There is no way in HELL that SleepyCreepy Joe won this election. What we saw happen in a small county in Michigan happened across every other battleground state that uses the Dominion Democracy Suite to count ballots.
Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Nevada plus an additional 23 states use Dominion Democracy Suite.
RED county decided to turn blue. They took it upon themselves to do a manual hand count. At the end of their hand count, they realized that 5,500 votes that were given to SleepyCreepy Joe were actually PDJT votes.
We than got a second case from Oakland County, Michigan that allowed a Democrat to be elected by 104 votes only to be overturned in favor of the Republican candidate. The “GLITCH” double counted ballots for the Democrat candidate.
From the article linked above:
A computer error led election officials in Oakland County to hand an upset victory Wednesday to a Democrat, only to switch the win back to an incumbent Republican a day later.
In Oakland County’s 15th County Commission District — representing Rochester and Rochester Hills — the initial count gave a 104-vote margin to the Democrat, Melanie Hartman, amounting to a razor-thin majority of 50.08%.
[…] But what a difference a day makes — in weather, love, and the 15th District election for Oakland County commissioner. On Thursday, Kochenderfer was stunned again, this time by a call from Oakland County’s director of elections, flipping the outcome to him.
“Apparently, there was a technical glitch in Rochester Hills. And so I actually ended up winning by a little over 1,100 votes,” said a chuckling Kochenderfer.
The margin was 1,127 votes, to be exact. That gave him a 51.67% share of the total (with 48.23% going to his opponent, Hartman).
Yesterday, the Secretary of State in Georgia shared in a tweet that Fulton County has discovered an issue involving reporting from their work on Fri. That damn GLITCH was at work again!
From the article linked above:
Two Georgia counties using the same electronic voting software as a Michigan county that experienced a glitch have also reported encountering glitches during the 2020 election.
Voting machines crashed in Georgia’s Spalding and Morgan Counties on Tuesday morning because of what election officials described as a “glitch.”
A Georgia election official said that a technical glitch that halted voting in the two counties was caused by a vendor uploading an update to their election machines the night before the election, according to a report by Politico.
“That is something that they don’t ever do. I’ve never seen them update anything the day before the election,” said Marcia Ridley, elections supervisor at Spalding County Board of Election.
Ridley added that she did not know what the upload contained.
The report said that the Georgia counties used software made by Dominion Voting Systems — the same software used in most Michigan counties, according to the Detroit Free Press.
[…] As for Georgia, the state reportedly implemented Dominion Voting Systems, as well as KnowInk — which makes electronic poll books to sign in voters — in every county for the first time this year.
Our President won Spalding County with 62.6% of the votes in 2016. However he only won the county this year with 60% of the votes.
Our President won Morgan County with 71.1% of the votes in 2016. However he only won the county this year with 70.3% of the votes.
Sidney Powell is absolutely right! This is the key to showing our President won this election.
Thankfully our President will be able to get recounts in Wisconsin, Arizona, Michigan, Georgia, Nevada and Pennsylvania. The President and his team will pay the required fee to have the states recount the votes rather than re-canvass them. Meaning they will be hand counted.
- Recount rules: Candidates can request a recount any time the margin is less than 1 percent, provided the campaign agrees to pay.
- Recount rules: Candidate can request a recount.
- Recount rules: Automatic for fewer than 200 votes or a 0.1% margin.
- Recount rules: Automatic for a margin of fewer than 2,000 votes. Candidates can also request a recount.
- Recount rules: Automatic for a less than 0.5 percentage point difference.
- Recount rules: Candidates can request a recount.
You can find more information about the recount process for the states listed above in the article below:
This is their worst nightmare! What happened in Antrim County will be found throughout the states currently in question. The ballots tell the REAL story. The “GLITCHES” will be exposed for the entire world to see.
Great info Flep.
This is in line with what you’ve shared…
From the censorous blue winged creature…
1) @realDonaldTrump here is my gift to you
This is not an opinion. Its based on election results
Florida is the state that describes the nations preference. Because it is in Florida we not only see you won. But we can see the “Cheat” employed to defeat you
I will be brief
2) In 2016 you won by 112,911 votes.
A margin greater then any candidate in 2 decades or more.
in 2020 you won Florida by 377,023 . For a gain of 264,112.
The irony here is the three biggest Democrat counties are were you gained your victory.
2016, Dade,Palm, Broward 867,352
3) In 2020 those same districts voted for you 1,199,347.
Thats a gain on 331,395 votes.
Now look at the red areas.
First you only gained 45,628 more votes in all of the red areas vs 2016.
And Biden gained more then YOU in red areas
In simple terms the states voting systems
4) Were programmed to take a random percentage of “Trump Votes” & add that count to Biden’s total. A clever trick B/C the majority of the cheat in EVERY STATE would be happening in red districts that out number Blue districts
The states that stopped the count had this in common
5) Timing of the vote count stoppage.
This Occurred when the D/S realized there “Solid Blue areas” were turning out for @realDonaldTrump in numbers no one had foreseen. And stealing of votes based on a random percentage was not going to put Joe over the top.
6) The issue the D/S faced
How do we increase the random percentage of Trump votes we are counting as Biden’s vote. During the actual counting of the ballots ? And once they found themselves in this dark place. A place that would need Programmers and rebooting of voting systems
7) They realized it was to late to make changes to the software they had already written. And even with shutting down swing state counts. There was no way to install a “Fix”. So they kept it shut down and reverted to the time tested manual cheating they had planned to avoid.
8) In a nut shell the D/S software used in the election worked perfectly. There stolen Trump votes would have gone unnoticed had the “Blue areas” not voted Trump in the numbers they did.
Lastly you will be able to confirm this by noticing.
Blue area support was up nationwide
9) Until AFTER the shut down of counting. And the increased blue vote for Trump seen in every state. Are not just absent in the swing states. But flipped to Biden in numbers that are unheard of.
In layman’s terms
10) Every state , Red areas are way up for Biden vs 2016
Every State , Blue and red way up for Trump vs 2016
Swing states after the shut down.
Reversed Trumps Blue vote & increased it for Biden to levels seen in no other states.
Demand a Recount & an Audit.
You win BIGLY
This is a really brilliant criminal analysis. It’s speculative, like any THEORY OF MEANS, MOTIVE and OPPORTUNITY, but the speculation really explains everything not just plausibly, but WELL.
This plays like Sidney Powell’s closing argument for a 30-state INVESTIGATION of Dominion Vote-Tallying and RECOUNT MANDATE.
As Maria Bartiromo’s interview of Sidney this morning reminds us, Pelosi’s chief-of-staff and Feinstein’s husband have prominent roles and investments in the company that insinuated Dominion into 30 states!
They’re going to be FRANTIC.
And POTUS knows!
And he’s known for a LONG TIME!
I have seen a graphic last week showing that 5% of Trump voters jumped on the train only in the last week and 15% in the last three weeks.
This is what confused and surprised the pollsters and fraudsters.
In other words, we successfully forced the error.
Or we had covert agents on the programming teams who changed the code.
Undoubtedly. Or just created openings for “somebody” to change the code.
I just woke up this morning and I see the whole thing, and once I’ve seen it, I cannot unsee it.
China, China, China.
It’s Democrats and CHINA, and once you see it, you cannot unsee it.
They are not just “China-preferred” or “China-bribed”.
They are assets of China. China-supported. China-influenced. China-controlled.
Why CHINA had to get Biden (bribed) and Kamala (California fake election promoted) on the ballot. They needed to move there, as part of the CHESS GAME. Protected spot on the board.
China decided to play strong and FAST, centered on the 2020 election. Trump played WEAK and let them. Sun Tzu.
The anons leaks that are coming out now are ORGANIC and they match what Q was hinting at ALL ALONG. The Dems were freaked out about QAnon because they saw the possible China downfall coming, and they had too much invested (in every possible way) in that game. The whole Flynn focus made them all MOVE FAST. And they had to control FLYNN – and STILL ARE (they think). Flynn saw too much of their China game – Obama tested him by bringing him up, then putting him away. Hilarious. And of course why traitor Obama “warned” Trump on Flynn.
OMG, once you see it all, it’s shocking. TREASON.
Yeah, this is not a 4-year election.
This is the most profound “AWAKENING” in 80 years.
Expanding on my comment above,
This plays like Sidney Powell’s closing argument for a
• 30-state INVESTIGATION of Dominion Vote-Tallying and
[Sidney Powell is the Trump-Team attorney leading the charge in lawsuits against Election Fraud perpetrated through the Dominion Vote-Tallying Software that’s used by 30 States (including every Battleground/Swing State), which has embedded capabilities for (1) mass, selective and area-specific Vote-Changes, and (2) ad-hoc and selective Machine-Specific Software Modifications (as have already been detected in Michigan, Georgia and elsewhere).]
As Maria Bartiromo’s Sunday-morning interview of Sidney Powell reminds us, [3rd-in-Line for the Presidency] Speaker Pelosi’s chief-of-staff and [former Senate Intel Committee Chairman] Senator Feinstein’s husband have prominent roles and investments in the company that insinuated Dominion into those 30 states!
They’re going to be FRANTIC.
It’s utterly insecure and corrupt. Just the interests in the companies are shocking.
One of the most BASIC principles of cybersecurity is that HARDWARE slows things down, but it also provides SAFETY that cannot be overridden digitally. A literal OFF SWITCH that cuts needed circuitry cannot be overridden by any normal means. Why have we MOVED time and time again to LESS SECURITY under the ILLUSION that it’s not only more convenient, but more secure?
The greater security is clearly a LIE. Worse still, DEMON DEMS RUN THIS STUFF.
Nope. We need to go back to physical ballots that can be inspected and reinspected, counted and recounted, tabulated and retabulated, and ALL OF THIS has to be done under federally monitored open transparency.
CHINA is interfering in our elections through DEMOCRATS, and they both knew Trump not only knew it, but was onto them long ago.
Democrat Northern states are the new KLAN STATES – corrupt and impossible to trust their elections.
DOJ monitoring will be part of the result, IMO.
Let them pretend on Biden. When this is over, Demon Dems are BAD DOGS and in serious trouble.
“ We need to go back to physical ballots that can be inspected and reinspected, MANUALLY-and-DIGITALLY counted and recounted, tabulated and retabulated, then COMPARATIVELY VALIDATED, and ALL OF THIS has to be done under federally and DUAL-PARTY monitored open transparency.”
Why should IRAQ have a more secure vote than we did?
Damn – meant to add Purple Fingers!
I posted this last night, but folks needed to click. This makes that seatbelt clicking sound for me. The software worked perfectly but it wasn’t enough, so here come the vans full of “ballots” at 4 AM.
I agree – it’s all part of it.
This whole thing is MIND-BOGGLING. Part of the deal is THIS. The American public has never really had a chance or “allowed motive” to DECONSTRUCT one of their FAKE ELECTIONS.
We just did, and it’s SHOCKING.
But Trump was prepared for it, b/c THEY HAD A PLAN. He put the EO on FOREIGN ELECTION INTERFERENCE in place using their own phony Russia, Russia, Russia counter-attack as a DECEPTION AGAINST THEM. Before the 2018 election, he rolls out an EO that looks like he’s ASS-COVERING on the Russia attacks (i.e., a DEFENSIVE MOVE), when it was really an OFFENSE MOVE for the 2020 election against CHINA.
This is just such skilled chess, I can barely follow, and I’m really good at following Trump chess.
“Trust the Plan”. Oh, BOY do I “Trust The Plan” now! To have merely LIVED to see this is a privilege beyond compare. We are living in the most amazing history in ages.
Now, all we have to do is UNDERSTAND WHAT CHINA DID.
Once you see the big picture, it’s over. Get their asses out.
Of course their currency is crashing like a donkey on roller skates.
Yes, and yes. I thank you for the great reply.
And they chalked Trump’s “We caught THEM ALL” to hyperbole.

And even with shutting down swing state counts. There was no way to install a “Fix”. So they kept it shut down and reverted to the time tested manual cheating they had planned to avoid.
I heard/Read somewhere….. During this “Shutdown” … a “Fix” (Software update) WAS installed.
POST-of-the-ELECTION from SGT FRIDAY, gudthots!
Elegantly unpacked scenario with series of actions-outcomes-motives-reactions!
Please re-post EVERYWHERE.
• Get it to Sidney Powell, who’s leading the charge against “Dominion” vote-tallying changes in 30 States.
• Forward it to POTUS at
Well the original thread has already been taken down by Twitter so it must be factual.
Flep – what’s the image you need there? I can add it!
Thank you Flep!
SRSLY WTF?!!?!?!
I’ve now read through the replies… the good ones hidden by the Twisted.
The most interesting comment is not about the donation list at all… it that this business has security cameras pointed at the cremation place across the street. Ballot burning?
OMG – that’s so CUNNING!!!
Not far-fetched at all. ChiComs routinely prefer burning to shredding (remember the recent embassy in Texas incident), and would likely demand as much from co-conspirators.
If you don’t give a hoot about air pollution, burning is far superior to shredding for data destruction.
With burning, you are tearing the atoms of the incriminating material evidence apart from each other at the molecular level, attaining a much higher level of randomization (increase in entropy) and consequent loss of the original information, than with shredding.
As a bonus, you are effecting this result by unleashing the potential chemical energy of the incriminating evidence itself, rather than expending energy from an external source.
Don’t look just to the ChiComs. The regime of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party pioneered using combustión to eliminate unwanted evidence of their own wrongdoing with the application of cleverly constructed ovens in the first half of the 1940s.
Yeah, my mother told me something about that project! (I’ll share the details sometime.) Seriously, the more I’ve learned about how stuff was hidden by the Dems, the Soviets and the ChiComs, the more I understand how much and how well things were hidden from the German, Polish, and European peoples in general, by the Nazi regime. Why my mother and her fellow refugees were so SHOCKED by things that they encountered during the fall of Nazi Germany. The Nazis controlled information in ways that we were never privy to, thanks to our information-controlling American socialist media.
If the Kamala regime started getting rid of opponents like us, we would never know it.
We simply cannot allow these people to take office. EVER.
Notice that KAMAHARR is saying she will ENSURE that her “re-education system” is implemented.
This means that she’s counting on BOTH the House AND the Senate to go BLUE.
And aren’t there “JUST ENOUGH” Senate races in question right now with RECOUNTS being demanded, to ‘arrange” that to happen?
With CHINA PUPPET PROGS in the White House, they would control the Senate so fast, it would make people’s heads spin.
Nope. Communism in America, supported by CHINA, goes down NOW.
Wow, gudthots!
DNC money laundering shell company

SOMETHIN’ goin’ on at the Four Seasons, that nobody is supposed to know about!
Whatever is going on at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, the President and Corey Lewandowski just put a NATIONAL SPOTLIGHT the brightness of the SUN on it
Imagine you’re running some extremely shady business in the middle of nowhere, a front for some criminal enterprise with a whole TWENTY-SIX user reviews, and suddenly the entirety of PLANET EARTH is giving you a colonoscopy
Ruh-roh, Jethro!
Run for it! Run for your lives!
Oh thank God somebody dug on this!
I had the thought yesterday that it was just too weird a place for the press conference, but I was just too foggy-sick to go any further.
I honestly don’t think this is COVID, but a really nasty head cold. I have the worst headache. It is brutal.
Sorry to hear this – hope you get better. COVID takes roughly 5 days to appear – you can use that measure reliably, so you did NOT get this at the rally IF it was COVID. If it is COVID, you should have a very suspicious transmission event 5 days earlier.
It could be a rhinovirus – they appear very quickly, in my experience. But the bad and unusual headache (often toward the back of the head at middle height and on one side) CAN be COVID, Both me and my wife and Sylvia experienced it, as well as my neighbors in what they suspected was COVID (and clearly none of them died). But if you are experiencing RUNNY head cold symptoms, it is IMO likely a different virus, including some of the other coronas with more sinus-filling symptoms.
Keep your zinc high, your vitamin D very high, and plenty of fluids. Zinc works for the other viruses, too. I am finding that zinc and green tea is like an AR-15 for viruses. Almost everything just STOPS when I use it. Amazingly effective.
Space and control the amounts of the zinc and green tea so that you can safely REPEAT every 3-4 hours. Thus, 50-100 mg/day zinc broken up into 10-20 mg doses every 3-4 hours while awake with 1 mug of green tea will get strong results repeatedly and nuke it by day’s end.
I’m on a site where a researcher is digging for helpful published papers. Seems that eating berries, chocolate and drinking tea/coffee (in moderation) are all anti-pathogen strategies?

Thank you, Wolf. I’m guessing you missed my post about this yesterday. A woman at DH’s work was diagnosed with COVID. The test took FIVE DAYS to come back. She was at work all that time. I suspect she may have a false positive, however who knows? They told her to quarantine for only three days!
I feel like we have a different virus. It is the head-cold variety, runny nose, sinus headache, etc.
I have been a little sick for several days, but yesterday morning DH started to feel sick. I made the executive decision to stay home and not attend a rally, for us and for others. Also, I would probably go sick or well, but I worry more about the DH, as he is older than me and not as generally healthy.
We are doing all kinds of vitamins including the above, but I will add the green tea for sure! Thanks for that!
Good decision not to go! And also sounds like a “normal crud”, not COVID “special crud”!
LOL. You should be fine!
COVID was all about the election. CHINA. I’m restraining from wanting to see them NUKED.
I am positive they released this on purpose now. POSITIVE.
Time for tribunals. I’m done. LOCK THEM ALL UP.
I’m with you!
This “waiting until Monday” to start the lawsuits is killing me. I get the logic, I think, but getting phone calls and texts from the “it’s over” crowd, and now even dealing with the ones crowing in public, is really getting to me.
Tell them you have this from a WITNESS to historic Chinese crimes. CHINA JOE WILL NEVER TAKE OFFICE. If they try, the problem will be “solved” immediately.
Let them think what they will. You know this truth.
One of the reasons I “believe” certain Q-ish things – one of the reasons I never discounted Q – is that I know people who said things during Obama’s time in the WH which stuck in me like arrows. These are REAL PEOPLE with REAL BACKGROUND who “pre-confirmed” QAnon.
Those people were either KNOWN TO ME as having worked on highly classified things, or I suspected were connected to agencies. The closer we got to 2016, the more specific. These were not comments on classified things – they were utterly legal generalities – but they COULD be interpreted as “knowing something”. I now realize that they WERE INDEED based on knowing things.
Hillary Clinton was not going to be allowed into the White House as President. I can extrapolate, based on this, that the same applies to Joe Biden, only the evidence against him is MUCH stronger.
My recommendation is to stay in the dignity of quiet confidence. When they say “where’s your proof”, just say “in the future – I’ve got good sources.”
PS – I got a tip at the rally that will blow people’s minds. “Trust Barr” is where I’m at, unless people offer me a more convincing set of facts.
Ooooh, good! If you are at “Trust Barr,” I will just be there, too!
I believe that Barr deeply gets “compromise, conscious, sub-conscious, and unconscious”, and that his “institutional defense” is more a product of taking orders from the Q side to “avoid Z”. They are minimizing the .mil footprint until the END GAME.
Be sure to over steep the tea – don’t take the bag out! If it gets too bitter towards the end, dilute it with some more hot water. Some of the tea brands put more tea in bags than others too, which makes a stronger tea.
EGCG = Green tea extract
= Epigallocatechin-gallate, an ionophore (helps zinc into cells to kill viruses)
Available as a supplement = 6 cups of green tea
Agreed with spacing out the zinc AND the green tea. Spacing out the green teal allows the tannins to get into the bloodstream.
Also, the length of time the green tea steeps is part of the equation. I let green tea steep for about 3 – 4 minutes.
I also take the zinc in “portions” and make sure I include a small snack each time I take it (like a small bit of cheese on a cracker).
So it’s zinc + tea + small snack several times a day.
Thanks for reiterating that treatment regimen. Many can still be protected from debilitating effects of an assortment of viruses.
Feel better and be safe. Huggs.
Thank you!
My SIL’s kid got the WuFlu and for days he said he had the worst headache he’d ever had in his life. Don’t treat this lightly. Take the HCQ and zinc and get a Z-Pak or Doxycycline. His Calif MD wouldn’t give HCQ. 4 treatments with Budnesone worked.
Good to know, thanks!
“A map is useful. Find the keystone”—Q
The Keystone State? Delaware Valley Cremation Center in Philadelphia—a block away from Keystone Street?
Rudy stated several times that Philadelphia has a long history of voter fraud. Did they use that crematorium one too many times to burn ballots???
Burn instead of shred…… Iran put all the shredded documents back together
Seems to me that Dominion Voting Systems can pay for recounts in EVERY JURISDICTION USING THEIR STUFF if the hand count is different from the machine count by more than 1%.
I think Trump’s foreign interference EO may have these people’s ass in a sling right now, because if this is in any way tied to the CHINA ballots scam, or the updates on this software are in any way tied to CHINA, then the EO says INSTAGRAB on the money and the people.
I agree. I think the tracks were laid a while back with the expectation that the Trump Train would be using them.
I especially want to see “instagrab” the PEOPLE!
Onto the most uncomfortable aircraft for a very bumpy ride to Gitmo.
Hand cuffed, hooded…just like the asshoes picked up in Afghanistan and flow to Gitmo.
pretty sure after a thorough investigation lasting 4 years, the fbi will conclude the russians hacked the voting software.
Won’t matter.
The FIB will be running their investigation from Gitmo, having been punishing for the traitors they are…..
“That’s not a bug, that’s a FEATURE”…
“Did your mother smoke?” – Boss Hogg
and Wray will get a job in the gitmo barber shop…LOL
IIRC weren’t there driver license discovered that came from China somewhere? License = votes in most places.
Oh, yes. Trade with China is a “danger to our democracy”.
End it. End it ALL. Let China eat plastic trinkets and driver’s licenses.
China plays a subtle game, and we have been idiots on it because the DEMON DEMS wanted us to be idiots on it.
NO MORE. We will have CLEAR VISION on Chinese TREACHERY.
End it.
My hometown, Houston, TX.

Damn city Dems!! Also handed out in the illegal drive-thru vote tents.
If you haven’t seen the video linked here you might appreciate it, from the Houston & Dallas perspective as well as general election stealing info…
Yup, they can PAY for it, but don’t let their employees anywhere NEAR the machines – particularly REFERENCE MACHINES in Republican states like Ohio and Florida.
Oh, these commies are so screwed. They’ve been LOWERING RED through software, since they can’t sneak their evil poll workers into the precincts. Evil as HELL.
I want this prosecuted at levels that leave LOW MILLIONS of Dems unable to VOTE or even work anywhere near elections for the remainder of their lives.
Seriously, that has to be the STANDARD SENTENCE. No work EVER near polling places, no voting. Just GONE. They FORFEIT THEIR RIGHT TO VOTE.
Someone pointed out yesterday…….
“Dominion Voting Systems” = DVS
Say it fast over and over…..
Wow. Outrageous. Symbolism will be their downfall. The GLOAT will get them.
Those Sumbitches are EVIL
Oh, and it’s GREAT to see you, flep!!!
We miss you, but know you’re doing important things elsewhere.
Amen. I woke up today, seeing the big picture, and it’s SHOCKING.
Democrat and CHINESE cheating of our elections exposed – DECONSTRUCTED – at levels that SHOCK.
China Joe and his Chinafornia HO can never be allowed to take office.
We cannot allow CHINA to control the presidency.
Darrell Issa is back
Darrell Issa Heading Back To Congress With 50th District Win
Issa is returning to Capitol Hill to represent California’s 50th District after being projected to defeat Dem opponent Ammar Campa-Najjar (obama !)….Issa will also replace former Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif) who resigned following a series of legal woes.
I liked Issa…sometimes.
Issa made his money outside of Washington — making radar detectors for cars, IIRC.
I always appreciated the way he handled obama…no nonsense there.
Ya “Sometimes”…
Like Gowdy and Chafetz……..
Fast and Furious…. Benghazi…..
“We will get to the bottom of this investigation”…….
What happened each time?
Yeah…once again, a kinder gentler controlled opposition; just like his last tenure.
FLEP! The following argument is very important for SCOTUS!
Because it looks like the criminals INTENTIONALLY SET THE PERCENTAGE FLIPS to be significantly higher than the differences that triggers recounts, this AUTOMATICALLY means that elections which DESERVE recounts at their true organic values WILL NOT GET THEM, thus DENYING the rights of the victims.
E.g., a 2% change on a 0.1% difference means a 1.9% or 2.1% spread – both INELIGIBLE.
It also means that APPARENTLY ELIGIBLE differences (like 0.1%) are not TRULY ELIGIBLE.
And worse yet, because the flip differences are RANDOM, we can’t TRULY PREDICT eligibility.
IMO this means that a FORENSIC RECOUNT is required wherever this software was used, no matter what the difference was. Even on cases where it PROBABLY won’t affect the outcome, we can’t be truly certain. And if the differences ARE that large – well – fraud is again very likely for other reasons.
This is huge. Brennan’s ass is in a SLING.
DO ALL STATES using this equipment.
CALIFORNIA probably had flipped.
Hey, this also explains Pelosi’s interest in the thing – HOUSE SEATS. So they may be setting the random flips HIGHER in California on SOME RACES – particularly HOUSE RACES that are within a few percent. They would sometimes have to go BIG to make sure they got some races.
You know what – this means the Soros software they use in Venezuela is probably just as corrupt. Explains why they can never shake the loser government.
This software needs extracted and reverse-compiled, STAT! If found to use obscufation (where software does a bunch of pointless things to obscure what it’s really doing), it needs drilled harder. Once the method of the cheating is exposed, every contest in the nation will need to be analyzed to see if the cheating would change the outcome, and all of those need to be prioritized.
There will be a humongous price tag on cleaning up this mess, but seizing Soros’ fortune should be good for a down-payment.
The EO is set up to take the money. Trump KNEW they would have to “decompile” this ELECTION, but they put in the necessary legal framework BEFORE the 2018 election and DIDN’T USE IT, allowing the commies to think they were SKATING.
OMG, we live in amazing times.
FUCK THESE PEOPLE! They don’t deserve to walk our streets!
OR….. Breathe our Air!
“The EO is set up to take the money. Trump KNEW they would have to “decompile” this ELECTION, but they put in the necessary legal framework BEFORE the 2018 election and DIDN’T USE IT, allowing the commies to think they were SKATING.”
This is more of what never makes sense, and why it frequently seems like the enemy has been coerced into committing suicide on our behalf.
They HAD to know, it’s not possible for competent, professional, highly paid people to NOT know the entire framework was in place, or that Trump wouldn’t use it for THIS election.
It’s like suggesting that the owner of a bank installed a brand new vault and state of the art alarm and surveillance system in full view of the corrupt bank manager, and then allowed the bank manager to steal a few hundred thousand dollars over the course of two years.
Then, when the biggest payroll deposit in human history was dropped off at the bank, the bank manager does what he always does, and takes ALL of it, thinking because he got away with stealing a few hundred thousand over the past two years, that he would be allowed to get away with stealing $100 billion.
It’s insane.
It’s an obvious set-up, and the corrupt bank manager would never have risen to the level of bank-manager in the first place, if he was too stupid to know he was being set up.
And this is just ONE example.
At nearly every step of the way, the coup Cabal has brazenly exposed themselves, in ways that seem like they absolutely 100% WANT to be found out.
I can only think of two reasons for that, and since they’re related, it’s ultimately only one reason.
1) Trump either somehow freed them all from whatever blackmail that was being used against them, in return for their 100% cooperation in exposing the entire corrupt system
and / or
2) the black-hats know that if they succeed then it’s all over for everybody including themselves, so they are purposely sabotaging themselves, and therefore the CCP’s efforts to overthrow the Republic
Because what they have been doing, and continue to do, is ridiculous. It’s absurd to think that they thought they could get away with this, at any step along the way, all the way back to Flynn’s indictment, and everything since.
A cartoon would be more subtle than these people have been.
The only way their corruption could be more obvious is if the democrat leadership went on a door-to-door American tour, city by city, explaining in person, in peoples’ own living rooms, how insanely corrupt the democrats are.
Why (again) is Soros a free man still drawing breath on this planet?
I mean, it’s hilarious.
He’s like Mr. Evil, and everyone knows, and yet no one ever even hints at confronting him, much less arresting him, or having special forces disappear him as a global security threat.
Everyone cashing his checks goes all mushy when the topic of justice comes up. Funny, that.
It would be nice if the US could arrange to be looking the other way when Hungarians did a “smash-and-grab”. They hate him with a passion like a thousand suns and would surely get things rolling.
But as Wolf noted above, seizing assets used to influence US elections would be a delicious appetizer.
Canada as well.
I think Canada has been screwed so royally by China. And filled with ASSETS.
We are learning a very hard lesson about China right here. A culture filled with cheating and conspiracy will bring it with them, no matter what. America and Canada need to do a BETTER JOB of filtration in the immigration process.
Totally agree. They have taken over whole cities and are citizens now. Stores and streets have signs in mandarin everywhere. Houses are built or modified to be feng shui. Universities are full and controlled by them. Its huge.
I think a free Canada (coming) will have to model their plan on “The Plan”. Baby Castro has to be removed first, but I think that’s coming soon.
POTUS’s plan? He did hold Sparkles feet to the fire with the trade agreements. There are 3 political parties so that complicates things. It looked like a vote of no confidence would be held in the fall because of illegalities but Sparkles just promised money to 3rd party who then lined up with him. This election has people on “tenderhooks” all over the world. I am constantly shocked at the correct perception of exactly what happened from bloggers in countries that you would think wouldn’t know or care. This truly is for all the marbles, in the whole world. And everyone knows it.
Chinese treachery will not stand.
Baby Castro is a threat to the United States.
Think about that.
Totally is. I am sure that is why the border continues to be shut down. It limits the movement of assets. Whidbey Island and the Ukrainian plane crash full of certain students as well was a wakeup call.
Hart-Celler comes back to bite us yet again….

Flipped immigration quotas upside-down, and now the whole country is upside-down… no longer prioritizing people from like-minded, of similar culture countries, but those of opposite intent and backgrounds, in order to promote “diversity”…
Actually, to dilute the rootstock… and then take over… this has been in the works for 60 years or more….
Brennan’s ass needs to be in one of Saddam’s human paper shredders.
Scott – be careful – don’t get us banned by WP
My advice is to “keep it legal, keep it figurative, or both”.
But seriously, the people who did this to our elections deserve to NEVER LEAVE PRISON.
Treason/sedition/high crimes/felonies!!!
And of course, all this is why MEDIA and SOCIAL MEDIA had to get talked into censorship. Crowdsourcers could not be allowed to get a hold of this. Both Bluebird Rasputin and Zombie Lt. Cmdr. Data had to be dragged into the plot to shut us up.
here’s the backstory on…
The Hammer And Scorecard Being Used To Steal the USA
article link…
(biggest political scandal in US history)
Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney USAF (Ret.) also explains it, here…
Key point in the above interview. at about the 6:24 mark:
“It would have happened in 2015 except “something” happened to it that night when the Obama crowd and the Democrats tried to use it. I can’t talk about that”
The Trump Team (Cue) knew and sabotaged it?
Smiley – Thank you, Thank you! I had no idea about any of this!
another very good source of extensive info on this topic…from 2019…lots of other articles at this site, on this…
The Hammer Is the Key To The Coup
from Nov 2019
another very good source of information on this topic….from 2019…several other related, informative articles at this site, as well…
The Hammer Is The Key To The Coup
from November 2019
Tom Graham
Please read the whole thread.
On Election night, Trump and his campaign team assembled in the Eisenhower Building just west if the White House to watch the results come in.
Know what is there?
Sub Thread with Trump Insider confirming QFS technology was used (don’t know how credible).
Dr Charlie Ward (Currency Broker & Hotel Contractor – Trump Insider) describes the deployment of this Sting Operation to trap those involved in election theft.
yes I am aware of the sting op and the incrypted code tech on ballots
TS ETA updates…

WARNINGS now in effect for swfl…coastal Collier (we are starting to get early rain, some gusts, gloomy and morose outside).
also under a Hurricane Watch …wind gusts could be close to Cat 1…
ugly menace…
thanks smiley!!
welcome, pat
Eta is just scouring CUBA in that moving radar clip.
Almost like it’s being bounced off and away from Florida.
Some say that could be done.
Steering storms.
the center glob of it is finally starting to make that westward jog, ever so slightly…bouncing off and away from Florida is just fine with me.
Altho we are getting the northern rain bands and gusts intermittently here on s/west coastal Collier (Naples)…not bad yet…just slightly increasing since morning…The Keys will get hit .
Headin’ my way!
Hope it passes you, Smiley, without damage or power out!!!
thanks…you too up there.
seems to be showing a more south / westerly track after Cuba….?
are you seeing that in the updates, too ? or are my eyes deceiving me ?
like…it might be pulling further west after it makes that left hook turn after Cuba…
altho looking at the radar gif it certainly looks like it’s heading for Miami at the moment…
what a pain in the butt !
Seems like it’s going kind of slow (?) – so it could do anything.
better start making that turn west soon…
coming in hard off the Atlantic…
Reminder that Dominion Voting Systems is a rebranded Diebold.
Isn’t Diebold controlled by SOROS?
That’s what I remember, from the Obama years.
I wouldn’t have any reason to remember the name ‘Diebold’ if it wasn’t related to George Sorass.
It’s just so hard to believe that a democrat stronghold like Milwaukee would actually cheat on an election.

Who could believe it?
This Shylock Holmes thread is brilliant too!
This Cultural Husbandry Thread – is brilliant!!!….
This is the best analysis I’ve seen as it only discusses known facts and data.
Thread on GA voting machines.
“We began using brand new voting machines this year.”

What could possibly go wrong?!?
Humans… we would be the most hilarious species on earth, if we weren’t so tragic!
go ahead, make his day..
shit show losing viewers, maybe this is why…
so fair, so balanced…
Obviously all those late – 100% Biden ballots – that arrived in the wee hours of the morning after the election – were prepared ahead and the election officials and poll workers in on the crime!
I listened to this last night. You have to read the sub-titles. It’s longish but sit through it — she’s brilliant.
She is a great witness!
Such attention to detail.
Here it is on YouTube – link ends with Q
Anybody confirmed this?
I tried to use it in a discussion today and they said they read a supposed whistleblower that was checked out and wasn’t actually listed as an election watcher.
How it counter that?
I don’t know. Hope the alleged whistle blower is not a liar.
I was kind of creeped out by her Chinese language and wondered if she was a CCP agent and didn’t watch the video.
responsible journalism…The Epoch Times
Why The Epoch Times Won’t Call The Presidential Race Until All Challenges Are Resolved
Nov 6, 2020
By contrast, the New York Post has joined the ‘Joe won’ deception –
I wrote them a letter.
Posted in the wrong thread –·11·07-kmag-daily-thread/comment-page-7/#comment-656282
As usual, sent too soon in the heat of emotion – so I left out the most important part – see correction/addendum.
what’s going on there…?
Rats leaving the ship they think is sinking? A money infusion from $tinking $0r0s? Threats? Blackmail? Hostile buy out?
One of the top Editors has RESIGNED! He was responsible for keeping them on track.
GA they have turned. They’re owned by the Murdocks. They must have received their marching orders to line up behind Biden.
Too bad.
I know. I’ve appreciated them so much. Not any more. They turned so fast!!!
NewsMax is also NOT “calling” the election for Bite Me……. yet
NewsMax is another solid network…
this is Cloward-Piven on steroids…and a glimpse into the kind of hell we’d have if the left pulls this off….obama, holder, jarrett again, with a vengeance against all who stand with PDJT.
Also liking TGP
Philly Corruption All-Star…
Mike “Ozzie” Myers…
“American Hustle” : Party Insiders Tell The True Story Of How Philadelphia’s Elections Work
Nov 6, 2020
Judges who obtained their positions by fraud, according to an indictment, have denied Trump campaign’s ballot-watchers access, providing crucial unsupervised time to Democrat vote counters.
rampant, long-term corruption…and more on Myers, at the link.
Flep, I know you’ve been doing yeoman’s work… Can you comment on what POTUS alluded to knowing in his Thursday night speech – where he spoke of the evidence they had which would shock them all? Those words are all that’s holding me afloat.
I have faith, but I worry, POTUS has to have evidence of the software moves they made, along with the ballot fraud. It’s so massive it’s mind-boggling. They must show the evidence of the conspiracy between the bad actors – Sidney is talking about Coup #5 – that’s what it is.
POTUS can’t let them overthrow the legitimate government of the U.S. The vote fraud isn’t about politics, it’s about the National Security of the country. There will never be another valid election – it will be like the dictatorships – where they get 99% of the vote.
OTOH, POTUS did go golfing yesterday. Melania’s dress on Tuesday, IMO, was a message. And POTUS told them what they knew about the fraud would be shocking.
POTUS also has been saying “they caught them all” – I pray it included this plot.
I think what occurred at Antrim plus the location from yesterday’s press conference. I would not be shocked that ballots were produced thief and moved to be counted. That would mean they had it surveilled in advance with the best technology that we have.
punk-putz upChuck Schumer yesterday …their true intentions…
Sounds like Øbominable’s 3rd term with a taint of Hillrotten.
“Now we take Georgia and then WE TAKE DOWN America.”
There, fixed it for you and TOLD THE TRUTH, Schumer.
I can guanran-d@mn-tee you that RIGHT NOW, the “INNER CIRCLE” of Joe Biden’s handlers are fighting over / positioning themselves / “negotiating” (you, know like how MAFIA CAPO’s “negotiate”) over WHO of them will be the “HEAD CAPO” of the Biden handlers. And it isn’t a pretty thing that’s going on.
This is HILLARY CLINTON’S hour. She believes that she’s within an ace of getting a two-fer — total revenge on POTUS for his “taking the 2016 election from her” — PLUS backdoor total control of Joe Biden (AND KamaHarr).
This is the reason why she told Ole Joe “not to concede under any circumstances”.
She not only KNEW about the vote fraud that was going to happen.
She ALSO already had herself set up to become the “HEAD CAPO” of Biden’s handlers.
Ole Joe isn’t able to figure this out.
KamaHarr isn’t smart enough to figure this out.
Totally agree. If Hillrotten is breathing – she’s after the Presidency BAMN – by any means necessary.
thanks Flep for the information!!
nothing has been easy these last four years…but anything worth having is worth FIGHTING FOR!!!!
Good read from American Thinker – November 8, 2020
“Wait Just a Minute! Some Very Good News May Be Coming”
By Jay Valentine
“Hey guys, this thing is not only not over; it is scary for Biden. I mean really scary, and most of all, the media know it.”
CLARICE ain’t buyin’ it!
And she lays it all out – how, when and why!
Fle – I’ll just drop this here:
November 8, 2020 at 08:20
Election Summary Report for Gwinnet County, Georgia.
Total Population: 936,250
Total Registered Voters: 581,467
Voter Participation: 408,268 (70.21%)
Ballots Cast?
1.36 ballots per registered voter.
1.99 ballots per participating voter.
— SlavTrapGod (@slavtrapgod) November 8, 2020
TEN HUTT, QTreepers!!!
Our COMMANDER IN CHIEF sounds the charge!!!
Twitter has no right to ‘editorialize’ our President’s tweets!!!!!!!!!!
Great info Flep. The key WORD…HAND. Not a machinre recount. HAND recount. Who wants to BET the hand recount is WAY off in the FAVOR of Trump than the machine count favoring Biden. WIDESPREAD in BOTH dem and Rep counties, they had to figure WHERE to steal a % here and a percent there to make it look good. In PA they COULDNT do that, margin was too wide, so they went to the MB fraud.
ahh…real good article…
What The Layperson Can Make Of Election Law
particularly, the judicial fiat bs in PA…and what the Supreme Court can do regarding providing remedies…and will not do regarding “declaring a winner”.
very good, helpful.
recommended reading.
Jared Kushner Has Approached Trump About Conceding The Election
(never trusted him, still don’t)
ok…caveat…this is being “reported”, apparently, by CNN…so….grain of salt until confirmed.
most likely taken out of context by CNN…I don’t know…but Jason Miller has refuted this, saying Kushner has advised POTUS “to pursue all avenues of legal remedies to ensure accuracy”…
so…maybe conceding was mentioned…
could be FAKE…sorry, if so…
NYPost is usually legit with their “news”…
Also, the New York Post has gone all-in for “Joe Biden is the next President”.
OTOH, there had better not be EVEN ONE GRAIN of truth behind this story.
didn’t know that ab NYPost, disappointing if true…
I agree with OTOH.
I am cynical when it comes to JK….but did not intend to post anything untrue there.
However, there’s a RUDY GIUILANI tweet up today saying that “it would be wrong for POTUS to concede”, IIFC.
So if Giuliani posted this, the story may well have “legs” and it may be that some of the closest “advisers” to POTUS are starting to talk to him about “gracefully conceding for the good of the country — you can always fight another day” or some such cr@p.
there is nothing valid to “concede” to !
nothing has been ratified or certified !!
it’s rampant fraud and other criminal violations perpetrated on our election process…and UNCONSTITUTIONAL all the way !
THIS is merely a contested/contestable (and despicable typical Democrap fraudulent) election!!!
like conceding to CLOWARD-PIVEN
It’s just made up MSM narrative. It’s possible that someone asked Rudy about POTUS conceding, and that is simply the way a lawyer talks.
The NYPost editor, or someone big there, has decided to leave. They’ve been posting Lefty the last few days.
CV ,the NYPost used to be good and reliable. Suddenly they are not. I looked into it. NY Post AND Wall Street Journal are owned by the Murdoch Family. Look at everything you read from those sources carefully.
Also, that CNN article was based upon two anonymous sources. I think the article was carefully planted to exploit those who never liked or trusted Jared Kushner due to the early Breitbart and Bannon stories. It’s meant to gaslight us.
Sylvia Avery
Understood re the NY Post going down the “chute”.
Then why would Giuliani be putting the tweet that he did? Was it made by “somebody else” from a fake account that looks like his? Did Giuliani put his tweet out there to tell anybody in the White House to BACK OFF trying to pressure POTUS into conceding?
Looking for clarification here, not to argue anyrhing.
I don’t know………….maybe pushback against
George W Bush and others like Mittens calling for him to concede?
They also said melania was pushing him. Sydney said it was BS
knowing what I know now…and did not know when I posted above….about the NYPost caving to the loons, I am writing this off as leftist hype to discourage & demoralize, and push Biden into the “transition” phase…so the hammer can come down on us asap…tyrannical covid mandates and the Stasi.
From SGT FRIDAY: “Florida’s Proof-of-Cheating Gift to President Trump”
[Elegantly unpacked scenario with series of actions-outcomes-motives-reactions!]
[Re-posted below from gudthots post above, with minor grammar-text-format-punctuation edits for clarity]
[Please re-post EVERYWHERE.]
1) @realDonaldTrump here is my gift to you
This is not an opinion. It’s based on election results
Florida is the state that describes the nations preference.
Because it is in Florida we not only see you won.
But we can see the “Cheat” employed to defeat you
I will be brief
2) In 2016 you won by 112,911 votes.
A margin greater then any candidate in 2 decades or more.
In 2020 you won Florida by 377,023.
For a gain of 264,112.
The irony here is the three biggest Democrat counties are were you gained your victory.
In 2016, Dade, Palm and Broward voted for you 867,352
3) In 2020 those same districts voted for you 1,199,347.
Thats a gain on 331,395 votes.
Now look at the red areas.
First you only gained 45,628 more votes in all of the red areas vs 2016.
And Biden gained more then YOU in red areas
In simple terms, [30 of] the States’ voting systems …
4) … were programmed to take a random percentage of “Trump Votes” & add that count to Biden’s total.
A clever trick B/C the majority of the cheat in EVERY STATE would be happening in red districts that outnumber Blue districts
The states that stopped the count had this in common.
5) Timing of the vote count stoppage:
This Occurred when the D/S [Deep Staters] realized their “Solid Blue areas” were turning out for @realDonaldTrump in numbers no one had foreseen.
And stealing of votes based on a random percentage was not going to put Joe over the top.
6) The issue the D/S faced:
How do we increase the random percentage of Trump’s votes we are counting as Biden’s vote?
… during the actual counting of the ballots?
… and once they found themselves in this dark place?
… a place that would need Programmers and rebooting of voting systems?
7) They realized it was too late to make changes to the software they had already written.
… and even with shutting down swing state counts.
There was no way to install a “Fix”.
So they kept it shut down and reverted to the time tested manual cheating they had planned to avoid.
8) In a nut shell the D/S software used in the election worked perfectly.
Their stolen Trump votes would have gone unnoticed had the “Blue areas” not voted Trump in the numbers they did.
Lastly you will be able to confirm this by noticing Blue-area support was up nationwide …
9) … until AFTER the shutdown of counting.
And the increased Blue vote for Trump seen in every state is not just absent in the swing states, but flipped to Biden in numbers that are unheard of.
In layman’s terms, …
10) In every State, Red areas are way up for Biden vs 2016.
[Dominion Vote-Tallying software added “slightly-random” percentages.]
In every State, Blue areas are way up for Trump vs 2016.
In Swing states, after they shut down [because their algorithms had determined where-and-how-many votes they needed to wipe out Trump’s lead], they manually reversed Trump’s Blue vote & increased it for Biden to levels seen in no other states.
Demand a Recount & an Audit. You win BIGLY.
Anyone have video clips of the following?
• Pelosi saying it won’t matter how many votes Trump gets?
• Beijing Biden saying they’ve got the best election cheating organization in history?
Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell can play those for their closing arguments!
BlackKnight, this is a solid and effective piece that explains the system. The visuals of Trump winning more new votes in Big Dem City South Florida than new votes he won in Red Small Town North Florida –
This is the most effective illustration of common sense that election fraud ever suffered. Well done sir.
All in for SGT FRIDAY
… shades of FBI-agent Joe Friday in those HONEST days of YESTERYEAR!
I know many are blowing off the use of watermarks, and I have heard that the DHS has claimed that they did not use watermarks, but…
Steve Pieczenik is the 2nd ‘insider’ that I have heard to claim that he has been given permission to report that block chain technology was used to secure the vote…and these suckers are trapped in a massive sting operation.
I have taken a look at his credentials and, if true, they seem pretty damned impressive! What does the QTree think?
Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, MD, PhD
is a critically acclaimed author of psycho-political thrillers and the co-creator of the New York Times best-selling “Tom Clancy’s Op-Center” and “Tom Clancy’s Net Force” book series. He is also one of the world’s most experienced international crisis managers and hostage negotiators. His novels are based on his twenty years experience in resolving international crises for five U.S. administrations.
Dr. Pieczenik received his B.A. from Cornell University,trained in Psychiatry at Harvard and has both an M.D. from Cornell University Medical College and a Ph.D. in International Relations from M.I.T.
He was the first psychiatrist ever to receive a PhD. focusing on international relations, and is the only psychiatrist to ever have served as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State. He served four presidents as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Bush Sr. and was a Senior Policy Planner under president Reagan. Dr. Pieczenik worked directly with, and reported directly to, Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, George Schultz and James Baker, as well as the respective White Houses. Dr. Pieczenik was drafted into the Vietnam War. He was assigned in the Public Health Services with the rank of Navy Captain (0-6) to run three psychiatric wards at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, D.C., including a ward where serial killers were housed. He was subsequently offered a promotion to Rear Admiral (0-7), which he refused on the grounds that he felt honored enough to serve his country, did not want to take a pension and wished to return to civilian life to follow his passions as a physician, entrepreneur and novelist.
Dr. Pieczenik is an expert in psychological warfare, political psychology, regime change, intelligence, counterintelligence and covert operations. During his career as a senior State Department official, Dr. Pieczenik utilized his unique abilities and expertise to develop strategies and tactics that were instrumental in resolving major conflicts in Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, Europe and the United States.
Dr. Pieczenik was the principal International Crisis Manager and Hostage Negotiator under Secretaries Kissinger and Vance. During this time he developed conflict resolution techniques that were instrumental in saving over five hundred hostages in different terrorist episodes, including the Hanafi Muslim Siege in Washington, DC, the TWA Croatian Hijacking, the Aldo Moro Kidnapping, the JRA Hijacking, the PLO Hijacking, and many other incidents involving terrorists such as Idi Amin, Muammar Quaddafi, Carlos, FARC, Abu Nidal and Saddam Hussein. Based on these experiences, Dr. Pieczenik, along with other senior officials at the State Department developed the mandate to create Delta Force and other quick-strike special forces units that could be used in future hostage situations and international crises. Dr. Pieczenik resigned over President Carter’s handling of the Iran Hostage siege. He was recruited by Dr. Richard Solomon to the RAND Corporation in Santa Monica, CA to develop the strategy and tactics using the principles of psychological warfare to dismantle the Soviet Union without the use of military force.
He was subsequently recruited into the Reagan Policy Planning Staff at the State Department. While at the State Department, Dr. Pieczenik was tasked with creating and implementing regime change in Panama to overthrow General Manuel Noriega. As a result, General Noriega repeatedly accused Dr. Pieczenik in the Panamanian newspaper, La Critica, of being an “assassin” and neutralizing several of Noriega’s associates. This is a charge Dr. Pieczenik neither confirms nor denies.
Dr. Pieczenik helped develop negotiation strategies for major U.S.- Soviet arms control summits under the Reagan administration. He was also involved in advising senior officials on important psycho-political dynamics and conflict mediation strategies for President Carter’s successful Camp David Peace Conference. In 1991, Dr. Pieczenik was a chief architect of the Cambodian Peace Conference in Paris.
He has worked with Dr. Richard Solomon to develop the theoretical basis for the Chinese Negotiating Behavioral Strategy, a classic in transcultural negotiations.
Dr. Pieczenik continues to volunteer his time and expertise as a consultant to the Department of Defense. He does not accept any remuneration for his services. He felt honored to work for his country that adopted him as a refugee and saved his family from extermination in the Holocaust. He has made it his life-long commitment to work to protect and preserve America’s liberties and freedoms, even when it meant going against the president of the United States and the very organizations with which he was working. To this day he still strongly believes in the integrity of the Office of the Presidency and the Republic, both of which must be bereft of corruption, deception, betrayal, collusion and crony capitalism by any and all parties, including financial, political, medical, pharmaceutical and academic special interests. His basic belief is that no one person is indispensable to the viability of State.
Dr. Pieczenik has started several successful companies, employing his methodologies in various industries, including investment banking, publishing, television/film and medicine. He has been directly involved as an Angel Investor with starting twenty-eight companies.
I enjoy his videos, they’re usually about 5 minutes long and he posts them a few times a week when big news is dropping, or only every few weeks when things are quiet.
But we can’t trust a single thing he says, precisely because of his ‘credentials’.
Especially this one: “Dr. Pieczenik is an expert in psychological warfare, political psychology, regime change, intelligence, counterintelligence and covert operations.”
There is no way to know when he is telling the truth, or when he is intentionally sowing disinformation on behalf (hopefully) of the white hats.
That did come to mind when I read that. Are his talents being used for us or against us?
But at this moment in time, what does it bring to lie now when the lie would be exposed in a matter of days or weeks?
“But at this moment in time, what does it bring to lie now when the lie would be exposed in a matter of days or weeks?”

Only the shadow knows… and probably Jason Bourne… maybe James Bond…
Well my goodness – Fox is letting Maria Bartiromo and Sidney Powell discuss WIDESPREAD election fraud! I’m listening and half-way through it right now.
Why would they not let Judge Jeanine Pirro discuss election fraud??? Maybe because it’s gonna break anyway – they can’t keep it quiet when the law suits are filed. Maybe they decided to get a ‘scoop’.
Link –….
I doubt President Trump will EVER forgive (epithets, expletives, pejoratives, cuss words deleted) FOX for their Jackassy-ness on Election night, however.
I look for most of his interviews to be with the fetching young ladies Chanel Rion and Emerald Robinson and maybe even News Max! He’ll use brilliant Kayleigh McEnany for press briefings and straightening out the presstitutes.
Maaaaaaybe he’ll consider Maria Bartiromo…..even if she’s on the Benedict Arnold channel. Maybe he’ll just send Kayleigh. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
This video goes through the entire segment after the break –
Here is a MOAB that Sidney Powell dropped in that interview:
Sidney Powell: There has been a massive and coordinated effort to steal this election from We The People of the United States of America to de-legitimize and destroy votes for Donald Trump. To manufacture votes for Joe Biden. They’ve done it in every way imaginable, from having dead people vote in record numbers, to absolutely fraudulently creating ballots that exist only for voting for Biden. We’ve identified over 450,000 ballots that miraculously only have a vote for Joe Biden on them and no other candidate. If you look at Florida where things were done right you can see that that is how the rest of the country should have gone. But they also used an algorithm to calculate the number of votes they would need to flip. And they used computers to flip those votes from Trump to Biden and from other Republican candidates to their competitors also.
We definitely won the House and almost certainly increased our majority in the Senate, once the fraud is exposed and overturned.
Incidentally, no one is talking about Virginia. POTUS had a good lead there until the very end, when suddenly Biden jumped way up. They use Dominion machines, too, so they should be looked at. I want PDJT to get every single state he earned, including those out here on the west coast that everyone assumes went blue.
Yes, this is HUGE. You are absolutely right. They stole Virginia!!!
The only way they can afford to take on Virginia is more money.
MRS Rex said that ALL night, how the HELL did they call VAS ONE minute after poll closing, and Trump was up 2-5% the ENTIRE night till it hit @97% then he went from @100000 UP to losing by 250000. FISHY. But in THIS election it is ALL doubtful. SCOTUS will have NO choice, unless they want a Banana republic. SCOTUS is the LAST LINE. HOLD THE LINE.
This one is bad……makes me mad.
We will TEAR DOWN THESE ROTTEN INSTITUTIONS one brick and one LIAR at a time if we have to, to clean this country up.
QUESTION – Does the TRUMP CAMPAIGN have a valid LAW SUIT against several of the MEDIA ENTITIES that declared States too soon and have declared Joe Biden the winner of the election.
What do you all think?
“QUESTION – Does the TRUMP CAMPAIGN have a valid LAW SUIT against several of the MEDIA ENTITIES that declared States too soon and have declared Joe Biden the winner of the election.
What do you all think?”
I think if Barr isn’t a corrupt tool of the CCP, that he should be ARRESTING the TRAITORS at the ‘media entities’ for MASSIVE ELECTION INTERFERENCE on behalf of a FOREIGN adversary.
Martha McCallum, Brettie Baier and Chrissy Wallace need to be breaking rocks in Leavenworth before execution for High Treason.
Anybody doing a dig on this?
Found on Gab.
Jacob Judicial @JacobJudicial
Hardcore Conservative Patriots for Donald Trump
Dig in, fellow Gabbers.
Wikileaks have dumped all their files online… Everything from H Clinton’s emails, McCanns being guilty, Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs HIV letter, Pedoesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents arrested for rape, WHO Pandemic Preparedness document (from 2009), – SO much data!!! Start searching and see for yourselves…
All KINDS of stuff here.
Is this the “Dead Man’s Switch Dump” that was set up — and somebody flipped the switch?
Does this have anything to do with the current whereabouts of Julian Assange?
This reminds me that Don jr called out to unclass everything.
Almost seems that way.
Uncertain on the purpose and psychology of this. On the one hand, it could distract us from proving the STEAL. On the other, it could conform roughly to the idea Kalbo had, to DECLAS everything.
Uncertain. I say stay focused on the ELECTION. This has the most chance to damage the RIGHT enemies soonest and hardest.
Reverse psyop.
“You guys think you can steal the election? Watch this…”
New article up at PoliticalMoonshine, I haven’t read it yet:
Enemies of the American People
November 8, 2020
Bolttom line – the MSM is a CCP front. China is who we are REALLY fighting.
Now HERE is the cool thing. Trump declared his 2020 candidacy within HOURS of taking office in 2017. What this means is that the FAKE NEWS legally interfered in the 2020 election after that point.
This gives legal standing to act against FAKE NEWS.
So I’ll just put this here.
October 31,2020
6-second video clip of Joe Biden at one of his “rallies” where he apparently is saying, “I DON’T NEED YOU TO GET ME ELECTED”
I watched and listened to the clip numerous times. It seems credible to me.
Might want to see it for yourself — before it’s taken down from Youtube.
he also actually has said : “We need to overwhelm the system…”
Can we recount in time?
Feels like trump set a trap.
Do we have enough to go to the courts?
Rudi on Patriot radio today with Webb. Investigating dead people voting. Really? The dead have been voting since the ballot was invented. Mail man dumped 50 ballots in a trash can. Really? No shit.
This is massive fraud on a scale that Flep has shown. I hope Rudi is just a distraction while the real action is getting ready to take place. Otherwise this is done.
this is CLOWARD-PIVEN in action…
overwhelm the system
ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) moving in now (SWFL)…wind gusts getting a little nasty…heard a transformer blow, up the road…
Eta…Key Largo…
Thanks Flep.
We need to stop the steal or all is lost!!!!