God Bless Us, Every One

This is my test post to see if I can still access authorship on Wolf’s new site.

May God be blessing us individually & corporately as we continue to fight the good fight on behalf of Truth, Justice, & the American Way. Especially as we support our beloved President Trump who has been such a strong & sacrificial leader for our beleaguered land.

Here’s a clever reminder to pray for our land daily…

Dear Lord please guide & direct these new Q Tree adventures!!!

That video above was from 1986, a banner year in my family. My brothers & I each graduated that year: one w/ an MA; one w/ a BA; & one w/ a high school diploma. How things have changed…

Even marred by masks & social distancing that last song still makes me want to stand up & cheer. Our land is worth fighting for to preserve Freedom for ourselves & our posterity. Dear Lord, grant us complete victory over the enemies of our land & our souls, in Jesus’ Name!

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