This is a quick and dirty townhall thread. His townhall is up against Sleepy Joe’s on another network.
Here’s the link. Discussion and media meltdowns will be plopped in the comments.
“We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to be free to inquire. We know that in secrecy error undetected will flourish and subvert.” –J. Robert Oppenheimer ***************** WARNING: NO UNIDENTIFIED AI BULLSHIT IS TO BE POSTED ON THIS SITE UNDER PENALTY OF MODERATION OR SITE BAN
This is a quick and dirty townhall thread. His townhall is up against Sleepy Joe’s on another network.
Here’s the link. Discussion and media meltdowns will be plopped in the comments.
[…] Posted By: Deplorable Patriot 0 View 0 Comment KAG, MEGA, MIGA 4ViewsShareTweetMail […]
I believe POTUS will loaded for bear at this “town hall” tonight. The Hill put up a hit piece on POTUS today about how he thinks he’s being set up (bet you dollars to doughnuts that’s correct).
Put some ice on it, Mad Cow
Well, will wonders never cease.
Good luck with that.
DP, too much soy in that boy’s diet.
Welcome Mr. President!!
Panning the audience all masked and socially distanced.
Stop beating Nasty’s when was the last negative test Dead Horse!
Savannah, SHUT UP!
Maybe their strategy was to have the most irritating voice and personality in the moderator to suppress ratings!
I’m just listening, and I want to deck her.
Doesn’t even phase our LION.
Get in line, DP!!!
I’m right there with you, I’d like to not only deck her but to knock her right off her stool and hope she lands hard on her face and be unable to talk for a few weeks at least!
PS…God forgive give me for thinking this way
I cannot listen to the women how annoying, Wonder if she is married and if so the guy must rip his hair out. She hates POTUS it is obvious.
I have it on mute not watching but want POTUS to get my rating
She’s so disrespectful!!!


No, $#!+. I wanna hear about plans for the second term.
People with a mask catch it all the time.
They’re all in with the mask BS.
He’s right. As president he can’t be locked in a basement.
Get pizzed Mr. President, SHUT HER DOWN!!!
He’s holding the high ground debating against this Nanny State mouthpiece.
Chat is disabled on the live stream.

How convenient.
This moderator is a total IDIOT – she will not let this MASK stuff go – SHUT UP already!!!
“I know you very well.” LOL
Did like that.
He was right about the Hostile FAKE News!!
I can see why!
This biotch has learned Hannity’s obnoxious interrupt continually….
Is this an hour or longer. Biotch keeps yammering when I thought a Town Hall was supposed to be the folks asking questions.
Can’t respect our CIC any more.
Amazing how he can agree with her on one point and then bowl right over her interruptions.
Laser focus.
Not the F’n White Supremacy Bull Shit!!!
Are you listening?
Now demanding Qanon denounce!
She is a POS!!!
And that’s being nice!!! I’m sure we could all come up with something worse but it isn’t worth putting it on here.
She wants him to disavow it?
Dems are Satanic pedophiles…it’s true
She can’t even get out the Q question
Nice jab…”just because you say it does not make it fact.
Who is this wench? Guthrie?
I loved it when he told her that!!!
What you told me is not necessary a fact.
She is MOST ANNOYING!!! She asks a question and continues to argue about the answer!!!
Burning her to the ground on Auntie Fa
All leftist talking points Uh-Gin …
And he always keeps an open door to his adversary.
Note he stands his ground but continues to speak softly to her.
Election Integrity resonates with WE THE PEOPLE.
If we had a drinking game of take a shot any time Savannah Guthrie interrupts POTUS, we’d all be on the floor.
She needs her knuckles rapped by a nun with a ruler.
Easily – I would be the first to drop – I cannot drink – lol
Good Catholic girl that I am, even I would be on the floor.
All I’d have to do is take a whiff and it’d be bye-bye for me!!!
More like a series of literal bitch slaps. Utterly disgusting Guthries aggressive negative attack made.
I guess this was to be expected.
There’s no evidence of widespread voter fraud?
The blonde idiot doesn’t read this forum.
Peaceful transfer issue is one he always turns back on their heads.
Why do they even keep trying to pin that on him.
‘Cause they still think they’re going to steal the election.
She wants to argue with his answers to the people. It’s not her place. He has to answer the people and debate Guthrie.
Excellent, bringing question on economic recovery.
Contrast prediction of 42% unemployment to actual 8% … Looking to future … SG interrupts again (blech)
All I hear when SG talks is “yip,yip, yip”
Frankly, I like dogs better.
Savannah, we’re on the same side!!!
Wont be ,many comments on twitter for a bit
Twitter down, suffers worldwide outage
Would not let me tweet about the townhall but I could retweet… go figure
it was weird in how it came back up…
Shitty Savanagh validates my cutting the cable nearly ten years ago.
this hoe is unbearable. IF she is married, I feel bad for the sap that has to tolerate her. Imagine how she beats down her staff.
She’s married, and I’m not. Just think about that.
Although, I’m picky.
Taking a breather for sponsorship contract fulfillment, I assume.
The MSM …. IS…. the ENEMY of US (The People)!
Lying, CORRUPT sacks of Schitt!
Turned it off!
It’s more than FAKE!
Don’t let them bring you down to their level!
Gab has an active hashtag for the townhall.
on GAB
Sorry, did I tune into the #TrumpTownHall or a Trump inquisition?
Oh Lord – you can almost predict the questions from sassy lassie – over and over pre-existing coverage – white supremacy – masks – idiotic nonsense – she is so obnoxious!!!
Now, it is the stimulus package – they never get to the problem with Pelosi – she does not get her way – no way
Do we get a real undecided or a fake undecided??
Two Clinton voters – where did they find these people?
Excellent Question: Corporate Tax Rates.
Now he’s in his groove answering this!
Now taxes – shut up – what they did was illegal – and second – their numbers are all wrong – I am very under leveraged – small debt – compared to the assets I have –
I am explaining it to you – now listen and shut up!!!
I am under audit – no person in their right mind would release his taxes when under audit.
She does not have any tax experience – it is obvious she does not know about what she is talking!!!
You are out of your league, lady with the yapping mouth.
I believe the standing to validate criticism of someone’s taxes should only be allowed; a) if they originate from the highest legal tax experts in the country, or b) If the critic has a track record of similar accomplishments and able to speak with equal authority from their own experiences.
And common sense says not to discuss it with anyone who is not a part of the process. It can not help.
Byron York
NBC has now burned 25% of its ‘town hall’ with the president without a single question from a voter. From Trump, sarcastically: ‘Let’s waste the whole show.’
It’ll be over 50% Guthrie yammering before this is over. truly, UFB, Guthrie has hijacked the Town Hall.
Russia hoax by Crooked! Tell em all about it Mr. President!!
I do hope President Trump pursues more Town Halls. Ground rules need to include moderator should not be asking questions. The folks ask the questions.
With a trapdoor under the moderator if he/she/it gets out of hand.
“IF” ?
Great thought on the trap door.
Perhaps one of those dunk tanks where when they get out of line and drop into the tank.
And make the water about fifty degrees.
NAH, Make it 40 degrees. Fifty is too warm. (You do not need a wetsuit to cave in 50 degrees just woolies.)
I was thinking aqua regia, personally.
If that sounds too hoity-toity then strait red fuming nitric acid will do.
Started this on time but had to go and wash dishes just as it was heating up. Returns to see Trump demolishing this motor mouth. This is epic!
LOL – motor mouth – Perfect!!!
Barn owl screech is pretty good too.
Oh, yes, Hoof – very much like that – Had to turn my sound down – offensive to my ears!!
Just tuned in halfway through the debate and all I hear is screeching harpy. This woman is insufferable.
“Town hall,” not “debate.” Sheesh, doesn’t seem like a town hall with the moderator in straight up attack mode.
She gives the rest of us a bad name.
She has kids…. Poor kids
NBCs commerials are mostly to keep folks skeered…covid, BLM…
Really? Yeah, the Couch COmmando has the Rays and Astros on one TV and The Exorcist on the other in the sports bar, so, I’m live streaming.
Gonna look for her….
She has been nodding up and down the entire Town Hall. Quite clear she sees through fake news and supports president Trump.
I did see that. She was great!!!
Another Clinton voter – Democrat – tune out! Supreme Court – Constitution – IDIOT
What moron thought it was a good idea to ever put this screeching banshee in front of a camera? How on earth did she get a job on television? Good grief!
She used the Heels-up Harris method?
Be quiet ‘Motor Mouth’ – this is not your show – you are not part of the Town Hall – you are simply a moderator!!!
She thinks that means: Moderate Trump.
I guess, Ray – she came off like a raving maniac – unbecoming for a host – her hatred and vitriol was on display for everyone to see – but, hey – that is just what I think.
Yes she did…. because she IS.
That obvious, Ray?
Forgot my /s – it could not have been MORE obvious – she was like a ‘boxer’ dancing around and poking at PT to see if she could rile him – I think – he questions were stupid and ignorant of the facts.
The #DEMS aren’t helping themselves.
Notice that he did NOT disavow Cue?
He doesn’t know much about them!
“Would you like to see Roe vs. Wade overturned?”
I’m not answering for the president, but I would like to see human life respected from womb to tomb. The lack of this is at the root of many of our problems, IMO.
Glad to hear that. Media really are the enemy of the people and the enemies need to be totally crushed on Nov.3.
That’s her personal account. Not sure if @presssec account is still locked?
Good evening Mr. President, I have to say that you have a great smile!! Crowd cheers!!

Duct tape her mouth yikes
Gorilla tape. Duct tape may not be strong enough.
Fasson 444, Best darn tape I ever tested! (It was a commercial tape used for car trim.)
hey, Gail…Thank for the tip!!!
President Trump is doing great, when he is allowed to speak.
This last question was the first time Guthrie did NOT interrupt and interject her vile perspective.
Voted for Clinton – what is wrong with this woman? Flattery will get you nowhere – Dreamers – you are no Republican – DACA? It was an illegal program – they are now adults – not citizens? Too long in this country – living freely – unlike American citizens who must work for a living.
I had this ready to go, and they’re DONE?
An awesome closer by President Trump. Rapid fire accomplishments.
So, in one hour, six or seven questions? Pathetic, NBC is.
In the meantime, the other network probably has Crazy Uncle Joe in a spa robe with cucumbers over his eyes. (It feels really good, actually.)
And Pedo Joe happy thoughts of little kids.
Agree, Kal – this was painful – Motor Mouth wasted too much time on the same old questions – not her job to question the President – it was the audience who should spar with the President – not the moderator.
She is going to get killed in the conservative press – alternative media.
kal, in the President’s Tweet ab this town Hal, he DID say he would be doing the TH on Fake NBC!!!
we were warned…he knew…and he does it for the same reason so many other things are done:
exposing the enemy.
He’s SO good at that!
DP,, As always, very much appreciate the Town Hall thread….AND all the others.
You are quite welcome.
Pardon me, but I need to put the leftovers in the fridge.

What a CROCK O

BUT, it sounds like the audience loved him! Hope that chaps Karen Guthrie forever.
Not switching to ABC….And WHY DOES SLEEPY GET 2 HOURS???
He can’t stay awake two hours.
It was 1 1/2 hr lovefest……. (not 2 hr)
Trump Townhall over….. Flipped over to ABC for the Biden show…….
They showed the “questioners” and ………..Social distancing of 100′?
Or that’s just all the people they could get to participate?
Yes and Yes, Ray! Not watching – this Town Hall was boring enough!!!
Your choice of course.
100′ ?? That sounds like a normal functioning society.

It’s what the DIMS expect of us.
Savannah, shrill, hysterical, rage-filled – her name is trending on twitter. That a “TownHall” Fail when the moderator’s name trends…
Trending – how so, Lady? As ‘Shrill Jill’? ”Annoying Annie’? ‘Motor Mouth’?
Just her name, but I thought it interesting, because the moderators name shouldn’t be trending. The other two trends are simply mentioning the townhalls.
I wanted to tell Savannah she was a screeching banshee.
Still laughing at Sean Davis – FULL CLOWN and Trump STOMPED her!!!
Oh, and Jenna Ellis, POTUS’ legal beagle noted, and other conservatives on twitter agree, Savannah acted like she hated POTUS.
OTOH, the audience apparently loved the President so I don’t think Savannah got what she wanted. Everyone on twitter is talking about the lady behind POTUS who liked what he was saying.
Well, Lady – that is great news – they bypassed the shrill and were thrilled!!!
Yes, that’s wonderful. I’m sure POTUS was happy to know the folks liked him.
He gets all mushy when people say stuff like that, Lady! He is so handsome – “especially, when he smiles!”
Notice that they didn’t let HER ask a question?
LOL – ‘She went full CLOWN’!!!
Ah, Duchess, never supposed to go full CLOWN!
Do you think POTUS Broke her?
Yes and No – I think she made a total buffoon of herself – and Trump – being a gentleman – would not stomp a woman full throttle.
duchess, except for Rosie O’Donnell.
Well, R’OD was the only one – according to PT – LOL – PT was patient with Gutter – even though he has little patience with stupid people – he knew he had her on the taxes – she did not understand what he was saying – the $750 lie – she accused him of careless disregard for others and risking infecting others – by not wearing a mask – until the truth about masks hit her – experts on both sides disagree – I wear one when I need to wear one – this was an opportunity to educate others – he knew the questions beforehand – the same old falsehoods and talking points – there were (3) Clinton voters – waste of time – and on and on – we all know he won – especially since she was such an easy mark and quite the fool – a poor moderator who wanted to debate the master – lol
duchess…yep, more Kabuki.
Lucky us, “they” seem to be oblivious to their own stupidity…It’s our good fortune that the truth will out…people are waking up. These vermin truly seem unable to grasp the message people are witnessing…in this case: a Town Hall? Why so few questions from the audience?
I saw, here I think, that more people were talking ab the AA woman who was signaling her agreement w Trump tonight than ab the debate itself. Considering the Twitter population, that was encouraging.
Pathetic it is. Losers.
Yes, piper – the woman behind PT – my mute button got a workout – the screeching banshie was too much – I understand she is getting the Wally Walrus Treatment on Twitter – however – PT did manage to get some zingers of his own in – in spite of that abhorrent moderator – guess someone had better explain to her what a Town Hall is supposed to be – UGH – excruciating and abhorrent to the ears, piper – could almost hear PT say – You’re Fired!!! LOL
duchess, I read later in the evening, that ‘the woman’ actually has been a field worker for the Trump Campaign. Someone on the donald actually knew of her, name and all…Good for her for sneaking in: she gave us all some chuckles!
Amen goes right there, piper!!!
duchess, when I hopped on the thread, someone else had already made this clear…good news travels fast.
Yes, it does, piper – we are working together to get the truth out to as many people as possible.
Great Tweet, Lady!!!
Couldn’t help myself. I can’t watch these events because I get too upset, but I’ve seen a few clips, and the thread here along with twitter were on fire telling me everything that went on.
I really like that “Full CLOWN” phrase, and she showed herself to be more than a partisan – when she’s perceived that she hated POTUS – that’s a bad look.
He bias along with her poke-dot undies were showing big league – lol – all she needed was the ‘clown shoes’!
And a BIG RED nose!
Honk Honk!
Yes, that, too, Ray!!! LOL If I had only imagined her dressed as a clown – I might have been able to tolerate her more – Nah!!!
LOL – do they mean with Guthrie – thought this was a Town Hall – silly me!!!
Just now watching Hannity and he has on Ari Fleischer. Yea, that’s right, R.I.N.O., ex Bush family, press sec. OMG. This fool just dropped so many “code words” about what a really bad guy PDJT is and what he “should be” doing.
Why is he on? Ooops, sorry … forgot … FauxNews …
Faux SNOOZE anymore.
TOO many LEFTIST “Guests”.
Well, she was and should be ashamed of herself – in front of God and everybody!!!
Better than a rally tonight. PT kicked the loud mouth broad’s fanny.
Hahahaha! Oh, Jane – you have summed it up perfectly!!! Still laughing…
When President Trump says he takes the slings and the arrows for us – he is not kidding.
This alleged Town Hall was an attack on everything he holds dear – a blatant attempt to discredit him – belittle him – and blame him for everything including the weather.
The hysteria about the MASK was unnecessary – the whining and the attacks were embarrassing.
For a man of obvious class and accomplishment – they wanted to hang him from the nearest tree – the ‘alleged’ moderator acted like a impetuous child – whining and screaming in his face – for what?
I admire President Trump – not only for what he has done to reverse the destruction of past administrations – but, also because he is willing to put himself through this tongue-lashing to get through to the people who are listening to the lies of the MSM.
I am sorry Mr. President you had to suffer through this ‘alleged’ Town Hall. We Love You – and – We are praying for you daily!!!
Just think, in three weeks he won’t ever have to put up with this kind of crap again. He can tell them to pound sand. And he can let loose. The kraken was it?
Asking ChYna Joe for a friend:
Is BLM a “Black Supremacy” movement?
Wait for it . . .
You’ll have to click. Neither shows an upper lip, but see how warmth radiates from the chimp’s visage. Nothing comes from her smile.
This just about describes it.