Dear KMAG: 20201207 Open Topic

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both: Keep Making America Great).

Yes, it’s Monday…again.

But it’s okay! We’ll get through it.


Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. But please keep it civil.
Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

Our President is fighting for us night and day…please pray for him.

Wheatie’s Rules:

            1. No food fights.
            2. No running with scissors.
            3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

For your listening enjoyment, I offer the ‘Carol of the Bells’ with lyrics:

The people at the Trump Rally tell President Trump: “Do Not Concede!”


The insufferable Democrat crapweasels continue to be annoying at the least…but mostly infuriating. We would like to go all Hulk smash on them:

But for the time being, we will have to continue to endure their annoying provocations.

Wheatie’s Word of the Day:


‘Vaurien’ is both a noun and an adjective…meaning a good-for-nothing or worthless person; a scoundrel, reprobate or villain. As an adjective, it is used to describe such a knavish varmint.

Used in a sentence:

There must be a way to rid ourselves of the Democrat vauriens who are infesting government bureaucracy; there should be no such thing as “can’t be fired”.



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Y’know, I’m fine with “can’t be fired” — so long as it appears in a complete sentence, e.g. “The third undersecretary for diversity inclusion at the Department of Defense can’t be fired, must instead be hanged.”


Drawn and quartered

Gail Combs

I go with Drawn and quartered the classic punishment for High Treason. After all what they are doing IS HIGH TREASON against the Constitution and We The People.

Cuppa Covfefe

Can’t be fired at just once…

Valerie Curren

I hear your quoted sentence in Mark Steyn’s voice for some reason. Is that your Real Identity CT 😉


Love the music wheatietoo–Thank You

Gail Combs

Same here, so thanks Wheatietoo.


Just listened. Very nice! Snapped me out of my cranky funk. 🎄💝


And me. What commercial from years ago used it during Christmas…wasn’t it Andre cold duck?

Valerie Curren

I actually sang 1st Soprano in a small choir version of this song when a teen. I’ve always loved it too! Thanks for sharing it 🙂


Vaurien sounds like an inhabitant of a distant galaxy. But no vauriens in our space force, please! 👽🚀🛰 We have enough of them in government on Earth.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

China Joe wants to get rid of Space Force. I have NO IDEA why! 😉




He’s totally for letting the aliens in.


I was delighted that SpaceX had a launch today where the first stage stuck its fourth landing since May. “Sorry, we don’t do Space Shuttles ’round here, but we got a used Space Pickup gettin’ ready for a fifth flight…..”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, those are pretty cool. Under China Joe, we would stop doing those and CHINA would start doing them. Just a strange accident of history.


I’m sure they’ll pick it up again after we are all part of the Borg but until then
doing it earlier runs the risk of free thinkers in space and no way are Tyrant’s going to allow for another free and independent organization to usurp their dictates.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r

Because China wants him to

Sylvia Avery

comment image

😁 😁 😁


China Joe wants to get rid of Space Force. I have NO IDEA why!

^^^ Nor does China Joe.

It’s the script Wall Street, deep state and globalists handed China Joe.

Truth be known, I had no idea it was China Joe’s position. Beyond a few headlines, I have given China Joe zero credence in all of the “he won” posturing.

It simply does not compute.

Gotta believe President Trump will prevail.


If you wanna go back to the future and enjoy a Sean Connery flick, watch You Only Live Twice.

Different Asians looking for world and space dominance but there is a rocket with a 🌟 and CCCP on it.

Can’t make this stuff up.


” It simply does not compute “
That’s where I’ve been since Joe announced he would run Kalbo ,
other than to stay out of jail, it never computed ,
More than ever post fraud election.
I’ll skip the article.. fake news about a fake president.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump will prevail one way or another if we say he does. THAT is the really big picture.


Duh…… The Chinese told him to!


Vaurien is actually more of a French word than an English one, although — like canapé (used in English in 1750) or hors d’oeuvre (used in English in 1714) — English has made a specialty of adopting foreign words wholesale (and frequently mispronouncing them).


My family, being a bunch of crass workingmen, would refer to “Horse’s duvers”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Horse D-Ovaries!


Otherwise known as San Fernando Valley Oysters.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

As kids, we (prolly me, since I have a penchant for making up new words) came up with Hoover Doovers and it stuck. Are the Hoovers ready yet?😁


Uh, no. English finally pronounces the words correctly.


One of the things about the novel “A Clockwork Orange” is its use of Nadsat — a mispronounced version of Russian picked-up from propaganda broadcasts. — I was particularly fond of “horrorshow”.

The preparation time for our visit to Saint Petersburg was very short. I got some partial flash cards, but ended up re-reading Clockwork Orange and looking at the alphabet……and then we went. Oddly, this worked out to being a very efficient use of time.


Without a doubt, that is the weirdest reply I’ve ever gotten to one of my comments. It is also a quality that makes you irreplaceable around here.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Dang, I’ll just have to try harder then.


I’ll take that as a compliment.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

When travelling–be able to pronounce a written word (if feasible, some languages are as nasty as English that way), know “please” and “thanks” and know the numbers.

which reminds me, all of the Russian “teens” and 11 and 12 (yes Russian does something analogous to oneteen and twoteen) end in “nadtsat'” which would certainly sound to us like “nadsat” so that’s likely where the author got the term from. It literally means “-on-ten,” “one-on-ten” is eleven, and so on.

Odinadtsat’, Dvyenadtsat’, Trinadtsat’, Chetirnadtsat’, Pyatnadtsat’, etc.


The thing that really freaked me out about Russian is that things that “naturally” should be short exclamations — like “help me!!!” — translated into lengthy Russian poems…..while things that should “naturally” be described at length were summarized into one word — such as “perestroika” or “glasnost”.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The first word you learn is not “Hello” for that reason. It’s one word, but it’s a lulu!


Once we adopt them we get to call them whatever we like


Many cultures also do that simply because there is no equivalent in their language…they just give a new word a bit of a native flavor. I know you speak Spanish so you know the common word for pancakes, as an example, is (pronounced) pan-cakies because there wasn’t a Spanish word for them.
I was especially struck in Japan being around a small group of Japanese friends and just listening to them converse among each other just how many adapted “Western” words are in their every day vocabulary.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Sometimes because of differences between the sound inventory or the phonotactics (which letters can come together in a word and where without the people thinking “I can’t pronounce that”) the word gets mangled almost beyond recognition.

For example I am sure the Japanese pronounce the t in tsunami. Most Americans can’t bring themselves to do it even though the “ts” sound shows up in our language a lot (pizza, and the end of the plural of any word ending in t, and “its” and “it’s”) Similarly the ps in psychology. And Russian is full of consonant clusters we can’t seem to cope with; their word for “who” is KTO, and those three letters are exactly what they look like. A lot of people in my Russian class would insist on pronouncing it “kuh-toe” and couldn’t just say the “kt.” But that very cluster shows up when you pronounce a word like “locked.” They have no trouble with it there.

As another example there was an ISIS puke named “al-Amriki” which means, literally, “Of America”–he was a US citizen turned pukestain. Arabic doesn’t have an “e as in bet” sound, so it just gets dropped, apparently (and to be fair we barely pronounce that e anyway, our vowels often disappear before Rs or just turn into “uh” which drives people from other English speaking countries nuts sometimes).


AH, wheatie…back to “normal” on this Monday…
need the bear and the racoon…thanks.


Yes Great job Wheatie !!
Very grateful to those that make our world go round here.
All treeps included.


Love the baby elephant, Wheatie!


Found on Twitter, supposedly from Pam Biondi.

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Last edited 4 years ago by Linda

Good with that, but in the meantime it might be wise to encourage state militia’s to start standing up at the grass roots level, powder dry, in a safe and responsible way, just to keep everyone honest and to let the courts and politicians know they are not the final the say of our fate given the level of fraud and obvious outcome should they succeed.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

SHe’s forgetting that the House picks among the top THREE electoral vote getters. So basically if enough electors faithlessly switch their votes to someone like Colin Powell, I could see RINOs and some democrats agreeing that we can just get rid of that troublesome Trump and put a respected ex-general in.

And by the way, Colin Powell came in third in the electoral vote LAST time. I think someone was maneuvering to put him in last time around; they failed when not enough of Trump’s EVs were disqualified (0 and they needed over 30).


You have just managed to make me nervous. What a nightmare I’m likely to have tonight.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


I have NO confidence that the house will settle this in a way we’d like. None.

I am appalled at the number of intelligent people who think it would be a good thing.


Gee, if I’d been there my reply would have two syllables.




Me too


I just listened to a bit of it, gonna finish it tomorrow, and play it for DH! It sounds and looks awesome!

Sylvia Avery

How’s your hubby doing, jam???


It’s slow. He’s starting PT again the 24th, but this time we’re going to the clinic for it. TY I know I’m ready for some fresh input, and it will be good for him to see and have someone else give instruction.

Sylvia Avery



I’ll keep you both in my prayers jamcooker!!


Major Patriot
Nov 21
To our friends in Canada, England, Australia, China, France and every other country caught in the clutches of the “Great Reset” nightmare… we are fighting for you by fighting for Donald Trump. Pray for us.

As America goes…


Pepe Lives Matter
Replying to 
Dan’s first video with lions (some weeks ago) showed a lion having to endure relentless attacks until help came. 
His second video is showing a much different story.  
Lions at night (they hunt at night) with the sound of an owl in the background. 
Hunters become the hunted…




The deer woman in a silk dress
Girls with beads around their necks
Kiss the hunter of the green vest
Who has wrestled before
With lions in the night


I’m curious. If you actually recognize this, please reply with your birth year. I’m 1962.


My parents gave me a little tape player so I could listen to music in my room without monopolizing the stereo in the living room.

But they’d heard about how licentious and drug-addled The Beatles were.

So they only let me tape and listen to The Doors unsupervised.


hahahah that’s funny


Parents were soooo naive then

Sylvia Avery

comment image




Lots of occult imagery


A lot of things The Doors did was inspired by The Golden Bough, by Sir James George Frazer.


The doors but lyrics by Paul A Rothschild.


Woops, maybe produced by him


Love those. Fierce with no fear

Sylvia Avery

Wheatie, don’t know quite what you want, but I just save my images to postimages, select the second option and copy it then bring it here and poste it in my comment and the picture or gif opens here. Just like before.

Sylvia Avery

All I know about that is I read someone else mentioning it……..unless it was you, LOL!

Does it help if you take the clunky extra step of saving the image to your computer and then copying it via imgur or postimages? Sorry, Wheatie sweetie but tech baffles me. Smuchas!

Sylvia Avery

Lookin’ good. As Presidential as it gets. We need to be sure future presidents can wear an overcoat with that insouciant flair.

Sylvia Avery

workarounds, workarounds. Now if I could only figure out how to help kea and Nor’easter post……..

Sylvia Avery

Kea has no box to place a comment or reply so she literally cannot say a thing.

Nor’easter says there’s a problem with the link to WP in his Jetpack. It logs him out and then he has trouble getting back in. And he can’t see his notifications in his sidebar and he can’t like the opening post. So he’s not totally dead in the water, but he is struggling to make it work.

Sylvia Avery

I talked to him about Kea yesterday and he asked me to set up a time with her when they could work together, he could ask questions. But she says she literally has NO COMMENT box, so that’s not gonna work. I need to follow up with Wolfie. I’ll go ahead and post this over at that thread. Thanks Wheatie. You’re always so helpful.

Sylvia Avery

Yes, definitely.

Gail Combs


I went nutz trying to find the comment box until I realized it was at the TOP just under the article instead of the bottom.

Also I have to click the reply button to get a comment box to open so I can join a thread.

Sylvia Avery

Thanks, I’ll pass it on to Kea in case it is something just that simple.


Wow, Gail, I thought I was having problems. I did have trouble at first and still sometimes, figuring out whose comment I am responding to, Did not know about Kea’s big problem, either. Wow.


Does Kea have Gab Chat?


I had that same problem until I stopped using my Windows XP computer and switched to my Windows 7 machine. I was using Chrome on XP because Firefox stopped working right. Now all is well, so to speak. Still using Chrome for the time being. Once I make my win 7 machine into my main machine, I’ll experiment with different browsers.

Make sure kea isn’t using a flavor of Windows older than Windows 7. Nor’easter probably needs to use the other loging method. Wolf put out a thread that recited how to do it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Holy crap, your XP machine probably wasn’t yours any more because it had been hacked.

Windows 7 unfortunately is also at risk that way.


Sylvia, maybe I’m wrong, but I thought I’d seen Kea post, not northeaster, though

Sylvia Avery

Kea says she hasn’t, although Wolfie thought she had, too.

Nor’easter has been able to post, but there’s all kinds of issues. We’ll get it figured out, eventually!


Is Imgur or Postimages upload sites? I resist those for some reason. It bugs me that I have to upload after downloading in order to post.

Sylvia Avery

I think so, if I’m undersranding you correctly.
It takes the image from your computer storage and gives you a URL so you can post it.


You can only “Copy Image Address” and paste that here.
Won’t work to “Copy Image”… it will show up as code.


also forgot to say how much I liked the Monday post! I feel like doing the Hulk smash all the time. If only we could line ’em up

Valerie Curren

The 1 minute China Girl video meme found in comments there is worth a watch!

Valerie Curren

Digital Minutemen meme here

Valerie Curren

Ariel view of Trump’s rally, this one for the meme thread if someone knows how to capture it!


comment image

Valerie Curren

Thanks for trying


I got it….. used the “postimage” trick posted above by someone 🙂

Valerie Curren


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Where’s the Helvetica view? Or the Times New Roman?

(The word they wanted was “aerial”)

Valerie Curren



I think this is Dan also ..

Dan Scavino 🇺🇸 🦅 (@DanScavino) Tweeted:

uhhhhhh … 🤤😖😐 … don’t know … nope nope nope … 😞🤚


I saved a couple of those for sure.


Good point. Hadn’t thought of the first like that, but true. This newest one definitely projects, POWER. IMO, that means we’re progressing in the right direction.

Things are looking up.


I was looking at Wolf’s Techmania post, and Linda made a comment about links and lack of links to tweets, articles, or whatever and sometimes a link to something with no description of what it is, which I’ve also noticed. Because of that, she would like tweets etc. to be able to be seen here. It would be nice to be able to look at things here, but until Wolf gets things ironed out, and it looks like there’s a LOT he’s already doing, I would like to suggest to make things a little easier for everyone by doing the following:

Include a brief description to what ever it is such as – article about how to knit hats, meme about wuflu, tweet from xyz about voter fraud in Chicago, as well as a link to whatever it is, deactivated by the asterisk, commonly referred to as a splat.

Last edited 4 years ago by jamcooker

They wanted us woke. We’re wide awake.

40 years of research there’s no vaccine for HIV. 

At least 100 years of research and there’s no vaccine for cancer. 

No vaccine for the common cold. 

The flu vaccine is a joke. 

And yet, in 1 year, we have a vaccine for Covid-19 and you want me to take it?


And for what ? They act they don’t even know what meds to use to use. They’ve spent almost a year dissing proven methods and drugs to basically dunk on POTUS. They’ve weaponized the virus and now they’re prepping to weaponize the “cure”.

We’ve watched it all unfold. We see it and yet they think we’re all going to line up for a vaccine. They can’t be trusted


Take a walk around the internet and see how many lawyers got rich suing Big Pharma over drug side effects kept secret. You’ll be at it for a few days since there’s so many.


One thing that breaks my heart is the fact that they captured the medical community, by and large.

I know some on the local level, and most just parrot the CDC line. If you speak science to them they shut down.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

POTUS seems totally onboard with this vaccine, and hasn’t talked about HCQ though.

So maybe a lot of these “cures” are indeed, actually, false.


They believe we WILL line up for a vaxx and why not most the country acts like scared hit mice,it’s ridiculous. I always keep in mind the elites loathe us ,we are cattle to them.they will force us to do their bidding or take away our cars,children,homes food you name it.prove me wrong.


I think that some of those vaccines have been around for a while. It’s starting to leak out at the edges of things.


Here’s another sentence. My bil is a vaurien


I had one of those. I will say though that before he passed away, he found Christ and for that I’m grateful.


I think Christ himself would not allow himself to be found by him


LOL I wasn’t sure he would ever find his way, but he did.


Telling them to go to hell is the same as telling them to go home.


A thread detailing more of the vaurien election crimes committed by the vauriens in Georgia.

Fulton County officials illegally accepted more than $6 million in private grants that imposed
conditions on the conduct of elections without authority from the state legislature.

In addition, state election officials entered into a settlement agreement with the Democratic Party that created rules for processing absentee ballots that directly contradict the legislature’s intent.

Officials also failed to enforce state law residency requirements on voters who changed addresses before the November 3, 2020 election, leading to an estimated 20,000 unlawful ballots being improperly counted.

Data experts put the total number of illegal votes counted and legal votes not counted at more than 200,000, far greater than the margin separating Joe Biden and Donald Trump in the state.”

Link –


Jes’ takin’ it out for a spin! Wheeeee!

Sylvia Avery

GA/FL…….I adore you.❤❤❤❤❤


You sweet thang!



Compared to 2016, more than 6 times as many people cast an absentee vote by mail in the 2020 presidential election.

But what is even more *stunning* is the *95% drop* in the mail-in ballot rejection rate!

Did they even check signatures?”

Graph and more at link:


And yet the Assistant SOS (think that was his title) went on CNN yesterday and declared Georgia had no fraud and he was very disturbed about POTUS’s statements at the Saturday night rally.
You can put these “officials” in a room and show videos with evidence of blatant cheating for hours and they will still deny it….that is what is so frustrating!

Steve in Lewes

Georgia’s Assistant SOS is a POS!

That’s my synonym for vaurien!
POS is quicker to type and is more Trump-like!


They have everything to lose if the narrative is destroyed.


They’re going to “win” the ultimate prize – they just don’t know which prize it is yet.


That was Lt. Governor Geoffrey Duncan – a RINO – who is likely to be involved with A. the crooked election B. the Coup C. the Chinese D. $0r0s dirty money


Court Rejects Petition Against Seizure of Palestinian Authority Funds to Israeli-Arab TerroristsGood


Gulf States, Saudis, Crave Israel’s Iron Dome, Arab Media Reveal


When even your shadow is embarrassed to be around you.😁 //:0


Fringe stuff but interesting
WOW! Could this be possible? There seems to be a close resemblance, no?


Deluded Democrat begs a Valdosta rally goer to put on a mask – Bubba ain’t having it.




Great! Michigan forensic audit underway!

Russell Ramsland and ASOG are presently doing the Atrim county Michigan audit. They are also who wrote these documents I released earlier.”


OMG..that huge thread is unbelievable. So many years of probable tainted elections and all these f*ckheads that we’ve been saddled with…lol and along came DJT and the real votes for him threw it all out of whack


“These people are not going to be able to walk the streets.”


GOID! Why should they?!!

Gail Combs

“The foreign hosting of US voting information is therefore declared a national security concern and inconsistent with the letter and spirit of multiple U.S. laws including broad areas of Foreign Intelligence, the RICO Act, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States”

(Think the RICO KING Rudy Guliani. No wonder they wanted to sideline the guy!)
comment image


It’s pretty important, and is the beginning of the fraud being blown wide open imho.


That’s going to blow things up! It just confirms what I’ve thought for years except it’s more widespread than I thought.


Saved a copy of it including the pix.


That’s the vaccine being rolled out in the UK starting today.

Thanks for the link.

Mike Yeadon, co-author of the article, was the head of Pfizer research (respiratory), but he left them in 2011 to start his own biotech firm which he sold in 2017.

He’s a contrarian about vaccines, lockdown, etc.

His Twitter feed is excellent and he has some great threads. He also appears on a UK radio station from time to time.

This is a tweet from the middle of his thread of Dec. 6:

‘Those who’ve been infected are then immune. Of the 750million people WHO estimated had been infected, virtually no one has been reinfected. 0.0001% is 750 people. I don’t think there’s been that many. So 99.9999% didn’t get reinfected, so far.’

Here are the two following that one. He’s quoting a New York Times article:

‘“The experts were unanimous in their answer: Covid-19 is by far the more dangerous option”. I disagree. The vast majority of people under 60y (possibly older) are at lower risk of severe outcomes including death than they are from ‘flu in an unvaccinated state. We don’t yet…

‘…know what the safety profile of any vaccine will be long term (short term safety is surely acceptable as MHRA approved it, though data isn’t yet available). No data exists about long term safety & this is new technology. Might be fine but we just don’t yet know.’


“‘…know what the safety profile of any vaccine will be long term (short term safety is surely acceptable as MHRA approved it, though data isn’t yet available).”


Oh yeah, yeah, surely acceptable, since MHRA approved it… 🙄 😂 🤣 😂

These people will never, EVER learn.

If you’re not just going to reject whatever MHRA is outright, on principle, then the very first thing to ask (of course!) is… WTH is MHRA?

“As its name suggests, the MHRA, an independent executive agency,” 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂 👍 👍 👍

(in my best Ed McMahon voice, to the ghost of Johnny Carson): How independent are they?

“… is responsible for regulating medicines, medical devices and blood components for transfusion in the UK. The regulator, the closest equivalent the UK has to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the US, assesses the quality, safety and effectiveness of products.”

Stop it, you’re killin’ me 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

Oh yeah, for sure, if the UK Deep State bureaucracy equivalent of any corrupt U.S. alphabet agency (take your pick) vouches for it, then surely, SURELY it must be acceptable…



What can one say, Scott?

Every country has an agency such as this: MHRA, FDA, etc.

Boris wanted ‘world beating’ (his words) solutions to coronavirus — the test and trace service being one of them — and, now, we’re ahead of the Western countries in being first with the vaccine on the cusp of Brexit.

Government ministers are thrilled and, although no one has said so, we trumped (!) the US in this move.

The first person to have the vaccine is a 90-year-old from Coventry in the Midlands — Margaret ‘Maggie’ Keenan — who retired from her job as a jeweller’s assistant at the age of 86. (They just now announced it on the French talk radio station, RMC.)

The mRNA aspect of the Pfizer vaccine gives pause for thought. However, when one is 90, it probably matters less.

Mrs Keenan is planning a small Christmas gathering with family and goes for her second and final jab in 21 days.

Wow. Life as a South Park cartoon, where Cartman has just been made a hall monitor. Now we are cooking with gas. It is almost a shame Trump is going to fix this place. I’m kinda curious just how much more of a shitshow it could have become.


From the article~

Derderian said about 60 signs reminding people to wear masks were taken down or vandalized this week.~~~~~



These people should read a little history about how snitches are treated after occupations.

Steve in Lewes

“A female kangaroo is known as a ‘flyer’ or a ‘doe’ and a male kangaroo a ‘buck’ or a ‘boomer'”

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

You ain’t sticking that vaccine in me or mine! NO, NO, NOPE, NOT HAVING IT!!!



Dan Scavino tweeted this video of jaguars drinking water at a pool at night….

In the replies:

There are other interesting replies.

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

I posted a twit yesterday late…all off duty military had to report to duty according to the person in arkansas. Dunno about elsewhere. Perhaps there are others. Plus miss kea had her friend get reactivated.


They probably are female lions – they also look a bit more like American mountain lions.
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Now that I think about it – it’s more appropriate that they be American lions and sneakier in high and low terrain.


American lions are faster and more agile, climbers too!


female lions like Sidney and Jenna?


and Kayleigh and Melania.


OUR PRESIDENT is not afraid of strong, smart, feisty fighting women!




Those are jaguars? I thought lions. LOL


I don’t think they are jaguars, but the commenter from S America was just making a comment as to what drinking lions might mean.

To me, they are more like our American mountain lions which are faster and more agile in all terrains than the African lion and are able to climb trees and attack from above as well as on ground level.


This is a threat to national security.


Oh, wheatie, that’s terrible, needs to be made illegal and that land confescated and sold to U.S. persons or turned into a U.S. government mil. base.


They’ll be trying to buy up our bankrupted cities on the cheap, during the struggle that is coming.

Gail Combs

Interesting that most info of Chinese bases &/or troops in Mexico have been erased or put on back pages of the internet search.

Why Are Chinese Troops In Mexico? by Dave Hodges – The Common Sense Show
“It is well documented that the Chinese have a strong military presence in Mexico….”
(Video has been removed)


UPDATE SEP 24 2012: We received an email from a reader who found a post on the GodLikeProductions forum. The post, titled The Lowdown on Chinese Troops in Mexico, is from a direct relative of an Intelligence officer that works for the Australian Defence Signals Directorate and who has direct contact with CIA and NSA employees that work at the Super Secret Pine Gap Facility in the Australian Outback. Pine Gap works in tandem with the NSA and CIA as well as the SIS and MI6 by monitoring satellite communications. In fact the entire Echelon system is run through these very agencies.

Due to the importance of the information provided by this intelligence officer’s brother, CRN® has decided to reprint the post that we retrieved from GLP in full here. This is the very proof, human intelligence that is, that gives us a broader scope and magnitude of the Chinese military operations in Mexico at present time. We will also be updating the report with this very information soon.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That wall would not stop a military, not for more than about 30 seconds.


Link to an extensive article about this. Lots of good info. Just hope all the link is there, doing this on the tablet.


The Chinese want to turn their land into a wind farm?


Money – from the govt subsidies, the machines themselves as the machines need minerals from China, selling the electricity, proximity to an air force base, and who knows what else, so yeah.



This is the correct link. I was afraid the above wasn’t going to copy correctly, I have problems doing that with the tablet.


Snowflake meltdown. Notice she’s driving a Subaru. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. hehe It’s the preferred vehicle for educators.

Daughter who works in higher ed says her office parking lot is exclusively Subarus. She loves Pres. Trump but drives one too as her “cover”. 😀


Yes, exactly wheatie! She fills me in about what goes on and it makes my blood boil. She doesn’t like confrontation, so stays silent and in the shadows until she can move on.


I just searched her to see what she’s been up to. All the articles are student loan related and other negative press. Typical left-wing media type stuff.


I live in an area of Oregon we all call Moscow on the Willamette. I was afraid of the liberal bullies for years. Kept my mouth zipped tight .no one except my closest family ever knew I was conservative. Then Donald Trump came on the scene and I realized that if he isn’t worried about calling the bullies out I won’t be either! So i speak my mind politely 😁


I would have expected a parking lot full of electric cars.

What’s wrong with these granola heads, don’t they know there’s a Glow-Bull warming on the loose?

It’s as if they just don’t care, shirking their duty to Gaia / Earth Mother! 😁

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Ha! Good point. Checked and Subaru’s first electric model premieres in 2021. Called the Evoltis.


“Checked and Subaru’s first electric model premieres in 2021. Called the Evoltis.”


The working title is the reVOLTing. 😁




At least there’s no lesbians. They drive PT Cruisers.




“UNHINGED: Teacher from Oregon has a complete mental breakdown over COVID and yells at families that are rallying to ReOpen their businesses.”


Clearly she needs a good spanking.

Probably never had one before.

That’s half the problem. 👍


Not only is she a teacher, as she screamed…she’s a F*CKING teacher. They are so much more educated and special, in case yiu didn’t know. 😆


I do not want teachers teaching my kids how to F*CK. Just saying.


She’s so mad, but because she’s not male and never will be, she just doesn’t have the vocal cords to project her voice above the surrounding traffic 😂 🤣 😂

She’s screaming as loud as she can, and you can hardly hear her… that must be very frustrating. Probably made her mad just thinking about how nobody can hear her, before she was even triggered by the pro-business Trump supporters.

I would have given her a big thumbs up for wearing a chin-cover because she’s worried about Chin-a-virus.

All the best Lefties know the chin is the most vulnerable entry point, that’s why the smart ones wear the mask over their chin 👍


Attention Wolfie. Like it very much that it’s very simple to make a new comment right at the top of the page.

Valerie Curren

This family needs prayer

***First Lady Elect Kracken
Dec 6

I don’t know if anyone will even see this. I cannot believe I am typing this. Our youngest son committed suicide tonight. 27 yrs old, married 1+ year. Hard worker. Talented. Prayers needed and solace if there’s any to be had. Why? Why? Why, dear Lord? My baby. I can’t believe it.

Valerie Curren

Another family in need of significant prayer


This is my family. Please pray for them. I just got off the phone.

Today we lost our sons Cooper and Zeke in a car accident along with my mother. In 3 years we have lost both of my parents and all 3 of our children. Our other son Jackson passed 3 years ago our other 2 today.

Valerie Curren

It appears by adding the asterisks to the name & twitter address these comments didn’t automatically go into moderation…fyi…

Valerie Curren

Yes Wheatie our country, & the whole world, really need to be bathed in prayer!

Whenever I see these remarks from random people on twitter I’ll pray for them in the moment & if God brings them to mind later…

My husband’s hunting buddy is devastated at the loss of a dear friend, allegedly of CV, & he was a husband & father of 9, I believe, the youngest being 2. These are such trying times for so many.

On the other hand my Curren clan family plus my parents were able to gather yesterday in our home to have a belated Thanksgiving turkey & trimmings & birthday celebration dinner honoring my husband & 3 sons (their birthdays are all w/in 10 days in Nov/Dec.

We had Communion together as a family, shared briefly of things we are thankful for & ended up sharing our various tales of engagement (2 of our kids are currently engaged, w/ our daughter’s happening very recently).

We had so many laughs together & rounded out the evening w/ the hunters sharing some fun tales of coyote hunting (a new thing w/ our hunting shack gang) & the only meat taken thus far in our family–our oldest son who got a chipmunk & cleaned & skinned it (the skin tacked to the outside of the hunting shack–what an amazing trophy!!!) & my husband grilled it along w/ huge 16 oz T-Bones on that trip. Apparently Nathaniel spent like 10 minutes trying to get the couple ounces of meat off the bones of the chipmunk while the steak languished.

Laughter is the best medicine & love makes the world go around! We are still very blessed, even in the midst of insanity & darkness & deception that swirls around everywhere.


So many have been taught that the spiritual world is either nonexistent or in some far off place that exists in the heavenlies only.

Oh no, there are malevolent forces targeting the Children of Light right here in our realm. And conversely, there are many angelic forces that protect and fight for us.

It would be very instructive to hear from everyone their experiences with God (FSHS), angels, the demonic.

I know there are many seasoned prayer warriors here. They have undoubtedly experienced much and anecdotal evidence can be very compelling.

Also, what prayers, Scriptures, help we have received to overcome evil would be helpful to others fighting these battles. No one is alone…it is just the evil ones that seek to make us feel alone.

Is anyone interested in such a thread, and if so, would Wolf go for it?


Daughter and I were talking about WA gov Inslee’s backing off of church edicts. She noted that he okayed outdoor church for a significant number of people (I don’t remember how many), but it’s the time of year that significant satanic outdoor rites are performed outside. So in order for those to be “lawful” and escape undue notice, it’s amazing how timely the order change is. Her comment got me to thinking about how the satanic community was up in Olympia last year and were casting spells or whatever they call it in the capitol building itself, and it made me wonder a LOT about Inslee.

Valerie Curren

revealing that algorithm that weights votes!

***Aaron J. Carpenter
(VC note–I removed his flag “emoji” to allow this to hopefully post)

The big news you need to hear about today is Ware County, Georgia.

Dominion machines were seized. Equal number of Trump and Biden votes were forensically analyzed. However, the machines reported 87% for Trump and 113% for Biden. Should be 100% for both.

Stay tuned. This is big.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. And Der Spiegel (the mirror) is reporting it as fact. Seems that all the YSM/MCM do over here is look at what the “Old Gay Lady”, the “Washed Poo”, the “Walled Street Urinal”, NPR, and the other libtard left media have to say, then (poorly) translate it and present it as the gospel truth.

Considering that it’s the deep state and the DEMONRATS (but I repeat myself) behind it, it’S the gospel of Satan…


Every day the poop is getting more people annoyed.


Pope Francis Echoes Biden

He repeats the call to “build back better.”

Valerie Curren

rim shot!

***Julian’s Rum 

(VC Note–I removed an image of a half filled glass of amber w/ 1 ice cube–I HATE modifying anyone’s speech but I’m hoping these actions, including adding 3* before names & twitter addresses keeps this comment out of moderation)


Communism is fascism pretending to be communism




***Praying Medic

Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners

VC NOTE2, this comment went into moderation, I’d left the avatars for both twitter accounts. I went into edit mode now & removed those avatars so hopefully the comment now posts.

I guess the “nine is fine” rule on URLs isn’t operational at NEW Q Tree!

VC NOTE3 I made those changes noted above but the comment stayed in moderation…Next time I’ll try to remove ALL the superfluous images in a copy/paste tweet text to see if it works, including linked tweets. Live & Learn!

Last edited 4 years ago by Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, this is filled with links! “Paste as plain text” is your friend!

However, you may also be logged out.

You have a WordPress Identity, because you have a blog. You should be able to log in with it, and avoid moderation for under 9 links. So maybe log out, and log back in with WordPress.

Valerie Curren

I’ve only ever logged it via WP so far. I found on other tweets that if I remove the images (avatars & emojis) & put 3*s in front of the twit name & twit address it usually allows it to go through.

Valerie Curren

life jacket life lesson

***SheepDog Society LLC.

Getting a vaccine for a virus with a 99% survival rate is like wearing a life jacket in the desert just in case you might drown.

Prove me wrong?

Valerie Curren

NOPE! I’ll trust the immune system created by God!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Survival” just means you live.

Not that you’ll be as healthy as before.

Many people “survived” polio.

Consider the people here who are pretty sure they’ve had it, and their lungs haven’t been the same since.

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Valerie Curren

Yes, Trump’s version of survival appears to have been Defeated “covid”…in our family there are some lingering effects w/ partial loss of smell &/or taste & some of us have ongoing cough issues mostly at the beginning or ending of the day.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The point I was driving at is, I’m seeing people say “why take a vaccine for a disease with a 99 percent survival rate?” as if that’s sufficient. Actually it’s downright stupid to go around saying this, because the disease has permanently damaged so many. Fortunately no Leftist listens long enough to realize we should be called on this.

The issue with the vaccine is whether it’s safe, not whether it’s worth taking when the disease usually doesn’t kill people, forgetting that more often it just causes irreparable damage.

Valerie Curren

Good points. It’s like most elections where we have to try to choose the least crappy alternative.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or to put it another way, the “99 percent survive” is an attempt to argue the vaccine isn’t necessary (though few volunteer to take a 1% chance of death), and that argument fails because death isn’t the only nasty outcome worth avoiding.

The real argument is that the vaccine has horrific side effects and hazards.

Valerie Curren

Then the real argument should be to free up the extremely safe & effective prophylactic & therapeutic treatments, like HCQ, as those are known safe pathways!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Though the fact that PDJT no longer talks about them gives me some pause in judging them “effective” (I’ve little doubt about “safe”).


Many colleges are now making flu vaccines mandatory for students and staff. Setting the stage for the second act – a mandatory covid vaccine.

Gail Combs

Sounds like a really good reason to use an on-line college or apprentice in a trade.

Just think, this could really BACK FIRE! If only the Woke and Snowflakes get the covid sterilization vaccine, then they are wiped out in a generation.
comment image


I must admit I was thinking the same thing.

All the elite class I personally know have only 1 or 2 kids and they have them vaccinated out the wazoo and on pills for this or that emotional problem.

It’s terribly sad but in the end, there is an element of karma.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They don’t use their genitalia to reproduce, they use the education system.


Good point about the sterilization aspect!
But, , I’m wondering just how many colleges can afford to make these demands….many are struggling with a decrease in enrollment and the big bucks coming in from sports and other money-making sources.
To add one more limitation doesn’t seem to be a very smart business decision.


The two colleges I am familiar with offer the flu vaccine free of charge. What I’d like to know is who or what is supplying them with the vaccines.

I read through another school’s covid reopening plan and the flu vaccine was included.

One of the points was to create a campaign to make students comfortable with getting the flu vaccine annually. Odd that this would be part of their reopening plan unless it was required.


I’m sure the American taxpayer is subsidizing it…


I think so too.

Deplorable Patriot

A lot of colleges and universities are sitting on BILLIONS in endowment cash. They could always tap into that. But most won’t.


True…Harvard probably being the prime example. But there are hundreds of small, private colleges that really struggle.
Every year we host boys high school golf teams and most ended up going to regional colleges in the tri-state area…the vast majority of them are ones you never heard of before. (They go there because they can continue to play on a golf team until reality sets in and they realize they most likely aren’t going to make a living playing golf.)


Remember Pearl Harbor!


Love that picture of Pres. Trump. Sharp dressed man! 😍

Sylvia Avery

YES!!! He wears them well.


He sure does! And none of those too small soyboy suits with the narrow legged pants. Plus shoes instead of ankle boots like Creepy Joe wears.


Yes, what exactly is the point with the PeeWee Herman suits? And it’s usually a blue PWH with big ugly brown shoes. Bad look.


Designed by homosexuals who like the young boy look is my guess.

Sylvia Avery

very much so!!!!


Makes me think of this…..LAW & ORDER.

comment image


Remember Loretta ‘Fuddy,?


What do a Cessna in the blue waters of the Pacific Ocean, an Islamic cult, a Chicago family, and a Soviet spy ring all have in common with a former President Obama?

Strap yourself in for an unsettling espionage action-thriller that sounds like a Tom Clancy spy novel. But this cloak-and-dagger exposé is non-fiction. Political non-fiction.


From We Are the News

There are No Excess Deaths (From All Causes, Including Those “with COVID”) in the USA. Data Matches 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

In 2015, a total of 2,712,630 resident deaths were registered in the United States:


In 2016, a total of 2,744,248 resident deaths were registered in the United States:


In 2017, a total of 2,813,503 resident deaths were registered in the United States:

This Clinical Potency Curcumin is 14,000x Stronger for Fighting Pain and Inflammation! (VIDEO)


In 2108, a total of 2,839,205 resident deaths were registered in the United States:


2019, January – December month ending number of deaths, 2,855,000:


2020 number of deaths (all causes) through 11/28/2020, 2,654,825:



Rudy got the RONA.

Rudy W. Giuliani @RudyGiuliani
Thank you to all my friends and followers for all the prayers and kind wishes.
I’m getting great care and feeling good.
Recovering quickly and keeping up with everything.


this type of question dodging is what I commented on last night when watching the GA senatorial debate. evidently it was obvious to all who watched


comment image


Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


comment image


Be My Voice

comment image


Good Afternoon Duchess!
hope you’re having a Blessed day!


An old Red Pill video from earlier this year
Still relevant:

IPOT (Sir Patrick Kracken) @IPOT1776

HCQ for the Rona.

For the rest, there’s RedPill.


funny video in the tweet … except they say there are no such thing as murder hornets. Of course, “murder hornets” are a nicname for the asian hornets but they are real … aren’t they? First I had heard anyone claim the hornets are real.

Valerie Curren

fart fallout fun

***Catturd ™

No matter how bad your year has been …

At least you didn’t fart like a mountain gorilla eating chicken pot pie on live TV … like Eric Swalwell.


Breaking Aviation News & Videos

Video captures runway overrun involving U.S Republican politician Dade Phelan at Angelina County Airport, Texas. No injuries reported.

Valerie Curren

was Christopher Wray in Georgia during counting? See image in tweet


… 🤭 … 🤣🤚‼️ … someone’s _ss is grass … bwahahahahaha …

what a flaming moron … 😑🤚🤨

Valerie Curren



No. It’s not Wray. It’s a lot younger than Wray and those pictures of Wray in the tweet are not current. The features are similar to Wray, but that’s it – SIMILAR.

Valerie Curren

Fun fantasy apparently 🙂


Hair parts wrong way.

Valerie Curren

I’ve some stuff that’s backward. Someone posted some images on twitter including still shots of TV/Computer screen but the words are backwards so it’s like those phone camera views that reverse everything.

I’m just saying that, alone, isn’t necessarily definitive, but great observation.


True – I’ve seen photos with reverse writing.

Brave and Free

Once again Gov. DeSantis leading on this. Interesting reasoning at the end, truly believe it’s #3.

Valerie Curren

My Love won’t let you down military tribute video


COVID-compliant ‘Day of Infamy’ commemorations held without WWII Pearl Harbor veterans

“This year’s commemoration will only consist of the one main ceremony on Monday, December 7th,” a National Park Service official said.


This should not be necessary!


Trump plans to outshine Biden on Inauguration Day with opposing rally: report

Trump plans to skip the swearing-in ceremony of his successor


New word, Wheatie???


Happening more often lately?


We should not be surprised – ever since the ‘kiddies’ took over and Ryan joined the board – however – now – it is very much in-your-face!!! I cannot even click on videos – except for Judge Jeanine – and even she – has disappointed me!!!


Word of the day

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Seriously, this can be played by our side to DESTROY them – in several ways.


Faux Snooze

Steve in Lewes

So Fox news is citing Axios as their story source.
Fake news citing another Fake new source…circular stupidity!


he Election was hijacked and spoiled by a MASSIVE FRAUD OPERATION – with thousands of Democrap operatives working to steal the election from President Trump and other candidates in multiple ways. 

The MEDIA is conducting a MASSIVE MISINFORMATION DISSEMINATION CAMPAIGN across our country and around the world.  
The MEDIA lie, deny, gaslight, malign, marginalize, mock any mention of fraud.

Playing along with the fraud and without authority, the MEDIA have declared Biden the winner, president elect.

To back them up – are the hordes of nasty trolls attacking Trump on twitter, etc. – these are paid Øbastard-S0R0S-CH1N@ operatives.

Then there are the paid violent drugged up burn, loot and murder hordes of BLM, Occupy, OFA, and Antifa – also paid.


The ‘audacity’ of Ø, the money of $0r0s and the Chyneeez

Gail Combs

They are playing an ALL or NOTHING game, counting on CORRUPTED DAs and JUDGES to protect themselves.

Any bets POTUS and his Military Intel guys HAVE THE GOODS on FauXI, Gates, John Hopkins,the Labs in the USA and Chyna that created the Chyna Corona Crud as an EXCUSE to drive mail-in voting numbers to massively corrupt the election??

Remember:Harvard University Professor and Two Chinese Nationals Charged in Three Separate China Related Cases





OUT with it ALL, NOW!!!

Gail Combs

Oh I think a GIANT MOAB is about to be Dropped by DNI Rattcliffe with his report on Election Security due any day now.

Concerned Virginian

The last time anything like this happened was the RUSSIAN REVOLUTION that installed Lenin and the COMMUNIST PARTY.
This is the Russian Revolution on STEROIDS.
The paymasters and puppet masters want the same result, however — installation of the COMMUNIST PARTY in the United States, under the name of the “Democrat Party”.

Gail Combs

WE have President Trump, the Military AND GUNS so…
comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Gail Combs

Be HAPPY about this GA/FL.

They are ALL outing themselves.


Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

…Sec. 2. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in: any foreign person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security:

(i) to have directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in a United States election;

(ii) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, any activity described in subsection (a)(i) of this section or any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order; or

(iii) to be owned or controlled by, or to have acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, any person whose property or interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order….

There is a darn good reason AG Sessions BEEFED UP ASSET FORFEITURE. And now that is going to bare fruit.



Thanks fierce truth warrior! Sounds like a long term plan is well underway! See the anon image I posted somewhere on this thread.

Rodney L Short

Wheatie I love the video of Nancy Piglosi explaining what the wrap up smear is all about, it used to be on YouTube but I can’t find it now.

Rodney L Short

Thank you Wheatie…


FOX has joined the vauriens! Part of the coup.

Not Lou Dobbs, nor Mark Levin, however. Maybe a few others are sticking with President Trump and have acknowledged the VAST PILE OF ELECTION FRAUD EVIDENCE!!!


Kelly Ann Conway has also joined the vauriens! I just posted the And We Know video that shows it! I guess she had to stick with her husband….


Double agent?


Disappointingly seems that way.


No plan to click on the article.

Ignorant on its face.

Still believe President Trump WILL prevail.

IF somehow it isn’t so, President Trump will not be in DC on 20 January.


Please don’t post links to the enemy. Why give them clicks?


They are referencing what Trump said LAST month, and for us who were paying attention, he didn’t concede either. Nothing new has been said. Trump was trolling the media and of course they totally missed that.


17time (@a17time) Tweeted: Best Idea of The Year👇



Gail Combs

Based on the last 4 years of evidence, teachers should be required to take a Iie detector test on C0MMUNlSM, PED0PHlLlA, and LlBERALlSM before becoming teachers as well as a PSYCH test to determine if they should be aIIowed anywhere near KlDS.

YES! a very good idea!!
Also check linkin and Twatter and Farcebook to see if they support BLM, ANTIFA, Gender fluidity…

The teachers union and other government employee unions is ALSO a very very needed move.

Garry Smith

Recall that at the height of riots in Portland that of the 20 people arrested one night, 13 were teachers.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent point!



Valerie Curren

Speculation, the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment is cited in the image quote in the below tweet.

Was that the one done before aka BHO ended his usurpation, where Michael Flynn was the only one who didn’t go along w/ the high degree of confidence in Russian election interference, I believe? If so, that ICA was how they were going to nail Trump for his allege Russian collusion/agent status but Trump used Their Tool to turn it against them in the 2018 election interference executive order.

More Sun Tzu Art of War stuff!


I made a meme. Since we are on the new site, I don’t know if it will show up:

Last edited 4 years ago by Aubergine

Trying to post the meme a different way:

comment image&_nc_cb=1&_nc_hash=AQDt9gAKsAjGPwgE


Semi-success! I’ll take it!


Excellent meme. Shouldn’t your avatar be an eggplant?

Gail Combs

I was wondering the same thing. Maybe a nice pretty variegated eggplant.
comment image

African eggplant “gorongo”

I love eggplant. We just finished off a couple of Pyrex dishes of eggplant lasagna.

They are pretty easy to grow too. Just keep them separated from your tomatoes.




(Rats. Photo didn’t post)
Can we upload photos?


Love eggplant parmesan! I grow my eggplants in containers, so I can move them wherever. It works great.

Gail Combs

great mistake on the African eggplant. I found this picture instead:
comment image

An eggplant with a lush history helps root folks to their homelands

….She was from Liberia, and what we were buying were bitterballs, which feature in Liberian soup and stew recipes.

Back home, we did some research and learned that the bitterball, not to be confused with a Dutch croquette of the same name, is also known as the African scarlet eggplant. And one of its cultivars is called the Hmong red.

We also discovered we’d grown the plant as an ornamental once; it hadn’t set fruit. Its leaves were indeed eggplantish, with purple veins, purple fuzz and formidable black-purple prickles. The plant sometimes appears in the horticultural trade under the name of pumpkin-on-a-stick, for the appearance of the fruits….

It seems ‘Bitterball’ is the ancestor of our common eggplant.

…Eggplant’s smaller and more bitter sister, “African eggplant,” “garden egg” or “bitterball” are equally popular throughout West Africa and covered here.

Like other nightshade vegetables including tomatoes, potatoes, bell peppers, cayenne and chili peppers, eggplant grows easily around much of Africa and is a favorite in home gardens. The plant loves sun and doesn’t mind less than perfect soil. Eggplants grow much like tomatoes, and like to have a structure to climb up.

Nutritionally, eggplants are an excellent vegetable to include in your diet. The vegetable, including its skin, contains phytonutrients that play an important role in protecting cell membranes from free radical damage. Just one of egpplant’s many antioxidants has been linked to healthy cell cycles and to helping neutralize microbes, viruses and bad cholesterol (LDL). In some studies, eggplant has been linked to better cardiovascular health as well. As if that wasn’t enough, eggplant is full of fiber, which helps you feel full and nourished after a meal….


We eat Eggplant

Gail Combs

It is a staple in our home. Turkish Eggplant Moussaka is a summer favorite since it is tasty cold and can therefore be taken in a cooler on trips.
(The recipe I grabbed has since been scrubbed from the internet.)

Steve in Lewes

The only egg plant I’ll ever eat!

comment image


Lol! I am a Georgia transplant to Montana. My favorite color is purple. I am a hodge-podge.


AND – you are The QTH Genealogist Laureate!


Love it! Thanks!


There’s also a rumor with some evidence one vaccine has sterilizing agents.


Do you thin POTUS would sign off on vaccines that sterilize?
I trust him 😇

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

GSK is NOT one of the front runners in the United States. GSK IS the company known to be working on sterilization vaccines.

That does not preclude other companies from having sterilization components or effects.

Do NOT be deceived by likely disinformation about this topic to cover it up. The primary method of sterilization using vaccines is to include proteins, or instructions for proteins, which cause STERILIZING AUTOIMMUNE EFFECTS.

Put in the WRONG mRNA or DNA, and the body will learn to attack its own “whatever”!!!


I know! People will put anything in their bodies to avoid the slightest risk of illness. It’s crazy to me.


Especially if insurance pays for it or if it’s free!!
I have occasionally used an acupuncturist, former military medic and then spent time in Asia to learn acupuncture. He approaches from a mechanical aspect rather than “unblocking chakras”, etc.
Treatment is not covered in SC by insurance, whereas 20 miles away in another state it is…politics and successful lobbying.
He says it’s amazing that people will not spend $500 to try to solve back issues but will undergo surgery with full anesthesia (often without success) and then rehab for weeks because it’s covered by insurance!


Yeah, that’s nuts! Whatever you call it, acupuncture is an ancient practice that works. The body is not a disparate set of organs, but a complex system wherein everything is connected to the rest. It’s a miracle, really. That’s what it is.


Your “with science” addition boosted the meme. Very good.


Thanks! I figured since “science” (so-called) is involved, that was needed.


A couple of commenters have noted that today is the anniversary of The Day That Will Live in Infamy. It is also the first time that the Natl Park Service will NOT have the traditional method of commemoration at Arlington (including family members visiting gravesites, etc.).

While we are all doing whatever we do, there will be groups of Japanese visiting Pearl Harbor to express their grief and shame about that dishonorable action 79 years ago. There will be quiet crying and sniffling from the Japanese people.

Virtually all of them were not even born when the attack occurred. Yet their sense of community responsibility spans the generations, to the extent that they feel the level of grief as if they did the dastardly deed themselves.

Honor and patriotism are still part of Japanese culture. I long for the day when we can do the same. For example, an annual pilgrimage to Dresden by Americans is long overdue to begin. Even so, I would not expect to see many tears shed because … after all, … the Holocaust is the only tragedy of the European theater that is “approved” for condemnation.

The older I get, the more valuable life seems to be.


Pear Harbor: sneak attack without declaration of war by the Japanese against the US while supposedly at peace. ~4,000 dead and injured. Lead to war in which ~265,000 US military were killed and injured.

Dresden: bombing a declared enemy’s city that was a key industrial and transportation hub (that was largely still functioning due to light war damage to that point) to shorten the war & was planned by the British, ordered by Churchill and was predominately carried out by allies other than the US, although the US certainly participated. Civilians died in Dresden but were not targeted/not the sole motivtion.
(Remind the motivation for the Blitz/Battle of Britain where multiple cities were targeted night after night? Was Germany targeting military targets in these night bombings?) ~25,000 people died but arguably shortened the war and prevented further deaths of US military as well as prevented deaths of allies and even Germans

The two are not the same thing. To compare them on Dec 7 is appalling to the lost lives of the US military we remember and honor today.

The comparison would be as disgusting as claiming the bombing of Pearl Harbor is analogous to Hiroshima and Nagasaki or wanting Americans to apologize for these bombings that ended a war the Japanese began, saving 1,000s US military and allied lives as well as Japanese lives, ending a war the Japanese began and, until those two bombings, refused to end.

Cuppa Covfefe

You might take a few minutes and have a look at FDR’s involvement in Pearl Harbor.

That was nowhere near as innocent an event as you posit…


Familiar with that already. Whether FDR (and other military “leaders” were expecting the attack or not, whether they allowed it to happen or not, whether they thought loosing military men at that point to that attack would save many more lives in the long run, the attack itself was still by Japan against a country with which they were not officially at war.

FDR’s foreknowledge implicates FDR but does not exonerate Japan. FDR knowing/not knowing is a debate about FDR not the Japanese.

If FDR did know, if FDR is gulity of this, that does not at all lessen Japan’s treachery of a sneak attack without first declaring war.

Besides, that is a seperate issue from the Japanese sadness displayed at the site where their government began a war that killed their own countrymen and brought their country to ruin. Are they mourning and show repentance for their country’s sin of beginning a war with an sneak attack or are they mourning that this the site that their own government started a war that killed their grandfathers, uncles, cousins, etc.?

Back to the orignial post: to compare the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor to the Allies bombing of Dresden –> on Dec 7, no less <– is inappropriate, at best, and simply does not compare.

Cuppa Covfefe

You should see the breast-beating that goes on on German Television and in German history classes then, before singling out Germans and Germany the way you are doing.

FDR was an earlier version of the Bushies; a deep state tool. And the utter devastation of Dresden was uncalled for, even in the eyes of the British (my family among them, even having lost five brothers of the same family in WWI).

I seem to remember a little event at My Lai.

Last edited 4 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Fuck the Germans of WWII, including the women and children. They didn’t get 1/2 of what they deserved. It was the tiny MINORITY that didn’t like Hitler, the vast MAJORITY loved him. That is FACT, anything else is historic revisionism. Just as Hitler wanted a 1,000 year Reich, Germans rightfully should berate themselves for 1,000 years over the DISGUSTING, APPALLING, blackest of evil atrocities of Nazi Germany for the 10 years it made war upon the world. Holocaust, medical experiments, social engineering, hypocrisy upon hypocrisy, murder of every kind and type, rape, torture, extortion, blackmail…you name it, they did it.

And no, you don’t get to speak on behalf of all British, either. And even if you did….fuck the brits, too, who have lost all control over their country and allowed themselves to be disarmed by their own politicians…proof positive of the monumental stupidity of the citizenry of the UK. Brits can’t be trusted in ANYTHING, except preening, posturing, and believing they are, collectively, anything more than the faintest of shadows of what Britain once was and will never be again.

Don’t like any of that? Go find a tissue and cry into it.

Today is Pearl Harbor day, which had NOTHING whatsoever to do with the British. Perhaps we should have a chat about british atrocities at any number of places all over the world.

Take your unsolicited, hypocritical british opinion and stuff it. How dare you bring up My Lai on a day like this to try to score a rhetorical point. Such a terribly hypocritical and british thing to do.

Snob. Hypocritical snob. Go look in the mirror or at your flag when you look down your nose at someone or another country.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry
Cuppa Covfefe

Put a sock in it. Or as the British would say, sod off.

My German father-in-law had his nose blown off and his eyes blown out because of Hitler, NOT because of the USA or anyone else, other than the other 15-year-old who was forced to go to the military or be shot dead.

My Jewish German cello professor and her sister escaped through the Dutch underground, yet they said no one really knew what was going on.



The “Brits” fought the first two years of WWII ALONE, no help from anyone. And, as I said before, good luck doing without radar or Penicillin, BOTH invented by “The Brits”.

In addition, your (and mine, I’m half-American going back to 1705) beloved Apollo VIII would not have been possible without some European, indeed German engineering and knowledge, including that of Wernher von Braun, who became a born-Again Christian.

But, I guess he’s just a Nazi to you: seems the liberals aren’t the only ones who believe people can’t change.

Last edited 4 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe

FDR’s involvement or noninvolement is irrelevant to the men who died by a sneak attack by the Japanese on Dec 7.

The Japanese did what they did with or without FDR’s foreknowledge. The men died with or without FDR’s foreknowledge of the attack.

Observing Dec 7, remembering the attack that started our war with Japan and honoring those who died and were injured is the same with or without FDR’s foreknowledge.

Remembering those who died and were injured, remembering the beginning of our war with Japan by the Japanese attack is not changed by the debate or even the fact of FDR’s involvement.

Nor is Dressden (right or wrong) have Anything to do with Pearl Harbor nor is analogous. Any other actions of the military do not change our duty to remember and honor those attacked by Pearl Harbor in a sneak attack by the Japanese.


I have heard of that version of Dresdan being a military target. I’ve concluded that it is propaganda and is not true. The original fake news, if you will.

I don’t want Americans to apologize for the acts wen did. I am merely sad that we seem unable to have any compassion for innocent victims of war. And the justification for the Dresdan bombing that you describe, even if accurate, also fits the attack on Pearl Harbor. I don’t think anyone could deny that Pearl Harbor was a military target. It was an undeserved first strike, to be sure, but most of the casualties were sailors. Military personnel. Not so in Dresdan.

Nagasaki and Hiroshima were also military targets, being war manufacturing hubs.

I am not thinking less of Pearl Harbor dead by simply pointing out a behavior by innocent people for the actions of their fathers/grandfathers and noting the lack of a similar responsibility feeling in Americans. We justify everything no matter what and I think that is an failing.

All of this is simply my observation/opinion.


Victor has another video

NOW will you believe?

This is the article he is referring to:
In Trump’s campaign to save the Republic, we haven’t seen the key supporting effort yet

Deplorable Patriot

Anyone who has read XVII from the beginning in October 2017 knows this:


Anonymous ID: Eka5Om1K No.147166292 comment image

Oct 29 2017 20:48:50 (EST)

Some of us come here to drop crumbs, just crumbs.

POTUS is 100% insulated – any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false.

Follow Huma tomorrow.

POTUS will not be addressing nation on any of these issues as people begin to be indicted and must remain neutral for pure optical reasons. To suggest this is the plan is false and should be common sense.

Focus on Military Intelligence/ State Secrets and why might that be used vs any three letter agency

What SC decision opened the door for a sitting President to activate – what must be showed?

Why is POTUS surrounded by generals ^^

Again, there are a lot more good people than bad so have faith. This was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt network of players (not just Democrats).

Don’t fool yourself into thinking Obama, Soros, Roth’s, Clinton’s etc have more power present day than POTUS.

Follow the money, it’s the key.

What is Pelosi’s net worth by way of one example. Why coincidentally is her memory apparently going?

Cover for possible future indictment to plead what?

What if John M never had surgery and that was a cover for a future out if needed against prosecution?

Why did Soros transfer his bulk public funds to a NP? Note this doesn’t include massive slush funds that are pulled by several high ups.

Why did Soros’ son have several meetings with Canadian PM and how is that related to Clinton’s?

Why is MS13 a priority?

Could people pay such gangs to kill opponents and why / how to insulate against exposure?

The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. These people are evil.

Operation Mockingbird.


Anonymous ID: Eka5Om1K No.147175452 comment image

Oct 29 2017 22:20:11 (EST)


Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA

No approval or congressional oversight

State Secrets upheld under SC

Who is the Commander and Chief of the military?

Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies? What conditions must present itself? Why is this so VERY important? Who surrounds POTUS? They lost this very important power _ the one area of the govt not corrupt and directly serves POTUS.


Anonymous ID: Eka5Om1K No.147181191 comment image

Oct 29 2017 23:26:53 (EST)

Military Intelligence ref above is the absolute biggest inside drop this board will ever receive.

Now think about why Antifa plays right into the plan? Always ahead. Good guys are winning.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks like too many embedded links threw this into moderation!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you for this! I have a full article on it “in the pipeline” right now! This will get BIG ATTENTION!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yep.wictor usually gets it right


NOT !!
(Husseins Administration and its Astro Turf NGOs were the most criminal and treasonous ever – They even beat Clintons, which is hard to believe)

Paul Sperry @paulsperry_
BREAKING: IRS tax filings reveal that Obama’s Organizing for Action paid Perkins Coie LLP $302,000 in “legal services” in 2016 as Perkins Coie paid for the anti-Trump Russia dossier and spread its debunked allegations to the Hillary Clinton Campaign, DNC,

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren



Stunning from an anon

comment image


I love that painting!


More about the painting:

His fb page for those who still “do” fb, going to a post specifically about fb censorship of his art and yet anti Trump art “flourishes” freely.*

*(So why stay on fb? Because it is a venue of communication in time of political war. No way could I, as just one example, build the same connections/audience on a new platform in a timely/immediate manner to stay in touch with MAGA supporters and let them know about news, events, updates, etc. The qtree was able to move in full without loosing audience. I can not do that on my fb platform.

A time of (political/peaceful) “war” is a terrible time to disruption lines of communications. FB is silencing us but I will not voluntarily silence myself. Let them censor us but do not choose to be silenced.

If you do not have a fb page you can still access many fb pages to keep informed on group’s activities and updates. A pop up that makes it seem like you have to have a fb page will pop up but one can click “no thanks” or other and then continue unless the pages have been set to screen audiences by location or age. If they have set their fb pages to screen those who can access then you can not access without a fb page.

Yes, having and using a fb page continues to support a leftist company that is ugly to conservatives. We personally boycott a number of leftist companies … but not all of them. For me, stopping fb now would be reducing my own effectiveness for MAGA. I want to stay and force the issue v. retreat and allow them to win the “battlefield” of facebook. Let’s see 230 taken away v. reducing our ability to communicate.

Still, I am starting on other platforms and hope they grow to the point that I can walk away from fb … but not before fb’s usefulness/platform audience has been replaced)


GA, can you tell me what this is referencing. Even if I click on the link – I cannot read the scripts of these pics.

I hate missing out on context and information. Thanks


Holley says it’s from Artist Jeff Preston’s website.


That’s only the painting. Let me know if you still can’t read the anon post from the two links I sent and I’ll take the time to transcribe it for you!


I just enlarged the Anon script by the finger spread trick…maybe that only works with an iPad, but it was easy to read.did you try clicking on the individual pages?
LOL. Here I am, an computer dummy, advising someone on how to read a script! You might want to just ignore what I wrote…😜

Gail Combs

For a desk top computer I right clicked on the image and then chose open image in new tab from the drop down list.

Going to the new tap I used [ctrl][+] (Pressed together) to enlarge the image until I could read it.

In this way I do not muck up this tab.


THANK YOU! Had no idea how to do that, but it works. So many times, these pics of qdrops are ones I can’t read, and have no idea what point they’re making.

I was able to enlarge 150% and now can read!

Gail Combs

Glad I could help and it worked OK for you.

I am ‘Computer Challenged’ but the guys at Cheifio and Tony Heller’s were kind enough to teach me some tricks.


I’ve got a mac laptop and that’s how I enlarge fonts and images.


Gail gave me a technique to enlarge from my desk top and that worked. I’ve been missing out on those type of pages.


Artist Jeff Preston’s website.


Thanks, Miss Holley!


You are most welcome GA/FL 😀


Had to into the belly of the beast to see if this claim that DoD briefings were not now being given. Seems not according to this 4 Dec, WA Post article, though it could start as soon as this week. Liberals in comments are fit to be tied and I think that’s a good idea (tie down liberals).


Amen – rope’em, tie’em, corral’em!!!!

Gail Combs

Well, they withheld a lot of information from President-elect Trump so turnabout is fair play.

Cuppa Covfefe

Especially as they like hemp so much…. could explain some of their actions…

I think Wictor’s pointed out the inherent security risks of briefing Bidoon et. al. on anything more than the weather, and that only on sunny days…..


Ok, GA, I’ve read it – twice! Bookmarked. I think this has been the most helpful and encouraging summary of the entire operation – the prep by POTUS for the past couple of years, and now the final assault on the Deep State. There wasn’t any other way to get there.


Mary Margaret Olohan @MaryMargOlohan
Incredibly sweet moment as @PressSec dances with her baby daughter before the White House Christmas band.


Perhaps Kellyanne Conway was simply jealous of Kayleigh’s whole package. There was always something hard about that woman.



12.7.20: CCP+[DS] ALLIANCE exposed. UNBELIEVABLE connections!

Valerie Curren

start of the more recent steal?


Replying to @MajorPatriot
Yes, that’s why as a Venezuelan I never accept Obama as a good person, Obama is socialist, people have to know it well, chavez creat a voting system to steal elections and exported it to US, Obama puzzling win Senate in Chicago 2005 where Smarmatic start operations


I bet POTUS knows about this – bet POTUS knows all about how Obama got into office. I hope and pray OBama can be exposed for the rotten apple he is.

Valerie Curren


Gail Combs


Look at the number of NON- NATIVE BORN AMERICANS these SOBs have tried to force on the USA as President.
Ted Cruz
and now
Kamala Harris


This is why Ted Cruz should not be arguing anything, for all the marbles. I can never fully trust him.

Valerie Curren

They’ve been trying to undermine the nation & the Constitution seemingly forever. These people are sick & evil!


I was wondering… if anyone brings an old Qdrop could you please give brief info on what they’re saying, meaning? The older drops are unreadable for me, and I have bookmarked the text on white background but there aren’t any new ones.

The problem is links being left without context. It’s difficult to read the links – those pics of small text just don’t come through for me.

Deplorable Patriot

LP, if you go to this site and find the older post you are seeking, frequently, there are links in the lower right corner that say “ANSWERS” where the questions are explained.

For example:


Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147449624 comment image
Nov 1 2017 00:41:54 (EST)
Think about it logically.
The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).
Biggest advanced drop on Pol.

From the answers tab:


Think about it logically.

Free of sentiment or emotions clouding judgement, this situation calls for cold, hard logic.

The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).

The military is the only part of government and intelligence fully under the control of POTUS. Military can arrest and try traitors when the system of law and order breaks down and the courts no longer are trusted to dispense justice due to such widespread corruption.

Biggest advanced drop on Pol.

extra answers

Think about it logically.

The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).

Biggest advanced drop on Pol.

My guess is that the 11.3 first marker is actually the election just passed.


Thank you.



Ultimately, Fahmi Hinawi is alive, the story and rumor about the death of the “Mossad agent” as a result of an assassination attempt, as it turned out, was originally spread by a journalist of the Iranian news agency Tasnim, after that the “sensation” was picked up by the Lebanese media.

In fact, the killed was an ordinary worker (not from Mossad) who became the victim of some sort of showdown.

Initially, the reports by Iranian media claimed the deceased is said to be a Mossad officer, shot in Tel Aviv after 15 bullets were fired at a car he was driving when he stopped at a red light.

The attackers reportedly quickly dispersed without a trace.

Several videos circulating in social media show a car stopped in the middle of the road and a heavy law enforcement presence. It is not possible, however, to clearly determine whether the video shows the exact moment of the alleged killing.


#CNNRAW 9-15-20 from Project Veritas 1:03hrs of of raw CNN recording:

Valerie Curren

Georgia ports! I guess Clintons’ California gift of ports to Chi-Coms whet the appetite!


Kemp welcomed Chinese “investors” to Georgia.

Rest of the video is the “investors” explaining how Georgia’s ports are the most important American ports to China.

“Atlanta’s investor market is very great, and is cheaper than the rest of America.”



Last night while running an errand I caught part of a replay of Dr. Jeffress’ sermon program on the radio.

It started out with observations, and I paraphrase: Everyone would agree that 2020 has been a difficult year. Pandemic, travel restrictions, shortages, economic difficulties, crazy schooling challenges, civil unrest, riots, contentious elections, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the chaos. Where do we find our hope in this time of trouble?

I’m sitting there thinking to myself… I really appreciate Dr. Jeffress on all this, so no criticism of him personally.

But how long before we talk about the big red elephant in the room?

The thing that connects all these different problems is China.

Once you understand that this is China…

Once you understand that this is 4-Gen Hybrid Warfare in multiple domains…

Information Warfare – using controlled media + social media, censorship, platforming and boosting, propaganda
Psychological Operations – including divisive social media, social unrest, political divisiveness
Economic warfare – Attempts to bring down the American economy
Insurgent Organizing – Foreign and Domestic actors organizing mob violence, rioting
Unrestricted Cyberwarefare – Using our own platforms against us
Politics – especially through the use of bribery, extortion, blackmail, corruption
Foreign Election Interference

…it’s a little easier to wrap your head around all the craziness, name it, mentally contain it…

And of course, to determine and dedicate yourself to the cause of resisting it, rejecting the false propaganda narratives, and commit to fighting against it.

Resisting and fighting on every front.

Once you recognize that all the crazy is Chinese warfare, then you stop feeling crazy gaslighting and mentally push back against the people who try to determine for you what reality is.


They think they will control China b/c they created “China” in the first place.

It’s like raising a tiger cub and thinking that as an adult he won’t devour you.

Gail Combs

I am so glad to see that someone else shares my views but can express them much more concisely.

<i>”…. they created “China” in the first place….”</i>


Back up links showing the history of the creation of the CCP (Japan was used to allow the CCP to take over China.)

China’s Communist Party and Japan: A Forgotten History

Congressman McFadden mentions the FED funding Japan’s wars

J.P. Morgan Bank in China

Patron of Al Gore (Jr & Sr) helping China

Hammer-ing deal with China is Armand’s latest coup


Chasing the Dragon: Clinton’s China Policy

Concerned Virginian

The Soros – Clinton Axis / DeepState Traitors / Davos Globalists / Bohemian Grove – Bilderberg consortium / Dorsey – Zuckerberg – MSM consortium / U.N. farce —
Every last one of them will be STUNNED to find out that Dictator XI (or successor) has NO intention whatever of sharing power of ANY type.
The above entities would instead do well to read up on how Lavrentii, Trotsky, Litvinenko, et al, met their ends.


It’s communists and communism…

….whose epicenter of power has simply shifted to China…

…not “China” per se.

We continue to allow communism to rhetorically hide behind the name of a country. This is a great error.

Communism is the enemy….China is simply the country it controls at present.

Every time we say “China”, we SHOULD be saying “COMMUNIST China”.

Put the “ Communist” word 1st and foremost, where it rightfully belongs…

…out front, in the open, out from the shadows, and squarely in the limelight…

…precisely where communist cockroaches HATE to be.


From Rex.
Kemp & Rattenberger are stupid men.
‘No Special Session! Ha ha! Now all you’ve got are the courts! Tricked you all!’
Again – VERY stupid.
Have they paid no heed to the warnings that Trump has caught them cold?
No, course they haven’t.
These fools still live in a time where they were PROTECTED by the UniParty goons.
That time is now gone.
This only makes things worse for them both. As they’re about to learn.
Reminds of that clip from a couple of years ago – where POTUS is with a group and talks about a storm coming, press asks him what storm, he responds, “You’ll see.”
I think this is the Storm he is referencing. The election fraud – which he knew was coming, he likely knew their plan for unleashing a “virus” to push VBM, and he also knows where the investigations regarding the spying on his, and his campaign, along with other criminal acts by the Deep State were going to eventually lead.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


All they have to do is run out the clock and Biden gets more than 270.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s what they are TRYING to do. I don’t know that we’ve seen the true response to that yet.


I believe there isn’t a end time for POTUS, and US in repelling a COUP – because that’s what this is, so all these “deadlines” are going to take a backseat to reality if no other way is found to stop China from taking over the USA.

Gail Combs


  2. The LEGISLATURE VIA CONSTITUTION does not have to be convened by the governor. They just have to have the BALLS to do it. Having state lawmakers choose electors is not a new concept. Federal law already gives legislatures the exact power to do this.”

<i>”….Whenever any State has held an election for the purpose of choosing electors, and has failed to make a choice on the day prescribed by law, the electors may be appointed on a subsequent day in such a manner as the legislature of such State may direct. [Legal Information Institute]
“It’s a precedent the Supreme Court has endorsed relatively recently. In 2000’s Bush v. Gore ruling, a Court majority affirmed that:

…the State legislature’s power to select the manner for appointing electors is plenary; it may, if it so chooses, select the electors itself. … The State, of course, after granting the franchise in the special context of Article II, can take back the power to appoint electors. See id., at 35 (“[T]here is no doubt of the right of the legislature to resume the power at any time, for it can neither be taken away nor abdicated”)  [Legal Information Institute]

The GOVERNOR DOES NOT HAVE THE POWER the State legislature does.


State legislatures do not have the balls. That’s the problem.

Gail Combs

And that is why CITIZENS need to CHEW ASS!


Not sure our 90% mask compliant citizenry is up to the the task.


Nor did the Governors take heed of the warning the White House had a list of Governors that had a too cozy relationship with China. “We know who you are.” The hammer must be very heavy, indeed.


Sorry, I see the link won’t show here. It’s the video of POTUS talking about the “calm before the storm” and when questioned on what he meant, he said, “you’ll see.

IMO, we haven’t seen the Storm yet, so it may well be that the Storm is upon us. I’m downright cheered up by such thoughts.


I should have clarified, GA, that last paragraph was my own thoughts – posted at Marica’s. Sorry.


Oops! I missed that!


I am only testing with my I phone if I can post?
Ian in Columbus no computer

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Seems to have posted!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎
Last edited 4 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Well that was short… tuned in too late.

Replying to @MajorPatriot
Just ruled for the Defendant and against Pearson/Powell (and all Americans).

He’s corrupt and dangerously abusing his power.

Major Patriot

Why didn’t you bring up charges of murder when the victim was still alive. DISMISSED.

This seems to be the argument the Liberal Judges are using to shut down the cases –

  1. unreasonable delay in making an assertion or claim, such as asserting a right, claiming a privilege, or making an application for redress, which may result in refusal.ut

Basically you’re too late, you should’ve brought this up before it happened. But that’s a CATCH 22. There would be No Standing BEFORE it happened, only Afterwards, so case would’ve been dismissed ahead of time. It’s all BS!!

They tried this in PA w/Mike Kelly and Sean Parnell. Their case is headed to the Supremes.


seeing some different legal theories that “laches” does not apply to constitutional concerns…
it’ll be interesting to see how it plays out.


Of course it doesn’t apply. Laches is an equitable remedy for an action that interferes with the administration of justice. It is NOT a basis for dismissal for failure to state a claim. Constitutional issues are always yes/no questions.


More short if you came late. They took down the video.

come to timmy

Pretty much sums up where we are:
[video src="" /]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW! 😀

Bidenized maskies! 😉


“I am a teacher!”

Said every communist that ever lived.


Deplorable Patriot

Not all teachers are communist, though. The majority, yes, but there are those who are not.


Peter Tarr
2 days ago

Updated: MASSIVE Voter Fraud Checklist!

Where’s the evidence? Here’s a giant list of CONFIRMED fraud and illegalities!

Please follow, echo & upvote. I’ll continue updating as more & more evidence is confirmed! 

#marchfortrump #millionmagamarch #millionmagamarch2020 #trumprally #trumprally2020 #transparency2020 #election2020 #transparency #electionfraud #realdonaldtrump #danbongino #stopthesteal #michigan #pennsylvania #trump2020 #rudygiuliani #presidenttrump #potus #potus45 #georgia #recount #danbongino #breakingnews #politics #elections #dominion #michigan #georgia #ballotfraud #corruption #freespeech #arizona #maga #maga2020 #deplorables #trumppence #wisconsin #electionintegrity #maga #bidensteal Peter Tarr








Let’s try this:

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Thanks, Linda – I did not know how to get that to print – but – I think it is important – am grateful for the assist!!!


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Jokes right? 😁


hard to say…they may self identify as facts…


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The man bun, LOL! I don’t remember seeing it in Western culture, in paintings and such.

The Man Bun is noted for being worn in China during 200 B.C. This helps explain why Man Buns are often found on terracotta soldier statues from this time. The hairstyle was retired at the end of the Ming Dynasty (in AD 1644) and replaced with the queue hairstyle. Yes, the Qing Dynasty government enforced the Han Chinese to adopt a new hairstyle and replace the Man Bun.

In 16th century Japan, the Man Bun became the hairstyle of choice for sumo wrestlers and samurai warriors. In western society, topknots were often found on what the Romans would consider “barbarians”, such as Lombards, Vandals, and Goths. The Man Bun also managed to survive in the pagan Scandinavian north (which was rumored to be linked with Odinic cult worship).

In the east, the nomadic tribes such as the Cossacks, Cumans, and Bulgars were also known for sporting the Man Bun.

Concerned Virginian

And ain’t it ** interesting ** that almost all of the men sporting the Man Bun were part of WARRIOR classes — until now?


Exactly! And I don’t think our American fighters had them, at least not commonly.

Gail Combs

In modern armies the hair is very short. Why give the other fighter HAIR TO GRAB?

The ‘man buns’ of the ancient wariors were used as PADDING FOR METAL HELMETS. (Sometimes the armor was of boiled leather.)
comment image

Concerned Virginian

Gail Combs
The difference today is that I feel the Man Bun is worn almost exclusively by SOYBOY types.


It’s NOT a “Man Bun”….


This. Forever….or dementia sets in.

comment image






Cuomo’s holding a briefing with Fauci. Can’t watch.


From the Cuomo/Fauci presser…

Cuomo says “We’re like the modern day De Niro and Pacino” to Fauci.

After the appropriate amount of fear and threats about Covid, the discussion moved on to food.

A Brooklyn native, Fauci misses Nathan’s hot dogs and pastrami sandwiches.

Cuomo responds….”Italian guy asks for a Nathan’s hot dog and pastrami sandwich” and laughs, “You can’t figure anything anymore’.

They are mocking us.


Wolfmoon (or anyone else who has gone through a bad case of wuflu):

What have you found worked best to recouperate lung health, capacity, stamina etc.?

Deplorable Patriot

Red meat, at least another serving a day. Zinc. Anything with anti-malarials. Tonic with quinine works. Vitamins. Rest.


I can’t say I had a bad case of it or can be much help.

If it doesn’t burn up your lungs, fact is that symptoms can linger for months. The low oxygen and exhaustion simply need time for your body to eliminate and recouperate.

A lot of people complained that they had a hard time getting enough stamina to exercise regularly. I highly recommend trying to take 15 minutes walks around the neighborhood at least once daily or multiple times daily if possible. A lot of people said even that was too difficult. If you can only do five minutes halfway up the block do that. Exercise should slowly help the lungs improve their capacity, and help prevent the weight buildup that complicates this virus so much.

I think one of the big risks factors that understated is highly elevated risk of stroke, even months later. Please take this seriously.

Making sure you are getting good sleep is key. If you are having long naps during the day that suggests a problem with sleep hygeniene. Nothing wrong with taking a short nap, but if you’re out like a light every afternoon there’s a sleep problem. Nasal problems contribute – nasal spray, decongestants, allergy meds can help. It’s the time of year for bad allergies especially cedar. If you or your husband are snoring figure out something that works for you. Allergy meds are doing nothing for me so I’m taking a 4-hour decongestant and that’s helped a lot. Dr. Coates also recommends melatonin as the hormone has some benefit (don’t remember what) but also as a sleep aid. He says good sleep of at least 8 hours a night is key to winning this fight.

My wife’s doctor has recommended CoQ10 and she’s been a big proponent of it lately. She found it reduced her blood pressure. She has also changed her Magnesium supplement and is taking it more consistently.

You can keep taking your Zinc, Quercitin, Green Tea, Tonic Water, Vitamin C.


Breathing exercises can help expand lung capacity after lung infections.

Gail Combs


Coenzyme Q10

(Really helps us old ladies control hot flashes as well as being good for heart health.)

Steve in Lewes

Try a Incentive Spirometer. They work and cheap.
Recuperating from my back surgery, I used it 3-4 times day.
My pulmonologist brother raves about it.

comment image


My friend is using a cpap at times through the day to keep the breathing steady but that isn’t extra oxygen. Finger monitor for oxygen and sometimes dips to 95 but usually above. They are panting after just showering, grooming and dressing.
Using antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, teas + essential oils, herbal teas, and tinctures.
No congestion. No temp. That was all weeks ago and they thought they were fine, or almost fine. Cough only 1x or 2x a day (usually at night while sleeping) a many days none.
What to recommend specifically for long strength and stamina to return? IDK what to tell them and couldn’t find the discussions from back in the spring. Hoped some might remember what they did so I could pass it along as what has helped some and might help them.


Healing takes time, especially when the lungs are involved.

Gail Combs

HMMMmmmm I am often 94 and dip to 92. That is why I refuse to wear a mask.

With Vit C, B12, Licorice root and Mettle Leaf to control my allergies/asthma I kick that up to 95-97. If I am lazy and do not take them it drops back to 94.

The suggestion was from a Treeper (CoosMom??) and I have been feeling much better since I started those supplements this spring.

They are for chronic inflammation and help with the arthritis & high blood pressure too.


Symptoms sound like COPD and sleep apnea. A sleep test seems to be warranted. A CPAP machine with a measured amount of oxygen has been shown to be much better at treating covid than a ventilator.

neck size above 16 indicates high likelihood of sleep apnea.


My last symptom in the Spring was air hunger. Taking a supplement called DMG was very helpful. Someone here suggested it. I did find if I took it too often I could get a headache, which may just be immune activation from getting better oxygen into the tissues.

Gail Combs

Serrapeptase helps the body break down protein. This might help decrease inflammation and mucous.

Check out:

(I added some other references and iodine)
 The physicians of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service and the International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine urge a nutrient-based method to prevent or minimize symptoms for future viral infection. The following inexpensive supplemental levels are recommended for adults; for children reduce these in proportion to body weight:

Vitamin C: 3,000 milligrams (or more) daily, in divided doses.

Vitamin D3: 2,000 International Units daily. (Start with 5,000 IU/day for two weeks, then reduce to 2,000)
meta-analysis of vitamin D as protection against pulmonary infections:

Magnesium: 400 mg daily (in citrate, malate, chelate, or chloride form)

Zinc: 20 mg daily

 Selenium: 100 mcg (micrograms) daily



Vitamin C [1], Vitamin D [2], magnesium [3], zinc [4], and selenium [5] have been shown to strengthen the immune system against viruses.

Gail Combs

Forgot to add green tea to move zinc into the cells.

Another Treeper suggested:

Here is what worked for me…..

DITCH THE INHALER – it just makes everything more unnatural – side effects – dryness – yuck!

MOISTURE is the lung-fixer – breathe through nose – avoid mouth breathing & dry lungs

Hot teas, breathe vapors, especially ginger-turmeric, black, green – several times a day

Occasional guaifenesin if things get bad and lungs need moist cleaning (teas better)

Calcium-magnesium-zinc supplements (Nature’s Bounty) spread out over the day, 2-3 tabs

Magnesium is the vasodilator that I think helps fix the lung capillaries and endothelium

Zinc helps ward off viral activity and keeps lungs clear

Maintain quarantine, wash hands, NO MASKS (activates hypoxia), don’t touch eyes, face

Gatorade for potassium

Green tea to make zinc work better

Multivitamin with 100% on metals, including zinc and iron

Occasional but not every day vitamin C (can interfere with zinc)

Red meat regularly but not too much, plenty of iron/zinc veggies, salmon

EXERCISE daily outdoors

Gail Combs

With my asthma/allergies I find hot tea in the mornings and breathing the vapors from my teapot really helps my lungs.

Guaifenesin (ALONE) helps loosen and thin the mucus in the lungs so it can be coughed up more easily. Exercise will get you breathing more deeply and encourage the coughing that clears the lungs.

I have not had WUFLU but did have pneumonia a couple times and the above helped a lot.


If you get sick. Stop eating. Drink water when thirsty. Your body knows how to heal itself despite our attempts to help it. When animals get sick, they stop eating. Nature knows best.

And as the number one comorbidity of covid is obesity, how many here have seriously worked on losing the weight? Covid loves fat cells and they seem to contribute to the viral replication once you are infected.

Time to seriously look at very low carb diets for your health. The best and most sustainable way to drop weight. And within 3-4 days your glucose and insulin will drop (if on meds check with doc first), lowering a lot of your cellular inflammation. All good. Don’t wait for New Years resolutions. Start today.


I have had the Covid-19. To help with the breathing i used salbutamol, (ventoline), to inhale. It is actually astma medicine but it helped keeping things open in the lungs.

Then there were minerals; Zinc, Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamins C, D, B12, as well as A, D, and E from codliver-oil. I also had Green tea, various strongly-colored berries, such as blueberries and blackcurrants. Quercetin can be recommended.

Otherwise, meat and vegetables, mostly leaves and not so much the starchy ones. I find I start coughing again if I eat too much tomato.

Also I had some modest exercise. Obviously, in the bad phase where even a simple trip out of the house to the mailbox and back (50 feet or so each way) there wasn’t any stamina left over for exercising. But once I felt sufficiently strong, I started going out on short walks in the neigborhood. Then gradually increasing the distance walked. I had a little dog here during much of the summer and he needed his walks, turned out to be several miles per day.

Beyond that time is really what is needed. Almost 9 months after this started, and the bad days have more and more good days in between them.



Clue. This is a clue. This is one big BIG clue.
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Denise Snively@denise_snively
· 37m
Director of National Intelligence: Election ‘Issues’ Need to Be Resolved Before Winner Declared… via @epochtimes


Thank you!

Gail Combs

I have seen that elsewhere. You can not take/keep office via FRAUD.


SELL OUTS!  Bought and Paid For!

Several US Governors attended secret meeting with Chyneez.

Also read this morning – Georgia’s ports are dominated by Chyneez interests.


No need to wonder. Anyone can study the logistics of war and control.


Breaking: Justice Alito Orders Response in PA Case


Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void & Preempted by Federal Law – Foster v Love (1997; 9-0 Decision)


GrrrGraphics Cartoons


New #BenGarrison Cartoon today! “The Wizard of Fraud” “Don’t pay attention to the Deep State behind the curtain”- FakeNew plea- Read the fantastic post at

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Love the cartoon!

This also illustrates another element of the Deep State — they have these notional controls, levers, dials, handles, etc., with which they think they can make everyone and everything follow their directions as if they are so many machines.

Then they forget to include human nature in the equations, so this works for a while and then it fails spectacularly.


Your #MondayMorning #Montana moment- Just a road to somewhere…

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Lin Wood @LLinWood



Corruption is being revealed at every level of government. Local, state, & national officials. Judges too.

The system is broken.

Only American Patriots following the Will of Almighty God can fix it.

It’s 1776 in America. We won then. We will win now.

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Ren Settle @RenSettle

 · 16m

Replying to @LLinWood

I have to be honest, I was floored at his lack of concern for the evidence or even @SidneyPowell1’s request for 5 days to examine the machines. It’s unbelievable at what we’re seeing going on in this country!

Lin Wood @LLinWood



Judge Timothy C. Batten did NOT utter a single word of concern about the massive evidence of fraud shown by admissible evidence of record.

Why did he ignore TRUTH?

Connect the dots.

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Major Patriot @MajorPatriot

 · 2h

Sidney Powell arguing brilliantly in front of Judge Timothy C. Batten in the US District Court, Northern District of Georgia.

Case is CJ Pearson v Kemp. Batten was appointed by George W Bush in 2005.  

Judge Batten scheduled this hearing to address request to inspect machines


Well, someone did say that people would have to be shown how deep the corruption was and now we are seeing how corrupt the judiciary is. It looks like our favorite place to reward certain people with is going to be doing a booming business.

I’m just wondering if they enlarged it enough. Maybe some of those visiting will have their visits cut short.


Is this eligble for appeal? If so, I am sure she will do so.



come to timmy

Awesome video! Played it about 5 times in a row. No way will we let the bastards steal our country and freedoms. No fucking way. Thank you for sharing this!


BREAKING: Expert Identifies 200,000 Votes Hi-Jacked from Trump to Biden in Georgia at the Precinct Level
By Joe Hoft
Published December 7, 2020

Data Expert Edward Solomon analyzed the 2020 election results in Georgia and identified another pattern in the data showing ultimately 200,000 votes transferred from President Trump to Joe Biden at the precinct level.

President Trump was reportedly ahead in the 2020 election in Georgia on Election night by over 100,000 votes. But within hours his lead was diminished. It’s likely even when President Trump was hundreds of thousands of votes ahead, he had already had 200,000 votes (net) moved from his totals to Joe Biden.

Then when this was not enough to steal the election for Biden, the Democrats implemented emergency measures in Atlanta, making up a water main break story in an effort to vacate the State Farm Center where absentee ballots were being counted. Once alone, a few individuals stuck around and pulled suitcases full of ballots out from under a table and added thousands of ballots for Joe Biden to the system. Eventually the election was stolen for Biden in Georgia by 10,000 votes.


Smoking Gun, Part 2: Ratio Transfers Proved; Entire Algorithm Reversed, net 200,353 votes for Biden.

Last edited 4 years ago by eilert
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – this is the STAKE in the vampire heart of the coup!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We just need to get someone in actual authority over the process to recognize it.

You know this is fraud. I know this is fraud.

Until we can get some dude/dudette in a black robe with a gavel to SAY that this was fraud, neither of those two facts matter.


Antifa continues causing chaos but where is the media news coverage?
Fake News includes lies, biased spin on something that is true, partial truths, partial lies and non coverage/lies by omission.
Fake News not covering antifa and BLM continueing their riots, protests and chaos is classic fake news.


You left out gaslighting.


Absolutely right to add gaslighting. Not a conclusive list by any means.

Media sucks and people are dying of Wuflu + dying from shutdowns and masks because we no longer trust the media, no longer know what to believe and because they mix in so much fake news with the truth/facts.

and that is only one area in which fake news has damaged us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Get ready for Hanukkah! It’s coming this week (Thursday night, Dec 10) and ends on December 18!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen! Light over Darkness!!!


NY Restaurants Will Shut Down If Hospitalizations Don’t Stabilize

Gov. Andrew Cuomo said drastic new limits will be in store for New York businesses if coronavirus hospitalization rates worsen.


Cuomo has gotten too big for his britches – needs to be brought down a notch or two!

Gail Combs

You mean like being indicted as a mass murderer?


At the very least.

Deplorable Patriot


Today, after Adoration, where I was doing a slow burn as three classes from the grade school came in all masked up (grrr…brain development), I went to pick up a sewing machine from the repairman. Cute guy with a neurological issue who has a THRIVING small business (his dad was doing the books when I got there). Anyway, no masks, no request for them. Previous customer wasn’t wearing one. We had a nice conversation. Nobody sick, no big deal.

Stopped at a grocery store quickly and the place was fairly silent as people were walking around wearing face diapers.

This is just pi$$ing me off BIG TIME that so many people are being controlled by fear and taught to be slaves. It just is.


Just saw the post on gateway about the hateful, vile “santa” that told the little boy he can’t get what he wants from santa for Christmas. Just a Nasty liberal. Made me spittin’ mad to see that happen to a child.

Watched the video and just so sorry for that child. If it had been me with my boy I am concerned I would have screamed at the “santa” or yelled etc. and only made it worse for my boy. I KNOW I would have been in tears right along with him.


This horrible santa in this heartbreaking video reminded me of the Christmas Story and Ralph … plus, the story behind the story posted in OTC during the holidays several years ago:

“I read the book by Jean Shepherd, “In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash”, on which the movie, “A Christmas Story”, was based. It is a work of fiction but many have found enormous similarities between his childhood and the stories portrayed in the book making it hard to disentangle the fact from the fiction. There is much more to the book than the movie, a few additional side adventures as a boy as well as updates on characters now in adulthood at the time the story is told. In some ways I wished I had let the movie stand alone and I would rather not know what happened to the characters in adulthood.

However, I did find this snippet in the beginning of the book Very interesting and made me enjoy the movie, which I already liked, with extra zest! As we all know, one of the central themes of the movie is Ralph’s desire for a toy gun. In the book, adult Ralph is reminded of this childhood chapter of his life in the following way while eating at an Automat in NYC, sharing a table with a stranger. Below I quote directly (although somewhat abridged) from the book.

Whether this happen to Shepherd or its what he imagines happened to the grown up Ralph, either way it is an insight into Shepherd’s thinking when writing the BB gun story. It is not quoted in full but the essense of the scene is below.


That’s what it said. There was no questions about it. The button was born by an Indignant-type little old lady…

I, toying moodily with my chicken pot pie, which of course is a specialty of the house, surreptitiously examined my fellow citizen and patron of the Automat. Wiry, lightly powdered, tough as spring steel, the old doll dug with Old Lady gusto into her meal. Succotash, baked beans, creamed corn, side order of Harvard beets. Bad news—a Vegetarian type. No doubt also a dedicated Cat Fancier. Silently we shared our tiny Automat table…

And so we sat, wordlessly as is the New York custom, for long moments until I could not contain myself any longer. “Disarm the Toy Industry?”…
”It’s an outrage!” she barked, causing two elderly gentlemen at the next table to spill soup on their vests…
”It’s an outrage the way the toymakers are forcing the implements of blasphemous War on the innocent children, the Pure in Spirit, the tiny babes who are helpless and know no better!”

Her voice at the point rising to an Evangelical quaver, ringing from change booth to coffee urn and back again. Four gnarled atheists three tables over automatically, by reflex action alone, hurled four “Amen’s” into the unanswering air. She continued: “It’s all a Government plot to prepare the Innocent for evil, Godless War! I know what they’re up to! Our Committee is on to them, and we intend to expose the decadent Capitalistic evil!”

“Here, sonny. Read this. You’ll see what I mean.” She handed me a smudgy pamphlet from some embattled group of Right Thinkers, based—of course—in California, denouncing the U.S. as a citadel of Warmongers, profit-greedy despoilers of the young and promoters of world-wide Capitalistic decadence, all through plastic popguns and Sears Roebuck fatigue suits for the tots.

….hurled her parting shot: “Those who eat meat, the flesh of our fellow creatures, the innocent slaughtered lamb of the field, are doing the work of the Devil!”

End of excerpt. Many today don’t like the movie because of its focus on a toy gun ….
and yet it was that Very idea, the idea of angry liberals against toy guns, that must have been part of Jean Shepherd’s motivation in writing his story. At least he included the idea as impetus sparking the childhood memory in his main character, Ralph.

If he was irritated by the angry liberals anti gun nonsense in real life, his “A Christmas Story” has gone on to irritate them season after season for many years and as a now perennial favorite will continue to do so for many Christmas seasons to come.

Shh! Don’t tell liberals! Right now, when they criticize this sweet, nostalgic story of a world long gone, we can just brush their criticisms aside and tell them they are silly for getting all upset over a lovely Christmas classic featuring a loving family and fun childhood memories. Let’s keep the secret that it might just be a little poke in the liberal nose delivered, *on purpose* ever holiday season!

Knowing this was maybe a little bit of his motivation, not just a serendipity, lets me enjoy the movie with a little bit of an extra laugh! Merry Christmas!”

Gail Combs

If I was the Mom, I would have told the boy LOUDLY that it is OK Mommy & Daddy will GET YOU THE GUN FOR CHRISTMAS!


Folks, been a busy morning, so have not been able to read all the comments. I quickly scrolled through,and did not find the following video by AWK…which in my view is a great one. I sent it to my Canadian email list, as Dominion machines figures prominently on the video – and those machines were used in the recent Federal Conservative Leadership race that got a globalist ( pretend-China opposer) as the winner, (his team and the conservative party disqualified two of the 4 prolife candidates that were running)

Unfortunately, it looks like Kelly Ann Conway is calling for a transition of power to Biden (????)…PDJT did say that we would be surprised at who comes out against him….


Did not look at the link. Saw a headline a few days ago that indicated Kelly Ann went to the dark side.

Mildly surprised. A couple years ago, a WH big name said to be careful of Kelly Ann. That person had noticed unfriendly web site or something on her computer when they happened by.

In the final analysis, Kelly Ann needs a pay check, her marriage is charitably a disaster, daughter a nut case…

Good to know who we can trust.


Some dude did not like or trust her either.


In the final analysis, Kelly Ann is selling out her country, and TRUTH.

I pray that I will be willing and able to die for TRUTH…otherwise life has no meaning.

Her husband and daughter each has the responsibility to look for truth. Kelly Ann cannot take over that responsibility from them…or abdicate her own…


Until I see evidence that she undermined the president while she worked in the WH, I will not believe she was untrustworthy then. I never saw any evidence from SD except that she worked for Ted Cruz before, and his feelings. But if she is encouraging a Biden presidency now, that is betrayal.


I said in another comment . . . there was always something “hard” about Kellyanne, and I don’t mean hard as in strong/unshakeable. Plus I imagine she’s insanely jealous of Kayleigh M. Well, she’s made her bed and can’t ever come back. Like Coulter.

Gail Combs

Now we know WHY she never got rid of that loser husband of hers.


Women like Kellyanne piss me off.

Sorry, but if your husband is publicly verbally abusing you by slamming your boss, you leave him. What kind of example was she setting for her daughter, by taking that public shaming all the time? She was just weak and a doormat.

I get that people have religious objections to divorce, but I am not aware of any religion other than Islam that requires a woman to tolerate outright abuse at the hands of a man and stay married to him.


Likely, she was a double agent all along.





Rev Thomas Littleton

A perfect example of how the top down efforts are working to influence conservatives, especially Christians, with the false media narrative is the TODAY’S event sponsored by the liberal Associated Press, universalist Religion News Service and The Conversation sponsored Gates, Ford, Hearst, Knight, and other progressive Foundations. This places Southern Baptist Ethics Expert and Obama administration advocate Russell Moore at the heart of the pro Biden election fraud narrative. Russell Moore Joins a team of operatives including a Muslim, a Catholic, a liberal Sojourner leader/& Campaign Elder in puffing the coordinated false media narrative.
“PANEL DISCUSSION: Join us as we look ahead to the role of religion in the Biden presidency”
Moving forward with faith: Religion and politics in a Biden presidency 

  • How will faith influence the direction of the Biden administration?
  • What agenda will various religious institutions pursue?
  • Can religion be a force for healing the nation’s deep political, ideological and racial divides?

“Join us for a Zoom panel discussion between our journalists and noted faith leaders as we explore what role religion will play in the public square during the coming years. Hosted by The Associated Press, Religion News Service and The Conversation. Open to the public.”

This writer, like many of you, has been been disturbed to watch the failure of the press and even social media to report on the mounting evidence of election fraud and wrong doing on the part of the Democratic Party, local polling officials and the election software and ballots. Many have seen their own social media post removed or marked as “false ” or “fake news”. Even President Trump himself is in a daily battle with social media like Facebook and Twitter who are flagging HIS information to the American public as “false” or “misinformation”.
A quick pull back from the frustrating efforts of Americans to communicate and exercise free speech and locate outlets for a free and honest press reveals one undeniable reality; these efforts by the mainstream media ,including Fox News, and social media to squash truth and information are totally and carefully coordinated.
This author found a SMOKING GUN when following the links provided by social media giant Facebook when his own post about Smartmatic ( one of the programs named in the election irregularities) Chairman of the Board Peter Neffinger was marked as “False Information” by a Facebook “fact checker” even though it was the direct link to the actual biography page on Smartmatic’s website. Following the “factcheck links” and the alternative “approved” information sources led to Facebooks own partnership with promoting “The National Task Force on Election Crises” ( as in plural crises ).This information appeared on the / voting information center.
( NOTE : Facebook Fact Checker used in the above issue oddly works for Daily Caller )

  • Elias J. Atienza

“Fact Check Reporter at The Daily Caller”THE PLAYERS AND THEIR EVOLVING FOCUS
This Task Force is a primary partner for Facebook and other media outlets with “News” to counter Team Trump and other supporters investigating or even questioning the election. On September 29 2020 a Harvard Journalist Nieman Lab had promoted the “Task Force” information to and for journalist to be prepared in advance for such claims. Well before this on March 26 2020 the Task Force had been promoted by it’s partner and possible parent organization Protecting Democracy Project (PDP) as a means to support mail in and alternative voting using the Covid Pandemic as one of many concerns for a free and fair election. PDP is also responsible for the Transition Integrity Project which has a Soros Open Society advisory council member in leadership. The Task Force has overlapping leadership with the TIP organization and though it claims to be “cross partisan” the founders and leaders of Protect Democracy project are both former White House Counsels to Barak Obama and Task Force cross partisan leaders themselves are rabid anti-Trump.
The leadership of the Protect Democracy Project and Harvard’s Nieman Lab are actively coordinating the media campaign supporting the validity of the troubled election and the projected presidency of Biden while openly demanding that “Trumpism must be squashed and stamped out.”

( OF NOTE –Ann Marie Lipinski (born January 1956) is a journalist and the curator of the Nieman Foundation which oversees the Lab and Journalism Fellowship and is former editor of the Chicago Tribune. )
Harvard University “Nieman Lab” had promoted “The National Task Force on Election Crisis on September 29th 2020 In an article for “:What Journalist Should Know….

The election could be contested and last for weeks after Nov. 3. Here’s what experts think journalists should know.
(Note you can also follow their links to The National Task Force on Election Crisis .)
The National Task Force on Election Crises, a cross-partisan group of experts, wants reporters to know exactly how presidential elections are conducted and decided — including what happens when election results are disputed.FROM NIEMAN REPORTSHow should journalists respond to Trump’s refusal to commit to a peaceful transfer of power?The task force has a number of resources specifically for journalists, starting with a media guide and legal guidelines that explain, for example, that no, the president cannot postpone or cancel the general election. In a virtual summit for journalists this month, government officials, election experts, and civil rights advocates advised journalists on what they can do to reduce the impact of misinformation and bad faith claims about the election. (Besides media workers, the task force has reached out to tech companies, politicians, military figures, professional athletes, faith leaders, and business executives.) Many of the recommendations for reporters fell into one of three buckets: setting expectations before the election; covering and contextualizing Election Day itself; and reporting on what happens after November 3.”
“It’s in this post-Election Day period “when inevitably there will be challenges and questions raised about the results and about the accuracy,” Michael Chertoff, a former U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security under George W. Bush, said during the summit. How journalists frame these inevitable challenges, Chertoff added, will be “very, very critical” to “maintaining good order, discipline, and faith in our process.”
“How Should Journalists Respond to Trump’s Refusal to Commit to a Peaceful Transfer of Power?”
“Set expectations for election night”“Brendan Nyhan, a political scientist and professor at Dartmouth College, argued that Americans may be the most vulnerable to misinformation during an unexplained waiting period. He said the media — particularly cable news — should build their coverage around a scenario in which the winner of the election is not known on election night.”
“It’s going to be essential for the media to be responsible in that moment. They really are guardians of the legitimacy of our democratic process,” Nyhan said. “It will be tempting to put people on TV saying things about what’s happening, including that the election is being stolen, to fill the void in the news environment. I would just encourage everyone to think about the stakes here again, that we live in a country that is at significant risk of democratic erosion. Amplifying those kinds of claims in that moment is a profoundly irresponsible act.”
MORE from the article :
“Make a plan for misinformation.”“The primary source of misinformation in people’s information diets is from mainstream political figures via the mainstream media,” Nyhan said. “Newsrooms need to prepare for a political environment in which mainstream political figures, most notably the President of the United States, are going to promote false and unsupported claims about the election. They need to prepare for that now. And they need to have a conversation internally about how to cover those claims in a way that’s consistent with their journalistic values.”
“Nyhan noted that the standard advice to journalists — verify before publication, avoid amplifying misinformation — is easier said than done.”
“It’s not easy. And the reason is those claims will often be made by high-profile political figures in a way that media organizations feel like they have to cover on deadline,” Nyhan said. “If they are not careful, they will cover them in a ‘he said, she said’ manner that gives legitimacy to unfounded, unverified, or unrepresentative claims.”
“Learn the timetable.”“Did you know that if there’s no clear winner by noon on election day — January 20, 2021 — the Electoral Count Act provides for an “acting president” while disputes are resolved? The Speaker of the House is first in line; the current president does not stay in office.”
“States will be working to count votes, resolve disputes over rejected ballots, and address an already unprecedented number of legal challenges before the certification deadline in early December. Many states, including the battlegrounds of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, will be doing this on the fly, after making provisions to allow mail-in voting during a presidential election for the first time due to Covid-19.”
About Nieman Lab“The Nieman Journalism Lab is an attempt to help journalism figure out its future in an Internet age.”
“The Internet has brought forth an unprecedented flowering of news and information. But it has also destabilized the old business models that have supported quality journalism for decades. Good journalists across the country are losing their jobs or adjusting to a radically new news environment online. We want to highlight attempts at innovation and figure out what makes them succeed or fail. We want to find good ideas for others to steal. We want to help reporters and editors adjust to their online labors; we want to help traditional news organizations find a way to survive; we want to help the new crop of startups that will complement — or supplant — them.”
About the Nieman Foundation“Established in 1938, the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard administers the oldest fellowship program for journalists in the world. More than 1,300 journalists of accomplishment from 88 countries have received Nieman Fellowships and benefited from a year of study and exploration at Harvard University. The annual deadline to apply for a fellowship is December 15 for international journalists and January 31 for Americans.”
“The Nieman Foundation also publishes the quarterly magazine Nieman Reports, the nation’s oldest magazine devoted to a critical examination of the practice of journalism. Additionally, the foundation is home to the Nieman Program on Narrative Journalism and the Nieman Watchdog Journalism Project, which encourages reporters and editors to monitor and hold accountable those who exert power in all aspects of public life.”
“Nieman is the only fellowship program that also houses an array of publishing and convening initiatives focused on journalism. These include:

  • Nieman Lab, an online reporting enterprise focused on the future of news and innovation. Nieman Lab has a staff of reporters writing daily about the most significant developments in journalism and has become a leading source of news about digital media for an international audience;
  • Nieman Reports, a website and print magazine that explores contemporary journalism’s most important challenges and provides a forum for the industry’s leading voices on issues of ethics, values, innovation and more. It also serves as a town square for Nieman’s global alumni network;
  • Nieman Storyboard, a website that showcases exceptional narrative journalism and the art and craft of reported storytelling. Storyboard has become an important gathering place for the top practitioners of narrative journalism to talk about what works and why.”

“In addition, Harvard’s beautiful Lippmann House, where Nieman is located, is the convening center every year for dozens of seminars, master classes, conferences and awards ceremonies. These bring together not only our fellows but the broadest-possible array of those practicing, celebrating, challenging and advancing journalism.”
Ian BassinCo-Founder and Executive Director – Ian served as Associate White House Counsel from 2009-2011.Ian Bassin is president and executive director of the Protect Democracy Project, the same position he holds in United to Protect Democracy. 
Justin FlorenceCo-Founder and Legal Director-He has previously served in the Office of the White House Counsel as Special Assistant to the President and Associate Counsel to the President. Justin Florence is legal director for PDP.
These two leaders of Protect Democracy November 27 piece in the L A Times READS:
“Now that the presidential transition is underway in full, what’s next, other than more certifications from a few states remaining? Here are key dates through Inauguration to know, from our partners at National Task Force on Election Crises:”

National Task Force on Election Crises Releases Guidance on How to Protect Elections in the Age of COVID-19
National Task Force on Election Crises Releases Guidance on How to Protect Elections in the Age of COVID-19National Task Force on Election Crises March 26, 2020
“Cross-Partisan Team of Experts Has Assembled to Help Ensure a Free and Fair 2020 Election Despite Unexpected Disruptions and Disasters, Including COVID-19 Pandemic.
WASHINGTON, DC — On March 26, 2020, the National Task Force on Election Crises released the first of several planned guides for how to respond to potential disruptions of the 2020 general election. The COVID-19 Election Guide, available here, addresses how state and local officials can protect eligible voters’ ability to cast ballots without undue risk to their own health or to the broader community. The Task Force was formed in 2019 to be prepared to respond to a wide range of potential threats to a free and fair 2020 election in a collaborative, cross-partisan, and multidisciplinary fashion. More information about the Task Force is available here.
“Elections are the foundation of our democracy, but there are many ways in which regular electoral procedure could be disrupted,” said Trey Grayson, a member of the Task Force and former Secretary of State of Kentucky and former President of the National Association of Secretaries of State. “The coronavirus pandemic is a perfect example of how elections can be impacted, but it’s far from the only threat, and many election administrators are already starting from a place where they don’t have sufficient resources. We need to plan and prepare to ensure our elections are resilient.”
The COVID-19 Election Guide offers recommendations to help legislators and election officials conduct a successful 2020 general election, despite the many challenges that the coronavirus is likely to pose, with the goal of ensuring that the election is conducted on time as required by law and that public confidence in the integrity of the electoral process and the legitimacy of the outcome is preserved. Recommendations for helping to achieve these goals include:

  • Expanding no-excuse absentee vote-by-mail
  • Maximizing early voting days and hours
  • Increasing the number of polling places and other voting options
  • Proactive, transparent communication with voters

The guide also provides recommendations on the use of emergency powers by governors and other state officials to respond to the crisis. Any departure from the ordinary rules governing the electoral process, it states, should be made pursuant to state and federal law using objective criteria that guides official discretion and minimizes partisan bias.
“Our nation has overcome crises before and we will overcome this one,” said Task Force member Michael Chertoff, former U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security under President George W. Bush. “But doing so requires well thought out contingency plans, advance preparations, broad coalitions working together, and support for those on the front lines of making our elections work—election administrators, local officials, poll workers, the media, and especially the voters. I know there are so many dedicated public servants around the country already working to ensure the success of our elections and hope by joining this Task Force I can do my small part to support them.”
Task Force member Vanita Gupta, President and CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, added, “In 2020, further unexpected events are bound to take place, but the right to vote must be protected and preserved. Already, we are seeing the impact of COVID-19 on primary elections—and officials are obligated right now to take steps, like the ones outlined in our guide, to ensure the general election proceeds on schedule as required under federal law. The National Task Force on Election Crises was formed to ensure that all eligible voters are able to make their voices heard when the ballots are counted. No voter should have to choose between their health and the right to vote, and voters of color and other historically disenfranchised communities must be able to make their voices heard. The right to vote is one of our most basic rights as Americans, and it is our collective task to make sure it can be fully realized—even under the most difficult circumstances.”
“As a nation, we have a long history of unequal access to the ballot box. We have been preparing to meet voter suppression challenges for this year’s election for some time. Now we must also respond to a public health crisis and prepare for a wide range of other potential election disruptions, such as a major cyber-attack, online foreign interference or fights over contested election results,” said Task Force member Sherrilyn Ifill, President and Director-Counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. “As we’ve seen with other election challenges, those who will be most impacted are voters in African American, Latino and other traditionally marginalized communities. That’s why we need to rapidly prepare at the federal, state, and local levels to protect the 2020 election. This will require a massive effort, but it’s critical to safeguard our democracy.”
“In a critical election year, steps can and must be taken to ensure that the democratic process proceeds on schedule through the November election, while protecting the health of both voters and poll workers,“ said Trevor Potter, President of the nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center and a former Republican Chairman of the Federal Election Commission. “Our election processes and infrastructure will continue to be tested by the coronavirus. Policymakers and election officials must ensure that every eligible American has access to the ballot box because the essence of democracy is that every eligible voter must have the opportunity to participate. Elections have endured in other times of crisis, and they will in 2020.”
For more information about the National Task Force on Election Crises, visit
To read the COVID-19 Election Guide, visit
For more on Protect Democracy’s work amid the coronavirus pandemic click here.
“The National Task Force on Election Crises is a diverse, cross-partisan group of more than 40 experts in election law, election administration, national security, cybersecurity, voting rights, civil rights, technology, public health, and emergency response. The mission of the nonpartisan National Task Force on Election Crises is to ensure a free and fair 2020 general election by recommending responses to a range of potential election crises. The Task Force does not advocate for any electoral outcome except an election that is free and fair.”
“The Task Force was convened by Protect Democracy, a nonpartisan nonprofit organization. Protect Democracy’s staff supports the work of the Task Force, and in doing so has drawn on assistance from Jenner & Block, the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown Law, the Democracy & Rule of Law Clinic at Harvard Law School, and the William & Mary Election Law Society.”
“Current members of the Task Force include:

  • Jim Baker, Director of National Security and Cybersecurity, R Street Institute; Former FBI General Counsel
  • Rajiv Chandrasekaran, The Emes Project; Former Associate Editor, The Washington Post
  • Christine Chen, Executive Director, Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote)
  • Michael Chertoff, Former U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security
  • Kristen Clarke, President and Executive Director, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
  • Tom Coleman, Former Member of Congress (R-MO)
  • Tiana Epps-Johnson, Executive Director, Center for Tech and Civic Life
  • Edward B. Foley, Professor of Law, Ohio State University
  • Christopher Fonzone, Former National Security Council Legal Adviser
  • Hannah Fried, Campaign Director, All Voting is Local, The Leadership Conference Education Fund
  • Joshua Geltzer, Executive Director and Visiting Professor, Georgetown Law’s Institute for Constitutional Advocacy & Protection
  • Dipayan Ghosh, Co-Director, Digital Platforms & Democracy Project, Harvard Kennedy School
  • Elizabeth Goitein, Co-Director, Liberty and National Security Program, Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law
  • Rosalind Gold, Chief Public Policy Officer, National Association of Latino Elected Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund
  • Trey Grayson, Former Secretary of State of Kentucky; Former President of National Association of Secretaries of State
  • Rebecca Green, Professor of the Practice of Law and Co-Director of the Election Law Program, William & Mary Law School
  • Yasmin Green, Director R&D, Jigsaw (Google)
  • Vanita Gupta, President and CEO, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights
  • Sam Hirsch, Partner, Jenner & Block LLP
  • Karen Hobert Flynn, President, Common Cause and the Common Cause Education Fund
  • Sherrilyn Ifill, President and Director-Counsel, NAACP Legal Defense Fund (LDF)
  • Rachel Kleinfeld, Senior Fellow, Democracy, Conflict, and Governance Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
  • María Teresa Kumar, President and CEO, Voto Latino Foundation
  • Ryan Macias, Former Acting Director of Testing and Certification, U.S. Election Assistance Commission
  • Mary B. McCord, Legal Director and Visiting Professor, Georgetown Law’s Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection
  • Amber McReynolds, CEO, National Vote at Home Institute
  • Michael T. Morley, Assistant Professor of Law, Florida State University College of Law;
  • Jennifer Morrell, Partner, Elections Group
  • Lawrence Norden, Director, Election Reform Program, Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law
  • Adav Noti, Senior Director for Trial Litigation & Chief of Staff, Campaign Legal Center;
  • Norman Ornstein, Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute
  • Michael Osterholm, Director, Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, University of Minnesota
  • Tammy Patrick, Senior Advisor, Elections, Democracy Fund
  • Trevor Potter, President, Campaign Legal Center
  • Ezra Rosenberg, Co-Director of Voting Rights Project, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
  • Paul Rosenzweig, Senior Fellow, R Street Institute; Former DHS Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy
  • Thomas Saenz, President and General Counsel, MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund)
  • Hector Sanchez Barba, CEO and Executive Director, Mi Familia Vota
  • Marian K. Schneider, President, Verified Voting
  • Kate Shaw, Professor of Law, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
  • Theodore M. (Ted) Shaw, Julius L. Chambers Distinguished Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Civil Rights, UNC School of Law
  • Paul Smith, Vice President for Litigation and Strategy, Campaign Legal Center
  • Wendy Weiser, Vice President and Director, Democracy Program, Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law
  • Robert Weissman, President, Public Citizen
  • Lawrence Wilkerson, Former Chief of Staff to the U.S. Secretary of State”

*Organizational and academic affiliations are for identification purposes only and don’t necessarily represent institutional endorsement.
“The Transition Integrity Project (TIP) was a series of June 2020 political scenario exercises in the United States, involving over 100 current and former senior government and campaign leaders, academics, journalists, polling experts and former federal and state government officials. The exercises examined potential disruptions to the 2020 presidential election and transition.[1][2][3][4] TIP is not an organization, but rather a short-term project run under the auspices of the organization Protect Democracy.
According the website INFLUENCE WATCH “Task Force leader Trey Grayson, Former Secretary of State of Kentucky; Former President of National Association of Secretaries of State was involved with (Soros Open Society Foundations Advisory Board members) work of Rosa Brooks in the Transition Integrity Project . “ROSA BROOKS is Co-founder Rosa Brooks is a professor at the Georgetown University Law Center and a former Obama administration Pentagon official. She serves on the advisory board of George Soros’s Open Society Foundations (OSF) in the United States, and was previously special counsel to the president at the Open Society Institute in New York.”
“In anticipation on March of the Covid 19 Pandemic on the Elections Protect Democracy and the “Task Force” seek”
” The COVID-19 Election Guide offers recommendations to help legislators and election officials conduct a successful 2020 general election, despite the many challenges that the coronavirus is likely to pose, with the goal of ensuring that the election is conducted on time as required by law and that public confidence in the integrity of the electoral process and the legitimacy of the outcome is preserved. Recommendations for helping to achieve these goals include:

  • Expanding no-excuse absentee vote-by-mail
  • Maximizing early voting days and hours
  • Increasing the number of polling places and other voting options
  • Proactive, transparent communication with voters

The guide also provides recommendations on the use of emergency powers by governors and other state officials to respond to the crisis. Any departure from the ordinary rules governing the electoral process, it states, should be made pursuant to state and federal law using objective criteria that guides official discretion and minimizes partisan bias.”
About Religion News Service, LLC
Religion News Service is an independent, nonprofit and award-winning source of global news on religion, spirituality, culture and ethics, reported by a staff of professional journalists. RNS is not affiliated with any religious tradition. Founded in 1934, RNS seeks to inform readers with objective reporting and insightful commentary and is relied upon by commercial and faith-based news organizations in a number of countries. RNS is a subsidiary of Religion News Foundation and is affiliated with the Missouri School of Journalism at the University of Missouri.
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The Associated Press is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats. Founded in 1846, AP today is the most trusted source of independent news and information. On any given day, more than half the world’s population sees news from AP.
About The Conversation
The Conversation US launched in October 2014 with funding from six foundations. It is an independent source of commentary and analysis from the academic and research community, delivered direct to the public. A team of professional editors work with academic scholars to unlock their knowledge to then be shared with the wider public. Access to trusted, independent, high quality, authenticated, explanatory journalism is critical to a functioning democracy. Our goal is to promote better understanding of current affairs and complex issues leading to a better quality of public discourse.
The clear and undeniable reality we are facing is an unprecedented IN THE 2020 Presidential Election. Confusion and uncertainty abound. It is backed up by a massive, coordinated, and no doubt well funded propaganda effort which has all but taken over and eclipsed both the investigation of facts and free speech among media outlets and everyday Americans on their own social media. The arrogance of these organizations to censor free speech even extend to President Donald Trump and to his legal team and witnesses testifying before our courts. The President appears to be up to the task and is not intimidated by the false media or their attacks on him ,his family and his character. Thanks to independent news sources like WVW TV and a few others, and to American’s who are speaking out, the truth and the battle to make it known is not lost. Common sense Americans from both sides of the political divide are rightly concerned. And faithful Christians who love the Truth and the God given freedoms enjoyed and long celebrated in America know that too much is at stake to walk away from “such an appointed time as this”. Russell Moore and the ERLC under his control have never been more glaring in their intentional failure to represent the believers whose interest they are PAID TO PROTECT.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Too many hidden links threw this into moderation!


Yeah Littleton’s focus is the SBC involvement but note how slimy Russell Moore has connections to these organizations with the like of lawfare team Jim Baker, Mary McCord, etc.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



So true about Littleton, he is really good. I’m not in SBC and never was but learn a lot from Littleton, and all these denominations operate in similar ways–I do not like church denominations, though I know there are good Christians in them so not meaning to offend anyone. People just don’t realize it’s a trap.


WOW, what a huge backstory ….. and Russell Moore is without excuse. Biblical teachers are called to the highest standard and Russell Moore fails miserably, as does SBC Pres. Al Mohler. Fortunately several Professors have recognized the counterfeit and left….. and now a Trustee confirms they’re off the beam. Jon Harris (Conversations That Matter) is best and most trusted account of history and Theological accuracy of SBC agenda.


Jon Harris is great!




It will be ‘blind faith’, because they certainly have no facts or reason to support it 😂🤣😂

They are false teachers, wolves in sheeps’ clothing, haters of truth, lovers of lies.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Lovers of LIES – absolutely.

I have lost almost all respect for DeWine, that maskie fool, with his Biden concession. What a WIMP!


“I have lost almost all respect for DeWine, that maskie fool, with his Biden concession.”


No sense in holding back even a smidgen of respect for DeWine, he’s a Deep State CROOK!

Has been for his WHOLE career, clearly.


“What a WIMP!”


He’s compromised.

It’s not as if he weighed the pros and cons, or like he was wavering and just came down on the wrong side due to poor judgment, or ineptness, or dare I say it, stupidity:

It is dangerous to attribute to stupidity that which could be the result of malice or guile.” – Aubergine’s Razor [my first usage on the new site, it only took a few days 😁 👍 ]

As I understand it, there are ZERO volunteers on the Dark Side. Even those who wanted to volunteer still have to provide blackmail material in order to ‘get in’.

Without blackmail material, the system (and whoever ultimately runs it) does not have IRON-FISTED CONTROL over you.

So when you go to work for the Dark Side, that contract is signed in your own blood, and they OWN you.


You get all the benefits they promised.

And all the costs.

Every… last… one.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Dark side. Perfect description of satan’s wiles. Love Aubergine’s razor, too.


I have to wonder if the “blackmail material” always includes a Black Mass of some sort, with pedophilia thrown in, and maybe even some cannibalism, too.

They set up a lot of college students to accept “secret society” thinking with organizations like Skull and Bones, and even ordinary fraternity initiation rituals. Later, it’s just an extension of the game to move on to darker things.

There can be an almost hypnotic effect to ritual that can make participants much more susceptible to doing things that are very taboo. Once the hypnotic effect wears off, well, they are in the trap. Too late.


“I have to wonder if the “blackmail material” always includes a Black Mass of some sort, with pedophilia thrown in, and maybe even some cannibalism, too.”


It’s hard to imagine, but at this point, NOTHING would surprise me… unless they turned out to be good 😂 🤣 😂 🤣 😂


“They set up a lot of college students to accept “secret society” thinking with organizations like Skull and Bones, and even ordinary fraternity initiation rituals. Later, it’s just an extension of the game to move on to darker things.”


I went through a secret fraternity initiation, at the conclusion of what many fraternities used to call “Hell Week”.

These days it’s probably called “Heaven or Hell Week, We Don’t Judge, We Only Virtue-Signal” 😁👍

What pledging a fraternity and then going through Hell Week did more than anything, was to teach me the lesson to never do anything so stupid and counterproductive as pledging a fraternity and going through Hell Week again 😁


Lol! I know a few people who learned that lesson, too!


“Heaven or Hell Week, We Don’t Judge, We Only Virtue-Signal”



BTW, I have no idea what DeWine has done now, the last I heard, a few days ago, is that he was being impeached.


I agree with that 🙂


Pfizer chairman Albert Bourla told Dateline host Lester Holt that the pharmaceutical company was “not certain” if the vaccine prevented the coronavirus from being transmitted, saying, “This is something that needs to be examined.”

In the program it was recommended that people still wear masks and social distance even after the vaccine.


“This is something that needs to be examined.”
isn’t that what the TRIALS were for?


IKR? They want to keep this going for as long as possible. The vaccine has arrived everyone, but don’t think life will go back to normal. You still need to creep around and be afraid.


yup…I wanna be the Enterprise…and boldly go…not be a mouse and creep in the shadows…lol

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s absolute bullshit.

We just have to tell the mask nazis to GTH.


“It’s absolute bullshit.We just have to tell the mask nazis to GTH.”


This is how I do it.

This is me now, everyday when I go out. No mask, waving at all the mask-wearers 😁🙋‍♂️😁

So far, the theme music is only in my head, I need to get a 1980s ghetto blaster and a cassette tape of ‘Rocky’ 👍


The waving is the most fun part. I don’t really like the running part so much 😁

Do yutoob clips no longer show up as clips on the new website? It kinda throws a bucket of cold farm snot on the experience…

Sylvia Avery

Nope. They just show as a linky.


I think Wolf fixed it, he has a video showing as a video higher up this page, but it doesn’t look like whatever changes he made are retroactive.


We just have to tell the mask nazis to GTH.

^^^ Daily, NEVER wear a mask. NEVER. ^^^


Gail Combs


I had to get a new phone since my old one expired. Anyway Hubby ordered it so we went down to the store to pick it up.

We do not wear masks so they tossed us out of the store. We had to do business ‘curbside’.

It is 38F with a brisk wind so we stood outside in the wind to do business. Hubby & I in coats and the employee shivering in indoor clothes.

She then she takes my phone and disappears for an HOUR. It is now dusk and we have to get home for the evening feeding. Also I have had it sitting in a cold car for an hour. I want to go home!

Hubby goes in to find out what is going on and is standing close to the door for several minutes. I blew my top, opened the door WIDE and stood outside yelling LET’s GO! repeatedly for several minutes. An employee comes over and asks that I close the door and I ignored her. I think I lowered the temp in that store by a good 5F. And yeah I got my new phone, which I have so far reframed from running over with the dually.


You have more patience than I. After about 15-20 minutes I would have told the (…) that she get me the phone or I am leaving. I am very nice but not to the point of being abused.
Gail you and your hubby were abused and I am sorry you were.😘

Brave and Free

Nope, no mask for me! I don’t comply when I go out and I am seeing more people without mask on and less side eye from people, mostly the millennials that wear their mask as a badge of honor (spit)


“mostly the millennials that wear their mask as a badge of honor (spit)”


More like a badge of virtue signalling.

I would be surprised if most of them even know what the word ‘honor’ means.

But they’re experts at virtue signalling 👍




I really wanted to quit, but then I remembered… I never wore it in the first place 😂 🤣 😂

And every day, that early decision looks better and better in retrospect…




“The vaccine has arrived everyone, but don’t think life will go back to normal. You still need to creep around and be afraid.”


The only thing we have to fear, is the vaccines… 😂 🤣 😂


“This is something that needs to be examined.”
isn’t that what the TRIALS were for?


Only in Kansas.

And we’re definitely not in Kansas anymore 😁






A capture of the entirety of flu cases recorded by the CDC for the last 8 weeks.
comment image

Deplorable Patriot

I honestly believe there is a lot of flu being labelled COVID.


If I could draw I would create a meme with a coroner examining a man who had just been run over by a bus and pronouncing “worst case of covid19 I’ve seen yet”.


….. Flattening the curve !!

With a stomach like that you tell he’s on the level b/c his bubble is in the middle.

He should be buried face down and close to the surface so he could serve as a useful bicycle stand.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey, there! Do you need a fresh password to log in?


“I honestly believe there is a lot of flu being labelled COVID.”



That would be my conclusion too 👍😂


Info already out but in case anyone hasn’t seen it~~

Ned Ryun
One of the underreported stories of 2020. . . Wonder why? I mean a billionaire spent about $400 million in very targeted ways to boost voting in very specific places (not Republican ones, just so we’re clear).
Quote Tweet

Rising serpent Flag of United States
 · 23h
Did you know that Mark Zuckerberg spent an unprecedented $300 million to pay salaries for the *entire* election apparatus across multiple states, and
when lawsuits were filed challenging its legality, he spent $100 million *more* to pay defense lawyers?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you! Useful in an upcoming post!!!


He’s a traitor, enemy of the constitutional Republic of the United States of America, tag and bag …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sorry this went into moderation. We’ll get you out eventually.


That should not be allowed that oligarchs can buy an election. Where is the protection?

Gail Combs

In case you were wondering…

Paul Combetta:
Computer Specialist Who Deleted Clinton Emails May Have Asked Reddit for TipsIn an apparent triumph for collaborative reporting, reddit discovers what seem to be posts from an IT worker given immunity.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs

Thanks for the reminder – knew the name was familiar. We have had data/facts/events overload the last few years!


comment image

Jim Hoft


HUGE–> WE CAUGHT THEM! Criminal Conspiracy Revealed — 3rd Suspect in GA “Suitcase Scandal” is Also the Same Man Who Spread Lies that Water Main Broke in State Farm Center!




My latest, and another good one if I do say sio myself. LONG. (opens in a new tab)


Always look forward to your posts, pREX


TY, hope you enjoy!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I still have to post your other one – I got stalled by the move, but the draft came over just fine! 😀


Anytime Wolf. I been busy as well. TY again for all you do for this site, me, and the conservative popuilace. God bless!


Excellent article- now I’m hearing reindeer on the roof!


Trumpy Claus IS coming to town. He saw them while they stole it, he knows just where to look, he knows whose been BAD and good, and they are goin down.

They better watch out, they better not shout, they better not RIOT Im tellin you why. Trumpy Claus is COMING to TOWN!.


Great article Rex! Got goosebumps!



tom f

Thanks, always enjoy your posts.
Knowing just how imperative all of this is, Please forgive me for ‘knowingly’ laughing at how you portray some of your observations.
Humor always helps.


I learned that “humor” is a tension breaker, and can be VERY effective in tense situations. My English lit teacher used Shakespeare as an example. I actually listened.


Thank you Rex. Appreciate all the details getting linked together. Looking forward to the next update.


Been meaning to write this, but I have been real busy.

Linda Harrison

Thank you, this was great!




“FIRST Tomorrow, Alito will enjoin the results from PA until ALL fraud is DIS proven, which it CAN’T be. The dems WILL appeal to enbanc, meaning the entire SCOTUS will hear. TRap CLOSED. PA WILL FALL in the next few days to Trump.”


What prevents the (not)Supreme Court enbanc pow-wow from dragging their feet and delaying past December 14?

Sure, we have potentially 5 relatively honest judges (while Roberts, the snake in the port-o-potty on a hot summer day at a Beans & Franks Festival) votes with the other criminals, but Roberts and the Scuds must have a thousand different stalling and delaying procedures they can employ.

And when they exhaust those, Roberts and the Scuds can start faking injuries (e.g., all four sprain their necks while riding the big coaster at Wally World), and when that no longer works, they can resort to setting the (not)Supreme Court building on fire.

And that’s just the warm-up.

The enemy doesn’t care how ridiculous or obvious their corrupt antics are. They will do whatever is necessary to win.

That’s why they win so often.

Our side almost never does whatever is necessary to win, which is why our side only wins when the enemy’s car breaks down on the way to the contest. 😁

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Scott, the “safe Harbor” and Dec 14 dates are NOT law, just an arbitrtary date. As I posted. Tilden?Hayes went all the way to March 3rd. Nearly 3 MONTHS past the inauguratiion date, IE PRECEDENT. Also 1800 was the same with Jefferson Burr. The important part, as the founders and Constitution CLEEARLY state in REMEDIES, is getting it RIGHT. This is NO different. There is SO much fraud, that ONLY the fraudsters and their enablkers are in a RUSH. EVERYONE else wants a fair CLEAN election. That is why I believe any SCOTUS ruling, by the 5-4 majority WILL “postpone” the EC meeting to whenever the FRAUD is “relieved”


I understand now, I hadn’t reached that part of your article yet when I replied above 😁


NP. ALito denied the P
A ACCEPT the Texas, and now LA case. The MSM will SPIN this as a huge defeat…but it was a VICTORY. Texas rolls up at LEAST 4 states into one. Therefore ONE decision can REVERSE them ALL…..It WAS taken and IS on the dockett. BOOM coming…spread the word….instead of ONE starting the fall, just FINISH it with FOUR!!


Thanks for the update, and always glad to have GOOD news to tell others 👍


Jay Sekulow was pumped…this expedites the cases into ONE big one….why do 1 x 4 when ONE ENDS IT>


“NO ONE sane or honest BELIEVES Biden got 11 million more votes than Obama in 2008. which was a “trasfigurative historic” election of the first African American President.”


Except the SAME voting machines and rigged SOFTWARE was used in the Hussein elections (both of them).

Hussein never won EITHER term! His ‘historic’ vote totals were a complete and utter FRAUD, just like his presidency.

Those machines and the software started being used in the late 1990s (Chavez in Venezuela) to the early 2000s (everywhere else on the planet), and there hasn’t been a remotely fair election ever SINCE.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

I agree, BUT, this time they took it to EXTREME meaasures. Romney nor McCain were one TERNTH as popular as Trump, so they were EASY to defeat, and they were WEAK and ROLLED on the fraud. Trump is NOT weak, and WILL fight.


“In 2008, Obama swept in state legislatures, Governorships, AND super majorities in the House AND SENATE (59). ALL FLIPS from Republican.”


And it was ALL rigged.

ALL of it.

Running the same scam in 2008 that they used on November 3rd, 2020.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

No, NOT the same. They FORGOT to rig the House, Senate, and states this time…IE RUSHED.


“WHO exactly did he “lose”? Oh, and since he LOST Reps, he GAINED more than 10 million DEMS and INDS? COME ON, then WHO were the 12 MILLION more voters for Biden than Clinton got or the 11 MILLION more voters than Obama got?


They were just made up numbers, ‘ghost’ votes, same as Nov. 3, 2020.

Exactly the same.

Unlike the insanely corrupt RINO party that never met an election it couldn’t throw, the Left NEVER tries to fix what ain’t broke.

When they find something that works, they beat it like a rented mule until it’s dead.


Agreed, but THIS time thaey ran into a fighter and someone CLEAVERER than themselves..WINK.


Save Christmas Rally

Deplorable Patriot

comment image
Secretary Pompeo


US government account
Today the U.S. designates Burma, China, Eritrea, Iran, Nigeria, the DPRK, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan as countries of concern under the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 for engaging systematic, ongoing, egregious religious freedom violations.
3:33 PM · Dec 7, 2020


Great. Too bad they won’t address the ongoing oppression of religious freedom and church arsons in the USA


The one (arson) in NYC, Middle Collegiate, has the original liberty bell in the tower. Just another coinkydink I’m sure. Nothing to see here.


Our Secretary of State – doing the righteous work that the *&^%$#@! UN won’t.

Weather Watcher

Um….Pardon me Secretary Pompeo……please add California (from the UnUnited States) on that list too!


A lawyer in Michigan has possession of the dominion code from Antrim County. His forensic team (7 people) went in yesterday with a court order and got everything out of a machine. He’s on Thayrone X’s show (On The Edge – WAAM 1600am) right now. Thayrone archives all his shows at about a day after the show airs.


WOW! A patriot!!!


Fulton County’s Election Director.

“We’ve scanned 113,130. We’ve adjudicated over 106,000. Ballots are adjudicated.. if there is some question.. the vote review panel then determines voter intent.”

Why adjudicate 94% of the ballotsRed question mark ornament

There’s a video with the tweet. This man was giving this statement during the ballot processing


Gavin Newsom caught wiring half a billion dollars to communist China in massive face mask money laundering scheme

Back in April, even the mainstream media was questioning what Newsom was up to when it was revealed that he had wired half a billion dollars to an electric car company in China to supposedly purchase “N-95 masks” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). This decision was never voted on or approved by legislators, and when pressed about the details of the deal, Newsom refused to disclose them.

Keep in mind that this half a billion dollars was just the first of two installments amounting to a full billion dollars being sent China to supposedly purchase face masks for Californians – face masks that never actually arrived, by the way. As of this writing, the Chinese electric car company in question, BYD, still has the money and has yet to send over a single face mask.

“That’s because this isn’t a billion dollars for ‘masks,’” writes Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, in an exposé on Newsom’s treasonous criminality. “It’s part of a massive money laundering operation to funnel money to China, so that China can funnel money and weapons back to Newsom in preparation for the civil war that they’re launching.”

More on the theory of stockpiling weapons in the article

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I definitely agree that he was laundering through China. But exactly what the money was for, or where it went – uncertain, IMO. Q team probably knows, but I’m skeptical that it’s for weapons.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Maybe part of it went back to Zuckerberg for his “safe elections” TREASON.

Gail Combs

AND for printing fake ballots AND for smuggling them into the country.

Don’t forget all the FAKE DRIVERS LICENCES = FAKE in person VOTERS.

I am sure there was plenty left over for BRIBING OFFICIALS TOO.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Be sure to post this comment on the article which will appear about this late tonight!


That was my thought too. Can’t swallow the weapons theory totally

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Weapons simply don’t make as much sense as paying for the electoral fraud, including lawyers, activists, organizations, etc.


Sheesh, for all we know it was payment for unleashing the vehicle (covid) through which the DemComs would use to attempt the election steal. What better way to pay for services rendered than the purchase of “life saving” “equipment. At that moment in time they had the public in complete fear mode.


Maybe these are the “weapons”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



“I definitely agree that he was laundering through China. But exactly what the money was for, or where it went – uncertain, IMO.”


Why hasn’t he been arrested for embezzlement or misappropriation of State funds?

It says plain as day: “This decision was never voted on or approved by legislators, and when pressed about the details of the deal, Newsom refused to disclose them.”


Speaking of which, has the hostage team ever bothered to reveal the demands of the kidnappers who absconded with Bill Barr on election eve?

Imagine how different evereything would be, if the Attorney General of the United States was actually on duty and enforcing the LAW of the LAND.


and the rest of the states need him to get that money back so we don’t have to bail CA out…
total bullshit.


they’re waiting on Auntie Lush and Uncle Perv to bail them out


““It’s part of a massive money laundering operation to funnel money to China, so that China can funnel money and weapons back to Newsom in preparation for the civil war that they’re launching.””


Oh man, if only we could be so lucky, that these MORONS attempt to launch a civil war.

Can you even imagine the mismatch between trained professional soldiers of the U.S. military vs. California slackers?

With zero military OR weapons training?

It would be a slaughter. Every California Commie dead, zero casualties for the U.S. military.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


President Trump will brazenly invade enemy territory on Saturday!


For you numbers people – here’s the Math of the Steal!


My brain nearly melted trying to watch his simplified example 😉

Sure as heck hope he’s right though!


I have watched a couple of these videos showing Dominion literally stealing votes from President Trump and giving them to Biden.

The easiest to follow was provided in a Flep article. Can’t locatethe Flep article, but I have pasted the link further below. .

Ideally I won’t screw up posting the link. Used a splat as we did on the old site. Don’t know what the rules.


OK. Takes some attention to detail. Watch the video at the link below. Go full screen.

Video is ~50 minutes.

  • First thirty three or so splain the nine examples. EASY to follow.
  • Remaining rolls it up the steal graphically.

Hope this posts correctly and answers the mail.


Ted Cruz to argue the PA case before the Supreme Court if they hear the case.
If the Supreme Court takes up the Pennsylvania election case from Congressman Mike Kelly and Sean Parnell, Senator Ted Cruz will be the one arguing the case before the high court:

If #SCOTUS grants cert in the PA election case, I have told the petitioners I will stand ready to present the oral argument.

Full statement below…

— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) December 7, 2020


Senator Ted Cruz has proven to be a fighter for POTUS and has earned my trust


trumpismine, I am not a big Cruz fan, but he is great with the Constitution.
His questioning at various enemy-ridden hearings have been things of beauty.


Cruz to possibly argue PA case at SCOTUS

Dan Bongino on Twitter: “This would be AMAZING 👇” / Twitter


This may work. Personality not required.

Gail Combs

Also Cruz was one heck of a debater and lawyer. I am not sure I trust him though.


He’s argued in front of the Supreme Court before on a number of occasions. He’s been in the President’s corner fairly solidly since the election, but understands how deep the swamp can run. I’d not mind him on the team as long as it’s not a solo effort. Also he was getting financial backing from one of those famed moneyed organizations (forgets the name but its one that we mistrust but then again he needed financial backing to run.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r

The number of people to trust is really slim.


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The Evil Empire occupying America flew half way around the world then brought back our historical enemy and put them in power over us.

Benedict Arnolds all of them!

An article with the picture is

I think we all know what this means….. The very last sentence in the article: “Howerton said one of her first goals for the board would be to get racial equity training for commissioners.”


Oh well, the picture didn’t work. It’s obviously islamic women

Gail Combs

I think I talked to the woman lower right corner. I mentioned it a few weeks ago.


A Michigan man and his girlfriend were likely on the receiving end of two bombs, one thrown through a window and the other exploding outside, because of his support for President Trump. He had signs supporting POTUS outside of his house.

This happened in Macomb County, MI. In the latest report , law enforcement was still looking for the bomber.

Article excerpt:

“Surveillance video captured by the homeowner and a neighbor show the explosions, one of which was inside the home and another that was outside near a car. The homeowner’s video shows the suspect light the first explosive and throw it into the home just before it explodes. The video also captures the second explosion that didn’t appear to do as much damage, according to the station.

“While police are continuing to investigate the matter, the homeowner told WDIV that he believes he was targeted because of his support for President Donald Trump.

“Some people say because I’m a pretty avid Trump supporter,” he said. “I always have my sign up.”’


Last edited 4 years ago by Itswoot

the party of TOLERANCE strikes again…


Akin to the religion of peace.


President Donald Trump told reporters Monday that people can expect to “see a lot of big things” over the coming days.

On alleged election fraud, “I think the case has been made,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “And now we find out what we can do about it. But you’ll see a lot of big things happening over the next couple of days.”

Gail Combs

GOYA CEO: “…Our sales actually increased 1,000%”

“We still have to chat with AOC; I love her,” Unanue continued. “She was actually our Employee of the Month; I don’t know if you know about this, but when she boycotted us, our sales actually increased 1,000%. So we gave her an honorary — we never were able to hand it to her but she got Employee of the Month for bringing attention to GOYA and our adobo. Actually our sales of adobo did very well after she said ‘Make your own adobo.’”
Berry wondered, “Was it P.T. Barnum who said, ‘Say what you want just spell my name right. All publicity is good publicity.”
Unanue replied, “She’s our hero. She helped boost sales tremendously.”
Berry asked, “I don’t know, I’m sure you know your demographics better than anyone, but I would be interested to know how many samplers you achieved after that because I suspect a lot of people went to the grocery store and said for the very first time, ‘Can you tell me where I can find a can of Goya?’ and bought a cart full of ’em that had never bought your products and some of that residual stays?”
Unanue answered, “What happened was we reached so many new people at the same time we maintained our base…”


Barr himself debunked it today.

As for Haspel, many big blue checks like Posobiec had her fired 2 weeks ago for sure. In fact Jack said Trump wouldn’t need to because she was in middle of submitting her resignation 2 weeks ago.

Hold people accountable.


hmmmm the actions of an innocent person??


Zuckerflucker’s check cleared for their atty fees

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Big article posts tonight about our discussion of the Zuckster!

Sylvia Avery

Looking forward to reading THAT!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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l E T
3 days ago

Here’s a PDF of the whole thread. Read carefully first then read this document it’s referencing …

This document goes over in extreme detail every scenario that could play out due to a disputed election- written in 2019 it’s scary spot on.

Unless the military comes in prior to 1/20 as said by 17 then this seems the likely scenario

Transparency, FISA DECLAS, or something similar being released could also force the issue sooner if Biden concedes

Let’s see what habbens. 
Either way it’s better to know now than later

There is a link for the PDF – but, I do not know how to extract it from the post – perhaps someone does know – because what comes up in this post is too small.


I right clicked on the image and selected copy image and then pasted it in paint. It really blew up big! I don’t know how to bring it over here, but it is very readable for me on my desktop.


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Thanks, Jam!!!




Captain Fear Porn over at E&D (Emotion & Demoralization) HQ has a new article to deconstruct:

Arizona Supreme Court Agrees to Ultra-Fast-Track Election ChallengePosted on December 7, 2020 by sundance

“On its face the decision seems to be a positive step; however, the court is ultra-fast-tracking the case. Filings due by noon today, no oral arguments and the seven member panel likely with a ruling later today or tomorrow. The speed is likely part of a Arizona Supreme Court procedural intent to avoid SCOTUS intervention ahead of the Tuesday Safe Harbor deadline. 

As noted by AZ Law: “Congress cannot challenge any state’s electors if the results are certified and lawsuits resolved by the end of the day tomorrow”


A) Congress can challenge whatever Congress wants to challenge, and corrupt state officials in AZ (or elsewhere) certainly won’t stop them.

B) pretty sure Federal (Constitutional) election law is going to trump AZ manipulation of law to achieve lawless / corrupt ends

C) the Law is not a game for criminals to manipulate in order to achieve injustice, or worse, to further a criminal act in progress

So AZ can ‘rush to complete the crime before the buzzer goes off’ all they want, but that *&^% will all be overturned and thrown out, IF there is anyone who is not corrupt at the Federal level and who is willing to actually do something about it.

And who does Captain Fear Porn cite as the controlling legal authority?

AZ Law
“AZ Law” is a new, nonprofit journalism effort covering Arizona’s courts, legal system and laws. “AZ Law” is now airing on Sun Sounds of Arizona. Our sister website can be found at

Oh, fancy that, a ‘nonprofit journalism effort’. Translation: they don’t have to worry about making money, all their funding comes from sources hostile to the United States.

Yeah, I’m sure they don’t have a dog in this fight, certainly they’re straight arrows speaking truth with purity and fidelity 🙄 💩 💉 😂 🤣 😂

Let’s take a look-see at what the goofs at AZ Law have to say:

“When AZGOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward taunted Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs with “See you at the Supreme Court” on Friday night, she may not have realized that they would not actually see each other nor that the Supreme Court could rule on the appeal by Monday night.”


Taunted? Whoops, your bias is already showing 😂


“Election-related appeals are always fast-tracked by the Arizona Supreme Court, but they added some speed this morning.”


Sure, by all means, add things, change things, whatever is necessary to depart from SOP in order to achieve a corrupt end… nobody will notice!


“Justice Bill Montgomery – a Republican who was the Maricopa County Attorney until just over a year ago -”


Intended meaning: you Trump supporters can trust Bill Montgomery.

Actual meaning: Bill Montgomery is a card-carrying member of the corrupt AZ establishment, so don’t be surprised when he does what all the other corrupt judges are doing, and rules against the obviously meritorious cases proving massive fraud.


” issued the Order (below) calling for briefs to be filed by noon today. As is customary for these appeals, there will be no oral argument.”


Yes, oral arguments are so messy, and it’s not really important to get this right anyway, so let’s dispense with anything that might enable due process or a just result! 👍


“The ultra-fast deadline”


How many things get done properly and well by government?

Now, how many things get done properly and well by government when they do things “ultra-fast”? 😂 🤣 😂


“…would indicate that the Supreme Court intends to rule either today or tomorrow morning, keeping in mind the Tuesday Safe Harbor deadline. Congress cannot challenge any state’s electors if the results are certified and lawsuits resolved by the end of the day tomorrow..”


What happens if massive evidence proves massive corruption regarding the AZ election results, and even a cursory examination shows that most of the government of AZ is corrupt and conspired to present a massively corrupt election result to Congress, in plain and obvious contempt for the Law, with premeditation and malice aforethought, to abrogate the Constitution, with the obvious and clear intent to overthrow the Republic by criminally rigging the AZ election results and certification process?

Do you really think your cute little AZ “Congress cannot challenge our crime” law is going to hold up or save your sorry asses?

The vicious children in Lord of the Flies have less to be ashamed of than you do.


“Superior Court Judge Randall Warner held a two-day hearing last week, and determined Friday afternoon that the evidence did not show fraud or misconduct that would lead to changing the results.”


Translation: corrupt Judge Randall Warner determined that dropping his mask and revealing his own obvious corruption was preferable to whatever consequences he would have suffered if he had done the right thing.


:Ward immediately appealed, and her attorney, Jack Wilenchik, told Arizona’s Law that “the litigation ha(d) revealed serious (2% to .5%) error in the processing of ballots that needs to be investigated further (given that the presidential race was only 0.3% apart), and not ignored by sitting elections officials.”


Sounds perfectly reasonable.


“The judge declined to allow further inspections because he believes that there is a deadline of Dec. 8th to conclude all litigation (per Bush v. Gore), which we disagree with (as did the late Justice Ginsberg, as well as Justices Souter and Breyer).”


So meeting a deadline with fraudulent results is more important than having correct and lawful results at the deadline?

Nice job corrupt Judge Randall Warner.

Oh, btw, your law school (Caribbean Correspondence Unniversity) called, they want their degree back 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Captain Fear Porn. 😂 Has he addressed how much POTUS likes cucumbers?


CAPTAIN FEAR PORN??????????????????

Last edited 4 years ago by patfrederick
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, I guess you just got banned over there.

Oh, wait…


Perfect moniker for our favorite ex-host.

As long as there are no tights. :0


Ep 2347a – BREXIT Players Exposed, [CB] Control The Markets, Who Controls The Fed?
X22 Report Published  December 7, 2020


Ep. 2347b – The Case Has Been Made, Big Things About To Happen, The Tide Is Turning
X22 Report Published  December 7, 2020


Today is Peal Harbor Day! That is where i had planned on being today.
I was there last year. It was my first trip to Hawaii,
But today I proudly wore my Pearl Harbor hat and shirt while doing my errors.
It was an awesome day. Dang should have just filled up my clear backpack with Kleenex. Was down to using TP I stole from some of the bathrooms.
Not many of survivors left, but they are/were an awesome group
Went to the parade that night and sat the curb at the end because I thought there was going to be a ceremony of some sort.
This guy walked up to to and joking asked where my headphones were(They were from the tour). I asked him what he was doing there and he points to the 97 year old sailor that I had met at Pearl Harbor “I’m trying to keep up with him” The 97 year old Pearl Harbor vet was literally dancing the parade it was a five mile plus parade.
This is a day we should never or let our kids forget.

Do believe the dancing sailor as I nickname him is at about the 56 second mark at the end of the seating vets.


Someone had posted three comments, punctuated by camera emojis, talking about the paradoxes of government response to covid, and now I can’t find ’em I just scanned every page of comments since we got here (’cause I figured I could see the cameras even at high speed, then poked around with GAS. Anyone remember who posted ’em or on what thread?


Think that was me…You want!! See if the does the trick. Oh I will admt I stole it LOL.


TYTYTY!!!! That was exactly it.


Here is a great article that supports that and my comments about masks
“If masks don’t work, then why do surgeons wear them?”


See new Tweets
Conversationcomment image
Donald J. Trump


RINOS @BrianKempGA
, @GeoffDuncanGA
, & Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, will be solely responsible for the potential loss of our two GREAT Senators from Georgia, @sendavidperdue
& @KLoeffler
. Won’t call a Special Session or check for Signature Verification! People are ANGRY!


comment image
Donald J. Trump


“These actions on the part of State Officials, making these changes, were violating the Constitution of the U.S. They were usurping power.” Ken Starr


““These actions on the part of State Officials, making these changes, were violating the Constitution of the U.S. They were usurping power.” Ken Starr”


If that’s true — and so far, DJT has not been wrong on a point of fact yet that I’m aware of — then a violation of the Constitution CANNOT stand.

If only we had a federal law enforcement official, a general of some kind, in charge of a department of law enforcement. We could call the position “Attorney General”, and we could call the department the “Department of Justice”, and it would have the lawful responsibility for enforcing federal law, investigating violations and prosecuting violators.

If only we HAD an Attorney General and a Department of Justice, almost NONE of the farcical lawlessness would be happening.

And yet almost no one questions the whereabouts of Bagpipes O’Barr or his jolly Department of Criminal Facilitation.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

F.Y.I.comment image

Concerned Virginian

Cr@p. It appears that JuliansRum was getting too close to the truth.


Donald J. Trump


State officials were ignorant of the limitations imposed by the Constitution. Ken Starr


Donald J. Trump


Mail-In rejection rate was minuscule compared to what it used to be. Ken Starr Meaning that massive numbers of bad votes were pouring in!


Sidney Powell just now on Newsmax

Concerned Virginian

My, my.
It appears that Buck Sexton (“The Buck Sexton Show”, 710WOR) is starting to put some of the pieces together about the DeepState using the CCP Virus along with the vote fraud to turn the United States into a vassal state of Communist China. He’s angry that he’s being shadow banned and other things going on. He said that in a few weeks, if Harris/Biden take the White House, he may be broadcasting from somewhere in Yukon Territory.
If he were reading The Q Tree he’d have been up to speed a long time ago.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yukon Territory ain’t safe.

It’s part of Canuckistan.



· 59m
Sidney Powell just said that: “There should be 3 states appearing before the Supreme Court with enough electoral votes to change the outcome by the end of the week.” Now we’re talking.


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Donald J. Trump


“Georgia is not the only state that pushed through these last minute rules changes before the presidential election.” @marthamaccallum
They forgot about our Constitution!


“They forgot about our Constitution!”


Yeah, I’m sure it was an honest oversight…




It is dangerous to attribute to stupidity that which yada, yada, you know the drill.


Exactly. 👍

It’s one of my favorite razors… no… pretty sure it’s my favorite one, actually… and certainly the most often utilized 😁

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

It’s the world we live in.


Tore Says Show 07 DEC 2020 (Interview w/ Patrick Byrne)


#JusticeAlito #RepKelly #SCOTUS
Supreme Court Expected to Decide on EMERGENCY Election Bid TOMORROW


Rep. Mike Kelly: “I Took an Oath… The Constitution is NOT a Suggestion” on Emergency Bid to SCOTUS


#richardgrenell #trump #electionfraud
Richard Grenell: Election Fraud, Nevada Voting Machines & Trump’s ‘America First’ Diplomatic Success


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Chinese mail at Georgia poll?
Quote Tweet
 · 14h
Interdasting… why is that is Georgia?!?

I hope the picture shows up, fingers crossed

come to timmy

Wow. Great catch!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Heh. First video on MTV; first YouTube video on theqtree.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“WE SHALL HONOR OUR HISTORY” (and even, perhaps, that of other nations, where honorable, or culturally relevant!) 😉 😀


By the way, anyone ever wonder what happened to The Buggles?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I looked it up once, and promptly forgot!


I think our Wolfie just installed the upgrade! Thanks, Wolf.


Here’s what our President is doing right now. He told us in 2013.

Valerie Curren

This is an encouraging 5 minute video by a foreign pastor sharing visions & prayers about Trump & America…worth the watch!


Wow, wonderful video, Valerie.

Valerie Curren

Thanks Linda. Blessings!


Stinchfield: Jenna Ellis on TRUMP’S Path to Victory


Ted Cruz to possibly argue Trump’s case before SCOTUS?


He was Dershowitz’s best student at Harvard law, clerked for Chief Justice Renquist, was Texas’ youngest Solicitor General, has argued before the SCOTUS nine (9) times…(very rare to have that many appearances before the SCOTUS)…and has authored dozens of SCOTUS briefs as a “friend of the court”. Say what you will about the man, he is greatly respected before the Court and is rightfully considered an “expert SCOTUS litigator”…a very rarified and small club of attorneys.

The worry, in my mind, is not Cruz. It is Neil Gorsuch. And one need look no further than Gorsuch’s activist, tie-breaking opinion conferring Civil Rights Act protections to LGBTs in July of this year. Cruz was furious about it.

(Ted Cruz said), “…what Neil Gorsuch did was just rewrote the law, he just put on the hat of a legislator and said: ‘Guess what, I’m writing federal statute all on my own.’ And it was lawless and it was disappointing.”

In that decision, the court ruled that sexual orientation and gender identification are protected by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, even though Cruz said neither of those were mentioned in that law.

IN-DEPTH: Supreme Court ruling extends workplace protections to an estimated 1.2 million LGBT Texans

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Agreed, I would never trust Gorsuch again after that stunt.

He must have been high as a Colorado kite.

Or he’s already compromised.

Or both.

When, as a judge, he advocated and wrote law from the bench in favor of turning society into Sodom and Gomorrah, he revealed both a Godless and lawless character.

I mean, that’s so far off the reservation of judicial authority and purpose that there’s no way back from that. Doing the exact opposite of what he ought to have done.

Not that he’s trying to ‘come back’, he was already long gone, he just hid it from the man who appointed him, because another of his character traits is duplicity.

I hope Trump has caught him, and that he will be purged from the Court with the other criminals, and any decisions he caused to go one way instead of the other should be vacated and re-litigated.

It is a horrible injustice these people do to our country, every time they wreak havoc by forcing depravity and perversion on society, under the color of ‘law’.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

America’s greatest pilot??

I disagree, although he did have one hell of a career. Notably, he hated brits, describing the British as “arrogant” and “nasty“…which they are.

Nickel on the grass.


Who would you think? I’m kind o’ thinkin’ Neil Armstrong…..but I’m not in the biz.


This question is like “who is America’s greatest President?”

A: The first one.

Same in this matter, although the title goes to two men…Orville and Wilbur Wright.

Read David McCullough’s exquisite biography “The Wright Brothers”.

Yeager didn’t build ‘em, he only flew ‘em. Same with guys like Armstrong.

The Wright’s were the first to actually figure out HOW to fly, built their own airplanes BY HAND, AND managed to survive flying them.

They INVENTED powered flight, and forever changed the whole world in doing it.

The Wright Bros are America’s greatest pilots of all time. And like George Washington, no one will ever surpass them.

Trivia fact: the Wrights invented and patented a great many things in theit quest to invent the airplane, including the world’s first working wind tunnel, a staple and fundamental part of aeronautical engineering to this day.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

I could see that as a valid choice (and I considered them when mentioning Armstrong), but manned gliders had been used before. The big thing that O&W did was put an engine onboard. And, BTW, a quite remarkable engine, in that its power output per weight was very advanced at the time.

Some people I know built a replica.

Unfortunately, John Palmer is no longer with us. I have one of his machining vises and a set of pipe thread dies in my garage, to help keep him fresh in my memory.

The reason I considered Armstrong was that he flew so many odd ducks that TPTB chose him to “fly” in vacuum. And, of course, there is the famous incident where the plane augured in near the aerodrome and they discovered him — still in his flight suit — making notes for his report. He’d walked back and wanted to get his impressions on paper while they were still fresh.


Sorry, pipe thread taps and dies.

The thing about pipe thread is that it’s tapered. With screw thread, you can keep going and going and going and going, and 1/8″ thick nut can travel all the way up a 4″ screw. With pipe thread, you tighten it to a certain point and it locks into place.

John Palmer would use pipe thread for the exhaust of his engines, so he had a bunch of odd-sized taps and dies for doing them, which I now own.

As a weird anthropological note, to be filed under “funerary traditions of machinists”, all of his machinist friends swarmed over his shop to buy things from the widow as represented by their son (who already had his own shop in Michigan). If offered to the public, very few would even recognize what the object is, much less what it might be used for. Many of the items are heavy. Most have some sort of oil/coolant coating on them.

So, it may seem a bit ghoulish, but picking all the machine shop stuff off the bones of the estate is actually the best outcome for everyone.


I suspect, in addition to being words expressed by a grieving family member, that by ‘greatest’, Victoria was referring to Chuck Yeager’s skill, accomplishments and natural ability as a flier.

Henry Ford (not the inventor of the automobile, but close enough for purposes of this comparison) may have been a good driver, but he wouldn’t stand a chance against Mario Andretti, or A.J. Foyt, Ayrton Senna, Graham Hill, Dale Earnhardt, etc.

I would guess that the greatest pilots, as defined by skill and natural flying ability, are likely to be test pilots and combat pilots, for similar reasons that the best drivers are likely to be test drivers and racing professionals.

The people who make and field such vehicles for competition seek out the most skilled people in the world to operate them, and people who possess the natural ability and develop their skill are likewise drawn to them.

Combine natural ability, desire, opportunity, training and lots of practice, and then survive long enough doing it to be recognized in your field, and you are bound to be orders of magnitude ‘greater’ than the original inventors of whatever machine you are operating.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Which in no way diminishes the achievements and accomplishments of the Wright brothers.

Different achievements, different skill sets, different abilities.

The chances that Chuck Yeager could (or would) have invented the airplane are near zero… but he could sure fly one better than most 👍😁


Blm wanted this guy. He is a dangerous fool and now on day 1 made it open season on kids.

Jennifer Van Laar (@jenvanlaar) Tweeted:
I can’t believe I’m reading this – from @LADAOffice @georgegascon’s new policies enacted today re: juveniles. Sexual assaults among juveniles are about to skyrocket. It’s now open season on group home staff. And…did we learn nothing from Parkland? Story and docs @RedState soon.

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Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) Tweeted:
Gascon is creating a use of force review board to take a look at police shootings going back to 2012, and has decided to reopen four cases so far. No longer prosecuting juveniles as adults. Will be looking to resentence at least 20,000 people sentenced under Jackie Lacey. @FOXLA


Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) Tweeted:
Other crimes that will declined for prosecution, with exceptions, by LA DA George Gascon are:
-Criminal threats
-Drug possession
-Minor w/ alcohol
-Drinking in public
-Under the influence of a controlled substance
-Public intoxicating


It’s “as if” he wants to create a crime crisis…

…so his leftist buddies can “not waste it” by implementing new measures they could not otherwise enact?


Well soros gave him 500k. And he did run sanfran into the ground. I grew up in l.a. and the only reason ive gone back a few times is for entertainment and museums. Cannot go back.


PDR Scanner🎙 (@PDRScanner) Tweeted:
@FightBackVenice Other than consistently calling Bonin out, I typically don’t tweet issues related to politics. But with Gascon’s proposed plan…. standby. I’ve spoken with a number of Deputy DA’s about it and NONE are happy. Shock is the better description


No law, no order.
But you know they are going to demand order thus they’ll have new laws to bust you for, except it’s just going to be those things that perpetuate their power and serve just a few and not the greater society who get stuck with all the mayhem their going to create. The ethical and morale underpinnings of this new society they are creating for the Great Reset or Building Back Better are weak as hell and will come tumbling down on their heads but for the fact they intend to be tyrannical as hell in keeping it up, which will in the end just make it weaker still. This is not progress, its regression back to feudal times.


Or they just hate our country and our people with a passionate fire, and do everything within their power to destroy American from within.

Which makes perfect sense if they are all, directly or indirectly, working for Soros and the Chinese Communist Party.

None of the things they are doing are designed to improve or create anything.

Everything they do is designed to undermine and destroy.

They deserve much worse than to be shot.

When they are executed for treason, it better be televised.


His office will concentrate on prosecuting LEOs, everybody else can relax


Thats it. San fran south, bigger and dirtier.


I didn’t read the whole thing but I bet illegals are free as birds too. The exceptions are accusations of targeting by police too if they cite them after more than one time in 24 months..

You’re right San Fran south coming right up.



No telling what side effects or issues might come up after these vaccines.


“Head of Gov’t Health Agency ADMITS in Advance: People will Die From the Vaccination”


Not me.

Can’t die from it if you don’t take it 😁


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Valerie Curren

This makes me happy here in formerly free Michigan!


You should read up on this vile woman. She is every bit as much as “frau” and nurse Rachet as Whitmer is.

Valerie Curren

I knew it in my heart when they were both “elected” even though I hadn’t yet gotten very many facts about them then. I had a similar sick feeling on that election night as I had in 2008 at the beginning of aka BHO’s usurpation. I’m not Remotely close to a Feelings person, so these events reflect extreme “disturbances in The Force”, or more likely the Holy Spirit’s prompting to be in spiritual warfare for coming days of darkness!

Valerie Curren

Interesting Thread on Dominion to investigate

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And look at freaking Twitter disputing it!

Jack Dorsey! You’re a criminal, and you will go to jail, and I will volunteer to guard your cell if they will let me!

Valerie Curren

& guard him on his way to the executioner, after being duly tried & convicted & given a brief respite to make his peace with God before he faces His eternal judgement!





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