Dear KMAG: 20201116 Open Topic

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KMAG/KAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

Yes, it’s Monday…again.


But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.


Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

Our President is fighting for us night and day…please pray for him.


Wheatie’s Rules:

          1. No food fights.
          2. No running with scissors.
          3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


For your listening enjoyment, I offer this collection of compositions conducted by Peter Pejtsik and performed by the The Budapest Film Orchestra:



Outlook for the Week:

Stormy with a chance of Kraken.

Yes, please.

If we’re lucky…we may get to punch a Karen or two.



Wheatie’s Words of the Day:

Learnt vs Learned

Learnt and learned are both used as the past participle and past tense of the verb to learnLearned is the generally accepted way of spelling it in the United States and Canada, while the rest of the English-speaking world seems to prefer learnt for now.

Why for now? The American English tendency toward making irregular verbs into regular ones has started influencing British English, which is why the -ed variant is becoming increasingly used around the world. Soon learned might be the most common form everywhere.

There is an exception, though, when learned is the only option. That is when it is used as an Adjective…for example, when you say that someone is learned.  And then we pronounce the word as two syllables: LER-ned.

Personally…I use ‘learned’ whenever I need to say: “I learned something.”

Because to say…”I learnt something.”…sounds like hillbilly jargon.




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At first, you came for us
Because we spoke of Q
And yet, that all seemed fine
Until they came for you
When free speech is stifled
It’s always a bad day
So let’s all join our hands
Both to fight and to pray

Sylvia Avery

So well said. Thanks Carl.


“At first, you came for us
Because we spoke of Q
And yet, that all seemed fine
Until they came for you”
Perfect 👍



Rodney Short

No body messes with Chuck Norris’ steering wheel, that dang sure look like President Washington was driving a Dodge Hellcat.
Night and God bless Wheatie and everyone in the Wolf den, God’s got this🙏🙏🙏

Rodney Short


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, that really did look a lot like George.

Rodney Short

it sure did.


Prefers to think that God’s given this to us and he’s expecting a good job. So as Melania would say, “Be Best”.

Rodney Short



Most of the time, I am inclined to use “learned”, but there are those odd moments…..
If I were talking about “ideas I have absorbed, facts I have assimilated, lessons I have learned” I might go one way to preserve the parallelism; OTOH, I would find it perfectly natural to be questioned about work I had done, things I had said, and lessons I have learnt — because I didn’t did-ed the work or say-ed the things.


Or a Dogpatch accent like Mammy Yokum.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Learnt is kinda hillbilly – cuz hillbilly’s kinda English! 😉


Wow, you be an edumacated woman.


True story.
I grew up in the Appalachian South. My grandmother was a Georgia-mountain Scot. She only went to school though third grade, although she was pretty canny. She had a THICK accent.
When we were bad, she always hollered at us that she would “put a quietus on us” if we didn’t settle down. I thought it was a made-up word based on quiet. I thought I was so educated.
Imagine my surprise when I ran across that word in AP English reading Shakespeare! It means “death.” Little did I know she was threatening to kill us!
The language of the South is filled with Elizabethan English. Those people came here in the 1600s, moved up into the hills, and never came down. Things don’t change there very much.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great story! I’ve had friends from different parts of the Appalachians, and one in particular sounded half-way between British English and Australian English. Many people didn’t even think he was American at first! His little region was still quite bitter about the War of Northern Aggression, too! 😀


I think so, Wheatie2.

Cuppa Covfefe

Rhymes with burnt 😀
(As in burned into your memory 🙂 )…..
(Think “The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T. or something like that)…


“The lessons I had learnt whilst the toast was getting burnt.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

‘Tis considered an archaism in Yankee.

Rodney Short

I am Hillbilly and English, my moms mum used ta git so pissed at me when I laughed at how she said mater and tater…
Aint nothing proper bout me😎😎😎 except the way I used ta sQuirrel hunt🎯

Cuppa Covfefe

When you were laughing at her back then, were you a tater tot? 🙂
(ducks under flying french-fry baskets, oli filters, and various spatulae)…

Rodney Short

OMG I Just blew 7up out of my nose and almost choked.😂😂😂😂😂


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Damned close!!!!
Aligators/Crocodiles/Caymans/Gharials are considered part of a group now called “Archosaurs.” The other member of the group was, of course the dinosaurs. So in a sense the crocodilians are “brothers” of the dinosaurs.
But not every last dinosaur died 65 million years ago, as it turns out. A few survived, and their descendants flourish today.
We call them “birds.” Yes, birds are in fact the one branch of dinosaurs that didn’t get wiped out. This has become more and more apparent recently; we had it locked into our brains that all the dinosaurs had died because we defined dinosaurs that way (reptile-like creatures that are extinct), but properly understood, one group of them did survive.


Yep!comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But no one freaks out and says there’s a dinosaur walking through my neighborhood when it’s a pigeon.

Sylvia Avery

Hmm…….the crows stalk me when I walk the dog just like the velociraptors in Jurassic Park. They recognize faces, I’ve read. I give them a big toothy grin and throw them a few crackers from time to time.


Crows do not like raptors. Since you probably have the attitude of an eagle, they fear you. 🙂

Sylvia Avery


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That pic you posted of course broke (when dealing with Wikipedia there’s a trick, keep clicking on the picture until you get a page that is nothing but the picture, then grab that URL)
But I followed it backwards. I think my family had a copy of that book! I know I read one of a similar vein about that time.


It’s actually a great read. Read it near about 78-82 I believe.


Thanks wheatietoo! Talks all about the birds evolving into dinosaurs in there. I’m sure there were attempts to refute, but I liked the theory and am sticking with Steve on this one.

Brave and Free

I be been out in my 12’ kayak and have paddled past some as long as it! Can be kind of unnerving, but they leave y’all alone. It’s the 4-6 footers that y’all have to keep an eye on they get kinda nervous.


Holy smokes thats yuuuuge.



Faucci says that social distancing and masks won’t end when you get the vaccine. In other words, it will never end. smh


I’d consider wearing a mask for six months if Fauxi would shut up for six months.


Fauci can shove his mandates where the sun don’t shine. These sociopaths have lost their marbles.


Petty Tyrant.
Is he being paid to be this obnoxious or was he born this way?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“And” logic.
And I’ll stop imitating our host right now.


BS declarations about face masks will become very scarce once Fauci is burned alive on live TV.
And he’s working on it, very hard.


We have the same messaging in the UK.


That man is mental.


It will end when Fauci ends, which is an excellent reason for ending Fauci 😁


From your mouth to Trump’s ears.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Does Faux-Xi have bad teeth???
Maybe he’s got something to hide (no doubt, he does)…..


Wheatie’s GIF inspired me

Valerie Curren

Sidney Ka-POWell

Valerie Curren

great find

Valerie Curren

Is this the original sparkle socks or a “clone”?

Valerie Curren

Thanks Wheatie. No go Joe had that Build Back Better crap as a slogan too.

Valerie Curren

Playing Barney music to move the kids happily along to the slaughterhouse. These are sick & evil people!


This is why we need to stop this CORONA / NEW NORMAL FACISM before it properly germinates.

Valerie Curren

Yes. By the way, here in MI the border to Canada is still closed except to Essential Traffic & that’s been going on for months now…


I’ll see your Great Reset and raise you The Great Awakeningcomment image

Valerie Curren



Wierd I thought learnt was past tense of learn whilst learned was an adjective ie a very learned man


Sounds like Olde English 😁


And maybe legalese. As in will the learned gentleman (expert witness) please explain this finding?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I think we’re dealing with a difference between the Aussie language and the ‘Murrican one.


Hmmm. There are differences. As a PM one else observed over here the word bastard is practically a term of endearment

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And as I understand it, “bloody hell” is a lot milder there than in Pommieland.


The astonishing thing about the brits is they call people tossers -no actual rude words

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And of course if you complain you can just sod off.


Only if they are feeling particularly miffed

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I was dealing with a realtor (“estate agent” in England, hopefully one or the other in Oz so you know what I’m talking about) who used the word “miffed” to describe how annoyed he was with a seller’s agent who hadn’t disclosed that the property we had just looked at was already under contract (in other words we wasted our time because of this bint).


John Cleese did a marvellous monologue on the brits and levels of annoyance. The scots are always aggravated so that’s why they have been front line troops for last couple of hundred years

Direct Link to Manila Times:
The Philippines had problems with SmartMatic software for all the elections since 2010:


Mark holds a faculty position at the Blavatnik School at Oxford.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Not too far from Blavatsky (of OTO and Crowley “in”fame…)…


Partner of Victor Vekselberg in Renova Invest. (Harvard Institute for International Development scandal.) Paid Michael Cohen a $1 mil. Financial backer of Empire, Hamilton. Warner Music.


Durham’s dropping his case was gaslighting by Sean Davis.
Here he is basically retracting his earlier tweet.


I said yesterday, that Sean has a little too much ego, and either accidentally or deliberately gets things wrong. He’s been wrong before in a similar fashion.


And Sidney Powell is from Durham, NC…


Looks like SOMEONE got a stern talking to..”YOUR name is on the list too Sean”

Gail Combs

48 hour rule…


Well before the election I quit listening to the Durham probe was throwing in the towel.
We’ll get indictments. We’ll see how high they go. I suspect President Trump is insisting on indictments, including big politico names.
Me thinks, the only reason President Trump through Barr a lifeline before the election, by saying he is a good man yada yada, was Barr WILL indict big names and believes in the BS DOJ narrative, nothing within 60 days of the election.
That latter rule has got to be tossed.


Where these all swamp creatures?
Not many left here:
Note! Adm Rogers is not marked,.He was not forced out.


NO 2 is on BORROWED time too. Draining the military wing of the swamp. TWO to go, then what. BOOM perhaps.

Sadie Slays

President Trump should declass all of the JFK files this week. He should have done that sometime in the last few years, but we’ve reached the point where the entities involved in that assassination stole the damn election, so screw it, just tell us the damn truth if all of the other ugly stuff is coming out.

Sadie Slays

Strongly recommend that anyone who still hasn’t made a Gab account should do so soon and join the Q Tree group. WordPress deplatformed CTH, which means this blog is probably on their watch list. Make back-up plans now.

Sadie Slays

I added about half of you on Gab before it started lagging very badly. Will try to get the rest later. No personal slights intended.


I follow you now.


OK – got ya!


I just realized I hadn’t looked for you. Just followed you back.
I wonder how many I have missed? Time to work on it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If we’re forced onto Gabv, it will be like getting a triple amputation. Apparently the only thing you can do in the Q tree group is post some short blurb about what you’re doing, which will only get buried after five or ten other people follow suit. So even if you have something momentous to share it will simply get lost.
Useless crapware.

Sadie Slays

Gab is simply a place to regroup if this blog is suddenly deplatformed. It doesn’t need to be a permanent home.

Valerie Curren

MAGA megaphone 🙂


Is Larry real not comprehending what is coming?
About 1/4 of the Senate and House will need to resign, when (not if) Trump wins, due to corruption being exposed.
I guess if you think Q is Larp then you might think all is lost.


Wheatie, Trump is giving people a CHOICE, join me or join THEM. Looks like Larry chose POORLY. Battle lines are being drawn folks.


Easiest damn decision I’ve made in decades.
“One way ticket on the Express Trump Train. 🙂




It’s very simple.
Q said there are sleepers, people who supported DJT who will turn against him when ordered to do so.
Anyone who runs a demoralization operation against Trump supporters is the enemy.
I couldn’t care less if his name is Schweikart, or anything else.


Folks are either part of the solution. Or they are the problem and jettisoned. IMO.


Larry got very down after the election turned like it did – his numbers were correct, but the Steal obscured all truth. His other problem was that he poo pooed the idea that there would be fraud, and pinged people who voiced concern before the election.
He was wrong about the fraud, but almost none of us knew that a massive steal was underway. What they’ve been doing for years in cities or a state here and there, they conspired to do across the nation in the General Election.
I stopped looking at his tweets. He’s been distressed about Barr (and Wray) all along – so kind of in a confirmation bias mode. Unseen is more philosophical about things, so he isn’t looking at data the way we are. He looks at human nature, and the toll. When POTUS is announced winner – he’ll deal with Antifa…
One thing to consider is the top of the ticket fraud – POTUS theft, they’ll be looking at downticket races too. Every place Dominion (and any other software/machines) was used will be suspect.
I stopped going to my own twitter feed. Just ck in with Praying Medic, Juilian’s Rum, LLWood, Ron Coleman, Sidney, and that’s about it.


After the election, I realized my old favorites on twitter were interfering with my peace of mind, my sanity. They’re caught up in the emotion – we’ve got to look at fact. Larry’s problem is that he is a professor, a very good one, an excellent historian, but he has always (not just this election) missed the fraud concept – this time it’s staring him right in the face.
Everyone has an opinion, but the facts are what matter, and that’s in the hands of the investigators and lawyers. I believe in Barr. Wray is there for a reason, though I think the FBI is suspect, and the rest will play out.
I do believe that once POTUS win is confirmed, a lot of action is going to happen – and I’m not worried about the DS at that point, because they’re going to be lawyering up!

Gail Combs

Remember that Sidney mentioned the KICK-BACKS from Dominion TO FAMILY of politicians.
I was just saying to Hubby that ‘Where’s Hunter’ was a TEACHING MOMENT for the Sheeple. It was an in-depth look at how the Systematic Corruption actually works.
Now start with the Governors and other state officials taking kick-backs from Dominion and work UP the ranks. CLEAN OUT the Governors who were on the take to get elected and put in place their challengers or have a CLEAN election. THEN you take out the CORRUPT Federal Congress Critters and Senators. The CLEAN governors can then appoint a CLEAN Senator or Congress critter as replacement. Any bets many of those DemonRats end up as REPUBLICANS?
Working in this way you can take down the system without collapsing the country.

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

North of the border tyranny shills…


Lot of great replies in there. However the smartest reply in the comments “Put all these politicians and reporters in these camps and everything clears up pronto”.

Valerie Curren



Which means JOE BIDEN, is falsely claiming to be president elect. The MEDIA, is falsely confirming a president elect.comment imagecomment image


So now we can demand that Twitter can take off the ridicules label:
“Official sources called this election differently”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Although the statement is correct, this isn’t “Congress” talking, it’s just the senior minority member of the committee that oversees the GSA.
It’s not even a statement by the committee.

Valerie Curren

Encouraging glimpse of MAGA Americans

Valerie Curren

Thanks Wheatie!


Annon on QResearch found this article:
Milwaukee Election Head Admits Leaving Behind Key Election Flash Drive (it is archived as image)
Look closely what the last sentence says:
“She says it was found in a tabulator machine”comment image
(‘We are the News” is working again)


Dominion Manual – “Select Type of crypto algorithm to be used in application…In this mode all participants in the process use the same encryption keys….”
What that means is that any participant who loses their USB key which stores the encryption key has then destroyed the integrity of the election in that district…”
With access to a stolen or lost USB drive, someone could potentially change, purge or inject ballots with impunity……
And the key drive was found in a tabulator machine….nothing to see here folks…s/

Valerie Curren

No man there – imho – ‘a sissy boy’

Valerie Curren



VERY close to the CLINTONS.

Gail Combs

Baron Mark Malloch-Brown,_Baron_Malloch-Brown
“…He was also appointed to the Privy Council. Plans for his appointment and peerage had been leaked to The Observer in November 2006…” — WIKI
“A privy council is a body that advises the head of state of a state, typically, but not always, in the context of a monarchic government. The word “privy” means “private” or “secret”; thus, a privy council was originally a committee of the monarch’s closest advisors to give confidential advice on state affairs.” — WIKI
Mark Malloch-Brown is a member of the Open Society Global Board.
“Mark Malloch‐Brown has been engaged widely in government, international organizations, business and civil society during his career. In addition to his role at the Eurasia Group he currently serves on several commercial public boards and on the advisory boards of two private equity funds.”
So via Dominion and Smartmatic the Monarch is PLACING HER LOYAL POLITICIANS in control of the USA and many other countries. No wonder Obama BOWED to her!comment image


Hmmmm very interesting….I’m still trying to figure out why Prince Harry/Meghan Markle are here and inserting themselves in politics. Royals are not allowed to do that. So what’s up I wonder.

Gail Combs

ARCHIVED: comment image


Just suggesting you take these org type charts and save to computer in case the plan needs back up. It be nice if someone printed these sort of things in a book.

Valerie Curren
CM in TN

Liberal police departments are part of the problem. They have taken a side and it is not ours…

Valerie Curren

Serve & protect only who we’re told/allowed to–Un-equal “justice”


Victors new video:
You must concede! NOW!
(tong in cheek – my addition)

Valerie Curren

Gates at CIA?


i actually thought the stores were creating the stock up rumors to boost their sales again…


And…these stores are not ‘Mom & Pop’ stores, either – COMPLICIT!!!


exactly–the retail stores hate the competition–they want it ALL


Exactly – who stayed OPEN and who was forced to CLOSE – OBVIOUS!!!


yup…form monopolies to CONTROL the public…


YUP – makes me cranky, Pat – but, I will get over it when OUR President is inaugurated!!!
They will get theirs – of that I am certain!!!



Linda Harrison

patfrederick – the “stock up rumors” was started by the truckers “stopthetires2020”. The first official strike was on 11-11-20. The next one will be 11-26-20 through 11-29-20. It is to bring attention to domestic terrorism in areas that they have to work through. Quite a few of the truckers were at the rally. They are on our side. I believe the strike is real but will take a week or two for it to cascade across the country.


i applaud the courage it takes to do so many jobs–not just the policemen, firemen, military and healthcare–those truckers go thru a lot!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In the novel 1984, Winston Smith’s job was to go back and alter past news reports that turned out to be wrong–which is to say, they hadn’t aged well. Of course, it was done not to cover up the fact that Big Brother wasn’t omniscient, but rather to correct past mistakes in the reporting and to ensure accuracy.




Perfect video to repeat in Wheatie’s Monday post. Karma, may it happen to all our enemies.



they believe their own press.


A great launch! @NASA was a closed up disaster when we took over. Now it is again the “hottest”, most advanced, space center in the world, by far!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 16, 2020



— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 16, 2020


The only thing that would have surprised me is if Philly didn’t cheat on a big scale in the 2020 election.
It would have been the first time they missed such an opportunity in 60 years.
Wake up to reality!
— Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) November 16, 2020


Obama tapped 20 Associated Press office phone lines and the homes and phones of reporters.
Trump tweets mean things.
— Rebeccah Heinrichs (@RLHeinrichs) November 16, 2020


CA finally waking up???
California citizens are questioning the 2018 elections with good reason. Gavin Newsom was declared winner when John Cox had a really great lead. Going to bed we thought that John Cox would win and we woke up to Newsom.
— Vicky Fox (@halfanewfie2) November 16, 2020


Yes. We absolutely knew it was suspicious, esp with nonstop ballot harvesting and such huge wins for dimms across the state.
Every single one should be prosecuted by a tribunal. The longer this goes on the less likely it seems to actually be possible.



didn’t Soros give them enough yet? or is this Kamala on her knees begging cuz that’s her comfort zone?
Trump and the Republicans are trying to dismantle our decisive victory with baseless lawsuits. We need your help to fund the legal work necessary to protect every vote. If you can afford to, contribute to the Biden Fight Fund today.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) November 15, 2020


they figure they’re gonna lose…and the money can be funneled back to them after it’s laundered thru the left’s many legal firms…


It’s to fund……you know, the thing. 😁



#BLM activist & registered child sex offender Kenneth Wayne DeBerry, 39, of DC, was arrested for allegedly assaulting people after the #MillionMAGAMarch. He’s charged w/aggravated assault, inciting violence & being a felon in possession of a gun.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) November 16, 2020


Wheatie ,
I LOVE that kind of humor.
Fire Ants are new to us in our new locale.
We have discovered and been using a termiticide with excellent results.
You probably already know of it,
Bifen I/T
0.06% ratio mix sprayed into their hills
They LOVE it .
heh heh…


You have such a wonderful attitude. 🙂


Unfortunately they get on I-95 and head south for the promised land of Florida.


seeing some stories that there were “rallies” outside Hill’s house…chants of lock her up! the brief videos were dark and not too thrilling…so not posting them…
they should send some protestors, ooops, I mean ralliers (is that a word?) to Nancy’s place, Schumer’s place, biden’s basement…LOL


on the Obama interview…hubris and a plan to dumb down America..
Obama offered a solution to make sure all Americans remain as ignorant as the people like Pelly who produce the news. “We will have to work with media and tech companies to inform the public better and to bolster standards to separate truth from fiction.”
The timing of the 60 Minutes interview was felicitous. The day before I received a text from my friend Sundance at the influential Conservative Treehouse, saying, “Hi. We always knew there was a risk of being targeted if the left were successful. Yesterday I was notified that they [Word Press] are shutting down my website on December 2 due to ‘content.’”
“There is a sense that literally anything goes to get power,” said Obama of Trump. Unfortunately, this wasn’t a laugh line.


It’s difficult not to cringe whenever he’s out there mouthing off. Some quotes from him just depress me. Makes it difficult not to feel anxious.
I wonder if he knows that his “wins” can be exposed.


wouldn’t THAT make for a wonderful Christmas?

Cuppa Covfefe

Living with COVID….
More like living with a component of the common cold, or the flu….
I’m sick and tired of the rampant disinformation, and treating COVID as it if were TRULY unique. Each time a virus mutates it can be said to be unique. Yet, it is very similar to its progenitors and progeny. And the death rate from COVID is less than that of the flu, indeed less than the “normal” death rate for the elderly.
That’s why I call the fear-mongers COVIDIOTS…


Verse of the Day for Monday, November 16, 2020

“But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.”
Mark 11:26 (KJV)


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


Monday Butterfly Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Be My Voicecomment image


Morning Duchess!
hope you are safe and well!
have a Blessed day!


Hi, again, Pat! Safe and Well – You okay?
God Bless Your Day, too – He has already blessed mine – HUGS!!!


HUGS back to you!


* Received and Appreciated *





OH I LOVE THAT LAST ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yep. Have to keep them in line.


these are great!!


DAILY DEVOTIONAL, November 16, 2020comment image



Can you spell globalism?




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Last one – my favorite, Pat – LOCK HIM UP – Mkay?


This story is completely erroneous. Our lawsuit in Pennsylvania absolutely still makes an issue of the 682,479 mail-in and absentee ballots that were counted in secret.
To write that we had scrapped that argument requires not reading the amended complaint.
— Tim Murtaugh (@TimMurtaugh) November 16, 2020

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The fake news is just openly lying now.


Just received this in an email from an American friend – posted in Flep’s thread, and am posting it here as well
Qtreepers, A MUST WATCH (I will post this on the open thread as well)
here’s confirmation of DePat’s post .. – in my mind, it is no longer a “what if” :
.human rights attorney Leigh Dundas, talks about PDJT’s 2018 EO on Election Interference, and she provides substantiation:

God bless PDJT, The USA and it’s Patriotic Americans!!!!! which ofcourse include all of you ….(blowing a kiss cause I don’t know how to post the emoticon)


Here is the interview with Lin Wood


seeing some stories about VA voting…the total votes for each candidate had fractions? how is that possible? what the heck am I missing here??
and please speak as if you were talking to a 5 year old-you know, for everyone’s…ah…benefit…lol


The VA totals do not include fractions of votes. They are whole numbers.
Percentage of the vote does inlude fractions … but that is Not an indicator of fraud.
This story is not true and is a distraction from the real issus.
There are Many issues with the voting in VA, GA, PA, etc. but this is not one of them and is easily disproved.


k…not sure where this chart gateway pundit is using came from , but it does clearly show fractions being used in vote counts…i can’t vouch for gateway pundit.comment image


To save others time to search out the issue here are links to the actual articles:
The fractions are found in the reporting data, not in the final #s being reported by VA.
I just spent 30 min. finding the information and articles and now out of time to actual read about them as coffee break is over.


ok I guess i just don’t get why there would be fractions in the reporting data either…
a vote is a vote…
i guess I’m just being dense about this.


That chart is just showing percentage of votes going to Biden and Trump for that batch. Question I’d think why is this in a batch? And why are they tracking it in real time? I believe we know that answer. So that they could manage the siphoning of votes.


right…but see the top line? there are columns for votes biden, votes trump, total votes.
the very first line disturbs me. if you ignore to the left of the decimal place and just focus on the decimals–they don’t add up. biden .20, trump .91 but the total votes is .10. I would say okay they are rounding up and only using one decimal place–but clearly that it isn’t it because further in the column there’s a .18, .56 and so on.
and my point is, if this is counting program (like excel–an example I can understand) a formula (column biden + column trump) should yield the same results going down the column. but it doesn’t–it’s clearly off.
the fifth entry down (just looking at the decimals) .86 + .37 yields .22 and it should be .23.
it’s a little thing I know, but numbers only lie when programmed to do so…


yipes… doesn’t even remember seeing those two rows when I posted. Thanks Pat.




You are not being dense. Some people (ahem) just insist that they have a clearer understanding of everything, and as such must just be agreed with.
The chart just above CLEARLY shows DECIMALS in the “Total Votes” column. This isn’t rocket science, it’s evidence of a “flaw/feature” that is being used for cheating.

JW in Germany

That’s just the point…the fractions are used as a portion of a vote more or less depending on the candidate. Fractions are a CLEAR sign of fraud. If Biden gets 1.03 for every vote and President Trump gets 0.97 for every vote…multiply that times a million votes for each:
Biden = 1,030,000 votes
Trump = 970,000 votes
That is called ‘weighted scale’ voting as described by Dr. Shiva last week. It is election fraud. It is illegal. It was discovered at least as far back as 2001 if my memory serves me…people are just now starting to pay attention.
Of course, in the final numbers for public consumption the fractions are truncated after the damage is done.

JW in Germany

Correction: It is called ‘weighted race’ voting.

Cuppa Covfefe

Isn’t there some vote-jiggering software that deals with fractions of votes – sort of a vote-amplification method for the DEMONRATS?
Or perhaps fractious? 😀
That’s how I larned it 😆 😎

Gail Combs

Black Box Voting Fraction Magic.
For example, a vote for Biden = 1.4 while a vote for Trump is = 0.6. The total number of votes are the same but they are weighted differently.
100 Biden votes would then be counted as 140 votes while 100 Trump votes would be counted as 40 votes. The total number of votes would remain at 200 votes.

Gail Combs

100 Trump votes would be counted as 40 60 votes. Sorry I do not want to confuse people.


Fraction Magic — discovered by a King County WA — wait for it — DEMOCRAT!

Cuppa Covfefe

Thank you Gail! That was the software I was thinking of.
Weighting is used in many different fields, but vote tabulation (and TRUTH) should not be one of them!
Funny that, fraction is even part of their name (probably why I couldn’t remember it 🙂 )…..

Cuppa Covfefe

Fraction Magic… same sort of thing as you get with Diaper Genie…


If the fraudulent voting counters are counting the votes in fractions, say 1 vote is turned into .8 of a vote or if you’d prefer a fraction, 8/10 of a vote, then, yes there would be fractions of votes left over usually. If the program wasn’t programmed to round votes off in a round number before spitting out the total, then it would obviously show up.


Well, I guess I didn’t refresh the page, thought I had!

Cuppa Covfefe

And the rounding Al-Gore-ithm ( 🙂 ) could round down instead of up; or truncate, or do anything nefarious that they desired…..
More like Fractious Black Magick … Hill-the-BEAST’s witchcraft meets the voting process…..



And Paul Joseph Watson has been brilliant forever.


Yep. Likes and Agrees. Earlier post said CEO’s met about how they can get Trump out of office. Think what they can do out side of the Constitution (illegal) but would do so with the understanding that they would be forgiven. Does AT&T stop allowing me access to the internet? Does your Credit card stop working? Are your accounts frozen? Does your cell phone not work? These people have all kinds of data that is specific to individuals and can likely reach out and touch individuals, groups, even regions. Does Walmart stop food distribution in your neighbor hood or town? Are communications your police dept depend on shut down? Will gas machines stop working? The list of possibilities is huge and barely realized here if civilian CEO’s act out side their normal bounds and get rewarded by the new regime.


Amen goes right there, Dora!!!


The dildo meme….
Someone please inform my family I died.


So you’ll be voting democrat.


these are awesome!
ministry of truth? bwahahahahahahaha

Gail Combs


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pecan pie is essential, and I’ve got a DEFICIENCY.




Hey WHEATIE and PAT!!! Appreciated the * Giggles * this AM after last night!!! Thanks so much!!!
God Bless You Both Real Good!!!


Youve got some real good ones there!


i am copying a bunch of these to add to my ever growing list!!!
thanks goodness I am done withe my coffee this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANKS WHEATIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


my pleasure!

Gail Combs

These are good enough I am reading some to Hubby and having him look at others.


For the kids:
Q: How did the Pilgrims bring their cows to America?
A: On the Mooooo-flower.
Q: Who is never hungry on Thanksgiving?
A: The turkey because he’s already stuffed!
Q: Why did the turkey cross the road?
A: To get to the other side.
Q: Why don’t you put the turkey near the corn?
A: Because it will gobble, gobble, gobble it up.
Q: What do comedians call Thanksgiving?
A: Pranks-giving.
Q: What do vampires call Thanksgiving?
A: Fangs-giving.
Q: What’s the key to a great Thanksgiving dinner?
A: The turKEY.
Q: If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?
A: Pilgrims!
Q: What kind of music did the Pilgrims like to listen to?
A: Plymouth Rock.
Q: Which side of the turkey has the most feathers?
A: The outside!
Q: Who was the drummer in the Thanksgiving band?
A: The turkey, because he had the drumsticks!
Q: What’s the best dance to do on Thanksgiving?
A: The turkey trot!
Q: Why do pilgrims pants keep falling down?
A: Because their belt buckles are on their hats!
Q: What sound does a turkey’s phone make?
A: Wing! Wing!
Q: Can a turkey jump higher than the Empire State Building?
A: Yes – a building can’t jump at all.
Q: Why do turkeys always go, “gobble, gobble”?
A: Because they never learned good table manners!
Q: What do you get it you cross a turkey with an octopus?
A: Enough drumsticks for Thanksgiving!
Q: Why did the Pilgrims eat turkey at Thanksgiving?
A: Because they couldn’t fit the moose in the oven!
Q: What does a Pilgrim call his friends?
A: Pal-grims.
Q: What should you wear to Thanksgiving dinner?
A: A har-vest.
Q: What can you never eat for Thanksgiving dinner?
A: Breakfast or lunch.
Q: What always comes at the end of Thanksgiving?
A: The letter G.
Q: Where do turkeys go to dance?
A: The Butterball.
Q: When did the Pilgrims first say, “God bless America”?
A: The first time they heard America sneeze.


these are awesome!
gonna share with my granddaughter!!!


I was thinking we needed some!


she will get a kick out of them!

Cuppa Covfefe

Q: What kind of bus has traveled farther than any other bus, even across the ocean?
A: A Columbus…


kids won’t know who he is anymore…


Kiddo liked that. Only cause we taught Columbus day this year.


Need doggy advice please. My foxhound appears to have dead tail, ie a sprain. I think she skittered on the floor when she did it…she slips if she goes too fast. Wont lift it for 4 days now. Gave her some carprofen last night but no “happy flag” yet. Should i wait a few more days before a vet visit?


I touched her and only when i lifted did she whimper. Not eating all her food but pooping and peeing ok.


Im in no hurry if shes going to heal. One more dose of medicine tonight .

Deplorable Patriot

She needs to see a vet, iMO. That’s a long time, and not eating is an indicator.


Fwiw, I second this opinion.


Yeah the not eating is a concern. Shes picking at it. Another medicine dose tonight to see if it helps.

Deplorable Patriot

Eating is the big thing. Ying, our female, can be persnickety, but if even human food level meat doesn’t entice her, it’s time to go to the vet.
Four days on an injury…I don’t recall what this pooch is in way of breed, but our lab sprained a hip and never quit eating.




You can take her to the vet, but the vet will x-ray it, and afterwards tell you there’s not much they can do about it. It’s kind of like having a broken toe. You can go to the doctor, and they can’t do a lot about it except maybe put you in a boot, but a slipper works just as well.
I had a customer who had a dog that happened to, and that’s what happened. Not much they could do about it.
If you do go, there will be an office call charge, probably an X-ray charge, and then likely a prescription for a pain killer. Now, I have divided views about pain killers for animals. Animals are NOT people. A person you can give a pain reliever to and tell them to take it easy because of whatever “owie” they are dealing with. An animal, well, you can relieve the pain, and the animal will go out an re-injure itself because they have no feedback to tell them not to do that.
If it was my dog, I would keep the dog as quiet as I could, make sure the dog is eating and the bodily functions are operating properly and keep an eye on the animal. If it’s a sprain, it will heal quicker, if it’s a broken tail, it will take longer to heal.


On the other hand, I’ve taken my dog in believing this kind of very thing would happen, but I did it anyway, and the vet discovered a malignant tumor. The discovery saved my dog’s life and he lived another 8 years before I had to put him down due to advanced hip displasia.


If her dog is very young, which I think is the case, not likely or if there is a known accident, i.e. , tail caught in a door, there you are.
I’m glad you took your dog in, and glad that it was operable. It’s hard to lose a good friend.


Shes able to lift it enough to do her business and there’s not obvious swelling. Vet costs are ridiculous andcyoure right! Analogous to a broken toe.


giggle, snort…historians
Another Vaccine just announced. This time by Moderna, 95% effective. For those great “historians”, please remember that these great discoveries, which will end the China Plague, all took place on my watch!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 16, 2020



HeydonMusicPage/”ALL WILL BE EXPOSED”11.16.2020


Worth reading today

Cuppa Covfefe

I heard it was a *cough* underground movement which gave him a lot of support 😀

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It would definitely a movement, with soil. Night soil. As in bowel movement.

Cuppa Covfefe

Night Crawlers… creepy crawlers… biden their time…


wow…look at letters 5, 10, 17, 34, 38, 39 and 52!!!! It’s a MESSAGE!
The Biden-Harris administration will get COVID-19 under control by listening to the experts, implementing nationwide testing and tracing, and ensuring vaccines are safe and free for all.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) November 16, 2020


Can you clarify for me – what do the numbers mean?


just the numbers of the letters in the quote…
letter #5 is an “i” for example…
#10 is an “a”…and so on…
it just spells out i am evil
okay I had time to kill while the floors dried…LOL


I see. 🙂


sigh… this is what happens when i have time on my hands and wood floors take a long time to dry…

Cuppa Covfefe

Gives a whole new meaning to waxing wroth 😀


The Radical Left Democrats, working with their partner, the Fake News Media, are trying to STEAL this Election. We won’t let them!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 16, 2020


Trump Campaign Rejects Media Reports of Changed Pennsylvania Case via @BreitbartNews. Just more Fake News. Harassment and exclusion of our Poll Watchers is a big part of our case. Unconstitutional!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 16, 2020



Every time my wife mentions a new hurricane I reply to her “those dirty Russians!” (Russian weather modification to throw election)
I’ve gotten a lot of eye-rolls lately


#Eta mist’ve missed something the Cabal/black hats wanted taken out.

Gail Combs

Someone yesterday mentioned that Q said 4% to 6% will not change there minds once all is revealed.
Maybe this is why.
The sociopath makes up approximately 3 to 5 percent of the general population.

The Nature of a Sociopath
The lack of conscience and an inability to feel remorse are the underlying factors. They do not have the ability to make and keep friends. The sociopathic personality is initially viewed as charming until the casual deception shines through their skillful masterful manipulation. They have the skillful aptitude for lying and cheating. They have no capacity to feel guilt.
Sociopath Statistics
The sociopath makes up approximately 3 to 5 percent of the general population. According to the American Psychiatric Association, about three out of 100 males and one in 100 are sociopaths….


upon further reading it is estimated that 98% of sociopaths are democrats (+/- 1)


In blue counties in Pennsylvania, they counted ballots without a postmark, address and signature


Christina Bobb: Biden lost so badly, the mass fraud failed


Defend Democracy Rally backs President Trump in D.C.


Abigail Marone (@abigailmarone) Tweeted:
If these folks truly thought the lawsuits were meaningless & Biden fairly won, why would they feel the need to harass or threaten our attorneys?


these are great!!




How many people died from smoking because Obama refused to set a good example and quit during his presidency?
I can play this game all day long, journobros
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) November 16, 2020

Gail Combs

He would certainly be better than AOC!


Well past time.
The man is a shoe-in!


Why not? The queer mafia has never been satisfied with just controlling the LSM.


k…now instead of President-Elect, we can all add “official source” to our names!! cool!!
I am an “official source.” As an “official source,” I dispute the media-Silicon Valley industrial complex’s election misinformation. All of it. By their own rules, if you simply declare yourself an official source, you are one. RT if you’re an official source!
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) November 16, 2020


I imagine this guy has a reading deficit. He didn’t read paragraphs 132 to 150 of the amended complaint. I guess 680,770 uninspected, unlawful mail in votes isn’t enough. Well we will find more before trial.
— Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) November 16, 2020


who’s the guy peeking around on the far right??


Was going to ask the same question – Lin Wood? If not – dunno


no one i recognized easily that’s for sure…

Gail Combs

Lin Wood has a head full of silver hair.


Good Point – but, Rudy has glasses – Yes?




oh…didn’t recognize him!
thank bfly!!!




Rudy…no glasses.




Was thinking Louie G when I first looked.


Missing Jay Sukalow


so canceled became transferred???
Democrat Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson quietly issued rules this past summer that any “unapproved write-in” should have their votes CANCELLED.
Witnesses describe THOUSANDS of Kanye votes that were GIVEN TO BIDEN due to this Benson rule.
If someone voted straight-ticket Democrat and wrote in Kanye, since he was an “unapproved write-in candidate” according to the Secretary of State, they were instructed to remove Kanye’s vote and instead give that vote to Joe Biden, a 77 year old white man.
The witness whistleblowers who came forward to reveal this all saw it happen in Detroit.
“This shit ain’t about Trump anymore, they out here stealing from Yeezy, this ain’t right,” said Kanye fan Chris S., in Detroit.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This entire election needs to be invalidated. Thanks to Dominion and Smartmatic, I don’t trust ANY of it.


73 million of us concur…and we’re not happy about it either…comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From GAB!comment image


NO!!! TRUMP 2020

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, this is getting GOOD. We’ve tied the election plot and the COVID plot at a new level.comment image
Why is ERIC COOMER walking FREE AMONG US?comment image


Dunno – but, it won’t be long before he isn’t!!!


more on this guy..
A Twitter user named Joe Oltmann had tweeted a few screenshots of a Facebook user posting Antifa manifestos and songs about killing police. The Facebook account belonged to Eric Coomer, and Oltmann claimed it was the same Eric Coomer who is the Director of Product Strategy and Security for Dominion Voting Systems. Within hours of Oltmann posting the information, however, the Facebook page of Eric Coomer was taken down, so I was unable to verify that Antifa Coomer and Dominion Coomer were the same person. By the end of the day, Joe Oltmann’s Twitter account was suspended as well. I had followed his feed throughout the day. I can say with certainty that he posted nothing remotely offensive or provocative. I have no doubt whatsoever that Twitter suspended him for posting the screenshots of Coomer’s Facebook page. Interesting.
Searching around some more, I found that Dominion Coomer is an avid climber who used to post frequently on climbing message boards under his own name. He confirmed it himself in a post where he mentioned getting his nuclear physics Ph.D from Berkeley in 1997. Dominion’s Eric Coomer received his nuclear physics Ph.D from Berkeley in 1997. In another post on the same message board, Coomer gave out his email address. It was his old campus address from the Berkeley nuclear physics department. I plugged that email address into the Google machine, and things got weird.
I found Eric Coomer had a long history of posting on websites for skinheads. He was a heavy user of a Google Group for skinheads, and seems to have possibly been a content moderator for Only these aren’t the neo-Nazis our mothers warned us about. These skinheads call themselves SHARPs, or Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice. Think of them as a sort of punk rock Antifa. In 2012, roughly 18 SHARPs attacked a smaller group of suspected racists in a Chicago restaurant with bats and batons. That same year, three neo-Nazis were charged for the 1998 double murder of two SHARPs in Nevada.
Given that Dominion’s Director of Security and Strategy, Eric Coomer, was an enthusiast of a street fighting anti-racist skinhead culture going back at least into the 1990s, it seems very likely that Joe Oltmann was correct in identifying him as the Facebook user recently endorsing Antifa and posting anti-police rhetoric. I shared this information on a few message boards to let other people run with it. Within hours, Papa Skin, a skinhead website which had been up for over 20 years, was taken offline. (Whoever took it down missed the FAQ page, you can find it here

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, this is very interesting. The “Antifa-type dude” who was staking me out was a skinhead – heavily tattooed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is just explosive, no pun intended. This guy should have been nowhere NEAR nuclear weapons, nuclear reactors, nuclear materials, or VOTING MACHINES. Berkeley – oh, this makes so much sense.
MASSIVE SECURITY RISK. Our elections were subject to a massive security risk. No wonder Dominion took down his stuff and Twister deplatformed Oltmann to cover up. This undermines the whole election. Good grief.
This should be the top of the news. They really are fake news.


agreed…the nuclear stuff is SCARY

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The CIA seem prone to intervene against individuals who show interest in “things nuclear”. I suspect this dude was HEAVILY MKed long ago.


i can’t believe he wasn’t on some watch list or something

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is what’s important to understand – he was CONTROLLED and USED. They had their finger on this dude’s pulse 24/7. He was no danger to anybody but US.


I’ll take your word for it…
then they should go down with him, dontcha think?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I would hope so.
Seriously – this guy helped throw our elections.
It’s pretty mind-boggling, frankly.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WHO protected Eric Coomer along the way and HOW they advanced him to where he was will be the story of the century.


Stop the madness !


found OTcomment image


ber 16, 2020 at 11:58 am
TRUTH will be revealed in Georgia. Truth will be revealed in Virginia. Truth will be revealed from sea to shining sea.@realDonaldTrump won a landslide victory. Biden cheated.
It is time to face the TRUTH.
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) November 16, 2020

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great article about this guy. MASSIVE Trump-hater, connected to ANTIFA.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


“Just an ideology.”
Yeah. That was in charge of our elections.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is just huge – and the LYINGPRESS ignores it. FRAUDS!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Looks like the guy from Half-Life.
More like Half-Wit, in his case…..
(paging all meme’ers…)….


oh please turn CA red…I wanna see Nanzi’s head explode!!!


And Gruesome in handcuffs!!!


AND, we turn more House seats…getting the House back. 🙂
Crazy Nanzi will retire in utter disgrace. 🙂



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. This is all making sense now. FIB protected ANTIFA to protect COOMER to protect their electoral fraud machine. CIA protected the foreign assets used to conduct the frauds overseas. ALL nice and neat.


Nice racketeering outfit you have there.
Sure would be a shame if someone . . . prosecuted it. . .

JW in Germany

RICO Rudy…that’s his name!
There went Swamp rats down the drain!


So, NSA is in play big time?
How about the Orb in Saudi?


if they’re CIA owned–that means they’re OUR assets and we don’t need permission or assistance to retrieve them, no?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Made it a bit easier, I think…..

JW in Germany

Exactly correct. Similar to being on embassy or consulate grounds.

Cuppa Covfefe

Garrison (and others) had it pegged:comment image


Bet I know who approved of this…

Cuppa Covfefe

The thing that’s REALLY disturbing about this is the SuperMicro firmware “hacking” is old news, and has been remediated for some time now, at least in the commercial arena.
Seems like “good enough for gub’mint work” isn’t very good at all…


Oh, .gov certainly knows and at least in past 4 years has been doing more about it (or so I hear).


For your reading pleasure . . .
5 facts about the QAnon conspiracy theories
NOVEMBER 16, 2020
More than a dozen 2020 U.S. House and Senate candidates have engaged with the collection of conspiracy theories known as QAnon. At least two of those candidates won their races and will be heading to Congress in 2021.
Here are five facts about how much Americans have heard about the QAnon conspiracy theories and their views about them, based on Pew Research Center surveys and analysis.
1 Americans’ awareness of the conspiracy theories called QAnon increased dramatically from early to late 2020. In a Feb. 18-March 2 survey, about a quarter (23%) of U.S. adults said they had heard “a lot” or “a little” about QAnon. By September, that number had increased to 47%. At the same time, though, very few Americans have heard a lot about it: 9% as of September, up from 3% in February.
About half of Americans say they’ve heard about QAnon conspiracy theories
Knowledge of QAnon grew on both sides of the political aisle, though Democrats’ awareness continues to outpace that of Republicans. As of September, more than half (55%) of Democrats and those who lean Democratic say they have heard at least a little about the conspiracy theories, compared with 39% of Republicans.
The same U.S. adults were sampled for the March survey and September survey. This raises the possibility that some of the increase in QAnon awareness is attributable to re-asking the same people.comment image
2 Americans with high political knowledge are more likely than others to have heard of the conspiracy theories. Within both parties, political knowledge correlates closely with awareness of these theories.
Those with high political knowledge are far more likely than others to have heard of QAnon conspiracy theories
Among Democrats, those with high political knowledge are more than three times as likely to say they have heard about QAnon (85%) as those with low political knowledge (25%). And though fewer Republicans overall have heard of QAnon, those with high political knowledge are more than twice as likely (59%) as those with low political knowledge (24%) to have heard at least a little about QAnon. (You can find more details of the political knowledge index here.)
High or low political knowledge is a stronger factor in awareness of the conspiracy theories than differences in ideology within each party. The differences seen between Democrats with high and low knowledge are much larger than the differences seen between liberal Democrats and conservative or moderate Democrats, and the same is true among Republicans.comment image
3 The majority of Americans who have heard of QAnon think it’s a bad thing for the country. Among those who have heard of the conspiracy theories, 57% say QAnon is a “very bad” thing for the country. Another 17% say it is “somewhat bad.” That compares with 20% who say it is a somewhat or very good thing, while 6% did not answer.
A majority of Americans who have heard of the QAnon conspiracy theories say QAnon is bad for the country
Democrats who have heard of QAnon are more likely than their Republican counterparts to say it’s bad for the country. Almost eight-in-ten Democrats who have heard of QAnon (77%) say it is a “very bad” thing for the country, and another 13% say it is a somewhat bad thing. On the other hand, only about a quarter of Republicans who have heard of QAnon (26%) feel it is very bad for the country, while 24% say it is somewhat bad. Indeed, roughly four-in-ten Republicans who have heard of QAnon (41%) say it is a good thing for the country (32% somewhat good and 9% very good).comment image
4 When asked to describe QAnon, people most often mentioned that it was a group of some kind (41%) or a conspiracy group or theory (44%). When Americans who said they had heard at least a little about QAnon were asked to write in their own words what they thought it was, they were most likely to describe it as a group of some kind or include a more specific description of it as a conspiracy group or theory.
Far fewer wrote in other kinds of descriptions. Two-in-ten mentioned that it is a right-wing group or theory (20%) or that it is a theory about child abuse or trafficking (20%). Another 16% connected it directly to President Donald Trump, either by saying that Trump supports the group or that the group views him as a hero, savior or victim. (Responses could fit into more than one of these categories.)comment image
5 A separate content study of YouTube by the Center found that in December 2019, mentions of “QAnon” were concentrated in a very small number of the most viewed news channels. Overall, 5% of videos published by the 100 most viewed YouTube news channels at the time of the study included the word “QAnon.” The vast majority of those mentions came from just a handful of YouTube news channels: 11 of these channels studied produced 80% of the videos mentioning QAnon.
As of late 2019, most YouTube videos mentioning ‘QAnon’ were created by a small portion of news channels studied
In a subsequent content analysis conducted in September 2020, eight of these 11 YouTube news channels were still producing videos that mentioned QAnon. What’s more, four of them mentioned QAnon in half or more of the videos they published that month.
Some of these channels clearly advertised their orientation around these conspiracy theories, including one that put the word “QAnon” in the thumbnail of all of its videos. Other channels were more subtle in their mentions, using euphemisms such as “our favorite anon.”
Several of the 11 channels were terminated by YouTube in October, including some channels that mentioned QAnon the most in September 2020.comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Yet another reason I look at Pew anymore as P-U…..

Deplorable Patriot

I particularly liked this one:
3 The majority of Americans who have heard of QAnon think it’s a bad thing for the country.
If they’ve never read the drops, how would they know?


You and your pesky questions. They heard it through the grapevine, a long-trusted source of facts.

come to timmy

Wonder if anyone has had problems getting started on Gab. I signed up but when I sign in it says already signed in but when I try to Like something it says I’m NOT signed in. ???


timmy, I had similar problems…with no provision for correction. none.
tried to correct my posting name, and all I got – following their directions – was: that email (mine) belongs to another acc’t verbiage.
I’m stuck.

come to timmy

When I click the verification email it says ‘something isn’t right’ or there is an error. Has this been a routine problem or is it just today?


timmy, my problem was months ago…so I do not think the problem is a result of high volume.


Sometimes clearing cookies, closing the browser, starting again helped when I was having trouble. Eventually I migrated to Dissenter for my Gab browser and it’s been working, even with all the usual security in place.


If you are using a browser window in private mode Gab might only recognize your login at the window you actually used to log in. Also Firefox does not want to help and seems to break Gab on purpose.
Brave or Dissenter work with Gab.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This explains why I’ve seen phoney “downer leaks” from the left, that Durham didn’t find anything and is closing up shop because he’s scared of Biden.


BINGO, trying to GET AHEAD. For them to do these, like the one today, that “Durham will not have any indictments”, must mean he is going to be DEVESTATING to them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Even if they just nail Comey, it destroys the Schiff narrative and three years of phony Muh Russia go up in flames.


Comey is the LOCK that OPENS the door to the stairway UP. For the last 2 years, WRAY has had that key. I think Durham may just say eff it and kick the door DOWN


Exactomundo, Wolf!!!


Sorry, Pat – just saw your post – Thanks!!!


we’re a team here…


Okey Dokey, Pat!!!


GO TEAM!comment image

Elizabeth Carter

The real attraction of Kamala Harris:
Kamala Harris Husband’s Firm Represents Chinese Communist Party-Owned Corporations And Employs Ex-CCP Officials
Posted on September 15, 2020 by Dian Cecht


hehecomment image


pat, I cannot say I like a photo of hrc, but that top one does a really good job of conveying her utter ruthlessness.
She should be handled in the same way she has handed the 50 or so folks she has had assassinated.
It’s not possible to have one nanogram of sympathy for that creature.


comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image


That backdrop and 75 cents will get Biden a 12 oz pepsi out of a machine, NOTHING more. Hell I then have a banner calling me emperor elect of the would, BOW before PRex. LOL DUMBASS. Impersonating a public official is a CRIME is it not.


I could be convinced to salute you once or twice. Bowing — hell no!


LOL bend the knee? LOL Yes Im a GOT fan.

Valerie Curren

CTH deplatformed…is Q-Tree on the chopping block?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m figuring they’ll come for us at some point.


you don’t think sd’s “mission” a little while ago didn’t maybe rub some folks the wrong way…demanding something happen NOW or else?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No, I think everybody got over that.
I think they need him busy RIGHT NOW because Durham revelations are coming. Some of it is revenge – some is preventative.


really? I think he stepped on the wrong toes…they’re moving him out of the way right now…before his hubris ruins something or outs something he shouldn’t at the moment.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll have to think about this. Can’t see it as being strategic for our side.


hopefully you’re right.
but he went off half cocked…gonna force something to happen.
suppose he had…we might not have gotten to THIS election…this scenario…which may have been exactly the scenario needed to take them all down…
it’s not happening the way we wanted or the way we had hoped, but supposed it’s happening in the ONLY WAY that it can for the sake of us all…
trying to jump the shark might have ruined a lot…forced hands on the left and maybe they didn’t go all in here and now.
this is POTUS’s destiny. i don’t think anyone else is uniquely capable in this regard.
jmo tho

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think they waited for just the right time in the big picture. THE PLAN. I am trusting it. It really seems to be working.


i wish him no ill will…
but I view him as the guy in the movie theater shouting he knows who the murderer is 15 minutes into the movie and ruining it for the rest of us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What if he’s the guy in the movie theater saying “what’s this blob coming in the doors in the back?”


then we’re doomed…
cuz he would take 3 hours to describe how we came to the movie theater, how the movie is dumb and how we overpaid to get in…
then and only then, would he alert us to the blob.


Pat may be right. SD has had “loose lips” before. This COULD be so the wrong thing does NOT get leaked to the WRONG people at the WRONG time. Remember these cases took YEARS to build, and ONE slip up lets them SKATE.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is LOW on my list of possibilities – along with believing the “downer” stuff, and that Barr/DS/DOJ is silencing SD so that he can’t get all outraged.
If Durham comes up zilch, I’m calling DODGE just as rotten as FIB. In that case, burn it all as CHAFF.


We will just have to SEE what Durham HAS and DOES, I think then the answers will be self evident.

Valerie Curren

Sick & sadly tragic. How can American freedoms die w/ barely a whimper!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Because they cut off our voice. Like I said…..


They just made him move, they didn’t cut him off, there is always discuss or Gab. I think this MAY be to make sure nothing gets LEAKED. We will see soon I suppose

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m sorry – the obvious explanation to me is that stuff from Durham is coming out, WordPress knows it, and the leftists want SD BUSY when it does, so that he can’t analyze and counter the leftist spin.
They know he’ll get on a new platform, IMO. But he will be too busy dealing with all that stuff to cover the Durham releases.


Perhaps, but I ask you, would THAT stop YOU. or ME, or FLEP or ANY of us, NO. Slow us down a bit, but NOT stop us. I am NOT gonna let them win…neither would any of us, neither too should SD. Where there is a WILL, there is a WAY.

tom f

May I add a comment?
They TRIED to cut off our voice. And continue.
Not working. There’s plenty of evidence.
Soldier on!


The part that keeps coming back as strange is that WP has dumped other accounts with ZERO warning. Why is SD getting this kid glove treatment? What could possibly motivate WP to give a courtesy notification on his site? I have NEVER heard of WP doing this in the past.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WordPress knows that the IP addresses of people reading point to a lot of VERY powerful people. Past censorship was gotten away with more easily. They’re keeping the “outrage value” low enough for a net win by their side.
Tricky business…..


Interesting theory!

Valerie Curren

Michigan corruption at every level!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
QAnon and the Great Awakening

Exactly how I feel…… I don’t wear a mask because I’m protecting you from tyranny

#COVID19 = Flu


On Rush’s show just now: those manipulating the votes got caught because they didn’t set the algorithm high enough.
— Cari Kelemen (@KelemenCari) November 16, 2020
.@SidneyPowell1: Georgia voting machines were connected to the internet and the Georgia Governor received financial kickbacks for the state’s contract with D o m i n i o n Voting Systems.
— Cari Kelemen (@KelemenCari) November 16, 2020
I feel very optimistic that the truth will get out… Release the Kraken!
— Cari Kelemen (@KelemenCari) November 16, 2020


When we talk about our elections, we have to talk about “chain of custody.”
You would NEVER ALLOW votes to be sent overseas to servers in foreign countries. That would be the OPPOSITE of elections security.
And yet Spanish company Scytl handled 78 million US votes.
— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) November 16, 2020
When national security officials admit that U.S. votes were sent to foreign servers to be counted by foreign companies they’re admitting there’s no chain of custody for U.S. elections.
They’re admitting that our elections are illegitimate.
And they’re admitting they allowed it.
— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) November 16, 2020
To summarize: our national security & intel agencies (annual budget: $1.25 trillion) allowed votes for 30 states to route to Canadian firm subcontracting its software from Venezuelan firm counting our votes thru Spanish firm via remote server in Germany?
Great job, guys.
— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) November 16, 2020

Cuppa Covfefe

We have to go back further in the chain.
What IDIOT would allow MISSION-CRITICAL data to be transported via sneaker-net (said USB sticks) with no controls, data movement by “drag and drop”, and supposedly NO BACKUP??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m sorry, but no manager or auditor worthy of the name would allow that.
(Been there, done that, still have the scars, as it were…..)…….

Gail Combs

I am still of the —
Computers are great for number crunching, running statistics, writing reports or sending memos.
BOUND NOTEBOOKS are what you want to have if you must take data into a court of law.

Cuppa Covfefe

Exactly. Just whisper the words “forced balance” in the presence of an auditor or conscientious finance VP and watch them have fits….
At one of my first “gigs” I had an HP3000 BASIC application (don’t laugh) with an attached database that was $0.01 out of balance. The app was written so that the numbers were stored in twos-complement integers, and apparently the format was not too complimentary to some digits.
I was tasked with scrubbing said database, tracking down the cause ot the imbalance, documenting it, and then rebuilding it correctly.
OK. Done and dusted.
And the penny flipped the other way 😡
Ended up getting a JV for $0.01 to put the balance (albeit forced) back to zero. Then spent the better (or worse) part of the next morning explaining about data storage in IMAGE/3000, BASIC/3000, and twos-complement integers… Ahhh, those were the days.
(It didn’t help that we’d just been bought by ITT and seven layers of management (manglement?) suddenly appeared above our founder and CEO… and IBM’ers had no clue about our “toy” systems)…

tom f

Beautiful word.
Many applications.
Many witnesses.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This includes, by the way, pre-numbered pages so you can detect a missing page.
(You know that Gail, I’m saying it for the benefit of others who might not.)
This is why, when you’re pulled over, once a cop starts writing on his pad you will NOT be talking him into a warning. Because then he’d have to explain the partial page to someone, and he can’t make it disappear because it has a sequential number on it.


Treat ballots like you do bank deposits, receipts, scans and chain of custody logs. Takes multiple people doing multiple counts Think Federal reserve banks. ARMED guards too.
If it is good enough for our MONEY, it is good enough for our VOTES/

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. And it starts with THIS ELECTION – if we have to do a citizen’s arrest of that compromised guy, what’s his name? They’re talking about impeachment if he punts on election fraud – NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
It ends here. It ends now.


Agrreed. HERE and NO furthter!

Cuppa Covfefe

Have to say I like this point he made:
” Thankfully, lawyers are like roaches; if you step on one, twenty take its place, and Trump has no shortage of them.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, that’s usually a bug, not a feature (ahem), but in this case it IS a feature.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is an absolutely great article.

“It’s a Coup. Just Say It!”

I cannot recommend this enough.
To hell with their coup.


Wolf the MOST important points he made, which are BRIILLIANT, and I concur, is that
!) the Cabal needed this toi happen QUICKLY, the longer it drads out, the MORE the fraud is revealed, and the LESS their chances of getting away with it.
@) and this was HUGE. “Has Harris given up her Senate seat yey? If THEY don’t believe it. WHY should WE”
Speed in the THEFT, just like a robber, the LONGER they are on the scene the GREATER the chances of getting CAUGHT, and going to jail.
Harris has NOT given her seat up, Newsome could appoint a NEW dem seanator in a NY minute, and NOT lose a beat, PLUS it is not like her vote would make ANY difference, hell she even MISSED the ACB procedural vote.
NO, up that seat, she does NOT get it BACK.
IF the win was SO assured, miss vp “elect” why not give up your seat?
PERHAPS because “victory is NOT so assured!!!!!
This is getting FIPPED Wolf, each day I grow MORE confident. LITTLE things taken together like THIS start to add up.


And now the TP runs and shortages have started again in the west coast states. Do we say TY to Inslee, Brown and Newsom now or when we run out of TP.
Long line of shoppers wait in rain for Kennewick Costco to open


I may may a conservative of my daughter yet..I told her to expect this over a month ago and she believed questions asked. I told her if Biden won to expect another ridiculous shutdown..she only had minimal pushback but now is mad about it AND she actually asked the right logical questions to a neighborhood mom that was keeping her child home but let him run the neighborhood with all the kids (no masks, sharing food and drinks)who do go to school part of the day . She’s become anti mask and a covid realist about the fact that the survival rate is like 99%. The fear is gone


It is crazy…Got a liberal friend that keeps saying that she needs to keep wearing her mask because she would feel so bad if just one person died because of her. Yet, she is traveling out of state for Thanksgiving to a gathering in a state that is also in Freeze mode,. Gathering will technically be several households but that is OK? Even after being told it is a misdemeanor she is still doing it, These are the kinds of people following the democrats over the cliff.

Cuppa Covfefe

Quick question: Is she pro-abortion???
(Asking for some yet-to-be-born friends-to-be)…..


Probably–i think some of the texts I send last night probably have her pissed any way,
Even after showing her that what she is planning is wrong, and now apparently against the law, she was still like “oh well”g


molly, that’s SO refreshing.
what a load off of your mind…Thanks!


Piper, it is. It’s been 4 years of teeny tiny pro Trump things because a full on slobber fest made her tune me out.
Funny how things work…when their (Dem) policies start negatively impacting them personally they begin to see some light. She even asked about the ballot measures that always come back to bite us in the wallet if you don’t vote right.


yep. that old saw ab Liberals not liking guns until they are robbed. yep!


I just cancelled a dermatologist appointment today because patients are required to sit in their cars until the doctor can see you and then you are hustled through the waiting room to the proper exam room. I said…no way am I going to be treated like this, when your office is back to normal I’ll reschedule.

Cuppa Covfefe

Anyone here following TP futures? 😀
(OK, Maybe Georgia-Pacific and other wood companies…)….
Hmmm. Maybe I should invest and be flush with profits…



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But if things go the other way you could be wiped out.

Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhh, but lumber and paper companies always have a leading ROLL to play… 🙂


Come on guys I was going to hit up my local Costco for some regular shopping — Guess NOT

Cuppa Covfefe

OK, while you’re there, I need a pallet of car batteries, a couple of 50-lb. tubs of beef jerky, 24 snow tires, a couple of hearing aids and a pair of glasses, 100lb of frozen mesquite smoked chicken patties, 20lb sliced swiss cheese (to go with the chicken), 10 cases of hamburger buns (ditto), 1 gross crunchy cheetos, 6 gallons Tabasco sauce, 10 cartons chocolate waffle bars, and 10 kegs of Michelob 😀
(or maybe Henry Weinhard’s 🙂 )…..
Oh, and some TP 😆



tom f

Too easy
they’re shitt….temselves.




“These problems threaten the integrity of our elections.”
Senators Elizabeth Warren (D), Amy Klobuchar (D) & Ron Wyden (D) issue a formal complaint in 2019 to Dominion Voting Systems.
Among the complaints? Allegations of ‘vote-switching.’🔻
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 13, 2020

Valerie Curren
Cuppa Covfefe

In the end, it isn’t “BLM or Black Lives Matter”, it’s BSM or
B lack
S ouls
M atter

These “people” and their ilk are from the pit of HELL.
They don’t give a rip about blacks, Mexicans, or any group, be they minority or other.
They only care about what their master, Satan, wants.
It’s about time that people realized this.
Ephesians 6:10-18.
It’s real.
It’s here.
And we need to PRAY to fight it. Fasting too…


Agree, Cuppa!!!


wheatie, before i forget, yet again, I LOVE your choice of POTUS photos this morning!!!
very apropos!

Cuppa Covfefe

Wheatie’s breakfast of Trumpians!!!!!!!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Revisiting recent (11/10) CTH post:
CTH covering MSM having splodeyhead over Nunes staffer in DoD
“However, the Lawfare/Resistance opposition to the Trump administration is apoplectic with the just announced role of Patel.”
And then this great comment.
msalicia56 says:
November 10, 2020 at 11:20 pm
If Lawfare & companions are apoplectic that’s a good thing.
Liked by 7 people


ANOTHER tell of WHAT (election flip back to Trump) is to come. WHY would ANYBODY be worried about someone that will be GONE after Jan 20th, UNLESS they WON’T be gone becaus SOMEONE is NOT gonna build back better.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Cute, Georgia – but, I cannot eat anything looking back at me – Sorry

Cuppa Covfefe

I think it just winked 😆 :mrgreen:



Happy go lucky

You have to eat the eyes first 🤪


Eeeeeeeeewwww, Happy!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Eye eye, cap’n… 🙂
From Davy Jones’s Locker Kitchen…

Valerie Curren

1st AND 2nd!

Gail Combs

I bet you could make a mint selling those signs.

Cuppa Covfefe

Would be kind of funny to have two of them next to each other (adjacent houses) with the arrows pointing at each other… then watch potential thieves vacillating between the houses…. easy pickin’s….

Valerie Curren

LOL! We have hunters on both sides of us, though a Biden shill across the street, single lady. Our son’s down the block & he & his wife are hunters too! When a psycho was shooting up the neighborhood a few blocks away some years back it was interesting how the armed patriots popped up behind “every blade of grass”!!!

Valerie Curren

Trumping the vote

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Coupist replies! SHAME!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Commie coup is gonna get PUT DOWN
Commie coup Antifa and BAD CLOWN
Commie coup is gonna do HARD TIME
Commie coup Antifa on THEIR DIME.


Seize their assets – No need for their smelly coats!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Worked in 1775.


it rhymes, but can we dance to it?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Stop The Steal website has all kinds of pictures and video – the site is really fleshing out!!!







Any monies donated go to Ali whatever the last name is. Trumps official site donations go to Winred.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sidney Powell: Smartmatic Voting Machine’s Chairman of the Board Peter Neffenger Named to Joe Biden’s ‘Transition Team’

Utterly jaw-dropping.
OK, people – get ahead of this. Think of their “transition team” as a combination COUP TEAM and COVER-UP TEAM.


That USED to be called a conflict of interest, I think I’ll just call it a CONSPIRACY to defraud 73 MILLION legal voters.


“Sidney Powell: Smartmatic Voting Machine’s Chairman of the Board Peter Neffenger Named to Joe Biden’s ‘Transition Team’
Mr. Neffenger — you’re the next contestant on the Electric Chair is Right!
So come on down! 👍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A rousing article from GAB:
“We’ve already won
Trump has already won this election. The treasonous enemies of America have already been caught. They will face criminal charges by the thousands as all this plays out, unless they flee the country first. And the DOJ is about to drop the hammer on the entire operation. The American people are with Trump — including many Democrats who are now sickened by what they witnessed take place with wholesale left-wing election theft. Americans will not allow their country to be stolen by foreign interests, and as we’ve mentioned before, if Trump needs to call up every able-bodied man in America to converge on Washington D.C. fully armed with courage, millions of patriots will arrive to defend this constitutional republic against its enemies, both foreign and domestic. Trump no longer needs to win recounts, and he certainly doesn’t need the media on his side. They won’t be around much longer anyway. All Trump needs is to continue gathering evidence, prepare to present it to the world, and continue to garner support from millions of Americans who are ready to lay their lives on the line, if necessary, to defend this nation. ”
Let’s not forget this epic sting operation going on in the background up this very moment! | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary
View Link Feed
1 comment


“ if Trump needs to call up every able-bodied man in America to converge on Washington D.C. fully armed with courage, millions of patriots will arrive to defend this constitutional republic against its enemies, both foreign and domestic.”


There were a MILLION people in just DC Saturday. THIS time they carried flags and signs, IF they have to come back, they will be carrying guns and rifles.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. We are not alone. We are the MAJORITY who voted for Trump, and got CHEATED. And we’re PISSED.


“They will face criminal charges by the thousands as all this plays out, unless they flee the country first. ”
Hold up.
I just checked again, and in addition to ‘resignation’ NOT being the penalty for Treason and associated crimes, fleeing the country is also NOT the penalty for Treason (and any associated crimes).
So they can try to flee the country if they want, but that will only compound their problems, it won’t help them any.
Fleeing the country in no way prevents criminal charges from being filed.
And neither will ‘resigning’ 😂🤣😂

Valerie Curren

CA red…or at least more R’s when voting “irregularities” corrected…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My reading – they analyzed the servers!!!
Donald J Trump
I won the Election!


That’s what I’ve been thinking. They have the information behind the machines. Kind of like a parallel run of the numbers in real time. So any changes are the surface ones the Left put out there – but the original is in POTUS’ hands. Is that about right?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s how people are interpreting this.
I just hope there’s something behind it more than bluffing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump LOVES to tweet *CERTAINTIES* that people don’t know yet – this is what makes his tweets age not just well, but remarkably. He must actually KNOW that he won, and the only way that happens is if his people have irrefutable data of vote changes, which upon reversal show that he won.
NOW – this is part of what I have to slap myself with all the time.
There is stuff going on behind the scenes that we are not privy to – but by becoming Trump’s attorney, I believe that Sidney Powell actually IS getting information about this stuff. Some of it may be classified. It will come out, but not until authorized.
This is a nail-biter, and the wicked presstitutes are going all “West Wing” on their alternate reality, but I think Trump is now STRINGING THEM ALONG.
Trump is actively discrediting both the media and the social media. Just hang on and wait for it. Even if it’s edge-of-the-seat.


Thanks for your good insight. I remarked down below that this may be why Virginia, my state, is popping up on the radar – making it to the list of states w/ switched votes – the fix was in.


Can you IMAGINE what is going to happen to both regular and social media when the fraud is actually PROVEN beyond doubt?
It is going to be epic and terrifying at the same time. I think people may be jumping out of windows and in front of trains.
Considering the actual prospect fills me with a type of dread.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I hear you.
There will be wildly contradictory news – in some ways like what we had earlier in 2017-2019 with the Russia Hoax, except this time they will be calling it the “Dominion Hoax”. The Fake News will call all the news about it a hoax, just like they did with the Hunter Biden laptop. They have to keep the Dem base intact. But if PRESSTITUTES start getting indicted, that will REALLY blow things apart.
Who have we not been hearing from lately? I’m guessing they’re in grand juries, but if Durham doesn’t cough up anybody, then I will stand corrected.
If Durham punts, then we’ve been had, OR DOJ has been exposed as filled with wankers, including Aldenberg, and military justice will be needed.
I don’t think Durham is going to punt. I think he was shooting for after the election, but before Biden and Harris could take office.
Hmmmm. What if the big lockdowns now are because of a second wave of investigations and grand juries?
Things will get epic. But I think that “the plan” was very smart, and knew that the traitors would abuse lockdowns, and we played along because that will help us keep a lid on things when it does get epic.


It could be a very good thing for most people to be “off the streets” so to speak when the news really hits. I think Durham is going to bring it, on his timetable. I think both he and Barr followed the “tradition” of not indicting/charging or whatever during the lead-in to an election because they are honorable men. Which kind of sucks for me, but I can live with it 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very curious what Durham will bring. I think that’s a good thing. They kept it mum.


“I think both he and Barr followed the “tradition” of not indicting/charging or whatever during the lead-in to an election because they are honorable men. ”
I wish I had your confidence! 😁


So far, I haven’t seen any evidence that either of these two are bad men. Inaction isn’t necessarily evil, it’s just frustrating. We don’t know everything they know.


“I think both he and Barr followed the “tradition” of not indicting/charging or whatever during the lead-in to an election because they are honorable men. ”
Tradition is for chumps if the safety of the Republic is at stake.
Would the enemy observe this ‘tradition’ if the roles were reversed?
Not even a tiny chance.
And if the roles are ever reversed in the future, the spineless, worthless GOP will whine and virtue-signal to the media “but we never indicted anyone in the run-up to the election, even during the biggest Treason / attempted coup in the history of the planet!”
And you know what the Marxists will say to the whiny GOPe?
“That’s because you’re CHUMPS”, and then laugh at them, right before they lop off their heads.


This is probably true. It has happened to religious martyrs for centuries.


“Very curious what Durham will bring. ”
I’m very curious IF Durham will bring. 🤞


“Can you IMAGINE what is going to happen to both regular and social media when the fraud is actually PROVEN beyond doubt?
It is going to be epic and terrifying at the same time. ”
Well, maybe “horrific” in a happy, cheering celebration of the exposure and destruction of evil 😁
“I think people may be jumping out of windows and in front of trains.”
We should be so lucky!
These are the same cowards who threaten to leave the country every time their candidate doesn’t win… but they never actually go.
“Considering the actual prospect fills me with a type of dread.”
Not me, if they all want to jump of a bridge in unison, somebody get a bullhorn and count them down.
I see what they’ve done, I see the pleasure they take in harming others, I know what they are still capable of, and I know what they are.
Imagine the weight of pure evil that would be lifted off this world, if these evil people were no longer in it?
Imagine how many innocent men, women and children, whole families, would not be victimized in the future, because their future would-be attacker(s) offed themselves in a fit of TDS pique.
I’m not sure how to feel bad about that.


I have no concerns about the people you are writing of. I am, however, concerned about the average idiots who bought into Obama, Clinton, etc. hook, line, and sinker, not because they are evil, but because they are not very bright and are easily manipulated. I feel sorry for them.


Told you, they LET them steal 2018, and the House. They WATCHED, they LEARNED, they made counter measures. They knew WHERE, WHEN, WHO, nad HOW, just not how much. Questrion WHERE was the MOST obvious fraud in 2018 on the House….ORANGE county CA. Trrump has it ALL


It also explains why Virginia is popping up the radar list of states to be examined. It was called with !% of the vote in – as if they already knew in advance that the state was going to Biden. Numbers in Blue Northern Virginia don’t account for that kind of call. It was the first time they’d ever pulled that. The FIX was in.
In 2016, POTUS was leading for a long time, until the next day, Northern Virginia supposedly came in and took it for Clinton. Plus, Kaine was on the ticket, and the Libertarian had a couple of percentage points.
It was realistic to believe Virginia was going for POTUS this time.
Hope they prosecute these criminals.


wow! and i thought new yorkers were rude!
One of our lawyers in PA has received abusive e-mails, calls & physical & economic threats.
One voicemail was from a lawyer at the firm representing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, running far afoul of standards of professional conduct.
It has been turned over to the court.
— Tim Murtaugh (@TimMurtaugh) November 16, 2020


Mykale Garrett, former Dominion project manager, now goes by Kelly Garrett and is the Mayor of Lathrup Village, Michigan. Conveniently left Dominion in 2019 to become involved heavily in Michigan politics having a full understanding of the machines in a swing-state?
— Gavin Mario Wax 🇺🇸 (@GavinWax) November 16, 2020

Valerie Curren

Prayers needed for this patriot


Valerie, “This acc’t over the limit as to how many may view”.
small wonder.

Valerie Curren

A man who sustained a head injury w a hammer in DC & is recovering in the hospital…


If he’s the same guy I saw on video where the person came from behind him and swung his arm around and hit him in the face which knocked him out and when he was picked up he was bleeding profusely from his nose and mouth. He was injured really bad he wasn’t coherent. The guy who hit him from behind didn’t have anything in his hand but I told my daughter he had to have had something in the sleeve of his hoodie or coat to have knocked him out like that. These people are animals!!!😡

Valerie Curren

I don’t know if it’s the same person or not. I agree w/ your assessment. I also kept looking on the slow-mo version of the attack to see if there was something hidden in the attackers hand. These people are Evil!


” I also kept looking on the slow-mo version of the attack to see if there was something hidden in the attackers hand. ”
A roll of dimes, nickels or quarters inside his fist would never be seen on video.

Valerie Curren

Good point!

Valerie Curren

Red Tsunami


This is a forceful endorsement


As if there were any doubt about this.

Valerie Curren

This is Mark Stein’s interview with Sidney Powel.
Watch all 8 !!!


there’s that word again…installed
Sen. Schumer: “No court is going to overturn this election — Joe Biden will be installed as president.”
— The Hill (@thehill) November 16, 2020


BINGO! Telegraphing the STEAL again. LEGIT Presidents are NOT installed Chuck, they are INAUGURATED. BIden will NEVER be installed OR inaugurated.


despots are installed


BINGO. m So are thoise that used software and ballot fraud to try and CHEAT to win.






Unreal – So many people get suspended right after Trump retweets them.
— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) November 16, 2020

Valerie Curren


I was just about to post this. Lin Wood, brilliant and measured. First you light the fire, then you take it to a boil.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And there’s no reason not to light the fire with a Bernz-A-Matic.


Yesterday he aimed. Today he fired. Smart.


For people of the statiure of Lin Wood, Sydney Powell, and Rudi Giuliani to say what they have, with CONFIDENCE, multiple times, there must be IRONCLAD prrof.
There are SERIOUS people, NOT known to exaggeration OR hyperbole. They are risking MORE than their reputations on this,m they could be disbarred. The evidence myust be FOOL proof, and massive.


“Here is a suggested course of action for GA Governor @BrianKempGA
1. Order a special session of GA legislature.
2. Resign.
3. Admit guilt.
4. Go to prison.
5. Ask for cell near @GaSecofState
Accountability for wrongdoing is called JUSTICE.”
NOW he’s cookin’ with gasoline! 👍


I’m reading that there is an emergency meeting at the WH of President Trump’s Legal Team.
anyone know what’s up???

Valerie Curren

PSA turd alert 😉


We need a President-Elect Catturd.

Valerie Curren



Well, according to mainstream press, we currently have a President Elect Dog Shit. So there’s that.


Two Nominations Sent to the Senate
Issued on: November 16, 2020
Joseph L. Barloon, of Maryland, to be a Judge of the United States Court of International Trade, vice Leo Maury Gordon, retired.
Thomas L. Kirsch II, of Indiana, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Seventh Circuit, vice Amy Coney Barrett, elevated.


Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Nov 12
Vote Scheduled: At 5:30 pm on Monday, November 16th, the Senate will proceed to a vote on the motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #892 Kristi Haskins Johnson to be U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of Mississippi.

Valerie Curren

Red CA perspective



Gail Combs

Think about it.
The FRAUDSTERS would not NEED illegals to get motor-voter licences, they would not NEED to do ballot harvesting and all the rest of the fraud if the state was actually Blue.

Valerie Curren

EXCLUSIVE: Former ‘Dominion’ Project Manager Executed $25 Million Contract with State of Michigan While Serving As Dem Vice Chair
— Big League Politics (@bigleaguepol) November 16, 2020

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Flep is right. Dominos are FALLING.
This stuff is just monstrous. A cheat coup under the cover of a ChiCom viral release.


Drip drip drip, EACH day we learn MORE, soo the drip will be a puddle, then a FLOOD.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good. Excellent. NEVER concede a phony cheat election like this. EVER.


That is 100% right. RIGHT is MIGHT, (for you dad) NEVER give up, NEVER surrender. Trump will WIN he does not know HOW to fail.




Surrender is not in our creed..say it. surrender is not in our creed..LOUDER…SURRENDER IS NOT IN OUR CREED!!! HOO RA

Gail Combs

And in many cases torture and death.comment imagecomment image
This Ring of Tears is a photomontage–a megatomb–memorializing the 174,000,000 murdered by governments 1900-1999. It merges photos of their corpses, bones, and skulls. For documentation on the number murdered and the what, when, where, and who, see this web site. For the photos that were used in the megatomb, go to (or return to) Photographs of Democide: Room 1.
A second megatomb, Rings of Tears: The Murdering, shows the process of murder by governments. The photos for this megatomb are at Photographs of Democide: Room 2. The final megatomb, Rings of Tears: Faces of Death, displays the faces of those about to die, most knowing it. The photos for this megatomb are at Photographs of Democide: Room 3.

Some regimes have murdered 10,000,000 or more people. This is more than the death toll of World War I. Three regimes have even murdered more than 20,000,000, itself more than the combat dead of World War II. No one can absorb these numbers; they are intellectually and morally indigestible. Beyond belief. By far, the media and literature on genocide and mass murder have devoted most attention to the Holocaust. But even those publicizing this particular evil seem unaware of the total murdered by Hitler and his henchmen-about 21,000,000. Moreover, aside from the Holocaust, there seems to be little general knowledge that there were even greater megamurderers. The purpose of this theme page, then, is to reference what is available on this site that deals with these truly evil regimes. I hope that thereby more attention will be devoted to them, that we learn from their bloodletting, and that their mountain of victims will be remembered and memorialized….



Gail Combs

Natural News:
Bill Gates hired BLM “students” to count ballots in battleground states by Ethan Huff

To ensure that Joe Biden “won” most of the key battleground states, Bill Gates and others in positions of influence replaced veteran poll workers with “young black students,” also known as Black Lives Matter (BLM) terrorists, who committed election fraud for pay.
According to reports, Gates and his cohorts scared the veteran poll workers into fearing infection with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), opening the door for young black activists to swoop in and thieve votes for Biden, securing his media-declared “victory.”
“The excuse of COVID-19 was used to scare some elderly poll workers into bowing out and being replaced by these ringers,” writes Shane Trejo for Big League Politics.
The Campus Vote Project, a wing of the Fair Elections Center, received funding from the New Venture Fund to hire on these “young black students” as poll workers. The New Venture Fund, in case you are unfamiliar with it, received more than $94 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as from other globalist special interest groups such as the Ford Foundation and the Hewlett Foundation.
NBC News first spilled the beans about the “young black students,” indicating that this “diverse group of thousands of younger Americans, ranging from 16-year-old high schoolers to college students” had been tasked with “stepping in as poll workers across the country during early voting and on Election Day.”
Once installed, these “young black students,” with the help of the Poll Workers Project and The Poll Hero Project, engaged in what now appears to be a widespread vote fraud campaign that is trying to steal the election for Biden….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, this is making so much sense.
I went by my polling place on November 3, despite having voted by absentee ballot, to see how much of a crowd was coming out anyway. Its parking lot is a very good indicator of how many people are going to the polls.
When I checked it on Nov. 3, activity was “light to moderate”, which I did not expect.
Even more unexpected was the fact that the car in front of me never parked, but just circled and left.
When I got up by the front, I saw why. Two or three poll workers were outside at a pair of tables one had to pass between, to even approach the doorway. The place was secured like the Wuhan laboratory under a lockdown. The poll workers were dressed in biohazard stuff – I mean PLAGUE stuff. Masks, gloves, white coats, face shields – the works. I had thought about getting out to check the rolls, to see if they had a record of me voting, but NO WAY – I just left.
IT’S THE SAME PSY-OP. Drive people away from the polls.
This is a fucking coup, and I will not accept the results.
I’m sure that Dominion messed with our judges. EVERY REPUBLICAN LOST. EVERY DEMOCRAT WON – by BIG margins. These were all popular judges, too.
This is the most evil election in American history, and I will not accept the phony result. I would rather see CIVIL WAR.


There’s a reason they call is MS-DNC


Gates was ALWAYS a sniveliing LIAR, CHEAT, and THEIF. College DROP OUT too. Pirates of Silicon Valley, WATCH it.


Imagine that POS racist eugenicist Bill Gates, cynically using ignorant young black people as pawns to commit his massive Treason.
Looking forward to seeing you in chains, Billy.

Valerie Curren

In case Michael didn’t already share this–pushing all the lefties’ buttons!

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Freedom of Speech Michigan edition


I’ve heard from @Facebook whistleblower who revealed @Facebook and @Google and @Twitter coordinate to censor. Facebook has an internal platform to manage it. I’ll be asking Mark Zuckerberg and @jack about this at tomorrow’s hearing
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) November 16, 2020


BREAKING: The wanted suspect seen assaulting people at Saturday’s pro-Trump rally in D.C. is Brittany S. McAlister, a journalism student at Howard University. She has deleted her social media accounts
— Jorge Ventura Media (@VenturaReport) November 16, 2020


Let’s hope she’s arrested, her photo in the newspaper and expelled from Howard. Actions must have consequences!




Howard, one of those HBCUs that POTUS made sure got their financing. I’ll never forget the footage of he Howard U law students cheering when OJ got off. SOS different year.


link to the President’s GAB account? real??

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It looks legit to me.
Which may just mean it’s a fake done by someone more clever than I.


It’s just a feed of President Trump’s twitter account.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

LOL, of course (dawning realization), that’s why it looked legit.
OK I feel a bit foolish now.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Torba created it to wait for Trump, and at some point Gab decided to autopopulate it with Trump’s tweets. Not sure if they got “permission” or not.


cool…so i could see his tweets without going to twitter?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. That’s the reason. Trump tweets are all over Gab now!



come to timmy

Speaking of Gab… Have you heard of people having trouble signing up there?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No, but I can imagine. The software is being strained by too many people signing up.

come to timmy

Makes sense if that is so. Patience I suppose. Though it ain’t easy being patient these days.

Gail Combs

GOOD that means we will be spared the nasty venom in the replies.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Until the left decides they want to invade Gab.


It’s nice to have freedom of association on Gab. My block list is super long and I’m enjoying that.

Valerie Curren

Commie apologist/globalist “pope”

Valerie Curren

rescuing human trafficking victims continues

Valerie Curren

Backing up the Kraken!!!!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


You’re not just kidding.

Valerie Curren

Peru video comments keep disappearing…

now these are visible again?


What’s up in Peru?

Valerie Curren

I honestly don’t know. When I originally passed the video along I thought it was from DC w/ all the fireworks…When the poster/tweeter said it was Peru then I put that info out too. Even so twitter was suppressing it…hmmm…


Protests in the streets, police using tear gas and shot guns killed several.
New President resigned hours after taking office as a result .
Saw report earlier today, sorry don’t know where or I’d offer a link.


Thanks. 🙂


Last we had anything out of Peru that was non covid, it was anti christian attacks by Marxists a several months back. Not sure what has evolved since.

Valerie Curren

I don’t even know When that video was taken


It’s been more than 10 days since the election.
Where s Barr and the DOJ??
I now know why Bill Barr, Gina Haspel, and others all went to see Mitch McConnell. It was because Mitch McConnell is the leader of the GOPe. He called them there to tell them to let Trump twist in the wind.
The Senate majority leader has made one single tweet about the election…

Since then, nothing. Instead, he shows us his spots…


I see you, Mitch….you vile POS…


Mitch is CCP owned.
His wife is the CCP handler.


Sigh, his wife is from Tiawan. NOT CCP friendly. please just stop. Mitch was the SECOND prominant rep to stand behind Trump, and say Biden is NOT PEOTUS. Lindsey Graham being the other. Just todasy, Mitch put 2 MORE maga judges through. Mitch WON reelection EASILY, he does not NEED to stand by Trump now, yet he DOES, some like you REFUSE to see it.


No, I am not going to stop, and it makes absolutely no difference where his wife is from. What is far more important and relevant are her past affiliations, from Big Banks like the grossly corrupt Bank of America to the Bush administration, which you would know if you were 1/10 as smart and informed as you desperately believe yourself to be.


LOL I KNOW mitch. Have had DINNER with him, have went to CONFERENCES with him? Have YOU?
ALL you have is iinnuendo. If you were have as smart as you are stubborn you would KNOW that Taiwan and Chinese people DO NOT mix, Tiawan HATES China, and vice versa. China LITERALLY wants to INVADE Taiwan, the ONLY thing stoppin them is US.
Last I looked, not ALL the Bush admin people were bad or corrupt, just a few. Also working for a bank, is also NOT a crime. Still waiting on PROOF.
Mitch has done more for MAGGA and Trump than ANY other Republican save Nunes and Jordan. 300 judges appointed to FEDERAL appeals courts, THREE SCOTUS judges. The largest tax decrease in history, money for covid, the wall, and the repeal of the individual mandate. ALso DEFEATED a sham impeachment. WOULD have REPEALED Obama care, but for a TRAITOR McCain
EACH time Mitch COULD have betrayed Trump, EACH he came through. Go peddle that shit elsewhaere.


When there is a hot button topic waiting for Senate action, Turtle quite commonly and publicly states, nothing is going to happen in the Senate until President Trump signals what he, President Trump agrees to.
100% totally stymied Crazy Nanzi in the House.
Incredibly effective from what I saw.
Turtle IS MAGA.
Quite frankly, posted a year or so ago, Turtle relishes his position as Senate Majority leader and dearly wants another four years leading the Senate with President Trump in the WH.
– Imagine, the Senate leader, championing confirming perhaps ~500 Judges and four to six Justices.
^^^ Achievements that no one has or will ever transcend. ^^^
Just recalled why this was a discussion point a year or so ago. Some were saying turtle preferred Cry’n Chuckie Minority position to play spoiler. Nah. not buying this line of BS.


Agreed. Think how much MORE will be accomplished with Trump, McConnell, AND McCarthy!


“…. he does not NEED to stand by Trump now, yet he DOES…”
Prove it.
One tweet and a few words here and there mean nothing.
It’s YOU who refuse to see Cocaine Mitch for who/what he is.
Hint: those judicial appointments are Mitch’s “stay out of jail” card with POTUS, assuming PT prevails.


LOL you are WRONG, and too stubborn to admit it. Mitch COULD have let Trump be IMPEACHED. He COULD have foled on tax cuts, he COULD have failed on Gorsuch, Kavanaugh AND ACB, by NOT going nuclkear. Yet EACH time he AIDED Trump.
THAT is my proof, ACTIONS. WHERE is yours?



Sure better.
the courts are going to draaaaaag their feet.
These next 2 weeks are critical.


State Courts may very well try to screw this up.
SC WILL take action and President Trump’s reelection will be secured.


The Executive Order requires that an investigation into election interference be performed and a report submitted no more than “45” days after the election. Interesting, hmmmmm?


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gab is not able to keep up with the demand for free speech.


Very Encouraging!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Uhh…okay. Any ideas?


not a clue


Quote (and paraphrased):
“I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his (ideology). He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his… We’re not just going to shoot the bastards. We’re going to cut out their living guts and use them to grease the treads of our tanks. We’re going to murder those lousy (marxist) bastards by the bushel. Wade into them! Spill their blood! Shoot them in the belly! When you put your hand into a bunch of goo that a moment before was your best friend’s face…you’ll know what to do.”
– Gen. George S. Patton

Deplorable Patriot

So…like, uh, battle stations?
I mean, some of us were put on earth to cook for the troops not be members of the raiding party.


What a shame its that your belief is now in the microscopic sized minority among US women today.

Deplorable Patriot

What, that I’m meant to cook?

Gail Combs

Same here. I can load the ammo but I can’t even use lab equipment that needs a good eye with out addition of an offset.

Deplorable Patriot

Depending on the task, I might break a nail.
I’m much more suited to feeding food to the troops.

Deplorable Patriot

Didn’t he say something about going through the enemy like crap through a goose.
That ain’t no joke. Man, there was a small flock in the park around the corner that made a mess.


#EvidenceOfFraud much? More votes for #Trump “missed” by #Dominion in #Georgia @Scavino45 @BoSnerdley @RudyGiuliani @LouDobbs @seanhannity @TomFitton @marklevinshow @TuckerCarlson @BernardKerik @RealJamesWoods @TheSlyStallone
— Sidney Powell 🇺🇸⭐⭐⭐ (@SidneyPowell1) November 16, 2020


dang this wasn’t supposed to post here…LOL


Big military competition – war games!


Sue Mcdonald

It’s comms, the picture is painted, the stage is set . It’s time to go! Q talks a bit about setting the stage.its all coming together finally

Deplorable Patriot

WOW! It’s been a while since we’ve seen shots of the big, blue ball from up there.


Right now is When Mitch McConnell should be out in front, n news channels, on Twitter, etc leading the Republican caucus in support of Donald Trump.
He’s not.
He does just enough to keep most people fooled.
I see the predator. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

Deplorable Patriot

While we’re at it, why not forgive mortgage, home improvement and credit card debt.

Deplorable Patriot

Nope. No, sister. Wrong number. Not even. Ain’t doing it.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not actually, but genetic effects are a potential minor long-term risk of the technology, IMO.
If mRNA vaccine tech works as it SHOULD, no problem. It is designed to insert itself in the “orders” far from the “headquarters” in the nucleus. However, as an outside possibility, any NON-PROTEIN, RNA or DNA vaccine is theoretically a risk of genetic incorporation if “something goes wrong”, and it gets upstream past transcription – AS AIDS DOES.
Given that these people LIE about elections, I suspect they lie about a lot of stuff.
Even the Moderna scientists CAUTIONED about their own mRNA technology in their most recent scientific papers about the vaccine, regarding long-term risks and unknowns of the tech. Part of the impetus for the “pandemic”, IMO, was to force mRNA and DNA vaccines forward, past these concerns.
Don’t give Moderna to a child is my advice. Not until we know more about long-term risks.

Gail Combs

Forget it. I will stick with Vit C, D3, …. Zinc, Selenium, Iodine and an ionophore.
At this point I have ZERO trust in Big Pharma.


Man your battle stations


11.14.20: Million MAGA March Patriots descend on the SWAMP! #MAGA



Blah blah blah
Im too lazy to do it, but I guarantee I can go back in Solomon’s Twitter timeline and pull out tweets that say this exact same thing…multiple times over the years…
“I suspect we may action soon.”
(insert farting noise)

Valerie Curren

Philly mob boss may flip…

Valerie Curren

More MI mayhem?


Heads up:

Deplorable Patriot

As I replied to someone on Twinkie:
If you don’t know the phrase, please review the Harry Potter books. Just the first one will do.


Yes, too bad for old HwSNBN, that Harry DEFEATS him in the end (spoiler alert, sorry)


comment image


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He’d better hope Trump is in the White House when this is over. Kentucky doesn’t need to be a border state again.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m not spending all this money in Trump’s defense to see it wasted. Trump ain’t in the White House……
You ain’t gonna like that history, anybody.


Tired. PROOF? Mitch’s wife is TIAWANESE. NOT Chinese. Her dad does own a shipping company, and is rich, last I looked THAT is NOT a crrime. Elaine Chow has been TRransportation sec for 4 years. EVER heard of scandal there? NOPE. GIVE IT A REST.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ve given a LOT of money to Mitch and his crew to save Trump. More than I can afford.
I could have spent it on ammo.
If Durham comes out with crap, every PENNY I HAVE LEFT goes to AMMO.


Agreed, but that again would be on Barr and or Durham not Mitch. I truly think Mitch has been on team Maga from EARLY on.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I know things that tell me that, too. But we are in a very tricky part of the game. Some will go weak in the knees. Some may GIVE UP when they feel a KNIFE at their backs. The other side is playing for keeps. Be prepared for some to NOT BE THERE. Be prepared for others we did not expect to STEP UP. 😎


In all of my years have only contributed to President Trump, and a week ago, Sydney.
Can’t see me donating to any politician in the future. The exception to me donating in the future, can’t be a politician. Gonna have to be a businessman.
Simply don’t trust politicians. That said, I’ll continue voting RepubliCON, as they are the lesser of the evils on the ballot.
Uniparty is a problem.


Not one thing you said offers any proof that McConnell and his wife are not corrupt.
Not. One. Thing.
Meanwhile, McConnell appointing Marco Rubio as Chair of the SSCI to replace Burr tells us everything.
Go vomit elsewhere, Rex.


LOl you call THAT proof? COME ON. Dude do you smell what you are SHOVELING? I GAVE proof? You give me conjecture. I gave you ACTIONS, you gave me a committee appointment. Y A W N.


Have to say Nothing will make me trust little Marco.

Valerie Curren

stealing from the little guys


Looks like the FRAUD hit ALL candidates to get votes FOR Biden. Trumps margins were just too big!

Valerie Curren

Jill Stein’s 2016 recount exposed deep Detroit fraud…you never know when the little guys are going to pack a big punch!


True, remember when the found the same stack of all Hillary votes had been run through like 6x, the RECOUNTS ended

Valerie Curren

I didn’t know/remember that. Apparently they used that trick again in Detroit!


mamy times!

Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Maybe America has to become Vietnam.
Maybe China has to become Japan.
I’m up for it, to walk on communism’s GRAVE.

Valerie Curren

I’m all for Communism’s grave!

Valerie Curren

And How!

Can’t stop laughing…have to see bottom of pic for punch line!


Senate Cloakroom@SenateCloakroom
Invoked, 51-38: Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #892 Kristi Haskins Johnson to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of Mississippi.


A young American hero puts the BBC in its place!
“BBC had no idea what they were in for when they invited XStrategies CEO Alex Bruesewitz on air for an interview following the massive Trump rally in DC on Saturday, where he was a speaker.
““Well, look, thank you for having me on, and I just want to make one thing very clear — your country’s opinion stopped mattering in our country in 1776,” Bruesewitz fired back.
“So when you’re putting this fake news on your network saying that it’s ‘unsubstantiated claims’ that’s completely out of line and you should be ashamed of yourself as a network.”
The BBC talking head went on to repeat claims that the election was not rigged.
“The evidence is everywhere,” Bruesewitz asserted. “You can’t deny the fact that what’s happening with Dominion Software should worry every person across the world. If it happens in America, the most successful country in the history of the world, it can happen anywhere.”
The confrontational interview continued on with the BBC pundit repeatedly interrupting to defend Dominion and assert that the election was not rigged — but Bruesewitz held firm.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Should be out!


Yes, thanks!

Valerie Curren

Life from seeming lifelessness. Prayers up for this amazing survivor!


Hmmmm DP I wonder if this is why the eggplant won again…!?!?!?? Did he steal some votes.

Deplorable Patriot

THe eggplant?


Sam page. He reminds me of an eggplant. I’m not sure why… 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

You know over 180 restaurant owners are suing him. I hope they take him apart.


Ep. 2330a – Andrew Jackson On Deck, Release The Kraken, The Battle Of All Battles
X22 Report Published November 16, 2020


Ep. 2330b – Trap Was Set In 2018, The Evidence Will Blow The Minds Of Every Person In This Country
X22 Report Published November 16, 2020

Valerie Curren

Klaus Schwab globullist


fusion of mind body means different things for different folk dependent on social status and social credit score. Likely runs between super-folk for some down to slave mode for others that are allowed to be around to see it all happen.




RNC also exposing election fraud.


Is the FBI really investigating, or trying to find a way to cover it up? I’m sorry, but I have absolutely NO confidence in the FBI.


WTH is an Elliot Ness when we really NEED him?


This is how I feel too. From Emerald Robinson
– you can’t just expect the FBI to drop its investigations into NASCAR garage door pulls & patriots following the Biden bus through Texas for stuff like this!
They haven’t even figured out who attacked Jussie Smollett yet. They need more time!



World leaders are now taking sides, Farage is pointing the finger at BJ, that he has done nothing. Is this an act or has BJ been compromised. The [DS]/[CB] are now pushing their agenda, they are now pushing forward with their reset, they tried to crash the economy with the covid news but Trump continues to counter it with vaccine news. China is now making trade deals with the Asian Pacific countries, Trump has already countered their plan, India and Tawain did not join. Andrew Jackson is now on deck, release the Kraken. The [DS]/MSM/[CB] have been setup. Trump set the trap back in 2018 with his EO. Now the evidence is pouring out, the people will be shown the truth, that their vote was controlled, it will blow peoples minds. The social media/MSM who knowingly participated with foreign countries are about to pay the price. How do you bring the entire diseased corrupt temple on top of them, you use the truth and transparency and you show the world. Trump is countering the MSM with the vaccine, planned from the beginning.


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! Yup. That ANTIFABOY Eric Coomer is gonna get KEEL-HAULED on an ASTEROID.


Yeah, he should be. But what do you want to bet that he’ll be the scapegoat and everyone else will declare themselves “innocent.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mmmmmmm……. you could be right.


I hope it’s the ugly 1, naturally on the left😎comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks like that one would LEAVE A MARK! 😀


Watergate is about 5x’s too big in this pic.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely. AND – my guess – they defeated it in a way that looked like “natural causes”.
Trust the plan.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – here is the big money thought from Gab:
This 👇🏼
Major Patriot
What if we find out The Media not only knew about Dominion and Smartmatic the entire time, but worked in concert with them in how they timed the calling of States for each candidate in order to give the software programmers time to reconfigure the numbers?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What this means is that Trump and Q Team are not confronting the monstrous beast – they’re CRASHING IT.
They plausibly BLOCKED the system in 2016, let it run in 2018, and let it run under complete diagnosis and FAILURE CONDITIONS in 2020.



Per EO and the powers of the Stafford Act… co-conspirators in acts of war, espionage, and treason against the USA, all mainstream US media outlets are now subject to having ALL assets and monies seized and frozen.comment imagecomment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This would make sense. AND what this does is “double-explains” Trump alienating the media in 2015 / 2016 when he took on immigration and John McCain simultaneously, then the lefty Hispanic media bots who ran in on defense (can’t remember the toad’s name – you never see him any more).
Trump refused to cuddle the fake news. Instead, he called them everything on earth and even “enemy of the people”.
Because he knew they were supporting election fraud.
There is no way he COULD cuddle with them, morally, or why he would WANT to cuddle with them, strategically.
Yes, it was STRATEGIC to be independent of the fake news by alienating them. But there was more. He wanted to be UNLINKED to them. Except for the FEW HONEST ONES, and newcomer OANN which was DESIGNED to be free of the FRAUD.
They KNEW. The military KNEW. They knew that it was so corrupt, it could not stand.


FG&C, at this point, the appearance of this “Please Stand By” logo would be cause to invite a neighbor over for a beer…just for the sheer joy of looking at it!!!


Exactly what I’ve thought.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is the thing designed to crash the deep state and outrage America.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



STFU . Where’s that kid …she needs to be sent to the cornfield.


Why does Sidney Powell have to do Director Wray’s job?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Because Wray was put in place to sit on his hands as his weapon against Trump.


Because Chris Wray is corrupt, limp-wristed, boy-loving pedo who POTUS was duped into apptg as director in order to block investigations and declass documents proving how corrupt Comey, FBI leadership, the DOJ under Holder/Lynch, the CIA under Brennan, the IRS, and the Obama admin. were.


In case no one mentioned them yet, not one but TWO new articles posted at PoliticalMoonshine:
What Did AG William Barr Know About Dominion Acquisition?
November 16, 2020
Dominion: From Barr, Kirkland and Ellis to Comey, HSBC
November 16, 2020


comment image


Teddy, my second-favorite President!


This is VERY interesting!!!


Gail Combs

NOW you know why they wanted to get that lynching law passed so badly that they has Jussie Smollett fake a ‘lynching’
I would not want to be a mayor of a DemonRat city when the burned out business owners find out the mayor is a FRAUD….


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG. What if it got used AGAIN?


Exactly. Pompeo’s last stop on his current travels is Saudi, IIRC.


NOVEMBER 15, 2020Civics 101 : Electoral College


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What is KEMP hiding that a BIDEN presidency would SPARE HIM from?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ll bet it has something to do with THIS.comment image


Big money went into some pockets for that kind of emplacement, surely.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think when people realize they got their “success” from certain “assists”, and may have even been set up to seem INVOLVED, they fall into a kind of guilty surrender.
“Yes, Dominion gave me all …. this….. mon….. oh boy.”
They realize too late how it looks. And then make bad choices. Truth is always the best choice.
People never learn. I think this is why Lin Wood tweeted what he did about a “get out of jail card” for Kemp. Looking at Georgia over time, Wood could probably tell that Kemp was initially innocent but got trapped, and was covering up to go along with the coup. Big mistake.


Bastard…gleeful tyrannical bastard.
Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) Tweeted:
Wow. Every single county in Southern California is now back into the most restrictive purple tier.

Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) Tweeted:
So what did Gov. Newsom just do?
– 40/58 CA counties just moved backwards, some fell multiple tiers.
– Every single county in SoCal is now in the most restrictive “purple” tier, including OC & Ventura.
– This closes indoor dining, gyms, etc effective immediately.

Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) Tweeted:
BREAKING: Newsom announces he is also considering implementing statewide CURFEW…Says he is looking at studies from other countries about them including France and Saudi Arabia. Nothing decided yet…but…wow….


Now everyone will be watching what is happening when all the corruption is exposed because they’ll be in lock down with nothing better to do.
These people are stupid.


Evil is as evil does.
Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) Tweeted:
Here is a Politico article on this for those who can’t read the SF Chronicle story.


The Governors got their DS mandates..Gruesom, Whitmer, Inslee……….they haven’t gotten the other memo about their party going to go up in flames soon


Only if its literal.




Look at what garcetti did after this below.


They’re completely nuts. Nobody is scared anymore..ok maybe some of the true morons


Some peopke love the subjugation. Sadomasochist sexual inclinations subverted into political control.


20 min. video posted by Wictor today….


From yesterday…


here’s another bit of info on Brain Washing:
How the Specter of Communism is Ruling Our World.


Can no one actually make the leap that deep state coordinates with newsom who coordiates with garcetti and this is 100% due to the election, runni g fear, and isolation so we dont organize and kill them all?
Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) Tweeted:
Mayor Garcetti says that you should assume that every single person you see outside your household is infectious. He said that LA has never been in a more dangerous position during this pandemic than where we are right now. He did not offer specifics, other than surge of cases.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, they are running SKEERED.


Yeah i mean this is pretty obvious here. Evil and people will listen unfortunately, but 5hat train has left the station.


Our gov. hasn’t gone that nutso, but almost. The above is just plain outright blatant fear mongering. My question is why? I think those nutsos are afraid that people will exercise the second amendment, and those that think they are in power are the ones scared out of their wits, especially if CA did go RED.


I think that they should be afraid and our justice is appropriate too.


Rosie’s Kraken Grooming (@DarnelSugarfoo) Tweeted:
🚨 Remember that “DHS statement” a couple days ago that claimed our election was “totally secure?”
And then we found out it wasn’t actually DHS, but just an “advisory committee” to DHS?
Well, guess who’s a member of that committee:
Dominion Voting Systems.
No, I’m not joking.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


This “peace” stuff is getting old. I read what liberals are saying. There is not enough JUSTICE to make them piss their pants.


More info on Jeff’s thread…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s amazing – the “wrap-up denial”, where you cite your plausibly relabeled self to deny something. It’s almost the same as Bill Gates having his foundations partner with his “independent” organizations on vaccines. The “wrap-up collaboration”.
They think we’re stupid. And we were, for a while. But not any more.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Bill Gates is going to love Gitmo.
For a little while.
Then comes the execution for High Treason, and it better be TELEVISED.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The virus release is a swinging crime, IMO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Ah, yes…..the Leonidas triplets….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. I love it.


To keep up with the Stop the Steal Peaceful Protests go here:
Rumor that this is not the official site is false. There is no donate link on this site. A video showing a link to donate is actually a link on a different website, no the above website.
(page shown in the fake news video is a link from this web page, ** & is not linked to at all from
This is the website that everyone is working with and that the state coordinators work with to list our events.
I have no idea about the info, if they are keeping the data collected, selling it, or …??? So, enter emails at your own risk as many orgs sell emails or share emails or send you emails about their other causes. That is true almost anywhere.
But I do know that this is the legit site to watch for events and this site does not accept donations. No one (other than possible data collection) is making $ from spending many, many hours finding speakers, planning on nationwide group calls, cooridinating in the state, pushing the events on social media, etc.
Some might be taking donations at the site for some of the expenses such as sound systems &/or county/state GOPs maybe covering some of these expenses. Speakers have all been volunteers, at least in TN.
But, yes, this is the official site.
Learn more here:
Learn more here from Ed Martin –
Twitter for Ed Martin

Both sites ( & stolenelection) are legit and serve different purposes.
Trust but verify is always good but that goes for the videos against stuff too!


Sorry for long twitter feed insert. forgot * by the twitter account. there wasn’t a specific tweet … just his account as he is a leader in the stop the steal + is a respected source connected to learn more about stopthesteal dot us. Good way to vet and an interesting person to follow
I wouldn’t donate $ directly … but then I don’t really favor donating $ to the RNC either. Just to Trump Campaign direclty if possible


BTW, 100% confirmed with TN organizers/leaders. 100% these are people with whom TN leaders & organizers are working. Checked independently with several in case some not on the same page. Nope – all on same page. is where the info will be if you are not following the local/regional/state info on other platforms/social media.
BTW, our elected TN poltiicians are and that is Such a refreshing change! Hagerty, Blackburn, Lee, the TN AG, TN State Senate and House … all standing strong. Yes! We elected GOP v. RINOs! (At least for now as we will not stop paying attention and making sure they are GOP v. GOPe! vigilance!)
In other news, many *FORMER* TN politicians, such as Corker, Haslam, etc., are out in public complaining and playing the perfect RINOs. No one is listening or cares except the leftist media who delights in RINOs speaking out against President Trump.

Sadie Slays

Local news is reporting panic buying in the stores here because of lockdown fears.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m good. I’m ready for civil war. Lockdown isn’t even cause to check inventory.


Civil war? I’m too old and decrepit to fight well. But, I’ve got some guys that are rooming in my house that’ll work out nicely . . . Messrs. Smith, Wesson and Colt, and Herr Glock. They’ll undoubtedly comport themselves with distinction.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sadly, all my roomers are dead, having drowned in a boating accident, but I think some may have been related to some of yours. May they “rest in peace”.


The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good grief – I have not seen that much TP since summer of 2019.


Good grief — that second pic makes me wish I was 40 years younger.


Nice attitude…..and adequately stocked.


Same here. I think people here are starting to get mad. It’s about time too. Box o’ rocks Inslee made stupid arbitrary, contradictory stay at home rules, and basically said only 25% occupancy for “allowed to be open” business. He told Boeing to shut down for 2 weeks. It’ll be interesting to see if they comply.


He thinks he can eliminate 1.2% National GDP growth single-handedly and trigger another recession.


He’s got Random Nuisance on board, and probably the usual suspects….


I think it’s more like Nuisance has Inslee on board.


I’m not sure he thinks he can. I think he as well as our “senator in tennis shoes” are not the sharpest knives in the drawer, are easily manipulated and surrounded by ever so helpful consultants. As for the advisors, well they might think that.

Gail Combs

Roscoe B Davis has an…

Open letter to @JoeBiden,
Although I refused to listen to it, I understand that during your presidential acceptance speech, you were calling for the unity of @realDonaldTrump supporters. I remember four years ago President Trump also called for unity.
I remember how Congress members of your Democrat Party responded by boycotting his inauguration. I remember how you and your Democrat party cheated and used the greatest law enforcement institution of this country to spy on President Trump’s campaign.
I remember how you and your Democrat Party created a fake Russian dossier to try and impeach my President Trump. I remember how your speaker of the house ripped up President Trump’s beautiful State of the Union speech on National TV.
I remember how you and your Democrat Party tried to impeach President Trump over a Ukraine phone call. You accused my President Trump of pay to play. Come to find out Joe, it was really you and your son Hunter.
I remember how you and your Democrat Party blamed President Trump over a pandemic that he had nothing to do with. You blamed him for all the deaths due to the COVID-19 virus that your pay to play ally sent over here, CHINA!
I remember how you and your Democrat Party encouraged rioting and looting of my great United States of America. I remember how you and your Democrat Party used the media to spread lie after lie about my President Trump.
I see how you and your Democrat Party are trying to steal the election from President Trump. This Trump supporter remembers all that Joe and will NOT be unifying with your Democrat Party. This Trump supporter will be giving you the same respect you gave my President Trump.
I will stand by President Trump. You’re not even confirmed yet. I remember how your administration went after @GenFlynn for doing exactly what your transition team is doing right this minute and the election isn’t even certified yet. Where’s the calls for the Logan Act now?
“You’re still not my President “Yet” key word “yet” !!

Creepy Pedo Joe will NEVER be my president Just like the Fraudster Cooper IS NOT MY GOVERNOR!


Mitch McDouchbag opposes this.
Ho hum.


The good news is Turtle is not Commander In Chief.
Turtle is welcome to have an opinion and offer counsel. But, Turtle does NOT make the final decision.
President Trump, IMO, WILL order withdrawal.



When 2025 comes around, I am going to reorder President Trump chronicling his eight years as President.
Likely it’ll be several volumes.
Absolute captivating read it will be. Dwarfing anything Clancy or any story teller wrote.


Good Idea, Kal!!!


The trouble is reading the history of the eight years of the Trump Presidency will take thirty years or more.


When 2025 comes around, I am going to preorder President Trump chronicling his eight years as President.


When 2025 rolls around I want it to be the start of 8 more years of PDJT.


I believe all the prominent Dems knew. Pelosi had it as an arrow in her quiver. I think it’s one reason why people like Adam Schiff and Hillary are so brazen. It’s why Hillary didn’t have to campaign much in 2016, and Biden even less this year. You know there was h3ll to pay for whoever was in charge of getting Hillary enough stolen votes.


How true, Truths!!! They HAD to have known!!!

Gail Combs

Roscoe has another very good thread looking at a specific type of voter fraud.

I know I have over 100 lawyers that follow my account.
Can someone point out where in the PA Election Legislation where it grants a provision for Curing Ballots in Pennsylvania?
As far as I can tell there are only 15 states that have legislation for curing ballots.
Arizona – Ariz. Rev. Stat. §16-550 Voters have until the fifth business day after an election to correct a signature.
California – CA Elect Code § 3019 Voters have until 5 pm 2 days prior to certification of the election to provide a signature verification statement in person.
If a voter fails to sign the absentee ballot envelope, they have until 5 pm on the 8th day after the election to submit an unsigned ballot statement.
Colorado Colo. Rev. Stat. §1-7.5-107.3 A confirmation form accompanying the letter must be returned to the county clerk and recorder within eight days after Election Day to count.
Florida – Flor. Stat. § 101.68 Voters may cure ballots until 5 p.m. on the second day after the election.
Georgia – Georgia Code § 21-2-386 The voter then has until 3 days after the election to submit voter ID in person in conjunction with an affidavit confirming the ballot was in fact theirs in order to cure the ballot.
Hawaii – Haw. Rev. Stat. § 11-106 The voter shall have five business days after the date of the election to cure the deficiency.
Illinois – 10 ILCS 5/19-8 Voters have until 14 days after election to resolve issue with county election authority.
Iowa – Iowa Code § 53.18(2) A voter may vote a replacement ballot until the day before the election or vote at the voter’s precinct polling place.
Massachusetts – Mass. Gen. Laws ch 54 § 94) Voter can submit a new absentee ballot.
Minnesota – Minn. Stat. § 203B.121 Voter can request a replacement absentee ballot on or before the date of election.
Montana – Mont. Code § 13-13-241; § 13-13-245 Voters have until 8 p.m. on Election Day to cure their ballot.
Nevada – Nev. Rev. Stat. 293.325 Voters have until the seventh day after the election to resolve the issue with a rejected ballot
New Jersey – N.J.S.A. 19:63-17 The voter may cure the deficiency by completing a cure form and returning to county board of election not later than 48 hours prior to final certification of election results.
Ohio – Ohio Rev Code § 3509.06 Voters have until the seventh day after the election to resolve issue.
Oregon – Ore. Rev. Stat. § 254.431 Voters must complete and return the certified statement accompanying the notice by the 14th day after the election for their ballot to count.
Rhode Island – RI Gen L § 17-20-26 ; 410-RICR-20-00-23 Voters have until seven days after Election Day to correct a deficiency.
Utah – Utah Code Ann. § 20A-3-308(7) Voters must sign a new affidavit statement provided by the clerk’s office and return by 5 p.m. the day before the official canvass (seven-14 days after Election Day).
Washington – Wash. Admin. Code 434-261-050 Voter must sign & return a curing statement before election certification (21 days after Election Day). 3 days before certification, county auditors must attempt to contact by phone any voters with outstanding ballots to be cured.
And I have looked at every state, plus the District of Columbia and these are all the states that actually have legislation in place to allow for ballot curing of any kind. I post the election code for PA and it’s just not there.
Aside from Alito wanting ballots segregated, there should be a challenge for curing ballots in any states that have no legislation in place for actually curing ballots that allowed curing to happen.
There is NO CURING of MIB in Pennsylvania. Mail in ballots cannot be opened prior to 7AM on Election Day.
People (democrats) were notified before election day they had cancelled ballots
It is very clear. GO READ THE LAW in Pennsylvania.

Replying to @RoscoeBDavis1
This matters too. Read these affidavits submitted. Both were contacted prior to Election Day by outside entities… the SEIU and “Joe’s Volunteer Squad.” It’s not just about curing but about releasing ballot info to outside entities.comment imagecomment image

According to documents @kayleighmcenany has presented 370K Mail in Ballots in Philly County should be thrown out due to Curing and being opened prior to 7AM Election day and then mixed in with all other Mail in Ballots.
This has some legal traction to settle PA.
Okay let me explain what proof is, especially this ironical proof. This is an affidavit filed by a Democrat in the Trump V Boockvar case Docket Number: 4:20-cv-02078. Irony of it, it’s in a motion to intervene for the opposition to Trump. I’ll explain
This lady Natalie Price filed her affidavit along with a stack of others that describe under oath their voting experience for 2020.
I’ve marked key points
First problem is they admit they allowed curing of her vote, but there’s more…comment image
She was contacted THREE times on Nov 1st & 2nd, prior to the election, that her ballot had been canceled.
Not by any official on the county election board where her vote was by law to remain in a sealed certified ballot container, until Nov 3rd 2020.
She was contacted BY SOMEONE FROM THE DNC, that’s right THE DNC.
So first off the DNC should have ZERO access to cast ballots beyond – on – or after the day of the election, yet here they are calling voters t illegally cure votes in PA.
That’s a problem
This isn’t isolated to just Natalie Price there are stacks of these on file on the actual court docked where they did the same thing each time.
It shows a systematic pattern of Voter fraud.
So when someone says where’s the proof point them here.
This suit by Trump is to to prevent ballots cast in the seven named counties from being counted if a voter was afforded an opportunity to cure a mail-in ballot. It’s not in the Election Laws for the provision of curing spoiled or disqualified ballots…
Secondly they had to have opened the ballot prior to Election Day as forbidden by PA Law. In other words Democratic-heavy counties engaged in pre-canvass activities prior to Nov 3, 2020, by reviewing received mail-in ballots for deficiencies, that’s against the law.
They notified those voters in order to allow them to cure their ballot deficiencies by voting provisionally on Election Day or cancelling their previously mailed ballot & issuing a replacement. They provided mail-in voters with the opportunity to cure mail-in & absentee ballot
The State election board however in Republican-heavy counties followed the law and did not provide a notice and cure process, in compliance with the PA Election Code to cast legal votes. Complete double standard.
Here’s the complete docket for Trump v Boockvar

Docket for Donald J. Trump For President, Inc. v. Boockvar, 4:20-cv-02078 –
Docket for Donald J. Trump For President, Inc. v. Boockvar, 4:20-cv-02078 — Brought to you by the RECAP Initiative and Free Law Project, a non-profit dedicated to creating high quality open legal …

These are the last two amendments to election code prior to Nov 3 2020
This is PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION CODE – OMNIBUS AMENDMENTS Act of Oct. 31, 2019, P.L. 552, No. 77
It doesn’t provide any provision for ballot curing

2019 Act 77

Again it doesn’t provide any provision for ballot curing

2020 Act 12

Now the Democrats response is condensed down to, voters “should be” able to cure their ballots, and cite numerous civil rights scholars and groups opinions.
Here’s the problem with “should be”, when it comes to the letter of the law, and the US Constitution, there is no should be unless it’s written in the wording of the legislation. The Constitution allows for no ambiguity when it comes to state “legislation” designates law.
So all these “should be” and “feelings” and focus group or civil rights “opinions” mean squat unless the state legislature has written it into the State Election code.
This is just one of many suits
Please don’t get caught up with the s called legal pundits trying to conflate State curt Rulings with Federal court rulings.
The State suits were filed fully expecting to lose them
The Trump campaign had to exhaust all state level relief in order to advance to Federal court.
It’s the Federal court that is the place where the Trump Campaign expects to win relief, and ultimately the SCOTUS. But you have to start down at the lower courts to exhaust the lower courts judicial remedy.
• • •


Hurry up and wait.



Which court, presided over by what judge?


Gail Combs

And a third really good Roscoe thread.

Lotta people asking what’s going on what’s being done, and why weren’t they ahead of this. Well honestly they were, but you have all these states running their own elections as provided in the Constitution.
But issues with Dominion was being addressed before the election, like in GA for instance, evidence & the witnesses have already been on judicial record. The evidence in exhibits & is testimony logged. It exists as to how bad Dominion’s system truly is.
My question would be where in the hell was the GOP in all of this, because these were private parties making all these judicial challenges in the Dominion Voting Systems being used.

A truly vetted system doesn’t require the types of changes that were presented in the trial prior to this election. Just days before early voting began in GA a software update being installed to address a glitch in GA’s voting machines.
US District Judge Amy Totenberg was still considering a request by voting integrity activists to sideline the new touch screen voting machines in favor of hand-marked paper ballots for the November general election.
The lawsuit was challenging the election system the state bought last year from Dominion Voting Systems for more than $100 million.
Plaintiffs argued the system places an unconstitutional burden on the right to vote because voters weren’t confident their votes were accurately counted.
A bug in the touchscreen machines and a hasty last minute software update underscored that the machines weren’t ready for use, because after the last minute update there was no time for re-vetting the system
State officials countered that GA had made significant improvements in recent years to update & secure election infrastructure. They urged Totenberg not to order any changes so close to the election, claiming it would be extremely costly and difficult to implement in time.
The new problem was identified through testing meant to catch such issues and was quickly addressed they claimed, with that last minute update.
Dominion submitted the fix to a third-party laboratory, Pro V&V, for evaluation. A report from Pro V&V said the problem is not found in the new version of the software and the change was minor. As I said before a truly vetted system doesn’t require these types of changes
The plaintiffs submitted declarations from two computer science experts who reviewed the Pro V&V report. They said the evaluation was insufficient to verify the cause of the problem and the effectiveness of the solution.
The experts also said the report indicates multiple changes to the source code, meaning there’s a greater likelihood of unintended side effects and opening the door for hackers.
The safeguards and testing outlined by the state to mitigate those risks are inadequate, the experts testified on the record in court. But what happened next was amazing.
Judge Totenberg found the plaintiffs had proven the case that Dominion was too unreliable but allowed it to go through because it was too close to the election to be able to change over to only paper ballots. Obama appointee Judge knows there’s a problem but balked
Point being, Dominion was actively changing the source code and having state officials install unvetted software on their machines in weeks, if not days, before voting started. You read that right unvetted.
The State produced a claim the Pro V&V whoever the hell that is as vouching for them but didn’t produce a report until Judge Totenberg demanded to see it.
Plaintiff’s submitted internal emails where they were having all sorts of issues with the ballots being read properly
To try and save some face in this idiotic decision, Totenberg agreed that the State of GA be required to generate a paper backup just in case there were further problems in the middle of voting and they needed to be able to verify eligible voters manually if necessary.
Totenberg’s ruling required GA Sec of State Raffensperger, to generate and provide election superintendents in each county a paper list of electors updated at the close of the in-person early voting period to contain all the information in the electronic pollbook.
The paper backups were to be used to determine voter eligibility & precinct assignment in the case of equipment malfunction or other emergency.
She also ordered that efforts be made to ensure that county election officials and poll workers are trained on using paper pollbook backups and emergency ballots and that a sufficient stock of emergency paper ballots be maintained.
And in true Democrat fashion, the State appealed Totenberg’s ruling on the paper backups, the polling books and the training. The 11th Circuit Judges Barbara Lagoa and Andrew Brasher voted to stay Totenberg’s order, in a 2-1 vote.
The GA Sec of State claimed that Totenberg’s ruling on the paper backups put an undue burden on them. And the 2-1 ruling ruled to stay the order the day before the election so there was no time to argue against the stay before the election
Also the plaintiff’s filed to be granted more access for operations at the polling stations since the request for paper backups was denied. Totenberg ruled against granting more access
Totenberg ruled that the court wasn’t prepared to grant access beyond that provided by O.C.G.A. § 21-2-408 at this time. Plaintiffs may renew their Rule 34 Request sufficiently in advance of any scheduled runoff elections.
Lotta good that did for Nov 3rd though. But yeah, libs say nothing to see here. And the media keeps saying where’s the evidence of irregularities? laughable
Then GA came up with the water main bursting distraction that is being disputed by the Maintenance Superintendent at Atlanta’s State Farm Arena in a text. Georgia lawyer Paul Dzikowski obtained the text messages, last Wednesday night.
Last Monday, Dzikowski sent an open records request concerning the burst pipe to the Atlanta-Fulton County Recreation Authority the state authority that owns State Farm Arena.
AFCRA Exec Dir Kerry Stewart responded less than 1/2 hour later attaching “the only document responsive to your request” a text message exchange between SFA Superintendent & Geoffrey Stiles, VP of facilities for the Atlanta Hawks NBA team.


Where was the GOP?
Hmmm. 🤔
Lacking a party leader (as Shrub ran away (by design) after 2008), the next most senior party leader was…(drum roll)….yep, you guessed it…
Mitch McDouchebag
Who, if we are to believe what we’re being told (and it’s hard to doubt it), knew all about Dominion.
And. He. Did. NOTHING.
Just as lying by omission is still lying, doing nothing in the face of criminal actions is to be complicit in the crime(s).
But wait! Cocaine Yertle Mitch wasn’t doing nothing! He was quite busy shutting down the Tea Party and the existential threat it posed to the power/influence/control of the GOPe.
Ho hum.

TheseTruths misprision [ mis-prizh-uhn ]
a neglect or violation of official duty by one in office.
failure by one not an accessory to prevent or notify the authorities of treason or felony.


What if he was cooperating with DJT and part of his script was to remain mute about Dominion?


In 2008-2016?


Yep. DJT made at least one tweet in 2012 talking about vote switching on Romney. It would not surprise me if he’s known about Dominion back when it was Diebold. I know he’s been thinking about being president for at least 35 years.



ONLY if we let them.
Reread that.


I fully expect Pres. Trump to step in when he feels free to do so.


True, Truths – it is all in the timing – I think – so much is going on right now – have to ask – when would this be beneficial – to what is it all connected – if the evidence for the steal is overwhelming – can you imagine what Durham has?


So, if I understand PDJT’s first term vs TheSwamp, he was fighting with one hand tied (to his belt behind his back).
This hand was tied down by the fact that everyone involved in the RussiaHoax coup was pardoned by Obama. So new crimes were required. This explains the arrogant comportment by Comey, Strzok, Brennan et al. They could not be arrested or tried for crimes for which they have been pardoned. Did I read something to this effect around 2 weeks ago?
That being the case, it was always going to come to this. If these pardons indeed exist, is there a law which prevents its disclosure – or perhaps an Obama EO?



How long would it take to enclose Washington D.C.?


Good question, Scott!!!


Just had one of those moments. I looked at the monitor and saw this post’s author was “wheatiefoo”. I’d been poking around in the documentation for Ghidra ( ) for a bit and was already nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
Of course, it ended up as a speck of random crud on the face of my monitor.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very interesting comments. One person said “Mossad showed him the evidence”.
Interesting how the caption translation was “appointed president”, but tweet says “supposed to be president”, and then one commenter who I think knows Hebrew translated it as GOING TO BE president.
THIS commenter gives the best translation:


That clarifies that.


” Joe Biden, who is SUPPOSED to become the president”?!?
According to who, Bitsy?


Scott recommended this article at Political Moonshine earlier:
Dominion: From Barr, Kirkland and Ellis to Comey, HSBC
It’s a must read. He details how Dominion sold its intellectual property to HSBC (a Chinese bank) back in 2019. Which directly places China right in the middle of this fraud (as if we didn’t already know that).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – that was Comey’s old digs. AND they’ve got a sizeable….
Which is why they can’t get rid of Macron.
Or Trudeau.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You know what? I think we need to tie these people to voting machines, take them to a lava lake in Hawaii, and see if they float. If they float, they’re innocent.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But BE CAREFUL!!! He is taking information from GNEWS – and that stuff is filled with ChiCom disinformation, IMO.


Wow, wow & wow…well worth the time to read…..thanks for posting the url Linda…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is deeper than SWAMP – this is CABAL. The freaking CABAL was running our elections.


All these people are packed tight into that “bed of corruption.”
If this mess ever cleans out the swamp and crooks; DC, government employment (both elected and not) and government contracts may see the highest level of unemployment since our creation as a nation.


Copying full text . . .
Update From WordPress/Automattic on Treehouse Deplatforming…
Many people are now becoming aware of a shift in the political effort to shut down speech. The Conservative Treehouse has been notified our “content” is not permissible, and after ten years we are kicked-out of WordPress/Automatic hosting services. Some people asked if we would inquire about the specific ‘terms of service‘ that we violated, so I did.
Here is the direct response from WordPress/Automattic (rec’d 6:48pm ET this evening):
comment image
No specific violation is noted. Below is the “Prohibited Content under section 5”
comment image
I have no idea how “violation against prohibition on calls to violence” pertains to our content. You can read CTH for yourself and see if you can identify anywhere where we have promoted a “call to violence”, it doesn’t exist.
For the sake of fairness, that’s their entire reasoning as provided. That’s their reasoning; you can make up your own mind if it makes sense.
We are working on relocation now. However, many people are rightly alarmed by this move by WordPress/Automattic because over the course of ten years there has never been any previous contact about any violation of any terms. Nor is any specific violation noted in the reply.
Tomorrow we will find a new host.
Be of good cheer and live your best life.


At least WP responded; glad he asked and documented it.


“Nor is any specific violation noted in the reply.”
At least he got a reply. That’s more than I got when I didn’t violate his terms of service.
That said, I’m completely in favor of free speech, including TCH’s, and the deplatforming of conservative sites has to stop. It’s just…interesting.


The irony is inescapable.


Some Dude wasn’t calling for violence. He had diligent Moderators to delete any of those types of comments and keep the blog clean. I believe this did not originate from WP and that it is retaliation from TPTB for his little stunt a few months back. You expose and threaten us, we’ll de-platform you.😉


It’s an interesting theory. If it really was retaliation, I would not be surprised if it came from either side. The good guys might not welcome someone speaking out of turn and forcing their timeline, and the bad guys don’t want anything exposed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup, I can see that right now. He outed Sandy Hook Helmet Boy as Durham’s poser from FIB, so FIB did a reach-around to AutomattiKKK to find their most persnickety “Community Guardian” to shut down the site.
Sundance allowed almost ZERO calls to violence – I say almost because something could have escaped his attention.
Well, to hell with WordPress. They’re EVIL, with the sickening pretense of good, and it’s time to leave these horrible people.
But this means that FIB will likely be getting at least one or two indictments. Bet it’s COMEY.

Sylvia Avery



Oh and ICYMI, he picked a fight w/Bongino yesterday, accused him of data mining on Parler. Dan went off on him because he had no proof and some dude played the victim.


I didn’t know what the argument was about, and I’m not up to speed on data mining. Using people’s data without their permission would not be good, but my little-knowledge-is-a-dangerous-thing research says it is the use of data to solve problems, predict outcomes, find new opportunities, etc. It seems that it could violate privacy, but that metadata might not. I’m sure others know much more than I.


BARF. Still up to his old games.
I hope all this business about being deplatformed is legit – picking a fight with Bongino makes me wonder if he’s making an appeal for donations while using it as an excuse to expunge all old content and recycle it again.
I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I cannot in fairness ignore the cynical realist perspective – that people are getting played, and CTH readers are the chumps.
HOPEFULLY the cynical view is dead wrong.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No – Sundance lacks self-awareness on hypocrisy, but he’s not lying.


LOL, yes you are correct. Need to let Sundance be Sundance. Hopefully he’ll get bored and stop wasting Dan’s time 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We need to worry about our own problems.
That’s going to require some changes.
When the time to move comes, I will not have time to be an author or frequent commenter. I will be an administrator in the background, until we have our new site up.
This is going to take some effort and research.


Thank you for pointing me at in a previous thread. Right here, , it says that WordPress is GPLv2.
Note that further down this blurb, it mentions the WordPress Bill of Rights, of which the FIRST is the freedom “To run the program for any purpose.” It really makes wordpress.COM look very petty.
Since CTH already has a DNS entry, it should be pretty straightforward to hop onto another host. He may hold the DNS through, in which case he needs to take direct control (this may involve legal action and reshuffling of contact information, especially if he desires to maintain anonymity). He, then, needs to get a host (again, maintaining anonymity is a wrinkle). Prep the host with the data from the old site (probably involves turning off comments for all posts before the last one, then transferring those posts/comments, then pausing the blog and transferring the last post/comments), then changing the DNS to point to the new host, then restarting.
The time-consuming parts are then insulated from the time-critical parts. Lowers the stress level.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These pieces of shit at AutomattiKKK can go to hell.
“Sal P, Community Guardian”
What a crock. They’re demons.

come to timmy

I will insist and persist in believing that the vast majority of Americans are not okay with all the violence and destruction going on in some of these cities that appear to be sinking ever deeper into… well I guess they are swamps, and not the photogenic scenes of Louisiana that you used to see in the old National Geographic. And it isn’t the MAGA citizens that commit these acts. Never. Always blm/anifa. Always. Never hear about democrats condemning them. Or disavowing those slogans about death to america and capitalism and nations. Seems that most people who can manage to be even a little bit reasonable and willing to cut lots of folks lots of slack might have to conclude that the Democrat Party as a whole is in fact in an intimate alliance with they who loot, burn, swing chains and toss bombs with total impunity at people just wanting to enjoy a nice bite to eat.
Not that it means all that much, but I would be part of the apparently dwindling demographic of Americans whose ancestors came over here between mid-17th thru about mid-18th centuries. You know, the usual German/English/Scottish cocktail. They were trying to get away from all the wars and near-famines. Absolutely not prone to violence, or definitely not the ones to start it. People who just wanted to live peaceably with themselves and their neighbors, and not afraid of what to a lot of people these days (including me) would be super-human hard work. Building their own houses with their bare hands.I mean one family at a time over a few hundred years BUILT the greatest country on earth. And these assholes want to burn it down? Do they really expect that the vast majority of Americans who are practicably quite tolerant will tolerate THAT? I don’t understand. I just don’t understand.

Elizabeth Carter

This is the battle between the Children of the Darkness and the Children of the light. There is no other way to understand it. Jesus explains it clearly here:
John Chapter 15 KJV
1I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.
2Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.
3Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.
4Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
5I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
6If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.
7If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.
8Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.
9As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.
10If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love.
11These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.
12This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.
13Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
14Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.
15Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.
16Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.
17These things I command you, that ye love one another.
18If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
19If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
20Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
21But all these things will they do unto you for my name’s sake, because they know not him that sent me.
22If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin.
23He that hateth me hateth my Father also.
24If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father.
25But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause.
26But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:
27And ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with me from the beginning.


Paul gave us more Romans 1:21-end of chap.




Do yourself a favor…
Stop trying to understand insanity and evil. You may as well repeatedly pound yourself in the balls with a hammer.

come to timmy

Unbelievable. Except at this point it isn’t unbelievable.



Damn it is getting HOT—-Roller Coaster Ride is getting wilder.
No wonder Biden people want to move so fast.
Remember Bush and Gore was not until around Middle of December.
Breaking NewsLatest NewsScandalThe White HouseVoter Fraud
President Trump’s Attorney Drops EXPLOSIVE Announcement


🚨🚨BREAKING: This evening, the county board of canvassers in Wayne County, MI refused to certify the election results. If the state board follows suit, the Republican state legislator will select the electors. Huge win for @realDonaldTrump— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) November 17, 2020
Michigan’s largest county fails to certify election results over absentee ballot concerns