Dear KAG: 20201008 Open Thread

Seventeen’s drops yesterday afternoon had a common theme. Make of it what you will.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 1808e1 No.10966994 

Threats, bribes & blackmail being deployed @ unseen levels?
Dirty laundry [blackmail] controls DC?
Why are they protected?
Threats, bribes & blackmail or sharing of ‘like-beliefs’?
Dark Secrets.
“Let’s see what happens.”


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 1808e1 No.10967161 

How many people in DC does Clinton have dirt on?
How many people in DC does Clinton have [had] on payroll?
Dark secrets.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 1808e1 No.10967257 



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ef2e0e No.10967370 



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ef2e0e No.10967458 



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ef2e0e No.10967624 



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 0778eb No.10970198 

Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan.

Love this movie. Still remember sitting in the back of the theater with people from work on a Friday evening watching this on one of the biggest screens in town at the time.

So, what weapon did President Trump turn into to make it useless?


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: bbb895 No.10972934 
“This Executive order shall remain in effect until November 3, 2020.”
Was this ever about the virus?


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: bbb895 No.10973205 

Joe 30330
What is 2020 [current year] divided by 30330?
Symbolism will be their downfall.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: bbb895 No.10973330 

Can music be healing?


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 3dc07c No.10974299 

Do you remember when the media had wall-to-wall [live in fear] coverage re: NK?
Do you remember when Hawaii ‘accidentally’ sounded the incoming missile alarm?
What happened?
NK no longer a nuclear threat?
Mountain collapse?
China seeking NK commitment to fire short[long]-range ballistic missile(s) pre_election?


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: d3091e No.10974416 

Do you remember when they told you this was a helicopter?


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: d3091e No.10974758 

How much was McCain [>McCaine Institute] paid to peddle the Steele dossier?
What is the going rate for a UNITED STATES SENATOR to [knowingly] push false unverified intel to the FBI [lend credibility]?


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: d3091e No.10975152 

Why did Paul Ryan refuse [block] all subpoena requests by R committee chairs?
What is the going rate for THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE to obstruct Congressional investigations for the purposes of delaying and/or eliminating its findings? [protect]
Why did Paul Ryan initially refuse to be Speaker?
What was coming?
Why did Paul Ryan retire at such a young age?


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 3b43aa No.10975689 

When it’s all over, this presidency is going to be legendary.

Reminders from the grave:

Not the American way of doing things, but for now patience is the order of the day.

Since we were talking about this one the other day…..


As usual, this is the daily thread, the place to put all information that needs to be out there – Q drops, Q drop decodes, riot information, rumors about MAGA rallies starting up again, news flashes, Chy-na flu updates, fashionable mask photos, satire, memes, and of course cute animal videos.

In the meantime, the short and sweet version of “THE RULES” is here borrowed from Tuesday:

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Since it is almost the weekend, the reminders are in place to not swing from the chandeliers, wash your hands and face, and be nice to the liberals whether they deserve it or not. Making your bed, OTOH, is optional.


LUKE 11:5-13

5And he said to them, “Which of you who has a friend will go to him at midnight and say to him, `Friend, lend me three loaves; 6for a friend of mine has arrived on a journey, and I have nothing to set before him’; 7and he will answer from within, `Do not bother me; the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot get up and give you anything’? 8I tell you, though he will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him whatever he needs. 9And I tell you, Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 10For every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. 11What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent; 12or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? 13If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”


Guess who is back in the parody business even if he takes shots at both sides:

A little Gilbert & Sullivan.

And one more for good measure.

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The last dozen Q drops cause me to think The Big Ugly is about to begin.


That is certainly my hope. Surely, it is one of President Trump’s goals.
While the DOJ policy is foolishly don’t interfere with an election within some arbitrary number 30 or 60 days, in 2016 hussein administration tried to interfere with the election to up the election date. Then, after election, through inauguration.
Zero reason President Trump should wait on justice. Bury the coup plotters. OK, arrest, try and hang or shoot as desired.
I suppose Barr will protect Biden until November 4th. …Barr must look at the rest as fair game, To hell with the election date. We are dealing with criminals, and this is NOT kindergarten.
That is my hope. Believe it should happen. Naive enough to believe it can. Only because President Trump is the President.


kal, Ric Grenell said in some interview last week that transparency was what was needed, and it did not matter if it was 1 yr or 30 days before an election…An election has nothing to do w it.
He’s right of course.


I learned one thing the law seems not to apply when one is a D-rat and a criminal one only needs to run for the highest office of the land and nothing happens to you.
If one is a republican the Law enforcement finds something to go after you even when one is innocent.
What a fair country we have so fair is Barr that he turns a blind eye to the criminality of Biden to make his department look good. Does he not see that he is part of the problem and the highest law enforcement agency has turned into the criminal arm of the D-rats? The history will not be kind to him if he does not wake up.


Or has already begun.comment image


The Big Ugly is in full swing. It’s just not out where the normies can see it yet.

Sadie Slays

Anons are wondering how the Biden campaign was able to set this up in under an hour.comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, all these “wired young soy boys” pride themselves in setting up such stuff quickly. Read about joe30330 and it gives an earful about how they ALMOST IN MINUTES set up sites and redirects based on jokes about Biden’s gaffes.

Sadie Slays

Tulsi Gabbard accused them of giving her fake pimple during a debate. Wouldn’t surprise me if they had a fake fly ready to deploy in case Kamala’s performance was terrible.

Sadie Slays

I watched the clip and was reminded why I can’t stand her. Well dearie, this chicken hawk president is the first one in 40 years not to start a war or get us into one. And the troops home by Christmas. She deserves the zit.
But – it would not surprise me if they faked it. She has bad skin, so it mocks her and that’s their specialty.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Did Pence notice it at all? If not, then very likely fake. I didn’t notice it.

Sadie Slays

I’m not sure he would have reacted even if he did notice it. Hillary didn’t react when a fly landed on her face.


^^^ Hilary stopped swatting flies decades ago. Nothing unusual when a fly lands on shit.


Here’s the video:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Tulsi pimple was an actual trick – that was NASTY.

Sadie Slays

The fly just sort of appears on his head.


Yeah, that is so not normal.
Fly just appears out of nowhere, then just sits there…not moving at all.
It would’ve flown away when Pence was shaking his head!
This is some juvenile bullsh!t done by NBC morons!


Also, flies typically walk around after they land. I didn’t see this one move at all.

Sadie Slays

Fly appears immediately after VP Pence mentioned the rioting, looting, and arson. Media was complaining back in the August that the rioting was hurting Biden’s poll numbers.
2:32:18 is when the fly appears.

Cuppa Covfefe

Well, considering their Satanic Master is Lord of the Flies…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have a request on THIS DROP:
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: bbb895 No.10973205
Oct 7 2020 20:10:49 (EST) NEW
Joe 30330
What is 2020 [current year] divided by 30330?
Symbolism will be their downfall.
I found some even more bizarre (and similar) properties of 30330, but before getting into them, I’m hoping people can tell me WHY “officially” the Biden campaign chose that number.


I don’t know why they chose 30330. This probably is not relevant, but I looked up Beau Biden. His date of birth = 3 (2/3/1969) and his date of death = 30 (5/30/2015).


joe30330 is some kind of Biden group of young computer people.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This was based on a tech gaffe that Biden made during the primaries. He was supposed to say “text ‘joe’ to 30330”, but instead he said “go to joe30330”. Some Dem geeks then made that website and directed it to Buttigieg’s site, IIRC. Something like that.


The web is weird.


2020 / 30330 = .0666

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, this is actually interesting (see DP’s post below and my response).

Sadie Slays

30330 is a ZIP code in Atlanta, which is where the CDC is headquartered (CDC HQ uses the 30329 ZIP, though). Thought that might be worth mentioning since Q said it relates to 2020.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! This is interesting enough that I looked at it more closely. CDC actually has multiple locations in Atlanta. The main one IS in 30329. None are in 30330 that I can see.
Those two zip codes are NOT contiguous – they are actually in different COUNTIES, because Atlanta is a big metroplex. 30330 is on the other side of Atlanta – a ritzy area with a golf course. Makes me wonder if any of the CDC bigs live there.
I’m thinking this is most likely a dead end, but I learned some interesting things about Atlanta.


Fun playing with numbers and associations:
The devil hidin’ in the details?
2020/30330 = 0.0666007253544…
Or the devil has a «noisy» tail in that it is only to 5 significant figures, which frequently is plenty, when parts have tolerances of many percent?
Don’t want to tolerate the Devil though…
Prime factors: 30330 = 2 * 3 * 3 * 5 * 337
There is a page for it on where it has all sorts of categorizations and identified properties. It is for example both an untouchable number and a polite number. And 3*3*3 = 27 and 30330 – 27 = 30303 which is palindromic…. somehow, this looks like a dead-end fact of the kind that when presented along with $10 bucks cash is going to be enough for a meal at the burger place.
Then see what Google has to offer: I see links to 30330 featuring Biden (or vice versa) dating back from July 2019 so it isn’t so recent. Also, some Toyota Yaris part numbers begin with 30330, such as a gearbox being 30330-52051 and some other numbers like that. And SKF has a single-row tapered rolling bearing with this part number, good for about 80 tons, but only 2000 rpm.
Picking other low-hanging fruits here: Zip code for Atlanta, GA; zip code for Gard, France; asteroid 30330 Tiffanisun
As for that last one, remember Hotel California lyrics where some female dramatis persona reportedly had her mind tiffany twisted? Now that whole thing was symbol-o-rama anyway (e.g. what exactly IS «colitas»?) and likely not the correct rabbit hole for the present topic. Besides, she had the Mercedes, not Toyota, bends. Even if the car has SKF bearings in it.
30330 was also identified as an «evil number», but as that just means that when expressed in base 2, (0x767a = 0111 0110 0111 1010) there is an even number (10) of 1s, what can be called even parity. About half of all numbers thus are evil, and the rest of them are odious, so that looks more like it was coined by someone who hates all numbers, and needed some easy-pronounced words to identify parity, similar to the spelling alphabets used on radio (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and so on), than anything more meaningful. Non-discriminatory but apparently useless here.
0x767a if read as two ASCII characters become «vz» or «zv» depending on order of storage… Victor Zulu?
I haven’t seen anything world-shattering (not to me anyway) in this so far. But here is, in case someone else wants to poke about.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! Very interesting!
My take…..
Mathematics – useful – gift from God.
Numerology – rabbit hole – “gift” from Satan!
BUT makes them leave tracks! 😀

Deplorable Patriot
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – I find it fascinating (mathematically – not numerologically) that if you manipulate the symbols one way (2020 / 666 gives 3.0330….simple repeat) you have the three symbols related, but if you do the inverse operation (2020 / 30330 gives 0.066600….7253….complex repeat) you have the three symbols related in what looks like a fortuitous way, but is likely a “devil in the details” rational (pun intended) relationship.
There is even more of a bizarre symbolic relationship, which I’ll explain later.
IMO the number was PICKED for numerological reasons, and this is what Q is saying – SYMBOLS.




I remember seeing this mentioned two weeks ago. Something being passed around on FB.


First I heard of it, Mom – not on FB – so do not know what goes on there – maybe, that is good.


I remember thinking “that has to be bs” and checking with the desktop calculator. 🙄 Just an aside, still reroutes you to Biden’s site.


Hmmm…they cannot even hide their bias – LOL


From God and the Beautiful Governor Kristi Noem regarding tonight’s debate………
A Double Minded Man is Unstable in All His(Her) Ways.


VSG at work! Must see this…
aJust when I think I couldn’t love this man anymore than I already do, he has to go and do this…

“I want you to have the same incredible medicine that I got. And I’m gonna get it to you for free. Getting COVID19 is not your fault. This is China’s fault. And China is going to pay, and pay BIG.“

Stunning video.
Hands down the most effective and people-loving POTUS of our lifetimes.
Meanwhile, democrats have been working to CAUSE people to catch WuFlu and die from it (See: NY putting Covid cases into nursing homes).


^^^ This video needs to be blasted out repeatedly. Including a shortened version highlighting the great medicine is being made available to Americans, free of charge
Treatment, medicine created under Trump speed, to help treat and cure Americans with Chyna flu, made available free of charge.
Expect we’ll hear President Trump, VP Pence and key administration players echoing this message in the coming four weeks.
More winning!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Totally agreed. His response here is STUNNING. It’s just masterful. It’s like the WuFlu gave him increased perspective and he’s using it like crazy.
Dem govs will go evil on this stuff and try to stop it, but it’s better than a vaccine, IMO, for a LOT of people who might not be sure about the vaccine.
Trump’s response here is perfect!
And yes – compare Jane Fonda (this disease is a gift from God to GET RID OF TRUMP) versus Trump (I got the disease so I would see this cure to save lives – MY DISEASE was a blessing from God!)


Like a boss.comment image


Trump just became GOD’s INSTRUMENT to SAVE the PEOPLE!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

All we have to do is ALLOW God to use us!


From Jan 2000—
Jane Fonda has become a born-again Christian, enthusiastic in her newly found faith, and her conversion is making waves from Atlanta to Hollywood.
She’s regularly attending church services and Bible studies in Atlanta, and one friend calls her faith “very real, very deep.”,very%20real%2C%20very%20deep.%22
Is she still a Christian 20 yrs later? What happened to “judge not lest you be judged”?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Some good news for the St Louis couple~~


Law licenses still threatened. It’s better to be exonerated in a fair court.


Can that still happen after a pardon?
Can they sue for prosecutorial misconduct and making a malicious, political prosecution…and get the indictment vacated?


Professional licensing operates in a realm of its own. In CPA-land, there’s “acts discreditable to the profession”.
Tax CPAs work ungodly hours during tax season (1/1-4/15). One in SoCal felt under the weather so went home “early”, only to find someone occupying his bed with his wife. Told the guy to move or die, and the guy put his pants on in the front yard — but decided to sue the CPA for “assault”. Judge found that the technical requirements for the tort were satisfied but that nobody sane would allow meaningful damages and awarded the adulterer a buck.
CPA lost his license anyway.

Deplorable Patriot

Wow. Mike Parsons actually steps up.
Now…to get rid of Kim Gardner…..


Numbing to know the fake news and D-Rats have canonized hussein. Such ignorance by folks that are supposed to be educated.


They canonized him, but I don’t hear anything about him anymore. Maybe I’m missing it, but I haven’t seen anything about Lefties pining for the days of O and wanting him to return.


“Numbing to know the fake news and D-Rats have canonized hussein.”
I would canonize him.
Stuff him right down the barrel of a battleship deck gun.
Fire in the hole!


Just tie him to something on deck and then fire it. Wouldn’t he be pulverized from the shock? 😂

Gail Combs

comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe they should Vulcanize him (like they do rubber). He probably has a sulfur smell from his Satanic Master anyway…..


Thank you very much DP. Working hard to post on point. Hope your back feels better.comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Hey, I’m right here. This weekend, I’ll be spending a lot of time in the basement, though.


News roundup has been posted if interested.




Yes!….won’t need mandatory vaccines with this


lol..this guy


He’s doing absolutely as much damage as he possibly can before they throw him out!


“De Blasio announces plans to rezone SoHo to build 800 affordable housing apartments”
The new project is called the “SoHo Ghetto”

Cuppa Covfefe

Get Kamel-HUH involved and he can call it So-So-HOe…..


The latest “new”riot over a criminal has edged into new territory. Residential destruction..not just obnoxious threats and minor vandalism. I have no idea what the NG is doing but they’re there but the riot is all over. UHaul circling the mall waiting for that action . It’s in Wautusa, Wi (sp?)


comment image


I have to wonder… it normal for that venue — Kingsbury Hall at Univ of Utah in SLC — to have flies? Has the venue issued a statement? Is there a track record of student complaints regarding flies in that hall?
Did more than one media source have the fly? Did another have a tiny velociraptor? A Pandoran banshee? Did anyone capture an image of the fly on an independent camera (like a cellphone?)


Too much energy wasted on a damn fly.

Deplorable Patriot

Or was it CGI? Remote control?


Well, here’s another random rant…..
It starts with
So, AT&T spent a metric boatload of money to buy a company with the ability to broadcast TV to millions of little dishes pointed at satellites in space. Just as thousands of people “cut the cable” and abandon TV entirely — and little dishes in particular. Seems like there could be hundreds of profitable uses of that infrastructure…..except that it’s heavily regulated by the FCC and can only be used for a garbage use that people don’t want. And it’s permanently locked into that use.
Recommendation #1 — the public airways are a finite resource. It’s only going to be efficiently used with government assistance (just to keep multiple parties from interfering with each other, if nothing else). IT SHOULD NEVER BE RIGIDLY ALLOCATED. Blocks of spectrum should be leased “for any lawful purpose, without interference with other blocks” for a specific period of time. At the end of that time, there should be a recognition that consumers will own a variety of equipment dedicated to using that bandwidth in a specific way — and a favored renewal rate for existing users should be provided…..but if someone with an innovative use wants that bandwidth badly enough they should be able to lease it.
Incidentally, blocks of bandwidth don’t have to be contiguous in order to be combined into something useful. This is known as “spread spectrum” and was “invented” by……….Hedy Lamarr.
The sad thing is that Bell Labs invented so much of the modern world — the transistor, the laser, queuing theory — and utterly failed to see where it would inevitably lead. NBC, CBS, and ABC are a shadow of what they were, and huge packages of useless programming are facing huge pressures. You don’t need access to ESPN if all you watch is HGTV — why should you pay for it?
Recommendation #2 — cut all ties between content providers and bandwidth providers. I originally tried to think things out with “make content providers and bandwidth providers negotiate at arm’s-length”, but I eventually realized that this was still problematic. Imagine if BP gets a call from CP, “I’ve got a great show — you’ll want to carry it!” BP does a market study and thinks it’ll get 20M d/l’s, quotes a price. CP pays the price and the thing goes live — gets 40M d/l’s…..who profits from the overage? Or, to put it another way, who profits from estimating poorly?
In order to ensure that people are responsible for doing their own actions properly, Content Providers need to simply pay Bandwidth Providers what they use at a previously agreed rate.


I remember when Trent Lott vowed to pass a law requiring cable companies to offer ‘A La Carte’ service…whereby you could pick the channels you wanted to subscribe to.
Customers would no longer be forced to subscribe to ‘package’ deals.
In other words…forced to pay for hundreds of channels that they never watch.
This was in the mid 90’s.
We all got excited about it and said, “Yes!”
But then…nothing happened.
And no one has brought it up since then.
Or at least, if they have, I have missed it.
This is something that I hope gets revisited.
Cable companies enjoy a monopoly in a lot of areas around the country.
It’s not right that they force people to pay for all those channels that they never watch, just to get the channels that they want.
The various ‘dish tv’ services are an alternative.
But they do the same thing with package deals.
And if you live in an area where you have a lot of high wind…those little dishes go airborne at times.


He was poking the wrong spot. The marketplace would force this to happen, were it not for regulations insisting on bandwidth allocation. That VHF spectrum was subject to the iron embrace of Federal diktats was the root cause — wagging his finger at various program bundles was never going to remedy the initial error.


It should also be noted that ALL television had steep declines. They didn’t manage to hold onto the high ground through their bundling plans….instead, everyone in the bundle lost.


TV watching is VERY minimal in our home. Only have antenna TV available.
Adult children and Grandkids, Internet something. Same with better half. Me, Pandora throughout the day while I try to keep up here and elsewhere.
Actual daily TV time, evening a half hour or so as it puts me to sleep. True. 🙂


Remember in the 1980s when people bought & installed their own huge satellite dishes? The you paid a small monthly fee for each channel you wanted, then the “dish” people moved in and the choice was gone & lots of disconnected satellite dishes littering the rural landscape.


Two comments an hour apart that show up next to each other…..time to go to bed.


That’s creepy.comment image
Robotics have their uses…especially in work that is hazardous or toxic to humans.
But it’s not something that consumers are really crying out for, for use in their daily lives.
And I still think that robot cars are a really bad idea.


Or boring. I could easily see the program “souschef” constructing mise-en-place arrangements for commercial chefs (at first) but slowly moving into high-end home kitchens.
After which, they may sing.


Robot prep cooks & dishwashers would greatly decrease the need for illegal alien labor in restaurants. Just American resident line cooks.

Deplorable Patriot

It would save a lot of manicures and dishpan hands, actually.


So will Playtex.
No thanks on the robots.

Valerie Curren

Clearly a Class Act! We are so blessed in Melania!


So far as I know, she has tested positive but has no symptoms. But I worry and pray. VSGPOTUSDJT has vanquished the difficult case, let’s now show how it works for everyone else.

Valerie Curren

Yes. I listened to his video where he said he wants Regeneron “cure” available to all, especially seniors having a hard time…& wants it to be free. Emergency Use Authorization being pursued!
May God Continue to Bless & Protect POTUS & FLOTUS!!! & America!

Valerie Curren

Oh, as a throw away line in the POTUS video he said something like maybe we won’t even need a vaccine!!! Art of War Chess Move!!!

Valerie Curren

Video’s here…sorry for so many replies 🙂

Valerie Curren

Another version of the video w/ an article link, I believe 🙂


A wonderful tribute to our graceful, gracious, generous, loving First Lady!!!

Valerie Curren

Godly too! <3


I was thrilled to see Q showing some love for this composition by Thomas Bergersen of Two Steps From Hell.
It’s one of my favorites.
And the Q Army has been leaving hundreds of comments on the video.
Hah! 😁👍

Valerie Curren


“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.” – Jean-Jack Rousseau
Patience is bitter. And when the fruit dies on the vine, it’s even more bitter. – Scott467 😁

Deplorable Patriot

Fruit only dies on the vine if the vine is left untended.


“Fruit only dies on the vine if the vine is left untended.”
Or the vine is sabotaged.
Which is far more common.

Valerie Curren
Gail Combs
Valerie Curren

Thanks Gail!


“So, what weapon did President Trump turn into to make it useless?”
~ DePat
The ChiCom Virus!
[They] were hoping to use it as an excuse for their fraudulent mail-in voting…but he foiled that by showing how survivable the virus is.
And I still think that he was targeted — probably more than once, which is why it hit those around him too.
Thanks for this and all the other great threads you’ve done for us this week, DePat!
Well done.
Hope your back gets better real soon!
And…love the Gilbert & Sullivan parody vid!

Deplorable Patriot



Thanks, DP, and get well, and I love G. and S., I need to listen to that video.

Deplorable Patriot

Thanks, I’ll be okay. I’m in for a lifetime of this as the leg length difference is not enough to warrant surgical changes unless I have to have a joint replaced in the future. This morning, that muscle is a little sore knot, but not spasming any more.


My wife wears shoe inserts to correct the length issue. Can’t stand very long without them.

Deplorable Patriot

Once you’re adjusted to it, yes. When I finally gave into being an adult at 26 (I was diagnosed at 11) and started doing the lifts all the time, it took three years to adjust. Fortunately, as a kid, I swam and took gymnastics and ballet, so knowing how to keep the back flexible was there. It was the muscles that were a mess.


Heheh…I think this was happening in homes all across the country:

My wife is saying words about Harris that I cannot say on Twitter. . . But I’m pretty sure there are A LOT of women saying the exact same things.


It’s actually kind of sad — where could she slink off to lead a quiet life? She has no honorable marketable skills, no children to raise, no identity beyond her constantly-changing facade…..she has to be a progressive activist or her whole being implodes.
If she were to realize her damnation, it would be doubly tortuous because she would also realize her entrapment within it.
I don’t see her turning from her path without a “road to Damascus” moment — and those don’t come along every day.


I was, even though I don’t know exactly what your wife was saying. 🙂

Valerie Curren

Joe M’s list is correct, I think, but the Hillary pic is doctored, I believe…


“Joe M’s list is correct, I think, but the Hillary pic is doctored, I believe…”
I don’t know… has anyone seen it recently?

Valerie Curren

It being the Hildabeast?


“It being the Hildabeast?”
Yes, I never really thought of it as female.
Guess I have that in common with Billy…

Valerie Curren



“…the Hillary pic is doctored, I believe…”
I don’t think that’s even Hillary.
But yeah, definitely doctored.
.comment image
I disagree with JoeM about this part of number 2)…”used Bill Clinton as a blackmailed slave”.
Bill is just as evil as Hillary is.

Valerie Curren

She rode his coattails to power & pulled the levers of power behind the scene while he got his lever pulled elsewhere…ewww…


I think she noticed his ‘charisma’ in college.
Then she zeroed in on him and convinced him that they could do great things together.
Hillary knows she has no charisma and that people generally find her unlikeable.
So she found someone to use as a front to gain power.
Bill was a willing participant in everything that they did together.
He is just as evil as HRC, as evidenced in the brutal rapes that he committed.

Valerie Curren

Yes they are a blight on the body politick, the world, & our history. Hopefully, prayerfully, Team Trump can stop them from being a blight on our future!


“I think she noticed his ‘charisma’ in college.”
I don’t think he has any charisma, same as Obummer.
At least I never noticed any.
It’s a just a lie that is repeated so often that people internalize it, like Hussein being a great orator… 😂
It won’t surprise me at all if we find out Bubba was the child of one of the 10 or 12 ‘families’, and groomed and escorted into every position he ever held.
NOTHING these people do is organic, and they never take chances on outsiders. So if you see one of theirs, he or she is no outsider.
I have read that Bubba is a member of the Rockefeller family, and it wouldn’t surprise me one bit. He told Hitlery and she hitched her filthy broomstick to his dark star.


Bill’s childhood background is sketchy just like Obama’s.


I wonder what really happened with Webb Hubbell? She actually had a normal affair, with a man?


I’ve wondered the same thing.


BJ Ciinton had charisma. Newt Gingrich his political enemy as Speaker of the House, said when you were in his presence you were charmed in his presence & that he looked at you as if you were the most important person the room.


I actually believed Hillary set Bill up to be blackmailed–and then blackmailed him herself.


But Pat…Bill knows as much on her as she does on him.
They were always in it together.
On everything.
Bill is no innocent lamb.


oh you’re absolutely right about Bill…but I can see Hillary seeing the writing on the wall, that Bill would leave her one day–and she took steps to ensure he wouldn’t or couldn’t.
she set him up with women and got the goods on him to keep him anchored to her forever…jmo


When they were living in the governor’s mansion in Little Rock…it was common knowledge that they had separate quarters.
And there was a constant stream of young women going into both of their quarters.
They were in on everything…together.
Bill could do whatever he wanted to, so there was no need to leave her.


i think she was his “drug dealer” of sots…she knew what he was addicted to, and she supplied him…he, in turn, stayed with her.
I guess I don’t believe he stayed with her voluntarily–would you??


It is a partnership, not a real marriage.
They are both lawyers.
Clinton and Clinton.
It was always a partnership.
For power and money.


utually blackmailed each other for their selfish greed and purposes.


Mutually blackmailed each other for their own selfish greed and purposes.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yes, but she outranks him as a Satanic Black Magick Illuminised Witch, the darkest, most evil and most powerful kind (and not talking Harry Potter stuff here). See for more info, just use the search function.
Folks calling the Klintoon White House “Billary” was no accident…


“JoeM knows. The truth will shock the
and we need to be praying for those not yet awake to the evils.”
If Trump would just drop the hammer and declassify everything, and start prosecuting these criminals, we wouldn’t need to pray for those not yet awake to the evil.
We could just rub their faces in it, every single day, for at least the next FIFTY years…
All the Leftists and and their ‘moderate’ head-in-the-sand enablers… it seems only right that we should be just as gracious towards them, as they have been toward us. 👍

Valerie Curren

You know the rules are radically different for the Right & the Left. Trump is a major disruptor (Thank GOD Literally!) to the 2 sides of the same coin politics as usual of the DC Swamp. If we Never have a politician for president again that might be too soon.
However I could get behind Kristi Noem, Jim Jordan, Mike Pompeo, Devin Nunes, or Sarah Palin in the big chair if need be!

Gail Combs

“… it seems only right that we should be just as gracious towards them, as they have been toward us.”
Yes, every bit of my good will got used up during the last four years.

Sadie Slays

Cuppa Covfefe

Heels-Up looks like the mask on the right, but in truth is the sad face on the left… FAR LEFT…

Valerie Curren

Taking a knee or 2 for Team Treason!
This seems then the right place to drop this gem–eye bleach warning!comment image

Valerie Curren

James O’Keefe under fire…

I haven’t watched all this stuff, I’m just sharing fyi…

Interesting perspective here…

Valerie Curren

This video is well done & concise…

Gail Combs

What a Soy Boy!

Valerie Curren

Well, one of them is 😉

Gail Combs

NOT James, the other ‘thing’ with its ‘too cute little girl’ mannerisms. 🤮

Valerie Curren

Yes…another beta male to make the skin crawl…

Gail Combs

Techno Fog thread on latest on Flynn disclosures.

DOJ produces new Flynn evidence – 1/25/17 Notes FBI OGC lawyer notes.
Logan Act: “no reasonable prosecutor” would proceed.
Flynn call w/ Kislyak similar to “other transition teams”
“First time to use [Logan Act]”
Thread.comment image
TOP FBI lawyer James Baker:
“How do you assess § 1001 (false statements) when you wouldn’t prosecute the underlying crime?”
Big concession that this wasn’t about the broader Crossfile Hurricane investigation.comment image
Assessment of whether Flynn is in a “covert relationship w/ Russia”:
“No, probably not based on facts to date and interview.”
Will be necessary to compare this to the Flynn NSLs handled by Clinesmith. Possible predication issues. (See pic)comment imagecomment image
Here we see the dubious Russia “blackmail” theory emerge. Notable that there was no discussion of materiality.
Also – concession that “we left [Flynn] in position to not correct record b/c we didn’t confront him”
Full doc:

comment image

Flynn – Fifth Supplement in Support of Agreed Dismissal
US v Flynn – October 7, 2020 supplement with FBI OGC Lawyer notes


“Logan Act: “no reasonable prosecutor” would proceed.”
Show us a ‘responsible’ prosecutor in our government.
Is there one, in all the land, far or wide?


edit / correction: “Show us a responsible ‘reasonable’ prosecutor in our government.”
Either one would be good…


At this point, I’d take ANY PROSECUTOR, as opposed to PUSSY-FOOTER, in our government!

Valerie Curren

Can’t they be gotten en masse from the NSA?

Valerie Curren

No clue here…

Valerie Curren

Anyone aware of this Project Odin? I’m not familiar…


“Anyone aware of this Project Odin?”
Ron/CodeMonkey has mentioned a ‘Project Odin’ that he has been working on for over a year.

Ron is the son of the Board Owner of the 8kun/Qresearch board.
He is an IT wizard who works on the servers of 8kun…and before that on 8chan.
I don’t know for sure what Project Odin is — but the speculation is that it’s a new platform, or an anti-censorship tool, or a method of mass dispersal of information.

Valerie Curren

Thanks Wheatie!!!

Gail Combs

The idiots keep forgetting that President Trump declared a nation wide Emergency due to the CCP Corona Crud. That gives him MAJOR powers so if they try that crap they may find federal marshals standing on their door step.
Emergency Powers overview.
SNICKER… From the Atlantic

…. the president has access to emergency powers contained in 123 statutory provisions, as recently calculated by the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law, where I work. These laws address a broad range of matters, from military composition to agricultural exports to public contracts. For the most part, the president is free to use any of them; the National Emergencies Act doesn’t require that the powers invoked relate to the nature of the emergency….
One power poses a singular threat to democracy in the digital era. In 1942, Congress amended Section 706 of the Communications Act of 1934 to allow the president to shut down or take control of “any facility or station for wire communication” upon his proclamation “that there exists a state or threat of war involving the United States,” resurrecting a similar power Congress had briefly provided Woodrow Wilson during World War I. At the time, “wire communication” meant telephone calls or telegrams. Given the relatively modest role that electronic communications played in most Americans’ lives, the government’s assertion of this power during World War II (no president has used it since) likely created inconvenience but not havoc.
We live in a different universe today. Although interpreting a 1942 law to cover the internet might seem far-fetched, some government officials recently endorsed this reading during debates about cybersecurity legislation. Under this interpretation, Section 706 could effectively function as a “kill switch” in the U.S.—one that would be available to the president the moment he proclaimed a mere threat of war. It could also give the president power to assume control over U.S. internet traffic…..

Valerie Curren

Wow, thanks! Hate to see this in the hands of the Clinton cabal, et al!!!

Valerie Curren

Mask Masters (of the Qniverse)
Well the original tweet I was going to post said “not a parody” & then had the Warren Willhelm mask stunt w/ marital music but not intercut w/ Braveheart. I went looking for the Nadler footage & twit world re-loaded & I “lost” that other tweet…in the mean time I ran across a couple unrelated things to share, so sorry this comment is so garbled 🙁
This looks important for UN Researchers to access for free while you can…

I hope this reply lets the Nadler video show (I’m not technically savvy, which is why I usually re-tweet other people’s creatively designed tweets)…


lol Nadler the Evil Gnome

Brave and Free

Oh thats a keeper Nadler the Gnome 🤣😃😆

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

This beautiful John Elefante song is playing right now on & it is so timely for the Right to Life battles that Pence referenced in the debate & that ACB is likely to face in her confirmation!

Valerie Curren

Passing along the good news…

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonderful song…. it’s so dusty in here all of a sudden…
John Elefante is a huge talent, and a strong Christian facing down the evil of the entertainment industry every day (“Fight Fire with Fire” probably is about this). He was part of Kansas for some time, and though some folks had “issues” with the direction the band took under him, he gave them some of their greatest hits.
From Wackpedia, “Elefante is a member of the Jay Sekulow Band which is named after band leader Jay Sekulow, one of President Donald Trump’s personal lawyers.”
Elefante not only talks the talk; he walks the walk.
Whenever I hear about people murdering or contemplating murdering their babies, I think of those in years gone by who either couldn’t have babies, or lost their young; a far more common occurrence than now.
Planned (un)Parenthood would do well to take heed of Matthew 18, for they will face Jesus, either in this world or the next:
18 At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?
2 And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,
3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
5 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.
6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
7 Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!
They may cause problems, and they will, but they will be envious of the millstone in the end….
Here’s a poem about two young children, probably the “apple of their parents’ eyes”, lost at the turn of the 16th Century (Plymouth?). How things have changed since then, especially with regard to the value of human life in general, and children in particular.
Part of this poem was set to music by Halsey Stevens, called “An Epitaph for Sara and Roland Cotton”.
The part I always remember (which refers to the Bible verses above is called IN UTRUMQUE.)
An Epitaph for Sara and Roland Cotton
By John Cotton (1585–1652)
FAREWELL, dear daughter Sara, now thou ’rt gone,
(Whither thou much desirest) to thine home;
“Pray, my dear father, let me now go home!”
Were the last words thou spak’st to me alone.
Go then, sweet Sara, take thy sabbath rest,
With thy great Lord, and all in heaven blest.
OUR eldest daughter, and our youngest son,
Within nine days, both have their full race run.
On th’ twentieth of th’ eleventh, died she,
And on the twenty-ninth day died he.
Both in their lives were lovely and united,
And in their deaths they were not much divided.
Christ gave them both, and he takes both again
To live with him; blest be his holy name.
“SUFFER,” saith Christ, “your little ones,
To come forth, me unto,
For of such ones my kingdom is,
Of grace and glory too.”
We do not only suffer them
But offer them to thee;
Now, blessed Lord, let us believe.
Accepted, that they be:
That thou hast took them in thine arms,
And on them put thine hand,
And blessed them with sight of thee,
Wherein our blessings stand.
If you have a chance to hear a recording, hear it live, or, better yet, sing it in a choir, do. it is a wonderful poem, and wonderfully set by Halsey Stevens.

Cuppa Covfefe

I mentioned this before, now there’s an article up (from the ACDA) by Dr. Somerville who conducted us in the USC concert choir about Halsey Stevens. The first example in the pdf shows the voice-leading I’m talking about; the text describes the composition itself (still looking for a performance of it… sigh…).
For music folks, the voice leading is interesting… the “suf fer Christ said your lit tle ones to come forth me un to” is (wish I had a way to print the score, sigh) (whole-tone scale kind of gets to you)
e c d e f# (!) g f# g a e c d b a
The f sharp is unexpected, yet it fits well with “your little ones”, with the continuing and descending melody resolving the tension. Halsey was at a number of our rehearsals; I just wish I’d asked hime about that (and known enough, looking back) to see the significance of that voicing. It’s a stirring work, even if all you can do is get the score and play through it.
People of today don’t realize how hard it was to bear and raise children back then. And they were valued FAR MORE (it seems) than today. Oh, how we have lost our priorities of what and who are important………..

Cuppa Covfefe

Ooops. Didn’t mean for the pdf to post. Anyway, have a look at Example One to see the whole-tone sequence (with the F#) of which I’m speaking…

Valerie Curren

Thank you, Cuppa. That was so moving.
I used to notice John & his brother Dino Elefante as the band Mastadon back when I was in college in the ’80s. There was an edgier Christian music station that I would put on in the wee hours while closing shop of a job I held. Even all these years later I still enjoy Mastadon & some of their new work is great.
I discovered the Jay Sekulow band by looking up Mastadon & playing their entire album, I really like the song Lying which now gets occasional air time on CC247, via youtube. Eventually the next mechanism got to the Sekulow band, that also included John Schlitt, who used to be the lead singer for Petra (I preferred Greg X. Volz in that role). Even later Mike Huckabee was jamming as a bass player on some show. Multi-talented MAGA artists!


Censorship comes in many forms.


Watch for it:
Demo☭rats will rage against President Trump sending out Regeneron to buy the election
… after crickets on ObamaPhones.


It was illegal for him to give anything to Hillary’s campaign, but what the heck. He’s the pope.

Deplorable Patriot

That he’s the pope thing needs to be remedied.




Makes the office of “Pope”….. kind of worthless?



Cuppa Covfefe

Francis the talking fool is more perp than Pope…


Well said. And I remember that silly TV show from way back when.

Deplorable Patriot
Everybody has a price.
I have seen most of the prices those flying under the donkey and elephant flag – UP UNTIL MARCH 2020.
List post elections.
Some will be re-elected.
Work begins after NOV 3.
We impeach / recall – and our POTUS slaps the cuffs.
10:29 PM · Oct 7, 2020

Deplorable Patriot

Found @Jack’s place:comment image


Beautiful drive through rural Ohio yesterday. Amish country, farm country. Many, many Trumps signs, just a few Biden. Biden sign in cornfield. Right next to it a larger homemade sign on neighboring land: ” NOT OUR SIGN, Man!”


Ps u wd not believe the trouble posting the above: wd not type letters, wd not post 1st one written, etc etc. Grrr


All affiliated with the Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center:
Fiona Hill
Yelena Baturina’s late husband, and Moscow mayor, Yuri Luzhkov
Dmitry Alperovitch
L. Jean Camp
Jake Sullivan
Robbie Mook
Susan Rice
Jeh Johnson
Richard Ledgett (leaked story of the 2014 State Dept hack at this Aspen Institute seminar in March 2017. John Carlin panel moderator, Ellen Nakashema attendee.
See :23 mins. Also asked about trump tower wiretap in video which he denies.)


Some context:


The video of Ledgett at the Aspen Institute alluded to this, which didn’t break until January 2018:
The Dutch witnessed what happened to the DNC in 2015 and 2016. They would have been watching until Crowdstrike kicked Cozy Bear out of the DNC network. The Dutch never confirmed nor denied that Fancy Bear hacked the DNC. That statement is attributed to Crowdstrike. The Dutch weren’t happy about the leaks. Here’s Clapper running his mouth about the the US relationship with the Dutch…

Is this leak one of the 27 investigations that Sessions opened?


Deplorable Patriot

It’s also the feast of one of the great mystics.


Verse of the Day for Thursday, October 8, 2020

“One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.”
Ephesians 4:6 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


Thursday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


comment image


Happy Thursday Duchess!
have a Blessed Day!


Hi, Patty – we had a monstrous thunderstorm yesterday around noon – ground soaked up the water so quickly you could not tell it rained – Glorious sunshine followed – God is Good!!!
Hope your Banana Run was without incident – take that back – did you get any Karens?
God Bless Your Day, too – Hugs!!!


we saw the storm pass to our north yesterday afternoon–knocked out our power–3rd week in a row! because of where we live, NYSEG supplies our power–3 hour wait time all the time for restoration. mostly we got wind–really brief shower.
HUGS back to you!!


Oh, we got the wind, too, but it subsided quickly – that’s weird you would get your power from NY – sad it takes so long to restore – they reconfigured our neighborhood – since it is such a large area – they divided it into substations – so when the power goes out – it happens in a block – easy to fix – not everyone is out at once like it used to be – hours without power – now it comes back up quickly – an accident can take longer if they hit a pole and it needs to be replaced – but, not bad at all.
Thanks for the hugs – most appreciated!


we are on the border…we pay PA, but THEY get the service from NY. it’s a mess!!


SMH – that stinks!!! The less you have to do with Notorious NY – the better – I keep wondering if PT will run for Governor of NY when he completes his term as President – his heart must be broken to see what has happened to the state that gave him his start – call me crazy – but, hey – with PT – one never knows. I hear Giuliani’s son may run for Mayor of NYC – wouldn’t that be great? Another mess those two commies aided and abetted – feel so bad for those people – happy Dora and Holley do not live in NYC – praying for those people – I am.


can you imagine if those two hooked up to make New York great again???


Yes, I can, Patty!!! Call me crazy – but, yes I can!!!




he’s as transparent as his shirtcomment image


Eeeeeeewwww…that is disgusting!!! There was a meme of him playing with those – another YUK!!!






About that fly. Hmmmmm.


Sorry. I don’t know how that got there. Here’s the fly.


Yep, that is a Fake Fly!
It just sits there, too…it doesn’t move.


I wasn’t watching the debate — did it ever move?


Nope. It never moved.


So it just stayed there and then was instantly gone at some point? I’m asking because I’m stunned by the how ham handed it is.


This was a test. For whatever nonsense they planned to pull at a virtual debate.


I didn’t see it leave.
They cut away from Pence and when the camera went back, the fly was gone.





no tweet….maybe from Maria Interview?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. VERY SMART. A virtual debate gives the liars, crooks and cheaters MORE CONTROL.
Time to tell these people where they can take their CHEATS – BTH.


As Q and our President and his Intel people know…
– ALL the millions/billions given by big corporations
– because of BLM protection racket
– essentially to keep BLM from trashing their stores and businesses
– are now in the DNC coffers
– to continue with their BLM Blackmail, Bribes and Black Ops.
It’s a big circular funding scheme with Øbastard/$0r0$/Ay3r$ as the key progenitors and organizers of BLM/Antifa operations.


Correction – it’s Antifa/BLM/Occupy – all are funded and organized by Øbastard/$0r0$/Ay3r$


Don’t forget Steyer. He was on Bream last night saying there were more employees RIGHT NOW in Green energy than fossil, as well as Other lies. He’s a dangerous, rich Bufoon! Don’t watch her much, she doesn’t push back on these idiots.

Deplorable Patriot

Steyer the hypocrite who owns all kinds of coal interests.


POTUS should use the US treasury to sieze all of it


So the election people have decided that the next debate is to be Virtual. Didn’t consult either campaign. POTUS telling Maria he’s not having it, not acceptable, won’t waste his time. Too much opportunity for Sleepy to cheat. 🍿🍿🍿


POTUS on his recovery – I’m a perfect human specimen and I’m extremely young! 😂


“Too much opportunity for Sleepy to cheat.”
Can you imagine? Of course they would cheat, and Pres. Trump’s mike would get cut off before he could refute the lies.


The President just said that he will not participate. I say ‘good for him’.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Screw ’em. Real debate or GO HOME TO MOMMY, YOU DWEEBS!


no, it won’t




So Biden can easily cheat and be edited, Absolutely not and POTUS is correct.


And they can cut POTUS’ mic…And Sleepy can have a teleprompter or earpieces, or or or ….HECK NO!!!

Gail Combs

HECK Sleep Joe could be pre-recorded OR a ‘voice double’ used.
On the telephone, everyone thought I was my Mom because our voices were so similar.
I am sure a ‘voice double’ could easily be used.

Deplorable Patriot



I wish we could have Maria as a debate moderator!
These debates are always set up with leftist moderators and designed to favor the Democrat.
But I think that a lot of people are tuning into the debates because of Pres Trump…and they are seeing this now, how unfair it is.
Which is a good thing.


Last night, questions were ALL leftist talking points, Infuriating!


Maria- Will you get rid of Wray in 2nd term?
POTUS – Well I don’t want to say that. Wray has been disappointing. He’s not addressing the voting fraud. He doesn’t see as a problem. Gives fraud examples.
Maria – How are you gonna address that?
P – Gives lots more examples. We’ve got people watching. Doesn’t really answer.
P – Fussing about the phony Atlantic story, MADE UP. Troops coming home from Afghanistan, 4K by end of year.
POTUS – I walked away from deal 2 days ago. Now Nasty wants to deal. I really think she wants to do the right thing.


there he goes again, being generous–” I really think she wants to do the right thing.”
IF that were true, she’d resign, apologize to the country, and then disappear off the face of the earth.
just sayin’


P – No contest last night, she was terrible. She’s a Communist. Joe won’t last 2 months.
Highlighting Biden agreeing w/Bernie during primary, now flipping. (The Great Divide)
If Biden ends our tax cuts, all companies pouring into our country will go back.
China deficit was coming down, taking in Billions in tariffs, will continue tariffs
Breaking – Initial Jobless Claims – 840K(act) vs 820K(est) a little high
2 wks ago China made largest purchases ever of corn & soybeans, because they want to keep me happy, because they know that I’m a hair trigger when it comes to them, and I’m sick of em, everything we have, we have Covid, the China virus because of them, this isn’t the 1st time, we’ve had other viruses because of them
Kamala worse than Crooked, she deleted 33K emails, she should be indicted because of that, AND NOTHING HAPPENS TO THEM…..I may have to get involved
M – Stuff sitting on his desk, why doesn’t he do something? P-I don’t know
M – Is Crooked protected?
P – I don’t know…..Bill has got to move….Bad people in State Dept, Pompeo has been unable to get them out, I’m not happy with him about that.
Barr is either going down as the best or the worst in history. He’s got all the info he needs, they want more more more. I said you don’t need anymore. Durham? I don’know what happened to Durham, we’re gonna find out. Horrowitz wrote scathing report on Comey, nothing happened. Same on McCabe & he gets TV show
M-Have you been tested recently?
P – I’m clean? I’m feeling good…I can’t stay in the basement…I felt bad, I expected to….It’s a tiny micro piece of dust….I call em cures, anitbodies, you take and it beats the hell out of it..I’m almost not taking anything anymore, a mild steroid
Tarmac, grandchildren, golf…Lynch wanted SC spot…Crooked is Crooked as Hell….Now she tells BIden he shouldn’t concede
People in FIB had revolution when they let Crooked go…more ranting
I’ve done so much for Black community, maybe other than Lincoln, they won’t report, it’s a disgrace
M – Why are critics against School choice? P-not critics, Dems….Unions, they control Sleepy
Biden won’t be Prez for 2 months, is not mentally capable, everybody knows that
Everything Harris said was a lie! Look at the Manifesto, want open borders
350 miles of Wall
She wants to Eliminate cash bail, it’s destroyed NY, only way to fix is find younger version of Rudy…M-Will Don Jr run? P- No, he wouldn’t win as Republican
NO VIRTUAL DEBATE, its a joke, im in great shape, I can’t stay in basement, he can
Sleepy can’t get sentences out…I don’t believe polls…Truck, Boat parades..Dishonest media
ME Peace more countries lined up, press doesn’t even write about Nobel noms, disgusting
Life is easier on other side, but this is the side that works, keeps law & order, keeps cities clean
Sorry I’ve missed a lot, he’s going so fast. SCCREAMM!!!


thanks for the commentary Bfly–you rock!!!!!!!!!!!!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank GOD he’s not falling for the “virtual debate” scam!


Who wants to debate Joe Headroom? FUGGEDABOUDIT!


The Library
Time for a short thread.
Here’s something i want you to think about. The aftermath. Pence & Harris are vastly different people. Pence is well-anchored, grounded in reality & humility. He’s a true person of faith, that lives it. He’s calm, reasonable & has great self-control; he has manners & they are genuine b/c they come from a respect for other people. He has lots of family and friends who love and support him, and that he will spend time with and move onto the next thing with.
Kamala is ego driven; she is a narcissist with deep need for attention & *public* adulation. She is also someone that covets power is a lustful way. She has in the past traded sexual favors for political advancement. She is morbidly ambitious, willing to tell any lie necessary to advance her career & grow her power. Kamala Harris believes in Kamala Harris. Thats where the ‘joe biden & i are people of faith’ comment came from. She knows its a lie. She knows everyone else knows its a lie. But she thinks it scores points so she lies openly.
2. For Kamala, kamala *is* god. She is a classic Narcissist. Her ego is enormous. But paradoxically with narcissists, they cannot accept or tolerate any criticism. It comes from a weak self esteem. They think they are the greatest of everything and more important than everyone else; but deep down, that inadequacy is there. Its why they lie. Its why they pretend reality is different.
Case in point: Mike Pence telling the Truth about Kamala Harris the Prosecutor. Did you see her body language?
Watch it again.

Mike Pence
3. Mike Pence is a Godly man; one of the commandments is ‘thou shalt not lie’- including a Lie By Ommission. It offends people who care about the Truth & telling the Truth. This wasnt just a political response in a political campaign- this was a Christian upholding the 10 commandments which he believes in completely. Shes ab opportunist & he’s a *real* person of Faith.
That rebuttal of her causes her to lose her temper. You can see her boiling w barely contained rage. He just beheaded her ego with a katana. And the biggest most painful wound a narcissist can suffer is a wounded ego. Its an attack on already weak self esteem.
To Pence, its nothing more than setting the record straight & giving people the Truth; not letting the lie stand. To kamala, its a deep personal attack on her that is deeply insulting. Thats not really what happened to her, but its the only way her psychology can see it.
4. Mike Pence walked off that debate stage satisfied. He achieved his goals: he told the truth & corrected the record, challenged the lies..he beat her in policy and record…he put tough questions to her the mods refused to & forced her to refuse to answer to us.. & he showed us what she has in store for us. It wasnt personal, its his job. He cares about us and America. He did what he believes (and what i believe, im not unbiased) was right.
Kamala left that stage in personal crisis. Her ego & self esteem are badly injured. Truths shes ran from her entire political career got aired in a way she cant fix on live national TV. It wasnt ‘mean Trump’ picking on a woman either…it was polite but firm grandfatherly Mike Pence. It isnt sexism, its the unpleasant truth.
She walked off that stage knowing America saw her for what she really is. She cant hide anymore.
5. Pence walked off that debate stage satisfied, and relieved he did his job. He will congregate with family & staff & celebrate but not get too big a head.
Kamala left that stage and the debate and will seak out someplace private to scream, cuss, berate, throw things, and take out a blind rage on anyone and anything near her. It will be ugly.
Thats the IMMEDIATE aftermath of what we witnessed tonight. And it tells you everything you need to know about the two people who were on stage tonight.
Harold Wren


She just oozes a Nastiness, that evil spirit of lust and lying to obtain it dominates her persona.


Jezebel Spirit, Butterfly!!!


hey GRETA…how about getting on China’s case for this????? they’re destroying coral reefs–for both military bases and illegal harvesting of giant clams…
“A new area of reef in the northwest of Woody Island, China’s main military base in the Paracels, has been torn up and dredged to make way for an unknown structure. Construction equipment has been spotted periodically on that patch since early April,” according to the report.
Another major threat to the South China Sea is Beijing’s large-scale harvesting of giant clams in the waters. China uses an ecologically devastating method to harvest the endangered clams, according to the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (AMTI).
“The typical method employed by these poachers involved anchoring their boats and then dragging the reinforced props of their outboard motors across the reef surface to break up the coral, allowing the clams to be easily lifted out,” AMTI reported in May 2019.
“Since late 2018, satellite imagery has shown these fleets operating frequently at Scarborough Shoal [claimed chiefly by the Philippines] and throughout the Paracels, including at Bombay Reef,” the organization revealed.
Chinese fishermen “can earn about $1,000 for just two giant clams, which are found in layers of cement-like coral,” McManus told RFA on Monday.
“[V]irtually all of that harvesting in the South China Sea is by a fishing fleet from the southern Chinese town of Tanmen where trade in the clam shells is a lynchpin of the local economy,” he added.
McManus estimates that “100 square miles of reefs have been destroyed by [China’s] base-building and clam hunting” in the South China Sea.


Duchess just reminded me about something i saw yesterday at walmart–all the “because of the nationwide coin shortage…” signs were gone…replaced by VOTE! signs at the end of the conveyor belts…


Tucker made some good points about Camel-uh before the debate last night.
“There’s nothing authentic about Kamala Harris.”


agreed—she is whatever someone wants her to be…

Cuppa Covfefe

Kama Khamelion…


Boy George, right?


Gail Combs

The anti-fracking groups here in the USA were funded by Russia.
Before that when the Soviet Union collapse and the KGB records were ‘briefly’ seen there was an article in the spring of 1994 in the back pages of the Wall Street Journal that said:
Protest groups and NGOs here in the USA were not just FUNDED by the KGB they were RUN by KGB AGENTS!!
I did not clip and save the article because I thought it would be BIG NEWS… HA!
The Fake Commie Propaganda outlets covered it up faster that a cat covers ca-ca.

Valerie Curren

Salivation savagery! Team Trump Thermo-nuclear Triumph!!!


Scott Adams@ScottAdamsSays
Pence did such a good job in last night’s debate that Trump can cancel the rest of his debates and let Pence’s answers stand. Now THAT’S a win.

Valerie Curren

Any tech savvy people pick this video apart to highlight the CV cases from this claimed “superspreader” event? Could the surface spread culprit be in the images?


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He didn’t even have to exaggerate Melania.


Wictor has a new thread….
For the Commission on Presidential Debates @debates:
Just wanted you to know that I turned off your worthless debate after the moderator-crone asked @VP Pence his first question.
You learned nothing from @realDonaldTrump.
Well, I don’t waste my time on propaganda.comment image
I couldn’t even COUNT the lies that Harris vomited out when “answering” her first question, and then the moderator-crone asked Pence a DIFFERENT question to prevent him from addressing Harris.
AND the moderator-crone made it IMPOSSIBLE to listen because of her nagging croneness.
It was another stupid leftist show trial, with self-righteous piety thrown in at the beginning about what the American people deserve.
Whatever we deserve, YOU con artists can’t deliver it.
DEBATES DON’T CHANGE MINDS, but now they’re geared toward the insane.
I’d don’t watch the news or read articles or listen to pundits because they’re all crazy.
Anyone who thinks that Trump and Pence totally failed in their fight against the pandemic is not dealing with reality.
Here’s an idea:
Is that even POSSIBLE for you people, or do you yourselves now believe your own propaganda?
The US does NOT have the highest COVID-19 death rate in the world.
Canada’s FATALITY RATE for COVID-19 is 6 percent, while in the US it’s 3 percent.comment image
That’s when I turn off the debate.
Everything about it was garbage intended for cavemen.
The fact that you people package your cavemen garbage as moral superiority is another reason to avoid exposing myself to it.
I’m always reminded of a skit on the TV Sitcom WKRP in Cincinnati.
Howard Hesseman is having a nightmare in which he’s in an audience watching Tim Reid perform a standup routine onstage.
Reid says, “Grocery shopping! Don’t you hate it?”
The crowd roars with laughter and applauds.
Hesseman looks around in disbelief.
“How about them airports?” Reid asks.
The audience roars with laughter and applauds.
This goes on and on.
Hesseman is holding his head in agony.
Finally he jumps up and starts screaming.
Reid and the audience ignore him, and he snaps awake totally shaken.
I used to feel that way, but now I just shut off the insanity.
You people are going to lose and lose BADLY on November 3.
Trump very brilliantly goaded his enemies into adopting Maskism and Sheltering in Place.
And now the Democrats are doomed.
The sheltering maskists will all vote by mail, and their votes won’t matter.
Trump voters will all vote in person or deliver their absentee ballots in person, and Trump will be declared the winner on election night.
HE DELIVERED, so he wins.
Biden promises to FINALLY get to work after 47 years.
Too late, Joe.
And the sheer insanity of your supporters has driven away every possible demographic.
I didn’t watch Michell Obama blathering about how Trump is a racist.
Why would I?
I don’t listen to homeless schizophrenics, and I don’t listen to Democrats.
Besides, her face is too off-putting.comment image
Democrats can say whatever they want.
None of it stacks up against DELIVERING.
Another really clever thing Trump did was to show the country that Democrats will obstruct everything as long as they have any power whatsoever.
Get rid of TRUMP and give the Maskist Destructors all the power?
Or get rid of the Maskist Destructors and put Republicans in their place?
We all know the answer.
I would’ve watched the vice-presidential debate without the moderator-crone and without the kangaroo-court aspect.
But the Presidential Debate Commission made watching the debate impossible.
I go right to the source to get my information.
The government, the White House, the CC, and so on.
I bypass the crooked middleman.
Consider YOURSELVES bypassed.
I’m not insane, so your caveman garbage doesn’t appear to me.


Wouldn’t you love to know the story of that last Michelle photo? Must confess…I would! LOL


Well, I wasn’t the only one that turned off the debate after Comma-lah’s question & answer. I thought to myself I can’t stand to hear a person outright lie. Her voice is grating to my ears. I turned off the TV and settled down with a novel. At least the fiction is entertaining.
There is no question in my mind that the President will win a 2nd term.
I can’t deliver my absentee ballot to the election office, but I will go the extra step and go to the USPS and pay the $1.70 for electronic receipt with the Domestic Return Receipt (the signed green postcard in email form). This way my mailed ballot will be tracked and a signature of who received it and when. I think this makes it harder for (postmen or Dems) to get rid of my ballot. It has to be signed for at delivery, if not, I can query as to what happened to its delivery & the USPS can make a few extra bucks.


“Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan. By turning INTO the path of the torpedo, the Captain closed the distance before it could arm itself.”
.comment image


As I have stated repeatedly, over and over, over many years…
Nothing of what we are seeing today would have been even remotely possible without the willing, intentional, and coordinated participation of the main stream media, and in particular the major main stream news media.
It goes back to two events, which are singular in my mind.
1. Dan Rathergate
2. JournoList, starring the vile and repugnant Ezra Klein (Vox)
It is very clear…as hindsight so often is….
The government, and in particular the DOJ, should have brought a felony indictment(s) against Dan Rather and his staff for attempting to unduly and falsely influence a presidential election. Additionally, an organization like Tom Fitton‘s Judicial Watch should have organized a class action lawsuit and sued both Dan Rather and CBS in civil court for the exact same thing.
Dan Rather, his staff, and CBS should have been HARSHLY punished for what they attempted to do in the 2004 election. They should have been made an example of for all the rest of the leftist cowards in media to look upon in fear.
Instead, Dan Rather’s ideological bedfellows looked upon what happened and saw that there was absolutely no downside to them in casting away their responsibilities and obligations to objectivity and neutrality in how they conducted their jobs.
All of this is why, today, I say there is no one on gods green earth I loath more than media leftists.
A foul, repugnant, vile POS like Hillary Clinton is going to Hillary Clinton.
it is the news media, America’s fourth pillar, that is long been trusted to protect us from such people, NOT throw their lot in with them.
And now that they have, they must be punished, and punished in such away and to such a harsh degree that no one in the future whatever dare attempt to do with the media is attempting to do today.
And it is we, the people, that must do the punishing.
👇👇👇 This MUST be the outcome….👇👇👇
They won’t be able to walk the streets in safety.

Deplorable Patriot

Actually, if enough people turn off their product and pay no attention to them, they will be irrelevant.
With the media, it’s really the owners of the networks, and the editorial boards that need to be rounded up. Ultimately, what they want aired is what gets time.


1. This so-called Commission on Presidential Debates is a disaster. It’s now interfering with the presidential campaign, making itself an issue. Its choice of moderators has been awful.
— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) October 8, 2020


and that’s putting it mildly


NEW – RALLY SCHEDULE – with VP PENCE carrying on until our President is ready to roll!
The Trump Team Are Unstoppable!!!
There are two TODAY !!!
Thursday, October 8
10 am
Boulder City, NV
Thursday, October 8
2:30 pm
Peoria, AZ
Saturday, October 10
3:30 pm
The Villages, FL
Fri, October 2
7:00 PM – EDT
Sanford, FL
Sat, October 3* –Changed from La Crosse due to coronavirus concerns
3:30 pm CDT
Janesville, WI
Sat, October 3
6:00 pm CDT
Green Bay, WI
Mon, October 5
6:30 pm
Tucson, AZ
Tue, October 6
6:00 pm
Flagstaff, AZ
For rally schedule, click President Trump or VP Pence in left column –


I will post links if I find them!

Deplorable Patriot

I have to be away from the keyboard for a bit, but will get something up this afternoon.


Butterfly says Trump told Maria he’s ready to resume rallies! No Trump rallies scheduled yet – but will keep checking! I hope he doesn’t get out too soon!


Hope your back is all better! I use hot damp towels or a waterproof heating pad wrapped in a damp towel turned on low. That and Naproxen help my muscle spasms and I use cold wraps and motrin for my old knees.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m taking it easy and assessing what is exacerbating the muscles. I really think it’s spending too much time on bare feet and the lifts needing to be replaced. I took the one out of my walking sneakers this morning and it was all deformed from the abuse I put it through. New one in there for tomorrow.


Hope that fixes it!


POTUS told Maria he wanted to do a rally last night, tonight, he’s ready. I’ll be onstage by myself.😎


I checked – there’s not a Trump rally scheduled yet! Will keep checking.

Valerie Curren

Shoo fly, don’t bother me (with the facts)…

Candle Fly???

I don’t think this is exactly Ha’avah Na geelah (‘scuse my fanciful spelling)…but it is a party!

Gail Combs

Rosco went into the false quote by Lincoln… AND MUCH MORE
(Jackboot is going to kicking off twatter for this I think.)

Well @KamalaHarris you claimed at the VP debate that Abraham Lincoln refused to nominate a candidate for Chief Justice in Oct 1864 because “Honest Abe said, it’s not the right thing to do” and wanted the people to vote first.
As usual you lie your ass off Lincoln said no such thing, & he sent no nominee to the Senate in Oct 1864 because the Senate was out of session until Dec. The day after the session began, he nominated Salmon P. Chase & was confirmed the same day Dec 6, 1864.
See Lincoln wanted to dangle the nomination before Chase & several other potential candidates because he wanted them to campaign for him. He never intended to nominate anyone in Oct for political reasons
Lincoln’s priority was winning the election, which was necessary to win the war, so he could abolish slavery and put your great great grandfather Hamilton Brown out of business in the slave trade in Jamaica.
See you’ve avoided admitting that you descended from a plantation owning slave trader, & the Biden campaign tried their damndest to scrub the internet, but the wayback machine got you, here is an article that features an excerpt written by your father explaining it all.
Kamala after a little more digging we’ve been able to produce this document, held by the U.K. National Archives, Brown didn’t own slaves he owned many slaves. Brown owned at least 121 slaves in 1826, comprising 74 females and 47 males.comment image
In 1817, he owned at least 124 slaves, made up of 74 females and 50 males.comment image
In another attempt to scrub documents we found records held by the “Legacies of British Slave-Ownership” project at University College London, Brown was at various times the owner, manager or executor of several dozen plantations & estates in Jamaica.
* image
See Kamala the internet is forever no matter how hard you try and scrub it.
Are you prepared to take some of those millions you made while hold public office to pay reparations you’ve been pandering for and ay these families your kinfolk actually owned and profited from?
You want to try and make people who have no ties to slavery ay for your pandering, when in fact your family bought and sold human beings like common commodities, like cattle.
You have real issues lady
Paw paw Brown was also a steadfast slavery apologist. In contributions to the colonial House of Assembly, he opposed efforts, emanating from mainland Britain (where slavery was by then widely opposed), to “interfere” in the slave trade in Jamaica.
In this 1823 speech, found in archives, Pawpaw Brown lashed out at the “hypocrisy” and “cloven foot” of William Wilberforce, a British M.P. widely regarded as the hero of the anti-slavery abolitionist movement.comment image
In 1832, a Methodist missionary named Henry Whiteley spent 3 months in Jamaica, touring the island and inspecting the conditions of life for slaves, and the practices of colonial settlers and slave owners, including Pawpaw Brown.

Three Months in Jamaica, in 1832: Comprising a Residence of Seven Weeks on a Sugar Plantation by Henry Whiteley – Books on Google Play
Three Months in Jamaica, in 1832: Comprising a Residence of Seven Weeks on a Sugar Plantation – Ebook written by Henry Whiteley. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS dev…

In another scrubbed page we found this interesting entry.
Whiteley said that he & Brown discussed the concept of “amelioration” of slavery in the 1820s & 1830s which, as distinct from the outright prohibition & extinction of slavery abolitionism.
Whiteley evenproposed making slavery more humane and tolerable, if that was even possible. Good ole Pawpaw Brown was opposed even to this, according to Whiteley in the bookcomment image
Whiteley graphically describes how he saw slaves, some girls as young as 12 years old, flogged between 40 and 50 times with a horse whip, for supposed misconduct as trivial as oversleeping or not meeting their assigned work targets. Pawpaw Brown was an evil SOB

Valerie Curren

This is great work!!!! Thanks so much for sharing.
Cray-Cray KKKamela got PawPaw Brown’s genes practicaly unadulterated–just wow!

Gail Combs

Rosco missed the best part Valerie.
PawPaw Brown WANTED SLAVES and he didn’t give a DemonRat’s Arse what color they were!
When he lost his black slaves he went after WHITE SLAVES — indentured servants/ DEBTOR Slaves!

“Hamilton Brown Esq., a native of Ireland ” BTW
August 1, 1834 was the day theslaves received freedom from slavery.
The whitewashed version:

It is estimated that somewhere between 30,000 and 80,000 Irish were shipped from Ireland. One of the last shipments was made in 1841 from Limerick aboard the Robert Kerr. [Part owner was Brown]….
In the mid-1830s, for example, when the government was particularly concerned about replacement labour for the newly-freed slaves on the sugar and coffee plantations, the over 1,000 Germans and close to 200 Portugese from Madeira, the Azores and Portugal notched a high mortality rate….

Legacies of British Slave-ownership

Hamilton Brown
Profile & Legacies Summary
Major attorney and resident slave-owner in Jamaica, the founder of Browns Town in St Ann Jamaica, where a memorial has been recorded: ‘Sacred to the memory of HAMILTON BROWN Esq. Native of the County Antrim, Ireland who departed this life on the 18th Sept 1843 in the 68th year of his age. He was the FOUNDER OF THIS TOWN. Was 22 years one of the Representatives for this parish in the Honble. House of Afsembly. His name will long be cherished.’
Hamilton Brown was instrumental in the importing of several hundred labourers and their families from Ireland to Jamaica between 1835 and 1840.
Sources [accessed 04/09/2017]; [accessed 04/09/2017].
Carl H. Senior ‘“Robert Kerr”: Emigrants of 1840 Irish Slaves for Jamaica’, Jamaica Journal no. 42, summarised by Madeleine Mitchell, Jamaican Ancestry : how to find out more (Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 1998).

“Robert Kerr” is the name of the ship.
This is an example of the indenture ‘papers’ listed in the above paper They are very hard to read.

T71/857: Hamilton Brown was receiver in the case of Carter vs Hayne. Counterclaims from Philip Champion Crespigny of Harefield, Middlesex, England; Wm Carter of Great Britain in right of wife by Hamilton Brown his attorney.
T71/1606: letter from Bridges & Mason dated 10/06/1836 stating that by an indenture of 12/10/1835 Catherine the wife of Wm Carter of Worthing in the county of Suffolk [sic] gentleman sold in consideration for £1000 to Henry Vertue Tebbs of Doctors commons all monies which might become payable by way or in nature of compensation in respect of a certain annuity of £500 a year and the arreas thereon. Catherine Carter had launched suit in Jamaica v Joseph Hayne the younger, proprietor of the estate, to force payment, and Hamilton Brown was receiver in that case.

There are 25 more.

Valerie Curren

Did you share a source for this material, besides the stuff? Great dig!!!
My family history researches have lead to unearthing presumed ancestry of my husband’s that includes white slavery in the Caribbean of Quaker forebears…
Oh & if Kamala’s Brown grandfather was white, is she even black at all, or merely brown because her mother is Indian (subcontinent not native American)?
Is her “person of color” schtick actually a darker skinned Caucasian pretending to be black, a la Rachel Dolezal, iirc??? Takes hating whitey to a deeper darker level (no pun intended) than even aka BHO did!

Gail Combs

The last quote comes from:
Wolfie had up a page on Heels-up but I can not find it. Some of the stuff I remember but did not archive are on that page (two pages)



Gail Combs

Now you know why the internet has been frantically scrubbed. The ancestor her father is so PROUD of is as EVIL as they come!
He and his buddies even went after missionaries for teaching Christianity. I think they tried to hang them.

Concerned Virginian

AND it appears that the freeing of Hamilton Brown’s slaves in 1834 occurred AFTER Brown died in 1843.
So it would appear that he was a slave owner in Jamaica from the time he arrived there UNTIL HIS DEATH.


Why don’t the Auntie Fah & BLM “rallies” carry Biden/Harris (Harriden) flags? That’s who they want you to vote fore. Correct?

Valerie Curren

But, but, but then the sheeple might inadvertently catch a clue & wake up!


European Union Imposes Import Tariffs on Chinese and Asian Imported Steel…
Posted on October 7, 2020 by sundance
Hypocrisy much? After spending an exhaustive amount of energy and media attention decrying President Trump’s tariffs against imported steel, the European union turns around and quietly does exactly the same thing…. Imagine that.
EU imposes import duties on China, Indonesia, Taiwan stainless steel


Freddy the Freeloading Fly
Scenario #1: Biden supporters put a CGI fly on VP Pence during the debate, thinking it can be used to ridicule him. They get caught.
Scenario #2: Trump supporters put a CGI fly on VP Pence during the debate, knowing the trick will be exposed. They then blame Biden supporters as the perpetrators and use the incident as a reason against virtual debates.
Scenario #3: Biden supporters put a CGI fly on VP Pence during the debate, knowing the trick will be exposed and that they will be blamed by Trump supporters. Biden supporters then claim that Trump supporters pulled off the trick just so Biden supporters could be blamed.
Scenario #4: and so on . . . ad nauseum


Now, wouldn’t the sudden emergence of the printed “Truth Over Flies” Biden-Harris flyswatter at the Biden Store make you think that Biden’s people knew beforehand that a fly would fortuitously land on VP Pence’s head during the debate? Hmmmmmmmmmm.

Gail Combs

Of course.
They are so obvious it is pathetic.


of course, the most damning piece of evidence is the fact that they created a website over this very thing prior to the debate itself….. image


Marx is on the ballot this November


Is a dead Marx allowed to vote? Citizenship? /s/


Prolly, Susy! Zero voted and nobody questioned his citizenship.





comment image


In other words….
(insert strong language here)

Gail Combs

I think he did without using any swear words.
NO Battered Conservative Syndrome in sight!


He said “swamp creatures.” 🤭





Satire, FG&C!!!


Ah yes. My bad. Hard to tell the difference!!

Gail Combs

Black lives Matter => COMMUNISTS => Traitors behind GoreBull Warming => Blackouts.
It really all hangs together quite nicely even if it is satire.


The Bee IS a satire site.


So were my posts.


Appears that I don’t know you as well as I should……. /S or /s helps with the written words. Vocal tones don’t translate well in the written word……




SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I said something like this yesterday.

Deplorable Patriot

Gives new meaning to the culinary and medical word “infusion”.


A trip down Memory Lane.
Arlene and Kenny were my favorite couple on American Bandstand. Now they have a book out.




I emailed RSBN to ask if they would be covering VP rallies until PDJT is back on the road.



Heard through the grapevine BLM has a call out to ppl all over the State (SC) to come to Pawleys Island Saturday.
This is a tiny town..the actual island is only a couple miles long. My bf said 2 black men in suits were in the small public parking lot this morning…weird and notable because they only stayed in car. I hope they don’t swarm the island and crawl over the dunes that have been slowly built back up with sea grass protection.
IF this happens, it’s a vendetta against the mayor who dared to say something they didn’t black thug victim involved in this beef.

Gail Combs

South Carolina’s Stand Your Ground
“A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in another place where he has a right to be, including, but not limited to, his place of business, has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his ground and meet force with force, including deadly force, if he reasonably believes it is necessary to prevent death or great bodily injury to himself or another person or to prevent the commission of a violent crime as defined in Section 16–1–60.”

Sounds like you/the mayor needs to put a call out to the The @1st_praetorian if he has concrete info.
He can quite likely deputize these ‘ mil, law enforcement & intel vets’ if needed.


If it’s the same mayor that recently made comments that all lives matters…it was a few miles south of Pawley’s in Georgetown. He’s also the owner of the fabulous (!) Palmetto cheese spread (totally addicted to the jalapeño style!)…and Costco just removed it from their shelves because of “racism”, you know.
This could be a different incident this but that would definitely call out the suspicious cat. That entire area is very tourist-dependent…could be targeted to destroy the economy? Of course. They would hurt the black working community the hardest.



Biden will Shutdown the Economy at the tip of a hat, raise your Taxes, knock out your Second Amendment and Defund, or close, your Police. The Suburbs would be next, get ready. Also, and incredibly, PACK THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT. This is not what the USA wants!!! #MAGA
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 8, 2020


Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on remarks made during the vice presidential debate:
Vice President Mike Pence was right to nail the way Democrats have treated Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett. He was also right to go after Senator Kamala Harris for the way she has treated Catholic nominees for a federal court post.


don’t stand too close to Brennan…his pants are ON FIRE!
In debate, @Mike_Pence lied about handwritten notes of mine from 2016 that referenced unsubstantiated Russian allegation about Secretary Clinton. Follows DNI Ratcliffe’s politicized release of misleading snippets of documents.
Russia helped Trump, and continues to.
Full stop.
— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) October 8, 2020


comment image



Gail Combs

He sure sounds desperate.
PAST TIME to ship this piece of rabid 🦇💩 to GITMO!




Cuppa Covfefe

Clickbait… doom and gloom…




I see Kamala-Karen was trying to use that “vocal fry” Christine Ford used during the dims Kavanaugh clown show.


Chris Martin
Nancy Pelosi: “Come here tomorrow. We’re gonna be talking about the 25th Amendment”
Is she insinuating President Trump is going to die? What is this?


Another nothing-burger – IMHO

Gail Combs

Rinse and repeat.
Some CHINESE Doctor connected to Biden said Trump was crazy to leave the hospital on TV IIRC
(I only really noticed the connections)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Joe’s already been buried with this one…






It would be just like our President to show up at one of the Pence rallies today or Saturday to announce he’s ready to roll again!!!

Gail Combs

To show up on a BIG Screen to talk to his supporters.





see, this is kind of wrong.
Kamala-Karen is actually the Democrat presidential candidate. Biden is just a placeholder for Obama’s successor.


are they trying to gin up sympathy for Witmer???? bwahahahahahaha
FBI uncovers plot to kidnap Witmer
Those present included an FBI confidential source who recorded the meetings. The source has been paid $8,600.
“The group talked about creating a society that followed the U.S. Bill of Rights and where they could be self-sufficient,” the FBI agent wrote.
“They discussed different ways of achieving this goal from peaceful endeavors to violent actions. At one point, several members talked about state governments they believed were violating the U.S. Constitution, including the government of Michigan and Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
Breaking: The FBI thwarted what they described as a plot to violently overthrow the government and kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) October 8, 2020

Gail Combs

Interesting the FIB has done NOTHING about the people who have been ACTIVELY ENGAGED IN SEDITION FOR FOUR F…CKING YEARS!!!
I would not be surprised to find these were just some poor smucks that were PURPOSEFULLY riled up by enemies of President Trump. The money probably traces back to…. ==> SOROS!


and they PAID someone $8600 to infiltrate and expose this group…
no onwe would make that up for $$ right?


Would be interesting to find out who in the FBI okayed the payment.


you’re RIGHT!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Interesting the FIB has done NOTHING about the people who have been ACTIVELY ENGAGED IN SEDITION FOR FOUR F…CKING YEARS!!!

Of course not, because it’s them.




Who in their right mind would want her?


that’s why i think it’s a sympathy ploy…lol


Post from the Breitbart story–
“She is a governor of a state and she is in the news constantly.
She has private security and bodyguards 24×7.
Do you know how difficult it would be to plan and carry out such an act?
And this was right on cue…a false flag, an October surprise.
No sane individual or group would ever seriously consider doing something like this.
This is just another trick the Deep State is playing against Trump and his supporters.
Note that they wasted zero time blaming this on Trump and his “rhetoric.”
Meanwhile, they talk about sending us to gulags and lining us up against the wall and shooting us but somehow don’t connect their words to the riots and burning and murders their leftist agent provocateurs are perpetrating.”


And it would have worked too, if it weren’t for those rotten MAGA supporters. PSSST dear dumbass dems, next time you try a false flag on one of your own, trying to blame it on MAGA and Trump, perhaps you should actually READ the chosen patsies blow, social media and the like. OH, and REMOVE all that anarchist (read Antifa) paraphernalia/


YAY! (if it’s true!!)
StanH says:
October 8, 2020 at 12:10 pm
Rush just announced President Trump will be the host tomorrow 10/9/20. WOW!

Concerned Virginian

Rush Limbaugh radio show, Mark Steyn guest host:

Gail Combs

Mark Steyn and POTUS???
I will have to haul the boom box used to train horses out of the barn. (There is a tape/CD of sounds you can use.)


Ohhhh thanks for the heads up. I love Mark Steyn.

Concerned Virginian

Gail Combs
Mark Steyn is the Limbaugh guest host for today, Thursday.
RUSH is going to be hosting WITH POTUS on the radio show, TOMORROW, Friday.

Gail Combs

Thanks for the clarification. (I really like Mark Steyn)

Concerned Virginian

AND, POTUS just announced that he WILL NOT DO a virtual “debate” with Ole Joe. POTUS wants to do a MAGA Peaceful Protest instead!


CHECKMATE Joe. NO teleprompter fed lines for YOU.

Valerie Curren

Rush to excellence!!!

Rush said this on a recording before today’s guest host Mark Steyn started the live show …


\So a virtual debate by the President by hosting the Rush Limbaugh show. I assume it being Open Line Friday that the President will take calls. Just like a town hall, but with the Trump campaign selecting callers with questions without moderators or time limits. Let them ask about the Hunter Biden scandals, publicly say to millions that he condemns the KKK & white supremacists, explain why cancellation of critical race theory, and so on.
I can’t wait!

Valerie Curren

& Point out the Lie of the “Covid” deaths, With Not Of!!!
There is a place to send in questions, I think at Rush’s website, but don’t know the link…


Well there go the Olympics.
Woke Olympics: Tokyo Organizers Backflip on Athlete Demands for On-Field Protests

Gail Combs



Well its going to go like the NFL and NBA that’s for sure


The Olympics have been tainted for years…as soon as professional athletes were allowed to compete. It’s become too expensive, too large, too political, too corrupt… and probably doesn’t really serve any real purpose these days.
It’s one “tradition” that I would not be unhappy to see dissolve…and I used to be an avid fan. I think it’s beyond repair and that is the result of the Olympic Committee that could have prevented it decades ago.

Deplorable Patriot

Professional athletes have always competed. It’s just out in the open now.


True, especially team sports…ice hockey, basketball, etc.

Gail Combs

Olympic Committee CONTACTS
Villa du Centenaire
Quai d’Ouchy 1
1006 Lausanne
Tel.: 41 21 621 6611
Fax: 41 21 621 6718


Get WOKE, go BROKE. The NBA says..HI.


I won’t watch that cr-p.


Ratings bust.
this won’t end well. You’ll wind up with athletes making political statements against one another. I could even see one team of one event physically altercating with another team, even within the same nation’s overall team, or one individual fighting with another.
These people (organizers) are stupid.


Yeah and the people of Japan probably ONLY spent 2 or 3 BILLION on this soon to be DEBACLE. NO RATINGS, NO ATTENDENCE, NO MONEY BACK.


Won’t be watching…. It’s not been as interesting since they allowed pros to compete. I do understand about the training fees for sports being sky high, but why couldn’t there be the olympics for “amateurs” and another event for professionals?


Mom and I were just saying the same thing.


Olympics? Do folks still watch the Olympics?
It’s been a long time since I gave two schitts about the Olympics.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, some of us do. We like the competition.


Oh. Yea the competition is good. I used to enjoy that aspect.
Just gotta waste so much time listening to fools like Jim Costa pontificate about nonsense the network deems important, rather than focusing on the reason for the Olympics, the best competing.
Boring! IMO.

Deplorable Patriot

Jim Costa? You mean Bob Costas?
This is why we like having the Canadian channels.


Yea him, Bob Costa and all the yammering fools making noise instead of showing competition.
But, to each his, or her own. Enjoy!

Deplorable Patriot

I can say a few things about Costas, but won’t.
Frankly, I prefer the daytime coverage as it is all competition. They save the human interest stuff for prime time.


My favorite Olympic moment was a winter Olympics (don’t remember which one) with Katie Couric trying to talk and the fans behind her ringing loud cowbells. She politely asked them to stop a couple of times, but they kept ringing the cowbells, so Couric lost her cool and turned to them and nastily ranted at them to stop ringing the cowbells. Showed her true face.
More cowbell!





G R E A T !
Patience meter is hovering around zero. ARREST THE BASTARD…AND ALL THE OTHER ASSHOES.
With the criminal actions revealed, I canNOT understand why we are NOT having arrests.
F the damn election is 26 days away. Justice should prevail.
As a GREAT President TWs…LAW & ORDER.


We shall see – if not before then, after!


How is your light reading coming Duchess?


LOL – coming along, Prog!!! Sweet of you to check – Awesomesauce!!!


IS the read good? Logical? Does it help explain with facts what has happened?


Taking it slowly so I can digest it thoroughly, Prog – will have more to say soon – Thanks!!!
Am sure I will have questions, tho’ – 🙂


Good, have fun! Looking forward to you know me, can’t resist a good debate..LOL


Not argumentative am I – just want to get it right – you know – have to understand – my quest!!!


LOL I was not implying arguments, just lively discussion, which I LOVE.


Oh, I could do discussion – no arguing – lol


Pelosi Plotting to Remove Trump? Tells Press “Tomorrow We are Going to Be Talking About the 25th Amendment”

Concerned Virginian

ABC news is running with this story as of 1PM Eastern today.


LOL of course they are.


Pelosi wants to suck up the air and news cycle because Pence cleaned Harris clock 🙂
Pelosi is going from bad to worse and begins to show her internal clock is well past its time to be in Congres.


Correction: Congress




Part of their playbook….step 11.


Pelosi “the wrap-up” technique in play.


Yes 🙁


I can’t imagine what she’s scheming. They have no leg to stand on.
The 25th Amendment. Section 4 is the pertinent part.
Section 1
In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.
Section 2
Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.
Section 3
Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.
Section 4
Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.


Just another arrow in that large quiver she has a poor intern carrying around! LOL


Yeah who knew one could shoot ones own self in the face with all those “quiver” arrows. BWAHAHAHAH. Bye Nancy, say it with me MINORITY Leader…NO POWER, and you WILL be steamrolled and MARGINALIZED. Could NOT happen to a more DESERVING lunatic.

Linda Harrison

A caller to Rush Limbaugh’s show today, Mark Steyn hosting, stated that one of the drugs PDJT is taking is Dexamethasone. Apparently, Pelosi believes that this medication can cause instability in PDJT (mentally). The caller stated that this drug is used for people taking chemo and said she wondered if the people using this drug would have a problem because Pelosi used it as a weapon against PDJT.
I called Schumer’s office and asked that he put out a public statement because anyone taking that drug could be singled out as incapable of doing their job too.


Delay the vote for ACB


Why? Just because you can DON’T
‘Sesame Street’ to Air Special Teaching Children How to Be ‘Anti-Racist’


kea, wasn’t it Thomas Sowell who said the way you cure racism is to quit taking ab it?
I know he said, You quit calling me a black man and I quit calling you a white man.



Thoughts on this?
Nolte: Hollywood Blacklisting Campaign Tanks Ellen Degeneres’ TV Ratings
All this hate, all these accusations came pouring out of the woodwork because Ellen Degeneres dared to treat former president George W. Bush like a fellow human being, because she enjoyed watching a football game with him, because she refused to apologize for being friendly with the man.
This would be the second time she’s been blacklisted. And lets face it Bush is part of that group so I don’t buy it. I also don’t care to be honest. LOL

Gail Combs

Good comment from Breitbart:

Jocko Petunie • an hour ago
Ellen Degeneres is a vicious lesbian. End of story.

He says it all.


I saw that one. LOL


I fully support leftists eating their own. As far as I’m concerned, this is excellent news.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This would be the second time she’s been blacklisted. And lets face it Bush is part of that group so I don’t buy it. I also don’t care to be honest. LOL

You’ve forgotten the hate GWB got from the Left throughout his whole term. Not nearly as much as PDJT has received, by any means, but it was astounding for its day.
He may be with them in secret but publicly he’s Bushitler, still.

Valerie Curren

Flying in the face of the narrative…

Concerned Virginian

The “We’re going to invoke the 25th Amendment” cr@p from NANCY PELOSI is ANOTHER of the “arrows” she said she has in her “quiver”. The previous “arrows” didn’t work, including getting POTUS infected with the CCP Virus. Including delaying/ derailing the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.
One assumes that Pelosi has more “arrows” in her “quiver” since this latest one will also be broken.


It’s not even an arrow. The VP has to join with others to say the president is unable to fulfill his duties. It’s not happening.

Concerned Virginian

Of course this “25th Amendment” cr@p won’t happen.
But Pelosi HAS to satisfy her handlers / paymasters that “she tried”.


Just like Judge Sullivan, IMO.




Found this comment on our favorite letter’s posting board –
“Met an hispanic guy at a Trump Peaceful Protest who said the President pronounces her name on purpose: KuhMAHLuh – in Spanish, “Que Mala!” means “how awful”


I also like KamanKaren, or “Common Karen”.


FreQuency is EVERYTHING Retweeted
Flag of United States 3Days3Nights Flag of United States@3days3nights
And there it is. The Big Pharma Satanists will hate this. Free cures. Healthy citizens. And even better. Trump gets to use our military to distribute the drugs. In other words our military & NG will be pre positioned in EVERY major city to distribute. Convenient timing.
Quote Tweet

Concerned Virginian

And no “vaccine” that will benefit $$$$ to people like DR. FAUCI — or have aborted baby tissue within it.


Tried to tell you, Trump PLANNED this covid “event”, it WAS necessary. Question if you do not believe me, is there NOW even a NEED for the “vaccine” Ah, NOW you see.
There were MANY advantages to this “event”
ONE the above, NO more “vaccine”
TWO the comeback kid narrative
THREE the destroying of the Covid FEAR HYPE
FOUR POTUS safety away in a MILITARY installation, free from the MSM and Cabal.
FIVE DESTROYS Fauci and Gates.
SIX let the MSM run wild and then DESTROYED their wet dream, AND credibility AGAIN.
SEVEN took the Covid issue and FLIPPED it on it’s HEAD
EIGHT eliminated the Pelosi “leverage” on the next stimulus, and it SHOWED when Trump “walked away”
NINE beat Biden to the punch, no sympathy for YOU Joe. LOL
TEN Gave Trump a REASON to not debate Biden (cheating by both Biden and the moderator) and yet BLAME it on Biden, the commission, and dems.


Guess which book someone just got to review…An Anti Trump book Of course I did.
“Satirical Letters” to Trump.
I don’t even know where to start…Oh boy. Maybe with a drink or two….

Gail Combs

Just remember to tell the editors that the 4-Chan Autists will tear the book apart in days and then use it to post humorous memes about it.


LOL its better then the ‘book’


WATCH: Vice President Pence in Boulder City, NV



That would please God.

Concerned Virginian

Now wouldn’t be an ** interesting thing ** if people were to, say, ** in the spirit of sharing the truth **, perhaps, emailed PDF copies of the LIST OF SLAVES that were owned by Hamilton Brown, KAMALA HARRIS’ Jamaican ancestor, to, let’s say, the DNC — state and local Democrat candidates’ websites —
from the previous page of this thread —
along perhaps with a PDF copy of Hamilton Brown’s SPEECH against ABOLITION from 1823, also from the thread?
Just ** in the spirit of sharing the truth **, you know.


let’s all hope that Tucker Carlson picks this up and reviews it nightly.


really, the person who needs to pick this up is President Trump. He should tweet this out and hammer on it relentlessly day after day.

Gail Combs

Better yet send them to the blacks you know. Along with the article PRAISING BROWN by her father.


#WorldWide #Biblical #PrayerRequestBusted! Trump Says NO REDACTIONS! Full Disclosure Coming! – Our Position At The Right Hand of God!

Julian’s Rum Tumbler glass@JuliansRum
About that fly: it was [their] symbolism
“Remember, they consider you to be the fly (specifically, the ‘feeder’).” – Cue

Gail Combs

NOT feeder FOOD for the spider!

Valerie Curren

That’s wonderful. As an American, I can’t imagine thanking the leader of a different country for fostering the well-being of the world. America has always been the leader in that department. It is gratifying to see others recognize and appreciate it. and we have to purge the bad apples so we can continue to lead instead of being dragged down to their level.

Valerie Curren


Deplorable Patriot
Gail Combs


Valerie Curren

Noem 2024!

Valerie Curren

Trump leaves no segment of America behind!


Explains Barr’s recent photo in Oklahoma?

Valerie Curren

Nice Catch!


OMG – Yet another brazen Kamala LIE exposed!!!


There’s Eric Holder in the background in her photo.
Very interesting…


LOL it would be FAR easier to try and spot the Harris and Biden TRUTHS amongst all those LIES, like needles in a haystack, a haystack the size of North America.


CORRECTION – VP Rally airs live on CSPAN @ 4:30 pm EDT – not 2:30 pm.

Concerned Virginian

It appears, per Mark Steyn speaking as guest host on the Rush Limbaugh radio show today, that POTUS Donald J. Trump WILL BE GOING SOLO AS THE HOST tomorrow on the Rush Limbaugh radio show.

Valerie Curren

Michigan mayhem…

Valerie Curren

More info…
This one wins the Internet, so far, today!
Good grief, Whitmer is on the radio in Detroit following Rush’s show & it’s like she’s using the same talking points as Kamela Harris from last night. She’s talking about racism & Trump not listening to science…whatever. It’s like she’s using the “kidnapping plot” as an excuse for personal political grandstanding…She’s justifying her tyranny in regards to CV & then she’s using emotional pleas, whatever…”wear the mask…let’s get through this together…”

This looks like an important catch…

Valerie Curren

More on the Michigan situation…

“conspired on our capital steps to do this” at the 2nd Amendment Rally, per Guy Gordon radio show He’s calling this “a right wing version of Antifa”…
Supposedly these plans have been ongoing since June…


From the responses all over the net, nobody is buying this and few trust Wray and the FBI. I know how we got to this point but what a heartbreaking failure Wray has been. Another traitor.

Valerie Curren

Yes, here in MI listening to the hysterical hyperventilating for a few minutes & all I feel like is going Shrug–whatever! I don’t remotely trust Whitmer & her speech was pretty revolting…

Valerie Curren

still more on Michigan


LOL it would be the first time in history that the people of Michigan would PAY ransom to NOT bring the kidnapped person back…EVER!

Valerie Curren

LOL…that’s about my husband & I used to say about how Josiah was safe from kidnappers, in fact they would likely PAY US to take him back!
If you’ve ever seen Malcolm in the Middle where Dewey is abducted & keeps singing “A, B, C, D!” over & over again until the driver is near crazy…or Rain Man “WKRX, Bam, The Future of Rock & Roll” on repeat, well we’ve lived that stuff for Many Years!

Valerie Curren

Even more on Michigan…
This one seems to have been written by someone more leftie but has some interesting info…
Honorable mention for the internet prize today 😉

Valerie Curren

They claim to have live updates here…fyi


On a related note… It is now clear (through court filings) that USAO Durham does actually have grand juries being given evidence. Additionally, Durham, or more likely Aldenberg, is investigating the rabbit hole that leads to the SSCI. More to come…
— TheLastRefuge (@TheLastRefuge2) October 8,
Also… there are three specific “spygate” twitter accounts, people with a specific intent & who have spread disinformation on that aspect of the issues at hand, that link to current FBI officials. So just keep that in mind.
— TheLastRefuge (@TheLastRefuge2) October 8, 2020


The Speaker of the House dresses up like a Pumpkin to reveal another of the Democrats’ dirty plots.
We will remember all these dirty tricks when we go to vote!
Remember, remember, on the 3rd of November,
Democrat treason and plot!
There no reason why Democrat treason,
Should ever be forgot!!*!


look, squirrel!
(translation: don’t concentrate on our miserable vp candidate in the debate…)


At midnight in Cinderella didn’t she have her mice turn into pumpkins? Bye Nancy, Midnight, no glass slipper for you, and no prince Charming to save you, you WICKED step mother.


Finally followed everyone on Gab. So much scary stuff right now…this latest set up of some people in Michigan has me so glad to know we have another way to keep connected.
The storm intensifies.


The Whitmer alleged kidnap plat is stinking to high heaven. No matter how much gets declassified..they keep right on with the FF’s and lies.


well things are looking pretty dang awful for the “intelligence” agencies right now–they are trying to save face any way they can…but “saving” witmer?? ain’t one!! (NO ONE CARES!)


Saving Whitmer is the pretense, blaming the white ____ (fill in the blank) nationalists, supremacists, Trump supporters is the reality. Wray hasn’t been amplifying this for nuttin.

Gail Combs

AND all they accomplished is to CONFIRM they are the lying sacks of 🐖💩 everyone thought they were.


Except the next time they try to paint an ANARCHIST as a Trump supporter just because he HAPPENS to be white, they MIGHT want to check all said ANARCHISTS social media, especially pictures of ANTIFA flags in the background..DUMBASSES.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m trying to understand why anyone would want to kidnap her.
Seems like a bid for sympathy, not that I’ve read any of the details.


Like I said, the people in Michigan would PAY the kidnappers ransom to KEEP HER. LOL


What was the flick with Danny Devito and the awful wife, where he paid a couple to kidnap her?


Saw the movie, had Jud Hirsch and Bette Midler. Cannot remember it’s name.


New: @KenPaxtonTX announces the arrest of Carrolton mayoral candidate for mail ballot fraud on 109 different counts. #txlege
— Brad Johnson (@bradj_TX) October 8, 2020


On that New England Journal of Medicine anti-Trump attack editorial:
We knew it was irrational TDS crap propaganda – but it’s nice to have that confirmed.

Gail Combs

Editors In Chief of World’s Most Prestigious Medical Journals: “Much of the Scientific Literature, Perhaps HALF, May Simply Be Untrue” … “It Is Simply No Longer Possible To Believe Much of the Clinical Research That Is Published”
Posted on June 1, 2015 by WashingtonsBlog

Corruption Is Destroying Basic Science
Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine are the two most prestigious medical journals in the world.
It is therefore striking that their chief editors have both publicly written that corruption is undermining science.
The editor in chief of Lancet, Richard Horton, wrote last month:
Much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness. As one participant put it, “poor methods get results”.
The Academy of Medical Sciences, Medical Research Council, and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council have now put their reputational weight behind an investigation into these questionable research practices. The apparent endemicity [i.e. pervasiveness within the scientific culture] of bad research behaviour is alarming.
In their quest for telling a compelling story, scientists too often sculpt data to fit their preferred theory of the world. Or they retrofit hypotheses to fit their data. Journal editors deserve their fair share of criticism too. We aid and abet the worst behaviours. Our acquiescence to the impact factor fuels an unhealthy competition to win a place in a select few journals. Our love of “significance” pollutes the literature with many a statistical fairy-tale. We reject important confirmations. Journals are not the only miscreants. Universities are in a perpetual struggle for money and talent, endpoints that foster reductive metrics, such as high-impact publication. National assessment procedures, such as the Research Excellence Framework, incentivise bad practices. And individual scientists, including their most senior leaders, do little to alter a research culture that occasionally veers close to misconduct.
Similarly, the editor in chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, Dr. Marcia Angell, wrote in 2009: *
It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.
In her must-read essay, Dr. Angell skewers drug companies, university medical departments, and medical groups which set the criteria for diagnosis and treatment as being rotten with corruption and conflicts of interest.
And we’ve previously documented that the government sometimes uses raw power to cover up corruption in the medical and scientific fields.
Postscript: Corruption is not limited to the medical or scientific fields. Instead, corruption has become systemic throughout every profession … and is so pervasive that it is destroying the very fabric of America.


They write all this – yet turn around and attack our President who is fighting corruption.


The original blog post was in 2015, before they were inoculated with TDS.


…and who has fought valiantly to save every possible life from the Chinese virus.

Deplorable Patriot

Part of the plan?


BINGO. Now do you see what I was trying to say the other day? This was a MASTER stroke.


That’s the real question.


seems like a lot of trouble to go to when the polls have sleepycreepypervy Joe creaming POTUS

Sadie Slays

Exactly. If the Biden had even the slightest chance of winning in November, then they wouldn’t be pulling this desperate stunt.




Gee, ya think. Do WINNERS do this kind of stuff? or is it exclusively LOOSERS.


But see, in Trump term TWO, ALL MAGA business comes DUE. IE they will have NO choice but to accept.


another court sides with repubs about absentee deadlines…headed for appeal…Wisconsin
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A federal appeals court on Thursday blocked a decision to extend the deadline for counting absentee ballots by six days in battleground Wisconsin, in a win for Republicans who have fought attempts to expand voting across the country.
If the ruling stands, absentee ballots will have to be delivered to Wisconsin election clerks by 8 p.m. on Election Day if they are to be counted. The ruling makes it more likely that results of the presidential race in the pivotal swing state will be known within hours of poll closing.
Democrats almost certainly will appeal the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Under state law, absentee ballots are due in local clerks’ offices by 8 p.m. on election night. But Democrats and allied groups sued to extend the deadline after the April presidential primary.


The ruling makes it more likely that results of the presidential race in the pivotal swing state will be known within hours of poll closing.

This, right here, is the crux of the issue.
The democrat plan, in the event of their 99.9% certain loss, is to:
1. Claim PDJT’s re-election is illegitimate
2. That the coming Trump 2.0 bagging and tagging of the criminals in the Obama administration is purely political
Their premise (promise)? If you come after us we will throw the country into a Civil War.
The good news?
Like everything else, POTUS has a plan to deal with this.


They are getting in a lot of practice sessions for the big game on 11/3/20.


Seven swing states down, three to go right! NO ballot harvesting for you dems.


07OCT20 | Rabbit Hole Edition | Introduction to Quantum Internet

Gail Combs

ERRrrrrr, Maybe Steve can help.
I thought WHITE was all colors and BLACK was the ABSENCE of color. Black also ABORBS all wave bands of color and White REFLECTS.
I had a trailer I was painting the black part would just about burn your hand while the white, because of it reflecting light, was cool.
Maybe ToRE is referring to black ABORBING all wave bands of color.

Deplorable Patriot

I thought white was the absence of all colors.


White is LIGHT
Black is absence of LIGHT
Colors can only be seen with the LIGHT


Without LIGHT….


True. This is why most airplanes are white.


That is what I thought, Gail – why is it if you are wearing black clothing in the sunlight – you feel hotter than if you were wearing white? Beats me, Gail?
Calling Steve…

Deplorable Patriot

Did she put her long thread from Tuesday in her podcast? I mean, it was EPIC. She has it pinned on her page.


Dunno, DP – she has one dated 10/5 – so it might be separate – 10/05 is LONG!!!
Tore Says Show 05 OCT 20


Just saying that the dropping of a screw in 0 gravity was perhaps not the best example as it can be accounted for by the screw being propelled downward.


Hmmm…tell Tore!!!


Well, since she wasn’t endorsing Flat Earth Theory and using it to develop a wider point I shall refrain from calling that out. I think the basic message works 😎


Okey Dokey, Para!!!


Tagging this on here as I can’t find my way back to the vid (or might try find a way to discreetly contact her about the screw) and knows this message would show up there.
Essentially she is right about white and black. From Wiki: on color Black
Physics. In the visible spectrum, black is the absorption of all colors. Black can be defined as the visual impression experienced when no visible light reaches the eye. Pigments or dyes that absorb light rather than reflect it back to the eye “look black”. A black pigment can, however, result from a combination of several pigments that collectively absorb all colors. If appropriate proportions of three primary pigments are mixed, the result reflects so little light as to be called “black”. This provides two superficially opposite but actually complementary descriptions of black. Black is the absorption of all colors of light, or an exhaustive combination of multiple colors of pigment.


Do you need the link to the video, Para?


Sorry washing dishes. If it’s not trouble and has a way to contact, sure. 🙂

All social networks are listed at the above link


Every country has kids back in school, except the USA–
From Gatestone Institute
“A great example is how Afghanistan has been able to rebuild an education system that had basically stopped functioning. In 2001, about 900,000 students were in primary school — almost all of them male. Today, more than 8 million students are in school, and though more must be done, nearly 40 percent of them are girls. The statistics tell the story. According to leading economist Larry Summers, educating girls “may well be the highest return investment available in the developing world.”


Crazy Nancy is the one who should be under observation. They don’t call her Crazy for nothing!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 8, 2020


BREAKING: Newly released McCabe texts from Oct 14, 2016 suggest Sally Yates & WH officials knew about the discovery of Hillary’s emails on the Weiner laptop weeks earlier than director Comey has publicly disclosed. The FBI sat on the evidence for a month before seeking a subpoena
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) October 8, 2020


waste MORE of the taxpayers’ money!
New – Pelosi and Raskin to introduce bill creating a commission to review President’s health and fitness for office. This is what she was referring to when she referred to 25th Amendment. She’s having a press conference tomorrow
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) October 8, 2020


Ridiculous and completely unwarranted. The 25th Amendment provides for the VP and others to make that determination, and of course the president’s doctors will have weighed in. If it were obvious that a president seemed unfit to serve, as would be the case with Biden, the VP could be pressured to cooperate with those who had genuine concerns, especially on the advice of physicians. NO extra-constitutional panels, committees, overseers, and other partisan “watchdogs” — even if they have “bipartisan” members.
Abide by the Constitution or resign your office, Nancy, because you are not fulfilling your oath to uphold it. Please, oh please, someone say this to her. It will rile her like almost nothing else because she disingenuously wields the Constitution as a personal weapon.

Gail Combs

Goes no where. I doubt Mitch would bring it to a vote.
It is just MORE political theatre and DEFLECTION from the crappy job the Demonrats have done in the last two years.
The President’s health is UP TO HIS DOCTOR! SHEESH.
I have take cortisone many times and because it wipes out my allergies I FEEL GREAT, breath better and get more O2 to my brain.


I think she believes if they create a commission, they can get access to POTUS’s medical records…like they are trying to do with his taxes


Nancy and ALL dems FIRST…Oh and HIPPA says hi.


I keep wondering when POTUS’s doctor will slap them silly with that!


It’s coming IF they really try it. Mr Spok would say..”sauce for the goose”


btw does it need a vote to remain a House Commission???


Comrade Fudge@HNIJohnMiller
1) Just for everyone’s edification, I’m going to go ahead and explain what’s about to happen.
The a bill to create a Commission is a special kind of bill in that it doesn’t actually need to go to the Senate. It just needs a majority vote in the House.
Quote Tweet
Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
· 2h
1) Pelosi & Dem MD Rep Raskin to hold press conf tomorrow on the bill titled the “Commission on Presidential Capacity to Discharge the Powers and Duties of Office Act.”
Show this thread
Comrade Fudge@HNIJohnMiller
2) This Commission is basically a group that is empowered to hold hearings and study whatever topic the bill dictates. In this case, ‘Presidential capacity to discharge the powers and duties of office’.
Basically, they’re going to hold hearings with people who hate Trump.
3) They are then going to use these hearings to generate a report that says that the President is unfit for office.
And this is how the Democrats will be hoisted by their own petard, so to speak.
4) First off, this is a partisan vote along razor thin margins, 36 votes.
Many of the Dems are in Trump districts and will probably lose their seats.
Forcing a vote on this blatantly partisan bill a month before the election is a guarantee that they will lose those seats.
5) The hearings themselves will go down as every other Dem hearing has before. A fucking failure. Every American swing voter who hears about this will understand that this hasn’t happened before, and it reinforces the narrative that the Dems will do ANYTHING to stop Trump.
6) THEN, a running theme of these hearings, is that absolutely fucking NOTHING can actually be done with these hearings. There’s no subpeona power, no legislative power, the entire point of a commission is to submit a report offering an opinion, that’s it.
7) And, icing on the cake: Not one person on the commission nor one likely witness (at best they’ll get a former cabinet member/advisor. Unlikely though) will have authority under the 25th amendment to actually fucking follow through on the foregone conclusion of the commission.
8) So what we have is a commission to study something that is none of the House’s business, with no authority to actually study the topic, and no ability to compel testimony about the topic, and to dispense with the whole study nonsense because we already know the report’s thesis
9) AND IN DOING ALL THAT, the House Dems will FUCK all their swing seats, and demonstrate once again how fucking useless the House under Pelosi is.
Congratulations, Dems.
You played yourselves.

Deplorable Patriot

After the day I’ve had, this is 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Gail Combs

Is that one of the souvenirs, from the Johns Hopkins and Gates Foundation Hosted Coronavirus Pandemic Simulation in 2019?
If so it would be very appropriate!comment imagecomment image

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, there’s the children of the SJWs who are clueless, as well as the SJWs themselves, but one thing VSGPDJT has done is make America believe in itself again to the point that the young people are learning what that means.

Deplorable Patriot

I understand a murder hornet was actually caught the other day.

Deplorable Patriot

@ about 43 seconds…🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Deplorable Patriot

Make that 38 seconds.

Gail Combs

OOOOooo WEE, Rosco is on a real roll and telling some home truths.
(salty language as usual.)

Well the crazy @SpeakerPelosi just said they are going to hold a press conference tomorrow on invoking the 25th amendment.
This bitch is out of her mind
Not making it up
[Video of Nasty the Pig]
Here’s what is also telling from this video.
“Ain’t gonna be no stand alone bill”
There it is in a nutshell. She’s all in on getting her bailouts of nothing at all.

A bunch of public unions voted in politicians who gave them 100% unsustainable pension plans, and expected to get bailed out by everyone else when the Ponzi scheme fell apart.
Sorry Nancy piss off
Pelosi Quotes
“The president is in a, shall we say, altered state right now.”
” Tomorrow, by the way, tomorrow, come here tomorrow. We’re going to be talking about the 25th Amendment.”
One thing Trump (and Covid) has revealed is that the Dems will stoop to new depths to regain power and will undoubtedly abuse that power if gained. It’s pretty unbelievable what we are witnessing in real time.
This is a dangerous time for this country right now. The Dems have flat out gone crazy and are actively partnering with the media to take over this country forever.

They are in bed with this Lawfare/Brookings group who is driving all of these attempts at overthrowing Trump.


The GOP is also wavering. Did any of you hear the MC Connell speaking to the press, paraphrased, ” he has not been in the WH because they do not take the virus seriously?”


These Senators and Congress critters in the GOP need to speak forcefully for POTUS and stay strong in the face of the commie-D-rats.


i’m surprised that you think McConnell is anything other than a deep state operative.


There always was hope


McConnell is owned by by the Chinese. See: his wife and father-in-law

Gail Combs

Elaine Lan Chao, Mitche’s wife wasborn in Taipei, Taiwan, Chao immigrated to the United States when she was eight years old.
There is not much love loss between the CCP and Taiwan.
Dianne Feinstein & Nasty the Pig on the other hand…..


You could NOT be more wrong. I have actually MET Mitch more than once too. He has had MULTIPLE chances to betray Trump and us, and yet EACH time he is on the side of history and MAGA. Elaine Chow is NOT Chinese, she is from Taiwan, huge difference.
Mitch is a bulldog, and MOST underestimate or imply things about him because of his demeanor and lisp. Let me tell you, Mitch USES that “impediment” to DIS ARM most people. He is WAY more than meets the eye, trust me.
I will just leave you with this. Mitch passed the Trump tax cuts, blew up the filibuster on SCOTUS and Appeals judges, has appointed OVER 300 MAGA judges, was ONE betrayal vote away from overturning Obamacare, passed ALL of Trump’s trade deals, stopped shampeachment COLD, and in a few days will have appointed MORE SCOTUS judges in a single term than ANY modern Leader on EITHER side (three). He rammed through Kavanaugh despite VEHEMENT opposition, and he will do the SAME with Barrett. ALL this despite having a SLIM margin for error, and 3 wishy washy RINOS to deal with.
You “might” want to cut the man just a TAD bit of slack.


Ruffled your feathers, did he? 🙂


NO, I ruffled his.


“They are in bed with this Lawfare/Brookings group who is driving all of these attempts at overthrowing Trump. ”
Little Bennie Wittes is going to be a treat to watch during his trial for High Treason.
He’s gonna love prison.
Until his execution date.

Deplorable Patriot

I might blow up this pic to put in the pantry to scare cockroaches.


my mom used to use somethin’ like that to scrub pots and pans…

Gail Combs

He should go with a crew cut then slap a LARGE Yarmulke over it and be done with it!

Cuppa Covfefe

Rotated 90° to the front…

Gail Combs

Looks like my Abnormal Psych Prof, Dr Strange …. AND BOY WAS HE!


Ummm BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. First, To pass a LAW, it TAKES the Presidents signature IF it passed BOTH the House, and the Senate, IE NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Second, To invoke the incapacitation of the President takes BOTH the Vice President AND a majority of the President’s cabinet, IE NEVER going to happen.
Third, EVERYONE knows that Trump is NOT incapacitated, and is WAY more lucid and responsible than Nancy.
Fourth and BEST. This FRAUD commission COULD be construed, (read WOULD be) just 26 days FROM the election, as an attempt TO interfere with thaT ELECTION AND possibly A ATTEMPTED coup AND sedition, FOR IT IS AN obvious INTERFERENCE attempt tat BEST and at worst a COUP.
Therefore, IF this is TRIED, ALL the republicans in the House and Senate WOULD vote against it with the possible exceptions of Romney and Amash, though I think not even ROMNEY is THAT stupid. This WILL backfire politically, but that COULD be the LEAST of there problems. This COULD be considered a coup, and RIGHTLY Trump COULD have ALL the dems voting on this ARRESTED and REMOVED.
Pelosi is JUST saber rattling, BUT if she isn’t, we are gonna need a WHOLE PASSEL of new dems in Congress, and DEFINATELY a new speaker. Tryi it NAN I DARE you. We KNOW the line of succession, and THAT is YOUR problem, this COULD (read IS ) a BLANTANT attempt of a political overthrow, this is NOT impeachment even, this is BRAZEN.
I would LAGH myy ASS off if she tried it and the military came in and arrested them ALL for it. There is MORE than enough evidence from all the previous attempts, and I BET there is evidence of the attempted assassination attempt.
Bottom LINE, this is NOT gonna happen. But there is MORE to it.
Ask ONE question. IF Biden is “winning” so big, why have to try this STUNT. It can ONLY hurt BIDEN and Pelosi.
Let me translate, just as I told you, there will be NO further debates, Trump CREAMED Biden, and Pence EVISCERATED Harris. THINK Roberto Duran…NO MAS.
The dems internals HAVE TO SHOW that they are not only LOSING the Presidential race, they are losing BOTH the Senate, and the HOUSE races, BIGLY. They KNOW Trump is winning and he has MASSIVE coattails\
There is NO other reason to even THINK of talking about this STUNT, it is a act of DESPERATION. Winners do NOT act in such desperation. LOOSERS do. The people will SEE, and NOW even MORE will vote for Trump, and to RID us of the dems, ESPECIALLY Pelosi.
Bye bye Nancy…leave that oversized gavel in the TRASH.

Lurker Chris

This guy is only ONE of the reasons why I left my birthplace of Maryland.
With New Republican Gov. , Hogan, I though it might have a chance.
He should have vetoed mail in voting. BIG FAIL.
The dems are all zombies.Every last one of them.They all act like this guy looks…
: ..This is just a test, but you KNOW I had to comment.


i get a tweet is unavailable message…


Okay, Twitter’s playing games again. It was a Dov Hilkind tweet saying a judge had overruled DeBlasio and Cuomo and that religious groups are allowed to meet.

Gail Combs

This is the OFFICIAL Twitter account of NY State Assemblyman Dov Hikind.
Jewish Democrat Dov Hikind booted from Rashida Tlaib event: ‘What about your anti-Semitism?’

Former Democratic New York state assemblyman Dov Hikind was escorted by police out of an event featuring Rep. Rashida Tlaib after he shouted a question about anti-Semitism.
Ms. Tlaib, Michigan Democrat, was the guest speaker at an event Saturday at Rutgers University, titled “A Global Crisis: Refugees, Migrants, and Asylum Seekers — Lessons from the Prophet Muhammad,” which was organized by the group Muslims4Peace, Fox News reported Monday. Mr. Hikind tweeted a video of the moment when he interrupted Ms. Tlaib’s speech and was immediately manhandled by an attendee and eventually escorted out of the room by police.
In the clip, Mr. Hikind is able to stand up and say, “What about your—,” before a man comes up from behind and forcefully grabs him.
“You can leave,” one attendee shouts at Mr. Hikind as he exchanges words with the man who grabbed him, according to the clip.
Mr. Hikind, who is Jewish, then yells at Ms. Tlaib, “What about your anti-Semitism? What about your blood libel against Israel?”
University police officers then approach Mr. Hikind and the crowd breaks into a “Rashida” chant. Mr. Hikind continues yelling but is drowned out by the chants as the officers escort him out of the room.

Gail Combs

There is this tweet by Dov Hikind:

Gail Combs

Part of a Carlos thread. (He gets into psychology in the other 1/2)

I’ve found the best example yet of the total insanity of leftism.
I’m sure that @realDonaldTrump and @FLOTUS and @VP Pence knew this long ago, but hey:
That’s why THEY are mopping the earth. Literally. Cleaning it up.
We begin:comment image
ONCE AGAIN, we’re being told that women are just as strong and capable as men, AND they’re fragile little girls deserving of special treatment so they won’t cry.
Hillary did the same thing.
“Trump STALKED me on the stage! I WAS AFRAID!”
Today the Internet is full of what the kids call “white knighting”:
Rushing to the defense of a woman who told us that she was perfectly capable of defending herself.
Harris was the victim of A TERRIBLE ASSAULT! [By a perfect gentleman -GC]
She wants to be vice president of the United States, but she must be excluded from the challenges that all successful men face.
She must be PROTECTED.
Remember this?comment image
Mike Pence at the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea.
The North Koreans have towers with snipers.
Does he look like he needs white knighting?
That photo is why I called him the Religious Terminator.
Leftists hold contradictory views because it’s the only way to be a leftists.
Alyssa Milano is the perfect exemplar.
Brett Kavanaugh was guilty because “Believe All Women.”
Joe Biden deserves due process before we condemn him because “Believe All Women” means LISTEN to them and then dismiss them.
The only way to be a leftist is to have rules that mean nothing.
[Or rules that ONLY APPLY TO YOU, their enemy! –GC]


When I read Carlos’ thread, I immediately thought of the principle of non-contradiction. I have not read of it through the philosophers (Aristotle, etc), but through the Catholic faith.
I looked up articles to explain the principle, as I would not be able to explain it well in a comment. I came across the following post, which I think will do:
Here’s a rather long excerpt from the article above, which to me, sums up what the left is all about: They are insane!
That God is One (and not divided) is the very foundation for all rationality and sanity. That God is undivided and consistent within assures you that two plus two will always be four – and that you can anchor your sanity on that. That God is undivided assures you that if you saw package twisters in a store for 12 years, they were there … and you are not insane. That God is One is the basis for our sanity. It undergirds the Principle of Non-contradiction: Something is or it is not, it cannot be both; and two plus two can never be five – and that allows us to live rational, sane lives. Because God is undivided, we can trust our sanity.
The truth of this was never jeopardized by the great epistemological debates in history. Doubts about rationality and sanity do not come from Descartes, Kant, Hegel, Locke, Hume, Wittgenstein, or Jacques Derrida; these philosophers merely argued about the structure of rationality, never about its existence. What jeopardizes our sanity (and is, no doubt, the greatest moral threat in our world today) is lying, the denial of facts, the changing of facts, and the creation of fake facts.
Nothing, absolutely nothing, is as dangerous and pernicious as lying, dishonesty. It is no accident that Christianity names Satan the prince of lies and teaches that lying is at the root of the unforgivable sin against the Holy Spirit. When facts are no longer facts, then our very sanity is under siege because lying corrupts the basis for rationality.
God is One! That means that there is no internal contradiction within God and that assures us that there is no internal contradiction possible within the structure of reality and within a sane mind. What has happened, has forever happened, and cannot be denied. Two plus two will forever be four and because of that we can remain sane and trust reality enough to live coherent lives.
The single most dangerous thing in the whole world is lying, dishonesty, denying facts. To deny a fact is not only to play fast and loose with your own sanity and the very foundations of rationality; it is also to play fast and loose with God whose consistency undergirds all sanity and all meaning. God is one, undivided, consistent.
end of excerpt

Gail Combs

“What jeopardizes our sanity (and is, no doubt, the greatest moral threat in our world today) is lying, the denial of facts, the changing of facts, and the creation of fake facts.”
And that is why the Philosophy of Hegel and Marx are so DANGEROUS. There is no OBJECTIVE TRUTH in their philosophy and this is the basis for their HATE of Christianity and Logic.
SEE: The Hegelian Basis of The Philosophy Of Karl Marx
“….Hegel accepted as real only that which existed in the mind. Objective phenomena and events were of no consequence; only the con­ceptions of them possessed by human minds were real. Ideas, not ob­jects, were the stuff of which the universe was made. The universe and all events therein existed and took place only in the mind,….”


Fair enough Gail. I was not touting Hegel and Kant, and I did honestly did not think the author of the article was. I wish I had found and posted an article that did not include them…but the rest of the article expressed what I understand of the principle of non-contradiction.
I have not read philosophy, I have heard their names bandied about (i.e. Hegel, Kant, etc), and I decided I did not want to engage. They were quoted in the article that I read, and cannot critique what the author says about Hegel, Kant, etc. What I do agree with the author of the article, is that lying and dishonesty – the denial of facts – leads to insanity. ….this is where we are heading if the left wins. We will live in a la-la world, defined only by those who have the strongest emotions….God help us if that side wins….but in the end they cannot,,,,because God will always win!(Though we might end up being martyrs…before He wins)

Gail Combs

The COMMUNISTS love Hegel because it promotes FEELINGS over logic and morals.
I was just adding the OPPOSING illogical philosophy that we now have to deal with. Sorry if I confused you,


Thank you for the clarification Gail. Yes, I was confused, so I appreciate your answer.


“When I read Carlos’ thread, I immediately thought of the principle of non-contradiction. I have not read of it through the philosophers (Aristotle, etc), but through the Catholic faith.
I looked up articles to explain the principle, as I would not be able to explain it well in a comment. ”
This is EXACTLY the problem I run into constantly, what I call ‘alternate realities’, because different people (everywhere) are believing different things (about lots of subjects) which frames their understanding or perception of reality, but the information they are receiving (from MSM, FB, etc.) is LIES.
This fractures society, because we can’t even have a rational discussion with people who have believed ‘alternate realities’.
And it is all being done on purpose. Military grade propaganda and psychological warfare, unleashed on the civilian population.
As for the principle of non-Contradiction, the case from Scripture is very straightforward.
God is truth:
“He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.” (Deuteronomy 32:4, KJV, boldface emphasis mine)
“Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O LORD God of truth.” (Psalm 31:5)
God is perfect:
“As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all them that trust in him.” (2 Samuel 22:31)
God is not double-minded or the author of confusion:
“For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.” (1 Corinthians 14:33)
“A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” (James 1:8)
God knows the end from the beginning, He knows exactly what will happen in the future:
“Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:” (Isaiah 46:10)
God’s Word is Truth:
“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” (John 17:17, boldface emphasis mine)
There are lots more of course, but put just those verses together, and it is clear.
God is perfect, God is truth, God’s Word is truth, God is not confused or double-minded, God knows the end from the beginning, i.e., what will happen in the future (future from our perspective).
If Someone knows the future (because He is not constrained by time, seeing all ‘time’ at once), and He is perfect, and His word is Truth, and He is not confused or double-minded, then such a Someone would not contradict Himself.
Being omniscient, He would recognize a contradiction (past, present or future) before He ever spoke it; being the God of Truth, He would not lie; being perfect, He would not make a mistake; knowing the future, chance is not a factor, there is nothing that Man or nature could do which God was not already aware of.
No contradiction from a perfect God of Truth.


And total agreement from me with what you write.


“This is EXACTLY the problem I run into constantly, what I call ‘alternate realities’, because different people (everywhere) are believing different things (about lots of subjects) which frames their understanding or perception of reality, but the information they are receiving (from MSM, FB, etc.) is LIES.
This fractures society, because we can’t even have a rational discussion with people who have believed ‘alternate realities’.”
Thank you Scott. A thought. Could this be why Our Lord commanded us to spread the Gospel through the whole world? So,that we will base all on the God of Truth, and therefore not be susceptible to propaganda?
I really love being in the Q tree…things are rough here in Canada, with Trudope….I come here for to get strength for the journey…and try to remember: ,God wins!!! I remember that more easily when I am here.


“A thought. Could this be why Our Lord commanded us to spread the Gospel through the whole world? So,that we will base all on the God of Truth, and therefore not be susceptible to propaganda?”
I think that could be so, in part.
This is the whole thing that occurs to me occasionally, with regard to truth and God.
Imagine for a moment if God did not exist, or His Word did not exist.
His Word is the only objective truth we have on a whole host of subjects. I realize and understand that atheists would disagree of course, because not accepting that God exists means not accepting that His Word is actually His.
But putting that aside for the moment, the importance of God’s Word to reality cannot be overstated.
Without God’s Word declaring right from wrong, there would be no ‘wrong’ except whatever man deemed ‘wrong’ in his own eyes, which of course would change from moment to moment, based on whatever Man desired at any given time.
It would be chaos, anarchy.
Because God’s Word exists, the knowledge of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ exist, as defined by Someone who is not Man.
Everything always (ultimately) goes back to ‘authority’.
If Man is the ultimate ‘authority’, then Man can declare whatever he wants, and so long as he has the power to compel others through force, Man can create his own reality and force others to comply. No different than Nebuchadnezzar did when he ordered everyone to bow before the golden image.
But God is a higher Authority than any Man, and there are many truths which God has declared, which no Man can lawfully (i.e., in reality) deny or contradict.
Man can try, man can ignore God’s Word, or rail against God’s Word, but what man can never do is change God’s Word — or make it go away.
It’s an amazing thing, really, if you stop to think about it.
So by defining truth, in many ways, God defined reality, on many subjects. And any Man who seeks to impose an alternate ‘reality’, an alternate ‘truth’, only does so in contradiction to God’s Word, because ultimately, God’s Word (whether people believe it or not) is the only thing standing between the Man and the creation of his own alternate ‘truths’ or ‘realities’.
And that reality affects atheists the same as everybody else, and from a philosophical standpoint atheists could certainly recognize this ‘paradigm’, even if they did not ‘believe’ in God or that the Scriptures were His Word.
Because an atheist can see as clearly as any believer, the practical reality described above. Those who believe in Truth (sanity, reason, etc.) can always fall back on God’s Word as the ultimate back-stop, when reality is challenged by the unhinged and the insane.
Without the existence of God’s Word, there would be no back-stop, there would only be competing visions of reality proposed by Men, because ultimately no Man is any higher ‘authority’ than any other Man.
An authority higher than Man, a ‘court’ beyond which no ‘appeal’ is possible, is required in order to functionally ‘end’ any challenge to what is ‘true’ or ‘right’ or ‘real’.
God’s Word provides that Authority, which nothing Man could do would provide, because if Man did it, it would just be ‘circular’, i.e., one Man asserting his ‘reality’ and another man contradicting him, to infinity.
God’s Word interrupts that cycle, like a head umpire settling a disputed ‘ball’ or ‘strike’ call. Without that higher “authority”, the batter and the pitcher would simply argue to infinity. Neither would ever back down, each would persist and demand his own version of ‘reality’, one believing it was a ‘strike’, and the other believing it was a ‘ball’. There can be no end to that dispute without a higher authority to settle the matter.
It is the same with God, except He is not calling ‘balls’ or ‘strikes’ in a baseball game, He has defined ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, ‘good’ and ‘evil’, for the human race. And many other immutable truths which shape our perception of ‘reality’, to which we can appeal, if (when) confronted with weaponized ‘insanity’ (e.g., propaganda, psychological warfare).
Without that objective anchor, without that foundation, without that ‘rock’, we as a species would be adrift, untethered, unmoored from objective reality (which is interesting in another way, i.e., God by definition is ‘super natural’, He exists outside of nature, and yet He created our objective reality, not us).
Without God’s Word, ultimately, any proposed ‘reality’ would be just as ‘good’ as any other, and every man could (and would) do whatever was right in his own eyes.
“In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” (Judges 17:6, cf. Judges 21:25, KVJ)
“The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.” (Proverbs 12:15)
“Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts.” (Proverbs 21:2)
It is a fascinating subject (at least to me!).
There are lots of other verses which are relevant, here are just a few:
Romans 5:13, Romans 7:7-9, 1 Corinthians 15:56, Galatians 3:24 and many others, which while also discussing spiritual matters, are also (ultimately) describing constraints which determine the objective reality in which we all exist.
Regardless of whether one believes in God, or not.
Which itself is a mind-bender 😁

Valerie Curren

My husband likes this one too!

Valerie Curren

descending into memery 🙂

Another honorable mention for the Internet today 🙂

Valerie Curren

Runner up on the internet today

So now leftards are saying Trump stirred this up–these people are literally insane!

Cannot pick the internet grand prize today but this is a serious contender!!!



Maria Bartiromo to the President: “What else is needed to make sure that the American People understand what took place, trampling on American Peoples’ rights and liberties, before the election?”
Answer: ARRESTS.
Until or unless there are ARRESTS, everything is just background noise.
Nothing is serious until ARRESTS are made.
When you arrest Hitlery and O’Traitor, you will have the attention of every human being on the planet.
Until then, you can stack evidence all the way to the Moon and talk about it on TV until the end of time, and it won’t matter.
A R R E S T.
That is what is needed.
You asked Maria, there is your answer.

Sadie Slays

A famous trope in film is to use oranges to symbolize death. Go watch the “The Godfather” and count the number of scenes where oranges appear immediately before death or assassinations.comment image


Nancy Gambino h/t wolf

Gail Combs

Symbolic significance of oranges in The Godfather
Blood oranges in Italy are sometimes a symbol of the death of Jesus = death/rebirth. Oranges were rare in Italy in the 1930’s-1950’s so = premonition of death.
Given these Satanic evil people’s love of symbols, yeah I could see it as symbolic.


The Blood Orange or Sanguinelle was especially symbolic of the death of Christ.


Well we’re never going to submit, so I guess they’ll have to die.
Sorry about their luck 😁


well shoot, when you put it that way I hope they don’t submit.


Oranges in the Godfather –


Symbolism in the color Orange –
Orange triggers more reactions than any other hue. It is often associated with something strongly negative or strongly positive but is considered to be a “happy color” in many cultures, representing the aspect of joy which raises the spirits and invigorates the observer. It is a vibrant color that attracts the attention of the surroundings. It’s associated with joy, sunshine, and the tropics, and represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, and DETERMINATION.
Orange trees are a symbol of love, but in heraldics orange indicates strength and endurance.
Orange is also associated with healthy food and oranges are a great source of vitamin C (V.C.), which is not produced by the human body but must be taken in.
Eastern culture
In Eastern Cultures, orange is used to symbolize love, passion, happiness, and marriage. in ancient mythology, oranges were often given as a marriage gift. In Chinese and Japanese culture, orange symbolizes good luck and prosperity. The second chakra, which is orange, is located near the womb and is associated with creativity.
Western culture
Orange represents joy in Christianity. In western culture this color is often associated with Thanksgiving or Halloween. In religion, orange represents joy which is considered the catalyst of acting on faith to receive God’s blessings. Orange is also the national color of the Netherlands, and it’s national football team is known as Oranje.
Happy and showy orange stands for warmth and energy.
Dark orange can mean betrayal and distrust.
Red-orange corresponds to desire, sexual passion, pleasure, domination, and aggression.
Orange symbolizes gluttony of the seven deadly sins
oranges in dreams can symbolize prosperity and a strong marrige


I’ve always loved Orange!!!🧡🧡🧡


Well, orange you special. 🙂


Especially that big box home improvement store!


They already tried, they FAILED. Thee ONLY death these oranges symbolize is the DEATH of Pelosi ‘s speakership AND the democratic party.,


My first thought as well.


Ah, there she is, the face of evil.
So lovely to see you today, your heinous.


Just a little more mask, and she could be this guy, Humongous, from Mad Max – Road Warrior:comment image


I think she’s posturing, trying to look threatening and scare President Trump.

Concerned Virginian

Orange flower water or orange juice were among the favored media used to poison someone in the 16th – 18th Centuries with mercury salts or arsenic (France and Italy especially).


…and wouldn’t they like to consider themselves so clever as to kill ‘Orange Man’ with oranges symbolizing death!


Something up or is someone tossing us a bone. Looks like the move is going to be made I don’t think this just happens unless something else (Hunter) is going to happen too. But what would I know….
John Solomon
Breaking: Federal appeals court reinstates charges against Hunter Biden’s business partner | Just The News

Gail Combs

Devon Archer is stepson of John Kerry former Sec of State whose daughter married into Iran.
Devon is the LEAD IN to Hunter’s bribe $$ and to John Kerry and the pallets of $$$$
Devon is not as well know as Hunter Biden or John Kerry so he would not be that much of a trigger.


Gail Combs

More easy to read Jpegcomment image

Gail Combs

Stick that report up your Donkey’s Ass, you Nasty Pig!



Gail Combs



Thus ends the “ten days of darkness.”



It’s the same old Democrat playbook – Remember “We have to pass it to see what’s in it!”

comment image


My latest, for Duchess and those that missed the first preview in Jan. It will only be up through Sunday, my entire book. I feel it is MOST relevant now, and needed since I believe we are IN the end game here.
You are free to read it, free to distribute the link. All I ask is that you do not copy it in it’s entirety and distribute, you may quote excerpts from it and distribute. If you like it let me know, if you have questions, I will be happy to answer.

Brave and Free

looks like New York faces a bleak future, then.comment image


comment image

Gail Combs

We need to send that to every small news paper in NY


Elections have consequences, Cuomo…we won.

Brave and Free

This goes along with King Andy the Elder Slayer, why would you not want to be bringing $$ into the state treasury???
Oh see ^^above^^ article. What a 💩


oppscomment image

The [DS]/CB have tried everything, they do not own the economic narrative, the VP presidential debate proves it. They have nothing left. If you look at the manufacturing jobs before the event jobs were being created, and after the same thing.The patriots know the [DS] playbook, countermeasures are already in place, they have tried everything and the last act is insurgency. The [DS] players are being stopped at every turn and the scrambling because the truth is being exposed and their is nothing they can do to stop this. First it was a shadow president, then a shadow government, next they tried information warfare then irregular warfare, we are experiencing a color revolution and their last attempt will be insurgency.


of course, an insurgency would lead to widespread death and destruction within the USA.
And then we will hold Democrat leadership accountable for the insurgency, which it is, using the military…
…to include military intelligence and military trials. needless to say, evidence for all the above has been in process of being collected and archived for just this purpose for the past 3 1/2 years, if not longer.
And the Democrat party as we know it will cease to exist.

Deplorable Patriot

“…to include military intelligence and military trials. needless to say, evidence for all the above has been in process of being collected and archived for just this purpose for the past 3 1/2 years, if not longer.”
It’s the concept that just doesn’t seem to sink in.


A Night of Worship | October 8, 2020




I would advise reading only



Highest Unemployment Rates:
Nevada: 13.2
Rhode Island: 12.8
New York: 12.5
Hawaii: 12.5
California: 11.4
Massachusetts: 11.3
New Mexico: 11.3
Illinois: 11.0
New Jersey: 10.9
Pennsylvania: 10.3
Democrat governors are tanking their economies on purpose.
It’s criminal.


no, it’s beautiful.
it’s political suicide…
By foul, insane democrats.
God be praised!


Re-Tweeted by President Trump





comment image
Oct 08, 2020 8:48:53 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f86b40 No. 10988277comment image


Under the Pic:
Nothing is random.
Everything has meaning.



Donald J. Trump
45th President of the United States of America🇺🇸
Washington, March 2009
Donald J. Trump
Also, they want to Raise Taxes Big and Obliterate your great Second Amendment!!!
Quote Tweet
Christina Bobb
· 1h
Packing the court, invoking 25th Amendment, defunding police, closing schools and churches, shutting “non-essential businesses,” mandating masks…. Wow. Dems sure picked a winning platform. 🙄. @realDonaldTrump should win in a landslide…in a fair election.




Very good sign that he is saying it outright now, matter of factly.


Rattling the D-Rats. A little overt pressure on Barr and Durham.
hildabeast and hussein rather quiet these days.



“They are in bed with this Lawfare/Brookings group who is driving all of these attempts at overthrowing Trump. ”
Rather, Biden should be running — from the military police.
In fact, he better be running right now, before they get to his basement… 😁




comment image


Oct 08, 2020 8:59:51 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f86b40 No. 10988475
Oct 08, 2020 8:59:11 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: 027f90 No. 10988470comment image
3m ago
8kun qresearch


Oct 08, 2020 9:01:15 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f86b40 No. 10988514
Oct 08, 2020 8:57:27 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: 78a0f3 No. 10988446
We need Justice!!!! We are ready!!!! Let’s go!!!! WWG1WGAcomment image
2m ago
8kun qresearch


Donald J. Trump
Biden is against Oil, Guns and Religion, a very bad combination to be fighting in the Great State of Texas. We are Winning Big, in the Real Polls, all over the Country!!! NOVEMBER 3rd. VOTE!!!


Oct 08, 2020 9:22:20 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 62d606 No. 10988977
Was the 25th amendment ‘arrow in the quiver’ planned?
How long ago?
Was it expected POTUS would be in a critical [health] state re: C19?
Recovery unexpected?
Impossible to unwind?
Next: ‘mentally incapacitated’ re: C19 language [“people are dying”] _safety and security to the well being ……….
Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan.
1m ago
8kun qresearch


can you imagine the impact upon the election if information is revealed PROVING an assassination attempt upon the president using COVID-19?
can you say “landslide”?


Has anyone seen Freddy the Fallacious Fly debunked on TV, yet? Tucker didn’t, but had two segments on it.


I was surprised Tucker didn’t pick up on the obvious fakery, or choose to run with it. (He has to be aware.) Too bad there’s no phone video to debunk it. I wonder if the red eye was faked as well?


Oct 08, 2020 9:29:22 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 62d606 No. 10989210
Oct 08, 2020 9:24:10 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: 010213 No. 10989031comment image
Did you notice the missile within the drop re: 25th amendment?
1m ago
8kun qresearch


IMO, a missile is that they expected Pres. Trump would be sick. How could they expect that if they had not planned and facilitated it?
Was it expected POTUS would be in a critical [health] state re: C19?
Recovery unexpected?

I hope there is overwhelming evidence, that it will come out, and that they will be prosecuted.


Trump interview on Hannity right now


Liking President Trump raising his visibility on the air waves since he can’t travel for a few more days.


He did this in 2016 too. At first I didn’t understand why Dems didn’t also capitalize on it, but I think it was too risky for Hillary to expose herself that much, and the same for Biden.


Both hildabeast and Dementia Joe canNOT do long interviews.



be ready for what?
President Trump is five steps ahead of these idiots, and all is well in hand.


Get used to this look…😉comment image


Were Americans subconsciously buying up toilet paper when the ‘rona hit because they knew that we were going to be throwing mountains of tissue at crying democrats on November 4?comment image


So is POTUS going to expose the missile attempt if they pass this crazy bill to establish a “Commission” ?
that’s the interpretation of anons on the board…


he’s going to expose the missile attempt. Period.


The memes are starting to come out:



Dozens arrested as France busts major child porn network, including men suspected of sexually assaulting kids on camera
French police have arrested 61 people allegedly involved in a vast child pornography network. Some of the suspects are believed to have filmed their sexual assault of minors, investigators said.
The major sting was announced by Eric Berot, head of one of the divisions within France’s sub-directorate for battling organized crime, on Thursday. The arrests were made this week during a large operation that spanned 30 of France’s regions.
So far, 61 suspects have been detained. Several suspects had been working in positions that facilitated access to children – they include teachers, religious leaders and even city hall officials.
con’t reading


Yesterday, Commandant CG reported positive. Followed by all JCS going into quarantine.
DP suggested “going to the mattresses”. (Godfather movie, turf wars…in our case, active coup.)
Lines up with President Trump clearly all but, demanding action NOW.
Could we be lining up for a real “Shitstorm Saturday”? Gosh I hope so.
Only, the good guys do a pre-emtive strike and take all of the coup bastards out. Hope they resist, a lot.


It certainly seems that the JCS’s clearly do not want to be communicated with. ???


OR, JCS are in clear communication with each other and President Trump. ready to counter an actual coup.


And avoiding calls from the Democrats to join the coup. Better be that.

Deplorable Patriot

Saturday? I’m cleaning out the basement on Saturday. Or at least organizing the piles down there.


Of course. No surprises from the company.


“Of course. No surprises from the company.”
Or from the enemy 😁


release the kraken

Deplorable Patriot


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They WILL lock Trump before the election. Oh, and afterwards it will have been some glitch that they had struggled for days to debug and correct.


Eskimo Pie becomes Edy’s Pie… rolls eyes.


Knowing poor me, I’ll confuse that with ‘Doggy Paws’ a dog treat in the freezer section, and just won’t buy it.