Dear KMAG: 20201025 Open Topic

This Sanctuary Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.

It is also a place to read, post and discuss news that is worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you use as sources or quote from.

In the QTree, we’re a friendly and civil lot. We encourage free speech and the open exchange and civil discussion of different ideas. Topics aren’t constrained, and sound logic is highly encouraged, all built on a solid foundation of truth and established facts.

We have a policy of mutual respect, shown by civility. Civility encourages discussions, promotes objectivity and rational thought in discourse, and camaraderie in the participants – characteristics we strive toward in our Q Tree community.

Please show respect and consideration for our fellow QTreepers. Before hitting the “post” button, please proofread your post and make sure you’re addressing the issue only, and not trying to confront the poster. Keep to the topic – avoid “you” and “your”. Here in The Q Tree, personal attacks, name calling, ridicule, insults, baiting and other conduct for which a penalty flag would be thrown are VERBOTEN.

In The Q Tree, we’re compatriots, sitting around the campfire, roasting hot dogs, making s’mores and discussing, agreeing, and disagreeing about whatever interests us. This board will remain a home for those who seek respectful conversations.

Please also consider the Guidelines for posting and discussion , outlined here

Let’s not give the Internet Censors a reason to shut down this intellectual haven that Wolf has created for us.

The Storm is upon us.
Please remember to Pray for our President.


It’s time to replace
a failed and CORRUPT political establishment
with a new government
controlled by you, the American People.
~ Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


On this day and every day –

God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.

“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”


The bedrock foundation of Christianity is faith; faith that Jesus, the Son of God, our Messiah, who died for our sin and rose again, is our personal Savior. 

But, the question may be asked, “How strong must my faith be?  What about those little doubts that creep in from time to time?” 

The first thought I have on this question is that my faith comes from God; it is not my personal attribute.  God gives faith in the form of a gift (Ephesians 2:8) (we don’t earn it or deserve it), because of His grace and mercy, and because He loves us. 

Faith is not the product of a preacher’s compelling presentation, his eloquence, or even his theological soundness—faith is given through the message about Jesus. God gives us faith “by hearing, and hearing by the word of God”.  This is the means God has chosen. It is through the Word of God that faith comes to us . . . and since that faith comes from God, it must be sufficient for His purpose.

The second thought I have is that we have a great illustration of the amount of faith required from the Old Testament and the Children of Israel, who were wandering in the desert for 40 years because of their lack of faith, their unbelief that God would bring them to the Promised Land as He had promised.  This is related in Numbers 21:

4 Then they journeyed from Mount Hor by the Way of the Red Sea, to go around the land of Edom; and the soul of the people became very discouraged on the way. 5 And the people spoke against God and against Moses: “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water, and our soul loathes this worthless bread.” 6 So the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and many of the people of Israel died.

7 Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, “We have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord and against you; pray to the Lord that He take away the serpents from us.” So Moses prayed for the people.

8 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole; and it shall be that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, shall live.” 9 So Moses made a bronze serpent, and put it on a pole; and so it was, if a serpent had bitten anyone, when he looked at the bronze serpent, he lived.

God judged the people by sending snakes, and many of them died.  But the Israelites simply had to look up to that bronze snake in order not to die. How great a faith did the action of looking at that bronze snake take?  All an Israelite had to do, in the hope of a promise from God that he can’t see, was look at the bronze serpent on the pole. That is the example, the preview, that God gave us in the Old Testament of us now, trusting in His Son, who was lifted up on a cross for our sins.

The third thought I have is from Matthew 17:14–20, where we see Christ’s disciples unable to exorcise a demon from a young boy, even though Jesus had previously given them the authority to do so. When they asked Jesus why they weren’t able to drive the demon out, Jesus replied, “Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there’ and it will move; Nothing will be impossible for you” (Matthew 17:14–20).

What Jesus is saying is that with very little faith, indeed, we (actually God) will do great things.  The power of faith is all from God, and He will do great things on our behalf if we have but small amounts of faith.

Just as Moses lifted up the bronze snake in the desert, Jesus was lifted up on Calvary. In John 3:13, the Bible says “No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man. And as Moses lifted up the bronze snake in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life.”

John 3:16. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” That’s the significance of that Old Testament event. It is this, that we deserve to perish in hell because of our sin. But another has been put there in our place, Jesus Christ.  He has paid the full price for our sin. Us too, all we need to do is by faith trust in the finished work of Jesus Christ and we will be saved.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nobody out-gaffes this boy! LMAO!!!


Dementia has set in so much, Biden doesn’t realize he is reading the teleprompter incorrectly, AND can’t hear the words he has spoken real time, certify he is clueless.


“…..and you guys did it for our…president Obama’s…administration….”
I’d pay hundreds to see the look on the faces of his handlers off-camera.comment image

Deplorable Patriot

That is downright painful to see.


Knowing she would likely be kicked out of office by Alaska voters for blocking the (third) conservative Trump nominee to the Supreme Court, Murkowski switches her position and announces she will vote to support Judge Amy Coney Barrett next week.

The motive behind this reversal is the obvious…
If Murkowski didn’t think President Trump was going to win next month she would not be changing her position… She is a political animal.
President Trump told Murkowski what to expect in June 2020 with this tweet.

comment image


Now, let’s see if Collins can do the right thing. I imagine some R Senators are chatting with her.
Probably unheard of, but surely there are a few dozen D-rats that know ACB should be confirmed. Be nice if they could shuck the losing D-rat resist at all costs…vote for ACB.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agree – she’s staying viable as a poser.
I see an additional and even more cynical reason. I think the “political calculus” of Obama changed, as follows.
The Biden laptop was the winning move that cleared the table. Biden and Kamala are through, but Kamala got her stature raised to national level for 2024. CCP is torching expendable Biden to control the downfall, and helped feed all the Biden porn to destroy him, which also serves as a warning to all their other blackmailed assets. Chinese oligarchs are acting as controlled opposition to “save China, protect CCP, prevent nationalization of Chinese assets, etc.”, while appearing to oppose it. Trump is driving the whole chessboard before him. CONAN!
Trump’s new EO will deeply disempower the Deep State, to some degree to be determined by SCOTUS, and the Dems need a functional SCOTUS to walk back their cancerously immortal DACA sabotage by Roberts, while he’s still on the court, by a “correction” using lawsuits against Trump’s EO. ACB is logical and would have eventually corrected Roberts’ error – – the Dems need to do it NOW, so that they can preserve SES and other underlings to the maximum extent possible – otherwise they lose over half a century of “progressive gains”.
Thus, Murkowski got the order from Feinstein – vote for ACB and stay in the game as a RINO saboteur.
All very Machiavellian. Dems are, IMO, giving up on a cheat. The numbers don’t support it anymore. Better to keep the maximum number of Dems out of jail.


If you see it, and I see it, and er’body else sees it, the most certainly POTUS sees it.
I have $100 says PT campaigns against her in ‘22 regardless of how this…thing…votes on Barrett.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I was thinking the same thing. This won’t be her last treachery. Sarah Palin would sure be a better representative of her state, IMO.


I had Sarah Palin tagged as “national” months before no-name selected her as VP — she knew how to run 1/8 of the area of the US already and had a reputation for cleaning up corruption. What the swamp has done to her since, and the cost to her personal life, is horrific.


Still hope we can take down the CCP and ds before 2024

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

However long it takes – America will never be a socialist country!


100% correct, Wolf!


Kamala didn’t get squat…they cannot generate ANY enthusiasm for her at all…look for a new rising star in 2024–she is more unlikable than Hillary.


B***h got in on a cheat, and started to feel her talons slip off the rock. I hope she does this one thing for our country, for her state, and then is swept away into oblivion. Alaska deserves so much better. Murky should be a New Jersey socialite instead.


I still hope Sarah Palin runs against her. Murkowski can never be trusted.


I’ve always like Sarah you know who tried to take her down.
And heels up only got in via well being heels up

Concerned Virginian

Notice these about MURKOWSKI on the video:
Facial expressions: show combination of “I don’t want to be here saying this” + LOTS of inner turmoil / tension + desperation over maybe losing her seat in a couple years.
Voice: she’s under LOTS of stress + has trouble reading the script HER PEOPLE wrote for her + can’t get out the veiled warnings against other Republican Senators clearly.
Body Language: inner anger at having to switch her vote + “I don’t want to be here saying this” + “TRUMP BROKE ME”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I needed that. Saturday was simply a spiritually trying day for me. Not sure why, but I felt tested, not RESTED. I won all the little battles, but I just felt drained at the end.
Some of it is the spiritual battle we are in, which is much bigger and rougher than I think I anticipated.
The other side closed down churches for a REASON. There is something I’m not getting. And I think I know what it is.
*Wolf makes a plan*


And I think I know what it is.
*Wolf makes a plan*
Please do tell, please.
Yes, it is exhausting. But, fully believe it is most appropriate to 100% resist D-Rats, Rnos, fake news, tech giants as they collectively work against America.
Our not only standing our ground, but our winning, makes it worth it.
President Trump has pulled us back from the precipice. Another four years and we’ll be on solid footing. Courts. criminals exposed. Gotta believe indictments are only a few weeks away. There is no way President Trump is going to let the coup plotters walk away.
Beijing Biden Crime Family of Sexual Perverts WILL be the trip wire for much of the swamp being drained.
Yea, exhausted, but incredibly optimistic.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, optimistic, and renewed. I just needed a bit of Jesus to set me right. 😎


Psalm 50:15
Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I shall rescue you, and you will honor Me.”
Exodus 33:14
And He said, “My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28
“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.


Historic letter by Orthodox rabbis supporting President Trump. Here’s one tweet, but I saw another yesterday, where the 95 year old head of the Orthodox Jews signed on. There’s also an amicus curie brief filed by Islamic communities of NYC supporting the Jewish communities in their suit against DeBlasio and Cuomo’s anti-Semitism.
I’m pretty sure Carl has covered this one, about fighting against Evil. Eph. 6:12 KJV.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen! And WOW!




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great to see that our VSG is getting the recognition he deserves! He will never abandon Israel or Jews!
But he might let the Fake News make complete idiots out of themselves, thinking the opposite, as part of a wonderful plan! 😉


Thought I was ready for all this, but now that it’s finally here feeling a need for some spiritual fortification.

Gail Combs

I keep reading that the MOST we can hope for is the Swamp being exposed.
I disagree. I think a lot of the swamp will end up in prison or worse.
#1. ?300? new federal judges…
#2. E. O. on Creating Schedule F In The Excepted Service this tosses a LOT of the corrupt unelected Bureau Rats out on their ass. The evidence needed was gathered over the last 4 years. Some may go to prison.
#3. Rudy G. talks about RICO and remember it is the UKRAINE who is going to fry the Bidens and who knows who else. [Atlantic Council, Soros??]
If Seal Team 6 and Benghazi were all about killing off people who knew too much… AND the sell out of CIA assets in China was done by the Clintons & Bidens & Obamas…. Hillary is correct, they all will hang.
#5. ALL the Ped0 stuff…. AND the 182,771 Sealed Indictments are starting to be unsealed.
“….As of today [August 5, 2020], there are 182,771 sealed, 21,381 unsealed, and 409,152 non-sealed indictments for child pedophilia and trafficking offenses. This is only the beginning….”
On top of the indictments of the low ranking scum and what deals they made, there are the three laptops: weenie Wiener’s, Hunter Bidens, Awan/Debbie Wasserman Schultz…
The contents of Epstein’s & Ghislaine Maxwell’s safe(s)…
Epstein & Biden’s islands…
In some cases it will be the fraud and corruption that takes them out, but I think the Ped0 is what will hang them.

#6. And then there is the Chinese Corona Crud and the five D-Rat Governors intentionally killing old folks to up the numbers… FISA goes both ways so if Cuomo was NAMED as a possible Chinese asset he may have been under surveillance for the last year. 🙃 AND two hops from Cuomo.
Interesting that at the party last night a lady was telling me about those five D-Rat Governors and their murder of the elderly.


I am hopeful you are correct, Gail.
I think POTUS’s rallies serve at least 2 purposes…of course the primary one is to sell himself for real-election. But, I also believe he’s accessing/gaging the reactions of the average voters regarding their appetite to drain the swamp, to support the EO’s, to plant seeds for future agenda actions.
DC is such an unrealistic bubble and any politician (or even Cabinet and agencies heads) that do not make a real effort to get out into the everyday life of middle America is making a serious mistake. POTUS, I believe, fully understands this and the connection via rallies is his genius strategy but also his personal “transfusion” to keep fighting for us.
We are just as necessary to him as he is to us. We tend to think of him boundless energy and a 4-D chess player, but he’s just a human being like us and undoubtedly gets tired, discouraged, missing his golf games and freedom of movement, family time, etc. The “we love you,” chants are not only amazing but might be the very thing that helps him to keep forging ahead.


I explained to a friend yesterday that the child trafficking/pedophilia will bring down the Deep State and hangers on.
Americans will be bored and not that interested in the corruption since it’s foreign money and not taxpayer money. Harder to prove because of money laundering and shell companies. Americans won’t understand the influence of foreign governments with our government.
But…on the other hand, child trafficking and child sex abuse is easy to understand and prove, with all the laptops and witnesses. Americans understand that and most are disgusted. Specially if child sacrifice is proven. That will get them riled up!
Meanwhile, Trump and lawmakers are working on preventing corruption in the future. It’s not enough to remove the corruption now, but how to prevent it in the future. A law can be passed but also amended in the the future. I think a constitutional amendment that no lawmakers family etc can get any kind of money from interested parties, foreign or domestic. Make part of it before running for office, during office, and after office. Write it so its constitutional.


God protect you, Wolfie.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Done deal! 😉 😀 <3

Deplorable Patriot

I said it over six months ago, and it’s true still today.
What keeps me going is my daily walk. I say a 15 decade Rosary while doing it.
And starting next week, my parish goes back to three Masses on Sunday morning, and I get to cantor one of them. We’ll see how the pastor actually likes that.
Then, of course, there is Adoration.
The secret is to not depend on others for spiritual well being. You have to seek it out, and fight against the forces of darkness. Always go toward hope and away from despair.
Just my two cents.

Brave and Free

Amen DP. We’re responsible for our own walk with God. We can’t leave it up to others to carry us over the finish line.

Deplorable Patriot

No, but we can use the assist when offered.
There’s an example in the Stations of the Cross that doesn’t appear in any of the Passions, as I recall. I’ll have to look that up later.

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, he’s in the Passion According to St. Mark.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“The secret is to not depend on others for spiritual well being. You have to seek it out, and fight against the forces of darkness. Always go toward hope and away from despair.”

Valerie Curren

I have been thinking of you to pray for more than usual, & Rush & POTUS etc.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks!!! <3


Nickels on the grass.
Blue skies and tailwinds, patriots. 😞 🇺🇸

tom f

Thank you.
Chills and tears every time.
Semper Fidelis


Yes. Tears and reflections every time I hear Taps.
On the Enterprise, heard Taps played a handful of times over the 1MC (loud speakers system throughout the ship). ~5,500 stop in their tracks, reflect and commonly tears in their eyes.

Sadie Slays

Head’s up about Q-related Youtube censorship. I was searching through old Q drops looking for a specific Youtube video. This involved me clicking on every Youtube link Q has posted. I was disturbed to discover that most of the links don’t work anymore. Seems like Youtube is removing videos and banning accounts of people who get Q’d.


I sarcastically chuckled at your use of the phrase “seems like”. No offense intended.
Our enemies most definitely ARE “removing videos and banning accounts of people who get Q’d”…
…but take heart!
This is an excellent sign. The heaviest flak is when one is right over the correct target(s).
Proof these are not conspiracy “theories”.


We who use the platforms gave the enemies power and made them wealthy.
I hope people will de platform them permanent.

Harry Lime

Happy Halloween! According to James O’keefe and Project Veritas this week is going to be a Thriller!

Harry Lime

???comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Camera lens. Gonna be epic.

Concerned Virginian

WHO knew that James O’Keeffe could DANCE?


For your incredible Sunday awesomeness.
Please enjoy and blessings to your day! 😁👍


H/T Thomas Wictor aka Carlos Osweda!


So much of what we enjoy as canon incubated in musical families. It is delightful that this family shared this with us (and, BTW, that young lad is going to worry a bunch of daughter’s fathers).



Sadie Slays

“Then in 2015 she tried to sue the Phoenix Police Department on an allegation of religious discrimination when she was photographed without her burqa for a booking photo. She was initially represented by the local chapter of the fundamentalist Muslim legal organization, the Council on American and Islamic Relations, or CAIR, but it dropped her after finding out she is transsexual.”
“Also in 2015, Austin made the news again after she was kicked out of the women’s section of the Islamic Community Center of Tempe following complaints from Muslim women. She was allegedly told by the mosque that she would only be allowed back if she dressed and prayed as a man if she could not prove she was biologically female.”


just read on thedonald that Twitter suspended Gateway Pundit.


Over the videos .


Sooo, has anyone seen the hunter videos? He really really loved to tape himself all the time. Smoking crack and hookers and just a pic of him exposing hinself so far. Perverted and thats only a fraction of it.


Nobody really wants to see them. Much better porn is available, I bet.


Yeah im sure. I just cannot understand what he was doing. It just isnt the drugs alone. The criminal part is what matters, but i hope this isnt taped bc the female is a minor.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The one I saw may have been taken by a secret camera, as it was a Chinese opposition release. I saw a highly blurred and pixelated version, but it was still nearly NC-17.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

One I saw appeared to be an adult female prostitute. Hunter referred to her technique as “really professional”.


A hooker who is ‘really professional’ translates to mechanical performance for a set price.


The thing about the porn vids is it validates the illegal stuff on the computer and does it in such a way that making everyone wait on the FIB to do it becomes irrelevant. In fact it’s so simple now, even liberals can do it. 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. DELAY OF GAME tactics not working.
Communism really found a working loophole against multiple points of the Constitution, fully actionable to deny justice, when it FALSELY conflated the WITHHOLDING OF EVIDENCE with the right to a fair trial.
Communists are SNEAKY.


I went to that Taiwanese youtube which wasnt really pixelated. He took a pic of his appendage just totally exposed another time.
I dont ever want to see one of these with pelosi or difi….


I’ve seen the video and 3 pic that were published on the Gateway Pundit last night…..
I posted the links last night on the open thread if you want to see them……
but be forewarned…… they ARE graphic and require you to affirm that you are over 18 yr old.


Its porn…just not sure if he knew the crack smoking one was filmed.

Valerie Curren

More Black History being made!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A fascinating interview of President Trump, in which he states that while he’s [apparently] proud of having been confirmed as a Presbyterian, he now considers himself a non-denominational Christian.
Fox got the story from this exclusive:


Works for me. Organized religion, regardless of its original intentions, is nothing more than a political money machine.


Wolf, can you do some clarification? I’m confused. These new tapes are coming from the Chinese and not the laptop Guiliani has had? Why would the Chinese do that? someone on twitter told James Woods that the Chinese might have let Biden know they didn’t like that he said he’d go after the Chinese (during the debate).
So are these tapes from China, taken by the Chinese while Hunter was in China? That’s the only thing that makes sense on their source.
Just how many sources are there??? Maybe as things break you’d be able to organize/summarize what’s actually going down. I understand the voting numbers better than I’m understanding what’s coming through my twitter feed – pretty crazy stuff.
Joe Biden is heavily compromised, and I suspect the Dems en masse, and some GOP, are also in this same predicament. He didn’t do anything by himself or in a vacuum.


Certainly Wolf and a few dozen here have a better grasp than I. A few thoughts.
The GTV/Chinee tapes, pics, and docs are courtesy of anti ChiCom Chinee. Xi haters. Bannon has an affiliation with them. As an aside, Bannon’s name is a link on GTV, IIRC.
The release of these videos, pics and docs is DUAL purpose. Destroy or at least damage Xi/ChiComs and Biden, who is certainly in bed with ChiComs.


Ok, thanks. There must be so much info out there – unbelievable. Expect this week to be a deluge.


Ozzy said that the info was not a Chynese release….. but came from Taiwan.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If you’re confused, then China’s plan is working. But maybe ours is, too. 😉
I’ll try to explain things as best as I can, but you have to accept that it IS complicated, because it’s the only way to WIN.
Many of the sex videos on Biden’s laptop WERE taken by the Chinese and then sent to him as reminders of what cards they held. However, he took a lot of stuff, too.
There is also a meme of “three hard drives” that the CCP is conflating with the original three laptops, which had their own three hard drives. Intentional confusion, IMO. The release is THROUGH the CCP opposition, but you have to understand that the CCP *USES* its opposition continuously. Never trust ALL of the Chinese opposition. It is FILLED with CCP assets.
The Chinese are masters of controlling their opposition, sometimes merely by giving them what CCP wants them to be concerned about. When the Tiananmen Square protesters put up a Statue of Liberty, you can bet that this OTT idea was initiated and pushed by CCP assets in the opposition, as preparation to take them down.
The best way to control the opposition is to lead it, or at the very least influence the opposition leadership. Communist subversion works that way. So never accept the idea that their opposition cannot be doing what CCP wants.
Also remember – the repair shop stuff may be a bit of a “front” for OUR stuff, but ignore that for now. “We have it all” had it all. They KNEW the Bidens were a supreme risk – compromised in every which way. So there are stories within stories. Go with the flow. Accept that you may only know part of things.
But let’s go along with the repair shop story for now.
Hunter Biden brought three laptops in for repair. Those had 3 hard disks. Only ONE of them was recoverable BY THE REPAIR SHOP. The other two MAY be recoverable by the FBI. All are in the hands of the FBI now. The ONE hard drive that the repair shop recovered and cloned multiply is the source of what we saw and heard about AT FIRST.
That hard drive included not only Hunter’s own sex videos, but emails from China which appear to have sex videos OF Hunter Biden MAILED TO HUNTER BIDEN by his Chinese “business associates”. That would be the CCP reminding him of what cards they hold. This is simply “control”.
Now, oddly, but not oddly, suddenly THREE HARD DRIVES of salacious materials appear in the “Chinese Opposition”, complete with a story which sounds a lot like “bargaining” psychology. Some of it is Hunter Biden control videos (like what was mailed to him), which of course serve as “authenticity”, some of it is other stuff about the CCP, and some of it is about CCP biowarfare / virus stuff. Not much can be fully trusted, IMO, but I will bet that the sex videos are real.
If you try to fit ANY of this stuff into “good origin”, “bad origin”, “CCP release”, “opposition release”, “Chinese”, “Taiwanese”, “Hunter Biden stuff”, “not Hunter Biden stuff”, etc., you will only MISS THE STORY because it’s all manipulative. The information FLOWS and has effects as it does. CCP is the ultimate terminus from which all this evil flows. Never forget that.
CCP is “controlling the downfall forward”. Much of this was done through the Democrats, IMO. I suspect that OUR communists are trying to reposition from “Russia, Russia, Russia” to “China, China, China”. They’re in a dicey position right now, between false villains who are really THEIR allies.
Remember Trump says that the Dems never said anything about China. Right? Part of that was to misdirect away from China. But PART of it was to reserve “China” for their second-term attack on Trump.
The Biden downfall “helps Trump”. Thus, BEWARE. The commies are trying to move to a new square on the chessboard, IMO. It’s all STAGED. They knew they couldn’t defeat Trump, so they’re switching to a new story about phony election stuff.
This is why I believe that, through controlled NeverTrump opposition, they released that STUPID story about Trump “asking the Chinese for help to get re-elected”, which the Democrats can then use to claim the Biden take-down was “China, China, China”, and suddenly the Dems can pretend they’re not ideological buddies with Chinese Communists.
Confused? Yeah. Commies do that. Our commies are BOTH “friends of Russia/Ukraine” – at least the old Soviet factions and corruptocrats – AND friends of China – the current “open” torch-bearers of socialism.
But just think how CYNICAL that is. China helps the Dems sacrifice Biden, and then the Treasoncrats blame Trump. It’s SO LOW, which is why I expect these creeps to try. Schiffty Schiff, Chinese controlled pedophile, will turn around and try to blame Trump for him being in bed with China. AS IF!
Now – it gets worse on “hard drives”. There is a rumor / story that CCP sent a hard drive of information to PELOSI with all their blackmail on Democrats, to remind them that they needed to go to the mat to defeat Trump – only supposedly Trump got a copy of it from a whistleblower.
Break out the popcorn and enjoy the show.


Thank you. It does sound crazy. The one thing I think the Dems may be making a mistake in counting on is in POTUS second term – that they’ll be able to harass him like they’ve done this first time.
I think big time – quite a few are going to go down. DJT knows that he can’t let any of them escape to live to fight another day.
I think it’s going to be spectacular.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I agree – SPECTACULAR. We may even be about to see “Chinese Perestroika”, which is both a blessing and a curse – both reality and illusion. Only TRUMP can handle it correctly! Must vote Trump to deal with “Nothing can stop what’s coming” in China!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

More incoming on China – I have a new thread up which will help in an ongoing way.


Halfway through the 24-hour corruption CPE…’s actually pretty interesting — inside the profession, we tend to look at fraud inside the profession. How traders take advantage of it is outside.
Tomorrow morning, the Fiancee and I are doing Sanborn park. We used to do it weekly, and power through its extended grades. We’re both well outside that level of conditioning. It’ll be interesting to see what we can get through.


Upstate NY media has started referring to Covid-19 and coronavirus as Novel coronvirus. The beginning of the end?
Here’s the wiki….
Novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a provisional name given to coronaviruses of medical significance before a permanent name is decided upon.
Although coronaviruses are endemic in humans and infections normally mild, such as the common cold (caused by human coronaviruses in ~15% of cases), cross-species transmission has produced some unusually virulent strains which can cause viral pneumonia and in serious cases even acute respiratory distress syndrome and death.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Cross-species transmission”! Yeah, they’re swinging around the block back to BAT SOUP, IMO! 😀


tropical storm ZETA …..comment imagecomment image


thanks smiley!
I appreciate these updates!!


you’re always welcome, pat


<3 <3 <3


Track Guidance….comment image
Intensity Guide…comment image
NOAA…comment image


Louisiana is still recovering from multiple hurricanes this year.
The Gulf Coast has been hit by nearly all of the 10 US landfall hurricanes this year.
Meanwhile, Pensacola and Panama City Florida and even inland cities, forests and farms in that area, are still recovering from the severe devastation of Category 5+ Hurricane Michael.


those areas are completely exhausted from all of this severe weather.
el nino , right ?
….and the gyre effect.


captured just now from Tropical Tidbits interactive model…GFS…comment image


possible landfall Wed Oct 28


Look who has the virus now. I hope they are all alright.
Five close to VP Mike Pence — including his chief of staff — test positive for COVID-19


can we blame Stahl? she wasn’t wearing a mask in the WH…


That sounds like a grand idea. After all, Schifftless blames the Russians for everything.




I’m sick and tired of hearing the promotion of “tested positive” cases without hearing the rest of the data. Do these cases have or show any corresponding symptoms? What percentage are hospitalized? What about receovery? It’s total BS to keep the pandemic fear porn alive.


Exactly. I know a LOT of friends and family now that have tested positive. Almost all of them had no symptoms though one nephew had some sniffles like a very mild cold. People I know are ready to burn masks!


“You ask impertinent questions, peasant. Stop or we’ll send you to gulag.”
— any random deepstate overlord

Concerned Virginian

***”SOMEBODY” SEEDED THE VIRUS into the VP’s office.
Trying to “get him out of action” JUST BEFORE the election.
Rose Garden ACB event redux.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bet you’re right.
Don’t worry about Pence. He will get the BEST medical care.


Really? Joe you unmasked me 8 days before my father’s inauguration & helped launch the Russia hoax where your corrupt FBI henchmen tried to jail me WHEN YOU ALL KNEW IT WAS A LIE.
Stay in your lane🤡!
Biden: It’s ‘Crass’ to Go After a Rival’s Children
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 25, 2020


Biden is a senile crook, traitor and hypocrite.
corrupt to the bone…deny, deflect and project.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, I love it! TRUTH!!!


President Trump has a Rally in NH today – and a mysterious stop in Maine!comment image
10:30AM – President Trump departs the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews – North Portico
11:05AM – Departs Washington, D.C., en route to Londonderry, NH
12:20PM – Arrives Manchester-Boston Regional Airport
12:30PM – President Trump delivers remarks at a Make America Great Again Victory Rally
1:40PM – Departs Londonderry, NH, en route to Bangor, ME
2:30PM – President Trump arrives at Bangor International Airport
[1 hour and 20 minutes in Maine]*
3:50PM – President Trump departs Bangor, ME, en route to Washington, D.C.
5:35PM – Arrives at Joint Base Andrews
5:45PM – Departs Joint Base Andrews en route to the White House
6:10PM – President Trump arrives at the White House
6:15PM – The President and the First Lady host Halloween at the White House – South Portico
*Rally, Roundtable, Speech, Signing an Executive order, meeting with Susan Collins? Same amount of time allotted for New Hampshire rally. Not listed on either the events or press schedule.


6:15 PM! Don’t be late Mr. President!


He’s cutting it mighty close, isn’t he?!!!


I noticed he was quite late at his final rally…and keeping the crowds in that very cold weather. Hope he had an excellent reason…not cool (no pun), POTUS!
Any explanation of the late arrival?


No idea, but he did tweet at the time that he’d landed in WI and was on his way.


Yes. ASAP. It is warping decisions to have the entire workforce in one place.
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) October 25, 2020


Along with Right to Work, the singular thing he can do to break the back of the DS in America is this. Strategically move to more red RTW states providing access to a diversity of conservative, traditional, [patriotic American thoughts and practices. It forces the DS more underground with them using traceable communications. It clears the stranglehold of leftists in northern VA which flipped that state toward blue.


As a former resident of the city of Fairfax, I can attest to the veracity of this statement. Stranglehold is the right word to describe the leftist nature of the place. When I lived there, rural Northern Virginia was still relatively moderate.



The media went through Brett Kavanaugh’s yearbook and childhood calendars but won’t go through Hunter Biden’s laptop?
— Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS (@RepGosar) October 25, 2020


Lesley Stahl told PDJT during the 60 Minutes interview (the video posted here the other day, ‘raw and uncut’) that it is ‘unverified’.


far be it for the “journalists” of our time to verify information…


IKR?? 🙄


they’re not “journalists” these days…
they are propaganda tools and shills…slanderous jackals & slick hyenas promoting fear & loathing, keeping the chaos & confusion alive and festering in the hearts and minds of their congregations of godless fools.


ii think so…and as such, they should be subjected to the same libel/slander laws as everyone else…


sometimes hard to prove….you have to prove that it causes actual damage…and how…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



BREAKING: Pence Chief of Staff tests positive for covid
BREAKING: Pence Chief of Staff tests positive for covid
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) October 25, 2020


Valerie Curren

Some Twitter Explosions!
Did someone inflate Hussein’s head (more than his usual narcissism) or is his body really that puny?


comment image
Franklin Graham is calling for a day of Prayer and Fasting for our country:

Our country owes more to those who pray than we can count!
Remember in 2016, when Franklin Graham went to every state and held prayer services on the steps of every Capitol Building?
And held a national online prayer service the night of the 2016 Election?
And held a 2020 Prayer and Return to GOD March in Washington, DC last month?
All those people plus millions around the world are STILL PRAYING FOR OUR COUNTRY and for OUR PRESIDENT!!!
Christians must also vote!

Remember in the Old Testament when the straying, sinful people of Israel rediscovered the Book of the WORD, Law, Commandments, were pricked in their hearts, repented and returned to GOD?
Without a repentance and return to Christ and God’s Commandments, this nation and indeed, the entire West is lost! (Leviticus 26:17, Isaiah 10:5, 31:8-9, Nehemiah 8, II Chronicles 7:14)
Pray for Revival and for GOD’s Mercy on our nation!!!


“….and all the many other freedoms that President Trump has stood for and *the evils and attacks he has stood* against?”
Should review/edit more carefully. Also need more coffee.


been there…have a cup with me!comment image


Heading back to the kitchen for a refill – will raise a cup to our President, His Team, Our QTH Team and to you, Pat Frederick!


I’m at my limit…2 cups…more than that and hubby hides out in the garage…


Thanks for the belly laugh!!!
Fortunately didn’t have my fresh hot coffee in hand, near keyboard or self!


lol…well that’s good!


Just a little tip, Pat….have a lots of projects in the garage waiting for him…even some supplies ready….and then enjoy another cup of coffee. ☕️


LOL…great suggestion!


BTW, if my DH hid out in the garage he might feel compelled to clean it and he will do just about anything to avoid that! 😅




reading about Netflix: cancellations spiking at 800% following the Cuties disaster. wonder if that (Cuties) was attempt to mainstream pedos in anticipation of Hunter’s laptop becoming headlines?


That theory makes a great deal of sense.

Valerie Curren

Choose this day–Choose LIFE!!!


Deplorable Patriot

Oh, good. Neuman is in the group. So is Stika who was a massive smart a$$ when he was May and Rigali’s secretary. Great guy, though.
Disappointed in some other bishops I can name who came out of here.

Valerie Curren

Quicker quakery!

Valerie Curren

LOL Trump trained his team well!!!


how can you not LOVE a man who makes life fun?
we need the JOY he brings!

Valerie Curren

Amen Pat!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image
This is potentially a brilliant thing in terms of getting the message out. Yeah, there is a PRESS WIFI. What about for us REAL NEWS people in the audience?
Cell phones and the inevitable bandwidth limits have prevented MILLIONS of pictures, emails, text messages, and MAGA INFO from getting OUT of Trump Rallies. But if there were a PUBLIC WIFI in place, there would be MASSIVE TWEETS OF PICTURES streaming out.

Valerie Curren

That is a great insight. Power to, of, & by the people pursued by the purest Patriot President in a century if not the entirety of American History!!!


i think perhaps the left wants to focus on the sex tapes–while bad, they are not THE MOST CRITICAL INFO coming out…
Again, merely because Guo’s outlets have been accurate about some things does not mean that the above allegations are true. However, the following three allegations, if true, are earth-shaking:
First: China has long owned Biden thanks to its having compromising information about his family (and possibly about him too).
Second: Biden identified CIA assets in China. The back story is that, between 2010 and 2012, China executed or imprisoned 18 to 20 assets who had bravely worked with the CIA, destroying a critical intelligence network.
Third: Guo’s outlets have “millions of videos and photos” of people who have worked with the Chinese against their own countries. If true, this implies that Guo managed to get into China’s “blackmail” database and can release that information.
If you thought Epstein’s secrets were big, these new claims, if true, could blow everything out of the water. I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say that this information – again if it’s true – could realign politics in America and elsewhere.

Deplorable Patriot

I do think that there are far worse crimes involved, but sex is such a base, human…thing…that all can relate to, which is why so many scandals are about the topic when this sort of thing has been going on before civilization ever got organized.
Getting the entire story of energy companies set up to bilk the US out of what belongs to us is a bit harder to distill.


well yeah…sex is THE squirrel in the scheme…it’s easier to get people thinking about the sex scandals than to discern the destruction of the United States from within…


For some reason, sex and squirrel in the same sentence made me LoL.
Doubtful that moar coffee will help. 🙂



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

See my earlier comments. ALL opposition to CCP is under some degree of control, if only in that they can always be counted on to receive and then front juicy disinformation. BEWARE gifts from CCP’s useful idiots – and ALL OF US are their useful idiots.
Things are going to get complicated. GIRD YOUR LOINS.comment image


Sylvia Avery

bakocarl, your opening post was a real blessing this morning. Thank you! 🤗🤗🤗


Morning Sylvia!
nice to see you posting!

Sylvia Avery

Thanks Pat! It’s good to be here!!!


how are your lungs???

Sylvia Avery

Getting better! How are you guys doing?


we’re good…
arguing with our children over our holiday gathering—they are liberals and getting “nervous” about the {{GASP}} rising cases!!!!!!

Sylvia Avery

Oh Pat! A familiar complaint, but frustrating to be sure!


hubby sent them an email basically telling them we are not afraid, if you are, we can cancel our get together, but you both know where we live…
so sick of the fear mongering and the senseless worry.

Gail Combs

Sylvia did the really deep exhale &inhale and steam help any?

Valerie Curren

Love the visual here eclipsed by Trump’s Amazing Achievements on the world stage!!!

Valerie Curren

Nice graphic but needs translation for some names!


Verse of the Day for Sunday, October 25, 2020

“Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.”
Matthew 24:44 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


Sunday Butterfly Blessingscomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Be My Voicecomment image


Good Morning Duchess!
have a peaceful and Blessed day!


Hey, Patty!!!
* Waving furiously from far away *
We’re freezing our A$$E$ off here – time to fire up the furnace – bet you are colder, too – a real * Hug Your Honey Night *
God Bless Your Day with Warmth and Love!!! * HUGS *


it’s 32* right now…but our fire is blazing in the wood stove…so we’re toasty!
HUGS–big WARM ones–back to you!!


Ooooooh – colder than here – glad you are warm and toasty – * Smiling *


:0) You haz a heat wave pf…..we’re currently sitting at 2* this lovely morning…..


wow! that’s cold for October, no?


Yeah, Friday night our area set a record low going back to the 1880’s….spotted snow storms and brief spells of ‘brrrrr cold’ are common in late October, but there’s nothing common at all about this absurdly frigid cold.


gees…stay warm!!


so Jack & Mark come in NEXT month to the Senate…interesting. It will SEEM like the Senate is buckling down on these oafs…and the oafs, well they can point to POTUS’s reelection and say look–no harm, no foul. brilliant timing.
but should Jack face charges for lying?
Big Tech titans Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg better lawyer up.
These enemies of free speech and a free press will be hauled in to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee to explain their brazen censorship of conservatives. The ever-growing list of those censored includes the president of the United States, his White House press secretary and the New York Post, whose account is still locked for posting a credible story about Joe Biden and his son during an election.
In light of Twitter’s unprecedented and willful censorship, Jack Dorsey could also be facing charges for lying to Congress in 2018.
While testifying before the United States House Committee on Energy and Commerce he told lawmakers, “Let me be clear about one important and foundational fact: Twitter does not use political ideology to make any decisions, whether related to ranking content on our service or how we enforce our rules.”
An outright lie given the overwhelming and well-documented evidence of the social network’s extreme bias and disproportionate censorship against conservatives over the years. Just this week, the Media Research Center, a watchdog group, released a study that showed Twitter and Facebook have censored President Trump and his campaign 65 times. His political opponent, Joe Biden, hasn’t been censored once.

Valerie Curren

virtual video w/ Israel…fyi

Valerie Curren

Ballot tracking, per CNN…hmmm


Montana does this, and I checked mine last night. The website told me my ballot had been accepted.
The most interesting thing to me is, all you need is the name and birthday to check. So anyone whose birthday I know, I can find out if they voted or not.

Gail Combs

That means anyone in the drivers licence bureau, SS office….. And probably the DNC head quarters.
If you DID NOT VOTE, I am sure the DNC would be very happy to vote FOR YOU. That is why they want an extra week or two to scan the data base and figure out whose votes can be stolen.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, that is a brilliant observation!!!
Voting cuts off at the election. FAKE VOTES can immediately be generated for CLOSE ELECTIONS using non-voters.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They can also monitor the “probably won’t vote” voters BEFORE the election, to make sure that they have not voted, so the hits don’t have to be as obvious.

Valerie Curren

Could that info be used to Steal Votes, as in identify those who Haven’t voted & then vote on their behalf–for Joe?


Not sure, but I doubt it would be possible in my county, anyway. We have signature verification, and they are serious about it. They will contact voters if their signature doesn’t match what is on file.

Valerie Curren

That’s a relief. My daughter took a call in MI asking for name, if you plan to vote, & how you plan to vote (mail, in person, etc), & what party I think…I hope they aren’t actively trying to steal these people’s votes!

Valerie Curren

Red Hot California!

Valerie Curren

Twit world censorship anecdotally


Good morning patriots! ⛈
— FLOTUS Report (@MELANIAJTRUMP) October 25, 2020
picture is an ominous cloud and there is a #storm is coming with the pix


Pat did you notice that Melania had tweeted that in 2012? Wonder what she knew then…


no…but thanks!


Still, it’s an interesting data point.


i don’t tweet, so I forget to look at such things before I post them. thanks for catching that!


I saw it in my twitter feed last night, and went, “whoa” – then saw the date. Still, kind of surprising that tweet – given future context and all.


Future proves past, according to some conspiracy theorist whose moniker is Q.


Thanks for the confirmation, lp.

Cuppa Covfefe

Speaking of storms, and foreboding clouds, here’s Ray Manzarek (of the Doors) explaining the beginnings of “Riders On The Storm”. He looks and speaks like a music prof – what age and maturity will do for you… and talent, of course… Seems to be the BiDoons and Klintoons will be dogs without a bone…

from his website:


So important to VOTE for Republicans in the House. Break away from Pelosi and her high Taxing new Radical Left friends. Protect your 2nd Amendment, Military, Vets, and sooo much more!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 25, 2020


.@SeanParnellUSA is a bright star for Pennsylvania. Military, Vets, Low Taxes and your 2nd Amendment will be totally protected. His opponent is a weak and ineffective puppet for Pelosi and her new Radical Left friends. Vote for Sean Parnell!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 25, 2020


From what I’ve been able to glean on this race/district – PA elections intentionally sent 18,000 ballots for Sean’s race to the wrong district, and PA DEMONCRATS want them counted anyway. Sean is PA-17, the ballots went to 18? Corrupt as heck.


PA is a MESS!
we will be mired in lawsuits…with voter fraud and against wolf’s lockdown crap!


Very sorry to hear that. I hope having a Justice Barrett soon will help. Or at least POTUS winning other states to seal the deal without PA. Still, the downticket races are a problem. Sean Davis isn’t going to concede anything to lamb, so be prepared for that seat to fight on. Hopefully, if we win back the House, they’ll refuse to seat Lamb if he steals the election. At worse, they’ll have to hold a Special Election to fix it.


I wish we could recall wolf…but he can’t run again so he’s enjoying the last 2yrs he has to play dictator. we have a repub majority in our state legislature, but a dem majority on the state supreme court and a dem governor…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Joe Biden, yesterday, walks around aimlessly while his wife speaks:

Cuppa Covfefe

She looks like she’s casting a spell… 😡 😡 😡


How would you know? 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

You’d be surprised. Then again, you probably don’t know any witches (or former witches)… . It’s all there. Or .
There are arcane sites out there as well, but it’s best to stay away from them. Playing with fire, you’ll get burned…


Thanks! I was thinking the same thing.




Crosby, Stills & Nash – Southern Cross


The Syncography of Stanley Kubrick: Intro


thanks for sharing Duchess!
One of my all time favorites!!


* Smiling *


finding the joy in small things…the secret to happiness!


Amen goes right there, Pat!!!


Now is the time to pray people of God for our country and our president.
Rest assured the forces of darkness, satanists/witches/warlocks are praying for the destruction of our nation and this president.
Let God arise and His enemies be scattered.
Father, we thank You that Your hand is upon our president mightily – We cover him with the precious shed blood of Jesus Christ, and decree and declare Zachariah 2;5 over him and his family.
Let the fire of Your glory surround them and that no witchcraft, no voodoo, no hex, no vex, no curse, no power, no principality, and no demon in hell shall prosper against them.
Father, we ask that You dispatch legions of Your warring angelic hosts to destroy every plot and plan of the enemy.
Father, let Your anointing rest strongly upon him at all times, and our nation is brought totally back to You.
Father, we praise You, we glorify You in the name above all names, Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and soon to return, Messiah. Amen.




Have a wonderful Sunday, Treepers! 🙂
Farther Along (with Dolly Parton and Linda Ronstadt) (2008 Remaster)




Luv Ya Sweet Duchess! ❤❤❤ Do you not know that WW, AR, M, S, and other admins from OT stalk us here? Anyone they see posting here gets banned from OT? Whether it’s about 17 or not?? Their hypocrissy is off the charts, after researching last year, I found that some of them follow 17 accounts on twitter. God bless those enemies because I can never forget how they cut off communications, support, and prayers from friends of PHC in his last days.


We are ALL God’s children – we are free to visit and participate where we choose – we have more in common than not – what I see is how very much we are still connected – sometimes, it is difficult to forgive hurtful occurrences – so we ask God to intervene – and He has.
I thank God for all of the people here, there, and everywhere – for how they have enriched my experiences online – I pray for the knowledge and understanding that leads to wisdom – a most cherished Gift from God.
God allows things to happen to bring us to a better place and understanding – He prepared a better place for PHC – please be comforted – God knows better than we do what is needed.
God bless your loving heart, Butterfly!!! Angels are watching over you – and giving you hugs and support – you know!!!


God has worked out things by giving us this Tree and Marica’s place and I am thankful. Not trying to pick on you, just do not need to be reminded of those henchmen who intentionally hurt PHC and Weeper in their dying days. There are many ‘Children of God’ who believe they’re doing right, only God knows, and I trust He’ll sort it all out. Thankful that both our friends are in THE VERY BEST PLACE!!🤗🥰❤


Yes, He did!!! I do not feel ‘picked on’, BFLY – God knows the heart, dear lady – and no matter what happens – some good comes out of it – they were both surrounded by love – where they needed to be – you know that.
I can get you one of those ‘blowup clowns’ – and you can take it out on him – if you want – but, instead – I will pray God will heal your heart – and bring you the peace that surpasses all understanding – the same peace that P and W now enjoy – Sweet Butterfly!
I mean no harm – just sharing – and giving credit – and yes – God will sort it all out – in His own way – so I try to bless those who curse me – and pray for my enemies – neither of which is easy.
I have to let go and let God take care of those things I cannot – not easy, either – however – Jesus told us to love one another as He has loved us – and so we must do in spite of the injustice in life.
I asked God to send more Comfort Angels – so please – no stepping on the Angels – Mkay?


I have educated myself politically from reading OT but the view from there is very narrow so I come here for a wider and more varied education. Nothing is off limits here and I hope Wolf keeps it going. It’s rare that anything I try to post OT gets thru and 🦋🦋 Is right about the hypocrisy.
When SD was off in D.C. S and M spoke so harshly to the posters that I was shocked they didn’t lose more. They contribute nothing but being paid watchdogs who ban those who bring important info. BTW…that password crap he set up before his pilgrimage was overinflated.
Yes I will still go there and read and re twit because educating the masses is important whether you like the teacher or not. So if they are reading this then I will say to them…”how do you crucify FB and Twitter when you are guilty of the same?” You can not ask the light to shine only on one place because it shines for all.
Do not let your dislike for other sites limit you mind. Hypocrite or not, we all need to continue knowledge so swallow your pride, hold your nose and wade in. I myself am a notorious thief of things posted and I will not ask your permission or give you a H/t because everything on the web is open season and I’m in a big ass hurry.😳😂

Gail Combs

“…I myself am a notorious thief of things posted and I will not ask your permission or give you a H/t because everything on the web is open season and I’m in a big ass hurry.😳😂
Spoken after my own heart!
I am interested in the information and often do not take the time to capture who wrote it. As you say there is too much information and not enough time.
Although I wish I had caught the name of the guy who said:
“If you can not OWN PROPERTY, you ARE PROPERTY”
An archived article worth reading:

Land Use Control
By: Henry Lamb
Ownership of land is the foundation of freedom in America. The hope of owning even a small plot of ground compelled our forefathers to brave incalculable risks crossing the ocean and challenging the wilderness. Land ownership was so cherished by our nation’s founders that they guaranteed that government could not take private property without just compensation paid to the land owner. This founding principle has eroded dramatically over time, especially since 1976.
The United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (HABITAT I) met in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1976. Agenda Item 10 of the conference report was entitled simply “Land.” Here is an excerpt from the Preamble to that item:
“Land…cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice; if unchecked, it may become a major obstacle in the planning and implementation of development schemes. Public control of land use is therefore indispensable….”
Behind the screen of protecting the environment, the United Nations, with the full cooperation of the United States government, is very rapidly gaining control of the use of land as the 1976 UN policy document directed. Private property ownership is seen as an “obstacle” to be overcome. The principle of land ownership on which the United States was founded is being eroded by a global agenda. We hope the information provided here will help you protect your land and your country.


They’re not making land anymore…




Pastor Franklin mentioned the *Dark Winter* – Oh, My!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Today’s Gospel reading. (The last six weeks were parables. This is a directive.)
MATTHEW 22:34-40
34But when the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sad’ducees, they came together. 35And one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question, to test him. 36″Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” 37And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38This is the great and first commandment. 39And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets.”


Amen goes right there, DP!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And here is where my inner Nicodemus and Walter Kaufmann come out, and assert that the Commandment not to bear false witness precedes all others, logically, and must be the ZEROTH Commandment! 😉

Deplorable Patriot

And they had their Rosaries in their hands.


They did 😊


family of 9 dies in China after eating toxic noodles. the acid which killed them survived (?) freezing and boiling water…
The cause of their deaths was poisoning from bongkrekic acid, a respiratory toxin detected in the noodles, which had been frozen for several months, the outlet reported.
Gao Fei, director of food safety at the Heilongjiang Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, said the toxic substance can often be fatal.
“It can cause serious damage to many human organs including the liver, kidneys, heart, and brain,” Gao said. “Currently, there is no specific antidote. Once poisoned, the fatality rate can be as high as 40 to 100 percent.”
The National Health Commission issued a warning Tuesday to avoid making and eating foods with fermented rice and flour, the state-run outlet China Daily reported.
“Using fresh and unspoiled food materials and frequently changing water when making food can reduce the risk of contamination, but it is best to avoid making and ingesting foods made of fermented grain entirely for safety concerns,” the advisory said.


Wonder if it’s the same toxin that kills people who drink ‘bad shine’ aka ‘corn likker’ made of fermented corn and other grains?



Gail Combs

gleaned from several sources:
Bongkrekic acid is known to be produced by the bacterium Burkholderia gladioli pv. cocovenenans…
….Bongkrekic acid poisoning that is usually occurred through incomplete corn fermentation…
…Bongkrekic acid is a main cause of poisoning from fermented flour and rice products and spoiled white fungus [a food in China], as well as other spoiled starch products….

Looks like it is found in fermentation products of starchy foods such as rice, corn, flour and probably other grain products. Maybe Soy??
“Soy sauce or simply “Soy”, also called soya sauce, is an East Asian liquid condiment of Chinese origin, traditionally made from a fermented paste of soybeans, roasted grain, brine, and Aspergillus oryzae or Aspergillus sojae molds.”
Essentially it is a problem when the people doing the fermenting do not adhere to strict hygene practices and testing to determine the fermentation agent.
January 2017 on an 2015 outbreak
Identification of the potent toxin bongkrekic acid in a traditional African beverage linked to a fatal outbreak
“….When the bacteria were co-plated with the fungus Rhizopus oryzae, which was also isolated from the corn flour, synergistic production of bongkrekic acid was observed. The results suggest a mechanism for bongkrekic acid intoxication, a phenomenon previously thought to be restricted to specific regions of Indonesia and China.


Thank you, Gail. Hygiene was one of the things they blamed for people getting sick or dying from ‘bad shine’ When I was a girl, they showed us movies about moonshine from dirty stills being dangerous. Some of the stills had dead buzzards and animals in them. I went to a country school in a very small town. Farmers sold food to the lunch room and our hot school lunches were good. Still, there were the occasional food poisonings in schools around the area. Usually from a creamy dish like pineapple custard pudding dessert.


So boiling won’t kill this bacteria?


Doubt it. My husbands family were big shine makers and most who died usually over indulged because shine was way stronger. At one point they went from using copper to using aluminum and some idiots would use batteries to hurry the process and this killed some folks. They stopped that PDQ. When I say “they” I don’t mean our family. It’s a very interesting story from our history. Too long to explain.

Gail Combs

Depends on the people. Farmers used to make and sell farm pressed cider. We had a cider press and bottled cider for our own use. Then some idiot used nasty putrid apples complete with mice and made a lot of people sick so the state passed a law and you could no longer make home made cider. 😢
Now a days all it takes is ONE donkey’s butt PLUS a rabid media and there goes another unregulated industry. Often times it is a shill TRYING to get people sick so a law will get passed or so it seems.


Your right and fortunately my husbands family lived in a close knit community of god loving people. Making a living with some refreshments on the side,😉 However shine became a known contributor of diabetes in some families.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Is it possible you are thinking of methyl alcohol (a/k/a methanol)? (“regular” drinking alcohol is ethyl alcohol (ethanol).)


Ol timey moonshine – corn squeezings – made in an old copper still.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – most moonshine deaths due to toxic components are due to adulteration with methanol.


TRUMP’s CHINA-will-PAY QUIVER gets another ARROW: Coast Guard’s Fast Response Cutters
“Fast Response Cutters will conduct maritime security missions, such as fisheries patrols, enhance maritime domain awareness and enforcement efforts in collaboration with regional partners who have limited offshore surveillance and enforcement capacity, and ensure freedom of navigation.“
ChYna’s Pacific Belt & Road victims
… watching China voraciously ravage their fisheries
… (like they did to Galapagos and South America
… are about to dump ChYna at the altar for pacts on security & trade with the USA!
[Slow learners become first-to-fail PREY.]

Deplorable Patriot

Am I understanding that China is raiding fish rich areas of open water, or is this within their territory.


Open water and other nations’ territory.
Ripping off the world to compensate for inability to feed their own people and to avoid buying more Ag from the USA.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Chinazis will cut off their slave’s noses to spite the American face!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I know that electioneering isn’t allowed. Harris is far enough away, but her using a bullhorn would actually be illegal – it’s intimidation for those who don’t want to vote for her. Notice one thing though – there isn’t any heavy applause for her after she speaks. Kind of scattered, and people aren’t acting thrilled to see her.


A red bird sitting… With an Eagle!


This is wonderful. 🙂 I would love to see that.

Harry Lime

That tree branch kind of obstructed the red bird so I zoomed in…comment image



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



Very sweet. Cardinals are one of my favorite birds. They love the seed in our bird feeder, and our cats go crazy watching.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s a bad Superbowl is what that is.
Truthfully, their territorial range is similar and they are not on each other’s preferred diet.
There’s a few other birds I can name who would have that plump cardinal for lunch.


Not this year for sure. The NFC East is a clown show. 🤡 🏈



Gail Combs
Hubby says it might be a little hard on the geese if the feathers are still attached. On the other hand NO ONE would want to go near those infuriated geese!comment imagecomment imagecomment image


Love the goose spectator, just watching the show.

Gail Combs

Probably his mate. Geese can be VERY NASTY. Mom got chased around the car by some farm geese at the farm we got eggs from when I was a kid.

Deplorable Patriot

STL city and county spent a fortune giving Forest Park a facelift some years back. The golf courses were completely redone with beautiful water hazards and landscaping. Then the geese moved in. Talk about a mess. Anyway, so, after 90 days, when they were domesticated, Missouri Conservation rounded them up at five in the morning, took flocks out into the county and, well, took care of them. BANG BANG BANG
Frequently, that’s what happens around here. Geese move into swimming pools and after 90 days the owner of the property can do what they want with them. BANG


A golf course we belonged to in another state had a major geese problem…it was located off the marsh lands of the Intracoastal and the geese considered it their home. Solution? There are dogs trained just for that purpose…to “herd” the geese and chase them off the fairways. He worked most of the day on the golf course and spent the night in the maintenance barn. Golfers loved him…quite the lovable character.

Deplorable Patriot

I have an old comforter they are welcome to cut open for feathers.


Think the Mayor will ever get the message or will continue to spend tax dollars to keep having the city workers repair it?






Mass from America’s Catholic Church
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The next livestream will begin Sunday, October 25 at 12:00 p.m. ET
Devotions will not be livestreamed following the 12 pm Mass in order to accommodate the celebration and livestream of Mass in Spanish from the Great Upper Church at 2:30 pm ET.



for what it’s worth…
“Sources close to and with deep knowledge of the investigation, have informed me that Chris Coons’ DAUGHTER in addition to seven other underage girls are also featured on [Hunter Biden’s] laptop.”
— Lauren Witzke (@LaurenWitzkeDE) October 24, 2020
same girlcomment image


Betcha she went to Sidwell friends too. I bet there is a connection. SAME age as Finnegan and Sasha Obama?

Deplorable Patriot

There’s an interesting thought.


Coons’ wife, Annie, is a close friend of Hallie Biden, the widow of Beau Biden.


deeper down the rabbit hole Alice…or as Morpheus would say “Follow the white rabbit”


Wilmington Friends not Sidwell Friends. She’s pictured in this article and was a sophomore in 2017.


wonder who will be buying up these hotels at fire sale prices?
Prices at New York City hotels have plunged as the hospitality industry continues to try and grapple with the effects of the global pandemic.
Some hotels, like the Midtown Hilton, have remained closed since March. Others, like the Pierre, are operating in limited capacity. Those that are open for business have slashed prices by more than 60%, according to a new writeup by AlJazeera.
Despite October usually being a fruitful month for tourism in NYC, coronavirus has forced the cancellation of staple events like the NYC Marathon and Fashion Week. And while the industry has definitely recovered since March, it still has a long way to go. 200 of New York’s roughly 700 hotels remain closed, the article notes.


Pennsylvania Ballot “mistakes” made, in my opinion, on purpose by the Democrat Governor, puts Republicans, in particular @SeanParnellUSA, at great risk. Corrupt politics in Pennsylvania must be investigated immediately. By the way, Philadelphia is out of control. @TheJusticeDept
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 25, 2020


Concerned Virginian

So it appears that CHRISTOPHER WRAY had the goods on HUNTER BIDEN sat on it for almost a YEAR.
Instead of DOING HIS JOB and promptly going through the evidence and presenting it in a TIMELY MANNER related to the BOGUS “impeachment” of POTUS.
Instead of INTERROGATING the principal players in the laptop evidence — including JOE, JIM, HUNTER and the MEMBERS OF CONGRESS and SENATE named in the emails.
My opinion: Wray MUST be arrested and charged with, at MINIMUM, Dereliction of Duty, if not ACCESSORY to TREASON.
And what about the role of AG BARR in all of this?


While what you have presented here may well be true, CV – I think it is all about timing – if Wray was a Sleeper – there was a reason he was sleeping on the job – look at what has happened in close proximity to the election – there is a reason for everything – sometimes, people like Wray are put in positions to reveal the operation – how it was done – who was involved – and all of that.
AG Barr is in an admirable position – or not – they are putting together an enormous amount of information and evidence – without which there can be no convictions – again – it might be timing – it might also be the investigations are incomplete at this point – dunno – just surmising.
If we are bombarded with too much information at one time – there is no way we could absorb it all – hence – the drip…drip…drip – what if they were collecting information on Wray?
Who knows? It is easy for us to sit here and say what we think should happen – it is another thing to bring forth the evidence and proof to make it happen.
And – while we are waiting – they are working from the bottom to the top of an enormous number of indictments for various offenses – the swamp is deep and wide – Wray may be only one cog in an enormous wheel – that keeps turning.


What did the FBI do to protect the children involved? What are they doing to protect the victims now that these images are out?
I don’t care if it takes time to prosecute. How are children being protected in the interim?


They aren’t children any more so there is nothing to protect.


Agree CV…
Also, sat on this while our POTUS was impeached…
and has continued to sit without any arrests for CP on the laptop.
I predict he will be fired immediately after the election.

Gail Combs

It is not just the Bidens and these girls. (Who are now 16) We are talking MASSIVE ped0 – Human trafficking ring(s)
IIFF waiting a year SHUTS THE WHOLE DARN MESS DOWN then I am OK with that though it breaks my heart. (Make haste slowly…)
If on the other hand it was intentionally swept under the rug. Then -h*a*n*g- the whole FIB up by their family jewels!




Pat: This Bud’s for You!!! It could be worse!!! We could be knee deep in snow!!!


snow can wait it’s turn…LOL…DECEMBER is winter’s beginning…


Yup – I can wait – still watching the grass grow – I am

Gail Combs

I want my horse and sleigh!!!
This looks like my girl but she was a brighter red-brown chestnut with a light colored mane & tail.comment image


Wheeeeee!!!! I Love It, Gail!!!

Gail Combs

It really is a heck of a lot of fun BUT COLD!!! I made some carriage lap robes out of heavy wool on one side and Cordora nylon on the other. (breathable but water proof)


Good Girl!!! Bet Pat would be proud of your ingenuity, Gail – a close relative of mine drives cart – she loves it – sending that pix to her – Thanks!!!


I hope that state LEGISLATOR (!) feels like the dope she is!


Her private and “official” FB pages were blown up, hilarious read. She cut the comments on her personal page. 😂


My latest for those interested. The FBI needs an ENEMA.


Ambassador O’Brien URGES ALL AMERICANS TO VOTE to beat China, Russia, Iran and any other nasty foreign and domestic agents and their agendas!!!

Concerned Virginian

WHY is the CDC still being allowed to create MORE fear porn with the CCP Virus reporting?
If it is true that ONLY about 10,000 deaths in the United States are attributed SOLELY from an infection of the virus, WHY is the CDC reporting that OVER ** 220,000 ** people in the United States have died FROM THE VIRUS?
Are hospitals / nursing homes / rehab facilities — still being REQUIRED to report ANY death of a person infected with the virus REGARDLESS, of the presence of co-morbidities or underlying conditions, ONLY as a death from the virus; or that the virus is the PRINCIPAL cause of death?


Yesterday, at one of the rallies, President Trump alluded to what IS a Covid death. Said it will be looked into.
After the election I expect Covid death accounting to be a major topic. Along with an edict, back to normal now.
Not to mention indictments.
Serious house cleaning about two weeks out.

Gail Combs

Oh yeah VERY serious house cleaning
Do not forget
Executive Order on Creating Schedule F In The Excepted Service
Which allows most of the Deep Swamp bureau-Rats to be FLUSHED.
I explain the laws (vs regs) involved HERE.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If I understood it right, he basically created a toilet bowl (subject to flushing) named Schedule F, then moved almost everyone into it.


Gail, this EO right here, more than anything else said, leads me to believe the President is confident of his re-election…And that draining the Swamp remains a top priority…sort of an Announcement of sorts.


The nitty gritty on the Senate ACB Vote!
Chad Pergram thread –
1) The Senate will meet at noon et in a rare Sunday to debate the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett for the Supreme Court.
The Senate has teed up a procedural vote today to cut off a filibuster of the nomination.
2) By rule, there is a quorum call one hour after the Senate meets before it takes a procedural vote to end a filibuster. The Senate usually waives that provision. We don’t expect that to be the case today.
3) The second vote in the queue would be the vote to end the filibuster. This is known as “invoking cloture.”
“Invoking cloture” or ending debate on a Supreme Court nominee used to require 60 yeas.
4) But McConnell imposed a new “precedent” in the Senate specific to ending debate on Supreme Court nominees in 2017. He lowered the bar from 60 yeas to 51. Keep in mind, this was not a “rules change.” This was a “precedent” change. The Senate does much of its work via precedent.
5) The specific time the Senate closes the vote to end debate on the nomination is key. It will dictate at what time the Senate votes to actually confirm Barrett on Monday night.
6) By rule, once the Senate votes to end debate on today (invoke cloture), opponents of the nomination are permitted 30 hours of additional debate. But that’s it.
7) So, let’s say the Senate closes the vote to end debate on the nomination around 2:30 pm et. Democrats can then run 30 hours off the clock before an actual Senate vote.
That means the confirmation vote would begin around 8:30 pm et Monday night.


Emerald Robinson: “The reason that ditzy
suddenly announced that she’s voting for Judge Amy Coney Barrett is not because she finally figured out that she’s a Republican – it’s because she can see the looming shadow of Sarah Palin in 2022 from her house.”….
“Next week, Judge Amy Coney Barrett should be confirmed to the Supreme Court which means we are living through the last few days of Chief Justice John Roberts’ relevance as an incoherent swing vote for liberalism.”….
Maybe…. we don’t know yet whether she’s squishy on social justice issues like liberal Episcopalian Gorsuch and many liberal Catholics.


I believe we DO know whether she’s squishy…
She herself has even stated that she IS NOT a policy maker… she is a judge who FOLLOWS the law… and her cases so far indicate that…
Barrett has even stated that she would follow the law even when it goes against her own personal preference. Which also translates to she will follow the law even when it goes against your preference or my preference. That is what a jurist is supposed to do.
The problem with Roberts is that he DOES NOT always follow the law.


Just a though, wonder if Pence team was on purpose infected so Pence is unable to cast the deciding vote if needet? I put nothing past them.
Seems so curies that both POTUS and Pence are exposed to virus at important times ?


Always a possibility Singing…
I like the way you think 😉


It is my belief that Pence already HAD covid, and they kept it hidden, much like Barrett.


THAT makes a lot of sense PRex… always thinking out of the box 😉


Curiously UNWORRIED aren’t tthey?




Come hell or high water, Covid positive or not, Pence WOULD be there to vote IF necessary.

Gail Combs
If it is good enough for Ebola, it is good enough for Covid. 🙃


Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Oct 23
Under the regular order, at 1:00pm on Sunday, October 25th, the Senate will proceed to a vote on the motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #890 Amy Coney Barrett to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.


Leader McConnell@senatemajldr
Democrats cannot use “illegitimate” as a synonym for “we didn’t get our way.”
Democrats keep demanding the President repeat that the election will be valid even if he dislikes the outcome. But they’re flunking that test badly with Judge Barrett’s nomination.


Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Pence’s Chief of Staff Marc Short tests positive for coronavirus
Chad FAILS to mention VP Pence tested NEGATIVE… DIMS of course are hoping that there will be a tie and Pence will be unable to vote. EVIL never ceases to wish chaos.


NOTHING would stop Pence from being tie breaker IF it was necessary.


We know that… DIMs like clutching at straws. I believe Yes to confirm vote will be 53 Republicans . Collins doesn’t have the spine to stand alone… not on this one.




Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Senate in session today at noon et. Likely “live” quroum call to take see who is there at 1 pm et followed by procedural vote to cut off Barrett filibuster. By the book, Barrett confirmation vote would come 30 hrs after Senate votes to end filibuster. That means Monday night


copied from OT
dufrst says:
October 25, 2020 at 11:57 am
That was fast!
Al Qaeda’s second in command was just killed in Afghanistan.
Peace in the Middle East!
— Ryan Fournier (@RyanAFournier) October 25, 2020
Because this happened
The death toll from a suicide attack in Afghanistan’s capital has risen to at least 18 killed and 57 wounded, including schoolchildren, the interior ministry said. The blast hit outside an education center in a heavily Shiite neighborhood of western Kabul.
— The Associated Press (@AP) October 24, 2020
Time to get out of the endless wars! MAGA!


H/T CM-TXcomment image


and another from CM-TXcomment image

Cuppa Covfefe

And in that case (for once), he’d be right…
Towel-boy Barry Subud…


SCOOP: DOJ source tells @OANN that FBI dropped investigation of Hunter Biden laptop because they did not believe the repair shop owner’s story would hold up in court, although Mac Isaac provided them with evidence. They found zero evidence of foreign involvement.
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) October 25, 2020


LOL the old “no reasonable prosecutor trick” No reasonable DEM prosecutor would. The FI is TOAST, BURNT TOAST. They have been infiltrated and are NO LONGER the arm of TRUTH and EQUAL JUSTICE under the law. Everyone now knows it. Bye Wray. The J Edgar Hoover building will soon be EMPTY.

Concerned Virginian

Well, doesn’t that FBI excuse smell like the dog poop that got stepped in because everybody forgot the dog went outside “to see a man about a dog”.


it’s all they could come up…they’re running out of the dog ate my homework excuses…


“Graze In Your Own Pasture” | October 25, 2020


#TRUMP #MEGAHeydonMusicPage “Have a Great SUNDAY ” 10.25.2020


click on image to increase size

Jack Posobiec Flag of United States@JackPosobiec
4chan is onto something
Zoe, the message (image) from 4chan is that the Hunter ‘leak’ is what is known as the Samson Option… their way of conceding the election because they can’t win even with voter fraud. It’s the DNC’s final effort to taint the election results, pointing to the laptop scandal as the reason Trump wins. They’ll use it to undermine everything the second term administrtion, just as they used the ‘popular vote’ count, she really won argument.

Gail Combs

The Progressive Commie DemonRats were ALWAYS going to fight and try to undermine the second term administration…
The question is, will Mitch FINALLY allow recess appointments so POTUS can actually have a real government?
Does the Q Team actually have it ALL?
Will there be military tribunals and convictions?
Will the Bidens et al get handed over to the Ukraine?
Will Soros get handed to Hungary?

Deplorable Patriot

I was going to put this up if it wasn’t here already. Take it for what it’s worth, but it rings true.


Ballot harvesting is illegal in PA. Mayor of Philly shown with 2 ballots in hand…with no designated agent form visible…possibly breaking the law. Mayor says election official prevented him from doing so, so POTUS says that’s why unmanned drop off boxes must cease…
A lawyer for the Trump campaign is demanding answers from the Philadelphia Board of City Commissioners after a photograph appeared to show Mayor Jim Kenney violating election law, the Delaware Valley Journal has learned.
Kenney explained his actions and said no laws were broken.
The complaint is in a letter to the Board of Commissioners, obtained exclusively by the Delaware Valley Journal, and is a follow-up to one the Trump campaign sent last week. The new complaint was sparked by a picture of Kenney that appeared in Thursday’s Philadelphia Inquirer.
Because of Pennsylvania’s laws against ballot harvesting, people can only mail their own ballots, not those of other voters. To mail or drop off someone else’s ballot, you must have a “Designated Agent” form in which the voter authorizes you to do so.
But the photo appears to show Mayor Kenney dropping off two ballots with no “Designated Agent” form.
“We ask that your office provide an explanation. If the general public views a photograph of the Mayor of Philadelphia delivering what appears to be two ballots to a dropbox, without a Designated Agent form in sight, the danger exists that the public could view this as the Mayor condoning third party delivery of ballots without following the law of this Commonwealth,” attorney Linda Kerns wrote.
This argument expands on a letter Kerns and the campaign sent to the city last week.
“To preserve the integrity of the election, the Campaign demands that the use of unmanned dropboxes in Philadelphia immediately cease,” the earlier letter said, in part to prevent people from illegally dropping off more than one ballot.
Mayor Kenney’s office told Delaware Valley Journal that the mayor followed the law, thanks to the advice of an elections official on the spot.
“The Mayor was also carrying a mail-in ballot belonging to a person with whom he is personally close,” Kenney’s spokesman Mike Dunn said. “The elections official standing with him in the photograph informed him that he was not allowed to deposit that person’s ballot. The Mayor then deposited only his own ballot into the drop box.”
The Trump campaign said Kenney’s response is helpful.
“The mayor’s response proves just how right the Trump Campaign is: a Board of Elections representative must staff each dropbox and help voters avoid illegal ballot harvesting,” said Thea McDonald, a press secretary with the campaign.
“The mayor almost broke the law. He should join with President Trump’s campaign to give his constituents the same benefits he received from that poll worker. President Trump has long fought for a free, fair election in Pennsylvania—he won in the fight to ensure ballot harvesting remained illegal, and today we continue the fight to protect voters and ensure the integrity of the election. Pennsylvania voters deserve answers on the critical issues the Trump Campaign has raised.”


My goodness… cryin’ chucky is fighting for his life (he’s on a list on Hunter’s laptop)
Chad as usual is tweeting out all his lamentations… five, so far.
Schumer: “Republicans are irresponsible… they will put you personally at risk to Covid, just as their health policies will put all of America at risk” (so I recommend that you do not congregate in these chambers etc….)


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States@JackPosobiec
BREAKING: Joe Biden called a lid at 11:27am today, amid new revelations about his family’s Ukrainian energy dealings and one day after his drive-in speech in PA was filled with Trump supporters


Dr. Robert Jeffress: Enthusiasm for President Trump’s Reelection | October 23, 2020


Tracy Beanz is even RT’ng this… Note there’s no source. I found news about mask mandate at The Island Packet, local newspaper for HHI/Beaufort area. Read the link… and note the disinformation.
We have to be on guard against hyperbole and speculation…
A rogue County Council chairman is trying to pass a mask mandate with no end date, add changes to the law, and forgo the Constitution! If this passes, it would be the FIRST COUNTY IN THE NATION TO DO SO!
@TreyWalker @covert4congress@WayneDupreeShow@henrymcmaster


Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
NOW VOTING: Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #890 Amy Coney Barrett to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.


Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Invoked, 51-48: Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #890 Amy Coney Barrett to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.


Okay… one GOP senator didn’t vote and one GOP senator voted NO to invoke…
Anyone have names?


Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) was the only absence on the procedural vote today.
Chad Pergram@ChadPergram
The two nays on the procedural vote were Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK). But Murkowski indicated she will vote yes to confirm Barrett tomorrow night. We believe the vote will close around 8 pm et tomorrow night.


The Senate votes 51-48 to limit debate on Judge Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court confirmation. Republican Senators Murkowski (AK) and Collins (MD) vote “no” with all Democrats. A final vote is expected Monday evening.


Anyone know anything about Sara Gideon who has Susan Collins in a very tight race… besides the fact that she’s young, probably a progressive DIM, is pro-abortion… ?


The 2020 United States Senate election in Maine will be held on November 3, 2020, to elect a member of the United States Senate to represent the State of Maine, concurrently with the 2020 U.S. presidential election, as well as other elections to the United States Senate, elections to the United States House of Representatives and various state and local elections. Candidates include incumbent Republican Senator Susan Collins, Democratic nominee Sara Gideon,[1] as well as independent candidates Lisa Savage and Max Linn.comment image


well, I don’t like Ms Collins’ politics, but I like that wiki piece even less! The dang article smears Kavanaugh…


You wanted to know about her challenger – that was the question – I thot


Ohh I apologize, I’m not fussing about you,.. it’s wiki that is the problem. Thank you for looking and I’m sorry for my rudeness in not being clear… I appreciate all that you do Duchess…


Understand – Wiki is no place to go for info – but, it was the quickest – figured if she was a Dim – could almost figure what she decided was important – SMH – if Collins blows this – PT will have a difficult time winning Maine, too.


Frankly, I think the biggest factor as to why Sara is gaining on her is Collins doesn’t support POTUS. I believe Maine will go with Donald Trump


So you think Collins is losing?


the polls say it is neck and neck… and we all know what that means! I wondered why she wasn’t primaried… she was, but the local party is controlled by GOPe and they endorsed Collins. This is Collins SIXTH run… she’s been in Senate for THIRTY years… ridiculous… insane really. Hopefully Americans will wake up to the fact that they have to monitor their politicians.


Does not sound good – too bad they could not primary her – are people going to vote for her as the lesser of two evils – or is she going to lose – Maine is going for PT – and she defies him left and right – * Sigh *


The Democratic nominee, Speaker of the Maine House of Representatives Sara Gideon, supports criminal justice reforms, expansion of the Affordable Care Act, rejoining the Paris Climate Accord, and imposing universal background checks on gun sales to combat gun violence. In 2019, Gideon faced an election ethics complaint for accepting reimbursements for her political donations from her own PAC. Gideon apologized for the violation, reimbursed the federal government a total of $3,250, and closed the PAC.[22]


Thanks so much Duchess… she’s bad news…


Most definitely – worthless – maybe, PT went to Maine to have a talk with Ms C.


She’s in Washington though…


Still knows how to rile the troops – bet he is really not happy with her now, tho’


Right… Lisa M either…


These two both deserve to lose their seats – but, not to a Dim – not right now, either – idiots!!!


So who is this guy and why might you care?
Peter Vroom 📫🌊
Convergence CEO | Nat Trade Assoc CEO | Congressional Ch of Staff | NRCC Campaign School Director | Congressional Campaign Manager | Former Republican. #resister


Robert Barnes Retweeted
Adrian Vermeule@Vermeullarmine
If they’re already doxxing the nuns now, imagine what they’ll do if given control of the instruments of the state
Quote Tweet


The Nuns photo is so cute. 🙂


The President is going to make nuns great again 😎


Pinned Tweet
Senate Republicans@SenateGOP
Oct 23
Never-before-seen footage.
Behind the scenes stories.
America is in this fight together.
And—together—it’s a fight America will win.

THE INVISIBLE ENEMY: A five-part original series.
Dropping 10.28.2020
See y’all then.


Not only were Bidens making money, they were doing it by selling our technology to Chyna.


hubby was catching sports highlights on tv and a biden ad came on proclaiming a biden administration would be a “FRESH START”…I howled in laughter…47 years in politics? and he’s claiming his administration would be a fresh start? what a LIAR!!!


Glenn Greenwald@ggreenwald
One of the clearest and most important sentences you’ll read, showing how US media really works, from WashPost op-ed by @RidT:
** “We must treat the Hunter Biden leaks as if they were a foreign intelligence operation — even if they probably aren’t.” **


Robert Barnes@Barnes_Law
Kushner has a very easy libel lawsuit against Lincoln Project. Their only hope is to be broke before judgment or not be personally liable for the libel.
Quote Tweet
The Hill@thehill
· 26m
Lincoln Project attorney on billboards lawsuit threat: “Please peddle your scare tactics elsewhere”


I had no idea. What a wonderful story. He’s right. Biden locks them up Trump sets them free.
“Right on, Trump!” – Duke Tanner Releases Second Powerful Video in Support of Trump After His Release from Federal Prison


Google Searches for ‘Can I Change My Vote’ Spike Following Hunter Biden Sex Tape Release
Wisconsin: voters who voted early in person can recast their ballot as long as they do so by Saturday, October 31st. The deadline for absentee varies by city. People who wish to change their vote should contact their city clerk for more information.
Minnesota: absentee voters can change their votes up to a week before the election.
Michigan: absentee voters can change their ballots if they have not yet been processed and tabulated. Those who wish to change their ballot should contact their city clerk within a few days of the election.
Pennsylvania; New York; Connecticut; and Mississippi: Contact your city clerk to change your vote.




Biden is in the basement again.
Biden Campaign Is Promoting Rallies at Florida Polling Stations After Kamala Harris Campaigns to Voters in Line in Ohio
Is this even legal?
There used to be laws about campaigning at polling sites?
Oh wait they are Dems carry on. But wow Zero can’t bring them in now that is telling.


Massive Miles Long Jewish Trump Supporters Car Parade Crosses Brooklyn Bridge in New York City
“…being jeered by liberals and at one point being egged. Kennedy said the parade “stretches for miles” and also received positive reactions. A Fox News worker also reported the parade goes on for miles.
UPDATE at end: An angry bicyclist punched the car window of a Trump supporter in the parade. No damage done.”



This seems to be the one in Monsey, where Dr. Zelenko practices.


Anybody who threw eggs should have their SNAP cards cancelled. Obviously they already have too much food if they can throw it away.



Deplorable Patriot


trying to remember my dad’s joke…she’s so unpopular, her mom had to tie a pork chop around her neck to get the dog to play with her


I don’t think that’s going to work in this case.
Its like ‘hey we’ll give you $50 to sit at this ummm ‘rally’.


where are the stoners when you need them?


The news from the Vatican isn’t getting any better. (Sigh)


Maine visit.
The AP’s Jonathan Lemire reported via Twitter Sunday morning, “The FAA has advised that on Sunday, beyond a planned rally in Manchester, New Hampshire, that President Trump may also visit Bangor, Maine — part of the state’s second congressional district, which awards its one electoral vote separately and went for Trump in 2016”
Bangor Daily News reporter Michael Shepherd reports it is not clear if a rally is being planned, “I’d caution the people assuming this is a “rally” that we don’t actually know what it is right now. There’s some indication that Trump could make an off-site visit. #mepolitics…his isn’t being ticketed or noticed like a rally, for example. #mepolitics”
“President Donald Trump will visit the Bangor area today as part of a late addition to his campaign schedule. He will land at Bangor International Airport at 2:30 p.m. and head to Treworgy Family Orchards in Levant, according to a source familiar with the president’s plans.”
The orchard visit was also reported to Rachel Maddow by a Twitter tipster, “@maddow Trump will be flying into Bangor, Maine, this afternoon, for a rally to take place in Levant, Maine, at Treworgy Orchards. Friends of mine just got kicked out of the orchards by the Secret Service.”


Thanks Kal…
That makes a lot of sense…
He doesn’t miss a beat, does he?


Check out the crowds in this unannounced visit in Maine:


The Library
New York Democrats have gone full Nazi SS.
Trish Intel
NY Gov. Cuomo: ‘If You Take Away The Money From Orthodox Jewish Community, They Will Comply’ – Trish Intel
New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo has threatened to withhold public funding from Orthodox Jewish communities that do not enforce the Covid-19 rules at schools.
Harold Wren


what a creep!


From all I’ve read, only the liberal Jews vote blue. And they can’t stand the orthodox.


FTA emphasis added
Senate votes to limit debate on Barrett Supreme Court nomination, move toward final vote Monday evening
The Senate will have 30 hours to engage in debate over Barrett’s nomination before voting
The Senate voted 51-48 Sunday afternoon to limit debate on the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett, setting up a vote on her confirmation for Monday evening.
Sunday’s vote limited debate over President Trump’s court appointee to 30 hours, meaning the full Senate will be able to hold a confirmation vote Monday beginning at approximately 7:26 p.m. ET.
Two Republicans voted against ending debate, Sens. Susan Collins, R-Maine., and Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska. Murkowski has, however, indicated that she will vote to confirm Barrett.


Our Turbo Turtle, Cocaine Mitch knows how to run things through the complexities of Senate procedures and get results.







Larry Schweikart@LarrySchweikart
Buzz Aldrin picks Arizona Republican McSally over fellow astronaut Kelly #FoxNews
Buzz Aldrin picks Arizona Republican McSally over fellow astronaut Kelly
Famed U.S. astronaut Buzz Aldrin appeared to endorse Sen. Martha McSally, R-Ariz., in her race against retired astronaut Mark Kelly, a Democrat.

Elizabeth Carter

President Trump made NASA great again!! McSally is on the winning team.


Yeayyy POTUS…


The Library
For anti fascists, #antifa look & act exactly like the Nazi Brownshirts. #terrorism
The Post Millennial
BREAKING: Antifa militants attack ‘Jews for Trump’ supporters in New York City
An all out brawl broke out in Times Square in New York City on Sunday. Antifa militants raided through a police barricade and attacked Jewish pro-Trump supporters and pro-police demonstrators.
Harold Wren


Has cryin chuckie had even ONE WORD to say about Jews being persecuted in NY? about Cuomo and his mandates? Just one word?
How ’bout slime media? TV in NY? Anybody?


Jack Poso has a thread of videos of Antifa attacking this convoy… throwing paint on the vehicles, hitting people
Meanwhile, Heels Up is outside Voting precinct shouting through a megaphone… police have used orange cones to slow down the traffic…
I think she’s in Detroit… she’s scheduled to make a speech there… maybe this is it? She must be drinking… if not drunk… guess her “campaign” doesn’t have the money for a regular venue (but then she wouldn’t have a crowd)… This way, she can claim the long line of voters waiting to get in to vote, are actually there to see her.
Thank the Lord I don’t live in a big city…


The Library
So how many people were taking money from #ukraine ?
#BidenBribery #BidenCrimeFamily

Greg Rubini
BOOM !! – Ukraine corruption John Kerry: “All of us were trying to get rid of that Prosecutor: me, Joe Biden and Obama” also OBAMA was in it Retweet!
Harold Wren


Hey Kerry !
Time for your step-son, Chris Heinz, to speak about his involvement in Ukraine…

Cuppa Covfefe

Methinks Piglosi d’Alessandro Gambino Jr. must be involved, too…
Wicked web they wove… and are probably still weaving…


Remember, Q told us, those that scream the loudest, have the most to hide. Obama, Kerry, Hillary, Biden, McCabe, Comey, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Strzok, L. Page, Marie Yovanovich, Alexandra Chalupa, Bill Taylor, A Vindman, Christopher Steele, John Winer, Victoria Nuland, Ben Rhodes, Susan Rice, Val Jarrett, Bill Priestap, James Baker, Sally Yates, Christopher Way, Rod Rosenstein, Robert Mueller, Andrew Weissman and more. NO small group eh.
Worth remembering.


No PRex… no small list. Even longer… 3/4 of Congress/Senate? Deads of agencies, some in military… some governors, past and present. America will be shocked.


Read the link, I had 65 plus over 2 years ago. It has only grown since then!


Oh I didn’t mean you don’t have a longer list… my goodness you have been way down these rabbit holes… just reminding others of the enormity…


I know, just want people to see NO SMALL GROUP.


“BOOM !! – Ukraine corruption John Kerry: “All of us were trying to get rid of that Prosecutor: me, Joe Biden and Obama” also OBAMA was in it Retweet!”
The Ukraine prosecutor in that quote is Viktor Shokin. He has survived two assassination attempts through poisoning. Both times he was clinically dead, but survived.
Article excerpt:
“Giuliani states that Shokin was dismissed due to the threat of Biden not to allocate one billion of usd to Ukraine
Former prosecutor general Viktor Shokin was poisoned twice allegedly as he possesses the information about money laundering by ex-Vice President of the U.S. Joseph Biden and his son Hunter through Burisma Company as Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani reported on Twitter.
“(Shokin, – Holds doc’s proving money laundering by Burisma & Biden’s. Fired due to VP Biden’s threat not to release $1 billion in vital US aid. Shokin’s med records show he was poisoned, died twice, and was revived. Lots of heads will roll in Ukraine if this opens up”, Giuliani reported.”


REPORT and photos of President Trump’s last minute visit to Levant Orchards in Maine – tacked onto the rally thread;
THOUSANDS showed up with very little notice – they dropped everything – grabbed their TRUMP 2020 Banners and Signs and came to see and support him and chant ‘4 MORE YEAR!’ to President Trump!!!!



Okay, I missed this last night at Ace of Spades… figure we could all use a laugh…
HOWEVER, if you’re prone to get the ‘vapors’ when racy jokes are told… suggest you scroll on by…
The Saturday Night Joke
The madam opened the brothel door in Elko County, Nevada, and saw a rather dignified, well-dressed, good-looking man in his late forties or early fifties.
“May I help you, sir?” she asked.
“I want to see Valerie,” the man replied.
“Sir, Valerie is one of our most expensive ladies. Perhaps you would prefer someone else,” said the madam.
“No, I must see Valerie,” he replied.
Just then, Valerie appeared and announced to the man she charged $10,000 a visit.
Without hesitation, the man pulled out ten thousand dollars and gave it to Valerie, and they went upstairs. After an hour, the man calmly left.
The next night, the man appeared again, once more demanding to see Valerie.
Valerie explained that no one had ever come back two nights in a row as she was so very expensive. There were no discounts and the price was still $10,000. The gentleman did not blink an eye. Again, he pulled out a wad of cash, gave it to Valerie, and they went upstairs. After an hour, he left.
The following night the man was there yet again. Everyone was astounded that he had come for a third consecutive night, maybe a record in the history of brothels in Nevada, which date back into the early 1800s. But without hesitation he paid Valerie the ten grand and off they went upstairs.
After their session, Valerie said to the man, “No one has ever been with me three nights in a row. Where are you from?”
The man replied, “Billings, Montana.”
“Really,” she said. “I have family in Billings.”
“I know,” the man said. “I regret to tell you, but your sister died, and I am her attorney. She asked me to give you your $30,000 inheritance.”
The moral of the story is that three things in life are certain:
1. Death
2. Taxes
3. Being screwed by a lawyer
Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian
(H/T Legally Sufficient)


ThanQ. I have a lawyer friend who is a severe Christian and I’m debating with myself whether I should send it to them.


them??? s/b him. If these brain farts get any worse, I’m going to go get tested for dementia.





2 RINO’s defected and kissed up to the Dims.


Soon to be EX Senators too. Oh we will hold the seats, but the RINOS will be GONE. Bye Collins, by Murkowski in 2022.


Collins is up THIS year.


Yep, and she will now LOSE.
Her seat will be replaced by James in Mich. Maybe in 6 years we can get a REAL R in Maine.


Agree 100%


Cuppa Covfefe

Methinks they will be ORDERED to re-open it… or it will be opened elsewhere…
Probably some Øblowhole holdovers and patsies are on the laptop, too…


Well for sure AFTER the election when WRAY is gone and Ric Grenell as Acting Director sweeps the Bureau clean… or perhaps Ric will be Acting AG… Biden et al will be dealt with by mil tribunal. At that point optics won’t matter, normies will be ready for Mil… and what’s left of the DIM party can go pound sand. (I’ve really got to work on expressing myself …)


I’m all for Ric Grenell!!!!!!!
And yes the FBI needs to go

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The question in my mind is whether the agents who downplayed the case into being DROPPED were the same ones that told the computer repair guy that he would be OK if he KEPT QUIET.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is a very simple case for FBI internal affairs. But it ain’t gonna happen.
THIS:comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


I told you, the FBI IS TOAST. Guess WHO can pic up the investigation, WITHOUT FBI approval? Ever here of the US Marshalls. I knew you did. You know the ones who have been STEADILY rounding up the child traffickers for a few years now. Some in the FBII are going to PRISON. They have MORE to worry about besides their pensions and jobs!


Old FBI = Federal Bureau of Investigation
Current FBI = Federal Bureau of Instigation

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The new one is STALIN-COMPLIANT!


I think all of them in Washington (DC), Virginia, Delaware, etc. are crooked as can be. So, it doesn’t matter if the agents are the same. They acted in the same manner. The Delaware AG is crooked… Joe is like the godfather in Delaware… “Big Guy” ! I listened to a video of Robert Barnes with Richard Baris, talking about polls and topic of course turned to the laptop as it was probably that day… Barnes said “Obama (being from Chicago) is knowledgeable about crime families involving guns and drugs… he needed Joe for those families involved in politics… grifters. Between the two of them and Clintons…


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Now NYT prints its own fevered hopes and delusions.


What defeat? Going to be a landslide WIN !


How about we turn NYC red?!?!?


Love it!


Hey now is the time to wake up people. Now or never.





Cuppa Covfefe

I have FLAMING liberal relatives in Wales… gotta wonder what they’re going to do… probably winter down in Spain or something like that…
The Welsh are used to hardship, but eventually they reach the point where they’ve had enough: that point may soon be here…
Beautiful country, wonderful people, and almost all of them sing… Richard Burton quipped that he was the only Welshman who couldn’t sing… but his perfect diction and mellifluous voice more than made up for that…
P.S. Sometimes I think that the UK are used as the testbed for just how far the EC/EU Derp State can push the “commoners”, just before spreading their poison throughout the rest of Europe. Time to send them to the fresh HELL the DEMONicRATS will soon enter…..


Sad it has come to this, Cuppa!!! People are tired of getting pushed around – and having their personal freedom infringed.


Trump Prepares To Unify The People Economically- Episode 2311a


Trump Puts Masterplan Into Action, ACB Confirmation Next, 11.3 Is The Start – Episode 2311b
X22 Report Published October 25, 2020


Trump crowd in Maine exceeded 3500 at an farm orchard out in the country – a last minute event with an unannounced location until the morning news.
Kamala had an event in Detroit with the Governor of Michigan and got maybe 100-200 to show up.


President Trump’s crowd:

Kamala’s crowd:

Cuppa Covfefe

Probably had to offer free food or free drugs (or both) to get that kind of turnout…


Thousands of Supporters Show Up to President Trump’s “Off the Record” Stop in Levant, Maine at a Farmer’s Market Announced at the Last Minute


BREAKING!!! Dr. Fauci reveals Biden/Harris secret plan to stop the spread of COVID19!comment image….




Don’t let Fauxi see this. He’d think it was a good idea.


THOUSANDS gather in DC on the National Mall – for a “LET US WORSHIP” protest!


The [DS],[CB] Are Pushing The People Into The Great Awakening: David Morgan


Great foot sweep!


LOL I want one!!!
“It’ll Be Up on eBay Tonight” – President Trump Signs Pumpkins for Supporters at Farmer’s Market in Maine
Now that’s a pumpkin

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It is possible that Wray was brought in to pretend he was deep state, and that he just pretended to believe all the BS told to him by Comeyist subordinates, but if so, WOW.


True – it is possible – after all – when he was first installed – he travelled the country and visited the field offices – do not think this was just to meet the employees, either – a ‘sleeper’ can go either way – easy for anyone to say – he did nothing – maybe, that was the plan – timing is everything.


comment image


I know who controls Walter……
Who’s hand is up Biden’s Ass?





Oh, those poor children with the ‘masks’ on – seems so obnoxious – no more ‘fake’ masks!!!
What a long day President Trump has had!!! Still going strong!!!


Short ground report.
Was just in Smith”s (Kroger’s) Dayton, NV.
Vegetables and fruit way low. Asked the dude working vegetables / fruit what was the deal? He said, “they always short our orders”. Hmmm.
So I asked is this, “short” across the store? He said yes, in many areas.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks for the tip! Stay prepped!


Chanel Rion OAN@ChanelRion
$3.5 million to Biden’s Rosemont Seneca from Moscow?
Try again.
The big question: If FBI KNEW there was a ***FAR BIGGER NUMBER INVOLVED*** why did they only tell Johnson’s committee the number was $3.5mill?
Hint: 3.5mill was a payoff. What for?
Stay tuned. @OANN Exclusive.
6:28 PM · Oct 25, 2020·
Chanel Rion OAN@ChanelRion
Replying to @ChanelRion
First Reported August 15 in my @OANN Investigates “BIDEN BRIBE TAPES” Series, Part III…
Gutseriev, Luzhkov, Baturina, Podesta, Band, Biden, Heinz (Kerry), Archer…
It’s coming together.
TRUMP-RUSSIA was a Dem projection stunt. It was DEMS-RUSSIA from the start.


The name “Rosemont” is a Heinz/Kerry entity… ties back directly to them…
can’t recall where I read it today… probably from Jack Poso


Brian has a thread… no reader as yet
Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates@drawandstrike
We’re in the endgame now.
A whole bunch of stuff is gonna drop this week starting on Monday.
Along with the ACB confirmation vote on Monday night and Pompeo dropping a bunch of HRC emails, very likely by next Saturday.

Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates@drawandstrike
2) More laptop emails and pictures. They’ve held back the really explosive stuff.
3) Several Spygate plea deals where some of the principles decided not to try to fight Durham in court
4) More Epstein/Maxwell disclosures
5) Action on Big Tech censorship
6) When the Clinton emails drop it will be so explosive Big Tech & DNC Media will try to censor it even harder than the laptop stuff. That plays right into Trump’s hands.
Emails will show massive foreign pay-for-play, serious violations of national security.
7) We know the Bidens were doing multiple business deals involving hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars in China. They had to have held some of that $ in Chinese bank accounts.
You’re going to see why the “Trump Chinese bank account” story was an epic troll.
Trump was a **private citizen** when he contemplated doing a deal in China and opened up a bank account there.
Then, before he ran for President, he closed the account in 2015.
That’s….not what the Biden family did.
Oh no.
Not by a long a shot.
**While Joe was Vice President** from 2009 to 2017, the Biden family and their business associates were doing multiple million-dollar business deals in China in which Joe got a 10% cut as ‘the big guy’ and 1/2 of Hunter’s cut as well.
Every single thing the DNC Media & Democrats & crooked DOJ/FBI people spent 5 years claiming about the TRUMPS based on fake leaks, fake evidence & slander is about to be *conclusively proven with evidence* to be true of the BIDENS.
The Bidens are OWNED by China. They took the $.
And it’s not just the Bidens.
How many of you saw this coming?
The Clinton emails are going to tell the whole story about how they were all cashing in in the sweet, sweet CCP, Russian, Ukrainian cash.
The Clintons. The Obamas. The Romneys. The Pelosis.
Yeah yeah, OK you don’t have to AGREE with the strategy.
You don’t even have to understand WHY they waited until just before the election to drop it, even though I’ve explained it about 20 times in the past month.
It all **started up** in the Clinton St. Department in 2009.
The emails are going to show you how they set it up, who was getting how much and from which country.
This is why the O’Biden admin. was so desperate to keep this info from every seeing the light of day.
Don’t get me wrong, there was ALWAYS corruption in the St. Department before the O’Biden admin.
It’s just that Obama, Biden, Hillary and their goons RAISED IT UP TO AN UNBELIEVABLE LEVEL.
What used to be a steady river turned into a freaking tidal wave.
The emails will show State Department personnel under Clinton actively participating in corruption and money laundering schemes.
The Bidens were far from pulling off all this corruption on their own. It was a group effort that spanned federal departments and agencies.
So the two biggest drops I’m waiting for this week are the Durham developments Barr promised before the election [which he never retracted, don’t @ me about anonymous officials familiar with the matter saying otherwise off the record] and the Clinton emails.


Ohh, now after I copy and past…now comes the reader… well there are images, .gifs

Gail Combs

Thread reader for Brian’s new thread:


Thanks Gail…


Going to give us all the treats…. they can have the tricks.comment image


I’m hopin’ the military will be out to finally stop these domestic terrorists…

Gail Combs

I am darn glad I do not live in a city and my voting place is on a rural road!


Me too… We almost moved to Atlanta… Buckhead actually … in the 70s. Hubby would have been rich working w/ architectural firm there. But, even then he thought it too crowded! I thank the Lord frequently for his decision. He didn’t get rich, but we were always safe… heck, some mornings I wake up and one or two doors were unlocked all night.


Yes ma’am. Now when the corn harvest has come full circle, the blm, antifa, and general mahem makers shall see what has been held back. None of those people should escape justice. All these antifags are childcare workers, teachers, lawyers, and others with money. Not to nention the truly crazy ones, who need institutionalization!


Amen Gil… Amen.

Concerned Virginian

So it appears that JOE BIDEN had “The Lid” called on him today at 11:30AM.
Tomorrow, Monday, is apparently ALSO a “no-show” day for Biden.
Nothing in terms of a live (sic) “campaign” appearance by Ole Joe until Tuesday the 27th.
Per 700WLW 8PM Eastern news report.
One may assume, likely correctly, that Biden’s “INNER CIRCLE” of handlers are by now desperately trying to keep the illusion going that Joe Biden is a functional, rational human being. It’s getting tougher by the day.
Also, since most, if not all, of the “INNER CIRCLE” handlers are named in the LAPTOP FROM H3LL evidence, they’re trying to find every way possible to escape getting the hammer.

Gail Combs

Actually I do not doubt that is the real plan at all. The Chinese are moving into Mexico and Canada and after Antifa-Burn, Loot & murder have destroyed the far west, China will try to buy up the area at rock bottom prices.
America’s divorce: Left and Right each get half the country
A map of the coming divorce between Left and Right America.comment image?width=980
(It did not work the last time they tried it.)

Gail Combs

GRRRRrr forgot to strip the URL.comment image


Hell NO!
We get some left coast property too.
we’re keeping Idaho, Montana and the Dakotas too.


More than half of Oregon, Washington, and California are also conservative. I get so sick of people calling a whole state blue when it is actually only 1 or 2 large cities.


Got that right!


Montana goes left over my dead twitching corpse!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That line makes absolutely no sense.


Gail, I’m in central Illinois. You don’t think Trump will let this plan happen, do you?




Thanks, Rayzor and PR. I can’t see this map, but I’m nervous being in a blue state.

Gail Combs

As I said, it did not work the last time outside forces tried to split the USA so it was easy pickings for Foreign Hostiles.
THAT settled the question of states succeeding from the Union. It is just the usual Unicorn and rainbow crap from idiots ignorant of history.


Won’t work this time either.


Let us hope it does not work this time. Thanks for the info, Gail!!!


Just saying, in the Hillary Plan, the Great Dem Reich would have been further subdivided along much of the east coast beginning with Florida and moving north with the inclusion of the Greater Arab States but for PDJT.


Hmmm…Interesting observation, Para!!!

“Wray and Haspel are despised and distrusted almost universally in Trump’s inner circle.”
Well, I would say now that it’s being published in ZH… that the two have ALREADY been fired, only public announcement remains to be released by CoS Meadows…


Do y’all think this was leaked to give the Trump supporters “something” ?

Gail Combs

OR to keep the Deep State off balance and lulled into thinking they are safe.
Remember they have gotten away with so much for so long they think they are invincible.


That’s true…


Its like Christmas wish list…but no one is in jail or at gitmo awaiting their meeting with God.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Things are making sense now.


Unfortunately, Yes, Wolf – And – PT is not having any of this!!!

Gail Combs

Certainly lends credence to the reports of Chinese Soldiers just across the border in Canada.


Maybe more than fired.
Trump’s execution list: President will immediately fire ‘FBI Director Christopher Wray, CIA Director Gina Haspel, Defense Secretary Mark Esper AND a long line of senior officials’ if he wins the White House
The names of the officials are reportedly atop Trump’s post-election ‘execution list’, with multiple other senior officials also in the firing line Firing Wray, who has been in charge of the FBI since 2017, will reportedly be Trump’s first course of action, followed by the ousting of Haspel from the CIA The two sources told Axios that both Wray and Haspel are almost unanimously ‘despised and distrusted’ by Trump’s inner circle Trump’s ire was apparently struck with Wray after he failed to launch a formal investigation into Hunter Biden, the son of Democratic nominee Joe Biden As for Haspel,the opinion among the West Wing is that she sees her job as ‘manipulating people and outcomes’ causing suspicion over her motives Esper was said to have fallen from the president’s favor when he rebuffed the idea of sending soldiers into the streets to combat racial injustice protests

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Don’t know how much of that to believe, frankly, but I suspect that all or parts COULD be true, but who knows.


Its nearly too good, so sideways cat eye.


What would be incredibly hilarious is to start doing, “…..and now for a coup update….” as part of his rallies. “XXXX plead guilty to YYYY and ZZZZ and agreed to cooperate with the roll-up of other guilty individuals. Now, many of you know that I’ve long been associated with pro wrestling. In that venue, there is frequently a character known as a “heel” who comes across as totally despicable and worthy of scorn. In order to take down XXXX, we needed a heel. I know a lot of you don’t think much of Rod Rosenstein. Or Lisa Page. Or Robert Mueller. Or Jeff Sessions…..and in a lot of these cases you may be right. But in this case, our heel had to pretend to be an absolute scumbag in order to take down XXXX. I told ’em that I’d make sure they didn’t go down in history as the disloyal jerk they needed to be, so I’m here introduce you to AAAA in person — and point out that they’re wearing a big, white, MAGA cap up on stage with me!”

Gail Combs

It is not JUST the Bidens!
Remember the CLINTONS (and Bush I who was behind the WTO)
Bill Clinton January 20, 1993 — January 20, 2001. President Clinton-China Deals
Hillary Clinton United States senator from New York from 2001 to 2009 and Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013…


comment image

Gail Combs

comment image


Robby Starbuck Retweeted
James Woods@RealJamesWoods
I’ve never seen spontaneous outbursts of support like this in my lifetime. The last president that had anything like this was John Kennedy. The irony is that the support is coming from quarters the fake news deny: diverse, thinking, and, yes, truly progressive Americans.
Quote Tweet
Robby Starbuck@robbystarbuck
· 4h
The insane grassroots energy all over the country for @realDonaldTrump is unprecedented. I’ve never seen anything like it in American history where voters are organizing their own parades & rallies in every state. Keep that energy voting and he wins! Don’t believe polls!


Duchess, thank you for this tweet and the hashtag… (((Duchess)))


Most welcome, PR!!!



Gail Combs

Brent Cates #SOULWAR ✝ has a good thread:

What am I talking about?
@ScottAdamsSays talks about how the MSM, which has now been exposed BY TRUMP as an Tool of the Democrats “assigns you your opinion.”

It is 34 tweets plus photos and videos so I am not transferring it. It is a good overview of the last 70 years of brainwashing of Americans by the Left.


We must all remember to be kind to one another here and with friends and families… next days, weeks will be difficult, veils will fall away… we will be sorrowful about certain info etc. Y’all know what I’m saying.
Think of it as how you feel when you know a loved one is ill, dying… you have time to prepare and you think you are prepared. And the loved one dies… and you realize you were not prepared at all.
God bless you all, our President and our country… keep us safe. Amen

Gail Combs

Carlos is going to compile a vote changing thread for early voters.

Gail Combs

Here is the thread:

Good news, early Biden voters!
In the following states, you can change your early vote to @realDonaldTrump.
THIS IS FACT, @Twitter. No need to check it.
Clawing back votes: 7 states allow voters to resubmit ballots
These 7 states allow voters to resubmit ballots if they wish to change their votes.
Arkansas – absentee ballots may be resubmitted.
Connecticut – absentee ballots may be withdrawn from TOWN clerks until 5:00 pm on the Friday before the election.
Voters can then file a new absentee ballot application or vote in person.
Delaware – voters can contact COUNTY elections officials and ask that their vote be nullified.
Florida – go to a polling place, withdraw your mail-in ballot, and vote in person with a PROVISIONAL ballot. It WILL be counted.
Georgia – go to a polling place to withdraw your mail-in ballot and vote in person.
Idaho – on election day, go to a polling place to withdraw your mail-in ballot and vote in person.
Illinois – on election day, go to a polling place to withdraw your mail-in ballot and vote in person.
Indiana – on election day, go to a polling place to withdraw your mail-in ballot and vote in person.
Michigan – submit a written request IN PERSON to city or town clerk requesting that their votes be nullified. Then vote in person on election day.
Minnesota – deadline for changing early vote already passed.
Mississippi – on election day, go to a polling place to withdraw your mail-in ballot and vote in person.
New Hampshire – if you get to a polling place within the first hour ON ELECTION DAY, you can cancel your mail-in vote and vote in person.
New Mexico – on election day, go to a polling place to withdraw your mail-in ballot and vote in person.
New York – on election day, go to a polling place to withdraw your mail-in ballot and vote in person.
North Carolina – legal limbo; go to a polling place to try to withdraw your mail-in ballot and vote in person.
Ohio – on election day, go to a polling place to withdraw your mail-in ballot and vote in person.
Pennsylvania – on election day, go to a polling place to withdraw your mail-in ballot and vote in person.
Wisconsin – request a new ballot IN PERSON at the municipal clerk’s office.
Keep in mind that several states refuse to divulge how to change your early vote.
If you REALLY want to try, go to a polling place on election day and ask.

You may be in for a long wait, but nothing worthwhile is easy, right?
Good luck and God bless America.

I would ask your state GOP office if you want to change your vote and the state refuses to tell you how.


I reposted it below, before checking. 🙄

Gail Combs

It is important info so good to post it more than once!

Gail Combs

Roscoe REALLY does not like Shifty Schitt.

…….. For years we had Clapper who’s been caught lying under oath for years & you never questioned his word & now you question @DNI_Ratcliffe who’s never lied under oath and you can’t point to one time Johnny has ever lied. GFY pencilneck
For years you’ve been lying about Russia, lying about Ukraine, lying about your direct involvement in Ukraine money laundering via Franklin Templeton Investments and the BlackRock California Municipal Income Trust. Get ready because it’s coming.
In 2016 Clapper & the Communist @JohnBrennan threw together the ICA in days based on a bullshit report from CrowdStrike & The Steele dossier. WTF kinda intel document is that. Then Brennan lied under oath about those sources. For 4 years now you’ve lied repeatedly about Russia
What are you going to do when Ed Buck breaks and goes to talking about you and Skippy @ericswalwell and all those young gay men y’all have abused and even killed? Standard Hotel isn’t going away pencilneck
CNN may bill itself as a 24-hour news network but it chose not to bother with the breaking news coming from the FBI news conference regarding election interference by bad actors overseas. Never mentioned it but they aired Schiff lying about it.
Just a reminder Schiff for brains





Gail Combs

Roscoe brings up a point I had not seen before. Read closely about the Delaware S Corporation. THAT is how JOE is hiding the $$$ from CHINA et al.
I hope Cthulhu chimes in about whether Roscoe has this correct

Bobulinski is a former LT in the US Navy, and served as the CEO of SinoHawk Holdings, which he said was the partnership between the CEFC/ Chairman Ye and the Biden family.
Fox News claims he has turned over a treasure trove of documents backing up all claims
This has been pretty obvious for awhile if you’re really paying attention, and the main reason I’m all in for Trump. This has to be broken up for the good of our country.
So…Kamala’s big “I’m defending black people, shame on you Joe!!” display during the primary was all a show. She was really in with him and others for personal gain, just like the rest. People need to really wake the hell up. The brainwashed sheep on the left may never
Now is there a single name on that list that surprises anyone? NO That’s a who’s who list of the shadiest Dems out there. Klobuchar is the only one that I wouldn’t have immediately put on that list, because I personally think she’s an emotional idiot, but hey she’s there.
Now note who’s not on there. No Bernie Sanders or Tulsi Gabbard. No AOC and “The Squad” members. There will be a major split in the Dem party after this. The true card carrying socialist believers vs the swamp establishment grifters.
Now the The Biden campaign pushback is Joe Biden has released the former vice president’s tax documents and returns, which do not reflect any involvement with Chinese investments.
The tax returns show wages from CelticCapri Corp & Giacoppa Corp entities owned by the Bidens.
CelticCapri & Giacoppa are both S corporations, closely-held entities that allow the Biden’s to lower their tax bills for outside income such as speaking fees or book income, or payments from outside entities, say Chinese or Ukraine companies.
These S Corps exist under Delaware unique privacy laws and the Bidens don’t have to show those tax documents.

It’s a tactic that most politicians use when out of office.
The Obama administration, while Biden was VP, ran a bluff and proposed a Bill to restrict some of the tax benefits from using S corporations. But they knew damn good and well it was dead in the water, because most of congress uses this tax loophole.
Now a revision in Trump’s 2017 tax law that capped the deduction for state and local taxes at $10,000 prevented the Bidens from deducting all of the $111,717 in local levies they paid in 2019. Think they aren’t still pissed about that? Damn straight they are.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The China thing is blowing up. CCP is now ordered to go on Twitter and push the CCP party line.
Jennifer Zeng
Jennifer Zeng
The #CCP is ordering professional media workers(editor, reporters, etc) to open #Twitter accounts, follow the accounts of foreign media and opinion leaders in real-time, and leave comments in a timely manner to promote the CCP narratives. They need to refute any anti-CCP comments in a timely manner. This will be part of their normal work, and their payment will be decided on their performance on Twitter.
So u might be seeing professional Wumaos soon!
受過職業訓練的專業 #五毛 要上陣了。


Carlos’ thread with all the instructions on how to change your vote.


Can Catholics vote for Joe Biden?


Can ANYONE…… vote for ANY DemonicRat?

Gail Combs

And STILL call themselves Americans?


Is this a trick question, Ray?


lol….. more of a statement 🙂


I know – just pulling your good leg, Ray!!!


I knew that


* Giggle *


EXCLUSIVE: Campaign Press Sec Hogan Gidley Breaks Down Trump’s New Strategy For The Final Debate


Maria Bartiromo has a special on Faux Snooze tonight…… It is Legit!

Gail Combs

Roscoe has another thread that is…. Amusing if a tad bit raunchy with some interesting facts tossed in.
I wasn’t sure whether or not to post it but what the hey. The information is new at least to me.

Over the years the Republican became severely complacent and lazy. But every once in a while, voters in the Republican Party throw their establishment a knuckleball and go for someone who is outside the box. Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan and now Trump.
Democrats tend to do as they are told by party leadership. GOP voters have been more willing to go against the set up and strategy leadership wishes to pursue.
Goldwater never found the backing, Reagan had GHWB as his handler so he fell into place, But Trump wont be handled, and he doesn’t owe any favors on either side of the Potomac.
This inclination saved this country from a slow moving revolution that was gaining ground slowly but surely because the Dems are good at the long game. The communist Chinese are the same way.
Trump’s lack of political organization and his inexperience in playing the political game was also a knuckleball for the Deep State. They could control him with leverage of any kind because they didn’t have any.
They were planning to do this to a Jeb Bush or any other long-term GOP politician. The knuckleball GOP leadership found impossible to hit was just as difficult for Obama, Clinton, their political team, and their swamp sycophants.
Trump walked in the room, dropped trou and took a shit right in the middle of the room. Trump’s eccentricity, his lack of regard for doing things the way a traditional politician does them, saved him and the American political process.
But to make it stick, a dual process of punishment and reform must be implemented or we all will be paying a price with the brave new authoritarian world the Democrats wish to put in place on political, judicial and bureaucratic levels in the nation.
The absolute desperation for the Swamp become more and more apparent with every day that passes, This latest Senate report on the Trump Transition and how the GSA, FBI, and the DOJ via the OSC. This cannot be overstated enough, this is what goes on in Banana Republics.
Here’s the report from Johnson and Grassley that outlines some of the early stages of the coup, focused on the transition.
Mueller’s team sought out & got access to the private records of Trump’s transition team from the General Services Administration (GSA) despite an agreement between Trump & the GSA that Trump has final say on access, according to a new Senate report.
This isn’t anything new, incoming transition teams are alway in charge of any disclosures. It doesn’t fall under executive privilege, because trump wasn’t sworn in, but no one have ever tried to overthrow an incoming POTUS before either.
Well @ChuckGrassley & @SenRonJohnson have been leading a joint inquiry into a variety of controversies related to the Russia investigation and they have dug up so much, this report is a byproduct of that investigation.
The title of the report is great “Don’t Brief the Trump Team: How the GSA and the FBI Secretly Shared Trump Transition Team Records” sounds like a Clancy novel. But when you read it you think this is unbelievable, but folks this is real.
The preamble is simply incredible.
“The US is renowned for its peaceful transitions of power. Since at least the early 1960s, presidential candidates have received government assistance in forming and administering their transition teams.
Every major presidential candidate over the past five decades both winners and losers in the general election has made use of government assistance to support his or her transition team under the assumption that government employees were cooperating with the team in good faith,”
But 2016 was different, by far and the first in my lifetime, the first in US history.
The report states it nicely: “That presumption of good faith was called into question in 2016.”
So you had an Obama-appointee named Denise Turner Roth as the head of the GSA until Timothy Horne’s appointment as acting administrator on Jan. 20, 2017. Not surprising at all. Hell the fact the Obama Administration conducted espionage ops on Cruz & Paul says it all.
Barry was all in for the party regardless of who won the nomination against Hillary. It’s the biggest political scandal in history. She was never supposed to lose, so they had to go all in, because they knew they were caught.
Given the tendencies of a politician, I’m not sure any of these other Republicans could have survived it. The habit of laying low rather than fighting back in the face of controversy is strong in a more traditional politician. Trump fights back.
And maybe one of @realDonaldTrump’s greatest legacies will he taught the Republicans how to fight back, how not to give a damn about optics and fight dammit. Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight, bring a bigger gun.
GSA lied to the Trump transition team lied saying the transition records were destroyed per the terms of a memorandum, when Trump asked for his records.
But the truth was the GSA turned those records over to the Mueller Team without requiring any legal process, such as a subpoena or warrant, or even formal request & basically denied Article two powers of executive privilege.

On 2-15-17, after watching the news about Gen Flynn’s resignation as national security advisor, GSA officials proactively contacted the FBI (through the GSA’s OIG) to ask if they should preserve the Trump transition team records
In response, the FBI asked the GSA to preserve all Trump transition team records associated with @GenFlynn. The GSA then decided to preserve all remaining transition team records even though the GSA assured Trump they weren’t
So the GSA lied to the sitting POTUS, Timothy Horne was the acting administrator of the GSA at that time. Horne was a 26 year career GSA person. He’s now a lobbyist living in Denver, Co.
Timothy Horne as head of the GSA decided not to tell the White House about his decisions, also made the decision that the GSA would not to tell counsel for Trump for America about this decision either.
So the GSA preserved all Trump transition records for months even though the GSA didn’t receive a formal preservation request until 6-12-17 & Trump learned about the preservation, but GSA refused to provide him with copies of all records they turned over.
Mueller’s got the transition team records for 13 members, including POTUS, VPOTUS, Gen Flynn Mike Pompeo, Keith Kellogg, and Jared Kushner. The requests were made with just letters by ➡️Kevin Clinesmith,⬅️ no subpoena or search warrant.
So in blatant violations of Article 2 the GSA produced these records to the Special Counsel without affording Trump an opportunity to review the records for relevancy or privilege. This is completely unprecedented.
If you read this report you will laugh in the face of anyone that tries to ask if Trump will concede a “Peaceful Transition of Power”, after what he’s gone through I would laugh in their faces for damn sure.

Trump touched briefly on this in the first debate when Wallace brought it up. Trump should have told Wallace to go f*** himself, but he just punched back and keeps fighting every day
When you replace a politician with someone who doesn’t follow the rules of the game, there is much you can overcome a coup even when it comes from within a group of bottom-feeding bureaucrats stabbing the POTUS, and by extension the nation they pledged to serve, in the back.



Im looking at the nonchild porn photos on regular twitter….hunter biden is a predator.


From OT:
Sunday Talks: Jim Jordan and Doug Collins Discuss Hunter Biden Laptop and Joe Biden Bribery Schemes…
Posted on October 25, 2020
“Representative Jim Jordan and Representative Doug Collins appear on Sunday morning to discuss the stunning evidence within the Hunter Biden laptop that shows a massive insider payoff and Biden family scheme to enrich themselves through bribes.
The Chinese communist government knew exactly what they were doing by paying Hunter Biden for Joe Biden’s influence. The Chinese Communist Party motive was transparently to have control over the Biden family; that is a national security risk.”
Well it seems like it’s a little more than a simple national security risk… we’re talking about a literal puppet of the Chinese Communist Party being inserted into the presidency of the United States.
I haven’t seen anyone talk about the bigger picture here.
Biden obviously didn’t ‘win’ any nomination, it was clearly orchestrated.
By whom?
The DNC, same as always. They orchestrated the entire phony nomination process, SD practically did a play-by-play.
Since it was no accident that Biden ended up being the candidate, and the DNC controls the candidate selection process, and Biden is a puppet of the CCP, then obviously the DNC is likewise a puppet of the CCP, or Biden would never have been chosen.
That’s not to say that any of the other traitor candidates haven’t already bent over for China and put on the CCP’s dog leash, but the CCP’s stranglehold on the Biden Crime Family must have been so complete that Biden was their preferred choice, regardless of his obvious flaws as a candidate.
The DNC controls which candidate ‘wins’, just like the corrupt GOP uses the ‘splitter’ strategy to (normally, before DJT) get their chosen candidate nominated. Is there any reason to think the establishment GOP’s chosen candidate going back to Bush Sr. wasn’t owned by the Chinese TOO?
So no matter who won (democrat or republican), China won?
The Chinese Communist Party is clearly in total control of the Democrat Party.
Until DJT, the CCP was almost certainly in control of the GOPe too.
It makes no sense to control just one side of a fake (uniparty) two-party system. Control requires owning both sides. Until 2016, China did own both sides.
There is no way the CCP survives this, once the truth is all out in the open. Because they haven’t just done this “unrestricted warfare / subversion / bribery-blackmail leadership” here, but all over Western Europe, certainly Canada, and certainly Australia, at the very least.
When the truth comes out, the CCP will finally attain Global Pariah Status.
Global Pariah Status is not economically or politically viable.
And it is not possible to lead a nation as great as China while maintaining Global Pariah Status.


And when the CCP falls, who will take their place as the defender and promoter of all things communist?
There is nobody.
The Soros family will be finished. Same with Gates, Saudi Prince Smoke-alotta-weed, Suckerberg, et al.
The aging Commie Leftists both here and in Europe (as represented by the likes of the old drunk Juncker and the bat*&^% crazy Pelosi) are well past their prime.
Putin, even if he was interested in rescuing communism, doesn’t have the power or ability to do so.
It is the CCP and the generational plotting of maniacal billionaire families who have sustained the assault on Western Civilization.
When the traitorous Leftist / Eugenicist billionaires are no more, and the CCP falls… just imagine the potential for life on earth without them.

Cuppa Covfefe

“Nice Dam you got there….
Shame if something happened to it….”

Gail Combs

DawsonSField has a troubling thread:

Are most of the MAGA sources of news on Twitter really focused on draining the swamp?
Or are they ignoring Swamp Creatures with Republican connections?
Help me find out if our news sources are covering the Elliot Broidy story or covering it up!
Please only respond as listed below

Ok so WHO is Elliot Broidy?
Since I only saw stories by NY slimes, Washing Compost…. I went straight to the DOJ website:
First a bit from WIKI:

Elliott B. Broidy (born 1956/1957) is an American venture capitalist, businessman, and Republican fundraiser. From 2005 to 2008, he served as finance chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC). In 2009, he was convicted in a public corruption and bribery case in New York.[2]
From 2017 to April 2018 he was a deputy finance chairman of the RNC, resigning after The Wall Street Journal reported that he had been a party to a non-disclosure agreement with former Playboy Playmate Shera Bechard, under which he paid $1.6 million for her silence about a sexual affair between them. As of May 2019, the United States Department of Justice was investigating Broidy’s business and political dealings.[3]
In October 2020, Broidy pled guilty to acting as an unregistered foreign agent.[4] He had been charged as part of a federal probe into efforts to influence the Trump administration to stop investigations about a 1MDB Malaysian state fund fraud.[5]….
In 2016, Broidy served as a vice chairman of the Trump Victory Committee, a joint fundraising committee between the Donald Trump campaign and the RNC.[27] In addition, he served as a vice-chairman of the Presidential Inaugural Committee.[28] In April 2017, Broidy was named one of three national deputy finance chairmen of the RNC, along with Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen and the businessman Louis DeJoy.[29][30]….

So the guy was WELL KNOWN as a SLEAZEBALL that the RNC REHIRED!!! 🙄 🙄 🙄
Sure sounds like a NEVER-TRUMPER RINO SET-UP to smear President Trump with this guy’s slime and of course that is EXACTLY what the Fake News did. I rather doubt President Trump knew much about the guy or even had time to find out.
As far as ignoring him? Why should Brian Cates, Sundance, Adam Housely, Tracy Beanz, Sean Hannity … waste time on a run of the mill sleazy corrupt Lobbyist?
Elliott Broidy Pleads Guilty for Back-Channel Lobbying Campaign to Drop 1MDB Investigation and Remove a Chinese Foreign National

Elliott Broidy, 63, of Beverly Hills, California, pleaded guilty today before U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly to one count of conspiracy to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
“In exchange for millions of dollars, Elliott Broidy and his co-conspirators agreed to secretly do the bidding of a foreign government and a foreign national by lobbying senior U.S. government officials regarding a pending Department of Justice investigation and the extradition of a foreign national,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Brian C. Rabbitt of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division. “Although his repeated efforts to influence the administration were unsuccessful, Mr. Broidy never disclosed that he was actually acting on behalf of foreign actors. This case demonstrates how foreign governments and principals seek to advance their agendas in the United States by hiding behind politically influential proxies. Such conduct poses a serious threat to our national security and undermines the integrity of our democracy. Mr. Broidy’s failure to disclose that he was acting on behalf of foreign principals deceived the American people and prevented government officials from properly evaluating the true source of and motivation for his lobbying efforts.”
“Elliott Broidy sought to lobby the highest levels of the U.S. government to drop one of the largest fraud and money laundering prosecutions ever brought and to deport a critic of the Chinese Communist Party, all the while concealing the foreign interests whose bidding he was doing,” said Assistant Attorney General John C. Demers of the Justice Department’s National Security Division. “His guilty plea is the first step in vindicating the principle of transparency that undergirds the free flow of ideas in our democratic system.”
“The FBI is committed to rooting out corruption in whatever form it occurs,” said Assistant Director Calvin Shivers of the FBI Criminal Investigative Division. “Working with our partners at DOJ-OIG, the FBI uncovered and thwarted Elliott Broidy’s scheme to engage in illegal lobbying in exchange for millions of dollars. This case should stand as an example to all those who engage in international corruption schemes. The FBI and our partners will investigate, and we will bring you to justice.”
“Broidy worked on behalf of foreign officials to influence the Department of Justice, and in doing so, failed to disclose his lucrative relationship with the foreign officials,” said Special Agent in Charge Keith A. Bonanno of the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (DOJ-OIG) Cyber Investigations Office. “Though he was unsuccessful, this case underscores the importance of protecting the integrity of DOJ investigations from foreign influence.”
According to admissions made in connection with his plea, between March 2017 and January 2018, Broidy agreed to lobby the President of the United States, the Attorney General, and other high level officials in the Administration and the Department of Justice to drop civil forfeiture proceedings and related matters concerning the embezzlement of billions of dollars from 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), a strategic investment and development company wholly owned by the Government of Malaysia. For his efforts, Broidy was paid $9 million by Foreign National A, an alleged architect of the 1MDB scheme. Broidy also agreed to lobby the Administration and DOJ on behalf of Foreign National A and People’s Republic of China (PRC) Minister A, to arrange for the removal and return of PRC National A – a dissident of the PRC living in the United States. Broidy concealed from the officials whom he lobbied that he was being paid millions of dollars by Foreign National A with the expectation of tens of millions more in success fees. The lobbying campaigns were ultimately unsuccessful.
Among other actions, Broidy tried to arrange meetings for PRC Minister A with the Attorney General, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and other high-level officials during the PRC Minister’s visit to the United States in May 2017; provided talking points to the Secretary of State referencing the 1MDB investigation in advance of a meeting between the Secretary of State and the Malaysian Prime Minister in August 2017; and pushed the White House Chief of Staff for a golf game between the President and the Malaysian Prime Minister to allow the Malaysian Prime Minister to raise resolution of the 1MDB investigation. As stated previously, despite Broidy’s and his co-conspirator’s efforts, the lobbying campaign was unsuccessful as to the individuals mentioned above. Of the $9 million Broidy was paid for his role in the scheme, he paid roughly $2.4 million to co-conspirator Nickie Lum Davis. Broidy has agreed to forfeit the balance of $6.6 million as part of his plea agreement.
George Higginbotham, a former Justice Department employee, previously pleaded guilty for his role in the scheme on Nov. 30, 2018, in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Lum Davis previously pleaded guilty for her role in the scheme on Aug. 31, 2020.
Sentencing for Broidy will be set on a date to be determined….


From 2005 to 2008, he served as finance chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC). In 2009, he was convicted in a public corruption and bribery case in New York.[2]
From 2017 to April 2018 he was a deputy finance chairman of the RNC, resigning after The Wall Street Journal reported that he had been a party to a non-disclosure agreement with former Playboy Playmate Shera Bechard, under which he paid $1.6 million for her silence about a sexual affair between them.”
How in the world was he working for the RNC after being convicted in 2009 of public corruption and bribery?!?
Not that the corruption of the RNC surprises me in the least, but when you take someone convicted of public corruption and bribery and make him the deputy finance chairman of the Republican National Committee, the RNC isn’t even trying hide their corruption.
The RNC is blatantly saying “Yeah, we’re obviously corrupt, we just hired a felon as our finance chairman… so what are you gonna do about it?”


Sidney Powell 🇺🇸⭐⭐⭐ (@SidneyPowell1) Tweeted:
🚨🚨🚨DOUBLE WOW!!🚨🚨🚨
#Biden people waking up and abandoning the crooked pervert.
No telling how much damage #JoeBiden
#Clinton and cabal have done to this country.


Not sure at all that I believe that post was by a Biden campaign worker.
I want to believe it, which is always cause for greater scrutiny.
But that’s just the first of several red flags.


There is a lot out there that requires a side eye right now; however, its fair to say its reasonable to look at everything with fresh eyes considering the election isn’t even 2 weeks away.


Our POTUS has a sense of humor… /phoenix
The Library
Hat tip Praying Medic

Brick Suit
#WhoBuiltTheCagesJoe? That was the WiFi password the PRESS had to use at President Trump’s rally last night in Wisconsin.
Harold Wren
, edited