The process that is being played out is going as planned by our President and his legal team. It is really easy to get frustrated that things are not happening quickly. There are days that I feel that frustration. However, I have to tell myself to be patient because our President and his legal team are not only going after his re-election, they are going to take down the entire cabal. The Democrats, MSM, Never Trumpers, RINOS, CIA, FBI, Military Usurpers, Foreign Countries, Big Tech, Deep State, Globalists, NWO, etc.
Every single cabal member referenced above where part of the fix. The problem for them is that they NEVER expected the MONSTER VOTE to show up on Election Day. The Monster Vote completely overwhelmed them. They had hoped to be able to change votes in red counties (approximately 3% in each county) so that they would have won without having to resort to stuffing ballots and changing hundreds of thousands of votes in the early morning while the majority of the country was sleeping.
Florida was their alarm bell! There are only a handful of counties that use the Dominion voting system. They are basically all in RED counties in Florida. When they saw the results from Miami-Dade, Palm Beach and Broward counties, they realized that they were SCREWED. This told them that they needed to quickly move onto plan B. The problem for them is that plan B as so obvious. It also has become the roadmap that our President and his legal team will utilize to bring them all down.
All historical indicators tell you the TRUTH about the election!
The Secretary of State and Governor in Georgia decided to get in bed with the cabal. Their recount was a total sham. The problem for them is that the recount exposed some of the shenanigans that took place that will allow our President and his legal team to get a REAL recount to occur or for the Supreme Court to invalidate the states electors.
Attorney Lin Wood has been warning the POS in Georgia to come clean or else face the wrath that is coming their way. He is the main lawyer involved in Georgia.
Yesterday Lin Wood filed a motion within Georgia for an emergency injunction to halt the certification of the state election until resolution of numerous false ballots and ballot counting issues are reconciled. [Full Motion with Exhibits Here]
Lin Wood shares a lot within this interview. He has built an incredible reputation over the years defending Richard Jewell and more recently Nick Sandman. According to him, there are going to be explosive developments that will surface in the 2020 election challenge.
Our President’s campaign team are shining sunlight on the State of Nevada.
On Tuesday, our President’s campaign team in Nevada held a press conference. Within the presser attorney Adam Laxalt outlined some of the more consequential discoveries: “This lawsuit presents that 15,000 people voted in Nevada and another state, it also presents dead voters.”
Full Video Below:
On Tuesday, Sidney Powell appeared on NewsMax for an interview about the current state of the ballot counting and election investigations. She discussed the current status of several key state ballot challenges.
Sidney was also on Rush’s show on Tuesday to discuss currently known election fraud with Mark Steyn who was filling in for Rush.
Rudy Giuliani also discusses the latest in his podcast about our votes being tallied in foreign countries.
Rudy Giuliani was also interviewed by Lou Dobbs last night.
We are seeing an incredible roller coaster ride taking place in Wayne County, Michigan. On Wednesday night, the two Republican members in Wayne County voted against certifying their election results due to statistical abnormalities in the ballots that were cast.
The Democrats unleashed their Monster of the two Republican members. Later that evening they decided to certify the results in order to protect themselves and their loved ones.
However, 24 hours later, they decided to fight back!
From the article linked above:
[…] The two Republican members of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers cast an unprecedented vote Tuesday against certifying the county’s November election results for the county’s 43 jurisdictions, including Detroit, Michigan’s largest voting jurisdiction.
Monica Palmer, the Republican chair of the committee said: “I believe that we do not have complete and accurate information on those poll books,” referring to jurisdictions, including Detroit, that recorded unexplained discrepancies between the number of absentee ballots recorded as cast and the number of absentee ballots counted.
Kyle Becker did an excellent 6 part series on the Dominion voting system.
This young man that was interviewed by Chanel Rion the other day. He was successful in getting in touch with Representative Jim Jordan.
This is how desperate and sloppy they got!
Wisconsin is the next state that will be exposed!
The rules are devastating for the cabal in Wisconsin!
They are scared SHITLESS in Dane and Milwaukee county. The sunlight is about to expose it all! They also know that the State Supreme Court is in our favor 4-3.
WOW Flep TY—Keep saying that they way way over played their hand…
I added a HEADER IMAGE that shows to ALL THE WORLD that TRUMP KNEW their wicked plan ALL ALONG.
In 2012, Trump KNEW about the VOTE SWITCHING.
Buckle up. The CRIME will not go unpunished!!!
Hey I remember the forum I was on back in 2012 and we watch as districts were showing 100% turnouts. We were like oh come on,,,you mean no one did not get sick or die
Then the 110, 115 and even a few had 120% turnouts. That was when it was no longer wow but DAMN!!
Just for fun, from today’s Team Trump news conference. Pay attn to Rudy not able to hold back a grin, and Sidney about to lose it as well. Sidney never does not know something before she goes before the press…
They know PRECISELY who has it, WE do, I BET it was Watnicks new divison.
NOTHING is EVER erased from the internet. For that stuff to go to Germany, it had to pass back and forth over likely 5-10 routers and servers. ALL leaving a digital trail.
Thanks, Prex. Shared your comment w/ hubby who knows techi stuff – he agreed. I love the grin from Rudy, and Powell could hardly hold back. The press has gone mad.
Did you see Loser Kreb’s remark about their press conference? I’d said he’s scared.
He SHOULD be scared. ORANGE is the NEW dem and MSM color of choice!
I bet if we ask Admiral Roger’s he could tell us, something tells me that he is still in the know

No. I KNOW now JUST why Flynn was there with Ellis and Guiliani. DIA. we intercepted the DATA streams TO and FROM Frankfurt in REAL time. We RECORDED. They are DEAD.
Yup. Democrats are really pushing BS now.
We will not be cheated. Dems had better get ready. NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT’S COMING.
Did you see from the fired Krebs guy? Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s indicted…
Q team is going to have to dump some nasty shocker reality on people. The hardcore Democrats in the replies are simply not buying anything. Many of them are even citing “Russia! Russia!” BS.
None of this goes back in the box, and the Demoncrats know it.
My read, all three of those in the clip provided know the good guys got it.
Oh my.. if servers could only speak.. and remember..
OH MY.!!..
Great to see you, Flep — and bringing glad tidings, to boot!
Two points: (1) I believe that it is a VSGPOTUSDJT ploy, a legal ploy, and a military ploy. and (2) I suspect that part of the overall scheme was to “draw offsides” — but this is complicated by the number of players who are clearly black hats…..have you seen any evidence of this?
Thank you Flep for all you do.
This is upbeat and fits in with your message tonight.
Elizabeth Carter, thank you. This was awesome and upbeat.
“They are scared SHITLESS in Dane and Milwaukee county.”

They better put on their BROWN pants
It’s going to be very funny if the recount comes back significantly different from the initial count, because Team Trump will turn around and say, “why did we have to pay for it to be done right, when you guys on the public teat clearly didn’t do your jobs in the first place? We demand a refund.”
Oh, I like THAT.
Also, if we start proving that recounts are needed for wider and wider splits, that opens up a lot of counties nationwide to suspicion. It PROVES that Dominion was creating bigger splits than recount limits ON PURPOSE.
Usually, when someone gets a refund, someone else has to take the financial penalty.
Which immediately puts in motion an unstoppable chain of events, all of which result in BAD consequences for incompetent and/or BAD actors.
In other words, the snowball/avalanche of accountability, crushing idiots underneath the weight of their own actions.
NOT JUST WI, NV, MI, PA, GA< AZ, and SOON to be VA and mayber MORE.
California is in play
Watch. They’ve gotten away with shit there for so long they’ve also got real sloppy. Don’t forget maga parades and boat rally’s there
True, AND Orangge county flipping BACK.. Plus Gruesome has been a PARIAH to the state.
I’ve copied some of your stuff to daughn. Ok?
Feel Free.
Thanks. I like to gather and scatter interesting nuggets far and wide
ALL my stuff is open feel free, even on my blog. That is what I do this for to SPREAD info.
Gasp. It’s you ! The superspreaders we’ve been hearing about
Yep, its me, ya caught the PRex..I AM the Covid…you will be infected, resistance is futile.. LOL
And I will be inconvenienced by a sniffle , at worse
LOL…But but..woogie booogie…ARRRRRR…I am the boogeeyman…fear me. LMAO. Ah, screrw it LOL
And each death, regardless of inconvenient co morbidities like bullets and vehicles will be attributed to covid
Don’t forget NE-2. Congressman Bacon 14% V President Trump. Unheard of here!!! It’s an important 1EV!
I am sure it was virtually nationwide, which means the Dems KNEW Biden had NO chance in a legit election, not even in DEM strongholds.
If anyone here is unaware, Dane county is the county that Madison, the Wisconsin state capital, is located in.
And if no one here is unaware, it is nevertheless the case that Dane county is the the county that Madison is in.
Don’t try to recount it into being something different.
I don’t recount anyone having said that
Tbh I couldn’t find Wisconsin on a map.
Except maybe there ,it’s in the mainland USA
It’s one of my pet peeves. People name a county without any explanation of “oh, that’s the county that Seattle is in.” so you have no idea if it’s some bumfuck county with 300 people in it or someplace majorly important. People in THAT STATE might not even recognize the county name; why would anyone in another state?
I have a double curse. I live in El Paso county…which people assume is in Texas, because the CITY of El Paso is in Texas (and it’s El Paso County there too). But instead El Paso County Colorado is where Colorado Springs is located. It’s in a neck-and-neck race with the City and County of Denver for most populous county in Colorado…and everyone thinks it’s in frigging Texas.
Maricopa wide, use sharpies.
These people are stoopid.
Yeah and if they threw out just ONE vote, they are FOOKED. Who wants to BET that they threw out at LEAST 15000, ALL for Trump.
There must be something to it since Politifact rates it “false”.
Can’t deny it any longer. Dam is breaking. Going make the Chinese three gorges look like a puddle draining
AGREED. The snowball has been released from the top of the mountain and is GROWING in size and speed.
What is the bottom line with sharpies?
Blue felt tip markers were provided in the voting carels of my precinct, a very red area, in a blue county, in a blue state.
The ballot was single sided.
Should I complain?
Only ballpoint pens register on scanners. So all the trump supporters who used a felt tip/sharpie got their votes invalidated. Lots of the fraudulent votes were mail in and they needed to be done with ballpoint
Sgt friday called it the night of the election. The steal happened in RED areas where they thought no one was looking. Then the landslide was so big Ellison had to send the call out for more fakes in blue areas. The swamp isn’t blue. Plenty of Republican are swamp
“Plenty of Republicans are swamp”
So true – RINOS from Bush to Romney to Ryan to the (spit) Lincoln Project (spit) with Conway, Kristol, Wilson and their ilk…. are the most stinking, murky, deadly, ruthless swamp of all.
THANK YOU , flep !
tremendous info provided.
they blew it.
And not in that enjoyable way
Direct Link:
Due to the irregularity of this current 2020 Presidential Election, this is a crowdsourcing tool for organizing anomalies and legal issues. Our desire is that more of the election process would be made transparent so there would be unquestionable confidence in our voting systems.
This is for aggregating publicly available items of evidence that would be admissible in court, not general election news stories or updates.
Submitted items may be edited or deleted by moderators to ensure quality of content.
This site is EXCELLENT!
Thank you for the link to the aggregation site eilert…..priceless information.
Affidavit of Russel Ramsland (He is the one who analyzed the Dallas election fraud of 2018)
The link above is to the PDF file.
If the link above does not show here is the link (remove the ‘*’)
* of
1/ (THREAD) RUSSELL RAMSLAND AFFIDAVIT Police cars revolving light
Russell Ramsland from Allied Security Operations Group ( filed an affidavit today.
Well well well ,FOLLOW THE PEN makes sense now thank you Q.
OUTRAGEOUS usurpation and violation of The Rule of Law by the corrupt , power-hungry, anarchist Left !

through secrecy, deceit, sabotage and conspiracy, they have corrupted The Rule of Law, and turned this country upside down with their felonious attempts to impose the rule of men on us….and they call that “democracy”.
but what makes America great is the real power that rests, not with goverment or men or mobs or corrupt politicians or the corrupt media, but with the American people .
and the only way We, The People can maintain The Rule of Law is to be informed …
we must always know the truth.
otherwise, we are mislead like sheep by the propaganda manufactured by the corrupted men and women who try to usurp and steal the power, by any means necessary, to destroy the freedoms that threaten their tyranny.
thank you, flep, for your stalwart reporting of that truth.
THERE IS NO TELLING HOW MANY AMERICAN ELECTIONS have been stolen using these same tools.
Thanks be to GOD – Andrew Gillum and Stacy Abrams were not successfully installed by these methods.
However, it sure looks like Brian Kemp is also SWAMP.
Looks like Georgians had the same Hobson’s choice for Governor as America did in 2008 and 2012.
President Trump has warned Kemp to change his tune ‘before it’s too late.’ That’s a double warning, Kemp, because obviously, PDJT has got the goods on the election machine in the State of Georgia and around the USA.
Drop and Roll – another name for how they tried to steal the 2020 Election – Video –
thanks for continuing to bring this information to us in easy to read and follow ways.
it’s big, it’s bad and it’s ugly. democrats.
Things are MOVING now. The Two Reps got legal affidavids, and likely protection, in Wayne county, and RESCINDED their votes to certify, saying they were threatened and COERCED under DURESS.
Then in WI, the dems last minute rules “change” on the 2 county recount was voted DOWN.
So pay attention, AZ, NV, GA. WI ALL under scrutiny with “glitches”, found Trump baallots, and dem rule breaking.
Pa is going SCOTUS. VA is now coming into focus.
Then late last night, Jenna Ellis, Rudi Guiliani and Michael Flynn have a late night PHOTO OP.
I think I get it now. Flynn NEVER left, he was merely hidden via legal shenanigans.
FLynn was NOT removed to coverup the spying, he was removed because he KNEW the dems and CIA were RIGGING elections with Dominion. He KNOWS, WHEN, WHERE, HOW, and WHO.
I was right. Q was NEVER talking about backwards (think MIRROR remember) he was ALWAYS talking about looking FORWARD to 2020 (FUTURE proves PAST)
NOW does Sullivans ANTICS have a purpose, you bet.
NOW we see Flynn, after FOUR years, in the OPEN, things are about to get REAL.
Whatnic, a FLYNN desciple, being promoted to under sec and adviser to the new SEc def, for COVERT actions.
BOOM indeed.
POTUS and his team has been playing weak and ineffective in bringing down the Cabal while a ROCK SOLID CASE was built.
When POTUS said TREASON he meant it.
A lot of people will have to be removed PERMANENTLY and it needs to happen around the world.
Yes, and I think that is EXACTLY what is going to happen, INCLUDING MSM.
Flep: excellent, excellent post. Lin Wood inspires confidence!
If I am right, and who knows, I KNOW, finally, at the END, who Q is, at least ONE of Q. It is and always WAS Michael Flynn
WHAT? but he was FIRED.
Yep, THAT was the POINT.
Flynn was REMOVED from team Trump “officially”
Want to BET he STILL has his Nat Security clerarence?
Watnick was ALWAYS one of his “liassons” to Trump. UN official of course.
It CAN’T be Trump being Q or political, it had to teell info, just enough, in code, FROM AN OUTSIDER.
FLYNN WAS an outsider, he was FIRED, and SILENT due to Obama peoples shenanigans…HIDDEN, IN PLAIN SIGHT. OUT of dsem sight or OVERSIGHT, out of their minds except to keep him silent on 2016
This Q was NEVER really about 2016, he told us, but the REAL game was 2020. Flynn KNOWS the CIA and US and others RIGGED foreign and likely US elewctions using Dominion.
He KNEW IT ALL ALONG, he was Obvamas Director of MILITARY Intelligence, and the HEAD of the DIA.
He KNEW where, who, HOW, and WHEN this would ALL occur.
He PROVED his suspicions in the 2018 House steal, and he, through Watnick, TOLD Trump WHERE, WHEN , HOW, WHO, and HOW to monitor, record and STOP 2020.
I would not DOUBT that “unofficially” Trump and Flynn set this UP.
You be Q,(Flynn). YOU pose info in CODE telling what happened and what WILL happen, do NOT make it straight forward, but WHEN the time comes, people will REMEMBER what you said, and become AWARE.
I am Q+(Trump), and ONLY post non coded encouragement. Watnick and OTHERS were ON team Q.
They have them, and Flynn was ALWAYS there, right in front of it ALL, but HIDDEN, they thought he was OUT of the loop, and sequestered legally, but he WASN’T
See, the way this works, dems remove Flynn worried about the PAST of 2015-2017.
Flynn was NEVER really concerned about thee PAST, he was looking to the FUTURE.
NEITHER was Trump, Trump ALREADY won in 2016, this was ALWAYS about the NEXT election and the FUTURE.
Trump did not CARE about the past, he would get them ALL in 2020, and THEN 2016 would be RESOLVED. It is ALL the same people in 2020 that it was in 2016. That 2018 EO and the 2017 Dec 21 EO were ALWAYS the TELL. FUTURE EVENTS, NOT PAST.
How is THAT for the BOOM.
They have them ALL
The TRAP was FLYNN and 2020 election. ALWAYS.
You could very well be correct Rex. Many Q post clearly coming into focus now. Future proves Past was always a tripping stone, but now becoming crystal clear.
Flynn probably knows about Zero’s fraudulent 2012 election too, Why would PDJT retweet this? He’s letting them know he has it all. This right here will prove Future proves Past.
Donald J. Trump
More reports of voting machines switching Romney votes to Obama. Pay close attention to the machines, don’t let your vote be stolen
2:56 PM · Nov 6, 2012
It makes more and more sense, POTUS’ words – “We caught them, we caught them all.” It wasn’t just about the spying – it was the much bigger picture of Treason and selling out the country, overthrowing the government – governance by the People.
Lin Wood is correct. The evidence is conclusive already – and more evidence is pouring in every hour and every day.
It’s a joy to hear Lin Wood’s true Georgia accent after living in Florida for nearly 20 years.
Southern proper ladies and gentlemen had pronunciation rules – and the first rule was – Pronouncing an R is ‘vulgah’ – R is always pronounced ‘ah’ If necessary add a syllable to the word in order to avoid the vulgah R.
Examples: War is pronounced – waw-ah. Georgia is pronounced – jaw-ah-jah.
Yes, he has the “refined” Georgia accent.
I grew up in Georgia, but you would hate my accent! Total mountain hillbilly! Completely different. Not Scarlett O’hara at all.
I haven’t lived in the South for thirty years, but I’ve never lost it. Somebody comments on my accent almost every day of my life.
I can speak both – having worked both in tobacco farm harvests and an exclusive S GA shop.
Oh, I can fake Scarlett fine. It’s just my everyday speech that’s hillbilly. And if I get tired or have a drink or two, it just get thicker and thicker.
Ah love ’em both. Living in N FL ain’t the same. My children laugh when I lapse into good ol’ boy talk.
Hafta use your Scarlett dialect at the DAR, etc.
Thank you, Fle, for rounding up and reporting on all the good stuff!

I really appreciate it.
Yes, it’s frustrating to see it all going so slowly…but I think our President’s team is working as fast as they can on exposing it all.
Daily I take solace in all of the evidence coming out showing the massive fraud our 2020 election IS. Pisses me off greatly what has occurred. But solace in knowing we’ll prevail. President Trump will be President through January 20, 2025.
Yea, I was frustrated at first. The pace was slow. We knew the steal was on. We knew President Trump had won, in spite of reported faux vote tally,
MSM and big tech allowing only a singular narrative, clearly shutting down free speech.
Reality is, the good guys had to gather the evidence and facts supporting what we intuitively knew to be true.
Takes time gathering hard data, evidence, gather affidavits to demand re canvas, audit and recount. Expose it all. Ultimately present it to the courts.
Seems like we have one to two weeks to go before President Trump surpasses 270, which we know he did, if and when legal ballots are accurately tallied.
Worse case, possibly most likely scenario, is the House will decide the election. We do have a majority R vote there so President Trump should absolutely win reelection.
The latter point ushers in my real concern at the moment. The HOUSE.
Vote counting is ongoing. There is a chance Rs may take the House when Dominion shenanigans and legal ballots are counted, illegal ballots discarded..
However, for now, it looks like Crazy Nanzi will be Speaker.
Nanzi had NO pushback getting reelected to Speaker. I recall, The Squad and others pushed back mightily in 2018.
Crazy Nanzi has indicated she’d willing step down. Is this a signal of MORE problems?
Serious, albeit naive and uninformed question…
IF the election goes to the HOUSE, is there any way Crazy Nanzi can pull a technicality out of Constitution and thwart the Rs from confirming President Trump reelection. Which may include Crazy Nanzi being elevated to President.
Crazy Nanzi has make to many comments in the past about her glee in the decision coming to the House.
The fact that the MSM and Big tech colluded to shut down free speech – shows that they knew in advance the steal was on – been planned for long ago – and this was their contribution to it.
Hope they’re taken down on conspiracy charges and Treason – overthrow of the government.
The MSM …. AND… Big Tech…..
HAS to be a main TARGET.
Who said way back when:……..”Enemy of the People”
Trump’s got this
Yes!!! I thought that too. He stopped referring to them as, “Fake News” – and Enemy of the People started. He’s going to get them.
Conspiracy, Treason, Tampering with an Election – now that’s one charge that should go right out on all of them.
Nasty Nan will continue to cause trouble in any way that she can, until power is taken away from her.
I’m like you though, Kalbo…not sure how this will play out.
I do know one thing:
President Trump won in a landslide.
And if the Dems try to install Joe & Kamelhoe in the WH…then we may all have to go to DC.
We made our voices clear on election day.
We may have to tell them again…in person.
They did use “install” more than once. Almost as a warning.
Was duly noted when they did it.
Worth mentioning, Presidents are INAUGURATED, DICTATORS and FRAUDSTERS are INSTALLED.
100%. Thanks for highlighting.
YW. Their language BETRAYS them.
Re imagine another.
Heard it in the Davos videos and commonly when D-rats talk about defunding police.
such asshoes.
Nasty nan will be reduced to shitting her depends. The only trouble she’ll be causing is for her carers
Trump would not leave this thing to chance.
I tend to think….. The Votes…
The Ballots… The “Counts”….
Are all distractions/deflections.
The Electronic Data (Vote switching etc) is the key…
and… WHO… is behind and complicit with it.
Come January… the Dims might not have a majority in the house.
I am in total agreement… been saying that for a week. Classic Trump “look squirrel “…
MUST READ – Companion Post and comment thread at Marica’s Place – The Frog Army That Saved America –
President Trump and General Flynn’s Cyber Warriors – pros and amateurs – are working round the clock!
On a personal note, waiting for things to come back to Kyle Becker. We were on the same blog at one time. Not much good to say about him.
His tactics, language, attitude or loyalty to MAGA?
This was before that. Years ago. No, just a full of himself 20-something who was clueless about how to treat others.
Today – HIGH NOON – RNC.
Will look for other live streams. CSPAN is a bit too anti-Trump for my taste.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Flep!
I gotta be honest, keeping a “winning attitude” has been tough for me these last few days.
You always make me feel SO MUCH BETTER!
Bless you.
Whenever faith is difficult, look at this Trump retweet of TRUMP, and know that WE WERE PREPARED.
I read a headline from Rush from yesterday that also gave me great comfort:
“Do You Really Think Sidney Powell and Lin Wood Would Pull an Al Capone’s Vault?”
He did a whole segment about the Geraldo/Al Capone’s vault thing back in the eighties. I remember it well; the endless hype for weeks if not months, then the incredibly fiasco of the EMPTY VAULT.
Do I believe Sydney Powell and Lin Wood would hype an empty vault? NO. Do I believe these two attorneys would talk about a vault they didn’t already KNOW the contents of? NO.
Trust Rush to distill it down into a perfect analogy for the public. I couldn’t love him more if I tried.
LOL! Yeah, these attorneys who have gotten more BTFO from powerful people and media companies than any in memory are NOT about to pull a “Geraldo!”
In Al Capone’s Vault terms, these attorneys have a room full of dirt – but it’s bristling with human bones, with bullet-holes or bash-ins in every skull.
The Venezuelan military guy – wow – now THAT was a find. And Coomer – OMG.
We all KNEW that voting machines were bad, but the left counted on their “fake normal” distraction game just working like it always has. “Voting machines are safe! You’re a crazy conspiracy theorist if you think they aren’t!”
FUUUUUCK YOU, FAKE NEWS. You’re INVOLVED. Better get YOUR lawyers, Fake News, your criminal defense lawyers, and GET READY.
Turning off the fake news was just SO POWERFUL. We had no idea.
Remember, Trump LET them steal the House in 2018, to SEE just how, and where, and by WHO. I think FLYNN knows the ENTIRE scam.
AM, and WOULD be watching, so they ONLY filled in BIDEN.
They THOUGHT they could get away with it again, and Trump was WAITING. Then the margins were SO MASSIVE they PANICKED and went ALL in. They simply were NOT prepared for the LANDSLIDE proportions, they REALLY believed their phony BS polls. They were planning on 2016 LEVELS, LOOK at the final margins, JUST enough to over come 2016 levels in KEY areas. The problem happened when the margins became 3X to 10X times LARGER than 2016. The algorithum was NOT programmed for THAT amount. Likely Trump votes were FRACTIONAL, like .89, with Biden gettin 1.11. ENOUGH to overcome 2016, and not be easi;y detected. They HAD to stop to ADJUST the algorithum.
THEN the margins were SO large, the % had to be nearly TRIPLED to Trump .75 and Biden 1.25, but THAT made it impossible TO HIDE. Then NOT EVEN THAT was large enough, SO they had to go to the TRIED and true ballot copy and fill in scheme by the tens of THOUSANDS, but they did NOT have TIME, the public was waking up
Then they HID the phony ballots from ANY scrutiny, and put the MSM to work on covering UPO the fraud, HOPING Trump would concede.
Trump gave them a DOUBLE one finger salute, and NOW they are FUBAR. The ONLY variable is TIME. In the NEXT few weeks the knot will be fully unraveled, the STRING has already been pulled, and SOON, not even the MSM will be able to deny it, though they WILL try, they ONLY dig themselves DEEPER.
I watched Wicktor, and he KNEW. Trump HAS THEM. Them DEAD, and them not even KNOW IT.
I am going to send Trump an email, when he wins. I am going to ask him, to ONE time, for ALL us deplorables, come out to his FIRST 2nd term press conference to ACDC Back in Black, and Trump dance ALL they way to the podium.. Thenstart it off with
“which one of you suck holes wants to ask the first question”?
Sydney Powell said something to the effect of:
I don’t say things that I can not PROVE>
Gerry Rivers is a Damned Dim…… Fits the mold perfectly.
All hot air/Gas… and No substance.
Gerry has always come up EMPTY.
People like Sydney Powell, Lin Wood, and Rudy Giuliani do NOT risk their reputations on “folly” They ALSO do NOT make libelous accusations. They MUST have 100% IRONCLAD proof to say what they have. NOT “alleged” they state it as FACT. NO lawyerat that level, let alone THREE makes that bold a statement without PROOF, and I do NOT mean “circumstantial”, I mean ROCK solid.
People ask, WHY would Wood and Powell TAKE this case? BESIDES the OBVIOUIS, because it is FRAUD, it is SIMPLE. This is HISTORY.
These are POWER lawyers, HEAVY hitters, MILLIONAIRES.
They do NOT risk their law liscences for NOTHING.
Thgey were making DECLARITIVE statements, NOT hypotheticals or “alleging” DECLARING.
They WANT them to SUE them, yet there is NO WAY IN HELL thgat will happen…NEVER, discovery. Plus that MEANS ONLY one thing, they have IRONCLAD proof.
Kristol is a RINO deuche, but he is NOT stupid, he KNOWS what is coming. The MSM can laugh it off and talk about Rudi’s hair, LAUGH NOW you TELEPROMPTER readers. The REAL journalists are NOT laughing, they are trying to figure out how to get out of the MESS they have gotten themselves into, because in the END, all they care about is their $$$$$$.
Another big reveal – 10 AM!
Link – !
Both contain the show notes but not the videos.
So much wonderful news exposing the fraud laid on by the D-rats, deep state and blindly supported by MSM and big tech shutting down free speech.
Have spammed out this information sharing the truth.
Thank you Flep!
Do NOTE the YT address –
Excellent conference. The Trump lawyers were taking no prisoners.
They were VERY impressive!!!
They were positively cackling with glee
It’s live – They’ve brought in a poster and map with States under contention….all 6 States where the huge illegal Biden vote dumps occurred!
You are a gem Flep….thank you and may God Bless all your future fishing trips….:0)
Rush Limbaugh on his radio show now covering Mr. Giuliani at the press conference detailing the Trump campaign going after vote fraud in the November election.
200K and counting watching Rudy Giuliani on RSBN!!!
Boy Howdy – this Press Conference is Dynamite – no THERMITE!!!
I am so hopeful. I do believe we the people need to make ourselves heard. What steps do we need to take! I need direction!
Great posts.
Sidney Powell has dropped MOAB after MOAB.
** Interesting ** how she “hinted” to the DOJ that they MUST DO THEIR JOB AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE.
** Interesting ** that she asked DOMINION employees to come forward RIGHT AWAY and tell the truth — it may well be otherwise, they can be implicated as “un-indicted co-conspirators” in MASSIVE Federal election fraud.
Now, one may assume the following is going on with the “INNER CIRCLE” of Biden handlers, which would perforce include HILLARY CLINTON and BARACK OBAMA:
Biden is being shielded from knowing the full extent AND information of the news conference today. He’s being “briefed” to come out and ATTACK Attys. Powell, Giuliani et al. His “response” is even at this moment being written for him to read.
DNC attorneys are even now filing counter-claims against everything that was presented in the news conference.
DNC attorneys, working WITH DemCommunist / SOROS paid for STATE ATTORNEYS GENERAL, to file counter-claims, to do ALL in their CORRUPT power to delay and obstruct ANYTHING that the Federal DOJ / the Trump legal team, is doing.
The DNC is even now telling ANY and ALL LOCAL DemCommunist Boards of Election / County Registrars / STATE DemCommunist Govnernors (and ALSO RINO Governors like KEMP and DEWINE) to do ALL in their power to delay / harass / obstruct the Federal DOJ and the Trump legal team.
** HILLARY CLINTON and BARACK OBAMA have just realized that POTUS has performed the ULTIMATE CHECKMATE. And they are even now feverishly working to STOP the MARCH TO JUSTICE.
Which means that EVERY ONE of the Trump legal team MUST have 24/7 armed security — NOW.
Which means that the RNC now MUST step up to the plate 400%.
They may be running. Good luck with that
230K RSBN!!!
The WP Censors didn’t like a comment that I posted to this thread about 10 minutes ago. It may be in Da Bin, or the WP Censors may have deleted it completely. Am not surprised it this is what happened. Watch for more of this type of censorship — especially since the Q Tree members are pretty much hovering right over the target.
So I’ll try a shortened “summary” of the comment here:
Biden is getting “briefed” on the POTUS team news conference, leaving out most of the damning details.
Biden is getting his “response” written for him even at this moment.
Biden’s “INNER CIRCLE” of handlers — including HILLARY CLINTON and BARACK OBAMA — are even at this moment feverishly working to counter / obstruct / delay / denigrate, everything in the news conference.
The “INNER CIRCLE” is even at this moment working with the DNC on ALL levels, from Federal to State to LOCAL, to delay / obstruct / harass / doxx / threaten, ANY person who is working with the Trump legal team or is coming forward to tell the truth about the vote fraud that they saw or themselves experienced. This effort includes RINO / coward / bought State Governors, like KEMP and DEWINE.
The entire POTUS legal team MUST have 24/7 armed security, NOW.
And guess what?
Just like that — right after the POTUS legal team presser — the CDC issued a “DIRECTIVE” that ALL TRAVEL for the Thanksgiving Holiday must NOT take place, “due to the continuing increase of cases of the coronavirus”.
And can somebody tell me WHY the CDC, the lying MSM, and other entities, are STILL using the bogus “over 250,000 people have died from COVID-19”, when the ACTUAL number of deaths ONLY from the virus is around 12,000 people? And that the CDC ITSELF “corrected” the numbers a couple of months ago but is now going back to their previous INFLATED numbers?
Wanting to STOP the word of mouth at Thanksgiving…too bad, so sad.
Per Rush Limbaugh just now:
DANA PERINO on FoxNews is urging DOMINION to SUE Attys. Powell AND Giuliani.
One assumes PAUL RYAN has been told by the Murdoch family to order EVERY ONE of the Fox anchors / newsreaders to “toe the company line” as of today.
This would include Hannity, Carlson, and Judge Jeannine. Now they get to decide if it’s worth it to keep their Fox jobs.
Paul Ryan is going to Jail/Gitmo when this is all said and done.
Lin Wood tweeted to Dana Perino that TRUTH is an absolute defense
He has some other beautiful zingers.
Tweets by LLinWood
Such as:
LMAO..SURE, PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE do. Want to know WHY they WON’T. ONME word.
Dana Perino is an agent for the Bush/Romney/Ryan/RINO cabal. She was GWB’s WH Press Secretary.
What fox jobs? What fox? L Lin wood is going to clean them out. Give them the financial colonoscopy he gave the msn over sandman and what he has lined up for Kyle the Kenosha hat trick lad
So, per 710WOR, New York, 4PM Eastern news report, the official take on the POTUS legal team presser today, via the ABC News mouthpiece “reporter”, AARON KATERSKY:
“The President’s PERSONAL ATTORNEY, Rudy Giuliani, today made a series of UNSUBSTANTIATED CLAIMS of vote fraud in Pennsylvania during the election this month.”
This serves the interests of the SOROS-CLINTON Axis / DeepState / Davos Globalists, which are giving their MARCHING ORDERS to the MSM and this “news report” is the proof of it, in a couple ways:
First, to dismiss and denigrate the POTUS legal team and ALL of the evidence they have and will continue to get about MASSIVE vote fraud.
Second, that snide phrase about Mr. Giuliani being the PERSONAL ATTORNEY of POTUS, with the CLEAR implication that President Trump is doing this ONLY out of anger and spite against Joe Biden, who “everybody knows won the November election by a landslide and Trump refuses to concede.”
GOOD! I hope the Urinalists keep that crap up. They are doing a FINE JOB of convicting themselves.
18 U.S. Code § 2385.Advocating overthrow of Government
Y’all seen this?
And this?
And, just like that, Wilhelm (“I’m really a Communist and I want a job in a Kamala Harris Cabinet”) De Blasio of New York City SHUT DOWN THE SCHOOLS AGAIN until at least NEW YEAR’S and may well go into next Spring.
And, just like that, Gov. Andrew (“I’m really a Communist and I also want a job in a Kamala Harris Cabinet”) Cuomo issued a NEW diktat today stating that New York City will most likely go into the “Orange Category” in a couple days — so INDOOR DININB will be banned / ALL bars, gyms, nightclubs, hair salons will be closed.
I liked this tweet given the above:
AND this one. (Goes with the Helicopters I keep hearing)
Probably setting up for problems with Aunty Fa and Buddies.
Typo, sorry, should read, “INDOOR DINING”.
Ain’t it ** interesting ** that JUST AROUND the event of the POTUS legal team presser of today, that De Blasio and Cuomo are coming up with diktats to shut down New York City (and the Cuomo statement ALSO made it clear that other areas outside of NYC may move into a “Yellow” or an “Orange” category.
Ain’t it ** interesting ** that JUST AROUND the event of the POTUS legal team presser of today, that the CDC issues this “directive” telling people NOT to travel (the statement said “change travel plans”, which translates into DO NOT travel) for Thanksgiving?
Monkey Werx Overwatch 11.18.20
(He has one due out today too. SEE )
28 min
BTW check out around 12 min to 13 min when he starts talking about an aircraft that flew into GITMO SILENT and then later flew to Miami. The plane was ‘silent’ for a week.
The whole Biden family should be in JAIL!
So how does Jill Biden have a CHIEF OF STAFF at this time??
Is this part of that un-Constitutional Obama “I have a pen and a phone” cr@p that set up the “Office of the President-Elect”??
Love this guy!
Two favorites!
I went down his timeliness, quite impressive.
Kevin McCullough @KMCRadio writes:
“UPDATE: How they did it:
NV: zero sigs, dead vote, non-Resident vote
PA: late votes, unequal access, prejudiced votes
GA: lose memory drives
MI: certify w/o verify
Wi, MI, PA, GA: stop count/100-0% dumps
AZ, NV, WI, MI, GA, VA, NH: flip votes. Dominion staff tabs”
Hmmm….Sidney & Rudy’s presser was so impressive that even noted curmudgeon Karl Denninger was impressed.
Of course, in order for that sort of reaction to have been accomplished, Karl actually had to listen to it, when it’s almost been completely shut-out of the Fake News.
Is it just me or is something screwy with the new daily thread,
I do have the same problem.
The ‘Reply’ button is not showing.
I wanted to post Dan Scavino’s latest Twitter:
White Hats in Control?
From QReseach:

Ummmm first DoItQ pic… now “puppy show”
White Hat
Black Hat
Black Dog is older [Biden]
White Dog is younger [POTUS]
White Younger Dog has patience and strikes
Listen to the play by play
‘A famous win built on patience and sheer belief’
Dan Scavino
From We Are The News (QResearch)
Trump aid seems to suggest GOOD GUYS got the server…
Click to try to play this video on, if it still exists on YouTube!
Post 11710999 2 hours ago • View on 8kun
>>11710910 Sidney stated she’s not sure who got the server from German
Trump aid seems to suggest GOOD GUYS got the server…
No, it’s not just you, K.
It looks as if it’s closed to comments.
Thanks for this. Love to all.
Hello, Wolf and GrandmaInTexas:
Echoing kinthenorthwest’s comment above, there’s something wrong with the Nov 20 daily thread.
It’s closed to comments, it seems.
Comment Button is working Now at Nov 20 daily
Thank you very much, eilert!