Yesterday in Waterford Township, MIchigan: Green Bay, Wisconsin: Rochester, Minnesota: In the interest of being organized and not cluttering up things too badly, multiple events on one day will be on one thread. As of Saturday, October 24, with multiple states and locations in one day, the thread will feature highlights from … Continue reading 20201031: MAGA Protests Against Stupidity, Pennsylvania
Month: October 2020
2020·10·31 KMAG Daily Thread
Shitstorm Saturday? As usual I am writing this Thursday evening, so there's a decent chance something Big, something that's not just a Boom or even a Kaboom, but a Kaf*ckingboom, has happened between then and the time you're reading this! WordPress Sucks. I decided to go back to the eagle from my first post. I … Continue reading 2020·10·31 KMAG Daily Thread
20201030: MAGA Protests Against Stupidity, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota
Yesterday, in Tampa: In the interest of being organized and not cluttering up things too badly, multiple events on one day will be on one thread. As of Saturday, October 24, with multiple states and locations in one day, the thread will feature highlights from the night before and just links to the locations. … Continue reading 20201030: MAGA Protests Against Stupidity, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota
Dear KMAG: 20201030 Open Topic / Watch The Water / Fake News Drain-Circling Psychosis / Why I'm Shilling Novavax / Calling All Prayer Warriors
Free speech, yada, yada, yada. But don't give Komrade Kamala any excuses to shut us down. This has been addressed elsewhere. Such as HERE: TERMS OF SERVICE: YOU KNOW THE DRILL. Give them nothing but one more day to rue, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth. Remain CIVIL and possibly even GENTEEL. Today … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20201030 Open Topic / Watch The Water / Fake News Drain-Circling Psychosis / Why I'm Shilling Novavax / Calling All Prayer Warriors
20201029: MAGA Protests Against Stupidity, Florida And North Carolina
Yesterday, in Bullhead City, Arizona: Yesterday, in Goodyear, Arizona: In the interest of being organized and not cluttering up things too badly, multiple events on one day will be on one thread. As of Saturday, October 24, with multiple states and locations in one day, the thread will feature highlights from the night … Continue reading 20201029: MAGA Protests Against Stupidity, Florida And North Carolina
Dear KAG: 20201029 Open Thread Well, Red October is almost over. Hope you all enjoyed it. And just in case you missed it, and need something to watch/listen to for about an hour, Tucker's interview with Biden whisleblower Tony Bobulinski is not completely available online, but here's a part of it. (Fox is playing hardball with this video.) … Continue reading Dear KAG: 20201029 Open Thread
20201028: MAGA Protests Against Stupidity, Arizona
Yesterday in Lansing, Michigan: Yesterday in Wisconsin: Yesterday in Omaha: In the interest of being organized and not cluttering up things too badly, multiple events on one day will be on one thread. As of Saturday, October 24, with multiple states and locations in one day, the thread will feature highlights from … Continue reading 20201028: MAGA Protests Against Stupidity, Arizona
10-28-20 Midweek Musings
Worrying Is a Waste of Time There are plenty of opportunities these days to worry about . . . particularly with respect to various events associated with next week's election and the cloud of lies and duplicity associated with them. We're getting more information that PTrump will gather more electoral votes than in 2016 . … Continue reading 10-28-20 Midweek Musings
Dear KAG: 20201028 Open Thread
While we're waiting for the big ugly: And more of the Spaghetti Western Concert: And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors: Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion … Continue reading Dear KAG: 20201028 Open Thread
Flep's Twitter Travels #3
More tweets from Flep's Twitter Timeline, roughly 10/22 to 10/27