UPDATE: The move is complete, and we are now ON THE NEW SITE – RIGHT HERE!!!
At 1:30 AM Eastern Time on December 4, 2020, the old site (wqth.wordpress.com) closed behind a “Coming Soon” banner, and two hours later, the NEW site opened HERE:
Having shut down comments on the old site, I will slowly decommission it, possibly keeping it as an archive and “back-up”, but all activity will shift to the new site.
We were ready WELL before 6 AM.
There will be some minor fixes over the next day or two.
Right now, I need some sleep!

Thank you for your patience!

Posted at 12:49……
We’ll make it work.
Grandma is still working on her daily! It’s on this site, so it has to go in here. Can’t move until she….. WOOHOO!!! It’s HERE!!!!
See you on the other side, m’man.
Sorry for the delay.
Hey, it’s a great post, and it makes me look punctual, which I’m not!
I toiled all day and then left it for a late evening nap. Knew there would be some more stuff. Things are moving so quickly at this point I can hardly keep up. Driving my husband crazy listening to hearings all day.
Exciting times!!! <3
Too Excited to Sleep!!!

Doors close at 1:30 now – giving people 1/2 hour to make their last posts on the old site!
Conversations will continue on Gab in our group:
Or in the chatrooms!
I don’t even know how to use a ‘chat room’ yet

Stick to the group is my advice!!!
Fuck you, WordPress. You suck.
Dust off my sandals.
See y’all on the new q-tree!
We’re there!
This is great, boss…Thank You so much for all the work you’ve done!

Just testing to see if an image will post, using the little picture icon:
Okay, that didn’t work.
I noticed that there is a little Bell icon located beside the ‘Post Comment’ button.
The Bell icon is gray and has a strike-through across it.
If you cursor over it, it says:
“Notify of new replies to this comment”
So I clicked on it…and the Bell icon turned green.
I guess this is how we turn on the Notifications for any replies…but we have to do it for each comment.
Also noticed that Replies have been appearing in a pale pink background color.
Which is kinda cool…because it gives us an additional way of telling which comments are done as replies.
I think that may give you email notifications. May want to check your junk mail.
Yes, I think that’s the ticket!
I think JetPack will notify you of any replies without using that. At least, it does for me!
Nope…unfortunately, I’m not getting any notifications in my Bell now.

I am trying to reply for the first time.
Looks like it worked OK!!!
Thank you!
Knock, knock. Anybody home? I feel like a wandering waif just like the first time I dropped into Wolfie’s Tree after jumping off my limb on an inferior tree which shall not be named. I’m just going to tip toe around a little and see what’s up……
We’ll get you posting here without any hassles. Generally speaking, if you log in with your WordPress account, that will guarantee no problems, BUT I remain “suspicious cat” about WordPress harassing people to try to undermine the site! Bet there’s a lot of money in proving that, too.

I tried to reply to Sylvia but could not do it. I logged on on the jet pack which I found by accident while looking around. Not sure if I should have. I am now signed up in wordpress. Then after each comment here it now says follow user except only on ppart of the commenters. If I try to do it, it doesn’t seem to do anything. Very confused.
If you look at the bottom of the sidebar, does it say “Log Out” or “Log In”?
Log out if I’m looking (or listening) lol, to the right place. I’m logged in through wordpress now. Maybe I shouldn’t be.
That was so adorable, Sylvia.
Thanks Zoe!
Thank you, Wolf, for everything.
The new site looks great.
Thanks, Wolf, for everything.
The new site looks great.
I’m signed in, so not sure why my comment needs approval. No worries.
Yeah, not sure what’s up with this now!
W – the new system shows me as logged in, but I can’t like anything or get to JetPack.
The JetPack part requires that you go to JetPack in your settings and “Link To WordPress.com” at some point. You also have to approve third-party cookies or whitelist this new site.
Are you on iOS by any chance? It really seems to mess with the JetPack thing.
W – While at home, I’m on my Windows laptop & desktop. But, during the day, when away, I’m on my iPhone (iOS 14.2). I use both Chrome & Safari. How would I enable 3d party cookies? In Windows or the browser?
We all sincerely appreciate all your hard work and dedication.
I am also “re-syncing” JetPack, which got thrown due to all the changes.
w – I should have also mentioned that in my setting>JetPack>connect to jetpack, my settings show me as connected to this site, but when I try to get to the other settings, I’m returned to the connect to jetpack thingy.
I am testing
Testing activation of the bell for replies (thanks Wheatie!)
I can’t find anything jetpack in my brave settings. Guess I shouldn’t worry about it. Also, when I go to post this comment, what is the plus for?
WordPress settings while on this site!
I’m waiting for approval…..
Approved! I’m mass-approving comments and figuring out the problems later. Please tell me if you are logged in (check bottom of right sidebar – it will say LOG OUT) and if you are, if you are using your WordPress account or a new account on this site. Thanks!
Approved! I’m mass-approving comments and figuring out the problems later. Please tell me if you are logged in (check bottom of right sidebar – it will say LOG OUT) and if you are, if you are using your WordPress account or a new account on this site. Thanks!
Thanks…. and Yes (I’m Logged in).
I believe it is the WordPress account.
This may be why you and I have replies going in notifications. Can you reply to this comment from within the bell notifier windows?
This is where I am replying. (The Bell reply)
Another thing….
When I reply to the Bell…
The lower right bubble still shows “comment” (Orange).
Since I already saw and replied to you….. Then click the bubble,
The “working” rolling bars (top right) roll…. and Roll….. and Roll until I refresh the page.
Yes – the lower right bubble is a completely different system from JetPack and the black band / bell notifier. The lower right bubble does get stuck, sometimes, when the page data is too old – usually because you’ve been in different tabs, and the page data has not kept up.
Since the Bell is working again…… can I turn off the bubble?
If you mean the lower-right green speech bubble, then I don’t think so, but it’s impossible for me to know, because I’m an admin, and my interface looks different. IF you have any controls for the commenting system in your settings, it might be possible, but I have not seen such a thing.
The other speech bubble I talk about is the one in the black bar that is REPLACED by the bell.
I like the Black Bar Bell…..
I can read my replies and not lose my place in the article.
The “Bubble” (Lower right) scrolls me elsewhere.
Wish everybody had a reply box like you do!
Jetpack Sync….
And “Browser Notifications” ENABLED by clicking the Bell, then, Click the “Gear” when drop down appears…Enable “Browser Notifications”.
Should work for everyone.
W – don’t know where my bell is. I must be doing something wrong.
If you’re on iOS, are you able to “enable desktop site”? That may show you the black bar and the bell icon.
I clicked the BBB (Black Bar Bell) and then clicked the “Gear” (Settings)……
It took me to my Notifications page.
I noticed that I have the “Browser Notifications” Enabled…..
May be why the Bell works for me now?
FYI…. your last two replies to me were shown when I clicked the Bell (Top right)
but the bell was NOT lit up indicating replies present.
(Got an email about them too….. can’t seem to get that cleared up)
Hey – I got a REPLY WIDGET BACK!!!
Great…. the Bell lit up for this reply
The old site still appears to be fully operational. I can still comment on it, and last night I never saw it close temporarily.
I can’t see the comments on the old site or on daily threads for today or Steve’s for tomorrow. They are pretty much useless for me except the wonderful intros they wrote, whiich I get in Email. But the comment section is nonexistent for me.
Take a look again!
Love the new site, everything loads easier and faster.Thanks for all the hard work Mr. Wolf!
Thanks! Sorry I had to approve this – please make sure you’re logged in. Hopefully your next comment will post!
Everything looks great. Toying a bit for the heck of it.
Hope this posts without moderation.
Thank you Wolf!
Needed moderation, but you have a reply box in notifications! THAT is awesome!
I hope I navigate this right. Bit different still.
Thx for all the work Wolf.
I have a reply widget here for you! All is well!
Ah ha. There you are.
Does anyone here own a newer model speed queen?
A part to fix my 3 yr old kenmore, the water inlet valve, hasnt come in fir 4 weeks, now theyre saying 3. months. Im literally having to sit at the only laundromat we have, and its 30 bucks to wash and dry 4 loads.
Now im told buy a speed queen. This will be the 3rd washing machine in 5 years.
Sub it. It’s just a water valve. What’s the voltage, what’s the diameter and flow?
This is the model number. 11020372710.
Hi Everyone!!! Found ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope everyone does find us.
its linked at my site!!!!

Of course!! 1st
ok….Now I found ya’ll!!! Nice site Wolfie!!!! Love to all Y’alll!!!!!
You’re the best. Congrats for moving our tree!
testing 1 2 3
So we are here and it is now?
Am I in?
You are now!

Approved! Sorry for the delay – working on the font stuff!
Thank you, sir! You rock! I’m in awe of people who can do what you’ve done to move the site. I can barely figure out how to post a comment.
I noticed the bell doesn’t show any replies to my comments – hopefully that works soon. I like the new, bigger and bolder font, too!
Good that you like the font! Now – the bell – that doesn’t work for everybody. If it’s a spinner, then it’s likely your BROWSER not letting it get the WordPress cookie. But if you see this reply, then maybe it’s working!
I can read the comment but it’s not ringing any bells for me. Lol
Are you able to see the new huge font at all?
Being totally blind and relying on speech and a keyboard, afraid not.
OK – total – gotcha – not just low-vision. The font is huge now – I can read it from several feet away!
Is your speech widget doing ok at hooking into this comment system?
Great change to the font Wolfie!!!! Alison was worried!! You really are the best!!! I miss you Wolfie!! And it’s my fault!! Sorry been gone so long…

No worries! WWG1WGA is REAL!!!
We gotta meet up at the inauguration!!! Im going!! With Shadow!!!
Woke up this morning to see the replies – it’s all good! Thank you so much!!
Okay, I was able to log through the new WP log-in option, and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad ‘thumbs up’ in place of the ‘Like’ button works, but I can’t ‘like’ the thread/article itself.
Approved! Sorry for the delay – working on the font stuff!
Of course I can’t see a thumbs-up and want the liike buttons back. Scott, thank you for speaking on my behalf. Wolfie has worked so hard on this.
Now that I logged in through wordpress, it says log out (you wanted to know, Wolfie). But no like buttons and I don’t know why on almost every commenter it has a follow button, what that does, and why after I hit it it remains there. Inability to like at all except maybe your post at top of page. Thought maybe wordpress/jet pack would make it easier, but it’s not, so I may log out of wordpress. I seem to be one of the few not doing welll with this set-up. Maybe it will get better. Thank you for all the help.
hi there Zoe!!!!! popping over to make sure I can still keep up with you all!!!! Big hugs to you dear lady!!!
Great to see you here, dear Marica.
I will never leave you guys.. Promise! It’s just been a few real life issues that have grounded me a bit.. smooches Zoe
Doing as suggested and posting a comment here…
I, too, need to test reply notifications. So here’s a test reply to you. Someone please reply to this comment so I can see if my notifications work.
Replying from the comment itself on the page…..
It worked! Thank you!
Replying from the notification (“bar bell”) reply widget…..
Saw it, Sadie
They’re working fine over in the new parlor! Which is exactly why I had it built
Scott, you just said it on my behalf. Thank you. I feel bad, Wolfie’s worked so hard, and he’s probably exhausted by now.
orry, Wolfie, you worked so hard to make that font big. It’s your dear heart that’s really big to me. S
Well, it wasn’t wasted! It’s the most popular change I’ve made yet! LOL. Low vision seems to be contagious around here!
you made us all…Marica in glasses…take a ginormous sigh of relief!!! Love you Patriot!!!! Takin care of Business!!!!!

I have to extend an apology as I realize I’ve been useing the word “see” in a very misleading way as I no longer am able to visually “see” anything. Sorry for the confusion I may have caused and the trouble I caused. For me “see” has just become an expression meaning perceive or detect.
Zoe!!! You didn’t cause a problem! You encouraged a perfect fix!!!! We Blessed by you!
( do i still have an English accent when you read my responses?) Cuz that makes me laugh!!!
Zoe… can you click on the link…below…to hear the song?
I truly am inspired by you!!!
Hey, Marica – come on over to the “welcome thread”!!!
Marica, thank you for the song. How very dear you are.
That looks like it published without assistance! Pretty sure this did NOT go into the bin!
ELL, my friend was here helping with the computer, but on the new computer I use a free speech program called NVDA and it does not show the whole comment box so I cannot use my new laptop to comment on q-tree. Gary could not figure out any fix. For one thing, it didn’t show me the comment button nor other things in the comment box. I hope you will be able to help our Kea. Thanks for working so hard, Wolfie. w
Thanks for this information! Did you post this comment with your old computer or a different computer? We’ll figure our something. I may be able to work with Gary the next time he comes – we can chat using your Gab chat account on whatever computer works.
Very kind of you, Wolf. He’s coming back Monday morning at nine central time, but it might be easier to chat on q-tree as I’m not sure I remember how to get to my gab account. Lol. If he thinks it will help, I’ll suggest we get in touch then in you are around. I do not know what he will think. Thank you again. He also may look at the problem at home, sometims he does that.
Good – it sounds like he is researching the problem just like me. 9 AM Central is 10 AM Eastern – I can handle that, if I plan for it. I will try to be up then – you will see me posting if I am!
P.S. to my previous comment, I am typping on old computer as cannot comment with the new computer that uses nvda. Forgot to answer that question. I think I can type a comment in the box with nvda but it does not show the buttons including the buton to post the comment.
Good – that is my understanding! That will help me figure out what is going on.
You can tell Gary that the new system uses AJAX – the plugin makers stress this point repeatedly. Anything interfering with or limiting AJAX in your settings will likely cause issues. I will look more closely at those buttons, too.
Wow the site looks fabulous! All tidy and easy to read, just wonderful. Anyone look OT lately? The comments look like a 4th grader in computer class – small font, some larger, words spliced up at the end of the line li
ke this. Looks bad.
What do you think of the big notifications that say when people are coming back online? I’ll do a poll later, but I think a lot of people don’t like them – yet a few people REALLY like them.
I don’t pay that much attention to them. I enjoy the big rectangles with comment fragments and being able to go to the comment.
I hope I haven’t replied twice. I don’t pay the on/offline much attention. What I really like are the comment boxes that appear, with a way to read and reply to that comment.
Never die and expect things to be the same when you return to the living….I have been gone since before Thanksgiving and I have no idea what’s been going on in the world, but glad to know that you are all here….Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas.