20201014: MAGA Protest Against Stupidity, Des Moines, Iowa

So, POTUS, not even two weeks following a bout with the Wuhan Flu is giving the world his impression of Superman and the Energizer Bunny Combined, and his opponent…well….

Is MIA. Again. With 20 days to go before the election.


Alright, well, tonight, the campaign turns to flyover country and the state up the river known as Iowa. President Trump will be in Des Moines, to be precise. From wiki:

Des Moines takes its name from Fort Des Moines (1843–46), which was named for the Des Moines River. This was adopted from the name given by French colonistsDes Moines (pronounced [de mwan] (listen); formerly [de mwɛn]) translates literally to either “from the monks” or “of the monks”. The historian Virgil Vogel claimed that the name was derived from Moingona, an Algonquian clan name, which means “Loon“.[15]

Some historians and researchers lacking linguistic or Algonquianist training concluded that Moingona meant “people by the portage” or something similar, a reference to the Des Moines Rapids. This was where the earliest known encounters between the Moingona and European explorers took place.[16]

One popular interpretation of “Des Moines” ignores Vogel’s research, and concludes that it refers to a group of French Trappist monks, who in the 17th century lived in huts built on top of what is now known as the ancient Monks Mound at Cahokia, the major center of Mississippian culture, which developed in what is present-day Illinois, east of the Mississippi River and the city of St. Louis. This was some 200 miles (320 km) from the Des Moines River.[17]

Cahokia…I have ancestors who lived there.

Oh, wait, we’re supposed to be in Iowa, not Illinois. Here you go:

Based on archeological evidence, the junction of the Des Moines and Raccoon Rivers has attracted humans for at least 7,000 years. Several prehistoric occupation areas have been identified by archeologists in downtown Des Moines. Discovered in December 2010, the “Palace” is an expansive, 7,000-year-old site found during excavations prior to construction of the new wastewater treatment plant in southeastern Des Moines. It contains well-preserved house deposits and numerous graves. More than 6,000 artifacts were found at this site. State of Iowa archaeologist John Doershuk was assisted by University of Iowa archaeologists at this dig.[19]

At least three Late Prehistoric villages, dating from about AD 1300 to 1700, stood in or near what developed later as downtown Des Moines. In addition, 15 to 18 prehistoric American Indian mounds were observed in this area by early settlers. All have been destroyed during development of the city.[20][21]


Origin of Fort Des Moines

Des Moines traces its origins to May 1843, when Captain James Allen supervised the construction of a fort on the site where the Des Moines and Raccoon Rivers merge. Allen wanted to use the name Fort Raccoon; however, the U.S. War Department preferred Fort Des Moines. The fort was built to control the Sauk and Meskwaki Indians, whom the government had moved to the area from their traditional lands in eastern Iowa. The fort was abandoned in 1846 after the Sauk and Meskwaki were removed from the state and shifted to the Indian Territory.[22]

Archaeological excavations have shown that many fort-related features survived under what is now Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway and First Street.[22][23] Soldiers stationed at Fort Des Moines opened the first coal mines in the area, mining coal from the riverbank for the fort’s blacksmith.[24]


On September 22, 1851, Des Moines was incorporated as a city; the charter was approved by voters on October 18. In 1857, the name “Fort Des Moines” was shortened to “Des Moines”, and it was designated as the second state capital, previously at Iowa City. Growth was slow during the Civil War period, but the city exploded in size and importance after a railroad link was completed in 1866.[27]

In 1864, the Des Moines Coal Company was organized to begin the first systematic mining in the region. Its first mine, north of town on the river’s west side, was exhausted by 1873. The Black Diamond mine, near the south end of the West Seventh Street Bridge, sank a 150-foot (46 m) mine shaft to reach a 5-foot-thick (1.5 m) coal bed. By 1876, this mine employed 150 men and shipped 20 carloads of coal per day. By 1885, numerous mine shafts were within the city limits, and mining began to spread into the surrounding countryside. By 1893, 23 mines were in the region.[28] By 1908, Des Moines’ coal resources were largely exhausted.[29] In 1912, Des Moines still had eight locals of the United Mine Workers union, representing 1,410 miners.[30] This was about 1.7% of the city’s population in 1910.

By 1880, Des Moines had a population of 22,408, making it Iowa’s largest city. It displaced the three Mississippi River ports: Burlington, Dubuque, and Davenport, that had alternated holding the position since the territorial period. 

More at wiki.

I’ll add live links to this post during the late afternoon as they become available.


In the meantime, please post tweets and videos below of what’s going on in Iowa, and any travel stories you may have of the place.

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Deplorable Patriot


[…] Posted By: Deplorable Patriot 0 View 0 Comment KAG, MEGA, MIGA 5ViewsShareTweetMail […]

Deplorable Patriot

Direct links:

CSPAN – https://www.c-span.org/video/?476881-1/president-trump-holds-campaign-rally-des-moines-iowa
FOX BUSINESS – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCXoCcu9Rp7NPbTzIvogpZg
Possible streams:
GST- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWXPkK02j6MHW-4xCJzgMuw
FOX NEWS – https://www.youtube.com/user/FoxNewsChannel
FOX NEWS NOW – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJg9wBPyKMNA5sRDnvzmkdg
NO CABLE ONLINE LIVESTREAM – multiple networks – https://watchnewslive.tv/fox-news-live-stream-usa/
OANN – will likely carry the rally – access via subscription or cable
Others that sometimes carry Trump rallies – Yahoo, PBS, and the networks.


President Trump boarding Marine One after making remarks to press!


Neat interview at the Rally!






Hunter Biden….. raw.


Hunter is a living symbol of the Øbama Biden tenure, the Clinton tenures and the modern Democrat Party and its policies and agendas.


I’m sorry I posted this ugly face on our nice thread.

Deplorable Patriot

Her personal or private account?
Twitter has done it now. President Trump will be doing something about that.


I meant personal or official account.


Seems to be her official WH Press Secretary account. That is like declaring war on President Trump – and it won’t end well – – – for Twitter.


The incredible energy and enthusiasm of a Biden rally…..

Deplorable Patriot

John Roberts reporting POTUS reworking majority of tonight’s speech while flying in AF1. Tonight is gonna be LIT!! Hang on to your pantilooms folks!!🤩🔥🤩




Ukrainian Gas Expert Poso@JackPosobiec
Text from a WH source:
“Let your people know, tonight could end up being one of the most insane rallies he’s ever done. He’s going after everyone.”

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

AF1 literally descending live on air.


Apparently RSBN has Brick Suit as co moderator and they are looking for a shout out from the President as it’s likely he’ll be able to see Brick Suit on the media platform. Something to watch for it happens.

Deplorable Patriot

Wheels down.
That was so cool watching that plane land – and I grew up with airplanes as my dad worked for McDonnell, and we used to go sit at the end of the runway on Friday nights and watch the planes land from time to time at Lambert.

Deplorable Patriot


The Eagle has landed.

Deplorable Patriot

Door open, and Laura Brannigan.

Deplorable Patriot

Brick Suit (Blake) sounds awed for being on the press risers.

Deplorable Patriot

Are they loading the speech in the teleprompter?????
I can’t wait for new one liners.

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

RSBN talkers don’t like doing it, but they have to due to the licensed music being played in the background. Piracy issues, I guess. Youtube would take down the feed.

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

The music stopped….
Here we gooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sylvia Avery

God bless the USA……………………….
Song gets me every time.




I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free.
There ain’t no doubt I love this land….

Sylvia Avery

He’s at the podium, totally rocking the overcoat…………..

Sylvia Avery

Very windy……..but my hair is powerful it’s very strong.
*giggle snort*

Deplorable Patriot

The crowd is raucous tonight.
Hair is durable in the wind, he says.


It’s so windy out there, I said my hair’s very powerful, it’s very strong….Brought this (Maga hat) just in case. 😂

Sylvia Avery

so funny!!!!

Sylvia Avery

Oh here he goes……….right into corrupt Joe’s business dealings………..


Joe has been blatantly lying about his son’s corrupt business dealings.

Deplorable Patriot

This crowd knows how to do their melodrama parts.

Sylvia Avery

IKR? Just great!

Deplorable Patriot

He’s ON FIRE tonight! Taking Biden and his son apart.

Sylvia Avery

Never an administration as corrupt as the Obama Biden administration. Never.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, this is FABULOUS!


Hunter was being paid for access to his VP father, who was specifcally in charge of Ukraine
Business dealings were complete lie
Trying to cover up pay for play scandal….EVERYBODY KNOWS IT
Never a admin more corrupt than Obama-Biden
Biden is a corrupt politician who shouldn’t even be allowed to run for the Presidency!!!

Sylvia Avery

He’s beautifully tying the corrupt media to the scandal because they are refusing to report the biggest scandal in history.


Should never happen to another President, they should pay for crimes that they committed!!

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, Mr. President, people should pay for the crimes they committed.

Deplorable Patriot

Addressing Kayleigh’s Twitter account being closed down.
Bruce Ohr out of DoJ. He and his wonderful wife.


Twit & FB taking down negative posts, they’re trying to protect Sleepy.
Kayleigh suspended!!! She’s the WH Press Secretary!!

Sylvia Avery

Oh boy. The media/twitter never took down the fake Russia hoax stories and they KNEW they were fake, but they took down the Hunter Biden story right away.
Twitter closed down Kayleigh’s account.
And Bruce Ohr is finally out of the DOJ! That’s good. Couple of years too late, that’s all. He should not only be in the DOJ outbox he should be somewhere else………

Deplorable Patriot


Fox was saying some of Hunter’s videos were pornographic. Rudy said inappropriate to illegal.

Sylvia Avery

OMG……….and Hunter looked pretty rough. Nauseating.

Sylvia Avery

Joe Biden you owe the peopole of America an apology because you are a corrupt politician.
Holy heck!!!!!!!!


Biden,you owe people of America apology, YOU ARE A CORRUPT POLITICIAN!!

Sylvia Avery

The Biden Family treated the vice presidency as a for profit corportation.
Ouch! That’ss gonna leave a mark.


Chyna and Russia
Biden family treated VP job as for profit family business


I’ve given up billions of dollars to run for President, and it’s the greatest honor of my life

Sylvia Avery

I could not sit idly by and watch corrupt politicians bleeding America dry.


So I wonder if anyone is paying attention to the giant BOOM from today?


Which one? Soyuz doing launch to ISS in three hours and a smidge?



Sylvia Avery

For decades Biden and his cronies laughed while they shipped millions of your jobs to foreign countries

Deplorable Patriot

Sylvia Avery

He sure is! Oh boy!!!

Deplorable Patriot

He actually said Military Industrial Complex. Bringing the troops home.
My heart is full.


He went after the other Biden boy too.


RSBN is getting some mysterious interference.

Sylvia Avery

He’s putting on the hat, and taking off the tie!!!! Throws the tie to the crowd. Massive cheers!!! Now we can all just relax and have a great time!


Don’t mess with those Beautiful Golden Locks!!

Sylvia Avery

Hee hee!!! Never!

Deplorable Patriot


Thats a happy relaxed POTUS!

Deplorable Patriot

He put on the MAGA hat and took off his tie.
I like a man in a coat and tie, but I love this man.

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot
Sylvia Avery

Xi, Putin, Kim all 100%.
In his best day he wasn’t a smart man, everyone knows that.
And Joe is gone.


I love him, but I’m gonna disagree w/him.
1 – Chyna bought record corn, soybeans, and beef, because they’re STARVING!! ‘Operation Clean Plate’ Seriously? For a 1Billion populated country? Clean your plate?
2 – He is the ONLY President to totally care about Americans soooo much! All others cared some, but care more about their own finances and political careers.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m not cleaning my plate if there are soybeans on it. Childhood memories.

Sylvia Avery

Soy beans are not fit to eat.

Deplorable Patriot

I know that. My mom’s uncle raised corn, wheat, soybeans and horseradish. Only corn could be eaten straight out of the field, and we did when it was ready.

Sylvia Avery


Deplorable Patriot

Mmmm…the scent of August, ripening horseradish. There’s nothing like the good stuff.

Sylvia Avery

you can have mine!

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll make some ranch dressing!

Deplorable Patriot

They want to quadruple your taxes.
mmm…yeah, no.

Deplorable Patriot

Anyone else hearing USA USA USA in the background, like an undercurrent?

Deplorable Patriot

You don’t mind if I go off script.
No, sir. Please do so.

Deplorable Patriot

Our so called allies are always asking for money.
Am I related to these people????????

Sylvia Avery

Oh his take on Chuck Grassley is so funny! I never thought of his voice that way. PDJT does a pretty good Grassley imitation, too!!! LOL!

Deplorable Patriot

Talking about Barron having the virus. Young, beautiful and free!
Now talking about it.

Deplorable Patriot

Get the kids back to school

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Regeneron for EVERYBODY!!! 😀
FREE!!! <3

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

(“Free” as in, we all paid for it, but BACK TO THE PEOPLE is fine with me. LIFE matters.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO @ “the world’s most over-rated general”. LOL!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here come the intros….
Kim Reynolds (Gov.) and her husband.
Adam Gray (Lt. Gov.)

Deplorable Patriot

I’m so loving this rally tonight. He’s his old self.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, he is BEYOND recovered. He’s probably eating BIG and HEALTHY. And that tale about Regeneron – WOW – very much like HCQ stories.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great story about Branstad. WOW.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“I’m immune and I can’t give it to you!”
Love it! Just beating down the CHINA PROPAGANDA.

Deplorable Patriot

Talking about Jim Jordan and Dan something. Wrestling in 1972.

Deplorable Patriot

Coach Gable is getting the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
I’m sorry, it’s dusty in here.
No,really, I need to dust.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump is such a great President. OMG. Almost nobody can GAB like this AND deliver a prepared speech at the same time. Keeping all those names straight – all the sports trivia – just so TOGETHER.

Deplorable Patriot

4 moar years
4 moar years


MEDAL OF FREEDOM for Wrestling Champion – Champion Coach!!!! Great speech!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“since the CHINA VIRUS….”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He supported NAFTA – a disaster…..
He supported TPP….
He supported China’s entry in to World Trade Organization….


They unlocked Kayleigh McEnanay – https://twitter.com/PressSec.


I thought they locked her personal account — the one she used for pictures of her little girl. The link goes to the official account.


It was her official account they locked.


Oooooohhhh…..that’s playing with fire.
I thought they were just being a**holes.
Interrupting official government messages is a whole different kettle of fish.

Deplorable Patriot

There’s nobody who knows how to lose like Bernie.


Hope she TW Dementia Joe lied about meeting Where’s Hunter’s handlers…

Gail Combs

Of course Bernie loses, do you think he really wants to WORK???
He rather grift.

Sylvia Avery

Truer words were never spoken. Bernie is such a repulsive leech.

Sylvia Avery

space force, bfly!


🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀SPACE FORCE🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Sorry, I got a call and missed the whole thing!! 😭
Definitely gonna find the re-run, he was so good tonight, y’alls comments are great!!🤗😘🥰

Sylvia Avery

I got interrupted, too, and I was a little cranky about it. It was such an AWESOME rally!!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


comment image


Together we are taking back our country.
Giving power back to the American people!!!
Together, with the people of Iowa – we have made America wealthy again,
We we have madeAmerica strong again
We we have madeAmerica proud again
We we have made America safe again
And we have made America great again!


(at the highest point of evening)
120,071 – RSBN
92,959- FOX NEWS
15,000 – Diamond and Silk
3,800 – GST
255,489 – TOTAL
Not counting CSPAN, PBS and other networks

Sylvia Avery

Whoo hoo, what a rockin’ rally tonight! Thanks DPat for the thread and to everyone here for making it even better!!! 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️💃
(dancing to YMCA as I exit………..)


Good night, Miss Sylvia!

Sylvia Avery


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My wife now loves that tune – very smart choice – she is humming it after every rally!




I may need a cigarette (and I don’t smoke).


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s only a matter of time before they block PDJT.


Uh-huh. And when they do . . . it’s clobberin’ time!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



Biden Scandal Breaks!



Great data from @realDonaldTrump’s rally in Des Moines shows support the pollsters are missing:
10,139 voters identified
48.5% (!) NOT Republican
29.4% (!) Democrat
25.0% did not vote in 2016
13.7% did not vote in the last 4 elections
Thank you, Iowa!


DepplePat. yer running such great threads !! I must have gone to the kitchen when POTUS put on the MAGA hat and took off his tie. Aww man. At least I got to read about it, thanks.
Loved the history lesson and the connection between Des Moines and the Mississippi Cahokia culture. I read a plaque in a state park one day and my mind was blown by the vast connections of America. Imagine, if you will, America made of colonies with populations hugging the Atlantic coast… 1760s. Just going to the first mountain ridge put a man into wilderness and danger. France and England went to war in the original hemisphere and in the new world colonies began warring against each other. Our side called it the French And Indian War. The furthest-away settlement in the new continent just happened to be at the oldest seat of power of the ancient aboriginals – Cahokia.
European civilization along the Atlantic scarcely extended a hundred miles from coast to the west. The lords of the colonies and Paris and London gave directions to reach a thousand miles: one was to fortify and hold Cahokia and thereby the Mississippi and all the land east of the mountains; the other equipped and sent soldiers under arms to attack the settlement of Cahokia.
I don’t know the route they traveled, but it was an endless float, an infinity of steps, brutal work, and a marvel to even arrive at this dot of fellow men, with no other Europeans for a thousand miles.
“Well those are white men so this must be the enemy; let’s go attack with violence and kill and injure, capture them, and end their utility.” Then as a small contingent, a tiny speck inside unknown North America peopled by unfriendly residents, we will walk back to our little city on the Atlantic coast.
Americans, don’t you just love us?