Cover image: Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas debating at Charleston, Illinois on 18th September 1858, 1918 (oil on canvas) by Robert Marshall Root.
In the world of presidential politics, the question “Where’s Hunter [Biden]” can now be replaced with “Where’s Joe Hiden'”?
On Monday, for the TWELFTH time in September alone, Sleepy, Creepy Joe’s campaign manager called a “lid,” meaning he would not be making any public appearances. Here’s his absentee record for the last four weeks.
So, is Joe doing debate prep or is the Scooby van being fitted to deal with whatever is going on with him that the campaign doesn’t want the rest of the world to know? We might find out at the debate tonight…if he shows up.
Will he? Please, put your thoughts in the comments. (If it’s really on, I’ll put up a debate thread tomorrow afternoon.)
Seventeen got on a roll. Here’s the juicy ones…and yes, I’m still sitting back and watching rather than trying to figure out if non-CNN employees are REALLY black hats or if they are just playing them on TV for laser pointer and shiny red ball purposes.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ef949f No.10823243
Peter Comey [brother _James Comey]
Clinton Foundation
Dla Piper
Conflict of interest?
Follow the family.
Think McCabe’s wife.
Focus here [East Africa Operations]:
The money never flows directly.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ef949f No.10823477
Shaping the narrative takes work.
Trial date: July 12, 2021
Unusual to have a 1-year gap from arrest to trial?
What might be the purpose?
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 097857 No.10823727
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 097857 No.10823755
Sep 28 2020 14:05:37 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: 0cbda5 No.10823685
Sep 28 2020 13:58:29 (EST) NEW
H.Res.1154 – Condemning QAnon and rejecting the conspiracy theories it promotes.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 92d064 No.10824624
Sep 28 2020 15:05:59 (EST) NEW
Simple process.
- Family of ‘supporter’ hired @ CF engaged law firm(s)
- CF ‘donated’ funds [primary influx _foreign][under ‘legal’ payment(s)] to engaged law firm [Dla Piper]
- Dla Piper payment (salary, bonus & other) to family member of supporter
- Family member transfer to supporter _campaign _foundation _gift _asset (home) _other
Follow the expenses.
Follow salaries & benefits.
Follow professional & consulting.
Follow cost of sales.
Follow other.
FUNDS: EXPENSES V. PAYOUTS [for ’causes’] _analyze % [how much of the actual donated money actually goes to help select ’causes’]?
Less than 10% [TTM _5 year historical]?
Gifts & Grants:
2014: $172,579,474
2015: $108,915,463
2016: $62,901,979 [loss of power _POTUS win _start of PAY-TO-PLAY collapse]
2017: $26,566,825
2018: $24,167,053 [total revenue 2018: $30,703,366][total expenses 2018: $47,510,175]
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 64a75f No.10825334
Lisa Barsoomian _former Bill Clinton attorney
[Hamburg vs. Clinton 1998 + appeal 1999 _scrubbed from net]
Wife of Rod Rosenstein
Author question: are swamp marriages arranged? Discuss.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 64a75f No.10825631
[RR] Tax Division _ DOJ 2001 – 2005
Clinton Foundation investigation 2001 – 2005
GJ empaneled
Clinton Foundation failure to declare foreign donations 2001 – 2003
Comey takeover of investigation 2002
Dir of FBI 2002 _ Robert Mueller
Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
And then seventeen gave us this as a reminder in 4786:
In preparation for tonight’s festivities…if they happen:
And a reminder to take the pledge:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

And now for the nitty gritty of the Q Tree 5 minute, stand up, Tuesday morning meeting version of the Daily Thread.
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out with anyone who happens to still be hanging out there.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
Under normal circumstances, the Scripture reading that appears in this space comes from TODAY’s Mass readings. However, on Sunday, the Second Reading, the one from the New Testament and not the Gospel reading, stood out as one to really remember. My pastor even gave us all homework to read it several times during the week. This is what it’s all about:
1So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any incentive of love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, 2complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. 3Do nothing from selfishness or conceit, but in humility count others better than yourselves. 4Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. 5Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, 6who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 8And being found in human form he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross. 9Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every name, 10that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

Slow Joe vs Tornado Trump – match of the day.
My prediction:
Biden will be kidnapped by illegal space aliens just before he walks through the door at the debate venue. His campaign manager will put a lid on the rest of the evening.
News roundup has been posted if interested.
He just keeps getting better and better! LOLOLOL
Twitter speech suppression continues unabated, even against very innocuous messages–whatever!
Hope the original tweet still shows…
Perhaps this is why twit world is actively suppressing Robin Gates? from comments to original above tweet
Look at Robin Gates’ self description for twit world!
RGates is Hundred points symbol%Military VeteranFlag of United StatesPirate flag
#Minuteman,#2A #Conservative #Military #RetiredArmy 20 yrs, #NRA #Patriot #MAGA #IsraelForever #RNRTN
#TruckingKitty #Constitution #USA #TeamErinCruz
& he’s got near 31 thousand followers, now including me!
James O’Keefe dropped Part 2. Someone’s got some ‘splainin’ to do.
$200 for General Election Ballot — “We don’t care illegal.”
Monday’s Project Veritas report implicated Ilhan Omar staffer Ali Gainey Isse and other Ilhan Omar operatives in conduct related to voter fraud, ballot harvesting, harvesting ballots from seniors and bribery, that is, exchanging ballots for cash and paying precinct managers and election judges.
“She’s [Ilhan Omar] the one who came up with all this [pay-for-vote],” said one source who added. “She’s [Ilhan Omar] the one, somehow. Nobody knew, but, yeah, this is something like new with Ilhan [Omar].”
Taking ’em to the James Woods(hed)
This is a painful but beautiful video because of the hope of the rescue for the innocent. Watch w/ armor on…
That’s a great video.
Tough to watch…but it’s very well done.
Yes!!! Those wounded warriors might get PTSD from what they are seeing in these rescue operations. Laying down their lives in multiple ways for the least of these…
So who does this song? Looked at all the comments but found no attribution.
I’m going to guess it’s Sia, but could be wrong. But then look who does the intro to this song. (our VSG)
I don’t know. If you look up a recurring lyric in a search engine you might find it. It sounds like it Might be Christian, if that helps…
Here you go, Para:
The Library
Gavin Newsome getting put in his place.
Alexei Koseff
In a letter, the U.S. EPA administrator tells Newsom that his executive order mandating only new electric car sales in California by 2035 may be illegal and questions the feasibility of the increase demand in electricity “when you can’t even keep the lights…
Assisted by Buckwheat???
This seems crazy & inefficient & a way to keep stuff more hidden…hmmm…
Well, here’s the 1st tweet for the above info to help it make more sense…
The Library
Oh my…huge find by Ben Tallmadge
Alexander Vindman was working at thé US embassy in Moscow when the wife of former mayor wired $3.5M to Hunter Biden, right before Russia took Crimea
H/t @grabaroot
Harold Wren
Regarding today’s text…..
“Philippians” is short for “Epistle to the Philippians”….which, in turn, expands to “a letter from an apostle to the Church in Philippi” (the apostle being Paul). So……where the heck is Phillipi?
Ancient Greece is all about the Aegean Sea — it surrounded it and populated its islands. Modern Greece has lost the eastern coast (historical Ionia — as in Ionic columns) to Turkey, but still holds the other three sides. Phillipi was a major city in the middle of the northern coast of the Aegean. It received its name from Philip II of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great.
In the Acts of the Apostles, Paul is noted as visiting the city in 16:20 and not being fully appreciated. This seems to have happened around 49-51 AD. Still, he found some who would listen — and later wrote letters to them to encourage them and steer them properly. This book seems to be the synthesis of at least three of those letters (partially based on the oddly variable health of Epaphroditus, a minor character).
Being that he was martyred near Rome during the reign of Nero, somewhere between 64 and 68 AD, it would seem that the letters were written in a fairly compact block of time.
There are 13 letters attributed to Paul, of which seven are widely regarded as being largely authored by him — Galatians, Romans, Philippians, 1 and 2 Corinthians, 1 Thessalonians, and Philemon — which are included in the New Testament.
This is extremely damning. What it shows is Beijing Biden doing the Obama – SHAKE DOWN BOTH SIDES.
I think THIS is what Rudi Giuliani found out. Then he proved the money trails. Remember when all the Ukraine stuff broke, Rudy kept saying “Wait till you find out about Crimea and China” Methinks the Ukrainian investigator’s investigation of Hunter Biden that was forced to shutdown was MUCH more involved and further down the line to other things than we knew.
It was the TIP of that iceberg Q kept showing us. Believe that if there was money on the line (there WAS) BOTH Obama, Biden, AND Clinton had their hands in it. If Hunter cot 3.5 million, WHAT do you think the OTHERS got? Hint, Crimea is one of the leading mineral and oil rich regions is it not? OMG, That’s it, THE tie. The CF was the MONEY LAUNDERER for this and all the other schemes.
Someone needs to research and find a nice FAT “donation” to the CF about the SAME time as this from some Russians, and or Crimea.
This explains the killing of FBI CF investigator Sal Cincinelli, which even involved taking down his sister to provide plausibility for his suicide.
IF the FBI was smart, they would put 3-5 top investigators back on it, so they can’t all be killed.
What if the FBI (Wray) is IN ON IT. (He is). This is going to take someone outside the FBI (Special Council) Which coincidentally is EXACTLY what Durham REALLY is, without the fancy title. I also think BOTH the CIA, DIA, and NSA are “cooperating” on this.
Seems to support some of the Q stuff shared in this post…
Moar from James O’Keefe & Project Veritas!
Hopefully Flep already caught this as it seems Pretty newsworthy
good news from last week…more 2nd Amendment support in the DC area!!!
This leaves my mouth hanging open & my mind going “what the heck”…international insanity it seems…
Envelope “happens” to have 3 wavy stripes–isn’t that special!
Smokin’ ’em, pickup version
I freaking hate it when a tweet doesn’t upload to this website and it takes you to twitter instead.
Sorry, yes. That was like a 10 second clip of a red pickup truck laying black exhaust smoke (burning oil) waste across some Biden supporters standing too close to the road for their own good
Looks like someone’s fixin’ to get some oil rings repaired
(or they put diesel in their gas…)…
B-B-B-Butt they’re not wearing masks (as if that would help…)…
Joe “Hands” Bidumb….. just say no…
As she ponders the live tweet plan for the Flynn hearing later today. She did some good live tweeting work on at least one other Flynn hearing. She might be worth checking out if you are on Twitter…
Nice graphic here for the meme thread, if it’s not already there
Lock her up then provide a compassionate hairdresser so it’s not cruel & unusual punishment for her cellmates
Maybe they could rotate that urban turban forward 90° or so…
Point her towards Gitmo, and take her there…
Beautiful & Uplifting! Joyful, Joyful we Adore YOU (Lord)–God’s Blessings abound to all Q-Treepers
The little kid climbing up the lamp post is precious…
Loved the reactions shown by many of the kids (old & young)
Sharing for the butterfly imagery. Is bitcoin connected to pedophilia? Not Every butterfly is for pedos but hmmm…
One big problem with crypto currencies is that because of their anonymization, etc., the bad guys find them just as attractive as the privacy nuts do… yet another case where the black hats ruin it for everyone else…
Everything the black hats touch & do is tainted–sick & evil!
How can this be stopped in the next 5 weeks???
They’re not trying to stop it. THAT is what somebody figured out.
Why would the R’s not stop the D’s from massive cheating?
Who said not stopping? It’s a lawsuit. SCOTX is currently reviewing the case with early voting set to begin on October 13. Ken Paxton, TX AG, don’t play.
I’ll post it if I find it again. But the idea was that they’re just letting the Dems dig their own grave of cheating.
Never Trumpers get rid of Trump while pretending to support him-ish…
From GAB!
ChiComs change a story from the Bible!
Catholicus Romanus
Catholicus Romanus
Free Speech
Ethics textbook in Communist China: Jesus kill woman caught in adultery
According to the textbook, ‘When the crowd disappeared, Jesus stoned the sinner to death’
Mon Sep 28, 2020 – 3:12 pm EST
1 comment
1 repost
Woe to whoever changed that text (Revelation 22:18-19):
18 I testify to everyone who hears the words of prophecy in this book: If anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. 19 And if anyone takes away from the words of this book of prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and the holy city, which are described in this book.…
The ChiComs will find out what it is to fall in the hands of an angry GOD…
You bet!
One eventuality they never considered.
Sundance “exposing” Mordor?
This is exactly what Millie Weaver and ToRE have been exposing for a couple years.
Yes, the more the merrier…
It is exactly what I have been saying and wrote in my book. Obama used CONTRACTORS ( Nellie Ohr and Fusion GPS in Trump’s case) to do his dirty work spying on Americans, especially his political enemies using 702 searches from OUR NSA database. He THOUGHT it would give him “plausible deniability” if ever uncovered. ONE small problem, and THIS is coming, the data searches on Americans were MASKED, and someone (Samantha Power and Susan Rice, likely MORE) in his WH was doing the unmasking. In Trumps case and probably MORE that redacted info was fed BACK to the contractor (like Fusion GPS) and then SPREAD out as political propaganda, blackmail, and MORE, to the press, Congress, and foreign Govts in a CIRCULAR reporting scheme, masked as “opposition research”, and then USED by our own intelligence agencies to obtain “legal” spying on opponents by our OWN intel agencies, which then lead to prosecutions, FISAS, INDICTMENTS, and MORE.
ALL political espionage, ALL illegal. ALL as I have been saying all along. THAT is the SECRET they are hiding in PLAIN SIGHT. We have the proof, it is called the “Steele” Dossier, we EVEN have the Money trail on it DIRECTLY from Fusion GPS to Obama. (@$974000). Danchenkyo is a FEINT, the REAL crimes are right here, it is NO coincidence this comes out JUST after the release that ” The FBI relied on “Russian agents and info”
NO, my friends THAT is the COVER UP. THIS is the REAL scandal. This ALL fits exactly into what I wrote in my book. Proofs are a comin folks. ALL roads lead to Obama, and this is their LAST attempt to throw someone ELSE under the bus to “save” him. Comey and Brennan and their underlings are NOW in the breech, THE sacrificial lambs. But Obama forgot ONE key fact. Once it gets to Brennan, and Clapper’s level, “In the END they ALL had only ONE boss” Barack Hussein Obama.
Obama did other OVERT actions that PROVE his complicity. EO 12333 that made it not only FAR easier to share intel amongst nearly the entire US Govt, but he ALSO started and perpetuated the ORIGINAL “Russian interference” in the 2016 election investigation on Dec 9th 2016. He ALSO had that Jan 5 2017 meeting in the Oval office that Susan Rice memorialized. Then there is the Page/Strzok texts, and THE smoking gun, his own PDB.
IT ALL is coming out now.
Communists in the White House – abusing power from the top.
EXACTLY! Barr called it EXACTLY right, political espionage. Using our own Intel, laundering it through a contractor, and then unmasking it, giving it BACK to the contractor, and then using the MSM to politicize it AND propagandize it. Then finally using that as LEVERAGE on political opponents via making the spying “legit” by citing PUBLIC INTEREST to get the FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS, and God knows who else involved to obtain “legal warrants” to PRESSURE opponents into submission, or capitulation.
SICK, and EVIL. This makes Hitler and Stalin look like PIKERS. Do you wonder anymore why Obama got away with SO much in EVERYTHING he did. Between THIS and the PEDO stuff, which was likely DISCOVERED on opponents via this scheme, and then USED, Is it NOW obvious what happened to people like Roberts?
ONLY Trump had the means to fight BACK. no WONDER they are trying to destroy him. He is going to blow the lid off of their scheme.
Great encapsulation! Will the masses ever really know these things or if they do will they care?
Yes, and not known yet, but most Trump people will!
Fox nightly recap….
The end. Ni NI.

Sooo Miss Lindsey supposedly has a tic toc that we’re supposed to be waiting on. Grinell told Hannity there’s lots more to be declassed…some pertaining to Intel peeps who told Brennan that dossier was garbage. ‘Agency Heads’ are stalling on releasing info they’ve been ordered to declass, not complying due to embarrassment? Sean shouted ‘Fire Wray’.
Last week at POTUS briefing, Dr. Atlas schooled reporter about Dr.’CDC’ Redfield being wrong/incomplete about antibodies. Dr. CDC has come out today attacking Dr. Atlas and accusing him of telling POTUS lies (herd immunity), which he never did. FauXi did an interview saying all the experts get along except for the ‘outlier’. They’re ganging up on Dr. Atlas, who said they were both FoS and Laura laughingly called him the ‘skunk at their picnic’.
Oh and DiChi was setup.
now Woods is using dog comms?
Miss Lindsey is in trouble.

I know, I know…..But we MUST KEEP HIS SENATE SEAT!!!
Even I caved and sent him a few bucks.
Politics · Trending
20.5K Tweets
Help in spreading the word & red-pilling more Americans potentially…
On a related note, out hustling the hustlers!
loosely riffing on a theme…
POTUS retweet…..he’s tweeting all kinds of ballot fraud examples
Oh Snap! FBI did nothing??? That’s why they called PV??
And least we forget, FBI Director Wray is not seeing any wide spread voting fraud…..
And he still thinks Russia is interfering in the election (see end of article).
Trump is a MASTER at getting these fools ON THE RECORD being complicit, stupid, or both, and THEN revealing their complicity. Wray is now in the breech. I suspect he is NOT long for his position.
He’s been there since 2017, though. (SMDH)
Keep your friends close, and your ENEMIES closer.
As the 1960s song went, ‘So tired, tired of waiting …’
I thnk fey Wray should not be seeing any more paychecks, benefits, or retirement until he either comes clean, or resigns…
Someone went there…soylant green is people…
Trump’s track record precedes his political positioning…
The whole nation likely needs to be covered in prayer!
Air sucks again today — my eyes have been stinging and it’s unpleasant to breathe outdoors. Supposedly, it’s the Creek Fire, down by Fresno. The Glass Fire just pulled off the impossible and is p***ing people off — it was heading east and burning up hillls onto the crests…..then the winds reversed and strengthened and it blew hot embers all the way across the valley to the opposing hills.
There were all sorts of concerns about Deer Park (off to the east) — and, then, just hours later, it was all about Skyfarm — miles to the west and heading westward. It’s not like it’s unheard-of or anything, it’s just bloody annoying.
This person is probably a lost cause but I’m giving it one more shot
further info…don’t know if this person is now going to try to have me banned/blocked on twitter where I’m a big nobody, but whatever…
this one didn’t show the blue box for a tweet being posted…
I’ve reached my Nine is Fine limit here…but convo appears to continue…
I guess I’m still sharing this conversational journey…at least she’s not cussing me out!
Nine is Fine limit reached…again…Pray for me & her as this continues to go forward–Thanks!
Continuing the dialogue…perhaps God is softening her heart just a bit…
delayed blue box for this next one…
Nine is Fine yet again
Thanks for any of your prayers for this continuing conversation–Blessings!
Well now she’s accusing me of being a bot…hmmm…
that last one, including tagging on a prayer for her may have ended the “convo”…thanks for praying!
Probably pointless, but you never know…
I think that will be the end of it unless she contacts me again…
Valerie, I think you’re tossing pearls to swine… some people are just not worth the time, trouble, and pain to convince, as they will not learn.
Sometimes you need a 2×4 to get a mule’s attention (hence the DEMONicRATS’ mascot), but there’s no 2×4 big enough for this one. Then again, as Benjamin Franklin wrote, “Experience is a dear [costly] teacher, but some people will have no other”…
Well I agree & thought about the “pearls” scripture too. I think that person was some basement dweller or paid shill & was quite surprised they were wasting their time on someone small potatoes like me. On the small chance that they were another “Judith Rose” in the making I wanted to deal with them in gentleness, kindness, & truthfulness…
The Jack-Ass symbology is quite telling
You cannot fix stupid. This person, likely a bot herself or a MM shill, cares not for your opinion. This person is totally devoted to the BLM/ Dem/ Antifa/ Cabal cause. No amount of truth will change that, though you tried valiantly. ” You can not TELL some people, you must SHOW them” This person will be SHOWN, it is their choice to believe their own eyes, or to continue to live the lie. 5-10% are UNREACHABLE, we just have to accept that.
Agreed. I was trying to not rise to the bait s/he kept tossing out. They seemed to mostly be the having eyes but refusing to see & having ears but refusing to hear type. What’s MM?
Here are those two James O’Keefe videos…good stuff:

Thank you, James!
Great work!
Ben Garrison is another intrepid Digital Warrior in the Trump Army.
I am so grateful to him for all of the great work he does.
I think this is Notable:
Dr. Richard Urso talks about how HCQ will protect good cells and allow viruses to attack cancer cells.
Dr. Urso exposes a study that is an attempt at medical fraud…and points out that their ‘study’ actually PROVES what a great drug HCQ is.
“Chloroquine is one of the smartest drugs in history. It will let the viruses attack cancer cells but not normal cells.”
James O’Keefe was on Hannity last night:

The hashtag #CashForBallots was trending bigtime on twitter with way over 100,000 tweets.
Then…*poof*…it disappeared.
The Jackboot censors took it off the Trending list.
But it is still active and people are still tweeting about it!
For Vincent van Gogh fans.
If you’re ever in Amsterdam, the Van Gogh museum is worth the price of admission.
Frankly, that’s about the only reason I would go back.
I’ve never been there, but I’m sure the museum is a treasure.
I’m thankful that the New York Metropolitan Museum has some Van Goghs in their permanent collection.
And his ‘Starry Night’ is in the Museum of Modern Art. It’s beautiful to see.
Vincent was a very talented man whose work was never appreciated during his life.
There is a very beautiful Van Gogh painting of Lilacs in the Hermitage — . For those who have never been, the museum is full of surprises — because during WWII and the Cold War, you never got to see what was in there. I remember the moment I came into view of a sculpture of Voltaire that I could have sworn was in the Louvre….but, there it was, framed in the doorway to the next room. ( — the Met has a plaster version, the Hermitage has a marble version, the other marble version is at the Comédie-Française, Paris).
I am becoming less and less hopeful about having a fair election.
At least a lot of the fraud is being exposed and there are people getting arrested.
I think it’s just the tip of the iceberg…but it’s a start!
There is now evidence piling up that shows how mail-in-voting is a recipe for fraud.
This should give you HOPE, not concern. The FACT that this is not only being discovered before the election, therefore before it can do harm, but also people are being INDICTED, gives me HOPE that the schemes are KNOWN, EXPOSED, and being STOPPED.
DEBATE LINKS for Tonight:
President and First Lady’s full schedule posted on Flep’s News Roundup.
Also – No Cable – FOX LIVE –
Tucker’s show from last night.
He covers how the Dems are freaking out over Amy Coney Barrett in the first half of the show.
Then he shines a spotlight on wealthy Dems and their ‘Bail Project’ that is getting violent criminals out of jail.
He goes on to show Diane Feinstein, mask-less at Dulles Airport.
Then…Biden’s lies, gaffes and what the debate may be like.
In the rest of the show, he talks about the leftist morons who are hyperventilating about Trump’s tax returns…and how messed up our Tax Code is.
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, September 29, 2020
“Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.”
Psalms 23:5 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Tuesday Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Second prediction on what will go down at tonight’s debate:
Hillary will show up at the debate venue inside of Joe Biden’s skin, similar to what happened in the “Men In Black” movie where the alien bug gets inside of farmer Edgar.
Democrats keep throwing so much absurdity at us, the far-fetched becomes not so far-fetched. They keep trying to push the boundaries further out.
Indo-Pacific News
Former #California Mayor Talks About How #China Courted Him
Costa Mesa mayor, Jim Righeimer, after he was elected, started receiving free China Daily newspapers (a CCP mouthpiece run by the Chinese govt) & invitations for all-expenses-paid trips to China.
Text of three more tweets in this thread:
Righeimer said of China Daily, “It just kind of softens you up. It gives you a positive feeling. As Americans, we want to think of China as being good & positive. The Chinese people you know in the US, you get along with them, but there’s a distinction between them & the CCP”
When Righeimer went to China “they have people there constantly, from breakfast to dinner”
“You notice there’s some restrictions on what you can do. In China, the hotel actually is responsible for you. You fill out forms, they keep the passport, they have to know where you are”
“Basically you enter a bubble. You only see whatever they allow you to see.”
“When you think about how the Chinese Communist Party works, it’s more precise to compare it with mafia. … Everything is run like a mafia.”
……………End text.
This was in a reply:
Noah.M 米洛亚
Replying to @IndoPac_Info
“After visiting the (Chinese) owner’s office and talking with him longer, Righeimer got the impression that this property and its development was gifted to him by the CCP in exchange for work he did to procure jet technology from around the world for the regime. “
With the article above in mind, what do you get when you cross CCP law with western law at a university lead by an American leftist legal academic, and then let grads lose into law firms like DLA Piper, etal?
The founding dean didn’t last long as president at the big red and resigned in the middle of a massive life sciences initiative. Resurfaces in Chjna. Go figure.
…”China’s State Council authorized the creation of China’s first common law Juris Doctor curriculum in 2007. The following year, Peking University’s new School of Transnational Law admitted its first students. The University appointed Jeffrey Lehman, a former president of Cornell University and dean of the University of Michigan Law School, as STL’s Founding Dean. STL’s current dean, Philip McConnaughay, was Founding Dean of Penn State University’s Schools of Law and International Affairs, a former professor of law at the University of Illinois, and a former partner of the leading international law firm, Morrison & Foerster.
Although STL is still young, with only eight graduating classes to date, it already has captured the attention of the world’s leading law firms, companies, government offices, NGOs and universities. Post-graduate placement of STL graduates is nearly 100 percent. STL graduates now work with leading law firms such as Fangda Partners, King & Wood Mallesons, Junhe, Kirkland & Ellis, Shearman & Sterling, Paul Weiss, Simpson Thatcher, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton, DLA Piper, Morrison & Foerster, and others; with leading companies such as Huawei Technologies, Tencent, Baidu, Walmart China, Ping An, General Electric, and others; and with leading government offices and nonprofit organizations such as the Qianhai Equity Exchange, the Supreme People’s Court, the South China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, the United Nations Refugee Agency, CIETAC and others. STL graduates pursuing academic careers have been accepted into advanced degree programs at such elite universities as Harvard, Yale, Sciences Po, College of Europe and others.”…
Sedition and treason.
Yes. And Wray protecting this crap is absolute ########..
For President Trump to fire Wray at this time, i think would be setting himself up for a obstruction of justice charge, and according to Pelosi, sufficient grounds to take legal action against him (impeachment?).
Wray has recently made the statement that right-wing militias are a danger to America, more so than Antifa or Black Lives Matter.
If there is a false flag attack after Wray is fired that is attributed to right-wing militia, POTUS would be open to an accusation that he fired Wray to prevent his interference regarding the militia.
Maybe best to wait until sometime after the Nov. 3rd election results are determined to fire Wray.
I agree – Trump has to have some supreme goods to fire Wray right now. Blatant protection of criminality – extremely obvious and damning – would do that. Sadly, mere “over-redaction” and failure to investigate does not fall into that category.
Often people forget who it was who hired Wray it was Rosenstein. I hear posters and I pod pendents say
“Trump hired him.”
Wray is dirty in my opinion and is deep in the swamp. If the guy does support the law and clean out the bad guys and come up with all the material to clear Flynn he too will be exposed who he is. He is owned by the Bush, Clinton and Obama cartel.
Just my observation over the past years.
Awesome post.
Reminds of when I used to fly jumpers outside of Ft. Worth back in the ‘80’s (such a great group of people) and my old pet ‘coon, Mapachi. He was a rascal and a rapscallion!
Don Henley The Boys of Summer
God Will Take Care of You
Today is September 29th, the Feast Day of the Archangels, among them the most important is the Archangel Michael. The feast day was previously called “Michaelmas”. Fun fact: when mom was expecting the arrival of wee ZurichMike, her due date was September 29th, and she chose Michael as a name if she had a boy (which is she did, and which is why I am called Michael, although I was born in October!
Today is also the first debate between Trump and Biden. The former apostolic nuncio to the US wrote to the President, recognizing that he his fighting forces of great evil.
On this day especially, we need to “Pray without ceasing”.1 Thessalonians 5:17. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers . . . against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12
Prepare for battle and “Put on the whole armor of God” Ephesians 6:11: –
Helmet of Salvation (Ephesians 5:17, Isaiah 59:17, 1 Thessalonian 5:8)
Shield of Faith (Ephesians 6:16,, 1 John 5:4)
Belt of Truth (Ephesians 6:14, John 14:6)
Breastplate of righteousness (Ephesians 6:14, Isaiah 59:17, Philippians 3:9)
Sword of the Spirit (Hebrews 4:12, John 6:63, Ephesians 6:17)
Shoes of the Gospel of Peace (Ephesians 6:10, Isaiah 62:7, Galatians 5:15)
And today this day of Michaelmas, ask the Great Archangel Michael to defend us in battle:
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls.
Pray for the country. Pray for the President. Pray without ceasing.
YES!!! Thanks for posting, FG&C!!!
You know what else happens today, Duchess. General MICHAEL Flynn goes back to court. Sidney Powell has given the court more exculpatory evidence.
Let St. Michael the Archangel bring his sword to the battle in that courtroom.
Amen goes right there, Lady!!!
Let the Lord bring all the Archangels in that courtroom today. The guy arguing for Sullivan has gone off the rails.
Could it be more perfect for General Flynn – to have the Archangels come to his aid?
Free in 30 – Q
Sullivan runs the risk of being caught up in malfeasance, even criminal activity if there’s evidence of a conspiracy to harm Gen Flynn. Someone has communications between Sullivan and the Cabal. Sullivan didn’t think this up by himself – he isn’t that smart of a jurist.
I am sure he knew the consequences of taking orders from his overlords – and would do what he was told – he will reap what he has sowed, Lady!
Foremost in my mind is General Flynn and his family!!! It will be a glorious day for all of them!!!
Free in 30, is that going to be happening tomorrow????
Not sure of the ‘exact’ date, Brave – but, there was mention it could be tomorrow – cannot recall where, tho’ – Sorry
And on the Feast of the Archangels, too.
Nothing like a little back up!
For PERMANENT COUP, @BarbaraRedgate told me her brother @GenFlynn was named after St. Michael. “The Archangel Michael is the angel who fights, leading warriors against evil.” Today, Sept 29, is Feast of St. Michael.
WOW!!! OH, WOW!!! Thanks, Butterfly!!!
Remember – Prayer must be preceded by repentance.
ZM is an activist, who believes in the normalization of homosexuality, etc. to children and teens and homosexual boy scout leaders, gay marriage and adoption are fine.
These beliefs and practices are contrary to Scripture, Science, and Statistics. There is no Scripture in the Bible that approves of homosexuality – and all Scripture condemns it.
Same Sex Attraction is a symptom, an abnormality, a conditioned response and mental ideation – not a sign of a different ‘orientation’
LBGTPQ are disorders and disorientations. The terms ‘orientation’ ‘identity’ ‘gender’ are invented words and ideas – created for propaganda purposes to promote an ungodly agenda.
Same sex sexual acts and gay marriage – are sin and rebellion against GOD.
Adultery in the Bible encompasses homo/bi/pedo/bestiality – all sexual activity outside of 1 man 1 woman in marriage.
When Moses brought down the 10 Commandments from Mt. Sinai, the Israelites were already familiar with the proscriptions included in the term ‘adultery’ because of the 7 Laws of Noah.
These Noachide laws preceded and provided foundation of understanding of the Mosaic Commandments.
The Noachide Laws are seven laws considered by rabbinic tradition as the minimal moral duties required by the Bible on all men. While Jews are obligated to observe the whole Torah – 613 commandments, every non-Jew is considered a “son of the covenant of Noah” and he who accepts these obligations is considered a righteous person who is guaranteed a place in the world to come.
The seven Noachide laws, as traditionally enumerated are:
1 Do Not Deny God
2 Do Not Blaspheme God
3 Do Not Murder
4 Do Not Engage in Incestuous, Adulterous or Homosexual Relationships.
5 Do Not Steal
6 Do Not Eat of a Live Animal
7 Establish Courts/Legal System to Ensure Law Obedience
Adultery in the Ten Commandments was clearly understood to mean all prohibited sexual activity.
It is a grave matter to try to excuse what GOD forbids. If we abandon 1 man – 1 woman holy marriage, our whole society will crumble like sand banks at high tide.
See – Romans 1:18-32, I Corinthians 6 – KJV and Hebrews 7:24-25
Understand, Georgia – Thanks for this post and the reminder – God Bless You!!!
Yep. And they’ve been trying to “normalize” ever increasing perverse behaviour, the latest being bestiality and paedophilia… trying to destroy one taboo after the other, in their pursiut of the ultimate sin-filled life…
ZM (via one of the other mods) bounced Wavetheshales from OT for voicing what you just said… seems he was describing how he was “hit upon” by members of that community… not uncommon in the music world and the SF gay area…
It’s one thing in the music and entertainment world (though children are easily victimized by predators) but far different matter in the church, schools and scouts.
I’m still of the mind that any ‘prosiletizing’ by people engaging in their lifestyle – esp. to persons under 21 – is wrong and should be prosecuted.
I was in a scout troop that had one of those predators.
We had an outing where the leader, an assistant scoutmaster, wanted us to wrestle… and that’s as far as I’ll describe it. A friend of mine and I called him on it, stopped him in his tracks before more could happed (we were two of the most senior scouts there, on the way to Eagle). He told his mother about it, and shortly afterward the perp was locked up, and then later deported (not an American).
We knew something was up earlier, when he led another outing to SF, ostensibly to Chinatown and thereabouts (talk about a grotty area) and introduced us to a friend of his who was always talking (lisping, really) about stuff he got from his mother, etc. We were creeped out and then some.
And this was more than 50 years ago… goodness knows what’s going on in “scouts” in the SF gay area now. Scouting probably means “scouting for new victims” now…
I know of a scout troop that were victimized by a predator in late 1940s early 50s and it left a mark on several of them. Kids are vulnerable when their fathers/family is out of whack. The predators in church, school, scouts, sports know which ones lack good relationships with fathers and prey on them.
My American friends, I am your Israeli Trump supporter. In my opinion what I see in the US (and other countries) is beyond politics. I see good against evil, the oldest battle on Earth.
Without much philosophy I am posting here a very old poem from the Bible some 3000 years ago.
It’s comes from King David. He is facing a great danger and that is his poem. This poem/Prayer is typically said by Israeli warriors before going to battle. Today Trump is going to have a debate, I see it as a very important battle and I am dedicating this prayer to President Trump.
The first version below is translated the second version is a better musical version but has no translation. I hope we can all pray and dedicate this for Trump and he won’t be alone.
Hebrew song with translation/transliteration – Yishay Ribo – Gam ki elekh
גם כי אלך ,ישי ריבו , מופע “זוכרים” 2017,בריכת הסולטן ירושלים, במאי : יצחק זוננשיין
Still my #1 worship jam. Would love to hear DP sing this…
Wouldn’t we all, FG&C?
Thank you for the vote of confidence, but I am not sure that it would come off well. Honestly, my voice doesn’t translate to some genres.
This one is more my style. I’ve actually sung this a number of times.
Holy Lord,
bless Sydney Powell today. Give her the words that will make her tongue as the sharpest razor blade. Use her, Lord, to put down the wicked schemes of lying, deceitful men and women who do not fear you, and expose their corruption for all of America to see.
For truth, for justice, and for your everlasting glory, mighty King!
This thread is from June, and was retweeted by ToRE who backs up the claims. IF this is true – and that’s a big if – the adoption issue is a red herring.
) Justice Roberts was and is a integral part of the Coup against President Trump and the U.S., so is his nominator, George Bush.
Jun 29th 2020, 19 tweets, 3 min read
Many people have asked, “what do they have on Chief Justice Roberts”? The time has come to answer that question.
I’m told the SCOTUS will be taking up some Second Amendment issues soon, issues with Far reaching implications for our Country, Roberts CANNOT be relied upon to to uphold The Constitution and protect Our Rights.
Recent SCOTUS decisions have been carefully crafted and approved by the Deep state to appear impartial. This includes recent decisions supporting President Trump’s views. This was done to keep Justice Roberts appearing impartial and effective. He is anything but.
There have been questions about his adoptions, I have no definitive evidence in that regard.
There have been questions about interactions with children, on a island or elsewhere, again, I have no evidence about that issue and we’ll never brand someone without proof.
What I do have is the knowledge, the ability to prove, the whereabouts of physical evidence, and the people involved along with Roberts. In the death of Justice Antonin Scalia.
“Chief” (racist term now
Roberts directed, approved, and covered for illegal surveillance against President Trump, General Flynn, political adversaries, business rivals, and U.S. and Foreign citizens. He covered for illegal activities committed by our intelligence agencies here and abroad.
He personally ignored and “wrote past” (gave approval) for the torture of American citizens on U.S. soil and overseas,as well as foreign citizens. Roberts conspired with, suggested, directed, and protected illegal elements (people) and operations within our intelligence and legal agencies. “She was never supposed to lose”. The Coup continues.
So, back to the original question, “what do they have on Roberts”?
The answer is all of the above AND there are detailed recordings of Justice Roberts discussing, suggesting, negotiating, and approving the replacement for Justice Antonin Scalia, PRIOR TO HIS “SUDDEN” DEATH.
There is zero ambiguity on these recordings, plans and methods to remove (murder) Justice Scalia changed repeatedly. As did the timetable because of the success of then candidate Trump.
[more at the thread reader]
EVERYONE WAS WEARING A WIRE ON EVERYONE. They knew all of this was highly illegal so they sent emails to themselves as proof, they recorded conversations, had “insurance files”. All to provide themselves with an alibi, a “get out of jail free card”.
The “Heads of Depts” we’re directing the coup. White House, SCOTUS, DOJ/Rod, FBI/CIA, State, etc.
Everyone had to put something in, everyone had to be as dirty as the others so no one could rat out anyone else. Anyone they didn’t trust with their illegal plans was removed or destroyed as much as possible, General Flynn, myself, and many many others.
Illegal surveillance was rampant, especially among themselves. This info, recordings/details about Justice Roberts just happens to be why so many deep state players have a smug shit eating grin on their faces when they testify. Rod thinks it’s his “Trump card” (what he actually calls it as a joke)
They think they are untouchable, smug in their knowledge that no matter how you drag them through Court ultimately they control scotus and we’ll get away with it because of their control of Roberts.
Their isn’t much more I can do or offer if no one takes any action, threats already coming worse than 2015/16.
This election means more to them, they have NO limits this time.
One of the things this demonstrates is that the white hats on the inside, and who were plants for the good guys, had to give the appearance of being black hats. You know, the double agent thing.
This is better than any James Bond story, that’s for sure.
YIKES, DP!!! That is some revelation!!! We knew something was askew – but – we did not know what!!!
Thanks for posting – much appreciated!!! God Bless You!!!
Essentially, they’ve all got blackmail material against each other.
And the metadata sweep assures us that all that evidence is available to both sides.
Now…here’s the question…who was a double agent and have any of the others flipped.
I will wait patiently for an answer as I don’t think it’s going to be an easy one to digest in the end.
Agree, DP – What a BIG MESS!!!
As Q said…”those you trust”….certainly would include Chief Justice of SCOTUS.
I’ve always thought it was the pope and other religious leaders when Q kept posting how the public would be shocked, but this makes a lot of sense.
Remember how Mark Taylor has predicted for several years that one Justice would resign in disgrace….maybe we found that person.
Sadly, this tale of duplicity and corruption contains NO CORROBORATING EVIDENCE.
IOW, it is no different than a ‘campfire tale’ recited to children intended to scare them for entertainment purposes.
I am as unimpressed as I can be.
Your point is well-taken, pgroup, and we have to be careful. From what I understand, ToRe is a pretty decent researcher but you never know: however, .she does state she has proof. And, one other point in her favor is that in two incidences she refused to comment because she did not have any documented evidence.
It’s a fine line between wishful thinking and being able to back it up.
A lot of what is out there has no corroborating evidence in the public eye and won’t until the court motions happen.
In the meantime, this makes more sense than a lot of the other speculation and is backed by one of the whistleblowers I actually trust.
Na, und?
And the other thing that occurred to me in the dark at Oh, My God, It’s Early this morning while contemplating hedge fund managers, the Chamber of Commerce and which billionaires are NOT on Forbes’s list, is that no one makes it to the top without being flexible in their convictions. And that includes former AG John Ashcroft who was always described as a saint.
“… no one makes it to the top without being flexible in their convictions.”
I think our VSG President is an exception to this.
But yeah, it is true for a lot them.
I’d like to think that Wilbur Ross, Steve Mnuchin and a few others were not flexible in their convictions either.
The video of that Dutch Financier, Ronald Bernard, describes that in detail. He said that basically one has to give up all sense of morality, compassion, and care, and stop at nothing to do the work of the highest finance (and political/business) overlords, e.g. Soros and above…
Very interesting and makes sense. There is also apparently some imagery of Roberts in the Caribbean with Clinton and Nader. It’s a side view of him – looks like some other more famous and more recent fellow – but a comparison to a younger picture of Roberts looks like a match to me. I’ll post the meme if I find it again.
Oh, DP, this is quite shocking if true.
So why didnt you stop it?
Because he lacked authority to do that. Amendment 10.
It’s been stated many times here…Barr does not have that authority! If our own very savvy group can’t understand this then how do we expect the general public to get it!
Just think of AGs like Holder having that authority…yikes!
Well the 5th Amendment overrides unlawful detention.
We also have many federal law enforcement codes that protect against these things. They have lots of power.
Who is being unlawfully detained?
Shutting down facilities, making people wear masks, etc. is not unlawful detention….so can you elaborate your point?
I ‘m as frustrated as anyone…perhaps even more than average because I voluntarily will not put on a mask to walk a few feet into a business or restaurant, so therefore I’m more or less isolating myself. But I’m not being detained in any manner.
Point is, Barr has to be beyond cautious right now …at least until after the election…and then I think we will see rapid actions. Best to go to your local and state officials….may not do any good whatsoever but at least they can feel the wrath of its populations to whom they have to answer.
Being detained in your home very early on, not being allowed to congregate in church, or allowed to sit in public spaces, etc. Forceful ankle monitors, facilities for noncompliance for testing, etc etc etc.
Between caution, appearance of inaction, actual inaction, and what seems like lack of connection to anything I see in my state it is extremely difficult to believe coronavirus anything will disappear post election.
See Millie Weaver’s ShadowNet. Retired generals and former intelligence people who maintain security clearances have access and use this to their personal benefit.
yeah that needs to end yesterday.
Isn’t this ToRe blogger a working research partner with Millie Weaver? If it’s the same person I briefly saw on a video, she has quite a background, and apparently knows a lot of the Deep State“dirt” …but, I do not know that assuredly.
Yes, the same person.
[giggle; snort; spew]
Those assholes at MSDNC owe me a keyboard.
Lee Smith (@LeeSmithDC) Tweeted:
For PERMANENT COUP, @BarbaraRedgate told me her brother @GenFlynn was named after St. Michael. “The Archangel Michael is the angel who fights, leading warriors against evil.” Today, Sept 29, is Feast of St. Michael.
@JosephJFlynn1 @GoJackFlynn @SidneyPowell1 @molmccann
Lin Wood (@LLinWood) Tweeted:
Margot @ProfMJCleveland is an astute commentator & observer. If she is right about hearing today for @GenFlynn, there will be a rising tide of Freedom Loving Americans who will be more vocal about this injustice. We will prevail.
Every lie shall be revealed.
The Apocalypse of St. John (Revelation), Chapter 12:
[6] And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she had a place prepared by God, that there they should feed her a thousand two hundred sixty days. [7] And there was a great battle in heaven, Michael and his angels fought with the dragon, and the dragon fought and his angels: [8] And they prevailed not, neither was their place found any more in heaven. [9] And that great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, who seduceth the whole world; and he was cast unto the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. [10] And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying: Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: because the accuser of our brethren is cast forth, who accused them before our God day and night.
Peace Through Strength
Here .. stress relief ..
… I love schleppy dogs–F0
… calling a timeout .. need a laugh or two ..
If it gets annoying skip it ..

DOJ sending in big guns today. Follow Leslie, she’ll be live tweeting proceedings.
4 Justices?
Saw that, too, Georgia – from where did that come?
I wonder if Roberts is going down, Georgia. New revelations about him have come to the fore – yes?
With the seating of ACB – there will be (4) Conservative Judges on the Supreme Court?
Gorsuch is liberal – he’s in the pocket of the LBGTXYZ agenda. His pastor is a ‘partnered’ ‘lesbian’ priestess.
True – maybe, he is like Breyer who can go either way – question is – why would PT nominate him and support him?
That has been discussed elsewhere (Wictor/Osweda or someone else). There is MORE to that decision that at first meets the eye. And remember that the justices have to follow the constitution, even if in limited cases the result is undesirable for some of us.
And one case does not a justice make.
Finally, GOD uses broken vessels to do HIS PERFECT WILL. Sometimes the cracks get in the way, but HIS WILL will be done in the end, as HIS WORD never returns void.
This ruling forces employers, schools and even churches to retain an employee who decides to go ‘gay’ or ‘trans’ despite the values and religious beliefs of the employer. It’s a violation of the freedom of thought, speech and religion.
Alito’s response was beautiful and IMO more constitutional than the Gorsuch ruling.
Probably wishful thinking or a prediction since Pres. Trump is expected to win a second term and the odds are good that another justice will retire.
More side eyes for Miss Wheatie’s collection.
The FAA doesn’t need to issue a nationwide mask mandate because the airlines already have.
‘Briefed’? Heck – Biden was in on it – using his son as a bag man!!!
Probably because if they shine a light into one of Biden’s ears, it’ll come out the other side…
I think they should run a scanner over him for implants If they have such a thing….
‘Private investigators’ seem to be doing FBI’s Christopher Wray’s job.
I’m looking forward to the Dems disavowing all of this election interference. Pelosi’s strongly worded, Christian values, fairness-based, “sacred election,” muh Constitution statement is due any minute. Likewise, the Biden camp will surely distance themselves from this latest development.
A lot of you will not agree with me, but I think it’s a fine idea. If they do, I hope President Trump doesn’t start a war over them. They are not worth the life of even one American Patriot. just let them go.
1. We have already fought one Civil War over this very topic and that matter has been decided, permanently.
2. There are tens of millions of Republicans who live, work, and own property/businesses in those states
3. because the left is a political minority in the US. < 30% identify as “liberal”
4. because they are not entitled to those states. Period.
5. because those states or absolutely, positively, 100% worth fighting for, And to give them up would be to discredit and dishonor the lives and sacrifices of our veterans, particularly those who fought and died in the first Civil War to keep this country united and one America.
I agree about the Republicans, but not the war. I don’t believe the matter has been settled.
Our Tenth Amendment has been so watered down that it may as well not exist. And it the central government gets any stronger, we will lose our First and Second Amendment rights too.
I don’t know what the answer is, but the problem is not settled.
what you’re talking about is a pipe dream that will never happen anyway so I’m done talking about it.
Secession of any part of the nation is not the answer to our issues. Replacing that which influences the culture toward the division is. And that’s going to be a tall order.
CHINA wants the resources of these states.
CHINA is behind the election fraud that took these states blue using influence in LARGE CITIES to bring entire state under their control.
CHINA wins if they succeed in breaking up the USA using these subversive tactics.
OMG!!! Did I not tweet this request to POTUS and campaign last nite??? Could it be they actually see my tweets???

I would love that. On both counts.
Yes you did! And they must have read it!

WTG, Butterfly!
That’s like 4-5 things so far in the last couple of weeks, that they’ve responded to…and quickly.

LOL, it’s probably me and a bunch of others doing same.
See, Digital Warriors Can make a difference!!!
Good troll by POTUS…planting a seed of doubt and legitimacy. Now EVERYONE will be looking for ear pieces and other devices, hand signals and body language! Heh heh.
Why don’t we have a Flynn hearing thread?
It’s virtual. Sidney Powell put out phone #s last night with access codes.
Someone said all dial in numbers are maxxed out.
Follow Leslie, she’s tweeting. So far Judge has been reviewing entire case out loud.
He’ll probably have to go off on medical leave, having injured himself patting himself on the back so much…..
I didn’t know you wanted one.

Check your mind reading device. The flux capacitor may need a good shake.
Too much time is Mos Eiseley Cantina
Rogan O’Handley @DC_Draino
If Biden won’t let Trump’s people check him for electronic transmitters in his ears tonight, then Trump should be able to use a frequency jammer just in case
Who is to say they won’t employ a jammer?
Even better would be one that causes a loud EEEEEEEEEEEE in Biden’s ears if he turns his “aids” on, so he is forced to keep it turned off.
Yep. How about white (privilege) noise?????
Or maybe pink noise, because Bi-DONE is a ChiCommie Pinko…
Always a new disappointment. Sully Sullenberger is working with The Lincoln Project. Ad dropped today.
I always wondered why he was named Sullenberger. Now I know.
As a pilot with a resume that is almost equal to his, except I’ve never landed in a river, let me just say that he is full of shit and that’s just his personal opinion. I hereby formally cancel his vote and opinion.
Vote Trump and never let people like Sullen Sully ever have power again.
(Humorous to note that’s a “Texas Tampon” Sully is flying in that ad. Ollllllllld plane and very dangerous by today’s standards….like Sullen’s opinion)
We were actually going to make a special trip to that museum (in VA?) where that plane is. Nope.
Found a link that talks about a lot of unofficial names for aircraft. Seems weird that you would ride inside of something you denigrate but …
Let’s see if this posts. Dick Morris and his spot-on analysis of POTUS’ tax ho-hum.
Saw this on another site today and thought it a clear, easy to understand red-pill explanation.
Now the public is alerted to the possibilities that Biden is taking medications or getting feeds in his ears. There will be unprecedented scrutiny. Mission accomplished.
Comrade Wilhelm’s latest order!
We’ve been preoccupied with the election and all the other corruption while the scamdemic force control is sweeping other formerly free countries. They no longer even bother with photos of ppl on vents in hospitals or any other scare tactics. It’s simply gone straight to armed compliance procedures .
All phone lines are full. Finally, found someone streaming the Flynn hearing……..
Select the youtube option, 1st one didn’t work.
recess for 30 mins…probably so they can kill as many links and rebroadcast options as possible
exactly Realsauce
Geez!!! Judge has asked for DOJ, Gleason, and Sidney to make comments on his summary. DOJ does have corrections to JS summary. but having major techincal problems, Has tried several times to get a decent connection and can’t. Now taking a 30min break to work on tech issues.
Sidney asked to remain connected and stated that she has MANY objections.
Working on connection – asking people to stay muted – it could there are so many people are connected – putting a strain on connection.
From Gleeson: Executives primacy, does not overrule the courts rule in rejecting a motion if it serves the public interest.
Looking to set a precedent that Swampy prosecutors can’t let Swamp creatures go, so future DOJ’s can’t go back to the practice that let Epstein go!
Replying to @DawsonSField
This is more important than most realize.
Sullivan must rule that corrupt DOJ prosecutors can’t let a defendant go for corrupt political reasons.
Then rule that DOJ is not dropping the case against Flynn for corrupt political reasons.
This is how Flynn & Barr are exonerated!
11:31 AM · Sep 29, 2020·Twitter Web App
Replying to @DawsonSField
Gleeson’s Amicus briefing is like a friendly pitcher in a home run derby trying to give Sullivan pitches to knock out of the park.
Gleeson’s brief argues that DOJ must show there is evidence to support the dismissal of charges. It can’t just say it, DOJ has to prove it. Would make a good precedent!
Can’t wait for DOJ to prove why the charges must be dropped against Flynn! Wish they had to in Epstein’s case!
Imagine if the Judge in Florida forced then US Attorney Acosta to prove that Epstein “belonged to intelligence” & that it was in the public interest to let a black mailing pedophile go to avoid exposing what intelligence connections that he had!
2 reasons in Gleeson’s brief.
That the dismissal is just textual, just a conclusory statement with no evidence to back it up. Prosecutors must have good faith & not be faking the dismissal, Duh.
Second with evidence of prosecutorial misconduct. Anyone think there wasn’t any?
Got dropped, trying to get back in.
Replying to @DawsonSField
understand if…’dismissal is in PUBLIC interest’… dontknowyet
Replying to@DawsonSField
So if this is what he must do, he will probably / sadly do the exact opposite
A Rose is A Rose
Replying to @DawsonSField and @Bruno062418
We can hope this is what happens Folded hands
Captain Horatio Medium starMedium starMedium star@CaptainHoratio
Replying to @DawsonSField
And what if he rules otherwise?
Replying to @DawsonSField
The laws are being explained appropriately, and Sullivan should do what is ethically correct. The DOJ has 6 ways of Sunday to prove charges should be dropped!!! Excellent reporting Dawson. Thumbs up
Part of Dawson’s thread got dropped…
if you’re interested, suggest you go to his TL and read
These are tweets I believe got dropped:
JS is going to do a summary of the main arguments & ask the lawyers to confirm it is accurate. Then he will ask questions of counsel.
Not going to focus on if there is a live case, not going to focus on perjury allegations against Flynn, & not focusing on authority of Amicus.
Focusing on 2 issues:
Prosecutorial abuse & whether the court should deny the government leave to dismiss.
Sullivan believed that Flynn’s sentencing memo in 12/18/18 raised serious questions about Flynn’s guilt which lead to the plea discussion with Flynn.
Which is why he delayed sentencing to allow Flynn to help himself with continued cooperation.
Key fact to resolve…
i expect Sidey to challenge it, that Flynn chose to not cooperate in the FARA prosecution of his FIG partners.
Flynn refused to testify falsely against his partners as asked by the SCO.
The government never reviewed or filed a response to Flynn’s claims of misconduct because Covington & Burlington never produced the documents necessary to determine if his lawyers had inappropriately represented him.
(But in June 2020, DOJ denied the misconduct allegations)
Focus on Rule 48a, the AG or US Attorney may file a dismissal at the leave of the course.
Gleeson argues “Court plays a limited by important role.” in Rule 48a.
Amidon case precedent gives the court such a role. Before Rule 48 the DOJ had unfettered power.
Michael Flynn Hearing
COURT IS NOW BACK IN SESSION – Live Stream Connection – Recognized!
Speaking now…………
Perp looks like a guy…
Another twisted tranny twerp…
Oh, Boy – You could be correct, Cuppa!!!
Hearing resuming.
Sidney Powell


Lin Wood@LLinWood
Not surprisingly, @SidneyPowell1 & I agree that the actions of government officials against @GenFlynn are correctly described as a persecution – not a prosecution. It must end. Justice must be served.
#FightBack for General Flynn
#FightBack for Truth
Quote Tweet
Sidney Powell
· 5h
The #Flynn wrongful persecution must end now. Hearing today at 11 on government motion to dismiss for its own misconduct.
your earlier post quoting the Minute Order regarding the Hearing…
were you suggesting to me that Dawson should not be commenting and I should not be pasting his commentary?
I don’t want to do anything I should not…
Not at all. The minute order is to everyone. So all who are streaming this are violating his order. There’s lots of people doing it, including lawyers. And lot’s of people commenting. Look at the bottom for the penalties of violation. None of us can appear in his court, blah blah blah.
Comment away if you want, I am, just be aware.
I don’t see them coming after us for copy/pasting, commenting on a WP blog.
it’s not looking good…
Sidney Powell is speaking…Judge is questioning her
Butterfly – Please hold me back – I want to SMACK HIM SILLY!
Judge is being disrespectful to Sidney Powell!!!
You need to hold me back!!! I soo wanted to punch him!! It’s none of his damn business her conversations w/the President. He has nothing to do with this….yet! Trying to trash our POTUS with innuendo that he is interfering, SHAMEFUL!!
Definitely, shameful in the least – at most – Absolute Arrogance!!!
We will both have to hold onto each other before we do something stupid – LOL
Other people have a different viewpoint of what is happening here…
I stopped posting Dawson’s commentary because of that… knew folks here wouldn’t like it…
so, if you want to read what he is saying, you can go to his TL…
Leslie McAdoo Gordon has been doing an almost word for word commentary… going to past some here:
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
JS wants a copy of any reply and wants to know of any discussion within DOJ about it or with Sidney. This is not appropriate. Mooppan says he’ll look into it and respond. Sullivan says DOJ might have reasons to redact.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Sidney tries to jump in. JS says he’ll let her talk in a minute.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
She’s talking now, says there was no meeting; no discussions; only response she got was a denial that there was any Brady.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
She’s starting to make objections. Sullivan interrupts her. Asks if she’s had discussions with the President.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Sidney declining to answer. Says any such conversation would invoke executive privilege.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Sullivan says she doesn’t work for the govt. She says that isn’t required to invoke the privilege.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Sullivan pressing her about with discussions with DJT and who in his office she spoke to.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Sidney saying once after the govt moved to dismiss and to update him about status.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Sullivan asking whether she asked DJT to intervene. She says she only asked DJT NOT to issue a pardon and gave him an update.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Sullivan asking Sidney whether it is ethically proper for her to write DOJ. She says yes; Flynn had terminated Covington already, but she had not just entered her appearance in the court, but was repping Flynn at the time. (This is 100% correct.)
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Sidney moving to strike Gleeson and all his pleadings and the facts he’s interjected into the case. Sullivan says her record is clear that she objects to Gleeson and his role in the case.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Sidney moves to recuse Sullivan.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
She’s objecting to how he’s handled the case after the Court of Appeals’s opinion. Sullivan defending himself for delaying 21 days saying he did so to give Flynn time to file for cert & for the mandate to return to him. (Under the appellate rule, there is no mandate on mandamus.)
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Sullivan continuing to defend himself saying he wasn’t unduly trying to delay.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Sidney continues with why he should recuse himself. Saying he appointed Gleeson to advance his own personal agenda. He’s ignoring the materials provided by DOJ on the record recently.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
She also objected to him allowing the filing yesterday by Strzok’s attorney, one of the dirtiest FBI agents ever.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
“If you want to file a motion to recuse – you probably should have filed it – file a motion.” He’s giving her a week to file it.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
She says she will file it. Sullivan asks what her next point it.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Sidney consulting her notes.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
She’s objecting to JS’s assertion that Flynn refused to cooperate in the VA case; she says the govt asked him to lie (Van Grack) and that he could not do that (also Van Grack threatened Flynn), referencing edits to plea papers.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Sidney has other arguments; Sullivan says he’ll give her a chance later. Asks if Gleeson has objects tot he summary. Gleeson says he thinks Sullivan did a great job with the summary.
I am listening to LIVE STREAMING – not reading any commentary – but, thanks for what you have offered – Hugs!!!
Duchess! You went to Law School! Didn’t know…
No, silly – just want to hear it with my own ears – that is all – took a couple of law courses – but, neither of consequence, PR.
I am hearing what is being said, but I prefer to have someone, actually several someones say what they think about what all of us is hearing. Feel free to scroll on by… everyone is different.
True, PR! To each his/her own.
Would have been Great if Sydney said the request to recuse was ready for filing.
Anything to help frost Sullivan.
She hasn’t yet completed her ‘arguments’,, Kal – I believe she said that – and the Judge granted her time to do that later – I think
It is not going to end today, or even before the election from what I am observing today.
Agree. It won’t end until sometime in November. we knew that going into the hearing Sullivan has hgis task, DELAY, DELAY, DELAY.
The ONLY thing that may stop this IS bringing it to the Supreme Court.
Unfortunately I believe you’re correct.
That got ugly. He grilled her on her conversations with the President. At one point she claimed Executive Privilege. You can tell he is clearly biased against her. He keeps cutting her off. Sidney strikes back, telling the Judge he needs to recuse. She needs to file that motion, JS asks why hasn’t she?
DOJ guy earlier making case that even if they wanted to prosecute, they have no evidence. No recordings, only agents word, agents that have been fired for lack of candor. Judge needs to DISMISS!!
Judge is clearly obnoxious!!! He wants her to file an order to recuse – to DELAY, again!
Calling on Michael the Archangel to defend us in battle against the evil one! In the name of Jesus – I pray – Amen
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Replying to
Sullivan ask Gleeson to put on the record whether they have discussed the case outside of the court. Gleeson says no.
1:19 PM · Sep 29, 2020·Twitter Web App
Quote Tweets
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Replying to
Sullivan now asking DOJ what the next steps would be if he denies the motion. Would it be the motion to withdraw? He wants to know the status of the DOJ’s discussions with the law firm Covington on the ineffective assistance issue.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Mr. Kohl now responding; Motion to Withdraw has not been resolved yet. Reminding judge that such motions are to be liberally granted, quoting Sullivan’s language that he would not accept pleas from someone who didn’t think he was guilty.
Kohl saying they did do review of Covington file and claim of threats to son. There was some discussion in an email of an “understanding” that the son would not be prosecuted and limiting the use of that information.Says it’s concerning; something the court would need to look at.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Mooppan jumps in to say the withdrawal issues further emphasize the reason why the dismissal motion should be granted; they don’t intend to prosecute this case.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
JS asking if DOJ knows of any case on all fours with this one. This is a phrase lawyers use to mean “exactly” the same.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Kohl now reminding the judge of a notorious set of cases in our courthouse where the agent had stolen drugs (coke or heroin, I can’t remember) for his own use if I recall correctly and DOJ had moved to dismiss cases where people were serving sentences when those facts came out.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Sullivan says he of course remembers those cases. He’s saying he’ll read any opinions on those cases if there are any, but he doesn’t remember there being opinions. Kohl is agreeing with that; Sullivan says he will double check.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Mooppan says there are no precedents to deny the motion either.Sullivan asking about dismissing with our without prejudice.Mooppan says they are asking for w/prejudice.
He says that part is not a matter of constitutional law. (I don’t agree with that.) But he’s trying to placate.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Sullivan now asking about the uncharged criminal conduct in the plea – this is the FARA conduct, not the false statements. He’s asking whether a future AG could charge that & whether w/ or w/o prejudice would affect that. Says not to read too much into his questions necessarily.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Mooppan conceded that the FARA charge would be separate from the false statement charge legally. (This is probably right.) Kohl agreeing.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
But Kohl is pointing to language and changes to it in the plea papers that changed the intent language on the FARA claim; says some of what was presented to Sullivan is not all that it appears & that the VA federal judge had problems with it too.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Sullivan now asking about the materiality because of his findings of materialty in the Brady motion (which Sidney didn’t ask to reconsider). Mooppan saying the issue legally for prosecutorial discretion is whether DOJ thinks of the materiality, not whether sufficient for a jury.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Kohl (who is doing a great job) says that factually the record is different now than then when Sullivan ruled. He points to questions that Sullivan asked at the sentencing hearing. He says what matters is “what is actually true.”
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
He says it is Sullivan’s questions that have unraveled the case – properly. This is similar to what we argued in our brief – that Sullivan’s order on Brady is what has brought the problems to light. Kohl is a soothing presence in the hearing. He’s an old hand.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
He’s taking Sullivan through some of the facts that undermine the materiality – that have come out since Sullivan ruled. Pointing out that FBI itself did not think the interview was RELATED to the investigation. How then can it be material?
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Relying on Barnett’s independent assessment that after reviewing the transcripts there is nothing wrong with the calls with Kislyak so how can it be related to the investigation?
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Now mentioning Priestep’s questions about what is our goal? Kohl saying this is a red flag that there is a problem with the interview? Why is the FBI doing an interview then. Getting someone fired is not the FBI’s job.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Says Gleeson’s arguments basically assumes materiality. If Gleeson’s questions are so relevant, why didn’t the FBI agents explore those issues?
Leslie McAdoo Gordon
Replying to
Further followup was deemed unnecessary, so how can Gleeson’s arguments be material.
Q 4787

6 ID: 51569f No.10835804
Sep 29 2020 11:38:09 (EST) NEW
Per the Rush Limbaugh radio show this afternoon:
Biden “campaign” stated that Ole Joe WILL NOT be wearing an earpiece at the debate tonight.
Biden “campaign” stated that they DID NOT request two breaks during the debate tonight.
Biden has a campaign?
LOL, hence the ” ” around the word.
Unless Dementia Joe himself is tested positive for Covid, at this point, Dementia Joe really has to show.
POTUS just took off for Ohio, so I guess it’s on…
I’m expecting to need a translator as I don’t speak word salad
Q 4788

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 518fed No.10835883
Sep 29 2020 11:43:18 (EST) NEW
Those who scream the loudest…
Makes perfect sense to me.
Next we goona have resolutions condemning the Boogey Man, Bigfoot, and Loch Ness Nelly?
I do not see the images.

Repeating from alternate Q agregator:
They will never be ethical.
They’re probably leaking this info in hopes that PTrump will cancel
OH YES!!! Hahahahahahahaha! GOT ‘EM!!!
I am thinking that they want breaks after every 30 minutes because even with electronic devices and questions in advance Biden’s intellect cannot be trusted to remember the responses past 30 minutes.
They probably want to use the devises to prompt if he forgets pieces but not to feed the entire response. So they would want to go over things with him prior to each set of questions to prime him for the responses.
Everyone is talking about the “crutches” Biden has… thinking those put POTUS at a disadvantage…
They forget that Donald J. Trump wiped the floor with the entire GOP list of candidates, many of whom are MUCH brighter than Biden was at his prime…
POTUS is an excellent retainer of FACTS… and a top-notch debater.
POTUS will wipe the floor with Biden repeating whomever is blowing in his ear, and having the questions with the answer written out means nothing… WHO wrote the ‘answers or who is his inner ear, matters not one wit.
POTUS is smarter than they are… is LIVING the questions that might arise… and above all, is CLEAN as a whistle.
Commies should be considering how Biden will defend himself when POTUS goes on the OFFENSE and asks Biden about his crimes during the past 47+ years, when the only JOB Biden has ever had is GRIFTING.
B I N G O ! ! !
Side eye on this.
So, we are to believe Chrissy Wallace, of Faux News gave Dentia Joe the questions? Of course I don’t trust Chrissy. But neither would I believe this reported, “Breaking” Faux News.
The stuff about a “special communication device” is wonderful, IMO. Probably true. Surely hoping so.
Dementia Joe:
1) Can’t form a simple sentence.
2) Can’t read a teleprompter.
3) What makes anyone believe Dementia Joe can, A) listen to his secret device communication device AND B) then speak coherently.
I can just see Demntia Joe cupping his ear and saying, “I can’t hear you. Speak up.”
^^^ THIS has all the making of a, Bite ME Comedy Hour.
The Judge is bringing up PT’s tweets…his courtroom is a sham, puppet show.
It’s a laser pointer for conservatives, hence why I haven’t really paid much attention. I have a feeling it’s part of The Plan even if I’m the lone voice in that.
Q 4789

s1Jq13jV6 ID: 6f00ac No.10836966
Sep 29 2020 12:37:31 (EST) NEW
Podcast yesterday.
Intentional or careless?
It explains in great and gory detail the depravity and evil that is the Clintons and their occult practices. And this was known 20 years ago, and papered over by the YSM/MCM and the DEMONicRATS ever since then.
The book in the picture above was no accident. It’s probably one of Hill-the-BEAST’s faves. And she probably has some of his glasswork… And “Lucio” is not far removed from Lucis or Lucifer…
Other Q posters, I’m signing out.
PTrump’s team should include a scanning and jamming capability. See if you can detect a device. If so, let the “debate” continue to see if Pedo Joe soils his trou publicly. Then, after an hour or so, expose the fraud on national TV.
John M. Reeves
Now Gleeson is saying that the President is not respecting the “independence of the Justice Department.” This is the point–the DOJ is NOT independent of the President. It is under his full authority.
John M. Reeves
1) Gleeson is now going on about how the President’s tweets themselves show some sort of pretext for seeking dismissal, that there’s some sort of super-secret “hidden motive” for the DOJ trying to dismsis
‘s case.
2:18 PM · Sep 29, 2020·Twitter Web App
Quote Tweets
John M. Reeves
Replying to
2) Again, Fokker does not allow for any such questioning of the motives of the prosecution.
John M. Reeves
3) And in any event (and I know some people disagree with me), the President is the head of the Executive Branch. He is the one who has final say, even on prosecutions. (cont)
John M. Reeves
4) This is exactly what Justice Scalia recognized in his Morrison v. Olson dissent. The President, regardless of who he is, is the one in charge. This notion that the some people executive branch can pit themselves against the President is why we got the Deep State to begin with.
Difficult to believe Gleeson is an attorney (and has been a judge) and doesn’t know the three branches of the government and/or the organizational chart…
Michael Flynn Hearing Today 11:00am – ToRe
Brian London – LIVE STREAM – BACK UP
15 – MINUTE RECESS for paper compilation
Kaleigh is speaking during this ‘recess’ on ToRe’s Feed. Talking about the debate tonight.
Guess I need to do a debate thread, huh.
Sorry Butterfly …
Must be making an impact, huh PR???
You are definitely making an impact Sweet Lady…
Aww, thanks PR. Still not too late for you to signup!

No ma’am, check in every now and then. Here and Twit, already a full time job.
I hear you… I spend way too much time online.
The Library
Sheila Jackson Lee implicated.
John Basham
BREAKING: Retired Houston Police Captain & Retired Undercover FBI Agent Have Uncovered A MASSIVE #DERMOCAT Run Ballot Harvesting Scheme In Harris County (Houston) #TX! As Many As 700,000 Ballots May Be Illegaly Harvested. This could Change WHOLE ELECTION!…
Harold Wren
Sheila Jackson Lee implicated.——– Ohhhhhhhhh
As Many As 700,000 Ballots May Be Illegaly Harvested. ——- Ummmm isn’t Ballot Harvesting illegal already???
This could Change WHOLE ELECTION!…——- for Trump I hope!
Debate thread. Come on over. When the live links go live I’ll add them to the body of the post.
Not that I’ll be watching this, but big Hollywood turning Yates into the good woman against a supposed black hat when they were all in it together?
“Pat, I’d like to buy a vowel, an ø ”
“‘I’ll solve the (double) puzzle. Hølly Hunter Biden”…..
“That’s it! Guilty as charged”…..
Dang, I used to like her. So many just can’t watch anymore these days. Even older movies w/these ‘tools’ just aren’t the same. *SPIT*

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 61dad3 No.10838579
Sep 29 2020 14:11:36 (EST) NEW
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 61dad3 No.10838629
Sep 29 2020 14:13:31 (EST) NEW
WOAH!!! The whole thread and the letter!!!
MSM Trump has an Ohio problem.
MSM also Trump is screwing up the debts…
Me: Are you for real? Is it Trumps fault if you have a bad day now?

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 61dad3 No.10838649
Sep 29 2020 14:14:01 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: 70e50f No.10838496
Sep 29 2020 14:06:46 (EST) NEW
WOW… Go John Ratcliffe
Betcha JOE BIDEN was in on the briefings, too.
I hope POTUS hits Ole Joe over the head with this club tonight at the “debate”.
George Papadopoulos
BREAKING: DNI declassified documents showcasing Clinton drove the spying conspiracy against the Trump campaign to deflect attention from her email problems. Wow!
3:43 PM · Sep 29, 2020
It’s turning into a laser pointer.
That my dear friends, comes from a Democrat… “should have been dismissed five months ago.”
Ewwwwwww DP did you know
Touch by Alyssa Milano…. no I’m not joking THIS is a clothing line.
$8.99, are you out of your mind (to paraphrase an old Denny’s commercial
Reduced from $39.99, it’s still too expensive. Wouldn’t touch that if they paid ME!!!
Still, I guess there are snowflakes that like odd shirts and Alyssa Nobraino…
LOL Mom said the same thing.
What’s funny is the snowflakes hate football and she expects them to buy it? Yeah see the results. No sale.

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 6fe945 No.10838926
Sep 29 2020 14:25:35 (EST) NEW
“Trump Swift Boat Project.” – Clinton OP
The term swiftboating (also swift-boating or swift boating) is a pejorative American neologism used to describe an unfair or untrue political attack. The term is derived from the name of the organization “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth” (SBVT, later the Swift Vets and POWs for Truth) because of their widely publicized—and later discredited—campaign against 2004 U.S. presidential candidate John Kerry.[1][2][3][4]
Since the political smear campaign[2][5][6][7][8] that the group conducted against Kerry, the term has come into common use to refer to a harsh attack by a political opponent that is dishonest, personal, and unfair.[9][10] The Swift Boat Veterans and media pundits objected to this use of the term to define a smear campaign.[11][12]
Since this is military-related, do you think it was the “Trump called veterans names” crap? I do.
She’s still tweeting about the Flynn hearing so if you’re on twitter & interested you can find some of it here…
This looks to be the start of her Flynn hearing tweet storm…fyi…
As I’m reading through I’ll drop a couple highlight tweets here:
I guess I’m liking those tweets where she also adds her perspective a bit…
Nine is fine limit here
Continuing w/ my summary of her summary of Flynn’s hearing today…
Is this part of what’s really behind all this, gotcha at POTUS?
DOJ was starting to say how they disagreed w/ Sullivan’s assessment when multiple lines went silent…multiple tweets about that then Sullivan claims technical probs…hmmm…
Mr. Moopan, for the gov’t DOJ, I believe, w/ 4 points
DOJ lawyer Kohl
9 is fine again…
More from Flynn hearing…
this one seems to say it all!
she sounds like she doesn’t necessarily trust Sullivan’s judgement (or impartiality?) hmmm
Sullivan appears to be revealing himself as a swamp thing rising…
Just Wow, that last tweet has more than 60 tweet replies…hmmm
more from Flynn’s hearing, Sydney Powell’s response to POTUS discussions
I’m going to look at replies in case important info there…
Twit world only allowing me to see 3 of 63 replies…what the heck!!!
This little section is raising the blood pressure & I should know better–whatever!
Sydney given a week to file to recuse Sullivan!
Continuing on the Flynn hearing…
I can hear my husband quoting Prince Humperdink at his sham wedding in Princess Bride “Skip to the End!!!” at least in my mind’s eye, or is it ear?
I guess this should make me happy that we never actually Had the Due Process Hearings on the violations of special ed law perpetuated against my son Josiah. Don’t know how you lawyers stay sane with all that back & forth & nitpickiness–yikes!
Well, I hope some of this is helpful to others…continuing on the Flynn hearing…
Ha, Twitter, enters into the Flynn case…
I’m guess Nixon has something to do with Watergate, such small potatoes compared to today!
lots of gobbledygook from Gleeson…
still plugging away at the Flynn summary…
Is this Gleeson guy a Never Trumper?
she doesn’t appear to think very highly of Gleeson
sounds like Gleeson is such a blow hard even Sullivan tried to move him along
this below seems a key point re: Gleeson & perhaps by extension Sullivan?
LOL here, you reap what you sow
Well, at least I’m confining this to one conversational thread…sorry it’s So Much stuff…
Getting to Sydney Powell after Gleeson’s TDS ranting…
This is Yuuuge!!!
Not sure if there is much else, at least not from that main McAdooGordon source…
Go Sydney!!!
Here’s her projected conclusion to the matter…
Just leaving this on the open thread….not related to Flynn
Stolen Legacy by David Grey
“—and later discredited—”
Bwahahahahahahaha … {breathes} … bwahahahahahahaha …
That word [discredited]…I do not think it means what you think it means.
Hi Steve! Thanks …
Hello, friends —
A heads-up before moving on over to the dedicated Debate thread — over at Marica’s blog, there is a GREAT DEBATE GRAZE AND IMBIBE EVENT getting underway. The hors d’oeuvre table is up and running!
Trump Winery items flowing.
Non-alcoholic items also.
Marine Band providing (unobtrusive) background music.
Recipes invited!
CV, the Ultimate Hostess with the Mostess!!

Thanks CV…
We have a THREAD here which our hard-working DP has put up… you all are welcome to stop by.
Have to step away for a bit. Handing off Que/Cue watch, maybe for the evening. Two threads live and working on more for the rest of the week.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon@McAdooGordon
Gleeson says objecting the DOJ arguments has become a game of wack-a-mole with tidbits from this bizarre investigation in MO. “It’s sad.” “Because it’s our Justice Department too.” (What’s sad is how badly he’s embarrassing himself, actually.)
Leslie McAdoo Gordon@McAdooGordon
He’s started over (again) now and telling Sullivan he can deny; he has discretion; the Supreme Court put a stop to this in 1941. “Don’t attack your own filings.” “No overstating how damaging it is to the court and to the Department.”
He’s done now finally and Sullivan thanks him for his service.
Leslie McAdoo Gordon@McAdooGordon
Sidney now. Sullivan asking why Flynn plead guilty. Sidney says Covington had unwaivable conflict and could not advise him properly. (This is right.)
Leslie McAdoo Gordon@McAdooGordon
Also, the govt withheld evidence from him so he could make a valid decision. (This is also right.) She also says the plea before Contreras was invalid (This is may or may not be right, but it’s a really tough argument to win on.)
Sidney advises him that he was coached to reject any request to withdraw his plea by Covington before Sullivan and Covington had a conflict so that advise was invalid.
Sidney telling Sullivan there is rampant Brady violations in the case. Sullivan has rejected these arguments already; this won’t persuade him, even though she’s right.
Sidney now basically laying out the Spygate narrative. What we’re seeing in real time is the narrative of the right running into the narrative of the left about this case Flynn & DJT & Carter Page, etc. Everything the left believes is the opposite of what she’s saying.
Sullivan is asking her to identify the Brady information that has been produced since his ruling (Dec 2019) that there was no Brady violation. She’s citing the Horowitz report and additional facts since then. “A hideous abuse of power.”
Where this is going is Sullivan is going to ask her if she filed another motion on those grounds. Yep, there it is.
She says they did so in the motion to withdraw.
Sullivan says, well, he was under oath before me and swore he was guilty.
Sullivan asking when he has discretion. Sidney answers and cites Rinaldi. Sullivan thinks that is distinguishable. She accuses Sullivan of accusing Gleeson as a special prosecutor and he doesn’t plan to.
Sullivan says she can file a motion on that within a week. [phoenix: this is the SECOND time he has said this.]
Sideny says Gleeson is thru the looking glass. “It’s all backwards.”
She’s quoting a Gleeson case about the DOJ going back when they realize there is a problem and that is exactly what AG Barr is doing in this case. She again asks that the extra-record facts submitted by Gleeson be disregarded.
Again, it’s just the two narratives crashing into each other. Sullivan and Sidney are on opposite poles.
Sullivan inviting DOJ to talk. Mooppan: Judge Gleeson said alot when he talked but didn’t address the issue. Ha!
Mooppan: He quotes from the Nixon case that Executive Branch has “exclusive discretion” to bring/drop charges. Also, the quote from Fokker – the court has “no power” to question the DOJ’s reasons for the dismissal.
Mooppan is a nerdy lawyer (he’s in the Solicitor’s office for a reason), so now he’s arguing the dicta issue in Fokker and Ammidown. That’s fine for the record; it’s not going to persuade Sullivan.
Right, so Sullivan asks about something he wants to know about: what is the scope of his role to deny a motion to dismiss?
Mooppan says the scope is only to determine if the decision is the decision of the DEPARTMENT, not a rogue prosecutor not really reflecting the DOJ’s position.
Mooppan talking about DJT’s tweets. What if it is true that it’s a “witchhunt?” Does the court really think the case should go forward anyway? That’s not DJT saying “He’s my friend, don’t prosecute him.” He’s saying, “this is wrong” basically.
Mooppan pointing to the new evidence: Priestep’s questions about why are we interviewing Flynn? To get him fired? Mooppan says it is incredible that that kind of evidence doesn’t make Gleeson & everyone think the interview is problematic.
Mooppan pointing to FBI agents belief that Flynn wasn’t lying. He points out Flynn said he assumed they had the calls with Kislyak. That makes no sense. “It makes far more sense” that he just didn’t remember details correctly.
“At a minimum” all the facts show there is a problem and t therefore is exactly the kind of case where the court should defer to the executive branch.
Kohl up now: He refutes Gleeson’s assertion that DOJ’s is offering flimsy reasons.
He says 3 Inspector General reports have created credibility problems with their 3 witnesses they would need. And Comey saying it’s a “close call” is important too. DOJ doesn’t prosecute on that basis.
Kohl doesn’t think truly career prosecutors would have charged this case. DOJ lawyers had questions of what FBI had. They DIDN’T charge – for months. It’s only after SCO got involved that charges were brought & Agent Barnett’s interview suggests that was politically motivated.
He expressly says that it’s a course correction. He asks for the dismissal.
Sullivan talking about the notorious cases in our courthouse -the agent using drugs. He’s distinguishing it; he’s putting on the record that he thinks those cases are different. Doesn’t think Flynn’s case rises to that level.He just doesn’t accept that the conduct here is wrong.
Oh, Mooppan says he doesn’t know of any cases where the FBI was wondering about getting someone fired because those cases wouldn’t be brought by DOJ. !!
Sullivan tentatively invites Gleeson to comment again. He’s hard to hear because of the echo.
He says the DOJ arguments “sound like bad defense lawyers.”
First he tried to go toe to toe with Mooppan about the “dicta” issue in Fokker and Ammidown, but that’s a fail. There’s a reason that Gleeson was a district court judge, not on the Supreme Court. Mooppan’s analysis is over his head.
Gleeson: Govt hasn’t said it wouldn’t prosecute the case if Sullivan denies the motion and “where would they get off” if they didn’t. This guy just has a completely overinflated view of the role of a district court judge (because he was one).
“First year prosecutor could win this case.” This is unhinged.
Sullivan: thanks everyone. taking case under advisement. Going to proceed with dispatch.
Sullivan saying he will put a minute order on the docket regarding the motions he said people could file. He’ll give a short turn around on those I think.
I’ll post that to this thread when it comes out.
Margot Cleveland@ProfMJCleveland
Holy Shit!
Quote Tweet
Arthur Schwartz@ArthurSchwartz
· 1h
Police cars revolving lightPolice cars revolving lightPolice cars revolving light
JUST DECLASSIFIED: The Russia hoax was Hillary’s plan, and the Obama-Biden White House was briefed on it.
They are making a joke of this prize!
Joe Biden Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize, Joining Trump, Putin
Only because POTUS has been nominated three times… I think that’s a record Dora…
Nomination will probably be withdrawn after the election and POTUS is reelected.
It was a joke when Obama won it for NOTHING and went on (with LOTS of HELP form Hitlary) to destroy the Middle East.×439.jpg
You’re absolutely right, Georgia.
That’s Gail
oops, so sorry Gail ! info and words still right !
thanks for catching that Georgia…
Margot was absolutely in her prediction of the Flynn Hearing outcome … Brava Margot !!!
Margot Cleveland Retweeted
Lin Wood@LLinWood
Margot @ProfMJCleveland is an astute commentator & observer. If she is right about hearing today for@GenFlynn, there will be a rising tide of Freedom Loving Americans who will be more vocal about this injustice. We will prevail.
Every lie shall be revealed.
Quote Tweet
Margot Cleveland@ProfMJCleveland
· 8h
My prediction on today’s @GenFlynn before Judge Sullivan. He will waste time and deflect by focusing on Strzok’s claim of modifications to his notes. And at the end of the hearing, he will not rule but will “take it under advisement,” and delay. 1/
Show this thread
brain continues to leave out words… but y’all are smart cookies… you’ll figure it out
The docs have been declassified, but I can’t find them to update the DECLAS thread.
I need a nap.
Link is in Prayinig Medic blog post for 9/29/20
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Sep 24
Vote Scheduled: At 5:30pm on Tuesday, September 29th, the Senate will proceed to a vote on the motion to invoke cloture on Cal. #552 , H.R.8337, Continuing Resolution.
Has anyone seeen Sadie lately?
Will Comey cancel??
Durham found this per CH.
Biden’s platform revealed:
Eric Trump Retweeted
Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022@TrumpWarRoom
Totally normal…
Hunter Biden reportedly received a 2.8 carat diamond from a Chinese energy tycoon
Hunter Biden reportedly received a 2.8 carat diamond from a Chinese energy tycoon
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, might be cause for concern for his father’s presidential campaign, The New Yorker reports. Hunter Biden has recently fallen under the microscope as…
Good color, like D or E?
Any flaws?
Shape? Cushion, brilliant, princess, radiant, Ascher?
The other C is established. (Carat, cut, clarity, color…yes, I knew somebody who carried the diamond quality chart in her purse.)
I had two buddies, one was a gemologist the other a gem cutter. I found a watermelon tourmaline in Maine that my buddy cut and set for me.
When we weren’t caving we were rock hunting.
You’ve got it, DP. Gemologists in my family.
Eric Trump
Does it shock anyone that poll watchers are being blocked and kicked out of voting locations in Philly? We are in court right now! This corruption must end!
Quote Tweet
Mike Roman@mikeroman
· 3h
TRUMP observers are being blocked entry to all of the satellite voting locations in Philly!! What are they hiding?
“Does it shock anyone that poll watchers are being blocked and kicked out of voting locations in Philly? ”
No, it’s not even mildly surprising, they do it every election, for decades. Maybe centuries.
Everybody knows.
What is shocking is that the people who can do something about it, don’t.
“We are in court right now! This corruption must end!”
Why are you in court?
Are they blocking you from court, or from the voting locations?
See, this is the disconnect.
They block you from voting locations, so you go to court.
Chances are the court is crooked, but even if it isn’t, and you win, you’re right back where you started from, because nobody had any right to ‘block’ you in the first place, so if the people who ‘blocked’ you aren’t ARRESTED, and they didn’t obey the law last time, why would they obey a new ‘court decision’?
They used PHYSICAL FORCE to kick you out of voting locations.
Court is administrative process.
It’s like rock, paper, scissors.
Administrative process NEVER beats physical force.
Never once, in the history of planet earth.
Never, never, never, never.
Not ever.
What beats physical force is GREATER or more SKILLFUL physical force.
Always has, always will, no matter how long the human race exists.
I don’t know why people can’t understand this.
All the president has to do is send security people to secure voting locations all over the country. He could authorize the National Guard in every state, and give them the authority to arrest anyone who attempted to prevent anyone from voting.
But no.
Instead, we get more “Mom! Billy took Johnny and pushed him down the stairs again!”…
not quite the same Scott…
25 CFR § 90.33 – Watchers and challengers.
My first thought Gail, having worked at the polls so many times. Then I remember that the Commies ignore the law, they changed the rules and so one is required to go to court for almost everything… meanwhile the thwarting of their illegal actions is delayed. And for that they should serve time in prison. Getting on my last nerve here.
Nothing is illegal if the law is never enforced.
It’s as simple as that.
Our side keeps digging up evidence (because the DOJ won’t), we keep pointing out “Hey, that’s against the Law!”, and it doesn’t matter.
Because if nobody physically stops a criminal for breaking the law, then there is no law.
It doesn’t matter what laws they break, and it doesn’t matter how much evidence there is, and it doesn’t matter if we all know about it and see it plainly.
None of it matters, if the proper authorities WILL NOT ARREST ANYBODY.
??? – Can anyone verify this – Please?
I’d take it with a grain of salt with the Daily Mail. Although, at this point, anything is possible.
My first thought, too, DP – that is why I am questioning it and asking for verification.
Wheatie and I think he may have been set up in 2011. His sketchy wife talked her way into keeping the books. Something is up there.
Hmmm…I think so, too – perhaps, that is about what they were arguing – also read he was released after an hour from police custody – and yet – they say he went to the hospital – so which is it?
Very interesting. Sounds like he was either released TO the hospital, or there was NO GUNSHOT.
Latest article says there was NO GUNSHOT – but, that he fired a gun – and he was taken to the hospital for a Psych Evaluation – this is ridiculous, Wolf –
Yeah, his wife says he’s been drinking a lot and talking suicide – and he FIRED THE GUN – not good. He will be very lucky to get his guns back – not soon, IMO.
If there is physical evidence of firing the gun, it makes the assertions by the wife very believable. He will likely confirm them to the docs.
Will be interesting to see where this goes.
And – she has the bruises to prove it, too – dunno what the law is in FL – but, there is a mandatory stay for a Psych Evaluation for 12-14 days – even if he has a good lawyer – he will stay the full number of days – until they say he is not a danger to himself or anyone else – essentially, he will be ‘locked’ up for whatever they determine is enough time ‘by law’ to do an assessment – does not look good for him at all.
You called it – others were making light of it.
That would explain a lot. He didn’t know, found out, PO’d at wife, cause he knew he’s cast as the fall guy.
When any question is posed to Trump about personal finances, tonight, I hope he uses the opportunity to ask Biden to clarify how his family got so wealthy on a Senator’s salary all these years?
I doubt that will happen, Hoof – and – I do not think they are going to touch that with a ten-foot pole, either – it is old news now – imho
I agree – this is huge. These guys REVERSED the intelligence. What SCOUNDRELS.
Worst part is they thought they would get away with it – and no one would know.
Covering for Hillary’s plot!
I was wondering how Comey and Brennan knew about it. They knew from their own IC monitoring of the RUSSIANS monitoring Hillary. Holy COW.
Up to their eyeballs in complicity – Yes!!!
Gleeson was abhorrent. Sullivan not much better.
Yes, he was – had more time than anyone – and made a royal fool of himself and the corrupt judge, too, Butterfly.
“Corrupt Judge Sullivan Redacts Yesterday’s Document Drop in Flynn Case – Now AG Barr Sending Big Hitter to Today’s Hearing”
Oooh, a ‘big hitter’.
I’m on pins AND needles.
As the World Burns.
The Grinding Light.
All My Criminals.
General Asylum.
The Old and the Entrenched.
One Life to Waste.
Ryan’s Hopelessness.
The Bold and the Mercurial.
Like sands through the hourglass, these are the Decades of Our Lives…
Mary Hartman… Mary Hartman!
We deserve so much better…
Awww…he did well – shook up the Judge!
But it’s just a game, a lawyer’s game. They can play it until the end of time, or whenever it no longer suits them to play the game, whichever comes first.
it’s not about justice, it’s not about right and wrong, it’s not about due process, it’s not about stewardship of taxpayer money, it’s not about any of those things.
It’s about the opposite of all of those things.
And it won’t eve end due to ‘process’, because it’s not about who has the better argument, or whose ‘side’ the ‘law’ is on.
It’s about a predetermined objective, and then moving the pieces on the board around until that objective is satisfied.
They can stall and delay until the planets themselves get tired of orbiting the sun and gracefully glide to a halt.
And even then, Sullivan would still be making up new laws from the bench and violating the separation of powers by making himself judge, jury and prosecutor, and Barr would still be sending heavy hitters with legal eagle arguments to point out Sullivan’s criminality, and it would just keep going, and going, and going…
Even after the Sun burned out, and the Milky Way became a cold and dark galaxy, Sullivan and Barr’s heavy hitters would still be going round and round.
Because why would they ever stop, if they don’t want to?
Process doesn’t solve anything with people who don’t obey the law.
Only physical force does.
Until we get (if we ever get…) to physical force, it’s just a bad comedy.
Who is going to say “Well, now that you’ve made that brilliant argument, I guess I’ll give up”?
They will just raise some new objection and start all over again, litigating until the universe collapses in on itself.
hahahaha. The problem is that eventually even responsible people have no confidence in the process and take it upon themselves to delve out what they think is justice deserved. It doesn’t matter which side but when the rest of the inmates start running the asylum, it’s complete chaos. They’ll only wait for so long ….
Well then, Scott – I will round up my goys – you round up your guys – and we will take him out kicking and screaming – Mkay?
If not – I am calling AG Barr!!!
This is one of the great secrets of the Law.
If you have unlimited resources, you can avoid consequences forever.
That’s what Clintons, Obama, Comey ad nauseum thought also. But we tire of warming up the popcorn.
Sullivan turned our Court and law into a Stalin criminal process where rights of the accused is trampled on for political gain and coverup. Maybe a favor for Obama and the corruption he now is part off.
Yes, and if it wasn’t Sullivan, it would be someone else, doing the exact same thing.
The government has unlimited resources, and the Cabal has unlimited resources, and there is no “finality” to litigation if neither side gives up.
There just isn’t, because either side can raise a thousand different frivolous ‘issues’ to litigate to infinity, and every one of those issues spawns exponential new issues, because it’s a creative process.
If neither side is ever in danger of running out of money to buy new legal theories, then neither side ever has to concede, so the case never needs to end.
And that is exactly what the Cabal wants, to keep the case going, for another four years if necessary.
That’s not even a tiny joke.
We have already gone four years.
They can easily go four more.
It will never end, until someone forces the issue, because there is no ‘finality’ in process if there is no limit on funds and the parties are entrenched.
scott, that’s a mighty fine piece of poetry there.
I don’t really do poetry well

But I can take the titles of ten long-time soap operas and change them up just a little
scott, you did good!
JP Morgan has been crooked from the get go.
It’s not without reason that the protagonist in “How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying” was named J. Pierpont Finch (only a slight bit away from Morgan)…
And didn’t they do a ton of dirty deeds to the Astors, which ended up with Astor sinking with the Titanic while Morgan and his cronies ended up much the richer?????
Dunno about the last part – but, do know the Astors were on that ship – destined to die – some others as well – maybe – not sure.
From OT:
DNI John Ratcliffe Presents Senate With Brennan Notes Showcasing Clinton Campaign Intent to Create Russian Conspiracy Narrative July 2016…
Posted on September 29, 2020
“Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe has transmitted evidence to the Senate Judiciary Committee showing notes written by CIA Director John Brennan that Hillary Clinton campaign advisors created a “proposal to vilify Trump by stirring up scandal claiming interference by Russian security services” on July 26th of 2016. [pdf link]
This appears to be the explosive evidence referred to by Senator Lindsey Graham during recent public comments.”
Explosive evidence?
Every day there is more evidence, for four years straight.
If there was any more evidence, we would need jury teams just to sort through it all.
Long ago it took on the characteristic of some little kid running to Mom and saying “Mom! Sally hit Billy and then Billy threw mud at Sally and I saw the whole thing!”
“Mom! Billy threw Johnny down the stairs!”
“Mom! Billy put Johnny in a wagon and pushed it out into oncoming traffic!”
“Mom! Billy took a scissors and cut off all of Johnny’s hair, and his scalp is bleeding pretty bad!”
“Mom! Billy pushed Johnny out of the attic window, and he bounced off the second floor porch roof and landed on the driveway, he has several broken bones!”
Until or unless MOM ever steps in and actually DOES something about it, until Mom takes that little psychopath Billy and hauls him off to the psych ward or prison, what is the point of the daily carnage update?
Techno Fog@Techno_Fog
Flynn hearing –
The DOJ is eviscerating the Special Counsel’s representations to Judge Sullivan that the Flynn interview was material to Crossfire Hurricane.
Sub-point: The Special Counsel did not meet its Brady obligations…
Techno Fog@Techno_Fog
Flynn hearing has wrapped. Judge Sullivan says he “will proceed with dispatch.”
One observation –
Amicus Gleeson spent the better part of his argument alleging conspiracy theories.
Not once did Judge Sullivan make Gleeson explain himself. Quite stunning.
But nothing is happening.
Nope – you see anything?
“But nothing is happening.”
So let me get this straight.
For 8+ years, JP Morgan Chase & Co. defrauded everyone in the precious metals and Treasuries market. To the tune of trillions of dollars.
They defrauded tens of millions, likely hundreds of millions of people.
Real harm. No telling how many people went bankrupt, committed suicide, etc.
JP Morgan & Chase did this with careful premeditation, and the executives who ran the scheme made millions and millions.
And years later, the ‘company’ pays a measly $920 penalty.
Not to the people who were defrauded, not to the victims of JP Morgan & Chase’s treachery.
They paid it to the government.
Nobody was arrested.
No one who personally benefited from the fraud has their assets seized.
JP Morgan & Chase didn’t even have their business license revoked and their company broken up. Andrew Weisman did far worse to Anderson Accounting, and they were actually innocent.
So this is justice?
A $920 million dollar fine that will be paid for by the shareholders of JP Morgan Chase & Co., shareholders who did nothing wrong, while the actual perpetrators keep their ill-gotten gains and no one goes to prison?
Is that supposed to give us confidence that something is happening?
The crooks got away with it, the government made nearly a billion dollars (a pittance compared to the amount of ill-gotten gains made by the crooks at JP Morgan Chase & Co.), and all the regular people who were victimized got nothing.
They just got shafted.
The crooks win, and the government wins.
Change we can believe in!
Steve “they are all in the same club and we are not in it.”
I reacted the same, Scott. It seems like chicken feed, considering the scope and magnitude of the fraud.
“It seems like chicken feed, considering the scope and magnitude of the fraud.”
It only seems that way… because it is!
They finally released video of the court proceedings today:
Yes, they did – posted a copy, too!!! Thanks, Scott – for another in case the first one does not work!!!
davealvord164 Retweeted
Sean Davis@seanmdav
Trump needs to immediately declassify all of the records underlying the intelligence summary DNI Ratcliffe released today.
The American people need to know exactly what Biden/Obama were doing during the last election before they vote in this one.'s%20Crossfire%20Hurricane%20Investigations_20-00912_U_SIGNED-FINAL.pdf
“Trump needs to immediately declassify all of the records underlying the intelligence summary DNI Ratcliffe released today.
The American people need to know exactly what Biden/Obama were doing during the last election before they vote in this one. ”
Can the American People arrest the perpetrators?
Or just get really, really (really) angry about it, while the DOJ whistles past the graveyard?
Guess there is no other way to fill that budget gap – is there?
The Epoch Times@EpochTimes
#Texas’ Attorney General
@KenPaxtonTX announced over 100 felony charges against 4 people allegedly engaging in #ElectionFraud—including some charges involving illegal actions around #MailInVoting.
Texas Election Fraud Raises Mail-In Concerns
The Texas attorney general on Thursday announced over 100 felony charges against four people allegedly engaging in election fraud.
The replies are quite entertaining
Replying to
For what?? Hiding in the basement?
Well THAT explains a lot.
Sidney joins Lou…..

Can’t say it’s over, Flynn still being persecuted by court and Gleeson. Judge shut her down 2x about his recusal. She plans to file motion to diqualify him. 3rd world prosecution. Pretended evidence didn’t exist. JS proved today that he hasn’t read any of the exculpatory evidence filed. All in for Gleeson. JS should not be considering POTUS tweets.
Ratcliff’s memo damning, ties it all together.
Apalled at lack of indictments from Durham. Those would have helped her.
Next – JS to rule with dispatch? Whatever that means. (Hey appeals court, whadaya think of your guy now? You know, the one who needed to be given the chance to dismiss post haste???
Sullivan is active litigant personally over man his court is presiding over.
“Can’t say it’s over, ”

Sullivan hasn’t even finished his opening statement
Mark Knoller@markknoller
In a written statement, Pres Trump says he’s “deeply saddened” by the death of the Emir of Kuwait, calling him a “dear friend.” Says the Emir was “an unwavering friend and partner” of the US. The Pres recently awarded the Emir the Legion of Merit, a rare honor.
Maria’s mad.
Mark Knoller@markknoller
Accompanied by VP Pence, SCOTUS nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett is welcomed to the Capitol by
@senatemajldr for what he calls the start of the confirmation process, as she begins meetings with some Senators, though some Democrats decline to meet with her.
McConnell welcomes Judge Barrett to the Capitol “to begin the process of advise and consent in the Senate. He said she’ll be visiting with Senators “who are interested in talking to her.” VP Pence said he looks forward to a confirmation vote on Barrett “in the near future.”
Accompanying Judge Barrett to the Capitol this morning, @VP urged Senate Democrats to meet with her and “to provide the kind of respectful hearing the American people expect.”
CBS @nancycordes: “Leader McConnell, if Judge Coney Barrett is confirmed should she recuse herself from any election related cases?”
MCCONNELL: no reax
@nancycordes: “Do you intend to try to confirm her before the election?”
MCCONNELL: (looks at camera with a slight grin?)
“…as she begins meetings with some Senators, though some Democrats decline to meet with her.”

That would be a relief!
Mark Knoller@markknoller
Pres & Mrs Trump step off Marine One at Joint Base Andrews and cross the tarmac to board Air Force One for the flight to Cleveland for tonight’s debate.
Apparently not wanting to face questions before tonight’s debate, Pres Trump didn’t stop as usual for press Q&A as he departed the WH for Cleveland. Supporters chanted “USA, USA” as he crossed the South Lawn to board Marine One.
Press pool on Air Force One reports WH Chief of Staff Mark Meadows says Pres Trump is in “a good mood’ as he heads to the debate. Also aboard are members of the Trump Family including Eric, Lara and Tiffany. along with Alice Johnson, who received a pardon from Trump last month.
In Cleveland, Pres Trump has arrived at the site of tonight’s debate for a walk-through, No press coverage. It’s routine for each of the candidates to visit the debate site to get a feel for the surroundings.
After a 20 min visit to the debate site, Pres Trump now at his hotel until it’s time for the event with @joebiden
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Invoked, 82-6: Motion to invoke cloture on Cal. #552 , H.R.8337, Continuing Resolution.
Jack Posobiec@JackPosobiec
Quote Tweet
Hans Mahncke@HansMahncke
· 2h
Here’s the moment on July 24th, 2016, when Robby Mook planted the Russia collusion hoax. This is what started it all. As we just learned from @DNI_Ratcliffe, this was immediately followed by Hillary pushing the fabricated scandal that Trump was working with Russia.
And Q is telling us that the idea came up AT LEAST as early as FEBRUARY.

[repost from debate thread]
SUMMARIZE the smoking-gun evidence WITHOUT DECLASSIFYING the Documents.
• He’s got COMPLETE AUTHORITY to do it.
• He’s going to RINSE & REPEAT weekly.
Opponents can scream for the Documents
… docs he can REVEAL in a SCIF
… docs they CANNOT discuss.
Then POTUS can do the Friday-Night Massacre of ONE layer of FBI Leadership each week
… and ANOTHER layer for every week of delayed releases
… until we’ve got ALL the docs and he’s removed ALL the PERPS.
I disagree with the reasoning, but…3 year delta? Note 17 doesn’t give a year.
Oct 28, 2017 4:44:28 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: BQ7V3bcW No. 147012719
Oct 28, 2017 3:33:50 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: gb953qGI No. 147005381
Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM – 8:30 AM EST on Monday – the morning on Oct 30, 2017.
HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.
It’s coming through to me with no formatting whatsoever, but it looks like Q did specify the arrest occurring 2017, which of course would make him/they patently unreliable.
That was the first comment. the 17 comment is the paragraph below without any year on October 30…wow that would be one heck of a B-Day present for a member of my family.
10/26 would be even better, that’s Crooked’s Bday.
DP, I pray this is true. Afraid she’ll have taken off for China by then.
With what court is she filing the motion? The court Sullivan is running? I hope not.
I would assume with Sullivan but….Hoping he’s impeached b-4 he rules on the motion!
Breaking… Disney to lay off 28,000 employees…
Posted by Kane on September 29, 2020 5:03 pm
Wonder how many of those are seasonal temps versus full-time employees. It’s school time now, whether “distance learning” or on site learning.
I wonder how many are NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS???
Remember Disney replaced people like E.M. Smith (ChiefIO) with H1B visa holders during the OH!Bummer years.
Citigroup executive Ray McGuire seeks Wall Street leaders’ support for likely NYC mayoral run
Brian Schwartz
Citigroup’s Ray McGuire has recently huddled with several of his allies on Wall Street in a bid to gain their support for what appears to be a likely run for mayor of New York, sources said.
Some of the people with knowledge of the meetings said that McGuire has indicated to his associates on Wall Street that he is going to run for mayor. They have, in turn, said he will receive their financial support.
However, there are others in New York’s finance world who aren’t as convinced that he should get into the race.
Citi = Alwaleed!
CNN 2007
Prince Alwaleed: Why Chuck had to go
In a Fortune exclusive, Citigroup’s biggest single investor talks about his disappointment in Chuck Prince, the bank’s colossal losses, and his views on a successor CEO.
Citi’s Billionaire Saudi Investor Pledges ‘Business as Usual’ After Arrest
“The arrest of Prince Alwaleed bin Talal immediately raised questions among investors about the effect on his various stock holdings.
Kingdom Holding Co., the firm controlled by arrested Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, says it will continue normal operations of its business, which owns stock in a number of U.S. firms including Wall Street lender Citigroup…”
Well…isn’t that special – said the Church Lady – Thanks, Gail, for the back story.
They have to find someone with money to run against Rudy’s son.

Power rangers or transformers. LOL
Here we go, again…
Elma Aksalic
NEW: A federal appeals court upholds an extension for counting ballots in the battleground state of Wisconsin.
If the decision stands, it means ballots postmarked by November 3rd will be counted if they are received by November 9th.
Has to go to a higher court. Stop the BS
Whoever cut this woman’s bangs needs to lose their license.
She probably cut them herself since there were no hairstylists available or she was scared to go to a salon IF Canada had any open.
(I have cut my bangs many times but I do a much better job of it.)
I have a widow’s peak and cowlicks at my temples. Gave up bangs my junior year of high school, and have never looked back. Fortunately, the bob had just come back in style at the time, so it was even for a while. Since then, I’ve taken advantage of the natural wave and curl and have the bottom layered.
I just wack my split ends myself and braid my hair or wear it in a twist. Haven’t been to a stylist in years.
My natural wave makes it very difficult to cut well and if they blow it (and they ALL do) one side flips up and the other flips under no matter what I do with curlers or a curling iron. I can SOMETIMES get a new stylist to pay attention and cut it correctly so I know it can be done. But they ALWAYS muck-up the second time.
So I gave up. Braiding is easier and looks decent.
I did the braid thing for a while, but need the height I can get with a twist or freshly clean.
On a farm or in a laboratory, I need it out of the way so it is either short and wrestle with the darn wave, or long and braid it.
Since I had mono, my hair is very thin and fine so layered no longer worked. It was a real shock to go from very thick coarse straight as a board hair to thin, fine and wavy when I was 28.
Not Parscale’s wife.
Roger Stone reacts to the HILLARY PLOT!!! (Refers to himself in third person as a hashtag).
ℕ𝔼𝕆ℕ ℝ𝔼𝕍𝕆𝕃𝕋 reposted
Roger Stone
Roger Stone
#RogerStone was right! The entire “Russia” investigation was a FRAUD perpetrated by Hillary Clinton #LockHerUp
Maybe there’s a plot at Gitmo with Hill-the-BEAST’s name on it…
From Gab – an anon post about Seth Rich. Take it for what it’s worth.
Thanks. Plausible, but does not match some previous information.
We’ll see what comes out via DoJ.
Yes. Could be that MS-13 and SEIU are overlapping a bit to provide cover and mobility – recall Mr. Campos in Las Vegas, who I figured might have been a cartel boy.
A lot of the hotel and restaurant workers are Latino/Mexican AND SEIU
QAnon mentioned two MS13 types who showed up dead the next day.
05-Nov-2017 1:06:58 AM EDT
Who funds MS13?
Why did BO instruct HS & BP to release MS13 captures at the border?
What agency has direct ties to (2) major drug cartels?
Why is AG Sessions / POTUS prioritizing the removal of MS13?
Why is AG Sessions / POTUS prioritizing building the wall?
Who do you hire for a hit?
Who can be eliminated after the job is complete?
Seth Rich.
Who was found dead (2) shortly after his murder?
What affiliation did they have?
05-Nov-2017 1:50:56 AM EDT
Why is MS13 a priority?
Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to insulate against exposure?
The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. These people are evil.
Why wasn’t HRC prosecuted for the emails?
Put simply, Obama ultimately OK’d by using the non govt email addy to communicate w/ Clinton. Obama also had an alias along with each of his cabinet members. Therefore indicting HRC would lead to indicting Obama & his cabinet etc which could never happen.
Remember he lied about knowing but that ultimately came out in the dump. Poof!
Snow White
Godfather III
05-Nov-2017 1:55:46 AM EDT
Seth Rich only mentioned because it directly relates to SA.
Las Vegas.
What hotel did the ‘reported’ gunfire occur from?
What floors specifically?
Who owns the top floors?
Top floors only.
Why is that relevant?
What was the shooter’s name?
What was his net worth?
How do you identify a spook?
What can historical data collection reveal?
Was there any eye witnesses?
Was he registered as a security guard?
Why is MS13 important?
02-Nov-2018 8:37:38 PM EDT
+MS13/ISIS reinforcements for ‘wet work’.
Re_read drops re: MS13
In the general Flynn arena someone claims there’s a deep dive on Sullivan…
& the “conclusion” of the matter for today…got an LOL from me
Now I really wanna know what POTUS and Putin talked about!!!
The [DS]/[CB] plan to change the landscape of the country and the economy is now failing, they are no longer in control. The economy is bouncing back, confidence is up and states are now going back to normal. Trump has the [CB] exactly where he wants them, there is no escape, nothing can stop this. The [DS]/MSM are now exposed, everything they tried to do is being pushed into the light and the people can see clearly for the first time. General Flynn is about to go free, but we know that Sullivan has other instructions. DNI Ratcliffe declassified information that the [DS]/Corrupt politicians created the Russian story to go after Trump. It is now falling apart and the walls are closing in on them, pain.
Already had Universal mail in voting:
new universal mail in voting due to wuflu:
New Jersey
+ Many have loosened absentee voting requirements and we are seeing fraudulent mail in ballots + mail in ballots being discarded etc.
How many days after the election will they accept mail in votes?
North Carolina – 9 days
Wisconsin – 6 days
Pennsylvania – 3 days
Michigan – 14 days
not sure about the rest
“Officials in 34 states will not accept ballots that arrive in the mail after Election Day—even if they are postmarked before the contest is held, a report from the National Conference of State Legislatures showed.
Sixteen states and Washington D.C. will still count the vote if the ballot arrives after the fact, but the time frame varies from state to state. Alaska, for example, will accept a ballot for up to 10 days post-race as long as it’s postmarked on or before Election Day. In Kansas, voters only have three days to make sure the ballot is delivered.”
“If a voter’s mail-in ballot arrives after Election Day in the following states, it will not be accepted by officials: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.”
But this article is from 7/31/20 and MI just changed. Any others change?
So that makes 33 states (original 16 + now MI) that won’t accept ballots after Nov 3?
When I voted one time by Absentee Ballot…I had to get two witnesses to sign it and thereby swear, that I was in fact who the ballot was for.
It was an anti-fraud feature.
If these mail-in ballots do not have this feature…then the potential for fraud is huge.
Perhaps I am wrong. My understanding is NV ballots must have postmark no later than 3 November, AND will be accepted for seven days.
Among other NV mass mail ballot problems. A fraud on so may levels.
All of the known red states that won’t county late ballots add up to 186 electoral votes or 197 if one counts AZ which is supposedly a swing state (as is GA … ???)
So Florida, NC, VA, PA, OH, MI, WI & MN are all swing states and will all allow ballots after Nov 3 to be counted?!
So no way to settle this on Nov 3? UGH!
How long for each of these states?
How long for NY, CA, OR, WA, etc. do not matter as they will not go for President Trump anyway. What matters is how long the swing states will take
Well, right on cue via FauxNewsRadio on Alexa, “reaction to tonight’s debate”—
Speculation that the Biden “campaign” will refuse to participate in the next 2 debates because POTUS was “so nasty and disrespectful to Mr. Biden”.
Also — we’ll know tomorrow about Ole Joe’s real mental condition depending on if he’s on the campaign trail or if “the lid” is put on him.
Joe will have a lid on it tomorrow, the day after, the day after…
Horse $H!T. Biden was disrespectful….SHUT UP….Name calling….CLOWN…LIAR…RACIST
Cry more libs!!
So I gather from mssgs from fiends that POTUS could have done much better tonight.

I heard exactly one answer, and that was after Wallace asked PDJT about why he issued an EO canceling training re: “critical race theory”.
should’ve been an easy home run, but I think POTUS really flubbed it.
if that one answer was indicative of the way the evening went, then….
*friends, not fiends….but a few of them? Yes to both!
Dementia Joe created statistics to fit his narrative. Had to have been hooped up on drugs.
President Trump made a number of excellent points. Missed some real easy layups, that Slow Joe served up. – Slow Joe resurrect TPP give $20B to Brazil to save rain forests.
– – TPP a fraud on America, American taxpayers, and Americans should keep the $20B – America First.
– A few times falsely claiming President Trump hiding in his bunker and playing too much golf.
– – President Trump works 16 or more hours every day. Constantly out meeting Americans.
– – Slow Joe calls a lid almost daily, hiding in his basement. Slow Joe never takes serious questions from reporters. JILL CAMPAIGNS, WHILE JOE HIDES IN HIS BASEMENT.
Chrissy quite jaded as expected.
I expect next debate President Trump will be crisper and more on message. But it has got to be incredibly to stand there watching Biden lie abot President Trump to his face so blatantly.
Doubt if any minds were changed tonight. Didn’t expect any either.. .
But it has got to be incrediblyiINSULTATING to stand there watching Biden lie about President Trump, directly to his face, so blatantly.
But it has got to be incredibly INSULTING to stand there, watching Biden lie about President Trump, directly to his face, so blatantly.
Dunno if its WP or me. Stuff typed seemingly keeps changing. Probably me.
Fuck you WordPress, and the horse you rode in on.
Probably another pointless exercise but just had to share from my banning experience there!
Getting the blood up after watching the Debate…
Preserve this Presidential gem for posterity!!!