Dear KMAG: 20201016 Open Topic Special 3 Babe Moon Issue / OMG, This Chick Is Smart / OTOH, This One's Smart Glasses Ain't Workin' / The Wolf Who Cried "Boy!"

Free speech, yada, yada, yada. But don’t give Komrade Kamala any excuses to shut us down. This has been addressed elsewhere. Such as HERE:



Give them nothing but one more day to rue, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Remain CIVIL and possibly even GENTEEL.

Today, in our VERY SPECIAL Three Babe Moon issue, dedicated to Tim Matheson who is not Chevy Chase, we have THREE SHORT LESSONS in politically incorrect WOLFTHINK.

OMG, This Chick Is Smart

I’m sorry, but…..

It’s almost comical how utterly qualified Amy Coney Barrett is for SCOTUS.

When I read her short argument invoking – of all people – Ruth Bader Ginsburg – to not just answer the question of why she won’t promise to recuse herself on anything, but to also explain that (yes, I may be extrapolating just a bit)…..

  • any promise of recusal would deprive the OTHER justices of THEIR say in the matter
  • and thus, basically, it’s an unconstitutional request
  • the question should never have been asked
  • the question should never be answered in the affirmative

… which point I then realized…..

  • pressured recusals are all a bunch of Alinsky BS and Goebbels misdirection by accusation
  • we’re all [useful] idiots for having ever considered the question
  • the left’s failure to EVER recuse is THEIR ISSUE, not ours
  • there need to be CONSEQUENCES for the left’s failure to properly recuse
  • if such consequences don’t exist or are underutilized, THAT is an issue
  • SCOTUS is damn near like church elders, tribal elders, or a communist cell, take your pick
  • our Democrat communists, communist Democrats, or whatever they are, have therefore been trying to sabotage the only working communism

……OK, sorry, maybe that’s pushing it a bit, but no – AT THAT POINT – I realized that this chick is SO smart, it’s obviously a crime that she’s not ALREADY on SCOTUS.

Yeah, somebody’s got some explaining to do!



… I can’t be as much of a fanboy as I want to, but that’s OK – she’ll be on SCOTUS for a LONG TIME, and every moment will be a VICTORY for Notorious RBG, who got replaced by a woman whose EVERY BREATH will remind the world that Trump FOOLED US ALL when he pretended to RESERVE the “Notorious Seat” for a woman, when what he was really doing was to appoint the smartest and best judge that he could – but he milked it for all it was worth in terms of the WOMEN’S VOTE.

Shrewd. Almost as smart as THAT CHICK with the blank piece of paper.

Or maybe SMARTER!


OTOH, This One’s Smart Glasses Ain’t Workin’

This little tweet made me smile!


Oh, that’s a good one.


MS. S.E. Cupp is a CIA “fake conservative” used on CNN to “sweep up” the right edge of the Overton Window, which she has obviously been doing a piss-poor job of, since America decided to move the window in the other direction.

An irredeemable Trump-hater, she was even used in a “debate” with Van Jones in the 2016 election.


The reality, however, is that Ms. Cupp helped reveal just how HORRIBLE and FAKE the media in the United States, and even the entire SUCKER WEST, really is.

And of course, just as she was for CANKLES in 2016…..



…..cuz CORN POP is goin’ down, and “C CUP” with him!

The Wolf Who Cried “Boy!”

I’m sorry, but I simply cannot NOT troll the Democrats about “Muh Russia“, so here we go…..

Talk about a “kiss and tell” picture!

Yeah, pass me the SALT, sugar! AYE-YI-YI.

I think people are still trying to figure out where the Democrat lies about Russia end, but leaving aside the easier treason of China, it’s safe to say that the Mueller Coupsters in DOJ wanted this lady GONE for some reason.


If you want to hear the CRAZIEST story ever about an actual FBI informant and a Russian spy, at the periphery of The Hoax, you can read it all here:


I’m still trying to figure out what it all means. When I do, I’ll let you know.

All I DO know for sure is this.

WHATEVER is going on with Mary Butyne, the truth is BAD FOR THE COUPISTS AND THE COUP.


We have a little over TWO WEEKS until the election.

This is the final stretch.



ADDENDUM: ACB Impact on Sessions Recusal

This is really part of the FIRST segment about Amy Coney Barrett, but it broke up the flow, so I am tacking it on at the end.

This gal Notorious ACB is SO SMART, that she “OH BY THE WAY” proved [to me at least] why Sessions’ recusal without consulting Trump, Mike Pence and others was a mistake.

By elucidating a fundamental principle – DUE PROCESS – Amy Coney Barrett is already fixing stuff.

And I repeat – it would be a CRIME not to vote to confirm this woman!

First of all, let us consider that the same RBG logic of ACB’s refusal to hastily recuse herself may likewise apply here – that the A.G. should not make the decision to recuse without discussions or at least prior notification of others OUTSIDE OF DOJ who are affected by the recusal, including POTUS, VP, CoS, head of FBI, Chief Justice.

NO SUCH discussion or notification PRECLUDES the A.G. from recusing in a proper and timely fashion if properly warranted. This is KEY. In fact, hasty [media-driven] recusal by the A.G. to CAST LESS SUSPICION ON SELF becomes a self-serving act (downside of all virtue signals) which may unfairly CAST MORE SUSPICION ON OTHERS, or in SEVERAL important ways deprive OTHERS of their guaranteed rights, particularly of DUE PROCESS. That is a complicated but absolutely powerful point, and it is clear to me that the LAWFARE GANG understood it, when they talked Sessions into a HASTY RECUSAL which DEPRIVED THE WHITE HOUSE OF PROPER REPRESENTATION.

It’s the SCALES, amigos.

This is an example of an “Alinsky WIN”, not by making the other side live up to its well-considered rules (which would be a DRAW), but rather by making the other side live up to its rules TOO MUCH. Owning the MEDIA allows this kind of trick to work.

Note that Comey saying “Trump was not being investigated” was not exactly true, but his lie and/or legal façade still mocks the basic TRUE principle of “innocent until proven guilty”. This has a huge effect on things, but before I get to that, consider more deeply the Comey grift.

We don’t know if redactions are hiding the fact that Comey’s statement to Trump that he was not under investigation was a LIE, and we further note that if Trump was being investigated as an INTELLIGENCE matter, that is not the same as a LEGAL matter. Likewise, any “investigation” of Trump was more likely being done as “incidental” to investigating others, and thus under greater “color of law”, if not actual “cover of law”.

IN ANY CASE, if Trump was DUE the respect of being “treated as innocent” by the Constitution, then there is absolutely no excuse for the A.G. not to share the still-open question of recusal with Trump, and to get his input or response. Any other POLICY of DOJ is likely to be an unconstitutional HOLDERISM. The MEDIA can insinuate whatever it wants – Trump was innocent until proven guilty, and was entitled to make an INNOCENT decision that he needed a FRESH and UNRECUSED A.G., and not an ACTING A.G. who might be corrupt, biased, or subject to inappropriate pressures (meaning Sally Yates or Rod Rosenstein). He could have then made this critical point to HIS subordinate, the Attorney General, to consider and possibly reject. Note that this is all about DUE PROCESS – the fact that we must not ASSUME guilt on the part of either Trump or Sessions, either in the past, or even more importantly IN THE FUTURE.

The fact that Jeff Sessions was TARGETED by DOJ staff to talk him into a hasty recusal and deprive President Trump of his rights may in fact be CRIMINAL. It was certainly LAWFARE, and thus I think it is very important to know if people OUTSIDE DOJ in the “lawfare” community had a hand in it.

Bottom line – somebody knew they could push Jeff Sessions into hasty recusal to create “The Hoax”, and do EVEN WORSE than to simply deprive President Trump of his Constitutional rights. Depriving Trump of his rights was THEN used for a political impeachment, likewise an abuse of power.

But we won’t get into THEIR crimes quite yet.



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Out of shadows seems to be gone as well.


The Democrats want to tear the constitution up. Just look back at history and it never ends well.

Deplorable Patriot

You can’t just tell people this sort of thing is happening. Sometimes, you have to show them.


Can’t believe that this is America.

Deplorable Patriot

Why? This is human nature. Just because we are Americans does not mean that human nature is suspended.


Listening to Tucker Carlson refer to statements by Sen Feinstein concerning Judge Barrett that “The dogma lives loudly in you” and “She’s been pro-life for a long time. So I suspect with her, it is deeply personal and comes with her religion,” a couple of thoughts immediately occurred to me.
The first thought, on the dogma comment, was that I wished Judge Barrett had responded “You noticed? That’s wonderful. Jesus told us to let our light shine in front of people, so they may see and glorify God. I’m extremely gratified that my light shines bright enough for you to notice.”
And the second thought, on the pro-life comment, was that yes, Christians, mostly, but, unfortunately, not totally, have a pro-life stance. But let’s not ascribe a pro-life stance exclusively to religion . . . let’s look at the science.
A human fertilized egg goes through several stages of development but initially is called a zygote . . . a whole, distinct, living human organism. Science names the next stages of development as blastocyst, embryo and fetus. The fetus moves a few inches down the birth canal and, voila, we have a baby.
Different names for different stages of development. But development of what?
A human life.
The first few stages are very fragile and dependent of the specialized environment within the womb. After birth, a human baby is still very fragile and totally dependent on a different environment and help for the basic necessities of life.
But, in every one of those stages, we are looking at a human life.
So, why be pro-life from a scientific viewpoint? Because to abort the zygote, blastocyst, embryo or fetus is to destroy an innocent human life. The science here is truly settled.
To me, the designations of 1st, 2nd or 3rd trimester doesn’t bear on the fact of presence of human life. Neither do the presence of a detectable heartbeat, the ability to feel pain or development sufficient to be sustained outside the womb.
Abortion destroys a human life.

Plain Jane

It would be great is she could have said those things, but she isn’t going to give the media sound bites or bytes ? , nor tip her hand.


I understood Feinstein’s comment regarding being prolife was a “hot-mike” moment. She wasn’t talking to the Judge, and thought her mike was off.
I like your responses.

Cuppa Covfefe

Very well said; succinct and clear enough that even the most avid baby-killers will have to take note, consider, and ponder their deeds and their sin…

Deplorable Patriot

The science may be truly settled, but the belief systems differ. According to Christianity, the soul is infused at conception. According to another of the “Abrahamic religions” it is infused at birth. I don’t know about the third.

Plain Jane

Good logic Wolfie.


After not watching, but following the “TownHall” of POTUS, and shrew Savannah Guthrie last night, I was wondering if they have any normal people working in those networks.
The media will be the last place to return to logical thinking.
Great concept, on the RETURN to LOGICAL THINKING. It’s like it’s been lost as the Dems went radical Left. Still going to be difficult to convince those Karens – who are quite symbolic – of the psychopathology.

Gail Combs

Dan Rather was a KGB Agent according to Kent Clizbe a former CIA agent.

Plain Jane

Thank God. I’ve been concerned about the seemingly demise of logic in the past 3-4 decades. Seriously.

Gail Combs

Check out the The Philosophy Of Karl Marx (Left Click to highlight and move the cursor down to make the words show up. HIDING this archived article JUST OCCURRED BTW)
“…Hegel accepted as real only that which existed in the mind. Objective phenomena and events were of no consequence; only the con­ceptions of them possessed by human minds were real….”
This is the garbage thought process that is taught in COLLEGES and UNIVERSITIES!
I went to a week long management seminar for first time managers and foreman and we had an hour of this drivel shoveled at us. These guys were manufacturing foreman, RED NECKS and looked completely lost. So I told the Prof if he really believe that crap to go lie on the R/R tracks outside the window and wait for the noon train…. BUT FIRST sign a will in my favor. The whole seminar ROARED!

Philosophy Of Karl Marx
The Hegelian Basis
The philosophical bases of Marx’s thought were laid early and remained unchanged throughout his life. As a student, Marx accepted the philoso­phy of Hegel as the only sound and adequate explanation of the uni­verse… Thus, Hegel accepted as real only that which existed in the mind. Objective phenomena and events were of no consequence; only the con­ceptions of them possessed by human minds were real. Ideas, not ob­jects, were the stuff of which the universe was made. The universe and all events therein existed and took place only in the mind, and any change was a change in ideas. Therefore, to account for these changes in ideas was to account for change in the universe.
In the Hegelian philosophy no idea could exist without an opposite. Thus, the idea of light could not exist unless there were an idea of dark­ness, nor truth without falsity, nor high without low. If an idea were labeled a thesis, its opposite would be its antithesis. Consequently, in this realm of the mind within which the universe had its only real existence, in­numerable theses and antitheses existed. Struggle or conflict was the en-evitable fact in such a universe—conflict of the thesis with its antithesis. In this struggle thesis and antithesis acted and reacted on each other, and a new phenomenon—synthesis—was created. All action or change occur­ring in the universe was, under the Hegelian philosophy, the product of thesis, antithesis, and resulting synthesis—all in the realm of ideas, since objective reality could exist only in that sphere. Since this process was universal and never ending, it offered a complete explanation of the causal processes creating all phenomena within the universe….

This is ALSO why the arguments on Gore Bull Warming are all about a CONSENSUS.
The ‘Science is settled’ aka the ” thesis and antithesis acted and reacted on each other, and a new phenomenon—synthesis—was created.” Synthesis = CONSENSUS
Of course in REAL SCIENCE 99 scientists can be DEAD WRONG and ONE scientist correct and he PROVES IT VIA DATA.

Plain Jane

Wow Gail. I didn’t know all that. My ethics were shaped by my God and parents thankfully. My ethics/ logic class at the university was so shallow and void, I blew through it for the grade. I got more logic/ethics instruction in two lit classes, and in one from an atheist prof who had us reading books like the BurkePaine Controversy.

Plain Jane

Forgot to say “Thank you, Gail.”


No surprise, Romney will vote to confirm ACB.
Betting both Collins and Murkowski will also vote to confirm. We ought to have 53 Rs.
I suspect we’ll also get a t least a handful of Ds voting for ACB confirmation. Perhaps a mix that are not up for reelection and impact from voters “back home”. But also, a few D-rats up for reelection and have perhaps many conservatives they NEED voting for them. Perhaps this is a stretch, but, hopeful.
Amy deserves broad bipartisan support. Impeccable resume and answer at the hearings.
Mitt Romney Says He Will Vote to Confirm Amy Coney Barrett to Supreme Court
‘I am confident that she will faithfully apply the law and our Constitution, impartially and regardless of policy preferences,’ he said
Help me out here, please.
Judicial committee vote is next Thursday? Senate floor confirmation next Friday?


Until Mittens vote I don’t trust him.


I won’t trust him until he’s planted.


A stake through the heart. It’s the only way.


And even then I don’t trust him.


😉 Seeing what he did to his dog says it all


Committee voted 12(R)-10(D) to send to Senate.




I thought the 2 old bats already publicly said they’d vote no–because the process was rushed…did they change their minds???


Very narrow, but we don’t need them. Current make up is 53 vs 47 and we have VP Pence to toss in if need be.


They did. And no. But I believe the hags will vote yes.
But, AMC is so obviously well qualified, difficult for a R to vote no, present, abstain.
Perhaps misplaced optimism.

Concerned Virginian

Until Mittens ACTUALLY votes, I smell “John McCain Vote on Repealing Obamacare II”.


Yes, Pierre DeLecto is an untrustworthy snake.
There won’t be a fourth r to vote no. It appears Collins may be this stoopid. MSki, will go yes.
IF Pierre goes NO, he knows he is on the losing side in many ways.


Swing Voters Standing By Trump – Don’t Blame Him For Coronavirus Pandemic


Yup he’s lost it
INSANE: Joe Biden Supports Prepubescent Children Being Able to Change Their Gender


Leftist pansexualist activist Gorsuch in his recent ruling made it possible for those trans/drag/pierced/mentally deranged freaks to be employed in public schools without danger of being fired!
Gorsuch, we now discover, will be a liberal swing vote like Roberts and an activist justice.
Gorsuch was siding with the partnered lesbian priestess of his radical left Episcopal parish. He was ruling as a pansexuality activist – not a Christian.
Sure, ACB is pro-life – HOWEVER – we cannot yet be sure where ACB stands on the core societal issues of LBGTXYZ marriage and sexuality. She may indeed be a squishy social justice Catholic, not a Bible believing, born again Christian. That is yet to be revealed.

Deplorable Patriot

“She may indeed be a squishy social justice Catholic, not a Bible believing, born again Christian.”
Please, don’t lump us all together. The vast majority of Catholics are NOT SJW sorts, just most of the loud mouths who assume the rest of us are like them. And Sacred Scripture is one of the three pillars of the Church which our Church Fathers culled and closed 1100 years before so many kicked the Faith to the curb in favor of their own interpretation. As for being born again, we all are in Baptism.


No way am I lumping all Catholics with the SJW pro-homo/pansexualists and the climate activists, etc. OR the traditionalists who call Trump ‘Hitler’
Of course I’m not.
When I talk about ‘born again’ it’s people who have been converted and see/comprehend the Kingdom – the truth of the Gospel and uphold Scriptural Faith – see John 3:3 – Christ’s own words.


None of us can see or comprehend the Kingdom. It is arrogant to even imply that.


That’s not what the Bible says.
Besides John 3:3 – there is Luke 17:21 – “The Kingdom of GOD is within/among you.”
These are Christ’s own words.


I’m literally talking about the ability to imagine or comprehend. As in “eye has not seen”. I’ll stand by it.


Eye hasn’t seen refers to natural eyes on earth not seeing heaven.
The Kingdom of GOD is people who are surrendered to the KING – and His Will/Word/Ways – His Truth, Love, Life.


You are not God’s mouthpiece. Of course we haven’t “seen” heaven. To me, “see” in this instance means comprehend the mystery.
And what about primitive people living their lives who have never heard the word? Do you imagine God has no plan for them? Or are they just doomed because of the litmus test? It isn’t a clique, or a scripture quoting contest.
Again – I, myself, would never be so bold to claim to be able to comprehend God’s Kingdom. There are mysteries beyond our comprehension. And I certainly could never proclaim that I’ve achieved the milestone, while in this life, of heaven being a given. I don’t believe that anything we do, or declare (like being “born again”) during our earthly sojourn makes that so. We follow the word, and have faith.


I am sorry to have caused a misunderstanding. I’m not boasting or claiming to judge.
The Bible tells us about those who never heard the word of GOD. GOD is merciful and just.


So, it’s as I said. “Merciful and just”. You or I don’t know, can’t claim to know, and could not comprehend anyway.


Just because we can’t comprehend the fullness of GOD and His Kingdom – it doesn’t give us permission to compromise the Commandments and plain Scriptural warnings/proscriptions….or to champion and approve of those who do, as Romans 1:18-32 tells us at the end.


I come from a combination RC/Southern Baptist background. I have relatives who have spent their entire lives thinking that having a simple glass of wine is a sin. An aunt and uncle who refused to attend their own daughter’s wedding because she married a divorced man. (married 50+ years at this point) Cousins who would not allow their daughters to wear shorts in the summer, little kids – in Texas. The modesty factor. They quote scripture 50 times a day, but seem not to know how to sensibly navigate through life. To be honest, it’s torture to visit and stay overnight being constantly preached at.
I’m about over engaging on this. We’ll just have to part ways agreeing to disagree. 😏


My family was the total opposite and there was all kinds of behaviors, addictions, abuse, perversions….even way back then in the 40s and 50s.
So we come from opposite spectrums…I have a reason for wanting to adhere to Scripture and GOD’s prescriptions/proscriptions – gives children a safer, saner, more stable environment to grow.
But, I don’t mean in rigidity and religiosity, which is self-righteousness just loving obedience.


Oh, they had plenty of errant behaviors. There was spousal abuse with same couple with the modesty hangup. As well as an inability to manage alcohol, when they decided to throw caution to the wind on a cruise and thereafter. 🙄 I grew up on the Irish/Italian RC side. NY/NJ.


Hope you had a good childhood with lots of love, laughter, security and great Italian and Irish food!


MY POINT – if anyone supports the LBGTXYZ agenda to normalize the practices and promote ‘gay marriage’ – they cannot be born-again Christians.


I don’t believe in gay practice or gay “marriage”. For the gay-enslaved, this is their identity. It’s their life’s work – just like black people who make that their life’s work. I certainly would never be so bold as to make a blanket proclamation regarding someone’s spiritual status. Think Ric Grenell.


Grenell is an activist. Yes, he, Pressler and Straka have done good things, but being promoters of their lifestyle makes them activists.


There is a ‘revelation’ factor – where, like the Apostle Paul, scales are removed from our eyes at ‘regeneration’ – a person who is baptised without being born again is just wet, but not really converted in the true spiritual sense. They are not believers. I’ve seen/heard/read priests, bishops, etc. in both Catholic and Anglican churches deny the true gospel of repentance, regeneration, faith and forgiveness. Heck, some have denied the bodily resurrection. They are false teachers. Then we have all the sexual degenerates posing as priests/bishops/archbishops/cardinals who have been baptised, ordained, etc..
I’m with Tozer… conversion doesn’t come by instruction and ceremony – but by the Holy Spirit’s work of revelation, conviction of sin, repentance, regeneration.


The Holy Spirit …and His work of Sanctification.
I was blind and now I see…
Amazing Grace
“…you must be born again…”


Acts 13:48
When the Gentiles heard this, they began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord; and as many as had been APPOINTED to eternal life BELIEVED.
(Notice “appointment first……. then “Belief”)
Romans 8
28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
29 For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren;
30 and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.


There’s plenty of sexual perversion to go around. In all denominations, and everywhere else. .But, the RC thing is particularly heinous as it’s overwhelmingly depraved men preying on pre-pubescent boys, teenagers and seminarians. And fostered by the institution itself. Protestants have two big advantages. They control their own money, and they hire and fire their own pastors. So if you pull some nonsense you’re gone, and likely immediately prosecuted.


Baptism? What about the thief on the cross? He was Never Baptised.
And still:
Luke 23:43
And He said to him, “Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise.”

Deplorable Patriot

We don’t actually know that. But, Christ did as He chose.
In the Baptismal ceremony it is said we are reborn. Not only that, it puts a mark on the soul as one being Baptized to new life.


Don’t actually know what?
The thief died? without baptism?
or went to heaven as promised?


And who am I to say that the baptized infant does not know.? Again, mystery. Beyond my feeble comprehension. Everything isn’t literal.


Not on topic, but sharing this with you.
Media Bear’s Latest Anti-Mask Video Pulled By YouTube
Most recent mask video taken down by the Uboob is on bitchute here:

[…] Posted By: wolfmoon1776 1 Views 0 Comment KAG, MEGA, MIGA 19ViewsShareTweetMail […]


I never did get why a sexy Russian redhead gun nut was a danger to society.
And if that was the extent of Russian spying, I never saw any reasons it shouldn’t be encouraged.


Seriously, even if you had a photocopy of a KGB payroll stub in front of you for Maria Butina — which would you rather have in the country: her or Ilhan Omar?


Not to downplay your response…..but “grinning blue-eyed sexy Russian redhead gun nut in a cowboy hat” vs. “brother-wedding immigration-defrauding Muslim Somali member of the progressive wing of the House” isn’t even close.


Sorry, cthulhu, think which would you rather have is a nonsense question. Wicked is wicked is wicked, dangerous is dangerous, evil is evil.

Concerned Virginian

Butina vs “Omar” ELMI?
Answer: Have NEITHER one in the United States.


ACB could not be #1 choice
We wanted her to be #3 choice
Reason is simple
#1 Gorsuch. Clerked for Kennedy.
Needed to inflate Kennedy’s ego. NO SMALL TASK!!!
Convince Kennedy that he was the best Supreme Court Justice in all history.
Talk him into stepping down.
#2 Kavanaugh. Clerked for Kennedy.
Kennedy gets a ton of accolades.
Gave Kennedy his moment for allowing his former clerk to take his seat.
Ego task fulfilled.
#3 ACB.
Only possible b/c Kennedy had cleared the deck.
We knew RGB was leaving and it was only a matter of time.
Replacing with a woman very smart move.
Replacing with the SMARTEST CANDIDATE – Grand Master Chess Move.
These are all major grand master chess strategies going on here.
It’s incredible to witness genius in action.
Any faux-conservative pundit who says otherwise is an idiot crank who should be consigned to the Bill Kristol asylum for washed-up idiots. Some paid pundits egos are so large they really believe themselves to be smarter and better at politics than anyone alive – which is why they’ve all clearly spent so much time in the Presidency (sic).


VSGPOTUSDJT even said, straight up, “I’m saving her for Ginsburg”. Mind you, Ginsburg might have been propped-up for another few months, so there was a risk…..but ACB was the perfect candidate, held back for the perfect opportunity.
And here we are…..


Agreed. Absolute perfect execution in the murkiest of waters.


Turns out – Gorsuch is a liberal swing vote –
Justice Name —— Born – Age — Leans —— Nominated— By President
Stephen Breyer 1938 82 Liberal 1994 Bill Clinton
Clarence Thomas 1948 72 Conservative 1991 George H.W. Bush
Samuel Alito 1950 70 Conservative 2006 George W. Bush
Sonia Sotomayer 1954 66 Liberal 2009 Barack Obama
John Roberts 1955 65 Swing 2005 George W. Bush
Elena Kagan 1960 60 Liberal 2010 Barack Obama
Brett Kavanaugh 1965 55 Conservative 2018 Donald Trump
Neil Gorsuch 1967 53 Swing 2017 Donald Trump
Amy Barrett 1972 48 ? 2020 Donald Trump
Gorsuch was a pansexual activist Trojan Horse. Gorsuch’s recent ruling made it impossible for employers to fire a person who decides to ‘go gay’ or change ‘genders’. Turns out Gorsuch was siding with his lesbian activist priestess of his radical left Episcopal church. Both Alito and Franklin Graham dissented against Gorsuch.


Sure, ACB is pro-life, HOWEVER, we cannot yet be sure where ACB stands on the core societal issues of LBGTXYZ marriage and sexuality. She may indeed be a squishy social justice Catholic, not a Bible believing, born again Christian. That is yet to be revealed.


I sure do hope so!


Thanks for trying to be reassuring, Wolfie!


Good question: (found on Gab)
U.S. Rep. Grace Meng is using her influence among national Democrats to push for the appointment of Muslim judges to the federal bench for the first time if her party wins back the White House. (Meng is Chinese, why is she pimping for Muslims?)comment image


I’ve been wondering how her presence on the S.C. will influence/impact C.J. Roberts opinions if he tries any of those convoluted arguments. I’m sure she could slice and dice those arguments to pieces.


I don’t care for Roberts because I think he cowardly let Obamacare stand – and separate from all speculation about whether he was compromised or not, I believe Roberts did it because of the unholy pressure he was getting from the Left. Also, he probably doesn’t like DJT.
That said, I have a lawyer friend who believes Roberts has decided almost all other issues correctly, even if we didn’t like the way it came out. He says Roberts is a process guy, whatever that means.
So to answer about how he’ll be with Judge Barrett on the Court… it may stiffen his spine and pushback his need for wokeness.


The Obama Grrlz are already up a tree. They relied on RBG to write opinions grounded in the law that made sense to which they could sign on — and now they’re going to have to get opinions on teleprompters like the rest of the Dem bench. Neither of them could draft a SCOTUS-level opinion to save their lives (or manage their clerks to do so).

Gail Combs

Forgot to add fangs to the teeth….

Cuppa Covfefe

I could just see an animated git or a vid with her lower jaw flapping up and down like a ventriloquist’s dummy. Dummy indeed….


Paul Sperry twit today says her husband is pals with a Clinton operatve.
Guess where her questions came from?


Cuppa Covfefe

Sometimes it’s good to have a mask covering someone’s face… the evil that woman displays must go clear down to her soul…

Sadie Slays

Someone claiming to be Chanel Rion from OAN made a thread on 4chan. LARP or not, I think this person correctly nailed what the Hunter Biden stuff is leading up to. “Chanel” claims that the FBI found child porn on Hunter Biden’s laptop, and that the big reveal will be that Joe Biden himself pressured the FBI into dropping the child porn charges. That’s in line with what Q is hinting at as well.
Click the imgur link below if you want to read “Chanel’s” posts.

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Original Thread


Whoa! I don’t find that hard to believe at all. The FBI are good at covering up child trafficking. Look what they did with Wiener’s laptop.


Yes, and sat on it through the impeachment hearings.


Here is Chanel Rion on Twitter official account:

And she retweeted this:
She is obviously irate and outraged about the contents of Hunter Biden’s computer.


My question is – WHERE did Chanel access the computer – NYC or DC?
Do the Trump people have it?
Did she see a copy of the files or the original computer?


Supposedly the hard drive was cloned and the original lap top went to the FBI. Worse is that the Senate Intel Committee had possession of it too. Who had it when, is another whole new scandal that unfortunately we can’t get into now because we need to keep the Senate.


Hopefully the Senate Intel Committee has NEVER received a copy of the hard drive. That would be like handing a copy of the hard drive to Lawfare or even Pedo Joe’s lawyer.


Rudy has a copy of the hard drive. The computer guy gave it to Rudy’s atty after the FIB did nothing with their copy for 6 mos.
Rudy has been working on this story for at least 1yr or longer. He went to Ukraine last year and interviewed multiple officials. He teamed up w/OANN shortly thereafter. Chanel has interviewed Rudy and the witnesses. OANN has done many videos and documentaries on Biden/Ukraine/China corruption starting early 2020. Chanel is well educated on this subject.


Chanel is one of the few that PDJT and Guiliani trust.


O Lord, have mercy on us: for we have waited for thee: be thou our arm in the morning, and our salvation in the time of trouble.
Isaiah 33:2comment image



Valerie Curren

Hope original tweet gif shows 🙂

Valerie Curren

Honestly I’ve been wondering for quite a while if CV was EVER an actual Pandemic. They say here it’s just a flu virus…


CHINA intentionally spread the virus – BUT – had a LOT of help from the Democrats/Globalists/WHO/medical research leeches, etc.
Even Johns Hopkins website, using big red dots, to trace the spread was designed to hype/dramatize the spread and increase dread/fear.
VIDEO – HOW TO MANUFACTURE AN EPIDEMIC (using the full array of common plentiful coronaviruses and the PCR test).

THIS IS THE ARTICLE that the video quotes – IT IS A MUST-READ.
If you don’t have time to watch the video – just skim the article.
Re: the virus – I think his point is valid….that the PCR test is limited/faulty, the array of coronaviruses plentiful, the data scurrilous and intentionally manipulated, and the fear-mongering is rampant.
His final remarks are that the coronavirus pandemic is a cover-up to hide the global banking corruption and the result of corrupt politicians fiscal policies.
As much as we all have looked into the virus business – we have seen that something ain’t right – smells like rotten fish.
New data suggest that lockdowns didn’t help contain Covid-19 and opening up didn’t increase the spread, writes @DonLuskin
The Creation of a False Pandemic – Jon Rappaport –
My only conclusion is we have been and are being deceived by leaders in medical research and government.

Valerie Curren

Great Finds!!! Thanks so much 🙂


Who are these people and where are they?

Valerie Curren

Not sure but it looks like some European event…


The location was given by someone – in German – way down in the comments…but they posted a link.

Valerie Curren

Nice. Thanks for doing the extra digging!!!


BERLIN – Here:

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Thanks GA/FL!

Valerie Curren

Fact Checking Biden…Boilermakers…


Note to Wolf — save that header. It’ll be useful for a while.


I’m hoping for 30+ years….

Valerie Curren

More MAGA YT views!

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

View counts from Town Halls elsewhere…


Carlos has a thread:

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

international corruption corraled?

Valerie Curren

Eeeeeeeewwww, Butterfly – but, have to agree – fits perfectly – devil’s spawn!!!

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

could the “eye” aspect of this be connected to Joe’s flipping the blizzard cup over video clip?

Valerie Curren

I’ve never changed my settings, so as far as I know All of my stuff is public…
The Dairy Queen commercial had the eye shape of their logo but filled w/ various videos of their different foods, sort of in patterns. Since I was looking at some of that symbolism stuff earlier “today” this reminded me of all the Eye imagery that twitter compiler had gathered, Illuminati symbols, I think.
It just made me wonder about that weird short Joe clip, someone thought was some type of comms…just speculating…


When ever I go to twitter, I always get the “Something went wrong” or, less frequently, “Nat available to you” or “Not authorized”. But then I refresh the page and it comes up.

Valerie Curren

Thanks Carl. Twit world apparently doesn’t like Q-Treepers. I wonder why?/s 🙂


same thing with my experience…… started yesterday.


Same with trying to open a Uboob video from a link here.
It opens a new tab and complains it can’t display the video.
If I retry a couple times to reload the page it usually comes up.

Valerie Curren

Twit world said your account is Temporarily Restricted. They have you following Zero people but more than 3000 are following you 🙂


Wolfie – that has been happening to me too all of a sudden – but if I refresh or clean out cookies and files – it works again.


To be clear – I’m still not on Twitter. I’d be banned in less than a day.


Wolfie, this message appears when accessing your account. You must be over too many targets.
Wolf Moon – Pagan Worshiper of KMAC’s Broken Clock
Caution: This account is temporarily restricted
You’re seeing this warning because there has been some unusual activity from this account. Do you still want to view it?
Then a button for YES, View Profile
You are following no one???? WTH???
Wolf Moon – Pagan Worshiper of KMAC’s Broken Clock
Tried to leave Twitter, but could not resist the dogpile of patriots and truth researchers on 9News, Denver Post and Antifa. Ah, the allure of citizen justice!
Flyover, USAwqth.wordpress.comJoined January 2013
0 Following
Followed by coosmama ☆☆☆, Michael Flag of United States Medium starMedium starMedium star Truth Bomber for Gen Flynn, and 125 others you follow

Gail Combs

Wolfie, I am getting that too and I do not have an account.
So far the THREAD READER is fine.
Brian Cates Newest:

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Good news in Kyle’s Korner!


TWITTER is against us.
THE MEDIA is against us.
BIG TECH is against us.
THE SWAMP is against us.
THE DEEP STATE is against us.
THE HOLLYWOOD ELITE is against us.
CHINA is against us.
But President Trump has the WORKING MAN AND WOMAN and NOTHING can beat that‼️


BIG TECH has over-reached and Americans are angry!


…and notice how they’re all dying a slow death…
including Hollywood which is nothing but a leftist prop machine…like Chinese torture : this is what you get to watch as “entertainment” whether you like it or not, and it’s all you get to watch 24/7, blaring into the streets with a gigantic images of Meryl Streep & Cuties (Kooties) & Sean Penn et al….
Trump is like Patton, MacArthur & Churchill against the axis of evil !


(that was a Reply to GA/FL’s post at 05:39 am, above…showing up out of sync.)


hiya smiley!
how are you??


hey, pat…. real busy (mural) at the moment with a challenging deadline…I’m not 25…or 35…or even 65…anymore either…up & down off of scaffolding/ladders is wearing this old girl out, lol.
thanks for asking…and how are you ?


I’m okay, thanks for asking!
I’m sure your mural is gonna knock everybody’s socks off!!


piece o’cake ! lol
corners are the hardest parts…
here…I’ll share…comment image


looks yummy!!!


Did you know about the state of FL tour of murals?
Stay safe….hold on tight to those ladders and watch your step!
We need you around here!


hey cool…..I did not know ab that…thanks for sharing.

Cuppa Covfefe

Considering who owns most of (un)Hollywood, it IS Red Chinese Torture…
(Next up, Jaws 322 and Friday the 13th part 666)…


exactly !


President Trump to visit Ft. Myers on Friday – to talk about protecting America’s Seniors.


President Trump has 2 Rallies and 3 speeches today. 18 Days to the Election!!!
comment image
11:40AM THE PRESIDENT departs Doral, FL, en route to Miami, FL
12:45PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Southwest Florida International Airport
12:55PM THE PRESIDENT departs Southwest Florida International Airport en route to Caloosa Sound Convention Center & Amphitheater – Fort Myers, FL
1:30PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks on Protecting America’s Seniors – Fort Myers, FL
2:40PM THE PRESIDENT departs Caloosa Sound Convention Center & Amphitheater en route to Southwest Florida International Airport
4:05PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Ocala International Airport – Ocala, FL
4:15PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks at a Make America Great Again Rally
5:35PM THE PRESIDENT departs Ocala, FL, en route to Macon, GA
6:40PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Middle Georgia Regional Airport – Macon, GA
7:00PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks at a Make America Great Again Rally
8:35PM THE PRESIDENT departs Macon, GA, en route to Washington, D.C.
10:10PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Joint Base Andrews
10:30PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at the White House – South Lawn




Cuppa Covfefe

Qaddaffi warned that if he were to be taken out, Europe would be flooded with Moslem refauxgees from the Middle East and Africa…
Øblowhole and HELL-the-BEAST took Qadiffi out, and, with the help of Merde-Kuh, Europe is being INVADED by, yes, Middle-Eastern and African refauxgees. Mostly single, male, malevolent, Malthusian, misanthropic, military-aged (and probably -trained) MOSLEMS…..
Talk about hell to pay…..
Nowhere in the EU now is really safe; and the No-Go zones are a suicide mission for non-Moslems….. where’s our Martel, and/or our Vlad the Impaler?????
So far all we’ve got is “Vlad the Inhaler” … (saw that handle over on Twitchy)…



so Feinstein apparently hugged Lindsay Graham? is THAT how they’re going to infect him so he can’t vote?
(article was at the Hill which I refuse to link to…it’s toxic)


Oh, Pat, this is so disgusting. Swampy.


I see no real resaon for her to do this…

Cuppa Covfefe

He should have sprayed her with water….




If I was Ms. Lindsey, I’d have started my HCQ cocktails last night.


you are a smart man, Carl


There is a video, Pat – of the conclusion of the Committee proceedings – at the end – the handshake and hug occurs – thought that was strange – however – she is second in command – Yes?


sovif he is out with covid, she takes over?


I do not think it matters at this point – ACB has been voted out of Committee – and is on her way to the Senate for the vote – next week – if he gets CV-19 – he can vote virtually – yes? In fact – any of them can – my understanding.


What we are watching is INTENTIONAL corruption of the Election process.
– by Democrats in authority
– by USPS employees
and other nefarious actors.


Forgot the link….


wow…no mail in ballots found, but PA postal workers found dumping mail in trash bags or trash bins. what caught my eye was one guy who worked out of the PIttsburgh office (mid to lower extreme western part of state) was seen dumping the mail in a dumpster in Lawrenceville (on the PA/NY border in central PA).
Lawrenceville is a few small towns over from us…but accessible on the major highways in the state and is right off one of those highways…
Separately, McLenigan, a city carrier and U.S. postal service employee working out of the Pittsburgh Post Office Bloomfield Station, was allegedly spotted on video surveillance footage on Oct. 7 and Oct. 8 dumping mail into a trash bin outside the Persad Center, a mental health center serving the LGBTQ+ community in Lawrenceville, Pa. An employee at the center recovered the mail from the bin and reported the matter to the Office of Inspector General.


more crap about those “misprinted” ballots in PA…they are setting them aside and won’t be looking at them till AFTER the election
“Voye [David Voye, Elections Division Manager] said that Elections Division staff were segregating ballots that were received from voters affected by the issue, and those will be set aside and reviewed following the election.” [Emphasis added]
The county admits that they know some of the faulty ballots were returned, but those ballots will not be reviewed until after the election. That likely means that if the ballot is faulty, those voters will not have their vote counted because there will be no new voting for them because the election will be over.
here’s something I found in the comments:
Here is more info from the Pittsburgh Tribune. To summarize:
“Midwest Direct, the Cleveland-based company hired to print, collate and mail the ballots, told elections officials that a programming error caused the ballot file to be matched with the wrong individual’s information…The result is that those voters received ballots meant for someone living in another voting district. While the choices for national and statewide races will be the same, the candidates for U.S. Congress and the state legislature could be wrong.”But that’s not the most alarming part. What is terrifying is the county’s response regarding when they will be reviewing the ballots they received back from people who were not aware they were wrong.

Concerned Virginian

If I understand the linked article correctly, the 2 USPS workers dumped the mail in 2 separate areas WITHIN the city of Pittsburgh — both Bloomfield and Lawrenceville are in Pittsburgh. My father managed a pharmacy on Butler Street in Lawrenceville.
All of the areas mentioned in the article — Mount Oliver, Bloomfield, Baldwin, Lawrenceville — are hotbeds of DEMCOM population / low- and no-info voters / Millienials who believe they’re “entitled” to everything.
Many decades ago, all of these areas of Pittsburgh were filled with middle-class, hardworking people of Irish / Italian (Bloomfield was “Little Italy”) / Polish, Eastern European, German ancestry (they worked the steel mills in Lawrenceville), heavily Roman Catholic.


well, that’s good to know…there’s a Lawrenceville a few towns over along the NY/PA border…and it’s right off the highway…thanks for clearing that up!!


Wolfie, I meant to tell you how much I appreciated your perspective and insight about Amy Coney Barrett. She is really an extraordinary woman. Interesting about how she answered the recusal question – that she wouldn’t want to deprive other Justices of their vote.
Due Process – you know who I want to see indicted for RICO, Fraud, Sedition/Treason? Andrew Weissman. He’s really dirty. Oh, and the guy Bromowitz who helped Blasey Ford defraud the Senate Judiciary. These are nasty people.


are we keeping a list–A very PUBLIC list– somewhere of all the self important little nazis who claim they will move out of the country if POTUS is reelected? cuz I really want them to go this more empty promises!!!


comment image
oh c’mon, man !
dark humor is like food…or even votes
not everyone gets it.


the egos of these people to think that THEY matter to us so much, that it will influence our votes…is just astounding to me…how do their big heads fit thru doorways?


…or up their asses ??


you make me laugh!!!


likewise, I’m sure.


more voting chicanery…
The Center for Voter Information was described by the Washington Post as having “a history of sending error-ridden mailers” but also labeled it “nonpartisan” – a farcical and manifestly false claim.
The group is responsible for sending over 225,000 ballot request forms to residents in Texas, many of whom are deceased.
As reported by local news, one individual received multiple ballot request forms for her deceased husband:
“Kristen Link received four ballot request forms in the mail addressed to her husband, who passed away in 2015. Kristen thought the forms were sent by a government agency, but they came from a third-party group called the Center for Voter Information. The ballot applications are already filled out and addressed to the Bexar County Elections Administrator.”
The group also made headlines recently for mailing more than two million Virginia voters official ballot applications, but due to an “error by the printing company,” hundreds of thousands of ballot applications were sent with incorrect addresses. What’s more, Virginia election officials raised concerns about the activist group’s mailers masquerading as official documents
“This mailing is causing great confusion and concern among voters who have been contacting our office. While the mailing may appear to be from an official government agency, the Fairfax County Office of Elections did not send it,” said Fairfax County General Registrar Gary Scott.
The news is just the latest in a string of false, missing, or tampered ballot stories the media and Big Tech firms keep denying, across the country.


Don’t we have a sidebar thread on this?
Shoot, wish I had the time to copy over there.
Busy couple of days coming up.

Deplorable Patriot


disgusting, but true…allowing them the discretion to change their bodies is a segue into allowing them to “choose” to have sex…
If they say 8-year-olds are mature enough to “consent” to a sex change, we all know what they’ll be saying kids can “consent” to next.
These are demons.
— Bandit (@Whytepilled) October 16, 2020


TRUTH!!!! This is the sickos true agenda. They want to legitimize their depravity calling it ‘minor-orientation’ “I can’t help it if I’m oriented that way” Lies from the pit of hell.

Cuppa Covfefe

There are many good reasons that not-yet-of-age children are called MINORS !!!!!
There goes the SATANIC UN again, with Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 working to take away the GOD-GIVEN rights, responsibilities, and rewards for being a parent.


they want to cut the parents out of the equation–or to favor the rights of the parent that WANTS their child to submit to that garbage over the rights of the one that does not


Verse of the Day for Friday, October 16, 2020

“That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;”
Philippians 3:10 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


Friday Ladybug Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Be My Voicecomment image


Mornin’ Duchess!
hope you have a Blessed day!!


Morning, Pat!!! Great sleeping weather last night – am sure you had the fire going – a real ‘Hug Your Honey’ night!!!
God Bless Your Day, too – Hugs!!!


actually it was quite warm sleeping last night…
cloudy and drizzly this morning.
HUGS back to you!!


That is odd, Pat – it should be colder where you are – must be your ‘hot hubby’ – lol
Appreciate the hugs – I do!!!


just the opposite…LOL…I am the “heater” in the family…you’re cold? let me warm you…that”s my motto…


Oppsey – got that backwards – remember you telling about your heat meter – LOL

Gail Combs

Disagree on the AG Sessions recusal.
AG Sessions recused due to DOJ rules.
Sessions was also set up by Kislyak and the Obama Admin, IMHO. That was what he would be angry about. Sessions said himself that when Kislyak came to his office, no one quite knew why he was there. Meeting lasted just a few minutes.
AG Sessions or ANYONE that Trump appointed, like Rudy Giuliani or Chris Christi would also have been forced to recuse.
Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals
RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”… You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules. (This is a serious rule. The besieged entity’s very credibility and reputation is at stake, because if activists catch it lying or not living up to its commitments, they can continue to chip away at the damage.)
“[…]C. DOJ-Specific Conflict of Interest Regulation: No DOJ employee may participate in a criminal investigation or prosecution if he has a personal or political relationship with any person or organization substantially involved in the conduct that is the subject of the investigation or prosecution, or who would be directly affected by the outcome. 28 CFR 45.2
Political relationship means a close identification with an elected official, candidate, political party or campaign organization arising from service as a principal advisor or official; personal relationship means a close and substantial connection of the type normally viewed as likely to induce partiality.[…]”

So AG Sessions AS REQUIRED recused himself from the CAMPAIGN issues and nothing else.
Read US attorney general Jeff Sessions’ statement recusing himself from investigations into the 2016 presidential campaigns

“During the course of the confirmation proceedings on my nomination to be Attorney General, I advised the Senate Judiciary Committee that ‘[i]f a specific matter arose where I believed my impartiality might reasonably be questioned, I would consult with Department ethics officials regarding the most appropriate way to proceed…
Having concluded those meetings today, I have decided to recuse myself from any existing or future investigations of any matters related in any way to the campaigns for President of the United States…
Consistent with the succession order for the Department of Justice, Acting Deputy Attorney General and U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia Dana Boente shall act as and perform the functions of the Attorney General with respect to any matters from which I have recused myself to the extent they exist.

DOJ Sources: Sessions Has Not Recused Himself from Potential Uranium One Probe (Or the Clinton Foundation probe or having Durham look into the unmasking and FISA abuse….)
I think it was a Catch-22
If AG Session recused they got Mueller and the Special Council ==> Impeachment for dirt dug up. BUT they came up empty. The Senate got a stronger Republican majority allowing Barr to be nominated AG.
If AG Session DID NOT recused then they would go straight to DEMANDING a Sessions AND POTUS impeachment. The incessant Media Coverage of the issue would be used to flip BOTH the HOUSE and the SENATE allowing POTUS to be impeached and CONVICTED in the Senate.
And if you do not think POTUS and AG Sessions had not gamed this out and decided AG Sessions recusal was the best choice… I have a nice bridge in NY to sell you.


I respectfully disagree, though I cannot afford that bridge.
I have always been sickened by the Sessions recusal and viewed it as a weakness and a betrayal.
I thought that Jeff Sessions valued his own standing with colleagues and put that first above righteous commitments and actions which should have been prioritized. He left the President and his allies abandoned and at the mercy of his enemies in the Justice Department.
At that time there was a Republican majority in the house. I do not believe that they would have impeached either Jeff Sessions or the President.
I know that Q has been complimentary to Jeff Sessions and that he did some good before he left, but ia don’t think that the President’s anger over the recusal or the anguish that the President, his family, his supporters, and the entire country went through was worth Session’s sterling reputation with the Swamp—if that is what it was about.
For most of his presidency President Trump was hamstrung in many respects because of that recusal. He was limited regarding firings and appointments, he was limited in meeting with Russia and in dealing with foreign governments who saw the witch hunt and successful indictments as evidence backing up Obama’s assurances that President Trump would be “removed “.
The lying media was given years of talking points and legal justification for them through indictments of people like Roger Stone while the Swamp reigned free. I know many leftists who still don’t know the truth.
There are a lot of people out there who believe that if there were any wrongdoing by any members of the Democrat Party our justice system would have targeted and dealt with them.
I have always hoped that I am wrong.

tom f

Thank you Gail for your perspective on former AG Sessions.
I also cannot be convinced that President Trump was unaware of this recusal.
He ran to the NYT to cry about it……to Maggie!
Maggie? really.
Think about that.

Deplorable Patriot

I agree. There’s more there than meets the eye.


Well, I know that POTUS would have known about it from the confirmation hearing Sessions had – that’s when it was asked and answered. Never made any sense to me that POTUS said he had no idea…


I totally agree. 🙂


Savannah “The Witch” Guthrie hardest hit.






There is a nasty rumor out there that @SenatorCollins of Maine will not be supporting our great United States Supreme Court Nominee. Well, she didn’t support Healthcare or my opening up 5000 square miles of Ocean to Maine, so why should this be any different. Not worth the work!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 16, 2020


Impossible for Collins to logically not vote yea.
Once upon a time, Senators voted SC nominee qualifications.


Shows how politicized the courts are now.
Agencies are the same – hence all the Ø holdovers causing trouble in the DoEducation, FBI, CIA, etc.
Øbastard politicized and weaponized every agency of government.
He must be punished for his crimes.
W-CT-R’S LIST of Ø’s crimes and abuses of power:
I –
II –
IV –


Collins is sabotaging a very qualified woman. What does that tell us? Collins as so many so called liberated women who fought hard for equality are for some reason threatened by competent women.
To me the way Collins behaves shows she is a very insecure women.
Funny men are much more tolerant and of competent women than women are. I know we could use her seat on our site but the women is not with us only in name.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ve known a number of pretty bright pro-abortion people who will privately concede that Roe v. Wade was stupidly argued. They’re pro-abortion, but they’re aware this wasn’t the right argument for it.
So if ACB were to do what you say it would be under the circumstances of someone presenting an alternate argument she could see and say “yes, I have no alternative but to agree with that.” I have no idea if SCOTUS procedure would allow that in one case, or whether Roe v. Wade would be overturned by one case and then a similar (but better argued) reason applied to re-instate it, hopefully in a form where it cannot keep getting expanded.

Concerned Virginian

Susan Collins is a DEMCOM. Period.

Cuppa Covfefe

I’d take out the “C” and change the second “M” to an “N”.


Not too worried about her vote, and I believe POTUS gets her situation. Maine is difficult, and she has a tough reelection campaign. If she votes for Barrett it’s more of a problem than if she didn’t. Romney is already on board, McConnell has the votes. Collins is one he can “spare.”
POTUS actually helps Collins with this kind of tweet.


Video series on the Bidens and China:

Gail Combs

Twatter seems to be down this morning at least for me (I do not have an account)


I don’t tweet either – but it just worked for me. Twitter has been weird the last couple of days. I get the ‘not available to you’ but it works when I refresh or clean out cookies.




I’m finding the first time I try it I get the opps! Message, but if I go out and try again it generally goes through. At least that seems to work for Praying Medic right now although he thinks he will soon be banned.


So this if true is very serious. Besides damning financial data and other text they have
Hunter Biden sex and pedo acts filmed by the CCP and turned over to DOJ but they hid it. To Pelosi, but she’s mum. Still a copy has been smuggled to Trump.


President Trump would not have blasted out the news at the Des Moines rally if he didn’t have iron-clad proof!!!
Now all the left’s media outlets are trying to block it.


What did he say there? I think it was Philly where he said, “Watch what happens” – previously his words had been “We’ll see what happens.”
Do you think there is pedo on Hunter’s computer? Interesting that deranged Savannah Guthrie was desperate to get POTUS to denounce Qanon – and he honed right in on the pedo issue, repeating it several times.


Plus – FBI also covering up.
Lots of guilty folks caught in either
1. the get rich schemes,
2. the pedo stuff and
3. the cover ups.

Cuppa Covfefe

There are more than likely FIBbers involved in those schemes, or hush money changing hands. And probably at higher levels, say, Fey Wray and his direct reports…
The Klintoons have had dirt on almost all of Washington D.C. and the glitterati for around three decades… have to wonder what was in those two planeloads of banker’s boxes that got hauled off from the Klintoon library a while back…….


You have good instincts and a good sense of goings on.


Cuppa: Fey Wray = +10pts.
v nice.


Giuliana’s got the evidence …like a boss !
Buckle Up : Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal May Be About To Get A Whole Lot Worse
Oct 16, 2020


This article is a great summary for folks who don’t like to listen to videos and podcasts. Like me – I prefer to read it all in black and white print.
In the replies to the article:
Bitter Clinger
The Federal Bureau of Matters has had a copy of the hard drive since December 2019. Where are the indictments? Why did they allow DJT to be impeached when they KNEW all about the Biden Crime Family in Ukraine and various other countries? Bagpipe Bill has been too long at the buffet table rather than performing his duty. Where was Christopher Wray? American taxpayers have a right to know what they were doing about this 10 months ago.


Well, we at the FBI have to do things by the book. In this case, we have to perform a rigorous, double-blind clinical study to determine the efficacy of the material . . . and we have to determine all of the adverse consequences that may result if this material is allowed to infect the public. After these determinations, we can start to consider the development of an approach to apply the knowledge gained from the material to remedies of each particular infected instance.
We estimate 2-3 years for the determination of efficacies and the examination of consequences. Any speculation of a time frame for development after that would be specious.


wow…it’s like you could interview for Wray’s job…bwahahahahahahaha


Your forgot the caveat. UNLESS it is info on Trump, or a republican, then it can be released immediately.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I still have no idea what it is people are claiming about Seal Team Six, as no one actually commented here with the information. Just pointers to long-ass videos.


I’m not going off on the wild side with
– JFK Jr is still alive
– Seal Team Six is still alive
– Michelle Ø is a man
– Elvis is alive
– aliens have been roaming our earth


Daughn has as article with some of the info about it. It looks like a lot is maybe stuff, but she’s tracked down some interesting information.


Here it is, in a nut shell, from a commenter at Zerohedge:
1 hour ago
“Navy SEAL Team 6 has attained international prominence for one reason: They were responsible for killing Osama bin Laden. They are American heroes. Yet, their own government betrayed them. Several days after the bin Laden operation, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. — in a pathetic attempt to spike the football and gloat — publicly revealed their central role in the raid. His revelations put a giant target on the backs of every Navy SEAL Team 6 member.
A covert unit, whose mission is to operate in the murky shadows, was exposed as the group that eliminated al Qaeda’s chief mastermind. Mr. Biden’s reckless actions — followed by President Obama’s own words acknowledging the secret unit’s operation — jeopardized the Navy SEALs’ safety. Jihadists bent on revenge began an intense manhunt. The hunters now became the hunted.
Members of Development Group (DEVGRU,Seal Team 6) – Illustration photo (Credits: XY)
Upon hearing of Mr. Biden’s disclosure, SEAL members were stunned. Many of them immediately contacted family members, warning them to eradicate all personal information from social-media sites. Aaron Vaughn, one of the SEALs eventually killed in the ambush, told his mother, Karen Vaughn, to delete every reference to SEAL Team 6 from her Facebook and Twitter accounts.
“I never heard Aaron this concerned and worried in his entire life,” Mrs. Vaughn said in an interview. “He called me and said, ‘Mom, you and Dad have to take everything down. Biden has just put a huge target on everybody.’”
Tragically, Aaron Vaughn was right. Mr. Biden is often portrayed in the liberal media as an amiable buffoon. His gaffes are written off as Joe simply being Joe — a loveable uncle figure who has a tendency to shoot his mouth off.
That is pernicious nonsense. Mr. Biden is a cynical opportunist, who will say and do anything to advance Mr. Obama’s agenda. He hung the SEALs out to dry in order to score cheap political points. He compromised a highly sensitive, covert operation that ended up costing dozens of U.S. lives.
SEAL-gate is potentially a bigger scandal than Benghazi, Libya. The administration — along with the top military brass — are desperately trying to cover up what took place on that fateful raid. Taliban guerrillas were waiting for the Chinook as it approached its landing site. Apparently, someone tipped them off that the SEALs were coming; the helicopter was attacked from three sides in a coordinated ambush.
The U.S. military claimed that the Chinook was blown to pieces by a shoulder-fired missile, in which everyone on board was burned beyond recognition. Hence, senior military officials ordered the American bodies cremated without the prior approval of their family members.
The military’s narrative, however, is false. Charles Strange, whose son, Michael, died during the attack, says he viewed the pictures of the crash site. “I saw Mike’s dead body,” Mr. Strange said in an interview. “It was clearly recognizable. He was clutching his gun. He wasn’t burned to a crisp. Why did they cremate my boy? They didn’t need to do that. Something’s not right.”
There are numerous questions that need to be answered. Why was the Chinook’s black box never found? The military claims it was washed away in a flash flood. Impossible. Flash flooding is extremely rare — almost unheard of — in that part of Afghanistan. Why was the Chinook not given aerial backup, which is standard military procedure when special forces are deployed?
Even more alarming, why were the seven Afghan soldiers who boarded the Chinook at the last minute different from those on the flight manifest? This clearly violated U.S. military protocol. Afghan strangers (al Qaeda suicide bombers?) got on that Chinook, and potentially sabotaged the raid.
Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai’s regime has been infiltrated with al Qaeda sympathizers. Only the naive could dismiss the possibility of an inside job: Jihadi cash in exchange for information about the whereabouts of our SEALs. If our supposed ally cut a deal with the Taliban, resulting in the slaughter of U.S. troops, it would be a humiliating blow to Mr. Obama’s failed Afghanistan policy.
The most important question of all remains the strict rules of engagement. Why were U.S. troops deployed into battle in a Chinook jalopy made in the 1960s and ordered not to fire back at Taliban snipers? Washington has imposed such severe rules of engagement — the inability to fire into civilian areas, the refusal to conduct night operations, and the reluctance to confront the regular occurrence of Afghan soldiers deliberately shooting American personnel — that defeat is not only likely, it’s inevitable.
Congressional Republicans must get to the bottom of this burgeoning scandal. Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah and Rep. Darrell E. Issa of California have now launched an official probe into the deaths of the SEALs.”….
Diana West also has an excellent explanation of Extortion 17:


My understanding listening to the video with the Falconer Parrot and Ty Woods father. The reason the Seals were taken out is because they knew that the person that they thought was Bin Laden was a double. You’ll have to listen to the video there was a lot of info in it.
I’ll try to find the video and post it.


I can give the link to bit chute that has the video.


When the raid happened, I knew someone serving; an Intel analyst in Afghanistan. This person told me, at the time, that OBL wasn’t killed, and the buried at sea reports were BS. No further detail, just that the press reports weren’t true.


A lot of things this Falconer says makes a lot of sense. He says he has documentation, audios, videos etc.
He wants to get the info to President Trump.


I could only find the video at bitchute, here’s the link. Hopefully it posts cuz the first time i tried it disappeared.


ok I give up, I tried to post the link and it disappeared both. the video is at bitchute. search for Charles Woods.


I tried two times!!!🙄


fl/ga, love that Federal Bureau of Matters.

Harry Lime

I just subscribed to Rudy’s youtube channel…just so I don’t miss anything…you know…until they censor that, too.


you mean purge , Harry .


Seems like a good place for this. Yesterday, while FB and Twitter censored the NY Post, the WH press secretary, members of congress, and americans on social media, this virtual hearing was hosted by Adam Shit:
A link to a video of the hearing can be found as a pop-up at the site. I was able to watch about 15 mins. of this shocking and vile testimony.
IMO, these people are very close to advocating for the control of all types of creative expression, deemed unsafe.
They present themselves as scientists, and the push for control will claim to backed by science. The nature of their so-called research is an enormous invasion of privacy on a mass scale, and this hearing only allowed for the unclassified discussion.
I see the postings of Qanon as an example of the use of the Paranoid Critical Method applied to political research. Say Q is nothing more than an individual exercising creative thought and self expression. Self expression that resonates with and creatively energises thousands. These so called researchers wish their own research and writings had as much influence. However, their ideas for control are far more terrifying than anything promoted by the postings of Q.
I’ve posted about the Kennedy Center at Harvard being an underlying institution supporting many of the individuals standing against the President. I wonder if Dr. What’s her face has her offices at the Kennedy Center in a building subsidized by money laundered by Epstein?


YouTube Mass Purges Popular Channels After Announcing Crackdown On “Harmful Conspiracy Theories”
listed channels
Praying Medic is on the list.
it’s like a Party or something.comment image


I hope one of the punishments when these people who are making the ban and purge decisions go to prison is to have a 24/7 loop of all the Conservative videos in their cells.


So far, with the current accepted interpretation of para 230, I don’t know that there is a solid legal basis to declare that twitter, FB, YouTube or others, or any of the people making the ban and purge decisions have as yet broken the law.


Pai disagrees Carl…
I posted this tweet on yesterday’s open thread:
aagar Enjeti@esaagar
Cannot overstate the importance of this announcement
FCC Chairman @AjitPaiFCC says he has the legal authority to interpret section 230 and intends to do so with an eye towards transparency from social media companies on now clearly revealed biased content moderation standards
Quote Tweet


That will be a future determination. Not a legal basis to go to past actions and criminalize them. I hope Ajit Pai makes that determination this morning and publishes it this afternoon!


… I second that !


The legal ramifications come AFTER Pai removes the protections. Remember, the internet is NOT a private entity or entities, the BACKBONE is GOVT owned..think LINES not servers. Just like the public air waves WE own the lines. Therefore there ARER regulations in p[lace that ALWAYS could have been used to stop this. In essence, Twitter and Facebook COULD like Google, be REMOVED from the backbone…their servers do NOT matter.
Think like this, you OWN your water heater. Water is supplied via pipes OWNED by the local community or state, city etc. The water company OWNS the water and the drains, which is why you pay for water and drainage. NOT the pipes…your taxes already Paid for the piping, mains.etc. NO utility could BUILD the piping, electrical, etc GRIDS. They just MAINTAIN them. Your TAXES built them.
Same with the internet. Google, etc, own their SERVERS, and make money off advertising, fees to use their servers, and services from those services. They DO NOT own the fiber optic or hard lines. WE DO. We PAID for them via taxes to build the ARPA net. An original MILITARY application that was piggybacked on to MAKE the “internet” FCC REGULATES those lines, just like they do the air waves which supply cable, and network TV.
Stations license the USAGE of those air waves, just like IP’s LICENCE the use of the backbone in the internet. Guess who is in charge of those air waves and backbones…the FCC, IE Ajit Pai.
IF he can determine MISUSE of the public owned airwaves OR backbone. He CAN remove that access, without ANY Congressional approval. I don’t know about YOU, but I call election interference via censorship, misuse.
Twitter, FB, Google, etc would have to petition Pai, and the FCC to REGAIN that access. It is WHY stations on TV are SO anal about profanity, nudity, etc. They CAN lose their license, and ACCESS to those air waves temporarily OR permanently…they USUALLY simply get a BIG fine.
Tim,e to show the communists there are CONSEQUENCES for playing GAMES.


Rex, thank you for that explanation.


YW. I did a report one time on ARPA net. It was, after the military, available to colleges, universities, FIRST.


Seems to me CloudFlare has said they are building their own infrastructure that they will own. So much power in so few hands.


That is just it, they do NOT own the air waves. Even if they own a satellite, and own the wires. They DO NOT own the air waves. The FCC will NEVER sell the bandwidths.


With the exception of a future determination that these actions constitute an in-kind donation to the Biden campaign.


Interference in an election.


As I understand from POTUS’ comments, 230 provides these social media platforms immunity from litigation… the removal of this paragraph would strip them of this protection… and thus force them to operate as a “utility” …
Have I understood that correctly?


Yes, but that is liability like slander, libel, etc to US the people IE consumers. Pai COULD simply DENY Twitter et al ACCESS to the backbone, IE they would simply “disappear” Does not MATTER who owns the servers, it matters who owns the LIES that connect those servers. Those lines are FCC controlled.


Don’t understand your comment… need clarity. I thought I stated the social platforms would NO LONGER be IMMUNE to litigation once para 230 is REMOVED.


Section 230 is the legal liability part of it. They would still OPERATE, just could be sued by everyday mom and pop for libel, slander, censorship, etc. Those protections would need removed by CONGRESS.
I am saying Agit Pai, and the FCC could simply rule that Twitter, Google, FaceBook, etc had VIOLATED the fair use of the PUBLIC internet backbone, that WE pay (paid) for, and be DEPLATFIORMED entirely to force capitulation, NO Congressional approval or LAW needed.
Is that a better way of explaining it. Sorry for the confusion. I mean that there is MORE than one way to skin these cats. One way would require modifying an existing provision in law, and would require a Congressional “approval” The OTHER does MORE, and has no such “constraint”
Can a platform WITHOUIT a connection to the internet make ANY money? NO. The share holders would IMMEDIATELY remove Zukerberg AND @Jack. Hit them where it HURTS, their profits. Lawsuits you can have insurance, settlements, and they take TIME. A simple 404 where Twitter ETC USED to be, would spark OUTRAGE, and would hit them FAR harder in the wallet, and MUCH quicker. It CAN be done.
See the first amendment does NOT protect a “utility” and THAT is where Pai CAN hit them.
Hope that better explains what I meant!


Yes… I understand your original comment much better. I tend to not only read too quickly, I also tend to speak too quickly, often leaving out a step or two I think others get by way of my conclusion… very frustrating for others I am sure 😉 Somehow, I thought that by removing the 230 para they automatically BECAME a utility, and therefore Jackboot and zackbug lost their positions and their profits… ( a bit in a hurry I was !) After I replied to you for clarity, I did a little more reading and came to realize the option I was looking at was NOT the best. Your explanation the fog in my head away, and does away with the “constraint” which I was worried about. Obviously, I need to read a bit more about the powers of the FCC… thank you PRex


YW. It is confusing. Basically, as I understand it, Twitter et al ARE a utility, they are just NOT (yet) regulated as such (because of sec 230 perhaps?) BUT< the utilize PUBLIC infrastructures, and ARE subject to FCC guidelines in place REGULATING the fair use OF those infrastructures. Think a TV or radio station using PUBLIC air waves.


Then what happens? People dont all have working alternatives, esp if the cloudflare people and banks and others work together….evil is pervasive.


WE DO. What happens if Twitter et all are REMOVED from the public net? Alternatives pop up, and what is left is MORE judicious in their actions. Cause and EFFECT.


Harmful Conspiracy Theories – anything that runs counter to the Leftist agenda.
Accepted Topics – Anything that supports Orange Man Bad.


What was this guy and the one arrested in Texas doing in the U.S.????
Living here? Working here doing what exactly? Foreign leaders of a narcostate esp in CA shouldnt be here. Now we get to pay for a trial and incarceration. Be nice if he flipped.
Mexico’s Former Secretary of Defense Arrested In California
On Thursday evening, Mexico’s Foreign Relations Minister Marcelo Ebrard announced via social media the arrest of former Mexican Secretary of Defense Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda. The minister claimed he received notice of the arrest from the U.S. Embassy in Mexico.


Working for the drug cartels?


Oh sure or at least looking the other way. But why was he allowed to enter the USA to begin with?



This ties in nicely with HB’s statement that he has been paying for this family for 30 years . . . something I didn’t understand until just now.


I should have added HB’s other comment that Pop is taking half of his salary.





Swamp Thing!
On Thursday, a secretive group took it to the extreme by illegally hijacking a billboard on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood and turning it into a monstrous anti-Biden hit piece.
The gigantic billboard sits atop the Whisky a Go Go nightclub, and it used to advertise Swamp Thing, the DC Comics television show that airs on the CW network. But working through the night Wednesday, a secret, conservative group of street artists known as “The Faction” dubbed Biden’s face over that of the “real” Swamp Thing.comment image


Conservatives undercover strike back. We are the real alliance!


#GoTellItOnTheMountain #ZachWilliams #ChristianMusic
Zach Williams – Go Tell It on the Mountain (Official Music Video)


When truth like a river comes flowing your way
When your troubles like sea billows roll,
All the Bidens need to stop, think and say,
“Was is worth it selling my soul”?


People without souls will never reflect on that question. They sold their souls to satan a long time ago.


#TRUMP #MAGABreaking/Big Tech Interferes in 2020 Election to Help Joe!10.16.20


Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸@JackPosobiec
Vintage Poso ages so well
Quote Tweet
Voy Pawelczyk@Woj_Pawelczyk
· Mar 25, 2019
#Breaking: Joe Biden’s Ties To Ukraine Exposed


Jack P probably posted that a month after watching the Glenn Beck Videos from February


LOL, dumbass Schiff, WE denounce YOU. We don’t give 2 shits WHAT you think,. We KNOW you are lying, your lips are moving. I cannot WAIT till justice comes for YOU. I will ENJOY your demise like a fine wine.


I am sure you are not alone, Prog!!!


Nah, we are just a “conspiracy” right…LOL that “conspiracy” is gonna ENJOY kicking the subversives to the curb AGAIN in 2020, just like 2016.



Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. And the (non)Standard Hotel, and the Liddle “kindermassage” cover firm will come up and bite you and take you down harder than the largest shark that ever existed.
“A bigger boat” won’t help you in the least.
You’ll get your comeuppance, in this life or the next; likely BOTH… better turn and repent before it’s too late.
Learn, Turn, or Burn, Adam Schiff.
Your Choice. Your Eternity.
Choose Wisely, for YOU ONLY HAVE ONCE…


Twitmaster I recognize – who is the female?


Hunter’s Wife or GF? Dunno, P


Exactly! We see it in real time. Nothing like having your very own radically trained anarchist on the payroll for live action news stories.
Yep.. the narrative will be shaped and shifted until the murdered victim is declared the aggressor …manslaughter at best before this is over I’m afraid


I told you, this was a REAL LIFE version of Nightcrawler the movie. They CREATED an assassination, and were there to “make” the news. The Antifa guy, much like ISIS, was HAPPY to help, he got PAID twice to kill a Trump fan. Once via GS, the other time by Chanel 9. Antifa loves this like ISIS, propaganda.


I think they all should be charged with pre-meditated murder! Including the girl that was recording and if I’m correct she’s with 9News also. Her name was Richardson. She was with the group also.


Yes, EXACTLY. Premeditated murder, conspiracy to commit murder, and accessory TO murder.

Cuppa Covfefe

Any more of these and I’ll end up subscribing to “Log Home Living” 😀
Beautiful picture of GOD’S wondrous Creation…


Amen goes right there, Cuppa!!!



Please! Is that a promise?


Make sure he really does!>!>!>


Better get your plane ticket EARLY there “boss”, after Nov 4th, there will be a LOT of leftist requests, and Trump will be reopening the economies, so people will be flying freely again…costs go UP.
What happened to “born in the USA”?


Make that ‘kicked out of the USA’


Slinked out of the USA.


Look at that photo in the tweet…
They didn’t even give him a decent chair… a barstool…
Joe OTOH got a nice comfy upholstered chair…


Has anyone see the ratings for the two TV channels ?


I read this morning approximately 200,000 Trump and 21,000 Biden. Have no idea if that’s accurate.


Thanks Tea…


I believe those were internet ratings. TV ratings I’ve not seen either.

Cuppa Covfefe

Catch the “design” on the floor…
What do you think, Sadie?????
I would not sit in a pentangle laid out like that – especially at one of the points…..


Sometimes a star is just a star. Chill, friend.

Cuppa Covfefe

NO, it’s not. It’s the same design and proportions as the DEMONicRAT “campaign” “star”…
Have a look at and .
These aren’t games they are playing, and they mean business. I’ve dealt with their ilk in Los Angeles, years ago, and we have friends who departed “that order”, whose lives were made HELL by them, even after they’d changed locations and identities (!). Ephesians 6:10-18.


I missed that Cuppa…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Vimeo has been around a while but I have no idea what it’s actually about.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Is bitchute related to vimeo, or are you contrasting it. (I asked about Vimeo, you replied about BitChute; I have no idea if they’re connected or not so I can’t tell if you’re changing topic or not.)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK. I was confused because I thought about it and realized for all I knew Bitchute owned Vimeo (or vice versa) so I couldn’t tell what you were getting at without knowing the relationship (or lack thereof) between the two.


IMO All three of those need some sort of compatibility so they can share between themselves as well as Youtube, twitter, etc… or else they are stand alone silo’s and won’t see the required traffic. Same with Parlor and Gab. As wide access as possible to share content.


Would that be brandnewtube? newtube sells vacuum tubes.

Cuppa Covfefe

I’d like a 50C5 and a 12AU7 then 😀


I think that comment qualifies you to be a genuine Old Fogey.

Cuppa Covfefe

Nothing like working on a “gutless wonder” tabletop radio, with the waxed-paper covered electrolytic capacitors, and the sometimes dodgy circuitry… Ahhh, those were the days…
To think that today’s kids don’t have to learn about superhet, motorboating, flyback transformers, tubes with caps on them (e.g. Horizontal Output tube)…. 🙂


Or how sprinkling capacitors around a circuit board design “like fairy dust” used to be a thing.

Concerned Virginian

710WOR, New York, 12Noon news report:
So here’s CHRIS CHRISTIE, freshly out of the hospital from his bout with the CCP Virus. He’s now saying he believes he was infected at the Rose Garden ACB event — and, that EVEN THOUGH HE, and ALL the others in attendance there, were TESTED for the virus — he believes he got infected BECAUSE HE DIDN”T WEAR A MASK.
Christie then goes on to say that “Testing IS NOT a guarantee of safety. EVERYONE needs to wear a mask.”
And, almost as an afterthought, Christie then says it would have been better if “he didn’t weigh so much” before he became ill.
My opinion:
Christie giving a backhand stab at POTUS.
Christie may well vote for BIDEN.


People do not change – he was never on the side of the President – and – apparently, he has not done his research – his exposure had nothing to do with wearing a mask or not wearing a mask – people who have worn masks religiously – have been infected – hence – the mask has nothing to do with it!!!
Still a self-absorbed glutinous glob – he is!!!


“Amazing” ain’t it, ALL the people infected are “cured” less than 2 weeks later. WINK.


Chris Christie has never changed. One knows a friend if a friend stands by you. Christie is a fair weather friend only if he benefits from it. Guys like Christie are a dime a dozen a good friend one only meets once in a life time. Christie is not a friend only a friend for Christie.

Deplorable Patriot


BREAKING: New @JudicialWatch Study Finds 353 U.S. Counties in 29 States with Voter Registration Rates Exceeding 100% – 1.8 Million “Extra” Registered Voters
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) October 16, 2020


Now THINK. How are we finding this out BEFORE the election.
” I always feel like, SOMBODIES WATCHIN ME”


There were a few counties in FL that had more votes than voters in the 2012 election.




They have NO IDEA what is coming for them on Nov 3rd..NONE. They are going to get PASTED.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I recall hearing of a hokey game in Canada. A US team was visiting; and they played both anthems. THe sound system died as they were about to play the Star Spangled Banner…and the mostly Canadianaudience sang it.




That is Awesome!!!🇺🇸


Mickey Mouse governor of Maryland writes in Ronald Regan on his ballot…what a waste…more rinos in government.
The Republican governor of Maryland recently received his presidential ballot and did not vote for his party’s leader, Donald Trump.
Instead, Gov. Larry Hogan told The Washington Post that he cast a write-in vote last week for late President Ronald Reagan.
Hogan, 64, said that by throwing away his vote to make a statement, he thought he “could help a little bit and show Democrats the kind of Republican they can feel comfortable voting for.”
“I know it’s simply symbolic. It’s not going to change the outcome in my state,” Hogan told the Post, referring to Maryland’s reliable history of voting Democratic. “But I thought it was important to just cast a vote that showed the kind of person I’d like to see in office.”


Spit! Hogan is a loser of a Republican.


dems stick together–even if the absolute lowest dregs of society are on their ticket…they will vote for them…


More like Col. Klink.


TEAM TRUMP 2020 is back up again on Twitter


President Trump,
SOLUTION to Biden Plagiarizing Your Platform:
Remind America that “Biden Thinks He’s Trump”
… but he’s NOT.
Then share WHY.


Biden’s PROGRESSIVE disease now has him “Thinking he’s TRUMP”!


… in his DREAMS!


He would not make the LINT from Trump’s toes.


It seems relevant that one of Facebook’s key third-party fact checkers, the Atlantic Council, is funded by Burisma – the corrupt Ukrainian gas company that paid Hunter Biden $80k a month
— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) October 15, 2020





President Trump,
SOLUTION to “Do You Denounce White Supremacists” drumbeat:
“Of course I do,
… starting with the Leftists’ ANTIFA White Supremacist TERRORISTS”
“Look how they’ve disguised themselves in BLACK
… to transform BLM into the Leftist Black SUPREMACISTS”







President Trump speech on Protecting America’s Seniors:

FOX NEWS NOW – Live Now –


Murder Hornets dormant until stirred up~~


molly, I just cannot imagine a beheading on a pubic walkway.
pretty sure I’d get sick.
Cannot imagine this being anything short of a call to outrage on the part of citizens.
Beyond belief.


comment image


This is a joke.
A former Obama speechwriter was one of the questioners in Biden’s town hall.
Why not just give him some milk and cookies?
— Tim Murtaugh – Download the Trump 2020 app today! (@TimMurtaugh) October 16, 2020


Let me get this straight: The NY Times can post to Twitter & Facebook its story on Trump’s taxes based on unnamed sources and documents it won’t produce. But the NY Post cannot post its story on Biden based on documents it produced. Confused? Don’t be. It’s political censorship.
— Gregg Jarrett (@GreggJarrett) October 15, 2020

Deplorable Patriot


BREAKING: The #RNC has filed an #FEC complaint against #BigTech oligarchs for censoring #HunterBidenEmails story, just one hour after #SteveBannon’s appeal on #WarRoomPandemic 👇
You heard it here first
— Steve Bannon’s War Room (@WarRoomPandemic) October 16, 2020


So, Bannon is claiming credit? RNC filed one hour after Bannon’s appeal.
That’s all the time it takes to write, coordinate and file an FEC complaint?
I detect the strong odor of B.S. in the air.

Cuppa Covfefe

[for Steve 🙂 ] With Bill King announcing, “Stabler looks left, throws right, Biletnikoff leaps and picks the ball from between a phlanx of Denver defenders… TOUCHDOWN RAIDERS!!!!! HOLY TOLEDO!!!”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Watch your language.

Cuppa Covfefe

Excelllent language, methinks 🙂


Like Bannon or not, he has his USEFULNESS. I would like to remind all that the two associates of Rudy AND Bannon were “arrested” on trumped up (pun intended) charges within weeks of each other, and now BOTH are playing a part in this reveal.
I am still dubious of Bannon’s removal from the WH staff. Time, will tell.


It really doesn’t matter, does it? Just get it done….quibble about the credit later.


listing of some of the voter fraud occurring in the last month
Below is a list of some of the ballot problems reported in the last month:
In the Richmond, Virginia, area, six mailboxes were broken into, and mail was stolen.
Washington, D.C., has made several errors, the latest being sending ballots to long-gone residents. In another case, officials put the wrong date on ballots, and earlier this year, change-of-address forms were sent out with a design so poor that when sent back, they didn’t include the name of the sender.
Project Veritas uncovered ballot harvesting in Minnesota.
Some 100,000 defective ballots were sent out in New York City.
There was a case of suspected ballot harvesting in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, near Baltimore, prompting a voter warning by the county’s Board of Elections.
Voters near Columbus, Ohio, in Franklin County, were sent the wrong ballots.
In Los Angeles County, California, the Los Angeles Times reported, “Some 2,100 L.A. County voters got ballots missing one thing: a way to vote for president.”
About 18,000 ballots were rejected in the Massachusetts primary because of the type of voter errors Trainor warned about.
More than 1,600 Sussex County, New Jersey, ballots from the July primary were found last month. They were counted, however, and didn’t change any outcomes.
Over 100 blank, undelivered Jefferson County, Kentucky, absentee ballots were found in a dumpster.
In Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, 29,000 people were sent the wrong ballot. The county moved to fix the error.
In Pittsylvania County, Virginia, a voter unable to put a ballot in a voting box was able to pull open the box, raising security worries.
In Teaneck, New Jersey, nearly 7,000 voters received the wrong ballot.
A postal worker in West Orange, New Jersey, was arrested for allegedly dumping nearly 2,000 pieces of mail, including 99 ballots and 276 campaign flyers.


child molester killed in prison.
SACRAMENTO — An inmate serving a life sentence for child molesting has been killed at a Northern California state prison, officials said Thursday, and his cellmate is considered the suspect.
Deandre Austin, 46, was found unresponsive Wednesday evening in his cell at Mule Creek State Prison in Ione, southeast of Sacramento, and was pronounced dead less than an hour later.
He was serving a life term from Contra Costa County for rape, lewd and lascivious conduct with a child under age 14, continuous sex abuse of a child under 14, penetration with a foreign object with a victim under 14, oral copulation and sodomy.
His cellmate, Rodney Jordan, 29, is serving Los Angeles County sentences for first-degree burglary and second-degree robbery.


Sad and interesting that convicts still have a sense of ethics or disgust with sexual child abusers. The current DemCom view is oozing minute by minute toward excusing, minimizing and reshaping abuse as acceptable attraction to minors.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As I understand it, many were abused as children themselves, and that makes a certain degree of sense. It’s difficult to overcome that sort of damage, and many of them couldn’t function as adults–hence they ended up being criminals. So a disproportionate number of hardened criminals are victims of pedophiles.

Rodney Short

Back home we call it swamp justice….


Iow his cell mate was an ODC. ( ordinary decent criminal)

Cuppa Covfefe

The founding folks and backbone of Oz 😀


It’s where the anti authoritarian attitude and general disrespect for social niceties come from.
During (I think) the first gulf war a us general drove past australian troops with a australian General. When they had passed the us gen commented that the troops weren’t big on saluting as none had. The australian gen replied yeah but if you’d waved they probably would’ve waved back

Deplorable Patriot

Hence why the death penalty for these guys is a waste of money. Just put them in general population.



Rodney Short

Yep, tattoo their crime on their foreheads for almost instant results…


Forward this to Bill & Hill.


And oalso to Pedo Joe, Where’s Hunter…


As a completely off-topic random factoid, the town of Ione was originally known as “Bedbug”. I can’t imagine why they changed the name.


Bombshell: Biden and Son Corruption Exposed
In what some are calling the biggest story in U.S. politics, emails prove Vice President Joe Biden lied about his knowledge of his son’s activities in Ukraine, and even benefited from them to the tune of 50% of all money his son received.
The story in a nutshell: Hunter Biden was hired and paid up to $80,000 a month by Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company, not for his expertise (he had none) but to buy political leverage and influence with his father, at the time vice president in charge of foreign policy in Ukraine. This is considered textbook corruption.

Rodney Short

Wolf if Flep ok??? I haven’t seen a News Roundup and was just wonderin…


I have really missed the news, too, and wondered if he is okay. Does anyone know?

Rodney Short

Thanks Wolf


Hope Flep is well and not sick?
Maybe he is swamped with work I hope that is it why he is not here?
Always appreciate his news round up and read it first thing in the morning.

Rodney Short

Amen, being on the left coast Flep’s News Roundup is the last thing I read before I go to bed because there is no other news like it…


He puts so much time into his column. I hope he realizes how vital it is to a lot of us. We may not comment much, but it is THE news source for many of us.

Rodney Short

Amen there’s none other like it.
When Kimi gets home I am gonna have her check on Flep’s twitter acct.


agree….it is THE news source for me for sure


I might not have been able to sleep tonight without knowing that.


Yes, but in their ZEAL to “defend Biden” and “fact check” Trump, they “revealed” that Biden did not in fact call African Americans “super predators” He instead called them simply “predators” “beyond the pale”, “antisocial”, and “sociopaths”.
LMAO you cannot make this STUPIDITY UP. PSSST those things are FAR worse than calling AA super predators…dumbasses.
“Hey Rockie, watch me pull a rabbit outta my hat (AGAIN) nuttin’ up muh sleeve…PRESTO! ROAR…clunk.”
A real life bunch of Bullwinkle J Moose(s).

Rodney Short

It’s not like they broke the bank fighting them, we have had smoke non stop for months now.
They were hoping the rain would help with the RedSalmon fire which is closest to us, didn’t happen lol we were smoke free for a day and a half.
President Trump told Newscum 4 years ago to clean up the forest, he should of listened to Trump…


You are right on that. Never having the consequences to pay fir your own screw ups they let arsonists and fires run rampant. I swear this is how they pay for slush funds.

Rodney Short

Amen and this scam has been going on for years and years….
We really need an honest media who will hold people accountable.


After seeing what happened in Oregon…really makes me wonder how many of the Ca fires aren’t deliberate arson by eco terrorists…slush funds AND pushing people into urban areas to further their grand agenda 21 plan


Thankfully, after 49 fires, we are now down to 7, and they are almost completely out. I NEVER want to go through that again.


I think it was wearethenews, and I pulled it onto my desktop. But I’m afraid to drag it here because my info comes with it – tech impaired.


Yes. I agree.


Not to mention, CA surely cuts the budget (equipment, maintenance, personnel, and forest management) everywhere they plan to bilk the Feds with emergency funds…WHEN THE ANNUAL CRISIS RETURNS.

Rodney Short

In the 11 winter’s we have been here it’s been one fire after another but this year the smoke just didn’t let up. There is alot of fuel on the mountains for next years fire season then that monster under the bed(global warming) or what ever the cool phrase for the day can come make some more smoke for more Federal $$$$$$


Code Monkey Ron at 8kun just had his twitter account deleted for tweeting the following:
“Woah … Just saw an alleged image from the Hunter laptop. Not going to go into detail on the image but you will know it when you see it. Its so horrifying terrible that i can’t even describe it here.
I weep for the abused.”


I saw another one. Referenced doing lines of cocaine off the naked body of a preschool-aged child, and deserves fast track death sentence.


You actually saw the image?


No I saw a tweet by code monkey Ron, at wearethenews.


I replied again above.


Ah ok. Yet sick and .likely true




First “Ministry Of Truth Meeting”


The dystopian mandate is something else but the replies are funny.


So … there’s always parks and woodlands.

Cuppa Covfefe

Wasn’t there a hit play entitled, “No Sex, Please, We’re British”???
Just found it. Yep, there was:comment image


Benny Hill is weeping in his grave.


Such ignorance.
FauXi would probably endorse. Fredo’s Bro and DeBlasio put in their next edicts.


Tim Pool@Timcast
And Trump still beat Biden
Trump 4.5M Streamed network views
Biden 2.8M Streamed network views
Quote Tweet
· 5h
TikTok users watched Biden’s town hall on multiple devices to try and beat Trump’s ratings


Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸@JackPosobiec
You saw the truth last night
Trump isn’t running against Biden
He’s running against the media establishment


Trump was supposed to participate in a “town hall” last night but spent the whole timing dealing with the village idiot.


Cari Kelemen@KelemenCari
Trump’s Town Hall:
Questions asked by Savannah Guthrie: 43
Questions asked by town hall attendees: 10


Havana Gutwrench


In the United States of America ?! Never would I have imagined … again, for the 100th time..this harassment and intimidation is not one bit different than the old Klan tactics. Why is it being allowed ? There is only one group that uses ACAB as their creedo.
An Seattle elderly couple were targeted in a drive-by shooting on Friday, police confirmed to Fox News. The Seattle residents believe the cause of the shooting was a “Thin Blue Line” flag outside of their property in support of the police.
Footage obtained by KIRO-TV showed a vehicle firing nine shots into the home in North Seattle before taking off. The couple are two grandparents who have lived in the neighbourhood for decades. The couple informed the station that they believe the reason for the shooting was because of the flag in support of law enforcement.
“I went numb. This didn’t really happen did it?” the homeowner stated. “I’m fearful because I don’t know who it would be that would get that angry.”
The elderly man said that , “about twice a week” he talks with people who have made “derogatory remarks” and told him to take down the flag.
“I didn’t argue with anybody,” he added.
The couple have been subjected to vandalism on their property.
“ACAB” which is an abbreviation for “All Cops Are B*stards” has also been spray-painted onto their home. The couple replaced their flag with a smaller version, hoping for it to deter members of the public from taking their anger out on the elderly couple, simply for supporting the police. Unfortunately it did not work and Seattle police officers have told the couple that keeping the flag hanging is not safe. “


Cowards. Victimising the weak and unprepared


so the BULLIES get to bully and the just and decent people need to FEAR them???


according to the Mayor of Seattle… who has told the police to stand down and who has allowed the domestic terrorists to do whatever they want…


following the socialist/communist playbook to the “T”


Catturd ™@catturd2
As reported by Fox News …
Twitter Political Donations …
To Democrats … $347,270 – 98.9%
To Republicans … $3,556 – 1.01%


I am wondering if leaving his laptop at repair shop wasn’t a DELIBERATE act of sabotage on the part of Hunter, who seems tired of being the (god)father’s bagman for 30+ years…


I would not be surprised to hear at any time that he has committed suicide. I don’t wish for that, and pray for his repentance, but he is in so deep that he might see no other option.


He will get no tears from me.


Where’s Hunter is counting his blessings his mama isn’t hildabeast.
Where’s Hunter needs to be around to testify against his Pop. Then on to prison.


You can start making “Hunter didn’t kill himself” signs now, and avoid the rush….


Perhaps, but more likely he was simply STONED and forgot what was ON that laptop, then FORGOT where he took it.


AHA! yes… iirc, he once left a rented auto with his wallet and (his)keys and a few other items, somewhere (not the auto rental company)


AND his crack pipe. It was rented in the name of his deceased brother too.


THANKS… that’s real class, right?


LOL do you remember, this is the SAMER guy (Hunter) that LEFT his PRENANT wife to shack up with his dead brothers WIDOW, SHORTLY after his brother’s death. This is ALSO the guy who got a stripper pregnant, and then fought in court the paternity.
NOT a “sharp guy, or a moral man. Yet NO ONE seems to CARE what a National security RISK he WOULD be. C’mon man.
This guy makes Billy Carter look like Billy Graham.

Deplorable Patriot

Why did I think of one of our residents when I saw this?



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That bit about Biden needing two is new, but the rest has been there for months. I drive by it fairly frequently.

Deplorable Patriot

For the record, you weren’t the one I was thinking of.
Well, not in this case. I see a video with a reptile, that’s another story. 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah now THAT could be taken two ways…


Hilarious, me thinks.


Is that a MILITARY vehicle?

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot


And along the highway in Ft. Myers where he made an awesome speech about Protecting America’s Seniors!!!

So sweet after the scare when he got the ‘Rona and had to go in the hospital!!!


Yup. Surprised he has any at all.

Rodney Short

Tweaker teeth


Looks to me like teeth filed down in preparation for caps.

Rodney Short

🤢🤢🤢 I dont wanna know no more lol.


Looks like what happens from repeated smoking of meth and crack.


Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸@JackPosobiec
BREAKING: Hunter Biden’s former business partner Bevan Cooney has flipped. He was jailed over a bond scheme, and has connected with journalists @MatthewTyrmand and @PeterSchweizer. Turned over access to his Gmail account.


Jordan Schachtel@JordanSchachtel
NEW @peterschweizer bombshell report: “a delegation of Chinese investors and Communist Party officials managed to secure a private, off-the-books meeting with then-Vice President Joe Biden.”
Exclusive — ‘This is China, Inc.’: Emails Reveal Hunter Biden’s Associates Helped Communist-Aligned…
Newly obtained emails from a Hunter Biden business partner lay out in detail how the Vice President’s son and his colleagues used their access to the | Politics

THREAD – remember to remove the splat…


SOMEONE needs to get a FOIA request on the WH logs again. Correlation will be DEVESTATING.


Fingers crossed PRex, fingers crossed.


Methinks that is ALREADY in the works OR already DONE.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m getting verklempt. [fanning self, holding back tears]
Talk amongst yourselves.

My mom got a not from an old student who was a teacher for 40+ years on how she was an influence. I think Mom’s going to frame it.


well now… what a difference…
these are people who ACTUALLY know Amy, LAW SCHOOL alumni
as opposed to UNDERGRADUATE students who signed a piece of paper, never having had one word with Amy Corney Barrett…

Deplorable Patriot

This is the Republican running against Cori Bush for Missouri’s first district.


NO, are you saying ol Joe plagiarized someone AGAIN..say it ain’t so Joe…LMMFAO.


SV News🚨@SVNewsAlerts
BREAKING: Dan Bongino officially diagnosed with lymphatic cancer.




Oh thats really not good.
Hoping its not metastasized.


Yes. He didn’t say.


Sad. Prayers treatment can be successful.


Bongino is a PATRIOT, and we NEED him. Get well soon Dan.




Is that one of the types that responds to HCQ or Ivermectin?
Hope someone tips him off to options.


Hope so too



Another chance to watch Bad Decisions.


Again..NOT “bad decisions” CORRUPT decisions. “never assume incompetence when it can be substituted by MALICE. Abergine’s razor.

Deplorable Patriot

Dad always said the apple does NOT fall far from the tree. CIP.

Deplorable Patriot



Good. BuhBye and enjoy the life there…
Australia’s COVID-19 martial law lockdown – Rebel News
Search domain
On last night’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, we checked in with Australia’s COVID-19’s strategy, from their infection rates to the martial law crackdown that rivals China’s.. The premier of Victoria state is a socialist named Dan Andrews. He’s the worst. He is signing treaties and partnerships with Communist China, in the face of his own federal government’s opposition to Communist China.


Remember, there is MORE than meets the eye down under. Between Australia and New Zealand. Remember, Tom Hanks was in Australia when he got covid. “shooting” a “movie”


Well, there goes the farm in Colts Neck. It’s too bad he turned out to be such an ignorant jackass. He went to my high school, graduated two years before me. Sister Ginny was in my class. Was not a friend, just an acquaintance as one of my best friends dated George Theiss, bass player in the Castiles who died two years ago. What happens to these working class (for real) musicians veering left? Billy Joel is another one — much more talented than Springsteen. JMHO


“Got a wife n kids in Baltimore Jack, I went out for a flight to Australia and I never went back”. New lyrics for the “boss”


Ok so I went to tumblr (don’t ask) and I saw a lot of Libs saying they were sick of the old white men and were doing a write in vote for a female (I think for Tulsi Gabbard)
YES throw your vote away. No I would say that’s not Biden.

Deplorable Patriot

You can’t fix stupid…but this time around we can welcome it.


That is very true



Of course they did. I’d like to toss them all in Gitmo



Cuppa Covfefe

The sign on the hill reads
San Francisco
The Industrial City”…
I used to drive by that every day. Would be ashame if that and the area around it burned. That sign’s been there at least since the 1960s… Have to wonder if the fire was set (or a high-tension line dropped)…

Sadie Slays

This is from SD. Regardless of personal opinions about OT, I agree it’s prudent to take care of holiday shopping now before the Election chaos. Baking ingredients in particular have been hit-or-miss here since the start of the crisis, so a Thanksgiving/Christmas baking shortage seems entirely probable to me.comment image


Sadie is correct. I was in Target yesterday, and there was not a can of pumpkin to be had. No big end-of-aisle displays with pumpkin/cranberry sauce/chicken broth/stuffing etc.


Buy a fresh pumpkin, and cook it and freeze it. Pumpkins are easy to find now. I bought a pie pumpkin last week at Winco for 2.50, and got enough pumpkin for 4 pies. Bake or boil the pumpkin. I’ve done both.

Sadie Slays

Excellent point about the lack of aisle displays. The canned pumpkin is usually out front-and-center in October. Don’t remember seeing it advertised in my local grocery store circulars, either.


Believe what Sadie has posted, is really quite spot on.
Below, have posted similar a few weeks back.
Yes, food levels, OTC, vitamins, and paper goods far and away better than four months ago.
That said, gaps remain. Depth, amount of goods on the shelves is commonly not full.
Absolutely applies to baking and cooking supplies / ingredients.
Being a shopper of impeccable taste, Walmart’s continue to have significant gaps across their stores in ALL departments. Like the stuff mentioned above, what is stocked, the shelves are commonly not fully stocked, as they were ten months ago.
While things have improved somewhat, not significantly. IMO.

Sadie Slays

I’ve noticed exactly the same thing about the lack of depth on the shelves. For example, the local grocery store will only have 2-3 bags of bread flour at most on the shelf where it used to be fully stocked before. Unless they’re deliberately holding back inventory for the holiday season, this is not going to be sustainable through holiday baking season.
There also appears to be a canned food shortage at my preferred grocery store. They’ve been out-of-stock on canned tomatoes and tomato paste for over a month now.

Deplorable Patriot

The big displays are already up here and the soup aisles are currently loss leaders.
Maybe it’s a regional thing.


The Library
We know courtesy of the Senate Homeland Security committee report on Hunter Biden that he was involved with the sex trafficking of minors. Turns out there might be photographic evidence of Hunter Biden sexually abusing underage girls. Remember, the FBI has had this laptop ALMOST A YEAR and has not acted on it. All on Christopher Wray’s watch.
#whereshunter #CreepyUncleJoe #ukraine #china #russia #FireWray #sextrafficking #bribery
Harold Wren
, edited
The Library

Deplorable Patriot


Waste of time, IMO….they just sit there and lie without any hesitation.


Waste of time, IMO….they just sit there and lie without any hesitation.
^^^ Sort of like those that’ll question FB, TW..”lie without hesitation”.
230 needs to go away, break up monopolies, massive fines for election interference…


Maybe they can be put in the cell where Roger Stone was going to serve.

Sadie Slays

Quality post from /qresearch/ about what the Q movement is all about:comment image


It’s exceptional.

Deplorable Patriot

And the last 2-3 weeks have been…what?????


“You ain’t heard the half of it, yet.”


The buildup to the Aria DP.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s called a recitative.

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s where they say, “Hello, how Aria”…
(ducks flying libretti, music stands, props, etc. 🙂 )…


I knew the singer in the group would know!

Deplorable Patriot

It’s a skill we all have to learn. Similar to chant. In fact, when dealing with classically trained singers who are not Catholic or of the Orthodox Churches, that’s what I tell them. Sing chant like it’s a recitative.


Rodney Short

Rodney Short

It’s all they got Wolf, now were close enough to the elections it’s time to wake up the sleeping sheeple.
The commies worst nightmare just throat punched em all, each and every one of em…
Sad thing is the MSM still thinks they’re relevant 😎😎😎 We are the news and they cant close Pandoras box to stop us….


EXCEPT, now one of the people IN the email chain is cooperating, and has VERIFIED the emails as true, original and ACCURATE. Oh, and has ALSO identified the “big guy” AS Joe Biden.
This is going to get REAL bad for team Cabal AND Biden. I am hearing through “little birdies” that there is some SICK stuff on Hunter coming.
NO amount of gaslighting will stop this, it will ONLY get worse, and they MORE the MSM deny, the WORSE it will get.
Oh, and do not think they will not try the dee fake stuff to deflect, WON’T work. There are other PEOPLE in those photos top come..Hunter can’t REMEMBER, so they CANNOT arkanicide them. The FBI, who has had this since dec 2019 is NOW being WATCHED. TRY IT> I would BET that Rudy ALREADY has these people lined up to testify via affidavit.
Hunter, and by abstention Joe is NOW a “liability” WHEN will the Cabal cut bait..SOON>


News re: Uranium One corruption that is related to Ukraine corruption…comment image

Rodney Short

They will live to regret Ukraine…


BIGLY. But Ukraine is just the TIP of the iceberg. There is also Kazakhstan, and China to come. Oh, and I would not doubt some Haiti and Benghazi too for good measure.

Rodney Short

Bengazi will not go away Rex, what I wanna see come out at a rally or news interview is the slush fun We The People finance for these pervs…
Wanna unredacted sumthin then let’s see what has been paid for these deviant pricks bullshit behavior…
Nother thing I wanna see now that i am ranting is no more closed coffins for these political figure’s i wanna see with my own eye that there’s a body in the box…


Oh there would be a body, jut not THE body. Benghazi is a tthe HEART of the ILLEGAL weapon sales to ENEMIES of the US, and later USED against our own troops. ALL brokered by John McCain. THE middleman.


Who controls Nicole Wallace? China? Just asking for a friend.
She used to work for Republicans in name only? Was is Bush? A lot of turn coats worked for him what I am seeing.

Rodney Short

She is also CIA from what I remember, I could be wrong there lol to much rattling in my head.


She used to be on Joe Schmo’s morning show.
No wonder she is touched like Mika 🙂


She was very major in McCain’s campaign but evidently hated Palin (or saw her as a threat who might help McCain) and deliberately sabotaged her. Makes me think she was a plant all along.


Would not surprise me.


Ellen Nakashima, same reporter present when Richard Ledgett leaked general information about foreign intel (Dutch) assisting US intel in stopping the Cozy Bear hack of the State Dept in Nov. 2014, at Aspen Institute seminar, hosted by John Carlin in March 2017. Is Ellen relying on the same sources?

Rodney Short

We shall find out very soon I think….



Always gotta watch the spouses and connections of same,
Speaking of….
Hi Rod Rosenstein!


Someone said “follow the wives”


TIME for review of ol Hunter (and Joe’s ) taxes. HOW much is off shore and OFF book..A LOT.


Nothing to see in taxes – conveniently hidden


Biden maybe, Hunter LOL NO. I will bet my gopher suit he is sloppy, most drug addicts are. They do things like drop off laptops with incriminating evidence on themselves and their family, and forget where and when they did it.


That is true – disorganized and sloppy –


Drug addled…highly unreliable, highly unstable. I would bet Hunter is as much menially diminished as Joe is.


Consequently, he has no reason to enter rehab – he is fine in his own little world.


Yep, and “daddy” was HAPPY to let him be, it was EASIER to conduct the shakedowns that way. Daddy Joe NEVER thought HE would be implicated. WRONG again joe.


Is he stupid (parodying Judge Jeanine) or what? Like Father – Like Son – they both like children!


Alzheimers in Joe, and drugs for Hunter. Their actions ands diminished sensibilities and capabilities state LOUDLY that they have NO PLACE anywhere NEAR any levers of power.


True, Prog – but, I still do not think NO JOE has Alzheimers or even Dementia – I believe it is all a ruse to put in the transition candidate – he even said he was the transition candidate – how would anyone with diminished capacity know that?


He has ALWAYS known. But he knows nothing of Q…LOL.


SOME are doing GOOD work on the Hunter Biden stuff. Almost ALL programing is covering it.


It is going to be worse than the OJ Trial – l think –


Yes, this will make Watergate look like a small event. We have not ONLY the former VP of the US’s son on the take as a drug addled RISK, we also have the former VP himself who is a mentally diminished risk in itself, now you add his son as a MAJOR liability. This is a house of cards in a hurricane, NOT gonna end well for the cards.


Personally, I think the former VP has been mentally diminished for longer than at the present time – if – in fact – it is not an ACT!


No matter if it is real or not, this NEW revelation will make him play it REAL. I think Joe and hunter risk it ALL for the cabal, and maybe the elders risk exposure now too. If I am right, Ol Joe will be “sacrificed” BEFORE even the election.
Joe and Hunter are NOW liabilities.


Agree – they are now liabilities – then again – so is Harris – the brainwashed, asleep at the wheel, Dims – remember ‘Nice Joe’ – they do not like ‘Nasty Kamala’!!!
Q is right – These people are STUPID!!!


Q, as we now see, was always right. Future DID prove the past, what he was telling us weeks, months and YEARS ago.


True – what we did not see was that we were getting ‘advance notice’ of things to come – based on ‘past’ foibles!!!

Rodney Short

It was Devin Nunes who said over 100 reporters and media folks could be charged with treason/sedition…
Let the bones fall where they must, but this must never be allowed to happen again in America, NEVER those were Trump’s words….


That number is off by a factor of at least 10, but it’s a start.
I repeat….again…for the ?? time….
Nothing of what we have witnessed in the past decade+ would have been possible were it not for a willfully corrupt and highly partisan (ie. biased) news media.
In a Republic whose power resides with The People, where the “4th Estate”…a free, OBJECTIVE, and FAIR news media…is a vital, national security concern, what leftists in the media have done is unquestionably sedition and treason.
They have cost us $trillions$ of dollars, hundreds of thousands of lives (dead, injured, mental/physical), destroyed families, businesses, etc., etc., etc.
They must be held to account, and their punishment exceptionally severe.

Rodney Short

Exceptionally severe works for me, they must be made examples of or it can happen again…
I am sure we can build gallows that will support 10 at a time or more. 90% of Americans would agree.

Deplorable Patriot

“…a free, OBJECTIVE, and FAIR news media…”
Trust me, in this case, “free” takes on two different meanings. There’s freedom and then there’s being beholden to who holds the purse strings. In my line of work, as a volunteer, I can close the hymnal if there is a song I don’t like. As a paid soloist, no…although I’ve been known to charge extra to sing certain pieces of crap.
Same principle applies.


Hmmm…do not remember hearing him say that – Thanks, Rod!

Rodney Short

It was a lil over a month ago Duchess on Maria’s Sunday morning show.


Oh, I do not doubt that, Rod – just do not remember hearing it.

Rodney Short

It’s definitely one of those things that once you hear it you cant unhear it


True – agree

Rodney Short

Night and God bless Duchess 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Night, Rod – Blessings to both you and Kimi!!!

Rodney Short

Thank you for the blessings Duchess


Most welcome, Rod!!! God pours them out daily – we just have to believe and receive!!!

Rodney Short

Sorry it was on Lou Dobbs..


Oh, ok, Rod – Thanks!!!


I remember hearing him say it but not when and where ? Maybe Maria

Rodney Short

It was on Maria’s Sunday show a while back.


Duchess, did you finish my book? Remember the Podesta meeting in EARLY 2015 (April) where I” discussed the pied piper strategy. Hillary had @ 65 members of the MSM at Podesta’s house for dinner.. Guess who one of them was…Savanah Guthrie…Want to know another…Steve Scully.


No – not yet – been busy – but, hmmm…
‘Well – Isn’t that special’ – said the Church Lady.


Yep. it is NO small group, and it is ALL connected. They are ALL in on it. That is why there is so much craziness (TDS) AND why they are living in their OWN little bubble of delusion and DENIAL.




They all believed this humongous debacle would not see the light of day – now – the DELUSION and DENIAL is their reward.


Yep they BOUGHT their own groupthink.


You ever notice this? Not sayin’, jus’ sayin’….comment image


Listen to OUR preferred science. GIGO , JUST like climate change. Science is ONLY as good and reliable as the data AND those entering and analyzing that data.
When you let a narrative introduce bias, the “science” is SUNK, and JUNK.


Message Sent During Town-hall Interviews, Patriots Ready The Second Wave, Buckle Up – Episode 2304
October 16, 2020 x22report


So, what’s up next?
FLASH! Just in!
Rudy Giuliani set up by Russian intelligence with fake computer files created by classified Deep Fake technology to be the conduit to take down Joe Biden . . . who the Russians fear as a formidable opponent and staunch defender of western democracy.
Details remain cloudy to protect sources and methods.


I am so sick of these poor little babies being maimed/killed because they are teething (that’s a major reason why 8 month old babies cry inconsolably). IMO pediatricians should warn new and/or young parents about this BEFORE the baby starts teething.—-infant-mostly-brain-dead-father-accused-of-shaking-son/article_604fba1c-0f4b-11eb-a2d6-7fee3af7c07f.html

Gail Combs

Good grief I have no kids and I know about frozen teething rings (to numb inflamed gums) and teething gels to sooth the pain.
If worse comes to worse —EAR PLUGS FOR DAD!

Deplorable Patriot

You can also put brandy on them. Not too much though.


Donald J. Trump
Getting ready to land in Macon, Georgia. Another giant crowd. See you soon!

Rodney Short

Some people just shouldn’t reproduce…


Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸@JackPosobiec
There will be more than one. @OANN
Quote Tweet
Kenneth P. Vogel@kenvogel
· 1h
NOTABLE: BEVAN COONEY, a jailed ex-associate of HUNTER BIDEN, seems to be cooperating with conservative journalists @PeterSchweizer & @MatthewTyrmand on at least one story about Hunter.
Cooney reportedly provided the personal emails for this story.


Zerohedge is reporting on the Breitbart exclusive. The email quoted in attached to both reports. Lots of interesting names dropped in the email.
Over 250,000 people have read the ZH post, and over 1000 comments. Here’s one. Have no idea if there’s any truth to the comment or the linked video:


See Pheonixrising’s scoop below.


Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸@JackPosobiec
Sure would be a shame if @OANN got our hands on brand new emails from Hunter Biden’s firm
Stay tuned
You haven’t seen anything yet
Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸@JackPosobiec
Been sitting on a this all for a week now as we are getting everything prepared for release.
We’re almost ready.
Hold fast.

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸@JackPosobiec
Check the date
Quote Tweet
Himalaya Global@HimalayaGlobal
· Sep 28
Bombshell… 3 hard disk drives of videos and dossier of Hunter Biden’s connections with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have been sent to Nancy Pelosi and DOJ. Big money and sex scandal! may come out soon according to Youtuber media Lude @ding_gang
Show this thread


I guess it’s safe to assume what ever this Mr. Lude has, Rudy has too.


Never forget once upon a time Rudy cleaned up NYC… RICO is his middle name…


Whistleblower Movement….cool.


Steve Bannon in the background, and is that the biotech scientist whistleblower in the mirror?!?




Why would anyone send a hard drive to Crazy Nanzi.
Unless of course they want to give them time to flush it or create a defense strategy.


Vid says CCP sent it to her. Apparently the idea is to light a fire under Pelosi so that she spares nothing in defeating PDJT.


perhaps to see if she would do anything with it? A 2nd copy went to FBI and we know they must have put it with Huma’s husband’s laptop…


Smoking gun connecting Nanzie impeachment timeline with release of the virus?


Sebastian Gorka DrG@SebGorka
Quote Tweet
Jack Posobiec Flag of United States@JackPosobiec
· 5h
BREAKING: President Trump announces he has reached an agreement with CVS and Walgreens to deliver vaccine to nursing homes for free


Justin Clark@chefjclark
🚨 🚨 HUGE WIN for voting rights in MICHIGAN for President @realDonaldTrump, the GOP & all Americans.
Ballot harvesting is ILLEGAL.
Ballots must be in by Nov 3. AKA Election Day
We are winning the fight for a FREE & FAIR election.


Larry Schweikart@LarrySchweikart
This should wrap up MI for Trump. Today’s news that the three big D counties are behind 2016 in early votes, plus Trafalgar’s poll should begin to wrap this up.
Quote Tweet
Kendall Karson@kendallkarson
· 1h
DETROIT (AP) — Absentee ballots must arrive by Nov. 3 to be counted, the Michigan Court of Appeals said Friday, blocking a 14-day extension that had been ordered by a lower court and embraced by key Democratic officials.


Dnt, cnt, dnt, another one bites the dust. EIGHT down, about 5 to go, Bye Joe, Bye Nan, hope yall like ORANGE>


I’m wondering IF… there will even be an election at this point 🙂


We have to rub their noses in it Rayzor!


Yes we do…still…. I believe that Biden is going DOWN (Before the election)


100,000,000 to 1?


That is fantastic!!!!




Boris Makes Moves Against The EU,[CB] Begins Their Narrative,Countermeasures In Place-Episode 2304a
Message Sent During Town-hall Interviews, Patriots Ready The Second Wave, Buckle Up – Episode 2304b49


Above is the X22 Report – Episodes 2304a and 2304b


The Epoch Times@EpochTimes
“We’ll go to the floor on Friday the 23rd and stay on it until we finished. We have the votes.”
Sen. #MitchMcConnell said the #Senate will take up the nomination of #AmyConeyBarrett to the #SupremeCourt on Oct. 23 with a final vote scheduled for Oct. 26.
McConnell: Full Senate to Take up Barrett Nomination Right Before Election
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said that the Senate will take up the nomination of Judge Amy …


“…stay on it until we finish.” Does each senator get to speak before the vote? Spare us the agony…


It’s election year… for 1/3 of the Senate anyway
you know how they want to get their views heard and into the Record… and some may want to drag it right up to Nov 3rd


Larry Schweikart@LarrySchweikart
Replying to @dm1299
I think Trump already has it. It’s only a question of whether it’s 300 or 350 EVs.


I’ll take the OVER.


me too



Correction, USED to be the Bermuda triangle of laptop evidence against dems. NO longer


davealvord164 Retweeted
Spay & Neuter the Media@k_ovfefe2
Nodding lady from last night! She says the organizers switched her with someone else who was sitting right behind Trump and she thinks it’s because they thought she would hate him because of her race. Backfire! Face with tears of joy
Quote Tweet
Real America’s Voice@RealAVNews
· 2h
EXCLUSIVE: Did @nbc think @JoliMayra was a democrat when they switched her to sit behind @realDonaldTrump?
SURPRISE > She’s a supporter of the President! Flag of United States
Watch the FULL interview with @DavidBrodyCBN on
#NoddingLady #TrumpTownHall


She is a beautiful lady insight and out.


Yes Singing… and I hope the Lefties who are trying to dox her leave her alone…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

She has a distinct accent and it’s not an “ebonic” one. Wonder where she’s from, originally?


Caribbean perhaps?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Could be.
Lends an exotic touch.


Formerly Dominican Republic…she’s also a former candidate for Congress from Florida and an immigration lawyer.


President Donald Trump Sends Signed MAGA Hat to 15-Year-Old Utah Student Who Was Bullied and Assaulted for Supporting Him


Bin Laden’s niece that supports Trump is on Tucker right now. Clock behind her that remains at 10:10. I can’t recall the significance of this if any.


Another great rally, at least 1 3/4 hours.. President Trump honing his attacks on Dementia Joe. Great crowd.


Wrong thread^^^^


Ok I have to admit I never liked Biden BUT I had no idea that his family has so much corruption.


I’m with you Kea… and we’re being told “you ain’t seen nuttin’ yet”
He always told voters about how he took the train every day and lived so modestly…


Bachman Turner Overdrive – You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet 1974 Video Sound HQ


Thanks Michael…


Incidentally, BTO opened for Van Halen on part of VH’s 5150 tour. Bachman was no great fan of formal schooling and pulled his son out to tour with the bands for a few weeks. Younger Bachman put out a beautiful and heartfelt rememberance of EVH after his death.


Time For A Real Change At The FBI
Time For A Real Change At The FBI
Anyone harboring doubts as to the merely cosmetic changes made in leadership at the FBI can now put those doubts to rest…
Authored by Marc Ruskin via The Epoch Times,
Anyone harboring doubts as to the merely cosmetic changes made in leadership at the FBI can now put those doubts to rest. President Donald Trump received some poor advice when he came to select white-shoe attorney Chris Wray to replace James Comey as FBI director.


Wray was Chris Chrisie’s lawyer and he suggested and Rosenstein did too. That is what I remember any one else?


BYE Joe. Fox news on Laura Ingraham. Fox has confirmed BOTH a source corroborating the authenticity of the Hunter Biden emails AND that the “Big Guy” referenced in the emails as getting a CUT for a CCP deal WAS in FACT Joe Biden.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. NO more Joe and Hoe. They CANNOT not cover this. They are FUBAR. BEYOND FUBAR…we are in FULL clusterfuck mode.


Do NOT for get who owns a MAJOR stake in Twitter. Dopey Price Waleed. You know Obama and Hillary’s friend.


Waleed hates Trump and is a bad as Chinese wanting to control US


Yes, and he was neutered by MBS. But he still has tentacles.


Was “Waleed” not involved in Las Vegas somehow? Like…. Ownership in the hotel?




I think he owned a hotel within a hotel, like the top 3 floors.


The Breitbart email string includes a Mohammad A. Khashoggi. Adnan’s son? Jamal’s cousin?


Possible. Muslim Brotherhood.


It looks like all the local Seattle area networks are ignoring the news about the Biden Crime Family. Got a heads up from DD, and looked at a couple of stations’ websites, and I do believe she’s correct. Surprise, surprise (not). It’s why we don’t watch TV any more. Web and talk radio, are better sources of news.


And of course, here is where I look first!


We’d read Flep first, but he’s been out. He’s missed.


Yeah, me too. I just hope he’s busy and not burned out.


White Hat Friday Conversation


Franklin Graham@Franklin_Graham
I’ve never seen hatred like we’re seeing in our nation today. The mainstream media is so biased & will do whatever they can to attack @POTUS Trump. He has done more for our country in 4 yrs than any president in my lifetime, but that doesn’t matter to agenda-driven media.

Deplorable Patriot

The other side is just pi$$ed off that POTUS and his team have scored so many successes despite them.


I am so happy to see this from him!
I have been really bummed by the silence of so many Christian leaders who equate both parties and do not take a stand against abortion, or the obvious corruption of the left.
God bless this wonderful man!
And thank you, Phoenix for sharing this.


You are so welcome LM…


Brian has a THREAD – no Reader… I’m pasting his first tweet, then
copy/pasting the Text in first-last (’cause y’all don’t have enough to read already, right? 😉 )

Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates@drawandstrike
You’re watching October Surprises being prepped, the pieces moving around the board for the final week.
I’m not saying you have to AGREE with Trump’s team strategy in delaying doing this stuff until just before the election.
I’m asking you to RECOGNIZE it.
On SpyGate, BidenGate, Big Tech, just on those three fronts you’ve been watching the pieces move on the board for 2 weeks now.
“Why now? Why not a year ago?”
Good question. I don’t know.
I only see what they’re doing RIGHT NOW.
All of a sudden in the FINAL MONTH BEFORE ELECTION DAY Trump’s team is suddenly rapidly acting on ALL KINDS OF STUFF at lightening speed that *could have* been done long ago.
Now you can TELL YOURSELF this is nothing, just a coincidence.
But I would ask you to take one thing into consideration:
That makes this PERSONAL for him.
His revenge was ALWAYS going to be F**KING SAVAGE.
All you Conservative pundits running around screaming “OMG THE FBI HAD THIS LAPTOP FOR A YEAR AND DID NOTHING WITH IT!” ?
Here’s a question for you: How long did @RudyGiuliani and his lawyer have it before that story suddenly appeared in the @nypost this week?
These October Surprises are not being rolled out to HELP TRUMP WIN THE ELECTION.
Why **can’t** you grasp that?
He’s **using** the proximity of the election to force them to cover the stuff they otherwise would never touch with a fifty foot pole.
As for the election itself, he already knows he’s gonna squash Biden like a cockroach. He pays for his OWN polling, not the fake media polling.
17 days out.
Expect the pieces on the board related to
1) SpyGate
2) BidenGate
3) Big Tech censorship
to start moving at lightening speed.
That final week is going to be INSANE.
And just now:
RNC files FEC complaint against Twitter, claims company made ‘illegal in-kind contribution’ to…
EXCLUSIVE: The Republican National Committee on Friday filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission alleging that the censorship of the New York Post article about Hunter Biden’s overseas…
Rudy has not been shy talking about what will be revealed at the end of the five day BidenGate rollout:
Quote Tweet
Alex Salvi@alexsalvinews
· Oct 15
Giuliani on @NYPost Biden Report:
Q: Can we expect more info before Nov?
@RudyGiuliani: “The Post has published 5% of [hard drive] and have at least 2 more situations more serious than this … The real big money corruption takes place with the Chinese Communist Party.”


So beautiful!!!!
I hope Camala is done for too before this is over


^^^ THIS.


referring to Friday’s ruling in MI
Brun0Barking Retweeted
Real American Politics@RealAPolitics
This basically gives everyone this fact:
We will know the winner of the election on election night. Most of the the battleground states now have to count ballots on Nov 3rd and recieve ballots on Nov 3rd
Quote Tweet


I keep wondering what happens if Biden drops out before election day. Things are looking so bad for the Bidens, and I would not be surprised if Hunter did something drastic. Here’s one report from the point of view of a candidate dying sometime during the election process.
From the article:
If something happened after the conventions but before the election, the national party committees would pick another nominee. Under Republican rules, the Republican National Committee could reconvene the national convention, although Pildes told me it’s hard to imagine that being feasible. So in both parties, national committee members would vote to elect a new nominee.2 Pence would once again be the obvious choice for Republicans, although the GOP would also have to pick a new vice presidential nominee (as would the Democrats if this situation arose for them). And while Democrats could try to back a former candidate or an outsider who didn’t run — say, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo — Brown said a crisis like this would likely push the Democratic National Committee to put the vice presidential nominee at the top of the ticket. “I assume that the Democrats would attempt to follow that same pattern [as the GOP],” she said.
And what if something happens very close to Election Day? It’d probably be really hard to pick a replacement in time to update ballots, as most deadlines to certify state ballots would have passed by early October — not to mention other logistical hurdles that could pose problems, such as mailing ballots for overseas military service members in time, or making last-minute adjustments to absentee ballots. It’s entirely possible that if the candidate died only a few days before Nov. 3, voters might not know who the party’s nominee was when they go to the polls.


Not saying that these apply, but it looks like that a special election was held or someone appointed, although that’s not likely in a presidential election, AND only IF the deceased won.


I can’t like that!


538… that’s Nate Silver’s blog isn’t it? Progressive …
well TheseTruths, I doubt seriously we will encounter this situation this year.
They’ll try anything to continue the fear, won’t they? Don’t read 538… that’s my answer to the problem.
Heck, we just found out we’ll know who won the night of Nov 3rd…


Yes, but progressive or not, he presents the rules. If Biden drops out, the candidate would almost certainly be Kamala. Many people have already voted for the Biden/Harris ticket, and it’s too late to change the ballots.
Not that it is going to matter since they’re going to lose anyway. But it would present some interesting hand-wringing and scheming from Pelosi, et al. They might try to delay the election or something. 🍿


I don’t know where he is getting his Rules from… and I don’t believe Biden will drop out… he’s NOT suffering from dementia, the reason he is running is to avoid prosecution (because he thinks he CAN’T be prosecuted as a candidate)… no, he won’t drop out. CHINA owns his butt… he’ll run because they want him to win.