Remember Which State the Alamo Took Place In! They Are Going To Save Our County…..

God bless the State of Texas and AG Paxton. What he has just done gives us every chance to save our Republic and our country. Keep in mind that there are only a few instances where a party can file a direct lawsuit with the U.S. Supreme Court, a state claiming harm by another state is one of those instances.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed a lawsuit [pdf here] with the Supreme Court seeking and emergency injunction against Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia “from taking action to certify presidential electors or to have such electors take any official action including without limitation participating in the electoral college.”

AG Paxton argues that arbitrary changes made by the state’s governors, secretaries of states and election supervisors were “inconsistent with relevant state laws and were made by non-legislative entities, without any consent by the state legislatures. The acts of these officials thus directly violated the Constitution.”

The lawsuit states: “these non-legislative changes … facilitated the casting and counting of ballots in violation of state law, which, in turn, violated the Electors Clause of Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution.” […] “By these unlawful acts, the Defendant States have not only tainted the integrity of their own citizens vote, but their actions have also debased the votes of citizens in Plaintiff State and other States that remained loyal to the Constitution.”

Paxton notes the intent of the states may have been changes in good faith, due to COVID-19 mitigation efforts; however, the end result of the changes is in direct violation to the Constitution and therefore creates the harm.

“Certain officials in the Defendant States presented the pandemic as the justification for ignoring state laws regarding absentee and mail-in voting.” […] “The Defendant States flooded their citizenry with tens of millions of ballot applications and ballots in derogation of statutory controls as to how they are lawfully received, evaluated, and counted. Whether well intentioned or not, these unconstitutional acts had the same uniform effect they made the 2020 election less secure in the Defendant States.”

This is absolutely brilliant!

Here is an excellent thread by Roscoe B. Davis explaining what this entails and what the outcome will be once 5 justices rule in favor of the injunction.

This is for all the marbles! This determines whether we are a country of laws or not. Whether our Constitution lives on or dies.

Our President absolutely understands the magnitude of this case! Look what he retweeted:

God bless the AG of Arkansas as well as the other 5 AGs that joined AG Paxton.

The MSM, Democrats, Leftists, Never Trumpers, RINOS etc. are continuing to try and gaslight the country. They can take their safe harbor deadline and wipe their asses with it!

From the article linked above:

And thank God for Ken Paxton, the Texas AG who has put together one barnburner of an election case.

Here are the very brief details on the case:

Paxton believes that he can use “Article II” to take his lawsuits against PA, WI, GA, and MI straight to the SCOTUS, bypassing the lower courts totally.

And he’s putting it to the test. He filed a lawsuit at around midnight last night, arguing that PA, WI, GA, and MI violated the Electors Clause of the Constitution because they made changes to voting rules and procedures through the courts or through executive actions, but not through the state legislatures.

In other words, they bypassed Republican legislatures to do their little workarounds with mail-in ballots and registrations, etc.

That goes against the Constitution.  All of those changes had to be made via the state legislatures and they were not.

Here’s a great video from a lawyer that explains the suit in detail:

Our President understands the magnitude of the Supreme Court’s upcoming decision. That is why this occurred yesterday:

The Insurrection Act will be announced by our President soon after the Supreme Court rules in his favor!

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you, Flep! Anybody else seeing that JetPack is attributing all these recent author posts to me – that’s just JetPack needing a good sync, IMO, after doing plugin updates and extensions. This is Flep’s article, and it should be attributed to him. Still is, in the article, I’m sure.


I am seeing article attribution to Flep.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good – I think it’s only in the notifications – JetPack is messing up and saying “Wolf Moon published”, when normally it’s the Author, not the Admin.


sorry to bother you but why are my comments “awaiting approval” here ?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This one clearly didn’t! Are you sure? I didn’t see you in the mod bin.


flep took care of it…thnx

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m fine with flep releasing stuff, but when it comes to solving over-moderation problems, that’s all on me and the user, but don’t worry – we will figure it out.


ok…yeah…I’m pretty sure it’s something I’m not doing right…or compatible with the new site set-up…but I’m just not up to going back…back…back…and SCROLLING thru tons of previous Comments of The How here…

zero patience with that…I’m an Old Broad and get annoyed easily…lol…

anyway…if it keeps happening each time I start to Comment in a Thread, I guess you or someone will have to TELL ME what it is that I need to do, so as to be “approved” as a “member” on an ongoing basis.
thnx a lot.

I appreciate the herculean efforts you are making with this new site.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! I think I may have found the problem. You have a login account here using the site login, but it has your name on it. So it looks like you are now logged in either as a guest or through your WordPress account. Complicated business. Are you seeing my replies in notifications or on the page – or BOTH?


seeing yr Repiles in both…here on the thread page as well as in my email…and…in the BLACK BAR BELL thingie (finally got that up & visible)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, OK – you have JetPack working through your site account. Good. Your situation is tenuous, but and JetPack have IDed you as the right person. No problems.


oookay…I never “set-up” any JetPack app download…ok whatever…doesn’t matter…

thnx for checking on this, Wolf…

if I need to change or do something, plse keep me advised.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We will fix it if it breaks!





bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Yep, it says from Wolf in the Bell drop down bar. If you follow the site, you can turn on notifications for new posts for the SITE. Since it’s Wolfie’s Site, it puts his name on the Notification. Flep as Author is mentioned several times on the individual Post. You can turn the Post notification off.
I rather like it, let’s me know when new Posts are posted.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

To me, that is the most important notification – the “new posts” stuff.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Yep, I never turned that option on until we moved here. I used to miss a lot of posts by camping on the daily page. I LIKE IT!!!👍🤸‍♀️😁

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Found something new. Right Underneath top comment box, you’ll see X# Comments and then a people Icon to the right. Click on people icon. Brings up all your comments ever made. Let’s you DELETE??? Is that even possible??? 😲😲 Does that mean we need to archive?? Can you turn off??? 😱😱😱

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks for the tip. I turned it off. It is there for GDPR compliance, but I believe GDPR compliance is used by the wicked globalists and CIA to play spy games. I will comply with legitimate GDPR deletion requests, but they have to go through me, to verify that they are NOT simply deceptive “spyjinks”!

E.g., I will not delete evidence of CRIMES because some globo-nazi player pretends they need the evidence erased for their phony BOO-HOO reasons.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Oh Crap! It works! I actually deleted my Reply to DP. It changed her reply to the deleted comment to a reply to herself. This is CrayZee!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks for the tip. The feature is now OFF.

Deplorable Patriot

On the notification bell, yes, all posts are attributed to you. However, in the comments, the author is identified, and you are listed as “Admin.”


Anybody else seeing that JetPack is attributing all these recent author posts to me…”

I’ve noticed that, boss…in the Notifications, as you’ve mentioned.

Wasn’t going to bring it up since you’ve got so much other stuff to attend to.
 😉  😘 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, we’ll get it fixed eventually! 😀


wow Thank you Flep-Sort of…
You reminded me of this John Wayne Alamo clip-which had me tearing up even more than the last time.I watched it ..That is why I said “sort of”!
Lived in Texas for 6 years, and they are one big proud state of Texans. They are proud of the good the bad and the ugly that made Texas the state and people who they are! Don’t see that much any more.! God Bless Texas-God Bless America.
Thank You Flep–  ❤  ❤ 

Last edited 4 years ago by kinthenorthwest

Excellent … 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸


I’m saving this, TY kin .. ❤️


Ya! Flep is Back!
Missed you bud 🙂


Wow! Great info Flep. Thank you.

“God Bless Texas”, comes to mind.


Next 72-96 hours may be incredibly exciting, historic…




Dunno, WGTT.


(Weapons Grade Tah Tah’s)


Always know’m when I see’m.  😃 


and once you’ve seen one set…….
You want to see ’em all?
(Ron White joke)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There was some country-esque musician who did a song called “show them to me” but I think it was Ron White who came up with the line “thank you! Now roll them up” in reference to some granny’s that he had wanted to see.

Last edited 4 years ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Rodney Carrington:

WARNING!… You’re Gonna see some 🙂

Last edited 4 years ago by rayzorback
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m in the notifier and I can’t see, but if that’s the video I saw I could do without the “man boobs” for sure.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I mean there was one validly interesting pair in there…but just one.


I saw a few more than 1

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK, maybe it’s a different video.

More than one bare hairless pair?




Have not had time to check this site out much…. but looks promising for the “trials”


Good find, rayzor!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Ali Alexander’s place. 😉


wow bfly…behind your name is ACTIVE MEMBER…

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

That means I’m yakking too much??? Or maybe too many 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️?? Or 🥓🥓🥓??😋😂🤣🥰


I think it’s the cartwheels…LOL

Valerie Curren

Now I’m seeing animal descriptors, you are a Fox 🙂 bfly is a Wolverine (as is Wolf) & Steve in Co is a Cute Chipmunk

Wicked sense of humor in there somewhere LOL

Valerie Curren

Apparently I’m a Fox too 🙂

We pulled out our old wedding album, nearly 3 decades ago now, & my kids were raving about how gorgeous I was & allegedly still am. So I’ll take that Fox descriptor & run with it even if my self-perception runs in other directions!


According to a mug a guy from college once gifted me I’m an “Out of Touch Unicorn Unaware that it is a Myth!!!”

I’m also highly identified w/ that Looney Tunes frog that sings Everybody’s Doing the Michigan Rag but only is impressive for the private audience…put on a stage for a crowd it just gets fruit thrown at it!!!

 🍓   🍅   🍞  My husband once threw a half loaf of stale bread at me (I used to shop at the “day old” store in our Northern Michigan town) from across the room–the First & Last time Anything was Ever Thrown at me!!! That was standard communication between him & his ex-girlfriend, at least on her part, not to mention the Silent Treatment…

 🐸   🐦  The Cardinal is a family history surname & the mascot of my parents’ High School!
comment image

I wonder if the gif will work, I guess we’ll find out. Blessings!

Valerie Curren

OK for the gif, fyi, I went to image search & opened the item & right clicked “copy image address” & pasted it here. Since it ended in .gif I didn’t do anything else to it & it appears fine, at leas to me 🙂


Thanks Flep

Finally the continued practice of putting the cart before the horse by the Ds+RINOs, is catching up with them.

Maybe we now have an end to doing things out of the correct order, whether physical, logical, or legal as is the case here.


This thread, posted by Ting yesterday, makes a good point about another reason this Texas lawsuit is so important – the ability to introduce evidence to the Supreme Court.


Really find it strange that whenever some crazy court ruling hits the news, it from an Obama appointed judge. You know those rulings that say Trump can’t do ???, even though the constitutions says he can!


Wictor is one really clever dude


Now I have to share one of my other Texas videos, for a bit of a giggle
How you know you’re shopping in Texas!!

Last edited 4 years ago by kinthenorthwest

I Literally Laughed out LOUD!


me too


🧐👍‼️😂🤣😂🤣😂 .. bwahahahahaha

🤨🤚❤️ ..


LOL. That is so darn funny! And true. My daughter went to a Church service last Sunday and said almost everyone was packing.

In Texas over 1.3 million citizens hold an LTC. The instructors can’t keep up with the demand. 😁


True if you think back to that second church shooting in Texas.
Man shot one and was then gunned down by plain clothes church security guard as three, possibly four more persons drew and came for the gunman, all happening in seconds.

I don’t recall any more church shootings in Texas since.

Last edited 4 years ago by para59r

Happy to see youve authored a new post on our new site.
Insurrection act.
Something ive not seen addressed is how would it be applied? Our country is so big and the cabal is spread out. How do they catch everyone without mass riots?


I do believe we all knew that no matter who won the election there was going to still be riots. Didn’t expect them to so blatantly try and steal the election though.
If you didn’t know Antifa is still out and about in Portland still creating problems! Just yesterday they started another fire.

Last edited 4 years ago by kinthenorthwest

Havent had time to look at everything. Thats their city sponsored activity…


“Insurrection act.
Something ive not seen addressed is how would it be applied?”


Very ‘liberal-ly’ 😁







comment image


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton went to Baylor and UVA Law School


This man is an O U T S T A N D I N G .. PATRIOT, God bless and protect him and his family.
.. 🤨👍‼️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸‼️

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Great read, Flep. So glad you are back posting important news.I missed your posts.
I read roscoe’s thread, and now I have a question…

Roscoe says:
“If the Paxton suit is successful, it will disqualify any electors from the four states in question, based the relief being sought 
That’s 62 electors gone from the final count. That means no one reaches 270 and we have a contingent election & the 12th Amendment kicks in and the House determines the POTUS and the Senate the VP.”

My question:
Is Congress the House? And if so, isn’t it democrat controlled? And if so, isn’t it dangerous that they get to determine POTUS…couldn’t they decide Pelosi is POTUS? (Heaven forbid!…)


The contingent election rules are different — it’s in the House, but it’s under a different rule — each state has one vote (Senate-like). While the usual suspects are Dem, about 30 of the 50 states would have a GOP vote in their state.


A very relieved thanks!


Wish you had omitted that last sentence! I think I am a bit green now.  😱 


Yes, I felt a bit green too when I asked the question, but cthulhu’s response set my mind at ease. Hope it sets you at ease too.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It shouldn’t…but at least Pelosi probably won’t be a factor.

The house has to choose from the top THREE electoral vote getters.

There SHOULD only be two vote getters, but if so much as one elector casts his ballot for someone else, that person is in third place.

Last time around Colin Powell got three electoral votes.

If PA, etc. get their votes tossed, WATCH to see who gets faithless elector votes; whoever gets the most COULD BE the next President. If it’s some RINO then I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Republican states (and a few Democrat states) voting for that person, and we have President RINO all of the sudden.


YAY!!!!! Flep’s an AUTHOR!!!! This site keeps getting better and better!!!!


Now nine states are joining Texas:
From:Nine States have joined Texas in the SCOTUS case – (We) Are The News

Post 11958663 2 hours ago • View on 8kun


>We have Texas bringing the case to the SCOTUS against Ga., MI., Pa., & Wi., with Louisiana, Alabama, Arkansas & Missouri joining. Any other states so far?


>We have Texas bringing the case to the SCOTUS against Ga., MI., Pa., & Wi., with Louisiana, Alabama, Arkansas & Missouri joining. Any other states so far?

Greg Kelly says  duchess01:20 mark … “Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, South Dakota, Louisiana” & we got notice from Missouri AG on twitter! NINE STATES have joined Texas so far!!!


For those keeping track, that’s 20% of the States telling the cheats to KNOCK IT THE F*** OFF.


They won’t knock it off… have to be pushed right toward the trap-door.

Hood optional.

Noose mandatory.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I wouldn’t object too much if that rope had thorns in it, big ones.

Actually, I wouldn’t object at all.


Was actually hoping they would choose the firing squad and we could have a raffle, like for elk hunts…j/k.  😋 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You may have been kidding. I’d buy a lot of tickets.


Piano wire would work


and the South rises up again!


Mike Adams says that all votes after Nov 3 are likely to be thrown out…based on a legal analyst’s opinion:

” a legal analyst revealing that the U.S. Supreme Court has already ruled in 1997 (Foster v Love) that all ballots received after midnight of Election Day are null and void.
This means the vote stuffing, early morning rigging and subsequent ballot “discovery” schemes by the Democrats are all unconstitutional and therefore null and void.

Hope the link will post correctly:


This would be the outcome I’d hope to see from SCOTUS. Don’t want it thrown into the Congress.

It’s a reasonable outcome and does not disenfranchise the legitimate (or reasonably legitimate) votes of those states. It should also be applied to all states, as it’s clear many massive shifts in vote totals happened overnight – that shouldn’t have happened.

Counting ballots for days and weeks AFTER an election is open fraud, then consider the weeks and months before an election that encourage fraud voting. Dems have sleazed by all these years pretending they’re worried about missing a voter, no they just want to cheat.

Time for it end.


Hope that applies to down ballot voting, as well….like the 12 ballots just “discovered” in a desk drawer (imagine that!) for a close race in NY that was already called for the Republican. It’s utter nonsense.


If those 12 ballots are thrown out they’ll find 25 more behind the refrigerator in the break room.


I’d be willin’ to bet that if that applies to down ballots, we would get the House back.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

The ballots are not reliable, many are all mixed together, dead people, illegals, etc…. Signatures weren’t checked on absentee ballots AND they threw away the envelopes. Too many violations to sort through, it’s futile. That’s why Paxton is saying give it to the states, give it to the Legislators elected by the People.


Thank you so much, Felice!

Sorry, but I can’t like the post at the new site, even logged in.


Have you tried, lately? (Since the new round of changes have come through?)

You currently have one like from Gudthots. I’m going to try to like this — and it should be a like from guest (since I’m not a member).


And it looked like it worked from this end.


Ha! Thanks for the heads-up, I was wondering how you could tell T3 had liked GA/FL’s post… now we can see who liked a post again 👍 😁

I had been hovering the cursor over the hand icon (which does nothing), but you have to hover the cursor over the NUMBER (of ‘likes’) in order to see who clicked the like button. 👍

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467
Sylvia Avery

OMG thanks for the tip………I was doing the same thing!


I kinda figured I might not be the only one 😁

Sylvia Avery



cool, thanks for letting us know!


I can like comments – but cannot like the article or post at the top of the page!


I can’t either! Comments yes, but not the article itself.


Same here … still


I’m logged-in…was “approved” way at the beginning of new site set-up…but now all my comments are “awaiting approval”…


Better get with Wolfie – I’m not a techie.

Unless I am signed in to the new system, the black bar doesn’t appear.

I still have to go to the profile page and click on notifications to read replies.

And I still can’t like a post, only comments.

However, I can comment without being signed in!


looks like Dep Patriot stepped up…and flep took care of it..


Great! 🙂


And I see you liked this comment, GA/FL….thanks to Wolf’s foresight — and seizing the moment — we are captains of our own destiny here on a new site, unencumbered from the woke who tried to deplatform OT. And it’s invigorating!!!!

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Are you following the site in the Reader?


No – on the regular site.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Click Reader, Followed Sites, Manage. Search on, and follow.

Sylvia Avery

If you do that, it will allow you to like the posts????

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

It lets me like the Posts. AND somehow i was actually able to comment through the reader. Quirk? Have no idea how I did it, but thought of you when it happened. I’ll have to experiment and document for you.


Thanks! Then I’ll be able to like a post, not just a comment?

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I believe so. Try it and let me know if it works.


Will do! 🙂


Sorry – It didn’t work. Maybe the next time Wolfie changes stuff, it will work for my system. I’m using a 2011 Mac laptop.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

Oh, did not know you’re an IPeople with an IDevice. IOS is having all kinds of weird issues. I have troubles on both pad & phone. You MUST use WP ID and only way to see notifications on those 2 is installikng the WP app and follow site. I don’t have a MAC to do more testing, but they’re all using Apple IOS. The smaller devices can’t even see entire toolbars, have display limitations, MAC’s should definitly NOT have those problems. I have a friend, maybe I can borrow one??🤞 Would love to help get all the IFolks fixed!!!


NO MORE MICROSOFT PC FOR ME!!! EVER!!! They are vulnerable to ransomware and all sorts of evil viruses. I had two Dell laptops to crash and one had the dancing cursor curse that even their tech people coming to my house could not solve. That one was stolen – and good riddance.


I’ve not had a minute’s trouble from my 2009 and 2011 mac laptops.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You will eventually have to get a new Mac laptop – 2011 is getting close to end-of-life and support. But I think you would be wise to stick with them. The current ones are very solid.


Thanks, Wolfie. I wanted a CD/DVD player to watch movies and play exercise videos when I bought the last one used.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow! A good buy!


I like reading books on paper, so no kindle for me.


I have a kindle, which I periodically charge. Haven’t read from it in years. Just can’t enjoy it for some reason.


Yea, i tried Kindle and never seemed to get fully engrossed in a story, as I commonly did with a real paper, page turner.

Sticking with “books”. Assuming I have time after QTree and daily errands…

Valerie Curren

Bathroom reading can assist this as books are portable devices, George Costanza’s book store debacle not with standing!


Paper books: do not spy on me, track my wanderings, delete or change their content. In the morning there my books are, sitting nicely on the shelf, unchanged & inanimate! 1,2, 3 it’s analog for me! 😊


Amen, Yamabudo!!!

Gail Combs

AND paper books are a lot easier to read in bed.

I never even bothered trying kindle.


I went Win -> Linux in 2015, and never looked back. Ubuntu for workhorses, Mint for a daily driver, Ubuntu MATE for system devices, Raspbian for playing around, Peppermint for low-resource machines.

(It should be noted that all the distros listed are related, and behave much the same).


Yeah – BUT YOU are obviously a pro! I’m a grandma who studied art, not science or math.

Gail Combs

Hubby set-up my Ubuntu and I have zero problem with it.


…however, I’m not going to get a newer – Mac if I can help it.

And (blush) i’m not tech competent enough to work an iPad or iPhone.

Valerie Curren

I don’t know if this will work for you but every time my computer shuts down/restarts all my sign-ins are gone (it didn’t Used to do that & I don’t know what changed it).

So I go to & sign in as usual. THEN I come here to & sign in VIA WordPress. I can like posts & comments & if I uncheck the gray bell next to “Post Comment” & it turns green I get notifications of Likes in the black bell bar at the top.

Hang in there!


Thanks, Valerie! I’ll try it.

Valerie Curren

I should have mentioned that I have a windows based system…hope it’s that simple of a fix for you! God Bless!


It didn’t work – sorry – but thanks for trying to help.

Valerie Curren

Thanks for letting me know & sorry about that!


I had to be logged in to both for my bell notifications show, instead of that circle where it’s loading. Same thing to be able to like a post as opposed to comments.


I also have to go to the profile page, click on notifications to access the replies under the bell.


Same here …


Butterfly said to try this:

Click Reader, Followed Sites, Manage. Search on, and follow.


Roscoe says:
“If the Paxton suit is successful, it will disqualify any electors from the four states in question, based the relief being sought 
That’s 62 electors gone from the final count. That means no one reaches 270 and we have a contingent election & the 12th Amendment kicks in and the House determines the POTUS and the Senate the VP.”


And if that’s how POTUS wins, why wouldn’t he be the weakest lame-duck president in United States history?

This is what happens when LAWYERS distill all the data looking for a path to ‘win’, without considering the context or the consequences of taking such a path.

It’s like winning the Super Bowl 100 to nothing, and with no time on the clock, the scorekeeper adds 101 points to the losing team’s total. Ta-da!

And instead of exposing the fraud and setting the record straight, the officials huddle for 3 days, looking at replay videos, and after arguing amongst themselves, the team that won by a HUNDRED to NOTHING gets a split decision that goes their way.

And the fans of the team that cheated can say forever that their victory was STOLEN by the refs.

I hope the winning team’s fans are satisfied with that!

I certainly wouldn’t be.

Trump won a HISTORIC landslide, a MANDATE from We the People, which is going to be necessary in order to have “the will of the People” as his Trump card to clean up all of the corruption.

With a lawyer’s pyrrhic victory, Trump SACRIFICES his national mandate and limps into his second term beholden to Congress, the most detested and corrupt political body in the country.

And when the Left throws it in our faces, WE won’t have anything to hit them back with besides a sheepish grin.

And that’s BULLSHIT.

We DESTROYED the Left at the ballot box, and now we’re going to have to listen to the maggot-class claim he had no mandate and didn’t even win, he needed the crooked Congress to save his loser ass?

&^%$ that and $%&* them.

We won fair and square, MASSIVELY, and not by the hair of a clever lawyer’s chinny chin chin, with a corrupt Judicial branch and a corrupt Legislative branch ‘validating’ OUR president.

If that’s the best we can do, it’s pathetic.

Fortunately DJT doesn’t do pathetic, so while the lawyers play their lawyer games, and clearly should win these slam-dunk cases if there is an honest judge in the land, certainly after 40 years of planning, he has a better plan to win than that.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

Fortunately DJT doesn’t do pathetic”…spot on!

PDJT is also determined that this will never again happen in the USA…and by now, we know that he keeps his promises!


AGREE with you 1000%, Scott!

The corrupt demonicRATs, foreign and domestic big money interests, and their various media tools, have tried to destroy President Trump’s real mandate from before his first inauguration.

There is NO DOUBT that Øbominable and many other DemonicRAT and RINO victories were elected by the same vote/election fraud of the DemonicRAT kind.


I am seriously unworried about this point. Once VSGPOTUSDJT brushes aside the “Biden victory”, he will be in control of a battlespace where the general public will be saying, “but we were TOLD that Trump was gone!”

And all the evidence will show that the public has been lied to. Bigly. It ain’t subtle, either — there’s “that guy” in the White House. When he says “James won the Michigan Senate” and can prove it, it’s gonna be Biblical….

Valerie Curren

& hopefully Doug Collins in Georgia too.

My neighbor across the street still has her James & Trump signs & flags up. Her next door neighbor took down her Biden stuff.


I haven’t read any other comments below here, but I think martial law is going to help if it goes as you suggest.

Having the military run things on the local and state level will unearth a huge amount of lawlessness on the part of our civilian leaders.

There will be lots of guilty pleadings and gitmo time. When Americans see the extent of China’s infiltration I think they will understand and accept…at least the lofo ones.


Martial law, if it comes to that will be in certain areas. The usual suspects. DC, NY, Baltimore, Detroit, chicago, Seattle, Portland, Frisco, Oakland, LA.

Dirt bags will be throttled and contained, as in arrested. No bail.

Governors and mayors will be BLUNTLY WARNED to enforce Law & Order.

  • They’ll be told emphatically, NO SECOND WARNING.
  • They’ll be arrested and charged with treason or the “heaviest Federal crime available.

This is NO time to play nice. The kid gloves have been discarded. The HEAVY hand of the Federal government will be unleashed.


So your assuming that all this fraud and sedition isn’t going to be exposed in the coming months after PDJTs 2nd term is secured? Its gonna be a shit storm no matter how he wins until the fraud is meticulously proven and prosecuted,,,,,there’s just no way around it. And there isn’t time before even inauguration day to make that case.

Gail Combs

Scott, do not forget the Ex Military guy said they HAVE THE PACKETS GOING 𝗧𝗢 EUROPE. Those would likely be a reasonably correct count if you eliminate all counted after midnight (or 1:30am or when the counting stopped.)

Since the states IGNORED the ruling that they had to segregate the ballots then I think SCOTUS will put their foot down. SCOTUS also has the option of voiding ALL votes coming from the corrupt DemonRat Run cities where poll watchers and Challengers were not allowed to view the ballot counting.

I think that when they review all the evidence of DemonRat fraud, they may make a ruling that surprises us.

IGNORING a Supreme Court directive IS a great way to really piss off a bunch of Justices. So a PUNITIVE RULING instead of just tossing it to the house may be in the cards.

𝗣𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗗𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗲𝘀

Monetary compensation awarded to an injured party that goes beyond that which is necessary to compensate the individual for losses and that is intended to punish the wrongdoer.

Punitive damages, also known as exemplary damages, may be awarded by the trier of fact (a jury or a judge, if a jury trial was waived) in addition to actual damages, which compensate a plaintiff for the losses suffered due to the harm caused by the defendant. Punitive damages are a way of punishing the defendant in a civil lawsuit and are based on the theory that the interests of society and the individual harmed can be met by imposing additional damages on the defendant….

Punitive damages were first recognized in England in 1763 and were recognized by the American colonies almost immediately. By 1850, punitive damages had become a well-established part of civil law.

The purposes of punitive damages are to punish the defendant for outrageous misconduct and to deter the defendant and others from similar misbehavior in the future. The nature of the wrongdoing that justifies punitive damages is variable and imprecise. The usual terms that characterize conduct justifying these damages include bad faith, fraud, malice, oppression, outrageous, violent, wanton, wicked, and reckless. These aggravating circumstances typically refer to situations in which the defendant acted intentionally, maliciously, or with utter disregard for the rights and interests of the plaintiff….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The stuff going TO Europe won’t be accurate either, since the 56/44 weighting of votes (that should be 50/50) happened inside the tabulation machine (i.e. as the ballot is sucked into the ballot box). That’s upstream from sending the info to Europe.


Looks like a bunch of Democrats (and China-bought uniparty RINOs) are about to learn that the US Constitution has teeth.

They are about to learn that the Founding Fathers had wisdom and a premonition that crooked shenanigans – such as those that took place in the wee hours of November 4, 2020 – could be conceived in the hearts of their successors.


YES! Big shiny teeth!

Sort of like Fang(s).


Been reading bits from here to DH. He really appreciates all the information.


I do the same. Mine listens to more online news than I do, and he isn’t a citizen! Mostly the good sources, but sometimes I have to talk him out of his agitation with a “Yes, I have heard that, but the folks at The Q Tree have been saying ……..”. I am so glad to have this source of real news!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good thing! You keep him informed, and we’ll keep you informed – with REAL news! 😀


Will do! Although it is actually quite funny when you put it that way. DH was always interested in potitics, since childhood. Had to be, to survive mentally under communism. He was also a Trump fan before I was. I have only taken an interest since I realized what my country would be like if Hillary won. And even then, it took me awhile to get used to the way President Trump communicates.


Lived under communism.

If not to intrusive, which country and when did he leave it?

I find stories from folks quite intriquing and eye opening. Their first hand testimony.

Pardon if this was too personal to share here. Fully understand. thanks.


Sorry for the late reply…..had visitors until late and then wanted to clear this with hubby before answering 😇 .
East Germany. They were politically persecuted. HIs mother went to prison and “re-education program” for NOT snitching in a certain matter and for voicing the “wrong” opinion. They couldn’t break her, though she suffered from the treatment for the rest of her life. They left almost 50 years ago.

Valerie Curren

Thank you so much for sharing that! I’m sorry your husband & his family suffered like that but would guess it makes him a Very Strong Patriot & Anti-commie! Blessings!


YES! And strong in other ways. Romans 8:28

Valerie Curren

Amen Grammy PTL


Grammy, Appreciate the insights your hubby was willing to share and yourself. East Germany must have been horrific to live before the wall fell. Prison and “re-education program” for his mother, surely terrible times, everyday. Wonderful your hubby made it out to the west. Going on 50 years of Freedom. 🙂

Thank you.


“50 years of Freedom”. Hey, we will need to celebrate that!!

There were plenty (majority) who chose to “go along to get along” but DH and MIL are/were fighters. They chose to retain their integrity no matter what it cost.

Really hate to see all the push to turn the US into what they stood up against. Back in the 80’s hubby had to undergo quite an interrogation at the US Consulate in order to get his first visa because of his background in E.G., though he had been in the west for years already. Oh, how the country has changed since then! Praying daily that our President and his helpers can clean up the mess!!


Mine listens to talk radio some times, not all the time like he used to. He’s pretty much pared down to Rush and Lars Larson, a local radio host for the PNW. He occasionally listens to a few others, just to see what the “enemy” is spouting off, something he’s always done.


Lee Dundas, lawyer and patriot has been posting videos with her analysis of the election.
Here is her latest election update- a 16 minute video which in which she wants to point out some things that people are not focused on, but could set minds at ease.


She will be speaking at a….

BIG TRUMP RALLY – US SUPREME COURT STEPS – This coming Saturday – 12/12/20!!!


Just played this for DH, very much appreciated.

Valerie Curren

Thanks for sharing this most encouraging video, GC. Had to share 🙂 Blessings!


This was a brilliant post. By invoking a state-to-state conflict and making SCOTUS the Court of original jurisdiction, original evidence can be produced in SCOTUS…..which minimizes national security concerns with the collection of such evidence. SCOTUS could see a recorded replay of the cheat taking place in real time, with testimony, links, and provenance to our most secret sources and methods.

If this had been introduced (God Forbid!!!!) in our state courts, or even in lower-level Federal Courts……and even in Appellate Courts, it would leak like a sieve…..guaranteed. By making the evidence germane to a state-to-state conflict, it need only be shown to SCOTUS…..just nine potential leakers.


“By invoking a state-to-state conflict and making SCOTUS the Court of original jurisdiction, original evidence can be produced in SCOTUS…..which minimizes national security concerns with the collection of such evidence. SCOTUS could see a recorded replay of the cheat taking place in real time, with testimony, links, and provenance to our most secret sources and methods.”


Except with at least four compromised/corrupt judges on the (not)Supreme Court, if you reveal those most secret sources and methods to enemy combatants Sotamayor, Breyer, Kagan and Roberts, you might as well be showing it directly to the CCP and cut out the middle men.

Those four are not just a little bit corrupt, they are literally the enemy within.

No different, at all, from Cuomo, Kemp, Gruesome Newsome, Abrams, Whitmer, whoever is running the lunatic asylum in Oregon, the governor of Pennsylvania (and the Republican senator Toomey), etc.

Last edited 4 years ago by scott467

true but it’s a lot smaller pool of suspects to start with


Evidence may be shown, but they not necessarily the “exact” sources and methods. They also can tell the Justices that they’d have to go into a SCIF – which puts them on notice.

I think they have enough solid up front evidence to stand on its own without involving every military secret we have.


You are a very smart lady.


What better way to Trap the Traitors 4?
Dumb Masses are not smart enough to know the game.


Good to see you, flep !

ain’t no sunshine when you’re gone.


Texas Election Lawsuit “Terrific” …

interview with Constitutional scholar, John Eastman, on Ingraham’s show last night…

Eastman discusses this in the video at the link…

(my comments seem to be “awaiting approval”…?)


question : why are my comments “awaiting approval” ?

I am logged in…

is there something else I need to do now to be “approved”..

I thought I already passed the test of approval…

ok…ok…I’m not wearing a mask…but…who is ?

I do use deodorant.

is there like a code word or something I need to utter here ??


Despite all FL precautions, DeSantis firing some Broward election ‘officials’ – some DemonicRAT fraud evidently occurred in FL…


I spy with my little eye 👁 … President Trump had 11 electoral votes in that picture to biteme’s … 3 … BWAHAHAHAHAHA … dummies, they are even to stoopid to see that .. bwahahahahaha … jeeze louise … 😖🤚‼️🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤚



comment image

…is me…

still waiting to be “approved” here.


… LOL … I do that all the time 😳🤚🧐🤨👍❤️😉 .. bwahahahahaha

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL!!! Sorry this had to happen YET AGAIN! UGH! If you have WordPress credentials, please try logging in with them!


what does “WordPress credentials” mean…?

I am not real good with rigamarole, I admit it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

How do you log into the site?


um…I forget…lol…ok sorry…I logged-in yesterday (I think)…just by clicking on “log-in”, I think here, on a Thread somewhere..

oh yeah…when you told me in a Reply how to get the BLACK BAR thing to show up…that’s when I logged in…qhaven’t had to log-in since..
are we sposed to log in each & every single time we come here ?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No – you don’t have to log back in if you just kill tabs. You will stay logged in. Cookies and browser passwords will keep you logged in, most of the time. Just don’t “Log Out”!

There is a login next to comments – I generally avoid that one. The one at the end of the sidebar is official. Then if you choose the WordPress login, you’re almost automatically assured of what you had before, and the BELL notifier!


ok…so what happens when I clear all my Browser history from time to time…that might screw it up…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No – history should be fine to remove! Passwords and cookies (site files to save your settings) are where the good stuff is!


shades of OT…happened to me constantly OT…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, on this site you don’t have to worry, because I’m not letting Axey-Meth chop out any comments. I literally see EVERY COMMENT that makes it to the server. If you don’t see it, it’s just waiting for ME to see it!!!





Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. They had a big problem with out-of-control moderators, and I’m starting to think that SD did whatever she said – including “please get rid of these Q people or I’m quitting”.


she also had some sort of personal “sensitivity” toward certain Evangelicals whenever we posted certain comments that she mistook as a slam against Catholics….when it wasn’t that, at all.
she’s a bitter angry person.


Agree 100%
Vindictive Bitch!


Manage arie?

Last edited 4 years ago by rayzorback

aka… BITCH!

Sylvia Avery

Felice, thanks for such a great post. Appreciate all you do.


thanks Flep!
great stuff here!!
God Bless Texas!!! and thankfully other states joining in!!

more new gizmos this morning…wolf is offline and a TRUSTED MEMBER…and we got emojis…
did we figure out the picture posting thing??? 🤔 


This map looks like we are setting up for the next civil war.


Texas saves America! This is a powerful lawsuit.

Thank goodness the communist Ginsburg was too blinded to step down.


God is good.

Deplorable Patriot

There are some pending comments for this thread. Flep or Wolf will need to get them out. I did see them, though.


TX rocks  😗

Deplorable Patriot

I’m going to agree with FG&C on this one: I think this was the plan all along. And the states are piling on.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s what, nine at least? If anyone sees more, please add them.
comment image

Concerned Virginian

“The South shall rise again!”



Deplorable Patriot


At a guess, the three who weren’t interested are the obvious suspects.


Magnificently AWESOME … the magnificent 10, … atm and counting‼️🤣😂👍🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

bwahahahahaha bwahahahahaha bwahahahahaha .. 🤨‼️


Who Will Be the Fraud Deniers? – American Thinker

Who Will Be the Fraud Deniers?

By Jay Valentine


Election fraud at the industrial scale perpetrated in the 2020 election is a crime most Americans will remember all their lives. Books and movies will come out. Retired math PhDs exiled to the basement by their spouses will continue to find statistical patterns that simply do not happen in straight data sets.

Like all great crimes, the 2020 election fraud will have a diffusion curve with early believers and early deniers, later adopters and fewer deniers and finally, only the ideologically blind will deny.

Diffusion curves happen in nature, in technology, in disease spread, in the understanding of any popular idea. In early stages only the really committed dig in. Over time, a realization makes its way into popular culture and eventually most have generally seen the data. We are departing the early adopter stage of 2020 election fraud understanding.

The all-in media is double timing to convince the later adopters there is nothing to see here. 

It isn’t working. Too much stuff is coming out from too many places and there are just too many alternative web sites publishing fraud examples on such a scale it cannot be denied by any but the willful.

We are about to move out of the early adopter phase and more into the later adopters, the early mainstream. Evidence of this is the hardy groups of state legislators inviting Rudy and the Excellent Adventure Team to make sure they are not on the wrong side of this gnarly problem.

Some of the Atlanta folks who took advantage of a fake water main break are hiring lawyers. Seemed like a slam dunk only a month ago. What happened?

Formerly anonymous people, now public witnesses to election fraud, are coming forward and their personalities, magnified by television – quirky, innocent, naïve, immigrant, feisty are having a pronounced effect. Some are gathering fans. This is not how it was supposed to be.


There are these websites, talk radio people, MIT statisticians, all-too-human witnesses on the Rudy Show. This is having an impact and the narrative is no longer being controlled by the media. The fraud story is spreading to the early mainstream.

There is the growing understanding that vote machines should not count in fractions. No black and white denial that they were spawned in some very bad places. Compelling evidence accumulates, from crew cut, straight backed military types, showing election night internet packet traffic from voting machines that are not connected to the internet. Oops.

Packets went to Iran, Serbia, Germany. Why? People are noticing there is no Dominion CEO coming forth, under oath saying, “not so.”

Even the most computer illiterate understands this is not as it ought to be.

There is a universal characteristic to really bad news. It never comes out early. It drips out, a bit at a time, and there is always one more painful point coming.

This narrative is coming apart and it will only escalate, move quickly, get more colorful, people will turn.

Who then will be the 2020 election fraud deniers?

Hey Ducey, Kemp, RINOs, it’s all downhill from here.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Approved from the mod bin…..


I agree. Great article.

Deplorable Patriot

Yep, this is/was part of THE PLAN.

Concerned Virginian

And Rudy Giuliani is “cured” of his CCP Virus and expects to be home in a day or so, per what I read yesterday.


Flep, thank you! Great video and I have never been so proud of Texas.

Does anyone know what the Dems are saying about this suit? It came out of Left Field. I wonder if that was intentional…keep the Dems busy with the other worthy suits but have the kill shot suit waiting quietly in the wings…

Regarding martial law, I’m ready for the insurrectionists to get their comeuppance. Remember that old saying, “The South will rise again”?

Looks like it has risen in defense of the Union…the southern states (and South Dakota…honorary southern cause their name) are magnificent!


Thank you so so so very much Flep .. awesome news .. bwahahahahaha … patr States will not yield .. they KA&TN,s … bwahahahahaha


comment image

✝️⚔️🗡⚖️ ..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Approved from the mod bin…..


POTUS wants to wish a Merry Christmas:


Sorry wanted to post in Main Thread


article explains why…The Texas Lawsuit Is Huge

article link…


….we are a Federation of states


also in that article is this video …

This Is The One ~ The Case We’ve Been Waiting For..

interview with Jay Sekulow


Just read this off to DH. Excellent article.


I posted last night that TN was joining the TX case. Now, I am not sure if my source was correct or not.

Update: As of 8:40 am, 12/9/2020, the TN AG’s office is overwhelmed with phone calls this morning, almost all in favor of and demanding TN be involved in the TX case before SCOTUS.
The TN AG’s spokes person is preparing a public statement. The office would not state whether or not they are joining TX.
The office will take your name to add to the list of those in favor of TN joining the TX case and is tracking the number in favor v. the few opposed.
Until the situation is clear, continue to make TN voices heard!
Update: According to this post, TN has joined TX! comment image
“Tennessee will be seeking to join Texas in the Supreme Court case. Reps Cepicky, Weaver, Todd, Grills, Reedy, Sherrell, Doggett, and Griffey will be the plantiffs. We just sent notice to the Attorney Generals of Texas, Mich, Penn, and Wisc.”


If you live in TN, please call. I tried 6x before getting through. I insisted that he take my name so I had more faith that each call was being logged/tallied to show the overwhelming #s of Tennesseans for joining the case.


A quibble….

This case determines whether we are a country of laws or not. Whether our Constitution lives on or dies.

Not true.

The military, and an armed citizenry, is the ultimate determiner of that question.

This case will determine whether the current members of the SCOTUS can still be relied upon to do their Constitutional duty and remedy a gross breech of Constitutional law.

We knew the 2020 fraud was coming, and the SCOTUS was always the place where the fraud would be addressed, adjudicated, and remedied.

Leftists have always believed (and will always believe) that “the end justifies the means”. COVID was the “means” by which they were going to take over the gov’t and destroy the Constitution once and for all…

…all under the guise of “safety” and “if we can save just one (1) life it will be worth it”….

…a totally disingenuous ploy and display of faux sympathy and concern. Virtue signaling at it’s worst.

SCOTUS is going to put a stop to this attempt to subvert our Constitution, or the US military and armed citizens will.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN. SCOTUS is not the end of the road – it’s a TEST of how badly the civilian side has been corrupted.


It’s good to see you, Fle!

Thanks for the News Roundup!
 🤓  🤗 

Saw this on Gab and thought of you:
comment image

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎NUCLEAR MAGA😎

I’ve counted 19 states from the two lists going around:


Prior list:

Valerie Curren

My husband said he’d read/heard that the Michigan Legislature wants to join the suit!!!. I don’t have a source for that info but I presume they are attempting to counter the corrupt MI SoS, Gov, & AG…


Trump: Texas lawsuit ‘the one everyone has been waiting for’

. . .

Conservatives on board with Paxton

“I’m very grateful to our attorney general for filing this because he is on the point of the spear as far as being able to get something to the U.S. Supreme Court that they can work with,” says Cathie Adams [our Texas Tea Party favorite for TX GOP Chairmanship in 2010, scuttled by Steve Munisteri – michaelh], a former chairman of the Republican Party of Texas who now serves as first vice president of Eagle Forum.

comment image Adams

She is confident the high court will rule in favor of the Texas suit and nullify the certification of the four states for Joe Biden, sending the election to the House of Representatives.

“And the United States Supreme Court justices are going to need to say that this is a constitutional issue,” Adams tells One News Now. “This is not just [about] voting in one state – this is across the country. If we lose our First Amendment right of speech, which is voting, then what good is any election going to be in the future?”

Like Adams, Rob Chambers applauds the Texas AG for taking legal action and arguing that the four state have violated the U.S. Constitution.

“Ken Paxton is to be strongly commended for his great courage to stand up for what every state attorney general in the nation ought to be standing up and doing the very same thing,” says the vice president of AFA Action, the political arm of the American Family Association.

comment image Chambers

Chambers explains that it comes down to two choices: “What Ken Paxton is saying is either we have a U.S. Constitution in a federal democratic republic or we don’t. I don’t even see how the liberal justices can turn a blind eye to this because it is clear these states have violated the electoral clause within the U.S. Constitution.”

AFA Action has urged its supporters to contact their state’s attorney general and encourage him or her to join Paxton lawsuit against the defendant states. Newsmax TV reported Wednesday morning that several more states have joined in the Texas lawsuit since it was filed.

‘Principled leaders’ urged to honor the Constitution

The American Constitutional Rights Union is encouraging “principled leaders” across the U.S. to join Texas in the lawsuit as well.

“[This] lawsuit filed by Texas against Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin is needed to protect the American electoral process from executive and judicial actions that usurp the constitutional powers of state legislators,” says ACRU policy board member Col. Allen B. West [the current TX GOP Chairman, much to the shock and horror of the GOPe Powers that Be… expecting the GOP ruling class to undermine him and try to force him to resign in 2021, but he’s a fighter so grab your popcorn – michaelh].

Another policy board member, Ken Blackwell, alludes to the improper use of the pandemic to influence the voting process – as well as the importance of state legislators performing their constitutional duty in setting election rules.

comment image Blackwell

“Article II Section I of the Constitution provides neither governors nor state judiciaries with any authority to change voting protocols,” he points out. “We commend Texas for its action to reclaim its constitutional authority and urge legislative bodies nationwide to do the same. COVID does not change the Constitution and should not be used as a manipulative excuse to lessen vote integrity protections lawfully passed by state legislators.”

Meanwhile, President Donald Trump tweeted today he will be “intervening” in the Texas lawsuit – although it’s remains unclear what the president meant or whether it would be his presidential campaign or the U.S. Department of Justice that would take action.





Sen. John Cornyn, your globalism is showing. Jeb rushes to his defense. Whoopie!

Cuppa Covfefe

HIs name is really CRONY” but he couldn’t spell it correctly…