This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KMAG/KAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
Yes, it’s Monday…again.
But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.
Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.
lease also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.
Our President is fighting for us night and day…please pray for him.
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from Elephant Music, titled ‘Density of Silence’:
Q has been good to us lately, giving us lots to ponder.
And if there was any question about whether Ben Garrison is a fellow Q-peep, he settled that with one of his latest works:
The Anti-Q people can call us names and say that we are a “cult”, but I think we are in very good company…with new people coming onboard each day.
Wheatie’s Word of the Day:
Also spelled Tarradiddle.
‘Taradiddle’ is a noun which means…a fictitious account; petty falsehood; a fib; silly, pretentious writing; humbug.
Used in a sentence:
The Left and their media nozzles spew forth an endless stream of taradiddle, counting on stupid people to believe it.
. . . will it be real or just Memorex?

Is this the “Kevin” that Q is referring to?
“SEPT 14-18, 21-25 [track & follow events]”
I have noticed many times that nothing seems to ever happen on the weekends.
Now it’s even written into 17’s posts.
Like Sam Sheepdog and Ralph Wolf, they both clock-out on Friday at 5pm, and don’t resume their hostilities until 8am the following Monday.
And that’s just weird.
Criminals and traitors don’t take weekends off. We have a 24/7 news cycle, running the country is a 24-hour a day job, and attempting to overthrow the Republic without winding up on the gallows pole is definitely a 24-hour a day job.
But every Friday at 5pm, we begin what appears to be a 63-hour time-out / blackout…
I think it’s the “audience” that misses big weekend news….pre-Virus it was the non-stop college and pro football games, the outdoor family activities, etc. one reason Obama always did the Friday late afternoon news “dumps”…to sneak them by with as little public attention as possible.
Wow…this video that Q gave us…how many of these ‘county commissioners’ are Antifa?
I think the blonde woman, for sure.
They were sure upset at the now unemployed fire authoritah.
couldn’t watch the video…internet wonky this morning and all weekend…
can you give me a brief synopsis?
They’re apparently getting calls from residents there about how bad things are.

Fires. Looting. Mayhem.
“People are panicking.”
“Lit my phone up.”
So they’re wondering about doing a curfew.
They hum haw and talk about it…county wide? …or just the areas where it’s bad?
These people are all liberals, I think.
They can’t decide shit.
They finally decide to “check the box” on doing a curfew.
They actually say that…”check the box”…repeatedly.
[trying to act cool, I guess]
But then one guy says…”Who’s going to enforce it? The Sheriff’s dept is already overwhelmed.”
So then they go back to the idea of doing a ‘partial curfew’.
Then a new guy joins the group, he seems normal — he’s there to give them a report from the Sheriff’s dept.
This guy reports finding gas cans stashed at places, to be used to start fires.
Also…chainsaw cuts on utility poles, to cause them to fall.
Mentions looting, I think.
He says it’s Antifuh and suggests calling in the National Guard.
The blonde woman keeps interrupting…throwing cold water on what this guy is saying.
“Uh, how do you know it’s really Antifuh?”
And…”Not sure we need to make that ‘ask'”
[the ask for the NG]
She doesn’t like them saying it’s Antifuh.
So then some of them start getting Alerts on their phones, including the blonde woman…to evac in their area.
This makes them speed things up and they quickly vote ‘yes’ on a curfew.
But they don’t know what the “parameters” are…yet.
They really didn’t decide anything, though.
They ended up agreeing that it was something for the State to decide.
thanks wheatie!!
we have satellite internet and it has been spotty all weekend and now certain stuff won’t play…I really appreciate this!
You are very welcome, sweetie.

TYPICAL liberals in ANY form of governance. TOTAL stupidity, and worried about APPEARENCES instead of doing simply what is RIGHT. I once went to a meeting as a member of a council, we had the Vice President in attendance ( of my institution, a man I knew WELL). I watched in HORROR as we were supposed to be having a DIRECT ask for monies, a “wish list” The meeting went on for TWO hours, and the ONLY thing discussed was the FORMAT on which to provide the list, and I mean Word Perfect or Microsoft Word. THAT IS IT. I noticed the VP looking at his watch, I KNEW it was over then.
The NEXT meeting, one which was to BE the presentation to the VP (MS Word) The VP didn’t even BOTHER to show up. We LOST the funding (shock and surprise) I went OFF. I told them ALL how STUPID they were, and that it did not matter if we wrote the proposal on a napkin with a crayon, we just needed to get it in and STOP WASTING the VP’s TIME. I immediately thereafter RESIGNED from the commission as did two other people.
THAT my friends is what liberals DO, procrastinate over minutia, and NOT over substance…WASTING time. They are ALL too damn afraid to take an ACTION, worrying about “appearances” and WHO might be “offended”
It was NOT my only “rodeo” on this either. I got SO tired of playing the GAMES, I simply started taking actions in my OWN hands. When they would then ask how they were going to “handle” this, I would simply report, it is ALREADY done, and DARED them to “fire” me. The first few times, I got pushback, I GAVE as good as I GOT. After that, they did not even BOTHER to ask me, they KNEW it was futile, and simply accepted that I had taken an “appropriate course” of action. DUH, something beats doing NOTHING.
Liberals in a nutshell, THAT my friends is why they HATE Trump, he does not waste too much time talking, he ACTS on what HE thinks is right. Not to say he is not informed, but he weighs options QUICKLY, and then ACTS on the best course, and LIVES with the result. If it needs further attention or reassessing, he DOES IT.
Biden is the PERFECT liberal, ANY decision he is given will be WRONG, and it will be after lots of “talk” and legalese. I think there policy is to do NOTHING, and HOPE the problems solve themselves.
Trump is the first President since Reagan to ACT, act quickly, and act BOLDLY. Before Reagan, we had to go to JFK, and Eisenhower. Before that we are talking guys like Grant, Roosevelt, and Lincoln.
IMHO, Trump is THIS generations George Washington, taking on a large enemy, the enemy WITHIN, and having to overcome all odds to triumph!
100% agreed!
I have spent some time on committees with liberals, and nothing EVER gets decided or done, because it might hurt “someone’s” feelings. And there’s ALWAYS a “someone,” because if you want to piss somebody off, change something.
I am reminded of reports and plans from the highway departments here (state and county). Here’s the master plan to take us to 2030!!!
You read the report, and each damn chapter is talking warm fuzzies, motherhood and apple pie about how they took the needs and desires and agenda of some group into consideration. Eventually you start to wonder when you will get to the actual damn PLAN.
It’s in one of the appendices, apparently–I never did make it that far.
It seems to me that this Q character’s entire reputation and future credibility is on the line with his very specific “Watergate x 1,000”, “Sep 14-18 & 21-25”, and “Kevin’s alarm” statements.
So tell me . . . is a storm really going to strike, the magnitude of which would be so damaging to our fragile psyches that Q had to carefully prepare us for a couple of years . . . or is Q just blowing smoke up our collective asses, with only a few indictments and arrests of moderate import but not momentous? BOOM, Pop or fizzle?
Yes, I know. “Be patient, Grasshopper. Time will reveal all things.”
I’ll say this much…September 15th has been on my radar since July. And I strongly suspect that at least one reason there’s a big DC protest scheduled for the 17th (beyond symbolism) is because they’re anticipating the need for a newscycle distraction around that time. Something’s brewin’.
Why Sept. 15th?
One post last week stated September 15 was the end of, eight weeks.
Think it could work both ways. If there are protests and some major figures are indicted, the media won’t know what to cover! (Especially if any of the indicted ARE the media…wouldn’t that be a hoot!). Wishful thinking….or not.
Once again, I’m steeling myself not to have expectations. It’s not that I don’t believe things are happening; it’s just that people in the know, like us, want HUGE happenings. Q said to “track and follow events.” That doesn’t sound like simple headlines that would set the world on fire, because there’s no need to track those. There might be more nuanced occurrences whose significance we would recognize.

On the other hand, “Kevin” specifically mentioned indictments and arrests.
On the other-other hand, Q speaks to others besides us, and this could be a signal to elicit a response from someone.
Bottom line: I don’t know…
“So tell me . . . is a storm really going to strike, the magnitude of which would be so damaging to our fragile psyches that Q had to carefully prepare us for a couple of years . . . or is Q just blowing smoke up our collective asses, with only a few indictments and arrests of moderate import but not momentous? BOOM, Pop or fizzle?

Yes, I know. “Be patient, Grasshopper. Time will reveal all things.”
Patients are for doctors.
The only reason anything of import might happen is if the timing of the election forces either side to actually cross the Rubicon.
Otherwise, these clowns will just circle each other until the end of time.
DJT is a counter-puncher, so he’s waiting for the enemy to commit to an irrevocable course of action or an act so heinous he will be entirely justified in going medieval.
The Cabal is playing for time. Every delay is another day they’re still in the game and not on death row. The fat lady may be warming up, but until she actually sings, anything could happen. So they need time.
The Cabal has to know they have zero chance of winning the election, no matter who they get to pinch-hit for Dementia Joe, so it looks like their best play is massive chaos / false flag on election day or just prior, attempting to force a delay in the election or throwing the election results into doubt.
The election is primarily a public-relations problem for the Cabal. They know they have no chance, but they have to pretend to at least go through the motions, for the sake of appearances. Once the election is over, they can go back to unrestricted warfare against the president, which is a role they have grown accustomed to and seem to enjoy.
Whether they do something to prevent the election or something that throws the results into doubt, either way, their traitorous allies in mafia media play the “Constitutional Crisis” card, and then they circle each other again for another four years, while Barr continues pretending to not understand the meaning of the word ‘crime’ or ‘high treason’ or his role in stopping it.
The Cabal can wait a hundred years if they need to — to them, this is just a glitch in their long-game.
So DJT will have to force the issue, but being a counter-puncher, he may do something to force the enemy to commit, so that he can counter-punch a knockout blow.
Does any of that mean something will finally happen “Sep 14-18 & 21-25”?
Sometimes I’m wondering which tree I’m logged on to…
Rather that bitching and moaning, how about getting in your congresscritters’ ears, holding their feet to the fire, and doing everything reasonably possible to get them to do our bidding or get the hell out. And then lean on, confront, cajole, and convince the folks around you and those with whom you communicate of why MAGA is the better/best choice.
Clean out the halls of Congress. Take the trash out of DC. FIGHT against corruption, both local, state, and national. But for cripes sake, don’t just sit back and be armchair winers. Leave that to the SJW snowflakes, Karens, and the “gal” in the green jacket…
YES – YES – YES!!!
Well let’s see…
I can talk to some low-level staffer (maybe), and wax eloquently about all the reasons the corrupt congressman shouldn’t be corrupt.
Meanwhile, the Congressman is meeting with members of the Chinese delegation, making arrangements for another $10 million to be deposited in five segments of $2 million each, in his numbered bank accounts in St. Lucia, Brunei-Darussalam, Seychelles, Vanuatu and Samoa.
So who is he going to listen to?
If you live in Lori Lightfoot’s district, or Ted Wheeler’s town, or Gretchen is your governor, or Cocaine Mitch is your senator, who DO they listen to?
The people who buy them off, or the American People?
I love the ‘Mr. Smith Goes To Washington’ spirit, but that was the 1930s.
The political-class is completely DETACHED from the American public. This happened as soon as they no longer needed small donations from Main Street, because they could just prostrate themselves to a much smaller mob on Wall Street (or Tommy Donohue’s whore house CoC).
The whole reason we’re in a situation where we elected an outsider to place at the TOP of the pyramid is precisely because our “representatives” are NOT responsive to the Will of the People.
They prove that over and over.
It was Cocaine Mitch and the GOPe that killed the Tea Party, not the Left. It was Cocaine Mitch and that slime bag Haley Barbour who worked with Leftists to play the race card against a conservative running against one of the GOPe’s good old boys.
It’s Cocaine Mitch who WANTS to be in the minority, where he can benefit personally and dole out $$$ favors to his cronies in exchange for going along with whatever seditious treason and cultural upheaval Pelosi’s radical Left can dream up.
Over and over (and over) again, the GOPe talks the talk, and then do nothing.
The excuse was always that they need control over both Houses, or they just can’t do anything.
So in a shock that rocked the world, We the People actually GAVE the GOPe control of both Houses. They didn’t WANT it, they did everything possible to AVOID it, but we gave it to them anyway.
And what did they do with this newfound power?
Nothing changed.
And that’s when the jig was up.
All their excuses exposed in the light of day.
It never had anything to do with being in the majority in both Houses of Congress.
They are CRIMINALS, running a very lucrative and sophisticated scam on the American Public, and laughing all the way to the bank, every single day, knowing there’s not a *&^% thing we can do about it, even if we DO find out (and we did).
That’s WHY we played the Trump card.
To go over their heads, and rain down fire on their coordinates.
Because We the People have already tried everything else.
Including calling our Congressman and having a chat with his secretary.
If your local, state or federal representative is a member of the Cabal, what are YOU as an individual going to DO about that?
I love to see the videos of citizens going to city council meetings, and blasting everyone to their mask-covered faces. Even as at least one of the council members was SLEEPING, as pointed out by the angry citizen who was reading them the riot act.
They don’t CARE what we think.
They HATE us.
They are owned and controlled by enemy insurgents, almost certainly (ultimately) by the Chinese Communist Party, all the way down to the LOCAL LEVEL.
Are YOU going to defeat the Chinese Communist Party, by calling your representative and informing his lackey that you’re very displeased with his vote on HB S105C?
Telling people to confront their congresscritters is like telling the Polish mounted cavalry to charge Hitler’s Tiger Tanks. It’s like throwing rocks at an approaching tidal wave.
I know it makes people feel good, it feels like we’re doing something, but how does it actually change anything?
As with so many things in this life, I have tried lots of ‘conventional wisdom’. I don’t doubt people believe the things they tell me, it just appears that the entire system has changed radically, and they’re still using tactics from 10 wars ago.
Like having an elderly person try to talk me into coming to their next multi-level marketing meeting, maybe I would like it and sign up and buy a lot of bulk product so I can distribute it and sell it to others and sign up more people under me so I develop a network that does all my work for me, while I retire to Florida and play the song “Easy Street” on a perpetual loop.
I already fell for that scam when I was in my TEENS.
I bought all the ‘sizzle’ this world has to offer. I cleared out every warehouse on the planet of every last drop of ‘sizzle’.
I’m running out of days to get that steak I was promised, if I would just buy a little more sizzle.
In the meantime, I adopted a new strategy.
It’s called F*&^in’ show me.
Show me how doing “x” accomplishes “y”, and I will do it.
All the rest is rah-rah, sis-boom-ba.
Sizzle! Got your sizzle here! One box for $19.99 and get a second box for free (just pay shipping and handling). This offer is only good for the next 3 minutes, so call now!
So, OK.
Just roll over and quit.
Whining is getting tedious.
If PDJT is part of Q and he’s a counter puncher, this could be the set up for the left. Set a date for something to take place, all that really needs to happen is for someone to get arrested and they take the bait. The DC protest could be the reason then for the DOJ (PDJT) to drop them with a counter punch. The second week could be the high-level arrest. This call out by Q is just going to infuriate the left more.
You had me captivated until you mentioned AG Barr – while I have no idea or clue what is going or not going to happen – only God does – we are working under a 2-year Delta – maybe 3-year Delta – AND
I cannot help but get excited about all of this – the White Rabbit – the Clock – the Indictments – you name it – things ARE happening – whether or not everyone sees it.
The whole idea is ‘The Great Awakening’ – who is it that is waking up – surely not us here – we know stuff – but ‘Timing is Everything’ – we are in a fight for The Republic – and that should have the attention of All Americans – whether awake or unawake – this is not a game!
And yes – for hundreds of years we have been fighting this evil cabal – who has been trying to take us down by any means necessary – and – they have never been more ‘pissed’ than they are now – because they do not have a ‘puppet’ in the WH!!!
Just look at what PT does on a daily basis – he is everywhere – running the race against time – even if we give him 4 more years – he cannot fix it all – then what? Do we elect him for 4 more considering he was robbed of the first 4?
I do not have all of the answers – none of us do – we keep putting the puzzle pieces together – on a daily basis – and it appears – we are still far from finishing the puzzle.
We lost time – because of this ‘plandemic’ – however – we needed that time to re-group – formulate another plan – cover all of the bases – while Americans may have been stuck in their homes – they were protected from atrocities far worse than the plague.
Since I believe God is large and in charge – I have to think He knows what He is doing – and it is He who is guiding President Trump and US through this temporary setback – if that is from what we are suffering.
I cannot seem to erase what the Prophet Kim Clement said: ‘You think I am impressed with your weapons” Watch – and see what ‘I’ do!!! I believe God was telling the prophet – He is in charge – not man – and it is He will decide what happens next!!!
That is my story – and – I am sticking to it!!!
Had me up until the “prophet” thing.
God IS….. in TOTAL Control.
God speaks through His prophets!!! Reveals Himself through visions – meditations – deep prayer – and His Spirit!!! God does not relinquish control through revelations.
Speaking of revelations, look at Revelation 22:18-19ff.
I’d be careful about who I label as a prophet…
Noted, Cuppa – but, sometimes people of faith and vision – do lead others to the recognition of the power of God – the Book of Revelations is a warning to future generations – imho – the Bible is full of ‘revelations’ of the Power of God.
“Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” (2 Peter 1:20-21)
True – very true – not by man – but through The Spirit of God.
“I cannot help but get excited about all of this – the White Rabbit – the Clock – the Indictments – you name it – things ARE happening – whether or not everyone sees it.”
I see the things that are happening. The little things. The things that keep us distracted or engaged, while the big things are ignored or don’t happen.
We’re twisting in the wind, for YEARS, while POTUS fights a civil war with the political-class.
Why is it being done this way?
Maybe it’s for good reasons, maybe it’s for bogus PC reasons, maybe some of both.
What is objectively obvious is the enemy can delay to infinity. Judge Sullivan is a microcosm of the entire civil war / coup attempt. There is no law they won’t violate, no absurdity is too great, and the corrupted structure of the ‘law’ provides an endless appeals and moves and countermoves which are only limited by $$$, and since both sides have unlimited $$$, it will go on for ever. If DJT doesn’t put a stop to the nonsense with physical force, Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn will STILL be in Sullivan’s courtroom in 2024.
Because WHY wouldn’t he be?
What would ever STOP it?
It’s just a game to the lawyers, instead of a ‘field of dreams’, life to them is a ‘field of loopholes’ and ‘process’ whose primary food is $$$ and TIME.
“The whole idea is ‘The Great Awakening’ – who is it that is waking up – surely not us here – we know stuff – but ‘Timing is Everything’ – we are in a fight for The Republic – and that should have the attention of All Americans – whether awake or unawake – this is not a game!”
The public cannot ‘awaken’ until the Propaganda Bullhorn is turned off. Lots of people simply cannot see or think past what comes out of the lie box (the Tell-a-Vision).
Trump had FOUR YEARS to expose, arrest and eliminate the MSM enemy propaganda mahcine, pull their licenses, seize their assets, arrest and prosecute them, all the stuff he passed Executive Orders to do way back in 2017.
He didn’t do it. Maybe he will, but he hasn’t yet.
And the MSM controls everything, because it controls what people TALK about, but more importantly, it controls what people are ALLOWED to talk about. They control what is “acceptable dogma” (support for every perversion under the sun, Globull Warming, what the bulls&^% de jour happens to be), and they control what is “tin foil conspiracy theory” (anything which would expose the MSM and their treasonous allies).
Until the MSM megaphone is silenced, the majority can’t even hear themselves think.
The other side of that equation is that the administration has to tell the public the TRUTH — but in most cases they can’t, because doing so would instantly trigger ridicule from the MSM, giving them a baseball bat to beat you over the head with.
All of that, the whole game, only happens because the enemy is allowed to control the public conversation, the ‘narrative’. When the enemy controls 90% or more of the MSM, it is more powerful than any other weapon they have. They literally shape huge swathes of the population’s perception of reality, and the people (patriots) who oppose the enemy MSM have to operate within that ‘box’.
Or blow it up with the light of truth.
Why has this all been going on for the last 30 years, or the last 50 years, or the last 100 years (or more!)?
Because nobody will take ACTION to STOP it.
On freaking OUNCE of action is worth more than a HUNDRED YEARS of unraveling the enemy’s never-ending narrative.
But action is never forthcoming. We are immobilized and paralyzed more completely than Gulliver on the island of Lilliput.
And as even SD realizes, “Information without action is antithetical to its purpose.”
We hired Trump to take action.
He’s doing a great job, I love him.
But four years later, we’re all still twisting in the wind, and the enemy still controls the narrative. Families are still being ripped apart over conflicting perceptions of reality, because military level psy-ops are being conducted against the civilian population, and nobody will *&^%ing STOP it.
Like an ice-pick being driven into our minds, 24/7/365.
And nobody will STOP it.
Not even DJT.
“And yes – for hundreds of years we have been fighting this evil cabal – who has been trying to take us down by any means necessary – and – they have never been more ‘pissed’ than they are now – because they do not have a ‘puppet’ in the WH!!!”
We can end it in half an hour, the same amount of time he always tells us that the rioting can be ended.
The reason the enemy is even alive right now is because (for whatever reason) DJT won’t round them up, AND (this part is critical) he won’t LET US do it.
We are prevented by law. The enemy observes no law, We the People are prevented by law — because the law will come down on us like a ton of bricks if we violate the one jot or tittle, but nothing happens to the enemy when they break the law, because there are (at least) two completely different tiers of justice — one for the People, and none for the political-class.
And nobody (including Trump and Barr) has changed that dynamic one iota.
Not in four years.
“Just look at what PT does on a daily basis – he is everywhere – running the race against time – even if we give him 4 more years – he cannot fix it all – then what?”
That’s just it, he CAN fix it all. Could have fixed it the first 90 days in office. He HAS the truth, and the great thing about Truth is that it is unassailable. It is what it is.
He KNOWS who the bad actors are.
He KNOW the crimes they are guilty of committing. Not all of them maybe, but ENOUGH of them to execute them all for High Treason.
Instead of DOING that, we have engaged in this dance marathon where lawyers for both sides consume $$$ and time, in perpetuity.
DJT was completely within his rights and duties to use the military to put down the ongoing COUP the moment he was sworn into office.
Yes the clueless would be confused and disoriented, no different than they are every other day of the week. Half of them probably wouldn’t even notice, once POTOS overthrew the propaganda arm of the enemy insurgents (i.e., the MSM).
There would be no ‘riots’ or ‘uprising’ if there were no Cabalists and Leftists to FUND and INSTIGATE said ‘riots’, and no MSM to whip up the frenzy.
Alternately, DJT could simply hold a ‘U.N. missile crisis’ type presidential address to the American People, explaining to everyone what has been going on for the last 50+ years, and specifically the last 4 years, and what he is doing about it.
Starting with bounties on the heads of every enemy combatant who does not turn themselves in within 12 hours.
After that, bounties, in whatever amounts seem prudent, ‘Wanted Dead or Alive’, for everyone involved with the Coup, both here in the U.S. and internationally.
In the meantime, their assets are seized and every other thing the Executive Orders empower the president to do, going back to 2017 when he signed them.
Take down the propaganda arm (MSM) and replace it with people who simply report the truth and BACK IT UP WITH EVIDENCE.
Arrest ALL of the top enemy insurgents, and make a very public show of it.
Anybody who remains on the run has a ‘Dead or Alive’ bounty on their heads with citizens encouraged to participate in taking back our Republic.
All of that (and much more) could have been accomplished more than two years ago. Probably more than three years ago.
We wouldn’t have any angst or worry about what happens when DJT leaves, because this INSANITY would already be DONE and OVER.
Do we elect him for 4 more considering he was robbed of the first 4? ”
Certainly, if he wants a third term, I would support him 100% and an Amendment to that effect could be passed very quickly.
All righty then, Scott!!!
Question: Have you considered what PT has done in the last (4) years?
There is a long list of accomplishments somewhere that boggles the mind.
Question: Do you know why Q is educating us?
Without Q, we would know very little about how the wheels of corruption turn. PT cannot possibly erase 50 years of corruption in 8 short years – he can try – but, he is surrounded by corrupt peeps – many of whom he must navigate to get anything done.
Take out the MSM? While that would be loverly – not an easy thing to do – who are the (6) corporations who own them? Taking our the corrupt media would mean dismantle the (6) corporations that control them – Ok – I am good with that!!!
The MSM is a conglomerate that was created long ago by JP Morgan – who purchased up everything communication so he could control the narrative. I think PT has done a great job exposing them and their lies – and people are turning away from them – not all – but, many.
PT has accomplished a great deal in his first (4) years in spite of the opposition – from the first day he stepped into the Oval Office – he has been walking on egg shells – no one around him could be trusted – not even his staff.
How many people have been fired and exposed? How many people have been exposed through his tweets? How many people in Congress can he trust?
Gee, Scott – give the guy a break – he works 24/7 and sleeps maybe, (4) hours a night – you would be exhausted if you followed him around for one day!!!
I think he might be headed for a 3rd Term – if he cannot accomplish all that needs to be done – and yet – 12 years would still be too little time to erase what they have been doing for the past 50 years!!!
I wish I could make it all go away, too, Scott – more importantly – I wish PT could make it all go away – but, he cannot – unless God Almighty comes down and wipes them all out!!!
We are fighting a war the likes of nothing we have seen in the past – the Army of Patriots is growing – and we could be headed for a landslide victory, too – but, all of this ‘take out’ stuff takes time – look at the Russian Hoax – how complicated that mess is – AG Barr and Durham have to dot all of the ‘i’s and cross all of the ‘t’s – before they can charge these criminals – at the same time – AG Barr is overseeing drugs, criminals, and trafficking from sea to shining sea – two other guys who probably do not get much sleep.
Hey, we can hope and pray the MSM goes down – the criminals are on their way to GITMO – and the sun shines bright on a new day in America – OR – we can just throw our hands up and give up.
Which one would you rather do, Scott?
Praying Medic had an interesting thread yesterday. Some of it included Kevin and the alarm clock, but he also mentioned Devin Nunes who showed an ear of corn a year ago, in reference to Comey (Corney).
More interesting, Sen. Grassley tweeted several times this weekend about harvesting the corn.
Didn’t think anything about Grassley’s tweets until I read Praying Medic’s 9/13 thread. Isn’t Sept late harvesting for corn in Iowa?
Here is the thread. Don’t have the reader on it.
Thanks, lady – will check it out – appreciate the post – God Bless You!!!
You’re welcome. I set Medic’s threads aside until I can read them in full, and yesterday evening the connections he made were very interesting. Made me take a second look at why Grassely tweeted about harvesting corn, and then of course, Nunes and his ear of corn last year. Maybe this is the quickening.
I believe Grassley tweeted about the corn harvest long ago – so it did not surprise me – plus – this is ‘harvest’ time in many areas of the nation – but, do not remember Nunes ever mentioning the harvest.
What is it we are harvesting anyway? Criminals? the Truth? Why is corn so touted in this case – after all – corn is not the only crop that is harvested in the fall.
I agree – there appears to be some sort of ‘quickening’ happening lately – actually – lots of ‘quickening’ happening now!!!
The “corn” connection was made regarding Comey’s name – which when searched for in the IG Report – wasn’t found, until one of our smart folks figured out that his name was misspelled in the report. Right! If one put in Corney in the search, then his name came up. They did this with several others’ names too – in order to make it difficult to find the malfeasance they had participated in.
Grassley tweeting about corn harvest means, IMO, that we’re about to harvest something more than corn. I might be wrong, but I like tidbit clues…
Great analysis, lady – remember the Corny thing – was not amused – they think they are smart – not so –
Agree – we are about to ‘harvest’ more than corn – really did not know what I was saying – except – I was thinking about other crops – another word – crops – Wheatie help – what does ‘crop’ mean? Oh, my – words do have double meanings – don’t they? – and messages are hidden in the pronouncements, too!!!
I get excited when it happens and not allow myself be drawn into an emotional expectation. This works for me and my blood pressure of 111 thanks me.
The last two comments yesterday were about Assange tweeting about the game of the century. When I went to try to view it directly twatter said it is unavailable. The war on Q is expanding.
And for Wheatie . . .
Wow…thank you, Carl!

Einkorn…wild wheat?
I didn’t want to leave the Word of the Day blank, but had to find some word that would relate to something pertinent. I figured not a lot of people would know what Einkorn wheat was, but that you being in the business, would.
A couple of years ago I researched my SIL’s absolutely horrible sensitivity to gluten and thought maybe Einkorn would help or be totally edible for her. Well, it ended up that Einkorn, with it’s fewer chromosome pairs, didn’t have the specific makeup that really wrecked her if she ate it.
She tested the Einkorn with a very small piece of bread I’d made . . . a piece only about 3/8″ wide and 1.5″ long. She had no reaction. The next morning she had two pieces of French toast made with the Einkorn, and for lunch she had a French dip on Einkorn bread . . . all with no reaction whatsoever to the gluten.
Since then, she’s told several of her friends with gluten sensitivities about Einkorn and at least some (maybe all) can now eat Einkorn bread with no gluten reaction.
I think the GMO wheat hybrids are the source of this ‘gluten intolerance’ that is plaguing so many people.
We didn’t hear of it until the hybrids came along.
Holy crap, that’s a good theory.
It’s not a theory. Wheat was hybrided for the automatic bread making process and the hybrids in the USA have 10 TIMES the gluten the wild stuff has.
Unanticipated side effects. Evolution is like that. It’s very slow intelligence, but it’s intelligence. Try to duplicate without true understanding, and you will WRECK THE CODEBASE.
In my case, I’ve got sensitivity to the ferrous sulphate added to flour, pasta, and bread products. Even a small amount causes my skin to break out in skin lesions. It took me almost a year to narrow down the culprit because nobody talks about the stuff added to flour.
Ferrous sulphate.
That’s an iron supplement…some people take it for an iron deficiency.
Sounds like you may be allergic to it?
It’s great that you figured out that it was the culprit that was causing your skin to break out.
What a bummer.
Sorry you went through that.
I only mention it here in case anyone else is having mystery skin or health issues. Take a close look at every single ingredient in your food, vitamins, and personal care products and try eliminating them for awhile to see if you can find the problem.
Another skin sensitivity I have is to “aloe.” I put “aloe” in quotes because the “aloe” in most personal care products is not actual cactus aloe.
My hubby could not fall asleep, and drugs only masked the problem, and made him a zombie the next day, and “No, doctor, not depressed…”
Finally found out that he had an intolerance to tyramine – heavily present in some foods, and especially in soy. Soy protein, which they now add to everything as a cheap “protein” substitute. He makes sure to avoid all tyramine foods – and he sleeps. Tyramine, in him, caused a stimulation to the brain – almost like a meth reaction or folks who get migraines.
After years of suffering, and doctors not even trying to find the cause, just give meds, he figured it out himself, and likely saved his life.
COVID is going to get people back to more self-reliance, and natural ways to fix things.
Brominated flour is bad, too.
wheatie, i agree w you…the intolerance, even to a diagnosis of Celiac Disease, has hit two of my older friends who had no problem w Whole Wheat when they were youngsters.
That’s me, piper…I always bragged I had my maternal grandmother’s cast iron stomach…could eat anything (a good thing when I lived overseas!)…but now , in my Golden Years, I’m developing all kinds of intolerances. I had a new kind of beer the other night with our enchiladas and didn’t even finish it before the bottom of my feet started itching like crazy! Happens with certain white wines, as well. Crazy!
Talked to an artisian bread baker who theorizes gluten intolerance is not about the gluten but the Glyphosates in modern fertilizers. Told me to try his organic sourdough bread which I did but still couldn’t tolerate.
I agree that GMO hybrids are a large part of the problem. I will try to find some “ancient grains” breads to test out the theory.
In my family the intolerances started after other illnesses, and in one instance a script for an antibiotic that the doctor said “will kill everything”. I think it did including essential gut flora. That was 10 years ago and my daughter still has very challenging food intolerances.
Another issue is that farmers have taken to spraying their fields with a substance (basically generic RoundUp) that dries up the wheat stalks immediately prior to harvest. Standard wheat flour contains traces of this.
We didn’t hear of a lot of things. Like autism, weird cancers, peanuts that kill, plastic rice, oh the list is long. These bastards couldn’t kill us off fast enough so tada all the frankenfoods ect…. came on the scene.
Yes, exactly so, Sue.
It’s not just the GMO wheat varieties…it’s all of the grain crops.
And vegetables, too.
That’s interesting, Wheatie, I’ll have to challenge my doctor with that info…he has me on a gluten free diet, including corn in addition to wheat. And, I’m wondering where you get the Einkorn…will have to research that one. Trouble is, at this point I’d rather buy than make baked products, so that presents it’s own set of problems.
I’m gonna order some and give it a try. I’m not really gluten-intolerant, but standard flour makes me bloated and feeling weird for days.
This site is a good source for Einkorn wheat:
You can order it there and there are also recipes for cooking with it.
I get mine from Jovial . . . and they had and maybe still have a lot of info on their website.
Carl I posted before I read where you get your Einkorn flour from.
I buy my grains from Pleasant Hill Grans in 26 lb bucket and mill it myself. The grain lasts fro 10-13 years properly stored in the bucket. They also sell the flour mills. KoMo I bought works like a charm.
I also bought a flaker for oats but one can also flake the Einkorn.
My husband who is a diabetic 2 can eat Einkorn bread without problems. I bought a flour mill from Austria and mill my own . Einkorn flour is hard to come by but I found a place on Internet jovial . Some jovial Einkorn is grown in Italy. There is also I book recipes nature’s original wheat on “Einkorn by Carla Bartolucci.”
so cool Carl!
Current NHC forecast has a hurricane sitting over the New Orleans area for 24 hours.
Here we go again.

Not good!
I haven’t heard what happened after the last one or if people have recovered. I can’t imagine everything being back to normal already.
In regard to hurricane Laura, I later discovered that none of the reported wind observations met the criteria for Category 4. Observations were more in line with a high-end Category 1. That’s still bad, but not the “strongest hurricane ever to hit Louisiana!” as reported. We were hoaxed.
Miss Wheatie I am going to start using your word of the day as the word of the week in homeschool. I bet the boys wont believe this is real. Going to have to learn to use the dictionary.

I’m honored, Gil.
I hope the boys enjoy this one!
And teaching them to use the dictionary is a very good thing.
Having a good vocabulary is something that will serve them well.
And word origins, too.
It can help in discerning the meanings of unfamiliar words.
Learning to use the dictionary apparently is not always taught. My daughter teaches her students 4- 6 grade how to use the dictionary. The first thing they have to learn is to prioritize letter order according to the alphabet.
I did that with him over summer. He still needs a little guidance but he gets it.
So theres a darn good library in the classroom and I picked out a Halloween chapter book for kiddo on Thursday. Its probably a 3rd grade book. He sat down on the couch and read for an hour. He said he read the whole thing. Hes reading in out loud to me and only has 2 more chapters.
He has a college dictionary in his nightstand…lol.
He has a college dictionary?
That’s cool!
My parents had a giant Unabridged Webster Dictionary…on a pedestal.
It was one of my favorite books.
I used to spend hours just flipping through it.
I was a weird kid.
But it had great diagrams and drawings for a lot of words…something you don’t see in lesser dictionaries.
And it had a wonderful color section in the middle, too.
I havent seen one of those in a while, and never at home. That didnt make you wierd just very curious!
Did you know that intelligence is directly proportionate to asking questions? IOW – asking questions is a sign of intelligence.
I would not call you ‘weird’ – inquisitive, maybe – precocious, possibly – but, I suspect you have a high IQ!
Did you look on Jay Seculow site they have a History program now for children. I think it is called
“Bold Beagle.” You and your son might be interested in. Jay’s so put it together and sounds great.
Im going to check right now, ty.
It just launched 6 days ago, no content yet, but looks promising.
This is GOOD!!
He’s not hiding anything. He’s just playing it like Cool Hand Luke (“Sometimes nothing is a real cool hand.”)
Luke deserves better than being compared to slack-jaw Joe!
This weekend was phenomenal. Two MAGA rallies. Support for reelecting President Trump growing, IMO. Taking the fight to the D-Rats and YSM. Calling them all out.
Wheatie such a nice intro to our Monday. the new memes tickle me. Yea, I am easily entertained. Polar bear and racoon always make my day
With Q giving dates, and in my mind clearly indicating bad guys will be taken to task this coming week and the next. Hopefull sh!tstorm Saturday arrives each day this coming week and next week. It is over due. President Trump and every American deserves justice to be meted out to coup plotters, very transprantly.
A bit tuckered out from all of our excitement this weekend. G’nite all:-)
Ni Ni K-Bo!!

Thanks, Kalbo.

I appreciate it.
Goodnight and sweet dreams.
If the Big Ugly is really come to visit for the next two weeks, it’ll really be a great, absolutely superlative, two weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am fairly confident there will be action…I just hope it isn’t against no-names no one has ever heard of….the cleaning crew, for example.
They’re saying it was a fisheye camera, which aparrently makes the person look smaller.
There’s $100K bounty on him, his friends in the hood gonna give him up quick!
hmmm i get tweet is unavailable. dunno if it’s our internet or the tweet that’s the problem.
TW censoring, I assume.
Watch Ian, he’s updating on Lancaster, PA.
BLM is active in St. Louis too. Geez, this crap needs to stop!!
St. Louis too….? Why?
St. Louis police officer shot in North City; suspect at large
Lancaster Police using tear gas. BLM is telling lots of lies about suspect. Also saying police can’t defend themselves at all. This MOB BS is ridiculous, they can’t be talked to or reasoned with.
Another officer involved shooting.
Lancaster upgraded to rubber bullets.
Every single OIS is being tweeted and bliwn up into an excuse to riot.
Phoenix just had one in a drug infested area so that may be convenient for a “protest” there.
“If Florida felons plan to vote in November, they must pay off all fines, restitution, and legal fees before they can do so, a federal appellate court ruled Friday.
“The order from the U.S. 11th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a decision by a lower court that initially gave Florida felons the right to vote without needing to pay off legal obligations, according to the Associated Press.
“With the passing of the amendment, an estimated 774,000 disenfranchised felons have the potential to cast a ballot in the fall. Those who have been convicted of murder or rape are still permanently barred from the right regardless of financial debts.
“The court ruling could also impact turnout and the election outcome for Florida, a state considered a must-win for President Trump’s reelection bid. Democrats sought to gain support from thousands of former felons in Florida.”
Ya think?
The Crimocrat party.
that big infusion of cash Biteme gets from BLM will pay a lot of fines…watch and see…
There he is!
Which reminds me I get to wrestle him tonight to force-feed him meds!
Poor baby! And I feel bad for your beardie, too!
He seems more tolerant of this med than others, at least…and it’s once every ten days, today being the last dose. I *hate* the coccidia med, it’s generally every dang day for 14 days.
I imagine it’s about as much fun as pilling my cat.
Except your cat is more likely to try to bite and claw, I’ll bet. He’s bit me once, and that was trying for food, not intentional.
If it really does habben tomorrow, ill be here in spirit. School is numero uno right now.
Night everyone.
It’s wonderful that you are homeschooling, Gil.

And yeah, that takes precedence.
Good night and sweet dreams.
Lancaster is turning violent.
Lancaster in WHICH STATE?
Lancaster, PA. Amish country. It’s pronounced “LANK-ester” over there.
“LANK” as in “plank.” Sorry, should have been more specific.
I hope this backfires on them…and turns PA into Trump territory!
If Pennsylvania was ever a toss-up, then it’s not anymore. If BLM can attack and loot Amish country, then nobody is safe. Democrat operatives are probably soiling themselves this morning. If I was into gambling, I’d bet on Sleepy Joe making another emergency campaign stop in PA by the end of the week.
Well, it’s a start.
Found this over at Qresearch:
……………..From an Anon:
However, a stunning revelation came as Netflix attempted to shift the onus of the backlash onto the Sundance Festival by singing the praises the award ceremony had rained on the controversial film: one of the Festival’s is a convicted child molester, currently serving jail time in his seventies.
Sterling Van Wagenen, who co-founded the Sundance Festival with Robert Redford, was sentenced to a minimum of six years in prison after being found guilty of child molestation in June last year.
Van Wagenen was found to have molested the young girl, who has remained anonymous, on two occasions between 2013 and 2015 in Salt Lake City, Utah.
The sentencing judge has recommended Van Wagenen to serve at least the minimum sentence before he can be considered for release.
“It’s clear that any kind of apology I can make is meaningless at this point,” Van Wagenen said, per Reel 360. “So I am not even going to attempt one. I want you all to know I feel the consequences of what I’ve done. I feel them deeply.”
I did some searching…
This guy, Sterling Van Wagenen, is a Mormon filmmaker with deep ties to Utah’s movie industry.
He was the director of many LDS Church-produced films, including the films shown in LDS temples.
My hubby told me decades ago, that the Mormon church had “a pedo problem”, after his encounters with some Mormon businessmen.
He didn’t elaborate on it…and I haven’t thought about it till now…but he doesn’t say such things lightly.
I believe so. I knew a girl in the 70’s who would tell me things about uncles and grandpas…honestly I was sooo naive, never had known of such didn’t exactly compute
Then fast forward to few years ago. I met a guy who had some very strange tales of his growing up in a utah LDS family. Wasn’t just the men taking up with girls. Apparently the women used the teen boys..maybe because the men weren’t interested in full fledged adult women?
Does anyone remember those CDAN blinds about “The Church?” The tl;dr is that CDAN claims some remote town in Northern Arizona is a major child trafficking spot for Hollywood. Anyways, the top guess at the time before the old CDAN comments were nuked was that some extreme Mormon offshoot that was part of the operation.
That’s a really interesting article!
Thanks, Sadie!
I think there is also a Mormon offshoot down in Mexico, too.
They are free to openly practice polygamy there…and that’s where Romney’s dad was born.
Yeah, I remember them from that bizarre Mormon mass shooting last year. People found Romney connections. That got memory-holed real quick.
Oh that’s right…I had forgotten about that one!
Nice catch, Sadie.
There is a town not ten miles from me that is polygamous. Everyone knows about it. People are born and die there with no records. It’s incredible, but 100% real.
It feels like the entire world is tilting.
Peak insanity. The replies are hilarious
Amazing officer!
I don’t know if any of you remember the day Rudy was sworn in as mayor for the first time. His young son Andrew was there and making a pest of himself. Well, he is grown up now and following in his father’s footsteps.
DeBlaz has been such a disaster…maybe he has a chance of winning?
I hope so, for NYC’s sake.
Pres Trump tweeted these two tweets out 4 hours ago, and pinned them to the top of his twitter feed:
I was just going to post that. You beat me to it.
He was great last night. I hope a lot of people were watching.
Yes he *was* great last night, wasn’t he!
He’s taking the gloves off.
I’m loving it.
Candace Owens was on Mark Levine’s show last night.
It’s a really good segment.
So what’s he going to do about it?
Notice she is Latino. I don’t think the Dems realize just how much conservatism aligns with Latino values. Jettisoning God doesn’t go over well with people who are very attached to their religious beliefs.
Regarding the Three Gorges Dam:
The ChiComs are continuing to try to squelch any reports from coming out…but some people are managing to get a little out.
Pictures have been circulating of an overhead view of the Dam, showing it beginning to deform due to the pressure of so much water hitting it from the heavy rains and flooding.
More rain is expected for the next few days, some of it heavy, in the areas upriver from the Dam.
Strange truth
The Three Gorges Dam was deformed due to its elastic design, 400 million people were in danger
I don’t want to feel hatred. It’s not good for anything, including my health. But with each one of these incidents, I can feel it building up inside me.
How can we not feel anger and building revulsion towards these demons inhabiting soulless human husks?

by Rudyard Kipling
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddenly bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
Re-read yesterday’s Gospel. It’s not easy, but this is what it takes sometimes.
MATTHEW 18:21-35
21Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” 22Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven. 23″Therefore the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who wished to settle accounts with his servants. 24When he began the reckoning, one was brought to him who owed him ten thousand talents; 25and as he could not pay, his lord ordered him to be sold, with his wife and children and all that he had, and payment to be made. 26So the servant fell on his knees, imploring him, `Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay you everything.’ 27And out of pity for him the lord of that servant released him and forgave him the debt. 28But that same servant, as he went out, came upon one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii; and seizing him by the throat he said, `Pay what you owe.’ 29So his fellow servant fell down and besought him, `Have patience with me, and I will pay you.’ 30He refused and went and put him in prison till he should pay the debt. 31When his fellow servants saw what had taken place, they were greatly distressed, and they went and reported to their lord all that had taken place. 32Then his lord summoned him and said to him, `You wicked servant! I forgave you all that debt because you besought me; 33and should not you have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you?’ 34And in anger his lord delivered him to the jailers, till he should pay all his debt. 35So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.”
Verse of the Day for Monday, September 14, 2020
“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.”
James 1:5 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Morning Duchess!
have a Blessed and happy day!
Hey, Patty!!! How are you? Got rain? We got some on and off yesterday – most welcome!!!
God Bless Your Day, too!!! Hugs!!!
we got about 5 minutes of rain…then just cloudy.
HUGS back to you!!
Wow!!! That was a good haul!!! I do not think we got near that much – so I keep praying for more!!!
Tanks – I love hugs!!!
k…I’m confused…we only got rain for 5 minutes—I wouldn’t call that a good haul at all…LOL
At this point – with such a long dry spell – 5″ would be a flood for us – we keep getting ‘spit’ on – it helps in the short term – but, we go back to the desert quickly – so now you see why I got excited about 5″ of rain. Mkay?
rain for 5 MINUTES…barely wet the deck…not 5 INCHES…lol
cool morning here…what a great morning for hot coffee and cinnamon rolls while we peruse wheatie’s great thread!
(loving the word of the day!!)
sorry…forgot the coffee..
But the Covfefe needs to be served in the correct cup!
I like this!!!
I looked at a bunch of Qanon Covfefe mugs and thought that one fits the timing best.
This one is good for serving your liberal family member. (Especially if you are a fast runner or holding a pot full of hot covfefe.)
Have a set of four: 2016, 2020, 2024, and 2028. That should trigger any SJW snowflake or TDS-sufferrer
Certainly hope those wonderful looking Cinnamon rolls are made with Einkorn flour, Pat,
sorry no…but these ARE!
I’ll take a dozen, please
take all you want…I can always copy more…giggle
Do you ship?
LOL…i can send you the link!
Keeping you on your toes this morning – aren’t they, Patty? LOL
I stared at the laptop puzzled…hubby had a good laugh
* Giggle *
Monday Blessing
to open or not to open…
Many joke that 2020 just can’t get any worse than this—first the Australian wildfires, then the coronavirus pandemic, then a bunch of other small and not so small catastrophes happened that piled up to such a degree that the internet is calling 2020 the worst year ever.
Now, all we need is someone to find some sort of unsealed sarcophagus that could potentially let loose a curse on humanity just like in the myriad of mummy movies made in the last several decades. Oh wait, someone found some ancient Egyptian coffins…
A team of archeologists recently found 13 Egyptian coffins that have been sealed for over 2,500 years
I’d settle for my siblings and the two spouses acting like adults for a change.
BREAKING: Within hours after being released for allegedly starting a brush fire in Portland using a molotov cocktail, Domingo Lopez Jr. allegedly started six more fires along the west side of the I-205 freeway. He’s been arrested again. #OregonFires
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) September 14, 2020
This catch and release really works doesn’t it? NO !!
i do not tweet so i don’t know if this account is a “good” one or not…but Wray and Yates have a “personal” connection?
That’s not a prediction of any kind. Its just a recognition of something most do not know — Wray and Sally Yates are very close. They have a professional and personal connection going back 25 years.
— shipwreckedcrew (@shipwreckedcrew) September 14, 2020
shipwreckedcrew writes at Redstate and is a, I think, retired appellate lawyer. Means he has argued cases at the appellate level. He’s good for solid info.
thank you!
good to know…
also that stinks…if Wray and Yates have connections going back 25 yrs…
I don’t get Wray, but then I didn’t get Rosenstein either.
the only theory I saw that seemed a possibility was that going into this election, POTUS did not want an FBI director vacancy…but after POTUS’s reelection, Wray is toast. we’ll see…
Indo-Pacific News
Yoshihide Suga wins party vote, becoming likely next #Japan PM
Japan’s chief cabinet secretary Yoshihide Suga is set to become the country’s next prime minister after the ruling party on Monday elected him successor to outgoing leader Shinzo Abe.
Replying to @IndoPac_Info
One key unknown is whether Suga will decide to call a snap general election to consolidate his position and avoid being seen as a caretaker facing a new vote in a year — when Abe’s mandate would have ended.
This is Yoshihide Suga:
Father, we thank You that Your hand is upon our president mightily.
We cover him with the precious shed blood of Jesus Christ and decree and declare Zachariah 2;5 over him and his family.
Let the fire of Your glory surround them and that no witchcraft, no voodoo, no hex, no vex, no curse, no power, no principality, and no demon in hell shall prosper against them.
Father, we ask that You dispatch legions of Your warring angelic hosts to destroy every plot and plan of the enemy.
Father, let Your anointing rest strongly upon him at all times and our nation is brought totally back to You.
Father, we praise You, we glorify You in the name above all names, Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and soon to return, Messiah. Amen.
Tuba Skinny – Jubilee Stomp – Royal Street II 2018
Tuba Skinny live Shake It and Break It on Royal St JF 2016
My American friends, I don’t know if you’re familiar with the Israeli self defense system Krav Maga
but the fact that many of the top SWAT teams in the world including the FBI, and some of the police forces in main US cities are training in Krav Maga is an evidence of it’s effectiveness.
Now, it’s unusual that I post here a German guy but this guy was trained in Israel by the top fighters and is considered a brother and he got to such a level that he was at some point invited to train at the prestigious Counter Terrorism school of the Israeli Defense forces. His name is Michael Rupple. Enjoy,
Techniques by Michael Rüppel Israeli Black Belt 4th degree
Not sure where it is in the US. He is training police. I know he trained the special response team of Miami and others. Michael Rupple again. Mainly Krav Maga (with some Jiu Jitsu).
Krav Maga Street Defence, Police & Security techniques by Michael Rueppel
Follow the Thumb.
The Perp will follow it or lose it.
Some use Karate….
Some use Krav Maga…..
I prefer AMERICAN Martial Arts:
David posts some very interesting videos – imho
FTA: “The global elites who are dragging in the New World Order are drawing the net of their radical new agenda tighter and tighter as they force it upon us. The rising spirit of Antichrist is rapidly swallowing up everything in sight, Burger King making out with Ronald McDonald? No problem, love conquers all. Pedophilia on Netflix? All love is love. Bestiality? Love conquers all. Only the bible has a very different idea of what love actually is.”
FTA: ” “Who can understand his errors? Cleanse thou me from secret faults” (Psalm 19:12).
Secret faults and presumptuous sin will come between you and your walk with Jesus. Praise God with all your heart, and ask Him to help you to remove those sins from your life in order to draw closer to Him.” ”
. . but deliver us from the Evil One.
Prayer of Saint Ioannikios the Great (+ 846)
My hope is the Father, my refuge the Son, my protection the Holy Spirit. O Holy Trinity, glory to Thee.
“The Seekers” from Australia did it all as performers from numerous #1 hits to an Academy award winning song below (Long before the woke madness) 3 generations of fans have enjoyed their music. One of my favorite groups.
The Seekers – Georgy Girl (1967 – Stereo)
The Seekers – I’ll Never Find Another You (1964, HQ STEREO)
I hope this posts. If it doesn’t, look up Judith Durham playing piano on YouTube. She was really an accomplished pianist.
Me, too – will check it out, Carl – Thanks!!!
For some reason, sound on YouTube doesn’t work for me on TQT, but is fine when I go to YouTube.
That’s just weird!!! Having some sound problems myself – not sure from where they are coming – always have a tendency to blame them on my ‘older’ computer. Thanks, Carl!!!
I rediscovered them recently, and then spent time reading up on the group. Very interesting. Judith walked away from them overnight, where they were shocked and hurt. Phenomenal voice. When searching youtube videos this favorite comes up. I believe one of the instrumentalists was in love with her.
This clip is one of my favs, it has several songs, and showcased at a special Australian event. I have no idea what happened to Australia – they gave up their guns!!!
Thanks, lady!!!
They were masters of harmony singing, with the lead and backing vocals.
Remember listening to a tape we had of them in the car back around 1970 — Georgy Girl and a number of other songs. Ah, brings back memories of sitting in the back seat and looking at the long horizontal speedometer, and forward out onto the road ahead and the yellow centerline …
Music just isn’t made like this anymore!
Interesting observations, Slow! Thanks for sharing! Memories are to be treasured!!!
Food for thought, there training for a civil war.
Ian Miles Cheong@stillgray
This is the bodycam footage of the officer-involved shooting in Lancaster, PA that Black Lives Matter is rioting over. The perpetrator charged at the police officer with a knife over his head with clear intent to strike.
We’re not the only ones who see the demonic realm in what is going on.
Article today from Daniel Greenfield:
Satanists and Witches for Biden
………..From the article:
Like all progressive groups, The Satanic Temple came out in support of Black Lives Matter.
The Satanic Temple, which distinguishes itself from its rival, The Church of Satan, through its rigorously progressive politics while accusing The Church of Satan of libertarianism, put out a statement by co-founder Lucien Greaves that blasted President Trump and accused the police of randomly killing black people that could have come from any random leftist organization.
[…] …Greaves, whose real name is Douglas Mesner, and who has been known to pose wearing goat horns on his head.
Steve Hill ran in a Democrat State Senate primary as the first Satanist to seek public office. While he lost, the Satanist and Bernie Sanders supporter was able to secure over 10,000 votes from California Democrats. Since then, Hill has participated in a Black Lives Matter rally and one comment noted the “solidarity between Black Lives Matter and Satanists.”
Hill had mentioned reaching out to the Sanders campaign, but was cautious, noting, “I don’t know how they’ll react to getting an offer of help from Satan.”
While the Sanders campaign’s response remains unclear, the American Humanist Association’s Freethought Equality Fund PAC did back Hill alongside establishment Democrat figures like Rep. Hank Johnson, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, and Rep. Pramila Jayapal. None of them were asked by the media how they felt about the backing of a PAC that was also supporting a Satanist.
[…]While Republicans have been asked to disavow fringe candidates who run on their party line, Democrats haven’t been asked to disavow Hill or the political support of Satanists.
Even when they threaten violence.
“We are going to disrupt, distort, destroy,” Jex Blackmore, the former national spokeswoman for the Satanic Temple, declared while surrounded by pig’s heads. “We are going to storm press conferences, kidnap an executive, release snakes in the governor’s mansion, execute the president.”
After the video went viral, Blackmore was asked to step down with Greaves insisting that the organization, which has waged a long legal battle to claim that killing babies through abortion is a religiously protected Satanic ritual, is non-violent.
……………..Much more at link.
The Library
Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates
Welcome to Big Tech 2020, where telling voters how they can go to their polling place on election day to check that the ballot they signed & sent in early was officially counted is called “violating election integrity”. Nice going, Twitter staff. This is…
Harold Wren
The Library
Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates
If you signed and sent in your ballot early, you really **can** go to your polling place on election day and **check** to see if your ballot was counted. And if it wasn’t? YOU CAN THEN VOTE. No really. You can do that. The trolls can suck it.
Harold Wren
I truly believe that we have CAUGHT THE DEMOCRAT CHEAT HERE.
I think the plan was for union thugs to trash R ballots nationwide.
It fits in with their virus plan to LOCK DOWN NURSING HOMES. They can then activate all kinds of vote-switching CHEATS there, too.
This is for all the marbles. We either shut down communism’s stranglehold on America, or we don’t.
Also – VERY HUGE – if there are large numbers of missing mail-ins and absentees (TAKE A PICTURE OF YOURSELF OR YOUR HAND PUTTING IT INTO WHEREVER YOU DEPOSIT IT), then we can prove to judges that there was an organized effort to screw the vote, and we will get LEGAL ACTION.
JJ Sefton’s Morning Report via Ace of Spades
Good morning, kids. Monday and the lead story is of course Saturday night’s cold-blooded attempted assassination of two LAPD officers as they sat in their patrol car in Compton (which I believe is Maxine “Mikvah” Waters little fiefdom) by some still-at-large subhuman animal. The latest report is that the officers are out of surgery and are expected to live. Considering they were both shot in the head, going forward, every second of every day of the rest of their lives will be physically and emotionally painful. Prayers for them and their loved ones, and the rest of us, really.
Without getting distracted by the problematic nature of law enforcement and policing in this country, especially over the last 10-20 years (CBD covered this over the weekend and quite frequently on this blog), the fact remains that in what is supposed to be a civil society where the rule of a just and stable law is generally respected by the citizenry, mostly and hopefully because a sense of morality and ethics are drilled into us from an early age, police officers are who enforce that code when individuals disregard the latter. They are the physical embodiment of that code and serve as both a reminder of the consequences of disregarding it but more crucially the security that we can go about our lives unmolested in our own individual “pursuit of happiness.”
con’t at
As one of the Cates brothers said, “WE have Police to PROTECT THE CRIMINAL!”
Police Officers are what KEEP vigilantes from hunting down and hanging any & all criminals.
If you do not have police and you do not have a prison system, then you are left with beating the crap out of a criminal or killing him as to reasonable methods of dealing with crime. Of course towns can get creative. Stocks, tar & feathering…. ‘for lesser crimes.’
ICYMI – Great Sermon – Food for Thought
“To Succeed More, Fail More” | September 13, 2020
Wheatie: Just a thought – an offshoot of what Gil said about including your vocabulary words in her lesson –
Could you make a ‘Glossary of Words’ – I can think of a few people who would be interested in your compilation.
My thinking – once a week is not enough – children should be adding to their vocabulary on a daily basis.
Please – Thanks!!!
It is useful to have the words during a week ‘connect’ if at all possible. Then it makes it easier to teach and remember.
Re-Tweeted from Garrison Graphics
I hope this posts. Fralinger String Band, July 4, 2019. I see things like this and could just cry.
We have a good friend who arranges for and plays in this band. Always in the top 5 every January 1st.
Re-Tweeted by Garrison Graphics
While the cartoon is intriguing, let’s hope DJT doesn’t end up like Samson.
Good Point, P!!!
My last comment on this subject got booted by the WordPiss censors so I will split it.
The Social Justice Whiners are saying he should of used a taser. Problem is they don’t work about 1/2 the time.
Agree – and if they don’t work half the time – the perp can attack with whatever he/she has in hand. Thanks, Gail!!!
My aim is to give our Twitter warriors Ammo!
You are doing a great job, Gail!!!
Isn’t it a human right to use deadly force on deadly force — in other words, to defend your own life?
Someone Alleged this was a Domestic Violence call and the guy had a history.
Would not surprise me – how many of these perps were released from prison due to the plague? Many of them have rap sheets a mile long. This makes no sense whatsoever – what guns are for!!!
These are the folks (Crazies and lowlifes) that Creamer, Rhodes, and their ilk are using to foment violence and hate, and implement the left’s agenda, also using MK “tools” (and fools)…
True, Cuppa – sometimes – it seems the bad guys outnumber the good guys – excuse me have to get out and buy more ammo – SYL
This is exactly true. Sorry, radical left. Somebody comes at a cop with a knife, they get SHOT CENTER MASS and they get shot FAST.
I have only ONE possible point of negotiation with the leftists. They will NOT take this deal, because they are LIARS, but they should.
With the permission of the communist Democrats and their filthy trial lawyers (which permission they will not give, even though it will SAVE black lives) I strongly suggest that we give police BACK the power to shoot armed but not-yet-attacking perps in order to MOST LIKELY WOUND, and that the police NOT BE QUESTIONABLE or legally liable on this matter, because attempted wounding is attempting to SAVE LIVES OF CRIMINALS.
Screw tasers. Police can’t switch fast enough, and they don’t work well enough on druggies and crazies. Guns WORK TO SUBDUE, as they always have, back when cops could use weaker rounds to “get the job done”.
In other words, if a teenager is standing with a knife, threatening people but not yet charging them, I ask that police be allowed to “blow out his shoulder” or “take off a leg at the knee”. Wounding suspects, like science, is REAL. Limb loss will be COMMON. But if “black lives matter”, which they DON’T REALLY TO THE LEFT, then cops should be able to LEGALLY WOUND ARMED SUSPECTS, immediately, under any circumstances, without second-guessing, while they can get easy shots away from center mass.
I can take out a leg or an arm easily on a standing suspect. Even an arm-waving knife suspect, standing still, will drop easily with volley of shots to the leg. Give me permission to “shoot-to-save” armed suspects while they are standing still, being crazy or gesticulating, and I will gladly SAVE LIVES.
Sadly, the left will not give police BACK their ability to THINK FOR THEMSELVES and ACT ON THEIR OWN.
So let me ask the communist Black Lives Matter. Do “black lives” matter enough to let us WOUND YOUR ARMED CRIMINALS BEFORE THEY ATTACK?
Of course not. But they should.
Great explanation and post, Wolf – makes perfect sense – the left will support the police when it is in their best interest – not sure what that is – but, this demeaning and defunding of the Police has got to stop – We the People do not want it – and the last I checked – we are in charge – not the Dims!!!
This defunding is one way to get wavering Dems to switch to Trump.
Let every wavering Democrat you know, know that truth.
Unfortunately, true – Q revealed it – in that Meme with Hitler – their plan to take over the functions of the Police!!!
Agreed. Then Hitler coupled the defunding with confiscation of privately-owned firearms. Then local PD were “incorporated” into central government control.
Presto! The result — an unarmed populace at the mercy of armed government cadres.
Add to that forbidding any and all home schooling, thereby preventing any conflicting views being presented and taught to children… this prohibition sexists to this day, though in some Bundesländer (states) it’s not as strongly enforced as others…

geesh… now even sausage-squisher’s spell-chucker has gone all pervy…
(Kind of fits with a store here selling Ben and Jerry’s Netflix(!) ice cream with “Chilll”d as the flavor… hmmm…. did they mean ‘child’, cause, ya know, all lives matter to them…..)
And, on the tub, “Peanut Butter Ice Cream with Sweet & Salty Pretzel Swirls & Fudge Brownies”…
OK, at least it wasn’t Pizza, Hot Dog, and Chicken…
Sep 14, 2020 12:23:52 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a54ff9 No. 10644371
What happens when people in positions of power are sympathizers to the cause or part of that same ‘organization’ themselves?
What is a ‘safe zone’?
Why are riots conducted in specific [D] controlled locations?
What happens when elected officials [governors/mayors] handcuff the officers instead of criminals?
What happens when elected officials [governors/mayors] refuse to call in the national guard or other federal assistance?
Sacrificing the lives and well-being of the community for a calculated political gain [or other]?
Does ANTIFA fear prosecution?
Would they continue to operate if they did?
What organized group(s) are bailing out rioters within 24-hours of arrest?
What happens post bailout?
Do charges remain enforced or dropped by DA?
DA: will not act re: “low-level’ arrests
Have all refusal to bring charges been related to “low-level” arrests?
What happens when prosecutors, board of county commissioner members, volunteer firefighters, etc. are sympathetic to the cause?
What happens if the organization [ANTIFA] itself is aware?
Infiltration not invasion.
This is pretty wild. But the commies have definitely “decloaked”.
18 U.S. Code § 2384.Seditious conspiracy
Also worth noting is that the German government, Die LInke, the Greens, the SPD, in particular, support AND FUND AntiFa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Merde-Kuh does it on the sly, as befits her NSDAP (NAZI) background…
AntiFa ARE indeed an INTERNATIONAL TERRORIST ORGANIZATION! And should be investigated, charged, tried, and PUNISHED as such, up to and INCLUDING CAPITAL PUNISHMENT!!!!!!!
“What organized group(s) are bailing out rioters within 24-hours of arrest?”
This is the question I want answered.
A good thread by Carlos on the evolving Middle East situation, Strzok and his lover. Please read to the end.
Since I was asked, yes, both Strzok and Page may be Iranian agents…..”
THIS is a turning point.
Please expand on this…I’m missing the point.
I don’t get Wolf’s point, either. Maybe you, Cuppa and I are (gasp) normies . . . ohh, the humanity.
What I do get is a negative impression from Brian’s tweet. Remember, back in the 60s, we had this group called “hippies”. You see, they were “hip” and as hipsters they “got it” and we, well we just didn’t get it. They placed themselves far above the non-hippies, the “normies” by any other name. The hippies had all the progressive thoughts, deep introspection, and, ooh, hippie poetry that was so deep that absolutely no one on this planet could make sense of it.
Well, Brian is obviously a member of the meme culture and he understands the vital importance of that culture while we “normies” just don’t have a clue. With respect to conspiracies, I have no idea if Brian has a healthy view or if he thinks that the two rabbits in his back yard are talking about chewing his throat out.
Anyway, it seems obvious that Brian has found “it” whatever that is, and it’s probable that we as yet haven’t arrived, being “normies” and all.
Ahh. I feel better now.
I’m sure we unenlightened ones will soon get the word, but now I’m wondering if he’s the guy that was running the QAnnon site that got doxxed. (See I’m not hopelessly outdated…hope you caught the dox term! LOL)
Jason Gelinas was running qmap . . . if that’s who yer talkin’ about.
Shoot…guess that puts me right back in the unenlightened normies camp!
Isn’t anyone going to rescue us?
I hope not.
“Normies” is used quite variably, but it generally points toward people closer to the “norm” on something. Thus, in some instances, I may refer to myself and all of you as normies, but in other cases I may refer to OTHERS as normies and WE of the Q Tree as outliers.
Generally speaking, “anons” are not normies. Anons on the chans are definitely not normies to most people, don’t consider themselves normies, and may refer to all people who get “chan info” (like QAnon) from non-chan front-ends (like the ones we use) as “normies”. QMap was a Q site for normies, but to the mainstream news media, we are not normies – we are QAnon conspiracy theorists – so “normies” becomes relative.
In the sense this guy is using it, “normies” means (IMO) people who are getting news through the MSM. The normies he is talking about mock not just him, but US, if you spend time on Twitter.
What I am noting here is that more and more people don’t care if they are outed as some kind of non-believer in MSM standard narratives.
“Epstein didn’t kill himself” was a HUGE psychological moment in that battle. We are apparently (IMO) moving beyond that point now.
So, this Putz thinks of himself as a special something. He refers to this group of “normies” that he doesn’t care about. So, if he’s not a “normie” that would make him, ummm . . . ummm . . .
ABBY ‘R’ US! I think that’s the background of what he’s saying. The normies he’s talking about are the MSM true believers. People who believe in Trump-Russia collusion, etc.
Latest Carlos thread:
Mencken describes the DEMONicRATS to a “T”…
Discernment and Logic are fields forever unplowed for the DEMONicRATS…
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a54ff9 No.10644532
Sep 14 2020 11:34:31 (EST) NEW
Worth remembering [think what you see today].
Insurgency can be defined as ‘the organized use of subversion and violence to seize, nullify, or challenge political control of a region.’
Insurgents seek to subvert or displace the government and completely or partially control the resources and population of a given territory. They do so through the use of force (including guerrilla warfare, terrorism and coercion/intimidation), propa- ganda, subversion and political mobilization. Insurgents fight government forces only to the extent needed to achieve their political aims: their main effort is not to kill counterinsurgents, but rather to establish a competitive system of control over the population, making it impossible for the government to administer its territory and people. Insurgent activity is therefore designed to weaken government control and legitimacy while increasing insurgent control and influence.
Insurgents require supporters, recruits, safe havens, money, supplies, weapons and intelligence on government actions. A robust insurgency can be waged with the support of just a small percentage of a given population.
Counterinsurgency may be defined as ‘comprehensive civilian and military efforts taken to simultaneously defeat and contain insurgency and address its root causes’.
For Gil . . . on vocabulary.
Lists of grade appropriate and recommended words are readily available. For example, E.D. Hirsch’s books on what a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. grader needs to know. If your little prodigy rips through his grade level vocabulary studies, just move on to the next grade appropriate list. There’s no need to bring in words that absolutely nobody uses, or understands for that matter.
Remember, the purpose of grammar and vocabulary is to communicate, normally with relatively ordinary people who use a fairly common vocabulary. Unless he has aspirations of becoming the next William F. Buckley (shudder), he should generally not give much attention to mind-bending vocabulary words or confusingly complex sentence structure.
High frequency words of basic language should come first, then words needed to understand and express complex ideas, and, finally, less often used words that are generally only used in specific areas of concentrated study. “Large quantities of foraminifera constitute globigerina ooze,” might be an example, when he starts studying biology or oceanography. Occasionally, some rare words might be fun and funny, but not routinely, so as to take time away from learning more practical and useful topics.
Thanks, Carl! Forgot about that list – very useful – great resource – reading lists can be compiled, too – based upon reading ability and comprehension skills level.
Maybe, Gil can use ‘Wheatie’s Words’ – as a challenge – an addition – as she was going to do on a weekly basis.
I know the biologists just call them “forams” for short. But I forget what foraminifera are (but spell check caught me misspelling it just now).
Heh…if true…wow, could you imagine………..
What will Joe do? You mean after he shits his pants?
It is!!
“BREAKING REPORT: Trump just CHALLENGED Biden to a 4 HOUR DEBATE hosted by Joe Rogan…

Run away of course, like Brave Sir Robin.
DJT might consider branding Pedo Joe as Brave Sir Robin
Biden Bin Hidin’ won’t accept any engagement which:
1) lasts more than 20 minutes
2) doesn’t allow for pre-screened questions
3) doesn’t allow for pre-written answers
4) doesn’t allow for a teleprompter big enough and close enough so he can read the pre-written answers
And even if all of those conditions are met, it has to happen on one of his ‘good days’, when he isn’t talking to the furniture and regaling the chandelier with the ballad of Corn-Pop.
Trump would actually have to stop Joe Rogan from disemboweling Biden at some point, out of his sense of mercy.
But not until Biden was fully and completely irrevocably exposed.
Which is why his handlers will never let it happen.
They won’t even let Biden on home turf (CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, NPR, MSLSD, et al) without prior agreements about what will be asked.
Joe Rogan would eat him alive… DJT would have to rescue Biden from himself AND from Rogan
Sir Robin Ukraine…
Joe won’t do anything. it’s nap time. His handlers put a “lid” on it. YSM play along.
Must read – THE PLAYBOOK for the Color Revolution coup against President Trump.
THURSDAY – THIS WEEK – the drug-addled, lice-infested, tattooed and pierced, paid hordes of Øbama are scheduled to descend upon DC and hold a 50 day siege of the White House.
Notice the words “nonviolent protest.”
This is the CYA for BLM / Antifa to any charge that they’re lying, violent, insurrectionist PAID malcontents.
This is the CYA for WHEN, not if, the thugs begin to wreak havoc, break things, assault innocent people, and start fires.
It will take a MASSIVE amount of planning, supply chains, PAYMENTS, and logistics, for this “nonviolent” siege to take place.
ALSO it is FOREIGN INTERFERENCE IN A US ELECTION. It is being organized by ADBusters a CANADIAN outfit.
I’ll get those blockquotes right yet if I just keep practicing (and get a new pair of trifocals.)
You should give up your glasses. They gave me cateract surgery and now I have 20/20 vision again. The key is that they put artificial lenses in and those lenses are the same prescription as your glasses. I was 71 when they did the surgery.
I do not dare give up my glasses.
I tried contacts and gave up because I am used to my glasses protecting my eyes. I have even put side shields on the one pair I use for driving to keep the wind from blowing pollen into my eyes.
They also saved me from getting a horn in the eye. I just spent a couple hours roping and wrestling sheep.
I’ve had both eyes done as well. Dr. Mark Blecher / Wills in Philly. He just retired from surgery this summer, still teaching. Genius. And you’re right pgroup, just the thought that they emulsify your cloudy lens and remove it, and in goes the plastic. And you’re in twilight anesthesia.
I can hardly imagine a better scenario for DJT.

It’s like a fantasy dream come true.
To have the entire nation focused on the insane violence and hatred of the lawless radical Left, reminding the public every single day — for 50 days straight — why voting for Trump is the most important decision they will ever make.
So this really couldn’t be any better… I mean… all the advertising dollars on the planet couldn’t buy this kind helpful exposure
Hmmm. Heard somewhere here that Adbusters is a CANADIAN outfit…
If true, that constitutes both treason, and potentially, an act of war…
[But what would we do with all that syrup and fromage… and twinkly socks…? ]
We get fromage from Canada?
Not sure. They just don’t know that it’s called CHEESE
I like(d) Rouge et Noir from that outfit on the CA coast, back in the day. They have a really interesting factory tour. A great side trip when going up to Eureka to see the big Redwood groves…
Could explain the, erm, form-fitting clothing she wears 
I think the sausage lady, Comtessa Prunella von Aubergine, has an affection for the “cultured” mold
Cuppa, yes they are Canadian. See my comment above. (They are actually international Commies and were involved with Occupy Wall Street.)
GA/FL, I am so pleased that these cretins saw fit to announce their plans so far in advance.
What a bunch of dummies.
Music to my ears: ‘their presence often made rioters flee…’

I’ve heard of the Amish mafia before…just never saw them…
I think I may have IDed, who the ‘Support Troops’ are.
Robert Patrick Lewis
(Includes contact info and a request for funds for protective equipment…)
I think you’re right!!!! More power to them – and may the angels watch over them!!!
I’ll just say this: there are many “departments/sub-departments/Mil-organizations in the DoD. Not talking CIA here. Anyway, consider the use of [very many] contractors (where have you heard that before?) and you can get a sense of what’s up. Just sayin’ …
Contractors are a possibility I hadn’t thought of until you brought it up.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a54ff9 No.10645017
Sep 14 2020 12:03:32 (EST) NEW
Remember how environmentalists used to “spike” trees so the chainsaw would snap and injure the logger?
This could be done with power poles.
Sep 14, 2020 1:09:26 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a54ff9 No. 10645120
Sep 14, 2020 1:08:07 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: b1ad88 No. 10645101
Portland FBI says there is no credibility to any of these claims.
We are the news and it is certain we (the info warrior anons) are the investigators of every aspect of the unrest, the corrupt shadow state, cop killers, patriot name it…
Anthony Paul Harrington busted in DC
And, evidently violating his patrol agreement …to which he replied…”yawn.”
How in the world did they make all these connections? Awesome!
Anons are on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
FBI has no credibility anymore after all the cover ups they’ve been involved in.
And now the Portland FBI has no credibility….funny that.
Sep 14, 2020 1:11:47 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ab23e2 No. 10645165
>>10645144 (/pb)
Actually, I feel more like the paper boy distributing a really good newspaper.
This is the post,10645144, that Q referred to. Someone congratulated the ones who made the collage, and Q agreed.
Anonymous 09/14/20 (Mon) 12:10:21 05063e (6) No.10645144
congrats to autists who made this!!!!!!
A stopped clock is more mentally fit than Biden… for it’s correct twice a day…
jut saw some headlines that the site that released her “proof” was immediately hacked…
Interesting. The ChiComs probably dropped a bunch of malware there to see who visited!
“…demonstrating that the laboratory-creation of this coronavirus is convenient and can be accomplished in approximately six months.”
And there you have it, another new name for Covid-Stupid, a.k.a. ‘China Virus’, a.k.a. ‘Covid-19’, a.k.a. “novel coronavirus”, a.k.a. “Convenient Coronavirus”
Eventually there will be a cheaper variant…
The Corolla Virus…
(and one that spreads faster, the Celica Virus… maybe there’s one targeted at the elites, the Lexus virus)…
Hope she’s got some good protection… also that this isn’t some kind of misdirection…
I doubt it is misdirection. Too many other scientists from India, France, the Czech Republic and the USA have also said this is an artificial virus.
Dr. Francis A. Boyle had a major hand in developing the following:
Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 was passed into law in 1990. It provided for the implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention as well as criminal penalties for violation of its provisions. The law was amended in 1996 and has been used to prosecute several individuals.
Biological Weapons Convention was the first multilateral disarmament treaty banning the production of an entire category of weapons. It currently commits the 170 states which are party to it to prohibit the development, production, and stockpiling of biological and toxin weapons. However, the absence of any formal verification regime to monitor compliance has limited the effectiveness of the Convention. As of April 2013, an additional 10 states have signed the BWC but have yet to ratify the treaty.
Dr Boyle mentions an Australian paper published: June 22, 2010
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) proteins of different bat species confer variable susceptibility to SARS-CoV entry
And then a Univ. of North Carolina paper published:
“A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence.”
The two key words in that paper are:
An author of BOTH PAPERS is:
Zhengli Shi of State Key Laboratory of Virology, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Wuhan, Hubei, China
The Aussie paper was also authored by:
1. State Key Laboratory of Virology, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Wuhan, Hubei, China
◦ Yuxuan Hou
◦ , Cheng Peng
◦ , Yan Li
◦ , Zhenggang Han
◦ & Zhengli Shi
2. Australian Animal Health Laboratory, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Livestock Industries, PO Bag 24, Geelong, VIC, 3220, Australia
◦ Meng Yu
◦ & Lin-Fa Wang
3. Department of Pharmacology, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN, 55455, USA
◦ Fang Li
The authors are certainly interesting. Sure sound like Aussie names don’t they?
FAUCI and CHINA funded the UNC paper and when people noticed the research broke the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, FAUCI transferred the NIH funding to Zhengli Shi of State Key Laboratory of Virology, Wuhan China.
I suspect that the ChiComs are perfectly happy to “play this one where it lays”. While on the one hand it brands them as liars, they don’t particularly care about that. What it does show is that they are capable of strong science while Westerners piddle around in ChiCom-directed confusion. THAT is a perfectly acceptable outcome to the ChiComs.
She’s on Tucker tomorrow.
Sep 14, 2020 1:39:24 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ab23e2 No. 10645618
can’t find any back up for this yet…but FINGERS CROSSED it’s true!
BREAKING: Federal judge rules Pennsylvania Governor’s shutdown order & business closures were unconstitutional
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) September 14, 2020
k…found this article…and the judge? I believe he’s a TRUMP appointee…
After reviewing the record, Stickman said that he “believes that defendants undertook their actions in a well-intentioned effort to protect Pennsylvanians from the virus. However, good intentions toward a laudable end are not alone enough to uphold governmental action against a constitutional challenge. Indeed, the greatest threats to our system of constitutional liberties may arise when the ends are laudable, and the intent is good — especially in a time of emergency.”
Stickman, who was appointed to the bench in 2019, said that “even a vigilant public may let down its guard over its constitutional liberties only to find that liberties, once relinquished, are hard to recoup and that restrictions — while expedient in the face of an emergency situation — may persist long after immediate danger has passed.”
“There is no question that this country has faced, and will face, emergencies of every sort,” Stickman wrote. “But the solution to a national crisis can never be permitted to supersede the commitment to individual liberty that stands as the foundation of the American experiment.”
Stickman wrote that the Constitution “sets certain lines that may not be crossed, even in an emergency.”
“The fact is that the lockdowns imposed across the United States in early 2020 in response to the covid-19 pandemic are unprecedented in the history of our commonwealth and our country,” Stickman wrote. “They have never been used in response to any other disease in our history. They were not recommendations made by the CDC.”
Stickman wrote that the defendants never had a set definition for what constituted a “life-sustaining” business, and instead the definition remained in flux.
Stickman wrote that there was no precedent for the closure of non-essential businesses.
Looks good. Lotsa sources, now.
Then I heard something that sounded like a voice. The voice came from where the four living beings were. It said, “A quart of wheat or three quarts of barley will cost a full day’s pay. But don’t harm the supply of olive oil and wine!”
Yep, we’re in it.
BREAKING: 9th Circuit has given the Trump administration a green light to proceed with deportation of about 300,000 El Salvadorans by ending the ‘temporary protected status’ they’ve had for up to 20 years. 2-1 ruling today. Doc: More to come
— Josh Gerstein (@joshgerstein) September 14, 2020
Heading home…handing off Q posting
€250,00 for not wearing a face diaper on the Bahnsteig… at least in die wilden “grünen” Süden…
What’s a diesel-lover to do?????
They could make a killin’ here in Hanau! I see at least 70% do not wear a mask until they board the train.
Mask mandate to the extreme.
Debbie Downer here says…FFS some kind of change better come on this mask crap or we’ll end up like some other countries with mask patrols. This is ridiculous. I Info on the mask boxes, doctors, even czar Fauxi admitted back before they became the symbol of population control…say they don’t work.
I can’t believe that Drudge was the first place I used to go each morning to get the news!
saw that Biteme and his wife voted IN PERSON today…bwahahahahahahaha
Did she vote for him???
(And, did she vote FOR him???
dunno to be honest…but at some speech he was reading (notice I didn’t say giving…lol) bugs kept landing on him apparently…must have been a hoot!
The desolation of the Øbamnation…
Lord of the Flies…
Juan Motime…
The desolation of the Øbamanation…
Yep, and I heard the audio clip on Limbaugh’s show today from the “reporter” who asked Ole Joe why he voted today. Ole Joe said he had to because he would be — and mumbled something. Jill Biden cut in and said, “We’re traveling”. Ole Joe said, “Where are we going:? and then a female aide cut in and said, “To Florida,”
Then, after this fiasco, Ole Joe went to a LARGE FIELD in Pennsylvania for a “campaign stop” with about 6 “reporters” in their “distancing circles”, while he made a speech about how POTUS was responsible for the wildfires out West since POTUS is a “CLIMATE DENIER”. I heard that audio clip too.
I’m sure the LARGE FIELD was very appreciative that Ole Joe was there to talk to it.
ahhhh….the phrase out in left field comes to mind…chuckle…
J Michael Waller Retweeted
Gordon G. Chang@GordonGChang
#China will not allow a sale of #TikTok because that would allow the new owner to find out how Beijing used the app to foment violent protest in America.
Quote Tweet
Steve Herman@W7VOA
· 7h
There’ll be no sale of @tiktok_us to @Oracle or @Microsoft and @BytedanceTalk will not give the source code for the video platform to any US buyer, according to state-run @CGTNOfficial.
Show this thread
Bye bye tiktok. It’s been nice knowing you.
J Michael Waller@JMichaelWaller
Lots more tents have popped up illegally around Washington DC in past few days: Capitol Hill, Washington Circle on Pennsylvania Ave a few blocks from White House & other strategic locations. Occupants don’t look like vagrants. Looks like forward basing for militant street ops.
probably right…wouldn’t it be lovely if they were clandestinely infiltrated and removed before the 17th?
Might be a good time to check out if the snowplows, etc. are in order and ready for winter, as it were… and that the salt sprayer mechanisms work OK
I like your thinking!!
be prepared!
Yes, but I think it’s more consistent with PTrump strategy to let them grow, let them conduct activities, observe them, their actions, their logistics, their support, their funding, etc. Then follow up as appropriate based on their actions.
They may be trying to just toe the line of illegal activities in a last ditch effort to entice PTrump to overy play his hand just before the election.
And, if PTrump warrants that action against them is required, then, I believe, you will be 100% correct. That action will be very clandestine and very effective.
President Trump, won’t go after the Cannon Fodder, he will go after the funders and Puppet Masters. The people the public is completely unaware of.
If you cut of the FUNDING and the Professional Agitators, the Cannon Fodder will wander off.
Think of what he did to ISIS by killing Qasem Soleimani and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Pay some homeless to squat in the tents. A mini turf war would be entertaining.
I would think that tents that have “popped up illegally” could be removed legally. Maybe the good guys are surveilling them in the meantime.
Carlos keeps mentioning the military has micro drones used for surveillance in the middle east.

These are commercially available.
hope so TheseTruths
wth??? FDA granting Chinese companies approval to deliver diagnostic tests to US for covid 19??????????????
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which has come under fire for seemingly rubber stamping Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for COVID-19 testing without offering virtually any data-driven or appropriate testing standards, has been delivering EUAs to China-based pharmaceutical companies at an alarming rate.
After reviewing the 161 emergency use authorizations granted by the FDA since February, I found that at least 10 Chinese companies were delivered the FDA stamp of approval to deliver diagnostic tests in the United States for SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19.
These China-based companies have received FDA EUAs that grants them the ability to test for the coronavirus in America (including date of approval and link to FDA approval document):
Beijing Wantai Biological Pharmacy Enterprise Co., Ltd (9/9/20).
ZhuHai Sinochips Bioscience Co., Ltd (8/17/20)
Xiamen Zeesan Biotech Co., Ltd. (7/31/20)
Jiangsu CoWin Biotech Co., Ltd. (7/24/20)
Jiangsu Bioperfectus Technologies Co., Ltd. (6/18/20)
Genetron Health (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (6/5/20)
Sansure BioTech Inc. (5/4/20)
Seasun Biomaterials (4/27/20)
Fosun Pharma (4/17/20)
BGI Genomics Co. Ltd. (3/26/20)
This is crazy.
W T H ?
AND how many of they are PRE-CONTAMINATED???
September 14, 2020
Trump Notches Highest Level of Jewish Support Since George Herbert Walker Bush
The older one, I mean. He’s tied with Romney’s level of support at 30%.
That’s pathetic… it should be 70/80%
It finally happened – BLM thugs have made people too scared to stop.
If you insist on playing in the traffic, you’re going to get run over…
They’ve also succeeded in making LE not pursue criminals or protect victims.
So, drawing on 25+ years of working with very ill elderly people, I’m going to put this on the table:
There are several reasons why an elderly person who has dementia / Alzheimer’s, or is taking certain medicines, will exhibit “SUNDOWNERS SYNDROME” (sometimes called “Sundowning” or “Sundowning Syndrome”).
Sundowners Syndrome can start anytime around or after 5PM, and continue until after the sun has set. Depending on the reason, the person can exhibit a range of unusual behaviors, including: acting irrationally (as compared to how they behaved in their earlier life); becoming combative; slurring their speech / speaking incoherently; refusing food and/or drink; refusing to take their medicine; being uncooperative with family and/or staff; not settling down for bedtime until well after dark.
Sometimes the syndrome is a side effect of some medications. Statins, Ativan, Restoril, some corticosteroids, some cardiac medications, certain antibiotics, and others, can have side effects that “mimic” Sundowners Syndrome. And these potential side effects can BE AGGRAVATED if the patient is elderly and/or is already showing symptoms of cognitive issues.
Joe Biden may well be under treatment for cognitive decline / dementia onset / early Alzheimer’s. If so, it is possible that either the condition by itself, let alone in combination with side effects of medication, may well be creating a Sundowners Syndrome situation with him. It is my opinion that this is why he doesn’t do anything in the evening; why he apparently needs the entire weekend to be ready enough to go ANYWHERE (in daylight hours) for a “campaign stop”; why he DOES NOT take questions from “reporters” at his “campaign stops”; why, if one listens carefully to his “speeches” and ads, one hears what wounds like a slight slurring / mumbling in his voice.
I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts that the Biden “campaign” is already trying to change the parameters of ANY debate he MAY have with POTUS — have a debate ONLY between Noon – 4PM; keep the debate only ONE HOUR LONG; a demand that BOTH Biden and POTUS are SEATED instead of standing; and so on. WITH the Biden people “reserving the right” to REFUSE to debate if ANY, let alone ALL, of their demands aren’t agreed to — and to then blame POTUS and the RNC.
I’m not and MD, so it would be great if someone in the Q Tree community who is an MD or an RN can weigh in on this.
I’m not a medical person but in addition to his confusion and acting strangely, Biden physically looks like he has cognitive deficits. People with dementia have a certain look. Their expression or lack of, vacant, disconnected eyes, physical depletion like a hollowing out of their person. That’s why I don’t think he’s faking impaired mental status. I can see something is not right with him. The Sundowner’s theory is a solid one.
And, adding to the above:
If you have loved ones taking the prescription medicines noted above, and DO NOT have any history of cognitive issues / dementia / Alzheimer’s — take the time and READ THROUGH the lists of Side Effects and Reactions that will be found at
For example:
Search: Ativan (lorazepam)
Prescribed for ANXIETY or SEIZURE disorders
Click on “Side Effects”
READ DOWN through the “For the Consumer” part of “Side Effects” (which include AGITATION, ATTACK, and TROUBLE CONCENTRATING).
Then KEEP READING through the “For Healthcare Professionals” part of “Side Effects” — there is LOTS of information there that isn’t in the “Consumer” part.
If you have a loved one who is taking an antibiotic via IV (either in the hospital or through the PICC port at home) — be aware that in a few cases, there is the chance that the medicine can cross the “blood-brain barrier” and cause a kind of medically-induced dementia. This condition may or may not resolve itself. I have witnessed this occurring.
Bottom line: Eternal Vigilance. Eternal Education. Never be afraid to Speak Up to the medical staff.
I’m an RN. Your “Sundowner’s” theory is solid. That term has been around for decades. Quite likely it’s true in his case, as we see in almost every patient with dementia, a worsening of symptoms in the evening. Nighttime brings more disorientation to an already disordered mind.
I don’t believe Biden is going to debate POTUS at all – no matter what conditions are requested or met. Biden isn’t capable of spontaneous coherent speech of more than a sentence or two, and even if they give him the questions beforehand, he wouldn’t be allowed a teleprompter showing him the answers to read.
Biden is in a bad way, and so is the party. One of the House Reps mentioned info to come out about Biden this week showing his “unfitness” for the office.
The shoes haven’t dropped yet, but I believe they will.
Thank you for the viewpoint of an RN. You would see first hand and up close what Sundowners is.
I have a feeling that what really looks to me like Sundowners with Joe Biden is going to be either played down (“he’s just so busy trying to stop Donald Trump”); or dismissed altogether, both by the DNC.
They can’t tip their hand for using Biden, then throwing him away, until much later on — UNLESS the evidence gets so very obvious that anybody can see it.
The whole debate situation will also help to tell the tale.
The Dems are struggling – each passing day adds to the likelihood of Biden totally decompensating – it’s harder and harder for them to cover for him. It’s basically a conspiracy to put forth a dementia impaired individual in order to steal the presidency. Dems, MSM, and healthcare professionals are all participating…
As usual, ladypenguin swoops in to confirm medical info. My kind of patriot.
Gitmo awaits. Patiently.
SPEED. As in?
Pres Lincoln’s Attorney Gen James Speed, argued successfully that treasonous conspirators be tried in military court, not civilian. Bring it!
Quote Tweet
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
· 7h
Push it hard Marsha. DOJ must act. This should include Crooked Hillary’s illegal deletion of her emails. SPEED!…
Nanzi’s San Francisco. All of this collected on one day. The article lays out the path that the city provides for addicts to either remain hooked or possibly overdose and die.
This may well be one of the booms this week.
It’s not always going to be arrests and indictments.
I think Li-Meng Yan’s paper on COVID-19 lab origin qualifies as today’s BOOM all by itself. Our VSG has been “going there” much more often lately, on CCP responsibility and intentionality, and I think it’s because he had this information – which we knew would come out today – which confirms it strongly.
Senate Intelligence Committee rejects request by GOP senators for documents from Russia investigation
By joint agreement with Warner, eh?
Here’s CTH on this…
And this lying, doible-dealing, disgusting POS is in on the entire thing….
IFFFffff as Q says ‘We have it ALL’ the Dog & pony show in the Senate mean diddlysquat.
What matters are the Military Tribunals for Treason/Insurrection.
Some are going to FLIP and turn States evidence and that is all that matters.
It takes TWO eye wittnesses to convict of treason.
Tracy Beanze on Uncover D.C. has many eye-witness accounts of arson fires in the west. Harrowing accounts from the public.
The swamp runs deep.
“The swamp runs deep.”
Nothing the exhaust blast from a space shuttle launch couldn’t burn up in under 15 seconds.
Well, I think this language from the above rejection tells the tale:
“We note that your request … fails to account for the UNIQUE AUTHORITIES…invested in this Committee…”
Small minds with Power and Control complexes.
The Turtle may have more brains but is also DeepState and Swamp from his toes to his head.
Each of the above types are dangerous to the Republic in their unique ways but will unite when necessary.
Trust the science experts, eh?

Meaning the one’s who’ve sold their integrity and souls for $$ and political bias….who have sold out science itself so they can personally profit?? Scientists who are atheists, meaning that they feel no duty, obligation, or fear to/of a higher power??
Bwaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
“Trust the science experts, eh?”
They’re scientismists.
So they know stuff.
Love the way Trump just told him up front where the “dechinatized” consensus is going to be.
Ever notice how PDJT doesn’t argue with idiots. He just tells them how it’s going to be, and then it happens that way.
He could say, “Thank you, dork. I am now a bit more stupid after listening to that.”
But no, he say, “It’s actually going to (fill in the blank)” and moves on. And lo and behold, he’s right.
They HATE that. Oh how they hate his ability to chop them off at their knees of pretentiousness.
Give a VSG like Trump the best intelligence possible, and he’s going to be ahead of everybody.
The goon in the black mask, whose voice strains and rises with religious fervor, is a cultist.
He uses the word ‘science’ as if it’s a weapon to end debate, and that’s not science you ass-clown, that dogmatism.
But he’s a true believer.
And when it comes to pagan cultists, they’re the most dangerous kind.
Purely demonic – the ungodly shows its ugly face again!!!
And he just couldn’t pull his mask down for his little presentation! Says a lot.
Winter is coming. It’s gonna cool off. COMMON SENSE.
I got a lot of engagement with these responses:
There will be a RECKONING.
Where is the guy with the sword – need him here – LOL
How to Get Vaccinated Without Parental Consent.
Posted on September 14, 2020
Holy crap! Look at this manipulation going on to brainwash minors to defy their own parents. This is insanity. Do you guys realize just how evil our enemy is?? Here is a whole book how to do it.
Wheatie: went into the Dust Bin – Please – Thanks…
Try Again – Wheatie – have two in the Dust Bin – Please retrieve the original – Thanks (
By definition, mercenaries don’t revolt. They’re only loyal to the people paying them for as long as the money is flowing.
One of the many unfortunate things about modern female participation in mobs and riots is all the SCREAMING.
What is it that makes women need to SCREAM?!?
Whether it’s at an amusement park or at a riot, what CAUSES that reaction?
I can’t remember a single time in my entire life where I screamed.
WTH is that?
The point of the screaming is that it is shrill and annoying – they want to harass people – and screaming is one way of doing it – maybe, they are high on drugs? Because they can?
Don’t know about you – but – I think screaming is highly offensive!!!
“The point of the screaming is that it is shrill and annoying –”
It is certainly that.
“Don’t know about you – but – I think screaming is highly offensive!!!”
It’s worse than offensive, it’s an assault, it’s used as a weapon. Any cop doing crowd control, and dealing with some woman screaming as a weapon tactic, would be justified in knocking her out.
Announce over the bullhorn. Any woman screaming as a tactic gets throat punched.
And then do it.
They’ll only have to do it once or twice, and all the others will stop.
The reason everything is out of control is because if you are a Leftist, there are NO consequences for bad behavior, and the Left is being trained in the most effective tactics to engage in bad behavior.
You knock somebody out, and then ask who wants to go next, and watch how fast people STFU.
We were visiting some Amish people. The year old little girl started screaming. Daddy pick her up and popped her lightly on the side of the face. She stopped the screaming immediately and then he cuddled her.
You want to stop the screaming, you TEACH them NOT to scream when they are tiny.
I hate screamers and we very often get them at birthday parties, often in chorus. OH! MY ACHING EARS!
A bunch of children at a swimming pool…Deafening!
The Amish are wise in the ancient ways….
They follow the Bible and DISCIPLINE with LOVE.
Allow a child to grow up like a wild animal IS NOT LOVE. The thugs like Mike Brown and the rest who ATTACK police and end up as suicide by Cop NEVER LEARNED actions have consequences from their parents or teachers.
We are no seeing the culmination of the Rockefeller intrusion in Child Rearing.
1894 — Rockefeller’s funding of John Dewey’s Plan To Dumb-Down America!
1920 — The Hand that Rocked the Cradle: A Critical Analysis of Rockefeller Philanthropic Funding, 1920-1960
The ‘New Progressive’ Child rearing practices taught mothers by doctors.
The Rockefellers were also behind Women’s Lib.
How The Rockefellers Re-Engineered Women
The Rockefeller Foundation Funded ‘Womens Lib’ For The Same Reason The CIA Funded ‘MS Magazine’
“The year old little girl started screaming. Daddy pick her up and popped her lightly on the side of the face. She stopped the screaming immediately and then he cuddled her. ”
There ya go.
Same basic technique.
Only when they’re grown you have to hit ’em harder, and they don’t need to be cuddled afterward.
OUCH!!! That is brutal – but, effective!!!
Agree – it is an assault – and abuse, too!!!
As a female I feel it is my duty to state it is an undeveloped ability to reason. Not enough self reliance and being emotionally coddled. Im an only child and had to spend a lot of time alone, without attention. Learn to observe and listen first.
I have always been baffled about girls/women screaming in clips of Beatles concerts. Not singing along, not grooving to the beat, but screaming as if they had lost their minds.
” Not singing along, not grooving to the beat, but screaming as if they had lost their minds.”

Maybe they did?
Maybe that’s the sound girls make when they can’t find their minds?
Need more free rides for rioters.
As PR says, of you are going to play in the street – you suffer the consequences!!!
I’m amazed at all the arsonists. One of the links in the recent long Q post of arrests is for a 36 year old woman for setting multiple fires.
What is wrong with people?
I loved playing with matches and fireworks when I was a kid, everybody I knew did, but we never ever set anything on fire. People understood how serious a crime arson is.
I can’t even imagine doing what these people are doing.
Either it was never ingrained in them what things they cannot ever do under any circumstances — or they have severed (and seared) their conscience.
They are completely indoctrinated and brainwashed.
The end is death. The means is sin.
Entirely justified. And inevitable.
It is demonic, Scott – they are paid and controlled.
I was hoping to hear “Someone call 911.”
“You can’t stop the revolution!!”
Cop: Watch me.
Scum: OMG!!
See, now THAT is the kind of TV I would watch and pay for.
Right about now – most people would watch.
They act SO SHOCKED that jumping on a police car is a no-no…”Oh my god”
Dumb idea – remember – these kids think they are indestructible – after all – in video games – one comes back to life.
LOL…love it
I didn’t read the full court’s decision throwing out PA restrictions. Would anyone know . . . would that cover masks, too or would that be a stretch?
Not directly. But it basically severely limited the authority of the governor to boss people around in violation of their civil rights.
What civil right does someone have to not wear a mask? I don’t know but that is what is needed for a lawsuit.
Sep 14, 2020 6:20:58 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 316381 No. 10647825
a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion
a person who loves their country and, if necessary, will fight for it
a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors
a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights
against all enemies foreign and domestic
3m ago
8kun qresearch
From OT:
“Blazing Sunlight – Senate Intel Committee Refuses to Give GOP Senators Documents From Russia Investigation…”
Posted on September 14, 2020
“Of all the *tells* that have surfaced in the past four years, this is the biggest. This is the one that reveals just how corrupt and duplicitous the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence really is. Do not pass over this information without pausing and evaluating just how explosive this refusal is amid the largest, most corrupt scheme in political history.
The republican led Senate Intelligence Committee (SSCI) is refusing to provide documents to republican senators from their Russia investigation. Citing archaic justification within senate parliamentary rules current Chairman Marco Rubio (R) and Vice-Chairman Mark Warner are refusing to allow Senator Johnson and Senator Grassley to review the evidence the SSCI assembled to create their report on Russian election interference.
The reason and motives for the denial are simple, yet the majority of Americans have no idea…. The SSCI was the legislative entity, both republicans and democrats, who participated in the unlawful effort to remove President Trump from office. The risk of exposure is exactly why Mitch McConnell put Senator Marco Rubio on the committee as chairman to replace Richard Burr.
The Senate was participating in the soft-coup.”
If SD is right, then Marco Rubio and Cocaine Mitch, both traitors in every sense of the word, will be executed for High Treason.
It better be TELEVISED.
AND do not forget SPEED!
(from bottom of last page)
Black Lives Matter-Inspired Attack? Mass Shooting Averted by Police at Bass Pro Shop: Suspect Is Black Male (Wearing Body Armor, Carrying Eight Firearms and Hundreds of Rounds of Ammo)
September 14, 2020
by Paul Kersey, DC Clothesline
At a time of extreme hypersensitivity to any mass shooting and the ability for the corporate media to turn the use of semi-automatic weapons in an offensive operation against citizens as an immediate justification for their being banned (confiscation coming shortly thereafter from legal gun owners), you’d think the failed mass shooting at a Bass Pro Store would have made more than regional news.
But it’s barely being reported outside of Mobile, Alabama and Northern Florida.
Why is that?
Because the shooter, Robert Smith, is a black male. And he targeted a Bass Pro Shop, whose clientele is almost exclusively white.
Telling me I have a duplicate post – when the original post is not showing – Help Wheatie!!!
Your two posts and your two pleas to Wheatie are in the Spam bin.
Wonderful – what in the world is going on, Carl?
It’s Monday . . . and WordPress doesn’t like you.
Oh, that makes me feel so much better, Carl!
WordPiss has been upping the censorship since the Chinese took a good look at this site.
Expect it to get worse as we head towards the election. (I have been binned a number of times recently)
Makes sense, Gail! WP also has an overlord who is a real pain in the tush!
Oh, those ChiComs must just LOVE me, then…
Sorry I wasn’t around, Duchess…my internet went out again.

Figured you were compromised – you would have been quick to fix – sorry for your puter problems – so frustrating – hope all is well – and you are up and running soon!!!
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Invoked, 77-12: Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #589 Mark C. Scarsi to be U.S. District Judge for the Central District of California.
There are five more District Judges for California waiting in the que for cloture vote today… this week…
Wow, Counting both posts directly above, that is six District Judges in CA.
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Votes Scheduled: At 10:30 am, on Tuesday, September 15th, the Senate will proceed to 2 votes on the following:
1. Confirmation of Executive Calendar #589 Mark C. Scarsi to be U.S. District Judge for the Central District of California.
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Replying to @SenateCloakroom
2. Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #590 Stanley Blumenfeld to be U.S. District Judge for the Central District of California.
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
At 2:15pm, the Senate will proceed to 3 votes:
1. (If cloture is invoked) Confirmation of Cal. #590 Blumenfeld to be U.S. District Judge for the Central District of CA
2. Motion to invoke cloture on Exec. Cal. #773 Holcomb to be U.S. District Judge for the Central District of CA
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
3. Motion to invoke cloture on Exec. Cal. #774 Robinson to be U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of CA
At 5:15 pm, if cloture is invoked, the Senate will proceed to a vote on confirmation of Cal. #773 Holcomb to be U.S. District Judge for the Central District of CA
No friggin’ kidding.
Why does this not surprise me?
Because you know better, DP!!!
Sad, but true.
Some days I’m glad I didn’t have kids. Most days, no, but some days….
I know what you mean D-Pat.
My neighbor, said she decided not to have a second child because of the sad state we are currently in.
Parents are inundated by challenges – keeping their children safe is constant – now – they must worry about the liberal indoctrination in the schools – so glad PT is pushing for school choice – with a shift in the number of public school attendees – public schools will lose funding – and rightfully so.
If you have not read it #SOULWAR
aka Brent Cates
Posted this thread on September 11, 2020 46 tweets, but it is very good. He is as good a writer as his brother and he has been closely following the Oregon insurrection from day one.
I am not sure he is correct. I think the guy who realized the Democrats ARE NOT PARTNERS but are ‘EMPLOYEES’ of the people [CCP] intent on destroying the USA is more likely.
What do the PLANDEMIC and the FIRES have in common?
WHO was being CHALLENGED by the resurgence of the USA economic power?
No doubt in my mind, Gail!!!
Garbage. Leftist disgusting propaganda.
Sep 14, 2020 7:01:31 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 8c6b18 No. 10648459
Insurgency can be defined as ‘the organized use of subversion and violence to seize, nullify, or challenge political control of a region’.
Domestic terrorism.
13m ago
8kun qresearch
One year in jail for that says POTUS. I agree!!
I don’t.
One way ticket to another country, LOSS OF US CITIZENSHIP and BAN from ever entering the country again.
Why should we have to foot the bill for feeding the POS??
Problem is other countries don’t want them, either. Can you blame them?
There is always Antarctica or Venezuela or Zimbabwe who is asking White farmers to please come back.
Send them where there is no country, then.
OR Bikini Island.
Meh, the radioactivity has largely died there.
Actually, I was thinking China…they need a lot of “workers” and would probably love to have them. You think?
Or, North Korea….especially since Kim and POTUS are good buddies and could work something out.
India would probably be happy to ship them over the border for us.
Sep 14, 2020 7:28:31 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 8c6b18 No. 10648988
Why are they provided safe haven by [D]s?
2m ago
8kun qresearch
We have it all.
We have known our people were gathering intel, but it’s good to get confirmation. Also, what a great name: “Mitt Rommey is a Hologram.:”
These anarchists should never see the light of day again. Not ever. They should lose their citizenship.
They should be disappeared. POOF! Gone.
Like Hoffa.
Straight to GITMO for military Tribunals as traitors, terrorists,spies….
Many need a GOOD HARD LOOK at exactly WHO they are. Do not forget Bill Ayers and his buddies were searching graveyards for the names of dead children and then stealing the birth certificate IDs for Soviet spies.
Look how many of the old time Communists and organizers have begun to be revered by this generation…they’re enemy combatants. Domestic terrorists. Should be life in least
Sep 14, 2020 7:37:44 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 2c510b No. 10649121
Who is financing?
Follow the pen.
23m ago
8kun qresearch
Now he needs to do the same with the UN and NPR.
#JeffDunham #DonaldTrump #JoeBiden
2020 Presidential Election: Will Hiden Trump Grump? | JEFF DUNHAM
OMG!!! The CIRCLES!?! 3 people?!?! Compare to a POTUS rally. Sleepy has NO CHANCE. Screw the Dem lawyers that want to take the election away from POTUS if he gets 51%. It’s gonna be the biggest LANDSLIDE anyone has ever seen!!!
The three reporters within the circles at the Biden ‘event’ are being used as props.
“It’s a Barnum and Bailey world
Just as phony as it can be.”
– lyrics from “Paper Moon”
And it appears that the red circle in the upper right of the photo indicates the HUGE flat-screen TV that is giving Biden his “speech”, word for word.
Carlos has a new thread.
(I remembered to check that the blockquote was CLOSED this time.
Again, Mencken is RIGHT ( and the reason we have a Constitutional Representative Republic NOT a Democracy aka Mob Rule.)
From Larry:
For you who do polls. Trump winning Asians 66-30, winning seniors, Biteme only up 6 among Hispanics!!
Forget the topline. These are blowout numbers.
I live in North Carolina. In the middle of the state and we do parties in Raleigh, Durham, cary area.
I have yet to see ONE Biden sign! I see American flags, I see Trump signs, I see Run-Forrest-Run signs.
ALSO, I have noticed the road, right-of-way grooming this year SUCKS! Even on the interstate the signs are so over grown you can not read them. People notice this stuff. They are also sick and tired of the darn lock-down. Unfortunately I think the DemiRats are going to try and STEAL the NC election again this year and THAT is why the survey says neck & neck.
The Library
#netflix #childporn
Ted Cruz
Before I was in the Senate, I argued numerous cases going after pedophiles, and child pornography has real victims. It destroys lives. And it is a federal felony. Why are supposedly “mainstream” journalists going out of their way to defend child porn? ht…
Harold Wren
The Library
Eric Hellwig @tedcruz Kind of strange that within the span of one week, libs have: 1. come out in favor of pedophilia 2. opposed Middle East peace 3. been encouraged by wildfire arsons 4. favored ending the Nobel Peace Prize There’s probably more, but I keep accidentally…
Harold Wren
This guy is a SICK!!
President Trump Re-Tweeted this for you, Patty!!!
The Judge has ruled.

Q 4709
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a25681 No.10650466
Sep 14 2020 20:35:44 (EST) NEW
Julian Assange
Q 4710
Sep 14 2020 20:35:55 (EST) NEW
Seth Rich
Q 4711
ep 14 2020 20:36:12 (EST) NEW
John Brennan
Q 4712
Sep 14 2020 20:36:24 (EST) NEW
Guccifer 2.0
Q 4713

ep 14 2020 20:42:55 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: 82f927 No.10650561
Sep 14 2020 20:42:03 (EST) NEW
Already done.
Q 4714
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 69adbe No.10650666
Sep 14 2020 20:46:54 (EST) NEW
Hold the line, Riders.
Justice is coming.
God Bless and Heal them both quickly!

She is a rookie cop – just graduated police academy!
What a woman!!!!!
Sep 14, 2020 9:35:44 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a25681 No. 10650466
Julian Assange
53m ago
8kun qresearch
Sep 14, 2020 9:35:55 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a25681 No. 10650468
Seth Rich
52m ago
8kun qresearch
Sep 14, 2020 9:36:12 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a25681 No. 10650472
John Brennan
52m ago
8kun qresearch
Sep 14, 2020 9:36:24 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a25681 No. 10650480
Guccifer 2.0
52m ago
8kun qresearch
Sep 14, 2020 9:42:55 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 69adbe No. 10650577
Sep 14, 2020 9:42:03 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: 82f927 No. 10650561
Already done.
45m ago
8kun qresearch
Sep 14, 2020 9:46:54 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 69adbe No. 10650666
Hold the line, Riders.
Justice is coming.
42m ago
8kun qresearch
Sorry TheseTruths…… I didn’t see where you had posted these latest Q Drops.
No problem! More Q, please! I especially like 4713 where Binney says they just need to get the phone data from the Stellarwind database, and Q says it’s already been done.
I was wondering why nobody saw this?
The freaks are back in Kenosha causing trouble. How can driving with plates blocked out be legal?
Wow. You meet deadly force with deadly force if you want to save your life.
What would the presstitutes know that US Intelligence DOES NOT know?
Comments at Julian’s Rum TL are saying tweet above about rockets embassy is old video
FAKE NEWS runs again?
To me, it sounds like someone’s trying to set up a major false flag and POTUS is calling them out on it.
Good catch Sadie…
“According to press reports,”
I had a hard time reading anything after “According to press reports”… could be something wrong with my monitor… but I don’t think so…
Nah, that’s your eyelids dropping as you fall asleep from overwhelming ennui.
Tweet continues:
I love it, he’s using the same kind of language the idiomullahs use, not ‘diplomatic-speak’, but the kind of language those barbarians understand
I think JackRat is messing w/POTUS. When you reply to your own tweet, it is supposed to display underneath the first tweet. This is the 2nd time tonight they have been displaying his reply by itself above the original tweet. Makes it disjointed and hard to understand. Not happening on other’s feeds.
Yeah, I expected both tweets to display when I posted that. Glad to know it wasn’t just me who noticed it.
Saw this OT.

Reminds me of me, just about every day…
Apparently I self-identify as an angry black man
The good thing is, you know your life matters.
Great point!

Scott might just possibly have figured it out on his own without some weird psedo-advocacy organization that’s actually a gang of thugs, telling him.
Possibly. Just possibly!
Saw this:
FISLL has just launched their “Time to Follow Through” social justice NBA apparel collection!
Love our game. Value our lives????
Ummmmmm why would I pay good money for that?
It’ll be the pride of looters to score a rack of these !
I was HOPING that somebody would find the video of that – or at least just audio.

She slipped right on her Freud!
It’s must be embarrassing when the truth is just blurted out like that

It’s unheard of for a VP candidate to do that. Imagine Pence saying, “A Pence administration, together with Donald Trump.”
I think everyone knows Biden is not capable of being POTUS, and many have suspected Harris of wanting the job. But she just spilled the beans. IMO, that lack of discretion disqualifies her for any high office.
She’s classssy…

Minus to c and l….I agree.
OMG, that is one of the most hilarious yet!
Governor Guilfoyle: “When we’re having heat domes, the likes of which we’ve never seen in our history; the hottest August ever in the history of the state; the ferocity of these fires; the drought, five-plus years; losing 163 million trees to that drought — something has happened to the plumbing of the world. And we come from a perspective, humbly, where we submit the science is in and observed evidence is self-evident that climate change is real, and that is exacerbating this.
And so I think there’s an area of, at least, commonality on vegetation and forest management. But, please, respect — and I know you do — the difference of opinion out here, as it relates to this fundamental issue on the issue of climate change.”
So which is it then, is it the ‘science’ that’s ‘in’, or is it just your ‘opinion’ that’s ‘in’?
Asking for a friend…
To ALL : Wheatie ,Wolfie, DP, Steve, BAKO and FLE(p) and all my Q treep friends.
I have a PSA to broadcast
Some of you may have been wondering where I have been these past few months, why I’ve been MIA.
I’ve missed you. please accept my apologies, for my absence.
The short story, after 35 yrs together in the same home, momma Bear and I are moving.
It has been a lot of work getting to this point, The past three months has been a whirlwind with very little time to spare keeping up with the blogs.
Rest assured, Morale and spirit is HIGH.
We are both excited and looking forward to our new adventure together in a new locale.
Wolfie, Heads up.I know you have this site locked down tight.Good.The enemy is just outside the wire.
As I will be attempting re-establish new communications BOLO for signal flares… scrutinize them as you would all unknown probes.
Maybe I can send a secret password?
I will naturally be loosing my current blue state Concast cable provider,
and will probably be attempting future comms via Century Link.
Not sure yet how that all is going to work out yet, as I will loose my current cable provider 9/18/ 2020
Family has just arrived this evening to help pack, things are going swimmingly but busy busy busy will be going completely dark 9/18 for at least a week,
By then hopefully, prayerfully we begin to settle into our new adventure, the new normal will take form.
I do hope to use the same laptop.
New destination?
South Alabama , South of Montgomery RED STATE BABY!!
” Going where the weather suits my clothes…”
Stay Vigilant
Stay Safe
We’ll ALL get there together
I Love you ALL
over and out
Great news!!! <3
OK – here is the deal for continuity….
If you have a WordPress account, you can change the email later, and I believe that you can add alternative emails now or when you get them. But most importantly, your ability to post here becomes decoupled from your email address and login name – it’s just your username to WordPress and your password – and then IF YOU WANT IT, two-factor ID (meaning a text to your cellphone) – like I said if you want that, in which case you will have multiple ways to confirm your ID to WordPress. In all of those cases, you don’t have to worry about going to a new email.
IF, however, you want to stay with “name and email and no WordPress account”, and you LOSE the old email, then you run into trouble on notifications, but can still probably post by simply using the old email address for a while without actually being able to open it.
Notice also that sometimes an ISP will let you keep your old email account open for a year or so, just so that you can take care of transitions.
If you want to give me a passphrase to re-ID yourself, you can do so on Gab chat, which is more secure, or by the method of a comment containing the string of characters PRIVATE MESSAGE TO WOLF (using underscores, not spaces), which will send me your comment as a private message. Then use that same passphrase in one of your first attempted new posts from a new email, and I’ll know it’s you.
PMTW is explained here:
Good to hear that you’re moving to “fairer climes”, so to speak!!!
I appreciate the welcome and fellowship.
For somebody like me who is not computer savvy(never owned a cellphone)
The identification pass-phrase for future comms seems an easy method.
” Chris in Andalusia Alabama ” is pretty simple.
Not exactly where we are headed, but it is the next largest and closest town.
Anticipate signals from ” Chris in Andalusia ” in the” pass -phrase” in my first few messages/comments from our new internet service provider. If the comment posts, I’ll know you have it. If not, I’ll try again..and again.
Cable service will end here tomorrow, equipment gets turned in. Going dark for awhile, I’ll do my best to keep up with SD and you guys @ the Q treehouse.I KNOW I’m going to be busy unpacking….
Settling in/ finding my way around/setting roots, meeting neighbors…living Life.
It may be a couple weeks.
Save this please.
Thank You !!
(formerly from the Commie blue state of Maryland)
Voting with my feet.and Tax dollars.
I appreciate the welcome and fellowship.
For somebody like me who is not computer savvy(never owned a cellphone)
The identification pass-phrase for future comms seems an easy method.
” Chris in Andalusia Alabama ” is pretty simple.
Not exactly where we are headed, but it is the next largest and closest town.
Anticipate signals from ” Chris in Andalusia ” in the” pass -phrase” in my first few messages/comments from our new internet service provider. If the comment posts, I’ll know you have it. If not, I’ll try again..and again.
Cable service will end here tomorrow, equipment gets turned in. Going dark for awhile, I’ll do my best to keep up with SD and you guys @ the Q treehouse.I KNOW I’m going to be busy unpacking….
Settling in/ finding my way around/setting roots, meeting neighbors…living Life.
It may be a couple weeks.
Save this please.
Thank You !!
(formerly from the Commie blue state of Maryland)
Voting with my feet.and Tax dollars.
Blessings and Godspeed Chris!!

South Alabama is beautiful with lots of good common sense Bible-believing conservative folks who will be glad and blessed to have you join them!