For all those political junkies who honestly believe that while Creepy, Sleepy Joe Biden is the Democrat front man – for now – the real candidate is actually Senator Kamala Harris, tonight’s debate against Vice President Mike Pence may actually be revealing.
The pair will be in Salt Lake City, Utah to square off with USA Today Washington bureau chief Susan Page acting as moderator and a big piece of plexiglass separating the combatants as the former Attorney General of California is afraid of getting a bug with a 99% survival rate.
With all luck, this will be an interesting evening.
Live streams will be added closer to the opening bell.
[…] Posted By: Deplorable Patriot 0 View 0 Comment KAG, MEGA, MIGA 6ViewsShareTweetMail […]
Looks like RSBN is going to carry the VP Debate.
CSPAN starts coverage at 8pm for pre-debate program (not recommended – very biased) and at 9 for the debate –
A reminder before tonight’s debate.
Listening to her – we know that Kamala is in on the Kalorama Koup and BLM/Antifa Krap.
Obama In A Skirt is a HOAXING COMMIE just like Obama!
No doubt in my mind – I detest this woman!
Why does Kamala Harris have an energy policy that looks like it was WRITTEN IN MOSCOW?
Because in Moscow – energy is their major business – USA is energy independent – not allowed – why are we paying for protection through NATO when NATO countries are doing business with Russia?
Why did Biden want to develop LG in Ukraine while USA needed development here? These two are traitors – who are not interested in USA – they are globalists who can make their money through money laundering and not pay US taxes –
COMMIES both of them!!! TRAITORS both of them!!!
Very interesting that this left-wing radical who screams about “Russia” has energy policies which benefit Russia and hurt America!
Radical Kamala Harris wants POLITICIZED POLICE! The Harris-Biden administration will politicize the local police JUST LIKE they politicized the FBI!
Nationalize Police – Gestapo!!!
It would be the Øbomination’s 3rd term – with Hillrotten muscling in.
That right there makes me sick to my stomach, Georgia!!!
Repugnant and horrific.
That, too, Georgia! These people are sick!!!
Both Pence and Kamala test negative.
I love the way each and very one of these Tweets from 88802 begins w a Name…over and over again.
nice litany!
Tonight she demonstrated that she’s not very smart. And Joe needs no further evidence to confirm his mental state. As our friends from Texas often say, they’re all hat and not cattle!
She reaped what she sowed, Hoof – she openly attacked Kavanaugh – degraded him and embarrassed him viciously – God took his vengeance – imho
VP Pence ought to be able to make mince meat out of Hoe.
Let’s hope so.
And now we will all see the fruit, if any, of the luncheons that POTUS had with Pence in the Private Dining Room at the White House.
Ok guys it is up to you—When it is all over I will come and read comments…Not going through it again.
I understand. Tonight I’ll be watching a fun movie musical from the 50’s, “Lovely to Look At”, with Red Skelton, Ann Miller, Kathryn Grayson, and Howard Keel.
Hey, if you’re going to watch a movie, may as well watch the best. Howard Keel’s voice was like dark Dutch chocolate. Smooth…..
If you haven’t see “The Trump Prophecy” its free on Prime, true and good movie
I am catching up on unwatched Hallmark movies
Have you seen The Mistletoe Promise? I love that one.
Be careful typing in your name and email – an email mistake prevented this from publishing. You may want to create a WordPress account, which doesn’t really require any more private information beyond a working email address, but which keeps your comments out of the bin more reliably.
Although I know almost exactly how they will end I love them
I second that.
l sure love ROkU LOL
We just got a Roku and with Hulu and Frndly we’ll be able to terminate Direct TV . . . and save a nice chunk of change, too.
I have hulu basic, with philo and a flat winegarten antenna …my monthly cost is 31.
If you don’t care about sports that is the way to go Hulu basic 11, and Philo 20(with far more of the non main channels than hulu.
Question about Green Jobs as it will likely come up in the debates. Is that the one where the Govt comes in and demands that I pay to make my home energy efficient and to do this they need me to move out and into the city while they gut my house and I wait in the city for the govt union paid contractors to get the job done and if I don’t move they start to fine me? Meanwhile after they get me into the city it’s delay and delay and more money and fees that the paltry incentives offered don’t cover and eventually I loose the property and end up stuck living in the city forever.
That was the onecwhere they take your property and tear it all down. They move you and your family to an assigned ghettoe to await your assigned green jobs based on a racial equity score and your contribution to racial justice. Dont worry about your kids. They will take goooood care of them in their retraining education camps. If you were worried about public schools before, you cant do anything about it now. If they deem your child extra special, theyll send him or her to live with an adult sponsor. That sponsor will be chosen by how much cash they offer the warden, err, school administration, to purchase the kid, uhhh, sponsor your loved one.
Oh…theyve got lots of plans.
TRUMP PENCE 2020!!!!
I’m here to enforce the RULES
Camel-Uh is EVIL.
US Death Toll is higher because 5 STOOPID Governors sent Covid patients to Nursing Homes!!!
Missed point by Pence I think
By POTUS and all of his team, methinks!
….and deaths were reported for those “with” covid and not as a result “of” covid as the primary cause of death.
*Tap* *tap* *tap*
Is this thing on?
I thought it was supposed to start at 9PM Eastern….
It did. Ish. Rolling now.
Go PENCE, accusing SLeepy of Plagiarism!!!
Camel Hairs facial expressions alone will make people run from that ticket screaming…she is soooo unlikeable.
I sure think so. Thought maybe it was just me. And her wicked witch cackle…..
Certified biotch.
Everything Dr. Fauci told POTUS, he did.
The USA Today chick is a major buttinsky.
She’s a raging partisan. When I used to watch FOX Special Report with Bret Baier she would be a panelist at times. Reliably Dim. So there’s that.
The couch commando is watching the American League play offs. Trying to decide on which.
Phuck the MLB… and NBA… and NFL
Anti-AMERIVAN asshoes
I’m from STL and the sports bar in the den has been going for hours. It’s in the blood.
Kamala has a speech impediment. She’s also a typical lying leftist.
She won’t take a vaccine if Trump says to take it, but she trusts Fauci!
I don’t trust Fauci, and I ain’t taking that vaccine.
She’s reported to have slept her way to the top, Working your way up to the top really should not involve sex.
Well, in politics it’s the only way to rocket express to the top.

I just cannot watch. Will pray.
Pence is not doing so well IMHO
He should attack the condition of SAN FRAN SICKO
I think he’s doing fine despite the fact that I’m not a fan. His calm, controlled cadence is really good for this situation. He continues on without being aggressive when he is interrupted.
His role was not to beat her. His role was to allow her to show several extreme positions and to expose her stupidity. She has nothing. Pence helped Trump tonight as he remained composed, polite, gentlemanly and spoke with authority. I’m not a big fan of Pence but I thought he did a great job in not only making points on the last half hour but also for skillfully avoiding several topics that he could have nailed her on.
Oh, he came back great and NUKED HER on vaccines. Now she’s SHAKEN. She’s in BRAG MODE, voice quivering.
YES!!! Pence just NUKED this horrifying opportunist Komrade Kamala on vaccines!!!
Stop UNDERMINING the confidence of the American People. It is UNACCEPTABLE!
Pence is knocking it out of the park!
He’s got a spine of steel – and speaks very forcefully – but calmly and soothingly.
Go Pence!!!
That fiber glass shield is ridiculous…I’m starting to think that maybe VP Pence requested it to protect him from possible exposure to STD’s…
Stop The Donald?
I’ve seen signs that say that.
Pence getting rave reviews from conservatives @Jack’s place.
Another black-and-white outfit from Team Biden, though not as high contrast as Joe’s jail stripes last week.
They needed the white accents to make her skin tone look darker.
Oh that stupid broad pivots from Grandpa Badfinger’s health “Oh he’s so transparent” to PDJT’s TAXES?????????????
Pence is amazing. He says his THANKS and PRAYERS FIRST – THEN responds to the question.
And he AVOIDS the STUPID, accusatory question about medical information – DENIES the bullshit!
Pence is VERY skilled……..and he is fighting both Kamala and the moderator just like PDJT did.
Kamala’s voice is horrible…. now she’s on the President not paying taxes and alleged debt.
They are not being honest about Biden’s health!!!
As soon as medical transparency was brought up, Pence should have sweetly asked why there’s a lid on Joe’s campaign at 9:00 AM every other day — and then yielded his time.
She’s rattled. There’s panic there.
It’s caged ghetto.
I’m genuinely having a difficult time watching this debate because her speech patterns remind me too much of Obama. I haven’t had to hit the “mute” button on any debate until now. Even Hillary didn’t cause me to hit
I am with you Sadie I am not watching just reading here.
My DH must. Be having difficulties, also. I’m upstairs , he’s downstairs and I’ve have to yell down more than once for him to tone down his “ahem…reactions!”
I tried to watch. I made it about 2 minutes. Kamala’s energy is just creepy. She laughs inappropriately. She lied constantly for the 2 minutes I watched.
I’m sure Pence is making her nuts, because he so outclasses her.
Now that she mentioned taxes, it would seem reasonable to ask her about the taxes due for Biden’s bribes from Ukraine, Russia and China. :>))
Great opportunity to support President trump paying taxes AND Biden being a crook.
What an idiot – she showed her obvious disdain for President Trump in front of the American people!!!
Joe Biden has been transparent? Is that why he hides in his basement?
How do we get from health concerns to TAXES? She is just rambling on – what is honest about Biden?
He’s a CROOK!!
We need to see the number of medications Biden is on!
Pence let the opportunity pass.
Oh snap and a twist. Wow. Go Pence.
Pence missed the chance to drop the bomb on corruption. He’ll have to drop it later.
This moderator is HORRIBLE. She’s worse than Chris Wallace!
That’s quite an accusation.
It’s true. Questions to VP Pence are anti Trump.
Hoe receives softballs.
That said, I think Pence is missing easy slam dunks.
But, Pence is in the hot seat and landing some blows. AND, politely speaking longer than allotted.
All her questions are loaded and SNARKY ANTI-TRUMP!
Dang, we read each others minds, as we keyed in….
Her questions begin with untruths that she states like they’re gospel. Then she asks the question.
Where is she getting her JOB INFORMATION? It is all WRONG!!!
Kamala, didn’t anyone ever tell you not to separate a preposition from the rest of its phrase?
Speech 101. She must have flunked.
Rich people is Trump’s standard?
I am NOT “Rich”…
But am doing pretty good under Trump Admin.
401K Way UP now…… Flat under Obungler/Bite me
Boy she’s ripping on Donald Trump’s tax bill!!!
O M G …. horrible
Kamala is talking SOCIALISM now!!!
I hate this “Change the subject” inquisition from the “Moderator”.
Joe is going to invest our taxes in crapola!!! FREE COLLEGE? UH, OH – now you are in deep doo doo!!!
PT cut taxes to benefit American corporations to go offshore and do their business? What the hey is she taking about?
Taxes is a GREAT issue against Biden.
Pence coming up to speed
Love it.
Is it too late to start a drinking game to make this more entertaining?
James Woods
So she refuses to answer the question about taking over for Biden. She can barely contain herself.
She’s slurring her speech.
Mr. Vice President, I’m speaking.
No, babe, you’re lying.
Pence is really batting it out of the park!
BWAHAHAHAHA – she’s giving Biden credit for Trump’s success!!!
She is a LIAR!!!
She lies like a RUG!!!
Is that spelled M A I D or M A D E?
Either one works for me, Hoof!!!
Harris is now rattled after Pence called her out
Pence landing great blows on growing economy, and slamming BOTH Joe N Hoe.
NO! The scientific community has NOT concluded that! BULL!!!
Oh, please – they cannot leave that stupid CLIMATE CHANGE!!!
I just tuned in. The first thing I heard her say was her signature word, “conversation.” “If we could finish our conversation,” or something like that. It’s the word she uses when she doesn’t want to commit to a position on something: “I think we should have a conversation about that.” She’s such a phony.
OMG – he’s knocking this out of the park!!!
Who the F can slow a hurricane down????????
Didn’t the last one ZOOM over LA? Thank you GOD.
Green New STEAL!
Pence just knocked that out of the park!!! GREAT RESPONSES!!!
PENCE IS SMOOOOOTH. Man – he keeps his cool and handles facts and ideas better than any debater I have ever heard! He’s better than Ted Cruz!!!
Moderator really needs to stop lying. “Scientific community has concluded climate change…. Horseshit. Some, not all scientists.
VP beating on Paris Climate Accord….
Pence has warmed up and on a serious roll. Consistently bitch slapping, both, Joe N Hoe. Haymakers!!!
The point about innovative reduction of CO2 without regulation – just WOW. Great argument to ALL SIDES.
^^^ That was a Grand Slam!
Joe believes in…….. what was the question?
Kamala talks like she’s got a retainer or cigar in her mouth.
Jaw damage from too many BJ’s.
SNORT!!! Oh man you are hilarious!!
Don’t believe in science? That’s CRAP!!! These COMMUNISTS say they “know” what SCIENCE DOES NOT!
Bill O’Reilly@BillOReilly
Harris looks arrogant and foolish with a phony smile and head shake. Pence is killing her on the economic stats. This is Pence’s strongest moment.
California wildfires are due to poor forest management!!!!!
Hey you Science Guys – what is this nonsense about not believing in science?
VP Pence is doing President Trump proud!
We LOST jobs because of confronting China?
Manufacturing Recession?
Trump has brought BACK sooooo many JOBS that China Joe shipped overseas!
Lies, lies, lies.
Same as Slow Joe making up facts and accusations that are flat lies. Rarely challenged.
BUT, President Trump and VP Pence are doing a great job slamming them both. Clear jabs at both of them.
That should be a hash tag….#fact-free Kamala
I’d be interested in knowing what they are offering in place of fracking to replace the resources, the jobs, the business growth and the added income to the communities ……. oh that’s right, nothing, nada, zip, zilch, crickets.
Pence making TRUE points….
“Moderator” keeps cutting him off!
That moderator reminds me of that delusional lady from the Bergdorf’s dressing room.
Trade War with China – lost 300,000 manufacturing jobs – the American people know what you are talking about – NOTHING – where does she get these numbers – think she has administrations confused!
He just let her last LIE hang. Good thinking.
Sorry for yelling, but she’s a lying BITCH!!
We observant folk in CA have known she was a stone cold egocentric beech for years. Unfortunately yall are going to have to help contain her to the senate til her term is up.
You put your Radical Environmental Agenda ahead of American workers and American jobs
We interrupt this broadcast for MOAR Cue Drops!
Oct 07, 2020 8:59:49 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: bbb895 No. 10972934
“This Executive order shall remain in effect until November 3, 2020.”
Was this ever about the virus?
49m ago
8kun qresearch
Oct 07, 2020 9:10:49 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: bbb895 No. 10973205
Joe 30330
What is 2020 [current year] divided by 30330?
Symbolism will be their downfall.
38m ago
8kun qresearch
Oct 07, 2020 9:14:06 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: bbb895 No. 10973330
Can music be healing?
34m ago
8kun qresearch
Don’t gripe! I know this is not the daily Open Topic……
Oct 07, 2020 9:48:34 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 3dc07c No. 10974299
Do you remember when the media had wall-to-wall [live in fear] coverage re: NK?
Do you remember when Hawaii ‘accidentally’ sounded the incoming missile alarm?
What happened?
NK no longer a nuclear threat?
Mountain collapse?
China seeking NK commitment to fire short[long]-range ballistic missile(s) pre_election?
3m ago
8kun qresearch
Oct 07, 2020 10:03:28 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: d3091e No. 10974758
How much was McCain [>McCaine Institute] paid to peddle the Steele dossier?
What is the going rate for a UNITED STATES SENATOR to [knowingly] push false unverified intel to the FBI [lend credibility]?
2m ago
8kun qresearch
I went ahead and plopped all of these on the daily thread as well. This series is important enough to warrant both threads carrying them.
Too much for me to keep up with both
Oct 07, 2020 10:13:48 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: d3091e No. 10975152
Why did Paul Ryan refuse [block] all subpoena requests by R committee chairs?
What is the going rate for THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE to obstruct Congressional investigations for the purposes of delaying and/or eliminating its findings? [protect]
Why did Paul Ryan initially refuse to be Speaker?
What was coming?
Why did Paul Ryan retire at such a young age?
3m ago
8kun qresearch
Sorry… some are out of order…..
but they are all here
Uh, gripes of that nature reside with Sum Dude, Over There

Oct 07, 2020 9:54:18 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: d3091e No. 10974416
Do you remember when they told you this was a helicopter?
4m ago
8kun qresearch
Oct 07, 2020 10:31:07 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 3b43aa No. 10975689
2m ago
8kun qresearch
YAY!!! He got her!!! USMCA – you voted against it!!! More concerned about CLIMATE CHANGE than jobs!!!
BOOM on China and the virus. BOOM.
Watch Kamala stick up for China. WOW.
“Not true.” Subtle.
I told y’all – Pence has a spine of steel. I bet he was great dealing with any foolishness when his kids were teen agers.
He’s much smarter than she is.
God Bless VP Pence!
VP Pence Surprises Prayer March to Say ‘Thank You’
Tens of thousands of people swarmed the Lincoln Memorial, all with one common goal—to pray for our nation.
So, it was quite a surprise, when one of the very people to be lifted up by a sea of Christians gathering together from across the country, slipped in just as the Washington Prayer March 2020 began.
Appearing from stage right—catching everyone off guard—Vice President Mike Pence.
>>Watch a replay of Prayer March 2020
And the vice president came to say one thing to the prayer warriors flanking the National Mall:
“I just want to say ‘Thank you for your prayers,’” he said. “And the president wanted to be here to simply say, ‘Thank you for your prayers.’”
For it is a nation of praying people who have sustained our country.
“When the president and I travel around the country,” the vice president continued, “the sweetest words we ever hear, and we hear them a lot, when people reach out and simply say ‘I’m praying for you.’”
Here she goes again – trying to blame Trump for the coronavirus deaths.
She really sounds like she has a speech impediment – tongue tied and lisping.
Very pronounced tonight. I wonder if she’s under the influence.
Jack Posobiec@JackPosobiec
Pence is calm, well prepared and his body language is relaxed and comfortable
Kamala is NOT making sense on China. She’s making her new name – CHINA KAMALA.
We lost 300 mfg jobs???
Big Whoop, made no sense.
Does that mean Kamala is ass hoe. LOL
I would hole Matt would explain that to those among us who seem to think the Black Hats are creating and steering hurricanes.
Jack Posobiec Retweeted
فيصل ابراهيم الشمري
#Mike_Pence is doing fantastic.
He is in controlling the debate so far by being a gentleman.
This debate is between conservatism vs. leftism.
It’s between what made America great and a new social Democrats experiment.
210,000 lives lost – WRONG – now it is down to 300 manufacturing jobs – she needs to check her facts.
The whole world hates President Trump’s says Pew Research!
But Joe Biden took MONEY from Moscow! This woman is digging her GRAVE right now! This is too easy!
This woman is a NUT. She’s out of her LEAGUE on foreign policy!
100% appealing to the ignorant uninformed voter.
Pence is going to bitch slap Hoe on lying about Trump treatment of our allies and adversaries.
Great opening for Trump.
Joe could have saved Kayla, but he didn’t.
We destroyed ISIS.
She don’t give a $hit about the Muellers.
Obama?… WTF?
Tired of hearing that name!!
Allum Bokhari
Pence is crushing this. Seems serious, presidential. Kamala grinning like an idiot, talking about Zoom calls. #VPDebate
Really enjoying Pence simply ignoring biotch moderator…and VP Pence continues making point, after point.
Jack Posobiec
Pence hasn’t even gotten to the riots yet. Saving it.
Are you in my living room??
Repeating that Atlantic Bullshit! LIES LIES LIES!!!!!
Well…..we knew that….
Where are the black trash bags?
Steve Yates (葉望輝)
Harris failed to learn from Al Gore’s debate failure – sighing loudly, interrupting, awkwardly smiling too much.
Hoe’s insecurity and immaturity on display.
My daughter texted me exactly that. She said Pence is mature, and she is NOT.
Yea, it’s on display through her facial expressions and head bobbing like a wannabe teenager.
DAMN – she is accusing President Trump of disrespecting our military.
That is going to go NOWHERE real quick.
Moar Cue Drops…… amended above.
Pence needs to nail this woman for LYING on these things. LIES!!!
It’s “segue,” but the question is a good one.
Hi Sadie – right !
segway iirc was that thing you ride
Will Chamberlain
Kamala got cocky and underestimated Pence
This beatdown is the result
She is rambling – she cannot keep on the subject – one lie after another – I cannot believe they allow her to speak – Joe Biden would hold Russia to account – is that after he took their money!!!
“hold to account” means “bill their account.”
Kamala is a slandering BITCH.
that’s why DIMs picked her…
she was the BOTTOM of the crowd of DIMs debating for nomination, right?
she’s known as a slandering ____________ and that’s what they wanted… a liar…
Her voice is fingernails on chalkboard
She is saying multiple falsehoods
Do they not know that their fake news has been proved lies?
They know it.
They hope that enough voters don’t.
Supreme Court Confirmation – about ABORTION only!!!
Excellent point on Soleimani!!!
Biden didn’t want to kill UBL.
Pence is a BULLDOZER. He does NOT STOP.
Faith in who Bitch?…. SATAN?
VP Pence has a great presence of mind to recall facts, delivering those facts clearly, easily understood.
GREAT Debater.
Jack Posobiec

Kamala “we are both people of faith” Face with tears of joyFace with tears of joyFace with tears of joyFace with tears of joyFace with tears of joy
Joe Biden and I are people of faith – practicing Catholic – is that why he is for abortion after birth?
As Father Altman asked in a live streamed sermon for which he got sidelined by his bishop:
“How many Catholics voted Democrat?”….his answer: zero, because you cannot be Catholic and vote for a pro-abortion politician. Abortion is intrisically evil, and no Catholic can participate in an intrinsically evil act without jeopardizing their eternal salvation….
Ofcourse, only Bishop Strickland came out in support of Father Altman…nary a peep from our other Catholic ‘bishops. I think the red hat they wear is for fun…not for what it signifies…ready to be a martyr for the faith….
Neither Kamala or Harris are a practicing Catholic….
A few other prelates have come out in support. It’s still a minority, though.
Nice to know…who are they?
Bishop Stika of Knoxville. Archbishop of San Francisco. There was another…I want to say Cleveland.
The USCCB is not walking lockstep.
If Biden actually knows what he is saying, he’s excommunicated himself.
You might be surprised to hear me sound like this:
But if you [by which I mean the general “you”, not you, DP] are going to go around proclaiming you’re a Catholic, that means you’re asserting that you believe a certain number of things. If you don’t agree with them, you’re not Catholic except in that same sense a non-practicing Jew is Jewish. You’ve dropped the belief system that is the fundamental definition of the group you’re claiming membership in, while keeping the cultural trappings.
In particular, if you can’t stomach church doctrine, you shouldn’t be in the church. (And that applies regardless of the church, which is why I didn’t capitalize it.)
Kamala Kommie may be a “person of alleged faith”, but she ATTACKS “people of faith” with remarkable ease.
The Affordable Care Act was a DISASTER!!! How do you get from Supreme Court Confirmation to Healthcare?
She is so full of something that smells so bad!!!
I LOVE Mollie !!!!!!!!
Me too!
And Kimberly Strassel, too!
So fricken nauseating to hear “People of Faith”, specifically Joe N Hoe, defend abortion.
For slow guy, it is 100% illogical.
Kamala LIES about pre-existing conditions with such EASE.
It should be clear by now why even Democrat voters rejected her…
They never got a chance to reject her. She dropped out before the Iowa primary.
She’s telling lies about the ACA – and Trump’s record on health care.
RULES….. Law and Order!…… Commies!
I can’t handle her immature facial expressions but can still hear it…the way she answers sounds like Ozero to me
Reclaiming my time!
Truly AMAZING. Continuous haymakers and grand slams.
This woman is ABOMINABLE.
She peaked when Willie brought her into his harem. Her one talent.
Yup! That’s Kamala!
The Constitution of the United States give the President the right to seat a Justice on the Supreme Court!!!
She just lost the debate.
Breonna Taylor FIRED THE GUN.
Boss please check pending for Brave and Free.
Breonna was dealing drugs and living with a dealer!
Just for the record, I want the American people to know that she didn’t answer the question. Maybe Joe will in the next debate.
Peaceful Protests … bwahahahahahahahaha
She was a CROOK who FIRED at the Officers!!! Quit lying, Carbala!!
George Floyd was out of control – and restrained legally and he died of a drug overdose.
Yes, he swallowed all the fentanyl he had on him. Dead man walking.
Does she not know what packing the court means?
She just exampled appointing justices but not packing the court.
The moderator just called excuting a warrent “breaking into” an apartment!!!!!!!!!!
She may have it confused with her previous experiences referred to as pulling a train.
Hoe IS separately on record supporting packing the Court by four.
Joe simply says you have to leect me to know aht I’ll do. Said it last debate.
More Q drops.
I’m on it…… Amending above to keep them together….
DP is posting them to the daily as well.
Floyd was “tortured” and “killed” …???!!!!
This is what we would be in for if they win
This is what we would be in for if they win.
^^^ Third hussein term.
Now a great pening to slam Hoe’s performance as CA AG.
Face…much work done.
Soldier…not of the U.S.
Dear God, What is on Pence’s head?? Is that a fly?
Will NOT be lectured?
“White supremacists”!??? BULLSHIT!
She was a rotten prosecutor and persecuted young black men to advance her career!!!!!
She’s the only one on that stage who didn’t prosecute Catholic prelates for underage sexual abuse. We Catholics want to know why. We don’t want them any more than any one else does.
Kamala is blathering now.

Where is she getting this stuff? Peaceful Protesting??? What is she talking about?
Charlottesville was an astroturf farce! It was as fake as the Media!!!!!
Yup. But this is no time to make that complex point. Pence was SMART to jump the “Fine People Hoax”, however. It really pisses people off that the media ganged up on Trump and LIED.
Pence was SMART to insert that part about Hoaxy Kamala’s record.
PENCE just hit Kamala’s record!!!
OMG – she’s doubling down on what blacks HATE ABOUT HER!!!
You just got LECTURED, SISTAH.
7 bushies?
Kay Sick? SINdy McShame?
At any moment, I expect Camel-uh to blurt out “Mr. Vice President, I knew Race Bannon. Race Bannon was a friend of mine. And you, sir are no Race Bannon.” And then look smug, as though she had just dropped the ultimate VP killing MOAB.
RINO support, Cindy NoName, BARF

Yeah, I wouldn’t brag about THAT……….
Moderator accused Trump of being unwilling to allow a Peaceful transfer of Power ™
Kamala is reciting all the people endorsing Biden.
PEACEFUL TRANSFER OF POWER? When we’ve had a four year long coup????????????
Oh Boy….. PEACFULL Transfer of Power?
Tucker was running pictures of all the thugs the Hoe set free.
And she intervened to withhold James Okeefe Veritas from airing their program on abortion participants in CA talking about sale of organs and other inhumane practices.
What in the HELL is she talking about – “peaceful transfer of power”?
It’s been all the social media talk here in the UK, even before the debate — at least two weeks now. :/
A CHEAT COUP is not a “peaceful transfer of power. It’s a GRAB. And I expect that it will not be honored. We can be very peaceful about resolving that. But there is no way we let these cheaters get away with it.
Absolutely not.
Rutherford B Hayes’s election in 1876 took four months to sort out:
Looks like VP Pence will get the last word in, if this is 1 1/2 hours. Blow off the moderator and talk out the debate.
FACT “Checkers” will have a hayday with all of HER Bullschitt tonight!
Student question indicts the FAKE NEWS.
Thankfully Pence touched on this. Good answer.
That comment was worth the price of admission.
Pence is knocking out the final HOME RUN.
Charlottesville!… Again?
Kamala is going to fail. OMG, here she goes. Over the cliff. SHE IS PART OF THE DIVISION.
Give it up Biotch!
Pence is so smart. SO smart. He let Kamala NOT MEASURE UP.
If Joe Biden saw the young student …hate to think what he would do.
Pence needs to remind them of RESIST…spoiled brat little children have been throwing a tantrum for 4 years
Now back to your regularly scheduled broadcast
They had those killer clips ready almost instantly!!!
Thank you God, it’s over!!!
NO kidding.
It was PAINFUL – but Pence is GREAT!!!
PENCE!!! OMG – massive win on points.
I had my doubts on Pence loyalty to POTUS and I was wrong. Pence is the right VP
Wolf you were right about Pence
Thanks! Godly wisdom flows through that man! IGWT!!!
Yes it does and it was on full display. Thanks be to God
HA HA! Karen Pence – NO MASK!!!
She looked good, nice to see a human face! Excellent finish. What was Harris thinking letting her husband show up like that.
Thankfully Karen Pence shucked her mask.
Oh man…Kamala kissed her spouse through his mask?…good grief!
Maybe he prefers it that way. After all, who KNOWS where her mouth has been????

Took the words right outta my mouth . . . but I politely restrained myself!
Hee hee, carl, you’re a better person than I am!!!!

Her mouth is where that fly came from…
Oh EEK! Purrfect zinger, Harry!!!!
Even the places we do know are quite enough…..
LOL, coothie! So true!!!!
You know where it’s been. That’s the problem.
Paging Slick Willy…yea, probably both. They are easy, as is Hoe.
Bwahahahaha…oh Syl….youre right on that!
Sylvia, you are such a BAD girl!
…. Sylvia !!!! hahahaha
HeelsUp Harris, the Human Hazmat Site… or SuperFund Site (to go with GreenNoDeal and superspreader)
Thanks DPat, and everyone else. No place I’d rather watch this than with you guys. All your comments and the tweets you brought were just terrific.
Chrissy Wall Ass still LOST!
DP, Thank you for posting this thread.
Pence did a G R E A T job bitch slapping Joe N Hoe and defending President Trump an himself. Deftly talking longer than agreed standards…
Prediction for tomorrow…
Juan Williams:
“Well…the polls all say…”
It’s like the guy absolutely slept through 2016…when the polls got EVERYTHING wrong…
Pence was great – Harris cannot make up her own facts – he hit her so many times I am surprised she did not fall out of the chair!!!
What an awful representation of someone running for office – they rejected her once – and will do it again!!!
She had that stupid-looking smile, coupled with perpetual giggles. She has no sense of gravitas and comes across like a schoolgirl. I can’t imagine her being VP, next in line to the presidency. She is one of the most imcompetent candidates I’ve ever seen.
Agree, Truths – she was not prepared with ANY facts – no numbers – attacked the President and Vice President in how they handled the ‘pandemic’ – and Pence corrected her – shame on her!!!
So Drudge had more confidence this time to run a poll.
Pence 68% Harris 32% 76K voting.
The Trump campaign is locked and loaded for BEAR!!!
Sorry, Donna Brazil Nut…Kamala is just plain grating…irritating…and extremely unlikeable…
Donna’s coming from her perspective. And I don’t mean political.
Oh, I love the way Trump stands up for Pence. WOW. Now THAT is loyalty!
He’s tweeting up a storm supporting him! Pence HAS been loyal to POTUS.
Picking Pence is STILL one of Trump’s BEST MOVES.
He’s a fighter.
Reposting this tweet.
Fox Business aftershow is MUCH better than Fox Snooze and their Lefties.
OANN commentary is fabulous.
Chanell Rion
Kamala weaseled her way out of every question. She was lecturing, took 1 too many acting lessons from Jane Fonda. Sanctimonious, botox in her cheeks. She comes across in a revolting insincere manner.
Chanel Rion is AWESOME.
This is how Trump peels voters off of #PEDOJOE

Hope she’s feeling better now!
And…Chris Wallace is still a communist.
The grand finale!
Mike Pence wiped the floor with Harris!
This is how President Trump treated the Black community – you destroyed lives – PT saved lives!!!
Stunning – ! Wonderful ad – AND IT’S ALL THE TRUTH!!!
Agree, Georgia – Very well done!!!
GOOD NIGHT – Q Treepers – you all are great! It was fun!
One last find – perfect synopsis from James Woods:
When ever I see Pence speak this quote comes to mind “Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.” Theodore Roosevelt
The only agreement I had with a LIBTARD COMMENTER was this – that we may see this same match-up AGAIN in 2024.
And if so, Mike Pence will beat Kamala Harris AGAIN!!!
THANKS to all the commenters here–wonderful thread DePat!
Cameltoe brings nothing to the table—she doesn’t appeal to women–she’s too sleazy–maybe that’s true for guys too…she doesn’t appeal to people with brains–too childish for an important office. she’s not black, not likeable, not trust worthy–so i gotta ask–what the hell were they thinking making her vp nominee???
“Childish” sums it up. From Congressional hearings, I had thought she was a tough prosecutor and questioner. It was not apparent then that she has no substance. I can only guess that she checked off boxes for the Left: gender and race, radical agenda, young and vigorous (though she appears a little lazy to me). I think the Left has gone completely off the rails with their lack of principle, dishonesty, and destructiveness. Their pushing Kamala fits in with that. But it is sttill inexplicable that they aren’t politically savvy enough to continue to hide what they’re really about. TDS has brought them out into the open!
good insights!