In the interest of being organized and not cluttering up things too badly, multiple events on one day will be on one thread.
As of Saturday, October 24, with multiple states and locations in one day, the thread will feature highlights from the night before and just links to the locations. No history for now.
But, from our own BlackKnightRides re these rallies:
• Captive Audience: 20,000 Patriots waiting HOURS for Trump with UNDIVIDED ATTENTION
• Jumbotron Messaging: Live Video EVIDENCE of Demo☭rats’ EVIL & DUPLICITY
… allowing POTUS to go ALL POSITIVE
• Jumbotron Entertainment: ROFL RIDICULE
… Multiplying Crowd Spirit & Interactions
• 20,000 Bloggers inviting F&F NOT to MISS HISTORY!
And to top it off, unlike creepy, sleepy Uncle Joe Biden, our Very Special Genius does not ridicule supporters of the other side.
Today, there will only be one event for POTUS in Manchester, New Hampshire. It is early, so, here you go:
Great Rally Intro, Deplorable Patriot!!! Thanks so much!
First – President Trump has a Rally in NH and President Trump speaks at 12:30 pm EDT.
Then Our President stops in Maine for the same amount of time – from 2:30 pm – to 3:50 pm at the Bangor Maine airport –
AND there is NO EXPLANATION – at either the Press Pool nor the Trump Campaign Events pages!
Is it a Rally, Roundtable, Speech, Signing an Executive order, Presenting an Award, A Commemoration Ceremony, a meeting with Susan Collins? ? ?
Considering her vote today to NOT limit debate… I hope he has NOTHING to do with Susan Collins…
although she will probably slide to reelection via his coattails…
Probably a mini Rally to close in on vote in Maine? His numbers are high there.
Biden’s Laptop Matters
Good to see you back Smiley…
thank you, phoenix
Motorcade leaving White House….
Aboard AF1!!!
VP Pence will carry on – cleared by WH doctors to continue hot on the campaign trail!
He gave a detailed summary of all the many Trump (and Pence) accomplishments over the last 4 years!
Big crowd stood out in the rain to hear and cheer our Vice President!!!
VP Pence just said he was planning to be in his seat, presiding as President of the Senate – to vote if need be. He said he would not miss that vote for the world!!!
Which is why “** somebody *** SEEDED the CCP Virus into VP Pence’s office staff — to try and knock him out of being there to preside over the ACB vote in the Senate.
The ploy didn’t work.
*** Somebody *** must be pissed off today.
WOW. Makes a lot of sense after the Rose Garden event. They’re STILL scheming.
Some of you all might want to look up Ashley Biden’s diaries.. Damn what we thought of Biden and children, is looking like it started at home. If Wolfie, Deplorable or any of the other moderators want to post it, there is a lot of it out there,
When PT says anything about ME peace, bringing troops home, and preventing Military Industrial Complex wars, I think of this song. One of my favorites.
Sorry for the delay. I was downtown for Mass.
How was Mass, DP – Masks? Did you sing???
Oh, yes, I sang. I REFUSE to face the Lord with my face covered. I only attend Mass if I am cantoring right now. In a couple weeks, I’m hoping things change.
About five people in the pews kept their masks on the whole time. Everybody else, including the Lector and Monsignor WHIFF!
Oh – that is Great News – I agree – will be much better in the weeks to come!!!
So glad you were able to sing – cannot imagine what you have been through all of these months!!!
Being a soloist it’s not so bad. At least as a Catholic. We’ve been open for a bit. It’s the choir people who aren’t who are missing it. The being together to make music is a lot of fun so long as politics is put aside.
That is so sad – Choirs Give Glory to God, too – and every week it is fun – this plague/mask thing is keeping people home – for the elderly – online masses are good – but, for everyone else – they are missing so much LOVE!!! Praying churches will OPEN everywhere after the election!!!
The thing about being the choir…we are in such close proximity and spiting as we sing (controlled exhale) that we pass germs around all the time. That’s what has so many people hyper about this bug.
For years, they did that – and nobody worried about it – that is the stupidity that is Covid – they have destroyed the most human part of us – we cannot let this stand!!!
And POTUS is doing 10 rallies in like 4 days.
Joe Biden is campaigning on a tax hike.
This is very much the same sort of speech as the others, but still…..
96,700 + watching RSBN
Calling out Cory – You had better win, Cory – or I will never speak to you, again!!!
Increased Family Income – Increased Employment – AA – H – A – and Women
I have a feeling Suburban Women are going to be voting for Trump –
BTW – Our First Lady says ‘Hello’ to Everybody – people love our First Lady!!!
He will not do well with Women – and wow – he did well with Women
Campaign Finance – the Truth – every time he raises big money – know they have made a deal!
I could raise millions of dollars – but, I do not want to be beholden to anyone – so I do not do it!
STILL no news on WHY President Trump is going to Maine!!! I’ve checked everywhere.
He’ll tell us when he wants us to know.
Wonder if it has something to do with Ms M – vote – demonstrating his strength – and possible removal?
Ms. M?
Senator Oopsey – Ms C – got them mixed up!
Murcollins and Murkowski are hard to tell apart!
A vote for Republicans is a vote for the American Dream.
A vote for Republicans is a vote for the American Dream!!!
Wow, approaching two hours. Two hours of great information.
Guessing, Maine is Collins related. Round tables, fund raising…not a big dea to announce in advance.
Hmmm, Wonder if Susan Collins is having a rally of her own or a fund raiser this afternoon?
Didn’t think about it being someone else’s campaign.
That may be why it’s not on the Trump 2020 campaign schedule!
Absolutely a long shot.
We are giving you a NEW, GREAT SUPREME COURT JUSTICE!!! That will take place on Monday –
The Democrats are very happy!!! /s
trollin’ trollin’ … !!!
PATRIOTIC EDUCATION – teach our children to love our country, respect our history, and our great American flag!!!
That is a beautiful coin, Butterfly!!!
Thank you!!!
Lovely Butterfly… just lovely
Trump to visit Bangor on Sunday
The event has triggered a planned Democratic rally before Trump’s scheduled arrival in Bangor Sunday afternoon.
“President Trump is planning a brief visit to Bangor on Sunday afternoon, following a rally near Manchester, New Hampshire.
The event has prompted a Maine Democratic rally in advance of Trump’s intended visit.
The president will arrive at Bangor International Airport at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, and will depart at 3:50 p.m., according to his public schedule.
Earlier in the day, Trump is scheduled to speak at Pro Star Aviation, an aircraft maintenance company in Londonderry, just south of Manchester, New Hampshire’s largest city.
It’s not clear where Trump will appear, and the last-minute event was not listed on the Trump campaign website as of mid-morning Sunday.
Trump’s appearance in Maine’s 2nd Congressional District is another signal from Republicans that they need the region’s one electoral vote come November. Trump won there in 2016, and this cycle, his son Donald Jr. and the vice president, Mike Pence, both have made visits in hopes of keeping the district red.
Prominent Maine Democrats, as well as the presidential campaign for former Vice President Joe Biden, plan to hold a rally shortly before Trump’s visit, at 1:30 p.m.
Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Sara Gideon, Gov. Janet Mills and Maine Attorney General Aaron Frey are scheduled to appear at the news conference in Bangor. The Democratic officials plan to respond to President Trump’s visit to Maine, they said in a news release announcing the event.
Biden himself released a statement on Sunday blasting Trump and the repercussions of the president’s hands-off coronavirus response on Mainers.
“President Trump doesn’t have a plan to stop this pandemic, protect the health care of Mainers with preexisting conditions, or rebuild our struggling economy,” Biden said in the statement. “His failed leadership has threatened the health and safety of Americans and ultimately punished hardworking Mainers.”
“President Trump doesn’t have a plan to stop this pandemic…” ~ lyin Hiden
That statement is being repeated by Schumer on the Senate floor, w/ a little modification:
“The WH says is won’t control the pandemic”
and it was in Bangor article I pulled up for info on POTUS’ stop in Levant, ME
The DIMs AND the press lie everytime they open their mouth or hit a keyboard.
Truth is – no one could have done anything more than Trump and Pence have done to stop the epidemic.
Ø and Biden didn’t do anything to stop H1N1. And they finally stopped the testing.
Well, Pence shouldn’t have put Fauci and scarf lady on TV PERIOD, certainly not 24/7
But I hear you… of course the folks criticizing are those who supported and still support a lockdown etc in order to crush the economy and yes, kill a large number of seniors.
We were starting out from zero – a novel pathogen – with no knowledge or record of its effects/infection rate, etc.
It was a battlefield medicine scenario – complicated by perfidious China, WHO, CDC, probably Fauci and all the Demonrats working against Trump/Pence.
RSBN IS NOT going to cover the Maine event.
He nudged that one pretty hard and later did human trafficking more than normal. More to come!
Re: The Maine Airport Event on the Press Schedule – I think it’s a ‘Ghost’ – a proposed event on a draft schedule from before President Trump’s that didn’t get erased when his public schedule resumed after President Trump’s bout of COVID19.
Only poll I need TY…Made a meme out of it.
AF1 landing in Maine!
3000+ (one count was 3,500) showed up with an hour’s notice!
2/10ths of the population of Maine showed up at an unannounced farm orchard event!!!!
every little place he goes!

Sorry – I meant MAINE!
♥️ ♥️ ♥️ our President!!!
Here’s the site – it’s a private event – but thousands showed up anyway!!!
Dims tried to schedule something ahead of POTUS’ arrival… pitiful result…
so far I have found news of their INTENTION to hold a press conference, criticizing POTUS for Rallys during pandemic… they are “scheduling a rally at 1:30 pm BEFORE Potus’ arrival… apparently didn’t happen.
Sour puss Democrat Governor accused POTUS of not caring about working people….and only showing up in election years – BOTH LIES!!! Nobody but the news people showed up to hear her. THOUSANDS showed up for PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!!
President Trump came up to Maine during the Pandemic to highlight Puritan Pharmaceutical Mfg. special swabs for testing.
Mike Pence was in Maine October 19!!!
There was a LONG LINE for VP MIKE PENCE TOO!!!!
I went to a very small (by Trump standards–it would have been a month’s worth of Biden rallies put together) rally by/for Pence back in 2016, and I tried to start a cheer for him, as a sort of “thank you” but it didn’t get picked up by the rest of the crowd.
Remember he wasn’t exactly a household name… from Indiana not many would have known anything about him.
Most people would have been asking, “Hoosier candidate???”…
President Trump helped Maine fisherman and lobstermen !!!
June – President Trump at Puritan Labs!
This created jobs at Puritan Labs.
Am I the only one that did not know this
Biden’s Foreign Family Deals Started Prior to Ukraine, Started with Brother Prior to 2012 $1.5B contract in Iraq to build 100,000 homes for James Biden & Hillstone who had NO experience in building homes.
Fact Check: Donald Trump Says Joe Biden’s Brother ‘Made Money in Iraq’
Almost like the infinitely-integrated BigPharma industries, who control the food, seed, pesticide, medical, seasoning/flavoring/fragrance/cosmetic industries, as well as the development, testing, approval, and distribution in them.
Bidoon builds a bunch of houses in Iraq.
Bidoon Sr. initiates/approves actions to destroy said houses (FakeWar)…
Bidoons get a cut of cleanup activities/profits
Bidoon builds a bunch of houses in Iraq.
Bidoon Sr. initiates/approves actions to destroy said houses (FakeWar)…
Bidoons get a cut of cleanup activities/profits
Lather, rinse, repeat
Sort of a goose that lays a golden egg
Gonna get scrambled now that the skulduggery is out…
P.S. Hear about the programmer who died taking a shower?
He was following the instructions on the shampoo bottle:
DAMN Kate Brown is screwing Oregonians right and left. She has set aside another 10 Million for Illegals in Oregon, yet she cut that much from Veterans. Voters votes overwhelmingly for the Vetereans to get monies from the Lottery, and now it seems she has tagged it for the Illegals.
“Huge betrayal”: Kate Brown angers veterans with cuts despite Measure 96
Measure 96 was the most popular measure on the fall ballot, winning 84 percent to 16 percent. It sets aside 1.5 percent of Oregon Lottery funds for services such as education, housing, health care and helping veterans better access their benefits.
Perhaps President Trump can wedge in a rally in Oregon to give hope to Oregonians…”What The Hell Do They Have To Lose?
Toss in a few deft shots at Inslee and Newsome for fun.
Can we watch it somewhere?
I’ll put it in today’s ratlly thread when I put it up.