Sunlight Is the GREATEST Disinfectant…..

For the past week I have stated that a big chunk of the steal was done by the Dominion voting systems. Dominion voting systems are found in 30 states. In some states it is only in a few counties but in other states, it is in every county. As you can see from the map below, Georgia went all in with the Dominion voting system.

I am ecstatic about the announcement made yesterday by the SoS in Georgia.

From the article linked above:

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on Wednesday announced that election officials will conduct a manual recount of all presidential ballots as President-elect Joe Biden leads in the state by just over 14,000 votes out of nearly 5 million counted.

[…] He continued: “With the margin being so close, it will require a full, by-hand recount in each county. This will help build confidence. It will be an audit, a recount and a recanvass all at once. It will be a heavy lift but we will work with the counties to get this done in time for our state certification,” which is on Nov. 20.

I wrote about the fact that Antrim County, Michigan will forever be remembered for being the first location where the sunlight was allowed to penetrate. Their hand recount allowed us to see that 5,500 votes were wrongfully given to SleepyCreepy Joe when they were actually votes for our President.

Soon thereafter we found out about a second GLITCH in Oakland County, Michigan. The Democrat candidate was declared the winner only to be overturned the next day when 1,231 votes were wrongfully double counted. The Republican candidate was notified that he had won the race.

Look what just happened for a third time! That same pesky GLITCH was found to have happened in a House race in Connecticut.

From the article linked above:

Connecticut GOP House Rep. Craig Fishbein was declared the loser in the race for his seat until a town clerk found an “error” had caused the race to be called for his Democrat opponent.

Wallingford town clerk Barbara Thompson said Tuesday her office discovered that votes had not been recorded in the state’s reporting system from Yalesville Elementary School, reported CT Mirror.

[…] “I can’t answer if it was a clerical error or a computer error in the elections management system,” Thompson said. “All I know is we caught it yesterday and amended it.”

Some of the POS involved are trying to save themselves knowing that their ship is about to sink.

When Sidney Powell gets excited, I begin to get goosebumps all over my body.

This is the remaining thread that Sidney referenced in her tweet above:

Here is what the Professor from MIT had to say:

Lin Wood is absolutely right!

The Wall Street big shots are beginning to get scared!

I was just about to take excerpts from the article when I got this:

Someone got spooked! They know damn well that Georgia has the entire state using the Dominion voting system. They also know that the number of votes that will be changed once the hand recount is concluded will show that our President won the state by a margin of 3%+. That margin will be with all the illegal votes that were stuffed through those machines in Fulton, Dekalb and Gwinnett counties.

Once the dead votes, change of address votes etc. are removed, Georgia will have a margin similar to 2016! The other exciting piece is that the State will have to recount the Senate race. David Perdue will not have to be part of a runoff. He will have more than 50% of the vote share required to be declared the winner.

They will than have to recount GA-6 and GA-7 given the fact that the margin of victory isn’t that big for the Democrat candidates.

At that point in time, the same types of recounts will have to occur Statewide in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Nevada.

Those pesky GLITCHES will be exposed as well. John James will win his Senate race. They will also have to do a hand recount in MI-11 and MI-8.

In Wisconsin, they will have to do a hand recount of WI-3.

In Arizona, they will eventually have to do a hand recount of the Senate race as well as AZ-1.

In Virginia they will have to do a hand recount for the following two congressional races: VA-2 and VA-7.

In Pennsylvania they will have to do a hand recount of the following congressional races: PA-7, PA-8, PA-17.

In Texas I am not sure which few counties use the Dominion voting system. If they are used in TX-7 and/or TX-15, a hand recount needs to occur.

In Washington I am not sure which counties use the Dominion voting machines. If they are used in WA-8, a hand recount needs to occur.

In New York I am not sure which counties use the Dominion voting system. If they are used in NY-4, NY-18 and/or NY-19, a hand recount needs to occur.

In New Jersey I am not sure which counties use the Dominion voting system. If they are used in NJ-7, a hand recount needs to occur.

In Illinois I am not sure which counties use the Dominion voting machines. If they are used in IL-14 and/or IL-17, a hand recount needs to occur.

In New Hampshire I am not sure which counties use the Dominion voting system. If they are used in NH-1 and/or NH-2, a hand recount needs to occur.

As we saw in Oakland County, Michigan and in Connecticut, those pesky GLITCHES caused an error to be made in a County Commissioner race (MI) and a State House race (CT). If they went after those types of seats, they would ABSOLUTELY go after congressional races.

As I finish writing this article, there is a really good chance that the House will look like the following when all the remaining races are called:

Democrats221 seats

Republicans214 seats

Flip 4 additional seats and the Republicans will be in the MAJORITY in the House!

Our President is ABSOLUTELY right!

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We should next find out what OTHER countries the C_A and Soros used this fraud against, and then allow those individuals — every last one who was involved — be extradited and prosecuted by those foreign countries.
Unless we convict and execute them for Treason first.


Actually some country’s governments, whose citizens have the will of the people stolen (eg. Kenia in 2007 and 2017), may actually be on shaky ground and may fall.


Bet it was used in Canada as well….because everybody was surprised that Turdeau won another election.

JW in Germany

Excellent odds on that bet! I was thinking Columbia and Eastern Europe…forgot about The Eyebrow.

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder about Macaroon….
(Then again, $oro$ would have to have the programs translated into “Logiciels”… 🙂 to avoid Franglais…)…..




almost seems like an act of aggression or an act of war ….
it’s not….but it’s certainly much worse than just “voter fraud’ and even treason….to me, anyway.
it’s a stealth crime against the integrity of America, our electoral process, the Presidency of The United States..
and a whole lot more, criminally…
but…what if it results in a…war ?

JW in Germany

Oh it’s a war alright. Information war for our minds that is effecting 100s of millions around the World! It is also not a bloodless war…color revolutions cause death in many ways…from violent takeovers to collapsed economies.

Rodney Short

We won it all, take no prisoners….
Amazing work Flep, Trump has to make sure this never happens again.


“We won it all, take no prisoners….”
And search the bodies for valuables.


and take their coats


Leave the cannoli … ‼️‼️‼️‼️🥺😩


Take the cannoli.

Rodney Short

We could give Nancy’s dentures to a homeless person in her district, of course they will have to decide themselves who gets to wear the golden trophy.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great stuff – THANK YOU.
Dems. LOL. Can’t trust them. PERIOD.


Wolf, used their video to show my grandson the principle of RANDOMNESS.
I used the VERY basic statistical graph of flipping a coin 50X. You will get, if it is a legit coin a different number of heads and tails EACH time you do a set of 50, anyone can do this.
What Biden had to do, to over come the law of randomness was cheat SO bad, that it was akin to flipping a coin in a set of 300, multiple sets (think States) and have it come up 300 to zero or Heads Or a VERY low number of tails (Trump) EACH set.
The pattern the MIT guy showed is LINEAR, it is OBVIOUS, as R% went UP, Trump % SHIFTED to Biden. As D% went up, that did NOT happen, ergo they ONLY used the algorithm in REP areas. THAT is why they had such a shock on ED, Trump was OVER PERFORMING in not only R areas, for which they accounted, but MASSIVELY in D strongholds for which they did NOT account.
I have a SIMPLE test to PROVE it. BEYOND ANY reasonable doubt. BUT it MUST have the fact that the machines have NOT been recalibrated after election day, in other words they did NOT (yet) switch back the algorithm.
Simply take a RANDOW set of machines from a HEAVY R area, check the logs to make sure NO “updates” were made, and run through 1000 dummy Trump ballots.
WATCH, the machine result will NOT be 1000-0 Trump. it will be something like 45% Trump and 55% BIDEN, even though NO Biden votes were in the dummy set. BOOM, and they CAN’T explain it away, that machine or set of machines, which SHOULD have been SEQUESTERED and UNDER TIGHT GUARD, will then REPORT to an output server the FLAWED results. He ONLY has to prove it in a FEW counties in the in question states on a FEW machines.
I HOPE that Trump, being much smarter than me is WATCHING and LOGGING those machines NOW, AND any activity via internet and “updates” I think that should we plot out the MIT research, you will see that deviation occur almost exclusively AFTER the counting stop @130AM Nov 4th, in multiple contested states, and multiple contested counties, in multiple contested districts. THE FACT is it will be R districts, and THAT may be the d play, to ONLY look at D districts while the BULK of the theft was in R districts.
IF I and the MIT guy are right ( I know he is, and I THINK I am) what a hand recount and audit will show isa that the VOTES were REAL, they just were ALL Trump votes that the machine SWITHCED to Biden,
THAT will be easily found, and corrected. Trump STILL wins. The HARD part, and THIS is where block chain comes in, will be PROIVING FRAUD, and not a “programming error” Trump WINS, but the fraudsters skate.
I want Trump to win first and foremost, but I want the fraudsters in PRISON at LEAST.
I know now more than ever, listening to the MIT guy, and being a stats guy, though nowhere NEAR that level, myself, that there WAS fraud. Now we wait and see WHAT Trump has. I bet he has it ALL, and MORE we don’t even know about. Thinks like video, audio, and maybe even remote desktops OF the fraudsters from WHEN the instructions took place.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good stuff!
I also think that announcing an AMNESTY on cheat workers who come forward in a certain window of time might cause a mad rush. Could be FUN to watch.


Agreed, talk NOW or PRISON once it comes out.


Thank you, Prog. I am not a stats person at all, but even I understood your explanation and analysis of what went on with the fraud. I will pass it on. Good stuff!


YW. Glad to help.


Tell your grandson that we think he is SO LUCKY to have a Granddad like you who can teach him the Principle of RANDOMNESS and other cool stuff like Morals and Critical Thinking.
Much Admiration to you, Prognosticatasaurusrex.


TY. It is the LEAST I could do. My father would HAUNT me if I did not afford my children and grandchildren the SAME teachings HE gave ME.
They all have their OWN choices in life to make, but at LEAST I help them make an INFORMED choice.
My grandson watches EACH night, intrigued. I tell him pay attention, THIS is history, and we are living through it. Those who do not LEARN from history are doomed to repeat IT!
He does not fully understand yet, but he IS learning.


Are there any races in CA or questionable proposition results that are affected ? In certain my county vote for biden is fraud.

Rodney Short

Huffman had a grocery clerk run against him, we really need a Red wave in Cali


comment image

Harry Lime

Notice that our President said it “attempted to alter” and not “it did alter” our election…meaning they haven’t gotten away with anything…just a matter of time, now. Grab the popcorn.

JW in Germany



Now WHAT did I just say, Trump NEVER asks a question to which he does not ALREADY have the ANSWER. Notice this is not a declarative, it is a QUESTION.
A question which TELLS you Trump ALREADY has the ANSWER.


I almost feel sorry for one of my siblings, who was gloating over the Biden ‘win’.
I swear I will be magnanimous and kind when the liberal tears flow.




Me either, except for family members…if they will talk to me. 😂😂😂


Oh no. IF one of my brothers or sisters was foolish, OK stoopid enough to vote for Beijing biden, I’d damn sure be laughing at them when the truth comes out.
Liberals, including family need to open their eyes and grow the hell up.


Mine are rabid lefties. East coast elite types. They have no idea how America works.


“ East coast elite types”
The absolute worst, especially those close to the Swamp itself. Hence, a Trump re-election will be especially sweet. They need to learn, once and for all, that they don’t represent all of America.


They believe everything they are fed. Hook. Line. Sinker.


that is one pissed off kitty


This awesome Lion surely is staring at the Head of the Snake.


Unfortunately, we won’t be able to clean everything within the time limits established — but if we secure the Presidency and the Senate and a majority of the House at first, we can show error in seated Congressmen and ask for their resignations later.


However, aren’t election certifications announced on December 16th? Not positive about Congress but assume it would be same as President.


Remember McCarthy said “Nancy Pelosi does NOT have the SEATS to be speaker. NOT votes, SEATS. Freudian slip, but TELLING.


“we can show error in seated Congressmen and ask DEMAND for their resignations PROSECUTIONS later.”

Deplorable Patriot

I don’t think the idea is to clean everything out in the time limit. Just expose the fraud so that the DEMAND to clean everything out is there once the legal ballots are recounted and the proper people are seated. NOTHING would tick off normies like their vote not being counted. NOTHING. Not in this country.
This was risky, but it looks like they’re going to pull it off.


We were told. “You cannot just TELL the people, you MUST show them” Are we enjoying the show? The plot TWIST is coming, I know Dems WON’T like it.

Deplorable Patriot

Enjoying the show…we’re in Act 3 of a Shakespearian drama.
I’m pretty sure the Bard would be proud.


LMAO…True, But is this Hamlet or Julius Caesar? I do not think it is the Canterbury Tales.

Deplorable Patriot

Hamlet or MacBeth would be the closest, I think, of the most well known.
The thing is, we’re smack dab in the middle of a Trump Administration, and the crescendo has built to a climax. The action from here is the fallout…just like Shakespeare.


Yes a dem tragedy..LOL


Great compilation. Will go through every link shortly.
We are going to confirm what in our hearts knew was happening in America. Our lying eyes knew the MSM and big tech were manufacturing the invincible Beijing Biden myth and alleged blue wave. We knew it was impossible. Simply defied logic.
Trump Train is creating a red tsunami.
Flep, thank you so much for everything!


“Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on Wednesday announced that election officials will conduct a manual recount of all presidential ballots as President-elect Joe Biden leads in the state by just over 14,000 votes out of nearly 5 million counted.
[…] He continued: “With the margin being so close, it will require a full, by-hand recount in each county. This will help build confidence. ”
That kinda depends on who’s doing the counting, doesn’t it?
If it’s the same ‘election officials’ who did the first count, then what reason is there to think they won’t cheat this time too?
It’s not the people who vote that count. It’s the people who count the votes.” — customarily attributed to Joseph Stalin, though apparently that cannot be proven.


Plus it’s not only a hand recount, but it’s an audit too is my understanding. “Legal votes” was also in the directive. SOS might be a little worried…


Yes FEAR of prison is a POWERFUL motivator. I am SURE Biden’s team assured these people “nothing will happen to you” NOW these people know DIFFERENT. They SEE, that Trump is NOT going to concede, and is going to go for FULL exposure, AND accountability. LOTS of soiled under ware out there.


They have to be careful that the Dem’s don’t find more ballots behind some toilet seat or printer or dump etc.


BINGO. and, people are assuming we didn’t ALREADY watch them the FIRST time. I have a question, WHERE did all that CLEAR video come from of people trashing ballots, marking ballots, and the like COME FROM. It SURE was NOT cell phones…WINK.


Two dynamite tweets ! I love Guiliani and Dobbs – they don’t hold back !


AGAIN notice the words DEPLORABLE and CHUMPs. Rudy as Trump before him is subliminally TELLING us WHO is behind this. Hillary and Biden.


John Basham 🇺🇲 @JohnBasham
Nov 10
CONTD: “By No Means Do I Believe This List Shows All Of The Nefarious Actions Taken Using This Software. I Believe It Shows Places Where We MUST Review The Ballots By Hand As Well As The System Software, Logs, & Firmware.”
Correction. Everywhere these machines were used MUST be recounted as well as an AUDIT of the system software, logs and firmware.
Every lawfully cast vote must be counted, EVERYWHERE.
There is NOWHERE that is NOT important.
State and local elections hang in the balance, even where the outcome of the presidential election does not.
And the POPULAR VOTE total hangs in the balance, which WE WON by at least TEN MILLION, and the filthy vermin traitor devil-worshipping pedophile party will NOT be allowed to claim otherwise as a reward for their FRAUD.

Harry Lime

Damn right. I can hear these morons now…”Yeah, there might have been a few irregularities…but, but, but…we still won the popular vote!…(they yell from their prison cells).


We won’t know the popular vote until the recount, accounts for the legal ballots.
I won’t be surprised if President Trump gets the popular vote also.
– Remove every illegal ballot.
– Reverese every vote stolen from President Trump.
Any other candidate, yea a tall task. President Trump has a red tsunami he’ll get credit for in time, including the popular vote.


Problem is you may find that the system logs were actually overwritten.
You see in some of these systems (Dominium is one of them) the log files can be overwritten. –
You only can have a reliable log, if you were monitoring these system in REAL TIME.
That’s were the NSA comes in.
Shortly before the election I was listening to Steve Bannon’s WarRoom, when they had the former General (I don’t know his name right know) and Sydney Powell talk about the Hammer and Scorecard and that they were trying to shut down all the links to Hammer.
The next day the General was on the show again and he said, quite casually actually, that they did NOT manage to shutdown Hammer.
That’s when I thought why would he say that so openly, unless there was a purpose for that.
Only later a light bulb went off.
They were trying to carol these criminals through the remaining connections, which they exactly knew were they are, but left purposefully open. This allowed them to monitor any in-coming and out-going traffic, as part of the STING.


General McInerney. Brilliant.


NOTHING is truly erased, not on a system like that. Even the flash drives are STILL there in the VFAT. 64 bit file tables, and even 32 bit are very recoverable. There LIKELY will also be IP logging, and multiple hops across the internet, which WILL trace to a single person(s). This was TOO massive and widespread over multiple regions and states to have actors in EACH region, too much chance one would screw up OR get caught, exposing them ALL.
LIKELY this is a software CODE feature that was REMOTELY turned on. The PROBLEM, and WHY I think it is a centralized COC, is that the %’s on the linear patterns are not just SIMILAR, I bet they are EXACT, which means they were not randomized by area, but were a CALCULATED number to offset what they THOUGHT was going to happen.
In the places we are seeing the fraud, the leads were TOO massive, and coming from unforeseen AREAS, DEM STRONGOLDS, and they had no quick and easy way to FIX that. That would have taken TIME to code right so that Biden did not lose votes too.
THAT is why they shutdown at @130 AM. The AZ call by Fox was a DISRESS signal. ALL the networks were getting the SAME data. When they REALIZED Trump was winning in a landslide DESPITE the cheat, they used the AZ call to PAUSE. So alternate countermeasures could be put in to make up for the programming shortfalls.
The PROBLEMS arose when the margins were SO massive, that they could NOT overcome them EASILY.
They could NOT afford the “gradual” shifts needed to make the theft HIDDEN and LOOK real. So they just went ALL IN, 189000 to ZIP. and MULTIPLE 26000 to ZIP, and 138000 to ZIP. Which CEMENTED their ultimate fate.
The REASONS it took 4 days in PA, was because the margin was @700000 votes, NOT easily “inserted”
Even MI took a while it was @340000 votes
Wisconsin and GA were “only” @100000, much easier, except those PESKY watchers.
I am SURE this happened in NV. AZ, VA, and LIKELY MORE. I bet Trump was WATCHING and RECORDING ( his team from NSA, DHS) the ENTIORE time.
The dems were FOOLS to even TRY it this pervasively, they are FUBAR.
It did NOT help that they ran someone with LESS charisma than a skunk, and one with programs that would have been SELF detrimental to SOOO MANY in the supposed “electorate” that voted for him. NO ONE sane votes to RAISE taxes, and relockdown the ENTIRE country…NO ONE.. There simply arre NOT enough INSANE voters to JUSTIFY what we are being fed.
The first rule of a LIE, it HAS TO BE believable.


I think that Trump’s people will wait until they are up at the Supreme Court before dropping the damning evidence.


Of course!

JW in Germany

Fuck yeah!


Their End is in Sight.comment image


Thanks, Eilert, for posting this text of the Dominion IT whistleblower yesterday:
What stood out to me…was the part about BLM operatives working in the vote counting process:
“-of all the workers there, this whistleblower lady was the ONLY republican, which she kept a secret. Every other worker was disparaging of Trump the entire time, and were wearing BLM stuff, ‘I can’t breathe’, etc.”
So this is why the BLM/Antifa pukes aren’t out on the streets causing chaos right now.
They’ve been put to work helping to steal the election!


The same bunch that can always be called upon to loot and burn down their neighborhood at the snap of a finger, is perfectly at comfortable with lawlessness in the urban polling place. Always.


nix “at”


Now, does Trump have lists of suspected BLM and Antifa bad actors? Yes. Would he ALSO have lists of the LEADERS mobilizing those bad actors? YES.


Not quite the end.
The end is when they are swinging from a hangman’s noose for High Treason and crimes against humanity.


Thank you for all the work you’re doing on this, Fle.
I really appreciate it!
We need more than just a ‘recount’ in some of these places.
A recount would only perpetuate the Fraud by recounting the illegal votes again.
What we need is an Audit…with all fraudulent ballots thrown out!
A do-over would be even better.


We really need a complete do-over Election! – our 2020 Election has been corrupted beyond redemption by Democrat Operatives and poll workers.
Under armed supervision – both at the Polls and in the Counting rooms.
Armed Secret Service and US Marshalls securing the votes at all times.
Maybe even ICE present in the parking lot of the Polls.
Leave the corrupt FBI completely out of it!
One reason for a DO-OVER – all the votes for Trump that were discarded, burned, thrown into rivers and city dumps, etc.!


That’s right!
You’re absolutely right, GA/FL!
A ‘recount’ is not going to restore all those Trump ballots that were destroyed.


There were many voters who checked and found they never were counted as having voted….such as Sadie Slays.


The problem is there is NO Constitution “remedy” that will GIVE a redo. There is NO time. Trump COUD declare Marshall Law, and invalidate the election I suppose, but then HE looks like the bad guy. The ONLY remedy that disenfranchises the least, because somewhere legit votes are going to be lost, is to THROW OUT the suspect ballots from the fraud heavy areas. They ALSO could order the PA, MI, WI, GA, and NV votes in the EC to NOT be counted, NO slate of electors. Then the Constitution RE kicks in, and the election goes to the House, 1 vote per State delegation. Trump has26 or more, so he would be President, I THINK the Senate then votes by simple majority, on VP, so Pence would be VP. BTW, these are CURRENT configurations, NOT the new ones in Jan of 2021 on the Senate and House State delegations.
I STILL think the SCOTUS will Throw out ALL ballots in the main disputed states AFTER @130 AM Nov 4th, putting Trumps leads in those states as the final margin. There would be ZERO confidence in ANY votes posted AFTER that time.


The despicable scum did all this to deprive PDJT of a mandate.
We know it was a LANDSLIDE – but they managed to smear their dirty garbage fake ballots and putrid machine counting corruption all over it and throw away many Trump votes.
They turned the election into a facsimile of the Democrap hell-holes – piled with garbage and smeared with poop and corruption!


Said the same thing yesterday. NOW when they LOSE, they will restart the resist crap.


Audit, recount, valid ballots only…
NO redo.
The election was 3 November.
Looking forward to President Trump surpassing 270, arrests, prosecutions…
believe President Trump will ultimately have a mandate, Senate and House.




I’m beginning to get the Big PIcture, Flep. You must be feeling a whole lot better. 🙂
Did you see that Twitter knocked out Richard Baris and his polling site. Took down Laura too. JackBootJack must be afraid of the truth.
POTUS may have to take over the airwaves to get the information out.
The signals are coming in from POTUS… Remember, he never “asks” a question he doesn’t know the answer to.
Please not the time POTUS posted the tweet. Just for a laugh. 11:17 11/11. That’s intentional, because the guy he quote tweeted had posted an hour earlier. 🙂

Then look at this. It’s what’s POTUS and his team saw election night…
Then there’s this. He’s been warning them for a long time.


What did it say, Smiley. It’s gone now.


captioned : “We expected all of sit back and enjoy the show.”
with photo of PDJT and a thumbs up


Not only did Trump LOSE @83000 votes, Biden GAINED 169000 in ONE second. MAJOR fuckery. NOT explainable, except FRAUD. I guess these FOOLS thought we would NOT be watching, paying attention, OR recording. DUMBASSES.


Thank you Flep. Great and uplifting news!

Sylvia Avery

Flep!!! 🤗🤗🤗 You are the best! Great information as always. Thank you!


this is extremely disturbing…. twisted and scary …literally…
“I Did Not Recant” : USPS Whistleblower Stands By Back-Dated Ballot Claim
(full video of Hopkins’ interrogation at the link…2 hrs long…he did not recant verbally)
Richard Hopkins, a Marine combat veteran, is the USPS whistleblower who was intimated and coerced
by federal investigators with the USPS Inspector General’s office to sign an affidavit recanting his claim…
… to “water down” his “story”.
more disturbing…in fact, shocking…details about this, at the link…
…and more to come, apparently.


correction typo…
not “intimated”


Hopkinson is a hero.


cyber coup
Data Deep Dive On Dominion Voting System Offers Incontrovertible Proof Of Election Hack
If the Trump campaign and his army of attorneys doesn’t have this information yet, they need it as soon as possible. This is the smokiest gun we’ve seen so far.
the devil is in the details…and the angels are in the data .
within the data sorted and examined is the smoking gun.
entire data dump, unedited, in this article
plus a whole lot more incriminating info on this…might want to save this while you can.


Excellent work and very inspiring! Thanks much!


Were the Trump Team playing this music while watching the results on election night….?




Both fit perfectly!


NOPE, the there from the Godfather..LOL


covid shutdowns…lead to…financial reset ? ….global reset ? …NWO…?
Hostile Takeover : Wall Street Assumes Command Of Joe Biden Transition Team
yep…shades of obama/goldman sachs…
Wall Street…and the biggest U.S. banks …are getting key spots in Biden’s “transition team”, devised before this election has been certified.
more, at the link.


Well, Smiley, not surprised.


you’ve been so busy Flep!!!
I knew the information would come out to vindicate your predictions!! you know your stuff–no way did biden win like they are trying to say!


Biden was not even CLOSE.


Sincere thank you Flep, You are a Warrior, and we’re so glad we are privy to your first hand accounts of these battles that are raging!


Great as per usual.
Flep, THIS chart from Sydney Powel IS the SMOKING gun.
THAT was found by a researcher AFTER the election by writing a java script, and entering data.
TRUMP and team were watching, and RECORDING, this in REAL time.
Block chain, watermarked QR codes. They KNEW IMMEDIATELY where, when, how many, and even HOW.
The dems are about to be EXPOSED in the greatest cheating scandal EVER. Biden, and quite likely the House and Senate dems are going to be smeared, STRIPPED of their “wins” and FOREVER labeled CHEATS.
Trump has this folks. I knew when his PA lawsuit used an exact number, 682479. If anything the guy who wrote the scrip, and found more than ENOUGH to flip the election BACK to its rightful winner, Trump, was WAY under on his counts.
Trump has it ALL, the videos, btww no one asks HOW do they GET those videos of the counting rooms, NO reps are or were ALLOWED in. WINK, Trump has been WATCHING them the ENTIRE TIME, likely in HD, multiple hidden cams, and AUDIO, also in Hi def.
There are a LOT of people in these rooms in PA, GA, MI, WI, AZ, NZ, and likely other states too, going to PRISON.
The people at Dominion are going to PRISON
Those that orchestrated and PAID for this, KNOWING what purpose it was INTEDED for are at LEAST going to PRISON, maybe MORE. Depends on if this is considered a coup.
The MSM will be FOREVER destroyed, as will BIG tech. NO ONE will EVER trusty hem, as constituted, AGAIN
With the losses in the House, Senate, and WH, the dems will be the weakest EVER.
The MSM and big tech will be regulated, broken up, and divided in ways that will make MA bells dissolution look like a sliced apple pie.
The pundits, RINOS, and hardcore left are laid BARE, including Fox.
The political embeds are being fired, rousted, and routed from the Fed bureaucracy
There is no more MASKS, there is no more fence sitting.
THAT ladies and gentlemen is called DRAINING the swamp


Here’s that image:comment image


TY Wheatie.


Would you look at the “lost” vote totals in NJ, VA & PA. Un-freaking-believable.


Not NJ – NY.


Looking at this image, I can now understand the growing calls to look into VA.
I’ll also throw MN in the mix. IIRC, wasn’t that a pretty close race?


Rudy telling Maria Dominon machines are Venezuelan made w/Chinese parts. Suspect Venezuela, Cuba money involved? Chyna? Got people working on it. Lawsuits ready to go in MI and PA, believes more than enough evidence to overturn election. Moving on to GA and NV.


foreign intervention in a U.S. election

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Cuppa Covfefe

Paul Allen.
So BOTH founders of Micro$oft are involved.
They may as well change their name to $atan$oft, with Satan Nutella at the HELLm…….


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Communism, Communists
While We Slept, The Communists Had A Plan
remarks by Representative A.S.Herlong of Florida, entered into the Congressional Record on January 19, 1963…
“Current Communist Goals ” , appendix, pp A34-A35.
45 in total.
this article lists goals 11-42.
the entire list can be found, here…
Communist Goals
by Communist ghouls.
no matter how they try to spin or what they try to call it, it is what it is…the Swamp, the NWO, the globalists…
and it’s here .
right now.
Thank GOD for President Donald J Trump and his heroic efforts to stop it.
but their achievement of those “goals” seems to have been largely successful.

Valerie Curren

I actually did a blog post on this topic before (getting ahead of the curve for once in my life) & referenced a Q-Tree conversation on Communism too:
Thanks for the great info here! Blessings


What stands out to me, and not in a good way, is the absolute silence of the Democrats, most of all….Biden. One would like to think ALL political candidates, including those already in office and Americans, alike, would be dismayed about the fraud in our elections. (At least in some token effort…but, it’s dead silent.) It says they are content to be part of a corrupt, banana republic…as long as they are on the winning side. It says there is no moral compass of fairness allowing the voters to choose their leadership. It certainly says if you have enough money you can control the world. And…evidently that is perfectly fine with them.
The moral decay is staggering.

Cuppa Covfefe

They kicked GOD out of their party platform, thereby inviting Satan in.
Their obsession with (and requirement of support of) unlimited abortion only reinforces the abject evil which they posses (or, better put, possesses them)…..


Well, shit. I just had a REVELATION.
Maybe somebody has talked about this already, if so, I missed it, sorry.
Thank you, eilert, for your comment above, which gave me my AHA moment.
I have been reading and listening about HAMMER and SCORECARD for days without true understanding. But I have it now.
SCORECARD changes votes. It was designed to change votes in foreign elections. But HAMMER is SURVEILLANCE. It watches the voting machines in foreign countries.
Everyone keeps saying these programs were used by the BLACK HATS in our election. Maybe they were, or maybe it was mostly Dominion doing the cheating.
Of course, this is what Trump was doing on election night. He and his team were USING HAMMER. It will provide ALL THE EVIDENCE needed.
DOMINION changed the votes. HAMMER surveilled and recorded while it was done.


I do believe the Trump people created and executed a sting.
The trap was set, the prey took the bait, were exposed, caught in their own net, but they don’t realize it yet… that time is coming.
Biden and company are going to deeply regret having him pretend to be legitimate.

Their complete humiliation is coming – perp walks too.
They made a mockery and sham of our sacred Election process.
Americans will never forget this.


I can tell you from the cybersecurity perspective that DHS was working through MANY channels in advance – including through their public-private partnerships in critical infrastructure – to help every state and local government in any way necessary with securing their election infrastructure over the past three years.
We can also be confident that Trump considers election infrastructure to be national security infrastructure, just like the Department of Energy’s charge. He has a history of not playing games with NATSEC.
Also, as I’ve pointed out to friends of mine serving in govt roles under MIL/IC, anything with serious NATSEC implications is immediately classified at the highest levels. Our conversations would immediately shift from “what evidence do you have” to “yes this would be kept classified”. Any operation with this level of sensitivity needs to be kept LEAK FREE, and any public speculation on the matter, EVEN WHEN TRUE, must be maintained under strict OPSEC and PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY. Our enemies cannot know when or where we are going to strike, or even what our defensive posture is.
That’s part of the reason it’s not worth debating with people. Successful ops should have no traces of evidence upfront BY DESIGN. It should be only a matter of speculation. Ms. True-Blue from Philly can laugh off the fringe-conspiracy theories all day long – b/c she is not entitled to the evidence. The media and the public do not have some built-in right to know in matters of NATSEC, so let them laugh it off.
But Ms. True-Blue risks being in a world of hurt when it is discovered that she engaging in targeted manipulation of the voter systems. Oh, she’ll pretend it was nothing, just that she was going through the “normal calibration” and that there was a random error. Anything to minimize or trivialize what she did as either normal, and electronic error, or at worse an honest mistake. REMEMBER THEY ALWAYS PLAY DUMB – PRETENDING TO NOT KNOW THINGS THAT THEY KNOW. But a lawyer and prosecutor know that this is voter fraud, computer fraud, and worse. Remember Reality Winner?


President Trump isn’t put off by people laughing at him. He is good humored about jokes and good humored roasts. But when it gets ugly and falsehoods are being fomented against him, against our country and its citizens, against his supporters – he defends himself gloves off. As you said – he’s dead serious about NATSEC!


Trump not only CONSIDERS elections to be a national security concern, he wrote a 2018 EO DESIGNATING the election a critical National Security infrastructure, one PROTECTED by DHS, NSA, Treasury, and that new cyber agency, and ENFORCED by “any other necessary agency” (think DEFENSE)
The PENALTY is complete forfeiture of ALL assets, AND prison.

Cuppa Covfefe

I think it’s the other way ’round. Scorecard is the reporting (peek) tool; hammer is the data modification (poke) tool.
“If I had a hammer”….. I’ve used tools like this in the DBMS world, though not for nefarious purposes. Often a lot of skill and patience is required to do it right – a hammer in the wrong hands can do a lot of damage…


Ok. I am having a really hard time with the info about the programs. I am a literary artistic type, so the computer stuff is way out of my comfort zone.

Cuppa Covfefe

NP. Some of the best programmers/developers are artistic… I had a colleague who was a graphic designer/artist, another couple who were rock musicians, and one who was a concert violinist! I’m a concert cellist/pianist in addition to being an EE and Operating Systems guy, so there must be something at work there (musical brain cramp or something 😀 )…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The names are laden with symbolism, if that helps.


Oh yes, for my brain THAT is unmistakable! It’s just that “Scorecard” is where score is kept, and so it trips me up that it is not where it would be changed. But I’m catching up.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Think of “hammer” as a tool that alters what it hits.




Yeah is n’t one of the systems Scythe (sp) Like Hammer and sickle?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well that one is *supposedly* from the Roman cipher where the text was wrapped around a stick; a different word derivation entirely.


Ah, we’ve got one that can SEE.
YES Trump and team were watching and RECORDING the ENTIRE time. It would be poetic IRONY if they used their OWN scamware to spy on their fraud.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. I think it’s Haspel. It’s DEVIOUS, but GOOD.


Iwas definately
NCIS (National; Cyber Information, the new DHS arm) and DHS, but one last time. Haspel, McConnell and me went to the same school. Gee was Haspel someone’s classmate….WHY is SHE not fired. WHJERE was she from 2016-2019. London. COS Chief of Station. Would she KNOW who was coming TO London, and WHEN during that time? Why YES.
I have NO doubt that after 2018 MASSIVE infrastructure was put in to safeguard. The committee on election interference NEVER stopped, it just went from State agencies, who declined to participate, gee wonder WHY, to DHS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES. This is a BEAUTIFUL revelation. This explains everything. I don’t care about details of the programs – we just used the escaped software on ourselves to catch the crooks using it on us – it’s GENIUS.
And guess what? POTUS would have to sign off on a plan to do that. I’ll bet this was HASPEL’S plan. Most devious white hat plan ever. Spy on the spies changing votes, be they here or in China, or some Brennan outpost. Then nuke all of the traitors, which have to include the ones who helped kill the CIA assets in China.
This explains all the rumors and all the statements by people like Steve Pieczenik and the hotel guy and the people who said POTUS and team were in the Eisenhower building at the SCIF – it was not Trump abusing government stuff for his campaign – it really was a government operation. We watched the fraud.
Eric Trump was apparently read in, per SP – that explains why he behaved the way he did – very confident in the win. He’s very straight arrow and stable – makes sense.
NOW the firings. Esper was read in. He blabbed to Biden afterwards – FIRED. Q Team friendlies then come in.
Pilger of DOJ – the Obama / Lois Lerner dude who let the bad system fly by – the guy who made ALL reports of election fraud GO THROUGH HIM. FIRED.
But here is the biggie. DHS guy comes out and says no tampering. He’s friends of Dominion Antifa guy.
FIRED. They waited for him to LIE.
Oh, this is big. Trump KNEW it was a fraud, and IMO he was read in before 10/2, when he (or the Q team who handles his Twitter account) tweeted the “Dominion hack tweet”.comment imagecomment image
They had the goods on these creeps. All we’re seeing now is PARALLEL CONSTRUCTION.


I had the same thought about the SCIF this morning. If they were using classified programs to monitor the election, that was the only place they could use them. Especially if they were trying to avoid having anyone notice what was going on. They had to let the bad guys “do the crime” so they could PROSECUTE them later. If they had only PREVENTED the steal, they couldn’t have done that and had the evidence they needed to fix the system so it never happens again. We don’t prosecute “pre-crime” in America, you have to be guilty FIRST.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. The whole thing would be highly classified, like the stuff Snowden released. And THAT is why the “watermark” story – disinformation – through Pieczenik, but don’t tell anybody – it “could” be true, but the classic use of guys like SP is for disinfo jobs, so my guess is you are right and he’s cover.
They will try to bust the fraud using other means (parallel construction) to keep their ability to foil election tampering under wraps.
Love that they fired the mouthy coupist at DHS.
“i WuZ dOInG mY jOB! THerE’s nO fRAud!”
LOL. Never contradict a Trump tweet. It’s dangerous as hell. They always age well. ALWAYS.


I think those days he was at Walter Reed were spent in strategic planning. All those “doctors” who helped POTUS “understand the disease” …never was sure it was Covid they were working on. 🤷

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think he had it – but I think they had a plan in place for it LONG ago. Nancy’s Rose Garden arrow bounced!!!

Brave and Free

Pray that you’re correct G/F. The resurgence of the plandemic……. and the new lockdowns coming in these states is very telling too. Can’t have any people feeling happy during the Holidays.

Cuppa Covfefe

Over here they’ve banned any holiday celebrations with over 10-15 people; and those can only be from one or two households (!!!!!). Wonder how they’re going to enforce that? STASI, anyone? Snitch on your neighbors?
They’re already planning mass rollout of the vaccine, whenever it appears; with the manufactured plannedemic and fabricated numbers/crises, they’ll probably try to make it mandatory…


covid 19 is their trojan horse to bring in total tyranny, mass arrests, mandatory rules, mandatory “vaccines”..
plus the Green New Deal to herd us all into green govt FREE housing, eating green govt FREE “food”, and getting green govt FREE “medicine”…
while their stasi patrol the streets…and what’s left of our lives… if we remain alive.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. The Greens are destroying the economy and infrastructure so we’ll be living like in the seventh century, and the Moslem refauxgee invaders will insure that we stay trapped in the seventh century just as they are…..



The Democrats and their army of election officials, poll workers, media, social media censors utterly befouled, contaminated, devastated this election – maybe some funding was supplied by China – but don’t let the (expletives deleted) Democraps off the hook!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Vultures of a feather……

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Demon Rats will go down first – China makes sure to let others take the heat as much as possible.


legal craftsmanship…
PDJT’s Pennsylvania Complaint…Nov 9, 2020…
H/T americanthinker


A beautiful tribute to President Trump !
h/t Sidney Powell


GOD Bless our President…he has worked so very hard for us.


I can’t even think about that poem without the onion effect.


I agree with GB here…

and…pssst…neil cavuto, plse take notes.


comment image


A barely living GARGOYLE


and here’s the mother/father of all frauds obama talking about juries , of all things…
says The JURY’S Still Out…
article link…
obama + juries.


Øbama needs a perp walk to a fi ring squad.


Trouble in Georgia?!?!


“The Maricopa County Republican chair has stepped down from her post after it was publicly revealed she was a no-show at a voting machine test in October.”


There are Civil Rights issues involved in the voting fiasco. Her not being there, and their going through using the machines – means the Certificate of Authenticity is not satisfied.
Like signing off on an elevator inspection, but didn’t inspect the elevator. Then it crashes. Arizona is responsible for the right to election integrity.

Brave and Free

Better check their offshore bank account. Just saying


Yup, controlled oppo.


President Trump tweeted:
“Dominion deleted 2.7 million Trump votes Nationwide. Data analysis finds 221,000 Pennsylvania votes switched from President Trump to Biden. 941,000 Trump votes deleted. States using Dominion voting systems switched 435,000 votes for Trump to Biden.”


I forgot to put the word Report in above.🙄


finally…comment image
Inv 98 Lcomment imagecomment image
let’s hope & pray that does not become Iota , and that it just meanders west and south into the Pacific somewhere….and RIP.


OMG….I just did a Q research query for the word “Hammer” READ.
particularly 2598, the Dec 2018 picture from the WH, of SANTA, holding a HAMMER.
Then it gets even DEEPER
Aril 6th 2018 # 1044
Fake pic push by MSM.
Videos / backup.
Google kill.
YouTube kill.
FB kill.
Twitter kill.
Yahoo kill.
Bing kill.
Instagram kill.
Net will be paused.
On the clock.
Then DEEPEST, with #578 form Jan 2018.
Q !UW.yye1fxo No.47 📁
Jan 21 2018 14:06:20 (EST)
Will SESSIONS drop the hammer?
1 of 22.
#Memo shifts narrative.
#Memo reinstates SESSIONS’ authority re: Russia/ALL.
#Memo factually demonstrates collusion at highest levels.
#Memo factually demonstrates HUSSEIN ADMIN weaponized INTEL community to ensure D victory [+insurance].
#Memo factually demonstrates ‘knowingly false intel’ provided to FISA Judges to obtain warrant(s).
[The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America]
Hussein [8]
Install rogue_ops
Leak C-intel/Mil assets
Cut funding to Mil
Command away from generals
Launch ‘good guy’ takedown (internal remove) – Valerie Jarrett (sniffer)
SAP sell-off
Snowden open source Prism/Keyscore (catastrophic to US Mil v. bad actors (WW) +Clowns/-No Such Agency)
Target/weaken conservative base (IRS/MSM)
Open border (flood illegals: D win) ISIS/MS13 fund/install (fear, targeting/removal, domestic-assets etc.)
Blind-eye NK [nuke build]
[Clas-1, 2, 3]
Blind-eye Iran [fund and supply]
Blind-eye [CLAS 23-41]
Stage SC [AS [187]]
U1 fund/supply IRAN/NK [+reduce US capacity]
KILL NASA (prevent space domination/allow bad actors to take down MIL SATs/WW secure comms/install WMDs) – RISK OF EMP SPACE ORIG (HELPLESS)
[CLAS 1-99]
HRC [8] WWIII [death & weapons real/WAR FAKE & CONTROLLED][population growth control/pocket billions]
Eliminate final rogue_ops within Gov’t/MIL
KILL economy [starve/need/enslave]
Open borders
Revise Constitution
Ban sale of firearms (2nd amen removal)
Install ‘on team’ SC justices> legal win(s) across spectrum of challengers (AS 187)
Removal of electoral college [pop vote ^easier manipulation/illegal votes/Soros machines]
Limit/remove funding of MIL
Closure of US MIL installations WW [Germany 1st]
Destruction of opposing MSM/other news outlets (censoring), CLAS 1-59
Pure EVIL.
Narrative intercept [4am].
Sessions/Nunes Russian OPS.
Repub distortion of facts to remove Mueller.[POTUS free pass].
Shutdown Primary Reasons.
Weaken military assets.
Inc illegal votes.
Black voters abandoning.
“Keep them starved”
“Keep them blind”
“Keep them stupid”
HRC March 13, 2013 [intercept].
The Great Awakening.
Fight, Fight, Fight.
There is NO way all that is coincidence. This was GAMED out for TWO years or MORE. We truly DO have more than we KNOW.
I now plan to search scorecard, and dominion. I WONDER what I will find.


Matt Schlapp – “The national media has all the proof they need on massive ballot irregularities. We have names of invalid voters, we have tomb stones and death certificates, we have names and addresses of out of state voters. Thousands.
If they won’t cover this scandal stop watching them.”….


Truck and auto caravan heading to DC!!!!


With all the many different kinds of criminal acts that the Democrats have been caught perpetrating during the Election – their party should have to concede the election and lose ALL the Electoral Votes – giving President Trump the entire 538!
I sure hope President Trump’s team of lawyers and IT experts have got the goods on these criminals and they will be prosecuted for treason/sedition.


Letter: Michigan GOP Senators request full audit and completion of audit before certification.


ANNND so it BEGINS. Cannot post link, but in Michigan, Dominion is NOW, through a 3rd party “security expert” saying their software is not good enough to ELIMINATE HUMAN ERROR.
That’s right folks. the BLAME SHIFTING has begun. Dominion wil NOW try to blame the FRAUD on HUMAN error.
They are CAUGHT my friends. I think they SHIT THE BED when Trump put an EXACT amount in that PA lawsuit, 682, 479 ballots. I bet someone went OH SHIT, Trump KNOWS. Yes, FOOLS, he DOES, AND he can PROVE it.
This is gonna get HOT. Wait for ALL the hand wringing, blame passing, and pearl clutching when the other shoe DROPS.
You know the BEST part, that old FOOL Biden and his band of henchmen, are going out and publicly stating that not only are they IN, they are revealing their EVIL plans, like ALL bad Batman (TV) villain’s do, monologuing their plans instead of keeping QUIET and killing Batman.
The BEST part is since Trump DENIED them access to a transition and a budget, they are OPENLY saying they will DO IT ANYWAY.
THAT is insurrection, OH, and IF ol Joe talks to ONE, just ONE world leader on policy, HE will have violated the Logan act, the VERY thing he suggested to screw Michael Flynn. Trump WARNED him, you are NOT PEOTUS, you have NOT won anything YET, so you have NO power REAL OR perceived.
KARMA. Ol joe is gonna go down for the Logan act, and his team is going down on COLLUSION.
They VERY things they used to falsely accuse and torment Trump over. You CANNOT tell me this is NOT by grand design, be it by Trump or GOD. This is SOMEONE’s PLAN.


Surely hope the Hoe was in on some of those discussions with foreign leaders.
And we all KNOW, calls with foreign leaders are ALL MONITORED.
– Almost as IF Bibi was playing along. Johnson is flaky, IMO. Maybe he is in on it. SK?
IF that Bibi stuff is legit congrats to Beijing Biden, I’ll be astonished. Johnson and SK, not surprised at all.
Dunno who the other foreign leaders are that Beijing Biden has talked with.


One more time with FEELING.


Hannity- Priebus says
Sequence of recounts,
GA 11/20 completion date
PA 11/23 completion date
Then WI, AZ

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Getting GOOD, guys!
FROM GAB…..comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Flynn knows to keep our eyes on the GOAL to keep STRONG.
FROM GAB.comment image


The breadth and scope of the plan is and has been breath taking! It’s so easy to get focused on one aspect of it, then do a mental turn, and there’s another part linking to that part.
I was thinking about the posts about the traps, and enticing the mice…….. and I realized what a complicated, large trap was constructed. It wasn’t just about the small traps, they were all part of this giant trap with a lot of different parts.


I am currently unable to load the last comments of the next post. If I try to go to “newer comments” from the next-to-last page, it cycles and ends up on the next-to-last page. If I try to open comments from the summaries page, it cycles and goes completely white. Also, the number of comments on the summaries page does not seem to be updating. This just happened within the last couple of hours.
Oh, and Twitter currently has a banner saying that it will no longer display “legacy Twitter” as of 12/15. This is new.


And now it works again….