Dear KAG: 20201021 Open Thread

8-chan Que,


[altogether now]

8-chan Que


Since rally chants seem to be the way things roll these days.


 !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: aebf22 No.11174659 

And given the Biden situation…this one seems appropriate, from Nino Rota:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

In addition, it is requested that there be no swinging from the chandeliers, celebratory gunfire, messing around with the nuclear weapons, and, please, everyone wash your hands.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there.

A few other vital notes:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.

Ridiculing the other side, on the other hand…well….


ISAIAH 12:2-6

2“Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the LORD GOD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation.” 3With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. 4And you will say in that day: “Give thanks to the LORD, call upon his name; make known his deeds among the nations, proclaim that his name is exalted. 5“Sing praises to the LORD, for he has done gloriously; let this be known in all the earth. 6Shout, and sing for joy, O inhabitant of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.”

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, members of the Cabinet, first responders and those working behind the scenes.

Is it finally happening???
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hey no fair!
I didn’t know we got a ribbon!


Yes… not every day though…comment image


I like that one!!

Harry Lime

Meanwhile, in Wilmington…comment image


Is it just me or does that look like a Chinese soldier in the entrance?

Harry Lime

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NVA tunnel.

Cuppa Covfefe

Bilbo Biden in Bagged End…


Guess I have not lost all of my memory. Clicked on the Godfather above.
I’ll call it a concert hall, looked familiar. Then the gal conducting the orchestra, also familiar.
Searched out another great one, DP shared a few months back.
IMHO, this is a great rendition of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. (Book marked it this time.)

Me thinks tomorrow is a pop corn day. Rally, Town Hall AND more gutter material heralding the scumbag Biden Crime Family.
Rudy G and various folks will be rolling out MOABs.
In my uninformed way, 100% I think Dementia Joe will be tossed from the ticket. Absolutely un electable. We’ve known it. America is learning it. D-Rats reckoning with Pedo Joe is BUSTED on the national stage..
What a great day and it’s only Wednesday.
G’nite all. 🙂


going to be interesting when they replace him…after all, Kamala held NO APPEAL in the primaries or she wouldn’t be playing lady in waiting…

Deplorable Patriot

I was going to use that one after the election.
Actually, the concert itself was all movie themes from Spaghetti Westerns and other Italian-American offerings.


I loved the music themes from the Eastwood westerns. The music conveys a story itself. Haunting.


I refer to Wednesday as…….. Monday part III

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Camel Day!!!


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Deplorable Patriot

They have such sweet faces and such long eye lashes. I’m not familiar with their temperament, but they can’t bee all that bad if they are used as pack animals.


They seem fairly mellow…but they get stinky. I found an actual camel dairy thats a drivable distance. Sounds interesting bc they do tours but not sure drinking camel milk is my thing.


JOE camella? I think today is reckoning day.

Harry Lime

This should prove to be an interesting week…
(hat-tip/IPOT-In Pursuit Of Truth, for the background image)comment image


Let’s see…
1. Ghilaine Maxwell case docs to be unsealed on Thurs. AM
2. (relatedly?) Guilani reveals continue, and he has turned over the hard drives to Maryland St. PD (why? Because that is where the 14 yr old Hunter molested resides(ed) – referenced by RG in HB text )
3. Presidential debate Thurs night.
4. Barrett committee vote on Fri.
5. Q drops this scene from HfRO…film “Crimson Tide”…

6. DOJ finally files anti-trust lawsuit against Google (add’l defendants coming? Hi Jack!) yesterday
7. more declass of docs coming this week (DNI Ratcliff)
8. Also on Thurs….jobless claims and existing housing sales data released
9. Friday economic indicator: PMI index data released
And that’s just what we know about.


Just think what we DON’T know now, that we WILL by Friday. This is NOW a SNOWBAL, a BIG one, and it is rolling down a STEEP mountain. It IMHO has already reached critical mass, and cannot be STOPPED.
I find it VERY curious that we have not heard a PEEP from Basement Joe. I mean they tried the surrogate route, and Schiff tried Russia, but those were DUDS. This must be SO bad that he CAN’T even address.
The MSM cannot, absolutely CANNOT hide pedophilia or child porn on Hunter’s computer, and WITH A FAMILY member. and JOE KNEW IT, as well as others in the family, because Hunter mentions the WOMAN to his dad, when he says SHE wants me to see my therapist, and SHE thinks it is WRONG, and SHE says it is bad for the kids.
I have a question. Is the 14 YO Hunter’s DAUGHTER? Is the woman HIS WIFE.
If so, things that seemingly get ANY worse, just DID.
Joe Biden CANNOT survive this, and the MSM MUST cover it, or risk EVERYTHING. This is checkmate on a grand scale.
Then you factor in the China, Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan (that we know of) Pay for play accesses to Joe via Hunter, and Joe getting his “tribute” This makes Watergate look like a jaywalking ticket.


Knowing what we know, take a second look at the photos from beau’s funeral…biden kissing his daughter in law, biden kissing his grand daughter, hunter kissing his nephew…


Read my new post, I researched it briefly, Hunter has 3 daughters. Finnegan would have been 15 in 2015 when Hunter and his wife Kathleen separated and divorced, and Maisie would have been FOURTEEN.
We NEED to see the timestamps on this laptop photos. IF they are from 2013-2015 it is GAME OVER. The photos WILL be obvious as to WHO is in the photos. The text to Joe says SHE, meaning Kathleen IMHO.
The text states SHE did not like me walking around NAKED and smoking crack…in the photos, it was BAD FOR THE KIDS.
WHO ELSE whould Hunter be walking around that was a CHILD and smoking crack.
Face it this would be AT LEAST child endangerment, child abuse, and WORSE JUST for the drugs and walking around NAKED in front of a EARLY teen girl, let ALONE his own DAUGHTER.


Sorta like a “family affair”.


Ada, or ardore?

Gail Combs

CAN they replace him???
I thought the states had DEADLINES for a candidate to be placed on the ballot.
SEE: Deadline to run for president
For Republicans and Demonrats it is late 2019 or early 2020.
For third party you need 1,000 or more signatures depending on the state:
California 196,964
Florida 132,781
Texas 79,939
North Carolina 70,666
AND be on the ballot by 9/4/2020 or earlier.


Which begs the question…what was their strategy in nominating Biden? They truly stopped dead before super Tuesday and Orchestrated the reanimation of his campaign with forced drop outs of other candidates as well as what had to manipulation of some states primary voting (practice/test run) that brought his campaign back from the dead for the win.
If it was cover for all this coming out (along with the “impeach for what we’re actually doing” impeachment)….how the hell was that supposed to work? Honestly WHAT WAS THE STRATEGY? They had to know this was all going to be exposed. Rudy was talking about this in January, Glenn Beck did his videos on this. Someone in the Dem brain trust had to at least hypothesis “where there is smoke, there at least MAY be fire. Obviously the Plandemic plays into this also…..
I guess the only logical premise IS CHAOS. Make it as absurd as possible. Have all sides questioning the results from every angle no matter what the results are.
This will be a great read someday (if the right side wins) that will be the “mike drop” on all fictional stories of political intrigue, just as 9/11 did for any movie about terrorism (though WE all know what evils are possible, maybe not from terrorists) for a time….


Yes! They have nothing else at this point but to create chaos to try and save themselves.


Heh…guess I should read all the way through the daily before posting on something so far up thread. thanks Wolf, Sadie and FG&C for hashing out a lot of what I was thinking


BINGO. The worst part is I am SURE that the PTP, the true hand behind Joe, KNOWS all that is coming, it was most likely in their blackmail tranche as well (and more). In other words the puppet masters KNEW this too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Gail Combs

can you fish me out of Da Bin Wolfie?


I think this was Hiroshima level. If they have a Nagasaki, it will truly bring down it all. After what I suggested this morning, if true, it doesn’t get much worse.

Gail Combs

Remember President Trump just accused the Fake News of being complicit with the Biden treachery?
Remember Denver 9News and their ‘Antifa Security Guard’ that killed the patriot in Denver?
@SomeBitchIKnow has a thread with some financial digging on Denver 9News.

….Denver 9News used to get a hefty little income from advertisement fees from Moveon dot org.
See it for yourself here:
There are still tons of their documents on Archive. I’m gonna find out what they’re hiding. Count on it.comment image

MOVE ON.ORG.101512-101512.TRACT.722054 (13504234075988)_.pdf : FCC : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Unofficial mirror of

Why yes. Yes it sure is.

Oct 17
L, aren’t they a leftist think tank that receives Soros funding?

Here’s another.comment image
Here’s their Obama money.comment imagecomment imagecomment image
More Obama money. Part 1.comment imagecomment image
More Obama money. Part 2.
So funny because they also take “dirty oil” money…
Hypocrites, all of them, when it comes to money.
Terms of advertising.comment image
Here’s a contract signed by a member of the LCV-Victory Fund in 2012.
The LCV-Victory Fund is supported largely by The 1630 Fund, run by Eric Kessler, which is the same group that threw their weight and money behind such great causes as attacking Brett Kavanaugh, the Green Tech Action Fund, and Rise Up Missouri.
The 1630 Fund has former member[s] of the Clinton administration in its midst, including Eric Kessler and Brian Fallon.
It also gets big Bloomberg money, AND George Soros himself recommended investing millions into the fund in 2018 via Democracy Alliance.

Documents reveal massive ‘dark-money’ group boosted Democrats in 2018
A little-known nonprofit called The Sixteen Thirty Fund pumped $140 million into Democratic and left-leaning causes.

Obama for America contract.

OBAMA DNC.NAB FORM.KUSA (13512867632137)_.pdf : FCC : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Unofficial mirror of

Democrat Ed Perlmutter.
Woo boy nearly 100k from Planned Parenthood.
From Democrat Joe Miklosi, former Clinton staffer and member of the Colorado House of Representatives.
From the League of Conservation Voters, which claims to be non-partisan, but when you go to their website, all you see is words like “environmental justice” and “anti-racism” and they also support BLM, so you tell me.
From Mundy Katowitz Media Inc and Priorities USA Action who is a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee megadonor and the ‘preferred vendor for the pro-Obama super PAC.’
From the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
You can certainly make the argument that taking advertising money has nothing to do with their political views and associations. They also have an ad purchase from a Romney PAC in 2016, so it’s not ALL left-wing organizations.
But.. it’s most of them.
Just very interesting. 😉

To see the rest of the contracts I left out:


If true, Ol Denver 9 news and it’s station JUST MIGHT be the subject of a violation of FCC rules governing IN KIND political adds. Do they accept a like amount from the NRA, right to life, etc? IF NOT, they in HEAP big doo doo, as in BARCODE where a channel used to be doo doo.

Gail Combs

DARN! kicked into Da Bin (too many links I think. I missed a couple when I was counting them.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Out now!

Gail Combs

ThanQ wolfie!

Gail Combs

This thread by Robert Patrick Lewis goes with my missing thread/comment.

With the release of the letter between Burisma & Hunter Biden thanking him for introducing the most corrupt company in Ukraine to his dad VP Dementia Beijing Biden, I really want you to take a moment today to reflect on all of the US media, “journalists” and pundits who ran –
…cover for the Bidens, who helped hide the Burisma corruption evidence, who did softball interviews with Hunter to rehab his reputation- namely Amy Rohrbach who was also more upset she didn’t get to break the Epstein story than she was that he was allowed to rape children-
…for years despite the evidence having been in her hands to put him away – and who helped impeach the greatest President in US history to cover up Biden’s Ukraine corruption just like they invented Russia Gate to hide HRC’s Russia corruption.
These people are complicit in –
…every single crime they’ve helped cover up, reframe & redirect.
They should be jailed and publicly shamed for their traitorous crimes against the Republic.

And then add this to the whole…

How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up
In 1953, Joseph Alsop, then one of America’s leading syndicated columnists, went to the Philippines to cover an election. He did not go because he was asked to do so by his syndicate. He did not go because he was asked to do so by the newspapers that printed his column. He went at the request of the CIA.
Alsop is one of more than 400 American journalists who in the past twenty‑five years have secretly carried out assignments for the Central Intelligence Agency, according to documents on file at CIA headquarters. Some of these journalists’ relationships with the Agency were tacit; some were explicit. There was cooperation, accommodation and overlap. Journalists provided a full range of clandestine services—from simple intelligence gathering to serving as go‑betweens with spies in Communist countries. Reporters shared their notebooks with the CIA. Editors shared their staffs. Some of the journalists were Pulitzer Prize winners, distinguished reporters who considered themselves ambassadors without‑portfolio for their country. Most were less exalted: foreign correspondents who found that their association with the Agency helped their work; stringers and freelancers who were as interested in the derring‑do of the spy business as in filing articles; and, the smallest category, full‑time CIA employees masquerading as journalists abroad. In many instances, CIA documents show, journalists were engaged to perform tasks for the CIA with the consent of the managements of America’s leading news organizations.
THE AGENCY’S DEALINGS WITH THE PRESS BEGAN during the earliest stages of the Cold War. Allen Dulles, who became director of the CIA in 1953, sought to establish a recruiting‑and‑cover capability within America’s most prestigious journalistic institutions. By operating under the guise of accredited news correspondents, Dulles believed, CIA operatives abroad would be accorded a degree of access and freedom of movement unobtainable under almost any other type of cover.
American publishers, like so many other corporate and institutional leaders at the time, were willing to commit the resources of their companies to the struggle against “global Communism.” Accordingly, the traditional line separating the American press corps and government was often indistinguishable: rarely was a news agency used to provide cover for CIA operatives abroad without the knowledge and consent of either its principal owner, publisher or senior editor. Thus, contrary to the notion that the CIA insidiously infiltrated the journalistic community, there is ample evidence that America’s leading publishers and news executives allowed themselves and their organizations to become handmaidens to the intelligence services. “Let’s not pick on some poor reporters, for God’s sake,” William Colby exclaimed at one point to the Church committee’s investigators. “Let’s go to the managements. They were witting.” ….

The Dulles boys were no friends of the USA in my opinion. Remember the New World Order was hatched right after WWII.

….Origin of the Myth
The frightful idea that U.S. treaties with foreign nations supercede the Constitution has been regularly promoted since the Eisenhower era. It was given a big boost in 1952 when Secretary of State1 John Foster Dulles, a founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), made the following statement:

… congressional laws are invalid if they do not conform to the Constitution, whereas treaty laws can override the Constitution. Treaties, for example, can take powers away from Congress and give them to the President; they can take powers from the states and give them to the Federal Government, or to some international body and they can cut across the rights given the people by the Constitutional Bill of Rights.

And remember Allen Dulles his brother was the first CIA director.
….During the Eisenhower years, Allen and John Foster would very much act as partners: John Foster in articulating an “us versus them” mentality that would paint the Soviet Union as an intractable enemy, and Allen, the spymaster, in making covert war against this enemy. [And as a result making lots of money for the Military Industrial Complex and Federal Reserve -GC]
Dulles learned spy craft during World War II as the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) station chief in Bern, Switzerland. During the Third Reich’s last days, he worked with Himmler’s chief of staff, SS-Obergruppenführer Karl Wolff, to engineer the surrender of German forces in Italy, and later helped Reinhard Gehlen (who was over intelligence for Hitler’s Foreign Armies East and controlled a large archive of intelligence on the Soviet Union) evade war crimes prosecution and become head of West German intelligence….

And we know we got saddled with a heck of a lot of Nazi’s after WWII…


great digging and correlating Gail, thanks!

Deplorable Patriot

It was a family thing with them. The patriarch, John Foster, was a “nation builder” for the State Department before Teddy Roosevelt was president.


it seems to be a “family” thing among many in DC too…

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, and that family goes back in the business to the Gilded Age, at least.

Sadie Slays

Saw this on the chans and it’s nagging at me. What was the purpose of pushing back the Democrat convention if they were going to keep Biden?
I’ve got my own anecdote to add. Back in early September, I saw reports on local social media that there was a massive delay in printing out Biden/Harris yard signs. People tried ordering signs, and after days of delay, finally received an email claiming that the signs were being printed and shipped out mid-September. I made a comment about it here (that I can no longer find) at the time that it didn’t seem like they were running a serious campaign. Why wait until September to print out signs? Especially during this important election? Unless…
…there really was a plan at one point to swap Biden out at the delayed convention. No point printing out Biden/Harris signs if they intended to run a different candidate.
And then there was that Dumpster fire of a convention. We all had a good laugh at how half-assed it was with them reusing “fans” on the Kamala green screen and such, but what if the real reason it was a mess was because they were forced to trash their original plan? What if what we saw was a mad scramble to throw something together?comment imagecomment image


How would Q+ signaling “we know” force them to stick with Biden?
I don’t think that’s it. Here’s why.
Biden was chosen because Bernie, openly socialist, was not acceptable to the DNC power structure. Bernie could have (and should have) won the DNC convention, but he could not win a nationwide, national election. Biden was not swapped out because the Bernie supporters….already pissed off…would go berserk and revolt against the DNC and the dim candidate, who cannot afford to lose a single vote.


The entire DNC process was manipulated in favor of Biden to guarantee that Bernie would not win the nomination.

Sadie Slays

Good point about keeping Biden around the Bernie vote. They would be extra sensitive to that given what happened in 2016. But I still don’t understand why they pushed back the convention or why Q hinted at such. Seems like they may have been keeping the option open to swap in someone else.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

See my theory below….

Gail Combs

I can think of a couple of reasons.
1. Fight over VP slot
Aug 11, 2020 — Joe Biden has named Kamala Harris. Stacy Abrams wanted that slot very badly.
2. Gaging just how sick Biden is…. IF he really is sick.
3. Limiting Biden’s exposure to the public. He is not exactly Mr congeniality.
4. Waiting to see if anything nasty was about to drop on top of Biden’s head.
The DemonRats really did have a very shallow field and I wonder if their plans were focus more on the complete overthrow of the US government as the CIA/Soros has done time and again with other countries. After all that has always been the end goal so they may have just cut out the middle and gone straight for the Gold Ring.


Color revolution?


It’s nearly time to increase Gitmo’s population.


Bernie supporters hate Biden.
I think Bernie has been shaking down Biden over Hunter ever since 2008-2009, when Rosemont Capital was founded and began drawing down $130,000,000 in federal TALF bAilout funds within weeks of RC’s creation. Senator Bernie was it’s largest critic, and was screaming the loudest. I suspect Bernie followed Joe around to pickup coins that dropped from his pockets.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I get what you’re saying – but I also get FG&C’s points, too.
Try THIS theory on for size…..
They switched to Biden to avoid Bernie, but were planning on using the dementia or COVID issues to swap Biden out for Hillary and somebody else at the convention.
HOWEVER, before the convention, Ruthie took a turn for the worse. That helped set the stage for panic, but then something else happened.
POTUS knew that they wanted to switch to Cankles, so they LEAKED a BINARY WEAPON:
(1) Trump campaign and DOJ have some kind of dirt on Biden
(2) Barr is not going to investigate any presidential candidates AT ALL, but (do the math….)
They rode forward with Biden, counting on TWO MORE THINGS.
(1) The plan to give Trump COVID for the first debate (this was the Ronna exposure 5 days prior)
(2) Some kind of coup / media coup / cheat coup surrounding the ELECTION.
Trump then defeated the ‘Rona using a strategy of MISS the pre-debate exposure by heightened security, but CATCH some ANONYMOUSLY THREATENED ACB Rose Garden exposure in a readiness program that would then stabilize the election (Q Team approved – “I had to get it.”)
Once that was all done to finish threat 1, they dropped the Hunter Biden bombs to make the cheat impossible.
Now, the only thing left is a cheat so brazen it will not stand, or a coup which cannot seem justified, and will send all the participants to prison or the gallows, so it likely WON’T happen.
I think we’re close to the other side depending on China to invade Taiwan to provide cover for getting out of things.

Sadie Slays



“I think we’re close to the other side depending on China to invade Taiwan to provide cover for getting out of things.”
Watch the Water = Taiwan Strait – the build up of CCP military assets


If we want to use “Watch the Water=Taiwan Strait” then POTUS up in AF1 and 10 days of dark are still quite applicable as this will likely involve some nuclear brinkmanship, NK style to resolve peacefully.


Scary but q says it af1 may be necessary.


“Now, the only thing left is a cheat so brazen it will not stand, or a coup which cannot seem justified…”
A wild [very] dark-horse theory:
The Russian developed Novichok nerve agent gets used on one or more big name Democrat Party leaders. The ultimate “Russian interference in the 2020 election”. In spades.
Putin opponent Alexei Navalny is still in the news, and is believed to have been poisoned with Novichok.
Source: …..
Of course, white supremacists and right-wing militia would figure into the plot. Would also put extraordinary pressure on postponing the November 3rd election.
Joe Biden Arkancide???

Cuppa Covfefe

😀comment image


I should have expanded more on some of what I posted.
What if it was the deep state/cabal that used Novichok on Alexei Navalny? One reason might be to both discredit Putin and to set the stage for its use in the U.S. presidential election.
Russia recently got very aggressive in harassing U.S. Armed forces. I’ve wondered if there was any tie-in with the Novichok attack on Navalny, and it being blamed on Putin.
If there was any use of Novichok on Democrat leaders here in the U.S., I would expect it to be used by the deep state/cabal, and not directly by Russia.
Pressure by warmongers to focus on a military response to Russia for their ‘involvement’ would be demanded. Confronting China for their treachery would get put on the back-burner.
All theory/conjecture.


Makes sense. You’re saying that POTUS knew about “a” plot to give him the Rona virus, but was able to sidestep it – on purpose? They wanted him out of the first debate? Could you clarify for me a little more about the virus plot?


That would all fit Wolfe, especially the RBG. That would be JULY when the move back happened. Meaning Ruth was on ICE from that point. I agree on the Biden being a PLACEHOLDER to keep Bernie out, and then the old switcheroo with Cankles.
Makes sense. Trump boxed them via hints that Cankles and OC were going DOWN over Weiner or declass, and the DNC panicked, had no “bench” except Bernie, and tried to ride with, and HIDE Biden, not knowing what would come.
I think they tried to assassinate BOTH Trump, Pence, and ACB, leaving us a “President Pelosi” to appoint the most ardent Liberal allowed, as cover for Hillary, who would then come in without Trump and Pence to take her out. The lemming dems would vote for her, and the Republican’s would have NO ticket, she would win “unopposed” all is well.
SOMEONE blew all that up by “getting Covid” and recovering, in record time. I am just putting this out there. We KNOW noiw, that ACB “secretly” had Covid in the summer, and recovered. The plotters did NOT know that. WWhat IF , this plan was SO well known, in the white hat world, that PENCE was given and recovered from Covid TOO, MUCH earlier, making him AND ACB immune for the set up, just NO ONE outside of the patriots KNEW IT. Pence and Trump were sure NOT scared while the dems and Pelosi were running their doomsday scenarios, in the quiver, and measuring DRAPES.
I think the missile pic was a HINT from Q, that this was another FAILED attempt.
Once Pence had recovered, Trump was “free” to get HIS bout over, making him immune TOO.
Is it COINCIDENCE that ACB got her bout in SUMMER (June -Aug) just about the time Ruthie expired and was iced…just as the convention for the DNC was delayed. NOPE.
They KNEW the plan, and they KNEW for OVER A YEAR about Biden, Rudy said as much during shampeachment. Trump BOXED them into him, knowing all along THIS day, JUDGEMENT DAY, was coming. T2 baby.
Read my post on the nuclear bomb about to be dropped on Hunter and Joe, with the ADDED benefit of taking OUT the REAL swamp creatures, the MSM, Google, FaceBook, and Twitter.
I DARE them to censor what is coming. Pai will pull their plugs, the net will be JUST FINE, we have alternatives.
THIS is how you have a PLAN, and DRAIN the SWAP, ALL of it.


What if the holdup was the wheeling-dealing with the FBI to see if they were willing to continue to sit on the Hunter Biden laptop? They cut the deal late, then had to put the convention together. Maybe Wray or somebody was holding out for more money?

Sadie Slays

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Gail Combs

I do not see War with China even over Taiwan.
I DO see Trump coming down on China economically like a Ton of Bricks. Remember at this point Trump is just ITCHING to have a reason to slap China silly AND China is VERY economically dependent on the USA. They also have a LOT of exposure here in the USA in terms of real estate and corporate holdings and they are holding a lot of US debt, ALL of which can be canceled…. Remember that EO on Forfeiture as a result of human rights violations???

Gail Combs

I forgot to add. If the USA moves against China economically, expect a lot of other countries, esp in Africa and S.America to repudiate the Chinese Debt as a ‘response’ to their deliberate unleashing of the Corona. There have already been rumblings in that direction.

Sadie Slays

Me neither, but I do think the Delaware police stunt was a trap for the FBI which is why I posted it.

CM in TN

I don’t think Chyna will go to war with Taiwan either. They know we would defend Taiwan and I also think all of Chyna’s neighbors would pile on as well. They are not well liked by ANY of the surrounding countries due to them stealing land and resources from them. I could see Chyna split up over this if they went to war.




In other news, I’ve selected, downloaded, and prepped all my continuing education to maintain my CPA. Last year, I graded everything on 11/11, so I may be ahead of schedule. Whoo-hoo!!!!
The big 24-hour course is “Corruption and Fraud in Financial Markets” — too bad they didn’t have “Corruption and Fraud in Politics”, but maybe there’s some crossover.

Gail Combs

Better you than me. Three courses in accounting and two in law were enough!
I ran through all the statistic & chemistry courses available in the area so I started taking management type courses. ASQ didn’t have any problems with it since I was managing a lab…. Just LOVE that zero base budgeting! 🙄 Too bad we don’t make the government bureauRats do it. 🤣 Save the tax payer a LOT of money.


Congrats on the CEUs, I just did some my self, not financial.


Tucker talks about how the Dems’ plan for a “Truth & Reconciliation Commission” is another page out of Orwell.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Modeled after South Africa? Sorry – this is just more CHICOM BS.comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

ChiCom Race War is evil, and if the Demmunists don’t drop it fast, they will need to pay for what they are doing.


a mild correction, not need to, WILL


Yep, I think so too.
The ChiComs are desperate to start a civil war here.

Gail Combs

Do not forget what David Plouffe, President Obama’s campaign manager and Senior White House advisor tweeted during the 2016 campaign:comment image
In the last four years we have seen the Left meant it. They have tried to make support of POTUS the kiss of death.


One of these days……
PDJT or the Mossad will reveal who Ø’s real babydaddy is.


Yup. The whole thing will come out.


It’s going to be BIBLICAL.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Q’s latest post with a clip from submarine movie “Crimson Tide” pointed me to Wikipedia, and this little gem:
Robert S. Mueller, in his years as FBI Director, often quoted a line by Gene Hackman’s character Captain Ramsey in his meetings with the senior leadership of the FBI: “We’re here to preserve democracy, not to practice it”.[20]


Hmmm…rife with corruption aint preservin’ nuttin.


More art imitating life.


Our President has a rally at the Gastonia, NC airport tonight!comment image
4:45PM – President Trump departs the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews – South Lawn
5:05PM – Departs Washington, D.C., en route to Charlotte, NC
6:20PM – Arrives at Charlotte Douglas International Airport
6:30PM – Departs Charlotte, NC, en route to Gastonia, NC
6:55PM – President Trump arrives at Gastonia Municipal Airport – Gastonia, NC
7:00PM – President Trump delivers remarks at a Make America Great Again Rally!
8:25PM – President Trump departs Gastonia, NC, en route to Charlotte, NC
9:00PM – Departs Charlotte, NC, en route to Washington, D.C.
10:30PM – President Trump arrives at the White House – South Lawn
Note – No more rallies are listed at this time –
Also note – The farce of a debate is tomorrow night – 9:00 pm. Did they keep Biden home all week to practice using their cheat technology, memorize his answers or to avoid questions?


“Did they keep Biden home all week to practice using their cheat technology, memorize his answers or to avoid questions?”
Both, I think.
I’m still hoping that our VSG President will pull out some flash cards with little messages on them…to use when they have his mic muted.
Things like:
“He’s lying.”
“Pants on fire.”
“Lying again.”


HA! If he doesn’t – his face and hands will definitely express those sentiments.


Think Buggs Bunny flashcards. Cracked pot, bats in the belfry, screw ball. ETC>


Just a short video of Leslie Neilson’s nose growing from Airplane.


Western NC is important and a focus


Hope this posts…it’s the clip from ‘Crimson Tide’ that Q dropped in No. 4903:
Denzel Washington played XO Lt. Cmdr. Ron Hunter, on the Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine, USS Alabama.
XO Hunter stands into the fray and prevents the Captain, played by Gene Hackman, from launching missiles and starting a war.
‘Crimson Tide’ is a great movie.
It illustrates how wars can happen when there are knee-jerk reactions to incomplete information.
Is this what Q is telling us here?
In the movie, Captain Ramsey [Hackman] was kind of an asshoe who was tough on the men.
XO Hunter, on the other hand…was more sympathetic to the men.
This clip is an example of this:

The USS Alabama received orders for a missile launch.
Captain Ramsey was gleefully carrying out those orders, when the ship received a second comm from HQ…but the message was cut off.
XO Hunter was skeptical at that point, and wanted to hold off on the launch until they received clarification on that second message.
Hunter thought it could be a stand down order.
Ramsey, on the other hand, was determined to launch.
So…XO Hunter relieved Ramsey of duty and took command.
They then received clarification of the second comm, which cancelled the order to launch.
We are left to wonder What Q Means here with this clip from Crimson Tide.
But I’m thinking that it has to do with ‘Cooler heads must prevail’ and that people who don’t have all the information, should wait until they do, to start anything.
Just guessing here…it might be more than that.


Welp, that embed code for the “Set condition 1 SQ for strategic missile launch” clip didn’t work here.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What does “condition 1SQ” mean? Several liberties were taken with the term for cinema’s sake but it’s short for “1 status quo” which means the submarine is ready to launch it’s missiles. In Navy jargon, 4SQ means the lowest level of alertness for missile launch, essentially, a submarine is back at it’s base.
Quoted from Wikipedia.
I think what Q meant was the team is READY to launch…I think that is today. INCOMING.


Sorry Wolf, did not yet see your post below, great minds though!


Found it on youtube…someone uploaded it last night:

This longer clip shows some context for the above clip:


thanks for explaining the whole Crimson Tide movie wheatie…never saw it and really doesn’t seem like something I’d watch anyway. so now I’m no longer in the dark…you rock!!!


You are very welcome, Pat.
It occurred to me that not everyone may have ever seen that movie.


i appreciated it!!

Deplorable Patriot

Having all the information….
Yeah, passing judgement (he should [do what I think he should]) without having all the information is a human trait that really gets to me sometimes. We see it in almost all aspects of life, too.
That would make a lot of sense, actually. Wait for it. You don’t have all the info.

Gail Combs

Unfortunately we are often stuck with making live changing decisions NOW before having all the info. only to find out later they were the WRONG decision.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Set condition 1 SQ for strategic missile launch.”
From Wikipedia talk page:

From the perspective of submarine based strategic systems, 1SQ, 2SQ, and 4SQ are all a set of conditions used to describe the configured state of a ballistic missile system. Condition 4SQ was configured to essentially disable the missile system. Used mainly when in-port or not on strategic patrol. Condition 3SQ is the transitional state between 4SQ and 2SQ and is not normally referenced. Condition 2SQ is a state of readiness where the system can be quickly brought up to launch the missiles. This is typically set when leaving port and preparing for strategic patrol and remains in that condition until returning to port (setting 4SQ) or preparing to launch (setting 1SQ). Setting condition 1SQ makes the weapons system ready for launch. This is the last step before initiating any launch sequences for strategic launches or drills.

Wondering what is about to launch……


A nuclear missile, I think.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This means a “Biden candidacy-ending thing”, whatever that might be, IMO.


Biden will be ‘relieved’ from duty like Captain Ramsey was?
Hmm…well I’m sure that the DNC would love to do that at this point.
But it’s gone to far for that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That “60% favoring Hillary-Harris ticket” number sounds like something they almost planned.


They live in their own little bubble, don’t they.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think they’re probably more interested in keeping the party intact at this point, than winning the election.

Cuppa Covfefe

And in the Klintoon coven/compound… (chillingly appropriate with Samhain just around the coroner)…
Bubble, bubble, hate and stubble,
Joe’s gotta go ‘ere he leave us rubble…

Yep. More like a bubbling Macbethian stew:
Double trouble, stuck in your bubble
Fired Bern, yer cauldron bubble.
You all lay there, fenny snakes,
With the YSM you boil and bake;
Lies ‘bout Newt, you told a frog
Batsh!# crazy lazy dog,
Mike Moore’s fork and Comey’s sting,
Lindsey’s leg and McCain’s wing,
For a charm of pow’rful trouble,
Like a hell-broth you boil and bubble.
Double trouble, stuck in your bubble
Rubbed out Seth, was too much trouble.
Ordered by the baboon ‘blood’,
The DEMONcRATs are never good…..


With their own rules that they make up on a whim,.


well it IS catchy…Cankles & Cackles


Pat, I’m sure if the Lefties just had a few humorous folks like you – they’d do better! 🙂


they have NO sense of humor…
and if you can’t laugh at yourself, well then you’re doomed…lol


I think it’ll be Hunter Biden child-abuse/child porn related, and it will be shown that Joe Biden knew about it and did nothing. Nobody is gonna vote for that.


See my post today, I’d call that nuclear. I believe the 14 YO relative was Hunter’s OWN daughter, likely Finnegan or Maisie. We NEED the timestamps from 2015 ro be SURE, but it fits the tone and tennor of that text to Joe PERFECTLY. “She” was Kathleen, Huinter; s wife at the time, and soon to be EX wife.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Yeah, I think things are approaching an interesting point. The reveals on the “ClintonHarris2020” account, and how everybody following it FLED, tells me a lot.


TY for the link, but I meant in the open thread on Hunter, Still relevant though!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t trust the debate commission. If Trump goes to the debate, the USSS needs to treat the Dems like enemy combatants.


Agreed. I see absolutely NO advantage in going to the debate tomorrow. OH, BTW, Rush espousing on MY theory from my book. Comey shared the dossier with Trump as a means of CONTROL, IE LACKMAIL, just as I said and wrote over two years ago. Welcome to the party Rush!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Comey was trying to cajole Trump into accepting “protection” from the FBI.


YES. On MULTIPLE occasions. There were MOVES Firing Comey and Yates, and counter moves, Flynn and Sessions. Then Mueller.


This story gets more disturbing as it goes along. And more sick.
Revolver Exclusive: Inside Source Alleges Underage Photos Found On Hunter’s Laptop Were of a Member of The Biden Family


Pedo and Incest. I posted and then deleted those words last night, just waiting on more public confirmation – but indeed, that’s what’s going on in that family. No way did Joe not know it – he’s a sexual pervert himself – not being able to keep his hands off children.
That’s one sick family.


I have a thought and I could be wrong, but I was wondering if possibly Joe molested his own kids or allowed others to, which could possibly be why the drug abuse on Hunter’s part. A lot of kids who have been molested do turn to drugs/alcohol.


There are a few people online who have voiced the same thought. It’s possible – for one thing, Joe clearly is inappropriate with children – sniffing their hair, and touching little girls. We’ve seen that for years. if he does that in public, God knows what he did in private. Whether with his own family or relatives.


This is getting to be like a soap opera. I can hardly wait to see the next chapter.


“total depravity” – that’s what’s going to take them down – there are some democrats who will take notice of that and not vote Dem. Now the entire Lefty base will vote Dem because they’re part of that kind of depravity, but not all the regular American folks.
Sam Elliot (actor) who I used to like… did an ad for Biden. Does anyone realize how supporting Biden and his sexual perversions are going to taint them? Hollywood really is a cesspool.
I remember when Andy Griffith did an ad for Obama – never looked at him in those reruns the same after that. It was my first awareness that Hollywood was more Left than I’d realized.


I saw that ad and felt the same way. I used to love Andy Griffith. I was so disappointed.


Shortly after that, I read where Andy wasn’t such a nice person in private or on the set. Very hard to work with. So the “ah shucks” sheriff was fake all the way through. Sam Elliot disappoints me.


The Dirty Truth (Josh)
Chinese nationalist are part of the team at Facebook that censors Americans.
Facebook insider says content that’s a little too conservative gets down ranked.


show of hands…who’s shocked???
no one?
okay, who’s surprised? show of hands?
still no one?
china OBVIOUS assho*e


I would just love it, if all the countries around the world that owe some Chinee debt…said:
“We’re not paying you a cent more!”
And nullified those debts because of the ChiCom Virus.


exactly! payment in kind for all you COST US with this disease…
actually, China could do some big time reputation saving goodwill here. admit it “accidentally” released the virus–apologize–then forgive debt in return…


Yeah…but they won’t do that.
They’ve already been saying, “We didn’t do that.”
And they’re claiming that ‘someone brought that virus to their country’.


sigh, well yeah, china IS assho*e.
a reputation they have earned


And also defunded the WHO and resigned from the UN.



obvious smack
Senate Will Hold Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation Vote on Hillary Clinton’s Birthday 👇🏻💪💪
— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) October 20, 2020down or lucky coincidence?


Deplorable Patriot

Your Excellency, now, you could do us all a favor, and head over to that publishing house where you are the final word on what goes in the hymnals, and take a red pen, and…


As in OCP.


k…that last comment i made went kaboom…
trying again…
epic smack down? or strange coincidence?
Senate Will Hold Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation Vote on Hillary Clinton’s Birthday 👇🏻💪💪
— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) October 20, 2020


Verse of the Day for Wednesday, October 21, 2020

“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.”
Proverbs 4:7 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


Wednesday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Be My Voicecomment image


Morning Duchess!
Have a Blessed Wednesday!


Hey, Pat! Good Wednesday Morning to You, too – Got rain? Overnight rain here, again – gonna be another wet day – not complaining – God is Good!!!
God Bless Your Day, too – Hugs!!!


HUGS back to you!
we’ve had intermittent drizzle but nothing measurable…still cloudy tho for Banana Run Day…LOL


Drizzle and Fog makes things wet, too – No?
* Happy Banana Run Day * – Looking forward to your ‘Field Report’ – Wheeee!!!


not enough to make mud anywhere…so soaking in


True – I thank God we are not getting pounded – still gentle, consistent rain – but, it will be days before I can mow – not a problem – I can wait – grass was too matted to grow – slowly coming back.
We are blessed!!!


we are!


Amen goes right there, Pat!!!


every day Duchess!

Sue Mcdonald

I pray almost daily for wisdom. Our heavenly father grants wisdom to this old woman it’s a true blessing as the greatest piece of wisdom he has granted me is knowing when I need to shut up ! This proverb is wonderful.


I love the Book of Proverbs, Sue – full of wisdom – I think – read it whenever I need to know why – God Bless You for posting!!!


Yikes. 👁️👁️
That’s outrageous!
That is not only Voter Intimidation and Interfering With An Election…it’s also a Threat!
I hope they were able to lift prints off of those letters.


me too!!

Gail Combs

Who would bother to lift the prints?
The FIB 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

I should think the Secret Service would be interested in those letters…


Someone’s going to JAIL for this..Hope the “prank” was worth it. Trying to suppress the Trump vote with THREATS will not work.


I’m very much enjoying the conversation/observations currently here ..such interesting times we are privileged to witness. Agree with most of the points and appreciate the research, links, reminders of past history, etc.
Third friend joined us yesterday so it’s tough to keep up with all that’s happening. Sixteen year spread in our ages but all three of us are like-minded in politics but bringing in life experiences to the table.
Dinner last night literally on the beach a few yards from the ocean but still were forced to wear masks walking to our table. Grrrrr


I would like to say Thank You! to the good people of Missouri for giving us Senator Josh Hawley!


It’s a theme among the Republican House – !


One of my great aunts on the Adams side was married to a Hawley….wonder if they are related.

Deplorable Patriot

The Republican Party here didn’t give us much of a choice, actually.

Gail Combs

Senate passed a ‘Feel Good’ bill and Nasty the Pig wipes her rear end with it.
Oh that’s right. PROTECTING the H1B visas given out to BIG TECH so they could have NON-AMERICANS censoring American Freedom of speech! STEALING out technology….


USA TODAY – is covering for the Democrats:



Tradical is a weird dude – thinks/has said Trump is Hitler.


ok, first time i’ve seen this…these are the faces of the people that CNN clown was looking at while he was…you know…interesting choices…
Oct 20
While we are on the subject here are the people he was talking to that made him want to fap.comment image


‘they’…in the middle. nope.


maybe toobin is a sci-fi fan?


LOL he’s something alright. Was just reading about his mistress – the daughter of a former co-worker – who fathered his child and a media figure who says she was repeatedly propositioned and pursued by him. He’s a real sicko.


*who ‘had’ his child not fathered it. Good grief. Also, the media figure is a separate incident. It made sense when I was typing it out 🙁



Gail Combs

🤢 🤮
Doesn’t the left have ANY decent human looking adherents?

Sue Mcdonald

🤣🤣😅😅 whew!! Catching my breath here. The homely is strong here lol …But yeah it must must have been the black glasses there that really revvvved his crank.


yeah I was totally flummoxed on this one!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You’re assuming that’s what he was looking at.
He could have had other windows open.


LOL…you make my day Steve!
I never would have thought of that…


My bet, bottom left.




Now is the time to pray people of God for our country and our president.
Rest assured the forces of darkness, satanists/witches/warlocks are praying for the destruction of our nation and this president.
Let God arise and His enemies be scattered.
Father, we thank You that Your hand is upon our president mightily – We cover him with the precious shed blood of Jesus Christ, and decree and declare Zachariah 2;5 over him and his family.
Let the fire of Your glory surround them and that no witchcraft, no voodoo, no hex, no vex, no curse, no power, no principality, and no demon in hell shall prosper against them.
Father, we ask that You dispatch legions of Your warring angelic hosts to destroy every plot and plan of the enemy.
Father, let Your anointing rest strongly upon him at all times, and our nation is brought totally back to You.
Father, we praise You, we glorify You in the name above all names, Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and soon to return, Messiah. Amen.




Tweet: Acting Secretary Chad Wolf@DHS_Wolf
Proud to announce the opening of the DHS Center for Countering Human Trafficking. One of the many steps the Trump administration has taken to combat and dismantle all forms of human trafficking.….
NEVER FORGET – Human Trafficking is just the modern, nice euphemism for SLAVERY….
AND you don’t hear the Democrats condemning human trafficking and p0rn – because they profit from it – just like they profit from drug trafficking and addiction which is just another form of slavery. Remember, Øbastard gave Hezbollah an open door for its drug trafficking.




It’s sweet, isn’t it? Thought the same thing. Like a cheerful camel.


it IS!


found at American Thinkercomment image


Charge Mayors & City Councils for Reckless Endangerment.
“… a person generally will be charged with that offense if they deliberately engage in behavior that poses a serious or substantial risk of injury to another person. This is especially true when the actor understood the risks but disregarded them anyway.”


Penalties range from Felony down to Misdemeanor (up to 6 months in jail plus $500-750 fine).
Go for the JAIL TIME to take them out of circulation and replace the whole Demo☭rat Leadership.


The Reckless-Endangerment evidence (crime stats) is now incontrovertible.
Charge the entire elected cabal in every city.


there’s a lot of SOROS funded DA’s who aren’t pressing charges or diminishing charges against these felons…they will be a problem, no?

Deplorable Patriot

I’m sort of hoping a number of them end up disbarred.


Charge the DAs as CO-CONSPIRATORS – evidence is failing to charge the cabal.
Use Soros-funded Campaigns for RICO charges to scoop up ALL of them.

Gail Combs


Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
For the purpose of Section 242, acts under “color of law” include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official’s lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim.
The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any.

I expect that this will be applied November 4th to a LOT of people holding public office.
These pantifa-waists think POTUS is ‘Hitler’ just wait until he tells Barr to apply FEDERAL LAWS to the current lawlessness in DemonRat cities and states.
Remember The Executive branch REPORTS TO THE PRESIDENT they do not report to Congress or anyone else.
Cornell Law: The Executive Branch

Article II of the United States Constitution vests executive power in the President of the United States. As head of the executive branch, the President is charged with enforcing the laws written by the legislative branch (see “Congress”) and is empowered in various ways to fulfill this duty….
Serving immediately beneath the president is the Cabinet of the United States, which is comprised of the senior-most officers in the executive branch. In addition to their official duties as heads of the various executive branch departments, Cabinet-members advise the President on various matters….
The rest of the executive branch is made up of the various departments and independent federal agencies, which AID the President in carrying out the duties of the executive branch.
The “Vesting Clause”
“The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.” Article II, § 1.
The first clause of Article II, appropriately called the “Vesting Clause,” places executive power in the President.….

No matter WHAT the DemonRats try to say and impose AG Barr REPORTS TO POTUS PERIOD. That is why there was need for a ‘Special Council’ or ‘Special Prosecutor’ to investigate the presidents.
POTUS does not have control over a Special Council


Post of the Week, Gail! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


A metaphor for the whole Democrat party….


Like every censor in history, Greenberger wraps himself in the cloak of certainty and righteousness. By declaring the President’s views “misinformation,” he claims license to ban them “in order to slow down the cause of misinformation.”
— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) October 21, 2020
…Greenberger is the cheerful face of censorship, thrilling a CNN audience with the idea of removing the president from social media platforms. His extremism is not nearly as unnerving as the fact that such proposals are now deemed plausible or possible.
— Jonathan Turley (@JonathanTurley) October 21, 2020


Jonathan Turley seems horrified by the leftist tyranny that is going on these days.
He’s good guy…so I don’t see how he can stay a Democrat.


me either…
at least he seems balanced


“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”
– Charles Dickens


nobody ever described an antifa feminazi off her meds better than Dickens!


Biden Sought ‘Grand Bargain’ to Reduce Deficit Through Cuts to Social Security via @BreitbartNews Joe Biden pushed hard to CUT YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY. If elected, he will do it again. I won’t, never!!!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 21, 2020
WSJ Editorial Board: Joe Biden Must Answer Questions About Hunter Biden and China via @BreitbartNews Joe Biden is a totally corrupt politician, and got caught. At least now he won’t be able to raise your Taxes – Biggest increase in U.S. history!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 21, 2020
Vote Trump to save your Second Amendment, Virginia!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 21, 2020


Twitter censorship is selective….. and favors tyrants, thieves, traitors, thugs, terrorists….Øbastard’s good buddies.

Deplorable Patriot

And the person here is outright saying “Zionist.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That “person” is the ruler of Iran. So what’s interesting about it?

Deplorable Patriot

Well…I don’t want to type those thoughts out loud at the risk of being labeled as an anti- when my thoughts are based on decades of observation.
There’s other details. You don’t want to think it let alone say it, but too many others are gaslit.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, dear. That is not how the dance to Singin’ in the Rain is done.


Not much effort into a professional look.


Nothing. Absolutely NOTHING professional about any of the D-Rat 2020 ticket.
Actually, quite insulting to D-rats that this is their choice for president / VP in 2020. This alone is reason enough to walk away from D-Rat party.
Totally insulting to Americans.

Cuppa Covfefe

The version from “Clockwork Orange” probably would suit her better
(cf pic of Oakland above, which WilliBrown™ and Moonbeam Brown [as mayor] sent down the drain)…


So fricken odd, every event the D-Rats schedule for Joe N Hoe looks like something a child could put together.
On the positive side, goog the gif has no sound. It appears Hoe is cackling.
Now, about Hoe’s lame dance moves, I read she has refined other skills that are quite pleasing to some.


Brilliant. I think it was a great idea to use the Jumbotrons to play an ad showing Biden-Harris vowing to end fracking.
Hope they do this at other rallies, too.

This is the ad they played:


PA is one state IT WILL MATTER!



Gail Combs

G. Edward Griffin, Founder – Freedom Force International and creator of Red Pill University, Red-Pill Expos, and Rabbit-Hole Expeditions.

The mission of these Red-Pill and Rabbit-Hole endeavors is far more serious than they may sound. It is to popularize a global coalition for the victory of individualism over collectivism and liberty over tyranny.

Luckily the wayback has the older version:
Click on the stuff in yellow (Part 1 to 4) and Iron mountain report to go to those pages. The reading is well worth your while!
For example:
The Chasm The Future Is Calling (Part One)

The question that arises in Mr. Dodd’s mind is: How would it be possible for anyone to think that they could alter life in the United States so it could be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union and, by implication, with other nations of the world? What an absurd thought that would be – especially in 1954. That would require the abandonment of American concepts of justice, traditions of liberty, national sovereignty, cultural identity, constitutional protections, and political independence, to name just a few. Yet, these men were deadly serious about it. They were not focused on the question of if this could be done.
Their only question was how to do it?
What would it take to change American attitudes?
What would it take to convince them to abandon their heritage in exchange for global union?
The answer was provided by another powerful and prestigious tax-exempt foundation, the Carnegie Endowment Fund for International Peace. When Dodd visited that organization and began asking about their activities, the President said, “Mr. Dodd, you have a lot of questions. It would be very tedious and time consuming for us to answer them all, so I have a counter proposal. Why don’t you send a member of your staff to our facilities, and we will open our minute books from the very first meeting of the Carnegie Fund, and your staff can go through them and copy whatever you find there. Then you will know everything we are doing.”….


Hmmm…Gail – Very Interesting – Thanks!!!



Deplorable Patriot

It should be out.


Thanks so much, DP – Have a Blessed Day!!!

Deplorable Patriot



Cant trust them. They split up groups and now that too?


Well that’s not good.
Parler is kind of slow and clunky…but I was hoping that it would be a good alternative.

Gail Combs

I was always suspicious of Parler. It was getting WAY too much free advertising so I never signed up.comment image


Nice clip of a Councilman in Flint, Michigan, who is voting for Trump:



Biden Crime Families connection to China

Deplorable Patriot


LOVE this! SO encouraging!
On the downside … my “concern” … letting Dems know by how much they need to cheat is worrying me. I think the monster vote surprised them in 2016 and they didn’t cheat big enough but because of so much early voting they are prepared, they know how big they have to cheat.
Upside – maybe they know how Big they would have to cheat so won’t bother because that big of a cheat won’t fly under the radar?
I early voted in person just in case we got sick and were quarantined. going to stick to day of election from now on so no one can prepare to counter my vote. Of course, I am in TN – pretty secure (I think…??) voting system and known to go red but still want to vote on election day from now on.

Gail Combs

I am in NC where the Fraud of a Governor CHEATED his way into office AFTER the Republican won. Therefore I vote on election day.


Also why I vote on election day as same happened here in WA state when Gregoire cheated her way into the Gov.’s office.


Me too!🇺🇸🇺🇸


Ground report from SC re 2 friends here. Both sent for absentee ballots. Last night we went on the county site to follow up. One got hers, sent it back and it’s been registered as received. The other sent for hers Oct.8…it has not been mailed out to her yet! So, of course, now she knows she will have to delivered it in person when and if she gets it. Interesting….

Deplorable Patriot

Let’s see if this posts. I found it on GAB. Take it for what it is worth: someone posting on an anonymous chat board…although it makes all sorts of sense.comment image


This has that “clicks into place” feel – like a seatbelt.


Soooo…then the military must remove all these people. Newsom isnt going to activate the natl guard ti arrest pelosi, kamala, feinstein, brown, and himself, among a few 100 others, in CA alone!

Gail Combs

As I said on the other page Acting under the Color of the Law.
ALSO do not forget they handed POTUS the sword. A NATIONAL EMERGENCY gives POTUS extraordinary powers. (Funny how I have never been able to hunt down exactly what those powers are.)
This, from the Brennan Center is the best I could find.
A Guide to Emergency Powers and Their Use

The 136 statutory powers that may become available to the president upon declaration of a national emergency….
This table is sortable/searchable by level of restriction on the president’s powers, U.S. code title, and keyword. Our top-line observations from this research may be found here, while our methodology for compiling the database is available here. Separately, we have developed a running list of national emergencies declared since the National Emergencies Act went into effect. And we did a deeper dive into some of these powers in the January/February 2019 issue of The Atlantic.

There is a chart of the laws and a short description. They are even color coded.
There is a pdf you can also down load… NO THANKS!


There was a video in Chinese posted that I found and I thought about posting a link, but it was a day last week where there was A TON of stuff, and I’d been busy irl, and thought I’d seen it posted here, and didn’t have time or energy (late at night) to go looking. Ron from 8kun thought the translation was accurate.
Anyway, the point being that the ccp has stuff on all these people, and how they let them know is to DL onto comps that are owned by the people compromised. Chi is involved, exactly how he’s involved wasn’t clear from the translation, whether he knows, watches or participates was unclear, at least to me. They don’t have anything on Pres. Trump.
I’ll see if I can figure out where I saw this and post a link if it’s still available.


POTUS saying the “Laptop from Hell” – seems significant. 🙂 Think about it – he must know everything on there.


Since Rudy G and, undoubtedly, several people that work for or with Rudy G are poring over all the info in that laptop (and maybe other salvaged drives or disks), I would think that Rudy’s keeping PTrump up to speed with the revelations.

Gail Combs

Rudy has probably been looking at that lap top for close to a year when the repair guy took ownership and then freaked.
The inquiry stage of Trump’s impeachment lasted from September to November 2019.
December 9, 2019 — Lesley Wolf a US Attorney signed the subpoena to obtain Hunter Biden computer equipment. link
December 23, 2019 — Hunter Biden Denies Ukraine Money Laundering Allegations and asked the court to strike the filing from the record. link
No way he trusted the FIB given the crap that has gone on over the last few years so he keep to copies offsite to be released if he was Arkancided and he gave a third to Rudy.


OMG. I think this is MILES worse than we thought. I JUST was talking to FGAC in a thread. I speculated what IF the 14 YO girl was Hunter’s DAUGHTER, and the SHE mentioned in the texts to Joe was HUNTERS ex Wife Kathleen. IS THAT why they separated in 2015 (according to WIKI)?
Remember Rudi says it was a FOURTEEN YO FAMILY MEMBER.
Hunter and his wife SEPERATED and DIVORCED in 2015 according to two quick Searches on Google. Hunter and his ex have THREE daughters. Naomi, named for his late sister was born in 1993. So she would have been 22 in 2015. Finnegan, Naomi’s sister, was born in 2000 making her 15 in 2015. Maisy, the younger sister of Naomi and Finnegan, was born in 2001. Making her FOURTEEN in 2015. RIGHTT when Hunter and Kathleen ( his EX and IMHO the “She” in the text to Joe)
THIS WOULD be EARTH shattering. What if HUNTER molested his OWN daughter, and Grandpa JOE not only KNEW, but covered it UPO. I have a feeling we are headed THERE. There would be NO WAY, the MSM could not cover this. There would be NO way Joe could survive this, NO SPIN could stop this.
Are the OTHER girls, all underage, FRIENDS of either Maisie or Finnegan? Do you KNOW who ELSE was a friend of Maisie? “Her best friend is Sasha Obama,” They BOTH went to Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C.and graduated in 2019, and The Obama’s had a joint party for them. Making me WONDER OUIT LOUD, did Sasha ever spend TIME, like a sleepover at ol Hunter’s house? Were some of those underage girls from SIDWELL Friends? This rabbit hole JUST got a WHOLE lot DEEPER, and IF TRUE, makes the FBI cover up of it a planet DNC and FBI KILLER.
link to article…
This would make the meteor that “wiped out” the dinosaurs look like a PEBBLE. This meteor is aimed straight at team Biden…this is their ARMEGEDDON, and Bruce Willis is NOT walking through that door.

Deplorable Patriot


Thanks DP. I thinK i am right. I guess we all , or at least I , “assumed” relative meant niece, cousin, 2nd cousin. Not like that would be any better, but to do that to ANY child, let alone one’s DAUGHTER is unthinkable.
The MSM CANNOT spin that, and they will HAVE to cover it. The Russian disinfo fell FLAT. This is a campaign killer.
The text IMHO was to Joe, meaning he KNEW, likely most of the family did too. They obviously did NOTHING.
Kathleen Divorced Hunter in 2015…obviously AFTER this text, in which they were likely SEPARATED. I bet this dates to then. WHAT did Hunter do? Did he seek HELP? NO, in 2016 he had an AFFAIR with his dead brother’s wife.
WHO ELSE is on that laptop. His daughters, as I listed, had POWERFUL friends (daughters) of the ELITE in DC, including Obama. Sasha Obama was 14 at that time TOO.


What if Pedo Joe molested Hunter as a child, who in turn grew up to be a pedo who molested his own daughter?

Deplorable Patriot

Could be.
At this point, anything is possible.
I mean, there was a family down the street when I was growing up we found out later there was all sorts of molesting going on in that house. It did explain a lot, though.


A former Miss America of several years ago was from a prominent family, outwardly one to be envied…later she revealed her physician father molested her for years. Probably happens more than we know.

CM in TN

That’s usually how it happens…they learn it from someone else, then become it themselves…


Hubby just said, “Joe’s a Monster.” As soon as this info gets out there more – I’m going to hashtag Biden like that.
Joe’s always been creepy, and the Lefty Dems let him touch their daughters inappropriately. Everyone of those families is going to be taking a look at what they let happen – all for a seat at the table. Their daughters are going to see these childhood pics – we’ve seen them all over the ‘net for years – they’ve seen them too. Wonder what they think…
Pedo Joe. Incest Bidens


FTA ” A source close to the matter, though, who claims to have seen the images on Hunter’s laptop, told Revolver that about one-third of the images are of the same underage girl. Some of the images are topless, while in others she is shown in suggestive positions with Hunter himself,” Revolver News reports.”
then the text to Joe from Hunter ““She told my therapist that I was sexually inappropriate with [redacted] when she says that I face time naked with her and the reason I can’t have her out to see me is because I’ll walk around naked smoking crack [and talking to] girls on face time,” Hunter says in the exchange.”When she was pressed she said that [redacted] never said anything like that but the bottom line is that I create[d] and caused a very unsafe environment for the kids.”
If I am right, we are talking Maisie or possibly Finnegan Biden. Who could ANY Grandfather know this and NOT stop it.

Gail Combs

She told my therapist that I was sexually inappropriate with [redacted] when she says that I face time naked with her and the reason I can’t have her out to see me is because I’ll walk around naked smoking crack [and talking to] girls on face time,” Hunter says in the exchange.”When she was pressed she said that [redacted] never said anything like that but the bottom line is that I create[d] and caused a very unsafe environment for the kids.”
If they were separated then this is the wife (or ex-wife) explaining to the therapist [Social worker??] WHY Hunter is NOT ALLOWED to see his daughter.
That interpretation makes a heck of a lot more sense then the girl being a niece or cousin.


Exactly. But this was Hunter to JOE. The therapist is mentioned as a REQUEST of “she” who I now assume to be Kathleen Biden, Hunter’s ex, and mother to Maisie, Finnegan. and Naomi.

Cuppa Covfefe

I guess this could be the Biden family campaign song:
(and I doubt Gary Puckett and the Union Gap thought it could come to this):

Young girl
Get out of my mind
My love for you is way out of line
Better run, girl
You’re much too young, girl
With all the charms of a woman
You’ve kept the secret of your youth
You led me to believe you’re old enough
To give me love
And now it hurts to know the truth
Whoa, oh, oh, young girl
Get out of my mind
My love for you is way out of line
Better run, girl
You’re much too young, girl
Beneath your perfume and make-up
You’re just a baby in disguise
And though you know that it’s wrong to be
Alone with me
That come on look is in your eyes
Whoa, oh, oh, young girl
Get out of my mind
My love for you is way out of line
Better run, girl
You’re much too young, girl
So hurry home to your mama
I’m sure she wonders where you are
Get out of here before I have the time
To change my mind
Cause I’m afraid we’ll go too far
Whoa, oh, oh, young girl
Get out of my mind
My love for you is way out of line
Better run, girl
You’re much too young, girl
Young girl
Get out of my mind
My love for you is way out of line
Better run, girl
You’re much too young, girl

Hmmm, some wag wrote
“Young girl, get ou of my life
You were my daughter but now you’re my wife”…
The thoughts “old enough to know better”, self-control, restraint, decorum, modesty, responsibility, fear of GOD, purity, and pretty much the entire Book of Proverbs, indeed the whole Bible come to mind.
In particular Matthew 18:4-7:

4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
5 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.
6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
7 Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!




A couple of thoughts from my hubby. He just said, “Joe’s a Monster” – we were discussing the info about Joe’s pedo, family incest…
Then hubby mentioned that people have said if Biden wins they’re going to hunt us down. Told hubby it didn’t bother me. Hubby said,
“It doesn’t bother me either, I’ll go down a Patriot.” ❤️


AMEN, you will NOT be alone.

Gail Combs

These idiots keep forgetting
2. There are a heck of a lot more Patriots than there are Pantifa-waists.
3. Many are retired vets or LEOs and they are NOT going to let a bunch of marxists Arswwipes take over the USA.
Green Beret Robert Patrick Lewis
Remeber he was part of the organization 1st Praetorian @1st_praetorian has set up our 1st night of security for the Walkaway Campaign’s “Unsilent Majority March on Washington.”

At some point in our lives, all of we Former Action Guys begin to get soft.
We leave the service, hang up the uniform or badge and feel that our time serving the nation is done.
We focus on our kids and/or grandkids, begin to spend less time in the gym or at the range, begin to
…enjoy the finer things in life,finally spend more time with our deserving significant others.
But then, sometimes, something happens.
Let’s say, hypothetically, that we discover that through all of those years while we were being good little soldiers or officers, paying our-
…taxes and doing our duty for the Republic, that the same people signing our paychecks or sending us into the mouth of hell in shitholes around the world were using our hard-earned tax dollars to bring down the very Republic we fought for, were not only turning a blind eye to-
…human and child sex trafficking but also had members of their very administrations participating and receiving kickbacks & benefits on the misery of our children and families.
The fire reignites, the beast reawakens.
We realize that our time was not in fact done – we were –
…merely taking a break.
The mornings go from enjoying the sunrise to building ourselves back into a steely-eyed machine of service and retribution, into the beast that invested so much blood, sweat, tears and grief over Brothers & Sisters lost in defense of the Republic…
…You do not understand the beast you have awoken, the anger you have created and the retribution that is coming for you, you domestic enemies of the USA who are willing to burn the nation down in a last-ditch effort to cling to power.
I’m quite close with hundreds of men & –
…women exactly like I described above, but there are millions of us.
You may have the power, the money, the resources, the media manipulation.
But we have the resolve of pissed off Patriots.
We are the type of people who will allow you to break your fist on our face, and –
…then pummel you with whatever we can find until you can no longer cause harm.
You fight for money and power, but we fight for our families, our love of country and the memories of Brothers & Sisters who lost their lives fighting to keep our streets or our country safe…
…That, my friends, ignites the flame of a passion that can not be extinguished until the mission is over and we can go back to aging gracefully.
I will give you this advice once and only once: quit while you’re ahead.
We see you. We know what you’re doing. Experience –
…has turned us into a highly advanced adversary, capable of things that you think you alone can do, but technology and training have given us the capability to do as well.
We know what you’re planning when things don’t go your way, and it would be wise for you to quit while –
…you’re ahead, alive, and can still breath the fresh air of freedom.
But if you continue on your quest to destroy this Republic that we so love that we are willing to die to protect and preserve, you will sign a check that your butt can’t cash.
The people who you count as –
…your strongest assets are not all in fact on your side.
Patriots are everywhere, and many have known what you were planning for a very long time, and have made their way into positions that you think you can depend on for your plans – but they’re on our side.
We are everyone
…we are everywhere, we are around every corner and in every forum where you think it’s safe to openly communicate.
So again, I beg you: quit while you still can.
Because if you force our hand, I promise you that we will not.


WOW. They don’t know what is coming for them.


When BLM started comin around locally, my hubby, who was an expert marksman in the military, but had never kept a gun at home, began to look into getting a gun. We’re both veterans – we’re not going down without a fight.

Deplorable Patriot

One of the local shooting ranges is running ads for classes: guys at such and such a time, ladies at this time.
When I can swing it, I’ll look into learning to shoot. I’m just hoping there’s something out there to shoot with for ladies who can’t reach an octave on the piano.


Remember this election prediction – based on history – from way back on October 11?


TODAY at 4 pm – another Election Prediction whiz is publishing his latest Electoral Map!….

wouldn’t have done anything different re COVID.! POTUS’s response was PERFECT!
Quote Tweet
🇺🇸 ERIC BOLLING 🇺🇸@ericbolling
· 13h
Not sure what all the fuss was about today with @60Minutes and @realDonaldTrump .. He seemed perfectly fine at my TownHall- taped just minutes after he finished with @cbs.
Judge for yourselves->
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Deplorable Patriot

comment image


Brun0Barking Retweeted
You are in trouble ⁦@JoeBiden⁩ . Black voters in #Michigan leaving plantation and voting for ⁦@realDonaldTrump


As mentioned upthread on previous page…Joe M posted about the “three red banners” on Parler:comment image
I found this in the replies:
“Hillary posted this on Twitter for Kampala’s birthday yesterday.”comment image
I think the ‘three red stripes’ are also a tie-in to the satanic stuff.
A reference to the devil’s trident. image
In searching through images…I ran across this bit of weirdness:comment image
Caption said “Brussels Airlines”.
Note to self — stay away from Brussels Airlines.

Cuppa Covfefe

Probably not a bad idea to stay away from Brussels itself – the whole city is a no-go zone, rife with Islamic hate, and one of the twin HQs of the EC/EU us there, a replica of the unfinished Tower of Babel, with the Eye of Horus built into the Atrium as you look down onto the building (the other “twin” is in Strasbourg). imagecomment image
And a poster that was pulled, but still got out – check out the “stars”:comment image
Lots of more info at VC on this, the elites, and Hollyweird, especially relevant with the paedo stuff coming out now…


Thanks, Cuppa.
👁️👁️ *gulp*
Yeah, it looks like Brussels is gone.

Harry Lime

…and this stuff is nasty!comment image


Haaaa…I love you, Harry.


If I am right, he CAN’T hide from this. He is FINISHED.


Oh, and Jill Too. She HAD to know, or be the STUPIDEST person in the world.


She knows. That’s why she’s fighting so hard to drag him through the election process. To save the family.


Wow, if that is true, SHE is just as bad as Joe and Hunter, if not WORSE. I am sure she will play the “battered wife” or “enabler” card. Wanting to save the “family”
My reply, they are NOT YOUR family, you are NOT Hunter’s biological mom, nor the granddaughter’s biological grandmother. What about saving HER. She was a CHILD.
To quote someone, ” HOW DARE YOU!”


How could she not know who these people are? Her husband groping and sniffing children, flashing employees. And these are the things we know about. I’m sure far worse has gone on. If we all know how could she not.


True, kind of explains her LACK of reaction to Tara Reid doesn’t it. Jill KNOWS, and enables buy “looking the other way” ALL for POWER and MONEY. She too is a vile human being.


Jill was married to her first husband when she and Joe had an affair. He was 31 and she was 23.


Explains a LOT.


Agree – he is cooked!!!


Sure explains all the “lids” they CAN’T put a “lid” on this boiling pot, it is about to boil over, and BURN Joe to the core.


Unless he suddenly comes down with the ‘plague’ – and disappears, again


The ONLY disappearance that could save him from this is rather PERMANENT.


OUCH!!! And hey – It could happen!!!


likely at this point IMHO

Gail Combs

CIA heart attack gun??
Joe is now MORE useful DEAD (sympathy vote) than he is alive.


exactly, but most likely Covid. They already set it up with Kamala and the guy on Joe’s plane, now Joe is under lid, hasn’t been seen for 5 days, and looked BAD. It is there if they want it.


Gail Combs

Muslims don’t like Satanists either!
They also are happy to see the fighting in the Middle East coming to an end.


Brun0Barking Retweeted
Andy Ngô@MrAndyNgo
Remember the Seattle antifa who bashed a cop’s head w/a bat? Now his accused riot accomplice is charged. Danielle McMillan allegedly tried to burn down a police station w/a firebomb. She worked as a realtor for
@windermere & allegedly planned more attacks.
Realtor and son of former Democrat lawmaker charged over Antifa firebombings and assault
Danielle Elizabeth McMillan and Jacob Bennet Greenburg are accused of carrying out a firebomb attack on Seattle Police in Antifa riots.

Cuppa Covfefe

Or just call her Madame…
She’s had experience, doncha know, HELL-the-BEAST?
Of course you could ask BeezleBubba about that…




Think so, eh Hitlery?
Guess what?
On Monday, Oct. 26, we WILL be celebrating the confirmation of Amy Barrett to the SCOTUS….on YOUR birthday.
Say goodbye to your protections from corrupt judges!


* Smiling *




AG Barr is politicizing the justice department by not prosecuting Democrats for actual crimes.


Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr
If the FBI had the laptop all along why did they let Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats impeach
@realDonaldTrump for literally being 100% right about Joe Biden?
FBI leadership is corrupted.


Do you see what happened yesterday. Rudi gave the laptop (copy) to the Delaware state PD (think chain of custody) they IMMEDIATELY gave it right to the FBI. NOW, the FBI cannot SIT on this. It was SO radioactive, that the Delaware PD got rid of it IMMEDIATELY.
The FBIU, now HAS TO ACT, or face the very question you raised, especially since if they do not IMMEDIATELY act on it, it gets RELEASED, thereby reveling the pollicization of the FBI.


They are corrupt to the bottom of the barrel.


Yes, but someone told us UNDENABLE, and INDEFENSABLE.
Here is a quick prognostication. What IF Joe and or Hunter Biden is on the Flight logs to a certain Little St’ John’s?
What if Hunter and or Joe’s name can be tied to Epstein? Make a nice little cluster bomb now wouldn’t it.


Prex I believe Joe’s selling out of the US is treason… anything outside of that is just so much corruption and lack of character…
The Biden Bros owned/own Water Island and there’s more there than pedo stuff according to Geo Webb… somethng to do with submarines? Same as with Epstein, and his lady handler who flies planes and operates submarines. There’s drug and gun running, blackmail, etc. Usual Democrat stuff of course.


The Lady is Ghislaine Maxwell. Yes it IS treason, explicit in the Constitution. Remember that the emoluments clause they tried to get Trump and his kids on? There you go. there is also FARA, which they tried to get Trump on, and the LOGAN ACT, which Biden mentioned and they Tried to get Flynn AND Trump on. PROJECTION.
Biden, and the LOT of them are TRAITORS. If you THINK Joe was the ONLY one doing this, look no further than the CF, Pelosi’s son Paul, Hunter’s partner in John Kerry’s step son Devin Archer, and MORE.
If you THINK Obama was NOT gettiing HIS cut and had HIS OWN deals, you are not paying attention, and I KNOW you are.
They are ALL going to swing for this. Weiner and Hunter, laptops and servers,,Anwan’s too. ALL gonna bring down the “WHOLE DISEASED CORRUPT TEMPLE down on you head , It’s going to be BIBLICAL. “


Agree they are all involved… but will have to be tribunals… DoJ is too corrupt to depend on


I think THAT is the point Trump is making with the FBI, and the parent of the FBI, DOJ. They cannot be trusted, Someone beyond reproach.
Question, can the SCOTUS hear a criminal trial? One that has ACB seated?

Deplorable Patriot

You mean Little St. James?
He wouldn’t need to be. The Biden family owns an island in the vicinity. All you need is a johnboat to get there.


Yes, and yes.


Oh, and another random thought. What IF the dark money behind Epstein came from CHINA.


No… came from Maxwell’s dad and Wexner and others… already known.


WHO financed Wexner, Maxwell, and others?
Q has hinted, more than a few times, that STATE actors are behind Epstein, and others like him for blackmail, most assume Russia, Mossad, etc, but what if it was China ALL ALONG.
Sure does explain a LOT of the concessions to China over the past 25 years dating to CLINTON who gave China the keys to destroy us in MFN status and NAFTA.
WHO was a friend of Clinton’s? Where did bill travel a LOT.

Deplorable Patriot

Mossad would be the answer there.
The tribe, you know.


there COULD be MULTIPLE state actors. That kind of blackmail on that level of people, would have MANY suitors.


Adjusting my very expensive aluminum chapeau…
I think there is a CABAL… they are global and pull all the strings, have done so for a looooonnnng time (more than decades) ….
They pull China’s strings too.
If you don’t like the word Cabal, then use Globalists… as Carlin said, it’s a BIG club, and we (98% humanity for the most part) ain’t in it.


LOL I am one of the FIRST to use the word Cabal. I titled my book on it. Yes, there ARE elders pulling the strings. A pedophile scandal COULD pull them in. I think for that reason, ol Joe is now TOAST.


AG Barr is politicizing the justice department by not prosecuting Democrats for actual crimes.
^^^ Been posting stuff like this.
It IS obvious to the point of DUH!
No where in The Constitution does it say ignore crimes if it is political season, within 60 days of an election.
Lady Justice is blind. Should include blind to politics.
Transparency. Law & Order.


They had the laptop A YEAR AGO… when POTUS was being impeached (as a cover-up for the laptop, and others) and the FIB DID NOTHING!


After Dementia Chyna Joe is bottom blown, MAJOR house cleaning needs to happen at FIB, DOj and IC.
AND, IF Barr does NOT have major indictments unsealed, arrests…he’s canned and Grennell becomes acting DOJ.
After all, the “gloves are off”.



CM in TN

But, but, but the integrity of muh institution…Got news for them. That ship has sailed. Zero credibility from rank and file all the way to the top.


President Trump will direct corrective action. AG Barr best be ready to move swiftly come 4 November.


Cari Kelemen Retweeted
Boycott China Hegemony@BoycottHegemony
The insider shared an internal directory of the team that does much of this work. It’s called Hate-Speech Engineering (George Orwell, call your office), and most of its members are based at Facebook’s offices in Seattle.
Quote Tweet
· 13h
FB has hired Chinazi nationals to decide what you can post!
Revoke all H-1B visas!
Meet your (Chinese) Facebook censors
Show this thread

Cari Kelemen Retweeted
Ian Miles Cheong@stillgray
Tucker Carlson: “At least half a dozen members of the in-house team are in fact Chinese Nationals in this country on H-1B visas. They’re in charge of developing algorithms to censor what you’re able to post on Facebook.”


I’m afraid it is WORSE than even that, see my posts.


Please tell me Rudy kept a back up copy

Gail Combs

Of course he did and the Computer repair guy has TWO back-up copies stashed with others.
I think copies were also sent to some of the News organizations like the NY Post.
Pandora’s Box is now OPEN!


Oh thank goodness!!!!!



This is a link provided by a commenter OT (Mark W)
It is well worth your time.
I have trouble keeping track of all of the names, but this is well worth the time to read and involves not only the Bidens but Kerrys, Pelosis, Romneys, and Bolgers of Boston.



NOW we KNOW why they tried that lead ballon, and I am sure the deep fake one will b e tried too, only problem, IF I am right, these photos and texts date to 2013-2015, and that was BEFORE deep fake existed. Cant fake the image properties or the meta data on the HDD. You can TRY, but it only makes you look.
ANY more cover up of this takes them ALL down. I think it is time, they will cut bait, and ditch Joe, and 2020. Hoping to focus on 2024 or try crap for the next four years on Trump.
The have NO idea what is truly coming for them. They think they do, hence SILENCE. But they don’t.


Oh, I think they know, Prog – that is why they are trying so hard to avoid it!


Agreed, but at that level of disgust, they CAN’T and survive.


Some Dude done put his foot in his mouth again…
Brian’s got a THREAD on it…

more tweets at link


This guy has/is DESTROYING himself. Is he familiar with LIBEL? Just take down the tweet, moron, admit you were WRONG. SD reminds me of Fonzi from happy days, could never admit he was wrong, ever. For the record, yes I have been wrong many times. When SOMEONE of Sheryl Atkinson’s level asks you to take down a tweet involving her, you take it down.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The great wise analyst SD is never wrong in his analyses, which is why he can plug names into redaction black rectangles at random and call them “analysis.” Granular analysis even.
I still remember him trying to claim we were paying for social security twice, because he never bothered to look at the government figures and see that they balanced (or rather did not) as if we were only paying once.


Yep, VERY full of himself. I think his “fame” went to his head. When it CEASES being about info, discussion, and TRUTH, and starts being about “hits” and money, this is bound to happen.

Gail Combs

Prog, I have a comment on your latest article in Da Bin.


On my site? OK. Out of the bin..TY.

Harry Lime

Hey SD!…comment image


comment image

Gail Combs

Oh, yeah I read that last night and Brian shredded him!


Dawson has THREAD on this … remove splat

Oxycontin maker Purdue Pharma pleads guilty to 3 crimes & $8 BILLION in penalties.
Plus they agreed to allow the #receipts to be used against the Sackler family & other employees of the firm!
Quote Tweet
Mike Balsamo@MikeBalsamo1
· 1h
NEW: Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, is pleading guilty to three federal charges, including conspiracy to defraud the U.S. & has agreed to a more than $8 billion settlement. It doesn’t release the Sacklers or any employees from criminal liability.
This case has been one of the #ButNothingsHappening cases that I have been looking at for a long time!
The Sacklers donated a lot of money to Democrats while their company Purdue Pharma donated to the Republican half of the Swamp.
Quote Tweet
· Jan 16, 2019
An opioid court case unveils documents & quotes from the Sackler family pushing OxyContin to doctors while blaming those who get addicted to their prescriptions. Lied to doctors about the abuse & addiction potential. But there is far more.…
Show this thread *


The Sacklers should be in prison and their company put out of business.


Zoe, I apologize… should have posted all Dawson’s tweets. There is a Reader link posted now, however I clicked and found it has only three tweets!
So I will post the rest of his tweets now… read below.


To give you an idea of how these cases progress, first they bust the bank, then the banker, then the customers when they have no chance of escape because the bank gave up the #receipts!
Quote Tweet
· Aug 14, 2019
Moving from the bank to the banker, next up, the customers… #ButNothingsHappening
The Sackler’s were also busted for tax evasion because HSBC flipped on their US clients that they had helped hide assets from the IRS.
Quote Tweet
· Feb 5, 2019
Huh, seems the Purdue Pharma Sackler family was laundering money through HSBC, one of the many firms currently cooperating to avoid paying the full price for allowing their customers to get away with money laundering. #ButNothingsHappening…
This case has been one of the #ButNothingsHappening cases that I have been looking at for a long time!
The Sacklers donated a lot of money to Democrats while their company Purdue Pharma donated to the Republican half of the Swamp.
Quote Tweet
· Jan 16, 2019
An opioid court case unveils documents & quotes from the Sackler family pushing OxyContin to doctors while blaming those who get addicted to their prescriptions. Lied to doctors about the abuse & addiction potential. But there is far more.…
Oxycontin maker Purdue Pharma pleads guilty to 3 crimes & $8 BILLION in penalties.
Plus they agreed to allow the #receipts to be used against the Sackler family & other employees of the firm!
Quote Tweet
Mike Balsamo@MikeBalsamo1
· 2h
NEW: Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, is pleading guilty to three federal charges, including conspiracy to defraud the U.S. & has agreed to a more than $8 billion settlement. It doesn’t release the Sacklers or any employees from criminal liability.
Show this thread


Oh, PR, no apology neceessary. How kind you are–considerate, too.


Lots of time on my hands Zoe… lots

Harry Lime

Hiden Biden…comment image


Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Meadows on Fox Business on a coronavirus bill: I am optimistic if we get bipartisan agreement that comes out of the Mnuchin/Pelosi discussions..Mnuchin has moved more toward Pelosi in the spirit of providing relief..I haven’t seen Pelosi come the other way
Meadows on Fox Business on coronavirus bill: There needs to be focus on Pelosi and is she going to be reasonable? She’s largely where she was in 90 days ago and the President made 4 different proposals


Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
1) Fox is told to expect Saturday and Sunday sessions in the confirmation process for Amy Coney Barrett for the Supreme Court. The Senate will likely start debate formally on Friday. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) will then tee up a procedural vote for Sunday.
2) The Senate floor will be open for debate on the nomination Saturday and Sunday. Plus, Saturday is what we call the “intervening day” here on Capitol Hill. That’s the day in between “filing cloture” on an issue and when that motion is available for a vote.
3) A full calendar day must pass. That’s why the procedural vote will happen on Sunday. And we now believe it will unfold on Sunday afternoon. That vote is to kill a filibuster. And, ending a filibuster on a Supreme Court nomination now only needs 51 yeas. It used to require 60.
4) Then, once the filibuster has been killed, opponents of the nomination have 30 hours to continue to debate the nomination. That’s why, if the Senate votes mid-afternoon to end the filibuster on Sunday…the actual confirmation vote of Barrett likely comes Monday evening.
5) That vote needs a simple majority for confirmation.

Deplorable Patriot

Just FYI, I will have the “rally” thread up this afternoon. My usual schedule got disrupted.


Reported to the Ministry of Information. This outrage will be dealt with.comment image


I have been super busy with getting holiday orders filled this week, but I am sooo looking forward to catching up on all the rally threads!
thanks DePat for doing them!!

Deplorable Patriot

Not a problem. 🙂
Some days, though, other items have to be done just to be sure they get done before any fun stuff.


I appreciate all the time and hard work you put in.


It’s good to see them cracking down on the demon spawn.


The noise sounds mostly like women, and looks like they are scattering to the sides. There don’t appear to be nearly as many men as there used to be, but it’s hard to tell. Are they running short on man power?


In order to read tweets, one is subjected to ‘Trending’ topics on Twitter’s sidebar (of course Jackboot’s Algos determine only Commie topics trend, no matter the number of tweets)…
Trending today (as a result of the UN’s influence I am sure) is … drumroll please…
Trending in United States
International Pronouns Day ‘seeks to make respecting, sharing and educating about personal pronouns commonplace’
Trending with #InternationalPronounsDay

We can’t blame just the Commies… we have to accept responsibility for this garbage… we’re just too dang polite, go along to get along… ENOUGH!

Cuppa Covfefe

I’m just fine with amateur nouns.
They’re not so whiny, and don’t kneel when the US National Anthem is played 😎


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Off the wall thought.
A couple months ago Brad Parscale mentioned they had a way around, what I took to be big tech censorship (TW, FB, YT…).
Was Brad referring to a scenario like this? Earth shattering proof of criminal behavior…delivered directly to all major and not so majot fake news outlets.
Gotta be reported.


comment image


Are you sure that’s Chanel’s posting? Doesn’t sound like her… it LOOKS like something from qresearch board with all the numbers etc. But then I don’t do FB so I would not know


No, am not sure. Thank for asking/clarifying.
Got these from a friend who is not as informed as this forum.
Apologies if I have posted misinformation!


You’re forgiven! We have all done it… 😉

Deplorable Patriot

The information itself may well be good. The attribution to Chanel Rion is the question.
All offerings go into the hopper.


Chanel Rion already posted on Twitter that it wasn’t her.


Chanel would not soil herself with a P.S. about Hunter’s private parts. This post needs to be deleted. It soils the site, and we obviously don’t need that.


comment image

Deplorable Patriot

DIdn’t Chanel Rion say she wasn’t on the chans or 8kun and someone was using her name?
Or am I crazy.


She did.


See my reply PR above.


So let’s remove this already. It’s below the standards here.


Re: the P.S……there seems to be a commonality there with what’s been said about Bill.


Typical CIown smear.
Remember how they were behind a smear piece on JFK’s sex life.
Clowns gonna clown.


Take your pick –
1a: a trusted follower : a right-hand man
b: a political follower whose support is chiefly for personal advantage
c: a member of a gang

Gail Combs

I keep wondering WHO CONTROLS CHINA??? And I do not think it is XI!
I just keep get this nagging feeling that there are hidden strings possibly going back to the Opium Wars.
There are just some really funny stuff.
We know the Soviet Union was funded by the Federal Reserve and European bankers.
Congressman McFadden mentions in 1934 that the FED was financing Japan’s war against Russia.
Then there was the Second Sino-Japanese War, “a military conflict that was primarily waged between the Republic of China and the Empire of Japan from 7 July 1937 to 2 September 1945.” — WIKI

….Japan’s invasion of China benefited the CCP long before contemporary times. Indeed, it’s virtually inconceivable that the CCP would’ve come to power at all had it not been for Imperial Japan’s invasion. Before the second Sino-Japanese War commenced, the Communist Party was locked in a death struggle with Chiang Kai-shek and the KMT. The CCP fared poorly in this conflict, suffering repeated defeats at the hands of the Nationalists.
By the end of 1934, the CCP was on the verge of extinction after KMT troops delivered another heavy blow to the Red Army in Jiangxi Province, which forced the party to undertake the now infamous Long March to Xi’an in the northwestern province of Shaanxi. Chiang initially pursued the Communist forces, and would have almost certainly delivered a final blow to the CCP if war with Japan could have been delayed. As it turned out, Chiang was not able to put off the war with Japan any longer, and domestic and international pressure forced him to accept a tacit alliance with the CCP against Japan….

And then THIS:

Opening doors to Russia and China
Opening doors to Russia and China, Chase Manhattan establishes a representative office in Moscow, the first U.S. bank to have a business presence there since the 1920s. Connections with mainland China are reinvigorated the same year when Chase Manhattan becomes the first American correspondent of the Bank of China since the 1949 revolution.

But if I recall correctly Chase was there and in Russia a LOT earlier.
J.P. Morgan in China
Local expertise. Global resources. A commitment to China.

We have been doing business in China since 1921. Our integrated financial services include investment and corporate banking, wholesale payments, markets, sales and research, securities services, commercial banking and asset management. Today, we serve Chinese and international corporations, financial institutions and government agencies through our network in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Harbin, Suzhou and Shenzhen.
We have operated in Asia Pacific since 1872, and today are present across 17 markets in the region….


From what I have noticed, Gail…the ChiCom Politbureau is a group of shady characters.
They wield a lot of power.
Xi basically turned a shoulder to those guys when he declared himself ‘Chairman-for-Life’.
This didn’t seem too smart to me.
Because it only means that the way he leaves office will be ‘feet first’.


Did you know?
America was the cause of Japan entering into WWII.
You see…
“On July 8, 1853, Commodore Matthew Perry sailed into Tokyo Bay, effectively ending centuries of Japanese isolation from the West.”
For centuries, Japan had closed itself off from the world. By the time Perry sailed into Tokyo Bay, the “west” had developed sophisticated cannon and rifle weaponry, and Perry’s fleet bristled with it. Japan, and it’s Samurai, was still using bows and arrows.
Japan was completely unaware of world history and what had been happening in the wider world as it remained in self-isolation for 220 years. It did not know about the rise of the “west”, “colonialism”, or how much had changed in the art of warfare. The Japanese believe THEY were elite, their entire culture and everything about it superior to the rest of the world.
The REASON Perry sailed into Tokyo Bay with his war fleet….unannounced and uninvited…was to inform the Japanese that they would be required to supply US merchant vessels who would be coming across the Pacific to trade with China (Japan’s historic enemy). The expansionist US was determined to undercut and undermine European trade with China. Specifically, the US wanted Japanese coal to fuel steam-powered merchant ships.
See: Treaty of Kanagawa
In essence, what happened was the arrogant Americans kicked in Japan’s front door and dictated terms to the Japanese, who quickly realized they had no hope of fighting back successfully.
Now apply Newton’s Third Law.
The Tokugawa shogunate was humiliated in front of the entire nation. The entire nation was humiliated in front of the entire world. The Japanese responded by intensely studying the west and it’s methods.The way they saw things, nations like Spain, France, England, and America had grown their wealth and power by taking over the lands and resources of others. And, in example of this, that America had kicked in Japan’s front door because American merchants wanted to take Chinese trade away from their European competitors.
So Japan, in turn, resolved that 1) it would do away with the outdated Samurai and adopt western military strength, and 2) would follow the west’s model for gaining wealth and power by taking over other lands and resources of other nations…
…all to regain it’s national honor and ensure no one ever again kicked in it’s front door.
And THIS is what led to Japan’s confrontation with the USA just under 100 years later.


I know this is camel day, but racoons can be cute too!


nope. raccoons are destructive rodents.
signed Captain Frederick, survivor of the Great Raccoon Wars of 2020

Deplorable Patriot

I can’t find the article, but at the Muny here, the 10,000 seat outdoor theater in Forest Park that was just renovated, one summer they did the Addams Family, and a mama raccoon and her kits took up residence around the stage. Yeah, intermission was theirs until Missouri Conservation caught the critters and relocated them.
It was a hoot, I understand.


the raccoon quasi antifa gang here, pooped and peed all over my furniture, destroyed my plants and wrecked my hummingbird feeders…squatters all of them…and NASTY, SNARLING beasts to boot.


So you’re saying they knew and consciously realized your materialistic stuff was your materialistic stuff and they destroyed it intentionally, just to aggravate you?


yup, that’s how I saw it…LOL
when we reviewed the trail cam photos, it’s like they wandered all over the deck destroying stuff, but they waited till they were ON FILM before they peed and pooped–
I can laugh now, but dang it pissed me off then!

Cuppa Covfefe

” they waited till they were ON FILM before they peed and pooped–”
Would that make them
CAM – tifa??????? 😀


LOL…i was thinking CALI-tifa…like the idiots in california pooping in the streets…


You fail to distinguish between wild and domesticated raccoons. I’ve had one as a pet. Completely unintended. Found him as a kit, alone and almost dead. Raised him with the intention of returning him to the wild, but by the time that was possible realized it would be a death sentence, so I kept him. He was a life-changing friend. Alarmingly intelligent, especially with human training as a foundation. You’ll never look at raccoons the same way again.


after seeing them snarling and gnashing their teeth at me, wouldn’t ever trust one.
good for you tho…compassionate deed.

Deplorable Patriot

For a second there, I thought that was the pink bathroom of my childhood.
It’s white now.

Concerned Virginian

The DNC and Joe Biden’s handlers are all in Panic Mode.
Here’s a short list of Biden’s possible “INNDER CIRCLE” of handlers:
Unless proven otherwise, Joe Biden is being de-briefed on the LAPTOP FROM H3LL situation.
Joe Biden CANNOT escape HIS OWN role in this situation.
Joe Biden is likely being given a “medical cocktail” of SEROQUEL, EXELON, and possibly MIRAPEX to control symptoms of Parkinson’s and/or dementia; and to increase ability to process cognitive thought.
It is quite possible that the Biden “INNER CIRCLE” of handlers are discussing how to move forward.
This may include a “last-minute” pullout of Biden from tomorrow’s “debate”.
This may include a “last-minute” WITHDRAWAL of Biden from his own campaign and SUBSTITUTING Kamala Harris as the DemCom Presidential nominee. The “INNER CIRCLE” handlers would be consulting with attorneys and “Constitutional law experts” on this.
If Joe Biden has been informed, in ANY amount of detail, about the LAPTOP FROM H3LL — AND if Biden is indeed afflicted with Parkinson’s and/or dementia — this has the potential to engender a DOWNTURN in his condition. His “INNDER CIRCLE” handlers are likely aware of this.


Is this something?
I dunno…I don’t really understand this stuff very well…but it looks like it might be something.
Secretary Pompeo
US government account
The tide continues to turn toward global 5G security. We thank our partners in Japan and Foreign Minister @moteging for supporting the basic concept of 5G Clean Path to secure safe communication between diplomatic facilities. More on the Clean Network:

Gail Combs

I think it is a CHALLENGE to China’s captive market.


DePat…thank you for the sweet-looking smiley-faced Camel pic that you used for the Header pic.
It makes me smile each time I refresh the page.
Looks like it might be a young one…but I’m no expert on Camels.


Indo-Pacific News
#China threatens #Sweden after #Huawei ban – report
Sweden is in the firing line of China’s authoritarian leaders after it this week became the latest European country to ban Huawei and ZTE from its #5G market.

Indo-Pacific News
Replying to @IndoPac_Info
Foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian was reported by AFP to have said that Sweden must “correct its wrong decision” or face a “negative impact on China-Sweden economic and trade cooperation, and on the operations of Swedish companies in China.”


Indo-Pacific News
#Germany urges firms to diversify out of #China
#European giant takes risk as it asks business to shun nation’s biggest trading partner and look elsewhere to avoid supply-chain disruptions

Indo-Pacific News
#China embraces hostage diplomacy
The #Chinese government is threatening to detain foreign citizens unless their home governments do what Beijing demands.
In some cases, China has already made good on those threats.


thank goodness the UN put China on the Human Rights Council otherwise countries might be worried about this.


Hah! 😄

Cuppa Covfefe

Methinks the economic hammer will come down quickly and hard should Red China attempt to hold foreign nationals against their will. Another post (far) upthread mentioned that VSGPDJT is looking for reasons to lower the economic boom. This would certainly be one.
Hmmmm. Speaking of booms…
“Nice dam you’ve got there Winnie, erm, Xi. Be a shame if anything happened to it”…….


back from my banana run and here’s my report:
less and less face mask wearing except for the much older population.
As for holiday meal planning…the canned pumpkin is currently in the Halloween baking center aisle kiosk and is still plentiful–it’s on the bottom shelf tho–not eye level.
this week there is also dedicated floor space for the StoveTop display and Ocean Spray Cranberry cans. Smaller cans of sweet corn, peas, etc are harder to find, but the bigger, family sized cans are plentiful–again, just on the bottom shelves tho.
Canned turkey gravy (YUCK!) is back– both in large and smaller sizes.
check your expiration dates tho–a big display of crescent rolls and pie crust sheets–had an expiration date of early November.
the national coin shortage must be completely over–I asked the cashier–she said so…LOL


For those who are interested in Florida’s voting progress, Larry Schweikart is looking at this closely, hour by hour…
You have to go to his feed to get the full picture and explanations. But this is significant because it’s Miami-Dade – what he saying is that there’s only a 4% difference between Dem and GOP in Miami-Dade in the early voting – This is VBM and IPEV. (Vote by mail and In person early vote). Keep in mind that Miami very “Latino” has a population who fled from commie countries. There have been some incredible spontaneous rallies there for POTUS. Flep will likely filling us in but for now… Oh, and btw, if Miami is that heavily for POTUS (also remember the crossover vote from Dems and votes from Indies that we don’t know yet…) Florida could go BIG for POTUS.

Concerned Virginian

Well, it looks like a comment of mine that was posted at 12:46PM didn’t please the WP Censors. Don’t know if it’s in the bin or if the WP Censors deleted it.

Deplorable Patriot

Uno momento, pro favor.

Concerned Virginian

Many thanks!

Deplorable Patriot

POR favor
or por favore (I need to trim the talons)
It should be out.


Jordan Schachtel
Twitter, which blocked smoking gun Biden emails that exposed a massive foreign corruption scheme, is artificially inflating this NYT story that shows Trump org had a bank account in China and never used it. It’s a cheap attempt at resistance whataboutism.
Jordan Schachtel
Replying to @JordanSchachtel
Twitter’s trending section has become nothing more than what the SJW Twitter employees want you to see. They seem to have completely removed any stories that organically do well, and now they just curate the entire selection based on their far-left politics.


Eric Trump
Their story: Trump once looked at deals in China, long before politics, as one of the largest international real estate developers (and iconic brands) in the world. Hunter Biden makes millions selling access after his father becomes VP & allegedly funnels that money to his dad.

Laura Ingraham
Nice try at deflection, @nytimes. But everyone knows the CCP is supporting Biden, and everyone knows why.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The “media” is so freaking FAKE it’s ridiculous. SOVIET GARBAGE. Pure SOVIET.
There’s your “MUH RUSSIA”. COMMUNISTS. Bolsheviks. Mostly kicked out of Russia, roosting like VULTURES in America!


They are gonna get “theirs”, bro.
Watch and see.


no other details listed yet..and yeah, let’s lead with the fall in share prices–THAT’S the important part…smh
AstraZeneca shares fell Wednesday after a Brazilian health authority said a volunteer in its coronavirus vaccine study died.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow – did not know this, but my post on Friday potentially explains this. AstraZeneca is NOT using the “2P mutation” which is designed to circumvent the problem of immune enhancement. All the others ARE using it, including Moderna and Pfizer.


The Library
Lying journalists gets schooled by Press Sec. #FakeNews #EnemyOfThePeople
Kayleigh McEnany
.@CNN is NOT reporting the truth! I was in the room. COVID questions were right off the bat. President ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩ continually fact-checked Lesley Stahl, who came unprepared!
Harold Wren


The Library
This brings into question if the US Secret Service is complicit in criminal activity. If not, why hide these documents?
Even the .@SecretService are trying to cover up for the Bidens by failing to produce the relevant travel records of Hunter Biden accompanied SS escorts. .@ChuckGrassley and @SenRonJohnson on the case ! Download link (3 pages) 👇🏻
Harold Wren


of course they’re complicit…
why else would POTUS have augumented his SS with HIS OWN BODYGUARDS…


Did not know President Trump augmented his security detail.
IIRC, he did that as candidate Trump.
Interesting it carried over as President. Very surprised Secret Service would allow it for a sitting President.


Apparently (his) act as part of the staff… don’t carry a weapon… are a parallel line with S/S… and they cover Rallies with S/S. I don’t blame him…


Personal staff, unarmed, makes sense.


This is trending on Twitter. smh
The new Borat film features a compromising scene with Rudy Giuliani.



Wray and the FBI are in serious hot water now.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is absolutely true. I think Wray is still surrounded by Comey faction – highly politicized – manipulating society by groomed crimes. Wray AWARDED the agent whose CI cooked up and facilitated the phony Gretchmer kidnap plot. Either Wray is playing ultimate mole on a rotten FIB, or he’s rotten, too.


Reposting…comment image


I find this worth mentioning given ALL that Q has said related ro the HUNT for Red OCTOBER. In the movie, the sub was named for the Russian Red October Revolution.
Guess the days of that revolution
October 24 and 25th Nineteen SEVENTEEN.
from Google. Yes I love tweaking them, using their OWN sight to kill them.
“On November 6 and 7, 1917 (or October 24 and 25 on the Julian calendar, which is why the event is often referred to as the October Revolution), leftist revolutionaries led by Bolshevik Party leader Vladimir Lenin launched a nearly bloodless coup d’état against the Duma’s provisional government”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – that means they’ve been WATCHING the COUPISTS.


Yes. I believe so, there will be NO coup this time. We KNOW.

Gail Combs

They blew it by staging a never ending temper tantrum from the day POTUS was elected in 2016. It reached a crescendo on Memorial Day. Meanwhile the patriots have been watching and documenting and tracing the lines of communication. Carlos and Brent Cates have gone through a lot of the information.
Here is one of the better Carlos threads on the subject:


Absolutely agree. THAT is why the ballot harvesting is NOT gonna work, and I think now they have figured that out. NO ONE believes the BS MSM polls anymore.


Why Coke why? Just sell Soda not SJW BS
Coca-Cola is committed to creating a more inclusive world, one that invites people from different backgrounds and perspectives to come together to build a better shared future, through open and honest conversations.
As part of Coca-Cola’s ongoing Together We Must commitment, Coke is partnering with the National Center for Civil and Human Rights, Civic Dinners and Equitable Dinners to host Together We Must: The Conversation, a series of virtual dinners and conversations around various social justice topics designed to encourage people to listen, connect and take action together.
Beginning Wednesday, October 21st and ending November 17th, Coca-Cola will host a series of free virtual dinners to discuss topics ranging from social justice to inclusion and include special influential and celebrity guests.
All are welcome – join us by signing up today.


Did Coke tell you about all the water they steal from villages in order to MAKE their sugary addiction?


LOL nope they skipped that part.


It ain’t funny magee… research it sometime… takes TOO MUCH


i would think they could just use wastewater…cheaper and tastes the same as regular coke

Cuppa Covfefe

You have to wonder, if you can use coke to kill off algae and moss from your driveway, clean calcium deposits off of your sink and toilet drain, etc., what in the world must it do to YOUR insides???? Phosphoric acid is perhaps not as mild as some might say…

“Phosphoric acid rust removal. Phosphoric acid is an effective rust remover. It acts on the rust by converting rust (Fe 2 O 3) to a form that can be dissolved in water — ferric phosphate (FePO 4). It may be applied directly to rusted iron or steel and other surfaces. It is typically commercially available in the form of a gel.”


iirc in science class we were told if we put a tooth in a glass of coke, it would dissolve…never tried it tho…I thought about it once and asked my grandma for her teeth–she wouldn’t give them to me…

Cuppa Covfefe

Your teeth are like the stars…
They come out at night 😀


High intake of phosphorus ie in soft drinks leads to leaching of calcium from bones. That plus sunblock, indoor lifestyles and the increasing numbers of people not eating/drinking dairy is all leading to an osteoporosis tsunami



comment image


Bye bye FBI


Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court:


You mean marxists posing as Catholics, I believe.


Have you seen this?
Pope Endorses Same-sex Civil Unions in New Documentary Film
The papal thumbs up came midway through the film that delves into issues he cares about most, including the environment, poverty, migration, racial and income inequality, and the people most affected by discrimination.
Top comment: OldTomInTheHills • 4 hours ago
Then why the hell doesn’t he let priests marry? What a fraud.

Cuppa Covfefe

Is it just me, or are the most important issues with which a Pope or prelate should deal missing from this list:
“The papal thumbs up came midway through the film that delves into issues he cares about most, including the environment, poverty, migration, racial and income inequality, and the people most affected by discrimination.”
Hmmm. Nothing about salvation, evangelism, faith, repentence, looking to the “next world” as opposed to lamenting this world (one might say Mary/Martha issue)…
Pope-A-Dope with a liberation theology, instead of GOD’S Theology…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great article, fully revealing who the “Podesta Catholics” really are.
ACB is a great nomination. She is in many way a “religious minority”, and she will GET the need to protect freedom of religion FOR ALL, as intended by the founders.
The LEFT has used a kind of “masked, reversed, minority privilege” to attack the rights of the majority. It’s an ingenious strategy, but it’s time to send it to the ash-heap of history.
Protect the rights of MINORITIES *AND* the MAJORITIES using FREEDOM!!!

Gail Combs


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN! I’ve always loved that line! SO TRUE.


wordpress is messing with Tracy’s tweets and article by Larry … as is Twitter
click on link to uncover article… see if you get message wrt debugging
or, simply try the link…
duck, duck is suppressed when I try to get there with it

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Uncover DC itself is having a problem – the entire website is having a WordPress error of some kind.


thanks Wolfie… suspicious cat needed here… Larry’s article is being surpressed


your wish dear lady…comment image


Thank you … 😉


any time phoenix!


There’s a Growing List of Celebs Backing President TrumpThere’s a Growing List of Celebs Backing President Trump


The fear factor is either diminished or increased
Depending on whether they fear retaliation from deep state hollywierd or fear Potus and what’s coming out


More good news
Tommy Lee Swears He Will Leave U.S. If Trump Wins
To bad its all talk….
Jill Biden on Hunter Story: ‘The American People Don’t Want to Hear These Smears Against My Family’
Oh honey you are so far off on that comment. I want ALL the tea. And OMG you didn’t call her Dr Jill.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No pedophiles in the White House. I don’t care if they have to send CAMERAS into the Biden bedroom – it’s too late now.
We took care of the WITCH in 2016.
We take care of the PEDOPHILE in 2020.




if you’ve got nothing nice to say about the Biden family…come sit near me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

‘The American People Don’t Want to Hear These Smears Against My Family’
Well honey you do not know much about people! Women ESPECIALLY LOVE GOSSIP. the nastier the better. Why do you think all those day time soaps are so popular?


Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Not invoked, 51-44: Motion to invoke cloture on McConnell amendment #2652 (Targeted Relief Package), in relation to the House message to accompany S.178 (shell).
Guy Benson@guypbenson
Senate Democrats have now filibustered a majority-supported COVID relief bill — again
Quote Tweet
Senate Press Gallery@SenatePress
· 46m
By a tally of 51-44 cloture was not invoked on the McConnell amendment #2652 (Republican Coronavirus proposal), in relation to the House message to accompany S.178 (shell).
This was a party line vote.


ck my math… but that appears to total 95 … where are the other five senators I wonder?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not present, apparently. I haven’t looked into this particular incident, but this is not that uncommon. Rarely do votes like this total up to 100.


well, it’s an election year, but one of the greatest needs (because of so-called pandemic) is THEIR constituents! This vote was specific, not pork barrel… just curious as to who the five are…


comment image
Oct 21, 2020 2:24:23 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b0320e No. 11192101comment image
All [3] movies playing simultaneously?
Do you find it interesting that everything discussed in the past is somehow making news as of late?
8m ago
8kun qresearch


Get popcorn



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO. Yeah, it’s almost like there was some plan to wipe away their last attempts to thwart justice.comment image


BINGO. WHAT are the ODDS. Oh, worth noting. The theatre numbers, 4, 5, 6, WHERE is 1, 2, 3, ? COMING attractions?


You must like fly fishing since you catch so much that isn’t immediately obvious.


TY, its my “super power” I really don’t like fishing, but I LOVE chess.


Nothing can stop what is coming.
We have it all.
Enjoy the show.


Gee, how about THAT. I always said, WHEN does a “conspiracy theory, CEASE to be a “conspiracy?” When it is proven TRUE.


Isn’t that backwards?
When conspiracy is proven true, it’s no longer a theory?


is it. Same thing.


Oct 21, 2020 2:30:50 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a95dd3 No. 11192227comment image
2m ago
8kun qresearch


I know I’m dense in a alot of cue things…but i am totally missing the satanic cult stuff–the violent agenda–if the worse he says is VOTE THEM ALL OUT…gees…isn’t that my civic duty???

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Vote them out or there will be a back-up solution.


well ok, see, I missed THAT PART in the drops…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is not much if any of that part in the drops, IMO. I’m doing a LOT of reading between the lines. I think the plan is quite confident they won’t go deeply into the back-up solution. The whole point is to avoid “Z”.


Oct 21, 2020 2:35:45 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a95dd3 No. 11192330comment image
1m ago
8kun qresearch


Oct 21, 2020 2:38:06 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a95dd3 No. 11192402comment image
1m ago
8kun qresearch

JW in Germany

Hmmm…I wonder if there is a connection between Epstein and Hunter and under age girls?


Very likely!

Cuppa Covfefe

(Bass) Turds of a feather float together…
(sorry, but paedo stuff has to stop; now, and forever!)…


Oct 21, 2020 2:41:31 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6comment image
Sometimes you can’t TELL the public the truth.
Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?
Difficult truths.
just now
8kun qresearch

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Some very nasty people ascended through the communists. Really starting to see this now.
The Roman emperors included some HORRIFYING pedophiles. Not just the usual ones mentioned. This has been a huge part of the PAGAN world. It goes back to the very BEGINNING of civilization.
Dems will not survive as a party if they stick with Biden, but even Hillary and RBG’s legacy are compromised by this stuff.


The great awakening might just be a dual meaning, Information and TRUTH, as well as SPIRITUAL.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, I’m sure it’s BOTH!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

RBG’s interest in lowering the age of consent to 12 and eliminating the trafficking actoss state lines laws show where her interests were…
And witches, especially Satanic Black Magick Illuminised ones, like sacrifices; as does their master (whether they know or acknowledge it or not) Baal/Moloch. The younger, the better. The best, in their view, being the pre-born…..
But Arkancides are used for “power refills” too…


Oct 21, 2020 2:43:55 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6comment image
2m ago
8kun qresearch

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



yep leads to IMPLOSION.


Dear demo-rat filth,


Oct 21, 2020 2:47:34 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6
Oct 21, 2020 2:43:52 PM EDT
So many people refuse still to admit the evils in the world. They’re going to need to see a lot more.
Freedom of information [truth] = END
2m ago
8kun qresearch


Oct 21, 2020 2:48:03 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6comment image
1m ago
8kun qresearch


Oct 21, 2020 2:51:40 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6comment image
2m ago
8kun qresearch

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dear Bill Maher,
Barbara Olson just arrived in LA, and she’s here to see you now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Can’t see it! Not sure why.


FD&C, i wonder if that red ring on Maher’s hand is similar to the one folks were noticing a while back?
it was a “thing” people noticed, and made ab ig deal of noticing.


Oct 21, 2020 2:52:14 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a95dd3 No. 11192896comment image
2m ago
8kun qresearch


Oct 21, 2020 2:54:01 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a95dd3 No. 11192967comment image
1m ago
8kun qresearch


Which explains why Anderson Cooper had a kid after his mother pasted away.


Stephen McIntyre @ClimateAudit
on Jan 24, 2017, Danchenko and Flynn were interviewed more or less simultaneously. The terms under which Flynn, a veteran decorated for personal courage, and Danchenko, a Democrat spy who had been investigated previously as possible Russian spy, were very different.
11:43 AM · Oct 21, 2020·Twitter Web App
2/ we learn from New York Times today what we suspected – that DOJ gave a grant of immunity to Danchenko – presumably coming from Democrat candyman David Laufman, who had previously given immunity to Hillary henchpersons Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin etc
3/ Danchenko’s immunity was given even though FBI/DOJ then did not know what role, if any, he had in fabrication of Steele dossier. Information from Danchenko was highly exculpatory of Trump because it showed massive fraud in Steele dossier.
4/ but instead of promptly disseminating Danchenko’s exculpatory information to deter nascent resistance, FBI concealed the information acquired at the heavy price of immunity to Danchenko. Making Laufman’s devil’s bargain even worse.
5/ meanwhile, FBI offered no such candy to Flynn. Exactly the opposite. Flynn was denied not only the courtesy that he had earned and deserved through a career of service, but even the usual rights and notices given to an ordinary criminal. He was simultaneously attacked by
6/ attacked by leaks of supposedly classified information to media, the most damaging of which were actually false.
7/ The difference is now evident as New York Times and Guardian now apply more whitewash. Danchenko and Steele had Democrat privilege, Flynn didn’t.
Corruption that would make Ukraine blush.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

McIntyre ALWAYS underestimates criminals. He is really good at following rabbit holes, but when he gets to tricky forks, he picks the WRONG ONE reliably. He’s an easy mark.
Here is where he goes WRONG in this case:
“Danchenko’s immunity was given even though FBI/DOJ then did not know what role, if any, he had in fabrication of Steele dossier.”
NO. Top FBI knew from undisputed Russian intelligence that Hillary was setting Trump up on “Russia”. They should have NATURALLY suspected Danchenko’s involvement. Laufman was COVERING UP.
Yes, Flynn and Danchenko were treated differently. But it was not mere prejudice.
McIntyre has generally harmless but somewhat predictable weaknesses toward Russia / Syria / old Soviet bloc narratives. He can’t see past Russian duplicity. He can be correctly skeptical of lying Western narratives in favor of Russia, but his skepticism of deep Russian and Ukrainian plotting is totally inadequate. He absolutely cannot see “reverso”, where Russia and old Soviet allies in the Democrat party gain mutual advantage, while pretending to be bitter foes.


Told ya, Danchenkyo was a FEINT all along. Immunity as COVER. Gee a person with IMMUNITY NEVER has to testify what he DOES or DOE NOT know, now doesn’t he. That is why he was so EASILY given up , he has NOTHING, but we can NEVER compel him to SAY that now because of immunity. A CARROT dangled in front of the rabbits, while the FOXES crept in and ate the rest of the rabbits.


Oct 21, 2020 2:56:57 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a48b57 No. 11193040
A deep dark world is being exposed.
The truth won’t be for everyone.
Have faith in Humanity.
1m ago
8kun qresearch


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States@JackPosobiec
Biden in hiding and Kamala taking the stage
Pay attention to what they’re doing


emphasis added by phoenix

Concerned Virginian

The “INNER CIRCLE” of Biden handlers are likely prepping Kamala to take over. One posits that a “decision” is being made about Biden. If he shows up at the “debate” tomorrow night, it may be a “Swan Song” of sorts for him ……


comment image


If they don’t win the election, the PARTY IS OVER… GONE…
Don’t think for one minute the Cabal will sit back and let that happen… Social Media platforms are just beginning their work… there’s more… you haven’t even seen the kitchen sink yet.


If they don’t win the election, the PARTY IS OVER… GONE…

I’m old enough to remember when leftists were saying this about the GOP back in ‘08.


WINNER WINNER chicken dinner. Biden is TOAST, BURNT toast, He and his family are now a LIABILITY.


The media is desperately trying to distract from Biden alleged criminal activity. It’s quite simple: When my father became President, we stepped out of all international business. When Hunter Biden’s father became Vice President, he stepped into international business.
— Eric Trump (@EricTrump) October 21, 2020


DING DING DING. Now WHO would you say is MORE business Savvy, Eric Trump or Hunter Biden? Eric NEVER made the kinds of deals Hunter did. Think about that.


Maxwell docs should be comin’ in the next few hours…
Guess that’s why Cue is dropping so much on paedos


And Rudy.


Senate Republicans
Senate Democrats just BLOCKED a clean covid relief bill.
RT so America knows the truth.


Leader McConnell@senatemajldr
Senate Democrats just used the filibuster — which they say they dislike — to kill another coronavirus relief package.
Unemployment benefits. PPP. Testing. Vaccines. School funding. Protections for people with pre-existing conditions.
Every Democrat just voted to block it all.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a48b57 No.11193181
Oct 21 2020 14:01:21 (EST) NEW
Inappropriate [sick] to you?
Normal to them?
Dark secrets.


Thanks for covering……. Nature calls sometimes!


BOOM, and THERE IT IS. Q just confirmed my hypothesis from this morning, Finnegan NOT Maisey. Finnegan was 15 at the time her mom and dad separated and divorced, Maisy was fourteen. The girl in the Hunter pics, coming, was FInnegan. Moot p[point, still Hunters daughter.


I did a search for Finnegan and images and she is on the road a lot with Grandpa Joe for events and rallies. Looks like she is his handler standing on stage with him, lots of hand holding pics, and of course a few too many of the kissing on the lips. Whatever is going on there is not normal.


BINGO. I missed the date by a year, it was likely 2014 NOT 2015, making Finnegan the FOURTEEN YO, Maisy was 13.


SICK DEMENTED FREAK that Joe Biden. FTA, video IS coincidentally NOT working.
“Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden gave his 19-year-old granddaughter a kiss on the lips during a campaign rally in Iowa on Sunday, prompting some grossed-out responses on social media.
The former vice president entered the event at Clarke University in Dubuque holding the hand of Finnegan Biden, the daughter of his son Hunter.
“I would like to introduce you to my granddaughter Finnegan Biden. The reason I asked Finnegan — grandfathers are always allowed to embarrass their granddaughters — that goes along with the territory,” said Biden, 77, his hand over her shoulder.”
This was at the time Joe was being highlighted for hair sniffing and groping of little girls and Tara Reid.
Thjis SICK bastard brought his OWN granddaughter, who was BEING abused by at LEAST Hunter, and Joe KNEW IT, and yet he USED her to make political points…I now think ol grandpa was IN on the abuse, and that is why NOTHING was done.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a48b57 No.11193377
Oct 21 2020 14:06:39 (EST) NEW

Underage family member?
FBI can no longer attempt to shelter [protect] the Biden’s?
Public awareness kills all protections.


Say her name Q…FINNEGAN.


There is also another possibility. A number of people have mentioned Beau’s daughter being the right age. And Hunter was having an affair with Beau’s wife.


possible, but then the text does not fit quite right, and then I believe, Q by linking a video that no longer works, of ol Joe kissing Finnegan on the LIPS. His own granddaughter.
I think Q was telling us her name and WHO in that link.


Ian Miles Cheong@stillgray
Look at how they’re blatantly lying about @RudyGiuliani for daring to expose Hunter Biden. They’ll do anything to protect Biden’s flank, including ruining the reputation and the life of New York’s greatest mayor–the man who took down the Mafia.
Show this thread
Ian Miles Cheong@stillgray
To recap, this is a blatant lie.
1) It’s a prank
2) Giuliani didn’t think she was 15, the actress is mid-20s
3) He wasn’t fondling himself, he was adjusting his microphone following a fake interview
4) Cohen jumped in the room and said “SHE’S 15!!!” to make Giuliani look bad
Quote Tweet
Ian Miles Cheong@stillgray
Borat tried to make it look like Giuliani was soliciting sex from a minor by running into a room claiming a 24/25-year old actress was 15. In reality, he wasn’t even soliciting sex from her. The Democrats will sink to incredible lows to take down anyone who attacks Biden.


Suggests one considers this to be China centrist thought (a CCP perspective which may be distorted or ours is, or as is more likely the two shall meet in the middle).

JW in Germany


Good to hear from you, JW. Hope all is well with you. Please check in and participate more if you can.
What are you seeing in the Deutschland these days?
We saw where Germany was formally pushing businesses to divest out of China. HUGE news.


Not only is this a shame, it is vulgar and clearly aimed at seniors.


JW good to see you. Hope your doing well.


Larry’s article on Hunter is now appearing on uncoverdc… here’s the link


John Solomon@jsolomonReports
Graham wants to review sources of ActBlue small-dollar donations, some Senate Republicans agree | Just The News
Graham wants to review sources of ActBlue small-dollar donations, some Senate Republicans agree
The incumbent senator’s Democratic opponent out raised him by more than 100% during the third quarter of 2020, with help from the liberal tech nonprofit.


I guess Ms Lindsey is too worried about reelection to subpoena Jack and Mark…


Brilliant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Millie Weaver Exonerated! All Charges Dropped & Case Dismissed

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



This is but a small portion of the justice owed in this case.


It was only done to slow and discredit Millie, thereby discrediting her info. Typical leftist op.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The timing was ridiculous – straight out of 1950s KLAN TERRITORY intimidation tactics. Ohio should be embarrassed!




Pure political harrassment targeting.
This crap has GOT to be STOPPED. There must be serious and easy triggered repercussions upon local, state, and federal members of the judiciary who participate in actions like this.
If the prosecution could not produce any evidence at trial, there is no way there should have a been a grand jury indictment to begin with.
Mr. President, you must highlight Millie and her case!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The ShadowGate prosecution was an OUTRAGE.

Gail Combs

Acting Under the COLOR OF THE LAW!!!!
“Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States…..”
Meaning and Examples of the Color of Law They Didn’t Tell You

Examples of Violations of Color of Law</b.
Officials have been given certain powers, like making an arrest, stopping and searching with a search warrant, traffic stops, seizure of belongings, etc. However, there are occurrences when they misuse their powers, and cases of ‘color of law’ abuse come up. Most of these cases investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation involve crimes of the following nature:
1. False Arrest
According to the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, citizens have a right against unreasonable searches and seizures. A law enforcement officer can, due to the authority under color of law, stop individuals, and in certain cases also search them and keep their property. If the official illegally holds onto your property, or detains you unlawfully, it is an abuse of the color of law. This may result in the violation of a person’s civil rights.
An arrests made by fabricating some evidence against someone counts as a false arrest, and also amounts to an abuse of color of law.….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Would love to see her win on that!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amazing Polly was DEPLATFORMED by both YouTube AND PayPal!!!


She has a video up on her website about the technological harassment she’s been dealing with this past week.


Ignore…same video Wolf posted.


One America News Investigates: The Fall of Joe Biden


NOTE the dates…What I posted earlier..RED OCTOBER. The exact dates of the 19 SEVENTEEN Russian revolution, with Lenin.


Poetic justice.


Exactly. Message sent.


Not sure I understand, Prog.


OANN is posting an exclusive Biden expose over the weekend (Oct 24-25th) Q alwastalks about the movie Red October. A ,movie about a stealth Russian Nuclear sub, stolen by a defector (Sean Connery) to give the the US to avoid a stealth nuclear strike on America.
The sub was named Red October after the 1917 Russian Revolution. (Lenin overthrow of the Tsars)
The dates were October 24-25 1917.
My other post highlighted the dates for “something” to happen on them.


Oooooooh!!! Thanks, Prog! Got it!!!


The Library
Eric Trump
.@Twitter is absolutely censoring this link. Vote.DonaldJTrump


SPOILER ALERT–it’s Romney–if you go to the tweet there’s a lot of sick, delusional idiots on there voting for biden
(he says he didn’t vote for Trump…like anyone cares or is surprised)
Most jealous man on planet Earth strikes again 😂
We all know he wrote in himself.
— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) October 21, 2020

Concerned Virginian

Well, BILL O’REILLY has finally stepped in it. Per 710WOR, New York, “The Sean Hannity Radio Show” —
O’Reilly stated that HE WOULD HAVE OCNSIDERED VOTING FOR BIDEN if he thought Biden “was an honest man — but he’s not”.
This fits in EXACTLY with what I posted about O’Reilly yesterday — he’s pissed off that POTUS didn’t call on him to be a head honcho in the re-election campaign.
And what’s up with these conservative commentators — like O’REILLY, like VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, HANNITY, even RUSH — who are telling POTUS to “be statesmanlike”, “don’t be a bull in the china shop”, “don’t be combative” at the “debate” tomorrow night?
Don’t these people realize that to convince POTUS to act like another “kinder, gentler” version of George WH Bush is really NOT what WE, THE PEOPLE must see at the “debate”?
I hope that POTUS releases the UNEDITED version of the Lesley Stahl – “60 Minutes” HATCHET “interview” TODAY.

Concerned Virginian

Typo: should read “CONSIDERED”


Based Abdi 🇺🇸@AbdiPopulist
Well, there it is.
Kamala’s husband says ‘I am married to the next President of the United States’…. the cat is out of the bag ladies and gentlemen.


Assuming that they know she’s a US citizen because they know who she is.


I read somewhere she was a niece – if that is true – then, there is no question, Holley – imho


Her name is Finnegan Duchess, I missed it by one year 2014, not 2015, making Finnegan 14 at that time. Q all but confirmed it with the link to Joe kissing Finnegan on the lips in Iowa. Then the speech. FTA
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden gave his 19-year-old granddaughter a kiss on the lips during a campaign rally in Iowa on Sunday, prompting some grossed-out responses on social media.
The former vice president entered the event at Clarke University in Dubuque holding the hand of Finnegan Biden, the daughter of his son Hunter.
“I would like to introduce you to my granddaughter Finnegan Biden. The reason I asked Finnegan — grandfathers are always allowed to embarrass their granddaughters — that goes along with the territory,” said Biden, 77, his hand over her shoulder.


For sure, Prog!



Deplorable Patriot
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No such thing as a quality problem! THANK YOU!!! <3

Deplorable Patriot

Hey, boss, I need a raise. 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I can double your pay! 😉
Seriously, though, if the 3 days get to be too much, Wheatie has offered to relieve you for one of them if you want. Just keep that option open. You’re doing so many non-daily threads now, you qualify for whatever relief can be offered.


Thanks so much – DP!!!


Sparrow ~ Audrey Assad ~ lyric video


I just read trash on uncoverdc … some article about hil de beast that morphed into a negative piece on POTUS… and when I tried to check it out it had disappeared from the website.
Obviously, given the message wordpress was giving earlier, someone is messing/hacking in with the website… can you report it or should I do something?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I just checked out the site – I think they’re “OK” now. Probably nothing to worry about!




i can’t access citizen free press…can anyone else??

Harry Lime

Hi, Pat…I have no problem accessing CFP.


thanks Harry!
I used duck duck go and the list they presented were citizen free press media check; The South African Citizen, and a dozen other sites before I found one that gave me the http address…now I bookmarked it.

duchess01 – No problem accessing the site, Pat!


DuckDuckGo depends on the Guulag to provide the search results. It doesn’t give your info to them, but it needs their results. If results are suppressed, blame the Guulag most of the time.
I’ve got a different search engine (NOT startpage, they aren’t privacy friendly anymore).
Try when you can find something suppressed by the Guulag.


I will!



Looks like not even the chose one can “save” old Joe n Hoe.


Joe ‘n Ho


Could have said Slo N Hoe. LOL.


Another angle.


Ha ha ha! His ginormous ego just took a huge hit!


And those people with him… ?
His S/S entourage?
No adoring fans?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You beat me to it. 😀

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That group looks like mostly secret service or something.


Look at his shoes! Are those lifts?


There must be at least… one person there, not including security and event staff.
Okay, maybe not even one… 😂🤣😂


Hope hussein, Joe or Hoe come to Northern NV so I can heckle them.


Not the first time. Or the last.


Right!. My granddaughter is under ten, and there is NO WAY I would do that. Cheeks n hugs.

Jack Posobiec Flag of United States Retweeted
Ali Orange square #JoeBidenIsSick@ali
Only ~5,000 people are watching former President Barack Obama on YouTube even though it is heavily promoted by the controversial platform.
Stream ended minutes later with 20,061 total views.
Democrats claim to be double digit points ahead. No convincing evidence of that.


He’s a filthy criminal.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

FROM GAB…..comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

New map from Kevin McCullough
(Lets see if I can bring in a tweet)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He’s showing NM slipping into tossup territory, but to partially make up for it Maine is entirely Trump territory now, rather than just 3 of the four EVs.


Yeay Steve… !!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m just surprised no one posted it before me. (Unless it’s buried back on some previous page.)

Deplorable Patriot

Okee dokey. Until Razor and realsauce surface…
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b0320e No.11192101 📁
Oct 21 2020 13:24:23 (EST) NEWcomment image
All [3] movies playing simultaneously?
Do you find it interesting that everything discussed in the past is somehow making news as of late?


wasn’t that posted earlier?

Deplorable Patriot

Not sure. Just blowing through them.

Deplorable Patriot

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a95dd3 No.11192227 📁
Oct 21 2020 13:30:50 (EST) NEcomment image

Deplorable Patriot

comment image


Into the abyss we go.

Deplorable Patriot

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a95dd3 No.11192330 📁
Oct 21 2020 13:35:45 (EST) NEW
EFRvhYTXUAAo08y.jpg⬇comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a95dd3 No.11192402 📁
Oct 21 2020 13:38:06 (EST) NEW
Eb8qK6QU4AAV1NH.jpg⬇comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a95dd3 No.11192505 📁
Oct 21 2020 13:41:31 (EST) NEW
The_Great_Awakening_Crowd_Meme_570x350.jpg⬇comment image
Sometimes you can’t TELL the public the truth.
Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?
Difficult truths.

Deplorable Patriot

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a95dd3 No.11192602 📁
Oct 21 2020 13:43:55 (EST) NEW
democrat_party_crumbling_held_up_by_cnn_msnbc_cbs_nyt.jpg⬇comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a95dd3 No.11192736 📁
Oct 21 2020 13:47:34 (EST) NEW
Anonymous ID: 4e0898 No.11192597 📁
Oct 21 2020 13:43:52 (EST) NEW
So many people refuse still to admit the evils in the world. They’re going to need to see a lot more.
Freedom of information [truth] = END

Deplorable Patriot

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a95dd3 No.11192741 📁
Oct 21 2020 13:48:03 (EST) NEW
7ey66blhcww31.jpgcomment image


Why are there three mattresses (or a box spring and two mattresses) on that bed?
Is the top mattress turned upside down?
Is that red stain on the top mattress (the end close to the wall) blood?
I wonder how much blood is on the other side of that mattress, if it was flipped over.
Nice gym.

Deplorable Patriot

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a95dd3 No.11192872 📁
Oct 21 2020 13:51:40 (EST) NEW
D0MMzlYX4AEDm_u.jpgcomment image


Red shoes, red shoes,
Watcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
.comment imagecomment image

Deplorable Patriot

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a95dd3 No.11192896 📁
Oct 21 2020 13:52:14 (EST) NEW
EJ380AEUcAAfI_w.jpgcomment image

Deplorable Patriot

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a95dd3 No.11192967 📁
Oct 21 2020 13:54:01 (EST) NEWcomment image

Deplorable Patriot

There’s a reason he waited until his mother was dead to have a surrogate have his child.

Deplorable Patriot

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a48b57 No.11193040 📁
Oct 21 2020 13:56:57 (EST) NEW
A deep dark world is being exposed.
The truth won’t be for everyone.
Have faith in Humanity.


“The truth won’t be for everyone.”
The truth *is* for everyone.
The problem is that not everyone is for the *truth*.


My journey into God’s Light began with a small poster sent to me by my praying Grandmother. I put it on the wall in my small apartment where I would read it often. The words had something to do with going where the truth takes you no matter how difficult the path. Each day as I looked at it I became more and more drawn to becoming courageous enough to always choose Truth.

Deplorable Patriot

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a48b57 No.11193181 📁
Oct 21 2020 14:01:21 (EST) NEW
Inappropriate [sick] to you?
Normal to them?
Dark secrets.


So he’s not just Pedo Joe, he’s also Incest Joe.
Well, isn’t that extra special…

Deplorable Patriot

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a48b57 No.11193377 📁
Oct 21 2020 14:06:39 (EST) NEW

Underage family member?
FBI can no longer attempt to shelter [protect] the Biden’s?
Public awareness kills all protections.


Thanks, DP – I missed them – appreciate your help!!!


Why is Chanel continually downplaying the pedo angle?
This isn’t the first time.
If she has seen inappropriate sexual contact between adults and children, she needs to stop being coy with the insinuations and just spill the beans.
Who is she afraid of upsetting?
The pedophiles?!?
So far, We the People can’t SEE the hard drive.
The media’s job (in theory) is to be our eyes and ears.
That means you gotta TELL us, Chanel.
It’s not the kind of thing you can just leave to peoples’ imaginations.
What is WRONG with people?
Why is EVERYTHING like pulling teeth on a ship inside a bottle?


Information belongs to WE the PEOPLE.
It doesn’t belong to the government (which was created to serve US), and it doesn’t belong to the corrupt fake news media.
It belongs to US.



So, Frankie purports to show that he thinks the debate is so important and the Trump – Biden race is so close, that PTrump’s “fate will be decided by what he focuses on in tomorrow’s debate.”
But, apparently, Biden can focus on whatever he wants. BS!!!


It’s TDS gobbledygook. ignore it, which is what it deserves.


“But, apparently, Biden can focus on whatever he wants. BS!!!”
Luntz is compromised.


“If you’ve lost your job, what do you want to hear about more: Economic policy or Hunter Biden’s laptop?”
Great question Frank.
Why don’t you ask the entire news media, advertising industry and entertainment media which sells better?
I have a sneaking suspicion they know the answer, even if you don’t.


Whether I have lost my job or not, any candidate’s ‘policy’ is unlikely to change that reality in the immediate term.
But you know what would have an immediate effect, and that the People have an absolute RIGHT and NEED to know?
Evidence that the democrat candidate for POTUS is a freaking PEDOPHILE, you dummy…


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 724ac8 No.11197253 📁
Oct 21 2020 17:43:55 (EST) NEWcomment imagecomment image


I translate this to imply “black hat sleepers”. Not pro-Trump people.
If Wray is a white hat sleeper he deserves an Oscar.


And yes, I state that while remembering Q said “Trust Wray”.
Dan Coates (former DNI) was most definitely a black hat.
Happy to be proven wong.




Got a little CCP there FG&C 😉


ha! 😆

tom f

And, Trust Sessions.


After seeing that FIB ‘morale booster’ video, if his mental development is higher than age 7 he deserves an Oscar.

Brave and Free

His pants look to short, probably from walking around in all the bulls*** he’s been shoveling for the last twelve years.

Brave and Free

Well *%& that should be ^^^ under Zero .


Here’s an old friend we haven’t heard from in some time. Why folks stopped posting his videos I cannot explain.


By the way, this video is brilliant.

Gail Combs

Yes it is. I wonder how long it will stay up?


comment image


HUGE! VP of Flint, MI City Council Endorses Trump: “Mr. Trump would be the best thing for poor folks”…”Obama said our water is fine…ain’t nothing wrong with drinking lead!”

Concerned Virginian

SO it appears that Kamala Harris’ husband DOUGLAS EMHOFF announced at a campaign “event” today (about a dozen low-no-info types in a classroom) that he’s “married to the next President of the United States”.
You can betcha that Emhoff heard about it from Biden’s handlers after this gaffe.
However — it DOES tell WE, THE PEOPLE, that the “INNER CIRCLE” of Biden’s handlers have likely MADE THEIR DECISION about Biden — Scenario One: Biden actually gets sworn in (they’re assuming he’ll win the election), then is “removed” a few weeks / months later; or, Scenario Two: Biden is “removed” BEFORE the election and Kamala slides into the Presidential slot while the ‘INNER CIRCLE” picks the new VP.


I looked into this and am largely convinced said video took place during the d-rat primaries BEFORE Bide had locked up the nomination.
Regardless, we all know Joe is simply a dem Trojan Horse for a Kamala-Karen presidency. The only people they are fooling are their own goons.


Two new Wictor threads well worth the quick read….you won’t be disappointed!




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Iran sending spoof emails to damage President Trump, stir violence and chaos and confusion.
+ video implying that people can submit fraudulant ballots which is Not true.
Our election system is sound and safe.
No specific actions by Russia but they suspect there will be





Guess who just got the puppy a massive pumpkin!!!!!!!!!! Its as big as the dog. LOL I saw it at Aldi for less then $3 and I had to get her one.
She loves it and might have already tried to eat it. Too cute!!!!!!




Pay raise from Faux.






Cuppa Covfefe

Wake up Maggie
I think he’s got a couple of things to say to you…



“The @Google HEAD OF GLOBAL COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS says that they are “influencing you in a way you didn’t sign up for” and that users “don’t know what is happening to them” ”
Users of WHAT?
I don’t use Google search engine, and I have at least 3 different ad-blockers, so I almost never see ads.
Google dude: “Now, the more you see a Biden ad, the more, you know, passionate or the more sort of leaning you’re going to become for Biden.”
It has exactly the opposite effect on me. The more I see Biden, the more I detest him.


Seeing or hearing Dentia Joe, Hoe, hussein, hildabeast… has NEVER had a positive effect on me.

Gail Combs

For me a Biden ad endangers my computer screen. (Hubby wants to know why I am screaming.)




How Do You Introduce Crimes Against Humanity?Timing Is Critical,Think ACB & [HRC] – Episode 2308
October 21, 2020 x22report


Episode 2308a – [CB] Announces Their Plan For The Reset, Trump Brings The Hammer


Episode 2308b – How Do You Introduce Crimes Against Humanity?Timing Is Critical,Think ACB & [HRC]


Roberts so unreliable that they had to wait until RBG replaced? ugh!


Roberts is extremely reliable.
For the enemy.
I look forward to his arrest and prosecution.


“How Do You Introduce Crimes Against Humanity?”
Here’s one way.
You go to the AG’s office, with a live camera, and you throw the evidence of crimes against humanity on his desk, and ask him what he’s going to do about it on national TV.
And while he’s coming up with an answer designed to protect his ‘muh institution’, you simultaneously broadcast the evidence all over the planet.
Then it doesn’t matter what he does, or more importantly, won’t do.
Because a 7+ billion global population freight-train will run him over and get the criminals themselves, if Barr won’t arrest and prosecute.


Don’t just hold his feet to the fire, throw his whole body in it.


You had me excited until your last phrase – ‘if Barr won’t arrest and prosecute them’ –
What makes you think Barr will not do this?
Remember – we must work from the bottom up to the top – collecting evidence on our way up – to get to the ‘big guys’ – it takes time – Barr has several investigators working on this in all aspects of the ‘big picture’ – Collecting evidence – convening Gjs – making charges – and serving indictments takes time – we lost time during the ‘plague’ – wait until you see what happens before and after the election – it is going to be BIBLICAL!!!
God is large and in charge – wait until you see what God does!!!


“You had me excited until your last phrase – ‘if Barr won’t arrest and prosecute them’ –
What makes you think Barr will not do this?”
Because he hasn’t.
Because he is a creature of the institution he leads.
Because I have never seen it happen before. In my life.
Those are just the first 3 reasons, there are lots more!


Well – with all that is being revealed at this point in time – I think you just might be surprised – there is a lot we do not know – yet to be revealed – so because he hasn’t does not mean he won’t – because he is a creature of the institution – he knows a lot more than we do – and because it never happened before in our lives – does not mean it won’t.
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think DJT would run for President and win – accomplish as much as he has in (4) short years – beat the ‘plague’ – manage a recovery – take the slings and arrows and come out unscathed – fight the good fight day after day – with God at his guide.


“Well – with all that is being revealed at this point in time – I think you just might be surprised – ”
Well I certainly hope so.
If he’s a white hat, then he has certainly gone to a lot of trouble to appear otherwise, in which case he would appreciate my comments in helping him to maintain his cover as a defender of a corrupt institution who won’t arrest anybody, no matter how public the evidence.
And if he’s a black hat, then my skepticism is entirely justified. 😁


PT needed a strong ally in the DOJ – it just might be there is no one who has the experience he has – neither of these men had to do this – and take all of this abuse – I think he is a white hat who is patiently waiting until all the ducks are in a row – the corruption is massive – and connected – hence – why one cannot just pull the plug on one bad apple – he’s going for the entire barrel – look at the Iranian connections alone – how did all of those people end up in the same place?
We have come too far to be skeptical – we must be hopeful it will all come to light – after all – there all no leaks – and that is a good thing.


“God is large and in charge – wait until you see what God does!!!”
Guess I’ll have to.
I hope we all live long enough to see it.
A lot of people haven’t.
A lot of people have passed away over the past four, eight, twelve years.
For those people, “Justice delayed is justice denied” isn’t just a slogan, it’s a truism.
I don’t have any faith or confidence in government anymore.
Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. None.
It’s negative, actually.


“It’s negative, actually.”
I have confidence and faith that government will do the wrong thing, every time, all the time, without exception.


That’s not simple cynicism, that’s born of a lifetime of experience.


Our faith should not be in man – but rather – in God – nothing is impossible for God.


Very much agreed, but we ought to be able to have confidence in our government, in the rule of law, or at the very least, that the people in our government are not openly treasonous and seeking to destroy the Republic.


True – but, now may not be the time to put our confidence in our government – after all – we are still cleaning house – and the swamp is deep and wide.

Gail Combs

As I keep saying, COPS are there to PROTECT THE CRIMINALS!
Take the cops and DOJ out of the equation and you get vigilante justice AND a really pissed off mob is unlikely to worry about such niceties as a trial and prison sentence.


Dropped my completed absentee ballot in the post office mailbox last night.
Done deal. 👍
I don’t want to say how I voted, but it didn’t go well for the dems. 😂🤣😂
[I voted for Trump of course, it just seemed funnier if I said it that way]


You MAILED your ballot in vs. dropped it off IN PERSON??
Are you serious?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s a good test, though! He can check it at his polling place, and if it’s not counted, he can vote a provisional ballot and publicize the fact that his mailed ballot got lost.


You’re right. It would be a good test.
Problem is, if he was doing this as a test he would have said so in his original post.


“Problem is, if he was doing this as a test he would have said so in his original post.”
How is that a problem, exactly?
And for whom?


“You MAILED your ballot in vs. dropped it off IN PERSON??
Are you serious?”
Yeah I’m serious.
Either the postal system works or it doesn’t, and I intend to find out either way.
If I understand correctly, on election day I go to the polling place as usual, and they look up my information, and either they tell me that I’ve already voted, or not, in which case I know they have tampered with my absentee ballot, which I will report to the proper authorities, as soon as I finish voting in person.


Yeah….after the Wolf throws you a bone for an excuse, your claim is that you voted absentee…through the mail…..and NOW intend to go stand in line on Nov. 3 just to check that your ballot was received….instead of simply voting on Nov. 3??
And you just forgot to mention your plan in your original post….after this forum has discussed mail-in ballots, fraud, and the importance of voting either early or on election day IN PERSON for months now?
LOLcomment image
I ain’t buying it. Might as well believe anything that comes out Joe Biden’s mouth.
But, whatev. You wanna be careless with your vote, be my guest. Most of us here take this stuff very seriously. Pretty clear you don’t.


I dropped my ballot off at the Election Office, and STILL plan to go to the polling place (which will be the Election Office, lol) ON election day to make sure it was accounted for.
Yes, I really am, and yes, that was always my plan.


You should never play this game, but when you do, at least you go all-in 😂
How long have you been pining for an opportunity at a ‘gotcha’? It must have been gnawing at you like a starving dog, to tip your hand and waste your shot on something like this.
Let’s break it down, why don’t we?
FG&C: “Yeah….after the Wolf throws you a bone for an excuse, your claim is that you voted absentee…through the mail…..and NOW intend to go stand in line on Nov. 3 just to check that your ballot was received….instead of simply voting on Nov. 3??”
Why does it make any difference whether you drop it off or mail it in? Either way, how do you know what happens to it, between the time it leaves your hand and election day?
A few weeks or a month ago, Wolf made a point that the Leftists could do some FF a day or two before the election, which could discourage a significant number of people from going to vote on election day.
So I sent in one of the many absentee ballot applications I have received. My absentee ballot arrived about 12 days after I sent in the application. Last night I filled it out, while I was at my dear old Mom’s house for dinner. She completed hers at the same time.
Anything wrong so far?
She had never voted absentee before, she likes to go vote in person, but I explained about the possibility of a FF, including something on the order of 9/11, something that would cause lots of people to not be able to get out to vote on election day.
If we sent in the application to vote absentee and then send the absentee ballot in early, our vote is in, and since we had to mail in the application, if something big does happen that keeps voters away on election day, or if there are any other irregularities, they can audit the vote. Since we had to provide our contact information and ID to get the absentee ballots, they will contact us to find out if we voted, which we did.
Everything still good?
She said if nothing big happens right before election day, how do we know our absentee ballots were counted? She’s a little paranoid like that, which in this case, is a good thing. I said we go on election day like usual, you hand them your ID (driver’s license) and they look you up. They will either see that you already voted and tell you so, or they won’t, in which case you will know that your absentee ballot was ‘lost’, so go ahead and vote at the booth like normal.
She was happy about that. She LIKES to vote in person. The absentee ballot is a back-up measure.
Why would Wolf feel the need to throw me a bone? Why would I need an excuse from anyone, for anything? If I had done something wrong then I would just be embarrassed for about 5 seconds, and fix it, and move on. I don’t care.
But you care.
And that’s exactly why you’re vulnerable, every time you engage in an unprovoked attack, just like this one. You’re terrified of being humiliated, or being laughed at. I don’t remember a single time where you have poked fun at yourself. You take yourself super seriously. I poke fun at myself all the time, I don’t care. I like to make people laugh. Sometimes it’s with me, sometimes it’s at me, I can take it either way 😁
After all the times you’ve come at me before, after all the comments I have posted, did you really think I was worried that I might have done something for which you could mock me?
Something for which I would have to come up with some excuse, some justification, to ‘save face’?
I don’t care😂🤣😂🤣😂
I just enjoy the confrontation, the contest.
Of all people, you should know that by now… 😁


“And you just forgot to mention your plan in your original post….after this forum has discussed mail-in ballots, fraud, and the importance of voting either early or on election day IN PERSON for months now?
In all fairness, it hadn’t occurred to me that I would need to assert a preemptive defense for doing something positive and good, like going through the hassle of requesting, receiving, filling out and sending in my absentee ballot.
Mock if you will, but I actually thought this was a good thing. Which, paradoxically and conspiratorially, is why I mentioned it…
But I never discount your propensity to attack from the blind side, just like Kato 👍😁comment image
The place where I vote is about a hundred yards from where I sit as I write this, so voting isn’t a big inconvenience for me. It’s a small community. The longest I can remember ever waiting in line was 5 minutes. Usually there is no line at all.
Why is this a thing for you?
I was going to put both of our absentee ballots with the outgoing mail… imagine how much attempted ‘gotcha!’ fun you could have tried to have with that 😂 I didn’t have to admit that just now, but I did. You know why? Because unlike you, I don’t care 😁
It wouldn’t bother me in the least. I would just wait for you to overreach like usual, and then have fun with you, like I’m doing now.
But she was worried about it, so I took them both to the post office on my way home and put them in the mail box in the post office parking lot.
Today I posted here about it, as a simple, short reminder and encouragement to others who may have forgotten or delayed in doing the same.
But you took it as an opportunity to… I’m not even sure what, to try to embarrass me?
Having talked about ‘fraud, and the importance of voting either early or on election day IN PERSON for months now‘, if you dropped off your absentee ballot instead of mailing it, how do you know what happens to it after that?
Won’t you have to go to your polling place on election day anyway, to find out if your absentee ballot made it into the system, and was counted?
How is that any different, whether you mail it or drop it off in person?
Either way, unless you go on election day to verify it, how are you going to know if it was counted?
“I ain’t buying it. Might as well believe anything that comes out Joe Biden’s mouth.”
So to clarify, I make a short, simple, innocuous, positive post about dropping off my absentee ballot at the post office last night, and of all the things I have posted here the past couple years, all of the opportunities I have provided, you decided this was your big moment?
I like you, FG&C. You do things that make me smile 😁
“But, whatev. You wanna be careless with your vote, be my guest. Most of us here take this stuff very seriously. Pretty clear you don’t.”
Something is pretty clear all right, but that’s not it 😂
Do you take it seriously enough to deliver your absentee ballot in person, and then go on election day to make sure it was counted?
If you don’t verify it on election day at your polling place, then how can you possibly know what happened to it, after it left your possession — whether your absentee ballot is mailed or delivered in person?
And if you can’t, if you have to go on election day either way, then why are your panties all twisted in a knot?
Asking for a friend 😁


He buys his panties pre-twisted. 🙂


“You MAILED your ballot in vs. dropped it off IN PERSON??
Are you serious?”
If you drop it off in person, how do you know what happens to it, the moment after you leave?


Well, you do what I did and plan to do. I dropped it off two days ago, and will go to the polling place on election day to be sure it was accounted for.
Really, that’s what I’m doing.


Oct 21, 2020 8:31:51 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: fb3dc6 No. 11199550
Political pundit [pollster] for sale?
Do you see how it works?
5m ago
8kun qresearch


Ohh if only they had the other frauds too.


Bannon. 👍🏻

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment imagecomment imagecomment image


Oct 21, 2020 7:58:24 PM CDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 7769ae No. 11200113
Do you remember when #MeToo lost all credibility when they refused to support Tara Reade coming forward re: claims of sexual assault by Joe Biden?
Political movement?
2m ago
8kun qresearch


Oct 21, 2020 7:58:40 PM CDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 7769ae No. 11200116comment image
2m ago
8kun qresearch


Tomorrow morning…Tik Tok.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s all moving so fast!


6 AM EST I do believe.
Tik tok indeed!


Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) Tweeted:
If I do not sound like a typical Washington politician, it’s because I’m NOT a politician. If I do not always play by the rules of the Washington Establishment, it’s because I was elected to fight for YOU, harder than anyone ever has before!


“To prevent Donald Trump from winning a second term, Joe Biden has to reach two goals that Hillary Clinton never approached in 2016. First, he must turn out minority voters in numbers comparable to the historic benchmarks set by former President Obama. Second, he must garner about 94 percent of the Black vote and roughly 72 percent of the Hispanic vote. Not even the implausible polls paid for and promoted by the media show Biden generating anywhere near the level of enthusiasm needed to produce the high turnout required. Nor do they show him reaching the vote percentages he needs among Black and Hispanic voters who actually cast a ballot….”
Well – that ain’t happening! President Trump is winning Black, Hispanic and Asian voters right and left.
H/T – Sylvia Avery @ Marica’s Place


More Encouragement!

13 Trump rallies: Over 167,000, 25% new voters, 30% not even Republicans.
Data from @GOPChairwoman shows @realDonaldTrump is building out his base and that media reports the president is only talking to his old voters are wrong.


Excellent analysis and a timely reminder!


Is that Hunter’s get away car?


It sure reminds me a lot of a McLaren F1.comment image


IIRC it is made in Richland WA. Which proves that just because we don’t vote right doesn’t mean we can’t build right cars.


Q: Is it just coincidence that, for the first time in decades, the world’s fastest production car is made in the USA during Trump’s watch?


I noticed that Obungler was NOT wearing a wedding ring (Or an ISLAMIC one) at his Biden rally in FilthyDelfia today???


“I noticed that Obungler was NOT wearing a wedding ring (Or an ISLAMIC one) at his Biden rally in FilthyDelfia today???”
I read that he owned and wore that exact ring (with something about allah on it) for years before he met and married Big Mike.


“Allah saith that thou mayest go this deep, and no deeper….”
*Ooops* Did I just say that?


Report: Explicit Photos of Minor in Hunter Biden’s Laptop Were of a Relative — and He Was in Some of the Photos WITH HER


His niece. Either from Brother Beau, who’s wife he was bedding or his sister’s daughter. Either way, it’s Sleepy’s Granddaughter he was getting naked with!!! And Joe did nothing!!!🤬🤬🤬


Joe just required that he be allowed to SNIFF HER HAIR!


“And Joe did nothing!!!”
We don’t know that.
Joe may have been getting naked with her too.


Exclusive: Timeline Ties the Bidens, Soros and Even Barack Obama to Ukrainian Affairs Starting in 2014


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States @JackPosobiec
Obama walks up to a group of Biden supports and they don’t seem very enthusiastic. Neither does Barry.


Marianna Sotomayor@MariannaNBCNews
· 2h
.@BarackObama arrives at Citizens Bank Park to hundreds of socially distant cars at a drive in rally where he will make his first remarks vouching for @JoeBiden


socially distant CARS…? Yeah, they must be on the freeway, I don’t see ‘tens’ much less ‘hundreds’
peeps fell out of love with you Zero, even in Philly

Gail Combs

Someone did a drone flyover and there were a LOT less than 100 cars. Not sure of how close to the rally that was/

Gail Combs

WHAT HUNDREDS??? are you counting the Walmart Shoppers by chance???
(Biden rally is in the upper section and Walmart is across the street in the foreground.)


must be Gail!


Why is she shouting at those people through a bullhorn?
There are only 13 people there including the little kid, and nobody is more than 15 feet away from the shouter with the bullhorn.
Why would people stand there and be shouted at like that?
I wouldn’t.


Maybe they didn’t recognize Obama in that mask…nah, that’s not it.
He has to know it’s over. He knows the kinds of crowds he drew, and he knows the numbers that Pres. Trump attracts. I guess he thinks he has to be out there campaigning, but it seems late in the game to me. The Dems are already working on Plans B, C, D, etc.
But O is a has-been at this point. He doesn’t have a lasting legacy that people love him for because he didn’t do anything of substance, just tear down the country. The contrast between him and Pres. Trump is stark, and POTUS has been dismantling O’s agenda. I wonder how O feels about people not flocking to him anymore.


His hollyweird friends like him… and his Cabal and C_A friends like him… and Reggie?


“I wonder how O feels about people not flocking to him anymore.”
He has other more pressing concerns, like the gallows pole.


Biden and his “Lid”…..
Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street is PISSED!
Cultural Appropriation?


Oct 21, 2020 8:32:00 PM CDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 7769ae No. 11200840
1m ago
8kun qresearch


c’mon man !
Raise your hand if you believe that…


Pretty clear that the FBI has been squatting on this for a very long time.


trying to HIDE it from US……



I bet Adam Schiff wrote that ridiculous load of bull-schiff.

Justice Department Retweeted
U.S. Attorney MDPA@MDPAnews
Three men charged with drug trafficking in connection with largest seizure of Methamphetamine in the history of DEA’s Philadelphia Division.
– $399,000 cash – 130 kilos of meth/3 kilos of fentanyl – street value between $8-$10 million.



You won’t hear about it on slime BORG


4 Noble Peace prize nominations for President Donald J Trump.


Oct 21, 2020 8:55:05 PM CDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 12e944 No. 11201288

Dearest Virginia –
We stand with you.
Now and always.
Find peace through prayer.
Never give up the good fight.
God bless you.
2m ago
8kun qresearch




Sorry Q, just count me out regarding standing with her. She has had YEARS to collect corroborating evidence of the events she claims to have seen or been part of. Yet it is still her story only.
Legally, Epstein died an innocent man. If he’s really dead which I don’t necessarily believe.

Cuppa Covfefe

Wondrous some folks always jump to Epstein’s defense. Seems they did that with Harvey Weinstein as well….



Is Virginia Guthrie’s butterfly the same as BFlyJesusGrl’s?
Couldn’t help but notice that. Remarkable example of the species.


Similar. I’ve seen it before. Pretty Blue.
There’s also a twitter user w/my same name and emojis. I lol’d her and followed her just cuz. 😉



The one who died was NOT given the vaccine.


Oooh, there’s a twist! Killer placebos…..


The small print in the footnote tucked all the way to the end of the study documentation says that the placebo is strychnine. You see, the vaccine looks much better on paper when everyone in the control group dies.

Cuppa Covfefe

Erm, isn’t that murder? Or unparalleled criminal incompetence?
Oxford/Astra-Zeneca should be in the dock for what they’ve done…
Oh, wait, maybe it’s a new version of the Liverpool Care Pathway….. 😡 😡 😡

Gail Combs

This afternoon we drove into the Containment Area for Relocated Yankees (Cary NC) I was really shocked to see several Trump signs. There were a few Bite-me signs on lawns and that was about it. NO ENTHUSIASM.
Also the Trump signs were still up unlike in 2016.
I was amused to see they put little American flags on the Bite-me signs. I was really tempted to replace them with China’s flag.


It’s a Bite ME handlers thing…many or most Bite ME signs have little American Flags on them.
Thankfully few Bite Me signs out this way.


Hope a TW person sends that watermelon to President Trump Scavino, Don Jr, Eric, Kimberley…
Will be too funny if president Trump retweets it.

Cuppa Covfefe

Spirit *cough* cooking *cough* ?????


Oct 21, 2020 9:21:53 PM CDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 292db4 No. 11202027
This is not a drill.
2m ago
8kun qresearch


But nothings habbening?


Oct 21, 2020 9:32:59 PM CDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 996755 No. 11202412comment image
1m ago
8kun qresearch




People are fed up, livid with FIB and Wray. They’re calling for his head daily. Nothing on Antifa, BLM, sitting on laptop, etc.. No Durham, indicting Russian hackers for years old crimes, it’s bleeding over to Barr. People pizzled w/him. It’s so bad that Wray has to bring Ratcliffe out to announce ‘real’ Iran and Russian hacking because they know no one will believe him. Many not believing, even Tucker was mocking announcement and questioning why no Chyna? Then suddenly we get money laundering investigation? That was done to placate the public clamoring for Sleepy’s head. FUBAR


Oct 21, 2020 9:36:32 PM CDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 996755 No. 11202551comment image
Non_CIA_background next?
3m ago
8kun qresearch


Does this mean the next director will not have C_A experience? Meaning Gina wlil be gone soon?


No “experience” DJT seems to have worked out pretty well 🙂


Oct 21, 2020 9:40:02 PM CDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 996755 No. 11202692comment image
2m ago
8kun qresearch


To be fair…..His name is not in the Drop other than : David_Bowdich.jpg


Deputy Directtor of the FIB, soon to be acting director?


Oct 21, 2020 9:42:46 PM CDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 996755 No. 11202817comment image
2m ago
8kun qresearch


Who is this?


Deputy Director of the C_A, Vaughn Bishop. Soon to be acting director?


You beat me to it. 🙂 An article I saw said that he and Haspel had worked together before and were good friends. I wonder if he was appointed at her recommendation. I also wonder if Q is pointing out that all these people are going to be canned.


Yes, maybe not the new acting director, but another one bites the dust.


Okay, this is deputy CIA director Vaughn Bishop. He retired in 2011 from the CIA, then came back in 2018 when appointed by POTUS.


Oct 21, 2020 9:45:15 PM CDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 996755 No. 11202919
3m ago
8kun qresearch


Director Christopher Wray has named Jill C. Tyson as the assistant director of the Office of Congressional Affairs at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Ms. Tyson had been serving as the acting assistant director since May 2018.
Prior to joining the FBI in 2018, Ms. Tyson held a number of positions in the Department of Justice. She served as deputy assistant attorney general in the Office of Legislative Affairs, as the chief public information officer at the Federal Bureau of Prisons, and as a special assistant U.S. attorney prosecuting criminal matters in Washington, D.C.
Ms. Tyson previously worked on Capitol Hill for a former chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.
As the assistant director of the Office of Congressional Affairs, Ms. Tyson leads a team of special agents, attorneys, and professional staff, and manages all FBI interactions with Congress. She advises FBI executive leadership on congressional matters and oversees responses to congressional oversight and investigations. She was officially appointed assistant director in February 2019.
Ms. Tyson is also an at-large member of the FBI’s Diversity Executive Council.
Ms. Tyson graduated with a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and received her Juris Doctor from the George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School.


Oct 21, 2020 9:48:02 PM CDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 996755 No. 11203025
3m ago
8kun qresearch


Alan E. Kohler, Jr. was named assistant director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division in April 2020. Mr. Kohler had most recently served as the special agent in charge of the Washington Field Office’s Counterintelligence Division.
Mr. Kohler joined the FBI as a special agent in 1996 and worked counterintelligence matters at the Washington Field Office. He also served on the Evidence Response Team and took part in the FBI’s response to the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon. In 2003, he transferred to the Counterintelligence Division to manage Russian counterintelligence investigations and was promoted to unit chief in 2004.
In 2006, Mr. Kohler transferred to the New York Field Office to supervise a counterintelligence squad and then later a squad working cyber national security and criminal matters. He served as an assistant legal attaché in London beginning in 2012, acting as the FBI’s liaison with British intelligence and law enforcement agencies.
Mr. Kohler moved to the Norfolk Field Office in Virginia in 2016 as the assistant special agent in charge of the counterintelligence, counterterrorism, intelligence, and crisis management programs. He returned to FBI Headquarters in 2017 as the chief of the Eurasian Section, which manages the Bureau’s operations countering Russian intelligence threats. In 2018, he was promoted to deputy assistant director in the Counterintelligence Division and managed multiple portfolios.
Mr. Kohler was promoted to the special agent in charge of the Counterintelligence Division at the Washington Field Office in 2019.
Mr. Kohler is a recipient of the Attorney General’s Award for Exceptional Service, the FBI Director’s Award for Outstanding Counterintelligence Investigation, and the Exceptional Achievement Medal from the Director of National Intelligence.
Before joining the Bureau, Mr. Kohler managed engineering research for a private technology firm. He has a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in ceramic engineering from Rutgers University.


Trump Bans Convicted Felons, Gang Members from Securing Asylum in U.S.

Gail Combs

Brian Cates has two new threads.

The FBI….had this laptop…since December.
They knew what was on it…since December.
That it’s only dropping NOW is just a BIG FAT COINCIDENCE.

This is a nice cover story, the child porn evidence being sent to the FBI so they can find it on a laptop they have been investigating for 11 months.
Timing is everything. 😉😉😉😉😉
How many times do I have to say it?
And so it is.
They held this back to be a part of the OVERWHELMING STORM that is about to hit Trump‘s enemies.
The laptop stuff…on top of the Maxwell stuff…on top of the Clinton email stuff…on top of the SpyGate stuff…
You think they’ll be able weather it ALL being dumped on them in next 13 days?
Because I sure as don’t.
The Storm is here.
‘This is where Trump begins destroying his enemies.
Buckle in.
The next week and a half of MOAB drops are gonna be INSANE.

Earlier thread (five hours ago so before the Q drop.)

Remember I said it had been announced MONTHS ago the DIOJwas assisting the government of Ukraine in several of it’s investigations.

This letter was delivered as a F you to Nadler.
It’s a message the impeachment farce over Ukraine didn’t stop anything. The DOJ is **still** assisting the government of Ukraine in it’s investigations.
What were they gonna do, impeach Trump again?
Look at the **DATE** on the letter to Nadler.
The Senate trial held to determine whether or not to remove President Trump from office following his impeachment by the House ended on FEBRUARY 5.
This letter is dated FEBRUARY 18.
Allow me to translate the letter from the achingly polite legalspeak:

“Dear Jerry.
You just got done impeaching the President over a fake scandal you invented to try to **prevent** any investigations into what the Bidens/Kerrys/Clintons were doing in Ukraine.”
“Your stupid impeachment theater didn’t STOP anything Jerry.
In fact, we have MULTIPLE US Attorney’s sharing information with & assisting the government of Ukraine as it **investigates** the previous US administration & it’s roles in the Yanukovych & Poroshenko governments.”
And Jerry…guess what?
Love and kisses, William Barr
Herridge knows something is about to drop, which is why she’s going back and REMINDING everybody that the DOJ has been working in **coordination** with Ukrainian gov’t prosecutors and this was announced back in February.
Remember, these Ukrainian prosecutors have both Biden and John Kerry on tape talking with Poroshenko, and they’ve only gone public with **some** of the evidence they have.
Also recall the Optima/Privat Bank raids in Cleveland & Miami.
Read that letter again. The DOJ had the **legitimate option** of telling Nadler NOTHING.
They admit this.
I told you. They went after his family, his kids, his friends.
His revenge was always going to be F**KING SAVAGE.
They can’t stop it.
There’s **literally** nothing they can do to stop it.
#OctoberSurprisecomment image
These October Surprises, the laptop stuff, the Maxwell stuff, the Hillary Clinton email stuff, the SpyGate stuff, it’s not all being timed to drop THIS MONTH to **help Trump win the election**. He’s already won.
It’s about paying his enemies back, plain & simple.


I don’t believe THE Clinton emails will come before the election…
Pompeo said he was “Trying” to get them out of the State Dept. which is stonewalling…
He’s the boss, right? So… what’s the problem?
Cates fails to address the issue of POTUS’ impeachment and the FBI sitting on the laptop with all the pay to play…
And Rudy had to do an end run to get the stuff out at this point…
Nope Brian… ain’t buying it.


More will come out…but only by the actions of Rudy G and anyone he is working with…feeding information to.
ZERO credit to DOJ and FIB. They gotta deliver before they get a positive nod. At best we are looking at 4 November.


Off the wall…
Carl, This was is in your neck of the woods. NV 160 between Vegas and Pahrump.


The state just finished this stretch not too long ago. It’s straight and smooth.


TWO big events:
ACB Confirmation Vote…..
and Last “Debate”…..
Watch for moar!


and the Maxwell transcripts released


More from Rudy G or a surrogate. Emails implicating Dementia Joe providing access. Maybe talk of dollars.


Oh look anti Trump actors. Some of whom Q listed.
Chris Evans Rips Trump During Biden/Harris ‘Avengers’ Fundraiser: ‘The Fish Rots from the Head’
These people are crazy.
Hollywood’s Latest Get Out the Vote Effort: Dressing Up as Chickens


hollywierd continues to get more and more irrelevant everyday. Covid really exposed how unimportant hollywierd is.


YES just leave!!!
Sheriff: I’ll Offer a One-Way Ticket for Celebrities Who ‘Would Like to Leave’ the U.S. if Trump Wins


So hows the Joe Blow doing asking for a friend?


About to be gone with the wind.comment image


But I do give a damn!!! 😉


No…. ZERO…. “Special Counsels” …….
No MOAR MULTI-YEAR “Investigations” to NOWHERE!!!!!







Laura – Dr. William Grace, oncologist, hematologist…Need more data to say virus attenuating…Death rates dropping like a stone due to Doctors, patients, and public. Remdecivir DOES NOT WORK, more studies prove, FauXi was WRONG. Dr’s in hospitals using Inhaled corticosteroids, it’s working. High dose Vitamin D lowering hospitalization stays & death rates. Patients are younger. Public w/COVID self treating, using flonase, D 1000IU, any zinc salt, reduced glutathione, anacetal? cystine…reducing COVID 77%, healing themselves.


I hope in tomorrow’s “debate”……
Trump TRASHES the “Moderator” Early and Often.





Biden is SHOT!
Take out the F B I !!!!!!!


Watch CNN?
You WILL…. get a LEMON!


This makes NO sense. He was in a low risk facility work program eligible to leave in a month, moves to high risk facility solitary confinement. Now he can’t talk to the journalists anymore. FIB should be talking to him, his info cooborates LAPTOP FROM HELL.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Smells like REVERSO from SOVIET FIB.






Jim Jordan (or a like minded soul) Must put forth a BILL…..
To bring back TRUTH !!!
Both for the MSM…..
AND…. The CONgress !!!!
NO MOAR “Immunity” for ANYONE !!!



Another hollyweird snowflake melts down over nothing…TDS at its best. 56 seconds.


LMAO wow TDS is real.


1. She’s an actress. Is she acting?
2. Getting boxed in and frightened is what patriots have been putting up wiith for months. She needs to get wiith the program.


DP we got a nut job in the Lou
Communist Democrat Congressional Candidate Cori Bush Calls to Defund the Pentagon and Make America Defenseless

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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