2020·10·17 KMAG Daily Thread

Shitstorm Saturday??

Maybe, and that would be ironic, because this time I actually do have something to talk about that has nothing to do with justice for the Deep State.

Or maybe it does, in a way, because the war for liberty is a constant in our lives, and what I’m about to talk about is an earlier battle.

So I have filler on the week when I don’t need it, but I’ll use it anyway.

The Battle Of Saratoga

On this day, October 17th, in 1777, what we now know as the Battle of Saratoga came to an end.

The British held New York (and New York was actually largely loyalist). They came up with looked like a good plan, to send troops north from New York, and south from Canada, to meet in the middle near Albany and cut the United States in half. Britain commanded the seas, so there’d be no way for the two halves of the country to communicate.

There were a lot of horrible SNAFUs, fortunately. The force in New York City had left to seize Philadelphia before the orders arrived, and they did succeed at that.

The northern force of 8000 men under General John Burgoyne, by contrast, was trying to do the right thing but just ran into snag after snag, some of which the patriots engineered, some of which were just Murphy in action.

Even before leaving Quebec, Burgoyne ran into difficulties. They expected to travel mainly over water, and thus hadn’t brought too many wagons and draft animals for the land parts of the route. In June, the governor of Quebec finally issued orders to procure the land transport, but the carts were freshly made out of green wood, and driven by civilians who were more likely to desert. Finally on June 13 Burgoyne set out. Burgoyne’s forces, with the invaluable support of Indians, quickly sailed up the river and up Lake Champlain, capturing Fort Cown Point (undefended) by June 30th. The Indian screening forces prevented American scouts from learning of the true size of the invading force. A series of mistakes on our part made it easy for the British to capture Fort Ticonderoga–which we had considered impregnable–on July 6.

This was a big enough disaster that the French, on the verge of joining the war on our side, decided to hold off.

Burgoyne consolidated his position and then moved on to Fort Edward. Again the Indians preceded him, but this time they became impatient and started indiscriminately raiding frontier families, which simply caused more locals to turn to the Patriot cause. Most famous of these fatalities was Jane McCrea, who had been engaged to a Loyalist; ironically her martyrdom ended up helping the American cause.

But Burgoyne was now deep in hostile territory, and he was realizing he had supply difficulties. He tried raiding the surrounding area for supplies, and a regiment, plus some Brunswick dragoons, under the command of Friedrich Baum went into what is now Vermont to obtain (i.e., steal) supplies. This force ran into 2000 men under John Stark at Bennington, and was enveloped and captured on August 16. That deprived Burgoyne of almost 1000 men and, of course, he didn’t get the supplies.

Burgoyne blamed the Indians and the Canadians who had come with his forces, and most of the Indians and Canadians left his camp; Burgoyne now had fewer than 100 Indian scouts, and now had no protection from the American rangers.

Now Burgoyne was realizing he’d not be done before winter. He had the choice to either retreat or push on to Albany; he chose the latter. A month of maneuverings with only two pitched battles followed, but one was an attack on Ticonderoga, well to the rear of the main British forces.

To cut out a lot of complexity, Burgoyne was finally defeated at Saratoga on October 17th, 1777. The plan to cut America in two had failed.

It would be hard to overstate the importance of this. For one thing, the French, when they learned of this, finally came into the war on our side. By declaring war on Britain, they were risking their own necks, and they didn’t want to jump in until we had really shown that we were in it to win it. And Saratoga did just that.

It shook the British up enough that they tried to negotiate a peace the next year, and repealed many of the acts that had goaded us into fighting. They even offered us self rule and representation in Parliament. That might have worked as late as 1775. It wasn’t enough in 1778. (The self-government offer was basically the blueprint for the later British Commonwealth–the Brits had learned their lesson by then.) After we rejected the offer the British reassessed their strategy, and turned to the south.

And so…a direct line can be drawn between October 17, 1777 and another event exactly four years later, October 17th, 1781, in Virginia. General Cornwallis, commander of the last significant British army on US soil, on that day began negotiations for surrender at Yorktown. That surrender took place on the 19th (meaning we can celebrate another anniversary this coming Monday), and the war was effectively over. The British government fell (i.e., their Prime Minister had to resign), and that was that. We just had to sign a peace treaty with the country that was now forced to acknowledge our independence.

Betsy Ross Flags? Fly ’em if you’ve got ’em. I do and I will.

Justice Must Be done.

Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People...Our campaign represents a true existential threat, like they’ve never seen before.

Then-Candidate Donald J. Trump

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

The Mandatory Coin

I’m going to skip this, this time; Saratoga is quite enough history to “chew on.”

Important Reminder

To conclude: My standard Public Service Announcement. We don’t want to forget this!!!

Remember Hong Kong!!!

I hope this guy isn’t rotting in the laogai somewhere!

中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

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— little fish


He’d have to be dope if he wanted to involve himself w/ Panda, WEF, UN at this scale.

Sadie Slays

Let’s have a discussion about our local grocery stores. This was prompted by the last open thread where I posted a warning from SD to start preparing for the holidays now to avoid upcoming shortages. That prompted the following responses:
1) Gingersmom2009 mentioned a lack of canned pumpkin and a general lack of end-of-aisle displays for Thanksgiving staples.
2) Kalbokalbs mentioned a general lack of product depth on the shelves.
Myself, I’ve noticed similar things at my own local grocery store. There’s product on the shelves, but it’s not fully stocked like it was pre-COVID. The canned pumpkin and other Thanksgiving staples aren’t on display like they usually are at this time of year. Another observation I must add is that my local grocery store appears to be going through another canned food shortage. They haven’t stocked canned tomatoes and tomato paste in over a month, and the canned goods they do have are lacking in product depth.
It appears that while grocery availability has improved since spring, supply is still not back to normal. Will grocery availability be sustainable through the heavy demands of Thanksgiving and Christmas? Is it possible manufacturers and stores are holding back inventory until busy the holiday season? I don’t know, but I think SD’s advice to do your holiday shopping now is wise.
What about your grocery store? Any other observations to add?
SD’s shortage warning:comment image


Pumpkins are late this year.
The planting season was delayed by rains so all the crops are running a couple weeks behind.
Short version is that you will be able to get plenty of pumpkins soon in their “feral” form, but if you want them pureed in a can and ready for pie, forget it. No canned pumpkin this year.
Fortunately, most of us here are more than capable of puree’ing pumpkins, because we’re the smart ones.
All it takes is a small soapbox or a cardboard box, and getting your car up over 50mph. Works like a champ.
So there’s not some huge pumpkin conspiracy. Just a little global planetary climate change in action as the glaciers advance to destroy mankind in the next one hundred plus years.


As I posted on yesterday’s thread, there are lots of pumpkins to buy now. Bake or boil, 1 1/2 c pureed pumpkin for most pie recipes (per pie). Freeze in appropriate amounts for your recipe.


Pumkins can well too!


Yes, but they take a long processing time, and I don’t want to have to park myself in front of my canner for a minimum of 45 minutes (or more)!!


That was a trip down memory lane!


we saw this guy in person once–so funny…got beans in my hair–but i loved it!


nope, distinctly a can of pork and beans…lol


Our local grocer and our Wal Mart grocery have never fully rebounded from the beginning shortages and one thing that I’ve noticed:
At check out stands, the clerks at the local grocers & Wal Mart used to inquire of every customer…. “Did you find everything you were looking for?”….I no longer hear that question being asked.


Walmart here contracts (outsources) for restocking… I think that’s part of the problem here… I never see the contract workers ! Maybe COVID has something to do with bringing them in, or whatever.
Aldi’s is full to the brim… as is Publix and Kroger and Bi-Lo…
maybe it’s because it’s South Carolina… no bad weather? But we’re not seeing any shortages.


Lots of empty shelves at my local Walmart and the Brookshire, too.
But Aldi is full here.
I am stocked up on pumpkin but need mincemeat and some spices.
Turkey at Walmart was $1.39 a pound.


Most of our groceries stores stopped carrying canned minced meat a year or two ago…guess they weren’t selling enough. I looked into ordering it but the shipping was more than the product. Here in the south pecan pies are much more popular, naturally. I suspect it’s a regional thing.


I have homemade recipes but boy are those involved.
My mom was an okay cook, but her mincemeat pies were remarkable.


Minced meat and canndied fruit always sell out a few weeks before thanksgiving and little of it shows back up before Christmas. The first time you see it on the shelf you have to buy it then or run the chance it won’t be there by next shopping trip. True for the last 4-5 shopping years.


Enthused holiday bakers start well in advance…my mom used to make “whiskey cookies” several weeks ahead of Xmas because they had to soften after baking. And, of course, the traditional fruit cakes were often made several weeks in advance.
This conversation reminds me to buy some King Arthur flour to have on hand. Used to love, love baking but rarely do it these days and have given many of my pans, cookbooks, etc. away.
But, regarding minced meat…our local Publix manager told me they just don’t stock any longer.


I think it’s hard to keep in business when you just sell a seasonal item with no around year demand..


I found the condensed kind at Amazon.


Interesting your Kroger is full to the brim. Our Smith’s (Kroger family) has gaps and commonly what is stocked is not full.
Perhaps our Smith’s is at the end of the distribution line. Also many for folks from CA move into the area. Store is significantly busier than a year ago. Hours 6-11, where it was always 24/7.

Sue Mcdonald

I buy staples in bulk, from a local public restaurant supply. 50 pds of flour lasts around here for 2 months. Sugar 50 pds, coffee beans 10 pd bag, all spices in bulk 50 pds of rice and beans . I grew up cooking and baking from scratch.never ate store bread until I was an adult.i bake bread 2 times a week .the supply house has plenty of staples but most folks don’t buy from there.walmart in our area is not well stocked hasn’t been all year. Always empty shelves on bread isle and veggies .I went to grocery outlet to find a few cans of veggies no corn but lots of peas. I am hoping when I go to our local butcher that the fires havnt affected the ranch. I buy meat in bulk as I do have a freezer. Sad thing is younger people have never been taught to cook or can it’s like a lost art.
I process all my chicken eggs so I have a nice stockpile set aside for the winter. Food is the most important thing in life and yet most don’t think about it as long as a drive through is open. For me my 2 instant pots and my stand mixer are the most valuable items I own.

Sue Mcdonald

After posting I realized that I am a prepper lol have been since childhood. We have gennys and propane ,a water pump in our creek and chickens and ducks for back up food supply.in my world the wolf is always lurking around so be prepared at all times.heck we even buy tobacco in bulk and roll a smoke if we want one lol.we live away from town ,cities and towns are never good places to be when things get FUBAR. We are surrounded by wild game so have a nice 22 and bingo you have a turkey or a deer when needed. What 20 something knows how to dress a dress these days? Not many. I guess what I’m saying is always be ready cause you never know what tomorrow may bring. Grocery stores may not be able to help in a bad situation ,we need to take care of ourselves be more independent.
Ok getting a little wordy so I’ll get back to reading😊


Same for me.
I went to my supercenter and aisle after aisle had really depleted shelves. Also only 1 person stocking. I was looking for pumpkin for bread a couple weeks ago and couldn’t find it. used pumpkin pie mix instead.
There are lots of pie pumpkins out. Im not seeing any Thanksgiving displays. Theres one baking display but its cookie mix, frosting, and a few staples.
Then I had a pick up at a small regular walmart which was pretty stocked. Was able to get bacon for mr gil.


I can visualize there being a shortage of certain types of gifts because of boycotting China. Children’s gifts will probably be the hardest hit. Kids surprisingly are pretty adaptable, and can understand if things are well explained, and the little ones are usually thrilled with whatever shows up.

Sue Mcdonald

My daughter was looking for something the other day couldn’t find it and I told her that most things come China and these things will have to be made here now.


With the same spices, sweet potatoes taste the same in pies as pumpkin! I’ve never tried yams, but they taste pretty much the same. Sweet potatoes are easy to bake and peel too!


‘Tater pie is an old Southern tradition in areas that are too hot and humid for the lengthy time to grow pumpkins, that was our solution. In 90+ degree weather, pollination is a problem for pumpkins.


Sweet potatoes are cheap and easy to grow in the South. In my community, there are or were, before Øbama*, farm stands selling sweet potatoes directly to consumers. One farm had them in bags and boxes weighed, priced and ready to go – and used an honor system, with a cash/check box in their garage. And they were cheaper to buy that way than in the grocery store. It’s the same way I buy pine straw bales near our neighborhood.
There is even an old Southern saying to describe young folks just starting out – young and poor – ‘They’re just living on love n’ tater pie.’
*Øbama loved taxes and regulations, hated American prosperity, so he targeted, attacked and stopped the local farm produce stands.


At my house, sweet potato is the ONLY Thanksgiving pie!
My kids would kill me if I made pumpkin pie.


We always used butternut squash from the garden instead of pumpkin.


Coat chunks of butternut squash in olive oil and roast. When done, stir in gorgonzola cheese and fresh spinach, which will immediately wilt. Just fabulous!


I forgot about butternut squash. It’s so delicious halved and baked with brown sugar and butter in the hollow. Great with baked ham for an Autumn dinner.


I buy organic cans pumpkin for my dogs they love pumpkin mixed with meat in there kibbles.
They are not always in the store and I just cook a sweet potato for them. I am not a big fan of pumpkin pie neither anyone in the family.
I like pumpkin soup and make it from fresh pumpkin.
Notices some flour is missing that is why I stocked up on whole grains and mill my own flour.
Yesterday I began to bake a baking 24 hours real German Schwarzbrot and is so healthy.
This whole epidemic has made me go back and bake cook things the way I grew up. So much has been lost for young people that use to be every day normal. No shopping list for me just go into the store buy what is available and cook that.


Thanks for the reminder, Singing Soul. I have lots of hard winter wheat stored and made about 16 waffles this week for the freezer. I love to bake bread. I’ll look up a recipe for the german dark wheat unless you have a recipe handy on your computer.


The recipe is from a US book on Bread from around the world.
“The Rye Baker” Classic Breads From Europe and America by Stanley Ginsberg
Recipe I weigh my flour and water
For the Scald (Day 1, Afternoon)
26.50 OZ ( 4 3/4 cups) Course rye meal
26.50 OZ (3/16 cups water
Rinse mixing bowl with boiling water
Add boiling water and flour to the bowl cover and let sit for 16-18 hours
room temp 68-72
Final Dough (Day 2, morning)
l 12,35Course rye meal, 12,35 OZ ( 2 1/4 cups
salt 0,42 OZ (2tsp.)
Add rye meal, salt and Scald to the bowl if using mixer use the paddle. The dough is heavy and mix at low speed for 20 minutes.
(I have an Swedish electro lux mixer that can take heavy bread mixes.)
Grease a 9-4-by- 4pullman loaf pan with lid if not a lid one can use foil.
Pack the dough into the pan to make sure there are not air pockets . Use wooden pick to make holes into the dough.
Cover the pan with greased parchment paper and aluminum foil to prevent steam to escape when baking.
Put the pan into a cold oven set Temp to 300F after 40 minutes to 220F and bake for 24 hours.
When bread is done remove from pan carefully let it cool then wrap into plastic bag and let it stand for 48 hours before cutting.
I wrap the bread into a linen towel and when the bread is cooled put it into a plastic bag but often leave my breads wrapped in linen towel.)
Good luck 🙂


Thank you so much!!! I’ve never used my Kitchen Aid mixer much for yeast bread and rolls. Generally, I make too large a batch for the mixer…so I’ll have some to freeze.
Every Christmas I used to make 50-70 of these to give as Christmas gifts:
I made whole wheat rolls big enough for small sandwiches, but rarely loaves. I also used to make french bread, but that gave way to the ww rolls.


That looks delicious 🙂
I make Stollen for Christmas and begin first week in Dec. to make them.
I bake all my bread and different types but stay away from white bread. My husband who is a diabetic II does well with the breads i bake. Most are German recipes. He had bad eating habits and it took him until he became sick to begin eating as I do. His mother thought she would do a good thing giving him all the bad food rich people eat because she never had it as a child.
Since he eats like me he does no longer need the meds and controls the blood sugar through diet.


Excellent! Wonderful he was willing and could get off the meds. It must be painful and a big bother to stick finger several times a day and take meds.


He does not complain. I am the one who does not like meds and do not like to have needles stuck into me. Up to now i am blessed even with my one bad eye but see better than people who have two good eyes.


There’s no yeast or sour mix in this recipe?


That is right just rye flour. Since I grind it myself it is easy to mill it course.
Just water and salt.
I grew up on bread like that because there was not much to eat after WWII. The bread is very healthy.
Some breads on the Internet have sourdough starter in and a little east.
Some recipes use 1/3 whole kernel soak the or even cook the to soften and when cooled mix into flour.
The recipe I gave you is very dense and heavy. The bread needs to be sliced very thin.


I’ve copied the recipe – but it will be a while before I make it – due to having such an excess of wheat berries on hand.


Singing Soul, I may have to buy some rye to grind and make this bread. The ‘scald’ method is very intriguing. I especially like that your recipe doesn’t have caraway or fennel seed of which I’m not fond.


I baked a loaf overnight and turned out great. The sad thing is I have to wait 48 hours to slice it 🙁
The bread is really good with salami and hard cheese or lox or German ham 🙂


I’ve been cooking up groats for our dog, using leftover liquids sometimes, and adding whatever odds and ends need to be used up. So about 1/3 home made dog food with the rest regular dog food that is free of rice, soy and pea protein. She likes it, it keeps the cost down, and it agrees with her. Too much food with pea protein causes her to develop yeast infection.


Only dry food does not seem to be to good for dogs and mine do not like can food either. They like carrots and celery as treats. I add some days egg to their food or chop meat or chicken and they love salmon also. My Peri is a glutton and have to watch she does not eat Woodford’s food and treats.
Right now Peri is at the Vet since last week Friday her operation was infected after I had taken her back trice and they told me she was ok. Long story pick her up Tuesday.
Thanks for sharing how you feed your dog 🙂


Well, I hope she does okay, and I know you and she will be glad for her to be at home.
I used to (and still may) have a book that a friend gave to me when we were boarding dogs. It was very useful in helping to figure out what to feed dogs that were having food allergy problems. Itchy skin, flaky skin, and ongoing yeast infections can be indicative of food allergies. There used to be more variety available ingredient wise in the dog foods. It seems that various “bandwagons” have been jumped on promoting this or that ingredient as the perfect one for all dogs. Rice was the first one, being touted as an easy to digest ingredient for all dogs. But some dogs get a fine, flaky dermatitis from rice. Anyway, this book looked at the countries of origin for different species and what foods were available to feed them. It was really helpful, and for mixed breeds, we’d look at what foods were good and bad for each breed, and try to find a middle path that would work for the dog.


Yes it is helpful. Peri had a tumor benign but had grown and needed to be removed. She is 10. We all will be happy when she gets back. She is a Cattle dog and seems to do best with meat and vegetables and not to much grains.
You seem to have much experience with dogs.


You might say so…. I’ve take care of literally thousands of dogs over a 30 year span!


You sound like my wonderful boarding place where I take my pets in KY when traveling. She retired this year but will take my dogs .
The virus is hard on small business.


Yes. Where we live now there are 2 boarding facilities within a half mile or so, and I can tell they haven’t had much business because of the lack of noise.


How does this look?comment image


IMO Need to add Panda, then it’s about right. Hunter and Lude revelations are huge pieces to the puzzle.


On supply chains


Thank you, Sadie, for an important post and for everyone’s replies.
In the UK, we are also getting advice to stock up now on flour. I’ve bought a few extra bags over the past few weeks. One supermarket I frequent is now out of flour regularly.
We have also been given the same info re buying Christmas presents.
There is a soft drink popular in England — Schweppes Bitter Lemon — which has not been on the shelves since April. Most supermarkets used to have it for online orders, now only one does: Sainsburys.
I can’t get Grey Poupon at my regular supermarket. They are stocking Maille now (not the same taste at all).
It would be useful to have regular comments on this, maybe once a week.

Cuppa Covfefe

Speaking of Schweppes, they used to have Bitter Orange. Do they still have it, or was it taken off the market for some reason?
(I’m wondering if it’s only made for the UK or something). Orangina and stuff like that just isn’t the same…
Ironically, we have Schweppes Bitter Lemon here in (formerly) Beautiful Downtown Deutschland….


Lucky you!! Thanks for letting me know. 🙂
Bitter Orange seems to be only in Germany now. I just did a search and everything that came up is in German.
You can buy it online:
I know what you mean about Orangina. It always tastes salty to me.


You probably already know this, but to keep bugs (they’re called Indian meal moths here) out of the flour, store them in the freezer if you can. Doesn’t affect the flour at all, but keeps out the little critters.
We also put the bird seed we buy in the freezer right after we get it to kill the grain moths/eggs.


Thanks for the tip, milady — much appreciated!




Oh, dear, Churchmouse, hate to contemplate a grey poupon shortage.


IKR?? 😉
I’ve never had a problem getting it locally until now. I’ll have to get some in an online supermarket delivery.


since we enjoy turkey dinners all year round I am always stocked up on shelf staples for those kinds of things. and we eat pumpkin bread, pumpkin roll and pumpkin pie frequently as well so I bought a dozen cans of pumpkin in the spring…
I do remember telling hubby that the turkey gravy (in a jar…yuck!) that he loves so much was no where to be found tho…same brand of chicken, pork and beef were plentiful so I wonder if people or organizations aren’t stocking up ahead of time…

Deplorable Patriot

Our local grocery stores are using soup as a loss leader and have already got the baking season displays out. I usually just walk past them as I eat as little of that stuff as possible, but will pay attention next time I go. As for other staples…some places are deep, some aren’t depending on the item. Turkeys are already available. The typical pattern of house brand canned tomatoes are on sale for 59 cents a can, and it’s picked over is absolutely the rule of the day, though.
What I DID notice yesterday, was the movable barriers, the waist high boxes that can be shuffled around to make cattle chutes or amusement park queues, were all but gone in one store. Things were much more relaxed there. I’ll have to tour some of the others, but it looks like things are loosening up.

Deplorable Patriot

The other thing to keep in mind with warnings like this is the possibility that the powers that be want another run on staples for the evening news. Psy-ops and all that.


With the panda somewhat evolving into the election picture given unparalleled v fraud and Hunter + Lude news I concur.

Sadie Slays

I wouldn’t put it past them to try to ruin Thanksgiving and Christmas by deliberately holding back beloved holiday foods from the stores. What prompted me to post all of this, though, is that the baking ingredients aisle at my local grocery store has been perpetually picked over since the crisis started. Unless they boost inventory, it’s not going to be enough for the holidays.


“It shook the British up enough that they tried to negotiate a peace the next year, and repealed many of the acts that had goaded us into fighting. They even offered us self rule and representation in Parliament. That might have worked as late as 1775. It wasn’t enough in 1778.”
It should be noted that this is where the people of Hong Kong find themselves today. The usurpations were bad enough that individuals came out publicly for freedom — and the CCP has their name and likeness on file. These individuals can accept no half-measures, because they’d be “disappeared” as soon as things got quiet. That’s the unforeseen consequence of an all-knowing, all-seeing police state…..there’s no possibility of de-escalation or slackening of tension because everyone knows they’ve been tagged.



Sadie Slays

From /qresearch/:
The Chinese man pictured with Rudy and the Chinese virologist whistleblower claims that there are two more hard drives in addition to the Hunter Biden one. Those hard drives have damning information on China:
https://twitter.com/ding_gang/status/1304226100688621569comment image
This all might sound outrageous, but Rudy himself is hinting at something similar:


Bruno has a thread on this… no Reader as yet
Here’s a link, remember to remove splat…
and here are two tweets from the THREAD to stir your interest
1/ the #BidenCrimeFamily Corruption is being revealed….like peeling back an onion.
Chinese Whistleblower + @ChanelRion
HERE’s the tape from the Whistleblower…explosive…
Quote Tweet
All 50 News@All50News
· 15h
Anon said it: 12:33 video
Chanel Orion said it
17 confirmed it
Now this Chinese Whistleblower says it’s all delivered on 3 hard drives to Trump along with Xi’s financial blackmail in Congress, his financial assets in US, his plan to take control of US indefinitely, and MORE.
Exploding head twitter.com/all50news/stat…
8/ The 11 min tape in entirety, 9/24/20, saying the US election will end in a ‘funny way’ w #BidenCrimeFamily sex tapes about to come out. The hard drives were sent to DOJ, but pro-Biden forces there quashed them. Same time, Hunter laptop emerges. Wow.


Catch the hint about Bloomberg? Now, wouldn’t that be a scandal!


Yes… and how he now hates POTUS

Sadie Slays

Bloomberg’s disastrous primary run makes a lot more sense now if he was being blackmailed into it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t know what’s happening, but anybody who doesn’t sign up for 4 more years of this amazing stuff is an idiot.


Hunter and Lude news are big pieces of puzzle. V fraud is through the roof. Expand what we think we know big picture wise and insert new info. May go back long time. Could change what we know about some. Could bring down total cabal. Remember p. safe.


In an interview ~four months ago, President Trump’s own words,
“We have it all. There is a good chance we can get them all”.
^^^Second part words very close to that. Interview may have been Maria or someone like that.


From @Guild on Gab…comment image


Architecture and art project???

Sadie Slays

comment image


don’t miss Bannon in there as well…


The “Art” shown is the diagram of the Fibonacci sequence. Very prominent in Nature.
If we start near the outer edge… and move to the middle, Things get tighter and tighter.
Is that a signal?


Is the woman the Chinese virologist/whistleblower? What’s plugged in near the floor and why plug in an electronic device and have it on the floor?

Sadie Slays

Yes, the woman in the picture is the Chinese whistleblower.


So it’s a vortex.
But spreading out


Authored by Tom Luongo via Gold, Goats, ‘n Guns blog,
“No self-respecting man would lift a finger for a witch like Pelosi. Every man alive would walk through hell for a woman like Mrs. Barrett. That’s what changed this week…”

Rodney Short

Amen and AMEN…


^^^ True! ^^^
Easy to understand, really.
Pelosi is pure evil. Absolutely a repulsive person to watch or listen to. Thankfully I have never seen her in person. Easy to understand Nanzi represents and is proud of Frisco.
Barrett, embodies the American spirit and goodness in every way. Americans, good people embrace ACB’s rich values and qualities.


Nanzi’ father was Baltimore Mafia, moved to CA and set up shop there… she’s never known anything but power… over others … through violence. Even one of her daughter’s spoke of being terrified of her.


Savannah was a shrew. I wonder if she realizes how ugly her face becomes when being insincere & nasty. Not a pretty look. She should get out of her bubble – getting paid all that $$$ doesn’t make up for lacking class.


Oh, kal, I posted about Savannah, because she’s another one who will turn ugly with age…


Yup. It is a common problem with fake media folks. They live and work in their bubble, can’t relate to real folks and life outside NY and DC media world.
Daily, they are a self licking ice cream cone that reconfirms their utter self perpetuated brilliance. All for personal glory and of course, BIG paychecks.
For me, they are on the same level as hollywierd and sports stars…loath them all.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s a great essay!


I thought so… one part I did not understand… his comment about Barret might not be what HE would like to see on the court… would like your take on that comment Wolfie

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t think ACB is a Scalia conservative, and she said the same thing, point blank. I think the author would prefer a straight-up reflexive conservative – and a MALE. That’s just a gut feeling – he strikes me like a lot of guys I know who unashamedly trust MEN to be less driven by emotion.
Also remember what ACB said when confronted by that sleazebag Dick Durbin about George Floyd. While what she said can be read multiple ways, one way is that she fell for the BS propaganda before the body camera footage was released. That stuff is not reassuring – she could have an Achilles heel that the left will play – her black kids – and in multiple ways (they’re sneaky as hell).


Thanks Wolfie…
I kinda picked up on the vibe that he would prefer a MALE…
and that’s okay… his preference… still darn good essay!


I think most people have a certain comfort zone regarding genders…one example, off the top of my head, is choosing a doctor. Thinking OB or proctologist, for example. It’s not a matter of competence but more a personal reaction.


We shall see….. will ACB lead and persuade the Øbama leftist women on the court…or will they move and sway her? I think she’s very strong and able to hold her own.
My concern is whether she is squishy like Gorsuch on social, moral issues or is she a rock-solid Biblical Christian. I’ll have to look into her Catholic organization and its standards/history of morality and social justice. There is a wide range of practices and beliefs on social issues from abortion to LBGT to Climate Change™ to politics among Catholics.
Shockingly – the most well-known groups of Catholics fighting against the priest sexual predation and abuse of children and teens, mainly boys, actually believes in the LBGT agenda/propaganda! It is illogical and strange that they would fall for this deception.
Through my entire adult life, I’ve watched, studied and fought against the normalization and propagandizing of homo-bi-lesbian-transgender-pedophilia as ‘orientation’ and ‘identity’ since its inception in the 50s,60s and 70s through the fall into apostasy of the churches in 2002 into the present. This is personal – due to the behaviors of close family members, people I have known over the years, etc.
There simply is not a Scriptural, scientific nor statistical basis or defense for the normalization of deviant sexual behaviors/proclivities, disorientations, distorted senses and perceptions of self – none whatsoever. The terms ‘sexual identity’ ‘sexual orientation’ even homosexual, LBGT are all lies, invented terms for propaganda purposes to promote their agenda.
It is cruel to deceive young people into these unhealthy, high risk, unhealthy, often violent, GOD-forbidden proclivities and lifestyles. It’s not Christian love to affirm these lifestyles and acts, it’s actually cruelty. People’s identities are more than their perceptions, emotions and conditioned responses.


“Shockingly – the most well-known groups of Catholics fighting against the priest sexual predation and abuse of children and teens, mainly boys, actually believes in the LBGT agenda/propaganda! It is illogical and strange that they would fall for this deception. ”
The first thing I thought of, when I read that paragraph, is how much it reminded me of the Uni-Party in our government.
How the RINOs pretend to oppose the Left, but somehow just never quite manage to come through, as the Overton Window relentlessly slides further and further toward insanity.
Now we know it’s because they’re all crooks, both sides of one Uni-Party, working together for themselves and their own power and wealth.
Like an insiders’ club, and the good of the country isn’t even a faint afterthought.
That’s very much what I was reminded of, except with regard to the churches, instead of the government.
What if the constant ‘struggle’, this whole ‘red team vs. blue team’, is all a fraud, just like it is in our government?
It would explain just about everything.
Just like it does in our government.

Deplorable Patriot

“the most well-known groups of Catholics fighting against the priest sexual predation and abuse of children and teens, mainly boys, actually believes in the LBGT agenda/propaganda! ”
Psst: they’re in it for the money. They don’t necessarily believe in objective truth, just cold hard cash, which is why many of us don’t particularly give them support other than prayer and exposure of the predators who need to be excised from the clergy.


You really think SNAP is all for the $$$

Deplorable Patriot



I followed all that closely for years, because I was involved in Catholic classes and prayer groups.


DP, I appreciate your honesty about parts of RC your church and your faithfulness to the truth and holding the line.


What if the constant ‘struggle’, this whole ‘red team vs. blue team’, is all a fraud, just like it is in our government?
^^^ Perhaps a tweak to the first couple words.
It is the constant ‘struggle’, this whole ‘red team vs. blue team’, is all a fraud, just like it is in our government?
IMO, There really is but maybe a handful of Congressman and a couple Senators that true conservatives.
Truth is, President Trump’s America First policy is genius to the point of obvious, Yet never stated by politicians and certainly never followed. America First is the only correct answer for politicians to take.
The Uniparty, Republicans, Democrats, all of them asshoes are most commonly NOT working in our interest.
^^^ This is the reason I am unabashedly on the Trump Train. America First. President Trump IS the only person I have ever donated to.
Uniparty has unlimited ways to fund raise and their ill gotten wealth can be used if needed.
All of that said, I always vote Republican. They are various shades better than D-Rats.


Agree 1000% KK!!!


fl/ga, thank you for this. Love your godly and logical mind.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is where I think there will be disappointment sometimes. If the law is clear on an issue, she will back the law. If there are fundamental problems with the law, she may be able to address those. For example, the rights of innocent children clearly supersede the rights of pedophiles to abuse them (obvious to us, but not to Dems). Some law which is clearly out of whack will likely be overturned. But less clear problems may not be something that can be addressed, and remember – she will NOT create law like a Dem appointee.
Should be interesting, whatever happens. INTELLIGENCE is being sent in to tackle problems.


Very good points, Wolfmoon.


I am Delighted about ACB over any dem appointment.
However, I have concerns – who is vetting the those doing the vetting of the judges? Who is President Trump trusting those handing him the list of potential justices?
Yes, I think the three appointed by President Trump won’t let the court slide to much to the left but I don’t have confidence about restoration/correction toward the Constitution by these 3 and have my concerns that during a leftist admin they might move to the middle/become swing votes under pressure (as we saw by some during the Obama admin).


I’m hoping the next one he gets will be cut from the same cloth as Scalia and Thomas




good answer!
(but not the one he was going for I’m guessing…LOL)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

good answer!
(but not the one he was going for I’m guessing…LOL)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I just got a timely reminder about this from a friend. Helps put it in perspective. More at the appropriate time.


“Other suggestions would, I think, border on violating the rules, and I wish Scott would be a bit more…circumspect sometimes.”
I knew you meant the middle finger.
Trigger was a joke.
Some jokes are funny because they’re based on truth, or what the truth should be but isn’t, at least not yet, but could be, and should be, if there is any justice to be found, anywhere in the Republic.
Trigger was also Roy Roger’s horse.
If a joke, two or three steps removed from any direct anything, such that it requires people to come up with their own conclusion, and which was intended as humor / satire / social commentary, is something we need to be fearful of, then we just ought to quit now, and stop pretending like we’re anything at all like a free people.
Good grief, Charlie Brown! 😁


“Well, I am quite capable of saying what I would like to be done to certain individuals, but I always specify after trial and conviction.”
Well, if I had been expressing what I would like to be done, as opposed to making a simple one-word joke in the form of a question, perhaps I would have donned my lawyer’s hat, consulted with my favorite law firm (3 Guys Who Are Lawyers, Esq.), and composed a reply which could only be construed in the most banal, humorless and innocuous way possible, as interpreted by the aforementioned lawyers.
You know, the way everyone else, the other 3+ billion people on the Internet, does it… 😂


Pelosi’s mincing walk and breathy voice is an exaggerated and false kind of femininity. Then there is her dyed hair and plastic surgery addiction.
In reality, she is utterly cold and heartless – the opposite of true full compassionate womanhood – with her support for the full range of Planned Parenthood human sacrifice, dissection and marketing of living, feeling human beings.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes. Maybe dressing and acting like a lady will come back into fashion.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good news – FLEP is OK and fighting like a PATRIOT all over Twitter. He’s KICKING ASS and TAGGING TOES.
If you want to talk to him, he’s Baba9773 on Twitter. I do not know why he’s not doing a roundup, but it may be because things are moving too fast on Twitter.


I’ve seen several of his tweets… he’s interacting with Larry and Pundit wrt EV expectations etc. and economic stuff… things are changing and info dropping

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good. I’d rather that he stay in the top loop!!!


I don’t know if this might have some bearing, but some people appear to not look at what he’s posted, and post some of the info he’s already posted. Of course, that may leave the impression that some don’t value his efforts even though I know that is not meant. I for one look at his news first thing, but rarely do I post there.


i look first for his news too!!!
I value his insights!


I don’t think he’d take it like that. He knows he’s valued, and he has such enthusiasm. He is very busy on twitter right now interacting with the folks analyzing data on our side.


Thank you ….I miss his news posts….hope he returns…after kicking butts!!!


YAY, flep!!!!!


I have wondered if he was discouraged by that so few people posted news items or comments on the News RoundUp Thread. At times, it was mainly me and Duchess. The last few days, there were less than 50 or so comments.

Deplorable Patriot

There was a dip in comments for a while across the board, The last 3-4 days have made up for it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Tweets are loading slowly, too. But I think he bases his roundups on Twitter threads that he does, and he simply has not had time for that recently. I expect some periods of time between roundups now.


I stopped commenting on his news as it was pointed out that that stuff belonged on the daily thread


It’s hard to know where to post a comment.


I just drop thing anywhere. Including the f bombs


i trust Flep is right where Flep needs to be right now…as long as he’s safe! let him battle on!


And, in reality, there’s SO MUCH going on…election data, Biden family scandal, SCOTUS, etc, it’s incredibly difficult and almost overwhelming to parse it down to a reasonable post.
But, we’d certainly love to have you check in occasionally, Flep….it’s not just your roundup news we are missing!


I trust the fish are having a socially distanced relationship with him so he spends more time online

Rodney Short

Thanks Wolf, you called it when you said Trump Gravity….
Long live Trump and long live the Patriots who sacrifice every day to bring the news to the sheeple. We are the news….
17 days😎😎😎

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“We’re in the pipe – 5 by 5 !!!”


We are REALLY on the roller coaster now aren’t we!!!

Rodney Short

Atleast we are in the front cars😎👊🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👊😎 Enjoy the ride…


Time to put away the. Popcorn and hang on with both hands

Rodney Short

I am a carefree souls Ozzy both my hands are up.
Oh and I ain’t shouting “Dont shoot”


Whoo hoo

Rodney Short



There’s lots of info on yesterday’s daily wrt info drops on Hunter/Joe…


Lude and Hunter change everything big picture wise IMHO. Everything!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This dude supposedly brought out of China 3 hard disks (sounds like a “catch the wave” disinfo meme – right?) of information obtained by Chinese oligarchs, two on Biden and other corruption, one on the CCP virus. I suspect it’s CCP manipulation of some kind.comment imagecomment imagecomment image


Took me a while to figure it out, Lude is a homonym for le_d.


Well this is probably a major oops!, it appears to be a name. I haven’t read the chinese related articles yet.


Sorry went shopping… I’m thinking you found out about Lude by now. China guy about so tall, so wide and I think he’s bald, also doubt that’s his name. Rudy’s new pal.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Some on Gab say Bannon and/or Yan in the Rudy /Lude picture are photoshops. What do you think?
I’m skeptical about the whole Lude thing. I’m seriously thinking this is CCP trickery of some kind, just like COVID.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m not saying Rudy is playing this incorrectly, if he’s playing it – I just think something is going on. China is trying to “art of the deal” here. Phony CCP reform in the cards? “Perestroika”? Break out SUSPICIOUS CAT.comment image


Has been out shopping. We’ll have to see what Rudy produces. Some folks seem to be saying Lude has a legit history that is not short. Depending which pictures we look at some do seem maybe photo shopped and this other one just seems like they are trying to be clever. Thinks we find out soon. Ha ha… how can we not find out soon since the election is about to poke us in the eye. Anyway Lude stuff fits with what we know about Hunter.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Think we’re seeing this the same. Bannon and Yan in the picture is a cute message.


YES para


[…] Posted By: SteveInCO 0 View 0 Comment KAG, MEGA, MIGA 3ViewsShareTweetMail […]


Somebody needs to tell Hunter that he can get his best deal by flipping BEFORE he’s indicted.


He just might be screwed either way.


judging from the rumors on what’s on that…cough,cough hard drive…he might like that…


Guessing Where’s Hunter has not been on the receiving end of his hard drive. He may be in for a an eye popping, albeit, miserable future.
Personally hoping the worst for Where’ Hunter and Pedo Joe. (Yea, I am like that.)
Not alluded to elsewhere, that I have seen. Absolutely would bet we will hear about more email and pictures. Disgusting pictures.
Personally won’t be surprised to read about pictures with Pedo Joe with young girls.
Seven to ten days it will all come out. Pedo Joe run for president IS going to crash horribly on the world stage. IMO.


like father like son…thinking they are both pedos


Might make the difference between hanging and impalement. He should go for it.


Nah, Para – he will take the pill – he likes pills and stuff like that – yes?


Where is he? Maybe he’s already in custody and talking like his life depends on it


I had a chance to spend a couple of days in the 90’s at Bennington, VT. and explored the town on foot. I visited the hillside grav[e]yard next to an old church where there was a fenced-off section of those who died in the battle. I attended Sunday church service at the old church. It had the boxed squares for the seating of families. I don’t remember there being any pews.
Altogether, an unusual experience for me.
One thing that rarely gets mentioned in the Battle of Saratoga is the major role Benedict Arnold played in winning it. General Gates was basically an incompetent commander, which was later proven when he commanded the Continental Army in battle while in the Carolinas. (as I remember it)

Harry Lime

James O’Keefe going off on the USA Today, the New York Times and Facebook for spreading FAKE NEWS and for tampering with reality…he’s pissed!

Deplorable Patriot

Very important message.


OK I think it might be that I’m tired, got this from a friend.. There is so much in this article. But do believe it really screws Joe Biden, not just Hunter Biden! What I don’t understand is why did they put up Joe Biden with all his dementia and past issues. Or was Ukraine all part of the pant for them to put the VP into office.
Anyone else want to try and digest it.
An internet poster linked to dissident living in U.S. wrote Sept. 25 about ‘videos and dossiers’ coming out that would damage Biden
An account linked to dissident Guo Wengui also hyped ‘three hard disk drives of videos’ shortly before Hunter Biden hard drive information emerged
Donald Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani provided the information to the New York Post
Giuliani is promising additional information 10 days before the election
Information purports to show Hunter Biden business dealings in Ukraine and China
Washington Post reported U.S. intelligence had flagged Giuliani’s dealings in Ukraine with people tied to Russian intelligence


Maybe they put him on the ticket in hope that if/when all of this came out somehow their revered demi god Ozero would escape any taint? I don’t see how though. Or else they again were so sure their voting fraud schemes are going to work that a Biden victory would ensure that they could deny and immediately prosecute any who brought the info out ?
Or..they banked on it being revealed to dump him and have Harris take the position ?


Problem is that too many of the Democrats have hands in Ukraine and China, even some RINOs have hands in it too. KOMMONSENTSJANE – ROMNEY, KERRY, BIDEN, MCCAIN, PELOSI, SCHIFF, MUELLER, AND CLINTON TIED TO SKETCHY UKRAINE MESS. https://kommonsentsjane.com/2019/11/15/kommonsentsjane-romney-kerry-biden-mccain-pelosi-schiff-mueller-and-clinton-tied-to-sketchy-ukraine-mess/ via @kommonsentsjane


I’ve wondered if he’s not the D’s sacrificial goat. Only time will tell.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s kinda what I was thinking. Biden was SACRIFICED. The Obamas and Clintons knew he would get hit. They lied and talked Biden into running to “protect” him, but they knew he would actually be a LIGHTNING ROD.


Yeah! maybe that’s it. Burn baby burn while they are stand back from the flames


The weak link is Hunter. Biden with his memory problems may seem a “safe bet” to cover for them without risk. If Hunter had anything to do with the other end – well, he’s in a precarious position. If Joe was the middle man between his son and the Clintons and Obamas, then Hunter might escape being Arkancided.


LOL, I forgot about his supposed dementia. Perfect cover..he gets increasingly more incoherent and can’t remember ( like Mueller did ) and Hunter could very easily be suicided with his past drug issues.


Prepare your “Hunter didn’t kill himself” signs in advance, and avoid the rush.


i should have read further–I agree with you!


No question in my mind about him being the goat, Jamcooker. And that’s what makes it pitiful, especially his wife’s part. I my guess is they bargained for a coverup of their Biden family crimes to juice him up long enough to go through the election.


I think it’s looking more and more like that. He’s not a good enough actor to fake all his gaffes.


Let’s not forget all the absolute commie lunatics that were running in the dem primaries. I think they really thought that Biden would be perceived as a moderate and had the best chance of winning.


That’s true too possibly but Biden..he had to be nutty to think this wasn’t going to come out. Rudy’s been hinting at big stuff for a long time. Surely with all the turncoats at FIB somebody knew it was a matter of time before it was out there.
There’s too many traitors in the swamp for it to be a secret so all the bigs probably knew wouldn’t ya think?


Yes. I think they have, desperately, been banking on getting Trump through deep state tactics. The wonderful October we are having is heartening.
Rudy will go down in history as a larger-than-life hero.


I was just saying to my hubby it’s a sad day when you realize that out most important entities of government are corrupted/tainted. I mean, we’re supposed to be able to call the FIB when we are told – ‘see something, say something” right?


Yes, we can’t trust the government, our elected officials, the intelligence agencies, the justice department and judiciary. POTUS has salvaged the SC by a thread. The electoral process is the last pillar.


D-Rats and Slow Joe never would have guessed Where’s Hunter evidence laced hard drive was voluntarily given to a good guy – the Average American.


or is Joe a scapegoat? with him being the nominee, the focus is on HIM and his family–perhaps to draw attention away from Obama and his band of merry crooks, thieves and coup plotters…
give the right a big bloodied target and hope their need for carnage will be dissolved after the Joe Bloodbath.

Sadie Slays

When all of the really bad stuff about the Obama Administration finally comes out into the open, the Biden defense will be that he has dementia and therefore can’t remember anything that happened during that time. They’re banking on all of the public speculation about his cognitive health issues as a way of bolstering their defense: “You saw it yourself on film how bad he is. He’s in no condition to testify about that. Really, let’s just give the Biden family their privacy.”
IMO, the DNC never expected to win back the White House. The 2020 plan was to sow as much destruction chaos, and division as possible in hope that it would tear the country apart.


Bingo, Sadie!


D-Rat candidates were total failures…America was not buying into their BS anti America positions.
Four years of failed D-Rat resist, had exposed the rotten D-Rat’s only offer, is the destruction of America. Taxes, regulation, green new deal, open borders, defund police…
Deep state and D-Rats doubled down on destroy Trump.
They needed a known entity, Biden and a VP that would snag stoopid voters. Hoe, a gal and they say a women of color.
– Manage Slow Joe. Get him elected and install Hoe. Joe gets a Presidential pardon. Jill maintains her rich bitch status. Where’s Hunter ultimately dies of a drug over dose. America gets another four to eight years of hussein…further destruction of America.
Dementia Joe sold on running for his ego and opportunities to steal billions from around the globe. Hell it worked for Joe for 47 years. And look at the billions the Clinton Crime Family raked in.
Fundamentally a Hail Mary, as D-Rats knew they had zero to offer America. President Trump owns the spectrum of issues and has delivered on the issues.
America was dumb enough to elect hussein, twice. Maybe they’d vote for Hoe N Joe.
Who would have guessed Where’s Hunter would bring it all down. Including, PEDO Joe.
Good guys have the evidence…We WILL win.
Imagaine the additional asshoes in DOJ and FBI that will swing for NOT doing something with Where’s Hunter’s hard drive, which they received back in december 2019. Sat on it through impeachment.
As for the Congressman that received a hard drive, betting it went to Rudy G with full report to President Trump. Dunno about the hard drive I heard went to senator Johnson. hoping for the best there.


Agree with most of what you have offered here, Kal – except that O did not win in 2012 – they cheated.
And – if Mormon Moe had fought – which he did not – it would have been no better – cause he was told to ‘bow out’ and let O win – because he is one of them.
We had NO choice in 2012 – and PT was angry about that, too – he almost ran for office – but, decided to wait (4) more years – for America to awaken.
People had to be pushed to the precipice to be willing to make a ‘dramatic change’ and go with the ‘outsider’ – not everyone was convinced Trump could beat Clinton – because they did not KNOW him!!!
God allowed this to happen to bring us to a better place and understanding – IMHO


Even if Biden was as clean as a sainted angel there is still the issue of his dementia


^^^ Absolutely. But is America paying attention?


That is what is so scary about it all


Rosie memos@almostjingo
Guess you can’t really depend on a media funded by CCP to ask @JoeBiden about #BidenEmails


God Bless Trump, Pence & All American Patriots.
🙏🙏 Remember The Greatest Gift We Can Give Trump Pence Their Families, Administration America And Americans Are Our Unending Prayers.🙏 🙏


tears in my oatmeal…sniff


That was how I was when I visited Rapid City SD..
Took the Mount Rushmore Tour. We had a Chuck Wagon dinner after with entertainment.
Last song was “I’m Proud To Be An American” Within 2 seconds everyone was standing and singing, along, about 200 to 300 plus. No one asked us to stand we all just did.


so cool…what a memory!!


Was actually going to stay another day but figured I’d leave on a high..
Thinking of retiring there


it does sound like a great place!


it was, not just because it is conservative


Flag of United StatesButterflyButterflyButterflyButterflyButterflyFlag of United States Retweeted
Lou Dobbs@LouDobbs
Biden Corruption: @RudyGiuliani says there’s enough evidence for a conviction in the Biden corruption case & so far our FBI, DOJ have done nothing about it. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs


Well, I’m going to take off before I turn into a pumpkin!


Somebody finally asked him…


dementia Joe needs to be aggressively pressed on Where’s Hunter criminal behavior.


Typical Democrat – Criticize and Attack but, offer NO FACTS to substantiate your claims!!!
How would anyone with Dementia even know about what the reporter is talking?


Amazingly heart touching.
Well done.


Just when you thought Trump Rallies could not get any better?comment image

Deplorable Patriot



Would be great if President Trump re TW this pic. An audience of only ~88 million.


Thanks for the post about Saratoga. It piqued my interest, and I found this on the Saratoga National Historical Park site: https://www.nps.gov/sara/index.htm
“Here, in 1777, during the American War for Independence, American troops battled and beat a British invasion force, marking the first time in world history that a British Army ever surrendered. [🇺🇸❗️] This crucial victory secured essential foreign recognition and support, instigated world-wide wars, affirmed United States independence, and changed the face of the world.”
Also, regarding Thanksgiving: https://www.history.com/topics/american-revolution/battle-of-saratoga#section_7
“Did you know? To celebrate the American victory at Saratoga, the Continental Congress issued a proclamation for a national day ‘for solemn Thanksgiving and praise,’ the first official holiday observance with that name.”


Wow – I never knew that.


Gab is blowing up!
Andrew Torba ✝️
Our growth this week has been tremendous. Within the past 48 hours alone we added 100,000 new daily active community members. Many folks who had existing accounts came back and many new people joined our community as well. We will also be launching GabTV (our YouTube alternative) in the coming days, and expect our growth to continue skyrocketing when this happens.
https://gab.com/a/posts/105047678821655294comment image


Thank you for that history lesson. So proud to be an American.


i second that…on BOTH accounts grandma!!


American history is both an inspiration and fascinating.


And Jesus calling unto him a little child, set him in the midst of them,
And said: Amen I say to you, unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, he is the greater in the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:2-4comment image

Valerie Curren

Hey Steve, your history lesson reminded me of a song we sang in elementary school…
The text of this song Might be found here, but not easily…
Here’s what I recall:
Here Proud General Burgoyne
All terrible comes
with thundering cannon and drums
Of kings and all subjects
he made them look plain
something something….
something…his name…
Well that ran out of gas…This info that’s locked in my head is in a corner of the web not easily accessible, at least to me…
It might be from an early American Songbook that was published in the 1970’s based on earlier works…
I believe the song was based on this
William McCarty, comp. The American National Song Book. 1842.
The Capture of Burgoyne
Oct. 1777
From a manuscript furnished the editor (1842), by John Ely, now in his eighty-fifth year, a soldier of the Revolution, who was at the capture of Burgoyne.
WHEN discord had rear’d her black standard on high,
And sent her hoarse voice thro’ the sky—the sky,
Convulsing all Nature with dreadful alarms;
Then Freedom commanded her heroes from far,
They heard the proud summons, and shouted for war! 5
Here might you see youth of high spirit,
Of genius and merit, in arms.
O’er Champlain, proud Burgoyne all terrible comes,
With thundering cannon, and drums—and drums.
He shook all the neighbouring regions around; 10
Of blustering titles he told a long tale,
And thought pomp and nonsense would turn our cheek pale;
But then full soon bold Stark and his yeomen,
The glory of freemen, he found.
Three times in fierce combat the armies were join’d, 15
But battle went not to his mind—his mind;
For American souls were too gallant to yield.
Amazed from the hill he beheld his hard fate,
And wish’d to retire, when the hour was too late:
Sighing, he saw his hundreds were dying, 20
His thousands were flying the field.
While hosts of brave patriots with hearts that beat high,
Rush onward to conquer or die—or die;
Led by Gates, Morgan, Lincoln, those heirs of bright fame:
He saw skill and discipline ever must bend, 25
Where Freedom, and Virtue, and glory contend:
Humble and sad this haughty pretender
Was forced to surrender, with shame.
Then the merry bells rung round American plains,
And pleasure enliven’d the strains—the strains; 30
While Fame the bold acts of our warriors sung;
The breath of our heroes new ardour inspired,
New hopes the sad hearts of the timorous fired;
By Virtue’s voice, like odours of even,
Sweet praise to high Heaven was sung. 35
So I found this interesting historical video while looking for my Burgoyne song…fyi…
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfqIa4dDxrw&w=736&h=414%5D

Valerie Curren

The video above is of a Confederate Soldier telling of some of his Civil War experiences…The comments at YouTube are pretty encouraging as they are reflecting on this man’s testimony!

Deplorable Patriot

Regardless of one’s feelings on the war between the states, this video is a treasure. Really.
And he was at Point Lookout. Really interesting place. And the encampment area is not all the big. How they got 20,000 people there is a wonder.


It boggles the mind to be able to hear a Confederate soldier speak about his experiences.


He quite clearly states what he believes the civil war was about, states’ rights at the end of the recording. I remember being taught that the civil war was about whether or not the south had the right to secede. His statement clarifies the south’s position.


Our President has 2 rallies & travels 3 US time zones today! And his speeches will focus on TOPICS vital to normal AMERICANS!comment image
2:30PM THE PRESIDENT departs the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews – North Portico
3:05PM THE PRESIDENT departs Washington, D.C., en route to Muskegon, MI
4:50PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Muskegon County Airport
5:00PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks on Supporting the American Way of Life
6:25PM THE PRESIDENT depart Muskegon, MI, en route to Janesville, WI
6:10PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Southern Wisconsin Regional Airport
6:30PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks on Supporting Law Enforcement
8:10PM THE PRESIDENT departs Janesville, WI, en route to Las Vegas, NV
9:40PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at McCarran International Airport – Las Vegas, NV
10:00PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at the RON Location – Las Vegas, NV


Sorry folks – I forgot to close the italics after the introduction again!


Oh, I did not notice, Georgia – too busy reading – 🙂

Gail Combs

From last night:

October 17, 2020 at 00:01
The Breitbart email string [Biden] includes a Mohammad A. Khashoggi. Adnan’s son? Jamal’s cousin?

Khashoggi rings major bells.
Here is a refresher:
Maurice Strong sits on boards with the Rockefellers and Mikhail Gorbachev and chairs private meetings of CEOs, including Bill Gates. He hobnobs with the world’s royalty, too – and with dictators and despots.
He once did a business deal with arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, and wound up with a 200,000-acre ranch in Colorado – which his wife, Hanne, runs as a New Age spiritual colony.
“Six Degrees of Adnan Khashoggi,” Adnan Khashoggi is connected to every shocking event that has occurred since 1960, usually by no more than one or two degrees. A partial list would include Iran-Contra, Wedtech, BCCI, the Marcos Philippine kleptocracy, the Synfuels fiasco, and the discovery of buried mustard gas in the pricy Spring Valley neighborhood of Washington, D.C
Lunch With the Chairman
Why was Richard Perle meeting with Adnan Khashoggi?
middleman for American companies such as Lockheed, Northrop, Raytheon and Boeing. *http://www.guardian.co.uk/baefiles/story/0,,2093214,00.html
“Jamal Khashoggi’s cousin, Dodi Fayed, was dating the UK’s Princess Diana when the two were killed in a car crash in Paris.”
— Sharyl Attkisson (@SharylAttkisson) October 16, 2018
Daily Mail says second cousin.
We know Jamal Khashoggi is a nephew of Adnan Khashoggi.
Adnan Khashoggi’s sister was author Samira Khashoggi who married businessman Mohamed Al-Fayed and was the mother of Dodi Fayed. *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adnan_Khashoggi
Jamal Khashoggi and bin Laden
In high school, Jamal Khashoggi had a good friend. His name was Osama bin Laden.
“We were hoping to establish an Islamic state anywhere,” Khashoggi reminisced about their time together in the Muslim Brotherhood. “We believed that the first one would lead to another, and that would have a domino effect which could reverse the history of mankind.”
Lee Smith’s article (the Mid East is his area of expertise)
He has 10 questions everyone should ask. The first thing he points out is that nobody has seen ANY of this so-called proof. He connects all the players and their possible motives. He points to John Brennan and wonders how Khashoggi ever got a Permanent Residence card in the USA – given his ties to Terrorists. Well worth a read – Smith is correct – all the first stories about Kashoggi were flowing from Qatar and the US Media jumped on them and followed along – Lee Smith sees connections to the JPOC (Iran Deal) and Obama’s fingers in this.


It’s amazing what a family can get away with, when the lawful authorities simply won’t arrest them.
Eventually one has to wonder, what would it take?
Is there anything Biden, or Clinton, or Hussein could do, that would force the lawful authorities to take action?
If someone published a video online, of Joe Biden or Hitlery or O’traitor raping and murdering a child — or anybody, for that matter — would anyone in law enforcement do anything about it?
I don’t mean the FIB or the DoJ, everyone knows they wouldn’t do anything about it. The news media would comprehensively ignore it. Social media would censor it.
And everybody would just be outraged, while the lawful authorities did absolutely nothing.
Only Trump would make an issue out of it, both to the public and to our own law enforcement agencies, who act like they’ve never seen a crime they would actually prosecute — so long as it is politically-connected people on the Left who commit the crimes.
I hope there aren’t even any little pieces left of the DoJ and the FIB when this over. They deserve to be nuked into a sheet of glass, and then the glass pulverized into dust.
Whatever happens, their credibility can never recover.
It would take a hundred years of doing the right thing, without fail, and they can’t even go a hundred seconds.
Or ten.
Or one.


And ‘Scott the Smart and Smarmy’ hits another Homer out of the Park!!!




Oh, Stever – You are so precious!!!


Hmm…why did NBC use a Star?
.comment imagecomment image


because a pentagram would be too obvious?
good catch tho wheatie!


And satanists have that thing where they are supposed to make a public show of their fealty.
They do it in a way that is ‘deniable’, though.

Cuppa Covfefe

I said that yesterday somewhere on the open thread.
I would not have set foot inside that circle.
Some folks think pentagrams, etc., and the “wizardry” that goes with them aren’t real. Ephesians 6:10-18 and many other places in the Bible (indeed some of which list the sins, e.g. necromancy) say otherwise. The DEMONicRATS have thrown GOD out of their platform and out of their party, welcoming Satan in as a result. They’ve effectively said as much.
This is every bit as much a SPIRITUAL election as a Political election. We REALLY must pray. And fast, as well.
You can be sure that the DEMONicRAT dark side are calling down their demons for help (c.f. the various covens and Satanists (but I repeat myself) who conjure and cast for the DEMONicRATS)…
Øbozo’s and Biden’s “bible”, “Rules for Radicals”, by Saul Alinsky, was dedicated to Satan. What other proof is even needed of their backing and intent…


There was an interesting bit of footage from President Trump’s visit to India. They were being given a tour and one of the things they stopped to look at was a large idol. Everyone else starts to walk away, but our Lion stays and gives a look at it as if he was sizing up the power behind it and seemed to look satisfied that he was standing in greater authority.
“Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.”
Only a person who lives a clean life with a clear conscience and a settled sense of destiny in God is that comfortable in a situation like that.
“For Thou art with me.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s some info from www,cuttingedge.org about pentagrams and their use… N.B. it’s a .pdf …

Cuppa Covfefe

OUCH!!!!! Sorry. I didn’t realize it would pull up the .pdf instead of just the link (should’ve read my own nota bene …. sigh…


A star IS a pentagram.


i thought so…but really didn’t want to research that particular term. thanks!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. If you look at that .pdf I (accidentally) posted, it explains that. http://www.cuttingedge.org has a lot of background info on that stuff; also has articles and testimonies from former Satanists who are now born-again Christians who can really explain both sides of the various issues, and why “the lefthand path” leads straight to HELL; and why repentence and Salvation through Jesus is the only way to Eternal Life…
http://www.crossroad.to also has a lot of information on this and other (e.g. schools) subjects.

Cuppa Covfefe

Nope. The star enclosed in a circle has a very specific meaning. Have a look at the .pdf for more…
It has the same effect whether someone believes in it or not; that’s why it is so dangerous. Read about what missionaries had to deal with in Africa and South America with the VooDoo and Animistic and other cultures. I knew a missionary who lived through some of this stuff, and it is scary beyond belief…


RIP Ms, Fleming.


This is gruesome!


That’s the religion of murder and hate, just like the mass-murderer Mohamad designed it.
And everybody knows.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. And Macaroon doesn’t lift (or perhaps dare to lift) so much as a finger against them.
Another thing we can thank the Klintoons and Øbozo for: Qaddafi warned us that if we took him out, an unstoppable flood of Moslems from the Middle East and Africa would stream into Europe. Now, thanks to Øblowhole’s lovey-dovey-admirer Merde-Kuh (and the rest of the impotent EC (EU) “leadership”, that warning has proved true, with events like this happening every week, if not more often. Of course, the YSM/MCM doesn’t cover it… animals are they; yet even an animal won’t foul its own nest…


I won’t even call it a religion. It’s a death-cult, in my opinion. And there are Muslim people who follow PARTS of it, not the whole, so they are considered “good.” But just like anyone who is associated with a cult, they are susceptible to falling back into the dogma if circumstances provoke them. It’s why I don’t trust Muslims, even when I think they are decent people right now. They might not be later.


Speaking of Saratoga – there were/are two US Navy ships named after the famous battle!
1. “USS Saratoga (CV-3) was a Lexington-class aircraft carrier built for the United States Navy during the 1920s. Originally designed as a battlecruiser, she was converted into one of the Navy’s first aircraft carriers during construction to comply with the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Saratoga_(CV-3)
2. “USS Saratoga (CV/CVA/CVB-60), was the second of four Forrestal-class supercarriers built for the United States Navy in the 1950s. Saratoga was the sixth U.S. Navy ship, and the second aircraft carrier, to be named for the Battles of Saratoga in the American Revolutionary War.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Saratoga_%28CV-60%29
Thank you, Steve in CO, for educating us on the importance of the Battle of Saratoga!!!


This is true.

Gail Combs

Thread by Brian Cates:

@shaneharris @nakashimae @gregpmiller @jdawsey1 Back into your bag of tricks I see?
What’s coming to take down the Biden’s isn’t coming from “anonymous sources familiar with the matter”.
They have the goods. They have the evidence.
I almost feel sorry for you pricks.
@shaneharris @nakashimae @gregpmiller @jdawsey1 The intel community alerted both Brennan & Comey of intelligence that Clinton’s campaign operatives were launching a Russian collusion narrative to be pimped to media & federal agencies to distract from her ongoing email scandal.
Brennan briefed Obama about this on July 26 2016.
@shaneharris @nakashimae @gregpmiller @jdawsey1 Comey was sent an investigative referral to look into the matter on September6, 2016.
Both Brennan’s briefing of Obama and the referral and all memos exchanged between Comey and the CIA were classified until just a week and a half ago.
@shaneharris @nakashimae @gregpmiller @jdawsey1 Already having been alerted the Clinton campaign was shopping fake Russia evidence thru Steele & others, Comey & Brennan classified the warnings & proceeded to act if the Steele Dossier was authentic intelligence on which to continue their pursuit of the Trump campaign.
@shaneharris @nakashimae @gregpmiller @jdawsey1 There never was any real intelligence predicate or crime for launching Crossfire Hurricane. They knew all along they were using fake evidence created by Clinton’s paid operatives.
@shaneharris @nakashimae @gregpmiller @jdawsey1 And we just learned there was a real intelligence predicate for investigating what the CLINTON CAMPAIGN was doing in 2016.
That IC referral to Comey did not come to him from paid operatives of the Trump campaign. It came thru the regular channels.
@shaneharris @nakashimae @gregpmiller @jdawsey1 Comey and Brennan got around not having any real intel or crime predicate for going after Trump’s campaign while a **real** intel predicate dropped into laps just as they were preparing to launch Crossfire Hurricane by classifying it and pretending they didn’t know.
@shaneharris @nakashimae @gregpmiller @jdawsey1 When the official documentary evidence was declassified, Comey blithely lied and said he “didn’t recall” ever seeing this referral about the Clinton campaign’s dirty trick operation.
Of course, that’s not an option for Brennan, due to the notes from the 7/26/16 Obama briefing.
@shaneharris @nakashimae @gregpmiller @jdawsey1 Brennan was forced to say **even if** it is true the Clinton campaign used media outlets into publishing fake info, & even if federal officials were tricked into investigating Trump’s campaign based on a political dirty trick, it wasn’t ILLEGAL & no crimes were committed.
@shaneharris @nakashimae @gregpmiller @jdawsey1 Now I want you to pay attention here to this part;
Shane Harris & other DNC Media propagandists made liberal use of anonymous sources for FIVE YEARS & counting to sell the RussiaGate Hoax.
The **exposure** of the RussiaGate Hoax has not relied on anonymous sources at any time.
@shaneharris @nakashimae @gregpmiller @jdawsey1 When their “anonymous officials familiar with the matter” are exposed by crude on-the-record documentary evidence, Shane and his propagandists just blithely move on.
There’s no accountability and they don’t retract.
But that’s ok.
That’s what I’m here for.


Was it $1.8 Billion in US Aid…or $3 Billion…that went to Ukraine, that Biden was in charge of?
And was some of that funneled through Burisma to Biden?
It looks like it was.
This was written about last year and early this year, but it’s not being mentioned right now with these current revelations about Hunter and ‘Pops’ Biden.
Steve Hilton gives a really good Timeline here, back in October 2019:
Hilton also exposes Kerry and several Dem Senators in the illegal cash payoffs.
The Blaze also wrote about the ‘missing aid’ in February 2020:
Maybe this is what is coming.
I hope so!
Because it is this part of the story that would make the whole thing explode.💥🔥



Gail Combs

Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma, absconded with millions/billions of IMF money from Ukraine.
Also remember Glen Beck’s Chalk board and PrivatBank???

The former chairwoman of Ukraine’s central bank dubbed it one of the biggest financial scandals of the 21st century.
Valeria Hontareva was describing the alleged theft of US$5.5 billion from PrivatBank, once the country’s largest commercial lender. The suspected masterminds are the bank’s two oligarch owners: Ihor Kolomoisky and Hennadiy Boholiubov, who stand accused of absconding with an amount roughly equal to 5 percent of the country’s gross domestic product. According to court records, both men are said to have recently been living in Switzerland, though Kolomoisky appears to be spending time in Israel….
OCCRP has traced the mechanism that appears to have allowed Kolomoisky and Boholiubov to funnel such vast wealth out of Ukraine: The money was moved through a PrivatBank subsidiary in Cyprus.
The arrangement helped hide the fact that cash was disappearing because the National Bank of Ukraine treated the Cyprus branch of PrivatBank the same as it would domestic branches. This designation meant officials never detected that cash transferred to Cyprus was leaving Ukraine.
Meanwhile, Cypriot regulators either failed to detect that the various bank transfers totalling $5.5 billion were backed by bogus contracts, or didn’t take the necessary action to stop them….
Ukraine nationalized PrivatBank in December 2016, saddling taxpayers with a $5.9 billion bailout. The nationalization was widely supported by the international community, including the IMF, the European Union, and the United States, which called it a “milestone in economic reform and the fight against corruption.”
Kolomoisky has said he wants $2 billion in PrivatBank capital returned to him. And on April 19, a Kyiv court ruled PrivatBank’s nationalization unlawful, deciding in favor of the oligarch and setting the stage for a prolonged legal battle…..

And yeah it is ALL connected.

D&A: 06082020 Verified Complaint for Forfeiture in REM
Uploaded by D&A Investigations, Inc.
Description:Igor Kolomoisky, Gennadiy Boholiubov, Mykola Zlochevsky, Mykola Lisin and Mordechai Korf (Motti) are partners with OBC in Energy, LNG Pipelines and Money Laundering under the Optima umbrella

So it is quite possible the BRIBES to the Biden’s didn’t just cover Zlochevsky but also covered Kolomoisky’s & Boholiubov’s PrivatBank shenanigans.
Gateway Pundit:
MUST READ: Ukraine Burisma Story is Massive – Involves BILLIONS of IMF and US Funds Looted and Lost by Bank Connected to Burisma Holdings!
“…A controlling shareholder of Burisma is believed to be held by an entity called Privat Group…..”

FLASHBACK VIDEO: Joe Biden traveled to #Ukraine, and told the then President that: “if you don’t fire that prosecutor, United States will not give you $1 Billion in Aid” & “if you don’t trust me call #BarackObama” pic.twitter.com/W6LsXYF4xI
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) September 25, 2019

Old thread reader now dead

Biden is screwed. $15 mil in 2 years since leaving office. $1.5 billion to his son from China. $1.5 billion contract to Biden’s brother. Oh wait that’s before we even get to Ukraine.
The deal Hunter and Chris made with a Chinese company to purchase Henniges Automotive. Henniges makes critical equipment for our military. This is bordering treason – aiding and abetting the enemy.
He (and GOPers and Bush Admin officials) also met Pakistani ISI general during and after 9/11 who wired money to Mohammad Atta for the 9/11 attacks. The House and Senate Intelligence Committees were hosting the General at a breakfast at the Capitol building on the morning of 9/11
Biden and Condi Rice said “We see nothing,” when they were asked only one or two times about their friendship with the general and nobody followed up with them after 2007 when joe ran for POTUS during the 2008 election and he was asked by an alternative news reporter.
Biden & China is where the real bad stuff is . Trump is using the Ukraine two fold – One to damage his credibility but more importantly placing immense stress on him & his campaign which will force him to make more and more gaffes and eventually collapse under pressure.
The second way Trump is using this Ukraine angle is to introduce their role in their attempts to interfere in the 2016 election at the request of the Obama Administration. That’s when the real shit storm is gonna start when they start revealing to the public the Foreign Inference
in the 2016 Election from the UK , Italy , Aus , Ukraine .
Oh & don’t forget The Clinton Foundation is tied into this . Victor Pinchuk – (buddies with Soros) was one the the biggest donors to the Clinton Foundation . Also funds The Atlantic Council…
you know the one where Alperovictch from Crowdstrike is a senior fellow at. And here’s something you should get a kick out of. Burisma Group , the company Hunter Biden is involved in is partners with who? The Atlantic Council . Almost all is connected and a storm is whippin up.

Another bit of info:
“The United States and Ukraine signed today a $1 billion loan guarantee agreement, the third $1 billion loan guarantee provided by the U.S. to Ukraine since May 2014. This guarantee reinforces the United States’ strong commitment to the people of Ukraine by strengthening the Government of Ukraine…”
By U.S. Embassy Kyiv | 3 June, 2016


Thanks, Gail!
I thought there was a lot more to this than just what has been brought up in the last week.
I hope all of this gets blown out into the open now!


Gail Combs

Interesting that Steve Bannon is in the background of the photo of Rudy….
Brian Cates is NOT FOND OF BANNON and I do not blame him one little bit. I have had my research reports stolen and another’s name get place on my work. He then got to go on TV featuring MY WORK… grrrr I did not even get a mention.

@tracybeanz I’m gonna go public with something right now only a few people know:
The theft of my work is why I left Breitbart as a free non-paid contributor in 2013.
They had begun taking my columns & giving them to staff writers.
@tracybeanz The last 3 columns I submitted to them, they gave them to writers on staff, changed the titles and wording around a bit and that was it.
They even used a composite photo I created for one of the stories without any attribution.
@tracybeanz Now I was an unpaid contributor. I never got a dime for any of these articles I had written for the site.
But I was doing that for the exposure and to get my name out there as a writer.
I did not sign a contract to be an invisible research assistant.

Brian Cates, Author at Breitbart

@tracybeanz They started stealing my columns in October of 2013.
Instead of writing long thinkpieces, they were asking for very brief **summaries** of other news stories grabbed off the wire.
Let me demonstrate the difference.
@tracybeanz This is the kind of column I started out writing for the site.
[It’s 7 years old and the picture links no longer work]

What Gosnell Hath Wrought: Why the Left Is Now Losing the Abortion Debate
The recent trial of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell has led to a wave of new laws at the state level aimed at abortion. The sheer horror of what |

@tracybeanz This is what they had reduced me to at the end while taking my full length columns & giving them to staff writers:
A 200 word blurb on news wire stories they could rush out the door in under an hour.
I walked away at the end of December.

Report: Valerie Jarrett Led Secret Negotiations with Iran for Past Year
The Times Of Israel is reporting that a team of negotiators led by White House adviser Valerie Jarrett has been conducting secret talks with Iran about |

@tracybeanz While I was making long distance submissions to Breitbart from Texas, I came to learn a lot about how this asshole actually came to run the site.
There’s a cover story that gets told and then there’s what really happened.
Hopefully someday those who were there can talk.
.[photo of sloppy Steve]
@tracybeanz I went back and wrote on my own blog from 2014 to 2018, while doing Twitter threads, until @JoshJPhilipp and the @EpochTimes came calling, followed by @tracybeanz and @UncoverDC.
It’s not just the Lefty media that needs a vast culture shift.
@tracybeanz @JoshJPhilipp @EpochTimes @UncoverDC Without telling anybody Bannon went off on his own & bought the controlling shares of the company while Andrew wasn’t even cold yet.
Then he announced he was now in charge, but he wouldn’t change anything, same vision Andrew had.
Then he changed EVERYTHING.
@tracybeanz @JoshJPhilipp @EpochTimes @UncoverDC I’ve spoke several times of how Bannon went after @DLoesch for standing up to him after he started breaking all his promises. She actually had to sue him to get out of there.
He is not a nice guy and you lower your defenses around him at your peril.
@tracybeanz @JoshJPhilipp @EpochTimes @UncoverDC @DLoesch He managed to ingratiate himself with Trump, then tried to isolate the President by seeding the media with fake leaks about Jared, Ivanka and Pence.
I was over there screaming BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT the entire time.
Eventually Trump warned him, Bannon ignored him…
@tracybeanz @JoshJPhilipp @EpochTimes @UncoverDC @DLoesch ..and so we got the spectacle of Sloppy Steve getting himself tossed ass-first out of the White House.
Now the “Build The Wall” fundraising shenanigans are very likely going to send him to prison.
Unless SDNY is **faking** the texts & emails, they have him cold.
@tracybeanz @JoshJPhilipp @EpochTimes @UncoverDC @DLoesch All they had to say was: “Not **all** of the money is going to build the wall. We are going to take several million dollars of the money for ourselves.”
They….didn’t do that.
Instead they maintained the FICTION none of them were taking any of the money for themselves.
@tracybeanz @JoshJPhilipp @EpochTimes @UncoverDC @DLoesch So I’ll wrap this up by saying this: you’re all being punked **right now** by Conservative media people like Bannon selling you fake narratives for clicks and to push their pet confirmation biases.
Me and @tracybeanz fully expect to replace these people.

Deplorable Patriot

“They had begun taking my columns & giving them to staff writers.
@tracybeanz The last 3 columns I submitted to them, they gave them to writers on staff, changed the titles and wording around a bit and that was it.”
I had a writing teacher that happened to. If you don’t copyright your work, it will happen, and you have no recourse. That’s taught in school.


I haven’t trusted Bannon since he took credit for Pres. Trump’s win and success.


Apologies if someone already posted this five-minute video, but it is a moving and eloquent testimony to the character of Amy Coney Barrett from one of her former students at Notre Dame Law School.
The woman needed special braille equipment, which the law school promised to get her (they didn’t), and Barrett got it for her (key quote in second tweet):

Gail Combs

AND a compassionate person.


Fully agree, Gail.


Thanks, Steve — much appreciated.

Gail Combs

I keep saying the history of the USA is one of repeated attempts by the UK to take back THEIR colony.
I keep having the feeling that the CCP is NOT the ones in actual control of China. Think Opium Wars and then the Federal Reserve funding Japan’s war with Russia & ?China? that lead to the rise of the CCP.
Congressman McFadden 1934

….”Some people who think that the Federal Reserve Banks United States Government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; and rich and predatory money lender. In that dark crew of financial pirates there are those who would cut a man’s throat to get a dollar out of his pocket; there are those who send money into states to buy votes to control our legislatures; there are those who maintain International propaganda for the purpose of deceiving us into granting of new concessions which will permit them to cover up their past misdeeds and set again in motion their gigantic train of crime.
“These twelve private credit monopolies were deceitfully and disloyally foisted upon this Country by the bankers who came here from Europe and repaid us our hospitality by undermining our American institutions. Those bankers took money out of this Country to finance Japan in a war against Russia. They created a reign of terror in Russia with our money in order to help that war along. They instigated the separate peace between Germany and Russia, and thus drove a wedge between the allies in World War. They financed Trotsky’s passage from New York to Russia so that he might assist in the destruction of the Russian Empire. They fomented and instigated the Russian Revolution, and placed a large fund of American dollars at Trotsky’s disposal in one of their branch banks in Sweden so that through him Russian homes might be thoroughly broken up and Russian children flung far and wide from their natural protectors. They have since begun breaking up of American homes and the dispersal of American children…..

The First Sino-Japanese War ended in 1895
The Russo-Japanese War was fought during 1904 and 1905 —WIKI
The Second Sino-Japanese War was a military conflict that was primarily waged between the Republic of China and the Empire of Japan from 7 July 1937 to 2 September 1945. — WIKI
China’s Communist Party and Japan: A Forgotten History

….David Lampton argues that China underwent three revolutions during the twentieth century: the collapse of the Qing Empire in 1911, the establishment of the People’s Republic of China under CCP rule in 1949, and the reform and opening up period inaugurated by Deng Xiaoping in the late 1970s. Japan has played a crucial role in all these revolutions and was also indispensable in creating the Chinese nationalism that the CCP utilizes to great effect today….
…Japan played a leading role in the Qing Empire’s collapse in two ways. The first was its defeat of China in the 1895 Sino-Japanese War, and its subsequent encroachments on Chinese territory. By the time of the war, the Qing Empire’s control over China had already been greatly weakened by its inability to defend Chinese sovereignty from Western powers…


Oh I second your thought Gail… the Cabal has control of Chinese Gov’t… they moved everything there, stripped out USA and moved to China, Bill Gates doing the cheerleading for “this is where the action is”


Coronavirus vaccine: A British doctor, Dr Mike Yeadon, who spent 30 years in senior positions in the pharmaceutical industry says that healthy people should NOT take the vaccine —
Short version in this tweet:
Full article here:
Twitter feed here:


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Deplorable Patriot

Actually, the battle plan at Saratoga is immortalized in quilt pattern known as Burgoyne Surrounded.


this is GORGEOUS!
did you do it?? the quilting is so perfect for the pattern too!

Deplorable Patriot

No, this is not mine. I found it online. I’ve always liked this pattern, though.


makes me miss quilting…sigh

Cuppa Covfefe

And here I thought it was a Space Invaders rug 😀
(OK, OK, but look at all those 8-bit pixels…)….

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Like the old comic books: drawn, and QUARTERED…
There are 10 kinds of people with regard to base(2): those who understand it, and…
The gates for that logic carry an XORbitant price 🙂


You can ‘quilt’, too, Patty? Gee – your talent rarely ceases to amaze me – “Holly Homemaker” – you are!!!


anything with my hands…I played the piano, am teaching myself guitar, clay, painting, drawing, sewing…making bread…anyway i can be creative and use my hands–they are the key to expressing myself. (if i were held hostage and my hands were tied I probably couldn’t talk…and I’m not Italian…lol)


I think i saw the cliff notes version…LOL


Hahahaha!!! You are killing me softly with laughter, Patty!!!


This is one of my favorite traditional quilt patterns.


Verse of the Day for Saturday, October 17, 2020

“When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, LORD, will I seek.”
Psalms 27:8 (KJV)


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


Saturday Fall Blessingscomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Be My Voicecomment image


Good frosty morning Duchess!
about 25* this morning!! got a nice crackling fire blazing tho!
have a Blessed day!!


Hi, Pat!!! Frost? Fall is over for you – still awaiting the ‘last harvest’ here – they had better hurry – before the ‘frost king’ hits here – or they will lose the entire field – looks like they have a couple of weeks left to gather.
Whoa – that is cold – happy for the warm fire – it is colder here – but, I refuse to fire up the furnace – stubborn – I am.
God Bless Your Day, too – Hugs!!!


it’s not widespread at this point and the sun is turning it in to dew…
but we are on the shadow side of the mountain so the sun doesn’t warm us much in the latter part of the year…sigh…
hubby loves his fires tho and I love my sweaters…LOL
HUGS back to you!!


Ah, the thrill of the changing seasons! Where are my ‘bunny slippers’, Pat – seem to have misplaced them, again!!!
Interesting how we find little things to enjoy while we travel on to winter, eh?


this is one of my favorites–the baking season!
I always make my cookies, nut rolls and candies at this time of year because everything freezes beautifully.
we defrosted the freezer a few weeks ago, so we are good to stock up on all kinds of good things now!


Nice!!! My mouth is watering!!! Did you see the ‘WARNING’ from OT? Best get those supplies now – before they are no more!!!
You are a treasure, Pat – your hubby is so blessed – the smells in the homestead will be Heavenly!!!
God Bless You Real Good!!! AND – remember to share – Mkay?


i will share…definitely!
I start my list in summer–so I don’t overwhelm the weekly budget–get enough of one thing–like flour and stock up on that. (My baking list includes amounts I need for the entire list and i refer to that every year). I spread out the cost over a couple of months and then have everything at my fingertips when the urge to bake strikes me…then according to hubby…I go nuts…LOL


Oh, Pat – you find humor everywhere – why we love and appreciate you so much here – and there – LOL




Oh, have to cover my heel – no frosty feet for me – Nope – time to increase my B Complex supplements in preparation for winter – (3) pairs of socks just won’t do it – maybe, I should invest in a bed warmer -my bed warmer died (4) year ago.


so sorry about your bed warmer!!
I cannot sleep if my feet are hot…LOL


And…I cannot sleep if my feet are cold – lol




or do you like the energizer bunny ones? lolcomment image


Or maybe, I will ask PT for some of his plasma – LOL


bet he’d give it to you! he’s swell that way


Am sure he would, Pat – He’s a BLESSING for all of us!!! What a guy!!!


yup, but only in that I love my President kind of way.
(hubby’s reading over my shoulder…LOL…squealed on him!)


Tell him – go ahead – jump right in – we would love his thoughts on our President – 🙂


{{whispering}} he’s a little jealous of POTUS…LOL


Why? He is taken – just as you are taken!!!


Show him pictures of Melania – he will get over it quickly – LOL


I have…LOL


Smart Girl – did he drool all over your ‘puter?


he’s much more respectful of me–but inwardly? YUP!


* Smiling *


hey, do they that’s part of why he’s jealous? giggle


So – he is not jealous of you affection for PT – but jealous of what PT has? Or – am I just missing it all this AM in my denseness?


he’s a red blooded American male–he appreciates beauty in all its forms…and let’s face it Melania has a beautiful form…lol
no disrespect intended


I love red blooded American men…men not afraid to be men!




She is beautiful inside and out!!! The epitome of femininity – unlike others who ‘look’ like women – ‘act’ like women – and ‘whine’ like women – who embarrass themselves at every turn.


He made me laugh yesterday – at the rally with seniors – he was talking about how strong Barron was – how he fought off the virus quickly – and then – out of the blue – he asks the audience if they thought Barron was tall enough – LOL


Barron will be formidable one day…like his father


Agree – but, he is more like his mother – pensive and quiet – I think – by formidable – do you mean in height – certainly not verbally


formidable as in a worthy opponent–no fool–smart–able to plan and execute that plan brilliantly.


Well – that makes more sense – after all – he does play chess – not an easy game to learn and/or play well – smart young man! – still cannot believe – his is only 14 – a child!!! He handles himself well in public!!!


indeed he does!


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lawsuit filed against Cuomo by Jewish Rabbis
According to the lawsuit, Cuomo’s October 6 executive order “is blatantly anti-Semitic, creating religious-observance based color coded ‘hot-spot’ zones directed towards particular Jewish communities.”
The order “not only flagantly flies in the face of scientific evidence and the Soos Injunction” — a legal injunction preventing New York from subjecting religious services to extra restrictions over secular gatherings — but it also “specifically singles out the orthodox Jewish community in what has proven to be the latest extension of Governor Cuomo’s streak of anti-Semitic discrimination.”
Rabbi Moshe Rosner (representing Congregation Yesheos Yakov in Monsey, N.Y.), Rabbi Samuel Teitelbaum (representing Congregation Oholei Shem D’Nitra in Spring Valley, N.Y.), and Rabbi Chaim Leibish Rotterberg (representing Congregation Nitzach Yisroel in Monsey, N.Y.) filed the lawsuit. Ron Coleman and Harmett Dhillon with Dhillon Law Group and the Center for American Liberty are representing them in court.
The lawsuit alleges that Cuomo violated: the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment, the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment, the Freedom of Assembly Clause of the First Amendment, the Due Process Clauses of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.


more ballot shenanigans…(posting here and on the committed thread)
This week in dumpster diving, “bins of ballots” were found dumped in a house under construction in Louisville, Kentucky. But don’t worry, Savannah, there were only 100 or so anecdotal ballots found dumped, potentially disenfranchising those 100 anecdotal people. Louisville law enforcement will turn the case over to the feds when they’re done investigating.
WDRB Louisville reports: “bins full of ballots” found in a dumpsterhttps://t.co/tHrsJiqI7W pic.twitter.com/zku2Ux7ml7
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 16, 2020
Elsewhere, a garbage man saw a few anecdotal ballots trickle out of an eight-yard dumpster he was dumping and notified the media and the post office. The mail carrier believed it was stolen mail. The garbage man, who describes himself as a patriot, said he just wants everyone’s ballots to count. “I’d be terrified if my name was on that ballot.”
I spoke with a man who says he found voting ballots 🗳️ in a dumpster Thursday morning at a business in Sandy, Utah.#VOTE #Election2020 @fox13 #utpol https://t.co/rlutyb4QoG
— 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐞𝐞 (@brian_schnee) October 16, 2020
Elsewhere in Utah, ballots rushed through the printing process to 13,000 voters (that’s just anecdotal, Mr. President) in Sanpete County, were missing the crucial line that election officials constantly insist is the fool-proof way to determine whether it’s you who’s voting – the signature line.
Ballot printing error in #Utah’s Sanpete County resulted in blank flap on 13,500 ballots. Should have included voter affidavit and signature line
“Certainly not the kind of start you want to have,” @ElectionsUtah director Justin Lee@KSL5TV @kslnewsradio @DNewsPolitics @KSLcom pic.twitter.com/p33yo0p097
— Ladd Egan (@laddegan) October 14, 2020
Oops. But don’t worry, election officials say that voters who don’t intuitively know to sign the back of the envelope, where there’s no space to do so, will have their unsigned ballots accepted anyway and “do everything they can to verify the voter.” At the worst, this could mean that they won’t require the one little thing that was supposed to prevent voter impersonation – a verifiable signature.
In the battleground state of Pennsylvania, my PJ Media colleague Rick Moran reports that elections officials have rejected mail-in ballot requests for 372,000 people. But things may not be what they seem. Moran reports most of those voters “didn’t realize” that they made two requests for ballots. There seems to be much more to the story, such as the specter of purposeful chaos.
The story making the rounds in the last couple of weeks about scores of ballots being dumped in Petaluma, Calif., turned out to be scores of ballot envelopes from 2018. USA Today says they were properly disposed of. If you’re keeping track, you can mark this one off your list of ballot shenanigans.


Bach: “Cello Suite No.1 BWV (Bach works catalogue) 1007”
Petrit Çeku, guitar
Live @ Croatian Music Institute Zagreb 22 march 2018
#petritceku #bach #Artofsoundandvision
Bach: Cello Suite No.1 BWV 1007 / Petrit Çeku guitar

Çeku (b. 6/2/85) is a Kosovo-Albanian classical guitarist.


Great bluegrass lineup!
The Tony Rice Unit – Blue Railroad Train


A little more “high lonesome” . . .
Del McCoury Band – “Uncle Pen” Live | The Relix Session

Rodney Short

Most infants had milk in their bottle, I had Bluegrass…
Thank you for sharing this Duchess…..


Nice, Rod!!!

Rodney Short


Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s some great “nutrition” with Patty Loveless and Ricky Skaggs – Daniel Prayed … good thing for us to do, too… morning, noon, and night…

Cuppa Covfefe

And Alison Krauss, A Cappella, “Down To The River To Pray”

Rodney Short



John Feeley – Cello suite no.1 in D by J.S. Bach

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s a CELLIST performing the Bach CELLO Suite #1 [ 😀 ] One of the greatest cellists ever, indeed of the last 1-200 years, Pablo [NOT Pau] Casals rediscovered the Bach Cello Suites, which become relatively obscure, perhaps as the Violin Suites and Sonatas were quite popular with the many great violinists of the day.
Another impediment for the cello suites was that they were performed rather dryly and almost mechanically; Casals’ treatment is warmer and almost romantic, which was somewhat controversial when he first started performing them in public (more than 100 years ago!)
A couple of things to note – if you listen carefully, you can hear him singing along from time to time 🙂 Also, his command of bowing is almost unmatched by other string musicians; he was able to draw eight beats of Fortississimo in the lower quarter of his bow, indeed, at the tip of his bow he was able to play with both power and precision. His fingering is also remarkable, with percussive placement of his fingers (you can hear that too on many of his recordings). He also developed new fingering techniques, and played in “just intonation” which varied the intervals between notes as opposed to the fixed intervals of “well-tempered” intervals. In some cases the notes going up a scale would be different from the same notes on the way back down: by intent, not by accident.
Casals single-handedly (OK, both-handedly 🙂 ) advanced both cello technique and musicianship, although it seems that most of the YouTube vids only care to comment on Catalonian Independence… sigh…


This is absolutely fascinating, Cuppa – sharing with strings in my family – Thanks!!!


Casals’s life is fascinating – he played for Queen Victoria and JFK awarded him the Medal of Freedom. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pablo_Casals

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. And he almost lost the ability to play when his hand (I think left) was crushed while climbing in the Pyrenees. It was a wonder how it healed, and that he never suffered arthritis or other issues from that…
That was in a Life Magazine article about him, from 1963!!! It also talked about his wife Marta (Wayyy younger than him), and his daily routine of playing all the Bach Inventions on the piano (he was also an accomplished pianist, along with being a composer and conductor). Talent and artists like him come along only about once in a century. Folks in the early 20th century were blessed with probably the largest group of these “super talents” ever assembled. Fortunately we have a lot of recorded material thanks to Edison and his contemporaries, as well as piano rolls from the likes of Debussy, Satie, Ravel, Faure, and others, most of which are now on YouTube (one of the few GREAT things that it does)…


The Bach Suite #1 melody was so familiar to me and I thought I had a recording on tape or CD, but couldn’t find it. It wasn’t Casals. I was familiar with him from the JFK days.
I am uneducated, but picky about music – can’t stand Vladimir Horowitz’ sour piano tone.


GA/FL, if you ever are inclined to replace the CD, I can happily recommend Lynn Harrel’s multi-CD of Bach’s Unaccompanied Cello Suites.
I have CDs of these Suites by many different Cellists, including Yo Yo Ma, and I find Harrell’s treatment to be the most “soulful”, engaging, and charmingly paced.
And although he does not sing/hum as he performs, the recording is stunning, and in many instances you can hear his fingers slide along the cello strings, as well as a foot keeping the beat on the floor.
Really fine performances. I doubt you’d be disappointed.


Thank you, I’ll make a not of his name.


Agree about YouTube. I enjoy comparing and contrasting different artists.


Indo-Pacific News
#India scrambles to buy winter gear from #US amid tension with #China
The rush to acquire the gear shows the situation will extend into the winter. The troops face off at 15,000 feet, with temperatures dropping to -30 Celsius

Text of one more tweet in this thread:
India has bought high altitude warfare kits from the US on an urgent basis, officials with the knowledge of the matter said, a sign that the South Asian nation is preparing for an extended winter deployment after talks to ease tensions along its border with China stalled.
………………….End text.
I read a blurb a few weeks ago, that said Indian troops were seeing the Chinee troops passing out from the high altitude up in the mountains.
The Indian troops go there and live for months, to get used to it.
But the ChiComs send their troops up there and expect them to go on duty immediately.



India had better “pray” that POTUS wins!

Rodney Short

Cha Cha China cant afford 4 more years of Trump 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸😎😎😎
After November I would love to see 50%+ tariffs across the board just to finish China off, we can always help their people after Trump destroys the dynasty…


Now that POTUS has had ChYna “Funding the Farmers” he can have them “Funding our USA Manufacturing Renaissance”

Rodney Short

Amen and they can fund our rehab centers to help with the junkies they helped to create.
China would have destroyed the World had Hillary won her rigged election…




wheatie, according to Wictor/Carlos, the Indians are WAY more prepared to deal w the physical as well as military realities of this particular engagement.
He wrote a thread ab it iirc, ab 5-6 wks ago.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gab is almost at Twitter levels of research now. “The big names” are still on Twitter, but half their fan accounts who power them with ideas fled to Gab, and there is a lot of smart analysis starting there already.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Along those same lines, Parler is getting a lot of people, but it is not terribly suitable for analysis, because it’s very hard to see strings of comments.


Parlor feels more comfortable for the FacePlant people culturally (IMO).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Probably true!


I am (im)patiently waiting for GabTV……. Youtube sucks as of late.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gab TV is almost here, according to Torba!


Censorship used to be what happened in other countries.
New York Post says Twitter is holding its account hostage as paper is told it must delete links to Hunter Biden email story even though site lifted ban on sharing bombshell report

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, this is freaking BS – Twitter can GO TO HELL.

Cuppa Covfefe

Twitshitter is sowing the wind: but they will reap the WHIRLWIND!
Isn’t there one of the Dark Side of the Saudi Family deeply invested (financially and otherwise) in Twitter?
Could it be that Dorkey has an offer on the table that he can’t refuse? Maybe a one-way trip to Vegas???
Maybe afraid the “meadows” might open up and swallow him?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Don’t back down!!! New York Post!!! Stand strong against Twitter and their SAUDI AND CHICOM MASTERS.
NY Post needs to go to GAB and PARLER now!!!


ALL the gaslighting portraying this as Russian “disinfo” just went POOF!
Hunter HIMSELF dropped off THREE laptops, liquiud damaged. one was not damaged, theother was TOAST, and it is the THIRD which held all the info, and had a damaged hard drive.
There Is a SIGNED service ticket. They man restored the hard drive, and while doing it saw the emails and images, DISTURBING images. He realized the relevance and the RADIOACTIVITY of the laptops. He TRIED to take it to the FBI in New Mexico, and they told him to take a hike. This was DURING the run up on Ukraine to shampeachment.
Then as shampeachment was in full swing, the FBI sent two agents, NAMED agents. They REFUSED the laptop then too.. Then as Shampeachment was nearing its crescendo, the FBI called back, asked to make an IMAGE of the hard drive, and when they came for the “image” handed the shop owner a SUBPOENA, there WAS a GRAND JURY, just as I said. Later as Trump WAS impeached, the shop owner realized what the FBI was doing, they HID evidence from Trump’s team that would have COMPLETELY exonerated him. The man had the HDD IMAGE he made when repairing the laptop, and he THEN gave it to Rudy.
Do you KNOWW what this means? The FBI AGAIN his exculpatory evidence on Trump. That IS obstruction of justice, hidden under the COVER of a subpoena from a grand jury.
The FBI does NOT need a GRAND JURY to subpoena Russian “disinfo” This is a COVER up.
The evidence MUST be damning, and EXPLAINS Biden’s silence. They HAVE the image TOO, and they CAN’T defend or DENY it. It must be a campaign KILLER.
NOw the gaslighting to TRY and fool or stall the reveal, WON’T work. The shop owner has ALL the records..I am CERTAIN he gave them and copies to Rudy.
Rudy is LETTING them open their spin mouths, and gaslight, THEN he will DESTROY them…ALL.
This is EARTH shattering.
Christopher Wray is TOAST
The gaslighting MSM is TOAST
Twitter, Google, and Facebook are TOAST for election interference, censorship, and aiding and abetting OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE
Joe Biden is BURNT TOAST.
Pay for play that even rivaled Hillary and Bill, MAYBE worse.
ALL the above ands ANY that hid this EVIDENCE OF CRIMES is GONE…BYE, do not pass go, go STRAIGHT toi jail.
THIS time it is ALL documented. They are FUCKED.
The BEST part, and NOWE I understand why Fox and the NY post are ON this.
The MSM who are gaslighting or ignoring this are or could be GUILTY OF OBSTRUCTION. Twitter, Facebook, and Google DEFINATELY.
When this is over, the SWAMP will lose a BIG chunk of its creatures FOREVER.
This is HUGE. Like I said…”Caught in a trap, they can’t walk out, because they love power too much baby”
“Why can’t they see what Hunter’s doing to them”.


Rinse & Repeat EVERYWHERE:
“Twitter, Google, and Facebook are TOAST for election interference, censorship, and aiding and abetting OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE“
Forfeiture of ALL ASSETS!
[Translated: LOSS of OWNERSHIP & WEALTH … beyond JAIL TIME]


Yes, EXACTLY, and whose specialty is RICO? Rudy Giuliani.


Then we move on to SEDITION and TREASON.


Yes, that is from the obstruction, trying to remove FRADULENTLY, a sitting President, and withholding evidence.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Look, let’s be honest and FRANK. These bastards are preparing a COUP. It will involve cheating, lying, and phony reporting. That’s why I call it a MEDIA COUP. But now it’s clearly involving the FBI and CIA. what they did was pretend to go along with the 2016 Trump win, but hold their “true masters” card on the down low, to try to SKATE OUT at 4 years.
They just let ANTIFA operate. They PROTECT IT. They let the Biden corruption operate. They PROTECT IT.
I’m onto Comey’s methodology, clearly learned from Mueller. You can investigate something, but if you do it too slow, too fast, too lightly, too deeply, etc., you can control the outcome, and that’s what they do.
Just let something go long enough, and it disappears into an administration FRIENDLY to making it go away.
I believe JOHN PODESTA is one of the main planners for the bigger strategy, including the setting of timetables and goals, like how many dead they needed for COVID, and WHEN they needed it by. That is the target that NHK (Nursing Home Killer) tried to hit.


Don’t forget Brennen’s role…Podesta might have been the planner but Brennen was the enabler.
IMO, Podesta was responsible for the “kill shots”…Seth, etc. But, not without Hillary’s approval.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She still runs the DNC, but I think Podesta is the guy who gives her plans she likes. He’s the one who “called” her 2016 concession, and is also the guy who says “don’t concede” now in their war gaming. His plan to go to the “Muh Russia impeachment circus coup” failed, and he likely had Brennan plan the Muh Ukraine coup, but I think he’s back on this new coup. He definitely helped plan the NZ false flag with their proggie leader. The man is dangerous as hell.

Cuppa Covfefe

Didn’t VSGPDJT call out the Bidens, and their handlers “a few levels up” just the other day in one of his rallies, erm, peaceful protests???
We’re seeing the same sort of corruption, etc., over here in Europe, with some of the same caste, erm, cast members. It’s also worth noting that Merde-Kuh’s main advisors now on the FaKorona lockdown are a physicist (!) and a statistician. Talk about targeted death/sickness/etc. numbers… Make the data fit the desired results… [and softly in the background, from the Mikado, “let the punishment fit the crime”]…
And just like that, the religion of pieces rears its ugly head in France (gotta have a lot of fires burning, as if there aren’t enough already)…
Can’t wait until someone ties all these strands together and strings up the perps…


Cheney and Juliana Glover are mentioned in the Bevan Cooney email posted at Breitbart.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Will look later – thanks.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, the story here is HUGE.
Seriously, I do not give a damn who took them over, they’re GONE.
They abuse process to lock up the truth and control the outcome.
The FBI is totally fake at this point, and uses HOLLYWOOD to protect itself with that damn Dick Wolf show. They even have 100% control of the WRITERS for the show, and use it to denigrate anybody who questions their fidelity and integrity, which is in serious trouble.
They are PROBABLY at this point loyal to some phony WORLD GOVERNMENT and not the United States.
Biggest thing here is that informants, military, honest government, and other law enforcement simply cannot trust the FBI. They cannot be trusted. And that goes from WRAY all the way down.
Whatever is taking over everything, took THEM over, too – and COMPLETELY.


Agreed. Time to scatter them to the winds like Kennedy wanted to do to the CIA. They are irredeemable. Even the VERY few in the FBI who are still good, they are either marginalized or brow beaten to the point of not caring.
J Edgar Hoover was a PIKER compared to these people.


Who could dismantle both groups? Potus? Congress? New director?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m not sure. And dismantling may not be the answer, but somebody will have to man or woman up and shake out the corruption in a massive way. If that person is not there now, they need to be swapped in.
Just imagine – they fought Trump for 4 years to prove, days before the election, that reform was FAKE and they were just stalling for a COUP.
Bad things happen to people who are planning a COUP.


These people should be in jail


And where does Gina Haskel stand in all of this?


See, I think Haspel is a White Hat in black Hat clothing..for now.
She was the STATION chief in London, where some of the early coup plotting was taking place with members of the coup thinking they were “safe” there.
Q posted that picture of the Hotel. WHERE did it come from? a Traffic cam? WHO could EASILY get that cam info? But, HOW did then KNOW when and WHERE to LOOK , let alone WHOM. Ah, a MOLE within.
Haspel FITS that profile. Appear swampy, get them to drop all safeguards. Gather intel. GEE is that not what a super spy in the CIA does. Haspel was a FIELD AGENT before she was director.
Also do NOT forger Pompeo was AT CIA before State. he would have UNIQUE access to who was REALLY who, and he basically handpicked his successor.
To say she is swamp is to say Pompeo is naïve or in on it. I think NEITHER of those. So, she MUST be something ELSE entirely.
I told someone the other day that Haspel AND i WENT TO THE SAME SCHOOL. Guess who ELSE went to that same school? Mitch McConnell. The turtle himself.
I KNOW Mitch, and some think he is swamp, he isn’t. He is on Team MAGA. I do NOT know Haspel, but IO know other who DO. They tell me she is a STRAIGHT shooter.
I guess we will all see soon.


Didn’t she disappear the torture evidence?


did she? or Was that the narrative.


Who knows? The Shadow knows. [from the comic books of my childhood]


I will just ask you this. Would it beyond the scope for the PTB to scapegoat someone to protect the Cabal? Asking for a friend..AH, now you see.
As we NOW know, the Bushes were NOT our “friends” Part of the SAME team, and it was NOT the USA.
Would a political “storm” over “torture” help or HURT the MIC cause? Did it enflame the War, and KEEP it going? Recrruitment of NEW “soldiers for Al Queda?
WHO released all those GITMO prisoners…Obama/


That’s a really good observation about Haspell, Progno. I think you could be absolutely right. She’s always been a puzzle to me, but what you are saying makes a lot of sense.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re right about Mitch, but I came to that conclusion by independent methods and evidence.
I suspect you’re right about Haspel, too.
Potus may be giving Wray and Haspel “what they need” to clean house. Wray is certainly going to get it. The chronology on the Hunter Biden CP evidence shows me that there is conflict in FBI – politicization – which may not be total but is still deadly big, because there seem to be both “talk to the hand”ers on taking in the evidence and “slow walkers” on dealing with it, who tried to protect Biden. The problem is that Xi seems to have beat Wray on the racial strategy to compromise FBI, so I am not satisfied that Wray is GOING to fix things, or going to be ABLE to fix things.
FBI seems not much better than the Denver DA, IMO, in terms of wanting to confront deep communist conspiracy. If they HAVE a plan against ANTIFA, I’d be surprised.
I get Haspel wanting to protect sources and methods, but without some external sign that they’re cleaning up, it becomes hard to believe they actually have.

Deplorable Patriot

Wow, isn’t it amazing. I say it and no one pays attention. Rex makes a proclamation saying EXACTLY THE SAME THING more or less and he gets agreement.
I’m in a pi$$y mood today. Yes. I admit it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Link please!!! 😉


One thing is certain. WHEN, not if, Trump is reelected in 2 weeks, the FBI and CIA are not EVER going to be the same.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If they take part in a COUP against Trump, they may not have BUILDINGS.


They will DEFINATELY not have the same people OR power. You can KISS FISA and FISC, goodbye.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Neutron Scandals – they empty the buildings but leave them intact!


Others got a “CUT” of the bribes paid out… and they weren’t all DIMs…
Remember Pompeo’s talk about China and the rating of US Governors as to how “friendly” they are to Chyna?
Well, it seems that extends to Congress critters… and other pols…
Biden is running because Chyna owns his butt and is forcing him to run… he won’t be stepping down before Nov 3rd…
Chyna owns Pelosi also… and of course the CABAL owns Chyna…



Rodney Short

Question is how long has Rudy and Trump known???
President Trump needs to go scorched earth on the FBI and everyone else involved and this includes that Rat bastard Schiff, how can he not know???
Burn it down and salt the earth, if we do rebuild the FBI do it in the heartland and not in DC…


Known on WHICH part. The FBI? The Cabal? The coup? The FBI since Admiral Rogers told him 10 days after the election.

Rodney Short

Admiral Roger will go down in history as one of the men who saved America.


He is a HERO. Him and Flynn. They will go down in HISTORY like Eisenhower, Grant, and yes Washington before them.

Rodney Short



Probably been posted, but for those that missed it like me..
Not like we don’t know it, but….


Giggle, PANIC setting in. WHY would they do this NOW…FEAR…calling for HELP. TOO LATE.


They will show inflated poll numbers as often and as loudly as they can to enable them to claim a miss- election from mail in votes when they lose. Dems have to be completely crushed at every level (at the polls).


That was the plan, but like Mike Tyson said “everybody has a plan, till they get hit in the mouth”


How Nice.
Will not retweet. Will only retweet info that they are winning in the polls. Let the Dems believe they are so far ahead that some will think they don’t need to go vote. We can use their game to our advantage.😉


THIS. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


Watch the rat king form. They’ll all squeal as they try to cut deals and chew each other’s legs off.


I would like to weigh in on the missing Flep situation.
I think comments might have been down because the page was extremely slow to load. I remember someone else mentioning this.
For me, it would show a couple of comments then continue to blank out and reload until it made me seasick. Often I stopped trying.
I use an ipad so I am not sure the problem was universal, but if others using different devices had trouble this may be something to look into,
I have also had trouble generally recently on this and other threads which involves getting to a certain point in the comments and then the page flips to the top and won’t me get any farther.
I hope this helps fix things if there are any to fix, but I am ok with blaming my ipad.


Is he not posting on purpose or is there a wordpress problem?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It is both a TWITTER problem and a WORDPRESS problem.
Flep uses a LOT of tweets to do his reporting. Tweets are extremely slow – slower than ever – through the WORDPRESS PLUGIN FOR TWITTER.
I repeat. Tweets are SLOW on WordPress. There are TWO FIXES, and they only work on TEXT TWEETS. On image tweets and video tweets, one has to copy out that info, too – it’s MORE COMPLICATED.
Here are the two approaches to SPEED THINGS UP.
(1) on the viewer’s end, if you have Chrome, Brave, or Dissenter, turn OFF embedded tweets. I’m not sure if Firefox has a similar feature. Ghostery may have something similar, but it’s likely complicated.
(2) on the author’s end, or the commenter’s end, copy the TEXT of tweets and a LINK to the tweet onto WordPress, so the actual TWEET doesn’t have to load. The link to the tweet needs a dot on the end to keep it from going through the plugin and undoing what copying the text did.
Flep Tweet as a URL:
i.e. turns into (no colon or dot change)
Flep Tweet Copied with “dotted” URL at the end:
Replying to
and 2 others
You are delivering incredible data my friend! Anything on UT-4 and SC-1?


LM: I have had the same situation as you describe. I haven’t been able to read Flep’s postings for 2 months. Occasionally, I can read part of his posting and then everything just locks up. I can usually read DPat’s posting, and a few of the comments. The page constantly locks or “refreshes”.
I’ve tried my computer and my iPhone…still the same as my iPad.
I’ve deleted cookies, done all that I can. Doesn’t work.


glad to know I am not alone with my ‘puter probs… thought it was my devices


I use Ipad and never have any problems with Flep’s reports.

Rodney Short

Me either Alison, my tablet is a Verizon tablet but it says Samsung on the bottom to…


I had no problems but the I do not use the iPad on this forum or very seldom.


Is Flep ok? (I hope)

Rodney Short

I went to hit twitter last night because Kimi follows him and he has been active on Twitter…


Oh good.


If this is fake, why aren’t the Bidens suing?


TOLD YOU Rudy’s specialty..RICO…BYE JOE.


Legal fees mounting?


Biden voters. 👇


POTUS going after the Ass


Absolutely ZERO reason for them to be allowed to go TRAITOR for 6 years with “position immunity”.


Let’s roll with RICO.
Beijing Joe Biden was simply their prototype.


check out this link (there are others I’m sure):
Status of a Member of the House Who Has Been Indicted for or Convicted of a Felony


Tread lightly, we need his ACB vote.


This is about FIRMING that up. Trump calling him out is telling him that Trump, AND his constituency are WATCHING Sasse.

Cuppa Covfefe

Time to repeal the SEVENTEENTH amendment… and, yes, that will involve all the garbage that goes with getting an amendment passed (and none of this “Constitutional Convention” crap, which would put the entire US Constitution, and the future/existence of the USA in play)…
This liberal legislative sludge has been building up for more than a century. Thank GOD we’re seeing it now, and here’s hoping and praying we can get things back to the Founding Father’s vision of our Republic.
Makes me think of the Foundation Series, by Isaac Asimov. At the end, they were hanging by a thread, too (Preem Palver, et. al.)…

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. One is tempted to sing “Meet the new fail; same as the old fail”… (or bug, or whatever).
Sometimes the cure is worse than the illness.
Anymore, the checks are usually backed by the bank(s) of Red China CCP, and the balances end up in the Deep State’s bank accounts… 😡


‘Republican’ Senator Ben Sasse attacked his President first – and he was NASTY!!!!
Republican Senator Ben Sasse slammed President Trump’s behavior in a town hall with constituents this week, saying that he “kisses dictators’ butts,” mishandled the coronavirus pandemic and spends “like a drunken sailor.”
A spokesperson for Sasse confirmed to CBS News that the senator had made these comments, which were first reported by the Washington Examiner.
When asked by a constituent why he was so frequently critical of Mr. Trump, the Nebraska senator said that the president initially “ignored COVID.”
Sasse continued that Mr. Trump “kisses dictators’ butts,” citing how the president “ignores that the Uighurs are in literal concentration camps in Xinjiang” and “hasn’t lifted a finger on behalf of the Hong-Kongers.”
“The United States now regularly sells out our allies under his leadership, the way he treats women, spends like a drunken sailor. The ways I criticize President Obama for that kind of spending; I’ve criticized President Trump for as well. He mocks evangelicals behind closed doors. His family has treated the presidency like a business opportunity. He’s flirted with white supremacists,” Sasse said.”
“Sasse, who is on the Senate Judiciary Committee, spoke frequently about the importance of civic responsibility during the confirmation hearings for Judge Amy Coney Barrett this week. Sasse is considered a potential contender for the Republican nomination in the 2024 presidential election.” https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ben-sasse-trump-criticism-covid-19-response-dictators/
I SMELL RYAN AND ROMNEY – obviously Sasse has been kissing Ryan’s and Romney’s butts!!!! SPIT!!!!


REALLY – looks like Sasse could have shown some loyalty and appreciation for the endorsement and withheld his nasty comments UNTIL AFTER NOVEMBER 3.
This is the same kind of ingratitude that Romney showed.
And Ryan too.


Sasse shows lack of character.


Now will Sasse be petulant and spiteful and vote against ACB?


Will Romney and Collins vote against ACB?


Romney has said he will confirm ACB.


Thanks, Lady P.


Trump calling him about was about PRREVENTING that option for Sasse. NOW he is being WATCHED.


Sasse just became a FRANTIC LIAR.
… Sensing Rudy might have the drop on him.


He might have been in on the Biden/Pelosi/Kerry/Romney sons’ Ukraine dirty dealings?
Hate to think a professing Christian like Sasse is in on any of the stuff Rudy is investigating.


🤔Hill, Bill and Nancy
… “practicing” Christians?


Well at this rate it would take 2 centuries of “practice” just to make the concellation team. But it is given unto man to live once, after that the judgement. A person either knows God or he/she doesn’t.


Concellation: Let us count the ways …
• Consolation JOKESTERS
• Cancellation CULTURE
• CONcellation FAKERY


Mittens name dropped in the Bevan Cooney email.


We can check whether Epstein Island had an Alter … 😬

Cuppa Covfefe

To paraphrase an old Dukes of Hazzard episode, “did your mother smoke?”…



Deplorable Patriot

If you’re talking sacrifice, it’s ALTAR.
To alter is to change an existing item.


√ Spellcheck Wizard


Sounds to me as if Sasse is one of those owned by CHyna I spoke of upthread…
He’s also projecting…


Sasse is a philosophy major, served as chief of staff for several politicians, then became the youngest college president in the country. He is credited for turning the college around and increasing enrollment – but many of the students came from a nearby college that shut its doors.
I’d prefer that all future presidents have an MBA and successful executive experience. Tired of lawyer-professional politician presidents.


Georgia, the first congress critters were mostly farmers… Devin Nunes is a farmer, don’t think he has an MBA… and imho he’s one of the best in Congress atm…
The Republican Party is being taken over… by the people. We are tired of those mealy-mouthed go along to get along critters. I’m also tired of arguments about who is a conservative and who is not. What does the word even connote today? I like the word Republican as in one who cherishes our Republic and wants to repair and make it strong. You don’t even need a college degree for that… at least the degrees they hand out these days. No, give me a John James, or a Klacik or uh, ol’ brain not bringing up names, but you get the gist of what I am saying. And I hear what you are saying. We need people who have worked hard, sometimes against the odds, and have COMMON sense, and live outside the BUBBLE, know the price of a gal of milk (unlike Poppy Bush for instance) and the desperation to find the money to fill the Rx for your sick child, etc., etc. Enough of these jerks who think they don’t need to “WORK” that they can suck off the Gov’t sugar teat for the rest of their life … (sorry I get carried away) oh and as Peter Pan said, first we shoot all the lawyers…


Just a small point – back at the time of the revolution, colonial farmers had more ability than an MBA. Even today, the average farmer is more talented than the average MBA holder.
As a matter of fact, any of the Founders could have taught classes in the MBA arena if such a course was in existence back then.


People had CRAFT skills, survival skills, and good ol’ common sense… very little of which exists today among people in general. Most don’t know what to do with a hammer and a nail… they buy a replacement, have NO concept of FIXING things…


And even though some of those farmer-founders didn’t have much formal education, they were usually very well-read.


Just bc twit allows a link from your own pist now, doesnt mean squat. They must be dismantled.
LivePDDave 🇺🇸 🚨 🥊 (@LivePDDave1) Tweeted:
New York Post says Twitter is holding its account hostage as paper is told it must delete links to Hunter Biden email story even though site lifted ban on sharing bombshell report https://t.co/kd2oymnS9L via @MailOnline

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Screw Twitter. We Need to all move to FREE SPEECH alternatives like Gab and Parler NOW.
Gab is EXPLODING with new users. Twitter had to engineer a shutdown to HIDE THE LOSSES.


WHOEVER is running Twitter, hint it AIN’T Jack, is STUPID. Attacking INDIVIDUALLY a MAJOR newspaper and threatening them with CENSORSHIP unless they comply is EXTORTION, LIBEL , and more.
These people are BEGGING to be deplatformed ENTIRELY. DO it Ajit, until such time as the election and the trial is over.


Q says stand your electronic ground and do not abandon twitter and FB battlefields.
You’ve seen the posts I’m sure.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That means compromise. HELL NO. MOVE THE BATTLEFIELD. That’s TRUMP.


Eric Trump (@EricTrump) Tweeted:
The salary of a U.S. Senator is $174,000 per year. This is Joe Biden’s house…. seems legit 🙄 https://t.co/DtD0DzXlrY


Correction, Eric, this is ONE OF Biden’s FOUR houses. Seems even MORE “legit”


Wow really?




saw somewhere…I will have to find it…Biteme bought his FIRST MANSION at 20…bought more since then


Whoa. Dirty his whole life.


found it…
Town & Country did a piece about all of Joe Biden’s homes a few weeks ago. The man owns mansions. He bought the DuPont mansion when he was a young senator in 1974. In 1974, senators made about $44,000.
According to the article, he took out multiple mortgages and received loans against life insurance policies (in his 20’s). His net worth was often in the negatives—in 2007, he was ranked the least wealthy senator.
This next photo is Joe’s starter home. I don’t know how he did it. I made almost as much as he did in 1974 and I bought a two-bedroom house on a postage stamp plot with a neighbor who cremated my Zoysia grass every time it crept onto his property.
he says he was always seduced by real estate…

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe he was taking advice from all those “Leisure Suit Larry” types who advertised late at night on the various UHF channels about buying vast amounts of property for “NO MONEY DOWN” 😀
Or, he sold his soul even back then… have to wonder what his parents were in to; perhaps the corruption goes back to (or through) them…


yeah…it’s a miracle…lol


Thats a lot of money. Those home are worth more that whats listed.


More Dutch Children to Die by Euthanasia
Latest salvo in the international Culture of Death
AMSTERDAM (ChurchMilitant.com) – The Netherlands is preparing to expand its euthanasia regime to include children ages 1–12.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. This stuff is the LEAD-IN to the Nazi execution state. It’s the BEGINNING.


I must agree. This is EVIL.

Cuppa Covfefe

Especially sad considering what the Dutch Underground did in WWII to save thousands of Jews (including two of my professors at USC)… But then, the northern Europeans have been running to the left since the “68’ers” (hippies, etc.) took over. Wonder if it’s the lack of sunlight (or perhaps the lack ot The Son’s Light)???


Europe has gone from decadent to depraved.


No, GA. they were ALWAYS depraved, now they are moving to pure EVIL.




Baker on F&F says current status is Trump-4100, Sleepy-1650.


I wouldn’t eat a Biden cookie if it was FREE!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! And don’t give it to the DOG, either!


$4.49/ea You can get a box of milk bones for that!

Cuppa Covfefe

Probably the same stuff 🙂
(wow…frosted MilkBones… my Dachshund would have loved that 🙂 )…


Article said Trump cookies were leading 3 to 1.


Cuppa Covfefe

Bi-DONE trying to hold back the Three Gorges dam…




Has Disney always been into child exploitation?


I think someone had a twitter feed on that. Was very telling.
Heck I read a Frozen book last time and in it they had hidden a same sex couple. Saw people complaining about it in reviews.


I am Soooooo past Disney


From Larry Schweikart.
I can’t tell you how I came by this, but may I suggest, if you pray for President Trump, use the words “My President.” I think it will make a difference. (“I pray for my president, Donald Trump, etc.”)


Steve, thank you for the history refresher. I didn’t realize Monday’s significance.
Here’s another piece of this history, the Battle of Oriskany. Perhaps one of those “snafus”? August 1777 (8/1777) was a difficult month.
They say this thing involves modern battle involves Wizards and Warlocks?
(Please add at least one Magician.)
Thanks Steve.


We’ve got Q drops:
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f457dc No.11118631 📁
Oct 17 2020 11:36:26 (EST) NEW
There is ‘Q’. 1
There are ‘Anons’. 2
There is no ‘Qanon’. 3
Media labeling as ‘Qanon’ is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] ‘Q’ to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.
Not all ‘Anons’ are authentic [injected].
You are correct, CJ.
Retweet @ 17:17 had meaning. [mathematical probability _17:17 [day after]?]
Do you believe it was a coincidence surgical removal of You Tube accounts occurred same day as ‘Hunter’ drop?
Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.


thanks for posting and being on top of this!!


just got back from some errands and we drove past a TRUMP merchandise stand–new for this area!
but what surprised me was the Biden stand right next to it…till I got closer and saw it was all BIDEN SUCKS merchandise!!!!


smart man!!


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 7abb0d No.11118824 📁
Oct 17 2020 11:47:14 (EST) NEWcomment image


Ah, CONFORMATION that the Biden stuff is TRUE, and has LEGS…Bye Joe. Anything Schiff says is a LIE, so that proves the emails are TRUE.


Virginia legislature passes bill preventing cops from stopping cars with no headlights, brake lights, etc.
citing a report from The Daily Press, says the legislation, which is headed to the desk of Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D), also bars police from stopping cars for a variety of equipment violations—from darkly tinted windows (another tactic enjoyed by criminals) to faulty brake lights, loud mufflers, or objects dangling from rearview mirrors.
Not only that, but officers are prohibited from pulling drivers over for expired inspection stickers, unless they are three months overdue, or for having outdated registration plates. Genius.
“Do they not care about public safety at all?” asked Sheriff J.D. “Danny” Diggs of the York-Poquoson Sheriff’s Department. “It’s gone beyond being anti-police now. Now, they’re anti-public safety and the safety of citizens.”
Diggs contends that matters such as working brake lights are important in order to prevent accidents.
“And no headlights?” Diggs asked indignantly. “No headlights are one of the top indicators of a drunk driver…the smell of marijuana? They don’t care about people driving impaired, maybe getting ready to kill someone. That’s a significant problem in states where marijuana is legal.”


where are the tar and feathers?


Even at night that is so dangerous, and could cause many a wreck especially in bad weather.
Damn some states have gone over the Hill Butt Shit Crazy. 💩💩💩💩💩💩


The Library
#whereshunter #CreepyUncleJoe #childcrimes #bribery #FireWray #DisbandTheFBI

Adam Housley
Facts. FBI has hard drive and they don’t get subpoenas for empty hard drives. John Paul saw Hunter and has receipts and signatures and full details and they all check out. Hunters lawyers called and asked for them back.
Harold Wren
, edited


The Library
The FBI is a National Disgrace. Worse, the FBI is a rogue agency that’s become a Clear & Present Danger to the Survival of the United States.
#FireWray #DisbandTheFBI

Tracy Beanz
Fox is saying the FBI is investigating the Hunter Biden emails! I cheered. Then they said they are investigating WHETHER THEY CAME FROM RUSSIA! Disband the FBI. This is ABHORRENT. 😡
Harold Wren


Tom Fitton@TomFitton
@RudyGiuliani has been right about Joe Biden’s corruption.
SteelHorse Patriot 🇮🇹🇧🇷🇺🇲@SteelHo77791721
Replying to @TomFitton and @RudyGiuliani
Of course, who in not doing good is the blind FBI…
Angie Kaye@polk9991
Replying to@TomFitton and @RudyGiuliani
so has @peterschweizer
CaesarGirl @CaesarGirl392
Replying to @TomFitton and @RudyGiuliani
He sure has! Thank you Rudy!!!!


Rudy would not be saying, as he did last night, that the FBI and DoJ had this info for a year and did nothing, if that were not the case… and it is my belief that POTUS has NO faith in the FBI or the DoJ…
anyone who believes Chris Wray is a White Hat or a sleeper or whatever, is in denial, imho…


“no faith in DoJ” Did AG Barr know about this? If so, what does that say about prospects for future justice?


I could speculate a good answer. Yes. AG Barr knew . . . so did PTrump. And they waited for everything to develop to entice the villains out of the woods, to gather evidence suitable for presentation in court and to plan the best time to drop some of the info on the public to ensure four more years.


These drops now are to give normies info so that when arrests come AFTER the election, they’ll know why
I mean selling out to China is Treason, and we have a LOT of people who have done just that… Joe Biden is just the tip of the iceberg…


Suggest that DJT has sights set on something much more comprehensive that just four more years. However it;s important that the evil deeds of all are exposed and out in the open for the world to see. The opposition needs to be absolutely crushed and integrity needs a clear view in allowing justice for all to be delved out. That process will require another full or partial term. This is more than what can be accomplished in a year or two. It is a world wide historical bowel movement.


The day after President is reelected, AG Barr will ask for resignations from ALL US Attys…
this is CUSTOMARY… POTUS will accept resignations from those he does not trust/want and appoint others he does trust (I’m sure he has THE list in hand/head)
I’m truly not decided wrt Barr …
as for these drops before the election… they are NOT coming from DoJ… Barr has NOTHING to do with them…


he didn’t “fire” … their resignations were asked for, and as I said, that is customary.
remember when Sessions asked, and some peeps were fussing because they didn’t know it was customary?


Right ! 😉

Elizabeth Carter

I recently had a similar experience when responding to a Summons for Jury selection for Criminal Court. I had previously phoned to inquire about the protocol for those who didn’t wear masks and they did not offer any options but never ruled it mandatory.
On route there I decided that I would be courteous and not provoke them. When asked if I had a mask, I said no. When a mask was offered, I said no thank you. I felt no obligation to explain to anyone the reasons for my choice. I was moved off to the side and approached by 2 Sheriff’s officers who then told me to leave and to return in six hours time. I indicated that I would be pleased to leave and had no plans to return that day or later. They threatened that they would be sure to tell the Judge and I responded to be sure to give him my phone number if he needed to talk about it.
It was raining and when I left my pickup slid sideways for the whole block in front of the Court House. I guess I haven’t completely grown up yet, as there seems to be a little mischief left to spread around. hahaha.
I simply don’t go to places that insist on masks. I thank then and go elsewhere.

Valerie Curren

MAGA centenarians!!! Heroes in Any age…

Valerie Curren

Reminds me of when we took our extended family clan out on Father’s Day & treated everyone (something we Never did ’cause we never had money) so my husband could announce why it was truly a special Father’s Day for us. That was my last pregnancy & our only daughter, though we didn’t know it until she was born 😉


Not a shocker…
REVEALED: ‘Trained Marxist’ Black Lives Matter co-founder is being funded by group linked to the Chinese Communist Party
BLM co-founder Alicia Garza, 39, is the principal of Black Futures Lab, an advocacy group for black people
The group is financially supported by the Chinese Progressive Association, it has been revealed
Its donate button links directly to the CPA site
The CPA was founded in San Francisco in 1972 and has held events with and in support of the Chinese Communist government
Garza has previously been described as a ‘trained Marxist’


I hope she will contact the White House about this!!!


Report: Communist-aligned Chinese elites gained White House access via Hunter Biden, met with VP Joe Biden https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/biden-family-profited-financially-from-2011-wh-meeting-with-chinese/



#whereshunter #CreepyUncleJoe #bribery #childcrimes
Federal Crimes Uncovered In Biden Hard Drive | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 78
In this episode of Common Sense, Rudy Giuliani, who was the trailblazer for RICO prosecutions in the 1980s, demonstrates how the thirty years of the Biden Family selling public office, and many other crimes, makes a perfect RICO case.
Don’t forget to comment…


Full Story Behind Hunter’s Laptop Debunks Latest Russia Conspiracy Theory
“Hunter signed the service ticket…”


#TRUMP #MAGADid TRUMP just Bust The Media,Joe & the DeepState?POPCORN 10.17.2020


#StayTogetherKeep Fighting! Victory is in Sight! 10.15.20


Justice Department@TheJusticeDept
Departments of Justice and Homeland Security Release Data on Incarcerated Aliens
94 Percent of All Confirmed Aliens in Department of Justice Custody Are Unlawfully Present
Departments of Justice and Homeland Security Release Data on
Today, the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security released the Alien Incarceration Report for Fiscal Year 2019. The data shows that 94 percent of confirmed aliens incarcerated


Flag of United StatesLionelFlag of United States@LionelMedia
This might just be the most important question of the day. No, strike that. It is the most important question of the day.
Quote Tweet
James Woods@RealJamesWoods
· 2h
Mr. Speaker, you are an icon of the Republican Party and have been for decades. Do you have any explanation for the lassitude with which the current RNC accepts these biased debate moderators? Why are they handing the debates and “town halls” to the Democrats on silver platters? twitter.com/newtgingrich/s…







Nothing new here. Taiwan has been living with this threat since 1949.


True – this is more fear mongering – I think PT is assisting them now – that might be why they are saber-rattling now – figure most people do not know – just like they did with NK – maybe?


did you see the IDIOT Buttigieg say Trump has destroyed foreign policy every where he went? LMAO…PSST he Pete, Trump has been nominated for not one, not two, not even THREE but FOUR DIFFERENT Nobel peace prizes for his foreign policy. DUMBASS, soon to be EX mayor of Ft Wayne.
If THAT is destroying “foreign policy” by PEACE, gimme some MORE. The ONLY thing Trump’s foreign policy is destroying is ISIS, Al Queda, Islamic extremists, foreign takeover of OUR military and OUR blood and treasure by Globalists, AND the MIC who want nothing but WAR for profit.


It’s about time. Italy needs to put in a claim with the EU for the costs of Libyan “refugees” that were caused by Sarcozy and Hill-da-beast.
And where is Qaddafi’s gold?


Good Point – Good Question, P

Cuppa Covfefe

The ones who are paying for almost all of the refauxgees are the German taxpayers; who are also propping up most of the rest of Europe (Italy, Spain, Greece, and to a lesser degree, France, Portugal, and the nordic countries). The common monetary pot that supposedly “feeds” Europe keeps needing “refresnment”, and Merde-Kuh, Druggie,er, Draghi, and LaGarde “generously” offer our money for it… to pay for THEIR profligacy and mistakes… and they want to put the taxes up AGAIN!!!


Wasn’t he another of Obama’s “friends”? Sure are AL OT of Obama’s former “friends” that ran countries that are being arrested. Do I see a PATTERN? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! How’s it goin Barack, having trouble sleeping? just WAIT, you ain’t seen NOTHING yet. TIC MFING TOC.
Oh, PS, Criminal Association is the French equivalent of CONSPIRACY and RICO here.


This was interesting reading and unfortunately I believe it.
A dumbed down, indoctrinated, underemployed, angry and depressed younger generation is a made to order tool for the left,

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is definitely going to be a coup attempt by the COUPISTS.


I seem to remember Obama saying that he wanted to create a civilian police force as well funded as the military,
So much evil…
I am sad to think that there are so many who accept it as good. The perversion of the people is facilitated by the press.


See, he ALWAYS had one. At first they were called ACORN, and the Black Panthers, with a few of Farrakhan’s people mixed in. NOW they are called Antifa and BLM.


Perhaps. Even likely.
But it will fail, just as all other things tried to stop PT have failed. And are failing.
This is a glorious time. Our enemies are finally FORCED out of the shadows and into the light.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes they are. And I think it’s time to push the SPEAR at Twitter. Let the NY Post back on, without censoring that article, or POTUS WALKS to Gab.
And then ShadowNet has to follow, and lose all their tools designed for Twitter.


How about all that and MORE. When Twitter refuses, and they will , let Trump migrate to gab, and THEN have Pai remove Twitter’s access to the internet backbone for misuse of a public air wave, censorship, electioneering, and misleading the public interest via GOVT owned utility.
Once ALL of Twitter becomes a perpetual 404 NOT FOUND page, the REST will get the message, and COMPLY, begrudgingly, but COMPLY they will.


BINGO. BEST time to go on OFFENSE is NOW.


It too will fail Wolf. Jusdt like the continuing coup is now. Did you MISS it? Trump is NOW on offense.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. “Nothing can stop what’s coming”.


Someone, who has been RIGHT, has kept telling us that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And the reason they know, is that “we have it all”.


Yep. ALWAYS have.


THIS is called realization and PANIC setting in.
A person UP 12 would NOT be posting internal memos saying this stuff. The REAL polls must be DEVESTATING.
And NOW, Joe has to campaign, but he CAN’T. One he is too feeble and UNRELIABLE, tio a major gaffe.
Two, The Hunter emails are NOT going away.
I LOVE the constant gaslighting on all the pundit shows…”Trump is behind” “is he a detriment to House and especially Senate Republicans”
I’ll answer a question WITH a question.
Does he LOOK like someone who is behind?
Does he ACT like someone who is behind?
Are Republican Senate candidates AVOIDING him?
Are Republican House candidates avoiding him?
WHO is NOT acting “ahead”?
WHO does not LOOK ahead”
WHO is being avoided like the PLAGUE by HIS party’s House and Senate Candidates?
WHO is NOT getting ANY support, or backing from those same candidates or even party establishment.
ONLY MSM, and pundits.
Joe is smoke and mirrors. The smoke is DISSAPATING, and the mirrors are BROKEN.


Just checking…
We are good to vote early IN PERSON at a polling place.
Is this correct?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I like Trump’s earlier advice. Vote by absentee and then make sure it got in and counted.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

However, EARLY IN-PERSON is great, too, and highly recommended.


Depends on the state. Here in NJ, in person is only on 11/3, and it’s paper “provisional” ballots that are counted last. You can only use a machine if you’re disabled. (Same procedure as the July primary). Everyone has a ballot, and we’re dropping ours off in person at the county board of elections. Not in a drop box, and certainly not through the post office.


We have a very crooked county clerk, and he sent out letters directing people to the wrong address for their voting places, among other things. I am voting in person at the county building but do not trust any of it.


There is FAR less FRAUD if you vote in PERSON. They had PLANNED the fraud for mail, NOT in person. That is why the covid scam, to LIMIT in person turnout. BIG mistake.


Good, bad or indifferent…voted early in NV this morning.
Line no big deal. Folks in a good mood and chatting away about Trump, stoopid masks, great weather…
Just over an hour.
Guessing 20% folks wearing Trump hats, t-shirts, Flag t-shirts… No one asked me to take off my MAGA hat while voting.
Probably 50% not wearing masks. No one was asked to wear a mask or seamed to care either way.
IMO, vote in person first opportunity.


Nevada among a few MORE surprises is FLIPPING red. ALL their schemes are BACKFIRING bigly. Want to KNOW how I KNOW this? Early voting has ALWAYS been a SCAM used by dems to try and build PHONY leads, and then determine how much is IN and how much they SHOULD need to cheat to win on election day via looking at registered voter rolls.
They KNOW the early returns are BAD , hence the panic email requesting money and voting (“not up double digits MUCH closer” by Biden campaign spox yesterday.
They are NOT getting the early turnout they need, do NOT know the turnout on election day, and DO NOT know the demo OR who is a Trump voter ON election day. It must be REAL bad for them, and YES they ARE looking, you are NOT supposed to, but they ARE.
They KNOW now their candidate is TOAST, and they HOPED the ballot harvesting schemes would work, but they are ALL getting nixed LEGALLY via courts..APPEALS COURTS. ONLY the SCOTUS can “reverse” and they CAN’T. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
The shellacking is REAL, and the TELLS are their, and they CANNOT go through with their ballot harvesting plans + do NOT know the demo OR the turnout EQUALS DISASTER for the dems on election day.
They KNOW folks, and there is REAL panic. ALL they have left is a MASSIVE FF or a civil war. They are BOXED.
It is why I keep referring to Elvis and “suspicious minds” “Caught in a trap, I(they) can’t walk out” Because I (they) love you (power) too much baby”


Comment to the tweet says it’s Grand Rapids MI


Did you SEE the crowds, ORGANIC crowds in NY city AND Beverly Hills CA? I think there is MORE in play than even THEY want to admit.


I know… beautiful, isn’t it!


comment image
I looked but didn’t think anyone had posted these. Let me know if they are already here.
Q 4881
Oct 17 2020 11:36:26 (EST) NEW
There is ‘Q’. 1
There are ‘Anons’. 2
There is no ‘Qanon’. 3
Media labeling as ‘Qanon’ is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] ‘Q’ to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.
Not all ‘Anons’ are authentic [injected].
You are correct, CJ.
Retweet @ 17:17 had meaning. [mathematical probability _17:17 [day after]?]
Do you believe it was a coincidence surgical removal of You Tube accounts occurred same day as ‘Hunter’ drop?
Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.


Everything I’ve read states, generally, that O is the most common blood type, then A, B, and AB.


True, Truths – then why were the other blood types targeted?


That’s what I thought too.


A and b are least. O is common.


O is universal but it is not the most common in the US


Above link is blood type percentage by ethnicity and the below link is percentage of blood types in each country


I have blood type A and my husband O. He does not catch the flu as easily as I do. I do not get sick often maybe one time a year he never does even though he has other problems. I believe that type O does resist the virus.


Interesting, Sing – Thanks for posting!!!


That is true. mosquitoes never bother me but they do my husband. He also does not take heat well I do.


I never knew that!

Deplorable Patriot

Uh, no. I get eaten alive and I’m not O blood type.
It’s vitamin B6 or lack of it, I understand, that makes the difference.

Deplorable Patriot

Lack of it. I’m tell you, if I don’t take extra B6, I walk outside and it’s like ringing the dinner bell. By the time I’m aware of being under attack, I smack the suckers and my hand comes up bloody.


Q 4882
ct 17 2020 11:47:14 (EST) NEW
3773c460e43658b17f3e5fe688e10ac3f9a475660518920a92f737fa271c50dc.jpgcomment image


Q 4883
!!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ca0dd5 No.11120332 📁
Oct 17 2020 13:13:25 (EST) NEW
EAWgcw4WsAExw3k.jpgcomment image
ce773f4c0819157ef5ca34c655e559af68a921ec86ee8b3c309cc4bfb4aa2c0b.jpgcomment image


what info on a Trump child do they have that has prevented him from taking action?!!

Gail Combs

I think it may refer to the ATTACKS on President Trump’s Children esp Don Jr.
Think the Veselnitskaya meeting at Trump Tower AND SHITTY SCHIFF LEAKING the e-mail WITH THE WRONG DATE.
That was a nasty trap set by Fusion GPS & Hillary. If nothing else it was a PERJURY TRAP except Don Jr had recordings so the trap did not work.
President Trump is not going to forget or forgive that little incident.


I posted Q 4883 but it didn’t show up.
Q 4884
ct 17 2020 13:16:46 (EST) NEW

Enjoy the show!


Q 4885
f1 No.11121577 📁
Oct 17 2020 14:29:00 (EST) NEW
1602958745556.jpgcomment image
[Past 5 Hours]
Do you see how it works?
When do you expend ammunition?
[Q had a lot more links but I only posted one to see what happens.]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Remove the folder character at the end if you can, to show the tweet, or replace with a period, and that way the links will work.




POTUS just found a way to work JFK Sr. into his speech.


Yes, you are, Stever – Dan tells us daily that O/B Administration was the most corrupt in history, too!!!


Q 4886
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b151f1 No.11121861 📁
Oct 17 2020 14:42:05 (EST) NEW
Ukraine, China, Iraq, Iran, …… opens the door far beyond the BIDEN family.
How do you protect your interests [shelter from prosecution _public awareness]?
Control [infiltrate] DOJ, FBI, State, Intel, News, ……..?
How many *fired* FBI [Russia _Midyear] received a book deal?
Book deals can be lucrative.
Follow the family.
US taxpayer(s) paid for it all.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


Yeah, FBI is looking into it being a RUSSIAN influence operation…


Right. Like it’s 1958.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

People need to understand what this means.
PUTIN would be doing a job the FIB refuses to do.





Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image




Or else what?




Or else what?
Nothing. Absolutely, NOTHING. When did Senate yammering accomplish anything beyond clicks?


good question TheseTruths…



Kurt Schlichter@KurtSchlichter
What you need to understand is the Establishment and its minions actively support what Hunter and Joe Biden did.
They are in favor of that corruption. To them it is a plus.


You know why that is that the establishment supports Biden?
I do that way they own him and can manipulate him and he has to do what they want. POTUS does not come with that package and they hate it. They are so used on getting their way just as little brats are.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Thanks for all of the * Saturday Giggles * – Pat – Appreciate your posts!!!



My father does 90-minute rallies across the country 3 times a day and CNN wants to give Joe a participation trophy if he stands up on his own for more than 5 minutes.
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 17, 2020


A Different Kind of Trump 2020 Boat Parade!


Donald J. Trump
Getting ready to land in Wisconsin. See you soon!


Am I the only one that thinks this ad is so wrong on so many levels. Damn no wonder so many young kids are so rude and aggressive.



These scum deserve no quarter. They are the real deplorables.


Richard Grenell@RichardGrenell
It’s time to Break It Up.
The DC crowd controls the media and government workers.
Move some Government Agencies out of Washington, DC.
11:38 AM · Oct 17, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


Larry Schweikart@LarrySchweikart
Obama to Hit the Campaign Trail in Battleground Pennsylvania for Biden https://breitbart.com/politics/2020/10/17/obama-to-hit-the-campaign-trail-in-battleground-pennsylvania-for-joe-biden/ via
This tells you all you need about the state of the race.
He ain’t goin’ to NV or MN.
He’s going to URBAN Philly & Detroit. How scared are they?
Obama to Hit the Campaign Trail in Battleground Pennsylvania for Biden
Former President Barack Obama is expected to hit the physical campaign trail for Joe Biden next week, according to the campaign.


well, zero needs to protect his “CUT” of the bribes, right?


davealvord164 Retweeted
ColormeRed Drop of bloodFlag of United States@ColorMeRed
Fearful New Yorkers plan to flee city on Election Day: ‘People will go nuts’
https://nypost.com/2020/10/17/fearful-residents-planning-to-flee-nyc-on-election-day/?utm_source=twitter_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site%20buttons&utm_campaign=site%20buttons via
Fearful New Yorkers plan to flee city on Election Day: ‘People will go nuts’
Some people want to get out the vote. Others just want to get out. New Yorkers are on edge after a leaked NYPD memo, obtained by The Post, revealed this week that police are preparing for protests to


What? Why? Time to pull the IRS?
Women’s March Has 501(c)(4) IRS Status as It Campaigns Against Trump


Well said!!!
Actor Randy Quaid Defends Trump, Asks Americans: “Is this the way America goes—from George Washington to George Soros— from “oceans white with foam” to a “Socialist swamp?”


Biden just gave Michigan to Trump





Senate Homeland Committee Demands Answers From FBI Over Hunter Biden Laptop
The FBI stonewalled…


SICKENING: Biden doesn’t care about Cuomo’s deadly COVID dictate


Oct 16
Anna Makanju, @Facebook’s public policy and legal expert leading efforts to ensure election integrity, was
@JoeBiden’s senior policy advisor for Ukraine. She should recuse herself from the @nypost stories.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is an absolute outrage.


WOW, another proud graduate of Stanford University. Reminded me of a conversation w/ a Professor from there during a flight. She taught Business Ethics and was not able to articulate how what she taught was able to unify or give hope to her graduating students. Our conversation ended when I suggested that the definition of University was to have “unity amongst diversity”. And she was less impressed impressed when I further suggested that the Bible was the only source of ethic which could unify all the interests today.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Yup. Not exactly a surprise that business ethics now accept lying – as long as it’s about things that socialism says it’s OK to lie about.


… and to those espousing an Eastern worldview, it is not lying until they get caught…… Then it’s your fault.






He should also be in jail!




Biden commercials running here are saying that President Trump and the Republicans have a plan to remove coverage for pre existing conditions.
Are they allowed to lie so blatantly to voters?
I hope that the President will make a commercial that addresses this. Many people here are uninformed and some already believe this….including medical professionals.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump will deal with it, but he really doesn’t have to. He’s been harping on pre-existing conditions from back when most Republicans didn’t care about it.
People are going to lie about him. I lived with this for years in real life. Eventually, you learn to play long game and let the long lies backfire on the people who make them – THEN collect on the long credibility.
I cannot control what people say about me, which is false. I can only control that which is true.

Harry Lime

We all know why Hollywood movies suck now…follow the money…and the money is in China…
This article could have easily been written about American politicians…or corporate America…or…etc…etc…


When Your Body Does THIS: LISTEN TO IT and Save a Life!

Elizabeth Carter

Duchess, You might like this. I missed Polly so I went looking for her. The first video on this link is what I wanted you to see. I was given this same Scripture on 8/14/2020.
Amazing Polly was taken off youtube. She said she heard Dereck Prince preaching and he quoted this Scripture. It changed her life and she knew what she is supposed to do. In her case it is to write a book.
2 Thessalonians 2:9-13 King James Version
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:
God Bless You, Liz

Harry Lime

They took Amazing Polly off youtube? Oh, man…I hate these people…they need to be brought to their knees…most of them belong in a cold, dark prison…
How on Earth did so many slimy communist pigs get hold of all the levers of power? We were sleeping…
I hope America is waking up…


Thanks, Liz – appreciate your loving post – love the scripture verse – * Smiling *
I saw a list of those whose videos have been removed from YouTube – Sad – some have made provision on other venues – others are struggling to adjust.
God Bless You, too, Liz – but, I see He already has – Have a Blessed Day!!!


#Antifa #NancyPelosi #HuckabeeonTBN
Antifa ACCIDENTALLY Helped Trump! & Pelosi FLIPS On CNN Anchor | ATS | FOTM | Huckabee


Mark Levin: Pelosi’s Unhinged Meltdown Shows Just How Much She Hates America

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From GAB!comment image

Valerie Curren

Creepily creative!

Valerie Curren

Seems relevant…