cannot assent to the delusion!
About a half dozen customers were inside standing on the social distancing floor symbols & all wearing masks, even children. We rushed to the restrooms to take care of that first. There was a “touchless” toe-grabbing bar in the ladies’ room, which I appreciated. I’m one of those who uses a paper towel, when available, to turn off sinks & open doors (not wanting to touch anything in a bathroom following people who don’t wash their hands–eww.
We waited in line & when we got to the front were in the middle of placing the order when a person, perhaps the manager?, came behind the counter saying they couldn’t serve us food without a mask, per her boss’ instructions. By the way, her mask was pulled below her nose as she was making these pronouncements. I offered the “medical exception” & referenced HIPPA & she just brushed it off. I told her about the CDC 6% of all deaths, less than 10,000 in the country, being From CV & she basically mocked me & said sarcastically she’d look that up later. Anyway I said fine we’d get our food via the drive through. But as we were walking to the car I told J that there was No Way I was giving that location our business so we drove on.
Josiah was obsessing about this event & sharing about it on Facebook & in a family group Chat where he goes by the handle Red Leader (Star Wars reference) & reading me some of the responses. We never did pick up food on the road but ate snacks & had lunch later at the Cottage.
About 1/2 hour from our final destination I decided to hit the rest area. The Cottage is on well water & we turn off the electric pump whenever we leave so there is always the possibility w/ some water supply hiccup. The rest area had signs posted on Every Door “No Mask No Entry” which we ignored & did our thing, though every person we saw was wearing one. I kept my sunglasses on, my face down & didn’t make eye contact so that hopefully wouldn’t get accosted by some drone.
Previously Northern Michigan has been pretty laid back about the mask mandates. In July my husband was heading in to shop at Gaylord’s Wal-Mart & saw the “masks required” sign. He was about to turn around but the guy at the door waived him in. At that time the signage, at least in some locations, seemed mostly to give the appearance of complying with the governor’s unconstitutional dictatorial orders. I don’t know if this laid back status is still in operation given Witch-mer’s press conference (of course not addressing the 6% situation) that happened the other day.
My dad mentioned that Whitmer had decided to unilaterally allow sports to be played again in the Fall (not sure if this applied to the Big Ten), even though there are recommendations to avoid all contact sports like football & wrestling because of CV concerns. I tried to remind him of the 6% situation & that young people were never really at any risk of CV but he got this deer in the headlights look so I finally relented. It’s hard to discuss these things with family who are less informed about the delusion than many of us are!
Anyway, I thought you guys might appreciate this graphic from the babylon bee (hope it shows) found here: image
I’m borrowing my mom’s computer & there is spotty internet here so forgive me if I don’t get back to anyone quickly. Hope you are all doing well & enjoying the Holiday Weekend. God Bless You ALL!


so glad you checked in!
have a wonderful time!!!

Valerie Curren

Thanks Pat! We are so glad to get Up North, especially after the hospitalization & Liver rejection upheaval…


hope you have a great time!

Valerie Curren

Thanks, Pat, so far so good (not always easy to say when family gathers)–God Bless your adventures too 😉

Valerie Curren

Belly full of fire & not food (a condition that Never hurts me) 😉

Gail Combs

Have a GREAT Weekend!
And make sure to pack goodies for any trips. We always carry snacks/food and a cooler with beverages. I now carry squirt bottles with soapy water and clean water for hand washing. plus a roll of paper towels.
It is SOOOOoooo nice to be able to really wash my hands when every I wish and not have to stop in a virus exchange room aka bathroom.

Valerie Curren



“By the way, her mask was pulled below her nose as she was making these pronouncements.”
That’s because people have figured out that the virus is too big to squeeze through a nostril and infect anyone that way 👍
People are getting savvy.
Many pull the mask down around their chin, because they know the chin is especially vulnerable to penetration by the Chin-a-Virus.
The same virus that’s too big to squeeze past your nostrils, but can easily fit through the pores in the skin of your chinny-chin-chin 😂🤣😂

Valerie Curren


Deplorable Patriot

It’s interesting…I took a drive out to a different school district earlier. I stay off the main drag if I can, so, I drove through some strictly residential territory. You should see the signage. I saw more than one “Bye Don” and several Biden signs. A lot of the SJW ones from, too.
I would venture to say that the televisions in their houses are stuck on MSNBC.

Gail Combs

Gee, maybe they need a little visit from BLM and ANTIFA to change their minds. 😉


Okay, there’s strong language here, so if words bother you, scroll on by…
If you’re interested in hearing truth, passionately expressed… click, listen…


I had chills by the time she was finished. Her passion is sincere and compelling.




Powerful Ad against Nancy Antoinette



Gail Combs

DEVASTATING!!! I hope who ever her opponent is in the election airs it all the time on TV.
(Unfortunately in CA it is another DemonRat)


AG Barr’s statement on Michael Reinoehl.


you still got fans OT…did you know that?
copied from OT
WeThePeople2016 says:
September 4, 2020 at 2:13 pm
Now we know why Weissmann is going off the rails. His act is being called into question. Thank you, @SidneyPowell1, for beginning this long road to true justice.
I believe Manafort was INSERTED, including media removal of Lewandowski. Go back to 2015 for plot genesis.
— Wolf Moon – ChinaVirusChinaVirusChinaVirusChina (@WOLFM00N) September 4, 2020


you got an alter ego?
WeThePeople2016 says:
September 4, 2020 at 2:16 pm
The China Money is now TOXIC.
— Wolf Moon – ChinaVirusChinaVirusChinaVirusChina (@WOLFM00N) September 4, 2020


rivers, stockings and antifa…they ALL RUN!
the moron had a distinctive tat on his neck…he think he could hide that and hide out?

Gail Combs

Very good.
Nothing like getting ahead of the people who would want to make this murderer a ‘martyr’
This has a composite of the various versions

….Apprehension Team, run by the U.S. Marshals Service, along with other police agencies were outside an apartment complex at 7601 Third Way SE , near Lacey, Wash. in unincorporated Thurston County, doing surveillance where they believed the fugitive was hiding out.
“He exited the apartment and went to a vehicle,” Brady said. As officers attempted to stop him, officers fired gunshots and Reinoehl ran to a smaller station wagon.
The car was boxed in by officers’ vehicles, prompting Rienoehl to then run. The man produced a gun and officers fired, the lieutenant said. The suspect died at the scene, collapsing on Third Way.
Witnesses told The Olympian newspaper that they saw two SUVs pull up and then heard 30 to 40 shots about 7 p.m.
Two witnesses told the newspaper that they saw the man begin to fire what appeared to be an assault rifle when he got out of the car. They said officers returned fire….

Eye witnesses to the Olympian newspaper.

…Chad Smith and Chase Cutler, who were working on cars nearby Thursday, said an unmarked SUV had been parked on School Street for a while when that SUV and another converged on a man in a vehicle at the apartment complex. Smith and Cutler moved onto a grassy area about 50 yards away to watch what was happening.
The man got out of his vehicle and began to fire what they believe was an assault rifle at the SUVs. They said they heard 40 or 50 shots, then officers returned fire, hitting the man.
“It reminded me of a video game,” Cutler said.

Looks like Reinoehl is a poster boy for ANTIFA.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds almost Hegelian, especially considering that there were threads out suggesting that he would have been likely to spill the beans and out his superiors…
Nonetheless, “The suspect died at the scene, collapsing on Third Way”.
The third way… synthesis… sad… hot time in the old town tonight (at least where he likely is)…


“The man got out of his vehicle and began to fire what they believe was an assault rifle at the SUVs. They said they heard 40 or 50 shots, then officers returned fire, hitting the man.”
If he was carrying an AR15, the standard magazine holds 30 rounds.
I hope the cop SUVs were bullet proof if they’re waiting around from some pantifa to fire 30 rounds into their vehicle, pause, reload, and fire another 20 before the cops return fire.
Pro tip: when the perpetrator’s firearm is out of ammo and the firing stops while he reloads, that’s a good time to make your move… 👍 😂


Gotta love Juanita!


nobody knows how to blow a lead like a democrat!

Cuppa Covfefe

You could reverse the placement of “lead” and “blow” in that sentence and still be correct 😆
[HUH HOe…]….


snicker, snicker

Cuppa Covfefe

“Target rich” comment, considering the subject (and object as it were) of that picture 🙂

Gail Combs

Are you sure that is not a zombie?
He really looks horrible for 74. Hubby is older and looks a lot better and more healthy.


Mine, too! Remember Chelsea made him go on a diet so he would look good for her wedding…I believe he went totally vegetarian or vegan…lost the weight but has never looked healthy since. Of course, no question he has some serious health issues….almost karma, isn’t it. Strongly suspect all females are perfectly safe from Bill these days 😉

Gail Combs

All they would have to do is give him a push and he would fall and probably hurt himself.

Cuppa Covfefe

The last of the Mo Vegans…
That said, BeezleBubba is a Satanic Black Magick [note the “k”] Illuminised Witch. The darkest and worst of all (yet he’s outranked by HELL-the-BEAST). And sooner or later, the Devil comes to collect his due… BillyGoat appears to have rather large “accounts payable”… and the evil shows from within…
Learn, Turn, or Burn, Bill.
Your Choice, Your Eternity.
Choose Wisely, for You Only Have Once…


“This decrepit, decaying piece of trash says “Trump will be stacking sandbags to stay in the White House”
Is flooding that big of a problem in D.C. in November?


Bubba is really lookin’ healthy there, not like death warmed over at all.


Biden ain’t winning nothing but a bed in a NYC nursing home.


this is sooooooooooooooooo dead on!
An eighty-year-old woman who’s having a national cat fight with her hair lady is second in line for the Presidency.
— Anna James Zeigler (@ajzeigler) September 2, 2020


going to go look for links and clips–apparently Kaleigh and Ric Grenell just gave the press atomic wedgies!


oh DePat already has some!! (see below)
isn’t she great???????


The entire press conference is at Citizen Free Press.





Deplorable Patriot

I’m trying not to enjoy this.


At the beginning Grenell says he doesn’t know if they can find Kosovo and Serbia on a map. 😂
“This is a crisis in journalism.” 🔥

Deplorable Patriot

It was a beautiful thing.

Deplorable Patriot

When even the war hawk never Trumper Bolton says it isn’t true, it isn’t true.

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

Language warning, but this is what it’s going to take to wake some of these people up.


Burn, Loot and Murder are a black moslem communist mafia – running a protection racket. .
Every dollar that they extorted out of big corporations is a RICO case!!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

Gotta love the keyboard army.
Morpheus 78
REVEALED: The Atlantic is owned by a Biden megadonor | The Post Millennial
On the heels of a disputed and widely mocked bombshell, The Atlantic is revealed to be majority owned by one of Biden’s biggest benefactors.
3:21 PM · Sep 4, 2020
Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs, is the majority stakeholder in the publication. Powell Jobs was named by The New York Times among those who financed at least $500,000 of then-presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s campaign in the 2nd quarter this year.


follow the money AND the wives

Deplorable Patriot

True dat.

Gail Combs

I am SOOOOooooo sick of these millionaires and billionaires BUYING our politicians!
I really want the campaign finance laws changed.
1. MAX donation $2,000
3. No PACS
4. NO donations from corporations
5. NO donations from Charities, churches or anything else that is NOT an individual adult human.
And while we are at it NO LOBBYING!
The ONLY people a Congressman or Senator should represent is his constituents PERIOD!
It is also time to breakup monopolies and transnational corporations while kicking foreignowners OUT of the USA. If a corporation HAS foreign ownership it is NOT an American corporation!
This history prof dances around the REAL HISTORY!

Brian Murphy, a history professor at Baruch College in New York, knows a whole lot about corporations in the early days of the American republic. When the Supreme Court struck down restrictions on political spending by corporations in January, the ruling (pdf!) struck him as dramatically at odds with how the Founding Fathers saw the role of the corporation.
….the Founders did not confuse Boston’s Sons of Liberty with the British East India Company. They could distinguish among different varieties of association — and they understood that corporate personhood was a legal fiction that was limited to a courtroom. It wasn’t literal. Corporations could not vote or hold office. They held property, and to enable a shifting group of shareholders to hold that property over time and to sue and be sued in court, they were granted this fictive personhood in a limited legal context.
Early Americans had a far more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of corporations than the Court gives them credit for….

“a far more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of corporations than the Court gives them credit for…” RIGHTTTttttt
And notice it was AGAIN Chief Justice Roberts who BETRAYED the American public. HE of ALL people should have been very familiar with the founding fathers position on corporations.

….I read this opinion carefully — I’m trained as a historian, not a lawyer. Chief Justice Roberts lays out an ideologically pure view of corporations as associations of citizens — leveling differences between companies, schools and other groups. So in his view Boeing is no different from Harvard, which is no different from the NAACP, or Citizens United, or my local neighborhood civic association. It’s lovely prose, but as a matter of history the majority is simply wrong.

So how about some history that is NOT from a college prof??
how about Stephen D. Foster Jr. a LIBERAL Bernie supporter. 🤣🤣🤣
However he is correct.

….To say that the founding fathers supported corporations is very absurd. Its quite the opposite in fact. Corporations like the East India Trading Company were despised by the founding fathers and they were just one reason why they chose to revolt against England. Corporations represented the moneyed interests much like they do today and they often wielded political power, sometimes to the point of governing a colony all by themselves like the Massachusetts Bay Company did.
But there is more evidence that the Revolutionary generation despised corporations. The East India Company was the largest corporation of its day and its dominance of trade angered the colonists so much, that they dumped the tea products it had on a ship into Boston Harbor which today is universally known as the Boston Tea Party. At the time, in Britain, large corporations funded elections generously and its stock was owned by nearly everyone in parliament. The founding fathers did not think much of these corporations that had great wealth and great influence in government. And that is precisely why they put restrictions upon them after the government was organized under the Constitution….
Back in the days of the Founding Fathers, corporations could only exist for 20-30 years and could only deal in one commodity.
After the nation’s founding, corporations were granted charters by the state as they are today. Unlike today, however, corporations were only permitted to exist 20 or 30 years and could only deal in one commodity, could not hold stock in other companies, and their property holdings were limited to what they needed to accomplish their business goals. And perhaps the most important facet of all this is that most states in the early days of the nation had laws on the books that made any political contribution by corporations a criminal offense. When you think about it, the regulations imposed on corporations in the early days of America were far harsher than they are now. That is hardly proof that the founding fathers supported corporations. In fact its quite the opposite. The corporate entity was so restrictive that many of America’s corporate giants set up their entities to avoid the corporate restrictions. For example, Andrew Carnegie set up his steel company as a limited partnership and John D. Rockefeller set up his Standard Oil company as a trust which would later be rightfully busted up into smaller companies by Theodore Roosevelt.
For those who need more evidence, how about statements from the founding fathers themselves.

Gail Combs

RATS! I should have rechecked my blockquote closures but I was so happy to find the info on what our founding fathers thought of corporations again. I forgot.
Sorry guys. That is three quotes from two different sources with my comments between. Two are from the first source.
(I really need a new pair of glasses or these trifocals readjusted.)


The owner of Atlantic Magazine is also a huge Biden donor.


The political donations list also has to prohibit donors from outside the district or state.


LOVE IT! Bless the citizen journalists!


President Trump is waging peace again:

Deplorable Patriot

Language warning…and I’m really wondering just how extensive some of these people’s vocabulary is given the propensity to drop f-bombs like they’re pennies from Heaven.


The F word is learned as babes in some circles. I remember a kid in a stroller in Ferguson saying it..


there’s a new MARSHALL in town!

Sadie Slays

Truly sad that so many “adults” are incapable of expressing themselves without cursing and insults. And when you tell that to them, too, they only get angrier.

Gail Combs

One of the drill Sargent’s at Ft Jackson could chew an enlistee up for ten minutes and then spit him out without ever uttering a swear word or repeating himself. It was a thing of beauty to watch. He was also Back.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, man, I needed a good laugh today. You can’t make this stuff up.


What’s wrong with those people? I’ve never seen anything like it except in other cultures that are completely different, with different belief systems. Maybe that’s the answer. But the astounding thing is that they got that way here, that many of them, without critical thiinking, just like sheep.

Deplorable Patriot

Truthfully, this is like looking at the people who frequent the grocery stores around here. I’m still laughing.
They don’t have God in their belief system is part of it. Free spirits and all that.


Did anyone hear Biden’s speech just now? OMG..I couldn’t get to my crutches and tv was on in the other room.
Long speech. He sounded perfectly normal. It was excruciating to listen to
The majority of it was taking the Atlantic article apart and slamming Trump as uncaring, incompetent., cruel.etc
Then he went on about the shutdown and how Trump must hate the little people. as well as the military.
The “questions” from press were so obviously scripted..the step to continue the speech.
Whatever drugs he takes are good. No stumbles or bumbles .
The soundbites from this will be everywhere


I thought he may have been wearing off…so I bet theyve gone nuclear and are pumping him with meds that will NOT be effective long term. They just want to get him elected.
I wonder what the cocktail is ?

Cuppa Covfefe

He probably borrowed something from Hell-the BEAST:
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Cool it with a baboon’s blood,
Then the charm is firm and good.
(from the MacBeth cookbook, courtesy William Shakespeare)


Honey Badger don’t give a sh*t
Grenell schools the Prestitutes:


ALL THREE were impressive – O’Brien, Kushner and Grenell.
Add in Pompeo, Mnuchin and Ross, and many others – wow – what a great brain trust our President has gathered!!!!
I really like VA Director Robert Wilkie and Secretary Alex Azar too!


AG William Pelham Barr is my favorite – he is downright astounding – with his dry wit, sarcasm, irreverence for PC and short abrupt unequivocal answers.

Sadie Slays

Look what just showed up in my inbox from one of my elected representatives.comment image
The word “criminal” is now forbidden. You must now say “person that is justice-involved.” I have to wonder if even the Leftists who write this garbage can say this stuff with a straight face. And how is “recurrence of symptoms” more efficient than simply saying “relapse”?
I need to get the hell out of here.


It’s a thing called language. Change it and you change the whole society.


My first sentence was addressed to the representative. The rest we are all aware of, but people tend to forget what’s behind their efforts.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hence Orwell’s Newspeak (which, interestingly enough, can be considered as News Speak)…
Then again, we were ALWAYS at war with Oceania…

Sadie Slays

Orwell warned us about this 74 years ago. “Politics and the English” language should be mandatory reading. Seriously folks, it’s a short essay. Strongly recommend reading it.

Cuppa Covfefe

Should’ve scrolled down a tad further before replying. Orwell indeed had it pegged.
As did a fellow known as Vance Packard – well worth reading his works, some of which are available (or were) free, online…


1984 in 2020.


I read it differently.
It looks like an instruction sheet teaching people how to use stigmatizing language, and that seems like a good thing 👍 😂


“The word “criminal” is now forbidden.”
Whenever the idiots try to ‘forbid’ something, like using the word ‘criminal’, that’s the signal to use the word at every opportunity.
Everybody used to know how to play this game when we were kids, I don’t know what happened to us… 😁

Cuppa Covfefe

The Streisand Effect.
(Cue “I’m Five, I’m Five, I’m A Big Girl Now I’m Five” from “My Name Is Barbra”…)
The SJW Snowflake buttercups not only have an extended (indeed perpetual) adolescence, they have a perpetual childhood… Peter Pan Syndrome writ large…
Here’s a vid; shades of Lily Tomlin’s character 🙂,i-m-five,3pxqs.html


I can see how she became a star…
If she was the only actress in Hollywood.
That’s really awful 😂

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. From “Don’t Rain On My Parade” (Funny Girl):
“Hey Mr. Arnstein here I am…”….
Could she have meant Weinstein?????
Actually kind of a sad waste of talent and a good voice. There’s a YouTube of her with Michel Legrand on a French Music TV show, where she can’t remember the words to “What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life”. Legrand sings/coaches her, and saves the day (poor French Emcee is sweating bulltets, he thought more of Streisand). She kind of scats through it (again, surviving on great pipes, not great mind)…
Yentl (might as well have been Lentil) really did it for me. The concept of a female Rabbi is utterly abhorrent to me, though she probably meant it as yet another protest…. geesh…
(having said that, I think “Papa, Can You Hear Me?” is a really beautiful, touching song – and there are other versions better than hers – Legrand, Charlotte Church, for example)…


I have never really known her as anything other than a Leftist.
Which would make a nice obituary 😁

Cuppa Covfefe

I like Spike Milligan’s Epitaph the best:
“I Told You I Was Ill” …
The cemetary where he was interred wouldn’t let him put that in English, so it’s inscribed in Gaelic. Btw., he was a member of “The Goon Show” together with Peter Sellers and Harry Secombe, and authored some of what are termed “the world’s funniest jokes”.


Oh my! It’s getting bad.


He gotvsomething about 48 hrs ago. Those hand IV marks had recent bruising. So transfused for peak performance and now its wearing off. Whatever it is.

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder how many babies it took to get him to “peak performance”…. ????? 😡 😡 😡 🙁 🙁 🙁


Ick but yeah.

Cuppa Covfefe

Looking at the one, and then the other, makes me think of a wine they have over here, Grau Burgunder, Gray Burgundy, a white wine (whine). Joe is gray, and is always whining…


Great. Now it has to fly over the rest of the state!

JW in Germany

Starting at about 40 minutes a very serious and important conversation begins about using color revolution tactics to overthrow President Trump after the election. Tactics used by globalists in our own government to collapse governments in Eastern Europe and elsewhere. Ukraine? Belarus?
Please listen closely because the globalist establishment is already VISIBLY and OPENLY laying the groundwork. They absolutely will cause chaos trying to draw us into CWII.
Prepare…it WILL get ugly.
P.S. I know many people see Bannon as an enemy of the White House—to discuss why I agree or disagree was not the purpose of my post. Rather to point out information that I find relevant and very important for the election because I see the exact same groundwork being laid by enemies of We the People.

Gail Combs

AND the people who put President Trump in office as their ‘face’ have know about this too.
See my two comment starting at:
The mid and low level organizers are being takenout OR SURVEILLED and have been since Trump hit office. Don’t you remember they went after the website that set-up the riots just after the inauguration?


All these “war games” and “color revolution” omit one thing. The American We the People. The opposition/NWO/whatever live in an echo chamber of remove Trump. We the People are fed up with all this Lawfare, BLM, unconstitutional activities, Wuhan flu, and Resist Trump, because they know it’s not about Trump, but about us & our liberty.
Screw with election results, lawfare or not, We the People will rise up, take names, and kick ass, beginning at the local level elections office and on up the chain. They think the military will remove Trump from the White House? No chance.



Not true, they get a civil war no matter how Biden wins as too many Americans totally refuse what Biden and the cabal offer.


President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Individuals to Key Administration Posts
Issued on: September 4, 2020
Today, President Donald J. Trump announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to key positions in his Administration:
Matthew B. Shipley, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of Defense (Readiness).
Ryan Michael Tully, of New York, to be an Assistant Secretary of State (Verification and Compliance).
Rear Admiral (Ret.) Jon C. Kreitz, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Manpower and Reserve Affairs).
Rear Admiral Kreitz was most recently the Deputy Director for Operations of the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, where he led daily operations spanning the Indo-Pacific, Americas, Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East.

Today, President Donald J. Trump announced his intent to appoint the following individuals to key positions in his Administration:
Jack Joyce, of New York, to be a Member of the Medal of Valor Review Board.
Daniel Patrick Cortez, of Virginia, to be a Member of the President’s Advisory Commission on Hispanic Prosperity.
Alan Neil Rechtschaffen, of New York, to be a Member of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in the Smithsonian Institution.
Benjamin A. Powell, of Virginia, to be a Member of the Public Interest Declassification Board.
Michael G. Lawrence, of Virginia, to be a Member of the Public Interest Declassification Board.


I just have to point out that there was a “Hairstylist’s Protest” outside Pelosi’s SF home this afternoon! Soooo funny and on point! They were hanging hair blowers in a tree outside her home! They said we don’t want to wear these masks anymore!


Saw a video, and the women there were also wearing beauty shop capes and rollers in their hair…what a hoot!


Customers of hair stylist protesting about not being to have hair stylist services, but Pelosi can.





Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates Retweeted
Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates@drawandstrike
THIS is why ODNI @DNI_Ratcliffe moved to end the verbal election security briefings to Congress.
Look what Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff & Warner were doing the classified information they were given.
Creating their own special classified addendum & then LEAKING IT TO MEDIA.


Joe Biden asks staff to call on reporters because he doesn’t “have his list”


Are his arms broken?
He can’t point at a propagandist when it raises its hand?
How hard it is to ‘call’ on someone who raises their hand, whether you have a ‘list’ or not?
Has he ever been in a school before?


This clown wants to be president, but he can’t figure out how to call on one of his own insurgents?


No…he had the Answers to the Questions, Scott.
He was going to read those Answers, but they were in an ‘order’ that was keyed to The List.
That’s why he was concerned about following The List.
This was all scripted.
But Slow Joe couldn’t even follow the script!


Slo-Jo 😁
It’s his nom de goof.
One of many 😂


I am hearing this from Dave at X22 Report also… something big is about to drop
which is why Deep State is throwing out whatever… Brian has a THREAD, No Reader link as yet

Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates@drawandstrike
And I think it has to be something involving the original cover story they attempted to float to hide the Steele Dossier’s true origins.
And McCain was right in the middle of that.
Replying to @drawandstrike
Exactly the reason the new narrative about Trump- hating the dead militar men, hoax.
Plant the seed of military disrespect from Trump and use it as cover for McCain

Deplorable Patriot

And it’s a holiday weekend, too.


Justice Department Retweeted
U.S. Attorney Brady announces the dismantling of an int’l drug trafficking organization bringing cocaine from Mexico to Pittsburgh. It represents the largest HIDTA drug trafficking investigation/prosecutions since our designation as HIDTA areas in 2018.
27 Members of International Cocaine Conspiracy That Trafficked

Deplorable Patriot

Lemme guess: they used the interstates.

Note: the NFL, it’s locations, and largest event, the Superb Owl, are all connected to human trafficking, so it is nice to see news like this actually.
Quote Tweet
Robert Littal BSO@BSO
· 10h
Details on Lovie Smiths’ Son Mikal Lee Smith Arrested For Running a Prostitution Ring; Details on the Operation, Smith’s Bond Amount and How Long He Is Looking in Jail (Video-Pimpin)

Deplorable Patriot

We here in Mound City should be happy the pulled stakes and left.



We should start a pool – guess how many thugs will spend the night in a fed lockup.


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States Retweeted
Katie DaviscourtFlag of United States@KatieDaviscourt
JUST IN: Washington State Patrol arrests every single criminal BLM driver for illegally protesting on the NB- I5 freeway.
Great work, @wastatepatrol! #seattleriots #seattleprotests


Now you’re talking…


…..and impounded all the vehicles. The crooked DA can let their bodies out of the slam, but getting the cars out of an impound yard is likely a different story.

Deplorable Patriot

Anyone here participating in MAGA Drag the Interstate tomorrow? Hubby and I will be joining the Columbus Ohio group. Hoping for I nice peaceful day.


a nice peaceful day, not I. Good grief.

Deplorable Patriot

Umm…does anyone want to type what I’m thinking?????


“Umm…does anyone want to type what I’m thinking?????”
That masks have become purely a fashion accessory, and are even more uselesser than useless surgical masks to prevent Covid-Stupid?

Deplorable Patriot

No…but my brother the Couch Commando got it right on the first shot.


They look like lacy underwear.


NOT FOR CHILDREN!!! WTF is wrong with these people???

Sadie Slays

I’ve noticed several masks that look like repurposed lingerie. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if the sick Satanists put this stuff out on purpose just to further humiliate people.

Deplorable Patriot


Sadie Slays

Folks, if you absolutely need to wear a mask for a job or school, get a face shield. It’s much more dignified than face underwear. I know she meant well, but I feel bad that her granddaughters have to wear face panties in public. The pedos are probably loving this.


JMO, but I absolutely hate face shields! They are the silliest possible device imaginable…even more so when people wear a mask under one! When I see one I want to laugh. Next, a deep-diver’s helmet?
To me they are more degrading than a mask, which we all know is useless anyway. If forced, I’d probably go with mosquito netting with the knowledge it’s prop simply for virtue signaling.


I love a face shield! Full field of vision. Others can see my facial expressions. PLENTY of air to breath. No one bothers me. Funniest comment I’ve got was a gal at home improvement store said I “looked like a scientist” … to which I replied, “I am a scientist!” …


I like them, too, mostly because I can breathe normally and I can’t in a face mask. So if I have to have a face covering to buy food, that’s what I wear. Otherwise, forget it. I don’t bother.




Or did you mean they look like lingerie?


I made my own weeks ago and am asked where I got it when I ‘m in places that demand one. Take the paper type mask, cut out the center leaving the edges and staple the tulle (you can buy it at wreath making area of crafts stores, 6 ” high and 12 yards on a roll, $3-4) around the edges. I triple layered mine. Meets requirements of covering nose & mouth and you can breathe and I haven’t been hassled.


And it does not look like lingerie as the edges and ear elastic still look “medical” not sexy.


Dan Bongino (@dbongino) Tweeted:
Absolutely SAVAGE ad. DAMN!


General Halley 🚁🌹 (@HalleyBorderCol) Tweeted:
omg, Trump is halting all government critical race theory training!
This is amazing.


That didn’t take long. A week from the birth of outrage to solution of the problem. A record for American bureaucracy.


Now they have to get rid of the dept offices of “diversity “


comment image


Sorry for the likely repeat. 🤡


So worthy of a repeat!


We have a rule around these parts…..Good news bears repeating!!! 😉😍🥰


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States Retweeted
Marjorie Taylor Greene For CongressFlag of United States@mtgreenee
US House candidate, GA-14
Congress is broken … not working for the American people!
It’s time to lift the dead weight and kick Pelosi’s Congress to the curb in November!


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States@JackPosobiec
UPDATE: President Trump overrules Esper, announces @StarsAndStripes will not lose funding on his watch
Quote Tweet
Jack Posobiec Flag of United States@JackPosobiec
· 8h
Esper is mad that Trump is talking about replacing him so he’s shutting down Stars and Stripes to punish the troops. Taking it out on them instead of being a leader. Tells you a lot. This guy is bad news.


“Esper is mad that Trump is talking about replacing him so he’s shutting down Stars and Stripes to punish the troops.”
Well that’s a very mature response for a Secretary of Defense 😂
What is he, five years old?
Where do they FIND these people?


So Posobiec knows the mood and the motivation for Sec of Def?
When did they read him into the inner circle?


Here’s the “official” story?
The proposed military budget for fiscal year 2021 removes all government funding for Stars and Stripes news service. Stars and Stripes dates back to the Civil War and has been in continuous publication since World War Two. It has served as an unbiased and reliable news source for our soldiers all over the world. Stars and Stripes performs a vital service, allowing our men and woman in uniform to keep up with what’s going on in the wars they are fighting and news from back home.
Secretary Esper, Stars and Stripes is an integral part of our American tradition of supporting our troops and represents a minuscule part of the overall military budget. The list of distinguished journalists who’s careers began there is long. Millions of our fellow Americans who have served in harms way over the years have relied on Stars and Stripes for information and much needed entertainment as well. With so much talk these days of supporting our troops, funding Stars and Stripes is one way we can give meaning to those words.
Stars and Stripes may be a tiny part of the overall budget, but provides a great service to our troops. We implore you to restore funding for this most American of institutions.


“So Posobiec knows the mood and the motivation for Sec of Def?
When did they read him into the inner circle?”
I’m not sure about about Posobiec, but Esper has been getting the side-eye ever since he came out against the president after the walk to the church in D.C. that was set on fire.


Have you read the Stars & Stripes lately? Has become another liberal SJW rag over the decades. Just reading the front cover headlines while waiting in line at the commissary, very alarming.
The Start & Stripes needs an overhaul and new editorial direction.






Not taking credit, but wondering aloud. This is the 2nd time this week, I’ve tweeted POTUS about an important issue, and he has addressed it within days. I’ve started copying Mark Meadows. I wonder if that’s making a difference. 🤔🤔🤔 There was an issue last week where I looked up all the members on his campaign staff and copied them on an issue. We gotta fight this stuff, not only send to POTUS, the press, any agency involved, but also every person on his staff that we can think of that ‘needs to know’.


WTG, Butterfly!
Hey, you never know what will hit at the right time and make a difference.
Keep doing it!


Flag of United StatesButterflyButterflyButterflyButterflyButterflyFlag of United States Retweeted
Josh Caplan@joshdcaplan
OMB VOUGHT: President Trump directs federal agencies to immediately halt training on “white privilege” and “critical race theory”


Those people who are suckling the federal dollars for their classes can go get a real job now.



Sadie Slays

I’ve said all week that the Dems are in total panic mode.

Sadie Slays


Comment from our #1 Smartest Newsman!


wolfmoon1776, forgive me if this has been brought to your attention…I simply cannot keep up with all of the Virus news. But if you have not read this, I KNOW you will wish to do so.


para, yes, that IS the same story…


wolfmoon1776, para59r has posted an elemental link which I just now (9/5, 9:30 AM PT) accessed.


The whole “MAGA vs Mutants” narrative is the shiny red laser pointer to burn up our emotional energy in useless cycles of outrage mixed with new commitment to PREP for the exactly wrong battlefield.
Our VSG Lion has already given us what we need
to FOCUS on the REAL battlefields.
#1. Secure the Vote.
At the very least, verify your own vote was counted.comment image
See: “3 Ways to You Can Help Ensure Fair Elections” by iVoter Guide …
“We’ve been hearing so much lately about fraudulent elections, uncounted ballots, and the dangers of mail-in voting without being able to take much action to help.iVoterGuide now highlights 3 ways you can get involved and help make an impact on the fairness of elections.” (Work at the polls, poll-watching – be a part of history, and prayer!)
#2. Protect our Children.
Maybe we aren’t going to be involved in rescuing trafficked children, but certainly the battle over the minds of our children is worthy of investing our time/talent. Not just local school boards, however urgent that is. School Choice and Home School both need to win the day for families all over our nation.comment image
#3. Influence Local Politics
If all you do is investigate the socialist/communist ties to the movers and shakers in your area, you might be the one to save your community from years of heartache.comment image


Nike is making Face Shields.comment image
They started delivering them back on April 3, 2020!
I’ll bet they’re made in China.


Arghh! However, I bet those are easier to keep on little children than masks? Thinking about the Mom that got kicked off the plane because of her 2yr old. I dunno.


Yeah, face shields are better than masks.
At least you can breath!
But it’s looking like the manufacturing of face shields got started Very Early in this plannedemic.
Even Apple was making them early last spring!


The one on the right doesn’t look happy.


Not only about the’s about the rest of us..just like that meme
Rochester Black Lives Matter Rioters Storming Restaurants, Breaking Glass, Flipping Tables, Screaming at Frightened Diners (VIDEO)


Fear, bullying, and intimidation! Makes me ANGRY!!


The correct response is to do the same thing you would do if they pulled that stunt in an airplane.
Beat the crap out of them and hogtie them, finish your dinner, and at the end of the night before closing, call the police to come get them.


You forgot to gag them.



society breaking down


That beta faggot should go to prison for a thousand years.


That’s a good way to get shot. How would a homeowner know they weren’t trying to break in?


Can of hair spray would work just as efficiently from that height.


Creating a lot of Republican votes there in Rochester… jes sayin’


I LOVE HIM!!! ❤❤❤



Very interesting, Jennifer Griffin drops the mask and reveals she’s one of the enemy…
Fox News is such a sick, twisted workplace.


These people have never been properly disciplined for anything . This is the kind of thing which requires having armed security guards at your biz.
The mayor is a dimm, blm apologist or member.
Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) Tweeted:
Rochester, N.Y.: #BLM rioters swarm a restaurant and knock over the dining tables.


I love the idea but an armed security person wouldn’t probably have a green light to shoot and the idea of patrons fighting back..that crowd is huge..if ya want brain damage don’t try to fight a fair fight another day.
The only positive is that now normies can finally get it..antifa isn’t the only anarchists. BLM is every bit as militant. They’ve been hiding behind they grief and oppresion..bullsh*t


Without the vids~~~~
#PhillyProtest chanting “Every city every town burn the precincts to the ground”
“Every city every town burn the precincts to the ground” – NYC protest
“If we gotta burn it down we gonna burn this motherfucker down” – Rochester protest
#PhillyProtest chanting “Death to America”


They are all going to get themselves killed. They are going to do this in areas with families and guns. The pkaces they choose are full of sheeple.


Why do all the chants sound like something out of a late 60s or early 70s ‘B’ grade blaxploitation movie?
This is bad theater 😂


Look… somebody was going to be murdered that night..unfortunately it was Jay Danielson.



And it wasn’t him alone. The crew was with him. They all need to be charged or get themselves suicided by cop also



A naked man, Overdosing on PCP..
For sure..dug it out for the show



The son was only 17 IIRC.