Dear KMAG: 20201123 Open Topic

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KMAG/KAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both). Yes, it’s Monday…again. But it’s okay! We’ll get through it. Free Speech is practiced here … Continue reading Dear KMAG: 20201123 Open Topic

My Plan To Get Us Kicked Off Of WordPress

Prepare to defend "conspiracy theories" until the globo-nazis have no choice but to close this blog. Because there's nobody better at defending "conspiracy theories" to their proof than US. When Sundance was kicked off WordPress, and more precisely - the .com part being a subtle distinction - I decided to leave WordPress, too, in … Continue reading My Plan To Get Us Kicked Off Of WordPress

How PDJT Will Win A Second Term…..

It dawned on me yesterday after listening to what attorney Alan Dershowitz had to say about the 2020 election. Our President doesn’t have time to reach 270 electoral votes. He has to prevent SleepyCreepy Joe from reaching 270 electoral votes by December 14th. In doing so, the 12th Amendment will be used to elect our … Continue reading How PDJT Will Win A Second Term…..

2020·11·21 KMAG Daily Thread

Shitstorm Saturday:The Kraken Unleashed!! What a spectacle! It's Thursday evening in Colorado, Friday morning on the East Coast (you know, the place where the people think we're just their frigging backyard live). So as I write this, I have no idea what happened on Friday. Hopefully the Kraken left some footprints around with tiny little … Continue reading 2020·11·21 KMAG Daily Thread

Dear KAG: 20201120 Open Thread

Happy Hour begins now at the Wolf's Head Pub. Friday's featured drink is YOUR favorite ale on tap. Do tell. First round on the house. A bit of history about pubs. Public houses, as they were first called, began in the latter part of the 17th century. They were also known as alehouses, taverns, and … Continue reading Dear KAG: 20201120 Open Thread

With Each Passing Day, We Are Getting Closer To the Truth PREVAILING…..

The process that is being played out is going as planned by our President and his legal team. It is really easy to get frustrated that things are not happening quickly. There are days that I feel that frustration. However, I have to tell myself to be patient because our President and his legal team … Continue reading With Each Passing Day, We Are Getting Closer To the Truth PREVAILING…..

Dear KAG: 20201119 Open Thread

Sorry for the delay. Here's a REALLY quick and dirty daily. You ready, Pat? _______________________________________________ As usual, this is the daily thread, the place to put all information that needs to be out there - Q drops, Q drop decodes, riot information, rumors about MAGA rallies starting up again, news flashes, Chy-na flu updates, … Continue reading Dear KAG: 20201119 Open Thread

11-18-20 Midweek Musings

When we look at Muh Russia's endless accusations and hearings, the impeachment and now this huge voting fraud that the D'Rats have attempted, we might, not seeing any significant consequences, be tempted to think that these traitors have and maybe will escape scot-free. As fulfilling as it may be to see justice meted out to … Continue reading 11-18-20 Midweek Musings