Dear KAG: 20201022 Open Thread

Seventeen went on a tear on Wednesday, but this one stood out:


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a95dd3 No.11192967

There’s a reason he waited to find a surrogate for his child until his mother was dead.

Just sayin’.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a48b57 No.11193377 

Underage family member?
FBI can no longer attempt to shelter [protect] the Biden’s?
Public awareness kills all protections.

When it’s all over, this presidency is going to be legendary.

You ready, Pat? This one predates me.

And another”


As usual, this is the daily thread, the place to put all information that needs to be out there – Q drops, Q drop decodes, riot information, rumors about MAGA rallies starting up again, news flashes, Chy-na flu updates, fashionable mask photos, satire, memes, and of course cute animal videos.

In the meantime, the short and sweet version of “THE RULES” is here borrowed from Tuesday:

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Since it is almost the weekend, the reminders are in place to not swing from the chandeliers, wash your hands and face, and be nice to the liberals whether they deserve it or not. Making your bed, OTOH, is optional.


LUKE 12:49-53

49“I came to cast fire upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled! 50I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how I am constrained until it is accomplished! 51Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division; 52for henceforth in one house there will be five divided, three against two and two against three; 53they will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against her mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.”


Let’s see…a parody….

In sad news, the other side has taken the lead in parody making. So, we will be replacing that series with a myriad of “Donald Trump Can’t Win” compilations.

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Run for your lives! It’s a deluge of Q drops!


See my post below.

Harry Lime

Meanwhile…back in Wilmington…comment image


Joe: “Yeah. Let me do that.”


Any one who criticizes POTUS could stand to learn from his example of the definition of work ethic. And when they do likewise …. then they can complain.


Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Schumer on Dems boycotting Barrett cmte markup: We’re not giving the quorum they need to provide it. The rules require it.
Senate Judiciary Cmte GOPers say they can have markup of Barrett nomination tomorrow even if Dems boycot. Cite cmte precedents & Standing Senate Rule XXVI.7(a)(3).
With Dems boycotting Judiciary Cmte markup session for Barrett nomination Thurs, likely cmte will vote on her nomination earlier tomorrow rather than 1 pm et Thurs
The Library
I told you the Democrats temper tantrum stunt to walk out of the Amy Coney Barrett committee vote wouldn’t work. Wouldn’t stop it. You will lose bigly on this Democrats.
Harold Wren


#WorldWide #Biblical #PrayerRequestBOOMS EN_ROUTE TOMORROW! This is not a drill…


FBI director Chris Wraycomment image
COULD IT BE??comment image
On obstruction of justice charges related to Hunter Biden hard drives/Trump impeachment/Ukraine??
On the day of the last Presidential debate and just before??
Media OUTRAGE. No Wray they could ignore or blackout!
Unsealing an indictment against a sitting director of the FBI and perp walking his ass out of FIB HQ in front of news cameras would certainly capture America’s undivided attention this close to an election.
Also allows for and gives occasion for PDJT to bring up Comey and Clinton emails. During the debate, which a sizable chunk of America would be tuning in for.
Trump: “I will be addressing today’s development during the debate tonight. I have no comments until then.”
Dems would be going absolutely, totally, and in every way ape shit!!!!!!!!


Well that would be an incredible curve ball no one was expecting!


How do you get the entire country’s undivided attention?
A: Indict the director of the FBI 2 weeks before a Presidential election on the day of the last Presidential debate.
How do you create a firestorm that the media cannot ignore or blackout?
A: Drop graphic and salacious revelations re: global child trafficking and pedophilia on the same day (unseal Ghilaine Maxwell court docs), linking the charges against the director (obstruction of justice) to the Maxwell case.
What would be the link?
A: Hunter Biden involved with Maxwell/Epstein…proof of which is on the laptop.
Yeah, I’m spitballing here, I know. But this would SHATTER twitter and the interwebs.
And it would be game, set, match in terms of the election outcome.comment image


Hunter Biden tied to corrupt business in Ukraine. Corrupt Ukraine officials launder money thru Franklin Templeton investments.
Jeffrey Epstein facilitated a grant to Martin Nowak’s PED at Harvard, from the Franklin Templeton Foundation, in 2015.


See pg. 15
Document is searchable.

Brave and Free

I really like your thinking FG&C! That scenario taking place would be Biblical…….
Absolutely no way around it, couldn’t sweep that under the rug.

Harry Lime

I hope Melania feels better soon…would love to see her join the President at a rally in the coming days…comment image


Ha ha ha! I can just imagine what she’s thinking sometimes.


comment image


Larry Schweikart @LarrySchweikart
Iowa Supreme Court upholds new law that could invalidate thousands of ballot requests
Iowa Supreme Court upholds new law that could invalidate thousands of
The Iowa Supreme Court has upheld a Republican-backed law barring auditors from fixing errors in absentee ballot applications on behalf of voters.


In the “Donald Trump Can’t Win” compilation, I still don’t know who that woman is who confidently turns to the panel as she says WHEN Hillary wins, Donald Trump will have lost the election from the moment he announced. I don’t care who she is; she’s irrelevant and so WRONG. Her hubris will be on display forever because we can never get enough of those videos. 😁


I can hardly wait for this year’s compilation. 😎

Deplorable Patriot

Her name is Hilary Rosen.


comment image


Looks like Melania’s taking a few swings while we have this brief interlude in the middle of the storm.
Melania Trump
US government account
This is admin will never stop fighting for the health & safety of the American people. This is another big step in defeating the #opioidcrisis. We will continue to protect our most vulnerable at all costs. #BeBest
Quote Tweet
The Associated Press
· 15h
BREAKING: Justice Department officials tell The Associated Press that Purdue Pharma, the company that makes OxyContin, will plead guilty to three federal criminal charges as part of a settlement of more than $8 billion.
Melania Trump
US government account
Proud to support the Putting America’s First Peoples First, Forgotten No More plan prioritizing support for Native Americans. The President & I have worked to bring awareness to long-overlooked issues like Missing & Murdered Native Americans, child safety, & economic opportunity.
Melania Trump
US government account


Q says Shifftless is in big doodoo.




Q 4932
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 455a71 No.11205743 📁
Oct 22 2020 00:46:08 (EST) NEW


EJ6EtDYXYAEr4sZ.pngcomment image


Link in Q 4932:
MPs demand Zelensky, Trump investigate suspicion of U.S.-Ukraine corruption involving $7.4 bln
“KYIV. Nov 20 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Ukrainian members of parliament have demanded the presidents of Ukraine and the United States, Volodymyr Zelensky and Donald Trump, investigate suspicions of the legalization of $7.4 billion by the “family” of ex-President Viktor Yanukovych through the American investment fund Franklin Templeton Investments, which they said has ties to the U.S. Democratic Party.”


Jeffrey Epstein facilitated a grant from the Franklin Templeton Foundation to Harvard in 2015.


Oct 22, 2020 1:46:08 AM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 455a71 No. 11205743comment imagecomment imagecomment image
7h, 45m ago
8kun qresearch


Quarantine Cafe
There’s some bullshit press conference going on with leftwing stooge Christopher Wray, here, pushing out the narrative that Russia and Iran are trying to interfere with the election.
Russia has interfered with every US election since the 1920s. This was never a cause for concern until Hillary Clinton lost an election she thought she should have won “by fifty points.”
This statement was made by Wray in order to give Biden an excuse at tomorrow night’s debate.
Update: They say that most of Russia/Iran’s activity is aimed at hurting Trump.
Does that mean Joe Biden will quit the race? It has been suggested for four fucking years that Trump should resign because Sydney Blumenthal started a rumor that Putin favored him.
So now that we know Putin favors Biden, he’ll be quitting the race, yes-yes?


EJ6EtDcWoAAnhTJ.pngcomment image


This iis from Q 4932.


EJ6EtDjWsAE4e7H.pngcomment image


This iis from Q 4932.


They got Al Capone on tax evasion

Deplorable Patriot

Insider trading, huh.
That would not have been my first choice, but whatever gets the job done.

Gail Combs

Looks like Shitty Shiff’s ‘Cut’ of the theft for looking the other way. $15,000 a year is not bad for doing nothing.
Be interesting to see who else owns ‘shares’ of Blackrock or Templeton.


New Qcomment image

A whistleblower CEO and Biden insider, Tony Bobulinski, released a public statement on Wednesday evening backing up the reporting of the New York Post from last week and claiming that he personally witnessed Democrat presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden discussing business deals with his son, Hunter Biden.
Bobulinski is the second longtime business associate of Hunter Biden to publicly turn against the Biden family in recent days. He joins Bevan Cooney, who turned over to Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer and journalist Matthew Tyrmand a total of 26,000 emails, in flipping against the Bidens.
Cooney is currently serving a sentence in federal prison in Oregon for a conviction over deals he and other Hunter Biden business partners made in connection with Native American tribal investments. As Breitbart News reported on Tuesday night, Cooney was moved from his cell earlier this week–but Bureau of Prisons officials refused to comment on the matter, citing the safety and security of prisoners.
A third Hunter Biden business partner, Devon Archer, was convicted in that Native American investment scheme. He previously saw a federal judge vacate his conviction, but it was later reinstated upon appeal and Archer awaits sentencing.
Bobulinski is not connected to that activity and is connected to the Biden family because he says he was brought in to manage Sinohawk Holdings–a company that served as a “partnership between the Chinese operating through CEFC/Chairman Ye and the Biden family”–by Hunter Biden himself, as well Biden family associate James Gilliar–again, the author of one of the emails in question published by the New York Post.

Much more detail and full statement at linked article.


Good capture from Brietbart as currently page does not exist although my morning radio guy has been talking about it all morning using separate source. (Trey Ware KTSA 550 AM Radio.)


Correction. Q link is bad, yours is good. Maybe Brietbart has just moved and expanded the story.

Valerie Curren

This is very alarming…any insights?


This is right out of the ChiCom playbook.
It is fascism…’the suppression of any opposition’.
It’s really stupid of them to put it in writing.
Question is — what is making them be so bold?

Valerie Curren

I hope the white hats are watching this stuff too…& preparing to bag & tag!

Gail Combs

“This is right out of the ChiCom playbook.
It is fascism…’the suppression of any opposition’….”

They forgot that Americans are ARMED TO THE TEETH and NOW they have given patriots the excuse they need to PROTECT THEMSELVES.
Place the original in a zip lock bag in a safe at your lawyer’s. & TELL the cops (DO NOT GIVE THEM THE EVIDENCE to ‘disappear’)
IF these idiots DO attack you in your home you now have a legitimate reason to shoot to kill. (Steel clad your doors & bullet proof windows)


Great plan!
You think of everything, Gail.💖


I would add:
Make a copy of the letter and place it in a safety deposit box.
Can’t be too careful. What if your lawyer is a closet liberal?


And pray they don’t burn down the bank.


I think bank vaults are fireproof, just in case 😉


The bank I saw after a non-organic riot rolled by had twisted metal framing from the heat of whatever they managed to burn it with. The area that looked like the “safe” was cinder block and did not look good.




Oh ya?
They can see MY sign:


Q 4933
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 579ce8 No.11206292 📁
Oct 22 2020 01:39:13 (EST) NEW
Did Hussein contact Matt Murray in attempt to persuade not to publish?
Will Murray follow the truth or buckle to pressure?
DC civil war.
Watergate x1000.

“From 2012 – January 2017, Mr. Murray served the Obama Administration as a Senior Advisor on Governance and Rule of Law, and as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa at the U.S. Department of Commerce.
“Mr. Murray appears on CNN as a guest expert on Foreign Policy issues.”

Deplorable Patriot

The question is how tight is BO vice on the sensitive areas of Murray.
If BO is requesting rather than using black mail, that is interesting.


This 17 statement is interesting in that it indicates either Matt Murray informed someone he was being pressured by BO or BO’s communications are being monitored. Our dear 17 doesn’t usually post such a question unless there’s evidence. Third possibility, of course, is for BO to think so and it’s to make him nervous about the possibilities of both.
I suspect BO isn’t voluntarily going out on the trail to speak to a handful of people…has to be quite humiliating. And, I’m sure he’d rather be out of the news at this time when his entire Presidency is being exposed for the evil he brought into it, but it’s time to pay the piper and he has no choice at all.


Yeah, something is up with Obama. I can’t believe he would do this without “incentive.” It looks pitiful. I don’t know how such an ego stands up to it.


Comments I saw had the sidewalk “crowd”, eight folks, unenthusiastic.
hussein was equally or even less enthusiastic.
Everything about the hussein campaigning narrative is ALL wrong, as is Dementia Joe’s presidential campaign is ALL wrong.
And, fake news never talks about it.

Valerie Curren
Gail Combs

Nothing like an OUT RIGHT THREAT from that idiot governor.
True Pundit has the actual video:
A minute and 1/2 of her spewing LIES about the ‘TRUMP VIRUS” and his horrible handling of the virus.
Hey Witch you just GAVE us the EVIDENCE that the DEMONRAT Governors INTENTIONALLY KILLED OLD FOLKS so they could BLAME THE DEATHS on POTUS! ThankQ!!!
“study revealed 45% of all US coronavirus deaths occurred in nursing homes.” (Remember Cuomo in NY moved them into a hospital to die to hide the actual numbers)
Tim Walz (D) Minnesota — 81%
Gina Raimondo (D) Rhode Island — 77%
Mike DeWine (Rino) Ohio — 70% (Damns POTUS with faint praise & disagrees on handling virus)
Chris Sununu (Rino) New Hampshire — 69.8% (Sununu said POTUS should have been more forceful and “unequivocal” in condemning white supremacists.)
Tom Wolf (D) Pennsylvania — 69.2%
John Carney (D) Delaware — 64.2%
Cooper (D) North Carolina — 63.3%
Phil Murphy (D) New Jersey — 50.8%
(Rino Uni-Party Governors included to give the Democrats cover??? )comment image
New York and New Jersey Death rate per million VERY High compared to the rest of the country.comment image
AND even with all your efforts the Total Deaths per week have DECLINED.comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

May 22nd on the nursing home deaths map?
Surely we have something more up to date than five months ago.


An Anon on qresearch board is saying that info on JB will start dropping fast…
Another claims this was DIM strategy:
Joe wins “Republicans” [Law] removes him.
Kamala is president.
Joe is removed early [Law] constitutional crisis.
Nancy Tries a coup. House lock out. Election interfearance.

Another Anon: To top it off, there is info proving that he knew along with most others that a bio weapon was coming because they set it up. (Covid)
JB’s deals with Foreign countries (Treason) prohibit him being President… 14th Amendment, Sec. 3comment image


Nice theory but right about now the entire democrat party is starting to resemble the worst public restroom you’ve ever seen. Maybe they can all run to Tulsi Gabbard, not that, that will help them win the election.


Notice how quiet Warren has been? Sinking ship and she’s hiding right next to the nearest lifeboat. Bet she’s VERY happy she wasn’t “ethnic” enough to have made the VP cut!

Gail Combs

They CAN NOT CHANGE THE BALLOTS this late in the game!!!
Deadline to run for president
I think they would actually need to CHANGE THE LAWS in THIRTY-EIGHT STATES!
Voting has already started.
This is why the MOABs are being dropped NOW.


He’s speaking of what their strategy WAS…
Today is gonna be sumpin’ Para 😉 I’ve only had four hours sleep I’m so overwhelmed with info… coming from everywhere!


Why are the Dems not even trying to campaign for Joe & Hoe?
They’re only doing token campaigning…and acting like it’s somehow ‘normal’.
My mr. wheatie keeps bringing this up, and he’s right.
He’s kind of creeped out about it…because he thinks it indicates that the Dems are so confident of their Win, that they aren’t even trying to campaign.
Is the Demoncrat/Globalist Plan for cheating so big…that they think they’ve got this in the bag?
I dunno.
But it is kind of creepy.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is why I think there will be some kind of “media coup” where the media, NO MATTER WHAT – says “Biden won”.
Some kind of coup.


If they are given orders to do that…then, you betcha, they will do it.
They don’t need any proof.
They have demonstrated this…bigtime…since 2016.


And what’s the deal with Frank Luntz?
He’s always been an asshoe, IMO, but he’s outdoing himself now.
He says he had a stroke in January.
And Joe Biden gave him a hug and comforted him.
But I’m wondering if he was MK’d.comment image


Luntz is and always was…… a DUNCE!


I think you’re being too kind, Rayzor.

Sadie Slays

I’ve wondered for awhile now if the Dems knew they were screwed and decided to use 2020 to cause as much destruction as possible (including sowing as much distrust in voting and President Trump’s legitimacy as possible).


IMO, you are correct with this, Sadie. I don’t get why patriots still do not understand the media is owned and controlled by the same evil people who are being circled and squeezed by PDT/patriots.
It’s RICO. Violations of the RICO act. The media is going down as well, IMO. They are complicit, acting in unison to aid and abet the criminals. They are in on it playing their parts. If people follow 17 at all they should remember those related posts of the short period of darkness afterwards. Why do you think they tested the national emergency alert system? The criminals have known and made comments to this effect for years now. If we pay attention we can see and listen to them – we can tell by their moves and comments. Believe or not believe, the choice is on us. I choose to believe until proven otherwise.
All of these coup attempts, impeachment threats, lies and distortions are played out publicly using their complicit criminal media partners to promote and run interference. They have never been incompetent boobs who just did not understand or were influenced to believe lies. It was all intentional as a line of defense.
They have known they were probably going down for 4 years, but were going to do all they could to subvert and change the final outcomes as much as possible.
Which is why 17 portrays it all as movies. The moves and countermoves have been planned and implemented as a chess board with the final outcome guaranteed. The patriots wrote the scripts to the movies. They adjust and rewrite as necessary. But they are their movies.

Sadie Slays

There’s a leaked text message going around claiming Hunter was “sexually inappropriate” with Natalie Biden. She’s under 18. 4chan just found one of Natalie’s social media accounts, and there’s a lot of questionable bikini photos. Anons speculate that Hunter took the photos (apparently he’s an artist). Anyways, this correlates with what Q posted yesterday. This story just keeps getting creepier and creepier.
Pic censored by me. It’s a legal photo, but it would be poor taste to post it uncensored.comment image
Text Message:
Article about Hunter Biden’s art:


Selling artwork is a good way to launder money.
$50K for a few scribbles on a page…it amounts up in no time.

Sadie Slays

Had the same thought. The official narrative is that he doesn’t sell his art, though.

Sadie Slays

This is actually a somewhat useful article. Here’s a blurb about his wife. Think about this timeline:
April 2019: Hunter drops the laptop off
May 2019: Hunter marries a foreign woman “after a weeklong courtship.”
The wife just screams “intelligence agency handler” to me.comment image
This quote caught my eye. Yeah, if you want to truly and utterly destroy your family, handing over the Laptop from Hell certainly isn’t “halfway.”comment image


One can wonder about Zuckerberg’s Chinese wife, as well…regarding the “handler” aspect.


Has a tattoo of the finger lakes?
Named one of his business’ Owasco. Thought it was an odd name for a business and wondered if there was a connection to Owasco Lake.

Sadie Slays

Anon thinks this is related to that Q drop with the “Last of the Mohicans” music.comment image


I’m not sure what this connection is. Supposedly, his mother was from there. He also has things named after Skaneatles, and also Ulysses (see Simeon Dewitt and naming of towns in the military grid). Strange.
Regarding Last of the Mohicans, this makes me think of the Mohawk Valley, Drums along the Mohawk, Adam Helmer’s run to Fort Dayton. Maybe it was Steve from CO’s homage to the Battle of Saratoga earlier this week.

Gail Combs

His art work is actually fairly good:
MORE at:
From WIKI:
“…Like his father and brother, Biden attended Archmere Academy, a Catholic high school in Claymont, Delaware.[3] In 1992, he graduated from Georgetown University with a bachelor’s degree in history.[3] During the year after he graduated from college, he served as a Jesuit volunteer at a church in Portland, Oregon, where he met Kathleen Buhle, whom he married in 1993.[3] After attending Georgetown University Law Center for one year, he transferred to Yale Law School, graduating in 1996….”
Reading between the lines (and as a frustrated artist) I think Hunter wanted to be an artist and go to art school. (I think that is what the year gap before law school was about.) Instead he was PUSHED into becoming a lawyer. Note he NEVER PRACTICED LAW. instead he was PUSHED into MBNA to launder money for his dad. And was a money launder from then on.
Compare him to his older brother Beau: (WIKI)
“….graduate of Syracuse University College of Law, as was his father. After graduating from law school, he clerked for Judge Steven McAuliffe of the United States District Court of New Hampshire.[13] From 1995 to 2004, he worked at the United States Department of Justice in Philadelphia, first as Counsel to the Office of Policy Development and later as a federal prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney’s Office. In 2004, he became a partner in the law firm of Bifferato, Gentilotti, Biden & Balick, where he worked for two years before being elected Attorney General of Delaware…..”
As the younger son we do not know if he was ‘sacrificed’ to be abused by the Elite as the price of Dad’s getting ahead in politics. I think the guy has been abused in one way or the other most of his life. The move with the computers may be a timid move of revenge.
No I do not feel sorry for him but I do think he is abused, weak and trapped. Given a chance I think he might flip BIG TIME. That means he may follow in Hillary’s Brother’s foot steps.

Sadie Slays

I had the same thought. From the article:
“Later, as he looked to escape temptations, the painting became therapeutic, he said. So did writing poems and short stories (he was accepted into Syracuse University’s creative writing program in 1993, but chose law school). Recently, he said, he has been writing letters to his deceased brother Beau, who succumbed to brain cancer in 2015, a loss that sent Mr. Biden off on a four year nightmare.”
It seems like he was forced into the family business against his will.
Note how it said that Hunter started the really self-destructive behavior after his brother’s death. The public narrative is his brother died at 40-something from brain cancer. It’s plausible, but now I’m wondering if there’s more to that story.


Thanks for this……
Sorry to see you self-censoring INFORMATION.
If it is “legal”….. I say post it UNCENSORED.

Sadie Slays

I get your point, but I don’t feel personally comfortable posting jailbait pics of 16 year-olds.

Valerie Curren

Must Watch…abortion supporter Kamela exposed…2 mins

Valerie Curren

This Walk Away video is Very Well Done! MAGA is inclusive & powerful!!!


Many people are walking away – leaving the radicalized leftist unAmerican corrupt Democrat Party!

Valerie Curren



A very long day for our President and First Lady with a Roundtable and Debate in Nashville, TN – Back home at 1 AM!comment image
12:40PM – THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY depart the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews – South Lawn
1:00PM – Depart Washington, D.C., en route to Nashville, TN
1:40PM – Arrive at Nashville International Airport
1:50PM – Depart Nashville International Airport en route to Belmont University – Curb Event Center
2:10PM – Arrive at Belmont University – Curb Event Center
2:50PM – Depart Belmont University – Curb Event Center en route to JW Marriott Nashville
2:50PM – Depart Belmont University – Curb Event Center en route to JW Marriott
3:00PM – President Trump participates in a roundtable with supporters
7:20PM – Depart JW Marriott Nashville en route to Belmont University – Curb Event Center
7:25PM – Arrive at Belmont University – Curb Event Center
8:00PM – President Trump participates in a Presidential Debate
9:40PM – Depart Belmont University – Curb Event Center en route to Nashville International Airport
10:00PM – Arrive at Nashville International Airport
10:10PM – Depart Nashville, TN, en route to Washington, D.C.
12:40AM – Arrive at Joint Base Andrews
1:00AM – THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY arrive at the White House – South Lawn


Whoops – so sorry – didn’t close the italics yet again – and somehow repeated one item.


I am Grateful for the info you post……..
Italics, reshmalics 🙂


You are very kind, Rayzorbak!


You bring good info!

Valerie Curren

At the beginning of last night’s Rally in NC…Pres Trump said:
“And you see what’s going on…Boom, Boom, Boom.”
Then Q made a drop which said:
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 292db4 No.11202027 📁
Oct 21 2020 21:21:53 (EST) NEW
This is not a drill.
The Anons caught it and one of them made a clip of it:
[video src="" /]
It’s an MP4 so you’ll have to click on it to play it.


Ack…here’s the link to that MP4 without all that other stuff.
Just remove the splat:
*[video src="" /]


Tucker’s opening monologue from last night.
“If there is a unifying theme on the Left right now…it’s that ‘more information is bad’. Voters shouldn’t know too much.”


Tucker has on NYC restaurant owner Jacob Green, to tell how he was harassed for having his door open:

Valerie Curren

Wondering…a few months ago Newsome was given or purchased a mansion dirt cheap. Think it was given to him. Either way, part of this land scam?
Even if the land scam was under guvner Brown, Newsome was LtGuv, IIRC.


Governor Kristi Noem was on Laura Ingraham’s show last night.
She hits back at the enemedia nozzles who attacked her handling of the WuFlu…and talks about Pres Trump’s accomplishments.


Noem 2024

Gail Combs

comment image
“…Only 0.6% of the US population lives in nursing homes but over 45% of the coronavirus deaths were in these centers….”
October 18, 2020
“…South Dakota health officials confirmed Sunday that the state has reached the 100 mark in deaths due to complications from COVID-19 in October, with eight new fatalities in the last day.
The update showed 658 positive tests since Saturday, for a total of 33.269 infections since the pandemic began. The death toll stands at 323…..Of the deaths reported Sunday, four people were in their 50s and one was in their 40s….”

WHY are 1/3 of the deaths in OCTOBER OF THIS YEAR??? Sabotage???
Mayor of Sioux Falls, South Dakota is Paul Tenhaken, (R) elected the 32nd Mayor in May 2018.
Service Employees International Union aka Commie Central

We are the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), a union of about 2 million diverse members in healthcare, the public sector and property services who believe in and fight for our Vision for a Just Society: where all workers are valued and all people respected—no matter where we come from or what color we are; where all families and communities can thrive; and where we leave a better and more equitable world for generations to come.

They support BLM, Climate Change, Open borders….comment imagecomment imagecomment image


“Service Employees International Union aka Commie Central”
So true!
They really *are* Commie Central.


Demo☭rat Party Leadership CONFESSES How They ROLL:
“America was an idea, we hold these truths to be self-evident, we’ve never lived up to it”


Blacks were ROLLED
Hispanics were ROLLED
Women were ROLLED

Valerie Curren

I presume he’s married to Kamala & not Pedo Joe???


Valerie, I think this video👆 was from the Dem-primaries when Kamuhla was running for president.

Valerie Curren

Good catch Wheatie!


“Is the Pope Catholic?”
… Nope: COMMIE.


Francis is a really, really, bad joke on Catholics.


Sure doesn’t help their cause …
Kind of like the Pedo “priests”

Deplorable Patriot

The Faith is not based on men in Roman collars and mitres. If one of them spouts heresy, as Bergoglio does, we are to ignore them. Many of us do.
And we didn’t choose Bergoglio.


Surprisingly the Cardinals unanimously got the same Word from Heaven.

Deplorable Patriot

Or from their meetings in St. Gallen, Switzerland.


Kamala’s mate SPILLS the BEANS:
Her Manchurian Takeover!


Kamala Harris is evil murderous scheming depraved Hillrotten and Øbastard’s desperate attempt to steal this country for their own glory and profit and to escape punishment for their crimes!!!
May their dark dirty scheme FAIL miserably, hugely and humiliatingly!!!


I think you’ve gone overboard to give her the benefit of the doubt. 😆

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As pointed out, video is from the primaries when she was running for president.

Valerie Curren

THIS CENSORSHIP WILL BACKFIRE BIGLY – just as the MSM has become discredited for lying and propagandizing – so will Social Media pay for losing their credibility.

Valerie Curren

I sure hope so…& soon. Definitely on the agenda in Trump 2 but Biden will fund the propagandists if s/he manages to steal a win…


There will be other video options coming soon – Gab is planning to implement one.

Valerie Curren

Yes! I guess you have to spread things across multiple platforms to attempt to stay ahead of the censorship–tragically. In some ways it’s like the commies have already taken over…

Gail Combs

They took over by stealth starting well over a century ago with John Dewey the Father of PROGRESSIVE Education. And via criminal Politicians like Clinton and Obama who sold out our country and shipped our manufacturing and military secrets to China.comment image

Valerie Curren

Eternal Vigilance!!!

Gail Combs

Here is that meme again. We need to keep it in mind.comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Have to wonder why so many of these tech execs are Indian. Could it be to bring in cheap H1-Bs?
Or have we run out of Americans who know anything about tech, especially in the Silly-Cone Valley…
I saw it happen at three different companies. Hire an Indian as CIO, then gradually the composition (and nationality) of the IT (and often other) deparments change to a decidedly non-American group.
“We will do the needful.”
For whom?
[There’s a fellow from UC Davis who has researched and written extensively about this…]….

Valerie Curren

Deliberate assault on America beyond just some version of crony capitalism…Very Sick Stuff…


Vimeo has joined YT, FB, TW on the dark side. Bitchute next?

Deplorable Patriot

Vimeo always has been on that side.
I thought bitchute was developed for the censored videos, but who knows.

Valerie Curren

No clue, for I can’t keep up!


Beijing Joe Biden’s GUILTY:
Bobulinski writes that Hunter Biden also referred to his father: “Hunter Biden called his dad ‘the Big Guy’ or as ‘my chairman’ and frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals that we were discussing.”
“I am the CEO of Sinohawk Holdings which was a partnership between the Chinese operating through CEFC/Chairman Ye and the Biden family. I was brought into the company to be the CEO by James Gilliar and Hunter Biden.”
“I’ve seen Vice President Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business,” says Bobulinski, who was the CEO of the company being formed. “I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true, because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business, they said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line.”
“I realized the Chinese were not really focused on a healthy financial ROI. They were looking at this as a political or influence investment. … I realized that Hunter wanted to use the company as his personal piggy bank by just taking money out of it as soon as it came from the Chinese … the Bidens had gone behind my back and gotten paid millions of dollars by the Chinese”
Bobulinski, a former wrestler at Penn State University who spent four years in the Navy, insists he has voluminous evidence to back up his explosive charges, reportedly including documents, e-mails, messages and other proof.
Late Wednesday night, he uploaded many to a file- sharing service.
He also says that he turned over all his evidence to two Senate committees Wednesday that requested it.

Deplorable Patriot

Can you say BOOM.
Weaseling out of this is just not going to happen.


The Clintons, Øbastard and the Bidens sold our country’s secrets and agents to evil Communists and Islamists everywhere….for $$$$
May their evil deeds be exposed.


Pope Pachamama ain’t a real pope – he’s as fake as the fake ‘president’ Øbastard, fake Indian Warren, fake blacks, fake trans women/men, fake global warming, fake pandemic, fake news. Lies and propaganda and stealing $$ and power/control is all they’ve got.

Deplorable Patriot

How diabolical can you get to try to get the Church to essentially schism using the true faith as the wedge.
This is just unreal.


MSM bigwigs were emailing Hunter Biden….


Dirty, dirty, dirty….


THANKS DePat for the dance music…entertained both me and hubby (cracking up watching me dance all over the kitchen…) got my blood pumping –i think Wipe Out is aptly named…whew!
I adored the Beach Blanket Bingo type movies…LOL…tho I was only around 8 at the time…

Deplorable Patriot

And there’s so much 60s dance music to choose from, too.


back when you COULD dance to music…LOL

Deplorable Patriot

I did most of my dancing in the 80s.


I had no idea you were that old.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m older than I look.


Notice how POTUS posted “questions” – interesting to Q-treepers. I believe he is going to trump Leslie Stahl and 60 minutes. They planned to edit the unflattering moments of Stahl, he’s going to show it all. 🙂
I will soon be giving a first in television history full, unedited preview of the vicious attempted “takeout” interview of me by Lesley Stahl of @60Minutes. Watch her constant interruptions & anger. Compare my full, flowing and “magnificently brilliant” answers to their “Q’s”.

Deplorable Patriot

About time somebody called them on this.


I had the opportunity to be involved in 2 of the 60 Minutes segments…one of them I was there the entire time. You cannot begin to imagine the hundreds of hours of filming (over and over) and interviews… and then saw the final product. They were so “sweet”, accommodating, bent over backwards to make people at ease and open up….all with a pre-determined agenda, often quite negative. They generally are after the “expose”, only occasionally a “feel good” story.
People were shocked when they saw it on TV…it wasn’t anywhere near how it was pitched to them prior to the agreement to participate. You can imagine how flattered you would be to be approached by 60 Minutes, but beware of the “Snake.”


Their M.O. is to go for the “gotcha” on everyone.
Never trust them.


I can’t wait to watch it. I never watch 60 minutes, so this will be my first in over 30 yrs.


Me Too!

Valerie Curren

They need tribunals as well. Every Victorian officer and official who enforced this and hurt citizens should be in jail.

Valerie Curren

Yes! Free peoples around the world need to rise up against Every Form of Tyranny…said from my metaphorical basement in Michigan 🙁

Valerie Curren

She got back on to her own tweet to reply saying she did it! Yeah! She was a bit surprised though that she had to turn her trump shirt inside out, the same for her Trump mask but she managed both. 😁

Valerie Curren

Awesome overcoming & triumphing!!!


more teleprompter troubles? LOL
Obama tonight on Biden: “No one is better than you, Joe, but you’re better than nobody.” What in the world does that mean?
— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) October 21, 2020

Valerie Curren

No problem here. I should get credit for the nearly 30 years already.😉

Valerie Curren

Cha Ching! No Chinese pun intended…

Valerie Curren

I finally got the FBI to start investigating a laptop they have had for over 8 months.
And it turns out to be valid and incriminates #CrookedBiden the #BidenCrimeFamily.
So do we get an apology from Tweeter, Facebook, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN etc.
And when does the Censorship end
— Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) October 22, 2020


copied from OTcomment image


this too…LOLcomment image

Valerie Curren

She has moves like a Winnebago…
Honestly… is there no humiliation too great for these people?
Monkey see, monkey do?
Really, Camel-a?


She thinks she’s Beyonce.

Cuppa Covfefe

She’s beyond repair…



Cuppa Covfefe

If Oakland [there’s no THERE there] is her home, she should go back to walking MacArthur Blvd…

Valerie Curren

red light district?


Flashing red lights!

Valerie Curren

double (D’s!) entendre 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Both. San Pablo Avenue, too.
The whole city now is flashing red and blue lights. Used to be better, but that was a long, Long, LOOONG time ago. Almost all the industry of note has left Oakland, partially because of the insane anti-business environment there, even worse than the rest of Kalifornistan (and they have a payroll tax over and above state and federal! (or Feral…)).
Now, it’s even unsafe going to A’s games on BART (I’ve heard; haven’t been there in 30 years)… Sad…..

Valerie Curren

Everything the left infects turns into dust & despair!

Valerie Curren

oh & depravity!!!

Valerie Curren

It’s more likely that Q meant this guy, in drop no. 4933:comment image

Valerie Curren

OK, thanks 🙂

Valerie Curren

About to plant a Trump 2020 flag???


Verse of the Day for Thursday, October 22, 2020

“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
John 8:12 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


Thursday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Be My Voicecomment image


Good Morning Duchess!
making my nut roll today…been making dough, making the sweetened walnut filling…will share when i finish!
have a Blessed Day!


Morning, Pat! Oh, Yum!!! Sounds Absolutely Delicious!!!
Another rainy day here – catching up on indoor work – and work work – gonna be mowing to my heart’s content next week – LOL
God Bless Your Day, too – Hugs!!!


HUGS back to you!
old Hungarian recipe…it’s very good. it makes about a half dozen rolls which are long–so about a dozen (half) rolls–which freeze wonderfully. I usually make now and at Easter because they never last very long–and I do include them with cookie baskets during the holidays…
here’s what they look like:comment image


Oh, wow! There must be a family recipe somewhere – grandmothers and aunts made them often – they are a treat!
Thanks for the pic!!!


you’re welcome!
I am making a recipe book for my future daughter-in-law…where she can add her family’s recipes as well–but including our family’s recipes passed down from mother to daughter.
she loves to bake, like me!


Oh – what a wonderful gift – I am sure she will be thrilled – family bakers should compile recipes for ‘bakers-to-come’!
She is so blessed by your love, Pat!!!


you’re too kind!


Not just kind – TRUTHFUL!!!
It is one thing for God to give you a Gift – I think He wants us to ‘share’ and give ‘credit’ where credit it due, too! – 🙂


i love to hear “my Grandma taught me” or “my brother taught me” or “my mom showed me how to…”
its not only passing along a skill–but spending time with someone that’s important!


Very true – time is precious – and a gift of love!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Not holding my breath, but it would be nice if we could get the show on the road.

Deplorable Patriot

He knows folks, that is not an act or a call to arms, that is a PREDICTION.

Valerie Curren

More on voter intimidation & threats…


Well I just checked and I’m on, multiples. How did winred’s entire list of donors get published? This is literally everybody, thousands of pages of names.

Valerie Curren

That is insane!

Gail Combs

I looked at the list and it says it came from the FEC.

Valerie Curren

32 sec “E” in Tesla is 3 red lines…move along, nothing to see here…


Eh…I’m not sure that applies where Tesla is concerned.
They’ve had those stylized letters for their logo from the beginning.
It’s not like the three lines which make the ‘E’ are singled out and in the color red.


Yes, every letter is the same design.

Valerie Curren
Deplorable Patriot

Most “masseuses” are under 18..all that experience donntcha know. EYE ROLL.

Deplorable Patriot

One of the best massage therapists I’ve had was licensed that young, but it was the family business. And not masseuse in this sense, but an actual massage therapist.

Gail Combs

comment imagecomment image
Most 13 year olds DO NOT LOOK 18!

Valerie Curren
Deplorable Patriot

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 579ce8 No.11206292 📁
Oct 22 2020 01:39:13 (EST) NEW
Did Hussein contact Matt Murray in attempt to persuade not to publish?
Will Murray follow the truth or buckle to pressure?
DC civil war.
Watergate x1000.
DP comment: methinks Mr. Murray just flipped Hussein the bird.

Valerie Curren

I REALLY hope you are right about that! That’s hope & change even I can believe in 😉


SINate commitee on now (C-SPAN)…..
Going to Vote on ACB even without the DIMS


They did. 12-0. Will go into the history books as “Unaminously.” He is also sending 4 others out of Committee to be voted on the Senate Floor. Moves my McConnell start tomorrow – some little procedure stuff for a couple of days.


Now is the time to pray people of God for our country and our president.
Rest assured the forces of darkness, satanists/witches/warlocks are praying for the destruction of our nation and this president.
Let God arise and His enemies be scattered.
Father, we thank You that Your hand is upon our president mightily – We cover him with the precious shed blood of Jesus Christ, and decree and declare Zachariah 2;5 over him and his family.
Let the fire of Your glory surround them and that no witchcraft, no voodoo, no hex, no vex, no curse, no power, no principality, and no demon in hell shall prosper against them.
Father, we ask that You dispatch legions of Your warring angelic hosts to destroy every plot and plan of the enemy.
Father, let Your anointing rest strongly upon him at all times, and our nation is brought totally back to You.
Father, we praise You, we glorify You in the name above all names, Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and soon to return, Messiah. Amen.




Voted out of commitee!
Unanimous (12) Reps – ZERO Dims

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, well.
Elections have consequences.


Gee…where did I hear that before? Oh yes….boomerang, BARRY! Heh heh


4 more days!
Will she be sworn in immediately after vote? Then a nice ceremony later? We need her stat.


After the Dims STUNT today…….
I wish the SINate would bypass all “debate” and proceed straight to the Entire SINate vote to confirm…..
Like…… tomorrow!




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The doll….lolololol


IKR? I could totally see myself doing that to one of my kids…LOL

Valerie Curren

Pro-Choice aka pro-Abortion voter guide…use for Opposite Day only!
could be useful in identifying “sleeper agents”, peeking behind the curtain, & reading backwards through the Looking Glass!

Valerie Curren

Very likely more enemy playbook material here…
All this leftist drivvle showed up under a Franklin Graham tweet, which is telling in itself!!!
Leo Terrell follows this guy so hmmm…
I presume they want as many early votes as possible to know how many fraudulent ones are needed to try to beat Trump…
pretty skewed here…
wow the leftie hate-mongers & the clueless sheeple of faith are out w/ pitchforks against Franklin Graham & Trump…very disheartening…& enlightening about twitter’s deceptions…


consensus is Roberts sided with “state law” because it didn’t matter anyway–Alabama is going for President Trump…
The Supreme Court on Wednesday evening reinstated a ban on curbside voting in Alabama, reversing a court-ordered accommodation designed to protect disabled voters from exposure to the coronavirus.
The ruling, which halts the lower court order, appeared to break along ideological lines, with the court’s three more liberal justices dissenting. Justice Sonia Sotomayor, whose dissent was joined by Justices Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagan, said that as a result of the Wednesday ruling, “if those vulnerable voters wish to vote in person, they must wait inside, for as long as it takes, in a crowd of fellow voters whom Alabama does not require to wear face coverings.”
The dispute stems from a challenge to Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill’s (R) position that curbside voting in the state is prohibited. Merrill has argued that casting ballots outside a polling place creates opportunities for fraud.


I will soon be giving a first in television history full, unedited preview of the vicious attempted “takeout” interview of me by Lesley Stahl of @60Minutes. Watch her constant interruptions & anger. Compare my full, flowing and “magnificently brilliant” answers to their “Q’s”.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 22, 2020


Larry Schweikart
Back to the great Florida Bloodbath:
In Person Early Voting as of 8:48 EST Rs have increased their total IPEVs to 493,456 and now lead by
This increases the target # Ds have to hit by election day to 745,299 before being swamped (no pun intended, FL).


🤔❔comment image
An Anon posted this over at Qresearch.
Could this be what Q was referring to in no. 4933:
“Did Hussein contact Matt Murray in attempt to persuade not to publish?” ~ Q
Matt Murray is editor in chief at the WSJ.


turn around…Senate Judiciary will subpoena Facebook and Twitter…
24 hrs ago I was informed the Judiciary Committee would NOT vote on subpoenas and that multiple R’s didn’t want to vote yes. Today, unanimous. I applaud @LindseyGrahamSC for standing strong
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) October 22, 2020

Deplorable Patriot

Anyone still under DS control is going to try to slow roll. That’s just the way it is.


Is there a date for FB and TW to testify. Last week they were talking about tomorrow, Friday.
Sadly, I expect the can is kicked beyond 3 November. Rs are like that.
Hope I am wrong.


haven’t seen one yet…will continue to look tho


Why is Stephanie Winston Wolkoff copied on the second e-mail? Isn’t she Melania’s duplicitous former aide — the one with the recordings? The plot thickens.
— Mary Cannon (@patience_potts) October 22, 2020


ABOUT SOCIAL MEDIA CENSORSHIP – Daughn goes Digging – with help of Alison and Jamcooker – on how the Atlantic Council acts as the moderator of social media – deciding what is ‘good’ and what is ‘bad’!


The same Atlantic Council where Fiona Hill, the Steele sub-source, and all the other coupe and Scampeachment ASSHOES work…..


Indo-Pacific News
The #Indian Government writes stern letter to #Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey giving disapproval over misrepresentation of the map of #India after editor-in-chief @nitingokhale reported on Twitter geolocating different places in Leh province as being in #China.


Indo-Pacific News
#India, #US set for military pact on satellite data during Pompeo visit
The agreement with the US will give it access to satellite data for better accuracy of missiles & drones, as India tries to narrow the gap with the #Chinese military.


That’s an amazing video!


TWO VERY IMPORTANT REASONS – to vote for Donald J Trump!!!
They are sick and evil – very sick – very evil.


They are so evil, GA/FL…it’s like there should be a new word for their depraved malevolence.


Inhumane, truculent, cannibalic, barbaric, fiendish, solecism, philistine, unholy, uncivilized…. and that’s just my little purse sized Thesaurus.

Cuppa Covfefe

Debased, unrepentant, unredeemed, CONDEMNED…
Revelation 9:20

20 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:
21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.


Were their hearts so hard or their eyes so blinded by sin? Millstones?
It’s so sad.


Melinda Gates: ‘Life will change forever… we will build back in a better way’
The co-chair of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation spoke about innovation, livelihoods, and how coronavirus disease will change the world


thanks for bringing this forward duchess.


Most welcome, piper!


☝️👆 THIS ☝️👆
He’s right! I am glad to see someone saying this.

Concerned Virginian


Concerned Virginian

Per 710WOR, New York 11AM Eastern news report:
Well, it seems that JOE BIDEN went to “60 Minutes” and FINALLY gave his answer about whether or not he would pack the Supreme Court.
Biden said that if elected, he would:
Create a “bi-partisan commission of Constitutional law experts” who would meet and “give him a report in 180 days about JUDICIAL REFORM, since the SYSTEM IS OUT OF WHACK.” (emphases mine)
In other words, YES, Joe Biden WILL pack the Supreme Court with LIBERAL Justices.
But there’s more to his statement:
What does that mean, in “Biden-speak”?
That means only ONE thing:
Joe Biden will UPEND and RE-CONSITTUTE the judicial system of the United States FROM TOP TO BOTTOM to make sure that the entire system is dominated by DEMCOM judges to AND cement a TWO-TIER “justice” system.


Trump Resistance Plans ‘Mass Mobilization’ After Election To Shut Down The Country If Biden Doesn’t Win


I guess they don’t realize that we are just being patient with them until after the election.comment image




No worries – POTUS will be free to move against the forces of darkness.


President Trump will release the complete 60 minutes unedited interview.


Here it is…..


Thanks, Butterfly!
Leslie Stahl is so hostile…I want to slap her!

Deplorable Patriot

I like the way he handles her, though.


Yes! He doesn’t put up with her B-S.


I thought she sounded pathetic.. a whinny little brat trying to wear her grandmother’s underpants. His comments about her discrediting herself without any help from him are gold.

Gail Combs

I watched 6 minutes and I could SEE the traps.
Will you at least SAY the Covid Cases are up? And she gets President Trump to say the cases are up. Now all they have to do is CUT where he says it is because of the increase in testing (and the ISEU health care and janitors infecting people in nursing homes)


very frustrating.
PT should say “you say ‘but cases are up’ as if that is the only metric to measure things by. But by itself it leaves out very important CONTEXT, especially when measured against other metrics. Like testing rates. Here’s more context…..”
Stunning PT misses this opportunity by not mentioning/using the word “context”.


It’s all about editing for the sound bites that serve their agenda.


TRUMP /”Good Luck Joe’s Media!” POPCORN. #MAGA 10.22.2020


Kamala Harris was identified as a friendly target of the Bidens’ Chinese influence operation.
Harris, prominent Democrats listed as ‘key contacts’ for Biden family business venture projects
— Arthur Schwartz (@ArthurSchwartz) October 22, 2020

Gail Combs

Here is the letter:
1.New York
Gov Cuomo
Howard Zemsky NY Dept of Economic Development
Senior Senator Chuck Schimer (d)
Junior Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D) who served as special counsel to Andrew Cuomo when he was Secretary of HUD.
2. NYC
Mayor Bill de Blasio
Maria Torres-Springer, President of New York City Economic Development Corporation
Governor Terry McAuliffe
Todd Haymore, Secretary of Commerce and Trade.
Governor Mark Dayton (D)
Senior Senator Al Franken (D)
Junior Senator Amy Klobuchar (D)
Governor Rick Scott (R) (personal friend of my friend Billy Rubin and close to my friend Ken Jenne, former Sheriff of Broward County, FL).
Governor Jerry Brown (long time friend from his first term as governor).
Senior Senator Dianne Feinstein (D) J
unior Senator Kamala Harris (D)
Mayor of San Francisco Gavin Newsome (Hunter’s friend)
Mayor of Los Angelos Eric Garcetti
Mayor of San Diego Kevin Faulconer
Remember ?Pompeo? WARNED the governors they KNEW who the CCP considered ‘friends’


comment image


perfectly said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deplorable Patriot

And direct help to the people isn’t in the bill.
They really are evil – and I try not to use that word in relation to my fellow humans.


Nothing wrong with the truth.
There is much evil being levied on America.
It is all around us. IMO.


Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
As Judiciary Cmte is about to vote to send Barrett nomination to flr, from USCP: The USCP is responding to demonstration activity at the Northwest Door of the Dirksen Senate Office Building. All other personnel are directed to avoid the area until further notice.
Judiciary Cmte now mtg on Barrett nomination. Dems not present. Graham says that’s “their choice” and it’s his “choice” to vote her nomination out of cmte earlier today
Once the Judiciary Cmte votes to send Barrett nomination to the flr, McConnell must wait until tomorrow to move “to executive session” to consider Barrett nomination
Judiciary Cmte must vote to send Barrett nomination to flr (technically, the “calendar”). Cmte sent Bork nomination to flr with an “unfavorable recommendation” in ‘87. Senate defeated his nomination. Cmte sent Thomas nomination to flr w/“no recommendation” in ‘91
Graham says Dems “started this” when referring to Senate essentially eliminating filibuster for Supreme Court nominees. Pts to Nuclear Option I in 2013 to lower the bar for exec branch nominees except Supreme Court nominees
At Judiciary Cmte mtg on Barrett, Graham stands up for Feinstein against attacks on her from liberal grps
With Dems not present, Graham says cmte will vote Barrett nomination out of cmte “unanimously”
Judiciary Cmte now voting to send Barrett nomination “favorably” to the flr
Judiciary Cmte votes to send Barrett nomination to the flr “unanimously” with a “favorable” recommendation”


Chad Pergram
From colleague Caroline McKee. Cruz on Dems not showing up for Barrett cmte vote: “The boycott today is frankly a stunt, to appease the left wing activist base that’s angry. They’re angry that the Dems are not able to stop this nomination”


Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Judiciary Committee approves subpoenas for Twitter’s Jack Dorsey and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg


Oct 22, 2020 11:38:28 AM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b161a4 No. 11211872
7m ago
8kun qresearch


The Library
#epstein #maxwell #childcrimes
Link to full release from this morning embedded in tweet:
Terrence Daniels (Captain 🍀 Planet)
Ghislaine Maxwell’s 418-page deposition about her sex life & the Epstein child sex trafficking ring connected to elite child molesters around the world.
Harold Wren


Oct 22, 2020 11:45:06 AM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b161a4 No. 11212046
“Key domestic contacts for phase one target projects.”
Harris, D-Calif.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.
Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo, D-N.Y
Mayor Bill de Blasio, D-N.Y.C
former Virginia Gov. Terry McCauliffe, among others.
Pandora’s ‘political elite’ box?
2m ago
8kun qresearch

Deplorable Patriot

I doubt this is what anyone was really expecting, but we’ll take it if the box gets opened.


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States@JackPosobiec
BREAKING: In an interview just taped for @OANN it is revealed Hunter’s laptop had 40-50 images of alleged child endangerment on it that appear to include a member of his family

Deplorable Patriot

Word is that the child is his niece.


There’s a deep sickness in that family.

Gail Combs

Or his daughter…


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States@JackPosobiec
Hunter was the bagman and Kamala was the key contact
Joe is the chairman

Brooke Singman@BrookeSingman
@SenKamalaHarris, prominent Democrats listed as ‘key contacts’ for Biden family business venture projects
Harris, prominent Democrats listed as ‘key contacts’ for Biden family business venture projects
EXCLUSIVE: A list of “key domestic contacts” for a joint venture involving Jim and Hunter Biden and now-bankrupt CEFC China Energy Co. included former Vice President Joe Biden’s current running mate…


Ahhh…maybe that’s why she was picked for the VP slot.


I think a huge factor at least…

Gail Combs

Looks like it.
The DATE: May 15, 2017
So the FIX was already in at that time. Amy Klobuchar was another female on the list with name recognition. She’s an honorary member of the Minnesota Jewish community and she is NOT BLACK, so forget her.
Kirsten Gillibrand was another possible but she is not only WHITE she is BLOND…. OH THE HORROR!
DiFi and Nasty the Pig are TOO OLD.


well, that’s not very fair to Miller…we know all of that, Lou does too…as do most Rally goers.
that’s not all Miller said…He’s a great cheerleader for Trump, and always keeps the contrasts between Biden and Trump in his reddi-reference brain…he does not miss a cue.
He’s so bright and articulate; I think it’s a joy to listen to him.
Thanks for the post, duchess…There’s so much going on right now it’s easy to overlook the standbys.


Most welcome, piper – Refreshing – Yes!!!


Anybody pick up NEW Q DROPS – 10/22/2020?

Deplorable Patriot



Rayzor posted them upthread.


Thanks – appreciate knowing where I can find them – * smacks self upside head * – did I really think anyone would miss anything important – Uh, Nope!!!


Oct 22, 2020 12:11:25 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 1edd91 No. 11212531
2m ago
8kun qresearch


From the Drop:….. (Slow loading) remove the splat




Putting in a request to screenshot stuff like this then upload the .jpg here in the future.
Many thanks for any future help in this regard.


I don’t know how to upload a .jpg here….. and I thought Wolf wanted us to post url’s to not fill up the images here?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

His main concern with regard to images is to not load too many in this site’s media folder. (The banner images have to go there, which is why I just use the same two eagle pictures over and over.)
He wants twitter URLs –completely different from jpegs–where feasible for other reasons.


Wow! 👁️👁️
That PDF is amazing!


Anyone up for a short summary?


DL it just a minute ago, and just looking at the chart of people connections is good. Would say eye opening, but not for us.
I am unable to find anything about Typhoon Investigations or Project Time however.


It might be a firm not located in the U.S., possibly Canada or France?
Raison d’être: Typhoon Investigations is an activist research firm protecting companies from foreign influence and threats.
© Droits d’auteur 2020 Typhoon Investigations. Tous droits réservés.


I cant get that to load ..


It’s very slow.


Daughn NEEDS to look at this!


it’s on qresearch board




It’s all about financial entanglements. I know just enough to see that, but I don’t know about all the legal ramifications or which financial relationships are illegal. This is the kind of thing that will ultimately nail their hides to the wall.


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Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 Retweeted
Richard Grenell@RichardGrenell
Those 18 year old Americans who stormed Omaha Beach say you are wrong – and this statement is offensive.
Quote Tweet
Joe Biden@JoeBiden
· 14h
America was an idea. We’ve never lived up to it but we’ve never walked away from it before.


Gee, I see a PATTERN, Joe says Antifa is an idea too. Joe needs new speech and ad writers. Hey Joe, if America was never great (Hi Barack, your slip is showing) they WHY do caravans of migrants trek thousands of miles risking EVERYTHING just to get to America the BADS PLACE. Hell PSST , Joe, you have been in Govt 47 YEARS.. That is fully 1/5 of the ” IDEA” of America was “bad” How come in ALL THAT TIME, you NEVER CHANGED IT, or really EVEN CONTRIBUTED to it, just you and your families POCKETS.
Where did YOU serve in the Military Joe. Oh right, you didn’t Good damn thing my father is deceased. he MIGHT just fly to Delaware and punch you in that BIG NOSE. My father was AT Omaha beech, he climed up to Point du hoc. He fought, bled, nearly died multiple times, and watched most of his buddies DIE for your “idea”
FUCK YOU JOE. I hope Trump makes you spend the rest of your WORTHLESS, lying, SICK, and corrupt life in GITMO. Surrounded by all the Men and women YOU just disrespected.


Hey, Prog, I don’t post much, but lurk daily. I couldn’t help but respond to your comment about your father landing on Omaha beach and climbing Point du Hoc. First off, my respects to your father. To be blunt, he must have been a bad ass!
I have toured Omaha beach with my wife a few years ago. I stood in the bunkers on Point du Hoc. It’s crazy that our soldiers stormed that open beach and climbed that cliff while under tremendous fire. Just boggles my mind. Their courage and refusal to stop simply defies all belief.
I urge all Americans to visit the D-Day landing sites at least once in their life. Besides the north of France being a beautiful place (and they fly lots of American flags there, too!), the beaches, cemeteries, and historical markers details the events surrounding D-Day are memories that will never be forgotten.
My wife and I cannot wait to return for another visit in the near future.
Again, respects to your father.


TY Chimpy. Yes he was the best man I ever knew. He saw all the bad stuff in WW2 from Facing Rommel in N Africa to the invasion of Italy at Anzio. He did not talk too much about his service unless he was in the company of other Rangers. Yes, he was 101st Airborne. Then he served under Patton as a tanker. His CB handle was groundpounder, look it up.


Bravo PRex…

Scott Adams Show Right pointing backhand index6%x200K=12K@scottadamsshow
Patriot Janice Lawrence passed away from cancer after taking this photo of her holding a sign and a smile stating “I Voted” having cast her vote for @realDonaldTrump. Let’s all vote for Janice, and re-elect our great American President Trump.
Column: Two days before her death, a Hobart grandmother cast a ballot in person as her final civic…
Two days before her death, one day before hospice care, Janice Lawrence insisted to her family that she needed to vote. In person. A mail-in ballot wouldn’t do for the 82-year-old Hobart grandmother.


She bees one of the individuals in the coming RICO case… one of Hunter’s contacts

Gail Combs

“….who does she think she is?” Someone who is as compromised as a BIDEN family business venture projects (with CHINA) contact!
Here is the LIST of prominent Democrats listed as ‘key contacts’ for a joint venture involving Jim and Hunter Biden and now-bankrupt CEFC China Energy Co.

From: Jim Biden
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2017 12:56 PM
To: James Gilliar
Cc: Tony Bobulinski, Hunter, Rob Walker
Subject: Phase one domestic contacts/projects

Names gleaned from the list:
Gov Cuomo
Howard Zemsky NY Dept of Economic Development
SeniorNY Senator Chuck Schimer (d)
Junior Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D) who served as special counsel to Andrew Cuomo when he was Secretary of HUD.
Mayor Bill de Blasio
Maria Torres-Springer, President of New York City Economic Development Corporation
Governor Terry McAuliffe
Todd Haymore, Secretary of Commerce and Trade.
Governor Mark Dayton (D)
Senior Senator Al Franken (D)
Junior Senator Amy Klobuchar (D)
Governor Rick Scott (R) (personal friend of my friend Billy Rubin and close to my friend Ken Jenne, former Sheriff of Broward County, FL).
Governor Jerry Brown (long time friend from his first term as governor).
Senior Senator Dianne Feinstein (D) J
unior Senator Kamala Harris (D)
Mayor of San Francisco Gavin Newsome (Hunter’s friend)
Mayor of Los Angelos Eric Garcetti
Mayor of San Diego Kevin Faulconer

Gail Combs
Concerned Virginian

Maxwell is doing the HILLARY CLINTON GAME —
“I don’t recall”
“I don’t understand the question”
“How would I know?”
“I won’t comment”
“How do you know that GM is me?”
And with every evasion, denial, deflection, and lie, Maxwell is hoping to escape being a name on the ClintonMachine Target List.


On Page 8 of the deposition, the lawyer asks, “When did you first recruit a female to work for Mr. Epstein?”
On Page 9, Maxwell says she doesn’t understand and asks him to clarify what he means by “female” and by “recruit.”
Can you be put in prison for playing dumb?


AH the Bill Clinton defense, semantics. “Depends on what your definition of the word IS is.”

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 Retweeted
Darren J. Beattie 🌐@DarrenJBeattie
Disgraced Brandy Zadrozny makes a living ruining the lives of anonymous Trump supporters.
Not a journalist, a Stasi agent—-whose projects funded in part by our own government.
She’s writing a smear piece about the presidents favorite site
Quote Tweet
The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸@ColumbiaBugle
· 15h
Very Disturbing Story
Tucker Carlson & @DarrenJBeattie Expose NBC Reporter Whose Job It Is To Harass & Intimidate Trump Supporters
Darren: “She will do everything she can to unearth anonymous Trump supporters, basically so she can ruin their lives.”
Show this thread

Gail Combs

Here is the Revolver article:

…Specifically, Zadrozny wrote a guide on how to unethically dox anonymous people online. Zadrozny appears to use paid, dark-data search engines to dox the personal information of anonymous Trump supporters online — obtaining property records, phone information, and even their Amazon wish lists…

“….property records…” Do you now find the bank has foreclosed on your property and closed your bank accounts???

“Look at the bias, hatred and rudeness on behalf of 60 Minutes and CBS.”


Make this stuff go viral !!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need to overwhelm the Social Media platforms… break ’em !!!!!!!!!!
Big Tech shot itself in the foot, and it didn’t stop the signal…


Anons are prepping for a fight… urging us to send out memes… we need to stay on the keyboards 24/7


Donald Trump Jr.@DonaldJTrumpJr
Please explain to me what part of the Russia hoax that the media ran with for four years was verified? Give me a break these people are clowns.
Quote Tweet
Shem Horne@Shem_Infinite
· 41m
President Trump on Joe Bidens corrupt foreign business dealings with his son: “I think it’s one of the biggest scandals I’ve ever seen, and you don’t cover it.”
Leslie Stahl: “Because it can’t be verified.”
Fact check: It has been verified


See what’s happening here? You are so damn busy PROTECTING the FBI, you don’t mind destroying the Presidency of the US by NOT ARRESTING THOSE WHO ATTEMPTED A COUP ON A SITTING PRESIDENT?


Byron York@ByronYork
In ’60 Minutes’ interview, Trump says the Obama administration ‘spied on my campaign.’ Leslie Stahl tells him, ‘There’s no real evidence of that.’ 1/3

12:36 PM · Oct 22, 2020·Hootsuite Inc.
Byron York@ByronYork
Replying to@ByronYork
Trump says no, they spied on my campaign. Stahl says, ‘This is ’60 Minutes, and we can’t put on things that we can’t verify.’ Trump says ‘They spied on my campaign and they got caught.’ Stahl says, ‘No.’ 2/3
Byron York@ByronYork
What Stahl does not mention: Carter Page, George Papadoupoulos, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, ‘Azra Turk,’ Stefan Halper, the 8/30/2016 FBI briefing, the 1/6/17 ICA briefing, and more. Taken all together, by any reasonable definition, that’s spying. 3/3 End.

Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates Retweeted
Anders Hagstrom@Hagstrom_Anders
This exchange between Trump and Lesley Stahl is insane. She repeatedly insists the Biden laptops “can’t be verified” so reporters shouldn’t talk about it.
Trump asks her why it can’t be verified.
Her answer: “Because it can’t be verified.”


She sounds like Pelosi….that interview certainly didn’t help her reputation. Time to retire, Lesley…you looked like a fool.


I agree Tea…


Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates Retweeted
Glenn Greenwald@ggreenwald
Yet another example of the media explicitly saying they don’t think the Hunter emails should be discussed let alone reported — a corrupt abdication of their role.
Of course it can be – and has been – verified: by others in the email chains, by the hard drive, by *asking Biden*.
Quote Tweet


Comments to these tweets are interesting
Elizabeth Harrington@LizRNC
“You’re like Big Tech, you’re protecting him.
“You think it’s OK for the mayor of Moscow’s wife to give his family $3.5 million?
“Do you think it’s OK for Hunter Biden to say we’re going to give the ‘Big Guy’ 10%?”
Elizabeth Harrington@LizRNC
Replying to @LizRNC
Journalism is dead.
The FISA warrants were ILLEGAL.
And Leslie Stahl is full “doesn’t look like anything to me.”


Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates Retweeted
Mark Hemingway@Heminator
Stahl says Trump’s accusation Biden’s brother profiteered off building in Iraq when Biden was VP is “not verified.”
It’s not in the laptop like Trump said, but it’s public info! She should know this. It would be nice if journos vetted Biden *at all.*
$1.5B contract in Iraq for Biden’s little brother exposes Obama ahead of debate
Mitt Romney has criticized President Obama for giving green energy subsidies to campaign donors, but a new report out ahead of the debate tonight shows that this White House’s crony capitalism has a…


Arthur Schwartz@ArthurSchwartz
Police cars revolving lightPolice cars revolving lightPolice cars revolving light
On Fox News @johnrobertsFox reports that text messages between Tony Bobulinski & Jim Biden reference a meeting that Bobulinski had with Joe Biden at the Beverly Hilton hotel. Joe Biden has been lying through his teeth to the American people.


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Greg Price@greg_price11
The media has spent the last three and a half years treating every single anonymously sourced story under the sun as fact.
This is an on the record statement from Hunter’s business associate saying that the Bidens leveraged the family name to pursue deals with foreign companies.
Quote Tweet
John Roberts@johnrobertsFox
· 6h
Statement from fame Lt. Tony Bobulinski – a business associate of Hunter Biden – obtained by ⁦@FoxNews⁩

John Cardillo Retweeted
John Cardillo@johncardillo
@HomelandDems why did you delete this tweet?
Matt Whitlock@mattdizwhitlock
This is crazy from an official House Committee account.
This seems like a really bad idea when we’re talking about election security intel.


call a WAAAAAAAAAmbulance…
CBS News said that the White House broke an agreement by posting footage of an interview that President Donald Trump had with correspondent Lesley Stahl
— Deadline Hollywood (@DEADLINE) October 22, 2020


Writing? Contract? NOPE. how many times has CBS LIED and broke “agreements”

Gail Combs

Prog, POTUS reads CONTRACTS for fun.
Any ‘contract’ (If there was one) would NOT have anything about the President of the USA NOT using raw footage to defend himself from slander/libel.

I really doubt there was a contract. I think POTUS dangled an interview in front of them and they GRABBED for it FAST because of the third Debate and the Biden scandal.


BREAKING: Kamala Harrris, Schumer now caught up in Biden scandal.
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) October 22, 2020


there WILL be MORE. did you see thge latest Q drop. DEVESTATING.

Gail Combs

This is the list of contacts for the China-Biden Energy ‘investmemt’ firm

From: Jim Biden
Sent: Monday, May 15, 2017 12:56 PM
To: James Gilliar
Cc: Tony Bobulinski, Hunter, Rob Walker
Subject: Phase one domestic contacts/projects

Names gleaned from the list:
Gov Cuomo
Howard Zemsky NY Dept of Economic Development
SeniorNY Senator Chuck Schimer (d)
Junior Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D)
who served as special counsel to Andrew Cuomo when he was Secretary of HUD.
Mayor Bill de Blasio
Maria Torres-Springer, President of New York City Economic Development Corporation
Governor Terry McAuliffe
Todd Haymore, Secretary of Commerce and Trade.
Governor Mark Dayton (D)
Senior Senator Al Franken (D)
Junior Senator Amy Klobuchar (D)

Governor Rick Scott (R) (personal friend of my friend Billy Rubin and close to my friend Ken Jenne, former Sheriff of Broward County, FL).
Governor Jerry Brown (long time friend from his first term as governor).
Senior Senator Dianne Feinstein (D)
Junior Senator Kamala Harris (D)

Mayor of San Francisco Gavin Newsome (Hunter’s friend)
Mayor of Los Angelos Eric Garcetti
Mayor of San Diego Kevin Faulconer


When i first read this, I thought it said Leslie Stahl DEFECATED herself..LOL

Gail Combs

And I thought this was Leslie…comment image


Boo! Bad Gail! 🙂


She probably DID.
It was just not reported…… yet


Well, it’s not like Stahl did any actual prep, like K-Mac does every day….


President Trump and First Lady are on their way to Nashville, Tennessee!


I can’t believe this debate is going to happen.


Me either.

Deplorable Patriot

Me three.

Gail Combs

It’s a QUARTET! 😋

Cuppa Covfefe

Brahms away…. (f minor) 🙂


text for Zoe:
This was *very smart* of Trump to post the unedited interview. It’s really interesting and the lack of mediation from partisan figures allows viewers to determine for themselves what they think. Also, Stahl comes off *very bad* in this unedited interview.
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Look at the bias, hatred and rudeness on behalf of 60 Minutes and CBS. Tonight’s anchor, Kristen Welker, is far worse! #MAGA

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Whatever you think of the media, you think way too highly of them.

That’s a really low bar, in my case.
I’m not in the least bit surprised that when cornered that bitch just did a blank-out and simply denied it was verifiable. There’s nothing else she CAN do. And that’s how they all will act as this unfolds.

Deplorable Patriot

Having been around media sorts, anywhere from producers to camera guys, it’s hit and miss. There are a couple photogs and camera guys I’ve met who were GREAT, and then there are the a$$holes who stand right in front of you for a shot.
One of the most interesting people I ever met was ABC’s “Breaking with an emergency” producer. He was really knowledgeable about the business. It’s funny, at the time, when we still had TWA, all the nets’ crisis teams lived here because anywhere you live, you’re 20 minutes from the airport, and in those days, you could go ANYWHERE in the world from here.
I miss those days.


I think she’s lying for $$$ and/or ideology.


As Iowahawk says, they are ‘narrative engineers’ and propagandists.


This is article dropped just hours ago, from Cue’s Drop 4935
Harris, prominent Democrats listed as ‘key contacts’ for Biden family business venture projects
Email is unrelated to the laptop or hard drive purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden
“… An email exclusively obtained by Fox News, with the subject line “Phase one domestic contacts/ projects” and dated May 15, 2017, Biden’s brother, Jim Biden, shared a list of “key domestic contacts for phase one target projects.”
“… The list, included Harris, D-Calif.; Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.; Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.; Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.; Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y.; New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo; New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio; former Virginia Gov. Terry McCauliffe, among others.


A copy of the email is linked to in the article.

Gail Combs

This is the PDF (remove splat)

Names gleaned from the list:
Gov Cuomo
Howard Zemsky NY Dept of Economic Development
SeniorNY Senator Chuck Schimer (d)
Junior Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D) who served as special counsel to Andrew Cuomo when he was Secretary of HUD.
Mayor Bill de Blasio
Maria Torres-Springer, President of New York City Economic Development Corporation
Governor Terry McAuliffe
Todd Haymore, Secretary of Commerce and Trade.
Governor Mark Dayton (D)
Senior Senator Al Franken (D)
Junior Senator Amy Klobuchar (D)
Governor Rick Scott (R) (personal friend of my friend Billy Rubin and close to my friend Ken Jenne, former Sheriff of Broward County, FL).
Governor Jerry Brown (long time friend from his first term as governor).
Senior Senator Dianne Feinstein (D) J
unior Senator Kamala Harris (D)
Mayor of San Francisco Gavin Newsome (Hunter’s friend)
Mayor of Los Angelos Eric Garcetti
Mayor of San Diego Kevin Faulconer


Thanks for breaking that down Gail… sleep deprived and overwhelmed with info I am…
Looking at your response, one can readily see these are OWNED by Chyna… they are doing what they are told regardless of the damage to America… TREASON


Pompeo warned about this awhile back.


Thanks for your input Pgroup… Oh my it’s a beautiful day!

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, the Dems all skipped out on the Barrett vote today…who did this????? I’m quite sure those are not video feeds.


I would think to put those rather pathetic posters in their seats would have to be approved by the Chair…obviously they didn’t seek his approval. Breaking Senate Rules needs to be addressed.

Deplorable Patriot

I was actually thinking that the Republicans did that.


Supposedly they were of people that would lose their Obama are insurance if Barrett becomes a Justice…so, I doubt the Republicans would promote that…could be wrong.


Arthur Schwartz@ArthurSchwartz
‘Political And Strategic Value Of The Biden Family’: Trove Of Documents Shows Biden Family Links To Chinese Business Deal
‘Political And Strategic Value Of The Biden Family’: Trove Of Documents Shows Biden Family Links To…
A former business partner of Hunter Biden’s has provided a trove of business records to Senate investigators about their deals with a Chinese energy company.


Oct 22, 2020 1:57:18 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 3a8bce No. 11214289comment image
Tonight, at the debate, when they push ‘death count’ vs. POTUS, remember this simple fact.
2m ago
8kun qresearch

Gail Combs

comment image


Oct 22, 2020 1:58:18 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 3a8bce No. 11214309
1m ago
8kun qresearch


A messaage to the 8Kun site? I don’t know what’s going on there.

Deplorable Patriot

It might be the “take down the porn photos” message.

Cuppa Covfefe

Looks like Hunter’s meth lab overheated again 😆


HeeHee… Hi Cuppa… hope you’re well…

Sean Davis Retweeted
Kayleigh McEnany
She repeatedly cited the Senate GOP Report on Biden corruption
: “Do you think it’s OK for the mayor of Moscow’s wife to give him millions?”
Lesley falsely says “no real evidence of that”
It’s in the VERY report she cites!
Sean Davis Retweeted
They mad they can’t do that thing where they slice and dice out their awful interviewer’s performance and splice and dice Trump’s responses to make him look bad.


You have a wonderful wiit FG&C… much needed as we move toward the 3rd, and beyond of course.

Deplorable Patriot

You gotta love it when they get their panties in a wad.

Gail Combs

CBS is VERY ANGRY because now the public can ACTUALLY SEE how the US Pravda makes propaganda look like truth.comment image


Right Gail… POTUS broke her, and CBS

Deplorable Patriot

And why bother tuning in to 60 Minutes to pad their advertising fees.


why are they mad? if they’re both releasing the SAME interview…LOL


He just stole their ratings and I love it!


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Gorgeous … thank you Butterfly.

Deplorable Patriot

Trolling, trolling, trolling
Red October right in front of a portrait of Abraham Lincoln.


Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Hunter Biden is fucked,
and his Daddy is, too.




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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

…except that Rather still bloviates and is treated by many as though he has credibility.
I remember laughing my ass off when I saw a picture of those documents. Clearly printed using modern software, rather than banged out on an Army surplus typewriter, as the National Guard would have done in the late 1960s.
Only the most retarded or dishonest person could fail to see that, if they saw the “original” documents.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

well, that would about limit it to people qualified to work for the Yellow Stream Media.


Just like Obunglers Birth Certificate(s)……
Fake, Phony and False!


Here’s the WHOLE-and-UNCUT 60 Minutes interview of President Trump by Fake Journalist Leslie Stahl:


The numbers keep getting worse and worse and worse for the space alien Mark Warner. Once thought untouchable, he’s now on the verge of losing to @gadeforvirginia.
— The Virginia Project (@ProjectVirginia) October 22, 2020
“The surge in donations is because Virginians are backing our grassroots campaign and see this is a competitive race,” Gade said. “Money’s coming in, polls are tightening and we are going to win in November.”
Read more👇🏻
— Daniel Gade (@gadeforvirginia) October 22, 2020


Gade is a great candidate, will make a great senator …

Deplorable Patriot

Just hope that whoever is counting the votes doesn’t put his or her fist on the scale.


Joe Biden is just an idea, a really shitty idea that hasn’t worked for 47 years.
— Rosie memos (@almostjingo) October 22, 2020

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Believe me, if I could make him go away by stopping thinking about him, I would.


hey there Steve!
how’s Darwin?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Can’t figure out what’s up with him now. He might be brumating (hibernation lite).


hope he’s okay!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep. Trying to talk to a vet about it is a nightmare. One of them finally called me at 7PM but I had left the phone behind, figuring they were closed, so I missed the call and couldn’t ask the damn question!


keep me posted please!
I care about you guys!!


JUST IN: Four-judge appellate panel upholds decision dismissing NY indictment of Manafort on state charges. DA Vance office says considering options. Doc: Earlier:
— Josh Gerstein (@joshgerstein) October 22, 2020


7 people (staff members maybe? giggle) show up to Harris’s rally in NC

Gail Combs

THAT is really bad. They have been electing a socialist from Denmark as mayor for years. She is one of the ‘Climate Mayors’


with this kind of turnout, who in their right mind would believe biden is up in the polls?


Also I see how few Biden signs are out and about


Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates Retweeted
Spay & Neuter the Media@k_ovfefe2
Wow, here’s the Pence segment of the 60 minutes interview – Leslie Stahl is even worse with him! The last few minutes are nuts. Pence handled her like a champ, but this woman is unhinged and has no business doing this job, she is a total hack
Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates @drawandstrike
Holy crap Stahl was even worse with Pence.
Our VP is a saint, because I doubt I could’ve handled that screeching harpy as well as he did.

Gail Combs

WHY would she expect the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES, after enduring over an hour of insults and repeated lies, to continue wasting his time?


Sociopath… no empathy.


Thankfully we have the President Trump Stahl interview unedited.
60 will do a hack job before they air it.


Slow Joe is too stoopid to be embarrassed over what he has said, believes and lives.


WWOW… it’s on Zerohedge’s front page !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kamala Harris, Schumer, Cuomo And Feinstein Listed As ‘Key Contacts’ For Biden-China Joint Venture
“The Chinese were not really focused on a healthy financial ROI. They were looking at this as a political or influence investment.”


Zerohedge’s front page is lit with topics we are discussing here…


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Elizabeth Carter

Our vigilant media has their antennae up and their ears to the ground listening for their latest working orders from China.

Gail Combs

comment imagecomment imagecomment image


Matt Walsh@MattWalshBlog
Replying to @MattWalshBlog
“Hey Dad sorry you’ve been running for president for 50 years and I ruined it by dropping off a laptop filled with crimes at a computer repair shop and never picking it up anyway please pass the cranberry sauce”
1:25 PM · Oct 22, 2020·


the biden family is having cooked goose for Thanksgiving


You NEVER disappoint Ms Pat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Truth is that Hunter got tired of hearing/experiencing brother Beau being fawned over while he was no better than a drug mule.


hopefully some “new” ones…
Why was the Witch’s broom late?
It over-swept.
Why are spiders great web developers?
They like finding bugs.
Why do vampires always seem sick?
They’re always coffin.
What do you call two witches who live together?
What happens to a vampire in the snow?
Frost bite.
Where do ghosts like to go swimming?
Lake Erie.
How did the vampire marathon end?
Neck and neck.
What kind of boat does a vampire travel in?
A blood vessel.
What position does a ghost play in soccer?
Why do ghosts and demons get along so well?
Demons are a ghoul’s best friend.


isn’t she lovely??


Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Invoked, 66-31: Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #866 Michael Jay Newman to be U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of Ohio.
Senate Cloakroom @SenateCloakroom
NOW VOTING: Shall the decision of the Chair stand as the judgement of the Senate.
2:23 PM · Oct 22, 2020·
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
The decision of the Chair stands, 53-44: Shall the decision of the Chair stand as the judgement of the Senate.


Mitch is literally wiping the Senate floor with cryin’ Chuckie…


Leader McConnell @senatemajldr
This morning, the Judiciary Committee reported Judge Barrett’s nomination to the Senate floor. Their unanimous recommendation was that she be confirmed.
This nomination will receive an up-or-down vote on the Senate floor in the next several days.


Minnesota Senate Race Turns to Dead Heat; Democrat’s 11-Point Lead Drops 10 Points in a Month
— Mediaite (@Mediaite) October 22, 2020
HUGE! Minnesota Senate Race a Dead Heat with Republican Jason Lewis in Statistical Tie with Far Left BLM Enthusiast Tina Smith @LewisForMN via @gatewaypundit
— Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) October 22, 2020


Larry S says POTUS will carry Minnesota…
His coattails will probably carry Lewis into the Senate


hope so!!

Later, in an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, Whitlock had this to add:
“I think we have been carrying on a facade for three and a half years as black men that somehow we can’t relate to Donald Trump, that we didn’t celebrate him in hip-hop music for decades, that he wasn’t friends with countless black athletes, entertainers, celebrities,” Whitlock told Carlson.
“That facade is starting to end,” Whitlock added, “and I think that’s why you’ve seen the rapper Ice Cube, you’ve seen 50 Cent and Kanye [West] start reaching out and acknowledging the truth that they really don’t have a problem with Donald Trump.”


#Democrats #Trump #Censorship
Trump Launches NUCLEAR Option Over Social Media Censorship Of Conservatives, Targets Section 230


We need your expertise on interpreting this new EO from POTUS… when you have time… thanks
I think POTUS may be negating some things done by previous admin, that is Zero ?
Executive Order on Creating Schedule F In The Excepted Service
Issued on: October 21, 2020

Gail Combs

That is going to take a bit of reading and dragging other information in. (I am a Chemist not a lawyer BTW)
Let us start with POTUS naming of laws as well as the Constitution since it is very critical to the understanding of this E.O and where it is going.
Article II
Section 1
“The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America….. “
From Cornell Law School: U.S. Constitution Annotated: Article II. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT

Powers Derived From The “Take Care” Duty
The Constitution does not say that the President shall execute the laws, but that “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,” i.e., by others, who are commonly, but not always with strict accuracy, termed his subordinates.
What powers are implied from this duty?
In this connection, five categories of executive power should be distinguished:
first, there is that executive power which the Constitution confers directly upon the President by the opening clause of article II and, in more specific terms, by succeeding clauses of the same article;
secondly, there is the sum total of the powers which acts of Congress at any particular time confer upon the President;
thirdly, there is the sum total of discretionary powers which acts of Congress at any particular time confer upon heads of departments and other executive (“administrative”) agencies of the National Government;
fourthly, there is the power which stems from the duty to enforce the criminal statutes of the United States;
finally, there are so-called “ministerial duties” which admit of no discretion as to the occasion or the manner of their discharge. 
[Lots more on the duties and limits of the presidency]

What is important to understand is POTUS IS the executive with the duty to ENFORCE the laws of the USA and HIS Administration reports to HIM. Thus for example the DOJ is HIS and they carry out HIS duty to enforce the law. Their power derives DIRECTLY from the power of the President. The LEFT is forever trying to REMOVE THAT POWER and vest it in an UNACCOUNTABLE, UNFIREABLE bureaucracy.
To continue to the actual laws that have been passed:
5 U.S. Code § 3301. – Civil service; generally

The President may—
(1) prescribe such regulations for the admission of individuals into the civil service in the executive branch as will best promote the efficiency of that service;
(2) ascertain the fitness of applicants as to age, health, character, knowledge, and ability for the employment sought; and
(3) appoint and prescribe the duties of individuals to make inquiries for the purpose of this section.

So that law acknowledges point blank THEY ARE THE PRESIDENT’S EMPLOYEES.
5 U.S. Code § 3302.Competitive service; rules
The President may prescribe rules governing the competitive service. The rules shall provide, as nearly as conditions of good administration warrant, for—
(1) necessary exceptions of positions from the competitive service; and
(2) necessary exceptions from the provisions of sections 2951, 3304(a), 3321, 7202, and 7203 of this title.
Each officer and individual employed in an agency to which the rules apply shall aid in carrying out the rules.

5 U.S. Code § 7511.Definitions; application

(a)For the purpose of this subchapter—
(1)“employee” means—
(A)an individual in the competitive service—
in an Executive agency; or
in the United States Postal Service or Postal Regulatory Commission; and
(C)an individual in the excepted service (other than a preference eligible)—
[You need to read the rest of the definitions]

OK that is the foundation back to reading….


Thank you so much… you not only explain so succinctly, you give us grist for the mill to explain to others… I agree the SJW like to ignore that DoJ falls under Executive, and I am enlightened to learn that all employees belongs to POTUS. Will await your further edifications! Thanks so much

Gail Combs

OK, I just read/skimmed the rest of that E.O. and if it does what I think it is doing it is a MAJOR BOMB! (Thank you Mick Mulvaney former OMB)
Essentially it is directing the departments to look at the various jobs in terms of “positions of a confidential, policy-determining, policy-making, or policy-advocating character.” Since “Faithful execution of the law requires that the President have appropriate management oversight regarding this select cadre of professionals.” POTUS wants these IMPORTANT positions shuffled into the appropriate categories that would ALLOW FIRING! 😁
“Separating employees who cannot or will not meet required performance standards is important, and it is particularly important with regard to employees in confidential, policy-determining, policy-making, or policy-advocating positions. “
Separating is a polite term for FIRING THEIR LAZY ASSES!
“Pursuant to my authority under section 3302(1) of title 5, United States Code, I find that conditions of good administration make necessary an exception to the competitive hiring rules and examinations for career positions in the Federal service of a confidential, policy-determining, policy-making, or policy-advocating character. These conditions include the need to provide agency heads with additional flexibility to assess prospective appointees without the limitations imposed by competitive service selection procedures. Placing these positions in the excepted service will mitigate undue limitations on their selection.”

Affirmative action refers to a set of policies and practices within a government or organization favoring particular groups based on their gender, race, creed or nationality in areas in which they were excluded in the past such as education and employment.[1][2][3][4] Historically and internationally, support for affirmative action has sought to achieve goals such as bridging inequalities in employment and pay, increasing access to education, promoting diversity, and redressing apparent past wrongs, harms, or hindrances….
The term “affirmative action” was first used in the United States in “Executive Order No. 10925”,[13] signed by President John F. Kennedy on 6 March 1961… — WIKI

The crap regs will continue to apply to office drones but just got stripped in regard to important positions.
I do not know what this does to the Senior Executive Service, but with luck it means their treasonous asses get KICKED OUT THE DOOR!


Thank you so much… I thought it was a BOMB… and didn’t know if it would impact SES… but I am so grateful for your analysis.

Gail Combs

I do not know either but the words “career positions in the Federal service of a confidential, policy-determining, policy-making, or policy-advocating character” sure sound like the SES!
What is even better is he waited for three years while they felt free to undermine and subvert so there is now PLENTY OF AMMO to fire them!
We will know how ‘bad’ it is when the Federal Employee Unions start screeching!
As far as I am concerned if you are in management you should be EXEMPT and be an At Will employee like the rest of us.


Thank you for going through this, Gail, and simplifying it. My eyes roll back in my head when I have to read all that legalese and try to figure it out.


Agree with you Gail… big changes are comin… hope we can get rid of some weaponized dead wood and shrink the total number by a large measure. Again, thank you for the time you take to flesh out so much for us.


SES is in the excepted class, as far as I can tell. I bet that the first one who gets canned tries to make a court case out of it and loses. That will be the end of SES as an elite immune class.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I’m betting that what this may mean is that SES employees who provide “continuity of technical expertise” can’t be POLICY-SETTING people. That would be one way to fulfill both the original SES purpose (continuity of technical expertise) but pull them OUT of policy-making which belongs to the new administration. This will make things MORE FAIR between Dems and Republicans, and make the deep state much SHALLOWER.


President Donald J. Trump Announces Judicial Nominees
Issued on: October 21, 2020
Thomas L. Kirsch II, of Indiana, to serve as Circuit Judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit
Thomas Kirsch is the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Indiana, where he serves as the chief Federal law enforcement officer for the District. (more at link)
Joseph L. Barloon, of Maryland, to serve as Judge on the United States Court of International Trade
Joe Barloon currently serves as General Counsel of the Office of the United States Trade Representative and Acting Deputy United States Trade Representative (more at link)

Gail Combs



According to anons on qresearch board last night… both Wray and Haspel are being removed very soon… (there is NOTHING white about either of their hats…)
will have to go back to board to get replacements (ol’ brain forgot)


Q has affirmed both are going… the anons are speculating on replacements
Replacing Gina Haspel:
Vaughn Frederick Bishop is an American intelligence officer currently serving as the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) since his appointment in August 2018 by President Donald Trump. (POTUS brought him out of retirement in 2018)
David Bowdich, currently serving as Deputy Director of FBI will replace Wray. Bowdich fired Strzok in 2018.

Deplorable Patriot

If both are truly black hats, they were watching for rat lines and cells to be exposed. They wouldn’t have been left in place for any other reason than getting the vermin to fall into traps.


Right… I believe Bishop has been telegraphng her movements since he came aboard.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m personally still uncertain about both. They may both have “gone in as enigmas, to be removed as enigmas”.
I do feel that they could have nuked “the coup” much earlier, but maybe I’m wrong there. In that case, a strategic lack of action would mean they’re being “relieved of duty” honorably for secret work.
I trust Trump. That’s it. Whatever HE does, with more information than I have, is certainly right.
And this may have something to do with Durham wrapping up.
Glad to see that they’re getting rid of ChiCom-inspired training programs like CRT and “diversity training”. THAT needed to be done.
And I will say one thing – how agents can kneel to the “pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon” crowd – something very wrong there. Trump is definitely removing a THREAT, IMO.


Memorandum from the President on Pensions of Delphi Corporation Retirees and Other Retirees Covered by Vulnerable Pension Plans
ECONOMY & JOBS Issued on: October 22, 2020


UPDATE: Tweet from the Boss
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Just signed an order to support the workers of Delphi Corporation and make sure that we protect the pensions of all American workers! Obama-Biden FAILED American workers and FAILED the workers of Delphi. I ALWAYS put American workers FIRST!

Deplorable Patriot
Deplorable Patriot

yeah looking less likely the debate will be held…lol

Elizabeth Carter

That is right up there with bringing Bill Clinton’s women to the debate with Hillary!! LOL


This should be like Pentangelo’s brother at the Senate hearing in Godfather II.

Deplorable Patriot

I read that Pietroangelo…he’s a hockey defenseman. Was the Blues captain and just signed with Vegas. His agent has a lot to answer for.


The Navy guy Tony that corroborates Biden emails is attending debate tonight. Will Sleepy recognize him?


Dang… Mitch mopped the floor with cryin’ chuckie, got Barrett out of Committee and managed to CONFIRM another judge
Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Confirmed, 67-30: Executive Calendar #866 Michael Jay Newman to be U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of Ohio.


Leader McConnell@senatemajldr
With no good arguments to stop Judge Barrett, Democrats have resorted to blatant falsehoods. Inventing fake Lincoln quotes. Lying about this moving faster than many past confirmations.
Facts, not falsehoods, are going to carry the day in the Senate.
Democrats Repeating Basic Falsehoods to Justify Court-Packing Threats
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding Judge Amy Coney Barrett:


Please remove the 2nd y-tube… I was trying to give Zoe a link, and I forgot to place a splat… BOTh times.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Authors can’t edit comments, not even their own. Maybe Wolf will step in.


Thanks Steve…

Deplorable Patriot

Uh…yeah, not quite accurate there, but I usually don’t correct any comments other than my own. And I haven’t done that in a while.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ve never been able to do that. Maybe you’re special.

Deplorable Patriot



You can’t edit from inside the Reader, but there is a way. Wish I could remember what it was.

Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates Retweeted
Tonight’s debate moderator melted down when I asked why the media refused to report on violence against Trump supporters.
She later complained to WH and tried getting me banned.
They asked what I did wrong.
“You’re not supposed to ask questions.”
WH laughed.
Quote Tweet
· Oct 24, 2018
White House reporters laughed when asked about violence against Trump supporters.


Undercover Huber@JohnWHuber
Best part about Trump releasing the full 60 mins interview is that CBS’s version will have to be labeled “manipulated” or “doctored” because theirs is edited
Sorry I don’t make the rules

Larry Schweikart Retweeted
Ivanka Trump@IvankaTrump
Yesterday @realDonaldTrump granted Duke Tanner clemency after 16 years in prison.
Duke was sentenced to life in prison for a 1st time, non-violent crime because of Joe Biden’s 1994 crime bill.
We pray that you will do much good with your second chance Duke!
God Bless!

Sadie Slays
Sadie Slays

comment image

“Related to business in Romania, China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Czech Republic, or any other countries…”


Senate investigators have demanded that Hunter Biden turn over a mountain of evidence following bombshell emails and text messages which appear to show he and his business partners engaging in an international influence-peddling scheme while his father was Vice President of the United States, according to CBS News’ Catherine Herridge – who brought receipts as usual.
Catherine Herridge @CBS_Herridge
NEW: Senate Investigators seek Hunter Biden records, according to October 21 letter, addressed to team of lawyers. Deadline October 23. “According to recent reports that published emails allegedly from your client’s laptop, the Committees have identified your client as an

Sadie Slays

This is information overload. Walking away from the internet and focusing on real life so I can watch the debate comfortably. Prayers for POTUS in that den of vipers.



Gail Combs

CRAP!!!! Cooper got in due to VOTER FRAUD!




Oct 22, 2020 6:01:25 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a8c21e No. 11220122
This is not going away.
Corruption at highest levels of gov.
DOJ_FBI_MSDNC ‘political elite’ protection struggles during BRIGHT SUNNY days.
2m ago
8kun qresearch


Turning something over to the FBI is a good idea?


I’d rather see them turned over to the Secret Service.


If Beijing Joe Biden’s the BIG GUY,
What does that make Obama …


Little Mike?


A Fag


First Ice Cube, then 50 Cents and now Waka Flocka Flame (whoever he is)


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States@JackPosobiec
· 8h
China ran a massive hidden influence campaign in San Francisco’s Chinatown starting in the 2000s
Who was DA of San Francisco from 2004-2011?
Kamala Harris


OK. What are we waiting for with Sullivan? Rule that he won’t recuse? Then rule that he won’t toss the case? Finally, November 4?
Hope Sydney can elevate to SC after Sullian won’t recuse.


Seems to me – that is her only course of action if Sullivan continues to evade – actually, she had to wait for a ‘full’ court, too – there are only two options for Sullivan – from what I understand – Dismiss with Prejudice – Dismiss without Prejudice – without leaves further litigation open – I think – he is stalling because Flynn holds all of the cards – and Sullivan and his handlers do not want him talking – feel so bad for Flynn and his family – enough is enough!!!


This reminds me of reports that Creepy Joe liked to swim in the nude around female secret service agents. That whole family is a bunch of pervs.

Deplorable Patriot



Anyone else see Tony Bobolinski just now reading his statement to the Press from the Marriott LIVE ON FOX???? He put it ALL out there!!! He has 3 phones, laptop, emails, all going to FBI. Next stop Ron Johnson’s committee. China gave $5 million to Hunter’s accounts instead of to the Sinohawk Company account. He was CEO and looking for that money in 2017 that never came, only to find out where it went in Johnson’s September 2020 report, to Hunter’s private piggy bank. Took No questions. It was fabulous!!! BOOOOMM!!

Deplorable Patriot

It’s October.


One of many 🙂


I saw it and reported it here.



Julian’s Rum 🥃 Retweeted
Donald Trump Jr.
Holy shit. Joe knew it all.
Quote Tweet
Team Trump (Text VOTE to 88022)
· 25m
Tony Bobulinski: In my hour long meeting with Joe Biden we discussed Biden family business dealings with the Chinese, with which he was plainly familiar


Sure hope this Tony has created a video statement with witnesses and that video statement has many back ups stashed for reference.
Good’ol Tony really needs some physical security in his life.
Guessing Rudy G has all the above covered.


I believe the President and his men have it covered Kal. America is going to see quite a contrast between POTUS’ handling of things and the Chyna-owned slime media (that’s who he’s up against really) and wimpy Joe…
Americans may not all be rocket scientists, but they can sure smell treason when it is presesnted.


Yes, of course they do.
Rough script was created months ago. Surely being refined as it plays out.
Continue to believe dementia Joe bails out.
Will be interesting to see who D-Rats draft.
hildabeast? Too funny by me. Pompeo can trot our all kinds of “deleted” emails to bury the bitch. The trot or Clinton Crime Family selling out America for money and classified information.


Oct 22, 2020 6:57:32 PM CDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4c8988 No. 11223312
Oct 22, 2020 6:49:44 PM CDT
Anonymous ID: 7756e6 No. 11223081comment image
Q, you magnificent bastard!
Only the beginning, Padawan.
They can no longer hide in the shadows [big tech, big media, [D] party being exposed for all to see].
1m ago
8kun qresearch

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just getting back online. Methinks there were booms today.

Deplorable Patriot

MOABs to be precise.
MEGA TON MOABs that the MSM is trying to not report.


Touthinks correctly 🙂


Hence the saying, “In for a penny, in for a pound.”
Insert “might as well be” after the comma.


Oohhh! He’s got a ball bat! Who’s got the balls?

Brave and Free

I think General Flynn is coming up to bat 🤗🤗🤗. I am betting he hits it out of the park.


Oh, I agree – getting ready to get into the fight?


Julian’s Rum Tumbler glass@JuliansRum
“A North Carolina man who was indicted last month on charges of child pornography also had plans to commit a mass shooting during the holidays and assassinate Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.”
MK Ultra false flag
Quote Tweet
The Hill@thehill
· 1h
North Carolina man arrested with van full of guns and explosives, had plans to assassinate Joe Biden
Julian’s Rum Tumbler glass@JuliansRum
I’d watch the news that day…
Quote Tweet
Nurse Anon@NurseAnon1
· 1h
Senate Demands Hunter Biden Turn Over ‘Bank Records, Wire Transfers, Account Balances And Travel Records’ By Friday | Zero Hedge


Big Mike is toxic. It cant be proud of our Country but it can be paid off, just like everyone on that email.
I saw Newsom on there. Didnt know he was hunters buddy. That’s why hunter is here.
I hope they rip apart the CA political hierarchy.


Agree. Wondering how Nanzi got left out of that list…


Right???? Lots of people. But, newsom is there and thats pretty close


If list was targets and she was already in the bag, then not on list.


thank you ! that makes sense…

Concerned Virginian

And in other news, per 710WOR, New York:
The drug REMDESIVIR has received Emergency Use approval by the FDA for use in the treatment of severely ill CCP Virus patients who are hospitalized.
The vaccine for the CCP Virus being developed by MODERNA has entered final human phase trials. Moderna may file for Emergency Use approval of the vaccine from the FDA as early as NEXT MONTH.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image
555 or 556 now

Deplorable Patriot

Biden’s Shelf Stocker@CharXRenee
Replying to @AdamBaldwin
Make no mistake. the media are not protecting Joe Biden, they are protecting the man at the very top who knew everything Joe Biden was up to #ObamaCanStillBeImpeached #PresidentialDebate2020 #TonyBobulinski


So….how did the debate turn out?
Was there a massive blood letting?
I couldn’t watch. Sensitive stomach, you know.


I did not watch either but red the commons from the brave QTreepers )


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States@JackPosobiec
White House source tells @OANN Trump walked off stage, looked at staff, said “let’s finish this” and walked off to the motorcade.


I hope all the balls are teed up and all they’ve got to do is hit ’em.



*Slams the tankard on the bar*


Well Son of a Bitch!… He got Fired!

Cuppa Covfefe

Fried 😆


Assist slow guy, please…
100% I believe Biden is the head of the Biden Crime Family. GUILTY!
I do believe this Bobolinski guy.
Honest question, because I am slow…obviously missing something.
So, here is what I understand. President Trump inaugurated 20 Jan 2017. Biden is no longer VP.
At the presser today, Bobolinski says all of this stuff took place Feb – May 2017.
Question. What influence was Biden providing as a private citizen Feb – May 2017? Residual deep state influence?
OR, did Bobolinski misspeak the year?
Here’s the article I got the 2017 from.


Kalbo…the RussiaRussia Hoax was going on.
So Biden was probably telling people like Bobolinski that “We’re getting rid of Trump.”


OK. And the ChiComs were potentially following that also.
Chicoms, Russia and Iran surely have been betting heavily the non stop RESIST would get rid of President Trump.


And….All the negotiations w/China had already been ongoing for MONTHS, started in 2016 while Creepy was still VP.


Yes. No doubt Biden crime Family has been going on for decades, including eight years with Dementia Beijing Biden as VP.
^^^ 100% ^^^
The 2017 thing stood out. IMO.
Wonder if we’ll hear more about this.


IF 2017 is accurate, thiis really has to be in the belief that deep state, which ncludes Biden, sold ChiComs that President Trump would be tossed from office.


They were so sure of their insurance policy. RUSHA RUSHA RUSHA
Also, Tony talks of his meeting w/ the Big Guy at a hotel after one of his speeches in December 16. There’s texts and video of Sleepy.


Missed that 16 thing. I have not looked closely at any of this. first article I saw was the one with17.
I need to review it all to best understand it.
100%, I’d bet Biden is guilty of all this corruption.


Yes, and when I listened to Bobolinski at the news conference he did say that he came on just prior to Trump being elected.


Just a note there, there’s two vids out, one is more compact. It’s in the one that shows him walking in and setting up that he says this started before the election. In the shorter version you only catch it when he says he was approached and began negotiations 4 months prior to assuming his partnership in Feb 2017.


Rising serpent Flag of United States@rising_serpent
Remember that Trump hasn’t taken a single day off since leaving the hospital.
He’s done a rally, sometimes two, done countless interviews and run the most powerful country in the world
Joe Biden literally took 5 days off and this is all he could come up with


If this election is close, our country is in really bad shape with huge numbers of corrupted, deluded or just plain evil people.


Plus Trump didn’t have any notes or other aids.



Well Son of a Bitch!
The “Moderator” did it AGAIN!


Yes, but the moderator was so meek with her interruptions that the President was able to politely brush her off each time and look good doing it.


If Bite me removes OUR “oil industry”……
EVERY other country in the World will Love it……
The “Electric revolution” will not take place worldwide overnight.


The consumers around the world would hate it, though…because the price of oil would go back up.


So the Dims are going to Piss off the entire world!


Yep! 😄


Scott Adams
CNN is trying to debunk the Hunter Biden stories without telling viewers what the stories are. It is mind-boggling.


That should pique some people’s curiosity enough to go looking.


Episode 2309a- Manufacturing Comeback, The Economy Is About To Go Into Hyperdrive


Episode 2309b – Booms Incoming, This Is Not A Drill, [DS] Feeling The Pain, No Escape


Why is Melania wearing a mask?!?


Why is Melania wearing a mask?!?
^^^ Guessing. Keep the jackals at bay.
Melania is to smart to believe the mask BS. Just as President Trump really does not endorse wearing a mask.


Yeah, I don’t get it either.
She can’t get it…and she can’t give it.
I noticed that she took it off when she got to the stairs going up to the plane.
They were both mask-less when they were waving from the top of the stairs.


Now…… Watch the polls mysteriously close 🙂
(Because they were NEVER accurate to begin with)
Next time…… WHO would hire a pollster that was SO WRONG?


Polls the public sees are NOT supposed to be accurate.
– It’s a business….making money for many outlets.
– It’s ALL narrative for fake news.
Same crap every election cycle.
Which is why we believe our eyes – what we see and read. What President Trump tells us, Flep, Larry…
Well, ^^^ IMO.


It’s a big reason why I don’t feel informed unless I hear something from flep — standard polls are 99 and 44/100% BS and do NOT float.


Hell HAS frozen over.
Third time in one week CNN told the truth.



James Woods — “I’m going to end the oil industry.” – Joe Biden. Hello, Pennsylvania? Hello, Texas?
Rachel Campos-Duffy — @realDonaldTrump did great job of letting @JoeBiden hang himself on the question of oil. It will cost Biden votes in key states. Trump explained how he made USA energy independent which kept us out of wars. It’s his most underappreciated foreign policy achievement. #2020debate


ABOUT THOSE COYOTES who bring children to the USA. The US Gov. now uses DNA tests to determine if the adult with the children is a relative. Most are not. Many are kidnap victims. And many, both male and female, were victims of abuse by the ‘coyotes’.

They are not bringing them to their parents – they are delivering a commodity – valuable merchandise – to child traffickers or worse to….
– child sexual predators
– child blood and organ traffickers
– child killers.
THIS is similar to what Planned Parenthood and Epstein were doing.
THIS is what Democrats (and Hollywood celebrities) profit from and/or engage in!!!!