Cover image: The County Election, George Caleb Bingham, 1852, oil on canvas, Saint Louis Art Museum.

It looks like XVII and the Trump team are prepared for the Dems to try to pull a fast one:
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e4cc69 No.11414108
At about 5 pm eastern, the watch party thread will publish (I hope) and we can all partake in the other side’s meltdown together. In the meantime, please put ground reports below.
Prepare for battle.
Don’t you just love that the text of our beloved Battle Hymn was written by a woman? Julia Ward Howe:
She was inspired to write “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” after she and her husband visited Washington, D.C., and met Abraham Lincoln at the White House in November 1861. During the trip, her friend James Freeman Clarke suggested she write new words to the song “John Brown’s Body“, which she did on November 19.[18] The song was set to William Steffe‘s already existing music and Howe’s version was first published in the Atlantic Monthly in February 1862. It quickly became one of the most popular songs of the Union during the American Civil War.
And a reminder to take the pledge:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

And now for the nitty gritty of the Q Tree 5 minute, stand up, Tuesday morning meeting version of the Daily Thread.
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out with anyone who happens to still be hanging out there.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And please, if you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it.
Today’s Mass readings actually have two options. This is from the second:
4Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5Let all men know your forbearance. The Lord is at hand. 6Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 8Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 9What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, do; and the God of peace will be with you.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

Love your header image! <3
It is a great choice! Very timely, and from the Saint Louis Art Museum. A reminder that our Founders’ original conception was that governments should be limited at every level so that people’s main worries in life were their own trade and prosperity — and not fear or favor of government. A county election could be between grifter A or grifter B and the total grift wouldn’t exceed 1% either way.
That piece is actually part of a George Caleb Bingham collection that was owned by one of the local banks, Boatman’s, which was bought out by NationsBank which was bought out by Bank of America, which is one of the oldest banks in the country and, really, cabal. The ink wasn’t dry on the merger when BoA gave the whole collection to SLAM. Not even on deposit. The collection is listed as a gift.
That should tell you something.
Bank of America isn’t that old — they just have a habit of acquiring older banks and revising their age.
They first became “a thing” when they were in San Francisco.
And, yes — regional art collections are not their cup of tea. They moved from San Francisco to Charlotte…..all that inconvenient space between was just shipping delay.
I knew it was out there. When I first saw the collection at SLAM, that one stood out. I just had to find it.
A wonderful Election Day post !!!
Thank you for this and for all your Rally threads – and for your dedication and patriotism!
GOD’s Shalom Peace and All Blessings to you, Deplorable Patriot!!!
You are quite welcome.
And it would be timely for me to remind the boss that I’m due a raise. 😜
Vote for Trump! Be a part of the landslide.
I normally avoid landslides like the plague, but in this case I’ll make an exception!
Sylvia Avery November 2, 2020 at 02:27
Can you even believe it has been four years? It has rushed by!!!
Patfrederick November 2, 2020 at 06:29
sigh…most of those four years were stolen by corrupt democrats…but we saw…POTUS achieved…he promised…he DELIVERED…
Try To Remember
8 Nov, 2016 –
A great day in modern history . . .
Only to be eclipsed by
3 Nov, 2020
Try to remember that 8th of November
When Deplorables cheered and Hillbots wept
Try to remember that after November
Those promises made; those promises kept
Try to remember how after November
The new light faded and the evil crept
Try to remember and if you remember
Hold on to those memories whatever you do
Try to remember how during November
Those corrupt DemonRats started their coup
Try to remember how you felt in November
Hearing those lies and seeing how they grew
Try to remember after that November
Hearing the lies of bug-eyed Shiffty’s crew
Try to remember and if you remember
Hold on to those memories whatever you do
Try to remember after November
How an innocent Gen Flynn was framed
Try to remember for the next two Novembers
How PTrump was stalled as Ryan played games
Try to remember years after November
How Nadler lied, and PTrump was blamed
Try to remember and if you remember
Hold on to those memories whatever you do
Try to remember until this November
How Pelosi stopped laws for our good
Try to remember the deceit since November
Of many bureaucrats acting like hoods
Try to remember until this November
How cities ignored laws because they could
Try to remember and if you remember
Hold on to those memories whatever you do
Try to remember this 3rd of November
That we have PTrump for four more years
Try to remember this 3rd of November
That Trump will change Libs’ gray skies to clear
Try to remember this 3rd of November
That PTrump’s plans leave little to fear
Try to remember and if you remember
Hold on to those memories whatever you do
Try to remember that after November
The intentions of Libs won’t hold sway
Try to remember that after November
Their bill will come due and they’ll certainly pay
Try to remember that after November
God’s in control – from His Will none can stray
Try to remember for all Novembers
To give glory to God and seek only His Way
2017 s/b 2016
Thank you.
Thank you very much!!
Gil00, saw your nice little post yesterday and tried to respond but got flipped to bottom of page and couldn’t find you again. Well, we’re still here, q peeps. I tresure you all, getting to know you in many ways, though we’ve never met in person. Have a great election day.
You take care and itll be quite the day for everyone!
You and the kiddo and family have a great day.
Thank you Zoe.
Carl! You are the best!
Love it!!!
Excellent. Great work, Carl!
Thank you.
awesome Carl!!!!
I’m going to bring this forward ’cause it took me forever to type and got posted late…..
Right now, the Left is planning to hold the line and BS / cheat their way through it. But each petty / cheating / BS maneuver exposes them just a little more — puts them that much further over the line and into the sunlight.
And in some random state, some state functionary or media outlet (BIRM) is going to realize that no amount of BS or cheating is going to drag Biden over the line in that region — but every extra cheat from here increases their potential exposure — and chance of consequences. So they’ll knock it off. That’s stage one.
The next stage, stage two, will be when they realize they are surrounded by all this apparatus for lies and cheats, and — since they aren’t going to use it — they better move it far away from themselves. We’ll get a bunch of website revisions and the internet censors will be working 18-hour days. Stage two is a retreat.
When they realize that all the behavior they’ve been engaged-in over the last year is potentially criminal and they may actually be held accountable, we’ll see outright panic. Stage three is when it becomes a rout.
It’s going to start in scattered places at stage one. There will be places falling into stage two while others have yet to enter stage one. But stage three is contagious. There will be places going from “business-as-usual” directly into panic without engaging in stage one or two.
The Dems actually think they can brazen this out.
Sounds like a rout in progress
I like this.
Not sure if it will happen, but it’s sexy and has nice legs.
BP Rising
November 2, 2020 at 18:23
BP is rising!
I see my BP a-risin’
I see them dumb Libs on the way
I see them traitors are uprising’
I see a bad election day
I won’t go out that night
The Libs are full of spite
Ooh, my BP’s on the rise
Lib rage will be overflowin’
They know their end is comin’ soon
Bricks and bottles they’ll be throwin’
Libs are all goin’ for rage and ruin
I won’t go out that night
The Libs are all uptight
Ooh, my BP’s on the rise
PTrump’s got everything together
Deplorables’ hopes are flyin’ high
Those Libs are in for nasty weather
All their plans have gone far awry
Well, we’ll all watch that night
As dumb Libs all take flight
And they pay for all their lies
Well, we’ll all watch that night
As wrong gives way to right
And all our spirits reach new highs
Just AWESOME carl!!!!!
Seriously….time to set some expectations.
EXPECT the liberal media to REFUSE to call the election for Trump.
EXPECT the Biden campaign to REFUSE to concede.
EXPECT liberal poll operatives to sabotage any ability to finalize vote tallies in key counties in battleground states.
EXPECT that there will be intentionally created chaos.
EXPECT all the above in order to DELIGITIMIZE a Trump re-election.
EXPECT D-rats to claim Trump is not the President elect.
EXPECT that we won’t know who won tonight, or even possibly for the next several days or even weeks.
Did you know….?
Today, Nov. 3, Mercury reverses it’s retrograde. The last time this happened, on election day, was 20 years ago on election day 2000. That was the first time in US history an election was not called on election day, because of “hanging chads” in FL.
Will something like this happen tonight?? Who knows. Hopefully not. But hope in one hand and crap in the other and see which one fills up first.
In aviation terms, EXPECT moderate to severe turbulence. Remain seated at all times with your seat belt securely fastened. Stow all loose items securely. If prone to air sickness, have your vomit bags ready. Remember that the plane (America) is designed and built to withstand the worst turbulence. Remember, too, that (in flying terms) SLOWING DOWN is the best way to get through bad turbulence, NOT speeding up. Unfortunately, no one is flying ahead of us, so we don’t have any pilot reports of what lies just ahead and what we can really expect, so we MUST expect the worstwhile KNOWING WE CAN AND WILL MAKE IT THROUGH to the other side.
DO try to be entertained and enjoy the adventure, come what may! And never forget, laughter is the best medicine to anything.
So, I understand that Daylight Saving Time used to be observed by trains (particularly transcontinental ones) by picking a nice flat spot out in the desert and just stopping. They’d restart the trains in time to be pulling into the next station “on time”.
Seems kind of idiotic, but there are people who need to have trains pull into stations at a certain time AND NOT BEFORE because there weren’t platforms available, or freight wouldn’t have been properly staged.
What do TPTB make you guys do? Do you get stuck on a taxiway for an extra hour?
Daylight savings time has no effect on most airline operations.
Us voting to end it overwhelmingly still hasnt happened!
My recollection, when I took a particular redeye flight frequently, was that when the time changed, the flight’s time changed in synch. If it arrived at 2AM during the winter, it arrived at 3AM during the summer. So no “delay” occurrd.
Btw, i should add…
Flep, and many others online, have virtually proven PT has already won this election. I myself am predicting a Nov. shocker in that POTUS is going to win CA, thanks to black voters and a stealth ballot harvesting ground campaign.
All I’m suggesting is that the d-rats will do anything and everything in their power to PREVENT a repeat of election night 2016, particularly ON AIR comparisons. They are well aware of the optics and how that looked in 2016. They will avoid and prevent it this year AT ALL COSTS.
DO have your popcorn and be ready to celebrate and watch a CNN/MSNBC meltdown…
DON’T be surprised if you actually don’t pop the corn or don’t see a repeat of election night 2016.
FAR better to be unsurprised if the worst happens, and be pleasantly surprised if it doesn’t, than the opposite of this.
I’m hoping for all 50 and Greenland
Make it so.
I also think he has a shot at NY and NJ.
Time will tell.
You have a point.
I may have to commandeer the sports bar and take my portable office down there for the evening.
Will need to charge up the iPad, too.
I mean, hockey season is over so all that’s on the TVs in there is usually the Hallmark Channel.
“If prone to air sickness, have your vomit bags ready.”
Don’t forget to make a quick trip into enemy air space so we can pour out our vomit bags 😁
Drain the gray and black water while over the enemy territory. 🙂
I want to take this opportunity to inform everyone that there is a deadline for each state to certify its results to the Electoral College (or for the Electoral College). If they don’t make the deadline, THEY GET TO CAST NO ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTES. States might drag their asses getting their totals certified but they do not have an infinite amount of time. Best part – the deadline cannot be extended by court order.
It will be entertaining to watch the swindle efforts. Which will fail.
2018 the dem , swindle machine and its minions were put under the microscope. Cootie is right. They are going to break
Actually, this sets up an amusing situation where VSGPOTUSDJT wins some off-the-charts percentage of the Electoral Vote without it summing to 535 — because CA, NY, and IL don’t send a slate.
Unfortunately, the more likely outcome is that several rogue states send slates that are unsupported by their popular vote.
The final Electoral College vote is Jan 6, 2021.
I was trying to remember which states banded together that they would have their Electoral College votes be for the national popular vote. Meaning that if Biden gets the national popular vote their Electoral College votes to that candidate, not the state popular vote.
So what will these state do? If Trump gets the national popular vote they legislated that the Electoral College votes would go to Trump even the state popular vote was for Biden.
Is this how California, Oregon, Washington, and others will be Electoral Votes for Trump?
The mind boggles.
Good Luck from Aus – wishing you all the best!!
Can’t remember a time like this in my 50 plus years – when a neighbour could quite possibly be voting against common sense values, with so much riding on the outcome.
A house divided against itself cannot stand – the demons are pretty much out in the open now. It would seem that the time is ripe for something biblical to happen. Prayers for all.
God bless you and your’s! We’re all in this together.
Thanks, Jason.
It’s good to see you again!
Hope all is well.
Hi Wheatie! Yeah, it feels good to pop in here after so long to touch base. I have been lurking, just to keep up, but have been pretty busy for most of the past year. I will definitely be spending more time hanging out here and joining in.
You guys have certainly handled these trying times very well – kudos to Wolf and everyone else. The next 24 hrs are about as consequential a time for truth, peace and stability as I can remember, so here’s to the good old USA stepping back from the brink. I’ll be watching with great interest.
It will be good to hear from you again!
And yes…”consequential” is a good word the next few days.
Hiya Jason!
busy is good, but so is hanging out with friends!!
the next few days are gonna be something to see!
stay safe and post when you can!!
Hi Pat. Yeah, I wouldn’t miss being here for just about anything. Watching History unfold in such crazy times is a blessing. especially amongst people of the caliber that hang out here.
I hope you are all well stocked with ear pugs to dull the sound of the “sky-screamers” – it is going to be something else!!
this is where being a parent helps…I can tune out the whiners to some extent…lol
It took President Trump to bring out the demon swamp for all those with ethical compass to see.
Off Topic:
Can you imagine working hard your whole life to become a pitcher in the major leagues…and your name is Grant Balfour?
He’s what the late Herb Caen of the SF Chronicle would call “a namephreak”, someone whose name belies their profession or activities, etc. In Ball-four’s case, he holds the Oakland Athletics consecutive save record at 44. Wow. I would have thought Eck’s (Dennis Eckersley) record would never be broken…
(another namephreak, Rollie Fingers, also of the A’s, was a great reliever too)…
Well, folks, this is it. The Big Day. I’ve got no idea how the next few days will shake out other than President Trump will emerge the victor one way or another. So I’ll use the opportunity now to say it’s been a pleasure being part of this community. Thank you all.
I love this gif, Sadie. I feel very safe with Dad at the wheel!
Thank you for being here too, Sadie!
very grateful for all your insights Sadie…you have a unique way of seeing things others miss–and connecting things too!!
Q 4949
v 3 2020 01:27:36 (EST) NEW
largest_flying_flag_in_america.jpg ⬇
that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. – Abraham Lincoln Nov 1863
Together we win.
“Bad Wolf” is getting comically desperate!
Rejean Hebert
Rejean Hebert
Pa. Gov. Wolf Tries to Block Trump Rally-Goers from Voting Due to Potential COVID Exposure
(Headline USA) Conservative commentator Wendy Bell revealed Monday that the administration of Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf is attempting to “silence voters” by ordering people who were potentially exposed to the coronavirus to stay home on Election Day.
In a Facebook post liked and shared thousands of times, Bell asserted that the state Department of Health has sent a letter to thousands of voters informing them they they “must remain quarantined and not vote in person on election day.”
If they fail to obey the order, they face possible arrest.
Pa. Gov. Wolf Tries to Block Trump Rally-Goers from Voting Due to Potential COVID Exposure – Headline USA
(Headline USA) Conservative commentator Wendy Bell revealed Monday that the administration of Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf is attempting to “silence voters” by ordering…
Headline USA
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What country is this? Thank goodness most Trump voters know that that’s unconstitutional. People have to start pushing back.
They should all go take a dump on his lawn.
Anybody questioned during this time should simply say, “That wasn’t me; it was my cousin.”
It was my twin.
Brilliant!!! Now to find someone crazy enough to enforce this…….*crickets*
when my friend visited last week, she told me businesses in her area that closed have signs on their doors…a picture of our assho*e dictator with the words…I’ve been bitten by the wolf…
That dude is giving all “Wolfs” a BAD NAME!!!
i agree…the most hated man in PA
Maybe PA realizes that one gets what one votes for. No tears from me. I might sound harsh but sometimes people do not learn until its right under their nose. Wolf is under the nose now and the voters can and have to change their votes in election to get rid of the communist dictator.
this is his second term and he can’t run anymore…so he’s done in 2022 iirc. that’s why he’s acting so boldly…we’ve tried recalling him, not enough votes–the liberals in the south are idiots.
Perhaps someone should reproduce a 1930s era Nazi sign about the business being closed because it was Jewish.
Hopefully the Dem voters heed their Governor dictator and the others just go vote for Trump.
The Covid fear porn will be a big backfire for the Dems.
It’s best to ride in the locomotive.
Dixville Notch NH went for Biden. Millsfield people are smarter.
Dixville Notch, NH, had only 5 voters, all for Biden.
The people of Pricksville are proud of their anti-Americanism and their hatred of freedom, and their love of communism.
Very proud people, up there in Pricksville.
Smart too. Really smart. 👍
It’s great that the people of Pricksville Notch identified themselves as a hotbed of treason and anti-Americanism.
Like a communist cell.
Or a group of escapees from a mental institution.
From Earl of Taint:
Oh, this is hilarious.
as bad as it gets…. ETA ~ CAT 5

slamming into Nicaragua and Honduras..
max sustained recorded at 160 mph.
…and notice what it’s likely to do, here….as it emerges back into Caribbean as a tropical storm…
some forecasters saying it could head into Pacific…but more are saying it will “reform” back in The Caribbean…but it’s too early to know what it will do at that point…or how strong it will be…
future possibilities…
very bad news for Nicaragua/Honduras, Central America….it is not moving fast, at all…it is stalling and lingering and flooding and setting new records for being hellish…catastrophic for that area.
just go away , hurricanes.
thanks smiley!
I always appreciate the updates!!
I know you do…thanks, pat
<3 <3 <3
In the motion graphic it seemed to be moving parallel to the coastline, and southward, so people on that coast get to “enjoy” (quotes denote sarcasm with a huge admixture of gallows humor) the fury of the right-hand-side of the thing all along the coast.
This was just a fantastic finish. Just drill down into his advance teams — bleachers, flags, speakers, PA, security, venue, transport…..then multiply by five.
VSGPOTUSDJT was reminding everyone that he can coordinate resources like no one else in politics. He can build a Trump Tower in one city while maximizing its returns in another. He can do 10 events in two days and sign EO’s along the way.
There is no President, ever, that could pull this off. He is the most “able” President in the history of our Republic, and his challenger is the most “disabled”.
This warrior lives for battle!
I think that says it perfectly!
God bless him.
I hope he’s getting some sleep and some much needed rest.
Amen wheatietoo and a prayer for POTUS Trump and our Republic today sure is a good idea🙏
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, November 3, 2020
“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”
1 Corinthians 10:31 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!
Tuesday Blessing
Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborn

Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Children
Jesus Loves You – Come to Him
Be My Voice
Good EARLY morning Duchess!
have a busy day planned?
hope it’s Blessed!
Morning, Pat!!! As a matter of fact – I do!!!
Good News – the Farmer decided he would cut the huge field out back – unfortunately, he ran into some ‘snowflakes’ – no matter – it will dry out by the end of the week – of that I am certain – God is Good!!!
God Bless Your Day, too – Hugs!!!
HUGS back to you!!
good news indeed about the farmer…we too are expecting warmer temps and some sun later this week so fingers crossed!!
A prayer answered – imho – dunno what is causing this weather anomaly – not complaining – mind you – just happy the crop will not go to waste – was so excited when I heard the plow – could not contain myself – God is Great in His Gifts!!!
Amen to that!
Trump 2020 Election Memes – I Will Hold My Ground – Darryl Worley
I’m not on any of the social media sites, so I’d be grateful to anyone who could spread this.
Trump 2020 Election Memes – I Will Hold My Ground – Darryl Worley
Trump Train (Official Music Video) – High Energy!
Please join me in saying a prayer for Jason Lewis, Rep. candidate for US Senate in Minnesota who has pulled to a tie in the “polls” with his opponent the incumbent who is a high ranking Planned Parenthood executive. Please God, bless Jason Lewis and lead him to victory over the one who toils in the evil field of abortion. In Jesus name, let thy will be done. Amen.
“In just four weeks, U.S. Sen. Tina Smith, D-Minn., has seen her staggering 11-point lead in Minnesota completely washed out.
The race between the Democratic senator proudly called the “highest ranking planned Parenthood executive in US politics” and an unapologetically conservative former talk radio host, Rep. Jason Lewis, should be turning heads as both a critical race in its own right and a potential sign of much larger changes in the 2020 race….”
Pray for Us.
Ahh, yes, the chant. Mmmmm.
I sang the dirge on Sunday that some modernist at Oregon Catholic Press foisted on us on Sunday.
Hubby and I are up and getting ready to go vote at 6:30 about 1/2 hour from now.
To all of our supporters: thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have been there from the beginning, and I will never let you down. Your hopes are my hopes, your dreams are my dreams, and your future is what I am fighting for every single day!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 3, 2020
This is extremely important and not to be trifled with: do not wear any political memorabilia to the polls tomorrow. Electioneering within a certain distance of polling places is strictly forbidden by law in many states. Leave your MAGA hat at home.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) November 3, 2020
Can wear it and leave it in the car in TN. 100 feet is the distance required.
heading out now to place signs at all polling stations.
Wearing my 2016 OT t-shirt – lion
Old school this morning
thanks MAGA Mom…have a great day and stay safe!!!
I’m still toting my Deplorables basket.
Will be switching to the cute little black hand held purse with the martini/champagne glasses on it tomorrow.
Randy Quaid responds to lady gagme…
CRUSHING IT!!! #TrumpPence2020
— Randy Quaid (@RandyRRQuaid) November 2, 2020
Election Day! May our President and all MAGA candidates be victorious!
9:45AM THE PRESIDENT departs the White House en route to Arlington, VA – South Portico
9:55AM THE PRESIDENT arrives at RNC Annex
10:00AM THE PRESIDENT visits RNC Annex
10:50AM THE PRESIDENT departs Arlington, VA, en route to the White House
11:00AM THE PRESIDENT arrives at the White House
yet ANOTHER Nobel Peace Prize nomination for POTUS
A coalition of 14 conservative European parliamentarians, led by the Sweden Democrats, on Monday nominated U.S President Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize.
”For his courage and commitment to the cause of peace in the Middle East, the Balkans, and on the Korean Peninsula, we wish to nominate United States President Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize,” the coalition said in a statement.
”In support of America’s global leadership for peace and prosperity under President Donald J. Trump. Our nomination is the largest nomination yet, with 14 parliamentarians from 11 different European nations nominating Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize,” it said.
The group cited President Trump’s Abraham Accords, which normalized relations between Israel and several Arab nations such as the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, and Bahrain.
let’s dance with POTUS!
— Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) November 2, 2020
Doin’ the Trump Dance! Love this guy!
how can you not?
the country was so depressed with the lockdowns and fear porn…we needed something to be joyful about…something FUN. POTUS can read a meeting, a crowd and certainly the country. he delivered…again!
Making America Fun Again!!!
absolutely! at a time when Americans are CRAVING IT!
lawsuit filed against planned parenthood for racial discrimination
The National Black Pro-Life Coalition last week filed a racial discrimination lawsuit against Planned Parenthood saying the pro-abortion organization targeted Black women and babies for almost half a century.
The pro-life group is asking the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) to “investigate and hold Planned Parenthood accountable for their continuing violations of civil rights laws,” especially because their services “have had a tremendously negative and lasting impact on Black women and children – and, overall, the Black family.”One of the concerns pro-life leaders have is the devastating impact Planned Parenthood is having on the future population of Blacks.
“Abortion has been grown into the leading cause of death for Blacks resulting in a fertility rate (1.8) that is less than the required number (2.1) to replace the population,” Walter Hoye, founder of the Issues4Life Foundation, explained. “At this rate, by 2050 the total Black fertility rate will be 1.3 or lower, a rate that is irreversible.”
May God be with them in this quest, and may the wealthy WASPish (okay, there are some other persuasions in there) liberals be exposed for the racists they are.
Juanita Broaddrick
I’ve never been so excited to vote in all my life. It’s like waking up to Christmas morning.
7:26 AM · Nov 3, 2020
DePat adds: Christmas morning when you were a kid and didn’t have two Masses to sing back to back.
A Massive undertaking.
oh the irony! Tedros self quarantining after personal contact tests positive. back in January, the WHO said there was no human-to -human transmission…
“I have been identified as a contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19,” the man who is charged with leading the global fight against the virus announced in a tweet. “I am well and without symptoms but will isolate himself over the coming days, in line with WHO protocols, and work from home.”
Early in the global coronavirus pandemic the W.H.O. itself advised such actions were not needed.
On January 14, the day before the first case to reach the United States reportedly flew from Wuhan to Seattle, Washington, the W.H.O. denied the disease was spreading through human-to-human transmission.
𝓛𝓮𝓪hRed heartFlag of United States𝓣𝓻𝓾𝓶𝓹 2𝓠20
VP Mike Pence just laughed and said “the swamp was deeper than we thought but we found the plug and we’re pulling it tomorrow”!
Love it
11:16 PM · Nov 2, 2020
Looks like it’s time to have some serious plumbers and ditch diggers on stand-by.
Septic tank pumpers.
Those, too.
is there anything sweeter than the sound of baby laughter?
Scott Adams
When you vote today, pick the leader whose supporters are most likely to pull over in a dangerous neighborhood to help you change a tire and least likely to loot your store.
7:30 AM · Nov 3, 2020
This is one True Pundit claim I will actually believe.
I hope her district turns out to vote her out beyond a doubt, so her cheating fraud voting won’t work.
One small casualty of this election: the RealClearPolitics average. It’s never been perfect, but I’ve cited it in the past as a simple no-questions-asked average. Unfortunately, that’s not possible anymore.
RCP’s averages this cycle just haven’t been a fair average of the polling that’s out there. Instead, cut offs are fairly deliberately set to show better results for Trump.
Trump may win in the end, but that won’t vindicate RCP.
If Trump wins the polls were really, really wrong. I’ll certainly be nothing but honest about that fact.
But you don’t get that impression from RCP, since they’re not fairly reflecting the polls.
Just go down the list of each RCP average this morning, and ask ‘are the cutoff dates consistent?’ and ‘who would benefit if the cutoff date was a day earlier.’
The answers are ‘no’ and Biden.
This has been true for a while now, but they really took it up a couple of notches over the weekend. And unfortunately it’s enough that I won’t be using the site anymore for citing polling averages.
RCP is an AVERAGE of all the bullschitt polls and a couple good polls.
And we all know there are way moar bullschitt polls that skew the “Average”.
This was never a serious indicator of anything!
Note: He’s complaining that RCP *FAVORS* Trump!
We’ve been complaining that they do *precisely the opposite*.
And this morning they’re still showing 319/219 Hiden over Trump. I think I’ll print that one out and take it with me to the gathering tonight as a “pessimistic” case.
Still have to choose an “optimistic” case, one that’s fairly realistic (no, I’m not seeing 50 states red though I’d love to be wrong).
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4a07b7 No.11422223 📁
Nov 3 2020 01:27:36 (EST) NEW
largest_flying_flag_in_america.jpg ⬇
that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. – Abraham Lincoln Nov 1863
Together we win.
As I’ve stated in the past about Steve. He was a never Trumper (he worked on the Cruz campaign) But has come around to Trump, He knows campaign data and how to evaluate it just like Flep and Larry.
Fixed my typo
11.1.20: Victory is NEAR! God is in CONTROL!
Short update on my dog Peri. I left her yesterday with my husband on the first floor of the house to take a shower on the second. Leave it to man to watch a dog Peri broke through the dog gate and greeted me in the bedroom.
She is on the mend getting stronger and her sassy self. We spoiled her to much and now she wants to be a tyrant 🙂
This to will come to an end 🙂
I had the first good sleep in a week she slept in the bedroom for the first time in a month. I have a sling from Orvis to help her up and down the steps so she does not put to much pressure on her backside.
Thanks for the prayers and concern. God is Good .
Saturday the 8 ” long stitches come out.
I’ll continue to pray she recovers!!
Thank you Pat 🙂
she has an interesting name…Peri…
Yes it is from Dr Who his assistant ‘s name was Peri.
The Couch Commando has departed for the polling place. A neighbor reports that the line at 5:50am was too long for his tastes.
I will be taking the old man later in the day.
Yea, I went to vote at 6:30 when the polls open…small back parking lot of the church and the street outside were full with a line (“paranoid distancing” being practiced) was out the door into the parking lot, probably 100 ft or so long including inside. I decided to head to work, I will cut out early so I have plenty of time to stand in line if need be.
This is on the northside of Akron Ohio, a place that hasn’t had a Repub mayor since the early 1980’s, probably 65-70% dem, so I’m not sure what this means….I’ll post a field report of what the line is like and the crowd makeup after I vote later today
good luck!!!?
Go as soon as you can!!! Stay safe.
This tweet from Eric Trump has been posted, I think…but did you see the whole picture?
Zoe…it’s a picture of Linemen For Trump.
There is a big white electric utility truck with linemen all over it…and behind it is a high voltage tower with linemen tethered to each side of it, and on the cross support at the top.
Some are holding up a Trump Flag across the top, others are holding a huge American Flag down the middle…and others are holding up a Trump Rambo flag toward the bottom.
Ah well…the truck was the only thing showing on twitter.
Thats a cool pic. I would love to see a collection 8n print. They always pushbthe dimm depression pics, obummer era pics, et al. The REAL working man collection in the Trump era would be awesome.
Jack Posobiec VOTE Flag of United States
8:21 AM · Nov 3, 2020
what bullshit
damn…in the replies he reported SEVERAL polling places in the Philly area have those…
Immediately report! Glad photos were taken.
Should be provided with binoculars! You would think Philadelphia would be ashamed and embarrassed to know the entire nation thinks they are determined to cheat on an election.
MOST….. people in Filthy Delphia don’t give a damn about America, Law and Order or our way of life!
Polluting Independence Hall.
I do not feel comfortable with the way I had to vote this morning. The polling place did not have paper ballots a first and only touch screen. This S OH.
I used to know some poll workers. Lots of Biden signs in the parking lot one Trump sign but one republican handing out some material.
I am just ticked off how they switched to touch screen. I feel my vote was stolen because I did not have paper 🙁
I wonder who’s the guy in the suit who is trying to pull him aside?
wow…starting right from the get go…
glad it’s on film…now call the doj…
If nothing else comes from 2020 other than 1 thing. I hope it’s this: come 2021 we say “F**k off to the MSM.”
7:47 AM · Nov 3, 2020
Juanita Broaddrick
Today, November 3rd, 2020, is the day political polling died.
7:55 AM · Nov 3, 2020
This explains a lot:
Tom Fitton
Foreign intervention to help Joe Biden.
Quote Tweet
David Martosko
· 18h
Wow. Troll farms that hire sockpuppets in small towns in India were paid to boost Joe Biden’s Twitter account beginning when he named Kamala Harris as his running mate. Tens of thousands of them following him, interacting with him. Many speak no English.
8:34 AM · Nov 3, 2020
I think the second season of The Blacklist showed how Red used a troll farm to report their whereabouts (falsely) to the FBI so they could escape.
Red explained how a few people can create thousands of accounts to present a false viewpoint. Rush did the same when his show’s advertisers came under attack for his Fluke’s remarks. He showed his advertisers that 10 people in San Diego appeared to be thousands of people telling advertisers they would boycott their product. He talk about this every so often when there appears to be a big push for a lefty idea.
At 5:45 AM my wife and I arrived at our polling place. We have always voted at 6 AM, and there have always (since 1992) been just a few fellow voters, although 2016 was “crowded” with a couple dozen or so.
This time there was a line in front of us. Even accounting for the bogus China virus restrictions, many people preceded us. After we voted, the line was ENORMOUS, scores of people and probably a couple hundred. And this is with heavy in person early voting in my county already done.
I thought about SD’s analysis from 2016. IIRC he predicted (wrongly) about 10 million entirely new voters, something like 73 million versus the 63 million who voted for Trump.
SD’s analysis (which I forget in detail, but was based on primary voting and other factors) resonated with me in a personal way because throughout my life I knew MANY people who simply did not vote because they thought voting was futile, and that party made zero difference. They felt the corruption and insider stealing was going to exist in perpetuity, and did not want to dignify the process with their vote.
These people were non-leftists, roughly speaking “conservatives” though with variation. They were not stupid or uninformed, just cynical and contemptuous (understandably so).
I thought those were the 10 million SD was talking about.
Looking back, IMO they were too set in their thinking to vote, even for Trump.
But four years later their thinking has changed, they see that their vote has significance, all because a single man convinced them that their vote for him was a vote against the corruption and insider stealing.
The huge line I saw at the polls this morning IMO was part of the ten million finally showing up.
Hi, Tona!
It’s good to see you…thanks for this ground report.
Both my wife and I are bursting with optimism!
Always good to see wheatietoo.
Thanks for the report, Tonawanda.
Sounds like the entire country is getting on the Trump train!
Absolutely new voters this election. I personally know two, one hasn’t voted in the last three presidential elections but did this year because of the S*** from the left. The other voted last time but not for Trump because she couldn’t stand him. Know she’s seen the light and voted Trump.
Thank you for those thoughts!
Thanks for stopping by! So good to see you!
So wonderful to see you and to be in the tree again!
Hope you stick around Tonawanda. You have been missed. 😀
Thank you so much. Time always tells.
On a day such as today, this is a good place to be.
Dang it. Rush on fox is making me cry…
We voted early this morning. The parking lot was mostly full. We entered at about 6:45 and have just now arrived home. We did spend quite a bit of time talking to some ‘Latinos’ for Trump outside. One lady is now home schooling but was nervous about math. so we volunteered to help.
Thats nice of you to help. We are starting fraction equations today. Mine gets it faster than the other, but we will see what hapoens. Hopefully they listen to me.
So is pennsylvaia really going to be stolen?
They’re going to try, that’s for sure.
heck our AG already said biden will win PA
Then I guess there better be a monster vote bigger than 2016. The gaslighting already has me nervous.
sigh…this is why I don’t watch the returns…too anxious.
I just pray and go to bed…and have faith in God!
Its good ill be busy with school…
Carrie Red heart America Flag of United States
My hope is that when this election is over and Donald Trump is once again re-elected to the White House, that Trump will send Seal Team Six on a special mission to neutralize GS.
8:18 PM · Nov 2, 2020
Going for the source, eh?
Luv ya.
Think bigger!
Can’t get this out of my head this morning! Gonna be a great day!
I am pursuing the election day thread OT and reading in numerous, numerous comments, the lines to vote are longer than anyone can remember.
there are also those who vote the earliest they can and they are seeing long lines…
Thank God we won the cookie poll!
Trump wins Pennsylvania bakery’s cookie poll that called last three elections
Pennsylvania bakery that has successfully predicted the last three presidential elections with its cookie poll has revealed its final tally in their Trump-Biden contest ahead of Election Day.
The results as of Sunday afternoon, while not the official tally, were the final numbers released by Lochel’s Bakery of Hatboro, Penn. before Americans find out who has won the actual presidential election.
They show President Trump leading former Vice President Biden handily, with a staggering 27,903 red Trump cookies sold compared to just 5,114 blue Biden cookies.
“We had one guy drive twice from Staten Island for them,” bakery owner Kathleen Lochel said in an interview with Fox News.
Staten Island? Sorry, invalid vote. 🙂
What the hell do we do about THIS? Poll workers staging a sickout?
Well isn’t this a kick in the head.
Daily Caller
Australian Diplomat Who Sparked Trump-Russia Probe Endorses Trump
………….From the article:
The Australian diplomat whose 2016 tip to the FBI sparked the investigation into the Trump campaign said he would vote for Donald Trump over Joe Biden, saying that a Biden administration will be “divided and directionless.”
“There is no perfect choice in this election. There is the slightly crazy, out-of-control Donald Trump,” wrote Downer.
“And then there is poor old Joe Biden, bumbling along without any clear plans, and likely to be a hostage to a bevy of querulous advisers,” he continued.
Downer praised the Trump’s administration’s relations with Australia and the leaders of India and Japan.
“The Trump administration has been as good as any for Australia to deal with,” wrote the diplomat, who said his sister is a U.S. citizen who plans to vote for Trump.
………………….End text, much more at link.
He must think that Pres Trump is going to win, since he is doing this CYA routine.
He should be tied naked to the whipping post in the public square. Not to be whipped but just to be jeered.
Mr. Downer likely realized that he is now “expendable inventory” to the CLINTONMACHINE.
Even his family are sick of him!
Anthony Fauci’s family says they can no longer stand behind flip-flopping family member
Done with his message on nationwide lockdowns
The Couch Commando returned, and being of Irish and Spanish extraction, of course he has a volcanic temper which is usually leashed, but this morning….
Well, he held on, but the Karens in line were vocal about his maskless mug while in line OUTSIDE for an hour and forty five minutes. I got an earful about that.
However, it seems that rather than stickers, we get commemorative pens with the stylus for signing the screen on one end, and ink on the other so that pens don’t need to be sterilized.
Innovative, for sure, but probably a waste of $$$.
In a bit, I’ll venture out and have more to say, I’m sure.
We were cheap in my town…we used Q tips and were reminded to dispose them in a provided trash container before leaving. I agree…the pens are a waste of $$$.
Here in Arkansas…. they gave Every one of us a stylus to vote with (No Ink necessary here).
We could keep them or throw them away.
I voted on the first day of early voting.
Covid stuff: The pen I used to fill out the paperwork had to go into a penholder marked “dirty” (and came out of one marked “clean”). My polling “booth” was chosen by the worker and a green-red card flipped to red just before I assumed the position in front of it (so they’d know to sanitize it, I presume). The privacy sleeve went into a bin of privacy sleeves needing cleaning.
I guess that all makes some sense if something contagious is going around. Which, actually, is usually the case.
In the primaries that was the way it was done, but they are expecting massive turnout today.
Does this mean that the by-pass technology drops tomorrow?
Good question.
I noticed that earlier…and had the same reaction.
Saw this in his feed:
So there was a succession plan.
I may have to add some things to tomorrow’s already crowded daily.
I should think that daily is mostly TBD at this point…
Well…yes, but some parts are kind of standard in the template, so that’s already done.
Yeah, I know how that works. 🙂
Here’s hoping you don’t have to write with great sadness.
Yeah, me too.
As we start the events of the day, what I see in the DemonRats’ voter obstructionism and ballot fraud is no less than organized criminal activity (think RICO) to deny American citizens their constitutional rights.
There should be a bunch of indictments that carry some enormous penalties imposed here.
Yes, please.😁
#TRUMP #MAGAHeydonMusicPage/”Today is the BIG Day” POP CORN!11.3.2020
Antoine Tucker for Congress NY-14
The @realDonaldTrump support is so big in NYC they have already started the games a voting box is locked and the only one open is broken? On Election Day?
Antoine Tucker is the guy that’s running against AOC in NY.
I do wonder if that gas station also sells hay bales.
To Hell with that. Where’s the sequel?
The BurnLootMurder/PantyFa/Øbastard/$0r0s thugs have been spewing venom and threats against the President and the White House.
Here are some words of caution for any of you who are stewpid enough to try assaulting the White House and/or The President of the United States.
Reader version:
The couch commando tells me there was a similar pile across the street near our polling place. Talk about biting the hand that feeds them. More details I’m not going to give, but if I see police, I will point them out if they are still there.
A clean up crew needs to come and collect all the bricks. In my young days I would have don that. My husband would have had a meltdown and feared for me 🙂
Penn, NY, OH, Michigan – any other states?
Beware… MI Dem AG parroting CNN, and WaPo. Blaming R’s?
There are some decent Democrats in office, no doubt, but if they *remain* Democrats after this, that is on THEM.
Exactly how I feel. I think the last time I voted for a Democrat was in 2012.
Not likely to change.
I have NEVER voted for a DemonicRat!… EVER!
And I NEVER will.
Their “Philosophy” Prevents me from doing so.
Abortion, Trophies for all, FREE everything just to name a few.
Indo-Pacific News
Thread: #India may one day launch F-18 Hornets, ready to sting #China
#US have offered India an advanced version of the F-18 along with unmanned SeaGuardians
Will the Indian Navy have FA-18s flying off its carriers? It would be a game changer with China.
Text of 5 more tweets in this thread:
Replying to @IndoPac_Info
According to top notch writer Peter Suciu — one of the best in the business — it is increasingly looking like the Indian Navy could soon be flying the F/A-18.
The Indian Navy clearly likes what it sees in the latest Block III version of the American fighter jet. Who wouldn’t!
This past summer Boeing utilized a ground-based ski jump at Naval Air Station Patuxent River in Maryland to demonstrate the capabilities of the Super Hornet on a short take-off but arrested recovery configured (STOBAR) aircraft carrier, such as the ones in the Indian Navy.
Dan Gillian, VP of the Super Hornet program, said: “We’ve done a lot of simulation work with the Indian Navy to better understand their requirements & we fill comfortable that the Super Hornet can operate from all their carriers, both the ones today and the ones in the future.
“We think we can move around the deck, be very mission capable with a relevant weapons load-out and fuel load-out to give the Navy what they need. The Super Hornet as built today can operate from Indian carriers.”
India wants to acquiring some 57 naval fighter aircraft from operations from the carriers, and earlier this month Boeing touted the capabilities of F/A-18 when responding to the Indian Navy’s Request for Information (RFI) for its Multi-role Carrier Borne Fighter program.
IKYMI I posted this late last night
Obviously he’s expecting it to be able to meet before his successor cancels it! So that would put that successor…oh, about four years down the line at least.
just got back from voting. no wait time…but with our little town, didn’t expect one either. masks were “recommended” but not required. wipes and sanitizer provided if you wanted. we used pens provided in the booth…no clean/dirty cups or whatever…but we’re really not covid crazy here for the most part.
saw a few elderly men standing outside when we came out, wearing their TRUMP 2020 hats and I remarked how great i thought they were…got a lot of big smiles and one offer of a date from them…lol
the ladies inside said the voting traffic has been steady…like always…
now I’m gonna email the President, offer my well wishes and tell him i voted for him.
See, it’s not just me.
LOL…you might have gotten the same reaction had you complimented their hats!
No because I am sure I’m not their type.
they looked like the kind of guys that offer to buy everyone dinner and a drink, just for saying hi…great older guys!
Ah, so “date” doesn’t mean what I thought it did.
you never know…LOL…
Well it *wouldn’t* if they took me to dinner.
understood…just saying at their age, dinner and a drink with an interesting companion is all they’re looking for in a date
My husband and I voted this morning. There were no lines and not many people. They changed the machines and do no longer have paper ballots. Everything is touch screen and then one can see before it prints out.
I voted strait republican. We celebrated our votes and did go out for breakfast. Was kind of nice 🙂 Now we wait and what is one more day?
I remind myself “patience is a virtue.”
I was offered the touch screen as well, and declined, making my usual comment about hacking. But apparently this machine prints out a hard copy of how you voted.
Which, of course, doesn’t guarantee it won’t flip your vote after it prints it out!
I would place some trust in those machines ONLY IF the following is true:
1) Voter sees a hard printout of his votes.
2) Voter deposits the printout in a box.
3) 1 or 2 out of every hundred precincts is randomly (by mechanical means like drawing lots) chosen for a spot check where the printouts are hand tabulated and checked against the machine.
4) Also allow candidates to pick a few precincts for the spot check, as well.
5) If the spot check doesn’t match the entire county then is hand-counted under the eyes of people from the affected campaigns.
I threw a fit and wanted a paper ballot and they said they had non this was it if I wanted to vote. I mentioned that it was ripe for cheating they disagreed. I told them that I did not trust them and I did not like Marxists.
There used to be people as pole workers I knew from church but these people I did not know not one single one. My husband did not know anyone either and he normally knows more people through University. This is a small City and most people know each other.
Yeah, that’s scary.
I have said for years:
We need a voting “Receipt”.
They can file one copy with the “officials”….
and we get a copy to take home.
For posterity or in case a recount is called for.
One thing they generally do NOT want to be able to do is give you the means to prove HOW you voted. That sounds sinister today but it was originally intended to prevent people from (say) buying your vote for Candidate Bumfuck for a bottle of whiskey by showing them the receipt that proves you voted for him.
I read one time of a complicated scheme where you’d be handed THREE ballots. You’d be expected to vote FOR your position on two of them and AGAINST on one. All three would be counted, but you’d get to keep one. (The counter would check to ensure you voted two times in one direction and one time in the other.) You could then prove you voted (by showing the ballot you got to keep) but you couldn’t prove you voted FOR or against anything since the person looking at it would not have anything but your word for it as to what you did with the other two ballots.
The ballots could even be numbered non-sequentially, scanned, and posted online and you could go look those numbers up online to see that your other two ballots add up to what you intended. But you’d be unable to prove to anyone else that those were your ballots since you’d have no official record of which ones they were (writing the numbers down wouldn’t do it; again that’s your word).
…the move was “an unconstitutional exercise of legislative power,”
in my email to POTUS just now I told him there were many on line videos showing the dems attempting to steal PA…
Pat, I think Philly will NOT matter. In fact, I am starting to think PA was a FEINT, getting Biden there while Trump takes Mi, WI, and MN, possibly NV too, IF that scenario holds, PA is NOT even needed, much like last time, it was a LUXURY> I STILL want to win it for OPTICS to the dems as a CRUSHING defeat.
I hope you’re right!
but i would like to see it go to POTUS as not to encourage the dems to be more conniving next election…I wanna crush their spirit!
Agreed, and I think you will get your wish, despite the BS exit polls about to be hyped.
You are a fighter Pat… don’t ever stop!
there are some of the most awesome female warriors on this site–yourself included–as fine examples for the rest of us!!!
aww… AND as a group, we’re MIGHTY…
Y’know, VSGPOTUSDJT has a lot of experience in the casino business…..I wonder what kind of security tips you pick up from running one….
“an unconstitutional exercise of legislative power,”
There’s a lot of that going around. IMO, those who act unconstitutionally or advocate unconstitutional positions should be immediately removed from offce for violating their oaths. A republic can’t stand if it has enemies within. This is not about freedom of speech.
I tend to agree in principle.
But we have a big diffulty right now–few can agree on what is or is not constitutional.
I maintain, for instance, that social security and medicare are unconstitutional. Obviously PDJT disagrees with me, and there are plenty of people on this board who would get upset with me if I advocated their elimination.
Yes, it is a sticky problem when programs like that, that so many people have become dependent on, might have to be changed. Of course Pres. Trump is making what he feels are the necessary political moves to get the basic mechanism in place to take this country back — i.e., get and keep him in power so he can do what needs to be done. He has to pick his battles.
But I think on issues like advocating for the overthrow of the 2nd Amendment, there is no political gray area. It is part of the Constitution that they swore to uphold. The same for free speech and assembly issues surrounding WuFlu. Get those people out, now!
Good, we’re on the same page, or at least the same section.
It reminds me of the drafting of the Constitution. Many wanted to specifically abolish slavery, but they knew they might not accomplish expedient things if they pushed it then. They knew that the form of government they were creating would allow for such corrections.
It’s politically correct for people to condemn Thomas Jefferson for owning slaves while advocating for abolition, but I would maintain that one big reason abolition ultimately succeeded was the words he wrote in late June of 1776. (I’m pretty sure you’ve read them. 🙂 )
What gave it away? 🤔
I agree with your statement. 🇺🇸
Hmm. I thought maybe you had read no further. 😀 😀
“Whoa, found me a screen name, I’ll stop Right There…”
(I am, of course, kidding!!!!!!)
Steve I agree with you and now I want the money back my husband paid in since he was sixteen with interest. They do not give our money back so we get social security and medicare.
It’s stolen, and always has been. And that’s the bitch of it.
You want the money back, but it got spent long ago. To get you your money back, they’d have to rob someone else.
You (and I, I am 56) are in the position of someone who had his car stolen from him when he was 25 and never got it back; the only way to get “your” car back is to steal one from someone who is 25 today. In good conscience I can’t advocate for that.
My husband said to our kids “I paid for my parent now you pay for us.” They looked at him and said ” who will pay for us?”
That is why it’s a Ponzi scheme.
Some try to claim it’s not a Ponzi scheme because it’s not going to collapse [really? It won’t collapse?], but that’s evading the essential property of a Ponzi scheme–people get someone else’s money in a chain.
Well, Steve, I agree with you on principle regarding the constitutionality of SS and Medicare, but I need my tiny Social Security check to survive. Probably if I hadn’t had it, I’d be living with family right now as I have a good family. So I’m a total hypocrite. I admit it.
You see it, though, and that is to the good.
Like the AG of Pa? For starters….throw in some Governors, too.
That’s a really good video.
It looks like it included that same gigantic flag that was in the last Q drop:
[at the 0:20 mark]
The largest flying American flag in the world measures a total of 7,410 square feet and is a hung on a pole that stands over 225 feet in the air.
It was initially erected by the Gastonia AMVETS Post 920 in 1999:
The actual flag measures 65 feet tall and 114 feet wide with a total weight of 180 pounds. It can be clearly seen from over 30 miles away.
There are 2 flags larger than this in California, but neither is flown, and there is a larger ‘free-flying’ flag that not hangs over the George Washington Bridge, that was installed in 2013.
Each strip in the flag is 5 feet tall!
STRIPE – not strip
A beautiful and wonderful video. In the future, will people even understand what it means? That depends on what happens today, or in the days to come.
Of course they are….
The Library
Larry Schweikart
Whatever you do today do NOT pay any attention to so-called “exit polls,” esp on Drudge. These are flat out lies. Exit polls in 2004 had Kerry winning OH and FL. He lost them both. Exit polls had Trump losing.
Go to for real honest…
Harold Wren
Blue Mirage!!!
States will be called by the networks based on exit polls, then possibly have to be retracted and called again.
That assumed, of course, a shred of honesty from the news outlets vs. them simply falling back to maintaining that Trump stole those states. So never mind what I just said.
I don’t think so Steve, not this time, I think the margins are SO massive they will not be able to even RISK that,
Yeah, it all depends on HOW BIG it is.
Which if course is why Trump has been busting his ass to make it YUGE.
5% or less, they can and will try shenanigans up to and including calling it fake news if they can’t fraud their way out of it.
I disagree on the 5% if it comes in at 5 % I think that is like 550000 votes. IE GAME OVER. Anything north. off 300000 its time to put Joe and the dems to BED.
mot2grls% of 2016, another 800000, likely, and it is HISTORIC, more than 2008. They are going to have an IMPOSSIBLE task of convincing ANYONE that Biden got more than Obama in 2008, especially with losing AA and Latino.
Lets look at FLA, alread in at
I think they ALL already know Biden is loosing big, the dems are merely hoping for a miracle to make it UNDER 100000 to try for the steals, IMHO, they are going to be VERY disappointed.
You’re either missing a zero, or not talking about all of the US.
Sorry that was Florida at 550000. I think if Trump wins any state by 300000k or more it will be IMPOSSIBLE to cheat.
If Trump wins ANYTHING by 300,000K he cheated, that’s 300 million 🙂
But I’m sure you meant 300K. And even there it would depend on the state. That would be a definite cheat in Wyoming, but barely enough to wipe your ass with in Kalifornia.
Larry Schweikart@LarrySchweikart
Fountain Hills, AZ (heavy R), ran out of ink in machines.
This is not fraud. This is R turnout that is very heavy.
The Library
Rush H. Limbaugh
Don’t be surprised if you hear a network call the election for Biden before the polls are closed today. The disinformation campaign is real. Don’t fall for it.
Harold Wren
Marica (iirc) was talking about the Comey pictures with wolf…and the laughter…he’s getting burned right now for posting THIS picture just recently…
Miss Pat!!!!
here ya go…
I told you to quit doxing me! 🙂
well I hear ” i need eye bleach” and he springs to mind…
Like a Friday night news dump… they’re trying to hide it
Fool Nelson’s tweet is part of a THREAD ……..
Hans Mahncke@HansMahncke
Great so on the evening of the election we find out that Mueller had no evidence that WikiLeaks had anything to do with Russia. And then this morning we find out that every single one of Steele’s own “sources” has disavowed him.
Quote Tweet
· 3h
@Alexey__Kovalev and @meduza_en spoke to all of the likely sources behind the Steele dossier: Sergey Abyshev, Ivan Vorontsov, Olga Galkina, Alexey Dundich, Mila Podobedova, and “@SergeiMillian”.
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Eric Trump Retweeted
Tim Young@TimRunsHisMouth
Oh look! A Democratic committeewoman in north Philly wearing a Biden mask not letting certified Republican poll watchers into a polling place… She ends with “that rule ain’t worth being followed” when someone says they should be allowed inside.
OHH… so this is the Biden campaign’s “Ground Game” !!!!!!!!!!!!
Most probably true but we know how they do…
I will say that things have been slow today.
I was working on tomorrow’s daily thread and it took forever for the post to copy, and I never did get a cover photo in it, so that may be a work in progress.
Melania wears “chain print” Gucci dress to vote in person. trolling?
She’s stunning as always… and definitely trolling…
The article reeks with disinformation… wrt election though…
The Daily Fail. She is stunning isn’t she? Lock Them Up!
Let’s see if this video will post:
Nope, video didn’t post. Oh well.
Picture’s great! Save’s a visit to the DM.
Not a video but an image that posted well enough that remind me what were we talking about?
That you are a healthy red blooded male, and women who dress like women are still appreciated.
Ah, right. Okay, carrying on then.
Rumor has it there’s an election today.
I’ve heard that. That’s probably why I went to a local place and filled in bubbles on a piece of paper.
Yeah, did the same thing yesterday, albeit not very locally (Colorado REALLY wants you to vote by mail, there’s no such thing as a “precinct polling place” any more, but anywhere in your county can print up a ballot proper for your precinct).
Of the six closest places the county listed, we can walk to most of them. And we can go to any of them in the county, The ballots are printed on the spot.
Yeah, likewise (my nearest place is 10 miles away, but one 16 miles away was on my way to work so I did that one instead).
Thinking about “printing ballots on the spot:” That could be horribly abused without proper safeguards. Start by counting the votes in a building with no printers in it, and locking people out once the counting begins.
Yep, heard that on the radio, mystery solved on where was she when the President went to vote. Said she wanted to wait till election day. The Trumps have all the bases covered 😎👍
Adds in ground report. No line, straight red ticket. However radio is reporting that touch pads are down in Comal County, but they don’t effect casting the ballot. They were down, however they had a manual back up system. I believe but am not sure that touch pads allow that no one votes twice and catches such in real time so I guess they aren’t catching that in real time now.
Daily Caller reporter in Scranton, PA, reporting on Trump support from oil & gas community:
If only it were that easy.
I doubt this video would have convinced me. It explains the Q “movement”‘s beliefs very ably (though it seems to extrapolate a lot), but doesn’t prove anything.
But I suppose if one is of the mindset that the most sincere person is the one who is right, it would work.
One thing I am convinced of, many who are “pushing” the pandemic really believe it is true. So no, the time of Covid won’t end tomorrow like flipping a switch.
I agree. The gaslighting has been so strong, common sense just is not in play.
I’m not just talking the common Karen-in-the-street; I’m talking about people actually making decisions.
I note that Trump does wear masks from time to time, so I can’t quite believe this is *entirely* baseless, just that it’s being overdone.
The CDC annnounced people who tested positive can go and vote at the polls taking precautions like mask and hand washing and distancing.
I thought masks were no longer part of the Florida scene…yet I’m seeing so many in photos today.
It will when Trump WINS and then TELLS the WORLD the truth.
My son from Michigan called that they are locking down again because of the spike of CCP virus.
My county is supposed to lock down either tomorrow or Thursday by state order. They delayed on account of the election (red county).
Oh, there are people still testing positive – even if the only major symptoms are fatigue and loss of taste/smell. My sister-in-law and bro-in-law just got it, Pittsburgh suburb. She just thought it was her regular fall sinus infection.
Half hour ago. Carson City Walmart, smaller of two. NOT one mask sign at the door.
Sadly the sheep are trained and simply wear a damn mask. Odd ball here the lone person without a mask..
DOW is on fire
Philly, I suppose, must be dealing with an inferiority complex as regards Chicago, so they’re being driven to achieve greatness.
Eric Trump@EricTrump
It’s amazing how far we have come! So proud of you Dad! Flag of United StatesFlag of United StatesFlag of United States@realDonaldTrump
Wonder if Hunter will be sending out a greeting like this to Joe ?
(That was bad… mean and cruel phoenix!)
Um… I have no problem with that.
Maybe if Hunter isn’t TOO bitter with his daddy he can send him care packages care of a…federal facility…somewhere. (This presumes that Hunter is singing like a canary somewhere rather than going to prison.)
Let’s face it, PR…sometimes our inner cat just surfaces! 😹. But, darn, it feels so good!
YES Tea,
This assumes Demntia Joe knows who Hunter is.
In 2016 I asked my Amish neighbors if they voted and was told ‘no’ because the Amish believed ‘God will decide’. Very happy to see all their public support for Pres. Trump in 2020.
Would this not be the first Time the Amish actually became political. WOW. There are a LOT of Amish in PA, OH, and MI.
YES! I believe they know a Biden win would destroy their way of life.
Obvious fake, looks better than gaga. 😀
Special Election Day Prayer – I’m praying this throughout today for the USA! God bless!
Election Prayer
by Servant of God, Father John Anthony Hardon, S.J.
Lord Jesus Christ, You told us to give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God. Enlighten the minds of our people in America.
May we choose a President of the United States, and other government officials, according to Your Divine Will.
Give our citizens the courage to choose leaders of our nation who respect the sanctity of unborn human life, the sanctity of marriage, the sanctity of marital relations, the sanctity of the family, and the sanctity of the aging.
Grant us the wisdom to give You, what belongs to You, our God. If we do this, as a nation, we are confident You will give us an abundance of Your blessings through our elected leaders. Amen.
Ah, yes, the Single Slingshot To Orbit (SSTO).
[An in joke amongst space geeks, SSTO really stands for “Single Stage to Orbit” (and back again).]
Indo-Pacific News
Federal Reserve Says #China’s Economic Numbers Are Just As Garbage As Their COVID Data
China has been aggressively promoting a China success story in recent months, but a study by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York casts fresh doubt on such claims.
Text of two more tweets in this thread:
Replying to @IndoPac_Info
Researchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York presented new evidence that shows China’s official economic data, such as its gross domestic product, is not only inaccurate but also heavily manipulated.
They observed that “China’s official data on GDP growth appear implausibly smooth in recent years,” which “calls into question the usefulness of China’s official growth data in forecasting and in making policy and business decisions.”
This is cool…but the flag!😬
Back from the local machine known as the polling place.
The old man and I went to our usual polling place and the line was longish, so I took him home, went and got gas, and then to the store, passing said polling place and wouldn’t you know the line had REALLY gone down. So I zipped home, and picked up the old man, and we went back. I got the absolute BEST parking spot in the lot, and we got in line.
So, some Karen with man parts…I assume…was passing out masks for people who needed them. We, of course didn’t put ours on until getting to the door. We were in line about five minutes, and went in.
STL County has changed the system and it’s slick.
You give your state ID (driver’s license) to the person at the screen machine. It scans the barcode on the back and pulls up your record. You approve your name and address, and then sign the record on the screen as I described earlier – with a provided pen that has a stylus tip on the end.
You can do this at ANY polling place in the county, and your specific ballot is printed.
We no longer, at least for this election, have touch screens. It’s all paper.
You take your ballot to where stations with non-cheating cardboard barriers are set up, and sit down to fill in the “bubbles” for your preferred candidates. (Straight Republican, of course, including an Ashcroft.)
When you’re finished, you get up and go to the scanning machines and insert the ballots.
Then, since there are technically two entrances, you exit out the other door.
My one problem was the hand numbering system like we’ve had in the past. I don’t know if that is traceable or not.
At any rate, it is done, and I didn’t see any piles of bricks like the couch commando claimed he saw. But who knows.
Okay, I did not vote for state representative as the person running unopposed has been known to my family since I was a little kid, and, yeah…no.
There was one unopposed candidate (for DA) and I didn’t vote for him as it would be pointless.
My US House of Reprehensibles congresscritter is an asshole [during primary season he runs ads saying his opponent did nothing to stop Obolacare as if someone not in office could have done anything] and I vote against him in the primaries, but he’s *our* asshole so this time I voted for him (I usually just leave that one blank; it’s not like he’s in danger of losing, this is a safe R seat).
I’ll highlight differences, since there are a lot of similarities.
No combo pen/stylus. I had to fill out the paperwork with a ball point pen (that would later be sanitized), and the voting “booth” had a felt tip pen attached by a string.
I used my passport for ID, but did have to provide my DL so they could scan it to find my precinct. I was offered a touchscreen and declined it.
The worker at the station that printed my ballot initialed the strip that (eventually) got torn off. That, I think is what anonymizes the ballot, the identifying part gets put into a different box from the ballot box, so they can tell who voted, but not who they voted for. (At least that’s the intent; I can think of a few ways to cheat that.)
Unlike in the past when we had precinct polling places, my paper de-stubbed ballot simply went into a box–no scanning machine.
Had to leave the way I came in.
The one really positive thing…it is a GORGEOUS day here. Clear, blue skies, light winds, and it’s currently in the 60s temp wise. I’ve actually stood in line in cold rain for presidential elections.
Its wonderful like God is smiling on us. But long lines. I have never seen such lines DP. Took us about an hour before we got to vote.
I don’t want to depress anyone but 9/11/2001 was a gorgeous day with blue skies. To this day, Idescribe that sort of blue skies as 9/11 skies.
We’re probably better off praying when we see blue skies.
I liked that it was all paper. And that when the ballot was taken you got Old Glory flying!!!!
We too had the new DL machine, pretty slick. However no stylus offered to sign. We got a little finger condom. 🙄
It really does feel like the calm before the storm.
So, when the Leftists run amok tonight, will PTrump just squash them everywhere, or will he wait for the Governor of an affected state to request gov’t help in putting down the anarchists?
4chan’s reporting piles of bricks showing up around the country.
says the tweet is unavailable…
Interesting because I saw it earlier when Sadie first posted it, but yeah, now it’s not there.
Jackboot’s Als are fast!
Photos of this were posted above.
i think that name describes her movement as well…float-us…she is so graceful…just floating along like a lotus blossom on the water…
. . . so, how does that apply to Big Mike being called PONDER-US?
Have always thought eith Big Mike or Moochelle worked well for biotch Michelle.
i was thinking STUMPUS or CLUMPUS…or something equally loud, rude and obnoxious! lol
Every thing she/he wore looked like Target blew up.
I can’t believe she had a stylist…that stylist should be slapped!
Stylist? Yes-person more likely. 😂 Remember that putrid yellow ghettoish jumpsuit and matching boots from like 2 years ago? Horrid.
oh yeah…her Godzilla does DC outfit…LOL
In case you missed her Hunterville NC speech and are starting to suffer Trump speech withdrawal symptoms and need a quick fix this should help.
Thanks – I was about to get the ‘shakes’
That made me think of James Bond. I have no idea why, other than shakes.
every news site I’ve visited so far are all talking about the record turnout. if that remains steady is still a guess. some may be voting earlier to avoid the “after work” crowds or whatever…but i think this year will set records.
and i personally can’t believe joe would be drawing record numbers to vote, given he couldn’t draw them to his rallies.
Exactly Pat…
“If you thought the president and his team couldn’t get funnier, then hold onto your sides for this one and swallow anything you have in your mouth so it doesn’t end up all over your keyboard. At the Traverse City, Mich., rally on Monday, the press was confronted with an uncomfortable reality. They were forced to tell the truth in order to access the WiFi at the event. The login was set to “BidenBuiltTheCages” and the password was “TrumpBuiltTheWall!!!” Is this the greatest Trump troll ever, or what? I’m screaming laughing imagining Jim Acosta typing this into his phone while cussing.”
But the bigger question is whether Pat Frederick heeded the warning or whether she needs another keyboard…again.
It depends on how close the coffee cup was to her face.
coffee is only a morning thing…LOL…thank goodness…
2:30 is strawberries, blueberries and whipped cream as a snack…so I followed the guidelines and swallowed first…
I do love the way he TROLLS!!!!
i heeded….LOL
I ‘purloined’ this from Marica’s ………
LOL…For the first time in my life the members of the media are trying to be the “last” to call an election instead of the “first”. It’s like Trump made them insane or something.
2:30 PM · Nov 3, 2020
Subway Belichick Retweeted
Lara Trump: “we think it’s going to be a landslide victory and we aren’t even going to need to take this into further days.”
I have been confident for some time that we are gonna blow this election out of the water… BIGLY
HUGELY BIG RED WAVE COMIN’ when the final count is made…
But the count WILL BE high enough to call early tomorrow a.m. I BELIEVE THAT…
So for me, enough of the chasing good news wrt numbers…
Who’s Gonna Be Lucky Indicted #2? – Brian Cates@drawandstrike
And @LarrySchweikart nails it here. If you **thought** this election between Trump/Biden was going to be razor close or even a big Biden win…you’ve been LISTENING TO **THE CORPORATE MEDIA**.
How about stop doing that?
Quote Tweet
Larry Schweikart@LarrySchweikart
· 3h
Fascinating. Spoke with a friend who is in media in Baltimore area. Said that ALL the people in the media think Biteme is winning/Rs are glum, but ALL his friends in volunteering, on the ground are seeing a massive landslide for Trump.
i learned to swing dance specifically for THIS song…LOVE IT!
So glad you do Pat… 😉
Sorry PR, I was scrolling fast and thought you just posted a dancing ‘picture’. It reminded me of ‘In the Mood’ so I fetched it. Then I scrolled back up and looked at your picture, which is the video, of ‘In the Mood’, LOL!!! Such a happy upbeat song to celebrate with!!! 💃🤸♀️💃 Great Minds, YOU ROCK!!! 😍🥰🤗💞
LOVE IT! You rock too…
I’m feelin’ soooooooo upbeat it is unreal…
“REMINDER: The Justice Department historically has monitored in jurisdictions in the field on election day, and is again doing so this year. The department will also take complaints from the public nationwide regarding possible violations of the federal voting rights laws.
@TheJusticeDept provided information about particular efforts, through the Criminal Division, Civil Rights Division and National Security Division, to ensure that all qualified voters have the opportunity to cast their ballots:”…
“In regards to potential post-election violence: While the U.S. Marshals Service generally does not discuss any potential enforcement activities, we can confirm that deputy U.S. Marshals stand ready to respond to violent acts of civil disobedience in any location in the nation.”…
How today will turn out for the left….😂
I told the story the other day of why I have ZERO respect for doctors of education.
Is Joyless a Mentor to AOC?
She probably thinks that Hitlery got into the Electoral College based on here grades.
It is possible that the ‘Deputy US Marshalls’ in the last paragraph are” Tier One Special Forces, highly trained and skilled urban warfare specialists, that President Trump has called home from the Middle East have been deputized into US Marshalls and other domestic forces.
These deputized special forces personnel can easily deal with PantyFa, BLM, Occupy, etc.
Moreover, since they won’t be going back to the Middle East, they can train and coordinate with state and city law enforcement, Border Patrol, ICE, DEA, ATF, etc.
How today will turn out for the left….😉
NOW I’m seeing Trump flags pop up.
Mom and I went to vote. I have never in all my years of voting seen such a line. It was crazy.
The one line was SO long we had to go to a different polling place. Its nice weather so that was good. Long line as well at the other place but they had more room and it was fast paced.
People were in a good mood.
In fact people were handing out halloween candy.
Had to wait about 45 mins to maybe an hour in line.
Went well. They didn’t even do computer voting just printed out a ballot and let people vote.
I got to keep the pen and got a sticker. But wow that’s a lot of people.
My sister and I voted at around 1PM…very light traffic…we got in and out in minutes (I live in a very blue state).
On Bannon’s War Room show Bannon claims Ric Grenell will be interim FBI Director until Sidney Powell is confirmed and Sidney kind of confirms it (by answering a question about how she’d run the FBI).
Happy 2nd Term Day everyone!
that should cause the Depends stock to triple!
Sidney Powell has been on with Bannon, I mean sitting in the same studio – not remote, several times in the last few days. He looks like an unmade bed, but I LOVE Steve Bannon. And his whole crew. (includes Rudy)
Although he looks particularly dingy tonight. 😏
So many people are showing up to vote for @realDonaldTrump in New Hanover, there’s a 4 hour wait at the polls! Incredible turnout in Montgomery County! @MontcoPaGOP @PAGOP #PAforTrump
— Philly GOP (@PhillyGOP) November 3, 2020
BREAKING: Arizona Dems are so worried seeing Joe Biden’s lead slipping away in key battleground state that they sent out frantic texts to volunteers over weekend to ignore previous COVID precautions & go out “knocking on doors” for Biden–even if canvassers have low-grade fevers
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) November 3, 2020
Oh FFS…they’re the most tarded idiots…
Speaking of peak I one crutched out on the beach..beautiful day, almost deserted . My SIL starts laughing and points…a full grown adult woman riding a bike sees us about 30′ away and pulls a mask on !!!!! OMG..
Tweets by anonpatriotq
🚨 BREAKING – Twitter Censors @PhillyGOP Vids Of Polling Place Violations
— The National Pulse 🚨 (@TheNatPulse) November 3, 2020
Read the rest….
Dang you guys have been a chatty bunch today!!!
Just checking in from Wolf’s post today…
Are we using as our live stream today?
I am…
Hi Michael… glad you’re here !
I’ve been popping in – a little quieter than I would like but not far
Why shouldn’t we be chatty??
Our warrior POTUS is getting re-elected today in an historic, leftist-crushing landslide victory that will deliver an inarguable, undeniable, liberal-humiliating electoral MANDATE to President Trump that says:
Dear President Trump:
You have a green light to govern as you see fit. Crush them, and take no prisoners, and remember what Conan said is best in life.
Deplorable Patriot has a 5pm EST Election Night Thread coming up shortly.
That was taken from the end of his MONUMENTAL (no pun intended), historic speech at Mt. Rushmore earlier this year…
…which is, IMHO, easily the best of his 2+ terms in office, so far.
And that speech thread, here at QTree, is amazing, too.
Gonna be HIGHER than 21/22% … Pastor Scott knows, he just doesn’t want those two to
completelymeltdown on TV
Agree – and he knows the cities are controlled by Dims who could suppress them even more than they are now – 45-50% imho
I likes your opinion 😉
He is also not the only one NOT talking – some of these people voted for O because of the color of his skin – they believed they were empowered – that did not last – since nothing improved in their lives as a result.
There is also a lot of ignorance in minority communities – they still get their news from TV – and believe every word of it.
I hope people like Candace Owens and David Harris, Jr – the Hodge Twins – have educated them in the truth about PT.
I am still upset about the postmark issue. our law clearly states the ballot HAS to be postmarked by election night. allowing ballots without a postmark goes against our law. signatures SHOULD match. if i go in person, my signature is checked against my signature on my registration. by allowing mail in ballots to go without signature matches, voters are treated differently and that should not be allowed either.
A mismatched signature or no signature should negate the vote – that should have been settled long before the election – however – with a Dim Governor – and others working against PT – what can we expect – lot of hanky panky going on in NYC, too – too many dead people voting – I am sure none of this was unexpected –
Had they purged the voter polls – none of this would be happening – they would not cooperate because they knew they were going to cheat – you know – * Sigh *
We have been voting by paper ballots for years – signatures are on file – only difference this year is – the signatures are computerized – still have to sign in to vote – so if it does not match – you are flagged.
Well, a postmark at least would (normally) be evidence that the vote was cast in time.
But Colorado is stricter. Ballot must be received by 7 PM election day; if the post office delivers it the next day they don’t care what the postmark says. That brings closure to the count a lot sooner.
agreed, but those ballots delivered without a postmark are PRESUMED to have been cast on or before election day unless it can be PROVEN that it was not. how ridiculous is that ruling???
Oh, jackass absurd. No argument.
For Pat F… got my dancing shoes on, grew up to this…
Not even using my cane… honey, I am floating today… POTUS has got this
watch the first part of the first link, you being a dancer will appreciate his comments…
then move to the 2nd link to get a taste of younger generations who are still enjoying beach music
oh to have a man that likes to dance! lol
I did Pat … he was smooth on the dance floor… miss that so much. Good memories. 😉
you were a lucky woman!!
my hubby basically stands still and lets me dance around him…lol…he hates it, but humors me…I am blessed too!
Yes, you are… !
I can see that…
He selected India when I think he meant Iran. He also left out Venezuela. I updated and added Somalia and Cuba…
Actually, the Indians have been $#@!+s lately. I saw something earlier about them not buying American drones, and they are cozying up to the dragon.
Even if india should be blue, Junior definitely flubbed Iran
Good point
Two things seem to be happening in Pennsylvania:
1) Philadelphia hasn’t hit 2016 levels yet and may not get there
2) Suburban Philly is having explosive turnout.
Will they cancel each other out for Dems?
— Ryan James Girdusky (@RyanGirdusky) November 3, 2020
‘Losing is never easy’: Donald Trump speaks to reporters in Virginia
that’s a terrible headline for a story–
sounds like he’s admitting defeat.
Nah – that is just the Press Projecting – you know!!!
I think the quote is incomplete. Someone is working the narrative. Fake news.
Earlier today I read. Winning is easy. Losing is never easy.
ahhhhhh…makes more sense
I sure didn’t need to even read that headline… garbage
Awww…they have been playing that game for so long – we should not be surprised – what idiots!!! Makes them look stupid – not PT.
Voting ground report. Moderate blue neighborhood in a battleground state.
I was vote #XXX (censoring for security reasons) at my district, which was a higher number than the previous two years. This is somewhat surprising because the pressure to vote mail-in has been relentless. The mail-in push doesn’t seem to have depressed the in-person vote. The only sketchy thing I encountered was a poll worker who stood next to me while I scanned my ballot. I don’t think this person intended to be intimidating, but it wasn’t much of a secret ballot.
Speaking of scanners, we had new voting machines this year! Previously, they used really sketchy touchscreen machines. Today, voters had to fill out a paper ballot and put it into a scanner machine. While there are still ways to cheat the system, at least there’s a paper copy of my ballot somewhere in the case of a recount. It’s an upgrade from the touchscreen.
hmmm…sounds like our “NEW” voting machines…our old ones were also the touchscreen type…
Brian Cates has a THREAD
Reader Link
BREAKING: Michigan officials say they expect vote counting process to go quicker than expected, votes to be expected shortly after polls close
— Breaking News Global (@BreakingNAlerts) November 3, 2020
We’re looking at 400k-500k R lead by the end of the day! 5%-8% Trump win in FL is quite possible.
Wow. BitChute just got deplatformed today.
There will be more…
Of course they waited until Election Day.
The Couch Commando told me about this.
They really are going to try all the tricks in the books.
Well Q did say they would try everything.
Team Trump: ‘Our people are showing up’
by Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist | | November 03, 2020 12:59 PM
Wouldn’t it be. A beautiful sight we could provide a Trump Trai escort to the airports for all the celebrities who promised to leave the country if the President was re-elected? 😍
As usual, now they are hedging their declarations! Such hypocrites…just headline seekers.
🍺𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞⭐️⭐️⭐️@Beer_Parade
I’m working on a rough theory that our favorite anon (#I7) is done/gone. Here’s what I just dropped on Kun.
BTW, this wouldn’t be a time for sadness/loss, but rather an affirmation that WE have become Kew!
Please RT and share your thoughts as well.
The info war will continue, and there is much more to be revealed and important battles to be fought.
Also, when Q goes dark, Q will make it obvious along with words of encouragement and praise for the Anon community.
We most definitely have not heard the last from Q.
BatP is wrong.
If you go back a page, Code Monkey Ron handed over the reins of 8kun to another entity today. I have a feeling some sort of change is definitely in the works.
I saw that and consider it unrelated.
Code Monkey resigned today, but apparently there’s a successor…
BatP asked for other ideas. I don’t think Cue is finished. There are tons of peeps who are just wakin’ … haven’t had their coffee yet. 😉
Have you heard the word about Sidney? Well, first… rumor is that Ric Grenell will be appointed Acting Director, and Sidney will be THE FIB Director… and now there’s tape from Bannon’s War Room where she admits to it… I posted upthread here I think
I agree…my feeling is Q team us very involved with the post-election riot actions and then the indictments and possible arrests/Gitmo . A lot of the military leaders obviously are part of the DS coup attempt, and the Q team would be right on top of that.
The swamp isn’t nearly drained and,IMO, Q will be around until most of that happens. POTUS needs them to carry out the final act.
I am literally crying
Hope Tucker Carlson sees this and picks it up.
I saved this one a while back………..same information
Fauci is a fraud.
Someone here probably shared this tweet originally but there’s some wittiness in the conversation:
& other info…
Now they are saying the first incident was an “honest mistake”….sure it was!
ain’t Biden!!!
The pattern on Melania’s dress made by Gucci which she wore today while voting reminds me of an old-fashioned bathtub or sink drain plug with a short chain that I remember using in my youth. The chain was easier to grab when pulling the drain plug instead of grabbing the plug itself with the fingers..

A coincidence? Trolling by Melania on pulling the plug (drain) on the swamp? My overactive imagination? 🙂
Mike Pence did recently(yesterday?) say that draining the swamp would begin with today’s election.
Gucci claims they’re horse stirrups. She’s definitely sending a message to someone, though, with an outfit that flashy.
I thought it was quite classy.
“Gucci claims they’re horse stirrups.”
I see it now. Thanks for the links.
According to Gucci:
“This dress is cut from supple silk-twill and decorated with rows of equestrian-inspired stirrups, a signature for the label.”
I have a drain plug like that in my half bathroom.
Suppressed ‘secret’ sections include this Orwellian line: “The most fundamental hurdles… are factual ones.”
My final guess at Presidential election results!
Joseph J Flynn
To our Patriot Brothers and Sisters out west and in Mountain States …Stay in Line!!! Every Vote Counts!!! … let’s keep Senate, House and of course re-elect @realDonaldTrump #PaintCaliforniaRed !!!!
6:01 PM · Nov 3, 2020
Just found out that businesses are boarding up in my area where there was a riot earlier this year. My neighborhood is quiet and has a 50/50 split between Trump and Biden yards signs, so I’m not too worried about my personal safety. Still…
stay safe!!!!!
protect yourself!!
Can You Feel It?
Donald J Trump
1.9M subscribers
AMEN… and Greenland too!
Wisconsin – 139% from 2016
Michigan – 161% from 2016
RED WAVE in swing states! 🇺🇸
Episode 2319a – Now That The People Are Awake, Phase II Of The Economic Plan Begins
Episode 2319b – What You Are Witnessing Is A Birth Of A New Nation, Indictments Coming
Africans for Trump!
This will be a HUGE BOOM if it is for real!
Decision 2020 Live @ 7:00pm EST
$5 to vote for Joe
Hours old
FYI…lurkers and others…
You will find everyone over at the Election Watch Party thread here:
Come join us! 😎
Local news is reporting that a lot of mail-in voters changed their minds and are voting in-person. You can do that here as long as you surrender your mail-in ballot at the polls.
Q-uirky view…
He ain’t black!
Covering All possible bases!
Lessons in love by a MAGA mom!
Excuse this tweet’s language…I hope this is true…
This is telling