Yesterday in Waterford Township, MIchigan:
Green Bay, Wisconsin:
Rochester, Minnesota:
In the interest of being organized and not cluttering up things too badly, multiple events on one day will be on one thread.
As of Saturday, October 24, with multiple states and locations in one day, the thread will feature highlights from the night before and just links to the locations. No history for now.
But, from our own BlackKnightRides re these rallies:
• Captive Audience: 20,000 Patriots waiting HOURS for Trump with UNDIVIDED ATTENTION
• Jumbotron Messaging: Live Video EVIDENCE of Demo☭rats’ EVIL & DUPLICITY
… allowing POTUS to go ALL POSITIVE
• Jumbotron Entertainment: ROFL RIDICULE
… Multiplying Crowd Spirit & Interactions
• 20,000 Bloggers inviting F&F NOT to MISS HISTORY!
And to top it off, unlike creepy, sleepy Uncle Joe Biden, our Very Special Genius does not ridicule supporters of the other side.
Thanks to GA/FL for this year’s platform:
President Donald Trump promises more of the same policies he pursued during his first four years as president.
Trump wants to create more jobs, end Covid-19, defend police officers, end illegal immigration, and stop endless wars. The president also calls for passage of congressional term limits, school choice, and ending America’s economic reliance on China.
Here is the full list:
• Create 10 Million New Jobs in 10 Months
• Create 1 Million New Small Businesses
• Cut Taxes to Boost Take-Home Pay and Keep Jobs in America
• Enact Fair Trade Deals that Protect American Jobs
• “Made in America” Tax Credits
• Expand Opportunity Zones
• Continue Deregulatory Agenda for Energy Independence
• Develop a Vaccine by The End Of 2020
• Return to Normal in 2021
• Make All Critical Medicines and Supplies for Healthcare Workers in The United States
• Refill Stockpiles and Prepare for Future Pandemics
• Bring Back 1 Million Manufacturing Jobs from China
• Tax Credits for Companies that Bring Back Jobs from China
• Allow 100% Expensing Deductions for Essential Industries like Pharmaceuticals and Robotics who Bring Back their Manufacturing to the United States
• No Federal Contracts for Companies who Outsource to China
• Hold China Fully Accountable for Allowing the Virus to Spread around the World
• Cut Prescription Drug Prices
• Put Patients and Doctors Back in Charge of our Healthcare System
• Lower Healthcare Insurance Premiums
• End Surprise Billing
• Cover All Pre-Existing Conditions
• Protect Social Security and Medicare
• Protect Our Veterans and Provide World-Class Healthcare and Services
• Provide School Choice to Every Child in America
• Teach American Exceptionalism
• Pass Congressional Term Limits
• End Bureaucratic Government Bullying of U.S. Citizens and Small Businesses
• Expose Washington’s Money Trail and Delegate Powers Back to People and States
• Drain the Globalist Swamp by Taking on International Organizations That Hurt American Citizens
• Fully Fund and Hire More Police and Law Enforcement Officers
• Increase Criminal Penalties for Assaults on Law Enforcement Officers
• Prosecute Drive-By Shootings as Acts of Domestic Terrorism
• Bring Violent Extremist Groups Like ANTIFA to Justice
• End Cashless Bail and Keep Dangerous Criminals Locked Up until Trial
• Block Illegal Immigrants from Becoming Eligible for Taxpayer-Funded Welfare, Healthcare, and Free College Tuition
• Mandatory Deportation for Non-Citizen Gang Members
• Dismantle Human Trafficking Networks
• End Sanctuary Cities to Restore our Neighborhoods and Protect our Families
• Prohibit American Companies from Replacing United States Citizens with Lower-Cost Foreign Workers
• Require New Immigrants to Be Able to Support Themselves Financially
• Launch Space Force, Establish Permanent Manned Presence on The Moon and Send the First Manned Mission to Mars
• Build the World’s Greatest Infrastructure System
• Win the Race to 5G and Establish a National High-Speed Wireless Internet Network
• Continue to Lead the World in Access to the Cleanest Drinking Water and Cleanest Air
• Partner with Other Nations to Clean Up our Planet’s Oceans
• Stop Endless Wars and Bring Our Troops Home
• Get Allies to Pay their Fair Share
• Maintain and Expand America’s Unrivaled Military Strength
• Wipe Out Global Terrorists Who Threaten to Harm Americans
• Build a Great Cybersecurity Defense System and Missile Defense System
Bucks County, Pennsylvania:
Reading, Pennsylvania:
Butler, Pennsylvania:
But they’re not jumping the fence!!!
Holy Cow! So great!
Texas STEALTH VOTE … Warm-up for today’s Rallies!
237,186 EARLY-VOTING TOTALS for Montgomery County (Republican-heavy)
= 288,000 TOTAL VOTE (Only 10% were Ballots-by-Mail)
= 41% INCREASE over Record Total Vote in 2016!
“Who’s Yo DADDY.”
Guesstimate on FL Republican share of Total Hispanic Vote
• 27% coming from 90% of the 30.2 GOP RV
… What GOP RV would switch to Beijing-Biden
• 20% coming from 2/3 of the 29.8% NPA RV
… Hispanics share opinions and most of these would be listening
• 4% coming from 10% of the 40.0 DEM RV
= 51% of FL Hispanic Vote
Check out the embedded graphic!
More Disme Coins!
Very attractive. And in WORKING CLASS METALS, too!
It’s 45ºF with a 41º wind chill at the Bucks County rally.
Wonder why they chose a farm site today?
They have the Jumbo-trons set up. President Trump is doing a special speech at the Bucks County rally – the topic ‘Make America Great Again, Again’
POTUS has exited the Beast.
Here he comes.
He looks like he has a lot on his mind.
Compare and contrast:
Cari Kelemen
Today’s 14-stop Biden Rally Texas Tour: CANCELLED
Too many Trump supporters were showing up Flag of United States
11:15 AM · Oct 31, 2020
President Trump is somewhat subdued and quieter today. He’s not as exuberant as usual. Maybe he’s got a serious topic.
I noticed the same. Something’s up.
Maybe saving his voice?
He said – “This is the State that will save the American Dream. This is the house and farm where General Washington planned his battle – to cross the Delaware and win the war of Independence.”
Voters must choose: “Do you want to be governed by the corrupt political class or be free.”
“No one embodies this corruption more than Joe Biden.”
“Biden made a lot of money at Pennsylvania’s and American workers’ expense.”
“…made a lot of money from big donors and foreign interests.”
Smaller more intimate setting?
But yes, seems subdued, preoccupied. Hope it isn’t exhausted or coming down with a bug.
Hoping the same. But I think he’s going to work as hard as he can.
Post-COVID bounces happen, if there was even slight lung damage. It just makes subsequent lung issues worse. I get this periodically. Any cold or lung irritation is just WORSE than before.
If we get coronavirus vaccines right, there will be LIFE EXTENSION generally, IMO. Too bad for Bill Gates, but I suspect that coronas are generally life-shortening and “grim reapers” at the end. If we can avoid ALL potential downsides of mRNA and DNA coronavirus vaccines [which could even include writing them off, if they are fatally flawed in principle], then I believe [at the very least] that smart synthetic protein vaccines could make coronas a thing of the past, and will leave us with much less damage overall during the course of our later lifetimes.
He’s ANGRY! As we all should be !
This is President Trump’s State of the National Campaign speech!
“State of the Election” speech.
That is why he is speaking softly, I am sure he will build to a crescendo, but looking Presidential, as opposed to screamin Joe.
…and it will be a strong and positive message, unlke Biden with his dark winter talk.
Yes, CONTRAST..dark to LIGHT.
Now let me think … where did I hear that before???
Oh yeah, it was in conspiracy theory land.
Q Land.
LOL pass the tinfoil!
Something is going on with the teleprompters. He’s reading from the podium.
“….made me a lot of enemies in Washington – but I wear it as a Badge of Honor.”
Big Tech and Corporations are all lining up behind Joe Biden – he will do whatever they want him to do!!!
“He (Biden) works for them and not for you.”
Absotutalutely, Georgia!!!
Is it me or is he ‘quiet’ today – gently talking?
“….. big tech companies have been given a lot of power via Section 230…. and that may have to be taken away.”
“we have rebuilt a strong middle class, rebuilt the depleted military”
….the Dems will say that, because that’s what THEY do…. that’s what they have to do to make it appear their candidates and ruinous policies are popular.
President Trump is talking about the SEAL team hostage rescue.
“Strong Southern Border….”
Don’t know about you – but, I get annoyed when they complain about the job PT did on the ‘plague’
He did not miss a trick – imho – he covered it all – and then some!!!
AMEN, Duchess!!!
Amen, guys – I have never understood what the heck they are talking about here when they complain about his response to the virus. Anyone????
LOL – Jarred’s Friends – in T-Shirts – one with roller blades – but, worth millions
What a phenomenal job Jarred did to mobilize his group to make ventilators – sent all over the country – these brilliant young people were able to do it!!!
Not one person who needed a ventilator – did not have one available!!!
It’s easy to bitch about stuff…purely cheap shots.
No one could have done better.
A couple Covid take aways for me.
– ChiComs released Covid.
– Covid not the death sentence we were bamboozled by ChiComs to believe.
– Covid IS very treatable.
A truth president Trump coined, should be embraced widely…
The Cure Can’t Be Worse Than The Disease.
Back To Normal.
Picking up the pace a bit now.
The Wall – What’s going on with the wall, Georgia?
They didn’t report the number of miles this week – perhaps holding back to announce the 400 Mile milestone!
OH? You could be right – makes sense
it 400 miles a couple days ago.
What PT said – but I think I saw where the total number of miles of wall will only be 391 by Election Day!!!
YAY!!! Thanks, Georgia!!! I knew you would find it!!! * SMILING BIGLY *
AHHH, NOW the Twitter ban on him makes SENSE, they KNEW that 400 miles was PROMISED, and again DELIVERED>
Here they are signing a plaque!
WOW!!! OH WOW!!!
THEY HAD SNOW at the Southern Border this past week! Same day Wheatie and the Okies had the horrible ice storm!
AHH, the HAMMER..99.7% now he is REALLY picking up!
Agree – he needs to EMPHASIZE the Recovery Rate!!!
We had record economic growth – and the News Media did not cover it –
They will not talk about Hunter and his Haul – no experience – enormous sums of money went to him
They talk about the BIG GUY – he is not a big guy – he is slight of form – remember when he was going to take me to that back of the shed – CROWD LAUGHS!!!
Biden wants to lock the country down – he will destroy the recovery –
All Democrat States need to OPEN UP – there will be no school – no weddings – no Thanksgiving – no Christmas – no nothing
Not good for children to be out of school – cannot be replaced by computers – they need to be in the classrooms with other children – there will be no future for American youth!!!
Biden’s Plan wil destroy America – my plan will make America greater than it has ever been!!! YAY!!!
“the left are to have control and power over you….
Talking about MN yesterday – radical governor and AG – 25K people waiting outside – only allowed 250 people
I think because they tried to silence my voice – it had a bigger impact than they anticipated!!!
LOTS of off the cuff TRUTH bombs, delivered in this speech.
He is painting a picture of what the Socialist Left will do to devastate our country – very powerful!!!
OUCH, This is NEW, and it is DEVESTATING. This is his closing remarks folks!
See, PA is a LOT like Texas, God, Guns, OIL.
PLUS – President Trump saved the Pennsylvania STEEL industry!!!!
Don’t forget COAL.
True! President Trump resurrected the Coal and Natural Gas industry to help make our country ENERGY INDEPENDENT!!!
Why i think there IS a chance in CO.
He is against OIL, GUNS, AND GOD – Texas is too close to call? I don’t think so!!!
NO MORE LOCKDOWNS!!!!! full stop. We will NEVER lock down AGAIN!!!
LOL in a GROOVE now.
LMAO, Now on kamallaHHHHH. Just call her HOE, cannot mispronounce that.
Bonus, instant recognition with Hoe.
NO dem can do what Trump is NOW doiing, going OFF script and being informative, funny, and EFFECTIVE.
OUCH, 25th…and a NEW nick for Hoe, the rock.
He is not a nice guy – they do commercials about the soldiers – that was horrible!!!
He was never considered smart in his prime – and now – he is REALLY OFF!!!
As President – my only SPECIAL INTEREST is YOU!!!
“As President my only special interest is you.”
BLACK VOTE – Crime Bill – Trade Deals decimated the Black Middle Class – locked up black males –
Criminal Justice Reform – Prison Reform – Platinum Plan – School Choice – Opportunity Zones
American Dream Plan – Hispanics and Blacks are on our side – new businesses and jobs –
Giving credence to the STEEL MILLS of PA – forged the steel that helped us win WWII!!!
I will continue to fight for you with every breath in my body – and with the incredible people of PA –
This next PROTEST looks YUGE!
OMGOSH – !!!
RSBN just announced President Trump will have SIX RALLIES on Monday, NOV 2nd!!!
It’s not on the campaign schedule – yet – so I do not know when/where!
Big Crowd in Reading, PA
Bad decision by Supreme Court
Did you see Biden and Barry?
Honk, honk honk
Actually most of them are our supporters
The crowd sounds AMAZING!
I have never been surfing before! Can anybody give last minute lessons??? That RED WAVE is looking HUGE!!!
Not huge YUGE!!!
Instead of Fake News it’s not CORRUPT NEWS
It’s got about 24 different names, most of em should start with CHYNA cuz that’s where it came from
Ha ha!
First Lady got Covid.
At least we know those rumors that we don’t live together are false.
Open up the State Governor
Get back to School Governor
We’re watching you Governor
3rd time POTUS mentioned SC, Not happy
Political decision
Cheating going to happen after the 3rd
Prep work..putting Roberts on NOTICE.
Who ya voting for? None of your business
Everybody who said noneya are Trump voters
Actually they said 2 words ____ ___!
LOL, playing a montage of videos…from Hannity, many of Joe’s gaffes, and the latest trick or tweet video where Sleepy takes off his mask and it’s Commie-La

Everybody loves AMY
3 SC Justices and 300 Judges!!!
Pennsylvania you are so lucky that I’m your President!
I love you too. That’s a chant nobody’s ever heard. I appreciate it, I do appreciate it.
Walmart report- Halloween stuffvis decimated. Decorations up everywhere . Adult costumes basically gone. People are having parties and WE are trick or treating, no masks.
Walmart is loadingbup on Thanksgiving and Christmas already. If Biden wins no one is buying anything. If POTUS wins it’ll be a blowout. I tried to explain it to Mr Gil who doesnt believe me on that one.
We trick or treat at least 2 hours and there are Trump flags all over..
Hoping itll be a spooky good time!!!
Go Gil….!
BEAR arms….
I’m feeling silly.
Sometimes they say ‘Bare Arms’
OMG its manbearopig…LMAO.
Thank You PA, Go out and VOTE!!
Next up:
Butler Pa.
Live now……
RSBN feed:
A vote for Democrats is a vote for riots, looting, high taxes, loss of jobs, more government control….
So I took a motorcycle ride down the coast on A1A this afternoon. Multiple people at the top of the causeways holding Trump flags
. Farther down ran into a golf cart parade for PDJT
. Lots more Trump/Pence signs than Biteme/Camula signs all down the coast! Yeah I am thinking FL is going Trump.

So cool.
I”m probably going to miss the one in Butler. Dinner and door duty. Although, I think I’m going to sit in the driveway with a table and a camp lantern.
let those children hear our POTUS
Marine One on the scene.
Okay, it’s a helicopter, but it doesn’t look like the usual Marine One.
Moments ago – I signed an EO protecting Fracking in PA!!! Just signed it on the helicopter!!!
HAHAHAHA!!! They played the Trick or Treat video – where Biden turns into KAH-MAH-LAH –
She took everything!!!
WOW !! That video was awesome Camula with the Bite me mask at the end. Fantastic!
Congratulating Special Forces who rescued an American held captive in Africa – no injuries to our guys – the other side – not so much – American safe and secure.
Speaking about the Terrorists who terrorized our Troops – took them out – ISIS Caliphate – destroyed
That was a smooth presentation – PT is doing well – crowd loves him – and he is getting energized!!!
He’s working it! THE CROWD – OMG – stopped so the “WE LOVE YOU” chant could interrupt him as he was bringing it home! THAT’S OUR LION!!!
Yes – Yes, he is working the crowd – could not think of what I was seeing – you caught it – and – he has to pace himself – a lot planned in the next two days!!!
Beautiful picture – Captures him so well – That’s him – Our Lion!!!
New Cue drops on the open thread if interested…..
Thanks, Ray!!!
* Smile *
Thanks Razor…
Thank You Ray
Wonder about the total number attending today…amazing to see.
BTW…Did anyone hear President Trump when he was talking about Biden he mentioned Biden’s New Eyes!!!

I thought Yessss he knows!!!!
That was during the Butler rally.
I wondered why he was talking about his eyes – got busy and totally missed the followup – Thanks Cootz!!!
He’s dropping his own breadcrumbs! IOW, he’s racing with Q to see who can drop the most.
Plus, we now can tell where he reads for info. We sure are the news now.
Please explain about new eyes…
I’m thinking it has to do with those contact lenses that he can read from that everyone was talking about during the debates. I forget what they’re called. I’m assuming they’re some kind of contact lenses. Sorry i couldn’t be better help, maybe someone here could help.
Now I remember the conversation, but thought it was merely speculation…never really confirmed. Hmmm…interesting.
ack Posobiec Flag of United States
The pictures of this Butler crowd are completely wild plus it’s only 40 degrees there tonight
Only 40 degrees? If it was in Alaska, the females would be in bikinis.
Another shot of Butler, PA
WOW..thats a huge crowd!!! The picture puts it in a better perspective then watching the video.
50 + years ago would have been like Woodstock to the the media IMHO
Too bad judgment is mis-spelled.
It’s spelled correctly in British English.
OOPS – wrong link!
Thank You GA/FL
LIVE: First Lady Melania Trump in Wapwallopen, PA #Wapwallopen #Pennsylvania
Thank You duchess01
I’ll watch it after the Montoursville rally.
Most welcome, Cootz – found another one earlier today – she was in Wisconsin – I think – posted it in the Open Thread – not sure – busy multi-tasking today – but – if you cannot find it – go to Team Trump Twitter – that is where I found it.
Thank You
Most welcome, Cootz!!!
Just gonna say this here and now. Just watched Don Jr on Waters world. Don Jr WILL be President in the next decade after his father leaves in 2024. He is EXACTLY the same, only younger.
Uh….. Not a Natural Born Citizen….. but neither are:
Obungler, Heels up, Cruz or Rubio.
Guess that “Requirement” is out of the barn now though.
How is he not a natural born citizen? His father is natural born.
Many believe “Natural Born Citizen” means: Born on US soil (or Military base)….. AND…. BOTH…. parents are US CITIZENS.
Father a citizen does make him a US citizen……
Not a NATURAL BORN…. citizen
Agreed. That’s what we learned in school.
Thank you, rayzorback!
Don’t get me wrong….. I like him!
Um Don Jr was born dec 31 1977 in MANHATTAN NY. His Parents were BOTH American citizens, Ivanna was just naturalized, buT BOTH of his Grand parents on his dads side were citizens. He was born here. Obama SHATTERED the both natural parents precedent. SUX for them!
I was not aware that Ivana was naturalized prior to Don Jr’s birth,
Thanks for clearing that up.
Not prior, just after, but that doesn’t matter any longer. ONLY Obama’s mother was a US citizen MAYBE, and Don Sr most DEFINITELY IS. BOTH Donalds grand parents on Dons side were Americans. THAT is I believe, have to look it up ENOUGH.
I don’t think “Grandparents” have anything to do with it.
When did Ivana become a citizen?
Her first union to Alfred Winklmayr was for the goal of obtaining an Austrian passport. She had three children during her much publicized second marriage to Donald Trump from 1977 to 1992, all of them prior to acquiring her US citizenship in 1988: Don in 1977, Ivanka in 1981 and Eric in 1984.
regardless, Don IS, and Obama laid the precedent. Mark my words. Write it down. Don Jr WILL be President in a decade or less after his father leaves in 2025.
We’ll see
True, but I am telling you, he is a carbon copy of his father, only younger, and even HE is drawing 3-5 thousand at rallies.
I agree that He is like his Dad.
Carbon Copy.
I always thought Chester Arthur was the first to not be a natural born citizen.
Id have to look that up.
“The Constitution lists only three qualifications for the Presidency — the President must be 35 years of age, be a natural born citizen, and must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years.”
Don Jr meets all that.
The U.S. Constitution uses but does not define the phrase “natural born Citizen”, and various opinions have been offered over time regarding its precise meaning. The consensus of early 21st-century constitutional and legal scholars, together with relevant case law, is that natural-born citizens include, subject to exceptions, those born in the United States. As to those born elsewhere who meet the legal requirements for birthright citizenship, the matter is unsettled.[2][3]
That came in with Obama.
Before him, every President going back to much (less so the early part) of the 19th century — minus Chester Arthur — had two parents who were US citizens when they were born.
Depends on the definition of “NATURAL BORN”…….
SCOTUS has never defined that, but many scholars believe it means:
BOTH parents are US Citizens…. AND….. being born on US soil (or Military base)
again Obama precedent.
If Xi knocked up an American citizen……. flew her to California for the birth (Birth Tourism)…. the child could become President?….
I don’t want it like that.
Obungler was a mistake that can be reversed if the SCOTUS would just DEFINE “NBC”.
I didn’t either, but, that horse has left the barn.
Unless…… SCOTUS defines the term going forward.
Again LET them. Then they are overturning precedent, and we would heave to render Obama moot, and UNDO everything he did. NO GRANDFATHERING. I am ALL for that.
Me too…… “Precedent” has been overturned before. The CONSTITUTION should overrule “Precedent”
But the Constitution does not define it specifically.
That’s why SCOTUS should rule on it.
Perhaps, but thee et Obama slide, lets see what happens.
LRT them argue it I BEG THEM, if Don jr is ineligible, then SO was Obama.
Don Jr is not a natural born citizen.
The only Trump child who is is Tiffany.
We went through this last night. Obama blew that up. The SCOTUS has not ruled, and the Constitution makes no exact reference.
Well, I’ve commented here on it several times over the past year or so.
What I’ve been saying follows:
Nothing has to be done about Obama’s EOs and whatever else.
The Supreme Court must rule on what natural born citizenship means during Trump’s second term — going forward. That’s all.
This is why conservatives so often lose. They don’t think about a middle way, just an absolute.
I don’t mean you in particular, friend, it’s just the prevailing narrative.
And that did not go down well at the time, either.
A journalist found out that his father was from Northern Ireland and did not become naturalised until after Chester Arthur was born.
Chester Arthur knew that he himself was in the wrong, because everything possible was put in this journalist’s way to prevent him from investigating.
He just needs car trunks to hold the boxes of ballots not counted, “found” by some other grifter.
Well – he does have the largest Fraud Organization – doesn’t he?
quick you are Duchess!
Ya…. Jeb didn’t need “Republican” votes either
What an idjit!
This comment was in response to Duchess’s comment on Basement Joe saying “I don’t need you to get me elected.”
Here’s a video of that incredible Butler rally.
Never seen anything like this. Probably going to be one of the most iconic rally vids ever.
Don’t know why the tweet isn’t showing. Has a video.
I haven’t seen any numbers on the crowd size. I would love to know what Biden, Kamala, Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, etc., say about the crowds. Pelosi has said that Biden will be sworn in no matter what, but what does she say privately? They have been so confident in all their failed schemes to take down Pres. Trump that I want to see them squirm. I want the evil plans to stop and to see defeat on their faces.
I’ve just read that the crowd size in Butler was 58,000+. Have never seen anything like that. An iconic picture for the ages. Have no idea what the Biden crowds looked like yesterday. He was with Obama – but they didn’t show the crowd.
58,000. Amazing.
Pelosi’s just bluffing.
It’s probably difficult to get stats with so many rallies going on in such a short space of time.
This is what Ronna McDaniel tweeted about Pennsylvania:
I just want somebody to tell me what we’re going to do for entertainment after 11/3/20.
Glad you asked that, pgroup. Was saying to hubby – “Just think, we have all the Big Reveal, Exposure, Indictments to look forward. POTUS isn’t only going to drain the Swamp – he’s going to tar and feather the creatures first.
Watch left heads and MSM continue to explode…especially with Trump taking the House and keeping the Senate.
Maybe he’ll do some rallys here and there
I sure hope so
I am sure he will be out to visit everyone and update them on 2nd term progress.
There will be more rallies. Of that, I am in no doubt.
“This Election Day, forgotten men and women can reelect the president who never forgot them.
And we are fighting to make sure their voices are heard loudly, clearly, freely and fairly!”
We Love You Too Mr. President!!
SC decision? The delay, are they gonna find more ballots? Watch Philly
“If it AIN’T close, they CAN’T cheat.” It WON’T be close.
Those people need to go vote in person!
Fake news, trying to gin up dems for the steal, won’t work.
Even if it IS close……
Can’t have much more than 100% of the citizens voting.
THIS^^^^^ !!!!
right, if on ED for example there are numerous counties with over 115% there is NO room to cheat. The numbers will simply overwhelm them.
Liked your article, Trex.
TY, trying to calm fears.
Sleepy wants to slow down the vaccine – stupid, dangerous
We’re not looking for credit, we’re looking to save our country
Biden lockdown will ruin us
That IS his plan. It will NEVER be implemented, thankfully!
Sunday, November 1
11:00 am
Macomb County, MI
Sunday, November 1
1:00 pm
Dubuque, IA
Sunday, November 1
5:30 pm
Hickory, NC
Sunday November 1
8:30 pm
Rome, GA
Sunday November 1
11:30 pm
Opa-locka, FL
Monday, November 2
11:30 am
Fayetteville, NC
Monday, November 2
2:00 pm
Scranton, PA
Monday, November 2
5:00 pm
Traverse City, MI
Monday, November 2
7:00 pm
Kenosha, WI
Monday, November 2
10:30 pm
Grand Rapids, MI
Numbers for the PA rallies!