Dear KMAG: 20200911 Open Topic

OK – here is the lowdown.

WordPress (yes – WORDPRESS) is actively screwing with me. The software will screw up anything longer than a very short article. I had a BIG post with FOUR great special topics, including 9/11, and it was destroyed.

I tried to do a “short and sweet” – this topic and a PRAYER – WordPress destroyed that, too.

From now on, until SOMEBODY at WordPress goes to jail, I am simply going to do very short posts with one or two images.

There will only be ONE topic. And you have just heard today’s ONE topic.

Thank you for your understanding.

EDIT: OK – the article is just about to go up, and I’m trying to sneak in more…..

I would like to thank Deplorable Patriot for the header image used here. I was going to include a different picture in the body of the article in the section on 9/11 – the image from the media folder of the monument…..

OK – this is good. But I’m getting out while I still can.

Thank you all, God bless you, God Bless America, and I will see you in the comments with more thoughts.


Pray for America
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this is beautiful!!


Never forget!


As if!!


‘until SOMEBODY at WordPress goes to jail’ 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


I’m sorry you’re having troubles, it’s really disheartening to lose all that work, multiple times.
However, Some of your Wolfieisms tickle my funny bone 😂😂
Hitch up all panties people
And of course WP people DO need to go to jail! 😉

Gail Combs

WordPiss started their Censorship crapola on ‘Climate Deniers’ like Chemical Engineer John Kehr when he was asked to ‘lecture’ former NASA Astronauts on Climate science. They formed the group, the Right Climate Stuff in 2013.
His blog (remove FOUR splats * )
I came up with adding splats to get around WordPiss censorship all those years ago.
Here are the reports generated:
BETCHA never even knew they existed!!
OH, and to add insult to injury, a wordpiss employee was on Tony Heller’s site and swore up and down they did not censor. To bad for him, JoNova and E.M. Smith aka ChiefIO had ALREADY proved the comments were NOT getting booted into moderation BUT INTO TRASH! We never saw him again at Tony’s blog.
So yeah, WordPiss censor’s. It is one of the reasons Tony Heller went to his own platform and got off WordPiss.

Deplorable Patriot

I was going to ask how they are messing with you.
Frankly, the editor was messing with me…Wednesday, I think. And I believe it was the rally post. I usually just copy the post from before and carve on what was there, and the main post content editor on the right side with the key words and categories, header image, scheduling, etc., disappeared at one point. The block editor thing no longer has a Youtube option.
The changes are a pain, but there are ways around them.

Sadie Slays

I strongly suspect that “YMCA” suddenly being played after rallies is a trolling message to somebody. I don’t know why else the President would keep playing a song about gay sex.

Sadie Slays

“On March 2, 2013, during the opening monologue on Saturday Night Live, Jay Pharoah parodied President Barack Obama giving a press conference about the recent budget cuts in Congress, saying that there were going to be cuts on the military, social service workers, federal construction projects, and Native American funding. The representatives of each of the four Village People characters did the arm dance in order after Pharaoh recited the appropriate verse of the song.[91]”
I included the “[91]” footnote because OF COURSE it had to be those digits.

Sadie Slays

“NEW YORK (CNN) — Former President Bill Clinton has accepted a free, “honorary” membership at the Harlem YMCA.
The offer to join the Harlem Y, which is 10 blocks north of Clinton’s new office building, came in March. Clinton accepted the offer in April, said Sharon Forbes, the club’s communications director.
“We are part of the neighborhood,” Forbes said. “We wanted to give him a place to relax.”
The Clintons are the only famous family who have been given the free membership, Forbes said.”

Wouldn’t shock me at all if they were trafficking out the Y near the Clinton’s office.
“They have everything for you men to enjoy
You can hang out with all the boys”

Sadie Slays

Or maybe this was simply a place for Bill to go for quick hook-ups.

Gail Combs

It is said that he got the idea for starting NGOs (as a method for advancing communism) from working for the YMCA

Deplorable Patriot

The Y is very left of center, and it depends on where you are as to the level of homosexual activities. Our local one is mostly family and elderly friendly, actually. Well, and lap swimmers.


Used to belong to one in upstate NY years ago. Family friendly. But an individual did molest a child there and a transgender woman was in the locker room at times.

Sadie Slays

“In 2010, First Lady Michelle Obama chose the YMCA as the venue to launch the pillars of her “Let’s Move” campaign against childhood obesity. ”
“At 8 a.m, a smaller presidential motorcade escorted Obama to the Auburn YMCA on William Street. According to White House press pool reports, the president was looking to get a quick workout in this morning prior to resuming his two-day trip in upstate New York and Pennsylvania.
The president worked out alongside Y members and chatted with several of them during his time inside the building, which was heavily guarded.”


It’s a sign and a promise of Ric Grenell’s enhanced roles during a 2nd term. Hint: Native American (MAGA!), Construction Worker, Policeman, Cowboy, Military. Yippie-ki-yay!


“I don’t know why else the President would keep playing a song about gay sex.”
I knew at least some of the Village People were flaming, but I had no idea that’s what the song was about!
It’s not the kind of music I listen to, I just know the chorus, so I looked up the lyrics, and you’re right, they’re laying it on thick with the innuendo.
Young man, there’s no need to feel down.
I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground.
I said, young man, ’cause you’re in a new town
There’s no need to be unhappy.
Young man, there’s a place you can go.
I said, young man, when you’re short on your dough.
You can stay there, and I’m sure you will find
Many ways to have a good time.
It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
They have everything for young men to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys…
It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal,
You can do whatever you feel…
Young man, are you listening to me?
I said, young man, what do you wanna be?
I said, young man, you can make real your dreams.
But you got to know this one thing!
No man does it all by himself.
I said, young man, put your pride on the shelf,
And just go there, to the Y.M.C.A.
I’m sure they can help you today.
It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
They have everything for young men to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys…
It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal,
You can do whatever you feel…
Young man, I was once in your shoes.
I said, I was down and out with the blues.
I felt no man cared if I were alive.
I felt the whole world was so jive…
That’s when someone came up to me,
And said, “Young man, take a walk up the street.
There’s a place there called the ‘Y.M.C.A.’
They can start you back on your way.”
It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
They have everything for young men to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys…
It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
Young man, young man, there’s no need to feel down.
Young man, young man, get yourself off the ground.
It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
Young man, are you listening to me?
Young man, young man, what do you wanna be?
You’ll find it at the Y.M.C.A.
No man, young man, does it all by himself.
Young man, young man, put your pride on the shelf,
And just go to the Y.M.C.A.
Young man, young man, I was once in your shoes.
Young man, young man, I was down with the blues.
It’s fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.

Cuppa Covfefe

And of course there’s that memorable “re-imagined” version of “Winter Wonderland” made popular by the SF GMC, “Walking ‘Round In Women’s Underwear”… [funny but a tad gross]… Didn’t Village People also do “In The Navy”???
Back then, it was campy, and there weren’t (at least as far as I could see in the SF Bay Area) the real aggressive, mean, druggie, etc. gays in that community. Now it appears to have changed. Probably the DEMONicRATS behind that as well… but perversion brings its own “rewards” in the end…


I’m quite shocked, Scott. I just thought it was about helping young men get off drugs and straighten out thier lives. Disappointed, but maybe Wolf is right.

Sadie Slays

At the time this song was record, the YMCA was one of the places where gay men would go to find anonymous sex partners. Remember, this was long before the internet, dating apps, and public LGBT acceptance. I mentioned in a later comment how the YMCA was likely a CIA front, and given the how much the LGBT agenda is pushed now, I have to wonder if it was the CIA themselves that pushed the Young Christian Men’s Association to become a famous gay hookup spot.
Anyways, take a look at the official music video and count the amount of homoerotic symbols in it. The famous LGBT club Ramrod is in the background for part it. And I’m pretty sure the two smoke stacks are supposed to be phallic symbols…


Can’t believe how naive I am. Had know idea about that music.

Sadie Slays

It’s not just you and you shouldn’t feel bad. I had to reevaluate a lot of the music I loved growing up. It takes on a whole new meaning when you’re awake and know the agenda. These sick people deceived everyone.


I’m naive also and I think a lot of people are. Almost every pool party I go to that has music will play that song (and The Electric Slide) to urge people to get up and dance! The beat and the motions that everybody knows ensures that it will bring people to the dance floor!


I thought they were using it because they could easily change the letters to MAGA…they did change the wording in that video that posted 2 days ago? i thought it was perfect.


In the words of hundreds of teenagers to Dick Clark, seemingly eons ago: “It has a great beat and it’s easy to dance to.”




i strongly doubt over 90% of the population has any concept whatsoever that song is about “gay sex.” I haven’t been to a wedding reception in the past couple of decades where it wasn’t played and joyfully danced to…young, old, out on the dance floor doing all the moves. It’s fun, upbeat music that brings a smile.
Heck, supposedly most of the nursery rhymes we all learned and perhaps still passed down to young children today have a political or social meaning, but that doesn’t make them unacceptable.
I do get weary of assigning meanings or making up cultural symbolism to our daily lives.


True about the nursery rhymes, but they weren’t promoting perversion.

Cuppa Covfefe

The fact that some people don’t see the symbolism invoked by the authors or composers does NOT mean that it isn’t there.
Mozart’s “Die Zauberflote” (the Magic Flute) is chock full of Masonic symbolism, by his intent, yet most people don’t notice (or care). That doesn’t take it away.
Similarly, spells or evil intent may be part of a text, song, image, statue, idol, or other object. Whether someone knows, realizes, or cares about this matters not; the effect is still there, which is why graven images (and a host of other things) are EXPRESSELY FORBIDDEN in the Bible. When someone leaves NewAge or Satanism, they must clear their house and environment of books, charms, amulets, crystals, statues, figurines, etc., etc. Clear down to the very last one.
If they don’t, then the possession or spell is NOT broken. We have a friend who was a Satanist, renounced it (including getting a new identity – we don’t know their old one), and had forgotten about a couple of texts moldering away in their garage. Strange things kept happening, inexplicably, and usually at the worst possible times. Finally, they were looking for something in the garage, stumbled across the books, took them and burned them.
Finally, peace.
Ephesians 6:10-18. It’s not a game; it’s for real; and it’s deadly dangerous, with eternal consequences. And that is what we’re facing with the DEMONicRATS, (un)Hollywood, BLM, and all the other Satanic trash floating about. and have a lot of info and help on this. also has a wealth of information about the elites, hollywood, the ultra-rich/powerful; their buildings, their organizations, and their influence on us.
Ephesians 6:10-18 says what’s really happening, and what we should do, for there are indeed dark forces at work:

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;


In Germany pre school kids learn through singing. Germany is known for the songs we are taught from early on.
I also was told that chanting the Psalms out loud has the benefit of reading twice.
Yes musing songs lyrics have a great impact on the developing mind.


IMO, symbolism is where and what you want to see.

Cuppa Covfefe

You have it just exactly backwards.
Symbolism is what the originator (“SOURCE”) wants YOU to see or gain an affect [NOT effect] from. Whether you choose to or not.
The dark arts are real. And ignoring or minimizing them is just playing into Satan’s hand.


Please do not tell me what to believe.


I’m with you on this one, Teagan.
I choose to see a rainbow as a rainbow, purple as my favorite color, and “YMCA” as a goofy song about the Y.
It doesn’t matter to me how other people see it. I have the choice to rise above anything around me, clothed in the armor of God. It can’t touch me because of God. People tell me I have a “charmed” life. I just laugh.


I stopped joining book clubs because I got sick of people saying…”well, the author always had the female protagonist wear blue because it symbolized the sex abuse abuse from her grandfather when she was 3 years old”, etc. the one that finally did me in was The Red Tent.
Don’t tell me what the writer or the passage “meant to say”. I can usually figure it out for myself. 😉 What is days to you may not be the same as it might say to me. And, 6 months from now it might well say something completely different to me.


Did he make a Q at the end??

Sadie Slays

Looks like it!

Gail Combs

I was just checking to see if others also so it.


this is GREAT!

Linda Harrison

The YMCA / MAGA song started because of a Antifa / Trump rally merging and the Trump Rally took over and brought peace to the two groups – amazing to watch. The Trump Unity Bridge has been showing up at the Trump Rallies. The singer is a gay guy who is uniting everyone. Please watch, don’t be critical.

Linda Harrison

Sorry, this is the video I really wanted you to see: happened on 8-22-20 and it was BLM not Antifa.


Wolf…I’ve noticed that the ‘Save’ function has been squirrelly lately.
Sometimes it’s not even there at all.
I didn’t want to say anything because I didn’t know if it was just me, or what.


Yes! In the last thread I did, the usual Tags Categories section was missing.


Yesterday, at one point…the notifications in my ‘bell’ sidebar, were in Korean.
I tried refresh, to get rid of it.
That didn’t do it.
I had to click off the site and come back, to get it back in Engrish.

Deplorable Patriot

I commented above. Me too. It took a bit to get it back.
I kind of shrugged it off. I mean I’ve used so many content editors over the years, refreshing the page or going back usually gets you what you need.

Sadie Slays

About a week or two ago, WordPress started looking wonky for me here. Here’s a screenshot of what my screen currently looks like. That constant annoying “Get Started” bar also makes it difficult for me to check replies or read anything here. This doesn’t happen on any other WordPress blog I visit. Not sure if this blog is being targeted specifically (probably), or if there’s some bad code in the display settings.
I’ve also learned to type out comments in Notepad and copy-paste them when ready to post. I’ve had too many comments eaten up by glitches and other misfortunes that’s it’s best to have a copy around before hitting “Post.”comment image

CM in TN

Along with Sadie’s point about using notepad for comments, would doing your post in Word first and copy/pasting to WordPress work. We do our emails at work that way for proof reading before sending them out. The important ones anyhow. I know nothing about doing articles on WordPress, so…

Gail Combs

I often use it for doing comments if they are long.


I didn’t have it on my laptop till i dropped the laptop and had to have the hard drive replaced. now it’s there all the time…I thought I just missed a setting as I got back in business.


Yeah, I hate that “Get started” bar across the top.
It’s interesting that when I cursor over the ‘Get started’ button…the info line that I get for it, says:


We should re-up our backup plans if they shut us down here. We’re getting close to the time where they would do that, if they are going to do that.


Perhaps another special post on this for the lurkers?

Plain Jane

I had my super geek 2 engr degreed son who started talking with geeks on line when he was 7 look at my iPads and why I was having so much trouble with with page refreshing on it’s own especially on Fleps threads.
He said we have to get a new one anyway because we will lose security in a couple of months because this on is going to be outdated and won’t have any support. At least that’s what I understood in my addled brain fog. So he will be getting me a new one asap. In the meantime, using this has become cumbersome and spotty for several months now. Mainly, if I am lucky enough to read posts, it will take forever to post and then find my way back to where I left off reading. So I usually give up and just play sudoku.
I pray things work out for WQTH and sister sites.

Plain Jane

Thank you Wolfie. Will ask Son to put Brave on the iPads.


When you get a new iPad and move your data over, convert the old one to Linux (there are tutorials online). Linux seldom “gives up” on hardware, and can keep your old hardware running for a good long time.


What Wolf asked.


It ain’t just a direct “load-and-go” — that’s why there are tutorials…..but, yes, you can — especially if the alternative is scrapping it. One of the trickiest bits is getting it to have a reliable pop-up keyboard when so many of the configuration utilities use the CLI (command line interface).
Linux runs on EVERYTHING. DD-WRT for routers is just a stripped Linux kernel with utilities, and I can pop a shell window on my cellphone. There was a big kerfluffle around 2017 when it was discovered that VISX televisions were running Ubuntu 12.04 (LTS) whose support was running out (not that VISX was any damned good at keeping the things updated — once they were sold, they were your problem).


I circled back and did a search. The newer your iPad, the less likely it’ll be easy……and the older the advice, the less likely it’ll be relevant — even for older devices. One of the quicker ways to get something useful going is to strip out everything you can except for a VM manager (such as VirtualBox), then run something modern like Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) in the virtual machine. That solves a lot of the bootloader and hardware driver issues. Still leaves you vulnerable to “pure” iOS exploits……but most exploits have traditionally been in applications.
Measure twice, cut once definitely applies — especially with the wide, wide variety of devices that Apple has sold with an interface that makes them all look the same.

Plain Jane

Wow, I had no idea that can be done. Thanks ethulu.

Gail Combs

Plain Jane,
The trick I have started using is to copy a phrase like “addled brain fog. ” using [Ctrl] button with the [c] button and then paste it into find [Ctrl] [f] with [Ctrl] [v]
That takes me right back to where I was.

Plain Jane

Even on iPad? Didn’t know I could do that. Thank you Gail. I used to do that on the PC. Thanks Gail.


glad you posted Jane…I love sudoku too!!!
hope you are well!!!

Plain Jane

At times I think I’m turning into a sudoku savant. LOLOL. I got hit pretty hard from the radiation and the cumulative Chemo plus my other issues. It seems like I’m hanging in via prayers and desire to vote for our VSGPOTUS, and DH, kids and grandkids and knowing they aren’t yet ready to let me go to Jesus.


i admire your tenacity!
I will continue to pray for you as I do every night Jane!!


AP Exclusive: Pence to attend event hosted by QAnon backers
I hope Pence doesn’t cancel. From the sniping, snarky article:
Vice President Mike Pence and top officials from President Donald Trump’s campaign are slated to attend a Montana fundraiser next week hosted by a couple who have expressed support for the QAnon conspiracy theory, according to an event invitation obtained by The Associated Press and a review of social media postings.
The hosts of the fundraiser, Caryn and Michael Borland, have shared QAnon memes and retweeted posts from QAnon accounts, their social media activity shows. The baseless conspiracy theory 😱 posits that Trump is fighting entrenched enemies in the government and also involves satanism and child sex trafficking.


But they’ve overplayed their hand…
The passing of that recent law in CA that practically sanctions pedophilia — together with the crap that Netflix is doing — gives us something to point to.
I read that Netflix’s series, ‘Lucifer’…is in it’s 5th season!
So Netflix is on record for normalizing satan-worship, cannibalism and now, pedophilia.


And Netflix is the media company Hussein Obama and his man-friend, Big Mike, choose to associate themselves with.


The Left is trying to do a ‘birther’ type smear on Q and QAnon.
And they are deploying their Wrap Up Smear tactic, to do it.
Their media operatives do articles smearing Q…then Dems and other media operatives point to those articles as if they are gospel.
It’s textbook Wrap Up Smear.
I’m with you, TheseTruths…I hope Pence doesn’t cancel.
If Pence has been reading Q, he probably approves of it!


“Word of advice – don’t be “against against” those things, because that’s what the enemy wants!!!”
Sorry boss, I don’t understand what you’re saying here.


Well like I said below…I don’t think it’s going to work.
[They] are trying to use their old tricks:
▶️ Trying to ‘birther’ us and Q.
▶️ Trying to use their Wrap Up Smear tactic, to do it.
As you said…
They are trying to make people ‘against’ a movement that is against the evil things that some very bad people are doing.
Their desperation is blinding them, to how they are really coming across.


thanks wheatie, I thought I just needed more coffee…lol

Gail Combs

Another way to say:
‘The enemy of my enemy is my friend.’
QANON, what every he is, is AGAINST satanism, human trafficking, sex crimes against children and cannibalism, that makes him a ‘friendly’ and those bashing him FOR what he is AGAINST.


got it, thanks!


Yes…and by trying to smear Q, the Left has created the need for people to check it out.
Before, people like Sara Carter, John Solomon, Hannity, Tucker — could not really admit that they knew what or who Q is.
Or what it is about.
It was sort of like the early Christian movement…where Christians had to draw a simple fish drawing in the dirt, to see if it was ‘safe’ to talk about Christ with a new person.
Senator Kennedy put a ‘Q’ on the bottom of his coffee mug.
And we all knew that he was one of us!
But now, people can say…
“You know, I had to check out what that Q stuff was all about, and I don’t see anything wrong with it.”
So in trying to smear Q — the Left has only made Q stronger.

Gail Combs

And over 70% of the USA is Christian or Jew, (The Hindus and Buddhists are NOT going to be in the other cam either.)


That is perfect!


I notice that even a couple of the cartoons strips in our local newspaper are even “going there” with QAnnon.
Speaking of newspapers, the big headlines this morning is the mask mandate has been extended 61 more days in our little town. Vote was 5-2. Needless to say…another blistering email to the Mayor (who voted for the extension) was sent by me first thing. This will kill our commercial downtown as well as the cultural arts, something that has been the backbone of this community.

Sadie Slays

“During this most recent interview, Ventura dropped a big one: the YMCA might be a front organization for the CIA. “What?!” I thought to myself. The YMCA?
As soon as I arrived at the office, I did a little research. It turns out, Ventura isn’t the only one to have suggested this.

So what does this all have to do with the YMCA? Well, as Bresler noted and Ventura reiterated, the YMCA has offices in more than 90 countries, making it an ideal front for the government agency. Chapman had strong ties to the Y throughout his life; he worked for the organization at a Vietnamese refugee camp in 1975, and stayed at various Y hostels when he traveled the world, among other interactions.
Of course this all could be a coincidence. But there’s more to the story, and the next bit is quite a doozy. So stay with me. The United States Youth Council, a nonprofit coalition of organizations that served youth, operated from 1945 to 1989. The USYC had 16 members, one of which was the YMCA. In 1967, The New York Times revealed that 90 percent of USYC’s funds came from the CIA, which in turn was controlling the organization’s agenda.”

Sadie Slays

“In 1967, The New York Times revealed that the USYC had received more than 90 percent of its funds from the Central Intelligence Agency, leading many of the organization’s largest members to quit. USYC continued to receive funding from the United States government before disbanding in 1986.”

Sadie Slays

“USYC, too, continued its reliance on CIA money. At the height of its strength in the middle to late 1960s, the U.S. Youth Council had 37 member organizations, including the College Democrats of America, Collegiate Council for the United Nations, National Federation of Catholic Youth, National Student Association, Students for a Democratic Society, YMCA, Young Christian Workers, Young Democrats of America, Young Republicans, and the Youth Division of the NAACP.[3] At various times, it worked closely with the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights and the A. Philip Randolph Institute.”

Gail Combs


Sadie Slays

Also, the YMCA was founded in Switzerland. Cabal capital.
…and I’ve got a brand new rabbit hole to explore. Thank you, POTUS.


Based in Switzerland but founded in……London.

Sadie Slays


Sadie Slays

Apparently there’s a long-running conspiracy theory that the CIA used YMCA to train (possibly MKULTRA) their assassins. John Lennon’s assassin keeps coming up in these theories. Lee Harvey Oswald also supposedly stayed at the Dallas YMCA a month or two before the JFK assassination. Can’t believe I’ve never stumbled across this before.

Cuppa Covfefe

So it’s not
Y oung
M en’s
A ssociation
Y oung
M alevolent
A gents


Okay, have to jump into this conversation.
I was director of education for a huge YWCA (I know…not the YMCA.).
When I say huge, the building was a city block with a thousand local members, a hotel and a residence.
Like many organizations, they belong to the larger “parent” one but are pretty much independent. The hotel, for example, had a maximum stay of just a few days (fuzzy memory was about 5) and truly was just a cheap, clean, safe place to stay in usually very good locations. I stayed at the one in NYC for all those reasons.
Not many have the space for residential, but it was basically the same situation….a female moving into town for a job having an inexpensive temporary place until getting oriented in the area. There used to be other independent places like that in some major cities.
At the time, both were closely supervised and managed with “Rules.” Have no idea what the situation is today or even if they still operate. (Maybe that’s where the female Antifas stay in Portland!! LOL)
Back to the YM…I’m somewhat gobsmacked the CIA was involved financially. All the facilities I’ve visited had very limited spaces for social opportunities…except for the indoor swimming pools. But, even those facilities were heavily used by families and classes, and surely any unsavory activities would be noticed.
I realize I lived in another time (thank god!) and because of that have been somewhat of a (fortunate, for me) Pollyanna , blithely traveling the world without being kidnapped, raped or robbed and not being forced to live in a haram in the dessert …. but I am having difficulty wrapping my head around what I experienced and what I’m reading.

Sadie Slays

There’s something occult about getting everyone, even children, to dance out the letters “YMCA” to a tune about gay sex. Like some sort of sick ritual. I know people have fond memories of that song (even I do), but looking back, there’s something “off” about it all. It’s why I question why POTUS would even play something like this at rally. I’m still convinced it’s a code or troll to someone.


I did see the video–they are turning the cia’s ymca INTO MAGA…have to look for the lyrics to that parody…


The C_A involvement could BE the REASON the song is now being played…
More than a troll, it’s a MESSAGE to the C_A that WE KNOW WHO THEY ARE…
They’re EVERYWHERE… many believe zero spent a year at the Farm … Poppy Bush actually restructured the agency, and certainly Cheney (who was running the Oval Office, not Dubya) is C_A… BC is C_A…
Trump may be the FIRST president since Carter to NOT be C_A… RR was heavily controlled by his BERLIN WALL as his handlers were referred to…though he himself was not C_A

Sadie Slays

I agree with this.


when we lived in St Louis we belonged to the YMCA. There was nothing strange and my kids learned to swim and played baseball . They also went to summer camp there and were in the Indian Guides.
I used to go to the gym and swimnastics. I actually miss the YMCA where we live and I have to drive one hour to join one. Unless something has changed over the last 30 plus years? I know I would have noticed something if there was something strange .


Fans are sick of all this ‘social justice’ crap being forced on them, by sports players.


This is my go to site.


This one actually alerts my phone app when there is a new drop. But I seem to recall that the “app store” has removed it. IDK…. The website has a button for Androids though.


This one is up…and appears to be fine:
It’s the one that I’ve always used, because it is connected to 8kun.

Sadie Slays

9/11 is a prime day for cabal shenanigans.


And here we thought you lived on the Q pages 👍

Deplorable Patriot

One of the Anons posted this:
Bring the Pain, Mr. President.comment image


soooooooo ready for this!

Sadie Slays

Anon found Morse Code in some song that connects to Julian Assange and 4chan’s going nuts over it. My head hurts to much to figure out anything more than that and I’m distracted by the YMCA stuff anyways. Feel free to investigate.comment image


Well, maybe a bunch of autistics researched it and concluded it was a waste of time. Either much noise and fury signifying nothing or a deliberate effort to play “look squirrel” with us.
The assumption that there was no interest is unsupported.


I had read somewhere that it did have hiv dna some time ago.

Gail Combs

That was the study from India that got bashed early on.
This is the French study that CONFIRMED the study done in India
The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade
And then a Czech virologist came out and confirmed it too. And then others.
(I wish Alex would quit interrupting!) Dr Boyle wrote the Bioweapon Law that FAUCI & UNC BROKE BTW.
From Mike Adams Natural News:

…Alex: –You said that three weeks ago, you said that two weeks ago and now it’s not just a big Indian Institute. Now more live scientists have scanned it. They’re saying exactly what you were saying.
Dr. Boyle: Right? Well, this article here is the smoking gun. Okay. It clearly–
Alex: Tell people again the article and how they find it.
Dr. Boyle: Well, you can- I got it on a Science Direct Antiviral Research 10 February 2020.
Alex: Antiviral Research–
Dr. Boyle: 10 February 2020. And it’s a long title, but it starts out “The spike glycoprotein coronavirus contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade.”
Alex: So that’s exactly what the prestigious Indian Institute said is that it has the points where the artificial RNA was injected, I mean, they can see right where it happened.
Dr. Boyle: Right. But this was a genetic– as you know, that was withdrawn under political pressure. But now we have four very distinguished life scientists here. Yes, that’s it right there. And the smoking gun here is on page 11, near the bottom, the last full paragraph from the bottom where it says, “may provide a gain of function to coronavirus for efficient spreading in the human population—

Alex: Explain what that gain of function means because not all of us are experts on this like you, Doctor.
Dr. Boyle: Right. Well gain of function– Oh, so let me repeat. Alex, as I told you before, gain of function technology is DNA genetic engineering of a dangerous biological warfare substances to begin with–
Alex: It’s a souping up of already bad pathogens.
Dr. Boyle: Right. It’s a turbo charging and gain of function work can only be done safely in a BSL-4 or a BSL-3 facility. So, I think clearly, this is the smoking gun that the Wuhan coronavirus came out of that BSL-4 facility.
Alex: So, does this mirror what the Indian Institute said or is this different?
Dr. Boyle: Well, I think it goes beyond what the Indian study said, but we’ll get to that in a minute, the Indian study. Okay. I think, you know, I’ve now, excuse me– provided the smoking gun here. This is clearly a weaponized biological warfare agent and there is no legitimate scientific or medical use for gain of function technology, DNA technology on biowarfare–
Alex: So, there’s no excuse that it’s a vaccine test that got out.
Dr. Boyle: That’s baloney. This is clearly an offensive biological warfare agent and it has no legitimate medical or other–

Deplorable Patriot

I thought maybe you would dig out the one from last year which was of the explosion. That just popped into my feed yesterday.


Do I really have to visit Doctor Evil’s site to find out what the hell this tweet means?

Gail Combs

What it means is the Washed Compost is starting the anti-truth campaign by writing articles on DEEP FAKE. This is to prep the Sheeple so they DO NOT BELIEVE the information retrieved from Weenie Wieners Laptop.
It means the Wolves in sheepskin can tell the sheeple OH, that’s a DEEP FAKE! See this WoPo article right here describes how they did it. And then the Sheeple, comforted can go back to sleep and dream of the unicorns and rainbow commie illusion.

It is getting ahead of BAD NEWS with a LIE BEFORE the TRUTH is released.


We are hearing a lot about “Deep Fake” in recent months but What is Deep Fake?
It is a technique for human image synthesis based on artificial intelligence. It is used to combine and superimpose existing images and videos onto source images or videos using a machine learning AI technique known as generative adversarial network….
You can make these types of videos yourself. Vuild recently published a list which features a range of types & quality, from face swap technology to voice synthesizers, you can try out for yourself (if you have the relevant computer hardware in some cases).

Cuppa Covfefe

They should probably have the star upside-down for that (horns of Baphomet)…


Either this tweet is fiction or the family was a set-up. Assuming it was real, no way do I believe this was an organic event.


Set-up or just more obnoxious people pushing the envelope. They simply expected the waitress and the establishment to fold.


Remember when people would go into a restaurant with vile objects hidden on their person and then conveniently “discover” something icky in their salad and demand a free meal?
The gay couple that started the whole wedding cake fiasco was a deliberate set up.
Now they are called crisis actors and it’s a paid gig.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Like “Kentucky Fried Rats”, etc. Then there was that girl with her mortified chicken (or whatever) who would burst into restaurants and lambast the patrons about their inhuman consumption of poor helpless animals…
Whatever happened to people getting written up (and locked up) for disturbing the peace? Vandalism, riot, and overly aggressive behaviour are not protected speech; indeed they’re not speech at all…


Mouthy bitch should have been tossed from the aircraft.
Another reason to not fly. Tolerating obnoxious POS. more going along to get along.

Cuppa Covfefe

Would be good to get FG&C’s take on this.
I would think that an unruly passenger, no matter what the subject/issue, could spill over into other problems (e.g. a multi-passenger tussle)…
Don’t know if this plane is already in flight, etc. The stewardess knuckling under admitting “white privilege” isn’t good, IMHO. I could just see the drama queen hogging the aisle or refusing to move in an emergency situation, because, y’know, white privilege…
The stupid, it burns. Thanks, Øblowhole…. not….

Sadie Slays

I don’t trust any survey coming out of China or Russia. Probably too scared the Commies will kill them or their social credit score if they say they’re against it.


the necessity of all the remakes just reinforces the notion that there’s a tremendous creative vacuum in hollywood. sequels suggest the viewing public liked and wanted more of a movie, but these remakes prove they can’t create new original films and are trying to cash in on someone else’s ideas.


Isn’t that called cultural appropriation?



Deplorable Patriot

I don’t know that there’s so much of a vacuum, as an issue with investors wanting proven winners to repeat.
The problem with that is the audiences get bored.


Just watched the Lady & the Tramp live action remake. The era is just before WWI with model T type vehicles. Lady’s (cocker spaniel) owners are a white man and a black woman who is pregnant.
I quit watching after that was revealed.

Cuppa Covfefe

Interesting. That so-called German study was done by a bunch of liberal Americans… probably they couldn’t get it published in the USA, as the German Merde-Kuh-Kontrolled press and publications industry is far, far left of almost anywhere else…
And econ-idjiots blathering on and faffing about on health issues?????
Hmmmm. Stinks of big pharma, methinks…
Gotta keep those revenue streams intact…

Gail Combs


“In its 2004 Rasul v. Bush decision, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the right of the U.S. government to detain enemy combatants, even if they are American citizens. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Cuppa Covfefe

Suffice it to say, if it’s a security threat of this nature and this magnitude, measures being taken would most certainly not be telegraphed to the general public…
Only DEMONicRATS hell-bent on helping the other side (read: Bidoon, Øbozo, and the Klintoons) would do something like that…..


Why would he do that? What does he want in return?

Gail Combs

CONTROL of the Vatican.
This is a Treeper conversation OT about the subject back in 2016:
Soros started ‘Catholics for Choice’. I wonder if this is related?
Podesta’s plan for a Catholic Spring is nothing short of an attempt at a Corporate Church directly subverting the Power of the Pope
I have always wondered if Soros Forced Pope Benedict to leave so that he could install Francis?
It wasn’t Soros directly, he has many fellow travelers within the Catholic hierarchy, and Benedict’s resignation was close to the time the scandal of the “homosexual lobby” within the Vatican came to light. Sadly, I think Pope Benedict was simply not strong enough to withstand the battle that is waging, and resigned thinking someone younger and stronger could take over. That obviously didn’t happen, instead the leftists elected one of their own.

Deplorable Patriot

SOMEBODY forced Benedict to resign the public office. There are many of us who believe that he did not resign the divine office which is why Bergoglio wasn’t wearing the Mozzetta when he stepped out on the Loggia.
And talk about symbolism, St. Francis of Assisi was given the task, according to the story, of remaking the Church. Rebuilding it.
Once you see, you can’t unsee.

Cuppa Covfefe

What just went through my head (almost unopposed, nothing to stop it) is “Pope Francis is a sissy”, in the old sense of the word…
Pope Benedict studied at Uni Tübingen, one of the oldest (if not the oldest) Universities in Europe, and, in his day, one of the best. He is highly respected as a theologian by Catholics and Protestants alike, and stays (-ed) in touch with some of his classmates from then.
Sad to say, both the Catholic Church and the EKD here in Germany are circling the drain of apostasy and political correctness, so I have my doubts that someone of his caliber will come from Tübingen any time soon.
[Having said that, my son went there until “Stuttgart 21” (yet another green disaster) got in the way and made commuting all but impossible. He had some really good professors, but still liberalism was starting to make its mark on the school of theology there… in retrospect, maybe it’s better it turned out that way… It’s a nice Uni and a nice town, btw. and their “Green” mayor, Boris Palmer, is closer to AfD than the greens, driving them NUTZ…]….


Seems Soros already controls the Vatican. Francis yammering the past few years validates this.


The Catholic Church has been subverted by communists, especially in South America, where Bergoglio is from. Argentina. Liberation Theology.
Also, Podesta talked about a Catholic Spring in the Wikileaks trove.
The United States bishops are pro-homosexual, overwhelmingly Left, and milking the taxpayer through government funded programs.
I say this as a Catholic.


And this is why 9/11 was chosen as the date to do the deed. Islam is big on anniversaries.

Gail Combs

Also why they wanted to build a VICTORY MOSQUE on the site of the defeat of the Enemy. NYC was going to let them until Pamela Geller organized a protest AGAINST allowing the MOOSLIME to have the site.
She now has a Fatwa for her death. (Thanks to the Draw Mo cartoon contest in Texas.)
“Days before an ISIS sympathizer attacked a cartoon contest in Garland, Texas, he received a text from an undercover FBI agent.”

“Tear up Texas,” the agent messaged Elton Simpson days before he opened fire at the Draw Muhammad event, according to an affidavit filed in federal court Thursday.
“U know what happened in Paris,” Simpson responded. “So that goes without saying… No need to be direct.”

“So, if I’m reading this correctly, and I think I am…the FBI knew about the shooter, was in communication with the shooter, knew what the shooter’s plan was…and instead of taking the shooter out, triple dog dared him into going through with his plans.”
“When two men opened fire at the “Draw Muhammad” contest in a Dallas suburb in 2015, the FBI had an undercover agent on the scene, newly filed court documents reveal.. .”


Verse of the Day for Friday, September 11, 2020

“The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped…”
Psalms 28:7 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


Friday Blessingscomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


comment image


comment image


Good rainy morning Duchess!
have a Blessed Day!


YES!!! It rained here, too!!! Giving everything a ‘gentle’ drink – Celebrating!!!
God Bless Your Day, too, Patty!!! Hugs!!!


HUGS back to you darlin’


* Smiling Bigly *


comment image


Regarding the Three Gorges Dam watch:
Areas above the Dam are experiencing heavy rains again, and they are expected to continue over the next 3 or 4 days.
This will cause a new wave of flooding that will end up putting pressure on the Dam.


thanks for the updates on this wheatie!
I really appreciate them!


You’re very welcome, Pat!




India and China continue to face off in areas where there are disputed borders.
Indo-Pacific News
Satellite pics seem to show the tracks of #IndianArmy mountaineers at #PangongTso at heights of almost 6000 Meters.
Tracks from a possible climb by mountaineers to preemptively overlook & observe #China PLA positions that were earlier dominating the ridgeline
.comment imagecomment image
From what I’ve read, Chinese troops make aggressive moves into Indian territory, trying to provoke the Indian troops.
Then when the Indian troops respond…the ChiComs accuse India of being the aggressor.
As we have learned…you can’t trust China — China is asshoe!


The Indian people see through the ChiCom propaganda that their Chi-bots are spewing on twitter.


Draft all the illegal men first.

Cuppa Covfefe

Looking at that infernal 3D rotation device, it only seems that the innermost part reverses its rotation. Maybe the vid didn’t show it, but wouldn’t that be (barf) fun to see it go forwards then backwards in THREE PLANES OF ROTATION????? 😎 :mrgreen:
Makes me think of that ride at Marriot’s Great America in Santa Clara where they had that coaster that paused when upside-down, then REVERSED DIRECTION! Not for the faint of heart. My niece loved it, back in the day. Don’t know if she still does 😉


I would have lost my lunch for sure – not my cup of tea, Cuppa!!!


When we win I, as your President, will totally forgive ALL deferred payroll taxes with money from the General Fund. I will ALWAYS protect Seniors and your Social Security! Sleepy Joe Biden will do the opposite, he will raise your taxes and DESTROY our Country!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 11, 2020


Allman Brothers Band – Come On In My Kitchen
This is one of my all-time favorite videos. The returning soldiers learned that the flight attendant’s name was Caroline and, well, they just couldn’t resist seizing the moment and doing something so seriously cool, yet so typically American. Neither the returning soldiers nor the flight attendant, Caroline, will ever forget this moment. And neither should we.
Sweet Caroline


lovin’ it!


Something for all – Hall is a blessing!

Gail Combs

Notice in this story it is a group OUT OF NEW YORK interfering in OKLAHOMA.

May 5, 2014
..the Baphomet statue after a monument of the Ten Commandments was installed on the grounds of the Oklahoma State Capitol in November 2012. That monument, also privately funded, was donated by Dr. Mike Ritze, who is a member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives.
….the grounds committee for the Oklahoma State Capitol, the Preservation Commission, has been asked by The Satanic Temple, a group from New York, to place a privately funded statue of Satan, complete with pentagram and two fawning children at Lucifer’s knee, on the Capitol grounds near a monument of the Ten Commandments…. Satan is depicted as “Baphomet” with a goat’s head and horns, and there is a boy on his left and a girl on his right….
The Satanic Temple has launched a campaign against corporal punishment and solitary confinement in schools, the Protect Children Project, and has declared next Thursday, May 15, the “Protect Children Day.”

So Just in case you were wondering where the ‘do not discipline’ children came from… There it is in black and white.)
JULY 27, 2015 — DETROIT, MI
…a crowd of around 700 gathered in an old industrial warehouse a few blocks from the Detroit River for what they’d been told was the “largest public satanic ceremony in history.”…
They were there to publicly unveil a colossal bronze statue of Baphomet…
The statue itself is impressive: almost nine feet tall, and weighing in at around a ton.


…A 2016 city council meeting in Pensacola, Florida, came to resemble an exorcism when a cowled Satanist showed up to give the opening prayer, prompting nearly everyone else in the room to recite Bible verses at him.


“The Satan of Modern Satanism is a metaphorical icon for Enlightenment values,” the temple’s co-founder, Lucien Greaves, once wrote in an op-ed for The Washington Post. “I identify nontheistically with a Miltonic Satan that defies all subjugation, exalts scientific inquiry and promotes Humanistic, pluralistic values.”
In other words, the temple is a group of atheists, humanists and free-speech activists. They tend to use satanic imagery to mess with governments they feel are violating the separation of church and state….
Greaves took a jab at “flabby old men who fashion themselves the master race” among the protesters, and then made a short speech.
“Good people of Arkansas and supporters of religious liberty,” he said. “I present to you Baphomet: symbol of pluralism, legal equality, tolerance, free inquiry, freedom of conscience and reconciliation.”

(And if you believe that crap spouted by a satanist, I have a nice burnt out city to sell you.)
August 17, 2018 — LITTLE ROCK, Ark.
“The Satanic Temple temporarily placed a bronze statue of a goat-headed, winged creature called Baphomet at the Arkansas State Capitol” AP
Dec. 6, 2018 — SPRINGFIELD, IL
Satanic statue erected in Illinois State Capitol with other holiday decorations
“This holiday season, the Illinois State Capitol is celebrating both Santa and Satan.” — NBCNews
The statue was designed and funded by the Satanic Temple of Chicago
November 8, 2019 — VATICAN– COLOSSEUM
The Vatican Places Giant Statue of Molech at Colosseum Entrance November 8, 2019

WIKI — Moloch (also Molech, Mollok, Milcom, or Malcam) is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, through fire or war…


Yeah…that satan statue didn’t go over well here in Oklahoma.
They removed the Ten Commandments monument, so the devil statue could be sent packing.
I think that was the same one that showed up in Arkansas.
They keep the thing on wheels.


that’s convenient…someone could ACCIDENTALLY wheel it into the ocean then.


Hah. Yeah it needs to go…disappear…go poof.
It’s horrible.
And insidious because it’s got two little kids beside satan, looking adoringly at him!


perhaps the earth will open up and the devil will reclaim it.


Father, we thank You that Your hand is upon our president mightily.
We cover him with the precious shed blood of Jesus Christ, and decree and declare Zachariah 2;5 over him and his family.
Let the fire of Your glory surround them and that no witchcraft, no voodoo, no hex, no vex, no curse, no power, no principality, and no demon in hell shall prosper against them.
Father, we ask that You dispatch legions of Your warring angelic hosts to destroy every plot and plan of the enemy.
Father, let Your anointing rest strongly upon him at all times and our nation is brought totally back to You.
Father, we praise You, we glorify You in the name above all names, Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords and soon to return, Messiah. Amen.

Gail Combs

BOY, Talk about TIMING!
Look at the timestamps of my post and that of Duchess. Mine showed a split second before the blessing to cancel these examples of satanic infiltration.


Amen goes right there, Gail!!!

Gail Combs

AND it wasn’t just a general blessing but specific against the devil and his spawn.






Hardwell & Wildstylez feat. KiFi – Shine A Light (Official Music Video)


A Coup in the Making

Elizabeth Carter

This video has excellent information about the Insurrection Act.
Polly says that this might be the most important story out there right now. Deep State is openly planning how to subvert the election results and they are planting the seeds of the narrative as we are distracted.
The second half features a retired army Colonel Richard H. Black, a JAG officer giving a warning of the dangers he sees.


Great observations, Liz – Thanks!!!


hoping this posts…Budweiser 9/11 tribute…


I love this.


makes me cry every time.

Gingersmom2009 This is the original ad, that aired at the Super Bowl right after 9/11 and was never shown again. This one’s the real deal – I hope it posts.


Please click, the link works and you will love it.



Gail Combs

That is some excellent training.


Yes, I remember reading about it. I sure miss my Belgian.


That is the reason to take a knee!




This was cool, last night at the Rally…Trump supporters showing support for the police officers who were there providing security:




In 2001, our Nation, united under God, made an unbreakable promise never to forget the nearly 3,000 innocent Americans who were senselessly killed on September 11th. On this sacred day — Patriot Day — we solemnly honor that commitment.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 11, 2020


apparently last night was the season opener for NFL ???
The Chiefs hosted the Texans and they interlocked arms midfield for a moment of silence for racial (in)equality and the Chief fans BOOED…LMAO


Bubba Wallace quit the Richard Petty racing team…but that’s not really noose…


He’s been doing so bad that I’ll bet he was asked to quit.


probably right!

Gail Combs

Makes my wonder about his mechanic team….
Doesn’t pay to tick off those red necks… Even the BLACK ONES.


NASCAR has left their sanctuary of long time fans in search of woke. He will probably show up driving for a different team to continue the process of killing it like has been done with the other professional sports.


Perhaps Bubba is actually a crappy driver…can’t win. Bubba goes on to be a PC poster child like kraperdick. Whining about systemic racism in NASCAR.

Gail Combs

ALL about the GOLD…
Remind you of the attack and death (September 11, 2012) of Amb. Stevens??? WHERE IS Gaddafi’s GOLD?comment image


Something must be coming out…something that they are trying to get ahead of.
Thing is, Deepfakes are detectable.
Video experts can tell if a video is a ‘deep fake’.


I’ve yet to see one I couldn’t discern with my naked eye. They are always “off.” CGI makes me queasy, too.


Yep…there are ‘tells’ that make it fairly easy to discern if something is a deep fake.
I stumbled on a video last year that showed “How to tell if a video is a deep fake”.
So the Left can allege that a damaging video is a “deep fake” all they want…it’s not going to work, if it’s a real video.


I am disgusted by the reality that this is most likely correct.


The Fatima Prayer- my favorite.


you know what disturbs about Graham’s teaser…something worse than the wiping of 15 phones?
he doesn’t say whatever it is that’s gonna piss us off will be corrected…or indicted…or otherwise remedied.
frankly, I’ve had 4 years of learning stuff that’s gonna piss me off! i wanna hear stuff that’s gonna make me smile.


You Can’t Take My Joy


Did the song help, Patty?


great song, but no.
i’ve spent the last 4 years watching the left attack POTUS. there is a cold anger deep within me and maybe one day I can overcome it, but today, of all days, is not that day.


Then, ‘Run to Jesus’ – He will comfort you – Sending Angels of every variety to assist – and MORE HUGS!!!

Gail Combs

The DOJ does the indictments.
The House and Senate do Dog & Pony Shows for the voters they want to bamboozle into voting for them.


Yea, the cold anger continues to build. The ONLY thing that will diminish it is indictments, arrests, prosecutions and lock the bastards up. Unless we can hang or otherwise dispose of the shitheads.
Graham IS the LAST person I’ll hang any hopes on nailing the bastards. When Graham speaks, it is meaningless. Graham accomplishes nothing except getting reelected.


Lindseed will NEVER overcome the shadow of McShame!


^^^ True.
Ms Lindsey doesn’t even try to be a good guy.


#WorldWide #Biblical #PrayerRequest
Behind The Firestorm! Could It Be?


“Behind The Firestorm! Could It Be?”
You mean G. Sorass?
Who ELSE could it be?
It would be fascinating to find out who is below him though. I don’t think he’s the bottom of the latrine, I think it goes deeper. It seems very unlikely that the actual puppet-masters of everything depraved and grotesque are as visible and well known as Georgie boy.


No – he is just the ‘face of evil’ – the real evil group cannot show their faces – we would be horrified to see how ugly they are!!!


Well, well. This is a surprise. No, it’s a shock. I can’t believe the Dems would be part of this. [sarc]


“Democrats may not trust the results of the…”
As always, the infantile self-centered narcissism of the Left causes them to miss the relevant point, which is that nobody cares what they think, about anything.
So when DJT wins in the biggest landslide in American history, go ahead and don’t trust the results.
I will care just as much as the Left cared when I didn’t trust the results when the human toe fungus, Hussein O’traitor, was ‘elected’ not once but actually a second time, after everybody KNEW what he was.
So I’m preparing to care a LOT about the Left’s distrust of the election results.
A lot.


This is amazing. Of course there are billions of chickens that do it every day but just pretend that it isn’t relevant.


The last sentence of the story had me chuckling — “love buckets”.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It depends on the species of course.
Some reptile species’ females have been known to save some of the male sperm for years…the father could have been dead for years before the eggs were fertilized.
So those males are NEVER safe from child support claims even if they know she didn’t get pregnant at the time.
All kidding aside, I’m gathering that ball pythons aren’t known for this.
And by the way they’re very popular as pets, though they’ve been bred so much in captivity they’ve lost their instinctual behavior to scrunch up into a ball when startled (which is how they got their name).


What a hilarious article.
“ST. LOUIS (AP) — Experts at the St. Louis Zoo are trying to figure out how a 62-year-old ball python laid seven eggs despite not being near a male python for at least two decades.
Mark Wanner, manager of herpetology at the zoo, said it unusual but not rare for ball pythons to reproduce asexually. The snakes also sometimes store sperm for delayed fertilization.”
It’s almost as if the word ‘expert’ doesn’t mean anything anymore.
All the experts at the zoo had to do was ask Mark, you know, the manager of herpetology at the same zoo.
He could have told the ‘experts’ that it’s not even rare.
Doesn’t even merit a story. 😂

Deplorable Patriot

Found this in my feed. It’s just an anonymous person posting on a chat board, but….comment image


Sounds plausible. Of course, you never know. A medicine for confusion can also cause confusion. 🤫
Namenda Solution Side Effects by Likelihood and Severity
COMMON side effects
If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe expression
Confusion ⬅︎
INFREQUENT side effects
If experienced, these tend to have a Severe expression
Hallucinations ⬅︎
High Blood Pressure
The Flu
If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe expression
A Common Cold
Aggressive Behavior
Anxious Feelings
Involuntary Leakage Of Urine ⬅︎
Low Blood Pressure
Low Energy
Stomach Cramps
Weight Gain
RARE side effects
If experienced, these tend to have a Severe expression
A Clot In The Lung
A Heart Attack
A Skin Disorder With Blistering And Peeling Skin Called Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
A Type Of Blood Disorder With A Decrease In All Types Of Blood Cells Called Pancytopenia
Abnormal Liver Function Tests
Accidental Falls
Acute Kidney Failure
Atrial Fibrillation
Atrioventricular Block, A Type Of Slow Heart Rhythm Disorder
Blood Clot In A Deep Vein Of The Extremities
Chronic Heart Failure
Decreased Blood Platelets
Inflammation Of The Liver Called Hepatitis
Low Levels Of A Type Of White Blood Cell Called Neutrophils
Low Levels Of White Blood Cells
Prolonged QT Interval On EKG
Suicidal Thoughts
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, A Type Of Blood Disorder
Torsades De Pointes, A Type Of Abnormal Heart Rhythm
Trouble Breathing
Very Low Levels Of Granulocytes, A Type Of White Blood Cell
If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe expression
Abnormal Manner Of Walking
Decreased Appetite
Difficulty Sleeping
Fluid Retention In The Legs, Feet, Arms Or Hands
Generalized Weakness
High Blood Sugar
Slow Heartbeat
The Inability To Control A Bowel Movement
Throat Irritation
Urinary Tract Infection

Gail Combs

Whether true or not, it certainly has the smell of reality.


Is that not pretty close to what Dan Blather said the other day about POTUS and the Atlantic smear?


IF this is true, and IF what our own eyes tell us is true, I believe it is a criminal conspiracy against the United States to try to put someone in that condition in the presidency. Obviously, the plans would be for him to be a puppet or for him to be replaced. They are defrauding the people, and justice needs to be done for this, too. Pres. Trump, of course, is right about having a drug test.


I can’t think of anyone worse than Hillary, including Soros or anyone who might be controlling him. She is cunning, but I think narcissism keeps her from being self-aware enough to realize that some of us see what she is capable of. Her schemes start becoming obvious, and they don’t always work. But when they do, there is nothing but death and destruction in her wake.


Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC


did you ever see the movie Man of the Year with Robin Williams?
a computer analyst of sorts discovers a hidden algorithm (?) that switches votes. both Presidential candidates has double letters in their names and the switch triggers all votes for the villain’s party (it’s been years so fuzzy on the specific details) because his double letters occur earlier in the alphabet. along comes robin Williams whose character ALSO has double letters and occurs before any of theirs…and he enters the race and “wins”.
in order to discredit the analyst who discovers the problem, they break into her apartment and inject with drugs (?) so she becomes disoriented and then has a public meltdown.
i believe they are capable of anything at this point.

Deplorable Patriot

I thought it smelled real also.
The part about being paranoid about leaks, and just in general was interesting to me as well.

Concerned Virginian

I also suspect that “somebody” convinced Joe Biden that his running for President would take the heat off Hunter, plus Joe’s own shakedown activities (however, POTUS will make sure it’s all brought up).
Whatever the real situation is regarding Joe Biden’s medications, it’s elder abuse that they’re putting him through. Terrible if his wife is at all aware of this but permits it anyway.

Deplorable Patriot

According to the person posting she just wants to be first lady.
We can’t always get what we want.


If the Dem plan is to replace Biden, Jill won’t be first lady anyway, or wouldn’t be for long (if he won, which he won’t).

Cuppa Covfefe

When you look at what they’re doing with Ruth Bader Ghostburg, and all of the folks they pulled back from hospitals, returning them to senior living facilities, thereby killing them and their co-residents, it’s obvious that the DEMONicRATS don’t care a fig for the elderly. And, with their Molochian love of abortion, up to and after birth, they don’t care about our youth and our future, either.
The group that’s left (erm, that would be us), are tasked with paying for their Satanic Green New Steal and all their other horrid schemes.
Time to sent the DEMONicRATS and RINOs to check out those exoplanets…


I don’t like it, way too many red flags. Red flags are like director’s wishes in movies. You only get three at most, after that it becomes impossible to continue suspending disbelief, and you’re ‘out’ of the movie experience.
“Director’s wishes” could be anything that the viewer notices that conflicts with reality. For example, shooting 7 (or more!) bullets out of a six-shot revolver without reloading would count as one “director’s wish”.
By the ‘third wish’, it’s all over, may as well hit the ‘stop’ button and find something better to watch.
That’s the same sense I had when reading this article.
Just a few examples:
“I worked as a low-level staffer for the Biden campaign’s HQ in Philly from July to the end of August. I am more of a Bernie guy, but I thought I should do whatever I could to defeat Trump, so I joined up.”
The writer is manufacturing credibility by claiming he isn’t a genuine supporter of Biden. That is a more believable premise, than someone who likes Biden and then turns on him. It could be legit, but it’s also a basic manipulation technique, so it’s a red flag.
On a lesser level, the “I thought I should do whatever I could to defeat Trump” rings hollow too. There’s no ‘thinking’ involved, he can’t articulate a coherent position against Trump, and they don’t even talk that way, they substitute the word ‘feel’ for ‘think’. It’s so common to do so, that even most non-Leftists do it. But this guy didn’t.
There’s already a four alarm fire brewing, and that was just the first two sentences.
“Eventually I became so disgusted with what was going on, I had to leave.”
This is a technique to gain the reader’s trust, he’s saying he’s ‘disgusted’, something which his target audience (Trump supporters) would immediately related to, enhancing the writer’s credibility and making him appear to be more believable.
It could be legit, there’s not usually a way to be sure something is fishy, which is why the volume of potentially fishy things matters. A few ‘fishy’ things could be explained away, but the more there are, the harder it becomes to rationalize them or give the benefit of the doubt.
“Some of this I experienced, the juicier bits are things my (now former) co-workers told me, so take those bits with a grain of salt:”
Again, a manipulation technique. By conceding that some of what the writer reports is not from his own experience and saying ‘take those bits with a grain of salt’ he is building his credibility, and the implication is that you can believe the things he is saying from direct experience.
If someone was intending to deceive, these would all be subtle tricks to get past the reader’s natural suspicion defenses.
“If I were to publish the email chains I got, you’d see about a thousand messages saying ‘please see me’ or ‘meeting at 10am’.”
Obvious question: why DON’T you publish the email chains? You’re not on the campaign anymore, there must be lots of people who have left the campaign so it’s not as if the campaign would know which former low-level staffer published the emails, especially if he chose emails dated far enough back that the pool of former low-level staffers would necessary be larger. And he’s communicating on 4-chan, so he’s as anonymous as he could be.
Why not publish the email chains? Why talk about it, but not do it, when you could?
“None of us really believed the conspiracy theories, except for one weird older guy…”
The use of the word ‘weird’ is ubiquitous in click-bait links. Which likely means it has been tested and proven effective.
“Four – Joe Biden is in the early stages of dementia, and is on medication for it.”
Is that supposed to be a revelation? Did the writer really think only campaign insiders are aware of that?
“He’s been more lucid recently because his physician, Dr. O’Connor, put him on Namenda. Jen apparently was worried about someone finding it out, because she insisted that he prescribe it under a series of phony names, and then have the interns pick it up. I bet there are a lot of pharmacists in Philly wondering why there are so many young people on Namenda.”
That sounds like a felony, prescribing FDA regulated prescription drugs under a false name, and having interns participate in the fraud, representing themselves as the patient for whom the controlled substance was prescribed.
Tacking on a little humor is another technique for the writer to ingratiate himself to his intended audience. It could be legit, but it’s also potentially another manipulation technique.
Another odd thing is that even though it is 3 posts long, and each post is fairly long, I did not notice any spelling errors in the entire thing. That’s unusual, unless it is something other than what it is intended to be. If the writer made this up, or worked with others to make it up, one of the things people tend to do is ‘overdo’ it. They proof-read and correct every error. But lengthy error-free text is uncommon, which gives it away. If you are going to play that game, you should leave at least a couple errors in.
I don’t know how many red flags we’re up to, but we passed “three” a while back, and I’m not even to the last post yet. And these red flags aren’t spread out over the course of a 1:30 to 2:00 movie, it’s in the space of what would amount to one brief 3 or 4 minute scene in a 1-1/2 to 2 hour movie.
Like Ian Flemming said, “Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action.”
It’s not any one thing. In isolation, each ‘red flag’ could be rationalized and explained away. It’s when they begin to stack up that it begins drawing attention to itself.
There is more, I read through it, some of the potentially fishy parts are more subtle than others, but taken all together, I don’t trust it at all.


“Not everybody wants to enter “whistleblower space” and all the hassles and annoyance that entails. Particularly for such mediocre reveals as he has here.”
Well that’s just it. There’s nothing here. Why would anyone expend time or effort to go after him, if all he revealed was emails saying “please see me” or “meeting at 10am”?
And if he was really who he claims to be, he could do a far better job of establishing that he was a part of the campaign, aware of multiple events, descriptions of places, etc. which are independently verifiable, and which everyone actually involved with the campaign would know.”
“No WAY would I publish email chains under these circumstances – what’s the point?”
What was the point of talking about them in the first place?
“Biden has memory problems. Biden uses a senior diaper. People are worried about it. Nobody wants to say stuff in emails.
It’s all minor league expected crap. Who would want to go through with the hassles of a real whistle-blow? Not me.”
Then why post at all?
What was the purpose?
What are the most likely motivations of someone who would do this? If it was legitimate, why post meaningless minor league crap, none of which can be verified — and even if it could be, it wouldn’t really matter?
What is the objective of the writer?
Where’s the beef?
“If it WAS me, I would sound like this guy. Because even if you’re telling the truth, you want to be persuasive.”
If it was me, if I actually cared enough to go to the effort, if I wanted to be persuasive, I would consciously avoid any of the obvious trip-wires mentioned above, and I would not ask or expect anyone to take my ‘word’ for anything.
That’s one of the biggest red flags. The whole thing is a “just trust me”. He appealed to our biases and expectations every step of the way, like we were being stroked, using multiple (consciously or unconsciously) manipulation techniques, and in the end, gave us a whole lot of nothing.
What was the point?
If there was no point, that’s another ‘red flag’ that the writer is just goofing with us.
If there was a point, he didn’t make it, he just gave his readers some bland plain-vanilla gossip. That’s another ‘red flag’, because anyone who was really involved with the campaign and who cared enough to go to the trouble should have had something more to say.
And he didn’t.
If this guy is a ‘Bernie Bro’, how is it that he has so much in common with us, that he is able to appeal to his sworn enemy’s biases so easily?
I doubt Ben Rhodes understands us as well as this guy seems to, and this guy is (supposedly) just a low-level staffer.
I just get the sense we’re being jerked around.
As always, it would have been a lot more revealing (and fun) to cross-examine this guy in real time 😁


The Ruling Class’s Final Push Against Trump

Gail Combs

Spectator hits another home run.
My favorite is:
July 16, 2010, 4:20 PM America’s Ruling Class
If you haven’t read it please do. It should be in EVERY JR. HIGH AMERICAN HISTORY or CIVICS CLASS!


Gail. I was so determined to read that essay I ordered a special issue of the Spectator. It’s still in my house.


That was a good one 😂🤣😂

Deplorable Patriot
Brave and Free

And this also 20160911
Chucked her in the van like a side of beef Bwahaahaa!
Never forget


The SHOE!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Kind of like HELL-the-BEAST, that shoe has a warped/decrepit/cheap soul (sole)…
Even the mold won’t touch it…
[From “The Wizard of Odd”: “Follow The Hellhole Brick Road”…..]

Brave and Free

Yeah the Shoe It’s always in the Ben Garrison cartoons. 😂🤣😅

Gail Combs

I am very glad Tucker WENT THERE.
This is something that should be brought up in your church groups because THIS IS THE FACE OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY!
“Child sexuality” Are you KIDDING ME? At a 11 or before (5th grade) MOST girls, if they have not gone through puberty, consider boys YUCKY!
The first sign of puberty in girls, which occurs at an average age of 10 1/2 years. However it is now occurring at a younger and younger age…. TOO MUCH SOY????


Dunno, Gail – puzzling to me!!! Not normal!!!


Too much soy? Hormones in milk, Beef, chickens, etc. I had friends that didn’t start menstruating until 15-16 years now it’s often at 10 or 11.


Menarche (menstruation) occurs when the girl has around 17% body fat. USA average age as of 2003 is 12.5 yrs, Mexican American girls younger, and the youngest are black girls.
I read Nadia Komenici’s (sp?) autobiography decades ago and she wrote how the gymnastics program with the girls living in a dorm situation and they were starved of fat containing foods to keep them from menarche. Nadia tells of an incident when she and a fellow team member snuck into the kitchen at night and eating butter by the spoonful until they got caught by their minders.


Perhaps another reason churches aren’t allowed to gather…no voice.

Gail Combs

The last think these EVIL SoBs want is for people to gather and DISCUSS this stuff. Look at what we do just in our small group here.


Perhaps next year we will know what really occurred that day, and by whose hand.


Possibility, mom – Hope and pray the truth will come out!!!

Gail Combs

Looks like people are ditching Netflix stocks:comment image


Should be lower – imho – not enough of an outrage!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Wow, it looks like it lost most of its value!
Oh, wait…the bottom of the graph is less than ten percent lower than the top of the graph (and the actual range of the data is narrower still).
A way to trick people with pictures. I can make almost anything look like it’s cratering or skyrocketing if I can pick the four bounds of the graph.

Gail Combs

These tweets following that Tucker Carlson snippet are encouraging:
I have thought all along that Human Trafficking of Children for sex would be the Ruling Class downfall.

TruthWestCan @TruthWestCan1
On Rotten Tomatoes the 88% critics approval and 3% audience approval says it all! There is a complete disconnect with what they are trying to normalize. 😡

Drew (on hiatus) [Artist/model] @drew____draws
For once, I actually agree with every single word aired on a Fox News broadcast.

Alden Smith [Developer] @aldencake
This is the only time I’ve aggreed with Fox News
dieterhund @dieterhund
I consider myself sexually open and left, but seeing 11 year old girls slapping their ass, spreading their legs, and humping the stage is pretty disturbing.

Abraham Bouvier @bouvier_abraham
It’s horrifying that the country cannot agree that this is disgusting. I know we’re divided about politics and culture, but this should be an easy thing to be united about.

Marshmallow Pie @MarshmallowPie6
No no no, we are, I promise, both the left and the right are horrified by this. Don’t listen to the ones saying this is a conservative/liberal issue. We’re together and we all want to destroy Netflix for this.

Abraham Bouvier @bouvier_abraham
Thanks for joining in. Appreciate the agreement around this. Hopefully Netflix listens to users and makes some changes Grinning faceVictory hand

Marshmallow Pie @MarshmallowPie6
They have a *lot* of damage control to take care of. I expect them to have an official statement by tomorrow.”

I STILL want to see the lot of them charged with distributing Child porn. AND all the critics get nailed for viewing!


Wow!!! These are great, Gail – glad people are in agreement on this issue – Shame on Netflix!!!

Gail Combs

Daniel James @ElevatedMonkey
Replying to @ColumbiaBugle and @HeyTammyBruce
The top shareholders of Netflix are Leslie J. Kilgore, David Hyman, Greg Peters, Capital Research Group Investors, Vanguard Group Inc., and BlackRock Inc. (BLK).

REMEMBER BLACKROCK from the UKRAINE/BIDEN mess? BlackRock IIRC was one of the money laundering outfits according to Glen Beck and his blackboards.

Gail Combs

Last comment
“Donna⭐45 @DonnaCor45
Replying to @ColumbiaBugle and @HeyTammyBruce
In NJ they added anal/oral/anal-oral/lqbtqrst+ sexed to grammar school curriculum plus white fragility and 1619 proj type classes. Basically normalizing inappropriate/perverse encounters(what else to call it??) and shaming and conditioning kids to think they-& all whites R racist

President Trump HAS TO WIN!!


Good catch, Gail!!! LOCK THEM UP!!!


That cross should be completely covered in asbestos. Green lunatics managed to get the intended asbestos pulled from the construction. This is why the towers fell – no defense against the fire.

Cuppa Covfefe

Controlled demolition.
Asbestos can’t help against that.
cf building 7…


I taught kiddo about 9/11 today. He watched a few videos and I talked a bit. I didnt expect to cry through it. 20 years later, no direct involvement and I cant help it.
He watched President Trump’s interview and I reminded kiddo, whats the most important thing…NEVER FORGET. I tied it in with the useful idiots on the streets the past few months. Its was interesting that nearly all the resources to teach children are written by LEFTISTS, even for 9/11. So, be careful even with this, where your info comes from.comment image

Brave and Free

^^^Absolutely spot on ^^^
We need more of this kind of reporting,

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. Always follow the money.
Too many are not doing that.


Sent this out as a separate email to those on my list and asked them to pass it on….VERY powerful.


I think if auntyfa and blm riot or march today, it will swell anger in people extremely deep, because on the Memorial.

Deplorable Patriot

I disagree that he wasn’t thinking about it. I still think by then he had already said “Yes.”

Gail Combs

He was certainly thinking about it. After 9/11 when Bush response was to DOUBLE the # of MOOSLIMES coming into the country it was for sure.
The America We Deserve Hardcover – January 15, 2000
by Donald Trump (Author), Dave Shiflett (Author)

The essential, bestselling book that first defined President Donald Trump’s political ideas.
The America We Deserve is the essential book for anyone who wants to understand the core of Donald Trump’s political thinking. In this book, written as he first considered running for president in 2000, Trump offers no-nonsense, populist, provocative, and dramatic solutions to issues that continue to resonate with voters today.
In this book, Trump lays out a vision for America that is strong, optimistic, and founded on core Republican principles of self-reliance, limited governance, economic growth, and equitable taxation. Striking for its similarities to President Trump’s current initiatives–but also fascinating in its differences–The America We Deserve reveals a man who is fully engaged with the nation and cares deeply about its future….


I didn’t know that Karen Pence is a beekeeper.
“…this year, her two hives, filled with about 80,000 fuzzy bees, finally produced honey, about 40 pounds, which she helped harvest.
“It was enough to fill hundreds of little bear bottles she gives to visitors and guests.
“She also is an ambassador for saving the insects, which face constant threats from natural enemies, chemicals, and development. For that, she has enlisted the help of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue, who helped unveil the first hive and has put a focus on bees at the agency.”comment image


What happened ? Oh… yeah, you mean “when some people did something” …
go to ____ and take the rest of your family (whatever your surname is) with you.


She truly is a Brother Phucker!


18 and a half minutes = 1972
18 and a half phones = 2020


Flynn update- Amicus John Gleeson has filed his Reply Brief
An unhinged argument: the DOJ dismissal is politically motivated and is a “gross abuse of prosecutorial power”
This is what Judge Sullivan asked for.
Full doc:
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) September 11, 2020


Accuse ’em of wrong motives, even call ’em names, but never, ever argue the established and documented facts or the legal basis and precedents upon which the Flynn motion is based.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Immediately after 9/11 flags disappeared from store shelves.
I went to a WalMart and found a lone 4×6 flag sitting on the otherwise empty shelf. Perhaps no one wanted one that size (the usual fly-from-a-pole-on-the-front-of-the-house flag, also commonly adapted to be flown from a pole attached to a pickup, is 3×5).
I wired it to a 10′ length of rebar (yeah, that does sound kinda redneck!) and was able to fly it where I was building my house.
I still have that flag today, and it flies on 9/11, only no longer on rebar but on a telescoping pole.

Deplorable Patriot

A thread from Brian’s brother. There’s too many images to put in the comment.
Every Influencer in Social Media right now who posts news articles stating or says ANTIFA is starting the Fires gets immediate pushback by Bots & Operatives.comment image
I experienced this myself.
I INSTANTLY knew what was at play here.
Mayor Ted Wheeler & Governor Brown have created this FIRESTORM by drawing every violent & deranged Lunatic
on the West coast to their Orbit.
How many are Firebugs?
How many are coordinating or are FUNDED?comment image
Hear me clearly here=Yes, Politics (VILE & Demonic) drew these Malcontents from every corner of the Nation but what you are seeing isn’t political.
The Democrats just LOST CONTROL of the Malevolent Souls they’ve gathered.
Do you SEE it yet?
Things had begun to CALM in Portland,
The DoJ found a brilliant way to circumvent Mayor Wheeler & DA Schmidt determination to NOT enforce the law by federally deputizing the Oregon State Police.
Dozens of arrests followed that Wheeler & Schmidt CAN’T stop & now some of the worst Rioters are facing serious time.
The last week or so have somewhat calmer in Downtown Portland.
Yes Molotovs were used against OSP but the response by the OSP & Feds has been focused & effective.
Many Rioters are now realizing the offenses for which they were QUICKLY RELEASED are now being charged FEDERALLY.
This has had a CHILLING EFFECT on the Rioters who up til now have been emboldened by Wheeler’s perceived inability to hold them accountable for their many outrages.
Wheeler is NOT unable, HE’S COMPLICIT.
His Agenda is in step with all Democrat Governors & Mayors right now.
The Algerian Strategy that has become so obvious at this point the Pro Trump Twitterverse has noticed it.
Pretty much it’s a manipulated form of #Extortion
@JesseBWatters gets it.
BECOME UNGOVERNABLE to FORCE Americans to give Democrats back their POWAH! (OR ELSE!)
Their ORIGINAL Plan involved collapsing America slowly
then implementing Socialism (Communism, actually) to fix what THEY had broken.
Trump’s Presidency was an unmitigated disaster.
So they changed tactics. The goal hasn’t changed. We’re to be Serfs & America as FOUNDED will be destroyed but their pathway to that is now being done OPENLY.
Trump forced them into the Light.
History will look back on these Democrats the same way WE look at Himmler or Goebbels.
Mayor Wheeler isn’t TECHNICALLY insane.
He’s got an AGENDA & he’s pursuing it by letting opportunistic criminals & mental patients run amok.
I have been watching Portland carefully since Trump deployed the Federal Teams to reinforce the Courthouse.
For months after month I watched Antifa & BLM Activists beat random UNWOKE Americans, destroy businesses, commit countless acts of arson, block traffic & assault Police & Federal Agents.
A **Dark Army** was revealed nightly battling against the #RuleOfLaw.
It’s only appears insane when you don’t grasp what the GOAL of all this is
The Democrats are like that old Star Trek Episode where they’re being held by Androids who demand they stay at their Outpost & allow them to serve them-FOREVER.
The Crew break free by behaving irrationally
The Democrats are the Androids & we are the Star Trek Crew.
We “irrationally” freed ourselves by voting for Trump & they are literally melting down.
They consider themselves superior.
POWER is theirs by “RIGHT.”
The question of merit or permission never occurs to them.
Well, WE denied them their power. RAAAAAGE!!!!
No, they’ve never gotten over 2016 & they never will.
But their intentions remain the same so they soldier on blindly making bold demands & acting as if their policies & positions are the only LEGITIMATE choice.
“DOES….NOT….COMPUTE!” In THEIR Reality power should never, ever have been denied them.
So a CRIME has been committed against THEM!
WE are the guilty party currently being Shielded by President Trump but make no mistake, they hate us for rejecting their “love.”
So they (with HELP) launched a Russia HOAX, an Impeachment HOAX, a Pandemic & now an insurrection to “FIX” what they perceive as an INJUSTICE.
As their grip on power weakens every year Trump’s been in office they grew more desperate.
Trump TRICKED them you see.
They thought he’d be gone by 2018 & he USED that to play them.
He knew their long awaited insurrection was coming.
He delayed it until the US Military was ready & reinforced Police & Sheriff’s Dept.’s Nationwide with vehicles & Gear.
So WE’D be ready.
The insurrection didn’t launch in 2017 because they had a CHANCE, you see, to remove him.
2018= a chance, you see.
2019=remote, but still possible.
2020=F**K!! GO! GO! GO!! RAAARGH!!
I explain WHAT HAPPENED during the crucial 3 days in May (27th-30th) Here=…
The PLANNED insurrection was defeated in those 3 days.
The Rioting & Statue Shenanigans as well as the CHAZ/CHOP fiasco was the Democrats TRYING TO RECOVER.
Trump defeated them.
Thread by @CatesDuane: Thread: SO…. On Wednesday, June 3rd AG Barr revealed to the VILE Press & the despotic DC Denizens what He & President Trump had do…
Thread by @CatesDuane: Thread: SO…. On Wednesday, June 3rd AG Barr revealed to the VILE Press & the despotic DC Denizens what He & Trump had done to FOIL THEIR INSURRECTION & hopes for …
All that Rioting with the MSM fanning the FLAMES was the Democrats PLAN B.
No systemic arson or looting after May until Kenosha, another “Front” was opened up.
Look how fast Trump put out that “fire.”
“You said Military! I haven’t seen any Troops?”
& you won’t.
Special Forces have been deployed Nationwide but not to shoot Rioters.
To use THE SHADOWS to gather intel, assess & track THREATS & then inculcate their data to the DoJ.
They only act to save lives & for specific purposes.
You’ll never SEE them as they’re kitted out as LEO’s.
Back to the Fires.
Did Wheeler think he could maintain control over violent criminals & the violently mentally ill?
They turned on him & tried to burn down HIS Apartment Complex.
When the OSP were federalized I waited to see what form the Mob’s anger would take.
Here it is=
An ARMY of Insaniacs is now facing serious consequences in Portland after months of being coddled & enabled.
Many of them think they’re going to be charged federally now & they may be correct.
So this is THEM lashing out in rage to “make US pay”
They know cameras are everywhere.
So they are going outside the Cities to cause mayhem.
The fires ARE linked to Antifa & the insurrectionists.
But the fires are NOT political.
The Democrats have lost control over the Demons they have raised & now the People of Oregon are going to pay a TERRIBLE PRICE.
Portland’s too HOT for them?
FINE! They’ll make Oregon TOO HOT for everyone.
Don’t look for sanity where there is none.
This is an escalation in the #SoulWAR.
The Devil’s Mask is slipping away.
The Democrats summoned it to garner POWER for themselves & it will now consume them.
President Trump is STERN but fair. He will not interject himself into States that are supposed to handle their own affairs. So the Democrats are deliberately cratering their States to MAKE HIM intervene.
Oregon just spun out of control.
Democrats will PAY.
Dozens of Arsonists have been arrested.
Bots & Operatives will do damage control NOW as the DoJ build Cases.
But people are dying right now. So federal assistance will be needed to save lives when possible.
But a RECKONING is nigh.
Every life lost in this Firestorm should rightly be laid at the feet of three people who abdicated their responsibilities, abandoned #RuleOfLAW & enabled & empowered every Arsonist you’re going to be introduced to in the coming days.
Mayor Wheeler
DA Schmidt
Governor Brown.
They gathered a Hellish Brood to do their bidding over the years.
Black Bloc, BLM…
Terrorists, one & all.
Damn them to Hell for the pain, loss & destruction they’ve caused.
It was madness from beginning to end.
& it ends in FIRE.
President Trump, AG Barr & SecDef Esper are going to wreak a HOLY vengeance on those responsible.
The people of Oregon are having to suffer a scourge of fire because their “Shepherds” have thrown them to the wolves.
& those wolves are rabid, hungry & relentless.
Order WILL be restored. Law IS Life to a civilization.
But Order MUST come first. Without Order there can BE no Law.
The harsher the Democrats TOOLS become, the harsher the measures taken to contain them.
The Democrats are doomed.
These Firebugs are simply hastening their demise.
So the Bots are going to be unleashed on Social Media to fight the PR War.
“Prove it’s Antifa! Antifa’s a Myth!”
Trump & Barr are going to win the only WAR that matters.
The one on THE GROUND & in Court.
The Democrats have foolishly unleashed FIRE by losing control of their Demonic Thugs.
President Trump is going to unsheathe the SWORD of Justice in return.
You will see TERRIBLE & INCREDIBLE things now.
Trump is battling for the very Soul of Humanity & he MUST win.
It’s a “Game” he’s forced to play by Enemies determined to either dominate or destroy us.
Our freedom is a CRIME to them.
Always has been.
If we can’t be”saved”(ENSLAVED) then we condemn ourselves to the HELL they are creating.
FIRE heralds it.
The Arsonists are “moved” to do it.
Not by the Democrats.
But by the “very rich & very stupid people” Trump OPENLY SPOKE OF before the Nation.
& those people ARE Demonic to the core.
They get off on destruction.
Nurture or Inflict.
Trump outed them, they escalate.
Well, now he’s going to CULL THE HERD.
If you live in Oregon, I weep for you.
DEMONS have been summoned to make your Home a Hell.
They SMILE unafraid, happy knowing the atrocities they DELIGHT in committing were allowed.
Even now they don’t fear consequences.
Why should they?
Like you can’t imagine. The people starting these fires are going to wish they’d stuck around to die in them.
Oregonians had better realize NOW, at long last, just who & what has been running their State.
Learn it NOW to some benefit before it’s too late.
Because the Forces THIS Man controls are taking up position to save (most of, sorry) your lives from what your would be Masters have unleashed.
It’s not going to be harsh language either.
They ASKED for it & now they’re going to get it.
The Fires will be put out…
along with the Candle of the Wicked
Those who listened & believed the DARK WHISPERS & attacked their own people shall have no place to rest their Heads & no Well from which to drink.
#Outcast & damned, let their abode be as dark as their Souls.
Their PRICE for losing the #SoulWAR


Wish I had the nerve to send this to my very liberal family members living in the Salem area!

Gail Combs

This older thread by Brent Cates is a VERY nice summary of all the game playing.
The two threads together do a beautiful job of explaining what is going on.
New thread:
They are well worth saving ‘off line’ if you have the ability.
If you are on Twatter you can save it as a PDF.
Otherwise I copy and paste onto a word file. (A royal PITA!)


Hearing over, protesters out in full force. 👀 Minneapolis 👀

Deplorable Patriot

From the rally last night. Not sure I agree that it’s going back to the gold standard, but something is in the works.


Ohh POTUS will take us back, REVERSE Nixon’s actions of 1972 when he took us OFF the gold standard…
whether it happens BEFORE the election or AFTER depends on what is happening with the economy…
Dave at X22 Report has been talking about this for MONTHS… POTUS already has the FED under his control through the Treasury. He is forcing the FED to absorb all the debt being accumulated as a result of COVID and the stimulus and deferment of student loan payments from July through December, interest on same deferred also, ETC ETC It’s obvious to peeps watching every day…
The Central Banks across the globe will fall… otherwise, the swamp won’t even begin to be drained… the CBs are the biggest chains that enslave humanity… if they don’t go, you can forget everything else.


Just to be fair to Tricky Dick, the reason he took us off the gold standard was to prevent countries holding bonds denominated in gold from cashing in their bonds for gold. Essentially, there was a raid on Fort Knox by gold bond holders overseas. Nixon stopped it. But the globalists didn’t want to solve the problem so they left it in place for almost fifty years. Allowed the printing of money with no backing.
DJT used that characteristic to build the military, among other things. Now that he has done that, the stage is set to go back on the gold standard (with some important changes).
It’s a great time to be alive.


And another point. Will it be the gold standard exclusively OR will there be another commodity that can share the spotlight with gold? Such as oil, which we now own first place. IOW, either gold or oil will back the dollar and either one is okay with Treasury.
Real gold certificates AND real oil certificates. Both called dollars.


Amen… Pgroup…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The problem comes in when the relative values shift. A certificate would be backed by a certain quantity of the commodity. Let’s say a $1 gold certificate is backed by 1/2000th of an ounce of gold (close to the current reality) but a $1 oil certificate is backed by 1/50th of a barrel of oil. And 1/40th of an ounce of gold will buy you $50 in gold certificates, which ought to equal 50 oil certificates.
Supposedly those dollars are worth the same, right? But what if the price of oil, as computed in gold, goes up, or down? Now a $1 oil certificate for 1/50th of a barrel of oil isn’t actually worth the same as a $1 gold certificate for 1/2000th of a troy ounce, yet they are both called a “dollar.”
We tried essentially this with gold and silver in the 19th century and it was a godawful mess–gold generally climbed relative to silver instead of staying at a fixed ratio. We finally just had to throw up our hands and deliberately make the silver coins underweight (subsidiary) and use them as, basically, tokens standing for specific small amounts of gold (ironically this happened during one of those rare times when silver rose relative to gold). And in order not to deplete our gold supply, we had to limit how many silver coins we made–unlike before when you could literally walk into the mint and have them turn your silver into coins. Doing so after we decoupled the two metals legally, would have been inflationary and led to the gold vaults being emptied.
In 1896 when people were advocating for the free coinage of silver, if they had got what they wanted, people would have been able to take ten dollars worth of silver, have it be minted into $20 face value in US coins, and then buy a $20 gold piece, worth twice as much as the original silver was.
If you are going to use two separate commodities, you have to do one of two things: Define a dollar as a combination of two commodities (e.g., 1/4000th of an ounce of gold PLUS 1/100th of a barrel of oil) *or* have two different units of money and let them float relative to each other; you’d have ducats (gold based money) and quarts (oil based money), and there would be an exchange rate between the two. (Of course that would bring the money changers back as a profession and object of scorn.) [I used “ducats” because that’s traditionally gold-based, whereas the dollar’s origin five hundred years ago this year was actually as a silver coin. If we did gold and silver separately, we’d need a new name for one of the two, and calling the gold one ducats makes as much sense as anything.]
Ah well, now I have something to talk about for tonight’s post!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

To be clear, I’m not opposed to backing our dollar with something.
We just can’t do it with two things separately without combining them. Separately would be a disaster the first time oil took a wild price swing.


What if………
POTUS declares “US Bankruptcy”?
All Chynee and other bonds null and void.
Issues a NEW …. US….. Cryptocurrency of some sort?
Gives our X number of “credits” (say $1 million) to EVERYONE to start this new game?
Whamo! “Equality”
IDK….. but something is up with our present system.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I don’t know what’s happening right now, to be honest.
I just know I’d love to get off fiat money, which is what we have now. Its sole backing is the fact that the IRS will accept it as a tax payment, which is not a small thing, but that does nothing whatsoever to prevent it from inflating.


I am confident that POTUS will get us off of “Fiat” money and back to some form of “sound money”, be it a gold standard, Crypto or some other form.


He was talking about price transparency. I thought that was supposed to be about hospital charges, so people get a choice before stays. He also mentioned most favored nation and Big Pharma, so he was definitely talking about prescription med prices. Maybe both are in same EO? Last I heard, Big Pharma was still trying to negotiate. Hope he told them to POUND SAND!! You know they’re in league w/DemonRats.

Gail Combs

D Pat
Von Mises stated it was not necessary to go back to the gold standard. What WAS necessary was to STOP PRINTING EXTRA MONEY. QUIT expanding the money supply! (It is THEFT!)
The nice thing about gold is when the ‘value of gold’ increases compared to what you can buy, THEN it is ECONOMIC to MINE MORE GOLD. This keeps the economy more or less in balance.
Since the article is very long. A few good bits gleaned from my ten pages of notes.
“Mises concluded that money is neither a consumption good nor a capital good. He argued that production and consumption are possible without money (p. 82). Money facilitates both production and consumption, but it is neither a production good nor a consumption good. Money is therefore a separate analytical category.” (Barter has been around for eons and is still in use today all over the world. All money does is make ‘barter’ aka TRADE easier.)

….New money does not appear magically in equal percentages in all people’s bank accounts or under their mattresses. Money spreads unevenly, and this process has varying effects on individuals, depending on whether they receive early or late access to the new money
It is these losses of the groups that are the last to be reached by the variation in the value of money which ultimately constitute the source of the profits made by the mine owners and the groups most closely connected with them
This indicates a fundamental aspect of Mises’s monetary theory that is rarely mentioned: the expansion or contraction of money is a zero-sum game.

….Mises recommended no “scientific” government monetary policy whatsoever. He recommended private ownership, the State’s enforcement of all contracts, and legal sanctions against private violence. As he wrote in his 1927 book, Liberalismus, “This is the function that the liberal doctrine assigns to the state: the protection of property, liberty, and peace” (Liberalism in the Classical Tradition [1985], p. 37). Providing money of stable purchasing power was not on the list.
No government agency or committee can design and operate a monetary system that would avoid the problems associated with wealth redistribution from those who gain access to new money late in the process to those who gained access early.

“The Return to Sound Money,”
The first step must be a radical and unconditional abandonment of any further inflation. The total amount of dollar bills, whatever their name or legal characteristic may be, must not be increased by further issuance. No bank must be permitted to expand the total amount of its deposits subject to check or the balance of such deposits of any individual customer, be he a private citizen or the U.S. Treasury, otherwise than by receiving cash deposits in legal-tender banknotes from the public or by receiving a check payable by another domestic bank subject to the same limitations. This means a rigid 100 percent reserve for all future deposits; that is, all deposits not already in existence on the first day of the reform (p. 448).

Money can be ANY agreed upon material that is scarce, durable, and at least somewhat divisible. Obsidian Arrow heads, shell beads (Wampum), Hudson Bay blankets have all been used as money.

…”Now, the gold standard is not a game, but a social institution. Its working does not depend on the preparedness of any people to observe arbitrary rules. It is controlled by the operation of inexorable economic law” (p. 462).
Mises therefore defined money as the most marketable commodity. “It is the most marketable good which people accept because they want to offer it in later acts of impersonal exchange” (Human Action, p. 401.).
Money serves as a transmitter of value through time because certain goods serve as media of exchange.
Money transmits value, Mises taught, but money does not measure value. This distinction is fundamental in Mises’s theory of money.
Mises was adamant: there is no measure of economic value.
He was a disciple of Carl Menger. Menger was a proponent of a strictly subjective theory of economic value. Mises insisted that there is no objective way to measure subjective value.
Subjective valuation “arranges commodities in order of their significance; it does not measure its significance” (p. 39). It ranks significance; it does not measure it.
The fact that money does not measure value is a crucially important aspect of Mises’s theory of money.


. . . The role played by ingots in the gold reserves of the banks is a proof that the monetary standard consists in the precious metal, and not in the proclamation of the authorities (p. 67).
In order to effect the acceptance of fiat money or credit money, the State adopts a policy of the abolition of its previous contractual obligations. What was previously a legal right of full convertability into either gold or silver coins is abolished by a new law. The State removes the individual’s legal right to exchange the State’s paper notes for gold or silver coins. It then declares that the new, inconvertible fiat paper money or bank credit money is equal in value to the older redeemable notes, meaning equal to the value of the actual coins previously obtainable through redemption. But the free market determines otherwise. The two forms of money are not equal in value in the judgment of the market’s individual participants. Gresham’s law is still obeyed….
Gresham’s law
The State can set legal prices, meaning exchange ratios, between the various kinds of money. The effects of such fixed exchange rates are identical to the effects of any other kind of price control: gluts and shortages. The artificially overvalued money (glut) replaces the artificially undervalued money (shortage). This cause-and-effect relationship is called Gresham’s law.
An increase in the quantity of money can no more increase the welfare of the members of a community, than a diminution of it can decrease their welfare. Regarded from this point of view, those goods that are employed as money are indeed what Adam Smith called them, “dead stock, which . . . produces nothing” (p. 85).
This theory regarding the impact that changes in the money supply have on social value is the basis of everything that follows. Mises offered here a unique assessment of the demand for money. He implied here that an individual’s demand for production goods or consumption goods, when met by increased production, confers an increase in social value or social welfare
If a producer benefits society by increasing the production of a non-monetary good, later finding a buyer, then society is benefitted because there are at least two winners and no losers.
Therefore, if a producer of gold and a buyer of gold both benefit from an exchange – which they do, or else they would not trade – yet society receives no social benefit, then the analyst has to conclude that some other members of society have been made, or will be made, worse off by the increase in the money supply. This analysis would also apply to decreases in the money supply.
There are two conceptually related issues here: (1) money as a separate analytical category, neither a consumption good nor a production good; (2) changes in the money supply as conveying neither an increase nor decrease in social value…..

And yes I like Von Mises because what I have read MAKES SENSE.

Deplorable Patriot

He might be right.
Matt Walsh
The mass exodus away from public school and to homeschooling is the most significant thing happening in our country right now. The future of our society is being reshaped as we speak. And for the better.
2:53 PM · Sep 10, 2020


Also, POTUS is fighting the 1619 Project, Common Core has been eliminated in some states, and due to China virus, some parents get to see what their kids are being taught. Home schooling is vital, but I always think we need to stop the indoctrination of public school students.


comment image
Sep 11, 2020 1:46:33 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: fc0dc2 No. 10604573comment image
“Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” ― Thomas Paine, The American Crisis
42m ago
8kun qresearch

Deplorable Patriot

I had no idea there were that many fires.


Yup. Smart virus . . . smart fires.


“The fires know not to cross the Canada boarder?” . . . Or the border with Mexico?
Could it be as simple as the map shows U.S. fires only and doesn’t intend to show any Canadian or Mexican fires?


Excellent! Cick on 1st tweet to read. This guy is recruiting former military, leos, IC to go to DC to protect WH from planned A-Fa attacks. Bikers for Trump will also assist. Walk Away & Franklin Graham will also be there during September and will no doubt need protection too.


glad to hear it!

Gail Combs



Sorry I haven’t been able to read any posts or comments for a few days. I’ve been right in the middle of all the Oregon fires (there are over 50 now, and some of them are merging into bigger fires). These are the worst wildfires in the history of our state. Over 500,000 people have already been evacuated – that’s 12% of our population – with more at Level 2 alert.
My mother was evacuated by her pastor late Tuesday night and my aunt brought her to my house in Salem. At that point, they were afraid her small town was right in the path of the fire. I had several other relatives, too, we’ve been keeping track of in the danger areas. Tuesday afternoon, we heard that it hadn’t yet hit her town. My brother and I were worried she would lose her home and her car, so we went in and got her car. It was unbelievable. Black as night on a day that was forecast to be sunny and in the 90s. Thankfully, my nephew has been back in twice and her small town seems to have been spared. All the houses are still standing. But the air quality is too bad to go back yet.
The skies have been apocalyptic. Bright orange all day Tuesday, and now just heavy smoke all the time. Our air quality in Salem was at 599 for awhile, which is extremely hazardous and above the top of the normal scale. Then it dropped into the mid 400s for a couple of days. Just taking my dog out to pee has been horrible. It’s not supposed to get much better until the beginning of next week when rain is forecast. I would love to see a big Oregon downpour. That’s exactly what we need.
It has been incredibly hard to get news. And I’ve heard the national news is hardly reporting this at all. But Washington and California are also in the midst of wildfires.
I just wanted to report in while I had a minute to post. I really appreciate your prayers. Recovering from this is going to be really hard for so many people.

Deplorable Patriot

Thank you. Sue McDonald also reported in yesterday. We’ve been wondering about you all, and Rodney. Coothie is also effected, but they’re not close to him yet.


This comment made up for your “missing in action” days. ThanQ.


So glad you checked in!! Been praying for your safety and also for RAIN. Lot of reports of A-fa arsonists doing this and bots arguing against. Head on a swivel. Stay safe, continuing prayers for you and your family. 🙏🤗💞🥰🚿🌧⛈💧☔


Yes, they’re already investigating several of the fires as arson. But the one that came through the Santiam canyon and affected us and so many small towns was caused by 85 mph winds knocking down power lines. We only had 10% humidity in the air that night and the forests were bone dry. So that was enough to start that fire.


Thanks for checking in with us, Linda!
I’m so sorry this is happening to you and yours.
Please stay safe…and I pray that your ordeal is over soon.


Hi Linda!!!
so glad to see you checking in!!
stay safe!!!
will continue to pray for you and your family’s safety and for rain!!!


Linda, so very sorry. Prayers for you and family and others there. My cousins near Portland, one with cancer and other bad med issues. All the best, Linda. You are on my mind a lot.


Sep 11, 2020 2:51:45 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: c35348 No. 10605362comment image
See something.
Say something.
2m ago
8kun qresearch


This lady is tweeting about arson, don’t know how credible. There’s a lot of bots and some LEO agencys, including FIB, pushing back when you search on ‘Oregon arsonists’. It’s getting hard to know what’s what.


Terrorism by the enemy within.

Deplorable Patriot

I think that’s fake CNN news. People are talking about arsonists, and some of the fires were arson, but I have heard nothing about Q people being involved in calling law enforcement. CNN just wants to spread their ridiculous narrative.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds like CNN wants to discredit Qanon and the Q-team (Q-bists?)…
Also, good to hear from you! Prayers up for you, your family, your neighbors, and your state!
Despite being “on the left”, the west coast is both beautiful and bountiful, and it’s being trashed by people who should know better… here’s hoping and praying for rain and the fires subsiding…


Well, I know people aren’t calling and saying, “Hi, I’m a QAnon fan, blah, blah, blah.” So authorities must have a theory in mind, and anyone who espouses it must be a Q follower. I’ve already seen articles about one arsonist reporting his own fire and filming it.


Y’all just THINK you’ve seen propaganda on TV… you ain’t seen nuttin’ yet…
Even when POTUS wins by a landslide, electoral college AND population, they’re NOT GOING TO REPORT IT.
Why aren’t we holding ‘peaceful protests’ at the TV stations???? especially the local ones, showing them the videos online????
See the COMMIE Domestic Terrorists start the fires, and the TV tells all the peeps THERE ARE NO FIRES, that cue anons are telling lies…
So, what you gonna do about it… I’m speaking to you younger folks … those of us 70-90 are going to nag you ’til you do something.


Oh, and if there are any of you here who DON’T believe there is a Deep State/CABAL …
it’s past time to do some research and get up to speed…
If peeps think the CABAL is going to sit quietly by and watch their Central Banks across the globe go down, watch their huge money thefts go bye bye and end with tremendous debt to ALL banks, well… dream on… (even though you don’t think they exist, they do and they have been stealing humanity blind for hundreds of years)


so these “fans” call 9-1-1 and report a fire and then when asked their name, they all say Q-Anon?


No… of course not …
who you gonna believe, your lying eyes… or those liars on that black box?
(not speaking to ‘you’ Pat… I know you’re too smart… 😉 )


but this is the garbage they expect people to believe?
I’d be demanding release of the 9-1-1 tapes…LOL


It appears this Saturday’s President Trump peaceful protest originally scheduled for Reno, may be held at Minden airport, Minden, NV.
– Minden is ~5 miles south of Carson City or ~40 miles south of Reno.
– Minden airport is used by the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds when they visit northern NV. Runway 5,000′ as I understand it.
– Guessing. Even smaller AC used become AF1, such as USAF C-40/737-700 can’t land at Minden. USAF Lear Jets can do so. C-17s can land on the 5,000′ Minden runway. More unvarnished guesses, they’ll use either Reno (I hope as an in POS Sisolak’s face) or NAS Fallon. Both a short Marine 1 flight from either.
The Minden-Tahoe airport airport near Reno has announced it will be closed Saturday by request of the Secret Service for a VIP event:
The Minden-Tahoe Airport will be hosting a VIP guest and at the direction of the Secret Service and other public officials, the airport will be closed on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2020 BETWEEN 9AM – 7PM.

Deplorable Patriot

I guess I need to change the rally thread.
I was trying to work ahead.comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Well, maybe not. The title does say “Somewhere near Reno, Nevada.”


We have your back DP… don’t need to change a thing…


Hoping we see something official soon.
In my case the drive is only ~20 miles or so. Parking mostly alongside country roads or a few small businesses parking lots. That is what we use for the Blue Angels or Thunderbird air shows. None of this a big deal. Beats big city issues. 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

What big city issues?


Compared to small cities or rural, big cities have significantly increased hectic pace, crowds, stores packed, hectic pace, traffic lights, stop signs…crime and folks less considerate overall. IF I lived there toss in crime. None of these attributes a plus to me.
Personal preference, I’m sure.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, well, people are actually more considerate the further you go inland.
Personal preference…LOVE the faster pace, and being around people even if they are not known friends. You can have GREAT anonymous conversations and commiserate.
The worst of it is people driving like they’re NASCAR pilots.


Is that you in that pic? I had no idea you were so fine. 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

No…not me. Not even close.


Sep 11, 2020 3:27:19 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 8000be No. 10605850comment image
4m ago
8kun qresearch

Deplorable Patriot

comment image

Deplorable Patriot
Justice Department Retweeted
US Attorney Scott Brady@USAttyBrady
Sep 10
#Pittsburgh man indicted for throwing projectiles at @PghPolice officers and damaging Pgh Police vehicle during May 30 civil unrest.
We will not tolerate attacks on police officers or violent crime under the guise of protest in western PA.


Trump Announces Peace Deal Between Bahrain and Israel, Too

I’ve mentioned before: the two coalitions fighting in the Middle East is are Iran and Turkey and Qatar (and Syria) on one side, and Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States of Bahrain and UAE, plus Israel, on the other side.
When the leftist propaganda media attempts to split the US from Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, and Israel — no matter what you might think of them — they’re doing that because Obama had decided that the US should back the terrorist theocracy of Iran.
The media pumps out negative information ops against Saudi Arabia and covers up for Iran because they’re trying to deliver the Middle East to Iran.
Because Obama likes the terrorist theocracy of Iran. He thinks they’d be good stewards of the Middle East.
Now, while this has been true for years, it has been true covertly. It’s been an open secret — but still a secret.
Now comes the breakthrough of the Gulf States openly declaring peace and normalization of economic relations with Israel.
President Trump on Friday announced that Bahrain has agreed to normalize relations with Israel, another diplomatic win for the president coming after a similar agreement with the United Arab Emirates just last month.
“Another HISTORIC breakthrough today! Our two GREAT friends Israel and the Kingdom of Bahrain agree to a Peace Deal — the second Arab country to make peace with Israel in 30 days!” he tweeted.
According to a formal statement issued by the three countries, they had agreed to “the establishment of full diplomatic relations between Israel and the Kingdom of Bahrain.”
�This is a historic breakthrough to further peace in the Middle East. Opening direct dialogue and ties between these two dynamic societies and advanced economies will continue the positive transformation of the Middle East and increase stability, security, and prosperity in the region,” the statement said.
Can we really deny Trump that Nobel Peace Prize? He was already nominated for facilitating an end to hostilities between Serbia and Kosovo; now he can add the UAE/Israel peace treaty and the Bahrain/Israel peace treaty.
Meanwhile, Obama brokered a “beer summit” between a black Harvard professor and a cop.

Posted by Ace at 01:59 PM Comments


The Library
The President of the United States just awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor to a Delta Force operator on the anniversary of September 11th.
He was awarded the MoH for risking his life to save over 70 ISIS hostages.
Seems appropriate & fitting.
#heroes #debtofhonor #paleblueribbon
Oppressors Beware & Rangers Lead the Way! #cag #deltaforce #theunit #tier1 #jsoc #oppressorsbeware #75thrangerregiment #rangersleadtheway #rltw
Harold Wren


Zero gave the Medal to countless Hollywood pieces of trash…


Excuse me, what?
This is the Congressional Medal of Honor.
It can only be won IN COMBAT against hostile forces at extreme risk to life and limb, and is only awarded to members of the US military.
I’m thinking you have this confused with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
The VERY appropriately named Sgt. Major Payne is a LETHAL American badass who has been tired and tested seventeen (17 😳😮) times in combat and, as a member of America’s most lethal special operations group….Delta force, the Army’s equivalent of the US Navy SEALs….he earned our nation’s highest award for valor.
This GREAT man…in what would be called an impossible (except he proved it was possible) feat of resolution and the fiercest determination….risked his life MULTIPLE times in an unbelievable exhibition of guts and never-fail mentality.
Briefly…he broke his way into a burning building….under fire….to rescue over 70 Iraqi hostages from ISIS forces (you know, the guys who were beheading people). He entered and exited the BURNING and collapsing building three (3 😬😳) separate times to rescue people who weren’t even Americans….all while under direct rifle fire from the enemy.
Here, have a read…
Payne is a graduate of numerous military schools and courses, including Basic Airborne Course; Ranger Indoctrination Program; Ranger School; Sniper Course; Basic Leader Course; Basic Demolition Course; Advanced Demolition Course; Advanced Land Navigation; Survive, Evasion, Resistance and Escape; Free Fall Parachutist; Advanced Leader Course; Jumpmaster Course; Free Fall Jumpmaster Course; Joint Military Tandem Master Course; Senior Leader Course; Defense Language Institute (French); Special Forces Sniper Course; and Joint Special Operations Senior Enlisted Academy.
Payne’s awards and decorations include the Medal of Honor; Bronze Star Medal with Bronze “V” device and three Bronze Oak Leaf Clusters; the Purple Heart; Defense Meritorious Service Medal with two Bronze Oak Leaf Clusters; Meritorious Service Medal with one Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster; Joint Service Commendation Medal with Bronze “V” device; Army Commendation Medal with Bronze “V” device and one Silver Oak Leaf Cluster; Navy and Marine Corps Presidential Unit Citation; Joint Meritorious Unit Award; Valorous Unit Award; Meritorious Unit Commendation; Army Good Conduct Medal with Bronze Clasp and five Loops; National Defense Service Medal; Afghanistan Campaign Medal with three Bronze Stars; Iraq Campaign Medal with five Bronze Stars; Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal with two Bronze Stars; Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal; Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon with Numeral “3”; Army Service Ribbon; Overseas Service Ribbon; NATO Medal; Ranger Tab; Combat Infantryman Badge; Expert Infantryman Badge; Military Free Fall Jumpmaster Badge and Parachutist Badge.
My God.
Everything you see awarded with “V” device stands for a combat decoration earned with “valor”.
This man is a one man DEATH SQUAD. The kind of soldier the rest of us sit and wonder how he can even walk with balls so big and heavy they drag 6 feet behind him, and a man so deeply experienced he is a literally living legend.
Your post pains me because I feel, very deeply, that all of us should know and celebrate who/what this man is…
…and to confuse him, seemingly so off-handedly…with Hollywood trash and garbage… an insult, even if unintended (which I am sure it was not). And I am embarrassed….for all of us…..that I found and had to correct this gross error after 5 people liked your comment and didn’t correct it themselves.
I mean, damn. This great, legendary Ranger and Delta operator deserves so much more from us. 🤨


Ohh FG&C… don’t you know by now that I need an editor, ol’ brain cells just not what they used to be… (or, maybe I’m like POTUS… I do it on purpose, to see if you’re paying attention? 😉


It’s ok. I knew it was unintentional. 👍

Gail Combs

Thanks for the rundown on what this HERO did.



Rodney Short

FG&C I remember it was at a rally or some speaking event that President Trump first commented about SGT Maj. Payne, I wish I could remember where it was now but I suffer from CRS…


Just happy to see shooters getting the medal again. Seems for the longest time you had to be a medic or such to qualify.


Metall of Freedom…but, agree with your point wholeheartedly.


comment image
Sgt. Major Payne and his wife have 3 beautiful girls.


Thanks FG&C… lovely couple…


Do you think she feels safe at night when he is home?


Very safe …


Baffling. Why would the FBI feel the need to make any statement at all? We all know arsonists have been setting the fires. It’s not guesswork or theory; it’s fact.


Why would the FIB setup a POTUS?


VERY puzzling statement…would like to hear the justification since it can so easily be refuted.

Gail Combs

The FBI is STILL full of OH!Bummer embeds.


Understood, but this makes them look STUPID!


Truths, it’s actually documented here in WA.


Ace is HOT this afternoon… you don’t want to miss this ROAST of the DIMs
and their efforts to prevent President Trump from holding Rallies… as well as
Ace’s take on some States and how they’re looking election wise
Trump Says Despite Partisan Governor Cancelling His Rallies, He’s Going to Nevada Anyf#ckingway

Gail Combs

Just hold The TRUMP PROTEST in AREA 51!!! 🤣comment image


As far as I know, locations have yet to be announced…makes difficult for attendees to plan and how Do you get tickets , etc? Reno is tomorrow! Arrangements under the gun…a real test of advance logistics!


Gail, you’re a hoot! Best idea all day 😉


America is an indispensable leader on the world stage when the US voters are wise enough to choose a leader who makes us indispensable.
And this is the first one we’ve chosen since Ronald Reagan.


Too bad he missed!


At the time, we were horrified – and now – not so much, Ray!!!


IIRC…. this was AFTER 9-11-01………
My WORLDVIEW changed on that day.
(I already knew the Bushes were Satanic Skull and Bonesmen.) So my comment stands……
Too bad the shoe missed!


Most people did not know about Skull & Bones – what it really was – imho – researchers knew about the Bushes – and Prescott’s assistance against the USA.

Gail Combs

The Bush Family were Rockefeller puppets starting with Samuel Prescott Bush.

Sam Bush was in his era to Remington Arms what Dick Cheney is to Halliburton in ours. Son of an Episcopal minister, he switched to a darker religion. Sam started out as low-management for railroads, where he made the connections needed to move over to Buckeye Steel Castings Company. Buckeye harbored railroad strike-breaker sentiment from the president on down. It’s founder was member of the “Cleveland Gatling Gun Battery”,[1] called a military and social organization, set up in 1878, the year after nationwide railroad strikes.
This guns and railroad connection returns for World War I, when Buckeye Steel produced gun barrels and shell casings, and Sam Bush was moved by his patrons into the position of chief of the Ordnance, Small Arms and Ammunition Section of the War Industries Board. Bush took national responsibility for government assistance to and relations with Remington and other weapons companies.[2] This was during the time that Buckeye Steel was casting gun barrels and Bush was president of Buckeye.
Preacher’s son Bush looks innocent until you are informed that his patron, Percy Rockefeller took control of Remington Arms in 1914. Frank Rockefeller was president of Buckeye Steel for three years from 1905-1908, followed by Sam Bush from 1908-1927, throughout the WWI years and the gunbarrel sales era of Buckeye.[3] In 1915 a new Remington plant was constructed, operational by 1916 for the first world war, just in time to get a million rifle order from Russia.[4], [5] 67% of all the ammunition used in WWI by the US, Britain and Russia was sold by “Merchants of Death” Remington. Somebody got a no-bid contract on gun barrels for their company.
Pumping up nations war aspirations is good business for some, and the Bush family has been engaged in it for four generations….


True, Gail!!! They serve another god, too!!!


I agree (Most did not know)….. I did

Suspected arsonist linked to Brown Brothers Harriman thru his former employer Z Global Logistics. See history of Brown Brothers Harriman and links to Prescott Bush.


Hmmm…Interesting, Mary!!! Thanks!!!


It’s not our fault.
We were deceived, and intentionally so.


Unfortunately, we were – but Iraq was the key – no reason for us to go there – they had nothing to do with 9/11.


My how things change. Fully agree too bad he missed.


It was an insult – and we all should be insulted by the likes of him, Kea!!!




It pains me to say this, but the liberals were right.

Cuppa Covfefe

Kind of fitting… Bushie Boys are all heels…
Going clear back to Prescott and his favors to Adolf…


Exactomundo, Cuppa!!!

Gail Combs

Back to Samuel Prescott Bush the great granddaddy.
“… Sam Bush was moved by his patrons [Rockefellers] into the position of chief of the Ordnance, Small Arms and Ammunition Section of the War Industries Board. Bush took national responsibility for government assistance to and relations with Remington and other weapons companies…”

Deplorable Patriot

She speaks as if she thinks he was involved. Sham of a reporter and a woman.
But, it is plausible that POTUS knew something was coming. He did, after all, turn down buying the WTC site, and did circulate among the insiders who would have known 9-11 was coming.


Hmmm…maybe, she knew and was trying to hide it.

Cuppa Covfefe

WTC had already been attacked (basement?) so VSGPDJT would have been aware, at the very least, that the WTC was a high-value/high-interest target…


Glad to see the AG letting us know how he feels.
If genuine…and I have no reason to think it isn’t….it gives me confidence that he is going to rip some serious ass during Trump 2.0


There is no doubt in my mind he will, FG&C!

Gail Combs


…According to Barr, the organizing behind the rioting in cities across the country is under investigation and federal law enforcement agencies are working to identify the individuals behind the chaos.
“People are pouring through all of the video trying to identify people to hold people accountable,” Barr said, adding that the funding of the riots is also under investigation. “I think Antifa and Antifa like groups are at the center of it.”




They were abandoned….intentionally so….by the collective filth that were infesting the WH like black mold.


They did not care – hence, the false narrative they tried to pull on an unsuspecting public – totally demonic – imho

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, they cared. They cared that Chris Stevens might live and tell his story.


I meant – they did not care to save his life or the lives of the others – he knew too much – and therefore – had to go.

Deplorable Patriot



We should call it the Black Mold Administration.


Love the Cross on the highest peak…..
still looking for the “shoe” 🙂


Shoe only in cartoon when Hillary is in it.


Garrison is briliant.






Damn. Gad I only fly panes and post hear.


Me, too – if it is there – hard to see!!!


Have to say, for an extremely wealthy woman…this shoe looks as though it was in the bargain bin of Goodwill. Must have been her “comfy” shoes.

Deplorable Patriot

Those were expensive. I remember seeing them around that time and wishing I could afford them. I want to say they were Cole-Hahn or Ferrigamo, something like that.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe Thom McAn ? 😀
(genuine cardboard lining…)….

Deplorable Patriot

No…I saw those at Nordstrom’s or Dillards. Something like that.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. I know. I was kidding. But it does look like she peeled the original lining out – maybe she uses inserts or orthotics…

Gail Combs

Her feet are TOO FAT to fit in the shoe so she removed the lining.


I have Ferrigamos I’ve had since the 80’s…my favorites by far and still look pretty decent…but these are out of shape and blackened in the heel areas.. ..time to give them to your housekeeper, Hillary.


But are the fire-setters “extremists”? Because the FBI says it’s not true that extremists are setting fires, according to Q 4668.


I do not believe the FBI report – do you?


No. It’s just weird.


Me, either, Truths!!!


I assume /s? Because it sure looks like the fib Oregon office is full of it. I would rather say that Q posted what the office said as “according to” infers validation of said false statement.


They would know this how? Have they done extensive background dives into these MANY people being caught in the act?
When in American history has random arsonists all converged in one geographical area? They don’t take two seconds to contemplate the enormity of this phenomenon? Worthless agency

Deplorable Patriot

And no one with half a brain believes the FBI in this case.


Arrest? They ought to be looking for a few good trees.


DH says they should just be shot on the spot, can’t say I disagree.


I like DH’s motion. Quicker justice.

Elizabeth Carter
Short and Sweet@nehdah
#OregonFires2020 #OregonFires
We just got level 2 alert (3 is evacuate)
We are listening to ham radio and people are getting caught left and right for Arson (I mean in the dozens). We are also hearing that they can’t contain any of the fire.
Ham radio channel 155.430 155.190☝️


Texas plates?!


The person who runs Citizen Free Press, Kane, interviewed today with Raheem Kassam. He talked about how he started the site, its philosophy and rate of growth, Drudge (he says Drudge did not sell his site), etc. It was interesting.

Catturd ™@catturd2
Bombshell audio of LA County Public Health Director saying schools won’t open until after November election
Bombshell audio of LA County Health Director saying schools won’t open until after election
‘It seems to us a more realistic approach to this would be to think that we’re going to be where we are now until we are done with the election.’


there are some UGLY peeps in California… jes’ sayin’

Deplorable Patriot

Are we sure that woman actually has blood?

Cuppa Covfefe

Prestone/Adrenochrome 50/50 mix…

Cuppa Covfefe

Looks like she didn’t time her drugs right again… 😀


She isn’t a physician, either (see below).
Howie Carr broadcast this yesterday and reached a nation. He gets callers from everywhere, not only New England.
‘According to Frontpagemag, Ferrer earned a PhD in “Social Welfare,” at Brandeis. Prior to that, she earned a BA in “Community Studies” at UC Santa Cruz studying social justice, and an MPH in “Social Welfare.”
‘Such a background appears tailor-made for public health decisions founded not on the basis of science and statistics, but political expediency in the name of social justice.’


Someone has a biden flag and a USA flag. They must be confused like Biden.

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, so I escaped earlier and stopped in a grocery store. The chick who rushed over to bag my food was wearing the Islamic head dress thing. Anyway, the very first item she put in a bag was pork chops. On a Friday.
It’s the little things.


“Hey! Careful how you handle my swine!”

Deplorable Patriot

Too bad I didn’t buy any booze at that store.

Cuppa Covfefe

The daze of swine and roses?


Getting hammered while washing down bacon snacks with a blush wine?

Deplorable Patriot

Interesting question.
Replying to
So if fires are now having to be set manually by Antifa, does that mean black hats no longer have access to direct energy weapons?
6:12 PM · Sep 11, 2020


Could be. Their hurricane generator/controller very apparently had a *glitch a few weeks ago, too.


IMO, they’re hoping to flip it on white extremists or at the very least muddy the waters. The media will carry the narrative .


“Media will carry the narrative”…Lou Dobbs said tonight on his show that not one mention of the TWO POTUS nominations for the Peace Prize on any major networks. In fact, the infamous Atlantic Magazine suggests that it’s time to eliminate it. Of course, it’s something that originates in another country, but heck we can call those shots.
The liberal scum would rather see it cease to exist than to have POTUS get any credit for brokering these peace agreements. That’s how unhinged they are!


They seem to be nothing but political mutants. No humanity or truth left in their being. My neighbors are like matter what the mundane subject might be they shift it to a Trump diss and a short diatribe. It’s weird

Deplorable Patriot
Matt Walsh
I’ll be on with Laura Ingraham tonight at 10 to discuss Netflix’s sexualization of children
6:11 PM · Sep 11, 2020


I thought he put that rather kindly.
8 would have said, “……Netflix’s brazen promotion of pedophilia.”


He does have to get on air …

Concerned Virginian

So there’s a Biden radio ad running (his ads are 30 seconds long since he isn’t dependable after that) with him going on about how he’ll “deal with” the virus and “deal with” opening the country up. Just several months behind what POTUS is doing.
The ** interesting ** thing of this ad is to hear Biden stumble over what the writers put down as “incompetent” (referring to POTUS), so he actually says “incumbent” instead.
I still say what’s being done to Biden is elder abuse.
And even IF Biden could figure this out, who could he turn to for help? Nobody.
He’s surrounded by abusers who are using him for their OWN ends; and when he’s done what they want, they’ll throw him out with the garbage.
KamaCamel doesn’t give a crap about Biden.
And if his wife is in any way mixed up in this matter, she needs to be prosecuted for elder abuse.


Let’s face it….If anyone deserves elder abuse, it’s Biden.
Payback for over 4 decades of abuse of his office and the American people.

Gail Combs

I am sure he will have an UP CLOSE and personal experience with the ‘heart attack dart’ they used on Brietbart.
A CIA secret weapon used for assassination shoots a small poison dart to cause a heart attack, as explained in Congressional testimony in the video.

Deplorable Patriot

To add to the intrigue of 9-11, this building was reported to have had SO MUCH DAMAGE it just fell. (It also happened to house the NYC office of the Securities and Exchange Commission which had an open anti-trust case rolling on the Rockefellers at the time.)

Deplorable Patriot

200,000 tons(?) of gold in the basement of the WTC, and this?
Plus how many records destroyed and lost?

Deplorable Patriot

A whole lot. This just scratches the surface if you’ve never sat through it.

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot

Where’s the TUMS…they really do look like they are physically ill.

Cuppa Covfefe

Looks like the 1980 class reunion for Zombie High…
They did the Monster Mash… (accompanied by the Crypt-Kicker Five)…


Drugs … big time abuse…



Deplorable Patriot

Somehow, you knew this was coming.
Jack Posobiec Office buildingOffice building
BREAKING: The Atlantic has called for the Nobel Peace Prize to be ended
4:34 PM · Sep 11, 2020


Poor old Nobel Peace Prize – needs a chance to redeem itself – with a real award to a real Peacemaker – President Donald Trump.
But like everything else, the left takes over, it’s become worthless.


Jeff Goldberg bees upset doggone it… his smear campaign of POTUS against the military backfired…

Deplorable Patriot

It’s like they aren’t even aware of what is happening outside their studio.


Just get their talking points via 4 am email every day.

Cuppa Covfefe

Brian Stelter
In a summer swelter
Birdbrain lives
In a fallout shelter…


Talk about projection, LOL.
No matter what CNN says, it has squandered its credibility to the point where its words are essentially worthless.


I was just about to post that exact comment.
Stelter (and CNN) is like a kid with a soiled diaper on his head calling someone else a shithead.


That’s the Truth, These Truths!!!



Deplorable Patriot

Doggone it. That one had great search functionality.


This could explain it.
Q had a few powerful posts today (September 11):
1/ Repeated accusations of J Bre—n committing treason (same phrase over and over);
2/ Repeated accusations of J C*!m@y committing treason (same phrase over and over);
3/ A Vox article about how activists are organising:
http s:// ;
4/ citing a tweet about Durham arrests:
http s://
5/ posting this website:
http s://




Donald Trump also sent his restaurant people down and they fed the workers….every day until the job was done.




Looks like President Trump peaceful protest for Saturday is on. From President Trump website:
Sat, September 12, 2020
07:00 pm (PDT)
Doors Open: 04:00 pm
Minden-Tahoe Airport
1146 Airport Rd.
Minden, NV, 89423


Polls and plenty of political pressure!

Deplorable Patriot

Thanks. Tomorrow’s rally thread is scheduled, but I’m going to need to do some serious surgery on it.


Assuming he’s staying over since there’s a Sunday am one scheduled in Las Vegas…right?


Guessing President Trump will stay at his Vegas property. Secret service probably appreciates known properties.


I’ve often thought staying right on the plane would be practical, as well.


Guessing President Trump will stay at his Vegas pappreciates known properties.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s nine pm here.
I have to be up early on Sunday. Hmm….
Will amend the thread before it goes live.

Deplorable Patriot

Note on my goto Q site:
Movement is growing @ insane rates. You may get 503 errors right after Q drops because MASSIVE amounts of people worldwide hit the servers all at once. Just wait a bit/try later. WWG1WGA


Court Rules Defendant Must Disclose Phone Password to Police and Prosecution in First Ruling of its Kind in State
Or WHAT?!?
What are they going to do, if the defendant refuses to provide evidence against himself?
Are they going to torture it out of him?
Can they threaten him with an even harsher sentence if he doesn’t provide evidence against himself? That doesn’t even make sense, for EITHER the prosecution OR the defense.
If they could get the evidence some other way, they would have.
Since they can’t, they are trying to tell the defendant he MUST.
So the question is, OR WHAT?!?
What are you going to do in order to compel the defendant to comply with the court’s fantasy of violating a defendant’s right to not incriminate himself?
There has to be an answer to the “or what”, or there can be no compulsion.


9/09/2020 — California Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) — Color enhanced view


Sep 11, 2020 7:52:25 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 157404 No. 10608879
2m ago
8kun qresearch

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot

comment image


Wolf……. what of this “Signal” app?
Suggested by Q.

Deplorable Patriot

Please, see my replies to the drop above.
17 is trolling, IMO.

Jack Posobiec Office buildingOffice building
Did You Know:
The names of both pregnant women and their preborn children are inscribed on the 9/11 memorial.
These women were mothers when they died, and their babies are mourned alongside them.
9/11 Memorial remembers preborn children too: ‘They were who we are’
9/11 also wiped out future generations. Because of this, the names of pregnant women and their preborn children are inscribed on the 9/11 memorial.


Not just a glob of tissue then.
the “unborn” are STILL…….. CHILDREN!




Apparently you didn’t get the memo.
Anyone who opposes ANTIFA is a racist and white supremacist. Doesn’t matter what race they are, either.


No, I did not get THAT memo, FG&C!!!


Sep 11, 2020 8:14:46 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 157404 No. 10609270
Sep 11, 2020 7:49:11 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: cc8e9a No. 10608839comment image
Timestamp is CEST
2m ago
8kun qresearch


Wonder what/who it might be?


Obligatorycomment image


patience grasshopper

Deplorable Patriot

Patience is not a great American virtue, you know.


Yep 🙂


America is too young for patience. 😉


History proves otherwise.

Gail Combs
Deplorable Patriot

Fun bit of trivia — the MGM lion is yawning. The roar was dubbed in by a human. Movie magic!


Sep 11, 2020 8:26:53 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 157404 No. 10609489
Sep 11, 2020 8:19:25 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: 8e6f3c No. 10609371comment image
Signal since Day 1. Did they know?
“Signal became one of the top 10 most downloaded social apps on iOS yesterday for the first time, according to data from App Annie. The app often sees spikes in downloads during tumultuous political times, but the last time Signal downloads ranked nearly as high was on the day of President Trump’s inauguration”
Analyze downloads:
pre protests [riots]
start – 60 protests [riots]
Now think fire(s).
2m ago
8kun qresearch


Sep 11, 2020 8:30:51 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 157404 No. 10609592 redirect to Biden’s donation page.
Similar to BLM > DNC?
1m ago
8kun qresearch


Sep 11, 2020 8:34:44 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 39e85e No. 10609643
Sep 11, 2020 8:34:21 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: df1c5f No. 10609637
James Comey Treason
James Comey Treason
James Comey Treason
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James Comey Treason
James Comey Treason
James Comey Treason
James Comey Treason
James Comey Treason
2m ago
8kun qresearch


Comey going down?
(I know FG&C….. Well…….?)


Does repeating 50 times mean 50 separate counts?


Sep 11, 2020 8:38:46 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 39e85e No. 10609739
Sep 11, 2020 8:38:14 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: a1caad No. 10609726
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
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John Brennan Treason
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John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
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John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
John Brennan Treason
2m ago
8kun qresearch


Keeps getting Better!
Hope it’s SOON!


Comey…series of 5, Brennan…series of 4
Whoes next Series of 3?


good catch!


Yes, I counted twice…has to be some sort of message, me thinks. Number of indictments, perhaps?
Very intriguing and certainly attention-grabbing.


Yes, Comey has 50 and Brennan, 48. But an anon did that, so I don’t know if it’s significant. Q was just pointing to it.


Obummer must be 1. Where’s side o beef?

Deplorable Patriot

This one…bring it, baby. Let’s see the heater.


Great scene. I love that movie.


Dr. Robert Jeffress: President Trump’s Additions to the Supreme Court List | September 11, 2020

Gail Combs

Carlos has a new thread:

Once again, @realDonaldTrump demonstrates why he’ll be reelected in a landslide.
TANGIBLE, EARTHSHAKING RESULTS versus endless howling at the moon over NOTHING.
[VISEO: President Trump Delivers Remarks on the Historic Bahrain-Israel Peace Deal]
We see Trump’s managerial style:
He hires David Friedman as US ambassador to Israel and tells him, “Just don’t be a typical useless American ambassador. Keep me updated. Bon voyage.”
Same with @jaredkushner.
Kushner was the one who went to Saudi Arabia and spoke to them about what could result from all of this.
His instructions:
“Keep me informed if you think that’s necessary.”
And so on and so on.
Guess what this does?
It allows Trump to tackle EVERYTHING.

He calls world leaders and says, “I’d like to send someone to talk with you. They are authorized to speak as me. Will you meet with them?”
This totally eliminates the protocol that EVERYBODY HATES.
Also security concerns.
Local cops and internal security HATE presidential visits.
There are often scuffles between the US Secret Service and the security of the local leader.
So at any given time, Trump is ALL OVER THE WORLD.
Trump says he thinks Iran will make a deal.
Don’t kid yourselves:
Since late 2017, the Iranian internal security forces have been defecting in place.
Iran’s offensive military capabilities have been destroyed.
Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) leadership has been killed.
Every single major Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist attack has been foiled.
Trump forced the UN to stop funding Palestinian terrorism.
We’re helping African nations get off welfare.
Mexico is cooperating like never before.

It’s absolutely impossible to know who is doing what.
The pandemic threw the world into chaos, but we’re helping the ones who ask for help.
The Chinese are being rolled back globally.
Tons of Americans have family in every single region that Trump is helping.
These people always voted Democrat.
So many of them will go for Trump that it’s now impossible for Biden to win.
The last holdouts were suburban white women.
Biden has promised to utterly destroy the supporters, and the Biden Brownshirts are already there, promising death.
“These are OUR houses!” they shout through bullhorns. “Get out NOW! This is just the beginning! We’re coming, and you can’t stop us!”
(Add tons of profanity.)
Meanwhile the Democrats are fixated on Trump’s words.

Russia Russia Russia.


To me, the video of the young black “Queen” on the plane is a perfect example of the Democrats right now. (Look at the video if you haven’t seen it… mind-boggling!)..arrogant, entitled, rude and crude, not in the least interested in cooperating or solving the issue. From Pelosi to Schumer, to the MBA to the NFL, from the MSM “news readers” to the B list Hollywood entertainers…all think they are going to force average Americans to accept their fate of being told what to do and when….by them, of course.
They BADLY misread the American character, IMO.

Gail Combs

AMEN to that!
I have HAD it with the bad manners and outright violence.


‘I’m a queen and I demand to be treated like a queen!’ How Congresswoman involved in race row on plane was chauffeured a block to Congress and was nearly banished from an airline before
● Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, a Texas Democrat, has a storied history of bad behavior on planes and in automobiles
● Previous news reports have captured Jackson Lee berating flight attendants over not getting a seafood meal in first class
● As well as making her Congressional aides, she sometimes referred to as ‘you stupid motherf***er,’ drive her one block to work
● This week the congresswoman suggested a white woman was being a racist when the woman complained after United gave Jackson Lee her first class seat
● The airline has stated that the woman had canceled this leg of her flight, which was how the congresswoman was able to be upgraded to the passenger’s seat


She bees one of the really evil ones… wears a ring with the large red stone…
plus other jewelry with symbols of the paedo files

Deplorable Patriot

Direct reference to 4670
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 157404 No.10608879 📁
Sep 11 2020 18:52:25 (EST) NEW📁
TryGreatFrog face liked
Jordan Sather
Holy shitballs are these black bloc networks using Signal to communicate for their domestic extremism/rioting/fire setting?
8:33 PM · Sep 11, 2020


Is the guy who was doxxed that ran our favorite Q site in danger?


This is an OLD POST:
Yet still relevent.
Jan 28, 2020 2:39:33 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 2c0dfd No. 7943219
You didn’t think we highlighted ‘Epstein’ for no reason did you?
Those who were once protected are no longer.
Hunters become PREY.
7m, 2w, 5h, 17m ago
8kun qresearch


New Q Drops – $ 4671 thru # 4675


I already post them……. All up to date above


Thanks, Ray!!!


YW 🙂


EP128 – County By County, Part 8, Economic Warfare


Shadowgate 2.0 Tearser:

Deplorable Patriot

Hmmmmmm It’s Not Global Warming: Oregon Officials Announce Arrest of Two More Alleged Arsonists Including Criminal Transient


ESPN to Televise Protesting Players and Singing of Black National Anthem
DYLAN GWINN10 Sep 2020


I find the concept of a ____ national anthem disgusting. We have one national anthem, period. I would not attend an event where any other was given attention or prominence or, worse, equality with The Star Spangled Banner.


I cannot believe they are brazen enough to do this, Truths! Me, either!!!


It’s not a national anthem if it’s for one race The USA is a melting pot of many cultures. The National Anthem is for ALL Americans


Yes. If they want a BLM anthem, go for it. But it is in no way a national anthem. The only way they get by with playing it at events with the real anthem is to call it “national.”


I hate to be the one to say it but I doubt 90% of them have any idea who Stalin was.
This is all about expressing their hate for the US. This is the fundamental change obamination promised..
The foot soldiers are enjoying the unrestricted hate, discrimination and violence that they’re free to inflict on the thin blue line that stands in front of the rest of us.



Deplorable Patriot

RTed by James Woodscomment image


Rudy Giuliani: Heavy Rainfall After 9/11 Would Have Led to the Flooding of Lower Manhattan
September 11, 2020 by Vish Burra


GOP Senator Josh Hawley Calls on Netflix to Remove ‘Cuties’ – ‘A Film That Appears to Sexually Exploit Children and Endanger Child Welfare’


Netflix should lose its broadcast licenses.


Ohhh that is a good point!


Oh sweden LOL
Swedish Company Unveils A Wind-Powered Car Carrier Ship That Uses Wings, Not Sails
The ship will run on wind, but not by using conventional sails. Instead, the Oceanbird will use five 80-foot-tall wings, similar in shape to airplane wings, for propulsion. Those huge fins will be able to collapse down like a telescope to 45 feet in order to slip under bridges or when encountering rough seas. The plan is for the Oceanbird to be capable of transporting 7,000 cars across the Atlantic in 12 days, a trip that with current internal combustion engines takes seven or eight days. The ship will also be equipped with a small motor, probably electric, for navigating harbors and tricky areas.


Get Woke, Go Broke: Ratings For NFL’s Opening Night Down DOUBLE DIGITS From 2019


“The sports industry now has a negative image, on balance, among Americans as a whole, with 30% viewing it positively and 40% negatively, for a -10 net-positive score. This contrasts with the +20 net positive image it enjoyed in 2019, when 45% viewed it positively and 25% negatively,” said Gallup.
It could be worse. On the Gallup list, sports is third to last, ahead of the drug industry and the cellar-dweller, the federal government.
One notch ahead of the drug industry. 😂🤣😅 No one could have predicted this?


Don Beck (@DonBeck07188182) Tweeted:
Supposedly a drone being used to set fires in California. If true, criminal is understating how bad this is. Lives, livestock, pets, wildlife and property damage. I just don’t understand it.


Guess i should read further. (@TireMeetsRoad_) Tweeted:
@starryneutrons @LovesUSA2 It’s called a Heli-torch and it’s been in use since 1975


Gil…there actually *is* a flamethrower drone.
Anyone can buy one:


Ohhh. So it is possible that the arson is started with this drone..


Oh yeah…totally possible.
I remember when this thing came out last year.
Someone posted a video of it, might have been me, and I remarked on how it looked like something terrorists would love.
It’s probably expensive.
But then, these pukes have money and could probably buy one…or two.


All those unemployment checks.


Liz Wheeler is leaving OANN for “something bigger.” She has a YouTube channel and mentions the upcoming election. Hmmm…


Maybe Kellyanne Conway’s job?


That’s intriguing, isn’t it.


Coup attempt coming?


Cringeworthy Study Debunked: There Was No ‘Sturgis Superspreader’ COVID-19 Event


People would be crazy to think that there are extremists are lighting fires on the west coast … right?!


Gosh..who has fireworks in their anarchy kit…


This is an excellent video.
I think the ChiComs have had operatives in Aunteefah all along.comment image

Gail Combs

It helps with all this Mueller SCO phone business to remember the sequence.
Ignore the anonymous spin.
Durham is wrapping up.
She came back to work with him on this investigation. Now that it’s done, she’s leaving.

Gail Combs

This Carlos thread goes with the first Brian Cates Thread.
MORE peace achieved by @realDonaldTrump and his Arab allies.
In this case the fighting was caused by an illegal war started by Barack Obama in 2011.

Gail Combs

DawsonSField Thread:
So Lisa Page’s last day with the Special Counsel’s Office was July 14, 2017. And she was ordered to not delete the text messages from her iphone…


NBA Players Kneel During National Anthem on Anniversary of 9/11


Those players are too stupid to realize that they’re being used by the Left to get rid of professional sports.
Well, professional sports as we have known it.
The Left wants to transform it into a vehicle for their propaganda…and they are nearly there.
Fans are fed up with this crap.
They can’t force people to watch it.
At least…not yet.

Sadie Slays

comment image




Interesting. But anons, or an anon, made those towers, not Q.


Please tell me he’ll sue. Come on NY
New York USPIS Agents Manhandle War Hero and Triple Amputee in the Most Grotesque Abuse of a Disabled War Vet in US History


Liesl Schoonraad
Thank you @realDonaldTrump!! Tesla Towers are going up everywhere. IT IS HAPPENING!!!
From the replies, this is the company that makes them: