2020·10·31 KMAG Daily Thread

Shitstorm Saturday?

As usual I am writing this Thursday evening, so there’s a decent chance something Big, something that’s not just a Boom or even a Kaboom, but a Kaf*ckingboom, has happened between then and the time you’re reading this!

WordPress Sucks.

I decided to go back to the eagle from my first post. I just spent half an hour scrolling back to my original eagle from January 10 2019, because the image at the top of this post MUST be loaded as a media file on this site, and there’s no other way to do it but to scroll back through nearly two years of images and pick it. And it gets slower and slower and slower the further you go.

I *do* have the URL of the media file (I just had to go back to my first post and save it), but you can’t just type that in; you have to scroll to the picture and click on it.

I thought I’d save Wolf some space (since half of his media space is used).

So I finally get there, select the image…and instead it’s some blurry image out of the middle of a Q drop.

You can’t type the URL in, but you can add a new piece of media and make that the URL of the one you have. Yes, you end up with a duplicate image in Wolf’s media library, but I had no choice.

Fuck you, WordPress. Fuck you sidewise with a 12 gauge bore brush, for making it impossible for me to do Wolf a favor, and making me waste a ton of bandwidth and time finding that out. The moron who made it necessary to scroll back to select an image from the media file should be dragged down a dirt road for thirty miles.

This sort of thing irritates me, because I work in software, and I’d be fired for this kind of donkeyf*ck bullshit. Well, actually my boss wouldn’t fire me immediately, but he would if I refused to redo it right.

The Election

By the next time I do my Saturday post, the election will be over, and we’ll be going through absolute mayhem. Either the results won’t be clear, or they will be clear and someone will be very, very unhappy about it. Hopefully everyone is prepared, and also hopefully it won’t come down to Civil War II.

A Reminder Of Today’s Big Issue.

Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People...Our campaign represents a true existential threat, like they’ve never seen before.

Then-Candidate Donald J. Trump

Needs to happen, soon.

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

Please note that our menu has changed, please listen to all of the options.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Political correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. The first rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government take your guns.
5. The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
9. Social Justice Warriors, ANTIFA pukes, BLM hypocrites, and other assorted varieties of Marxists can go copulate with themselves, or if insufficiently limber, may substitute a rusty wire brush suitable for cleaning the bore of a twelve or ten gauge.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

Coin of The Day

The Eagle, Part II.

In our previous post, I discussed the eagle, not the bird but the coin, with the official definition of an “eagle” being ten dollars. And yes, it was an official definition unlike “nickel” but very much like “dime” (look at one, and you will see it actually says “one dime” not “ten cents” on it).

For all that it was a full, official denomination, for some reason in the early years the US didn’t make them very often, preferring instead to make half eagles and quarter eagles. That plus the fact that any gold coin became subject to melting when the price of gold (relative to silver) went up in the 1830s, makes any eagle from before 1834 quite rare. Which brings us up to where we left off last time.

In the middle of 1834 the gold standard was reduced, and designs of quarter and half eagles were altered so people could readily tell the old coins from the new ones (and old ones were now exchangeable for a bit more than face value, which saved the ones that hadn’t been melted). But we still didn’t make full eagles.

In 1839, however, the mint had a new chief engraver, Christian Gobrecht and he was a capable artist. He redid the silver from 1837-1840 and turned his attention to gold in 1839.

And now, finally we had eagles again. This design is now called the “Liberty Head” eagle by collectors, and we used it for almost seventy years, which until 1979 or so was a record (we’ve now been using Lincoln’s head on the cent for over 120 years, and Jefferson’s head on the nickel for 82 years).

The bad news is, he didn’t do a new eagle design, basically using the motif that had appeared on the quarter and half eagle since the late 00s of the 19th century. Still, at least it does look like an eagle!

Liberty or Coronet Head Eagle, 1853

I had to struggle to find one of these in a picture…and I don’t know if it’s the picture or the coin, but the color just looks freaking awful on this coin. I wouldn’t be surprised if it had been harshly cleaned at some point. But it took me a while to find even this picture.

The same basic design was used on quarter and half eagles, but when the gold dollar and gold double eagle were introduced in 1849-1850, the mint had a new engraver, James Longacre, and he put totally different designs on those denominations. (His major shortcoming as an engraver was that he had great difficulty getting lettering lined up properly.)

Coronet eagles from before 1866 are rare, and in many cases when you try to look up the price of one in choice uncirculated (MS-63), you will find a dash in the book…meaning there’s no such thing. For dates where such a thing exists, the price is stratospheric.

Now why would one care about ones from before 1866? Because in 1866 a minor change was made to the reverse, and those who collect by type (rather than by date) therefore want one from before the change and one from after the change.

Fortunately, after the change is easy, since that time span (1866-1907) has plenty of common dates in it where you won’t pay much more than the price of the gold in the coin. Of course you’ll have a piece with a date that starts with a 19 or maybe 1890-something, not a coin from 1867 (coins continue to be scarce until 1876 or so thanks to the after effects of the Civil War, but that’s another story–maybe I’ve already told it; I can no longer keep track).

Anyhow, here’s the change:


The motto was not added to the quarter eagle, as the coin was deemed too small for it to fit. Nor was it added to the $1 or $3 gold coins that were being issued at the time.

So now we fast forward to Teddy Roosevelt, during 1906-07.

Roosevelt felt that our coinage was staid, and he had a point. He wanted to redesign our coinage to be much more artistic, and as a result we have coins like the Mercury dime, the standing liberty quarter, the walking liberty half dollar…all of which I have discussed in the past. But we also have the St. Gaudens double eagle and the Indian head eagle, both designed by Augustus St. Gaudens, a world famous artist at the time.

I had a choice between this picture, with awful color but good lighting, and one with good color that looks like gold instead of dull brass, but with the lighting head on so you can’t see the relief of the design.

At Roosevelt’s insistence the In God We Trust motto was omitted, both on this coin and on the new double eagle. Was he some sort of foaming-at-the-mouth atheist? No. He was a believer, and he thought putting the deity’s name on a mere piece of money was a sacrilege.

Congress didn’t agree, and passed a law requiring the restoration of the motto. Up to this time it had been something the mint and the treasury had just agreed between them to do. Now it was required by law on those two coins, and the mint was forbidden from removing it in the future, though it was not required to add it to coins that didn’t have the motto, which at that time were the cent, nickel, dime, and quarter eagle. (The nickel had had the motto from 1865 through 1883, but it was dropped with the change in design that happened that year, without anyone kicking up a fuss.)


And this photo, and our story, bring us to the end.

In 1933 a different Roosevelt confiscated our gold. He then devalued the dollar from $20.67 per troy ounce of gold to $35, which would be the official level through the 1960s.

People were allowed to hold gold in jewelry, and could even hang onto coins that had numismatic value (i.e., were worth more than their face value, to a collector). But much of our gold went back to the mint, which melted most of it and it’s now in bars in Fort Knox and other places. (The mint actually hung onto many pieces that were turned in that were of numismatic interest.)

A lot of our gold coinage “wintered over” in Europe and has been coming back home in the hands of numismatists ever since all restrictions on gold ownership were removed in the 1970s. I still see coin dealers offering coins that are coming back from Europe, today.

In particular, almost every 1933 eagle was melted at the mint. Any out there today are in the high six figures for value.

[Digression: For double eagles, none were officially released, though a few got out. They are officially considered stolen property (and the US government confiscated ten of them about 15 years ago), with the exception of one piece that our government apparently gifted to a foreign dignitary. That coin sold for seven million dollars in 2002. I did get to see that double eagle since I was at the convention where it was auctioned off, as well as the ten that were confiscated–the mint did not destroy them, it even exhibited them in Denver in 2006. It’s funny to think that I have seen and photographed (too badly to show here) every single 1933 gold double eagle that exists.]

So that is the end of the eagle as a circulating $10 denomination.

But I’m going repeat my rant/conclusion from last time.

You can, today, buy “eagles” from the mint. But they aren’t these eagles. The word has been redefined to mean either a silver coin with an ounce of nearly pure silver in it, with a denomination of a dollar (but they’ll set you back thirty dollars), or gold coins…with a tenth, quarter, half, or full ounce of gold, denominated five, ten, twenty five, or fifty dollars. (Yes, the quarter ounce should either be a fifth of an ounce, or denominated twelve-and-a-half dollars. This is the government we’re talking about here, it doesn’t have to make sense anymore.) There are even platinum and palladium coins. (Platinum is denominated 10, 25, 50 and 100–so at least the values are consistent with the weights. Palladium just has a full ounce coin, which is denominated #25, even though it’s more expensive as a metal than any of the others.)

All have a denomination, and each and every one of them would mark you as the world’s biggest idiot if you were to actually spend them at face value.

So “eagle” has lost its original meaning, at least when it comes to coins.

But in zoology, they’re still cool birds!

Standard disclaimer: I never show pictures of my coins, and in many cases don’t own anything remotely resembling the coins in these pictures. [This would be one of those cases.] Any prospective thieves should know I also collect other heavy metals–anything with a heavier nucleus would be unstable–and keep those a lot closer to me than the coins.

Obligatory PSAs/Reminders

Just one more thing, my standard Public Service Announcements. We don’t want to forget any of these!!!

How not to get your ass kicked by the police. Chris Rock in 2007

Granted an “ass kicking” isn’t the same as being shot, but both can result from the same stupid act. You may ultimately beat the rap, but you aren’t going to avoid the ride.

Remember Hong Kong!!! And remember the tens of millions who died under the “Great Helmsman” Chairman Mao.

I hope this guy isn’t rotting in the laogai somewhere!

中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

For my money the Great Helmsman is Hikaru Sulu (even if the actor is a dingbat).

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Requested by: phoenixrising37
Disney wished upon a star
To become the Pedo Czar
Hoping all their hearts’ desires
Would soon come true
Oh, how sordid were their dreams
Their desires, far too extreme
In their lust they went too far
As all the Pedos do
Fate won’t be very kind
They’ll pay for their twisted minds
With sentences they deserve
And ample time to think and rue
Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate will extract their just due
When they abused that wishing star
Their future, too, was screwed
When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
If your wish causes pain and fears
Your dreams will only cause you tears


Oh Carl…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s perfect… you touched on everything I can think of…
A real keeper it is !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you, Carl.
Very fitting…and nicely done!


Rule #9, pretty much, LOL. We’re all sick of the trouble those people are causing!
Thanks for your time and efforts writing the article and searching for the elusive eagle.
Yes, the election will be over next Saturday. I get more nervous as Tuesday draws near. I know very well that Pres. Trump should win, and I am irked that the Left is subverting our very election process. Utter defeat is in order both in the election and afterward. 🇺🇸

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey, I just did a search on “eagle” in the media file to find one of your eagles – that will do until I figure out the name of the other file. I’ve got lots of bandwidth. Hang on.


I think the first eagle was . . .comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! Just found it myself, too – CONFIRMED.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Do you see a search field in your version of the media page? Not all presentations have them (device-dependent). If you’ve got it, just try some part of the file name part of the URL in the search box. Depending on the platform, it will cut the number of images dramatically even before you hit the enter key. That’s how I do it now. Totally gave up on scrolling. But if you search on “trump”, you still have to scroll for old ones, but it’s manageable.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Got it – it’s fixed!
Yeah, I hate the scroll-back stuff, which is almost impossible if you don’t know the filename.
We may be able to tag images and use those to search – I have not tried any more advanced tricks than searching on filenames.
Note that the “Flep header” can be found by searching on either “Flep” (because I added a second one) or “efmx” (the original).
And by the way, I’m happy to see flep posting articles again, but this is a gentle reminder that all non-header images need to be on the author’s own blogs or image sites.


It may just be a trick of the light, but the face on the 1933 Eagle looks considerably more surprised than the 1908 Eagle.
Did you ever find your original Eagle banner?
At least neither of today’s engravers used a cormorant as a model.


Is there no FOSS replacement for WordPress? I understand that underlying technology can go with either NGINX or Apache, but I’m not aware of anyone doing a wrapper.


.comment image


I am 100% positive it is safe to laugh.

Sue Mcdonald

What has me livid is that Biden is still wandering around free as a bird.this man has sold our country to the chicoms has been engaged in subversion for years has been caught redheaded and by his drug addled son no less, yet he’s still doddering around pretending to have demitia. He thinks if he just keeps his eyes shut and ignores the shit storm it will all go away like in the past,well it won’t. I don’t understand why people are not up in arms.is the average person just that brainwashed???


It amazes me that an average moderate, even semi moderate Dem isn’t irate that the leadership deliberately backed a senile man OR a guy faking senility in order to install the least favorable/likeable shrew after Biden is inevitably axed


The comments on this are ROFL to the max!

Cuppa Covfefe

YouTube still pic is three pumpkins with a Turkey in the middle…


Rush quipped about Biden rallies–“Seven pumkins and 12 people.”


Looks like 5 people are NOT gonna get a pumpkin, LMAO. I would be EMBARRASSEED to put myself out there to THAT small a crowd. Hell I bet I could draw more.


Never mind any strategy for mobilizing this «Trunalimunumaprzure». If that is indeed what he mumbled in that video clip.
With his rallies now being run in secret locations so as not to attract the Trump supporters, it is a very open question if he is leading an effective strategy to mobilize his potential voters. Or any voters at all, for that matter.
I’m just sitting here and laughing out loud… «Trunalimunumaprzure»? Sounds like something you’d get in a pharmacy with a doctor’s prescription, for some unpleasant chronic condition.. like chronic foot-in-mouth disease maybe?


“secret locations” LMMFAO…REALLY…cause the ugly chump Trump voters is mean to him..LMAO. THIS is the best the dems can do?
Hey Joe, China, Iran, NK, and our other enemies will be MUCH meaner than honking horns..you PUSS.
Corrupt LOSER, WAAAA…Xi was mean to me, Kim to…WAAAA, the Ayatollah said mean things to me so I gave him 300 billion this time…WAAAA.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, that’s hilarious.
Our mainstream media are protecting communist China. Holy Toledo.


Because the MSM, Hollywood, basketball, sports shoes are owned by them, indirectly or directly.


That had to be the MOST EPIC takedown of the FALSE narrative that I have EVER heard…I think Juan shat himself. If THAT does not tell you just how BAD the FB is now, Hoover was a PIKER. Time for a enema and FLUSH of the FBI.


I noticed the little wise ass in the corner didn’t say that was a boom. She looks like she’s still stinging from R.G’s dress down the other night.


She deserved that. I dont see her staying much longer.




In an interview on her show, the little twit likened Rudy to Christopher Steele to which Rudy demanded an apology.


One of the more exciting moments on the interwebs, for which there are many, so that’s saying much!


I suspect, WHEN Trump wins bigly, there will be a MASS exodus from fox by the Never Trumpers. i have a feeling the stock holders are more than a LITTLE p’od at Mr Ryan.


Juan was speechless…lol.


Juan and his pencil dick mustache. Such a douche.


I will be surprised if he didn’t Swallwell himself!




Honestly, that should be put in a transcript and published under its own heading…..somewhere.
I’ve heard it all but never put together like that and had it hit home to that extent.


That’s a keeper BOOM!


Juan got knocked the F out.


It’s AWESOME when someone calls the little commie out like that.


Yes, his tactic is to interrupt loudly, and bloviate, Jessie shut him DOWN. I thought Guttfeld was going to lose it and bust out laughing.


TRANSCRIPT of Fox Video Clip
Twitter –

YouTube video –

Jesse Watters: “This claim that the Wall Street Journal debunked this story has been debunked, Juan, first of all.
Second of all, I don’t think you have read the Wall Street Journal, because if you read the article, they did not debunk it, they actually helped to substantiate what they saw.
[…] question for the next week, let’s see if they can do this […]
‘Scuse me Juan, let me just give Peter (Doocy?) some advice, Ask the Vice President (Biden), ‘Hey, Mr. Vice President, Have you ever met Tony?” Let’s see if he can answer that question, ’cause that would settle a lot of things.
You bring up credibility, alright, let’s bring it up. Who do you believe? Do you believe the Naval Officer, who held the highest security clearance, that commanded a nuclear submarine, that has emails and documentation and voice recordings, that went to the FBI under penalty of perjury, and said his story…..
or do you believe the political family with a history of plagiarism and shady deal-making, who’s hidden and ran for the hills since this probe, and three of their business partners are in prison.
The deal is very simple – they cooked it up in 2015 while Joe was VP. The Chinese Communists sent 10 Million Dollars to the Biden family. 5 Million of it was an interest free loan, the other 5 Million went to the holding company where Jim Biden held back 10 (%) for the ‘Big Guy.’
So then, Tony meets with the VP twice on this. And then when Tony wants to put in good corporate governance, Joe Biden says ‘no’ – they cut Tony out of the deal and then they smear him as an..a Russian agent when he goes to the FBI.
Then the best part of the story is this – the Communist Chinese guy, who they were doing the deal with? He was under the FBI surveillance because he was a spy.
And then when he got popped by the SDNY for bribery, Hunter Biden represents him for a Million dollar fee. And now he’s serving 3 years in jail.
So the Biden family was doing business with Chinese Communist spies who were under FBI surveillance. Boom! – How’s that for a Boom?”
Reference articles:
The Wall Street Journal Article – Hunter Biden’s Ex-Business Partner Alleges Father Knew About Venture – Former vice president says he had no involvement; corporate records reviewed by The Wall Street Journal show no role for Joe Biden
By Andrew Duehren and James T. Areddy – Updated Oct. 23, 2020 9:29 am ET Link – https://www.wsj.com/articles/hunter-bidens-ex-business-partner-alleges-father-knew-about-venture-11603421247

Fox News Articles – 10/23/20 – text messages implicate Joe Biden in meetings, profits from Chinese dealings – https://www.foxnews.com/politics/hunter-biden-tony-bobulinski-joe-biden-unanswered-questions


Thanks, Georgia – That’s a Keeper!!!


MORE DETAILED ARTICLE – National Review – Andrew McCarthy – 10/28/20 – https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/10/hunter-biden-on-tape/


comment image



Rodney Short

12 Guage bore brush 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Love the way ya think…comment image
Next 8 years gonna rock the world’s foundation….

Cuppa Covfefe

And don’t forget the remains of Zud cleanser from various attempts to remove the rust 😀comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Pic didn’t come through (didn’t like dots in the link…grrr….):comment image

Rodney Short

Even better…


Did anyone else notice that in the Minnesota rally, POTUS talked about totally wiping out Antifa in his next term? I thought that was pretty notable that he just laid that out there.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s awesome. And that means Wray is GONE unless he gets with the program NOW.


Q said to “trust Wray”.
Well, I don’t. Not even a little bit.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trust is not easy at this point. Trump completely, and a few others to various and different extents.
Wray may be dealing with an FBI that needs more reform than his approach can handle.
I ANTIFA breaks big into the open on 11/4, he will have much to answer for.


Wray has been x’d out.


Wray is beyond redemption from a FIB leadership role.
The day President Trump knows he won reelection, Wray and many heads will roll.
The same day, indictments must be unsealed, or more heads will roll.
Zero reason for prolonged patience.
Yes, the investigation must go on, but America, President Trump deserves justice to be enforced.


Wray is on the green mile right now, his date is Nov 4th.


Three people had seizures at the same mall in Georgia. They evacuated the mall for a while but don’t know the cause. Coincidence? (I know, there are none.) Rehearsal for coming “attractions”? I’ll remove my tinfoil cap before bedtime.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m keeping an eye on this. It is completely possible that the Russians, the ChiComs, our 9/11/ISIS traitors, ANTIFA radicals, BLM, or anybody else would try to interfere with elections by scaring old people (Trump’s base) away from the polls using a combination of rumors, media, and ACTING (pretending seizures).


I thought you would share some perspective on it; thanks.


Only old people who are more scared of the boogeymen than their give-a-d*m* allows will stay away. The vast majority of patriots and full blown MAGA supporters are showing up in droves never seen before.


5G is starting to go into Savannah GA. Maybe one of the phone carriers that service the area flipped it on and were adjusting power levels?
If you expand the map to street level at this link you can see how can see how this stuff has to maintain line of sight.
Oh sorry, swiped your tin foil hat. Returns 😁


You can keep it; I have more! 😂


That’s what worried me about one of POTUS’ rallies yesterday. Someone was spraying water onto the crowd. Droplets even reached POTUS on stage. He said aloud ‘are they friend or foe?’, then they sprayed the press and everyone laughed. I wondered to myself, what if that had been a harmful substance, Was it a trial run by bad people? NOT COOL!!


Turns out it was firetrucks. POTUS did not know that, neither did us people watching rally. Dems are slamming him online for not knowing. 2 people needed a medic when De Santis was speaking, none during POTUS’ time on stage. It was 87 in Tampa.


For your Saturday OP soundtrack…




When democrats say, “Listen to the scientists”, what they mean is “listen to OUR (leftist) scientists”.


Could say the same for the “select” military leaders.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So yeah. There we go. WOW.


This deserves to be on the Trump Jumbotron


Agree, Hands!!!


Most definitely!!!


PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE – tweet this to @realDonaldTrump









Here’s an easier list. I already sent them Jessie’s video which should be played at rallies.


Thanks !


I’ve watched a Biden ad criticizing President Trump’s handling of the pandemic. It shows people in scrubs or lab coats, with their names and medical job title, none are virologists, public health,or any name I recognize, and they say something like “I have seen first hand how Trump did not follow the science, no PPE, etc” What struck me funny, one of these people was an Asian man in a lab coat. Not a good idea I thought, an Asian doctor in a pandemic ad by Biden.
I can understand how the low info voter would believe this ad, but I hope they don’t.


There is no accounting for the brainwashed – what you noticed will go unnoticed by the leftist lunies, CV!!!


Happy Halloween!!!! Have a spooky fun evening whatever you do.comment imagecomment imagecomment image
Hey Steve!
Someone actually made a Halloween coin.comment image


This coin was nearly 450 when i checked it…


When it comes to NG deployment in these liberal states I’d be more interested in what is their specific mission? Example they might be deployed to just guard Govt buildings? Guess we’ll find out soon enough.


Whatever it takes to protect election integrity and then – arrest the troublemakers – maybe?


None in California?


Not yet – we shall see, Truths!!!


Now why would Gruesome want to protect any Californians?? 🙄🙄


A goodnight thought to leave with you.
When Donald Trump tells us something we can take it to the bank.
When Joe Biden tells us something it’s so he can take it to the bank.
Big difference.


Promises made, promises kept vs promises made and the only thing kept is the funding.





Twatter is about to get mucked like shit on a barn floor…..comment image


Gotcha Ellison


Darn. What a pity.


I’m wondering how many states are planning to count a substantial number of votes after election day — which is sort of an oxymoron. Election day is the day we have the election, not several days after. THAT is not the “day.” I know a lot of these have been shot down in court, but I don’t know which, if any, still have their cheating rules in place.


If they needed time to count votes they should of backed everything up date wise. Day to start sending in. Cut off day for sending in. Cut off day for when they would be allowed to be received. Leaving enough time to count ballots. Notice that all early voting in person is still cut off at end of early vote day on Friday and never resumes till vote day on the 3rd. All these states know what day votes get the final tally, its not a secret and they all have it in there power to get it done by that day. No excuses for this except to cheat. Of course there are exceptions to everything but the exceptions should not be the policy.


Yes, I mean accepting votes for counting.


NC won a case – and PA is still up in the air – that is all I know at this point, Truths…


PAYBACK coming for those shenanigans last night!


video unavailable…


No matter – there is probably a better one out there – this one was full of ads anyway.


another one ??
REPORT : Second Hunter Biden Laptop Seized By DEA
Oct 30, 2020


just to clarify…Hunter Biden was not the target of that raid…
this guy was…
celebrity shrink, Dr Kieith Ablow…in February 2020.


As I recall, Hunter Biden left three laptops with the Mac repairman.


YES, no one, conveniently mentions the OTHER two. Was one a BUSINESS laptop. I bet we find out.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Some interesting information on the antibody therapeutics here:
This title shows the media wanting to slant things negatively. The text of the journalism is more neutral. Sounds to me like anti-Trump editors.
Here is the relevant section:

For the second time, a study testing an experimental antibody drug for COVID-19 has been paused to investigate a possible safety issue in hospitalized patients.
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. said Friday that independent monitors had recommended placing on hold enrollment of the most severely ill patients — those who need intense oxygen treatment or breathing machines — because of a potential safety problem and unfavorable balance of risks and benefits.
The study can continue to test the two-antibody drug combo in hospitalized patients who need little or no extra oxygen, the monitors said. Other studies in mild or moderately ill people also are continuing.
Antibodies are proteins the body makes when an infection occurs; they attach to a virus and help it be eliminated. But it can take several weeks for the most effective ones to form. The experimental drugs aim to help immediately, by supplying concentrated versions of one or two antibodies that worked best against the coronavirus in lab and animal tests.
Earlier this month, a different group of monitors recommended pausing enrollment in a U.S. National Institutes of Health study testing an Eli Lilly antibody drug to investigate a possible safety issue in hospitalized patients. On Monday, the NIH said no safety problem had been verified, but they stopped the study because the drug didn’t seem to work in that situation.
“These kinds of results are informing us about the timing of the benefit,” said Dr. Myron Cohen, a University of North Carolina virologist who advises the government on COVID-19 treatments.
Tests in animals suggest that antibody drugs work best when given early in infection to lower the amount of virus, he said. Once someone is very sick, the drugs may not help, but it’s too soon to know if that’s the case, he said.
Doctors already know that timing can matter when it comes to COVID-19 treatments. Studies suggest that dexamethasone and other steroids can lower the risk of death when given to very sick patients to tamp down an over-active immune system, but they may be harmful for those who are only mildly ill.

All of this makes sense. What it means is that specific antivirals (antibodies), HCQ, Ivermectin, and remdesivir ALL work best at the beginning, when they can actually attack their target – the virus.
After the virus has done its damage, DIFFERENT drugs are needed to ameliorate the damage.
It all makes sense.


Some of these ‘experts’ cause me to picture a still clear (see to the bottom) pool of water in the field when some fool comes along and tosses a rock into it.
The mud and silt clouds up from the bottom and quickly makes the water opaque.
These experts do the same thing – toss rocks into what is a clear set of facts in order to cloud up the picture.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



“After the virus has done its damage”… this is the critical distinction. The vultures of the left have been endeavoring to obscure this distinction from early on…particularly as it emerged relative to HCQ efficacy.
“After the virus has done its damage” You know where of you speak, regrettably.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The doctors taking care of POTUS knew to hit things early. It was VERY smart. They’re not subject to the bureaucratic COVID INSANITY that we are – or at least, there is so much “priority” of POTUS The Office that they can work past the craziness quickly.


If they put you on a vent, you are toast. NO VENT. If you end up in the hospital, INSIST on signing paperwork stating they will not put you on a ventilator.


A handful do, but I don’t think the risk is worth it. Just my two cents. I wouldn’t do it. Your friend was very lucky, thank God.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Let’s call it what it is – the MEDIA are RIGGING the election.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Media going ALL OUT to try to use COVID against Trump for the last few days of the election!
Coronavirus surge exposes split between Trump, health advisors as Election Day nears


Wolf, I am willing to bet that Nov 4th after Trump wins, he will END the Covid farce?
How you say, with SCIENCE and FACTS. He will show the declining death and hospitalization rate, and then ORDER decreased testing. Tests ONLY for those with SYMPTOMS.
BOOM, no more “cases” surge, no more hysteria, Covid, rightly DIES. Dem,s will scream, but if you take away the VEHICLE of the fraud, you take away the FRAUD.
I KNEW when Covid got its own code, and Trump extended the original shutdown, and allowed Fauci to put a CASE based metric in the “guidelines” just WHAT their plan was. I even complained LOUDLY about it.
Now, after all we know, Trump CAN and WILL, end the scam by taking their key piece of fraud, the test results, away from them. ONLY the sick need tested. AS it ALWAYS was before Covid. Cut the millions of tests down to thousands and GUESS what happens to all the cases? They DISAPPEAR.
Revealing the FRAUD. They KEEP testing to get the MONEY from the covid code. Once that too is cut in HALF, it is game over. Back to the regular flu.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Disco ✝️
Disco ✝️
Thinky things: I think the only thing I need from politicians is for them to be back in their coffins before the sun comes up.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

More from GAB:
Catholicus Romanus
Catholicus Romanus
Free Speech
Mom tells harrowing story of how LGBT movement helped destroy her family
This truly ugly story underlines the deep malice the LGBT movement has for husbands, wives, families, children, and healthy sexuality.
Fri Oct 30, 2020 – 8:39 am EST
I have to say that this interview conforms to what I observed during the Clinton administration – the SATANIC degradation of the psychological profession during that time, and I think it happened under Obama, too.
It was promotion of LGB during Clinton, and T during Obama.
Biden will let them run rampant with the “trans” craziness. Can’t let it happen.
Just read the interview. What this stuff did to their kids is just SHOCKING.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The MEDIA did this. The MEDIA normalized it. The MEDIA needs to be put down. A TRUMP WIN and then a CLEANUP when they try to “coup out” will put it down, too.


Yes, the MSM ALSO gets an enema and flush after the 4th.


… and a choke collar as well.


sec 230, FCC.


The campaign for normalization of abnormal and forbidden forms of sexuality is far older than Noah.
When Moses brought down the 10 Commandments from Mt. Sinai, the Israelites were already familiar with the proscriptions included in the term ‘adultery’ because of the 7 Laws of Noah.
These Noachide laws preceded and provided foundation of understanding of the Mosaic Commandments. https://www.simpletoremember.com/articles/a/seven-laws-of-noah/
The Noachide Laws are seven laws considered by rabbinic tradition as the minimal moral duties required by the Bible on all men. While Jews are obligated to observe the whole Torah – 613 commandments, every non-Jew is considered a “son of the covenant of Noah” and he who accepts these obligations is considered a righteous person who is guaranteed a place in the world to come.
The seven Noachide laws, as traditionally enumerated are:
1 Do Not Deny God
2 Do Not Blaspheme God
3 Do Not Murder
4 Do Not Engage in Incestuous, Adulterous or Homosexual Relationships.
5 Do Not Steal
6 Do Not Eat of a Live Animal
7 Establish Courts/Legal System to Ensure Law Obedience
Adultery in the Ten Commandments was clearly understood to mean all prohibited sexual activity.
Then there is Sodom and Gomorrah – and Leviticus which frown upon LBGTXYZ to say the least.
This understanding of GOD’s will for sexuality is also older than the Book of Romans – which summarizes the time proven, prehistorical and historical, step by step path to perdition – which begins with the refusal to worship, submit to GOD and His pattern for creation (Romans 1:18-32)
The modern campaign may have started with the Kinsey report. Kinsey was a sexual deviant whose whole treatise was designed and intended to normalize pedophilia, homo-bi- etc sexuality.
Then came the LBGT invasions – using terrorist tactics – of both the APA psychology and psychiatry – taking over, presenting scurrilous, now de-bunked ‘research’ papers… intimidating and demanding the groups take LBGT off the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) list of pathologies. The APA groups were threatened and intimidated sufficiently to comply with the demands – and did so for the first three – L, B and G – but it was not until Øbama pressured them that they took Transgender or Sexual Identity Disorder, or by then with the Gender Theory crap – Gender Identity Disorder – GID off the DSM official list of disorders.
Now the world of psychology and psychiatry are politicized by pansexualist lies and propaganda. Next – bestiality, polygamy, intergenerational unions, and minor-orientation are being lobbied heavily to these groups and considered by the left-leaning loonies within them.
Every day, somewhere in this country – the NAMBLA (man-boy love) ped0ph1lia monsters are trying to lower the age of consent to 12 – or below – if they can get it.


AND, as we have seen, sado-mach whatever, torture, porn, t-rture and sn-ff films, c-nnibalism and h-nting humans, etc won’t be far behind.
These are all sick and evil.

Sue Mcdonald

Far behind? All that you mentioned is and has been right in plain sight for many years. Evil bastards have kept us serfs so busy trying to scrounge out a living we couldn’t see it due to fatigue. Then 17 came along and cv. To think I thought we lived in freedom HA….we are just free range for now. If these people get what they want I believe very bad things will happen quickly. We win back what was stolen or we die with this election.this is it my friends not being an eyeore here just looking at things with Crystal clear vision. No wonder Jesus warned us over and over not to be deceived. The whole world is awash in deception. We must look at things with cold clear vision in order to plan correctly. And above all to make the correct choice
I am tired of living with the velvet chains of slavery are you?


You nailed it with Kinsey.


The latest fight to prevent booking pictures of antifa who have been arrested being published probably is , in part, because so many of them are obviously freaks in the deviant spectrum. Over and over it’s apparent…


And many of these freakish deviants are teachers proselytizing their lifestyles, some even preying on young kids, in our public schools!!!


“Far Older than Noah”
This is an incomplete thought but from what I understand, what we consider to be abnormal sexuality was main lined (institutionalized) into society in 2300BCE by Enheduanna, daughter of Sargon the Great with her cult worship of the goddess Inanna (this was rare side of the goddess) as Enheuanna sought to offer those peoples protections by allowing them to work in temples and from temples to kingdom administrations. It came under attack around Hammurabi’s time some five hundred years later. and at best was only haphazardly driven underground since. The problem has been with us since the dawn of time. When Inanna is said to speak of marsh people or people of the reeds this is the space between land (hetro men) and water (hetro woman) and is symbolic of gays and such. Such persons have been part of societies technocrats basically since there have been temples and administrations serving kings.


FL/GA, agree with much of what you wrote here, but be very careful about “rabinic traditions.” Under these so-called noahide laws, worshipping Jesus Christ will be considered idolatry, worshipping more than one god. And regarding the 613 laws, XChristians are not under them due to 1. Christ died for our sins. 2. The 613 were instituded for the Jews. The temple was destroyed, second temple destroyed in 70 A.D due to it no longer being needed after the cross and Jewish rejection of the savior. Of course they want to build a third temple. We need to be careful what we wish for. Of course these perversions are still sins and are older than Noah.


There is moral law, civil law and ceremonial law – the latter two are no longer operable – but the Moral Law/Commandments most certainly are.
There is NO Scripture that affirms/approves/tolerates homosexuality, bestiality, pedophilia.


As for Jesus Christ, the Father and the Holy Spirit are one in spirit and will – I cannot explain the Trinity – but is only One GOD, not three, according to the Creeds.


True – I’ve always heard that. But the ceremonial law (slaughter of bulls, lambs, doves) ended with the destruction of the Temple, didn’t it?
We Christians know that Jesus was the final blood sacrifice for sin, the true iconic God-authorized/anointed priest after the order of Melchizidek, the true final King, of an undending transcendant Kingom too! The fulfillment of the Law 🙂


The Moral Law was written in stone – is eternal – as is the Great Commandment – and are still in effect.
The stone tablets were in the Ark and it is doubtful they were destroyed with the Temple.


Ice, water and steam are ALL the same substance….. just in different forms.
Hope that helps.


One slight correction: not Jews but Hebrews. The Ten Tribes were not “lost” at that time; hence Hebrews (12 tribes).


Technically correct….. but most people do not know what a “Hebrew” is and lump them all together as “Jews” (The people of Israel)


Two words Sodom and Gomorrah.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

J@N DoE Lets see what happens
J@N DoE Lets see what happens
QAnon and the Great Awakening
3 year Delta on Mon.comment image


And this video shows us why….

but even this scary video doesn’t go far enough – If cackling Kamala pulled off her mask – underneath you would see the blood thirstiest vampires ever to hold political power – Øbastard and Hillrotten – that is the reality – and the REALLY SCARY PART!!!


these people are sooo creative!

Sue Mcdonald

100 % literal vampires in every way.good grief I never thought I would say such a thing horrible beyond belief but yet there it is.


THIS IS THE TRUMP TWEET – that I wish would travel around the country – and the world!!!
“There is only one way to defend your dignity. There is only one way to defend your family and your Country. There is only one way to preserve, protect and defend the American Way of Life: you must show up and vote on November 3rd! http://Vote.DonaldJTrump.comcomment image


Continuing a thought from last night, there are some times when the clouds part and a ray of sunshine breaks through and illuminates you and you know….You Did The Right Thing.
When my grandfather passed, I had a long-expected visit in a few weeks. I was getting reports that he was incapacitated, but it was no big deal. He had fallen and was in the hospital, but everything was on track.
I finally said, “screw this”, booked a flight, and packed. I flew a redeye into Columbus, OH — I knew he was in Parkersburg, WV, but not much more than that. This was before smartphones and GPS appliances — I had a laptop with a primitive GPS unit on the passenger seat of my rental car. There were two potential hospitals where he might be in Parkersburg, and I was lucky enough to get it right on my first try. I got up to the ICU and got debriefed without even having to show ID (auditor training). Official visiting hours weren’t for an hour, however, so I settled in to wait. I was told that my grandmother typically showed up when visiting hours opened.
About five minutes before official visiting hours, the ICU staff told me that my grandmother had phoned to say she would be late — she was in the ER downstairs.
The clouds parted, the sun shined on me — I had made the right decision to throw everything else aside and just go. I went down to the basement and walked in on my grandmother with a cheery “Hi, grandma!” She was exhausted and dehydrated. Over the next few days, I made sure she got stronger while the ICU helped my grandfather. I even mowed their lawn, because it was causing her worry she didn’t need.
We tend to move every day through clouds of worry and self-doubt. It is a weirdly euphoric thing to know that you got something totally right for a change.


A beautiful story and reminder….. well done – you did good – more than good – excellent!


For anyone with a son or daughter, sister or brother, coworkers and others who are ‘doing time’ within the cult of liberalism…comment image
hat tip – Carlos Osweda


Almost 30 some years ago I wrote a poem concerning cages,
The Promise
Live in me and I set you free.
Free like a bird, free in me.
Live in me there are no cages
Live in me and you will fly
Fly like an Eagle high in the sky.
Freedom, yes freedom is what I promise you.
Wind of the air, Spirit soaring
Christ is in your heart.
Reflection on freedom we are not truly free until we are in Christ. I am speaking from a Christian perspective others might find their own way. I know that I always was free as far back as I know.
My brothers parents suffered after WWII I never did. I never felt I was hungry or cold or lonely.
If communism comes I will not like it but know I will be ok.
The problem I am seeing with young lost souls is that they are searching in the wrong places.
This country is so great because the people who came searched for freedom from persecution. Most people were persecuted in their birth country for their faith.
God was is the focus and when the focus was taken off what gives live other things ( Golden Calf) fading things took its place. No riches or power can take the place of God and Peace in Christ and the Freedom we are promised through him.
The Country was build on Hope, and assurance of Freedom.
Young people search for what is lost in drugs , sexual freedom with anyone any place and stuff
Just my humble simple mind observation. Could be wrong but it works for me.

Valerie Curren

Here’s an interesting conversation in the comments section to the Greenwald piece:
This is all Above My Pay Grade, but thought it might be of some interest here…conversation portion I copied starts here:
Hugo MossnerOct 30
I thought Snowden was NSA vice CIA.
Frank P HuguenardOct 30
Snowden was CIA first before NSA Contractor. It’s a plausible theory that the CIA wanted to harm the NSA and therefore had Snowden become a ‘whistleblower’, a theory worth proper scrutiny.
e.pierce11 hr
Snowden was a libertarian high school dropout hacker
The Deep State hired 800,000 employees/contractors around the Beltway after 9/11 on a war footing, so anyone that was seen as clean and patriotic may not have needed a lot of standard credentials by the usual bureaucratic managerial idiot types working for the Feds
I’ve been told that military field grade IT is all from the 1990s, dunno about national security agencies, but unless you have actually worked with national security IT stuff I’m not sure why your views should hold much weight
Senior people I know in the military and national security apparatus have told me that corruption, waste and inefficiency are rampant (80-90%?)
BobOct 29
After reading Surveillance Valley by Yasha Levine; things really smell fishy
Frank P HuguenardOct 29
Bob, care to elucidate? My gut feeling was that his story sounded like BS, but can you back gthis up with your research?
BobOct 30
“Snowden is a life long Libertarian. His views on private surveillance are simplistic. He believed in the Utopian promise of computer networks. If the internet were left alone, it would be a liberating force for good.”
The problem was the government was spying on us.
2004-enlisted in Army Special Forces; broke both legs during training
2005; “Security Guard”(Senior Advis. under Corp. cover) NSA
2006- CIA Info.Tech.Secur.Spec. Geneva, Swit.; under State Dept. cover;CIA field ofc.
Lecturer; US DIA (under corp. cover)
2009; According to Snowden, after taking his first private contractor job for Dell in Japan, He never ever realized and was unaware the spying was taking place all over the internet”
2012; took a job in Hawaii with Boos-Allen. Contacted an employee at “Tor” to ask for some Tor stickers to hand out at work. He failed to mentioned he was with NSA. Snowden , later hosted a “Crypto Party” about how to set up Tor Servers.
He used Tor to cover his tracks all the way to Moscow. He met Laura Poitras in a discussion group on Tor. Once in Moscow , he made hundreds of thousand of dollars a year making remote presentations to universities.
Thanks to Snowden, Tor went mainstream
“For someone who spent years cycling through CIA & NSA, his reasons for whistle-blowing were simple and naive ”
“He joked, Twitter doesn’t put warheads on foreheads; companies don’t have the power to arrest, jail, and kill people”
In 2014, Yasha Levine began to question the utopian cyber-libertarian idea that you could equalize power levels with just technology. He learned that Google, Facebook, bankrolled Tor.
Why would companies who have contracts with the military and who’s entire business was tracking people online, buy into a privacy tool?
From Snowden’s leaked documents, Anything the internet companies had, the NSA had..The deeper Yasha dug, he found that virtually everyone involved with setting up Tor was also involved with the government.
Did Snowden know this all along?!
Frank P Huguenard23 hr
This sounds way more consistent with my experience watching him on Rogan. My spidey-sense was going off non-stop. Once I got past his hyponotic speech patterning and stopped to actually question his story, it lacked sufficient credibility.


Valerie…Q told us way back, that Snowden was CIA.

Valerie Curren

Thanks Wheatie…Since I don’t follow Q (I don’t know what is disinfo & what isn’t hence my agnostic stance) I don’t have the Q info at my fingertips. Perhaps that Frank guy follows Q or perhaps his arguments have merit per his background…I just thought the discussion & points Might be of interest here 🙂


Q forwarded the idea that Snowden did what he did…to try to hurt the NSA.
The CIA hates the NSA.
It’s because the NSA sees all…and sees the underhanded things that they do.
Remember, it was Admiral Rogers who went to see President-Elect Trump at Trump Towers during the transition…to warn him that he was being spied on.
Admiral Rodgers was head of the NSA.

Valerie Curren

Thanks for that perspective Wheatie. I’d forgotten that Rodgers headed the NSA.


And that he was NOT in Russia, but in CHINA.

Valerie Curren

A little more from that conversation:
Frank P HuguenardOct 29
You mention in this article that the media is basically over-compensating for helping Trump win in 2016. That is extremely naive on your part. The media/twitter/facebook/CNN/MSNBC, etc. is too well orchestrated, too well coordinated to be operating even vaguely independently. This is project Mockingbird happening on a scale almost unimaginable. Maybe even the Intercept was intercepted. Why would the publication that you founded not allow you to publish this? If you look back at 2016, the entire media industrial complex was just as coordinated as it is now, they just got sloppy because they were certain Trump wasn’t going to win. Who’s being naive now Kay?
VC navigation explanation here: I believe Rochelle’s comment below is to Frank’s comment above…
Rochelle LevyOct 29
What Frank Huguenot said is likely.
Just before or just after Trump’s 2016 election I was in a Manhattan restaurant with my domestic partner talking with strangers from DC. It turned out that they worked in the State Dept. and they told us that since Trump questioned the veracity of some things the intelligence establishment had said, they would absolutely bring him down. We were shocked but have remembered this throughout the FISA debacle,the Mueller mess,the impeachment and this election cycle.
Linda JansenOct 29
Right. Thank you. I wrote to Matt T. about this same issue in his article. I’m hoping they will do the investigation required for them to amend their articles. It really is a fundamental mistake to perpetuate this propaganda.
Frank P HuguenardOct 29
It’s literally in the Mueller report that the DNC server was hacked, without a shred of evidence. As Fox Mulder said “Trust No One”. Matt & Glen really need to get to the point where they chuck everything they think they know and start over. Everything has been a lie. Why would anyone believe ANYTHING the FBI or DOJ of Obama WH put out at this point? The MSM has no credibility, FBI/DOJ/CIA? This cancer has metasticized to the point where the patient is on life support.
We need to understand that Trump is Chemo. It takes an outsider to come in, someone who didn’t need this job, someone who couldn’t be bought, to come in and kill that cancer.


6 ways from Sunday😉

Valerie Curren



Remember from my book Val, the MSM was TASKED to help Trump win the rep nomination BY Clinton, the pied piper narrative, she created a monster she could not stop.
The MSM in a way do think THEY were responsible for Trump. Again not seeing the forest for those trees, WE Created Trump, his supporters, NOT them. WE liked what we heard yes, but WE were READY for his message.
Just as Rush ALWAYS says, the MSM can ONLY destroy what THEY create. They NEVER created Trump, therefore THEY cannot destroy him.

Valerie Curren

Nice Rex! It appears that God raised up Trump for such a time as this & it appears that He is not done wielding that wondrous weapon!!!





Those poor children 🙁 Such beautiful young life lost because of ideology of the murderer.
No true religion promotes killing of life.



Good idea! Senate GOP putting out videos on WuFlu. Part 1.


Part 2 –

Part 3 –



tom f

Thank you GA/FL.
I have a question and a comment.
I don’t post much but I take what’s learned here (and other places) and spread the word.
Not being ‘on’ tweeter how can I find (or convert to) an emailable (new word) version of those 3 links?
Help me spread the word.
Tanks in advance.


I don’t know if there are transcripts. And – I’m not on Twitter either. If your recipients have computers and are online, they can also access the videos on Youtube
Part I –

Part II –

Part III –

tom f

Much appreciated.


Preview for the coming attraction when Trump ENDS the pandemic fraud, likely on Nov 4th.


…Biden’s deadly migration policies will overwhelm taxpayers and open the floodgates to terrorists, jihadists, and violent extremists. Under my Administration, the safety of our families will always come FIRST!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 31, 2020
Joe Biden is a corrupt politician who has done nothing but betray you for 47 long years – selling out to lobbyists, China, big pharma & foreign countries. He will stab you in the back. He only cares about political power & he will use that power to hurt you & enrich his cronies! pic.twitter.com/8B9kZ5sdEJ
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 31, 2020


Biden is just a proxy for Kamala who is proxy for Øbastard, Hillrotten and $0r0$, Communism, Black muslim supremacy and Islam.


you shoot straight from the hip GA/FL!


Dat’s me – Annie Oakley!!!

Sue Mcdonald

This is it in a nutshell.GA/FL straight to point.i love it.


Suburban Women are trending strongly to our campaign because they want SAFETY, SECURITY, and love the fact that I terminated the REGULATION that would destroy their neighborhood and with it, the American Dream. Biden would bring the REGULATION back in a MUCH stronger form!!!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 31, 2020


I KNOW Trump is planning on ENDING Covid, but Trump should TURN this immigration open borders policy on Biden. “Open borders would allow MILLIONS to flood the country, MILLIONS who are LIKELY infected with Covid. Joe cannot be so stringent on AMERICANS on Covid while allowing in M
ILLIONS of illegals who will only exacerbate our current covid problem”. Get it.
USE it against Joe. People will THEN naturally ask..wait, how can Joe say he is going to be FAR better on covid when he will be allowing in MILLIONS of new carriers via open borders.
A straw man, but an EFFECTIVE straw man. Biden then must CHOSE which sword to fall on, Covid or open borders!


brilliant idea!


Dems use strawman arguments on US all the time, Trump COULD use this on Biden. EITHER way, he LOSES, and he would HAVE to address it. THAT would be a SPECIAL question Duecy could ask, and I bet Joe would BLOW IT, and have to be rescued, but the damage would bne done. IF he sided with Covid, he would PISS OFF the radicals wanting open borders.
IF he sided with open borders, he LOSES his fear gave and “high” ground on Covid.
a CLASSIC. I am surprised Trump or someone on his team has not used it..YET.
IF as I suspect, and ONLY Wolf might know for sure, Trump or a surrogate frequent here, I BET they do, It WILL be used NOW. YW!


Uh-Oh. Another laptop from hell!

Gail Combs

Brian Cates thread

Unlike with the abandoned laptop at the repair store, this time the Biden’s lawyer **did** manage to recover the laptop.
But why was one of Hunter Biden’s laptops being stored there to begin with?
How many laptops was Hunter leaving around with other people? This is two we know of now.
I was saying OVER TWO WEEKS AGO I didn’t buy the “he just totally forgot” narrative.
Looked to me like he was trying to sabotage himself to save himself and save himself from his dad.
The more we find out, the better that theory looks.



Gail, did you get your tree limbs cleared up? any damage??


Well IF that were true, I have to ask. IS Hunter in protective custody? IS he turning states witness?
I DOUBT it, but it IS curious he has NOT tried to clear or explain himself.


He’s in witness protection and practicing his canary impression. Bet on it.


We will soon see.


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The Happy Painter meme is great!


LOL did you ever see the Hudsucker Proxy…Hula hoops, PERFECT>


no, sorry…is it a movie?


Yes starring Paul Newman, Tim Robbins, and Jennifer Jason-Leigh. It is pretty funny in an Ironic sort of way. Basically a rube from Muncie Ind is a mail boy at a large corp, and he is named CEO by the corrupt #2 at the corp after the founder/CEO commits’ suicide.
He is an “idea man, and comes up with a great idea, a circle on paper, you know for kids. Will not spoil the rest.


I’ll look for it!


James Woods
They don’t even hide it anymore.
Then James responds to a reply:


wheatie, how’s your roof???
did you clear off the trees??


We haven’t got all of the tree limbs cleared off yet…but so far, not much damage.
Thanks for asking.
We’re having to clear out a lot of fallen tree parts around the house and yard…just to get to the stuff that’s across the roof.
Poor mr. wheatie has been running the chainsaw for two days now.


hope everything will be okay…
is it decent wood? can you use it in a wood stove or fireplace to keep warm? sell it if you can’t use it yourself?


We’ll stack it and use it.
We’ve got a fireplace and a smoker, so it will get put to good use…eventually.
There is sooo much firewood getting cut and stacked right now…people are giving it away.
We will probably put some of it through our wood-chipper, for mulch.


well. that’s good at least.
here we have a lot of birch and aspen trees that normally fall the easiest (along with some pines) and none of those burn well–we’ll use the aspen after it’s been stacked for 2 years if we have to–but they just come down and we have to cut them up and leave them in the woods…
right now the woodpeckers are decimating our ash trees…sigh…and we have several big ones around the house that make me worry.
stay safe!!


Thanks, sweetie.
You stay safe too!
If the Jetstream keeps dipping down across us…we could be in for a cold, icy winter.


stay warm, stay safe!!


Woods is a TREASURE. He is a Jedi Knight of trolling, but Trump is Yoda! I just want to be a padawan.


Bards of War has their interview with Archbishop Vigano up!


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Especially loved the one about not traveling on November 4. Would love to have all the names published of the “threats” (note: not promises! LOL) in large print to make them look like the empty suits they are.


young girl lost her entire collection of baseball cards (100) in a wildfire in CA. local firefighters put the word out on fb to ask collectors to donate a few cards to help the girl feel better…one man donates his entire collection…25,000 cards
Like hundreds of others, 9-year-old Reese Osterberg and her family were devastated to lose their home last month in California’s Fresno County Creek Fire.
A huge baseball fan, Reese’s precious baseball card collection was also lost to flames. She’d been collecting since she was 6-years-old, and over three years she’d amassed an impressive 100 cards she was proud of.
When the Fresno County Fire crew heard about Reese’s collection, they decided to do their bit. Spreading the word on Facebook, they asked if anyone could help a little girl by donating some of their own cards.
Luckily, San Jose’s Kevin Ashford saw the post on social media. He told NBC Bay Area, “I got to thinking about what I had in the garage… I thought, you know, what of instead of selling them on eBay, I’m going to donate them. I’m gonna donate them all and put a smile on a little girl’s face.”


Our President has FOUR RALLIES TODAY! We need to take our Winnamins so we can keep up!!!comment image
10:00AM THE PRESIDENT departs the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews – South Portico
10:25AM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Joint Base Andrews
10:35AM THE PRESIDENT departs Washington, D.C., en route to Ewing Township, NJ
11:25AM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Trenton-Mercer Airport
11:35AM THE PRESIDENT departs Ewing Township, NJ, en route to Newtown, PA
11:55AM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Keith House-Washington’s Headquarters – Newtown, PA
12:00PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks on Making America Great Again, Again
1:00PM THE PRESIDENT departs Newtown, PA, en route to Ewing Township, NJ
1:20PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Trenton-Mercer Airport
1:30PM THE PRESIDENT departs Ewing Township, NJ, en route to Reading, PA
2:05PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Reading Regional Airport
2:15PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks at a Make America Great Again Victory Rally
3:55PM THE PRESIDENT departs Reading, PA, en route to Pittsburgh, PA
4:55PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Pittsburgh International Airport
5:05PM THE PRESIDENT departs Pittsburgh, PA, en route to Butler, PA
5:20PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Pittsburgh-Butler Regional Airport
5:30PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks at Make America Great Again Victory Rally
6:50PM THE PRESIDENT departs Butler, PA, en route to Pittsburgh, PA
7:05PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Pittsburgh International Airport
7:15PM THE PRESIDENT departs Pittsburgh, PA, en route to Montoursville, PA
8:05PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Williamsport Regional Airport
8:15PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks at a Make America Great Again Victory Rally
9:35PM THE PRESIDENT departs Montoursville, PA, en route to Washington, D.C.
10:25PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Joint Base Andrews
10:35PM THE PRESIDENT departs Joint Base Andrews en route to the White House
11:00PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at the White House – South Portico
DON’T MISS THIS video series from the Senate Republicans!
Part 1 –

Part 2 –

Part 3 –

Or this video from Bryan Dean Wright!


Yep…it’s in the Spam bin, and I cannot understand why.
Bummer. It’s a great comment!
I would get it out if I could, but since I’m not the author of this thread, it will have to be Steve or Wolfie that releases it.


Thanks, Wheatie. I don’t want to try again, because then there will be a duplicate when they empty the bin.




Tucker’s show from last night.
Tucker…”The media is collaborating with the Democrat party.”
Tucker: Media hates Trump with an all-consuming mania.


tongue in cheek article on how to survive the possible riots coming next week…pretty funny…unless you’re really scared of riots, then scroll on by…
And though libs are none too bright, making critical decisions based solely on emotion and dopey slogans, some of them may remember that you once had a Trump sign in your yard or wore a MAGA hat around town. Some protective camouflage is certainly in order.
Get some poster board and colored markers and make some yard signs to fool the leftist tools who’d do you harm. Any foolish sequence of thoughts will work, like Black Lives Matter, Love is Love, and Hire People with Hooks. Or When It Comes to Hate, Many Are Called but Few Are Chosen. Almost any idiotic sentiment will work; it needn’t make sense.






sigh…handsome man even in later life…RIPcomment image

Deplorable Patriot

Handsome? You mean hot, right? I mean, he got better with age.


I actually think he was hotter older than younger


Oh yeah he did.
I think he achieved major hotness at age 40.

Deplorable Patriot

comment image




This is very sad news.
It’s weird…I’ve been thinking about him lately and watching some old movies with him in them.
RIP, Sean Connery.


1989 Sexiest Man Alive ❤ Uh huh!🤤🤩


American hostage rescued in West Africa by SEAL Team 6 in daring raid


Verse of the Day for Saturday, October 31, 2020

“What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you…”
1 Corinthians 6:19 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


Saturday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Be My Voicecomment image


Morning Duchess!
hope you a Blessed Saturday!


Hey, Pat! What’s up in your neck of the woods? Beautiful Sunny Fall Day here!!!
God Bless Your Day, too – Hugs!!!
Got Sweets? Did not have time for breakfast – need a pick-me-up till lunchtime! Please – Thanks!!!


it’s cloudy here…did some more splitting this morning…we are already going thru the wood pile we brought in a little while ago…
HUGS back to you Duchess!!
how about some cinnamon streusel coffee cake?comment image


OooooH – Looks Yummy – Thanks!!!


anything for you dear heart!


* Smiling Bigly *




turn in people and businesses? what kind of state do they have in New Mexico?
New Mexico lock down. Halloween canceled. Stay at home. Restaurants require covid training for workers. Limited seating. Must gather patrons info for contact tracing. Fines and closing for business for 2 weeks if covid. Spot check workers for covid. Turn people/business in.
— Stefani Lord for NM Representative Dist 22 (@Lord4NM) October 31, 2020


I have been watching new mexico off and on. Its their female dimm governor. A hispanic whitmer but worse. Low profile but doing a lot of damage. I have no idea how the state isnt in total rebellion. She really locked down all the Native American tribal land too.


this is a painful but necessary lesson for voters…hope they LEARN


Sure do. They HATE HER.


IIRC, with near no notice, back in ~June or so, NM guvner locked down Gallup ~72 hours. Curfews and everything. Draconian. On/off ramps blocked.
Have crossed NM on I-40 twice east bound and return west bound. Both times mandatory masks, yada, yada.. Most wore masks. I ignored the nonsense. No one bothered me.
Folks really need to push back against these idiotic mask edicts.
Stop the go along to get along mantra.


Molly, thank you. This is brilliant. Yes, mass munchausen, that needs to be spread on twitter. someone needs to make a meim, however you do that. Lol. It’s catchy and so true. A form of mass indoctrination.


I thought it was very apt too. Me make a meme! Wouldn’t even know how to begin but maybe someone will. That would be a good thing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The COVID COMMIES tried to spread the crazy to El Paso using a JUDGE. ABBOTT’S ORDER is helping the police refuse to be part of it.
https://www.toddstarnes.com/politics/el-paso-police-we-will-not-enforce-china-virus-shutdown-orders/amp/comment image
This is why KGB-FIB tried to use a political operation in El Paso to initiate their RED FLAG ATTACK on American gun owners. El Paso is DEEP BLUE MURDER ZONE TREASON.
The LOCAL COPS know better. BAD STUFF infects the FO. KGB-bad.comment image

Deplorable Patriot


Deplorable Patriot

I’m ready for Tuesday. I’m so ready for it all to be over.


me too!
ready for the covid bs to be done, the election crap to be over, and Nanzi needs to be dethrowned–tired of looking at her ugly face…

Deplorable Patriot

I want my life back.
I want to make music with my fellow choir people.
I want my family out of the house so I can have the peace to work.
I want to be able to go shopping and have fun without hiding.
I want to walk freely in the cultural institutions here.
I mean, is it too much to ask?




I know how you feel, D.P. I agree.


I feel like you can now write murder mysteries…. 😉
Just kidding. But I fully agree with everything you said!



Deplorable Patriot

It gets more and more crazy around here. Yesterday, we found out that my one brother’s mini dachsund was put down Thursday, I think. He was 15ish, blind, had back issues and more, but that was one cool dog. I hear my sister in law (not the one who is not well) cried all night.


Loosing a pet is painful and affects the whole family.
I had to take my dog back to the vet 3 times after surgery because of complications. The third time my regular vet was back and opened her up just in time otherwise my dog would have died. The doc called me 1:30 am that the dog had survived.Another doc in the vet office had performed the first operation and kept telling me nothing was wrong. I knew there was.
My doc kept her two weeks . I have her back now for the past 5 days she cannot go up the steps so I slept with her on the sofa. I am so tired taking her out two three times a night and early up for meds. Sleeping on the sofa is not my thing but Peri was so stressed out that she could not be in the bedroom with us.
Every day she is doing better. I cook organic beef and chicken for her and put it over her dry food so she gets her strength back.


I’ll say a prayer for your companion!!!
hope she is well soon!!


Thank you 🙂


I will pray for your little friend! Poor baby.


Thank you. Today finally she seems to feel better. She is able to sleep without moaning. Her stitches look good and are healing. She has two type of pain killers and antibiotics and vitamins. Also tonight she does not need to go out so often. Prayers are helping. My husband and I are now taking shifts. I went 8 PM to bed and got up at 12 AM and he is now sleeping.


so sorry! pets are like family–and companions!


Thank you DP!

Plain Jane

Right up there in my top 5 with Coburn.


Sad to lose him. But he was 90. long, good life. Will miss. Loved most of his films. RIP


A real Hollywood man …no apologies either .

Deplorable Patriot

If the three presidential “mistakes” since Wilson were JFK, Reagan and Trump, did JFK’s campaign really cheat, or was his margin of victory large enough to overcome the cheating on the other side?
“History” is going to be turned on its head coming up here.


That’s the speech that probably got him killed!

Deplorable Patriot

There were several factors that got him killed, IMO.



Deplorable Patriot

Apparently, Daylight Savings Time ends tonight.
Did I miss it switching back to the old way or is it just because it’s the first Sunday in November?
Either way is good for me.


Yep…we get that hour back that they stole from us back in March.
It’s so silly, it doesn’t “save” anything.
I wish they would leave it alone.


We voted a couple years ago to do just that, it overwhelmingly passed, then they just ignored it. Apparently this requires congressional approval. Honestly, of all the simplest things to do wtf is political about this one?


Me thinks it is a state thing. IIRC, AZ and I think IN don’t have DST. Maybe another state or two.

Deplorable Patriot

Portions of Indiana don’t because of where it sits in the time zone.


Ah ha. Dunno if I ever knew that. I do know, during my working years, traveled to parts on IN many times. Recall be puzzled more than once. Should have looked into the the contradictions, in my mind anyway, what time is it in IN.


We were going to stay same as AZ.


My Mom was just ranting about it the other day. Leave the time alone!!!!!!


No it didnt switch back yet. Tonight’s an extra hour for you.


The closer we get, the more nervous I become. I can’t wait until it is over!
Trump must win Pa. by 4 or 5 points to overcome voter fraud, says pollster who got it right in 2016
Robert Cahaly, chief pollster with the Georgia-based Trafalgar Group, is predicting a Trump victory nationally against Democratic candidate Joe Biden on Nov.


Id like to see 10


Remember that after a certain point, more cheating will still not win — but will risk further exposure of the cheaters. When that happens, the focus will turn from phonying up more fake votes to covering their tracks.


I think they’re already there, and we’re seeing just the beginning of the exposure.


237,186 EARLY-VOTING TOTALS for Montgomery County (Republican-heavy)
= 288,000 TOTAL VOTE (Only 10% were Ballots-by-Mail)
= 41% INCREASE over Record Total Vote in 2016!
“Who’s Yo DADDY.”


Guesstimate on FL Republican share of Total Hispanic Vote
• 27% coming from 90% of the 30.2 GOP RV
… What GOP RV would switch to Beijing-Biden
• 20% coming from 2/3 of the 29.8% NPA RV
… Hispanics share opinions and most of these would be listening
• 4% coming from 10% of the 40.0 DEM RV
= 51% of FL Hispanic Vote 😱
Check out the embedded graphic:





reading some of the replies–some TDS drivers were hitting the trump supporters’ vehicles–they posted pictures of the cars and are asking for info if anyone knows them.
hmmmm…road rage…they should have their licenses revoked and insurance suspended.


I did forget…thanks for the reminder!!
how’s Darwin today?


that’s good right?
maybe he needs a girlfriend Steve


speaking as a female…I would hate to weigh myself in grams!!! lol
if he feels like company later, make sure to give him a cuddle from me!


^^^ This IS funny.


And dems think Texas is a battleground state!
Their delusions have no limit.


I don”t think there are ANY battleground states… if one subtracts the cheating.


Deplorable Patriot

The habit looks like Sisters of Mercy.


He got better with age.
Rest in peace, Sir Sean.comment image


comment image

Concerned Virginian

Nobody sported a kilt better than Sean Connery! He lived and breathed Scotland. RIP


I always loved him. Great actor. RIP


oooooohhhhhh yeah!


my exchange on twitter with someone claiming he was taken out….SMH


Thanks, Sauce.
Yeah, it makes no sense that Connery was with the cabal…or that he was taken out.
He was an actor who loved his country, Scotland, and his wife of 45 years.
Btw, I like the new avatar!





well, to be fair, Joe was rehearsing for his gig later next year…he’ll be playing Punxatawny Phil in the Groundhog Day remake.
the director Michael Moore says he’s a natural. he likes living underground…he emerges once a year and speaks gibberish only his handler can interpret…and he looks remarkably rodent like–no leg hair extensions needed!


LOL – Oh, that is a precious analogy, Pat!!! Question: Do men quit producing hair on various parts of the body as they age? If so – he is out of luck for pool foibles – isn’t he?


dunno, hubby still has all his hair where he always had hair…LOL


Not sure, either – just asking – but, your hubby may not have gotten to that point – maybe, he was hairy from the get go – so it might take longer – Biden is losing more than his hair, tho’ – LOL

Deplorable Patriot

IDK about anyone else, but I am so sick of the MoveOn.org signs. Talk about virtue signalling.comment image


Yep, makes ya wish portable flamethrower/incinerators were legal

Deplorable Patriot

See my response to Pat. That sign is a parody, and echoes my thoughts on what they are riffing.


heh….should take my own advise and read carefully before commenting 😉 though I did think it was the sign you posted to Pats post


…good thing I don’t have that flamethrower/incinerator 😉


what a smug, condescending attitude for a yard sign…

Deplorable Patriot

Have you seen the ones this is parodying?comment image


to be honest…I didn’t realize that first one was a parody. these signs are ridiculous…so I believed it was real…
hanging my head in shame…

Deplorable Patriot

This is the other one:comment image


do you need an actual high horse to ride on before you can put one in your yard?

Deplorable Patriot

I’m telling you, these have been around here for years. The people who have them in their yards all belong to one of the magnet parishes where the revolutionaries hang out.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is a Trump-side analog (Christian-oriented) that is analogous, and has a subtext of “you attack this house, then YOU are the hater”. I like them!


Actually, I agree that no human is illegal.
But a helluva lot of their behaviors are.


The human is not illegal true however their actions are if they sneak across our borders.
Maybe we should call them persons who come illegally into our country and break the law for doing so?
In abbreviation we call them illegals 🙂

Concerned Virginian

“Well, isn’t that ** special **”, said the Church Lady.
And of course it’s a RAINBOW-type color design.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s a parody of signs I see every day…and I agree with the parody.



Good article on how white liberals often deal with successful blacks
a day agoupdated about an hour ago


White liberals have nuts? Or just the white liberal women?

Concerned Virginian

Per 700WLW, Cincinnati, 11:30AM Eastern:
The governor of Kentucky, ANDY “I’m a dictator in training and I’m running for President in 2024” BESHEAR has just SHUT DOWN the Commonwealth due to the “very high rate of infections from Covid-19”.
He issued a diktat saying that ALL “non-essential travel” is TO STOP. People can to out ONLY “if it is absolutely necessary”.
Kentucky colleges are shifting to all-virtual classes immediately.

Concerned Virginian

Sorry, that’s “INTERFERENCE”.
Drat this phone!


Indo-Pacific News
#Canada ‘Severely Penetrated’ by #Beijing’s Influence Operations, Says #China Expert
Harassment of Chinese human rights defenders in Canada, the government’s delays in banning Huawei, recent threats by the Chinese Ambassador against Canadians in #HongKong

Indo-Pacific News
#Chinese influence in #India: Hindustan Times today published a 4-page, unvarnished #CCP propaganda section.
The New York Times & The Washington Post do the same. Not difficult to understand why they publish a lot of pro #China articles, it’s all about Chinese $$$$

Indo-Pacific News
Over 100 #Chinese Migrant Workers Detained for Illegally Entering #Vietnam
Unemployment is a major issue in #China due to many foreign companies leaving the country. An increasing number of Chinese workers are looking for jobs in neighboring countries.

Indo-Pacific News
#Taiwan Can Now Complicate #China’s Invasion Plans By Buying Hundreds Of Harpoon Missiles
It’s now official, Washington has detailed the sale of Harpoon Coastal Defense Systems to Taiwan.


The CCP is going ape shit over this.


This is nice – but, I see PT with a much higher Electoral Vote – not sure what I would change, tho’ – Any ideas?


We take OR and or WA.
CO may be an early Christmas present.
Strong showing but not take CA and NY.


Agree with OR – not sure about WA or CO – what about VA? Agree – not ready for CA or NY to turn RED – but, hey – we might be surprised about others – wondering why ME was blue, too – Thanks for playing, Kal!


I don’t know about OR, but I know in WA people are PO’d. They’re just very quiet about it. What’s weird is the lack of signage and bumper stickers. Very few presidential or Gov. signs; few signs for U.S. rep, most signs are for local races, and are mostly located at major intersections. The amount of signage is what I see for an off year election. What I think might happen is that we could end up with a R Gov. (and he is MAGA) but maybe the Dims will carry the presidential race. Plus it depends on how much cheating goes on in King County, where Seattle is.


As long as WE/Trump wins!!!!!!!!


HE WILL WIN, KEA!!! Just would like to see a SLAM DUNK, you know!!!




Nov. shocker prediction….
POTUS wins CA.
The black community’s vote.
Ice Cube, 50 Cent, Lil’ Wayne did it. Might even get IL as a result, too.


Hmmm…had not thought of that – altho’ I believe the black vote will reach 50% nationwide, FG&C.


I believe the Nov. SHOCKER is going to be the black vote for Trump, which will not only deliver him a few states no one is thinking possible (like CA), but also going to thoroughly repudiate and undermine the BLM bowel movement.
Lil’ Wayne has 34.8M Twitter followers. 😳
Both Ice Cube and 50 Cent are LEGENDS in the black community.
Kanye West had them going “WTF? That dude is crazy.”
Ice Cube had them going “Wait? You, too?”
50 Cent had them saying “Man, I must be missing something.”
Lil’ Wayne has them actually saying “OK. If all these guys going for Trump, I am, too.”
How do I know I’m right?
Because in keeping with our POTUS’ genius, all of this is VASTLY underestimated, unreported, and under-discussed.
The black vote for Trump is going to be the Nov. surprise.
And it is going to decimate the democrap party.


I truly hope so, FG&C – makes sense – hope and pray this will come to fruition.


50 cent changed his mind after criticism. He said on Twitter–
“Another spin F–k Donald Trump, I never liked him,” the rapper wrote. “For all I know he had me set up and had my friend Angel Fernandez killed but that’s history. LOL.”

Deplorable Patriot

I agree that California is in play due to the black vote. Not sure that it will be enough, though.
Illinois…you have to get past the northern suburbs of Chicago for that.


I agree, DP, about Il. and it is so very corrupted. At one time long ago my county was very red in cen. Il. but due to student vote it got flipped, and now we have corrupt dem officials running much of it. It is depressing.


Huge Hispanic population a plus also.


I have a feeling about California, too.
The friend I research and write with lives there, and she has the same impression.
Maybe we are right, FG&C. Wouldn’t that just be amazing?! California for Trump?


Demo☭rat Duplicity
… It’s how they roll.
… US:


[watch the video clip]


Fucking scumbag.
“It’s not lying, it’s simply re-wording the truth so that the truth becomes more palatable to people who are not bright enough to understand the real truth.”
The arrogance and hubris is simply off the charts here.


It already ranks right up there with Lincoln and Washington’s.
Easily the most historic and significant presidency of our lifetimes.


Amen goes right there, FG&C!!!


Pat, this was probably one of the best parts of Tucker Carlson’s program last night


thanks, I bookmarked to watch!


This documentary is going to be good – imho


Thank you. This was an IMPORTANT interview.
Please watch.
Shows why the news media is complicit in crime against the USA.


Most welcome, FG&C!!!


The Library
The Drive
SEAL Team Six Executes Long Distance Rescue Operation Of Kidnapped American In Nigeria
Armed gunmen had abducted Philip Walton from his home in neighboring Niger earlier in the week and there were fears he could be sold to terrorists.
Harold Wren
Praying Medic@prayingmedic
SEAL Team 6 staged a daring raid in Nigeria, rescuing Philip Walton, 27, who had been taken hostage.
Quote Tweet
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
· 3h
Big win for our very elite U.S. Special Forces today. Details to follow!


It doesn’t say but…
“Sadly, all those involved with the kidnapping did not survive the meeting with the SEAL team hostage negotiators.”
Play stupid games with our POTUS, you gonna win stupid prizes.


comment image?quality=85&width=1440&quality=70
The Library
#NATSEC #DEVGRU #DebtOfHonor #heroes
Does everyone remember how Jimmy Carter had to hold a press conference to explain to America how US Military’s best tried to rescue Iranian held hostages, but that the mission failed, costing us some of our best from Delta Force & other service branches? It cost him re-election.
This week, days before the most important & consequential election in American history, President Donald Trump took on the same responsibility & knowing that a failed rescue mission would cost him re-election, he courageously put politics SECOND & put the life of an American Hostage FIRST, and ordered the mission to go forward.
As Commander In Chief, we have the right man in charge, & we need him for #4moreyears
Harold Wren
, edited


Trust is THE #1 currency in the Spec Op community.
POTUS just demonstrated his trust in them, and they just demonstrated it in return to him.
This forges an UNBREAKABLE BOND between our CiC and the Spec Op community.
Btw, this incident explains POTUS’s unscheduled, “no press” stop at Ft. Bragg the other day. It was to give his personal “Go!” to the Spec Op guys to rescue Philip Walton.
POTUS just GUARANTEED any violent coup attempt against him post-election will fail, and fail spectacularly.


Thanks FG&C…


Reminds me of Young Frankenstein and the monster tries to say “putting on the ritz”…


Not going to mention any names here… please don’t you either…
but she’s back on twitter if you’re missing here (she’s been on gab since left twat)
just glad to see her… shhh! don’t give her name away…


MiGFlasher Retweeted
All 50 News
Replying to @cjtruth
NG deployed in: (count em)
1. Alabama
2. Arizona
3. Colorado
4. Delaware
5. Illinois
6. Kentucky
7. Pennsylvania
8. Tennessee
9. Texas
10. Virginia
11. Washington
12. Wisconsin
Just like 17 said.


Wait … what? National Guard deployed in TN? Where?


Found this … doesn’t seem like a very big deal – less than 30 people to help in plain clothes with cyber security
The Tennessee National Guard has activated around 30 cybersecurity troops to support state and local elections officials with network security. The Tennessee National Guard is also making 13 of its readiness centers available as polling sites across the state, and approximately 26 troops in civilian clothes will be placed on state active duty in order to facilitate access for election officials, according to comments made by Holmes, the state’s adjutant general, during Wednesday’s media roundtable.
The armories’ full time staffers will be instructed not to report to their offices on Election Day, said Holmes.
Holmes said that the decision to make the readiness centers available was driven by a “lack of space” for adequate social distancing in traditional polling sites in some of the state’s rural counties.


This should go without saying but I feel it worthwhile anyway…
With mere days to go prior to Nov. 3, Flep’s daily OP is REQUIRED reading. Today’s post is a standout, IMHO.
Wishing all a wonderful pre-election weekend and entertaining, fun night tonight.


Rolls eyes so hard…
Discounts and freebies to enjoy on Election Day 2020
rolls eyes some more. So your paying people to food. Sad discounts TBH


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Cari Kelemen
Today’s 14-stop Biden Rally Texas Tour: CANCELLED Too many Trump supporters were showing up

L 🤺
· 7h
This is the most badass thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Go Texas.
Zoe, what follows is a vid clip of a van covered in Biden signs being followed on freeway with tons of vehicles with Trump signs and flags!


oops, I missed it Zoe… the Biden Bus is in the caravan also.


Lemme show you what pathetic, vile, filthy liars democrats are.
Watch this. See how the “staffer’s car” is in the truck’s lane, causing the collision? And dems turn around…IN THE FACE OF VIDEO EVIDENCE….and claim it was the Trumpsters being “homicidal”.


Right… I read some back and forth about that… Harold Wren at The Library called it… said “Thats called an illegal lane change, causing an at-fault accident. The Biden/Harris idiots literally cannot even drive a car properly but want us to vote for them to run America.
Harold Wren


I want to create an ice cream flavor called ‘corruption’ just to finally hear the media ask Joe Biden about it.
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) October 30, 2020


Sounds delicious!


Send this to some of your DIM family and friends (remember to remove the splat)







Apparently she is not finished. Pennsylvania next (showing picture looking out from plane flying over the untouched wood lands of the foot hills as she flies east.)
Melania Trump
US government account
Thank you Wisconsin for your immense support & pride for our country. I am now off to Pennsylvania!


Do you know where in PA? PT on his 3rd Stop today in Butler PA


Apologies, never see my notifications unless I go to second web browser. Not sure where in Penn, but this is part of her speech there.


Thanks, Para!!!


Tracy got a shout-out today from Gen Flynn!!!


MiGFlasher Retweeted
General Flynn@GenFlynn
Read this very sincere & uplifting thread from the great journalist
Tracy, you speak for millions of Americans & Patriots around the world praying for America to remain THE beacon of hope for the rest of the world.
Quote Tweet
Tracy Beanz@tracybeanz
· 21h
Thread: Running some errands today when I was absolutely struck with emotion for a minute- I can’t really explain this but I’m going to try. I’ll likely get mocked by some for sharing this but I don’t care. It’s my heart speaking. Deal with it.
Show this thread

Deplorable Patriot

Laura Ingraham says this was seen in Westchester County, NY, today.comment image


L Person fencing@SomeBitchIKnow
Tim Walz’s daughter tweeted out instructions to rioters in Minneapolis and told them when the national guard would arrive. A complete breach of safety and confidentiality from his office.
Vote Tim out.
Quote Tweet
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
· 18h
Your far-left Dem Attorney General, and your Dem Governor tried to shut down our rally, silence the people of Minnesota, and take away your freedom of assembly. They thought we would cancel – but I said NO WAY, I will NEVER abandon the people of Minnesota!
L Person fencing@SomeBitchIKnow
This tweet comes from my thread “The Democrats Are Morons and George Soros Is Too”. Scroll up to read the entire thing.
Quote Tweet
L Person fencing@SomeBitchIKnow
· Jun 23
You also had Hope Walz, daughter of Tim Walz (Minnesota’s governor) gave rioters inside information about military activity, and Isra Hirsi, Ilhan Omar’s daughter, sought suppliers for her rioting comrades in Minneapolis.
Show this thread



comment image
purloined from Nebraska Filly at Marica’s


AWESOME SAUCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Does this mean that the virus has agreed to not infect until Thursday?


That’s the Million Dollar Question! All the Brits are asking same.

[…] a transcript (H/T to GA/FL) of what he said, speaking first to Juan Williams. ‘Tony’ refers to Tony Bobulinski, one […]




They’re just scheduling his little capitulation speech, and apology to the nation.


Ha Ha!! More likely that they refuse to accept POTUS’ Landslide Victory.


He’s stepping aside… giving his ‘mantle’ over to Heels Up




Is that some kind of joke? NO ONE IS THERE!


Where the Heck is Sleepy? 😂😂😂


Deplorable Patriot

That’s quite a list.


Arnold Palmer is deceased…hope he’s voting, though! 😉


That would make him a DemonicRat




Arnold Palmer died during the first campaign. I can’t find whether he endorsed President Trump or not.
Interesting little statement at the end of this article…featuring Donald J Trump and Arnold Palmer.


WordPress has intentionally slowed down it’s servers.
No question.


I thought that yesterday… glad to have affirmation FG&C…
I think others have slowed also…
Hope we bust ’em into 1,000 pcs after the election …


I was having all kinds of computer problems yesterday trying to read articles or get into my gmail.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It is almost certainly TWITTER. If you are using a browser that allows it (Chrome, Brave, Dissenter), then go to preferences and TURN OFF EMBEDDED TWEETS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

True. But I open them once, if I want to see the picture, and that is it. Pages are responsive again, and no more “scroll-back” needed.


comment image




Police Detective finds a purple heart at an antique store and buys it, hoping to return it to the family of the man who lost it. he spent $1,000 of his own money and finally tracked the man’s remaining family and gave it back to them.
The shop had the item listed for $10,000, and when Cerniglia told the shop owners why he wanted to buy the item, they reduced the cost to $1,000. The store was not committing any crimes for selling the Purple Heart, but it certainly did not sit well with Cerniglia.
Cerniglia, who is a US Army veteran, hoped he’d be able to track down the rightful owners and return it to them. Cerniglia was able to determine that this Purple Heart has been in existence for the last 70 years and originally belonged to Alan D Beckwith, who served during World War II.
Beckwith, who was a paratrooper, died in action during World War II on June 7, 1944, the day after D-Day. How it ended up in an antique shop is a mystery, but one that Cerniglia wants to figure out.


Like – Cannot like without deleting PR – so am liking here





Deplorable Patriot

Just passing this on, not necessarily agreeing with it since I have not been in any meetings with the man.

However, to make it work, public outrage and demand had to be generated.


I just think people should stay away from private homes and family members. It’s not right. I wouldn’t even do it to Hillary or Obama, even though I want them arrested Etc.

Deplorable Patriot



..”Last Friday APAC had a meeting at DNC organized by their ethnic outreach office, presenting Democratic Party strategies for presidential elections,” Gates emailed Tony Podesta on May 17, 2016. “One of the subjects was a smear campaign against Paul Manafort, which will be launched in a couple of days. The head of the ethnic outreach is of Ukrainian descent and has connections in Ukraine.
“She was able to produce documents linking Manafort to Moscow during his time as adviser to Victor Yanukowych (cq), ousted former Ukrainian president. They will try to link Donald Trump to Putin through Manafort’s engagement and money trail of over [a] billion dollars. This was a formal presentation on the part of DNC — I am trying to obtain an audio tape from the meeting. I just wanted to share this with you to make you aware before they start.
Tony Podesta responded by asking what APAC was and Gates wrote back: “You will love this one … the American Polish Advisory Council.”‘….

Deplorable Patriot

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 62138c No. 4281478
Dec 12, 2018 6:08:08 PM CST
Anonymous ID: 1bd9f2 No. 4281387
Will voter fraud in CA ever be brought to light?
“WATCH CA” was deliberate.
1y, 10m, 2w, 5d, 1h, 3m ago
8chan qresearch
May 14, 2018 10:18:10 PM CDT
Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: b9b7bb No. 1414277
Allison Mack [NXIVM] arrested [date]?
When does a bird sing?
Schneiderman resigns [date]?
Eyes Wide Open.
Who will be next?
Watch NYC.
2y, 5m, 2w, 2d, 21h, 55m ago
8chan qresearch
There are others.


Donald J. Trump
Just signed an order to protect fracking and the oil and gas industry. This means JOBS, low energy bills, and continued AMERICAN ENERGY INDEPENDENCE! Sleepy Joe would BAN fracking and destroy American energy jobs! He has NO clue!!


“GET ‘EM OUT!!!”


comment image
Oct 31, 2020 5:44:04 PM CDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a19e8d No. 11379902
Are you ready to finish what we started?
‘Nothing can stop what is coming’ is not just a catch-phrase.
1m ago
8kun qresearch

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Which girl is that?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Q Drops Girl!


Oh…. thought you meant me 🙂


Thank you rayzorbak!!!!!! 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Figure of speech – “our” (Q followers) girl!


Gotcha…… I try to use her when I post drops.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A nice tradition!


I like it and will continue it 🙂


Only 3 more days til the election…….
Will Cue continue?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Things are going to be very interesting! I don’t think SQRT289 a.k.a. 17 would miss it for the world!


I meant….. after the election 🙂
Didn’t explain it very well.


Oct 31, 2020 5:46:48 PM CDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a19e8d No. 11379970
Are you ready to hold the political elite [protected] accountable?
2m ago
8kun qresearch




Oct 31, 2020 5:49:26 PM CDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a19e8d No. 11380075
Are you ready to take back control of this Country?
2m ago
8kun qresearch


Oct 31, 2020 5:50:51 PM CDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a19e8d No. 11380146

2m ago
8kun qresearch


Hope this means some serious shit is about to HIT THE FAN!


Me too!

Deplorable Patriot

When you’re standing on the causeway, the sound hits at about 19 seconds into launch. It is something to see, hear and feel all at once, that’s for sure.
And the one I saw go up was Discovery, too.

Sue Mcdonald

Yes to the que questions! Can’t wait for this to be finished!! Justice rain down upon us like sweet rain.
I read on twit today that mr.lude has said there over 100 more laptops with all kinds of info pics ect….I say holy shiznets. POTUS has told us they have it all I guess they have it all and then some.


Thomas More AKA, (BOND, James Bond 007)@ThomasM63345718
Replying to @drawandstrike
WHERE ARE THE INDICTMENTS? Now we know why there will never be any.
EXCLUSIVE: FBI Dir. Wray Profited from Hunter Biden’s Illegal China-Russia Kickback Deal; Is This…
EXCLUSIVE: FBI Dir. Wray Profited from Hunter Biden’s Illegal China-Russia Kickback Deal, per Records & High-Placed Feds. Is This Why the FBI Has Covered Up Hunter’s Laptop? Guess Who Else Cashed In…


I’m not sure about this… It was on Brian Cates TL… but it is Thomas Paine, and he’s been wrong before.
Waiting for sauce…


Candace Owens@RealCandaceO
If you believe that government can stop a virus, then you are an idiot.
If you believe governments are stripping away rights and monitoring our every move because they care, then you possess the logic of a slave who has fallen in love with its master.


Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates Retweeted
The Epoch Times
“We’re going to clean the plate, clean all the district judges off as well.”
Sen. #MitchMcConnell said he plans to fill 2 important vacancies in the circuit courts regardless of the #Election outcome.


Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates Retweeted
Miz Donna⭐⭐⭐
The 2008 number tells you everything you need to know about the state of our media polling industry today.
There is no way in Hell that Biden is more popular than Obama was in 2008
Quote Tweet
Political Polls@PpollingNumbers
· 4h
National Average Lead 3 Days To #ElectionDay
2000: Bush +2
2004: Bush +2.3
2008: Obama +6.4
2012: Obama +0.5
2016: Clinton +2.9
2020: Biden: +8.7


Chanel Rion OAN@ChanelRion
BREAKING: Biden Family’s Unpaid Taxes has garnered Massive IRS Tax Liens.
See this breaking news on @OANN tonight.


^^^ This needs to go mainstream. Be terrible if actual IRS docs happened to go public.





Jack Posobiec Flag of United States@JackPosobiec
BREAKING: Antifa swarm attack Trump supporter at parade in Beverly Hills in broad daylight


Jack Posobiec Flag of United States@JackPosobiec
BREAKING: Twitter restricts @AntifaMovie on day it is set to launch

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Twitter is bullshit.
But Gab had its BEST MONTH EVER.comment image



Gail Combs

If some of the Skuttlebutt is true, Obama is a GROOMED ‘KGB’ asset trained to take over the USA.
October 7, 2012
Russian Official: Obama is a Communist KGB Agent

…..A Russian government official bragged that Barack Obama was a KGB operative and that his presidency had been planned since birth, an American physicist and government contractor reports. Tom Fife, an American computer networking specialist and international businessman, reported the alarming facts about the Kremlin’s connection to Barack Obama. The boast from a Communist Party official reportedly occurred during a business trip to Russia,16 years before Barack Obama was ushered into the presidency of the United States.
“It was like an elastic band snapping all the way from 1992,” Fife shakily admitted, upon recall of the exact moment he realized the Communist official had been telling the truth.
“It was a very, very scary feeling.”
Fife, a physicist and computer engineer, had been traveling to Russia for a joint venture with a state-owned company when the shocking revelation was revealed to him. After several business meetings, Fife and his partner were invited to the company owner’s home at the end of the journey for a farewell dinner.
The owner’s wife was a Communist Party official and was “climbing two ladders”, as Fife puts it, one ladder being the KGB and the other being the traditional Russian society and business ladder. As the evening wore on, the female Communist official became increasingly agitated over a perceived slight and her emotions spilled over.
“You Americans like to think you’re so perfect!” she snarled. “Well, what if I told you that very, very soon you’re going to have a black president… and he’s going to be a Communist!”
The KGB operative was not finished. As she had now dropped this bombshell on the entire gathering, she felt compelled to continue.
“His name is Barack,” she sneered. “His mother is white and his father is an African black. He has gone to the best schools, he is what you would call ‘Ivy League’.”
Fife recalls being stunned and shocked at the words flowing from the Communist’s mouth as she continued to rattle off an incredibly precise set of details about this Communist operative who was to supposedly become president of the United States….

He always seemed too stupid and disinterested but that may have been an act.


I have heard this story before….. a long time ago.


So did I, Rayzor. Think Fife was on Alex Jones. Doesn’t mean it’s not credible. I still remember, “Tell Vlad …”


I remember reading it too!!!

Valerie Curren


Love our First Lady – she can be a wicked awesome troll when she wants to!

Valerie Curren

Cari Kelemen@KelemenCari
Just now, Barack Obama on President Trump: “What is his obsession with crowds, anyway?”

Gail Combs

Jealous much OH!Bummer???



phoenix, it’s like a Street Faire!
happy, happy.






Cari Kelemen Retweeted
Flag of United States Pismo Flag of United States@Pismo_B
Pennsylvania oil & gas workers arrive at Trump MAGA Rally in Butter, Pennsylvania!
Folks, This is the Real Poll!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


CHECK OUT Beverly Hills California!


Exposing how CITIZENS feel…….
Not Illegals…
Not Dead DemonicRats…..


No looting, burning, assaults, no trash, no pooping in the streets, no vandalism, no graffiti, no breaking windows! Just joy, fun, friendship, laughter and support for the best President ever!


If Biden wins (I know he won’t)…..
I’m moving to Mexico.
All the Mexicans will be coming here!


10.31.20: Flood of INFO exposes MSM! Lies are not working anymore!


This video has a WARNING on it…….
Click ok to continue


10.30.20: Standby! MINNESOTA Red WAVE is HERE! Winning!


2020 has been so HORRIBLE…..
What can be next?
Joe Biden wins?
Perish the thought.
It was just a nightmare.


Probably an Eagle watching your place while you were out 🙂


You’re a hoot (oops, that would be an owl, right?)
How neat is that… to come home to a hawk perched atop your flagpole…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But….. the polls

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I bet not ONE of these people were “Polled”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My wife and I NEVER take part in polls, and think all my pro-Trump neighbors are the same.


I don’t know ANYONE that has been “Polled”


I have not been polled this entire campaign season.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here’s a Gab link for emailing:


Caption for that video should read:

Deplorable Patriot

This has been making the rounds. I saw it on Twitter a few days back.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Larry Schweikart@LarrySchweikart
Annnnd there goes WI. Next up, NV, MN, NH.
Quote Tweet
· 2h
Trump +1.1 in WISCONSIN
Trump 49.6
Biden 48.5
Approval: 48%
Trump Black vote: 17%
Trump Hispanic vote: 41%
672 Likely Voters
Larry Schweikart@LarrySchweikart
BTW, you probably won’t see the LilWayne effect til Tues.
Larry Schweikart@LarrySchweikart
Milwaukee, Republican female turnout in early voting is much, much stronger than 2016, when Trump struggled in the Wisconsin suburbs. Ironically, it may be suburban Republican women who carry Trump across the finish line in Wisconsin.
Larry Schweikart@LarrySchweikart
For those who questioned the Amy Coney Barrett SCOTUS pick…that pick was a HOME RUN in the upper Midwestern suburbs, where Catholic, pro-life white moms predominate. These are exactly the women who are coming out in strong numbers in early voting in WI.”


^^^ Great message. So nice to see President Trump being recognized for supporting all Americans. And contrasted to Biden who only supports the swamp.
Maybe America IS waking up.
We are going to win Tuesday, 100%. WE really need the red tsunami – a MANDATE.
President Trump deserves nothing less, than a mandate.


Flep (Baba) has a Thread… will post first tweet below…



– 2 Cellos Chariots of Fire



Real Clear skewers heavily toward DIMs, so Flep says…
So, we are FOR SURE Leading in AZ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
