Before I get too far into this post, because there is A LOT to say, I would like to acknowledge the contributions of a number of QTreepers who helped shape this compilation: MichaelH, eilert, razorbak, Aubergine, The Boss, and more. There are many more. But these people’s contributions are in tabs waiting to be added to the post.
From Star Parker:
…the famous words of newly elected President John F. Kennedy in his inaugural address, on Jan. 20, 1961, 60 years before our next president will be administered the oath of office, in January 2021.
Kennedy said, “And so, my fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: Ask not what America will do for you but what together we can do for the freedom of man.”…
Here’s how Kennedy opened that address: “The world is very different now. … And yet, the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe—the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.”
And from XVII:
Feb 10, 2018 3:33:29 AM EST
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 237dde
No. 324395
“Rest in peace Mr. President (JFK), through your wisdom and strength, since your tragic death, Patriots have planned, installed, and by the grace of God, activated, the beam of LIGHT. We will forever remember your sacrifice. May you look down from above and continue to guide us as we ring the bell of FREEDOM and destroy those who wish to sacrifice our children, our way of life, and our world. We, the PEOPLE.” Prayer said every single day in the OO.
JFK – Secret Socities.
Where we go one, we go all. Q
As a quick recap on what this writer believes about “The Plan,” it is a THEORY (this one really is a theory) which is constantly morphing based on a chan post that disappeared some time back that what we are seeing unfold now is the product of DECADES worth of planning and thinking through contingencies beginning either during or in the aftermath of the Korean War.
It became obvious to somebody, somewhere in the Pentagon, and possibly even President Dwight Eisenhower while he was NATO Supreme Commander that the people in the background of what Ike termed the “Military Industrial Complex” on his way out of the White House in 1961, were then (and still are) hellbent on bankrupting America using two tried and true ways of bilking money out of a treasury: lending us our own money at interest via a central bank (the Federal Reserve) and keeping us in a constant state of war.
How that was to be accomplished, I believe, lies in the creation of at least two entities created by the secret societies who want to enslave us via the means described above: CIA (1947), and the United Nations (1949). Those are the two bodies that got us into the Korean War and through which battle plans were sent for approval. In the field, the Americans were getting slaughtered…until they sent false plans to the UN, and proved that the UN was sabotaging the effort.
In 1952, in a move so secret, it was decades before the existence of “No Such Agency” was admitted, President Harry Truman signed into being the National Security Agency (NSA). From that time, behind the scenes, the Central Intelligence Agency (a definite contradiction in terms), and the NSA were at odds, and most likely still are today. (Maybe, some of the Snowden reveals put that in question.)
Our beloved XVII claims that the current effort of executing “The Plan” was started by President Kennedy, but….
What if Kennedy was actually in the same role as President Trump is: the front man for a military operation so meticulously planned that it is unfolding next to a plan of the same size and scope with exactly the opposite goals and objectives. What if the first attempt to make this happen was stopped on November 22, 1963 in a VERY public way, and the planners regrouped knowing they had to find another front man, and a way around what we call “mockingbird,” the C_A’s gaslighting and propaganda operation, in order to ensure the freedom of the people of the world could be achieved by taking out the cabal at the top of the food chain in the secret societies via exposure and creating the demand for it to happen.
What if that is what we are beginning to see today.
What if the 2020 election was and is the mechanism by which the opposition wanted to finally enslave the people, and the planners are countering by exposing the plot using their front man, President Donald Trump, and the mainstream media work around known as the internet (social media).
From the Daily thread on November 13, 2020:
These are the thoughts I have had since the election was over. I can’t change them, no matter what information comes to me.
There appear to be two options, and two only, for what is currently happening.
1) President Trump, knowing vote fraud was coming, telling us over and over again that vote fraud would happen, used the ENORMOUS power of the Presidency, not to mention the power of lots of money, to somehow set up a way to catch the cheating and expose it, winning reelection and bringing down the fraudsters. Doing this in a very public way ensures that it can never happen again and new laws and safeguards for elections will be the order of the day.
2) President Trump, knowing voter fraud was coming, telling us over and over again that vote fraud would happen, did NOTHING with the power of his office or money, allowed the cheating he knew was coming to happen, and fecklessly spent millions of dollars on a campaign there was no hope of winning. Doing nothing ensures that we will definitely be a Socialist country, and never have a fair election again. Everything we have believed about Trump for the last five years was a fantasy. The Emperor truly has no clothes.
Looking at the situation through this stark lens has brought me a lot of peace. I BELIEVE the only possible answer is number ONE. If for some reason I am wrong and have been completely fooled for five years, I have exactly ZERO control over current events, and will have to live with whatever comes, for however long I live.
As I see it, these are the two options, and there really are no other choices. I don’t see a third option, no matter how hard I look.
My response:
I believe there is a third option which includes your first option:
The Plan called for this and used their recruited front man, President Donald J. Trump, to explain to the public how it was going to go down.
None of the people really pulling the strings behind the scenes have the name recognition or star power to make it happen, IMO.
I’m now seeing this as one of the most sophisticated operations ever attempted based on the Shakespearian 5 act model. We’re currently in Act III, unless I miss my guess.
And that’s the crux. No matter which side of this mess one finds his or herself, this is the climax; this is Act III; this is where the set up culminates and where the real action begins.
From the Daily thread, November 14, 2020:
At the risk of it being too early on a Saturday morning when so many people are headed to capitols, both state and federal, to express their displeasure with the election aftermath, I would like to share this from GAB, and will comment below the post itself.
Staggering fraud. Includes governors & Secretaries of State. Multiple, US & global elections. Organized crime throughout all media. It’s deeper than we ever thought. I’m going to expose every one of them
Massive criminal investigations coming, covering *multiple elections*. If any states are stupid enough to certify, they’ll be set aside by fraud. The President won this election in a landslide.
Every frauded ballot is a federal felony !!
Release the Kraken: @SidneyPowell1
vows to expose the Silicon Valley and left-wing corporations that are using their power to help Democrats steal the election from @realdonaldtrump. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs
3:35 PM · Nov 13, 2020
DePat comment:
The “Swamp” is nationwide. It’s not just Foggy Bottom in Washington. It’s the entire system top to bottom. All of it needs to be cleaned out, not just the federal government as in the Cabinet and Congress. ALL OF IT. State houses, local party operations, even down to county executives and mayors – and please, take mine, including my state rep.
Nothing this big, as in election fraud which is most likely systemic since the vast majority of Americans only participate in the form of actually voting rather than being poll watchers or taking vacation time to work at the polls, just happens. It’s been in place for DECADES if not a couple centuries. I seriously doubt we’ve ever had honest elections at this point – and interestingly enough, the decentralization of it may have played into hiding the fraud since there are so many places that need to investigated. Limit it to just a few precincts, as Karl Rove has said about winning an election, and it can be hard to detect when you have to go through several states with uncooperative actors to find it.
Remember: 3-4 years ago when a federal commission was set up to clean up the voter rolls, the states refused to cooperate. We the people may have been on the Trump train, but the people in the state houses weren’t always.
This time around when it came to election fraud, the sheer size and scope of the steal turned out to be the mechanism by which it was exposed. There was simply too much from coast to coast to keep it hidden, especially when there had been observers out there watching for the last few elections seeing what we saw last week on a smaller scale.
We are in the exposure phase of The Plan, I’m convinced. The fraud is being SHOWN to the public to create the DEMAND that something, anything be done about it. The trick is to make sure it never happens again, and that means cleaning out the system from top to bottom, and getting corporate interests out of the influence business, i.e., lobbying.
Lobbyists will need to be viewed as abortionists once were: the dregs of polite society.
The other thing that *needs* to happen (without being read into the plan, this is a personal opinion) is that the vaunted alphabet agencies be subjected to the same microscopic inspection as is happening with the election system, if one can call the clusterf#@! we’re watching fall apart a system, and just dismantled. I have a feeling that’s where this is going, but some people had to be caught in the trap, first.
Exposure is always the precursor to demand. That’s where we are. And the “intelligence” people may just be next. We don’t know.
The question, though is what is being exposed. It’s not just election fraud:
For reference on the Oceans 11 concept, this is the scene that explains where the money is:
In the movie, all of the money was kept in one place…and what we are now finding out is that via the voting machines (Dominion, GEMS, etc.) voter information – who we all are and HOW WE VOTE, FOR WHOM WE VOTE, AND WHAT INITIATIVES WE VOTE FOR OR AGAINST – all gets dumped into a a single server in a foreign nation owned by a company known as “scytl.”
Please see Aubergine’s post on the taking down of that company last week.
The letters “scytl” were bugging me, I mean one of those mental nags that just won’t go away, until I realized in the dark of night that the lower case “l” could be an “I” in some fonts, and rearrange the letters and you get:
The ancient symbol of Christ. And guess what the Scytl logo is:
If you look at it a certain way, with the head being at the top and the tail at the bottom, the bug does resemble a quilt pattern I have for surf fish using triangles.
That may just be spitballing, but….
So, back to what Patrick Bergy was getting at with his tweet. If all of the voter data – legal and not – is dumped in one place, and ballots actually do have identifying marks on them, which I have wondered for a long time since ours have always been numbered and representatives from both parties have to sign for them, are the people who want to enslave us collecting our voting habits and patterns, something that really should only be between a voter and God?
And how much of this is influenced by foreign governments?
Remember, if we are in the climax of a five act play (and Shakespearian plays are LOOOOONNNGGGG), the eye of the storm, if you will, then everything up to now has been prelude. Even this:
This story begins with the little-known executive order signed into existence on September 12, 2018, by President Donald J. Trump. That order, available at, is entitled, “Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.”
In that executive order, which almost no one has covered since the day it was signed, President Trump declares a national emergency. That emergency is still in play to this day, and the 2020 election was conducted under this state of emergency, which is a crucial point to understand what’s coming next.
“Unauthorized accessing of election infrastructure”
In the EO, the President also states that people and organizations located, in part, outside the United States are known to be able to, “interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation.”
If you’re starting to see how this ties in to CNN, the NY Times, the Washington Post and MSNBC, you’re not alone. All those organizations, as you’ll soon see, have been caught under this emergency declaration of “foreign interference” in U.S. elections, aided by complicit corporations on U.S. soil.
The EO further states that this foreign interference in U.S. elections, “constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.”
Why is this relevant to anything we’re seeing right now with the massive election fraud carried out by the Democrats and the deep state? Because Dominion Voting Systems is a Canadian company. And Scytl is run out of Spain.
That’s right. Dominion is a foreign-owned company, which makes Dominion-based election theft a “foreign interference issue.”
Scytl, by the way, is connected to George Soros and the Democrats, and according to TGP (see below), “Bill Gates also own stock in Scytl.”
So, if we’re enjoying the show:
I’ll have grounds
Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2, 603-305
More relative than this—the play’s the thing
Wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the King.
The XVII team and President Trump set the trap, and the other side fell right in. The cheating, fraud and brazenly claiming that the Biden/Harris ticket won was supposed to be the climax for the parallel plan (Act III in their play) resulting in routing out those of us who would give them trouble, and – OOPS – the sleeping giant woke up thanks to MAGA, and all those rallies.
We’re not buying it.
And now that all is being exposed with the American people awake – FINALLY – well, for the most part anyway, the system that has held us in check for over a hundred years will be dismantled by the will of the people whether the other side likes it or not.
Top to bottom.
And for them it’s a tragedy.
For the people of the United States and the world beyond our borders, it will be a triumph.
Thanks for the shoutout DP!

That name “Scytl” has been bothering me too. Here are my thoughts.
As in reaping a harvest of votes
As in…
HAMMER and …
Hammer and …
As in… SCYTHE, a war scythe
Possible. IDK. We’ll find out eventually, I’m sure.
Indeed, look at the shape of the purple band, curlique whatever just to the left of the S, and compare that to the picture of the scythe.
The shapes are similar, though not exact. And more similar than different.
There’s definitely some commonality of shape. The odd logo for Scytl could not have been chosen at random.
If you simply take the word Scythe and overlay some white background to obscure the hook of the “h” and the “e” and you get Scytl. It is fully intentional IMO. SYMBOLS. They could never name it SICKLE. They could not even name it Scythe. But Scytl works.
It’s communism.
The Boss is standing strong – I stand with him!!!
Attorney Ron Coleman:
“You don’t hear them denying there was widespread voter fraud.
They deny that we can prove it.”
“Or they deny that we can do anything about it anyway.
Well, we can and will prove it.
And we are doing something about it. You’ve seen nothing yet.”…
The New York Times’ Pennsylvania Voting Data Seems to Confirm Massive and Obvious Vote Count Manipulation for Biden”
DP, your post is just brilliant. Serene, and brilliant simultaneously.
Thank you.
DP I need help with a situation. If you have a moment, please scan over the thread following my reply to Scott467’s comment on Lin Wood’s tweet from yesterday. It’s in Aubergine’s Scytl posting. I cannot believe how off the charts this has become. There is no way to block someone here, or I would have already done it. Thanks for the help.
My help?
Yes, the only way to control rhetoritc is to not respond, In this case, it’s really the only remedy.
It’s all good. I handled it, but sincere thanks.
Yes. Very concise and the. Choices are,as usual, Potus is stumbling round in the dark…….or he’s a stealth predator. One who’s prey have walked into his web of high tensile steel with no legal, physical escape. Their bolt holes are gone, they are monitored. Most importantly the money! Dawsonsfield has has endless articles of swamp money streams being chocked off. (#nothings happening). They face running with no where safe to go, no money and fellow conspirators desperate to make the deal to save themselves.
The Jews had a saying -the suitcase or the grave. These assholes have lost the suitcase option.
Watch carefully. This will be talked about for 1000 years. It’s Waterloo on steroids
you know (off topic) you have wonderful writing skills.
perhaps POTUS will need someone to rewrite history books…or his memoirs some day!!
you style is perfect to getting a point across.
thanks DePat!!!
Thanks. The sisters who taught us to write in HS would probably be appalled at the informality, but it works for what we need.
you never give the impression that you’re talking down to us…I appreciate that!
^^^ Slow guy appreciates this also.
There is no doubt in my mind I am surrounded by some really, really smart folks. Appreciate so much sharing of information, analysis and insights.
Learn much here daily.
Plus, there are so many laughs along the way.
And god help you if you made a spelling mistake
I got to thinking about it, and of my English teachers from HS – the nuns – only one is still alive.
Than and at times, now a days.
Them nun were fierce old birds
They certainly had my number. Which I foolishly earned way to often.
Fuck yeah. I was on their shit list since I droped a water bomb on the mother superior from 2 story balcony.
Good post! The name Scytl bugs me, too. I have yet to put my finger on exactly how.
It reminds me of the word “sidle”.
From Merriiam-Webster:
Definition of sidle:
intransitive verb
: to go or move with one side foremost especially in a furtive advance
transitive verb
: to cause to move or turn sideways
In other words, to advance in a such way that it favors one side over another.
“…favors one side over another.”
Should be: “…favors one side over the other.”
Sidle is a German last name. My husband’s cousin’s last name is Sidle.
Like flipping VOTES perhaps?
Didn’t someone post to, I think, the Open Thread in the last couple of days about how the word “scytl” is derived from the Greek?
And it meant a kind of “code system” of writing the messages backwards on the leather ribbon which was then wrapped around a stick backwards — sot the recipient had to “unwind” the message from the stick to read it?
Apparently the ancient Spartans used this method — it was called “SCYTALE”.
The message would be written in a code, then wrapped around a stick. Only if the recipient had a stick of the exact size would they read the message as it was unwrapped.
So it would appear that the company’s name, “SCYTL”, is a shortened form of “SCYTALE”.
Using the same principles of the ancient Spartans, “translated” to the 21 Century! — coded messages (software); the sticks (servers); secretly transferring information (stealing elections).
My opinion:
The company name “SCYTL” is part and parcel of their (and their allies”) efforts to obey their paymasters’ plans to render ALL of us into peons / serfs who THINK they’re voting for someone, whereas in actuality, the winners are chosen by the Cabal BEFORE the election is held.
And, if by some chance, a person wins who was NOT already chosen by the Cabal, the task is then to corrupt / suborn / control, that winner as much as possible.
Like, say, KEMP in Georgia.
“SCYTL” and its allies are ALL of them, pure evil.
Symbolism will be their downfall
They have stepped on a landline and the enemy are advancing.
Yes… cthulhu wrote about it yesterday….. I posted his comment below.
This is correct. It’s even on Scytl’s website. Click the “Our Name” tab.
Too bad.
I liked my idea.
Oh, well.
Your idea is operant at a higher level. Trust that. It’s a coincidental quasi-anagram, IMO. And notice that that is indeed the way the ancient technology works – mixing up letters on a larger scale. Beautiful self-referential idea. We’re getting close now……
The spook names always have double meanings.
Yes, I did read that here! I think Scytl has deep and possibly multiple meanings.
Like covfefe!
I googled Scytl German definition and got “Innovative Democracy election solutions have earned the trust of public and private electoral organizations ”
Scytl-OLV-Icon. Online Voting
“The message would be written in a code, then wrapped around a stick.”
The logo looks liike something being wrapped around.
Take the word….
…..meaning “sickle”…..
…..erase from the RIGHT toward the center…..
…..any questions?
Sort of a contraction of Scythe-Hell… Scyt[hel]l…..
Hammer and sickle. .Soviet symbols.
There are multiple reasons they do this – this “hiding of symbols under the sheep’s noses”. Not only is is useful as a “detector of understanding” – it serves as a reminder of power between them, to enforce obedience – particularly by embedded isolates who might think of going “Whitaker Chambers” on them.
The symbol thing is actually very mocking. All of it.
THAT makes the hairs go up on the back of my neck!
Oh yeah! I hear you!
I have yet to put my finger on exactly how.
^^^ Since first learning of Scytl and what it does, someday we’ll learn of its evil meaning or origin. Nothing positive I am sure.Won’t even be surprised to learn there are links to our C_A.
Here’s Sidney Powell on Maria Bartiromo’s Sunday Morning show.
Sidney Powell video will not play. Black screen in tw*tt*r and the fox news site won’t load it.
It plays.
It’s at as well.
Good for you, but when I click on this post, it sends me to twitter; when I click on it in twitter all I get is a black rectangle.
When I click on the link starting with “ow.” above black rectangle it sends me to some fox media site which at least shows me the “loading video” animation…but it never loads. I just tried it again.
My reply was two words, with nothing added. Also an alternate location. Sheesh.
The alternate location, at least, works, thank you for that.
Your “it plays” without qualification came across to me as calling me either mistaken or a liar, hence my double checking and then my response. I probably need more caffeine. My apologies.
I just assumed you’d fill in the remainder of the sentence. As in “it plays for me.” I’m pretty fatigued with the non-stop battering from a few of the “bosses” around here. I guess it shows.
Yikes! Other people giving you a hard time?
Again, mea maxima culpa from me, if that makes you feel any better.
Surely your reply is sarcasm?
No, it really isn’t. I read hundreds of comments every day and my brain unfortunately doesn’t sort them all to see a pattern like “lots of people give Gingersmom a hard time.” It’s going to be a lot easier for you to see it, of course! So I really did have to ask.
Steve’s doesn’t do sarcasm to fellow wolves.
That’s weird – I watched it.
Yes, it’s really odd. I had to go to that other site Gingersmom brought up to see it.
I’ve now tried the twitter a total of three times. Nichts, nada, nichego, zilch.
But, apparently, only for me.
It may require cross-site (third party) cookie allowance on Twitter.
Still doesn’t explain why going directly to fox didn’t work.
Or why a different third party site DID work.
I experience the same thing with Fox. I cannot see Fox videos on Fox, but I can on Twitter. The point there is that I have moderate blocking of trackers. Those are much deeper and more numerous on Fox than on Twitter. Fox only works for me with complete whitelisting.
I sow the clip on YouTube
For me, the same with the 2 videos of POTUS leaving the gold course today. Guess we’ll lucky to view many of the videos right now.
Finallt got it to play on Chrome.
This would certainly be a “Watch California ” all inclusive post. All the years of only dimms in power, the loss of rights, the destruction throughout the state, would potentially have not occurred. Gruesome prob wouldnt be governor,cetc, etc.
Looking forward to a fix whenever it may happen. 23 days?
I think OUR reset is going to be rather huge.
Pendulum is only correcting too….
How do you get from SCYTI (i substituted for L as you said) to ΙΧΘΥΣ?
I of course goes directly across and Y becomes upsilon, certainly (especially since scytl is spelled with an upsilon in the oroginal. S could map to Σ…they don’t look much alike because of all the changes the Italic cultures made to the Greek alphabet after they borrowed it, but do have the same sound value. But getting from T to Θ and from C to Χ is a HUGE reach. The only reason to associate T with Θ is because we happen to spell that sound with “th.” The Greeks never did. And C has even less relation to Χ. Χ represents a sound we don’t have in English (unless we’re pronouncing a borrowed proper name like “Bach”) and is sometimes rendered KH, sometimes CH, and sometimes just plain H. (I prefer the first of the three as CH and H also have very different “regular” meanings, but we get CH from the Germans, causing no end of confusion between ch in cherry and ch as in Channukah, when someone insists on spelling it that way.)
As for the logo…it’s a ribbon in a helix, which is what a scytl was.
I replied and for some reason must have hit the wrong reply button.
Plus, I said I was spit-balling.
I see things through the lens of Catholicism. You don’t. In that, we are just different.
I have the same lens….
And once you really get it, you can’t un-get it, if you will.
I know…a woman I know who is no longer practicing told me “you can take the girl out of Catholicism, but you cannot take Catholicism out of the girl”…I pray for her daily.
One of my brothers falls into that category and the two who are practicing could take a few lessons from him.
(and extra homework, to boot)…
At St. Edwards that would have gotten us some time in the penalty box
[Not to mention a close encounter with the yardstick or chalkboard pointer with a rubber tip that still wasn’t soft]…
One of our teachers, may God have mercy on her soul, just threw desks.
Of course that was usually just to get the room’s attention when we were supposed to be lining up for a concert. She did wreck the desk, though.
Any relation to Steve Ballmer?
(He had a reputation for throwing furniture at Micro$oft…)….
Oh, and said teacher wasn’t one of the nuns…just a frustrated same sex attracted women who we all think couldn’t seduce her quarry.
“The ichthys or ichthus (/ˈɪkθəs/[1]), from the Greek ikhthýs (ἰχθύς 1st cent. AD Koine Greek [ixˈθys], “fish”) is a symbol consisting of two intersecting arcs, the ends of the right side extending beyond the meeting point so as to resemble the profile of a fish. The symbol was adopted by early Christians as a secret symbol. It is now known colloquially as the “sign of the fish” or the “Jesus fish””
I’ll leave it there.
Believe it or not, I knew all of that.
Have you all seen that Last Refuge is losing their word press account?
Have to ask–if Last Refuge is being censored are we next??
Couldn’t happen to a more stubborn anti quer
I just went OT and read his post. One of the comments mentioned (set up after reddit/thedonald was done away with) and that it was set up as a site that can’t be de-platformed. I know literally nothing about how any of that works, but folks here do. Just tossing it out.
I think cthulhu explained it best to me…. and I think he is correct.
November 14, 2020 at 17:59
Actually, it probably derives from a real thing, the scytale.
For anyone who has written even a basic book or article about cryptography, they may remember that the Greeks had a method for sending sensitive messages where they would wind a strip of parchment around a staff and write across the strips. After unwinding it, it would look incomprehensible. This is an example of a transpositional cipher — the same letters, but jumbled. The receiver would merely wind the strip around a staff of the same diameter in order to read the message. If you tried a staff with a different diameter, the letters would still be jumbled. This method was called “scytale”.
I have this mental image of a codebreaker in the Ancient Greek NSA, going through a library of different-sized dowels trying to find the right one to decode the message they intercepted…
And his name was
Dowel Borland…
Why has this post devolved into a discussion on a spit-ball weed tangent?
Trump 1.0 —-> stalking, IDing, prepping, setting traps and baiting same
Trump 2.0 —-> springing traps, bagging & tagging, seizures & freezing of assets, criminal prosecutions & convictions, etc.
Donald Trump and Rudy Guliani successfully took down the 5 mafia crime families of NYC.
President Trump is relaxed, golfing, and having a great time. Why?
A: Because he knows he has the Lord’s favor, he has won re-election, and he is 5 steps ahead of the people trying to stop him.
Pass the popcorn.
Pass the popcorn AND keep praying.
My daughter’s husband is catholic but not practicing, my husbands father also was a non practicing catholic.
Both had a bad experience in the church do not know what.
I personally have good memories being taught by nuns and spending up to age 13 in catholic environment from cloister and catholic school as non catholic. Loved the nuns they were kind and very gentile.
They instilled a spiritual seed withing me that is lasting.
Thank you — greatly appreciated.
I never had a problem with nuns, either, and agree with everything you wrote.
I am very tired of the nun hate everywhere over the decades.
And ain’t this an ** interesting ** piece of the puzzle?
07 April 2014
“Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen invests $40 million in Catalan e-voting company Scytl”
OK for the fun news, especially if you live in Ore, Calif, or Wash.
The 3 west coast states are locking down the people again. They have even made it a Class C misdemeanor, COVID now has a 99,8% survival rate, if you under 70. if you over 70, survival rate is like 98.5%. . Think it goes down to like 98% if you over 80. Isn’t 98% survival rate even a bit better than what most people over 80 have had. Average life span in the US is around 81, so what the H3LL.
Interesting that I found that death rates for 2020 are actually lower than many other years in the last decade and even several decades. Come on guys, I never thought that we were going to live in a world where I would never die
COVID-19 pause now a freeze
Brown said she was telling individual Oregonians to limit social events to six people and she had ordered the Oregon State Police to begin working with local law enforcement to limit social gatherings and use their discretion to enforce as citation, fine or arrest of a Class C Misdemeanor.
U.S. Death Rate 1950-2020
^^^ It’s all so U F B.
Until the days, folks say ENOUGH, and simply go outside and tell Gavin, Kate and Jay to FUCK OFF, it WILL only get worse.
This applies to all states with moronic guvners playing into the grand reset, global reset.
Covid is all part of the seeds being planted for civil war. D-Rats talk up divisions among Americans nearly every time they speak.
Scare folks, take away their freedoms, assemble with friends, church, for fun, take away their livlihood, businesses shutdown until they fail… Lock up folks for no reason.
MSM and big tech support the slide to Socialism through lying articles and shutting down Free Speech. They support the Covid hype, support BLM and Antifa, bad mouth Americans over race, religion, background, wealth regardless of it was earned…
Link below is a GREAT message from a gal that survived the Yugoslvia civil war. ABSOLUTELY a great listen IF you have not already listened o it. Slow guy listened twice and picked up so much more.
The ONLY thing that will stop a hot civil war is President Trump’s reelection.
FG&C has a couple times posted quite clearly, and I think accurately, trump 2.0 will be a massive clean up of the swamp.
Me thinks it’ll be incredibly broad based.
– It’ll transcend muh Russia.
– Pedogate will be blown wide open
– Covid will be relegated to the back row, along with stopping the mask nonsense, shut downs…
– “foundations” such as clinton, McStain, Biden…across the spectrum of politicians will be exposed and shut down.
– – These foundations are nothing short of money laundering operations. Money stolen from US tax payers (USAID, whateve grants and do gooder operations…) and bilking foreign governments and poserr players out of money.
– MSM and big tech will get seriously calibrated.
President Trump’s reelection will stop the global reset, slide towards civil war and the beginning of the end to the manufactured Covid “crisis”..
It is sad, especially considering that our death rate this year is so low compared to other years. Then when you look at 81 being average longevity in America, this is sick.
Hey I am 71, 9 years or so is what I have been thinking, anymore as long as I’m thinking, and mostly mobile without too much pain, I will be very blessed.
Just saw this after blabbing all morning on the daily! Now must come back here after chores, but THANK YOU for posting this before I even read it!
You said you like us to speak freely.
Anyone posted that OT has been deplatformed ???
I will be posting about this shortly.
From the incomparable Sidney
Read the American Thinker article she is referencing.
November 15, 2020
What’s Kraken?
By Clarice Feldman
Rudi got the Dominion software logs.
Eilert – Sorry but this is a fake account and looks like it’s been suspended.
I was sooo excited.
This just makes me more suspicious of that post with the 410-128 electoral vote map that claimed to be from sources.
Aren’t all the electoral maps just conjecture at this point? Especially with the fraud/manipulation/fake ballots, ballot stuffing, lawsuits, etc.
Yes, that’s true.
What I was thinking of was the claim that “we” had the real numbers somewhere and they showed a 410-128 win for Trump, which would be staggering (but believable) compared to what we saw. Of course it was from “sources” etc. and the implication was the numbers had been pulled off the raided servers. But I was never satisfied that it was based on anything other than some bullshitter on the internet (though I did highlight it and speculate on it). Another couple of days will make it apparent. If we never hear about it again, it was bullshit; if we do, then it was at least somewhat real.
It’s probably BS – but pretty. Somebody else has posted a real pretty all-red electoral map….!
Even ones with Greenland having as many electoral votes as Indonesia would have if Indonesia were a state.
It’s not much of an exaggeration to say if Greenland ended up with that many electoral votes they’d have to hire non-Greenlanders to cast some of those votes. Not that many people in Greenland.
Here it is….
Trump 538 – !
Even in an honest vote, no way would PDJT ever get DC. DC, after all is The Swamp and direct dependents thereof, and his implacable enemy.
Yes, the Swamp gets three Electoral Votes! (It shouldn’t, but somebody managed to amend the Constitution because everyone else was an idiot and wasn’t paying attention.)
But 535-3 would still be the most lopsided election since George Washington. It would beat out Reagan 84, Nixon 72 and FDR whateveryearthatwas.
This guy has Trump @305 Electoral Votes!….
My prediction before the polls closed was 330+ – and it might have been – if not for Scytl, Dominion, Smartech and a dozen other Democrat dirty tricks.
305 is close to what you get if the states currently being litigated all go for PDJT.
The only Electoral map I give credence to is Epoch. They have the remaining six states not allocated. Makes sense in my mind.
At a later date if the Dominion and other fraud stories are validated, we mae see more red states. Also john James in MI along with more House seats red.
Generally, I am optimistic about these things, but believe the optimism is well founded.
They’re really pushing demoralizing disinformation here. The other side is in trouble.
BINGO. We have already SEEN the backtracking. Yesterday scare the SHIT out of them.
Here is the blue check mark RG account –…
Fake account, but the real one posts somewhat related:
So,….will California’s votes not be allowed?
An interesting question.
Unless BiteMe ends up with 325+ certified electoral votes, him being denied California puts him below the 270 threshold and, since those votes go into the trashcan rather than to Donald Trump instead, *neither* candidate wins the electoral college vote, at which point…it goes to the House of Representatives.
I was not able to find Sidney Powell’s interview this morning….but here is an article from the Epoch Times – possibly referring to the same interview.
A word of advice to anyone reading this: Wear a biohazard suit around leftists. When their heads explode you do NOT want to be exposed to the diseased dreck that will be flying everywhere.
QUESTION FOR SITE ADMINISTRATORS. I just discovered that The Conservative Treehouse has been deplatformed by Word Press. Could you do an article letting us know if you expect the same for The Q Tree? And where to find you if it happens? Don’t want to lose you!
We have a Gab group here:
Just go there and join, and in an emergency, we will direct you to our new, censorship-proof location.
I’ve got a feeling that 11/22/2020 (next Sunday) is going to be special this year. Symbolism goes both ways, and what better to take it back than for the Trump team to release the Kraken on the Deep State. Also, expect a bunch of assassination imagery in the media over the next week because they love every excuse they can get to talk about Presidential assassinations.
Well, we are going to NUKE their plans.
NO, NOT 11/22. 11/23/63. The DAY Kennedy was shot. a MONDAY. Buckle up.
Kennedy was murdered on the 22nd. Friday.
Yes, my bad, got days confused.
Just wanted to say that I am 100% with this article!!! BRAVA!!! <3
LOL!!! “The show must go on!”
Puttin’ On The Ritz!
Super Duper Mini Trouper!!!!!!!
The first thing “Scytl” conjures in my mind is Scylla the mythical Greek monster with six snake heads. It’s like a depiction of the cabal itself snaking their way into elections worldwide.
Latest incarnation of Lindsey Lohan or Katy Perry…….
That name (Scylla) was bouncing in and out of my mind (lotta room to bounce there)…
It wouldn’t be surprising if they had Scylla in mind… especially a six is a “special” number to them…..
The DRAGON Q posted?
BREAKING: @SidneyPowell1 “The people who bought the Dominion system, for sure, knew exactly what they were getting. It never should’ve been installed anywhere and we are going to show the public EXACTLY how rotten the entire state is … they can stick a thumb drive in the
BCP provides more information on Dominion….lots of violations by the Dominion machines. Includes an interview by Glen Beck of a person very familiar with Dominion machines
c’t (MAJOR computing/geek magazine over here) has many instances of scytl being in hot water with the various election authorities in various countries over here, going back to 2014 if not earlier…
I was surprised to read that Scytl was somehow involved in tabulating the European Parliament’s election. On the other hand, they have NO power at all: they merely exist to rubber-stamp whatever the European Comission (unelected bureaucrats) gives to them, and to give the proletariat the impression that their votes (and voices) count. Couldn’t be farther from the truth.
So in that case Scytl is manipulating a meaningless election. Practice run, perhaps…
One might say that communist politicians are so unpopular that they always go into the Bars-alone-a…..
Now you know why I’m trying to stick Hallmark and Lifetime Christmas movies.
Very important to read the Political Moonshine article Scott linked. Here is more about what Sidney Powell said this morning:
“Further, “It’s the software that was the problem. Even their own manual explains how votes can be wiped away…it’s like drag-n-drop Trump votes to a separate folder and then delete that folder. It’s absolutely brazen how people bought this system and why they bought this system. In fact, every state that bought Dominion, for sure, should have a criminal investigation or at least a serious investigation of the officers in the states who bought the software. We’ve even got evidence essentially, of kickbacks.”
Regarding kickbacks, Powell has evidence “from various whistle-blowers that are aware of substantial sums of money being given to family members of state officials who bought this software. The software was being sold in “$100 million packages for new voting machines suddenly in multiple states.”
DP, great post and also that you gave credit to the others you cite. And your writing is clear as a bell. I never have a doubt as to your meaning, and I think you have a good handle on the history of what has gone on in our country. Thank you.
Do unto others….
One of the reasons I quit reading OT and some other people is that they do not credit others at all. All of these concepts are a compilation of the data set one has digested set against that person’s background. This push is a group effort and is not always treated as such.
Well done!
I totally agree the system needs cleaning out and getting rid of the lobbyists. Good people will need to step up and fill many empty positions at every level as well, eliminating many of those $$$$ guzzling useless positions locally and nationally.
This is so sick–without a technically elected president they are going Nazi on us in Oregon and others in Washington and oregon. DAMN
“Oregon | Fines of up to $ 1,250 or 30 days in jail could face those who do not respect lockdown in Oregon: ′′ For the past eight months I have been asking Oregon residents to follow the rules outlined by law and we haven’t opted to involve law enforcement “, Brown said on Friday. ′′ At this time, unfortunately, we have no choice ′′
The governor warned violations are misdemeanors with summons or arrest, and Brown said she would work with state police and local police to encourage Oregon residents to comply with her directive.”
What’s the penalty for breaking Oregon’s new ‘stay home’ order? Jail, $1,250 fine or both.
Meant to say Washington and Calif…..So all 3 west coast states are screwed
We’re being shutdown here in Michigan but they’re calling it a “pause” all restaurants and bars no inside dining. Starting Tuesday at midnight. We cannot have more than 2 households over for Thanksgiving and if we have more than a 2 household family we can’t take turns with visits!!! Salons and barbers and retail stores can stay open for now. High schools and colleges go back to remote learning but not k through 8th grade.
I’m so sick of the BS!!! This has got to be stopped ASAP
They are calling it a freeze in Oregon, and I think the same goes for Washington and Calif.
I can it the dictators stealing our constitution rights.
Here is current Oregon one Looks like Kate Brown wants it enforced this time..
Strange the number of Avid Brown supporters who still plan on skirting her mandates.
Current one …Sorry posted Marches
It’s all by design, it seems like just before holidays they start putting restrictions on us. We haven’t had anything here but now coming into Thanksgiving and Christmas its time to lock us down.
I’m hoping that our State Rep Matt Maddock is successful with filing an impeachment on her.
I was really shocked when I looked at the over all death rates over the last couple of years and saw that 2020 even with this crazy crap they are trying to call a pandemic is lower.
Then to top it off, average longevity in America is 81/82. So why the H3LL are we locking down again when it is a flu that has 99.8% survival, or 98.8% if you under 80.
Seems that if you are older than 80 the statistical changes of an American dying are way higher then with the virus.
A thought-provoking article, DP. I agree with the theory that the plan has been evolving over decades, possibly going back to the Korean War. And this seems spot on:
It became obvious to somebody, somewhere in the Pentagon, and possibly even President Dwight Eisenhower while he was NATO Supreme Commander that the people in the background of what Ike termed the “Military Industrial Complex” on his way out of the White House in 1961, were then (and still are) hellbent on bankrupting America using two tried and true ways of bilking money out of a treasury: lending us our own money at interest via a central bank (the Federal Reserve) and keeping us in a constant state of war.
As does the idea that the C_A and the UN were created to enslave us. It is obvious tthatt the UN is promoting tthe progressive one-world globalist agenda, working against American interests.
This is intriguing:
What if Kennedy was actually in the same role as President Trump is: the front man for a military operation so meticulously planned that it is unfolding next to a plan of the same size and scope with exactly the opposite goals and objectives. What if the first attempt to make this happen was stopped on November 22, 1963 in a VERY public way, and the planners regrouped knowing they had to find another front man, and a way around what we call “mockingbird,” the C_A’s gaslighting and propaganda operation, in order to ensure the freedom of the people of the world could be achieved by taking out the cabal at the top of the food chain in the secret societies via exposure and creating the demand for it to happen.
What if that is what we are beginning to see today.
I think it very well could be. Multiple thoughts swirl at once:
*** It has taken so long to get back on track, from the 1960s until now.
*** The country could have been irreparably lost in the intervening years.
*** It took that long to find someone who could carry on with the plan? America has been on the brink for decades. I had not realized just how close we have come to losing her forever. It’s sobering in the extreme.
*** As Wolf says, we can’t lose this war. We can’t allow someone to steal our election and enter the WH, and we can’t allow continiued censorship. We have to win.
*** The number of enemies within this country is staggering…past presidents who both played along and fostered the plans of destruction, and so many others.
*** My comprehension of the enormity of the task of draining the swamp continues to grow. We face a tsunami of enemies and corruption on a global scale. My love of and admiration for Pres. Trump also grows as exactly what we, and he, are up against is gradually revealed. The peril we are in is breathtaking in scope.
The bigger problem, IMO, wasn’t finding a front man, it was a way around the MSM. Remember, the internet, as we call it, was brought into being in the last 1960s and it was a department of defense initiative. It took almost 30 years to get it to usable form. By that time, I am sure given a piece of information I picked up along the line that POTUS was part of a group that used to meet in NYC in the late 80s and early 90s that included high brass, Giuliani and more, that he had been spotted by that time and recruited then.