In the interest of being organized and not cluttering up things too badly, multiple events on one day will be on one thread.
Gastonia is named for William Gaston, a jurist and United States Representative from North Carolina.[8]Historic Downtown
The Loray Mill strike of 1929 in Gastonia was one of the most notable strikes in the labor history of the United States. The role of organizers for Communist Party-affiliated National Textile Workers Union alienated religious leaders in Gastonia, who denounced the organizers’ ideology, undermining support for the strike.[9] The strike collapsed after the death of Gastonia’s police chief, Orville Alderholt, led to a murder trial of several of the organizers.[10] The strike largely failed in attaining its goals of better working conditions and wages, and the American labor movement was never able to gain a foothold among textile workers in Gastonia. The strike, however, became for a while an international cause célèbre, figuring in several novels published in the 1930s.
And…an airport.
More at the link above.
I’ll add live links to this post during the late afternoon as they become available.
In the meantime, please post tweets and videos below of what’s going on in Pennsylvania, and any travel stories you may have.
Diamond and Silk are warming up the crowd:
“Vote RED – Remove Every Democrat!!!”
Where are you watching them speak, Georgia? RSBN does not show anyone speaking…
If you are watching on YouTube – you can ‘scroll back’ to Diamond and Silk. There is also a little white haired lady Congresswoman who gave a great talk too!
Found it – but, guess I was too late to hear them speak or anyone else, either – Thanks!!!
Duchess – I scrolled back and heard them after they finished.
Oh, ok – will try that – Thanks!!!
Well – PDJT is due to fly in soon – so you could wait until the rally is over and review the early speeches.
Yes – True – Will do later –
I love the way that on YouTube, you can pause to get a drink or for a bathroom break, or scroll back to review something you missed.
Yes – that is nice – Agree
Americans are pumped!
RSBN is panning the HUGE CROWD – cannot even see the podium from where President Trump will speak!
Found the podium – in front of the humungous FLAG!!!
I think this is going to be a Marine One arrival and not an Air Force One landing. The airport in Gastonia is pretty small.
RSBN said they motorcaded from the big airport to the Gastonia airport.
Looking tanned and ready to RUMBLE!
Looks like TIFFANY is with his entourage!
“This is one hell of a big crowd!”
“There’s gettin’ a little nervous over there, the Deep State, the Democrats. 13 days. We’re going to win this state. We’re going to win 4 more years in the White House.”
Cases are UP because testing is UP.
Normal life will really resume.
Trump Super Recovery or a Biden Steep Depression.
Trump Boom or Biden Lockdown.
Get your governor to open up your state. Been closed long enough.
Biden will massively raise your taxes (he has no idea he’s doing it).
Biden will eliminate private health care — 184 million people will lose their health insurance.
Wait and see — we have a little “surprise” for “60 Minutes”.
Would like to see the unedited 60 Minutes interview.
Saving your Suburbs – low income housing – Women of the Suburbs – Unite – will not happen!!!
They claimed I was begging the women of the suburbs – Women of the Suburbs – Please love me – HA!
“We have a little surprise for 60 Minutes”
Our country will never be a socialist country!
MS13 doesn’t have to wear a mask.
Mark Meadows!
Mick Mulvaney!
I defeated 17 people – LOL
This is a GREAT rally. Calm but POWERFUL.
Really SAD, by myself I’ve had to defeat the…
Big Tech
Fake News Media
Really stupid dumb people, the Never Trumpers
The Deep Staters, the SWAMP, swamp creatures much deeper than we thought
This is interesting – re: Trump Rallies!!!
Thanks GA! I LOVE IT!
“Sometimes referred to as the China Virus….”
WTF? Adam Schiff the watermelon head? Wut???
“We’re going to find out WHY, too…..”
(talking about the CHINA VIRUS….)
Good. I’m so PISSED about that virus. I’m not sure I’ll ever be 100 percent. And I don’t like being a lab specimen for the ChiComs.
Research how to rebuild your immune system, Syl – it will be like it never happened – Mkay?
* Smiling * Love yourself – Beat it Good, Syl!!!
Keep up your vitamins, keep up your zinc, have you had your ferritin checked? That is not the same as your iron. Separate test and women can be low in it no matter their age.
Thanks LP……….I didn’t know I had a ferritin

I’ll put it on the list to discuss with the dr.
Don’t let him say no. You also can get it on your own very low cost using one of those mylab .com entities. Don’t need a doctor’s order. And have you had your Vitamin D level checked. Remember, body really needs to be near 50 for the immune system to get any help. Don’t except, “oh, it’s fine” without knowing the exact number. You can always let me know, and I’ll give feedback on a lab number if you like.
Thanks LP!!!! I really appreciate it!
AMEN! I lost 10 years of life, I’m positive.
Wolfie, I seriously believe we are lucky to be alive. And I’m not sure I would be if I hadn’t have read here about all the things to do to try to prevent/mitigate the Chyna virus.
AMEN! Same here. Had I not treated myself with everything I knew about the virus, as little and as bad as that was, I would have very likely not made it. One more “flu” statistic.
I’m a real believer in vitamin C now. And ZINC – gotta have it.
Adam Schiff – the Watermelon Head – LOL
Winning in the courts!
Adam Schiff, the Watermelon Head, said the LAPTOP FROM HELL was caused by RUSHA RUSHA RUSHA
“And then Adam Shifty Schiff….”
BIG TECH is stifling Republican WinRed donations!
Yup. WinRed runs into several bugs on phones that require working around to make the donation button light up as active. I’m betting 10-20% of people GIVE UP.
“I lost all my friends because they respect the office of The President.”
Love it!!!
Schiffty Schiff, the Watermelon Head.
Hey, was the SOUND FEED CUT on the RSBN feed? Also looks like Youtube removed the Closed Caption option.
Just got the Diamond and Silk channel on Youtube up. Sound is fine.
STATS for this NC rally are in!!!
Wow! Thanks for posting these, Georgia!!! Just saw some old numbers this AM – and they are all like this!!!
DNI Ratcliffe holding presser right now announcing IC has caught Iran and Russian interfering in our Election….not Political….You may receive weird emails
Biden will deliver pessimism, poverty, and decline.
And oh by the way, our border is CLOSED.
They’re all coming back (OUR TROOPS). 19 years is enough.
“Beware the Military-Industrial Complex.”
I switched to CSPAN on my TV. I didn’t realize they were going to show the rally today.
Me too.
I do not think most people understand the ramifications of a Biden presidency – why PT must hammer in the reality over and over at each rally – the contrast is stunning –
Why would anyone vote against his/her own interests?
Going after the Biden Crime Family!!! Let them know what Biden did to America!!!
One thinks that VALJAR, BIDEN FAMILY, DNC is involved with the anti-Trump Iranian and Russian election interference (the presser above from DNI Radcliffe).
What about Kerry? Family ties…
So funny……….he’s riffing about Joe Biden’s beautiful circles again!
Oh you guys………I can’t bear to think of a time when PDJT isn’t our President any more.
I refuse to go there. When we retake House maybe we can change law to keep POTUS 4EVAH!!!


You couldn’t catch COVID in those CIRCLES
I’m running against the Washington Swamp.
Deliver a thundering defeat to Joe Biden on November 3rd.
Joe doesn’t have that problem. He has about 4 – 5 circles.
How bout 12 more years?
Works for me!!!!
O had a lunch table meeting – what a waste!!!
Hardly anyone there, just a few more than Sleepy’s CIRCLES!! LOL!
The Biden war on the police would be a disaster for our nation.
Obama’s now campaigning. I said, Ha. Is it good news or bad news. It’s good — there wasn’t anybody who campaigned harder for Hillary Clinton. (HA!)
RUSH LIMBAUGH…he’s GREAT…got Presidential Medal of Freedom

He is something special…largest radio audience in history…THE GREATEST EVER
We all have a heart, but free healthcare, free education for illegals will flood our system
POTUS giving respect to Rush Limbaugh.
Don’t complain, get it done.
i will always stand with Law Enforcement.
I will always protect your Medicare and Social Security.
North Carolina Medicare Advantage premiums have declined by 44% since I took office.
Bureaucrats in Washington want to make decisions about who gets treatment.
POTUS ticking off what he did to combat the CHINA VIRUS.
As President, I can’t stay in the basement of the White House.
That was so nice.
Ha! He says he couldn’t stay locked up at home with Melania, although if he had to he’d pick Melania! (I bet he would!!!)
Here is a ‘trick’ that might help you and Wolfie.
In my 30s I had pneumonia. About 6 months later I started running 5 miles. When I stopped I would cough like crazy removing old nasty dried material from the bottom of my lungs. After a few weeks my lungs were again clear and I was breathing much better.
I have asthma which also leaves my lungs ‘clogged’ I have found that if I breath steam (tea water) first thing in the morning on the days I have trouble It helps clear my lungs. I do this by breathing out as much as I can and then refill my lungs with moist air. Usually I will then cough. In this way I can ‘clear’ my lungs for the rest of the day. Guaifenesin is an expectorant and is used to loosen and thin mucus. So that may help too.
Also research what herbs/vitamins/minerals will help build lung tissue.
This gives some names to research
for example African Geranium:
Clicking on ‘view references’ and looking for a title gives:
Treatment of Acute Bronchitis in Adults With a Pelargonium Sidoides Preparation (EPs® 7630): A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial
Hope like heck that helps both of you.
Gail, you are terrific. I love all the information you provide. I’m saving this to review later tonight. I appreciate it so much!!!!!
Guafenesin is very good, but be sure you drink lots of water. The point of the water is to “liquidfy” your secretions, loosen them up so you can get them out. the expectorant can be very drying without adequate fluids, so take double the amount they recommend when dosing.
Yikes, let me clarify – take double the amount of WATER, not the medication! I encourage more fluids for several hours after you dose as well.
Thanks so much LP! I’ve got guafenesin, but I don’t always remember to drink all the water I should. I’ll make sure to hit it hard when I take the guafenesin in particular.
Yes, otherwise you end up feeling bad and headachy. It’s kind of one of those little tricks of the trade, and I try to let people know.
THANQ for adding that. I meant to and forgot. Drink LOTS of water to thin secretions.
I am suggesting this because some of the early autopsy reports (China?) said the lungs were filled with ‘concrete’ like secretions. That sounds like what I was dealing with after that bout with pneumonia in my 30s. I had pneumonia again a couple years ago again and had to work to clear my lungs again.
There are these reports:
You might consider Co-Q-10
Supplemental selenium and coenzyme Q10 reduce glycation along with cardiovascular mortality in an elderly population with low selenium status – A four-year, prospective, randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled trial
Lots more papers listed on Co-Q10:
(The stuff kills off hot flashes for this old lady too.
All the Doctors…everyone of them had a hand on a different part of my body…AND I DIDN”T LIKE IT!
Free Fountain of Youth for Everybody!!!
I woke up the next morning and I felt like Superman.
I’m working to make the same antibody treatment I received available to ANYBODY, for FREE. We’re getting an Emergency Use designation.
I got RIGHT TO TRY done. We’re have more success with Right to Try.
Biden’s lockdown would reduce life expectancy. (POTUS IS RIGHT ABOUT THIS)
The Atlanta Fed predicts that 3rd quarter growth will be 35%!!
JD Crow
Replying to
Ironic: the party of “Green New Deal” and “Abolish Fossil Fuels” hosting car rallies for people to sit in their cars and create air pollution, global warming.
Is NC voting for a new governor? How is that? Didn’t we vote for governors in 2018? So wouldn’t NC vote for a new governor in 2022?
Lt. Governor Dan Forest (R) is running for Governor.
I surmised that from what Dan said – was just surprised he was campaigning – and now – you have provided the evidence as to why – Thanks, Georgia – as usual – you are on top of what is important to know!!!
Diamond and Silk!
FLOTUS showed PDJT Diamond and Silk’s videos back in the beginning! I didn’t know that.
Our First Lady is not only Gorgeous, but Very Smart Too. She married our VSG!!!

Diamond and Silk are there!
Eight circles (people)?! Good grief!
Compare and contrast:
Biden is Anti-American and President Trump is Pro-American!!!
The beheading in France is a horrifying reminder that we have to be vigiliant. I’m keeping the terrorists the hell out of our country.
The sound on the Diamond and Silk Youtube feed went out. Switched over to Closed Caption. Have to say that Closed Caption is like somebody trying to translate Sanskrit into English in real time.
I’m fighting for YOU
We will make America into the manufacuring superpower of the world……….we will ban sanctuary cities………..
Sleepy will take it away
We will keep us out of foreign wars, maintain military strength, PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH
Hydrosonic missiles…..they go seven times faster than anything else
Overrated general said we didn’t have any ammunition….
(Keep jabbing at him, PDJT! I only wish I could!)
Gimme a MAD
Gimme a DOG
What’s that spell?
Ha, ha!!!!!!
Price Transparency…Coming in January
Apparently FIB had an emergency press conference during the rally about election interference. Can’t say I watched it. but this long time poster at GWP pretty much summed it up as follows:
• 41 minutes ago
You call an emergency 7:30 PM press conference to say that other countries are sending people mean emails?
L O O K shiny thing…
FIB trying to rehabilitate is tattered reputation.
We will teach our children to love our country, honor our history, and always respect our gret American flag.
Thank you! My OAN connection went out!!!
Wolfie see my comment to sylvia at top of page:
What I found helped my lungs.
Unlike Sleepy, POTUS knows where he is….North Carolina
We had beautiful weather today too.
They cut his Mic AGAIN???
Their economy (Biden and Obama) went down 27%.
We will END our reliance on CHINA once and for all.
Religious liberty, free speech, and the right to keep and bear arms. Joe Biden will take away your 2nd Amendment.
No more ridiculous foreign wars in places you never heard of.
*** Now here’s the DIFFERENCE between WOODROW WILSON’S “keep our boys home” and POTUS —
Wilson DID NOT believe in Peace through Strength. He believed in Peace through TALK.
POTUS’s Peace through Strength is the strength that comes from the United States being able to DESTROY any foreign country who tries to dominate America by force of arms.
Doin’ the POTUS DANCE.
You have a President
who is standing up for America
and for North Carolina
We are taking back America,
Returning Power to the American People!
Together, with the incredible people of North Carolina
We have made America powerful again
We have made America wealthy again
We have made America strong again
We have made America proud again
We will make America safe again
And we will make America great again!!!
Awesome news!!!
Saw Mulvaney at the end,,,grabbing and walking out w/POTUS. So glad he didn’t get exiled. Really like him.
Mick is a real treasure.
I am always SO energized after a rally!!

Friday, October 23
4:30 pm
The Villages, FL
Friday, October 23
7:00 pm
Pensacola, FL
The Villages should be GREAT!
I remember reading on ex-Hillary pro-McCain blogs in 2008 when he and Sarah held a rally there. So many people, such a great vibe.
Doing The Trump Dance – !
As always, thanks DPat!!!
So, earlier, I was going to share my impressions of Gastonia.
They largely were centered around Mary Jo’s Cloth Store — a pilgrimage point for quilters where the Fiancee spent HOURS while I was driving around the rest of Gastonia trying to find something memorable. [Hint: I didn’t.] Sadly, Mary Jo has passed on, and her family decided to close the store.
But I’m going to go into a little bit of exposition about that region of the Southeast (even though I’ll be a n00b when I get there).
The most interesting geologic feature (from an economic / development perspective) of the Southeast is not the coastline, the mountains, or the mountain passes… is the “fall line”. The natural development of the region involved port cities — where there were both deepwater port facilities and docks for shallow barges. Shipments of goods from everywhere in the world would come into deepwater ports like New York, Wilmington NC, Charleston SC, and the like. Warehouse facilities would be built — and, with them, insurance companies and accountants — and longshoremen would transfer thousands of lots off of hundreds of deep-sea boats, through warehouses, to thousands of riverboats — and vice-versa.
The riverboats and barges would proceed upstream across the flat-as-a-table Atlantic Coastal Plain, to the “fall line” — the first “waterfall” on the navigable river. Mind you, this “waterfall” might be one foot high — but it formed an impregnable bar for barges and riverboats to ascend. So there needed to be a new town built, with new warehouses, and new docks — and, now, wagon depots, stables, and the usual insurance agents, transfer clerks, accountants, auditors, brokers, shipping coordinators, and the like — because everything coming up the river on boats needed to be transferred to wagons for further progress upcountry; while everything coming down from the higher elevations would be transferred to boats to move downriver.
Above the fall line, various industries became available — the power of a water wheel could drive a feed mill, a machine shop, a power loom, a sawmill, or a gravel crusher. Below the fall line, you were pretty much stuck with agriculture — the power of a shallow, lazy river drifting by doesn’t run much else.
The industrial development of this area at the foot of the mountains (pie d’ mont — or piedmont) tended to cluster around the fall line cities where they could get resources from wagons or riverboats, and export similarly. Even after the advent of steam power and railroads, the Piedmont retained their natural geographic advantages. Even today, the furniture capital of the United States is High Point, NC — and the High Point Furniture Mart is a twice-a-year international festival of quality furniture. If NAFTA hadn’t replaced it with toxic melamine-encased particle board made in China with minimal processing in Mexico to qualify for NAFTA, it might still be a world leader.
Instead, NAFTA has gutted the Piedmont area. Textile mills and furniture mills and gravel mills and saw mills and everything else was eaten away by the China loophole in NAFTA — China could make things using slave labor in horrific ecologically-horrible conditions, pass it on to Canada or Mexico for a kiss and a rub, and push it into the US at favorable trade terms as if it were made by free Canadians or Mexicans.
Which gets back to Mary Jo’s. One reason it was so special was that it was the outlet and overrun rack for every textile mill in NC. You could get wonderful prints and patterns that showed American exceptionalism. NAFTA, in 1994, began a long, slow, thorough strangulation of that. By the time Mary Jo, herself, had passed on to a better world, her family couldn’t see a way to continue, so it’s closed.
So much was lost — in 1994, there were probably dozens of guys there who could hand-shape a beautiful, strong, graceful couch leg in hardwood in any one of a dozen styles using standard woodworking setups. They are all 26 years older and out-of-practice today — not to mention their years of mental despair as the mills closed and towns crumbled.
But there’s nothing wrong with the regions or the people therein, and we have the USMCA. The factories are empty, but the rail connections, loading docks, power, parking, and space remain the same. We need to dust it off and turn it on and make the 21st Century as much of an American Century as the 20th.