“We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to be free to inquire. We know that in secrecy error undetected will flourish and subvert.” –J. Robert Oppenheimer
This is my test post to see if I can still access authorship on Wolf’s new site.
May God be blessing us individually & corporately as we continue to fight the good fight on behalf of Truth, Justice, & the American Way. Especially as we support our beloved President Trump who has been such a strong & sacrificial leader for our beleaguered land.
Here’s a clever reminder to pray for our land daily…
Dear Lord please guide & direct these new Q Tree adventures!!!
That video above was from 1986, a banner year in my family. My brothers & I each graduated that year: one w/ an MA; one w/ a BA; & one w/ a high school diploma. How things have changed…
Even marred by masks & social distancing that last song still makes me want to stand up & cheer. Our land is worth fighting for to preserve Freedom for ourselves & our posterity. Dear Lord, grant us complete victory over the enemies of our land & our souls, in Jesus’ Name!
Valerie Curren is a Christian wife, mother, blogger, licensed professional counselor, hobby genealogist, & avid reader. She & most of her family live in Metro Detroit. She began blogging in 2012 as an outlet for stress related to her special needs son's pending Liver Transplant. Multiple blogs & posts have been dedicated to chronicling much of the high intensity medical journey with Josiah, her youngest son.
Currently her primary blog isSpecialConnections.wordpress.comwhere there is an eclectic mix of personal, cultural, spiritual, political, & historical writings.
Recently she has been invited as a guest author at Wolfmoon's Q-Treehouse, a daughter blog of the Conservative Treehouse.wqth.wordpress.comTheQTree.com
Her current primarily medical focused blog ishttps://www.caringbridge.org/visit/josiahcurren
Historical archive of her son's liver transplant journey isJazzmanJournal.wordpress.com& archiving a friend's parallel liver transplant journey isChristLikeKara.wordpress.com
Helping her autistic son find an online voice has been a joyJosiahsFreakShow.wordpress.comJosiahTheSecretWeapon.wordpress.com
Josiah's twin, Brandon, has quite a unique & insightful blogging voice tooNotSoSubtlePoet.wordpress.com/
With all 4 of our kids in their 20's, 1 is married, 2 are engaged to be married in 2020 & 2021 & the other one pursuing an international relationship that may lead to marriage, things have been quite exciting in our family for a number of years. Preparing for a special needs wedding & marriage for our youngest son is one of the unique adventures our family is currently engaged in. God is Good & it will be exciting to see what He does in the coming years!
View all posts by Valerie Curren
Bummer that all the test comments are gone. I had hoped to check them against the bell notifications to check functionality as an author here at the new site. C’est la vie!
Bummer that all the test comments are gone. I had hoped to check them against the bell notifications to check functionality as an author here at the new site. C’est la vie!
God Bless us Every one, especially Q Treepers!
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