Now that he’s recovered from the Wuhan Flu, President Trump is going to drive the rest of us ragged in the final push to save the world. Today, he lead the patriots of steel and coal country in Appalachia in a little place called Johnstown, Pennsylvania, known for floods, and being the backdrop of the sports classic “Slap Shot,” the only of the sports insider movies to be embraced by the people who play for being just the way life is in sports.
We’ll start with wiki, of course:
Archaeological evidence shows that the area was inhabited for some 10,000 years.[11] Penn’s Woods saw much Native American activity as well as the Quemahoming area. Three distinct tribes (Shawnee, Delaware and Monogahela) migrated, hunted and fished in the area. Johnstown was called Conemaugh Old Town in the native Algonquin language. Old Town was linked to the outlying areas by the Stoney Creek, Quemahoming Creek and Conemaugh Rivers joining Johnstown to older settlements on the river including New Florence (Squirrel Hill), Quemahoming and Kickenapaulin’s (near Hooversville).
A settlement was established here in 1791 by Joseph Jahns, in whose honour it was named, and the place was soon laid out as a town.[12]
Johnstown was formally platted as Conemaugh Old Town in 1800 by the Swiss German immigrant Joseph Johns (born Josef Schantz). The settlement was initially known as “Schantzstadt”, but was soon anglicized to Johnstown. The community incorporated as Conemaugh borough January 12, 1831,[13] but renamed Johnstown on April 14, 1834.[14] From 1834 to 1854, the city was a port and key transfer point along the Pennsylvania Main Line Canal. Johnstown was at the head of the canal’s western branch, with canal boats having been transported over the mountains via the Allegheny Portage Railroad and refloated here, to continue the trip by water to Pittsburgh and the Ohio Valley. Perhaps the most famous passenger who traveled via the canal to visit Johnstown briefly was Charles Dickens in 1842. By 1854, canal transport became redundant with the completion of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which now spanned the state. With the coming of the railroads, the city’s growth improved. Johnstown became a stop on the main line of the Pennsylvania Railroad and was connected with the Baltimore & Ohio. The railroads provided large-scale development of the region’s mineral wealth.
Iron, coal, and steel quickly became central to the town of Johnstown. By 1860, the Cambria Iron Company of Johnstown was the leading steel producer in the United States, outproducing steel giants in Pittsburgh and Cleveland. Through the second half of the 19th century, Johnstown made much of the nation’s barbed wire. Johnstown prospered from skyrocketing demand in the western United States for barbed wire. Twenty years after its founding, the Cambria Works was a huge enterprise sprawling over 60 acres (24 ha) in Johnstown and employing 7,000. It owned 40,000 acres (160 km2) of valuable mineral lands in a region with a ready supply of iron, coal and limestone.
Floods were almost a yearly event in the valley during the 1880s. On the afternoon of May 30, 1889, following a quiet Memorial Day ceremony and a parade, it began raining in the valley. The next day water filled the streets, and rumors began that a dam holding an artificial lake in the mountains to the northeast might give way. It did, and an estimated 20 million tons of water began spilling into the winding gorge that led to Johnstown some 14 miles (23 km) away. The destruction in Johnstown occurred in only about 10 minutes. What had been a thriving steel town with homes, churches, saloons, a library, a railroad station, electric street lights, a roller rink, and two opera houses was buried under mud and debris. Out of a population of approximately 30,000 at the time, at least 2,209 people are known to have perished in the disaster. An infamous site of a major fire during the flood was the old stone Pennsylvania Railroad bridge located where the Stonycreek and Little Conemaugh rivers join to form the Conemaugh River. The bridge still stands today.[15]
The Johnstown flood of 1889 established the American Red Cross as the pre-eminent emergency relief organization in the United States. Founder Clara Barton, then 67, came to Johnstown with 50 doctors and nurses and set up tent hospitals as well as temporary “hotels” for the homeless, and stayed on for five months to coordinate relief efforts.[16]
The mills were back in operation within a month. The Cambria Works grew, and Johnstown became more prosperous than ever. The disaster had not destroyed the community but strengthened it. Later generations would draw on lessons learned in 1889. After the successful merger of six surrounding boroughs,[citation needed] Johnstown became a city on April 7, 1890.[17]
More at wiki.
I’ll add live links to this post during the late afternoon as they become available.
In the meantime, please post tweets and videos below of what’s going on in Pennsylvania, and any travel stories you may have of the place.
Test….I can’t believe that this post has no comments, but I am not seeing any….where is everyone?
We’re all on the ACB confirmation hearings.
Give it time.
Whew! Thanks. For a while I thought that the Q tree had disappeared from radar….I read this the following this a.m., and then nobody here on the open thread…
Your local history lessons are a true TREASURE, Deplorable Patriot.
Thanks for all you do!
Oh, please. Thank wiki. I’m a copy and paste kinda girl. I do find local color fascinating, though. The stories I can tell about my own hometown….
I love this!!!!!
Scott is a treasure – the hardest working young man I know. Love him!
The man is a REAL treasure. I certainly hope he gets a Presidential Award of some sort for all the work he has done in inner cities, not just in clean up but in bringing HOPE.
DP – Thank you for the very interesting history on Johnstown. I have seen a documentary on this flood somewhere – wish I could remember where – but I appreciate your taking the time to inform us. Our history as a country is filled with great stories. Thank you!
Catherine Marshall wrote a couple of books about women in backwoods Appalachia – Christie and Julie.
Julie features a teenage girl living in a small Pennsylvania town below an earthen dam in the 1930s; its events parallel the Johnstown Flood.
That last sentence should be in quotes and it’s from here:
Oh, those were good books G/F!!!!
Watch THIS: Undercover in Biden COUNTRY …
Wheels up!
That was quick!
Listening to Scott Pressler on RSBN……
POTUS on the ground Safe and Sound in Johnstown!
Trying to keep up as best I can.
And we appreciate it, BIGLY!!!

And here he is………..and I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free……..
Simple choice on winning.
Biden’s shot, he’s shot
Listen to Dave at X22 tonight’s episode… he connects the dots…
Praise for Amy Coney Barrett,
Lampooning Joe Biden.
Single worst candidate in the history of presidential politics.
That sounds like a YUGE crowd.
RSBN said how big it was, but I didn’t catch it……
Joe’s a LIAR
I LOVE the scissors lifts with the American flag between them a la hook and ladder fire trucks.
BTW, you haven’t lived until you’ve driven a scissors lift. Yes, me, the one who sings Beethoven and Dvorak wearing black tie has actually done that.
You never cease to amaze!!
I was working for a non-profit that does lots of outdoor events.
Everybody gets a free Rolls Royce. Cnn says “he misrepresented….” sick people
CNN sucks
He (joe) has always been a dummy.
Joe raised his hand, Illegal immigrants will get health care. BOO
(as soon as he mentioned fake news and the cameras not showing the crowd, OANN panned the crowd IMMEDIATELY !)

Whatever the hell it was, I felt good
I felt like SUPERMAN
I’m tellin ya guys, WE NEED SOME OF THAT STUFF!!!!
Heh! I went to school here. Probably spent more time here than Joe.

Suburban women should love me because I ended the regulation that would end your dream,
He saved the neighborhood.
Move over Mr. Rogers.
suburban women please like me………..I saved your damned neighborhood!
I’m hoping those suburbs have community pools. At least my municipality has a community pool.
Suburban women, will you please like me? I saved your damn neighborhood.
The wall is up to 392 miles.
392 miles of WALL

Pretty cool, Miss Sylvia!!
OMG……….dying listening to him talk about Mike Lindell and his pillows and now he has the sheets……..
The fam is acquiring another place to crash close to the nephews and I’m hoping my mom furnishes the pillows from him.
very comfy pillows!
Elections have consequences.
Switched to PBS. RSBN had about a two minute delay which feels like forever.
Unfortunately so does OANN. They’re the only ones carrying on cable. Muh
I wish I had OANN…….!!!!!
I wish I had Newsmax!!
I do have Newsmax!!
It’s the satellites. I learned to deal listening to baseball and running to a TV to watch what we just heard.
The pillow guy! He’s on all the time. Now he’s got sheets!
3 SC Justices, their heads are exploding

I’m immune. I’ll kiss everybody, man and woman. Look at the guy, I’ll kiss him, not with enjoyment, but you know.
He is SO funny!

The drug they gave me, That Sucker Works!!!
Mike Pence, works 24 hours around the clock.
I have endorsement of almost every major Law Enforcement org…and minor.

LOL, Alyssa Milana posted some fake news article bragging on Sleepy getting endorsement of ‘200’ LEO’s. She got roasted. POTUS’ endorsements amount to over 1 MILLION.
Introducing local politicians……
President Trump really pours a lot of energy and love into these rallies!!!
It’s a MAJOR thing.
We’ve spent the last four years reversing what Joe did in the previous eight.
Bringing our jobs, our factories, our troops back home where they belong.
It’s cold up there tonight – hope PDJT doesn’t catch another cold.
I doubt it’s as bad as the top coat indicates. No breath is showing. And some of the kids are in short sleeves.
You know cold better than I do, for sure!
It is not bad this time of year. (Think of the kids trick or treating in costumes in 2 weeks.)
I was going by Scott Pressler’s comment and change of clothes to wool cap, jacket and gloves.
It depends on what you are used to, TBH. In the last week, I’ve worn at least three different combinations of jackets, vests, fleeces, etc., to keep warm. And this afternoon, we were in shirt sleeves.
We are predicted to have a sunny day this week with a high of 75! Might not happen.
We have cycles of rain-wind-cold as our winters. It’s rare to get below 32º for all day long, however.
My girl friend was in long sleeves and a jacket. I was in a short sleeve sundress and we were zipping along in an ATV. Arizona vs Upstate NY
She could not believe I wasn’t freezing.
GA/FL…he rocks an Overcoat as well as any man I’ve seen!
That is a huge crowd. You can hear it in the cheers!
I’m here in time!!!
He’s been talking for about half an hour.
Hey, boss, you been having issues copying posts and having them be either already posted or scheduled?
No, but there is a BUG in the copying software. There is a DELAYED autoprocessing AFTER the initial copying is done, so when it copies, you have to wait a minute for it to start and finish the process. But I’ve had not problems otherwise.
Okay. I had two today with issues. Will take another route with the categories and tags just to be sure we don’t lose content.
Are you seeing the
“fail to save” bug after you add categories and tags?
No. I do think with the rally thread, I chose “edit” rather than “copy,” BUT for tomorrow’s daily, I KNOW I chose “copy,” made changes and then walked away for a couple hours, came back and it had a scheduling time that didn’t publish because I hadn’t clicked on schedule.
Interesting. We’ll have to keep an eye on things. The “edit instead of copy” makes sense why that would cause problems.
Yeah. It was early and I wasn’t awake, so I assume that’s what happened, but this afternoon, no.
Tiffany Tiffany Tiffany
I’m telling you, it’s some sort of signal.
Oh, I missed that – YUP!
Today is Tiffany Trump’s Birthday!

Ahh. He may not talk about her, but POTUS loves his little girl. You can see it in all the pics.
Fathers and daughters are a trope — and, like most, based on fact.
It’s why you see big, burly guys handling tiny pink plastic teacups with their pinkies extended.
Movie: Despicable Me
did some good with that dynamic
Oh, cracking down on the counterfeiters and fake name brand Chyna manufacturers!
(‘better buy your fake rolex now)
Chyna will own the United States if that Sleepy guy gets the position!
I will never abandon our nation and I will never abandon it’s values.
Buy American, Hire American
john kerry was totally incompetent
(can’t be said enough IMO)
3 Nobel Noms…does he not know about 4th?
On election night they refused to call Pennsylvania. Remember they were crying
Rebuilt Military, Best weapons in the world. We are the envy of Russia, Chyna, and everybody.
Get out and vote like you’ve never voted before.
President Trump outlines AMERICA FIRST HEALTHCARE PLAN –
1. Greater Choice.
– More Plan and Doctor Choices.
2. Lower Cost.
– Price Transparency – Openly Post Prices
– True Competition
– Lower prices for drugs – equal price for Americans.
– Savings for Seniors.
3. Better Care.
– Protect pre-existing conditions
– Protect Medicare and Social Security
– Right to Try
He probably can’t say it yet, but the biggest whammy will be: “health care is health care; insurance is insurance; and mutual risk is mutual risk.”
If you’re a taxpayer and call in a fire, you expect the fire department to roll in and put it out — and not send you a bill afterwards. That’s a mutual risk that the (local) government helps out with. Healthcare is when you get a rash and go in to have it examined and treated — It shouldn’t cost more than $100-$150, so there’s no sense paying someone $800/month so it’ll be “free” when it happens. Insurance is when you get hit by a truck and rack up $100K of totally unexpected costs and are covered because you’ve been paying some nominal amount every month, knowing there isn’t one chance in 10,000 you’ll actually be hit by a truck.
These three things are mooshed together in the current system in order to hide the exorbitant amount being extracted from citizens. We had the best healthcare system in the world pre-Obama. We now have a healthcare system one notch above British Health at four times the cost we used to pay.
It is, BTW, somewhat implied that he is heading that direction when he talks about transparency…..but the truth is that the giant “healthcare” conglomerates like Anthem, Blue Cross, UnitedHealth, and Cigna have all profited by charging people for multiple rounds of chemo and delivering ouchy-boo-boo stuff.
Of course, it also stands to reason that a LARGE number of medications for common conditions should be OTC — some with skull-and-crossbones labels that say, “although you can legally buy and use this medication, it can actually kill you if used unwisely. You are strongly advised to consult with your health care provider, or at least the pharmacist, before using — and any side-effects may not be covered by your insurance.”
OTOH, I’d pull acetaminophen (Tylenol) off the OTC list — that #$% is DANGEROUS, and I can’t imagine the chicanery involved to make it OTC. And antibiotics that have lead to resistance should be restricted — even for veterinary purposes — to actively monitored and managed uses.
This is cool.
awesome wolfie!
I SWEAR I did NOT post this twice!!!
Well that clearly didn’t work!!
(at highest point)
114,865 – RSBN
58,351 – Fox News
17,276 – Fox Business
14,289 – Trump Campaign Live
2,019 – PBS
TOTAL – 206,800 – not counting CSPAN and Networks.
President Trump has come back stronger than ever before.
Dancing to YMCA a bit each rally… Enjoying the crowds…exudes confidence.
The enthusiasm from the crowd is really inspiring. No sports, no problem. Just transfer the homecoming energy.
My wife thinks POTUS looks GREAT after having COVID-19. She says he looks healthier and more energetic. I’m claiming they got him on a better diet, and that he’s “on a mission” now – reinvigorated!
I want what he’s got!
There’s a Fountain of Youth in that potion they gave him. I WANT SOME!!!
“REGENERON” – yeah, something is up with THAT NAME.
They don’t call it REGENERON™ for nothing!
POTUS had some rest when he was sick and time to reflect and renew. Maybe he needed some time out and CCP visus made it possible. Sometimes things happen by design even an illness.
I’ve noticed the same. He straight up looks younger.
My wife said exactly the same!
Wolfie, The steroids probably really helped calm down his allergies. After a round of Prednisone that cleared up my asthma I really felt wonderful.
You might check with your doctor if you have allergies. Prednisone might clear up your residual lung problems.
I think just maybe he lost a few pounds in Hospital…probably didn’t eat much the first day or two…
He looks terrific!!
Thanks DPat and patriots for another great rally!!!! Smuchas, guys!
My pleasure.
Send our love to Marica!!!
I really wish we could all be together for these. It’s so much more fun, so much more of a rich experience.
We need a Jubliee – like the Children of Israel had – where debts are forgiven. A Yom Kippur of sorts.
I’d rather a Pilgrimage…but then, by Tradition, the men would take their clothes off, and there are some things best kept under wraps.
Oh puh-leez no!!!
Ronna McDaniel@GOPChairwoman
With @realDonaldTrump back on the road, the voter data from his rallies keeps rolling in!
14,257 sign-ups
26.8% were NOT Republicans
19.9% were Democrats
22.5% did not vote in 2016
15.3% did not vote in the last 4 elections
Thank you, Pennsylvania!
I smell a LANDSLIDE!!!
GA/FL if the GOP is now doing Ballot Harvesting to the extent the Demon-Rats are ALARMED…

Maybe Post-Election Prosecutions (which POTUS will damned-sure trigger) prevent Demo☭rats from “rallying the base to protect their leadership” … since using this as a pre-election Demo☭rat argument would be an admission of guilt.