Before we get too deep into the revelations of yesterday, I want to wish my dad a Happy 80th Birthday.
Seventeen laid it out for us.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: df5c9a No.11067351
FBI possession since late 2019?
No FBI interview(s) _J/H Biden due to optics re: attack political opponent?
Lesson of the Day: If you run for POTUS all your past crimes magically disappear?
Sometimes it takes transparency to force action.
“Let’s see what happens.”
In this case, does having early stage dementia help you re: previous deniability? [harmful politically]
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: df5c9a No.11067457
Let’s keep the party going.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: df5c9a No.11067604
Wife: CIA
Husband: DOJ
How does one agency attach itself to another?
DePat NOTE: at a guess, I’d say arranged marriages.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 49d14d No.11067918
NEWAnonymous ID: 9ae64d No.11067894
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 49d14d No.11068186
NEWYour ability to spread information across the digital battlefield and bypass their control is what they fear [narrative failure] and why they are doing everything in their power to disrupt [false labeling [daily attacks], censorship, termination, gov hearings > foundation to term/censor, etc].
Keep charging, Midnight Riders!
Information Warfare.
Hunters become the Hunted.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 49d14d No.11068535
NEWAnonymous ID: fd5256 No.11068389
If the FBI has confirmed that “Hackers have gained access to the US voting system”….what exactly does that do to the election?
Don’t believe everything you read.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: fdf777 No.11068630
Read both carefully.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: fdf777 No.11069264
READ NEW: Lightly redacted FBI interviews with ex-DOJ official Bruce Ohr released to Senate investigators @LindseyGrahamSC @SenRonJohnson obtained @CBSNews “Glen Simpson at Fusion GPS hired OHR's wife, Nellie Ohr, to conduct research for his firm. OHR voluntarily provided his
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) October 14, 2020
How does one agency attach itself to another?
DePat Note: I’m telling you, arranged marriages.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: bf0b07 No.11070168
Information warfare.
They can no longer hide in the shadows.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: bf0b07 No.11070251
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: bf0b07 No.11070362
NEWAnonymous ID: e5cabb No.11070287
Hey Q , how are we doing so far?
Almost 3 years in now.
[Past 7 Days]
Gauge for yourself, Anon.
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: bf0b07 No.11070489
NEWAnonymous ID: 865c72 No.11070453
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: bf0b07 No.11070526
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 7b1b73 No.11071497
Anonymous ID: 317dcf No.11070966
Lawfare Accomplice to Dem Peach Mint Debacle Goes All in on #MuhRussia2020
Before more journos go peddling this
@nypost story, they should do some diligence on the cover story for how Giuliani got the “hard drive.” Giuliani has been conspiring with Russian agents for months, including someone the US says is actively trying to interfere in this election
Why would the FBI subpoena the computer? If the store owner could give it to Giuliani, he could give it to the FBI. Makes no sense.
And let’s remember, Burisma was hacked last fall by Russia.
Do not be complicit in spreading Russian efforts to interfere in the election.
When it’s all over, this presidency is going to be legendary.
Was going to plop Tears for Fears “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” here, but it’s not all that great of a dance tune. So…..
As usual, this is the daily thread, the place to put all information that needs to be out there – Q drops, Q drop decodes, riot information, rumors about MAGA rallies starting up again, news flashes, Chy-na flu updates, fashionable mask photos, satire, memes, and of course cute animal videos.
In the meantime, the short and sweet version of “THE RULES” is here borrowed from Tuesday:
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
Since it is almost the weekend, the reminders are in place to not swing from the chandeliers, wash your hands and face, and be nice to the liberals whether they deserve it or not. Making your bed, OTOH, is optional.
PSALMS 98:1-6
1O sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things! His right hand and his holy arm have gotten him victory. 2The LORD has made known his victory, he has revealed his vindication in the sight of the nations. 3He has remembered his steadfast love and faithfulness to the house of Israel. All the ends of the earth have seen the victory of our God. 4Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises! 5Sing praises to the LORD with the lyre, with the lyre and the sound of melody! 6With trumpets and the sound of the horn make a joyful noise before the King, the LORD!
Let’s see…a parody….
In sad news, the other side has taken the lead in parody making. So, we will be replacing that series with a myriad of “Donald Trump Can’t Win” compilations.
Re-check your seatbelts! And your popcorn supply.
Today was one heck of a ride!
Great opening DP,
tend to agree wrt “arranged marriages” ……………..
Happy Birthday to your Dad… thank him for sharing you with us today…
yes! Happy Birthday to your Dad!!
Yes, well, dad and my mom are shopping for their birthday present to themselves today. They have been for a week. It’s more of a necessity than a luxury, but they’ll be snow birding it for a few years.
Does anyone know… did Brian Cates get swept up in the Great Purge tonight?
His page doesn’t load for me… same with a few others… but then I’m having ‘puter problems…
It loads for me.
thanks Linda… all I get is “Something Happened”
glad to know he’s still there
Mel Q Frog face Retweeted
House Judiciary GOP@JudiciaryGOP
Twitter has blocked users from tweeting the link to the @nypost’s story on Hunter Biden.
So we put it on our website for you to read and share.
Click, share, and RT!
Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad – House…
By Emma-Jo Morris and Gabrielle Fonrouge October 14, 2020 | 5:00am | Updated Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than…
Justice is Coming.
punisher symbol?
tre cool!
So this is potentially why twit world was also censoring the judiciary committee today? They (the Left) must be deathly afraid of this story leaking into the “normies'” view!
Ground report from my moderate blue neighborhood in a battleground state:
I arrived at my local grocery store only to see a SUV circling the parking lot with an absolutely massive Trump flag attached to it. I’ve seen videos of similar antics on social media, but seeing it in real life in my BLUE neighborhood was amazing.
The warmer weather has brought neighbors outside for friendly chats. Nobody is wearing masks or social distancing. The pandemic only exists inside buildings that mandate such restrictions.
Political sign count:
– 50/50 mix Trump and Biden signs
– one “Any Functioning Adult 2020” sign
– one sign a state Republican politician that is strongly anti-lockdown (this one shocked me the most)
Ground report from last Saturday. We drove down a NC route (4 lane but not limited access) almost to the NC/SC border.
This is the first time I have actually seen Biden signs.
There was an interesting pattern. Almost all Biden signs were on state property along the main highway. I only saw a handful on private property. Trump signs, with the exception of solid wood 4ft X 8ft on 4X4’s, were missing. —When I put out signs I noted they disappeared within 24 hours even in rural areas if on a main road.—
Once off the main road, Biden signs were scarcer than hen’s teeth and there were a lot of Trump signs.
The trump signs are put out by the trump supporters while the Biden signs are put out by the campaign on the main roads.
I am seeing the SAME THING HERE. Biden signs are mainly on arteries. Now I’m seeing MOST of them on private property, but I believe the campaign has been “strongly requesting” them to get help creating a perception.
Trump signs get torn down faster and replaced. I think a lot of people are afraid to put them up, because they would drive the Biden people even more crazy.
They DO NOT ASK, they just put them up. One year I had a whole bunch of Democrat signs put up all along the front of my property.
Remember the Marxist do not believe in property rights and they certainly do not believe in YOUR property rights along the road easement.
In today’s climate who would dare tear them down? If you did you might find your house vandalized or worse.
Oh yea. Biden signs won’t last on my property.
Dirt bags who put the signs up don’t know who took them down. Unless you replace them with Trump signs.
Excellent discussion from TheologyMom – State of the American Church after COVID
Reshuffling the Deck: The State of the American Church after COVID
313 views • Streamed live on Oct 13, 2020
I am getting a LOT of letters from people who have recently left their church, or are wondering if they need to. Let’s talk about how COVID has changed a lot of things in our lives and some thoughts about a way forward.
“DePat Note: I’m telling you, arranged marriages.”

Spouses cannot be forced to testify against each other.
And a marriage between people working in different agencies provides a backdoor for information flow.
I would not have put that together…
sometimes there needs to be a go between, between cue’s questions and the right answers…
or some of us (HAND WAVING IN THE AIR) will MISS important stuff…
Some of those people…I just don’t know where there would be natural attraction.
still…very astute.
Ground Report : Rio Grande Valley
CK: Four years ago there were no trump sign anywhere here now there on almost every street. I don’t think the DNC was thinking they needed to spend any $$$ here that the valley was so blue it was safe. Peoples yards are saying they are loosing the valley this time.
CK: My neighbor put up six trump flags over the weekend make it two of us with trump in the yard.
MH: No valley = no blue state Texas
CK: Michal you nailed it. Even if valley just turns purple the blue texas can’t happen. The grass is growing crazy here. I don’t think either party thought the valley was in play but I think it very much is
CK: The groups doing this aren’t claiming a party but just that they are conservative.
This has to be panicking the Dems.
Panicking Dems do crazy stuff. WATCH OUT.
Great work on all the threads, DePat!

Well done!
Haaa…that’s quite a cleanup crew!

Those pelicans aren’t afraid of anybody.
Poor little iguana was having a tough time getting any food.
Speaking of the Galapagos Islands…I read a blurb last week about how the people there are pissed off at Chyna, for poaching on their fishing territory.
The ChiComs have sent their militarized fishing trawlers to the Galapagos Islands.
Those trawlers are filling their holds full…taking thousands of pounds of fish that the islanders depend on.
There have been a few reports of seeing the Chinee boats sending parties onto some of the outer islands, too…poaching on the wildlife there.
I hope they’re not killing those giant tortoises!
But I wouldn’t put it past them.
Sounds like China. Hmmmm maybe this is why this popped up in my feed? I didn’t search for this at all.
CCP is everybody’s problem.
Yes. Yes they are.

But seeing our VSG President standing up to the ChiComs is giving other countries the courage to do it too.
Courage is contagious.
It’s not just that the islanders depend on them — the area around the Galapagos is an internationally recognized wildlife sanctuary, and the Chinese are hoovering up everything in it when they think they can’t be seen, killing everything, cold-storing anything edible (which, in China, is more than you’d think), and dumping the rest overboard. They’re pulling BS like sitting at the boundary during the day, and moving over it at night, turning their transponders off, and using decoys.
If environmentalists had any smidgeon of actual belief in their avowed tenets, they’d be HOWLING. But it’s the Chinese, and their checks still clear.
It should be noted that the Galapagos sea lion is endangered, and is the smallest of the sea lions. If they weren’t so easy-going, they could easily have gone extinct. Instead, they can be herded (when necessary) with plastic flyswatters.
Like much of the fauna of the Galapagos, they have no preconceived notions about humans…..they just try to go along to get along.
The marine iguana, by contrast, is listed as “vulnerable” (one level safer than “endangered”). They are the only iguanas to feed underwater, and have a number of other novel characteristics, like the ability to shed salt through their nostrils. Their main survival challenge is thermoregulation — they’re eating in waters that are seldom warmer than 70 degrees and their preferred body temperature is in excess of 90 degrees. Accordingly, their day is: warm up in the sun on the rocks, dive in and eat, climb out and repeat. Of some interest, their DNA suggest that they diverged from mainland iguanas just about the time the modern Galapagos archipelago formed (there were previous volcanic islands that subsided). They can crossbreed with mainland iguanas, but the offspring are mules.
There’s also the Galapagos fur seal, which the little chubso in the presentation frame may be. They’re not as streamlined and flexible as sea lions. The G fur seal is the smallest of the otariids — the eared seals — and has the lowest reproductive rate of any seal. They also grow exceptionally slowly. As might be imagined from the above, they are endangered.
Seals tend to be blockier than sea lions (even where they both have ears). Sea lions will also fold their back feet under themselves to move about on land, where seals tend to leave their feet extended. Both can be annoyingly playful and buzz or otherwise interact with divers underwater. Sea lions are more streamlined and lithe and “fly” underwater, where seals paddle.
I had an encounter with a seal off of Monastery Beach in Carmel. Officially, the name of the extended beach is “Carmel River Beach”, but the section overlooked by the monastery is particularly interesting for divers. It’s a nasty entry and a nasty exit — a steep beach of coarse sand that is periodically hit with large waves — the best entry is to slowly back into the water and find a large wave, then plunge into it as it breaks on you… can’t see anything for a bit and its chaotic — but if it worked, you’ll be swept out to deeper water where things will clear. One classic exit is the “Monastery crawl”, where you dump all flotation and crawl out as the waves break over you and slam you into the beach.
You might well wonder why anyone in their right mind would dive there. The reason is just offshore — about 60 yards from the beach is the top of a canyon that drops down hundreds of feet. You can see pelagics like manta rays and sunfish and tuna interacting with rockfish and cabazon. It’s really quite something.
Anyway, my dive buddy and I had gotten past the entry, and were starting to trudge to the edge — him in front, about twelve feet deep in 20 feet of water — when something “clomped” my fin. Mind you, the area is known for great white sharks, and they typically test before a full on attack, and the buddy is moving further away… I swing around to a sitting position in the water to see what is going on. And there’s this seal looking at me above the tips of my fins.
Mind you — wisdom having nothing to do with things — it’s illegal to mess with seals, sea lions, sea otters, dolphins, and the like. Note also that there are no laws forbidding them from messing with you. So I try a “shoo, shoo” with my right fin — and he goes, “I should nibble this one?”, and I try a “shoo, shoo” with my left fin — and he goes, “or maybe I should nibble this one?”, so I just turned away and resumed trudging after my dive buddy. After a bit, the seal swooped by about eight feet away to show that I would have had plenty of time to play before disappearing into the murk.
After the dive, I asked the buddy if he’d seen my seal incident…..his reply was “seal?”
Good read
Happy birthday to your Dad DP
I know it is hard for people to listen to videos, but sometimes it is worth it.

I love LT from Andweknow and try to listen while getting ready for bed whenever he releases a new one.his voice is soothing.
The latest one is especially good as he goes through recent events which some of us have only been able to get piecemeal.
Blessings, all.
Also good night,
[…] Posted By: Deplorable Patriot 0 View 0 Comment KAG, MEGA, MIGA 3ViewsShareTweetMail […]
leaving this here since twit accts getting zapped right and left………………… interesting. A crisis actor for Denver nine..does that mean the tv station?
Maybe it’s the same guy…with different aliases.

I the third picture of Hunter, is he actually passed out with a glass crack pipe still in his mouth?!?!?
Seems like he is… who took the photo?
A naked hooker from Eastern Europe would be my guess.
Well, we know he likes lapdances, so the photographer is probably female. No sign that she’s Eastern European or of legal age, however……
…..and why was it on Hunter’s laptop?
Hunter is beyond messed up.
Our guy is dishing out moar & moar #WINNING!
My goodness — Twitter just suspended ‘Jim Treacher’.
Do they not get that there are other channels that carry his content — and people look to pjmedia for long content and Twitter for short? He’s beyond their reach for stifling — but they just did. Way to ROAST your brand, guys!
From @betsytn on Gab…
RIP Seal Team Six ~Aug 2011
Somebody should pay for their deaths.
If people in the Obama administration set them up, there will be executions.
You don’t kill Seals and not get justice.
It will have to be rigorously proven. DUE PROCESS. PRESUMED INNOCENCE. But if a witness turns, it could be huge. However, assuming they killed ST6 to hide the UBL failure, they likely killed whoever set up the take-out.
It’s so sad to think of our fine warriors being betrayed…and killed to protect Hussein’s nefarious secrets.

Sad…and infuriating.
Do Whites Need Corporate Repentance for Historical Racial Sins?
by Dr. Neil Shenvi and Dr. Pat Sawyer
Do Whites Need Corporate Repentance for Historical Racial Sins
WHY would it even be a question?
Oh and by the way…
A Bill of Attainder is a legislative act that imposes punishment without a trial. It is is an act of a legislature declaring a person, or a group of persons, guilty of some crime, and punishing them, often without a trial.
So all this White Guilt crap ESPECIALLY when taught in a Public School or a government connected business IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL AS HADES!
You have deduced the path with which the white hats will win the battle.
I think this is too generous. I question the “good intentions” part as these wicked ideas stem from marxism.
Where did our Camela post go?
Kamala Harris’ Ties to CAIR Draw Scrutiny
ACTIVE posts (at the top) – not KEY posts!
It was so obvious I skimmed past it!
OMG – I’m laughing like crazy! Look who’s getting “what do you have to lose?” this time!!!
^^^ That message needs to go viral in CA.
EXACTLY!!! Think back to 2016 – Trump made that argument to blacks and it got him low double-digits extra black votes – without even really trying. It was a FANTASTIC argument.
AND IT PAID OFF. Blacks got WAY more than they expected. Hence the even BIGGER “Blexit” now!
It’s even better for California. Trump doesn’t even have to GO to California to do it. He can broadcast the message – “Radio Free California” – at every rally! “We’re coming to save you! What do you have to lose?”
Oh, hilarious!!!
As some states swirl the bowl, “Vote Trump. What The hell have you got to lose” will resonate widely.
California, Oregon, Washington, Illinois, New York…
Small cost, potentially a great ROI. Popular vote would swell. Probably can’t take the state, but, what if it did?
I think Trump can actually TAKE these states. Here is my argument. It’s KILLER.
“The other side calls themselves ‘progressive’. What in the hell kind of progress is it to send your state back to the STONE AGE? You don’t need that kind of progress!
“The Green New Deal is PROGRESS? You’ve gotta be kidding me!
It’s medieval, and it’s not even GREEN.
These phony fake progressives drive out airplanes, and new cars, and even modern ecology and forest management, so they can burn up the forests for federal dollars. Hell – the American Indians managed our forests better than Democrats, with controlled burns and smart game management. The phony fake progressive Democrats keep people in junk cars like CUBA instead of helping industry stay REALLY modern. They drive out guys like Elon Musk who want to built the urban transportation of the future – clean electric – low carbon – modern safe nuclear – and send money to CHINA for MASKS to MUZZLE YOU. It’s not progressive. It’s ridiculous. WE’RE the progress! VOTE FOR TRUMP AND REAL PROGRESS. Make California California again!”
When will #BABIES lives matter again?
Behold, children are a gift of the LORD.
The fruit of the womb is a reward.
Paslm 127:3
Think of all the years they groomed us to fear pregnancies, to discard inconvenient babies, to do everything BESIDES celebrate, enjoy, and see babies as a HOLY gift from God.
Don’t forget direct government action to PUNISH those who dare to reproduce! How many times do you encounter a woman with five kids from five dads living through government largess and forced extraction; while five men can hold no legal job, nor one that requires a license, because anything that appears on government radar gets raided.
How many times do you find single women reduced to poverty when they try to support themselves with their child?
Everything about the interjection of government into the relationship of men and women, and any subsequent issue therefrom, has been a complete clusterfark and lead to massive harm in the name of “helping”. It really leads to looking at Article I, section 8, and noticing that it says nothing about men, women, children, or marriage…..and realizing that the government should just butt out.
Incidentally, I was at a manufacturing company one time where the purchasing agent had multiple kids from multiple fathers….
Anyhoo, one day she showed up with a massive shiner. She and her husband had gone to a concert in downtown San Jose. According to her description of the incident, they had been walking along the sidewalk while people in a vehicle stalked her. After some dialogue, the people in the vehicle got out and confronted the couple. Words were exchanged, and she got slugged out of the blue. When her husband tried to intervene, he was physically tossed aside.
The owner asked her some follow-up — why didn’t you ignore them, why didn’t they harass anyone else — and then, came the key exchange……
Q: “So, you had this guy in front of you, and he hauled back and slugged you. Why didn’t you move your head out of the way?”
A: “I didn’t see it coming, it was *all of a sudden* wham!”
Q: “Why didn’t you see the wind up, was it too dark?”
A: “DARK???? We’re talkin’ Jamaican!!!!”
Which had us all clamping hard because she most likely had it coming. We instantly knew why they got out of the vehicle, what she likely said, and what bought her the black eye. And felt sorry for her husband.
they have ALWAYS mattered.
The Storm will be BIBLICAL! Video by @JuliansRum
I love this video! …So very well done.
Yes, that is REALLY good. I actually feel like JUSTICE CAN HAPPEN after I watch it!!!
The Q Army has descended upon the comment section of this video…

And it is a thing of beauty to behold!
This “leaked plan for Canada” is making its way around the chans and /qresearch/. I’m skeptical, but posting it here because this was probably the original NWO plan. tl;dr: A severe COVID mutation forces lockdowns, economic reset, and immunity badges. Anyone refusing to comply is sent to an isolation camp.
If they do this, it will be a LIE. It won’t be a real strain – it will be lies and disinformation like in NZ and AUS – to try to prevent an electoral rebellion against Baby Castro and the Great White Commies. And then they invite the ChiComs in in a big way.
And then…….
Sounds EXACTLY LIKE AGENDA 21 put into practice. (The Marxists want to remove property rights AND SO DOES THE UN!)
From my old Agenda 21 notes:
Remember the Chinese Military MOVING IN TO CANADA???

The use of the CHINA virus to DRIVE ALL COUNTRIES INTO SOVEREIGN BANKRUPTCY thereby placing them in the full control of the Banksters via IMF loans with LOTS of strings attached.
The 1944 Breton Woods Agreement established the IMF and the World Bank because “The stock of gold grew slowly; the stocks of dollars and pounds could grow without limit. Member countries accepted the obligation to treat the two alike. In practice this meant they had to accept inflation or appreciate their exchange rate.” The IMF/World Bank used Structural Adjustment Policies, SAPs, to open up countries to exploitation by corporations. Instead of a British Empire overtly colonizing the world, heavily criticized by a voting public, we have Corporate and Banking interests united in the covert control of whole nations in the name of profit.
This task force goes all the way back to 2004.
Debt Restructuring and Sovereign Bankruptcy
Fast forward to today:
Weak International Economic Cooperation In Response to the COVID-19 Crisis
2013 — World Bank Insider Blows Whistle on Corruption, Federal Reserve
This is a weird thing to tweet late at night. No masks anywhere, so it was probably recorded months ago. I have to wonder if his handlers are signalling something here.
Yeah, that’s bizarre.
Maybe they’re just trying to ‘humanize’ his image by tweeting out something goofy?
He’s demonstrating that the DQ Blizzard is “so thick a spoon stands up in it”…which is a selling point for it.
If his handlers *are* signaling something, would it have to do with a ‘blizzard’?
They’ve used Biden to signal false flags before. Remember this picture from 2019? The one with “Christchurch” prominently displayed on the table? It was taken two days before that strange day of mass shootings. I don’t know what’s going on here with the Dairy Queen pic, but something to keep in mind as events unfold. I expect it to be a “future proves past” situation.

Good catch, Sadie!

I’ve got it!
Dairy Queen = DQ = “de-Q”
It was a signal related to operations against QAnon.
Note that a “de-Q blizzard” is like a storm, too. But all deniable.
DePat, I reposted this from the rally thread. I wanted to bounce the subject by you. After all, Missouri is your territory. Not many folks know the word Cahokia.
Loved the history lesson and the connection between Des Moines and the Mississippi Cahokia culture. I read a plaque in a state park one day and my mind was blown by the vast connections of America. Imagine, if you will, America made of colonies with populations hugging the Atlantic coast… 1760s. Just going to the first mountain ridge put a man into wilderness and danger. France and England went to war in the original world and in the new world colonies began warring against each other. Our side called it the French And Indian War. The furthest-away settlement in the new continent just happened to be at the oldest seat of power of the ancient aboriginals – Cahokia.
European civilization along the coast scarcely extended a hundred miles west of the Atlantic. Paris and London and the lords in the colonies issued directions that reached a thousand miles: one sent men instructed to fortify and hold Cahokia and thereby the Mississippi and all the land east of the mountains; the other equipped and sent men of arms to attack the Cahokia settlement and remove its authority over all that territory.
I don’t know the routes the armed bands traveled, but it was an endless float, an infinity of steps, brutal work, and a marvel that both arrived at this dot of fellow men, with no other Europeans for a thousand miles.
“Well those are white men so this must be the enemy; let’s attack with violence and kill and injure, capture them, and end their utility.” Then as a small contingent, a tiny speck inside unknown North America peopled by unfriendly residents, we will walk back to our little city on the Atlantic coast.
Americans. Wow, don’t you just love us?
Cahokia itself, and the national parks service entity over there, is actually in Illinois. I think it’s the only mound left. There were several on this side when Pierre LaClede and his “stepson” (believed to be his biological child) came up the Mississippi from New Orleans to establish a trading post at the mouth of the Missouri. The French settlement was on the bluff where the Arch stands, and around there. Up at the confluence there is NOTHING because when the rivers come up, it all goes under water.
As for the upper Mississippi Valley, and that includes Illinois, the French were here LOOOONNNNGGGG before the English ever invaded. There’s A LOT of parks, schools, etc., named for the Jesuit priests who converted the native Americans. Pere Marquette, DeSmet, one of the open storm drains here is a natural river known as the River des Peres, or the river of the fathers as there were two who explored it in the beginning.
But, it IS interesting that here in the middle of the continent, there was a meeting place for the indigenous people that eventually became a central trading and transportation center for European settlement, and mainly for the same reason: river navigation.
Thank you DP. I was enthralled by the story told on the plaque. How that spot on earth is the balance-point nexus of America between the Rockies and Appalachians, and the ancient mound-builders chose it for their center of gravity. It was truly an epiphany for me.
Then I was amazed by the geospatial thoroughness the British and their colonists took in the French and Indian War. At the time it was about the longest length anyone had gone to, to complete a conflict’s far-off details. Now I appreciate the importance of that aptly named war for us today. (The Last Of The Mohicans and all that) The spread of our French place-names is fascinating. I love maps.
Thanks a lot for what you do for QTree!
The reality is that Cahokia is south of the mouths of the Illinois and the Missouri Rivers, and north of the River des Peres and the Meramec. It’s pretty much in the middle and on higher ground.
I think it was probably a matter of transportation.
And Twitter just kicked me off!
They know I’m not a robot. Jack Dorsey is a LIAR.
Jack – YOU LIE. You could say I violated your rules, or you could say I was posting about QAnon, but you chose to LIE.
Sorry, Jack. You get nothing from me now.
If somebody is on Twitter, just reply to my pinned post with this message.
“Wolf refuses to give Twitter his phone number, which it never had, to prove that he’s not a robot, which they damn well know. Wolf says goodbye and God bless.”
I did what you asked & got a warning message that your account was being restricted because of “unusual activity” but I was able to proceed “with caution”, I believe!
Thanks! I think they’ve deactivated my account. Probably gone soon.
They’re evil.
They are evil. I hope your account remains, in case you need an occasional “fix”
Did they tell you Why?

Looks like they’re trying to get more personal information from you.
Yup. They want a phone number. Screw ’em. I’m on Gab now.
Why is Twitter partnering up with Google about your ID?
Twitter wants a phone number, and they use a Google Captcha Test as misdirection so people think the phone number they give next is just being confirmed by Google, but it’s not – the phone number goes to TWITTER. Even if Twitter doesn’t have a phone number for you, they ask for one.
A PHONE NUMBER is linked to your NAME & PHYSICAL LOCATION. This allows TWATTER/ANTIFA to DOX you if you are ‘naughty’ by their standards.
This opens you to job loss and physical attack.
As a retiree I really don’t care, and if they doxx me, it actually rains annihilation on every prog traitor, university, and institution I ratted out in my social media history, so I don’t think that would happen. They know exactly who I am. But I will not be forced into CONFIRMING for them who I am – and most of all not by a LIE.
They know I’m not a bot. I will not HONOR THEIR LIE.
Jack is a weasel, and he deserves to be remembered for turning Twitter into a Myspace.
Damn, I’m sorry.
It’s OK. I actually left Twitter, only to get sucked back into it by the “research gold mine” of the Denver shooting.
This is like a junkie having his heroin dealer move out of town. It’s a good thing.
I will depart most likely for Gab and Parler. Parler is where Gen. Flynn posted from. Parler isn’t my favorite place to fight, but that’s Flynn’s message. Parler is where our RESEARCH should be happening – NOT under an enemy spotlight. On a FREEDOM PLATFORM.
Are you wearing a black armband, or going to sport this as a badge of honor?

I should note that we had four calls from pollsters this evening while we were home, none of which we answered. We just laughed and said, “and they wonder why polls suck.”
I used to do polls. Then pollsters thought they’d be cute and weaponize them. I don’t do polls anymore. I probably won’t do another one until I trust pollsters again… which time, all the current ones will be long dead. Lie in that bed, dumbs**ts.
I’m getting slammed with political texting, mostly from groups on our side.
Who the f*ck gave those clowns my phone number?
I’m getting three emails per day. I didn’t used to get this crap when Brad was running things — he had some understanding of who not to bother. From the second he was deposed, I’ve been inundated with spam.
But none of this is from the Trump campaign. One claimed to be Ted Nugent for crying out loud. Turning Point USA, No on 115 (whoops, that’s not conservative), Americans for Prosperity…
Again, who gave all these fuckers my phone number?!?!?
So, just looking at —
I’m thinking that VSGPOTUSDJT should say, “I agree with Jack Dorsey when he says, ‘….and blocking URL sharing via tweet or DM with zero context as to why we’re blocking: unacceptable.’ Accordingly, using emergency powers XXX and YYY, I’m disconnecting Twitter from internet until this is resolved.” Then DNS Twitter to /null.
/null their sorry asses. I love it.
The Columbia Bugle
Tucker Carlson & @esaagar Discuss The Future Of Big Tech Censorship
Tucker: “Soon we’re going to do a show where we just read the names of all the Republicans…who refused to lift a finger to save you from what you correctly described as this grave moment in American history.”
@esaagar: “This is a grave moment in American history. This is actually a declaration of war by the Big Tech companies in this particular case. We need to understand this for what it is, this is an in-kind donation in the hundreds of millions of dollars to the Biden campaign.”
Verse of the Day for Thursday, October 15, 2020
“When a man’s ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.”
Proverbs 16:7 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Thursday Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Be My Voice
Good Morning Duchess!
have a productive and Blessed Day!
Earliest tweet from POTUS(that I can remember)
Sec. Mnuchin tells Lou that they still have over $300 Billion left over from the first CARE package.
He would like to release this money to go to the people, to airline workers and small businesses.
But he needs authorization from the Speaker to release it.
“Mnuchin on stimulus talks: I suspect Dems don’t want to give Trump a win before election.”
Please, please, please.
Pretty please with icing and sprinkles.
First Lady Melania Trump: “My personal experience with COVID-19.”
Ooops…posted the same one at the same time.

Appreciate the assist, Wheatie – no foul – it bears repeating – lol
Our VSG POTUS has this pinned to the top of his twitter feed:
I’m still thinking that Biden *put* his son Hunter into that whole Burisma thing.
Hunter is an idiot.
A drugged out idiot.
He would not have done that on his own.
I think Biden just used his son to get money for himself…as a figurehead.
It was a way to get bribe money.
Same thing with the money from the ChiComs.
Hunter was just used as a vehicle by which the money could flow to Biden.
And this is why the Dems have their social media buddies censoring the story about Hunter’s laptop.
Joe’s Handlers are afraid that people will figure this out.
That’s why they’re freaking out and being so sloppy about it.
Absolutely – Hunter was just the go-between and bag man.
Would be interesting to see the names on the bank accounts that the $$ was deposited into.
That is also why Hunter told his Baby-Mama he was broke. The money was NEVER HIS in the first place.
Would the Bidens (both J&J – plus you know Ø and H> are involved) trust Hunter with billions?
Would anyone?
Nobody in their right mind would trust a crackhead with anything more valuable than a burnt match.
Q.E.D.: the Dems are not in their right mind.
Awesome! The BAG MAN! Stealing!
Just tweeted:
Word of the day:
an agent who collects or distributes the proceeds of illicit activities.
Used in a sentence:
Hunter Biden was the bag man for his father Joe Biden in Ukraine.
Betcha BLM has ‘bag-men’ too.
Can’t see the TW / TW feed. TW says it broke the rules.
Passive aggressive twit.
Yes. Hunter was using prostitutesover there. If course they are ALWAYS taking kids. At this point, I believe the worldwide trafficking, abuse of all degrees and deaths are in the millions. I just wonder over what time span are we looking at?
Why is all the Biden family dirt being rolled out now? It’s not going to change voters minds imo. What’s the real reason I wonder.
Maybe because…
To force the Democrats’ hand – and most likely THIS AIN’T OVER – and – the exposé program won’t stop with the Bidens.
Trump has planned MULTIPLE October surprises.
AH, I see you GA, I have been telling you young padowans..LOL Hi Barack, its your uncle P Rex, TIME to pay the CHECK. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Yep, no time to counter punch for them I hope…
…a Flurry of Fury
Wanna BET. Squishy reps and confused dems the “undecideds” JUST became Trump voters.
Why not? No time like the present. It’s turning into a tsunami as promised.

Partially to expose crooked Joe. Make Joe talk about it. Make fake news pay attention. Maybe at ABC Town Hall with Dementia Joe alone on the stage, he’ll have to talk about it.
My take is that the Biden evidence release may be related to what is going on in the Amy Coney Barrett Senate confirmation hearings.
Senator Hirono from Hawaii set the stage in her questioning with what Democrats may be about to unleash on Amy Coney Barrett. Last minute nastiness similar to what was thrown against Justice Kavanaugh.
I think the worst of the Biden revelations are being held as a check against what the Dems may do against Barrett. If they go through with it, hell will be unleashed regarding the Biden evidence. If Dems play nice, the worst of the revelations may be held off until after Nov, 3rd.
In other words, the worst of the Biden evidence may be getting used as leverage.
I hope no actual deal like this has been made.
Let the Dems THINK we’re holding back in return for ACB being left less scathed. But make no promise.
But then release it anyway once she’s confirmed, and before the election.
What you say would be preferable.
I think the outcome of the Nov. 3rd election will likely be decided by the Supreme Court. We need ACB on the Court to prevent a 4-4 split (Roberts siding with the libs), which would cause the decision made in the lower Court to stand.
Gee this forgets so much, including Benghazi, but it is a GOOD start on Mr “not a smidgeon’s” admin.
Not a smidgeon is right, a whole PLETHORA and cornucopia of corruption to choose a buffet.
The Barack-Biden Buffet…all you can steal.
Dan B is has been fire lately.
Just wait until the steroids he’ll be taking as part of cancer treatment kick in.
Happy Birthday to Deplorable Patriot’s Dad. Your 80th only comes around once. Enjoy it.
Thank you for sharing your gifted, amazing daughter with us!
He doesn’t know about this, actually. I have to talk him off a cliff on a regular basis.
10.14.20: The I R A N coverup by 44 = TRE@SON! B@@M!
probably true, but on the other hand Hunter could be making it up so he doesn’t have to admit he snorted or screwed his money away either…
Do you really think that Joey wasn’t taking a major cut?
I am sure Hunter snorted & screwed his share of the money away, but it is kinda tough to piss away the type of money he was getting without killing yourself.
oh heavens no–it’s probably true. but given hunter’s hobbies–he wasted a LOT of it himself
He WASTED it ALL, that is why he kept making deals. He ONLY could tread on his fathers position and influence. He has NO other skills, and his drug problems make him UNHIRABLE anywhere by ANYONE except those willing to use him as a CONDUIT.
NO, Pat, ABSOLUTELY true, THAT is how a crime family WORKS. The Cappos do the work, and MUST pay tribute to the BOSS. Just wait, how much did JOE have to PAY to HIS boss. Hi Barack…stomach problems lately…BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
How much ya wanna bet Pelosi does the same?
I bet they ALL do it.
Remember me telling you all that ALL MAGA business was to be concluded soon, likely BEFORE the election? Are you WATCHING. You THINK the BIG drop was YESTERDAY. LOL Remember that Mickey Clock? The next three weeks are gonna be an epic reveal. But the LAST 8 will be BIBLICAL.
coming down to the bottom to say DePat YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOVED the morning Dance tune…dancing all over the house!!!
hubby’s cracking up…
I was going to post the scene from Dirty Dancing where this is played…talk about dirty. I’ve forgotten just how dirty that movie was at times.
yeah the title is fitting…
We need more people like him in the senate.
Great symbolism, Dora…it really says it all
#StateDepartment #DOS #Diplomacy
Secretary Pompeo’s Remarks to the Media – 10:30 AM
Shorter Version
Where are the pre-dawn FBI RAIDS on the Bidens’ home, offices???
Where are the seizures of computers, laptops, files?
Where are the arrests and perp-walks?
come on, man.
biteme sleeps in the nude…you wanna see THAT on a pre dawn raid?
Shuffling out in his tighty whiteys! Better than nadler with his fribble stains….
i think joe sleeps in the nude…tbh…can’t tell you how i know…LOL
Ack…hes such a pedo…ready at any moment…
The fruit is not yet ripe.
For all things there is a season.
Gotta go after the Obama/Clinton/Biden allies/protectors in the gov’t bureaucracy first and get rid of them (Wray, Haspel, corrupt DOJ lawyers and judges, etc.).
Patience is a virtue.
Good things come to the patiently persistent.
Trump ALWAYS delivers.
No one thought the swamp….100 years in making…..could be drained in a single presidential term, did they??
Agree, FGC. The one thing I hold on to is PDT wins and that this fight is far beyond our comprehension. The depths of criminality and evil are almost incomprehensible. So it takes more than “a few good men (and women)” and one term to correct all that is broken. The first thing it takes is a no fear attitude. The second is time. The third is intelligence. The fourth is dogged determination. If all of those fall in line and the Lord has blessed the endeavor – it will succeed.
Our jobs are to “see something, say something” to patriots, explain what is happening to our circles of influence, to encourage others and in particular the patriots, and to pray to the Lord without ceasing.
You are MISSING the point. The FBI, was, and IS the problem. The FBI HAD this laptop since 2019. They NEVER thought this would see the light of day. Don’t EVER say one person cannot make a difference again. ONE shop keeper made a copy, because he KNEW this was wrong.
This is as MUCH taking down Biden and Obama as it is the FBI and Wray.
The FBI is going to be “torn asunder” and “scattered to the winds” JUST like someone said long ago. CIA too.
This is NOT the end, this is the BEGINNING.
And it isn’t JUST the top of the FBI. The other side is layered in. I get the idea Wray, Haspel and a couple others are in place to get the cells to expose themselves.
AH, you are getting there. WHO was at CIA BEFORE Haspel? KANSAS. KANSAS is the CLEANER, from CIA to STATE. FBI is LAST.
This needs to be done in the next term. Everyone out and arrested and tried in tribunals, NOT regular court. Tribunals will be swift CORRECT justice. No perversion by allied judiciary. By the end of the next term MAGA should be pervasive into every system, particularly education, so that upcoming generations get a real education again…continuing into the next POTUS’ term.
Ah, you see the plan. Did you see what I posted the other day to Wolfe?
No. Im missing a lot. Can you link me?
My book is also up in it’s entirety at my site.
You know I was an honors student and have an IQ measured at genius level.
I’ve been saying this stuff for years.
Hey, you and I have a LOT in common. I was a President’s scholar, and JUST missed MENSA level. (wink). Like minds. Sometimes when I am talking to you, Wolfe, Wheatie, Steve, GA, and others, I am NOT just talking to YOU. Lots of people follow our threads.
NEVER FORGET the CIA and FBI are COLLEGE GRADS, mainly from Ivy League schools. aka Marxist Indoctrination Institutions.
Most of these people have a ‘my poop don’t stink/Holier than Thou’ attitude. You saw a glimpse of it in the Peter Strzok – Lisa Page memos writing about SMELLING the Deplorables at the Walmart. Heck Hillary saying we were irredeemable Basket of Deplorables. They truly believe THEY SHOULD RULE because we are too stupid.
I will just say this. Gina Haspel and I went to the SAME school.
And one hopes that the shop keeper NOW has 24/7 security for himself and his family.
I am sure he does. I heard somewhere the guy is BLIND…did I hear that right?
Wise words from Elvis.
Just HOPE the NYPost author and the Mac Laptop Repairman is hidden safely away somewhere and protected by several perimeters of top level armed security.
YOU GOTTA KNOW OLD HILLROTTEN is throwing a fit – far beyond a hissy or a conniption – we are talking Defcon 10 – throwing dishes, cuss words, foaming at the mouth, breathing deadly threats!!!!!!
We don’t need the NYPost author or the tech.
We need the hard-drive.
And Rudy G. has it.
Not ONLY Rudy G. There are likely HUINDRREDS of copies now. The reveals will be steady, and daily, maybe multiple times daily. see, that allows the dumbass MSM and Biden camp time to spin, and then get CRUSHED on the very next reveal. This is NOT over by a LONG shot. This will NOT be quick, and the Cabal will NOT enjoy it.
I wonder how big an ISO of that drive would be…..
A typical hard drive these days is between 1TB and 2 TB. Now this was a n I mac, so it most likely was 1 TB. An ISO would only need to be of the data, not the OS, or applications. the total data, even pics and videos would most likely still be in the GB’s .
A typical burnable blu ray is between 4 and 30 GB. EASILY copiable . The ISO would be around the same Id say the data was between 1-5 GB. EASY and QUICK now days. Hell even flash drives are over 100 GB now.
I’d pay quite a bit of $$$ to see that….as well as to be a little bug in the Obama household and watch their panic right now.
I suspect the Obamas are being forced to go out on the campaign trail for Biden…as Rex posts “time to pay the check.” There’s no way they are happy about being out in public right now.
Thanks John–amazing truth told in milliseconds of time. For me it seemed to play out this agonizingly slow when I was there. When I looked into the shooters eyes from 15 feet away both of us knew his life was unalterable changed
— steadidan (@DanielMannix10) October 14, 2020
New unreleased video-victim exits L-I enter R waving to police-Denver Post lady and I both look L-camera pans-shadows of victim and shooter show their interactions throughout-shadow of mace spray tells rest of story. RIP Lee Keltner.
— steadidan (@DanielMannix10) October 14, 2020
SOCIAL MEDIA HAVE BECOME partisan political weapons and acting as (possibly paid) SUPER-PACS!!!
judging (no pun intended) by SCOTUS’s opening questions, Google’s goose might be cooked…
Google didn’t want to cede more control of the marketplace to the likes of Apple and Microsoft. To get ahead, it knew it needed to move — and fast. Rather than create entirely on its own all the parts of the mobile operating system that has now come to be known as Android, Google elected to use more than 11,000 lines of coding from Oracle’s Java to make it run.
Internal emails from Android head Andy Rubin show that he advised the company to negotiate for a license. The company appeared to agree initially, as it asked for and received terms and pricing from Sun Microsystems, the owner of Java at the time. That’s when the plot twist began.
Ostensibly not liking Sun’s terms, Google co-founder Larry Page wrote, “If Sun doesn’t want to work with us, we have two options: 1) Abandon our work and adopt MSFT CLR VM and C# language, or 2) Do Java anyway and defend our decision, perhaps making enemies along the way.” The company ultimately chose option two, setting the stage for a heated 10-year-legal battle that finally made its way to the Supreme Court this week.
Google acknowledged that it copied 11,000 lines of code from Java, but it argued the code can’t be copyrightable because there aren’t enough ways for a company to make what Java did. On Wednesday, however, Justice Neil Gorsuch dismantled that claim by pointing out the obvious: How, then, did Microsoft and Apple, which didn’t use Java to make their operating systems, manage without it?
Uh oh…Justice Gorsuch understands geek-speak.

Big Tech asshoes should be afraid. Very afraid.
in the questioning, they were hammering google, so even tho the decision isn’t likely–it’s not looking good for google.
Coincidence? NO. ALL MAGA business is coming DUE.
The FBI has the laptop so we are led to believe. You don’t keep something unless it’s something. Also we have short memories. Remember when I reported FBI & IRS raids in early August in Miami & Cleveland belonging to Ukranian Optima Mgmt Group? FBI needs to be asked if connected?
— Adam Housley (@adamhousley) October 15, 2020
From an insider not politically connected: The emails in the NY Post story have been verified — they’re solid. The Vadym Pozharskyi email address has historical data dating back to 2014. Furthermore, it is registered to the address of Burisma.
— Adam Housley (@adamhousley) October 15, 2020
More coming tonight or early tomorrow
— Adam Housley (@adamhousley) October 15, 2020
So let me get this straight, Donald Trump got impeached for something Joe Biden did..?
And he got investigated for 3 years for something Hillary Clinton did..?
— Jordan Rachel (@TheJordanRachel) October 14, 2020
BINGO. projection. Trump KNOWS, and he has it ALL. he is NOW forcing Barr to ACT. NO CHOICE. Oh, and Bye Wray…hope you like orange too.
But…the FBI didn’t really “seize” Hunter’s laptop.
It was handed to them.
They didn’t even have to go looking for it…it was dropped in their laps.
And they acted like cats covering up a turd in their sandbox.
You MISSED it. The FBI has a SUBPONEA. Now WHY would they have THAT. How would they KNOW it even EXOISTED. THINK. This is a certain prosecutor from Connecticut bearing FRUIT.
The Mac Shop owner said that he was afraid for his life…once he saw what was on the laptop.
That’s why he turned it over to the FBI last year.
He made a copy, though.
And when the FBI didn’t do anything with it, he gave his copy to…someone.
Some think that ‘someone’ was Giuliani.
The NY Post article states the laptop was SUBPOENAED.
What do you have to have to subpoena EVIDENCE…think,,, a grand jury.
More answers to questions asked and unasked….
ok…admittedly I need more coffee,,,but wth is this? this guy says he was on the seal team the killed OBL and every member of that team is alive…what’s going on?
“Very brave men said goodbye to their kids to go kill Osama bin Laden. We were given the order by President Obama. It was not a body double,” O’Neill wrote on Twitter.
O’Neill, a Trump supporter who was banned from all Delta flights in August after he published a photo of himself not wearing a mask in the cabin, pushed back against the theory in several tweets. “Shit. I just found out that I killed Osama bin Johnson. Drinks are on me, I guess. I know who I killed, homie. Every time,” he wrote.
Shit. I just found out that I killed Osama bin Johnson. Drinks are on me, I guess…
— Robert J. O’Neill (@mchooyah) October 14, 2020
Every Seal Team member from the Bin Laden mission is alive…
Every SEAL from the UBL Mission is alive while you are reading this.
— Robert J. O’Neill (@mchooyah) October 14, 2020
Is he just making fun of internet fantasies?
altho if the CeyeA were using body doubles and the team was given only photos OF the body double, they would absolutely believe they got their man…who knows…
I do not think their families agree with that.
WHY would the illusion that Seal Team 6 was killed be done?….
UNLESS Seal Team 6 is dead but they were NOT THE TEAM that killed Bin Laden….
My head hurts!
See below
Yes…Rob O’Neill.
He has always seemed like a good guy.
I’ve been wondering if he was going to weigh in on all this.
We don’t know what kind of missions ‘SEAL Team Six’ had been on.
SEALs cannot talk about their ops.
People just ‘assume’ it was the Bin Laden mission and that’s why Biden gave away their position which got them killed.
But O’Biden may have had some other reason for wanting those seals taken out.
So they put out the story that that was the SEAL Team that took out Bin Laden.
I dunno, just theorizing.
so what’s the deal then? if SEALS don’t talk about their ops.. what’s O’Neill doing saying he was on the team that killed OBL?
Cat’s been out of the bag on that one, for years.
And not by O’Neal.
Ozero outed him…and he didn’t seem all that happy about it at the time.
why did he do that?
seriously that would put a bullseye right on him. right???
Yes. Yes, it would.
Allow me….
Bin Laden was killed in May 2011.
28 SEALs were killed in the ambush in Aug. 2011….the worst lost of life in SEAL history.
Obama was up for re-election.
You’re watching a movie….
Sit back and wait, is my advice. At this point, I’m not believing much of anything that was reported under Obama was real.
you’re like mr miagi…so much patience…lol
I’ve come to the conclusion that if I can’t do anything about it, it’s not worth the time to fret over if I’m not personally involved. That’s sort of where I am with all of this.
I’m a little person–said that before–but I have always championed anyone i thought was being mistreated. (maybe a shrink would say my small stature inspires a wannabe hero figure inside me…LOL)
I want to right wrongs, champion an underdog, makes things whole again…
sitting and waiting is no NOT my strength! I admire you for it.
A terrier type maybe?
my mom called me a holy terrier when i was little(r)…
wait…holy terror is what she called me…
Gail Combs
You couldn’t have known that you did a wonderful thing when you posted this photo.
Today is 2 months since I my Sona was put to sleep at age 12 1/2. It was so hard for me to let him go. It still hurts.
This photo, for me, is my Sona running in Heaven the instant after his heart stopped in this planet.
He’s running to join his litter-mate, AJ, who passed two years ago.
Thank you.
I am glad that little guy brought you some happiness. You can just see his boundless joy in life.
Gail Combs
You are very kind.
“Sona” means “happy” in Irish Gaelic.
My Sona brought so much happiness to the household during our time togerher.
I’m with you, DP. I took a class many years ago about learning to “compartmentalize”…that is, to place issues into their own little compartments until you can release them to take action….that may or not ever happen.
At this point, I say…”it’s not my business” or “ it’s beyond my personal control”…and then let it go. SO much better for your health to eliminate as much stress as you can, but it takes a little work to get to that point…especially when you are a problem-solver by nature.
You don’t say?

Damn. Never saw that coming.
So let’s assume people wear their masks 24/7. Assume the mask material is small enough to capture or prevent breathing of the virus, which it isn’t. What does the mask wearer do with the mask wearer’s hands with the mask – which cannot be washed/sanitized in advance, during, and after the placement often enough to prevent transmissions? Yes – they adjust the mask. Repeatedly, all day and night. So the hands transmit the virus to the mask where the virus has the perfect environment to be breathed into the body or enter through the eyes and ears. Every time a mask wearer coughs, clears their throat, sneezes, spits – they breathe in their own bacteria and virus contaminates. Yeah – that’s really healthy. No wonder the study observes that 85% of the people with COVID wore masks all or part of the time.
Even once in awhile with the help of village idiot medical experts, humanity knowingly just jumps into a pile of shiz and the majority of people claim they are taking a bath.
It is and has always been about herd immunity and therapeutics.
And don’t forget that pediatricians are reporting that children are getting SURFACE STAPH INFECTIONS from their being forced to wear masks ALL DAY IN SCHOOL if they’re going to in-person classes.
keep them coming!!!
these are great!!
I like that photo. Its a great companion to the Trump signing an EO.
The REAL lessons learned for the Hunter Biden debacle.
1) ALL DC Dem families are doing the SAME things
2) The Bidens are JUST as corrupt and nothing but grifters just like the Clintons before them.
3) NEVER underestimate Trump, Rudy, and BANNON (NOW we know the reason he left, and then the phony arrests on both he and Giuliani’s the FBI…who HAD this laptop in 2019, to SILENCE them on this.
4) everyone in the Obama admin was “on the take” and NOT for the good of America or Americans, except them selves.
5) NEVER leave it to a slacker Druggie to cover up your crimes of graft, he will FORGET something due to his drug induced stupor.
6) Biden is ALREADY losing so bad that the MSM and big tech went full on STASI censorship to help him.
Raise your hand if you didn’t wake up with a crack pipe in your mouth.
— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) October 15, 2020
Big day!!!
President Trump has a Rally, a Fund-raiser and a televised Town Hall on his slate today!!!*
11:35AM THE PRESIDENT departs the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews – South Lawn
11:55AM THE PRESIDENT departs Washington, D.C. en route to Greenville, NC
12:50PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Pitt-Greenville Airport
1:00PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks at a Make America Great Again Rally
2:20PM THE PRESIDENT departs Greenville, NC, en route to Miami, FL
4:40PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Trump National Doral Miami – Doral, FL
4:45PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks at a Fundraising Committee Reception – Doral, FL
Closed Press
7:20PM THE PRESIDENT departs Doral, FL, en route to Miami, FL
7:40PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Pérez Art Museum Miami – Miami, FL
8:00PM THE PRESIDENT participates in a Live NBC News Town Hall Event – Miami, FL
9:05PM THE PRESIDENT departs Miami, FL, en route to Doral, FL
9:25PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at the RON Location – Doral, FL
* While Ø and the rest stew, sweat blood and pass bricks and try to lie and spin their way out of consequences for their corruption.
* Excellent!
My time here is going to be limited in the morning. I’ll be back for a short time and then not for a while.
What threads do y’all want?
Rally thread for sure.
Is there anything public about the ACB confirmation today?
Wolfie would probably like the Biden stuff to run up the numbers on the Daily thread, so unless something else big happens…
You are great!!!
I’ll have to do it later. In a rush right now.
A “Rally” thread can cover all three.
Is that anything like a miniskirt covers ‘sensitive’ areas?
Or do we want to put everything on this one for today?
Sorry, something came up.
you got things to do, we can manage in this one, don’t you think???
I would hope so. I’ll be back for the afternoon.
Gosh Im missing so much. Wish I could see everything and comment more. School is busy and Im exhausted by 8 pm. I think I could use a brain function supplement..any ideas?
Melatonin for a good night’s sleep and then Selenium and Iodine to kick start your thyroid -> metabolism.
I was amazed at how much more energetic I felt after I added Iodine. (Lost weight too and I am 70.)
Ill try low dose 1st. Already have dhea too.
Costco has excellent prices on Australian lamb.
Loads of B12.
The lamb chops are easy to cook on the stovetop or oven.
Im semi veg. Only chicken and occasionally fish. But I appreciate it.
Lamb is for vegetarians that appreciate the animal doing the heavy lifting of digesting the plants!
This article says eating fish helps. But other things to assist with brain health are exercise (brain and body) and reducing blood pressure.
My own experience is better sleep is the #1 strategy. Reducing blue light, avoiding protein meals in evening hours, maybe a little chewable melatonin supplement.
Lol… yes, better undisturbed deep sleep. It could be the blue light. Prob going to need melatonin for a while.
Typical Leftist Fake Apology™
I don’t remember…. please remind us.
hmmm…not sure…wasn’t it POTUS picks 5 justices? if President Trump wins reelection, look for Thomas to retire (and maybe Roberts will have to step down or another will retire…)
Ages of Supreme Court Justices:
Stephen Breyer 1938 82
Clarence Thomas 1948 72
Samuel Alito 1950 70
Sonia Sotomayer 1954 66
John Roberts 1955 65
Elena Kagan 1960 60
Brett Kavanaugh 1965 55
Neil Gorsuch 1967 53
Amy Barrett 1972 48
thanks GA/FL!
You are so welcome!!!
So now I’m older than a third of the SCOTUS (assuming Barrett gets in–if she doesn’t I’m older than a quarter of them).
Barrett is around my childrens generation
The Kavanaugh debacle was a bit freaky for me, reading about his high school days and realizing he was in high school the same time I was…he graduated a year after I did. I could imagine those days.
Now I’m starting to feel old when Supreme Court justices are the same age as my younger siblings.
(Yes, I’m older than I look. I still get carded.)
Firefighter Prophet Mark Taylor’s Prophecy On Supreme Court One Step Closer To Reality
Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates Retweeted
Giuliani: The stuff we are in possession of contains 1000+ photos that are from highly, highly inappropriate to illegal…Everything that the American people are going to look at over the next 5 days, China has been looking at for a LONG time.
This is a National Security threat.
Show me the goods.
Someone at the CDC must think this is amusing, meanwhile their tom foolery continues…
so then all those who’ve HAD covid no longer need to wear masks?
And, we never needed to wear masks. IMO.
It all remains destroy Trump by pissing off the folks and destroying businesses, the economy…in Blue States.
And yet, our local school board just this week voted to expel any students refusing to wear masks! It’s so infuriating to see such ignorance. …don’t they read the data? At what point will they deem it to be “safe” for masks to be eliminated…I’ve never seen any definitive numbers.
School board needs to be voted out. AND given a verbal beat down at the next school board meeting.
Given the quality of the intellects running for school boards around here (that I’ve seen anyway), this is no surprise.
One education PhD in a candidate forum, who made a big deal about being a “doctor”, messed up multiplying two numbers that were powers of ten, getting an answer that was off by a factor of a thousand. Now I realize math isn’t everyone’s strong suit, but you shouldn’t be a PhD, not even in left handed lesbian Rwandan women’s studies, if you can’t do that.
A factor of TEN?
I’ve been away from math for all intents and purposes for about 30 years, but even I can do factors of ten in my head.
Yeah it was something like 10,000 times a hundred and this bint popped out with a billion. I don’t remember, but that was the level of stupid/incometent this “doctor of education” was. I remember her very smug I’m-the-professional attitude.
I want you guys to think about something RE Biden and the reveals (more to come). Legal trials take MONTHS or YEARS to complete. This is being tried in the court of PUBLIC OPINION now. The LEGAL trials come LATER. There is a REASON Trump held this till now. There is NO time to refute it, because each refutation will be met with TRUTH and ANOTHER more damning reveal. EACH more damning than the next.
Q has TOLD us. There is NOTHING that can STOP what’s coming. The STORM is finally, thankfully HERE. As I told Wolf just the other day, I finally figured it out. The first term was the stopping, exposing, and REVEALS of the Cabal. The SECOND term is the legal PURGE. This is HISTORIC.
They have it ALL, and EACH day till and BEYOND the election, more will be shown. Then there is NO choice but to FORCE this into Congress and the courts. NO MORE STALLING. The TRUTH shall set you free, and IMPRISON the Cabal, but FIRST they need laid BARE, naked for the WORLD to see their crimes. THAT is where we ARE. Is that THUNDER I hear…you BET.
Will be laugh out loud funny, to me anyway, IF major arrests start on 4 November. Wouldn’t want to influence the election. (sarc)
No doubt the computer has been going office to office in the FBI in hopes someone will try to disappear it or come up with an excuse for the information on it to be debunked. Maybe that’s how they loose stuff. “Hey, wanna do a debunk?” “No” “Wanna wipe it?” “No” “Okay, can’t say I blame ya”… next office… “Hey, wanna do a debunk?” “No” “Wanna wipe it?” “No” “Okay, can’t say I blame ya”… next office.. “Hey, wanna do a debunk?” “No” “Wanna wipe it?” “No” “Okay, can’t say I blame ya”…back to the boss… “Did you get some one to work on it?” “No” “Where is it?” “I forget” “Cool”.
Meanwhile Ron Johnson doesn’t come out looking very sterling in this when you consider we are only hearing from him after he nor the FBI are the source of this information, but we can work on that after the election.
So now @Twitter and @jack are blocking access to a government website…all to protect Joe Biden.
This is not only dangerous and corrupt, it’s clear election interference!!!
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 15, 2020
Hunter, is that you?
Oh, that’s hilarious. So creative.
Gee, ALL swing states (ex SC). Can Michigan Minnesota, and Pennsylvania, Florida, Nevad be far behind? NOPE. COMING.
Why is Oregon the color of
No clue. Because it’s an Anarchy Zone?
That color is usually for no data, which means GA/FL is most likely correct as they are engaged in anarchy and can’t be bothered to give up any information.
Either because it is a toss up, or no polling data available due to riots and covid.
California not SOLID DARK BLUE???
OK, this guy’s going out on a limb!
I do wish Colorado would flip or at least get a bit paler. But I can’t help but notice Trump hasn’t come here in months. Perhaps we’ve been written off as hopeless.
NOPE, NEITHER is NY. I told you, something is BIG happening. I bet we NEVER knew just how much the illegals and FRAUD played a part. We are ABOUT to find out
Not to mention students…..
Ah, yes, the “unintended consequence” of the lockdowns to hurt Trump and US. No GOTV drives at the colleges in the big cities or even rural college towns, they are ALL home.
Also “hidden” NO foreign visa students on campus to vote (illegally) as well. Can’t COME HERE under a pandemic…wink
Steve and ‘saurus, Oregon is a toss-up to ole Kevin, can’t call it either way! How about an airport rally in Ontario, OR on the eastern border by Idaho?
California is turning its lonely eyes to Trump! He has been to Las Vegas and Reno, right? So close. How about Blythe, Barstow, Visalia, Chico, or Redding?
And Colorado, New Mexico? Love for POTUS to visit them, maybe Trinidad or Raton, advertising the visit is for both states. Greeley and Grand Junction would be candidates also.
I’m surprised New Jersey isn’t polling more for Trump. Those folks all followed Trump’s life story. Give them a invitation to vote for you! Rally in a town in Joisey and encourage voters in PA, Philly and New York. They interconnect. Whadda Youse Guys Have To Loose Anyway!?!
I’d love for OAN to reverse the colors on the election map. Return Trump state wins back to True Blue Republican, and of course the progressive Dems are the Reds.
Red = Republican has been part of the lexicon for 20 years now; all they’d accomplish by doing as you suggest would be to confuse most people.
That aircraft carrier has not only sailed, it’s on its way back.
Scott Adams Retweeted
Jake K. Turx@JakeTurx
Oct 14
EXCLUSIVE: In a new national poll commissioned by @Ami_Magazine, 83% of Orthodox Jews say they’re voting for President Trump, while 13% are voting for VP Biden.
This marks a 29% swing in favor of Trump since 2016.
See full poll results + analysis in the new issue of Ami.
but, but, Biden plus 12. LMAO.
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a …
Okay….neighbor..OFF to make believe land and King Friday! TOOT toot. Meow meow.
For a moment I thought I was over on OT, reading this slam of Barr!
Comment based an old photo? Come on, man!
I will remind this guy that BOTH Trump and Reagan were BOTH democrats. Trump has LOTS of photos with swamp, even Hillary. BUT, he is as FAR from swamp as can be. Did it EVER occur that ALL this is happening AFTER Barr INTIMATED that nothing will happen until AFTER the election?
What makes a GOOD show, GREAT actors.
Yup – LOL
NEW: Twitter has now suspended the Trump campaign’s official account.
— Vince Coglianese (@VinceCoglianese) October 15, 2020
How long before they suspend PDJT?
POTUS predicted that at least a year ago….said it would be right before elections.
expect fire to rain down from the sky if that happens!
EBS. Oh, you didn’t know it works for phone, internet, and computers too.
Majority Leader McConnell Says Barret Has Votes For Senate Confirmation
McConnell added that he expects the Barrett nomination on the Senate Floor on October 23rd (obviously before the election).
Seems nobody has posted the latest Cue Drops….. Here they are:
Oct 15, 2020 1:38:09 AM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 9b2eef No. 11079664
6h, 58m ago
8kun qresearch
Oct 15, 2020 1:41:28 AM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 9b2eef No. 11079702
6h, 54m ago
8kun qresearch
I was on the road most of the morning in west county. Still trying to catch up.
The entire media establishment is acting as Team Biden rapid response – at a new level not seen before in any election in American history.
Wow, good stuff . . .
Via Well Versed:
Chillum has a Thread on Hunter Biden, link to reader
Here’s the NY Post exclusive that it’s based on.
…”10 held by H for the big guy?”
Thanks Mary …
Rush is highlighting this now. If Hunter got all this $$ and had to give daddy a cut, WHERE is it on ol Joe’s taxes, he just released them…OOPSIE.
Good catch, Rex! Now that’s a rabbit hole worth exploring.
a BIG one, enveloping FAR more than Hunter and Joe Biden.
Hunter’s client:
From the NY Post article:
…”The documents obtained by The Post also include an “Attorney Engagement Letter” executed in September 2017 in which one of Ye’s top lieutenants, former Hong Kong government official Chi Ping Patrick Ho, agreed to pay Biden a $1 million retainer for “Counsel to matters related to US law and advice pertaining to the hiring and legal analysis of any US Law Firm or Lawyer.”…
Odd, Hunter didn’t represent him in his recent indictment and trial, despite the million dollar retainer.
CEFC=China Energy Fund COMMITEE
Can he claim attorney client privilege here?
Sure, my question back, are RETAINERS tax deductible?
Harold is reporting that Ho served 3 yrs in prison and was deported to Hong Kong in June
#TRUMP #MAGATRUMP /Bombshell NEWS R.I.P.” T H E – M E D I A- DARK MONEY” 10.15.20
The Library
#whereshunter #CreepyUncleJoe #ukraine #china
And there it is. The Biden family are bought & paid for Chinese Communist Party assets. No wonder they want him in the White House so badly.
Alex Salvi
Giuliani on @NYPost Biden Report: Q: Can we expect more info before Nov? @RudyGiuliani: “The Post has published 5% of [hard drive] and have at least 2 more situations more serious than this … The real big money corruption takes place with the Chinese Communist…
Harold Wren
The Library
#whereshunter #CreepyUncleJoe #ukraine
And right here, that email, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt Joe Biden was taking bribes & selling his office.
Alex Salvi
Giuliani on @NYPost Biden Report: @RudyGiuliani: “I have an email that didn’t come out in the Post … This is Hunter to his daughter … ‘I hope you can do what I did and pay for this family for 30 years … Unlike pop I won’t make you give me half your…
Harold Wren
, edited
Think first statement should read…Hunter to his sister (not daughter).
No, he has a daughter, Naomi… 23 y/o I believe
Really? I didn’t know that…Thought he was a “late bloomer” with the two toddlers.
No, has three daughters by his first wife… Naomi is named for his deceased sister who died in the car crash with his mother.
Told ya, each is WORSE than the other, and NO time to refute, because the NEXT bomb hits.
Will be interviewed by @Varneyco on @FoxBusiness at 10:00 A.M. Enjoy!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 15, 2020
Replying to @Maximus_4EVR
Addendum –
Justice Clearance Thomas has issued a statement re Section 230 in response to a petition for writ of certiorari: “Enacted at the dawn of the dot-com era, §230 contains two subsections that protect computer service providers from some civil and criminal claims….
11:37 PM · Oct 14, 2020·Twitter for Android
….The first is definitional. It states, “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider.” §230(c)(1)….
…This provision ensures that a company (like an e-mail provider) can host and transmit thirdparty content without subjecting itself to the liability that sometimes attaches to the publisher or speaker of unlawful content.When Congress enacted the statute…
…most of today’s major Internet platforms did not exist. And in the 24 years since, we have never interpreted this provision. But MANY COURTS HAVE CONSTRUCTED THE LAW BROADLY to confer sweeping immunity on some of the largest companies in the world.”
In lieu of ACB’s ascension to SCOTUS, it appears Justice Thomas is boldly signaling an invitation from the high court for a challenge to Section 230.
Axios has a few words on it…
…”Driving the news: Thomas wrote about Section 230 in a filing following the court’s decision not to hear a Section 230-related case, MalwareBytes Inc. v. Enigma Software Group.
Thomas said his fellow justices were right to pass on the case, which centered on whether MalwareBytes, an internet security company, could be held liable for what Enigma Software said was a wrongful designation of its products as malware.
But he said it should welcome the chance to scale back Section 230 from the bench through a different case.
What he’s saying: “Extending §230 immunity beyond the natural reading of the text can have serious consequences,” Thomas wrote, adding that when the right case comes to the court, it would “behoove” the justices to consider a narrower reading of the law.
Thomas wrote that internet companies have been granted “sweeping protection” and that courts are reading more comprehensive immunity into Section 230 than was intended.”
and here is link to .pdf Axios refers to
FTNCI’s Quick Guide to the Social Justice Controversy
Continued at the link above
9/23/20- Hunter Linked to human trafficking – prostitution –
The Library
Washington Post is straight up lying.
HUH? #1 story in my feed says WaPo “confirmed” 1) Biden had “no role” in firing Ukraine prosecutor (he’s on video bragging about withholding US aid to do just that), 2) prosecutor was NOT investigating Burisma (??), & 3) no evidence Joe met with Burisma exec…
Harold Wren
The Library
The FULL Video of Joe Biden bragging about getting the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Burisma & Hunter Biden fired is found at this Wall Street Journal link. #whereshunter #CreepyUncleJoe #ukraine
Opinion: Joe Biden Forced Ukraine to Fire Prosecutor for Aid Money
Best of the Web: During a Council on Foreign Relations discussion on January 23, 2018, former Vice President Joe Biden spoke about his dealings in Ukraine. Image: Shutterstock / AP / Composite: Brad Howard
Harold Wren
The Library
Where’s the IRS?
#whereshunter #ukraine #CreepyUncleJoe #china
Lee Kennedy
Rudy G: Hunter Biden received between $20-30M from CCP and about $12M from Ukraine/Burisma of which 50% went to Joe and Jill Biden, and the rest spread amongst family members. Where is the FBI?!!!
Harold Wren
The Library
This is Racketeering, Extortion & Bribery. All of these crimes fall under US Federal RICO statutes. And they are FAR from reaching their statute of limitations. #whereshunter #CreepyUncleJoe #china #bribery
SV News
.@RudyGiuliani exposes alleged money scheme between Hunter & Joe Biden.
BINGO….DING DING DING. RICO …RICO…RICO. And just WHOSE specialty is confronting, exposing, and taking DOWN RICO conspiracies. Rudolph Giuliani. Remember that “arrest” of Rudi’s friends from Ukraine? THIS (Biden’s hard drive) is what they were LOOKING for. Whoopsie, MISSSED.
NOW it is time to pay the CHECK.
The Library
#FuckCensorship #FightBack
Harold Wren
The Library
#whereshunter #CreepyUncleJoe #china #bribery
Josh Caplan
Twitter is now censoring the New York Post’s report on how Hunter Biden attempted to cash in with Chinese firms.
Harold Wren

WaPo is engaging in some industrial strength gaslighting there!
That’s just…amazing.
Harold has a series of posts he wrote that are brimming with new info… about Hunter’s Chinese counter-part, or partner in crime (who has since disappeared, of course)
Harold’s text is posted in images and I haven’t a clue how to bring the info here…
Wheatie, you might be able to figure it out… feel free if you have time… here’s link to site
Yes, I see what you mean.
That’s a good read!
He’s using something called Telegraph there…and I am unable to pull those images off to post here.
thanks for taking a look ….
I looked at it, and the only way I see to capture images is to take a screen shot (which I can’t figure out how to do on brave, but switch over to firefox when I want to do so), and then move the screen shot to somewhere else to post it from. I think the easiest is just to encourage people to go look.
Won’t work, Pandora’s hard drive is NOW open. ALL the MSM that sensor or gaslight this are doing is DESTROYING themselves.
WATCH, soon a decision WILL be made to BURY Biden. He is TOAST. This risks the WHOLE ball of wax, and they are NOT going to “die” on the Hill for Biden. He WILL be BURNED. To save the REST. At least that is what they THINK will happen. I think there is FAR more here implicating not only Biden, but them ALL. I think THIS will reveal the SCAM that they ALL engaged in. NOW the money trails…gee WHO wants toi bet that is ALREADY in the can…Buehler? Buehler? LOL
saw this posted OT. haven’t see it elsewhere yet…LOL
jeans2nd says:
October 15, 2020 at 10:08 am
Two of Kamala Harris’s staffers tested positive for China CCP Virus, so Kamel has cancelled all her public activities to quarantine. – SRN Radio News, as heard on WJFN Radio Richmond VA
No questions for Kamel.on Biden Emails.
How convenient. My money was on Beijing Biden; lost that bet.
Here’s another link…
how could they possibly get infected?
they’re all good little mask wearers…and the (snicker snicker) rallies attract less than a dozen people–all wearing masks and sitting in their approved circles..???
BWAHAHAHAHA. Covid my ASS, quarantine my ASS. CRISIS mode. ALL their evil wet dreams are getting SHATTERED.
That’s 2 more days Comma La doesn’t have to avoid questions, simper in front of the 2 media-types that drew the short straws to cover her appearance.
Daily Caller@DailyCaller
Sen. Lindsay Graham sets the vote on Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination for October 22 at 1 p.m.
Pres Trump doing a call-in interview with Varney right now.

Grrr…I wanna smack Varney.
He keeps asking, repeatedly, if P45 will “accept the results of the election”.
PDJT handled it well, though.
Kept bringing up how the Dems spied on him and didn’t “accept the results of the last election.”
His answer should be SURE, why would I not accept an election I am going to WIN bigly.
Wait – now @JoeBiden is using @Twitter as the factual authority on whether the @nypost story is accurate? Is this serious?
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) October 15, 2020
Wrap-up smear, reverso.
UMMM someone should tell Twitter hiding EVIDENCE is a CRIME, and also an in kind campaign contribution, electioneering, and MAYBE even conspiracy under RICO. Platform my ass.
“Overlooked, but should not be missed
Joe Biden is perfectly fine making MILLIONS fracking in Ukraine, and doing deals with China’s largest private energy company (“10 held for big guy”) but doesn’t want to let Americans have energy independence and allow fracking here.”….
Justice Thomas – Section 230 Protections for Social Media are too broad:…
JackRat further censoring a pizzled Cruz. Graham and Cruz huddled and have decided to issue subpoena on Tuesday to make JackRat testify next Friday.
bypassing the sternly worded letter?
ALL MAGA business is coming DUE.
Chanel Rion @ OANN:
“Just saw for myself a behind the scenes look at the #HunterBiden hard drive:
Drugs, underage obsessions, power deals…
Druggie Hunter makes Anthony Weiner’s down under selfie addiction look normal.
#BidenCrimeFamily has a lot of apologizing to do.
So does Big Tech.”…
Seems to be no curiosity about Huma and Anthony’s current source of income…has to be quite expensive to live in NYC these days.
Bet she’s still HRC’s ‘assistant’
Probably…and she has enough on the lovely HIllary, I’m sure it’s a life-time, very well-paid position!
There may be a lot of fear for her life involved.
not really–apparently you can pick things up for a song–or a brick…lol
Radical Leftists Release Blueprint for Revolution
WASHINGTON ( – A radical left-wing organization is calling for sustained revolt before, during and after the U.S. presidential election.
ShutDownDC, a group describing itself as dedicated to upending normal life, has issued a guide for how to shut down the country in the event of a Trump victory and force the president from office.
Guess those domestic terrorists forgot all about the military, federal marshals, and other LEOs
Stupid … CABAL thinks it can shut us down with fear…
Upping the heat and chaose before, during and after the election.
Hope President Trump’s genius strategists have genius strategies.
Dora, it seems to say something ab the brilliance of these vermin that they insist on publishing, in detail, their plans for future actions.
They always do so…always.
I had written something on that yesterday I think.

Long comment short.
#1. Run up Sovereign Debt.
#2. COLLAPSE ALL ECONOMIES (via China virus)
#3. Countries go bankrupt and have to go to the IMF for a ‘consolidation loan’ The loan comes with MANY STRINGS. Essentially the banks now OWNS and RUN the country.
Except the USA is NOT following the script except in DemoRat run states.
Thanks, Gail. Last quote says it all!
Gail, This was all fine and dandy when these asshats thought all people were just gonna roll over and play dead.
Hong Kong, even France, Eastern Europe, “far right” leaders in The Netherlands, Italy, Taiwan, etc., seem to think differently. and they continue to accrue support.
And then there was Trump.
hahahaha on Them.
Jack Posobiec
If they were winning the censorship would be unnecessary
There is so much more coming
Are we just going to let them get away with it
Lets go
Ryan James Girdusky@RyanGirdusky
Tired of tech censorship?
Republicans on the Commerce Committee need to hold a vote to confirm Nathan Simington to the FCC.
Call Senators:
Blackburn: (202) 224-3344
Wicker: (202) 224-6253
Thune: (202) 224-2321
Sullivan: (202) 224-3004
And wouldn’t you know, “just in time” we find out that the Biden “campaign” raked in OVER $300MILLION within the last few weeks?
Per 700WLW, Cincinnati, news reports.
Guess “somebody” put in a panic call to GEORGE SOROS, perhaps?
well, the contributions to BLM go directly to Biden campaign… so there’s that
AND BLM does not have to worry about ‘Foreign Contributions’
That laundering operation is coming due soon too.
yes’m… is that RICO?
praying medic has a website, and I believe a backup for his videos
X22Report has backup also… and I usually listen to his audio… which is still up
I think backups are probably avl for Amazing Polly and Patriots Soapbox
They have been after Jordan Sather for a while… he’s on Bitchute Destroying the Illusion
Don’t know if my reply is in da bin or ‘puter is messing with me…
help please
It should be out. I’m still catching up and there’s a lot in that folder.
No prob… thanks
Daughn’s been digging….into the Seal Team video matter….found good stuff!
It includes a lot about the relevance of falconry to several aspects of smuggling, location of persons, and money laundering.
The Pelosi connection could get very interesting. If this latest heats up enough, and after the election when she loses the House (

)…I suspect she will retire….and eat every single container of that ice cream in her freezer.
Oct 15, 2020 12:05:20 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 39e696 No. 11084896
1m ago
8kun qresearch
Kamala Harris has had contact with someone tested positive but is only suspending travel for 2 days.
Just remember how the media would be spinning this if it wasn’t Kamala Harris.
— Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) October 15, 2020
And this doesn’t square with the Harris “campaign” stating today that KamaHarr had NO contact with anyone who tested positive for the CCP Virus and is suspending travel “out of an abundance of caution”.
Per FoxNews Radio 12Noon Eastern report on 710WOR
gees…so many stories, so many liars…who to believe anymore!
still healing okay??
Thanks, you are very kind.
After a small setback last week, it seems I’m back on track for healing.
you will remain in my prayers CV!!!
Oct 15, 2020 12:10:01 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 39e696 No. 11084993
Worth remembering.
Underage women (young girls) sexually exploited _[context for future].
1m ago
8kun qresearch
Oh HARVEY, JEFFREY, LES, c’mon down.
Cernovich Retweeted
Nick Short Flag of United States@PoliticalShort
Twitter is now censoring a government site…you will never see Twitter post a warning like this against a Chinese government site.
Quote Tweet
House Judiciary GOP@JudiciaryGOP
· 19h
Twitter has blocked users from tweeting the link to the @nypost’s story on Hunter Biden.
So we put it on our website for you to read and share.
Click, share,
Zoe, the “government site” is House Judiciary GOP
Oct 15, 2020 12:15:30 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 39e696 No. 11085145
NAT SEC concerns re: blackmail [gain control] of J. Biden by Russia, China and/or other foreign [or domestic] entities?
US Intel apparatus [reports?]?
Clear and Present Danger?
1m ago
8kun qresearch
Well, an ** interesting ** tidbit of news:
Rush Limbaugh just talking about how MISS LINDSEY telling Amy Klobuchar today that the DemComs “have a good chance of winning the White House in November”. She thanked Graham for saying that.
One wonders if Miss Lindsey is casting disinformation to stop the DemCom Senators trying to derail Judge Barrett.
wouldn’t they persist HARDER if they thought they would win the WH in November? they delay Amy, win the WH, THEY choose the next justice…
Maybe they are practicing for Halloween.
Oct 15, 2020 12:22:19 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 39e696 No. 11085318
Why was POTUS framed re: Russia collusion?
Protect truth re: Hillary/DNC Russia collusion?
Why was POTUS impeached re: Ukraine?
Protect truth re: Biden/[CLAS 1-99] Ukraine collusion?
Blame ‘opponent’ for what they themselves are guilty of? [DNC media push echo _submitted ‘talking points’ _generate false narrative].
2m ago
8kun qresearch
Handing off Cue drops for a while.
Be back later
think we’re seeing a mink around the pond last few evenings. jet black, sleek coat…he’s quick…but we’ve seen mink (rarely) a few times before…trying to get a picture is proving to be a challenge.
Minks…long ago memory … for a period in my state it was quite the fad to raise minks for their pelts (when wearing fur coats wasn’t a social issue!)
Some self-appointed masters-of-the-environment decided that they would free the minks from a mink farm (here in WA state) so they could live as nature intended. So in the middle of the night they opened all the cages and “freed” about 300-400 mink.
The mink, having known nothing but a cage for their entire lives, promptly ran all over the nearby highway and a lot of them got run over. Another large group of them provided the local coyotes and bobcats with a tasty meal or two.
As nature intended? The farm’s owner said that he would have gladly told them (if only they had asked) that these particular mink, as most mink farm inhabitants, had no idea how to behave in the wild since they have been provided food every day and have never seen a predator.
The FBI hid the evidence on Hunter Biden’s laptop.
(@EmeraldRobinson) October 15, 2020
Just like they did with Huma Abedin’s laptop.
And where are the tapes from raid on Jeffrey Epstein’s home?
Or the 31 phones the Mueller team destroyed?
It looks like the FBI/DOJ is really just a DNC clean-up company.
— Emerald Robinson
Correction..WERE a DNC clean up company…soon going OUT of business…IE under NEW management.
This is the 1st time I’ve seen/heard of the latest depredations by the state of Michigan
Here’s some personal experience by the family:
mid Michigan kicked out a McDonalds for not wearing a mask
Northern Michigan shopped in Wal-Mart & ate in local Mexican Restaurant w/out masks, regardless of signage. Way more people were masked there in September than had been in July & more looks of fear.
Certain hunting/sports stores are “mask nazis” & won’t let someone in maskless, others are lower key. This is true for various larger stores like Wal-Mart & Meijer, all in Metro Detroit.
A few days ago several family members met at a local Culver’s restaurant (after the above “order” went into effect), most ignored signage, some masked up. We had no problems standing in line (there were “socially distanced” markers on the floor), ordering, getting self-serve drinks, or eating at the table (multiple tables were removed in the dining area to create socially distanced inside dining). Every employee & most/all of other patrons were masked most of the time.
Caller to local Detroit area radio show said he’d looked up death stats for State of Michigan & that Sept 2020 had 5000-some deaths while Sept 2019 had 7500-some deaths. Is it even an epidemic now. Was it Ever a Pandemic?
Commie Cuomo just added Michigan to his quarantine list. It’s just ridiculous.
Like any of us want to go out of the frying pan into the fire! Thanks for the heads up on NY!
I have family headed here from the Detroit area. If you fly to NY you have to file paperwork upon arrival at the airport about your quarantine plans or face a $2,000 fine. People who drive do not.
If you are traveling to NYC you are also required to file paperwork at your lodging. People in the rest of the state do not. If you are driving a car with out of state plates you can be stopped and questioned by law enforcement. This is the type of insanity that is going on in NY. Stay away
Weren’t the DEMONicRATS in NYC the ones who were against Rudy Giuliani’s stop and search edict (even though it was applied fairly and equitably)??????
Hypocrisy, thy name is brainless liberals and Democrats (but I repeat myself)…
Yup, it’s infuriorating what’s going on in this state.
This sounds like Nazi Germany–utter diabolical insanity!
Göbbels would be jealous, I think. Then again, Merde-Kuh is doing her best to be true to her NSDAP (NAZI) roots… Media here is totally controlled (and we have to pay 18 Euros a month for it, whether or not we use/listen to / watch it…

Wow pay for propaganda–that’s so corrupt. Sorry you have to live under that Jack-boot
We have a houseguest from NY making his semi-annual stop on his way to Florida for the winter. DH arranged for them to play golf today at another private club in the area. The pro shop asked where the guest was from and DH truthfully said he belongs to xxx club in Florida. Evidently, if he said he belongs to Xxx club in NY he wouldn’t have been allowed to play!
It’s like they are setting up the precursor conditions that will lead to “Escape From New York” turning into fact rather than fiction!
That would figure, they already are making 1984, Outbreak, Pandemic, come true. What’s next, they live?
Good points! We are watching & living in a movie now…
Yep, but it will be the DEMS and Cabal that are in a nightmare on elm street.
I think I still have a pair of ‘they live’ sunglasses in the storeroom. Thought they would be useful some day.
Second batch of smoking gun emails reveal Hunter Biden’s dealings with ‘disappeared’ Chinese energy company chairman about his $30 MILLION consultancy fee ‘for introductions alone’
I note that $30MM can swing a close election. Maybe somebody should consider this election interference.
In kind contribution?
I wonder what all the Bidens documented on their tax returns?
Rush was on this, you can BET that this was Off book…and NOT just Hunter and Joe got a piece of this pie.
NY equals former DDR. Why are we upset is we know what communism is.Sadly younger generation lost that knowledge. Pass it on to the next generation and never let us forget what totalitarianism looks like.
Never forget the totalitarianism and evil Hitler, Stalin and Mao brought to their country and wold.
YouTube purge list, even-handed ideologically of course/s
more info on YT purge
another one on YT purge
Add McAllister TV to the list. People on twatter were freaking out but why? Que told us this would happen .we should all have our backup channels and gab and parler accounts.i have most all of people listed on bitchute.x22 has a website as does Linda Paris at McAllister TV. com. I don’t shed any tears for any of these sm platforms. They are going into the dustbin of history shortly and I am glad for it.we don’t need them as much as they need us.what really cracks me up is all the lunatics smirking and laughing with glee when were all gone only to discover how boring they all are ha ha ha.dumazzes
Well I’d still like to see the arena of ideas be a true 1st amendment free for all Any & Every where!
We shouldn’t have to “retreat” to our own version of safe spaces to be able to speak & be heard. Whether Anyone wants to hear what we might want to say is a different story. I hate voice suppression, of anyone…
still more on the YT purge
continuing on the YT purge theme…
Team Biden “logic” & shape of things to come if they steal the big chair…
Trump says he WON’T make COVID vaccines mandatory
— Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) October 15, 2020
giggle, TOLD YA. There is FAR more to Trump’s “covid” bout than meets the eye. NO vaccines are NECESSARY if a 74 YO “high risk” candidate, AND an EVEN HIGHER risk Chris Christie can be “cured” in LESS than a week by THERAPUTICS.
” You have NOTHING to fear from covid, DO NOT let it dominate your life” President Donald J, Trump.
Yup. IMO our people are fighting back brilliantly in the “disease + information” war.
I think they MAY have had chatter, anticipation, or actual intelligence on the “virus hits” – thwarted the first so that Trump would be healthy for the debate – and let the second one (Rose Garden) happen to throw off the other side’s schedule. They were PREPARED for it, clearly. No freaking out, no disruption.
They were READY for the strike, and not only absorbed it, but REVERSED the outcome.
NANZI’s arrow BOUNCED and hit her in the botoxed forehead.
BINGO. Translation,,,bye bye vaccine.
No need for mandatory, for sure. I don’t think vaccines are gone, but they are going to be far less important in the future. The treatment paradigm was BROKEN OPEN by good cop HCQ, and then Chuck Norris Antibodies stepped in to finish the fight.
Trump is right – CURES are going to be huge. Vaccines can protect one against the inconvenience of viral disease, and particularly when doctors are not readily available, but ANTIBODY CURES are going to be an equally or even MORE important paradigm now. They’re the RU-486 of viral disease – the “morning after pill”.
I’m a vaccine pincushion – I only get one at a time, never have problems. I still want my vaccines, but now there is no excuse for the VACCINE NAZIS to hound those for whom “ginned-up immunity” is less safe than “added immunity”. Looking at the very fundamental difference between ginned-up antibodies and externally created antibodies, it’s a no-brainer that MANY PEOPLE are going to be SAFER with the latter. Schiff and Schumer can go cry on the porch, the FUNDAMENTAL SCIENCE is very clear. Those with any kind of immune dysfunction are OUT OF THE GATE likely to be safer with externally created antibodies.
Trump is so right on this – we need to back him STRONGLY.
AGREED. Wolf, we ALL missed it from Q. The HUNTERs become the HUNTED.
Hunter as in BIDEN. SO SIMPLE!
LOL. Yeah, that was a HUGE TELL. At the same moment the social media left reveals itself, showing it’s true CHINA FACE of suppression and censorship, Q’s biggest VALIDATION – Q’s BIGGEST PROOF – comes through.
I LAUGH at anybody who says Q is a LARP, or misinformation.
A LARP no longer. Now, a PRIEVIEW. Enjoy the show!
My fear is that private businesses will…to take a flight or a cruise, for example.
won’t that invade hippaa act??
No because that only applies to medical information shared from your providers and insurance to certain other entities.
still…a business owner can’t force you to show that you’ve gotten a measles vaccine or a flu shot to enter…how can they force you to do this?
FOX Business –
Greenville, NC Rally – viewers online:
RSBN – 68,767
AF1 landing and crowd at NC Rally
More good signs of the times!
View from above in NYC
You can still get Dave’s x22 report last time I checked.
Andweknow is down but I am sure a back up plan is in the works.
Praying Medic’s twitter was still there…
And this site is a good one for finding videos of interest:
(I am hoping that they will also inform us of any updates for availability)
Okay, I’m here. Had to run the couch commando’s car out to the dealer at the other end of the county this morning. And then put paleo chili in the crock pot, and I had to recreate the recipe ’cause I can’t find it.
let me catch you up…
Hunter is still a sleaze
Joe is still a liar
Congress is a cesspool
and POTUS is giving ’em hell!
all caught up!
Great. Thanks!
Great thread DP, and just wanted to say Happy Birthday to your Dad!
(Over here birthdays with “0” in them are special occasions. Also, people jokingly say that one can reverse the numbers and act that age, e.g. someone that’s 41 can act like a 14-year-old [OK, for a while]. So here’s a chance to go from 80 to 8
My dad doesn’t need a birthday to act like he’s 8. He does that regularly.
twit world suppressing the science! Say it ain’t so (obviously on behalf of) Joe…shocked/s
I’m back….
2 new Cue Drops #4873 & #4874 but the two sites I use to get them are currently down?
Back up…..
Oct 15, 2020 12:48:46 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: fb2de1 No. 11085831
Anons were warned years ago of pending ‘China [communist] style’ tactic approaching re: censor and terminate any/all dissenting views.
They are not in control of their own platform(s).
You didn’t think it was just a conspiracy did you?
1h, 13m ago
8kun qresearch
Pic from Drop #4873 :
No #4874 …….. yet
My mistake
SEE, the scam is WANING. NO testing, NO cases. IF it was REAL, WHY would you have to PAY sick people to GET tested.
Yes! Hopefully the regular people can see the man behind the curtain now…& vote accordingly!
Yep, the emperor now has NO clothes, and no way to hide.
Agreed! Legacy media shills are inadequate figleaves
LOL I’m blind..the imagery…
Cue the Joe in a mask street art!
LOL WHERE is the mask…barf…
Ran across this one from the “good old days”…yikes!

On the way to this “gem”
took quite a while to find it at bing…w/ “Sabo art biden harris” as search
BLINNNDDDD…I’m BLIND! Discaimer next time. LOL
was that “blindness” for Hildabeast “hotness” or what??? Biden’s mask diaper/thong/butt floss?
Can I buy both for a dollar Chuck.
Call in the duct tape
Eye bleach, I need eye bleach!
Oct 15, 2020 2:11:46 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 07ac09 No. 11086408
Would you like to send anything else on over during the House Intel Committee hearing?
Nothing can stop this.
3m ago
8kun qresearch
Oct 15, 2020 2:13:13 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 07ac09 No. 11086444
Do you get it yet?
They are afraid of you [reach][uncontrolled][anti-narrative][free-thought]
Don’t forget about the House Intel Committee meeting re: ‘Qanon’ today.
More ‘conspiracy’ [fact-less base-less claims] pushed re: violent, extremist, racist, dangerous, anti-gov, nazism, white supremacy, anti-religion, anti-American, ………..
#2 attacked topic _[POTUS #1].
1m ago
8kun qresearch
Dang..WE ALL MISSED it. Remember THIS.
The HUNTERs become the HUNTED.
I mentioned it here (probably in the middle of the night):
Like minds. just different time schedules lol
Really? YOU…. missed that.
(I caught it the first time)
Damn forest, prevented me from seeing the tree.
Senator Ted Cruz: “In the last two days we have seen a remarkable development, we have seen Big Tech, @Twitter, and @Facebook actively interfering in this election in a way that has no precedent in the history of our country.”
— ForAmerica (@ForAmerica) October 15, 2020
82nd Airborne Acapella Americana! Beautiful
Twitter censored our last link! So, we put the article on @Jim_Jordan’s website.
Nice try, @jack. But, we won’t stop.
Click, share, and RT!
— House Judiciary GOP (@JudiciaryGOP) October 15, 2020
WATCH what happens when you click the link to @JudiciaryGOP’s website.
Twitter censors the United States House of Representatives but not propaganda from Communist China and Iran.
Let that sink in.
— Steve Scalise (@SteveScalise) October 15, 2020
Unbelievable. Yesterday, @twitter blocks links to @nypost story alleging Joe Biden corruption on China.
TODAY, blocking links to ANOTHER NYPost story alleging Hunter Biden sold access to communist China for millions. I just tried to share that story. Here’s Twitter’s response
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) October 15, 2020
Time for the Straight-JACK-et–he’s completely delusional, thoroughly corrupt, out of control!
is that a rocket in your pocket or are you excited to see me?
context bfly?
POTUS North Carolina rally started at 2pm EST.
oh…you’re in rally mode!
Also Making up for last night, I got pulled away
just when i think i can’t LOVE THIS MAN anymore…I DO!!!!
We will NEVER see his like AGAIN.
If we do our part, we will never need a man like him again.
We will ALWAYS need a man like him as long as the subversives lurk. We thought we had it beat under Reagan, and look what happened after him, only 4 years later we got Bill Clinton.
If we are fortunate and blessed by God, VSGPOTUSDJT’s Presidency will be like the four-minute mile.
Once considered to be outright impossible, it was first run by Roger Bannister at Oxford in 1954. It put a stake in the ground over what constituted excellence in running. Without the excuse of impossibility, and with the stake to strive for, it was equalled by two athletes in Vancouver within two months. Over the ensuing 67 years, over 1400 people have run a four-minute mile.
It takes nothing away from Bannister’s accomplishment that others have followed — rather, it enhances it. He went where no man had gone before. Just like Neil Armstrong’s lunar landing and Chuck Yeagar’s flirtation with speed — someone had to go there to open up “there” as a place. And our President Trump has shown us that the DC swamp isn’t inevitable.
When he moves on, we’ll all be saddened by his loss….but there’s still that shining, golden stake he has set in the muck — here’s the way it should be done.
read this if you haven’t already. THE PLAN. I finally figured it out. We looked, me included, too narrow, Trump is talking BIG league and long term,, HISTORY. We wwere worried about now.
Trump does not want to be Reagan, who was undone in 4 years, and eventually replaced by Clinton, that was a disaster. Trump wants GENERATIONS. He is busy laying that foundation NOW.
Matt Schlapp@mschlapp
You know what? They really are rigging it
1. Changes in voting rules
2. Censoring Trump camp online
3. 90% neg coverage
4. Canceling cons voices
5. Shielding Biden corruption
This must stop or America will come apart
DOJ or some entity needs to throttle TW, FB, Google… If they simply can’t direct or coerce media giants to be fair, then some sort of court case that is immediately heard, is essential.
FCC. ARPA net. The backbone internet lines all belong to the Govt.
So, a month, two or three ago, Brad Parscale in an interview said or alluded to a new “tech tool” or capability. I understood him to imply a technology that allows the Trump campaign to reach out to all, inspite of whatever TW, FB, Google…do to censor us.
Anyone else read or hear about this? Wonder when it’ll be unleashed? What is it?
Or did I have something talking wishfully in my head?
Your head is just fine K-Bo. He said it, I posted his tweet. Dunno what’s happened, but if they have such a weapon, they need to deploy it NOW!!
No, it’s too early. More censorship needs to happen, I don’t think a whole lot more, but it needs to be a little more obvious to more “normies”.
Disagree, People are voting now. If they don’t know what they don’t know, how can they know? The people who only get news from MSM and FB….We need to intercept as many sheep as possible, BEFORE they vote.
I do recall getting a text on an Emergency Alert system a couple years ago.
Yea. That is, IMO, ONLY for emergency use. Not for the campaign.
This IS… an Emergency
Kal I heard that also from Parscale and believe it was on Rudy’s show.
I wonder what happened?
EBS. Q toldus long ago. NOTHING can stop that…NOTHING.
Common sense
THE KEY TO VICTORY: True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht Warns Trump Voters — WE MUST OBSERVE, KEEP WATCH OF BALLOT DROP BOXES!
‘Pro-testors’ arrested…..
Wow…Dems are even saying they will lie/steal/cheat to win the election…
even saying OPENLY …..
That idiot better hope he never needs to testify for something. Because any first year law student could argue that he already admitted that any oath to tell the truth that he would take could not be trusted.
Not sure if the new article has been posted…
DiFi says this as if there is a problem with that.
Michelle is going all Ann Coulter on us. Despite our anger at GOP, now is not the time to defund them, which is what she is calling for. We are in the fight of our lives in this election, all Republicans MUST win, PERIOD! Be mad all you want, blow up their phone lines and email, tell them about it, demand they fight. But don’t take away their money which equates to ammo they deperately need to fight the Dems with. Getting tired of the quitters, they’re poisonous de-moralizers. The time to remove bad Republicans is during the PRIMARY, not the GENERAL. Put on your big girl pants Michele, and SUPPORT ALL REPBUBLICANS!!!
The closer we get to the election the more we are going to see what Trump supporters are made up. Some cannot take pressure and others are not really in for the long ride.
A lot of things I do not like but hell will freeze over that I let others take me off my path to support my President Trump.
Now watch.
The YSM/MCM will say that VSGPDJT compared himself to Jesus…
I think this is true. Donald Trump is more famous than Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, the Beatles, and every sports star.
Are there Any Dem Stronghold areas that have been obtained or are retained legitimately???
If they have such support why all this cheating in their own areas???
Beautiful image to break up the tension
CSPAN has suspended Steve Scully after he admits lying about his twitter acct being hacked. That’s the anti Trump guy who contacted the Mooch and was supposed to moderate tonight’s originally scheduled now cancelled debate.
So we lost a debate over a LIE ands a biased LIAR. Dems NEVER get FIRED. This one should.
14 year old Conservative! Some of the kids are going to be just fine!!!
Let’s see him survive college with his good judgment intact, first.
Depends on his home support, potentially. My kids are Mostly unscathed all things considered!
College is where a lot of people get jerked into a different ideology.
Definitely. My son that went to an extremely liberal state school had his views tweaked. He’s still a conservative warrior, but they did wedge a foot under his ideological door in a couple of fringe areas.
Lots of his (supposedly) Christian peers appear pretty far gone, from biblical truth & conservative perspectives…
Fighting for the next generation…purge the CCP Propaganda & influence!
The Library
Asha Rangappa was a failed FBI agent that left before she was fired b/c she didn’t measure up. Following the failure at the FBI, miss diversity hire went to yale where she was involved in illegally discriminating against Asian American applicants which the Justice Dept is investigating, and from there to being a CNN mouthpiece and fluffer to FBI #spygate conspirators McCabe & Josh Campbell.
Harold Wren
I bet that’s not in Wiki………………….
certainly not the fluffer part…if you’re using it in the porn sense…LOL
The porn sense?
Should it concern me you seem to know something about that, that I’ve never heard of?
Me, too. What’s Pat been up to?
LOL…fluffers have very specific jobs in the porn industry…
Fluffers work off-camera to ensure continuity for on-camera “talent”.
Further, deponent sayeth not.
Worldwide meltdown?
message here?
just for fun
That really does not…look like a place where one would post “Here in the Netherlands” from. Though I suppose he could be in one of their overseas Caribbean depenencies (considered full parts of the Netherlands) and still post that way.
Interesting…I have no clue. Your tech superiority looks like magic to me here in serf-ville
His tweets show a desert mountain behind palm trees. Does that sound like Holland to you?
I thought that image was some kind of Q-related comms…not sure. Obviously that’s Not an image from/of Holland!
Practically says it all–just wow!
I was right again! Steve Scully just admitted he was lying about his Twitter being hacked. The Debate was Rigged! He was suspended from @cspan indefinitely. The Trump Campaign was not treated fairly by the “Commission”. Did I show good instincts in being the first to know?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 15, 2020
October 15, 2020
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai: I Intend to Provide a “Clarification” To the Scope of Protections Offered by s.230
Promises, promises.
See Pai’s statement at Ace’s link
Wink, bye bye facebook, bye bye Twitter.
Apologies, if this has already been posted….now they even silence the President’s official campaign….
These people should be charged!!! (and eventually jailed…)
October 15, 2020
Hunter Biden Emails Reveal How Money Was Laundered To Family Members, Including the Corrupt Joe Biden
It worked like this:
Biden delivered the political favors that got sketchy foreign interests to pay money to his crackwhore-banging son Hunter and his corrupt brother James, and then those people would pay “half of [their] salary” paying for Joe Biden’s upkeep.
A government salary can turn into a millionaire’s nest-egg — if your corrupt sons and brother are using money from sketchy foreign interests to pay all of your bills.
more at link:
JUST like any good mob family, tribute to the boss.
Oh dear, I hope Flep has just gone fishing, and not abandoned us. I don’t always comment on his news round up….but I go there practically daily to catch up….
Flep, if you are reading this, we miss you!!!!!
He is loved and appreciated here.
Absolutely. Hope he knows that.
Moar Popcorn Please!!!
reminds me of this clip, loosely…
Trump Speed Ahead!!!
Trying this from the Library:
Well, that didn’t work.
It was a meme of ACB over Ill hands Oh mar with the captions:
ACB… When her religion is a problem
Illhan…and hers ISN’T.
Thanks for the assist.
Speculatively speaking
Patriot Power Prepping
Symbolism will be their downfall…
Sharing all this FYI, as a Q Agnostic not qualified to assess (much) has MOUNTAINS of information on this. Symbolism, Hollyweird, the elite, MK in all its variants, K-Pop, sinister buildings (which have incorporated many of these symbols), and a raft of info about performers and the “entertainment” industry. As in who’s controlled, by whom, and with what, etc.
Makes for interesting (if distressing) reading. No need to call it a conspiracy if it’s real…
Thanks Cuppa!
The way to the father is through the son.
Where have I heard that before, good Catholic girl that I am.
No more hearings. Vote in one week.
One week is a very long time at TRUMP speed.
Psalm 37, in particular verses 23 and 24 speaks to this:
Is it now finally time for our televised P Trump to say every voter should vote against Democrats in every political race? I swear the time’s ended for awakened voters to think they can vote Trump for President, and still vote a Dem in State and Local offices. We will replace all the Uniparty Repubs in 2022.
Don’t you know who is oppressing you!?!
Jack Dorsey is communist SCUM.
No doubt in my mind for whom he works!
Doesn’t he own a payment processor?
Square, Inc.
Sort of. The processing is run through Canada, IIRC.
Yeah, those things became really useful with COVID-19 and the demise of cash.
Or stoned out of his mind – and unaware of what is happening and in the news – maybe?
Or locked in a cell in Cabal land, FAR from any prying eyes.
No – not yet – indictment unsealed, first – imho
They can’t arrest him or even interview him if they can’t FIND him.
True – but, I think they know where he is!
“We have it ALL”
Perhaps ol Hunter is singing like Ethel Merman?
I doubt he could hold a tune at this point, Prog! – LOL
He could sing like Tim Conway, as long as he SANG.
In his case – that would be an accomplishment – lol
Yes Mrs Whiggins…LOL
The father is on drugs, to keep him from appearing as if he’s out of his mind.
The son is on drugs, making him appear out of his mind.
A rotten tree cannot bear good fruit…
So true – they are both drugged out – one claiming dementia – the other claiming he cannot remember – kinda similar – I think
Yep. And what they and their party are really suffering from is DEMONTIA…
Most definitely, Cuppa!!!
Strange…… Every “Tweet” I click on TODAY…… gets: I’m sorry, something went wrong.
Twitter is messed up today!!! BIGLY!!!
my feed is doing that. I have to search for the accounts I follow.
I don’t have twitter….. but I can usually click on a link here and go to them. Strange.
Do you see those helicopters over your house ?
[Of course, all the clutter is from my pre-senior-discount years
] }…
I’ve had that happen when I click in the top portion of the tweet; if you click lower down, it should show the tweet OK…
{Somehow I think they’re adding digital landmines to their GUI code (making it a GUI mess), but on the other hand, it might just be cr@ppy code. I find anymore that I get pushed into the mobile interface for websites, even though I’m on a desktop; or, worse, the coder expects a smartphone on my side. Sorry folks, I have a dumb phone, because I have pretty good cameras, a TON (17) (REALLY) of PCs, and a daytimer and scheduling tools on my PC to keep me organized in my senior-discount years
Ya think?
It is possible to dismiss attorney Clare Garvie as an alarmist when she says use of facial recognition by law enforcement is a threat to U.S. democracy. Until she starts ticking through the relevant portions of the Constitution.
Garvie is senior associate at Georgetown University’s Center on Privacy and Technology. She says that it is hard to square the indiscriminate police use of facial recognition with the public’s right to be left alone by police until there is probable cause.
No one who venerates any part of the founding document — especially anyone sworn to uphold it — can ignore the fact that that particular biometric application might be an inherent infringement on core American rights and values.
Another problem is that facial recognition software/systems is still not foolproof, and subject to the skills, techniques, and expertise of the person coding them, as well as the equipment used to gather data for them.
For group settings, e.g. a bank or somewhere a crime might be committed in an enclosed or relatively small area, filming/monitoring could well be appropriate, as long as the gathered data is purged within, say, three months. Still, that’s a far cry from using facial (or other) recognition software or systems.
Best to “err” on the side of freedom…
(and as far as this code and/or coders go: as soon as you make something idiot proof, they come up with a better idiot…..)…
(Ahhh. Sighhh. Chair-keyboard interface problem again…)
Another problem is that facial recognition software/systems is still not foolproof, and subject to the skills, techniques, and expertise of the person coding them, as well as the equipment used to gather data for them.
For group settings, e.g. a bank or somewhere a crime might be committed in an enclosed or relatively small area, filming/monitoring could well be appropriate, as long as the gathered data is purged within, say, three months. Still, that’s a far cry from using facial (or other) recognition software or systems.
Best to “err” on the side of freedom…
(and as far as this code and/or coders go: as soon as you make something idiot proof, they come up with a better idiot…..)…
Seems the anarchists are worried about it a little more now that it’s in the hands of LAW & ORDER types.
Jonathan Turley@JonathanTurley
My Wall Street Journal column is up on the Barrett confirmation hearing.
Opinion | Amy Coney Barrett Opens Up
Her testimony was the most candid and detailed at a confirmation hearing since Robert Bork in 1987.
Turley is saying it was better than Ginsberg’s (1993)
That will make some DIM heads explode
Ironic how they’re pressing her so hard to answer hypotheticals, yet “the Ginsburg Rule” pretty much declares that as improper and not allowed questioning…
They tried to do to her what they did to Robert Bork and for exactly the same reason.
An another peace treaty ! winnin’ winnin’ winnin’
Amichai Stein@AmichaiStein1
#BREAKING: Israeli Knesset approves the peace treaty with the UAE: 80 in favour, 13 opposed
How many of the 13 are Arabs? All? Most?
Charlie Kirk @charliekirk11
Why did Joe Biden meet with George Soros and the Special Envoy and Coordinator of International Energy Affairs *At The White House* the same day he allegedly met with Hunter Biden and the Burisma Executive?
What’s going on here?
Why did Biden Meet with Soros the Day Before the Burisma Email to Hunter? – Charlie Kirk
The Biden campaign issued an incredibly weak response today after a bombshell New York Post story revealed a Ukrainian official emailed Hunter Biden in 2015
This news has probably been posted… but I enjoy seeing it…
But let justice run down like water, And righteousness like a mighty stream. Amos 5:24
O I L. LOTS of it. Russia got Crimea’s the WANTED Ukraine’s
Crimea has historically been part of Russia…
I have researched this… and my genius grandson tells me this is so… and during recent flap about it, the people in Crimea were saying they WANTED to be part of Russia AGAIN…
It was Nuland/State Department who started this… and Soros’ ‘color’ revolution in Ukraine that created all this confusion. The Ukraine (as they prefer to be called) was (before Nuland/Soros and its destruction) the Bread Basket of Europe… which is why Soros wanted it ruined…
Putin/Russia stared Obama down when he wanted to attack Syria, bomb it to the stone age…
Putin/Russia are against Globalism and the CABAL…
I am sooo weary of all the “Russia/Putin BADDDDDD”
They are not perfect by any means…
I think that when all the dust settles, it will be shown that Satan Soros and his masters were behind all of these “Color Revolutions” and many, MANY evil things, such as AntiFa (though that organization has existed in Europe, indeed Germany, since the 1930s, if not before).
Gyorgi Schwartz, aka George Satan Soros, the man who broke the Bank of England, looks at countries and peoples the way we normies look at a box of LEGOS (or American Plastic Bricks by HalSam). He puts together and takes apart countries and peoples the way we do our little buildings.
And, while we are careful with our creations and constructs, he could not give a flying fig about the damage and destruction he does, be it to people, things, or both… Indeed, collateral damage is probably part of the fun for him…. Satan’s spawn that he is…..
Dec 07, 2019 12:17:34 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No. 99
Where is George SOROS?
Who else recently traveled to Ukraine?
PANIC is real.
Dec 21, 2017 8:31:58 PM EST
Anonymous ID: deb9fa No. 143329
SOROS takes orders from P.
You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.
Fight, fight, fight.
Day of days.
Game over.
For reference, it has been established that P is not the pope, but someone else who’s name we may or may not know.
Could be the family, or the “Paymaster” en Français…
Putin is a Christian and I think he cares for his people. Given a choice between Putin and Obama I would take Putin any day of the week!
There is a darn good reason the Cabal has been in a panic to keep Putin and POTUS separated.
If you guys think this symbolism stuff might be helpful maybe one of you tech-savvy types can break the images out for better viewing–thanks, in advance!
the Bob Dylan eye, w/ curl below, reminds me of the Egyptian imagery from the tombs, etc
The drawn on eyelashes reminds me of some Clockwork Orange imagery (I’ve never seen that movie)
They’re duplicates of the all seeing eye… there’s lots to research, study… if you haven’t … it’s a rabbit hole you might consider going down…
it’s really not helpful…
It’s not helpful to go down that rabbit hole, or to share more from that twitter thread?
I have already been down that rabbit hole, so have others here…
I’m trying to say just displaying these images is not helpful… actually they are satanic and they really bother me. Scrolling past them makes me disoriented.
I’m sure you mean well, but one image with some explanation of its symbolism is very helpful, as well as pointing to those known individuals who USE the symbolism, etc. Tons of images is something else. Just my opinion… others may feel differently. I mean no offense Valerie… just answering your query
Thanks PR…I’m sorry for contributing to your distress. I’m not always discerning enough in the midst of battle…God Bless & shield you from the fallout of kingdoms clashing!
No need to apologize… I’m an empath and too sensitive to lots of things. Stayed too long in the rabbit holes
I read Cuppa’s reply and he more eloquently and helpfully gave you some direction. I second his links and his offerings in general… there is much evil in our world, and I have found it easier to take info about it in small bits… God bless you Valerie.
I often have playing on another tab when I’m reading this heavy stuff. It’s like it is constantly bathing my spirit with God’s refreshment & enables me to stay in the fray longer without getting too weighed down.
Sometimes I just have to stop & cover things in prayer…God is on the move & we don’t always have to directly observe how the sausage is made!
God Bless YOU PR!
What a lovely idea Valerie… and Blessings on you and yours…
Thanks PR! & Back atcha!!! has a lot on this; is a much deeper technological and theological (Christian) resource. Also
The symbols are there, and far more than just the eye of horus. For example, the Hand of the Mysteries, as shown by John Podesta.
Here’s something I posted a while ago OT when the NVIXM and Alison Mack were hot and in the news (wonder where all that went?) :
Here’s some background on Allison Mack, which explains some of what her victims endured (and I do NOT say that lightly). It’s disturbing, to say the least.
You might want to look at the articles on, who were probably among the first to bring NXIVM up (note that XIV is 14 in Roman Numerals, which just happens to be on Paedosta’s right hand in one of the pics they show of him).
There’s a lot of weird/bad stuff going on, and the fish and the 14 are both part of the
picture of Paedosta and his “injured” hand… “hand of the mysteries” (scroll down a bit, it’s about in the middle of the page):
This is another part of the swamp that needs cleaning, posthaste. It’s not as obvious as “Ferris Mueller”, but is equally evil, and a pox on society and our culture in general…
And here’s Paedosta showing the “Hand of the Mysteries”, with an explanation of the symbolism. They are NOT showing/working with these symbols/talismans out of ignorance or frivolity. They are DEADLY serious…
Finally, a little remember about Cemex, which seems to have been *cough* buried with other news: (takes a while to load, as it’s been scrubbed from the normies web, but lives on in the wayback machine):
Hope you read my comment to Valerie above. Thank you for the info you posted… before I forget, I think I read a few days ago that Allison Mack is coming up for sentencing soon.
As for Cemex, I pray that is being handled. I believe that some things will not be known to us… but justice will be served. Have to believe that, or lose my sanity.
Do you know if Carlos Slim still owns huge chunk of shares in Wapo? I think he may be the reason for the gaslighting wapo did on the NYPost expose’ on Biden. Slim is probably involved in what Durham’s RICO case will become. Hope things are tolerable in your corner of the world.
Hi Phoenix. Thanks for your kind words. There’s so much stuff out there, and many, many sites and even more material to sift through, it can be overwhelming, and stuff like these cults and Satanic group need to be viewed prayerfully, as, in a real sense, they’re playing with fire (e.g. one former Black Magick Illuminised Witch, now [thank GOD] a born-again Christian, was asked to review the Harry Potter books [he’d not read them] and was shocked by what he found. He said that the spells in those books/movies are just a tiny bit away from real, POWERFUL spells. He added that Rowling must be a witch, for those spells are NOT PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE (i.e. the ones that work) ). has good and deep infos…
As far as I know, Slim still owns a huge stake in WashedPoo. I don’t have a way to look it up in Edgar, but if someone with access to it could look it up…
And, over here, the mask madness continues apace. Gatherings of more than 10 people are now forbidden, people MUST wear masks (AND [anti-]socially distance) in public unless there’s no-one else around, and must be masked at train stations (airports, etc.) and platforms or face a €128.00 fine (and up) for the infraction. Looks like Merde-Kuh is as drunk with power as Poligrip Pavement Princess Mafiosi Piglosi d’Alessandro Gambino.
Worth noting, perhaps, is the fact that Merde-Kuh and most of her President/Prime Minister/etc. colleagues in European government are childless (I think something like 23 of 28). With no progeny, they have nothing to fear about the future, as they have none…….
You always bring info I knew nothing about (JK for instance) … sorry you’re having to live under such draconian rules, which are totally unnecessary. Interesting about the childless individuals…
Stay safe…
Continuing on symbolism…jumping around in his thread…
I believe there was an ouroboros (figure 8 snake eating its tail) in the Neverending Story
The Christian rock ones here are concerning to me–artists I continue to enjoy. Interesting that Kanye didn’t fully cover his eye, already cracks in that facade?
twin towers plane hit in 1993? There is a shot of part of the top of a tower missing & on fire in the movie Independence Day, I believe…
Some other stuff of interest from that thread…
It’s interesting, to me, that he was putting these tweets together around the same time that CV was being covertly sent out, iirc…
Does Al Roker have some type of seizure disorder?
a little catch on Tulsi Gabbard
They just pulled ‘out of shadows’ on YT that talked about some of this as well.
I never did get around to watching it
They are pulling it right and left: This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s policy on harassment and bullying.
The website is still up.
Its a good video if you can find it again. They are going to make a part two.
Thanks Kea!!!
No prob. Maybe someone can reload the video or has it posted somewhere else.
Hopefully…but I won’t be looking until after the election probably…
Lady Gaga is MK, plain and simple (and extreme).
The hand triangle is a favorite of Merde-Kuh, basically admitting where her allegiance lies. Hint: It’s not with Germany or Europe…
with the father of lies!
These lawless Soros DAs won’t do anything to stop it.
Nothing can stop what’s coming.
Saw yesterday, some groups have filed a lawsuit trying to get it stopped. GODSPEED to them!!
Did you post it on the voter thread listed on the side bar? This is a good one.
You are missing one – I think – for Drug Trafficking and Human Trafficking – I cannot count – that = 2
and the next is related to Shamo, the drug peddler
Justice Department Retweeted
US Attorney Utah@DUTnews
These zip code dots show locations Shamo mailed fake oxycodone pills to. They represent more drug traffickers who were spreading the fake pills around the nation as the nation’s opioid crisis growing.
US Attorney Utah@DUTnews
· 1h
Aaron Michael Shamo, CEO of a nationwide dark net drug trafficking organization that distributed more than half a million counterfeit pills nationwide made with fentanyl he ordered from China, sentenced to life in prison in Salt Lake City today.
Fantastic! That makes me so happy and grateful to Donald Trump.
Stop Global Oppression
Grrrrrr. This is evil.
I agree…
THREAD – click tweet
Justice Department Retweeted
20 suspected of belonging to the QQAAZZ criminal network arrested! These criminals have attempted to launder tens of millions of euros on behalf of the world’s foremost cybercriminals since 2016.
Some in Congress are getting steamed over Twitter/Google/Facebook censorship.
Matt Gaetz brings up a good point – Congress should not accept donations (bribes) from big tech companies – Twitter, Facebook and Google.
“Talk” from Senators and Congressman are meaningless, IMO.
ACTION matters Corrective action. Punishment….
Really don’t need to see them yammering for cameras or TW away.
#BIDEN kills his #DNC brand beyond recognition
Posobiec on Scully and Trump:
Parler is now allowing you to see comments attached to the posts. Good stuff!
Yes Wolfie, and I read a comment this a.m. that rather than think going to Parler or Gab is preaching to the choir, we might realize that the only thing posting at twitter is getting us is arguments with Commies when we need to be UNITING with each other and preparing for what they will be bringing when Nov 4th comes
A huge part of that is REVERSING the false narratives of FAKE NEWS. Analyzing videos, figuring out lies, putting together pieces of evidence to solve their crimes – we can do this BETTER on a free platform. Also DMs – they don’t go to the DNC and the socialist mafia on Parler or Gab.
Right… my ‘puter probs are getting resolved, performance is 4 x better, a few glitches to resolve yet and then I’m going to try posting on GAB…
New Drop:
Oct 15, 2020 5:33:19 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 9b6b5c No. 11090367
Oct 15, 2020 5:32:01 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: dcc7aa No. 11090349
2m ago
8kun qresearch
^^^ Nearly must watch, live, TV. ^^^
*PM EST tonight, I’ll be listening to President Trump’s Town Hall.
Rather sure rerun links to Tucker’s show will be available.
same with the townhall…. If youtube doesn’t censor it like they are X22 Report now.
It’ll be avail YT. Doubt YT wants to piss off CONCast / NBC.
Razor, try the audio for X22 … I actually prefer it to youtube…
Will get the Video on the website later tonight. But thanks.
DP’s doing a thread for us!
“**Retweet if you were affected**”
Tricky… posting worms for fun and profit… if everyone retweets who got fail or other error messages, it’ll take “Dorkey Park” down again…
Makes “Dialing for Dollars” seem like a lame pastime, eh?
“I’m Ashamed to Say I Was a Democrat” – First Time Voters and Former Dems Rally to Re-Elect Trump in Pennsylvania (VIDEO)
Look at those numbers!!!
TRUMP LANDSLIDE: Data From Trump Rally in Des Moines Spells Doom for Joe Biden and Democrat-Socialists
Not that I care about this Hollywood idiots at all BUT they just admitted Trump would get higher ratings. LOL
100 Hollywood Celebrities Demand NBC Reschedule Trump Town Hall: ‘Don’t Give Trump a Ratings Win’
Adding the letter if you want a good laugh!
We are a group of writers, actors, directors and producers. Many of us have been lucky enough to work for NBCUniversal at some point in our careers. Some of us are currently employed at your studio. We have always thought of NBCUniversal as both a terrific creative home and a brand that stands for the best in entertainment and broadcast journalism.
This is why we have been devastated to learn that you have chosen to air President Trump’s town hall this Thursday night at 8 p.m., directly opposite Vice President Biden’s town hall.
This is not a partisan issue. This is about the political health of our democracy.
President Trump refused to participate in the virtual debate scheduled for Thursday night by the Presidential Debate Commission. By agreeing to air his town hall as counterprogramming opposite Vice President Biden’s town hall on ABC, you are enabling the President’s bad behavior while undercutting the Presidential Debate Commission and doing a disservice to the American public.
We believe this kind of indifference to the norms and rules of our democracy are what have brought our country to this perilous state.
We are simply asking that NBC air the President’s town hall either before or after Vice President Biden’s so that American voters can have the opportunity to watch both.
We understand the necessities of business, especially in this difficult time. But we believe there are larger issues of civic responsibility at stake here.
Tough Noogies – Biden is getting enough press already – LOL
LOL Good one. And not the kind he wanted that’s for sure.
Sara Carter leaving Twitter for a week to try posting on Parler only.
Both to piss off TW and give Gab visibility, maybe Sara post a Gab link on TW, for each post she makes on Gab.
I had no idea this was on BUT that pic says it all.
Nolte: Billboard Music Awards Ratings Crash By More than Half
Who? Also what a pic
Billboard Music Awards 2020: Demi Lovato Lights Up the Stage With ‘VOTE’ While Performing Anti-Trump Anthem
Demi Lovato: still trying to make being a slut into an art form.
She brags that she doesn’t worry about ruining her career with her brazenly political screed.
Has she ever had a career? Who in the HE!! is she? (I don’t think I want to know…)….
Wow, something Very Weird is happening to me now on Twitter. I was hanging out on that symbolism thread for a bit & posting some of those tweets here at the Q-Tree. I finally went back to my twitter “home” tab that was showing more current stuff & everything was blank.
So I decided to check my notifications there, there were supposedly more than 20 of them, but that page, when clicked on, was blank.
I tried again & it Only showed the different times I’ve logged on to twitter nothing from other interactions…
I don’t know if that means twitter is sort of locking me out or something else…
just mentioned it in case that info might help anyone else here…
I just tried clicking on the twitter home icon & it wouldn’t load or reload…
I clicked on notifications again & just the login info
My profile “page” still exists, so far, but they’ve already removed some of the people I followed for it was slightly over 5000…
Interesting timing since I was re-tweeting some of those older symbolism tweets when this happened. Could That be over the target or they just finally decided to press the mute button on me because of other stuff…
Twitter is actually BREAKING. See the Q drops on Twitter being broken.
I believe these are “karma bugs” which are an unintended consequence of censorship. Censorship is an error that the system will try to route around. So there are likely MILLIONS of people like me who are accessing Twitter from LOGGED OUT states, and that is throwing the system for a huge loop. Millions of hanging accounts that people are not logging into – millions of anonymous logins – all their resources are WRONG now. Millions of clicks on stuff that’s not there – millions of clicks on new censorship software and routes around it – beautiful KARMA.
Serves the BASTARDS right.
Fascinating…hope the white hats prevail!!!
“Yesterday, upon the “air”,
I met a tweet that wasn’t there!
It wasn’t there again today,
Oh how I wish it’d go away!”
When I came home last night at three,
The tweet was waiting there for me
But when I looked around the hall,
I couldn’t see it there at all!
Go away, go away, don’t you come back any more!
Go away, go away, and please don’t slam the door…
Last night I saw upon the “air”,
A little tweet that wasn’t there,
It wasn’t there again today
Oh, how I wish it’d go away….
(Apologies to William Hughes Mearns, and the rest of the know and unknown universe)
oh, thanks wolfie…that’s just delightful news!
“Twitter is over capacity. Please wait a few moments then try again.”
Oct 15, 2020 5:54:41 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 97b7f3 No. 11090814
Oct 15, 2020 5:42:44 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: 4be2f5 No. 11090593
No, Anon. You did, collectively.
2m ago
8kun qresearch
At Wolf:
I’m just gettin’ warmed up
Oct 15, 2020 5:56:51 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 97b7f3 No. 11090880
Oct 15, 2020 5:52:37 PM EDT
Anonymous ID: 5993b3 No. 11090775
Just saw for myself a behind the scenes look at the #HunterBiden hard drive:
Drugs, underage obsessions, power deals…
Druggie Hunter makes Anthony Weiner’s down under selfie addiction look normal.
#BidenCrimeFamily has a lot of apologizing to do.
So does Big Tech.
“Underage obsessions” is a gentle way of putting it.
Remember, it’s just a conspiracy.
That’s why they are throwing everything they can at it.
1m ago
8kun qresearch
Chanel Rion is BRILLIANT. Notice she didn’t say “child porn” b/c Twitter could use that to hide her Tweet.
I tried to tweet this out on twitter but it won’t allow it to go through
Twitter is doing something weird to me. All notifications but login info is erased or hidden.
Twitter won’t allow me to see the home page.
Twitter is still letting me see my page…
Any thoughts Patriots, not that I’ll be able to see or reply to them?
Feel free to pass the above along, if you so choose…
Same. I keep getting an error message as well.
We broke Twitter!!!! LOL
!!! Wonder if Trump will say anything about this at the Townhall???
The Biden family graft is probably the tip of the iceberg among career politicians.
One thing that struck me is that Hunter is the product of a corrupt parent. His father groomed, taught, molded him to do the things he has done I think Hunter is around 50 yrs old..if he’s been doing his father’s bidding for 30 yrs..he was only 20 or so when he first started.
Can you imagine listening to your lying father telling anyone who listened that your mother and sister were killed by a drunk driver but that wasn’t true. Joe Biden is a morally corrupt person all the way around.
Hunter’s not innocent in all of this but he learned at his father’s knee.
Sheldon Adelson Pumped $75 Million Into New Pro-Trump Super-PAC
Casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson and his wife, Miriam Adelson, are far-and-away the largest donors behind the group, called Preserve America. The Las Vegas couple poured $75 million into the committee in August and September, according to records filed with the Federal Election Commission Thursday.
Home Depot cofounder Bernie Marcus put in another $5 million to the group. Arkansas banker Warren Stephens gave $2 million. Wisconsin roofing billionaire Diane Hendricks gave $1 million.
All are well-established names on the Republican Party’s roster of megadonors. The Adelsons have now spent more than $125 million this election cycle.
As a super-PAC, Preserve America can accept unlimited contributions from individuals. The group filed paperwork to form in August and quickly started spending millions on digital ads and media buys. Preserve America has spent over $75 million on independent expenditures, according to records filed with the FEC. In total the group has raised $83.8 million—97% of it from those aforementioned tycoons.
Thanks to its billionaire benefactors, Preserve America has quickly emerged as one of the top super-PACs working against Joe Biden. Another pro-Trump super-PAC, America First Action, has raised $82.9 million since 2019. At least one-quarter of that money came from billionaires, including Stephens and Hendricks, according to an analysis of FEC filings. The Adelsons and Marcus last gave to the group in 2018.
kal, thanks for this great news!
I’m trying to retweet this
I get this message numerous times
“twitter is over capacity, wait for a moment & try again”
So I’m not Officially banned but suppressed or something…
I think its linked to this
Ice Cube: Trump Implemented Part of My Contract with Black America, Democrats Blew Me Off Until ‘After the Election’
Thanks…I can’t apparently tweet out Anything…hope Wolf is right…
And if not its easy to open up a new account.
Do you think that function still works? I’ve never tried that, it’s hard enough to keep up w/ even just One!
It should… could be that everything is down
Jack Posobiec
BREAKING: Denver @9News gunman Matthew Dolloff charged with 2nd-degree murder for killing Trump supporter
Look at that! They’re trying to HIDE PREMEDITATION. The Democrat DA is HIDING THE CONSPIRACY.
Then it will be perfectly reasonable for DoJ to bring fed civil rights conspiracy charges against the whole lot of them.
IF they can get the evidence. NSA probably has it, but it’s unusable. The problem is that with a Democrat DA, no LEOs will pursue evidence that leads away from the simple theory – put it all on Doloff and plead it down. It’s in everybody’s interest, and that’s what they’ll do. Doloff already got them to drop it to second. He and his lawyers know they have the Denver leftist establishment over a barrel, but they also know that Doloff won’t make it to trial if he pushes too hard. He will take his mild sentence and like it – OR ELSE.
Stevie Nicks: There’d Be No Fleetwood Mac ‘If I Had Not Had That Abortion’
Top comment from:
Bannaghar • 5 hours ago
But Amy Coney Barret managed to get married, give birth to five children, adopt two more, become a law Professor and so esteemed in her field, was appointed to a federal Circuit bench and now to SCOTUS.
But you couldn’t sing and have a baby too. Got it. Idiot.
Hey Kea,
I don’t even know who Stevie Nicks is… !
LOL I had no idea either. LOL
If you’ve ever heard the haunting (and I mean HAUNTING) song Rhiannon, you’ve heard Stevie Nicks.
“Taken by the wind” is what happens to witches (probably HELL-the-BEAST, too)… Here’s the words (have to say I like the bass line, and the tune, but still…):
Maybe the song is autobiographical
Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night
And wouldn’t you love to love her?
Takes to the sky like a bird in flight
And who will be her lover?
All your life you’ve never seen a woman taken by the wind
Would you stay if she promised to you heaven?
Will you ever win?
She is like a cat in the dark
And then she is the darkness
She rules her life like a fine skylark
And when the sky is starless
All your life you’ve never seen a woman taken by the wind
Would you stay if she promised to you heaven?
Will you ever win?
Will you ever win?
She rings like a bell through the night
And wouldn’t you love to love her?
She rules her life like a bird in flight
And who will be her lover?
All your life you’ve never seen a woman taken by the wind
Would you stay if she promised to you heaven?
Will you ever win?
Will you ever win?
Taken by
Taken by the sky
Taken by
Taken by the sky
Taken by
Taken by the sky
Dreams unwind
Love’s a state of mind
Dreams unwind
Love’s a state of mind
She could work on her diction, too (maybe the drugs didn’t help). I thought Rhiannon was VIENNA from the way she pronounced it…
Hmmm. A walk in the Vienna Woods….. not….. unless there’s, erm, mushrooms there…
The world would have gone on without Fleetwood Mac.
BTW, what did the father of her child have to say about it.
That always seems to be forgotten.
Yes. Very true.
Publisher just sent me this to read and its just awful
Jack Posobiec
WH source texts, “This Scully thing has the boss completely fired up. The leash is off tonight.”
Senator Mitt Romney@SenatorRomney
Judge Amy Coney Barrett is exceptionally well qualified to serve on the Supreme Court, and I intend to vote in support of her confirmation.
Greg Gutfeld sez Tucker C will be going over a new trove of Hunter B emails tonight.
Have we talked about this yet?
The Trump Administration Just Secured The Release Of Two More American Hostages – This Time From Yemen
Read it yesterday. Think it got very little attention.
yes Kal, it got lost in the Biden avalanche …
as did Israel signing of treaty with UAE today… even though I ‘bolded’
Might have gotten more traction if they’d framed it as “Yea, Man, some prisoners got released”…
(sorry… but the YSM/MCM would be parsing Bidenspeak and might let it through)…..
Josh Caplan
· 2h
NEW YORK (AP) — C-SPAN suspends political editor Steve Scully indefinitely after he admits he lied about his Twitter feed being hacked.
Oct 15, 2020 6:22:02 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: aa946f No. 11091496
Without you, collectively, there would have been no way to bypass their control.
They weren’t about to repeat the mistake(s) of 2016.
You are what matters most.
You awake, thinking for yourself, is their greatest fear.
1m ago
8kun qresearch
As I’ve thought about it, the entire 17 operation from start to now, I honestly think that in the post-mortem of the JFK execution, that one of the overarching challenges the planners had was by-passing Mockingbird, and the internet may have been part of the plan in some ways. Or they latched on to it.
This would not have been possible without the information stranglehold being broken.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
· 1h
I will be doing a major Fake @NBCNews Town Hall Forum, live tonight from Miami, at 8:00 P.M. They asked me to do it in place of the Rigged Steve Scully (he is now suspended from @cspan for lying) Debate. I wonder if they’ll treat me as well as Sleepy Joe? They should!
Cue Drop Handoff….
Back in around an hour
Thanks Razor… see ya later…
CHIZ Flag of United States@CHIZMAGA
Someone told Trump he’s the most famous person in the world…
Trump replied, “No I’m not, Jesus Christ is.”
Here it is!!! hahahahaahahahaha!!!
Quote Tweet
Josh Caplan
· 2h
INBOX: Crew member on Biden’s campaign charter plane tests positive for coronavirus
What the hell now? I can’t Tweet, re-Tweet, reply to Tweets, or see anything in Notifications.
Does this mean I’ve been banned from something AGAIN?!
Try searching for an account you follow and see if the feed pops up. That worked for me.
You doing a debate thread?
Do you all want one? So far no one has asked other than you. I can whip something up quickly.
Yes please, if you don’t mind. Nothing fancy. TYSM!!

Here you go. I’ll start looking for other stuff for the comments.
Smoochas Gracias!

Apparently there was some sort of system-wide problem with Twitter for about two hours.
They just pulled the movie ‘out of shadows’ The one Q told us all to watch
The picture at the bottom is worth the trip . . . easily!
Paging biotch Guthrie.
Please do explain how anyone close to Biden could get Covid – them asshoes ALWAYS wear a f@cking mask.
Wonder if anyone else on Dementia Joe’s plane has or will test positive in the next few days.
Paging fake news….
Here’s more I can’t currently pass on, but can still like
can there be more blatent election interference?
Got some twit world notifications back. Still can’t re/tweet but can like…
SOLUTION to Big Tech Election Interference & Bill-of-Rights Abuses
… starting with Twitter, Facebook, Google and Netflix
• NO ONE can OWN more than 0.01% of ANY OFFENDING Social Media Company.
• ANYONE involved in abuses must IMMEDIATELY DIVEST all shares and be banned from ownership.
• ANYONE in the Chain-of-Command of an abusing company must IMMEDIATELY DIVEST all shares and be banned from future ownership in the industry.
Well, we would have to get FCC to do this…
at the moment, President Trump has an appointment waiting to be confirmed, which I’m sure would help make the sanctions come about…
of course we’ve been waiting for Mitch to bring it to the floor, since sometime in September, which isn’t that long ago, but the position has been open since July something… there are enough peeps working in the WH one would think someone could be tracking these vacancies…
Let us not forget how these folks came to own these social media platforms. For example, Facebook was originally a C_A project call “Lifelog” … which closed down one day and the next zuckerbug opened the same project as FACEBOOK… a GIFT… not something he came up with as he declares…
So, the people PAID for this platform (FB) to be developed, all taxpayers, and now only some of us are allowed to express ourselves on it. It would be lovely to get that out into the open.
Live thread for the town hall or no?
Just for today. I’ll be back to the rally threads tomorrow.
Enjoy your Dad’s birthday… 80 is a special one…
Mom and Dad are in another time zone right now. Mom’s 80th is coming up and they are shopping for their winter home away from home. Long story. We’ll celebrate when Dad comes home.
Sounds lovely!
You don’t know my parents.
We think of them as the old married couple who hate each other, but my sister says they’re amateurs.
Ohh… maybe they need to alternate staying at the ‘winter home’?
families !!!
Lovely that you have both parents alive….celebrate!!!
Donald Trump – President’s Public Schedule
Ted Cruz EXPLODES on Twitter For Censoring NY Post Article on Hunter Biden
They’re going for a hearing next Friday.
Timing…they had to let @Jack make the move before they could call him on it. Same with Zuck.
Sucks, but that’s the way it is. And, frankly, with not just the alternative media being censored, but I tried to get to a Fox story and it had been pulled, members of Congress, the Trump campaign itself…it had to be demonstrated bigly.
Yeah, it’s going to be a dog and pony show, but it’s not for us. It’s for the normies who watch CSPAN day in and day out.
True – Well said, DP!!! Thanks!!!
#RNCResearch #MAGA
Dem Sen Feinstein After Judge Barrett Explains “Severability:” “I’m Really Impressed”
Feinstein. There’s another one who needs to withdraw to a senior center and join a Bridge group.
I disagree – she should take a room at Gitmo!
Picky, picky, picky.
Could she play bridge in Gitmo?
Most likely.
The vitamin D would be good for her health.
LOL – that woman is so evil – I doubt anything would help, Cooth!!!
Did you see the video of her question to Judge Barrett? It was like satan taunting Jesus!!!
Judge Amy Coney Barrett is going to be a stellar Justice of the Supreme Court!!!
Oct 15, 2020 6:22:02 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: aa946f No. 11091496
Without you, collectively, there would have been no way to bypass their control.
They weren’t about to repeat the mistake(s) of 2016.
You are what matters most.
You awake, thinking for yourself, is their greatest fear.
47m ago
8kun qresearch
#RNCResearch #MAGA
Judge Barrett Responds To Hateful Personal Attacks: “They Are My Children Who We Love”
Bill Gates finally tells the truth. Animation
WATCH: The Right View with Lara Trump, Katrina Pierson, Kimberly Guilfoyle, and Mercedes Schlapp
John Solomon@jsolomonReports
Ice Cube helps Trump with Platinum Plan for black Americans, says campaign promptly used his input | Just The News
Ice Cube helps Trump with Platinum Plan for black Americans, says campaign promptly used his input
The Hip Hop star defended against criticism, says Biden camp promised only to use his suggestions after election
I recall when children should be seen and not heard. AKA Shut up Greta.
Greta Thunberg Chides Amy Coney Barrett For Her Weak Stance On Climate Change
and yeah I’m not posting the link.
How DARE you! /s

I’m right there with you!
Sidney is really looking good… and younger
She certainly doesn’t look like someone about to LOSE her case… praying her win comes soon.
Raheem Kassam@RaheemKassam
Wow! @RepJimBanks told me on @TheNatPulse show today he would be following up with the U.S. State Dept to get details of Joe Biden’s 25 hours of private meetings with President Xi Jinping!
Make sure you’re following @RepJimBanks !
They remind me of Hobo’s (Hobo’s look better) not business people.
Kristina Wong
Ratcliffe Refers Nunes Report on ICA to Intelligence Community IG via
Ratcliffe Refers Nunes Report on ICA to Intelligence Community IG
Ratcliffe sent a letter referring to the ICIG a report by Nunes on the Obama IC’s assessment Russia intervened in the election to help Trump.
Kayleigh McEnany@kayleighmcenany
· 2h
I’M BACK and I will NOT be silenced
Twitter’s goal was to silence me, but they won’t win!
Looking forward to Jack being subpoenaed by @senjudiciary!
Show this thread
Raheem Kassam@RaheemKassam
Twitter is letting #EricTrumpsUkraineScandal trend, despite there being no Ukraine Scandal that involves Eric Trump.
It’d be a shame if @realDonaldTrump supporters used the hashtag to share Hunter Biden stories…
Gufawwwwwww! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. WAPO- reports that Rudy Giuliani was the subject of “Russian” disinformation campaign.
PSST, Biden ALREADY confirmed the meeting HAPPENED in the “dis info…and called a LID…DUMBASSES.
SING IT WITH ME…”Caught in a trap…da da da…we can’t walk out…LMAO. Sorry King, had to do it.
BIDENM IS TOAST, and NO gaslighting will save him. This must be REALLY REALLY BAD>
Townhall getting started. Please join us.
So, like we have California conditions here. All the outdoor fire pits are empty.
Its 100 degrees for a week…
It’s cooler here, but we haven’t had rain in almost 2 months.
We need rain!!!!!!!
Yes. We do. I haven’t looked at the river levels lately, but I would imagine barge traffic is single file these days.
Its been since march here!
Good God! Only NBC – Warning
I will be doing a major Fake
Town Hall Forum, live tonight from Miami, at 8:00 P.M. They asked me to do it in place of the Rigged Steve Scully (he is now suspended from
for lying) Debate. I wonder if they’ll treat me as well as Sleepy Joe? They should!
you were correct about the need for JackBoot etc to reveal fully their bias…
here’s Pai’s statement in laymen terms… even the normies will understand his actions which will come soon
Saagar Enjeti@esaagar
Cannot overstate the importance of this announcement
FCC Chairman @AjitPaiFCC says he has the legal authority to interpret section 230 and intends to do so with an eye towards transparency from social media companies on now clearly revealed biased content moderation standards
Quote Tweet
I told you. The GOVT (FCC) controls access. Twitteer and Face book have just F’d themselves.
I know PRex… I just didn’t know if Pai had the votes
he DOES.
So good to know!
Rising Serpent is doing a running commentary of POTUS’ Townhall meet… informative and funny.
oops, I forgot the splat ! Didn’t mean to post all of his tweets !!!
Steve Guest
55 minutes into the #BidenTownHall, still true no questions about Joe Biden’s corruption.
No questions about the New York Post report that Hunter Biden held an equity share of “10” for “the big guy” and that Hunter was to receive $10 million a year “for introductions alone.”
Quote Tweet
Steve Guest
· 15m
We’re over 40 minutes into the #BidenTownHall and Joe Biden has not yet been asked about his family’s corruption.
[fanning myself]
All of them..the shooter, this agitator and the Denver Post photog and the channel9 reporter should be charged. They conspired to set up an incident
I need some enlightenment, I don’t know what YPK stands for, and looking on the interwebs was no help.
Certainly our good fortune the gal in the back row was supporting President Trump the entire hour.
Obviously an over sight by NBC to not stage raging TDS numbskull in that seat.
lulz lulz lulz!!!
Sorry Ray – No YouTube Videos up as yet – Hope this helps
Welcome To 1984, Sometimes You Must Show The People, FCC Takes Aim – Episode 2303
October 15, 2020 x22report
Apparently, according to Dave, the X22 Report was NOT the only one YouTube took down!!!
Shoot them in the leg? No! That could cause serious damage! Aim for the foot! Umm, no! That could be problematic, too. I know! Shoot their little toes off. We don’t need our smallest toes. First shoot the left little toe, and then the right, if you have to. Yeah. That’ll do it!
Shoot to kill…else they’ll kill you.
FG&C this is for you
@jackboot is slipping. #CrookedJoeBiden is trending with 428,000 tweets.
So is Biden going to demand that his Secret Service detail de-escalate and “shoot ’em in the leg” if someone comes at him?
Somebody sent me this video…it kinda goes along with Wolf’s Joe Headroom theme…
davealvord164 RetweetedOversight Committee Republicans@GOPoversight
Not saying @Twitter went offline because @jack got word Ranking Member @RepJamesComer was about to send him this letter, but…
Told Jack to answer by 5:00 pm tomorrow, Friday…
I wonder if they will give a response?
we’ll soon see… !
Since the “Townhals(s)” were on at the same time……
Here is Tucker’s show tonight.
Very insightful.
Savannah Guthrie is a home-wrecking piece of filth…(from the National Enquirer):
“Savannah Guthrie was in tears when she announced that her fellow “Today Show” host Matt Lauer had been fired over claims of twisted sexual harassment — but the newswoman had already joined the ranks of stars caught in their own homewrecking celebrity sex scandals! The wholesome “Today” star almost had her career wrecked after she was caught up in a 2005 love affair with married British TV producer Mark Orchard. Savannah’s reputation then took a major hit after Orchard dumped his wife to marry the rising star. Instead, Savannah kicked the BBC newsman to the curb and ran off with a powerful Washington insider…”
I never liked her.
What is it – only 31 more posts to put DePat over 1000?
Wolfs hasn’t ever had King Leonides slash a lightning ‘1000’ in the air.
Knock, Knock.
Who’s there?
1000 posts?