Anyone going to wait in line to walk past Ruth Bader-Ginsburg’s casket at the Supreme Court?
Didn’t think so.
Alright, seventeen is harping on the media pushback again.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 6ef431 No.10740908
[past 7 days]
Have you ever witnessed a full-blown international mainstream media constant [barrage][counter]attack re: a ‘conspiracy’?
Simple logic answers the question.
Don’t particularly recall one…anyone else? Well, other than the JFK public execution, uh, assassination.
And then there was this:
The next few weeks are going to be about perseverance no matter how bloody it gets.
And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:
Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
In addition, it is requested that there be no swinging from the chandeliers, celebratory gunfire, messing around with the nuclear weapons, and, please, everyone wash your hands.
Please, do not forget to apply sunscreen after a sensible amount of time in the sun so as to beef up the level of vitamin D in the system so we can all get our immune systems in shape to stop the Wuhan Flu thing sooner rather than later.
Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.
Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there.
A few other vital notes:
Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.
Ridiculing the other side, on the other hand…well….
Psalm 16
Hear, O Lord, my justice: attend to my supplication. Give ear unto my prayer, which proceedeth not from deceitful lips. [2] Let my judgment come forth from thy countenance: let thy eyes behold the things that are equitable. [3] Thou hast proved my heart, and visited it by night, thou hast tried me by fire: and iniquity hath not been found in me. [4] That my mouth may not speak the works of men: for the sake of the words of thy lips, I have kept hard ways. [5] Perfect thou my goings in thy paths: that my footsteps be not moved.
[6] I have cried to thee, for thou, O God, hast heard me: O incline thy ear unto me, and hear my words. [7] shew forth thy wonderful mercies; thou who savest them that trust in thee. [8] From them that resist thy right hand keep me, as the apple of thy eye. Protect me under the shadow of thy wings. [9] From the face of the wicked who have afflicted me. My enemies have surrounded my soul: [10] They have shut up their fat: their mouth hath spoken proudly.
[11] They have cast me forth and now they have surrounded me: they have set their eyes bowing down to the earth. [12] They have taken me, as a lion prepared for the prey; and as a young lion dwelling in secret places. [13] Arise, O Lord, disappoint him and supplant him; deliver my soul from the wicked one: thy sword [14] From the enemies of thy hand. O Lord, divide them from the few of the earth in their life: their belly is filled from thy hidden stores. They are full of children: and they have left to their little ones the rest of their substance. [15] But as for me, I will appear before thy sight in justice: I shall be satisfied when thy glory shall appear.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.
Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, members of the Cabinet, first responders and those working behind the scenes.

Are we sure we’re ready?
Is that a one and a half hump camel?
It’s a depleted hump. Possibly at the end of a famine-ish period or possibly a juvenile that hasn’t built up a big one, yet.
New-world cameloids (llamas, alpacas, vicunas) don’t do humps. They tend to live up in the Andes and get chubby to help insulate their core body. Desert camels, like the dromedary pictured, would cook themselves if they kept heat inside. Instead, they have evolved to put excess food stores high up on their back, where they can be readily carried about.
That ‘half hump’ is it’s shoulder, Pgroup.
What hump


It’s Camel-lite …

HCQ is nothing like a vaccine. A vaccine preps your immune system to recognize a virus and causes your immune system to send enforcers to destroy it.
HCQ preloads cells with zinc so the virus will be destroyed upon entering the cell. Adding selenium dorks with viral replication so the viruses can check-in, but they can’t check-out.
Vaccines are more like spies and special forces; HCQ is more like spreading mines.
That both end up with random blown-up virus parts decorating the landscape is not enough to say they are similar.
Going with the mines…HCQ.
I’m definitely going with “the mines” but my fear is that we will be forced to take the vaccine….or else.
Vaccine will never be mandatory under President Trump.
Another reason to have a strong Judiciary, including Supreme Court. D-rats will try to make the vaccine mandatory for many on state and local level.
What concerns me is things like not being allowed on an airplane, enrolling in a school, passports, etc. All of the fore-mentioned, of course, have some degree of federal funding involved which is leverage, but if the Dims get in control that flies out the window.
Remember how NY had COVID police at the borders? They probably would try something similar…cannot enter the state unless proof of vaccine…Massachusetts is flexing it’s muscles towards that right now.
Of course just like the Seattle City Council overriding the Mayor’s veto and forging ahead with the defunding of police…out of “principle”….undoubtedly to be followed by NYC….they are committing financial suicide right in front of the world to see.
Yeah, it’s a stretchy comparison, but I can see it as a kind of functional comparison – almost like a pre-vax. The first wave of invaders get turned into vaccine.
So these are the lupus/RA patients that were remarked about early on (“we’re not seeing lupus patients with the virus”) and then never spoken of again. Funny how that works.
“The media are the dumbest people on the planet.” – Dan Bongino
They’re just a bunch of Sisyphusies…
Aided and abetted by the idiocracy created by the Deep State… (cf current German gub’mint…)…
Sissy Pussies?
Hiya Harry!!4
hope you’re well!!
And its….Camel Day!!!!
Darwin is quite handsome.
they say people and their pets look alike after a while…
You can see Steve’s look in Darwin’s eyes. The sage blunt character. A good thing.
Going out on a limb…gut feeling here….something major will be happening today. OTOH, maybe it’s just wishful thinking! Timing…it’s all about timing.
Let’s hope so. Really, nothing has happened so far to justify this “Day of The Dragon” hype. (I don’t count Ginsberg because that was unforseeable (I don’t buy the freezer speculation (I won’t dignify it with the term ‘theory’), except possibly in the very short term (less than two weeks)).
Well, the Biden report being released today is big.
Talking about Hunter Biden?
I’m only now (since I last responded) seeing something about that.
Yes, but of course it also involves Senior.
The academic side of this is, indeed, frightening. People are playing with serious stuff in unserious ways — leaving everything possible, including “grey goo” scenarios — .
The good news — if it can be said to be “good” — is that nature has been trying to kill us for aeons. Trilobites were trying to exterminate crinoids, back in the day. That life, animal life, vertebrate life, mammals, primates, and humans have survived is a continuing demonstration that every evolved attack (so far) has been thwarted or mitigated — and it’ll take a bit for engineered problems to exceed evolved ones.
That said, I do not like the places they’re poking.
Yeah, if they were honest people, I would be less worried. Not a lot less, but some.
Yep. The Law of Unintended Consequences looms large…
Couple that with the current generation’s stunning lack of grasp of cause and effect, and the possibilities for problems if not outright disaster are endless… GOD forgive and help us all…
just because we CAN, doesn’t mean we SHOULD.
Powerful realization.
… V I C T I M S ..
Behold, Stockholm Syndrome …
Are we allowed to spit?
It is suggested that you remove your mask first.
What mask?
dang it!
spit all over my keyboard–and i wasn’t wearing a mask…LOL
Clean up on aisle three …
Don’t sneeze in the blasted things … ever. ..

Why yes, yes indeed we are …


So now let’s push the boundaries a little more
… nerf bats with lead pipes inside?
I like your yhinking
Best to drop ‘em and walk briskly away ..

I like tasers ..
Happy Wednesday. Mid way through week of 21-25 BOOMS.
BREAKING: Burisma Investigation to be Released within 24 Hours — FINDS BIDEN FAMILY GUILTY LIKELY CRIMINAL ACTIONS (VIDEO)
In March Senator Ron Johnson told reporters that Senate Republicans are entering a new phase of their investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden and their ties to a corrupt Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma.
John Solomon discussed the expected findings in the Burisma report that is expected to be released Wednesday.
John Solomon: Here is what the report is likely to reveal.
First — The State Department under Joe Biden and Obama believed Joe Biden was engaging in a conflict of interest.
Second — The State Department detected a $7 million bribe being paid by Burisma, the company that hired Hunter Biden on its board.
Third — There was a pressure campaign inside the Obama State Department and inside the White House invoking Hunter Biden’s name in trying to pressure the US government to make the Burisma corruption allegations go away.
Finally — It wasn’t just the State Department, the Treasury Department flagged several transactions, foreign money flowing into companies connected to Hunter Biden as suspicious transactions.
HT BbSSSaint post on a Daughn thread.
FB link has a video. Little over an hour. From Ukraine, in Ukrainian with English sub titles. Names names in their ongoing corruption investigation. Bidens – Joe and hunter used a number of times. Ukrainians patiently explain how the vast corruption and bilking US tax payer dollars and Ukrainian funds happened.
It now says (at 4:50 AM) Video unavailable…. GEE! I wonder WHY?
Thanks, Kal. Wonder if Hunter is going to come down with a sudden case of Alzheimer.
This well may be the “trigger” that makes Biden withdraw from the campaign and the lovely Comma La “Reluctantly” steps up to the plate. We all knew something would happen before the elections…maybe even before the first debate.
“We all knew something would happen before the election…”
Yup. D-Rats had to get past Crazy Bernie. Bonus they set up BS funding through BLM, Act Blue…
DOJ has its hands tide in regards to Biden election interference, which I think is total BS.
But the Senate and any other investigations really need to go main stream.vestigators do NOT and seem to be pushing forward.
What happens to all the early voting ballots? cast for Biden/Harris
Remember the printing “error” having Pence on the Green candidate instead of with Trump. All those Trump votes would be invalid because of the printing air without a Trump/Pence choice.
Excellent question…among many! It’s a fine mess, for certain.
#WorldWide #Biblical #PrayerRequest
Tipping The Balance Of Power! Justice Incoming!
O Lord the hope of Israel: all that forsake thee shall be confounded: they that depart from thee, shall be written in the earth: because they have forsaken the Lord, the vein of living waters.
Jeremiah 17:13
Fatherhood done right is such a beautiful thing!!!
Talcum X is now…..
That’s Shawn King…right?
There are ‘white people’ who aren’t that white.
You’re not supposed to notice that. And if you DO notice, you ain’t supposed to say.
Always notice, and always, always say it.
It kills political-correctness and associated fungal peer-pressure dead.
Like pouring water on the Wicked Witch of the West.
Woah…that tweet with the picture is gone now.

And the account is “suspended”.
Chalka Con is a master of cancel culture – he’s a freaking Blue Cheka terror. He is the exact mentality that the communists love, and a demonstration of “maximal psychological control” of a “conflicto” for division as opposed to understanding.
So yeah – anybody who exposes his race grift gets a “super-woke” over-response (suspended, banned, fired, etc.) that is 100% the same as stuff the Nazis would “click their heels” to, for fear of themselves being called out as unwoke in THEIR cancel culture. So if one talks about Chalka Con’s skin, it’s “automatically racist”, and the grift continues and deepens, because it’s totally Orwellian, but the “woke” have to believe.
Stated differently, Woke Commie Minions express the idea of “skin doesn’t matter” not in a Martin Luther King way of treating people the same, but in an Orwellian denial of reality way where white is black and black is white.
Categorization as black and white is increasingly useless in the middle, but guys like Chalka Con perpetuate the “any African blood makes you ‘black'” oppression logic. And YES – communism wants that.
Shaun King is….

Follow-on to that one is very instructive….
What the heck? Peter comes to mind
Wow. If that’s CGI…then it’s really good CGI.
People in the replies are saying that is possible because Moose have rather wide hooves.
And she was moving at a good clip — so she had velocity going for her, too.
This is looking amazing either way–Pretty Wild
Not CGI.
Jon boat over a shallow water gravel bar.
ford fôrd►
n. A shallow place in a body of water, such as a river, where one can cross by walking or riding on an animal or in a vehicle.
transitive verb To cross (a body of water) at a ford.
n. A place in a river or other body of water where it may be passed or crossed by man or beast on foot, or by wading.
More at Wordnik from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
Anyone else notice a big push for flu shots this year?
“Anyone else notice a big push for flu shots this year?”

Why would anyone need a flu shot, if they’re wearing their masks and physical distancing?
If those measures work for a virus as insanely deadly as Covid-Stupid, they must work a hundred times more effectively against regular seasonal flu.
No need for flu-shots this year!
Sorry flu-shot industrial complex, you really shot yourselves in the foot this year
That’s kind of a creepy thing he’s doing with his hands there…
Well said
Flu Vaccine mandatory for all K-12 students and children 6 months and older in daycare in Massachusetts.
Reason number 12,583 to move out of Taxachusetts.
Reason # 12,583 to homeschool
New York is considering it as well. A friend here who works in the medical field just moved his young family to Montana.
Somebody really has to point out, for those who are extra slow on the uptake, that if the flu-shots actually work for the people who take them, then the people who opt-out aren’t a threat to the vaccine-guzzlers at all.
I mean, they chugged their annual allotment of vaccine, so they’re ‘safe’, aren’t they?
So what’s the problem?
Exactly. I find the “herd immunity” arguments, which blame-shift vaccine shortfalls to non-recipients, highly speculative and no better than NPR mask lies, and mostly to be COVER-UP for bad vaccines – an example of “the best defense is a good offense” – sadly in this case by our own government and health bureaucracy against WE THE PEOPLE.
One of my best demonstrations of “flu shots work”, “flu shots don’t work”, “cross-strain immunity”, and several other things, was catching the flu from a friend who’s anti-vaccine. I always get the flu shot – she never gets it. She got the flu (not necessarily a strain covered by the vaccine), struggling with it for 2 weeks, but was forced by stupid management to come to work anyway, and sat at our lunch table. A couple of us got the exact same symptoms from her, a few days later, but in my case it was super-mild and only lasted a few days – easily working from home.
Does the shot work? Does the shot not work? Is it worth the side effects? YOU DECIDE.
I find that getting the vaccine and taking antiinflammatories immediately to zap any side-effects is a good way to go. Have not had a serious regular influenza since childhood, knock on wood.
Love it!!!
Good thing I didn’t have tea in my mouth.
Twitter of the day!! LOL
News roundup has been posted if interested.
Thanks, Fle! …Always interested!
“Anyone going to wait in line to walk past Ruth Bader-Ginsburg’s casket at the Supreme Court?”
It depends.
Can people bring their own music and do a Loco-motion dance?
Or are the Lefties going to show up in bikinis and do the Merkel snake-dance?
Shake that moneymaker, Merde-Kuh!!!
[Yet again giving credence to the theory that she’s Hitler’s daughter…]…
What did she do this time?
Same as she always does, puppet of Satan Soros… Latest is “Dr. WHO” (the idiot from Charité Berlin, Christian Drosten), who has single-handedly forced Germany to shut down, killing thousands, if not millions of businesses, ruining childrens’ educations (at least this year) for no real reason, and trashing the already tottering German economy… Word is he’s been put up for the “Bundesverdienstkreuz” (basically the highest medal of honor), but that may have been a fake headline…. just like his fake “science”…
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh … I’m blind and throwing up …

Nasty turd she is …
From Flep’s News Roundup – I’m calling this my Dream Act!
FL Governor DeSantis, FL Police Chiefs and Law Enforcement have sent a comprehensive Law and Order Bill to the Florida House and Senate.
Combatting Violence, Disorder and Looting and Law Enforcement Protection Act
As released, the basic elements of the new Florida law encompass the following:
♦ New Criminal Offenses to Combat Rioting, Looting and Violence:
• Prohibition on Violent or Disorderly Assemblies: 3rd degree felony when 7 or more persons are involved in an assembly and cause damage to property or injury to other persons.
• Prohibition on Obstructing Roadways: 3rd degree felony to obstruct traffic during an unpermitted protest, demonstration or violent or disorderly assembly; driver is NOT liable for injury or death caused if fleeing for safety from a mob.
• Prohibition on Destroying or Toppling Monuments: 2nd degree felony to destroy public property during a violent or disorderly assembly.
• Prohibition on Harassment in Public Accommodations: 1st degree misdemeanor for a participant in a violent or disorderly assembly to harass or intimidate a person at a public accommodation, such as a restaurant.
• RICO Liability: RICO liability attaches to anyone who organizes or funds a violent or disorderly assembly.
♦ Increased Penalties
• Mandatory Minimum Jail Sentence: Striking a law enforcement officer (including with a projectile) during a violent or disorderly assembly = 6 months mandatory minimum jail sentence.
• Offense Enhancements: Offense and/or sentence enhancements for: (1) throwing an object during a violent or disorderly assembly that strikes a civilian or law enforcement officer; (2) assault/battery of a law enforcement officer during a violent or disorderly assembly; and (3) participation in a violent or disorderly assembly by an individual from another state.
♦ Citizen and Taxpayer Protection Measures
• No “Defund the Police” Permitted: Prohibits state grants or aid to any local government that slashes the budget for law enforcement services.
• Victim Compensation: Waives sovereign immunity to allow a victim of a crime related to a violent or disorderly assembly to sue local government for damages where the local government is grossly negligent in protecting persons and property.
• Government Employment/Benefits: Terminates state benefits and makes anyone ineligible for employment by state/local government if convicted of participating in a violent or disorderly assembly.
• Bail: No bond or bail until first appearance in court if charged with a crime related to participating in a violent or disorderly assembly; rebuttable presumption against bond or bail after first appearance.
“Protesting is a basic constitutional right of free speech, which I wholeheartedly support,” said Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd. “Violence, rioting, looting, and vandalism are illegal acts – not rights. Nothing else matters if you and your children aren’t safe. Crime is at a 48-year-low in the state of Florida and we intend to keep it that way. Criminals who destroy and tear down our communities and victimize others must be held accountable, through quick action and swift punishment. We are sending a message that we will not sit back and allow violence to run amuck, and we will arrest violent criminals, and those who loot, riot, and vandalize – guaranteed. I applaud Governor DeSantis’ initiative to ensure that the safety of Florida residents and visitors comes first.”“It’s my honor to stand in support with Governor DeSantis today,” said Florida Sheriffs Association President and Gilchrist County Sheriff Bobby Schultz. “I’m thankful Governor DeSantis is supplying public safety tools to help ensure that our communities and residents are protected.”
“On behalf of the Florida Police Chiefs Association and over 900 of Florida’s top law enforcement executives from across every region of the state, we thank Governor DeSantis for his strong leadership and dedication to maintaining public order and keeping the peace,” said Florida Police Chiefs Association President and Satellite Beach Police Department Chief Jeff Pearson. “The measures he put forth today are urgently needed to protect the lives and property of every Floridian.”
BRAVO – Governor DeSantis, Florida Police Chiefs and Sheriffs! Let us pray that this Bill passes unanimously and that these laws and policies will be a pattern for States throughout the country!
So thankful Florida did not elect dopey, down-low Democrat Andrew Gillum as our Governor.
You mean the homosexual orgy drug fiend, that Andrew Gillum?
What could go wrong?
He was a corrupt mayor in Tallahassee – and – an Øbama 2.0 Democrat!
Thankful forever he was exposed and not elected!!!
I am thinking he likes to get exposed
Gillum’s Island, a three-hour tour?????
I love it!

That law would probably pass easily here in OK.
Hopefully our legislature will duplicate it.
They passed a law a few years ago that outlaws wearing face coverings and hoodies pulled up over the head, when going into restaurants, banks, businesses and public buildings.
They also passed a law that makes parents responsible for any crimes that their minor children commit.
So…in light of what is going on around the country these days, I’m thinking our legislature might view this Florida law as a good thing to do as well.
We need to spread it around with praise and enthusiasm!
I’ve already sent it to my family.
Your Gov. makes me smile… I’m proud of him! Know you are…
MEANWHILE – Seattle = Stupid.
Very white – were are the Black Voices on that council? Typical leftists…
GRAB YOUR GUNS and let’s go HUNTING!!!
Those three males on the council definitely look like they’ll hide behind the alpha females all day long! More testosterone in the others than for sure.
.. stupid ..

WAHOOOO … Go get ’em POTUS !!!!!!!!!!
Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping
LAW & JUSTICE Issued on: September 22, 2020
Something weird about this EO.
It says “the electric cord” as if it was a quote from Lincoln. I’m pretty sure that Lincoln never saw an electric cord, let alone used one.
Is it some sort of code hidden in plain sight? Hmmmmm …
Speech by
Abraham Lincoln
July 10, 1858
from the speech:
…”That is the electric cord in that Declaration that links the hearts of patriotic and liberty-loving men together, that will link those patriotic hearts as long as the love of freedom exists in the minds of men throughout the world.”
Perhaps Lincoln was speaking of the ‘electric’ cord that connects us humans (who are mostly electricity, and water).
Pompeo Warns Pope on China Concordat
WASHINGTON ( – U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is warning Pope Francis that the Vatican risks endangering its moral authority if it renews its controversial secret deal with China.
“No regime suppresses faith on a larger scale than the Chinese Communist Party (CCP),” Pompeo announced Sunday, after urging the Vatican to “stand with fellow Catholics and the people of Hong Kong” in a tweet Saturday.
Pompeo and President Trump also laid down the law and served notice to the UN as well!
The ChiComs are rewriting the Bible.
They are rewriting it…to “reflect their views”.
In other words, it will be the new Communist-Friendly Bible.
They are just using the Pope to give credence to what they are doing.
Xi and the CCP will use the Pope Francis’s friendliness in their propaganda for their ‘new Bible’.
I can hardly wait!!
It’s not the first time Scripture has been carved on to suit an agenda. The first time it was just the Old Testament and to refute that Christ is the Messiah. The second was after the Revolt in the 16th century. Not getting into why that was done.
Chinese have a hard time with L’s in engrish.
This will be “grorious”.
They could get vewy rucky.
They don’t have that sound in their alphabet.
Such arrogance, IMO. Catholic Church has a “secret” deal with ChiComs. WTF could go wrong?
Bergoglio has a “secret” deal along with the infiltrators.
Lou Dobbs@LouDobbs
Framing Gen Flynn:
@SidneyPowell1 believes Michael Flynn was targeted by the Obama White House for his opposition to the administration’s failed foreign policy & surveillance abuses. #AmericaFirst #MAGA #Dobbs
well FG&C, not everyone in in our Tree…
Sucks to be them them
Secret Service intercepted two thugs who wanted to disrupt the Pittsburgh rally last night!
Screen saver warning!
Please put down any beverage you are holding and swallow your sip before proceeding any further.
H/T RealSauce
You gotta scroll the replies. I think I pee’d myself.
Loved the DJ shot at the end…it’s a keeper for future memes.
I would have PAID to hear the conversation between the snowflake and the 2 policemen!

Remember yesterday when House DIM committee chair Jerry Nadler thought he could issue a decree for AG Barr to reappear before his Committee for a dress-down… AGAIN? Well, here is
—Misanthropic Humanitarian @ Ace of Spades, giving us the response from Assistant Attorney General Stephen E. Boyd… in MH’s list of Quotes of the Day
Quote IV
“Having squandered its opportunity to conduct a meaningful oversight hearing with the attorney general, it remains unclear how further public spectacles with other department officials would now — a mere 14 legislative days since the attorney general’s hearing — advance the committee’s legitimate oversight efforts,”
~ Assistant Attorney General Stephen E. Boyd
The polite way to say “Fuck off Fat man”. — Misanthropic Humanitarian
Fatty, Fatty two by eight, cant get through at turnpike gate
Unfortunately not much of the media covered this excellent speech.
This is just the start. It’s going to get worse. Much worse.
Monsignor Cutie Pie. That’s what the old ladies in this archdiocese used to call him. He’s a good guy.
Glad to see he’s making these statements. He’s one of a handful of prelates bucking the conference.
What about the young ladies? Didn’t they think he was cute?
He was okay. By the time I met him, he was easily in his 30s. We happened to see him a lot due to our pastor’s relationship with the bishop at the time.
Trust in humanity.

… totally awesome .. God bless this boy, he’s a HERO … 

Watch this video….
Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates Retweeted
Randy Barnett@RandyEBarnett
Sep 22
For the record, Republicans did not try to assassinate the characters of Ginsburg, Breyer, Kagan, Sotomayor, or Garland. There’s no whataboutism possible on this issue. The #norms were broken by one side. Indeed, they’ve created their own new norm, as we will soon see again.
Quote Tweet
Rita Panahi@RitaPanahi
· Sep 21
They tried to destroy Thomas in 1991, they tried to destroy Kavanaugh in 2018. They’ll try to destroy the next nominee.
Listen to every word of this powerful response from Thomas & watch out for shot of Biden squirming.
Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates Retweeted
The Daily Signal@DailySignal
Conservative Republicans have yearned for a time when a Republican president and Republican majority Senate might put an end to judges making law and return to the day when Congress was the legislator.
Supreme Court Vacancy Opportunity for Conservatives
Conservatives know that returning the Supreme Court to its constitutional boundaries would be a win for the ages.
I yearn for Congress to return to legislating too…when do you think they might do that?
all they do in investigate the President or investigate the investigation into the President.
the ONLY one getting anything done is the PRESIDENT!
When the Republicans who support Trump control it…
And that is exactly why they keep “investigating” him…because he’s the only one getting anything done.
He’s not using the WH for his own wannabe Hollywood parties, or using Air Force One to fly to Hawaii Or Martha’s Vineyard on 17 day vacations, etc. The media are actually having to work …something they are very unaccustomed to doing after their long vacation during the Obama years..
so true!
Me thinks, a couple thoughts. Congress return to legislating…
– First Congress needs to get rid of Administrative laws. That would force Congress to legislate. Or even better, Congress more commonly do nothing. As Reagan said, government is the problem.
– Second, get rid of lobbyists and expensive private entities that write the laws for lazy inept Congress to consider.
Yea, hell will freeze over before ^^^.
WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!
How anyone could believe such propaganda is a study in ridiculousness and absurdity.
They don’t actually go to Church.
Slowly SMH. How could any Catholic, Christian…ever support those who support abortion, is simply unfathomable. Pedo Joe? Hoe Harris? Piglosi…
Hypocrites, at best.
Cindy McNoName has endorsed Creepy Joe Biden.
And so our President tweeted this:
I hardly know Cindy McCain other than having put her on a Committee at her husband’s request. Joe Biden was John McCain’s lapdog. So many BAD decisions on Endless Wars & the V.A., which I brought from a horror show to HIGH APPROVAL. Never a fan of John. Cindy can have Sleepy Joe!
Ms Cindy is afraid she may be exposed for her involvment in drug and child trafficking…
that’s why she is endorsing the DIM candidate…
Megan will probably vote to protect her mom
I’m left to wonder who could possibly be influenced by Cindy McCain. I bet they have to think in order to breath.
Wench McStain is hoping to protect the McStain Institute, which is no doubt chalk full of money laundering. Protecting the criminal family business.
It’s a serious of lack of knowledge that enables Mr. Martin to say “prominent Ariz Repubs.” The GOP VOTERS despise Flake, & Cindy McCain reminds us how we loath John McCain’s evil betrayal. BTW, you & they are supporting a man w/ serious dementia – what does that say about you?
Good response, LadyP
They call themselves “republicans” but they are in fact traitors ..
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, September 23, 2020
“Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.”
John 3:5 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Wednesday Butterfly Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Good Wednesday Morning Duchess!
have a quiet and Blessed Day!
Morning, Patty! Peace Be With You!
God Bless Your Day, too – Hugs!!!
HUGS back to you…
walmart run later this morning…LOL
Oh yes, the ‘Banana Run’ is today – Have Fun!!! I hope the ‘Karens’ are few and far between – cannot wait until the field report.
posted below…
Thanks – will look see…
We Love Butterflies – and – We love Butterfly!
God Bless You Real Good, Dear – Hugs!!!
Luv U 2

* Smiling Warmly *
Excerpt ………. via Ace of Spades HQ
JJ Sefton’s Morning Report
… “Assuming that it is Barrett (and even if it is Lagoa or some other dark horse surprise), the question remains, does the GOP hold hearings or go straight to a vote? Even I didn’t know this but there is no requirement at all for the Senate to hold them. It just became kind of a pro-forma process/ritual over the years. Unfortunately, when it came to hearings, that’s how the GOP treated Democrat nominees while the Democrats used the hearings like Tomas Torquemada used the rack and boiling oil on GOP nominees and their spouses and children, all in the name of at best sabotaging the nomination or at least generating footage for campaign commercials. If the decision has not been made, then I say fuck the Democrats and go straight to the vote, especially since we have the required number to pass, even with the foul Collins and Murkowski voting “no.”
more at link
I am smiling my Grinch smile thinking of that very thing…how sweet it would be to see the dems lose that last iota of sanity…LOL
oohhh I love that ! and yes, it would be glorious to watch…
Yesterday, in the comments HERE I put up a list of forty-six women that were nominated by POTUS and approved for the United States courts of appeals or United States district courts.
Eleven women were approved for the courts of appeals
Neomi Rao (Both parents are Parsi, Persians who migrated to India)
Barbara Lagoa (Hispanic)
From the district courts.
Jill Aiko Otake (Hawaiian)
Ada E. Brown (She is the first African-American woman federal judge nominated by President Donald Trump and confirmed by the Senate.–Wiki)
Stephanie D. Davis (She is the SECOND African-American woman federal judge nominated by President Donald Trump and confirmed by the Senate.–Wiki)
Silvia Carreño-Coll (Born Dominican Republic)
Hala Y. Jarbou (Born Hala Yalda Jarbou, Tel Kaif, Iraq)
Diane Gujarati (Parents from India)
I saw that Gail… outstanding compilation on your part… meant to comment on it then…
Huge possibility for POTUS to bring forth a dark horse nominee…
All I did was go down PART of the list at WIKI and then check if they were a ‘minority’
List of federal judges appointed by Donald Trump
I left out:
United States Court of Federal Claims
Eleni M. Roumel
United States Tax Court
Elizabeth Ann Copeland
Alina Ionescu Marshall
United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
Amanda L. Meredith
United States Court of Military Commission Review
Lisa M. Schenck
So he has over 50 women judges who have been vetted to choose from.
Contrary to words of certain congress critters et al… President Donald J. Trump has more women in his administration and has appointed more women than any president.
Padre Pio Pray For Us.
I’ve read his words on a number of topics…hardly anyone actually listens.
@realDonaldTrump retweeted!
I’m hearing a lot of peeps online suggest NO HEARING…
I second that emotion…
That is why I put up that list of Forty-Six women who WENT THROUGH A SENATE HEARING in the last three years before being approved as a Federal Judge.
If President Trump nominates one of those women, the Turtle can claim the hearing has ALREADY BEEN DONE and move directly to the vote.
precious kitty… !! and yes, ditto the pretty pretty please!!
Agree 100%
Why put the nominee through another circus?
Where has Michael gone to? Maybe has his own blog? Can’t remember his whole handle, which amazes me.
He’s in school right now and overloaded with that.
Thanks so much. Glad to know that.
Maybe he’ll make it to a weekend rally. Was always so quick with great pics.
Matt Gaetz in discussions with the Florida Attorney General to investigate Mike Bloomberg for bribery for trying to buy felons votes.
(@CHIZMAGA) September 23, 2020
OUT TODAY: Report with @chuckgrassley found millions of dollars in questionable financial transactions between Hunter Biden & his associates and foreign individuals, including the wife of the former mayor of Moscow.
— Senator Ron Johnson (@SenRonJohnson) September 23, 2020
BREAKING: Hunter Biden Received Millions From Wife Of Ex-Moscow Mayor, Paid Suspects Allegedly Tied To Trafficking, Had Contacts With Chinese Military, Senate Report Alleges
— The Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) September 23, 2020
Georgia posted Johnson’s tweet on Flep’s thread… I’m reposting here also
Here’s link to the pdf
Hunter Biden, Burisma,
and Corruption:
The Impact on U.S.
Government Policy and
Related Concerns
U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland
Security and Governmental Affairs
U.S. Senate Committee on Finance
Majority Staff Report
Zoe, text of Johnson’s tweet:
Senator Ron Johnson@SenRonJohnson
OUT TODAY: Report with @chuckgrassley found millions of dollars in questionable financial transactions between Hunter Biden & his associates and foreign individuals, including the wife of the former mayor of Moscow.
7:18 AM · Sep 23, 2020·Twitter Web App
Can you say BOOM!
Yes ‘m …
Will be interesting to see how much coverage (if any) the slime media gives to this… and if it will knock off the attack on Barrett’s faith…
Ms Catherine has a THREAD on the Report… click on date stamp
Jack Posobiec
Catherine Herridge@CBS_Herridge
#Burisma NOW: 87 page, joint report from
investigates potential conflict of interests involving Hunter Biden. Central Finding: Hunter Biden’s position on Burisma “was problematic” + “did interfere” with the execution of Obama-era Ukraine policy
Catherine Herridge@CBS_Herridge
Replying to @CBS_Herridge
“…this investigation has illustrated the extent to which officials within the Obama administration ignored the glaring warning signs when the VP’s son joined the board of a company owned by a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch + as will be discussed in later sections, Hunter Biden was
Catherine Herridge@CBS_Herridge
not the only Biden who cashed in on Joe Biden’s vice presidency.”
teams seeking comment.
Ryan Saavedra@RealSaavedra
· 1h
BREAKING: Hunter Biden Received Millions From Wife Of Ex-Moscow Mayor, Paid Suspects Allegedly Tied To Trafficking, Had Contacts With Chinese Military, Senate Report Alleges
Creepy Joe screws up again…during an Interview.
It looks like he can’t keep up with his teleprompter.
And the guy interviewing him, tries to help him out and cover for him!
Wonder if chrissy Wallace is going to cover for Slow Joe next week.
chrissy wall ASS
Bwahahahahaha that’ll be a real circus act … bwahahahahaha …

Would be great if the TelePrompTer suffered a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death), and Biden started reading off the error messages and memory addresses

The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x000000c4 (0x0000000000002004, 0xffffdb0939ae3ab8, 0xfffff80e7c6a0218, 0xffffc60df10bc1d0). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\MEMORY.DMP. Report Id: c54e6fc4-0e98-45b3-aa9d-23af2c3dce63.
IIRC, GA/FL addressed this a number of times back in ~March. Her local / regional hospital used UV to disinfect entire wings and or OR theaters. Applying it to planes, commercial offices is a natural leap. Or so I assumed at the time. Empty the plane or building. Run the UV for whatever time. “Clear” the air and move on. Yea, my mind is quite simplistic.
There was also talk of a “scope” that could be (gently) lowered into the lungs to kill off the virii.
Considering the devices they use for micro (nano?) surgery nowadays, that sounds completely possible (think catheter ablation, CI insertion, various other delicate procedures)…
(Also think of “Fantastic Voyage” and the Proteus II [gotta wonder what happened to the Proteus I] where they miniaturized a sub and used it for diagnostic purposes… with a time limit that was almost their undoing – Isaac Asimov wrote a great one, there)…
Rudy W. Giuliani
Senator Johnson’s report is true. It vindicates what I revealed a year and a half ago.
But the crimes are not limited to criminal conflicts.
For 30 years the Biden Crime Family sold public office for millions.
As all the facts come out this is a RICO case.
More to come soon.
This is why I believe Biden is running for president, and PRETENDING to have dementia, so that he doesn’t go to jail… there are other DIMS just as stupid who could have served as placeholders… but Biden needed protection, as well as OBAMA… which is why we have the “burn the country down” agenda…
I do not think the guy has dementia either. You could probably get his symptoms either through ‘acting’ or through the use of drugs.
As it happens, he actually DID have two aneurysms a few years back, I understand. I was talking to somebody yesterday who heard a neurologist on that, and the physician claimed that that does contribute to deteriorization.
Slow Joe, I suppose is protected somewhat by DOJ not interfering in elections. BUT, this will NOT save Slow Joe or Where’s Hunter. Maybe we’ll get a mittens offspring, Kerry kid…was Podesta family in on Ukraine also.
But it is not stopping the Senate or Ukrainians. Way up thread I posted a presser by Ukraine. Quite eye opening what they have put together. Names, names, bank account records, connects the dots on money laundering, links with Russia, banks in various countries, faux business entities.
Explains the bilking of US tax dollars shunted off as bribes and illegal payments. Ukraine taxes and tariffs being used to abuse Ukraine citizens.
Me thinks, Ukrainians WILL be the undoing of Slow Joe, Where’s Hunter and many more criminals. Perhaps get to the idiot US Ambassador and Vindman. Have not seen much on the latter two. but, IMO, makes sense.
Hope you’re right about Vindman, etc. I’ll go look for your post… I think I missed it…
The last time I saw “dancing” like this was at a fall mixer at one of the all-guys schools where the freshmen put on a slam dancing show while wearing crepe paper around their heads.
Good comment:
It takes STRESS, ADVERSITY, CHALLENGE to make adults. That is why the Commies INSIST on wrapping children in cotton batting so they never learn actions have consequences or how to strive for a goal.
Byron York
From Johnson-Grassley report on Hunter Biden:
Wow… great find DP
These guys started reading early this a.m. I bet !
My brother and his wife visited the Loretto Chapel several years ago. They were absolutely amazed and still talk about that staircase.
It’s still one of the most amazing stories.
This scandal may need its own category.
Tom Fitton
Secret Service tells @JudicialWatch that there are no records about Hunter Biden travel after July, 2014. Did Hunter Biden give up Secret Service protection? Why?
Quote Tweet
Tom Fitton
· Jun 26
BIG: Docs Hunter Biden took 5 trips to China while Joe Biden was VP. New emails show intel manipulated by Obama WH on #Benghazi-prelude to #Obamagate abuse of @realDonaldTrump! PLUS Deep State sedition against @GenFlynn-Obama Did It. @JudicialWatch Update:
8:24 AM · Sep 23, 2020
well the report is 87 pages long…
and Rudy says it will be a RICO case…
so yeah, will need its own place
Wolf, PA governor loses again…Stickman will not issue a stay while the appeal makes it way thru the system. Judge reasons that the rules were inconsistent, and Wolf didn’t show irreparable harm would be caused if they saty was not granted. he also faults Wolf for participating in a FLyod protest where social distancing was not follwoed…
U.S. Judge William S. Stickman IV echoed some of those same arguments Tuesday when he denied a request from Gov. Wolf’s administration that, if granted, would have allowed his team to continue enforcing coronavirus restrictions such as placing caps on indoor and outdoor gatherings.
Those limits on gatherings are now unenforceable unless an appeals court reinstates them later. Other mandates like wearing a mask in public are still in effect.
Judge Stickman had already found many of the restrictions used by the Wolf administration as unconstitutional in a ruling last week celebrated by Republicans. The suit was filed by several counties, lawmakers and businesses mainly in the southwest portion of Pennsylvania.
However, Attorney General Josh Shapiro filed a request for a stay from the judge while the state appealed the ruling, meaning the state would still be able to impose most of its restrictions while the appeal worked its way through the higher courts for a more final decision.
But Stickman said the state had not met the burden of showing “irreparable harm” was likely if the stay was not granted.
“For example, to avoid litigation the in Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court, [the administration] entered a Confidential Settlement Agreement permitting a large event to take place in Carlisle, Cumberland County,” the judge wrote, referring to an auto show.
The administration “imposed an outdoor limitation on the event of ‘no more than 20,000 individuals, which is 50% of its capacity,” Stickman pointed out. “This is nearly 100 times the permissible outdoor gathering limit of 250.”
Judge Stickman also faulted the governor for attending one of the protests in June over the killing of George Floyd by a police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
“The photo of that protest does not indicate that social distancing requirements were honored or enforced,” which “undermine[s] their current argument that imminent and irreparable harm will occur absent their ability to impose numeric occupancy caps.”
“Other mandates like wearing a mask in public are still in effect.”
We are not a government or a people of MAN-DATES, our system doesn’t function that way.
If the government wants to hatch some scheme, they have to PASS A LAW and sign their names to it, they don’t get to play Caesar and make decrees.
It’s ridiculous.
All kinds of dirt being dug up today.
Sounds as if Chyna has been ‘driving’ Ms Diane… in more ways than one… and for eons
she and hubby are filthy rich… ill-gotten treasonous gains
Wasn’t her mother born in a city by Wuhan CHY-Nah? … hmmmmmmmm
…. grrrrrrrrrrr 
She’s a traitor not the United States
of therefore rip the twitch out of that post …
… how did “not” get in there … sigh 
… “OF” ….

Maybe silence is golden ..
87 years of corruption, criminality and treason.
Catherine Herridge weighs in.
yes, and I for one will continue to “follow the pen”
she’s sharp, ethical and reports the facts
New footage has leaked out showing conditions at Three Gorges Dam.
Notice the cracks in the concrete, shown at the beginning of the video.
And there is a massive buildup of floating garbage that has backed up at the Dam.
The torrential rains have continued upriver from the Dam…so they are getting another wave of floodwaters reaching the Dam.
This video was posted 09/22/20:
wheatie, I watched a Chinese propaganda film last night ab the incredible strength of the Dam…v extensive…and the conclusion was that even it is is bombed, and partially compromised the entire structure would not fail. Lotsa animation-speculation ab bombing.
“wheatie, I watched a Chinese propaganda film last night ab the incredible strength of the Dam…v extensive…and the conclusion was that even it is is bombed, and partially compromised the entire structure would not fail. Lotsa animation-speculation ab bombing.
Did they get the water’s opinion of that theory?
What size bomb were they talking about?
A cherry bomb?
Or something larger?
scott, the implication of this propaganda was this: if this Dam fails, it will not be the result of the failure of this magnificent structure, but rather of foreign attack. This is an unmistakable goal of this particular piece.
Only members of The Tribe need apply? Have you noticed that most of the opposition to POTUS comes from The Tribe? And before you start attacking me, facts are facts… some needed to be stated… I’m tired of the elephant in the room.
Brun0Barking Retweeted
Sean Hannity@seanhannity
Feinstein, Schumer: Catholics Need Not Apply
Feinstein, Schumer: Catholics Need Not Apply | The Jeffrey Lord
Catholics Need Not Apply. Anti-Catholic bigotry in the Democratic Party is back in vogue.
from the comments to Hannity’s tweet:
BS !!! Schumer, Feinstein, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, and on and on…
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck…
That anti-semitic card is worn to a frazzle…
It’s not Anti-Catholic: it’s ANTI-CHRISTIAN, and, at the Satanic root, ANTI-GOD. For their “god”, in the end, is the Anti-Christ…
The DEMONicRATS threw GOD off of their party platform, they worship and sacrifice to Moloch, be it explicitly or implicitly, they have no regard for human life, born, pre-born, elderly, or “main-sequence”, and foment and spread violence, ill-will, strife, and murder everywhere they go.
The “Anti-Semitic” card is an old trick, and a false one. The so-called Jews of the DEMONicRAT party worship at the Synagogue of Satan; not a true Synagogue. Satan Soros is but one example. And the so-called Catholics of the DEMONicRATS, Piglosi, Biden, and others, have probably not been to confession in 70+ years…..
Now that Ginsburg is gone, the (not)Supreme Court is 25% Jewish and 75% Roman Catholic.
Pretty sure it wasn’t that way when the country was founded.
Breyer – Jewish
Kagan – Jewish
Roberts – Roman Catholic
Thomas – Roman Catholic
Alito – Roman Catholic
Sotomayor – Roman Catholic
Gorsuch – Roman Catholic
Kavenaugh – Roman Catholic
Recently deceased judges
Antonin Scalia – Roman Catholic
RBG – Jewish
Why are people who are neither Jewish nor Roman Catholic so obviously being shut out of the process and denied opportunity?
It can’t be qualifications.
You don’t even need to be a lawyer to be a (not)Supreme Court judge.
And a strong argument could be made that the next 100 justices on the (not)Supreme Court shouldn’t be lawyers.
In the same way that you don’t need to be a politician to be president — and shouldn’t be.
from wiki:
The demographics of the Supreme Court of the United States encompass the gender, ethnicity, and religious, geographic, and economic backgrounds of the 114 people who have been appointed and confirmed as justices to the Supreme Court. Some of these characteristics have been raised as an issue since the Court was established in 1789. For its first 180 years, justices were almost always white male Protestants of Anglo or Northwestern European descent.[1]
Prior to the 20th century, a few Roman Catholics were appointed, but concerns about diversity of the Court were mainly in terms of geographic diversity, to represent all geographic regions of the country, as opposed to ethnic, religious, or gender diversity.[2] The 20th century saw the first appointment of justices who were Jewish (Louis Brandeis, 1916), African-American (Thurgood Marshall, 1967), female (Sandra Day O’Connor, 1981), and Italian-American (Antonin Scalia, 1986). The first appointment of a Hispanic justice was in the 21st century with Sonia Sotomayor in 2009, with the possible exception of justice Benjamin Cardozo, a Sephardi Jew of Portuguese descent, who was appointed in 1932.
In spite of the interest in the Court’s demographics and the symbolism accompanying the inevitably political appointment process,[3] and the views of some commentators that no demographic considerations should arise in the selection process,[4][5] the gender, race, educational background or religious views of the justices has played little documented role in their jurisprudence. For example, the opinions of the two African-American justices have reflected radically different judicial philosophies; William Brennan and Antonin Scalia shared Catholic faith and a Harvard Law School education, but shared little in the way of jurisprudential philosophies. The court’s first two female justices voted together no more often than with their male colleagues, and historian Thomas R. Marshall writes that no particular “female perspective” can be discerned from their opinions.[6]
When the Supreme Court was established in 1789, the first members came from among the ranks of the Founding Fathers and were almost uniformly Protestant. Of the 114 justices who have been appointed to the court, 91 have been from various Protestant denominations, 13 have been Catholics (one other justice, Sherman Minton, converted to Catholicism after leaving the Court). Another, Neil Gorsuch, was raised in the Catholic Church but later attended an Episcopal church, though without specifying the denomination to which he felt he belonged.[79] Eight have been Jewish and one, David Davis, had no known religious affiliation. Three of the 17 chief justices have been Catholics, and one Jewish justice, Abe Fortas, was unsuccessfully nominated to be chief justice.
here’s link if you would like to read more…
As for not having to be a lawyer:
FAQs – General Information – Supreme Court of the United …
Search domain
A Justice does not have to be a lawyer or a law school graduate, but all Justices have been trained in the law. Many of the 18th and 19th century Justices studied law under a mentor because there were few law schools in the country. The last Justice to be appointed who did not attend any law school was James F. Byrnes (1941-1942).”
The people selected for the bench at any level are known entities largely from having clerked for judges.
If that’s the case, perhaps the question should be what is the religious breakdown of those lawyers who clerk early in their careers as opposed to those who practice in a firm or are corporate suits.
The whole thing smacks of obvious cronyism.
It’s a political-class.
Well, if people of other persuasions want to be judges, it would be a good idea to volunteer to work in a place where their jurisprudence will come to be known.
“Well, if people of other persuasions want to be judges, it would be a good idea to volunteer to work in a place where their jurisprudence will come to be known.”

Right, of course, one person, on the outside, changing the institution and the entire system of cronyism, from law school to internships to being seated on the bench — one day at at time.
Why didn’t I think of that?
“Well, if people of other persuasions want to be judges, it would be a good idea to volunteer to work in a place where their jurisprudence will come to be known.”
It’s easy to say when your people occupy every seat in the Ivory Tower.
The problem, invariably, is that eventually the peasants get around to figuring out that burning down the tower is the only legitimate solution.
Its a quandary that I just dont understand. Not all of course, but tech, hollywood, boards, ceos, billionaires, are significant members. Why would a group historically so oppressed take on a leadership role in oppression?
Go back and watch the Seinfeld episodes with the parents in their Del Boca Vista condo and the condo association. That’s not necessarily fiction.
Ill look for it today.
How about a short recap for those not able to take a look at them?
We have several “cultural Jews” as well as devote Jews among our friends…just like Catholics, Amish, Evangelicals, Muslims, etc….it’s the religion buffet…take what you want from it.
Because most are secular Jews, or that is what we were told by Jimmy De Young of Prophecy Today who has lived in Israel and knows the P.M. in other words, very familiar with the issues.
Just like secular Christians and Muslims. Pelosi, Biden, Omar are a few examples…It’s more a secular, vs. devout/practicing thing.
And it comes out in the open.
Not saying anything more.
No need to…
And as I do not think there has ever been an evangelical Christian on the Supreme Court, I would say it is the same for them. I do believe the majority of the Court is Roman Catholic, incld. some of my favorite justices.
The trick to being on the Supreme Court, as I understand it, is to clerk for judges. So, the people you see actually being seated on the bench did not go into a law practice, usually, and volunteered to be public servants at the beginning of their careers.
I don’t know that religion has anything to do with it.
I would hope the person chosen would be a Christian in my mind includes Catholic.
I do not mind Jewish person to be chosen but would have a little concern if it was a Muslim.
Might be bigot and wrong of me but we need an ethical person with character. Yes some Muslims could have character and ethics I would need to be convinced.
“I do not mind Jewish person to be chosen but would have a little concern if it was a Muslim.”
I would have a lot more than a little concern if a Muzzie was on the (not)Supreme Court.
islam is a murder-cult, characterized by taking whatever it wants by violence, or by subversion and infiltration of that which it cannot conquer openly.
And all the political-correctness in the whole world can’t even begin to cover that truth.
islam is the mortal enemy of everything that is not islam.
From its foundation and creation, by a mass-murderer.
islam is the Jeffrey Epstein of religion.
And the Manson.
You realize if democrats back into power a Muslim Supreme Judge is a possibility if not now but in the future?
I know it is scary but most people do not contemplate that. Same with President. I never thought we have an immigrant Muslim as Congressperson who hates the US and might be a communist?
Present make-up, with 8 Justices
Protestant (Episcopal) Neil Goruch
Jewish Stephen Breyer, Elana Kagan
Catholic Chief justice John Roberts, and justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Sonia Sotomayor,
and Brett Kavanaugh
Gorsuch was raised Roman Catholic.
He doesn’t practice any more. He attends a church other than Catholic, thus making him an apostate, actually. He can always come back.
My point was that being raised as a Roman Catholic still has a profound influence on the mind and the worldview, on the observance of human traditions and doctrines and commandments of men over the Word of God, on the belief that man requires a human intercessor between himself and God with an imaginary line of succession back to Peter, the entire hierarchy of human control that exists nowhere in Scripture or the 1st century church.
All of that baggage they bring to their ‘interpretation’ of the Constitution for the United States of America.
Not to mention that our country was founded by people who were trying to escape from the oppression and corruption of the RCC in the first place.
How this is lost on people is truly a mystery.
I regularly use the example of Founding Father Samuel Adams’ “The Rights of the Colonists” to show that he would never approve of islam, for the very specific reason that their doctrines would be subversive to society. That was the litmus test.
What I don’t often mention (because it’s usually not the subject of discussion, it’s usually islam that causes me to refer to it), is that Adams’ concerns weren’t about islam.
His concerns were about Roman Catholicism.
Here are his own words, with a preface by Breitbart author AWR Hawkins:
Would Founding Father Samuel Adams Agree with Ben Carson on a Muslim President?
AWR Hawkins
“It is interesting to note that in 1772 Sam Adams wrote “The Rights of the Colonists,” through which he set forth a litmus test for religions that could be tolerated under the new government colonists would form. Adams’ litmus test rules out theocracies like Islam.
Hanover College published “The Rights of the Colonists,” in which Adams wrote:
“In regard to religion, mutual toleration in the different professions thereof is what all good and candid minds in all ages have ever practised, and, both by precept and example, inculcated on mankind.
And it is now generally agreed among Christians that this spirit of toleration, in the fullest extent consistent with the being of civil society, is the chief characteristical mark of the Church. Insomuch that Mr. Locke has asserted and proved, beyond the possibility of contradiction on any solid ground, that such toleration ought to be extended to all whose doctrines are not subversive of society.
The only sects which he thinks ought to be, and which by all wise laws are excluded from such toleration, are those who teach doctrines subversive of the civil government under which they live.”
Hawkins: “So Adams sets forth a test for ascertaining which religions should be tolerated and that test is whether the “doctrines” – or teachings – of a given religion are “subversive of society.” Adams contended that religions “are excluded from… toleration” when they “teach doctrines subversive of the civil government.”
One would think of the Muslim tendency to seek sharia law and sharia-compliant courts instead of laws and courts affiliated with constitutionally recognized jurisprudence. It would follow that one would presume the theocratic nature of Islam, whereby every facet of life – including matters of civil governance – are co-opted as part of the religion.
Theocracies can tend toward fascism, and although Adams did not employ such a term in opposing toleration for religions “subversive of the civil government,” he certainly made the same point.
At the time of Adams’ writing, he called the Roman Catholic religion by name, suggesting practitioners of that faith forfeited toleration due to “such doctrines as these, that princes excommunicated may be deposed, and those that they call heretics may be destroyed without mercy; besides their recognizing the Pope in so absolute a manner, in subversion of government.”
We do not see the Roman Catholic church destroying those “they call heretics… without mercy” in our day. But it is common to find examples of Muslims demanding that infidels convert to Islam or face death.
And they do so with an allegiance to Muhammad that both supersedes and defines their allegiance to civil government.
While Ben Carson opposes the idea of having a Muslim for president, Samuel Adams would have opposed toleration for the Muslim faith in general.”
“We do not see the Roman Catholic church destroying those “they call heretics… without mercy” in our day.”
Does anyone truly doubt that we would absolutely see the RCC doing the exact same things that led to the (non)Reformation, if the RCC had the POWER to do today what they were doing then?
What has changed?
Certainly not the nature and character of Man…
That is not a reflection on the adherents of Roman Catholicism, it is an acknowledgement that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Just FYI: The Catholic Church is the most hated institution on the planet. The sad thing is that most people haven’t taken the time to truly study what they have been taught and gaslighted to hate.
Funny that so many converts come from those who read the founders in the first four centuries to prove the Church is wrong. Maybe She’s not.
“Just FYI: The Catholic Church is the most hated institution on the planet.”
The victim card never gets old, but isn’t it somewhat obscene to play it, when you’re over a billion strong?
The Lord’s church (not the RCC) is the most hated ‘institution’ on the planet, and the Lord is the most hated individual on the planet, because the world hates Truth.
The RCC, the ‘institution’, hates truth too. Objectively so, everyone can see it, including nearly everyone here who is Roman Catholic, and comments about it regularly.
The ‘institution’ of the RCC is the biggest bully on the block. It’s unseemly to portray it as a victim or a martyr.
“The sad thing is that most people haven’t taken the time to truly study what they have been taught and gaslighted to hate.”
I have not been taught to hate anything, I see with my own eyes.
And (most) people who are indoctrinated into the religion don’t even try to see it from any perspective but their own (biased) insider perspective, they just play the victim, which is a tactic, a strategy to silence opposition no different than peer-pressure or any other deceit the Left uses.
And those who are not indoctrinated are then put in the position of believing the naked assertions of the indoctrinated, or believing their own lying eyes.
I could not present the reality any more clearly, I couldn’t lay it out any better so that my points could be successfully addressed and explained, if anyone could do so.
With a billion Roman Catholics on the planet, surely someone would, if anyone could.
Nobody ever does.
Not in all the years I’ve been pointing out the logical inconsistencies, the historical realities or the Scriptural contradictions.
It is a “religion”, seemingly based almost exclusively (and ultimately) on dogma, and in my experience, the control over the minds of adherents in Roman Catholicism is stronger than most others.
“Funny that so many converts come from those who read the founders in the first four centuries to prove the Church is wrong. Maybe She’s not.”
Statements like that sound insane.
There is NO communication possible with someone who thinks and expresses themselves the way you do.
And I know it’s the ‘language’ of your church, and clearly it was developed to frustrate inquiry and understanding.
A) the “founder” was Jesus Christ
B) the ‘church’ is not a ‘sentient’ individual being, so it cannot be ‘right’ OR ‘wrong’, in the same way a TREE cannot be ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. It is an institution consisting of MEN. And when people argue otherwise, it makes them appear INSANE, as though the ‘church’ has a mind of its own in the attic, and a mouth in the wall of the basement.
I know you’re not insane, but statements where people assign human attributes to inanimate objects make the speaker appear to be insane.
C) the ‘church’ (any church, false or true) consists of MEN, and those men are fallible and mortal and subject to all the temptations that come with power, especially power granted to themselves which God’s Word never once granted to anyone (e.g., the position of anyone such a ‘Pope’ or a ‘Cardinal’ or other individual having oversight of any congregation besides the one of which he was a member).
When you add these things up, and throw in the victim card and associated dogma, it becomes an impenetrable WALL of assertion and certitude.
It’s not an appeal to the mind, or the intellect, or the heart. It is an appeal to simply SUBMIT to things that don’t make any *&^% sense, and most especially, contradict the very Word of God which must be (but obviously isn’t) the highest Authority in matters having to do with God.
The RCC is always and continually putting people (members and non-members) in the position of believing God’s Word, or believing Men who contradict God’s Word.
It really is that simple, and that honest.
Members of the RCC can come up with excuses and explanations and justifications and rationalizations until the cows come home, but it’s all BS. If it was honest, nobody would need all the rationalizations and justifications and insinuations. God didn’t make it complicated, MEN did (and do).
The RCC has been at war with the plain language of God’s Word for as far back as I have looked.
So when men say one thing and God’s Word says another, the question is really very simple.
Who are we supposed to believe and obey, Man or God?
“Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29, KJV)
And if there is any possible context wherein that verse is not true and applicable, I would like to know what that context might be.
Look at the evil in her soul as reflected in her face. People with the joy of the Lord are healthy and happy looking no matter what age. One’s Countenance reflects the condition of the soul.
So he used the cash for hookers and drugs there too? How much you wanna bet this involves underage girls and possibly moving kids too?

Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) Tweeted:
Found Hunter.
Well, we know has a fondness for pole dancers! LOL
From the Hunter to the Hunted…..
Ive been seeing this frustration for at least a year.
Mr GOP House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy isnt supporting MAGA in his own state. He has been supporting establishiment and antiTrump rino types bc they are the political class he is familiar with. GOP and RNC need to make a real effort here.
Buzz Patterson for Congress (CA-7) (@BuzzPatterson) Tweeted:
Dear @GOPLeader, I’m busting my ass to swing another seat in California for you and @potus. We’ve been running for 15 months now and are within striking distance in a very winnable district. Where are you? Sincerely, where are you?
The future representative for CA-7
Why did 40+ congressmen “retire” in 2018? Did they give the House to the Dems on purpose to take out President Trump? Simply look at the actions of the GOP over the past 4 years.
Youre right. Controlled opposition playbook.
Ours was one of the 40+. That’s how we got Van Drew.
If I remember correctly the anons and perhaps Q alluded to a ‘deal’… retire now or suffer the consequences of your crimes…
If you look at it ‘cup half full’…the Democrat House has exposed itself along with the rest of the rats. I can see this as an ‘Art of War’ type of tactic to show the people as part of the Great Awakening.
As always…time will tell.
Why was Liz Zentos so uncooperative?
Quote Tweet
Senator Ron Johnson@SenRonJohnson
· 2h
The report draws almost exclusively on records from the U.S. gov and U.S. entities, and from the testimony of U.S. persons. The only exception is a handful of documents that have been authenticated by the U.S. persons who should have provided them in the first instance.…
Justice Department Retweeted
Suburban Pittsburgh man pleads guilty to destroying @PghPolice vehicle during May 30th protest: Self-identified left-wing anarchist Brian Bartels began by spray painting “A” on the marked SUV.
Probably pled guilty proudly. Maximum sentence, please.
Wasn’t this the 17 year old whose parents made him turn himself in? Seem to remember that name…and this photo looks to be of a young person.
Could be Tea… your memory is better than mind, which these days last about 24 hrs
I do remember a case where parents turned youngster in, and the photo does look like that of a young person…
Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
House approves stopgap spending bill to keep government open through December 11
The vote was 359-57 with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) voting present.
56 Republicans and Rep. Justin Amash (L-MI) voting nay.
The Senate must now take up the bill to align with the House
Just wondering about the amount of pork included…..
Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping
September 22, 2020
Everyone needs to read this to understand the existential threat to America.
Wait for it …
• Directives to REMOVE from every Educational Institution
• Directives to REVERSE the damage done
… to both CURRENT and FORMER employees/students.
IMO this is President Trump’s most powerful Executive Order for neutering Demo☭rats’ Anti-American Assaults on our values, our institutional integrity and our national unity.
Demo☭rats MANDATED this with their allegations of “Systemic Institutional Racism”.
Cut the head of the snake off ..

Reading section 2A, in the first link, where he defines divisive language. Just about every one of those things he is prohibiting actually are racist by any realistic use of the term; it’s just that the Left has turned “racism” as a concept on its head, allowing it to be used against whites.
Oh, yes, this is going to make a lot of people *scream*. GOOD.
Rudy W. Giuliani @ RudyGiuliani
Senator Johnson’s report is true. It vindicates what I revealed a year and a half ago.
But the crimes are not limited to criminal conflicts.
For 30 years the Biden Crime Family sold public office for millions.
As all the facts come out this is a RICO case.
More to come soon.
Sleepy Joe, Hunter and friends, they just all big liars;
They’ll get justice and they’ll pay; from the pan into the fire.
Talkin’ ’bout, hey now, hey now, RICO, RICO, they pay.
All them cops gonna take ‘em away, they be locked away.
They smug now but watch out ahead, RICO, RICO, they pay.
The times they comin’ they betta dread, man they betta pray.
Talkin’ ’bout, hey now, hey now, RICO, RICO, they pay.
All them cops gonna take ‘em away, they be locked away.
They not gonna skate through this, they be stuck in mire.
They think they so smart now, then they plans backfire.
Talkin’ ’bout, hey now, hey now, RICO, RICO, they pay.
All them cops gonna take ‘em away, they be locked away.
Things they not what they seem, RICO, RICO, they pay.
They be gone, just a bad dream, in that jail they stay.
Talkin’ ’bout, hey now, hey now, RICO, RICO, they pay.
All them cops gonna take ‘em away, they be locked away.
Haaaa…I love it, Carl.

Good one Carl… love it!
carl, very good!
Sharyl Attkisson tweeted last night, only two words: It’s Happening.
and that’s JUST ONE political family—next do the Clintons, the Pelosis, the Feinsteins, the Kerrys…
And let’s not leave the Kennedys and the Bushes out either.
good additions!!
And the Romneys
I guess those Hollywood elites can’t move to Canada anymore!


.. Andre’ has a LOT of brass .. 

Love it DePat, awesome Open, as always .. thanks
Love Psalms ..
The description says there were 500 pieces for this performance. Pretty cool.
Oh my my yes … what a musical treat DePat .. love it
Looked as though several were military…what a dream for a conductor! Very cool!
Indo-Pacific News
#Cisco may be first target for #China’s retaliation against #US sanctions on Chinese companies, WSJ reports
Amid speculation that major American IT firms such as #Apple, #Qualcomm, and #Cisco could face retaliation.
Indo-Pacific News
A new report says that telecommunications equipment firm Cisco appears to be included on China’s list. China is expected to release its blacklist of companies facing retaliation after the US presidential election on Nov. 3 in consideration of political repercussions.
…………..End text.
So the ChiComs have made a “blacklist” of US companies that they are going to ‘retaliate’ against.
But they aren’t going to release it until after the Nov. 3rd election?
They aren’t even trying to be subtle about it.
Their message is clear: “Get rid of Trump or we will hurt you.”
This is election tampering.
This appears to be a great CV summary!
From within the comments to that tweet (that Wolfie linked to previously) some intriguing info…
Here’s more from those comments…fyi
“Hunter Biden” is trending on twitter right now…with over 236,000 tweets so far.
It’s now up to 247K.
Now 280K.
Not that anyone is counting, mind you.
Well, if anyone is counting, it should be you… Count Steve
(Bet you thought we had forgotten…)
All delusions!!!! I’ve never counted, just fact-checked.
Right Count Steve…
Tucker actually said…”Pedo island”…last night:

Good. Another week or two, and the delicate ears of the sleeping masses will be suitably prepared for Tucker to begin saying the whole world, Pedophile island.
Soon after that, he can start talking about how these self-styled ‘elitie’ pedophile monsters were raping and murdering children on Pedophile Island.
Let America hear about THAT while they’re eating dinner.
gotta catch up…just got back from my weekly banana run–wanted to drop this first…
there are no more “counters” outside walmart; there are no more restrictions on which way to shop down an aisle; you can now enter any entrance and leave any exit –no more cattle chutes.
and even though it still says masks required, no one asked me if i wanted one outside (or inside) the store.
if only masks were included in the lawsuit in which Judge Stickman declared some restrictions unconstitutional! lol
Good on you!
We still have the chutes.
We still have the shop this way signs, though most of them have just disappeared from natural attrition. No one pays the slightest attention to them anyway.
And of course the state order for masks still stands.
a stay on the unconstitutional provisions was denied by another a judge…so while our governor is appealing, the restrictions are not still in place…
Speaking of masks! (Notice the clever segue into the point I really wanted to bring up….
At last night’s rally, I saw a small child a few rows up over POTUS’ right shoulder who was wearing a clear face shield. Think he may have been wearing glasses and we know that causes problems for masks-wearers.
He stood out because I could see his face, his expressions…and it was so refreshing! It dawned on me, that is what is missing in the rallies…not the enthusiasm, for sure, but for those of us out in TV Land not seeing the faces of the people standing behind POTUS is something lacking.
I’ve emailed both the WH and the Trump Campaign, hoping someone will see the message and consider handing out clear face shields to those behind him plus any other public events where face masks are required.
Our enemies are attempting to make us faceless, expressionless zombies …neutered by our invisibly…and this might be a simple way to thwart that.
“Our enemies are attempting to make us faceless, expressionless zombies …neutered by our invisibly…and this might be a simple way to thwart that.”
So our enemies want us to resemble their souls – empty neutered zombies.
I do wear glasses, If I can set things up just right they won’t fog too badly.
I ought to try using a face shield instead of a mask and see if it causes me any grief.
Only my Trader Joes seems to be counting people going in.
no more restrictions on which way to shop down an aisle—– those never worked. LOL
Last night was the first time I have seen fully stocked Kirkland brand T.P. at the local Costco since the commie scam began.
Two words: Logan Act.
If indeed Øblowhole did that, and pretended or claimed to be acting on behalf of the USA, he deserves to swing in the wind with HELL-the-BEAST and all the other traitors…..
“Two words: Logan Act.”
Two words: Gallows Pole.
Has this been verified?
This is almost incredulous…where did this meeting take place?
I cannot fathom Obama thinking he can get away with such blatant actions….which makes me wonder if this is on the up and up. Even Obama , knowing he’s under investigation and close scrutiny, could be that arrogant and stupid….could he?
Ummm. The picture is from 2014, if that’s any indication . . .
Has 7.5K retweets. Please people, research before repeating.
How exactly does Obama “call” a U.N. security meeting?
What is his current status, either as a member of the U.S. government, or as a member of the United Nations?
By what authority does Hussein the Traitor ‘call’ a U.N. ‘security’ meeting?
How does anyone declare the death penalty as ‘wrong’ or ‘immoral’, without condemning God as ‘wrong’ and ‘immoral’ in the same breath?
Are the people who argue against the death penalty more ‘moral’ than God?
The hubris, the arrogance, the defiance, the intransigence, it’s breath-taking.
In case someone might find this useful in a future application . . .
Yes, it’s a rotten shame that option may be out there. I don’t understand how people can get that far gone ..

… oh wow Carl that looks so much better, TY .. 

Records Show John Kerry Lied About Ignorance Of Hunter Biden’s Lucrative Position In Ukraine
— The Federalist (@FDRLST) September 23, 2020
In a gaggle with reporters after @JoeBiden’s town hall in Nashua, NH, I asked @JohnKerry, who was Sec of State at the time, if he knew and was comfortable when Hunter Biden joined the board of Burisma:
“I had no knowledge about any of that. None. No.”
— Amanda Golden (@amandawgolden) December 8, 2019
“Records Show John Kerry Lied About Ignorance Of Hunter Biden’s Lucrative Position In Ukraine”
Records similarly show that Kerry has been lying since at least Vietnam.
And there’s absolutely no reason to think he only suddenly began lying then.

Like Epstein did?
Is this to prepare us for what they want to have happen?
Prayers either way.
The Library
Big Tech is a danger to our constitution, our rights & our National Security.
House Judiciary GOP
.@Facebook just slapped a warning label on our mail-in voting report! Will Twitter be next? Fight back against #BigTech and read our report here:
Harold Wren
Sean Davis@seanmdav
Biden campaign spokesman doesn’t deny a single allegation in the Senate report on the Biden family’s corrupt foreign business dealings, including the allegation that Hunter used proceeds from a shady Moscow business deal to buy trafficked prostitutes.
Quote Tweet
Catherine Herridge@CBS_Herridge
· 5h
#Burisma Biden campaign spokesman Andrew Bates addresses 87 page report @SenRonJohnson @ChuckGrassley “As the coronavirus death toll climbs + Wisconsinites struggle with joblessness, Ron Johnson has wasted months diverting the Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs
Show this thread
Funny he doesn’t mention the wasted months by the Dims during this time trying to impeach POTUS! Must have slipped his mind.
Right Tea…
What can be crazier each minute
Lost mail…
Children’s art project right oh like golf and grandkids its all good.
September 23, 2020
Seems Like Old Times: Getty Images Publishes Photo of Joe Biden… With a Halo
Margot Cleveland@ProfMJCleveland
Just remember: The same people who are going to say this is unbelievable about Biden, “believed” the Golden Showers crap.
Margot Cleveland
Hunter Biden is the one who got the stripper pregnant, right? So paying for prostitutes wouldn’t be that big of a stretch.
Margot Cleveland@ProfMJCleveland
I’m only on page 7 and Holy SH!T.
Margot Cleveland@ProfMJCleveland
THREADETTE: Only on page 7, of, but an initial thought (that I’m not saving for a piece). If this focused investigation revealed the profiteering in the millions by two political families (Biden and Kerry), imagine how much profiteering throughout D.C. 1/
8:21 AM · Sep 23, 2020·Twitter Web App
Margot Cleveland@ProfMJCleveland
Replying to @ProfMJCleveland
2/ And who doesn’t need political profiteering for him or his family?
@realDonaldTrump Hell, even Biden is telling us that: He’s from Wall Street, I’m from* Scranton. Now consider the hatred of Trump: It is a literally on a crazy level. Disagreeing w/ his policies,
Margot Cleveland@ProfMJCleveland
3/3 or his personality is not enough to explain all-out take-down efforts for Trump. But what is, is career politicians wanting to control their dominion. And not just politicians, but the military industrial complex. We don’t need to MAGA: We need to Take America Back Again.
One Officer Indicted in Breonna Taylor Shooting for ‘Wanton Endangerment’
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 2ef5e9 No.10756500
Sep 23 2020 12:25:35 (EST) NEW
Political leader(s) [+family (follow)] w: possible ties to sex trafficking?
Attacks [barrage] by media signify what?
‘Sex trafficking’ [safeguarding women & children] topic(s) that unite all political factions against a common enemy [faith in Humanity]?
Those you are taught to trust the most.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 2ef5e9 No.10756621
Sep 23 2020 12:32:52 (EST) NEW
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 2ef5e9 No.10756705
Sep 23 2020 12:35:59 (EST) NEW
The Justice Department Unveils Proposed Section 230 Legislation on Behalf of the Administration
Today, on behalf of the Trump Administration, the Department of Justice sent draft legislation to Congress to reform Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. The draft legislative text implements reforms that the Department of Justice deemed necessary in its June Recommendations and follows a yearlong review of the outdated statute. The legislation also executes President Trump’s directive from the Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship.
“For too long Section 230 has provided a shield for online platforms to operate with impunity,” said Attorney General William P. Barr. “Ensuring that the internet is a safe, but also vibrant, open and competitive environment is vitally important to America. We therefore urge Congress to make these necessary reforms to Section 230 and begin to hold online platforms accountable both when they unlawfully censor speech and when they knowingly facilitate criminal activity online.”
“The Department’s proposal is an important step in reforming Section 230 to further its original goal: providing liability protection to encourage good behavior online,” said Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen. “The proposal makes clear that, when interactive computer services willfully distribute illegal material or moderate content in bad faith, Section 230 should not shield them from the consequences of their actions.”
The Department of Justice is grateful to all the experts, victims’ groups, academics, businesses, and other stakeholders that have and continue to engage closely with the department during this process. The draft legislation reflects important and helpful feedback received thus far. The department is also grateful to our colleagues in Congress for their support on Section 230 reform and looks forward to continued engagement moving forward.
Jumping up and down… clapping my hands… shouting Hallelujia !!!!
Too soon. Nancy the Witch is still in charge of the House.
I have faith…
That’s a portion of the Press Release… here’s link to full PR
too excited!!!
This is HUGE, and actually DIRECTLY addresses an issue raised in article I had on my old blog! I cannot believe it!
Why did I choose that graphic?
Trump – The Information Trust-Buster
Pic’d my interest with your references to Dune and spice, so whoever controls the “spice” controls the universe?
And at the very deepest, we KNOW who controls it!!!
from the Report dropped this a.m., here is the “Conclusion” (p.64)
I hope the format from pdf transfers to WordPress… I cleaned it up… but… we all knowWordPress
f. Conclusion
Many of the allegations Democrats have made against Republicans — that they are relying on foreign disinformation, that they are carrying out a politicized investigation in an effort to bring down their political opponents, and that they are working covertly with the executive branch to quickly release sensitive information for political reasons — reflect the very patterns of behavior that Democrats themselves have engaged in, and continue to engage in, on a regular basis.
Let us not forget how the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign paid for the Steele dossier, which was created by a foreign national, a former MI6 employee, and is based on Russian government sources.263
Some of those Russian government sources were part of the Russian presidential administration and supported Hillary Clinton.264
Moreover, in January 2017 and February 2017, the FBI received reporting, some from the IC, that assessed portions of the Steele dossier were the product of a Russian disinformation campaign.265
That’s no surprise, since the Russian Intelligence Services were also aware of the dossier in early 2016 before the FBI opened Crossfire Hurricane. Thus, the Steele dossier was the perfect vehicle for disinformation to affect multiple elections and to sow discord and chaos.
Yet Democrats had no qualms about disseminating information from the dossier far and wide, reading parts of the dossier into the congressional record, and using its allegations as the basis for years of investigations and false claims against the Trump administration. Moreover, since the Chairmen made public in April 2020 the fact that the Steele dossier contained Russian disinformation, it does not appear that any Democrats have commented upon this revelation or expressed concern about their previous reliance on Russian disinformation. Here, the Democrats
are again relying on unverified foreign disinformation to falsely accuse their political rivals of doing the same.
Congressional oversight can and should be nonpartisan. It should be focused on exposing wrongdoing regardless of who is involved and on ensuring transparency and accountability in government on behalf of the American people. Efforts to discredit legitimate oversight, especially using foreign disinformation to sow discord, only serves to benefit our foreign adversaries at the expense of our own democratic institutions.”
262 See Email from Julia Frifield, U.S. Dep’t of St., to Hera Abbasi, Anthony Wier, Rori Kramer, Lauren Gillis, Zachary Schram, et al., U.S. Dep’t of St. (Jan. 5, 2017 9:52 a.m. EST) (on file with Comms.).
263 See Press Release, Chairman Charles Grassley, S. Comm. on Fin., IG Footnotes: Serious Problems with Dossier Sources Didn’t Stop FBI’s Page Surveillance (Apr. 15, 2020),
264 See id.
265 See id.
I have NO explanation for the huge gap/space in the copy/paste

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 2481e5 No.10756811
Sep 23 2020 12:41:34 (EST) NEW
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 2481e5 No.10756928
Sep 23 2020 12:46:26 (EST) NEW
Let the truth be told.
Political spying [illegal] less than 1%.
Have faith in Humanity.
Sep 23, 2020 1:41:34 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 2481e5 No. 10756811

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 2481e5 No.10757041
Sep 23 2020 12:51:20 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: a9ff1e No.10756980
Sep 23 2020 12:48:33 (EST) NEW
iirc, 75%
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 2481e5 No.10757382
Sep 23 2020 13:10:36 (EST) NEW
No media coverage?
The same people who control the media are the same people who are part of the evil and corrupt system?
Crimes against Humanity.
You are not meant to think for yourself.
You are not meant to challenge their power [control].
Obey and accept.
Illusion of Democracy.
Illusion of Freedom.
Why does the media push division?
Why does the media incite violence?
Why does the media pit race v race?
Why does the media pit religion v religion?
Why does the media pit sex v sex?
Why does the media pit class v class?
Divided you are weak.
Divided you fight each other.
Divided you pose no threat to their system of control.
Controlled media plays a major role in shaping the narrative(s) to keep you powerless [helpless] and asleep [unaware of truth].
I’m still wondering what’s up with the Awans. Too many IT fingers in too many Congress-Critter pies for them to have gotten away scot-free…..
I suspect that one’s coming.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 2481e5 No.10757537
Sep 23 2020 13:17:36 (EST) NEW
Everyone has a choice to make.
we gots no leaders… how ya gonna talk to ’em?
Inside what? There’s no organization to it. We’re all just sharing information on public chat boards and forums.
“Leaders? We don’t need no steen-kin leaders!”
h/t – the Tea Party of 2010
Anyone ever heard of the guy they interviewed?
His twitter acct is suspended.
aka Obama’s treason & sedition continues unabated–shock!
That’s a 2014 image, so . . . let the viewer beware!
good catch…but is the storyline correct even if the image is outdated?
Fake News. It’s a PARODY site.
OK, thanks. It was just so in keeping with his (lack of) character I didn’t think twice or obviously look closely–oops
You and 7,500 other people did too, LOL!! I also fell for it, but then looked closer.
I appreciate the catch & the gentle nudge too–Blessings!
Anybody here watch tennis?
You know how your head goes rapidly from side to side, trying to follow the ball?
Well, POTUS is throwing so much out there today, the commies are gonna have whiplash
And Saturday and his announcement are not even here yet… days and MORE to come…
President Donald Trump announces he will sign the Born-Alive Executive Order!
At the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast, President Donald Trump announced he will sign the Born-Alive Executive Order!
I’ve seen at least a dozen tweets with that video.
UHaul truck….rental records. No ability to pay with cash not without providing driver license, insurance, etc. FBI do your job!
I rather have the US Marshal Service DO THE JOB!
Yes – it is everywhere!!!
Nine sce mark gal appears to be wearing a USN uniform. Not saying she’s Active Duty. Just appears to be a USN uniform.
Well…something happened.
What is going on there?
I’m not sure I want to know.
Testing masks’ effectiveness against poison gasses
(Notice the shocked look of the fellow behind him…)….
It’s a wonder he’s still standing
Happy for his dysfunctional discomfort. Yea, I’m like that. Nads is evil.
Snicker…. Giggle…. GUFFAW!

Colostomy bag popped?
There would have been a dark spot on his suit pants. I don’t think it was in the front.

Unfortunately for the chick reporter in 4749, yeah, there is proof of the sex trafficking ring.
Wow is that stunning …

I like the “Push-Me Push-Me” on the lower right… typical of DEMONicRATS, it can only exhibit the wrong end of every, erm, issue…..
The ungodly won’t need to be pushed – they will fall naturally into the pit.
Skip the interview and go straight to the comments. The keyboard army sets the record straight.
Thanks DP…
digital warriors took care of her…
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 17d166 No.10758211
Sep 23 2020 14:03:37 (EST) NEW
Who controls [wields significant influence] re: the ‘Clinton’ [D] party?
Who controls [wields significant influence] re: the ‘Hussein’ [D] party?
Different factions of foreign [primary] control?
Who paid _Hussein’s Harvard Law Degree?
Who financed _Hussein’s political life?
Who is Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal?
Why are Hussein’s school records under seal?
Competing factions [each with a horse in the race] seeking direct WH control [+USMIL][+Trillions _overseas transfer of US taxpayer funds]?
All working together [coordinated][infiltration not invasion][VJ _HA].
What happens to US taxpayer funds transferred overseas under guise of AID, MIL, CLIMATE, etc.?
US taxpayers funding the destruction of America?
Do you think we will ever really know the answers about Obama?
I think that POTUS HAS TO TEAR DOWN Obama and show he was a FOREIGN IMPOSTOR.
This undoes:
1. ALL Obama’s EOs.
2. ALL Presidential Agreements with foreign countries.
3. ALL bureaucrat regulations put in place by Obama’s cabinet.
4. ALL Obama Judicial appointments
5. The over 7,000 out of 8,000 Senior Executive Service appointments.
6. Any and ALL bureaucrats and ambassadors and… appointed by Obama.
7. ALL military appointments and FIRINGS
It will not change any of the laws passed because they would become law with or without the FAUX president’s signature
Stuff you can’t make up…no really can’t make this up
Racist Group Releases Stripper and Poll Dancer PSA to Urge Blacks to Vote for Democrats — Cuz Liberals Think Blacks Only Want Stripper Ads
Via there YT page: ‘we funded this ourselves. No corporate anything. We paid for the entire shoot up front and then used money we raised on GoFundMe to pay ourselves back. Our entire crew was volunteer. We’re only affiliated with ourselves and own the work outright.’
Rolls eyes
And this one:
‘This is for men who are undecided’
Yes that will help!!!!

… what a bunch of nasty numb-nuts … wow .. 
Hate to say it but it might be an effective PR stunt.
I’m so tired of seeing women twerking and whatever the version of twerking with butt in the air is called. They do it all the time during lulls in riots.
It’s like some jungle mating performance.
I have read that Kim Klacik’s hubby manages (or owns) a strip club, or more than one. And perhaps she danced herself. Is this the left’s counter?
. If so, it just looks skeevie. Skeevie with no cure.
Gratuitously vulgar gyrating cellulite. That’s the ticket.
Cellulite? What the heck is that…asking for that friend, you know! LOL
It’s the stuff no one wants to see.
Well, I do everything possible for not many see it lurking around my thighs!
Her husband went to work in his father’s accounting firm in 1994. I can find no connection to ‘strip clubs’
Here’s a cache with several sites about her, her husband and family business
You’re probably right. It seems like Tariq Nasheed, that Tariq radio BLM/reparations supporter has been a thorn in her side for years. I looked at the comments attached to her video on my FB feed today – and there were misc. people there talking about the club thing, even referencing places where she worked.
Probably BS.
Kim Klacic is the Republican running for Elijah Cummings’s seat as I understand it. Your posts were the first I had seen on anything of the sort regarding her. She has SPECTACULAR campaign ads.
They treated her badly on The View… I think she was brave to go on… but apparently Lefties don’t really like black women who think for themselves, who have ideas about really helping people… they want them to stay on the Plantation… and those on the View won’t allow a conversation, one on one, it’s a pile-on
I know her hubby is an accountant. I clicked the link and scrolling down Tariq Nasheed is there, and a paragraph about a specific club. It isn’t that I care one way or the other. She’s right on the money, so all bets are off.
Happened to get a glimpse of the Louisville tribe…jumping up and down just like the Zulu warriors in Africa!
Baboons in Africa

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4f0773 No.10758338
Sep 23 2020 14:12:51 (EST) NEW
Crime Syndicate
Calfornia Mafia…
But can we finally put a stop to it?

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4f0773 No.10758348
Sep 23 2020 14:13:52 (EST) NEW
They can’t have any TRUE reporters out there……
Too Late dumb masses.
Dumb Masses might CENSOR John Solomon on the “Tech” “Platforms”…..
Bet he still shows up on REAL Media.
positive developments, but will this prevent/reverse all the censorship against conservatives for the election season?
I don’t think so, and beyond that, it’s not important. Twitter and Facebook are enemy honeypots for the Dems to see what works on voters.
You’re probably right, tragically. Well I’m still staying in the twit world fray as long as I have access to magnify messages from our side…
Interesting tidbit…don’t know how this can Factually be measured but appreciate the enthusiasm!
Handing off Que watch for a bit. Later.
No coincidences!
davealvord164 Retweeted
Elizabeth Noreika@enoreikaTV
#KY AG finds officers Mattingly and Cosgrove were justified in use of force in #BreonnaTaylor case.
Here’s more:
Louisville Cop Charged in Breonna Taylor Case Was Indicted for Stray Bullets That Entered Another Apartment, Not Breonna Taylor’s
Breonna Taylor Protesters Run to Parked U-Haul Full of Supplies After Charges Against Cop Announced
So that’s where the U-Haul’s went!
So, we have a black AG stating they’re not guilty…
and STILL… white people rioting in the streets
Lib Logic.
You know who’s cash.
In reality, short of 1st degree premeditated murder charge against any LEO within 10 miles of this incident they were going to riot.
She is the new iconic martyr …all must bow to the female thug’s death.
Please just do it now!!!
House GOP Leader Threatens to Oust Pelosi If She Attempts Impeachment

…. and …

Sep 23, 2020 3:32:21 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 53d6a1 No. 10758691
Sep 23, 2020 3:26:10 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: 1c89c3 No. 10758597
and Donald J. Trump kept his word…
Wish they’d all move to Gab.
Not enough reach.
Sorry, boss, but the battle has to be fought behind enemy lines.
What if we’re not actually fighting?
I think we’ve been fooled at a China level.
In other words, I don’t think anybody we can actually change can see us.
This should be against the law..if the info is correct.
Seems wrong to establish funds to relieve the expected bail for the expected crimes to be committed during an event that you and your org provide instruments to aid in the expected violence…one big fat cluster
Looks like it’s time for mistletoe and HOLLY .. by golly … miserable traitor …
The Library
Hey @FBI – you have any special agents in Louisville KY or nah? Any field offices?
Asking for America, the tax payers who fund you so can handle shit like this.
Maybe we should defund & disband the FBI & give all your resources to the US Marshalls?
Jack Posobiec
Fire Chris Wray immediately
Harold Wren
This is disgusting and infuriating … where’s the electronic pulse dropped from a chopper to flatten those traitor POS’s … zzzzzzzzzzooottttt

If a person waits in line to walk by RBG’s casket, do we think they would have time to piss on it before being hauled away?
Asking for a friend…
Someone commented this a.m. that the casket is covered with a ‘wrinkled’ flag, just as NoName’s was…
If you wait ’til after Monday, one can probably stop off at Arlington and get the deed done.
Why would they bury her in Arlington, surrounded by patriots?
Seems like that’s the last place in the world she would want to be buried. And which of her cronies and sycophants would want to visit her grave in such a place of national sacrifice?
Her life was spent trying to destroy what the people buried at Arlington gave their lives to protect.
It would be a very lonely place for a traitor.
Her ‘beloved’ husband Martin is buried in Arlington and as the wife of that honored man, she will be buried next to him….
Well the grass is certainly going to grow greener on her grave
WASHINGTON — Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who had advocated for military women during her career, will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery, according to the Supreme Court.
Scott, I agree… just replied to Kal… who also wondered about ‘why’ Arlington… this from Stars & Stripes 9/21
“WASHINGTON — Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who had advocated for military women during her career, will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery, according to the Supreme Court.”
I had read earlier that she was to be buried next to her husband… I just checked, and he also is buried at Arlington…
Following his graduation from ‘Cornell University,’ he worked as an ROTC officer in the ‘Army Reserve’ before enrolling at ‘Harvard.’
There’s NO ‘next to’ in military cemetaries. There’s in front and behind the tombstone. My Dad’s on one side, my Mom’s on the other side behind him.
Thanks for that info Butterfly… I had no idea.
Me either! I found out when we buried my Mom. The back side of her marker stayed blank. When my Dad died they removed the marker to put his info on it. Efficient use of space by our military, I suppose. In civilian cemetaries, plots are pre-purchased, and many times plans change, original spouses get divorced. I know of one family plot where the man was married 3 times and none of the wives were buried with him. His son and grandson were. There’s one spot left and nobody wants it.
The “wrinkled” flag has a meaning, and it’s not good.
Someone posted about that a week or two ago. I’m not surprised that RBG has a flag like that…
The Wrinkled Flag Theory
“I was asked, did the research, and here’s what I found. You will never see a wrinkled flag on a veteran’s casket, so why did Pres. Bush 41, Sen. McCain, and Rep. Lewis have bad looking flags? The theory states that those draped in this less than desirable manner acted inappropriately in their duties to the country. We can argue the point well that some in government are absolute traitors, but there is no signal to indicate that…..”
Please NOT at Arlington.
Separate issue, politicians should not be interred at Arlington. Veterans only. IMO.
Give the pompous ass politicians their own place.
I agree Kal… this from Stars & Stripes 9/21
“WASHINGTON — Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who had advocated for military women during her career, will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery, according to the Supreme Court.
There are fourteen Supreme Court justices buried there.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.[
William Howard Taft
Hugo Black
William O. Douglas
Earl Warren
William J. Brennan Jr.
Potter Stewart
Arthur Goldberg
Thurgood Marshall
Warren E. Burger
Harry Blackmun
William Renquist
John Paul Stevens
Not surprised. Probably a whole lot of politicians and riff raff. Nothing against RBG, although I have nothing nice to say about RBG.
Simply put, IMO, Arlington is for Veterans..
I don’t know how many of them were veterans, but William Howard Taft having been BOTH president and Chief Justice…I’m alright with him being there.
Take it up with the people who run the place, then. According to: there’s more than veterans eligible.
Any former member of the armed forces who served on active duty (other than for training) and who held any of the following positions:
An elective office of the U.S. Government (such as a term in Congress)
Office of the Chief Justice of the United States or of an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
An office listed, at the time the person held the position, in 5 USC 5312 or 5313 (Levels I and II of the Executive Schedule)
The chief of a mission who was at any time during his/her tenure classified in Class I under the provisions of Section 411, Act of August 13, 1946, 60 Stat. 1002, as amended (22 USC 866) or as listed in State Department memorandum dated March 21, 1988
Get a shovel, dig her up and drop her in a sewer where she belongs
I’m waiting for the weekend when we can close this chapter and move on.
Lessons learned from the professional music world.
Where drama queens abound
Take it up with them?
Chuckling at the absurdity of even remotely thinking them asshoes care what any citizen believes.
Obviously they don’t care. The swamp has their own self serving reasons for decisions they make.
Simply stating my thoughts. That is all.
Agree with Ozzy. I couldn’t care less where they plant RBG. RBG, staunchly promoted and protected abortion, among other absurd lefty nonsense. RBG laid to rest among hundreds of acres of true heroes. Unacceptable. Granted my opinion. is irrelevant.
“Granted my opinion. is irrelevant.”
Which is why you close the chapter in life and move on.
I’ve done that A LOT.
Not only are all of those justices buried at Arlington, but only two really are high on my list of admired.
“If a person waits in line to walk by RBG’s casket, do we think they would have time to piss on it before being hauled away? ”
Probably depends on whether one stands or sits
Shit would work too….if you were quick
LOL! My friend says she will manage logistics however is necessary, she’s a veteran camper
LOL! I resisted liking any of the “pissy” comments, but I’ve heard too many screamingly hilarious stories of unladylike behavior in this regard.
… hook up a catheter … when ready drop the tube very subtly … calmly and quietly walk away … after screaming and moaning 

… “PUDDLES ‘Really US …

Okay .. I watched my typing and I did not type REALLY
… I typed ‘R’ honest ..
.. sigh 

The Library
Tracy Beanz
Here is my story about Blue Star Strategies, featured in the report on Ukraine today.
Harold Wren
The Library
UncoverDC can report that the complaint referenced by Sally Painter, is likely the complaint filed with the FEC by Campaign Legal Center, the same Soros funded not-for-profit that filed the first complaint against Parnas a year prior. This complaint led to the arrest of Parnas and was used by the legacy media to attack and impugn the character of both Giuliani and the information he brought forth. The date of the complaint filed by the CLC that ultimately led to the indictment of Parnas and his associates was just two days after Painter references the complaint in her message. The CLC bragged about their influence in the arrests on their website as seen below. You can read the letter here. The arrest was used as a cudgel in legacy press to besmirch Giuliani and his work, with chairman Adam Schiff even attempting to tie Parnas to both Congressman Devin Nunes (R, CA) and reporter John Solomon.
Harold Wren
The Library
Read the whole article at – this is explosive. Its how #soros was helping protect the bidens’ & DNC crimes in #ukraine
Harold Wren
UncoverDC spoke with Telizh
The Library
Democrat Lobbying Firm Targets Giuliani, Potentially Involved in Parnas Indictment – UncoverDC
New information found in the release of the report today entitled “Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Policy and Related Concerns” sheds light on precisely who was involved with the June complaint that ultimately led to the indictment.…
Harold Wren
article by Tracy Beanz
In January of 2020, UncoverDC reported on the arrest of Lev Parnas, a prominent figure in the impeachment saga of President Trump, and an alleged ally of the President’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani.
In the story, we uncovered that a group called the “Campaign Legal Center”, linked to George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, was behind the FEC complaints that led to the arrest, with the first complaint being filed in 2018, and then another second complaint (that led to the criminal indictment) filed on June 20th of 2019.
New information found in the release of the report today entitled “Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Policy and Related Concerns” sheds light on precisely who was involved with the June complaint that ultimately led to the indictment. Sally Painter likely knew of and perhaps influenced, the complaint ultimately filed by Soros backed not-for-profit Campaign Legal Center. On June 18th, just two days before the supplemental complaint filed by CLC, Painter messaged Andrii Telizhenko simply “Complaint Filed”, directly after a message discussing the Democrat’s planned investigation into Rudy Giuliani for trips he took to Ukraine to investigate the Biden/Burisma corruption.
con’t reading
This is HOT! Shows you what a real piece of ___ blumenthal is… worse than we thought…He was again smearing Ron Johnson today…
These people are CRIMINALS.
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Invoked, 71-26: Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #588 John Charles Hinderaker to be U.S. District Judge for the District of Arizona.
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Confirmed, 70-27: Executive Calendar #588 John Charles Hinderaker to be U.S. District Judge for the District of Arizona.
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Invoked, 93-3: Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #815 Roderick C. Young to be U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of Virginia.
American commercialized sports needed something.
Not sure this was it.
that is VERY clever T3…
Not as clever as the Bee…
I don’t like admitting this… but I saw that earlier T3, and I thought it was real… now clicking at your suggestion, I see it’s from the Bee… !!!!
who cares what Natonal Review says? I don’t…
Judge Barrett is strong…
Boo – Scared You – We don’t care on iota.
She still your fav Duchess? I sure hope we skip the hearings, whomever POTUS selects.
Yes, she is – isn’t it odd both of her adopted children are from Haiti? Bet she knows stuff…
Praying for that to happen – if Graham will just step aside and be quiet – that would be nice.
She was VETTED by the Senate in October and confirmed October 31, 2017. SO she does not need to go through review for a second time.
The other Trump women appointees on the US courts of appeals
Joan Larsen was confirmed May 8, 2017
Elizabeth L. Branch was confirmed September 7, 2017
Amy J. St. Eve was confirmed February 15, 2018
Allison Jones Rushing was confirmed March 5, 2019
Neomi Rao was confirmed March 13, 2019
Bridget Shelton Bade was confirmed March 26, 2019
Danielle J. Hunsaker was confirmed November 6, 2019
Barbara Lagoa was confirmed November 20, 2019
Depends on whether you want a more ‘seasoned’ person or one who was more recently vetted.
As I said earlier today president Trump has over FIFTY confirmed women appointees to the federal courts.
Gail, do you think the Senate will call for vote without hearings? I would love to see it happen.
I just checked to see if POTUS had issued anything and here you are:
One Nomination Sent to the Senate
Issued on: September 23, 2020 NOMINATION SENT TO THE SENATE:
Allen Robert Souza, of North Carolina, to be Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, vice Michael K. Atkinson.
President Trump News Conference Live NOW!
These press kiddies are SO RUDE!!! Yelling at the speaker – is this what PANIC looks like?
HYENAS with rabies.
For sure – the presenters are so knowledgeable – and the press is so ignorant – the presenters are patient – while the press stamps their feet and squeals.
For once, Georgia, I would like to see an intelligent exchange of ideas – propaganda is so boooooring – you know?
Amen, Duchess!
When those hyenas bark, all I can think is CHYNA embeds barking for their masters.
Someone is paying their salaries – and – to spew propaganda – it is not someone I want to know – however – normally they just read their gotcha questions and hope for a reaction – today – they were throwing temper tantrums – actually screaming – because they were not having an affect on the ‘presenters’ – or getting a reaction – or the reaction they wanted – AND – they kept rudely interrupting the speaker.
I think they should all be removed and lose their press credentials for their unprofessional behavior – now – cool head Roberts is even losing his composure – when he has to report the obvious.
Perhaps, that lack of O2 from wearing those masks is affecting their brains.
Fakey Fakey
Someone asked his take on Megan & Harry endorsing Biden. He is such a cool customer. “I’m not a fan of HERS.” (shows he knows who rules the roost) “I wish a lot of luck to Harry.” and under his breath, “He’s going to need it.” (ominous tone) Serious facial expression.
I missed that!!! – Thought it was Cindy McCain they asked about.
Bwahahahaaaa!!! I went back and listened. Our Guy is so cool! He recognizes a toxic conniving woman when he sees one.
She’s so bad you start to suspect she’s working for CHYNA…
Either China, Russia or the Muslims/Iran.
But you repeat yourself!
Meghan has joined the other (insert pejoratives) accusing the US of ‘systemic racism’ – so no wonder PDJT dislikes her.
Systemic hy-POC-ritical racists are the WORST.
Hammers and Axes!
Hammers and axes can be drawn on. Just sayin’.
Jack Posobiec
The Wikipedia page for deaths during Floyd protests keeps dropping the number. It’s 19 now but it was up to 30 before.
Either Jesus is back or they are rewriting history again
Press were especially rude/obnoxious today – Kayleigh had to scold and tell them to be respectful.
Kudlow and Atlas were VERY IMPRESSIVE!!!
UHaul that delivered supplies (hammers/axes?) to BLM rioters:
Those thick eyeglass frames again.
Remember google glasses?
She should be on the RECEIVING END of the ‘weapons’ she handed out to the rioters.
Sorry, I have SOOOoooo had it with these TREASONOUS CREATURES OF SATAN!
18 U.S. Code § 2101.Riots [across statelines]
Not a good to be Antifa
Quote Tweet
Jorge Ventura Media
· 1h
Another look at the scene in #Louisville. Multiple people arrested. Unlawful assembly declared. Stay tuned for more updates
Brann Adams@BrannAdams
Replying to@JackPosobiec
Quote Tweet
Brann Adams@BrannAdams
· 57m
I saw Linda Sarsour running around with ANTIFA in a video where a man got his car smashed. She WAS IN WITH ANTIFA!!! I caught it and then other people confirmed. She is soooo cold busted. She is in the mix with ANTIFA in Louisville. She is running with the anarchists.
Show this thread
Sarsour has been in Louisville for months with Until Freedom
I would bet that compares pretty closely with the flu.
Agree – while this virus may be different – I still do not know why we have gone through all of this mayhem for something that was no more dangerous than the common cold.
Another way of saying the same thing – not a problem – Thanks, Butterfly!
This could get CRAZY!
That’s the lasat thing we need.
Stonewall Jackson
Twitter allowed “Burn Louisville” to trend today, yet they once blocked a Trump tweet which warned violent rioters that they would be met with force
Looks as though the Navy leadership continues to be a real problem but perhaps the barnacles will eventually be scrapped away to get to a clean hull.
I had mentioned a while back that the Navy looked compromised. Glad to see it is getting cleaned out.
Remember in a war with China the Navy is CRITICAL so it was a major target of OBUMMER’S treason.
The Swamp is everywhere – there is good and bad in every organization – no different in the military, Tea.
Jack Posobiec Flag of United States
Folded handss up for Bongino
Quote Tweet
BardsFM Flag of United States
· 24m
Prayer call.
@dbongino announced today that he has a tumor in his neck. He is very concerned and was very emotional on his show today. They do not know if it is malignant or not yet.
Dan has a young family and this is going to be rough.
Please pray.
prayers up!
This is even worse:
Yes, it is, Gail – and the VA is asking families to come on board with this program – pardon me – but, I do not think this is a subject that should be taught in schools and/or by some so-called professional organization – this discussion belongs in the home and directed by the parents – PERIOD!!!
Florida Attorney General Orders Investigation into Mike Bloomberg For Pledging to Help Felons Pay Fines For Biden Votes
I do not think being seated next to someone means they are working together, any more than if they posed for a photo together.
Now if they were holding hands …
You do not think it is odd she might know this family – you think this is a photo op? coincidence? I think not!
AOC is Anti-American – every word out of her mouth gives me the impression she is being controlled – not hard to believe that controller could be the CCP – since many of these crazy politicians have sold their souls!
IMO, she is highly controlled…and financed.
At first, I did not think so, Tea – but, now that she is touting the party line – it is more obvious to me.
I’ll tell you – it’s not fire, but it’s smoke. BIG SMOKE.
China does as much as possible through (1) controlled opposition, like the Tibetan cop, and (2) non-Chinese faces, like AOC. Because the paths are THIN and SPARSE, when they come CLOSE like this, one has to be suspicious, or be a fool. Sure, it’s not proof, but it’s a huge red flag.
Ideological sympathizer and an asset? Give me a break! MUST be checked out!
Let’s take me. I crossed paths with one serial killer that I know of. Great story, but you won’t hear it from me until the right time. But it’s nothing. The serial killer was just “brushes with the famous and infamous”. The details of the cases rule me out as being involved.
I’ve also crossed paths with both Chinese and Russian spies, as well as “others”. THAT gets weird, because these people are always AFTER STUFF. Even if you’re NOT “involved”, you’re “involved”.
Remember what happened to Jeff Sessions? For merely coming close to Lavrov or Kislyak or whoever it was in an unplanned encounter, likely SET UP by the Dems and the Russians. The Americommie Coupists ABUSED that “Russia” suspicion.
ChiCom asset that close to AOC is a red flag. Trust me – somebody is checking it out – or should be.
And remember – one reason COULD be just to dirty her up with suspicion. But that’s the way it goes.
Agree – and she is cheap, too – easily manipulated and controlled. * Sigh *
This is NO JOKE!!! These are the ungodly who think nothing of selling their country and their souls for money!
You said it boss…it’s complicated. And so’s the morass were all living through. Prayers up for team Trump.
I agree. The only thing it shows is that they were in the same place at one point in time, in close proximity to one another. They could be best buds, or it could have been a random seating. I think it should be looked into, but it’s not proof of anything.
It’s the same with all the pics of famous people with notorious ne’er-do’wells. There is a pic of Rosalynn Carter with John Wayne Gacy.
Mrs. Carter was even kind enough to sign the photo for him:
To John Gacy
Best Wishes
Rosalynn Carter
Gacy later proudly displayed the photograph on the wall of his home, where it was discovered by police searching the premises for corpses. At the time of the Carter assignation, Gacy already had several bodies interred beneath his house. In a surreal coda, Gacy’s attorneys later included the First Lady on a list of character witnesses at his 1980 trial. To the immense relief of the beleaguered Carter White House, she was never called to testify.
Oops. I didn’t mean for all that to post; just the short clip at the end.
Wow I had no idea.
This. Is. Fucking. Appalling.
Criminal !
The scam is deadly. It’s killing society .
the reason is so stupid…NOT because people are congregating in defiance of the draconian rules..but becausethey would be further than 5 km from home…out in the woods..pretty much walking solo apart from others.
Remember the gratuitous “if it saves one life” slogan ? It’s a terrible joke.
RIP sorry that your life wasn’t important enough
This is outrageous
There’s no justification whatsoever for that to happen. Sue the idiots off the face of the earth 

I feel so so angry and sad for the parents/family …
And here I though she DID get justice given she was part of the drug ring and part of the resisting arrest — using a gun against police officers.
Totally agree she did and left this world with her legacy of being another tool in the toolbox for destroying her city. And America
Don’t forget the $12 million her loving family got!
If only the blm movement actually cared about black lives they could use her story to educate…if she was the caring, employed dedicated to saving lives as an EMT…then tell the young not to date thugs, not to turn a blind eye to drug biz happening at your home.
The gaping hole in healthy values and decent lifestyle is part of the reason so many blacks die on the streets of their own neighborhoods…..AND at the end of a police involved incident.
Yeah, yeah…they don’t care and are too dense to see they’re being used for dark political games
Donald Trump Jr.
I wonder if New York’s Attorney General
will go after Hunter Biden now that We know he took $3.5 million from the wife of the mayor of Moscow a known PUTIN associate?
You would think that’d be something they’d be interested in… that and the sex trafficking!
Only if it’s connected to Trump Enterprises.
Sep 23, 2020 8:03:58 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e88da5 No. 10762509
The World is Waking Up.
Virus or Election?
4m ago
8kun qresearch
Ha Ha
Harry is beyond persona non grata. He can gtfo of MY country and go figure out how to make it in his own.
And take his little gold digger with him!! Funny how NO country wants them.
The UK AGAIN interfering in US elections???
Seems that would be a good reason to OUST the twit and his tw…t from our country.
She’s a stanky one.
Why is she in the USA? She didn’t want her citizenship. Why is she here. Throw her and that idiot. Send them to canada or the UK we don’t want them
They don’t want them either Kea! Naturally they’ve found a home in Hollyweird.
Such a stupid question to ask the President…
but then, we all know the pressitutes are NOT the brightest bulbs…
Not quite sure how this happened…..Gen. Flynn’s brother Jack replied to a Posobiec tweet and added my handle at the same time. Needless to say, so far I have over 400 notifications from the likes, comments, and retweets.
Which diaper gets the hole?
Go look at the memes in the replies. Plenty to choose from.
That’s WONDERFUL Butterfly… you must be so excited !!!
So happy for you…
Uhhh, not really. Dirty diapers, poopy pants, comments of that ilk…….not really the attention I like to be associated with, IYKWIM.
I’m sorry, I didn’t understand that… oops…
CIA-Simulation Warlord Flag of United StatesSmiling face with hornsFlag of United States
Police cars revolving lightPolice cars revolving lightBREAKING – according to Steamers on the ground, Rioters in #LOUISVILLE just shot a minimum of 10 times directly at the police.
Rioters who shoot at police need to be taken down with deadly force. They do not have special privileges because they claim to be peacefully protesting. (Earth to Dems: Shooting guns at people is not peaceful or loving.) Returning fire is probably the last thing the Trump administration wants right now, though.
Violent extremists
vid clips I posted on previous page show a lot of the rioters carrying guns and wearing what looked like keplar vests
Officer Tatum on Breonna Taylor. They’re still lying about her. She was dirty.
She was not asleep. She was dirty. Her name was on the warrant. It was not a No Knock warrant. Police knocked on door and announced themselves. Witnesses corroborate.
In 2016, dead body found in her rent car, forced to resign as EMT.
2019, They have convos of her talking to Jamarcus Glover, from jail. She was running drugs & weapons, for him. Also, Kenneth Walker, guy in her apt that shot at cops.
Cop that shot her did not get charged today. Self defense. Cop that was charged w/ 3 misdemeanors today is because 3 of his bullets went into another apartment.
So’s like the Mike Brown..good boy with pictures from 8th grade…
Can’t dare tell the truth about anything
Lying MSM
Thank you for this!
The person Oprah Winfrey wasn’t justice for. Whatever. Good she’s gone
Her family got $12million from LMPD.
That $$$$$ will run out asap
Fox News confirming an officer shot at the #BlackLivesMatter terrorist riots in #Louisville…
Will 2 be enough ? Pound of flesh for Breonna?
Welcome To The 15th Round, Knockout Coming, Truth And Facts, Panic In DC – Episode 2284
September 23, 2020 x22report
The economic battle has begun, the next 40 days or so will be a battle, the bad guys will try to bring the market down and the good guys will push it up. Trump has the magic wand, no matter what they try, the [DS] is not in control. The [DS]/MSM hard getting hit from all sides, each event is now being exposed and people are waking up. October is approaching and messages are being sent. The candidate swap is on deck. The report from the Senate has been released and it doesn’t look good for JB. Welcome to the 15th round, knockout coming. Crimes against humanity, Assange, Treason are now all coming together. It is almost time to harvest the corn.
De Blasio Furloughs Another 9,000 NYC Employees Due To “Massive Budget Shortfall”
by Tyler Durden
Wed, 09/23/2020 – 11:05
U.S. Economic Recovery Continues at Solid Pace While Japan and Europe Stumble
JOHN CARNEY23 Sep 2020
The U.S. economy is expanding at a solid pace, defying predictions that the recovery would falter as reported infections rose and stimulus from the government waned.
In Europe and Asia, however, economies are once again faltering as governments have once again imposed restrictions and lockdowns.
BREAKING: US Mail Found in Ditch in Rural Wisconsin — Included Absentee Ballots
By Jim Hoft
Published September 23, 2020 at 11:18am
IT’S A SCAM: After 48,299 COVID-19 Cases at 37 US Universities – Only 2 Hospitalizations and ZERO Deaths — More Likely to Be Killed By a Dog
By Jim Hoft
Published September 22, 2020 at 3:44pm
If a truly serious pandemic occurs, it will be like the boy who cried “wolf.” No one will believe the “authorities” anymore.
That is a strong possibility, Truths – the consequence of so many lies and false reporting.
Breonna Taylor Protesters Run to Parked U-Haul Full of Supplies After Charges Against Cop Announced (VIDEO)
By Cristina Laila
Published September 23, 2020 at 1:29pm
Sumbitch Hannity is sticking up for the “Dirty” Breonna Taylor on his show tonight!
Dumb Mass!
By In the news In: Uncategorized Monday September 14, 2020
How is DP????
I could use a good massage and a chiropractor followed with an ergonomic chair, but, hey I’m good.
Some friends got a new puppy and I went over to let her out and play with her a bit a couple times today.
Other than the teething marks on my left arm, life is good.
At least it was only a puppy.
I roped goats, flipped them over and held them while Hubby gave them shots, wormed them and trimmed feet.
My two bucks come close to out weighing me….. Thank goodness they are a lot nicer than the ram. (He got out and knocked Hubby down yesterday.)
I am having second thoughts about losing much more weight.
Meanwhile I too could use the massage and chiropractor but I am settling for aspirin down the throat and antibiotic on the scrapes.
Im not keeping up w school in session, now i have hit and run questions or comments… glad you are good…
And Miss PR, as long as I see you here I know youre ok…
You hang in there Gil… you’ll get the drill down quickly, will be a better teacher than what Kiddo would have had at school ! You’re such a good Mom, I know you’ll handle teaching just fine. Be safe.
Thanks PR. Its really been a trying couple weeks getting him used to the classroom again. Serious attitude then gets better then starts over the next day. Keeping my eyes on the goal. Mr Gil says everyone at work with kids doing distance learning say their failing.
Sorry to hear about failing… I can’t imagine how children are dealing, and its been goin’ on for months, which must seem forever to them. The masks must be real trauma… and knowing you could get a really awful disease must demolish their trust in life in general.
I’m not surprised that he’s changing day to day, must be like a roller coast for all of you, but for him especially. You’re strong and a great mom… keep hanging in there Sweetie…
We are having an apple picking trip tomorrow…joys of homeschool include more outdoors and field trips! Thank you PR….
Glad you’re good, D.P. Thank you for all your hard work on the posts. We appreciate you so much.
Awwwww what kind of puppy?
Puppy energy!!!!
Fox Alert – Louisville Officer has been shot.
NG deployed
72 hour curfew
Where’s the closest medical school?????????
Seriously, it might be Memphis from there. Lexington, KY? I’m really not sure. They do teach surgery residents how do deal with gunshot wounds in the big cities…which is why the military sends their surgeons to the big cities for fellowships.
Holy Smokes. This is definitely coordinated. Antifa/BLM is in DC, NYC, and St. Paul.
Milwaukee and Philly.
Peaceful Protests huh…
shot in the head and chest… that’s deliberate…
yes, I believe Soros has pros in these groups…
Praying for the officers…
‘Mostly peaceful’.
Here’s Sarsour in the thick of the rioters of Louisville.
Remember – there was an ISIS connection in Ferguson.
Ladies and Gentlemen – we have a kind of civil war/insurrection going on right now.
That’s really out of her way.
I might be wrong but I think she’s been there for months..some new group she’s the figurehead jihadist for…ya know..this decision was going to come..someone worth their weight needed to organize the action
DawsonSField thread from September 21, 2020
““A gigantic yesterday! Swiss charges related to $40B in against a company related to Marc Rich’s network! Huh, it istorney & former Clinton DOJ official David Boies. Helsi…”
Boise is the crook who represented algore at the Battle of Hanging Chad…
He’s also the sumbeyotch who brought the queer marriage case.
“How bad is it? Bad enough that someone started assassinating retired French intelligence agents to prevent them from testifying about who hired them to assassinate whistleblowers about corruption in Congo.”
Assassins should really be more alert to assassination attempts against themselves, considering their professional line of work.
Particularly after the first retired French intelligence assassin was assassinated. Certainly that did not go unnoticed by everyone in the French intelligence service (active and retired).
It seems like a retired assassin, keenly aware that his own previous employers are out to kill him, would be a very difficult target.
Not to mention, the kind of target that very well might target YOU right back.
Jason Bourne lives? Or is it Ethan Hunt?
You might think that they might even have a labor union or some such to protect them.
Call it the Assassins’ Guild.
There could be professional courtesy involved — first rule of Assassins’ Guild: don’t kill fellow assassins.
“There could be professional courtesy involved — first rule of Assassins’ Guild: don’t kill fellow assassins.”
If I remember correctly, that rule only applies at the Continental Hotel.
The Continental Hotel
“One of the major locations of the John Wick films is the Continental, and it’s more than just a fancy New York City hotel. The building caters exclusively to assassins and all its amenities are geared toward their specific purposes. For example, instead of recommending a nice restaurant, the concierge will point you to the secret backdoor of your target’s safe house.
The Continental is a branch of worldwide hotels, and each one is run by a manager. Ian McShane’s Winston runs the New York location, Halle Berry’s Sophia is in charge of the Casablanca Continental and Julius looks after the Rome Continental. It’s implied that each Continental offers the same services and follows the same guidelines, but the day-to-day stuff depends on the manager.
The most important thing about the Continental is that absolutely no business can be conducted on hotel grounds. In other words, no assassin is allowed to kill another assassin inside the hotel. It’s the No. 1 rule of the underworld, and if broken, it’s punishable by death or being labeled as “excommunicado.”
That means that the assassin loses all access and privileges to the Continental’s underworld resources. That’s a major setback for any professional hitman, but it becomes a real headache if they have an open contract on their head. John Wick dealt with that exact scenario after he killed Santino in the Continental, as the High Table doubled the contract that was already out on him.”
SD: Everything the Media Claimed About Breonna Taylor’s Death Was a Lie – Truth Surfaces – No Police Charged in Her Death…
September 23, 2020
The media claimed Breonna Taylor was shot during a “no knock” warrant – False.
The media claimed Breonna Taylor was shot in her bed – False.
The media claimed Breonna Taylor was murdered – False.
Everything the media and lawyer Ben Crump claimed about the death of Breonna Taylor and the circumstances around her death was based on lies. The officials in Kentucky allowed a mountain of lies to grow until the evidence was finally presented to a grand jury and the Kentucky Attorney General was forced to admit the truth.
According to evidence revealed at a press conference by AG Daniel Cameron, the police executed a search warrant by knocking on the door. Breonna Taylor and her boyfriend Kenneth Walker refused to answer the door after the police identified themselves. The police broke down the door. Kenneth Walker was armed and shot first at police. The police returned fire and that’s how Breonna Taylor was shot and killed.”
Every single time I read about these situations, it’s hard not to think the police are purposely provoking a violent confrontation.
Why would I say that?
Well, let’s use a famous example, though it could apply to anyone, including Breonna Taylor and Kenneth Walker.
Suppose you are the cops, and you have a warrant to arrest David Koresh and search his compound.
What is the number 1 absolute BEST way to provoke a violent confrontation that ends in the deaths of potentially 100 women and children (or more)?
Attacking the castle.
And they do it every time, like it’s some kind of PISSING contest.
Koresh supposedly went out for a jog EVERY SINGLE DAY. It would have been the easiest thing in the world to simply arrest him, when he is by himself, unarmed, jogging.
But no, they wait until he is behind the walls of his compound, armed to the teeth, and then try to force him out.
Are the cops STUPID, or is the violent conflict by design?
It has to be by design, because nobody is that stupid, at least nobody in any professional capacity.
So these two half-wits, Breonna and Kenneth, why couldn’t they have been easily detained away from their castle, and then the castle could be searched without incident, putting neither of the half-wits’ lives in danger, or ANYBODY ELSE’S life in danger who may live adjacent to the half-wits’ castle?
Are the police terminally stupid?
Can anyone actually be that stupid and still remember to breathe every now and then?
Or are the police seeking violent confrontation, knowing they will find it, by confronting people at their HOME?
Risk assessment. They figure it is riskier to allow the thugs to roam free while they wait for an optimal position to take them than it is to ‘storm the castle’. Plus, it takes a lot of manpower to do 24/7 surveillance.
Or, alternatively, the same types of authorities who ordered the police not to intervene when the rioters on the street were attacking bystander civilians — i.e. issued “stand down” orders — ordered the police to storm the castles, hoping for the violent confrontations that might thereby ensue.
After all, the authorities are not line policemen, nor are the castles in question located in the neighborhoods where the respective authorities live. So it’s no skin off their respective butts if blood flows. And such blood furthers Dim political narratives.
Yet another possibility is that police have a search warrant for an address, but not arrest warrants or search warrants for individuals. In which case, they are legally constrained in what they can do. (This was not the case with David Koresh, in which your scenario of arresting him while jogging would have been the reasonable thing to do.)
They cant protect themselves in that situation.
Oh but the can (If they were lawfully armed)
IF we are talking about St Pete, FL, OH yes they can defend themselves. And their is NO requirement to retreat in FL.
Dumbass Antifa and BLM will get a serious lesson when they least expect it.
I’m not blaming anyone, and I understand that people just want to go about their lives, but I wouldn’t be caught within miles of a place where riots were likely to occur. For one thing, don’t give them the opportunities they crave, and also the danger is not worth it. This is not the fight, yet. (And I hope there will never be that kind of fight again in this country.)
I’m with you TheseTruths…
That’s what I sit around thinking about with this broken leg…I can’t run. I can’t fight for the abject fear of being knocked down by ones these feral freaks which means they’re winning. People will fear going anywhere..looking sideways at any random person that at any moment could decide to take the opportunity of a chance encounter to create a scene. One minute you’re minding your own business and the next a crowd gathers because a ‘racist’ has been identified..needing to be taught a lesson.
Especially if you live in a Dem city, tonight was NOT the night to be out after dark. Hopefuly some of people getting harassed are Dems that will now vote for POTUS!
Lots of people….smashing windows
This is their “rally.”
OMG! They have a channel where you can watch multiple cities at a time.
Add Rhode Island…..RI??? Notice all DEM cities.
So, what’s it gonna take for the Mayors and Governors involved to make the request and how long before PTrump sends the Feds in to clean up these messes?
This is terrorism, organized and funded. What is the appropriate response for the federal government against that?
I know the feds have been infiltrating and gathering info on these people, but I’m wondering what it will take for them to stop it cold. Maybe after more people wake up, and after the election?
DOJ has warned they will lose their funding if they don’t stop the violence…
they need to act on it… imho…
LEOs are being wounded/killed; others also.
” know the feds have been infiltrating and gathering info on these people, but I’m wondering what it will take for them to stop it cold.”
The answer is very simple, and has always been very simple, from the very beginning.
Arrest or disappear the instigators — at the TOP — remove the leaders, and the insurgent army evaporates.
Trump knows it, and the enemy knows it.
Everybody knows.
But no one will arrest Soros.
Until they do, until someone puts Soros and his cronies out of commission, this never stops.
Because why would it?
Grab all that Soros $$$$$$$
“So, what’s it gonna take for the Mayors and Governors involved to make the request and how long before PTrump sends the Feds in to clean up these messes?”
The same thing it always takes to get people to do things they don’t want to do.
Coercion backed by a credible threat of force.
Governments happen to be the foremost experts in the world at this very tactic, no government could exist without it, so don’t let any government people fool you into thinking they don’t understand the concept, or how it all works in application
There is no magic to it.
It is the simple application of armed force.
It’s fascinating in it’s simplicity and complexity.
Most people don’t want to die.
The gun, a remarkably complex device by historic standards (e.g., compared to sticks, rocks, bows, spears, etc.), was invented as an efficient means to make people die.
So when people (who don’t want to die) are confronted by people armed with guns which make people die, the people (who don’t want to die) generally acquiesce to the demands of the people with the guns.
Or they don’t, in which case they die.
Either way, the people with the guns win.
Ideally, the people with the guns are authorized by Law to be doing what they are doing, and are enforcing the Law, rather than violating it.
But the gun (and the principle) works regardless of the motives or intents of the operator(s).
Yup…same thing has been going on in Israel for decades. The IDF could completely squash the Palestinian rock throwers and Arab terrorists in no time flat…but they are always held back by politics and marxist media pressure. I never understood this…just defend your damn country!
News Conference Update: Both Louisville cops in stable condition, 1 is in surgery. One suspect arrested.
thanks Butterfly…
TIP is a #CCP front.
Armed Militia Group Is Now Marching in Downtown Louisville
What’s the #CURE for #GATESOFHELL ?
“What’s the #CURE for #GATESOFHELL ?”
Bulletitus, an infection sometimes associated with lead poisoning, but which is usually fatal long before any symptoms of lead poisoning manifest.
Please spread this to all social media! Either the image (better) or the URL.
URL of Gab post:
Kyle Rittenhouse and the murder of Jay Danielson has taught them..attack the filmers and if that fails..scrub the vids
Ohio State University President Sends Ignorant Text Message to Parents Following Breonna Taylor Decision — And a Crazy-Ass Video!
She’s playing us.
“It is dangerous to attribute to stupidity that which could be the result of malice or guile.” ~Aubergine’s Razor.
Kick their A$$ sir!!!!!
“I think this Scam that the Democrats are Pulling – This Scam Will be Before the United States Supreme Court” — BRAVO! President Trump Says His Nominee Is Needed on Supreme Court
Watching Fox News now…to borrow one of Scott467’s terms from an above post…I’m pretty sure Shannon Bream is a half-wit. Why on God’s good earth do they continue to inflict us with this moron? Seriously Fox…it’s embarrassing.
I used to like her, and many of the others. I haven’t had cable TV for a couple years. The only thing I watched regularly was Fox News, and mostly all Fox News did was make me angry all the time, so I canceled cable TV.
Now, when I go somewhere and Fox News is on, I can’t even stay in the same room, unless it’s Tucker, because as far as I can tell, he’s the only one who is blatantly calling ‘bullshit!’ on everything. And I still like Lou Dobbs, when I see him.
I used to like Martha MacCallum, now she infuriates me. It’s knowing that they know they are lying that angers me. Being away from Fox News for a while, and learning what is actually going on that they never talk about, and then seeing Fox News again, seeing how they lie by omission evasion, makes me want to throw a brick at the TV.
edit / correction: seeing how they lie by omission AND evasion…
Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates Retweeted
Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates@drawandstrike
The next 40 days are going to be insane.
It’s almost as if this were timed to….
Couldn’t be.
Nobody’s that lucky.
Jack Posobiec

Drew #Trump2020@DaddyDrewMAGA
Need everyone’s prayers. Just found out my son was one of the 2 officers shot in Louisville. The only thing I know right now is he was shot 4 times and is fighting for his life. #BackTheBlue #BlueLivesMatter
Please RT to pray and follow for updates. I will follow back.
Prayers up !!!
No worries though this chick and her group will bail you out… The UHaul person
Ummmm why does have a banner up top:
Your voice & your vote matter
to find the election info you need visit
Sell stuff not push the vote.
If anyone can grab a screen shot since I have no idea how to do that.