Yesterday, in Tampa:
In the interest of being organized and not cluttering up things too badly, multiple events on one day will be on one thread.
As of Saturday, October 24, with multiple states and locations in one day, the thread will feature highlights from the night before and just links to the locations. No history for now.
But, from our own BlackKnightRides re these rallies:
• Captive Audience: 20,000 Patriots waiting HOURS for Trump with UNDIVIDED ATTENTION
• Jumbotron Messaging: Live Video EVIDENCE of Demo☭rats’ EVIL & DUPLICITY
… allowing POTUS to go ALL POSITIVE
• Jumbotron Entertainment: ROFL RIDICULE
… Multiplying Crowd Spirit & Interactions
• 20,000 Bloggers inviting F&F NOT to MISS HISTORY!
And to top it off, unlike creepy, sleepy Uncle Joe Biden, our Very Special Genius does not ridicule supporters of the other side.
Thanks to GA/FL for this year’s platform:
President Donald Trump promises more of the same policies he pursued during his first four years as president.
Trump wants to create more jobs, end Covid-19, defend police officers, end illegal immigration, and stop endless wars. The president also calls for passage of congressional term limits, school choice, and ending America’s economic reliance on China.
Here is the full list:
• Create 10 Million New Jobs in 10 Months
• Create 1 Million New Small Businesses
• Cut Taxes to Boost Take-Home Pay and Keep Jobs in America
• Enact Fair Trade Deals that Protect American Jobs
• “Made in America” Tax Credits
• Expand Opportunity Zones
• Continue Deregulatory Agenda for Energy Independence
• Develop a Vaccine by The End Of 2020
• Return to Normal in 2021
• Make All Critical Medicines and Supplies for Healthcare Workers in The United States
• Refill Stockpiles and Prepare for Future Pandemics
• Bring Back 1 Million Manufacturing Jobs from China
• Tax Credits for Companies that Bring Back Jobs from China
• Allow 100% Expensing Deductions for Essential Industries like Pharmaceuticals and Robotics who Bring Back their Manufacturing to the United States
• No Federal Contracts for Companies who Outsource to China
• Hold China Fully Accountable for Allowing the Virus to Spread around the World
• Cut Prescription Drug Prices
• Put Patients and Doctors Back in Charge of our Healthcare System
• Lower Healthcare Insurance Premiums
• End Surprise Billing
• Cover All Pre-Existing Conditions
• Protect Social Security and Medicare
• Protect Our Veterans and Provide World-Class Healthcare and Services
• Provide School Choice to Every Child in America
• Teach American Exceptionalism
• Pass Congressional Term Limits
• End Bureaucratic Government Bullying of U.S. Citizens and Small Businesses
• Expose Washington’s Money Trail and Delegate Powers Back to People and States
• Drain the Globalist Swamp by Taking on International Organizations That Hurt American Citizens
• Fully Fund and Hire More Police and Law Enforcement Officers
• Increase Criminal Penalties for Assaults on Law Enforcement Officers
• Prosecute Drive-By Shootings as Acts of Domestic Terrorism
• Bring Violent Extremist Groups Like ANTIFA to Justice
• End Cashless Bail and Keep Dangerous Criminals Locked Up until Trial
• Block Illegal Immigrants from Becoming Eligible for Taxpayer-Funded Welfare, Healthcare, and Free College Tuition
• Mandatory Deportation for Non-Citizen Gang Members
• Dismantle Human Trafficking Networks
• End Sanctuary Cities to Restore our Neighborhoods and Protect our Families
• Prohibit American Companies from Replacing United States Citizens with Lower-Cost Foreign Workers
• Require New Immigrants to Be Able to Support Themselves Financially
• Launch Space Force, Establish Permanent Manned Presence on The Moon and Send the First Manned Mission to Mars
• Build the World’s Greatest Infrastructure System
• Win the Race to 5G and Establish a National High-Speed Wireless Internet Network
• Continue to Lead the World in Access to the Cleanest Drinking Water and Cleanest Air
• Partner with Other Nations to Clean Up our Planet’s Oceans
• Stop Endless Wars and Bring Our Troops Home
• Get Allies to Pay their Fair Share
• Maintain and Expand America’s Unrivaled Military Strength
• Wipe Out Global Terrorists Who Threaten to Harm Americans
• Build a Great Cybersecurity Defense System and Missile Defense System
Waterford Township, Michigan:
Green Bay, Wisconsin:
Rochester, Minnesota:
Trying not to be catty but she looked as though she was “impaired” when she put makeup on and while she gave that interview! It was awful!
The nasty DemocRATs are going to try to limit President Trump’s rally crowd.
Pinned Tweet
Cari Kelemen@KelemenCari
HA! Minnesota Gov Tim Walz and AG Ellison tried to limit President Trump’s rally today to 250 people. Trump wrote back and told them it is a Peaceful Protest.
SHOW UP Minnesota! Practice your First Amendment rights! Show your state government that THEY work for YOU!
^^^ THIS is training for all the BS limits politicos edict on the serfs.
^^^ First Amendment Right.
Looking forward to President Trump calling Walz and Ellison out during the rally.
Time for Minnesota to take back their state.
I speak fluent Trump. allow me to translate, “Sit and rotate jackass!”
EPIC FAIL, I smell FEAR. TRY and send the cops to stop it fools…TRY.
Wishing I had a Jumbo-tron or a large screen TV to play the rallies on my front porch while I pull weeds wearing my TRUMP 2020 hat and T shirt, with all the TRUMP 2020 signs and bumper sticker visible inside the garage. In between rallies, I’d play YouTube videos of
America the Beautiful
A general, sternly-worded e-mail went out in our community about prohibiting any political signs, even on your house…”must be removed immediately.” Of course, not sure what would happen if you didn’t comply.
My small TRUMP 2020 sign is embedded in the decorative wreath at my front door …I’m such a rebel!
Still have American flags in front yard planters, so figure most get the message (and HOA can’t say anything about them.’ Thinking about trying to find several more flags to put out on Nov 4!
Warming up the crowd.
Another video offering from the fruited plain.
Richard Grenell@RichardGrenell
I don’t see any ground game for the Democrats in Michigan, Wisconsin or Pennsylvania.
The Trump ground game is AMAZING.
New Hampshire is in play.
Nevada is in play.
Minnesota is in play.
Rush Limbaugh just had to bow out of his radio program. He sounded tired during the first hour. He said that he’ll be back on Monday, “God willing”.
SO —
Rush is NOW playing the MEGA MAGA RADIO RALLY that he had with POTUS a few days ago for the rest of his radio show today.
Please pray for Rush. One suspects that something’s going on.
Rush needs to rest when he can.
God bless him for pushing on.
He announced a couple of weeks ago that his cancer is terminal but that he would do his show for as long as he could.
AF1 wheels down. Macho Man on the loud speakers.
Well, here he is.
This is a great crowd.
There’s something great happening.
It’s going to be a great victory.
I’m seeing A LOT more live feeds in the twinkie feed.
POTUS in overcoat and gloves. Must be quite chilly in MI.
Looks to me from the RSBN feed that there are THOUSANDS of MAGA supporters outside the fenced-in “250 person limit” area?
250 person is for Minnesota, I believe.
Thanks, you’re correct.
I didin’t have the privilege of going to the basement in the White House.
Everytime I mention her name….
My sister has invaded.
He is a diehard globalist – Biden was a cheerleader for NAFTA – sending your auto jobs all over –
Voted for China’s entrance into the WTA – gutting your industries – shipping your jobs overseas
Biden did nothing – he destroyed your industry – auto production is much higher than it was doing the pandemic – 130% of recovery – housing starts – housing sales – but, the auto is in a number nobody can believe –
Gotta get this governor to open – so tired of watching her husband go sailing – nobody else can –
At every turn – she has thwarted your re-opening and progress – BOOOO!!!
You elected an outsider to return America to prosperity – I was elected to ‘FIGHT FOR YOU’!!!
Detailing how much HUNTER got from foreign countries – see they turned the cameras OFF!!!
Good Lord, Georgia – That is phenomenal!!!
103K WATCHING RSBN NOW!!! Panning the crowd!!!
A vote for Biden is to extinguish your auto industry – A vote for me is to continue growth!!!
When GM went bankrupt – O and B sent the workers under the buss – Dephi, too
I signed an EO to restore pensions for Delphi workers – they were promised and did not get
I remember Delphi parts back when my dad used to do all the car maintenance. I want to say they were for the 1964 Pontiac LeMans convertible that was officially my mom’s. GREAT car for the parish parade.
64 LeMans convertible. NICE! Them were the days.
Little time lag here. (I’m late) but just hit the crowd doing “CNN SUCKS” and the crowd would not stop shouting it.
Good Crowd!
I haven’t seen a “bad” crowd yet. I mean, these people know their part for sure.
They ask me dangerous, horrible questions – and they ask Biden what kind of ice cream he has!!!
Notice he had the questions for the debate – just like Hillary – Joe Biden is a corrupt politician
No weddings, no Thanksgivings, no Christmas….
They want to vote on ELECTION DAY!!! We are going to have a RED WAVE the likes we have never seen before!!!
VOTER ID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only 3% of hospital visits are related to COVID – they love the word cases – they do not care about age –
It is a whole different thing when you consider age in the mix – we know what to do – we understand it
Due to our ground-breaking therapies – the mortality rate is down 85% – but, you know our doctors get more money if they die of COVID – when in doubt – choose COVID – $2K more for COVID deaths
Despite draconian lockdowns in Europe – their cases are surging…
I can’t figure it out, unless it’s because, over the past few months, we’ve been doing much more testing in every country with a continued rise in ‘cases’ — POSITIVE TESTS. And, one wonders, how many of those are false positives?
I suspect masks have something to do with it, also.
Germany’s on lockdown again. So is France. Most of the UK is, too.
If you tested positive, you probably have a cold or the virus – does not mean you are sick – does not even mean you are contagious – just means you have bugs – masks do not protect from anything – in fact – they put one at risk of bacterial infection – or worse – because they cut off oxygen to the brain – and you are breathing in whatever bugs you are carrying – the higher the number of tests – the lower the number of deaths – why – because I have a bag of apples – and one apple is bad – do I throw out the whole bag – probably not!!! But – keeping them all in that plastic bag – eventually, more of them will go bad – and their ‘bugs’ will spread to the others – and I will have to discard more of them – same thing with people – you keep them locked up – no fresh air – no ability to even charge their immune system to fight off the ‘bugs’ – keep me in that bag long enough – and I will get the ‘bugs’.
For years, we have made it thru flu season – and we did not need a mask to do it! As children – we played in the dirt – made mud pies – and then – took a bath – did we get sick – nope – not until we went to school – were locked in with other – no fresh air – and boom – we got all sorts of ‘bugs’!
Hope some of this makes sense, Church.
Thank you, Duchess — I am fully aware of all of that. I have always been a lockdown sceptic.
Sorry if I didn’t make it clearer.
It is a ridiculous waste of time and energy, Church – and – it is all about control – not health – hope we have – at least – learned that!!!
At least half of us have — I hope it’s more in the US.
Half the population in England wants another nationwide lockdown — and they support masks! It’s awful.
Boris is going to give a press conference later this afternoon. I fear for the worst. Our death rate is flat. Some parts of the country have very low positive test rates. This makes no sense.
You’re absolutely right: it is about control, nothing more.
We must pray unceasingly, Church – our hope is in Jesus Christ – not man!
The whole world has gone whacky – this needs to stop – only God can fix this!!!
True — or should I say, AMEN!
Yesterday evening, Boris announced a lockdown for the whole of England from Nov 5 to Dec 2. Terrible.
Good Lord, Church!!! We will pray God will LIFT this plague on your nation – in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus – Amen
Amen, sister! Many thanks.
The numbers aren’t that bad, in reality. Death rates are low. Once again, the scientists have prevailed over Boris.
Please pray instead for Boris and for the scientists to cease and desist. Thank you in advance.
I will pray for wisdom for both, Church – the problem is – they are both in error – so God has to extinguish that mindset and change their thoughts – PT will lead the world back to sanity – I truly believe!
Pray on the Armor of God Daily – will post some assistance – God Bless and Keep You Safe, Church – I am with you in spirit and in truth!!!
Thank you very much, my friend — I really appreciate it.
You are most welcome, Church – we need to pray for people of every country who are suffering under these mandates – I honestly think God is going to show His mighty Hand!!!
I believe so, too — and in a most unlikely way (IMHO) that will surprise everyone, good and bad.
Amen goes right there, Church!!!
Showing the VIDEO of the Governors praising President Trump’s efforts – now – they are talking trash!!!
Biden supporting NAFTA – Sanders smackdown – NOW – BIDEN and CHINA!!! Hahahaha!!!
Ben & Candi Carson are there! Such wonderful people.
It’s cold out here – Rattling off his initiatives and agenda – so fast – I cannot type that fast
I can’t either.
Although, it sounds like he’s working on rapping it up.
Need Georgia to post the WRAP UP – LOL
Brick Suit in Minnesota later.
Saturday, October 31
11:00 am
Bucks County, PA
Saturday, October 31
2:30 pm
Reading, PA
Saturday, October 31
5:30 pm
Butler, PA
Saturday, October 31
8:00 pm
Montoursville, PA
Sunday, November 1
11:00 am
Macomb County, MI
Sunday, November 1
1:00 pm
Dubuque, IA
Sunday, November 1
5:30 pm
Hickory, NC
Sunday November 1
8:30 pm
Rome, GA
Sunday November 1
11:30 pm
Opa-locka, FL
Monday, October 31
11:30 am
Fayetteville, NC
Monday, November 2
2:00 pm
Scranton, PA
Monday, November 2
5:00 pm
Traverse City, MI
Monday, November 2
7:00 pm
Kenosha, WI
Monday, November 2
10:30 pm
Grand Rapids, MI
If it’s like 2016 – there will be more rallies into the wee hours of November 3 – until the polls open in the Eastern Time Zone.
Whoa! 4 or 5 rallies a day for 3 days. He’s not going to be able to talk for a week after that.
Maybe Regeneron™ comes in a gargle too!
That’s funny!
Monday, November 2
11:30 am
Fayetteville, NC
Protect patients with pre-existing conditions.
Restore patriotic education,
Teach our children to respect our great American Flag
You had a president who apologized for America
Now you have a President who is standing up for America
And the American people
Don’t let the radicals win….
This is the most important election in our history…
Together, with the incredible people of Michigan,
We have made America powerful again
We have made America wealthy again
We have made America strong again
We have made America proud again
We have made America safe again
And we will make America great again!!!
Thanks, Georgia – You the Best!!! God Bless You for all you do for us here!!!
RSBN announcer just said PDJT is now trying to win the independent and undecided votes!!!
Absolutely. Gotta have Independents and undecided. Latter would include D-Rats, IMO.
No way I could be * 17 * down – LOL – there’s phony polls –
They are trying to discourage people from voting!!!
Tasing about Biden criminality not being covered by the Press –
LOCK HIM UP – the Crowd Chants – they blame me for that!!!
I got impeached for a phone call – we produced the transcript – and THEY DIED!!!
We are going to have a GREAT VICTORY – we are going to NORMALIZE OUR COUNTRY!!!
SUCCESS will bring the country together!!!
WE LOVE YOU…WE LOVE YOU…WE LOVE YOU!!! That’s nice! Don’t keep it going for too long – I will cry!
I am not just running against Sleep Joe – I am running against the Media – Big Tech – and the Swamp!!!
RSBN 98.5K watching
They are coming for your JOBS, your GUNS, and your FREEDOM – You gotta get out and vote!!!
101K now… climbing quickly..
I got better because I am in great physical shape – and I am young!!!
With or without the Vaccine – we are rounding the turn – we want to get back to NORMAL LIFE!!!
Most famous man in the world is not me – it is JESUS CHRIST!!! CROWD CHEERS!!!
All Biden talks about is COVID – COVID – COVID – he will LOCKDOWN the country –
No school – no graduations – no weddings – no Thanksgiving – no Christmas – no 4th of July –
Biden wants to steal the hopes and dreams of our young people!!!
Showing the Governor’s reactions to Trump assistance – NY and CA – two others –
Biden – CHINA advocate – playing his statements in favor of CHINA
Biden was for NAFTA – had to admit USMCA is better –
HUGE CROWD – RSBN panning crowd – 107K WATCHING
Biden is a corrupt politician – he took millions of dollars from China – how will he negotiate with China
Watermelon Head – Russia…Russia…Russia – Russia had nothing to do with the ‘computer from hell’ –
BORDER SECURITY – we now have over 400 miles of Wall – they don’t talk about the wall anymore!!!
We but it exactly as Border Patrol wanted it – we built the best wall – with security – I gave them everything!!!
Our numbers at the border are phenomenal – we are preventing entry of criminals –
Biden is for catch and release – increasing immigration – free health care for illegal aliens – increase refugees by 700% – radical leftist agenda – I am keeping radical islamists out of our country
I will protect your border – your families – and your social security – and your healthcare.
We have rebuilt our Military – better equipment, planes, and weapons – we have missiles like no others
We are taking care of our Vets – accountability – and faster service – no more waiting –
Israel – Jerusalem Capital – Embassy – Golan Heights –
End surprise medical billing – price transparency – lower drug prices – pre-existing conditions
First woman on the moon – first astronaut on Mars
Restore patriotic education – respect for country – and flag
Our National Motto – IN GOD WE TRUST!!!
Wisconsin – you were the state that got us over the top – you better do it again –
Together we are taking back our country – returning power to the American people
We are draining the swamp –
Keep on working – Keep on Fighting – We are gong to keep on WINNING…WINNING…WINNING!!!
HELP GEORGIA – The final words – Please – Thanks!!!
It’s still early but Rochester MN rally is set up to receive just the 250 people. RSBN commentators are upset up about it. Says a larger crowd is outside the fence line. If they get away this they’ll limit other rallies. We need some civil disobedience here but this would effect security.
Roscoe B Davis
There’s no way Biden keeps this pace up. Watching the St Paul rally you can see his battery running down. His morning adrenaline shot has worn off. His speech is slurring and it’s plainly visible!
RSBN showed the crowd outside. Another huge crowd but being kept away. Let’s see what happens. Right to Assembly being challenged in Minnesota of all places.
AF1 has landed, stairs in place, door open.
Thousands shoulder to shoulder on the fence line and going back for quite some distance, meanwhile 250 allowed in where chairs are spaced six feet apart. Democrats are scum. Limo’s are lined up to drive him, not walk him. Wonder where he’s going. And he’s heading down the steps.
Will he drive to the fence line?
Going outside of the venue to see the crowd being held back from entering!!! In the LIMO NOW!!!
Hoping this is being filmed!
It was:
DANG — sorry, wrong tweet.
Looks like more than 250 people.
He said from the air he could see 1000’s of cars lined up on the road that they won’t let in.
They have just announced him 2X – but, he did not appear – must be with the outsiders!!!
RSBN is not ready for this. We’ll find out from another source I’m sure.
Motorcade is returning to the venue – RSBN keeps cutting out!!!
PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN – President is making his way to the podium!!!
The My Pillow Guy!
I want to thank the 1000’s of people barred from entry by the DemonRats, You are American Patriots.
Crowd sounds enthusiastic for a small crowd – at least 25K wanted to be here tonight – we just saw them – we wanted to pay our respects to them – Governor and AG wanted to shut down your rally –
No Way – I will never abandon the people of Minnesota – what a shame – they waited a long time –
I want to thank the thousands of people who were prevented to come here tonight – to exercise their First Amendment Rights – the rioter were allowed to exercise theirs –
Your leaders want to keep you in your homes – while they let rioters to lay waste to the public streets – financed by your hard earned tax dollars –
They think they can take your money – indoctrinate your children – and silence you –
The people of our nation are going to be heard like never before – show up and vote in record numbers
We are running against the arrogant far left political class – a set of rules for you – other rules for themselves
MAN – O – MAN – PRESIDENT TRUMP is laying a beating on Keith Ellison and the Democrap governor of Minnesota!!!
PDJT is lamblasting them for allowing the rioters and radicals to destroy – yet deprive conservatives of their rights to assemble and worship.
This is an all new speech – likely written on the way to Minnesota.
President Trump is talking about how if he is re-elected – he will dismantle Antifa!
He’s angry.
Yeah, he’s just reading the teleprompter. He’s not his happy off the cuff self. At least not yet.
Simple solution. Hold the events on FEDERAL land, Ellison and his ilk, and any dem govs can SUCK IT. I hope wwhen Trump wins Min and the presidency on Tues, he sends in the feds to arrest that radical Ellison.
These wealthy hypocrites want to defund your police while they live guarded in gated communities
We will completely dismantle Antifa – and we will reclaim our streets run by Democrats –
With your vote – we will restore LAW and ORDER – American Freedom and American Dream
We are going to ban Refugees from Radical nations – Yemen, Somalia, and Syria –
Biden’s deadly immigration policies will open the floodgates to extremists, criminals, and violence
We will protect your communities, support our police, and maintain law and order
Tax Increase
Cherishes Lockdowns, More Deaths
OAN lost transmission….Had to switch to RSBN, it’s DARK!
Brought Minnesota Iron Range back to life
Minnesota Iron Range – brought it back to life – fully opened and doing phenomenally!!!
You, the American people are my only special interest, that’s why I do this
Immigration policies that make American families first –
The forgotten men and women in our country – are forgotten no more
A vote for me and the Republican Party is a vote for the American Dream!!!
What happened in Minnesota? Late ti the party…
Cut short – it is cold – and too many people were not allowed in – at least – he did not cancel!!!
Sounded very let down to me.
Reading instead of from the heart.
Should have been PISSED OFF!
Agree – he was disappointed – I am sure he was ‘pizzed off’, too – but, he is too classy to show it – and he will have his revenge on election day!!!
Ellison screwed him out of the crowd. 1000’s lined up in cars on the road, they wouldn’t let in.

He’s Upset.
Brick suit agrees, when people hit POTUS, he hits back harder. Ellison is deep
So evenbthough he said its a protestthey locked out people bc they dont want MN voters and out of state to see how much support he has?
I suspect the MN police were controlling/cutting off access. 1000’s of cars on the road, hope they got video of it from the air
Simple solution, send the MARINES on FEDERAL land to show the “police” the ERRORS of their ways…STAND DOWN.
this is just another perverted tactic that will backfire in spectacular fashion.
Ellison is beyond any allowable descriptive adjective.
what a POS.
man, oh man, I would NOT want to be on POTUS’ sh!t list…and Trump is pi$$ed!
I’m glad he had a chance to speak to some press, sos we could hear and watch him respond to this BS.
If THAT is what they THINK they just got by what they did, they are SADLY mistaken. 25000 PISSED off Minnesotans will tell 10 x that many about what happened, MORE than enough to flip Minnesota red, and FLIP the dems and Ellison the BIRD. those 25000 and their families are MARTCHING lock step to vote for Trump Tuesday, and 10 x that many SAW the pathetic attempt, and will ALSO be iassed.
Rex, Exactly!!!
He didn’t screw Trump, he screwed 25000 voting Minnesotans, BTW enough to FLIP Minnesota RED.
Quick and Sweet – the people who showed up for this rally will NOT FORGET on Election Day!!!
OMG, he cut it short. NOT HAPPY! God Bless Him!! WE LOVE YOU POTUS!!

I would NOT want to be Ellison or the Dem Gov right about now, payback is a bitch, and Trump looks PISSED>
I hope there is a clip of it.
Looks like they cut the power too. I see MAJOR repercussions for this. I would NOT want to piss of the President..especially THIS President. They better PRAY Trump does not just send in the NG Wed after he wins and REMOVES Ellison and Waltz.
Oh, and you can BET that this will be tried again, and Trump will be READY. ALL they do is show their FEAR, the REAL polls must be devastating.
DC too. Mayor won’t let him hold event at his hotel on election night.

Yep but he CAN at the National mall in a few days.
POTUS is not going to tell people to break the mandate. He will strong arm the Witch in the background. If she allows BLM, Aunty Fa to protest, then Patriots on the Mall it is!
Let me tell you something, I truly believe the Covid TRUTH comes out Nov 4th, and Trump issues WARNINGS to all the dems and their “health officials” Silly I know, but tantamount to “Let my people (all of US) GO”, or I will unleash a plague on you with troops, consequences, DOJ suits, a nationwide address, an EO, and MORE.
Send a Tweet to him – Tell him we appreciate his effort – and we were with him in Spirit, Butterfly!!!
Thank you, duchess, for giving us the play by play. Much appreciated!
Most welcome, Linda – sorry it was so short!!!
Still a bigger crowd than Lying Biden and NO CREEPY CIRCLES!!!
LOVE IT, BUTTERFLY – Thank You so much!!! God Bless You Real Good!!!
ICYMI – Thanks, Tim, for providing this Tweet – God Bless You!!!
Please post in the Open Thread – so people can see – Thanks!!!
If anyone here missed the MN rally, I recommend watching the recorded livestream. POTUS was angry—completely different tone than his usual rallies. Bad move, Commies. Not only is President Trump is going to be twice as determined to win MN, but all the people who missed out on the rally are going to be twice as fired up to vote.
Pure desperation move by the far left radicals in Minnesota. Winning parties do not pull such stunts.
This little boy is very articulate. From one of today’s rallies: