Calling what is about to go down in Nashville a “debate” may well be generous considering that the challenger to the office of President of the United States has all but been in hiding for days, supposedly prepping for it.
Well, apparently crazy Uncle Joe Biden is going to play groundhog just as all sorts of family dirty laundry is hitting the fan from all quarters. How often does the turncoat show up at a debate as a guest of the other side.
He he he
The sitting president, and his lovely First Lady, on the other hand, are freshly recovered from the Wuhan plague that the Democrats want everyone out on the fruited plain to fear.
And then the other side wants the world to believe our Very Special Genius is a failed president. Minor problem…nobody told the people that.
And this isn’t even a protest against stupidity. It’s the landing party.
And as for the debate format…let our dear president be inspired by this moment in presidential debate history.
Okay, on with the show:
Pressure builds for NBC’s Kristen Welker to address Hunter Biden at debate: ‘This is a moment of truth’
‘This matter would fit surely into the category of leadership that Welker has on her topic list,’ Jeffrey McCall says
By Brian Flood | Fox News
The pressure is building for NBC News’ Kristen Welker to address the ongoing scandal surrounding a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden during Thursday night’s final presidential debate as the mainstream media has essentially dismissed the story.
“This is a moment of truth for Kristen Welker and NBC News, in which they are caught between doing their job or protecting Joe Biden,” Cornell Law School professor and media critic William A. Jacobson told Fox News.
SEVERAL LIVE STREAM LINKS FOR THE DEBATE – just in case there is ‘interference’.
Breitbart – Biden family got 5 Million $$$ unsecured/forgivable loan from China.
BREAKING: Tony Bobulinski will announce that he will turn his electronic devices and records of business dealings with Hunter and Jim Biden over to the FBI
h/t Ace
He needs to give copies to Rudy. The FBI will just bury them.
Cari Kelemen@KelemenCari
Why is the media the activist arm of the DNC? Because they’re both owned by C H Y N A.
Juanita Broaddrick @atensnut
Will Trump do a surprise press conference with Bobulinski before the debate?
Like he did in 2016 with Paula, Kathleen, Cathy and myself.
That would be awesome.
So Tony Bobulinski is going to the “debate” tonight as the guest of POTUS.
One would like to see, say, “Debate Security” try to deny Mr. Bobulinski entrance to the area.
One would like to see, say, the “moderator” try and have Mr. Bobulisnki removed.
It occurs to me that the presence of Mr. Bobulinski is the rough equivalent of someone sitting center front row at a major voice recital and SUCKING ON LEMONS during the performance.
If I remember rightly, in 2016, candidate Trump brought BC’s ladies with him and his entourage.
He and the women gave a press conference together an hour or two before the debate started.
Ergo, Tony Bobulinksi is unlikely to be alone when he walks in. He will be with Trump people.
I put nothing, NOTHING, past the execrable capabilities of the lying MSM and the extremities they are now driven to. NOTHING.
Fair enough.
Yet, the press conference went ahead — with no questions, as Bobulinski is meeting separately with members of the Senate and the FBI today:
Epoch Times also had an article on it and the debate:
‘… He made it clear—specifying date and location—that he personally had been in a meeting with Joe and Hunter Biden to discuss their business dealings with the Chinese—in effect that Joe Biden had lied to America.
‘He had more, implying the Biden were indeed a crime family with international connections that could endanger our national security …’
I think this debate’s “game” just got changed….
I have been asked to share my thoughts on the Senate and House in the upcoming election.
With the Minnesota Senate race now considered a dead heat, I actually think we can expand our lead in the Senate. I would not be at all surprised if we win Minnesota.
We will win Alabama and Michigan. John James got endorsed by the Detroit News. That is BIG!
We will lose Colorado and McSally has closed Kelly’s lead to 0.3 in AZ according to Richard Baris poll released a few days ago. I don’t see us losing any other race (IA, NC, MT, GA or Maine).
In a perfect scenario we have 55 Republican Senators (win AL, MI, AZ and MN and lose CO) after the election.
If we lose AZ and CO but win AL, MI and MN we will have 54 Republican Senators.
If we lose AZ, CO and MN (currently has a Democrat Senator) but win AL and MI we stay at 53 Republican Senators.
As for the House, I love our chances of flipping it. We only need to flip 17 seats and there are about 30-35 seats Democrats occupy that we can win back since PDJT is on the ticket!
^^^ Great news.
Everything is coming up roses. Really would like to see McSally win. Kelly IS the very definition of gun control.
Now, we gotta get everyone out to vote! Ideally in person.
Absentee or mass mail ballots, hopefully hand delivered to Registrar of Voters Office.
Thanks, Felice — great to have you back with all the latest news.
Excellent endorsement for John James!
Flep you are awesome. Just awesome.
No possibility of Gardner winning re-election? Eeep!
I don’t see it Steve!
Yeah, well…
We’ve had fraudulent voting here for years now. It’d be hard to reverse, because we’d have to rebuild the precinct by precinct voting infrastructure and the money to do that is now part of other peoples’ budget.
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Just left the White House for the Great State of Tennessee!
My prediction:
if he said something like, “Four scores and seven girls ago, I fathered….”

Joe Biden will channel ‘Honest Abe’ at the debate to try and put a luster back onto his tarnished reputation.
It remains to be seen if in quoting A. Lincoln, he gets mixed up in his wording. I would be a disaster for him
Love that, “Four score and seven girls ago, I fathered….
Can’t imagine anyone aligning “honest” with dementia Joe. Certainly not Honest Abe.
He had better not try channeling Lincoln.
Obama used to do that.
Breaking news for Dems: Abraham Lincoln was a REPUBLICAN!
If he tries to channel Lincoln and alludes to the election of 1861 his ass can be nailed to the wall.
It was 1860; no presidential election happens on an odd year. (In fact only leap years and years ending in 00.)
“…no presidential election happens on an odd year.”
Maybe an exception would be made for an ‘Odd Fellow’ such as Biden.
It would sure be odd if he won.
The odds are good that the goods are odd, with this one.
He has more resemblance to Joe Isuzu than Joe Lincoln.
Joe Isuzu’s agent will be in touch with you over your insult to his client.
Bubalooski or what ever his name is will speak in the next hour…… at the debate hall….. to the press
Thanks for the update.
Excellent news. That’s what candidate Trump scheduled for the Clinton women in 2016, and it took place.
speaking NOW!
Has 3 phones!
A Patriot!
Joe…. IS…. the “Big Guy”
It’s on Faux Business right now!
I found it.
Sino = China
hawk = beau biden’s favorite bird
Taking no questions
Here’s the link –
Oh my dear God.
Tony Bobulinski just put everything on the line.
He clearly is a person who is fed up to the eyeballs with what’s been going on with the ChiComs and the Biden family.
He knows where ALL the skeletons are. He is risking everything to get the truth out.
He MUST, as a military vet, understand the risks he is now running — and he is OK with it.
He knows that his personal reputation, honor, and the government of the United States is at risk.
May the Almighty God protest Tony Bobulinski AND his family.
Along with 24/7 armed security.
He is one of those guys that think the oath is permanent. Not just limited to active duty.
Great Job finding the presser!
It popped into my feed, actually. I can’t take credit other than that.
Julian’s Rum
Donald Trump Jr.
Holy shit. Joe knew it all.
Quote Tweet
Team Trump (Text VOTE to 88022)
· 25m
Tony Bobulinski: In my hour long meeting with Joe Biden we discussed Biden family business dealings with the Chinese, with which he was plainly familiar
stick a fork in him… Biden’s DONE. So is the BORG.
youtube link for full press release
No need for the debate. Joe can’t ever be president… not now…
Constitution 14th Amendment Section 3
Faux Snooze pregame panel:
Karl the Rover – Boooo
Katie Pavlitch – ok
Donna Brazile – What the FUCK?
Gonna be watching on Faux Business or C-SPAN myself.
Oct 22, 2020 6:57:32 PM CDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4c8988 No. 11223312
Oct 22, 2020 6:49:44 PM CDT
Anonymous ID: 7756e6 No. 11223081
Q, you magnificent bastard!
Only the beginning, Padawan.
They can no longer hide in the shadows [big tech, big media, [D] party being exposed for all to see].
3m ago
8kun qresearch
Methinks perhaps Mr. Bobulinski may want to consider turning over those 3 phones of his to POTUS’ SECRET SERVICE detail tonight — with instructions to get them, in the untouched condition in which the Secret Service would receive them, to Sen. Ron Johnson.
He has a meeting with Sen Ron Johnson and other senators tomorrow.
However, “there is many a slip betwixt cup and lip ….
Right CV… I agree with you just adding info wrt Sen Johnson
I think we can all rest comfortably and safely in the belief that all proofs and materials for same have already been delivered to the appropriate parties necessary to continue the Oct. bombing campaign.
Nothing can stop what is coming.
We have it all.
Enjoy the show.
I agree. He would not have gone THAT public unless the handover was ceremonial.
Exactly so.
That was just putting the exclamation point on it all.
We now have a witness.
and, he is safe.
Should anything untoward happened to this guy going forward it will be laid at the feet of the deep state, the Democrats, and the Chinese.
They are sooo screwed now.
Faux Business Pregame Panel:
Neil Cavuto – iffy
Charles Payne – Awesome
Maria Bartiromo – Great
Lou Dobbs – Super Awesome
Good panel here
Cavuto is the Juan Williams of this group.
Aw man….. He’s not so good….
But Juan Williams?
LOL! Juanning anybody is BRUTAL!
Agree 100%
I’m getting a feeling that this “debate” is going to look like a verbal version of that fight scene at the tavern in “The Quiet Man”, just about my favorite John Wayne movie.
John Wayne = POTUS
Maureen O’Hara = FLOTUS
Thanks for finding the fight clip!
That movie is a staple in my house.
The moderator, I can’t remember her name right now, is going to be thoroughly exposed for being the Democrat shill she is. Remember, this is about the great awakening, and more and more people are waking up on a daily basis.
This is part of the careful perception crafting POTUS is engaged in by releasing the 60 Min. interview unedited.
They cannot hide, now, and are being exposed.
Recall that Mike Wallace was savaged for his conduct in the 1st debate.
And this imp doesn’t have anything like Wallace’s stature.
I’m wondering how she’s going to handle this… way above her pay level. She actually called the White House today complaining about Mike C, because he asked her earlier why no journalist was asking about the Biden laptop.
You mean Mike Wallace’s spawn?
‘Cause, iirc, the old man is dead.
Spawn is such great word.
There are always slights and disrespectful tells.
Knowing the reaction against Wallace, the dirt that came out on #2, the Lesley Stahl debacle (Not to mention the downfall of Megan Kelly following her debate performance)……….if Kirsten has a ounce of sense and self-survival, she will play it straight and not try the hostile, harpy routine. But then , she’s a liberal Dim…and they just can’t seem to help themselves.
The events of yesterday and today so far remind me of the days during the Nixon *coup…
the Saturday Night Massacre, Agnew’s court appearance, etc.
[* I call it a coup cuz Poppy Bush directed all the action]
I was a baby, but I have read this dwarfs it. I believe you though.
Well the magnitude of the crimes dwarf it… but the uncertainty wrt who was in charge, the BOOMs one after another… that’s what I’m reminded of…
Yes, this dwarfs Watergate by many magnitudes …
AJ (@AJNoiter) Tweeted:
@MikayesFiona Even Kim looks to be joining in.
Hey Joe!
HUGE BREAKING: New Emails from Biden’s Brother Show Barack Obama Was In On It
Isn’t, like, there supposed to be some debate or sump’n’, ’round now?
some of us can walk and chew gum at the same time
Earlier Fox reported that the ‘mute’ feature was being done by an audio tech in the booth, not by Kristen Welker. Both campaigns were invited to sit in the booth, Trump campaign had accepted. No word from Chyna Joe’s team.
So that witch Kristen better not have another mute option!!

Chyna Joe in a mask!
Oh here we go. Covid covid
I’m so over it.
President Trump summed iit up a few days ago. Perhaps it was with Guthrie. America is tired of Covid. Americans are not afraid of Covid. Back to normal.
Yeah i cant stand it anymore.
I’m so over the lie that 200,000 people have died in this country, and the greater lie, that it’s Donald J. Trump’s fault that they are dead.
It’s going away!
Highly recommend this short thread from Wictor as a debate prep.
when you feel angry, laugh instead, knowing they are exposing themselves.
He’s got the CIA black-iris READING LENSES again.
No wonder the cameras won’t zoom in.
You know Wolfie, Joe is destroying his insanity or dementia claim he’s worked so hard to demonstrate. That voice in his ear, those notes he’s reading… pooh… gone with the wind when he’s indicted on RICO charges, treason…
I noticed he was looking up and I agree he had to have had those reading lenses on! Which to me is cheating and its BS!!!
It makes me so MAD that Biden is trying to blame President Trump for every death from the CHINESE-DEMOCRAT-SPREAD virus.
Look at him blinking It’s WEIRD.
CJ spouting same ol tripe. MASKS MASKS MASKS 200Million more will DIE!!!!!!!!!!

No close up shots of either man? Or is it just the feed I have rolling?
Everyone should wear a mask all the time, Joe.
Yeah, no.
President Trump – COVID – It is GONE!!! – Under control – We will have vaccines – We have therapeutics!
BIDEN is over calculating the deaths at present – MASKS!!!
The No Plan stuff is weird.
Yo, POTUS, many of us are not taking any vaccine.
Is it just me???? Or does the petulant whine in Biden’s voice make you want to punch him?
on my shoes.
PS I’m so frickin’ sick of talking about COVID I could
Yes – Biden is sounding like a grumpy old man.
That’s how it seems to me!
You better hold me back cuz I’m punching him 1st!!!
Butterfly, You and I can grab his arms and Sylvia can wack him in his family jewels with her shovel.
The guys can just stand around and grin.
I LOVE IT when a plan comes together. I’m IN!!!
Biden isn’t making sense. GOOD.
His numbers on the COVID deaths are like 30% or more too high…
Please keep me up to date I can’t watch.
Biden’s lies are just too much
Meanwhile this is a great article on the censorship.
FARRELL: Censorship Of The Biden Story
The destruction of journalistic ethics is nearly complete. The same group of reporters and pundits who rushed to report every rumor, every speculation, every lie about donald trump for the last four years now close ranks and refuse to report the emerging allegations about the biden family
Ok I tried I CANNOT watch it …Biden is an ass Is it me or is Biden being give more response time??
Me either.

God bless mightily everyone who is for the rest of us.
I can’t watch….hatred hinders my prayer life and I am fighting off the red haze just reding the comments.
Got one of my political FB accounts so of shut down the Governor Brown’s brown nosers are posting lie upon lies so they got me shut out on her account. Do believe more people who are conservatives should speaking out…
HE’s obviously made a lot of money some place! BOOM!!!
Quick jab! And Biden flinched! Ha!!!!
Why was Biden able to laugh into the mic while President Trump talks? Why was his mic on?
LOVE that Trump referenced Biden’s $
Something wrong with Biden’s coaching system. EXCELLENT!!!
She is interjecting her own data – shut up – not your job – Biden is a jerk – he is a fear mongering!!!
Trump is doing VERY WELL under the “rules”.
Joe was the first one to interrupt just like last time
Oh who gives a flip about COVID???? Let’s move ON! Biden wants to roll in COVID like a dog in a cow pie.
More like a days old dead skunk. (A cow pie is way too clean)
Ha, ha!!!!
CJ’s gonna shut down the virus not the country???? WTH???
Wanna share with the rest of the world how to shutdown the virus???
Who TF can control the virus??????
The Chinese can control the virus they created it. What does Biden know?
This moderator is an idiot.
Slow up?
Where do these phrases come from?
Oh Please – Shut up Biden – NO MORE SHUTDOWNS – NO MORE MASKS!!!
Support more pods in schools?
Talk about germ spreaders.
Excellent RETURN LOB by Trump when Biden tried to LOB shutdowns onto Trump!!!
Next topic please.
Oh yes, please!
Can we talk about the relief package that is being blocked.
Steve Herman
“We can’t lock ourselves in a basement like Joe does,” says @realDonaldTrump
. “He has this thing about living in a basement.”
This is so boring compared with the news of the day. Their not addressing it is like watching a play — it’s not real.
Beautiful New York point by TRUMP!!! He may even GET THE STATE!!!
It WAS good, wasn’t it?
Economy…budget…the wall…defense…can we go on to things that really matter please.
I know, right???????????????
Only if POTUS slips it in.
PDJT sounds so calm and reasonable. Joe sounds mean and snarky.
Wear these masks….
I’m tired of masks.
Never wear a mask.
Have to step away for few.
Dragging out Covid so they don’t have to talk about hunter’s laptop
^^^ This.
Trump is doing AMAZINGLY well. Biden is NOT looking presidential AT ALL.
Gosh, I think so too, Wolfie. And I don’t think it is just my bias. Trump sounds strong and forceful, but not over the top. Joe sounds mean.
Joe is sounding desperate. I think the internal polls are terrible.
There’s a zinger. “You’re the one who takes the money from Wall Street.”
Ha, caught that too!
That was really good!
WTH is Biden doing with this “POTUS knew everything about COVID in January and INTENTIONALLY kept what he knew from the American people” crap??
POTUS — You should not talk about Wall Street. You TAKE MONEY from Wall Street.
Why does biden keep looking at the moderator when Trump is talking?
I cannot listen to the LIES coming from BIDEN – he blames President Trump for everything – he did nothing when he was in a position to save lives with the H1N1 – more deaths – he and his buddy ignored it!!!
Joes pants gonna catch on fire talking about election interference
Oh, this business about MONEY from Wall Street was awesomely handled. Trump COULD have played the China card and didn’t.
OMG – Biden brought up Rudy. MISTAKE!!!!
I think so, too.
(This moderator is a ding bat.)
That’s what I thought. What in the world

His answers on this “election interference by China, Russia, Iran” IS TOO PAT.
VERY posssible. Dems cheat. It’s what they do.
Doors open…he mentioned RUDY!!
Joe got 3.5Million from Russia!
Hee hee hee! Zap!!!!
Ehhhhhh – I think the LIE is that Putin did it, and Trump didn’t do anything about it.
Biden has flipped the pages back and forth on his notepad. I thought they started with a blank note pad and pen. Biden has notes.
NEWS CONFERENCE WAS DAMNING!! You need to clean it up now.
Damn glad I’m not watching or I’d be laid out on the keyboard drunk LOL
“Maybe you can do it right now.”
Joe LYING through his Bejing dentures!!
I have not taken a penny from any foreign source in my life!
(And then he tries to tell us PDJT is taking Chinese money and is now babbling about PDJT’s income tax returns. FFS. )
Of course the money didn’t go straight from a foreign to Biden.
Money was LAUNDERED.
Biden rarely looks at Trump
The black contact lenses!
The lies are outrageous.
We do not want to live in your SOCIALIST STATE, BIDEN – we do not need your permission to do what we must do to feed our families – school our children – you have NO SOLUTIONS that make any sense – GO BACK IN YOUR BASEMENT!!!
This is insane – how can President Trump debate with someone who knows nothing about leading?
I don’t make money from China. You do.
I don’t make money from Ukraine. You do.
Trump is just dumping stuff on the public. It’s amazing!
Who gives a damn about PDJT’s taxes? Honestly!!!!!!
Not me. Dumbest topic to talk about. Taxes are an IRS issue. That goes for ALL politicians.
why is the moderator asking follow up questions?
Joe is a ghoul
Oh, no – TAXES – How about talking about Biden’s Taxes – and his foreign entanglements!!!
Earth to Joe and Dems: We don’t care about the taxes. And he’s lying to boot, that Pres. Trump doesn’t pay what he owes.
Hiden is projecting…
Holee Cow, Can’t believe she asked about Ukraine!
Say it!!
Well Son of a Bitch!…. He got Fired!
Here comes the LIES – nothing was out of line – he is blaming PT for UKRAINE – LIES – LIES – LIES!!!
Biden: “Everyone investigated Hunter and no one said he did anything wrong in Ukraine.” He forgot to mention that the Ukrainians themselves are investigating.
Ukraine has charges against Creepy!!!
Yeah, I thought it was “only” 83K a month?
They keep uncovering MOAR!!
OAN knocked offline!
wolfie, has been taken down at least twice this evening…
wolfie, Just got back on thedonald, and the first post I read was, “Debate’s over…we can access the site again! Wierd how that works.”
Oh Lord – Help Us – Biden is LYING, again – play by the rules – did you play by the rules, BIDEN? NOPE!!!
Biden – now he’s doing a SCRIPT.
why was biden allowed to interrupt trump again?
Trump tries to bring up an email that the media refuse to cover, in order to protect Biden, and Welker cuts him off. Biden says that mentioning his family’s business in China is “malarkey” and that no one cares about it.
Pointing at the camera with his memorized folksy crap, I’m about to get banned from watching
Pres. Trump said exactly what I was thinking…..more Dem political talking points, changing the subject.
Shut up BIDEN – you could care less about American families – what have you done for American families?
Only one family mattered to you – YOURS!!!
Welker is interrupting way too much (just let the conversation happen more naturally!) but otherwise doing fairly well at this point in the debate.
Virtually All of her interruptions were of Trump, especially when he was making good points–she kept talking over him & then always offering Joe rebuttal opportunities. Not even handed by not as despicably as Wallace!
WEIRD Biden trying to pretend he’s playing Trump Doctrine by saying he’ll make China part of the deal.
Joe even plagiarizes Donald Trump
Pres. Trump smiled at someone. Maybe Melania?
Biden is stumbling
Trump is handling Kristin Antifa very well.
There’s no comparison between these two, it’s not even close.
Welker adopts the Democrat talking point that “health care” is at the center of the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation battle. It does get annoying how journalists always adopt Democrat assumptions in their questions.
It sure does. I’m grinding my teeth.
Mainstream journalists ARE Democrats and operate on automatic assumption of Dem talking points.
I don’t know about you guys, but I need a little medicinal tot…..
So glad Pres. Trump has a chance to say he has a better health plan. Biden is touting Trump’s own plans.
just announced Biden care ugh!
Good President Trump – Better Healthcare – not Obamacare – oh no – Bidencare – he is parading PT’s New Plan
He is full of malarkey – he wants socialist medicine – HE IS LYING AGAIN!!!
· 7m
Joe is starting to mumble, stutter and lose focus.
Trump’s calm, immobile silence as Biden referenced him and pretended Trump was anxious to interrupt him was a BOOM for Trump.
YES!!!! PDJT is doing very well.
I think PDJT is winning the “tonal” battle.
I have to say Joe has held up better than I expected. They must have shot him so full of drugs!
Biden is getting increasingly upset.
Querulous. Peevish. It is not an attractive look.
ENDORSED BY WHOM? Why haven’t we heard anything about this before? Your home insurance?
He let Biden interrupt and it looked GREAT, and he let him ESCALATE and it was BETTER.
We should have James moderate these disasters!
First we were at the table drinking coffee worried, now we’re rolling around in bed worried, make up your mind Joe I’m afraid of where we go next
I’ve seen this…….it ends up we’re in the bathtub, alone, with our crack pipe. It is NOT a good look.
Yikes, that was savage Sylvia–LOL!
Well, when I was younger I could hardly wait to get there. And I wasn’t afraid.
Biden really made claims that will be decimated over the next 48 hours.
I cannot believe they didn’t prepare him better than him making demonstrably false claims.
Quote Tweet
Trump 2020 Guns (Parler: @NYCG)
· 16m
Biden’s blanket denials tonight are the stake that will be used to finish him next week.
LOL. Biden has no idea what he’s saying.
Why does she keep asking CJ 2 questions in a row?
Pandering to Biden – she is – she keeps giving Biden a chance to talk – keeps interrupting President Trump
Who wants to smack her?
Got my shovel, winding up…………………here it comes!
Let her have it, Syl – PLEEEEEEEEESEEEE!!!
Billionaires made billions more because of LOCKDOWNS!!!
There’s something incredibly funny about this.
Interested to get the Moderator CUT-OFF count.
Way moar cut-offs of the President….
I haven’t seen ONE cut-off of Bite me
It’s beautiful, and it’s PART OF THE PLAN!!!
Everyone’s complaining about it
Trump’s strategy is EXCELLENT!!!
Welker is interrupting President Trump and giving all the time/opportunities to Biden!!!
He basically recycled/plagiarized all the aka BHO lies, “if you like your plan you can keep your plan”, “it will be cheaper”, “you’ll get better care”, “it’s not a stepping stone to socialized medicine”, “I did not have sex”–oops wrong pervert on the last one!
The minimum wage??????
WTF are we talking about that?
Who wrote these dumbass questions?
Dumb Masses!….. aka DemonicRats.
Krystal Ball
Trump: “You’re going to have socialized medicine.” Is that a promise? #Debates2020
Krystal Ball the WITCH!!!
she was on Richard Baris’ TL… I thought POTUS was saying “you promise” …
my bad…
Yeah – well, BIDEN – why is it your BLUE STATES ARE FAILING???
Biden looks STUPID!!!
Biden IS Stupid
The mute button was hit at the end of the answer to the question to Trump on healthcare. Think that was the first time.
I heard him cut off (muted) at least twice
When Biden said Trump should push Republicans harder to get a deal with Pelosi, Welker asks Biden why he’s not pushing Democrats to do the same. (I’m actually shocked she’s asking something this challenging of Biden) His response ends: “come on.”
GAME PLAN: The DemonRats are hoping massive censorship allows the Biden lies to stand as truth.
Biden started out by looking directly at the audience, which is a good trick. A friend notes that Trump is starting to look directly at the audience in the manner of Jim from the Office, as in “can you believe this guy”? and it is very effective.
BIDEN – How much did you make stealing taxpayer money???
Look how BITCHIN WELCHER cuts off every Trump punch line or wrap-up point. She is a BITCH.
How do we know the parents brought these 500 kids over the border??? Proof? Birth certificates? Passports? Right…………….
did biden just fall asleep?
Very nice – Trump is fighting BOTH Biden and Welker HANDILY.
With one hand tied behind his back!
just to make it fair <3
Biden is getting the angry face. He is losing it. It’s coming. We have thirty minutes left.
Thank you.
Oh goodie, Biden is going to legalize all the illegals. The supposed 11 million.
gotta get votes for DIMs some way
Dropping CAGES on Biden is KARMA.
Yes, nicely done.
WP censoring, I’ve asked who built 2 times. Weird. Da bin DP!
Who built the cages????????????
NPR was going on a riff about how there are over 500 children separated from their “parents” who have yet to be reunited with them after more than a year…..
….and I’m thinking, “how naive do you have to be to not suspect those “parents” were actually trafficking them and they’re better off having not been raped for a year?”
Joe surely gets to ramble…all the time.
did biden just throw obama under the bus about immigration?
sounded like it to me!
Accidentally, yes!!! And saying he would be P, not VP – so YES, but in a sneaky way.
Julian’s Rum
Or slurring.
Quote Tweet
Ian Miles Cheong
· 29m
Joe Biden cannot stop lying.
“He has no understanding of immigration.”
Love it!
Less than ONE PERCENT. Biden is a LIAR!!!
Donald Trump Jr. Verified Account
The reason Joe doesn’t speak clearly anymore is because his mouth is full of lint from being in China’s pocket. #Debates2020
Seek asylum in the first country they enter. Follow the law.
Ian Miles Cheong Retweeted
Will Chamberlain
Biden is much angrier than Trump in this debate
She interrupts President Trump – opens doors for Biden.
I thought we already knew that Georgia…
Sorry – I was getting hot.
Biden got the questions, I’m CERTAIN.
His note pad was pre filled in. He keeps flipping the pages.
The questions are “stock” D-Rat stuff.
Why is it so dark?
And why are the cameras panned out so far that you can see faces on RSBN?
Yes. He doesn’t appear to be making any notes, or very few. Pres. Trump is making quite a few notes.
White kids all get the talk. ALL of them. That’s why they don’t get killed.
Our kids did. BIL got the talk from big brother a lot of times, and it took him a LONG time to figure it out.
We teach them while growing up how to behave in public and during interactions with police. We teach them to respect and work with and obey the police from toddlerhood.
Hell, I got the talk in DRIVER’S EDUCATION.
Ditto. Late ’70’s, LA ‘burbs. It was standard.
And, even after that, a kid a couple of years behind me was in the back seat of an overstuffed car being pulled over and pulled a waterpistol on a CHP. And was later thoroughly shunned because (a) he SHOULD have been shot; and (b) he could have gotten everyone else in the car shot, too.
& all of our concealed carry patriots!!!
It’s 2012 all over again.
Oh, my – YES!!!
EXACTLY! He gave it away.
Absolutely. He is rehearsed. It’s obvious.
You have called them PREDATORS, BIDEN!!! You passed a crime bill and incarcerated them – you feared for your children because of the color of their skin!!!
Biden is getting coaching right now.
That is exactly how I behave when pulled over – hands at 10 & 2, don’t reach for anything until asked and maintain calm & clear communication
Right. Everyone has to do that to make sure the police know you’re not pulling a weapon.
And truck off, hat off, sun glasses off. Yes sir. No sir. Can I reach for my wallet, glove box?
After the officer splains what I did wrong, I apologize.
had to share
where’s your “Weekend with Biden” clip ?
In the wayback machine?
Joe is so hard to listen to that his 2 minutes seems like 2 years
About what is BIDEN talking? He is accusing PT of what he did – PROJECTION AGAIN!!!
He is so full of MALARKY!!!
The laptop is Russia Russia Russia??? Here we go again with Russia……
The laptop is RUSHA RUSHA RUSHA?
And…Hiden slurs the name “Giuliani.” Hoping for more of that.
Ian Miles Cheong
Trump is absolutely savaging Biden on the “Russia Russia Russia” laptop. Cue Welker’s pivot to WHITE SUPREMACY.
Biden saying laptop is another Russia, Russia, Russia hoax
Trump flipped that back on him Extremely Well
FBI Says Hunter Biden Laptop Not Russian Disinformation
The FBI has possession of the Hunter Biden laptop referenced in the New York Post reporting and has determined the laptop is not a Russian disinformation effort and the emails as reported in the media are “authentic,” Fox News reported Tuesday.
Ian Miles Cheong
Trump: “Why didn’t you do it four years ago? You keep talking about all these things you’re gonna do, but you were there a short time ago and you guys did nothing. I ran because of you. I ran because of Barack Obama. I ran because I thought you did a poor job.”
Not backing down on BLM – calling them out
The “pigs in a blanket” line is a SMACK IN THE FACE with REALITY.
Fog horn

Ian Miles Cheong
Trump: “Don’t give me this stuff about how you’re an innocent baby. You’re a corrupt politician.”
When he said this Biden looked like a deer in the headlights.
So tired of hearing “c’mon on.” Pres. Trump is gradually taking him down.
Biden pulls out the FAKE SMILE HUGE for the “look at the voting right now” line on BLACK VOTING.
Oh, boy – did he stick his foot in his mouth – ABRAHAM LINCOLN – ???
Big mistake.
Why didn’t you get it done? It’s all talk and no action with these politicians.
Ian Miles Cheong
Trump: “I am the least racist person in this room. I can’t see the audience because it’s so dark, but I can tell you that I’m the least racist person in this room.”
Yes, why is it so dark?
When you are on a stage that is lit, it shines right in your face and you can’t see the audience at all.
I see the stage even as dark…
Biden now lying
getting rid of Mexican rapists – what is wrong with that? He didn’t say all Mexicans were rapists just that some were rapists and why not get rid of them?
poor boys? who is that?
OH goodie, Climate Change

The hits just keep on coming! All tired old dull Dim talking points. Horrible topics/questions.
Biden. Tired. Frustrated. Checked his watch a minute ago…T I R E D. Needs to call the lid.
Or I could shove him into a casket.
Ding, Ding… we have a winnah !!!!!!!!!!!
shovel him in?
That, too!

Silver bullet, garlic, stake, or cross?
But do you have your shovel?
The SEROQUEL actually starting wearing off about 30 minutes ago.
I suspect the more the patient “pushes” the prefrontal cortex cognitive processing center, the faster the useful “shelf life” of the medication dose is used up. Being in a debate would fit the bill for pushing the processing center.
CV – I noticed that too!
God help us, CLIMATE CHANGE!
Biden is preaching to us about a moral obligation. Give me a break!
Mollie Retweeted
David Harsanyi
No one cares about climate change. Where is FP?
PDJT is hitting it out of the park on his Climate Change hoax answer!!!!!!!!!!
Great answer.
Why was Biden allowed to interrupt?
Looking forward the stats of time allowed, interruptions, and follow ups from the moderator
More likely a class in, “critical thinking”.
And that is why he is performing surprisingly well.
This is a debate not to show who has the better grasp on rationality (at which Joe indeed loses), but to win votes. A lot of voters need that class in “critical thinking” and he’s likely to fool them.
It depends on what standards you judge by as to whether Joe is doing well.
Biden says various aspects of crime legislation he supported were a mistake. “Why didn’t you do it in the 8 years (you were VP) a short time ago?” Trump asks. Says “you’re all talk and no action.”
B O O M !
That was weird!!
Guessing Creepy Joe nuzzled with Welker…earning his extra time to yammer.
Biden is stepping into a HUGE TRAP right now. All Trump has to do is CLOSE THE EQUATION.
If the other guys are doing so much carbon output and NO CONSTRAINT, how will us doing ANYTHING help?
Point of no return – 8-10 years – OH, LORD – we are going to DIE!!!
AOC and Greta Thunberg are sighing in ecstatic bliss right now.
Oh, no – YES!!!
It’s very noticable!!!
NLP stuff for this GND crap! Joe is doing Obama NLP stuff.
Over andover and over…
Steve Herman
Replying to
“His plan is an economic disaster,” responds
. “You know who developed it? AOC plus three. … They’re all hopping through hoops for ACO plus three.”
All Joe and no GO…
“The future lies in us being able to breathe.” Oh, please. Pres. Trump – killing birds, fumes to make windmills, other great points.
Is this supposed to be 90 minutes? Yes? Please, say, yes.
I had the impression it was 60. Not sure.
Can’t STAND this crap. BIDEN is a pernicious LIAR.
I hit my sat level 15 min ago. Came her for sanity.
Wolf, I made it through to the Hitler comment. Had to take a break after that….
IIRC, two solid hours. Long enough for ALL of Biden’s drugs to hit their halfway point. Their campaign kept talking about “bathroom breaks”, no doubt with pre-positioned syringes behind the toilet tank….
Thankfully it is over.
Biden does this weird unnatural smile when he’s been cornered.
YES, he looks like he’s a gargoyle about to launch off a roof
Not trying to imply anything, but…. OH WHAT THE HECK, YES I AM!!!
HERE IS JOE BIDEN!!!×350.jpg
He looks like a ghoul.
Just in time for Halloween (HELLoween?)…
(And, softly playing in the background, Monster Mash and What A Ghoul Believes
OMG What A Ghoul Believes

That’s the Joker smile (Batman).
“They want to knock down buildings and build new buildings with little, tiny countries,” says
He said tiny windows… and … was cut off.
If Dems couldn’t cheat, they couldn’t play…
I was nearly applauding when he made the comments about tiny homes and tiny windows.
That is what a lot of the new apartment builds in the UK are like. The Conservatives might legislate to increase the minimum size of a new build.
The SEROQUEL in Biden is just about worn off.
It’s just stringing together whatever cliches and buzzwords he can recall, and plugging them in between lies.
Wind, Solar, and Electric – Oh, God Help Us!!!
Miz Zorro said this debate stuff wuz tooo tense and anxious, so she left for the grocery store. Ya know, the supermarket is a calming and comforting place to me. I approve of food.
Nice to see you folks Blogging The Debate! Making me feel great again…
You said it on tape!! No more FRACKING!!!
Zero emissions by 2025? NUTS!!! INSANE!!! AMERICA-DESTROYER BIDEN!!!
Wow. Biden just told a provable lie about fracking and asked Pres. Trump to put it on his website. It will not only be there, it will be all over the internet in a few minutes.
POTUS Tweeted a montage of Biden assuring folks fracking would end.
Joe can barely speak, it’s like we’re all supposed to pretend that’s normal
Now, they are claiming President Trump is killing people because he rolled back regulations!!!
Chyna Joe is FoS!!! People live miles away from the plants. They choose where they want to live!!!
First Lying Biden said zero emissions 2025. Later 2035. Then 2050.
The Paris Accords are a CHINA SCAM.
Oh, but Lying Biden will make them PAY!!!
Jamaica Estates to be exact.
Trump wraps it up like a REALIST.
Biden finishes like a LYING POLITICIAN.
Luck you, Funtz.
Luntz is a FRIEND of Hunter’s … the entire family… his emails are on the laptop…
Luntz is an idiot.
A puntz.
What are we to take from that? That Pres. Trump is not a professional? Good luck with that. Luntz. We saw the email you sent about Paul Ryan.
Biden. Choose hope over fear.
And the raycisses. Be very afraid of them.
Of all of the people in the whole wide world – Biden speaks of honesty, decency, and whatever???
Because his and the rest of the DEMONicRATS’ father is Satan, the father of lies.
The Devil knows the Bible chapter for chapter, word for word. Not because he loves it, or wants to, but because he is looking for an “out” anywhere he can find one. The same is true of the DEMONicRATS. They only know the rules and regulations so they can break or get around them… The wormy apple did not fall far from the tree…
Absotutalutely, Cuppa!!!
Biden is touting imaginary fantasy energy ideas, sources and plans – his theories and positions are vague and unproven!!!
BIDEN HAS NO PLAN based on reality and facts – AND BIDEN HAS NO GOOD SUCCESSFUL RECORD to run on.
Biden has never had a real job in his life… has lived off the Gov’t sugar teat,
and stolen from hard-working taxpayers and …….. (you know the verse and chorus)
Why the hell is Melania in a mask?
Why do we keep playing their stupid mask game?
She’s immune now…just like PDJT…so I don’t get it.
D-Rats made masks mandatory for the audience.
In the case of the DEMONicRATS, that would be doubly true (considering what they speak, etc.)…
(cf face diaper)…
Melania is wearing her mask so she does not catch from the democrats the evil they breath out.
A great reason!
She should have had one made out of black cheesecloth.
Melania’s mask wearing may be related to having a lingering cough from COVID-19. She canceled her planned attendance a couple of days ago at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania because of it.
“WASHINGTON — First lady Melania Trump has canceled her return to the campaign trail with an appearance scheduled for a campaign stop in Pennsylvania on Tuesday night because she has lingering COVID-19 symptoms, according to a report.”
Yea, biased. thinking President Trump did great.
Just as an aside, there are a lot of long-term reasons to end fossil fuels. If we were using clean nuclear power to reduce everything from sawdust, compost, solid waste from sewage treatment plants, remnants from slaughterhouses, and the like into hydrocarbons to burn for transportation and heat, we could save the stuff in the ground to make plastics.
Out — fossil fuels; in — fossil feedstocks.
Agree nuclear is cleaner, BUT…accidents are catastrophic. Oil and others are damaging but survivable. Get me something on Tesla energy airwaves, then we’ll talk!
Antique nuclear had catastrophic accidents — see “Chernobyl” — but we’ve come a long way since then. Modern reactors, especially the scalable self-contained dealios, are much safer.
Unfortunately, they suffer the same sort of thing that plagues air travel — when a plane goes down and pieces of 300 people scatter the landscape, it makes all kinds of headlines…..while similar airplanes delivered 3,000,000 safely to their destinations and 1,000 people died in car wrecks headed to the airports. Do the headlines say “you are three times more likely to die driving to an airport than you are on your flight”? Do the headlines say, “airlines show another year of safety gains in 2019?”
Nah, it’s “300 people hit a cornfield — you could be next!” — that’s what sells newspapers.
And thinking like that is what is destroying Germany. Last tsunami we had was the Great Flood…..
Fukushima was a disaster because the Japanese GREENS and the UN made them store the spent fuel rods ONSITE in a cobbled-together, provisional storage setup which became permanent. The reactor was scheduled for renovation/replacement, and would have been had the quake not occurred. It also was one of the oldest ones out there.
No, if the Greens and UN hadn’t stuck their paws into the situation, and the PTB got off their thumbs and replaced the plant on time, none of this would have occurred.
The LIES in the YSM/MCM about nuclear, etc. are just as, if not more virulent than the rest of their lies.
Started of with DDT and “Silent Spring” (also “The Quiet Crisis”), grew with “the ozone hole”, continued growing with Gore-Bull warming, and now has blossomed into the COVID lie (and others) like a fetid, rotted, overripe, diseased plant. Don’t believe their lies…..
I say POTUS KO’d Joe Biden.
Biden BARELY MADE IT to the end of the “debate”. His COGNITIVE MEDICATIONS WORE OFF and this became obvious about 20 minutes ago.
ANYBODY voting for Biden, a man who CLEARLY has MAJOR cognitive problems AND LIKELY IS TAKING MEDICATION for these problems, IS A COMMUNIST SYMPATHIZER.
*** Now I will also say what we ALL saw tonight from Joe Biden is the reason BEHIND why Emhoff, KamaHarr’s husband, was crowing about his being “married to the first female President of the United States”.
wasn’t that video of Harris’s husband from the primary? No one was social distancing, wearing masks or wearing Biden/Harris gear. I don’t think that was a recent video
Yep…that video was from the primaries.
And if the video is from the primaries, you can betcha that the Biden Fix was already being decided on with a female — KamaHarr being one of them — being vetted for the “possible pinch-hitter replacement”.
Not sure of the exact date of the video. It was featured yesterday on The Buck Sexton Show on 710WOR. Sexton is ex-military and ex-CIA. He may have “insider” information.
In any case, Horizontal HUH-HOe is not a Natural Born American Citizen, and is not qualified to run, either for Vice (with an emphasis on vice) President, or President.
That concept actually predates the USA, coming from British Common Law… (though libs have probably buried the various explanations of that on the web)…
He gets to own the whole stinking dumpster fire.
Can’t listen to the blonde on FOX Business anymore. She thinks too much time was spent on personal scandals when umpteen zillion people are dying of a pandemic — completely ignoring that America could elect someone involved in a HUGE scandal. But no, don’t look there.
They’re saying no microphone was cut. Wrong. I’m outta there.
Before the debate started, was on Fox business News.
Five minutes of pure bashing President Trump I flipped it over to RSBN. Faux News is beyond redemption.
Switched to OAN. Tara Reade is there.
Yeah, that was weird…I was wondering if I had heard it right.
Biden is ANGRY and JEALOUS.
Get your facts straight, Joe Biden. It was General (ret.) George McClellan that was running for President on the Democrat Party ticket who was the racist.
One of McClellan’s campaign posters from that election:
Really wish I could save this on Pinterest…if I weren’t suspended…
I saw a post on OT “Biden is a liar always was but he is lucid.”
I always thought it was an act for his purpose. Seems to work for him half the country seems to want to vote for him.
Listening to Bill O’Reilly – he played a clip about what PT said – he did not get paid by China – he did not get paid by Ukraine – he did not get paid by Russia – YOU DID!!!
Yeah…he did. He definitely did.
That moderator would always tell him which question was coming, then give him time to prepare for it before she ‘officially’ asked the question!
She also tried to edge in and argue, but was so meek about it that Trump was able to handle her with ease to the point it actually made her look okay.
Just a remark on RSBN vs. CSPAN. I started watching this on RSBN but had CSPAN open as well and ended up switching to CSPAN. RSBN stayed in the far off view and CSPAN had the two mostly in their own windows with very clear faces. Noticed every time Biden would face toward Trump, Biden looked like a skeleton and that view happened often. CSPAN will be replaying again the whole debate in appox 45 mins they said.
BWT Trump nailed it again. Biden looked as bad as he sounded.
Yes. Yes, he did.
Another one.
Biden is Ass-hoe….
What time is the lid tomorrow?
Actually, he’ll probably have one tonight.
Yep, while Hunter is making a right meth of himself
Pres. Trump promised he’d post it! Yuge Biden mistake.
Hunter Biden Business Partner Confirms Email Showing Joe Was Offered Ten Percent Stake in Chinese Business Deal
Would have been the perfect time for Trump to say:
“Well Son of a Bitch….. He got Fired”
So Drudge did not put up a poll for the first debate. Afraid we may assume. He did for the VP debate and Pence took that 72% to 28%. For this debate, Drudge is not putting up a poll. Afraid we may assume.
James Woods is so kewl
If you want a good lawayer watch him in Shark …its an oldie
That description by our President was priceless! Come on, Man!
Well Son of a Bitch!…… He got Fired!
I think part of what she said was that Trump played to moderates tonight and did a great job of it while still being able to toss us some red meat!
Regarding that moment in the debate where Biden said he would “transition from the oil industry,” did anyone else notice how the moderators tone COMPLETELY CHANGED? “Why would you do that?” It sounded like an uncontrolled gut reaction. She knew how badly he screwed up.
Yes…she was coaching him; prompting him.
I’m thinking that she had probably worked with Biden and his handlers, coaching him and prepping him for this debate appearance.
She used that ‘coaching voice’ more than once, too.
Her tone was measured and calming.
It was like…’We went over this, remember, you can do this.’
Joe also had the dark eyes this time, like the last debate.
High tech contacts?
“Why would you do that?” = “DAMN IT, JOE, WHY’D YOU GO OFF THE ****ing SCRIPT?”
I noticed the eyes, too!
EXACTLY Sadie, it was “clean up on aisle 6” time. But the MODERATOR, like Joe, BLEW it. She SHOULD have ignored the comment, and kept interrupting Trump on it. SHE deviated from the script too, and Trump was THEN able to HIGHLIGHT what Biden said “That’s a BIG statement” and EXPAND ON IT “Are you listening Ohio, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Texas?”
The moderator made it WORSE further by giving Biden TIME to spew absolute NONSENSE, then saying he would REMOVE funding (federal subsidies) from the oil industry. Trump handed them BOTH a shovel. let them dig, and then BURRIED them both with their own dirt and shovel.
The MORE Joe and the moderator kept trying to “spin” the WORSE it got.
THAT line just LOST the dems not only the Presidency, but the House as well.
At one point, I audibly gasped ‘OMG!’
Biden said that ‘the first thing’ he would do would be to legalise ’11 MILLION’ ILLEGALS residing in the US.
Imagine DEM administrations forever. Good grief.
Yes, with that, Court packing, and PR and DC being made “States” even though DC was expressly carved out of MD and VA to AVOID it being a state ever. Since WHEN is a countries or states capitol its OWN individual state?
Because he hates Brexit, London’s current mayor, Sadiq Khan, wants to make London a separate nation state (e.g. Monaco, which had been a principality for many centuries, independent of France). Parliament would have to vote on that. It will not happen.
I’m somewhat surprised more people didn’t get the 11 million illegals remark, though. He made it rather emphatically.
Oh we got it. It was just one of MANY gaffes Biden made.