Massive Q Proof of Election Fraud Trap of China and DNC in 2020 Election

Many thanks to the super-sleuth “L” a.k.a. “SomeBitchIKnow“, kicked off Twitter and intermittently on Gab. She just found a STUNNING Q proof. Not of Q’s authenticity, but of Q Team’s total prior awareness of what just happened.

See if you can follow her posts – below or HERE:




Hellooooo my beautiful friends. Sorry for the lack of communication, I have been locked out of Gab and most of my social media because I changed my phone number and it screwed up my multi-factor authentication that I have set up as a security precaution.


I have SO MUCH to tell you. Who’s ready for me to drop some BOMBS today?

1. I composited the GA security cameras at the State Farm Arena and you can see exactly what’s going on.

2. I found a speech the CEO of SmartMatic gave to the Pacific Council to tell them how to get away with fraud.

3. GA had plenty of lawsuits filed PRE-ELECTION about machine issues and they were ignored.

4. HBO made a documentary about election fraud… and it gives away their entire playbook.

5. I’ve got SO MUCH video from #DominionWatch and will be dropping that today also.

Let’s go bitches!!

I’ll be posting these in detail one by one.

75 likes 5 comments 17 reposts




Now here’s a nuke.

HBO made a documentary called Kill Chain that details all sorts of ways in which voting machines can be hacked, how they are connected to the internet, etc.

It features Georgia heavily, and it came out THIS YEAR.

I have the entire movie on my website, which I cannot recommend to you enough. The best part about it is it is told from a lefty perspective so it’s insanely good for dropping red pills.

This is a literal nuke.

Full movie here:

00:00 / 01:41

47 likes 5 comments 19 reposts

(This was actually the wrong movie – the next few gab posts try to and then succeed in getting the correct movie to post. -W)




Oops that was a different video from the documentary. Here is the trailer.


00:05 / 01:51


29 likes 2 comments 16 reposts




And then look at this post from Q in 2018.


37 likes 6 comments 16 reposts

Then “M3thods” comes in and notes how they are trying to hide the movie now.

L reposted



QAnon and the Great Awakening·


No wonder HBO has this documentary unlisted…

H/t @SomeBitchIKnow

Doc link: 

00:00 / 01:15

505 likes 34 comments 286 reposts

This tells me that our side had DEEP awareness of the 2020 steal, and dropped a minor hint in early 2018 that we WERE deeply aware of not only what was going to happen – but WHEN.



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Well then durham dang it. Or are we waiting for Alito and every other contest to reach SCOTUS first?


Newsom is putting Calif in a total lock down again!! Since Brown usually mirrors Newsom Oregon will probably be next.
This is getting to look like Germany of the 30s and 40s.




Q and team must be time travelers!🎯😮


Light frickin’ years.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCIID:87be02
Jul 30th 2019, 12:34:14 (EST)
Time travel is fun.
comment image


Feel like that oppression we’ve been feeling since the election is beginning to lift.

Dark Winter for the NWO but sunshine and sparkling snow for us!


I can’t believe they actually made this film.





Now nine states are joining Texas:
From:Nine States have joined Texas in the SCOTUS case – (We) Are The News

Post 11958663 2 hours ago • View on 8kun


>We have Texas bringing the case to the SCOTUS against Ga., MI., Pa., & Wi., with Louisiana, Alabama, Arkansas & Missouri joining. Any other states so far?


>We have Texas bringing the case to the SCOTUS against Ga., MI., Pa., & Wi., with Louisiana, Alabama, Arkansas & Missouri joining. Any other states so far?

Greg Kelly says  duchess01:20 mark … “Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, South Dakota, Louisiana” & we got notice from Missouri AG on twitter! NINE STATES have joined Texas so far!!!

Last edited 4 years ago by eilert
Brave and Free

And there’s Gov. Kemp in the first ten minutes of the film! WTH you just can’t make this s*** up. I am betting he’s one of the first arrested with everything that’s come out about him. Pompeo had to have him on the naughty list, which means PDJT more than likely knows too. So riddle me this, did PDJT endorse him to set him up because PDJT was confident he’d use fraudulent votes?

Gail Combs

And I really would like Kemp taken down FIRST! With the rest about 1/2 hour after that.

They wanted to ‘reduce the World’s Population’ maybe POTUS and the military will grant them that wish.


I’m starting to wonder if Kemp is the first to be brought down (showing bipartisan) as the first domino.
followed by the rest of the Dems and rhinos who are in bed with Chicoms.
would definitely make an impact and precedence…bring it on!


The could alternate the news releases of arrests, one democrat, then 10 minutes later, one republi-con…

Wait, it could take years at that pace.

Every 30 seconds release a new indictment / arrest, alternating dims and cons.

The American People would cheer like we ALL won the Super Bowl 😁


Perhaps telling, even before the 3 November election, President Trump has frequently criticized Kemp.

IIRC, at the last GA rally, as President Trump acknowledged the key RepubliCONs attending. President Trump intejected, is Governor Kemp here? Of course, President Trump knew Kemp was not attending. He was rubbing in Kemp wasn’t invited.


L’s Deep Dives is bookmarked.
Bombardier to Captain Wolfmoon – ” Bombs Away!”

Brave and Free

So at 57:30 into the video, “In 2018, the Secretary of State, Brian Kemp, moved the the operation into his own offices in the state capital “ he’s running for governor at the time , effectively over seeing his own election.
So no wonder he’s acting the way he is, he’s so deep he’ll never come out from under this unless he squeals like a stuck pig.


With all the crap going on in this election I can officially check off that I have lived in a banana republic. And I lived 4 years in Puerto Rico in the 70’s. For the record, it was a corrupt shit hole then, and it still is now.

Gail Combs

“…In 2018, the Secretary of State, Brian Kemp, moved the the operation into his own offices in the state capital “ he’s running for governor at the time , effectively over seeing his own election….”

That is THE EXACT SAME SCENARIO as NC 2016 with the Demonrat Cooper. He was State Attorney General and saw to it that the state voter ID law got sckuttled. Prosecute voter fraud that put him in the Gov Mansion??? 🤣

Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs

Yes! And since Cooper is probably over his head deep in this crap, I’m praying his dirty deeds get revealed and he is no longer our governor when it’s all sorted out.

I love NC but the dems and rinos are turning areas of it into crapholes.

Last edited 4 years ago by Elize

Wolfie and All!! After months of losing the ability to type with 2 hands and the Bell doesn’t Alert me of replies.. I gots them both back!! Seriously… Praise God!!!!


Makes me think…God takes away…So we can appreciate!!!!!! I’m Back And I’m Fiesty!!! We Gettin our country back!!! Smuchas Wolfie and Mrs. Wolfie!! And All You wonderful Patriots!!!!!!💖💖💖🙏🙏🙏

Rodney L Short

Feisty, I love that word…


Same Rodney!!!!! Especially when I’m feelin it!!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One of my favorite songs.


Good to know!😘🥰


My good.. my friends.. are good.. my country is good God is GOOD!!! We get to smile!! For a change!!!


Is today JUSTICE day?
comment image


This is all the Corrupt Deep State Propaganda Media can do now:

The NY Slimes claims this is Kelly Loeffler’s mansion. It is in fact Steve Harveys mansion:


This is Ed Solomon.
He reverse engineered the Dominion voting algorithm in Georgia.

He is now doing it for Pennsylvania.

From Live: Mathematician reverse-engineering Dominion algorithm in Pennsylvania – (We) Are The News

Live: Mathematician reverse-engineering Dominion algorithm in Pennsylvania

2nd state (after Georgia). he’s looking at these districts:

– Pittsburgh Ward 7 District 8

– Penn Hills Ward 2 District 4

– Pittsburgh Ward 14 District 23

stuck on finding ratio transfers. trying a geometric approach. “this is fucked up”

Saving Pennsylvania, Mothersheet and Initial Logic Board.

Valerie Curren

Techies & programmers should go to the youtube site to read the few comments there. Some people are trying to create a program to automate much of what the mathematician discovered so that it can be applied to All Battleground states & later to All States.

Time is of the essence but the commenters seem to think it’s doable!!!

Valerie Curren

I’m guessing that Dominion altered results in Every District where they were used, at least those that were needed in either unreliable blue areas & definitely red ones (like the Antrim County, MI catch).

Given that CA was said by Louie Gohmert to have Actually gone for Trump (w/ his 410 electoral vote victory) it’s unclear just exactly what a “reliably blue” area might be. I don’t know if CA was a Dominion op or some other fraudulent system…


Problem is, the people who set up the programs overdid that a bit. Well not just a bit, a whole lotl


Breitbart Article:

Jordan: ‘Instinctively Everyone Knows’ There Are Problems with Election — Trump Should Not Concede

Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) Tuesday on Newsmax TV’s “American Agenda” called on President Donald Trump to not concede the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden.

Anchor Heather Childers said, “I know that you agree he should not concede.”

Jordan said, “No course not and you remember this is a president gets things done. This is a president who does what he told the American people he was going to do, accomplishes what he was elected to do and this is just one more example of him getting something done that’s valuable important to the country.”

He continued, “He should not concede. Everyone knows, instinctively everyone knows there are problems with this election. I mean you can look at the fact you know 75 million people, 75 million people, he increased his total by ten to 11 million. We won 27 out of 27 toss-up states. He increases his votes with Hispanic Americans, African-Americans. State legislatures that Republicans control we kept all those plus, increase those numbers. You can just go down the line, he won 19 of the 20 bellwether counties. He won Ohio by eight, Florida by three yet somehow he doesn’t win. So we know we need to look at all this. There is a number of lawsuits that are pending, the one that was filed in Texas today regarding several states. Let’s see how that all shakes out. Let’s get to the bottom of this for the well being of the country.”

Brave and Free

Okay so after watching this it has occurred to me about Kemp. He beat gap tooth by 1.4%, because of one precinct/district and only one machine had an abnormality of plus R votes.
So did he beat her at the D rats own game? If so you can understand why she was so upset, see knew she had it in the bag but Kemp out played her at there own game. So did PDJT played the two ends against the middle? He got Kemp and Gap tooth at once.