Dear KMAG: 20200928 Open Thread

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KMAG/KAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

Yes, it’s Monday…again.


But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.



Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

Our President is fighting for us night and day…please pray for him.


Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition by Johannes Bornlöf, titled ‘Army of Angels’:


Our President has a great sense of humor. Tomorrow we get to see him in the first Presidential Debate against Creepy Joe Biden, (loser).

Trump-L-sign (2)

That is…if Biden shows up. Will he? Or will he be no-show Joe.

Either way, I don’t think our VSGPOTUS is worried about it one bit.



Wheatie’s Word of the Day:


‘Clapperclaw’ is a verb and is an obscure word which dates back to the 16th century. It started as a word which meant clawing and scratching…but it became a slang word for: hurling abusive language; heaping curses and obscenities on someone; verbally attacking someone; spreading negative falsehoods about them.

Used in a sentence:

The Democrats have trained mobs of rabid mutants to go out in the streets and clapperclaw law-abiding citizens into submission.


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Oh so that’s what day it is… LOL 😉


Wheatie!!! We have all been attacked!! Wolfie and Sylvia got the WuFlu…Your back issues!!!–you were one OF our first casualties….We’ve lost PHC and Weeper!! I have a dislocated shoulder…and can only type with 1 hand..and i could go on and!!! on!!! But…aS i SIT IN MY SLING…WE FIGHT!!!!!!


ima gonna.. be ok Wheatie!!! but patriots are gettin fired on!!! prayers!!!!! Love ya forever!!!


Prayers for you, Marica. Get better soon.


Hi sweet Zoe!!! So good to see you!! Much love


MARICA!!!! WARRIOR PRINCESS!!!! 🦋🤸‍♀️😍🤸‍♀️🦋
Slings are for throwing rocks at and CRUSHING THE ENEMY!!! 💫 ☄️🤯☄️
Marica, Miss Wheatie, Wolfie, Miss Sylvia, the whole Qtree ROCKS!!! 💥⚡️💥
We miss our beloved PHC and Weeper and BATTLE ON for them, ourselves, and our families!!! 💖💖💖
WE FIGHT, WE WIN WIN WIN!!!!!! 🤩💥🤩😘🤗😍💞💞💞


Oh darling butterfly!!!!God Wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!💖💖💖🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️


He’s in us and we’re in Him. WE ALL WIN!!!!🥳🤩🥳💞💞💞
Get well quick Sista!!🙏💪🦾😻😚😍🤗




I always thought this one was perfection. Such control, especially from the bridge back to the A section.


I will keep you in my prayers Marica!!!


thanks darlin Pat!!!


any time!!
we need our warriors strong!!
hope you feel better soon!!


Angels Watching Over You, Marica

comment image


hiya Duchess!!! thank you for the angels!!!!!💖💖💖


Hey, Marica! Fell off of the pole – did you?
you cannot do everything – you know – Marica Be Busy All the Day Long – Thought you might need some help – so I sent ‘Hundreds of Angels’ to assist – Be careful, please – but, if you need more – will be glad to send more –
I could tell you a silly story but, it would take up too much space – suffice to say I had to make up a story to explain my injury because what I did was just dumb – cost me so much time in recovery – just hope you did not do something dumb and end up with this shoulder thing – good to remember – God allows things to happen because we are too stupid to rest when we need to rest.
Smooches and Huggles for You!!!
God Bless You Real Good today and always!!! You are loved – you know!!!


YEAH Sweatpea!!! it was a lot dumb…happened on Derby day-night……🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️however..just got back from Dr….I’m on the mend!!!! God is so good! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 mower weeks in a sling..No surgery in my future!!!!


YAY!!! Butterfly, Pat, and I – (Syl, too, if she wants) are practicing our * HAPPY DANCE *
Ready when you are – Glad to know I am not alone in my dumbness – LOL


By the way – I said I was doing a Triple Salchow – lost my footing on the landing – and it the ice HARD! – LOL – my silly story – 🙂


Smiling at ya 🙂 I actually checked both laptop and cell phone to double check the time.


WP seems to be messing with a number of authors recently.


Sure, ya screwed up……..ya trusted WP.
Wolf mentioned that the site is on some official “advanced masochism” program where they try out code here before wider distribution. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of those glitches — um, sorry, I meant “patches” — got you.


Here’s Wolf’s comment about it. Seems to be called “Alpha Disruption” or something — — I guess the masochism comment came from contemplating such an existence.


premature publication…mostly a guy thing I think…LOL


Hey! Is that VSGDJT giving the looser sign to someone? If so excellent!


Another great Monday…powered by polar bear! 🙂
Enjoyed Whitney posted above. Thought I’d share some more Whitney. Says Super Bowl 1991. Where were you January, 1991? Slow guy, Yokosuka, JA:-)

Cracking up…When I went looking for Whitney, saw this one. It was posted here a few weeks back. Dunno who posted it here first. But, seriously, Thank You! 🙂

Monday is going to be fun.


Yes, she had the instrument, and knew just how far to go in dressing up the tune.

Sylvia Avery

Take it To the Limit………
Oh, the memories.

Sylvia Avery

Young and gorgeous and singing next to a young and gorgeous Ricky Nelson!


Democrat Thought Leader Alyssa Milano Speaks Out Against Trump’s ‘Unprecedented’ SCOTUS Nomination — GETS SPANKED WITH HISTORY Lesson


She a dummie, a foul depraved dummie .. 😑🤚 … move along nothing to see here, clean up 🧼 on aisle 8‼️‼️‼️‼️
.. 😃👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️🤨🤚‼️ ..


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

17 thoughts on “Dear KMAG: 20200828 Open Thread”

Perfect time to arrive! And DAMN their clapperclawing of law-abiding Americans!

Sylvia Avery

It’s just PURRfect Wheatie! Love it!

Sylvia Avery

I like words that sound like what they mean!!!


I used it “Southern-style” in a sentence:
“When President Trump called out them reporters at the rally, I was so excited and mad I didn’t know whether to clap ‘r claw!”


News roundup has been posted if interested..


Never been much a question of «if» with the news roundups, to me it is «when».
And now that the latest round of clapperclawing is going on all around in the MSM about the President’s taxes. it is somewhere in the range of useful–vital to have another discussion for balance.
Many thanks!


It is kind of like this synchronicity thing hits, sometimes. 🙂
Yesterday’s lesson on not judging out of bounds and associated warnings against lying, false witness, false accusations etc., also came timely as a counter-action to all the lying, accusations, etc., that is evident in all the MSM. Not that many of them actuallty pays attention, but it emphasizes how hypocritical they are. Yes, I might be caught out judging here, but doing so to the «by the fruits shall you know them» standard, ought to be fine.


comment image


Beautiful…. a wall of Ikons!


this is awesome!


comment image


Wheatie, is that you?comment image


this is just as i picture her…beautiful, yes, but with an inner strength shining out of her lovely eyes…you can SEE the warrior within!


I was being honest wheatie!
the warrior women here are all beautiful!


didja ever see the movie Pollyanna? a young girl who’s always looking for the bright side of things reminds a minister that there’s GLAD passages in the Bible as well as the fire and brimstone ones he seems to concentrate on.
when I’m gone from here it’s cuz I need to reread the glad stuff–stop focusing on the dire stuff and remember we can choose to be happy in spite of it all.

Valerie Curren

Hey Wheatie, don’t know if this matters but you called this post 20200828 & it’s published on 2020/09/27
The first time I clicked on it it wouldn’t go through. Don’t know if there might be technical probs for other people for I always have Too Many Tabs open on “my” (really my husband’s) computer so it’s often begging for mercy. FYI

Valerie Curren

or WP messing w/ the Q-Tree (shock) since Wolfie & team are so consistently over the target!!!

Linda Harrison

Hi Wheatie – I was wondering if you missed Valerie’s point? The post reads: 2020 August 28 and should have read 2020 Sept 28. Usually they correct them when they are wrong. This post still reads August.


I know when I’m in trouble when the browser says, “this will close 239 tabs. Are you sure?”

Valerie Curren

I never get the tab count so I never have to quote it anywhere! 🙂


Biden seems to spend a lot of time calling President Trump a liar.
He, the great vanquisher of Corn Pop, has also said that he graduated from a black university, that he was at the top of his class, that he advocated any number of correct things about Covid early on, and that he and Hunter are completely innocent of any shenanigans in Ukraine (or words to that effect.
I think an ad compiling his lies vs the truth would be enlightening for the American people.


And yet the former Rep. Gov of Pennsylvania declares for the first time in his life he’s voting for a Democrat….Biden. This was the guy who was first Homeland Security Director so you would think he’d be a little appreciative about the Wall and drug decrease. Instead he wants a man with dementia in charge! WTF! Makes you wonder about HIS mental condition.


Amy Coney Barrett
WE LOVE YOU!!!!!comment image


It’s funny that we haven’t heard much from that spiteful little s**t lately….I wonder if her 15 minutes of fame are over.
Be funny if VSGPOTUSDJT rang her up and said, “hey, how are you doing? Did you get the help you needed?

Sylvia Avery

I never actually saw her when she was cute…….

Sylvia Avery

That scowl!!!! Snotty little punk.


Served her purpose…now discarded.

Cuppa Covfefe

You mean THIS Greta (have to look at what/who her parents worship…Satan)


How dare I?
Let me count the ways 😁


😑🤚‼️ …. 🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮🤨👍‼️

Valerie Curren

Here are some of my favorite tweets in my current “timeline” regarding Trump’s tax situation 😉

Valerie Curren

Just a few more, climbing up to the one I am still looking for…


Yep. If you put it on the level of most of us, it would be like us not taking off the interest paid on a new house or not claiming your third child.
Goodness. These Dems and their operatives are mentally deficient.

Valerie Curren

Yes in every possible way & only eclipsed by their moral bankruptcy!


Remember, Hillary deducted @ 35000 for UNDERWEAR.


OMG. 🤮


Yeah, SAD, GROSS, but TRUE.

Cuppa Covfefe

All those Depends-dents…. wow… 😎


LMAO, DIRTY depend-dents too. Smell of Vodka and cheesewhiz. LOL

Cuppa Covfefe

Philly Sleazesteak… :mrgreen:


LMAO Who said she smelled like wet diapers and vomit?

Valerie Curren

Just for fun!


The scary thing about Sleepy is that he doesn’t even realize there’s a problem with 180 years. Not an oops, I misspoke, let me correct. No, just a chuckle, and move on to 10 years in the Senate. Still no sense another correction is needed. Same thing happens when he gets on a roll about Trump’s lies, he keeps going and going with untrue things and builds up to loud anger. Has no sense of self. Scary.

Valerie Curren

Yes–Just WOW! I don’t know how any Serious voter would consider him even as a figurehead POTUS. They either are completely deluded, have incurable TDS, are exploding in rage at any Repubs in power, or are so evil that they aren’t even pretending to hide it any more!


Yes…see my comment about former (r) Governor saying he’s voting for Biden. Crazy!! Was he bought off, too?

Valerie Curren

Check brain, heart, & hope at that door!!!


I have been in the sunshine state for a week, the LIES in his ads, run every 15 minutes, are SICKENING. He claims to be FOR law and Order, FOR the military, and would completely fill the stockpile. LOL, oh and also he will not raise our taxes or touch SS or Medicare.
Joe is running a bizzaro campaign, and it is FAILING badly. I have seen 8-10x more Trump signs in the “vaunted” I4 corridor than Biden signs. Also, I have had the fortune of speaking directly to NY, Penn, and Mich voters here on vacation. Lets just say Biden is in DEEP doo doo.


All his ads are undoubtedly multiple takes, highly edited, and spliced together. Twitter videos are of him at his speaking events where he repeatedly makes blunders for all to see. Too bad MSM doesn’t show (hides) the raw videos that we see.


They need to do some work on the duplicate sniffing Joe … it’s malfunctioning too … 😂🤚‼️‼️
… bwahahahahaha … stick a fork in the clone … it’s done ✅ .. 😑🤨

Valerie Curren



Funny and diabolical at the same time, one more and we have a bloody hat-trick ..🏒 .. .. ..🤸‍♀️ .. whoo-hoo 😜

… close but no banana for Cheetah on this one .. 😐🤚

Valerie Curren

I prefer the real thing, Detroit Red Wings style…like I wrote up here 😉

Darren McCarty still mentions Claude “the turtle” LeMieux in a pain treatment radio commercial–we’ve got long memories for some of this stuff around here!!!

Valerie Curren

So I should be trying to get at least a little sleep but I got sucked into that Red Wings video. No soy boys were represented! One of the announcers was Mickey Redmond, former Red Wings great. That was Such an Epic Fight Night, payback for Draper’s broken jaw that had no penalty called the previous season. These are the Wings I remember & how bittersweet to see Konstatinov in his glory, for he was seriously & career-endingly injured in a limo accident like a week after the Wings won their first modern Stanley Cup after the longest drought in NHL history, I believe…That was some good stuff there!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Reminds me of Rodney Dangerfield:
“I went to a fight……. and a hockey game broke out”… 😀


Anhhhhhh 😂👍 I love it, it’s true you know 😳🤭😮 .. ❤️ ..

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Thought you’d like that one, Pat!

Valerie Curren

If you don’t play .. nice all your toys 🧸 be ours ..
Strip the suckers liquidity .. hsssssssssssssss miserable sssssssake 🐍🤬🤚‼️

Valerie Curren

That would be absolutely awesome!


Heys a apostate jew who collected the ASHES of cremated Jews during WW2 .. and he culled through those ashes to pick out the gold from the teeth of these poor souls .. he’s diabolical .. however God is not mocked ..

Valerie Curren

Oh Wow I didn’t know that horrifying detail about Satanic Soros. Agree heartily about God!


He gets away with N O T H I N G .. 😉 ..

.. God wins .. ❤️
We won at the cross .. 😊👍❤️

Valerie Curren




Valerie Curren

“You’ll get nothing–& like it!!!” Dead Ted aka Ted Knight in Caddyshack, I believe 😉


.. 😮🤚‼️ … now I gotta look 👀 that up LOL .. 😜❤️

Valerie Curren

It’s a favorite movie quote around here. It starts w/ one of his grandkids whining about all this junk food he wants, I think…comment image


LOL … that move was hilarious .. 🤣👍

Valerie Curren

Yes & Rodney Dangerfield was priceless. My husband has taken to looking up old Dangerfield comedy clips for fun!


Oh Rodney Dangerfield is a total rip .. you can’t keep up with him he’s so fast with his punch lines …😜🤚❤️

Valerie Curren

Yes & with that old school NY accent–fun!


Yes .. my uncles on my dad’s side talked like that … you didn’t want to be in the vicinity they were on a roll … seriously .. 😑

Valerie Curren

I can only imagine!!!


Yeah getting targeted was gruesome .. 😞


I hope it’s coming however if he’s the dog for the rothchilds then no telling how deep their bench is. However fear not, they will stand before Jesus Christ in judgement .. damn shame they’re reprobates
Pay taxes
Stand in judgement
God’s hat trick .. 😃👍❤️🤨
😣 ..

Valerie Curren

LOL!!! Never heard about God’s hat trick before–Priceless!!!


.. 😜 .. ❤️


Seize his assets and DEPORT him. Hungary, Poland, or Russia will do the trick!


… Israel … heh heh 😏👍🤨👍‼️ ..


That’s my County!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬

Valerie Curren

Go get ’em!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From GAB – a GREAT IDEA!!!comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

RICO should do it…
Paging Rudy…


Good news 📰 .. 🤨👍🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸‼️‼️‼️‼️


How about then we seize a combination of Gates, and China’s assets to repay for all the Covid costs..ALL a farce.

Valerie Curren

I hope this laptop graphic is more than wishful thinking!


We have it all – Q

Valerie Curren

😉 Good guys for the win, as long as we’re playing for God’s team!


I believe we are – why would Q quote scripture and ‘God Wins’ – if they weren’t ‘good guys’?

Valerie Curren

Appears to be happening NOW in Magalia, CA

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

MOAR GAB!!!comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

CHINA had a LOT of help from the Democrats/Globalists/WHO/medical research leeches, etc.
Even Johns Hopkins website tracing the spread was designed to hype/dramatize the spread and increase dread/fear.
VIDEO – HOW TO MANUFACTURE AN EPIDEMIC (using the full array of common plentiful coronaviruses and the PCR test).

THIS IS THE ARTICLE that the video quotes – IT IS A MUST-READ.
If you don’t have time to watch the video – just skim the article.
Re: the virus – I think his point is valid….that the PCR test is limited/faulty, the array of coronaviruses plentiful, the data scurrilous and intentionally manipulated, and the fear-mongering is rampant.
His final remarks are that the coronavirus pandemic is a cover-up to hide the global banking corruption and the result of corrupt politicians fiscal policies.
As much as we all have looked into the virus business – we have seen that something ain’t right – smells like rotten fish.
New data suggest that lockdowns didn’t help contain Covid-19 and opening up didn’t increase the spread, writes @DonLuskin
The Creation of a False Pandemic – Jon Rappaport –
My only conclusion is we have been and are being deceived by leaders in medical research and government.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great stuff!

Valerie Curren

hmmm…fyi & no opinion here…aliens??? That’s what the narrator speculates…

Valerie Curren

Twit world in attack mode here on Dr. Samadi

Valerie Curren

Per the date, an oldie but a goodie. Can imagine her as a dance partner w/ Nadless–double ewww…

Valerie Curren

Well my husband likes to say “barking spiders”…


or barking texas tree frogs.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

LOL & massively gross at the same time!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. So which will be the bigger flood: Three Gorges Dam, or Nadler’s Depends?????

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

This is one where the “blue box” showing a tweet posted took extra time–evil algorithms applied???

hope the claimed deleted tweet shows w/ my comment–grrr…

Valerie Curren

His tweet was from ONE HOUR ago…I showed it to my daughter in my timeline showing how a blue-checked (twitter verified identity) Candidate for Governor is having his speech directly & radically suppressed….I clicked on his tweet & the page no longer exists. My timeline showed 10 replies, 82 retweets, & 173 hearts/likes…Sometimes I can still see the original tweet & will retweet some of the comments hoping to preserve someone else’s Free Speech.
This one should get reported to election authorities, imho!
Just Wow!!!
I hope Wolfie sees this for this reflects what’s seemingly happening to him but against a gubernatorial candidate!

Valerie Curren

I don’t have much of a twitter following but this might get us a few unexpected views here…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Typical WuMao post – now on Gab.comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Students for Life Action Staff Member PUNCHED IN THE FACE in front of the Supreme Court While PEACEFULLY Protesting (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published September 27, 2020 at 11:06pm

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – it’s great that there is some actual law enforcement going on.
Violence virtue signals need to be shut down.


It’s no wonder practioners and believers in the cult of abortionism are violent.
They are practitioners of human sacrifice.
The left are largely a cult of death and all the cultish practices that lead to death.
And they are defending practices traditionally given to demonic gods.
Such as:
Moloch = worship practice = human sacrifice – usually women, children or infants.
Baal = all kinds of sexual acts, orgy, including homo, pedo, bestiality, etc.
The BIBLE and the One True and Holy GOD, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Three in One – forbids all of this!!!!

Valerie Curren

tin foil hat warning…or is it aluminum now?

Valerie Curren

Whoo Hoo! A Wheatie atta-girl 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

Nah, it has to be “sustainable” (gosh, how I HATE! that word)…
Either stainless steel, or solar panels on your hat 🙂
The solar panels power a little propeller, so you can be a conspiracy theorist and a propeller-head at the same time 😀 (think Beany and Cecil)…

Valerie Curren

I’m thinking of the Sharper Image scene in When Harry Met Sally with the fan in the pith helmet, for I Really Hate Being Too Hot! 🙂

Valerie Curren

Isn’t DNA vaccine some of the bad stuff?

Valerie Curren

Thanks for the confirmation!


Isn’t this the Gates Vaccine?

Valerie Curren

Not sure…didn’t dig into it, just passing it along for people that have more of a knowledge base to make more sense of the info 🙂


Me, either – but, he has a global effort in competition with PT’s Vaccine Effort – but, no one appears to be interested – he has gotten some really bad press lately – not sure what it is called – maybe, Wolf knows.

Valerie Curren

At this point I’m extreemly leery of Any Vaccine for any condition–massive pass for the foreseeable future!


Passing on it, too, Val.

Valerie Curren

Good Call 😉

Valerie Curren

Link within to video from Chuck Swindoll on Luciferians…fyi…

Valerie Curren

Not sure about the light bringer thing. I think “luciferians” was the term in the video title, that’s all. I haven’t watched the video (yet)…I never seem to get to videos since I much prefer reading!
I do believe scripture refers to the Devil as an “angel of light”…which brings to mind an old Petra song (Christian Rock, back in the day)…


BEFORE the fall, Luci was #1. He was perfect, beautiful, adorned w/all the stones, full of wisdom, and amazing pipes, the #1 worshipper. He got full of himself, wanted to be GOD, so he was cast down. The light reference comes from the sparkling of his gemstones. ‘The Prince of the Power of the Air’ comes from his domination of musical instruments and the voice. He ‘spoke’ lies to Eve and Jesus, he dominates music, tv, etc. He tempts w/gold and money. A nasty critter. For 1000’s of years Christians have been letting him win. In America, it’s only been the last 60ish years that they are rising up in the music, tv, movie, and digital industries fighting back in the airwaves. Folks may bash all those early American televangelists as money grubbers, but they actually helped to launch the Christian TV, movie and music industry that is so great today, both in America and other countries. TBN, Daystar, Hillsong, more…Spreading the Gospel. We are fighting back!

Cuppa Covfefe

Not forgetting PureFlix!!!

Valerie Curren

Nice summary! The Father of Lies hasn’t ever stopped. When that battle happened in heaven he took a Third of all the angels when he fell & they are now the demons, I believe.
We wrestle not against flesh & blood…comment image imagecomment image
God Bless us all in the Battle!!!


Satanists – Luciferians – one and the same –
Is Lucifer Satan?

Valerie Curren

Here’s the video, hopefully, & it’s not the older Chuck Swindoll who is a pastor/preacher, fyi…

Valerie Curren

We could probably expand this list, like Ted Nugent & Patricia Heaton & Bo Derrik 😉


What about Gary Sinese?

Valerie Curren

Yes, what a great patriot!!! Tim Tebow too!


……and, now, is flaky…..
As tech giants intentionally destroy their own ecosystems to hurt “OrangeManBad”, the endpoint is not in sight…..
If everything goes foom, remember to bang the rocks together, guys.


Didn’t he say the tax changes he was going to make would hurt him? Saw a tweet about that yesterday.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Check this out – related to Brad Parscale:
More here:
President Trump’s October SURPRISE, Interview with Brad Parscale | Ep. 46
Rudy Giuliani’s Common Sense

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. The reason the opposition didn’t go after Brad until 2020 is they were saving it for right before the election.
I know that Brad was in a position where he needed to do some “bragging things up”, but one has to be very careful. I think he may have made himself an even BIGGER target by talking about his reach.
I was actually surprised he was campaign manager. Digital campaign manager is simply a better fit. I was pleased that they rearranged things so promptly – THAT is very Trump.
Note that Lewandowski was a “lightning rod campaign manager” in the same way. The left conspired to take him out and replace him with Manafort.
Here, I think it was different in terms of replacement – it was not controlled by the media, etc. The “airport rally” response proves loyalty and effectiveness, no worries IMO about a plant, a spud or a ringer.
The Tulsa rally really tested things. I thought that using AIRPORT RALLIES to push back was genius – whoever thought that response up was ON THE BALL.
I know they tried digital rallies, but it simply didn’t work – it was too “under the radar” – too “corona” – too “we’re not resisting this crap” – too “giving in”.
Airport rallies were “we’re fighting back”.
But striking down the digital guy – that’s so freaking nasty.
Never give them plausibility, and push back if you find them going for it. MAKE ‘EM PAY.

Valerie Curren

If this is legit it seems concerning…

Valerie Curren

Thanks, Wheatie, that is so helpful–Blessings!!!

Valerie Curren

I thought the “19” in COVID 19 was for 2019…if so even using that name in 2018 would mean they KNEW that 2019 would involve a Novel Coronavirus “release”…whatever!

Valerie Curren

Hope some good Anons/autists or other digital geniuses can follow that online footprint!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It could be disinformation, fraud, etc., lazy database management, etc., as well. I won’t get into the forensics – people can use their heads to follow my logic and get some practice.
The other side uses time-based disinformation all the time. I immediately suspected this was discrediting disinformation.

Valerie Curren

If you haven’t seen it, this video is worth your time–amazing abortion survivor with heart of a champion!!!


I first came across this image about a year ago. I get a kick out of seeing it. Love the Stars and Stripes and the friendly ship to ship rivalry.
Maybe it was part of a Fourth of July celebration while underway at sea.comment image


Lets try another route..comment image


That’s the way it looks to me. Brave soul!


Not brave. Just following orders.


Volunteering for an assignment isn’t allowed in the Navy?


Snark is supposed to be fun.


IMO, lots of photos hop going on here.
“Coming alongside”. Two Navy ships come alongside for ONLY done for logistics reasons. Transfer fuel, ordnance, stores (food, parts…), and on an extremely rare occasion, a person.
– Have seen the equipment for transferring a person exercised, but NEVER applied with a real person.
– That dangling person is NOT real.
Two Navy ships alongside requires great skill by both ships, and IS fraught with danger.
Alongside operations are never taken lightly or


More proof that I am getting old. I remember Yusuf Islam when he was Cat Stevens. I liked him better then.
Yusuf Islam/Cat Stevens recounts how he converted to Islam and became a victim

Valerie Curren

That Cat had little to do with (I believe)…& pun stumbled upon 😉
The Cat’s in the Cradle
The Year of the Cat
both of which we thoroughly enjoy chez Curren 😉

Valerie Curren

Here’s my current “last” tweet reply to a supposed American living in Asia–possibly a Chi-Com shill, who knows…


Here’s my list of Doctor and Researcher links – there may be more!
Raoult Didier – *

Dr Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko – *

Cameron Kyle-Sidell, MD – *

James Todaro, MD – *

Dr. Richard Urso – *








Valerie Curren

Awesome!!! Thanks so much!!!!!!!
I’ll (attempt to) add them to that twitter thread!
As always, You ROCK 😉 <3


You are the best and most thorough researcher! Thanks for all you do and share!!!

Valerie Curren

Thank you but I really don’t deserve that exact compliment.
I’m Very Hit or Miss in So Many arenas, & lately barely read most of what I’ve been passing along, sadly (wish I could speed read).
Since the ridiculous George Floyd fiasco I am more regularly checking twitter & passing along Other People’s Material that Seems legit, my version of Gen Flynn digital warrior.
YOU, on the other hand, do absolutely amazing work!!! I can’t hardly believe how much stuff you seem to have at your fingertips–so organized & impressive!!!
I try to give attribution when I use yours, or other people’s stuff, because unlike No Go Joe I’m not fond of, nor skilled at, plagiarism! 😉
God Bless GA/FL & thanks for your hard work & kind words, which I greatly appreciate. <3

Valerie Curren

It took 3 tweets to capture all your goodies…here’s the last one. Thanks for your help!!!!!!!!


Add Dr. Atlas, Alex Berenson, Phil Kerpen, Ethical Skeptic, Gummibear737

Valerie Curren

I’m trying to be civil & informative, but it’s getting challenging & potentially pointless…

Valerie Curren

This person is looking more like a paid basement dweller…

Valerie Curren

Possibly my last reach out to that person who appears less & less sincere…hmmm…



Cuppa Covfefe

Erm, Rick Warren is CFR and Deep State…
Brad doesn’t need that kind of reaching…
Try Franklin Graham instead…
[Have a look at what RW did to Jennifer Pekich of “Ponderings from Patmos” for her reports on the
so-called 40-day wellness plan – see – he basically had her taken down… high-powered friends (CFR) can make that happen]


Omar is going down!
@realDonaldTrump has tweeted 4 times this morning about Project Veritas exposing Omar frauds!


UNDENIABLE PROOF: @IlhanMN connected cash-for-ballots fraud kingpin Liban Mohamed AKA @KingLiban1 shows his car FULL of blank absentee ballots.
“Just today we got 300…”
“Money is the king in this world”
“Look…My car is FULL!”#BallotHarvesting
— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) September 28, 2020

Deplorable Patriot

I’m curious as to what other places of worship have been attacked. Anyone know?


Verse of the Day for Monday, September 28, 2020

“Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.”
Ephesians 4:29 (KJV)


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


Monday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


comment image


Good Monday Morning Duchess!
Hope it’s Blessed, and peaceful!!!


Hey, Patty! Is it Fall there, yet? Just beginning here – burning bush turning red – trees dropping leaves – vivid colors coming into view – nights getting colder – gonna be glorious – but, we need rain!!!
God Bless Your Day, too – Hugs!!!


we just got back yesterday afternoon and it seems the forest is EXPLODING with color–the reds, the oranges, the rusts and some gold mixed in too…still a bit of green but wow!!!
HUGS back to you dear!!


Oh, Wow! You are further along than we are – sounds beautiful – higher elevation?
Tanks for the hugs!!! Appreciate them.
Thanks for the * Giggles * yesterday!


I didn’t do much catch up reading–too tired from the weekend…but had to post those!


Understand – it is mind-boggling how many posts there are here in a day – and work gets in the way, too – glad you did – I needed a laugh!


my pleasure!!

Valerie Curren

Your source is still unsynchronized? Here are a few versions from image searching. Blessings!comment image image imagecomment image
Well I hope these end up showing & give a flavor of that scripture that can speak to us in different ways.
I really Appreciate your ongoing & faithful ministry of the Word & encouragement!!! God Bless You Richly


Thanks so much for the assist, Val! Yes, for some reason, he/she is only doing half the job – you found the one that should have been posted with the daily verse – and some other lovely thoughts, too – God will bless you for all you have done in this post to encourage others!
God Bless You Real Good, Val!!!

Valerie Curren

Thanks Duchess. Gotta get some sleep soon for I’m getting spacy, but scripture image searches are always refreshing to me 🙂


Oh, good! Rest peacefully – pleasant dreams – I hope and pray for you! You made my day!!!

Valerie Curren

Thank you so much Duchess, for your prayers & your encouragement. You mightily bless us ALL!!! <3


Awww…how sweet, Val! All for Him!!!

Valerie Curren

Only what’s done for Christ will last! Blessings


Amen goes right there, Val!!!


comment image


😮 uh .. 😦 ohhhhhhhh … I’m in trouble …😖🤚🥺🤭
.. 😉 … I’m working on being nice, my tummy is all upset, a lot 😳🤚
.. ❤️ ..


At least you are working on it, Nikki! – Some people can work at it day and night – and not succeed – must be in their genes to find fault – and yet – all of us fall short of the Glory of God – so you are not alone!!!


You’re most kind duchess .. thank you I try to behave … 😬🤫 … I appreciate your kind words ..❤️ .. 🤗


My pleasure, Nikki!!! No one is exempt – you know that – we all do our best to be worthy!!!


all seats in the House are up for reelection? wow…Pelosi preparing for House deciding President–those seats are really important now!
Speaker Nancy Pelosi has begun mobilizing Democrats for the possibility that neither Joe Biden nor President Donald Trump will win an outright Electoral College victory, a once-in-a-century phenomenon that would send the fate of the presidency to the House of Representatives to decide.
Under that scenario, which hasn’t happened since 1876, every state’s delegation gets a single vote. Who receives that vote is determined by an internal tally of each lawmaker in the delegation. This means the presidency may not be decided by the party that controls the House itself but by the one that controls more state delegations in the chamber. And right now, Republicans control 26 delegations to Democrats’ 22, with Pennsylvania tied and Michigan a 7-6 plurality for Democrats, with a 14th seat held by independent Justin Amash.


THIS information really needs to get out… only the 2nd time I’ve seen it, however it’s not the same source, so that’s good.
The DIMS have always depended on their partner in crime the SlimeMedia… and moreso the past four years.
So they are telling people that a certain scenario can prevail as a result of their hoped for manipulated delay in tabulating the vote. The truth is they are intent on destroying the only part of our Republic which is democratic, and that is the vote of the people and elections. (Although some would argue that even that has not been ‘democratic’ for decades as the candidates of the two parties have been pre-selected for us.)
Nanzi’s scenario is nothing more than ‘theatre’ … bad theatre at that… imho of course.
But that’s all they’ve got… lies and ‘fear’ (riots)……………..


“The Ginsburg Rule” means not asking nominees for declarations of specific cases…so Corey Booker asking ACB if she will recuse in election cases would be wrong.
The Ginsburg Rule basically holds that questioners don’t ask for declarations about specific cases.
“A judge sworn to decide impartially can offer no forecasts, no hints, for that would show not only disregard for the specifics of a particular case, it would display disdain for the entire judicial process.”
— Senator John Cornyn (@JohnCornyn) September 27, 2020


ACB is far smarter than the maroon D-Rats on Senate Judicial Committee. We win again.



Perish The Thought!
Pelosi begins mustering Democrats for possible House decision on presidency
The speaker sent a letter emphasizing local races, in case a tie in the Electoral College requires state delegations to vote.


hil de beast could not muster a tie in the Electoral College…
Sleepy Joe can’t fill a broom closet for a Rally, when he decides to have one which is not frequent…
Enthusiasm for President Donald Trump is off the charts… much more than 2016 when he garnered most of the EC…
a tie in the EC ????????????????
not even with their attempts at voter fraud with mail-in voting, most of which will be ruled illegal before Nov 3


I’ll say again exactly what told my son in 2016, and now in 2020.
In 2016 I told him the Republican that took a STAND of here and NO further would WIN, WIN BIG, and NO ONE would see it coming. When Trump came down that escalator, I told him THERE HE IS.
In 2020 I told my son, that Trump is TILL the man, that he will WIN, WIN BIGGER than 2016, and STILL no one will see it coming.


Totally agree PRex…


Just good old fashioned KY common sense Phoenix!




… oh for pity’s sake .. would somebody PLEASE use the dadgum “Hook” and get that miserable mess out of there, the old biddy is a horrific disaster … gahhhhhhhhh … 😫🤚‼️‼️‼️😣🤚‼️
… watch the video at the bottom, snicker 😃👍 .. 😝


H/T DAN DEPLORABLEcomment image


She’s just a flashy rhythm player. The guy is the the real guitar player and lead.


ALISON BALSOM – VIVALDI: Violin Concerto in A minor (clip)

Valerie Curren

I’ve been discovered by some twit world lefties–Fun!


funny that they bought an island rather than using that money to revitalize black communities here…so much for their generous nature…
so how does it work when you buy an island? are you your own country? can you fight your own extradition??

Valerie Curren

Sky’s the limit w/ elites, apparently 😉


In the end it didn’t help Epstein DID IT? This to me looks like the NEW Little St John’s.

Valerie Curren

Sick…pedos gotta go!


bet he has his own currency too…a spin off the Mexican peso…called PEDOs…


In Epstein’s image…Pedo Island.


Hahahaha!!! Oh, Pat – you are too much!!!

Valerie Curren

Trying to find facts to support statements but not heavily engage with lefties…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Twitter is rigged. The house is dirty. All they do is use it to figure out what works against us. So glad I left.
I can see Trump’s tweets on Gab.

Valerie Curren

Good for you Wolf! I’ve had problems getting on Gab & someone, possibly Flynn, said to stay in the arena, so as long as I’m still standing I’m still there, fwiw.
I’m still suspended on Pinterest but haven’t tried to figure that one out yet…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, some people are going to stay on Twitter, but not me. To me it’s just bouncing the rubble in the enemy’s designated bombing range.


Why give Twitter to monetize conservatives? I am glad I never did join. I think Twitter is an addiction and can hold people in bandage.
I need to go to Gab sometime. I have a account I cannot access and I started a new one . Need to focus to find my way around.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gab is our backup. Just be sure you can get there, if they kick us off WordPress.


I try when my back recovers.

Valerie Curren

Well they were heavily suppressing you but I’m still mostly under the radar, I think…Hopefully I’ll get my Gab kinks worked out sometime when things slow down after the election–LOL!


Be careful girl, please 🥺 …. they cray cray …
🙏🏼 … for you. Be safe sweetiecomment imagecomment image
.. ❤️ ..


… uhhhhh 🤤 …. this .. ⬇️comment image
…. 🤫 ..

Valerie Curren

Thank you so much for that prayer covering!


I’m happy to keep ya covered, 😉👍❤️
God bless you sweetie .. 😬❤️comment image
.. 🙂 ..

Valerie Curren

Thanks so much Nikki. Beautiful…& back atcha 😉 <3


…. 😮🤚 .. 😃‼️😉❤️

Valerie Curren

You’re the emoji queen. Me I’m limited to a couple of keyboard ones…I’m such a dinosaur 😉


If I can find the link for the apple iPad emojies I’ll post it here so you can save it somewhere and use it 😃 … i might not be too quick with it though … 😞🤚

Valerie Curren

Thanks but you probably shouldn’t trouble yourself…I’m likely to forget where I put it–sadly! 🙁


…. hmmm that’s what I do all.the.time …😜❤️

Valerie Curren

In my family ADHD is contagious as well as genetic! If you can’t beat ’em you’ll already have forgotten about it anyway so it’s all good!!!


I like talk softly and carry a big stickcomment image


A little straight ahead blues like this is the perfect close for a well-spent day. You don’t have to be sad to enjoy blues; you just have to be ready to listen. And when I finish this last glass of Ezra Brooks (I’m exploring inexpensive sour-mash bourbons), I’ll sleep like a baby tonight. Enjoy.
Snowy White & The White Flames – Midnight Blues (Official Audio)

Gail Combs

I rather just climb up the rope. Prussiks, Assender knots, Jumars, Gibbs ascenders…. Although I have done quite a bit of straight rock climbing.


We have a rock climber in our family, too – you are one amazing woman, Gail!!!Rarely cease to amaze me!!! God Bless You!!!




Daughn is the lead story at Doug Ross – Director Blue this morning….
Wonder who could have sent him the link?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good work!!!

Deplorable Patriot

I’m having a conversation with myself on whether or not to bother doing a debate thread ahead of time for tomorrow.
I mean, I’m wondering if it’s actually going to happen.


Id like to see a drug test on every single congress critter, esp the dimms.


they should have to undergo random drug testing like any other job…LOL
wait–let’s add IQ testing too!!


Iq and drug testing would disqualify most, but thats a good thing.


I want to know if POTUS has a way to prove Joe doesn’t have an earpiece feeding him information vs a hearing aid.


Arent there super hidden tiny ones? The nody language vids always show when someone is listening via an earpiece or taking audience cues. Joe is not able to do anything without both, imo.


Better yet, override the signal with a calm, clear voice speaking utter gibberish.
If Joe is “off”, he might repeat it. If Joe is “on”, he’ll want it to stop.


Seems to me there are ways to “interrupt” any attempted communications….a little static, perhaps?
Cannot understand why the “Debate Commission” doesn’t have clear guidelines about outside “Assistance,” including the hand signals Hilliary had for the debate moderators to cut the discussion.
Which begs the question…why would anyone vote for someone that finds it necessary to cheat in something as simple as a debate!


Don’t know, Teagan. I’m still shocked that they’re willing to vote for a dementia impaired person. It’s like sanity has left a good portion of the country.
We’re witnessing the perfect example of the “end justifies the means” – there is no legitimate reason to scam the People except to seize power. Communist power.


In his latest thread Wictor says that Biden has implanted hearing devices that serve as receivers. He has observed Joe putting his hand into his pocket with regularity, and believes that his watch vibrates to direct him to turn on these devices – with the switch in his pocket. He’s talked about this in more than one thread.


Gee, I bet the Secret Service has that capability, WINK. See THIS Time Trump is POTUS.


T-rex, you remember the “Cleaner” at Hillary’s podium after one of the debates?


Yes, I also remember the teleprompter in the podium.


we could have a betting post going–lol–yes, no and time of “recusal” LOL

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, that’s a good idea! A “Will there be a crooked debate?” thread!


can you imagine the drinking games? every time Biteme forgets his train of thought…drink! Or every time he mentions CornPop, Obama or Beau…DRINK!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think they’re training him to avoid certain things like Corn Pop, and he has a hard time, but in the debate he’ll drop all that stuff, shot full of stims, and using whatever cheats they have going. Questions ahead of time for sure.


ahhh…Grasshopper…you forget he is up against THE MASTER TROLLER. if anyone can make Joe screw up it will be POTUS!
(and it will be spectacular to rewatch on video over and over and over)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump will hand that poor old joker his AZZ!!!


See, as I am SURE you know, Stimulants like Adderall, are UNPREDICTABLE in their side effects, and how long they last. MANY have adverse side effects like untapped ANGER, and emotional outbursts. They give this stuff to kids with ADD, with varying widely degrees of “success”.
I bet THAT is why all the EARLY and OFTEN “LIDS” . To load Biden’s system to SEE what the effects are. Funny thing though, STRESS makes everything a crapshoot. Biden may START lucid, and even composed, but in a 90 minute commercial free environment, he will IMHO not be able to maintain that, especially against Trump. Wallace will do ALL he can to help Biden, but in the end, he can’t. Biden not only has to appear lucid for 90 minutes, he must stay both focused and COMPOSED. A MAJOR crap shoot for his campaign.
If they UNDER medicate him, he will appear confused or crazy, but calm. If they OVER medicate him, he will be lucid, and hyped up, MUCH harder to keep on script. It should be VERY enlightening. IF Biden is either too hyped up and angry, or too laid back and confused, look for THIS to be the ONE and only debate, stating that Biden cannot debate Trump because he is such a “liar”
Should Biden do “well” they still will punt the rest, choosing to live on the one lucky strike. WATCH.
So see, This will be spun to Biden, no matter what. WHEN Bidens meds wear off or kick in, it will be because Trump “lies” IF Biden is too laid back, it will be because Trump took too much time for Biden to rebut his “lies”
Their PROBLEM is that the American people have eyes, and ears of their OWN on this. Wallace and Biden will try to paint Trump as illegit and a liar, ignoring Biden’s own problems. The problem with that is that Biden has a RECORD, and so does TRUMP. Trump’s aside from the false Covid scam is STELLAR, Biden’s is PUTRID. See TRUMP gets to debate too, and HE will highlight his record, while contrasting Biden’s, NOTHING Wallace can do to stop that unless HE reveals in total his swampiness and goes full Candi Crawley, thus allowing Trump the WIN and Wallace will be eviscerated forever.
They HAVE to do at least this one. these debates are ALL risk for the dems and Biden, and NO reward. But they are SO full of themselves they have to do it, delusional, there will be ONLY one when they see the TRUTH laid bare.
IF Wallace is “fair” and Trump cleans Biden’s clock, the dems will blame it on Fox bias, and use THAT excuse, like Anderson Cooper is NOT biased at all. LOL

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump just does WELL in debates. Biden is gonna be hurting.
I think they will cancel on COVID at the last minute, using an overcooked PCR.


Possible, it is literally 10 to midnight for him now…to cancel later would be devastating. So I take it you think all the “LIDS” are to be used as Joe was feeling ill, and finally got Covid tested eh? Perhaps, but that too is exceptionally RISKY…people would not want a guy who has been in his basement for months, has no rallies, and has NOT been exposed to more than 50 people in MONTHS…TOTAL, and yet he STILL “got” Covid. That would open him up to the TOO old and weak to be President narrative.
Now IF that is their plan, at the LAST possible second to foist Kamala on us, NO ONE else can be ADDED this late to the ballot, that will fail HISTORICALLY, like a probable 48 state LANDSLIDE for Trump.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dems just want to create confusion. They are going for MAXIMUM CONFUSION, while holding out the “Pelosi House Will Decide Things” offer.
It’s a coup. Trust me, it’s a coup to a fight. And the coupists are VERY nervous. They’re committed. It’s going down. Nothing can stop what’s coming.


Yes, they ALL are going down, RICO, conspiracy against the US, and likely ALL at the same time. There are things behind the scenes that we do not SEE but FEEL. There are things the Cabal does not see but IS feeling, and they are SCARED, likely for the first time EVER.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They are going to throw everything at us.


They already HAVE, I think it is time that WE are gonna start calling in some margins…SHOW TIME. They shot their wad, now it’s OUR turn.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just never stop playing smart. EVER. 😉


Trump NEVER stops EITHER (just like the Cabal) He adapts, and he OVERCOMES, that is why they hate him, he TILTS when they expect him to withdraw like most others did before him.


Rush theory was today that Biden will not address issues in the debate but instead will answer everything with an attack on POTUS. The CCP virus, economics, taxes and other issues. Interesting NYT created an issue for Biden with the Tax issue. They want to trip him up and goat him to loosing his composure.


Maybe a placeholder one that can be added to? I dont think it will. Theres only so much medicine can do.


so let me clarify–would this be a thread ABOUT/DURING the debate–covering the debate OR a thread debating whether or not Joe will show up?



Deplorable Patriot

I could do that, I think. And have an actual debate one ready to go if it happens.


Betting Jill shows up at the debate. Debate time is past Joe’s curfew. Joe will have put a lid on it by 9AM.


comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


With a dimm governor, ag, Minneapolis city council i dont expect justice will be served.
These Somalis have zero reason to be in our Country. Most antiAmerican immigrants should have to leave, period. Now, we have millions of potential jihadis but definitely insurrectionists here.


Minnesota is THIS years Michigan and Wisconsin. Trump will WIN Minnesota, NH, and MAYBE Nevada. I also think there will be ONE more surprise state in Trump’s column…Oregon. The rest of the state is SICK of the Portland black eyes. I think even WASHINGTON will be “in play”…MAYBE New Mexico too. Trump got 306 in 2016, I bet he gets 320 PLUS.


Hope so!


Surely some federal laws have been broken for the DOJ to step in…


Looks like a promising resource for memes, campaign ads:
How I would love to see one also that listed all of money he and his family members received from illicit pay to play and bribery for influence schemes.

Deplorable Patriot

Smart little varmints.


Give them a raise. I approve.


Animals SENSE evil.

Deplorable Patriot

Related to the conversation above:

Cam Edwards
I’m half-convinced that Biden’s handlers have been switching his sleep schedule around so he’s waking up the afternoon and will be fresher during the evening debate.
Quote Tweet
Alex Thompson
· 40m
Per pooler @laurenegambino, the Biden campaign called a lid for in-person events at 9:51a.m.
10:40 AM · Sep 28, 2020

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

I may put this on the daily thread tomorrow. 12 days out of 28.


Loading up of his stimulants in his system.

Deplorable Patriot

According to this one 13 days.comment image

Deplorable Patriot
Donald J. Trump
Joe Biden just announced that he will not agree to a Drug Test. Gee, I wonder why?
10:33 AM · Sep 28, 2020


Trump KNOWS folks.


They asked for it!


Gee, a 450000 charitable tax deduction would substantially lower one’s tax liability would it not?


The Library
#antifa #BLM #terrorism

Andy Ngô
A driver accused of attempted murder for driving a car into a crowd of Trump supporters in southern California and severely injuring two people has been revealed to be Tatiana Rita Turner, a major Black Lives Matter organizer.
Harold Wren


Yes Wheatie… horrible.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Name “Tatiana” is a tip right there – some kind of DIAPER.


Thanks for the tip… 😉


Another primed with hate, without humanity. Just guessing she has been roughly reared, abused, has anger/rage and identity issues, multiple bitter experiences with males, multiple abortions….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Commie-parented kids are often TRULY messed up.


THREAD … click timestamp

Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
VERY important point. At the time of the drafting of the ICA, the only sources of Steele the FBI “identified” were apparently Igor Danchenko (identified Dec 2016) and Sergei Millian (identified Oct 2016). Except the FBI also claims they suspected *both* of being Russian spies…!
Quote Tweet
Hans Mahncke@HansMahncke
· 23h
The Obama people who put together the ICA have a huge problem. The ICA, which is dated Jan 6 2017, concedes that some Steele sources were identified. We recently found out that Danchenko was identified in Dec 2016. Yet no word in the ICA about his status as suspected Russian spy.
Show this thread


Hans Mahncke@HansMahncke
Obama is far too smooth of an operator to discuss these things in the open. The key is Obama’s alleged instruction to “include everything” in ICA. Was that his way of saying to include Steele fabrications or did Comey twist words so that Comey could include Steele fabrications?
Quote Tweet
Euphonius Bugnuts@EuphoniusNuts
· 11h
Replying to @ClimateAudit
I agree 100% that this a huge deal. No way FBI didn’t know of prior suspicions of ID when by hook and by crook the ICA was cobbled together. FBI knowingly used complete garbage to try and take out the President. Was this & leak strategy discussed in 1/5/17 White House meeting?
The Library
In other words, Comey isn’t smart enough; it was included on Obama’s orders which makes him directly involved in attempting a #coup against his lawfully elected successor. There was no peaceful transition of power. Obama led a #coup – #sedition & #seditiousconspiracy
Harold Wren


More damning evidence that FIB was absolutely complicit in the HOAX Special Counsel over 3 yr investigation of President Trump…
It’s a thread, no reader, so click either tweet timestamp …

Replying to @ClimateAudit
6/ the intel community redactors of the Horowitz Report (and other documents) exacerbated the original fraud by blacking out Horowitz’ explosive disclosure, both in the original report and even in the less redacted footnotes in the spring.
10:55 PM · Sep 27, 2020·Twitter Web App
Stephen McIntyre@ClimateAudit
Replying to @ClimateAudit
7/ Horowitz’ record on this is not ideal either. This fraud ought to have been one of the top two items in the Horowitz list of errors and frauds. Yet Horowitz didn’t include it in his summary, only in a doubly redacted footnote.


I still say these are “shiny objects” from the TRUE source, because they are dead ends, despite the obvious Russian connections. It is like LOOK HERE, not HERE. Too EASY, setting up a “scapegoat” and an “we were deceived” narrative by the FBI/DOJ.


I need to spend more time reflecting on what I am reading… then again, there’s the “trust” I place in some of these accounts that tells me, cut and paste it, look where it’s coming from…

Gail Combs

It is information. Steve is a very reliable source. We can then take that information and figure out what it means.
One thing is for sure, there are WAY TOO MANY RUSSIANS INVOLVED and they have nothing to do with POTUS.


Amen Gail…


These people are stupid ~ Q


That’s the kind their higher ups like best. Imo.




Congratulations Mr. President on your THIRD nomination!


Whatta President – BLESSED are the Peacemakers!!!




“Louisville needs healing and safety for its citizens, not armed felons seeking bids to shoot police,” said U.S. Attorney Russell Coleman. “Federal law enforcement here will continue to respond as one to swiftly mitigate threats to our city.”
“Threats against law enforcement are unacceptable”, stated Special Agent in Charge R. Shawn Morrow of the Louisville Field Division of ATF. “When you threaten police and brandish firearms, you can expect the attention of ATF. This morning ATF agents, with the immediate assistance of LMPD, HSI, U.S. Marshal’s, and the FBI, executed a warrant and arrested an armed felon ensuring he wouldn’t carry out those threats.”

Justice Department Retweeted
U.S. Attorney WDKY@WDKYnews
Feds Charge Armed Felon Threatening Louisville Police


We certainly don’t need the Marxist Harrison who is running on the DEM ticket…
I will vote for Graham… he should have been primaried, but the GOPe still runs the show here. Six years ago they flooded the primary with TOO MANY candidates… one good one might have worked. At the same time, huge amounts of ‘outside’ money came pouring in for Graham


Thank you PR ❤️
If we don’t somehow hold the house we definitely need a Republican Senate majority.
We would then probably face impeachment several times over.😡


Absolutely LM…

From the Press Release
Local residents and anyone traveling to Portland with the intent to commit violence are on notice. There will be consequences for acts of violence. The U.S. Attorney’s Office is committed to prosecuting people who impede or assault law enforcement officers, damage federal property, and set fire to buildings. Make no mistake: those who commit violence in the name of protest, will be investigated, arrested, prosecuted, and face prison time. Already more than 100 people have been arrested and more than 80 people are facing federal charges related to protest violence.
Our office will work closely with our law enforcement partners, including the FBI, to monitor criminal activity, and will bring federal charges where appropriate. We are committed to supporting our community and will help our law enforcement partners perform their essential public safety duties.”




He always did appear sleezy to me.
Former New Mexico Democratic Governor Bill Richardson is accused of raking in hundreds of thousands in bribes and kickbacks to fund debauched lifestyle including ‘sexual services and favors’


Never forget, Richardson’s name was on the Epstein flight logs MULTIPLE times…and his state was a human trafficking super highway.


Stu is now retweeting thread I posted above by Hans

Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates Retweeted
Cancel All Dementiacrats – Stu Cvrk@STUinSD
Precisely! This is early evidence of the Obama Deep State and legacy media circular reporting and complicity in the coup.
Quote Tweet
Hans Mahncke@HansMahncke
· 39m
Important point discussed in @FOOL_NELSON podcast is that while SSCI says Steele’s fabrications were put in the ICA Annex because they were totally uncorroborated, whoever leaked it to Tapper turned that on its head, saying that it was in the Annex because it was super sensitive.

Concerned Virginian

JOE BIDEN campaign put “The Lid” on it today at 9:32AM.
That makes AT LEAST 23 times “The Lid” was put on his “campaign” since AUGUST, when Ole Joe’s handlers picked KAMAHARR as his running mate.
That makes AT LEAST 11 times “The Lid” was put on his “campaign” in September alone.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Training for the debate.

Deplorable Patriot

comment image


UPDATE to Schedule – President Trump’s Rose Garden Coronavirus News Conference has been changed to 3:30 pm.
Link –

(note 2 Qs in the link)


Wouldn’t it be lovely if Epoch Times replaced the propaganda of the NYSlimes?
It would be possible if more people stopped quoting and posting links to the Slimes…
Used to be only a few outside NY read it even when it was considered the “paper of record”
Hardly anyone outside NYC reads the piece of trash now… *

Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates Retweeted
Epoch Times Opinion@EpochOpinion
Opinion💭by @RogerKimball
In our relativistic age, we often witness the transformation of #Facts into opinions.
This process is not only destructive of facts, but, curiously, it is also destructive of #Opinion.
Reality vs. The Narrative
Commentary I think it was Pat Moynihan who said that while you are entitled to your own opinions, …
*In 2019, the average weekday circulation of The New York Times was 443 thousand copies. This marks a significant drop from over 959 thousand a decade earlier and continues the downward trend which has been evident for the last few years. In 2014, the company ceased publishing its figures based on weekday circulation for print, online, and other digital platforms, and published only its print circulation.
Shares of The New York Times are trading near all-time highs despite a business that has been fractured by declines in advertising.
While the company has hunkered down on growth in digital subscriptions, revenue turned negative in Q2 as the company suffered from both lower ads and print sales.
The company’s decision to bump up its monthly subscription cost by 13% may spur more subscriber exodus than incremental revenue.
CEO Mark Thompson’s exit as well as a share sale may also indicate that the stock has reached its peaks.


The circulation figures for daily newspapers in the United States reveal that USA Today distributed the most papers as of January 2019, with a daily circulation of over 1.62 million. Back in September 2017, The Wall Street Journal ranked first, with circulation figures far outperforming The New York Times, Chicago Tribune and New York Post. Although the 2019 data shows that all daily newspapers in the top ten ranking saw a decrease in circulation since 2017, the Chicago Tribune was hit the hardest. Despite making the top ten list in both years, the paper’s daily circulation decreased by almost 200 thousand.


phoenix, a little documentation re the demise of Pravda….sweet.
thanks for posting this.


you’re so welcome Piper…


seeing some articles that dems are saying Justice Thomas should recuse from any election lawsuits since Biden treated him so badly during Thomas’s confirmation hearing…and they want ACB to recuse if she makes it because President Trump nominated her…so they’re already trying to silence 2 Supreme Court Justices.


But Biden is WINNING right…FLAILING is more like it!


I don’t recall Ginsburg ever recusing from anything that had to do with Trump.


EXACTLY…especially after she said she’d move to New Zealand if he won!


That’s a LOL. They are so desperate.


Unbelievable !
Tax Ninja Poso Retweeted
Kalen From Scriberr@FromKalen
While waiting for a drive-thru order at a North East Portland Taco Bell, I noticed a naked man running through the street; a woman tries to break into a van and a child tries to fight her. #portland


Portland – Seattle – are a crazy, godless part of the USA.


Oh my gosh… JackBoot is now adding contrary opinion to POTUS’ tweets…
Bullshit Twitter, Trump is the one right here.
Quote Tweet
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
· 2h
The Ballots being returned to States cannot be accurately counted. Many things are already going very wrong!
Learn how voting by mail is safe and secure


Say goodbye to those sec 230 protections..and your billions Jack!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Saudis behind Twitter need to suffer greatly for what they did.


Would that be Prince Al-aweed (sp) that Q mentioned

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Some others, too, no doubt, but yes – THAT bunch.


Gotcha! Remember, Trump has bee tweeting on that guy since at least 2015


They ALWAYS overreach… thing they are invincible… can’t wait for them to lose what was handed to them anyway…




And now the joke of the day:
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Strike Netflix Deal to Star in ‘Tasteful’ Reality Show
Who would ever watch something like this? LOL So much for privacy.


Read an amusing article calling Harry Meghan’s “man on a string” …very apt description. Commented at how he wanted to leave the spotlight because of how it destroyed his dear momma…LOL
Since original,article came out…they’ve retracted the story.


There won’t be anything real about it.

Julian’s Rum Tumbler glass Retweeted
Sean Davis@seanmdav
Gee, I wonder who might have illegally leaked Trump’s tax information to the New York Times. Could it possibly be the left-wing NYC district attorney who happens to run the only entity that just got access to Trump’s tax returns? It’s a real mystery.
Prosecutors can see Trump taxes – Supreme Court
However, the court rules that this information does not have to be shared with Congress.


This is NOT civil war… Chyna owns most of our social media…
This Chyna pulling the strings on its puppets… in the Corporate/Slime Media as well as Social Media…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

China is also behind the destruction of our universities – and the growth of theirs. We were idiots – herded by the Soviet Union into the phony China trap.


YES! plus, we have been too materialistic… focusing on work and more $$ and self-improvement… gym and etc and less attention to our children and what goes on in school… few families even sit together for a meal, it’s pick up what’s in the kitchen and then off to ck out the laptown or phone to… no conversation… even if at the table…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen. We were worked into slavery.


Gee, I wonder if there was room for several leak tracers in that yuge pile of paper?


now that’s a thought 😉


I’m sure piggy would love this…
Nancy Pelosi Prepares for House of Representatives Vote to Elect the President
Hell to the NO!


David Shafer@DavidShafer
Except when Woodrow Wilson replaced the Chief Justice who resigned to run against him in 1916 or when Dwight Eisenhower appointed William Brennan three weeks before the 1956 election or when it happened a half dozen other times during a Presidential election year.
Quote Tweet
Alyssa Milano@Alyssa_Milano
· Sep 27
Never before in our nation’s history has a Supreme Court Justice been nominated and installed while a presidential election is already underway.
It defies every precedent and every expectation of a nation where the people are sovereign and the rule of law reigns.


It’s understandable if one doesn’t KNOW history… I mean all those dates one has to learn!
But… we’ve moved from those dark, dull textbooks… just a click of the keyboard and one can discover info instantly…
That’s a huge problem with you folks on the Left… you’re simply too lazy to look things up…
(or ya know better and just prefer to quote opinions rather than FACTS)


The weaponization of government by DC bureaucrats will continue until people are prosecuted for breaking the law.
I found someone leaking and lying about classified information while at DNI. He was turned over to FBI. But I don’t see that charges have been filed against him.
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) September 28, 2020

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks like WRAY needs the boot.


this is inexcusable!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Always time for an ATTACK POST to get people to LEAVE TWITTER.


i thought YOU left twitter…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I did. I’m doing my daily newsreading all on Gab now, but when I see a way to subvert Twitter (typically stuff about Twitter on Gab), I drop bombs ON TWITTER.


the devil is a beautiful woman in a red dress…


what’s the line?
just when i think I’m out…they pull me back in…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have to be careful. Think Bridge Over The River Kwai. 😉


just messin’ with you…I totally trust your instincts on this…


LOL masks on USA Cruisers. I think not. There goes my first Cruise. Oh well.


Don’t have any info, just a hunch, I THINK something big will break late today or tomorrow on spygate, to totally blow up the narratives. The phrase PUBLIC and UN deniable keeps repeating in my head. It does not get much more public than the first debate.


Blue Moons coming up in October…
from the article:comment image
A buck carrying the Moon in his antlers. Credit: Gallinago/Shutterstock.
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 0537d5 No.1794770 📁
Jun 18 2018 01:43:38 (EST)
Morning sun brings heat.
Full moon coming.
Undiscovered stars learned.
Missions forward.
Something to chew on…
phoenix: moon child here…
always more chatty than usual about 3 days before and 3 days after full moon… brace yourselves. 😉 tell me when!
hopefully it will stop raining and I’ll be able to dig in the dirt, and you all will get some relief!


whoa !!! I didn’t insert “bold” ties… I see it came from almanac article 😉
wheatie, can you fix this for me? didn’t mean to be aggressive… !


thanks so much Wheatie…


If anyone wants links for Saturday’s prayer march, solemn assembly and evening worship celebration, I’ve updated the original post, “America return to me and I will return to you”
Please do go to their site and take in the many moving photos, videos and stories:
Main article:
The Return is a movement, an appointed time, and a specific day set apart for one purpose – the return to God by coming before His presence in humility, in sincerity in prayer, and repentance.
The movement begins now and will continue through the entire year of 2020 leading up to 10 Days of Prayer, Fasting, and Repentance – Starting with the Biblical Feast of Trumpets and ending with the Day of Atonement (September 18-September 28). The central day of The Return will be Saturday, September 26, 2020 on the National Mall and throughout the nation and world.
___________________comment imagecomment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From GAB:
New CDC data confirm that the Wuhan coronavirus poses almost zero death risk in people below the age of 50 (see details below).
Well darn, I missed it by a few months. NOW I’M GONNA DIE.


‘It’s Not in My Head’: They Survived the Coronavirus, but They Never Got Well
It looks like coronavirus is going to bring on a slew of chronic sufferers and #BIGMEDICINE has absolutely nothing to offer them.
Perhaps #OLDMEDCINE has some answers…
July 2020
SUMMARY INTRODUCTION: It is estimated that between 10 to 45% of people who get sick of COVID-19 will have persistent or long-lasting symptoms for weeks, developing what we call Subacute or Chronic COVID-19. No effective treatment has been published for these cases, which indicates that a diagnosis and treatment based on the originating etiology, would not be being carried out.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: In the present study, 33 patients with persistent symptoms of COVID-19 and who were between weeks 3 and 12 from the onset of symptoms were included. Patients whose main symptoms corresponded to the muscular system, such as fatigue due to muscle weakness, decreased muscle strength and myalgia (muscle pain) were excluded. The following protocol was followed: Ivermectin at a dose of 0.2 mg. per kilo of weight per day for 2 days. In the cases that still present symptoms after the 2 doses, 2 more days of treatment with Ivermectin was indicated. When there are cases with moderate symptoms, a dose of 0.4 mg will be prescribed. per kilo of weight for the first day, and then continue with 0.2 mg per kilo of weight for 2 more days. In the event that, after the 3rd day of treatment, the patient continues to have symptoms, Nitaxozanide will be additionally prescribed at a dose of 500 mg. every 12 hours for 6 days, in addition to continuing with more days of Ivermectin until the clinical improvement is complete or there is no longer a response of clinical improvement with the treatment.
RESULTS: 33 adult patients with persistent symptoms of COVID-19 were treated with Ivermectin. In 94% of the 33 patients treated with Ivermect¬in clinical improvement was found to some degree after the 2 doses of Ivermectin. Y clinical improvement was total (no symptoms) in 87.9% of patients after the 2 doses of Ivermectin. In the 12.1% of the patients in which no resolution of the symptoms with the first 2 doses, it was continued with more days of treatment with Ivermectin, and with this finally a clinical resolution of symptoms in 94% of cases.
CONCLUSION: The result of the present study finds clinical improvement with treatment with Ivermectin in a high percentage of patients with persistent symptoms of COVID-19. Given the high number of patients with persistent symptoms of COVID-19 and who have not been receiving effective treatment, we consider it necessary to conduct clinical studies of the use of Ivermectin and other drugs to reduce viral load in these cases.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Food for thought – FROM GAB!!!comment image


The story of my life.

Gail Combs


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gab Trends is pointing to a Natural News article saying ANTIFA is going to be rolled up.
BOMBSHELL: Federal intelligence officials cloned phones to surveil and map entire structure of Antifa / BLM terrorist operations in preparation for mass arrests –
Sunday, September 27th 2020, 6:28:57 pm
views: 2k
As you might recall, we’ve been reporting on Trump’s plans to invoke the Insurrection Act after the election, deploying military troops on the streets to halt the extremist left-wing political coup attempt that’s expect to be activated shortly after the election. Now, fascinating news


There has been a LOT of covert intel work on this. I think this has been going on for YEARS. I think the same tactics used on the deep state were used on MS 13 FIRST, and now will be used on BLM, Antifa, and whatever comes NEXT. Remember, before BLM, there was ACORN. I think BLM is the militant recreation of ACORN. I think Antifa is the reboot of MS 13. Much like I think Trump has the intel on the Cabal (FISA’S go BOTH ways), the 2018 ballot harvesting scheme, AND now Antifa and BLM.
Much like it took TIME to ferret out the MS 13 leadership, and FUNDING, and then the roundup via deportation, it took time to ferret out ALL the Cabal. It took time and letting them steal the 2018 midterms in AZ, CA, and elsewhere to be able to STOP it this time, and they ARE. It also took TIME to ferret out all the leadership and funding of BLM and Antifa.
I think ALL MAGA business is coming due BEFORE the election. Amy Coney Barret (told ya it would be her) is part of that plan. That cements the SCOTUS, neutering Roberts. I think the Cabal is about to be EXPOSED, and I think that Biden is a big part of that. I think all the ballot harvesting schemes are being systematically dismantled, both overtly, covertly, and legally. They will NOT be able to cheat despite their best laid plans.
Then I think Antifa and BLM are about to have their funding and leadership RIPPED up. What this will do is LEAD right to the real heads of the anarchists, the Cabal and the dem party, including Biden. I suspect there are now OBVIOUS money trails leading right to the dems and Cabal.
Trump will APPEAR “neutral” but in reality he knows it all. I think Covid will ALSO be exposed in the same timeframe, all tied and hung around the Cabal’s neck, to win an election at ALL costs, and WHO was the benefactor of that? Biden. Biden is the step to the Cabal, and Obama.
Think of this AS a movie. Right now, the suspense is built, all plot lines are converging, building to a crescendo, waiting for the huge plot reveal. The NY times articles, Covid, fake polls, riots, phony outrage protests, fake news, are ALL shiny objects to distract from what has REALLY been going on behind the scenes.
Look at the Senate Hunter Biden report, the financial disclosures, the ties to human trafficking, the ties to Russia, the released texts, coupled with the Barnett reveal, now we have “rumors” of Durham not coming until AFTER the election, while at the SAME time there are stories that Barr is building a RICO case on the Rioters and their funding. Then we have ALL the vote fraud reveals, arrests, and prosecutions. Does it FEEL like nothing is imminent? NO, because it IS imminent.
Q has been telling us, and if you paid attention (I knw you did ) you would see that all the things Q has been telling us are NOW ALL coming to pass. Well, he TOLD us this was coming, and it was very soon. I believe it, because I look beyond the forrest, and I see the TREE. The MSM and dems are blowing smoke, hoping to confuse, but it is NOT going to work, it is too big.
RICO will reveal and tie in ALL. From Russia gate, spy gate, Flynn, Papadopolous, Mueller, Weiner, Anwan, Assange, Rich, Ukraine, Schiff, Biden, Obama. CF, Clinton, Epstein, Antifa, BLM, Soros and other funding mechanisms, the Cabal, and yes Fauci, Covid, Gates, and more. RICO has ALWAYS been the play, conspiracy against the US. Gee, whose specialty is RICO? Gee, that would be Durham and a very high up advisor named Giuliani. Remember, Giuliani took on the mob and won. Durham took on the GOVT and won.
It appears Huber was the FEINT, and Durham was the REAL investigator, and he has been on it for nearly 3 years now. There must be MOUNTAINS of evidence, and we NOW are getting to see some of it, there is ONLY one reason for that, and it is NOT a delay, it is a WARNING of incoming imminently.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From GAB – too funny!comment image


Too accurate!comment image


The Library

Catturd ™
BREAKING: ANOTHER HUGE WIN! Judge Strikes Down Democrat Plan to Eliminate Signature-Matching in Ohio via @gatewaypundit
Harold Wren


Josh Caplan@joshdcaplan
THE HILL: Republicans ask Supreme Court to halt mail voting extension in Pennsylvania
🇺🇸 LD 🇺🇸@SightseerNW
Replying to @joshdcaplan and @Barnes_Law
Minnesota just stopped it too


it’s ELECTION DAY…not election week or month!


Thank you!!!!! And well said.


comment image
Sep 28, 2020 2:24:32 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 No. 10823243
Peter Comey [brother _James Comey]
Clinton Foundation
Dla Piper
Conflict of interest?
Follow the family.
Think McCabe’s wife.
Focus here [East Africa Operations]:
The money never flows directly.
22m ago
8kun qresearch


US MilInt Drops
Never Miss a Q Drop
Sep 28, 2020 2:41:16 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 No. 10823477comment image
Shaping the narrative takes work.
Trial date: July 12, 2021
Unusual to have a 1-year gap from arrest to trial?
What might be the purpose?
5m ago
8kun qresearch


25 minutes until President Trump’s Rose Garden press briefing –

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very good article which tries to gain insights on our current situation from the Spanish Civil War.


Will anything be done about this ??

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


Antifa doxer ‘AntiFash Gordon’ sued in federal lawsuit for harassment
“Exoo is a self-described anti-fascist, notorious doxer, and leader of Antifa, who by doxing others has acquired a great deal of notoriety and infamy,” D’Ambly’s civil complaint claims. “Exoo’s activities are well known to St. Lawrence faculty and administrators, who allow Exoo to direct the enterprise from St. Lawrence property, from his place of employment, during his normal work hours using St. Lawrence equipment and information technology.”
The suit alleges Exoo has participated in “racketeering activities through interstate communications” and that he has the “consent and approval” of SLU to recruit students. In 2017, he spoke at a campus conference where he gave instructions to students on how to investigate and dox people.
Exoo gloats on Twitter: “Technically, I don’t just stalk fascists. I also get them fired, de-homed, kicked out of school, etc.” (For the record: Exoo has led a harassment campaign to get The Post Millennial editor-at-large Andy Ngo removed from Patreon based on a lie that he worked with a neo-Nazi terrorist group.)

The secondary contact for the U-Haul rental was listed as Keirreanna Munoz.
Munoz is scheduled to be arraigned tomorrow on two charges.


Sep 28, 2020 3:02:52 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 097857 No. 10823727comment image

18m ago
8kun qresearch

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is big stuff. Communists BRENNAN and COMEY reversed intelligence to create the RUSSIA HOAX.
I was saying this stuff was all REVERSO. This is what having TRAITORS in charge of intelligence leads to.


Smack Dab Right On!


Gee, revealing this would SURE be a big old script flip, and give Durham ammunition, while Trump can state he was NEUTRAL. Told you, I sensed it is coming, Bartiromo was DISINFO fed to try and minimize or POLITICIZE what is about to hit! Could it be revealed TOMORROW? That would give Biden NO time to refute (spin) The timing of this is NOT coincidence. Shit hits the fan BEFORE November folks. Too much happening, too much plot convergence.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – did you see this? BIDEN took a bribe on Crimea. They were shaking down both sides.


I told you…i KNEW something big was coming, just did not know what. Now add these in from GP
Then you add in the ballot harvesting in MN, NY, and TX being exposed (Ilhan Omar), coupled with what you found,
Then stir in Fauci having a meltdown over Atlas on Covid. Then add a pinch of all the ballot harvesting schemes being over ruled.
Now you tell ME, does it seem all MAGA business is coming due, and payable? Does it seem that Durham could now be the HAMMER and converge all the plot lines into one BIG RICO case, including Antifa, Act Blue, BLM, and the riots.
Yes, YES it does.

Rodney Short

Time to line em up and make examples out of them so this shit never happens again…


Sep 28, 2020 3:05:37 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 097857 No. 10823755
Sep 28, 2020 2:58:29 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: 0cbda5 No. 10823685
H.Res.1154 – Condemning QAnon and rejecting the conspiracy theories it promotes. image
15m ago
8kun qresearch

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Resolved, That The Q Tree—
(1) condemns The Communist Democrats and Warmonger Traitor Neocons and rejects the lies they promote;
(2) condemns These TRAITORS who DARE mix Patriotic Americans in with – and we quote: other groups and ideologies, from the far left to the far right, that contribute to the spread of unfounded conspiracy theories and that encourage Americans to destroy public and private property and attack law enforcement officers;
(3) UNCHANGED – we are a non-violent, truth-seeking community, and as long as the FBI stops framing us and KNEELING before extremist groups, we’re OK with it – thus: encourages the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as all Federal law enforcement and homeland security agencies, to continue to strengthen their focus on preventing violence, threats, harassment, and other criminal activity by extremists motivated by fringe political conspiracy theories;
(4) UNCHANGED – but we invite the NON-TREASONOUS part of IC to also investigate the parts of IC which have conspired with foreign powers and American Communists against this nation – thus: encourages the intelligence community to uncover any foreign support, assistance, or online amplification QAnon receives, as well as any QAnon affiliations, coordination, and contacts with foreign extremist organizations or groups espousing violence; and
(5) REJECTS utterly the following, because “authoritative sources” are the FAKE NEWS controlled by Democrats and ISIS-CREATING warmonger spuds like Kinzinger – TRAITORS – who deserve to PAY for the phony terrorism they CREATE to manipulate us – thus we reject the following SHEEP TACTICS: urges all Americans, regardless of our beliefs or partisan affiliation, to seek information from authoritative sources and to engage in political debate from a common factual foundation.
Furthermore, we challenge ISIS-PROMOTER KINZINGER to submit to full examination by the military and patriotic IC of his activities against the United States of America.


The Wolf speaks.comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

For what ISIS did, I’ll pull the lever on Kinzinger, after a FAIR TRIAL and ALL APPEALS EXHAUSTED.


Gee, that is an AWFUL lot of effort applied in CONGRESS to refute a simple “LARP” Me thinks they doth protest too much! Yet MORE evidence shit is coming to a HEAD, and it is NOT waning but BUILDING. NO WAY it waits till AFTER the election.


What’s that saying… when you get flack you know you’re over the target. But if this Qanon thing is so dangerous all of a sudden, to whom is it dangerous?

Gail Combs

“…to whom is it dangerous?”
TRAITORS, PED0S, SATANISTS, SADISTS, and possibly eaters of ‘long pig’
First article:
Second article:
Second article:
I put up a photo and more archived articles for reference purposes in the Meme thread:
(The photo is GROSS!)


Well done. Great satire.


Sep 28, 2020 3:36:31 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f0bd8f No. 10824174
1m ago
8kun qresearch


Put ANOTHER log on that fire. MORE and MORE building….show time!


BREAKING: Hennepin County Attorney Jeff Wojciechowski told a Veritas journalist on a recorded line the ballot harvesting conduct described to him was: “Illegal, and we will be investigating.”
Illegal harvester @kingliban1 RESPONDS to @Project_Veritas #BallotHarvesting story
— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) September 28, 2020


Another one!
The Joe Biden campaign’s Texas Political Director has been formally accused of helping to run an illegal ballot harvesting operation, according to two separate affidavits filed Monday at the Texas Supreme Court.
Two private investigators, including a former FBI agent and former police officer, testify under oath that they have video evidence, documentation and witnesses to prove that Biden’s Texas Political Director Dallas Jones and his cohorts are currently hoarding mail-in and absentee ballots and ordering operatives to fill the ballots out for people illegally, including for dead people, homeless people, and nursing home residents in the 2020 presidential election.


GO GET ‘EM, SIR!!!!!!


Sep 28, 2020 4:05:59 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 92d064 No. 10824624
Simple process.
1. Family of ‘supporter’ hired @ CF engaged law firm(s)
2. CF ‘donated’ funds [primary influx _foreign][under ‘legal’ payment(s)] to engaged law firm [Dla Piper]
3. Dla Piper payment (salary, bonus & other) to family member of supporter
4. Family member transfer to supporter _campaign _foundation _gift _asset (home) _other
Follow the expenses.
Follow salaries & benefits.
Follow professional & consulting.
Follow cost of sales.
Follow other.
FUNDS: EXPENSES V. PAYOUTS [for ’causes’] _analyze % [how much of the actual donated money actually goes to help select ’causes’]?
Less than 10% [TTM _5 year historical]?
Gifts & Grants:
2014: $172,579,474
2015: $108,915,463
2016: $62,901,979 [loss of power _POTUS win _start of PAY-TO-PLAY collapse]
2017: $26,566,825
2018: $24,167,053 [total revenue 2018: $30,703,366][total expenses 2018: $47,510,175]
3m ago
8kun qresearch


I want to see a drop about Maria B’s claim of NO Durham report before election. We need feedback on that!!!

Gail Combs

Durham is NOT an Inspector General or ‘Special Counsel’ or head of a Congressional Committee, he is a PROSECUTOR!
‘NO Durham report” = Durham does INDICTMENTS any ‘report’ would go to AG Barr.


While we commonly hear about a Durham report, my recollection is, Durham is a prosecutor, NOT an IG.
So what I understand and expect:
– Continued releases of information, texts and the like.
– AG Barr did say it was his belief, the American people to know what happened in 2016. IMO that may include some 2015 and 2017. It WILL be damning of the DOJ, FIB, hussein WH…
Unfortunately, Indictments may not occur before 3 November. Why they can’t start nailing the bastards like Comey, McCabe, Strokz, Page, Brennan, Clapper…is beyond me. Some charges now. Add more later as we get past 3 November and or information is developed.
In any case, 4 November we best have indictments unsealed and arrests underway.
Bonus would be more information from Ukraine.


I understand. Am not expecting a Durham report, I want indictments. But would like to hear something to the effect that Maria received ‘disinfo’ from DS. To me, to stay silent means 17 is in agreement?? Which will pizzle us all off to No End, just like Ron Johnson. Like I said I want a comment, any comment, about it.




GREAT – the Rose Garden Coronavirus Testing Strategy Update – was an ANNOUNCEMENT – and there were no questions – no chance for the press to pose putrid propaganda and false accusations posing as questions!!!
Great move, Mr. President.
They announced a brand new point of care test by Abbot Laboratories that have been shipped to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, native american reservations, historically black colleges and to the 50 states hoping governors will reopen their schools and states to full function.


150,000,000 MILLION of these tests have been manufactured and shipped!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I presume you mean 150 million, not 150,000,000 million, which would be 150 trillion. Which would probably take more money to do than actually exists.


As soon as I posted I realized what I had done and thought to myself – Steve will have something to say about it since he’s the real and official numbers guy around here.
Please accept my humblest acknowledgment of my most grievous error.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Kind of reminds me of another one I see a lot online. Someone will write “$100 dollars” which is redundant. In your case it was the million that was redundant but alas, in that situation you get to multiply, not ignore. 🙂 Oh, well.
The good news no normal person would write 150 x 1012 that way so I am sure no one actually misunderstood you.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Huh, that was supposed to superscript. 1012 worked the other day. 10^12, then.


And sum budding numbers guru was just about to bring up the 1012… 🙂
Yea, budding numbers guru, wusn’t me.



Brave and Free

First shipment probably went to DeSantis in FL. Thanks Mr. DeSantis for what you’re doing for the residents of FL.


Big crybaby, not so tough now “frontliner” since US Marshals filed charges ..


Paralegal NO MORE!!



Brave and Free

This brings to mind what the Elder Slayer did in NY. IIRC the police can’t post mugshot photos anymore…….. hmmmm wonder why that and bail reform was pushed through last year??????
Connect the dots ……


Sep 28, 2020 4:17:11 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 92d064 No. 10824841
Worth remembering.
3m ago
8kun qresearch


If your President Trump and you find out Biden is using some form of communication with his team for the debate, do you:
1. Expose it before the debate
2. Due your best to sabotage it without revealing it before.
3. Let it play out and expose it after the debate.


expose it DURING the “debate”.


hmm…good addition to choices


Make FOOL of the FOOL!


For all the viewers to see!!! PERFECT!!!


Id go with the sabotage, then reveal it after the debate…with stone cold proof of course

Gail Combs

Carlos mentioned unseen ear implants as a possible. That allows mucking up the radio transmission.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Carry a receiver tuned to the same frequency. Pull it out of your pocket, power it on, and hold it up to your mic as whoever it is, is coaching him on what to say.


What’s the Biden Family’s tax obligation to America after taking upwards of $1.5B from China?
Voters deserve to know.


Good grief… what’s up with these LEOs????

Mike Coudrey@MichaelCoudrey
BREAKING: Bodycam footage of Brad Parscale has been leaked & it counters every “allegation” made by the fake news.
He had no weapons. He got into an argument with his wife.
Then they had him involuntary committed claiming “he was suicidal”.


check out the comment section…


Watching this was sickening.
Brad Parscale seemed completely lucid and sane and a victim of the viciousness of (typically leftist) hatred.
I really wonder about his wife.


He was just hanging out, drinking a beer … !!!
the leak may be from a good guy to counter this narrative of suicide and that he barricaded himself in a room, etc.


well I definitely wonder about ALL the reports now that my lying eyes have seen this…
btw… Brad was NOT replaced… he shares the title of Campaign Manager… two different divisions, as I understand it.


Wife claimed he had PTSD? But he wasn’t in the military. I’m thinking Wolf was right about somebody giving him something.

Deplorable Patriot

I was going to post this retweet. Something about this is fishy as a trout hatchery.

Deplorable Patriot

ToRE is working on something having to do with energy. This is what wiki says up top about Oak Ridge:
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (abbreviated as ORNL) is an American multiprogram science and technology national laboratory sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and administered, managed, and operated by UT–Battelle as a federally funded research and development center (FFRDC) under a contract with the DOE. Established in 1942, ORNL is the largest science and energy national laboratory in the Department of Energy system (by size)[vague][2] and by annual budget.[1] ORNL is located in the Roane County section of the city of Oak Ridge, Tennessee.[3] ORNL’s scientific programs focus on materials, neutron science, energy, high-performance computing, systems biology and national security.
ORNL partners with the state of Tennessee, universities and industries, to solve challenges in energy, advanced materials, manufacturing, security and physics.
The laboratory has several of the world’s top supercomputers; among these, Summit is ranked by the TOP500 as the world’s second-most powerful supercomputer. The lab also is a leading neutron-science and nuclear-energy research facility that includes the Spallation Neutron Source and High Flux Isotope Reactor. ORNL hosts all of the following:
Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences
the BioEnergy Science Center,[4]
the Consortium for Advanced Simulation of Light Water Nuclear Reactors.[5]

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oak Ridge was part of the Manhattan project; their job was (largely) to enrich uranium, a very difficult thing to do. Uranium comes in two isotopes in nature, U-238 and U-235. U-238 is not fissile (though it can be used to make plutonium). U-235 is, but it’s less than one percent of all uranium. The only difference between the two is the weight–chemically they are indistinguishable.
A gaseous uranium compound had to be found, then diffusion was used to pull out the lighter molecules preferentially. Fortunately, there is indeed such a molecule, uranium hexafloride (UF6), and as a bonus, fluorine only has one isotope, so it cannot alter the weight of the molecule.
The bad news is fluorine is deadly, corrosive stuff (it will burn water and concrete, and eat through glass) and it was, shall we say, entertaining and challenging to work with it.
When it’s used to form uranium hexafluoride, even *that* stuff is nasty, but luckily can be handled in aluminum pipes and containers. It’s solid at room temperature but sublimates (turns directly to gas) at 138 F.
Oak Ridge had mile after mile of diffusers, each one taking the output of the preceding one to concentrate the U-235 hexafluoride just a bit more. People would ride bicycles in the building to check on things.


Remember the sonic poisoning in Cuba? There you go…Tesla invented something like this before he died. Frequency manipulation…can be used to disrupt or even kill.


I agree DPat…


That’s CNBC’s story…
My lying eyes are seeing a different story.


PR – he was demoted for cashing in too much on his job – seeming dishonesty. Likely both of them were upset about the loss of position and income – and it could have caused conflict between them. Drinking exacerbated the situation for sure. I am sure sorry it was posted on YouTube.


I have never heard or seen that Georgia… I did read a report I was speaking of earlier… is there credibility in that report? a source?


OK – just did a search.
Here is a story that mentions the financial issue:
“Finally, there’s the issue of Parscale giving every appearance that he was redirecting hundreds of thousands in campaign cash to promote himself. Parscale has very obviously tried to become a conservative celebrity via his attachment to the Trump campaign. In late June it was reported that the Trump campaign had spent $325,000 promoting Parscale’s personal Facebook page, not to mention millions of dollars for services rendered by Parscale’s firm. According to CNN, his lavish personal spending habits (including a Ferrari) had begun to piss off the rest of the campaign team.
Campaign staff largely found out about Parscale’s demotion via an announcement Trump made on Facebook, according to CNN. On Thursday, Parscale tweeted a Bible quote on persecution in what appeared to be some kind of mangled response to his detractors.”


who in the world is
Gizmodo is part of G/O Media, owned by Great Hill Partners.
Great Hill Partners is an advisory firm…
In other words, I don’t find them to be a credible source for the article…
translation: BS


Now that I think about it – Jared Kushner is in charge of the campaign coffers – so it’s hard to believe Parscale had access to pay himself excessively.
It is said that Kushner is a genius level manager and straightened out PDJT’s 2016 campaign when it was getting out of kilter. At 24 years old, Kushner took over and saved his father’s business when Chris Christie prosecuted him and he went to prison. Kushner is a remarkable young man – look at his Middle East foreign policy – peacemaking work!


Yes I admire the way Kushner negotiated his father-in-law’s Middle East foreign policy 😉

Gail Combs

His wife said he hit her….
A friend was tossed into jail for ‘hitting’ he teenage daughter.
The Daughter did not get HER WAY so called the cops AND HIT HERSELF to make the charges stick!
The daughter had a history of pulling this stunt all the time but since they had just moved to a new state the COPS WOULD NOT CHECK THE HISTORY. And the lawyer would not bother to get the records.
Expect Brad to be COMMITTED for TWO MONTHS so he can not help President Trump win.
Also expect Wife-Dearest to have a LARGE multi-million dollar advance on a book she is writing… or other means of pay-off.


Thanks Gail…

Deplorable Patriot

There’s something REALLY wrong here. Really wrong.


I just mentioned up thread that the wife said he had PTSD…. but he’s not been in the military. The other funny thing is her being with the realtor. I think Wolf may have it right about him being chemically managed.


What The HELL?
W L M – WLM – WHITE LIVES MATTER….get the gang to show up and burn, loot, pillage…
(Yea, sarcasm)
But seriously, what this fool saw, Brad totally docile, unarmed and compliant. Why TF tackle him? Don’t care if had been five minutes or three hours. ZERO threat, that I saw, heard…
So much we don’t know.


Agree Kal…


What wife calls the police unless he was violent? An argument with the wife gets you treated like a criminal ?
Is the wife paid off by someone? Just now this had to happen wonder if the police searched his home confiscated all his computer work? Who are those clowns working for who owns them?


horrible, isn’t it Singing?


Yes !

Gail Combs

They are OWNED by the Democrats. Remember the SCHOOL SHOOTING???
Scott Israel – Disgraced Sheriff from Parkland School Shooting Received $50,000 from Strip Club Owner’s Wife
Don’t Count Him Out! Scott Israel Can Win Reelection

….Scott Israel wants his uniform back
Running with the cloud of the deadly Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and airport shootings over Israel’s head is going to be tough.
But for Israel to lose the sheriff’s race, he needs a good opponent.
So far he’s got appointed and unproven Sheriff Gregory Tony. He has never run a campaign….


Sep 28, 2020 4:48:01 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 64a75f No. 10825334
Lisa Barsoomian _former Bill Clinton attorney
[Hamburg vs. Clinton 1998 + appeal 1999 _scrubbed from net]
Wife of Rod Rosenstein
2m ago
8kun qresearch


Pic in the above drop…….comment image


What an UGLY “couple”


Want a 2nd opinion?
Traitors too!

Deplorable Patriot

I seriously wonder how many of the swamp marriages were arranged.


She’s almost as bad as creepy sleepy dopey Joe


Every bit as fake as Hillary, but Hillary has more political savvy and knows how to pull off the lying more effectively.


perhaps it’s a glitch in the program 😉


Like sleepy Joe,she can’t even read the teleprompter correctly … OMG!!
… or [somebody] snuck in the B.I.G. on the prompter and she just read it!!!!!!! [17]


Love it!


terrific fires in CA now… ck out Adams TL… filled with info
remember to remove splat



Ohh Molly it’s all so tragic…


It’s shocking. That tweet acct Adam Housley is a great one for info and pictures, thanks PR


Most welcome… Adam is an ex-correspondent (see his profile) he lives in CA, family has a winery there. I found him through a political twitter acc’t shipwreckedcrew and actually went there to follow up a tweet RT’ing him about predictions of white hat things to come… I am not sure how close his winery is to these recent fires… but know he is describing these as really bad …
Adam Housley
This is bad. Trying to convey that these aren’t areas recently built into wildlands. Urban areas and neighborhoods. A lot of people had very little warning or time. This is bad. 🙁

Deplorable Patriot

How horrible.


After the Oregon mob arson attacks, this isn’t a terror a subset of antifa.imo


Reading my mind Molly… they will stop at nothing… sociopaths, all of them.


It’s so sad that these deluded people get satisfaction from destroying so much beauty and lives to further their cause..climate change hoax, agenda , new green farce or just to be mean


Prayers up for those people in those areas. After what we just went through in Oregon – and some are still going through – I hope these people are locked up for life. And if they can prove Antifa involvement, take every last penny of their donors ill gotten gains and lock them up, too.

Team Joe getting Debate Joe ready for Tuesday.
Sorting out a few last minute issues w/the puppet.


Sep 28, 2020 5:04:51 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 64a75f No. 10825631
[RR] Tax Division _ DOJ 2001 – 2005
Clinton Foundation investigation 2001 – 2005
GJ empaneled
Clinton Foundation failure to declare foreign donations 2001 – 2003
Comey takeover of investigation 2002
Dir of FBI 2002 _ Robert Mueller
Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
2m ago
8kun qresearch


So a grand jury investigating the CF was impaneled while Rosenstein was in charge of the tax division, but Comey, under Mueller, took over and then the investigation went nowhere? Rosenstein’s inscrutability remains intact.

Deplorable Patriot

The FBI doesn’t impanel Grand Juries. The Department of Justice does. At that point, Comey’s boss was John Ashcroft as he was in the DoJ.
I’m going to take a guess the decision to pull the plug was higher than Mueller and Comey, and maybe even Ashcroft. They all got double crossed more than once in those years.


Well Cheney was running things, similar to the way ValJar was with Zero…
So, orders probably came from Poppy Bush (who got his orders from Soros, who gets his orders from Rothschild, who gets his orders from … we don’t know beyond the curtain. As POTUS tells us … there are folks we never see, don’t even know of their existence. After all, the Cabal had big plans for hil de beast… couldn’t let a little thing like a GJ get in the way.

Deplorable Patriot

This one goes higher up the food chain than just Mueller and Comey, friendship or not. Ashcroft allowing dropping the case…something doesn’t square.


Yes. My point is not about who started or stopped the investigation, but that, from what Q says, there was an investigation of the CF, leading to a grand jury, while Rosenstein was there, and then it was stopped. The implication seems to be that Rosenstein was either investigating, or approved of an investigation of, the CF, unless I’m reading it wrong. Then when Comey/Mueller were n charge, it was “don’t bite the hand that feeds you.”

Deplorable Patriot

What makes a meme successful is it’s veracity. This just isn’t/wasn’t going to happen.comment image


I agree DP…


An oldie, but goody!comment image

Elizabeth Carter

As if things aren’t bad enough, it seems President Trump got nominated for a 3rd Nobel Peace Prize.


I love the way you announced this newest prize!

Valerie Curren

I’m guessing this is already known here at the Q-Tree but since I can Never catch up w/ Y’all…just in case…

Elizabeth Carter

Val, I didn’t know that. It makes a lot of pieces fit!!

Valerie Curren

Puzzle of corruption keeps coming into focus…& expanding!


Handing off Cue Drops for now……
Grandson has football practice….. No Masks! 🙂


This is excellent – worth watching.


Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates @drawandstrike
Big if true.
Remember, an indictment is when somebody turns DOWN a plea bargain.
They tell the US Attorney “I think me and my lawyer can beat your case at trial.”
It’s taking chances with a jury. If convicted after a trial you get far more time
Quote Tweet
· 9h
FWIW: Two weeks ago a trusted Twitter source told me that there would be no indictments before the election, but guilty pleas could be secured prior to Nov. 3rd. This is consistent with what @MariaBartiromo’s source told her.…
Show this thread

Valerie Curren

Sometimes twit world is wit world 🙂

Valerie Curren

LOL! How do they come up with this stuff???


great one Valerie! keep ’em comin’
need our endorphins goin’

Valerie Curren



Alice – Your terms are acceptable.

Valerie Curren

Reminds me of this one from Men in Black…

Valerie Curren

Raised at the feet of the master, but still in training 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: c87c4f No.10826731 📁
Sep 28 2020 17:17:50 (EST) NEW



Coexist … the #MAGA versioncomment image


Just who is refusing to commit to the peaceful transfer of power old mrs. 2016.


Peaceful Transfer…comment image

Valerie Curren

I can dream can’t I?



We should have had Grenell as FBI Chief months ago.


Maybe there’s still time!


If they are going to contest the election all the way into January, which seems to be their intent, it obviously needs to be done, Wray needs to go.


Any idea why he’s still there?



Candace Owens Retweeted
Candace Owens@RealCandaceO
Sep 23
Black Lives Matter is an organization of white men, using the faces of dead black people, to raise millions of dollars toward electing white Democrats into positions of power.
It is the most flagrantly racist organization in America.

Valerie Curren

I don’t exactly know what’s happening w/ Brad Parscale, but this footage isn’t at all damning…for him!


Yup. NOT damning at all towards Brad. Broward County, may have some serious questions to answer. Maybe not.

Valerie Curren

Part of the nexus of usual suspects…



I can’t even go on a deals site without them mocking Trump.
Really people. Really.
Oh Deals site is in CA well that explains it


Is there a need to go to the deals site? Alternatives? I routinely bottom blow lefty people. Would have no problem bottom blowing a web “deals” site. My money. My choice.


I’ve cut back big time ever since they started to push anti Trump stuff. I’m not the only one. Plus the deals they once had well I would no longer call them deals.

Valerie Curren

Sorry if this is a duplicate…I’m Never caught up reading here, sadly…


Never worry about duplications…
some folks have time for only a brief read of the blog…
and if someone has seen it before, they can use their scroll button, that is if they choose.

Valerie Curren

Thamks PR 🙂


Duplications help slow folk like me. Besides, I may not remember reading it the first time, second time, third….:-)

Valerie Curren

OK, that’s me too now LOL


I know that feelin’ 😉




Deplorable Patriot

This one is not funny.




However, it IS an excellent description of loony leftist fantasies.





Dopey manager like guy in Costco today.
Me walking an aisle, not breaking stride.
Dope approaches, shows his impressive Costco badge, standing just ahead and to the side, says emphatically, “Costco requires ALL customers to wear a mask”!
Never breaking stride, I say, “Yea. Thank you. I have a medical”. Dunno what if anything he said in reply.
Not gonna wear a damn mask.


Good for you, Kal!!!


So very polite.
There might be a reason I’m in twitmo.
But then, I live in Australia


^^^ “So very polite”.
Yea, i try to always start out polite. Depending on the situation, can turn on a dime. 🙂


I start out polite too. After all some people are retarded so I don’t want to give them a hard time


Yup. And some are simply doing their job, and will back down quickly, In NV, businesses can be fined if they don’t try asking customers to wear a mask. Sadly, nearly all the sheep wear masks.


Sheep report….Last night I chatted with a very long-time friend, who lives in NJ. She mentioned she has long hair now because she hadn’t had a cut since March 1. So, I said…send me a photo! This am I got her self-photo, taken in her house. She had a mask on! I immediately texted back and asked what was with the mask?? She replied…it’s the law here in NJ!
I just about fell off my chair. This is a very independent, no nonsense woman and yet she’s become a mask zombie. They’ve spent at least the past 20 winters in a Florida condo rental because 3 of their adult children living there, but may not go this year because of COVID.
Fear porn is definitely working!


You guys need to get your guns back. In your spare time, get the legislature to approve our Bill of Rights (except Amendment 3).


We just nominated Potus for his 3rd noble so there’s that
(Who told you we handed in all our guns?)


I was confronted at a prayer meeting on Saturday (outdoors, too) by the M.C. who asked me, “No mask?” I was not as quick as Pat would have been–just told her I had asthmaand couldn’t wear one, to which she responded “Makes sense.” It irritated me that I thought I had to explain my conduct. Whole thing really put me off.


I can understand, Zoe – who died and make them hall monitors? I wear it for as long as I can manage – then – I take it off – all you have to say is you have a medical condition – you do not have to say what it is – protected by medical privacy – but, yes – they have some nerve questioning anyone!


It was first time I had been confronted by a stranger. Wish I had said, “Oh, I don’t believe we have been introduced.” I have an idea. When they confront us, we could hand them a sheep mask. If we knew where to get them. That might be fun.


Oh, dear, Zoe – you are so funny!!!


You should have told ’em, in an irritated voice, “I’m blind. I can’t find my way if I can’t sniff the air.” And then walk off in a huff.
I bet you a jelly donut that they believe you.


Like the way you think, PGroup.


Actually, I expect is HAS happened and Antifa hierarchy is in a world of shit. They just have not figured it out.


They after the money and the brains


BINGO. Can you say RICO? I knew you could!


And RICO it is for the win. Federal crimes , no swampy state das need concern themselves


BINGO! And for the bonus, what are the two current, and former US attorneys legal specialties? One is named Giuliani, the others name is Durham. Hint it was in a song….BLANK Sauvé..LOL


I thought they were designated a domestic terrorist organization in May – by PT?


Dunno the status. But I do expect Antifa and its hierarchy are in for some bad times. President Trump and AG Barr are mum and there are no leaks. ALL good news by me.


Thought it was an EO – saw it once – and have not seen it since – BLM should be designated as well.


A little more tricky…and, of course we know they just come up with another name. BLM is a spin off of ACORN. But, I agree with you in principle.


Same old troublemakers, I think, Tea. Remember Acorn well – Just renamed but, not remade – same old problem – interesting how all of these troublemakers are funded and supported by the radical left – or the Democrat Party.


***That’s really interesting. Now read on …***
Also today, the UK’s Channel 4 came out with a documentary saying that candidate Trump’s team tried to prevent certain blacks from voting in 2016. I haven’t watched C4 in years (too much like MSNBC):

Hmm. The thread Duchess posted above, C4’s documentary (why not leak to a US news outlet?) — all strange.
CBS picked it up:
And now the Parscale incident?

There was never a time in 2016 when candidate Trump sidelined blacks.
Something is going on.
There might also be a data story tie-in with Brexit here, too:


5 eyes
still part of the Resist | Treason club




Remember…”What the hell do you have to lose?” Doesn’t sound like black voter suppression to me.




From what I understand of how our President works, he treats everyone of every ethnic group with respect – he was determined to lift up the ‘forgotten man’ – his whole campaign was to reverse the destruction of previous administrations – and to restore America to its former greatness
There is some discrepancy about what happened to Parscale – there was no gun – there was a domestic dispute – it was reported – so we do not really know.
There have been numerous stories about Trump – none of which have panned out – none of this makes any sense to me – so I am not buying any of it.


The 48-hour test comes to mind.


Of course, it does, Church!!! God Bless You!!!


May God bless you, too, Duchess! 🙂


Thanks, Church! Have a Blessed Day!!!


Thank you.


Most welcome, Church!!!


The wife?


I hadn’t thought about her being like George Conway. Oh my.






Deplorable Patriot

There will be names we’ve never heard of.
Rose McGowan
Google these names James Packer, Kevin Tsujihara, Brett Ratner, Ron Meyer, Jeff Bewkes, John Stankey. These are the Scumbags of the highest order. They make what you consume. Danger


James Packer —-is an Australian billionaire businessman and investor. Packer is the son of Kerry Packer AC, a media mogul, and his wife, Roslyn Packer AC. He is the grandson of Sir Frank Packer. He inherited control of the family company, Consolidated Press Holdings Limited, as well as investments in Crown Resorts and other companies.
Kevin Tsujihara—-is an American businessman, and former chairman and CEO of Warner Bros Entertainment. He succeeded Barry Meyer as CEO in March 2013, and as chairman in December 2013, having previously served as president of Warner Bros. Home Entertainment
Brett Ratner——is an American director and producer. He directed the Rush Hour film series, The Family Man, Red Dragon, X-Men: The Last Stand, and Tower Heist. He was also a producer of several films, including the Horrible Bosses series, The Revenant and War Dogs.
Ron Meyer——Ronald Meyer or Ron Meyer (born September 25, 1944) is an American entertainment executive and former talent agent. He co-founded Creative Artists Agency in 1975 and later worked at Universal Pictures from 1995 until his resignation in 2020.
Jeff Bewkes—–is an American media executive. He was CEO of Time Warner from January 1, 2008 to June 14, 2018, President from December 2005 to June 2018, and Chairman of the Board from January 1, 2009 to 2018.
John Stankey—–is an American businessman who is the former CEO of WarnerMedia (then Time Warner); currently served as the CEO of the former’s parent company, AT&T after previously serving as the president and COO. Stankey led AT&T’s acquisition of DirecTV and Time Warner in 2015 and 2018, respectively. He assumed the CEO role of AT&T effective July 1, 2020

Deplorable Patriot

Warner Warner Warner
Corey Feldman said Warner Brothers was full of preditors. So did any number of child actors since the 30s.


Ohhhh good point.


Valerie Curren

Hope the compelling picture shows here…


Valerie, do you know anyone that would laugh at this?
I have some family members…comment image

Valerie Curren

Never seen it before yet live with it every day!!!



^^^ Navarro gave a great line, concept to use on trade during debate.
Essentially hussein was new at the trade agreement arena. Then directly at Slow Joe, you worked trade deals for 47 years. Either you were totally naive, over your head, incompetent OR COMPLICIT in destroying American jobs, the American economy. Which is it Joe?


True, Kal! He will not be able to answer – imho

Valerie Curren

Babylon Bee is always in order!

Deplorable Patriot

Really? Oh, that would be great.
Biden’s Director gets busted for #BallotHarvesting at Nursing Homes, and Pedo Sheila Jackson Lee, is involved? You got your popcorn?


Oh that would be delicious!! Dear Sheila is not one of my favorite people…hear she feels QUITE entitled!


Dear Lord, please remove this vile Criminal woman from our local politics. And don’t forget to take Al Green with her. Thank you.

Deplorable Patriot

Yep. (And Sts. Gabriel and Raphael as well.)
Barbara(Flynn)Medium starMedium starMedium starRedgate #WhoLeakedGenFlynn
Wow! I just realized tomorrow September 29th Is The Feast Day Of Saint Michael The Archangel and also the Government hearing to dismiss this horrible targeting of General Mike…There are no coincidences


Charlie Kirk
Let me get this straight:
Unnamed sources can falsely claim Trump disparaged service members and it’s the biggest story of the election cycle
…But Joe Biden can call the troops “stupid bastards” ON TAPE and the media is completely silent?


They staged the Atlantic fake story as a distraction and cover for when Sleepy’s truth would come out. Biden behavior nowhere near as bad as what Orange man bad did.🙄

Deplorable Patriot

What I want to know is with all of the moving that’s been going on this year, how off is it going to be. I mean, I did our household in April, I think.

See new Tweets
The Associated Press
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross says the 2020 census will end Oct. 5, regardless of a judge’s order saying the head count can continue through the end of October.

Deplorable Patriot

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Epic pic!

Valerie Curren

OK that was a good one.
Keep it up Valerie! 🙂

Valerie Curren

You betcha!

Valerie Curren

What storm?

Deplorable Patriot

Wow. This is getting highly entertaining.


Is he accusing Gen Flynn’s defense of changinghis notes?
Whoa! Strzok you may have crossed a line with that one…

Deplorable Patriot

I’m just enjoying the show.


Time to get a questioned document examiner.


Yeah right, I have a condo in Belize I’d like to sell ya, it’s a charmer and priced to sell ..bwahahahahaha
🤨🤚‼️ ..

Valerie Curren

Wed, September 30
5:00 PM – CDT
Duluth, MN
Fri, October 2
7:00 PM – EDT
Sanford, FL
Sat, October 3
3:30 pm CDT
La Crosse, WI
Sat, October 3
6:00 pm CDT
Green Bay, WI

Deplorable Patriot

I think we’ll put the Wisconsin ones on the same thread if it’s all the same to you all.


That would be the best thing – stream line it as much as possible!

Valerie Curren

Poland to the rescue of Western civilization–again!


There is that, but those creatures were barking like dogs at them.


Throw job resume’s at them. Or pepper spray!!!! Either one works.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

I hope the original tweet shows up now…


Fox News Alert – 911 Systems down in several states. Minneapolis, AZ, DE 🤔🤔🤔🤔

Deplorable Patriot

Umm…. I know this quadrangle. Facing east towards Brookings Hall.

Deplorable Patriot

And, yeah, they’re sitting on a mountain of cash.
BTW, that building was built as part of the executive offices of the Louisiana Purchase Expedition aka The 1904 World’s Fair. The fairgrounds, now known as Forest Park, at the time were a swamp on the other side of Skinker.


Valerie Curren

twit world serendipity as these were next to each other 😉

Valerie Curren

& keeping on the no go Joe theme


The Disturbing Intersection Between Antifa, BLM, & Public-School Teachers Tyler Durden Mon, 09/28/2020 – 20:20 Authored by Col. (Ret.) John Mills via The Epoch Times, As […]

Valerie Curren

I would love to know what Jlll is thinking. She knows better than anyone what’s going on with Joe, and she can see the lack of enthusiasm. I would think it would be embarrassing for her to speak to so few people, when Joe himself should be there instead. I’ve never seen anything like it. If he got elected, everyone thinks he wouldn’t last long, so she wouldn’t be First Lady for long.
I tend to think it’s more about protecting themselves from investigations and things to be revealed. If he were elected, they could try to return everything to the corruption of the O administration. They seem desperate.


You gotta know there’s a BIG PAYOFF included in this.


2 shots to the left temple.



Valerie Curren

It’s hard for sane people to accurately speculate on the mindset of the insane 😉 As a wife, what she’s allowing to happen to her seemingly vulnerable/incapacitated husband is really sick…


Yes, unless she thinks she is protecting him in some way. There would have to be something really bad — like colluding with a foreign government to enrich himself and his family, for example — to make them/her do this. Or maybe they’re being blackmailed.

Valerie Curren

Interesting & beyond my comprehension is the heart of darkness (or darnkess) of a political leftie 😉

Manufacturing activity is now improving in many states and across the country. Trump economics does it again, keeps the automobile manufacturing in Ohio and now the first truck is produced. The [CB] admit they have now wait out of this problem. The [DS]/MSM are preparing to throw everything they have at Trump and the people before the election and after the election, but the playbook is known. Flynn ready to go free in 30. Boom, justice prevails, it’s time for the truth. The events are now quickly falling apart, Trump is producing an enormous amount of tests, he is doing exactly what he did with ventilators, this is part of the trap. The [CF] is now on deck, everything is coming into focus.

Valerie Curren

It’s on over ACB…


Good! That is an example of judging in the wrong way, judging ACB’s heart and motives (wrongly).

Valerie Curren

Agreed. Some of these lefties are delusional!


NYT tax article EXPOSED as a lie:
Story contains this thread:


Thinking about this has been running in the back of my mind all day — especially when I went to gas-up and NPR was spouting utter nonsense about it.
The average rich person is not treated as a single entity for tax purposes. She has individual businesses; individual partnerships; individual rental properties…..and, believe me, to paraphrase Bob Dylan, “EVERYBODY must get taxed…” But not necessarily in the places you’d expect. VSGPOTUS may very well have paid $2M in taxes against his personal wealth in a certain year, but only showed $750 in tax on his 1040. This is not unusual, and can be part of a deliberate housekeeping strategy to focus compliance and efforts and costs in efficient places.
It doesn’t help that the average journalist doesn’t know the difference between total tax levied and tax due with return.


Dr. Fauci Must Go


Amy Coney Barrett’s sister: Judge’s Catholic faith is a ‘non-issue’


I’m sorry but the words ‘shut up chelsea’ don’t even cover it.
Poor kids….
Chelsea Clinton feels ‘very protective’ of Barron Trump: ‘Don’t objectify this kid’
Pop pop bill….Ummmm I will not make a joke I will not make a joke
Ahhh but Trump is a bully. Of course.
Maybe she should worry about Law and Order?


Just got polled by Rasmussen reports about immigration.


Love Sidney’s new hair-do…
Sidney Powell Flag of United States⭐⭐⭐ Retweeted
NLYKFLN Medium starMedium starMedium star@DenverFlynn
Judge Sullivan MUST Grant Motion To Dismiss With Prejudice. EVERY Case In Country Requires Dismissal Of GOVERNMENT Motion 2 Dismiss. EVERY Single Precedent. More Than Ample Reason To Dismiss Gov Clear NO CASE SHLD EVER BEEN BROUGHT. More Evidence Than Ever Seen Mandates Dismissal


Would love to know what Sidney’s hair is like now.


not a huge change Zoe, length is about the same, maybe an inch shorter so that it is about chin length
whereas it was all one length and ends turned under
the side part is more prominent and no longer all one length, but both sides have been shortened and flip up a bit…
I think it gives her a much softer look… still chic but more youthful appearance.
[Zoe, I am terrible at describing images… i’m sure some of the women here are laughing at my description.]


PR, I think you did just fine, and you also performed a valuable community service. Thank you.


You’re very welcome Zoe… thank you… Wheatie is really great at describing images… when she was doing double duty and had treehouses as the theme of her openings, I would read and reread her descriptions of the trees… absolutely lovely, make you want to curl up in the treehouse and just relax…


Agree about Wheatie2 and her wonderful descriptions of the trees.


I think she used a curling iron/rollers on it. Wave curl next to her face to give body, and ends curled under all around. Sprayed in place.


More info about this scum n the replies.


Conservative group to argue that Media Matters should have been ineligible for PPP loan
Patriots Foundation claims group founded by Clinton ally is political organization ‘as everyone who has ever followed them knows’


Where’s Wolfie. Video of cops taking down Parscale. Something is definitely NOT RIGHT. Definitely not locked in a room suicidal. Domestic argument w/vindictive wife? Are they maybe near divorce and she’s trying to gin up evidence?


Highlights from the DM article sure don’t match the video above.
Brad Parscale was hospitalized after he reportedly threatened to harm himself at his Fort Lauderdale, Florida home on Sunday afternoon can reveal his wife Candice fled screaming into the street in just her bikini – before telling a passerby: ‘I think my husband just killed himself’
She buried her head in the stranger’s lap and sobbed uncontrollably until officers revealed he was still alive
A video obtained by reveals Candice, by now wrapped in a white towel, peering over a line of police cars as officers negotiate Brad’s surrender
Candice told cops she heard a revolver being cocked and a ‘loud boom’ after her 44-year-old husband began ‘ranting and raving’
The witness, who asked not to be named for fear of reprisals, told she also noticed evidence of bruising on Candice’s upper arms
She said: ‘She was hysterical, she was hyperventilating, she nearly collapsed but I caught her and pulled her into the vehicle’
The chaotic scene ended without tragedy about an hour and a half later when he agreed to surrender and was involuntarily committed to a hospital
A police report reveals Parscale had ten weapons inside the home, including two rifles, two shotguns, five handguns and a small revolver
Further reports confirmed Candice had revealed injuries to officers and told them she suffered them in an ‘altercation’ with her husband, claiming he hits her


I don’t know what to make of it, Butterfly, but the timing is certainly suspicious, in my opinion, and whatever happened, it’s just sad.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

When did they get married? Gotta know much more about the couple to get a bead on her character.


The article says they’ve been married four years.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

HA. Not good. She could be an insider. Beautiful takedown of Parscale. Watch her file for divorce.


Having weapons in the house in itsself doesn’t mean anything, but people jump to conclusions.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Weapons in the house means nothing. But if he fired one drunk, he’s got trouble.


I don’t think there’s confirmation of a shot fired. Just innuendo from the wife. Scratches and bruises on her? She told DM they were from earlier, not today.
Did anyone check her alcohol level??
Reeks to me of a domestic argument. Yeah, he was drinking. Things get heated, people go to their corners. He pulled out a gun and loaded it while drunk. Not smart, but again, she’s the one introducing ‘suicide’. Any proof of his mental state prior? He could of just been playing with his gun while drunk, again not smart. But drunk people do not smart things.
Just seems to me she would get relatives or friends over to help first. Maybe none were available so she has to call the cops. BUT a loving wife COVERS her husband. If this was something that got out of hand, tell the police a story to get help. BUT DO NOT TALK ABOUT PAST SLIGHTS OR INDISCRETIONS. Use help to diffuse situation at hand, but deal with it behind closed doors once both are sober. DO NOT CRY TO THE NEIGHBORS AND POLICE!!! Something with this woman STINKS!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think they were both drunk. Drunk and fighting, and she blabbed the truth, which I would not blame her for, since I’m a believer in the idea that lies start small, so JUST DON’T. Don’t call the cops is right, but she tried to call a relative and he knocked the phone – stupid.
If the gun was fired, she did the right thing, IMO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I have to admit she really seems like she could be one. Eight years is one heck of a long sleep, but we’re talking big stuff here – TRUMP – China – enormous amounts of money and power – insane amounts – so yeah, maybe so.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She is.comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She wormed her way into the bookkeeping, too. LOL. I’m wondering if SHE is why they demoted Brad.
Dems might have had too much info on Tulsa.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Compromised. Yup. It makes sense.
Love to know more about how they met.


He could’ve been drunk enough to not think he was too drunk to mess with his guns. NOT SMART, I know, but drunk people do stuff.
She’s a piece of work. If she was truly worried, wait outside for police to arrive. Going and crying to the neighbors??? Did you hear a shot, Is he dead?? That’s over the top to me.
If DM story is accurate, the cops talked to him through window and got him to put up gun and come out of room. Then why didn’t they take custody of him in the house. He was walking around, grabbed a beer, came out to talk to officers in the street to explain. Not the actions of a suicidal man to me. She was saying ‘shit’, he was going to tell them about the fight. Officers come screaming at him, he was drunk and was slow to process the situation, then BOOM. He acted like he didn’t know why they tackled him.
We need to know if a shot was fired.
They were drunk and fighting and she called the police on him. Once she did that, she had to come up with a good story, for everyone.


Prolly just shot his TV, like the rest of us should.


These are snippets from the article:
Well-placed sources told Parscale is under investigation for the theft of campaign funds.
The couple have at least $300,000 worth of cars – including a 2017 Ferrari, a Range Rover and a BMW X6 – while public records suggest Parscale has owned as many as eight boats.
Their spending spree represents a remarkable turnaround for the college basketball standout who lost his family’s company to bankruptcy in the mid-2000s but rebuilt his finances after working for Trump in various digital guises since 2011.
‘The thing about what Parscale did with the finances of the campaign could actually be totally legal,’ the source added.
‘But Brad has tons of bills since his lifestyle picked up, and he sees the gravy train coming to an end.’
A Trump insider told that Parscale went into a tailspin after he was demoted in July and replaced by his former number two, Bill Stepien
‘Bradley`s speech was slurred as though he was under the influence of an alcoholic beverage and he seemed to be crying,’ Skaggs went on.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! Yup. Now – when did he meet this broad? That will be key. Old sweethearts is good. Campaign trail is iffy. If she attached after the win, SKETCHY. The spending sounds like her influence.


Wiki says they married in 2012:
In the summer of 2012, he married Candice Blount.[45] As of July 2019, the couple owned three residences in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.[46]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wait – so that is EIGHT years. Much less likely she’s a ringer. Her value is going up fast in my estimation. She may be a bit of a gold-digger and likes the fast and famous lifestyle, and brushes with fame, but IMO her call for help is likely legit.
Drinking and guns don’t mix, and in many cases are ILLEGAL.


This article says she is the bookkeeper for some of his businesses. He seems to trust her. (Ignore the gossip about Hope Hicks, which was started by Rick Wilson.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He may have trusted her, but doesn’t mean she was actually trustworthy! 😎

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Would not surprise me. And if she’s addicted to money, which I suspect, she could have taken payoffs for information, planting, etc.
That stuff is actually *quite* real.
Trump team may have had suspicions. Might have been leaks that traced back to them as a couple. Very smart to swap him out until it resolved.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting points:
(1) A piece of news leaked out by CNN in the year 2019 regarding Trump’s monetary support to Candice Blount unnamed company. It caused a huge controversy for all of them.
(2) The New York Times reported in March 2020 that Parscale paid around $15K US Dollars to Lara Trump (Eric Trump’s Wife) and Kimberly Guilfoyle (Donald Trump Jr. Girlfriend) in March 2020.
She may have been looking like a liability to the campaign.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting. The two definite cases of this for which I know details, both were on the pill throughout their job. However, both of these were much shorter – under 24 months.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This picture SCREAMS trouble to me.
She doesn’t even look like the same woman in these pictures – and that’s usually a bad sign.
I don’t know – something bothers me about this picture.


Y’all see the Daily Mail as a reliable source?


I’m only reporting what was in the article and hadn’t been mentioned here — not saying it’s reliable. But it seems that people are jumping to conclusions in Parscale’s favor, which might or might not be correct. Maybe he does get drunk and hits her (and vice versa). Maybe he did do something shady with campaign funds. I hope not, but we don’t know what we don’t know. And I fully understand that the Left will do anything to attack those close to Pres. Trump.


Totally agree. DM is just piling on w/BS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is way more to this.
It will depend on whether he fired the gun. If he didn’t fire the gun, she’s lying. But if he DID, then she was rightly worried that he might put the next round in his head, if he was saying a bunch of mopey junk.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is true, but my practiced suspicion goes to (1) drunk person fired the gun, and (2) wife was scared by him “acting out” weirdly while drunk, and escalated to the cops.
Now I *AM* suspicious that her bruises are from HITTING HIM (which he blocked) and/or from him RESTRAINING HER when she was hitting him.
Women are actually MORE LIKELY TO HIT because they can get away with it – especially with a big guy.
If so, he needs to file charges and/or negotiate mutual dropping of any charges, or induce a confession by her, to help clear his own name from any accusation of domestic violence.


According to the article, she claims the bruises were from him, just not that day.
‘While speaking with Candace Parscale (sic) I noticed several large sized contusions on both of her arms, her cheek and forehead,’ wrote Officer S. Smith.
‘When I asked how she received the bruising, Candace Parscale stated Brad Parscale hits her. When asked if he made these markings today, she claimed he did not.
‘I continued to ask if Brad Parscale physically assaulted her in any way today and she said no, but he did forcibly smack her phone out of her hand when she was attempting to call Brad Parscale`s father.’
‘While speaking with Candace I observed several bruises on both which she advised occurred a few days ago, during a physical altercation with Bradley, which she did not report.’

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Very interesting. He’s definitely hitting HER if she has face and forehead. The question is now whether he’s HITTING FIRST or HITTING BACK. It’s a problem for him either way, but if she is baiting him into domestic violence, he needs to dump her FAST.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If they were married 4 years, I would put more suspicion on that kind of stuff, but married 8 years is just getting way too long for an op of some kind with that level of hijinks. 2012 she knew he was with Trump, so that was part of the incentive to marry, and makes me think gold-digger, but she’s been along for a long ride. Yeah, could be some kind of beta kitten who got tagged onto him back in those Holder days, but I’m thinking unless he denies like crazy, he’s hitting her.
I suspect she’s a hitter, and he hits back. Drinking, fighting – just makes sense. Now that IS a way to discredit him, but likely not planned. She could have lied about her bruises being fresh, and she didn’t.
He’s too big of a lug – too many women feel like they’ve got a license to hit big guys. I’ve seen it all my life and it just baffles me.
Gun owners have to be hard-core about non-violence. Carriers even more so. This is why I’m an asshole about training. Even where there IS constitutional carry, I would always personally want to see incentives for licensed carry which promotes training.
He should not even THINK about touching his guns drunk. Just mark that stuff as verboten – as dangerous as walking a ledge drunk.
I’ll bet POTUS had intel on this stuff, too.


Are they both drinking and scrapping with each other???? Could explain her bruises.
Did he have bruises? Was her alcohol level checked?
Y’all when I was younger……..stuff happens when couples drink and fight……it escalates.
I was drunk one night and grabbed a shotgun and went into backyard screaming and yelling
and firing it into the air a couple times. Yeah, I know, young, dumb, and drunk….NOT SMART!
If my partner had called cops on me and said I was suicidal and, and, and……. See how easy that is??
A loving wife COVERS her husband, to keep from embarrasing him, Especially when she knows things can be worked out.
An abused wife stays silent because she knows she’ll get a beating if she talks.
A scheming wife blabs their business to neighbors, police, the Daily Mail, and anyone else who will listen.😉


From (We) Are The News:
There is a screenshot of her arrest record, with her pic.
Post 10816899 1 day ago • View on 8kun
It looks like Brad Parscale’s wife Candace Rene Blount likes to get her drink on. She was arrested in 2006 for public intoxication. Her mother and father are involved with a water testing company in Texas. Isn’t that where the just found a brain eating amoeba in the water? They are also connected to a company called Pure & Gentle Manufacturing.


Yep, I got her pegged. I’ve said it twice. 3 times for charm, did anyone check her alcohol level???

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. There we go. She’s trouble! 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She says “….I heard what I *thought* was a gunshot….” (her emphasis).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She doesn’t sound as drunk as him. Very calm.
Did she corner him? May very well be. But it takes two – he let it into his life.
Brad did very well not to move much, and to come out in just shorts. It was pretty clear he didn’t have a weapon. No sudden moves. But the whiney stuff does NOT look good.
If he DID fire a shot, then UNFORTUNATELY FOR HIM she got him. If he did NOT fire a shot, then he needs to start looking for the exits, IMO. That means sober up, lawyer up, logical thinking.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I think you’re right on that. I noticed that, too. Put it all together and it’s trouble.
I think the campaign spotted it a while back and did a deep dive on her after the first problems. That explains a LOT.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. She was likely strutting around like that, messing with Parscale’s head – which is why the first thing he said to the cops was to the effect that she was messing with him. I would have loved to have heard his side of the story.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Check today’s thread for an anon post that Seth Rich job was done by SEIU.


Tackling a guy that tall on a hard surface can cause brutal knee, elbow, and wrist injuries.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Getting shot by a suspect with a hidden gun can cause fatal injuries! 😀
Even a nice guy like Parscale!
When he did not comply immediately, and he was obviously drunk, and it was believed that he has already fired his gun, they had no choice – they had to do a professional takedown.
Note that Parscale was not TRAINED by BLaMers to defy the cops once they got rough. But he did not comply immediately – probably due to drunkenness, because I presume he’s had at least SOME handgun training, and knows to comply with police orders, particularly if he is a licensed carrier.


The tackle was a demonstration of Parscale being in “let’s talk this out” mode while the police — Broward County Police, mind you — being in “comply” mode. Words have different meanings depending on what mode you’re in — when citizens and police are in different modes, problems may arise. One lesson I take from this is that “let’s talk this out” is much better over a video link.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just got back online and saw this.
I saw the video. I’m still thinking it all fits together. Suspects will try to “present well” when they know the cops are coming. If he actually fired the gun indoors, NOT GOOD.
Still catching up – more thoughts soon.


Oop — new possibility. He was caught in the Microsoft Office 365 failure and shot his Windows computer.
Shoulda used Linux….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow. Can we get rid of this broad already? This BILL CLINTON GIFT?


And he turned the storm into a breeze: and its waves were still.
Psalm 106:29comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment imagecomment imagecomment image

Valerie Curren

Wishful thinking? No other info provided here…


All executed? No way. Only GHWBush is dead.
As to the size of Michelle, according to this site, O is 6’1″ and Bill is 6’2″. Yet, O looks several inches taller than Bill. GWBush is 5’11.5″ but looks almost as tall as Bill. The proportions are off in that pic. Bill’s head looks too small in comparison with GWBush’s.

Valerie Curren

I think that those who believe everyone else has been executed think that there are body doubles replacing them to calm the masses…
I like your analysis of proportional distortion–thanks!


Oh, dear. Don’t get me started on body doubles that can supposedly fool all the people who know the person. 😀

Valerie Curren

LOL…I’m continuing to reserve judgement on A Lot of topics, including things in Corso’s book that Wolfie recommended…

Valerie Curren

Pointing out the obviousness of twitter’s duplicity, for what it’s worth…

Valerie Curren

Hope my comment preserved the original person’s speech…

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Another twitter speech suppression example

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s owner-limited, most likely. Some people LOCK retweets – I’ll bet it’s that.
Twitter does do that, sometimes, as censorship, but I think this one is legit.

Valerie Curren

Well, I hope you’re right. I just keep pointing it out when I run across it. & I’ve gotten messages saying “owner limits who can see” this etc but these messages claim something is deleted w/ no other explanation…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image