Dear KAG: 20201209 Open Thread

Boom Boom Boom

They may not quite be the booms we were looking for, but at this point movement is good.

And from our favorite letter of the alphabet:


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 54e39d No.11953143 
Dec 8 2020 17:05:50 (EST) NEW


Please add any more in the comments.

There was a request for a recipe involving bacon….

Wrap raw bacon around a water chestnut. Secure by spearing with a toothpick. Repeat for as many water chestnuts as you have. Place on cookie sheet or pan with sides. Bake at 350-400 degrees until bacon is cooked.

Taking a break from the movie themes…no we’re not:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone

Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there.

One other vital note:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.


MATTHEW 11:28-30

28Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

And in music from Messiah (I actually memorized this decades ago):

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, members of the Cabinet, first responders and those working behind the scenes.

And please add all the legal teams as they take our fight to court.

And just for fun:

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Nah…. been a while


Welcome to the NEW and IMPROVED Wolf Den 🙂
(THE Q Tree)

Last edited 4 years ago by rayzorback
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Are we going to have a revamp of the rules post-AutomaticK?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 🍿 🍿 🍿 🍿 🧁 🧁 🍰 🍰 🍰 🍰 🎂 🍪 🍪 🍪 🍩 🍩 🍨 🍨 🍧 🍦 🍦 🍦 🥧 🥧 🥧 🍝 🍝 🍗 🍜 🍤 🌮 🌮 🌮 🥨 🥨 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 🥓 🍿 🍿 🍿 🌭 🍟 🍔 🍕


MOAR BACON!comment image

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not bad for starters.


With this bunch, I’m surprised the recipe doesn’t go:

Wrap raw bacon around a water chestnut. Secure by spearing with a toothpick. Repeat for as many water chestnuts as you have. Place on cookie sheet or pan with sides. Bake at 350-400 degrees until bacon is cooked. Discard water chestnuts and serve.


My dog agrees with that.


Take out large cookie sheet.
Use Aluminum foil to wrap inside cookie sheet, to catch all the grease.
Lay out the entire pack of bacon on the cookie sheet.
Bake until awesome.
Makes 1 package of cooked bacon, with no messy cleanup.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

BACON!!! 😋😋😋😋🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓🥓


Yum, cthulhu. Bacon, bacon, and more bacon. Please pass the rumaki. I like those chicken livers, too. I tried to post how my aunts made that while drinking martinis, and the slippery things kept falling off the toothpicks, and they couldn’t stop laughing. They were so funny. Must go and cook me some bacon now.


Bite me is taking 3 high profile dims from CA at least. Garcetti, oleary, becerra.
Im telling you if you actually like the stuff coming from CA itll get worse for everyone. (I dont consider any of these people Californians. My independent golden state isnt so mch anymore)

Make L.A Great Again 🇺🇸 (@lalovestrump) Tweeted:
🤡 🌎

“ California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s chief of staff, Ann O’Leary, is leaving her post and has landed on the short list for jobs in the Biden administration…”

Newsom chief of staff to leave California governor’s office


Not to worry, gil. Biden will NEVER be president. Take it to the bank!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And not in a Pelosi way!  😉 


Even if Biden were President, which he’s not and can’t be, Biden still will never be President.comment image


so how did you get a picture to post?’is this all fixed now??


Should be good to go now!comment image




This is like luring the other team offsides…..if they give up their current cushy positions, so much the worse for them when they learn that 46 ain’t until 2024.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, this is going to cause some heartburn.


… gonna need a bigger boat loaded with preparation H … ahhhhhhhhhh 😂🤣 .. bwahahahahaha ..

.. 🤨


Thats a bright light. Jumping ship asap too.


…. 🤫 …. not so loud, the dummies might hear ya .. bwahahahahaha 🤣😂 .. ahhhh oh my it’ll be biblical indeedy … when those evil morans start splatting on the pavement of truth and JUSTICE ..

… ain’t no shunshine when … bwahahahahaha bwahahahahaha 🤣😂🤣😂🥲🤚


Well…. I’m Leery of O’Leary.

Cuppa Covfefe


And not “1, 2, 3, O’Leary” from the Gipper…

Gotta wonder about that necklace she’s wearing. It’s more than just Yin and Yang, but I can’t quite place the symbolism (except to note that it’s dark)…

And symbolism and the evil behind the symbols will be their downfall…

Deplorable Patriot

Why do liberal women always go the homely way with grooming and coifing.


Too much time being angry about something?


A Dark SOUL….
works its way out to their appearance.

Last edited 4 years ago by rayzorback

Insane gonna insane.

Deplorable Patriot

If I appeared at an official function looking like that, my grandmother would rise from the grave, take me by the hand and coif me herself.


“Why do liberal women always go the homely way with grooming and coifing.”


It’s a signal, a way to distinguish themselves from the ‘other’, from conservatives, from patriots.

They are compelled by their ideology to be opposite of normal, opposite of regular Americans, in every sense, like an out of control obsession.

It manifests in lots of ways, certainly including how they dress and present themselves to the world.

Normal people may be mostly unaware, at least much of the time, but the people who are doing something different to distinguish themselves all recognize each other.

It’s like a uniform in that sense.

It’s a way for Leftists to easily and quickly recognize members of their own tribe, by demonstrating that they are not like normal Americans, including visibly.

It may sound odd at first, but think about it. Much of the time you can spot a conservative (politically speaking) woman and a Leftist woman from a mile away, just by the way they dress, wear make-up and carry themselves.

That’s not by accident.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Too much attention is given to what will never happen.

Gl, CA is stuck with these asshoes. They are NOT going to DC.

Deplorable Patriot

We make plans…God laughs.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You don’t consider them Californians?

Well I guess that makes sense. If they are unAmerican, then they cannot very well be rightful residents of any place IN America, and thus fail Amendment 14 (being citizens of the state in which they reside).


Ah yes it is that, plus we are a conservative and libertarian state, not socialist. That reallly changed after 1989.


I’m getting little announcements of comments in the lower right quadrant of my screen. It quotes a short blurb (about half a line of text) from the comment and identifies the commenter…..but is seriously confusing because it doesn’t identify which active thread the comment is in.

This is a data point and not an action request.


Me too….. need ‘splainin

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These notifications are telling you when people get back online. I believe the comment is their last comment made. I just note the poster and swat away if it’s in the way.


Yep, it’s weird — it is the last comment they made, even if they made it an hour ago. Somewhat disorienting. I’m glad you let me know the key to understanding it, ’cause it scrambles your sense of time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – I felt the same way – but I think it might make sense after experiencing it for a while – at least to test it out.


Ok, ’nuff test- make it go away, please!


I’m not being shown the last comment thing, unless it’s just an image, which tells me nothing.


they flash in the bottom right corner—sometimes 2or 3 at a time—then disappear

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s a pop-up – I can imagine that these are being suppressed on your page, so you don’t see a bunch of fleeting junk!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ve seen Willow Bean several times now.

I’m really starting to hate the big ones that get in my way while I’m typing a comment.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think these will get turned off or otherwise dealt with……..

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

THANK you!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m going to leave it on long enough to make sure there is a consensus to turn it off with no regrets – or find way to remove the annoyance and stash it somewhere small and unobtrusive, if this is possible.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

small and unobtrusive?

I do NOT want my notifications popping up in Biden’s brain.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I’m surprised people don’t have options on this stuff – or maybe they do – it may be in another add-on!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’d have no idea where to look unless it’s under my little avatar on the right hand side of the black bar.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Try the LEFT end of the black bar – My Sites – go down the resulting blue menu (expand items as needed) to the very bottom and click “Dashboard” which has a WordPress symbol.

That will take you to the low-level settings page. Look for something in the left black menu labeled wpDiscuz. If it’s there, it would have settings for the plugin that are available to you.

Alternatively, there may be a plugins section you can access, but I’m just guessing things to check for.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Does this also apply to non-authors?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I believe that all members would have “non-admin” user controls, IF such a thing is there. Author controls would be closer to those of Subscribers, IMO.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK…I see Jetpack but not the other thing.

Or I haven’t drilled down far enough.

Deplorable Patriot

The only time I have a problem with it is when it covers what I am typing, and even then it doesn’t last long, and/or there’s an x where I can close it.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Clicking on it will open up a new window and take you to their comment so you can reply. Kinda neat for those whose Bell is not working. But yeah, the Flash gives you the Who and What, but no Where and When.🙃😵🥴


They just keep getting caught in their lies.



Sadie Slays

Reminder that 9s and 1s are the numbers used in cabal ops (9/11, Route 91 festival, COVID-19…)

Cuppa Covfefe

Not forgetting 13 and 18, and all multiples and permutations of 6…


The way God intended it to be!


Another OOPS !!

CNN reporting in October:comment image
comment image


Not too many 90 year old have hair that color….just saying.

Cuppa Covfefe

I’ll be she voted Democrat (OK, just Biden) a couple of hundred times, too…


What is the hand signal?


Illuminati pyramid sign.

Last edited 4 years ago by holly

Ohhhhhh….got it now, ty.

Cuppa Covfefe

Just like Merde-Kuh 😡 😡 😡


I want to know how many times she voted!
Even from the UK.


They are setting expectations by showing “well seasoned” elderly people that already look sickly.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gudthots

I’m sure she’s a spry 90 year old who can move. More than likely she voted for Biden too, in multiple states.

Deplorable Patriot

Well…that explains a lot.

You’re watching a movie.


I’m curious about why some people have Member badges and some people don’t.

Sadie Slays

I’d like a clarification on what the difference between “member,” “active member,” and “trusted member” is. Not trying to be antagonistic here. I’m genuinely confused by the new flairs.


It’s just a JetPack feature, doesn’t really mean anything

1 Member
100 Active Member
1000 Trusted Member
10000 Noble Member
100000 Famed Member


I’m a little confused by this too since I think I have at least 8192 comments, but it could be the WP comment counter being messed up at 2^13

Sadie Slays

So the flair is based on the number of comments made here?


Assuming it works as advertised!


I wants me some flairs… 😂 🤣 😂


According to WP, I have over 10,000 comments accumulated.
 😕  🤔 
So maybe it’s determined by something else?


# on the new blog. Wolf was the first to hit the 1000 mark . There’s a convo about it late last night on the last page.


Ah…thanks, Jamcooker.


I think the problem is the count on different domains, wqth versus the JetPack count on theqtree dotcom


Thanks, Michael.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – it is counting done by the wpDiscuz plugin!

Cuppa Covfefe

Any chance we can *cough* insert, say, 100,000 comments at 4:00AM ? 😀


Donde esta el commentito totalo accumulomento de la WordoPresso?

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. WurstPress only likes non-binary objects 😀


“I’m a little confused by this too since I think I have at least 8192 comments, but it could be the WP comment counter being messed up at 2^13”


Is there a way to see how many comments we have posted?

That would be interesting to know… I couldn’t even make a guesstimate.

Pretty sure it’s more than one though… 😁

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

There was a Settings button nearly the reply box above the comments, and it had some details. It’s kinda wonky though.


1000000 Canonized Member with full Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LIKE!!!  ❤   ❤  (second one done by “: heart :” with no spaces)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Let me try a test.


Nope. Guess I gotta use the emoticon plugin for that one. 😆 

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I like knowing who is online currently so I know I can chat with them live in real time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent point, Zoe!!!


Better than not live and out of sync… but then again, I was taught to write letters by my Grandmother and I liked the back n forth. Maybe just more my speed. It was good enough for the Founding Fathers, so there’s that.


🤤 … mine only says “online” … 🤭🤫😞🤚 … I don’t know a lot of stuff .. 😳👍❤️
snicker ..😬

Cuppa Covfefe

As long as it doesn’t say “out of line”, you’re OK 😆


Well, regarding the descriptions of commenters, I see I am neither active nor trusted. Lol.


It’s a wolfie plot to get you to post more. As you post more, the number of posts move you up to a more favored position . . . all the way up to pure nobility!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m part of the biggest plot of all – the GOD plot! Proud member! 😉


Linda: “I’m curious about why some people have Member badges and some people don’t.”

Sadie Slays: “I’d like a clarification on what the difference between “member,” “active member,” and “trusted member” is. Not trying to be antagonistic here. I’m genuinely confused by the new flairs.”


Ha! I just noticed them, after I read your posts!


We don’t need no stinking badges… 😂 🤣 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Check ’em out now! 😉

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Well, in my case, I’m a perpetual guest.


But a nice one.


Think I’m also a perpetual guest, Cthulhu, though haven’t checked in the last day or so. I’ve been preoccupied with a new tech toy I got yesterday.


Oh, never mind, it says I’m a member, not a distinguished one, though. Lol. I made a long comment regarding the intro and how delicious rumaki with chicken livers, bacon and water chestnut is for those who like chicken livers, and also about performing the Messiah in high school choir and how it helps one learn scripture, but I’m not sure it posted. Also told d.P. I had to read her intro of yesterday four or five times to take it all in, it was so good.


It did.


Well, thank you for telling me. I looked and looked (in my own way, lol) and didn’t see (in my own way) it. Lol.


(in my own way) is absolutely laugh out loud funny. You’re a treasure.


You have to be able to tie the required knots.

Cuppa Covfefe

Especially the Gordian one 😀


I was wondering that tool LOL


Is today JUSTICE day?

Three year delta from Q.
comment image

Last edited 4 years ago by eilert

Kevin McCarthy trolling the DemonKKKrats:



Have bookmarked.


Direct link to Senate Pdf:

Last edited 4 years ago by eilert

Kamala Harris sat on the Hunter Biden Senate Investigation – (We) Are The News

Kameltoe sat on the Hunter Biden Investigation

Imagine being her sitting there listen to all the information that was going to lead to your downfall.

comment image

Last edited 4 years ago by eilert
Deplorable Patriot

Wow. That’s all I’ve got for now.


Yelena Baturina and her late husband had significant business interests in Crimea, and had pro russia leanings toward it’s annexation according to some reports.


This is good!
comment image


Love it! 😂


This is Cynthia A Johnson casually THREATENING “trumpers”
This is the Dem goon at the Michigan hearings:


Truly, these people are stupid.


Once again, the same demographic that loots, shoots and burns down the neighborhood, pulls out suitcases of fraudulent ballots — is completely comfortable with lawlessness.


They glorify lawbreakers and have literally trained them to react violently. Organized For Action (Ozero’s org) has spawned hundreds of other groups who recruit and train them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They have been told that their skin color permits this. This is one of the most evil ways to hold down black people – to provide “permission” to self-discredit!


Hope people are contacting President Trump and Secret Service.

Forget the FBI


…. well ….

K M A Sinthia .. you miserable God forsaken evil traitor …

… only I’ll have projectile vomit for ya .. 🤢🤨

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Approved from the mod bin…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But a warning to people not to threaten actual violence against these traitors! No calls to extrajudicial justice, please! That’s THEM, not US!


Biden bragging about “diversity” –
Yeah diversity for the façade.

PS. New nickname for Biden:
Yusuf bin Hidin’ ( Saul M. Montes-Bradley II: “Yusuf bin Hidin’, pretending to be a President El…” – QuodVerum Forum)


…should be Useless Bin Hidin’


She spelled ‘hysterical’ wrong.

Sylvia Avery

Hi Peeps. Just checking in.
(This is actually a test post
cleverly disguised as a greeting.) 😄   :wpds_cool: 


Hi, Syl!
 👋  😊 

Sylvia Avery

Hi ya, Wheatie! How’s the great switcheroo going? I see we can post vids now! That’s cool! And now it says if we’re onine or not, so we can stalk each other all over the Tree! That’s a cool feature, seriously.


Yes, Wolfie’s been busy!
So many new cool features…like getting emojis in the comment boxes.

We had Page Numbers at the bottom of each thread…but I’m not seeing them now.
It may be just me, though.

Can you see Page Numbers at the bottom?

Sylvia Avery

I don’t see page numbers. Are you able to like fhe posts?


Yes…well, it’s a ‘thumbs up’ icon instead of a Like button.
But it serves the same purpose.

Something that’s new today, is being able to hover over the number beside the thumbs up icon and being able to see who gave the Likes.

So you’re not seeing Page Numbers at the bottom, either.
Glad to know it’s not just me.


Me either.


Thanks, Holley!


Maybe the page numbers appear when there are enough posts for a page 2?


Ah…yeah, that could be it.
Good thought, Holley!


did we figure out the picture posting thing?

we can hide replies now?



Instead of clicking on “Paste” when putting the link into the comment box…I have to use “Paste as Plain Text”.

And that works.


I didn’t read this before i posted the picture of FLOTUS…I did the old copy image location thing and it seemed to work too.


Hey, whatever works for you…go with it!


I’m just happy I can post pictures again…hunky pictures, pictures of food, hunky pictures, suspicious cat, hunky pictures, wine, hunky pictures…


Haaa…yes, please…on the hunky pictures.


I will have to do some…research…lol
this may take a while…


WGTT occasionally?




Cuppa Covfefe

Careful, you might end up getting CHUNKY pictures (read: beached whale ) 😆


Eeewwww. OK, caution is is. 🙂

Sylvia Avery

I saw scott had discovered that. Pretty cool!! Glad to be able to see likes again.

Valerie Curren

It’s like the 12 Days of Christmas, each day comes with a new gift “my true love gave to me”!!!

OK so I’m going to choose an emoji from each category, just for fun!

 🎅  🦄  🍓  💞  🎸  ⛪  📚  🇮🇱 

Hope that wasn’t inadvertently “insensitive” by choosing a symbol meaning more/less than intended, which was mostly just fun & experimentation.

Deplorable Patriot

The 12 Days of Christmas – it actually began life as a theology lesson.

I may have to write a post about that.

Valerie Curren

Yes, I’ve heard that but don’t remember the details. That would be a great post for you to compile at this festive season!

I think it was a form of surreptitious communication for the somewhat underground church in perhaps the Middle Ages.

You could even juxtapose the modern MAGA/Q tidbits of info that allow people to identify each other by way of loose comparison!  ❣ 

Deplorable Patriot

Not the Middle Ages. Elizabethan England.

Valerie Curren

Perhaps when Catholics had to go underground post Henry XIII hmmm?

Deplorable Patriot

Essentially, yes.

Deplorable Patriot

Found a number of sources, but this is the basic list:

The songs gifts are hidden meanings to the teachings of the faith. The “true love” mentioned in the song doesn’t refer to an earthly suitor, it refers to God Himself. The “me” who receives the presents refers to every baptized person. The partridge in a pear tree is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. In the song, Christ is symbolically presented as a mother partridge which feigns injury to decoy predators from her helpless nestlings, much in memory of the expression of Christ’s sadness over the fate of Jerusalem: “Jerusalem! Jerusalem! How often would I have sheltered thee under my wings, as a hen does her chicks, but thou wouldst not have it so…”
The other symbols mean the following:

1 Partridge in a Pear Tree = Jesus Christ, Son of God

2 Turtle Doves = The Old and New Testaments

3 French Hens = Faith, Hope and Charity, the Theological Virtues

4 Calling Birds = the Four Gospels and/or the Four Evangelists

5 Golden Rings = The first Five Books of the Old Testament, the “Pentateuch”, which gives the history of man’s fall from grace.

6 Geese A-laying = the six days of creation

7 Swans A-swimming = the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven sacraments

8 Maids A-milking = the eight beatitudes

9 Ladies Dancing = the nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit

10 Lords A-leaping = the ten commandments

11 Pipers Piping = the eleven faithful apostles

12 Drummers Drumming = the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostle’s Creed

Valerie Curren

Thanks for looking into that, DP. Very beautiful & fascinating how there can be meanings hidden deeper within. I was thinking the partridge in a pear tree could also symbolize Jesus’ death on a tree, taking the curse upon Himself, to save us all from sin. God Bless!


maybe we don’t have enough comments for a new page yet

Last edited 4 years ago by patfrederick

Well crap,you caught me lurking lol

Sylvia Avery





I hope you brought your shovel!

Sylvia Avery

Me…..and… shovel………
(tapdancing to the tune of Me and My Shadow)


Hi, Sylvia. I did like it tells us whether people are currently online or not.


This guy was color blind his whole life.
Then the family gifted him glasses that allowed him to see different colors for the first time:


Love this! Colors = Joy! Sadie posted a great observation yesterday about the grey trend in home interiors. Seeing this guy’s reaction to color shows why grey is being pushed. Keeping us down.


Grey. Better half and I have commented on the the increasing “grey” as we get around. Her words were, looks like a prison, depressing…


This was great — made me tear up though!


🥲👍❤️😎🤚❤️ .. totally awesome ❤️

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Approved from the mod bin…..




Did we lose our Page Numbers at the bottom?
Or is it just me…because I’m not seeing them.

Anybody else have Page Numbers?


I do…just above the green icon.


You see Page Numbers there?

I see a number there…but it is number-of-comments Number.


Oh shoot….you are correct…it’s comments on the right side…..too early in a.m….
Page numbers have been on the left side at bottom.


wheatie…mine are gone too…maybe no second page yet?


Thanks, Piper.
That could be it!


From research board today ..

comment image

comment image

🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸 ..

.. 🤞😑

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Are you ready for your login password?


I don’t love (snowflake-speak) this being able to see who’s offline/online.


It sometimes gets covered up by that big balloon coming from the right of the screen when someone makes a comment.


Right, but next to everyone’s name it shows if a poster is on or offline. Kinda social-media-y.


I like it.
We can know if we might get a reply from them if we reply to them.
More like an open chat.


Ahhhhh yes, I’ll work on liking it 😄.

Valerie Curren

Techies & programmers should go to the youtube site to read the few comments there. Some people are trying to create a program to automate much of what the mathematician discovered so that it can be applied to All Battleground states & later to All States.

Time is of the essence but the commenters seem to think it’s doable!!!


5 hrs with no sound?

Valerie Curren

I have No Idea. I didn’t watch but briefly & noted what was being discussed below. Perhaps that was a guy who thought the screen views would speak for themselves, to those that might know (I’m Not one who would know)…

That youtube video was shared here by someone else on the end of yesterday’s open thread. I just brought the video & my comment over today hoping more tech geniuses might see & decide for themselves 🙂


Upstate NY county to publically shame residents and business who violate the covid guidelines by compiling database and release names. Violating….guidelines.


Easy fix: identify and relentlessly dox any county officials who do this.


It’s CNY. Lots of scared sheep there. 🤐

Last edited 4 years ago by holly

Nah. ***holes losing their hold on power.
Oneida county exported all kinds of industry to the Chicoms since 1973…the year biden entered politics. Upstaters remember.


Upstate’s manufacturing was gutted and SEIU controls what’s left. All the blue collar people I know still vote D. Why? Because their parents did.

There are 14 colleges in CNY, including SU, Colgate and Hamilton. Far far left. And it’s NY, under the control of Commie Cuomo. Things are not looking too great right now for Upstate.


Apologies for my prickly response. I’ve been an Upstater for almost 30 years and have watched it die. The loudest voices here are blue. It’s demoralizing. Poor economy, high taxes, bad weather, just a difficult place to live right now. 😔

Last edited 4 years ago by holly

Shame? Dumbass government weenies drunk on their perceived power.

G R E A T idea.

I volunteer to be doxed as I flagrantly flip off the asshoes that create these idiotic edicts.

By all means, send over the local “news” asshoes and I’ll shame then shitbirds for not questioning the lunacy foisted on citizens.


Sidney retweeted this:

CNN election night coverage for Florida:
Timestamp 1: 0:0
Trump 4702653 Biden 4684137
Timestamp 2: 0:17
Trump 4703730 Biden 4684524
Timestamp 3: 0:41
Trump 4691080 Biden 4702366

Trump – 12650 (T-2 to T-3)
Biden +17842 (T-2 to T-3)
Switched 30492

How many more are there?
And they still couldn’t win in Florida – That is how massive Trumps win was.

Last edited 4 years ago by eilert

This should actually read

Total vote difference after switch:30492


The ridicules mask mandates:
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  :wpds_mrgreen:   :wpds_cool:   :wpds_grin: These are fun! Lots of new features this morning. Thanks wolf! Much appreciated!


i dunno…the nose pickin ones seem gross…LOL  :wpds_chuckle:   :wpds_beg:   :wpds_whew: 
what ARE they doing?


Nose picking?
1= Oh! (chuckle?)
2=hope so (Prayer?)
3= whew! (I was worried?)


you’re good at these…


I just didn’t see the “nose picking”.


I had an old flip phone till last month–I never had emojis before…except the ones I could make on my laptop with colons and parentheses…LOL


🧐🤚❓ … where do you get “these” ⬆️⬆️⬆️❓❓ … they’re cool 😎

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey, Nikki – we have to figure out why you keep going into moderation! Are you logged in using the LOG IN widget down at the end of the sidebar on the right?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re “stickers” – green item on the right end of the toolbox in the comment window on the page.


Is this effin real?

Four lions at Spanish zoo test positive for COVID-19 (

Four lions have been infected with COVID-19 at the Barcelona Zoo in Spain, veterinary authorities said Tuesday — marking the second-known outbreak among big cats.

Three female lions named Zala, Nima and Run Run, and a male feline, Klumbe, were tested for the virus after experiencing minor symptoms.

PCR tests were performed on the lions in the same way humans are tested.

Two staffers at the zoo have also contracted the virus, but it’s unclear whether they spread the disease to the animals.

The female felines, who are all 16 years old, and the four-year-old male lion have not been in contact with other animals at the zoo, which is currently open to visitors.


Or is this code?
An Annon seems to think so:
Dig on Barcelona Servers – (We) Are The News

Post 11959846 4 hours ago • View on 8kun


We got a video from Scavino on the 6th of four Lions drinking water with Crickets chirping in the background. Two days later reports of four Lions with Covid in Barcelona.

I pulled up a few Q Posts with key words..

Still putting it all together. What think?

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tested the same manner as humans? That was one brave person that rammed a giant Q-tip up a lion’s nostril! 🤪


Found on Gab:
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Deplorable Patriot

Note for smiley, nikki and MA_Swiss – your pending comments are on another thread, so I cannot free them, but they are there.



Grant Stinchfield has replaced:
Tucker, Hannity and Laura for me.


testing image of our lovely First Lady…please no one reply to this…if it’s gibberish I wanna be able to delete it

comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Sorry, that’s not conclusive.

You will have to repeat the test with another image, just to be sure.


DePat, i like the camel image…gotta wonder tho does that ring in it’s nose ever get pulled out???

Deplorable Patriot

I sort of wondered the same thing.


Deplorable Patriot

Such a gentleman. It’s so refreshing.


Made it all the way to the bottom of the comments, and, like others, no page numbers!

Deplorable Patriot

That’s because we are still on the first page. We need to hit at least 100 comments before we get a new one.


Ahh, so that’s the criteria….100 posts per page? Good to know.
I do like the page number feature so I don’t have to start from post #1 to catch up on the thread.

Deplorable Patriot

I have no idea what the actual criteria is, just that at a certain point, a new page is generated.


As an interesting wrinkle, I did something (don’t remember what), and got a view that went over a page boundary. It displayed a number of comments that were on two different pages (which I only realized after I had closed the tab).


Deplorable Patriot

Our Lady of Guadalupe is Saturday.


Thank you for all the prayers for my Dad. He’s improved significantly over the last 48 hours and continues to get better. I can’t get him off the phone for the last day; the man never stops working!

— Andrew H. Giuliani (@AndrewHGiuliani) December 8, 2020

Couldn’t get all this work done and still recover so quickly without the help of my son @AndrewHGiuliani

He’s been with me every minute and is doing the work of an entire staff.

And he’s taking care of his father.

A great son and a great person.

— Rudy W. Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) December 9, 2020


from the Georgia suit filed by POTUS’s campaign

Trump Campaign lawsuit in GA is now available online.
It consists of 1585 pages outlining significant evidence of fraud.
Here are some key points:
2,560 felons voted
66,247 underage voters
2,423 votes from people not registered
1,043 individuals registered at PO boxes
4,926 individuals who voted in Georgia after registering in another state
395 individuals who voted in two states
15,700 votes from people who moved out of state before the election
40,279 votes of people who moved without re-registering in their new county
30,000 – 40,000 absentee ballots lacking proper signature matching and verification



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If you haven’t seen this…Jay Sekulow explains the importance of the Texas Case that was filed with SCOTUS yesterday.

Basically, he’s saying that the Texas Case includes all the elements of all the other cases.

So if the SC decides to hear it…this is crucial to all the other cases.


the headlines are saying it’s on the docket…and the defendant states have till Thursday to file their lies briefs.


I don’t think SCOTUS … CAN refuse this case.
State vs State…. No other “court” CAN take it up.
JMHO backed by scholars.


Eww…. What’s that smell?


 😁  😁  😁 


Good news, everyone: only FOUR volunteers who got Pfizer’s vaccine developed total facial paralysis!

No big deal: it’s not like you need to use your face every day!

— Emerald Robinson (@EmeraldRobinson) December 9, 2020


Perfect! No more facial expressions fits in nicely with Transhumanism.


So that’s what masks are for!


seems like!


What’s the problem?
You ARE wearing a MASK…. right? /s

Last edited 4 years ago by rayzorback
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That would be very reassuring if there had been more than three volunteers.


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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered!!!


Be My Voice

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Morning Duchess!
we’re getting some light snow, how about you??
have a Blessed day!


Morning, Pat!!!  🙄  Shhh…Yes, we have snow – wet and steady – no grass I see –

God Bless Your Day, too!!! Hugs!!!


HUGS back to you dear!
our pond is officially (for now) frozen over…
going on a banana run later…


That was quick!!! Pondering banana run – you know how crazy people get on the road with the first measurable snow – UGH!
Received and Appreciated






hubby took the day off…so he is driving. and after grocery shopping we’re getting our Christmas tree…a day of errands…


Sending Angels to watch over you – I thank God for you hubby to keep you safe – Happy Day!!! TTFN





Ta Ta for now


thanks…I was scratching my head over that one!


NOT Ta Tas feel nice!


okay? if you say so…LOL




Bakocarl says ta tas feel nice…LOL




Fulton County promises to deliver FOIA on chain of custody of absentee ballots by January 19, 2021…how STUPID do they think we are?
January 19, 2021 is just one day – 24 hours – before the Presidential Inauguration in Washington, DC. This timetable would effectively make any criminality found in the chain of custody reports moot, thus rendering any vote fraud or ballot tampering unactionable where the results of the presidential election are concerned.

The Star also has yet to hear directly from the Fulton County election authorities, a transgression of the Georgia Open Records Act, which states that “agencies have three days to supply a response.”
Ballot transfer forms were part of a new rule under scrutiny in Georgia. They were created not by legislation but by an Election Code Emergency Rule (183-1-14-0.8-.14). Litigation currently working way through the federal court system questions the constitutionality of unlegislated changes to election procedures mandated by election law.
The forms document the chain of custody of ballots collected from drop boxes.

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, this one is out for me. Dust, grass, pine, oak, sycamore – and that’s just for starters.


I live in the woods–surrounded by all those things and breathe them in daily (okay, the dust part is only there cuz I hate to dust, but it still counts!)
therefore I should be immune, right???

Cuppa Covfefe

So, that also means that people who take Beta-blockers (e.g. Bisoprolol, Atenolol, etc.) are EXTREMELY at risk, as those also increase the immune reaction (my son can’t get the allergy shots because of this)…


Found on Gab:
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John Adams… a man ahead of his time


Pay it Back!!!!
Like the rest of us DID!

No College (or ANY) Debt forgiveness!


AWESOME WHEATIE!!  :wpds_lol: 


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it kept niggling at the back of my brain…thank you!!!


Alfred E. Neuman…all grown up.


well bigger anyway…don’t know about the grown up part…


Im not getting email notifications of new posts anymore. Is this no longer a feature?


maybe you gotta change a setting to get that now?


Yeah i went into my wordpress lust and im still supposed ly subscribed but not receiving notifications. IDK?


“wordpress lust” . . . oh, my . . . you’ve been totally drawn in to the scam!


Haha lol…now thats a new whoops….


giloo, I AM getting them, and don’t remember making the request.
Maybe we could trade?


Ha…yeah im not sure how thats functioning.


New site question:
Previously I could hover mouse over the date/time stamp of a comment and it had its own link. Helpful to book mark posts with info I wanted to be able to access later to to share a specific post (v. entire thread and then find the specific post/info) with others. Can that still happen for “members”? Is that no longer available? Or do I just not have that option as a guest?


in the upper right corner of a comment is a “comment link” that I can see if I hover over it..


Looks like a part of a chain?
If so, then I see it and think I understand. Thanks for pointing that out


you’re welcome

Deplorable Patriot

It’s world wide and has been going on for years. ToRE tweeted:
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Last edited 4 years ago by eilert

Very nicely done.

POTUS wants to wish a Merry Christmas:
Feliz Navidad, Próspero Año y Felicidad


On a scale of 1-10:
Who is going to be president?
Answer DJT with a 10.


Moving the goal post by the Fascistic left:


In the replies:

It’s just a yellow star….it’s just a tattoo

And this:

Biden has always been a TOTALITARIAN!


Well, it’s good that he doesn’t drink, but he’s still an A**hole.


It’s just your freedom, just your eternal soul…

We only require that you kneel…

Deplorable Patriot

The comments under this tweet are pretty informative:

Deplorable Patriot

Darrell Watercott
Replying to 
In TX, China quietly bought 180,000 acres of ranch land, which is right next to the Air Force base, its right along the Mexican border, and has a private air field. Who allowed this?
8:31 PM · Dec 8, 2020

Bart Koerth
Replying to 
They bought a 1.8 billion dollar oil lease in Eagle Ford in west texas

Pretty Good smokes figarettes
yep, one company at a time. There are over 1800 originally US companies that are now majority CCP owned. 






 feel free to add to the list

john deauville
Replying to 
EO states we can seize their assets here if they interfered with our election!
It is absolutely amazing that hardly anyone knows about the EO! Most of my comments are about the EO and hardly anyone replies. Glad to know you know about it.
Let’s hope and pray it is unleashed.

Deplorable Patriot

Mike Fox
Replying to 
When the Chinese purchased Smithfield Foods in 2013 they instantly gained control over 146,000 acres of prime farmland. That’s just the tip of it.


F&T Global, and their subsidiary e888, property developers located in Flushing Meadow , Queens…early sponsors of NYS economic development junkets to China.


NYS has been in deep with Chicoms for decades. Buffalo even has a Chinese sister city, same city that makes the Tesla solar roof panels that were to be manufactured in NY. (Bernie’s Moscow honeymoon was a sister cities program junket, iir.)
When Xi visited NY on his state visit in 2015, he sent a contingent upstate on a biomedical tour.
China had an interest in developing high speed rail in NYS. IIR, Lockheed had the earliest studies for that technology in Binghamton.


Here comes the Whoop-ass!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Note the SHIFT to where this really goes. “Our Country”!

Who “won” (in a very fake way) the election by cheating? CHINA!!!


Cut out the cheating, and nothing can stop U.S. from WINNING WINNING WINNING!!!


Yes! Looks like he’s beginning to make the move on exposing China owning our politicians and the Treason that took place.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Those who support the China cheat coup will be on thin ice.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Heard on a show yesterday that Cruz actually helped concoct the Texas suit. Between that and offering to argue the PA suit, I believe He is sincerely on the Trump train. #STOPTHESTEAL #FIGHTFORTRUMP


My cynical side has me thinking that a ‘heroic’ and successful effort by Cruz in this will give him a boost when he seeks the presidency in 2024. A part of his motivation?


It’s OK if Cruz has ambitions beyond ensuring President Trump prevails. Me thinks a huge plus.

Who knows, Cruz may be thinking AG, Justice and of course 2024 run for president.


Quite frankly, anyone who is not rooting for President Trump is “all in” with socialism.

More than a cliche, ALL of the marbles are in play. “All in”.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Watch Every M-F, 9am,CDT. WILL.NOT.MISS!  :wpds_idea: 
Raheem has his National Pulse show  Nor'easter, it’s good too.


Where did you get your cool 😎 emoji? 🙂🤚❤️


Iron Eagle – The Plan – Were Not Gonna Take It / James Brown Soundtrack

We’re Not Gonna Take It

Last edited 4 years ago by eilert

🧐👍❤️❓ .. okay 🤤, I get confused very easily though but it’s cool 😎🤚
ty sweet DePat … 😛❤️

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OK, Nikki – I’m approving a bunch of stuck posts NOW……


TY very much Wolf 🐺 … what am I missing when I post that would cause that? I don’t want to be a pain here so maybe I’ll be quiet for awhile and just read. You have enough to do, I appreciate everything you do very much .. 🙂🤚❤️😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No – I want to get you running!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You need to LOG IN using the LOG IN link at the bottom of the right-hand sidebar. I am ready to give you your password, but you have to be waiting for me to give it to you. Can you do that right now? Say YES and I will send it to you – then you log in with it.


Warning from Ron/Code Monkey Z…

Found on Gab.
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This is what Ron was replying to:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good to know!!!


Gab’s owner is a Christian – so IF I ever join one of those – it will probably be Gab.


Enough for me. I just deleted mine.


I heart the racoon, even though theyre destructive DP.

Deplorable Patriot

When domesticated, they aren’t as bad, but yeah, at Girl Scout camp we were constantly putting rocks on the trash cans to keep them out.


Thw way things are today, raccoons, rocks on trash cans, girl scout camp problems would be a welcome relief.

Deplorable Patriot


And it didn’t matter which camp it was, either.


2020 the year of the Great Raccoon War here in the 100 acre woods…LOL


Hahaha…you got hit hard!


we did…but like true AMERICANS we kicked their sorry butts!


To all those wondering about page numbers at the bottom…..
Seems we have hit the magic number….
Page numbers now show 2


I think it flips somewhere around 150? Longbtime ago Wolf was able to set the comment numbers per page. IDK if he still does it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

From what I’ve seen, it’s the number of top level comments that triggers a new page.

Rally threads (where very few comments are replies) tend to run more pages than dailies for that reason.


🇺🇸 𝟜𝟘ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕 🇺🇸 ⭐⭐⭐ 🇺🇸 (@40_head) Tweeted: Holy crap! The pope and the vatican join the world’s ruling families – the deep state – in a massive global partnership. Its called Inclusive Capitalism, a forced world financial system controlled by those who worship moloch and sacrifice children.


Some have said that the last “pope” will be the FALSE PROPHET of Revelation.
Just sayin’


If he is the last before a religious reset then I think good Catholics would be happy to cut the disease out.

Deplorable Patriot

The problem here is that, technically, there is evidence that Pope Benedict XVI did not resign the office of Bishop of Rome. I’ve seen reports of a prophesy that says there will be a final one, but at the same time, there are Marian apparitions where she told whoever she appeared to that at some point there would be two popes and one would be false.

We could well be there. And if the St. Gallen Mafia could go out the door with him, FABULOUS.


Thats what i understood …he isnt rightful Pope.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Isn’t there another tradition that the end doesn’t hit until St Paul’s Outside the Walls has all of its “slots” for papal portraits filled?

IIRC there are seven or so left.

Deplorable Patriot

Don’t know about that one.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They tell people about it when they tour St. Paul’s Outside the Walls, which I did do once a long time ago.

It burned badly in the 1800s but was restored; it’s basically a Roman basilica (in the old sense of the word, a large meeting hall with big unsupported roofspans made possible by the truss–though this example has two side-aisles separated from the main span by rows of columns).

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, I know. I was there for the closing of the year of Paul in 2009, and took a picture that was the envy of every one who was on the trip. We sang for Mass in the apse a few days later.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I read a book on “great buildings” or “architecture” or something like that as a kid, and it mentioned the Lion’s Gate at Mycenae, and it showed a cross section of a building that just HAD to be St. Paul’s. I recognized it from my memory when I actually saw St. Paul’s. What a “blast from the past!”

Deplorable Patriot

I really wish people would quit conflating the pope and the Vatican when what they really mean is the Curia.


I dont know it either. I posted for you to see anyway.


BREAKING: Georgia Senate Issues New Statement on Election Fraud — Challenge Shady Raffensperger’s Deal with Democrats on Ballot Signatures

JW in Germany

Is growing backbones contagious?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There’s a lot of “you go first” in human psychology. Once someone actually goes, it’s a lot easier to be the second, third, fourteenth, ninety seventh, five hundred and twenty third, etc.

Gail Combs

The possibility of either losing office or going to jail is.

I imagine their e-mails, voice mail and post boxes have blown up with irrate citizens.



12.9.20: STORM WARNING!!! Troops, Ships, States…Something Strange is happening!

JW in Germany

Bitch please!


😂 😂 😂 😂

I’m terrified. Soooooo scary. Oooooooooo.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry
JW in Germany

Admittedly…there is a part of me that says screw all of the niceties, processes, and formalities…let’s just get it on and be done with it!


I’ve scrapped cat shit off my shoe that is more scary than this ignorant gape.

come to timmy

Sitting senator (almost said ‘elected’ but now we know how he/she got his/her seat (can you say Dominion Creature?)) openly threatening 80-100 million Americans from all walks of life… this is not the bearing and attitude of someone confidently chilling until Inauguration Day.

Oh yeah

Bitch please.

Last edited 4 years ago by come to timmy

does this dumbass not recognize that the greatest military–the best “soldiers”– are COMMANDED by POTUS??
careful what you wish for Baldie…


Oh my, weren’t the oscars already awarded this year?

nikkichico7 board 12/8 …

Rep. Daniel McCarthy Announces Arizona Legislators Invoked Article 2, Section 1 – Meaning Arizona is Officially a Contested Election
Arizona Republicans on Monday called for the decertification of their state’s false election results.
As Cristina Laila reported — last week Arizona Rep. Mark Finchem issued a call to withhold the state’s Electoral College votes for Joe Biden because “he believes there is enough significant evidence of fraud to invalidate the state’s votes.”
Finchem also blasted Doug Ducey.

“I believe Doug Ducey signed a fraudulent document and he knew it!,” Finchem said.
Arizona House Majority Leader Warren Petersen released a statement Sunday night ahead of Monday’s press conference: “The election should not have been certified with the number of irregularities and allegations of fraud. Especially troubling to me are the allegations surrounding the vendor Dominion,” Petersen said in the press release. “It is imperative that a forensic audit occur immediately of the equipment and software. Upon any showing of fraud the legislature should immediately convene to decertify the vote.”
On Monday Rep. Daniel McCarthy (R-) told the patriotic crowd that legislators invoked Article 2, Section 1 meaning — Arizona is officially a contested election!



🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸 ..


Good. We haven’t been hearing much about Arizona or Nevada lately, and we know POTUS won both of them.

Brave and Free

Well that’ll be two govonors down, Kemp and Ducey. Who’s going to me next on the list?
Wolf, Halfwhit……..


Uhhh be careful with the links for the articles, as I said they came from the qresearch board … so maybe don’t touch .. please 🥺

JW in Germany


I don’t know if this has been posted …

live stream from yesterday? board


How do i see how many comments ive made in total? After 4 years 0lus ot and here id think i have a few to be an “active” member, no?

And…whats the status difference in these member rankings? How does that change?


I’m wondering why I’m not even a member, since I’ve made a lot of comments. Same with Eilert and a few other regular posters.


Look just above, posted link to convo last night about that and there were a few other things in that same time range.


I see the word member behind your name Linda


That’s really weird. It wasn’t there all morning. And now it’s there.




Pat how do you become a member/active member? I’m confused ..


we’re still figuring it out…I guess follow the qtree site in wordpress accounts or something…
i think if you donate an obscene amount of money to wolf, it vaults you up in the line quicker…LOL…
seriously, i think you just have to be following it — so somewhere along the line you have to FOLLOW the blog…maybe
as to active member–Bfly does all those cartwheels and stuff…and me I post tons of memes–and yak alot…but other than that, i got no clue…’we’ll figure it out and get you right tho, I promise!


The counter is for our new home only. Link for discussion about it and other things last night.


Oooohhhh kay. Ty jamcooker!


Let the booms roll …

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😎 ..



Reposting for the pure, brilliant savagery….

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



That is perfect! Lol!


Testing photo..


Well, darn…that didn’t work. Got a great photo I wanted to share…using one of the common paper masks, some clever soul made a Xmas angle ornament. Think of using the mask vertically with the ear string as the hanger.
I had it in my photo library, clicked on the icon at the end here. Clicked on library and got the photo displayed…and then “use in comment” …zip! Any suggestions?


If you post a .jpg link into the comment box but it does not appear (ie. you cannot see the text of the link), then do this…

Paste .jpg link into a browser address bar, then re-copy the link, then re-paste into comment box.

Don’t know why needs doing this, but it works.

You MUST be able to see the text of the link in the comment box before you post in order for the picture to post properly.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

It was just a plain photo…no jpg. or any other tags on it. Thanks for the help.


Then it won’t post


Yet, it also gives option of taking a photo and attaching it. So, are you saying somehow that has to have a jpg., as well? Well, I’m giving up…impossible to do on an iPad, so my excitement was very brief. I’ll leave it to the rest of you!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It may end in .jpg in reality…but some systems like to “help” you by hiding file extensions.


It’s like the Demoncrats are trying to turn LA and NYC into the dystopian disasters in the the two Snake Plisskin movies.
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Deplorable Patriot

I have an idea that there are a number of entertainment offerings, mostly in series movies and books, which were published to get ahead of the big reveal(s) if it ever happened as well as to normalize some things which are taboo. Specifically, the Harry Potter series, 50 Shades of Gray, Hunger Games, Jayne Ann Krentz’s Arcane series.

The idea would be to normalize witchcraft even if the “spells” are bastardized Latin and English. The Arcane series is all about conspiracy couched in romance (still love it, though). 50 Shades of Gray is essentially soft core porn, I understand. I haven’t consumed what is offered there. Hunger Games is about dystopian communism, essentially.

I don’t think any of the stories of how these books and the subsequent movies were written are accurate. Not even. It just seems planned. After writing 11 novels in a series with five more in mind, I just see it differently.


I think you’re right.

Especially since the big publishing houses are owned by leftist elites who are throne-sniffers to the Cabal.

[Edited to add a word I had left out. 😜 ]

Last edited 4 years ago by wheatietoo


I rate this as “highly probable”.


don’t forget Charmed…we were supposed to believe there are “good witches” who protect innocents…
and the youngest (Milano) was always being tempted and turned by evil…

Deplorable Patriot

That one did come up in my thinking at some point. “The power of three” as if they were the Trinity.




Witches have no power and the only power they have if we give it to them.  😇 

Deplorable Patriot

Well… their power is demonic and one has to pray/ask Christ to keep their efforts from having an effect. At least that’s what the exorcists say.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I must agree with them. I used to think (during my self-professed atheist days) that reason alone neutered that world – that everything they said they had was phony and self-deception, that it was just the “especially stupid” side of religion. BIG mistake. It left open a huge vulnerability.

There are unprovable and even surprising truths in this universe, THEY know them, and THEY use them. One has to hold to unprovable truths the other way to fight them. I’m not claiming I understand how it works, but I no longer find it fantastic.

Cuppa Covfefe

Look ln both the Old and New Testaments. Witchcraft is NAMED as a sin and an abomination.

It would not be, if it had no power.

But GOD forbids it. And we have to call on the Holy Name of Jesus to confront it. See Ephesians 6:10-18ff…


My brother was 11 years as missionary in the Kalahari Dessert Africa. One day a medicine man hiding behind a tree shouted a spell word toward my brother. My brother shouted back ” In the name of Jesus Christ your spell has no power over me.”
The man lost his power. I believe that I have a choice being in Christ to accept the power of witchcraft or not.
I have been with people I knew were into witchcraft and I know they have no power over me. Christ gives us the strength and the Holy Spirit. I am always prepared.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes…one of those things that was suppressed about 200 years ago. You should hear the exorcists on the subject.


I believe this is called “predictive programming”.


Also, kids cartoons. Monster-type characters with a dark undertone have become more common, even with some that are portrayed as being ‘good guys’.

Flags of alarm especially started going up when I saw some being portrayed as likable demons.

Cuppa Covfefe has a whole section discussing media and children’s (and other) television. It’s well worth a look, as there’s lots of trash and MK stuff being put out on various media (e.g. Netflix, Nickelodeon, the Disney Channel(s), etc.). It’s all a big sewer designed to dumb children down and groom them for whatever the elite need them for…. sheeple being the least of it…..


Posted at Marica’s – bold mine

Comment Daughn just posted:
Daughn DeMuynck Spahn – Admin

“As of today, Youtube has issued a statement. They CLAIM that since yesterday was “Safe Harbor” day, the election is over with, and they will no longer allow any video claiming the election is NOT over.

No video about lawsuits claiming the election can be flipped back/rightfully to Trump will be allowed. Expect other social media sites to follow. Time to register with Rumble. Follow War Room with Bannon on America’s Voice Live – which has their own platform.

Time to develop alternate social media sites to communicate. Sign into MeWe, or Parler, and especially RUMBLE.”

No doubt, FB and Twitter will follow suit. THIS. IS. WAR.

Last edited 4 years ago by GA/FL

Googtube is coming right out and declaring that some speech is verboten.


They gonna get slapped down so hard by our PRESIDENT!!!


Yes, please!


Hilarious, actually.

The insane left thinks they can will their preferred reality into being. Like children telling themselves that if they can’t see or hear it it can’t happen.

comment image

They are in for a very RUDE awakening.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

Well said, FG&C

One of their traits is delayed emotional and cognitive development.


Good thing Wolf moved us.


This needs to be fought and that is why the Supreme Court is important. We need to take the power back out of the hands of the Internet moguls .
They have set themselves up what free speech we are allowed to engage and they have become Pravda.  :wpds_envy: 
Where is the law?


Amen – Singing Soul!!!


Hope this works:

[video src="" /]

Eh…it was supposed to be a gif, but I dunno why it showed up as an mp4.

Last edited 4 years ago by wheatietoo

I remember this Ad!

I’ll bet the ChiComs would like to scrub it from the internet.


(Let’s see if this works…)
YouTube To Delete Content That ‘Undermines’ 2020 US Election Results

YouTube will begin removing any content they deem to be ‘misleading’ by alleging widespread voter fraud or errors changed the outcome of the 2020 US election, according to Bloomberg.
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The Google subsidiary says it will remove videos claiming President Trump won due to counting errors or software glitches (regardless of whether they’re evidence of said instances, we assume).
“Yesterday was the safe harbor deadline for the U.S. Presidential election and enough states have certified their election results to determine a President- elect,” said YouTube in a statement.

The company says it’s terminated over 8,000 channels and ‘thousands of misleading elections-related videos’ for violating preexisting policies. Over 77% of those were automatically removed before they had 100 views.

As Bloomberg notes, YouTube suspended news network OAN and completely demonetized their channel on November 24 over an ‘unlisted’ video on their channel which was not not able to be viewed publicly. They were prevented from posting new content for one week as well.
The same day, Democratic Senators asked YouTube to remove ‘election misinformation.’

In other words:comment image

Deplorable Patriot

I wonder if this move sets them up for prosecution when their desired outcome does not come to pass.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

All I know is that Susan Wocommie deserves to be in a cell now.

come to timmy

don’t know if this has been posted here yet.



Monday, January 6, 2020, that they say is the last day for PDJT to overcome the scam ‘election’ – is Epiphany!

Epiphany is commonly known as Three Kings’ Day in the United States.


It is the Day that the Kings came to Jesus….

Jesus being King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the only Name under which we may be saved.


Lin Wood has posted what looks like Youtube’s declaration of censorship:

I wonder if their ChiCom overlords ordered them to do this.


Eliminate Google and its subsidiaries instead.


And somewhere, there is a recording months/years back coordinating this plan with the lawfare gang and the Big Tech useful idiots outlining precisely this contingency, that will be used as evidence.

Concerned Virginian

Well, it will be ** very interesting ** to see how Wall Street reacts to the Texas lawsuit and the coming upending of the “Biden Win”.


Four Volunteers Who Took Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Developed Bell’s Palsy – FDA Denies the Temporary Facial Paralysis Caused by the Shot

Breaking news – Daily Mail reports that at least four individuals contracted Bell’s Palsy after taking Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine. Relations between Pfizer and China also in question.

The vaccine business is big money for Big Pharma – the large corporations that benefit from the production of vaccines. This was summarized by Bobby Kennedy, Jr. months ago as he listed the protections these companies receive from the US government (similar in the manner Big Tech is protected):


Here is that video tweet unpacked, so that it will play here:


Thanks, Wheatie!!! I am good at packing – unpacking – not so much! /s

come to timmy

found on Gab:
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This is EXACTLY what has happened with Venezuela and leftist excuses for it.



Succinct and unfortunately perfect.

Deplorable Patriot

This is probably a given:
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Deplorable Patriot

This image was on the same tweet:
comment image


Just now listening to Pompeo’s speech – MAN O MAN!

He’s standing there with a mildest manner, a pleasant expression and strafing, blitzing, dropping MOABs – and this is just the first few minutes.

Pompeo is a sly fox…a creeping lion.


Pompeo knows, and they didn’t take him at his word a month ago. I can’t wait to see the takedown.


It was a great speech and his answers during the Q&A were even better. He was profound! Pompeo is gracious, exudes peace and good will, but there’s a steel fist in the velvet glove.


I didn’t watch it, but was he confident? Strong in how things are for US?

Deplorable Patriot

Anybody see this out there? I mean lawsuits from the states against FB?


I saw a blurb about it a couple of days ago…but I didn’t catch that it is 𝟜𝟘 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕤 that are doing it.


saw a blurb too…but no follow up…


It’s been talked about for a while, it looks like there are quite a few more states signed on. I would bet that WA, OR, CA, and NY are among the 10 not signed on.

Deplorable Patriot

IDK, about DOJ, but I posted on page three here that the suit was filed today. Anti-trust asking for divestiture of Instagram and one other app by 46 states, DC and Guam.




What does this mean?? Intervene?


A: It means the Justices will be shown classified, “Top Secret” military intelligence that proves the fraud and communist Chinese gov’t influence, that the communist Chinese gov’t intentionally released a bio-weapon upon the world as a influence operation in an act of global terrorism, that a state of war exists between the USA and China, that internal, domestic enemies/traitors within the USA are doing the bidding of their communist Chinese masters…

….and the Justices will be expected to deliver a unified 9-0 ruling on the remedy the Trump administration wants to resolve the election issue.

Deplorable Patriot

The vote to hear the case was 6-3.

This is going to be interesting.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed. I think even after the evidence, those 3 will choose globalist politics over basic justice.

Deplorable Patriot

And I assume that we all agree the three are most likely Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Obama GRLZ + 1 moar traitor! 😉


I’m with you, FG&C. The virus release was intentional, the response was for control of the population to push forward any and all means for election fraud.

I like the “state of war exists between the USA and China” – that is the ticket to stop the overthrow of the legitimate government, and takeover of the country by China.

It’s also called Treason for any of our people who participated in the election fraud, because they did so with seditious intent.

Looking forward to them taking Georgia down first. Maybe some visible arrests.

Deplorable Patriot

Captions, please, while I go find a paper bag to breathe in and out slowly before I ROTFLMAO.   :wpds_cool: 
comment image


HEALTH… Minister?
Doesn’t look “Healthy” to me.

Deplorable Patriot

“…ban on all non-essential sexual activities of persons 3 or greater in indoor areas….”

I know this is an old meme, but what are they up to in Belgium?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Does sheit count as three people all by heritself?

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Cuppa Covfefe

Not sure if it’s the Flemish, or if they all belong in the Walloon-y bin…




“Maggie de Block”…?

That sounds like a mob name or something.
‘Maggie the Block’.


Similar to dognapper, Cruella De Vil.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

City block? Close enough in size.

Cuppa Covfefe

She’s as big as a whole block 😆


She’s AT LEAST two herself, if not three, so no self love for her




Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. I seem to remember THEM complaining about us wanting to do that…

More projection(s) than a movie theatre chain…


Our Cdn Public Health Minister, Theresa Tam, indicated that sex would be permissible between adults but masks should be worn. If you saw Dr. Tam you would see the extreme humour in her comment. She has got everything wrong about the Chyna flu since the beginning of the year.

Cuppa Covfefe

More like Maggie de BORG…

Don’t think she could fit in a room with two other people…

So we now know who the elephant in the room is…

Last edited 4 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe


Youtube is self destructing and new policy this morning bans users for conversation referring to the prospect of Presidential election fraud.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – this is really nasty, and IMO deserves a military response.


Put one up as a canary, and DNS them to /dev/null the instant it disappears.


“Calling all hackers”……..


I’m going to have a seizure (j/k) with all the appearing and disappearing boxes of different sizes of comments that I have no idea who the reply is to and by the time my brain processes and I might want to find it or click it…it’s gone!


Yeah, I’m finding it very distracting to have boxes popping up and covering up what I’m reading or a comment I’m making.


Agree. The posts boxes are ok, but the large boxes that pop up when posters get online are a distraction.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m not sure what’s happening if the small one are posts boxes, because I swear I’ve seen the same posts over and over again.


I know! It was driving me crazy until I realized that when someone logs on, their last post shows in the box along with their name. At least that’s what I think is happening.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, but… The large ones are supposedly the “Hi I am online” ones. But I’ve seen the same SMALL ones show up over and over again.


Yes, you’re right. There was one small-box post I saw earlier in the day at least 10 times. Then the larger boxes started showing up and I tried to ignore them because they were so distracting to me. 😵

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, they actually get in the way. The small ones you can learn to ignore, but stuff that obstructs you cannot be.

(I bought a car stereo one time that, any time it lost power would revert to demo mode, so there’d be a lot of motion on that little screen that would lure one’s eyes off the road. I finally had to download a manual from online to figure out how to kill the “dancing monkeys” as I called them.


Same here. I have a processing issue from an old brain injury, so I struggle with distractions. Sometimes I wish I had a set of blinders. 😄

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Just become a Leftist and you will have blinders. 😀




Linda..I was just thinking the same thing.
Not sure why this is a superior way to navigate through the site.
Maybe I am just dull.


I decided to ignore them, they go away pretty quickly.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

YouTube censorship will be mimicked by the rest and soon. How prescient is our Wolfie?? TYSM for our new home!!! 😍 Gab is looking like the place to go.

Mindy Robinson, describing all the sins of Parler. It’s a data mining Conservative silo. That’s the ‘good’ features. Their TOS are atrocious!!! If they get sued over something you post, you will pay the legal bill. Please read.

Deplorable Patriot

Hopefully this will make the image readable. It looks like this is what is actually scheduled as of now.
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ab those testing negative being “allowed” some freedom…
This is a real scam… I see, does that mean our freedom is to be dependent on the results of testing which is notorious for false positives?
And is this sorta like , It’s not who votes, but it’s who counts the votes that matter?
So who exactly IS going to be in charge of results of these tests. Do we trust them?
And how hard would it be for people’s social credit score to determine who tests negative?
This whole scenario is difficult for me to grasp.
I know the table has been set, but the speed in which these moves have been made are breathtaking.

Valerie Curren

Swalwell’s swampian implications


Who, exactly, are the people she seeded?

They must be found and purged.

Valerie Curren


Concerned Virginian

Well, one would like to be a fly on the wall of the Swalwell house at the moment to hear the “discussion” about this — he’s a married man.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They probably sleep in separate rooms…otherwise she’d die the first time he farted.


Don’t forget to wear a ….gas mask … BWAHAHAHAHAHA 😷🤢

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Well … the miserable bottom feeding FART BLOSSOM .. is over for a huge dose of Constitutional JUSTICE … stuff it fart boy ..

Valerie Curren

Sullivan actively involved in the steal. Up for treason for More than “just” Flynn?


Katie on the new vaccine roll out


Found on Gab:
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It took a second look to see that photo of Pelosi seems to show the left side of her face melting off!




Absolutely Ridiculous!


Backlash to masks on Nativity scenes

TURIN, Italy ( – Cries of blasphemy are ringing out as churches and other institutions impose pandemic-inspired twists on Nativity scenes.

Italy’s cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin, for instance, has a new twist on its Nativity scene this year: Mary, Joseph and other figures are donning medical masks.

Deplorable Patriot


Will this madness ever end.


“Will this madness ever end.”


No, it won’t, not ever, not until or unless WE decide to stop it.

Has any bully ever stopped because his heart suddenly softened toward his targets?

Not in real life.

The only way to stop a bully is to confront him.

These people are bullies gone wild.

But they’re also cowards who can only do their evil deeds when they’re in groups, they are pathetic when they are isolated from the hive-mind.


TDS is only rivaled by CDS. So many people are afflicted by it.


YEP, Jan 20 2021. Inaugural address..MUST see TV.


Hmmm… that sounds like something I would say… 😁

Cuppa Covfefe

Thing is. (aside from the idiocy and sacrilege), those are NOT medicals masks, and would be contaminated within a few hours, if not minutes…

Hope the scenes don’t include sheeple, or, perhaps the sheep should be the ones with masks…

Deplorable Patriot

Take it for what it’s worth – an anonymous post on a public chat board – but will all the reports of military operations that I’ve seen, and the court cases going forward, this one is worth a deep breath.
comment image


Never hurts to be prepared.


DP, I don’t know what this anon post is about, but I am hearing from multiple sources that there are huge Us. naval operations going on off our coasts and elsewhere, and we in cen. Il. are having a huge increase in air traffic over our area, so much so that a friend of mine who is very unwell, emailed me that it is keeping her awake and cannot undederstand what is going on. I think we may be preparing for a possible invasion at some point.

Deplorable Patriot

You know something…yesterday, I think it was, there was A LOT of air traffic noise around here. We’re no strangers to airport noise, I mean, if the wind is right, flights go right over us. But yesterday, it was sounding like one flight after another which IS unusual since American Airlines pulled out the TWA hub. And these weren’t fighters, they were BIG planes. And it sounded like they were flying in the south. Lambert is north of here. Scott Air Force Base, OTOH, is across the river and south. Maybe they were going in and out of there.

Gail Combs

I am hearing another mil. Copter fly over right now. It has been very busy lately.


Here’s Pinko traitor Johnny Turley’s latest:

Turley: Trump ‘running out of runway’ after Supreme Court rejects bid to toss Pa. mail-in ballots – The president ‘would have to land a jumbo jet on a postage stamp,’ Fox News contributor tells ‘Special Report’

I found it at a Reddit link about the (not)Supreme Court rejecting the PA case yesterday, which turned out to be a GOOD thing because now all four (PA, MI, WI and GA) are linked and going to the (not)Supreme Court instead.

But this is the article title on Reddit:

Megathread: U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Republican Challenge to Biden’s Pennsylvania Win

Megathread: U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Republican Challenge to Biden’s Pennsylvania Win
by u/PoliticsModeratorBot in politics


If I understand correctly, the article above has over 9,000 replies.

And this is the list of similar articles posted beneath it.

Just LOOK at this carpet bombing of propaganda. THIS is literally creating ALTERNATE REALITIES, where millions of Americans are believing radically different things about what is actually happening, and when we encounter those people, they think WE are crazy.

It took almost 10 minutes just to FORMAT all this so it wasn’t a big run-on jumble of titles, fake news companies and links.

Supreme Court rejects Pennsylvania Republicans’ attempt to block Biden victory

U.S. Supreme Court rejects Republican challenge to Biden’s Pennsylvania win

Supreme Court denies Trump allies’ bid to overturn Pennsylvania election results

Supreme Court dismisses Trump allies’ challenge to Pennsylvania election

U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Republican Challenge to Biden’s Pennsylvania Win

Supreme Court Rejects GOP Bid To Reverse Pennsylvania Election Results

U.S. Supreme Court rejects GOP congressman’s last-minute effort to upend Pennsylvania’s election results

The Supreme Court Denied A Republican Challenge To Joe Biden’s Pennsylvania Win

Supreme Court Rejects Republican Challenge to Pennsylvania Vote

The Supreme Court Just Ditched a Lawsuit That Sought to Overturn Biden’s Decisive Win in Pennsylvania

U.S. Supreme Court rejects Republican challenge to Biden’s Pennsylvania win

Supreme Court Rejects Bid to Nullify Biden’s Pennsylvania Win

Supreme Court rejects Republican bid to overturn Biden’s Pennsylvania win
marketwatch.comSupreme Court rejects GOP bid to nullify Biden win in

Pennsylvaniathehill.comThe Supreme Court has rejected Republicans’ request to overturn Biden’s Pennsylvania win

Supreme Court rejects Trump ally’s push to overturn Biden win in Pennsylvania

Trump appeals to legislatures and Supreme Court in attempt to overturn the election he lost

Supreme Court Rejects GOP Bid To Reverse Joe Biden’s Pennsylvania Win

High court rejects GOP bid to halt Biden’s Pennsylvania win

U.S. Supreme Court rejects Republican challenge to Biden’s Pennsylvania win

Texas asks U.S. Supreme Court to help Trump upend election in long-shot lawsuit

Texas sues 4 key states at Supreme Court claiming unconstitutional voting changes

Supreme Court rejects GOP bid to halt Biden’s Pennsylvania win

Roy Moore Crashed the Supreme Court Brief Party in Pa. Case, But It Went Absolutely Nowhere

Trump’s Sad Coup Attempt Just Got Slapped Down Hard by the Supreme Court

Trump calls on Supreme Court to ‘have the courage’ to overturn Biden’s election victory

Supreme Court denies 1 pro-Trump election case as another hits its doorstep

Texas wants the Supreme Court to throw out Biden’s victory

Texas AG asks Supreme Court to overturn Trump’s losses in key states. Don’t hold your breath.

Analysis: The Supreme Court was never going to hand the election to Donald Trump

Texas AG Ken Paxton asks Supreme Court to overturn Trump’s defeat by negating 10M votes in four statesdallasnews.comArizona Supreme Court upholds Biden’s victory in the state

Arizona Supreme Court rejects election fraud case

Arizona’s Supreme Court Unanimously Rejects Last-Ditch Republican Lawsuit, Confirming Election of Biden Electors

Supreme Court says no to first and probably last high court appeal of 2020 presidential election

Arizona Supreme Court rejects GOP effort to overturn election results, affirms Biden win in state

‘No Dissents’: US Supreme Court Unanimously Rejects Trump Allies’ Bid to Overturn Loss in Pennsylvania

Alabama and Louisiana attorneys general back Supreme Court challenge of 2020 election

Arizona Supreme Court tosses GOP chairwoman Ward’s voting lawsuitktar.comArizona Supreme Court upholds Biden win in Arizona

Analysis: The Supreme Court was never going to hand the election to Donald Trump

Supreme court rejects Republican bid to overturn Biden’s Pennsylvania victory

Arizona’s Supreme Court Unanimously Rejects Last-Ditch Republican Lawsuit, Confirming Election of Biden Electors

Arizona Supreme Court upholds Biden win in Arizonaazfamily.comSCOTUS Declines to Hear Trump Case Over PA Election Results

Supreme Court Orders Reply To Texas AG Ken Paxton’s Election Lawsuit By 3PM Thursday

Texas Sues Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin at Supreme Court over violation of the Constitution (boldface emphasis mine)

Texas AG Asks the Supreme Court for a Coup

Turley: Trump ‘running out of runway’ after Supreme Court rejects bid to toss Pa. mail-in ballots – The president ‘would have to land a jumbo jet on a postage stamp,’ Fox News contributor tells ‘Special Report’

The Supreme Court Was Handed a Reeking Dead Fish and Refused Delivery

Trump’s false crusade rolls on despite devastating Supreme Court rebuke

Supreme Court of Nevada denies Trump campaign’s appeal to overturn election results

NV Supreme Court denies Trump campaign lawsuit seeking overturn of presidential election

Texas sues four battleground states in Supreme Court over ‘unlawful election results’ in 2020 presidential race

Legal experts call Texas election lawsuit “publicity stunt” Supreme Court will never hear

Supreme Court won’t take up case challenging school’s policy allowing a transgender student to use bathroom corresponding with their identity

Nevada Supreme Court rejects Trump campaign’s appeal to overturn Biden’s win

Nevada Supreme Court rejects Trump campaign appeal, affirms Biden win

Trump appeals to legislatures and Supreme Court in attempt to overturn the election he lost

Lawrence: The Supreme Court ‘crushed’ Trumpmsnbc.comElection 2020 Today: Supreme Court nixes GOP’s Pa. vote bid

Supreme Court rejects bid to overturn Pennsylvania result

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think this may be a record number of links! 😉




“I think this may be a record number of links!”


Are we supposed to avoid that here at the new website?

If so, I apologize!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I may raise the number anyway. We’ll see…….

Deplorable Patriot

Too much more today and I’m going to start drinking early. (My beloved Escape probably just had its last oil change.)


Flips elections 51-49%.

Now you know why they want us to believe we are a 50-50 country.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I was wondering how that worked.




We will no longer be streaming most events on @YouTube
for the time being due to their new rules on content that “alleges fraud or error changed the outcome of the 2020 election”.

We encourage our 1 million plus subscribers to watch us on Facebook or Twitter.

It’s a sad day.

They say they are going to go to Rumble but they don’t do live. Neither does Bitchute.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hope Gab TV gets up and running soon!


Ezra Levant details how Chinese troops have been training in Canada. Must watch. Video at link.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Observers. Being hosted by Sparkle-Socks.

He needs to be in a CELL.



Michigan State Rep. Cynthia Johnson is stripped of her assignments and is under investigation for her threats against Trump supporters posted on social media on Tuesday night.

— Alex Salvi (@alexsalvinews) December 9, 2020

Harry Lime

Oh, cool…I can do thumbs up now…couldn’t do that on the old site without having a wordpress account.

This gets a thumbs up…however, I’m sure she won’t even get a slap on the wrist…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Happy go lucky

I know, me too, it’s my new favorite pastime.

👍to everyone!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


There’s no evidence that Russia stole our elections, but there’s plenty of evidence that China stole our politicians.

— Rising serpent 🇺🇸 (@rising_serpent) December 9, 2020

Harry Lime

Hmm, does the red “offline” box appear by a users name when they have logged out…or just when they are currently not on the website?


yes, pretty sure it’s one of those…lol


I never log out. I did in the beginning and played around to learn how all works.
Is easier for me to stay on the forum.  😀 


It looks like it will be the red Offline when not on the website.

I was away to the office today, and had logged-out of the home computer, but not logged out from the website as such. When I had a look at the qtree posts from work, without having logged-in from there, I saw my own posts marked with the red Offline box.

Last edited 4 years ago by slowcreekno
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It appears to mean “not active” on the site.


There is probably a setting “under the hood” that sets how long since the site last “saw” activity before it changes from online to offline. Forum software code tends to have something like that.


All of the Soros-supported DA’s around the nation are instituting these egregious platforms of non-compliance with the laws of the land. Spending hugely on local DA elections was yet another election catastrophe engineered by the socialist wing of the Democrat Party.

— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) December 9, 2020

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

Talk about shoddy reporting. None of the MSM articles tell of the two states NOT suing. That should be a no brainer in journalism.

Deplorable Patriot

FINALLY! An answer to the question of who is not in:

The AGs of 46 states, plus the District of Columbia and Guam, were named in the suit. Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and South Dakota did not participate.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Camel Day!!!!

Tomorrow is SCOTUS day, if I read it right.

Deplorable Patriot

Got a header image to offer??????

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Offhand no.

Camel(s) work(s)!


Here … ⬇️ .. and it’s festive .. 😃👍❤️🎄 ..

Don’t forget the Festivus Pole .. ☺️

Concerned Virginian

Rush Limbaugh just before his show ended today:
He was apparently told “by a couple of people with close knowledge of the situation” that the Supreme Court did NOT take the Texas case — instead the justices decided to call on the states named in the suit to respond and THEN the court would decide whether or not to take the case.
Sean Hannity just now on his show:
More “details” of Joe Biden’s “Inauguration” in January are leaking out.
Apparently Ole Joe is gong to have some sort of “indoor” swearing-in ceremony instead of an outdoor ceremony. The number of attendees will be severely limited.
The “Inaugural Ball”, the only one that will be “sanctioned”, will take place at the Biden house in Delaware, with a very limited number of guests invited.


DP reported that the SCOTUS had voted 6-3 to take up Texas’ case.

Rush is wong?


Rush is down these days. That said, wonder if it’s a situation similar to what happened to the Kelly/Parnell case yesterday – Alito told PA to respond, and then denied the immediate injunction requested (don’t allow PA to certify) but the case is still pending.

A 6-3 does sound like accepting the case – otherwise the single Justice could have done the same thing, vs the whole Court. But who knows.

I’m looking to POTUS to have moves no one has seen to save this country….

Deplorable Patriot

Somebody’s wrong. Either the report I saw or Rush.


Rush is wrong on this, he got bad info. One the SCOTUS does NOT call on ANYONE. They simply grant cert or deny. This is THE equal protection case. They HAD to take it, they HAVE to rule in favor, and that means ONE remedy. If they passed or ruled against, equal protection, one person one vote, the CRUX of the Constitution, wwould be DONE.

The dems KNOW this. This is NOW, not about Trump, though he will file a brief, and WILL benefit. This is texas and 17 other states so far, versus the FRAUD 6 or seven cities. Thye fraud is TOAST. If it was allowed to stand, it would disenfranchise HALF the country. BYE JOE.


That is what Seculow said today that SCOTUS is taking the case.

Steve in Lewes

…and Sean with Bill O’Reilly both opined that they do not believe that SCOTUS will deliver the goods citing Kavanaugh & Gorsuch as going wobbly because it would look good or some other squishy Rino BS.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m not buying the SCOTUS going wobbly or that the vote was just to get the states to turn in their briefs.

Something is swirling.


I agree! This nation would be in imminent danger of falling if they don’t do the right thing to save the rule of law.


BINGO. Texas NOW makes it about the Constitution. Trump, and we will BENEFIT, but this is about the equal protection clause. I believe it was ALWAYS the play. THAT is why one puts STRICT Constitutionalists on the SCOTUS.




That is not what Jay Seculow said today but maybe he was not informed?
He is after all one of POTUS lawyers.
Maybe he did not know find out tomorrow.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


The FIB is hopelessly corrupt.

Cuppa Covfefe

What are they doing, extracting it bit by bit???

On floppies?

Punch cards?

110-baud acoustic coupler (say, AJ or Hayes)???

And this, the same agency that went through tens if not hundreds of thousands of emails in a day or so…….

Last edited 4 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe
Brave and Free

Okay I’ll play devil’s activist, could the FIB have been waiting to catch them all instead of a few?……. Okay back to reality they just found it in the closet behind the winter coats they were looking for.


Think HARDER. WHAT might BE on that laptop that pertains to 2020? Dominion software used to steal the primaries for Hillary over Bernie? Seth Rich found out the primaries were RIGGED against Bernie. We just NEVER hear HOW he KNEW. It was enough that it got him 187. WHY would that laptop surface NOW? WINK.


Gee, and just WHAT was Seth Rich investigating when he gave Assange all those emails? HINT…ELECTION interference. This time the RIGGING of the primary for Hillary over Bernie. Now WHAT might be ON that laptop? Stuff about phony primary votes for Hillary perhaps? AHHH, much more to see. WHY NOW? GIGGLE. END GAME!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎
Deplorable Patriot

That’s 18.

I wonder how many more they can pick up. Seven or eight….

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Better be ALL the Red states!


Winth AZ now in, a TELL on WHERE they are going, NINE. 27 a MAJORITY.

JW in Germany


Deplorable Patriot

comment image

JW in Germany

Come on KENTUCKY!!! Where are you???

Cuppa Covfefe

Between Illinois, Missouri, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, and Indiana 😆 😎

Last edited 4 years ago by Cuppa Covfefe



Cambron will get on it.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


suspicious cat here…

things heating up in election fraud…PA got $$ from zuckerborg for election fraud…Supreme Court showing interest? he’s GOING INTO HIDING!!!

Brave and Free

Yeah it interesting he’s the only D rat that I can think of who’s tested positive……….
Probably one of those false positives, on purpose of course.


MANY will try to get Covid, as a way out. Many will “talk” to Mr Smith and Wesson. MOST will try to FLEE. NONE will be successful. If I am right, and it looks good so far, they have ALL been watched for a WHILE.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



ohhh…that’s a GOOD thought!!


Happens to be one of my favorite movies too.


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

and after he spent $400 million on election fraud…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Zuckertreason is finished. The Swalwell story has his handler going to options.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m getting a headache thinking about tomorrow’s daily.


He must mean deeply grateful….the Big Guy got his cut.

Brave and Free

No they won’t, Not until there forced too.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Because Covid is the FLU. It NEVER lived up to the continued HYPE. I am HOPING Trump reveals it when he is re inaugurated…they HAVE to cover it.


Today the plumper came to my home to do some work on our boiler. His brother was supposed to come and he “said his brother is just getting over covid.”
A relative had gone someplace and brought it back. Now his mother has Covid she has to be in her 90. All are living and he did not seem concerned for mom at all who still lives in her home. I am not sure if she had to be hospitalized.
After he left I wiped all the door handles and everything he touched. The plumber lives half way to Columbus and in this town so he can anything south  😎 


This is NOT Feb, we KNOW how to “fight off” real cases. IF there are any. MOST are not Covid, just another corona virus. They ALL and more are CALLED Covid. So to induce continued FEAR, lockdowns, oppression and CONTROL.

ANY REAL virologist worth his salt will tell you even IF Covid is still around, it is SO weakened due to mutation, and enevitable heard immunity, it is NOT the “threat” it was, EVEN to the elderly.


I am not intimidated by the CCP virus even though some want to scare me.
My plumber did not seem to concerned about mom or his brother obviously they are dealing with it just fine.
I am not saying there are people it really hits. Be honest if I was in a nursing home I just crawling along I might welcome to be relieved of my misery God willing.


Gee, so SOON after Swalwell…WINK. Remember the Wrestler Goldberg? WHO’S NEXT.


I can feel the anger in this face!
comment image



Gee, what happens if Facebook suddenly LOST sec 230 protections before this suit hits…LOL


Idiots at ERLC forced to issue apology after idiotically signing onto Thomas More Society lawyers Amicus Brief on religious liberty rather than writing their own.

The only reason this came to light was because grassroots Southern Baptists called out the ERLC and their Chief Clown Russell Moore for not knowing their own convention structure.

Once again, Russel Moore and the ERLC embarrass themselves and have to eat crow.

The following is ERLC’s attempt at damage control. These guys are a joke and a total embarrassment to the SBC. Not that there isn’t enough in the SBC to be embarrassed about these days – but people are starting to wake up to the SBC Leftist shenanigans.

ERLC issues apology, explanation regarding amicus brief

Deplorable Patriot
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



they didn’t do it in the senate with difi tho…

Brave and Free

This is huge if true. One of many dominos to fall I hope. Or just a sacrificial lamb…..

Last edited 4 years ago by Brave and Free

ANND ANOTHER domino falls. HI Adam, awfully quiet aren’t you.


Rep McCarthy is calling for him to be removed from office. Would rather we just cut to the chase and toss him into jail.


The Great Reset. 🤬😡


The Great Reset idea always reminds me of the story of the Tower Of sure they can run the world as Globalists. I hope they get what’s coming to them.


Yeah the Tower of Babylon and the Beast of Revelation, Mystery Babylon…

Brave and Free

Oh they will, we may just not see it.
Remember God’s in control.


Oh, it is!


The Bible WARNS us of FALSE prophets.

Deplorable Patriot

Many of the false prophets actually claim to be clergy. Some actually attained that status, but by their fruits we know them.


Like this fake Pope?

Deplorable Patriot

If Bergoglio went through the actual ceremony of Apostolic Succession known as ordination, he’s a priest. What he IS NOT is a Bishop of Rome elected in an honest Conclave. He’s more of a wolf in sheep’s clothing, or really, an Iago type character.


Yep, always thought of the Q Godfather three references. In that movie there was a FAKE Pope.


Rebel News:SECRET MILITARY DOCUMENTS: Trudeau invited Chinese troops to train at Canadian military bases – Rebel News

Justin Trudeau invited China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to send its troops for cold weather training at CFB Petawawa in Ontario — and Trudeau raged at the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) for cancelling the training after China kidnapped Canadian citizens Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig.

This is only one of many bombshell revelations in The China Files, a 34-page access to information document released by the Trudeau government to Rebel News, seen below.

Documents that normally would have been completely blacked out by government censors were instead greyed out — the documents remain completely readable. Rebel News has chosen to black out a very small portion that would otherwise compromise the safety of an individual.


Cornell University Makes Flu Vaccination Mandatory – Only for White Students

An Ivy League university is requiring that White students receive an annual flu vaccination, while providing a racial exemption for students belonging to any other race.

Cornell University in New York admits to the racially discriminatory practice openly on its university health website. An estimate of demography university’s students calculated that 35% of the student body identify as white, thus ensuring that only a small plurality of students are required to receive flu vaccination.

On a web page breaking down the University’s health policy for “students of color,” Cornell Health appears to suggest that individuals of races other than white don’t need to agree to vaccination requirements.

We recognize that, due to longstanding systemic racism and health inequities in this country, individuals from some marginalized communities may have concerns about needing to agree to such requirements,” explains the page. “For example, historically, the bodies of Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC) have been mistreated, and used by people in power, sometimes for profit or medical gain.

Cornell Health goes on to encourage the students of color demographic to recieve flu vaccination, but clarifies the health advice by stating that it is “understandable that the current Compact requirements may feel suspect or even exploitative to some BIPOC members of the Cornell community.

Campus Reform has requested comment from Cornell University on its racist vaccine policy. Their policy appears to violate the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which forbids discrimination on the basis of race.

Welcome to the radical liberal world of racial caste systems, discrimination, double standards, and hypocrisy. Educated by the racists of Cornell, future generations of Americans will be in an excellent position to preside over a society that is united, cohesive, and shared by the nation’s citizens.

Elizabeth Carter

Cornell may want to sterilize the white females only.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s absolutely NUTS.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good grief, that is INSANE.


There’s a bill in the NY State Assembly about making the COVID 19 vaccines mandatory for everyone in NY. Nothing about POC being exempt.The fallout from this frenzy of control will be spectacular.


Feel bad for y’all having to deal with all that.


I want out but am stuck here.


Yeah, I was that way in Md , where I’m from, but got lucky enough to be in a position to vote with my feet. Feel bad for a lot of friends though who are still stuck there.


I am envious. I have plans but no time frame yet. I’m not even a NY native yet here I am!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO nobody who is under 50, and better yet 65, should take an mRNA or DNA vaccine. Take Novavax – there are ZERO genetic risks.


I wonder if we will be given a choice.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

As long as you have a gun, you have a choice. 😉


If the flu shot maybe causes sterilization then one wonders not why white students are required to take it. They want to eliminate the white race.


Thank you, Wolf, for getting us on Gab and also here.


bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎


After Reading Mindy Robinson’s article on how dirty and underhanded Parler is, I’m ready to delete my account! Oh wait, they won’t do that! Reminds me of…You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave!!

Brave and Free

I was just able to delete mine……. I’ll check tomorrow and see if they did.


I dd not like all the hoops I had to jump though to be able top post articles, much less post memes. They wanted more information than even Tweeter, or FB.


Wyel, ain’t that speshul.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You are most welcome!  😃 


Concerned Virginian

Greg Jarrett on Hannity’s radio show just now also saying that the Supreme Court will decide not to touch the Texas lawsuit.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




I have to believe that the Supreme Court will uphold the Constitution. If they do not, there will be civil war. And after seeing the map of the states that joined the Texas lawsuit I now realize that it CAN be regional, just like the original War Between the States. Lots of people don’t realize that when that happened, many people in the South moved North, and vice versa. This time, it will be the flyover states versus the coasts. And we have all the food, and probably most of the guns and ammo.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. And add this. Consider that the “fake election” states are realistically with the patriot states – the fake elections are not real power.

Interesting times. This is a grenade that CCP will regret pulling the pin on.


BINGO. This case is EQUAL protection. 18 states of REAL votes, with NO allegations of fraud, who followed LAW VS 6 FRAUD cities and counties that hid, ignored law, and made it up. Texas et al can PROVE their votes are 100% REAL.. Can the 6 fraudsters? NO. GUESS what happens then. BYE JOE.

Last edited 4 years ago by prognosticatasaurusrex

That is WHY one puts STRICT Constitutionalists and not activists on the SCOTUS. This is THE equal protection case. Dumbass MSM ers think it is STILL about Trump. NO, Trump and WE benefit, but THIS is about the Constitution…PERIOD. They NEVER thought a STATE or group of states would sue. They were WRONG. BYE JOE. SCOTUS would NOT have taken this to DENY the relief. There is ONLY ONE relief too. BYE FRAUD VOTES, BYE JOE. NO providence, NO chain of custody? NO ballot. Did not follow LAW, NO ballot. Make up the rules? NO ballot.

The ONLY way, resst to about 130 AM on Nov 4th, the most accurate and VERIFIABLE (cause they were REAL votes, INCLUDING early vote) results. BYE JOE.


LOL, Jarrett is WRONG, like so many other things. If they were NOT gonna TOUCH it, they would have SIMPLY denied Cert. and this guy is a “lawyer” This is arguably THE most important SCOTUS case EVER…EQUAL protection basically is the FOUNDATION of the Constitution.


Swalwell is such a fool  🙄 


 😠 OH is missing Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Giggle. HUGE: After 4 Years of Stonewalling Corrupt FBI Finally Admits They’re Holding Seth Rich’s Laptop (

Now who just put in a post that the PTB have had Seth Rich, Anwan’s, and Weiners laptops ALL along. They have been USING the info SECRET. Looks like it is NOT a secret anymore…now WHY do you think that IS?

Is it END game time? Is there about to be a YUUUGGGGGEEEE reveal?

Is it COINCIDENCE the Feds are also now looking into Hunter’s TAXES, which WIOLL reveal the “Big guy”?

Is it COINCIDENCE that the Swalwell escapades are coming to light (Chinese honeypot)?

Is it COINCIDENCE the Flynn Judge FINALLY said MA TAY?

Is it COINCIDENCE 17 states (so far…soon to be say oh, 25-26) joined Texas in the equal protection lawsuit at SCOTUS?

Is MORE coming? Perhaps from Assange? Perhaps from Snowden?

Are MORE swap hewads, like say Pelosi, Schumer, and Schiff in heap big doo doo, with BOMBS about to drop on THEIR heads too? Is Marc Warner about to be bombed too?

Is Trump. Powell, Wood, and More about to JOIN the Texas suit? Amicus?


WHO has been looking at ALL this?
WHO is looking into 2020 election TOO?
Is it ALL the EXACT same players from 2016 Russian election interference?
Is this the exact OPPOSITE of 2016, except with CHINA on the DEMS?

WHY do you THINK we are getting so much stuff EACH day?
Is it about to get BIGGER?
Are we about to learn MORE?

Is it like a SNOWBALL moving down hill?
Does the swamp seem AWFULLY QUIET?
Is it the CALM before the absolute SHIT STORM?


THE climax to the show isd about to HIT, JUST as the 2020 fraud HITS SCOTUS.
ENABLED by EIGHTEEN states (so far).

Is the SWAMP about to FINALLY be drained?

Pervasive, and UNDENIABLE. The MSM cannot NOT cover it. THE GREAT AWAKENING is followed by JUSTICE.

Would I ask questions that we ALL did not already know the answers too?


Was this ALL planned?


Q told us. Trump told us.

Get your popcorn ready. FIre up the DVR. THE greatest show EVER is into the pentultimate episode…the 9th show for you GOT fans….WINTER is HERE.
The battle for the fate of the US is nigh. Remember, again for all you GOT fans, Jon Snow, the hero, had to die, and come BACK to fulfill his destiny, and SLAY the dragon.

TRUMP…MAGA…enjoy the show!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Popcorn? POPCORN!?!?

Nothing less than BACON!!!


MMMMM Bacon flavored popcorn….Burbon too….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, I’ll leave the stupid juice for others.


Better than what Joe is gonna get, bread and water.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Bread with bugs baked in. Gotta get some protein.


LOL CUBBAN bread, dems love Cuba, though I think they will NOT like this particular part called Guantanimo Bay.

Deplorable Patriot

According to the people who live in the Caribbean, Cuba is a beautiful island.

GITMO, aka “The Spa,” no.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It was a popular tourist destination through 1958.

And still is in places like Canuckistan.

There are still regular flights from Canuckistan to Havana and back, and we let them overfly the US.


LOL Joe will not see beautiful, unless you classify his padded 6 X 9 cell as that…well to ME, that will BE beautiful, once he and the rest of tthe Cabal are securely locked away there!


Tare out the kitchen sink and toss it at this guy just to make sure this isn’t about giving Biden a clean bill of health.


It isn’t don’t worry. This is the END GAME.


Upstate Medical University is recruiting 12- to 15-year-olds to participate in a clinical trial of Pfizer’s experimental coronavirus vaccine.

It’s now seeking younger people to see if the vaccine is safe and effective for children.

To see if the vaccine is safe. For children.


Last edited 4 years ago by holly
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎



Have we officially entered an alternate universe?
I suppose this is one of those things like birth control, abortions and sex change that doesn’t require parental consent?

Who would hand the child over as a guinea pig for a useless vaccine that they already said won’t stop the mask mandates and other population control mandates not to mention they hardly seem able to come to an agreement on exactly what is corona virus.
Why PTrump keeps pushing this(vaccines) seems strange.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

For nursing home residents, and the highly compromised, for whom COVID is a death sentence, these vaccines make sense.

I would never give a genetic vaccine to a child unless they were at very high risk.


12 years old. Age of consent.  😖 


IMO PDJT is fighting the entire establishment and it includes the many tentacled monster called WEF, the globalists who want this. Getting a few of them off his back might help. He’s keeping it voluntary and can reverse course anytime he wishes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They won’t actually know if genetic vaccines are safe for 75 years, but hey – let’s PRETEND.


Ed Dept. launches ‘Free Speech Hotline’ to combat cancel culture on campus or you fart

The U.S. Department of Education on Tuesday announced the launch of a “Free Speech Hotline” that will be monitored by the agency’s attorneys and aims to be a venue for students across America to report First Amendment violations.

“We’re announcing today the creation of the free speech hotline so any abridgement of free speech on a college campus can and should be reported to this new hotline,” said Assistant Secretary of Education for Postsecondary Education Robert King in making the announcement.

The hotline will be an email account to be monitored by the Department of Education’s Office of the General Counsel. The address is

“It’s time to feel free to laugh again,” noted King, who made the announcement about the hotline during an event hosted by the Education Department that highlighted how political correctness and cancel culture has made humor an impossibility in the quad and classroom in recent times.

The event, titled “What is to be done? Confronting a Culture of Censorship on Campuses,” focused on the prevailing trends on college campuses that censor, shut down, shout down, or otherwise silence unpopular opinions, guest lectures, and other groups and activities.

Every complaint will be reviewed, and investigations opened “where it is appropriate to do so,” a department spokeswoman told The Wall Street Journal.

The event was hosted via a web streaming service and lasted nearly two hours.

During the meeting an official noted that seven investigations have recently been launched into free speech violations on college campuses.

“During the last few months, we’ve begun seven investigations into university free speech policies pursuant to Title 20 in the United States code section 1094. There were many more situations which could have been investigated, but these were the most egregious,” Department of Education’s Chief Investigative Counsel Paul Moore said during the event.

He did not cite the exact universities under investigation, or why.

“In essence, the department opened investigations to determine if universities were committed to permitting free and open expression as specifically guaranteed by those same universities according to their internal policies and binding promises to their prospective students, as well as to their university faculty and staff. Shockingly, the race of the person exercising free speech suddenly seems quite relevant in several universities,” Moore said.

Speakers during the “What is to be done?” event compared the rise in cancel culture to totalitarian governments throughout history, such as the USSR, and cited George Orwell’s dystopian classic “1984” frequently as a comparison to today’s censorship of speech on campus.

Among the speakers was Joshua Katz, a Princeton classics professor who found himself under fire over the summer by student and faculty protesters after he questioned demands made by activists supporting Black Lives Matter.

In his opening remarks, Katz was unapologetic to his critics.

“I do not regret the events that have brought me here today,” he said.

The conference also hosted conservative writer Rod Dreher [whose clock, though right twice a day, is still broken – michaelh], biologist Bret Weinstein, and student Justine Murray, the latter of whom were also victims of cancel culture antics who have since contributed to defending free speech in higher education.

Each speaker shared their story about how they were targeted by the cancel culture mob and some of the misfortunes that befell them for ending up on the wrong side of political correctness.

“Eventually someone is going to get hurt. Because it started with one student, it just started with me, but then other students started getting targeted,” said Murray, a student at Syracuse University who was canceled for dressing up as Melania Trump for Halloween and supporting a Zionist professor at the school.

“Other professors started getting targeted, and when, God forbid, if someone gets physically hurt, the university is just going to pretend that they didn’t even see it coming. And I fear for that day, and I hope that this panel can help raise some light on that issue, and send a warning out to other universities and administrations that this is a real problem,” Murray said.

Other remarks from members of the Department of Education explained the urgency of the fight against cancel culture and how normalizing extreme political correctness could pose a major threat to America.

Kristina Arriaga, a member of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, pointed out in her address how cancel culture has been used throughout history.

The U.S. would have lost out on many of its greatest achievements, such as giving women the right to vote and emancipating slaves, if radical or unpopular opinions had been suppressed in the past, she said.

“We are in a space where culturally we are being told that being offensive, being in the center, is actually a threat to the tribe, a threat to our way of life,” she said. “Imagine what would have happened had that thinking prevailed before many offensive ideas became some of the greatest successes we have had as our nation.”

Additionally, she advised the audience to hold fast to their beliefs in the face of adversity.

“Do not let anybody silence you. It is your duty to exercise your First Amendment rights and it is your obligation to protect that right for others around you, particularly for those with whom you disagree,” she said.


Pretty sure I found saw a video by Simon Parkes on the Qtree. Here he is with his most recent election update. We may not be able to watch these youtube videos for long…


We need more than just “MONOPOLY” and anti-trust busting.

We need ANTI-OLIGOPOLY laws. Too long we allow duopolies and oligopolies to exist in the U.S because we love BIG INDUSTRY regulated by BIG GOVERNMENT – with NO ROOM for small players to thrive.

Too many Big Businesses have hidden behind the “we’re not a monopoly” fig leaf by intentionally remaining in gentleman’s agreement with their “competition” for oligopoly control of the market.

FTC, 48 States File Lawsuits to Break Up Facebook

The FTC and 48 states are set to launch a legal assault on Facebook over claims of antitrust violations. The lawsuits seek to break up Mark Zuckerberg’s social media empire.

Politico reports that federal antitrust authorities and dozens of states are set to launch a double-barreled legal assault against Facebook over allegations of antitrust violations. Both lawsuits aim to force Facebook to break up its empire which includes messaging service WhatsApp and photo-sharing app Instagram.

Attorneys general from 48 U.S. states and territories, including New York, are behind one of the suits that was first hinted at last week. The second suit filed by the FTC is set to be filed later this afternoon.

The cases accuse Facebook of illegally using its power for more than a decade to push out rivals and buy out rising competitors, noting WhatsApp and Instagram as specific examples of this. Facebook has continued to purchase multiple companies despite recent scrutiny, Breitbart News recently reported on Facebook’s purchase of the customer service startup Kustomer in a deal valued at more than $1 billion.

The suit is part of the latest escalation in the power struggle between world governments and U.S. tech firms. In October, the Justice Department and a smaller group of U.S. states filed a similar antitrust lawsuit against Google.

Facebook has denied being a monopoly, noting that it ranks behind Google in how much revenue it takes from the $160 billion global market for online advertising. Google and Facebook maintain a duopoly over the online advertising market. Facebook currently has 2.74 billion users worldwide and disclosed in July 2019 that the FTC was investigating it for alleged antitrust violations. New York States attorney general, Tish James, announced two months later that she was leading a multistate coalition probing antitrust concerns of Facebook.


Hi 😃🤚 .. I was gone for a bit, … 😜😉 .. I know I missed a lot 😳 wow 🤨👍🇺🇸


Biden’s Gifts to Planned Parenthood

Its acolytes are getting top jobs in his administration.



There’s that number!


AZ just joined the TX lawsuit. You heard that right!

Deplorable Patriot



Sure they are. (sarc)


Rep. Eric Swalwell suggests reports of relationship with alleged Chinese spy are Trump conspiracy

Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell suggested late Tuesday that the explosive revelations reported on Tuesday regarding his dalliances with a suspected Chinese “honey pot” spy are part of a conspiracy by the Trump administration, in retaliation for him repeatedly attacking President Trump over evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 election.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Just keep right on calling attention to the hypocrisy, Fartwell.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well one thing I *have* enjoyed.

When I refresh the page, it leaves me in Exactly. The. Same. Place. No damn jumping around because of f*cking Twitter’s incompetent coders.

(Incidentally–it even does so as it moves recent comments from the top (where they shouldn’t be, hopefully to be fixed someday though I know it won’t be soon) to the bottom, where they belong. It’s as if the page knows where you are and sends you there.)

I guess that will likely change once Wolf does whatever it is he has to do to allow full twitter embedding. On second thought if it’s smart enough not you jerk you around as it reorders things, maybe it will be smart enough not to jerk you around on account of the jerks at Twitter.

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

comment imagecomment image


PLANNED. Texas is the largest State. Site of the ALAMO. The LAST stand.

Deplorable Patriot

Largest state in the lower 48. Alaska is actually bigger, although far less of an electoral threat.




As a descendant of the Alamo and 6th generation Texan, allow me to set the record straight.

The Alamo was most assuredly and definitively not a “last stand”. It was a DELAYING ACTION.

It was known Santa Anna was coming to put down the Texas revolution and the Texans were in the process raising an army to defeat him. Sam Houston ordered Col. Travis to occupy the Alamo to delay Santa Anna for as long as possible, giving the rapidly growing Texas army time to gain strength. Moreover, no one anticipated, would have believed, nor even gave it thought that Santa Anna would slaughter every defender of the Alamo.

However, it was because of the slaughter at the Alamo…as well as Goliad…that the Texans showed no mercy to the Mexicans at San Jacinto when they captured Santa Anna (cowardly dressed as a private) and killed 630 mexicans vs. losing just 9 of their own. “Remember the Alamo” and “Remember Goliad” were their battle cries, and they made the mexicans pay, most DEARLY.

Last edited 4 years ago by ForGodandCountry

I recall being surprised at the ethnicity of those listed as having given their lives at the Alamo … many of whom were not part of what was America. Many Irishmen and almost as many Scotsmen. Being half Irish and half Scot, I felt especially proud to see how well represented they had been there.

Having that same spirit of adventure, I guess that would explain the reason during my youth that half of me wanted to be mildly drunk all the time and the other half never wanted to pay for it.


Those two lineages do like to be on the bleeding edge of everything, even the Wild West. Although I’ve read of German and Irish miners getting drunk every night and breaking into fist fights… every single night!


…it’s a dna thing


It’s said that the Irish and the Jews are alike in the way to unite them is to give them a common enemy. If you wish to destroy them ….. leave them alone, they’ll fight and destroy themselves.


It’s the tribal thing. There’s rumor our family’s got highlander in it, and maybe some mystics too. Might explain some things in my history.

Cuppa Covfefe

That would explain my family  🙃 
But add Welsh to it; so they’re singing along to it all the time…

Cheers  😂 




Mexico had the largest and strongest standing land army in the world in 1836. Europe had not recovered from Napoleon and Mexico had little difficulty breaking from Spain.

But a disorganized band of militia-grade citizens, fighting for their freedom, and convinced that surrender would mean certain death (Santa Anna’s psyop backfired) they were extraordinarily motivated to fight and WIN.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment image


Ep 2349a – Great Reset Countermeasures Initiated, Warp Speed Ahead
X22 Report Published  December 9, 2020


Ep. 2349b – Central Communications Blackout, [Zero-Day], Rig For Red, Countermeasures In Place
X22 Report Published  December 9, 2020



Of course, it’s the Hill….so that doesn’t make it so.

Unless I hear it from PDJT…..


Can someone tell me why it says “fox” above follow this user?


Too funny.
Wolf has been tinkering under the hood!

Right now you are listed as a Cute Chipmonk!

Cuppa Covfefe

I think they’re a new rating system (as opposed to member, valued member, infamous character, etc. 🙂 )…


Hi Zoe – I think it gives commenters names according to how much or often they have posted.


“….according the the NY Slimes.”

Could be true, but I’ll wait to hear this from someone other than known liars.


I’m doing this the regular old way and hope for the best. Here’s the latest from Simon Parkes.



I’m sorry I’m in pest mode … how do you view replies to your posts and what is a “member”/“active member?

thank you for any information ..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nikki – I need to give you your password to LOG IN – are you ready? When you say you are, I will give it to you!


oh did I miss a step LOL
Nothing new Grannie is usually behind the times lol

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nikki’s case is weird, I think. I think her email provider may be hiding PW reset emails.


Wolf can I change my email address from @outlook to @yahoo? If outlook is putzy then I’d rather change if possible … I never saw the email from you for a password … I thought 💭 it was weird ..

… ty .. ❤️

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES! Yahoo is more reliable (at the moment). Do you have a WordPress account? If so, use that, otherwise just use email like before. I’m erasing your old account now.


Think I still missing some options they were talking about.
Like replies to me and I think there was one other
If not I’m OK, Grannie needs to keep her brain active and I think my crazy way of maneuvering around the site probably does that LOL

comment image


.. 😮 🤚 … okay, that’s what’s missing. Thank you Wolf 🐺 I’m ready, does it go to my email address (?) could you send it to Otherwise I’ll watch for it on @outlook .. ty .. ❤️

Last edited 4 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – do a “forgot password” on your yahoo account!


Maybe edit out email posted in the clear (above)?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You should be able to log in through your Yahoo account with the forgotten password. You still may need to check your junk mail or spam folders!


Gmail immediately marked my email from here with a big yellow tag saying it was spam ! And no way to mark it as not spam as with other actual spam!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think I figured out something, because my emails are NOT being labeled as spam. Why? Because I am logged in through WORDPRESS, so the notifications are coming from and Google won’t refuse them.



…and what’s the magic formula for posting tweets?

Deplorable Patriot

Copy and paste.

Deplorable Patriot

The URL which ends in the big number string.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Paste as plain text works really nicely!


Click on tweet so you are viewing only that one tweet to get a clean URL. Then go to address bar and copy address. Paste that into the comment box.


 😀 I did not want Cruz to be President but he does make a hell of a Lawyer.
Hate is a strong word just because one did not support the man. I like his podcast also and he will be great arguing in front of the Supreme Court.
I do understand there were some people who were strong supporters of the man.
He seems to be a nice guy>


I don’t fully trust him … leftover from years at OT and reading SD’s opinions + the 2016 primary and his post primary performance.

However, I don’t hate him and think he does a quality job. I expect he will do his best in this situation and he will have my full, prayerful support.


He will do well because his reputation is on line. In this world what is more valuable than money is a persons good name. Just my thought but understand.

Linda Harrison

He (Cruz) ruined his reputation when he ran against PDJT and then went around to collect all the electors from each state. PDJT had to hire (I think it was Manafort) to get the electors back and secure the rest of them. Cruz came across as a real sleezeball then and has not been forgiven by most. Also, the Cruz supporters were mostly Never Trumpers and it took many of them years to come around (think Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Michelle Malkin). He has been working at getting his reputation back.


I did not realize that

Gail Combs

He pulled a lot of sleazy crap during the 2016 primary.

 Ben Carson accused Cruz of dirty tricks. This was coordinated with CNN.

 This is conduct by Cruz, which he refused to apologize for. Interesting that he refused to apologize to us serfs but does apologize to Carson.


Wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you.


He’s a snake.

And so were a lot of his supporters.

RedState.commie was a snake pit full of Cruzlims and Trump-hating loons 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

I was and still am a Cruz supporter. Name one US senator…other than perhaps Chuck Grassley…who has been a more loyal…and vocal….supporter of President Trump.

Here is a helpful hint: you can’t.

Moreover, a man like Ted Cruz is INFINITELY better than a scumbag like John Cornyn.

Who are your senators?

Linda Harrison

HaHaHa I almost fell off the chair – who are my Senators? Chuck Schumer – I hate to have to admit that.

I always really liked Cruz until he ran against PDJT and started pulling his shenanigans. I don’t believe he would have done that if PDJT knew more at the time. Cruz got caught doing that. I lost a lot of respect for him at the time. The other problem I had with him (not really him but some of his supporters) is that they wouldn’t let go of him. Many became Never Trumpers and I really disliked that.

Cruz is the best man for the job of taking this to the SC. He has spent plenty of time in from of them and is not intimidated as evidenced by the impeachment hearing. I would not like to see him on the SC – we really need him on our side here.

I think Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan would be good candidates for loyalty to PDJT. Cruz wasn’t always this loyal but is coming around, probably disappointed he didn’t win. I think a lot of them are realizing that they could not have gone through what PDJT has gone through.

Nice to talk to you!


Much of what is attributed to Cruz himself was actually the maneuvers of Bush family politicos inside the Cruz campaign.

Remember that going forward.

Linda Harrison

Thank you I will.


“I was and still am a Cruz supporter. Name one US senator…other than perhaps Chuck Grassley…who has been a more loyal…and vocal….supporter of President Trump.”


That’s a pretty low bar to set, considering the ‘august’ body we’re talking about… like saying he’s not the worst in a den of thieves 😂🤣😂

Cruz was very strong on TPP.

In favor of it, that is!

That’s all anyone ever needs to know about Globalist Ted from Canada.


REMEMBER – the attempted hijack of the National Convention? Kendall Unruh and the Never Trumpers trying to steal the nomination for Cruz???

Linda Harrison

I actually forgot until you just mentioned it. Thank you for the reminder.


IF President Trump agrees to have Cruz argue the case at the Supreme Court, I am 100% good with it.

Trump Train for the duration.

Linda Harrison

I have tremendous respect for Rudy, but I agree, I would be 100% good with Cruz.


Yup. 100% respect for Rudy. Solid integrity and incredibly smart.

But, Cruz a better fit, me thinks.


First it was the socceer balls for the Train kids and i went???
Then the really weird, worse than weird primary campaign.
I don’t hate Cruz just, always keeping one eye open when it comes to him.


Ted Cruz would be a superb choice to argue the case. Absolutely stellar.

His reputation before the SCOTUS is exceptional, he is a SCOTUS expert, and has argued 9 times before the court (most who have done so…and few do…have done it only once).

It is no accident his name is being brought up in context to this case, and it is quite clear that even the left expects the court to take it up.


Good to know.


Cruz would be a stellar SCOTUS justice!

Linda Harrison

Yes he would. Look how many times we have needed him and would have been desperate without him since PDJT took office. Just not ready to let him go yet. Once he is SCOTUS we loose access to him.


“Cruz would be a stellar SCOTUS justice!”



He ignored the Constitutional eligibility requirements to run for POTUS, he was pro-TPP, and his personality could peel paint.


I did not want Cruz to be President


He should be president of Canada.


We don’t want him. I don’t trust anyone who speaks in phrases like a Pentecostal Revival Evangelist. Lin Woods must have taken same classes.

BTW it’s a Prime Minister in Canada because of British roots that became a “Dominion”. Current PM is rumoured to have Cuban, Fidel Castro, as Father and Mother, Margaret Sinclair, while estranged from her husband PM Pierre Elliot Trudeau. We Just call him Trudy b/c he can’t determine which bathroom to use.

Maybe Cruz and Trudy are related ….


Until Cruz got weird in the primary, I truly wanted to see Trump appoint him to the Supreme Court.


I am an “all’s fair in love and war” type, and politics is war!

When President Trump was Candidate Trump he was a real bastard to his opponents, and I say that in the MOST ADMIRING WAY.

Cruz was a bastard, too. He lost, Trump won (thank God, from my perspective).

I don’t hold it against them.



And it is….and was….nothing compared to what democrats do.


I don’t hate Cruz–he just on my watch list. Not totally sure he would truly stand with Trump if the whole house of cards actually came down.
Don’t think the house of cards will come down. For some reason I truly believe in my gut that the Lord has more for Trump to do in the White House.
Maybe all of this has been a test for us,and how strong our faith is.
Hey, I will admit there are times I wonder,

comment image

Last edited 4 years ago by kinthenorthwest

Cruz would do a excellent job presenting argument in SCOTUS again. This argument have a determinative outcome. That is, they do not depend upon involvement by POTUS to have an outcome. He does have some great Attorneys such as SC specialist Jay Sekulow also.





Yeah. Rudy’s a lawyer, so I think he was asking a question he already knows the answer to.




Rex, did you post a new article today?


Yesterday. TWO of them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The longer they resist, the more “China” things look.

JW in Germany

We have special wonton soup with water from ‘Yellow’ river for Chinese spies.

come to timmy

Yep. More exposure. Clarity.


Sure, I like the STORM!comment image

Deplorable Patriot

This is getting good.


SOCTUS cannot decline to hear this case at this point.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ohio? I’m impressed!!!


’bout time




ARIZONA is in it, but I have not heard Georgia is suing Georgia.

Deplorable Patriot

HOLY $#!+! They’re now calling the whistleblowers.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The COUP is being eaten alive by army ants.

Deplorable Patriot

Army ants, or flesh and blood patriots who were betrayed and are now speaking up to help save the republic.

Cuppa Covfefe

Fire ants – a red wave!


Based on this, can the state be sued for damages? Holy smokes if Mark Geragos uses this in his lawsuit I d say its a smoking gun.

steve hilton (@SteveHiltonx) Tweeted:
now they ADMIT their Lockdown is not about controlling the virus but CONTROLLING YOU

outdoor dining is NOT dangerous. forcing people indoors is MORE LIKELY to spread the virus

the cruel clueless Democrats running California have no credibility #ResistLockdown #LockdownRebellion


Leaders from the very beginning warned us of this.

comment image


Ecclesiastes 1:9-10


I want that, too!



Well, they are haven’t changed as much as they tried to pretend they had.
Good reminder for those have drifted back to them over the last 4 yrs.


That list of “editors” is quite telling. Thomas Sowell, really? I understand carny loon Glenn Beck, but Sowell?


That’s like my Blockbusters membership. Sowell simply never bothered to resign.



They’re like pod people popping up EVERYWHERE!


McCarthy is a NEVERTrumper, a NeverPatriot and he’s been covering for the DS, FBI for a long time. I believe he is a former FBI lawyer.

He’s going to be mighty unhappy that he ends up looking like a fool.

Concerned Virginian

I think the National Review is a sorry mess.
Not anything like it was 40+ years ago.
My late husband and I met through one of the “Personal Ads” that NR used to run back in the day. He and were together for 38 years before he passed away.

Concerned Virginian

And I have a copy of his ad that I responded to ……


Sounds like good times 🙂 Totally different world from Tinder to be sure.

But once we recover our conservative media, and Trump’s media empire is up and running, the good times might be back!


National Review of RINO Losers Club



Why just her, AOC, Harris and several other democratic politicians have made similar threats in the last several years. Waters has been making similar speeches for more than two years now.
This is why it is so very essential that the Democrats don’t get the steal.

MI Democrat Removed From Committees, Facing ‘Investigations’ After Making ‘Threats’ Against Trump Supporters


guess MI GOP politicians are growing a spine.

All others you mentioned are dems elected go federal office. Need DC GOP to grow a spine


It’s about time. Many people already have been hurt and the explosives thrown into a home the other day…if it was in her State they should sue her


The pols that have abandoned civility and vow to create lists to punish Trump supporters, deny us jobs, etc…they need to be sued over and over. If they can’t behave like a civil human being then they can pay damages. If their peers won’t censure them we should.


Seeing the words in print was scary for me but oh crap..I just found a site with her video.
Damn she is one ……………..lady. What I do fear is that this is more of this going on in the back rooms, and she is first one that actually voiced it in public..
Damn I am probably going to have night mares tonight. Teach me for losing that other addie.
Michigan Democrat threatens Trump supporters on Facebook Live and calls on ‘soldiers’ to make them ‘pay’

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m having fun with the “Badges” after Scott said “We don’t need no stinkin’ badges!”  😉 


Wolfie, if you knew me, “cute chipmunk” would be the last thing you would use to describe me. Ha ha ha!  😀 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey, on the internet, nobody can tell you’re not a ……. cute chipmunk! 😀

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Checking to see what I am.

WOLVERINE??? 🦋🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🦋🚀🚀🚀

Last edited 4 years ago by bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎

Can we get the criteria for the badges?
And what they mean?


“Can we get the criteria for the badges?
And what they mean?”


For a while there I thought ‘cute chipmunk’ meant You’re the best, but I was wrong, apparently that’s what Fox means 👍 😁


Don’t know about that 🙂
Think it is just a comment or like amount.
I asked wolf to explain……
Hopefully he will soon.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Comment numbers:

1 Cute Chipmunk
100 Fox
1000 Wolverine
10000 Coyote
100000 Wolf

That is, until I change it to something else! 😉



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We may be dumping this feature – I will ask the group later.

Deplorable Patriot

The way it is now, I think it’s kind of cute.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think it’s a bit like Cub Scouts and Brownies – back before commies took them over.


Uh oh, I gotta check. Have I got one?


Lol! You’re killing me. Is there a vicious, liberal-slaying, monster badge?


“Is there a vicious, liberal-slaying, monster badge?”


You just described the heinously dangerous and destructive cute chipmunk as it exists in its natural habitat 😁


Lol! I love it!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Chupalibtarda may indeed be featured in an upcoming version of these badges! 😉



Concerned Virginian

Thank you for my “Cute Chipmunk”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re welcome! I think it beats a mere “Member”!!! 😀


How does one qualify for “Eldritch Horror”?

— asking for a friend.


Grannie don’t have a badge…
That’s OK I figured out how to do pics! At least I think I have LOL
Oh and yes I do have blonde hair.

comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Martin Geddes tweeted this out. Wolfie, Gail, please add to your data. Yep, it’s about population control – sterilization – killing off the non-elites.
comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, this makes sense. It’s actually even smarter than what I thought it was.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This explains everything. It’s a legit vaccine that can be hijacked easily and if you don’t know what you’re looking for, you can’t find the sabotage, but the insiders were suspicious of something sketchy (this is just like what happened with me in “shallow state”).

OMG – it’s nasty.

Deplorable Patriot

These people are nasty. No scruples at all.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They were TRAINED to view human population as THE primary problem.

We can’t trust these vaccines, IMO. Not unless they’ve been rigorously analyzed by people who don’t trust the vaccines. The evil is genius because the destructive agent is given almost PERFECT COVER by the “good” agent.

What this is saying EXPLAINS perfectly all of the “weird” and “bad” science that’s been going on. There has been no concern about genetic incorporation because they managed to make even talk of this taboo – and that is why the Moderna scientists HEDGED in their paper in such a general way. It’s pretty brilliant.

I’m just shocked, because what this guy is saying is either true, or the best screenplay ever invented, because it “accidentally” explains all of REALITY.

Put another way – if I was an evil scientist, I would sign on with this methodology immediately as a workable way to kill off most of humanity.

This bit about the reverse transcriptase activity – holy crap – that is exactly my concern on these genetic vaccines, but I was thinking that’s arguably a minor consideration, fingers crossed, except possibly over a long lifetime, exposed to many things.



“They were TRAINED to view human population as THE primary problem.”


Doesn’t matter how ‘trained’ one is, murder is still murder, and genocide is still genocide.

They are without excuse, and the Tree of liberty is about to be watered with the blood of many tyrants.


I was certain theres goingbto be in vitro concerns. But its looking like it won’t go that far.
The unclean masses are rebelling and they want us gone.
The ultimate goal of the global “reset.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I say refuse these vaccines. I’m no longer interested.


“Yup. I say refuse these vaccines. I’m no longer interested.”


I’m coming around to that same conclusion… again… and again 😁


With the Pfizzter disclosure about people with allergies potentially having bad reactions, we can all ask doctor if they believe in “first do no harm” and when they say yes, explain we have had serious allergic reactions in the past and feel the risk for harm are too great.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There are going to be a lot of ways to decline.

Anybody who thinks they had COVID-19 can reject any of the vaccines, because none of the vaccines have, to my knowledge, been proven safe and effective in people who already had the disease.

Next, people with kids need to begin filing lawsuits, because none of the vaccines have been tested for the necessary time (75 years, IMO) in humans. But even bigger, none of the vaccines have been tested for teratogenic, sterilizing, or second-generation cancer effects in OFFSPRING of people taking the vaccine.

Just because the FDA declares SAFE, does not actually mean SAFE.

These vaccines are wonderful for saving old and highly vulnerable people. But they are way too risky to give to kids, IMO.

Anybody still thinking of having children should not get these genetic vaccines, either, IMO.

We don’t have to allege that anybody has tampered with the vaccines. Genetic vaccines are automatically risky and are untested in kids. NO, NO, NO – kids should not take these, IMO.

Beyond these issues, I trust the disease not to try to sterilize people. I do NOT trust crazy Bill Gates and his depopulationist ChiCom friends, who have now flipped the tables on “one child policy”, and are running a medical policy to eliminate AMERICANS instead of their own kids.

ChiNazis, worse than Nazis. And who helped them? Yeah. Something to think about.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The bottom line is this. Nobody planning on having children should take these mRNA or DNA vaccines. And frankly I would not take any vaccines unitl these people are in jail. You’re hearing that from a defender of vaccines. Vaccines are good, when good people are behind them, and those good people are WISE to how sneaky the EVIL people really are.

Sure helps having a commie dupe pope right now. Satan is on his best game!


Amen goes right here!!!! And until the Lord returns to say otherwise, or Dr. Judy Mikovits endorses the vaccine, I won’t be taking any either.


“Vaccines are good, when good people are behind them, and those good people are WISE to how sneaky the EVIL people really are.”


I guess the next logical question is…

How often is that? 😁


I have read that the homeopathic doctors 100 years ago had perfectly working remedies for all the nasties. Every mom could have a little kit to use in their own homes. But they were taken down by the early form of BIG MED. Jailed for quackery. Chiropractors too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Homeopathy ultimately fades into placebo, IMO, since there is no physical or biological explanation of efficacy, even if one ASSUMES efficacy, BUT in my opinion the “division” of homeopaths and allopaths was a useful tool to force medicine to gravitate toward chemically profitable large-dose and new-drug thinking, as opposed to small-dose and old-drug thinking. Part of the take-over of medicine.

After what I saw with HCQ, I realize just how bad things really are. Science has been highly corrupted and compromised.


My best guess is that the science that explains the efficacy is part of the hidden knowledge we’ve been denied related to frequency resonance, quantum entanglement and energetic informatics.

A chemistry researcher (Australia?) studied the end product of what should be by the math too diluted to contain even one molecule of the original substance. He found that the substance was still present. This was because it had bonded with silica crystals from the glass bottle. Obviously very small crystals.

Have you ever heard that researching vaccine injury was the “3rd rail” of medicine that you dare not touch? Well, in science the 3rd rail is the study of the properties of water. Big smear done on “poly water” back in the day. The evidence of a 4th crystalline state of water managed to get published, but perhaps only because the technical language obscured the implications. Luc Montagnier of course paid dearly for his proof of imprinting DNA into water using frequencies.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m going to have to get “Scotty” on this one! 😉

My best guess is that the science that explains the efficacy is part of the hidden knowledge we’ve been denied related to frequency resonance, quantum entanglement and energetic informatics.

The thing is, ALL of this stuff – every last bit of it (and I speak of this from experience in the art) proceeds from the most basic rules of quantum mechanics, by which NONE of it is magical – the “quantization of matter per se” – the most basic atomic principles of EQUIVALENCE and COUNTING. Whatever 5 gets you, 10 gets you twice as much, unless it’s squared, in which case it’s 4 times as much. Or vice versa, to get a known quantity less.

Quantum mechanics may give what looks like WEIRD results, but they are not MAGICAL results, and they never actually look magical, IMO. Even the strangest results can be explained in ways that don’t violate the most basic principles of causality.

We know how drugs work, more or less. Absence of drugs works pretty much like absence of impurities. If it ain’t there, you don’t worry about it.

A chemistry researcher (Australia?) studied the end product of what should be by the math too diluted to contain even one molecule of the original substance. He found that the substance was still present. This was because it had bonded with silica crystals from the glass bottle. Obviously very small crystals.

Again, all this is is popcorn kernels stuck in the bottom of the bag. The math is working – beautifully. Dilution cannot remove what refuses to be removed. We are no longer talking entropy and statistically controlled retention of a free thing – we’re talking enthalpy and atomic forces and refusal to budge. And the beauty of THAT is that stuff stuck to the glass ain’t going in you. It’s REAL magic stays with it – and never gets to the receptors where it COULD actually do something! 😀

Have you ever heard that researching vaccine injury was the “3rd rail” of medicine that you dare not touch? Well, in science the 3rd rail is the study of the properties of water. Big smear done on “poly water” back in the day. The evidence of a 4th crystalline state of water managed to get published, but perhaps only because the technical language obscured the implications. Luc Montagnier of course paid dearly for his proof of imprinting DNA into water using frequencies.

I had never heard about this until now.

Oh, I have a theory about this one.

A CHICOM IN HIS LAB. Maybe a few.

Seriously, this is beautiful scientific discreditation. I can almost SEE that he had a “Uri Geller” leading him by the nose.

Western scientists are such fools. They think the world operates on the gentleman’s scientific ethics taught to them when they’re kids. No. I learned the hard way. The science world is now filled with horror of every kind, just like politics. Traitors, dupes, spies, mafia, fools, handlers, manipulators, and political cutthroats.

And it’s ALL gonna come out now. Climate science was the biggest scam ever pulled in science, and will dwarf scandals going back for centuries. Once you see how China *almost* destroyed human science, you can’t unsee it.


Good theory!
(Accusations of contamination is what they tried on Mikovitz too.)
But he sent it to independent labs in other countries.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gudthots
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. No way the ChiComs could deal with that! 😉

I don’t think people realize just how mercenary and sneaky the ChiComs have been.

The Zhang “pop-up” mask paper really clued me in to how bad things are.

International science is, has been, and always will be a BATTLEFIELD for the ChiComs. People are going to see how much so.


He followed up by holding an international conference on water research. Some of the talks were too thick (in detail and accents) for me to really understand. But those who could follow seemed to feel it was noteworthy.


Frequencies were suppressed quickly and early.

In the 1930’s, a dedicated California scientist discovered an inexpensive cure for many life-threatening diseases, including Typhoid Fever, Tuberculosis, Streptococcus Infection, and amazingly, Cancer. Rife’s discovery was so revolutionary, it promised to eliminate all germ-created disease.

Royal Raymond Rife not only identified two viruses that cause cancer, he also discovered a cure, and during clinical trials, “hopeless” cancer cases were cured.

This should have been a time for great rejoicing, but the established medical community would suffer a severe blow if an inexpensive cure were found.

In an effort to suppress the news of his breakthrough, a massive cover-up was started involving blackmail, conspiracies, arson, vandalism, theft and bribery. His associates were harassed and imprisoned. Some of them were even murdered. This is his story.


A physicist that apparently had fled the US in order to share his work more freely has these equations (over my head!) that he says predict stuff like molecular structures and the Schumann resonance among other things has put out a challange:

His websites look like my lab books. A scrambled but meaningful mess.

I forgot to add:
Physicans on multiple continents using devices following his physics are reporting some very promising results.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gudthots

Does the notifier tell you that I edited that last reply three times? … zzzz … gonna turn in now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I need sleep, too!


Now, I’m probably just spamming you, but I’m convinced that your push back will force me to clarify my own thoughts, so thank you for that.

I’m a kinetic/visual learner and I’ve studied Netter anatomy drawings and images in Sensitive Chaos for untold hours in fascination. The floor of the 3rd ventricle right above the “main engine room” of the pituitary gland appears to me to be shaped in a funnel or vortex where CSF would flow. Even sweat glands were recently discovered to be spirals that could act as millimeter wave guides.

Last edited 4 years ago by Gudthots

I would say evil is a more appropriate word to describe it.

Gail Combs

Wolfie and treepers Archived as:


Last edited 4 years ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs

To NOT have it translate to a tiny picture you have to do

(It took three tries. A splat does not disable.)


Yep. The new commenting system is too smart for it’s own britches.


That’s massive death-penalty stuff, for everyone involved.

Crimes against humanity.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s anti-human genocide on a massive scale. It’s *extremely* intelligent.

But if I wanted to clean humans off this planet, I would get humans to do this to themselves.


A lot of the Vax disinfo campaign is starting to make a lot more sense. . . comment image


Heh. I almost got one of those at Weird Stuff Warehouse back in the 90’s. IIRC, it was $150. One of the cards on the backplane was its 56-bit processor, built out of components.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. And that great book about Data General’s answer to the VAX has a new meaning: “Soul Of A New Machine”…

(Next in the shelf to “I, Robot” and “Ship Of Fools”)….


I think there’s some irony in how Gates stole VMS to create Windows NT, but today he’s the biggest Vax salesman in history.

Cuppa Covfefe

Actually he stole Dave Cutler, who IIRC led the project (Archictected it). One might term it “desperately seeking Alpha” 🙂

There are other platforms which booted NT, but never were released. PA-RISC among them…

And this Vax is a HUGE risk, no fun…


Good. Google has done far more to deserve to be broken up than even Facebook has, and for a longer period of time.


#EricSwalwell #China #Spy
Chinese Spy with Ties to Impeachment Agitator Rep. Swalwell UNCOVERED


#Election2020 #SCOTUS #Texas
These Are the Legal Arguments – PA, WI, MI, & GA Ordered to Respond at the Supreme Court


Election2020 #Georgia #Constitution
Former US Attorney & GA Resident: “Dismal” Leadership in Georgia to Blame


#Election2020 #Trump #Texas
President Trump MAY JOIN Texas Lawsuit – Jordan Sekulow on Newsmax

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, he has moved to be allowed to intervene…in other words he’s asking SCOTUS to be allowed to present evidence.


And does he ever have evidence!


….and THIS would be the venue to show it.


Wouldn’t that be “stripped bare”?

Deplorable Patriot

And now for something completely different.


Deplorable Patriot

I love this look. Although, Kentucky and Ohio are in as well, I understand.
comment image

Last edited 4 years ago by Deplorable Patriot

Come on Georgia – you can do it!!!


Oh look, I am a cute chipmunk. Why would I ruin that by posting more?!

Last edited 4 years ago by JasonD

Maybe it was supposed to be a chipmonkacabra, one of those mythical animals, but a cute one

Deplorable Patriot

Georgia is a defendant in the case.


I realized that about 20 minutes after I posted – felt a right twit!



Only 10% ?


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Hes not getting a shot!

MaReQ⭐⭐⭐ (@Mareq16) Tweeted:
Sadiq “MB” Khan pulling the same fake-arsed “jab” BS


Cap still on.

MaReQ⭐⭐⭐ (@Mareq16) Tweeted:
Australia’s First Minister with the same BS


As promised here

President Trump has intervened in the TX case



He and Kemp too probably have no idea what the white hats have on them but they definitely have an idea of what the black hats and the comment image


NC patriots #seventeen (@robbones4) Tweeted:
@Mareq16 @FathersDaughte4

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. The Cremation of Care, at Bohemian Grove.

These people are TRULY EVIL!


She’s trying to rehab her previous rant……….see.. she was talking about all their many social justice beefs..we misunderstood her. No we didn’t !

come to timmy

Racism racism racism… Jeezus!
Hey you foul lady, some of my favorite pro-Trump channel producers on youtube bitchute happen to be black. The only reason you don’t recognize that the MAGA movement is comprised of genuine diversity is willful blindness or you’re just obeying your China slave masters, prating what you are instructed.

Last edited 4 years ago by come to timmy

She called out her “soldiers”.
I think she was calling out ANTI Frauds and Burn, Loot and Murderers.



I hate it when there;s so many things happening at one time. We can miss sneaky moves~


Looks like an outrage.
The idea that we will need more workers than we have when America gets all her production back is the only silver lining on this one.

Last edited 4 years ago by Realsauce

Language warning:

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No idea why it didn’t post.


And now it did. /smh


Precisely what I said was going to be PJDT’s “intervention” in the Texas case.

It could not have been anything less.


Patrick Bryne (former CEO of Overstock and a patriot) is interviewed again by Dave Janda regarding election issues (This is a new video…they had done a prior one as well)


Folks, I am listening to this…this is an incredibly synthesis of the election cheating. They talk about Seth Rich as well…

I think this video will be taken down…


“Patrick Bryne (former CEO of Overstock and a patriot)”


He must know the ‘O’ girl, she was one of my favorites 😁


I’m listening to the video I posted, Scott. It’s scary…Bryne says that there is 50percent chance that the coup will be successful. The thing is to make the judges do the right thing….the way to ensure it is to protest, and rally in huge numbers, so that the judges are forced to do the right thing.


“Bryne says that there is 50percent chance that the coup will be successful.”


I understand why someone might say that, but I think there’s a zero percent chance the coup will be successful, because DJT is on the side of truth, and because of that, the military will absolutely back him up.

And Cabal doesn’t even stand a tiny chance against the United States military. 👍


“The thing is to make the judges do the right thing….the way to ensure it is to protest, and rally in huge numbers, so that the judges are forced to do the right thing.”


Except if the judges are compromised, if they are being blackmailed (or bought off and blackmailed), then it wouldn’t matter if the entire planet protested.

If there’s a figurative gun to their heads, they won’t do the right thing.

And if there wasn’t a figurative gun to their heads, they would have done the right thing starting a long time ago, and we wouldn’t be here now.


Symbolically it’s all good and well for morale to have large pro-Trump protests, but no credible judge would ever be swayed by a public protest, the Law can’t work that way.

The very nature of being a judge is (supposed to be) to ignore emotion or the mob in favor of justice according to the Law.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Except that very few judges are demonstrating that nature. I think that is what Bryne is alluding to. There seems to be few credible judges ….I gave you Judge Sullivan.

I don’t want to be a “Debbie Downer”…but I think Dave Janda and Patrick Bryne are patriots who have experienced the ‘deep state’ in a big way. They know the corruption goes deep, and they say it’s important for the American people to show they are aware…..


Just read the post about Texas filing an Amicus brief at CTH…
SD ended the post with this quote, which in my view is what
Dave Janda and Patrick Byrne are doing…;

…”A true patriot keeps the attention of his fellow citizens awake to their grievances, and not allow them to rest till the causes of their just complaints are removed.”…Samuel Adams


We just did…

…by voting for PDJT so overwhelmingly it broke the pre-programmed algorithms hidden in the voting machine software, forcing the left to manually stuff the ballot boxes with fake ballots.

You can damn well bet that the Justices have been shown the REAL voting data…which WILL come out…and whatever justice tries to stand in front of that is going to be arrested and charged as a traitor.

There WILL be a 9-0 verdict from the SCOTUS on this case.

Book it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I suspect the justices will surmise that “something is going on” beyond their chambers. Failing to do their duty may seem…… UNWISE….. shall we say.


“I suspect the justices will surmise that “something is going on” beyond their chambers. Failing to do their duty may seem…… UNWISE….. shall we say.”


No doubt.

But if they are owned by the Chi-coms, then they have been made very aware what happens to those who do not do as ordered.

And whatever it is, it must be horrific, because I can’t think of a single person who has flipped on them.

So the Chi-coms are the devil they know.

But the American People?

Why would they be afraid of the American People?

The government has always protected them from the American People.

Until or unless DJT lifts that protection, I suspect those who are compromised will remain much more afraid of their Chi-com masters than they will ever be of us.

From their perspective, the Chi-coms are far more dangerous.

That dynamic could not exist without the institutional self-preservation bureaucrats have built into the system over the years.

If our civil servants were afraid of We the People, as they should be, the government could not be oppressive.

If the servants had proper respect for their masters, the government would do only what it was created to do — protect the country from enemies foreign and domestic, and protect the rights of the people — because if they did anything more (or less), they would be tarred and feathered.

But when government becomes a behemoth, the political-class is beyond the reach of We the People, and thus become the exact same monsters that every other unaccountable tyrant becomes.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Deplorable Patriot

I agree on the 9-0. Breyer and Kagan aren’t that dumb, and Sotomayor isn’t going to buck them just to do it.

There’s too much evidence to ignore, and at this point, that’s the only court that can deal with it.


… Despite the delusionment of Judge Sullivan and his son, he does not have the whole World watching his ruling. SCOTUS is fully aware of the seriousness of this question if the Constitutional Republic is to survive and the rest of the World sees it.

God has taken it this far and we must trust Him to allow it to be played out. The outcome will be much better than if we try to write the script.

come to timmy

Torba at Gab added to this graphic that Gab isn’t competing with Twitter but with this:
comment image

Last edited 4 years ago by come to timmy
come to timmy

I would add that these are just some of the gargantuan forces throwing everything they have to demoralize and get about 100 million pissed off Americans to obediently grovel at their thrones of lies and maniacal attempts to exert dictatorial power. Except it ain’t working. It just ain’t working. Love it. Fuckin love it. Sure does get turbulent sometimes.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


It looks like the media from April 3 (partway through the day) and May 25 (partway through the day) didn’t make it through the export/import process.

(I have found and will re-upload the lost eagle images.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! Yes – we lost some media along the way! In particular, even more than “holes in the bucket”, many of the old WEB IMAGES in old posts are no longer there. So if you repair images, just upload directly to this site, and if you have favorite posts with linked images instead of images on our site, I would recommend being “proactive” and replacing linked images and UPDATING the posts.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



More scamdemic methods to screw up healthcare~



It’s finally going to come out. There will be a lot, and they’ll be from all over. I can think of at least 3 possibilities from WA, but I won’t be surprised if there’s not more.


The Chi Coms have listed government officials (state & Federal) by their willingness to be Helpful to the Chi Com cause. They budget to achieve their goals. 😷 



Its not fang fang.
Its Bang Bang.


“Its not fang fang.
Its Bang Bang.”



Classified?? WTH were they doing in that SCIF?


That can now come out as evidence before SCOTUS as Trump has enjoined Texas suit.

Cuppa Covfefe

He probably gassed her…

S o
C old
F arted



Classified huh? There’s Confidential and there is Controversial and they’re not quite the same thing….


This would be interesting:


New article published at Political Moonshine:

The End All, Be All
December 9, 2020

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Working on the saturday daily.

I can’t seem to find the mode I found last week, where I can post a file from the “media” bucket in a format that allows for a caption.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If you use the block editor, and select the block type as an image, then I know that captions are annoyingly present when you CLICK ON the image – and the empty caption will disappear if you click away, or stay if you type something in it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As far as I know I *am* using the block editor, but it’s not offering me the image type as one of the choices.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, they really messed up the editor with their most recent changes. You have to SEARCH for a block type if you don’t see the one you want.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So far I’ve been forced to “embed” the image.

Since I actually created these images, I just made sure the caption was in the image.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

How on earth do you search for a block type?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There’s a search widget in the block pop-up that you get when you hit the button with a big (+) plus sign on the right end of the “paragraph” block. Search on “im…” and by the time you get two letters in there, the image widget will be a choice.

There is also a button to display all block types!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, the Plus Sign!!! Dang. Never realized it did anything!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Oh, that thing has saved my ass – but it’s actually been HARMED by the “improvements” they made to it.


mozilla test


House Intel Republicans not told about Eric Swalwell’s relationship with Chinese spy

Rising serpent

So you’re telling me that not only were House Republicans not told about Eric Swalwell’s Chinese spy problem, Nancy Pelosi promoted him to the house intelligence committee despite his being investigated by the FBI?
Was she rewarding him for something?


There is NO surprise here. It’s all one big club.

Politicians can do anything they want with TOTAL immunity.


Can’t forget that they set each other up for blackmail/leverage. Think Epstein island. With the spy games, hard to know which comes first since the Dems are getting lots of payback from China. Set up some nitwit like Swallwell and have a stooge for life


Just saw this over at NeonRevolt.

Our champion… 😂🤣😂

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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