Two days into this mess and this hasn’t changed.
And just to set the mood:
Here is what happened on Day 1 (you may want to fast forward through the Democrats).
And day 2:
The vote to send this nomination will be Thursday. This thread will serve as the live thread for that if people are not commenting on tomorrow’s daily.
And now on to the show…and to find out well-behaved the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee will be. (If they want to be re-elected, it would be a good idea to treat this lady with respect.)
Today’s links:
[…] Posted By: Deplorable Patriot 0 View 0 Comment KAG, MEGA, MIGA 6ViewsShareTweetMail […]
BRAVA, Deplorable Patriot! You’ve got all the links! RSBN isn’t carrying the hearing today – and yesterday – their stream cut off at the most exciting times, so I had to switch!
Interesting that Louisiana’s inimitable Senator John Kennedy mentioned another movie last night – Animal House and Bluto who became a Senator after his infamous college days. Both movie references fit the Democrat side of the Senate aisle for sure!
PS – I’m watching on CSPAN YouTube so that I can pause and review as needed!
Some of you may of missed the last Senator to ask questions at the hearing.
Senator Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee did an excellent job going after Democrats from the feminist prospective.
We have another SUPER-GRAHAM at his best – opening speech this morning!!!!
Thus far Senators have moved things along reasonably well….Graham, DiFi, Grassley…
Leahy blathering…
Waiting for a D-Rat “Hail Mary” in an attempt to derail ACB nomination.
I suspect D-Rats WILL loft a last gasp attempt next week, in a feeble attempt to delay beyond the election.
Leahey like Biden should be retired – they are both a case of being in politics past their expiration dates.
We cut the cable years ago and I relied mostly on a few sites to keep up on news. So this is the first time I’ve seen these critters together in action in years. It’s like a nursing home convention.
BIDEN wouldn’t qualify as a ‘Retirement Community leader’ because he’s so far gone down the dementia-decline slope.
I knew some of our congress members were old, but watching this hearing has been an eye opener.
Not to mention the pure hatred of most dems.
I remember so many of these people from YEARS ago at other Judiciary Committee Hearings.
I supported term limits before but I pray more Americans after tuning into these scotus hearings realize it’s a must.
lots of us support term limits–the problem is how to implement…congress will never vote for a bill like that. heck, they keep voting themselves raises without asking taxpayers how THEY feel about that!
Senator Leahy is going to regret bringing up the Emoluments business – since the Biden, Pelosi, Kerry, Feinstein, Romney and MANY OTHER politicians and their families are involved!!!
That is many politicians and their families are involved in compromising investments and involvements with foreign entities and governments.
Cornyn hit it on the head, they don’t write the laws so these issues are being pushed off onto justices. Disgusting!
That was brilliant – we have allowed the judiciary too assume much policy-making activism and power of late.
CLARIFICATION: Cornyn hit it on the head, they don’t write the laws *properly, completely, comprehensively, clearly, without nefarious/political agenda* so these issues are being pushed off *onto the courts* and justices.
These Judiciary committee hearings, in my opinion, at sometime yesterday, obviously became a monumental waste of time. The only reason I continue to watch is in the fond hope that Judge Barrett will leap over her table and bitch slap some of those DemonRat senators into next week.
But, alas, I fear my fond hope is not well-founded in reality.
She’s too much of a lady to do such a thing.
. . . a truly extraordinary Lady.
She is definitely classy. I couldn’t be in that room without feeling like I needed to shower constantly, too much filth.
Lol bako, we can always wish! I couldn’t deal with the pure evilness of the Kavanaugh circus.
I do appreciate that dems can’t help but show how evil and deceptive they are, esp with their TDS boiling over.
Durbin is saying there is a political agenda for pushing ahead with the nomination.
Durbin forgets the need to protect the people and process because of the vacancy!!!
Durbin is making a lot of leftist propaganda accusations and insinuations – denying the mail-in ballot fraud, ballot harvesting, etc.
IN ESSENCE, Durbin is objecting to President Trump and Republican Senate moving ahead with the same force
– that Pelosi used to ram-rod the (HA) Affordable Care Act through without anyone being allowed to read it,
– that Pelosi used to write the articles of Impeachment against President Trump in the basement without bipartisan involvement,
– that Biden is using to deny the people/voters the right to know whether he and the Democrats would use if they had the votes – to dare to PACK THE SUPREME COURT for political purposes!!!
Spit, spit, spit!!!!
If the Republicans and President Trump did NOT go ahead with the nomination and vote – the US CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT – would indeed be in danger if the Democrats succeed in corruption the 2020 election by their time-tested, persistent use of vote and election fraud.
And in my opinion they are showing their hand(s) and are verifying that they clearly have evil plans in place re the election, since they keep harping on a set of topics.
On a side note, Whitehouse makes me want to vomit.
That thought had come to my mind as well…. a preview….showing their hands….
But our cunning president is paying attention and has plans of his own.
You’ll have to vote to approve Barrett to know how she will decide cases!
snicker….they should have that line and concept memorized by now!
Durbin is also running for re-election to the Senate in the November election.
So he’s got to pander to his base and “show them he’s boss”.
Throwing up his bright showy shiny tail feathers like a peacock….
There is, of course, value in today’s hearing. Judge Barrett’s responses on many issues and specific cases are double underscoring in bold that she will be a notable addition to the Supreme Court that will undoubtedly be applauded by right-thinking jurists for generations to come.
She will be a wonderful mentor, teacher, guide to many brilliant young potential jurists for several generations, who will be in turn mentors and teachers – a broad positive influence indeed – but she is now and has been such a positive influence as the many letters to the Senate Judiciary Committee have affirmed.
These swamp creatures questioning her ethics over and over takes some gonads, esp in their nasty tones.
Their hypocrisy is glaringly obvious.
Lol, good job Ted Cruz!
I’m not usually a big Sen Cruz fan, but he is literally wreaking havoc amongst the mangy ranks of the DemonRats! Refreshing to hear!
Cruz just pointed out all but two Dem Senator seats are empty.
Whitehouse practically left room before he finished his slot.
Listening to Mike Lee and ACB discuss religious liberty, free exercise clause, establishment clause, and the ministerial exception. A good use of the senator’s time.
Jonathan Turley@JonathanTurley
Barrett just landed a haymaker. Durbin said that her answer “stains originalism: Barrett responded that it would “strain the canons of [judicial] conduct . . . it would strain Article III” to answer such questions.
The Barrett Confirmation: Questions and Answers (Day 2)
I will be continuing to blog on the hearing and occasionally tweak highlights. As noted earlier, I will step away for a speech at the Brookings Institution around 11 am.
Orwellian: Democrats say it at the #ACBHearings, and THE VERY NEXT DAY the dictionary…
CHANGES THE DEFINITION, to mirror the Dem talking points.
Noah Webster must be spinning in his grave.
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) October 14, 2020
I recall something that AG Barr said. Something like “One of the problems of Senate hearings is that you have to pretend to pay attention to someone who has absolutely no idea what they’re talking about.”
Omgosh, lmao. Ty, needed that!
Glad I posted
I have no expertise on this topic, but . . .
When I listened to Sen Whitehorse try to make the point of how important it was for a judge know who is filing or funding an amicus brief, I thought that is exactly opposite to what I think a good judge would want.
A good judge would read the brief and evaluate it based on the content of the brief, the information, expertise, insight or legal argument the brief contains.
How typical of a DemonRat to want to know who funded the brief so that information can be used to make assumptions on the motivation of the filing. That information is irrelevant.
And so, average DemonRats feels entirely justified, when learning that you are a Trump supporter, in disregarding anything . . . hard facts or unassailable logic . . . that you bring to bear on the argument, because they know where you’re coming from. Orange Man bad . . . as is anyone who supports Orange Man.
well said…
Sahil Kapur@sahilkapur
Replying to @sahilkapur
Amy Coney Barrett on originalism: “That means that I interpret the Constitution as a law… I understand it to have the meaning that it had at the time people ratified it. That meaning doesn’t change over time and it’s not up to me to update it or infuse my policy views into it.”
Amy Coney Barrett says Antonin Scalia was a mentor to her but if she’s confirmed, “You wouldn’t be getting Justice Scalia, you would be getting Justice Barrett.”
What a detestable creature Sen Klobuchar is.
I told my husband last night when they finished….”the witches are grabbing their broomsticks and heading out.” Klobuchar is one of the ones I was thinking of.
I guess I’ve lived a blessed life. I’ve seen more evil and hatefulness in the past 3 days than in most of my life.
It’s good to live a life not exposed to such base attributes . . . as it is good, but only occasionally . . . to be exposed once again so we may be thankful of our circumstances.
Yes! Hopefully this and the past live dramafests are opening peoples eyes to whom they’re voting for to “represent” them.
Lol, good one Amy to nut job Coons….
Amy: “I have my own mind.”
More, lol, she’s cleaning these idiots clocks…
Roflmao, Hawley. Thank God I wasn’t drinking my water when he spoke.
P.S. Thank you folks for tolerating this dramafest with me.
thanks for watching it for us!
first impressions are priceless!
<3 DP
My senator. I hear tell he’s a really nice guy, too.
is he single…I know a really nice girl for him…wink, wink
He’s not…and he’s younger than my youngest brother.
Blumenthal is so decrepit, he’s killing the audio. Or maybe it’s death door knocking to come collect him.
Muting Senator Mazie Hirono – she’s back on her soap box condemning the hearing and nomination altogether.
You know damn good and well – if the table was turned in the White House and Senate – the Democrats would rush this nomination just like they did their crappy Unaffordable Care Act!!!!.
You can tell that ACB is distressed and unhappy with whatever Hirono is alleging.
Hirono is not only illogical, hard to follow and hard to comprehend, she’s a snippy witch.
Mazie is dumb as a box of rocks…
These pompous asses sit there reading pages of text, use huge “victim” pics and prepped charts. They had their staff rats and money backers running around to prep all of these items quickly for them. Where, oh where is their compassion for the poor workers that had to do that work during a pandemic? /sarc
welcome to QTree… have you been lurking and just now decided to post?
if so, glad you decided to dive in and express your thoughts… again, welcome.
Ty for the welcome.
I’ve been around for years, back to CTH. I read daily but rarely talk. I am connected with Wolf and many on twitter.
I can’t handle the hatred on twitter during political events like this so I usually stick closer to “home” during such events.
So glad you’re posting… and as you know, most of us go back to CTH. Yes, the hate is bad… I don’t tweet, but I do read a number of Trump Supporters who tweet. Once in a while I happen upon a member of the other side and have to go outside and rake leaves for a while!
‘most of us go back to CTH’.
I certainly do not visit CTH.
Glad Elize is posting here, though.
I don’t visit there either… I was not clear, intended to convey that most of us used to be on CTH
Okay — fine.
Thank you for clarifying.
Serious, but joking, kind of….
IQ and mental stability test now required for all politicians.
After test results….
Oh my, tons of congress seats are now open! :O
Booker is trying to involve ACB in accusing Trump of misdeeds in immigration for separating children from ‘parents’ – or adults.
Now he’s going into criminal justice reform – and he’s ignoring PDJT’s criminal justice reform!
Booker: ‘race, race, race, race, race………’
Joking….I’m breathlessly waiting for Booker to break down sobbing. /eyeroll
Senator Mike Crapo did a good job and I enjoyed their interactions.
Now comes ol’ Kamala Harris – and the first words out of her mouth is ‘voting rights act’ and race, race, race….. MUTE!!!
Hell NO!
That Jamaican Indian (NOT Afriken American) BITCH can shove a comb in it….. (Get one from Slow Butcher)
This will NOT be President anytime soon if EVER!
Looking forward to witness statements tomorrow.
My guess…there will be a “hostile” witness or should I say against AMC confirmation.
100% I expect a hostile witness to “create an issue” through baseless accusations against AMC. D-rats will go into a tizzy demanding more hearings as the slander is pursued.
Hopefully Ms Lindsey and all Republicans will REJECT any and all calls to delay confirmation.
Can you possibly imagine a sane existence with Prez Pedo Joe and VP Camel Hairass?
Life, such as it might be, is unimaginable.
Hoe – Heels Up Harris is such a biotch.
Good to see Kennedy taking Hoe’s statements apart…
Sen Kennedy just said Sen Harris is my friend. I really don’t get this “friends” bit. This is not similar to, for example, Justice Scalia saying Justice Ginsberg is my friend . . . two people that hold reasoned but generally widely differing opinions.
The two people in question, Sens Kennedy and Harris, do hold widely differing opinions, but Sen Harris is a deceiver, a serial liar, who supports corrupt political actions and those of violent organizations such as Antifa and BLM. She also supports judges distorting the law to accommodate her political agenda.
On what rational basis, then, is a witch like Harris his friend.
Can you really have as a friend your neighbor who cheats on his wife, beats his kids, kicks his dog, cheats on taxes, and gets paid under the table and shoplifts?
I’ve had only one liberal “friend” in my life. Politics weren’t discussed when I was working. Heck, it wasn’t even discussed in my family until my mom married my stepdad and he introduced me to Rush. Prior to that it was due to my love of reading, history and research that I formed my political beliefs.
Needless to say, when that liberal “friend” decided that we should date, I said, “It will never work, our views and values are too different. I’m fine with us being friends but that’s it”. I didn’t hear from him again.
But as you state, there’s no way I could be friends with someone who is a liar, cheat, thief, abuser, etc. Basically, I have a standard I live by, others can live by their standards, but please respect my right to not have to socialize or be affected by you or your actions.
I don’t believe it. Show us the names.
“Worked there” ????!!!!
SHE WAS/IS A PROFESSOR THERE, for 20 years or so…
I’d give that article the side-eye; the bias is apparent…
Hmmm. Since she was a law professor, undergrads and their professors didn’t cross her path, anyway. Plus, ND has become a liberal cesspool…
I read that none of the people who signed that letter were from the law school, they were all from other parts of the university. In other words, they didn’t know her.
My word!
Notre Dame has been a leftist hotbed for decades!
It is a CINO university.