2020·11·21 KMAG Daily Thread

Shitstorm Saturday:
The Kraken Unleashed!!

What a spectacle!

It’s Thursday evening in Colorado, Friday morning on the East Coast (you know, the place where the people think we’re just their frigging backyard live). So as I write this, I have no idea what happened on Friday. Hopefully the Kraken left some footprints around with tiny little squashed swamp dwellers in the bottom.

(Well, now the Kraken can get crackin’.)

So the hottest news in the last couple of weeks was the press conference, mainly by Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell, with a bit of YSM bashing by Jenna Ellis.

They mostly stated they had evidence, without actually showing it (which is entirely proper); though Giuliani read some affidavits from some brave people. So there is evidence. There is absolutely evidence.

And yet the YSM simply continues to assert there is none, and even Fox has shown itself to be controlled opposition, now.

Giuliani, and Powell, and Ellis all took those YSM ratfuckers to the woodshed.

There are tens of millions of people who will believe them, because they have seen nothing else.

They’re not evil, just ignorant.

I am reminded of some of the stories I heard about the collapse of the Soviet Union. Now, everyone in the USSR knew the media bullshitted them a lot. They’d read Pravda (Правда) back to front to glean real information. For instance, once there was a time when an airliner had crashed while taking a bunch of Communist Party mucky-mucks home from a Party Congress. The crash was never announced (socialist planes never crashed, you see), but the obituaries in the back, suddenly a hundred prominent people, gave it away. Now the point isn’t that Soviet airliners crashed. The point is that the people over there were so used to their media bullshitting them they had developed tricks to counteract it. They also had a joke, that there is no truth in Izvestia, and no news in Pravda. Izvestia, of course, is the Russian word for News, and Pravda is the Russian word for Truth.

So they thought they had a handle on the bullshit, because they could see the over-the-top propaganda (that we once-upon-a-time would satirize).

But the far more subtle propaganda was beneath their notice. They had been taught, every day in school and every day as an adult, about how the United States was evil, poorer than they were, and everything they saw supported that. So they didn’t question it. They’d question specific news items, but they didn’t question the things that everyone knows.

Just like tens of millions of Americans don’t question what the news feeds them every night. Trump has been portrayed as a pompous buffoon, an asshole who never admits defeat, and won’t admit he lost this election. And he has been portrayed, over the last five or six years, as having those personality traits. It would never occur to these people to question it. Because everyone knows Trump is a reality TV buffoon!

So going back to the ex-Soviets. What was their response when they realized just how deep and pervasive the lying was?

Absolute fury and outrage.

What will our YSM Bubble People’s reaction be?

Keep in mind that the YSM Bubble People don’t even have the sense that the jurinalists lie to them at all. They’re not like Soviet citizens, aware of lying but not comprehending how much and about absolutely everything. They are completely ignorant of the lies.

If and when they finally see the truth, be prepared for some very serious “I’ve been betrayed” outrage. Many of us will be tempted to laugh, but I would venture to say that would be the wrong reaction ninety percent of the time (the other ten percent of the time would be those specific people we have tried, unsuccessfully, to redpill).

Of course some small number of them are truly dedicated ideologically to Leftism, and will be OK with the lying since it was “necessary.” I’m not talking about them; I’m talking about the people who would be on our side if only they had any real knowledge of the world.

We don’t know when, or even if, the YSM’s grip will ever be broken. I just know these next couple of months are one of the most likely times for it to happen. And when it does, a lot of good people are going to need comfort and reassurance. Be prepared.

But by all means piss on the dedicated Leftists when THEY are outraged because their sheeple are furious with them. If you can arrange to pee red fuming nitric acid, so much the better.

Justice Must Be done.

Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People...Our campaign represents a true existential threat, like they’ve never seen before.

Then-Candidate Donald J. Trump

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

The Mandatory Coin

I’m going to step back a bit from coins.

The United States issued Continental Currency during the Revolutionary War, and issued some interest bearing notes during the War of 1812. But for the most part, we avoided government issued paper money until the Civil War.

Private banks could and did issue paper money, backed by their own financial soundness. You could, if you had a bank note from Mulligan’s Bank and Grill (h/t L. Neil Smith, who loathes the concept of paper money and not without a lot of justice), you could walk into that establishment and exchange it for silver and gold. As long as not too many people decided to do this the system worked; people confident in being able to exchange the banknote for real money at any time were happy to use the notes. Yes, there were more notes out there than there was real money at the bank; what backed the notes was the value of the assets of the bank; i.e., the loans the bank had made (money owed you is an asset, though getting your hands on it Right Now is problematic).

Of course, the further away you got from Mulligan’s Bank and Grill, the fewer people would accept the note, since they didn’t know the bank and they were too far away to just casually cash the note in. Or they’d take it at a discount, charging you eleven Mulligan bucks for a $10 item. Worse, if Mulligan went belly up, people far away from it might not know it. And if people had never heard of the bank before, who was to say it was till in business.

And even worse, there was no standardization of designs. The banknote you were being presented might not even be genuine, or it might have been raised (altered to show a higher denomination). If you are presented a ten dollar bill with a train vignette on it from Mulligan’s Bank and Grill, how likely are you to remember that Mulligan’s put the train on their one dollar bills, but not their tens?

A lot of the headaches can be alleviated with standardized designs and clearing houses that know the notes from far away and will accept them at par (providing the bank is in fact solvent).

This is one of the things the Federal Government started doing in 1862, when paper money was created, and this time it was here to stay. “National Bank Notes” were of standardized design with only the name and charter number of the bank differing, they were printed by the Federal Government, and their issuance was strictly regulated. The Federal government also issued demand notes, backed by nothing but a promise to eventually redeem them (which they eventually did do), and a host of other things.

[Of course, there are people who collect paper money. It tends, in general, to be far, far rarer than coins, because a piece of paper would wear out quickly. Large denominations ($50 and up) from the 1800s tend to be extremely rare, with deep-into-five figure pricetags the rule rather than the exception, with, in some cases, no known survivors and pictures you see in catalogs are off of specimen notes. In many cases, because the government tracked them when they were redeemed, we have upper limits on the number of notes that still exist (i.e., we know how many were never turned in), and in many cases even for fairly “common” stuff there are only a few hundred out there.]

Before I continue, I should mention something you may not know. Before 1928, US paper money was of a larger size than it is today. In fact, it was the same size as those old “computer cards” (or Hollerith Cards). Or rather, the other way around; the cards were the same size as the paper money. When Hollerith invented his cards, he made them the same size as the paper money, so the same machinery that banks used to handle the notes could be adapted to handle his cards. No dummy, he!

Another thing they began to do, in 1878, was issue silver certificates. (There were also gold certificates, identifiable by bright orange/yellow (not green) print on the back.)

Each silver certificate was essentially a receipt for silver dollars deposited in the US treasury. As such they were 100% backed by real money, unlike a bank note, that was backed by loans on the books of the bank. (Of course, by 1878 the price of silver had fallen so far that a silver dollar itself wasn’t worth a dollar intrinsically, but those, in turn, were backed by gold, which was itself by definition equivalent to dollars at a certain ratio.)

In 1878 and 1880, two different series of silver certificates were issued, of very similar design (denominations 10, 20, 50, 100, and $500). Another, quite different issue came out in 1886 (1, 2, 5, 10 and $20). This one is famous for actually showing five silver dollars on the reverse of the five dollar note.

1886 $5 Silver Certificate (back). Note: Multiple thousands of dollars in very fine grade or above.

There yet another series in 1891 with the same fronts as 1886 where possible (in 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, and $1000), and then there was another series in 1896.

This series was only issued in $1, $2 and $5 notes. And it is famous. They are called the “Educational” notes. They have the most magnificent artwork ever to appear on US paper money. And this is our destination tonight.

The notes’ artwork actually has names. This one is “History Instructing Youth.” The woman is a personification of history, and under her foot you can see the name of the work of art.

1896 $1 Silver Certificate, “History Instructing Youth”

This note should endear itself to us all. It’s loaded with detail. In the background the capitol, and the then-newly-constructed Washington Monument. There is a fasces, this was about forty years before the Fascists stole the symbol and tarnished it forever. The names in the wreaths are politicians, generals, and writers, and a couple of inventors.

It’s worth right clicking and opening the picture in its own window. But in case you can’t, from lower left clockwise, they are: Longfellow, Sherman, Lincoln, Irving, Cooper. Fulton, Calhoun, Clay, Jacksonson, Adams. Jefferson, Washington, Franklin. Hamilton, Webster, Marshall, Perry, Morse. Hawthorne, Bancroft, Grant. Farragut and Emerson. A veritable who’s who of American history up to that time.

And, just to top all of that, what is History pointing to? That open book. What’s in the book? It’s the preamble and part of the first article of the United States Constitution. And–I’ve seen this with my own eyes–it is perfectly legible under a magnifying glass! How about that, a note that puts it in your face that the US Constitution was written by people who had studied history and learned many lessons from it. Which they did, so any Leftist lurker reading this wanting to argue about those men can just fuck right the hell off.

The back of the note is a pair of portraits of Martha and George Washington, not terribly interesting (usually the backs of those old notes are more interesting than the fronts, but not in this case).

The $1 is much more affordable than the $2 and the $5, you should have no trouble finding a presentable specimen for well under a thousand bucks.

[And one good thing about paper money is that the grade is mostly applied to the condition of the paper. Having been folded once is a huge penalty, for instance. But the artwork doesn’t become seriously impaired until you go all the way down to very fine or maybe even fine (12-35 on a scale of 70). You can pay BIG money for the nosebleed grades, but the design won’t look all that much better. Just avoid paper that has turned dark. Since a large part of my motivation to own coins and paper is to be able to see the designs, that means I typically collect uncirculated coins–the design is the first thing to go on a coin–but I will happily take unstained circulated notes with no significant damage to the artwork.]

OK, so here is the $2 1896 “Educational” Silver Certificate.

$2 1896 Silver Certificate, “Science Presenting Steam and Electricity to Industry and Commerce”

This one isn’t as rich in little details as the $1 note, but the message is nonetheless profound. (OK, we’re here because of politics, and this is not politics. The $1 is cooler. I understand.) It is probably about ten times rarer. It’s not hard to find the $1 at a coin show; you’ll have to walk a lot more to find a $2.

A century earlier, the Industrial Revolution was just getting underway. There were people alive in 1896 who remembered what it was like not to have railroads. And scientists and engineers had tamed steam power, making it possible to cross the continent in days, and ship goods worldwide in a timely fashion. Just a few decades earlier, in 1861, they had “cracked” electricity, learning how to turn motion into electricity (generators) and electricity into motion (motors). The effects of steam power had already proven to be profound; electricity had made communications almost instantaneous and since 1878, was expected to light the nights as never before. But electricity was just getting started; think of the profound effects computers have had on the world in the last 30 years–all dependent on electricity.

The reverse is portraits of Fulton and Morse, indeed two inventors who worked with steam and electricity. And the two who were named on the $1 note.

Robert Fulton, of steamship fame, and Samuel Morse, inventor of the telegraph, the first means of nearly instantaneous communications.

So finally on to the $5 note.

$5 1896 Silver Certificate, “Electricity Bringing Light To the World.”

Being able to flip a switch and have light. A commonplace thing today. The dawn of a new age, then!

Light before that day involved outright open flame (candles, gas) or flame that was just barely protected, or rather, flame you were just barely protected from. Who can ever know how many disastrous fires were started by lanterns? Electricity was safe and cheap…and brighter. No more going blind trying to read and write at night!

Yes, electricity again.

I mentioned that scientists and engineers had “cracked” electricity in 1861-2. I’m referring of course to Maxwell who wrote equations relating electricity to magnetism, showing how magnetism could be used to create electricity, and vice versa. And then it turned out that light…plain old light…was actually an electromagnetic wave!

And chemistry turned out to be electrical interactions between atoms. Gravity doesn’t hold molecules together; it’s ridiculously weak for that task. Electrical forces do.

Those equations of Maxwell essentially govern everything that happens in your life, other than gravity. And unless you took a lot of math in college you will have no idea what they could possibly mean (I on the other hand took nine credit hours in college playing with them).

\nabla \cdot \mathbf {D} =\rho _{\text{f}}
\nabla \cdot \mathbf {B} =0
\nabla \times \mathbf {E} =-{\frac {\partial \mathbf {B} }{\partial t}}
\nabla \times \mathbf {H} =\mathbf {J} _{\text{f}}+{\frac {\partial \mathbf {D} }{\partial t}}

(I’m not sure why Wordpus did that to me). By the way the bold face is significant, and the fact that some things aren’t in bold face is significant, too. Oh and the X signs and dots don’t mean the same thing like you might think if you stopped after algebra.

Add to those equations a fifth one, Newton’s law of gravitation (much easier to understand), and you’ve got a handle on everything visible that happens in the universe. Except for the minor detail that these formulae don’t explain the existence of atoms other than hydrogen, and because they don’t explain that, they can’t explain why the stars shine.

In any case, I think those four equations should have shown up somewhere on that $5 bill.

So what happened? The hope was the elaborate artwork would deter counterfeiting. It actually had the opposite effect. People couldn’t drink in all that detail, so when counterfeiters didn’t supply it, few noticed. And bank tellers complained that the bills were so busy it would take an extra split second to identify the denomination, so they were hard to count.

One site claims Mrs. Grundy complained about all the scantily clad figures and that’s why the series was killed off after only a couple of years.

A $10 was in the works, but never actually issued. Apparently this is a picture of a specimen deliberately printed in the wrong color. I know nothing about it, other than its name is “Agriculture and Forestry” (along the bottom center of the design).


Standard Disclaimer: These are not my notes. In this particular case, though, I will admit to owning examples of all three of the notes that were issued.

Obligatory PSAs and Reminders

Just two more things, my standard Public Service Announcements. We don’t want to forget them!!!

How Not To Find Yourself In Contention For The Darwin Award
(Nothing to do with bearded dragons)

It has been pointed out that all of the rioting is nominally on account of criminals who resisted arrest in one form or another, and someone suggested schools ought to teach people not to resist arrest.


Granted an “ass kicking” isn’t the same as being shot, but both can result from the same stupid act. You may ultimately beat the rap, but you aren’t going to avoid the ride.

China is Lower than Whale Shit

Important Reminder

To conclude: My standard Public Service Announcement. We don’t want to forget this!!!

Remember Hong Kong!!!

I hope this guy isn’t rotting in the laogai somewhere!

中国是个混蛋 !!!
Zhōngguò shì gè hùndàn !!!
China is asshoe !!!

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There Ain’t No Justice!!!!!!
— little fish

Valerie Curren

Personalizing Psalm 3 to pray for President Trump

Plain Jane



Just got off my knees. Felt led to pray for family and our nation, especially our President and his family, Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Gen. Flynn and all patriots.


Thank you. Nothing compared to your work. ☺

Valerie Curren

Beautiful, Grandma. Prayer is what is going to help break the chains & let Truth shine forth. God Bless YOU!!!


I feel, strongly, the efficacy of the prayers of patriots.
It is an overcoming…

Valerie Curren

Amen Grandma. Where 2 or 3 are gathered together & it seems our gathering can be virtual & still be Very Effective–the effective, fervent prayer of the righteous one availeth much!!!


Turns out the haters of of America, aka the democrats, and Donald Trump agree on one thing (there may be more than one, by I can’t imagine what that would be). They both agree that America is not currently great, and the d’s are going out of their way to prove POTUS right. America has not been great for quite some time, it turns out. What the socialists have perpetrated has not happened overnight – it has been going on since the end of WWII, at least.
Power corrupts – that is consistently true.
Game theory dictates that a super power that is unchallengeable on the field of conventional battle will be attacked in other ways. Greed is good? Yeah, it was easy, it turns out. The See Ah Aye, who were supposed to defend America from foreign interference was co-opted. As was the Ef Bee Eye, domestically.
I don’t know where America goes from here, but the only one who can be trusted to fix this mess is your current POTUS. And 4 more years aint nearly enough ….


Excellent steve.
Good point not to gloat. If they can’t det their hands on those who lied to them they are going to be pissed at those who worked it out and are laughing at them. Being smart in one area doesn’t mean you are clever in another. Newton lost his money in the south sea island scam


This is all believe the climate scam


A scientists will be discredited


Great Interview of John Zmirak, (who knows Sidney Powell well ) by Timothy Gordon.
Zmirak wrote the following about Sidney Powell:


At the 19:03 minute mark, Zmirak says the President should actually use the Emergency Broadcasting Network to speak to the country since the MSM is not covering the election Fraud….please at least listen to the interview from this mark onward…


Officer Tatum also weighs in…he chooses Sidney Powell over Tucker Carlson

Valerie Curren

Steve writes ” And bank tellers complained that the bills were so busy it would take an extra split second to identify the denomination, so they were hard to count.” …
I respond (tongue in cheek), heh, heh that that’s why in Canada, we have our denominations in different colors…. – which btw, my American friends call Monopoly money…


Colors help. Some countries vary the size of their paper money.


Part of this is that the current qualification for “bank teller” is having an IQ higher than the current room temperature….


That and different edges on coins help the vision impaired.


You would , of course , know that the edging on coins was started to stop clipping. Our nots have a clear bit for a hologram. As well as the fancy stuff with the inks. What I want to know is why. If you’re going to counterfeit go for us dollars


Ps . The polymer notes are slippery but go through even a hot wash just fine. Haven’t ironed one yet but that will happen


I as just thinking US dollars are more readily used overseas

Valerie Curren

POTUS pack leader!

Valerie Curren

comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Umm…guys, the URL is all good. The headline says this post is a month old.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fixed it! Title and URL.

Gail Combs

Have you been wearing a mask a lot? Drinking too much caffeine? Have asthma?




It happens to me under stress. Lots of little things just go out the window.


The worst kind of cognition glitches are the ones you can’t see, even when you proof read. But people muddle along and find their way even when the mind isn’t as sharp as one would like.
An elderly friend was sleeping alot, had low motivation, said they were just going to have to get used to growing old. And then their doctor did sleep tests, found they were not getting good O2 levels at night. After a couple weeks of O2 at night they totally changed into a 20 year younger mental outlook. A marvelous transformation. For myself, the DMG seems to be helping.


Churchill quoted this when Britain was in dire straitscomment image


The detail about Hollerith cards was especially amusing.

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren
Deplorable Patriot

Okay, so THIS Dec 5, not 2018 when GHWB’s send off happened.
[snort, giggle]
The knee-jerk panic is amusing in hindsight.

Valerie Curren

Nice catch! We need some type of MAGA timeline site to keep track of all the goodies…


comment image


The camel is cuter


Fewer flies, too.


And the spit is cud not whatever kamels had in her mouth


Spit or swallow?




was thinking that VERY thing!


Her indian name is “princess Spread Eagle”.




Not walking eagle? Ie too fos to fly


thought it was Princess spread it all over

Cuppa Covfefe



hmmm…that makes it sound like she’s “good”…she’s just prolific




there ya go!!

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll have to come up with another theme for Wednesday.


That’s what you get around here. Lotsa work and then the class clowns come in.

Deplorable Patriot

This week it will be the truth about the first Thanksgiving. It WAS NOT the romantic meal that so many here want it to have been, but the defeat of the first communal living in the English colonies.
If we’re going to go the truth route rather than the stories presented as truth that the MSM and educational cabal have fed us, may as well start there.
The governor’s journal just lays to waste what we’ve been taught over the years.


Every Thanksgiving, Rush plays a recording about the truth of Thanksgiving, communism vs capitalism, property rights…it’s all in there. I don’t know if it’s available online or just thru Rush’s radio show. Sadly, this will probably be the last year Rush can use the recording.


@KurtSchlichter: “Proper
>@JesseKellyDC: ‘I am not obliged to give you 4 years of peace after you gave me 4 years of war just because you’re hopeful my standards will be higher than yours.
My plan for the next four years is to make Leftists miserable. Anything else is a benefit.
This is how it is now. Your choice. ‘”


Too late suckholes. It’s already happenedcomment image


1. It is now becoming clearer what Sidney Powell’s focus is.
Remember, Powell is likely unable to reveal all (even if she wants to). She is a lawyer acting on client instructions. Not just that, I suspect that the evidence she has access to is classified at the highest level.
But we know that Powell has seen evidence that has STUNNED her. Perhaps even frightened her. It’s obvious by her demeanor and speech.
Powell is trying her best to give us more information:
2. I have been concerned that Powell’s main piece of evidence is an affidavit from a Chavez senior military officer.
Powell keeps referring to it as ‘smoking hot’. My opinion has been ‘it’s interesting, sure. But if that is all she has, it doesn’t prove anything in 2020. Why is Sidney going on and on about it?’
The tweet above answers my question. I think Powell is indicating that COMBINED WITH OTHER EVIDENCE, the affidavit becomes RED HOT.
What other evidence?
Check out Powell’s tweet.
3. Powell refers to Title 50 for the first time.
Title 50 (below) is a sprawling piece of legislation defining what POTUS can and can’t do when the US is at war, or in a national emergency.
For example, Trump’s EO 13848 was ordered under T 50.
Anyway, what I think Powell is pointing us towards is that there is a national emergency in place and that Title 50 covert operations are occurring behind the scenes.
There’s a LOT MORE happening than any of us know.
4. EVERYONE should listen to Powell’s interview with Howie Carr (1.30-1.44).
A few days ago, Powell was referring only to election fraud using tech in Venezuela.
Now she is referring to the use of this technology in the 2016 US Democratic primaries, the 2016 election as well as elections in different countries overseas.
In addition, Powell alleges that there was interference from China, Iran, Serbia and Lichtenstein in the 2020 election.
Not just that.
5. Apart from Trump, Powell specifically IDs John James and Leon Benjamin being targeted.
There are 10 MILLION + fraudulent votes for Biden.
She says that data suggests MILLIONS OF DEAD people voted.
She has CHEQUE STUBS of people who paid to get others to harvest ballots.
She has direct evidence of something called ‘dragon drop’ which allows an operator at a computer to make (Trump) votes disappear.
Powell says that the evidence she has is ‘TERRIFYING’.
There’s more.
6. Powell refers to her evidence including direct proof of mail in ballot fraud – multiple entries of the same ballot, pristine ballots.
And VERY interesting indeed – an intercepted ‘call’ with ‘hundreds’ of people where a Department of Defense official instructs them (including Bernie Sanders) how to commit ‘sabotage’ in their offices.
7. There’s apparently evidence of a transcripted call by Dominion’s Eric Coomer admitting he has made sure Trump has lost. Oh – Coomer has DISAPPEARED.
Dominion have closed their offices. Hundreds of their employees are erasing their presence from the web.
Powell can’t prove it but she thinks CIA is involved and that Haspel should be fired.
And more.
The point being that even if half of what Powell is disclosing is true, we are talking about an emerging scandal of historic proportions.
8. Easily the worst crime in US history.
But as Powell says, it’s also a GLOBAL scandal.
This is the best interview Powell has done. She speaks with confidence, is calm and refers to specific evidence where she can. But you can hear the alarm in her voice.
Powell is extremely worried at what she has seen. And ANGRY.
9. One last thing I found interesting.
Howie Carr makes the important point that with evidence pouring in and the staggering dimensions of the case, will Powell have enough time to complete her investigation?
Powell says she think she will.
Now maybe it’s just me, but Powell seems to have found red hot evidence VERY fast.
That suggests to me that Powell may be getting evidence that has already been collected and vetted. Let’s just say, from ‘others’.
10. Some of the evidence can’t be found in just 2-3 weeks, from a standing start.
Makes sense. Powell is likely part of a team, each member responsible for putting into place a pre-prepared plan.
That’s how I see it anyway.
I think Powell is now finalizing her case, getting her evidence ducks in a row and may well be waiting for a ‘GO’ order from others.
December 8 or 14 are the next key deadlines. Powell will need her MOABs to drop before then – at least 2 weeks beforehand.
11. Powell says her first filings will be next week in Federal Court.
Anyway, back to my first toots.
Anyone worries that Powell’s evidence isn’t enough should chillax.
The evidence she is permitted to disclose appears to be extremely powerful.
But anyone who thought this is just about the 2020 election is wrong.
This scandal goes WAY beyond that.
Sidney Powell is a person of TRUTH.
She is doing what she can to give us a heads up.
We should ALL listen to her.
The end.


11. ADDENDUM – here is the Howie Carr interview (go to 1.30-1.44).


I should like to take a moment, here, and recall two posters who no longer post here who attacked Sidney Powell relentlessly, claiming she was making a mockery of Gen. Flynn’s defense. I was Signey’s most vocal and ardent supporter and went round and round with these jackasses until Daughn finally weighed in with her hubby, at which point we finally ran those two jackasses out of the Tree.
And it should be said I took a lot of crap from a lot of people here for how I engaged with those two idiotic, goat roping turdballs, too. (You know who you are but I won’t name names)
I only mention this because of the enormous satisfaction and pride I have, as an American patriot, knowing Sidney Powell is leading this fight and IS the tip of the spear.
I was long ago convinced beyond a shadow of doubt that Flynn knew he was being set up, that he intentionally engaged Eric Holder’s law firm to represent him….knowing they would collude with Van Grack and the Mueller SC….and that Gen. Flynn had ID’d Sidney as his “trap door” attorney a year+ before he finally fired his representation and hired her.
It is no F’n accident that Sidney Powell….who wrote the book on DOJ corruption in DC… became Gen. Flynn’s attorney…
…and it is no F’n accident she has now become a THE point attorney for POTUS in the fight at hand. It is no accident that Sidney Powell is THE tip of the spear at this monumental moment in American history.
I could not be more proud, nor more confident, that our cause…and the President’s case….is in the very best, most capable, most intelligent, most insightful, most experienced, most patriotically loyal, and most fiercely determined hands that are alive today.
Just a little more patience. We are on the cusp of a historic victory that will ring for a hundred years or more.
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.comment image


Nicely stated. That food fight was something else, as I recall.


They were essentially calling Gen. Flynn an idiot for having hired SP, which was itself thoroughly idiotic. When I pointed out how ridiculous that premise was, among other points, things got heated. And then some chose to take the idiot’s side. Apparently, the loss still stings. 😉


I’m going out on a limb here and saying that Sullivan is read in. Flynn COULDNT have his case dismissed prior to this. Also I think sgt friday is right. Comedy had 7 one on one meetings with Potus-unprecedented. Plus he took notes and took t home!


As I consider this, I am reminded that the original judge was replaced by Sullivan, and no explanation was given for the change in judges. Also, SP had a very high regard for Sullivan at one point…she even praised him extensively in her first book.


Exactly. And what has resulted from his endless delays and demands for Brady evidence? More exculpatory evidence. He’s playing a REALLY thankless role


I’ve been saying Sullivan is a hero for six months, mainly because I saw a little blurb in a news bite that Jensen turned over docs “pursuant to court order”. Then I read the docs and realized they were smoking incriminating evidence of deep state BS. Putting 2 and 2 together compelled a conclusion that the court order was providing cover to Jensen so that DoJ line attorneys wouldn’t hide stuff from the “snitch”.


A lot was current investigation protected


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Relax…we are way beyond that now. They took Flynn out so he could not be a factor in 2020 and succeeded. This is a fight for the freedom of our country. I hope she is wildly successful.


I think it just kept him in stealth mode. They thought they’d neutralised him. He was freed. Not a govt employee. Free agent. Not subject to foi.


Perhaps. More likely is that he was being kept at arms’ length. That certainly will be an interesting piece of information to learn when the full story is told.


If. If we ever get the full story. You don’t reveal all your tactics until the enemy is ground into dust


Why do I miss all the fun. You people keep strange hours

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve long thought the Flynn thing has been a combination smoke screen and trap. Ms. Powell would have been spotted long ago as one of the people to be part of the team.
Just MHO. I don’t think ANY of this was chance. None.


ozzy, this is just excellent.
Thanks for posting!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Eric Cooms has disappeared.


Witness protection or a Fort Marcy Park nap?

Deplorable Patriot

Maybe on a trip to the spa?

Valerie Curren

Love from across the pond 🙂


This is the hand of God at work. He who the Lord favors, his followers favor.
Donald Trump is THE leader of the free and civilized world. And the free, civilized world knows it, too.

Valerie Curren

Amen, FG&C!


And, should that happen, he would be my brother.

Valerie Curren



Holy fuck! Micron getting redpilled. The yellow vests and Potus must have him scared shitless


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Valerie Curren

Seeing Trump–what a treasure!


One can’t expect vile filth to recognize historic greatness, even when vile filth see it.
“ For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools…
Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.“
From Romans 1, beginning at verse 24


Hitler phones Biden

Valerie Curren

“We’re gonna save the world–no biggie”

Valerie Curren

The detestable Weissman–hear it in Levin’s voice!


Sidney Powell is going to hang this cockroach’s nuts on her car’s rear view mirror before all is said and done.

Valerie Curren

He needs to be in prison along w/ all the coup conspirators!


Got to find them first


I don’t remember who originally posted this link, but this is a great article about Sidney Powell by someone who knows her. Lots of information I didn’t know.
I Know Sidney Powell. She Is Telling the Truth

Deplorable Patriot

“This woman had quite a career behind her. An evangelical Christian, she’d been a federal prosecutor — and quit, outraged at the corruption she saw among her colleagues. She did more than quit. Horrified by prosecutors hiding exculpatory evidence and targeting the innocent because of their personal politics, she became a defense attorney, to help people fight the feds.”
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Yep, she was recruited.


Valerie Curren

Sounds like the cabal may be getting ready to drop another plandemic on our heads.

Sadie Slays

“Operation Dark Winter was the code name for a senior-level bio-terrorist attack simulation conducted on June 22–23, 2001. It was designed to carry out a mock version of a covert and widespread smallpox attack on the United States.


I remember after the Anthrax scare, that there was a lot of talk about a Smallpox attack.
This was after 09/11/01, though.
As I recall, the vaccine for Smallpox can be used to counteract it when someone has been exposed and infected.
Trouble was, at that time…there was no stockpile of the Smallpox vaccine.
The disease had been de-listed as a threat.
The Bush administration was supposed to be taking care of that, and getting the vaccine supply built up.
I wonder if they did?
The vaccine does not last forever, though.
I was surprised to learn that it only lasts for 7 to 10 years.


Some say it’s even less than that…and we should get a booster after 3 to 5 years.


You’re not 7-10 years on from being a kid?

Deplorable Patriot

I think I was in the last year to get the smallpox scar. Maybe my sister, but I know my brothers don’t have one.

Deplorable Patriot

No, I am not thinking of chickenpox. I broke out with CP on Palm Sunday 1981 along with my sister and two of my brothers, two weeks after the other one broke out.
I have a smallpox vaccination scar. I know my brothers don’t. I’m not sure about my sister, and she’s 13 months younger than me.

Deplorable Patriot

My one brother was REALLY sick with it. Me next. The youngest was four at the time and he screamed the loudest. “I ITCH. I ITCH.”
My mother had given up booze for Lent and went and bought a big bottle for Holy Week figuring the Almighty had sent her her penance for the duration.

Deplorable Patriot

Prior to puberty, it wasn’t. I’m not sure what the rationale was since when I was little parents practically had CP parties to be sure the kids got it while they were little.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, and I also still have chicken pox scars, although they are hard to see anymore.


Smallpox is serious shit. I hope they haven’t got that up their sleeves ice. Because this is becoming an emergency for them

Plain Jane

Night, night all. God bless.



Deplorable Patriot

Yes, and what to me is STUNNING is not just the number of people in media, but in all segments of the system willing to cheat and lie and all the other truly uncivilized and sinful behavior just to either save their own skins or maintain the status quo.
And these people claim to go to Church.
One of the things about being Catholic, well, most of us hard-liners anyway, is we’re taught not to compromise on morality because, well, if this compromise against Church teaching doesn’t hurt, then why not compromise over here.
That’s really what I’m seeing. Compromised morality.
Unreal. Although, after some of my own personal experiences with “chosen ones” I should not be surprised.


I have a few favorite verses of Scripture. One of them is, Jesus marveled at the hardness of their hearts. Sure is a lot packed into that short sentence. The part that jumped at me is that the Creator of the universe Himself was somewhat amazed at what His creation could do. As if He knew it all but the depth He did not know.
Hardness of heart = sold out to Satan. Lots of cleaning needed there.


Please please PLEASE have a tape recording!!! 🙏🏼

Deplorable Patriot

NSA has it all.
FISA works both ways.
Rest easy. They’ve got this.


That last one is new information and should prove interesting.

Gail Combs

“…an insider in the DOJ….”
Would that be Ezra Cohen-Watnick??? Remember in April 2018, Ezra Cohen-Watnick was named national security adviser to Attorney General Jeff Sessions.


I don’t think so.
I think it would have to be someone who was “in on the call” because they were thought to be on the Socialist’s side.
But I could be wrong.

Valerie Curren

symbolism & slogan


In case you don’t know…that is a meme, Valorie.
The real Dominion logo doesn’t have that blue ‘ballot’ coming out of the box like that.

Valerie Curren

OK, thanks Wheatie. The meme-master surely nailed the spirit at work there though!!!


Yes! Yes he did.


This is their logo:comment image


Yep, but the meme is more accurately



Valerie Curren



Biden seems to be off to a rocky start.
This isn’t new but the last part of it is, Biden has called upon his constituents asking his base for donations to raise about seven million dollars so he can continue to do his transition without money from the GSA. Looking at the comments on Biden’s twitter asking for this money his base is less than thrilled with the idea on account they don’t have no money, with many calling on him to get the money from his rich donors.
Then there is this from the guy who is going to lock down the country for 4 to 6 weeks with his country wide restrictions. His birthday party! No masks, no distancing. These people are clueless about optics.


Okay, seeing this above maybe from 2019. False Alarm but it seems to be having an effect.


Valerie Curren

Jack’s pants on fire

Gail Combs

What in Hades is ‘Speaking Truth to Power”
I google fooed it since I was curious and it is as vomit worthy as I thought.
“Speaking truth to power is a non-violent political tactic, employed by dissidents against the received wisdom or propaganda of governments they regard as oppressive, authoritarian or an ideocracy. The phrase originated with a pamphlet, Speak Truth to Power: a Quaker Search for an Alternative to Violence, published by the American Friends Service Committee in 1955. Speak Truth To Power is also the title of a global Human Rights initiative under the auspices of Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights. Practitioners who have campaigned for a more just and truthful world have included Vaclav Havel[1], Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Mahatma Gandhi, the Dalai Lama and Elie Wiesel.[2]” — WIKI
“Empowering Dialog” YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING!
How do you have a ‘Dialog with this?


What in Hades is ‘Speaking Truth to Power”
Not sure either but I suspect you will be able to recognize it when when you are either kicked off, suspended, or have a disclaimer attached to your post.

Valerie Curren

I associate that phrase w/ the Clinton era & the beginning of so-called “political correctness” aka moral bankruptcy & exchanging truth for a lie! Nice catch!


You won’t be standing when that trapdoor opens beneath you, Jack.
Sleep tight, betrayer.

Valerie Curren



The cumulative level of f*ckery is starting to get to people — https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/11/the_lefts_utter_nonsense.html


The “History Instructing Youth” illustration reminded me of the Oneida colony ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oneida_Community ).
OTOH, I might just be suspicious of anything that purports to “instruct youth”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Catholicus Romanus
Free Speech
Soviet propaganda expert: COVID isolation ‘blatantly and obviously cover for social control’
‘What this COVID thing is doing is basically putting us each in kind of a vault,’ said Stella Morabito, who was stationed in the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
Fri Nov 20, 2020 – 9:06 pm EST
Soviet propaganda expert: COVID isolation ‘blatantly and obviously cover for social control’
What this COVID thing is doing is basically putting us each in kind of a vault, said Stella Morabito, who was stationed in the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
View Link Feed
1 repost


Yup, and bankruptcy of individuals and small business is one of the main aims. Then the beneficent state will “save” them.


Then the ChiComs and Globalist Cabal can come in and buy up everything at firesale prices.


They are literally making war on our society, right on down to burning down businesses, beating and murdering people, and threatening us with every threat imaginable.
I had a intellectual friend from India remark to me just the other day…and I paraphrase…
“The restraint demonstrated by rational, peace-loving Americans in the face of all that has been forced upon them is, to me, is not only entirely remarkable but the hope of the free world. I say this because everyone knows that when those same Americans turn violent, as a last resort, it shakes the whole planet.”

Gail Combs

The Globalists are following the ‘Battle Plan’ laid out years ago.
They missed one vital step along the way. Hitlery was supposed to install a far-left Justice in the Supreme Court and then REMOVE OUR GUNS!
OOPS!comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Verse of the Day for Saturday, November 21, 2020

“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”
Proverbs 4:23 (KJV)


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


Saturday Blessingcomment image


Jesus Loves Babies…Pray for the Unborncomment image
Jesus Loves the Little Children – Pray for the Little Childrencomment image
Jesus Loves You – Come to Himcomment image


Be My Voicecomment image


Good Saturday morning Duchess!
love the hummers!!
have a Blessed day!


Howdy, Patty!!! Thought the flowers would bring a smile – did not think of the hummers – but, hey – what works for you works for me – 🙂
Busy day yesterday taking advantage of the short ‘warm spell’ – almost finished mulching the trees (lots of them – mind you) – maintenance guy late in taking care of this – he was busy – hopefully, it will get done before Thanksgiving.
God Bless Your Day, too – HUGS!!!


HUGS back to you!!
you were busy!
probably a firewood day for us today…bear season opens today, but we don’t usually hear too many shots–the bears are scarce…


* Received and Appreciated *
Good girl – on the firewood – essential – Bears already? The geese seem to have disappeared – too quickly – they should be moving south – some hunters pick them off before Thanksgiving – but, it is eerily quiet – what’s up with that?
Bears scarce? That is weird, too, Pat!!!


nah…they’re moving south…easier to find dumpsters with food…LOL


Who is moving south – the bears? If so, when will they hibernate? Too early? Help!!!


in general they’re moving south…where we used to live–hundred of miles from here and very populated, there are more and more bear sightings…


Oh, I never saw them as migratory at all, Pat!
I was so sad the other day – about 1/2 mile down the block – they are clearing land – for a house – maybe – dunno for sure – but, since this is a residential area – probably.
A little baby deer was sitting out in the open all by himself looking so forlorn – maybe, everyone left him – I prayed – when I passed by on my way home – he was gone – I hope he is ok – and trust God – he is! This hurts more than you know – not just the lone deer – but, our neighborhood becoming more like suburbia than country – where the deer have no place to go for cover from the hunters who will soon be shooting up a storm – * Sigh *


most hunters will bypass the small ones.
bears have a 50 miles radius they travel in search of food…


Oh, I see – it is all about finding food – Got it!


there’s a quaint ice cream shop in the next town over…and every summer their dumpster behind their shop is full of ice cream containers. a family of bears has adopted the dumpster as their buffet–traffic stops while mama and her cubs walk to the dumpsters and feast. so far there’s been no incidents…


How novel!!! Treating the kidlets to ice cream – Good Mama Bear!!!


they’re fun to watch…at a respectful distance of course


Of course – lol


Faith and Hopecomment image


…’“Unfortunately, last evening, Dominion Voting Systems lawyered up, and backed out of their commitment to the people of Pennsylvania to provide their input in a public format.”’… Rep. Grove
Sme interesting comments too.


Gee, that’s confidence-building transparency that undermines the #StopTheSteal narrative, isn’t it?

Sadie Slays

WOW…Anons found a Washington Post article from 2007 claiming that Tucker Carlson was a “regular” at Comet Ping Pong.
Yes, THAT Comet Ping Pong.
“The appeal of such a venue is broad. Families appreciate the joint for the obvious (be warned: the sounds of restless little ones can easily outmuscle Dean Martin and Rosemary Clooney on the soundtrack), and the stargazing can be prime. Among the VIP regulars are ballet director Septime Webre and talking head Tucker Carlson, but even Donald Rumsfeld has dropped by for a pie.”

Sadie Slays

Also, Tucker “tried to join the CIA” according to his Wiki.comment image


I’ll just leave this here….

I wrote about this in 2014/2015, followed the dynamic and refreshed it again in 2017. However, with increased sunlight on the agenda of Fox News, perhaps a review of this history is needed again.
Two of those outside FOX voices were Laura Ingraham and Tucker Carlson; so it was not a surprise to see FOX News Rupert Murdoch hire them later as prime-time hosts. This is all about following the money and the FOX agenda; ie. inside baseball stuff…

.comment image


This is…disturbing.
Thank you, Sadie, for letting us know about this.
Six months ago, I would’ve dismissed it as Tucker being clueless about what went on there at Comet Pizza…and that he probably just went there for the pizza & hobnobbing.
And this was even my initial reaction to reading this, out of habit.
But after thinking about it for awhile…was this ‘blackmail material’?
Is this what [they] have on him — and why he must do their bidding?
I can’t help but wonder.


Thread on the tiny agency that certifies voting machines.


Yikes. 😬
In other words…the tiny agency, EAC – Election Assistance Commission…is populated with ex-Dominion people.
Our elections operated on the honor system for years.
It has been easily taken over by evil people who have no honor.


I’m currently working to root out a mess in my local community. These people are entrenched and feel justified in all they do.
Going to the state is a problem because the state is part of the corrupt system and hesitates to enforce laws, especially with other elected officials.
We have local elections down here that have never been certified but the people took office anyway.
At this point I think we need to either start a new party (in Tea Party image) or somehow gain control of the state and local Republican party machine.


Good for you, Grandmaintexas!
Dems have been trying to turn red states blue…and they lie, cheat and have no shame about doing whatever it takes to win.
Even here in OK it is a constant battle.


Rudi’s latest Podcast about the election:
LEGAL STRATEGY: Multiple Pathways To Victory | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 88


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SIAP but worth a repost imho….


Powell says “He was insulting, demanding and rude and I told him to never contact me again.”
That’s a smackdown not a feud Dinesh.


True, but he made far more important points that deserve highlighting. Tucker could easily confirm much what SP has been saying, and it is telling that he has not.

Gail Combs

1. LOTS of mil planes and Helos in the air About 1,000 more than the usual… “200-300 aircraft. For the last week there has been 1200+ in the air. “comment image

President-Elect Curious Camo @CuriousCamo
· Nov 18
Our DOJ ✈ N721AL has landed back in DC after its 3 day stay in Toronto Canada….
Think nothing is happening, think again.

3. Linken pages scrubbed by Dominion Personel, Offices in Denver and Toronto shuttered.
4. Sydney Powell said the Dominion people have DISAPPEARED…🤣 Trump’s EO makes elections NATIONAL SECURITY.
5. Nov 10th Chris Miller became acting defense secretary. He is a former Green Beret who served with 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne).
6. NYT — “A purge of the senior civilians at the Pentagon and the ascension of a similar hard-line policy official to a top job at the National Security Agency have prompted concerns…”(Snicker)
….a. Anthony J. Tata — Performing the duties of the under secretary of defense for policy
“He called Islam “the most oppressive violent religion” and referred to President Barack Obama as a “terrorist leader.”…”
….b. Ezra Cohen-Watnick — Acting under secretary of defense for intelligence and security
“He returned to the administration in May, this time to the Pentagon as deputy assistant secretary of defense for counternarcotics and global threats. His new post is his fourth job in the Trump administration.”
….c. Kashyap Patel — Chief of staff, Defense Department

He is perhaps best known as a former aide to Mr. Nunes, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, with whom he worked closely to discredit the Justice Department’s investigation into ties between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia. Mr. Patel was the primary author of a politically charged 2018 memo, released by Mr. Nunes over the objections of the F.B.I. and intelligence officials, that accused federal officials of political bias against Mr. Trump.
Early last year, Mr. Patel took a job in the Trump White House, first overseeing international organizations and then counterterrorism.
During the impeachment proceedings against Mr. Trump, Fiona Hill, who served as the White House’s senior director for Eurasian and Russian affairs, told House investigators that she believed Mr. Patel had been taking on an improper role in Ukraine policy and was sending information to Mr. Trump. WTF!!! POTUS is not SUPPOSED to get foreign policy info??

…d. Michael Ellis — General counsel, National Security Agency

After serving as senior director for intelligence at the National Security Council, Mr. Ellis was appointed this week to be general counsel of the National Security Agency, one of the most influential legal posts in the intelligence community. Mr. Ellis was chosen after the White House put pressure on the Pentagon. Because it is a Civil Service position, Mr. Ellis would continue in the job into the next administration…
Mr. Ellis, a graduate of Dartmouth College and Yale Law School, was the general counsel for what was then the Republican majority on the House Intelligence Committee. There, he helped lead investigations by Mr. Nunes and won his confidence.
Mr. Ellis moved to the White House early in Mr. Trump’s term, and provided Mr. Nunes with intelligence reports that associates of Mr. Trump were swept up in foreign surveillance by American intelligence agencies. The material is at the heart of Mr. Trump’s frequent accusation that the Obama administration spied on his campaign…

ALL from NYT *https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/11/business/new-leaders-pentagon-nsa.html
I think the Dominion people did not have TIME to head for their rat holes before being scooped up.
Want PROOF?? How about the people and the information seized from their offices?

Gail Combs

Use of the military during a DECLARED National Emergency.
US Marshals could actually do the law enforcement aspect with military assistance. Or Military veterans could be deputized as Wictor has suggested.comment imagecomment image

….Law enforcement is, however, something else, particularly since the military has no appetite for anything suggesting “martial law.” In thinking about the military possibly enforcing the law, it’s essential to carefully distinguish between the legal statuses of the National Guard (and other state military forces), and Federal military forces (e.g, the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines), to include National Guardsmen who have been called to Federal service.
As a general proposition, Federal military forces are precluded by the Posse Comitatus Act (or DoD directive) from performing law enforcement duties. The relevant DoD directive is DoDD 5525.5, DoD Cooperation with Civilian Law Enforcement Officials, January 15, 1986. There are, however, times when Federal military forces can be used to enforce the law because of a specific statute permitting them to do so, or because of an inherent Constitutional power. Regarding the latter, here’s an extract from DoDD 5525.5 that describes some of the legal authority that might be especially relevant:

Actions that are taken under the inherent right of the U.S. Government, a sovereign national entity under the U.S. Constitution, to ensure the preservation of public order and to carry out governmental operations within its territorial limits, or otherwise in accordance with applicable law, by force, if necessary. This authority is reserved for unusual circumstances, and will be used only under DoD Directive 3025.12 (reference (l)), which permits use of this power in two circumstances: The emergency authority authorizes prompt and vigorous Federal action, including use of military forces, to prevent loss of life or wanton destruction of property and to restore governmental functioning and public order when sudden and unexpected civil disturbances, disaster, or calamities seriously endanger life and property and disrupt normal governmental functions to such an extent that duly constituted local authorities are unable to control the situation. (Emphasis added.)
Protection of Federal property and functions authorizes Federal action, including the use of military forces, to protect Federal property and Federal Government functions when the need for protection exists and duly constituted local authorities are unable or decline to provide adequate protection. [My Emphasis added.– GC]

….Importantly, during peacetime the U.S. Coast Guard is part of the Department of Homeland Security, and not the Department of Defense. While its main focus during the natural disasters we’ve seen lately is search and rescue as well as providing other aid, the Coast Guard does have explicit law enforcement powers, mainly on the high seas and in U.S. waters (highlighted recently by record seizures of illegal drugs).
Finally, it’s worth noting that U.S. Northern Command maintains Joint task Force Civil Support. Despite its title, the mission of the unit doesn’t include addressing natural disasters like hurricanes. Rather, its purpose is “providing command and control of Department of Defense forces deployed to support a Primary Agency (PA) managing the consequences of a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or high-yield explosive (CBRN) incident in the United States and its territories and possessions.” Along this line, there is a new (June 2, 2017) CRS report entitled Stafford Act Assistance and Acts of Terrorism that talks about how the law applies to those situations, and reviews how the Act worked in response to specific terrorist acts in the past.

Stafford Act Assistance and Acts of Terrorism


Love this, Gail – Thanks for the research – God Bless You Real Good!!!

Deplorable Patriot

“I think the Dominion people did not have TIME to head for their rat holes before being scooped up.”
People at the top are just going to disappear.


Is my logic here sound?
1) There is an Executive Order declaring that our Elections are matters of national security.
2) As such, any threat to our elections would be considered terrorist acts.
3) Under the Patriot Act, terrorists can be held indefinitely and interrogated without benefit of counsel.
4) When Special Operations, now under the direct command of Chris Miller, SecDef, runs an operation against terrorists, civilians don’t know about it until we are told.
I think you are correct, the Dominion employees and executives that have “disappeared” are not on the lam, they have been “scooped up” and are being interrogated. They are terrorists. They have no rights. We will hear about the ones who make deals and testify. The others may never be heard from again.


general question for all, because it may be my fault…unknown…
on my wordpress account…my profile and whatever…this morning when i logged in, all the comments/replies to my comments were gone. vanished. the likes were there–to a point.
does wordpress itself automatically clean them out every so often? did I do something to delete them?
if you replied to me after whatever time i logged off last night and i didn’t like or respond…forgive me…I don’t see them anymore…
I can see things happening this morning since i logged on…so maybe i did it myself…anybody know????


That’s bizarre, Pat.
Even if you cleared cookies, that shouldn’t happen.
I’m sorry it’s happened to you…I don’t know what would’ve caused it.


ok then…my blanket apology to everyone–not being rude–just a “glitch” I guess….


No need to apologize; it’s a weird thing to happen.
You’re talking about the stuff in your sidebar notifications, right?
That was empty when you logged in?
Because your comments that you made yesterday are still there.


yeah the replies to my comments…completely empty this morning. when i logged out last night there were a few I didn’t get to respond to…gone this morning…


This is not a joke. It’s really not.
NY Gov. Cuomo to receive an Emmy Award for his pandemic leadership and ‘masterful’ use of TV to ‘calm’ people around the world
New York Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been selected to receive this year’s International Emmy Founder’s Award “in recognition of his leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic and his masterful use of television to inform and calm people around the world,” the organization announced in a news release Friday.


If AG Barr had any balls worthy of this moment in history he would indict this cretin for murder and serve the arrest warrant while he was accepting this BS award.

Sue Mcdonald

Man what next? Interesting the way the elites pass out worthless trophies ,plaques ,and medals to each other isn’t it.and not a one of those worthless pieces of junk mean a damn thing.the cheaters of world know this themselves… men of the world,the world that fawns and prances over these worthless men and there worthless accolades and junk trophies.these worthless things that mean nothing absolutely nothing to the Lord of all creation.means nothing to us serfs as we know they are junk. In the darkness of there minds in the night they touch there the worthless junk and fully think how wonderful they are ,so deserving ..the day of the end comes calling and all those false idol trophies ,medals and plaques cannot save them from demise and the judgement upon the worthless lives they led.fame and fortune along with the useless junk collected at the expense of the soul is the real tragedy of these worthless men of this world.


they still think we’re in awe of whomever THEY deem worthy–hollyweird style…
so over that crap…


About as meaningful and certainly laughable as Obama’s Noble Peace prize. If he has any sense of decency (not!) he would decline and save himself the hundreds of memes and jokes that are sure to come.
As it is…another farce and degrading of the award itself for any future recipients.
But, then , Obama made the Medal Freedom a total farce, as well.


This is not a joke. It’s really not.
Uh, yea, it IS A JOKE.
Internatonal? Who gives a flying f…
MSM and big tech promote this faux award? Yawn, as people flee NYC, NYS…
Gosh I hope Fredo’s bro goes on all the news and talk shows.
Cut the cable and IGNORE the stoopidity.


It just proves their awards are less prestigious than a paper bag of cat shit


Just off phone with Kyle. With tears in my eyes, I listened as he expressed thanks to The People for your prayers, donations & support.
He prayed every day & night & said God lifted him up every time he fell.
Kyle is a hero.
So are his supporters.
Keep him in your prayers. 🙏
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) November 21, 2020


Kyle has been selected, just like POTUS.


the data sat available on the PA gov website where you could see voter data is gone…
@realDonaldTrump @DonaldJTrumpJr
PA gov website has removed open data available on their platform.
The new entry shown has 1/2 of the original data available on the file. ( now :1,823,149 , prev : 3.098 M ) pic.twitter.com/P36ak6hv11
— JR (@jayRNair) November 21, 2020


Doesn’t matter. People have already downloaded the information. Hopefully enough to convince a judge.


but it’s not suspicious at all!


The analytical geeks have been going through the PA data very carefully and supposedly certification happens on Monday.


Bannon has a guy on from Switzerland started to look into dead people voting in Pennsylvania. People joined him and kept looking and found more and more.He contacted GOP in Pennsylvania and took him a while to get the right people who would listen. He also got threads and not using his real name.
This is explosive thousands of dead people voting. Wonder how many in other districts and states are dead and voting.


well that is Biden’s base.


BTW, nice to see your posts again, NYGuy. I still remember your post about shopping for a special occasion dress! The good old days when we still had “special occasions!”


A week ago all that voter/ballot info with birthdates back to the 1850s was there. Link was at thedonald.


yup I went on a few times, emailed it to my friends…and now it’s gone…


Nothing to see here. Move along.


I just clicked the particular link that I had saved, and now it says you must have a Socrata account to access the page. WTH is that?



Deplorable Patriot

I old my mother Civil War era people voted in this election and her mouth dropped open.


Holy schiff!!
Sidney is REALLY going off in this clip!!


In a previous write up, she mentions also the Caryle Group which has cabal connections as does it connections to the Federal Reserve with two Fed Board members having been part of that group. Speaking of which another GOP Senator has quarantined because of the CV and if I didn’t know better I’d think it has something to do with not wanting PDJT to fill that open seat on FED.

Deplorable Patriot

Well…I wonder if the idea is to take out Brennan and Clapper first, and then the rest.
There has to be a reason they were left in place if Mark Esper was point blank fired. Are they deep undercover, or have the ratlines not yielded all evidence?
I mean, this stuff was left to go on as it was for a reason.


They SHOULD take out Brennen and Clapper first….and right now! Wonder if they will go down still protecting Obama?

Deplorable Patriot

Protecting Obama? In this, I am quite sure he’s on his own.
They’ll be trying to avoid The Spa, aka GITMO.


Clapper, for certain….Brennen seems like a martyr type to me…Looking for those 72 virgins, perhaps. I know…ewww.


White Rabbit News Network
Imagine a war in which the majority of one side didn’t know they were at war, ridiculed those that did, and were blindly obedient to their enemy.


I reject the premise in the first part of that sentence. They sure as hell know, and they approve of it, too.

Gail Combs

I think the phrase “…. the majority of one side didn’t know they were at war,….” refers to Normies, esp. good church going Christians who have ZERO idea of the evil underlying society and even the church.
For example I mentioned this to a friend yesterday:
“The youngest child we’ve rescued…was 2 years old. 34 men raped that 2-year-old over a 36-day period…. “ — @BooyensJaco
She got so sick she literally vomited.


THE SUPPORT FOR CHILD TRAFFICKING is the main reason (of thousands of good reasons) that I H8 H8 H8 Democrats.


Sidney Powell stated Trump Legal Team Will Sue Election Officials Who Certify Fraudulent Results. People playing with this election need to be punished for breaking the law as well as those who threaten officials. That’s the only way America will restore faith in our country!

— Herschel Walker (@HerschelWalker) November 20, 2020


Is it too much to ask the DOJ to indict election officials who certify fraudulent results?
And please show me where “intent” is a necessary pre-requisite.



Gail Combs

Title 52. VOTING AND ELECTIONS Subtitle II. Voting Assistance and Election Administration Chapter 205. NATIONAL VOTER REGISTRATION Section 20511. Criminal penalties

A person, including an election official, who in any election for Federal office—
(1)knowingly and willfully intimidates, threatens, or coerces, or attempts to intimidate, threaten, or coerce, any person
(A)registering to vote, or voting, or attempting to register or vote;
(B)urging or aiding any person to register to vote, to vote, or to attempt to register or vote; or
(C)exercising any right under this chapter; or
(2)knowingly and willfully deprives, defrauds, or attempts to deprive or defraud the residents of a State of a fair and impartially conducted election process, by—
(A)the procurement or submission of voter registration applications that are known by the person to be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in which the election is held; or
(B)the procurement, casting, or tabulation of ballots that are known by the person to be materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent under the laws of the State in which the election is held,

shall be fined in accordance with title 18 (which fines shall be paid into the general fund of the Treasury, miscellaneous receipts (pursuant to section 3302 of title 31), notwithstanding any other law), or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.

Deplorable Patriot

The DOJ, with a few exceptions, is complicit, I’m sure.
It needs to be cleaned out just like the rest, and Sidney knows it being a former federal prosecutor who quit in disgust and went into defending targets of the government to make a living.


^^^ If ever there was a “tell” that one was crooked, Comey using “intent” to free hildabeast cemented that asshoe as black hat.


This guy figured out the algorithm used in Philly. Worth looking at.


Don Jr has tested positive


(To the ethers…not @ you, Pat)
So what?
Literally…so what?
MORE than 99% of everyone in his age demo who tests positive ARE NOT AT RISK OF DYING.
We have GOT to stop playing their narrative games.


just reporting what I’m reading…if Dad beat it quickly, sure Jr will too…


He’s totally asymptomatic and had tested negative almost immediately prior. Like FG&C , I no longer have ANY faith in these tests unless someone shows overt symptoms. After all, to my knowledge there still isn’t a specific test for C-19, so it could be one of many viruses.
This past week, I have had sores in my mouth and the last 2 days a cold sore on my lower lip…both indicating a lowered immune system. Even though I have no other symptoms I would be willing to wager if I took a Virus test right now it would come back positive.


[[spraying disinfectant}} hope you feel better!!
TOTALLY JOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (except for the hope you feel better part 🙂 )


It would not surprise me if tests were “manufactured” positives. Either to produce a result or to infect someone.


I no longer have ANY faith in these tests unless someone shows overt symptoms.
^^^ Covid tests are a bad joke. We learned this months ago with false positive s and positive does not = Covid.
It’s a farce. CDC and state governments perpetuate the BS. MSM confirms the “smear” campaign, all day long.


He is asymptomatic.
He should immediately ask for four more test and see how many are positive and how many negative like Elon Musk, who had 2 positive and 2 negative.
Elon had some flue symptoms. He just went home took some flue medicine and was fine afterwards.


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Haaa…these are great, Pat!


some of them had me rolling…the guy at powerline is really good!!


Adding this one that I found on Gab:comment image


love it!!


Lol…the lady on the floor…


made me laugh too!


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Ive bought that kraken rum before. Good for dark rum…pricey, but everything is.

Steve in Lewes

A little drizzle over two scoops of vanilla ice cream as a combo desert/after dinner drink is very awesome!


Oh thats nice!


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not mine.

Harry Lime

ALL Democrats like to pretend…pretend they were under sniper fire…or that they went to Columbia University…or that they were at the top of their law class…or that they didn’t marry their brother…their entire world is make-believe…except that their horrible, life-destroying policies are all too real.comment image


Exactly so, Harry!
And I like the changes you made to that picture!



this comes from the PA Appeals Court decision to throw out 2349 ballots that did not date their envelopes in accordance with election law. the first court called that missing date a “technicality” and said the votes should be counted…but the appeals court says different. (It will probably go to PA Supreme Court–but this ruling’s wording is specific.
“It is a myth that all ballots must be counted in the absence of proof of fraud. Ballots, under the law may be set aside for ‘fraud or error.’”
“It is not the judiciary’s role, let alone the role of the elections board, to relax or ignore requirements that the general assembly, with the governor’s approval, chose to include in the election code. We do not enfranchise voters by absolving them of their responsibility to execute their ballots in accordance with law.
“The danger to our democracy is not that electors who failed to follow the law in casting their ballots will have their ballots set aside due to their own error; rather, the real danger is leaving it to each county board of election to decide what laws much be followed (mandatory) and what laws are optional (directory), providing a patchwork of unwritten and arbitrary rules that will have some defective ballots counted and other discarded, depending on the county in which a voter resides.”
Good news for Trump campaign in Pennsylvania court case yesterday. Piece by piece is how this is going to have to go.https://t.co/4eWfSv430r
— shipwreckedcrew (@shipwreckedcrew) November 20, 2020


Quite a few have changed their pics to black & white…comment image
Found on Gab.
It has to be some sort of signal…but the question is, what?


maybe these dumbasses believe they are actually fighting the color revolution by changing to black and white?


Well they are the party of regressionism.
Everything they do officially and non officially takes us farther and farther back to include their ideas with the New Green Deal and unstated support for depopulation.


I’m wondering what it means too. Anyone have any ideas?
We know a COUP is progress – so it’s something to do with their EVIL.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s some sort of a signal, I agree.
What…not sure. This one really hasn’t surfaced previously.


Over the summer there was a “Challenge Accepted” social media trend where women posted b&w pics of themselves to show support of female empowerment.


Following along with the female empowerment angle is Oprah’s OWN YOUR VOTE…
OWN YOUR VOTE is committed to a bipartisan, pro-social campaign of actions and events for and with Black women, connecting them to urgent political actions, giving their concerns a powerful microphone, and placing a spotlight on key community issues.
Signaling for Kamala? It’s a stretch but something’s up.


If you combine the descriptions of both BLACK and WHITE in this link – there might be a clue…
If you read the QUOTES in this link – there might be a clue…
If you consider the people who are doing this – you might consider what they all have in common – or what they are saying about their current predicament – or the state of their souls – or many other things about them that are coming to LIGHT – just speculating here…


Works for me. While we are the party of Dark to Light, they in turn are the party of Light to Dark in the repression of the truth and all that might be considered free.


They are definitely trying to ‘make a statement’ – however – who is joining in is important, too – just thought of something – the black/white checkered board floor – wonder if that has anything to do with this – what do you think, Para?

Cuppa Covfefe

The checkerboard floor is an Illuminati symbol…
So that would explain the black and white.
http://www.cuttingedge.org and http://www.vigilantcitizen.com have more on this and MK symbolism, in particular in the “entertainment” industry, with which they seek to indoctrinate and control us…..


True – and so is the one-eye covered – these people are way overboard in their symbolism – just making a connection in black/white, Cuppa -Btw – how many of these people are programmed – I wonder.
This is some kind of ‘signal’ – sent and received – why would certain people respond while others ignore it?


Reminds me of high school when someone says…”oh, let’s all wear our sweaters backwards tomorrow” and sure enough a flock of sheep all show up dressed that way.
One wonders WHO decides to have everyone go black and white and what influence they have to make all these sheep follow suit.
I actually find it not only silly but very amusing.

Cuppa Covfefe

It may seem silly to you, but to the occultic ultra-rich and famous, it’s both deadly serious, and deadly.
They do not do these things lightly, and, with the money, power, and fame that they have, they can pretty much do what they will.
Until GOD steps in.


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reading some more about PA’s voter fraud…a poll committee team member describes an “anomaly”…she and her husband have to cast provisional ballots because they were listed as having requested mail in ballots–they’ve always voted in person. (they never received the mail in ballots)
days AFTER the election, their mail in ballots show up…
suppose they did this all over the place–requested mail in ballots for republicans, held them back at some level till after the election…then challenged the provisional ballots…
sigh…i hate cheaters.

Deplorable Patriot

The actor Ricky Schroeder did as well.
I guess he’s a good guy after all.

Gail Combs
Gail Combs

I think Pompeo’s last statement is significant given the ‘foreign interference’ in our elections.
“….Be they the levels of evil of Anti-semitism and Radical Islamic Terrorism or the Chinese Communist repression in Xinjiang.”
Brookings Institute March 2020
Understanding China’s ‘preventive repression’ in Xinjiang

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) crackdown on Uighur and other Muslim minorities in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (XUAR) has attracted intense scrutiny and polarized the international community. At least 1 million people, maybe as many as 1.5 million, have been detained in a large network of recently constructed camps, where they undergo forced reeducation and political indoctrination….


Amen goes right there, Gail!!!


Hopefully Barr was traveling with him. Wasn’t he also on a tour in Western Europe or is it just Pompeo?


Dunno – thought it was just Pompeo – since he posted his schedule – not sure what – if anything – Barr is doing – except for that last message from him – about fraud – I think


Big voter fraud information coming out concerning Georgia. Stay tuned!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 21, 2020


My son Donald is doing very well. Thank you!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 21, 2020


This is true, but much different than reported by the media. We will show massive and unprecedented fraud! https://t.co/E1gZiqc7EP
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 21, 2020



Steve in Lewes

Hinting at declassification?
Whoa doggie…exposing the coup and voter fraud at the same time!


Who knows, Lewes?


“Let’s roll!” The passengers of that flight aren’t the only brave Patriots in America.



Yowza, Butterfly!!! Are we surprised? I do not think so!!!
People used to laugh at PT for repeating – China…China…China – little did they know why!!!


I’ve been wondering if the ChiComs were involved in this somehow.
This is yet more ‘foreign involvement’.
At what point does the military go in and seize these machines…as evidence?


Are you talking about the machines in the USA – or elsewhere, Wheatie?
And if so – what is the timing on that effort? Could they be seizing them as ‘evidence’?


The machines right here in the US.
And yes…evidence of foreign interference in our elections.



🔴 Watch LIVE: #WalkAway FAKE NEWS Takedown at CNN HQ in Atlanta


People keep saying…”Audit All 50″.
I think it would be a waste of money to do it here in OK where Pres Trump got 65% of the vote.
It’s probably better to put those funds and efforts to work in other states.


True – I wonder if they are thinking there was fraud in every state – especially, in CA – but, I hear you – not where it is obviously OK (pun intended) – however – there was a contest in NY – where an (R) won by a close margin – ~ 106 votes – what if the D’s contest that race?
I am thinking there is massive fraud in Dem states period – I cannot believe Hiden won in PA, NY, MA, RI, and VA – for example – especially, VA where there was a mess in 2018 – AND – how many of those CongressCritters now in office CHEATED in 2018?
Pardon me, Wheatie – all of this makes me so cranky – have to go and ‘scream in my purse’ or ‘scrub the bathtub’ AGAIN!!!


not every state used dvs duchess…not saying there wasn’t fraud in those states…mail in ballots, typical dem ballot box stuffing…
but makes me wonder if the 2018 elections were fraud free,


What I am saying, Pat – I think they were watching the 2018 elections – and that is how they discovered where to look – yes – I believe there was massive fraud in 2018 – we were fortunate to get the Senate – but, look what happened in the House – and in the Governor Races.
What if these machines were being used in those elections – and maybe – even in the 2016 election – I cannot believe the wicked witch got that many votes – let alone won the popular vote.
They are not going to go back and check – however – I believe PT knew about this long before it happened in 2020 – he knew ‘that other guy’ did not win!!! He knew they cheated!!!


how’s Darwin this week??


how long will he hibernate?


heat lamp??


you’re probably right


Thread by Tracey. Click on date stamp for the rest.

Deplorable Patriot

Too bad the fridge, pantry and snack drawer are filled up with food for the Turkey wake and bake on Thursday.
Young Tom and one of his breast friends are going to get roasted and toasted the old fashioned way before we bury his carcas on Friday.
Nowhere to store adult snacks….




#TRUMP #MAGAHeydonMusicPage/”BREAKING NEWS”11.21.2020


Thread Reader Unroll Helper (@UnrollHelper) Tweeted:
@treadandgetlead Hi! you can read it here: @An0n661: Enjoy these next few weeks of “normalcy”. Right now the liberal attack dogs have been called off. The media… https://t.co/0u0e7inNU4 Have a good day. 🤖


That was good…except for this part right here:
“And the bottom line is this. If Biden is actually sworn in on January 20th then we know we have all been duped. These last four years have been a hoax and we quietly place our tail between our legs and go about our lives.”
Oh hells to the no!
Biden cannot be our President! Ever!


Thats the cringy one for sure. No tail tucking…thats when uh, more than words might fly.


“But it’s not reassuring that absolutely everything he has done could be reversed in hours.”
Not everything.
Three Supreme Court Justices…that can’t be reversed.
All those Trump-appointed judges…those can’t be reversed.
And his EO’s…
Didn’t the SC rule that the EO from HusseinO which created DACA couldn’t be reversed?
That set a precedent that a presidential EO cannot be reversed, didn’t it?
But I agree that the lack of indictments has been frustrating, to say the least.

Deplorable Patriot

These are the races that will, in the end, be the difference starting next year. I honestly think there are a number of down ticket races that are going to flip.
Buzz Patterson
US House candidate, CA-7
Somehow, my district is still counting votes and I LOST 4,000 votes overnight.
8:29 PM · Nov 20, 2020


I read his tweets all the time. Im certain he won.


🎷Panther Den 🎷 (@PatriotDen_) Tweeted:
this is a war against you and your families https://t.co/ZWq61HYeog

Deplorable Patriot

We the people are officially p!$$ed off.


Same thing needs to happen at faux news in NYC.
Chants of “faux news sucks”.
All other MSM would highlight it. Slow guy would laugh, a lot.

Deplorable Patriot

It stuns people when I tell them that individuals may not, as a matter of federal law, sue vaccine makers in open court for injury, and must go through a special, secret court where the outcomes are NEVER in favor of the plaintiff.
Jane Smith
Replying to
First rule in medicine should be: Is the cure worse than the sickness? Problem is that they are, and have been for a long time, denying the harm that vaccines do. Calling people “science deniers” reminds me of calling people “conspiracy theorists”. We know all about that one.
10:32 AM · Nov 21, 2020


Robert Kennedy Jr was explaining that…the companies can be sued if there was fraud involved–in this particular case it was Gardisil and how Merck frauded the FDA by cherry picking information to release to them and not revealing 1 in 40 girls would be harmed. so they are going to sue Merck on behalf of a young girl who is now disabled after taking their vaccine…


Het Steve,
Those silver certs and all that artwork is beautiful!!!!
Ive never even seen pictures of those. I just read about fulton and morse last night for kiddo. Going to show him these.


Steve, btw, since giloo is giving you kudos of sort, I’d like to chime in w my appreciation for the knowledge you share w us ab currency history…as well as other topics.
Your openers add a welcome dimension to the knowledge we share here.
Thanks so much for your efforts.


… IMO, he’s the KRAKIN
Ezra can now investigate Domestic Terrorists and Domestic Enemies WITHOUT either FBI or DOJ!
… Watch for POTUS to TRANSFER “Counterintelligence Responsibility” from the FBI to DoD under Ezra!
… Watch for POTUS to REASSIGN the FBI to report directly to the PRESIDENT
… Just as he REASSIGNED Defense Intelligence to report directly to SecDef!
SPECIAL OPERATIONS just became their own, SEPARATE BRANCH of the Military.
… After POTUS set the precedent by creating the SPACE FORCE.
… Watch for Ezra to ELIMINATE Inter-Service Rivalry by MELDING SpecOps Teams
… Watch for POTUS to TRANSFER ALL “Covert Operations” from the CIA to SpecOps under Ezra!
… Reverting and LIMITING the CIA to the role of “Intelligence Gathering and Analysis” !
… He can now deploy SpecOps against Domestic Terrorists and Domestic Enemies 😎
… Under his Oath of Office to “Protect and Defend against ALL Enemies, Foreign and Domestic”.
RE: Tweet below:
Did you know that Ezra Cohen-Watnick just gave a speech announcing that Special Operations forces were now their own branch of the military & that Cohen-Watnick would serve as their service secretary?
— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) November 21, 2020
BTW, Ezra’s age 34.
His bio is revelatory.


RE: Ezra’s Announcement (SecDef Miller in the front row]


DominionGate TAKEDOWN after OBAMA-CIA-ChYna-GLOBALIST CABAL attempt to STEAL the USA from her Citizens.


How fast can this be done? Are we talking right now or IF the election results certify for POTUS?


IMO, all is underway “beneath the surface” and continual revelations will update us on actions … like moves on a chessboard reveal-and-disguise upcoming scenarios.


Ezra is not the Kraken, Knight!!! The Kraken is a ‘program’ of sorts – but, he is in charge of ‘Releasing the Kraken’ – imho!!!
As usual – Great Post, Knight!!!


I think Rex’s very first tweet in his thread is very important.


Dora, Holley, Tonawanda, Brave ( I know you got out), and NY Guy: Look at this!!!


Good grief…did you see him doing his Al Pacino impersonation? They’re not confused you’re confused


No – read about it – but, try to avoid listening to him at all – as well as the other (4) Dictator Governors – if you know what I mean, Holley!!! All Egomaniacs!!!


‘ Look at this!!!’
Do I have to? 🙂


Nope – Press the IGNORE Button, Dora!!!
Maybe, if we ignore him – he will go away – and take the other (4) Dictator Governors with him!!!

Brave and Free

Yup should have left year’s ago. This reminds me of all the false gods in the OT. Man makes his own idols out of wood, silver and gold. They all are following their own gods and we know how that worked out.


A student loan bailout would do almost nothing for the economy
Shocker – bailing out student loans does almost ZILCH to stimulate the economy. Go figure.
My comments: In reality student loan bailouts aren’t about bailing out students, but giving giant PAYDAYS to LEFT WING INTERESTS who RIGGED the entire student loan system under Obama. They created a fake “crisis” and now they are looking for a giant payoff.
* Increased powers to go after delinquent debt
* Students would have to apply for it – not automatically granted, and then subject to Obama-style gaming
* “Forgiveness” is only provisional and partial
* Debt loads stay on the books
* “Forgiveness” really becomes partial payoff, refinancing, and LOCK IN NEW TERMS that PUNISH people
* Ruin credit scores
* Loan companies, not the students, get the cash payoff. The financial institution provides a number to the government about how big they want their check to be, rather than vouchers going to the students to pay off individual loans
* Writing off “forgiven” debt as tax losses – not the actual amount that students are given, but an inflated calculation of the “costs” and “expenses” and over-valuing the benefits to students. ALL FOR MASSIVE TAXBREAKS.
* If an industry needs a bailout, why not give them a tax shelter too while they “get back on their feet”?
* All student loans are rigged to go through Leftist banks. They’re the ones laughing b/c they get double and triple payoffs from this scam
* Meanwhile, the Banks to Academia Money Scam continues to fund another generation of campus radicalism and administrative entrenchment. As well as keeping alive failing leftist institutions.
No wonder Liz Warren wants it so bad.


Colleges should have to cosign for all the student loans that they are the beneficiary of!
Then colleges would start caring about the Job Market for the degrees they are turning out.
Worthless degrees proliferated to an absurd level when student loans became easy to get.
And tuition rates skyrocketed as well.
What a scam!
Taxpayers should Not have to bail out these banks who made student loans.
No way!


especially when some of the students use student loans to fund spring breaks…and other non necessities…


Smart thinking?



Take two minutes to read these sayings and be sure to read all the way to the bottom:
Written by Andy Rooney, a man who had the gift of saying so much with so few words.
Rooney has passed away but used to be on CBS’s 60 Minutes TV show.
I’ve learned …
That being kind is more important than being right.
I’ve learned …
That when you harbor bitterness, happiness will dock elsewhere.
I’ve learned …
That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world.
I’ve learned … m
That the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.
I’ve learned …
That when you’re in love, it shows.
I’ve learned …
That money doesn’t buy class.
I’ve learned ….
That just one person saying to me, ‘You’ve made my day!’ makes my day.
I’ve learned….
That you should never say no to a gift from a child.
I’ve learned …
That I can always pray for someone when I don’t have the strength to help him in any other way.
I’ve learned….
That no matter how serious your life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to act goofy with.
I’ve learned …
That sometimes all a person needs is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.
I’ve learned …
That simple walks with my father around the block on summer nights when I was a child did wonders for me as an adult.
I’ve learned …
That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.
I’ve learned …
That it’s those small daily happenings that make life so spectacular.
I’ve learned ..
That under everyone’s hard shell is someone who wants to be appreciated and loved.
I’ve learned …
That to ignore the facts does not change the facts.
I’ve learned …
That when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you.
I’ve learned …
That love, not time, heals all wounds.
I’ve learned …
That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am.
I’ve learned …
That everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile.
I’ve learned …
That no one is perfect until you fall in love with them.
I’ve learned …
That life is tough, but I’m tougher.
I’ve learned …
That opportunities are never lost; someone will take the ones you miss.
I’ve learned …
That I wish I could have told my Mom that I love her one more time before she passed away.
I’ve learned …
That one should keep his words both soft and tender, because tomorrow he may have to eat them.
I’ve learned….
That a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.
I’ve learned …
That when your newly born grandchild holds your little finger in his little fist, you’re hooked for life.
I’ve learned …
That everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.
I’ve learned …
That the less time I have to work with, the more things I get done.
To all of you …
Make sure you read all the way down to the last sentence.
It’s National Friendship Week … Show your friends how much you care. Send this to everyone you consider a FRIEND, even
if it means sending it back to the person who sent it to you. If it comes back to you, then you’ll know you have a circle of friends.
Now send this to every friend you have!
This was sent to me by a friend
Thanks for listening!!!


i really adored Andy…


He was a treasure – wasn’t he?


Hmmm…very interesting, Steve.





This is an excellent Powell tweet, Dora. I was going to bring it over. Folks should pay attention to her words – she’s referencing POTUS! He can sit back with popcorn and watch the show.
She wouldn’t have said this unless she knew what she was talking about. 🙂



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


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For anyone, anytime who needs a lift on WINNING, WINNING, WINNING:

Plain Jane

Thanks BKR, this made me recapture my Adrenalin..


EIGHTY million Americans agreed with President Trump on 3 November.

Deplorable Patriot

Perusing GAB:
QAnon and the Great Awakening
@markzilla Holy Guacamole we are at war. China is attacking us with all that they have got. “The Hundred-Year Marathon: China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower,” by Michael Pillsbury outlined this way ahead of his time.
Pillsbury conned on the ChiCom agenda as early as when China sent artists to DC in diplomatic exchanges to do subversive pieces like blowing up giant Christmas Trees on the Mall under Obama. While Nancy Pelosi and Shillary were overjoyed, and saw to it that the artist got a gold medal from the State Dept., Pillsbury saw the paean to anarchy and warfare against the West that liberals burned out their eyes rather than see.
His keen sight won Pillsbury an award from the only CIA Director known to have been assassinated.comment image
It’s me
It’s me
LIN WOOD interview this morning. “Be careful who you think are real Republicans right now.” “Lot of China money involved in this country right now. And a lot of it found its way to the Governor and the Secretary State of Georgia.”

Deplorable Patriot

Looking for the video or audio.

Deplorable Patriot

Here we go. Start at the 4:50 mark.


Got snow, Stever?


Oh – would not know what a typical November there would be – only know flowers bloom in February – and most of the time – there is no grass growing – don’t ask how I know.


#PhilWickham #GoodnessofGod #lightoftheworld
Goodness of God – Songs From Home – Phil Wickham (Lyrics)




🔴 Watch LIVE: Stop The Steal Protest in Atlanta, GA- LIVE COVERAGE

Deplorable Patriot


Deplorable Patriot

I’m beginning to understand the need for a plan for mass arrests. It’s not the top of the DoJ and FBI so much as the rank and file who are permanent employees.
You want to hear something that will irritate you? Because it irritates me. Unfortunately, I know a lot of doj FBI people, they are already hanging president Biden and vp Kamala pictures in their offices
Doesn’t instill confidence into any investigation into election fraud
12:50 PM · Nov 21, 2020


For all the DOJ FBI traitors – “Executive Order on Creating Schedule F In the Excepted Service.”


hah! clever


My view:
This is what it’s going to come down to. We are still in the “show and tell” phase. More politicians and JUDGES are going to be exposed. I’m not going to be surprised if the legal path is blocked. More people need to be shown the depth of corruption, not just the voting fraud, but the depth and breadth of the corruption. We, who have been following this are pretty aware of it, but are hoping the system will still prevail without having to take up arms.
The first link is a good overview of the act including historical use and changes. The two second links are to the act itself, and the third link is the reason for useage that I think will be employed. I don’t think it’s ever been used in the context it will be employed. The focus has always been on military uprisings which is not what we are currently facing.
I think things are being prepared for taking care of the insurrection. Sec. Pompeo was so definite in his statement that Buydem will never be president. We’ve been wondering about the extraordinary increase of military plane activity. We’ve been talking about the new acting Sec of Def, Miller and acting Undersecretary of Def for Intel, ECW and looking forward to what that could signify. They are being readied for taking back our country under the Insurrection act.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

As long as they’re not preparing this stuff to be used by “President Harris” against US as the “insurrection” – which I half suspect.
We are up against a VERY sneaky enemy.


I that that whatever is going to happen will occur before that. Trump could employ forces now because insurrection is happening now, but it’s being shown how bad things are.
I think there are 2 avenues, to try to go the “legal” avenue up to and including the house of representatives voting, but if there are too many traitors, then congress will be informed about insurrection. That’s all that needs to be done if I’m understanding the law correctly. Most of the “rules” about insurrection deal specifically with physical forms of insurrection.
I think declaration of insurrection will happen sooner or later, the timing is WHEN it will be deployed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s going to be interesting!


That’s for sure!


I know – Fox News – But – Please read the scrolled evidence
Sheriffs balk at enforcing state Thanksgiving capacity restrictions

Deplorable Patriot

One year delta as pointed out by @USPATRIQT41020comment imagecomment image

Brave and Free

Sounds like this could have been written today. Future proves past.


Victoria Jackson is so cute! Live right now.
yes, best to be there in person but live stream if you can’t be there in person.
Good to know so many conservatives are willing to go to thse events to make sure our elected leaders know where the voters stand.


Robby Starbuck and his wife speaking. He announced at last week’s rally that he is running for US Congress here in TN. She is also a firecracker and passionate about human trafficking


Unfortunately we have to have a facebook account to see this. Not happening.


FB will pop up a screen and all you have to do is click “not now”. Scroll down several posts and there is the live video. Its no longer live but it was another great event.
One can view many facebook accounts without having a facebook account


Okay, sees the not now button. Good to know.
Mean while got this.
Your Request Couldn’t be Processed
There was a problem with this request. We’re working on getting it fixed as soon as we can.


FB is very similar to twitter … I don’t have a twitter account but I can go to anyone’s twitter account and read it. I go to President Trump twitter account every day to read it.
Most fb pages are set up the same way.


Yes, I thought so too, but tried to open the vid and it said I had to sign into my account to view. I think this is new attempt to subdivide.


Not this one. Couldn’t get on without a logon which I don’t have.


Not if you block scripts from facebook.
Incidentally, if you block scripts from twitter, you can read tweets on “legacy Twitter” — which is being discontinued December 15. After that point, you will have allow Twitter to run programs in your browser in order to see pages.


Apparently gotta be a FB wonk to see it.

Deplorable Patriot

Even the pigeons are getting into this.


@TeamCavuto @HaroldFordJr
It’s so dishonest to claim “Trump lawyers” are responsible for ALL the lawsuits across the country.
We have THREE lawsuits (MI, PA, NV). About to file a fourth in Georgia.
Once again for the people in the back: THREE.
— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) November 21, 2020


smaller lawsuits that have been dismissed or whatever are being touted as Trump losses and if irc she’s saying those are not OURS…we have 3-


ok good…


does it matter, isn’t he an ahole?


On #NationalAdoptionDay, I would like to thank @CCAInstitute for their dedication to ensuring children’s safety & finding them a forever home. Today & everyday, it’s programs like Angels in Adoption that #BeBest is proud to support. https://t.co/QekJaNjLGW
— Melania Trump (@FLOTUS) November 21, 2020
Join @FLOTUS today in celebrating National Adoption Day, November 21st! Hear her remarks on the importance of a family for every child. #NationalAdoptionDay #ALLINforWaitingKids https://t.co/XQjjSlsk89
— CCAI (@CCAInstitute) November 21, 2020


Your daily reminder that ropes found on or around Jesse Smollett and Bubba Wallace received more FBI and media scrutiny than a national election with unexplained voter turnout.
— Rising serpent 🇺🇸 (@rising_serpent) November 20, 2020


Georgia Gov Kemp: To certify or not to certify.
But he’s really asking …. Do I want to go to jail or do I not want to go to jail.
— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) November 21, 2020


The good news is, IMO, Kemp and his Secretary of State are going to jail. Only thing that can help him is turn “states”, or should I say, Federal witness.
Lin Wood was quite clear about that, earlier today.


EXCLUSIVE: Brilliant! America’s Minutemen and Women Just Uncovered the Dominion Plot Transferring Vote Ratios between Pennsylvania Precincts (VIDEO) @JoeHoft via @gatewaypundit https://t.co/YKklecB7Xh
— Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) November 21, 2020

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – that is a SMART BUST of an algorithm.


Why must citizens, lawyers, and @OANN do the FBI’s job for them?
Why are Dominion employees scrambling, hiding, and emptying out offices?
Do they know they’ve been caught?
Debuting TONIGHT my special investigation:
“Dominion-izing the Vote” 10pm EST.pic.twitter.com/Gf4lEtPrXp
— Chanel Rion OAN (@ChanelRion) November 21, 2020


And don’t forget Tom Fitton’s group that not only uncover but go right in sue in various states….again, a job that should be done by our own taxpayer-funded agencies.


got back from our errands (to the county seat) and it doesn’t appear that any Trump signs are put away–all proudly displayed still.
but i did notice one STOP THE STEAL sign and one DEMS CHEATED sign…
not a single biden sign remains that i saw


Good for these New Yorkers!


After US, Here Is How Smartmatic Is Planning To Rig Indian Elections
Did you know the voting machine company Smartmatic accused of vote switching and foreign interference in 2020 US Elections is also accused of smuggling biometric census database of Indians to Taiwan to create a parallel database for rigging Indian Elections through their voting machines.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Betting Taiwan in this case is siply a “front” for Mainland ChiComs.


nice article detailing the efforts of the AMISTAD Project in investigating and uncovering election fraud…
The common violations across the six states include the following:
Systematic efforts by election officials to correct defective ballots in heavily Democratic areas but not Republican ones
Lack of enforcement of voter identification laws
Denying Republicans the ability to observe and certify ballot completion, as required by law
Denying Republicans the opportunity to watch mail-in ballots being trucked and unloaded at large tabulation facilities
Failing to check signatures on mail-in ballots and corresponding documentation
Refusal to release logs showing when ballots were delivered and by whom


yes i do!


Corruption in Texas too?
Texas County Goes Blue for the First Time Since 1964 After Hiring former Executive with Smartmatic as Elections Administrator
This year Tarrant County turned blue for the first time since the 1960s.
Heider Garcia is the Tarrant County Elections Administrator. He was hired in 2018. He previously worked for Smartmatic for 12 years. He received his engineering degree in Venezuela in 2003. In 2010, He testified during a fraud investigation into the Smartmatic software in the Philippines election.
In the video released during hearings in the Philippines in 2010 Heider Garcia of Smartmatic was questioned on what he called “unforeseen” occurrences during the election process.


Video referenced in the above
watch till the end and watch how pissed off the Philippinen representative was that they could not trace the fraud from the logs in the voting machines, as was promised by Smartmatic.


2010 So Smartmatic has been stealing elections for at least 10yrs now, good to know.


And the guys laughs. He actually thinks it’s funny.
No. Soul.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, he has a soul. It’s infested with demons, but he has a soul.


He’s quite lucky to have left Manila. IMO.


For all the seriousness going on right we to laugh too:


The cat hahahaha


False Flags and the Dawn of Bioterrorism


Thanks for the great Daily Thread, Steve.
I really enjoyed your history of what we in the South call ‘folding money’ – the art and symbolism was very current to the day of issue.
What if we did the same today? Imagine the designs! The Space Force $20. dollar bill. The Mars Expedition $50. bill. Can you think of others? The China Virus Pandemic and Operation Warp Speed Vaccine bill?


With regards to the next to your last suggestion, we don’t have any minus denominations.


You funny, P Group!


I sent my Sister a link to the youtube copy of “The Fall of the Cabal 1-10” and she emailed me to say that youtube deleted it. Did you or anyone happen to archive it on Bitchute or another platform?


Thanks, found it on Bitchute


I posted a reply … went to the bin??? Help Steve…
anyway, found series at Bitchute… link is in da bin


I found it, too, and posted – MINE FELL INTO THE BIN ALSO, PR!!!


Oh, then – only need to rescue one – they are probably both the same – * Sigh *


They are not both the same link and/or video?


Oh, ok – Double your pleasure – Double your fun – Two videos – Under the Gun!!!


Thanks Duchess…


Most welcome, PR!!!



Elizabeth Carter

There are 2 different links for The Fall of the Cabal. I copied both of them. Thanks for posting this.


There are, Liz? What is the other one? Is it YouTube? If so, the YouTube link apparently does not work.


There’s a snake in the grass in Texas.


Some is repub or not they do not care if senate falls to the dems as long as they have a cushy job.
Just my observation. If rebub Rinos think that we are all repubs not Trump repubs they are mistaken. They play ball or they are out next term If Cornyn wants illegals let him take them in his home feed them clothe them pay their bills but do not force this on us. Legal is the team but so many have dabble illegally that legal and illegal seems exchangeable.


Amen, Singing Soul!


We know.
Cornyn is a scumbag. Always has been. Completely bought and paid for. Thoroughly corrupt.


There is a well founded reason I view RepubliCONs and Democrats largely, one in the same, Uniparty.
Americans are fighting for President Trump.
RepubliCONs are casually casting President Trump aside, for a loser that will destroy America.
RepubliCONs really have no decency or sense of patriotism, loyalty.


In 2016, the Green Party submitted 8,700 signatures to get Stein on the NV ballot. 4784 of those signatures were accepted by NV officials (~55% acceptance, 45% rejection rate).
This year, with universal mail-in, 0.75% rejection rate on signature matching. https://t.co/aqY5scIZ6y
— Nick Adams (@NickAdams333) November 21, 2020


Hundreds of Thousands of Signatures Added Daily to Health Experts’ Global Anti-Lockdown Proclamation
Lockdown mandates cause “grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies”
A global declaration titled “The Great Barrington Declaration” was made by infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists and is being circulated because of “grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies” states their website, gbdeclaration.org. Since its publication roughly six weeks ago, nearly 700,000 signatures “from scientists, academics, doctors and citizens worldwide” have signed the statement, “with more signatories being added each day as a spate of lockdowns continues across Europe and parts of the United States” reports Just the News.
China was the first to implement a lockdown policy of the Hubei province where the disease originated. “Global health officials were initially skeptical of the Chinese lockdown, which went against many major established pandemic guidelines,” writes Just the News. However, when the virus ferociously spread across Europe and to the United States, more lockdowns and closures ensued with the hopes to prevent a “catastrophic death toll.”
However, since its October 4 publication, experts in the field have signed on to the Great Barrington Declaration which proclaims such mandates are creating “irreparable damage.” The “current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health” according to the Declaration. Specifically, “the results…include lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health – leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden.”
“Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal” arguing “schools and universities should be open for in-person teaching” and “extracurricular activities such as sports should be resumed” states the document. One signatory, Boris Kotchoubey, a medical psychology professor at the University of Tubingen said he signed the declaration because he shares “the views formulated in it.”
“Anti-Corona measures in all countries that I know (mostly, West Europe) are non-directed, imprecise, and, therefore yield more damage than the disease itself,” said Kotchoubey. “Actually, we know more or less where the infection is spread. (1) big events like high-level sports events, rock concerts, etc; (2) loud parties; (3) activities in closed rooms, particularly with screams or songs (worship); (4) public transportation, particularly in big cities; (5) last but not least invasion of the infection in retirement homes” he added.


“Anti-Corona measures in all countries that I know (mostly, West Europe) are non-directed, imprecise, and, therefore yield more damage than the disease itself,” said Kotchoubey. “Actually, we know more or less where the infection is spread. (1) big events like high-level sports events, rock concerts, etc; (2) loud parties; (3) activities in closed rooms, particularly with screams or songs (worship); (4) public transportation, particularly in big cities; (5) last but not least invasion of the infection in retirement homes” he added.
This is total BS – how in the world did we survive flu season for years without this nonsense?


#FoxNews #TheFive
Judge Jeanine: Cuomo receiving an Emmy for COVID briefings is ‘lunacy’


SidneyPowell #Kraken #SupremeCourtIs Sidney Powell’s “KRAKEN” A Conspiracy Theory? WAIT For It! | Breakdown | Huckabee

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Nice. I wonder if CO’s “blue wave” is as “legit” as the one in Dallas per Mr. Ramsland?

Valerie Curren

I hear you have a lot of transplanted Californians there & they probably brought their leftism. We were there about a decade or so ago & there was a lot of info on a tranny surgery place so you apparently got an influx of those “gender fluid” nutballs to sweeten the political pot too!

Valerie Curren



So special. Is this a thing for Governors that killed thousands of elderly in nursing homes? Assho


Guess so, Molly – or maybe, this just pertains to Narcissistic Cuomo – He thinks he did a good job!
Understand there is a lawsuit in process to impeach Whitmer – dunno if they tried and failed before.
Five (5) Dictator Governors should be in jail where they belong – away from normal human beings.


yep x a million Duchess





Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s a TON of information about COVID-19, masks, and the farce(s) being pushed upon us by the derp state:
It’s available in a ton of languages, and can be printed out if you have enough trees at hand 😀
Well worth the read and studying; it’s also searchable…..


Thanks, Cuppa – Will put this info to great use – of that I am certain – * Smiling *



Isn’t it strange that perhaps the most beautiful First Lady in American history has scarcely appeared on the cover of any fashion magazine, while one of the ugliest was featured multiple times on the covers of virtually all of them? #unsolvedmysteries
— Dinesh D’Souza (@DineshDSouza) November 21, 2020


To know her is to love her and that would have rubbed off on Donald. Cabal just couldn’t have that.


Very interesting Serbian article connecting Election fraud in US to similar situation in Serbia, with Soros interference.
There is more information in this article, then was published even in the conservative media in the US.
The deep state will try to steal the election and if that doesn’t work, they will try to overthrow Trump in the streets. If that also doesn’t work out and they can’t install their own government, the next step in the plan will be the dissolution of the United States. Some federal states will declare their independence from the country.
It’s going to take a lot of courage, wisdom and trust in Trump and in themselves for the American people to avoid the fate that befell the Serbian people in the 90s.
As I have anticipated in the article I wrote on the eve of the election, Donald Trump will win the US Presidential election convincingly, but the key events will play out after the election because the deep state will try to steal the election and overthrow Trump in the streets (https://srbin.info/svet/exclusive-soros-biden-network-ukrainegate-us-elections-and-the-day-after/).
The aforementioned scenario is happening right now. Election fraud on a massive scale has been tried before the eyes of the entire world public and street riots are yet to fall upon America. In the aforementioned article, I have precisely anticipated the events that will happen in USA:
Srdjan Nogo Author is a Serbian politician and a former Member of Parliament
“Everything that the US is dealing with now, we the Serbs have been through, twice. We are familiar with Soros’s global criminal network better than anyone else due to the fact that we are victims of it for the last more than 30 years. The American people should look carefully at our experience because they are in great danger.
The plan is clear and simple.
Instructors from Canvas trained activists of these terrorist organizations and they are in charge of organising and coordinating actions in the US, all with a goal of staging a coup and overthrowing the legally and legitimately elected executive branch of government. The method is always the same. They take part in the elections and then they do not acknowledge the election results. They claim that the government that was elected is a dictatorship and then they try to overthrow it in the street. This is their modus operandi. All of the events that took place in America since the death of George Floyd up until today are representing a form of preparations for what’s to come after the election. It is already clear that Trump will win by a landslide. However, the goal of deep state is not winning in the election, it’s overthrowing the victor on the street. They have prepared good for this scenario. This whole operation is lasting for a few months now.
The deep state was shocked by Trump’s victory in 2016 and they simply didn’t have the time to organise a violent overthrow of a newly elected President, but now they are most certainly well prepared. In 2016 they have stolen 11 million votes, but it simply wasn’t enough. Now, they are prepared to steal much more; 30 million fake IDs were manufactured, mostly in China, the rest in Balkan countries.
And what we are witnessing is indeed, a massive election fraud. Donald Trump had a substantial lead in all of the swing states before some of the most unusual events in the history of the elections began to happen. Vote counts were stopped, and after they were resumed a hundreds of thousand new ballots appeared, allegedly arrived by mail, and they were all in favour of candidate Joe Biden. Biden mysteriously took the lead in the number of states: Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania, etc. And soon the media have declared him (so-called media ‘’projection”) the winner of this election.
Donald Trump and his election headquarters immediately began to point to numerous instances of irregularities and inconsistencies and soon enough the evidence of massive election fraud have started to surface.
….. more ….comment imagecomment imagecomment image
This is a long article.
There is actually some explosive stuff in this article tying the EX-President of Serbia to Hunter Biden:
“The worst part of this all is that Serbia is working against Trump. Trump is fighting against our primordial enemies, against the people who have killed us, banished us from our homes; against the ones who have robbed, destroyed and occupied us. And our government is helping our enemies in their fight against Trump. Trump is on the side of goodness and righteousness, he is fighting against evil. He is fighting for the same values we are fighting for. Over 80 percent of Serbs support Trump. Only the alienated liberals that despise their own people, destroy their country and are directly tied to Soros’s finances are against him. It is indisputable that the government and the political and business elite of Serbia have been interfering in political situation in USA for the last 4 years including this election. They are doing so on behalf of their masters, on behalf of Soros and the other globalists. Serbia is their colony and Serbian people are their victims. The last thing we want is for our people and our country to build a bad reputation and suffer serious consequences. What we want is that the persons responsible for all of this be prosecuted and punished so we could finally break free from the claws of Soros, Clinton, Biden and other worldwide criminals.
We must clearly disclose all evidence concerning criminal ties and subordination of our leading politicians to Soros, Clinton, Biden and other globalist hoodlums so that the world will know that we are occupied and that they are the ones who have been installing our governments. It suffices to give two examples, one example of current and one of former government, that show that Serbian politicians are servants and traitors and that they are a part of criminal activities together with the globalists to whom they are subordinated to.
Early in March 2020 Aleksandar Vucic attended a meeting in Washington with the United States National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien. During this meeting Vucic asked O’Brien to urge Trump’s support for Vucic’s plan to populate Serbia with 1,2 million migrants, predominantly Islamic State fighters. This is the deal that Vucic made with Soros, who is behind the behind the migrant wave and migrant crisis. As a part of this deal Vucic gets 25 thousand dollars for each migrant he receives in Serbia. O’Brien was in shock. Firstly, he couldn’t believe that there is a madman willing to receive the terrorists and destroy his own country. Secondly, he was even more shocked that this madman is asking him for Trump’s support for this kind of plan, knowing full well that Trump is a primordial enemy of George Soros and that he is strongly opposed to migrants and to the Islamic State. Naturally, O’Brien thought that Vucic is setting him up so he asked Vucic did he spoke to anyone about this. Vucic underestimated the person he was speaking to so he lied and told O’Brien that he spoke to Grenell and Kushner. O’Brien immediately called for Grenell and Kushner to come to the White House and sure enough, Vucic was caught lying. Vucic began to squirm and tried to get himself out of this mess by implicating Hashim Thaci in all of this. Since Thaci was in Washington at the same time, he was immediately summoned to the White House and Vucic and Thaci were forced to admit what they were doing with Soros. Grenell can say even more about Vucic. Grenell was appalled when Vucic openly told him to ignore all the statements that he is giving to Serbian media because he has to lie to his own people. As the mediator for Belgrade and Pristina negotiations Grenell was able to see how hard Vucic is trying to give Kosovo its independence, which is why Soros brought him into power in the first place.
The second example concerns the former government, the current Serbian opposition. At the end of March Robert O’Brien had a meeting with former Serbian President Boris Tadic. The topic was Iraqi debt, that is the claim that companies from former Yugoslavia had towards Iraq. All the businesses were concluded through Belgrade based company SDPR and Iraq owed this company amount of 3 billion US dollars. Iraq was occupied by US Army. Tadic have sold a debt claim in a sum amounting to 3 billion US dollars for only 280 million US dollars to a company owned by the US Presidential Candidate Joe Biden’s son. In return, Tadic was fully politically supported by Biden in his ruling of Serbia. These are the kind of scumbags the globalists are constantly bringing into power in Serbia.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Shades of the Macedonian Content Farmers that Hell-the-BEAST harangued about so vociferously…….
Considering that elections are in all truth a matter of national security, why are we allowing ANY coding or product assembly/production/etc. to be outsourced or done offshore?????
There should be stringent supervision (coding practices, walkthroughts, reviews, releast management, etc.) as well as extremely tight controls (and testing, etc.) on the hardware side of things. NONE OF WHICH HAS HAPPENED HERE…..


You sound like one of those patriot types. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


Dave Hayes-Information Warfare,Buckle Up The [DS] Will Unleash Their Fury When Their [E] Agenda Fails


“Do you watch the nature movie about the lion …..”


From We Are The News – QResearch Notables:
Post 11728413 2 hours ago • View on 8kun
Who can debunk this one?
Flag of United States GELLER REPORT Flag of United States
Nevada: Total Ballots Cast: 1,327,394, Total Presidential Election Votes: 1,405,376: There are 77,982 more votes in the Presidential election than there are casted ballots in Nevada. Biden has a +33,596 margin currently. http://dlvr.it/Rm8kmw
https://gellerreport.com/2020/11/state-nevada-total-ballots-cast-1327394-total-presidential-election-votes-1405376.html/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twittercomment imagecomment image


Trump Team has a case against NV. Dunno status or details.


LOL those dems and their FUZZY math. We call it FRAUD.


Common core


Has this been posted? Looks important….
Cari Kelemen Retweeted
Kevin McCullough@KMCRadio
BREAKING: How rich would it be if @TheDemocrats not only lose the only election they “won” (presidency), and end up going to jail for it, but ultimately did so bc the @nytimes unintentionally provided direct evidence of how the vote flip went down in PA?
Smoking Gun: Dominion Transferring Vote Ratios between Precincts in PA. – By: Edward Solomon
In this video you will see data from the NYT feed from PA on November fourth. In this data, particular vote ratios are transferred between random sets of seized precincts throughout the day (see image


I posted it this morning but it’s a great video. A little dull if you can sit through it. But he shows you how votes are moved.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, exactly. What Solomon has shown is that Smartmatic is employing an obfuscated and distributed method of HIDING BRUTE FORCE CONTROL of the outcome of the election.
They’re doing a “Stalin count” in the least suspicious way that they can – moving things around to distribute the fakery – while still retaining a kind of manageable control of the bogus values. The way they do that is the “global updates”, which allow them to read how the election is progressing, and then FARM OUT THE LIES as believably as possible.
They are likely looking at REAL NUMBERS and trying to stay close enough to them that suspicions are not raised upon inspection.
it’s a way to HIDE control of the numbers. What Smartmatic is doing is letting the rough number of input votes be REAL, so that spot-checking by elections officials will find rough agreement, but “off by something” – always in Biden’s favor. It preserves the most important secret – that the COUNTS ARE OFF because the software itself is LYING, and trying to create the LEAST SUSPICIOUS BIDEN WIN that it can produce, given the number of votes.
This is very genius.. BUT they are undone because IT people like me and Solomon can see the HAND OF MEN operating.
They could make this smarter and even more undetectable, and if we don’t shut this crap down now, computers will be able to hide these LIES even better in the next election!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

PS – I see the principle of what they are doing and why – it’s designed to beat Benford’s Law!!!




I thought they were the same !


Can be.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

INTERDASTING! FROM GAB…..comment image


That is extremely interesting. Hmmm.

Cuppa Covfefe

Something about that seventh prime number again…..


I said a looooooonnnnnggggg time ago, maybe even OT, that my guess was Q=LTGF. But that’s just me.


I told you guys, FLYNN is Q. He was HIDDEN in PLAIN sight, and the Cabqal thought just because he was fired, and they ran him through a continuing Kangaroo court, that he was rendered out of the loop. FOOLS.
Did ANYONE really believe that THE top Military SPOOK could be duped by Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe and Sally Yates? COME ON.
FLYNN was the WOUNDED DUCK, the BAIT. Drawing IN the Cabal, and they being placed on “ice” in PLAIN SIGHT, able to “work his magic” uninterred. NON political…after all Trump “fired him”
I BET he STILL and always DID have his TOP security clearence. Gee, WHO was a TOP Flynn desiple?
Ezra Cohen-Watnick. WHERE is he NOW. Gee WHERE was he in 2017? REMEMBER?
I’ll refresh. SOMEONE, cough WATNICK cough, called Nunes, and brought him to the WH, and the WH
SCIF. He SHOWED Nunes something, something that made Nunes go ASHEN, RUN to the cameras, proclaim Trump 100% RIGHT on the spying, AND go brief the President IMMEDIATELY.
Nunes ALSO then wrote the Nunes memo, proven 100% CORRECT.
Nmunes SAW the Obama PDB, proving Obama was responsible for it ALL, AND kept in the loop. PROOF POSITIVE.
Gee the ONE document that PROVES it all is STILL classified, but for HOW MUCH LONGER? NOT LONG.
Flynn has ALWAYS been RIGHT there. We just never SAW it, and MORE importantly, the Cabal NEVER saw it EITHER.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It was some seriously good kabuki!


Yes, WHAT makes a GREAT movie? GREAT ACTORS.
Flynn was THE top spook, a three star General, and he was outwitted by Peter Strzok?
COME ON. Flynn would LITERALLY eat guys like Strzok for BREAKFAST. He did it for a 30 year CAREER.



Valerie Curren

egregious election evidence

Valerie Curren

Going along to get along (with those who would just as soon see us dead as silenced)…


Many people harassed by blm have found out that it doesn’t matter if you say you agree with them. It’s not enough.
The couple in Seattle begged antifa to stop taunting them showing them their Biden signs, not enough. They want Communism and the destruction of the USA

Valerie Curren

tragically true 🙁

Valerie Curren

Hope this allows POTUS’s original tweet to show!

Valerie Curren

attempting to free POTUS’ speech another way…

Valerie Curren

Matt Braynard voter fraud analysis…fyi, I haven’t listened (yet) just passing it along…



Donald J. Trump
The Fake News is not talking about the fact that “Covid” is running wild all over the World, not just in the U.S. I was at the Virtual G-20 meeting early this morning and the biggest subject was Covid. We will be healing fast, especially with our vaccines!
Donald J. Trump
Fake News always “forgets” to mention that far fewer people are dying when they get Covid. This is do to both our advanced therapeutics, and the gained knowledge of our great doctors, nurses and front line workers!


At THIS point, the MSM is no better than Joseph Goebels. PROPAGANDA.

Valerie Curren

military air traffic concentrated in the US…


Most bases and MILAIR are in CONUS so as expected. Me thinks.
Assuming it is an accurate data feed, NOT buying it. NO MILAIR over Japan, Korea, guam, Hawaii…? NOPE!

Valerie Curren

Thanks much…this stuff is way above my paygrade but as it seems important people like me rely on other’s expertise to spell out the significance of such info! Blessings!

Valerie Curren

Rudy rooting out the 5 mob families!


I did not know that

Valerie Curren

Me neither!

tom f

Mr. Mayor, the Honorable Rudy Giuliani plays the ‘Columbo’ part quite well.
Remember his interviews on the dailies when almost everyone winced .
Somehow he made it to Ukraine to get the goods on quite a few people.
Rope-a-dope fits nicely as well.
Funny that.

Valerie Curren

So he deliberately let them see him sweat! Hmmm…


RICO. CONSPIRACY. WHY is RUDY here. LOL I KNOW. You should too. Is Rudy’s specalty election law?

Valerie Curren

What is Rudy’s specialty?


RICO. The US statute on racketeering. Rudy used it to take down the Mob AND US corruption via conspiracy and RICO charges. Rudy was the US attny for the Southern District in NY.
His mob takedown, and anti corruption stance GOT him elected Mayor of NY. He nearly single handedly cleaned up NY politics, corruption, CRIME, and the Mob.
Rudy KNOWS a drime family, and a conspiracy when he sees it.
He is NOT there for “election law” he is therer for the COMING RICO on the fraud and corruption, a VAST conspiracy against the US and its election.

Valerie Curren

Sounds epic!!!


Bot epic, BIBLICAL!!!!


Folks here do not know that Rudy G. was the US Atty for the SDNY and brought down the 5 mafia families of NYC before becoming America’s mayor??
Interdasting. Let’s ask some other questions.
Q: How was it possible for PDJT to be so successful in New York city commercial real estate…..when he had to get into bed with the mafia, the Teamsters, corrupt local and state politicians, etc…..and come out the other side squeaky clean and corruption free?
A: He was one of RG’s confidential informants (CI). All of his business dealings had the blessing and protections of the DOJ. As such, he could not be blackmailed nor corrupted.
Q:Why are RG and PDJT so close?
A: See above. Together, they took down the entire mob in NYC.
(insert PDJT “think big, never let them tell you it is impossible” speech/video)
Q: Given this success, and the personalities/character of these two men, is it really that much of a stretch to believe they sat down and plotted to bring down all the corruption in the United States after being so successful in doing so in America’s largest city? is it impossible to believe that Rudy G and PDJT believed that if they could be successful in doing this in New York City they could do it with the United States as long as they have the power of the presidency?
A: No. In fact, it would be expected.
Q: why are folks like DP and I are convinced that PDJT created “The Apprentice” in order to learn about the media and create a public persona for PDJT that he can turn on and off at will? If he was planning on using the Presidency to take down nation-wide corruption, wouldn’t the show serve as a vehicle him to gain the all-important “name recognition” while, at the same time, give him access to any and all manner of insider events, happenings, and doings…..just like a CI would need?
And if THESE things are true, consider how long and how carefully all has been plotted and planned…how many “judas goats” have been recruited and implanted into DC and the dim party??
Makes you wonder…..is someone like AOC REALLY an enemy, or is she a Trump agent forcing the radical left into the sunlight for all to see??
Questions, and more questions.

Valerie Curren

Fascinating & extremely enlightening! Thanks for sharing all of this!!!

Valerie Curren

It’s hard to keep track of All the moving pieces!


Wanna bet? That is a LOT of assumption there.
ONE that Biden will BE Presidernt on Jan 20th, he WON’T
TWO that there will even BE a Twitter on Jan 20th. I don’t think there will be, at least not as it is NOW.
As you may or may not know, assumption is the MOTHER of ALL F*ck ups.

Valerie Curren

POTUS & John James for the win!!!

Valerie Curren

DIGITAL ghost votes. What this MEANS is they had 173000 peoplke show up in
PERSON in these districts to VOTE ON ELECTION DAY. Provisional ballots.
WHERE were they?
Turnout on ED was HISTORICALLY LOW. 173000 IN PERSON voters who ALL had to go before a JUDGE, not an “election official” a JUDGE, and SWEAR that they were ENTITLED to vote in person. There would be MASSIVE ammounts of RECORDS on this, yet they do NOT exist. BYE 1730000.

Valerie Curren

How do they separate out the fake vote so the provisional vote is the Only Counted vote???


Read the GP article on Tony Schaffer. the REAL ballots were MARKED. There is a TIME, DATE printed, and SITE printed to the PRINTER, code in ALL the ballots. The FAKE ones will NOT match the REAL numbers or will have DUPLICATE numbers, MANY duplicate numbers IE FAKE, IE TOSSED.
Plus ballots without a ENVELOPE, are AUTOMATICALLY cast out, unles they can PROVE they are provisional (IE votes on the SAME day as election day, in PERSON. There are detailed RECORDS of that. A JUDGE must sign off on the vote to ALLOW the person to GET a ballot.
I have done it my self, not registered in 1996, and got a provisional ballot by going before a judge.
When there are HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of ballots listed as provisional, in an area that had LOW ED turnout, that is a KEY. NO RECORD, NO VOTE.
That is WHY the dems are HIDING these votes in GA, MI, WI, PA, and likely NV, VA, AZ
These votes, like the 173000 (17300*97% = 167810) are MORE than the “lead” for Biden. They will ALL be tossed unless the dems have the RECORDS. They DON’T
They will CLAIM the printout is an “error” but you do NOT make an “error showing 173000 votes in about 50 precints with ZERO registered voters. These were INTENTIONALLY left BLAK on the registered voters. A BLANK check, which was filled just high enough to “win” We call THAT FRAUD.
Reps NEVER got to SEE or CONTEST those votes because they will NOT pass muster and will ALL be tossed.
This is step one of Trumps lawsuit to SCOTUS, attack the provisionals and mail ins in these 7 counties, under EQUAL PROTECTION.
THESE seven dem conrtolled counties ALL treated THEIR votes and VOTERS to a DIFFEREN standard (agains the state law) than ALL other votes and VOTERS were held to in their respective cities, counties, and states. ALL ILLEGAL, therefore thanks to DEM acctions, ALL TOSSED. Biden LOSES hundreds of thousands in EACH city. MORE than enough for Trump to WIN.
IF that fails (it won’t) or IF they LIMIT the tossed (they WON’T) THEN Trump goes to the computer fraud which is UNEQUIVICAL. They WATCHED in REAL time, and RECORDED.
IF those two fail, they WON’T, Trump goes the 12th amendment via State legislatures NOT certifying the votes and sending either Trrump electors OR NO electors, meaning NO ONE gets to 270 and it goes to the House. Trump STILL wins, but Nancy will play games with the quorum, it is the ONLY arrow she has left in her quiver.
Either way, come jan 20th 2021, TRUMP is being re sworn in as President. The dems will scream, prptest , riot, and burn, but it WON’T matter.


Remember, this kind of meddling under a National Emergency is HIGH TREASON. They will NOT have to “house” the inmates for long, just until their executions.


It is HIGH time for some MASSIVE winning.

Valerie Curren

Well, I hope you are right but I’ve learned not to underestimate the dark machinations of the deep state & the number of supposedly safe people, like Roberts with Obamacare, who are under their sway…


I do not underestimate them, and NEITHER did Trump. It was THEY that constantlyy underestimate TRUMP AND US. THIS TIME they will PAY for that.

Valerie Curren

from your lips to God’s ears!


Well, SINCE Trump had MASSIVE coattails, and since Biden had so much FRAUD and a LOT of it applied down ballot, I will say…YEP.

Cuppa Covfefe

“the blaze” is basically alpha testing for CNN. If they publish something and it doesn’t get flamed too badly, it’ll go up on CNN later.
I wouldn’t trust them farther than I could throw a giant Sequoia…..

tom f

CC the voice of experience.


I thought Glen Beck is connected with the Blaze, and he is pro-Trump??? Hard to know what’s legitimate any more. I trust Sidney Powell and Lin Wood. …others not so much…

Linda Harrison

Glenn Beck and Joe Pags seem to be getting pretty cozy of late with Megyn Kelly. Not sure why but both are pushing their listeners/viewers to give Megyn another chance. I personally would never trust her again. Glenn Beck was one of the Never Trumpers from the get-go, he backed Cruz. Don’t know about Pags. So Glenn is another one I would never trust again.

Cuppa Covfefe

[Hangs head in shame.]
Got confused by the “zzzzz” (and lack thereof)…
I meant Buzzfeed….


No worries….just glad that I am not posting from anti-PDJT publications…


Whoa! Lin Wood just had an interview where he mentions pedophilia and satan worship in high places, including the oval office! Gateway Pundit has the story and video.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yikes. Clintons and Obama?

Cuppa Covfefe

Hill-the-BEAST and BeezleBubba are both Satanic Black Magick Illuminised Witches, with Hill outranking Bill (cf http://www.cuttingedge.org, “the Clinton Christmas Tree” and many other articles). The tree, with its occult and paedophilic and phallic ornaments is just the tip of a Satanic iceberg that only the Klintoons could keep afloat. Hillary being one of the highest ranked of all, and that type of witch being the darkest and most demonic, needing (human) blood sacrifices for “power boosts”, so to speak…
Øbarky-the-towel-boy had a known predilection for hot dogs as opposed to chicken and cheese pizza… not sure if he kept his head in the maps or not. Certainly with the Wookie close at hand, he was ill-suited to keep straight…


It appears ALL MAGA business as well as GODS wlll is coming DUE.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wood must have been read in on some pretty heavy stuff for which there have been or will be arrests.


BINGO. Remember it was MELANIA who INSISTED on a spiritual CLEANSING of the WH by PRIESTS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is when I knew that all of the Trump family can be trusted!



Cuppa Covfefe

Was the infamous “Blue Dress” episode in the Oval Office?
There is an occult “ceremony” that involves Monica’s, erm, act… never thought of that, but considering what Hell and Bill are (Satanists), that would follow…
The White House has been stained spiritually since those days.
Melania was and is absolutely right.

Elizabeth Carter

Gateway Pundit has a good article on this. The video is attached
(13911) BOMBSHELL VOTER FRAUD REVEALED!!! | Lin Wood Exposes Voter Fraud and Shares How Kyle Rittenhouse… – YouTube

Elizabeth Carter

Video did not show. I am trying again.

Valerie Curren

can not stand him… all of them

Valerie Curren

Yes, now we can’t unsee so are no longer deceived by the Bushes’ “patriotism”…


I feel sick that I wasted a vote on him


algore would have been worse.

Valerie Curren

Well, the alternative would have been worse…

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Spirit of Truth!

Valerie Curren

Amen!!! My husband has been comparing events now w/ the lying spirit that went out from God’s presence to deceive King Ahab into going arrogantly to his death. It’s like our country is currently being overshadowed by the spirit of deception. Our prayers & praises to the One True God help the heavenly warriors break through & assist us here. Come quickly Lord Jesus!

Cuppa Covfefe

I have the feeling that, as opposed to 2016, there has been an awful lot of complaining, hand-wringing, and doom-and-gloom rather than PRAYING for GOD to step in and straighten things out.
For what happens is HIS choice, in the end, for HIS Glory. Yet HE hears (and EXPECTS) our prayers.
How often we saw II Chronicles 7:14:

14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

in those days.
May we ponder, pray over, and consider that verse, what it means, and what we can and should do in these times. And may we pray that GOD sees fit to restore our great nation.
And may GOD Bless, Strengthen, Help, and give Wisdom and HIS Mercy to President Trump and his family, VP Pence and his family, VSGPDJT’s legal team, staff, and all the MAGA team, and may HE shine HIS Infinite Light on the swamp and its denizens to reveal, reverse, and heal all of the evil they have committed and are attempting to commit.
In Jesus’s All-Powerful, Holy, and Infinite NAME, Amen.



Valerie Curren

Amen & Amen, Cuppa. I agree with you in Jesus’ Name!!!


God’s hand my man.


huck Callesto
BREAKING REPORT: Biden Supporter PLOWS VEHICLE THROUGH TRUMP RALLY in Wauwatosa, Proud Boys Administer Aid to the Injured…


I’m sure while yelling Love trumps hate. Enjoy of these sicko’s


Enough not enjoy sorry

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From GAB.


And NEVER will be, unless it is president of the glee club at GITMO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He’ll have to be WATERBOY – no way can he REMEMBER LINES!




Stick a rag in it governor!


George Papadopoulos
The same voting machines that got Chavez and Maduro “elected” to office in Venezuela were used in 2,000 precincts and 30 States to give Joe Biden the “most votes” of any candidate in American history. You can understand why this is ending up in the Supreme Court

Valerie Curren

Damning Dominion details!

Interesting that I periodically find “controversial” info buried in replies to tweets & it’s on a completely different trajectory, like trying to avoid the twit world censors!

100+% participation! that looks legit/s
anyone on FB may want to track down the links below…


I wonder if she’s talking about POTUS and his team:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hilarious. Pieczenik was RIGHT.

Cuppa Covfefe

“We Have It All” rings true yet again.
If this was collected and archived, that’s all she wrote for the fraudsters… And I’ve done enough data analyzer and network “sniffing” to know this is possible, and stuff can be played back and forth at will. Gotta love those high-capacity, high-speed drives out now (e.g. the latest commercial/industrial PCIe 4.0 SSDs)…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They can play the cheat to SCOTUS!!!


Who would have thought 🙂


Ahem, SO was I. POTUS was WATCHING In the situation room, in REAL time like ther Baghdadi raid. A MILITARY iop. US Cyber Command. OR our very on special operators, now under the DIRECT leadership of Watnick.


Add all of us who were up at 4 in the morning yelling at the computers seeing it happen right in front of our eyes.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. I could hear you from here 😆




Cuppa Covfefe

“#Audit of the #2020Election in an effort to restore the public’s faith in future #Elections.”
How about an audit of the 2020 Election to establish the TRUE and CORRECT vote in THIS election, and to restore the public’s faith IN THIS ELECTION?????????!!!!!!!!
Bunch of weasel-wording sap-sucking SJW snowflake buttercup mealy-mouthed turncoat congress critter rats…….
Same horse; new paint, or, perhaps, same pig, new lipstick…..


Gee, Cuppa – Please do not hold back – tell us what you REALLY think – Mkay?

Brave and Free

Totally agree, don’t hold back. I learned a new word today in Steve’s opening that fits in well here “ratf***ers”.


If it’s not exposed in this election there will NEVER be another fair election again. That said, if it’s not exposed and people charged i doubt a majority of MAGA voters will vote in another election. Why bother participating in the theater?


Unless I missed something, above PA “action” is meaningless.
Does NOTHING to fix 2020 vote. Nothing to identify the fraud, stoopidity, as I understand it, PA judicial schmucks imposing their whims on ballot counting…. AND, IF I understand it, they do this kabuki theater in 2021.
IF they don’t do something NOW, they are COMPLICIT.


Two words. EQUAL Protection. You CANNOT disregard LAW to benefit on county, city, or group of voters, appling ONE liberal standard and practices to DEM votes, and ANOTHER in OTHER cities, counties, or even STATES to rep votes. Gore VS Bush on a GRAND scale.
In essence dem votes were NOT subjected to ANY of the transparency, rules, or scrutiny that REP precints did in sometimes the same COUNTY. Rs follewed the LAW, and applied it EQUALLY, the DEMS disregared the LAW, and applied different standards.
BYE votes NOT subjected to LAW. ALL thrown out. This is PRECEDENT.


Got it.
My understanding, was the article referred to PA legislative weenies making noise about doing something to fix their election process, in 2021.
Thus, IMO, meaningless.
We gotta fix the 2020 count now. Agree with Equal Protection and probably half dozen more issues in PA. Whatever we need to use to fix the count or toss the PA election.
Yea, I probably missed stuff.


That was the MSM intent, to mislead via omission. It is WHY people like Wolf and I and CO are here.


Ok I have to ask looking back on it why did Gore VS Bush fight so hard for FL? What was the real reason since well swap.


Neither had the required 270, Gore had 267, Bush had 247 I believe. Fl had at that time 25 EV. The winner of Florida became President.


See its been way to long and really anything to do with Bush I block out.


We ALL do now. We did not KNOW. Trup helped us TO know.


Remember they tried to call Florida for Gore at 7 pm, WHILE the Panhandle, Rep country, was STILL OPEN.
Ialso remember Rather stating “now this will really make your fingernails sweat” when the Rps took the House in 1994


The early Florida call not ONLY suppressed the vote in the panhandle, but in EVERY state that still had polls OPEN at 7 PM Eastern. PLANNNED>


Gore was the BEGINNING of “the resistance”.
Before then, men conceded. This election the dems are FINALLY reaping the whirlwind they sowed. It WILL bitew them in the ass. Fraud was RAMPANT, and Trump has PROOF. A Newsmax reporter CONFIRMED from a national security source that we HAVE secured an “electronic device” from Germany. I assume that is the SCTYL server. RIGHT on cue a “Dominion spokesman” a BUSH lackey, says they woulkd LOVE to see some evidence of fraud, that they had not seen any.
BE CAREFUL what you LOVE to wish for fool.

Deplorable Patriot

I actually think the real reason for the 2000 presidential election fiasco was to replace the voting machines we had at the time.


Oh that is a good point.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think the media and social media all had to jump on the “no fraud” bandwagon to help prevent Trump from getting FISA warrants on China and various domestic puppets and fellow-travelers for their roles in the interference. Kind of the reverse of what the presstitutes did to help Comey GET FISA warrants.
But I would say the Trump administration must have had enough for the military raid on the Scytl servers, ALTHOUGH that may have been handled differently.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So by this legal theory, if it can be shown that the media and social media conspired to THWART investigation of election interference………….
WOW. They could be sent to prison for THAT – not for mere “censorship”. They CONSPIRED to prevent investigation. To “obstruct justice”.


BINGO, now you SEE the DEPTH of the tRAP Trump set up. It gets them ALL.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. There has to be a CRIMINAL PURPOSE!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Intercepted comms seems like the only way, OR passing on the content or purpose of the comms in a way that could definitively prove conspiracy. NOT EASY!


What does the “Media” and “Social Media” have to do with getting FISA’s?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Comey FIB used journalist investigations of Trump-Russia to push the Muh Russia collusion theory, as validation of the Steele Dossier.
The problem? The journalist stories were BASED ON the Steele Dossier, but this was not disclosed.
It’s the SAME BAD DATA used as “validation” of itself!
It’s a form of circular reporting using the media – somewhat like the “wrap up smear”.
In this case, the media is downplaying fraud intentionally so that it would be hard to convince judges OF the fraud.


If I understand it correctly….. POTUS can get a FISA for one year WITHOUT a “judge”?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not sure exactly how that works, but I believe you are correct that there are ways to get some investigations without a warrant. FIB can use NSLs signed by specific people who are NOT judges, but there are some restrictions.


Remember, there were LIKELY already FISAS in place. Q said, FISAS go BOTH ways.


Me thinks, POTUS needs AG Barr to sign off on one year FISAs. An Executive Branch action of sorts.


Hey Bill (Barr)……..
You in?
Or going to Gitmo?


circular reporting, or as I call it, circular corruption.


Sort of like Nanzi’s smear.


yep, a supposed self fulfilling lie.

Valerie Curren

Truth will set us free!

interesting MK twist…


Valerie Curren

conversation in the comments…



from the above article:
Incredible, Krebs had Dominion, Smartmatic, and Scytl, the Barcelona company that counted ballots in many U.S. states and counties in his Council of Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security of the DHS. Moreover, he failed to protect the nation from deployment by the CIA of its supercomputers THE HAMMER and its application SCORECARD to steal 3% of Trump votes and give them to Biden in the battleground states of Florida, Texas, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, and Arizona. This was denounced by U.S. Air Force (Ret.) Lt. General Thomas McInerney, author Mary Fanning, whistleblower and inventor of THE HAMMER Dennis Montgomery, and former White House National Security Council official in the Trump administration Rich Higgins. Krebs lied shamefully to the nation when he said that the 2020 elections were “the most secure in American history.” Krebs committed treason, dereliction of duty, and gross negligence!
On November 17, 2020, Anna Giaritelli wrote an article titled “Trump Fires U.S. Cyber Official Who Refused to Back Election Claims of Fraud” that was published by the Washington Examiner. Giaritelli reported that on November 17, 2020 President Trump wrote two tweets (again disputed by Twitter) that “The recent statement by Chris Krebs on the security of the 2020 Election was highly inaccurate, in that there were massive improprieties and fraud – including dead people voting, Poll Watchers not allowed into polling locations, ‘glitches’ in the voting machines which changed … votes from Trump to Biden, late voting, and many more. Therefore, effective immediately, Chris Krebs has been terminated as Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.”
Anna Giaritelli pointed out that since Election Day, the Trump campaign has filed lawsuits in multiple states for many election irregularities that the President has described as a Democratic Party effort to “steal” the election. However, in the days following the election, CISA had a “Rumor Control” page that denounced “disinformation” that included White House messaging. Krebs has been outspoken on Twitter, stating again and again that the elections were honest and not asking to believe the “baseless claims about voting machines, even if they’re made by the President.”
Giaritelli explained that a Trump administration official, who spoke anonymously, said that “Krebs is deeply aligned with the band of former DHS officials who have been outed as Never Trumpers, including General Kelly, Kirstjen Nielsen, Elizabeth Neumann, Miles Taylor, Brian Ware, and other attention-seekers who waged a silent coup during the better half of the president’s first term.” He added, “The time it’s taken to rid the department of such individuals shows the extent to which the president was poorly served by those who entrusted these people with such influential positions.” DHS Secretary Chad Wolf has not commented on the election on his Twitter account since it took place.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) was established on November 16, 2018 when President Donald J. Trump signed into law the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act of 2018. CISA is a standalone agency under DHS oversight. It has a budget of $3.16 billion and employs 3, 374 in 2020.
On November 17, 2020, Jeff Carson wrote an article titled “Dominion Part of the Council that Disputed Election Integrity Concerns in DHS Statements” that was published by The Epoch Times. Carson explained that after questioning the integrity of Dominion Voting Systems voting machines, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)—part of the DHS—issued a statement on November 12, 2020 disputing the allegations and saying “the November 3rd election was the most secure in American history.” However, what CISA failed to disclose is that Dominion Voting Systems is a member of CISA’s Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council, one of two entities that authored the statement issued by CISA.

It is incredible that in addition to Dominion Voting Systems, Smartmatic and SCYTL are also members of the Coordinating Council. In addition, Hart InterCivic electronic machines were used in many states with questionable lack of security, the anti-Trump Associated Press, and Big Tech companies Amazon and Microsoft.
Jeff Carson said that CISA did not immediately respond to “a request for comment on whether Dominion and Smartmatic had input or were otherwise involved in CISA’s November 12 statement.”
Carson wrote the following: “The joint statement on the integrity of the Nov. 3 election was issued by the Executive Committee of the Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council (GCC), an Executive Committee representing a coalition of certain state & local government officials and government agencies, and the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council (SCC), a coalition primarily composed of voting system manufacturers that also includes Democracy Works, an organization which promotes the use of technology to increase voter participation. The statement claims, “There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised. “While we know there are many unfounded claims and opportunities for misinformation about the process of our elections, we can assure you we have the utmost confidence in the security and integrity of our elections, and you should too,” says the statement.”
President Trump lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell have denounced Dominion Voting Systems with the Smartmatic software from Communist Venezuela saying that this voting system has shifted millions of votes from Trump to Biden.
That whole article is worth a read, imho…


Blows me away the scope of fraud avenues they used. No wonder the polls kept pace with the projected false outcome. It wouldn’t have looked good to have polls be true so they were somehow tapped in too, imo
This election rivaled any 3rd world country.


Rermember, Pompeo said this MONTHS ago, WARNED them ALL.







Obviously Portland citizens are alright with this. It ought to be renamed Dystopia.



Valerie Curren

Allegations 1-9 in short format…& other goodies…


special operations command, not connected to voter fraud issues whatsoever/s


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Memes, memes, and more memes.


comment image
1 like


Sounds like a zealous islamic marriage to me but I suppose they mean covid scam lockdown !

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Muslims and Communists! They converge naturally!


Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

FROM GAB!!!comment image


comment image

Brave and Free

The only thing I can say is it’s true! 🤢🤮

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

File this under LMAO!
CHARLIE KIRK: Trump Campaign Should ‘Hire A Gay Black Actor’ To Cry So FBI Will Investigate Voter Fraud
On the Friday episode of the eponymous Charlie Kirk Show, Kirk compared the FBI’s rapid response to the fake hate…


Lizard power!
(Part 2 of the face-off)comment image


Spit balling here…
Fraud is obvious. President Trump’s Team is all over it, as private citizens representing President Trump.
Rightfully, can’t imagine anyone trusting DOJ and FIB.
Wondering what FISA’s, taps, monitoring was in place before the election and ongoing? Who is managing it?
Who is privy to the information? Has some of this information been provided to Rudy, Sidney, Jenna…?
Sure, we are talking about private citizens being handed “official” USG information. Perhaps classified.
Easy peasy work around. Give them a clearance if they don’t already have one. Make them Federal employees. Unpaid or paid don’t care. Give them official status. Classified stuff, hell, declassify it takes care of that.
Lin Wood today talked about an explosive case to be filed in GA Monday or Tuesday. IIRC, something about bribes from China. How would he get that, short of “official” access or a whistle blower?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think all of this election / COVID / coup stuff – ALL OF IT – was upgraded to MILITARY status at some point. I think Sidney and Lin are being READ IN on whatever they NEED, and are being authorized to SHARE some parts of that, per the “Q Plan”.
This is why Sidney’s voice is strong but so emotional. She is SHOCKED. Same with Lin. Same with Rudy.
This is Q. Stuff is going to come out, and Chinaberg, Wizard Rasputin, Fuchs News, CCPNN, and the rest of them are going to DENY, DENY, DENY and say it’s all not true – until they cut deals for long sentences.. And as the arrests happen, they will try to shut us down completely.
It’s going to be Q.
Praying Medic said something at the beginning of his “Q career” that sounded almost “read-in” to me. He said that a lot of patriots want a fight, but that there is also the “guardian” mentality, that wants to keep the peace, and that that’s what he is. He implied that this is what Q is. I think this is an outgrowth of the Q plan. Wikileaks called Q a pacification hoax – that is somewhat true. But it only works if the bad guys are arrested – otherwise it causes explosive reaction to betrayal.
They have these people dead to rights, but they are going to play this out slowly and peacefully.
China will not be allowed to do what it tried to do.


This post resonates STRONGLY within me….temporally and spiritually. I am so pissed that I want blood and heads, but that is not the Way and I well know the commands and desires of the one true King.
Wonderful post.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! I credit Praying Medic for that early insight!


READ in. He is NOW defending not only Trump, but the USA.


Read in Rudy and Sidney. Their demeanor reflected what they have become privy to.
Jenna didn’t show much emotion. Makes sense she’d be read in. Major player on the team. Perhaps she hasn’t grasped the gravity of what has happened. OR, Jenna is a great actor.
Treason as we’ve never seen it before in America has been poorly executed for all to witness..
Looking forward to Military arresting folks and they are publicly carted off to Military lock up. military trials.
Not hyperbole above. It has to be Military justice for these crimes.


BINGO. These HIGH P{OWERED attorney are NOT going to the wall without PROOF. The ALL were read in, likely by Giuliani, just the lead attorneys, NO LEAKS.


Civics 102: Timeline of Arrests; Participate in Local Government

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From GAB……comment image


LOL boom, dumbasses.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I suspect that we may have even made an intentionally weak and unrevealing case to the compromised judge. 😉


That is an extremely dangerous way to practice law. Not saying they wouldn’t do it but it would be out-of-character for each of the top guns.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed that it’s pretty dicey, because one may then be limited in some ways to what was presented. But if the pleading leaves openings for the “good stuff” to be added upon appeal, perhaps…..


It is possible, but the premise had to be ther same. I think it would not matter, it was an Obama judge, if we showed live video in 4k, with dolby audio of the dominion folks discussing it.
How ANY REAL “judge” could deny the FRAUD and equal protection. It SHOWS that ALL Obama people are CORRUPT and UNQUALIFIED for the positions they hold or held.
They are ALL idealogues. Party before law, party before self, party before country, party before GOD.
I hope this sweeps them ALL into the dustbin of history!

Cuppa Covfefe

I wouldn’t be surprised if all the Øbama people are compromised and pwned by the Klintoons and the deep state, i.e. “we’ll give you this judgeship, IFF (if and only if) you tow the line – improvise or stray, and you’re out – or WORSE” ….


Yes, think epstein.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Eric Dondero
Eric Dondero
Wow. Trump is on a rampage tonight. He just blasted liberal lawyer Mark Elias and now he’s going after Liz Cheney.
“Sorry Liz, can’t accept the results of an election with hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes cast, enough to easily flip the Election. You’re just unhappy that I’m bringing the troops back home where they belong!”
1 repost


^^^ That left a mark.


a DIRECT did at Dick, Liz’s daddy. IE MR NEO CON.


Dirty Dick was in on 9-11-01……..
The order STANDS!


Yep, Trump KNOWS.


… on Daddy Warbucks.


Oh that Liz



Trump ALWAYS tells what is coming.





And this crap is EXACTLY why we better not count on this mess going to the House to decide who won. I don’t trust 99% of the House Republicans to do what is right.


comment image





* Waves at TIM * Sorry Buddy – did not see your post!!!



comment image


𝕞𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕤𝕒 See-no-evil monkeyHear-no-evil monkeySpeak-no-evil monkey
“We haven’t even begun to present the big fraud case that I’m still working on and it’s a BLOCKBUSTER.”


Giggle. READ carefully
The ballots WERE marked. Tony Schaffer is a SPOOKS SPOOK. He is NEARLY on the level of Flynn.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The EO just went WHITE HOT if this is true!
喜马拉雅国际工作站 Himalaya Global
喜马拉雅国际工作站 Himalaya Global
Miles Guo: Pre.Trump will win this election!
But Pre. Trump’s safety is at risk from the CCP. #Xi said the 2020 Election is the Endgame btw the US and China. The CCP wants to ensure Biden win at all costs. Founder Group of the CCP is behind #Smartmatic Software of #Election fraud

郭文贵先生认为川普总统将赢得大选。 但中共必将垂死一搏,川普总统的人身安全将是“重中之重“,郭先生呼吁川普总统不要再去间谍云集的马拉哥俱乐部。




I reference, here, my reply above to your post which resonates within me….specifically to my temporal side.
(insert long, insulting string of profanity aimed at CCP communist BASTARDS and the rabid dog named Xi)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, I have those days!!!


I thought Xi was a friend of The Donald.


You thought WRONG!
VSG …. KNOWS what he is doing.
Besties with Kin Jong Un too ?


Yes there was……
Hey Xi…. Wanna work together?
(If not, You’ll be sorry) 🙂


One of my favorite anecdotes about the soviet regard for Pravda was when they had a story that American elderly were so poor that they were forced to eat cat food.
The Russians were amazed! In America, they are so rich that they have special food for cats!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Cold War canned cat food was REALLY good. Giving the cats food was one of my chores, and they loved their daily can of “Kal-Kan”. The beefy stuff smelled like a really good, juicy, ground sirloin steak. I was so tempted to eat it. I used to smell it and just be in awe.


Kal-Kan – now there’s a blast from the past. 😄

Cuppa Covfefe

“My dog’s better cause he gets Ken-L Ration…” 😀
All those great brands… and where did ALPO go???


And Red Heart. We had a collie in the 50s (in Brooklyn) like so many other families. 😊 Lassie ate Red Heart.

Cuppa Covfefe

The meat, too 😆
[ALPO used to brag about how much meat they had compared to other brands…]….

Cuppa Covfefe

Many, MANY years ago, around Thanksgiving, in the early 1980s, the SJ Mercury News had either a brilliant layout manager or a miraculous incident of serendipity.
There were two ads, side by side, on the bottom of the page. On the left was a picture of a bedraggled, impoverished, (probably) homeless man, struggling to spoon out his dinner from a can. The caption read: “Some people are left to eat Thanksgiving Dinner out of a can” (or something to that effect). The ad went on with how many people could be fed with a particular donation, say $5, $10, $20, or $100. I think it might have been from St. Anthony’s Dining Room, not sure.
Next to it, same size, really snazzy fonts, etc., with a svelte young lady eyeing her potential meals, was an ad forJenny Craig (or something similar). Along with the ad copy for how much weight could be lost with their diet plan was a list of how much their meal plan cost, and the estimated weight loss by using it.
Oddly enough, the numbers were almost the same as those in St. Anthony’s ad; one could quickly see, the cost of losing 10 pounds would feed 100 people Thanksgiving Dinner…
That stark, indeed tragic, contrast has stuck in my mind all these years; sorry that my description doesn’t do it justice. Sometimes we don’t realize just how fortunate we are…….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment imagecomment image


Are we finally going to see the Clinton Crime Family totally exposed? Brought to justice.
Are we finally going to see Beijing Biden and his Crime Family totally exposed? Brought to justice.
Are we going to see ketchup man Lerch and his family totally exposed? brought to justice.
Are we going to see pierre deLecto and his son totally exposed? brought to justice.
hussein, LL, Holder, Yates, Comey, Brenna, Clapper, Shitty, Nanzi, Wray…
Who in the media will tumble…? Gosh, I hope it IS all the big names. So many smug corrupt asshoes in the media.
Yea, I, perhaps we want them all taken down fire hose style.




That’s the science part of your brain talking. 🙂
Give ’em a chaser of white phosphorus.

Cuppa Covfefe

And maybe a drone flying over, sprinkling, say, caustic soda (or even bicarb), and fizzy powder for color…
[One place I worked had one of those annoying vacuum trucks driving around the parking lot, like a bat out of he!!, ostensibly to clean up the parking lot when it was empty, late at night. I had visions of placing colored explosive charges around the lot, just to see puffs of red, green, yellow, silver, gold, blue, and purple as the truck drove over them. The dork just about hit my car a few times, so I wasn’t terribly fond of his work…].

Cuppa Covfefe

The truck was in north San Jose, IIRC the Qume Corporation parking lot across the way. I think Becton-Dickinson is there now.
The trucks were really a thing in Kalifornistan. And irritating as all heck… To think of all the things I had planned for the sod driving that thing… tank traps don’t even come close 😀

Cuppa Covfefe

I was thinking of a HUGE, FOAMING (or even FLAMING) reaction due to the neutralization…
OK, OK, OK, not exactly matter/antimatter, but I can dream 🙂


“… since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”
Romans 1:19-20
Man is well-known to lie to himself upon any and all manner of things, for all manner of purpose and reasoning.
In the bible, when the Judgement comes, it speaks to the wailing and gnashing of teeth. This is commonly understood to mean grief over God’s judgment. That is incorrect.
It is the grief of the condemned who realize it is they who lied to and fooled themselves concerning God, his existence, and his sovereignty. In their arrogance and hubris, they CHOSE not to believe that which God had written upon their hearts, so that they “knew” him (which is to say, all men know the Creator is real, for he signs his works of art as any artist does).
Every person has the knowledge of God written upon their hearts. God does this so they cannot say they never knew him. It leaves each person without an excuse….specifically, that they did not know….when the day of judgement comes.
I’m telling you this for two reasons:
1) So that you cannot say you were not told, and I cannot say I failed to tell you
2) So that you may choose wisely, while you still have time to do so.
I urge you not not to gamble with your soul, nor allow yourself to lie or fool yourself.
I would be very glad to see you secure your place among the saints, and I will equally be sad if you choose not to. Because make no mistake….it is a choice. Your choice, and your choice alone.
A blind man can face the sun and say it does not exist, but he is still going to get sunburned if he remains naked to it’s rays.comment image


The “God’s mouthpiece” act got old a long time ago. And I am a Christian.


I’m just over the “scripture pile-on” technique that these folks are compelled to employ. I have Baptist relatives in Texas that do the same thing. For generations, literally. And I love the word. But using it as a form of virtue signaling is abhorrent.


…who holds onto grudges as if they are diamonds.


I have no idea what you’re referring to. It’s a pattern I observed. I attached a label.


Spoken like good liberals, who pretend not to know many things. Funny how you always manage to show up where I am concerned. It’s an observable pattern, and it has it’s genesis. You aren’t fooling anyone here.


The scripture pile-on is NEVER effective. It just alienates people. I have used the term God’s mouthpiece once previously. But the truth is, I go out of my way NOT to engage with you. Check your list of replies for proof.
It’s interesting that when you aren’t using scripture to smother, you resort to comparing me to a good liberal. Is that really the best you can come up with, left to your own devices?


Here we go again.comment image


You are confusing “unable” with “unwilling”, because it makes your plea for sympathy sound better.
Philosophically, I could make the argument you are asking me to allow you to commit suicide without comment or intervention, and if I don’t then I don’t respect you.
I’ll leave it there, and RESPECTFULLY, and sincerely, wish you a good night.


There are none so BLIND that WILL NOT see.

Deplorable Patriot

Psst: the trick to converting anybody is to demonstrate respect regardless of whether you really do or not. Catching flies with honey and not vinegar and all that.
Flat out telling people they are wrong about any one thing, meant with Christian charity or not, just doesn’t work.

Deplorable Patriot

Not going there. There’s a reason why.


After the inauguration – takedown of Antifa/BLM thugs – maybe, that is where we are going – straight to the DECLAS – and Pedogate.


Airbnb exec resigned over concerns company shared too much data with China
By Paula Froelich
November 21, 2020 | 6:37pm
Sean Joyce
Sean Joyce
AFP via Getty Images
The former chief trust officer of Airbnb was so concerned about how much user data the internet behemoth was sharing with China, he resigned from his post last year after just six months on the job.
Sean Joyce, Airbnb’s former chief trust officer — also a former deputy director with the FBI — reportedly resigned last year over concerns about how much user data the company was sharing with China.
Joyce was hired as the company’s first chief trust officer in May of 2019 to help protect users’ safety on the platform — but he abruptly resigned from his executive position after just six months on the job “over concerns about how the massive rental platform shares data on millions of its users with Chinese authorities,” sources told The Wall Street Journal.
“Joyce grew alarmed during his tenure that the company wasn’t being fully transparent about the data it shares with the ruling Chinese Communist Party government, including for Americans traveling in the country,” sources said, according to the paper. “He also was concerned about what he viewed as Airbnb’s willingness to consider more expansive data requests from China.”
Airbnb, which filed to go public this week and, in that filing, admitted its “ability to continue doing business in China is a risk factor for its brand and profitability,” claims it has always been transparent about its information sharing with Chinese authorities.
Getty Images/iStockphoto
However, Joyce felt most people didn’t know how much data was being shared which included, according the WSJ, “phone numbers, email addresses and messages between users and the company.”
“We are committed to being transparent with our community, and clearly disclose our data policies to all of our hosts and guests by displaying a clear message to users when they are on the platform and through multiple other notifications,” Nick Papas, a spokesman for Airbnb, told the paper.
Airbnb logo
Airbnb files for IPO, reveals widening losses and falling revenue
When reached for comment, Joyce told the WSJ “he had a ‘difference in values’ with Airbnb” and declined any further comment.
According to the paper, Chinese officials asked for more data in the summer of last year — specifically requesting “real-time data” which would alert them to when someone first books a property. This alarmed Joyce, who “worried such data-sharing would enable Chinese government surveillance and put members of minority ethnic groups such as repressed Muslim-majority Uighurs at risk.”
Joyce raised the alarm with Chief Executive Brian Chesky and co-founder Nathan Blecharczyk, who leads Airbnb’s China unit, to which Blecharczyk reportedly said, “We’re not here to promote American values” — prompting Joyce to resign”…


Thanks, Mary!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Article is VERY interesting. This is exactly how China compromises people. The top of AirBnb is compromised by China, but they want to paper it over with a “Trust Officer”, and an ex-FBI deputy director sure sounds swell – except he catches on and realizes this is crazy nuts.
Very smart to bail! Hire that man!
Check this out – end of article:
According to the paper, Chinese officials asked for more data in the summer of last year — specifically requesting “real-time data” which would alert them to when someone first books a property. This alarmed Joyce, who “worried such data-sharing would enable Chinese government surveillance and put members of minority ethnic groups such as repressed Muslim-majority Uighurs at risk.”
Joyce raised the alarm with Chief Executive Brian Chesky and co-founder Nathan Blecharczyk, who leads Airbnb’s China unit, to which Blecharczyk reportedly said, “We’re not here to promote American values” — prompting Joyce to resign.


It is just sickening how many have sold out our country for $$$, Wolf – TRAITORS – all of them – unfortunately, there are many of them, too! Just look at Kemp and Georgia AG – what were they thinking?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

First thing:
The people who bow down to this stuff take their view of the world from the FAKE NEWS. That false reality gets people to do things they know they shouldn’t, but are led by the idea that “everybody wants this” – it’s OK.
The commies were so smart is using John “Brainwash” McCain to become the face of the right. He was a weak man who looked strong in a phony, controllable way – yet always demanding “bipartisanship” with evil.
Second thing:
You can’t get elected unless THEY WANT IT. They don’t “want it” unless you’re ultimately controllable in some way – including “doing whatever it takes to get elected”. Nasty method of control.
Look at Trump. One of the most popular presidents in history – STRUCK DOWN by FAKE ELECTIONS.
That kind of power SCARES weak people.


I guess so, Wolf – * Sigh * – some people question most of what they are told – while others just accept it as ‘fact’ – cannot tell you how many times people have told me I was wrong because that is not what the ‘News’ says – it is so frustrating – and yet – many of us who have ‘awakened’ were duped long ago, too – some search for truth – while others just accept what they are ‘told’ as truth – I am encouraged by those who have ‘walked away’ from the liars in the Democrat Party – and yet – look at the Republican liars – just as bad.
World View – they told us ‘globalism’ was a good thing – we are ‘one world’ – ‘one people’ – ‘one religion’ – Oh, Lord – little did we know what they really selling – now they are talking about the ‘great reset’ – another world system to rob each and every country of its wealth and freedom – now – there is a race to get to the ‘great reset’ – and yet – they cannot accomplish it with out the USA – that is why they want Trump out – he is a curse to their success – why we MUST WIN THIS FIGHT!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

World SLAVERY otherwise!


Unfortunately, Yes, Wolf!!!


Those he can not “Turn”…..
He will surely BURY!


Hmmm…or they will bury themselves!


Small point but very pointed~~ ( they’re all over the place on the ground. I’ve seen them)


I’ve lost count for how many lefties I’ve asked this question. All I get is a blank look but they can’t bring themselves to THINK logically. It’s maddening!!


They have to wait for it to be answered by some fellow leftard to have an answer to parrot.

Cuppa Covfefe

If they could think logically, they wouldn’t be liberals. 🙂 or 🙁
Sad but true. They cannot understand, for instance, that with no money coming in, there’s nothing available to be paid out (once the balance is zero). Hence Margaret Thatcher’s brilliant observation that “sooner or later you run out of other people’s money”.
And with what the Georgia Guidestones prescribe, sooner or later they’ll run out of other people…..

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s depressing indeed.
Crushing, in fact. Just like the key of the fellow digging coal who fell down the shaft…


Mine go through the wash in my pants pocket. Stretch the blue ones out for a few weeks.


Let’s all ask the experts, who have never once thought about this, much less speak to it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! that picture is just so ridiculous!!!


Can you feel it


Nothing comes to mind except cussing and being vulgar so…here ya go


Within a few seconds delete came to my mind as I clicked off of the ignorance.
Count my blessing I no longer watch local or national “news”.

Cuppa Covfefe

I remember decades ago, how the Jews, or Jewish organizations would always be saying, “NEVER FORGET!”.
In my selfish youth, I was irritated sometimes by this, thinking “how COULD we forget something so terrible?”.
Sad to say, more than sixty years later (in my case), it appears we have. I’ve known Holocaust survivors, and many who narrowly escaped the ovens (in spite of Satan Soros). Most people anymore have no idea of the horror. UTTER HORROR that these folks endured.
And so I fully understand now the importance of “NEVER FORGET”.
As the saying goes, those who do not learn from history (or who are hell-bent on erasing it, like the DEMONRATS], are doomed to repeat it…
Books by Corrie Ten Boom are good; Diary of Anne Frank, and anything about Die Weisse Rose (White Rose) or Bekennende Christen are a place to start………


The comments….😂


Trump admin prosecutors also tried to facilitate a coup against Trump, so there’s that.


Conversation between Praying Medic and Dave of X22 Report – remember to remove splat
D. Hayes-Information Warfare,Buckle Up The [DS] Will Unleash Their Fury When Their [E] Agenda Fails
X22 Report Published November 21, 2020 45,758 Views


Am I finding something that isn’t there, or is any one else curious about Lin Wood’s statement. Is this a slip of the tongue and proof that Epstein didn’t kill himself???
“Look, I’d like to see in a perfect world, John Durham’s report come out and people go to jail. I’d like to see Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell and a lot of people go to jail.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh boy. WHEW! Now THAT is interesting!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK – I want some opinions on this.
The “big cheese” was the STOLEN ELECTION.
The proximate villain to the stolen election was the VP of tech at Dominion – Eric Coomer.
COOMER is SOROS-connected via Dominion and Smartmatic.
Coomer is a real prize. This guy is GITMO material, IMO. And he could bring down a lot of people if he talks, or just if they had a FISA on him.
FBI is filled with BLM sympathizers, who are basically “Alt-ANTIFA” sympathizers.
What are the two things Wray didn’t *seem* to bother investigating “well”?
Let me ask a question.
This was exemplary of the rumored military investigations working with SELECTED, VETTED FBI?
Chris Wray was actually doing everything not to spook the criminals – particularly COOMER?
They needed to let everybody walk into the trap, to bring down the whole Cabal?
Q’s X-ed out Chris Wray is actually DISINFORMATION, and TRUST WRAY is still operant?
What if Wray is a sleeper, but he’s OUR SLEEPER?
Just a theory.


You could very well be onto something, Wolf. I seem to recall that way back when POTUS first appointed Wray that Q posted “Trust Wray.” So which is it? A sting this big, they would have to have people in place that could fool the cabal. That’s why I’m not giving up on Barr/Durham. What did Q say about good actors?


It’s not a bad theory in my opinion. I really do think Trump is playing chess at levels we can’t even comprehend, and sometimes that looks like losing while you are really winning. Sun Tzu.


I can’t buy that theory… FIB held Biden’s Laptop during the Impeachment…
look at their OBVIOUS ABSENCE right now. Unforgiveable. Sidney Powell, Rudy and Lin Wood are doing their job… and Trump and his supporters are paying for this effort to Stop the Steal…
Nope… Q always said their comms were read by DS… there was disinformation there as well as encouragement to research…
Y’all are welcome to continue to trust these peeps…
I trust them not… want them in jail actually.


Notice the lawyers are doing the jobs others should be doing


“FIB held Biden’s Laptop during the Impeachment…”
Yep. In other words, Barr/Wray temporarily held back on exposing to the public data that could have torpedoed the candidacy of the the Dims’ least exciting, least charismatic, least healthy, least sympathetic, oldest, most publicly corrupt, most gaffe-prone contender…
…so now the horse race fixers of the Deep State/New World Order/CCP are managing the last lap of the race of their lives, to determine whether they become the rulers of the one world government, or end up wearing orange jumpsuits in Gitmo…
…and the only horse they have left to run is lame.
P.S. And the data that torpedoes unlucky pony #30330 in the grand 2020 derby is slowly leaking out into the court of public opinion now, just when the fixers need him to be cast in the best possible light, to pretend that he crossed the finish line successfully.


And we have Rudy and POTUS to thank for that.


My head and heart has been hardened toward him and all of them that might be white hats but say nothing. Relying on Sidney & Lin Wood and Guilliani and his part was to play softball with antifa ..If that’s true, time for him and Barr to step up and support the law of the land.
Digital warriors have been carrying the heavy load. If there are white hats, it’s time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IF this is true, we may see action very soon.


I would love for this to be true.


Could be or our guys just let sleeping dogs like for the same reason. Time will tell.


As a proponent of stings, I endorse this theory ………

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We never imagined something SO BIG – a STOLEN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION that tipped us off to DECADES of STOLEN ELECTIONS……
It might need a really big STING to catch it.


Yeah, The Possum play, all the way – to victory!!!
Didn’t Kue say something positive about JS in the last couple of weeks?
We never imagined Covid, which was essential for the steal – so yeah, the Swamp is “eviller” than certainly I ever imagined. That is mainly due to not having the “evil chip”, since once I saw the likely truth re 9/11, I knew that American traitors had to be involved. If they were psycophathic (sic) enough to do that, then “Covid for the win” is an easy next step.


Wray as a good guy is a bridge to far for me.
I can’t think of ONE thing Wray has done right.
Not ONE aggressive move by Wray to enforce the law.
So very much I’d like to believe Wray, FIB are good guys. But there is no evidence. IF president Trump wants something done in LE world, President Trump calls US Marshall’s or DHS.
Can’t recall when President Trump has engaged with FIB on anything big, or small. It’s as if, President Trump knows FIB is corrupt and unreliable to the poiint of FIB WILL obstruct anything President Trump directs or asks for.
DOJ is nearly as bad. There is a glimmer of hope for Barr. Think I posted earlier today. ONLY because President Trump threw Barr a life line a day or two before the election. Something like D-Rats should be thankful for Bar, he’s a very nice guy.
Hmmm. Now that I think about it, President Trump said “nice” guy. Did not say good, great or anything along those lines. Nice guy. In any case, I viewed that as a hey D-rats, Bar isn’t going to hurt anyone, look elsewhere. When maybe in reality, Barr is directing a sting or some great surveillance on coupists.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We’ll see. Interesting times!!!


Sidney FLAT OUT stated that Wray and Haspel were Cabal and should be fired immediately, and she said that with no small amount of disgust and anger in her voice.
Imma hang my hat on that, to say nothing of what I (we) already know.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Yeah, that sounds like a “NO WAY ON EARTH” to me!!! 😀


I am 100% positive that the Q messages that said “trust Wray“ were openings for Wray to join the white hats and be considered a patriot.
He did not accept the invitation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That seems very plausible.


Why did Gina meet with turtle?


Same may be asked of Barr, as well.

Deplorable Patriot

I wondered that for a while, that Wray was left in place to catch the real DS actors in the Bureau.
A lot of what’s gone on indicates evidence and exposure are high on the XVII team list of priorities, and a number of actors in pivotal positions are taking rhetorical punches for the team…unlike the Defense people who were outed and replaced as the operation went to the next phase.


Whoa! It sounds like Sidney is releasing the Kraken tonight. Just saw these stories at GP:
Sidney Powell: 35,000 Votes Were Added to Every Democrat Candidate – I’d Be Willing to Bet It Happened Everywhere
“Georgia Is the First State I’m Going to Blow Up and Mr. Kemp and the Secretary of State Need to Go With It!” — Sidney Powell Releases the Kraken!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Oh, boy.


Starting to think some folks on the wrong side of this election steal are NOT sleeping well. Perhaps glancing at their night stand in the night.
However they choose to deal with their criminal actions, the stress will increasingly grow until they are arrested, or they take action on their own. They do have a couple options.
100%, I believe FISAs and surveilance have been in play for a long time. Increasingly so since March or so.


Just what DH and I were discussing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

FROM GAB!comment image


Damn how hypocritical can one get
The governors of Calif, Wash and Ore lock down their states, along with restricting travel & then jet off to Hawaii with their families and staff.
Lawmakers jet to Hawaii conference with lobbyists despite travel warnings

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Communist hypocrisy is always OFF THE CHARTS!!!


It is intentional and very much a part of psychological warfare/manipulation.


“Lawmakers jet to Hawaii conference with lobbyists despite travel warnings”
What a PERFECT time for a popular uprising.
The optics are perfect.
Burgermeister Meisterburger is off to Hawaii for fun ‘n sun while the townspeople are left to rot.
It would be a shame if the governor’s mansion(s) burned down while he was away.
And all of his cars, and boats, and rental properties.
Rea shame.
Hate to see it! 😂🤣😂


From CTH:
You Are Not Alone…
Posted on November 20, 2020
“A man from Georgia called-in to Rush Limbaugh today… we can all relate. LISTEN:
I hear you my friend… I hear you!
The most critical Wolverine message: “you are NOT alone“.”
You are NOT alone… you’re just BANNED! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


I LOVE being in the Wolf Band 🙂


Scott, that’s BRILLIANT! 😆
It’s interesting that SD got his notice around two years after he banned us. We were banned on November 11, 2018.
I remember because I had just finished watching the commemorative Remembrance Sunday/Remembrance Day ceremony and march past on television. Then I saw SD’ post.


‘SD’s’ post, should have said.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Please help me identify everybody here. Is that Dilma Roussef of Brazil in the right foreground?
FROM GAB:comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I sent searching on “dilma rousseff obama chavez maduro” and boy did I come up with somebody interesting.
This is ALL making sense now.comment imagecomment image
http://www.laht.com/Venny0409/Chavez_Clinton.jpgcomment imagecomment image


Wow. After that she aged like Dorian Grey’s portrait.


They cut off her Adrenochrome?

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. They were all meeting at “Satan Place”…..


No. That is the vile and disgusting Valarie Jarrett.


….but I could be wong.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Chavez had a surprising number of wives, lovers and lefty admirers, just like Castro. Looks like it’s not Dilma or ValJar – the nose is wrong for both.


Can you get a good look at her badge. Her name is on it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think that’s actually somebody ELSE – Maduro has a DIFFERENT TIE in that picture.
Yup – that fooled me for a while, too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ah, but wait a minute – that could be her with her hair grown out and some time in between, plus different clothes…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s neither Maduro’s wife nor Chavez’s wife, but she’s definitely in the Venezuelan delegation.


Why do you ask?
Asking for the opening left begging.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I was wondering if it was a Latin American “presidente” elected using Dominion!
Dilma Rousseff, commie guerrilla in Brazil – the “Obama of Brazil” who was ousted by Jair Bolsonaro, is a very likely suspect. So is Michelle Bechelet of Chile, and Cristina Fernandez of Argentina. There are already allegations it was used in Bolivia for their commie.
This is going to really change politics.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Since she’s part of the Venezuelan delegation, I dropped it. I’m really looking for more countries that the commies may have taken using Dominion.

Cuppa Covfefe

Their mistress??? 😎
(From Evita: “Another Suitcase In Another Hall” (Where Am I Going To?)…..
Actually a lot of the goings on are comparable to the skulduggery portrayed in “Evita”: “The Art Of The Possible”, “I’d Be Surprisingly Good For You”, “High Flying Adored”, and, especially in light of the Klintoons and their, erm, Fundation, ‘ “And the Money Kept Rolling In (And Out)” ‘…..
The idiom/cliche of the banana republic lives on in full force with the DEMONRATS…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I think things are brewing…..


800+ comments has been the new normal since election day. Jus’ sayin’


Ale yeast or beer yeast?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The ultimate Soros DA!

Cuppa Covfefe

And at the French Bakery, that was the yeast of their worries…
For someone had ordered a Napoleon Blownaparte…


Or are they perchance distilling?
Asking for the bourbon drinkers.

Cuppa Covfefe

A good stout or a hearty Pilsener would be nice 😀
Or a nice strong ginger beer, which is almost impossible to find here…


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Gail Combs

Hubby hear via a friend that Sydney Powell GOT FIRED???
Anyone know if this is true.
OK, Rudy G. She is practicing law ON HER OWN and is not a lawyer for the President’s Team. L. Lin Wood’s is ALSO acting in a private capacity.
Skuttlebutt is since Sydney is PRIVATE Dominion CAN NOT SUE TRUMP TEAM — SNEAKER!


Yes, I saw that, too.
There’s an article on Mediaite about it. I’m giving it the customary 48 hours:
I’m not quite sure it’s quite the way Mediaite puts it and would like to see the context. She might have been uninvolved in another investigation going on or she was investigating something they weren’t? I don’t know.
